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VOL - XLIIISSUE - 552Date - 17/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.H. 12017/55/2012-LJD,the 11th October, 2013.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Second Ordinance, 2013 (Ordinance No. 11 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislative Department) New Delhi, the 28th September, 2013/Asvina 6, 1935 (Saka) THE INDIAN MEDICAL COUNCIL (AMENDMENT) SECOND ORDINANCE, 2013 No. 11 of 2013 Promulgated by the President in the Sixty-four th Year of the Republic of India. An Ordinance fur ther to amend the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. WHERE AS the India n Medical Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013 was pr omulgated by the President on the 21st day of May, 2013; AND WHEREAS the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2013 with certain modifications was introduced in the Council of States to replace the said Ordinance, which has not been passed and is pending in that House; AND WHEREAS Parliament is not in session and the President is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to ta ke immediate action to give continued effect to the provisions of the said Ordinance with certain modifications; Now, THE REFORE, in exercise of the powers conferr ed by clause (1) of article 123 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to promulgate the following Or dinance:—The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 17.10.2013 Asvina 25, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 552RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page - 2 - Ex-552/2013 Short title and com- mencement. Insertion of new section 3AA.CHAPTER I PRE LI M I N ARY 1.(1) This Ordina nce ma y be called the Indian Medica l Council (Amendment) Second Or dinance, 2013. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into for ce on the 15th da y of May, 2013. 2.In the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act ), for the long t itle, the following long t it le sha ll be substituted, namely:— “An Act to provide for the constitution of the Medical C ouncil of India and for the determination, co-ordination, maintenance and regulation of standards of medica l education, the practice of medicine, maintenance of India n Medical Register and to make endea vour in making ava ilable doct ors in all States and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”. 3.In section 2 of the principal Act, in clause (1), after the words “a medical faculty”, the following shall be inserted, namely:— “but does not include Deemed University for the purpose of section 3 of the Act”. 4.In section 3 of the principal Act,— (a) in sub-section (1),— (i) after clause (a), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— (aa) one member, to represent the Union territ ories by rotation, to be nomina ted by the Centra l Government;”; (ii) for clause (b), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:— “(b) one member from each University, to be elected from amongst the members of the medical faculty of the University by members of the Senate of the University or in case the University has no Senate, by members of the Court or in case the University has no Court, a body equivalent to the Senate or the Court: Provided that where there is Health University in a State, the Senate of the Health University or in case the Health University has no Senate, b y members of the Court or in case the Universit y has no Court, a body equivalent to the Senate or the Court of that University, shall elect one representative for every ten medical colleges affiliated to it, from amongst the medical fa culty of those medical colleges, to represent such medical colleges: Provided further that a Health University with less than ten medical colleges affiliated to it, shall also be eligible to elect one representative to repr esent such medical colleges: Provided also that such number of reprsentatives shall be reviewed by the Central Government after every four years;”; (iii) clause (d) shall be omitted; (b) in sub-section (2), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:— . “Provided that no person sha ll hold office as the Pr esident or, as the case may be, the Vice-President for more than two terms.”. 5.After section 3 A of the pr incipal Act, the following section shall be insert ed, namely:— Amendment of section 2. Amendment of section 3. Amendment of long title.102 of 1956. Amendment of section 4. Insertion of new section 9A. - 3 -Ex-552/2013 “3AA. The Centr al Government shall, aft er the commencement of t he Indian Medical C ouncil (Amendment) Second Or dinance, 2013, reconstitute the Council, by notification in the Officia lGazette, and publish the names of the members nomina ted or elected to the Council under sub-section (1) of section 3 within a period not exceeding one hundred and eighty days: Provided that the Board of Governors constituted under sub-section (4) of section 3A shall continue to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Council t ill the new Council is r econstituted or for such period not exceeding one hundred a nd eighty days, whichever is earlier.”. 6.In section 4 of the pr incipa l Act, in su b-section (1),— (a) the words, brackets and letter “or clause (d)” shall be omitted; (b) the words, brackets, letter a nd figures a nd any rules so ma de provide that pending the preparation of the Indian Medical Register in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the members referred to in clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 3 may be nominated by the Central Government instead of being elected as provided therein,” shall be omitted; 7.In section 7 of the principal Act,— (a) in sub-section (1), for the words “five year s”, the words “four years” shall be substituted: (b) for sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:— “(2 ) Subject to the provisions of the Act, a member, whether nomina ted or elected, sha ll hold office for a term of four years.”; (c) in sub-section (6), for the words “five years”, the words “four years” shall be substituted. 8.Aft er section 9 of the principal Act, the following section sha ll be inserted, namely:— “9A. (1) The Council shall, subject to the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder, take mea sures to determine, coordinate and maint ain the sta nda rds of medical education and practice in medicine, the Indian Medical Register and make endeavour in making availa ble doctors in all States. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the mea s u r es referred to in sub-section (1), may, inter alia, pr ovide for all or a ny of the following matters, n a me l y : - (a ) la y down the standards of p rofessiona l ethics in the pra ctice of medicine; (b) grant or withdra w permission for establishment of medica l college and course of study in medical education and ensure compliance of its terms and conditions for such permission; (c) maintain the Indian Medical Regist er; (d) render advice to the Centr al Government or the State Government on matters relating to the medical education and practice in medicine; (e) facilitate medical education in the institutions situated outside the country; (f) undertake a nd recommend to the Central Government or the State Government such measures a s may be necessar y to regula te medical education in or outside the country; (g) organise seminars, symposiums and workshops in order to promote continuous medical education and pract ice in medicine; andAmendment of section 7. Reconstitution of Council. Function of Council. Amendment of section 13.- 4 - Ex-552/2013 (h) perform such other functions as ma y be laid down in the r ules made by the Central Government.”. 9.In section 13 of the principal Act,— (a) in sub-section (2) and (3), for the words “a citizen of India”, the wor ds “a citizen of India or an overseas citizen of India” shall respectively be substituted; (b) in sub-section (4A), for the words “a citizen of India”, the words “ a citizen of India or an overseas citizen of India” shall be substituted; (c) sub-section (4B) and the proviso r elating thereto shall be omit ted; (d) in sub-section (4C), for the words, br ackets, figures and letters “sub-sections (4A) and (4B)”, the words, brackets, figure and letter “sub-section (4A)” shall be substituted; (e) after sub-s ection (5), the following Explana tion shall b e inserted, namely:— ‘Explanation.—For the purposes of this section, the expression “overseas citizen of india” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (ee) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Citizenship Act, 1955.’. 10. In section 14 of the principal Act, in the proviso to sub-section (1), the words “for the time being for the purposes of teaching, resea rch or char itable work” shall be omit ted. 11. In section 21 of the principal Act,— (a ) in sub-section (1), for the words “the names”, the words “the names and biometric details” shall be substituted; (b) after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:— ‘(2A) The Council shall, in addition to the Indian Medical Register referred to in sub-section (1), maintain the Medical Register in electronic form containing the particulars included in the Indian Medical Register. Explanation.—For the purpose of this sub-section, the expression, “electronic form” shall have the meaning a ssigned to it in cla use (r) of s u b - s ec t io n ( 1 ) of section 2 of the Information Technology Act , 2000.’. 12. After section 30 of the principal Act, the following section shall be insert ed, namely:— “30A. (1) T he Pr esident, Vice-President or any member of t he Council may, by notice in writing under his ha nd addressed to the Central Government, resign from his office: Pr ovided t hat the P resident, Vice-P resident or a ny member of t he C ouncil sha ll, unless he is permitted by the C entral Government to relinquish his office sooner, cont inue to hold office until the expiry of a period of three months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly appointed as his successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of his term of office, whichever is the earliest. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the Central Government may remove from office the P resident, Vice-President, or a ny member of the Council, who— (a ) has been a djudged as an insolvent; or (b ) has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as s u c h President, Vice-President, or other member; or Amendment of section 14. Amendment of section 21.57 of 1955. 21 of 2000. Insertion of new section 30 A. Resignation, removal a nd suspension of President, Vice President or members of Council. - 5 -Ex-552/2013 ( c ) is of unsound mind and stand so declared by a competent court; or (d) has been convicted of an offence involving mor al tur pitude; or (e) has acquired such financial or any other interest in any medica l institution falling within the purview of the Council, which is likely to a ffect pr ejudicially the exercise of his funct ions as the President, Vice President, or a member; or (f) is unable to perform or has made persistent defaults— (i) in the performance of t he dut ies imposed on him under this Act or has exceeded or abused his position; or (ii) either wilfully or without sufficient cause neglects to comply with the directions issued by the Central Government under sections 33 A and33B;or (g) has been guilty of proved misbehaviour or his continuance in office would be detrimental in public interest. (3) No person shall be removed from his office on the grounds specified in clause (e) or clause (f) or clause (g) of sub-section (2), unless he has been given a reasonable opportunit y of b eing heard in the matter.”. 13. In section 32 of the principal Act, for sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:— “(2 ) In particular, and without prejudice to the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or a ny of the following matters, namely:— (a) the manner of election of the Council under sub-section (1) of section 4; (b) such other functions of the Council under clause (h) of sub-section (2) of section 9A as may be laid down by the Cent ral Government; (c) the conditions and payment of fees for filing of an appeal before the Central Government under sub-section (2) of section 24; (d) any other matter which is required to be, or ma y be, provided by rules or in respect of which provision is to be made by rules.”. 14. In section 33 of the principal Act, for clause (ma), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:— “(ma) the modalities for conduct ing screening test under sub-section (4A) of section 13;”. 15. After section 33 of the pr incipal Act, the following sections shall be insert ed, namely: “33A. Wit hout prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Act, the Council sha ll, in the discharge of its functions and duties under this Act, be bound by s uch directions on questions of policy as the Centr al Government may give in writing to it from time to time, and the quest ion whether the direction given is one of policy or not shall be decided by the Central Government. 33B. (1) Where the Central Government considers it expedient so to do, it may, by order in writ ing, direct the Council to make any regula tions or to amend or revoke any regulations already made by it, within such period as the Central Government may specify in this behalf. (2) If the Council fa ils or neglects to comply with such order within the specified period, the Central Government ma y make the r egulations or amend or r evoke the regulations made by t he Council, as the case may b e, in such manner as the Central Government thinks fit.Amendment of section 32. Amendment of section 33. Insertion of new sections 33A, 33B and 33C. Power of Central Government to give directions. Powers of Central Government to direct regulations to be made or to make or amend regula tions. 33C. Every rule and every regulation made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of P arliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thir ty days which may be comprised in one sess ion or in two or more successive sess ions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the sess ion or the successive sessions aforesa id, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule, regula tion or both Houses agree that the rule and regulation should not be made, the rule and regulation shall, thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect , as the ca se ma y be; so, however, that any such modification or a nnulment sha ll be without pr ejudice t o the va lidity or anything p reviously done under that rule or regulation.”. 16. Notwithstanding the fact that the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013 has ceased to operate, a nything done or any action taken or purpor ted to have been done or taken or any permission or direction given under the said Ordinance shall be deemed to have been done, taken or given under the corresponding provisions of this Ordinance. PRANAB MUKHERJEE, President. P.K. MALHOTRA, Secy. to the Govt. of India. La ying of ru les a nd regula tions. Validation and savingsOrd. 4 of 2013. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 6 - Ex-552/2013

Affidavit of V.L. Dika S/o Lalruanga (L) Field Veng, Zemabawk North,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 553Date - 17/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 17.10.2013 Asvina 25, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 553 AFFIDAVIT BEFORE MAGISTRATE 1st C LASS /NOTARY PUBL IC I, V.L. Dika S/o Lalruanga (L), R/o TS/D-012(A), Field Veng, Zemabawk North, Aizawl, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under : 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India a nd a competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That my name has been mistakenly written recor ded as Vanlaldika in my Service record whereas it has been correctly recorded as V.L. Dika my GPF Account sheet and all other documents. 3.That my name should be known and recorded as V.L. Dika not as Vanlaldika here-in after in all my official record and corr espondence. 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to declare that my true and correct name is V.L. Dika and that of t o get it corrected by the concerned author ity. 5.That the aforementioned pa ra 1-4 are true and correct t o the best of my knowledge and belief and no material facts has been concealed therein. In witness whereof I hereunto set my own s ignature on this 24th day of September, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :-Signed before me :- Sd/-Sd/- Lalchhanliana Khiangte,Lalramhluna, Advocate.Advocate Enrolment No. 1144 of 2010Nota ry Public Aizawl, MizoramAizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Notarial Registration No. 20/9 Date 24/9/13

The Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 583Date - 08/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 8.11.2013 Kartika 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 583RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page NOTIFICATION No.H.11018/6/2008-REV, the 12th July, 2013. In exercise of the power conferred under Section 132 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 (Act No. 5 of 2013) the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the follwing Rules, namely “ The Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013”. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . - 2 - Ex-583/2013 THE MIZORAM (LAND REVENUE) RULES, 2013 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 132 of the Mizor am (Land Revenue) Act , 2013 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely: General PART 1Short title, extent and commencement1.(1) These rules may be called the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013. (2) It shall ha ve the like extent a s the Act. (3) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2.DefinitionsIn t hese Rules, unless the context other wis e requir es:- (1) (a) “Act” means the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. (Act No.5 of 2013); (b) “Additional Director” means Additional Director appointed by the Government subordinate to the Director; (c ) “Assistant Director” means Assistant Director of Land Revenue and Settlement appointed by the Government to a ssist Dir ector, La nd Revenue a nd S ettlement who s ha ll be subordinate to the Deputy Director; (d) “Collecting Agent” means any persons or gr oup of persons appoint ed or a uthorised by the Government who had executed Deed of agreement with Revenue Depa rtment to collect la nd revenue, taxes, etc; ( e) “Controller of Land Recor ds” means and includes the Director of Land Revenue & Sett lement, Govt. of Mizora m who shall function as Controller of all land records in Mizor a m; (f) “Director” means the Director of Land Revenue and Settlement; Government of Mizor a m; (g) “Deputy Director” means Deputy Dir ector appointed by the Government for the pur pose of R evenue Administration who shall be subordinate to Joint Director; (h) “Joint Director” means the Joint Director appointed by the Government subordinate to the Director; (i)“Jur istic person” is synonymous with a “ juridica l person”, “legal person” or “artificial person”. Such persons are created, either by ob taining the expr ess a pproval of the legislature or by following specia l procedures for the creation of such persons. Juristic persons may also be known as companies or corporations or incorpora tions or societies or a ssociations or institutions or church or similar terms as the case may be depending upon local legislation from time to time; (j)“Land Holder ” means a person or juristic person t o whom land allotment, whether for permanent or tempor ary, period has been made by competent author ity; (k) “Land Settlement” means the settling of land under the Act and these Rules with individual person or persons or juristic person who entered into an agreement with the Government to pay land revenue and include survey, demarcation of boundary and classification to such settlement; (l)“Lessee” means a lease of land granted to an individua l or society or juristic persons under certa in conditions laid down in rule 7 and 8 of these Rules; (m) “Mixed Farming” means an area used for cultiva tion of crops, plantation of trees for commercial use, animal hus bandry, pisciculture a nd other agricultural activities without confining to a particular agricultural activities; (n) “PAN” means Permanent Account Number under section 49A of the Income Tax Act, 1961; (o) “Partition” means the division of a holding into two or more such holdings each separately liab le for t he revenue asses sed ther eon; (p) “Periodic Patta” means a prescribed Land Settlement document setting agricultural land periodically whereby a n individual ha s entered an agreement with the Government to pay land revenue, taxes, cesses at the rate legally assessed or imposed in respect of the land so leased out; (q) “Periodic P atta holder” means licensed cultivator of la nd for a limited tenur e of period who has acquired rights under section 25 of the Act; (r ) “Per iodic Lease” mea ns a lessee of periodical lea se of land or limited tenure who ha s acqu ired the right s of lease holder under section 28 of the Act; (s) “Revenue Circle Officer” means Revenue Circle Officer appointed or designated by the Government to look after revenue administration with such Revenue Cir cle. (t ) “Revenue Circle” a nd “ Revenue Village” mea ns Revenue C ir cle a nd Revenue Villa ge cons tituted under S chedule I of the Mizor am (Land Survey and Settlement Operation) Rules, 2009; (u) “Revenue Commissioner” means the Revenue Commissioner appointed by the Government and includes Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Revenue Department; (v) “Revenue Sub-Division” means Sub-Division (civil) as defined by General Administration Depa rtment, Government of Mizoram; ( w) “Section” means section of the Act; (x) “Site Allotment Advisory Board” means Site Allotment Advisory Board constituted by the Government to screen a nd clear the application for a llotment of la nd for a gricultural and non-agricultural purposes; (y) “Town ar ea” means the area of such town demar cated for the purpose of Revenue administration as may be notified by the Government or any a uthorit y authorized by it fr om t ime to time; (z) “UID Number” means Unique Identification Number issued by Unique Identifica tion Authority of India, Planning Commission, Government of India. (2).Expr essions and wor ds used in the Act which appear need not to define in these rules shall have the sa me meaning in t hese Rules. PART – 23.Power of the Government for allotment of land(1) For allotment of any category of land by the State Government, a pplication is to be made in relevant application as prescribed inForm-1 or Form-2 or Form-2A or Form-2Bas the case may be. Applications may be submit ted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer of t he dist rict where vaca nt land is ava ilable or notified. (2) No allotment of land of any category shall be made to the person or juristic person who is ineligible in terms of sub-section (16) and sub-section (45) of section 2 of the Act or a minor below 12 years of age and other conditions as prescr ibed in the rules. (3) Preference may be given by Site Allotment Advisory Board or Mizoram Public Investment Boa rd to war widows, victims of terror ism, outstanding sports persons having excelled at international level, winner of prestigious National or Internationa l Award or permanent disabled persons or eminent persons of the state of Mizoram. The Mizor am Public Investment Board (MPIB) shall consist of Chairman, Member Secretary and other members as prescribed in Schedule of t hes e R ules .- 3 -Ex-583/2013 (4) The applica tion for land allotment under any category shall be carefully examined by Mizoram Public Investment Board or Site Allotment Advisor y Board having regard to the followings:- (a ) The identit y and status of the a pplica nt has to be a scertained; (b) Whether the land area applied for is within the ceiling limit; (c ) Whether the land a pplied for falls within the land zoning as determined by the Ma ster Plan of Mizoram Urba n and Regional Planning author ity or Plan of Municipa lity or Plan prepared by the Aizawl Development Authority as the case may be; (d) Whether the allotment of land or use of land would contravene or disturb or obstruct the pr esent or fu ture spa tia l development on the basis of Master Pla n approved by the government or local body in the a rea; ( e) Whether, the land applied for, if allotted, will infringe or be detr imental to the following:- (i)public safety; (ii) public health; (iii) effect on public convenience; (iv) effect on environment or pollution; (v) general public or der; (vi) natural beauty of the area; (vii) infr astructural development of the government. (f) The Mizoram Public Investment Board will be an Apex Board for accepting and recommending a project in a holis tic manner and the question of land allotment (for the project) will be examined depending upon the merit of the project; (g) To examine and analyze the broad contours of an investment proposal par ticularly in respect of feasibility aspect of the Projects after considering due diligence by the Planning Depa rtment or the F inance Department; (h) To see that proposed requirement of land is important integral part of the projects. Such proposed projects for funding under any sources a re routed through their respective Administrative or Line Departments with feasibility comments; (i)To judiciously examine all projects submitted by NGOs, Society, Individuals and Government having socio-economic importance to the state and there is no duplicity with other on-going projects. (5) No r eference is required to be made for clearance or recommendation of the Mizoram Public Investment Board (MPIB) in respect of allotment for any individual or any firms or any company or non-gover nmental organisation or churches or government depar tment a s indicated below:- (a ) In t he case of individual or fir m or companies or NGO for educational institution and setting up industrial unit, if the land area applied for is less than 5 bighas or 6689 square metre; (b) In case of Church for the purposes of church buildings, quarters or hall, etc. if the land area applied for is less than 3 bighas or 4013.40 square metre; (c ) For Government Depa rtment’s offices, qua rters, etc. if the land applied for is less than 10 bighas or 13378 square metre. (6) The Government may entrust Local Council or Village Council, as the case may be the mana gement of land for the exclusive purpose and public utility. Such delegation of land will be conveyed in writing with necessary terms and conditions. Provided that no land shall be allotted to any organisation or institution or individual in the same town or sub town or village if the land already a llotted to any of the category mentioned in this proviso exceeding 50 bighas or 66890 square metre. (7) In addition to clause (e) of sub-rule (4) of rule 3, Government may declare by issue of notification to r eserve any portion or area as excluded area or restr icted area for allotment of land.- 4 - Ex-583/2013 PART-34.Survey, measurement and demarcation of land for allotment(1) For every ca se of proposed a llotment or settlement of land, the Settlement Officer or the Assistant Settlement Officer or Assistant Survey Officer shall conduct survey, measure and dema rcate the land accura tely pr eferably using as far as possible a ccurate gadgets or survey instruments and clear sketch maps shall be prepared. The sketch map will contain wider geographical reference to the area and a second sketch map shall be a micro ma p indica ting the length and breadth in metre a nd the total ar ea of the land shall be in square metre. (2) The technical report accompanied by sur vey and measur ement r eport a nd other documents required such as No Objection Certificate from neighbouring land holder if any, shall be screened by t he Site Allotment Advisory Board or Mizoram Public Investment Boa rd as the case may be. The case with r ecommendation of the Board sha ll be submitted to the Government thr ough Director, La nd Revenue and Settlement for decision of the Government. (3) Deta iled description of la nd to be allotted shall be accompanied by inventory of fact ual position of the existing land including cr ops, trees, natural gr owth vegetation, stone-quarry, etc. which will be for ming ma ndatory part of the Technical Report. The technica l repor t will be prepared by the Assistant Sur vey Officer of t he distr ict. (4) At t he time of allotment of any land of a ny category, there sha ll be clear identifiable boundary description accompanied by fixing of pr escribed pillar s firmly to the ground. Expenditure for the pillars and the cost of labour, if any, will be borne by the applicant. The total ar ea recorded will not be altered later whatsoever. (5) After obtaining approval or decision of the Government House Pass or Shop Pass or Stall Pass or P eriodic Patta or Land Lease as the case ma y be, shall be issued by Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer of the district. Provided tha t prior to allotment of land of any nature there sha ll be “No Objection Certificate” from the person holding the land in the adjoining area countersigned by the concerned chairman Local Council or P resident Village Council as the case may be. A certificate of no objection as prescribed inForm-3 sha ll necessarily accompany technical report. (6) No land shall be pr ocessed for allotment within t he areas of 800 metres measur ing from the centre on either side of the following rivers:- (a) T lawng.(b) Tut. (c) Teirei.(d) Langka ih. (e) Chemlui.(f) Serlui. (g) Tuivawl.(h) Tuirini. (i) Tuirial.(j) Kau. (k) De.(l) Phairuang. (m) Tuiruang(n) Khawthlangtuipui. (o) Mat;(p) Tuichang (Lunglei District). (q) Tuicha ng.(r) Tuipui. (s) Tiau. (7) No land sha ll be processed for a llotment in favour of persons or jur istic p ersons who are not eligible a s per the Act. (8) No land shall be pr ocessed for allotment in favour of a person below the age of 12 years. (9) All technica l work as indicated in sub-rule (1) t o (5) of this rule sha ll be carried out based on the ‘work ca lendar ’ determined by the Director.- 5 -Ex-583/2013 5.Allotment of la nd for a gr icu ltura l purposesAllotment of land for agricultura l purposes shall be ma de either by Periodic Patta or by land lease for specific tenure and for specific purpose, such as, commercial plantation, horticultural farming, agricultura l farming etc. The holder of Periodic Patta or lease holder shall have to comply with t erms and conditions laid down in these Rules. 6.Conditions for issue of Periodic PattaSubject to Rule 3 a nd Rule 4 of t hese Rules, allotment of land under Periodic Patta shall be processed as prescribed hereunder: (1) Maximum area that can be a llotted for permanent planta tion for person or jur istic person is 60 (sixty) bighas or 80,268 square metres per family or per juristic person domiciled in the Sta te of Mizoram. Explanation: Permanent plantation means and includes a plantation or a colony or estate for growing aloe vera, bamboo, coffee, oil palm, rubber, sugarcane, tea, teak, tung, a nd includes medicinal pla nts, hor ticultur al orcha rds and floriculture. (2) The authority to issue Certifica te as explained in sub-section (16) of section 2 of the Act will be Home Department, Government of Mizoram. (3) Allotment of land for agr icultural purpos es in the first instance sha ll be made on Periodic P atta subject to recommendation of Site Allotment Advisory Board. T he cons tituent of Site Allotment Advisory Board sha ll cons ist of the Cha irman and Member Secretary and other Members as may be notified by the Government from time to time. T he period of office a nd terms of reference ma y also be notified by the Government from time to time. (4) After appr oval of the Government, Director or Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer may issue Periodic Patta as prescribed inAppendix-III. 7.Allotment of Land under LeaseSubject to Rule 3 and Rule 4 of these Rules allotment of land under lease shall be made as under:- (1) Application in prescribed form duly signed by authorized person should be made and accompanied by a mandatory comprehensive plan of intended purpose of use. Land will be used for the “intended purpose” duly declared in the applica tion for land allotment. Survey and demarca tion of land shall be conducted by Surveyor or Surveyors as per provisions under sub-rule (1) to (3) of r ule 4 of these Rules a nd Technical report shall, in addition to other required documents, be accompanied by Certificate of Acceptance as prescribed inForm-4. (2) Allotment of land beyond 60 (sixty) bighas or 80,268 square metres s hall be in exceptional and justifiable grounds and it shall also r equire the recommendation of Public Investment Board. After obtaining approval of Government Land Lease will be issued by t he Director or the Settlement Officer on the ba sis of recommendation by Mizoram Public Invest ment Boa rd which will be on fixed tenure la nd lease. The applica tion should be submitted to the Mizoram Public Investment Board as prescribed inForm-5. The application will be forwarded by the Settlement Officer to the Government through the Director. Application before the Mizoram Public Investment Board must be accompa nied with payment of non-refundable applica tion fee of Rs.1500/- using a Treasury Challan. (3) Tenure of la nd lease as determined by the Government is as under :- Sub-CategoryMaximum tenure clausethat can be granted at one time (years) (a)Central Government/State Government Department 99 (ninety nine) projects, establishments and including Industrial estates, years Special Economic Zone (SEZ) including Technology pa rk, soft ware pa rk, Public playground, place of worship, gr aveyar d.- 6 - Ex-583/2013 (b)Religious places other than place of worship or charitable 50 (fifty) years institutions run by NGOs or Social forestr y or Par k or Public water point or sports facilities or public amenities like library etc. run by NGOs or Non-Government hospitals (c)Non-Government educationa l institutions or warehouse, 25 (t wenty five) cold storage, oil depot or Industries, etc. years (d)Others 15 (fifteen) years Provided that on the facts and circumsta nces of the legitimate requirements, the Government is author ized to alter the tenure of la nd lease from time to time. (4) Development of land for the intended purpose should be done within 2 (two) years from the date of allotment by Revenue Department. (5) Leased land will not be disposed or transferred by the allottee or lessee under any circumstance except by inherita nce within the tenur e of the lease as under:- a)Within a family. b)Within Associa tion of Persons or Body of Individuals or S ociety or Trust duly authorized by a Resolu tion passed by a major ity. c)Within Government organisation, duly author ized by Secretary of the concerned administrative department. Provided that such applica tion for inher itance would be subject to pr ior appr oval of the Government. (6) At initial s tage only Provisional Lease Certifica te will be issued. Land allotted under lease will be:- (a ) Properly demarcated with the assistance of Revenue Department using boundary pillars pres cribed by the R evenue Department. (b) Boundary wall or proper fencing shall be put up by the allottee within six months from the date of issue of provisiona l land lease certificate. (c) Regular Land Lease Certificate will be issued only after satisfactory fulfilment of the two conditions above as prescribed inAppendix-V. (7) The conveyance deed for La nd Lease Certifica te will be registered under the Registration Act, 1908. (8) Annual Lease rent s hould be regula rly paid within each financia l year. If the lessee fails to pay the Government any sum payable under the lease on the r espective dates on which they are made payable he sha ll pay interest at the rate of 12 percent per annum on such amounts from the dates on which they were so payable until the date of pa yment of recovery. (9) Application for renewal of Land Lease should be submitted to R evenue Department 6 months before expiry of la nd lease. (10) Once any la nd held under land settlement certificate is transferred or alienated in favour of juristic person, land holding shall undergo change to become land under lease. (11) The Government has reserved the right to all stone quarr ies or all mines, minerals, mineral oils, natural gas or petr oleum a nd of all buried treasures with full liberty to sear ch for and work the same. Compensation sha ll be paid to the lessee for any dama ge caused to the building or structure due to work executed for the above reason. (12) If the lessee has no further use of the land for which it was leased, he shall surrender the land free of cos t to the Government of Mizor am. He may cla im the cost of building and other works executed in the la nd at P.W.D. schedule of ra tes. (13) The existing public road within the areas of the land lease will remain opened to the public. Repa ir and improvement of the roa d as considered necessary by the Government may also be done even during the validity of the lease.- 7 -Ex-583/2013 (14) The Government or officer so authorized may at any time order for the demolition or altera tion of a ny new building or ext ension of any building either completed or under construction, if in the opinion of the said authority, such new building or extension would against the public interest and the holder sha ll comply with the or der. (15) The Certificate holder sha ll comply with any orders issued by the Government or author ized officer for the pur pose of improvements of civic sanitation and to keep the la nd free from da nger to life and propert ies such a s ep idemic disease, fir e, etc. (16) The lessee or his local represent ative shall permit the officers and servants of the Government with or without at all working days between sun rise and sun set to enter upon the lands afor esaid to view the condition and state thereof after the lea se is given. (17) The certificate may be cha nged or altered in accordance with the Acts a nd Rules as amended by t he Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. (18) Application in prescribed form duly signed by authorized person should be made and accompanied by clear and comprehensive plan of intended purpose of use. (19) Land will be used for the “intended purpose” duly declared in the application for land allotment. (20) Development of land for the intended purpose should be done within 2 (two) years from the date of allotment by Revenue Department. 8.Conditions for ca ncellation of land lease(1) Failure to develop land after expiry of 2 years. (2) Land is applied or used otherwise than the intended purpose. (3) Land is sub-let or sub-leased to a third party. (4) Inheritance in any form without approval of government or knowledge of the government shall be deemed to be unauthorised sub-let of the land. (5) The occupation of land is causing public nuisance or public inconvenience or adverse effect on public health or the manner of use of la nd viola tes public order or natural beauty of the a rea. (6) Defa ult to pay lea se rent for more tha n 6 months. (7) Failure to seek renewa l of lea s e after expir y of tenure. 9.Conditions for issue of Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate(1) Before issu e of Agr icultur al Land Settlement Cer tificat e the Settlement Offic er or the Assis tant Sett lement Officer as the case ma y be, ha s to observe a ll technical exercis es and for malities as provided in rule 4of these Rules. In addition, before granting conversion of Periodic P atta into Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate (ALSC), the Settlement Officer or the Assistant Sett lement Officer or the Assista nt Director of Survey shall sa tisfy himself or herself with the following conditions:- a)that there shall be a cogent and comprehensive report of qua lity of land use. A false certificate will result in automatic cancellation of land settlement certificate and the official concerned will be proceeded against under the provisions of Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules,1965; b)that the la nd holder has been pa ying annual la nd revenue determined by the government fr om t ime to time; c)that the tenure of Periodic Patta has not lapsed. (2) After satisfactory fulfilment of all technical formalities the Controller of Land Records or Sett lement Officer or Ass istant Settlement Officer sha ll issu e Land Settlement Cer tificat e a s pr escr ibed inAppendix-I. Provided that in case there is excess or surplus area in the survey and demarcation of land recorded under Periodic Patta; if the Periodic Patta holder wishes to convert his Periodic Patta into Agricultural La nd Sett lement Certificate, the Periodic Patta holder shall have to pay a redemption fee a nd la nd revenu e for t he exces s area. The r edemption fee s ha ll be determined by the government whereas land revenue shall be calculated fr om the date of allotment of land under Periodic Patta. The case will be considered on merit.- 8 - Ex-583/2013 10.Terms and conditions of Periodic Patta (PP)(1) The Agricultural La nd temporarily allotted to the holder of the Periodic Patta shall not utilize the land wholly for another purpose than specified. Explanation: Fa ilure to utilize the la nd for the intended purpose to the extent of 60 per cent of the land area will be deemed to be diversion of land from the intended purpose. (2) The holder of periodic pa tta sha ll pay annual land revenue and other taxes, cesses and at the rate payable in the Periodic Patta . As pr ovided in section 54 of the Act, the rate of revenue and other taxes, cesses may be increased by the Gover nment fr om time to time or the land ma y be re-classified by the Government or by the Officer so authorized. (3) The holder of Periodic Patta has no right to obstruct the reser vation of mine, stone quarry, etc. made by the Government within the land allotted to him. The Government shall have unhindered access to further explora tion and extra ction of the same. (4) The Government or officer author ized ma y, at any time, order for the altera tion or demolition of fencing either completed or under construction in it, if, in the opinion of the said author ity, such fencing is aga inst the public interest, and the holder shall comply with the or der. (5) The holder of Periodic Patta has no right whatsoever to transfer the land whether in part or in whole except in accordance with the provisions of the Act. (6) The holder of Periodic Patta shall comply with any orders issued by the Government of Mizoram, or officer so authorized in the interest of public health, public convenience, safety of general public. (7) The holder of Periodic Pa tta has the right to clear the land and to burn or dispose of forest produce in it for the sole purpose of cultivation. (8) The Periodic Patta may be cancelled at any time even before the expiry of the tenure, if the same is required for the public purposes but reasonable time shall be given to the holder for collection of the Agricultural products in it. (9) The Periodic Patta shall be treated as cancelled automatically if it is not renewed on applica tion within 6(six) months befor e the date of its expiry. (10) If the holder of P eriodic Patta has no further use of the land at the expir y of the period of allotment, he shall compulsorily surrender the Periodic Patta to the Government. (11) Violation of any of the above ter ms and conditions mentioned at clause (1) t o (10) of this rule may entail cancella tion of the Periodic Pa tta. 11.Terms and conditions for Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate (ALSC)(1) The Agricultural La nd sett led sha ll not be utilized par tially or wholly for a nother purpose than specified. (2) Failure to u tilize the land for the intended purpose to the ext ent of 6 0 percent of t he land area will be deemed to be diversion of land from the intended purpose. (3) The holder of Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate shall pay annual land revenue at the rate fixed by the Government from time to time. T he rate of revenue and other taxes ma y be increased by the Government in accordance with the Act and Rules made thereunder as amended from time to time or as the land may be re-classified by the Government or by the Officer so authorized. (4) The holder of Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate has no right to obstr uct the reserva tion of mine, stone quarr y et c. made by the Government wit hin the land allotted to him. T he Government shall ha ve unhindered access to further exploration a nd extr action of the same. (5) The Government or officer authorized, ma y, at a ny time, order for the altera tion or demolition of fencing either completed or under construction in it if, in the opinion of the said author ity, such fencing is aga inst the public interest, and the holder shall comply with the or der. (6) The holder of Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate has right to tr ansfer of owner ship of the land in part or in whole subject to the pr ovisions of Cha pter-IX of the Act.- 9 -Ex-583/2013 (7) The land may partly or wholly be acquired by the Government of Mizoram or Officer so authorized for public purposes or for infrastructural development on payment of reasonable compensation. (8) The holder of Agricultura l Land Settlement Certificate shall comply with any orders issued by the Government of Mizoram, or officer so authorized in the interest of public health, public convenience, safety and general public. (9) The holder of Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate has the right to clea r the land for the sole purpose of cu ltivation and to burn or dispose of natural vegeta tion in it. (10) If the holder of Agricultur al Land Settlement Certificate has no further use of the la nd, he shall compulsorily surrender the Agricultural Land Settlement Certificate to the Government. (11) On s atisfaction of fulfilment of registration of conveyance deed for settlement of land u nder the Registr ation Act, 1908 as amended, the authority authorized by the Government shall issue the Land Settlement Certificate as pres cribed inAppendix-I. (12) In the certificate, the na ture of title, annual land revenue and tax payable per year, location, area, site plan, classification of land and such other particulars, if any, should clearly be mentioned. In addition, No Objection Certificate, Non-Encumbrance Certificate and Land Valuation Certificate may also be issued as prescribed by the Government from time to t ime. 12. Allotment of land for residentia l house(1) Issue of Land Settlement Certificate is to be preceded by Land Pass for House Site, issued by the competent authority. After s atisfactory fulfilment of conditions in these Rules, the Land Pass holder has the option to apply for upgrading the land classification into Land Settlement Certificate with approval of the Government or Competent Author ity. (2) Sett lement Officer or Assistant S ettlement Officer may issue House Pa ss in t he Town and notified sub-town a rea on the recommendation of S ite Allotment Advisory Board to the needy and deserving family not exceeding 1(one) bigha or 1337. 80 squar e metre and a minimum area of 111.5 square metre or 1200 square feet per family for construction of dwelling house after obtaining approval of the Government. Subject to specific guidelines issued by the Government, the Village Council may also allot land within the village perimeter only for construction of dwelling house. House Pass in urban and notified town is to be issued in the form as prescr ibed inAppendix-IV whereas House Pass for the villa ge to be issued by the village council in Appendix-IV. Provided tha t technical documents for proposal of all land allotment including Land Lease and conversion of Periodic P atta or House Pass into Land S ettlement Certificate shall be done in accorda nce with rule 4 of t hese Rules. 13.Terms and conditions in respect of Land Settlement Certificate for residential purposes.(1) For granting Land Settlement Certificate for residential purpose (RLSC), an application is to be filed as prescribed inForm-7. F or gra nting conversion of House Pass into Residential Land Settlement Certifica te (RLS C) a pa ss holder shall comply with the conditions prescr ibed by the government from time to time. (2) Land to be settled with the holder is for dwelling purpose and the land shall not be utilized for another purposes. (3) Conversion of land held under House Pass into RLSC shall be confined to the ar ea recorded under House Pass. Provided that in case there is excess or surplus area inside the survey and demarca tion of land recorded under House Pass if the pass holder wishes to convert his House Pass into Residential Land S ettlement Certificate, the House Pass holder shall have to pay a redemption fee a nd land r evenu e for the excess a rea . The r edemption fee s ha ll b e det er mined by t he government whereas land revenue paya ble sha ll be calculated from the da te of a llotment of- 10 - Ex-583/2013 land into House Pa ss. The said a mount shall be deposited before finalisation of the case. The case may be considered subject to a maximum limit as prescribed in rule 12(2) of these Rules. In case of r efusal to grant conver sion, the same will be refunded within one month. (4) The House Pa ss holder has been paying land revenue annua lly and regular ly as determined by the government from time to t ime. (5) For conversion of a House Pass into RLS C, there must be a house cons tructed by a House Pass holder within 10 (ten) years from the date of allotment of a House Pass. Provided that in case a house is not constructed, the House Pass holder is liable to pay cess at the rate of Rs. 25 per square metre reckoned from the 11 (eleventh) year of allot ment of House Pass. (6) No transfer of the land, either in part or in whole sha ll be made except in accordance with the provisions of the Act. (7) The Certificate holder sha ll comply with any order issued by the Government or Officer so authorized for impr ovement of sanitation and to keep the land fr ee from danger to life and prop erties s uch as epidemic disease, fir e, etc. (8) The land may partly or wholly be acquired by the Government of Mizoram or Officer so authorized for public purposes or for infrastructural development on payment of reasonable compensation. (9) Land Settlement Certificate or rights over land shall be cancelled by the Revenue a uthority if it is found that the Land Settlement Certificate is obta ined in violation of a ny provisions under Section 33 of the Act. (10) In the certificate, the nature of title, annual land revenue and tax p ayable per year, location, ar ea, site pla n, classifica tion of land and such ot her pa rticu la rs, if a ny, should clearly b e ment ioned. In addition, No Objection Certificate, Non-Encumbrance Certificate and Land Valuation Cert ificate may also be issued as pres cribed inForm-6, 6A and 6Bwhenever neces sary. (11) On s atisfaction of fulfilment of registration of conveyance deed for settlement of land u nder the Registr ation Act, 1908 as amended fr om time to time, the authorit y sanctioned by the Government shall is sue the Land Settlement Certificate as prescribed inAppendix-II. (12) The Certificate may be cha nged or altered in accordance with the Acts a nd Rules as amended fr om time to time. 14.Allotment of House Pass (HP) in Village(1) Wher e survey and settlement operation has not been done and in the areas not notified under the Mizoram (Survey and Settlement Operations) Act, 2003, the village council is competent to issue House Pass inside village perimeter to the deserving families who ar e residing only in such villages. Explanation: In the area where Revenue Survey and settlement operation has not yet done and Village Plan is not yet prepa red, the Village Site Plan prepared by the Village Council duly appr oved by Revenu e authority will be deemed to be valid Village Sit e Pla n under t hese Ru les. (2) In t he area wher e s urvey and settlement is done, Revenue Officer may allot Hous e Site a fter obta ining a pproval of the Government and issue House Pa ss. The Revenue Officer may issue Land Settlement Certificate. 15.Regulations for issue of House P ass (HP ) in Villa ges(1) Village Councils may allot house site only within the respective village perimeter with a maximum area of 1(one) bigha or 1337.8 square metre or 14400 square feet and a minimum area of 111.5 square metre or 1200 square feet per family where village Master Plan is not yet prepared su bject to the following terms and conditions:- (a ) Pass holder is given initial tenure of 10 years; (b) Land Revenue and Ta x on the House Pass shall be paid annually. Failure to pay land revenue will result in cancellation of the Pass;- 11 -Ex-583/2013 (c ) Sale or transfer of the land befor e the end of ten years is strictly prohibited and sale or alienation without permission of the Government shall be liable to automatic cancellation of the pass; (d) At t he time of cons tructing a house the pa ss holder shall observe all rules and regulations such as building regulation as prescribe by the Government or municipality or Local body or Village Council; ( e) The pass holder sha ll look after the land properly and boundary pillars should be fixed at all strategic location; (f) In case house is not immediately constr ucted, a notice board showing the name of pass holder, address, pass number and year a nd area of the land s hall be displa yed; (g) If the pass holder encroa ches upon land of the neighbour or causes nuisances to public or causes condition against public health the pa ss will be liable to be cancelled; (h) House sites shall not be allotted within public place, public space or Government land specially earmarked for the Government; (i)When sites are available for House Site the Village Cou ncil shall widely publish thr ough media or throughTlangau inviting applications from the needy and deserving families; (j)All the selected applicants and the details of such allotment should be mandatorily recorded in the Villa ge Council Record Book indicating:- (i) number and year of the Pass; (ii) name and address of the person to whom allotment is made; (iii) father ’s name; (iv) location; (v) clear boundary description; (vi) actual area; (vii) Tenure of Pass. (2) No House Pa ss should be issued a gainst the int erest of the public of the concerned villa ges. Copy of such records s ha ll be submit ted to Director of Land Revenue a nd Settlement or Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer as the case may be within one month from the date of issue of such House Pass. Provided that no Local Council or Village Council can allot land for the pur poses other than residential purposes without prior permission of the Government. The allotment of land in violation of this provision shall become void. 16.Issue of House Pass by Revenue Officer(1) In a reas ot her tha n Villa ge Council area no allotment of house site shall be made by Revenue Officer without pr ior approval of the Government. (2) The House sites to be allotted should be in the area of detailed Plan with pr oper plot for House Site covered by Master P lan. (3) When plots of land for House Sites are available and such plots in t he Master Plan are alr eady appr oved by the Government, the Revenue Officer shall widely display and publicise indica ting the number of plot of land for House Sites, the period for submission of application and the last date for submission of applications should also clearly be mentioned in the notice. (4) The Revenue Officer shall convene a meeting of S ite Allotment Advisory Board t o recommend the needy and deserving families for allot ment of House Sites. (5) T he r ecommendation of Site Allotment Advisory Boa rd wit h minutes of the meeting and application for House Pass should be submitted by the Settlement Officer to the Government through the Director of Land Revenue and Settlement for approval. (6) After obtaining approval of the Government, Revenue Officer shall issue House Pass as pr escr ibed inAppendix-IV.- 12 - Ex-583/2013 Provided that no allotment of land shall be made in favour of a person or juristic person who is not domiciled in the State of Mizoram as explained in sub-section (16) of s ection 2 of the Act. The author ity to issue domicile certificate will be Home Department, Government of Mizoram. 17.Allotment of la nd for shops and sta lls(1) Allotment of a plot of land for shop and stall shall be processed and made in consonance with the provisions under rule 3 and 4 of these Rules. (2) Maximum dimension t o be allotted for shop shall not exceed 30 metre and 9.11 metre for the shop and not exceeding 14 square metre for the stall. The for m prescribed for issue of shop or stall is inAppendix-IVA. (3) Land allotted for shop or stall shall not be converted into residential land settlement under any circumstances. (4) A period of validity of shop or stall Pass shall be ten years a t initia l stage which is renewable for further period on condition that la nd revenue is paid regularly and the land is utilised for the purpose it is allotted. T he Pass shall be cancelled on the following conditions:- (a ) Revenue is not paid regula rly; (b) Diversion of use of the land; (c ) Timely renewal is not made; (d) If the Pass is issued overlapping the land Pass a lready held by any per son; ( e) The use of land obstructs infrastructur e development of the Government; (f) The use of land disturbs public or der such as effecting public health, public convenience and sa fety. 18.Assignment of land for special purposes(1) Land set apart and reserved shall be properly demarcated. After survey, boundary pillars shall be fixed. T he Government shall specially notify such a rea by issue of a Notification. Records of s uch reserved a rea must be kept by t he concerned District Revenue Officers with copies to Director Land Revenue and S ettlement and the President Village Council of the a rea within 1 (one) month on completion of records of such r eservation. (2) Reservation of the area for such purpose for fur ther period shall be reviewed by the Government fr om time to time. (3) Village Council or any other Local Body shall have no authority to make any allotment. (4) Land allotment Certificate and conveyance deed shall be registered under The Registra tion Act, 1908 as amended. 19.Allotment of Earmarked LandEarmarked land such as gra zing ground, public cemetery, play ground, new township by author ized housing boa rd or a uthority, public amenities and for a ny other purposes must be applied by the concerned authorities in the form prescribed by the Government. Village Council will not have authority to give allotment of land in these areas. The a rea applied for any purposes must be carefully surveyed and demarca ted. The applications should be accompanied by the project report and the survey map should also be countersigned by Technical Officer of the concerned district. T he application with technical report should be screened by the concerned Site Allotment Advisory Board or Public Investment Board a s the ca se may be. The applica tion wit h all necessar y documents should be submitted to the Government through the Director. After obtaining approval of the Government, the required Lease Certificate shall be issued as prescribed inAPPENDIX-V by the Director or Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer or the Competent Authority author ized by the Government.- 13 -Ex-583/2013 PART- 420.Diversion of Land(1) Any person or body of persons proposing to divert use of the la nd holding, application as prescribed inForm-8 may be submitted to the Director, Land R evenue a nd Settlement a long with diversion fee of Rupees one thousand per bigha. In case, diversion is not allowed the fee will be refunded. (2) For conversion of land exceeding 5 bighas, the applica tion shall be placed before the Mizoram Public Investment Board (M PIB). If the proposal is approved, recommendations of Mizoram Public Investment Board (MPIB) along with terms and conditions will be placed before the government for approval. (3) The Mizoram Public Investment Boar d will judiciou sly examine and determine the proposal for diversion on grounds of public health, public s afety, environment impact, public convenience, availabilit y of sufficient land for the purposes. In the case of land for building site the diver sion proposal is to be examined in the light of notification(s) issued under Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (Act No.6 of 2007) or under the Aizawl Development Authority Act, 2005 (Act No.9 of 2005) or under Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Act, 1990 (Act No.12 of 1990). 21.Pena lty for using land for other purpose without permission(1) In case of unauthor ised diversion of land for other purpose the following measures shall be taken against the defaulter: (a ) Imposition of a fine of R upees one thousand per square metre per annum or part thereof on r esponsible person or default er as penalty. Date of payment of such penalty should be made on the date fixed by the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer or Officers authorised by the Government. (b) If a fine imposed by the S ettlement Officer or a uthorised competent authority is not paid on the fixed date, a person responsible for such contr avention shall have to pay Rupees one hundred for each day during such contr avention continues. (2) Any diversion of use of la nd other than the original purpose for which land is allot ted without prior permission of the Government, Land Pass or Land Settlement Certificate shall be cancelled after giving reasonable opportunity of being heard. The defaulter shall be evicted and demolition of a ny construction of building, etc. will be carried out. 22.Use of force(1) In case of any unauthorised occupation of any public or Government la nd by any person as indicated in Section 29 of the Act, and the person who has not complied with the direction of the Government for vacating the la nd so occupied, the following measur es shall be taken:- (a ) For wilful encroachment or physica l occupa tion of Government land without author ity, Revenue Officer may first issue stay order and if the stay order is not complied with by any person for a period not exceeding 2 months, a penalty shall be impos ed after the expiry of 2 months on the encroachers at the rate of rupees one thousand per square metr e per month. (b) Service of notice or order issued by Revenue Officers sha ll be ma de by delivering or tendering a copy of the notice or order as the case may be to the person or his agent by sending it through a mess enger or by a speed post to the person at his la st known addr ess and the acknowledgement receipt should be obtained in token of acknowledge of t he service of notice or orders. (c ) If a notice or order cannot be served it shall be published a t least in 1 (one) local newspaper which is widely circula ted.- 14 - Ex-583/2013 (d) Crops or other agricultura l or for est produce, b uilding or any other construct ion on such land shall be liable to be removed for which no compensa tion shall be paid. ( e) In case the encroa cher refuses to comply with the orders of eviction, coercive measures shall be applied which ma y also include disconnection of power supply or water supply to the land so encroa ched. (f) District Collector or Deputy Commissioner shall provide necessar y protection during forcible eviction of the encroacher. (2) The process of eviction sha ll be completed within six months from the da te of issue of show ca us e not ic e. (3) The Revenue Officers shall record the summary of evidence tender ed before him, if any. The summary of such evidence a nd any relevant documents filed before him shall form part the recor ds of the proceedings 23.Manner of ta king possession of Gover nment la nd:1)If a ny obstruction, in the opinion of the District Collector or Settlement Officer or any other Officers duly authorised by the Government, is likely to occur:- (a ) in taking possession of any Gover nment land; (b) in the sealing of erection or work of the Government land under the Act; (c ) the Revenue Officer or any other officer duly authorized by the Government in this behalf may obtain necessary police assistance. Provided that no sealing or taking possession of the unauthor ized construction shall be made in the absence of at least two witnesses. 2)Wher e any Government land or of which possession is to b e taken under the Act, wherein the land in question is found barricaded pr eventing access to the land or premises, the District Collector or Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer or any other Officers duly authorized by the Government in this behalf may either seal the gate in the presence of two witnesses or break open the locks or cause to open gate or other barrier and enter the premises. Provided that no entry shall be made into, or possession taken of the Gover nment lands before sunr ise or a fter sunset. 24.Assessment of damages:In a ssessing damages for unauthorized use and occupation of any Government land, the Revenue Officer shall take into consideration the following matters:- (1) The purpose and the period for which the Gover nment land was under unauthorized occupation. (2) The nature, size and standa rd of the accommodation in such land or premises. (3) Rent that would ha ve been realized if the lands had b een let out to a private person for the period of unauthorized occupation. (4) Any damage done to the lands or premises during the period of unauthorized occupation. (5) Any other relevant matter for the purpose of assessing the dama ges. 25.Land left uncultivatedIf land holder left his la nd uncu ltivated or undeveloped during the period for which it is a llotted the following steps are to be taken:- (1) The Revenue officials such a s, Revenue Inspectors, Revenue Sub-Inspectors and Revenue Assistants shall carry out inspection of the na ture of development of land by landholders and such inspection report shall be submitted as prescribed inForm-9 to the concerned Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer as the c ase may be. (2) There shall be social audit of development or land use in special circumstances in the opinion of Commissioner or Secretary, Revenue Department as the case may be by issue of a notification. The Social audit team sha ll compr ise Deputy Commissioner (of the district where- 15 -Ex-583/2013 land is situated) and comprising members, such as, Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer, Assistant Survey Officer of the district, President Village Council or Local Council of the village where the land is situated, President Young Mizo Associa tion, one prominent person of the concerned village. (3) In case of land being left uncultivated or undeveloped, the land holder shall be liable to pay land revenue or cess in t he following manner: (a ) Normal rate of land revenue will be charged for the initial 2 years. (b) Seven times of nor mal rate of la nd revenue will be charged from the 3rd year if the land rema ins uncultiva ted or developed. (c ) Fifteen times of normal rate of la nd revenue will be cha rged from 7th year if the land rema ins uncultiva ted or developed. (d) Twenty five times of normal rate of land revenue will be charged from 9th year if the land remains uncultivated or developed. (4) Automatic cancellation of land allotment after 10 years during which the land remains uncultivated or developed. Provided tha t land cultivated or developed to the extent of 50% of the total ar ea of a llotted land will be r egarded a s deemed cultivated or developed. Explanation: The period under which the land is not developed or utilised due to extraneous reason, such as, forcible occupa tion of the land by security forces, will b e exempted. 26.Relinquishment(1) For relinquishing land holding, the land holder or allottee may give a notice as pr escribed in Form-10 to the Settlement Officer or the Assistant Settlement Officer of the district. (2) Notice for relinquishment shall be disposed of by the Revenue officer within one month of receipt of the notice. PART-5 27.Mutation and Partition(1) Any land holder, which had been r ecorded in the Register of r ecord of rights intends to mutate or transfer of ownership of any land by succession or purchase or exchange or gift or by partition he or she shall personally submit application as prescribed inF or m-11 to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer of the concerned distr ict where record of right is kept and maintained in the office. The application must be accompanied by photo copy of Elect or ’s Photo Identity Car d (EPIC ) or Dr iving Licence or Identity Ca rd issued by competent authority attested by gazetted officer. The applica nt shall also submit P assport Size P hoto of a person to whom land holding C ertifica te is to be mutated or transferred. If any objection is not made either orally or in writing from any corner the concer ned competent authority shall enter the names and other required particula rs in t he register of record of rights in the office indica ting certificate number and year or land pass number and year. (2) A la nd owner seeking partition shall apply to t he Collector or Settlement Officer or Assistant Sett lement Officer of the district wher e the la nd is situated in application as pr escribed in Form-12 which shall be accompanied by certified copy of Elector ’s Photo Identity Car d or certified copy of Ration Card or Identity Card issued by competent authority. If there is no objection from the neighbouring land holder or from any other corners or the decision or order of the civil court in respect of question of title, the Collector or Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer shall dispose of the applica tion subject to proper demarcation on the spot. Survey and demarcation report shall compulsorily be countersigned by Technical Officer. The land held in multiple divisions even if held by a single person or juristic person shall be declared a separate holding which shall be entered in the record of rights. La nd revenue and other taxes- 16 - Ex-583/2013 or fee must be assessed and paid by the holder of land to whom land is transferred by partit ion. In case of a ny dispute over partition the decision of Collector or Sett lement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer appeal his to the Director or Commissioner and Secretary Revenue Department. Provided that in case of partition of land, No Objection C ertificate from the neighbouring land holder, if any, proper clear sketch map showing the exact location of the land and the person or persons to whom the land will be transferred or muta ted or partitioned should clearly be indicated. Land recording fee and other necessary fee such a s 0.50 percent of the land value must also be paid by the transferor. Provided fur ther that in case of transfer by way of partition or by acquisition of land or gift or exchange, the original land holder sha ll have to pay the amount of processing fee as stated in first proviso except by inherita nce. Explanation: For the purpose of this Rule, inheritance is permissible only on submission of heir ship certifica te issued by competent cour t or inheritance by Will duly probated by the competent court. (3) Mutation or partition certificate and conveyance deed shall be registered under The Registration Act, 1908. 28.Transfer of ownership of land(1) Subject to restriction provided in the Act, application for a ny transfer of land by settlement holder or pass holder or periodic patta holder requires prior permission of the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer of the concerned District or the Government as the case may be, on the applica tion as prescr ibed in rule 27 of these Rules. (2) Conveyance D eed sha ll be r egistered under the Registration Act, 1908 within 3 months from the date of transfer of apartment as prescribed inAppendix-VII. PART- 629.Ownership of apartment in group housing and in multi-storeyed building:(1) Application for ownership of apar tment in group housing or in multi-storeyed building shall be made inForm-13accompanied by the following documents :- (a ) Clearance on land holding from revenue author ity. (b) A copy of r egistration of society issued by Registrar of Co-Operation Department. (c ) Clearance from the Mizoram Pollution Control Board. (d) Clearance fr om the concern government depa rtment in charge of housing ( e) Clearance and approval of building plan by Aizawl Development authority or Municipal authority or Local Body a s the case may be. (2) Application may be submitted to the Government through the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer of the concern district and the Director, La nd Revenue and Settlement. PART – 7 ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF LAND REVENUE, TAXES, FEES, ETC. 30.Liabilit y to pa yment of la nd Revenue, ta xes, fees, etc.(1) All land allotted by the Government under Pass, Periodic Patta, Land Lease and Land Settlement Certificate shall be liable to payment of land revenue to the Government at the ra te fixed by the Government from time to time and the schedule of pa yment so determined. However, ex- servicemen shall be given exemption from payment of land revenue in respect of one plot of land each for constr ucting dwelling house and agricultural land respectively.- 17 -Ex-583/2013 Provided tha t for the purpose of implementation of sub- r ule (3) of rule 25 of t hese Rules the ex-servicemen will be deemed to be regular land holder for calculation of payment of cess. (2) For any non-payment of land revenue due to forcible occupation of security for ce or para- military force or a ny other authority, a ppropria te land revenue and taxes shall be r ecovered at the time of release of rental charges or compensation as the case may be. (3) Tax on shop, stall, building, house, tolls on persons and land recording fee, etc. shall be levied or collected by the Government or Municipality or Urban Local Body as the case may be at the rates fixed from time to time and the schedule of payment as specified. (4) Interest at the rate of 20% per a nnum or part thereof shall be charged for late payment of land revenue, tax , cess etc. 31.Assessment of Land Revenue, Taxes, Fees, etc.(1) Annual land revenue, taxes, fees a nd tolls on persons (Zoram Chhiah) shall be assessed and collected in accordance with the rates fixed by the Government from time to time. (2) Taxes on buildings shall be assessed at the rate fixed by Government or Municipality or Urban Loca l Body as the case may be. (3) Assessment shall be prepared during the period starting form Apr il to Ma rch every year. The assessment work sha ll be completed between the month of April and August. (4) The collection period of land revenue, taxes etc. is 1st April to la st day of Febr uary of the su cceeding yea r. (5) List of assessment shall be made inForm-14. 32.Publication of Final ListThe list of assessment shall be submitted to the Collector or any Officer authorised by the Gover nment which will be checked, corrected and approved as fina l list inForm-15. 33.Objection against final list of AssessmentAny person aggrieved with the assessed amount, shall submit the nature of objection in detail in Form-16 within 30 (thirty) days of publication of the final list of assessment. Failure to lodge objection within the stipulated period will be deemed to be accepted. No r elaxation shall be granted. 34.Collection of Land Revenue, ta xes, etc.(1) As provided in section 52 of the Act, ever y sum due on account of land r evenue, taxes, etc. shall be collected by the revenue author ity or collect ing agent appointed by the Government at the places a nd the period as may b e notified by t he Revenue authorities from time to time. (2) Whenever Sta te Government a ppoint a Collecting Agent, a deed of agreement for the execution of the work shall b e signed as prescribed inAppendix-VI. 35.Payment of Land R evenue, Taxes, Fees, etc.(1) Land revenue, taxes, fees, etc. shall be payable within the time prescribed in rule 31(4) at such places published in the manner of Notice or by pu blic announcement throughTlangau. (2) Payment of land revenue mentioned in sub-rule (1) of this rule should be made at the rates fixed by the Government from time to time. (3) For every payment of land revenue, Taxes, fees, etc. separate receipt as prescribe by the government shall be issued by the collect ing authority for each case or category on land holding. (4) Every receipt of pa yment of land r evenue, Taxes, fees, etc. along with receipt number and date of such payment shall be entered in individual ledger of land holder.- 18 - Ex-583/2013 36.Recovery of ArrearsThe defaulter shall have to pay a penal interest calculated at the rate of 20 percent per annum calculated on the tax arr ear in addition to the arrear amount of land revenue, taxes, tolls, cess on person, etc. 37.Notice of demandWhen land r evenue, taxes, etc. ha ve become arrear a notice of demand for payment of a rrear shall be served to the defaulter directing to pay the arrear within one month from the date of issue of Notice of Demand. Notice of Demand shall be served to the defaulters as prescribed inForm-17. 38.Notice of saleThe District Collector or Settlement Officer or any other officer empowered in this behalf shall issue and publish notice and proclamation containing necessa ry particulars as prescribed inForm-18and a copy of notice and proclamation should also be served on the defaulter. 39.Certificate of PurchaseIf sale of properties of defaulters is confirmed, the District Collector or Settlement Officer or competent authority shall issue Certificate of purchase to the purchaser as prescribed inForm-19. 40.Application of proceeds of saleExpenditure on sale of pr operty of defa ulter shall be deduct ed from the whole amount of proceeds of sale and payment of arrear s shall be calculated from the remaining bala nce. PART-841. Procedure in appeals(1) An appeal preferred under section 12 of the Act, shall be made as prescribed inForm-20 on payment of appeal fee of Rupees two hundred in each case, shall set forth concisely the grounds of grievances to the order appealed against, and sha ll be a ccompanied by a copies of order appealed aga inst and receipt of appeal fee. (2) On r eceipt of the appeal a nd after calling for and perusing the records of the proceedings before the Revenue Officer, the a ppellate author ity sha ll appoint time and place for hearing of appeal and shall give notice thereof to the Revenue Officer a gainst whose orders the appeal is preferred, a nd to the appellant. 42.Appeal to Director or Commissioner(1) An a ppeal under sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Act to the Dir ector or the Commissioner shall be made as prescribed inForm-21. (2) The form of appeal prescribed by sub-rule (1), the grounds of appeal and the form of verification appended thereto shall be signed and verified by the person who is a uthorised to s ign. 43.Service of notice(1) The intimation of a ny such order a s refer red to in sub-s ection (1) of section 76 of the Act shall be served in the same manner as laid down in clause (2) of rule 42 for the service of a notice or a requisition. (2) Any other order, not being a notice or r equisit ion, which is to be sent or communicated to, or served shall be sent, communicated or served either by post or as if it were a summons issued by a Court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908).- 19 -Ex-583/2013 44.Production of additional evidence before Director(1) The appella nt shall not be entit led to produce before the Dir ector or the Commissioner as the case may be, any evidence, whether oral or documentary, other than the evidence produced by him during the course of proceedings before the Revenue Officer except in the following circumstances:- (a ) where the Revenue Officer has refused to admit evidence which ought to have been admitted; or (b) where the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause fr om pr oducing the evidence which he was called upon to produce by the officer; or (c ) where the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from producing before the Revenue officer any evidence which is relevant to any ground of appeal; or (d) where the Revenue Officer has made an order without giving sufficient opportunit y to the appella nt to adduce evidence relevant to any ground of appeal. (2) No evidence shall be admitted under sub-rule (1) of this rule unless the Director or the Commissioner as the case may be, the Commissioner recor ds in writing the reasons for its admission. (3) The Director or the Commissioner as the case may be shall not take into account a ny evidence produced under sub-rule (1) of this rule unless the Revenue Officer has been allowed a reasonable opportunity:- (a ) to examine the evidence or document or to cross-examine the witness produced by the appellant; or (b) to produce any evidence or document or any witness in rebutta l of the additional evidence produced by t he appellant. Explanation: For the pu rpose of this provision, Revenue Officer means Dir ector, Land Revenue & Settlement, or Collector, or Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer. PART-9LAND RECORDS45.Land records to comprise Master records and Record of Rights(1) Land records shall be maintained having two main components, namely; the Master records cont aining cadastra l maps based on ground-truthing and a recor d of pr oper measurement of land area with the help of electronic gadgets. (2) Land area to be divided in area segment identified by survey number and micro segments divided into plot of differ ent sizes with plot number. (3) Controller of Land Records will be entr usted with over all control and supervision of the land records. (4) Any charact eristic of land is to be matched with identifiable land ca tegory Code number. (5) Any allotment of land has to be properly marked with names of allottee. Any change in holding or partition taking place has to be given effect in the land records without delay. (6) All land records a re to be digit ized and to be properly safeguarded with ba ck-up r ecords kept s e p a r a t e l y. (7) Information on land holding by person or juristic person will be pla ced in public domain which can be accessible from the web portal of the Revenue Department. Critical land records ar e to be kept in confidential. Unauthorised access to confidentia l land recor ds is restricted a nd access to the digitalized records shall be by way of security log-in with password. The Controller of Land Records shall allot limited security log-in number. Change or alteration of recor d of rights shall be done only by authorisation of the Controller. (8) Any application for giving non-confidential portion of extract of recor d of rights or copy of the records shall be accompanied by payment of fee of Rs. 100/- using treasury challan issued by the office of Controller of Land Records.- 20 - Ex-583/2013 (9) Land Settlement Certifica te sha ll be pr epared in a sp ecia l s tationery preferably with wa ter- mark using the format as prescribed by the Gover nment. T he certificate shall a lso contain passpor t-size photo of la nd holder and a ba r code will fixed for proper identification and authentication. PART- 1046.Issue of Land Pass Book(1) It shall be mandatory to issue Land Pass Book to each la nd allottee or settlement holder. (2) The Land Pass Book shall contain summary land holding for each pass or certificate holder. (3) The Land Pass Book shall be issued as prescribed inAppendix-VIII of these Ru les. (4) Whenever there is a ny change in la nd holding, fresh Pass Book shall be issued on payment of nominal fee as fixed by the Government fr om time to time. No over-writing or correction of entr ies shall be permit ted. (5) Any officer author ised by the Controller of Land Recor ds shall be competent to issue the Land Pass Book. (6) In case of loss of Land Pa ss Book, the holder shall apply fresh Pass Book along wit h a cop y of verification report of the nearest police station accompanied by payment of fee as fixed by the Government from time to time. (7) A fa lse land certificate or Land Pass will result in a utomatic cancellation of land settlement certificate or Land Pass a nd the Officia l concerned will be proceeded against under provisions of Central C ivil Services (classification , Contr ol and Appeal) Rules 1965 and no Land Pass Book shall be issued for this la nd Settlement Certificate or Land Pass including Land Lease. PART-11General 47. (1) In case of transfer or mutation of Land Settlement Certificate, a fresh Certificate shall be issued and a pass port size photograph of the new land holder shall be affixed on the right cor ner of the certificate. The same procedure sha ll be followed in issue of Land Settlement Certificate which a re converted from House Pass or Periodic Pa tta. (2) There shall be register of Record of Right s in each and every la nd holding as prescribed in Form-22and register of records of transfer or mutation as prescribed inForm-23. (3) Conveyance Deed as per provisions of these Rules shall be made as prescribed inAppendix- VII. (4) In case of a cquisit ion of land covered by House P ass or S tall Pa ss or Shop Pass or Periodic Patta or Land Lease under Land Acquisition Act, 1894 as amended from time to time, compensation may be paid as per assessment by the concerned Collector of the District provided that the validity of the tenure of the said land holding has not expired. In addition to crops and building da mage compens ation, land value may also be assessed and out of t he assessed amount, 15 percent of land value shall be remitted to Revenue Depar tment a s cess on value of land. (5) Sett lement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer shall maintain the following registers:- a)Register of House Pass for villages already declar ed as sub-towns or notified towns. b)Register of Land S ettlement Certificate for villages a lready declared as sub-towns and notified towns. c)Periodic Pat ta regis ter. d)Register for Agr icu ltural Land Sett lement Certific ate. e)Register for Land Lease C ertific ate.- 21 -Ex-583/2013 f)Register for Shop and Stall Pass. g)Register for assessment of land revenue and taxes, etc. h)Register of collect ion of land revenue and taxes, etc. i)Register of mutation with updating name of new land holder. j)Register for recor ding pa rtition of la nd holding. k)Register for updating recor d of rights. SCHEDULE MIZORAM PUBLIC INVESTMENT BOARD [See Rule 3(3)] Chairman: Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram M ember Secr et ar y : Principal S ecretar y/Secretary, Revenue Depart ment Members: 1. Principal Secretary/Secreta ry, Planning & Programme Implementation or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 2. Secr etary, Industries Depa rtment or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 3. Secr etary, Horticulture Department or his representa tive not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 4. Secr etary, Agricult ure Department or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 5. Secreta ry, Environment & Forest Department or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 10. Secr etary, UD&PA Department or his repr esentative not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 11. Member Secr etary, State Pollution Control Boa rd. TERMS OF REFERENCE1.The Mizoram Public Investment Boar d will be an Apex Boar d for accepting and recommending a project in a holistic manner and the question of land allotment (for the project) will be examined depending upon the merit of the project. 2.To examine & analyse the broad contours of an investment proposal particularly in respect of feasibility aspect of t he Projects aft er cons idering due diligence by the Planning Department or the Finance Dep a rt ment 3.To see that proposed requir ement of land is impor tant integral part of the projects. S uch proposed projects for funding under any sources are routed through their respective Administrative/Line Departments with a feasibility comments. 4.To judiciou sly examine all projects submitted by NGOs, Society, Individuals and Government have socio-economic importance to the state and there is no duplicity with other on-going projects. 5.To examine justification of requirement of land computed or a ssessed by the applicant. 6.To examine whether allotment of la nd will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public convenience or adverse impact on environment or natur al beauty of the area or potential obstruction to future infrastructure development work of the government.- 22 - Ex-583/2013 APPENDIX – ICERTIFICATE OF AGRICULTURAL LAND SETTLEMENT [(See Section 44of the Act read with sub-rule(2) of rule 9 and sub-rule (11) of rule 11] No……………………….............…………………..of ………….............…………………… This Certificate, S ettling the land prescribed hereunder as recorded in the Register of Recor d of rights, is granted under S ection 44 of the Mizor am (Land and Revenue) Act, 2013 read with rule 11 of the Mizoram (Land and Revenue) Rule, 2013. ITEM(S)CODE PARTICULARS Full Name as appeared in Voter ID issued by Election Commission of India or UID car d or PAN Father ’s name Mother ’s name Full permanent address Pres ent fu ll Address Survey No. Plot No. Property Registration No. Gra de Number Area in square metre/ b igha Revenue rat e per b igha ( as per assess ment sheet) Annu al revenue payable ( as per assess ment sheet) Period of allotmentExpiry date Period extension recordFromTo Note: Government may from time to time to revise rates of la nd revenue, ta xes fees, etc. as per provisions under Section 54 of the Act. Descr iption of Bounda ry wit h location:- See Typed Boundary Description under La nd Settlement Certificate The holder of this Certificate ha s entered into an agr eement with the Government of Mizora m to pay land revenue and thus acquired the heritable and tra nsferable right of use or of subletting his land subject to payment of all revenues and taxes in respect of the Land with the terms and conditions laid down in r ule 11 of this Rules. The allottee or certificate holder has agr eed to abide by the terms and conditions under the pr ovisions of rule 11 of these Rules. Signature of Issuing Officer I undertake to abide by the terms and conditions in rule 11 a nd I put my signature in token thereof. Signa ture of Settlement Holder Signature of Issuing OfficerPhoto of certifica te holder- 23 -Ex-583/2013 APPENDIX – IIRESIDENTIAL LAND SET TLEMENT CERTIFICATE [See Section 32 of the Act read with sub-rule (11) of rule 13] No……………………………………………..of ………….. This Certificate, settling the land prescribed hereunder as recorded in the Register of Recor d of rights, granted under section 32 of the Mizoram (Land and Revenue) Act, 2013. ITEM(S)CODE PARTICULARS Full Name as appear ed in Voter ID issued by Election Commission of India or UID card or PAN Father ’s name Mother ’s name Full permanent address Pres ent fu ll Address Survey No. Plot No. Property Registration No. Gra de Number Area in square metre/ b igha Revenue rat e per b igha ( as per assess ment sheet) Annu al revenue payable ( as per assess ment sheet) This has succeeded or superseded the pr evious Certificate issued in favour of: ________________________________________________________________ Note: Government may from time to time revise rates of la nd revenue, taxes, fees etc. a s per p rovisions of Section 54 of the Act. Description of boundar y with location S ur veyNumber in Master Plan/Village Plan Plot Number Location:…………………………………………………………………… Boundary(a) North:…………………………………………………….… (b) South:…………………………………………………….… (c) East:……………………………………………………..... (d) West:…………………………………………………….… Pillars location………………………………………………………....................................... .....................................................................................................................Photo of certifica te holder- 24 - Ex-583/2013 This supersedes previous House Pass No………………………of ……………… in favour of: ----------------............................................................................................... The holder of this Certificate ha s entered into an agr eement with the Government of Mizora m to pay land revenue as shown above and thereby acqu ired the status of Settlement holder under section 23 of the Mizoram (Land and Revenue) Act, 2013, as amended. He is vested with the legal ownership of the land including all rights a nd int erests arising out of such settlements subject to the Acts, Rules, Terms and Conditions laid down in rule 13 of these Rules a nd as a mended by the Government of M izoram from time to time. Signature of Issuing Officer I undertake to abide by t he terms and conditions in Rule 13 a nd I put my signature in token thereof. Signa ture of the Settlement HolderSignature of Issuing Authority APPENDIX-IIIPERIODIC PATTA [See Section 24 read with Section 25 of the Act read with rule 6] PP Allotment No…................ This Periodic Patta certifies a temporary allotment of Agricult ural Land prescribed hereunder and as r ecorded in the Register of Records of rights, for a period of ………………………… ITEM(S)CODE PARTICULARS Full Name as appear ed in Voter ID issued by Election Commission of India/ or IUD card or PAN Father ’s name Mother ’s name Full permanent address Pres ent fu ll Address Approval of Government conveyed vide No…………………................………. Date……….........….. Registration No. Gra de Number Area in square metre/ b igha Revenue rat e per b igha ( as per assess ment sheet) Annu al revenue payable ( as per assess ment sheet) Period of allotmentExpiry date : Period of extension recordedFromTo Note: Government ma y from time to time revise ra tes of land revenue, taxes, fees etc. as per provisions of Section 54 of the Act.Photo- 25 -Ex-583/2013 Description of boundar y with location:- Survey Number in Master Plan/Village Plan Plot Number Location :……………………………………………………………………… Boundary(a) North:……………………………………………………… (b) South:……………………………………………………… (c) East:……………………………………………………… (d) West:……………………………………………………… Pillars location ……………………………………………................................................ ............................................................................................................... This supersedes Permit/P.Patta………………………. of……………….... This holder of this Periodic Patta, as a licensed cult ivator, had entered into an agreement with the Government of Mizoram to pay land revenue and other taxes, cesses and rates as shown above, and thereby acqu ired the status of Periodic Patta-holder. He has the rights of Periodic Patta holder as per provisions laid down in Section 25 of the Mizora m (Land and Revenue) Act, 2013. As a token of accepting all the terms and conditions in rule 10 of these Rules completely, the allottee-holder ma de a solemn pledge below and a ppend his/her signature. This Periodic Patta is renewable on application six months before the expiry of the period of allotment.Authorised signature of Issuing Authority UNDERTAKING I undertake to abide by the terms and conditions in rule 10 of these Rules and I put my signatur e to affirm in undertaking the above conditions. Date: Place:Signature of allottee/holder Issuing Authority Memo No…………………………………….. : Date__________________ INTIMATIONPeriodic Patta No. dated……………….......... having tenure validity upto……………… has been issued to Pu/Pi…………………………………… at Survey No………........... Address: This is for your information and for records. 1)The Director, Land Revenue and Settlement, Mizor am, Aizawl. 2)The S.D.O./B.D.O./C.O…………………………………………… 3)The Village Council President concerned…………………………..... 4)Record Register……………………………………………………... 5)Land Revenue Assess ment and Tax Recovery Cell Signature of Issuing Officer- 26 - Ex-583/2013 APPENDIX –IVHOUSE PASS [See rule 4(5) read with rule 12(2)] HOUSE PASS NO…………………………....…………OF……................……………...... Under Section 26 and Section 36 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, the land specified hereunder is temporarily allotted as per provisions under rule 14 & 15 of these Rules to: ITEM(S)CODE PARTICULARS Full Name as appear ed in Voter ID issued by Election Commission of India/ or UID card or PAN Father ’s name Mother ’s name Full permanent address Pres ent fu ll Address Approval of Government conveyed vide No…………………………. Date…………................. Registration No. Gra de Number Area in square metre/ b igha Revenue rat e per b igha ( as per assess ment sheet) Annu al revenue payable ( as per assess ment sheet) Period of allotmentExpiry date Period extension recordFromTo Note: Government may from time to time r evise r ates of land revenue, taxes, fees etc. as per provisions of Section 54 of the Act. Description of boundar y with location:- Survey Number in Master Plan/Village Plan Plot Number Location:…………………………………………………………………… Survey Number:……………………………Plot Number:…………............ .……… Boundary(a) North:……………………………………………………… (b) South:……………………………………………………… (c) East:……………………………………………………… (d) West:……………………………………………………… Pillars location ……………………………………………………......…………- 27 -Ex-583/2013 The holder of this PASS had entered into an agreement with the Government of Mizoram to pay land revenue and other taxes, cesses and rates a s shown above, and thereby acquired the status of P ass- holder. He has the rights of Pass holder as per provisions la id down in Section 26 of the Mizora m (Land and Revenue) Act, 2013. As a token of accepting all t he terms and conditions in Rule 16 completely, the allottee-holder made a solemn pledge and appends his/her signature. The Pass holder is renewable on applica tion six months before the expiry of the period of allotment.Authorised signature of Issuing Authority UNDERTAKING I undertake to abide by the terms and conditions in sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 36 of the Act and other terms and conditions as prescribed by the Government and I put my signature to affirm in undertaking to the terms and conditions. Date: Place:Signature of allottee/holder Detailed Loca tion:……………………………………………………………… :…………………………………………………………….... (Sketch Map enclosed in sep arate sheet) Dimension with dir ection of the sites (i.e. North, East, West & South) a)Fr onta ge:……………………………………....…..... b)Depth:…………………………………....….…… c)Depth:…………………………………...…..…… d)Base:……………………………………............. Previous Pass (if any) :……………………………………............. APPENDIX –IVASHOP/STALL PASS [See rule 17(2)] SHOP/STALL PASS NO………………………………OF…………………... Under Section 17(1 ) of the Mizor am (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 the la nd specified hereunder is allotted temporarily under the provisions of r ule 17 of these Rules to: ITEM(S)CODE PARTICULARS Full Name as appear ed in Voter ID issued by Election Commission of India/ or UID card or PAN Father ’s name Mother ’s name Full permanent address Pres ent fu ll Address Approval of Government conveyed vide No…………………………. Date…………..- 28 - Ex-583/2013 Registration No. Gra de Number Area in squar e metre/bigha Revenue rat e per b igha ( as per assess ment sheet) Annu al revenue payable ( as per assess ment sheet) Period of allotmentExpiry date Period extension recordFromTo Note: Government may from time to time r evise r ates of land revenue, taxes, fees etc. as per provisions of Section 54 of the Act. Description of boundar y with location:- Survey Number in Master Plan/Village Plan Plot Number Location:………………………………………………………………… Survey Number:………………………………Plot Number:…………...........……… Boundary(a) North:……………………………………………………......… (b) South:……………………………………………………......… (c) East:…………………………………………………......…… (d) West:………………………………………………......……… Pillars location.…………………………………………………………….......... ……………….........………………………………………......... The holder of this PASS had entered into an agreement with the Government of Mizoram to pay land revenue and other taxes, cesses and rates a s shown above, and thereby acquired the status of P ass- holder. He has the rights of Pass holder as per provisions la id down in Section 26 of the Mizora m (Land and Revenue) Act, 2013. As a token of accept ing all the terms and conditions laid down in rule 17 of t hese Rules completely, the holder made a solemn pledge and append his/her signature. This Pass is renewable on applica tion six months befor e the expiry of the period of allotment.Authorised signature of Issuing Authority UNDERTAKING I undertake to abide by the terms and conditions and I put my s ignatur e to affirm in underta king to the terms and conditions. Date: Place:Signature of allottee/holder (Sketch Map enclosed in sep arate sheet) Dimension with dir ection of the sites (i.e. North, East, West & South) a)Fr onta ge:……………………………………………..…… b)Depth:……………………………………………..…… c)Depth:………………………………………………...… d)Base:……………………………………….................. Previous Pass (if any) :……………………………..................…………- 29 -Ex-583/2013 APPENDIX-VLAND LEASE CERTIFICATE [See rule 7(6)(c)] Land Lease Certificate No……………............................of………….......... This Certificate, leasing out the land prescribed hereunder as r ecorded in the Register for Record of Rights is granted under section 28 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 to: Name of Les see:…………………………………………………………….... Address:……………………………………………………………… Location & Purpose of Land :………………………………………………………............. GradeArea inRate of Revenue per Ha.Revenue Paya b le per a nnum Remarks 12345 ………..Ha.Revise rateRevise rate ………..Sq.m.1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) 5)5) Not e:Government may from time to time r evise rates of land revenue, taxes, fees etc. as per provisions of Section 54 of the Act. Survey Number:……………………….... Plot Number:………………………… Description of boundary a nd loca tion ar e attached in separate sheet in the Lease Certificate Vide Government letter No:……………………………………………………… The holder of this Certificate has entered into an agr eement with the Government of Mizora m to pay land revenue a nd other taxes as may be fixed by Government from time to time and thereby acqu ired the Status of Lease as defined under section 28 of the Act. As token of accepting all the terms and conditions laid down in rule 7 & 8 of these Rules the Lessee made a solemn pledge and appended the signature. Signa tu re of Les seeSignature of Issuing Authority on behalf of Lessor Memo No……………………………… Dated Aizawl, the……………………... Copy to: 1)The Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Revenue Department, Aizawl. 2)The Settlement Officer/Assistant Settlement Officer…….......District. 3)Lease Holder……………………………………………………........ 4)…………………………………………………………………….... 5)SDO/BDO………………………………………………………...... 6)……………………………………………………………………..... 7)President, Village Council/Chairman, Local Council…………….... 8)Taxa tion Cell, Dir ectorate of Land Revenue and Settlement. 9)Record Register. Signature of Issuing Officer with Seal- 30 - Ex-583/2013 APPENDIX-VIDEED OF AGREEMENT (MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING) FOR EXECUTION OF WORK RELATING TO COLLECTION OF TAXES, ETC. UNDER LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT BY COLLECTING AGENT IN MIZORAM [See Rule 34(2)] 1.This agreement is made on this………………………… of……………………, 20…… between Dir ector, Land Revenu e a nd S ettlement Depar tment, on beha lf of Gover nment of Mizoram, (hereinafter referred to as Director which includes his successors in Officer) and………………………….. (hereinafter referred t o as Collecting Agent which expression includes his success ors which is an author ized collecting agent of Government of Mizoram. 2.Whereas the Land Revenue and Settlement Department through Director, Land Revenue and Settlement Department, Mizoram has proposed collection of taxes, etc. in the…………………….. village,…………………………………..District in the State of Mizoram through Collecting Agent. AND whereas………………………is desirous of undertaking the work as Collecting Agent. AND Whereas the Dir ector is desirous of entrusting the wor k to………………………under the close supervision by the officia ls of Land Revenue and Settlement Department, Mizoram. AND Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed upon the afor esaid parties to enter into this agreement on the terms and conditions specified hereunder:- 3.S cope of Wor k:The scope of work will include the following:- (1) Assessment and Collection of taxes, viz; House tax or building tax or land tax or tax in agricultural or non-agricultura l land or Zoram Chhiah or tolls on persons living within the State or ta x on farm or tax on shop, stall or private markets. (2) To submit full and complete account of t he taxes levied and collected to the Collector. 4.Responsibility:Director sha ll provide all necessa ry books, registers, accounts or maps or docu ments or any deliverable requir ed for the assessment and collection of taxes. However, collecting agent shall take all measures of pr oper use and return the same in best possible condition to the Director and also to maintain confidentiality of the documents. 5.Time fra me for completion of the wor k:The whole process of work will be completed within………………calendar month(………….days). 6.Delivery or Receipt of taxes:Collecting agent shall submit all the ta xes collected progress ively supported with statement of account and receipt book a s the progress of tax collect ion. 7.Rates and mode of payment:The Director agrees to make payments as mentioned hereunder for the work to be executed by collecting agent: (a) ……………% of the value of taxed collected at the time of submission of taxes collected by collecting agent.- 31 -Ex-583/2013 8.Pena lt y:If the Collecting Agent fa ils to pay or deposit to the Government any sum paya ble or taxes collected under this Act on the respective dates on which they are made payable/depos it, he/they shall pay interest at the r ate of 12 percent of such amount collected from the dates on which they were so paya ble until the date of payment of recovery. 9.For ce M ajeu re:For the pur pose hereof force majeure shall be any of t he following events; acts of God of the public enemy; compliance with any Order, rule, regulation, decr ee, or r equest of any Governmental authority or agency or person purporting to act thereof, acts of war, public disorder, rebellion, terrorism or sabotage; floods, hurricanes or other storms, strikes or labour disputed; or any other cause, whether or not of t he class or kind specially named or r eferred to herein, not within the reasonable control of the party a ffected. A delay in or failure of performance of either par ty shall not constitute a default hereunder nor be the basis for, or give r ise to, any cla im for damages, if any, to the extent such delay or failure is caused by for ce majeure. The party who is prevented from performing by force majeure (i) shall be obliga ted within a period not to exceed 14(fourteen) days after the occurrence or detection of any such event to give notice to the other party setting forth in reasona ble details the nature thereof and the anticipated extent of the delay, and (ii) shall remedy such cause as soon as reasonably possible. 10.Arbitration:In the event of any quest ion, dispute of differ ence ar ising out of this agr eement between the parties with regard to interpretation of this agr eement or the rights of liabilities or duties assignment out of it or otherwise connected with this agreement, the matter shall be referred to the ar bitration of two arbitra tors one to be appointed by each of the pa rties hereto. The arbitrator s shall appoint an umpire before entering upon reference. The decision of the ar bitrators or the umpire as the case may be final and binding upon the parties. The provision of Indian Arbitration and Conciliating Act, 1996 as amended from the time to time shall apply to such arbitration. In witness whereof the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the date, month and year mentioned against t heir respective signatures. 11.Validity of M.O.U.:The agreement is meant only for the above mentioned work and not for a ny other subsequent wor ks. Signature of Signature Director for on behalf of Land Revenue a nd Settlement Department Collecting Agent Government of Mizoram Mizoram : Aizawl- 32 - Ex-583/2013 APPENDIX-VIICONVEYANCE DEED [See Rule 28(2) and sub-rule (3) of rule 47] This conveyance made on this…………………… day of ………………………… Between Government of Mizor am, Revenue Department hereinafter called “The Vendor” (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include his successor in office and assigns) of the one part and Shri/Smt………………………... son/daughter/wife/widow of Shri…………………………………………… Resident…………………………………………… hereinafter called “the purchaser”/”the allottee” (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed t o include his/her heirs, administrators, representatives a nd permitted assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS, vide allotment letter No……………………………………… issued by Revenue Department, Government of Mizoram, Plot No…………………... Survey No……………., Sector No………………….. Situated in…………………………. was allotted to the allottee/purchaser subject to limitation, terms and conditions mentioned therein. AND WHEREAS representing that the said allotment is still va lid and subsisting, the said purcha ser/ allottee ha s applied to the Vendor to a cquire/purchase freehold ownership/lease right in the demised property allotment to him and physical possession handed over to him and the Vendor has agreed to convey freehold ownership/lease right of the said property su bject to terms and conditions appearing her eina ft er. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSES THAT in consideration of the sum of Rs…… (Rupees…………………………………………….. paid at the time of allotment hereof (the receipt where the Vendor hereby admit s and acknowledges), the aforesaid representa tion and subject to limitation mentioned hereinafter, the Vendor doth hereby grants, conveys, r eleases and tr ansfers, assigns and assures unto the aforesaid Plot No…………………Survey No………………….Situated in…………………………… (hereinafter referred to as the said property, more fully described in the SCHEDULE hereunder together all remainder, rent issues and profits thereof to have and to hold the same unto the allot tee, SUBJECT to the exceptions, reserva tions, covena nts and condit ions hereinafter contained that is to say as follows: 1.The Vendor excepts and reserves unto himself all mines a nd miner als of whatever nature lying in or under the said property together with full liberty at a ll times for the Vendor, its agents a nd workmen, to enter upon all or any pa rt of the property to search for, win, make merchantable and carry away the said mines, and minera ls under or upon the said pr operty or any adjoining lands of the Vendor and to lay down the sur face of all or any par t of the said property and any buildings under or hereafter to be erected thereon making fair compensation to the pur chaser for damage done unto him thereby, subject to the payment of land revenue or other imposit ion payable or which may become lawfully paya ble in respect of the said pr operty and to all public right s or easement affecting the same. 2.That notwithstanding execution of this deed, use of the property in contravention of the pr ovisions of Master Plan/Zonal Development Plan/Lay-out Pla n Shall not be deemed to have been condoned in any manner and Revenue Department shall be entitled to take appropr iate action for contr avention of rule of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 or any other law for the time being in force. 3.The Allottee/Purchaser sha ll comply with the building, draina ge and other bye-laws of the appropr iate Municipal or other authorities for the time being in force.- 33 -Ex-583/2013 4.If it is discovered at any stage that this deed has been obtained by suppress ions of any fact or by any false statement, mis-representation or fraud, this deed shall become void at the option of the vendor, which shall ha ve the right to ca ncel this deed and forfeit the consideration paid by the allottee/ purchaser. T he decision of the vendor in this regard sha ll be final and binding upon t he allot tee/ purchaser a nd shall not be called in question in any p roceedings. It is further decla red tha t as a r esult of this present allotee/purchaser from the da te mentioned hereafter will become owner of the said pr operty and the Vendor doth hereby releases t he allot tee/ purchaser from all liability in r espect of rent reserved by and the covenants and conditions conta ined in t he said allotment let ter requir ed t o be ob served by the a llottee/purchaser for the said demised property. The stamp duty and registr ation charges, upon this instrument shall be borne by the purcha ser. The transfer shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the da te of r egistra tion of t his deed. In witness whereof Shri/Smt……………………………………… for and on behalf of and by the order and direction of the Vendor has hereunto set his/her hand Shri/Smt…………………......… the allottee, has hereunto set his/her hand day and year first above writ ten. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO All that Plot No……………................... Survey No………………….. Sector No……………...... Situated at…………………………………………..... Signed by Shri/Smt……………………………………………………………… Signed by Shri/Smt……………………………………………………………… for and on behalf of and by the orders a nd directions of the President of India(Vendor) In the presenc e of:(VENDOR) (1)Shri/Smt……………………………… ……………………………… Signed by Shr i/Smt……………………………… ……………………………..... (ALLOTEE/PURCHASER) In the presenc e of: (1)Shri/Smt………………………….. ………………………….. Signature (2)Shri/Smt………………………….. …………………………..Signature- 34 - Ex-583/2013 APPENDIX- VIIILAND PASS BOOK [See Rule 46(3)] Pass Book No: Name Date of birth Address EPIC Card No. PAN No. UID Card No. LAND HOLDINGSl. No CATEGORY OF LAND HOLDINGCERTIFICATE NUMBERPERIOD OF (ALSC/RLSC/PP/HP/LL)VALIDITY Authorised Signature with seal Date: (Bar code for authentication) Not e: 1. Specialised design card which cannot be fabr icated- to be used 2. No manual entry in any column is permitted 3. Unique pass book number should be used.Photo of P ass holder- 35 -Ex-583/2013 FORM-1 APPLICATION FOR THE ALLOTMENT OF LAND TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT/CORPORATION/BOARDS ETC. ON LAND LEASE/LIMITED LEASE [See rule 3(1) ] 1Name of the Department Corporation, Boards etc. 2Address in full 3Loca tion of the land 4Specific purpose for which land is applied 5In case of statutory Bodies/Central Government Undertakings etc. whether pr ior permission of Government of Mizoram is obta ined 6Whether la nd in question is already occupied or not 7If so, state the authority permit ting occupation of theterms and condit ions of occupation 8Whether the land is vacant and free from encumbr ance 9If not, whether the department/ Corporation etc. is willing to pay compensation in r espect of theland which is being applied forLand Lease 10 If t he land applied for land lea seis already acquired whether land documents (of the land) so acqu ired is submitted or not 11 Rema rks of the Secretar y of the Depa rtment concerned/ orga nization concerned Date: Place: Signature of the Head of the Department- 36 - Ex-583/2013 FORM-2 APPLICATION FOR PERIODIC PATTA (PERIODIC PATTA DILNA) [See Rule 3(1)] ItemsParticulars 1 Name in capital (as appeared in EPIC or UID or PAN) 2 Date of birth (a) Present age (b) Place of birth ( c ) Distr ict 3 Whether mar ried? If married, name of husband or wifeMarriedUnmar ried (in capital letters)Name : 4 Present address 5 P er ma nent a ddr es s 6 a)Name of father (in capitals)b) b)Name of mother( in capit als) 7 Whether applicant belongs to a tribal (Mizo) a s specified in s ub-section (45) of section 2 of the Act 8 If not born in Mizor am, do you enclose domicile cert ificate issued by Home Department? 9 OccupationIf applicant is government serva nt, indicate name of Department and designa tion 10 Exact location/area/Veng (a ) Survey No. (b) Plot No. (c ) Purpose for use of land (d) Is it inside Town a rea? 11 Name of Village Council (name of village) 12 Clearly indicate name(s) & addresse(s) of immediate neighbour* (a) South ( chhim lam ) (b) North ( hmar lam ) (c ) West ( khawthlang lam ) (d) East ( khawchhak lam ) 13 Whether the area is properly cleared for easy movement of S urveyors? 14 Whether 6 (six) Boundary pillars as prescribed by Revenue Department are pr ovided for fixing on the day of survey operation? 15 Checklist whether the following documents are kept ready for inspection? (a) House Pass Certificate (b) Tax Clearance Certificate 16 Other contact details: (a ) Telephone number (b) Email ID- 37 -Ex-583/2013 15 (a) Name ( in capital) of head of applicant’s family as per EPIC/PAN/UID ( diltute chhungka w puipa ber hming) (b) If name of head of family not indica ted, reasons ( Chhungkaw pa ber hminga dil a nih loh chuan, a chhan tarlan tur a ni) 16.FAMILY DETAILS (DILTU CHHUNGKUA): Sl. No.Name a s per EPIC/KumHnathawhChhungkaw pa ber PAN/UID) Hmingzatnen inlaichinna 12345 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 17.Dilt u ngaihdanin duhsak bik riauna tur chhan a awm em? …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… INTIAMKAMNAA chunga ziakte khi a dik vek tih ka lo nemnghet a. T hudik lo ka ziak emaw, zep then ka lo nei emaw a nih chuan sawrkar in he ra m hi a thlawnin min la ksak leh thei a ng a, kut ka lo thlak anih pa whin ka sawi buai thei lo vang. Date :…………………….. Signature…………………………. Hming……………………………. Phone No…………………………- 38 - Ex-583/2013 FORM-2A APPLICATION FOR ALLOTMENT OF LAND FOR HOUSE SITE [See Rule 3(1)] ItemsParticulars 1 Name in capital (as appeared in EPIC or UID or PAN) 2 (a) Date of birth (b) Place of bir th, District 3 Present address 4 P er ma nent a ddr es s 5 (a) Name of father (in capitals) (b) Name of mother(in capitals) 6 Whether applicant belongs to a tribal (Mizo) as specified in sub-section (45) of section 2 of the Act 7 If the applicant is not born in Mizoram, Do you enclose domicile cer tificate issued by Home Department? 9 Exact location/area/Veng 10 Name of Village Council (name of village) 11 Clearly indicate name(s) & addresse(s) of immediate neighbour* (a) South ( chhim lam ) (b) North ( hmar lam ) (c ) West ( khawthlang lam ) (d) East ( khawchhak lam ) 12 Whet her the area is proper ly clea r ed for easy movement of Surveyors? 13 Whether 4 (four) boundary pillars as prescribed by Revenue Department are pr ovided for fixing on the day of survey operation? 14 Other contact details: (a ) Telephone number (b) Email ID *Note:Hemi vengah hian a thenawmte hi a n awm lo anih pawhin a ram awmna hmun hi chipchiar takin ziah tur a ni (In ca se neighbours are not present, clear location of land should be described). I hereby certify that all particulars a nd docu ments ar e true and cor rect. Any incorrect particulars furnished herein will resu lt in cancella tion of settlement or allotment (A chunga sawite khi a dik vek tih ka hria ttir e. Diklo a awm a nih chuan allot ment emaw settlement pek tawh pawh su t leh theih a ni tih ka hre bawk e). I a lso her eby agr ee to abide by terms a nd conditions laid down in rule 14 & 15 of these Rules ( Rule 14 leh 15 na in a phut zawng zawngte zawm turin ka intiam a, ka zawm loh chuan House Pass pawh sut leh tur in ka in tiam e). Date:Applicant’s signature (Diltu Signature) :……………..- 39 -Ex-583/2013 FORM-2B APPLICATION FOR ALLOTMENT OF LAND FOR SHOP/STALL [See Rule 3(1)] ItemsParticulars 1Name in capital (as appeared in EPIC or UID or PAN) 2(a) Date of birth (b) Place of bir th, District 3Present address 4P er ma nent a ddr es s 5(a) Name of father (in capitals) (b) Name of mother(in capitals) 6Whether applicant belongs to a tribal (Mizo) a s specified in s ub-section (45) of section 2 of the Act 7If the applicant is not born in Mizoram, Do you enclose domicile cer tificate issued by Home Department? 9Exact location/area/VengIndicate category: Shop or Stall 10Name of Village Council (name of village) 11Clearly indicate name(s) & addresse(s) of immediate neighbour* (a) South ( chhim lam ) (b) North ( hmar lam ) (c ) West ( khawthlang lam ) (d) East ( khawchhak lam ) 12Whether the area is properly cleared for easy movement of S urveyors? 13Whether 4 (four) boundary pillars as prescribed by Revenue Department are pr ovided for fixing on the day of survey operation? 14Other contact details: (a ) Telephone number (b) Email ID *Note:Hemi vengah hian a thenawmte hi a n awm lo anih pawhin a ram a wmna hmun hi chipchiar takin ziah tur a ni ( In case neighbours are not present, clear location of land should be described ). I hereby certify that all particulars a nd docu ments ar e true and cor rect. Any incorrect particulars furnished herein will resu lt in cancella tion of settlement or allotment (A chunga sawite khi a dik vek tih ka hria ttir e. Diklo a awm a nih chuan allot ment emaw settlement pek tawh pawh su t leh theih a ni tih ka hre bawk e). I a lso hereby agree to abide by t erms and conditions la id down in rule 17 of these Rules. Date:Applicant’s signature (Diltu Signature) :……………..- 40 - Ex-583/2013 FORM–3 NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE FROM THE NEIGHBOURING LAND HOLDER(S) [See rule 4(5)] Vawiin Dt........................................................ ni hian Pi/Pu................................................... S/o ................................................... Inhmun/ Huan/ WRC/ LSC etc. tura teh lai hian a thenawmte kan awm ve a, Ramri thu ah buaina engmah kan nei lova, an teh dan hi kan pawmpui e. THENAWMTE HMINGSIGNATURE (CAPITAL LETTER) 1.(................................................)......................................... 2.(................................................)......................................... 3.(................................................)......................................... 4.(................................................)......................................... A chunga hming zia kte hian kan hr iatpui a, tin, he ram an teh chungchangah hian engmah hnialna kan nei lova. Vantlang ta na hnawkna engmah a a wm lova , kan r emtihpui e. Signed in my presence. Name & Signature Name & Signature with seal of Surveyor who demarcated landof VCP or Chairman Local Council FORM-4 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE [See rule 7(1)] I, the under signed do hereby decla re and undertook identification of t he………………………… Depa rtmenta l land at…………………………… at the time of demarca tion of the sa id land on Revenue Department and I am satisfied that the area so demarcated covers the entire…………………………… Departmental land at…………………for the purpose of ………………………. Further, I am sa tisfied wit h the boundary lines and the position of all the bou ndary pillars fixed in the dema rcated area. All the boundar y pilla rs will be fixed up within 1(one) month from the issue of Land Lease for the said land. Therefore, on behalf of the Department of…………………………………,I do hereby undertake physical possession of the land as demar cated by the Revenue Department. Dated:…………………..Signature…………………………… Place:…………………...Name………………………………. Designation……………………….... Department……………………….... CountersignedAssistant Survey Officer/VCP/Chairman LC Signature of Surveyor (…………………………….) Land Revenue and Settlement Mizoram :Aizawl FORM-5- 41 -Ex-583/2013 APPLICATION FOR SUBMISSION OR PROPOSAL BEFORE MIZORAM PUBLIC INVESTMENT BOARD (MPIB) IN REVENUE DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM [See Rule 7(2)] 1. Name of the applicant 2. Addr ess of t he applicant(wit h proof of address*) 3. Status of t he applicant[Individua l/Registered Firm/ Company registered under Companies Act,1956/ Co-operative Society/Society under The Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 or any other. copy of s uch registration to be enclosed] 3.1 Name(s) and addresses of Partner(s), Director(s)/1. Trustee(s) who will have managerial control over2. the operation of the firm/company/society/trust3. 4. 5. 4. Addr ess/area of land/site applied for(a) Area described in SQM a nd Bigha (b) Description of area with boundary(c) Village, District 5. a) if la nd is alr eady acqu ired, describe how acquired [by purchase/by inherit ance/by gift/by tempora ry transfer. b) Name and address from whom acquiredc) Na ture of said land allotment/ settlement 6. Purpose for which land is t o be developed or deployed (diversion of use of land is str ictly prohibited) in case project profile or report is prepared a certified copy may be submitted 7. Dura tion/period land is required [transfer of land is not permiss ible as per Ru les] 8. a) Do you ha ve land holding elsewhere under the same management, if so, give deta ils. b) Do you ha ve land holding elsewhere in Mizoram under different status not of the same management? If so, give details. 9.I am author ized to make application and s ubmit necessar y information/documents. I hereby declare that all par ticular s and information submitted herewith are true and correct to the best of my belief and knowledge. *( For proof of address, certified bank statement or copy of registr ation under government rules and regulation or telephone bill or power bill shall be accepted) Place: Name: Na me a nd Signatur e of Applicant wit h Seal- 42 - Ex-583/2013 FORM-6 NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE [See rule 13(10)] No. _________________________ of _____________ The Department of Land Revenue and Settlement has no objection to Pi/Pu___________________ of _________________________ mortgaging his/her house site at_____________________________ under Pass/L.S.C. No.______________________________________ of ______________ to Government on condition that if in default of t he payment of the loa n, the mortgaged site shall be auctioned off to realize the loan, the sale by Auct ion to be limit ed only to a Tribal as explained in sub-section (45) of section 2 of the Act, but if such sale fails to fetch the full a mount to be realized, then the mortga ged site may again be sold by auction according to due process of the law. Dat e:Signature of Issuing Officer NOTE:It is manda tory that the mortgage deed shall be registered under T he Registration Act 1908 as amended from time to time subject to the provision of the said Act. FORM-6A NON-ENCUMBRANCE CERTIFICATE [See rule 13(10)] No. ________________________ of ____________ This is to certify that the Land allotted under Land Settlement Certificate No. _______________________ of ________________________ which is to be mortgaged by the allottee_______________________ is free from encumbrance a s far a s the records maintained in this office would indicate. Da ted: Place:Signature of Issuing Officer FORM-6B CERTIFICATE OF LAND VALUATION [See rule 13(10)] This is to certify that the Valuation of Land Settlement under Land Settlement Certificate No.________________________________ of ________________________ is as follows: 1.Name of Settlement Holder:_____________________________ 2.No. of Certificate of Land Settlement No:_____________________________ 3.No. of Grade under Land classification/ Land zoning :____________________ 4.Area of Land Settled _______________________Sq.m. 5.Rate of Land per Sq.m. as per Notification issued by the Government _______________Sq.m. 6.Total Value of Land (Rs. ______________________________________) This valuation is subject to cha nge as specified by t he Government from time to time. Issue No.:_______________________ Date:_______________________Signature of Issuing Officer - 43 -Ex-583/2013 FORM-7 APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE INHMUN/LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE TURA DILNA [See rule 13(1)] ItemsParticulars 1 Name in capital (as appeared in EPIC or UID or PAN) 2 (a) Date of birth (b) Place of bir th, District 3 Whether mar ried, if married, name of husband or wife 4 Present address 5 P er ma nent a ddr es s 6 a)Name of father (in capitals) b)Name of mother (in capitals 7 Whether applicant belongs to a tribal (Mizo) as specified in sub-section (45) of section 2 of the Act 8 If the applicant is not born in Mizoram, Do you enclose domicile cer tificate issued by Home Department? 9 Hous e Site P ass Number and yea r 10 Exact location/area/Veng 11 Name of Village Council (name of village) 12 Clearly indicate name(s) & addresse(s) of immediate neighbour* (a)S outh ( chhim lam ) (b)North ( hmar lam ) (c)West ( kha wthlang lam ) (d)Ea st ( kha wchhak lam ) 13 Whet her the area is proper ly clea r ed for easy movement of Surveyors? 14 Whether 6 (six) boundary pillars as prescribed by Revenue Department are pr ovided for fixing on the day of survey operation? 15 Whether the following documents are kept ready for inspection? (a) House Pass Certificate (b) Tax Clearance Certificate 16 Other contact details: (a ) Telephone number (b) Email ID *Not e: Hemi vengah hian a thenawmte hi a n awm lo anih pawhin a ram awmna hmun hi chipchiar takin ziah tur a ni (In case neighbours are not present, clear location of land should be described). I hereby certify that all particulars a nd docu ments ar e true and cor rect. Any incorrect particulars furnished herein will invite cancellation even if allotment or settlement has been done (A chunga sawite khi a dik vek tih ka hr iattir e. Thil diklo tarlan a nih era wh chua n allotment ema w settlement pa wh tihfel ni mahse, sut let leh theih a ni tih ka hria e). Applicant’s signature (Diltu Signature) :………………………..- 44 - Ex-583/2013 FORM-8 APPLICATION FOR DIVERSION OF USE OF LAND [See rule 20(1)] 1.Name of Applicant: 2.Father’s Name: 3.Present Address: 4.Permanent Address: 5.a)Registration No. with Year b) L and holding No. with year 6.Loca tion of land as per Land Certificate: 7.Area of land in Sq.metre: 8.Purpose for which land was origina lly allotted: 9.Ground on which diversion of land is applied ( separate sheet ma y be a ttached if needed): 10. Purpose for which use of la nd is to be diverted : 11. Whether up to date receipt of payment of land revenue & t axes a re enclosed: I, Mr……………………… S/o.……………………. resident of…………….............................I, do hereby pledge that I shall pay the required fees on land under land holding number………………………. measuring a bout………………… to return revenue and other taxes payable on account of diversion of use of land to the government. In ca se of failure to abide by the requir ed conditions as above my la nd shall be reverted back to the Government or cancelled my land holding. Date: Place:Signature of Applicant FORM-9 INSPECTION REPORT OF LAND LEFT UNCULTIVATED [See rule 25(1)] 1.Name of Land holder (in Capital Letter): 2.Father ’s/Mother ’s/Husband’s Wife’s name: 3.Present Address: 4.Permanent Address: 5.Status of la nd holding with Certificate: P.Patta/Pass Number and year 6.Location of land as per land Pass: 7.Area in square metre: 8.Fact ual position of land at the time of inspection : (sep arate sheets ma y be enclosed if necess ary) 9.Are there natural growth likebamboo, br oom, Commercia l tree or fruit b earing trees, etc. within the area of land Pa ss? If so deta il position may be ment ioned in a sepa rate sheets- 45 -Ex-583/2013 10. Whether the natura l growths as stated at Sl. No.9 : are looked after by the land Pass holder 11. Any comment of the inspecting Officer or official : Counter S igned by Name & Signature of Inspecting The President Village Council concerned official with official Seal Submitted to: The Settlement Officer/Assistant Settlement officer ________________District. FORM – 10 NOTICE OF RELINQUISHMENT [See Rule 26(1)] To, The Settlement Officer/ Assistant Settlement Officer ............................................. District, Mizoram. Subject: Relinquishment of land holding. Sir/Madam, I beg to inform you that I am intending to relinquish rights of my land holding particu lars mentioned below as the sa me is no longer needed by me with effect from________________ a nd all land revenue may not be collected on account of land holding with effect from the date of actual relinquishment and all the Land Pass may be cancelled. 1.Status of Land holding :______________________________________ 2.Land Holding Number with year:________________________________ 3.Location of the Land:________________________________________ 4.Area in square metre:________________________________________ 5.Survey Number:_____________________Plot No:_________________ 6.Relinquished area in case of party r elinquished. Witness1.__________________ 2.__________________ Signature of Land holder with date, month and year - 46 - Ex-583/2013 F O RM– 11 APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF LAND HOLDING [See rule 27] 1. STATUS OF LAND HOLDINGResidential LSC/Agri. LSC/HP/SHOP PASS/PP/ LL (Tick the correct one) Number: Ku m: 2. LAND HOLDER hming leh AddressHming: Pa hming: Present Address: P erma nent Address: 3. Deta il Address of land holding a nd loca tion (Ram neihna hmun kimcha ng): 4. Ram inhlan chhawn tur chu engvang a in hlan Rochun (inherita nce) chha wn tur nge a nih?A thlawna pek (free gift) ( Adik ber thai (tick) rawh).Hralh/leiba rulhna (transfer by sale) Inthleng (mutual exchange) 7.(a)(Rochun anih chuan Heirship Certificate thil tur.) ……………………………………………………………… (b)Hralh anih chuan a man zat leh inleina lehkha a hriatpuitute pahnih a ia tlem lo leh Cha irman Loca l Council/V.C te hria tpuina thil tel a ni em? 8.Neitu nihna leh ra mri chungchanga h buaina a awm em? ……………………………………………………………......…….. 9.Heng a hnua ia Certificate te hi lakchhuah tawh anih chu an thil tel ngei tur a ni. (a) Land Settlement Certificate/P.Patta/Land Lease (b) Land Valuation Certificate (c) Non-Encumbrance Certificate (d) Tax/Land Revenue Clearance Certificate (e) No-objection Certificate 10.LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE/P.Patta/Land Lease neitu chu Tribal nge Non-tribal :………………...........................................(see sub-section (16) & (45) of section 2 of the Act). 11. Land Settlement/P.Patta/Land Lease transfer-na tur, neitu thar :-(a) Hming pum ( EPIC/PAN/UID a lan ang in) (b)Pian kum (c) Pianna khua leh District (d) Pa hming (e) Nu hming (f) Hmingthlakna tur hi Sub-section (16) & sub-s ection (45), section 2 of The Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 in a phal ang a ni em?- 47 -Ex-583/2013 A chunga sa wite khi a dik ani tih ka hriattir a . Ka LAND SETT LEMENT C ERTIFIC ATE ka hlan chhawn hi nakinah thil fello/diklo a lo awm anih pawhin keiman a mawh ka phur ang a, Revenue Department- in mawh a phur lova ng. Tin, he hming thlakna/ r am neitu inthla kna document hi Registration Act, 1908 as adapted in t he State of Mizoram leh The Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 zawmin thla 3 chhungin ka register ngei ang. Hriatpuitute:- 1.Signature: (……………………………) Full Name: (……………………………) 2.Signature: (……………………………) Full Name: (……………………………) Signature of Land holder……................................ Tuna Address…………………............................ Phone No:………………………………… NB: LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE neitu leh neichhawngtu turin EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card) emaw PAN Xeroxed copy Government Officer attested an thil tel tur a ni a. LAND SETT LEMENT CERTIFIC ATE neitu leh a neichhawngtu tur te mahni ngei a mawhphur tur officer hnenah an inlan tur a ni. FORM-12 APPLICATION FOR PARTITION OF LSC [See rule 27(2)] 1 Land Settlement Certificate (LSC) neitu hming 2 Pa/Pasal hming 3 Address 4 Land Settlement Cer tificat e (LSC) No. Leh kum 5 Land Settlement Certificate awmna ram/veng 6 Land Settlement Certificate zau zawng(area) 7 Engvanga LS C area chu then duh nge? 8 LSC thentur cheiba wl a ni em? 9 A ra m thenawm neitute hming leh address 1) South1) 2) North2) 3) West3) 4) East4) 10.Heng a hnua ia mite hi Government Gazetted Officer attested copy thil tel tur 1) Original Land Settlement Certificate 2) Land Valuation Certificate 3) No Objection Certificate 4) Non Encumbrance Certificate- 48 - Ex-583/2013 5) Tax payment receipt/ Tax Clearance Certificate 6) LSC neitu leh a neichhawngtu tur te Voter I.D. 11. Hmun a thlawna inpekna ( free gift) Gift Deed non-judicial stamp paper-a siam tur Hmun hralh (transfer by sa le/excha nge) Non-judicial stamp p aper-ah agreement siam tur 12.LSC neitu hian a LSC hi a dik ngei em tih Officer record atanga enfiah tir in, clearance certificate a thil tel tur a ni. 13.LSC nei chha wngtu t ur:- Sl.No.Hming leh Pa /Pasal hmingAddressKumTribal nge/ Non-Tribal 12345 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A chunga ka ziak hi a dik vek a tih dik loh a awm anih chuan LSC hi ka dil angin siam mahse englai pawhin sut (cancel) theih a ni tih ka pa wm a. Ram thenna hi Registra tion Act, 1908 dan hnu aiah thla 3 chhungin register t urin ka intiam bawk a . Hei hi ka tih hlawhtlin loh chuan he ram thenna hi sut leh (cancel) tur a ni tih ka pawm bawk e. Place:Diltu Signature:___________________ Date:Tuna Address:____________________ Phone No.:_______________________ FORM–13 APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF APARTMENT [See rule 29(1)] 1 Name and address ofsociety/applicant 2 Registration Numberwith year 3 Purpose for which apartment is to be utilized 4 Number of employees tobe accommodated or memb er of inmates to bea ccommodated 5 Land Settlement Certificatenumber with year where building is existed- 49 -Ex-583/2013 6 Area in squa re metr e Proposed for transfer of ownership of Apartment 7 Whether the LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE wher e building is construct ed involved in land dispute or Court case? 8 Is the building or proposed to be constructed under the provisions of the Mizoram Urban and Regional Act, 1990 or Mizoram orMunicipalities Act, 2007 building regulation, Rules 9 Whether land revenue and ta xes including building taxe are regularly paid by the original land holder? 10 Receipt of payment of taxes and revenue should be enclosed (xerox copy) 11 Elector ’s Photo IdentityCar d of LAND SETTLEMENT CERT IFICATE holder/building owner should be enclosed 12 Cert ified Xerox copy of Registration Certif icate is sued under Mizoram Co-operative Society Act, 2006 should be enclosed 13 Agreement Deed to sell/tr ansfer of apar tmentshould be enclosed in theapplication and copy of registra tion as per the Registration Act, 1908 14 Any other r emarks or comments of the head of society or applicant I hereby certify that all particulars furnished above are true and factually correct. I am aware that any incorrect particulars furnished by me herein will result in summar y reject ion of the application and cancellation of per mission if already granted. I pr omise that once land a llotment for limited lease per iod is issued, the same will be registered under the Registr ation Act, 1908 as amended fr om time to time subject to the provision of the said Act. Failur e to do so will invite cancella tion of allotment. Dated:_________________ Signature of applicant with seal- 50 - Ex-583/2013 FORM-14 [See rule 31(5)] ASSESSMENT LIST OF LAND REVENUE AND TAXES ETC. FOR THE YEAR__________DISTRICT___________SUBDIVISION___________VILLAGE____________ FORM-15 Publication of Final List of Assessment[See rule 32] Distr ict:………………………...... Village:………………….............. Sub-Division :………………………...... Veng (locality) :………………………...... Wher eas the attest ation of the L ist of Assessment of Taxes under rule 41 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 of the above village has been duly completed, the same shall remain open for public inspection at ………………………..(place) from………………….. for thirty days and that……………………….(date) is the last date for filling objections. Objection, if any t o any entry in the List of Assessment may be filed before the undersigned within the aforesaid period. Assessing authoritySl. No.Name of Land OwnerFather’s NameLoca- tionStatus of PassAreaGrade Amount of Land RevenueNo. of Bldg.Type of Bldg.Building Tax per FlatAnnual Rateable ValueSur- chargeGrand TotalReceipt No.& DateRe- marks12345678910111213141516- 51 -Ex-583/2013 FORM-16 Objection against Assessment[See Rule 33] Village :……………......................………… Sub-Division :…...........................……………………. Veng (locality):…………………..................... District :………….........................…………............... 1.Name & father’s name:……….............………………………… .............................................................. 2.Address:……………………......………………… ........... ..................................................................... 3.No. of plot/LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE/Pass/P.Patta :………..................………… Land Lease Certificate under objection………………………...................................………… 4.Nature of objection e.g.status :……………………………….....................................……… Rent, revenue, tax, possession etc.:……………………………………..................................... 5.Matters of objections to with details of objection and relief sought …......................................... ( separate sheet(s) may be attached if space is adequate ) Signature and date Objection duly received and entered FORM-17 NOTICE OF DEMAND[See Rule 37] To, …………………………………….. …………………………………….. Take notice that the land tax/building tax for the financial year ………has been assessed at Rs…………… payable by you. (1)You are hereby directed to pay the sum of Rs…………(Rupees…………………..) including penalty at……………….. on or before (date) ………………..or within thirty days of service of this notice. (2)You are also directed to intimate to me in writing on or befor e ………………the payment of the said sum stating date of payment, Receipt number. Failure to do so said sum of Rupees…………………. will be recoverable from you as an arrear of land revenue payable to the Collector or Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer. (3)If you intend to appeal the assess ment/penalty you may present a n appeal in writing within 30 days of t he receipt of this notice. But no appeal shall lie unless half t he amount of the tax a ssessed or penalty imposed ha s been p aid befor e the appea l is filed. Date:…………………… Place:…………………....Assessing authority - 52 - Ex-583/2013 FORM-18 NOTICE OF SALE[See Rule 38] To, …………………………………….. …………………………………….. Village/Local Council …………………………………….. Sub-Division ……………………………………. District You are hereby required to take notice that a sum of Rs………………. (Rupees………………….......…….) is due from you on account of arrear of la nd revenue/esca ped tax and other dues realiza ble as land revenue Taxes as per details given below unless you pay within…………………………days from the date of service of this notice fur ther pr oceedings for the recovery of the dues shall be ta ken against you by sale of your property. Assessing authority FORM-19 CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASE [See rule 39] Certified that Mr/Mrs/Miss................................... S/o, D/o, W/o, H/o.............................. aged about years, resident of........................................... has purchased the properties (immoveable/moveable) belonging to Mr/Mrs/Miss....................................... s/o, d/o, w/o, h/o........................................... by public auction conducted on............................... for recovery of arrear of land revenue, taxes, etc. amounting to Rupees................................................................................... The detailed description of the pr operty sold by public auction are/is as follows:- A.Immoveable property: a )Registration/Land Certificate number With year: b)Location: c)Ar ea in sq.m.: d)Survey No.: e)Plot No.: f)Selling price of land: g)Selling price of building : 12345678Sl. No.Name of Village Sub-Division DistrictPlot /Land Settlement Certificate/ Pass/P.Patta Land Lease Certificate No.Amount of arrearsYear for which payment is dueInterestProcess FeeTotal amount due- 53 -Ex-583/2013 B.Moveable Properties/Property Sl. No. ItemSelling pric e in ru pees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total amount of selling price of properties........................................................................ It is mandatory tha t the s ale tr ansaction is registered under the Registration Act, 1908 as amended from time to time. Round Seal Date: Place: Signature of Issuing authority with Official seal FORM–20Memorandum of Appeal [See rule 41(1)] 1.Name and Address of appellant:…………………………………… …………………………………… ………………………………….... 2.Ground on which appeal is preferred:…………………………………… (Sep arate sheets may be atta ched if any)…………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… 3.The authorit y passing the order:…………………………………… appealed aga inst…………………………………… 4.Addr ess to which notice ma y be:…………………………………… sent to the appellant…………………………….............. …………………………………… …………………………………… 5.Relief claimed in appeal:…………………………………… (Sep arate sheets may be atta ched if any)…………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………- 54 - Ex-583/2013 I, _______________________the appellant do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to t he best of my information and belief. Verified today the________________ day of______________________ year_______. Da ted: Place:Signed by___________________________ (appellant/a uthorized representatives if a ny,) FORM-21 Memorandum of Appeal [See section 89 & 90 of the Act, read with rule 43(1)] (Appeal to the Dir ector of Land Revenue & S ettlement/ Commissioner of Revenue) Name of the appellant (as appeared in La nd records) Addr ess of the appellant Designation of officer pa ssing t he order appealed aga inst Date of the order appealed aga inst Date of service of the order appealed aga inst Section and clause of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 under which the appeal is preferred. Relief sought in the appeal( separate sheet(s) can be attached) Addr ess to which notices ma y be sent to the appellantSigned (Appellant) STAT EMENT OF FACTS ( separat e sheet (s) can be attached) ________________________________________________________________ GROUNDS OF APPEAL (separate sheet(s) can be attached) Signed (Appellant)- 55 -Ex-583/2013 FORM-22 RECORD OF RIGHTS [See rule 47 (2)] Village/Town………...………..............…..Revenue Village………..............………………...... Revenue Circle………………..............….Sub Division……………….…..............………....... District……………………….…..............………... Previous Registra tion Number(1) New Registra tion Nu mber(2) Survey Number(3) Name of land holders with father ’s name(4) Present & permanent addr ess(5) Natur e of rights and how acqu ired(6) Period of allotment a nd extension(7) Loca tion and description of land(8) Area in Hectare/Squa re metre.(9) Class of Land(10) Value of Land(11) Annua l Land Revenue(12) Nature of encumbra nce, if any(13) Name of mortgage or tenant with Fa ther ’s name(14) Annual rent payable from land a nd building(15) Muta tion or alteration, if any wit h Order No. and Date(16) Recor d of transfer:(17) Date : Name of address of transferee: Reference memo of Registration ( under Registration Act, 1908) Signature of Settlement Officer or Survey Officer (with s eal)(18) FORM-23 RECORDS OF TRANSFER/MUTATION [See rule 47(2)] DATETRANSFEROR (NAME)TRANSFEREE (NAME)REMARKSSIGNATURE OF (whether registration is done)AUTHORISED if so, Date to indicatedOFFICER 12345 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 56 - Ex-583/2013

The Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 is hereby Cancelled and re-issued in the Mizoram Gazette Extra - Ordinary issue No. 583 of 8.11.2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 582Date - 08/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 8.11.2013 Kartika 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 582RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page NOTIFICATION No. H. 11018/6/2008-REV/Pt-II, the 11th November, 2013. Notification issued in the Mizoram Gazette Extra Ordinary issue No. 364 of 17.7.2013 publishing The Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 is hereby Cancelled and re-issued in the Mizoram Gazette Extra - Ordinary issue No. 583 of 8.11.2013. R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

State Higher Education Council Members

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 554Date - 18/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.B.13017/5/2013-HTE,the 11th September, 2013.In order to implement the scheme of Rashtr iya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) in Mizoram, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute the State Higher Education Council consisting of the following members:- Chairman:Commissioner & Secretary, Higher & Technical Education. Members:-1.Director, Higher & Technica l Education. 2.Joint Director, Higher & Technica l Educa tion (QAC). 3.Dr. L.N.Tluanga. 4.Er. Dunglena. 5.Dr.R.K.Lianthanga, S cience & Technology. 6.Pu K.Lalhmingthanga, President, Mizoram Chamber of Industr ies. 7.Lungmuana, Associate Professor, Pa chhunga University College. 8.Prof. Marga ret Ch. Zama, Mizoram University. 9.Er.K.Zodingliana, Joint Director (Tech. ), Higher & Technical Education. 10.Ramhluna Hnamte, Joint Director (Admn.), Higher & Technical Education. 11.Zirlianngura, Associate Professor, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College. 12.C.Lalsangkhuma, Deputy Director (Admn.), Higher & Technical Education. 13.Dr.Zarzoliana, Govt. Hrangbana College. 14.Lalthangfala, Associate P rofessor, Govt. Aiza wl College. 15.S.Zorinliana, Academic Officer, Technical Wing. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 18.10.2013 Asvina 26, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 554RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram Overseas Study Grant Rules, 2013

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 555Date - 18/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.A-33023/1/2012-HTE(MSB), the 15th October, 2013. In partial modification of this Depa rtment Notification issued under memo even No. date 4.10. 2013 and in terms of the provision under Rule 11 of the “Mizoram Overseas Study Grant Rules, 2013,” the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re- cons titute the “Selection Committee” to select the applicants for awarding Overseas Study Grant. The Committee shall consist of the following members:- 1.Commissioner & Secretary, Higher & Tech. Edn-Chairman 2.Secr etary, Mizoram Schola rship Board-Member Secretary 3.Jt. S ecretary, Higher & Tech. Edn-Member 4.Repr esentative fr om Fin. Deptt. not below the rank of Dy. Secretary-Member 5.Repr esentative from Planning Deptt. not below the rank of Dy. Secretary-Member. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Tech. Edn. Deptt. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 18.10.2013 Asvina 26, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 555RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Constitute State Council for Older Persons

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 556Date - 18/10/2013

NOTIFICATION No.B.13011/18/2013-SWD,the 14th October, 2013.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to Constitute State Council for Older Persons compr ising of the following members with immediate effect and until further or der. 1.Chief Minister of Mizoram- Chairman 2.Minister, S ocia l Welfare Depart ment- Vice Chairman 3.Secr etary, Socia l Welfare Depart ment- Member Secretary 4.Secretary, Health & Family Welfare- Member 5.Secr etary, Transpor t Depart ment- Member 6.Secretary, Art & Culture- Member 7.Secr etary, R ural Development Depart ment- Member 8.Secretary, I & PR- Member 9.Secr etary, School Educa tion- Member 10.Director, Social Welfare Department- Member 11.Pres ident, MUP General H eadquar ters- Member 12.President, Mizoram Civil Pensioner Association (MCPA)- Member 13.Pres ident, MHIP Gener al Headqua rter- Member 14.President, Central YMA- Member 15.Mana ging Director, Save Help & Development (SHADE)- Member Terms of R eference : 1)The Committee shall device criteria and indicators for monitoring the implementation of the SLCOP. 2)To a dvise the State Government on policies and issues relating to old age. 3)The Committee shall meet once every six months. 4)The tenture of the Committ ee sha ll be 3 years Sathiya vathy, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 18.10.2013 Asvina 26, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 556RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/550

The Mizoram Printing & Stationery Department (Group ‘B’ Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 557Date - 18/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 18.10.2013 Asvina 26, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 557 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/47/04-P&AR(GSW)/Pt 3, the 17th October, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Technical Officer under Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Printing & Stationery Commencement Department (Group ‘B’ Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the aforesaid Schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the said Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-557/2013 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation relaxation of age limit concessions and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in a ccor da nce with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa ving All rules pertaining to t he post of Technical Officer framed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/47/2004- P&AR(GSW) dated 13.05.2009 issue under Mizoram Gazette Extra- ordinary No. 239 dated 18.05.2009 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF TECHNICAL OFFICER (TECHNICAL [GAZETTED]) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING & STATIONERY, GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postsNo. of postsClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable- 3 -Ex-557/2013 Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Technica l Off icer2(two) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘B’) (Technica l Ga zetted)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay 4600/-Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50050% Promotion from Assistant Technica l Off icer with 3 yea rs course Diploma holder in Printing Technology from a recognized Institute with 3 years regular service in the grade and, 50 % Promotion for Assista nt Technical officer with 5 years regular service in the grade for Non-Diploma holder. 100% by Promotion

The Mizoram Printing & Stationery Department (Group ‘B’ Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 557Date - 18/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 18.10.2013 Asvina 26, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 557 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/47/04-P&AR(GSW)/Pt 3, the 17th October, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Technical Officer under Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Printing & Stationery Commencement Department (Group ‘B’ Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the aforesaid Schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the said Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-557/2013 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation relaxation of age limit concessions and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in a ccor da nce with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa ving All rules pertaining to t he post of Technical Officer framed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/47/2004- P&AR(GSW) dated 13.05.2009 issue under Mizoram Gazette Extra- ordinary No. 239 dated 18.05.2009 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF TECHNICAL OFFICER (TECHNICAL [GAZETTED]) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING & STATIONERY, GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postsNo. of postsClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable- 3 -Ex-557/2013 Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Technica l Off icer2(two) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘B’) (Technica l Ga zetted)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay 4600/-Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50050% Promotion from Assistant Technica l Off icer with 3 yea rs course Diploma holder in Printing Technology from a recognized Institute with 3 years regular service in the grade and, 50 % Promotion for Assista nt Technical officer with 5 years regular service in the grade for Non-Diploma holder. 100% by Promotion

Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) (Mizoram) Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 558Date - 21/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 21.10.2013 Asvina 26, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 558 NOTIFICATION No.G. 17018/2/2012-F.IF&SL, the 01st October, 2013.Wher eas Section 2 (c) of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act 1978 (Act No.43 of 1978) defines ‘money circulation scheme’ as a ny scheme by whatever name ca lled, for the making of quick or easy money, or for the receipt of any money or valuable things as the consideration for a promise to pay money, on any event or contingency relative or applica ble to the enrolment of members into the scheme, whether or not such money of thing is derived from the entrance money of the members of such scheme or periodical subscriptions: and whereas section 3 of the sa id Act inter alia bans such money cir culation schemes: and whereas instances have come to light where money circulation schemes a re being introduced in disguised forms under the gar b of selling goods or services wherein promoters and upline subscriptions make quick and easy money at the cost of downline subscribers. Now, therefore, in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 13 of t he Act, the Government of Mizoram hereby makes the following Rules in consultation with Reserve Bank of India for the purpose of carr ying out the provisions of the Act. 1 . Short title and commencement: 1)These rules may be called the Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) (Mizoram) Rules, 2013. 2)These rules shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2 . Definitions:In t hese rules unless the c ontext other wis e requir es - a)‘Act’ means the Pr ize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Ba nning) Act. b)‘Compensation Plan’ means plans whether explicitly sta ted or not, but put in practice by these business entities for distribution of benefits to the subscribers; c)‘Competent Authority’ means authority notified by the state government for winding up of the business entities indulging in money circulation schemes and perfor m other tasks as assigned by the Government of Mizor am in order to implement the Act; d)‘Downline Subscriber’ means a subscriber who is at a lower level in the pyramid; e)‘Enr olment’ means a subscriber enrolling one or more subscribers; - 2 - Ex-558/2013 vi f)‘Money Circulation Scheme’ includes a scheme which is used for making of quick or easy money by disguising such scheme as a scheme for sale of products or providing or claiming to provide certain goods or services etc. g)‘Nodal Police Authority’ means police authority in the state notified by the state government and entrusted with the responsibility of collecting, collating and shar ing information with other States, Central Government, Reserve Ba nk of India and others regarding money circulation schemes; h)‘Promoter ’ means a person or persons who conduct disguised money circulation schemes and includes heirs, assignees etc. of the persons who promote business entities running disguised money circulation schemes. It also includes persons who actually control the operations of such schemes even though they may not be on record acting as promoters of the business entit ies. i)‘Pyr amid’ means a multi layered network of subscribers to a scheme formed by subscribers enrolling one or more subscribers in order to receive a ny benefit, directly or indir ectly, as a result of enrolment, action or performance of additional subscribers to the scheme. The subscribers enrolling further subscribers) occupy higher posit ion and the enrolled s ubscribers) lower position, thus, with successive enrolments, they form multi-layered network of subscribers. j) ‘Section’ means a section of the Act; k)‘Subscriber ’ means a subscriber by whatever na me called to a Money Circula tion Scheme including disguised Money Circulation Scheme; 1) ‘Upline Subscriber ’ means a subscriber who is at higher level in the pyra mid; m) Words and expressions used in these rules but not defined here in sha ll have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act. 3.No individual or Company or firm or business association, in any form, shall promote, run or participate in the money circulation scheme including a disguised money circulation scheme as defined in Rule 2(f) 4.No individu al or Company or firm or business association, in any form, shall run a scheme with a compensation plan in which the subscribers have to enr oll one or mor e subscribers to become entitled to certain benefits, directly or indirectly, as a result of enrolment, a ction or perfor mance of additional subscribers. 5.No individual or Company or firm or business association, in a ny form sha ll run a scheme that induces enrolment of new members by offer ing benefits or commission, b y whatever name called, to upline members in the pyra mid out of the action or performance like sale or purported sale of goods or services by t he downline members. 6.No individu al or Company or firm or business association, in any form, shall run a scheme with a compensation plan which envisages receipt of deposits or entry fee or periodical subscription and gives incentive to subscribers out of these funds for enrolment of new subscribers. 7.The Nodal Police Authorit y in a state shall be r esponsible for coordina ting with the other St ate Governments, the Central Government and the agencies concerned under such Government and the Reserve Bank of India and shall also be r esponsible for furnishing the informa tion to the Reserve Bank of India in the format and periodicity as decided by the State Government in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India. Explana tion — This does not debar the investiga ting agencies from interact ing with other State Governments and other agencies for the purpose of investigation. - 3 -Ex-558/2013 8.The Competent Authority shall be responsible for making all necessa ry action in connection with the winding up of companies/firms/business a ssociations in any form indulging in Money Circula tion Schemes including disguised Money Circulation Schemes. 9.The Promoters of Money Cir culation Schemes shall be personally liable even if such schemes are run by companies registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or other business entities carrying limited liability. 10. On a report received from the investiga ting officer and on being satisfied that pr ima facie evidence exists that a money circulation scheme including disguised money circulation scheme is being operated, an officer not below the rank of Superintendent of Police or other officers as notified by the State Government in this regard, may order sealing of the business pr emises and offices connected with such schemes, suspend operations of the bank accounts connected with such schemes and take such other action as is required for closure of business operations pertaining to s uch schemes. 11. On conclusion of the invest igation, if adequate evidence exists that a money circulation scheme is being run by a company or firm or business association in any form, the investigating officer, a part from prosecuting the case under the Act shall forward a report giving details of the evidence collected during the investigation through t he Superintendent of P olice concerned to the Competent Authority in the state as defined under Rule 2(c). TheCompetent Authorit y shall take action for winding up the businesses in cases where the power to initiate winding up the business entity is vested in the State Government. In the case of companies and other business entities where such a power is vested in the Central Government, the Competent Authority shall forward a report with its recommendations to the concerned Ministry in the Central Government for initiating action for winding up of t he company. L. N. Tochhawng, Fina nce Commissioner, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Junior Grade of Mizoram Civil Service (MCS), Mizoram Police Service (MPS) leh Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service (MF&AS) Officers,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 559Date - 21/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 21.10.2013 Asvina 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 559 NOTIFICATION No.46/B/2013-MPSC,the 14th October, 2013.Mizoram Public Service Commission chuan Junior Grade of Mizoram Civil Service (MCS), Mizoram Police Service (MPS) leh Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service (MF&AS) Officers, Departmental Examina tion la‘clear ‘lote tan Departmental Exa mination, ni16-20.12.2013chhungin buatsaih a tum a. Heng Service hranghrangtarlana Junior Grade/Probationers, Depa rtmenta l Examination la hma bak zawng zawngte chu an ‘Willingness ’ lehkhapua n pangngaia ziakin leh proper channel-in, Secretary, Mizoram Public Service Commission hnenah ni15.11.2013thlcngin thehluh theih a ni. Exam tum te chu an,an hming, pa hming, date of entry, present place of posting, present post held, an exam tur paper, paper an ‘clear tawh ’leh la ‘clear loh’ techiang takin an ziak lang t u r a ni. Tin, E x a m t u mt e chu a n E x a mina t ion fee ^150/-,Willingness an thehluh rualin emawni 22.11.2013hma ngeiin Mizoram Public Service Commission Reception Counter-ah an pe tur a ni. Willingness thehlut leh Examination fee pe te chauh exam phalsak an ni ang.Sd/-Vanrambeiseia, Joint Secretary, Mizoram Public Service Commission Aizawl. - 2 - Ex-559/2013 vi SYLLABUS FOR MIZORAM CIVIL SERVICE (MCS) DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION =Paper-I Criminal Law 1)Indian Penal Code, 1860 2)Criminal Pr ocedure Code, 1973 3)Rules for the Regulationof Officersappointed to administer Justice in the Lu shai Hills, 1937 and the Lushai Hills Autonomous District(Administration of Justice) Rules, 1953. = Paper-IT Constitution & Other Laws 1)Civil Procedure Code, 1908 2)Evidence Act, 1872 3)Constitution of India. =Paper -III Revenue Law 1)Mizoram Revenue Acts/Regulations 2)Lushai Hills District (Village Council) Acts, 1953 as amended upto date. 3)Land Acquisition Act, 1894. =Paper-IV Accounts&Establishment 1)General Financial Rules, 1963 2)CentralTreasuryRules, Vol-II 3)Central Civil Service (Classification Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 =Paper-V 1) Mizo language of Middle School Standar d for Non-Mizo speaking officers SYLLABUS F OR MIZORAM FINANCE & ACCOUNTS SERVIC E (MF&AS) DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION Paper-1 1)Central Civil Services (Pension)Rules, 1972 2)Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 3)Central Civil Services(Joining Time) Rules, 1971 Paper-II 1)Fundamental Rules and S up lementa ry Rules Part -1 General Ru les. 2)Fundamental Rules a nd Supplementa ry Rules Part - II Tra velling Allowances Paper-III 1)General Financial Rules, 1963 2)TreasuryRules of Central Government Volume -1 3)Delegationn of Financial Powers Rules, 1978 Paper-IV 1)Constitution of India 2)Central Civil Services(Conduct)Rules, 1964 3)Central Civil Services(Classification,Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 - 3 -Ex-559/2013 Paper-V 1)Auditing2) Book Keeping & Accountancy Paper-VI 1)Central Public Wor ks Accounts & Centra l Public Works Department Codes. 2)Forest Accounts.3) Account Code Volume I,II,III Paper VII:Mizo language of Middle School Standard for non-Mizo speaking officer Syllabus details chu the Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service Departmental Examination Regulation, 2003-a mi ang a ni e. SYLLABUS FOR MIZORAM POLICE SERVICE (MPS) DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION. Paper- I : ( A ) GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES, 1963(100 Marks) 1)Chapter-2 (G eneral system of Financial Management and Control) 2)Cha p ter-3 (R evenue a nd receipts) 3) Chapter-4 (Powers of sanction) 4)Chapter-5 (Budget, Grants and Appr opriations) 5) Chapter-6 (Establishment) 6)Chapter-7 (Contingent and Miscellaneous Expenditure) 7)Cha pt er-8 (St or es) (B ) CENTRAL TREASURY RULES VOLUME-I 1)Part -I (General Principles and Ru les) 2)Pa rt-Ill (R eceipt of Government money a nd pa yment of such money into the Government Account) 3)Part-IV (Rule 109-112) (Ca shinDepa rtment chests-Gener al Ru les) 4)Part-V (Wit hdrawal from the Government Account-SectionIto V) Paper - II : A ) CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL AND APPEAL) RULES, 1965. (100 Marks) 1)Chapter 1 Part IV-Rule 10 (Suspension) 2)Chapter 1 PartV-Rule 11 (Penalties and Disciplinary Authorities) 3)Chapter 1 P art VI-Rule 14 (Procedure for imposing Major penalt ies) 4)Chapter 1 P art VI-Rule 16 (Procedure for imposing minor penalt ies) 5)Chapter 1 Pa rt VI-Rule 18 (Common proceedings) (B ) FR&SR-PART-I (General Rules)1)Chapter-II (Definitions) 2) Chapter-III (General Conditions of Service) 3)Chapter - IV (Pay) 4) Chapter-V (Additions to Pay) 5)Chapter-VIII (Dismissal, Remova l and Suspension). (C ) FR&SR-PART-II (Travelling Allowances)1)Chapter -II (Different kinds of Tra velling Allowances) 2)Chapter-Ill (Travelling Allowance admissible for Different C lasses of Jour ney) 3)Chapter-VI (Contr olling Officers). Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 4 - Ex-559/2013 Paper - III : ( A ) Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1964(100 Marks) 1)Rule-3 (General) 2)Rule-5 (Taking part in politics and elections) 3)Rule-6 (Joining of Associations by Government serva nts) 4)Rule-7 (Demonstra tion and Strikes) 5)Rule-9 (Criticism of Government) 6)Rule-11 (Unauthorized Communication of information) 7)Rule-13 (Gifts) 8)Rule-15 (Pr ivate tr ade or employment) 9)Rule-16 (Investments, leading and borrowing) 10) Rule-18 (Movable, immovable and valuable property) 11) Rule-20 (Ca nvassing of non-official or other outside influence) 12) Rule-21 (Restriction regarding marriage) 13) Rule-22( Consumption of int oxicating drinks and dr ugs) ( B ) THE MOTOR VEHICLES ACTS, 1988 AND THE INDIAN EVIDENCE ACTS, 1872. Paper-IV: A) Police Act. 1861 B) Assam Police Manual (Part-Ill) Rule 66 C) Assa m Police Manual Part-V (Circle Inspectors a nd Police Stations) D ) The Constitution of India (Art.309-315) E) The Arms Acts, 1959 and the Arms Rules, 1962 Paper -V : (50 Marks) Mizo langua ge of M iddle School s tandar d forNon-Mizo speaking Officers.

Mizoram Grievance Redressal (Amendment) Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 560Date - 21/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 21.10.2013 Asvina 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 560 NOTIFICATION No.C.31015/2/09-RD (NREGS), the 7th October 2013.In the interest of public service and in exer cise of the power conferred by sub-s ection (1) of section 32 of the Mahatma Ga ndhi National R ural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005, the Gover nor of Mizoram is pleased to amend the Mizor am Grievance Redressal Rules, 2009, issued under Notification No.B.11018/96/08-RD (NREGS) published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol-XXXVIII Issue No. 292 dt.11.6.2009 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules), namely:- 1.Short title, extent 1)Thes e r ules may be called the Mizor am Grievanc e Redr essal and commencement (Am endm ent) Rules, 2013. 2)It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of Rule 2 :- In r ule 2 of the Pr incipal Rules, after clause (j) the following new clause (k) shall be added, namely:- “(k) State Employment Guarantee Commissioner means Secretary, Rural Development”. 3. Amendment of Rule 3 :- In rule 3 of the Principal Ru les, (i) For clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:- “(a) There shall be a Village Level Grievance Redr essa l Committee established under the Chairmanship of President, Village Council in each Villa ges in Mizoram where the traditional Village Council exists in place of Gram Panchayat.” (ii) After clause (b), a new clause (c) shall be added as followed, namely:- “ ( c ) Condition for disposal of complaint s – 1)The VCP in his capa city as Chairma n of Village Level Grievance Committee shall receive any complaints on the implementation of the Scheme within the Village Council jurisdiction. 2)Complaints may be submitted in writing or orally. Complaints shall be filed in the prescr ibed format (Format-4) a s far as possible. If complaint is submitted orally, the receiver s hall fill in the for m in the presence of the complainant a nd issue Acknowledgment Receipt (below For mat-4). 3)The receipt and disposal of complaints/appeals shall be recorded in the Register. 4)The Chairma n shall convene meeting of t he Village Level Grievance Redressa l Committee ever y month to resolve the issues and dispose of the complaints/grievances. - 2 - Ex-560/2013 5)Negligence to convene meeting of VLGRC while a complaint is received shall be considered cont ravention of the Act, punisha ble under Section 25 of the Act. 6)The Chairman, Villa ge Level Grievance Redressal Committee is authorized to dispose off the complaints in his own capa city which shall be placed before the next meeting of VLGRC for their approval. 7)The complainants must also be informed of the a ction t aken in writing through registered post with acknowledgement card. It shall conta in a feedback form for compla inant to record his satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If no communication is received within a month of receipt of Action Taken Repor t the file may be closed. 8)The complainant feeling aggrieved over the decision of the Chairman/VLGRC can make an appeal to Block Level Grieva nce R edr essa l C ell/ Committ ee.” 4.Amendment of Rule 4 :- For clause (a) and (c) of rule 4 of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “ (a ) Block-Level Grievance Redressal Committee – Block Level Grievance Redr essal C ell sha ll be es tablished in the Offic e of the Progra mme Officer for receiving complaints on the implementation of MGNREGS wit hin the block and also receiving app eals from the aggrieved p ersons who ar e not sat isfied with the decis ion of the Village Level Grievance Redr essal C ommittee or the case referred to the BLGR Committee by the VLGR Committee for its disposal and the concerned Programme Officer shall act as Grievance Redressal Offic er. ( c ) Condition for disposal of Complaints – 1)Complaints may be submitted in writing or orally. Complaints shall be filed in the prescr ibed format (Format-4) a s far as possible. If complaint is submitted orally, the receiver shall fill in the for m at the presence of the complainant a nd issue Acknowledgment Receipt (below For mat-4). 2)Complaint Box shall be placed at the Offices of t he Progr amme Officer wherein a ny aggrieved person can post his/her complaint in writing. No anonymous complaint shall be entertained. Complaint Box shall be cleared daily at the fir st and last working hour for processing. 3)The receipt and disposal of complaints/appeals shall be recorded in the Register. 4)The Programme Officer in his capacity as Grievance Redressal Officer shall examineand dispose of the complaints and appeals within seven da ys of its receipt. 5)If the natur e of the complaints necessita te enquiry through spot verification, inspection etc its disposal sha ll be completed within one month. 6)In case a complaint relates to a matter to be resolved by any other author ity, the Progr amme Officer shall condu ct preliminary enquiry and refer the matter to such a uthorit y within one month under intima tion to the complainant. 7)The complaints/appeals which cannot be disposed of by the Grievance Redressal Officer will be placed before the BLGR Committee for its disposal/decision. 8)The Programme Officer shall convene meeting of BLGR Committee a s required. 9)The complainants must also be informed of the a ction t aken in writing through registered post with acknowledgement card. It shall conta in a feedback form for compla inant to record his satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If no communication is received within a month of receipt of Action Taken Repor t the file may be closed. 10) Failure to dispose of a complaint within one month will be treated as contra vention of the Act, punishable under Section 2 5 of the Act. Complaints against such failu re will be lodged with the District Programme Coordina tor. 11) The complainants/appellants feeling aggrieved over the decision of the Grievance Redressal Officer /BLGR Committee can make an appeal to District Progr amme Coordinator who will function as District Grievance Redress al - 3 -Ex-560/2013 12) Wher e the Programme Officer finds that one or more of the specific contraventions of the Act listed in Annexure II has taken place, he/she shall take immediate act ion on the offender as per Section 25 of the MGNREG Act or make a reference to the Distr ict Programme Coordinator within one month.”5. Amendment of Rule 5 :- For rule 5 of the Princip al Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “5District Grievance Redressal Cell – a)There shall be a District Grievance Redressal Cell in the Office of the District Programme Coor dinator to receive complaint on the implementation of MGNREGS within the distr ict. b)The District Progra mme Coordinator will function as District Grievance Redressal Officer within his jurisdiction and will also function a s Appellate Officer/Authority to receive appeals aga inst the decision of the Grievance Redressal Offic er/ Block Level Grieva nce Redr essal Committee. c ) Condition for disposal of complaint s – 1)Complaints may be submitted in writing or orally. Complaints shall be filed in the prescr ibed format (Format-4) a s far as possible. If complaint is submitted orally, the receiver s hall fill in the for m in the presence of the complainant a nd issue Acknowledgment Receipt (below For mat-4). 2)Complaint Box shall be pla ced at the Office of the Distr ict Programme Coordina tor wherein any aggrieved person can post his/her complaints in writing. No anonymous complaint shall be entertained. Complaint Box shall be cleared daily at the first and last working hour for processing. 3)The receipt and disposal of complaints/appeals shall be recorded in the Register. 4)Any complaint/appeal received by the Cell shall be examined and dis posed off within a month. 5)The complainants must also be informed of the a ction t aken in writing through registered post with acknowledgement card. It shall conta in a feedback form for compla inant to record his satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If no communication is received within a month of receipt of Action Taken Repor t the file may be closed. 6)Failure to dispose of a complaint within one month will be tr eated as contra vention of the Act punishable under Section 25 of the Act. Complaints against such failu re will be lodged with the Stat e Level Grievanc e Redr essal Officer 7)The complainants/appellants feeling aggrieved over the decis ion of the District Grievance Redr essal O fficer may appeal to t he Stat e Grievance Redr essal Officer, Mizor am.” 6. Amendment of Rule 6 :- For rule 6 of the Princip al Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “6State Level Grievance Redr essal Officer/Appellate Authority - a) T he St at e Employment Gu ara nt ee C ommiss ioner will func tion as St at e Level Gr ievance Redressal Officer who shall receive complaints on the implementation of MGNREGS anywhere in Mizoram. b)He shall also act a s Appellate Authority at the State level aga inst the decis ion of the District Gr ieva nce Redr essa l Officer. c)Complaints may be submitted in writing or orally. Complaints shall be filed in the prescr ibed format (Format-4) a s far as possible. If complaint is submitted orally, the receiver s hall fill in the for m in the presence of the complainant a nd issue Acknowledgment Receipt (below For mat-4). d)The receipt and disposal of complaints/appeals shall be recorded in the Register. e)Any complaint/appeal received by him sha ll be examined and disposed off within a month. f)He shall communicate his decision thereon to the complainants/appellants in writing thr ough registered post with acknowledgement card. It sha ll conta in a feedback form for complainant to record his satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If no communication is received within a month of receipt of Action Taken Report the file may be closed g)The decision of the State Level Appellate Authority shall be final in resp ect of complaints/ appeals on the implementation of NR EGS within Mizor am.”7. Amendment of Rule 7 :- For rule 7 of the Princip al Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “7Lodging a nd Disposal of Compla ints – a)Complaint shall be filed at Village Council/Block Office/District Office/St ate Cell or to any authorized Officer. b)In case of a prima facie evidence regar ding financial irregularities the Grievance Redressal Officer or District Grieva nce Redr essal Officer or State Level G rievanc e Redr essal Officer to whom the compla int has been submitted shall file a First Information Report. c)In case of violation of Indian Penal Code, like violence, intimidation, the complainant shall file First Information R eport. The Grievance Redressa l Officer or District Grievance Redressal Officer or State Level Gr ievance Redressal Officer shall facilitate the filing of First Information Report. d)State Government/District Programme Coor dinator/ Progra mme Officer or any other official authorized by the State Government may inquire into any complaint and any person found guilty will be penalized under Section 25 of the Act. e)The monitor ing of disposal of the compla ints sha ll be done every month at the next higher level from State Government to District Programme Coordinator and District Programme Coordinator to Programme Officer and Programme Officer to Village Employment Council. f)A monthly report on compla ints received a nd disposal of the complaints shall be sent from Village Employment Council to Pr ogramme Officer and fr om Programme Officer to District Programme Coordina tor and from District Progra mme Coordinator to State Government and from State Government to Government of India.” 8. Amendment of Rule 9 :- In r ule 9 of the Pr incipal Rules, the following paragraph shall be added, namely:- “VCP/Chairman, Village Level Grievance Redressa l Committee shall be accounta ble for compliance and strict enforcement of the MGNREG Act and Rules at the Village level.” R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 4 - Ex-560/2013

Obituary of Pu F.Lalthlamuana, Seed Analyst, DAO Office, Aizawl, Agriculture Department

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 561Date - 25/10/2013

OBITUARY With profound grief and sorrow, the Govt. of Mizoram has learnt the sad demise of Pu F.Lalthlamuana, Seed Analyst, DAO Office, Aizawl, Agriculture Department on 16.10.2013 at 8:50 AM. Pu F. Lalthlamua na completed B.Sc. (Agri.) from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat on 30.1.1984. He entered service as Training Assistant at KVK, Kolasib on 13.2.1984. He was pr omoted to the pos t of Seed Analyst on 11.12.2000 a nd posted at the office of Directorate of Agriculture. During his service in the Grade, he was posted at various places as SDAO, SMS (Forestry) and Instructor, IT C, Hnahthial. He is presently posted as Seed Analyst under DAO Office, Aizawl. Pu F.Lalthlamuana served the Govt. of Mizoram for 29 years and 8 month with utmost sincerity and devotion and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He alwa ys proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government of Mizora m places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu F.Lalthlamuana and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved f a mi ly. Dated Aizawl, 17th October, 2013 Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 25.10.2013 Kartika 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 561RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Affidavit of Vanlalchhuanga S/o Zahlira R/o Bethlehem Vengthlang, Mizoram

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 562Date - 25/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 25.10.2013 Kartika 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 562 AFFIDAVIT I, Vanlalchhuanga S/o Zahlira R/o Bethlehem Vengthlang, Mizor am do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Scheduled Tribe community of Mizo. 2.That in my S ervice Record my name has been written and recorded as Lalchhuanga whereas it has been written and recorded as Vanlalchhuanga in my Family Ration Card and Voter Identity Car d. 3.That the aforementioned names Va nlalchhuanga a nd Lalchhuanga do not signify that they belong to different persons but only one and indicating the same person. 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to decla re that my true and correct name is Vanlalchhuanga and from now onwards my name should be written and recorded as Vanlalchhuanga in all officia l or non-official purposes. 5.That the sta tements made in paragr aphs are true a nd correct to t he best of my knowledge and belief and in witness whereof I hereunto set my own signature on this 9th day of Oct ober, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :-Signed before me :- Sd/-Sd/- Vinicia Z. Pachuau,Lalramhluna, Advocate.Advocate Aizawl, Mizoram.Nota ry Public Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Notarial Registration No. 10/10 Date 9/10/13 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 25.10.2013 Kartika 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 562 AFFIDAVIT I, Vanlalchhuanga S/o Zahlira R/o Bethlehem Vengthlang, Mizor am do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Scheduled Tribe community of Mizo. 2.That in my S ervice Record my name has been written and recorded as Lalchhuanga whereas it has been written and recorded as Vanlalchhuanga in my Family Ration Card and Voter Identity Car d. 3.That the aforementioned names Va nlalchhuanga a nd Lalchhuanga do not signify that they belong to different persons but only one and indicating the same person. 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to decla re that my true and correct name is Vanlalchhuanga and from now onwards my name should be written and recorded as Vanlalchhuanga in all officia l or non-official purposes. 5.That the sta tements made in paragr aphs are true a nd correct to t he best of my knowledge and belief and in witness whereof I hereunto set my own signature on this 9th day of Oct ober, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :-Signed before me :- Sd/-Sd/- Vinicia Z. Pachuau,Lalramhluna, Advocate.Advocate Aizawl, Mizoram.Nota ry Public Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Notarial Registration No. 10/10 Date 9/10/13

Affidavit of C. Lalthlamuana S/o Vanlalnghaka R/o Republic Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 563Date - 25/10/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 25.10.2013 Kartika 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 563 AFFIDAVIT I, C. Lalthlamuana S/o Vanlalnghaka R/o Republic Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India and entit led to all the rights and protections guara nteed under the Constitution of India. 2.That I am presently working as Head Assistant, in Construction Division, P ower & Electricity Depa rtment, Government of Mizoram. 3.That my name has been recorded a s Lalthlamuana in all my service record. 4.That my true and correct name is “C. Lalthlamuana”. 5.That the above mentioned names C . Lalthlamuana and La lthlamuana are one and the same per son. 6.That henceforth I r equest the concerned authorit ies to record my name as “C. Lalt hlamuana” instead of Lalthlamuana in all documents in respect of my service record. 7.That the statement of par as. 1-5 are tr ue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I put my signature on this the 11th da y of October, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :-Signed before me :- Sd/-Sd/- Lalngaihsaki Fanai,R. Thangkanglova, Advocate.Advocate & Notary Public, Aizawl : Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Notarial Registration No. 85/10 Date 11/10/13

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