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Fire Services within Aizawl Municipal area under the Terms and References

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 586Date - 08/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 8.11.2013 Kartika 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 586RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page NOTIFICATION No. A. 11019/1/2012-HMF, the 4th November, 2013.In the interest of public, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Aizawl city Fire Services Co-ordination & Advisory Committee comprising the following members as indicated below to take appropriate steps for strengthening and improvement of Fire Services within Aizawl Municipal area under the Terms and References given hereunder:- 1.Home S ecr et ar y- Chairman. 2.Dir ector, F ir e & Emergency S ervices- Member Secretary. 3.Chairman, Aizawl Municipal Council- Member 4.Chief Executive Officer, Aizawl Municipal Council- Member 5.Director, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Dept t. - Member 6.Director, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Deptt.- Member 7.Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl- Member 8.Superintendent of Police, Fir e & Emergency Services- Member 9.Superintendent of Police, Aizawl- Member 10.Superintendent of Police, Tra ffic- Member The Terms & Referenc es of t he Committee1.To oversee the general functions of F ire Services in Aizawl City and r ecommend necessary ways and means for strengthening and impr ovement of Fir e Services in Aizawl city. 2.To examine existing preparedness of F ire Services in Aizawl city and recommend measures for modernization with a view to enable the Fire Services to meet new challenges of t echnological advances in Aizawl city. 3.To recommend suita ble steps to intensify Fire S afety a wareness progr amme among general ma sses and to develop the Fire Services a s a disaster pr eventive & resp onse force in Aizawl city. 4.To examine problems of financing the Fir e Services of Aizawl city for improvement/moderniza tion and suggest suitable measures for locating or pr oviding adequa te resources for its improvement/ modernization of Aizawl City Fire Services in order to maintain it in high standard of efficiency. M. Sathyavathy, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Victims of Crime Compensation (Third Amendment) Scheme, 201 3

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 587Date - 08/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 8.11.2013 Kartika 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 587RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page NOTIFICATION No. D. 32019/1/2005-HM, the 6th November, 2013.In exercise of the powers conferred by section 357-A of t he Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974), the Governor of Mizora m in co-ordination with the Central Government, hereby makes the following s cheme to amend the Mizoram Victims of Crime Compensation Scheme 201 1 (her einafter refer red to as the Principa l Scheme) notified vide No.D.3201 9/1 /2005-HM dt. 05.1 2.201 1 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra Ordinary Issue No. 556 Vol XXXIX dt. 14.12.2011 namely:- 1.Shor t title and commencement.(l) These Scheme may be called, The Mizoram Victims of Crime Compensation (Thir d Amendment) Scheme, 201 3 (2) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the official Gazette. 2.Amendment of Clause (a) of para 6In the Principal Scheme, for clause (a) of para 6, the following shall be substituted, namely- “(a) Death /Permanent disability : ^ 3,00,000/-” 3.Insertion of new clause under para 7. After clause (i) of para 7, the following clause shall be inserted namely- “(j) A sum of Rs 1 lakh under cla use (a) of para 6 sha ll be paid to the acid a ttack victim within 15 (fifteen) days of occurrence of incident to facilitate immediate medical attention and expenses. The balance sum of ^ 2 lakhs shall be paid as expenditiously as may be possible and possitively within two months.” L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Revenue District, Revenue Sub-Divisions, Revenue Circles and Revenue Villages

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 549Date - 14/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H.11018/6/2008-REV, the 11th October, 2013.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under the provisions of Section 5 of The Mizor am (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 (Act No. 5 of 2013), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declar e with immediate effect in the S tate of Mizoram Revenue District, Revenue Sub-Divisions, Revenue Circles and Revenue Villagesalong with theirnumeric codes for the pu rpose of land r ecords and revenue assessments as under. 1Revenue Distr ict: All land area covered by the State of Mizoram except the area covered by Autonomous Districts of Chakma, Lai and Mara ( Annexure I) 2Revenue Sub-Division & Circles : All land area covered by the Administrative areas of Civil Sub-Divisions in Districts exclu ding Sa iha and Lawngtlai Distr icts ( Annexure III) 3Revenue Villa ges: All Villages as declared by Local Administration Department under the Administrative sub-divisions except the areas of Autonomous District Councils of Cha kma, Lai a nd M ar a (Annexure IV) 4Land use Registration CodeAnnexure - II It shall be mandatory to a pply these codes in all documents relating to land r ecords for unique identification. R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram. R evenu e Dep ar t ment . The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 14.10.2013 Asvina 22, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 549RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page ANNEXURE-I LIST OF ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT AND SUB-DIVISIONS WITH THEIR HEADQUARTERS AND AREA IN MIZORAM Sl.Na me ofNa me ofArea inSl. Name of Sub-Area in No.DistrictHeadquartersSq. KmsN o . Division (Civil)Sq. Kms 01.AIZAWLAizawl3,576.311.SAKAWRDAI1037.48 2.AIZAWL(SADAR)1543.60 3.SAITUAL995.23 02.LUNGLEILunglei4,538.004.LUNGLEI3178.57 5.HNAHTHIAL479.42 6.TLABUNG880.01 03.CHAMPHAIChamphai3,185.837.NGOPA1267.18 8.KHAWZAWL932.92 9.CHAMPHAI985.73 04.MAMITMamit3,025.7510. KAWRT H AH949.56 11. MAMIT785.94 12. W.PHAILENG1290.25 05.KOLASIBKolasib1,382.5113. VAIRENGTE206.18 14. KOLASIB200.12 15. KAWNPUI976.21 06.SERCHHIPSerchhip1,421.6016. SERCHHIP801.21 17. N.VANLAIPHAI457.17 18. THENZAWL163.22 Total1713017130 Su mma r y4 - TIER CLASSIFICATION:1-TIER: 6 Revenue Distr ict. 2-T IE R: 18 Revenue Sub-Divisions. 3-TIER: 34 Revenue Circle. 4-TIER: R evenue Villa ge (LAD). ANNEXURE - II LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF LAND HOLDINGS (Based on its purposes) Sl. NoClassifica tionCode No. (1)(2)(3) 1Land relating to Residential Purpose.01 2Land relating to Commercial Purposes.02 3Land relating to Industrial Purposes.03 4Land relating to Recreational Purposes.04 5Land relating to Department, Bank, Company, Corporation, Society Purposes.05 6Land relating to Religious and Charitable Purposes.06 7Land relating to Edu cational or Ins titutional Purposes.07 8Land relating to Community or Public Purposes.08 9Land relating to Wet Rice Cultivation Purposes.09 10Land relating to Garden (Horticulture & Arboriculture) Purposes.10 11Land relating to Fa rm (Far ming & Breeding) Purposes.11 12Land relating to Fish Pond (Pisciculture) Purposes.12 13Land relating to Miscella neous a nd other Purposes.- 2 - Ex-549/2013 ANNEXURE- III LIST OF REVENUE SUB-DIVISION & CIRCLES IN MIZORAM Sl.Na me ofCode RevenueCodeNa me ofCircle N o. DistrictNo.Sub-DivisionNo.Revenue CircleCode 1.AIZAWL1SAKAWRDAI01Sakawrdai1011 Darlawn1012 AIZAWL-SADAR02Durtlang1021 Bawngkawn1022 Vaivakawn1023 Dawrpui1024 Tlangnuam1025 Aiba wk1026 Thingsulthliah1027 SAITUAL03Saitual1031 Phullen1032 2.LUNGLEI2LUNGLEI-SADAR04Serkawn2041 Cha ndma ry2042 T heir iat2043 W.Bunghmun2044 HNAHTHIAL05Hnahthial2051 TLABUNG06Tlabung2061 Lungsen2062 3.CHAMPHAI3NGOPA07Ngopa3071 KHAWZAWL08Khawzawl3081 CHAMPHAI09Champhai3091 Kha wbung ‘S’3092 4.MAMIT4KAWRTHAH10Zawlnuam4101 Kawrthah4102 MAMIT11Mamit4111 W.PHAILENG12W.P haileng4121 Reiek4122 5.KOLASIB5VAIRENGTE13Vairengte5131 KOLASIB14Kolasib5141 KAWNPUI15Kawnpui5151 Lungda i5152 6.SERCHHIP6SERCHHIP16Serchhip6161 N.VANLAIPHAI17N. Vanlaiphai6171 THENZAWL18Thenzawl6181- 3 -Ex-549/2013 ANNEXURE - IV VILLAGE LOCATION NUMERIC CODES FOR LAND RECORDS MANAGEMENT OF MIZORAM 1. AIZAWL DISTRICT 01– SAKAWRDAI SUB-DIVISION 1011. SAKAWRDAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 1.Sakawrdai1. Lower Sakawrdai1011/01 2. Upper Sakawrdai1011/02 3. Pa lsang1011/03 4. Zohmun1011/04 5. Mauchar1011/05 6. N.Tinghmun1011/06 7. Saipum1011/07 8. Saiphai1011/08 9. Kani/Zokhawthiang1011/09 10 . New Vervek1011/10 11. Lungsum1011/11 12. Luakchhuak1011/12 13. N.Khawdungsei1011/13 14. Vaitin1011/14 15. Khawpuar1011/15 16. Thingsat1011/16 1012 – DARLAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 2.Darlawn1. Ratu1012/01 2. Sunhluchhip1012/02 3. Tengta wng1012/03 4. Tuivawlchhuah1012/04 5. Sailutar1012/05 6. Damdiai1012/06 \7. Da rlawn1012/07 8. N.Serzawl1012/08 9. Sa wleng1012/09 10. Kepran1012/10 11. Khawruhlian1012/11 12. E.Phaileng1012/12 13. Pehlawn1012/13 14. Khawkawi1012/14 15. Lailak1012/15 16. Khanpuikawn1012/16 17. Tuirini Kai1012/17 18. Hmunnghak1012/18 19. Chhanchhu ahna1012/19 Khawpui- 4 - Ex-549/2013 1. AIZAWL DISTRICT 02 – AIZAL SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 1021. DURTLANG CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 3.Durtlang1. Durtlang1021/01 2. Durtlang Vengthar1021/02 3. Durtlang Leitan1021/03 4. Muthi1021/04 5. Selesih1021/05 6. Sihphir1021/06 7. Sihphir Vengthar1021/07 8. Nausel1021/08 9. Pu ansen1021/09 1022. BAWNGKAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 4.Bawngka wn1. Bawngkawn1022/01 2. Chaltlang1022/02 3. Edenthar1022/03 4. Laipuitlang1022/04 5. Bawngkawn Chhim Veng1022/05 6. Falkland1022/06 7. Muanna Veng1022/07 8. Muanna Veng1022/08 9. Zemabawk1022/09 10. Thuampui1022/10 11. Zuangtui1022/11 12. Tuirial1022/12 13. Tuirial Airfield1022/13 14. Ramhlun North1022/14 15. Ramhlun South1022/15 16. Ramhlun Venglai1022/16 17. Ramhlun Vengthar1022/17 18. Ramhlun Sport Complex1022/18 19. Chandmary1022/19 20. Chandmary West1022/20 21. Ramthar1022/21 22. Ramthar North1022/22 23. Aizawl Venglai1022/23 1023. VAIVAKAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 5.Vaivakawn1. Sairang1023/01 2. Sairang Sihhmui1023/02 3. Sa irang Dinthar1023/03- 5 -Ex-549/2013 4. P.T.C. Lungverh1023/04 5. Lengpui1023/05 6. Phunchawng1023/06 7. Vaivakawn1023/07 8. Dawrpui Vengthar1023/08 9. Hunthar1023/09 10. Rangvamual1023/10 11. Tanhril1023/11 12. Sakawrtuichhun1023/12 13. Luangmual1023/13 14. Luangmual Vengthar1023/14 15 Govt. Complex1023/15 16. Chawlhhmun1023/16 17. Zonuam1023/17 18. Tuivamit1023/18 19. Chawnpui1023/19 20. Kanan1023/20 21. Zotlang1023/21 22. Tuikual North1023/22 23. Tuikual South1023/23 24. Dinthar1023/24 1024. DAWRPUI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 6.Dawrpui1. Dawrpui1024/01 2. Za rkawt1024/02 3. Electric Veng1024/03 4. Chhinga Veng1024/04 5. S aron Veng1024/05 6. Ar med Veng North1024/06 7. Ar med Veng South1024/07 8. Chite1024/08 9. Venghlui1024/09 10. College Veng1024/10 11. Bethlehem1024/11 12. Bethlehem Vengthlang1024/12 13. Tuithiang1024/13 14. Republic Veng1024/14 15. I.T.I Veng1024/15 16. Upper Republic1024/16 17. Republic Vengthlang1024/17 1025. TLANGNUAM CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 7.Tlangnuam1. Tlangnuam1025/01 2. Kulikawn1025/02 3. S.Hlimen1025/03- 6 - Ex-549/2013 4. Melthum1025/04 5.Saikhamakawn1025/05 6. Samtlang1025/06 7. Lungleng-I1025/07 8. Lunglen-N1025/08 9. Thakthing1025/09 10. Dam Veng1025/10 11. Venghnuai1025/11 12. Salem Veng1025/12 13. Mission veng1025/13 14. Mission Vengthlang1025/14 15. Tuikhuahtlang1025/15 16. Khatla1025/16 17.Bungkawn1025/17 18. Maubawk1025/18 19. Lawipu1025/19 20. Khatla South1025/20 21. Bungkawn Nursery1025/21 22. Bungkawn Vengthar1025/22 1026. AIBAWK CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 8.Aibawk1. Aibawk1026/01 2. Sa teek1026/02 3. Maubuang1026/03 4. Thiak1026/04 5. Phulpui1026/05 6. Hmuifang1026/06 7. Lamchhip1026/07 8. Chawilung1026/08 9. Cha mring1026/09 10. Sumsuih1026/10 17. Sialsuk1026/17 18. Samlukhai1026/18 19. Lungsei1026/19 20. Sailam1026/20 1027. THINGSULTHLIAH CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 9.Thingsulthliah1. Thingsulthliah1027/01 2. Thingsul Tlangnuam1027/01\2 3. Seling1027/03 4. Sesawng1027/04 5. Tlungvel1027/05 6. Darlawng1027/06 7. Phu lmawi1027/07- 7 -Ex-549/2013 03 – SAITUAL SUB-DIVISION 1031. SAITUAL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 10.Saitual1. Saitual1031/01 2. Sihfa1031/02 3. Tualbung1031/03 4. N.Lungpher1031/04 5. Dilkhan1031/05 6. Buhban1031/06 7. Keifang1031/07 8. Rulchawm1031/08 9. Ruallung1031/09 10. Mualpheng1031/10 11. Lenchim1031/11 12. Tawizo1031/12 13. Maite1031/13 1031. PHULLEN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 11.Phullen1. Phuaibuang1032/01 2. Kha wlian1032/02 3. N.E.Tlangnuam1032/03 4. Daido1032/04 5. Phullen1032/05 6. Za wngin1032/06 7. Suangpuilawn1032/07 8. Lamherh1032/08 9. Vanbawng1032/09 10. N.Khawlek1032/10 11. Thanglailung (Phullen ‘S’)1032/11 12. Luangpawn1032/12 2 - LUNGLEI DISTRICT 04 – LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 2041. SERKAWN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 12.Serkawn1. Mualthuam ‘N’2041/01 2. Sekhum2041/02 3. Ramlaitui2041/03 4. S.Kanghmun2041/04 5. S.Zote2041/05 6. Chhipphir2041/06 7. Bualpui ‘V’2041/07- 8 - Ex-549/2013 8. Lungmawi2041/89 9. Haulawng2041/09 10. Mausen2041/10 11. Zotuitlang2041/11 12. Chengpui2041/12 13. Ralva wng2041/13 14. Hmuntlang2041/14 15. S.Phaileng2041/15 16. Serkawn2041/16 17. Zotlang2041/17 18. Pukpui2041/18 19. Thuampui2041/19 20. Vanhne2041/20 04- LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISON ( SADAR ) 2042. CHANMARY CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 13.Cha ndmar y1. Bazar I & II2042/01 2.Zohnuai2042/02 3. College Veng2042/03 4. Rahsi Veng2042/04 5. Venglai I & II2042/05 6. Venghlun2042/06 7. S azaika wng2042/07 8. Cha nmary2042/08 9. Electric Veng2042/09 10. Farm Veng2042/10 11. Ramthar2042/11 12. Runtung2042/12 13. Hauruang2042/13 14. Luangmual2042/14 15. Salem Veng2042/15 04- LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 2043. THEIRIAT CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 14.Theiriat1. Lunglawn I & II2043/01 2. Sethlun2043/02 3. Theiriat2043/03 4. Buknuam2043/04 5. Tawipui N-I2043/05 6. Thingfal2043/06 7. Thlengang2043/07 8. Mamte2043/08 9. Hlumte2043/09 10. Sairep2043/10- 9 -Ex-549/2013 11. Bualte2043/11 12. Thaizawl2043/12 13. Thualthu2043/13 14. S. Mualcheng2043/14 15. Thangte2043/15 16. Thangpui2043/16 17. Vaisam2043/17 18. Chithar2043/18 19. TaWIPUI N-II2043/19 20. Tawipui ‘S’2043/20 21. Mualthuam ‘S’2043/21 22. Zobawk2043/22 23. Hrangchalkawn2043/23 24. Dawn2043/24 25. Luangpuizawl2043/25 04- LUNGLEI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 2044. W. BUNGHMUN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 15.W.Bunghmun1. W.Bunghmun2044/01 2. New Sachan2044/02 3. Sumasumi2044/03 4. Sesawm2044/04 5. Laisawral2044/05 6. T leu2044/06 7. Thenhlum2044/07 8. Belkhai2044/08 9. Marpara ‘S’2044/09 10. Buarpui2044/10 11. W.Bungtlang2044/11 12. Kawlhawk2044/12 13. S.Kawnpui2044/13 14. Darngawn ‘W’2044/14 15. Dengsur2044/15 16. S.Khawlek2044/16 17. Sertlangpui2044/17 18. Changpui2044/18 19. Lungchem2044/19 20. Serte2044/20 21. Lungdai ‘S’2044/21 22. Kauchhuah2044/22 23. Zawlpui2044/23 24. Putlungasih2044/24 25. Belpei2044/25 26. Tuisenchhuah2044/26 27. Bolia2044/27 28. Puankhai2044/28 29. Lokisury2044/29- 10 - Ex-549/2013 30. Kalapani2044/30 31. Malsury2044/31 32. Devasora2044/32 33. Mauzam2044/33 34. Chawilung ‘S’2044/34 05 – HNAHTHIAL SUB-DIVISION 2051. HNAHTHIAL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 16.Hnahthial1. Pangzawl2051/01 2. Rawpui2051/02 3. T hiltla ng2051/03 4. Ramrikawn2051/04 5. Hnahthial ‘N-I’2051/05 6. Leite2051/06 7. Rotlang ‘E’2051/07 8. Denlung2051/08 9. Hnahthial ‘N-II’2051/09 10. Hnahthial ‘S-I’2051/10 11. Hnaththial ‘S-II’2051/11 12. S.Vanlaiphai2051/12 13. Lungpuitlang2051/13 14. Muallianpui2051/14 15. S.Lungleng2051/15 16. Tuipui ‘D’ (Darzo kai)2051/16 17. Darzo2051/17 18. Thingsai2051/18 19. Bualpui ‘H’2051/19 20. Ngharchhip2051/20 21. Cherhlun2051/21 22. S.Chawngtui2051/22 23. Tarpho2051/23 24. Khawhri2051/24 25. Aithur2051/25 26. New Nghar chhip2051/26 2 – LUNGLEI DIST RICT 06- TLABUNG SUB-DIVISION 2061. TLABUNG CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 17.Tlabung1. Chengkawllui2061/01 2. Tablabagh2061/02 3. Bindisora2061/03 4. Ugadasury2061/04 5. Nunsuri2061/05 6. Tlabung2061/06- 11 -Ex-549/2013 7. Serhuan2061/07 8. Bulungsury2061/08 9. Biblibagh2061/09 10. Tuichawng2061/10 11. Hmundo2061/11 12. Chengkawllui2061/12 13. Belpei2061/13 14. Zodin2061/14 2061. LUNGSEN CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 18.Lungsen1. Lungsen2062/01 2. Rolui2062/02 3. Chhumkhum2062/03 4. Phairuangkai2062/04 5. Belthei2062/05 6. Thehlep2062/06 7. Chawngte(L)2062/07 8. Rualalung2062/08 9. Sailen2062/09 10. Zehtet2062/10 11. Rangte2062/11 12. Lungrang ‘S’/Lalnutui2062/12 13. Sechan2062/13 14. Mautlang2062/14 15. S.Chawilung2062/15 16. Silkur2062/16 17. Tiperanghat2062/17 18. Khojoysury2062/18 19. Khawmawi2062/19 3 – CHAMPHAI DISTRICT 07 – NGOPA SUB-DIVISION 3071. NGOPA CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 19.Ngopa1. Ngopa3071/01 2. Lamzawl3071/02 3. Pamchung3071/03 4. Selam3071/04 5. Kawlbem3071/05 6. Vaikhawtlang3071/06 7. N.E.Khawdungsei3071/07 8. Kha wkawn3071/08 9. Chiahpui3071/09 10. Mimbung3071/10 11. Hrianghmun3071/11- 12 - Ex-549/2013 12. Teikhang3071/12 13. Hliappui3071/13 14. Saichal3071/14 15. Changzawl3071/15 16. Pawlrang3071/16 17. Luangpawn3071/17 08 – KHAWZAWL SUB-DIVISION 3081. KHAWZAWL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 20.Khawzawl1. Kawlkulh3081/01 2. Dulte3081/02 3. Puilo3081/03 4. Chhawrtui3081/04 5. Va nkal3081/05 6. Khawhai3081/06 7. Cha lrang3081/07 8. Vangtlang3081/08 9. Tlangpuite3081/09 10. Lungtan3081/10 11. Tualte3081/11 12. Chawngtlai3081/12 13. New Chalrang3081/13 14. Rabung3081/14 15. Khualen3081/15 16. Murlen3081/16 17. Aiduzawl3081/17 18. Khawzawl-Kawnzar3081/18 19. Tualpui3081/19 20. Neihdawn3081/20 21. Ar-ro3081/21 22. Ngaizawl3081/22 23. Hmuncheng3081/23 24. Khawza wl-I3081/24 25. Khawzawl-II3081/25 26. Khawzawl-III3081/26 27. Khawzawl-IV3081/27 28.Khawzawl-V3081/28 29. Khawzawl Hermon3081/29 09 – CHAMPHAI SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 3091. CHAMPHAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 21.Champhai1. Hnahlan3091/01 2. Khuangphah3091/02 3. Diltlang3091/03- 13 -Ex-549/2013 4. Tualcheng3091/04 5. Lungphunlian3091/05 6. Vaikhawtlang3091/06 7. Champha i-I3091/07 8. Champhai-II3091/08 9. Champhai-III3091/09 10. Champhai-IV3091/10 11. Tuipui3091/11 12. Chhungte3091/12 13. Champhai Electric3091/13 14. Champhai Venglai3091/14 15. Bethel Cha mphai3091/15 16. Champha i Vengthar3091/16 17. New Champhai3091/17 18. Dinthar3091/18 19. Kanan3091/19 20. Zion Veng3091/20 21. Zote3091/21 22. Ngurzo3091/22 23. Hmunhmeltha3091/23 24. N.Khawbung3091/24 25. Vapar3091/25 26. Ruantlang3091/26 27. Zotlang ‘E’3091/27 28. Tlangsam3091/28 29. Mualkawi3091/29 30. Kelkang3091/30 31. Khawnuam3091/31 32. Dilkawn3091/32 33. Melbuk3091/33 34. Zokhawthar3091/34 35. Faibawk3091/35 9-CHAMPHAI SUB-DIVISION 3092. KHAWBUNG ‘S’ CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 22.Khawbung ‘S’1. Bungzung3092/01 2. Buang3092/02 3. Vanzau3092/03 4. Zawngtetui3092/04 5. S .Khawbung3092/05 6. Za wlsei3092/06 7. Khuangthing3092/07 8. Dungtlang3092/08 9. Leithum3092/09 10. Samthang3092/10 11. Khuangleng3092/11 12. Vangchhia3092/12- 14 - Ex-549/2013 13. Lianpui3092/13 14. Sazep3092/14 15. Hruaikawn3092/15 16. Sesih3092/16 17. Leisenzo3092/17 18. Bulfekzawl3092/18 ‘19. Farkawn3092/19 20. T hekte3092/20 21. Thekpui3092/21 22. Khankawn3092/22 23. Vaphai3092/23 24. Chawngtui ‘E’3092/24 25. Biate3092/25 26. Sialhawk3092/26 27. Riangtlei3092/27 28. Tlangpui3092/28 4 – MAMIT DISTRICT 10. – KAWRTHAH SUB-DIVISON 4101. ZAWLNUAM CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 23.Zawlnuam1. Zawlnuam4101/01 2. Kanhmun4101/02 3. Thinghlun4101/03 4. Bajirunga Pa Veng4101/04 5. Borai4101/05 6. Bungthuam4101/06 7. Zawlpui4101/07 8. Zawlpui (Thuampui Veng)4101/08 9. Luimawi4101/09 10. Zamuang4101/10 11. Hriphaw4101/11 12. N.Maubuang4101/12 13. Chuhvel4101/13 14. Saikhawthlir4101/14 15. Kolalian4101/15 10. KAWRTHAH SUB-DIVISION 4102. – KAWRTHAH CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 24.Kawrthah1. Ka wrthah North4102/01 2. Rengdil4102/02 3. Sihthiang4102/03 4.Tuidam4102/04 5. Kawthah S outh4102/05 6. K.Sarali4102/06- 15 -Ex-549/2013 7. Tumpanglui4102/07 8. New Eden4102/08 9. Kawrtethawveng4102/09 10. Sotapa4102/10 11. Mualthuam4102/11 12. W. Bunghmun4102/12 13. Thaidawr4102/13 14. Serhmun4102/14 15. Darlak4102/15 16. Tlangkhang4102/16 17. Damdiai4102/17 18. W. Dampui4102/18 11- MAMIT SUB-DIVISION 4111. MAMIT SADAR CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 25.Mamit1. Ma mit Hmar Veng4111/01 2. Mamit Bazar Veng4111/02 3. Ma mit Chhim Veng4111/03 4. New Mamit4111/04 5. Luangpawl4111/05 6. Suarhliap4111/06 12 – W. PHAILENG SUB-DIVISION 4121. W. PHAILENG CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 26.W. Phaileng1. Tuipuibari4121/01 2. Rajiv Nagar – I4121/02 3. Persang4121/03 4. Damparengpui4121/04 5. Anderma nik4121/05 6. Kawnpui ‘W’4121/06 7. Zomuantlang4121/07 8. Khantlang4121/08 9. Rajiv Nagar – I4121/09 10. W.Phaileng4121/10 11. Khawhnai4121/11 12. Teirei For est Veng4121/12 13. Chhippui4121/13 14. Lallen4121/14 15. Saithah4121/15 16. Kawnma wi4121/16 17. S alem Boa rding4121/17 18. Phaileng Dinthar Veng4121/18 19. Tuirum4121/19- 16 - Ex-549/2013 20. Phuldungsei4121/20 21. Hmawngli4121/21 22. Parvatui4121/22 23. N.Marpara4121/23 24. Silsuri4121/24 25. Pukzing4121/25 26. Pukzing Vengthar4121/26 27. Hruiduk4121/27 28. Hnahva4121/28 29. Marpara Mizo Veng4121/29 12 – W. PHAILENG SUB-DIVISION 4122. REIEK CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 27.Reiek1. R eiek4122/01 2. Nghalchawm4122/02 3. Lengte4122/03 4. Chungtlang4122/04 5. Ailawng4122/05 6. Tuirum4122/06 7. Hmunpui4122/07 8. Saitlaw4122/08 9. Va-ak4122/09 10. W.Serzawl4122/10 11. Rawpuichhip4122/11 12. Tuahzawl4122/12 13. Dapchhuah4122/13 14. Rulpuihlim4122/14 15. Dilzawl4122/15 16. Darlung4122/16 17. N.Bunghmun4122/17 18. Bawngthah4122/18 19. Bawlte4122/19 20. S.Sabual4122/20 21. N.Kanghmun4122/21 22. Lungphun4122/22 23. Khawrihnim4122/23 24. W.Lungdar4122/24 25. Artetuidan4122/25 26. Tuirum4122/26 27. Phulpui ‘W’4122/27 28. Hreichuk4122/28- 17 -Ex-549/2013 5 – KOLASIB DISTRICT 13-VAIRENGTE SUB-DIVISION 5131. VAIRENGTE CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 28.Vairengte1. Vair engt e-I5131/01 2. Phainuam5131/02 3. N. Chhimluang5131/03 4. Buarchep5131/04 5. Bilkhawthlir5131/05 6. N. Chawnpui5131/06 7. Phaisen5131/07 8. Buhchangpui5131/08 9. Bilkhawthlir5131/09 14 - KOLASIB SADAR SUB-DIVISION 5141. KOLASIB CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 29.Kolasib1. Kolasib-I5141/01 2. Kolasib-II5141/02 3. Kolasib-III5141/03 4. Kolasib-IV5141/04 5.Bukvannei5141/05 6. Hmaibiala Veng5141/06 7. Saiha pui5141/07 8. Builum5141/08 9. Kolasib-V5141/09 10. Kolasib-VI5141/10 11. Kolasib-VII5141/11 12. Kolasib College Veng5141/12 13. Rengtekawn5141/13 14. Saihapui ‘K’5141/14 15. Bairabi5141/15 16. Meidum5141/16 17. Pangbalkawn5141/17 18. Rajtali5141/18 19. Lenhmuikawn5141/19 20. Chhimluang5141/20 15- KAWNPUI SUB-DIVISION 5151. KAWNPUI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 30.Kawnpui1. Kawnpui ‘N’5151/01 2. Hortoki5151/02 3. Mualvum5151/03- 18 - Ex-549/2013 4. Dilzau5151/04 5. Zanlawn5151/05 6. Kha mrang5151/06 7. N.Bualpui5151/07 8. Mualkhang5151/08 9. Kawnpui ‘S’5151/09 10. Thingdawl5151/10 11. Sethawn5151/11 5152. LUNGDAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 31.Lungdai1. Bukpui5152/01 2. P arsenchhip5152/02 3. T hingthelh5152/03 4. N.Hlimen5152/04 5. N.Chalt lang5152/05 6. N.Thinglian5152/06 7. Lungmuat5152/07 8. Nisapui5152/08 9. Serkhan5152/09 10. Lungdai5152/10 6 – SERCHHIP DISTRICT 16 – SERCHHIP SUB-DIVISION (SADAR) 6161. SERCHHIP CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 32.Serchhip1. Serchhip6161/01 2. New Serchhip6161/02 3. Serchhip-II6161/03 4. Serchhip-III6161/04 5. Serchhip-IV6161/05 6. Chhingchhip6161/06 7. Hualtu6161/07 8. Hmuntha6161/08 9. Khawbel6161/09 10. Thentlang6161/10 11. Khumtung6161/11 12. Bakta wng6161/12 13. Baktawng Tlangnuam6161/13 14. Baktawng Vengpui6161/14 15. Mualpui Chhingchhip6161/15 16. Hmawngka wn6161/16 17. Chhiahtlang6161/17 18. Sialhau6161/18 19. Va nchengte6161/19 20. Bungtlang6161/20- 19 -Ex-549/2013 21. Keitum6161/21 22. Hria ngtlang6161/22 23. Lungpho6161/23 24. Rullam6161/24 25. Vanchengpui6161/25 26. Thinglian6161/26 27. Hmunzawl6161/27 28. Ngentiang6161/28 17 – N.VANLAIPHAI SUB-DIVISION 6171. N. VANLAIPHAI CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 33.N. Vanlaiphai1. E. Lungdar6171/01 2. Mualcheng6171/02 3. Leng6171/03 4. Sailulak6171/04 5. N.Vanlaiphai6171/05 6. Piler6171/06 7. Khawlailung6171/07 8. Chekawn6171/08 9. Sialsir6171/09 10. Bawktlang6171/10 11. Lungka wlh6171/11 12. Lungchuan6171/12 18 – THENZAWL SUB-DIVISION 6181. THENZAWL CIRCLE Sl.No.Revenue CircleRevenue Villa ge (LAD)Village Code (1)(2)(3)(4) 34.Thenzawl1. Thenzawl6181/01 2. Buangpui6181/02 3. Neihloh6181/03 4. Lungrang6181/04 5. Thenzawl ‘E’6181/05 6. Thenzawl ‘W’6181/06Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 20 - Ex-549/2013

The Executive Committee of the Lai Autonomous District Council create six (6) new Village Councils namely - Vawmbuk-II (Vaivakawn), Sangau-IV, Karlui-II, Kakichhuah, Dumzautlang, Kawnkhua

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 20Date - 31/01/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 31.1.2014 Magha 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 20 NOTIFICATIONNo. V.11012 /1/2013-LADC/LAD, the 30th January, 2014 : In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section 1, 2 and 8 of Section 3 of the Lai Autonomous District (Village Councils) Act, 2010 as amended from time to time, and approval of His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 22/1/2014. the Executive Committee of the Lai Autonomous District Council is pleased to create six (6) new Village Councils namely - Vawmbuk-II (Vaivakawn), Sangau-IV, Karlui-II, Kakichhuah, Dumzautlang, Kawnkhua with immediate effect. V. Zirsanga, Chief Executive Member, Lai Autonomous District Council, Lawngtlai.Published a nd Is sued by Controller, P rint ing & Sta tionery Depar tment, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550

The Constitution (Ninety-Eighth Amendment) Act, 2012

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 455Date - 22/08/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 22.8.2013 Sravana 31, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 455 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/55/2012-LJD, the 16th August, 2013.The following Act is hereby publis hed for gen- eral information. The Constitution (Ninety-Eighth Amendment) Act, 2012 Zahmingthanga Ralte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE CONSTITUTION (NINETY-EIGHTH AMENDMENT) ACT, 2012 AN ACT further to amend the Constitution of India. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1. (1) This Act may be called the Constitution (Ninety-eighth Amendment) Act, 2012. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Gov- ernment may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. After article 371-I of the Constitution, the following ar- ticle shall be inserted, namely:- “371J.(1) The President may, by order made with respect to the St ate of Kar nataka , provide for any special responsibilit y of the Governor for-Short title and commencement. Insertion of new article 371J. Special provi- sions with respect to State of Karnataka. (a) est ablishment of a separate development board for Hyderabad-Karnataka region with the provision that a report on the working of the board will be placed each year before the State Leg- islative Assembly; (b) equitable allocation of funds for development expendi- ture over the said region, subject to the requirements of the State as a whole; and (c) equitable opportunities and facilities for the people be- longing to the said region, in matters of public employment, educa- tion and vocational training, subject to the requirements of the State as a whole. (2) An order made under sub-clause(c) of clause (1) may provide for- (a) reservation of a proportion of seats in educational and vocational training institutions in the Hyderabad-Karnataka region for students who belong to that region by birth or by domicile; and (b) identification of posts or classes of posts under the State Government and in any body or organisation under the control of the State Government in the Hyderabad-Karnataka region and reser- vation of a proportion of such posts for persons who belong to that region by birth or by domicile and for appointment thereto by direct recruitment or by promotion or in any other manner as may be speci- fied in the order.”. Ex-455/20132 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

Affidavit of Zothantluanga S/o Pakunga (L), Chaltlang North Aizawl Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 526Date - 04/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Fr iday 4.10.2013 Asvina 12, S.E. 1935, Issue No.526 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500AFFIDAVITI, Mr. Zothantluanga S/o Pakunga (L),residing of Chaltlang North (Lily Veng), Aizawl Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under : 1.That I am bonafide citizen of India belonging to scheduled tribe community of Mizo. 2.That I am working asPeon under SE, Project Circle. PWD under the Supervision of E-in-C., PWD. 3.That I had written and recor ded my name as Zotluanga in my service book, which is incorrect. However, my true and correct name isZothantluanga 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to correct my name as Zothantluanga which has been written as Zotluanga in the above said documents. 5.That from now onward my name shall be written and recorded asZothantluanga. 6.That the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have here unto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 20th day of August, 2013. Identified by me : Sd/- (LALBIAKTHUAMA) Advocate Tuikual North : AizawlDEPONENT Signed before me Sd/- R. Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl, MizoramNotarial Registration No. 82/8 Date 20/8/13

The Specification of Scheme Benefits of Mizoram State Health Care Society for the year 2014-15

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 540Date - 10/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 10.10.2013 Asvina 18, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 540 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.16011/18/10-HFW, the 4th October, 2013.In continuation to this department’s notification of even No. dt.14.3.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to add certain number of critical illnesses in the Specification of Scheme Benefits of Mizoram State Health Care Society for the year 2014-15 as per Annexure enclosed. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. SPECIFICATION OF SCHEME BENEFITS 2014-15Name of the Scheme 1.Mizor am State Health Care Scheme. Objective of the Scheme2.The objective of the Scheme is to improve access of famillies to quality medical care for treatment of diseases involving hospitalization and surgery through an identified network of Health Care Providers. Each family shall cover all enrolled (eligible) family members under this Scheme. Covered Benefits3.Hospitalisation - The Scheme shall provide coverage for meeting expenses of hospitalization and surgical procedures of BPL beneficiary members up to Rs. 70,000/- per family per year subject to limits, in any of network hospitals, after having exhausted RSBY cover of Rs. 30,000/- only. T he cover shall be on family floater basis. 4.Critical IIIness- A buffer floater amounting to Rs. 2,00,000/-, over and above the normal cover can be availed of individually or collectively, by members of the BPL family suffering from below listed critical illness. APL families will avail benefits only under this critical illness cover within a sum insured of Rs. 3,00,000/- and Rs. 2,70,000 for RSBY APL families. This buffer floater will be made available for beneficiaries with identified critica l illness (excluding related ailments except where specified) as given under. Ex-540/20132 A. CARDIOLOGY AND CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY (Lung leh a kaihhnawih natna) 1.Coronary By-pass Surgery (CABG). 2.Valve Replacement/Repair or Valvuloplasty. 3.Correction of Congenital Heart Diseases eg. VSD, ASD, TOF, etc. 4.Angioplasty and PTCA Stent. 5.Permanent and Temporary Pacemaker Implantation. 6.Surgeries for Repair of Aneurysm. 7.Electrophysiologic Study and Radiofrequency Ablation. 8.Pericardial Surgery & Pericardial Effusion requiring Drainage. 9.Acute Coronary Syndrome (Unstable Angina, Myocardial Infraction). 10.Heart Failure/Cardiogenic Shock. B . ONCOLOGY (Cancer) 1.Surgical Management of all Malignant Tumours and Brain Tumours (Cancer zai ngai). 2.Radiotion Treatment of Malignancies (Cancer hem ngai). 3.Chemotherapy/Targeted Therapy for Treatment of Malignancies (Cancer damdawi bik hman ngai). 4.Complications and Toxicities of Treatment of Malignancies (Cancer enkawl avanga taksa in a tawrh enkawlna hrim hrim). Note : Supportiv e Cancer Treatment liau liau chu a huam lovang. C. MEDICINES 1.NEPHROLOGY (Kal/Zun kawng) 1)Kidney Failure requiring Replacement Therapy (Kal function fail). II. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (Chuap) 1)Respiratory Failure (Chuap Function fail). 2)Pulmonary Thromboembolism. 3)Empyema Thoracis. 4)Pneumothora x. 5)Pleural Effusion requiring Intervention other than simple Drainage. 6)Lung disease requiring Pneumonectomy. I I I . GI TRACT (Pum leh Kawchhung) 1)Non-alcoholic acute Pancreatitis with or without complications. 2)Chronis Diarrhoea (in-hospital Investigation). 3)Non-alcoholic GI leed where upper GI Endoscopy is normal IV. ENDOCRINOPLOGY 1)Diabetic Coma/Hyperosmolar Coma. 2)Other Metabolic emergencies (eg. Thyrotoxic Crisis, Myxoedemic Coma, Pheochromocy- toma, Cushing’s Disease, Hyponatremia, Dyselectrolytemic Crisis). V.CNS (Tha/Nerve leh thluak) 1)C VA 2)Myelopathies (non-traumatic). 3)Hydrocephalus (Pathological). 4)Myasthenia Graves 5)Intra Cranial Space Occupying Lessions (ICSOL). 6)Severe CNS Infections. VI. HEPATOLOGY (Thin) 1)Liver abscess. 2)Hepatic Encephalopathy. 3)Hep B & C - Interferon/Antiviral Therapy only (neutropenia treatment a huam lovang). VII. HE MATOLO GY (Thisen leh a kaihhnawih) 1)Complicatged Cytopenias (eg: Aplastic/Hypoplastic Anaemias, Neutropenias, Thrombocyt openias). 2)Hemoglobinopathies requiring Splenectomy (Thalassemia/Sickle Cell Anemia). 3)Thromboembolic Disease (eg: DVT, Mesenteric Artery Thromboembolism, Pulmonary Throm- boembolism, etc). 4)Bleeding Disorders (eg: Hemophilia). VII I. IN FE C TI VE DIS EAS ES (I nkaichhawntheih natnat e) 1)Coplicated Malaria (identified according to WHO criteria). 2)Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. 3)Septic Shock requiring Inotropic Support. IX. CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE - SLE, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, etc. X. ORGAN TRANSPLANT :Renal/Bone Marrow/Liver/Heart/Stem Cell (for Treatment of Malignancies) etc., and Procedures/Treatment Cost of the Donor. D . S URG E RY 1.UROLOGY/NEPHROLOGY (Kal/Zun kawng). 1)Nephrectomy and Surgery for Perinephric Abscess. 2)Urinary Stome cases requiring Surgery. 3)Surgery for BPH. II. PLASTIC SURGERY- 1)Treatment of Major Burns with complications. 2)Post Infective raw area requiring extensive skin grafting. 3)Cleft Lip/Palate (Congenital). III. GASTROENTEROLOGY (Pum leh Kawchhung) 1)Acute abdomen requiring Major/Emergency Surgery : eg - Gut Perforation, Acute Appen- dicitis, Volvulus, Intussusception, Peritonitis, Intra-Abdominal Abscess, Acute Cholecystities with Cholelithiasis, Blunt Trauma requiring organ revoval/repair. 2)Non alcoholic GI Bleed requiring Surgical Invervention (Thi a luak emaw ek emaw zaipui ngai). 3)Chronic Cholecystitis/Cholelithiasis. No te : R ecurrent Appendicities a huam lo vang . IV. NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY (Tha/nerve/thluak) 1)Life saving Surgeries on Brain (eg: Intracranial Hematomas/Abscess) and Spinal Cord.Ex-540/2013 3 V.HEAD & NECK a ) Pleomorphic Adenoma, Warthin’s Tumor. E. OPHTHALMOLOGY (Mit) 1.Surgery and other procedures for detachment of Retina. 2.Surgery for Glaucoma. 3.Vitreous Heamorrhage, Vitrectomy. 4.Laser Treatment of Retinopathies (SSN, Gauhati & Sushrut Eye Foundation, Kolkata-a zai chauh). 5.Orbital Fracture and Penetrating Eye Ball Injury. 6.Intraocular Blood Disorders. 7.High Myopia with impending Retinal damage. 8.Intraocular Foreign body. 9.Hemifacial Spasm/Blepherospasm/Cervical Dystonia requiring Therapeutic Botox Injection (in Mizoram only). F.ENT (Beng, Hnar leh hrawk) 1.Complicated CSOM requiring surgery. 2.Otosclerosis requiring Surgery. 3.Complicated Sinus disease requiring Surgery (Government Hospital only). 4.Ludwig’s Angina. 5.Upper airway Obstruction requiring Trachaestomy. 6.Sensorineural hearing lost requiring Cochlear Implant (upto 14 years). G. ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY (Ruh) 1.Joint Repla cement (Hip/Knee, etc). 2.Surgery for correction of Fractures of Bones and Joints. 3.Arthroscopic Repair of Ligaments 4.Major limbs amputations (Legs/Arms/Foot) due to any diseases excluding single digits/terminal Phalanged Amputations (with prosthesis). 5.Correction of Locomotor disabilities due to congenital & Acquired Contractures. 6.PIVD with Servere Cord Compression requiring Surgery. 7.Serve Crush Injury. 8.Necrotizing Fascitis. 9.Osteomyelitis requiring Surgery. 10.Removal of ‘in-situ’ Implant under GA/SA. H . PAEDIATRICS (N aupang natna) 1.CNS-Meningitis/Encephalities. 2.Respiratory System-Severe Pneumonia with related complications 3.Nephrology-Nephrotic Syndrome. -A R F. 4.Newborns-Birth Asphyxia and related complications -Preterm/VLBW reguiring NICU care. -Congenital Malformations requiring Major Surgery. 1.DE RMATO L O G Y (Vun) 1.Steven Johnson’s Syndrome - drug induced. 2.Erythroderma due to any cause. 3.Pemphigus (all variants). 4.Deep Fungal Infection. Ex-540/20134 J.PS YCHIATRY (Rilru natna) 1.Schizophrenia. 2.Major depressive Disorder. 3.Generalised Anxiety Disorder. 4.Bipolar Disorder. 5.Dementia. K . OBS AND GYNAECOLOGY (Chhul/chibawm etc). 1.Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancies, DUB, Twisted Ovarian Cyst, Bleeding Fibroid, Post partum Haemorrhage. 2.LSCS compliated by Rupture Uterus, Re-opening of Abdomen. 3.Genital Fistulae requiring Surgery. 4.Tubal Block requiring Surgery (Government Hospital only). L . DENTAL SURG ERIES (Ha/khabe/hmai ruh natna) 1.Post Traumatic Maxilofacial Fractures requiring Surgery. 2.Dento-facial deformity requiring Therapeutic Corrective Surgery. 3.Ameloblastoma. M . ICU CARE 1.Any seriously ill patient requiring ICU admission to sustain life (excluding routine post- operativepatients and uncomplicated surgeries). N. OTHERS : Seizure Disorder requiring Hospitalisation. Eligibility of Beneficiaries5.Any non-Government Servant (Central or State) or their dependents who is a bonafide citizen of India and residing in Mizoram, with the Head of the Family thereby being in the Voters list or the Head of the Family having Voter ID Card shall be eligible to be covered under this Scheme, irrespective of age. The Scheme will also cover dependents of Government Servants (Central or State), who are not covered under the existing Medical Attendance Rules such as Grandchild, doughter/son-in-law, over- age children, sister/brother, uncle/aunty, niece/nephew etc. The Scheme will also cover personnel and their dependents working under the Government of Mizoram eg: Contracts, Muster roll, etc who are not entitled to medical reimbursement under the existing rule in force. The Scheme will not cover persons and their dependents working under church organizations and who can thus be eligible for claiming their medical reimbursements their respective church organization. 6.Coverage under the Scheme would be provided for all family and their members as per the photo ID Card/Smart Card issued to them. Prior to issue of Photo ID Card/Smart Card, copy of enrollment form with Voter ID may be used as proof of coverage. 7.Family - A family would be defined as anyone living under one roof, irrespective of their relationships and duly ascertained by the Family Ration Card. Any addition/delation of family members e.g. death, bir th, divorce, mar riage, adoption etc. the same will have to be rocommended by the concer ned Health Worker/Medical Officer/Senior Medical Officer/Chief Medical Officer and certified by the Mizoram State Health Care Society.Ex-540/2013 5 8.Proposed Payment of Premium : The family members will be restricted to 5 members for APL families, while for BPL families, this number limit will not be applicable. Payment of premium for a family of 5 or families whose number is above 5, payment of Premium may is as below : Table III : Details of Premium Payment: BPL, familyAPLAPL, familyAPL, Additional family member< 5members < 5member > 5 NilSum insured up to Rs. 1 lakhsRs. 500/-Rs. 100 per additional member Sum insured up to Rs. 2 lakhsRs. 750/-Rs. 200 per additional member Sum insured up to Rs. 3 lakhsRs. 1,000/-Rs. 300 per additional member 9.Dependents- T he dependents should be living in the same household. “Dependents” are those who depend upon the Head of the household for their basic subsistence/care. Insured Benefits10.Pre-existing conditions to be covered, subject to minimal exclusions as per clause 19. 11. Transport Allowance - Provision for transport allowance as part of the sum insured will be allowed for the patient along with one attendant by any public service vehicle at the rate as may be fixed by the State Transpost Authority from time to time. In case of an emergency/exceptional case, hiring of private vehicle may also be allowed, provided it is duly certified by the Medical Officer i/c of the Hospital. The cost of travel that would be reimbursable for a patient that has to be shifted from residence to hospit al in ca se of admission in Emergency or from one Hospital/Nur sing Home to another Hospital/Nursing Home for better medical facilities. Expenses for travel for the patient as well as attendant (Fares only) would have a ceiling of Rs. 1,000/- within the State and Rs. 10,000/- for travel outside the State per claim. Reimbursement for travel outside the State would be considered for treatment of named Critical IIInesses only. Further, only the lowest fare available for the journey shall be considered for reimbursement. 12.Relevant medical expenses incurred for the period up to 1 clear day prior to hospitalization and up to 10 clear days from the date of discharge from the hospital shall be part of the benefit. This pre- hospitalization coverage would also include all preadmission investigations pertaining to the particular hospitalization and not subject to the 1 clear day pre-hospitalization coverage and duly certified by the treating doctor. However, in cases of organ transplantation petients, post hospitalization coverage would be extended up to 30 clear days. 13. Maternity and New Born Benefit : a.This means treatment taken in Hospital/Nursing Home arising from childbirth including normal delivery/caesarean section and/or miscarriage or abortion induced by accident or other medical emergency except volunatary medical termination of pregnancy. b.Newborn child shall also be covered from day one up to the expiry of the Policy and expenses incurred for treatment taken in hospital as in-patient. This benefit shall be a part of basic sum insured and new born will be considered as a part of insured family member till the expiry of the policy. However, hospitalization prior to delivery can be taken under medical procedures and will not be included under this benefit. c.The maximum benefit allowable under this benefit will be up to Rs. 10,000/-. For complicated cases such as Cesarean Section, the amount covered will be subject to actuals, provided certi- fication from the treating doctor is included in the claim. This benefit shall be a part of basic sum insured.Ex-540/20136 Note : 1. For the Policy period, new born will be provided all benefits under the Scheme and will NOT be counted as a separate member. II. Verification for the new born can be done by any of the existing family members who are getting the Scheme benefits. 14.Minimum period of hospitalization : The minimum period for which a beneficiary is admitted in the hospital as inpatient and stays there for the sole purpose of receiving the necessary and reasonable treatment for the disease/ailment contracted/injuries sustained under the Scheme shall be at least 24 hours. 1 5 . Day Care Procedures : Given advances in treatment techniques, ma ny hea lth services formerly requiring hospitalization can now be treated on a day care basis. Examples of such services which are included for coverage under hospitalization benefits are: a.Dialysis b.Parenteral Chemotherapy c.Hepatitis B d.Hepatitis C e.Drug Resistant TB f.Radiotherapy g.Epilepsy h.Eye Surgery i.Lithotripsy (Kidney stone removal) j.Tonsillectomy k.D&C (not MTP) i.Dental Surgery following an accident m.Hysterectomy n.Surgery of Hernia o.Surgery of Hydrocele p.Surgery of Prostrate q.Gastrointestinal Surgery r.Genital Surgery s.Surgery of Nose t.Surgery of T hroat u.Surgery of Ear v.Surgery of Appendix w.Surgery of Urinary System x.Treatment of Fractures/Dislocation (excluding hair line fracture). Contracture releases and minor reconstructive procedures of limbs which require hospitalization y.Laparoscopic Therapeutic Surgeries z.Any surgery under General Anaesthesia aa.Any disease/procedure mutually agreed upon by the Society and the Insurance Company/ TPA before treatment. The above listed procedures can also be treated/claimed under normal hospitalization benefits. 1 6 . Fraudulent Bills/Claims : If fraudulent bills are detected from beneficiaries, hospitals or Govern- ment Staffs, the following actions will be initiated:Ex-540/2013 7 For Beneficiaries : The fraudulent cliam/s will be rejected and further claims from the particular family will not be entertained for the current Policy period or as may be determined by the Executive Commit tee. For Hospitals : The bills of the hospitals will be out rightly rejected. Further, if the hospital is found to be directly attributable to the false claims as referred to in the Specification of Scheme Benefits or included later under the clause, the concerned hospital with be de-panelled. For Government Staff working in Hospitals, etc : Appropriate Government proceedings will be initiated against them. Benefit Exclusions17.Common exclusions from the benefits would include : Conditions that do not require hospitalization or that can be treated at home or conditions that do not fall under Day Care Procedures specified in paragraph 16. i)Sterilization and fertility related procedures ii)Circumcision unless necessary for treatment of a disease not excluded hereinabove or as may be necessitated due to an accident. iii)Vacination or Inoculation. iv)Change of life or cosmetic or aesthetic treatment of any description other than as may be necessitated due to an accident or as a part of any illness. v)Cost of spectacles, contact lenses and hearing aids. vi)Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless requiring hospitalization. vii)Convalescence, general debility, ‘run-down’ condition or rest cure. viii)Congenital external diseases, except where intervention is required to maintain the functionality of the individual. ix)Sterility, venereal or sexually transmitted diseases. x)Intentional self-injury, unlawful activity associated injury (intentional/unintentional), suicide and direct consequence of use of intoxicating drugs/alcohol. xi)All expenses arising out of any condition, directly or indirectly, caused to or associated with human T- Cell Lymphotropic Virus type III (HTLV III) or Lymphadinopathy Associated Virus (LAV) or the Mutants Derivative or Variations Deficiency Syndrome or any Syndrome or condition of a similar kind commonly referred to as AIDS/HIV, if otherwise treatable under Mizoram State Aids Control Society (MSACS) Programme. xii)Charges incurred at Hospital or Nursing Home primarily for diognostic, X-ray or laboratory examina- tions or other diagnostic studies not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of the positive existence or presence of any ailment, sickness or injury, for which confinement is required at a Hospital/Nursing/Nursing Home or at home under domiciliary hospitalization as defined. Ex-540/20138 xiii)Expenses on vitamins and tonics unless forming part of treatment for disease or injury as certified by the Medical Practitioner. xiv)Domiciliary Treatment, Naturopathy Treatment. xv)Disease or injury directly or indirectly caused by or arising from attributable to war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), disasters (man made, natural). xvi)Disease or injury directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear weapons/materials. Rates 18.The rates will include Bed charges (General ward only), Nursing, diet charges, surgeons, Anesthe- tists, Medical Practitioner, Consultants Fees, Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, O.T. Charges, Cost of Sur- gical Appliances, Medicines and Drugs, Cost of Prosthetic Devices, implants, X-Ray and Diagnostic Tests, etc as notified by the Government of Mizoram and will be applicable for all medical/surgical cases for hospitals within the State of Mizoram vide No.A.17014/7/07-HFW, Dt. 22nd July, 2008. for hospitals outside Mizoram, rates will be as per current CGHS rates will be adhered. Costs of drugs would be as per distributor prices. Specific Provisions for the S cheme 19 . Enrolment Procedure a)Beneficiary enrollment is the responsibility of the Mizoram State Health Care Society.Enrollment period will be opened for 2 months in each district only and beyond this period, enrollment would not be opened whatsoever. b)Enrollment of the Head of the Family in the current electoral roll or having Voter ID Card of the State published by the Election Commission of India shall be used as proof of eligibility for enrollment under the Scheme. c)For BPL families, a Certificate/Card as proof thereof issued by GoM authorized Department (identi- fied from time to time) and ceertified by a Gazetted Officer or Health Worker in remote villages of the Government of Mizoram has to be attached. d)Coverage under the Scheme would be provided for all family and their family members as per the Enrollment/Photo ID Card. e)The period for enrolment would be from the date of commencement of enrolment for a period of 60 days only, beyond which it would not be possible to enroll. Enrolment period would be widely publi- cized. f)Enrollment under the Scheme at the time of holpital admission within the enrolment period will also be considered. 20. Cashless Access Service a)Within the limits of coverage, BPL beneficiaries only shall be provided cashless treatment for all conditions, illness or disease covered under the Scheme. The Health Care Provider shall be reim- bursed according to the packaged cost specified in Paragraph 18. b)For APL beneficiaries, the facility of cashless treatment shall be restricted only to Critical lllnesses as listed in Paragraph 4. The basis of reimbursements shall be limited to the rates specified in Paragraph 18.Ex-540/2013 9 21 . The Mizoram State Health Care Society shall formulate Rules and Procedures relating to the following: a.Pre-authorization requirements, when applicable. b.Access to network and out-of-network providers. c.Emergency care and treatment of beneficia ries. d.Any other matter as may be deemed necessary by the Mizoram State Health Care Society. 22 . Referral of Patients from Mizoram to Hospitals outside the State : The existing Medical Boards constituted by the Government of Mizoram at Aizawl and Lunglei will be utilized under the Scheme for referring cases outside the State of Mizoram. However, Final Authority shall lie with the Society and the recommendations of the Boards for utilization of hospitals referred by it will not be binding on the Mizoram State Health Care Society. The Mizoram State Health Care Society may recommend other hospitals with similar facilities but providing the same treatment at lower rates as negotiated by the Society. 2 3 . Eligible Health Care providers i).Both public and private health care providers which provide hospitalization and/or daycare services, with desired infrastructure would be eligible for inclusion under the Scheme, subject to such require- ments for empanelment as accepted by the Mizor am Health C are Society. ii).All Government Hospitals (including Primary and Community Health Centers) will be automatically eligible for empanelment under the Scheme. However, claims from beneficiaries taking treatment at Government Hospitals would only be allowed for expenses incurred by them on drugs, consumables, etc., purchased from the market (on production of Cash Memos/Bills) and on minimal investigation/ laboratory charges levied by the Governmetn Hospitals (on production of Cash Memos/Bills/Re- ceipts). Expenses such as Diet, Nursing, Bed Charges, Doctor Consultation, Surgical Charges and other expenses which the Government Hospitals provide free will not be payable under the Scheme. 24. Empanelment of Private Hospitals for Inpatient and Day Care Services: i)Hospitals and other Health Facilities shall be empanelled that conform to the eligibility criteria as detailed below: a.It has a minimum of 15 beds. b.It is equipped with properly functioning of Computer, Telephone and Fax facilities. c.It is fully equipped and engaged in providing medical and / or surgical care, including a Pharmacy and Laboratory and Diagnostic Services that could handle at least testing of clinical (blood and urine) specimens, X-rays and ECG. d.The facilities undertaking Surgical Operations have a fully equipped Operating Theatre which it owns and is located on the premises of the facility. e.The facility employs fully qualified Doctors and Nursing Staff on a 24 hours a day basis. f.The facility employs fully qualified laboratory technicians. Ex-540/201310 g.The facility has the requisite system and procedures of maintaining patient’s records required to be provided to the patient or his representative, the Insurance Company/TPA, Government/Nodal Agency as and when required. h.The facility preferably agrees to packaged costs for each identified medical/surgical intervention/ procedures provided as covered benefits under the Scheme. i.The Hospital should be in a position to provide following additional benefits to the BPL beneficiaries related to identified systems: i.)Free OPD consultation. ii.)Fixed/agreed discounts on diagnostic tests and medical treatment required where hospital ization is not requiredEx-540/2013 11 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

The State Council for Clinical Establishments comprising of the following members in accordance with Sec.-8 of the Act.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 575Date - 01/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 1.11.2013 Kartika 10, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 575 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.17014/23/2010-HFW, the 25th October, 2013.In supersession of this Department’s Office Memorandum of even No. dt.2nd May 2011 and pursuant to the enactment of the State Clinical Establish- ments (Registration and Regulation) Act 2010, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the State Council for Clinical Establishments compr ising of the following members in a ccor da nce wit h Sec. -8 of the Act . Chairman- Secretary, Health & Family Welfare (Ex-officio) Member Secretary- Director, Hospital & Medical Education (Ex-officio) Member- Dir ector of Health Services. Elected Members :1.Dr. Vanlalruata-Medical Council (Mizoram) Durtlang 2.Dr. L.Ringluia-Indian Medical Association (Mizoram Board) Durtlang 3.Pu Lalsawma Pachuau-Mizoram Pharmacy Council Jt. Director, F&DA, H&F.W. 4.Pi Thandingliani-Mizoram Nursing Council Dy. Director (N) DHME 5.Pu T.Sangkunga-President, Y.M.A Dinthar, Aizawl 6.Pu Thangmura-President, Mizoram Consumer Union Zion Street, Aizawl POWER & FUNCTION1.The State Council shall perform the following functions, namely :- (a)Compiling and updating the State Registers of clinical establishment. (b)sending monthly returns for updating the National Register. (c)representing the State in the National Council. (d)Publication on annual basis a report on the state of implementation of standards within their res pect ive Stat es. It shall be the responsibility of the State Council for clinical establishments to compile and update the State Register of clinical establishments of the State and further to send monthly returns in digital format for updating the National Register. Esther Lalruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

State Crisis Management Group (SCMG) for Mizoram

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 576Date - 01/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 1.11.2013 Kartika 10, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 576 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13012/58/2010-DMR/pt, the 28th October, 2013.In pursuance of para 2.11 of Crisis Man- agement Plan, 2013 of Ministry of Home affairs, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State Crisis Management Group (SCMG) for Mizoram with the following composition with immediate effect and until further orders : 1.Chief Secretary-Chairman 2.AC S (Home)/Home Secreta ry-Member 3.Director General of Police-Member 4.Deputy Director, Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau-Member 5.Relief Commissioner/Principal Secretary-Member Convener Disaster Management & Rehabilitation 6.Director, DM & R Deptt.-Member 7.Dir ector, Fir e & Emergency Services-Member The Group shall normally handle all crisis situations and advice and guide the District Crisis Manage- ment Groups. The Group shall keep the Crisis Management Group in the Ministry of Home Affairs informed of the evolving situation and the steps taken to handle such Crisis situation. P. C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

He Gazette issue hi Revenue Department in an rawn ancelled avangin chhut loh a ni.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 577Date - 01/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 1.11.2013 Kartika 10, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 577RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500He Gazette issue hi Revenue Department in an rawn cancelled avangin chhut loh a ni.


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 588Date - 11/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 11.11.2013 Kartika 20, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 588 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 NOTIFICATIONNo.576/EXIT/2013/SDR, the 7th November, 2013.Wher eas, the schedule f or the Gener al Election to the Legislative Assemblies of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and National Capital Territory of Delhi and by-elections to Legislative Assemblies of Tamil Nadu from 83-Yercaud (ST) assem- bly constituency and Gujarat from 167-Surat West assembly constuency have been announced by the Commission vide its Press Note No.ECI/PN/43/2013, dated 4th October, 2013 as modified vide Press Note No.ECI/PN/47/2013 dated 23rd October, 2013; 2.And whereas, as per the provisions of Section 126A of the R.P. Act, 1951, there shall be restrictions on conduct of any exit poll and publication and dissemination of result of such exit poll during such period, as may be notified by the Election Commission in this regard; 3.And whereas, the General Elections to the Legislative Assemblies of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and National Capital Territory of Delhi and by-elections to Legislative Assemblies of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat have been announced together, the ban on exit polls shall start from the date and the time of commencement of the poll on the first day of poll and continue till half-an-hour after closing of the poll on the last day of poll; 4.Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers under sub-Section (1) of section 126A of the R.P. Act, 1951, the Election Commission having regard to the provisions of sub-Section (2) of the said Section, hereby notifies the period between 7.)) A.M. on 11.11.2013 (Monday) i.e the first day of poll in Chhattisgarh and 5.30 P.M. on 4.12.2013 i.e. the last day of poll in National Capital Territory of Delhi and by-elections to the State Legislative Assemblies of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, as the period during which conducting any exit poll and publishing or publicizing by means of the print or electronic media or dissemination in any other manner whatsoever, the result of any exit poll in connection with the current General Elections to the Legislative Assemblies of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and National Capital Territory of Delhi and by-elections to Legislative Assemblies of Tamil nadu and Gujarat, shall be prohibited. Ex-588/20132 5.It is further clarified that under Section 126(1)(b) of the R.P. Act, 1951, displaying any election matter including results of any opinion poll or any other poll survey, in any electronic media, would be prohibited during the period of 48 hours ending with the hours fixed for conclusion of poll in connection with aforesaid General elections and by-elections. By order, Sd/- (Ashish Chakraborty) Secretary. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 589Date - 11/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 11.11.2013 Kartika 20, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 589 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 NOTIFICATIONNo.464/MIZ-LA/2013,WHEREAS, a number of electors enrolled in Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram had migrated because of compelling circumstances and have been temporarily resid- ing in various transit camps in the State of Tripura outside their place of ordinary residence; and WHEREAS, the Election Commission of India, ha ving regard to the right of franchise of such migrant electors, directed that these migrants, despite their temporary migration, shall continue to be treated as ordinarily residents of their respective places, for inclusion/retention of their names in the electoral rolls of the relevant Assembly Constituencies in the Sta te of Mizora m, as summarily revised with reference to 01.01.2013 as the qualifying date; Now, therefore, the Election Commission of India, in exercise of powers conferred by clause (c) of section 60 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and in consultation with the Central Government vide the Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department letter No.H-11019/10/2013-Leg. II dated 24th October, 2013, hereby notifies the aforementioned migrant electors enrolled in different Assembly Constitu- encies in Mizoram and who are presently residing in various transit camps outside their place of ordinary residence, as the notified class of persons to give their vote by Postal Ballot at the current general election to the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram 2013, subject to the fulfillment of the requirements specified in the rules made under the said Act. Your fa ithfully, Sd/- (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Dated 2nd November, 2013 11 Kartika, 1935 (Saka)

Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 ( Staturory Rules and Order )

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 590Date - 11/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 11.11.2013 Kartika 20, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 590 Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 ( Staturory Rules and Order ) FORM 1 ( See rule 3 ) NOTICE OF ELECTIONNotice is hereby given that :- (1)an election to be held of a member of the Mizoram Legislative Assembly in the 21 - Lengteng (ST) Assembly Constituency ; (2)nomination paper may be delivered by a candidate or any of his proposers to the Returning Off icer or t o P u Ab r aha m Beir a zie Khit hie, As sis t ant Ret u rning Off icer at R et u r ning Officer ’s Champhai between 11:00 A.M and 3:00 P.M on any day (other than public holiday) not later than 3:00 PM on 8.11.2013; (3)forms of nomination papers may be obtained at the place and times aforesaid; (4)the nomination paper will be taken up for scrutiny at 11:00 AM on 9.11.2013 at Returning Officer ’s Office Chamber, Champhai; (5)notice of withdrawal of candidature may be delivered either by a candidate or his election agent [who has been authorised in writting by the candidate to deliver it] to either of the officers specified in paragraph (2) above at his office before 3:00 PM on 11.11.2013. (6)in the event of the election being contested, the poll will be taken on 25.11.2013 between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM Zoengsanga, Returning Officer, 21 - Lengteng (ST) A/C Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Place : Champhai D a t e : 1.11.2013

AFFIDAVIT R. Ramthianghlima S/o R. Vanhnuna, Zobawk, Lunglei District, Lunglei

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 593Date - 19/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 19.11.2013 Kartika 28, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 593 AFFIDAVITI, Mr. R. Ramthianghlima S/o R. Vanhnuna, permanent resident of Zobawk, Lunglei District, Lunglei, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affirm and declare a s follows : 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India and entit led to all the rights and protections guara nteed under the Constitution of India. 2.T ha t I am presently posted as Demonstrator, S&WC , Lunglei Distr ict, Da te of J oining : 6.10.1 993, Date of Birth : 12/7/1965. 3.That my name has been recorded as Ramthia nghlima as per my Service Book and GP F Account in my service record. 4.That my true and correct name is R. Ramthianghlima. 5.That this affidavit is sworn for the purpose of declaring that my true and correct name is R. Ramthianghlima, and hereafter I would like to be known and addressed as R. Ramthianghlima in a ll my official and non-official dealings instead of my incorrect name i. e. Ramthianghlima. 6.That the statement made in para 1 to 5 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. No material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto put my signature on this the 5th day of August, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me : Sd/-Sd/- Lalremruati Pachuau,R. Thangkanglova, Advoca te,Advocate & Notary Public, Aizawl, Mizoram.Aizawl : Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Notarial Registration No. 94/08 Date 5/8/2013

Obituary Pu R. Lalhuliana, Divisional Accountant, Mamit Division

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 594Date - 19/11/2013

OBITUARY No. A. 19021/91/2013 - F.Est., the 19th November, 2013.The Government of Mizoram has learnt with deep sorrow the sad and untimely demise of Pu R. Lalhuliana, Divisional Accountant, Mamit Division, PWD, on 18th November, 2013 at 10:30 AM at Aizawl Civil Hospital, Aizawl. Pu R. Lalhuliana s/o Pu R. Engmawia (L) born on 2 0.7.196 6 enter ed into Government Service on 1 4.11.1994 as Assistant Divisional Accountant under Finance Department and was posted at Teirei Project Division, P&E w.e.f 14.11.1994 – 13.7.1999. He was then transferred and posted at Generation Division, P&E w.e.f 21.7.1999 – 12.2.2008 from which he was later transferred and posted at Electrical Division, PWD w.e.f 13.2.2008 – 15.7.2013. He was then promoted to Divisional Accountant and posted at P WD, Mamit Divis ion w.e.f 16.7. 2013 till he breathed his last. He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion to duty proving himself an efficient officer. The Government of Mizoram, Finance Depar tment deeply mourns his death and place on r ecord its appr eciation of the sincere service rendered by Pu R. Lalhulia na and conveys its hear tfelt sympathy and condolence to his bereaved family. F. Vanlalruata, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Depa rtment (E). The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 19.11.2013 Kartika 28, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 594RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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