Gazette search


VOL - XLIISSUE - 304Date - 04/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 4.7.2012 Asadha 13, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 304 OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 2012 AND SECRETARY-GENERAL, RAJYA SABHA FORM 5(See rule 6 of the Presidential and Vice-P residential Elections Rules, 1974) Election to the Office of President of India LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Sl. No.Name of CandidateAddr ess of Candidate 1.Shri Purno Agitok Sa ngmaH. No. 35, Walbakgre, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya. 2.Shri Pranab MukherjeeH. No. 60/2/97, Kabi Bharati Sarani (Lake Road), Kolkata (West Bengal) Sd/- V.K. Agnihotri, New D elhiRetu rning Officer for the Presidential Election, 2012 Dated the 4th of July, 2012and Secreta ry-General, Rajya Sa bha.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/520

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001

VOL - XLIISSUE - 305Date - 05/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 5.7.2012 Asadha 14, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 305Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/520 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sa dan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated the 5th July, 2012 Asadha 14, 1934 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 480/2/2012(1). -In pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Presidentia l and Vice- Presidential Elections Act , 1952 (31 of 1 952), the Elect ion Commission, in consultation with the Central Government, hereby appoints the Secreta ry General, Lok Sabha, Parlia ment House, New Delhi, to be the Retu rning Officer for the Vice-Pr esidential Election, 2012. By Or der, Sd/- K.N. Bhar, Secretary.

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001

VOL - XLIISSUE - 306Date - 05/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 5.7.2012 Asadha 14, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 306Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/520 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sa dan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated the 5th July, 2012 Asadha 14, 1934 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 480/2/2012(2). -In pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Presidentia l and Vice- Presidential Elections Act, 1952 (31 of 1952), the Elect ion Commission, hereby appoint s Shri V.R. Ramesh, Joint Secret ary, Lok Sabha Secreta ria t, Pa rliament House, New Delhi, to be the Assistant Retur ning Officer for the Vice-Presidentia l Election, 2012. By Or der, Sd/- K.N. Bhar, Secretary.


VOL - XLIISSUE - 307Date - 06/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 6.7.2012 Asadha 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 307Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/520 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sa dan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated the 6th July, 2012 Asadha 15, 1934 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 480/2012-CC&BE -Wher eas, the term of office of Mohd. Hamid Ansari, Vice-President of India, is upto 10th day of August, 2012, in terms of Article 67 of the Constitution; and Wher eas, an election is due to be held, in terms of clause (1) of Article 68 of the Constitution, to fill the vacancy to be caused by the expiration of the term of office of the incumbent Vice-Pr esident before the expiration of term of his office; and Wher eas, under sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Presidential and Vice Pr esidential Elections Act, 1952 (31 of 1952), the Election Commission of India is r equired to so a ppoint the dates for the election to fill the office of the Vice-President of India that the election will be completed at such time as will enable the Vice-President thereby elected to enter upon his office on the 11th day of August, 2012; Now, therefore, in pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the said Act, the Election Commission hereby appoints, in respect of the said election :- (a)Last date of making nomina tion20.07.2012 (Friday) (b)Date for the Scrutiny of nominations21.07.2012 (Saturday (c)Last date for the withdrawal of candidatures23.07.2012 (Monday) (d)Date on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken07.08.2012 (Tuesday) By Or der, Sd/- K.N. Bhar, Secretary.


VOL - XLIISSUE - 308Date - 06/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 6.7.2012 Asadha 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 308(A)Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/520PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF VICE-PRESIDENT OF INDIA WHEREAS a notification under sub-section (I) of section 4 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952, for the holding of an election to fill the Office of Vice-President of India has been issued by the Election Commission, I, T.K. Viswanathan, the Retu rning Officer for such election, do hereby give notice that - (i)nomination p apers may be delivered by a candidate or any one of his proposers of seconders to the undersigned at his office in Room No. 18, Ground Floor, Parliament House, New Delhi, or if he is unavoidably absent, to the Assistant Returning Officer, Shri V.R. Ra mesh, Joint Secretary, Lok Sabha Secretariat at the said office between 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. on any day (other than a public holiday) not later than the 20th of July, 2012; (ii)each nomination paper shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the entry relating to the candidate in the electora l roll for the Par liamentar y constituency in which the candidate is registered as an elect or ; (iii)ever y candidate sha ll depos it or cause to be deposited a sum of rupees fifteen thousand only. This amount may be deposited in cash with the Returning Officer at the time of presenta tion of the nomination paper or deposited ear lier in the Reserve Bank of India or in a Government Treasury and in the latter case a receipt showing that the said deposit of the sum has been so ma de is required to be enclosed with the nomina tion pa per; (iv)forms of nomination papers may b e obtained from the a bove sa id office at the time aforesaid; (v)the nomination papers, other than those rejected under sub-section (4) of section 5B of the Act, will be taken up for scr utiny a t the s aid office in Room No. 18, Gr ound Floor, Pa rliament House, New Delhi onSaturday, the 21st of July, 2012 at 11 A.M.; (vi)the notice of wit hdrawal of candidatures may be delivered by a candidate, or a ny one of his proposers or seconders who ha s been authorised in this behalf in writing by the candidate, t o the undersigned at the place specified in paragraph (i) above beforethree o’clock in the afternoon of 23rd of July, 2012; (vii) in t he event of the election being contested, the poll will be taken onTuesday, the 7th of August, 2012 between the hours of10 A.M. and 5 P.M. at the place of polling fixed under the rules. Sd/- T. K. Viswana tha n, New D elhiRetu rning Officer for the Vice-Pr esidential Election, 2012 Dated the 6th of July, 2012and Secretary-General, Lok Sa bha.

Council of Ministers in its Meeting held on 13.6.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order pay upgradation, as a change of Pay Band and Grade Pay, of the posts in Annex-A as shown against each post w.e.f. 1.6.2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 309Date - 09/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 9.7.2012 Asadha 18, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 309NOTIFICATIONNo. A.11014/1/2011-FIN(PRU), the 4th July, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 162 of the Constitution of India, and on the basis of the decision against Item No. 3 of the Council of Ministers in its Meeting held on 13.6.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order pay upgradation, as a change of Pay Band and Grade Pay, of the posts in Annex-A as shown against each post w.e.f. 1.6.2012. Pay re-fixation shall be done for each post as per provisions of Rule 22(1)(a)(ii) of the FRs & S Rs a s amende d fr o m t ime t o t ime; but shall no t be co ns t r ue d t o be fix ed a s in t he ca se o f p r o mo t io n. This upgradation of pay w.e.f. 1.6.2012 should not be construed as revision of pay and will be applicable to the Government employees who opted the revised pay structure as per Mizoram (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010. Vanlalnghaka, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department, Aizawl Mizoram. Annex-A Pay Up-gradation as approved by the Council of Minister in its meeting on 13.6.2012 at 10:00 AM Sl. No. Name of PostApproved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 1.COMMON SERVICE 1.Blue/Ferro Printer AssociationPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 2.S.A (Trained)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.Telephone Operator - IIPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.Draftman - IIPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.Overseer Grade - II (OS-II)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 6.Driver Spl. GradePB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 2.ACCOUNTS & TREASURIES 1.Treasury AccountantPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 2.Divisional AccountantPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 3.AuditorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 3.AGRICULTURE 1.Asst. Dozer OperatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Asst. Tractor OperatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 3.Laborator AssistantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 4.Lab. Assistant (for B. Sc)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 5.Mechanic Grade - I (PP)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 6.Surveyor - II (Sr. Surveyor)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 7.ArtistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 8.ForemanPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 4.AH & VETERINARY 1.MasonPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Field Assistant (Stats)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 3.Vety Field Assistant & EquPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 4.StockmanPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 5.Rider CowboyPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 6.Laboratory AssistantPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 7.ArtistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 8.Junior Extn. OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 9.Junior Farm ManagerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 10. Poultry InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 11. Technical Asst.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 12. Dairy Supdt.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 13. Livestock Supdt.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 5.ART & CULTURE 1.Receptionist cum-Counter Attdt.PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 2.Instructor (Music, Dance, Drama)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 3.Library AssistantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.Sub-Division LibrarianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.CodifierPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 6.Chemist - IIPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 7.TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200- 2 - Ex-309/2012 8.TranslatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 9.Resear ch Investigator (Archeology)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 10. Asst. Supdt. of ArchievesPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 11. Taxider mistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 12. Museum GuidePB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 13. District LibrarianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 14. Supdt. of ArchivesPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 15. Asst. LibrarianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 16. Prog. CoordinatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 17. Dist. Research OfficerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 18. Research OfficerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 19. Special OfficerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 20. ArcheologistPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 21. Senior Resea rch OfficerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600 6.CO-OPERATION 1.Senior InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 7.ENVIRONMENT & FOREST 1.Constable, Forest1 S 4440 - 7440 + GP 1650 2.Forest GuardPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 3.Head ConstablePB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 4.Laboratory AssistantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 5.Forest RangerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 6.Surveyor (Sr.)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 8.ECONOMIC & STATISTICS 1.Sub-Inspector of StatisticsPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 2.MachinemanPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.ArtistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 4.Inspector of StatisticsPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 9.EXCISE & NARCOTICS 1.ConstablePB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1900 10 . FCS & CA/LEGAL METROLOGY 1.Sub-Inspector of SupplyPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 2.Inspector of SupplyPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 3.Inspector of Legal MetrologyPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 4.Supdt. of AccountsPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 5.Accounts OfficerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 (to be encadred as MFAS Duty post) 11. FISHERIES 1.Fisher ies Extn. OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 2.Asst. Director/DFDO/CEOPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 Sl. No. Name of PostApproved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23- 3 -Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of PostApproved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 12 . HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE 1.Laboratory AttendantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Va ccinatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 3.Laboratory AssistantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 4.MicroscopistPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 5.Para Medical WorkerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 6.Steno TypistPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 7.Sr. Para Medical WorkerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 8.Health Worker (M&F)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 9.ProjectionistPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 10. Electrician (Dte. and Hosp)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 11. Multi Rehab. AssistantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 12. RadiographerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 13. Artist-cum-PhotographerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 14. Physiotherapy Tech.PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 15. CSSD TechnicianPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 16. AccupunturistPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 17. Generator OperatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 18. ECG TechnicianPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 19. Para Medical AssistantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 20. Pros/Ortho Tech - IIPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 21. BCG Team LeaderPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 22. Stats. Asst.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 23. TB Health VisitorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 24. Treatment OrganiserPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 25. Block Extn. EducatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 26. Asst. EditorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 27. Health EducatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 28. Extension EducatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 29. Non Medicial Supervisor (NMS)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 30. Sr. Non Medicial Supervisor (NMS)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 31. Health SupervisorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 32. Dist. SupervisorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 33. Food InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 34. Supervisor-Pros OrthoPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 35. Asst. Malaria OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 36. Stats. InvestigatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 37. Lab. Technician (H&FW/Police)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 38. X-Ray TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 39. Medical Record TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 40. Opthalmic AssistantPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 41. Jr. Scientific OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 42. Dy. DEMOPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 43. Dy. MRPPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 44. Sr. X-Ray TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 45. Sr. Lab. TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 46. Rehab. Asst.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600- 4 - Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of Post Approved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 47. Sr. Sanitary InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 48. Com. Health OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 49. Superintending PharmacistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 50. X-Ray TechnologistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 51. TutorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 52. PHN OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 53. Officer i/c Cold ChainPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 54. DEMOPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 55. Social Science InstructorPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 56. Medical Record OfficerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 57. Sr. MROPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6100 58. DL OPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600 59. SMEMO cum Dy. DirectorROP, 2010 angin kal phawt se Pay Com, 2011 in a rawt angin Dept. Process in Reorganis ed t ur an ni. 60. Radiological Safety Officer/Medical PhysicistPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 13 . HIGHER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION 1.Asst. Librarian (MPL & CTE)AICTE Norm a kal tur 2.Date Entry OperatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 (10+2 and Certificate 6 months) 3.Librarian (MPL)AIC Norm a kal tur 4.Workshop Instructor (MPL)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.Language Lab. Tech. (MHTC)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 6.Foreman (WP)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 7.Sr. Draftman (MPL)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 8.Foreman (MPL)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 14. HORTICULTURE 1.Asst. Dozer OperatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Asst. Tractor OperatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 3.Laboratory AssistantPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 1 5 . I & PR 1.Recor derPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 2.PhotographerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.Librarian/Lin.-cum-ReceptionistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 4.ArtistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.Camer amanPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 6.Technician Grade - IIPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 7.Technician Grade - IPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 16. INDUSTRIES 1.Boiler Operator - IIPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 2.Production Asst/Tech. Asst.PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.ApiaristPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.Asst. Khadi InspectorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 5.PrinterPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800- 5 -Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of Post Approved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 6.Handloom DesignaerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 7.SupervisorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 8.Jr. InstructorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 9.Jr. Craft InstructorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 10. Mechanic - IIPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 11. Manager Sales EmporiumPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 12. Sr. Craft InstuctorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 13. Weaving/Khadi InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 14. Audio Visual OperatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 15. Mechanic Grade - IPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 16. Handloom Research InvestigatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 17. Craft Research InvestigatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 18. Manager (Dyeing)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 19. Wood Machinist-cum-Tool SetterPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 20. DyerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 21. Laboratory Assistant (B. Sc)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 22. E.O/E.IPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 23. Extension Officer (H)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 24. Carpentry ExpertPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 25. Instrucdtor (Blacksmithy)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 26. Instructor (Imp. Tools)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 27. Depot ManagerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 28. Technical AssistantPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 29. Junior TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 30. Lab. Assistant (G&M) for B. Sc.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 31. Mine SurveyorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 32. Foreman (RSW)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 33. Surveyor - I (G&M)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 34. Handloom OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 35. Sr. TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 36. Fruit Pre. TechnicianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 37. Asst . Tech. OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 38. Boiler Operator - IPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 39. Industrial Promotion OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 40. Production ManagerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 41. For eman (Mechanic)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 42. Sr. Lab. Tech.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 43. Dr illerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 44. Project Foreman/Production ManagerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 17. L & E 1.Supervisor (to be Instructor Sel. Gr)Supervisor & Group Instr. Post to be 2.Group Instructor (to be Instructor Sel. Gr)merged with Instr. Sel Grade 3.Vice Principal (ITI)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4800 18. LAD 1.Asst. Circle OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 2.Circle OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600- 6 - Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of PostApproved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 19. MRHG 1.Bandman/OG Homeguard/GuardianPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Havildar/Jr. InstructorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 3.Seismic ReaderPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 4.Platoon CommanderPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.Asst to Dist. Comdt.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 6.Dy. Stor e OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 7.Coy. CommderPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 8.ADM SubedarPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 9.Centre C omma nder/ JSOPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 10. Commandant, CTIPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 7600 20. P & E 1.Electrical WorkersPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.W.T. OperatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 3.Armature WinderPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 4.Engine Operator - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 5.Cable JointerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 6.Electrician Grade - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 7.Mechanic Grade - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 8.Lineman - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 9.Auto ElectricianPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 10. Sr. Meter ReaderPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 11. Sr. BlacksmithPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 12. Switchboard Operator - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 13. Sr. Stor e KeeperPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 14. Sr. ElectricianPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 15. Head MechanicPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 16. Sr. LinemanPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 17. Sr. Switchboard OperatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 18. SurveyorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 19. Sr. Engine OperatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 20. Line SupervisorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 21 . PRINTING & STATIONERY 1.Compositor Grade - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 2.Electrician - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.Supdt. W/W StaffPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.Binder - I/Operator - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 5.Tech. OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 6.EditorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 22. PHE 1.Laboratory TechnicianPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 2.Divisional MechanicPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.SurveyorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.Plant OperatorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.BacteriologistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600- 7 -Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of Post Approved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 23. POLICE 1.NaikPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2000 2.Head Constable/ Havilder Clerk/Armed Havilder PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 3.Forensic Science AssistantPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 4.InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 24. PRISONS 1.Head Warder (Store)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 2.Chief Hea d WarderPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.JailorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 + 200SA 4.Chief InstructorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 5.Supdt. of JailsPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 6.AIG/Special Supdt.PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 7.DIGPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600 25 . PWD 1.SurveyorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 26 . RURAL DEVELOPMENT 1.Gram Sevika (Trained)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 27 . REVENUE 1.Cartographer/SurveyorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 2.Revenue InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 28. SAD 1.Mechanic Grade - IIPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 2.Mechanic - IPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 29. SCHOOL EDUCATION 1.Principal (DIET, DRC under SCERT)PB 3 GP 7100 heihi HSS Principal te nen (Future recruits)tunhnuah chuan inang tur an ni. 2.Vice Principal(DIET)Vice Principal hi awm tawhlo se Lecturer senior berin Principal a wmloh chuan charge an la ang. 3.Principal(HSS)PB 3 GP 7100 DIET Principal te nen a intluk tur an ni. 4.Vice Principal(HSS)Vice Principal hi awm tawhlo se Lecturer senior berin Principal awmloh chuan charge an la ang 5.Tr ained Lecturer (Selection)(HSS)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600 6.Trained Lecturer (Sr)(HSS)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6100 7.Trained Lecturer (Jr)(HSSPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 8.Untra ined Lecturer(HSS)PB 2 GP 4600 (for present incumbents if any) 9.Trained Graduate Teacher (Sr)/ (HS)PB 2 GP 4800 Zirtirtute te 3 tier a siam an nih Tra ined Gra dua te Hindi Teacher (Sr )chuan GP 4800 ah dahsan tur a ni. 10. Headmaster (Entry)(MS)PB 2 GP 4800 Headmaster a an kaisan in Double increment pek ni se. 11. Trained Graduate Teacher (Sr)/ (MS)PB 2 GP 4800 Zirtirtute te 3 tier a siam an Tra ined Gra dua te Hindi Teacher (Sr )nih chuan GP 4800 ah dahsan tur a ni.- 8 - Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of Post Approved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 12. Trained UG Hindi Teacher (Sel) (MS)PB 2 GP 4600 (3 tier tura siam an ni) 13. Trained UG Hindi Teacher (Sr)(MS)PB 2 GP 4400 (3 Tier tura siam an ni) 14. Graduate Headmaster (Entry)(PS)Mizoram ROP 2010 angin la kal zel se. 15. Headmaster (Entry)(PS)Headmaster-a an kaisan in Double increment pek ni se. 16. Trained Graduate Teacher (Sr)/ (PS )PB 2 GP 4800 Zirtirtute te 3 tier a siam an nih Trained Graduate Hindi Teacher (Sr)chuan GP 4800 ah dahsan tur a ni. 17. Trained Under Graduate Teacher (Sel) (PS)PB 2 GP 4600 (3 tier tura siam an ni) Tra ined Under Graduate Hindi Teacher (S el) 18. Trained Under Graduate Teacher (Sr) (PS)PB 2 GP 4400 (3 tier tura siam an ni) Trained Under Gra duate Hindi Teacher (Sr ) 30. SERICULTURE 1.Farm ManagerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 2.Reeling For emanPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 3.Sericulture InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 4.Seri Promotion OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 5.Asst. Dir/SDOPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 31 . SOCIAL WELFARE 1.Mechanic (Auto/Elect)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1900 2.Counselor (Edn/Career/ Gener al)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.Vocational Trg. Instructor (Comp/Auto/Elect)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.Instructor/Sr. InstructorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 5.Physical Instructor/Security OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 6.Educational InsturctorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 7.Instructor (AWTC)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 8.WardenPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 9.Circle OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 10. Sign Language Interpreter (PWD)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 11. Welf ar e Offic erPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 12. Cas e Worker /Car e TakerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 13. NutritionistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 14. Pr e-S chool TeacherPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 15. S.W. Teacher/Health InstructorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 16. Principal (AWTC)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 17. PsychologistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4800 18. Research-cum-Program Asst (PWD)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4800 19. Supdt (Home)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 20. Asst Project Director (ACC)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 21. Asst. Commissioner (PWD)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600 32 . SOIL & WC 1.Soil Conservation Field ManPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Assistant Tractor OperatorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 3.Dy. RangerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.SurveyorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 5.Soil Over seerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200- 9 -Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of PostApproved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 6.SC RangerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 7.Asst. Soil Con. OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 8.Hostel Supdt.PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 9.ASCE/Asst. DirectorPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 10. Principal (RETI)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 33 . SPORTS & YS 1.Asst. Adventure OrganiserPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 2.Asst. Organiser (SG)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.Organiser (SG)PB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 4.Adv. OrganiserPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.Dist. OrganiserPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 6.Yoga InstructorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 7.Coach Grade - IIPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 8.Coach - IPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 9.Sr. F.A./State OrganiserPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 10. Youth Welfa re OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4800 34. TAXATION 1.Chec kerPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Inspector of TaxesPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 35. TOURISM 1.Asst. ReceptionistPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 1800 2.Recept ionistPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 3.Asst. Tourist OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 4.Tourist OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4800 36. TRANSPORT 1.Enfor cement S ub-InspectorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2400 2.Line InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 3.Enforcement InspectorPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 4.Machinist - IIPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4200 5.Machinist - IPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 6.Asst. Stor e OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4400 7.Stor e OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 8.Station SuperintendentPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 9.Asst. Commissioner (STA)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 10. Asst. Works ManagerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 11. DTOPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 12. Works ManagerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600 13. Joint Director (MVI)PB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600 14. Deputy CommissionerPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600- 10 - Ex-309/2012 Sl. No. Name of PostApproved Pay Band & Grade Pay 1. 23 37 . UD & PA 1.Surveyor (Sr)PB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 2.Town Sanitary InspectorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 3.Urban Surveyor - IIPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 4.Town SupervisorPB 1 5200 - 20200 + GP 2800 5.Asst. Sanitation OfficerPB 2 9300 - 34800 + GP 4600 38 . ORGANISED SERVICE 1.MAS (Agri) Grade - VPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 2.MAS (Agri) Grade - IVPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6100 3.MHS (Horti) Grade - VPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400 4.MHS (Horti) Grade - IVPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6100 5.MHS (Health) Grade - IPB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 7100 6.MHS (Health) Special GradePB 3 15600 - 39100 + GP 7100Note :The Payband and Grade Pay of Posts not specifically mentioned in this annex-A shall be as it is in The Mizoram (RoP) Rules, 2010. There shall be no separate fixation of Pay, however, only the difference, if any, of the old Grade Pay and the new Grade Payshall be added to the Basic Pay.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/560- 11 -Ex-309/2012

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001

VOL - XLIISSUE - 310Date - 10/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 10.7.2012 Asadha 19, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 310Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/520 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sa dan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : the 10th July, 2012 Asadha 19, 1934 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 479/16/2012 -In pursua nce of rule 27 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974, the Election Commission of India hereby appoints the 22nd July, 2012 (Sunday) as the day on which, and 11:00 A.M. of that day as the time at which, the counting of votes for the Presidential Election, 2012, shall take place at the office of the Retu rning Officer in Room No. 63, Fir st Floor, Parliament House, New Delhi. By Or der, Sd/- K.N. Bhar, Secretary, Election Commission of India.


VOL - XLIISSUE - 311Date - 12/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 12.7.2012 Asadha 21, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 311 NOTIFICATION No. B. 13016/12/2007-UD&PA (SAN), the 30th May, 2012.The Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrine (Prohibition) Act, 1993 (Central Act No. 46 of 1993) has been adopted in the State of Mizoram with effect from 28th March, 2012 which is published for general public information. H. Darzika, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Deptt. THE EMPLOYMENT OF MANUAL SCAVENGERS AND CONSTRUCTION OF DRY LATRINES (PROHIBITION) Act, 1993 [Act, No. 46 of 1993) [5th June, 1993] PREAMBLEAn Act to provide for the prohibition of employment of manual scavengers as well as constr uction or cont inuance of dry latrine and for the r egulation of construction and maint enance of water seal latrines and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. WHEREAS fra ternity assuring the dignity of the individual ha s been enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution; AND WHEREAS article 47 of Constitution, inter ally, pr ovides that the State shall regard raising the standard of living of its people a nd the improvement of public health a s among its primary duties; AND WHEREAS the dehumanizing practice of manual scavenging of human excreta still continues in many parts of the cou ntry; AND WHEREAS the municipal laws by themselves as a measure for conservation of dry la trines into water-seal latrines and pr evention of construct ion of dry latr ines ar e not stringent enough to eliminate this practice; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to enact a uniform legislation for the whole of India for abolis hing ma nual scavenging by declaring employment of manual scavengers for removal of human excr eta an offence and thereby Hanna the further proliferation of dry latrines in the country; - 2 - Ex-311/2012 AND WHEREAS it is desirable for eliminating the denominating practice of employment of manual scavengers and for protecting and improving the human environment to make it obliga tory to convert dry latr ines into water-seal latrines or to construct water-s eal latrines in new constructions; AND WHEREAS Parliament has no power to make laws for the States with respect to the matters aforesaid, except as provided in articles 249 and 250 of the Constitution; AND WHEREAS in pursuance of clause (1) of article 252 of the Constitution, resolution have been passed by a ll the House of the Legislatures of the States of Andhra P radesh, GOA, Karnataka, Ma harashtra, Tripura and West Bengal that the matters aforesa id should be r egulated in those States by Pa rliament by law; Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) BE it enacted by Parliament in the F orty-fourth Year of t he Republic of India a s follows:- THE EMPLOYMENT OF MANUAL SCAVENGERS AND CONSTRUCTION OF DRY LATRINES (PROHIBITION) Act, 1993 ACT NO. 46 OF 1993 [5th June, 1993] An Act to provide for the prohibition of employment of manual scavengers a s well as constr uction or cont inuance of dry latrine and for the r egulation of construct ion and maintenance of water- seal latrines and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. WHEREAS fra ternity assuring the dignity of the individual ha s been enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution; CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY 1.Short title, applica tion and commencement. (1) This Act ma y be called the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993 (2) It a pplies in the first instance to the whole of the States of Andhr a Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Maha rashtra , Tripur a and West Bengal and to all the Union territories and it shall also apply to such other State which adopts-this Act by resolution passed in that behalf u nder clause (1 ) of article 252 of the Constitution. (3) It shall come into force in the States of Andhr a Pradesh, Goa , Karna taka, Ma harashtra, Tripura and West Bengal and to all the Union territories on such date as the Centr al Government may, by notification, appoint a nd in any other State which adopts this Act under clause (1 ) of article 252 of the Constitution, on the date of such adoption. 2.Definitions. In this Act , unles s the context other wis e requir es.- (a)“area”,in r elation to any provision of this Act, means such ar ea as the State Government may, having regard to the requirements of that provision, specify by notification; (b)“building” means a house, ou t-house, stable, latr ine, urinal, sheet house, hut, wall (other than a boundary wall) or any other structure whether made of masonry, bricks wood, mud, meta l or other material; (c)“dry latrine”means a latrine other than a water-seal latrine; (d)“environment” includes water, a ir and land and the inter-relationship which exis ts among and between water, air and land and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property; (e)“environmental pollutant”means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be, or tend to be, injurious to environment; (f)“environment pollution”means the presence in the environment of any environmental pollutant; (g)“executive authority”means an Executive Authority appointed under sub-section (1) of section 5; (h)‘HUDCO”means the Housing and Urba n Development Corpora tion Limited, a Government Company registered by that name under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956); (i)“latr ine” means a pla ce set apart for defecation together with the struct ure comprising such place, the receptacle therein for collect ion of human excreta a nd the fittings and apparatus, if any, connected therewith; (j)“manual scavenger”means a person engaged in or employed for manua lly car rying human excr eta and the expression “manual scavenging” shall be cons trued a ccordingly; (k)“notification”means a notification published in the Official Gazette; (l)“prescribed”means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (m)“State Government”,in relation to a Union territory, means the Administrator thereof appointed under article 239 of the Constitution; (n)“water-seal latrine”means a pour-flush latrine, water flush latrine or a sa nitary latrine with a minimum water-seal of 20 millimetres diameter in which human excreta is p ushed in or flushed by water. CHAPTER II PROHIBITION OF EMPLOYMENT OF MANUAL SCAVENGERS, ETC. 3.Prohibition of employment of manual scavengers, etc. (1) Subject to sub-section (2) and the other provisions of this Act, with effect from such date in such area as the State Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf, no person shall – (a ) engage in or employ for or permit to be engaged in or employed for any other person for manually ca rrying human excreta ; or (b) construct or maintain a dry latr ine. (2) The State Government shall not issue a notification under sub-section (1) unless- (i) it has, by notifica tion, given not less than ninety days’ notice of its intention to do so; (ii) adequate fa cilities for the use of water-seal latrines in that area exist; and (iii) it is necessary or expedient to do so for the protection and improvement of the environment of public health in that area; 4.Power to exempt. T he State Government may, by a general or special order published in the Official Ga zette, and upon such conditions, if any, a s it ma y think fit to impose, exempt any a rea, category of buildings or class of persons from a ny provisions of this Act or from any specified requirement contained in t his Act or any rule, order, notifica tion or scheme made thereunder or dispense with the observance of any such requirement in a class or classes of cases, if it is satisfied that compliance with such provisions or such requirement is or ought to be exempted of dispensed with in the circumstances of the case. CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTING AUTHORITIES AND SCHEMES 5.Appointment of Executive Authorities and their powers and function. (1) The State Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, appoint a District Magistrate or a Sub-Divisional Magistra te, as a n Executive Authority to exercise jurisdiction within such ar ea as may be s pecified in the order and confer such powers and impose such- 3 -Ex-311/2012 duties on him, as may be necessar y to ensure that the pr ovisions of this Act are properly carr ied out and the Executive Authority may specify the officer or officers, subordinate to him, who sha ll exer cise all or any of the powers, and perform all or any of the duties, so conferred or imposed and the local limits within which such powers or duties shall be car ried out by the officer or officers so specified. (2) The Executive Authority appointed under sub-section (1 ) and the officer or officers specified under that sub-section shall, as far as practicable, try to rehabilitate a nd promote the welfar e of the persons who were engaged in or 6.Power of State Government to make s chemes. (1) The State Government may, by notification, make one or more schemes for regulating conversion of dr y latrines into, or construction and maintenance of, water-seal latrines, rehabilitation of the persons who were engaged in or employed for as manual scavengers in any area in respect of which a notification under sub-s ection (1) of s ection 3 has been issued in gainful employment and adminis tration of such schemes and different schemes may be made in relation t o different areas and for different purposes of this Act; Provided that no such schemes as involving fina ncial a ssistance from the HUDCO shall be made without cons ulting it. (2) In particula r, and without prejudice to the gener ality of the foregoing power, such schemes may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely: (a ) time-bound phased programme for the conversion of dry latrines into water-seal latrines; (b) provision of technical or financia l or financial assista nce for new or alterna te low cost sanitation to local bodies or other agencies; (c ) cons truction and ma intenance of community latrines and r egulation of t heir use on pay and use basis; (d) cons truction and maintenance of shared latrines in slum areas or for the benefit of socially and economically ba ckward classes of citizens; ( e) registration of manual sca vengers and their rehabilitation; (f) specification and standards of wa ter-seal latrines; (g) procedure for conversation of dry latrines into water-seal latrines; (h) licensing for collection of fees in respect of community latrines or shared latrines; 7.Power of St ate Government t o issu e directions.Notwithstanding anything contained in a ny other law but subject to the other provisions of this Act, the State Government ma y, in the exer cise of its power and performance of its funct ions under this Act, issue directions in writing to any person, officer or local or other authority and such person, officer or a loca l or other authority shall be bound to comply with such directions. 8.Executive Authorities, inspectors, officers and other employees of such authorities to be public servants.All Executive Authorities, all officers and other employees of such authorities including the officers authorized under sub-section (1) of section 5, all inspectors appointed under sub-s ection (1) of section 9 and a ll officers and other employees authorized to execute a scheme or order made under this Act, when acting or purporting to act in pursuance of any provisions of this Act or the rules or schemes made or or ders or directions issued thereunder, shall be deemed to b e public serva nts wit hin the meaning of section 2 1 of the India n Penal Code (45 of 1860) 9.Appointment of inspector s a nd their power s of entr y and inspection. (1) The State Government may, by notification, appoint such persons as it may think fit t o be inspectors for the purposes of this Act, and define the loca l limits within which they shall exercise their powers under this Act.- 4 - Ex-311/2012 (2) Every inspector wit hin the local limit s of jurisdiction of a n Executive Author it y shall be subordinate to such authority. (3) Subject to any rules made in this behalf by the State Government, an inspector may, within the local limits of his jurisdiction, enter, at all reasonable times, with such assistance as he considers necessary, a ny place for the purpose of- (a ) performing a ny of t he funct ions of the Executive Authorit y entrusted to him; (b) determining whether and if so in what ma nner, a ny such functions are to be performed or whether any provisions of this Act or rules, or ders or schemes made there under or any notice, order, direction or author ization served, made, given or granted under this Act is being or has being complied with ; (c ) examining a nd test ing any latrine, or for conducting a n inspection of any building in which he has reason to believe that an offence under this Act or the rules, orders or schemes made thereunder has been or is being or is about to be committed and to prevent or mitigate environmental pollution. 10.Power of Executive Authority to prevent environmental pollution in certain cases. (1) On receipt of information with respect to the fact or apprehension of any occurrence of cont ravention of t he provisions of section 3, whether through intimation by some person or on a report of the inspector or otherwise, the Executive Authority shall, as ear ly as practica ble, besides taking any other a ction under this Act, direct the owner or occupier of the premises to take such remedial measures, as may be necessary, within such reasonable time as may be specified therein and in case the owner or occupier, a s the case may be, fa ils to comply with such directions, ca use such remedial measures to be taken as are necessar y to prevent or mitigate the environmental pollution at the cost of such owner or occupier of t he premises. (2) The expenses, if any, incurred by the executive Authority wit h r espect to the r emedia l measures referred to in sub-section (1), together with interest at such rate a s the S tate Government may specify from the date when a demand for the expenses is made until it is paid, may be recovered by such authority or agency from the person concerned as arrears of land revenue or of public demand. 11.Duty of HUDCO to extend financial assistance in certain cases. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in its Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association or schemes for the grant of loans for housing and urban development, it shall be the duty of HUDCO to extend, in suitable case, financial assistance for the implementation of such schemes for the construction of water-seal latrines as may be made under section 6. (2) The financia l assistance referred to in sub-section (1) may be extended by HUDCO on such terms and conditions (including on easy and concessional rates of interest) and in such manner as It may think fit in each case or class of cases.. 12.Power to levy fee. Any order or scheme which the Sta te Government is empowered to ma ke under this Act may, notwithstanding the absence of any express provision to that effect, provide for levy of fees in r espect of- (a ) community latrines constr ucted under a scheme on pay and us e basis; or (b) shar ed latrines constructed under a scheme; or (c ) supply of copies of documents or orders or extracts thereof; or (d) licensing of contra ctors for construction of water-seal latrines; or ( e) any other purpose or matter involving rendering of service by any officer, committee or authority under this Act or any rule, direction, order or scheme made thereunder: Provided that the State Government may, if it considers necessary so to do, in the public interest, by genera l or special order published in the Official Gazette, grant exemption on such grounds as it deems fit from the payment of any such fee either in part or in full.- 5 -Ex-311/2012 13.Constitution of committees. (1) The Central Government ma y, by notification, constit ute- ( a ) one or more Project Committees for appraising of the schemes for the construction of water-seal latr ines in the country; (b) one or more Monitor ing Committees to monitor the progress of such schemes; (c ) such other committees for such purposes of the act and with such na mes as the Central Government may deem fit. (2) The composition of the committees constituted by the Central Government, the powers and functions thereof, the terms and conditions of appointment of the members of such commit tees and other matters connected therewith shall be such a s the Central Government may prescr ibe. (3) The members of the committees under sub-section (1) shall be paid such fees and allowa nces for attending the meetings a s may be prescribed. (4) The State Government may, by notification, constitute - ( a ) one or more State Co-ordination Commit tees for coordinating and monitor ing of the progr ammes for the construction of water-seal latrines in the Sta te and rehabilitation of the persons who were engaged in or employed for as manual scavengers in any a rea in respect of which a notification under sub-section (1) of section 3 has been issued; (b) such ‘other committees for such purpose of the Act and with’ such names as the State Government may deem fit, (5) The composition of the committees constituted by the State Government the powers and functions thereof, the terms and conditions of the members of such committees and other matters connected therewith shall be such as the State Government may prescr ibe. (6) The members of the commit tees under sub-section (4) s hall be paid such fees and allowa nces for attending the meetings a s may be prescribed. CHAPTER IV PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE 14.Penalty for contravention of the provisions of the Act and rules, orders, directions and schemes.Whoever fails to comply with or contravenes any of the provisions of this Act , or the rules or schemes made or orders or directions issued thereunder, shall, in respect of each such failure or contravention be punishable with impr isonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine, which may extend to two thousand r upees, or with both, and in case the failur e or cont ravention cont inues, with additional fine which ma y extend to one hundred rupees for every day during which such failure or contravention continues after the conviction for the first such failure or contravention. 15.Offences by companies. (1) If the person committing an offence under this Act is a compa ny, the company as well as every person in charge of, and r esponsible to, the company for the conduct of its business at the time of the commission of the offence, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and sha ll be liable to be proceeded against a nd punished accordingly: Provided tha t nothing cont ained in this sub-section sha ll render any such person liable to a ny punishment, if he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section(1), where an offence under t his Act has been committed by a company and it is proved tha t the offence has been committed with the cons ent or conniva nce of, or that the commission of the offence is a ttributa ble to any neglect on t he part of any director, manager, managing agent or such other officer of the company, such director, manager, ma naging agent or such other officer shall a lso be deemed to be guilty of t hat offence and shall be lia ble to be proceeded a gainst and punished a ccordingly.- 6 - Ex-311/2012 Explanation- For the purposes of this section,- (a ) “company” means any body corpora te and includes a fir m or other association of individu als; and (b) “director”, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm. 16.Offences to be cognizable.Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (2 of 1974), every offence under this Act shall be cognizable. 17.Provision in r elation to jurisdiction. (1) No court inferior to that of a Metropolitan Ma gistrate or a Judicia l Magistrate of the first class shall try a ny offence under this Act. (2) No prosecution for any offence under this Act shall be instituted except by or with the previous sanction of the Executive Author ity. (3) No court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act except upon a compla int made by a person generally or specially authorized in this behalf by the Executive Author ity. 18.Limitation of prosecution. No court shall ta ke cognizance of an offence punishable under this Act unless the complaint thereof is made within three months from the date on which the alleged commission of the offence come to the knowledge of the complainant. CHAPT ER V MISCELLANEOUS 19.Information, reports or returns. The Central Government may, in relation to its functions under this Act, fr om time to time, require any person, officer, Sta te Government or other authority to furnish to it, any prescribed author ity or officer any reports, r eturns, statistics, a ccounts and other information as may be deemed necessar y and such person, officer, Sta te Government or other author ity, as the case may be, shall be bound to do so. 20.Protection of action taken in good faith. No suit, pr osecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Government or any officer or other employee of the Government or any authority cons tituted under this Act or executing a ny scheme made under this Act or any member, officer or other employee of such authority or authorities in respect of anything which is done or intended to be done in good fa ith in pursuance of this Act or the rules or schemes made, or the orders or directions issued, thereunder. 21.Effect of other laws and agreements inconsistent with the Act. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), the provisions of this Act, the rules, schemes or Or ders made thereunder sha ll ha ve effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith cont ained in any enactment other than this Act, custom, tradit ion, contract, agreement or other instrument. (2) If a ny act or omission constitutes an offence punishable under this Act and also under any other Act, then, the offender fou nd guilty of such offence sha ll be liable to be punished under the other Act and not under this Act. 22.Power of Central Government to make rules. (1) The Central Government may, by notification, make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-- 7 -Ex-311/2012 (i) the composition of the Pr oject Committees, Monitoring Commit tees and other commit tees constituted by the Central Government under sub-section (1) of section 13, the powers and functions thereof, the number of members and their terms and conditions of appointment and other ma tters connected therewith. (ii) the fees and allowances to be paid to the members of the committees constituted under sub-section (1) of section13. (3) Every rule made by the Central Government under this Act shall be laid, as soon as ma y be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thir ty days which may be comprised in one sess ion or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the exp iry of the sess ion immediately following the session or the success ive sess ions afor esaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule sha ll thereafter have effect only in such modified for m or be of no effect, as the ca se may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of a nything previously done under that r ule. 23.Power of State Government to make rules. (1) The State Government may, by notification, make rules, not being a matter for which the rules are or required to be made by the Central Government, for carrying out the provisions of this Act. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, s uch rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:- (i) the composition of the State Co-ordination Committees and other committees constit uted by the State Government under sub-section (4) of section 13, the powers and functions thereof, the number of members a nd their terms and conditions of appointment and other ma tters connected t herewith; (ii) the fees and allowances t o be pa id to t he members of the committees constituted under sub-section (4) of section 13. (iii) any other matter which is requir ed to be, or may be, prescribed. (3) Every rule a nd every scheme made by the State Government under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, befor e the State Legisla t ure. 24.Power to remove difficulties. (1) If a ny difficulty a rises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make s uch provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to it to be necessary or expedient for the removal of the difficulty: Provided that no such order shall be made in relation to a State aft er the expiration of three year s from the commencement of this Act in that state. (2) Every order made under this section sha ll, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid before each House of Parliament.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/560- 8 - Ex-311/2012


VOL - XXXVIIISSUE - 91Date - 26/03/2008

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 2/- per issueVOL - XXXVI I Aizawl, Wednesday 26.3.2008 Chaitra 6, S.E. 1930, Issue No. 91OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER 1 - 17 MDC CONSTIT UENCIES, CADC, CHAWNGTE Declaration of Results Rule 181 (4) General Election to Member of the Chakma Autonomous District Council from 1 - 17 Constituencies. No. H.11012/4/2008-SDO(C)/CWTE, the 10th March, 2008. As per provision contained at Rule 181 (4) of the Cha kma Autonomous District Council Constitution and Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002. I declare that the following persons have been duly elected to fill the seats in these Constituencies against their names mentioned below :- 1. Rasik Mohan (MNF)Borapansury - I1 - Borapansur y - I 2. Buddha Dhan (INC)Borapansury - I2 - Borapa nsury - II 3. Arun Kumar (MNF)Kamalanagar - II3 - Rajmandal 4. Anil Kanti (MNF)Ba jeisora4 - Bajeisora 5. Arati (INC)Kamalanagar - I5 - Kamalanagar ‘N’ 6. H. Amaresh Chakma (MNF)Kamalanagar - III6 - Kamalanagar ‘S’ 7. Ajoy Kumar (INC)Udalthanasora7 - Udalthana 8. Susen (INC)Ugudasury ‘S’8 - Ugudasury ‘S’ 9. Sushil Kumar (INC)Kamalanagar - I9 - Mainabapsora 10. Taranisen (INC)Ajasora - I10 - Ajasora 11. Buddha Lila (INC)Devasora ‘N’11 - Vaseitlang 12. Lakhi Dhan (MNF)Longpuighat12 - Longpuighat 13. Prema Ranjan (MNF)Rengka shya13 - Rengkashya 14. Hiranand Tochchangya (MNF) Chhotaguisury - I14 - Damdep 15. Kali Kumar (INC)Bilosor a15 - Fultuli 16. Bubon Kumar (INC)Kamtuli16 - Devasora ‘S’ 17. Mohan (INC)Parva - I17 - Parva Zahminga Retur ning Officer 1 - 17 MDC Constituencies CADC , ChawngteSl. No.Name of Elected AddressNo. & Name of Constituency Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/700

Departmental Screening Committee Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme, 2010 for Group A & B

VOL - XLIISSUE - 312Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 312Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. B. 12013/1/2003-GS, the 26th June, 2012.In pursuance of Government of Mizoram, DP&AR (ARW)’s O.M. No. B. 12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW) dt. 24.8.2011, a Departmental Screening Committee is hereby constituted with the following members for the purpose of processing the case for grant of benefits under the Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme, 2010 for Group A & B under Governor ’s Secretariat, Aizawl with immediate effect and until further order :- 1.Secretary to Governor-Chairman 2.Joint S ecretary to Governor-Member Secreta ry 3.Representative of DP&AR-Member 4.Chief Controller of Accounts or Representative-Member (Not below the rank of Deputy Director) Manoj Kumar, Secr etary to Governor, Mizor am : Aizawl.

Acquisition of land for construction of road from Luangmual to Chawnpui

VOL - XLIISSUE - 313Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 313Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/36/2012-REV, the 28th June, 2012.Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to a s the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there- to (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) is likely to b e needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for construction of road from Luangmual to Chawnpui. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter refer red to as the said Act that the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector, Aizawl District within a period of 20 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 3.All persons interested in the said land are her eby warned not to be obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed up on the said land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contr act for the disp osal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, a ssignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : AIZAWLDescription of landApp roximate AreaStatus of Pass Plot of land belonging to 1. B. Vanlalzika620.92 SqmLSC No. 1748/84 2. Pu Sangthangpuia321.00 SqmLSC No. 1531/86 R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .

Public Expenditure Review Committee (PERC)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 314Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 314Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATION No. G. 16035/31(A)/2006-FEA, the 28th June, 2012.As required under Rule 10 of the Mizoram Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Rules, 2007, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re- constitute a “Public Expenditure Review Committee (PERC)” with immediate effect with t he following composition :- 1) Fina nce Commissioner, Finance Department- Chairman 2) Secretary (B), Finance Department- Vice Chairman 3) Prof. Lianzela, Department of Economics, Mizoram University- Member 4) Prof. Vanla lchhawna, Depa rtment of Economics, Mizoram University - Member 5) Additional S ecretar y, Fina nce Depa rtment (EA)- Member Secretary 2.The terms a nd conditions of the Commit tee sha ll be a s follows - a ) The Committee shall discuss and review the progressive r eceipts and expenditur e of Sta te’s Annual Budget and sees if it is consistent with F iscal Ma nagement Target s and objectives as laid down in the Act. b) The Committee may make suggestions for taking necessar y corrective measures consistent with the Fiscal Management Targets and objectives in the mobilization of resources and spending of the Government. c ) The suggest ion of the Committee shall be recommendatory in nature. d) Any other issues as may be entrusted by the Government from time to time. e ) The Committee shall meet once in every six (6) months in a fina ncial year. f) The officia l members will be entitled to draw TA/DA as eligible to the Group ‘A’ officer in the entr y scale on the days they attend the meeting of the Commit tee. g) Sitting Allowances will be admissible to the members of the Committee including Special Invitees at the rate of ^ 300/- per sitting. h) The term of the Committee sha ll be for a period of one (1) year. Renu Sharma, Fina nce Commissioner, Govt. of Mizoram.

Administrative Approval for implementation of National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS) on existing pattern during 2012-13’.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 315Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 315 NOTIFICATION No. B. 13015/1/2008-AGR/Pt, the 28th June, 2012.Reference is made to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Co-operation, Krishi Bha van, New Delhi, letter No. 13011/15/99-Credit-II, dtd 16.07.1999 regarding the ‘Implementation of National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (Rashtriya Kishi Bima Yojana) in the country-Administrative Instructions’ and letter No. 13011/04/ 2004-Credit II, dtd. 6th February 2012, regarding the ‘Administrative Approval for implementation of National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS) on existing pattern during 2012-13’. The Nationa l Agricu ltural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) is being implemented in the count ry since Rabi 1999- 2000 season. The State Government is also implementing the Scheme in Mizoram since R abi 2008-09 season at the Agriculture Circle level in collaboration with Agriculture Insur ance Company of India Ltd. (AIC). The ‘State Level Coordination Committee on Crop Insurance (SLCCCI)’ under the Chairmanship of the Secr etar y, Agriculture Deptt., Government of Mizoram, in its meeting on 12th March 2012 has decided to continue the S cheme during K harif 2012 season on the following conditions : Agriculture Insura nce Company of India Limited will be the Implementing Agency (IA) of the scheme as decided by the Govt . of India. 1.RISKS COVERED AND EXCLUSION : Comprehensive risk insurance will be provided to cover yield losses due to non-preventa ble risks, viz. : i)Natur al fire & Lightening ii)Stor m, Hails torm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurr icane, Tornado etc. iii)Flood, Inundation and Landslide iv)Drought, Dry Spells v)Pes ts/Disea ses Losses arising out or war & nuclear risk, malicious damage & other preventable risks shall be excluded. 2.CROPS & AREAS COVERED : The Scheme would broadly cover Paddy (Jhum), Paddy (WRC) and Maize crops at t he Circle level with unit of insurance as Circle i.e each Circle will be considered as one unit for the pur pose of C rop Cutting Ex periments (CCEs). The crops and areas to be covered under the S cheme during Khar if 2012 season are given in Annexure-I. - 2 - Ex-315/2012 3.FARMERS COVERED : The scheme is applicable to all the far mers growing Pa ddy (Jhum), Pa ddy (WRC) and Maize crops in the notified ar eas. a)On Compulsory Basis : Under the Scheme, insurance coverage is compulsory for all loanee farmers availing Seasonal Agricultural Operations (SAO) loans from Financial Institutions for notified crops in the notified ar eas up to the full loan amount. b)On Voluntary Basis : Coverage is also available for all non-loa nee far mers on optiona l basis. The su m insured in case of non-loanee farmer is calcu lated on the ba sis of value of T.Y. i.e. Thr eshold Yield multiplied by MSP. 4.INDEMNITY LEVEL, SUM INSURED LIMITS, PREMIUM RATES : Level of Indemnity, Sum Insured Limits and Premium ra tes are given inAnnexure-II. 5.SUBSIDY ON PREMIUM : Small & Marginal farmers shall be provided 10% subsidy on premium rate to be shared equally by the Central and Sta te Government. For the purpose of subsidy under the Scheme, the definition of the small and marginal farmers shall be as follows : SMALL FARMER : A cultivator with a land holding of 2 hectares (5 acres) or less MARGINAL FARMER : A cultivator with a land holding of 1 hectare or less (2.5 acres) 6.SEASONALITY DISCLIPLINE Loaning and accepta nce of proposal by Branches/PACs and r eceipt of Decla rationa by AIC will be as per Annexure-III. 7.CUT-OFF DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF YIELD DATA BY THE STATE GOVT : The cut-off date for submission of yield data based on minimum crop cutting experiments for Kharif 2012 season, from the Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Mizoram to Implementing Agency (AIC) is31st March 2013. 8.CLAIM SETTLEMENT AND CLAIM SHARING : Indemnity Claims under NAIS will b e settled on the basis of minimum 16 Crop Cutting Experiments conducted at each C ircle level. T he claims shall be set tled solely on the basis of yield data furnished by t he Directorate of Agriculture/Directorate of Economics & Statistics arrived at through Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) condu cted by the Sta te Government under GCES and not on any Basis such as Annavari/Paisawari, declaration of famine/drought/flood by any Government Departments/agency. 9.Administrative and Operational expenses to the extend of 20% to be shared equally between Central and State Governments. 10.Tota l Publicity and bank service charges to be shared equally by Central and State Governments. 11.GUIDELINES FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (FIs) : (i)The FIs sha ll extend addit ional loan above the scale of finance towar ds premium. The FIs sha ll submit consolidated crop insurance Declara tions separately for each crop a nd each notified area on monthly basis through the designated nodal offices as per the cut-off dates prescribed. (ii)The FIs shall also receive individual proposals from non-loanee farmers seeking coverage, scrutinize the proposals, accept premium, consolidate the proposals and route them thr ough their designated nodal offices within their service ar ea as per the cut-off dates prescribed. All non-loanee farmers seeking coverage shall operate a bank account with the bank bra nch. (iii)Sepa rate Declaration forma t as per the prescribed forma ts, are to be used for loanee and non-loa nee farmer s. (iv)Premium by the nodal banks shall be remitted by way of a single demand draft /instrument for a particular lot of Declarations. However, separate instr uments shall be drawn for loanee and non-loanee farmers. (v)That, guidelines in regard to crop loans, issued by RBI/NABARD shall be complied with by the FIs. (vi)The Nodal ba nks sha ll ensure coverage of all crop loans and shall obtain full and accurate particulars from all the FIs within their jurisdiction. They must also ensure coverage of proposals r eceived from all non-loanee farmers within their jurisdiction. The FIs shall only be liable/responsible for a ll omissions/commissions/error s comitted by them. (vii) Correct premium rates shall be a scertained from the ta ble given above and premium computation (sum insured x premium rate) shall be done a ccurately. In r espect of small and marginal fa rmers only net premium need to be remitted. Remission of excess pr emium shall not entitle for increase in sum insured/liability at a later date. (viii)Declaration received after the prescribed cut-off dates shall be summarily rejected and the responsibilit y/lia bility for such proposals r ests with the Nodal banks/FIs. 12.COVERAGE THROUGH KCC The Financial Institutions shall compulsorily cover all crop loans disbursed for notified crops through Kisan Credit Cards and banks shall maintain necessary registers and control for smooth and effective coverage of loan. In case the total amount of loan for particular crop wit hdrawn through KCC during the season exceeds the su b-limit fixed for the crop then the sum insured shall be limited to the sub-limit fixed for such crop in the KCC. The KCC sub-limit for consumption, medium term loans, allied activities and uninsurable crop loa ns are not eligible for covera ge. The Banks s hall ensu re the following while giving loans through KCC. (a)The “Credit Appraisal For m” received fr om the farmer by the bank for issua nce of KCC, cont ains detailed information with regard to the extend of land holding, crops grown, etc. the banks should have no problem in specifying the credit limits for each crop separately. These limits shall also be furnished sepa rately for Khar if and Rabi seasons as also crop- wise in the KCC. (b)The farmers while withdrawing money on KCC, shall mention the crop-wis e quantum of amount availed (on pay slip) in order tha t the bank shall note down cr op-wise particulars vis-a-vis cr edit limit appr oved. T he details given by the farmers at the time of withdr awal shall form the basis for coverage under NAIS. (c)It is requested to submit separa te Declarations for loa nee f armers covered under KCC. T.V. Fambawl, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. - 3 -Ex-315/2012 Annexure - IINATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE SCHEME (NAIS) - MIZORAMKHARIF SEASON 20121.INDEMNITY LEVEL, SUM INSURED LIMITS, PREMIUM RATESA.LOANEE FARMERSNotified Crops Indemn ity Level Premium RateSum Insured Paddy (Jhum)60%2.50%Entire Crop Loan amount shall be Paddy (WRC)60%2.50%compulsorily covered as ‘Sum Insured’ Maize60%2.50%at the specified Premium Rates. B.NON-LOANEE FARMERSNot i fi ed Cr ops Level of Indemni ty Normal Coverage Per ha (up to value of T.Y. value) Sum Insured (^)Normal Premium Rate Paddy (Jhum)60%8,1002.50 % Paddy (WRC)60%13,9002.50 % Maize60%5,4002.50 % 2.SEASONALITY DISCIPLINE L O A N E E FA RM E RSNON-LOANEE FARMERS Paddy (Jhum), April, May 201230th June 2012 Paddy (WRC) June 201231st July 2012 & MaizeJuly 201231st August 2012 August 201230th Sept. 2012 Sept. 201231st Oct. 2012 Final30th Nov. 2012 Annexure - INATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE SCHEME (NAIS) - MIZORAMKHARIF SEASON 2012CROPS : PADDY (JHUM), PADDY (WRC), MAIZE Sl. No.DistrictSl. No. Notified AreaNo. of CCEs planned for each crop 2.KOLASIB1.KOLASIB16 2.BILKHAWTHLIR16 3.AIZAWL3.SIALSUK16 4.SAITUAL16 TOTAL4.Total for each cr op64 TOTAL CCES PLANNED192Crop Cover edLoaning PeriodFi nal Cut-off Dat e for Receipt of Declaration by AICCut-off date for receipt of proposal s by bank branches/PACsCut-off date for receipt of Declarat ion by AIC fr om Ban ksOne month from the date of sowing/ planting of the crop of 31st July 2012, which ever is earlierOne month after the last date for receipt of Proposal at the Nodal Branch OR 31st August 2012, whichever is earlierDeclar ation Forms should be prepared separately for Loanee/Non-loanee farmers, for each crop and each Notified Area. Ban kers Cheque/DD should be in favour of “AGRICULTURE INSURANCE COMPANY OF INDIA LTD. - AXIS BANK A/c No. 1400 102 0000 1960” payable at GUWAHATI. Filled up Declaration Form, Premium Collection Statement along with the premium DD should be sent to the following address :- Regional Manager, Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd., Guwahati Regional Office, House No. 160, 3rd Fl o or, Rajgarh Road, Guwahati - 781 007.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 4 - Ex-315/2012

Approval of Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) on Pilot basis during Rabi 2010-11

VOL - XLIISSUE - 316Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 316 NOTIFICATION No. B. 13015/1/2008-AGR/Pt, the 28th June, 2012.Refer ence is ma de : 1.Letter No. 13011/02/2008-Credit II(Pt.) dated 17th September, 2010 from Government of India, Ministry of Agricult ure, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi reg. Approval of Modified Na tiona l Agr icultura l Insura nce S cheme (MNAIS) on Pilot basis dur ing R abi 2010-11-issue of Administrative Instruct ions. 2.Letter No. 13011/02/2008-Credit II (Pt.) dated 28th September 2010 from Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi reg. Modified National Agricultura l Insur ance Scheme (MNAIS) on Pilot basis-issue of Opera tional Guidelines. 3.Letter No. 13011/02/2008-Credit II(Pt.) dated 10th Mar ch 2012 from Government of India, Ministry of Agricult ure, Department of Agriculture & Cooperative, New Delhi reg. Approval of Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) on Pilot basis during 2012-13 - issue of Administrative Instruct ions. The ‘State Level Coordination Committee on Crop Insurance (SLCCCI)’ of Mizora m under the Chairmanship of the Secretary, Agriculture Dept., Government of Mizoram, in its meeting on 12th Mar ch 2012 has decided to introduce thePilot Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) in selected areas of the State during Kharif 2012 season on the following conditions. 1 . Districts and Areas Covered : The Pilot scheme shall be implemented by Agricu lture Insurance Compa ny of India Ltd. (AIC) in selected Villages of 4 Cir cles in Serchhip district of Mizoram. The list of villa ges is given inAnnexure-II. 2 . Crops Covered under MNAIS During Kharif Rabi 2012, notified crops for insurance under Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) are Paddy (Jhum) and Paddy (WRC). 3. Unit Area for Crop Insurance The unit ar ea for crop insurance will be Village for both Paddy (Jhum) and Paddy (WRC). 4 . Farmers Eligible for Coverage All farmers including sha recroppers, tenant fa rmers gr owing the notified cr ops in the notified areas are eligible for coverage. - 2 - Ex-316/2012 The Scheme covers following groups of farmers. a)On a compulsory ba sis : All farmers growing notified crop [Paddy (Jhum) a nd Paddy (WRC)] and having sanctioned credit limits for Seasonal Agr icultur al Operations (SAO) loans from Financial Institutions for notified crops [P addy (Jhum) and Paddy (WRC)] a s on 31.7.2012 i.e Loa nee Farmers. (Loa ns sanctioned through KCC and Crop loans advanced against hypothecation of gold/ornaments for the crop for the period are also eligible for this cover age) Bank branch will apportion cover age among insur able cr ops, ba sed on acreage mentioned in loan application or on the basis of actual area sown as declared by the far mer. b)On a voluntary ba sis : All other farmers growing notified cr ops (i. e., Non-Loanee farmers), who opt for the Scheme. Thes e farmer s could be : (i) Individual owner-cultiva tor far mers (ii) Farmers enrolled under contract farming, directly or through promoters/organisers (iii) Groups of farmers/societies serviced by Fertiliser Companies, Pesticide firms, Crop Growers associations, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and Others. (iv) Corporate farms For crops and Areas where Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme is implemented National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) will not be available. 5 . Sum Insured Limits & Coverage LOANEE FARMERS : (a)COMPULSORY COVERAGE :-The Sum Insured for individual farmer will be the product of farmer ’s ‘area under cultivation’ (in hectare) declared/as mentioned in loan application for that notified crop and maximum sanctioned credit limit (Compulsory Coverage Sum Insured) per hectar e. (b)ADDITIONAL COVERAGE :-If p er hectare sanctioned credit limit for the crop is less than per hectare Value of Threshold Yield, the farmer can opt for the Additional Coverage up to value of TY as per Table-1. T he farmer has t o submit a Proposal Form in this regard in the Bank wher e Compulsor y Coverage is done. The far mer has to mention the area proposed under Additional Coverage. Cut-off-Date of submission of Proposa l Form applica ble for Non- Loa nee Farmer s sha ll be app licable for these Loa nee Farmer s as well. If the per hectare Compulsory Coverage Sum Insured is more than per hectare Value of Threshold Yield, no additional coverage is availa ble (with subsidy). (c)EXTENDED COVERAGE :- (i)Extended Coverage is not available if the per hectare Compulsory Coverage Sum Insured is MORE than the 15 0% value of Average Yield. (ii) If the per hectare Compulsory Coverage Sum Insured is LESS than the 150% value of Average Yield, Extended Coverage is the difference between the 15 0% Value of Average Yield and Compulsory Coverage Sum Insured. The Farmers can opt for Extended Coverage as per Table-1 and ha s to mention the ar ea proposed under Extended Coverage. Cut-off-Date of submission of Proposal Form applicable for Non-Loa nee Fa rmer s sha ll be app licable for t hes e Loa nee Far mer s a s well. Actu arial Premium Rates as per Premium Table is paya ble by the far mers for the Extended Cover age. NON-LOANEE FARMERS (OPT IONAL BASIS)Farmers desirous of joining the S cheme for a Notified Crop under Notified Region in a Crop Season and who are not covered as Loanee Far mers for the set of land and are eligible for coverage ca n fill up Proposal Form and within stipulated cut-off-date submit the proposal form along with the premium to nearest Bank Branch or Authorised channel par tners or Insura nce Intermediaries of the Insurance Company. Opera tinga Sa vings Bank Account is Essential.(a)NORMAL COVERAGE :-The Normal Coverage is the Value of Threshold Yield (T Y) as per Table - 1. The net premium rate a s per Pr emium Table is paya ble by the farmer. The fa rmer ha s to mention in the proposal form, the area proposed under Norma l Coverage. (b)EXTENDED COVERAGE :- Extended Coverage is the difference between the 15 0% Value of Average Yield and Value of Threshold Yield. The farmer has to mention in the proposa l form, the area proposed under Extended Coverage. Actuarial Premium Rates as per Premium Table is payable by the farmers for extended cover age. TABLE DistrictCr opValue of Th. Yield (^)/Ha Value of 150% of Avg. Yield (^)/Ha SerchhipPaddy (Jhum)11,60024,800 Paddy (WRC)16,00034,400 6 . Seasonality Deiscipline The seasona lity discipline (cut-off-dates) as a pplicable to va rious crops during Kharif 2012 season is as follows : ACTIVITY CUT OFF PERIOD/DATE Loaning period (loa n sanct ioned) for Loa nee farmers coveredUpto 31st July 2012 under Compulsory b asis Cut-off date for receipt of Proposals of non loa nee far mers31st July 2012 by Banks/PACs. Cut-off date for r eceipt of Decla rations of Loa nee far mers31st August 2012 from Banks by AIC Cut-off date for receipt of Declara tions of non loanee far mers31st August 2012 from Banks by AIC Cut-off date for receipt of Declara tions of non loanee far mers31st August 2012 from Intermediaries by AIC Cut-off date for receipt of yield data31st March 2012 7 . Indemnity Level (IL) and Premium Rates Under the Scheme, Premium is calculated on actuarial basis but the insured farmers shall pay as per the following table : Premium Table :DistrictCr opIndemnity Actuarial PremiumFa r mer Pr emium Level (%)Rate (%)to be collected (%) Serchhip Paddy (Jhum)705.503.00 Paddy (WRC)708.504.25 The methodology adopted for determination of Indemnity Level, Threshold Yield and Actuarial Premium Rates is br iefly described in Annexur e-I.- 3 -Ex-316/2012 8 . Pr emium S ubsidy and Sha ring of Pr emium Subsidy Premium subsidy shall be available to farmers up to Compulsor y cover age or value of Threshold Yield, whichever is higher for loanee farmer a nd value of TY for non loanee farmers. The differ ence between the Actuar ial (Gr oss) Pr emium a nd the Premium payable by the farmer is sha red equally between the Government of India and State Government on 50:50 ba sis. DistrictCr opSubsidy State Share of Centr e Sha reTotal (%)Subsidy (%)of Subsidy (%) Subsidy (%) Serchhip Paddy (Jhum)45.45% Paddy (WRC)50%2.1252.1254.25 The subsidy part of the premium shall be remit ted by t he State Government to AIC in advance, i.e. at the beginning of the Season, based on fair estimates. 9 . Withdrawal of NAIS NAIS is withdrawn for those area(s)/crop(s) of district(s) where the pilot MNAIS is being implemented. (NAIS will not be available in Serchhip district for Paddy (Jhum) and P addy (WRC) crops for Kharif 2012 season) 10. Coverage Procedure (A) LOANEE FARMERS (COMPULSORY BASIS) : The present Nodal Bank system under NAIS, will continue for MNAIS as well, wherein the insur ance company is not required to deal with all the loan advancing points (b ranches/PACs) a nd instead, deals only with designated ‘nodal points’, at district level who are mostly the controlling offices of the branches/PACs. Loanee farmer shall continue to be cover ed by the present Nodal Bank system. All the Ba nks (including p rivate sector Banks) where Crop loans ar e Sa nct ioned/ Adva nced for the Notified Cr ops in a Notified Insurance Unit (IU) for a Notified Crop Season, are required to be COMPULSORILY insured under MNAIS. For loanee farmers, the modalities will be the same as in the existing NAIS. Whenever a bank sanctions loan for notified crop in notified ar ea, the same is eligible for compulsory coverage as per seasonality discipline. The Loan advancing Bank Bra nch/Primary Agr icultur e Cooperative Society (PACS) shall prepare for each IU, a Premium Register giving details like Name of the Farmer, Crop Loan Account Number, crop-wise Area Ins ured, crop-wis e Compulsory Sum Insur ed & Pr emium, etc. Bank branch will a pportion cover age among insur able cr ops, ba sed on acreage mentioned in loan application or on the basis of actual area sown as declared by the far mer. For Loanee farmers Opting Sum Insured beyond Compulsory Sum Ins ured, the premium register should include Crop-wise Area Insured, Sum Insur ed & Premium under Additional Coverage, & Crop-wise Area Ins ured, S um Insured & Premium under Extended Coverage. Based on the Premium Register and other Crop loan records, a monthly consolidated statement of crop-wise and IU-wise details of crop with insurance charges (Premium payable by Farmer), and remit the sa me to its Noda l Bank within 15 days of the month during which the loan was sanctioned (cut off da te). The bank branch/ PACS shall fina nce the additional loan towards premium amount paya ble by the far mer, and debit the same in Crop loan account.- 4 - Ex-316/2012 For the crop loans sanctioned thr ough Kis an Credit Cards (KCC) which a re eligible for compulsory coverage, banks shall maintain a ll back up records, r egisters relating to complia nce with MNAIS and its seasonality discipline, cut-off-date for submitting the Declarations as in the case of normal crop loans. Ba nk branch s hall apportion the covera ge among the insurable cr ops based on either the acreage mentioned in loan a pplication based on whcih the ‘Maximum Borrowing Limit (MBL)’ is fixed by the bank or in the proportion the far mer declares separately for the Season. Crop loans advanced against hypothecation of gold/ornaments are also eligible for compulsory, subject to insurability of crop and seasonality discipline. In case of loanee farmer a n amount of va lue equal to the Crop Loan Sanctioned shall have to be compulsory insured under the Scheme. The Nodal Branch, in turn, shall consolidate these statements from the bank branches/PACS under its jurisdiction into Month-wise, IU-wise, Crop-wise Declaration, and forward the same to the insurance company along with a bank cheque/demand draft towards the insura nce premium, in accordance with the cut off dates as specified in the Notification for that particular crop and season for Loanee farmers. For the declarations pertaining to Additional/Extended Sum Ins ured, the cut off dates as specified in the Notifica tion for Non Loanee fa rmers shall apply. N.B. : Any loan which is eligib le for such compulsory cover age by any bank and has not been insured willbe deemed to be self insured. The bank shall be liable to pay claim in such cases. if such claim arises.(B ) PROCEDURE FOR COVERAGE OF NON-LOANEE FARMERS a ) Non-loanee farmer has to operate an SB A/c in any Cooperative Bank/S chedule Commercial Bank/Regional Rural Bank in his a rea. b) The farmer has to submit the duly filled-in prescribed proposal form along with other documents viz. Proof of ownership of land and/or Certificate of Sowing of the Insured Crop(s) and requisite premium at Bank Branch/PACSs c ) Apa rt from Banks, the Non-loanee far mer can also ava il insurance thr ough insura nce intermediaries/Authorized Agents of AIC. 11. Methods of Indemnification The crop loss shall be assessed on the basis of following indemnification methods, as per the provisions of t he Scheme and Operational Modalities :- ( A ) Wide Spread Calamities : The Scheme will operate on basis of ‘Area Approach’ i.e. Defined Areas for each notified crop for wide spread calamities and insura nce unit will be villa ge for the notified cr ops. (i) Based on S eason End Yield :State Govt. Agriculture Dept. will plan and conduct minimum 4 Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) in each notified insurance unit (village) for each notified crop, in order to assess crop yield. Claims will be worked out based on actual yield furnished by State at the end of har vest season, State Gover nment will maintain single series of CCEs and resulta nt yield estimates, both for Crop Production estimates and Crop Insura nce, Planning a nd supervision for all CCEs by S tate Govt. will be of same or der as that of Genera l Crop Estimation Surveys (GCES). Claim Formula : If ‘Actual Yield’ (AY) per hectare of insured crop for insurance unit (calculated on basis of requisite number of CCEs( in insured season, falls short of specified. ‘T hresfold Yield’ (T Y), all insured farmers- 5 -Ex-316/2012 growing tha t crop in defined area are deemed to have su ffered shortfa ll in yield of similar magnit ude. MNAIS seeks to provide coverage against such contingency. ‘Cla im’ shall be calculated as per the following formula : (T hreshold Yield - Act ual Yield) X Sum Insured for the Farmer Threshold Yield (ii) On-Account Payment of Cla ims due to Mid-Season Adversity :In case of adverse seasonal conditions during crop season viz. floods, prolonged dry spells, severe drought etc, AIC in consultation with Govt. of Mizoram, based on agro meteorological data (R ainfall), will decide about crops/ar eas for which on account payment will be made, not exceeding 25% oflikely claims. Appraisal of mid-season adversity and quantum of on-account payment will be established jointly by Government of India/Govt. of Mizoram and AIC . On account payment will be implemented only in states wher e such proxy indicator s can be established a nd will be cons idered for payment, only if the expected yield during the season is less than 50% of normal yield. In such a n insta nce, insurance company based on declarations received from banks or insurance proposals, received from other authorized agencies or directly from farmers for such crops and areas a ffected by adverse season; shall work out likely claims which will occur ba sed on end of season yield assessment, and will release claim up to 25% of likely claims, in advance to farmers through nodal banks subject to adjustment against claims asssess ed on yield basis i. e. in case end of season yield based cla ims works out t o be higher, then difference of claim would be payable and in case end of the season claim based on yield happens to be lower, then the insurance compa ny reserves the right to r ecover excess claims so paid to farmers. In case of near total loss situation dur ing the season (i.e at a stage of the crop cycle when complete input cost is not incurred), the losses will be paid ba sed on ‘graded scale’ of payment. Graded Scale of Payment vis-a-vis occurrence of peril :Nursery :50% Veget ative st age :60% Mid season or reproductive sta ge : 75% Late season or ripening sta ge :100% Illustration : District ‘A’ has been affected by floods having 100 insurance units under Crop ‘X’. Out of which 50 insurance units were severely affected and as per the weather indicators/a gro-met data, it has been assessed that 30 insurance units could have yield loss of more than 5 0% (compared to the Normal Yield). Out of these 30 insurance units, estimated yield loss for 5 units is 80% (Category-I), for another 10 units, it is 70% (Category-II) and remaining 15 units, it is 60% (Category-III) of normal yield, due to which likely yield may be in range of 20%, 30% and 40%. The likely claims for the a bove units (compared to Threshold Yield) may be 64%, 56% and 48% respectively. As per declarations received, if sum insured for notified areas in C ategory-I, Category-II and Ca tegory-III is Rs. 1 cr ore, R s . 2 cr or e, a nd R s . 3 cr or e, r es p ect ively, t hen likely f ina l cl a ims wil l b e R s . 6 4 la k h, 11 2 la kh a nd 1 4 4 lakh respectively. Hence on-account cla ims upto 25% will be Rs. 16 lakh, 28 lakh and 36 lakh, which will be released during the sea son. (iii) Prevented Sowing/Planting Claims :Due to non r eceipt of sufficient r ainfall or excess rainfall or other weather a dversit ies, fa rmers in one insurance unit may not be in a position to either sow or transplant crop or grow crop (failed at an early- 6 - Ex-316/2012 stage). When this incidence is widespread i.e. majority of ar ea in one insur ance unit rema ins unsown/ failed sowing, (mor e than 75% of normal area), then insurance company based on weather/rainfall position in insurance unit, as issued by concerned office of IM D during the season, a nd acreage- sown particulars r eceived from S tate Government; will decide extent of claims to be paid. In case of non availability of IMD stations at a location or else non availability of IMD data on certain days, other authentic weather stations/rain gauge stations by State Government/autonomous bodies/ agriculture universities/pr ivate agencies as appr oved by SLCCCI can also be considered for pur pose of measuring weather/ra infa ll. GOI and Sta te Government will a rrange for wea ther/rainfall data from IMD/Other autonomous/governemnt bodies, to insurance company, while data from private data providers will be ar ranged by insurance company. Area sown particulars will a lso be provided by State Government/UT, within one month aft er end of norma l sowing season. Rainfall requirement for sowing a crop differs from crop to crop. S imilarly, the quantum of inputs used before sowing (land preparation, seed fertilizer etc) varies from crop to crop. State Govt./SLCCCI (based on proxy indicators like weather data, area enumeration, satellite imagery, etc. ) will decide that majority of the ar ea in t he IU could not be sown or the sowing failed and AIC in consultation with SLCCCI will assess ext ent of claims payable based on the weather/rainfall position, crop, acreage planted etc. a nd in a ny case maximum claims payable will be restricted to 25% of sum-ins ur ed. Ha ving become eligible for prevented/ fa iled sowing, insur ance cover is a utoma tica lly termina ted, i.e. once t he IU is chosen for this benefti, the insur ance cover cea se to operate for the subsequent period of the season. Process of determining prevented/failed sowing being automated, farmers need not lodge any claim for prevented/fa iled sowing. Payment S labs : Prevented Sowing (No sowing at all) : 50% Failed Sowing (Sowing done, no germination)/Prevented Transplanting : 75% Failed Germination (Germinated crop withered a way)/Failed Tra nsplanting : 100% Illustration : District ‘B’ with 100 insurance units has been affected by dry-spell, consequently about 80% of the area could not be sown in about 50 insur ance units for Summer Paddy crop, where per hectare sum insured is Rs. 20,000. As per slab of payment for prevented sowing, is 50% and benefit payable is; sum insured X 50% X 25%, which on a sum insured of Rs. 20,000 works out to 2,500. In case of failed sowing, the slab is 75%, benefit payable is: sum insure X 75% X 25%, which on sum insured of Rs. 20,000 works out to Rs. 3,750. (iv) Post-Harvest losses :In case of occurrence of specified peril of cyclone in coastal areas (as notified by State Government) resu lting in damage to har vested crop lying in field in ‘cut & spread’ condition, insured fa rmer ha s to lodge a written cla im intimation in standard for mat to the insurance company through Nodal Bank/ Intermediar y or direct within 48 hours of occurrence of event. This coverage is available only up to maximum period of two weeks (14days) fr om harvesting. Harvested crop bundled and heaped at a place before threshing is beyond coverage under p ost har vest losses. Assessment of damage will be on individual plot basis. Insurance company will nominate an authorized loss assess or who will visit the field and assess damage and submit report to insurance company. Services of local officials of Bank and Agriculture/Revenue authorities may be utilized for this purpose by insurance company.- 7 -Ex-316/2012 Based on report submitted by loss assessor, insurance company will arrive at claim payable and loss an a percentage of sum insured. Claim paya ble will be higher of area approach bas ed claim and claim assessed for post harvest lossess. Illustration : As against a sum insured of Rs. 50,000, post harvest losses are assessed at 50%, i.e. Rs. 25,000, and subsequent claims estimated based on ‘area approach’ are Rs. 30,000. In such case the farmer will be paid Rs. 30,000 as claim. In case post harvest loss claim is paid immediately, balance claim estimated based on ‘area a pproa ch’ of Rs. 5,000 (being the difference between the two estima tes) will be paid at time of pay. (B) Farm Level Assessment : LOCALIZED RISKS : Insured farmers who experience crop losses due to occurrence of localized perils/calamities, as notified by SLCCCI in the insura nce unit(s) for the pu rpose, will give immediate notice (in standard format) to insurance company (AIC) through concerned financial institution/channel partner or directly, within 48 hours along wit h particulars of crop insured and extent and cause of damage. On receipt of loss intimation, insurance company shall depute Loss assessors (authorized loss assess ors or technical personnel of the company) t o area for assessment of crop loss. District Revenue administration and Agriculture Department sha ll assist insur ance company in assess ing extent of crop loss. Localized calamities for this purpose arehailstorm and landslide. Cost of inputs incurred until time ofoccurrence of peril, and expected loss in final yield due to peril, will form the basis for loss assessment.Graded Scale of Payment vis-a-vis occurrence of peril :Nursery : 50% Veget ative st age : 60% Mid season or reproductive sta ge : 75% Late season or ripening sta ge :100% In case cla ims s ettled under loca lised cla ims are less than ‘ar ea a pproa ch’ claims, only bala nce claims shall be paid to insured. However, if claims settled under localized calamities are higher than widespread calamity based claims, farmer is not required to refund balance claim. Illustration : As against a sum insured of Rs. 30,000, loss due to operation of hailstorm is assessed at 40%, i.e. Rs. 12,000, and subsequent cla im estimated based on ‘area approach’, is R s. 18,000. In such ca se the farmer will receive a total claim of Rs. 18,000. In case loss, due to operation of localized calamities, Rs. 12,000/- is paid immediately and the b ala nce cla im of Rs. 6, 000 (being the difference bet ween two estima tes) will be paid at the time of payment of ‘area approach’ claims. In any case the total claim shall not exceed sum insured.Cla ims paid for localized risks and on account pa yment shall be adjusted with the claims payable on t he basis of yield data, if any, at the end of the season. 12. IMPORTANT CONDITIONS/CLAUSES APPLICABLE FOR COVERAGE OF RISK : (a)AIC should have received the premium for coverage wither from bank, channel partner, insurance intermediary or directly. Any loss in transit due to negligence by these agencies or non remittance of premium by these agencies, AIC is not liable for payment of cla ims.- 8 - Ex-316/2012 (b)In case of a ny substantial misreporting by nodal bank/br anch in case of compulsory far mers coverage, concerned bank only shall be liable for such misreporting. (c)Banks shall display list of beneficiary farmers with claim amount (who are eligible for cla ims) at village pancha yat office. (d)AIC will ha ve discretion to accept or r eject any risk of an insurance unit(s) for any crop(s) considering prevailing agr icultur al situation. Mere sa nctioning/disbursement of crop loans and submission of proposals/ declarations and remit tance of premium by fa rmer/ba nk, without explicit intent to raise the crop, does not cons titute accepta nce of risk by insurance company. (e)In event of near total crop failu re during early or mid season affecting entire insurance unit, AIC shall adopt a graded scale indemnity settlement r estricting indemnity to proportion of input cost up to that stage. (f)AIC, if deemed necessary, will investigate coverage on its own or by an agency appointed for the purpose and may utilize technologies, including satellite imagery for identification of anomalies in crop insurance coverage vis-a -vis actual field conditions. Upon identification of adverse phenomenon based on such investiga tion, insurance company has the right to sca le down sum insured. In such ca ses no refund of premium paid by far mers shall be made by AIC. 13. Ba nk Service C harges The Nodal Ba nks sha ll be pa id Service charge @ 2. 50% of premium paid by the far mer. 14.The Scheme shall be implemented by t he AIC, which shall be responsible for payment of a ll eligib le claims. 15.MNAIS is ex empted from S ervice Tax. 16.Nodal Ba nk/Bank Br anch has to submit the consolida ted Demand Dr aft (D D) in favour of “AGRICULTURE INSURANCE COMPANY OF INDIA LTD. - AXIS BANK A/c No. 1400 102 0000 1960” payable atGUWAHATI. 17. Roles of various agencies The roles of various agencies i.e. State Government, Banks, Insurance Company and Farmers have been mentioned in the Operational Modalities issued by GoI. 18.Other details, if r equired can be ascerta ined from branches of Commercial, Co-operative and Rural Ba nks functioning in the ar eas notified under Modified National Agricu ltural Ins urance Scheme (M NAIS ) a nd from the Regional Office of Agriculture Insurance Compa ny of India Ltd. (AIC ), Guwaha ti. T.V. Fambawl, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. - 9 -Ex-316/2012 Annexure - I Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) : A brief note and calculation of Indemnity Levels, Threshold Yields and Actuarial premium Rates 1.) Indemnity LevelMNAIS envisa ge three levels of indemnity, viz, 70%, 80% a nd 90% corresponding to high r isk, medium risk and low risk, a nd shall be decided by the insurance company (AIC). Keeping in mind the improve features of MNAIS a nd based on suggest ions from actuaria l exp erts, Indemnit y Levels would be assigned on the basis of Loss C ost (overall claims a s percentage of overall sum insured). In other words, Indemnity Levels would be determined by the ‘as if ’ claim cost of the crop in the district based on past 10 years yield data. 2. ) Threshold YieldMNAIS provides that the Threshold Yield (TY) or Guaranteed Yield for a crop in an Insurance Unit shall be the average yield of the preceding seven years excluding maximum of t wo year (s) in which a na tural calamity may have been declared by the concerned Government/Author ity, multiplied by Indemnity L evel. However, it ma y b e ens u r ed t ha t a t lea s t 5 yea r s ’ yield da t a is a va ila b le for ca lcu la t ing the Threshold Yield. MNAIS also stipulates that the Insurance Unit (IU) for major crops would be village/Gra m Panchayat (G P). However, in a great majority instances the village/GP level past yield data is not available. It is, therefore, required that t he Threshold Yield at village/GP level has to be arrived at based on ‘higher unit’, or ba sed on combined avera ge of ‘higher unit’ and villa ge/GP level data wherever GP level data is available for a few years. 3.) Actuarial Premium RatesThe actuarial premium rates under MNAIS will be based on ‘Experience Rating’ which in-tur n is based on ‘as if ’ claim experience of pa st 10 years. T he pure premium rate, thus worked out based on ‘as if ’ cla im experience is adjusted for various additional benefits provided under the scheme, and fina lly loaded for expenses like business expenses, cos t of financing, reinsu rance etc. in a rriving the actuarial or commercial premium rate. Annexure - II Pilot MODIFIED NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE SCHEME (MNAIS) KHARIF SEASON 2012List of Insurance Units (Villages) notified under MNAISDistrict : SerchhipCrop :Paddy (Jhum), Paddy (WRC) CircleSl. VillageNo. of Crop CuttingNo. of Crop Cutting No.Experiments (CCEs) RequiredExperiments (CCEs) Planned Serchhip1. Serchhip44 2. Chhiahtlang44 3. Chhingchhip44 4. Bungtlang44 E. Lungdar5. E. Lungdat44 N. Vanlaiphai 6. N. Vanlaiphai44 Thenzawl7 Thenzawl44 Total CCEs for Each Crop2828 Total CCEs for 2 notified crops5646Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 10 - Ex-316/2012

List of Accredited Journalist 2012-2013

VOL - XLIISSUE - 317Date - 17/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 17.7.2012 Asadha 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 317 NOTIFICATION No. F. 14016/2/2012-IPR, the 29th June, 2012.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare herewith L ist of Accredited Journalist 2012-2013 as shown against their Paper repres ent with immediate effect and until fu rther or der. Enclo : As above M. Zohmingthangi, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. - 2 - Ex-317/2012 LIST OF ACCREDITED JOURNALISTS, 2012 - 2013 AIZAWLSl. No. NameDesignationPaper Represent 1.Robert LalchhuanaEditorRomei 2.D.R. ZirlianaEditorM i z o Aw 3.Lalbiakthanga PachuauEditorZoram Tlangau 4.K. SapdangaEditorVa nglaini 5.C. VulluaiaEditorHarhna 6.C. LalzamlovaEditorChhawrpial 7.LalthanzamaEditorSakeibaknei 8.C. DinthangaEditorLelte 9.T. LalhmachhuanaEditorDingdi 10.Zonunsanga KhiangteEditorLenlaini 11.A. RodinglianaEditorT hutha r 12.H.D. RenthleiEditorMizo Express 13.LalrinmawiaNews EditorVa nglaini 14.La lsangluaii SailoChief EditorTawrhbawm 15.Lalthanzauvi SailoEditorEntlang 16.R. LalhmangaihzualaNews EditorRomei 17.E. LalhleiaEditorAizawl Observer 18.K. ZabiakaManaging EditorNewslink 19.Sangsua kthangaEditorNational Observer 20.ZirkungiEditorEastern Express 21.Lalrinmawia SailoEditorZoram Thlirtu 22.C. LalrambuatsaihaEditorAizawl Post 23.H. ZosanglianaEditor-in-ChiefEvening Post 24.ZomuanpuiaNews EditorHighlander 25.T. LalbiakdikaJoint EditorZalen 26.H.C. VanlalruataCorrespondentP.T.I. 27.Lalsawmliana PachuauEditor-in-ChiefL.P.S. Vision 28.R. BiakkimaCamer amanL.P.S. Vision 29.Richard L. PachuauJoint EditorZoram Tlangau 30.Lalr emsiamaNews EditorMorning Post 31.LalkhawlianaPublisher/EditorHighlander 32.M.K. DeyCorrespondentMizoram Post 33.ChhuanvawraEditorMizo Arsi 34.Lalhmachhuana ZofaEditorDiktawn Monthly 35.ZohmingmawiaJoint EditorMizo Express 36.Zohmingthanga T lauEditorZoram Politik 37.P.B. LalrammawiaJoint EditorAizawl Post 38.Vanlalrema VantawlEditor/PublisherZalen 39.LalbiakzamaJoint EditorEntlang 40.ZodinsangaAssistant EditorNewslink 41.Sangzuala HmarEditorLunglen 42.C. LalhmachhuanaEditorYouth Herald 43.L.T. SangaEditorMorning Post 44.S.R. RothuamaJoint EditorT hutha r 45.K. LalhruaitluangaJoint EditorKhawpui Aw 46.Lalremruata KhiangteEditorZawlaidi 47.Biak ThansangaNews EditorZONET 48.Lalr emruata RenthleiJoint EditorZozam Weekly 49.La ldingliana SailoNews EditorZONET 50.C. LalduhawmaNews EditorChibai Mizoram 51.P.C ZoramthangaNews EditorL.P.S. Vision 52.F. LalrinfelaNews EditorZalen 53.H. LalngaihawmaNews EditorHnehtu 54.LalnunpuiaNews EditorMizo Express 55.H. LaldinglianaEditorEvening Post 56.LalhmunzauvaNews EditorTawrhbawm 57.VanlalbiakaNews EditorSakeibaknei 58.H. LaldinmawiaEditorThe Zozam Times 59.Laltlanzova KhiangteEditorThlifim 60.A. ZotinkhumaEditorZoram Voice 61.C.B. ThansangaEditorKumtluang 62.P.C. ZoramthangaNews EditorLPS 63.LaldintharaNews EditorLPS 64.Lalchhanhima ZadengJoint EditorMizo Arsi 65.LalthazualaNews EditorLenlaini 66.J. Malsawmzuala Vanchhawng Asst. News EditorDDK 67.Alfred Va nchhawngStringerDDK 68.La lnunziraStringerDDK 69.H. LalchhandamaAsst. EditorLunglen 70.Joseph LalnuntluangaCorrespondentZONET 71.F. LalliansangaCorrespondentZONET 72.Lucy Rosangpuii RalteJoint EditorT hutha r 73.Vanla ldikiCorrespondentHnehtu 74.Brian LalnunhlimaJoint EditorM i z o Aw 75.F. LalramlianaNews EditorEvening Post 76.V. ZoramtharaCorrespondentKhawpui Aw 77.Lalthakima HnamteNews EditorNewslink 78.Lalremruata RalteNews EditorTawrhbawm 79.David ChawngthantluangaNews EditorHarhna 80.C. LalhruaitluangaPhotographerHighlander 81.Lalnghinglova HmarJoint EditorVa nglaini 82.K. ZothanparaNews EditorVa nglaini 83.Jonathan L. HnamteCorrespondentAIR LUNGLEI1.H. LalthansangaEditorLunglei Times 2.K. ZothankhumaEditorVirthli 3.C.S. ChawngchhumaEditorHnamdamna 4.Lianchama ChhangteEditorZochhiar 5.Lalrintluanga KhiangteJoint EditorRalvengtu 6.K. LalrinpuiaEditorVulmawi 7.LalmuanzualaEditorLunglei Tribune 8.Rodingliana KhiangteNews EditorZoen 9.LalrinchhanaEditorLDF Cable Networ k - 3 -Ex-317/2012 10.F. LalngaihzualaNews EditorJ.B. Cable Networ k 11.C. LalbuatsaihaEditorHnahthial Today 12.K. LalrochanaJoint EditorLunglei Tribune 13.Thanghmingliana RenthleiEditorZunzam Daily 14.RemruataEditorZoen Daily 15.P.C. LalduhthangaChief EditorLDF Cable Networ k 16.F. ZosanglianaEditorCalathea 17.Lalramnghaka PachuauJoint EditorHnahthial Today 18.H. LalthanghutaEditorHnahthial Times 19.V.L. LiansangaNews EditorCalathea 20.La lchhua nawmaEditorSunday Digest (Weekly) 21.Ram Prasad PoudelEditorAkriti 22.Sangmawii ChhakchhuakEditorChangdam Weekly 23.K. VanlalzarzovaJoint EditorVulmawi 24.LaltlanthangaJoint EditorHnamdamna 25.La lchhua nawmaEditorDaily Post 26.V. RokhawlkimaJoint EditorLunglei Times 27.Lalduhawma KhiangteNews EditorZunzam Daily 28.F.C. LaldinpuiaJoint EditorZochhiar 29.Johan LalhmunmawiaJoint EditorDaifim 30.K. LalmuankimaEditor-in-ChiefRalvengtu LAWNGTLAI1.V. LallianzualaEditorLairam 2.Z.D. DengnguraEditorPhawngpui Express 3.Lalngheta RalteEditorLawngtlai Post 4.Linda H. RinawmiNews EditorLai Ram 5.H. LalrinmawiaEditorRam eng 6.Elvis LalthangzualaEditorRamthar Daily 7.J.C. LalthanglianaEditorL a i Aw 8.C. LalsawmzualaJoint EditorPhawngpui Express 9.D.K. Sona HnialumNews EditorThe Lawngtlai Post 10.F.C. VanlalzawnaEditorChhawkhlei Times CHAMPHAI1.Lalhmingmawia PachuauEditorPa salt ha 2.F. LalbiakmawiaEditorDumde 3.D.K. LalhruaitluangaEditorRihlipui 4.R. LalfakawmaJoint EditorRihlipui 5.LalhlupuiaEditorLenrual 6.Z.D. DenglianaJoint EditorLenrual 7.C. HualthanzualaEditorChhawkhlei 8.C. LalrinsangaJoint EditorPa salt ha 9.Vanlalzawna RalteEditorSi-Ar (Khawzawl) 10.Lalrotluanga RalteEditorKhawzawl Times 11.C. LalnunpuiaStringer/Correspondent D D K 12.Lalthlamuani RalteNews EditorSi-Ar (Khawzawl) 13.La lhminglia naJoint EditorChhawkhlei - 4 - Ex-317/2012 14.Lalnunsanga FanaiNews EditorPa salt ha 15.Lucas ThangmanglianaNews EditorDumde 16.C. HranglianaCamer amanTKS Vision 17.C.B. LalengzualaStringerDDK MAMIT1.LalhlupuiaEditorZolamtluang 2.P.C. LalthanzualaEditorLentupui 3.H. LalchhuanmawiaCorrespondentMamit Times 4.R. LalmuanpuiaEditorZotlanglent u 5.R.D. DarthanzauvaStringerDDK 6.P.C. LungtiawiaNews EditorLentupui 7.H. LalramlianaPublisherMamit Times KOLASIB1.S. LalhmachhuanaEditorTurnipui 2.K. LalthlamuanaEditorRamnuam 3.Andrew Va nlalauvaJoint EditorRamnuam 4.C. ThanmawiaNews EditorHringlang 5.S. LalrinawmaJoint EditorTurnipui 6.ZatluangaAsst. EditorTurnipui 7.Madan SubediJoint EditorKolasib Today 8.H. LalmuanpuiaEditorChhuahtlang Daily 9.H. VanlalnghakaStringerDDK 10.Biakzuala SailoJoint EditorDuhlai 11.Johny C. LalmuanpuiaNews EditorDuhlai 12.H. LalrinmawiaEditorRam Eng 13.K. LalchhanhimaNews EditorRamnuam 14.R. LalnunmawiaJoint EditorDuhlai 15.C. LallawmzualaEditorVa i r e n g t e Aw 16.LalzepuiaNilRamnuam SAIHA1.Jeffr ey Kha raEditorMoonlight 2.B. DawphoEditorSaiha Post 3.C.Z. HlunaEditorBuannel 4.Hmaoko HlychhoEditorMaraland 5.H. LallianaEditorSaiha Times 6.Beichhuatha HlychhoJoint EditorMaraland 7.M. BaithaiEditorChhim Aw 8.V. Pa whlaCorrespondentDDK 9.Lalnunkima PisaEditorHnyalum Skylink Vision 10.C.L. ZamaEditorSaikhawpui 11.Thatha KhithieCir. ManagerEstella Cable Networ k 12.B. VanlalhriataNilSaiha Post 13.Lalramnghaka ChinzahEditorKawl Eng 14.B.B. PachoEditorAwsicharu - 5 -Ex-317/2012 T UIPANG1.T. LalrosiamaEditorTipa Express 2.K. ThangvelaEditorVohbik SERCHHIP1.Kapliana PachuauEditorSerchhip Times 2.Zonunsanga KawlniAsst. EditorLenkawl 3.C. RamengmawiaEditorLamkal 4.V.L. HruaitluangaNews EditorSerkhawpui 5.R. LalmuansangaCamer amanT.T Vision 6.C. LalhminghluaNews EditorT.T Vision 7.P.C. LawmkimaNews EditorLaisuih 8.Lalremruata RalteEditorRamlai Arsi 9.H. LalbiakzauviEditorSerkhawpui 10.ThuamlianaJoint EditorRamlai Arsi 11.P.C. VanlalhruaiaNews EditorT.T Vision 12.LaldinpuiaNews EditorSerchhip Times HNAHTHIAL1.F. ZosanglianaEditorCalathea THENZAWL1.P.C. ZonunsangaEditorThenzawl Today (T henzawl) 2.Liantluanga RenthleiEditorVantawng Tri-Weekly 3.R.C. HranghmingthangaEditorZawlbuk Aw Tri-WeeklyPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 6 - Ex-317/2012

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