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District Grievance Redressal Committee under RSBY Guidelines consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further order.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 318Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 318Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. B. 16011/18/09-HFW, the 3rd July, 2012.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the District Grievance Redressal Committee under RSBY Guidelines consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until fu rther or der. 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner 2.Members-i)Chief Medica l Officer (Member-cum-Coordina tor) ii)Repr esentative of Insura nce Company iii)Medical Superintendent of Hospital concerned. Terms of R eference : 1.The Grievance Redressal Committee shall be responsible for addressing grievances relating to RSBY implementation from the beneficiaries, hospitals etc in the concerned distr ict. 2.Its decisions on the permissibility of payment of Receipt/Query claims shall be deemed final. In case its decision is contested by any pa rty, the matter shall be referred to State Grievance Redr essa l Committee. 3.It will also deal with other relevant matters connected with RS BY implementation in the concerned district. 4.The meeting of the committee shall be held once a month and proposals and fixation of date for such meeting shall be from the District Coordinator, i.e. Chief Medical Officer. Es ther La l Ruatkimi, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Deptt.

District Level Committee in Mamit District in connection with exchange of Riverine Reserved Forest with immediate effect and until further order consisting of the following members.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 319Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 319Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. B. 11020/6/2010-FST, the 4th July, 2012.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification vide letter No. B. 11020/6/2010-FST dt. 14.5.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute District Level Committee in M amit District in connection with exchange of Riverine Reserved Forest with immediate effect and until further order consisting of the following members. 1.Deputy Commissioner, Mamit- Chairman 2.Assistant Settlement Officer, Land Revenue & Settlement Deptt., Mamit - Member 3.Divisional Horticulture Officer, Mamit- Member 4.District Soil Conservation Officer, Mamit- Member 5.District Agriculture Officer, Mamit- Member 6.District Fisheries Development Officer, Mamit- Member 7.District Animal Husbandry and Veter inary Officer, Mamit- Member 8.President Sub-Hqrs. Young Mizo Association or Representa tive, Mamit- Member 9.President of Distr ict Village Council Associa tion, Mamit- Member 10.District Local Administration Officer, Mamit- Member 11.Divisional Forest Officer, Kawrthah- Member 12.Sub-Divisional Indus tries Officer, Mamit- Member 13.Divisional F orest Officer, Mamit- Member Secreta ry Ter ms of References :-1.District Level Committee will identify settlement areas, area under cultivation with revenue passes and potential areas for cultivation inside notified forest ar eas. 2.It will also identify inaccessible areas with forest cover but outside notified for est to be proposed for exchange with R RF areas. All t he sites are to be identified with georeferences. 3.Till identification is completed, no fresh passes would be iss ued by Revenue Department. 4.District Level Committee will try to complete the task in six months time and review meeting will be convened by the State Level Committee after t hree months. Dr. S.S. Garbyal, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Envir onment & Forests Department.

Acquisition of land for establishment of Assam Rifles Battalion KLP at Lunglawn, Lunglei District.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 320Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 320Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/37/2012-REV, the 5th July, 2012.Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to a s the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there- to (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) is likely to b e needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for establishment of Assam Rifles Battalion KLP at Lunglawn, Lunglei District. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter refer red to as the said Act that the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector, Lunglei District within a period of 20 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 3.All persons interested in the said land are her eby warned not to be obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed up on the said land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contr act for the disp osal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, a ssignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : LUNGLEIDescription of landApp roximate Area Land present ly occupied by 40th Assam Rifled at57.73 Acres Lunglawn, Lunglei. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .

State Project Steering Committee for National Rollout of e-District Mission Mode Project with the following members

VOL - XLIISSUE - 321Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 321Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. B. 16012/4/2009-PLG(ICT)PT-I, the 9th July, 2012.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute S tate Pr oject S teering Committee for National Rollou t of e-District Mission Mode Project with the following members :- 1.Principal Secretary, Deptt. of ICT, Govt. of Mizoram-Chairman 2.All D.Cs/Chairman of District e-Governa nce Society-Member 3.Adviser, St ate Pla nning Board or his representa tive-Member 4.Under Secretary, Finance Deptt. (EA), Govt. of Mizoram-Member 5.SIO, NIC (Mizoram), Govt. of India-Member 6.PIO, Deptt. of ICT or his representa tive-Member 7.CEO, MSeGS or his representative-Member 8.Depu ty Secr etary, Deptt. of ICT, Govt. of Mizoram-Member Secretary The State Pr oject S teering Committee shall meet a t least once in a month and shall be responsible for overall planning, coordination, monitoring, evaluation and guidance for successful implementation of e-District project in the State of Mizora m. The committee may co-opt a ny other members as they cons ider neces sary. Dr. S.S. Garbyal, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Communication Technology Department.

The Mizoram Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2012,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 322Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 322Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. B. 13016/21/2012-UD&PA, the 11th July, 2012.As provided in Section 24 of the Mizoram Street Vendors (Pr otection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Town Vending Committee for Aizawl City with the following composition :- 1.Chief Execu tive O fficer, AMC- Chairman 2.Secretary, AMC- Member Secretary 3.Pi Laldinsangi, Councillor- Member 4.Pu Biak Tha nsanga, Councillor- Member 5.Pu Ramhlunsanga, Councillor- Member 6.Pu C. Lalsa wivunga, Councillor- Member 7.Dy. Commissioner, Aizawl District, Aizawl- Member 8.Superintendent of Police, Aizawl- Member 9.Superintendent of Police (Traffic), Aizawl- Member 10.Joint Director (Town Planning) UD&PA- Member 11.Chairman, Mizoram Rural Bank- Member 12.Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Mizoram- Member 13.Mana ger, Central Ba nk of India- Member 14.Mana ger, Punjab Na tional Bank- Member 15.Mana ging Dir ector, MC Apex Bank- Member 16.President, Mizoram Merchants Associa tion- Member 17.Ten members from Street Vendor s (to be Selected by the CEO, AMC) - M ember R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.


VOL - XLIISSUE - 323Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 323 NOTIFICATION No. C. 31031/ 6/ 2011 - DCA (M), the 11th July, 2012.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules of t he Mara Autonomous District Council, which received approval of His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 8.6.2012 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (AGR ICULTUR AL LAND SETTLEMENT) ACT, 2011”. P. Singthanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. - 2 - Ex-323/2012 THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT (AGRICULTURAL LAND SETTLEMENT) ACT, 2011. An Act to pr ovide for the better control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or use of land for agricultural purposes. AND WHEREAS the power conferred by sub-paragraph (1) and (1)(a) of paragraph 3 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Mara Autonomous District Council is empowered to make Regulations for the control and restriction of the allotment, occupa tion or use of land for agricultural and allied purposes within the said Autonomous Distr ict; NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the said powers a nd other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to make the following Act in the Sixty Second Year of the Republic of India a s follows:- CHAPTER – I PRELIMINARY 1.Shor t title, extent and commencement: (1) This Act may be called the Mara Autonomous District (Agricultural Land Settlement) Act, 2011. (2) It shall extend to the whole of the Mara Autonomous District a rea. (3) It shall come in to force on its publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Definitions:- In this Act, unless the context otherwise requir es – (i)“Agricultur al land” means any la nd which is used for agriculture, sericulture, horticulture, fishery, cattle rearing, piggery a nd the like; (ii) “Allotment” with r espect to land means allotted in writing b y the E xecutive Committee or any Officer authorized by it in writing and r egistered in the Distr ict Council Office; (iii) “Allotment Authorit y” means any La nd Settlement Authorit y to which the allotment power of land is vested under section 6 of this Act; (iv) “District Council” means Mara Autonomous District Council; (v) “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the Mara Autonomous District Council; (vi) “Financial year” means the period of 12 months commencing on the first day of April; (vii) “Government” means the Central Government or State Government. (viii) “Governor” means Governor of Mizoram. (ix) “Land” means either vacant of land or occupied land. ( x ) “Land Dispute” means any dispute on any land between or among two or more Land Settlement Holders. (xi) “Land Dispute Court” means a Court established under section 26 of this Act; (xii) “Land Lease” means a temporary rights of use or occupation of a specified portions of land granted to the holder of such lease/cer tificate for a specified per iod; (xiii) “Land Lease Certificate” mea ns a certific ate iss ued under sect ion 14 of this Act; (xiv) “Land Settlement Authorities” means such Authorities as mentioned in chapter II of this Act to cont rol and restrict the allotment, occupation or use of land for r esidential and other non- agricultural purposes; (x v) “Land Settlement Certifica te” includes Temporary Land Settlement Certificate and Perma nent Land Settlement Certificate; (xvi) “Land Settlement H older” includes Perma nent La nd Settlement Holder and Temporary Land Settlement Holder; (xvii) “Law enforced by the Distr ict Council” means any legislation of the Parliament or State Legislature enforced by the District Council with such modifications and amendment, if any; (xviii) “Lessee” means the holder of Land Lease Certificate issued under section 14 of this Act; (xix) “Officers” means any Officer appointed by the Executive Committee under sub-section (1) of section 4 r ead with sub-s ection (5) of the sa me section; (xx) “Per manent Land Set tlement Certif icate” means a Land Settlement Certificate issued u nder section 16. (xxi) “Permanent Land Settlement Holder” means the holder of Permanent Land Settlement Certificate and who by vir tue of such title enjoyed such right s as mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 20. (xxii) “Person” means and includes an individu al, a company, firm, a Government Department or other association of persons. (xxiii) “Reserved Forest” means any particular ar ea of la nd which has been declared by the Central Government or the State Government or the District Council to be a Reserved For est. (xxiv) “Schedule” means Schedule appended to this Act. (x xv) “Sur veyor” means any Surveyor appointed under section 5 of this Act. (xxvi) “Tempor ary Land Set tlement Certif icate” means a Land Settlement Certificate issued u nder section 15. (xxvii) “Temporar y Land Settlement Holder” means the holder of a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate and who by vir tue of such tit le enjoyed such rights as mentioned in sub- section (2) of section 20; (xxviii) “Vacant land” means any la nd which has not been allotted to any one, whether occupied or unoccupied and over which nobody has a cquired any right. CHAPTER – II LAND SETTLEMENT AUTHORITIES 3.Executive C ommitt ee: Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Executive Committee shall be the Apex Land Settlement Authority a nd shall have the general power to control and dir ect the allotment, occupation or use of land for agricultural purposes. 4.Officers: (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of section 3, the executive Committee shall appoint Senior Land Settlement Officer a nd such number of Land Settlement Officers and Assistant Land Settlement Officers as it thinks necessary for the pu rpose of this Act. (2 ) F or t he p u r p os e of t his Act , a ll L a n d S et t lement Officer s a n d As s is t a nt L a nd S et t lement Officer s shall subor dinate to Senior Land Settlement Officer and all Assistant Land S ettlement Officers shall subor dinate to all Land Settlement Officers. (3) Subject to the general control and direction of the Executive Committee, Senior Land Settlement Officer sha ll either by himself or through Officers Subordinate to him, exer cise all powers and performed a ll funct ions relating to the superint endence and control of the occupation or use of land for agricultural purposes. (4) The Executive Committee or, if authorized by the Executive Committee, Senior Land Settlement Officer ma y specify the ar ea or a rea s over which each La nd S ett lement Officer shall exercise jurisd i c t i o n . (5) Assistant Land Settlement Officer, if any, shall assist his/ her superior Officers if and when required by such superior Officers. (6) For the purpose of this Act, Senior Revenue Officer shall be deemed to be Senior Land Settlement Officer, each Revenue Officer sha ll be deemed to be each Land S ettlement Offic er and each Assistant Revenue Officer, if any, shall be deemed to be each Assistant Land Settlement Offic er. 5.Surveyors:- For the purpose of this Act, the executive Committee may appoint such number of Surveyors who shall perform such fu nctions as may be dir ected a nd allotted to them by the Executive Committee or Officers appointed under sub-section (1) of section 4.- 3 -Ex-323/2012 CHAPTER – III ALLOTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS 6.Allotment of land for agricultural purposes: (1 ) T he Ex ecu t ive C ommitt ee may allot la nd for agr icu lt u ra l purposes in the District Council a rea. (2) The Executive Committee ma y, in wr iting, authorize any Officer mentioned in Chapter II of this Act to allot land under this Act. 7.Area of land to be allotted :- (1) The allotment authority may allot land under this Act to any person in accordance with the need of the allot tee as it thinks fit and proper. 8. Allotment of land at the public road s ide:- (1) While allotting any land a t the public road side the Allotment Authority shall keep va cant cer tain portions of land between the allotted land and the public road as a “Reserved- Road-Side -Land” which may be used for the expansion of such public road or for such other public purposes. (2) The Allotment Authority sha ll make a Reser ved –Road-Side- Land under sub-section (1) in the following manner- (i) if t he public road is less than three meters width, the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land on which at least four meters width of public roa d could be expa nded between the allotted site and the existing public r oad, (ii) if t he public road is mor e than three meters width but less than six meters width, the Allotment Authorit y shall reserve such p ortions of la nd on which at least three meters width of public road could be expanded between the allotted site and the existing public road, (iii) if t he public road is mor e than six meters width but less than nine meters width, the Allotment Authority shall r eserve such por tions of land on which at least two meters width of public road could be expanded between the allotted land and the existing public roa d, (iv) if t he public road is more than nine meters widt h but less tha n twelve meters width, the Allotment Authority shall r eserve such por tions of land on which at least one meter width of public road could be expanded between the allotted land and the existing public roa d. (3) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2), the Executive Committee may, at any time, by notification decla re that no Reserve- Road- Side- Land need not be made for any particular public r oad.Explanation :- For the purpose of this section public road means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle could run or pass a nd includes any roa d constructed and maintained by the Central Government or State Government or District Council or Village Council. 9.Prohibition : (1) No Allotment Authority shall allot any land to a non-tribal without the prior permission of t he Executive C ommit tee. (2) For the purpose of obtaining permission under sub-section (1), the matter sha ll b e put in the House of t he District Council and it must be accepted by two third majorit y of the members present. Explanation: For the pur pose of this section the expression ‘non-tribal’ sha ll not includes a company, firm or other associations of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or firm or, all the members of such other associations of persons, are tribal as an individual. ( 3 ) No Allotment Authority shall allot any land to any person under this Act in any R es er ved For es t ar ea . - 4 - Ex-323/2012 10.Unauthorized allotment: (1 ) If any Allotment Authority allot any land to any person in contravention of the provisions of section 8 and section 9, every such allotment shall, to the extent of such cont ravention, be void and the allotee shall have no right and title over such void land. (2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply to a ny allotment which ha d been made before the commencement of this Act. CHAPTER - IV ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE OR LAND LEASE CERTIFICATE 11.Issu e of La nd Sett lement Certificate or Land Lease C ertific ate:- When any site is allotted to any person u nder section 6 , the Allotment Authority shall issue Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate to such person in such form and manner provided in section 12, 13 or 14. 12.Proc edure for issue of Tempor ary Land Set tlement Certific ate :- (1) Any person intending or willing to occupy or use any vacant land for residential agricultural purposes may apply to the Allot ment Authority in the prescribed “For m -A” provided in the Schedule. (2) On r eceipt of an application under sub-section (1), the Allotment Authority shall ver ify whether the land so apply for is a vacant land or not. (3) If the Allotment Authority found that the land so apply for is a va cant la nd it shall ta ke all such necessary measurement for the purposes of boundary description and shall attach the findings of such verification and such measurement in the prescribed “Form-A-1” provided in the Schedule. (4) After such verifica tion and after taking such necessary measurement under sub-section (3) the Allotment Authority may issue a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate to the a pplicant in the prescribed “For m A-2” a s provided in t he Schedule: Provided that such Tempora ry Land Settlement Certificate may be issued to such applicant only on payment of such fee as ma y be pr escribed or imposed from time to time by the Allot ment Authority. Provided fu rther that such Tempor ary Land settlement Certifica te shall be valid only for three year s from the date of issue and shall be liable to be cancelled after the expiration of such prescr ibed period. Provided also that if such Tempora ry Land Settlement Holder cont inues to occupy or use such land after the exp iration of such prescr ibed period or after such cancellation of such Temporary Land Settlement Certifica te, the provisions of section 22 shall apply. (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate may not be cancelled on renewal of such La nd Settlement Certificate in the manner as ma y be prescribed by the Allotment Author ity. 13.Proc edure for issue of Perma nent Land Sett lement Certific ate: (1) After the exp iration of one year from the issue of Temporar y Land Settlement Certificate, a Temporary Land Settlement Holder may apply to the Allotment Authority for the issue of Permanent Land Settlement Certificate in the prescribed “Form B” provided in the Schedule. (2) On r eceipt of an a pplication under sub-section (1), the Allotment Authorit y shall examine or scrutinize a ll the documents produce by the applicant and on satisfaction by such documents the concerned Allot ment Authority may issue Permanent La nd Settlement Certificate to such applicant in the prescribed “For m B-1” provided in the Schedule. Provided tha t such a Perma nent Land Settlement Certifica te may be issued to such applicant only on payment of such fee as may be prescribed or imposed from time to time by the Allotment Authority.Explana tion :- In this s ub-s ection, docu ments means a ny document which is required by the Allotment Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). - 5 -Ex-323/2012 14. Land Lease: (1 ) The Allotment Author ity may, instead of issuing La nd Settlement Certificate to any company, fir m, Government Department or a ny associations of persons, issue Land Lease Certificate in t he prescribed “ Form-C” provided in the Schedule. (2) If Land Lease is issued to any company, firm, Government Department or any associations of persons, the rate of the land, the period of the Land Lease a nd the term and conditions of the Land Lease may be prescribed by the Allotment Author ity. 15.Certain powers of Land Settlement Author ity: (1) The Allotment Authorit y shall define the boundary of the land so allotted and shall attach such boundary description in the La nd Settlement Certificate or Land Lease. (2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, S enior La nd Settlement Officer or any of his Subordinate Officer may direct any Sur veyors or a group of Surveyors to take such verifica tion or such necessary measurement under section 12 or to examine or scrutinize such docu ments under section 13 and to submit the findings of such verification or such measurement or such examina tion or such s crutiny within such period as may be prescribed by such directing Officer. (3) The Allotment Authority may classify or categories the allotted land on the basis of the qua lity and purpose of such land and such classification or categorization may be shown or incorporated in t he Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease. (4) The Allotment Authority may also classify land value on the ba sis of its quality and purpose and such valuation may be shown in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate. 16.Redemption: (1) In any Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate , if the boundary description of the land is larger than the figur e descr iption (numerical description) of the land area, such portions of land which is uncovered by the figure description b ut covered by the boundary description shall be expressed herein-aft er as surplus/untaxed land. (2) If any Land Settlement Holder or Lessee has a surplus/unta xed land he/she may apply in writ ing to the Allotment Authority for r edemption of such sur plus/untaxed land. (3) On r eceipt of an application under sub-s ection (2) the Allotment Authority may verify and take necessary measurement and calcula te the area of the sur plus/untaxed land. (4) After taking such measurement and calculating such area under sub-section (3) t he Allot ment Authority may adjust or ma ke tally the figure of the land area and the boundary des cription of the land on payment of such redemption fee by the Land S ettlement Holder or Lessee. (5) Redemption fee may be calculated on the ba sis of current land revenues or taxes payable per specified ar ea of land as may be prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Author ity. (6) The Allotment Authority may, instead of giving the surplus land to Land Settlement Holder or Less ee, declare such surplus land to be a vacant land. 17. Maintenance of Land Records: The Allotment Authority shall maintain the records of all lands allotted by it to any person, Company, firm or other Associations of persons etc and such recor ds shall cont ain all the necessary requirement contained in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate and such recor ds shall be available at any time for inspection or ready reference. 18. Revenue liability: (1 ) A Land Settlement Holder or a Lessee sha ll be liable to pay such amount as land revenue/tax each financial year as may be prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Author ity. (2) The Allotment Authority may prescr ibed la nd revenues/taxes on the basis of the quality and purpose or the land value of the land so allot ted. (3) The Allotment Authority may exempt any L and Settlement Holder or Less ee from paying land revenue/tax for a specified period as may be prescribed by the Allotment Authority.- 6 - Ex-323/2012 CHAPTER – V CONTROL OF OCCUPATION OR USE OF AGRICULTURAL LAND 19.Persons entitled to occupy or use land :- (1) On and from the commencement of this Act no person shall occupy or use any land without obtaining Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate from Allotment Authority in the pr escribed form a nd manner as pr ovided in this Act. (2) The Allotment Authority may reca ll any land holding certificate issued under any law for the time being in force by the District Council and may compel such land holder to apply for fresh Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate under this Act within such period as may be prescribed b y the Allotment Author ity.Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does not include a person who occu py or use any la nd wit h the permis sion of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. Explanation II : A person who has obtained Land Settlement Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced by the District Council before the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to have been obtained Land Settlement Certificate under this Act. 20.Right of Land Settlement Holder or Land Lease Holder:- (1) A Permanent Land Settlement Holder shall have heritable and transferable right of occupancy, use or of sub-letting of his/her land subject to – (a ) the payment of all revenues and ta xes paya ble in respect of such land under any law made or enforced by the District Council, or (b) the compliance of – (i) such terms and conditions as incorporated in the Land Settlement Certificate, or (ii) such other provisions of this Act , or (iii) such other rules or regula tions made or enforced by the District Council. (2) A Temporary Land Settlement Holder or Less ee shall have no right over his/her land except a right of occupancy or use of his/her la nd for the period for which it is issued subject to – (a ) the payment of all revenues and ta xes paya ble in respect of such land under any law made or enforced by the District Council, or (b) the compliance of – (i) such terms and conditions as incorporated in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate, or (ii) such other provisions of this Act , or (iii) Such other rules or regulations made or enforce by the District Council. (3) No Land Settlement Holder or Lessee shall conver t his/her land to any other purpose other than the purpose mentioned in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate without prior permission of the Allotment Author ity. Explanation : For the pur pose of this Act, such terms and conditions incorporated in La nd Settlement Certifica te or Land Lease Certificate shall be treated as law. (4) No transfer of any right or title over any land shall be recognized or accepted by the Land Settlement Authority unless such transfer is registered in the office of Land Settlement Authority and no transfer of any right or tit le over any land shall be registered by Land Settlement Authority unless such transfer is supported by an Affidavit or a Document of Deed of such transfer.- 7 -Ex-323/2012 CHAPTER – VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 21.Violation of certain provisions : If any person acts or omits to do any act in contravention of any provision of this Act or r ules ma de ther e under, such person shall be deemed to violate such provision and such person shall be hereinafter known as Defaulter. 22.Violation of section19: (1) If any person occupy or use any land without obtaining Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate from Allotment Aut hority, the Allotment Authority may impose a fine not exceeding one hundred per day. (2) The Allotment Authority may, instead of imposing such fine under sub-section (1), make such order compelling s uch defaulter to apply for the allot ment of such land within such period as may be prescribed in such or der. (3) If such defaulter do not complied or is unwilling to comply with all actions taken by the Allotment Authority under sub-section (1) and under sub-section (2), the Allotment Authority may use force or any other means whichever is convenient to evict such defaulter. (4) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) and sub-section (3) if such defaulter, in compliance with an order under sub-section (2), apply in the prescribed for m and manner as provided in this Act for the allotment of such land, the Allotment Authority may issue a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate to such applicant in a ccor dance with the provisions of this Act. 23.Violation of Section 23 : (1) If a ny person transfer or inherit any la nd having a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate, the concerned Land Settlement Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter r equiring such defaulter to appear and explain the matter before such La nd Settlement Aut horit y a nd if such La nd Settlement Authorit y is not sa tisfied by such explanation or such objection, if any, such Land Settlement Authority may cancel such Land Settlement Cert ificate or Land Lease Certific ate: Provided that such Land Settlement Authority may issue an or der compelling such defaulter to apply for fresh allotment of such land a nd if such defaulter complied with such order, the provisions of section 12 or section 14 shall apply. (2) If a Permanent Land Settlement Holder has not paid such revenues and taxes within the prescribed period in respect of his/her land the concerned Land Settlement Authority s hall serve a notice to such defaulter to pay a ll such revenues and ta xes due from him with such arrears, if any, in accordance with the provisions of any law made or enforced by t he District Council, within such period as may be prescribed in such notice, and if such defaulter do not complied or is unwilling to comply with such notice such Land Settlement Authority may cancel such Land Settlement Certificate (3) If a ny Land Settlement Certificate is ca ncelled under sub-section (1) and such defaulter do not apply for fresh allotment of such land, or if any Land Settlement Certificate is cancelled under sub-section (2), the provisions of section 22 shall apply.Expla nation : For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who inherit such land having a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Holder. 24.Official actions:- If any action is taken under sections 22 and 23 by the Executive Committee or any Officer authorized in this behalf by the Executive Committee, such action shall be final and it shall not be called in question in any Court cons tituted by the District Council.- 8 - Ex-323/2012 25.Any person who has land dispute with any other person ma y approa ch Land Dispute Court in a proper manner as may be prescribed by Land Dispute Court. 26. Land Dispute Court: (1) There shall be Land Dispute Court who sha ll sett le all land dispute within District Council jurisdiction. (2) Each Land Settlement Officer shall be Land Dispute Court wit hin their respective jurisdict ion. (3) Senior Land Settlement Officer shall be the appella te Land Dispute Court and it s decision shall be fina l and it shall not be called in question in any Court constituted by the District Council. 27. Power to make rules:- (1) The Executive Commit tee may make rules for carrying out the purpose of this Act. (2) Every rule made by the Executive C ommittee under this Act shall be laid before the House of District Council for discussion and shall be accepted by simple majority of the members present. (3) After acceptance by such simple majority in the House of District Council, such rule or r ules shall be submitted forthwith to the Governor for approval and after such appr oval by the Governor such rule or rules shall be pu blished in the officia l Gazette of Mizoram and on such publication it shall have the force of law. 28.Repeals and savings:- (1) The Lakher District Council (Agricultural Land) Act, 1979 is hereby repealed. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken or purported to have been done or taken under the enactment repea led by s ub-section (1) shall in so fa r as it is not inconsistent with the pr ovisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of this Act. M.H.Tiabi, Execu tive Member, Land, Revenue and Settlement, Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha. - 9 -Ex-323/2012 SCHEDULE FORM-A MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT : SIAHA AGRICULTURAL TEMPORARY LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE/LAND LEASE CERTIFICATE APPLICATION 1.Name of applicant (in block letters) ……………........................................……………………… 2.Father’s name …………………………………......................................………………………… 3.Husband/Wife’s name ………………………….......................................……………………….. 4.Permanent address ……………………………........................................………………………… 5.Present address ……………………………….....................................………………………….. 6.Purpose for which it is apply …………………........................................………………………….. ……................................………………………………………………………………………… 7.Occupation/Profession ……………........................................…………………………………….. 8.Community to which he/she belong ………….........................................…………………………. 9.Whether born in the MADC area or not? ……......................................…………………………. 10. Whether head of family or not? ………………....................................………………………….. 11. Declaration of applicant’s family members, if any :- 12. Description of loca tion and bounda ry:- (a) Name of Village Council to which the land is located …………...................................…… (b) Whether it is a reserved area or not? …………......................................………………… (c) Tentative area of the land ……………………......................................…………………. (d) Actual location of the land …………….............................................................................. .....................................……………………………………………………………………. (e) Tentative boundary ……………………………………………...…………………………… ……………………………………………………............................................................ ……………………………………………………............................................................ ……………………………………………………............................................................ ……………………………………………………............................................................ ……………………………………………………............................................................ ……………………………………………………............................................................ ……………………………………………………............................................................Sl.No.NameAgedO c cu pa tio n/P r of e s sionRela tio n sh ip withHead of Family- 10 - Ex-323/2012 Declaration/Confirmation:- I, …………………………………., the applicant herein solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of the above application are true and correct t o the best of my knowledge and belief. If anything mentioned herein above is found untrue or incorrect, I shall be resp onsible for it, and the Allotment Authority may cancel ……………………………….................…………… ……………………… Certificate already issued to me. Date …………………….Signature: ……………………. Name : ……………………. Docu ments to be enclosed :- 1) Xerox copy of Voter/Elect oral Identity Card 2) Xerox copy of Birth Certificate 3) Verification certificate duly signed by verificant FORM-A-(1) MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT : SIAHA AGRICULTURAL TEMPORARY LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE/LAND LEASE CERTIFICATE APPLICATION VERIFICATION CERTIFICATE 1.Questions to be answered by verifica nt:- (a ) Whether the contents of the application form are true and correct? ………. (b) Whether the land so apply for may be required by the public in the near future? ............................................................................………………………………………... (c ) Whether the applica nt has any Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate in his name? …...........................................................................................…………………… If so, please fill up the table below:- Sl. VC area to which TLSC/PLSC/LLCWhether utilized for the purpose or not No. the land locatedNo & Date 2.Free Hand Sketch Map Declaration/Confirmation:- Verification made above by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I shall be responsible for a nything discovered to be untrue and incorr ect. Date ………………………… Signature ………….…………. Name ……………………. Designation ………..………… ...………………..- 11 -Ex-323/2012 FORM – A(2) MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT : SIAHA AGRICULTURAL TEMPORARY LAND SETTLEMENT CERIFICATE Temporary Land Settlement Certificate No. …….............………….. of …..........................….. Shri/Smt. ………………………………..........…….. aged about …...............………. years S/o, D/o, W/o ……………………….…………….. residence of ………...……………… is granted this Temporary Land Settlement Certificate for the LAND specified in the table below for the purpose of ………………….... ………….............................. with such terms and conditions and in the manner provided herein under: Table Terms and Conditions :- 1)The holder of this Certifica te sha ll pay the prescribed land revenue each financia l year and this Certificate may be cancelled in ca se of non-payment of t he prescribed land revenue/ta x within the prescribed period. 2)The Allotment Authority ma y impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other pur pose other than the pur pose mentioned in the certificate. 3)The land may be par tly or wholly a cquired by the District Council or Officer a uthorized by it for public purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applica ble in the District Council a rea. 4)The land can neither be tr ansferred nor sublet to any other person. Location of the land:- …………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………... Descr iption of bounda ry:- 1.Description in figure: 1)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3)Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5)Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8)Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………metersSl.No.L a ndGrade/Cl assArea inHect areRate perHectareLand ValueRevenue payableper annumRema r ks- 12 - Ex-323/2012 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2.Description in words: Starting point :- ………….................……………………………………….. ……………...........……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………...........…………………………………….. 1) …………………………………………………………………......…………………………… 2) …………………………………………………………………....…………………………….. 3) ………………………………………………......……………………………………………… 4) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………… 5) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………… 6) ………………………………………………………......……………………………………… 7) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………….. 8) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 9) ………………………………………………………………………………………….....…… 10) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 11) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……. 12) ……………………………………………………………………………………......………… 13) ……………………………………………………………………………………....………… 14) …………………………………………………………………………………….......………… 15) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 16) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 17) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 18) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 19) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 20) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 21) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 22) ………………………………………………………………………………………........……. 23) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 24) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 25) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 26) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 27) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 28) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 29) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 30) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....………- 13 -Ex-323/2012 3.Free Hand Sketch Map Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Officer FORM-B MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT : SIAHA AGRICULTURAL PERMANENT LAND SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE APPLICATION 1.Name of applicant (in block letters) ………......................................…………………………… 2.Father’s name ……………………………………………….....................................…………… 3.Husband/Wife’s name ………………………………………........................................………….. 4.Present address ………………………………………………....................................………….. 5.Temporary Land Settlement Certificate No. and date ………........................................………… …………………..................................................................................................................... 6.Purpose for which it is applied …………………………......................................……………….. ………………………………………………………….......................................……………… 7.Deta il name and addresses of all neighboring land settlement holder, if any, ………………………………………………...............................................…………………… ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. 8.Detail boundary description in figure and in words: ………..................................………………... ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. ...............................................................……………………………………………………….. 9.Docu ments to be enclosed/attached:- a)Temporary Land Settlement Certificate b)Tax clearance Certificate Declaration/Confirmation:- I, ……………………………………. the applicant herein above solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge belief. If anything is found untr ue or incorrect, I shall be r esponsible for it and a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate already issued to me may be ca ncelled by the Allotment Author ity. Date ………………………….Signature : ………………….............. Na me : ………………………….- 14 - Ex-323/2012 FORM – B(1) MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT : SIAHA AGRICULTURAL PERMANENT LAND SET TLEMENT CERIFICATE Permanent Land Settlement Certificate No. ………….....................................……. of …..…….. Shri/Smt. ……………………………………….. aged about …………. Years S/o, D/o, W/o …………………………………….. residence of ………………………………………………… is granted this Permanent Land Settlement Certificate for the LAND specified in the table below for the purpose of ……………………………………………......................................…………. with such terms and conditions and in the ma nner provided herein under: Table Terms and Conditions :- 1)The holder of t his Certificate shall pay the prescribed land revenue ea ch financia l year and this Certificate may be cancelled in ca se of non-payment of t he prescribed land revenue/ta x within the prescribed period. 2)The Allotment Authority may impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other pur pose other than the pur pose mentioned in the certificate. 3)The land may be par tly or wholly a cquired by the District Council or Officer a uthorized by it for public purposes in accorda nce with the provisions of a ny law applica ble in the District Council a rea. 4)The land can neither be tr ansferred nor sublet to any other person. Location of the land:- ………………........………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………...Description of boundar y:- 1.Description in figure: 1)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3)Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5)Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8)Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………metersSl.No.L andGr ade/ClassArea inHectareRate perHectareLand ValueRevenue payableper annumRemarks- 15 -Ex-323/2012 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2.Description in words: Starting point :- ………….................……………………………………….. ……………...........……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………...........…………………………………….. 1) …………………………………………………………………......…………………………… 2) …………………………………………………………………....…………………………….. 3) ………………………………………………......……………………………………………… 4) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………… 5) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………… 6) ………………………………………………………......……………………………………… 7) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………….. 8) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 9) ………………………………………………………………………………………….....…… 10) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 11) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……. 12) ……………………………………………………………………………………......………… 13) ……………………………………………………………………………………....………… 14) …………………………………………………………………………………….......………… 15) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 16) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 17) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 18) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 19) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 20) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 21) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 22) ………………………………………………………………………………………........……. 23) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 24) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 25) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 26) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 27) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 28) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 29) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 30) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....………- 16 - Ex-323/2012 3.Free Hand Sketch Map The land is converted to PLSC No. ……………………............……. of ……...........…………. from TLSC No. …………………………. of ………………………… Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Officer FORM – C MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT : SIAHA AGRICULTUR AL LAND LEASE CERIFICATE Land Lease Certificate No. ………………………of ………………….In favour of Shri/Smt/M/S. ……………………………………….. aged about …………. years S/o, D/o, W/o ……………………….. resident of ………….......... Occupation……………………………………………………. is granted this Land Lease C ertific ate for the LAN D specif ied in the tab le below for the purpos e of ……………………………………………….......and for a period of …………………………………… with such terms and conditions a nd in t he manner provided herein under: Table Terms and Conditions :- 1)The holder of this Certifica te sha ll pay the prescribed land revenue each financia l year and this Certificate may be cancelled in ca se of non-payment of t he prescribed land revenue/ta x within the prescribed period or on a ny other ground as the allot ment Authority may deem fit and proper. 2)The Allotment Authority ma y impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other pur pose other than the pur pose mentioned in the certificate. 3)The land may be par tly or wholly a cquired by the District Council or Officer a uthorized by it for public purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applica ble in the District Council a rea. 4)The land can neither be tr ansferred nor sublet to any other third party or person. Location of the land:- …………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………...Sl.No.L andGr ade/ClassArea inHectareRate perHectareLand ValueRevenue payableper annumRemarks- 17 -Ex-323/2012 1.Description in figure: 1)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3)Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5)Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8)Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9)Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2.Description in words: Starting point :- ………….................……………………………………….. ……………...........……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………...........…………………………………….. 1) …………………………………………………………………......…………………………… 2) …………………………………………………………………....…………………………….. 3) ………………………………………………......……………………………………………… 4) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………… 5) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………… 6) ………………………………………………………......……………………………………… 7) ……………………………………………………......………………………………………….. 8) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 9) ………………………………………………………………………………………….....…… 10) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 11) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……. 12) ……………………………………………………………………………………......………… 13) ……………………………………………………………………………………....………… 14) …………………………………………………………………………………….......………… 15) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....………- 18 - Ex-323/2012 16) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 17) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 18) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 19) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 20) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 21) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 22) ………………………………………………………………………………………........……. 23) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 24) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 25) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 26) ………………………………………………………………………………………......……… 27) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 28) ……………………………………………………………………………………….......……… 29) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 30) ……………………………………………………………………………………….....……… 2.Free Hand Sketch Map Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Officer.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 19 -Ex-323/2012

Obituary Pu Lalthanzuala Hrahsel, E.O. to Chief Engineer (Distn), P&E Department

VOL - XLIISSUE - 324Date - 20/07/2012

OBITUARY The 19th July, 2012.With deep and profound sorrow, the Government of Mizoram has learnt the untimely demise of Pu Lalthanzuala Hrahsel, E.O. to Chief Engineer (Distn), Office of C hief Engineer (Distn), P&E Department at 11:35 AM on the 19th July, 2012 Pu Lalthanzuala Hrahsel S/o Nghakmawia, Serkawn, Lunglei presently residing at Leitan, Durtlang born on 1st Mar ch, 1961 was Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical). He entered into Government Service on 1.7.1986 as Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in the Office of Chief Engineer, Power & Electricit y Depa rtment, Aizawl. He was posted as AE, in the office of Managing Director, ZIDCO, Aizawl on deputa tion w. e.f. 1.9.1988 a nd SDO (RE), under Hna hthial Sub- Division on 13.9.89. He was later promoted to Executive Engineer on 1.9.2004 a nd posted as Executive Engineer, Power Maintenance Division-II, Lunglei and later posted to EE (Design), CE(P) Office on 14.11.2007. He was posted as E.O. to Chief Engineer (Distn) on 15.9.2008. He held this post till he br eathed his last. He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion to duty and endeared himself to the Officers and Staff and always proved himself as conscientious a nd har d working officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Laltha nzuala Hrahsel and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to bereaved family. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 20.7.2012 Asadha 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 324Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

State Implementation Monitoring & Review Committee (SIMRC) for implementation of Revival, Reform and Restructuring Package for Handloom Sector (CSS) with the following members :-

VOL - XLIISSUE - 325Date - 23/07/2012

Acquisition of land for widening of approach road to 400/132 KV GIS Sub-Station at Sakawrtuichhun.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 326Date - 23/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 23.7.2012 Sravana 1, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 326Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/10/2009-REV, the 17th July, 2012.Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referr ed to a s the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (her einafter referr ed to a s the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for widening of approach road to 400/132 KV GIS Sub-S tation at Saka wrtuichhun. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said la nd is likely to b e needed for the purpose specified ab ove. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writ ing to t he Deputy Commissioner /Collector, Aizawl District within a period of 20 da ys from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 3.All persons interested in the said land ar e hereby warned not to be obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the sa id land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any cont ract for the disposal of the sa id land by sale, lease, mortga ge, assignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the sa id land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : AIZAWLDescr iption of landApp roximate Area Plot of land belonging to Pu Lalza rliana & 23 or s at Sakawrtuichhun 98992 Sq. ft. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .

Mizoram State Boundary Committee

VOL - XLIISSUE - 327Date - 23/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 23.7.2012 Sravana 1, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 327Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. K. 11011/1/90-REV, the 19th July, 2012.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification issued under Memo No. K. 11011/1/90-REV dt. 7.3.2012. Clause (b) of terms of reference of the Mizoram State Boundar y Committee is hereby amended by adding the word ‘Resettlement’ as under -‘To examine various issues with regard to border fencing and Resettlement and to provide suggestion to the Government.’ R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .

List of Candidates Vice President of India

VOL - XLIISSUE - 328Date - 23/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 23.7.2012 Sravana 1, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 328Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500FORM 5 (See rule 6 of the Presidential and Vice-P residential Elections Rules, 1974) ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF VICE-PRESIDENT OF INDIA List of Contesting Candidates Sl. No. Name of candidateAddr ess of candidate 1.Jaswant SinghVillage-Mewanagar, Teh. - Panchpadra, Distt. Barmer, Rajasthan. 2.M. Hamid Ansari6, Bunglow, Maulana Azad Roa d, New Delhi T. K. Viswana tha n, Retur ning Officer Place : New Delhifor Election to the Office of Date : 23rd July, 2012Vice-President of India, 2012 and Secr etary General, Lok Sa bha.

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) for all Districts in Mizoram.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 329Date - 24/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.7.2012 Sravana 2, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 329 NOTIFICATION No. B. 21011/1/09-IND, the 17th July, 2012.In super ses sion of t he Notification da ted 3 1st October, 2011, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to constitute a District Task Force for implementation of Prime Minister ’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) for all Districts in Mizoram. 1. AIZAWL DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Aiza wl District 2.Member Convener-Stat e Director, KVIC, Aizawl 3.Members-(i) General Manager, District Industr ies Centre, Aizawl. (ii) Chief Executive Officer, MKVI Boa rd, Aizawl. (iii) Lead District Manager, SBI, Aizawl. (iv) Repr esenta tive of MSME-D I, Aizawl. (v) Mana ging Director, MC Apex Bank or his representative not below the ra nk of Chief Mana ger. (vi) General Manager, Mizoram Rural Bank or his representa tive not below the rank of Senior Mana ger. (vii) 3(three) rep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. 2. KOLASIB DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib District 2.Member Convener-Chief Execu tive Off icer, M KVIB 3.Members-(i) District Village Industries Officer, MKVIB Boar d, Kola sib. (ii) Branch Mana ger, SBI, Kola sib. (iii) Branch Manager, SBI, Vairengte. (iv) Branch Manager, MCA Apex Ba nk, Kolasib Bra nch. (v) Branch Mana ger, Mizoral Rural Bank, Kola sib Bra nch. (vi) 3(three) rep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. 3. CHAMPHAI DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Champhai District 2.Member Convener-Chief Execu tive Off icer, M KVIB 3.Members-(i) District Village Industries Officer, MKVIB Boar d, Champhai - 2 - Ex-329/2012 (ii) Branch Mana ger, SBI, Champhai. (iii) Branch Manager, MCA Apex Ba nk, Champhai Bra nch. (iv) Branch Mana ger, Mizoral Rural Bank, Champhai Bra nch. (v) 3(three) r ep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. 4. SERCHHIP DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip District 2.Member Convener-Chief Execu tive Off icer, M KVIB 3.Members-(i) District Village Industries Officer, MKVIB Boar d, Serchhip (ii) Branch Mana ger, SBI, Serchhip (iii) Branch Manager, MCA Apex Ba nk, Serchhip Bra nch. (iv) Branch Mana ger, Mizoram Rural Bank, Serchhip Bra nch. (v) 3(three) r ep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. 5. MAMIT DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Mamit District 2.Member Convener-Chief Execu tive Off icer, M KVIB 3.Members-(i) District Village Industries Officer, MKVIB Board, M amit (ii) Branch Manager, SBI, Mamit. (iii) Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Zawlnuam. (iv) Branch Mana ger, Mizoral Rural Bank, Ma mit Bra nch. (v) 3(three) r ep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. 6. LUNGLEI DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei District 2.Member Convener-General Manager, DIC, Lunglei. 3.Members-(i) District Village Industries Officer, MKVIB Boar d, Lunglei. (ii) Princip al, Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei. (iii) Branch Mana ger, SBI, Lunglei. (iv) Branch Mana ger, St ate Bank of India, Tla bung (v) Branch Manager, MC Apex Ba nk, Lunglei Bra nch. (vi) Branch Mana ger, Mizoral Rural Bank, Lunglei Bra nch. (vi) 3(three) r ep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. 7. SAIHA DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Saiha District 2.Member Convener-Chief Execu tive Off icer, M KVIB 3.Members-(i) Branch Manager, SBI, Saiha. (ii) Branch Mana ger, MC Apex Bank, Sa iha Bra nch. (iii) Branch Mana ger, Mizoram Rural Bank, Sa iha Bra nch. (iv) 3(three) r ep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. 8. LAWNGTLAIT DISTRICT :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai District 2.Member Convener-Chief Execu tive Off icer, M KVIB 3.Members-(i) District Village Industries Officer, MKVI Board, Lawngtlai. (ii) Branch Manager, SBI, Lawngtlai. (iii) Branch Mana ger, SBI, Chawngte. (iv) Branch Manager, MC Apex Bank, Lawngtlai Bra nch. (v) Branch Manager, Mizoram Rural Bank, Lawngtlai Branch. (vi) 3(three) r ep resenta tives fr om Village Council to be nominated by Chairman on rotation. The functions of the Task F orce will include :- (1) Selection of beneficiaries under PMEGP. (2) To r eview the performance/achievement ma de in t he implementation of P MEGP (3) To r eview the sanct ions ma de by Ba nks. (4) Review progr ess of EDP to t he selected beneficia r ies. (5) Any other matters related to PMEGP. The Task Force will meet a t lea st once in a quar ter. P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 3 -Ex-329/2012

State Level Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committee on Tourism Sector and Rural Tourism for promoting Tourism & Wildlife,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 330Date - 24/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.7.2012 Sravana 2, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 330 NOTIFICATION No. D. 21018/85/2012-TOUR, the 18th July, 2012.In pursuance to the Government of India D.O. No. 5.NT(13)/2012 dt. 28.5.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the State Level Inter- Ministerial Coordination Committee on Tourism Sector and Rural Tourism for promoting Tourism & Wildlife, Forest, Eco-sensitive zones for giving fu ll attention comprising of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders - 1.Secr etary, Tourism Depart ment-Chairman 2.P.C. C.F., Environment & Forest Department-Member or his repr esentat ive Chief Wildlife Wa rden 3.Chief Wildlife Wa rden-Member 4.Director, Tourism Department-Member Secretary The terms of reference of t he Committee will be a s follows :- 1)To work out the details of Action Plan for promotion of Tour ism relating to Wildlife, Forests, Eco- sens itive zones etc. 2)To prepare the inventory of natura l sites in the State which can be further promoted 3)To a ssess the requirement of financial assistance from Ministry of Tour ism (MOT), Govt. of India. 4)Committee ma y co-opt any officer /expert if considered necess ary. B. Sairengpuii, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500


VOL - XLIISSUE - 331Date - 24/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.7.2012 Sravana 2, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 331 NOTIFICATION No. B. 12019/11/2002-EDN, the 18th July, 2012.In pursuance of the new Guidelines for Implementation of Teacher Education Programme under the Restructuring and Reorganisation of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Teacher Education, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to constitute a Progr amme Advisory Committee (PAC) for SCERT for the smooth implementation of Teacher Education Scheme in the State comprising of the following Officer s :- 1.Commissioner & Secretary, School Educa tion Deptt.-Chairperson 2.Director, SCERT-Member Secretary 3.Director, School Education-Member 4.Director, H&TE-Member 5.Director, Art & Culture Department-Member 6.Director, Social Welfare Department-Member 7.Director, S cience & Technology-Member 8.All Jt. Directors, SCERT (2)-Members 9.Dy. Directors concerned, S CERT-Members 10. Lecturer, Teacher Educa tion-Member 11. Principal, IASE/CTE-Members 12. Principals, DIET Aizawl/Lunglei-Members 13. Head of Department, Education, MZU-Member 14. Principal, NERIE, Shillong, Meghalaya-Member 15. State Project Dir ector, SSA-Member 16. Chairman, MBSE-Member 17. President, Central YMA-Member 18. Pr esident, MHIP-Member 19. President, MJA-Member 20. President, HISSLAM-Member 21. President, MISTA-Member 22. President, MEMSTA-Member 23. President, MSTA-Member 24. Pr esident, MP TA-Member 25. President, Mizoram Education Founda tion-Member 26. Pu F. Lallur a, Prominent Citizen-Member 27. Pu R . Lalthawnga, Prominent Citizen-Member - 2 - Ex-331/2012 Ter ms of Reference :-1.The PAC will function as t he advisory and approval body for programmes of SCERT in Mizoram. 2.The term of PAC will be of 5 (five) years and it will meet at least once a year. F. Lalthuamluaia, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Inter Departmental Co-ordination Committee for Protection of Women from Domestic Violence and Human Trfficking

VOL - XLIISSUE - 332Date - 24/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.7.2012 Sravana 2, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 332 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14011/9/11-SWD, the 19th July, 2012.In the interest of the public services and in pursuance of the decision vide pa ra 2 (ii) of P art III of Minutes of the meeting held on 24.02.2012 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute ‘Inter - Departmenta l Co-ordination Committee for Pr otection of Women fr om Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking’ comprising of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders. 1.Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram-Chairman 2.Principal Secretary to Chief Minister-Member 3.Secreta ry, Home Dep artment-Member 4.Secr etary, Finance Depart ment-Member 5.Secr etary, Health & Family Welfare Depart ment-Member 6.Secr etary, Law & J udicia l Depart ment-Member 7.Secr etary, Socia l Welfare Depart ment-Member Secretary 8.Additional DGP, Aizawl-Member 9.Director, Social Welfare Department-Member 10. Superintendent of Police, Aizawl-Member 11. Supdt. of Police (CID Crime), Aizawl-Member 12. Chairperson, Mizoram State Commission for Women-Member 13. Repr esentative of MHIP, Gen. Hqrs. Aizawl-Member 14. Repr esentative of Human Rights & Law Network-Member 15. Repr esentative of VOLCOMH S ikulpuikawn, Aizawl-Member 16. Repr esentative of Centre for Peace and Development -Member Terms of Reference of the Committee :(1) Review and monitor the implementation of the Protection of Women fr om Domestic Violence Act, 2005 in the State. (2) Study and identify problems and suggest a ction/r equirement for protection of Women fr om Domestic Violence and also prevention of Human Trafficking in and from the State of Mizoram. (3) Identify pr oblems a nd take remedial measures to overcome the va rious p roblems faced by different agencies involved in the implementation of various provisions of t he Pr otection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. - 2 - Ex-332/2012Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 (4) To submit reports to the Government as well as recommendations for tackling the menace and remedia l mea sures from time to time for which the Commit tee is expected to have meeting quart erly or at least twice in a year. (5) Any other works assigned to the Committee by the State Government or appropr iate authority from time to time. B. Sairengpuii, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

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