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The Mizoram Rajya Sainik Board members for a period of 3(three) years.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 516Date - 27/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 27.9.2013 Asvina 8, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 516 NOTIFICATION No.F.20016/3/80-HM(SB) Pt-I, the 17th June, 2013.In supersession of Notification No. F. 20016/3/80-HM(SB)Pt-I dt. 27.6.2012 and even number dt. 24.1.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the Mizoram Rajya Sainik Board with the following members for a period of 3(t hree) years. President:His Excellency, Governor of Mizoram. Vice P resident:1)Hon’ble Chief Minister of Mizoram. 2)General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Command, Fort William, Kolkata. 3)Air Officer-in-Chief, Eastern Air Command, Shillong. 4)Secr etary, Department of Ex -Servicemen Welfare, M inistry of Defence, Government of India 5)Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram. Ex-Officio Members :1)Member of Pa rliament, Lok Sa bha. 2)Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha. 3)Home Minister, Govt. of Mizoram. 4)Home Secreta ry, Government of Mizoram. 5)Director General of Police, Mizoram. 6)Secretary, Labour & Employment Department. 7)Secretary, Industries Department. 8)Commandant General, Mizoram Home Guard. 9)Station Comma nder, (Army) Aizawl. 10) Director, Resettlement, Eastern Zone, Eastern Command. 11) Director General Recruiting, N. E. Region. 12) Dir ector, S ainik Welfare & Resett lement - Member Secretary 13) President, Mizoram Ex-Service League (M ESL) Non-Officio Members:1)Col. (Retd) John Zama 2)Lt. Col. (Retd) Z.S. Zuala 3)Capt (Retd) Hmingdailova Khia ngte 4)Wing Commander (Retd) Lalzawma 5)Maj. (Retd) K. Thangkima 6)Capt. (Retd) Ngurchhawna - 2 - Ex-516/2013Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 Special Invitees:1)Director General Resettlement, Ministry of defence, New Delhi. 2)Secr etary, K.S.B. Ministr y of Defence, New Delhi. 3)Repr esentative of Department of Ex-Servicemen, M inistry of Defence, New Delhi. L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 517Date - 27/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 27.9.2013 Asvina 8, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 517 PUBLIC NOTICE No.H.11019/7/08-JERC, the 13th September, 2013.It is hereby notified for infor mation of general public that the dra ft Joint Electr icity R egulator y Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regula tions, 2013 ha s been published. A copy of t he draft Regulations is available in the offices of the Commission at TBL Bhawan, E-18, P eter Str eet, Khatla, Aizawl, the Chief Engineer (Power), Electricity Department, Government of Manipur, Imphal and the Engineer-in-C hief, Power & Electricity Depa rtment, Mizora m, Aizawl. The same ca n be seen by a ny interested person during office hours on any working day. Soft copy of t he draft Regulations is also available in the Office of the JERC for M&M which can be obtained during office hours on any working day. Any interested person may submit Objections/Suggestions if any, in writing to the Secretary/Assistant Secr etary of the Joint Commission for considera tion latest by 21st October, 2013 and the sa me shall be taken into consideration on 22nd October, 2013 for fur ther notification. Richard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Affidavit changing of name Z.D. Lalhnuna

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 518Date - 27/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 27.9.2013 Asvina 8, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 518 AFFIDAVIT(Before the Notary Public) I, Z.D. Lalhnuna S /o Thianbuka (L ), R/o Khatla, Aizawl, Mizor am, do hereby s olemnly affirm and state : 1.That I am an Indian National and competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That in my Electora l Photo Identity Card a nd in my daughter ’s educationa l documents my name has been written correctly as Z.D. Lalhnuna while in my Service Book my name has been incompletely entered as Lalhnuna. 3.That both Z. D. Lalhnuna and Lalhnuna refer to one and the same person which is me. 4.This affidavit executed for the purpose of declaring that my correct/complete name is Z.D. Lalhnuna and hereaft er I would like my name to be known a nd written as Z.D. La lhnuna in all official and non-official dealings. That the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I subscribe my hand on this the 18th July, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified bySigned before Sd/-Sd/- Raymond Lalbiakzama,Lalramhluna,Notarial Registration Advoca te,AdvocateNo. 3/7 Aizawl : MizoramNota ry PublicDate 18/7/13 Aizawl : Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Sialkal Tlangdung Development Board

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 519Date - 27/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 27.9.2013 Asvina 8, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 519 NOTIFICATION No. B. 12012/1/2010-GAD, the 24th September, 2013.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to rename the Sialkal Tlangdung Development Board, cons tituted vide Notification of even No. Dt. 24.02.2010 as Sialkal Range Development Council wit h immediate effect. M. S athiya va thy, Addl. Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Delimitation of the Constituencies of Sinlung Hills Development Council (SHDC)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 520Date - 27/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 27.9.2013 Asvina 8, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 520 NOTIFICATION No.H.11022/1/2013-GAD, the 27th September, 2013.Consequent upon the decision of the Council of Ministers by circulation on Thur sday the 26th September, 2013, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to notify Delimitation of the Constituencies of Sinlung Hills Development Council (SHDC) so a s to enforce the SHDC (Election) Rules, 2008 with immedia te effect: Sl. No.ConstituencyVilla ges Cover ed1.Khawlian Constituency1. Khawlian-I2. Khawlian-II 3. Tlangnuam4. Daido 2.Phua ibuang Constituency1. Phuaibuang – I2. Phuaibuang – II 3.Suangpuilawn Constituency1. Suangpuilawn – I2. Suangpuilawn – II 3. Zawngin 4.Vanbawng Constituency1. Vanbawng2. Lamherh 3. Khawlek 5.Ratu Constituency1. Ratu2. Sailutar 3. Sunhluchhip 6.New Vervek Constituency1. New Vervek2. Lungsum 3. Damdiai 7.Saka wrdai C onstituency1. Saka wrdai ‘S’2. Thingsat 3. North Khawdungsei 8.Vaitin Constit uency1. Vaitin2. Saka wrdai ‘N’ 3. Khawpuar 9.Zohmun Constit uency1. Zohmun2. Mauchar 3. Pa lsa ng 10.Tinghmun Constituency1. Tinghmun2. Zokhawthiang 3. Upper Sakawrdai 11.Saipum Constit uency1. Saipum2. Chawnpui 12.Saiphai Constituency1. Saiphai2. Phainuam 3. Saihapui ‘V’ M Sathiyavathy, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Governing Body Members of Development and Safety Agency of Road and Inland Water Transport of Mizoram (DESARINWATOM)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 521Date - 03/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 3.10.2013 Asvina 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 521 NOTIFICATION No. B.11015/7/13-TRP, the25th September, 2013. In partial modification of this Department’s Notification No. B. 11015/2/08-TRP/Pt dt. 16.4.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the Governing Body Members of Development and Safety Agency of Road and Inland Water Transpor t of Mizoram (DESARINWATOM) consisting of the following Office Bear ers and Members :- 1.Secr etary, Transpor t Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram- Chairman 2.Director of Transport- Secretary 3.Joint Director of Transport (STA)- Asst. Secretary 4.Joint Director of Transport (Hqrs)- Member 5.Joint Director of Tr ansport (MV)- Member 6.Joint Secretary, Transport Deptt. , Govt. of Mizoram- Member 7.Under Secretary, Transport Deptt. , Govt. of Mizoram- Member 8.Dy. Director (Acct), Transport Department- Member Period of terms :-The period of terms of :- (i)Office Bearers and Members shall be 2(two) years from the date of issue of notification appointing the office bearers and members pr ovided that when any Office Bearers or Member dies or vacates office, his/her successor shall be appointed for the remaining period of the members whose place he/she takes. (ii)if a ny member of the Agency (other tha n the Cha ir ma n) una ble to a ttend the meeting of the Agency, he may appoint reliable representative to take his place at the meeting and such repr esentative sha ll have all the right and pr ivileges of a member of the Agency including the right to vote in the meeting. Represent ative so appointed shall be a gazetted officer. (iii)a member of the Agency appointed by the State Government shall continue to be a member during the pleasur e of the State Government. (iv)any member of the Agency shall be eligible for re-appointment. C. Lalhmachhuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Vairengte Town Planning Area for the purpose planned development under this Act which shall be called by the name of ‘VAIRENGTE TOWN PLANNING AREA

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 522Date - 03/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 3.10.2013 Asvina 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 522 NOTIFICATION No. B.11031/53/2013-UD&PA, the26th September, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by S ection 4 of the Mizoram Urban & Regional Development Act, 1990 (Mizoram Act No. 12 of 1990) as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify with immediate effect that the Area indicated in Schedule - I & II appended to this Notification to be Vairengte Town Planning Area for the purpose planned development under this Act which shall be called by the name of ‘VAIRENGTE TOWN PLANNING AREA’ and Schedule of boundary alongwith description of the Vairengte Town Planning Area is indicated on Base Map of Vairengte. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. SCHEDULE - I PLANNING AREA/REGION :-Statement showing Va irengte Town and concerned District within the proposed Planning Ar ea for Vairengte. Name of townArea in Sq. km.No. of Villa ges coveredDistr ict 1234 Vairengte13.77VC-I, VC-IIKolasib SCHEDULE - II PLANNING BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF VAIRENGTE TOWN RAMR I INTANNA:Vair engte khawpui ramri hmarthla ng kilah Lungphun No.1-na chu R. Aitlang lu ikam Vair engte atanga Dwarkand khawpuiin a chung a sawi tak lui a kanna a tanga chhak lam 40-60m velah phun a ni. Hei hi khawpui huamchin ramri inta n nan a hman a ni. A . HMAR LAMAH:Ramr i intanna atangin ramri chu khawchha k hawi zawngin a kal a, Lungphun No.2 chu Sabual mua l tlangdunga mualpawng laiah phun a ni a. Heta tang hian khawchhak hawi za wnga kal zelin Lungphun No.3-na chu Phulraw lui chhak lamah phun a ni. Heta tang hian kha wchhak hawi - 2 - Ex-522/2013 zawngin a kal zel a, Lungphun No.4-na chu Khasi veng tlangdung kawn laiah phun a ni a, chu chu High School tuikhuah thlang lawkah a ni. Heta tang hian Lungphun No. 5-na Aizawl-Silchar kawngpui khawchhak lam pangah phun a ni. Heta tang hian Zotui Lui hnar bula luite lo luang chhuakin a rawn finna bulah phun a ni. B . KHAWCHHAKLAMAH:Lungphun No.6-na a tang hian ramr i chu chhimthlang hawi zawngin a kal a, lungphun No. 7-na chu Damdia i lui leh lui t e, Maukam kawi atanga lokal nen an infinna a h phun a ni. Heta tang hian chhim hawi zawnga kal zelin Lungphun No. 8-na chu Maului peng leh luite leh luite pa khat infinna hmun, Inner Line Forest Reserved ramri in a kanna chia h ah phun a ni. Heta tang hia n ramri chu chhimlam hawia kal zel in, Khankawn lui atanga Hmar lama luite hnar luite pengthuam la iah Lungphun No.9-na chu phun a ni. Heta tang hian chhim hawi zawnga kal zelin Lungphun No.10-na chu tlangchhipah phun a ni a , Heta tang hian chhim hawi zawnga kal zelin Lungphun No. 11-na chu Thangtea Pi Lui hmarlam kama h phun a ni. Heta tang hian chhim hawi zawnga kal zelin Lungphun No.12-na chu luite hmar lam kama h phun a ni. Heta tang hian chhim hawi zawnga kal zelin Lungphun No.13-na chu Sunia Pa Lui leh Luit e infinna ah phun a ni. Khawthlang hawi zawngin luite a za wh a, lungphun No.14-na chu Luite a rawn finna hmunah phun a ni. Heta tang hian ramri chu chhim hawi zawnga kal zelin Lungphun No.15-na chu Khawtinkawii Pa Luite a rawn finna ah phun a ni. Heta ta ng hian chhim hawi zawngin a phei zel a, lungphun No.16-na chu luite infinna hmunah phun a ni. Heta tang hian ramr i chu chhim hawi zawnga phei zelin lungphun No. 17-na chu luite infinna ah phun a ni. Heta tang hian chhimthlang ha wiin a kal leh a, lungphun No.18-na chu luite infinna ah phun a ni. Heta tang hian chhim hawi za wnga ka l zel in Lungphun No.19-na chu Tlangchhip ah phun a ni a. Chuta tang chuan chhim ha wi zawnga kal zel in Lungphun No.20-na chu luite infinna ah phun a ni. C . CHHIM LAMAH:Lungphun No. 20-na a ta ng hian ra mr i chu kha wthla ng ha wi za wngin a kal a , Lungphun No.21-na chu Aiza wl-Silchar kawngpui sir thlang lam pang For est Pla ntation ram chin ah phun a ni a. Chuta tang chuan ramri chu Hmar thlang hawiin a her thla a, Lui te a zawh thla zel a, Luite in Lui-te dang a zu finna bulah Lungphun No.22-na chu phun a ni. D . KHAWTHLANG LAMAH:Lungphun No. 22-na atangin ramri chuan Hmar hawiin Luite a zawh a, Lungphun No.23 na chu Luite infinna bul lawkah phun a ni. Heta tang hian ramri chu hmar hawi za wnga kalin, tlangdung a kan leh hnu in lungphun No.24-na chu luite infinna ah phun a ni. Chuta tang chuan ramri chuan mel nga Camp tuikhur hma r hawi za wng in a zawh leh a, lungphun No.25-na chu luite infinna ah phun a ni. Heta tang hian kan sawi ta k lui chu zawh zelin L ungphun No.26-na chu luite infinna ah phun a ni. Heta tang hian r amri chu an hmar hawi zawngin luite a zawh a Lungphun No. 27-na chu luite dangin a rawn finna hmunah phun a ni. Heta tang hian ramri chu hmar hawizawnga kalin, tlang a kan hnu ah Kangria u lui luite dangin a ra wn finna hmunah Lungphun No. 28-na chu phun a ni. Heta tang hian Kangria u lui chu hmar hawi zawnga zawh zelin, Lungphun No.29-na chu luite in arawn finna hmunah phun a ni. Chuta tang chuan r amri chu hmar thlang hawi zawngin a inher a, Dolchhara kawng a tan tlang hnua h Aitla ng lui a zu pawh a. Aitlang lui chu hmar zawnga zawh leh zelin Luite in Aitla ng Lui a finna ah lungphun No. 30-na phun a ni. Heta tang hian Ramri chuan Hmar hawi zawngin Aitlang lui a zawh zel a, Luite in Aitlang lui a finna hmun ah lungphun No.31-na chu phun a ni. Heta tang hian hmar thlang hawi zawngin luit e a zawh leh a, Lungphun No.32-na chu Aitlang lui a finna hmunah phun a ni. Chuta tang chuan hmarthlang hawi zawngin Aitlang lui a zawh leh a, Lungphun No. 33-na chu Rawnal lui in ar awn finna hmunah phun ani. Heta tang hian ramr i chuan hmar chhak hawi deuhin, Aitlang lui chu a zawh zel a, Lungphun No.34-na chu luite in a rawn finna bulah phun a ni. Heta tang hian ramri chu hmar hawi za wnga ka l zelin, Lungphun No.1-a hmasa bera kan sawi tak kha aman ta ani. (Lungphun No.1-na hi ra mri int anna a ni).Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Nominating teachers for State Awards and National Awards

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 523Date - 03/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 3.10.2013 Asvina 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 523 NOTIFICATION No. A.14011/3/2009-EDN/Loose, the27th September, 2013.T he Governor of Mizor am is pleased to constitute a Commit tee to review, recommend and fra me criteria a nd method of nomina ting teachers for State Awards and National Awards under the Chairma nship of Commissioner & Secretary, School Education Department. The Committee will consist of the following members :- 1.Secr etary, DP&AR or her representa tive-Member 2.Secr etary, Finance Department or his representa tive-Member 3.Director, School Education-Member 4.Dr. Lalhmasai, MZU-Member 5.Prof. Lianzela, MZU-Member 6.Joint Secretary, S chool Education Department-Member Zodingpuii, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Food & Civil Supplies Service (Amendment) Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 524Date - 03/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 3.10.2013 Asvina 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 524 NOTIFICATION No. A.12018/62/2007-P&AR (GSW), the25th September, 2013. In exercis e of the power s conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the constitution of India, and all others powers enabling him in this behalf, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to make the following r ules to amend the Mizoram Food & Civil Supplies Service Rules, 2012 [hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) notified vide No.A.12018/62/2007- P&AR(GSW) dt 9.4.2012 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XLI, Extraordinary Issue No.184 dt 12.4.2012, namely: - l.Shrort title and(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Food & Civil Supplies Service Commencement:(Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2. Amendment ofIn the existing entries in Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules- Short titles, Rule 1(1) Short titlesthe following shall be substituted, na mely “These Rules may be called the Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Service Rules, 2012”. 3 . Amendment of Rule 7: For Sub-Rule (1) & (2) of Rule 7 of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- (1) Appointment to any post after initial constitution under Rule 3, in t he entry gr ade i. e. Gra de-V of the ser vice shall be made- (a)50% of the total sanctioned strength by promotion on senior ity-cum-mer it fr om amongst least 5 yea rs r egu la r service in the gr ade. (b)The remaining 50% of the total sanctioned str ength shall be filled up by direct recr uitment from Graduates of a recognized University conducted by the Mizoram Public Service Commission failing which transfer on deputation. (c)Ou t of 5 0 % dir ect r ecr u it ment qu ot a , 3 % s ha ll b e r es er ved for persons with disabilities having requisite qualifications and as per physical requirement a nd functiona l classification identified by the Government. - 2 - Ex-524/2013 (2) The Commission shall conduct interview for selection to the posts for direct r ecruitment as per the rules laid down by the Government and shall prepare and furnish a list of all candidates recommended for appoint ment in order of merit to the Government. 4. Amendment of Rule 15 :For Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 15 of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “Grade-I: The post in this grade as specified in Schedule II shall be filled up by promotion fr om amongst the members of the service in Grade-II who have rendered at least 5 (five) years of regular service in that grade failing which officers on regular service in Gra de-II who have completed 25(twenty five) years of service calculated from the date of entr y into Grade-V of the service. The method of promotion to this grade shall be by Selection.” By orders, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

“The Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2013".

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 525Date - 03/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 3.10.2013 Asvina 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 525 NOTIFICATION No.LA/ESTT. 3/96/217, the 30th September, 2013. In exercise the powers conferred by Rule 3 3 of the Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secretariat (Recruitment & Conditions of Service) Rules, 1995 as amended from time t o time, the Speaker, Mizoram Legislative Assembly is pleased to amend the following: Short tit le and1 (1 ) These rules may be called “The Mizoram Legisla tive Assembly Secretaria t commencement(Recruitment and Conditions of Service) (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2013". (2) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the Mizoram Gazette. Amendment of2The wor ds “ACCOUNTANT /RECEPTIO NIST” be deleted. Rule I3(5)(b) Rule 13(6)The words “ACCOUNTANT/RECEPT IONIST” shall be deleted as the posts ar e no longer existed. Rule 13(8) (a) and (b)for the words “High School Leaving Certificate Examination (HSLC)”the words “Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examina tion (HSSLC)” shall be substituted. Rule 13(9)Rule 13(9) shall be deleted as this post is abolished. Rule 13(12)for the words “LIAISON OFFICER: 100% by promotion from Assistant Liaison Officer who has r endered at least five years service in the grade” the words “ LIAISON OFFICER: 100% by direct recruit ment from person possess ing Bachelor ’s Degree of recognised University.” shall be substituted. Rules 13(13 & 14)Rule 13(13 & 14) shall be deleted as the post has not yet been created. Rule 13 (18).Rule 13(18) shall be deleted as the post has not yet been created. Rule 13(21)Rule 13(21) for the words “ LIBRARIAN:100% by promotion from Depu ty Libra rian who has rendered not less than 5 (five) years in the - 2 - Ex-525/2013 grade” the words “100% vacancies shall be filled by promotion from Assistant/Translator who has rendered not less than 3(thr ee) years service in the gra de having Bachelor ’s Degree of recognised Univer sity and B.Lib. Science or Ba chelor Degree in Library and Information Science. Failing which by direct recruitment from persons having Bachelor ’s Degree of a recognised University and Bachelor ’s Degree in Library and Information Science from a recognised University” shall be substituted. Rule 13(22)Rule 13(22) DEPUTY LIBRARIAN shall be deleted as the post has not yet been created. Rule 13(29)Rule 13(29) the whole words shall be substituted by the following words “MARSHAL: 1 00% vacancies shall be filled by Transfer /deputa tion from Ex-Army/Police/Para - militar y personnel not below the rank of Sub-Inspector for a period of 2 (two) years”. Rule 13(30),(31),(32),Rule 13(30),(31),(32),(33) and (34) shall be deleted as the posts have (33),(34)not yet been created. Rule 13(35)Rule 1 3(35) the wor ds “ va lid” shall be inserted before t he wor ds “Driving License”. For the words “ light/heavy” the words “heavy and light” shall be substituted. Rule 13(38)(39),(40),(41)Rule 13(38),(39),(40) and (41) shall be deleted as the posts have not yet been created. Rule 13(44),(46),(47), 49Rule 13(44),(46),(47),and (49) shall be deleted as the posts have not yet been created. Rule 13(48)Rule 13(48) the whole provision shall be changed into “100 % by direct recr uitment from candidates who had passed Pre-University Course/ HSSLC with 1 (one) year Diploma in Computer Application from Govt. of Mizoram recognised Institution or ‘O’ Level of NIE LIT. Rule 14for the figure “30” the figure “35” shall be substituted. Rule 17for the words “ in Schedule II& III, and for the post of Assistant/ Accountant/Receptionist, Tr anslator and UDC shall be as specified in Schedule IV,V & VI” the words “ in Schedule II and for the post of Assistant, Translator and UDC shall be as specified in Schedule III,IV & V” shall be substituted. Rule 21(I)(c)he words “Accountant/Receptionist” shall be deleted. Insertion of newThe new Schedule VI shall be inserted as folllows: Syllabus for SCHEDULE VIDepar tment a l Exa mina tion for pr omot ion t o t he post of LDC fr om Gr oup D staff. PAPER - I - General English PAPER - II - General Knowledge & Arithmetic Schedule IThe following syllabi shall be added in Schedule I. SCHEDULE I(C) Syllabus for Competitive Examination for Direct recruitment to the post of Liaison Officer shall be the same as Committee Officer except Optional Subjects which excludes namely: (i) Education, (ii) Geography, (iii) Philosophy, (iv) Psychology and (v) Civil Engineer ing. (B) PERSONAL INTERVIEW - 100 Marks SCHEDULE- I (D) Syllabus for LIBRARIANSyllabus for Competitive Examina tion for Direct recruitment to the post of Librar ian. 1.PAPER - I- General English- 100 Marks 2PAPER - II- General Knowledge- 100 Marks 3.PAPER - III - FOUNDATIONS OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE- 200 Marks UNIT - 1- Libr ar y Orga nisa tion a nd Administr ation-100 Marks (i)Libr aries: Concepts, role and t ypes (ii)Fundamentals of Library planning- site, building, fu rniture etc (iii)Laws of Libr ary Science (iv)Libra ry Cooperation (v)Professional Organisa tions (vi)Acquisitions of Libr ary reading materials and their processing (vii)Circulation (viii) Stock verification (ix)Conservation and p reserva tion of Librar y materials UNIT-IIInformation Sources and Services- 60 Marks (i)Data , information a nd knowledge (ii)Sour ces of informa tion (iii)Repa cking of informa tion (iv)Reference and information services (v)Bibliography and Documenta tion UNIT - III-Organisation of Knowledge (Theory)-40 Marks A.Library Classification (Theory) B.Library Cataloguing (Theory) A. Library Classification (Theory) (i)Fundamentals of Library classifica tion (ii)Classification schemes B. Library Cataloguing (Theory) (i)Fundamentals of Library Cataloguing (ii)Types of Library catalogues (iii)Kinds of entries (iv)Centralised and cooperative cataloguing.- 3 -Ex-525/2013 PAPER – IV : LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE - 200 Marks UNIT -I : LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION (Practical)- 100 Marks Classification of titles/books/periodical according to Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. UNIT - II : LIBRARY CATALOGUING (Practical)-100 Marks Preparation of complete catalogue of tiltes/books/ periodicals in accordance with Anglo American Cataloguing Rules -2 (AACR-2) PAPER - V : LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- 150 Marks (i)Fundamental of Information Technology (ii)Internet (iii)Networking and Telecommunications (iv)Library Automation (v)Digital Library PERSONAL INTERVIEW-100 Marks Aptitute test :50 Mar ks Ngurtha nzuala, Secretary, Mizoram Legislative Assembly.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 4 - Ex-525/2013

Mizoram Overseas Study Grant Rules, 2013

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 529Date - 04/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 4.10.2013 Asvina 12, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 529 NOTIFICATION No.A.33023/1/2012-HTE(MSB), the 4th October, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferr ed under Rule 20 of the Delegation of Fina ncial Power Rule 1978, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules t o regulate the Overseas Study Grant to the Mizo students of Mizor am studying Overseas and other foreign countries namely :-1. Short tit le and (1 ) T hes e ru les ma y b e ca lled t he “ M izor am Over s eas S tu dy Gr a nt R u les , Commencement 2013. (2) It shall come into force fr om the date of publication in the official gazette. 2. Definition In t hese Ru les, unless the cont ext otherwise requir es :- (a ) “Boa rd” means Mizora m Schola rship Board. (b) “Diploma” means a course of study at a College or University. (c ) “For eign Institutions” means institutions outside India. (d) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram. ( e) “Government” means the Sta te Government of Mizoram. (f) “Grantee” means a s tudent who has been s elected to receive the overseas study gr ant. (g) “Overseas S tudy Gra nt” mea ns fina ncial a ssistance paid in terms of money to the Mizo students who were bona fide permanent residents of M izoram and studying a broad, and ma y include admission fees, tuit ion fees, hostel accommodation fees, and messing char ges. (h) “Official Gazette” means the Mizoram Gazette. (i) “Principal Secr etary/Commissioner/Secretary” means Principal Secr etary/Commissioner/Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department. (j) “Post Matriculation” means a sta ge of academic study immediately after matr iculation. (k) “Post Graduate” means a person who alr eady holds a first degree and who is doing a dvance study or resea rch. (l) “Persons with disabilities” means orthopaedically handicapped students specified under “The Person with Disabilities (Equal opportunity Protection of Rights and Full Protection) Act 1995.” - 2 - Ex-529/2013 (m) “Recognized” means foreign institutions recognized by the Government of India. (n) “Student” means a mizo student who is studying at a recognized University or College abr oad. (o) “Selection Committ ee” mea ns the Select ion Committee constit uted by the Government, to select students to receive overseas study grant. (p) “Under Gradua te” means a University or College student who is studying for their first degree. 3.Scope and (1) These Overseas Study Grants ar e available for studies abroad Objectives and will be a warded by the Board. (2) T hese Rules a re for r egu la ting the scheme to pr ovide fina ncia l assistance to the Mizo S tudents permanently residing in Mizoram and studying at Post-matriculation/Diploma or Under Graduate or Post-Graduate stage, to enable them to pursue their course of study outside India as well as for enhancing their skills and employability. 4. Salient Feat ures (1) These Rules will operate only in respect of studies in foreign institutions recognized by the Government of India, but will not cover distance educa tion studies. (2) The Mizo Students who secure admission in the recognized institutions will be eligible for the study grant subject to availabilit y of fu nds. (3) The grantee of Overseas Study Grant is eligible for second or subsequent grants subject to satisfactor y academic performance of the student and su bject to availabilit y of funds. 5. No. of Grantees The number of grantees for each academic year will be subject to availability of funds. 6. Conditions of (1) Only those Mizo candidates who are the bonafide permanent Eligibility residents of Mizoram shall be eligible for award of Mizoram Overseas Study Grant. (2) Only those students who have secured admission in the recognized Colleges/Ins titutions abroad will be eligible. (3) The total family income of the student from a ll sour ces to be eligible for the study grant should not exceed Rs. 10 lakhs per annum. 7. Amount of Amount of Study Grant to be granted to each post –graduate and under Study Gr ant Graduate students shall be decided by the Government a nnually within the available fund. 8. Other Conditions (1) An Overseas Study Grant will not be paid to repeaters a nd also for the period of internship/housema nship in the MBBS Course and for practicing training in other Cour ses. (2) In the event of change of discipline or subject or course of study and change of the institutions, after availing of the Overseas Study Grant students should obtain prior permission/approval of the State Government failing which the Overseas Study Grant should be liable to be discontinued. (3) The State Government shall not be held r esponsible for non-payment of t he Over seas S tudy Gr ant. (4) If the student is found to have obtained the Overseas Study Grant by false means, his/her Overseas Study Gra nt shall be discontinued forthwith and the student shall be liable to criminal prosecution and also the amount already p aid shall be recovered from such student or his/her parents in one lump-sum or in installments, as the case may be. (5) Involvement of a grantee in any kind of agita tion or criminal activity during studies abroad shall disqualify such student from award of the grant. (6) A bond in a prescribed format should be executed by the selected students as prescribed in Annexure I. (7) In the event of a grantee discontinuing his/her studies without pr oper and sufficient justification acceptable to the competent authority, the Overseas Study Grant shall be cancelled, and full amount of the Overseas Study Grant already paid shall be liable to be refunded by grantee, either in one installment or in more than one installment the competent authority may decide. 9.Granting Pattern (1) Fund for the purpose of Overseas Study Grant will be paid by the State Government either from the State fund or fund received from the Central Government. (2) The Overseas Study Grant will be released in a single installment for one academic yea r or for one semester, a s the c ase may be. 10. Application for Students should apply for Overseas Study Grant in a prescribed form. Overseas Study Grant (Annexure II & III). 11. Selection of (1) Selection of applicants for the award of Overseas Study Grant will Candidates be done by the Selection Committee duly constit uted by the Government and preference of Mizoram. (2) The Selection Commit tee will recommend to the State Government a list of t he selected students for gr ant of the Overseas S tudy Gr ant, for approval. (3) The academic performance of the student may a lso be examined by the Selection Committee after a year or each semester, as the case may be. (4) The Selection Committee is the authority to continue or discont inue the grant if the student does not satisfy the Selection Committee on whatever ground. (5) The Selection Committee shall have preference for a war ding the Overseas Study Grant to weaker section of society, female candidates and person with disabilit ies. (6) Not more than one student of the same parent/guardian shall be selected to receive the Overseas S tudy Gr ant.- 3 -Ex-529/2013 12.Power t o rela x The Governor shall have the right to relax or amend these Rules as to meet particular situations as and when necessary in the interest of Public. 13. Repeal and saving The “Mizoram Overseas Schola rship Rules, 2009” and subsequent amendment under the Rules are hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or action taken under the Rules so repealed shall be deemed to have made or taken under the pr ovisions of these rules. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department. ANNEXURE – I Bond to be executed by a student receiving Overseas Study Grant for his/her studies abroad. I, ____________________________ permanent resident of ___________________ in the District of _____________________________ state of ___________________ India, do hereby undertake that I would definitely make fu ll recovery of Overseas Study Grant if I have been found to have obta ined Overseas S tudy Gr ant by false means and further have changed subject or discipline or course of study, after availing of the Overseas Study Grant without obtaining the prior permission of the Government of Mizoram. Signed in the presence of Witness:1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ Signature ______________________ Name of the student ______________ (in capital) Address with telephone No._________ ______________________________ - 4 - Ex-529/2013 ANNEXURE – II Application Form for Overseas Study Grant for studies abroad FRESH FORMThis form, a fter duly filled in, should r each the Secretary, Mizoram Scholarship Boar d, Aiza wl, Mizoram, within a time stipulated by the Board. (INSTRUCTIONS) 1.Only the children/wards of bonafide permanent r esidents of Mizoram may apply for this Overseas Study Grant. 2.Late, incomplete or defective application will be rejected. 3.Submission of two or more applications by an applicant will entail loss of the Over seas Study Grant. PART – I (To be filled in by the Applicant) 1.Full name in Capital letters:___________________________________ (Please prefix Mr/Miss/Mrs)___________________________________ 2.Name of the father /mother:___________________________________ & Address with telephone no___________________________________ & M obile No.___________________________________ 3.Occupation of Father/Mother:___________________________________ 4.Student’s permanent Addr ess:___________________________________ with telephone No.___________________________________ 5.Institution last attended:___________________________________ ___________________________________ 6.Name & Addr ess of the:___________________________________ Institution where studying___________________________________ now with telephone No.___________________________________ 7.Whether the Institution wherein:___________________________________ you got admission is recognized___________________________________ or not by the Govt . of India.___________________________________ If r ecognized, enclosed recognition letter___________________________________ 8.Exact date of admission:___________________________________ 9.Name of the C ourse wherein:___________________________________ admission is obta inedStudent must affix passport size photo with his/her signa ture thereon.- 5 -Ex-529/2013 10.Overseas S tudy Grant:___________________________________ applied for the yea r 11.Addr ess of the place:___________________________________ wher e the stu dent res ides___________________________________ with contact no.___________________________________ 12.State Bank’s Account No. with:___________________________________ Branch Code and Name of___________________________________ Account’s holder___________________________________ (Compulsory)___________________________________ *As per Rule 8(1), T he Mizoram Overseas Study Grant Rules, 2013 does not cover courses like internship/housemanship in the MBBS Courses and for practicing training in other cour ses. Date : ________________________Signature ________________________ Place: ________________________Name in full ______________________ (in capital letters) Address with telephone No. __________ _______________________________ PART – II Undertaking to be executed by person to whom student is dependant Whereas my son/daughter/wife/self, Shri/Smt _____________________________________ has applied for gra nt of Overseas Study Grant, Government of Mizoram, I, Shri/Smt ___________________________________ S/o ,D/o _____________________________________ solomenly affirm that my total annual income fr om all sources in the preceding year ending 31st Ma rch ___________ was Rs. ________________ (Rupees _____________________________ _____________________________________ ) only. I have correctly indicated the above amount and make myself responsible for the fact and figure furnished. I, further, underta ke that in the event of particulars, given in this undertaking being found to be fa lse, I shall refund to the Government of Mizoram the whole amount of Over seas Study Grant and the decision of t he Government shall be final and binding on me. Date : ________________________Signature ________________________ Place: ________________________Name in full ______________________ (in capital letters) Permanent Address ________________ _______________________________ - 6 - Ex-529/2013 PART – IIITo be filled in by the Head of Institution 1.Certified that the information given by the applicant:____________________ has been checked and are found correct/incorr ect. 2.Dura tion of the cour se in which the applicant is:____________________ studying. 3.Char acter and condu ct of t he applicant:____________________ 4.Percentage of attendance during the period:____________________ under report. 5.Date of commencement of the current sess ion.:____________________ 6.Date, Month and Year in which t he curr ent session:____________________ is likely to be over. 7.Is the applicant r esiding in the institution Hostel:____________________ or a n appr oved place of residence. 8.Exact date of admission to the Hostel/appr oved:____________________ Residence. 9.To whose favour Cheque/Dra ft should be dr awn.:____________________ 10.Name of the State Bank of India /Treasury/:____________________ Sub-Treasury through which payment of Overseas Study Grant is desired. 11.Amount of fees required to be paid by the: ____________________ students for the cu rrent year. 12.Whether recommended or not for:____________________ Overseas Study Gr ant. Certified that this Institution is affiliated to the ______________________________________ University/Board and is recognized by the Government of India/S tate Government of _______________ _________________________. The student is studying ___________________________________ in this institution and the minimum qualification required for admission to this course is _______________ __________________ Examination passed__________________________________________. I undertake that the Overseas Study Grant amount in resp ect of t he applicant if and when placed at my disposal will be disbursed by me for the specific pur pose for which it is given and the Actual Payee’s receipt will be submitted t o the Secretary, Mizor am Scholarship Board, Aizawl, Mizoram, India. In case the applicant leaves the Institution or otherwise discontinues the studies or a ccepts/r eceives any other regular Overseas Study Grant /Stipend, the fact will be immediately reported to the said Authority and payment of Overseas Study Grant to the applicant will also be discontinued. The undisbursed amount lying with the Institution will a lso be r efunded to the Author ity. Signature of the Hea d of the Institution (Round Seal of the Institution) (Stamped Signature is not accepted) Name in Capital letters Designation - 7 -Ex-529/2013 PART – IV NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO BE ENCLOSED 1.Attested copies of Marksheet/ Testimonial Certificate of last examination. 2.Tribal Certificate issued by an authorized Magistrate. 3.Up-to-date Annual Income certificate of the Father/Guardian/Husband issued by the Deputy Commissioner or any authorized Officer of the concerned District/Sub-Division. 4.Students whose parents ar e Govt. S ervant should produce parents/Guardian’s occupation certificate indicating designation wit h basic pay-sca le issued by the employer. 5.Hosteller/Approved Residence Certificate from War den/Superintendent. 6.Medical Certificate issued by Competent Medical Officer in respect of disabled person. 7.Expenditure Statement issued by t he concerned Institution. ANNEXUR E – III Application Form for Overseas Study Grant for studies abroad R E N E W A L F O R MThis form is intended for those students who were in receipt of Overseas Study Grant and who desires to apply for the renewal of Overseas Study Grant for the next academic year. The filled in application form should reach the Secretary, Mizoram Scholarship Boa rd, Aizawl, Mizora m, India within the date fixed from time to time. INSTRUCTIONS1. Only the children/wards of bonafide permanent r esidents of Mizoram may apply for this Overseas Study Grant. 2. Late, incomplete or defective application will be rejected. 3. Submission of two or more applications by an applicant will entail loss of the Overseas Study Gr ant. PART – I (To be filled in by the Applicant) 1.Full name in Capital letters:______________________________________ (Please prefix Mr/Miss/Mrs) 2.Name of the father /mother:______________________________________ & Address with telephone no______________________________________ & M obile No.______________________________________ 3.Student’s permanent Addr ess :______________________________________ with telephone No.______________________________________ 4.Name & Addr ess of the:______________________________________ Institution where studying______________________________________ now with telephone No.______________________________________- 8 - Ex-529/2013 Student must affix his/her r ecent passport size photo with his/her signa turethereon. 5.Exact date of admission:______________________________________ 6.Name of the Course to:______________________________________ which admission is permitted 7.Overseas Study Gr ant.:______________________________________ applied for the yea r 8.Addr ess of the P lace:______________________________________ wher e the stu dent res ides______________________________________ with contact no.______________________________________ 9.State Bank’s Account No with :______________________________________ Branch Code and Name of Account’s holder _____________________________________ (Compulsory) *As per Rule 8(1), T he Mizoram Overseas Study Grant Rules, 2013 does not cover courses like internship/housemanship in the MBBS Courses and for practicing training in other cour ses. Date : ________________________Signature ___________________________ Place: ________________________Name in full _________________________ (in capital letters) Permanent Address ___________________ __________________________________ PART – II Undertaking to be executed by person to whom student is dependant. Whereas my son/daughter/wife/self, Shri/Smt ______________________________________ has applied for Overseas Study Grant, Government of Mizoram, I, Shri/Smt _________________________ S/o ,D/o ______________________________________ solomenly affirm that my total annual income from all sources in the preceding year ending 31st March _____________was Rs. ______________ (rupees ____________________________________________________________) only. I have corr ectly indicated the above amount and make myself responsible for the fact and figure furnished. I, further, underta ke that in the event of particulars, given in this u ndertaking being found to be false I shall refund to the Government of Mizoram the whole amount of Over seas Study Grant and the decision of t he Government shall be final and binding on me. Date : ______________________ Signature ________________________ Place: ______________________ Name in full ______________________ (in capital letters) Permanent Address ________________ ________________________________ - 9 -Ex-529/2013 PART – III(To be filled in by the Head of Institution) 1.Certified that the information given by the applicant:___________________ has been checked and are found correct/incorr ect. 2.Dura tion of the cour se in which the applicant is:____________________ studying. 3.Char acter and condu ct of t he applicant:____________________ 4.Percentage of attendance during the period:____________________ under report. 5.Date of commencement of the curr ent session:____________________ 6.Date, Month and Year in which the cur rent:____________________ Sess ion is likely to be over. 7.Is the applicant r esiding in the institution Hostel:____________________ or a n appr oved place of residence. 8.Exact date of admission to the Hostel/appr oved:____________________ Residence. 9.To whose favour Cheque/Dra ft should be dr awn.:____________________ 10.Name of the State Bank of India /Treasury/:____________________ Sub-Treasury through which payment of Overseas Study Grant is desired. 11.Amount of fees required to be paid by the student:____________________ for the cur rent year. 12.Whether recommended or not for Overseas Study Grant :____________________ Certified that this Institution is affiliated to the _____________________________________ University/Board and is recognized by the Government of India/S tate Government of _______________ _________________________. The student is studying ___________________________________ In this institution and the minimum qualification required for admission to this course is ______________ __________________ Examination passed__________________________________________. I undertake that the Overseas Study Grant amount in resp ect of t he applicant if and when placed at my disposal will be disbursed by me for the specific pur pose for which it is given and the Actual Payee’s receipt will be submitted t o the Secretary, Mizor am Scholarship Board, Aizawl, Mizoram, India. In case the applicant leaves the Institution or otherwise discontinues the studies or a ccepts/r eceives any other regular Overseas St udy Grant/Stipend the fact will be immediately reported to the said Authority and payment of Overseas Study Gra nt to the applicant will also be discontinued. T he undisbursed amount of Overseas Study Grant lying with the Institution will also be refunded to the Author ity. Signature of the Hea d of the Institution (Round Seal of the Institution) (Stamped Signatur e is not accepted) Name in Capital letters Designation PART – IV NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED 1.Attested copies of Marksheet/ Testimonial Certificate of last examination. 2.Medical Certificate issued by an Authorized Medical Officer for disabled per son. 3.Expenditure Statement issued by t he concerned Institution.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550- 10 - Ex-529/2013

The “Mizoram Overseas Study Grant Rules, 2013,” the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the “Selection Committee”

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 530Date - 04/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No. A-33023/1/2012-HTE(MSB), the 4th October, 2013. In terms of the provision under Rule 11 of the “ Mizoram Overseas Study Grant Rules, 2013,” the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute the “Selection Committee” to select the applicants for awarding Overseas S tudy Gr ant. The Committee shall consist of the following members:- 1.Commissioner & Secretary, Higher & Tech. Edn-Chairman 2.Secr etary, Mizoram Schola rship Board-Member Secretary 3.Jt. Secretar y/Dy Secretary, Higher & Tech. Edn-Member 4.Director, Higher & Tech. Edn-Member 5.Jt. Director (Tech), Higher & Tech. Edn-Member. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Tech. Edn Deptt. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 4.10.2013 Asvina 12, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 530RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550

Obituary of Pu H.Sanghleia, Asst. Director of Survey, Land Revenue & Settlement Departmen

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 531Date - 07/10/2013

OBITUARY No.A.38020/1/92-REV, the 7th October, 2013 : The Government of Mizoram has learnt with profound sorrow, the sad and untimely demise of Pu H.Sanghleia, Asst. Director of Survey, Land Revenue & Settlement Department on 7.10.2013. Pu H.Sanghleia entered into Government Service as Chainman on 26.4.1973 and as LDA on 13.8.1973 in the Land Revenue & Settlement Department. He was appointed to Surveyor-III on 20.9.1975 and promoted to Surveyor-II on 10.10.1984. He was promoted to Surveyor-I on 1.2.1993 and again got promotion as Asst. Director of Surveyor (ADS) on 23.1.2013 and attached to Secretariat, Revenue Department where he served till his sad demise. He served the Government of Mizoram for 40 years in various capacities with utmost sincerity and devotion, and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu H.Sanghleia and convey its heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family. R.L.RINAWMA Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Revenue Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2013 Asvina 15, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 531RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Affidavit Smt. Niangzamchingi alias Lalzami aged about 36 years D/o V. Kampauva, a permanent resident of Hunthar Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 532Date - 08/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 8.10.2013 Asvina 16, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 532 AFFIDAVIT I, S mt. Nia ngzamchingi alias Lalzami aged about 36 years D/o V. Kampauva, a permanent resident of Hunthar Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state a s follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Scheduled tribe community of Mizo. 2.That I have passed my Secondary School Certificate conducted by National Open S chool in the year 1996 under Roll No. 300352462. 3.That in my Secondar y School Certificate my name has been entered as Niangzamchingi incorrectly. 4.That also in my engagement card under Rural Development Depar tment a nd in M.R. Seniority List C er tificat e u nder R u ra l Develop ment Dep ar tment my name ha s b een wrongly wr itt en a s Niangzamchingi. 5.That my actual and christened name by my parents is Lalzami. 6.That wherever the name Nia ngzamchingi appear it shall be read and known as Lalzami in all t imes to come and in all other relevant documents and services. 7.That I do hereby declare that my names i.e. Niangzamchingi a nd Lalzami belong to one and the same person. 8.That the purpose of this a ffidavit is to replace Niangzamchingi as La lzami in all documents and services. 9.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 26th day of September, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Ident ified by me;Signed before me; Sd/-Sd/- P.C. Lalthangmawia,R. Thangkanglova,Notarial Registration Advoca te,Advocate & Notary PublicNo. 22/9 Dint har Veng, AizawlAizawl : Mizoram.Date 26/9/13Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Affidavit of P.C. Lalremsanga son of Ziakchhunga (L), Dinthar Veng, Serchhip, Serchhip District, Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 533Date - 09/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 9.10.2013 Asvina 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 533 AFFIDAVIT I, P.C. Lalr emsanga son of Ziakchhunga (L), a permanent r esident of Dint har Veng, Serchhip, Serchhip District, Mizora m, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affir m and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Scheduled tribe community of Mizo. 2.That I am working as IV under Rural Development Department, Govt. of Mizoram. 3.That in my Voter ’s ID Card, Birth Certificate & S ervice book my name has been inadvertently writ ten and recorded as Remsangzuala, whereas, my true and correct name is P.C. Lalremsa nga. 4.T ha t the pu r p os e of t his affida vit is for cha nging my na me P.C . La lr ems a nga ins t ea d of R ems a ngzu ala in my said documents. 5.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 23rd day of May, 2012. Sd/- DEPONENT Ident ified by me;Signed before me; Sd/-Sd/- C. Zoramchha na,R. Thangkanglova,Notarial Registration Advocate.Advocate & Notary PublicNo. 54/5 Aizawl : Mizoram.Date 23/5/12Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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