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The Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘C’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 534Date - 09/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 9.10.2013 Asvina 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 534 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/9/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 30th September, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Laboratory Bearer (SCERT) under School Education Department, Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizor am School Education Commencement Department (Group ‘C’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of Schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the aforesa id Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-534/2013 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Administr a tive Refor ms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation relaxation of age limit concessions and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in a ccor da nce with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa ving All rules pertaining to these posts fra med by the Gover nment of Assam and Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/ 53/80-APT(B) dt. 25.10.88 Issue No. 117(G) dt. 25.10.1988 stand hereby r epealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative SCHEDULE(SEE RULE 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF LABORATORY BEARER (SCERT) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTName of postsNo. of postsClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 SelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableBetween 18-3 5 years relaxable by 5 years in the case of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled TribesNot applicable- 3 -Ex-534/2013 Essential : 1) HSSLC (Science) 2 ) Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard.2 yearsMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314Exempted from the purview of MPSC DPC as constituted by th e Government from time to time Laboratory Bearer1(one) post or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Services Group ‘C’PB-1 ^ 5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay 2400/-Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 100% DirectNot applicable

Appoint Pu Lal Thanhawla as Chief Minister for the State of Mizoram.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 634Date - 14/12/2013

N O T I F I C A T I O NNo. J.11012/3/2013-POL/90, the 14th December, 2013.In exercise of the powers vested in him by Clause (1) of Article 164 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram has been pleased to appoint Pu Lal Thanhawla as Chief Minister for the State of Mizoram. L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Saturday 14.12.2013 Agrahayana 23, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 634 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

Council Ministers of Mizoram

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 635Date - 14/12/2013

N O T I F I C A T I O NNo. J.11012/3/2013-POL/91, the 14th December, 2013.In exercise of the powers vested in him by Clause (1) of Article 164 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram on the advice of the Chief Minister has been pleased to appoint the following persons as members of his Council of Ministers for the State of Mizoram : CABINET MINISTER1.Pu R. Lalzirliana 2.Pu R. Romawia 3.Pu Lalsawta 4.Pu H. Rohluna 5.Pu Zodintluanga 6.Pu P.C. La lthanliana 7.Pu J ohn Rotluangliana MINISTERS OF STATE1.Pu Lal Thanzara 2.Pu Lalrinmawia Ralte 3.Pu C. Ngunlianchunga 4.Dr. B.D. Chakma L. Tochho ng, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Saturday 14.12.2013 Agrahayana 23, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 635 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

Parliamentary Secretaries of Mizoram

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 638Date - 14/12/2013

N O T I F I C A T I O NNo. J.11012/15/2013-POL/63, the 19th December, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the provisions of S ec.3 read with Sect. 5 of the Mizoram Parliamentary S ecretar ies (Appointment, Salar ies, Allowances and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2009 (Act No. 3 of 2009), the Chief Minister of Mizoram is p leased to order that t he following Pa rliamentary Secretaries will assist t he Ministers a s indica ted aga inst their names as below :- Sl.No.NameMinisters to be assisted1.Pu K.S. Thanga-Minister, Industries, School Education, etc. 2.Lt. Col. (Rtd) Z.S. Zuala-Minister, Finance, Law & Judicial, etc. 3.Pu H. Zothangliana-Minister, Higher & Technical Education, etc. 4.Pu Joseph Lalhimpuia-Minister, Home, RD, etc. 5.Pu T. T. Zothansanga-Minister, Horticulture, LAD, etc. 6.Pu K. Lalrint hanga-Minister, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affa irs, Transport, etc. 7.Pu Hmingdailova Khia ngte-Minister, UD & PA, Sports & Youth Services, etc. The Parliamentary Secretaries will function as per the provisions contained in the Mizoram Parliamenta ry Secr etaries (Appointment, Salaries, Allowances and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2009 (Act No. 3 of 2009) and the Govt. of Mizoram (Transaction of Business) Rules, 1987, as a mended from time to time. L. Tochho ng, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 19.12.2013 Agrahayana 28, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 638 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

The Mizoram Unorganized Workers’ Social Security Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 535Date - 09/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 9.10.2013 Asvina 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 535 NOTIFICATIONNo. B.14011/2/2009-LE&IT, the 4th October, 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the Mizoram Unorganized Wor kers’ S ocial Security Rules, 2013. By order, etc. Es ther La l Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Labour, Employment & Industrial Tra ining Deptt. THE MIZORAM UNORGANISED WORKERS’ SOCIAL SECURITYRULES,2013.In exercise of the power conferred by Section 14 of the Unorga nised Workers’ Social Securit y Act, 2008 (Central Act 33 of 2008), the Sta te Government of Mizoram her eby makes the following rules, namely :- 1.Short title, extent(1)These rules may be called the Mizoram Unorganised and commencement-Workers’ Social Security Rules, 2013. (2)They shall extend to the whole State of Mizoram. (3)They shall come into force on the date of their publica tion in the Official Gazette. 2.Definitions - (1) In t hese rules, unless the context otherwise requir es - (a) “Act” means the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 (33 of 2008); (b) “Boa rd” means the State S ocial S ecurity Board constit uted under Section 6 of the Act. (c ) “Cha irperson” means the Chairperson of the Board. (d) “Member” means a member of the Board. ( e) “Section” means a section of the Act. (2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these rules but defined in the Act sha ll have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. - 2 - Ex-535/2013 vi 3.Terms of office of members :- (1) A member, other tha n an ex-officio member, shall hold office for the period not exceeding three years from the date of his nomination. (2) A member nominated under sub-clause (iii) of clause(c) of sub-section(2) of Section 6 shall cease to be a member of the Board if he ceases to be a member of State Legislative Assembly by which he was elected. (3) A member nominated under sub-clause (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 6 shall cease to be a member of the Board if he ceases to represent the category of interest from which he was so nomina ted: Provided tha t out of seven persons nominated under sub-clause (i), one member each from the Scheduled Ca ste, the Scheduled Tribe, the Minorities and Women shall be represented. (4) A member shall be eligible for re-nomination. 4.Resigna tion:- (1) A member of the Boa rd, not being an ex-officio member, ma y resign his office by a letter in writ ing addressed to the Chairperson. (2) The seat of such a member shall fall vacant from the date on which his resignation is accepted or on the expiry of thirty days from the date of receipt of intimation of resignation, whichever is ear lier. (3) The power to accept the resignation of a member shall vest in the Chairperson who, on accepting the resigna tion, shall report to the Board at its next meeting. 5.Change of Address- If a member changes his a ddr ess, he sha ll notify his new a ddress to the Member Secr etary of the Board who shall t hereupon enter his new address in the official records: Provided that if a member fails t o notify his new addr ess, the address in the official records sha ll for all purposes be deemed to be the member ’s cor r ect addr ess. 6 . Manner of filling vacancies— When a va cancy occurs or is likely to occur in the membership of the Board, the chairperson shall submit a report to the State Government and on receipt of such report, the State Government may, by notification, nominate a person to fill the vacancy and the person so nominated shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of t he member in whose place he is nomina ted. 7 . Allowance of members- (1)The traveling allowance of an official member of the Board shall be governed by the rules a pplicable to him for journey performed by him on official duties and shall be pa id by the authority paying his salary. (2) T he non-officia l members of the Boar d shall be paid tr aveling allowance for a ttending t he meetings of the Board at such rates as are admissible to a Group ‘A’ Officer of the State Government and daily allowances shall be ca lculated at the maximum rate admissible to Group ‘A’ Officers of t he Stat e Gover nment in their respect ive pla ces. 8.Disposal of business- Every matter which the Board is required to take into consideration shall be cons idered at a meeting of the Board, or if the Chairperson so directs, by sending the necessary papers to every member for opinion, and the matter sha ll be disposed of in a ccordance with the decision of t he major ity: Provided that wher e there is no opinion of majority on a matter and the members of the Board are equally divided, the Chairperson shall have a second or a casting vote. Explanation- The expression “Chairperson” for the pur pose of the above proviso sha ll include a member nominated or chosen under sub-rule (2) of rule 9 to preside over a meeting. 9.Meetings- (1) The Board shall meet at such pla ces and at such times as may be decided by the Chairperson and it shall meet at least once in four months. - 3 -Ex-535/2013 (2) The Chairperson sha ll preside over every meeting of the Board in which he is pr esent and in his absence he may nominate a member of the Board to preside over such a meeting in his place and in the absence of such nomination by the Chairperson, the members of the Board present in such meeting may choos e from amongst themselves a member t o preside over the meeting. 10 . Notice of meetings and list of business- ( 1) Ordinarily, two weeks’ notice shall be given to the members of the Board of a proposed meeting. Provided that the Chairperson, if he is satisfied tha t it is expedient so to do, may give notice of longer period not exceeding one month for such meeting. (2) No business except which is includedinthe list of business for a meeting will be done without the permission of the Chairperson. (3) The Chairperson may at any time call a special meeting of the Board in case of urgency, after informing discussion and the reasons of urgency. 11. Quorum.-(1)No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Board unless a t least six memb ers are present in that meeting: Provided that if a t a meeting, less tha n six members a re present, the Chair person may adjourn the meeting to another date infor ming the members present and giving notice to the other members that he proposes to dispose of the business at t he adjourned meeting whether there is prescr ibed quor um or not, and it sha ll thereupon be lawfu l for him to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting irr espective of the number of members attending.(2) The State Government may debar a ny member, other than ex-officio members, from ta king part in the Meeting of the Board if— (a ) he absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the Boa rd without written information to and consent of t he Chairperson, or (b) in the view of the State Government, such member has ceased to repr esent the interest which he purports to represent on the Board. 12.Manner of making application for registration of unorganised worker— The application referred to in sub-section (2) of Section 10 of the Act shall be made in Form 1, to the District Administration. FORM -1 (See rule 12)Name of the unorganised worker : ....................................................................................................... Father’s/husband’s name : ................................................................................................................... Occupation : ...................................................................................................................................... Address : ........................................................................................................................................... Pr esent: ............................................................................................................................. Permanent : ............................................................................................................................. Dependents : ..................................................................................................................................... (a) Father : ............................................................................................................................. (b) Mother : ............................................................................................................................. (c) Dependent children: ............................................................................................................... (d) Others : .............................................................................................................................Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Extension of all the provisions of the UGC Regulations, 2010

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 538Date - 10/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.G.12017/8/2012-HTE, the 3rd October, 2013. Wher eas the Govt. of M izor am felt it neces sary to revise the existing adoption of the UGC Regulations, 2010 issued vide Notification No.G.12017/6/2009- HTE dt.25.11. 2010 wherein various provisions of the said Regulations were deleted which may ca use serious inconveniences in future; And whereas the proposal for revision of the said UGC Regulations, 2010 was approved by the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on 11.09.2013; Now, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of all the provisions of the UGC Regulations, 2010 except the following conditions:- 1.Retirement age: Retirement age of College Principals, College Teachers and College Librar ians shall remain 62 years. 2.Allowa nces: The present Allowances shall continue as alr eady r egula ted. 3.Remuneration of Contract Assistant Professors: It shall continue as already regulated. 4.Remunera tion of Pa rt-Time Assista nt P rofessor s: Remuneration of Par t-Time Assistant Professors is fixed at Rs. 500/- per lecture to a maximum of Rs. 20,000/- per month. Part-Time Assistant Pr ofessor s should possess the r equired minimum qualifications as needed for appoint ment of a regular Assistant Professor. 5.Appointment of College Principals: Formal procedure will be followed for appointment of College Principals and the final selection will be done by the Mizoram Public Service Commission (MPSC). This Notification shall take effect from its publication in the official gazette. K.La l Nghinglova , Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 10.10.2013 Asvina 18, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 538RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550

Affidavit Ngurthankhuma Sailo

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 544Date - 11/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 11.10.2013 Asvina 19, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 544 AFFIDAVIT BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE AT KOLASIB, MIZORAM I, S h. Ngurthankhuma Sailo, aged about 57 years, Govt. Servant by profession, posted at PWD Division Office Kolasib, Son of Sh. Suakpuilala Sailo ‘L’ a resident of Electric Veng, Kolasib, Mizora m do hereby solemnly affirm and decla re before the Magistrate as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth a nd belongs to S cheduled Tribe Community of Mizo. 2.That my name Sh. Ngurthankhuma Sailo has been wr itten and recor ded as Sh. Thankhuma S ailo and my title ‘Ngur ’ has been mistakenly unwritten in my Non-official and service record. 3.That whatsoever, my title ‘NGUR’ shall be written, used and suffix in my name as NGURTHANKHUMA SAILO in all my official and Non-Official Documents henceforth. 4.That the pu rpose of this Affidavit is to decla re that my name shall be recorded and writ ten with my title as Ngurthankhuma Sa ilo. Sd/- DEPONENT VERIFICATION I, the above deponent do hereby solemnly affirm a nd verified that the contents of par a 1-4 of the above Affida vit and this verification are true to the best of my knowledge and belief a nd nothing has been concealed or suppressed. And in witness whereof I hereto subscribe my signature as herein below on this 21st July, 2008. Deponent is identified by me;Swor n before me; Sd/-Sd/-Sd/- La lsawirema,C. Khamluaia,DEPONENT Asst. Govt. Advocate,Executive M agistra tes.Ngurthankhuma Sailo. Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 1Date - 10/01/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 10.1.2014 Agrahayana 20, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 1 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/6/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 6th January, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of W.E Teacher (High School & Middle School) under School Educa tion Department,, Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram School Education Department Commencement (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the aforesaid Schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the said Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-1/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation and other concessions concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa vings All r ules per ta ining to these posts framed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. FE-60/74-75/36-41 dated 10.04.1975, Issue No. 8 dated 20.2.1976 relating to the post of Craft Teacher stand hereb y r epea led. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF W.E TEACHER (HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION, GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Not applicableWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableBetween 18 to 35 years (relaxable by 5 years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes/ Scheduled Castes.Not applicable- 3 -Ex-1/2014 1. HSSLC or equivalent from recognized Institution. 2. Diploma/Certificate in W.E Teacher Trainign from DIET, Mizoram 3. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard.2(two) yearsMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission High School & Middle School W.E. Teacher476(four hundred seventy six) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘B’) (Non-Gazetted, Non- Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay 4200/-Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500N.A 100% by Direct Recruitment

Affidavit of Lalmuanpuia, Kolasib

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 545Date - 11/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 11.10.2013 Asvina 19, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 545 AFFIDAVIT BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE AT KOLASIB, MIZORAM I, Lalmuanpuia Hnamte S/o Late L. Thankima a permanent resident of Bairabi, Kolasib District, Kola sib Mizoram do hereby solemnly declare as follow :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth and Christia n by fa ith. 2.That my name is written Lalmuanpuia in my S ervice Book. 3.That have changed my name Lalmuanpuia to Lalmuanpuia Hna mte. 4.That, from today i shall be called and known as Lalmuanpuia Hna mte. 5.That the sta tement made in para 1-4 of the above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I signed and swear this affidavit on this 12th day of June, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :-Signed before me :- Sd/-Sd/- Anthony Lalchhuanawma,Magistrate 1st Class, Advocate.Kola sib : Aizawl S essions Division.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Monitoring Committee on Mid-Day-Meal Scheme under the Chairmanship of Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 546Date - 11/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.F.20011/3/2013-EDN, the 8th October, 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Monitoring Committee on Mid-Day-Meal Scheme under the Chairmanship of Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha ) to ensure quality, safety a nd hygiene under the Mid- Day-Meal S cheme. The Committee will consist of the following members :- 1)Chairman: Pu C.L. Ruala, MP (lok Sabha) 2)M ember Secr et ar y : Secr etary, S chool Education Department. 3)Members: i) Chairman, Subject Committee, Mizoram State Legislative Assembly (School Education Department). ii) Secr etary, Health & Family Welfare Department. iii) Secr etary, P ublic Health Engineering Department. iv) Secr etary, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. v) Secr etary, R ural Development Department. vi) Director of School Education. vii) State Nodal Officer, Mid-Day-Meal Scheme. viii) State Project Director, SSA Mizoram. ix) Repr esentative of Monitor ing Institute from Mizoram University. x) Pi Lalrammawii (Nu tritionist) Sr. Lecturer, Zirtiri Residential Science College. Zodingpuii, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 11.10.2013 Asvina 19, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 546RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550

District Level Planning & Implementation Committee on BRGF in respect of Lawngtlai District

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 547Date - 14/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.J.12012/4/12-RD(BRGF), the 7th October, 2013.In supersession of this Department’s Notification even No. of da ted 30th August, 2013, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to re-constitute the District Level Planning & Implementation Committee on BRGF in respect of Lawngtlai District consisting of t he following members with immediate effect and until further order :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai 2.Member Secretary-Project Director, DRDA, Lawngtlai 3.Member-1.Chief Execu tive Member, LADC 2.Chief Execu tive Member, CADC 3.Chairman, LADC 4.Chairman, CADC 5.P.T. Lalchuanglura, MDC/LADC 6.C. La lneihkhuma, MDC/LADC 7.S.T. Laldailova, MDC/LADC 8.Bubhan Kumar Chakma, MDC/CADC 9.Hira nand Tongchangya, MDC/CADC 10.Aroti Chakma, MDC/CADC 11.The Chiarman may co-opt not more than 3 (three) subject specialist as members as and when required. R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 14.10.2013 Asvina 22, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 547RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550

Acquisition of Land for construction of road from Tuipang - Laki - Lungpuk.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 548Date - 14/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.K. 12011/48/13-REV, the 8th October, 2013.Whereas by by the Government Notification No.K.12011/48/13-REV dt. 14.3.2013 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended to the said Notification was likely to be needed for the purpose na mely - Acquisition of Land forconstruction of road from Tuipang - Laki - Lungp uk. 2.Now, therefore, the Government declar es under section 6 of the said Act tha t the said la nd is required for the public purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. 3.The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Saiha under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the functions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the sa id la nd and directs him under section 7 of the sa id Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. 4.The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not a lready done as per section 4 ofthesaid Act, a nd dispose of all objections and claims after causing a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons interested stating the Government’s intention of ta king over the possess ion of the said land a s per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collector shall submit a Draft Award to the Government of Mizoram after fulfilling the pr ovisions under section 11 of the said Act read with Mizoram Land Acquisition Rules 2010. 5.A plan of the same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, S aiha till the final awar d is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULEDistr ict : S AIHADescr iption of landStatus of Pass & No Approximate Area/length Stretches of Land fr om Tuipang - La ki - Lungpuk 40.00 km.-57.00 km-18 kms R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 14.10.2013 Asvina 22, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 548RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550

Revenue District, Revenue Sub-Divisions, Revenue Circles and Revenue Villages along with their numeric codes

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 549Date - 14/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H.11018/6/2008-REV, the 11th October, 2013.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under the provisions of Section 5 of The Mizor am (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 (Act No. 5 of 2013), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declar e with immediate effect in the S tate of Mizoram Revenue District, Revenue Sub-Divisions, Revenue Circles and Revenue Villagesalong with theirnumeric codes for the pu rpose of land r ecords and revenue assessments as under. 1Revenue Distr ict: All land area covered by the State of Mizoram except the area covered by Autonomous Districts of Chakma, Lai and Mara ( Annexure I) 2Revenue Sub-Division & Circles : All land area covered by the Administrative areas of Civil Sub-Divisions in Districts exclu ding Sa iha and Lawngtlai Distr icts ( Annexure III) 3Revenue Villa ges: All Villages as declared by Local Administration Department under the Administrative sub-divisions except the areas of Autonomous District Councils of Cha kma, Lai a nd M ar a (Annexure IV) 4Land use Registration CodeAnnexure - II It shall be mandatory to a pply these codes in all documents relating to land r ecords for unique identification. R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram. R evenu e Dep ar t ment . The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 14.10.2013 Asvina 22, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 549RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page ANNEXURE-I LIST OF ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT AND SUB-DIVISIONS WITH THEIR HEADQUARTERS AND AREA IN MIZORAM Sl.Na me ofNa me ofArea inSl. Name of Sub-Area in No.DistrictHeadquartersSq. KmsN o . Division (Civil)Sq. Kms 01.AIZAWLAizawl3,576.311.SAKAWRDAI1037.48 2.AIZAWL(SADAR)1543.60 3.SAITUAL995.23 02.LUNGLEILunglei4,538.004.LUNGLEI3178.57 5.HNAHTHIAL479.42 6.TLABUNG880.01 03.CHAMPHAIChamphai3,185.837.NGOPA1267.18 8.KHAWZAWL932.92 9.CHAMPHAI985.73 04.MAMITMamit3,025.7510. KAWRT H AH949.56 11. MAMIT785.94 12. W.PHAILENG1290.25 05.KOLASIBKolasib1,382.5113. VAIRENGTE206.18 14. KOLASIB200.12 15. KAWNPUI976.21 06.SERCHHIPSerchhip1,421.6016. SERCHHIP801.21 17. N.VANLAIPHAI457.17 18. THENZAWL163.22 Total1713017130 Su mma r y4 - TIER CLASSIFICATION:1-TIER: 6 Revenue Distr ict. 2-T IE R: 18 Revenue Sub-Divisions. 3-TIER: 34 Revenue Circle. 4-TIER: R evenue Villa ge (LAD). ANNEXURE - II LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF LAND HOLDINGS (Based on its purposes) Sl. NoClassifica tionCode No. (1)(2)(3) 1Land relating to Residential Purpose.01 2Land relating to Commercial Purposes.02 3Land relating to Industrial Purposes.03 4Land relating to Recreational Purposes.04 5Land relating to Department, Bank, Company, Corporation, Society Purposes.05 6Land relating to Religious and Charitable Purposes.06 7Land relating to Edu cational or Ins titutional Purposes.07 8Land relating to Community or Public Purposes.08 9Land relating to Wet Rice Cultivation Purposes.09 10Land relating to Garden (Horticulture & Arboriculture) Purposes.10 11Land relating to Fa rm (Far ming & Breeding) Purposes.11 12Land relating to Fish Pond (Pisciculture) Purposes.12 13Land relating to Miscella neous a nd other Purposes.- 2 - Ex-549/2013 ANNEXURE- III LIST OF REVENUE SUB-DIVISION & CIRCLES IN MIZORAM Sl.Na me ofCode RevenueCodeNa me ofCircle N o. DistrictNo.Sub-DivisionNo.Revenue CircleCode 1.AIZAWL1SAKAWRDAI01Sakawrdai1011 Darlawn1012 AIZAWL-SADAR02Durtlang1021 Bawngkawn1022 Vaivakawn1023 Dawrpui1024 Tlangnuam1025 Aiba wk1026 Thingsulthliah1027 SAITUAL03Saitual1031 Phullen1032 2.LUNGLEI2LUNGLEI-SADAR04Serkawn2041 Cha ndma ry2042 T heir iat2043 W.Bunghmun2044 HNAHTHIAL05Hnahthial2051 TLABUNG06Tlabung2061 Lungsen2062 3.CHAMPHAI3NGOPA07Ngopa3071 KHAWZAWL08Khawzawl3081 CHAMPHAI09Champhai3091 Kha wbung ‘S’3092 4.MAMIT4KAWRTHAH10Zawlnuam4101 Kawrthah4102 MAMIT11Mamit4111 W.PHAILENG12W.P haileng4121 Reiek4122 5.KOLASIB5VAIRENGTE13Vairengte5131 KOLASIB14Kolasib5141 KAWNPUI15Kawnpui5151 Lungda i5152 6.SERCHHIP6SERCHHIP16Serchhip6161 N.VANLAIPHAI17N. Vanlaiphai6171 THENZAWL18Thenzawl6181- 3 -Ex-549/2013 ANNEXURE - IV VILLAGE LOCATION NUMERIC CODES FOR LAND RECORDS MANAGEMENT OF MIZORAM 1. AIZAWL DISTRICT 01– SAKAWRDAI SUB-DIVISION 1011. SAKAWRDAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 1.Sakawrdai1. Lower Sakawrdai1011/01 2. Upper Sakawrdai1011/02 3. Pa lsang1011/03 4. Zohmun1011/04 5. Mauchar1011/05 6. N.Tinghmun1011/06 7. Saipum1011/07 8. Saiphai1011/08 9. Kani/Zokhawthiang1011/09 10 . New Vervek1011/10 11. Lungsum1011/11 12. Luakchhuak1011/12 13. N.Khawdungsei1011/13 14. Vaitin1011/14 15. Khawpuar1011/15 16. Thingsat1011/16 1012 – DARLAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 2.Darlawn1. Ratu1012/01 2. Sunhluchhip1012/02 3. Tengta wng1012/03 4. Tuivawlchhuah1012/04 5. Sailutar1012/05 6. Damdiai1012/06 \7. Da rlawn1012/07 8. N.Serzawl1012/08 9. Sa wleng1012/09 10. Kepran1012/10 11. Khawruhlian1012/11 12. E.Phaileng1012/12 13. Pehlawn1012/13 14. Khawkawi1012/14 15. Lailak1012/15 16. Khanpuikawn1012/16 17. Tuirini Kai1012/17 18. Hmunnghak1012/18 19. Chhanchhu ahna1012/19 Khawpui- 4 - Ex-549/2013 1. AIZAWL DISTRICT 02 – AIZAL SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 1021. DURTLANG CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 3.Durtlang1. Durtlang1021/01 2. Durtlang Vengthar1021/02 3. Durtlang Leitan1021/03 4. Muthi1021/04 5. Selesih1021/05 6. Sihphir1021/06 7. Sihphir Vengthar1021/07 8. Nausel1021/08 9. Pu ansen1021/09 1022. BAWNGKAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 4.Bawngka wn1. Bawngkawn1022/01 2. Chaltlang1022/02 3. Edenthar1022/03 4. Laipuitlang1022/04 5. Bawngkawn Chhim Veng1022/05 6. Falkland1022/06 7. Muanna Veng1022/07 8. Muanna Veng1022/08 9. Zemabawk1022/09 10. Thuampui1022/10 11. Zuangtui1022/11 12. Tuirial1022/12 13. Tuirial Airfield1022/13 14. Ramhlun North1022/14 15. Ramhlun South1022/15 16. Ramhlun Venglai1022/16 17. Ramhlun Vengthar1022/17 18. Ramhlun Sport Complex1022/18 19. Chandmary1022/19 20. Chandmary West1022/20 21. Ramthar1022/21 22. Ramthar North1022/22 23. Aizawl Venglai1022/23 1023. VAIVAKAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 5.Vaivakawn1. Sairang1023/01 2. Sairang Sihhmui1023/02 3. Sa irang Dinthar1023/03- 5 -Ex-549/2013 4. P.T.C. Lungverh1023/04 5. Lengpui1023/05 6. Phunchawng1023/06 7. Vaivakawn1023/07 8. Dawrpui Vengthar1023/08 9. Hunthar1023/09 10. Rangvamual1023/10 11. Tanhril1023/11 12. Sakawrtuichhun1023/12 13. Luangmual1023/13 14. Luangmual Vengthar1023/14 15 Govt. Complex1023/15 16. Chawlhhmun1023/16 17. Zonuam1023/17 18. Tuivamit1023/18 19. Chawnpui1023/19 20. Kanan1023/20 21. Zotlang1023/21 22. Tuikual North1023/22 23. Tuikual South1023/23 24. Dinthar1023/24 1024. DAWRPUI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 6.Dawrpui1. Dawrpui1024/01 2. Za rkawt1024/02 3. Electric Veng1024/03 4. Chhinga Veng1024/04 5. S aron Veng1024/05 6. Ar med Veng North1024/06 7. Ar med Veng South1024/07 8. Chite1024/08 9. Venghlui1024/09 10. College Veng1024/10 11. Bethlehem1024/11 12. Bethlehem Vengthlang1024/12 13. Tuithiang1024/13 14. Republic Veng1024/14 15. I.T.I Veng1024/15 16. Upper Republic1024/16 17. Republic Vengthlang1024/17 1025. TLANGNUAM CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 7.Tlangnuam1. Tlangnuam1025/01 2. Kulikawn1025/02 3. S.Hlimen1025/03- 6 - Ex-549/2013 4. Melthum1025/04 5.Saikhamakawn1025/05 6. Samtlang1025/06 7. Lungleng-I1025/07 8. Lunglen-N1025/08 9. Thakthing1025/09 10. Dam Veng1025/10 11. Venghnuai1025/11 12. Salem Veng1025/12 13. Mission veng1025/13 14. Mission Vengthlang1025/14 15. Tuikhuahtlang1025/15 16. Khatla1025/16 17.Bungkawn1025/17 18. Maubawk1025/18 19. Lawipu1025/19 20. Khatla South1025/20 21. Bungkawn Nursery1025/21 22. Bungkawn Vengthar1025/22 1026. AIBAWK CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 8.Aibawk1. Aibawk1026/01 2. Sa teek1026/02 3. Maubuang1026/03 4. Thiak1026/04 5. Phulpui1026/05 6. Hmuifang1026/06 7. Lamchhip1026/07 8. Chawilung1026/08 9. Cha mring1026/09 10. Sumsuih1026/10 17. Sialsuk1026/17 18. Samlukhai1026/18 19. Lungsei1026/19 20. Sailam1026/20 1027. THINGSULTHLIAH CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 9.Thingsulthliah1. Thingsulthliah1027/01 2. Thingsul Tlangnuam1027/01\2 3. Seling1027/03 4. Sesawng1027/04 5. Tlungvel1027/05 6. Darlawng1027/06 7. Phu lmawi1027/07- 7 -Ex-549/2013 03 – SAITUAL SUB-DIVISION 1031. SAITUAL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 10.Saitual1. Saitual1031/01 2. Sihfa1031/02 3. Tualbung1031/03 4. N.Lungpher1031/04 5. Dilkhan1031/05 6. Buhban1031/06 7. Keifang1031/07 8. Rulchawm1031/08 9. Ruallung1031/09 10. Mualpheng1031/10 11. Lenchim1031/11 12. Tawizo1031/12 13. Maite1031/13 1031. PHULLEN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 11.Phullen1. Phuaibuang1032/01 2. Kha wlian1032/02 3. N.E.Tlangnuam1032/03 4. Daido1032/04 5. Phullen1032/05 6. Za wngin1032/06 7. Suangpuilawn1032/07 8. Lamherh1032/08 9. Vanbawng1032/09 10. N.Khawlek1032/10 11. Thanglailung (Phullen ‘S’)1032/11 12. Luangpawn1032/12 2 - LUNGLEI DISTRICT 04 – LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 2041. SERKAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 12.Serkawn1. Mualthuam ‘N’2041/01 2. Sekhum2041/02 3. Ramlaitui2041/03 4. S.Kanghmun2041/04 5. S.Zote2041/05 6. Chhipphir2041/06 7. Bualpui ‘V’2041/07- 8 - Ex-549/2013 8. Lungmawi2041/89 9. Haulawng2041/09 10. Mausen2041/10 11. Zotuitlang2041/11 12. Chengpui2041/12 13. Ralva wng2041/13 14. Hmuntlang2041/14 15. S.Phaileng2041/15 16. Serkawn2041/16 17. Zotlang2041/17 18. Pukpui2041/18 19. Thuampui2041/19 20. Vanhne2041/20 04- LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISON ( SADAR ) 2042. CHANMARY CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 13.Cha ndmar y1. Bazar I & II2042/01 2.Zohnuai2042/02 3. College Veng2042/03 4. Rahsi Veng2042/04 5. Venglai I & II2042/05 6. Venghlun2042/06 7. S azaika wng2042/07 8. Cha nmary2042/08 9. Electric Veng2042/09 10. Farm Veng2042/10 11. Ramthar2042/11 12. Runtung2042/12 13. Hauruang2042/13 14. Luangmual2042/14 15. Salem Veng2042/15 04- LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 2043. THEIRIAT CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 14.Theiriat1. Lunglawn I & II2043/01 2. Sethlun2043/02 3. Theiriat2043/03 4. Buknuam2043/04 5. Tawipui N-I2043/05 6. Thingfal2043/06 7. Thlengang2043/07 8. Mamte2043/08 9. Hlumte2043/09 10. Sairep2043/10- 9 -Ex-549/2013 11. Bualte2043/11 12. Thaizawl2043/12 13. Thualthu2043/13 14. S. Mualcheng2043/14 15. Thangte2043/15 16. Thangpui2043/16 17. Vaisam2043/17 18. Chithar2043/18 19. TaWIPUI N-II2043/19 20. Tawipui ‘S’2043/20 21. Mualthuam ‘S’2043/21 22. Zobawk2043/22 23. Hrangchalkawn2043/23 24. Dawn2043/24 25. Luangpuizawl2043/25 04- LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 2044. W. BUNGHMUN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 15.W.Bunghmun1. W.Bunghmun2044/01 2. New Sachan2044/02 3. Sumasumi2044/03 4. Sesawm2044/04 5. Laisawral2044/05 6. T leu2044/06 7. Thenhlum2044/07 8. Belkhai2044/08 9. Marpara ‘S’2044/09 10. Buarpui2044/10 11. W.Bungtlang2044/11 12. Kawlhawk2044/12 13. S.Kawnpui2044/13 14. Darngawn ‘W’2044/14 15. Dengsur2044/15 16. S.Khawlek2044/16 17. Sertlangpui2044/17 18. Changpui2044/18 19. Lungchem2044/19 20. Serte2044/20 21. Lungdai ‘S’2044/21 22. Kauchhuah2044/22 23. Zawlpui2044/23 24. Putlungasih2044/24 25. Belpei2044/25 26. Tuisenchhuah2044/26 27. Bolia2044/27 28. Puankhai2044/28 29. Lokisury2044/29- 10 - Ex-549/2013 30. Kalapani2044/30 31. Malsury2044/31 32. Devasora2044/32 33. Mauzam2044/33 34. Chawilung ‘S’2044/34 05 – HNAHTHIAL SUB-DIVISION 2051. HNAHTHIAL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 16.Hnahthial1. Pangzawl2051/01 2. Rawpui2051/02 3. T hiltla ng2051/03 4. Ramrikawn2051/04 5. Hnahthial ‘N-I’2051/05 6. Leite2051/06 7. Rotlang ‘E’2051/07 8. Denlung2051/08 9. Hnahthial ‘N-II’2051/09 10. Hnahthial ‘S-I’2051/10 11. Hnaththial ‘S-II’2051/11 12. S.Vanlaiphai2051/12 13. Lungpuitlang2051/13 14. Muallianpui2051/14 15. S.Lungleng2051/15 16. Tuipui ‘D’ (Darzo kai)2051/16 17. Darzo2051/17 18. Thingsai2051/18 19. Bualpui ‘H’2051/19 20. Ngharchhip2051/20 21. Cherhlun2051/21 22. S.Chawngtui2051/22 23. Tarpho2051/23 24. Khawhri2051/24 25. Aithur2051/25 26. New Nghar chhip2051/26 2 – LUNGLEI DIST RICT 06- TLABUNG SUB-DIVISION 2061. TLABUNG CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 17.Tlabung1. Chengkawllui2061/01 2. Tablabagh2061/02 3. Bindisora2061/03 4. Ugadasury2061/04 5. Nunsuri2061/05 6. Tlabung2061/06- 11 -Ex-549/2013 7. Serhuan2061/07 8. Bulungsury2061/08 9. Biblibagh2061/09 10. Tuichawng2061/10 11. Hmundo2061/11 12. Chengkawllui2061/12 13. Belpei2061/13 14. Zodin2061/14 2061. LUNGSEN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 18.Lungsen1. Lungsen2062/01 2. Rolui2062/02 3. Chhumkhum2062/03 4. Phairuangkai2062/04 5. Belthei2062/05 6. Thehlep2062/06 7. Chawngte(L)2062/07 8. Rualalung2062/08 9. Sailen2062/09 10. Zehtet2062/10 11. Rangte2062/11 12. Lungrang ‘S’/Lalnutui2062/12 13. Sechan2062/13 14. Mautlang2062/14 15. S.Chawilung2062/15 16. Silkur2062/16 17. Tiperanghat2062/17 18. Khojoysury2062/18 19. Khawmawi2062/19 3 – CHAMPHAI DISTRICT 07 – NGOPA SUB-DIVISION 3071. NGOPA CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 19.Ngopa1. Ngopa3071/01 2. Lamzawl3071/02 3. Pamchung3071/03 4. Selam3071/04 5. Kawlbem3071/05 6. Vaikhawtlang3071/06 7. N.E.Khawdungsei3071/07 8. Kha wkawn3071/08 9. Chiahpui3071/09 10. Mimbung3071/10 11. Hrianghmun3071/11- 12 - Ex-549/2013 12. Teikhang3071/12 13. Hliappui3071/13 14. Saichal3071/14 15. Changzawl3071/15 16. Pawlrang3071/16 17. Luangpawn3071/17 08 – KHAWZAWL SUB-DIVISION 3081. KHAWZAWL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 20.Khawzawl1. Kawlkulh3081/01 2. Dulte3081/02 3. Puilo3081/03 4. Chhawrtui3081/04 5. Va nkal3081/05 6. Khawhai3081/06 7. Cha lrang3081/07 8. Vangtlang3081/08 9. Tlangpuite3081/09 10. Lungtan3081/10 11. Tualte3081/11 12. Chawngtlai3081/12 13. New Chalrang3081/13 14. Rabung3081/14 15. Khualen3081/15 16. Murlen3081/16 17. Aiduzawl3081/17 18. Khawzawl-Kawnzar3081/18 19. Tualpui3081/19 20. Neihdawn3081/20 21. Ar-ro3081/21 22. Ngaizawl3081/22 23. Hmuncheng3081/23 24. Khawza wl-I3081/24 25. Khawzawl-II3081/25 26. Khawzawl-III3081/26 27. Khawzawl-IV3081/27 28.Khawzawl-V3081/28 29. Khawzawl Hermon3081/29 09 – CHAMPHAI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 3091. CHAMPHAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 21.Champhai1. Hnahlan3091/01 2. Khuangphah3091/02 3. Diltlang3091/03- 13 -Ex-549/2013 4. Tualcheng3091/04 5. Lungphunlian3091/05 6. Vaikhawtlang3091/06 7. Champha i-I3091/07 8. Champhai-II3091/08 9. Champhai-III3091/09 10. Champhai-IV3091/10 11. Tuipui3091/11 12. Chhungte3091/12 13. Champhai Electric3091/13 14. Champhai Venglai3091/14 15. Bethel Cha mphai3091/15 16. Champha i Vengthar3091/16 17. New Champhai3091/17 18. Dinthar3091/18 19. Kanan3091/19 20. Zion Veng3091/20 21. Zote3091/21 22. Ngurzo3091/22 23. Hmunhmeltha3091/23 24. N.Khawbung3091/24 25. Vapar3091/25 26. Ruantlang3091/26 27. Zotlang ‘E’3091/27 28. Tlangsam3091/28 29. Mualkawi3091/29 30. Kelkang3091/30 31. Khawnuam3091/31 32. Dilkawn3091/32 33. Melbuk3091/33 34. Zokhawthar3091/34 35. Faibawk3091/35 9-CHAMPHAI SUB-DIVISION 3092. KHAWBUNG ‘S’ CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 22.Khawbung ‘S’1. Bungzung3092/01 2. Buang3092/02 3. Vanzau3092/03 4. Zawngtetui3092/04 5. S .Khawbung3092/05 6. Za wlsei3092/06 7. Khuangthing3092/07 8. Dungtlang3092/08 9. Leithum3092/09 10. Samthang3092/10 11. Khuangleng3092/11 12. Vangchhia3092/12- 14 - Ex-549/2013 13. Lianpui3092/13 14. Sazep3092/14 15. Hruaikawn3092/15 16. Sesih3092/16 17. Leisenzo3092/17 18. Bulfekzawl3092/18 ‘19. Farkawn3092/19 20. T hekte3092/20 21. Thekpui3092/21 22. Khankawn3092/22 23. Vaphai3092/23 24. Chawngtui ‘E’3092/24 25. Biate3092/25 26. Sialhawk3092/26 27. Riangtlei3092/27 28. Tlangpui3092/28 4 – MAMIT DISTRICT 10. – KAWRTHAH SUB-DIVISON 4101. ZAWLNUAM CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 23.Zawlnuam1. Zawlnuam4101/01 2. Kanhmun4101/02 3. Thinghlun4101/03 4. Bajirunga Pa Veng4101/04 5. Borai4101/05 6. Bungthuam4101/06 7. Zawlpui4101/07 8. Zawlpui (Thuampui Veng)4101/08 9. Luimawi4101/09 10. Zamuang4101/10 11. Hriphaw4101/11 12. N.Maubuang4101/12 13. Chuhvel4101/13 14. Saikhawthlir4101/14 15. Kolalian4101/15 10. KAWRTHAH SUB-DIVISION 4102. – KAWRTHAH CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 24.Kawrthah1. Ka wrthah North4102/01 2. Rengdil4102/02 3. Sihthiang4102/03 4.Tuidam4102/04 5. Kawthah S outh4102/05 6. K.Sarali4102/06- 15 -Ex-549/2013 7. Tumpanglui4102/07 8. New Eden4102/08 9. Kawrtethawveng4102/09 10. Sotapa4102/10 11. Mualthuam4102/11 12. W. Bunghmun4102/12 13. Thaidawr4102/13 14. Serhmun4102/14 15. Darlak4102/15 16. Tlangkhang4102/16 17. Damdiai4102/17 18. W. Dampui4102/18 11- MAMIT SUB-DIVISION 4111. MAMIT SADAR CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 25.Mamit1. Ma mit Hmar Veng4111/01 2. Mamit Bazar Veng4111/02 3. Ma mit Chhim Veng4111/03 4. New Mamit4111/04 5. Luangpawl4111/05 6. Suarhliap4111/06 12 – W. PHAILENG SUB-DIVISION 4121. W. PHAILENG CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 26.W. Phaileng1. Tuipuibari4121/01 2. Rajiv Nagar – I4121/02 3. Persang4121/03 4. Damparengpui4121/04 5. Anderma nik4121/05 6. Kawnpui ‘W’4121/06 7. Zomuantlang4121/07 8. Khantlang4121/08 9. Rajiv Nagar – I4121/09 10. W.Phaileng4121/10 11. Khawhnai4121/11 12. Teirei For est Veng4121/12 13. Chhippui4121/13 14. Lallen4121/14 15. Saithah4121/15 16. Kawnma wi4121/16 17. S alem Boa rding4121/17 18. Phaileng Dinthar Veng4121/18 19. Tuirum4121/19- 16 - Ex-549/2013 20. Phuldungsei4121/20 21. Hmawngli4121/21 22. Parvatui4121/22 23. N.Marpara4121/23 24. Silsuri4121/24 25. Pukzing4121/25 26. Pukzing Vengthar4121/26 27. Hruiduk4121/27 28. Hnahva4121/28 29. Marpara Mizo Veng4121/29 12 – W. PHAILENG SUB-DIVISION 4122. REIEK CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 27.Reiek1. R eiek4122/01 2. Nghalchawm4122/02 3. Lengte4122/03 4. Chungtlang4122/04 5. Ailawng4122/05 6. Tuirum4122/06 7. Hmunpui4122/07 8. Saitlaw4122/08 9. Va-ak4122/09 10. W.Serzawl4122/10 11. Rawpuichhip4122/11 12. Tuahzawl4122/12 13. Dapchhuah4122/13 14. Rulpuihlim4122/14 15. Dilzawl4122/15 16. Darlung4122/16 17. N.Bunghmun4122/17 18. Bawngthah4122/18 19. Bawlte4122/19 20. S.Sabual4122/20 21. N.Kanghmun4122/21 22. Lungphun4122/22 23. Khawrihnim4122/23 24. W.Lungdar4122/24 25. Artetuidan4122/25 26. Tuirum4122/26 27. Phulpui ‘W’4122/27 28. Hreichuk4122/28- 17 -Ex-549/2013 5 – KOLASIB DISTRICT 13-VAIRENGTE SUB-DIVISION 5131. VAIRENGTE CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 28.Vairengte1. Vair engt e-I5131/01 2. Phainuam5131/02 3. N. Chhimluang5131/03 4. Buarchep5131/04 5. Bilkhawthlir5131/05 6. N. Chawnpui5131/06 7. Phaisen5131/07 8. Buhchangpui5131/08 9. Bilkhawthlir5131/09 14 - KOLASIB SADAR SUB-DIVISION 5141. KOLASIB CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 29.Kolasib1. Kolasib-I5141/01 2. Kolasib-II5141/02 3. Kolasib-III5141/03 4. Kolasib-IV5141/04 5.Bukvannei5141/05 6. Hmaibiala Veng5141/06 7. Saiha pui5141/07 8. Builum5141/08 9. Kolasib-V5141/09 10. Kolasib-VI5141/10 11. Kolasib-VII5141/11 12. Kolasib College Veng5141/12 13. Rengtekawn5141/13 14. Saihapui ‘K’5141/14 15. Bairabi5141/15 16. Meidum5141/16 17. Pangbalkawn5141/17 18. Rajtali5141/18 19. Lenhmuikawn5141/19 20. Chhimluang5141/20 15- KAWNPUI SUB-DIVISION 5151. KAWNPUI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 30.Kawnpui1. Kawnpui ‘N’5151/01 2. Hortoki5151/02 3. Mualvum5151/03- 18 - Ex-549/2013 4. Dilzau5151/04 5. Zanlawn5151/05 6. Kha mrang5151/06 7. N.Bualpui5151/07 8. Mualkhang5151/08 9. Kawnpui ‘S’5151/09 10. Thingdawl5151/10 11. Sethawn5151/11 5152. LUNGDAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 31.Lungdai1. Bukpui5152/01 2. P arsenchhip5152/02 3. T hingthelh5152/03 4. N.Hlimen5152/04 5. N.Chalt lang5152/05 6. N.Thinglian5152/06 7. Lungmuat5152/07 8. Nisapui5152/08 9. Serkhan5152/09 10. Lungdai5152/10 6 – SERCHHIP DISTRICT 16 – SERCHHIP SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 6161. SERCHHIP CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 32.Serchhip1. Serchhip6161/01 2. New Serchhip6161/02 3. Serchhip-II6161/03 4. Serchhip-III6161/04 5. Serchhip-IV6161/05 6. Chhingchhip6161/06 7. Hualtu6161/07 8. Hmuntha6161/08 9. Khawbel6161/09 10. Thentlang6161/10 11. Khumtung6161/11 12. Bakta wng6161/12 13. Baktawng Tlangnuam6161/13 14. Baktawng Vengpui6161/14 15. Mualpui Chhingchhip6161/15 16. Hmawngka wn6161/16 17. Chhiahtlang6161/17 18. Sialhau6161/18 19. Va nchengte6161/19 20. Bungtlang6161/20- 19 -Ex-549/2013 21. Keitum6161/21 22. Hria ngtlang6161/22 23. Lungpho6161/23 24. Rullam6161/24 25. Vanchengpui6161/25 26. Thinglian6161/26 27. Hmunzawl6161/27 28. Ngentiang6161/28 17 – N.VANLAIPHAI SUB-DIVISION 6171. N. VANLAIPHAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 33.N. Vanlaiphai1. E. Lungdar6171/01 2. Mualcheng6171/02 3. Leng6171/03 4. Sailulak6171/04 5. N.Vanlaiphai6171/05 6. Piler6171/06 7. Khawlailung6171/07 8. Chekawn6171/08 9. Sialsir6171/09 10. Bawktlang6171/10 11. Lungka wlh6171/11 12. Lungchuan6171/12 18 – THENZAWL SUB-DIVISION 6181. THENZAWL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 34.Thenzawl1. Thenzawl6181/01 2. Buangpui6181/02 3. Neihloh6181/03 4. Lungrang6181/04 5. Thenzawl ‘E’6181/05 6. Thenzawl ‘W’6181/06Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 20 - Ex-549/2013


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 550Date - 17/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.C.31012/6/2005-DCA(C),the 14th October, 2013.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by the Chakma Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 1st October, 2013 is hereby published for genera l infor mation, namely :- “THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCIL) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2013”. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. A RULES To amend the Chakma Autonomous Distrist Council (Elect ion to Village Councils) Rules, 2007 (her eina fter referred t o a s the Principal R ules). It is enacted by the Chakma Autonomous District C ouncil in Sixty-Fourth year of Republic of India as follows: 1.Shor t title, extent and commencement- (1) These Rules may be called the Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council (E lection to Village Councils) (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) It shall come into force fr om the date of publication in the Mizoram Gazette. (3) It shall have like extend as the Principal R ules 2.Amendment of Rules 2- (1) In Rule 2, Clauses (j) & (k) the words “ Executive Committee” whenever it occurs shall be substituted by the words “S tate Election Commission”. (2) In Rule 2, after clause (1 ), the following clause (M) shall be inserted, namely:- (M) “State Election Commission” means “the State Election Commission as constituted for the state of Mizora m under provision of P art IX and Part IX A of the constitution” 3.Amendment of Rule 3- In Rule 3, clause ( c) the words “Executive Committee” shall be substituted by the words, “State Election Commission”.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 17.10.2013 Asvina 25, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 550RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- 4.Amendment of Rule 4- Rule 4 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows:- “The State Election Commission shall appoint Election Officia ls as per provision of Section 3 (7 ) of The Chakma Autonomous District Council (Village Councils) (Amendment) Act, 2011". 5.Amendment of Rule 5- In Rule 5, the words “Executive Committee” shall be substituted by the words, “State Election Commission”. 6.Amendment of Rule 9- In Rule 9, the words “Executive Committee” whenever it occurs shall be substituted by the words “Sta te Election C ommission”. 7.Amendment of Rule 10- In Rule 10, sub-rule (3) the words “Executive Committee” shall be substituted by the words “State Election Commission”. 8.Amendment of Rule 11- In R ule 11, clauses (b), (c ) the words “Execut ive Committee” whenever it oc curs shall be substit uted by t he words “Sta te Election Commission”. 9.Amendment of Rule 12- In Rule 12, clause (a) the words “Executive Committee” shall b e substituted by the words “S tate Election Commission. 10. Amendment of Rule 13- In Rule 13, clause ( c) the words “Executive Committee” shall b e substituted by the words “S tate Election Commission”. 11. Amendment of Rule 14- In Rule 14, the “Executive Committee” shall be substituted by the words “State Election Commission”. 12. Amendment of Rule 18- In Rule 18, sub-rule (2) the words “Executive Committee” shall be substituted by the words “State Election Commission”. 13. Amendment of Rule 24- In R ule 24, the words “Executive Commit tee” sha ll be substituted by the words “Sta te Election Commission”. 14. Amendment Rule 36- In R ule 36, the wor ds “Executive Committee” whenever it occurs shall be substituted by the words “Sta te Election C ommission”. 15. Amendment of Rule 37- In R ule 37, the wor ds “Executive Committee” whenever it occurs shall be substituted by the words “Sta te Election C ommission”. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-550/2013

The Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies (Third) Ordinance, 2013

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 551Date - 17/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.H. 12017/55/2012-LJD,the 11th October, 2013.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Readjustment of Representation of S cheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliamenta ry and Assembly Constituencies (T hir d) Ordinance, 2013 (Ordinance No. 10 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislative Department) New Delhi, the 27th September, 2013/Asvina, 1935 (Saka) THE READJUSTMENT OF REPRESENTATION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN PARLIAMENTARY AND ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCIES (THIRD) ORDINANCE, 2013 No. 10 of 2013 Promulgated by the President in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India. An Ordinance to provide for readjustment of seats in the House of the People and in the Legislative Assemblies of the States, and for the readjustment of territorial constituencies therefor, insofar as such readjustment is necessitated by inclusion in, or exclusion from, the lists of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. WHEREAS the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliamenta ry and Assembly Constituencies Ordinance, 2013, to provide for the afor esaid matters, was promulgated by the President on the 30th Ja nuary, 2013;The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 17.10.2013 Asvina 25, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 551RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page ANDWHEREAS the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Ca stes and Scheduled Tribes in Par liamentary and Assembly Constituencies Bill, 2013 was introduced on the 26th Februa ry, 2013 in the Council of St ates to replace the said Ordina nce; ANDWHEREAS the said Bill was referred by the Chair man of the Council of S tates t o the Department-related Parliament Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice on the 18th March, 2013. ANDWHEREAS the said Sta nding C ommittee presented its Fifty-ninth Report to the Council of States on the 2nd May, 2013 r ecommending that the Bill ma y be passed; ANDWHEREAS the said Bill could not be passed by the Council of States and the said Ordinance ceased to opera te on the 4th April, 2013; ANDWHEREAS the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Pa rliamentary and Assembly Constituencies (Second) Ordinance, 2013 was promulgated by the President on the 5th June, 2013; ANDWHEREAS the said Bill pending in t he Council of S tates was withdrawn a nd t he Readjustment of Repr esent ation of S chedu led Ca stes and Schedu led Tribes in Pa rliamentary and Assembly Constituencies (Second) Bill, 2013 was intr oduced on the 7th August, 2013 in the Council of States to repla ce the said Second Ordinance; ANDWHEREAS the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Pa rliamentary and Assembly Constituencies (Second) Bill, 2013 could not be passed by the Council of Sta tes; ANDWHEREAS the said Second Ordinance ceased to operate on the 15th September, 2013; ANDWHEREAS Parliament is not in session and the Pr esident is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action to validate the actions t aken under the said Or dinance so cea sed to operate and to take further act ion to provide for the aforesaid matters; N ow,THE REFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1 ) of article 123 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to promulga te the following Ordinance:— 1.(1) This Or dinance may be called the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies(T hird) Ordinance, 2013. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 30th day of January, 2013. 2.In t his Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requir es,— (a) “Census Commissioner” means the Census Commissioner appointed under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Census Act, 1948;- 2 - Ex-551/2013 Short title and com- mencement. Definitins. 37 of 1948. (b) “Commission” means the Election Commission referred to in a rticle 324 of the Constitution; (c) “Delimitation Act” means the Delimitation Act, 2002; (d) “Delimitation Order” means the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Consituencies Order, 2008; ( e) “last census” means the census held in India in 2 001; (f) “Scheduled Castes Orders” means the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951, the Constitution (D adra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Ca stes Order, 1962 and the Constit ution (P uducher ry) Scheduled Castes Or der, 1964, made by the President under article 341 of the Constitution; (g) “Scheduled Tribes Orders” means the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951, the C onstitution (S cheduled Tribes) (Utta r Pradesh ) Or der, 1967 and the Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978, made by the President under article 342 of the Constitution; (h) “State” includes a Union territory having a Legislative Assembly, but does not include the State of Jammu a nd Kashmir. 3.(1 ) As soon as may be after the commencement of t his Ordinance, the population as at the last census, of the Scheduled Castes or, as the case may be, of the Scheduled Tribes, in each State shall be ascertained or estimated by the Census Commissioner. (2) Wher e by reason of t he amendments made in the Scheduled Ca stes Orders and the Scheduled Tr ibes Or ders aft er the last censusand upto 31st May, 2012, the population of the Scheduled Castes or the S cheduled Tribes as at the la st cens u s is va r ied in a S ta t e, the C ens u s C ommis s ioner s hall a scer t ain or es t ima t e as on the 1st day of March, 2001, the population of the Scheduled Ca stes or the Scheduled Tribes so varied, and a lso ascertain or estimate the proportion of such population of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tr ibes, respectively, to the total population of the State in the last census. (3) The population figures ascertained or estimated under sub-section (2) shall b e notified by the Census Commissioner in the Gazette of India. (4) The population figu res notified under sub-section (3) shall be taken to be the relevant population figures as a scertained or estimated at the last census and shall supersede any figures p reviously published; a nd the figures so notified shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court. 4.(1) Aft er the popula tion figures have been notified for any State under section 3, the Commission shall ma ke such amendments as may be necessar y in the Delimitation Order, ha ving regar d to the pr ovisions of articles 81, 170,330 and 332 of the Constitution, section 8 of the Delimitation Act, and of this Ordina nce, for the purpose of giving proper r epresentation to the S cheduled Castes or, as the case may be, to the Scheduled Tribes of that Sta te, and the Fir st Schedule and the Second S chedule to t he Repr esentation of t he People Act, 1 950 sha ll be deemed to ha ve been amended accordingly. (2) In making any amendments in the Delimitation Order under sub-section (1), the Commission shall, as far as may be necessary, have regard to the provisions of clauses (c) and (d)of s ub-section (1) of section 9 of the Delimitation Act. (3) T he Commission shall— (a) publish its proposals for the amendments in the Gazette of 33 of 2002. Estimation of population of Scheduled Castes and Schedu led Tribes. Readjustment of territorial constituencies by Commissio n . 43 of 1950.- 3 -Ex-551/2013 India and the Official Gazettes of the States concerned and also in such other manner as it thinks fit; (b) specify a date on or after which such proposa ls will be fur ther considered by it; (c ) cons ider all object ions and suggestions which may have been received by its before the date so specified and for such consideration hold one or more public sittings at s uch pla ce or places in each State a s it thinks fit; and (d ) thereaft er ma ke necess ary a mendments in t he Delimit ation Order. 5.(1) In the discharge of its funct ions under its Ordinance, the Commission shall determine its own pr ocedure and shall have all the power s of a civil court under the Code of Civil P rocedur e, 1908, while trying a suit, in respect of the following matters, namely:— (a ) summoning a nd enfor cing the attendance of witnesses; (b) requiring the production of any document; and (c ) requisitioning any public record from any court or office. (2) The Commission shall have the power to require any person to fur nish any informa tion on such points or matters as, in the opinion of the Commission, may be useful for, or relevant to, any matter under the consideration of the Commission. (3) The Commission shall be deemed to be a civil court for the purposes of sections 345 and 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.Explanation. —For the purposes of enfor cing the attendance of witnesses, the jurisdiction of the Commission shall be the limits of the territor y of India. 6.(1) The Commission shall cause the amendments made by it in the Delimitation Order to be published in the Gazette of India a nd in the Official Gazettes of the States concerned. (2) On and from the date of publica tion in the Ga zette of India , every such amendment shall have the force of law a nd shall not b e ca lled in question in any court. (3) As soon as may be after such publication in the Gazette of India and in the Officia l Gazet te of the State, ever y such a mendment sha ll be laid befor e the House of the People and the Legislative Assembly of the State concer ned. (4) Subject to the provisions of s ub-section (5), the readjustment of s eats and territoria l constituencies in the House of the People or in the Legislative Assembly of a State necessitated by any amendments made by the Commission in t he Delimitation Order a nd provided for in tha t Order as so amended shall apply in relation to every election to the House of the People or, as the case may be, to the Assembly to any State, held after the publication of such amendments in the Gazette of India, and shall so apply notwithstanding such provisions contained in the Representation of the People Act, 1950. (5) Nothing contained in the foregoing sub-section shall affect the repr esentation in the House of the People or in the Legislative Assembly of a State, until the dissolution of the House of the People or of the Assembly of any State, as the case may be, existing on t he date of publication of the amendments made by the Commission in the Gazette of India. 7.(1)The Commission may, from time to time, by notifica tion in the Gazette of India a nd in theOfficia l Ga zette of the State concerned,— Procedu re and powers of Commission. 5 of 1908. 2 of 1974. Pu blication of amendments and their da tes of operation. Certain other powers of Commission.43 of 1950. - 4 - Ex-551/2013 (a) correct any printing mistake in the Delimitation Order as amended under this Ordinance or a ny error occurr ing therein fr om any inadvertent slip or omission; and (b) where the boundaries or the name of any district or any territorial division mentioned in the said Order are or is altered, make such amendments as a ppear to it to be necessary or expedient for bringing the Delimita tion Order up-to-date. (2) Every notification under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is issued, before the Hou se of the People and t he Legislative Assembly of the State concerned. 8.All things done and all steps taken before the commencement of this Ordinance by the Census Commissioner for the ascertainment or estimation of population of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, or by the Commission for the purpose of readjustment of seats a nd territorial constituencies shall, in so far as they are in conformity with the pr ovisions of this Ordinance, be deemed to have been done or t aken under these provisions as if such provisions were in force at the time such things were done or such steps were ta ken. 9.(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Ordinance, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty. (2) Every order ma de under sub-s ection (1) shall be laid, as soon as may be, after it is made, befor e each H ouse of Parliament. 10. Notwithstanding the fact that the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies (Second) Ordinance, 2013 ha s ceased to operate, a nything done or a ny action taken or pur ported to have been done or taken under the provisions of the sa id Ordinance sha ll be deemed to have been done or taken under the corr esponding provisions of this Ordinance as if such pr ovisions had been in force at all material times. PRANAB MUKHERJEE, P resident . P.K. MALHOTRA,Secy. to the Govt . of India. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550Validation of acts done be- fore the com- mencement of Ordinance. Power to remove difficulties. Validation of acts done under Ordinance 6 of 2013. - 5 -Ex-551/2013

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