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Guideline for the enforcement of the Inner Line Regulation in Mizoram

VOL - XXXVISSUE - 230Date - 08/09/2006

NOTIFICATION GUIDELINES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE INNER LINEREGULATION IN MIZORAMNo.F.22015/54/94-HMP/Pt-II, the 1st September, 2006.In supercession of the existing guidelines for the enforcement of the Inner Line Regulation in Mizoram issued vide No. F-22015/54/94 – HMP/Pt-II dt. 18.6.04 a nd in pursuance of the decision taken by Council of Ministers in its Meeting held on 11th August, 2006 and in the interest of the public, the Governor of Mizoram, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 2 of the Eastern Bengal Frontier Regulation, 1873 (V of 1873) is pleased to issue the following guidelines for regulating the entry and stay of non- indigenous persons within the Inner Line of Mizoram as notified in the Notification No. 2106 A.P. dated 9th March 1933 published in the Assam Gazet te Part II da ted 15th Mar ch 1930. This shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 1.Author ities for issue of Inner Line Pass (hereina fter referred to as ILP): (1)Regular ILP: - T he Deputy Commissioner of Aizawl District, Lunglei District, Kolasib District, Mamit District, Serchhip District, Champhai District, Lawngtlai District and Saiha District or a ny other concerned su bordina te officer authorized by them on their behalf shall be competent t o issue regula r ILP for a period not exceeding 6 (six) months, subject to the availability of a sponsor who is a bonafide indigenous resident. (2)Temporary ILP: -The Resident Commissioner, Government of Mizoram at New Delhi, the Liaison Officer, Silchar, Shillong, Guwahati, Kolka ta, the Deputy Superintendent of Police in-charge of Airport Security at Lengpui ,Officer in-charge of Kanhmun Police Sta tion, Administrative Officer, Baira bi and Sub-Divisional Officer (C), Ngopa ar e authorized to issue Temporary ILP in Form E for a period not exceeding 15 (fifteen) days, to bonafide visitors/tourists or business representatives with intimation to t he concerned Deputy Commissioner. (2 )(a) The Officers, authorized to issue temporary ILPs, should also ensure that the temporary IL Ps are issued only on Government working days i.e. no temporary ILPs will be issued on Saturdays, Sundays and Government Holidays. (3)Renewal or extension of ILP: - The Deputy Commissioner of Aizawl District, Kolasib District, Mamit District, Serchhip District, Champhai Distr ict, Lu nglei District, Lawngtlai Distr ict and Saiha District or any other concerned subordina te officer authorized by them on their behalf may on application renew or extend the validity of the ILP of the holder residing in t heir resp ective districts for not mor e than two times. Renewal of ILP shall be su bject to the good conduct of the ILP holder that he/she is not involved in any criminal activity. (3 )(a) The Deputy Commissioner of Aizawl District, Lunglei District, Kolasib District, Mamit District, Serchhip District, Champhai District, Lawngtlai Dis trict and Saiha District should create a separate ILP Cell, wherein the whole process should be computerized. (3) (b) All the Pass issuing authorities should compile a consolidated statement of all passes issued by them and invariably submit monthly return to the Government of Mizoram in the prescribed proforma. 2.Categories of Pers ons to be exempted(1)In p artial modification of t he Notification No.PLA.393/ 70-P t/I dt. 7.9.1970 which prohibits all persons other then officers on Government duty a nd indigenous inhabita nts of the then Mizo District, (now the State of Mizora m), from crossing the Inner Line, it is prescr ibed that in addition to the persons exempted under the said notification, members of the Security Forces and the families of such non-indigenous and regular or permanent Government servants, and employees of the Government Undertakings and Corporations shall also rema in exempted:- 2 -The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regd. No. NE-313(MZ)Rs. 2/- per issueVOL - XXXV Aizawl, Friday 8.9.2006 Bhadra 17, S.E. 1928, Issue No. 230 Provided that the expression ‘family’ shall have the same meaning as a ssigned to it under the FR & S R or the CCS Pension Rules; Provided further that a retired government employee settled in Mizora m by virtue of his or her marriage to an indigenous tribal of Mizoram, and Government Advocates as well as the advocates on Defence Panels of Government shall a lso r ema in exempted from requir ing to have an ILP. (2)Entr y of for eigners into Mizoram is regulated under the provisions of Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order, 1958 made under the provision of Foreigners Act, 1946 and the P assport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950. (3)The system of issuing Ident ity Car ds with photogr aphs may be adopted for regular Government servants for easy identification at the check gates. Although the Government servants on duty vis iting Mizoram and staying temporarily are not required to carry Inner Line Pass but due to ignor ance about their identity, the men posted in the check gate may refuse their entr y. Identity Cards will be useful in such situations. In the absence of Identity Card, Government servant should car ry a movement order or even an Inner Line Pass to avoid any r isk of being r efused entry due to ignor ance of his or her identity. (4)Students of Educational Instit utions of the Sta te possessing genuine Identity Ca rds issued by t he Institutions shall be exempted from requir ing to have ILP during the period of their studies. The Heads of the Institutions may clearly state the year/ period of study in the Identity Ca rds. 3.Prescribed Forms, Fees, conditions/restriction etc, under Regulation4 of the Bengal Eastern FrontierRegulation, 1873(1)Various Forms shall be as prescribed by the Government and appended hereto, Form A, AA, B, C, D, E, F, G, G-I and G-II.Necessary fees are indicated in each form. Fees are subject to revision by the Government from time to time. (2)All Pass issuing authorities should ma intain minute accounts of the pr oceeds of the fees r ealized and should submit the same to the Gover nment as revenue after making proper receipt for the same without any delay. (3)All Pass issuing or renewing author ities should ensure that the conditions and restrictions indicated in the respective forms should be strictly adhered to by the applicants and the sponsors. 4.Special Security Instruct ion dur ing Emergency etc.The State Government has the right to issue special instruction for taking special measures thr ough Inner Line Pass system for tightening the security etc. in the State during any emergency or war etc. or as and when such situa tion arises. 5.Verification of Character and Antecedents.(1)A simple yet effective system of ver if ying the cha ra cter and antecedents of the intending visitor s or tourists may be adopted by the Pass issuing authorities so that the procedure is not made too cumbersome for the administr ative machiner y and also for the intending visitors or tour ists in normal cases. While in doubtful cases, it may become necessary to go deeper by even r eferring to the home districts of the intending visit ors or tourists. In normal cases, it should be enough to verify from the a pplicant himself by the Pass issuing a uthorit y. The pass-issuing a uthorit y, however, has the right to grant the pass or reject the a pplication without assigning any reason. (2)The influx of Bangladeshi nationals into the district s of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam has to b e taken into cons ideration while issuing ILPs to persons claiming to be from these distr icts. T he ILP issuing author ities should insist on the production of EPI Card or relevant extract of Electoral Roll - 3 -- 4 - countersigned by concerned ERO or genuine reliable document to prove the bonafide identity as Indian citizen of the applicant from applicants above the age of 18 years and residential or birth certificate or bonafide document from applicants below 18 years. This is r equired to ensure that only bonafide Indian citizens of these districts avail the ILP and that the security of the State is not jeopardized. 6.Inner Line passes for Casual, Contractual and Muster RollEmployees of the Government and its Instrumentalit ies. All casua l, contractual a nd Muster Roll employees engaged by various departments of the State government and its instrumentalities, and by the officers entitled to have personal peons shall be required to have Inner Line Passes for the exa ct term for which they are employed or engaged. 7.Family members of the category of Govt. servants as mentionedin paragraph 6. The Family members and dependants of the Government servants in t he category mentioned in para graph 6 should obtain Inner Line Passes for their movement and sta y in Mizoram. They ma y be given Passes for comparatively longer period which may be even upto 2(two) years depending upon the nature of posting or employment of such Government serva nts. 8.Passes for non-indigenous businessmen/traders holding TradeLicenses. There are a few non-indigenous persons who are running shops/ businesses by virtue of Trade Licenses, either Permanent or Temporary, granted to them by the erstwhile Mizo Distr ict Council and the Autonomous District Councils (Lai, Chakma and Lakher). Special arra ngements have to be made for them, and regular ILP may be issued to them in the following manner:-(I)Perma nent Tra de License holders: - Inner Line Passes with validity exceeding 1 (one) year but not exceeding 3(three) years, renewable by 1(One) year at a time may be issued to per sons who are in possession of Perma nent Trade License issued by the erstwhile Mizo District Council and the Autonomous District Councils (Lai, Cha kma and Lakher) and to the members of their family. S uch Permanent Trade License holders are also allowed to sponsor non-indigenous employees numbering not mor e than 3 (three) for the pu rpose of carrying their business as manager, attendant etc. (2)Temporary Tra de License holders: - Inner Line Passes with va lidity exceeding I (one) but not exceeding 3(three) years, renewable by 1 (one) year at a time may be issued to persons, who are in possession of Temporary Trade License issued by the erstwhile Mizo District Council and the Autonomous District Councils (Lai, Cha kma and Lakher) and to t he members of their family subject to prior appr oval of the Government. 9.Passes for non-indigenous employees of the Private or Public SectorCompanies, Corpora tions and Fir ms:-Ther e are Pr ivate or Public Sector Companies, Corporations and F irms whose services a re required for execution of work cont ract in the Sta te. If such Companies, Corporations and Fir ms require ILP for registration under Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 and the Rules made thereunder, the Government shall have the right to issue Inner Line Passes of 2 (two) years validity to one represent ative (CEO/ Managing Director/ Manager et c) of t he comp a nies / fir ms t o ena b le t hem t o r egis t er u nder M VAT Act, 2005. Other non-indigenous employees maybe issued Regular ILP by the Deputy Commissioner upon sponsorship by the - 5 -- 6 - Government Department under which the Companies, Corporations and Firms ar e executing work contr act. In case of casual traders or dealers whose services are required for execution of Development Projects and Schemes inside the State of Mizora m, the Government sha ll have the right to issue ILP with validity of 2 years on case to case basis to make them eligible for registr ation under MVAT Act, 2005. 10.Passes for non-indigenous proprietors of non-CSD canteens (unitcanteens) of Centr al Forces, Sta te Police:- The Central For ces like BRTF, BSF, Assam Rifles etc stationed in various places in the State have non-CSD canteens ( unit canteens) run by non-indigenous persons. Similarly, the State Police have canteens in several places like Battalion Headquarters, District Headquarters, Police Stations etc. The Government shall have the right to issue ILP with 2(two) years validity to the non- indigenous proprietor s of these canteens subject to cer ta in conditions as maybe laid down for this purpose .Such proprietors once issued ILP with 2 (two) year s validity are allowed to sponsor non-indigenous employees numbering not mor e than 3 (three) for the purpose of car rying t heir business a s manager, attendant etc. 11.Issue of Pr ovisional Inner Line Pass to import Labourers in bulk. A large number of Inner Line Passes are oft en issued to labourers of Border Roads Task Force, Public Works Department, Public Health Engineering, Power and electricity Department and their Contr actors, Environment a nd For est Department and to its Maha ldars/Contract ors, Government Undertakings and Corpora tions. Such labourers can b e the clandestine source of infilt ra tion of a large number of a nti-socia l and anti-na tiona l elements or spread of various communicable diseases. Therefore, special care has to be taken to screen them and r egulate it properly. A toorigid system of scr eening would lead to non-availability of skilled/ semi-skilled/unskilled labourers for development works. Therefore, a simple yet effect ive s ystem of verifying their char acters a nd antecedents will have to be adopted. The following procedure may be followed:- (1)The Deputy Commissioner of Aizawl District, Lunglei District, Kolasib District, Mamit District, Serchhip District, Champhai District, Lawngtlai District and Saiha District or any Officer authorized by them may issue provisional passes for labourers with validity for 15 (Fifteen) days, on the recommendation of t he Chief Engineer, Pushpak, Engineer-in-C hief, Public Works Depa rtment and the Zonal Chief Engineers below him, as the case may be. Before submission of such r ecommendation to the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl the sponsoring Departments/authorities shall obta in ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the Labour & Employment Department. (2)The Provisional Passes will be in the for m of bla nket pass to bring the required labourers, provided that except with the prior approval of the Government, the number of such Labourers does not exceed 50 (Fifty). Once the labourers are recruited from outside the Inner Line area, it will be the responsibility of the concerned recruiting agency to first produce the labourers in person along with their list to the Inner Line check gate through which they will enter. (3)The Officer-in-cha rge of the check post concerned shall, in turn, after verifying the list, put his seal on the list and Pass to indicate tha t the list has been checked. The Officer-in-charge shall record in his register the number of the provisional Inner Line Passes along with the names of the persons who have entered on the basis of the Provisional Passes. - 7 -- 8 - (4)It sha ll be the responsibilit y of the depar tment or the contractor of the Government Undertaking or Corporation concerned to see that all labourers recr uited get their Inner Line Passes regula rized from the concerned Deputy Commissioner within 15(fifteen) days of entering the Inner Line Area. The Deputy Commissioner shall ensure that Inner Line Passes are issued individually to each of the labourers a fter completing necessary formalities at the earliest . He should not issue any Inner Line Pass with more than one name in it. It should also be brought to the notice of all the labourers as well as others tha t they should carry their Inner Line Pass with them wherever they go. This will b e in their own interest; because thereafter, whenever any surprise checks are carried out, if any individual is fou nd without an Inner Line Pass, necessa ry legal action would be initiated a gainst him. (5)It is not proposed to issue gener al instruction for medical check up of all labourers. If the Chief Medical Officer of a District feels that incidents of malaria or other communicable disease is on the increase and, therefore, it is necessary to conduct medical check-up of all la bourers, the District authority may arrange for such medical check-up. (6)It will be the responsibility of the department or the cont ractor or Government Undertaking or Corporation concerned to see that labourers recr uited by them do not continue to sta y in the Sta te without valid Inner Line Passes and that they are deported back through the ILP check gate they wer e brought in a fter completion of the purpose for which they were recruited. (7)For any criminal or anti-social activity, if done by such labourers, the recr uiting department or contractor or a gency shall also be responsible for early a pprehension of such labourer and shall furnish all r elevant information to the police(8)Except with the prior approval of the Government, the number of labourers that can be sponsored for private construction or other purposes should not be more tha n 10 (t en). 12.Surprise checks : To minimize the number of persons staying without Inner Line Passes and in order to enforce the Inner Line Regulation to the extent possible, surpr ise checking of Inner Line Pa sses in the Districts should be conducted at least once a month. A special ILP Cell should be set-u p in ever y Police Station to conduct these checks. Resu lt of t hese checks should be reported to the Home Depar tment and to the Police Headqua rters. Any p erson fou nd staying without valid Inner Line Pa ss should be duly proceeded against according to law. This practice will minimize the number of s uch persons staying un-author isedly in Mizoram. 13.Duties at the Inner Line check ga tes: The manner in which the Inner Line Passes are checked at the Inner Line check gates is very important. If not properly checked, there can be illegal entr ies, and if in the name of pr oper checking the visit ors coming on foot or by buses or vehicles are delayed unduly, it would at the s ame time amount to ha rassment to bonafide visitors/tourists. Therefore, the method of checking should b e a s s imp le a s p os s ib le, yet effect ive s o t ha t no one who is r equ ir ed to possess an Inner Line Pass, enters without a pass. Checking of food and other commodities is outside the purview of the Inner Line Regulation. It is, therefore, necessa ry that proper instruct ions are issued to the police personnel at the check gates and effective and regular supervision maintained over their work. Accordingly, following guidelines are made for the check gates:- (1)No person or vehicle carrying persons should be delayed more than the minimum time required for doing the normal checking - 9 -- 10 - of the Inner Line Passes. The men at the check-gates should remain alert all the time so that as soon as a person or a vehicle reaches the check point, the checking is conducted without any loss of time and the person/vehicle is a llowed to cross the Inner Line after the checking as early a s possible. (2)Although checking of vehicles does not fall within the purview of the Inner Line Regulation, it will be a good practice to keep a record of a ll incoming and outgoing vehicles ca rrying non- indigenous persons to and fro Mizoram in the register to be kept at the check gate. These recor ds ma y be of some help for detecting crimes and for maintaining a statistics of vehicles plying on the road. The District authority may devise a suitable form for maintenance of the relevant register at the check gate. The same register ma y be used for entering other information a lso. (3)Normally, it will not be necessary to make entry of each Inner Line Pass ca rried by every incoming individual as it would involve a great deal of time, particularly of persons who are traveling in bus carr ying a large number of passengers. Checking and at the sa me time entering the details of ever y Inner Line Pass would mean a great deal of time loss to the passengers and the bus. It would be enough if the checking is done in the bus itself. (4)All Inner Line Passes surrendered by the outgoing persons should, however, be collected and later entered in the r egister and sent to the concerned Deputy Commissioner for record/disposal. 14.The work of maintenance a nd supervision of the Inner Line check- gates, periodical and sur prise checks of Inner Line Pa sses in the district should be entrusted to the District Police authorities, under the overall control and supervision of the Deputy Commissioner of the district concerned.15.In a ny matter for which the Guidelines is silent, the decision taken by the Government on merit of the case sha ll be final. 16.This Guidelines supercede all previous guidelines or standing orders issued by t he Government of Mizor am in this behalf. Sd/- C. Ropianga Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. ____________________ - 11 -- 12 - Rs. 20/- FO R M – ‘ A’(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF REGULAR INNER LINE PASS (3 passport size photographs of applicant and sponsor to be enclosed.) 1.Name of applicant: ____________________________ 2.Father ’s name: ____________________________ 3.Address/Village: ____________________________ P.O. : ___________ P.S. : ________________________ 4.Dist. : ___________ H. No. : ______ E./Roll No. ______ Part No.: __________ Constituency: __________________ 5.Age of Applicant: ____________________________ 6.Identification Mark: ____________________________ 7.Name of Sponsor: ____________________________ 8.Address/V.C: ____________ H/No. : _________ P.S.: ___________ P.O. : ___________ 9.Father’s name of sponsor : ____________________________ 10. Purpose of stay: ____________________________ 11. Place of work: ____________________________ 12. Regd. No.: ______(in case of workshop/industry, etc) 13. L.S.C. No.: _________(in case o f construction work) 14. Skilled/Semi-skilled/Unskilled : _________________________ 15. Need for la bour: ____________________________ __________________ Signature of applicant N O T E : 1.Applicants of Nepali/Gurkha origin should bring certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of their Village/Home town to prove that they are Indian Nationals. 2.Applicants from the Districts of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam should enclose relevant extract of E/Roll countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested copy of E.P.I. Card (Voter’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 3.3 (three) passport size photographs of applican t and sponsor should be enclosed. 4.Only indigenous persons residing in Mizoram either individually or represen ting Gover nment Offices shall be accepted.I, _____________________________________ son/daughter of ______________________________ do hereby bind myself that: - 1.I shall responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/ her stay in Mizoram. 2.I shall be responsible to arrange depor tation of the pass holder from Mizoram when I no longer require his service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner Aizawl t o do so and surrender the ILP. 3.I shall personally come to the office for renewal of the Pass if his/ her service is further required. 4.I sha ll pr oduce the applica nt or fur nish information on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5.I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other tha n myself. 6.I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant. 7.In t he event of any default on my part in respect of any of the conditions mentioned above I shall be liable to prosecution by the competent court (as in the case of the holder of the pass in term of section 4 of BEFR, 1973). __________________ Signature of applicant _____________________________________________________ I certify that the sponsor Pi/ Pu _______________________ son/daughter of ______________________________is residing at ______________________ in House No. ___________________. He/she requires to employ ______________ as _______________ ____________________________ Signature of SDO/ BDO/AO/VCP With SEAL - 13 -- 14 - Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘AA’(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF INNER LINE PASS IN CASE OF DEPARTMENTAL WORK 1.Name of applicant: _______________________ 2.Father ’s name: _______________________ 3.Address/Village: _______________________ P.O. : __________ P.S. : __________ 4.Dist. : __________ State : __________ E/Roll No : __________ P/No : __________ Constituency : __________________ 5.Age of Applicant: _______________________ 6.Identification Mark: _______________________ 7.Name &: _______________________ Designation of Sponsor: _______________________ 8.Official Address: _______________________ 9.Police Station: _______________________ 10. Purpose of stay: _______________________ 11. Place of work: _______________________ 12. Skilled/Semi-skilled/Unskilled : _______________________ 13. Need for la bour: _______________________ __________________ Signature of applicant NOTE: 1. Applicants of Nepali/Gurkha origin should bring certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of their Village/Home town to prove that they are Indian Nationals. 2. Applicants from the Districts of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam should enclose E/Roll extract countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested copy of E.P.I. Card (Voter ’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 3. 3 (three) passport size photographs of applican t and sponsor should be enclosed.UNDERTAKING BY THE SPONSOR I, ____________________________ do hereby bind myself that : - 1.I shall responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/ her stay in Mizoram. 2.I shall be responsible to arrange depor tation of the pass holder from Mizoram when I no longer require his service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner Aizawl t o do so and surrender the ILP. 3.I shall personally come to the office for renewal of the pass if his/ her service is further required. 4.I sha ll pr oduce the applica nt or fur nish information on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5.I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other tha n myself. 6.I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant. 7.In t he event of any default on my part in respect of any of the conditions mentioned above I shall be liable to prosecution by the competent court (as in the case of the holder of the pass in term of section 4 of BEFR, 1973). __________________ Signature of applicant Address: ________________ ________________ - 15 -- 16 - Rs. 200/- Form – BINNER LINE PASS (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) (In accord ance with the provision of Bengal eastern Frontier regulation, 1873) 1.Pass No.: _______________________ 2.Name of Pass Holder : _______________ PS: __________ 3.Distr ict: _____________________ 4.House No. : __________E/Roll : _______ Part : _______ 5.Father’s Name: _________________________ 6.Age: _________________________ 7.Name of Sponsor: ____________________________ Is official s ponsor? Y/ N 8.Address of Sponsor Private Sponsor Official Sponsor1.House No. : ____________ 1. Desig : ____________ 2.P.O.: ___________ 2. Add : ____________ 3.Locality: ___________ 3. Deptt : ____________ 4.Distr ict: ___________ 4. Dist. : ____________ 9.Father ’s name of Sponsor: ___________________ 10. Place of work: ___________________ 11. Purpose of stay: ___________________ 12. Identifica tion mark of Pass holder: ___________________ 13. Validity: ___________________ (This Pass is issued on conditions and restrictions as may be seen overleaf) DC Order _____________________ Dated ______________ ______________________Deputy Commissioner Signature of the Pass holder______District, _______ Memo No. ______________________ Dated: ______________Copy to: 1 .The DIG (Range), Mizoram Police. 2.Director, Labour & Employment 3.The Superintendent of Police _____________District 4.OC, __________________Police Station 5.President, Village Council, ___________________ 6.Shri/Smt. _______________________________ 7.Sponsor ________________________________ Deputy Commissioner _______ District, ______Passport size photo of pass holder - 17 -- 18 - CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 1.The sponsor will b e responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/her stay in Mizoram. He will arrange the deportation of the pass holder from Mizoram when he no requires the service of the labour er or when he is directed by the Deputy Commissioner concerned to do so and surrender the Inner Line Pa ss. 2.The sponsor shall ensure that the pass holder is engaged only for the purpose in the pass. 3.Sponsorship is not t ransfer able. Sponsor shall personally come for the renewal of the Inner Line Pass if the continuous service of t he pass holder is required. 4.It shall be the responsibility of the sponsor to furnish informa tion on t he whereabouts of the pass holder if called upon to do so by the Deputy Commissioner concerned. 5.The pass holder shall not work under any person other than the sponsor. 6.The pass should be submit ted for renewal at least 7 (seven) days before expiry of the pass. 7.The pass holder should produce the pass on demand by the Magistrate/Police Officer/Constable on duty or a ny Govt. servant authorized on this behalf by the Deputy Commissioner concerned. 8.The pass holder or sponsor on the case may/shall be liable to prosecute for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation Act, 1873 as amended in 1930 or under any la w in force or for furnishing wrong information etc. as the case may be. 9.Pass holder is to report himself/herself to the nearest Police Station within one week after issue of his/her Inner line Pass.Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘C’ (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) To, The Deputy Commissioner, ______________ District, _______________ Subject:Extension of validity of Inner Line Pass Sir, I have the honour to request you to kindly extend Inner Line Pass No.____________________ which is due to expire on ________________________________ for another period of __________________________ (_________) months/days. The reason for extension of the validity of the pass is given below:- ______________________________________________________________________________ The Inner Line Pass is also enclosed for reference. Yours faithfully, FULL NAME: ________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________ H/No.: ________________________ Certified that the reason for extension of Inner Line Pass is genuine. _____________________ Signature of the SDO (S) BDO/AO/VCP Note : The Applicant is required to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- for every ext ension/renewal of his/her ILP. - 19 -- 20 - Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘D’ (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) To, 1 ) The Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. 2 ) The Liaison Officer, Silchar/Shillong/Guwahati/Kolkata. 3 ) Sub-Divisional Officer (C), Ngopa 4 ) Dy.S.P, Airport Security, Lengpui Airport. 5 ) Administrative Officer, Bairabi 6 ) Officer-in-Charge, Kanhmun PS. Subj:Temporary Inner Line Pass. Sir, I ha ve the honour to request you to kindly issue Temporary Inner Line Pass for my visit to Mizoram. My particula rs ar e given below: - 1. Name: __________________________ 2. Father’s Name : __________________________ 3. Address: _____________ P.S. _________ 4. Distr ict: ____________ State ________ 5. Purpose of Visit : __________________________ 6. Name of Sponsor : __________________________ 7. Address: __________________________ 8. Validity of the pass : __________________________ Yours faithfully, Signature of ApplicantNOTE: 1. Applicants of Nepali/Gurkha origin should bring certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of their Villa ge/Home town to prove tha t they a re India n Nationals. 2. Applicants from the Distr icts of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam should enclose E/Roll ext ract countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested cop y of E. P.I. Card (Voter ’s ID ca rd) or residential/bir th certificate from the concer ned Deputy Commissioner. 3. Two copies of the passport size photographs of applicant should be enclosed. - 21 -- 22 - Form – ETEMPORARY INNER LINE PASS (see sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 1) Pass No.: ____________________ 1.(a) Name of Pass Holder : ________________________ (b) Address: ___________ P.S __________ Distr ict: ______________________ State _____________________ (c) Father’s Name: ________________________ (d) Name of Sponsor: ________________________ ( e) Address of Sponsor: ________________________ 2.Purpose of visit: ________________________ 3.Validity of the Pass: ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ Signature of the Pass holderSignature of the Issuing Authority CONDITIONS: 1.This Pass is temporary and subject to ca ncellation by this Office 2.Pass holder should produce his/her Pass to the Police Officer -in- charge, Vairengte/Kanghmun/Bairabi/Ngopa Check Gate, Mizoram or a ny other Officer duly authorized by the Government of Mizoram in this behalf. 3.Pass holder should r eport to the Deputy Commissioner concerned on his/her arrival at the District Headquar ters within 7 (seven) days of arrival.Fee: Rs 5/- per headFORM-F(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) PROVISIONAL PASS NO: ______________________________ Shri/Smt. ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ is allowed to bring in ________________________________ nos of non-indigenous person(s) for/as ______________________________. THIS PASS IS VALID UPTO ______________________________ (Vide D.C’s order_____________________ Dated:_____________ Deputy Commissioner ___________District:__________ Memo No._________________________ Dated._____________ Copy to: 1.Director, La bour & Employment, Govt. of Mizoram. 2.The Superintendent of Police, ____________District 3.L.O., Silchar 4.O.C, Vairengte/Kanhmun/Ngopa/Bairabi PS 5.Guard File Deputy Commissioner ___________District:__________ - 23 -- 24 - FORM ‘G’ - I (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) MONTHLY RETURNOFTEMPORARY INNER LINE PASSFOR THE MONTH OF: _________________ ISSUING AUTHORITY:___________________________ 12345678 FORM ‘G’ - II (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) MONTHLY RETURN OFPROVISIONAL INNER LINE PASS\FOR THE MONTH OF: _______________ ISSUING AUTHORIT Y: ___________________________ CONDITIONS: 1.Shri/Smt._____________________________________. should ensure submission of application early so as to enable individual regular passes for all his/her labourers within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of issue of the Provisional P ass. 2.Persons of Nepali origin, if included amongst the labourers permitted a re requ ir ed to ha ve a Certificate fr om the DC of t heir last residence giving detail, such as, Village Thana District and State. 3.Persons coming from the Districts of Cachar, Hailakandi and Karimganj should enclose relevant extract of E/Roll No, Part No.. etc. duly countersigned by concerned ERO or a ttested copy of E.P.I Card (Voters I.D Card) or residential/birth Certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. FORM – ‘G’ (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) MONTHLY RETURN OF INNER LINE PASSFOR THE MONTH OF: ___________________________ ISSUING AUTHORITY: ___________________________ 12345678Sl. NoName of Pass holderPass No.Da te of issueValidityPlace of stayName of sponsorRemark if anySl. NoName of Pass holderPass No.Da te of issueValidityPlace of stayName of sponsorRemark if anySl. NoName of Pass holderPass No.Da te of issueValidityPlace of stayName of sponsorRemark if any12345678 - 25 -- 26 - Rs. 20/- FO R M – ‘ A’(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF REGULAR INNER LINE PASS (3 passport size photographs of applicant and sponsor to be enclosed.) 1.Name of applicant: ____________________________ 2.Father ’s name: ____________________________ 3.Address/Village: ____________________________ P.O. : ___________ P.S. : ________________________ 4.Dist. : ___________ H. No. : ______ E./Roll No. ______ Part No.: __________ Constituency: __________________ 5.Age of Applicant: ____________________________ 6.Identification Mark: ____________________________ 7.Name of Sponsor: ____________________________ 8.Address/V.C: ____________ H/No. : _________ P.S.: ___________ P.O. : ___________ 9.Father’s name of sponsor : ____________________________ 10. Purpose of stay: ____________________________ 11. Place of work: ____________________________ 12. Regd. No.: ______(in case of workshop/industry, etc) 13. L.S.C. No.: _________(in case o f construction work) 14. Skilled/Semi-skilled/Unskilled : _________________________ 15. Need for la bour: ____________________________ __________________ Signature of applicant N O T E : 1.Applicants of Nepali/Gurkha origin should bring certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of their Village/Home town to prove that they are Indian Nationals. 2.Applicants from the Districts of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam should enclose relevant extract of E/Roll countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested copy of E.P.I. Card (Voter’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 3.3 (three) passport size photographs of applican t and sponsor should be enclosed. 4.Only indigenous persons residing in Mizoram either individually or represen ting Gover nment Offices shall be accepted.- 13 - UNDERTAKING BY THE SPONSOR I, ____________________________ do hereby bind myself that : - 1.I shall responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/ her stay in Mizoram. 2.I shall be responsible to arrange depor tation of the pass holder from Mizoram when I no longer require his service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner Aizawl t o do so and surrender the ILP. 3.I shall personally come to the office for renewal of the pass if his/ her service is further required. 4.I sha ll pr oduce the applica nt or fur nish information on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5.I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other tha n myself. 6.I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant. 7.In t he event of any default on my part in respect of any of the conditions mentioned above I shall be liable to prosecution by the competent court (as in the case of the holder of the pass in term of section 4 of BEFR, 1973). __________________ Signature of applicant Address: ________________ ________________ - 16 - I, _____________________________________ son/daughter of ______________________________ do hereby bind myself that: - 1.I shall responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/ her stay in Mizoram. 2.I shall be responsible to arrange depor tation of the pass holder from Mizoram when I no longer require his service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner Aizawl t o do so and surrender the ILP. 3.I shall personally come to the office for renewal of the Pass if his/ her service is further required. 4.I sha ll pr oduce the applica nt or fur nish information on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5.I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other tha n myself. 6.I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant. 7.In t he event of any default on my part in respect of any of the conditions mentioned above I shall be liable to prosecution by the competent court (as in the case of the holder of the pass in term of section 4 of BEFR, 1973). __________________ Signature of applicant _____________________________________________________ I certify that the sponsor Pi/ Pu _______________________ son/daughter of ______________________________is residing at ______________________ in House No. ___________________. He/she requires to employ ______________ as _______________ ____________________________ Signature of SDO/ BDO/AO/VCP With SEAL - 14 - Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘AA’(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF INNER LINE PASS IN CASE OF DEPARTMENTAL WORK 1.Name of applicant: _______________________ 2.Father ’s name: _______________________ 3.Address/Village: _______________________ P.O. : __________ P.S. : __________ 4.Dist. : __________ State : __________ E/Roll No : __________ P/No : __________ Constituency : __________________ 5.Age of Applicant: _______________________ 6.Identification Mark: _______________________ 7.Name &: _______________________ Designation of Sponsor: _______________________ 8.Official Address: _______________________ 9.Police Station: _______________________ 10. Purpose of stay: _______________________ 11. Place of work: _______________________ 12. Skilled/Semi-skilled/Unskilled : _______________________ 13. Need for la bour: _______________________ __________________ Signature of applicant NOTE: 1. Applicants of Nepali/Gurkha origin should bring certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of their Village/Home town to prove that they are Indian Nationals. 2. Applicants from the Districts of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam should enclose E/Roll extract countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested copy of E.P.I. Card (Voter ’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 3. 3 (three) passport size photographs of applican t and sponsor should be enclosed.- 15 -

Guideline for the enforcement of the Inner Line Regulation in Mizoram

VOL - XXXVISSUE - 230 (b)Date - 08/09/2006

NOTIFICATIONGUIDELINES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THEINNER LINE REGULATION IN MIZORAMNo.F.22015/54/94-HMP/Pt-II, the 1st September, 2006.In supercession of the existing guidelines for the enforcement of the Inner Line Regulation in Mizoram issued vide No. F-22015/54/94 – HMP/Pt-II dt. 18.6.04 and in pursuance of the decision taken by Council of Ministers in its Meeting held on 11th August, 2006 and in the interest of the public, the Governor of Mizoram, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 2 of the Eastern Bengal Frontier Regulation, 1873 (V of 1873) is pleased to issue the following guidelines for regulating t he entry and stay of non-indigenous persons within the Inner Line of Mizoram as notified in the Notification No. 2106 A.P. dated 9th March 1933 published in the Assam Gazette Part II dated 15th March 1993. This shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 1.Authorities for issue of Inner Line Pass (hereinafter referred to as ILP): (1)Regular ILP: - The Dep ut y Co mmissioner o f Aizawl Dist rict , Lunglei Dist rict , Ko lasib Dist rict , Mamit Dist rict , Serchhip Dist rict , Champhai Dist rict , Lawngt lai Dist rict and Saiha Dist rict or any other concerned subordinate officer authorized by them on their behalf shall be competent to issue regular ILP for a period not exceeding 6 (six) months, subject to the availability of a sponsor who is a bo nafide indigenous resident. (2)Temporary ILP: - The Re sid ent Co mmissio ne r, Go ve rnme nt o f Mizo ram at N ew Delhi, the Liaison Officer, Silchar, Shillong, Guwahati, Kolkata, the Deputy Superintendent o f Police in- charge of Airport Security at Lengpui ,Officer in-charge of Kanhmun Police Station, Administrative Officer, Bairabi and Sub-Divisional Officer (C), Ngopa are authorized to issue Temporary ILP in Form E for a period not exceeding 15 (fifteen) days, to bonafide visitors/tourists or business representatives with intimation to the concerned Deputy Commissioner. (2)(a) The Officers, authorized to issue temporary ILPs, should also ensure that the temporary I L P s ar e is s ue d o nly o n Go ver nme nt wo r k ing d ays i. e. no t emp o r ar y I LP s w ill be iss ued o n S at ur d ays, Sundays and Government Holidays.The Mizoram Gazett EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ)Rs. 2/- per issueVOL - XXXV Aizawl, Friday 8.9.2006 Bhadra 17, S.E. 1928, Issue No. 230 (3)Renewal or extension of ILP: - The Deput y Co mmissio ner o f Aizawl Dist rict , Ko lasib Dist rict , Mamit Dist rict , Se rchhip Dist rict , Champhai Dist r ict , Lunglei Dist rict , La wngt la i Dist rict and Saiha District or any other concerned subordinate officer authorized by them on their behalf may on application renew or extend the validity of the ILP of the holder residing in their respective d is t r ic t s fo r no t mo r e t han t wo t imes . R enew al o f I LP s ha ll be s ubje ct t o t he g o o d co ndu ct o f t he ILP ho lder t ha t he/she is no t invo lved in any criminal act ivit y. (3)(a) The D ep ut y Co mmissio ner o f Aizaw l Dist rict , Lung lei D ist ric t , Ko lasib Dist r ict , Mamit District, Serchhip District, Champhai District, Lawngtlai District and Saiha District should create a separate ILP Cell, wherein the whole process should be computerized. (3) (b) All the Pass issuing authorities should compile a consolidated statement of all passes issued by t hem and invariably submit mo nt hly ret urn to t he Go vernment of Mizoram in t he prescribed proforma. 2.Categories of Persons to be exempted(1)In partial modification of the Notification No.PLA.393/70-Pt/I dt. 7.9.1970 which prohibits all persons other then officers on Government duty and indigenous inhabitants of the then Mizo Dist rict , (no w the St at e o f Mizo ram), from crossing t he Inner Line, it is prescribed t hat in addit io n t o the persons exempted under the said notification, members of the Security Forces and the families of such non-indigenous and regular or permanent Government servants, and employees of the Government Undertakings and Corporations shall also remain exempted: Provided that the expression ‘family’ shall have the same meaning as assigned to it under the FR & SR or the CCS Pension Rules; Provided further that a retired government employee settled in Mizoram by virtue of his or her marriage to an indigenous tribal of Mizoram, and Government Advocates as well as the advocates on Defence Panels of Government shall also remain exempted fro m requiring to have an ILP. (2)Entry of foreigners into Mizoram is regulated under the provisions of Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order, 1958 made under the provision of Foreigners Act, 1946 and the Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950. (3)The system of issuing Identity Cards with photographs may be adopted for regular Government servants for easy identification at the check gat es. Although the Government servants on duty visiting Mizoram and staying temporarily are not required to carry Inner Line Pass but due to ignorance about their identity, the men posted in the check gate may refuse their entry. Identity Cards will be useful in such situations. In the absence of Identity Card, Government servant should carry a movement order or even an Inner Line Pass to avoid any risk of being refused entry due to ignorance of his or her identity. (4)Students of Educational Institutions of the State possessing genuine Identity Cards issued by the Institutions shall be exempted from requiring to have ILP during the period of their studies. The Heads of the Institutions may clearly state the year/ period of study in the Identity Cards.- 2 - EX-230 / 2006 3.Prescribed Forms, Fees, conditions/restriction etc, under Regulation 4 of the Bengal Eastern FrontierRegulation, 1873(1)Va r io us F o r ms s ha ll be as p r es cr ibe d by t he G o ve r nme nt a nd ap pe nde d her et o , Fo r m A, AA, B, C, D, E, F, G, G-I and G-II. Necessary fees are indicated in each form. Fees are subject to revisio n by t he Go vernment fro m t ime t o t ime. (2)All Pass issuing authorities should maintain minute accounts of the proceeds of the fees realized and should submit the same to the Government as revenue after making proper receipt for the same without any delay. (3)All Pass issuing or renewing authorities should ensure that the conditions and restrictions indicated in the respective forms should be strictly adhered to by the applicants and the sponsors. 4.Special Security Instruction during Emergency etc.The State Government has the right to issue special instruction for taking special measures through Inner Line Pass system for tightening the security etc. in the State during any emergency or war etc. o r as a nd whe n s uch s it u at io n ar is e s. 5.Verification of Character and Antecedents.(1)A simple yet effective system of verifying the character and antecedents of the intending visitors or tourists may be adopted by the Pass issuing authorities so that the procedure is not made t o o cumbe rso me fo r t he ad minist r at ive ma chine ry and a lso fo r t he int end ing visit o rs o r t o ur ist s in normal cases. While in doubtful cases, it may become necessary to go deeper by even referring to t he ho me district s o f t he int ending visit o rs o r t o urist s. In no rmal cases, it sho uld be eno ugh t o verify from the applicant himself by the Pass issuing authority. The pass-issuing authority, however, has the right to grant the pass or reject the application without assigning any reason. (2)The influx of Bangladeshi nationals into the districts of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam has to be taken into consideration while issuing ILPs to persons claiming to be from these districts. The ILP issuing authorities sho uld insist on t he production of EPI Card or relevant extract of Electoral Roll countersigned by concerned ERO or genuine reliable document to prove the bonafide identity as Indian citizen of the applicant from applicants above t he age of 18 years and residential or birth certificate or bonafide document from applicants below 18 years. This is required to ensure that only bonafide Indian citizens of these dist ricts avail the ILP and that the security of the State is not jeopardized. 6.Inner Line passes for Casual, Contractual and Muster Roll Employees of the Government and itsInst ru ment alit ie s. All casual, co ntractual and Muster Roll employees engaged by various depart ments of the State government and its instrumentalities, and by the officers entitled to have personal peons shall be required to have Inner Line Passes for the exact term for which they are employed or engaged.- 3 -EX-230 / 2006 7.Family members of the cat egory of Govt. servants as mentioned in paragraph 6. The Family members and dependants of the Government servants in the category mentioned in paragraph 6 should obtain Inner Line Passes for their movement and stay in Mizoram. They may be given Passes for comparatively lo nger period which may be even upto 2(two ) years depending upon the nature of posting or employment of such Government servants. 8.Passes for non-indigenous businessmen/traders holding Trade Licenses. There are a few non-indigenous persons who are running shops/businesses by virtue of Trade Licenses, either Permanent o r Temporary, granted to them by the erstwhile Mizo District Council and the Autonomous District Councils (Lai, Chakma and Lakher). Special arrangements have to be ma d e fo r t hem, and r egu la r I LP ma y be issue d t o t he m in t he fo llo wing manne r : - (I)Permanent Trade License holders: -Inner Line Passes with validity exceeding 1 (one) year but not exceeding 3(three) years, renewable by 1(One) year at a time may be issued to persons who are in possession of Permanent Trade License issued by the erstwhile Mizo District Council and the Autonomous District Councils (Lai, Chakma and Lakher) and to the members of their family. Such Permanent Trade License holders are also allowed to sponsor non-indigenous employees numbering not more than 3 (three) for the purpose of carrying their business as manager, attendant etc. (2)Temporary Trade License holders: - Inner Line Passes with validity exceeding I (one) but not exceeding 3(three) years, renewable by 1 (one) year at a time may be issued to persons, who are in possession of Temporary Trade License issued by the erstwhile Mizo District Council and the Autonomous District Councils (Lai, Chakma and Lakher) and to the members of their family subject to prior approval of the Government. 9.Passes for non-indigenous employees of the Private or Public Sector Companies, Corporationsand Firms:-There are Private or Public Sector Companies, Corporations and Firms whose services are required for execution of work contract in the State. If such Companies, Corporations and Firms require ILP for registration under Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 and the Rules made thereunder, the Government shall have the right to issue Inner Line Passes of 2 (two) years validity to one representative (CEO/ Managing Director/ Manager etc) of the companies/ firms to enable them to register under MVAT Act, 2005. Other non-indigenous employees maybe issued Regular ILP by the Deputy Commissioner upon sponsorship by the Government Department under which the Companies, Corpo rations and Firms are executing work contract. In case of casual traders or dealers whose services are required for execution of Development Projects and Schemes inside t he State of Mizoram, the Go vernment shall have the right to issue ILP with validity of 2 years on case to case basis to make them eligible for registration under MVAT Act, 2005.- 4 - EX-230 / 2006 10.Passes for non-indigenous proprietors of non-CSD canteens (unit canteens) of Central Forces,St ate Police:- The Central Forces like BRTF, BSF, Assam Rifles etc stationed in various places in the St ate have no n-CS D canteens ( unit cant eens) r un by non-indigeno us perso ns. Similarly, the State Po lice have canteens in several places like Battalion Headquarters, District Headquarters, Po lice Stations etc. The Government shall have the right to issue ILP with 2(two) years validity to the non- indigenous pro prietors of these canteens subject to certain conditions as maybe laid down for this purpo se .Such proprietors once issued ILP with 2 (two) years validity are allowed to sponsor non- indigenous employees numbering not more than 3 (three) for the purpose of carrying their business as manager, attendant etc. 11.Issue of Provisional Inner Line Pass to import Labourers in bulk. A large number of Inner Line Passes are often issued to labourers of Border Roads Task Force, Public Works Department, Public Health Engineering, Power and electricity Department and their Contractors, Environment and Forest Department and to its Mahaldars/Contractors, Government Undertakings and Corporations. Such labourers can be the clandestine source of infiltration of a large number of anti-social and anti-national elements or spread of various communicable diseases. Therefore, special care has to be taken to screen them and regulate it pro perly. A t o o rigid syst em o f screening wo uld lead t o no n-availabilit y o f skilled/semi-skilled/ unskilled labourers for development works. Therefore, a simple yet effective system of verifying their characters and antecedents will have to be adopted. The following procedure may be followed:- (1)The D ep ut y Co mmissio ner o f Aizaw l Dist rict , Lung lei D ist ric t , Ko lasib Dist r ict , Mamit District, Serchhip District, Champhai District, Lawngtlai District and Saiha District or any Officer authorized by them may issue provisional passes for labourers with validity for 15 (Fifteen) days, on the recommendation of the Chief Engineer, Pushpak, Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department and the Zonal Chief Engineers below him, as the case may be. Before submission of such recommendation to the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl the sponsoring Departments/authorities shall o bt ain ‘No Obje ct io n Ce rt ificat e’ fro m t he Labo ur & Emp lo yment Depa rt me nt . (2)The Provisional Passes will be in the form of blanket pass to bring the required labourers, provided that except with the prior approval of the Government, the number of such Labourers does not exceed 50 (Fifty). Once the labourers are recruited from outside the Inner Line area, it will be the respo nsibility of the concerned recruiting agency to first produce the labourers in person along with their list to the Inner Line check gate t hrough which they will enter. (3)The Officer-in-charge of the check post concerned shall, in turn, after verifying the list, put his seal on the list and Pass to indicate that the list has been checked. The Officer-in-charge shall reco rd in his regist er the number o f the pro visio nal Inner Line Passes along wit h t he names of t he perso ns who have ent ered o n t he basis of the Pro visio nal Passes. (4)It shall be the responsibility of the department or the contractor of the Government Undertaking or Corporation concerned to see that all labourers recruited get their Inner Line Passes- 5 -EX-230 / 2006 regularized from the concerned Deputy Commissioner within 15(fifteen) days of entering the Inner Line Area. The Deputy Commissioner shall ensure that Inner Line Passes are issued individually to each of the labourers after completing necessary formalities at the earliest. He should not issue any I nner Line P ass wit h mo r e t han o ne name in it . I t sho uld als o be br o ught t o t he no t ic e o f all t he labourers as well as others that they should carry their Inner Line Pass with them wherever they go. This will be in their own interest; because thereafter, whenever any surprise checks are carried out, if any individual is found without an Inner Line Pass, necessary legal action would be initiated against him. (5)It is not proposed to issue general instruct ion for medical check up of all labourers. If the Chief Medical Officer of a District feels that incidents of malaria or o ther communicable disease is on the increase and, therefore, it is necessary to conduct medical check-up of all labourers, the District authority may arrange for such medical check-up. (6)It will be the respo nsibility of the department or the co ntractor or Government Undert aking or Corporation concerned to see that labourers recruited by them do not continue to stay in the State without valid Inner Line Passes and that they are deported back through the ILP check gate they were brought in after completion of the purpose for which they were recruited. (7)For any criminal or ant i-so cial act ivit y, if do ne by such labo urers, t he recr uiting depar t ment or contractor or agency shall also be responsible for early apprehension of such labourer and shall furnish all relevant info rmat io n t o t he po lice (8)Except with the prior approval of the Government, the number of labourers that can be sponsored for private construction or other purposes should not be more than 10 (ten). 12.Surprise checks : To minimiz e t he number o f per so ns st aying wit ho ut I nner Line P asses and in o r der t o enforce the Inner Line Regulation to the extent possible, surprise checking of Inner Line Passes in the Districts should be conducted at least once a month. A special ILP Cell should be set-up in every Police Station to conduct these checks. Result of these checks should be reported to the Home Department and to the Police Headquarters. Any person found staying without valid Inner Line Pass should be duly proceeded against according to law. This practice will minimize the number of such persons staying un-authorisedly in Mizoram. 13.Dut ies at the Inner Line check gat es: The manner in which the Inner Line Passes are checked at the Inner Line check gates is very important. If not properly checked, there can be illegal entries, and if in the name of proper checking the visitors coming on foo t or by buses or vehicles are delayed unduly, it would at the same time amo unt to harassment to bo nafide visit ors/t ourist s. Therefore, the metho d o f checking should be as simple as possible, yet effective so that no one who is required to possess an Inner Line Pass, enters without a pass. Checking of food and other commodities is outside the purview of- 6 - EX-230 / 2006 the Inner Line Regulation. It is, therefore, necessary that proper instructions are issued to the police personnel at the check gates and effective and regular supervision maintained over their work. Accordingly, following guidelines are made for the check gates:- (1)No person or vehicle carrying persons should be delayed more than the minimum time required for doing the normal checking of the Inner Line Passes. The men at the check-gates should remain alert all the time so that as soon as a person or a vehicle reaches the check point, the checking is conducted without any loss of time and the person/vehicle is allowed to cross the Inner Line after the checking as early as possible. (2)Although checking of vehicles does not fall within the purview o f the Inner Line Regulation, it will be a good practice to keep a record of all incoming and outgoing vehicles carrying non- indigenous persons to and fro Mizoram in the register to be kept at the check gate. These records ma y be o f s o me help fo r d et ec t ing cr imes a nd fo r ma in t a in in g a st at ist ic s o f vehic les p lyin g o n t he road. The District authority may devise a suitable form for maintenance of the relevant register at the check gate. The same register may be used for entering other information also. (3)Normally, it will not be necessary to make entry of each Inner Line Pass carried by every incoming individual as it would involve a great deal of time, particularly of persons who are traveling in bus carrying a large number of passengers. Checking and at the same time entering the details of eve r y I nner Line P as s wo u ld mean a gr e at d eal o f t ime lo ss t o t he pas seng er s a nd t he bus. I t wo uld be eno ug h if t he check ing is d o ne in t he bus it self. (4)All Inner Line Passes surrendered by the outgoing persons should, however, be collected and later entered in the register and sent to the concerned Deputy Commissioner for record/disposal. 14.The work of maintenance and supervision of the Inner Line check-gates, periodical and surprise checks of Inner Line Passes in the district should be entrusted to the District Police authorities, under the overall control and supervision of the Deputy Commissioner of the district concerned. 15.In any matter for which the Guidelines is silent, the decision taken by the Government on merit of the case shall be final. 16.This Guidelines supercede all previous guidelines or standing orders issued by the Government of Mizo ram in t his behalf. Sd/- C. Ropianga Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. - 7 -EX-230 / 2006 Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘A’(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF REGULAR INNER LINE PASS (3 passport size photographs of applicant and sponsor to be enclosed.) 1. Name of applicant: _________________________________________________ 2. Father’s name: _________________________________________________ 3. Address/Village: _________________________________________________ P.O. : ___________________________P.S. :______________________________ 4. Dist. : ___________________________H. No.: ________ E./Roll No. ________ Part No.: __________________________Constituency: _________________________ 5. Age of Applicant: _________________________________________________ 6. Identification Mark: _________________________________________________ 7. Name of Sponsor: _________________________________________________ 8. Address/V.C: ___________________ H/No. : ___________________ P.S.: ___________________ P.O. : ____________________ 9. Father ’s name of sponso r: _________________________________________________ 10. Purpose of stay: _________________________________________________ 11 . P la ce o f w o r k: _________________________________________________ 12. Regd. No.: ____________________(in case of workshop/industry, etc) 13. L.S.C. No.: ____________________ (in case of construction work) 14. Skilled/Semi-skilled/Unskilled : ____________________ 15. Need for labour: _________________________________________________ __________________ Signature of applicant NOTE : 1 . App licant s o f N epali/ Gurkha o rig in sho uld br ing ce rt ific at e fro m t he Depu t y Co mmissio ner of t heir Village/Home t own t o prove that they are Indian Nationals. 2 . Applica nt s fro m the Dist rict s o f Karimganj, H ailakandi and Cachar o f Assam sho uld enclo se relevant extract of E/Roll countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested copy of E.P.I. Card (Voter’s ID card) or residential/birth cert ificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 3. 3 (three) passport size photographs of applicant and sponsor should be enclosed. 4. Only indigenous persons residing in Mizoram either individually or representing Government Offices shall be accepted.- 8 - EX-230 / 2006 I, ________________________________________________________ son/daughter of ___________________________________________________do hereby bind myself that: - 1. I shall responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/her stay in Mizoram. 2. I shall be responsible to arrange deportation of the pass holder from Mizoram when I no longer require his service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner Aizawl to do so and surrender the ILP. 3. I shall personally come to the office for renewal of the Pass if his/her service is further required. 4. I shall produce the applicant or furnish information on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5. I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other than myself. 6. I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant. 7. In t he event of any default on my part in respect o f any of the conditio ns mentioned abo ve I shall be liable t o pr o se cut io n by t he co mp e t ent c o ur t ( as in t he cas e o f t he ho lder o f t he pa ss in t e r m o f s ec t io n 4 o f B E FR , 1 97 3) . __________________ Signature of applicant I certify that the sponsor Pi/ Pu ________________________________________________ son/daughter of __________________________________is residing at ____________________ in House No. ________________________. He/she requires to employ _______________________ as _______________________________. ____________________________ Signature of SDO/BDO/AO/VCP With SEAL - 9 -EX-230 / 2006 Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘AA’(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF INNER LINE PASS IN CASE OF DEPARTMENTAL WORK 1. Name of applicant: ________________________________________________ 2. Father’s name: ________________________________________________ 3. Address/Village: ________________________________________________ P.O. : _______________________P.S.: _______________________________ 4. Dist.: _________________________ State: _______________________________ E/Roll No : _________________ P/No: ____________ Constituency: _______________ 5. Age of Applicant: ________________________________________________ 6. Identification Mark: ________________________________________________ 7. Name &: ________________________________________________ Designation of Sponsor: ________________________________________________ 8. Official Address: ________________________________________________ 9. Police Station: ________________________________________________ 10. Purpose of stay: ________________________________________________ 11 . P la ce o f w o r k: ________________________________________________ 12. Skilled/Semi-skilled/Unskilled : ________________________________________________ 13. Need for labour: ________________________________________________ __________________ Signature of applicant NOTE: 1 . App licant s o f N epali/ Gurkha o rig in sho uld br ing ce rt ific at e fro m t he Depu t y Co mmissio ner of t heir Village/Home t own t o prove that they are Indian Nationals. 2 . Applica nt s fro m the Dist rict s o f Karimganj, H ailakandi and Cachar o f Assam sho uld enclo se E/Roll extract countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested copy of E.P.I. Card (Voter’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deput y Commissioner. 3. 3 (three) passport size photographs of applicant and sponsor should be enclosed.- 10 - EX-230 / 2006 UNDERTAKING BY THE SPONSOR I, ___________________________________________ do hereby bind myself that : - 1. I shall responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/her stay in Mizoram. 2. I shall be responsible to arrange deportation of the pass holder from Mizoram when I no longer require his service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner Aizawl to do so and surrender the ILP. 3 . I sha ll pe r so nally co me t o t he o ffice fo r r e ne wal o f t he pas s if h is / he r s er vic e is fur t her r e qu ir e d. 4. I shall produce the applicant or furnish information on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5. I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other than myself. 6. I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant. 7. In the event of any default on my part in respect of any of the conditions ment ioned above I shall be liable to prosecution by the competent court (as in the case of the holder of the pass in term of section 4 of BEFR, 1973). __________________ Signature of applicant Address: ________________ ________________ - 11 -EX-230 / 2006 Rs. 200/- Form – BINNER LINE PASS (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) (In accordance with the provision of Bengal eastern Frontier regulation, 1873) 1. Pass No.: _______________________ 2. Name of Pass Holder : ___________________________ PS: _______________________ 3 . Dist rict: _____________________ 4. House No.: _____________________ E/Roll: __________ Part : __________ 5. Fat her ’s Name: ___________________________________ 6. Age: ___________________________________ 7. Name of Sponsor: _________________________________ Is official sponsor? Y/ N 8. Address of Sponsor Private Sponsor Official Sponsor1. House No. : ____________________ 1. Desig : ____________________________ 2. P.O.: ____________________ 2. Add : ____________________________ 3. Locality: ____________________ 3. Deptt : ____________________________ 4 . Dist rict: ____________________ 4. Dist. : ____________________________ 9. Father’s name of Sponsor: ____________________________________________ 10. Place of work: ____________________________________________ 11. Purpose of stay: ____________________________________________ 12. Identification mark of Pass holder : ____________________________________________ 1 3 . Validit y: ____________________________________________ (This Pass is issued on conditions and restrictions as may be seen overleaf) DC Order _____________________ Dated ______________ ______________________Deputy Commissioner Signature of the Pass holder________District, _______ Memo No. _______________________________Dated: ________________ Copy to: 1.The DIG (Range), Mizoram Police. 2. Director, Labour & Employment 3. The Superintendent of Police ,______________District 4. OC, __________________Police Station 5. President, Village Council, ______________________ 6. Shri/Smt. ___________________________________ 7. Sponsor ____________________________________ Deputy Commissioner _______ District, ______Passport size photo of pass holder - 12 - EX-230 / 2006 CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 1.The sponsor will be responsible for t he good conduct of the pass holder during his/her st ay in Mizoram. He will arrange the deportation of the pass holder from Mizoram when he no requires the service of the labourer or when he is directed by the Deputy Commissioner concerned to do so and surrender the Inner Line Pass. 2.The sponsor shall ensure that t he pass holder is engaged only for the purpose in the pass. 3.Sponsorship is not transferable. Sponsor shall personally come for the renewal of the Inner Line Pass if the continuous service of the pass holder is required. 4.It shall be the r esponsibility of the sponsor to furnish information on the whereabouts of the pass holder if called upon to do so by the Deputy Commissioner concerned. 5.The pass holder shall not work under any person ot her than the sponsor. 6.The pass should be submitted for renewal at least 7 (seven) days before expiry of the pass. 7.The pass holder should pro duce the pass on demand by the Magistrat e/Police Officer/Constable on dut y o r any Govt . servant authorized on this behalf by t he Deputy Commissioner concerned. 8.The pass holder or sponsor o n the case may/shall be liable to pro secute for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation Act, 1873 as amended in 1930 or under any law in force or for furnishing wrong information etc. as the case may be. 9.Pass holder is to report himself/herself to the nearest Police Station within one week after issue of his/her Inner line Pass.- 13 -EX-230 / 2006 Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘C’ (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) To, The Deputy Commissioner, ______________ District, _______________ Subject :Extension of validity of Inner Line Pass Sir, I have t he ho nour to request you to kindly extend Inner Line Pass No.____________________ which is due to expire on ______________________ for another period of __________________________ (_________) months/days. The reason for extension of the validity of t he pass is given below:- ______________________________________________________________________________ The Inner Line Pass is also enclosed for reference. Yours faithfully, FULL NAME: ________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________ H/No.: ________________________ Certified that t he reason for ext ensio n of Inner Line Pass is genuine. _____________________ Signature of the SDO (S) BDO/AO/VCP Note : The Applicant is required to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- for every extension/renewal of his/her ILP.- 14 - EX-230 / 2006 Rs. 20/- FORM – ‘D’ (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) To, 1) The Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. 2) The Liaison Officer, Silchar/Shillong/Guwahati/Kolkata. 3) Sub-Divisional Officer (C), Ngopa 4) Dy.S.P, Airport Security, Lengpui Airport. 5) Administrative Officer, Bairabi 6) Officer-in-Charge, Kanhmun PS. Subj:Temporary Inner Line Pass. Sir, I have the honour to request you to kindly issue Temporary Inner Line Pass for my visit to Mizoram. My particulars are given below: - 1. Name: _________________________________________ 2. Fat her ’s Name: _________________________________________ 3. Address: _____________________ P.S. ________________ 4 . Dist rict: ___________________ State ________________ 5. Purpose of Visit: _________________________________________ 6. Name of Sponsor: _________________________________________ 7. Address: _________________________________________ 8. Validity of the pass: _________________________________________ Yo u r s fa it hfu lly, Signature of Applicant NOTE: 1 . App licant s o f N epali/ Gurkha o rig in sho uld br ing ce rt ific at e fro m t he Depu t y Co mmissio ner of t heir Village/Home t own t o prove that they are Indian Nationals. 2 . Applica nt s fro m the Dist rict s o f Karimganj, H ailakandi and Cachar o f Assam sho uld enclo se E/Roll extract countersigned by concerned E.R.O or attested copy of E.P.I. Card (Voter’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deput y Commissioner. 3. Two copies of the passport size photographs of applicant should be enclosed.- 15 -EX-230 / 2006 Fo rm – ETEMPORARY INNER LINE PASS (see sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 1) Pass No.: ____________________ 1. (a) Name of Pass Holder : _________________________________________________ (b) Address: ______________________ P.S _______________________ Dist rict: ______________________ State ______________________ (c) Fat her ’s Name: _________________________________________________ (d) Name of Sponsor: _________________________________________________ (e) Address of Sponsor: _________________________________________________ 2. Purpose of visit: _________________________________________________ 3. Validity of the Pass: _________________________________________________ _____________________ ______________________ Signature of the Pass holderSignature of the Issuing Authority CONDITIONS: 1. This Pass is temporary and subject to cancellation by this Office 2. Pass holder should produce his/her Pass to the Police Officer-in-charge, Vairengte/Kanghmun/ Bairabi/Ngopa Check Gate, Mizoram or any other Officer duly authorized by the Government of Mizo ram in t his behalf. 3. Pass holder should report to the Deputy Commissioner concerned on his/her arrival at the District Headquart ers within 7 (seven) days of arrival.Passport size photo of pass holder - 16 - EX-230 / 2006 Fee: Rs 5/- per headFORM-F(see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) PROVISIONAL PASS NO: _________________________________________ S hr i/ S mt. __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ is allowed to bring in ________________________________________________________ nos of non-indigenous person(s) for/as ______________________________________________________. THIS PASS IS VALID UPTO ______________________________________________________ (Vide D.C’s order_____________________________ Dated:_____________________________ Deput y Commissio ner ___________District:__________ Memo No._________________________________ Dated._________________ Copy to: 1 . Direct o r, Labo ur & Emplo yment , Go vt . o f Mizo ram. 2. The Superintendent of Police, ____________District 3. L.O., Silchar 4. O.C, Vairengte/Kanhmun/Ngopa/Bairabi PS 5 . Guard File Deput y Commissio ner ___________District:__________ - 17 -EX-230 / 2006 CONDITIONS: 1. Shri/Smt.______________________________________________.should ensure submission of application early so as to enable individual regular passes for all his/her labourers within 21 (t wenty one) days fro m the date of issue of the Pro visional Pass. 2. Persons of Nepali origin, if included amongst the labourers permitted are required to have a Cert ificate from the DC of their last residence giving detail, such as, Village Thana District and Stat e. 3. Persons coming from the Districts of Cachar, Hailakandi and Karimganj should enclose relevant extract of E/Roll No, Part No..etc. duly countersigned by concerned ERO or attested copy of E.P.I Card (Voters I.D Card) or residential/birth Certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. ______________________________________________________________________________ FORM – ‘G’ (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) MONTHLY RETURN OF INNER LINE PASSFOR THE MONTH OF: ___________________________ ISSUING AUTHORITY: ___________________________ Sl. Name of Pass holderPassDatePlace Name of sponsorRemark No.No.ofValidity of stayif any issue 12345678- 18 - EX-230 / 2006 FORM ‘G’ - I (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) MONTHLY RETURNOFTEMPORARY INNER LINE PASSFOR THE MONTH OF: _________________ ISSUING AUTHORITY:___________________________ Sl. Name of Pass holderPassDatePlace Name of sponsorRemark No.No.ofValidity of stayif any issue 12345678 FO RM ‘G ’ - II (see sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3) MONTHLY RETURN OFPROVISIONAL INNER LINE PASSFOR THE MONTH OF: _______________ ISSUING AUTHORITY: ___________________________ Sl. Name of Pass holderPassDatePlace Name of sponsorRemark No.No.ofValidity of stayif any issue 12345678- 19 -EX-230 / 2006


VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 39Date - 23/02/2007

The following Acts and Ordinances are hereby published for General Information.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) VOL - XXXVI Aizawl, Friday, 23.2.2007 Phalguna 4, S.E. 1928, Issue No. 39 N O T I F I C A T I O N No. H. 12017/55/2007-LJDthe 17th January, 2007Sd/- ( MARLI VANKUNG ) Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram THE SPIRITUOUS PREPARATIONS (INTER-STATE TRADE AND COMMERCE) CONTROL (REPEAL) ACT, 2006 (AS PASSED BY THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT) AN ACT to repeal the Spirituous Preparations (Inter-State Trade and Commerce) Control Act, 1955. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.This Act may be ca lled the Spirituous Preparations (Inter- State Trade and Commerce) Control (Repeal) Act, 2006. 2.The Spirituous Preparations (Inter-State Trade and Commerce) Control Act, 1955 is hereby rep ealed.Short title. Repealed of Act 39 of 1955. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-700


VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 44Date - 23/02/2007

No. H. 12017/55/2007-LJD :The following Acts and Ordinances are hereby published for General Information.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) VOL - XXXVI Aizawl, Friday, 23.2.2007 Phalguna 4, S.E. 1928, Issue No. 44 N O T I F I C A T I O N Dated Aizawl, the 17th Jan. 2007Sd/- ( MARLI VANKUNG ) Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram New Delhi, t he 15th November, 2006 G.S.R. 704(E).—In exercise of the powers bu Sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Warehousing Corporation Act, 1962 (58 of 1962), the Central Goverment hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Warehousing Corporation Rules, 1963, namely : — 1. (i) These rules may be called the Central Warehopusing Corporation (Amendment) Rules, 2006 (ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In rule 4 of the Central Warehousing Corporation Rules, 1963, for Sub-rule (3) the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely :— "( 3) A dir ect o r e le ct ed u nde r clause ( d) , c la us e ( e ) o r clause ( f) o f S ub- sec t io n ( 1 ) o f S ec t io n 7, sha ll hold office for a period of three years from the date of his election or until a successor is elected in his place, whichever is later." [F. No. 6-2/2004-SG] S.K. SRIVASTAVA, Jt. Secy. Note : The principal rules where publishedvide NO. G.S.R. 635 date 13-4-1963 and subsequently ame nded by t he fo llo win g G. S . R. number s : — Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-700Sd/- ( MARLI VANKUNG ) Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram 1.G.S.R. 295 dated 27-2-1964 2.G.S.R.1266 dated 31-8-1964 3.G.S.R.1481 dated 29-9-1964 4.G.S.R. 649 dated 15-4-1965 5.G.S.R. 56 dated 2-1-1967 6.G.S.R. 612 datd 18-3-1968 7.G.S.R. 1252 datd 17-8-1970 8.G.S.R. 1297 dated 15-7-1970 9.G.S.R. 1371 dated 1-12-1973 10.G.S.R. 683 dated 21-5-1975 11.G.S.R. 143 dated 12-1-197612.G.S.R. 811(E) dated 22-9-1976 13.G.S.R. 1399 dated 9-11-1978 14.G.S.R. 53 dated 28-12-1979 15.G.S.R. 289 (E) dated 10-4-1981 16.G.S.R. 663 (E) dated 5-11-1982 17.G.S.R. 19 (E) dated 19-1-1986 18.G.S.R. 498 (E) dated 14-5-1987 19.G.S.R. 868 (E) dated 23-10-1987 20.G.S.R. 435 (E) dated 5-4-1990 21.G.S.R. 644 (E) dated 20-9-1990 22.G.S.R. 295 (E) dated 22-4-2002

The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (Act No.18 of 1969)

VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 96 (a)Date - 28/03/2007

No.A.43016/1/2000-PLG, the 23rd March, 2007. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of section 30 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (Act No.18 of 1969) the Governor of Miz o ram is plea sed t o ma ke t he fo llo wing rule s na mely :- THE MIZORAM REGISTRATION OF BIRTH AND DEATH RULES, 2007 1.Short title - (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 2007. (2)They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. (3)These rules will replace the Mizoram Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 1978 and all it s su bsequent amendment s no t ified fro m t ime t o t ime. 2.Definitions - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires : (a)'Act' means the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969. (b)'From' means a form appended t o t hese rules; and (c)'Section' means a section of the Act 3.Period of Gestation - The period of gestation for the purposes of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 2 shall be twenty eight weeks. 4.S u b m i s si on o f rep ort u n d e r s ec t i on 4 ( 4 ) - The report under sub-section (4) shall be prepared in the prescribed format appended to these Rules and shall be submitted along with the statistical report reffered to in sub-section (2) of section 19, to the State Government by the Chief Registrar for every year by t he 31 st Ju ly o f t he ye a r fo llo win g t he year t o w hich t he r ep o r t r ela t e s. 5.Form No 1, 2 & 3 for giving information of births and deaths - ( 1) T he infor mat io n requir ed t o be given to the Registrar under section 8 o r section 9, as the case may be, shall be in Form Nos. 1, 2 and 3 for the Registration of a birth, death still birth respectively, hereinafter to be collectively called the repo rting forms. Information if given orally, shall be entered by the Registrar in the appropriate reporting forms and the signature/thumb impression of the informant obtained.Published by Authority VOL - XXXVI, Aizawl, Wednesday, 28.3.2007 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1929, Issue No. 96EXTRA ORDINARYThe Mizoram GazetteRegn. No. NE-313(MZ)Rs. 2/- per Issue NOTIFICATION (2) The part of the reporting forms containing legal information shall be called the ‘Legal Part’ and the part containing statistical information shall be called the ‘Statistical Part’. (3) The information referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be given within twenty one days from the date of birth, death and still birth. 6.Birth or death in a vehicle- (1) In respect of birth or death in a moving vehicle, the person in-charge of the vehicle shall give or cause to be given the information under sub- section (1) of section 8 at the first place of halt. Explanation - For the purpose of this rule the term ‘vehicle ‘ means conveyance of any kind used on land, air or water and includes an aircraft, a boat, a ship, a railway carriage, a motor car, a motor cycle, a cart, a tonga and a rickshaw. (2) In the case of deaths (not falling under clauses (a) to (e) of sub-section (1) of section (8) in which an inquest is held, the officer who conducts the inquest shall give or cause to be given the information under sub-section (1) of section 8. 7.Form of certificate under section 10 (3)-The certificate as to the cause of death required under sub-section (3) of section 10 shall be issued in Form No. 4 or 4A and the Registrar shall, after making necessary entries in the register of births and deaths, forward all such certificates to the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him in this behalf by the 10th of the month immediately following the month to which the certificates relate. 8.Extracts of registration entries to be given under section 12-(1) The extracts of particulars from the register relating to births or deaths to be given to an informant under section 12 shall be in Form No. 5 or Form 6 as the case may be. (2) In the case of domiciliary events of births and deaths referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 8 which are reported direct to the Registrar of Births and Deaths, the head of the house or household as the case may be, or, in his absence, the nearest relative of the head present in the house may collect the extracts of birth or death from the Registrar within thirty days of its reporting. (3) In the case of domiciliary events of births and deaths referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 8 which are reported by persons specified by the State Government under sub-section (2) of the said section, the person so specified shall transmit the extracts received from the Registrar of Births and Deaths to the concerned head of the house or house- hold as the case may be, or, in his absence, the nearest relative of the head present in the house within thirty days of its issue by the Registrar.- 2 - Ex-96/2007 (4) In the case of institutional events of births and deaths referred to in clauses (b) to(e) of sub-section ( I ) of section 8, the nearest relative of the new born or deceased may collect the extract from the officer or person in charge of the institution concerned within thirty days of the occurence of the event of birth or death. (5) If the extract of birth or death is not collected by the concerned person referred to in sub-rules (2) to (4) within the period stipulated therein, the Registrar or the officer or person in-charge of the institution as referred to in sub-rule (4) shall transmit the same to the concerned family by post within fifteen days of the expiry of the aforesaid period. 9. Authority for delayed registration and fee payable therefor - (I)Any birth or death of which information is given to the Registrar, after the expiry of the period specified in rule 5. but within thirty days of its occurence, shall be registered on payment of a late fee of rupees two. (2) Any birth or death of which information is given to the registrar after thirty days, but within one year of its occurence, shall be registered only with the written permission of the officer prescribed in this behalf and on payment of a late fee of rupees five. (3 ) Any birth or death which has not been registered within one year of its occurence, shall be registered only on an order of a Magistrate of the first class or Presidency Magistrate and on payment of a late fee of rupees ten. 10. Period for the purpose of section 14- (1) Where the birth of any child had been registered without a name, the parent or guardian of such child shall, within 12 months from the date of registration of the birth of child, give information regarding the name of the child to the Registrar either orally or in writing. Provided that if the information is given after the aforesaid period of 12 months but within a period of I5 years, which shall be reckoned. (i)In case where the registration had been made prior to the date of commencement of the registration of births and deaths rules 1978, from such date, or (ii) In case where the registration is made after the date of commencement of the registration of births and deaths Rules 1978 from the date of such registration, subject to the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 23, the Registrar shall. (a) If the register is in his possession forthwith enter the name in the relevant column of the concerned form in the birth register on payment of a late fee of rupees five. (b) If the register is not in his possession and if the information is given orally, make a report giving necessary particulars, and, if the information is given in writing, forward the same to the officer specified by the State Government in this behalf for making the necessary entry on payment of a late fee of rupees five.- 3 -Ex-96/2007 (2) The parent or the guardian, as the case may be, shall also present to the Registrar the copy of the extract given to him under section 12 on a certified extract issued to him under section 17 and on such presentation the Registrar shall make the necessary endoresement relating to the name of the child or take action as laid down in clause (b) of the proviso to sub-rule (I) 11Correction or cancellation of entry in the register of births and deaths- If it is reported to the registrar that a clerical or formal error has been made in the register or if such error is otherwise noticed by him and if the register is in his possession, the Registrar shall enquire into the matter and if he is statisfied that any such error has been made, he shall correct the error (by correcting or cancelling the entry) as provided in section 15 and shall send an extract of the entry showing the error and how it has been corrected to the State Government or the officer specified by it in this behalf. (2) In the case referred to in sub-rule (1) if the register is not in his possession, the Registrar shall make a report to the State Government or the office specified by it in this behalf and call for the relevant register and after enquiring into the matter, if he is satisfied that any such error has been made, make the necessary correction. (3) Any such correction as mentioned in sub-rule (2) shall be countersigned by the State Government or the officer specified by it in this behalf when the register is received from the Registrar. (4) If any person asserts that any entry in the register of births and deaths is erroneous in substance, the Registrar may correct the entry in the manner prescribed under section 15 upon production by that person a declaration setting forth the nature of the error and true facts of the case made by two credible persons having knowledge of the facts of the case. (5 ) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (4) the Registrar shall make report of any correction of the kind referred to therein giving necessary details to the State Government or the officer specified in this behalf. (6) If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Registrar that any entry in the register of births and deaths has been fraudulently or improperly made, he shall make a report giving necessary details to the officer authorised by the Chief Registrar by general of special order in this behalf under section 25 and on hearing from him take necessary action in the matter. (7) In every case in which an entry is corrected or cancelled under this rule, intimation thereof should be sent to the permanent address of the person who has given information under section 8 orsection 9.- 4 - Ex-96/2007 12. Form of register under Section 16- The legal part of the Forms No. 1, 2 and 3 shall constitute the birth register, death register and still birth register (Form Nos. 7,8 and 9) respectively. 13. Fees and postal charges payable under section 17- (1) The fees payable for a search to be made, an extract or a non-availability certificate to be issued under section 17, shall be as follow : a)Search for a single entry in the firstRs. year for which the search is made2.00 b)for every additional year for which2.00 the search is continued. c)for granting extract relating to each5.00 birth or death. d)for granting non-availability certificate 2.00 of birth or death. (2) Any such extract in regard to a birth or death shall be issued by the Registrar or the officer authorised by the State Government in this behalf in Form No. 5 or as the case may be, in Form No. 6 and shall be certified in the manner provided for in section 76 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 ( 1 of 1872). (3) If any particular event of birth or death is not found registered the Registrar shall issue a non-availability certificate in Form No. 10. (4) Any such extracts or non-availablility certificate may be furnished to the person asking for it or sent to him by post on payment of the postal charges therefor. 14.Interval and forms of periodical returns under section 19 (1)- (1) Every Registrar shall after completing the process of registration send all the Statistical Parts of the reporting forms relating to each month along with a Summary Monthly Report in form No. 11 for births, Form No. 12 for deaths and Form No. 13 for still births to the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him on or before the 5th of the following month. (2) The officer so specified shall forward all such statistical parts of the reporting forms received by him to the Chief Registrar not later than the 10th of the month. 15.Statistical report under section 19 (2)- The Statistical report under sub-section (2) of section 19 shall contain the tables in the prescribed formats appended to these rules and shall be compiled for each year before the 31st July of the year immediately following and shall be published as soon as may be thereafter but in any case not later than five months from that date.- 5 -Ex-96/2007 16. Conditions for compounding offences- (1) Any offence punishable under section 23 may, either before or after the institution of criminal proceedings under this Act, be compounded by an officer authorised by the Chief Registrar by a general or special order in this behalf, if the officer so authorised is satisfied that the offence was committed through inadvertence or oversight or for the first time. (2) Any such offence may be compounded on payment of such sum, not exceeding rupees fifty for offences under sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) and Rupees ten for offences under sub-section (4) of section 23 as the said officer may think fit. 17.Registers and other records under section 30 (2)(k)-(1) The birth register, death register and still birth register shall be records of permanent importance and shall not be destroyed. (2) The court orders and order of the specified authorities granting permission for delayed registration received under section 13 by the Registrar, shall form an integral part of the birth register, death register and still birth register and shall not be destroyed. (3) The certificate as to the cause of death furnished under sub-section (3) of the section 10 shall be retained for a period of at least 5 years by the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him in this behalf ............... (4) Every birth register, death register and still birth register shall be retained by the Registrar in his office for a period of twelve months after the end of the calendar year to which it relates and such register shall thereafter be transferred for safe custody to such officer as may be specified by the State Government in this behalf. Sd/- LALMALSAWMA Secretary to the Government of Mizoram Planning & Programme Implementation Department- 6 - Ex-96/2007 Pianglehthichhinchhiahtuziahtur Pianglehthichhinchhiahtuziahtur NAU DAM A PIANGTE REPORT-NA NuinkumkhatafapakhataiatamahrinchuanNautepakhattanFormpakhatzelhmantur.Tin,tuldangtihzawhahkhuanandinhmunsawia,phirannihlehphirtihziahmaitur. LegalInformation StatisticalInformation NaupianthuReport-tudahkhahtur NaupianthuReport-tudahkhahtur 1.Pianni(Naupiannithlalehkum diktakziaktur)................................................................ 2.Mipa/Hmeichhia(lamtawiaziahlohtur ‘Mipa’emaw‘Hmeichhia’emawtiaziak tur)................................................................................. 3.Nautehming(sakanihtawhchuan)................................ (Sakalanihlohchuandahaw1tur) 4.NautePahming:........................................................... (ahmingziakthindanpangngaiaziaktur) 5.NauteNuhming:.......................................................... (ahmingziakthindanpangngaiaziaktur) 6.NulehPachennahmunnghet................................... 7.Naupianlaianulehpachenna.................................. 8.Piannahmun:(Adikzawkahthaila,dahkhatrawh) 1.DamdawiInInstitution: Hming:................ 2.In : Address:............... 9.NaupianthuReport-tuhming:.................................. Address:........................................................................ (Columnzawngzawngdahkhahhnuah Datedahahmingziahbawktur) Date: NaupianthuReport-tuhming kutzungpuiveilamnemna 10.NauteNuchennakhua:(anauhrinnakhua nenpawhainanglothei.InAddressdahangailo) (a)Khawhming:............................................................ (b)KhawpuingeThingtlang (adikzawkahthairawh) (1)Khawpui (2)Thingtlang (e)Districthming:........................................................ (d)Statehming:............................................................. 11.Anchhungkawsakhawhming(adikahthairawh) (l)Hindu (2)Muslim (3)Kristian (4)Adangte(sakhawhmingziahtur) 12.APalehkhazirzawhchin(pawlzatentirnan pawlVIIzirlaianihchuanpawlVIziahtur)...................... 13.ANulehkhazirzawhchin(pawlzatentirnan pawlVIIzirlaianihchuanpawlVIziahtur)...................... 14.APahnathawh/eizawnnahming:.............................. (hnathawheizawnnaaneihlohchuanNILtihtur) 15.ANuhnathawh/eizawnnahming:.............................. (hnathawheizawnnaaneihlohchuanNILtihtur) 16.PasalaneihlaiaNauteNukum zat:........................... (Pasalvawikhataiatamaneihchuan aneihhmasakberlaiaakumzat) 17NautetunaReport,aneihlaianauteNu kum zat:....................................................................... 18.TunanauteReportchhiartelanaudamaahrin tawhzat:....................................................................... 19.Nauhrinlaiaenkawlnahmun/enkawltu (adikzawnahthairawh) 1.DamdawiIn- Sorkar 2.DamdawiIn- Private Inlamapiangtan,nauchhartuchu 3.Doctor,NursengeTrainedMidwife 4.Nauchharthiampangngai 5.Chhungkhatemawmidangte 20.Nauhrindan(adikzawnahthairawh) 1.Nauhrinpangngai 2.Zaichhuah 3.Pawhchhuah/Hipchhuah 21.Pianhlimanauterihzawng( 22.Naupaichhungreizawng(karengzatnge).................. RegistrationNo:...................... Regn.Date........................... RegistrationUnit:................................................................. Khawpui/Thingtlang:...........................District................... Tuldang(aawmchuan):....................................................... Pianglehthichhinchhiahtu HminglehSignature NauteHming:....................................................................... NautePaHming:................................................................... District:................................................................................ Khawpui/Thingtlang:............................................................ RegistrationUnit:................................................................. CodeNo.:............................................................................. RegistrationNo:...................... Regn.Date........................... PianNi:................................................................................ Sex:Mipa/Hmeichhia:.......................................................... Piannahmun: 1.DamdawiIn 3.Adang 2.In Pianglehthichhinchhiahtu HminglehSignature Ex-98/2007 -7- Pianglehthichhinchhiahtuziahtur Pianglehthichhinchhiahtuziahtur M ITTHIREPORT-NA LegalInformation StatisticalInformation MitthiReport-tudahkhahtur MitthiReport-tudahkhahtur 1.Thihni:........................................................................ (Thihnilehthlalehkumdiktakziahtur) 2.Mitthihming:.............................................................. (Ahmingziakthindanpangngaiaziaktur) 3.Mipa/Hmeichhia:(lam tawiaziaklohtur) ‘Mipa’emaw‘Hmeichhia’emawtiaziaktur) 4.Mitthichennahmunnghet:....................................... 5.Athihlaiamitthichenna:.......................................... 6.Mitthipahming:........................................................ 7.MitthiNuhming:....................................................... 8.Mitthikum zat:........................................................... 9.Thihnahmun:(Adikzawkahthaila,dahkhatrawh) 1.DamdawiIn/InstitutionHming:........................... 2.In Address:................................. 10.MitthiReport-tuHming:........................................... Address:........................................................................ (Columnzawngzawngdahkhahhnuahdatedaha,hming ziakbawktur). Date: Mitthireportuhming/ Kutzungpuiveilam nemna 10.Mitthichennakhua:(Athihnakhuanenpawhainang lothei.Inaddressdahangailo) (a)Khawhming:............................................................. (b)KhawpuingeThingtlang(Adikzawkahthairawh) (1)Khawpui (2)Thingtlang (c)DistrictHming:......................................................... (d)StateHming:............................................................. 11.Sakhua:(adikahthairawh) 1.Hindu 2.Muslim 3.Christian 4.Adang(Sakhawhmingziahtur) 12.Mitthihnathawhthin:............................................... (hnathawhaneihlohchuanNILtihtur) 13.Athihhmaadamdawiaenkawlanihdan: (adikzawnahthairawh) 1.Damdawiinah 2.Damdawiinnisilovadamdawithiamenkawl 3.Damdawithiamenkawlnilo 14.Athihchhandamdawithiaminanhriatpuiem ? 1.Hriatpui 2.Hriatpuilo 15.Anatnahmingorthihchhandiktak:......................... (damdawithiamhriatpuianiemaw,niloemaw) 16.Hmeichhialam natnaathianihchuanathihlai hiannauapainge,nauneihlaiathingeaniha, nauneihhnukar6chhungathianiem ? 1.Ni 2.Nilo. 17.Meizumianihchuankum engzatngeazuktawh? ............................................................................................ 18.Vaihlo-Sahdah,Khainileh thildangasiam a hmuam thinanihchuankum engzatngeahmuam tawh?............................................................................ 19.Kuhvakhawrlehhetianglam hmawmsawm (pan masalatetelin)eithinanihchuankum engzat ngeaeithintawh?..................................................... 20.Zuinthinmianihchuankum engzatngeain tawh?........................................................................ (Columndahkhahzawhhianhmingsigntawhtur) Ex-98/2007 -8- RegistrationNo:..................... Regn.Date......................... RegistrationUnit:................................................................. Khawpui/Thingtlang:..............................District................. Tuldang(aawmchuan):...................................................... Pianglehthichhinchhiahtu HminglehSignature MitthiHming:...................................................................... Block:.................................................................................. Khua:................................................................................... RegistrationUnit:................................................................ CodeNo.:............................................................................ RegistrationNo:..................... Regn.Date.......................... Thihni:................................................................................ Sex:Mipa/Hmeichhia Mitthikum:Kum/thla/ni/darkar:.......................................... Thihnahmun: 1.DamdawiIn 2.In 3.Hmundang Pianglehthichhinchhiahtu HminglehSignature FORM NO.2 Pianglehthichhinchhiahtuziahtur Pianglehthichhinchhiahtuziahtur HemichinhiStillBirthRegisterabettur LegalInformation StatisticalInformation 1.Pianni:................................................................................................................. (Naupiannithlalehkumdiktakziaktur.Entirnan1.1.2000) 2.Mipa/Hmeichhia(Lamtawiaziahlohtur):............................................................ ‘Mipa’emaw‘Hmeichhia’emawtiaziahtur) 3.NautePahming:.................................................................................................. (ahmingziakthindanpangngaiaziaktur) 4.NauteNuhming:................................................................................................ (ahmingziakthindanpangngaiaziaktur) 5.Piannahmun:(Ahnuaiapiannahmuntarlanahhianadikzawkahthaitur: PiannaDamdawiIn/Hmundanghmingziahlantur:InapianganihpawhinAddress chiangtakziahtur) 1.DamdawiIn/Institutionhming: 2.InAddress: 6.PianthuReport-tuhming:.................................................................................. Address:............................................................................................................... (Columnzawngzawngdahkhahhnuahdatedahahmingziahbawktur) Date:........................ PianthuReport-tuhming/ Kutzungpuiveilamnemna 7.ANuchennakhua:(Anauhrinnakhuanenpawhainanglothei.InAddress dahangailo) (a)Khawhming:................................................................................................. (b)KhawpuingeThingtlang(adikzawkahthairawh) (1)Khawpui (2)Thingtlang (e)Districthming:............................................................................................. (d)Statehming:................................................................................................. 8.Hemiahrinlaiaanukum:............................................................................ (apum-hlumin) 9.ANulehkhazirzawhchin(pawlzatentirnanpawlVIIzirlaianihchuanpawl VIziahtur):........................................................................................................ 10.Nauhrinlaiaenkawlnahmun/enkawltu(adikzawnahthairawh) (i) DamdawiIn - Sawrkar (ii) DamdawiIn - Private/adangte (iii) Doctor,NursengetrainedMidwife (iv) Nauchharthiampangngai (v) Chhungkhatemawmidangte 11.Naupaichhungreizawng(Karengzatnge):................................................... 12.Pum chhunganautethihchhan(Hriatanihchuan):....................................... ................................................................................................................................. RegistrationNo:.................................................Regn.Date........................................ RegistrationUnit:........................................................................................................... Khawpui/Thingtlang:.............................................District.......................................... Tuldang(aawmchuan):................................................................................................ Pianglehthichhinchhiahtu HminglehSignature Hming:..................................................... District:.................................................. Block:..................................................... Khawpui/Thingtlang:............................... RegistrationUnit:..................................... CodeNo.:.................................................. RegistrationNo:......................................... Regn.Date:................................................ PianNi:..................................................... Sex:1.Mipa 2.Hmeichhia Piannahmun: 1.DamdawiIn/ EnkawlnaIndang 2.In Pianglehthichhinchhiahtu HminglehSignature Ex-98/2007 -9- NAUTHISAAPIANGTEREPORT-NA NAUTHISAAPIANGTEREPORT-NA Hemichinhipawhbuna,Addl.C.ROffice-ahthawntur PianthuReport-tudahkhahtur PianthuReport-tudahkhahtur FORM NO.3 Hemichinhipawhbuna,Addl.C.ROffice-ahthawntur Ex-98/2007- 10 - FORM NO. 4 ( See rule 7) MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF CAUSE OF DEATH (Hospital-in-patients. Not to be used for still births) To be sent to Registrar alongwith Form No. 2 (Death Report) Name of the Hospital I hereby certify that the person whose particulars are given below died in the Hospital in Ward No. ..................... on .......................... at ................................................................ A.M./P.M.NAME OF DECEASEDFor Use Of Statistical Officer Age at Death Sex 1. Male 2. FemaleIf 1 year or more age in YearsIf less than 1 year age in MonthsIf less than one month age in DaysIf less than one day age in Hours CAUSE OF DEATH I. Immediate cause State the disease, injury of(a). complication which caused ............................................... death, not the mode of due to ( or as a consequences of ) dying such as heart failure, asthenia etc. Antecedent cause Morbid conditions, if any,(b). giving rise to the above .............................................. Cause stating underlying due to ( or as a consequences of ) Conditions last. II Other significant conditions..................................................... contributing to the death but not related to the disease..................................................... or conditions causing it.I.C.D. CodeInterval between on set & death approx. .............................. .............................. .......... .......... ......... ....................................... .............................. Manner of Death1. Natural 2. Accident 3. SuicideHow did the injury occur? 4. Homocide 5. Pending investigationIf deceased was a female, was pregnancy the death associated with ? 1. Yes 2. No. If yes, was there a delivery? 1. Yes 2. No. Na me a nd signature of the Medical Attendant certifying the cause of death Date of Certification ................................................................................... SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (To be detached and handed over to the relative of the deceased) Certified that Shri / Smt / Kum ............................................................. S / W / D of Shri ................................................................... R/O ....................................................................... as admitted to this Hospital on ........................................................................................... And expired on ....................................................................................................... Doctor ....................................................................................................... (Medical Supdt.) Name of Hospital FORM NO. 4 A (See Rule 7) MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF CAUSE OF DEATH (For non-institutional deaths Not to be used for still births) To be sent to Registrar along with Form No. 2 (Death Report) I hereby certily that the deceased Shri/Smt./Kum ...................................... son of/wife/daughter of resident of ............................................ was under my treatment from ................... to ..................... and he/she died on ..................................... at ................................................ A.M/PMNAME OF DECEASED Age at Death Age in completed Years SexIf less than I year age in MonthsIf less that one month age in DaysIf less than one day age in HoursFor use of Statistical Officer 1. Male 2. Female CAUSE OF DEATH 1 Immediate cause State the disease, injury or complication which caused death, not the mode of dying such as heart failure, asthenia etc. Antecedent cause Morbid conditions if any, giving rise to the above Cause, stating underlying conditions last II Other significant conditions contributing to the death but not related to the disease or conditions causing it(a) ................................. due to for as a conse- quences of) (b) ................................... due to for as a conse- quences of) (c) ................................... .......................................... .........................................Interval between on set & death approx. ....................................................... ...................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................... If deceased was a female, was pr egnancy the death associated with ? 1. Yes 2. No If yes, was there a delivery ?1. Yes 2. No ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name and signature of the Medical Practitioner certifying the cause of death Date of Certification ......................................................................................... SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTION `(To be detached and handed over to th e relative of the deceased) Certified that Shri/Smt/Kum .............................................. S/W/D of Shri ......................... R/O ................................... was under my treatment from ................ to .............. and he/she expired on ..................... A.M./P.M Doctor ............................................... Signature and address of Medical Practitioner/ Medical attendant with Registration No.11Ex-98/2007 Sl No __________Form No - 5 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM DEPARTMENT OF ECONOM ICS & STATISTIC BIRTH CERTIFICATE (Issued under Section 12/17 of the registration of Births and deaths Act, 1969 and Rule 8/13 of the Mizorm Registration of Births and Deaths Rules 1999) This is to certify that the following information has been taken from the original record of birth which is the register for (local area/local body)........................................................... of Block ............................................ of District ........................................of State, Mizoram. Hei hian a hnuaia tarlan te hi ................................................................ Veng, ............................................Block ........................................ District, Mizoram State a piang register bu atanga lakchhuah ngei a ni tih a entir. Name /Hming.......................................................................................................................... S ex /Mipa nge Hmeichhia.........................................Dat e o f Bir t h / Pianni ........................... P lace o f Bir t h /Pianna hmun .................................................................................................. Name of Mother /Nu hming ................................................................................................... Name of Fat her /Pa hming ..................................................................................................... Permanent address of parents (Nu leh Pa chenna hmun nghet) ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... Registration No/Registar namber .....................Date of Registration/Registar ni ............................ Remarks (if any) / Tul dang a awm chuan .................... Date of issue / Pek chhuah ni ...................................... Signature of the issuing authority Seal "Ensure registration of every Births and Deaths" (Piang leh thi reng reng chhinchhiah rawh)Address of parents at the time of Birth of the child (Nau pian laia Nu leh Pa chenna) ........................................................... ........................................................... ...........................................................- 12 - Ex-96/2007 Sl No __________Form No - 6 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM DEPARTMENT OF ECONOM ICS & STATISTIC DEATH CERTIFICATE (Issued under Section 12/17 of the registration of Births and deaths Act, 1969 and Rule 8/13 of the Mizorm Registration of Births and Deaths Rules 1999) This is to certify that the following information has been taken from the original record of death which is the register for (local area/local body).......................................................... of Block ............................................ of District ........................................of State, Mizoram. Hei hian a hnuaia tarlan te hi ................................................................ Veng, ...............................................Block ........................................... District, Mizoram State a thi register bu atanga lakchhuah ngei a ni tih a entir. Name /Hming.......................................................................................................................... S ex /Mipa nge Hmeichhia.........................................Date of Death / Thihni ........................... Place of Death /Thihna hmun .................................................................................................. Name of Mother /Nu hming ................................................................................................... Name of Fat her /Pa hming ..................................................................................................... Permanent address of the deceased (Mithi chenna hmun nghet) ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... Registration No/Registar namber .....................Date of Registration/Registar ni ............................ Remarks (if any) / Tul dang a awm chuan .................... Date of issue / Pek chhuah ni ...................................... Signature of the issuing authority Seal "Ensure registration of every Births and Deaths" (Piang leh thi reng reng chhinchhiah rawh)Ex-96/2007 - 13 - FORM NO. 7 (See Rule 12) BIRTH REGISTER FORM NO. 1 BI RT H RE P ORT Legal Information This part to be added to the Birth Register Nau pian thu Report-tu dah khah tur 1. Pian ni (Nau pianni thla leh kum dik tak ziak tur)............................................................................................. 2.Mipa/Hmeichhia(lam t awia z iak lo h t ur 'Mipa emaw 'Hmeichhia' emaw tia ziak tur).................................................... 3.Naute hming (sak anih tawh chuan) ......................................................... (Sak ala nih loh chuan dah awl tur) 4.Naute Pa hming ........................................................................................ (a hming ziak thin dan pangngaia ziak tur) 5.Naute Nu hming........................................................................................ (a hming ziak thin dan pangngaia ziak tur) 6.Nu leh Pa chenna hmun nghet .................................................................. 7.Nau pian laia nu leh pa chenna ................................................................. 8. Pianna hmun : (A dik zawkah thai la dahkhat rawh) 1. Damdawi In/Institution:Hming............................................ 2. In .................................:Address ........................................ 9.Nau pian thu Report-tu hming : .............................................................. Address : .................................................................................................... (Co lumn zawng zawng dah khah hnuah Date dah a hming ziak bawk tur) Date :Nau pian thu Report-tu hming kut zungpui veilam nemna Piang leh thi chhinchhiahtu ziah tur Registration No : ......................................... Regn.Date................................ Registration Unit : ......................................................................................... Khawpui / Thingtlang : ................................... District .................................. Tul dang (a awm chuan)................................................................................ Piang leh thi chhinchhiahtu H ming leh S ig na t u r eEx-96/2007- 14 - FORM NO. 8 (See Rule 12) DEATH REGISTER FORM NO. 2 Legal Information This part to be added to the Death RegisterMitthi report-tu dahkhah tur 1.Thihni : ___________________________________________________ (Thihni leh thla leh kum dik tak ziah tur) 2.Mitthi hming: _______________________________________________ (A hming ziak thin dan pangngaia ziak tur) 3.Mipa / Hmeichhia : (lam tawia ziak loh tur) ('Mipa' emaw 'Hmeichhia' emaw tia ziak tur) __________________________ 4.Mitthi chenna hmun nghet : ______________________________________ 5.A thih laia mitthi chenna : _______________________________________ 6.Mitthi Pa hming : _______________________________ 7.Mitthi Nu hming : _______________________________ 8.Mitthi kum zat : ________________________________ 9.Thihna hmun : (A dik zawkah thai la, dahkhat rawh) 1. Damdawi In / Institution Hming : ______________________ 2.In Address : ______________ 10.Mitthi report-tu Hming : _______________________________________ Address : __________________________________________________ (Column zawng zawng dahkhah hnuah date dah a, hming ziak bawk tur) D at e :Mitthi report-tu hming/ Kutzungpui veilam nemna Piang leh thi chhinchhiahna ziah tur Registration No. ................................................. RegistrationDate .......................... Registration Unit : ........................................................................................................... Khawpui / Thingtlang : ............................................ District : ......................................... Tul dang (a awm chuan) ................................................................................................15Ex-96/2007 FORM NO. 9 (See Rule 12) STILL BIRTH REGISTER FORM NO. 2 STILL BIRTH REPORT Legal information This part is to be added to the Still Birth Register16 Pian thu report-tu dahkhah tur 1.Pianni : ___________________________________________________ (Pian ni thla leh kum dik tak ziah tur : Entirnan 1.1.2000) 2.Mipa / Hmeichhia(Lam tawia ziah loh tur) : ____________________ 3.Naute Pa hming : (A hming ziak thin dan pangngaia ziak tur) 4.Naute Nu hming : (A hming ziak thin dan pangngaia ziak tur) 5.Pianna hmun :(A hnuaia pianna hmun tarlanah hian a dik zawkah thai tur Pianna Damdawi In/Hmung dang hming ziah lan tur : In a piang a nih pawhin Address chiang tak ziah tur) (1) Damdawi In / Institution hming (2) In Address 6.Pian thu report tu hming : _______________________________________ Address : ___________________________________________________ (Column zawng zawng dahkhah hnuah date dah a hming ziah bawk tur) D at e :Pianthu report tu hming Kutzungpui veilam nemna Piang leh thi chhinchhiahtu ziah tur Registration No. ................................................. RegistrationDate .......................... Registration Unit : ........................................................................................................... Khawpui / Thingtlang : ............................................ District : ......................................... Tul dang (a awm chuan) ................................................................................................Piang leh thi chhinchhiahtu hming leh signature Ex-96/2007 FORM NO. 10 (See Rule 13) NON-AVAILABILITY CERTIFICATE (Issued Under Section 17 of the Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969) This is to certify that a search has been made on the request of Shri/Smt/ Kum .................................................................................................................... son/wife/daughter of .................................................................................................. in the registration records for the year (s) ................................................. relating to (Local area) .......................................................... of (Tahsil) ............................................................ of (District) ....................................................... of (State) .............................................................. and found that the event relating to the birth/death of ................................................................................................................................. son/ daughter of .......................................................................................... was not registered. Date ................................Signature of issuing authority SealEx-96/2007 - 17 - MipaHmeichhia Total FORM NO - 11 (See Rule 14) SUMMARY MONTHLY REPORT OF BIRTH1.Report for the Month of __________________________ Year ___ 2.District :___________________________ 3.Town / Village : _________________________ 4.Registration Unit : _______________________ 5.Number of Births Registered :- (a)Pi an atanga kum khat chhunga register zat (b)Pian atanga kum khat hnua register zat (Delayed Register) : ______ Total ( a + b) : ______ Note :- #Birth Report Form (Form No-1) a piang Register zat leh Summary a Total hi a in zat tur. #Number of Births Registered should be equal to the number of Births Report Forms (Form No. 1) attached with this Monthly report. Date ___________________________Signature & Name Submitted to the Addl. Chief Registrarof the Registrar - 18 - Ex-96/2007 FORM NO - 12 (See Rule 14) SUMMARY MONTHLY REPORT OF DEATH1.Report for the Month of _____________________ Year _______ 2.District :_________________________ 3.Town / Village : ________________________ 4.Registration Unit : _________________________DEATHS Thih atanga kum khat chhunga Register zatThih atanga kum khat hnua Register zatKum khat lat linglo t hi zat TOTALNau chunga thi/ Raicheha thi zat Note :-#Nausen kum khat latlinglo thi zat leh Nauchunga thi zat (Column 4 & 5) hi Total ah hian belh tur. #Total should be equal to the Number of Statistical part of Death reporting Form (Form No - 2) attached with this monthly report. Date ___________________________ Signature & Name Submitted to the Addl. Chief Registrarof the RegistrarEx-96/2007 - 19 - FORM NO - 13 (See Rule 14) SUMMARY MONTHLY REPORT OF STILL BIRTH1.Report for the Month of _____________________ Year _______ 2.District :_________________________ 3.Town / Village : ________________________ 4.Registration Unit : _________________________ 5.Number of Still Births Registered : ______________ Note :-#Still Birth Report Form No - 3 a register zat leh Summary a Sl No. 5 a mi hi a inzat tur a ni. #Number of Still Birth Registered should be equal to the number of Still Birth Report Form (Form No - 3) attached with this Montly Report. Date ___________________________Signature & Name Submitted to the Addl. Chief Registrar of the Registrar - 20 - Ex-96/2007 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-830

The Mizoram Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 2007.

VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 96Date - 28/03/2007

No.A.43016/1/2000-PLG, the 23rd March, 2007. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of section 30 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (Act No.18 of 1969) the Governor of Miz o ram is plea sed t o ma ke t he fo llo wing rule s na mely :- 1.Short title - (1)These rules may be called the Mizoram Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 2007. (2)They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. (3)These rules will replace the Mizoram Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 1978 and all it s subsequent amendment s no t ified fro m t ime t o t ime. 2.Definitions - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires : (a)'Act' means the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969. (b)'From' means a form appended t o t hese rules; and (c)'Section' means a section of the Act 3.Period of Gestation - The period of gestation for the purposes of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 2 shall be twenty eight weeks. 4.Submission of report under section 4(4)-The report under sub-section (4) shall be prepared in the prescribed format appended to these Rules and shall be submitted along with the statistical report reffered to in sub-section (2) of section 19, to the State Government by the Chief Registrar fo r ever y ye a r by t he 31 st J uly o f t he ye ar fo llo w in g t he yea r t o w hic h t he r e po r t r e la t e s. 5.Form No 1, 2 & 3 for giving information of births and deaths - (1)The information required to be given to the Registrar under section 8 or section 9, as the case may be, shall be in Form Nos. 1, 2 and 3 for the Registration o f a birth, death still birth respectively, hereinafter t o be collectively called the reporting forms. Information if given orally, shall be enterred by the Registrar in the appropriate reporting forms and the signature/thumb impression of the informant obtained.Published by Authority VOL - XXXVI, Aizawl, Wednesday, 28.3.2007 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1929, Issue No. 96EXTRA ORDINARYThe Mizoram GazetteRegn. No. NE-313(MZ)Rs. 2/- per Issue NOTIFICATION (2) The part of the reporting forms containing legal information shall be called the ‘Legal Part’ and the part containing statistical information shall be called the ‘Statistical Part’. (3) The information referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be given within twenty one days from the date of birth, death and still birth. 6.Birth or death in a vehicle- (1) In respect of birth or death in a moving vehicle, the person in-charge of the vehicle shall give or cause to be given the information under sub- section (1) of section 8 at the first place of halt. Explanation - For the purpose of this rule the term ‘vehicle ‘ means conveyance of any kind used on land, air or water and includes an aircraft, a boat, a ship, a railway carriage, a motor car, a motor cycle, a cart, a tonga and a rickshaw. (2) In the case of deaths (not falling under clauses (a) to (e) of sub-section (1) of section (8) in which an inquest is held, the officer who conducts the inquest shall give or cause to be given the information under sub-section (1) of section 8. 7.Form of certificate under section 10 (3)-The certificate as to the cause of death required under sub-section (3) of section 10 shall be issued in Form No. 4 or 4A and the Registrar shall, after making necessary entries in the register of births and deaths, forward all such certificates to the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him in this behalf by the 10th of the month immediately following the month to whi,;h the certificates relate. 8.Extracts of registration entries to be given under section 12-(1) The extracts of particulars from the register relating to births or deaths to be given to an informant under section 12 shall be in Form No. 5 or Form 6 as the case may be. (2) In the case of domiciliary events of births and deaths referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 8 which are reported direct to the Registrar of Births and Deaths, the head of the house or household as the case may be, or, in his absence, the nearest relative of the head present in the house may collect the extracts of birth or death from the Registrar within thirty days of its reporting. (3) In the case of domiciliary events of births and deaths referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 8 which are reported by persons specified by the State Government under sub-section (2) of the said section, the person so specified shall transmit the extracts received from the Registrar of Births and Deaths to the concerned head of the house or house- hold as the case may be, or, in his absence, the nearest relative of the head present in the house within thirty days of its issue by the Registrar.- 2 - (4) In the case ol institutional events of births and deaths referred to in lauses (b) to(e) of sub-section ( I ) of section 8, the nearest relative of the new born or deceased may collect the extract from the officer or person in charge of the institution concerned within thirty days of the occurence of the event of birth or death. (5) If the extract of birth or death is not collected by (he concerned person referred to in sub-rules (2) to (4) within the period stipulated therein, the Registrar or the officer or person in-charge of the institution as referred to in sub-rule (4) shall transmit the same to the concerned family by post within fifteen days of the expiry of the aforesaid period. 9. Authority for delayed registration and fee payable therefor - (I)Any birth or death of which information is given to the Registrar, after the expiry of the period specified in rule 5. but within thirty days of its occurence, shall be registered on payment of a late fee of rupees two. (2) Any birth or death of which information is given to the registrar after thirty days, but within one year of its occurenee, shall be registered only with the written permission of the officer prescribed in this behalf and on payment of a late fee of rupees five. (3 ) Any birth or death which has not been registered within one year of its occurence, shall be registered only on an order of a Magistrate of the firs I class or Presidency Magistrate and on payment of a late fee of rupees ten. 10. Period for the purpose ol’section 14- (1) Where the birth of any child had been registered without a name, the parent or guardian of such child shall, within 12 months from the date of registration of the birth of child, give information regarding the name of the child to the Registrar either orally or in writing. Provided that if the information is given after the aforesaid period of 12 months but w ithin a period of I5 years, which shall be reckoned. (i)In case where the registration had been made prior to the date of commence-ment of the registration of births and deaths rules I 978, from such date, or (ii) In case where the registration is made after the date of commencement of the registration of births and deaths Rules 1978 from the date of such registration, subject to the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 23, the Registrar shall. (a) If the register is in his possession forthwith enter the name in the relevant column of the concerned form in the birth register on payment of a late fee of rupees five. (b) If the register is not in his possession and if the information is given orally, make a report giving necessary particulars, and, if the information is given in writing, forward the same to the officer specified by the State Government in this behalf for making the necessary entry on payment of a late fee of rupees five.- 3 - (2) The parent or the guardian, as the case may be, shall also present to the Registrar the copy of the extract given to him under section 12 on a certified extract issued to him under section 17 and on such presentation the Registrar shall make the necessary endoresement relating to the name of the child or take action as laid down in clause (b) of the proviso to sub- rule (I) 11Correction or cancellation of entry in lie register of births and deaths- If it is reported to the registrar that a clerical or formal error has been made in the register or if such error is otherwise noticed by him and if the register is in his possession, the Registrar shall enquire into the matter and if he is statisfied that any such error has been made, he shall correct the error (by correcting or cancelling the entry) as provided in section 15 and shall send an extract of the entry showing the error and how it has been corrected to the State Government or the officer specified) by it in this behalf. (2) In the case referred to in sub-rule (1) if the register is not in his possession, the Registrar shall make a report to the State Government or the office specified by it in this behalf and call for the relevant register and after enquiring into the matter, if he is satisfied that any such error has been made, make the necessary correction. (3) Any such correction as mentioned in sub-rule (2) shall be countersigned by the State Government or the officer specified by it in this behalf when the register is received from the Registrar. (4) If any person asserts that any entry in the register of births and deaths is erroneous in substance, the Registrar may correct the entry in the manner prescribed under section 15 upon production by that person a declaration setting forth the nature of the error and true facts of the ease made by two credible persons having knowledge of the facts of the case. (5 ) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (4) the Registrar shall make report of any correction of the kind referred to therein giving necessary details to the State Government or the officer specified in this behalf. (6) If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Registrar that any entry in the register of births and deaths has been fraudulently or improperly made, he shall make a report giving necessary details to the officer authorised by the Chief Registrar by general of special order in this behalf under section 25 and on hearing from him take necessary action in the matter. (7) In every case in which an entry is corrected or cancelled under this rule, intimation thereof should be sent to the permanent address of the person who has given information under section 8 orsection 9.- 4 - 12. Form of register under Section 16- The legal part of the Forms No. 12 and 3 shall constitute the birth register, death register and still birth register (Form Nos. 7,8 and 9) re- spectively. 13. Fees and postal charges payable under section 17- (1) The fees payable for a search to be made, an extract or a non-availability certificate to be issued under section 17, shall be as follow : a)Search for a single entry in the firstRs. year for which the search is made2.00 b)for every additional year for which2.00 the search is continued. c)for granting extract relating to each5.00 birth or death. d)for granting non-availability certificate 2.00 of birth or death. (2) Any such extract in regard to a birth or death shall be issued by the Registrar or the officer authorised by the State Government in this behalf in Form No. 5 or as the case may be, in Form No. 6 and shall be certified in the manner provided for in section 76 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 ( 1 of 1872). (3) If any particular event of birth or death is not found registered the Registrar shall issue a non-availability certificate in Form No. 10. (4) Any such extracts or non-availablility certificate may be furnished to the person asking for it or sent to him by post on payment of the postal charges therefor. 14.Interval and forms of periodical returns under section 19 (1)- (1) Every Registrar shall after completing the process of registration send all the Statistical Parts of the reporting forms relating to each month along with a Summary Monthly Report in form No. 11 for births, Form No. 12 for deaths and Form No. 13 for still births to the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him on or before the 5th of the following month. (2) The officer so specified shall forward all such statistical parts of the reporting forms received by him to the Chief Registrar not later than the 10th of the month. 15.Statistical report under section 19 (2)- The Statistical report under sub-section (2) of section 19 shall contain the tables in the prescribed formats appended to these rules and shall be compiled for each year before the 31st July of the year immediately following and shall be published as soon as may be thereafter but in any case not later than five months from that date.- 5 - 16. Conditions for compounding offences- (1) Any offence punishable under section 23 may, either before or after the institution of criminal proceedings under this Act, be compounded by an officer authorised by the Chief Registrar by a general or special order in this behalf, if the officer so authorised is satisfied that the offence was committed through inadvertence or oversight or for the first time. (2) Any such offence may be compounded on payment of such sum, not exceeding rupees fifty for offences under sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) and Rupees ten for offences under sub-section (4) of section 23 as the said officer may think fit. 17.Registers and other records under section 30 (2)(k)-(1) The birth register, death register and still birth register shall be records of permanent importance and shall not be destroyed. (2) The court orders and order of the specified authorities granting permission for delayed registration received under section 13 by the Registrar, shall form an integral part of the birth register, death register and still birth register and shall not be destroyed. (3) The certificate as to the cause of death furnished under sub-section (3) of the section 10 shall be retained for a period of at least 5 years by the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him in this behalf. (4) Every birth register, death register and still birth register shall be retained by the Reg-istrar in his office for a period of twelve months after the end of the calendar year to which it relates and such register shall thereafter be transferred for safe custody to such officer as may be specified by the State Government in this behalf. Sd/- LALMALSAWMA Secretary to the Government of Mizoram Planning & Programme Implementation Department- 6 - FORM NO. 10 (See Rule 13) NON-AVAILABILITY CERTIFICATE (Issued Under Section 17 of the Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969) This is to certify that a search has been made on the request of Shri/Smt/ Kum .................................................................................................................... son/wife/daughter of .................................................................................................. in the registration records for the years(s) ................................................. relating to (Local area) .......................................................... of (Tahsil) ......................................................... of (District) ....................................................... of (State) .............................................................. and found that the event relating to the birth/death of ................................................................................................................................. son/ daughter of .......................................................................................... was not registered. Date ................................Signature of issuing authority Seal MipaHmeichhia Total FORM NO - 11 (See Rule 14) SUMMARY MONTHLY REPORT OF BIRTH1. Report for the Month of __________________________ Year ___ 2. District : ___________________________ 3. Town / Village : _________________________ 4. Registration Unit : _______________________ 5. Number of Births Registered :- (a) Pian atanga kum khat chhung a register Zat (b) Pian atanga kum khat hnua register zat (Delayed Register) : ______ Total ( a + b) : ______ Note :- # Birth Report Form (Form No-1) a piang Register zat leh Summary a Total hi a in zat tur. # Number of Births Registered should be equal to the number this Monthly report. Date ___________________________Signature & Name Submitted to the Addl. Chief Registrar of the Registrar FORM NO - 12 (See Rule 14) SUMMARY MONTHLY REPORT OF DEATH1. Report for the Month of _____________________ Year _______ 2. District : _________________________ 3. Town / Village : ________________________ 4. Registration Unit : _________________________DEATHS Thih atanga kum khat chhunga Register zatThih atanga kum khat hnua Register zatKum khat lat linglo t hi zat TOTALNau chunga thi/ Raicheha thi zat Note :-#Nausen kum khat latlinglo thi zat leh Nauchunga thi zat (Column 4 & 5) hi Total ah hian belh tur. #Total should be equal to the Number of Statistical part of Death reporting Form (Form No - 2) attached with this. Date ___________________________Signature & Name Submitted to the Addl. Chief Registrar of the Registrar FORM NO - 13 (See Rule 14) SUMMARY MONTHLY REPORT OF DEATH1. Report for the Month of _____________________ Year _______ 2. District : _________________________ 3. Town / Village : ________________________ 4. Registration Unit : _________________________ 5. Number of Still Births Registered : ______________ Note :-#Still Birth Report Form No - 3 a register zat leh Summary a Sl No. 5 a mi hi a inzat tur a ni. #Number of Still Birth Registered should be equal to the number of Still Birth Report Form (Form No - 3) attached with this Montly Report. Date ___________________________Signature & Name Submitted to the Addl. Chief Registrar of the Registrar Sl No __________Form No - 6 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM DEPARTMENT OF ECONOM ICS & STATISTIC DEATH CERTIFICATE (Issued under Section 12/17 of the registration of Births and deaths Act, 1969 and Rule 8/13 of the Mizorm Registration of Births and Deaths Rules 1999) This is to certify that the following information has been taken from the original record of death which is the register for (local area/local body).......................................................... of Block ............................................ of District ........................................of State, Mizoram. Hei hian a hnuaia tarlan te hi ................................................................ Veng, ...............................................Block ........................................... District, Mizoram State a thi register bu atanga lakchhuah ngei a ni tih a entir. Name /Hming.......................................................................................................................... S ex /Mipa nge Hmeichhia.........................................Date of Death / Thihni ........................... Place of Death /Thihna hmun .................................................................................................. Name of Mother /Nu hming ................................................................................................... Name of Fat her /Pa hming ..................................................................................................... Permanent address of the deceased (Mithi chenna hmun nghet) ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... Registration No/Registar namber .....................Date of Registration/Registar ni ............................ Remarks (if any) / Tul dang a awm chuan .................... Date of issue / Pek chhuah ni ...................................... Signature of the issuing authority Seal "Ensure registration of every Births and Deaths" (Piang leh thi reng reng chhinchhiah rawh)- 13 - Sl No __________Form No - 5 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM DEPARTMENT OF ECONOM ICS & STATISTIC BIRTH CERTIFICATE (Issued under Section 12/17 of the registration of Births and deaths Act, 1969 and Rule 8/13 of the Mizorm Registration of Births and Deaths Rules 1999) This is to certify that the following information has been taken from the original record of death which is the register for (local area/local body).......................................................... of Block ............................................ of District ........................................of State, Mizoram. Hei hian a hnuaia tarlan te hi ................................................................ Veng, ............................................Block ........................................ District, Mizoram State a piang register bu atanga lakchhuah ngei a ni tih a entir. Name /Hming.......................................................................................................................... S ex /Mipa nge Hmeichhia.........................................Dat e o f Bir t h / Pianni ........................... P lace o f Bir t h /Pianna hmun .................................................................................................. Name of Mother /Nu hming ................................................................................................... Name of Fat her /Pa hming ..................................................................................................... Permanent address of parents (Nu leh Pa chenna hmun nghet) ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... Registration No/Registar namber .....................Date of Registration/Registar ni ............................ Remarks (if any) / Tul dang a awm chuan .................... Date of issue / Pek chhuah ni ...................................... Signature of the issuing authority Seal "Ensure registration of every Births and Deaths" (Piang leh thi reng reng chhinchhiah rawh)- 12 - Address of parents at the time of Birth of the child (Nau pian laia Nu leh Pa chenna) ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... FORM NO. 7 (See Rule 12) BIRTH REGISTER FORM NO. 1 BI RT H RE P ORT Legal Information This part to be added to the Birth Register Nau pian thu Report-tu dah khah tur 1. Pian ni (Nau pianni thla leh kum dik tak ziak tur)............................................................................................. 2.Mipa/Hmeichhia(lam t awia z iak lo h t ur 'Mipa emaw 'Hmeichhia' emaw tia ziak tur).................................................... 3.Naute hming (sak anih tawh chuan) ......................................................... (Sak ala nih loh chuan dah awl tur) 4.Naute Pa hming ........................................................................................ (a hming ziak thin dan pangngaia ziak tur) 5.Naute Nu hming........................................................................................ (a hming ziak thin dan pangngaia ziak tur) 6.Nu leh Pa chenna hmun nghet .................................................................. 7.Nau pian laia nu leh pa chenna ................................................................. 8. Pianna hmun : (A dik zawkah thai la dahkhat rawh) 1. Damdawi In/Institution:Hming............................................ 2. In .................................:Address ........................................ 9.Nau pian thu Report-tu hmiong : .............................................................. Address : .................................................................................................... (Co lumn zawng zawng dah khah hnuah Date dah a hming ziak bawk tur) Date :Nau pian thu Report-tu hming kut zungpui veilam nemna Piang leh thi chhinchhiahtu ziah tur Registration No : ......................................... Regn.Date................................ Registration Unit : ......................................................................................... Khawpui / Thingtlang : ................................... District .................................. Tul dang (a awm chuan)................................................................................ Piang leh thi chhinchhiahtu H ming leh S ig na t u r e - 14 -

The Mizoram Recognised Private Schools (Regulation) Rules. 2006.

VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 165Date - 13/06/2007

NOTIFICATION No.A.23()22/10/2006-HDN/l. the 20th Ap ri l , 2007. Whereas it is considered necessary to provi de for the planned development of educational i nsti tuti ons, i ncul cati on of heal thy educat i o n a l practice, maintenance and improvement in the standards of education and better organization. di sci pl i ne and control over the recognized Private Educational Insti tuti ons in the state: And whereas it is expedient to provide for certain other matters also to ensure better di sci pl i ne and control in order that standards of education are maintained: Now, therefore, in exer ci se of powers conferred by s e c t i o n 1 0 , 11.,19,20,21 read with sub-section (I) of section 30 of the Mizoram, Educati o n Act. 2003 ( Ac t No. 5 of 2003), the Governor, of Mi z o r a m is pl eased to make the following rul es, namely :- 1.Shorttitle, application and commencement : (a)These rules may be cal l ed the Mizoram Recognised Private Schools (Regulation) Rules. 2006. (b)These rules shall apply to all employees (teaching and non-teaching) working in the recognized Private Schools, namely; Primary, Middle. High and Higher Secondary-Schools under private management. (c)They shall come into force on the date! of their application in the official gazette. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) VOL - XXXVI Aizawl, Wednesday, 13.6.2007, Jyaistha 25, S.E. 1929, Issue No. 165Rs. 2/- per Issue 2. Definitions : (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires. (a)‘Act’ means the Mizoram Education Act, 2003 (Act no 5 of 2003). (b)‘Appointing Authority’ in relation to an employee means the school management committee or such other authority as the management may. by order, authorize in that behalf. (c)‘Board’ means Mizoram Board of School Education. (d)‘Department’ means the Department of School Education. (e)‘Director ’ means Director of School Education. (f)‘District Education Officer” means an officer of the School Education Department working at the district level in charge of the district. (g)‘Eeducational Agency” in relation to a private educational i nstitution, means any person or body of persons permitted to establish and maintain any private school under the Mizoram Education Act. (h)‘Educational Ins titu tion ’ means an in stitutio n imparting education recognised by the State Government and includes a private educational i nstitution but does not in cl ud e an in stitutio n under t he direct management of the university or of the Central Government or a tutorial institution; (i)‘Government’ means the Government of Mizoram. (j)‘Management’ means management of th e p ri v a te s ch oo ls by th e Managing Committee; (k ) “Managing Committee” means the body of individuals who are entrusted with the management of the affairs of the school; (l)“Prescribed” means prescribed by rules under the Act; ( m ) “Prescribed authority” means the authority to be notified by the State Government from time to time in the official gazette; (n)“Private School” means a school which is not run by the Central Government, State Government, a local authority or any other authority designated or sponsored by the Central Government, State Government or local authority; (o)“Recognised” in relation to a school means recognised by a statutorily empowered authority or an appropriate government, or by an authority empowered by such government, in accordance with a law, rules or executive instructions governing recognition of schools; (p)“School” means an institution or part of an in stitutio n, which imparts education at various stages of school education, and is recognised as a school by a competent authority; (q)“Teacher” means a person, who teaches full time in a school and incl udes the Headmaster or Principal of such school; (2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act. 3. Establishment of Private Schools :The State Government may, for the purpose of providing such facilities - (a)Establish and maintain schools. (b)Permit any person or body of persons, to establish and maintain schools and recognize such schools when so established in accordance with the provisions of these rules; (c)After the commencement of these rules, the establishment and recognition of any private schools shall be subject to the provisions of the Act and to rules made there under. (d)All existing private schools shall be deemed to have been established in accordance with these rules. 4.Recognition of Schools :- (1)Every school seeking recogni ti on shal l make an appl i cati on in Form I to the Prescribed Authority and every such appl i cati on shal l ei ther be del i vered to the appropriate authority through an i ndi vi dual or sent to that authority by registered post or speed post. However, all existing recognised schools, subject to the provisions of these rules, shall be deemed to have been recognised under these rules. (2)No private schools shall be el i gi bl e for recognition unless it has been established with prior permission under the Act. (3)Every application for recognition shall be made in the prescribed form accompanied by such documents and information as may be prescribed. The applicant shall furnish a statement indicating the extent to which conditions specified in the order granting permission and conditions for recognition as specified in these rules have been fulfilled. (4)The Prescribed Authority shall scruti ni se the applications. Such of the applications as are found to be complete in all respects and have been submitted in conformity of these rules shall be considered, and thereafter the Prescribed Authority shall inspect or cause to be inspected the school in respect of which recognition has been applied for, and shall make report with hi s recommendation which shal l be placed before a committee constituted by the state Government in thi s behalf. (5)The State Government may constitute one or more Committees for consideration of applications for recognition and such Committee may be constituted for the whole state or for any part thereof or for different categories of private school and may make regulation for conduct of business of such committees. (6)The Committee shall consider the application for recognition together with the report and the recommendation of the Prescribed Authority and may call for such additional information or may di rect such further i nspecti on as it deems necessary. The Committee having considered all aspects shall, make an order either granting recognition or temporary recognition with or without condition, or rejecting the application for reasons to be recorded. The Prescribed Authority shall communicate the order made by the committee in such manner and with such particulars, if any as may be prescribed. (7)The Committee may refuse to recognise a private school which has been permitted to be established if it is found gu i l t y of improper competition with other schools or of deliberate violation of any provision of the rules, or any direction duly issued by the State Government or the D i r e c t o r. (8)Grant of recognition may be restricted to any standard or class or any stream or subjects or may extend to the whole of institution. (9)No School shall be eligible for affiliation or recognition by the Board unless it has received recognition under these rules and continues to be recognised. W hen th e r e c o g n i t i o n granted to an y p r i v a t e school is withdrawn the recogni ti on or a f f i l i a t i o n granted by the Board s h a l l be deemed to have been withdrawn. ( 10 ) Any appl i cant aggrieved by an order refusi ng to accord recogni ti on, may within one month from the date of Communication of such order file a review peti ti on before the committee consti tuted under sub-section (5). The Commi ttee after cal li ng for such information and causi ng such further enquiry as may be necessary and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the petitioner shal l take decision and dispose of the peti ti on. 5. Conditions for recognition:- (1)No school shall be el i gi bl e for recognition under secti on(4) unless it fulfills the following conditions namely, (i)such exten land as may be prescribed has been provided for the school under a val i d ti tl e and the school is under lawful and val i d possession of the land; (ii)the school has been provi ded wi th a fi re-proof b u i l d i n g of its own with adequate ventilation and lighting co nsi s ti n g of such accommodation as may be prescribed for classrooms, laboratories, li brari es, office accommodation, staff common room and toi l ets for men and women; (iii)adequate land is available and sufficient facilities have been provided for physical education, game and sports; (iv) adequate provision has been made for supply of clean drinking water and sanitation; (v)the land and the buildings of the school are located in sanitary and healthy surroundings with suitable access from publ i c roads. In case the school has no land of its own. it may obtain within two years such extent of land prescribed by authority. And pending construction of its own building the institution can temporarily procure building as per requirement on rent for running the classes, office, library and laboratories, (vi)qualified teachers and non-teaching employees selected in accordance with the prescribed procedure as per the prescribed yard stick have been appointed; (vii) such equipments and teaching aids as are required have been provided; (vi ii) requi red furniture incl udi ng Bl ack boards or Chal k boards have been provided; (i x)the school follows approved courses of i nstructi on as prescribed by Government or by the Board; (x)the school is open to inspection by any officer authorized by the Director of School Education; (xi)the school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Directorate of School Education, or the officers of the Department from time to time and complies with such instructions of the Directorate of School Education; from the Department Officers as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the conditions of recognition or the removal ofdeficiencies in the working of the school; (xii ) the school is so conducted as to promote di scipl ine and orderly behavior and to maintain high moral tone; (xii i) the management undertakes to make provi si on to the satisfaction of the Department, that the general r ul es of di sci pl i ne as lai d down by the government from ti me to ti me are dul y observed by the management, the teachers as we l l as the pupi l s. 6.Facilities to be provided by a school seeking recognition of the Department: Every private school seeking recognition shall provide for the following facilities namely:- (i)Physical Education : (a)sui tabl e playground as specified by the Department, for the purposes of games and sports, and materials for such games and sports; (b)where no such playground is available, due to the location of the school in an area where no sui tabl e space is a vai labl e, the school arrange for a playground in a nearby area where the students coul d be provided the facilities for games and sports; (c)W here such arrangement as referred to in clause (b) is possible, the school shal l make arrangement for gymnastics or any other physical exercises, (ii)Library Service : (a)(i)Adequate library faci l i ti es in the case of the primary school, and middle school, and (ii)in the case of High and Higher Secondary Schools, a separate room for the Library, to be used exclusively for the purpose and on no account such room shall be considered as available for class teaching; (b ) a reading room attached or adjacent to the library, wherever possible; (c)the library has a stock of books specified by the affiliating board and such other books as may meet the needs of the students and of the teachers; (d)the library has also books suitable for the use of teachers in their professional work and reference work. ( i i i ) Laboratory work : In the case of a school above the middle level introducing to run either science course or courses in subject which involve practical work, accommodation, equipment and apparatus according to such specifications as may be laid down from time to time by the affiliating Board or the Directorate of School Education for the laboratory of each subject. (iv) Co-curricular activities : As many cocurricular acti vi ti es, as may be possible, so as to give to every student an opportunity of participating in one or more of the following activities, namely - (a)Debates; (b)Recitation or Elocution; (c)Dramatics; (d)Music (i ncl udi ng folk songs) dancing (i ncl udi ng folk dances); (e)Hobbies of different types; (f)House system; (g)Class competition; (h)Scouting and Guiding; (i)Any other cocurricular activity. 7.Power to grant exemption:The Director of School Education may, for good and sufficient reason, exempt provisionally any private school seeking recognition from one or more of the provisions of rul e 5 for such period as it may consider necessary, provided that the Director is satisfied that the school wi l l be in a position to fulfill in the near future, the requirements from which it is provisionally exempted. 8.Date of Recognition :The recognition given to a school shall be effective from the date decided upon by the Director of School Education and ordinarily recognition shall be given from the date of commencement of the school year. 9.Withdrawal of Recognition : (1)Recognition accorded under these rules may be withdrawn on one or more of the following grounds; namely - (a)the school no longer fulfills the condition for recognition; (b)the school, i ts Managing Committee, or the Governing Body, as the case may be, contravenes any of the provisions of the Act or the rules or directions of the State Government or of the Prescribed Authority. (c)the school fails to maintain proper standard of education and discip line; (d)the school or its Managing Committee, as the case may be, misuti lises thefunds of the institutions or utilises it for any purpose other than management of the school; (e)the school fails to conduct examinations held by the Board fairly and properly, or the management or any of its employees assists or abets in such examination or fails to prevent malpractices. (f)the school has obtained recognition by fraud or misrepresentation of facts or through a false declaration. W here the Prescribed Authority is satisfied on own informati on otherwise that circumstances exist for taking action for withdrawal of recognitionn of any school, he shall make an enquiry of cause an enquiry to be made i nto the grounds on which recognition is proposed to be withdrawn and gi ve an opportunity to the management to make representation within a period of thirty days against the proposed action. The Prescribed Authority shall f u r ni s h his report and recommendation to the committee constituted under Sub-section (5) of section 4. (2)The committee after considering the records, report and recommendation of the Prescribed Authority and affording an opportunity to the management of being heard, pass an order either withdrawing or suspending the recognition granted to the said school. (3)Notwithstanding the withdrawal or suspension of recognition undersub- section (3). the students admitted to that school ti l l the dates of such withdrawal or suspension shall be allowed to continue as if the sai d school continues to be recognised ti l l that batch of students appear in the examination conducted by the Board. The school shal l not admit fresh students during the period of suspension or after withdrawal of recognition. (3)Any school aggrieved by an order of the committee withdrawing or suspending the recogni ti on may prefer an appeal wi thi n a period of th i r ty days of the receipt of the order before the state Government venose decision therein shall be final. 10. 10.Lapse of recognition : (1)If a recognised school ceases to function or is shifted to a different locality or in transferred to a different trust society, individual or a group of individuals without the approval of the Director of School Education, its recognition shal l lapse on such ceaser, shifting or transfer as the case may be and it shal l for the purpose of future recognition be treated as a new school. (2)W here one or more of the conditions of recognition specified in rule 5 are not complied with by any recognised school, the Director of Schoolf Education shal l by a written notice, draw the attention of the school to such noncompliance; and, if within 30 days from the date of service of such notice, any such condi ti on for the recogni ti on is not complied with, the recognition granted to such school shal l , on the expiry of the sai d period of 30 days, stands lapsed. (3)W here a recognition has been granted to a private school for a li mited period, such recognition shall lapse on the expiry of that period unless such recognition is renewed before the expiry of that period. 11.Suspension or withdrawal of recognition ; (1 ) If a school ceases to fulfill any requirement of the Act or any conditions specified in rule 6 or fails to provide any facility specified in rule 6, the appropriate authority may. after givi ng to the school a reasonable opportunity of showing cause againsuthe proposed action, withdraw, for reason to be recorded in writing, recognition from the school. Provided that where the appropriate authority is satisfied that the defici en ci es or defects are c apa b le of immediate or early r e m o v a l , it may instead of withdrawing the recognition suspend the recognition for such period as it may th i n k fit to enable the Managing Committee of the school to remedy the deficiencies or defects to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority. Provided further that where the recognition of a school has been withdrawn or suspended, no appropriate authority shall grant recognition of such school whetharun by the name of which it was known at t h e t i m e of such withdrawal or suspension or by any other name, unless the school has removed the deficiencies or defects for which the recognition has been withdrawn or suspended. (2 ) A recognised school which provides for hostel fac iliti es sha ll comply with the provisions of relevant rule 20 and the instructions made thereunder, and in case of any default in complying with such provisions or instructions, the appropriate authority may for reasons to be recorded in writing, withdraw the recognition in relation to the school itself. ( 3 ) Where recognition of any school is withdrawn, the reasons for withdrawal of such recognition shall be communicated to the Managing Committee w i t h i n seven days from the date on which the recognition is withdrawn. (4) Any Managing Committee aggrieved by the withdrawal of recognition of the school managed by it may within thirty days from the date of communication to it of the withdrawal of recognition, prefer an appeal against such withdrawal to the authority specified in rule 13. 12. Restoration of Recognition : Recognition once withdrawn or lapsed shall not be restored until the Director of School Education is satisfied that the reasons which led to the withdrawal or l apse of recognition have been removed and that in all other respects the school complies with the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under. 13.Authorities to which appeals may be preferred : (1)Every appeal against refusal by the appropriate ajUhority to accord recognition to a school or withdrawing recognition from an exi sti ng school shal l be preferred to the Government. (2)Every such review appl i cati on shal l be made in writing wi thi n 30 days of the receipt of the communication of refusal or withdrawal and shall be accompaniedby a copy of the reasons for refusal to accord recognition or withdrawal of recognition, as th case may be, communicated to the applicant. 14. Opening of new classes in schools : (1)No recognised school, not being an unaided school, without giving full justification, shal l open any new cl ass other than the ones which has recei ved approval from the appropriate authority. (2)In these case of unaided schools, opening of new class/shall be subject to norms as may be specified by the appropriate authority. 15. Closing down of a school or any class in a school : (1)No Managing Committee shall close down a recognised school, not being an unai ded school , or an exi sti ng cl ass in such school without g i v i n g f u l l justification and without the prior approval of the Director. 16.Pupils strength : (1)The Private Education institutions shall have minimum roll strength of pupils for each standard or class as hereinafter provided. (2)In the case of Higher Secondary School, the minimun roll strength of pupils in each class or section there of shall be. (i)Seventy in relation to faculty of Arts, (i i ) Fifty in relation to faculty of commerce, (iii) Thirty in relation to faculty of science. Provided that in the case of Higher Secondary Schools located in the rural areas, such minimum roll strength shall be h a l f of respective roll strength as specified in this sub-section. (3 ) In the case of High Schools, the minimum roll strength of pupils for each standard or class shall be thirty, which shall be twenty if such schools are located in rural areas. (4)In the case of Primary and Middle Schools the minimum roll strength of pupils in each standard or class shall be twenty five in urban areas and fifteen in rural areas. 17.Fees and other charges : (1)The fees payable in any recognised private school or in respect of pupils thereof (here in after called the prescribed fees) shall be such, and shall be payable in respect of such matter as may be prescribed by the Prescribed authority under these rules and the state Government may at any time and for such period as they shall think fit direct that the prescribed fees shall be increased or reduced in any recognised private school. (2)No fee or other charge or donation of any kind shall be collected either from the pupils or from parents or from public, except with prior permission of the com petent authority. In respect of special fees, the levy of which has been specified by the prescribed authority, there s h a l l be no deviation from the permitted rate or the purpose for which such levy was authorised. A l l moneys that accrue to the school by way of special fees or any other payment authorised shall be brought to the school account and accounted properly. . (3)All the moneys received by any educational institution by way of fee or capitati on fee or deposits or other amount shall be deposited in the account of the insti tuti on, in any scheduled Bank and shal l be appl i ed and expended for the imprpvement of the educational faci l i ti es and for such other related purpose and to such extent and in such manner as may be specified by order by the Government. (4)A bank account referred to in sub-section (3) shall have two signatories, namely Chairman School Managing Committee and Headmaster or Principal of the School. 18Accounts : Every Private School shall maintain registers and records specified in Annexure II . The registers and records in respect of Primary Schools and Middle Schools shall be produced to Sub-Divisional Education Officer and in respect of High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools to the DistrictEducation Officer whenever required. The Director may add, revise or modify the l i st of registers and records. 19.Annual Audit of Accounts : (1)The authorities to audit the account of every private school shall be the following, namely : Schools Competent Authority (1) (2) (a)Primary and Middle Schools Sub-Divisional Education Officer (b)High Schools and Higher District Education Officer or Secondary Schools Department auditors (2)(a)A copy of the reports on the audit of accounts shall be sent to the District Education Officer, who shall forward the same to the educational agency, (b)The educational agency shall within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the report, submit the same with its comments to the District Education Officer, which wi l l be reviewed by the District Education Officer. 20.Maintenance or establishment of hostels in schools : (1)Recognised aided or unaided schools may if they consider it necessary, establ i sh hostel subject to the fulfillment of such conditions as may be specified by the Government. (2)Admission of any student shall not be refused on ground only of religion, caste, place of birth, or any one of them. (3)(a)A hosteller shall be l i abl e to be expelled at any time for serious misconduct or when his retention in the hostel is l i kel y to endangerits moral tone and discipline. (b)Before expelling a hosteller, the head of the school shall send a detailed report to his parent or guardian and to the Director for his approval of such expulsion. (c)On receipt of the Director ’s approval, orders for expulsion shall be passed by the head of school under intimation to the parent or guardian.Provided that no student shall be expelled from a hostel except after gi vi ng the pa-rent or guardian of the student reasonable opportunity of the student reasonable opportunity of showing cause against proposed action. (4)Detailed instructions regarding the scale of hostel fees, facilities furniture, scale of hostel fees, facilities to the Hostel Superintendent, duties of wardens, medical and other care of the hostellers and other facilities; and conditions for admis sion in any hostel shal l be specified by the Director of School Education. (5)The Director of School Education shall specify what registers and records are to be maintained and what returns and records shall be submitted by a school. 21. Management of Private Recognised School:(1)Private recognised schools may be classified into two categories viz. Those under individual Educational Agency andthose under corporate Educational Agency. Where the right to conduct the school is vested in an i ndi vi dual in his own right or as the legal representa tivefof a joint family, the Educational Agency shall be termed ‘Individual Educational Agency’ and in al l other cases the Educational Agency shall be termed ‘Corporate Educational Agency’, Corporate Educational Agency shall include cases where the right is vested in (a)Two or more persons joi ntl y with written registered agreement; (b)a board or society or i nsti tuti on registered under a statute or created by a statute; (c)an institution of Trust and (d)an ecclesiastical office of any religions denomination. A school established by the general publ i c of a l ocal i ty wi l l fall under the class of institution, namely under corporate Educational Agency. 22.Constitution of the School Managing Committee : (1)Every private school shall have a Managing Committee constituted in accordance with the rules. (2)The Managing Committee co nst i t ute d for any private school sha l l obtain the approval of its constitution by the Prescribed Authority, in the prescribed manner failing which the school shal l not be el i gi bl e for recognition. (3)The Managing Committee shal l be responsible for the proper management of the school and shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be prescribed. (4)A Managing Committee shall continue in office for a term of two years from the date of its approval by the Prescribed Authority under sub section (2). (5)The Managing Committee shall consist of not more than the following number of members: (i)Representatives of the Educational Agency who shall be nominated by such educational agency. Provided that the employees of the school shall not be nominated under the category (i i ) Principal/Headmaster of the School (Ex-officio)-1 (i i i ) Senior most teachers of the School-2 (i v) Parent/Teacher Association nominee-1 (v) Senior most non-teaching staff (i f available)-1 Explanation I : Non-teaching staff shall mean the ministerial staff belonging to group C and above. Explanation II:For the purpose of this rul e the seniority shall be determined with reference to the total service rendered by teachers are non teaching staff as the case may be in any recognised school or schools. Provided that the number of representative of teachers shall not be reduced on account of any decrease in the strength of teachers during the two years term of the committee. Provided further that the educational agency shal l increase the representation for the teachers on the above scale, if the strength of the teachers is increased. The teachers so nominated shall be a member of the committee for the residual period of the tenure of the committee and shall be el i gi bl e for renomination. Provided further that when a vacancy of teachers representatives in the committee irises, the next seniormost teacher shall be nominated to the committee. However, there shall be no change in the membership of the teacher representative during the tenure of the committee on account of the appointment of another senior teacher. 23.Chairman and Secretary ; (i)There shall be a chairman and a secretary for every Managing Committee appointed from among its members. Provided that no employee of the private recognised school other than its academic head shal l be chosen as the secretary. Provided further that every person who. on the date of commencement of these rules, is exercising the powers of the secretary, shal l be deemed to be the secretary of the School Managing Committee. If the educational agency intends to change the chairman, within a period of two years, it shall do so only with the prior approval of the District Education Officer in the case of High and Higher Secondary School and the Sub-Divisional Education Officer in the case of Middle School. 24.The following persons shall not be eligible to become members of thecommittee -(a)Minors; (b)Mentally unsound persons; (c)Persons convicted for criminal offence involving moral turpitude; (d)Insolvents; (e)A person who has been found responsible for any serious irregularity, as a result of enquiry by the Education Department. 25.Powers of the chairman of the Managing Committee : (1)The chairman shall ensure that the decisions taken in the meeting of the Managing Committee are implemented by the secretary and the Managing Committee functions properly and holds its meetings regularly. (2)In case the secretary defaults in cal l i ng a meeting of the Managing Committee as directed by the chairman, the chairman shall be competent to make such arrangement as he deems appropriate so that th e meeting may take place. 26.Secretaryf of the Managing CommitteeThe secretary shal l , s u b je c t to the general superi ntendence and control of the Managing Committee be the chief executive of the school in all matters pertaining to the private school and shall be competent to - (a)make correspondence on behalf of the Managing Committee; (b)convene meetings of Managing Committee with the approval of the chairman and draw up the proceedings of each meeting and forward a copy of the same to the District Education Officer or to the Sub-Divisional Education Officer as the case may be after confirmation. (c)give effect to the decision of the Managing Committee and subject to its control do all things incidental thereto: (d)remain in charge of the properties, documents and records related to the needs of the school and shall be responsible for their proper custody, maintenance and safety; (e)make al l payments and sign receipts other than receipt from fees and fines onbehalf of the Managing Committee; (f)receive donations if authorized by the Managing Committee; (g)exercise such other powers and performs such other functions as may from timeto time be assigned by the Managing Committee. 27.Meetings of the Managing Committee : (1)For the efficient management of the affairs of the school, the Managing Committee shall meet as often as considered necessary provided that there shall be at least our general meetings in a year. The date of such meetings shall be fixed by the secretary in consultation with the chairman of the Managing Committee. A special meeting may be convened at any time by the secretary on receipt of a requisition in writing from not less than seven members of the Managing Com mittee. At least seven clear days notice shal l be given to the members of the Managing Committee both in case of general and special meeting. An emergent meeting may, however, be convened by the secretary by giving a shorter notice when so required by the chairman of the Managing Committee or by the District Education Officer or Sub-Divisional Education Officer as the case may be. (2)Any urgent resolution may be approved by the Managing Committee by circulation of such a resolution shall be deemed to have been approved by the Managy ing Committee if it is approved by at least seven members/ thereof. A resolution so approved by circulation shall be placed before the Managing Committee in its next meeting for ratification. (3)The chairman shall preside over the meetings of the Managing Committee. In the absence of the chairman, one of the members other than secretary shall be elected to preside. The chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member of the Managing Committee in case of a tie. (4)The secretary of thejjianaging Committee shal l record the proceedings of the meeting and shall obtain the approval of the chairman thereon. The proceeding shall be placed for confirmation in the next meetings of the Managing Committee. Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting shal l be recorded seri al l y for each academic session in a register containing continually machine numbered and certified to that effect by the secretary of the Managing Committee. 28.Powers and Functions of the Managing Committee : Subject to the provisions of the Act and these Rules, the Managing Committee shall exercise the powers and discharge the functions, as follows :- (a)to ensure proper management, maintenance and custody of the school relating to land, building, equipments, funds of school i ncl udi ng grants sanctioned by Government or any authority; (b)to ensure that instructions are imparted according to the standard prescribed by the Board and concerned authorities. (c)to ensure that the buildings, premises, functions and equipments of the school 77 are rfbt used for any non educational purpose non for holding any meeting ofpolitical character or other character for which the feelings of the community isl i vel y to be divided or excited:to ensure observance and compliance of instructions issued by Government, theBoard and other concerned authori ti es regarding smooth management of theschools in all respects from time to time; (e)appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff in accordance with the provisions contained in these Rules and instructions of the Department; (f)implementation of the provi si ons of the Rules and i nstructi ons i ss u ed by theDepartment, the Director or any subordinate officer in the matter of conditionsof service of staff relating to their appointment, salary, leave, provident fundsage of retirement and disciplinary action etc. (g)to submit report and returns required by Government, the Director. District Education Officer and the Board from time to time. (h)to provide reasonable facilities to the persons authorize for inspection. (i)to ensure observance of instruction of Government. Director and the Board regarding smooth management of the institution; and (j)to ensure compliance of such instruction as may be issued by the GovernmentDirector District Education Officer and the Board from time to time. 29.Payment of Grants-in-Aid : (1)The state Government shall within the li mi ts of its economic capacity, set apart a sum of money annually for being given as grant-in-aid (herein after in thi s rule referred to as grant) to private schools in the state recognised for this purpose in accordance with rules made in th i s behalf. (2)Every aided school shall, so long as it fulfils the conditions for receiving aid, continue, subject to the provisions of these rules, to receive such aid. (3)The state Government or any other officer authorised by the Government in this behalf shall determine every year the total number of recognised unaided schools to which grant may be given. (4)The state Government may sanction such grant or for good and sufficient reason/refuse to sanction such grant. (5)Subject to other provisions of the Act any order passed by the State Government refusing sanction of the grant shal l be final and shall not be questioned in any court of law. (6)Every grant sanctioned under sub-section (2) shall be disbursed by the Director or such other officer subordinate to the Director as the state Government may, by general or special order, authorise in this behalf in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed. (7)Evefy application for the sanctiongof grant shall be made in Form II appended to these rules and shall be addressed to Director of School Education or any officer authorised by hi m in this behalf. (8)Proprietary schools (i.e schools not registered under either Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 or any other Act that may be specified in thi s behalf of Government), and community schools which have been permitted by Government or Non grant-in-aid basis, wi l l not be el i gi bl e for any grant-in-aid from publ i c funds. (9)Aid shal l be of two categories, namely:- (a)Maintenance grant; and (b)Building grant. Explanation : Maintenance grants shall be of two kinds, namely :- 1)Recurring maintenance grant; namely, staff grant, provident fund grant, pension and retirement benefit grant; 2)Non-recurring maintenance grant, namely, contingent grant, rent grant, hostel grant, grant for equipment, furniture, biennial or triennial grants for purchase of books for the library. (10) Notwithstanding anything contained in any rule, executive order or any judge-ment decree or order of any court, the following categories of private schools shall be el i gi bl e for consideration for payment of grant. (a)Middle schools imparting instructions or course prescribed by the board in standards or classes V. VI. and VII. (b)High schools imparting instructions or course for higl/school leaving cer tificate examination conducted by the Mizoram Board of Secondary Education. (c)Higher .Secondary schools imparting instructions or course for Higher Secondary School leaving certificate examination conducted by the Mizoram Board of School Education.No educational institutions imparting any other courses of studies except those provided in*sub section (8) shall be eligible for grant from Government. Managing Committee desirous of availing the facility of grant shall make an application for the purpose within such period and shall furnish such information and documents including audited, statement of accounts of the schools as may be prescribed. It shall furnish with the application an undertaking to the effect that grant sanctioned for the purpose or meeting part or whole of the salary costs shall be disbursed directly to employees concerned and to refund any excess in admissible payment that may have been made. 30.Withdrawal of grant - (1)The prescribed authority may withdraw the grant-in-aid of private school if (i)The recognition of the institution has been suspended or withdrawn; (ii)The percentage of students passing the examinations conducted by the board falls short of half of the percentage of the entire Board for three consecu-tive years; (iii)the Managing Committee or the secretary is found to be mi suti l i si ng the funds of the school concerned including grant- in-aid received, if any, or u ti l i si ng it for any purpose other than meeting the legitimate cost of run-ning the school, development of the school or employees of that school; (iv)there has been persistent default in maintaining correct account of the re-ceipts and expenditure of the school or there has been/ persistent default in submitting audited statement of its accounts within me specified period; (v)the school fails to conduct the examination of the Board or any other ex/ amining bodies fairly and properly or if the managing committee or any of its employees assi sts or abets in adoption malpractice in such examina-tions or failsjto prevent adoption of malpractices; (vi) unl ess otherwise permitted, the school is found to be admitting students or any criteria other than merit; (vi i) the private school sju ti li se the grant-in-aid for any purpose other than the purpose for which such grant-in-aid was pa i d specifically or fails to render satisfactory and timely accounts of its proper utilization. (2)Before withdrawing the grant the Managing Comnjpttee shall be given a notice h of the action proposed to be taken and required to show cause within a period of t^frty days from the date of receipt of the notice as to why such action shall not be taken. (3)The managing Committee aggrieved by an order of the prescribed authoritywithdrawing grant, may. in such manner and within such period not exceeding sixty days, as may be prescribed, prefer an appeal before the state Government, whose decision thereon shal l be final. 31. Accounts and Audits - (1)The accounts of aided schools shal l be maintained in the prescribed manner and shall be subject to yearly audit. (2)For the purpose of these rul es, the state Government or the Director may appoint any officer to be examiner of the accounts of the school. 32.inspection and Supervision of Schools — (1)The Director shall be responsible for the supervision and inspection of all recognised schools, whether aided or not. (2)For the purpose of sub-rule (1) , the Director may assign al l or any of the func-tions relating to inspection and supervision to such officers subordinate to him, and as may be authorised by/him in this behalf. (3)Evely Officer authorised by the Director under sub-rule (2) shall discharge his powers of inspection and supervision under the direction, control and supervi-sion of the Director. (4)The Director may also form a team or panel of persons with speci al knowledge and experience of different subjects taught in schools, to carry out inspection of a school. (5)The Director may also carry out surprise inspections through any officer authorised by him in this behalf. (6)W here the Director hi msel f makes the inspection, he shal l make a note of the defects or deficiencies noticed by hi m and shall send a copy of that note to the head of the concerned school. (7)The Managing Committee or the concerned school shall make every effort for the improvement or removal of deficiencies in the management of the school in accordance with the direction or suggestions given by the Director or the authorised officer. 33.Recruitment - (1)Recruitment of employees in each recognised private school aided or unaided shal l be made on/the recommendation of a sel ecti on committee to be consti- tuted by the managing committee of the school. The selection committee shal l consist of (a)in the case of the head of the school (i)the chairman of the managing committee; (ii)the District Education Officer of the District or DepartmentOfficer nominated by Director of School ,Education; (i i i ) an educationist or a person having experience of administration ofschools & nominated by the Manging Committee. (b)In the case of recruitment of any teacher other than the head of the school (i)the chairman of the Managing Committee; (ii)the head of the school; and (i i i ) the District Education Officer or hi s representative to be nominated by him and (iv) in the case of recruitment of teacher, high school or higher secondary school subject expert may be co-opted by the committee. (c)In the case of recruitment of any other employee (i)the chairman of the Managing Committee or any member ofthe Managing Committee nominated by the chairman; (ii)the head of the school; (iii) the District Education Officer of the district or hi s nominee. (3)The selection committee shall regulate its own procedure, and, in the case of any difference of opinion amongst the members of the selection committee on any matter, it shall be decided by the trust or society running the school or the Director of School Education as the case may be. (4)W here a candidate for recruitment or promotion to any post in the recognised school is related to any member of the sel ecti on committee, the member to whom he is related shall not participate in the selection and a new member shall be nominated by the Managing Committee of the School or the Director of School Education. (5)No Managing Committee shall entertain any application for employment from a person who is already serving as a teacher or otherwise in a recognised school, whether aided or not, unless the application from such person is duly forwarded by the chair/ man of Managing Committee of the school in which such applicant is serving. ‘ (6)W here any selection made by the selection committee is not acceptable to the Managi ng Committee of the school the Managing Committee shal l record its reasons for such non acceptance and refer the matter to the trust or society running the school and the trust or society, as the case may be, shal l decide the same. 34. Appointing Authority and Appointment - (1)The Appointing Authority for every employee shall be the School Managing Committee. The appointment of every employee of a school shal l be made by the Chairman of the Managing Committee on behalf of the Managing Committee in a form to be specified by the Director of School Education. (2)Every appointment made by the Managing Committee of a recognised school shal l i ni tial ly be provisional and shall require approval of the Director of School Education. (3)The particulars of every appointment made by the Managing Committee of an aided school shall be communicated by such committee to the Director of School Education within 7 days from the date as which the appointment is made. (4)The Director of School Education shal l be deemed to have approved an appoint- ment made by the Managing Committee of an aided school within one month from the date on which the particulars of the appointment are received by him under sub-rule ( 3 ) he does not intimate the managing committee h i s disapproval of the appointment. 35. Minimum qualification for the appointment of teaching staff : (1)No person shall be el i gi bl e for an appointment in any insti tuti on unless he she possesses the minimum qualifications^prescribed to corresponding posts in Government Schools. (2)No person, who is not wi thi n the age li mi t prescribed for recruitment to corresponding posts in the Government Schools, shal l ordi nari l y be el i gi bl e for appointment to any post in any i nsti tuti on. (3)The Director of School Education may. in case of non availability of trained or qualified teachers in particular subjects relax the minimum qualifications prescribed for such period as the Director may think fit provided that no such ap-pointments shall be made, except with the previous relaxation of the Director of School Education. 36. Pay and allowances of teachers and other employees : Pay and allowances of any teachers and other person employed in any recognised private school shall not be lower than the minimum wages prescribed by the State Government under age the minimum wages Act, 1948 (Act No. XI of 1948) and the minimum wages (Central) Rules 1950. Such pay and allowances shall be paid in such manner and by or through such authority or person, as may be prescribed by competent authority. 37. Penalties and Disciplinary Authorities : (1)The following penalties may, for good and sufficient reasons, i n clu din g breach of one or more of the provisions of the code of conduct, be imposed upon an employee of a recognised private school, whether aided or not. namely: (a)Minor penalties: (i) censure; (ii) withholding of increment of pay not exceeding 2(two) at a time, without cumulative effect; (b)Major penalties : (i)removal from service, which shall not be a disqualification for futureemployment, (ii)dismissal from service, which shall ordinarily be a disqualificationfor future employment in any recognised School or a GovernmentService. (2)The chairman of the Managing Committee shall be the disciplinary authority for all remployees, except the head of a recognised private school whether aided or not and the managing committee shall bej|the disciplinary authority in the case of head of the school. (3)In case of doubts regarding the interpretation, the penalties, their imposition,functioning of the disciplinary authority etc., the detailed instructions and interpretations given by the Government in that beh alf in respect of Government servants of corresponding status shall be followed. 38. Authority to impose penalties : (1)The Managing Committee being the disciplinary authority shall be competent to impose any of the penalties prescribed under rule 3 2 ( 1 ) . (2)The disciplinary authority as specified under rule 33 shall be competent to institute disciplinary proceedings as per the procedure l ai d down under rule 35, against any employee for the imposition of any of the major penalties specified under rul e 32( 1) (b) but shall not be competent to impose any of the major penalties except with prior approval of the Director of School Education. 39. Procedure for imposing minor penaltyNo other imposing of minor pe nal t y sha l l be made except after informing the employee in writing of the proposal to take action against hi m and the allegation ony which such action is proposed to bef taken and except after giving to the employee an opportunity to make any representation to the disciplinary authority against the proposed action. 40. Procedure for imposing major penalty(1)The procedure for imposing penalties specified in rul e 32(1) (b) shal l be as applicable to the Government employees of the corresponding status.Provided that notwithstanding anything contained in the rules applicable to Government employees of corresponding status, the enquiry into such charges as are not admitted by the employees shall be made by an enquiry officer appointed for the purpose by the Disciplinary Authority. (2)No order with regard to the imposition of a major penalty shall be made by the disciplinary authority except after the due approvaliof the Director. Provided that the Director of School Education may, ifr found necessary, hear both the parties concerned, before granting/refusing hi s approval. (3)Any employee of a recognised private school who is aggrieved by any order imposed on him the may prefer an appeal to the Government. 41. Teachers and other persons employed in private schools to be governed byCode of Conduct(1)The teachers and other persons employed in private school, aided or unaided, shal l be governed by the code of conduct as specified in Annexure, (2)A teacher or other person employed in a private school shal l be l i abl e to di sci pl i nary action and punishment, if he/she violates any provi si on of the code of con duct which may include dismissal or termination from service. ANNEXURE-I [See Rule 41 (1)] Code of conduct for teachers and other persons employed in a private school 1.Every teacher or othfer person employed in a private school shall discharge his duties efficiently and diligently and shall conform to the rules and regulations. 2.No teacher /or other person employed in a private school shall absent himself from his duties without prior permission j In cases of sickness or absence on medical grounds a medical certificate to the ‘satisfaction of the school authorities shall be produced within a week. 3.No teacher or other person employed in a private school shall engage directly or i ndi rectl y in any trade or busi ness. In the case of remuneration work li ke private tuitions specific written sanction of the school authorities shal l be obtained. 4.Prior permission of the school Managing Committee shall be obtained in a case where any teacher or other person employed in a private schools seeks to accept honorary work without detriment to hi s duties as a teacher. 5.No teacher or other person employed in a private school engage himself or participate in any demonstration or activity which is prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the state publ i c orders decency or morality or which involves contempt of court. 6.No teacher or other person employed in a private school shal l indulge in any cri ti ci sm of the pol i ci es of the Government either di rectl y or i ndi rectl y or participate in any activity which brings disrepute to the Government. Adoption of legitimate methods of ventilating grievances however shal l not be considered as cri ti ci sm of the Government. 7.No teacher shall indulge in or encourage or abet, any form of malpractice connected with examination or any other school activity. 8.No teacher shall show any negligence neglect in correcting class work or home-work done by the student. 9.No teacher or person employed in a private school sha l l engage himself in any political activity. He shall not be associated with any political party or any organization which takes part in pol i ti cs or shall subscribe to or assist in any other manner any political movements. 10. No teacher or other person employed in a private school shal l contest or participate in or canvas for any elections. ANNEXURE-II 1.List of registers to be maintained by Primary and Middle Schools (1)Register of admission and withdrawals. (2)Register of Attendance of pupi l s. (5)Register of Attendance of teachers. (4)Acquaintance rol l of teachers. (5)Leave registers grants. (6)Register of fines (7)Stock Register of Articles purchased or received without Government grants. (8)Register of furniture, books and equipments purchased out of Government grants. (9)Stock Register of Science equipments. (10) Cash Books. 2.List of registers to be maintained by High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools. (1)Admission Register. (2)Pupils Attendance/ Register. (3)Fee Collection Register. (4)General Cash Book. (5)General Ledger. (6)Stock Registers of Science Equipments and Games Articles. (7)Staff Attendance Registers - Teaching Staff. (8)Staff Attendance Register - Non-Teaching Staff. (9)Leave Registers - C.L and E.L. ( 10 ) Register of furniture, books and appliances purchased out of Government grants. ( 11 ) Library Stock Register. FORM I APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF RECOGNITION PROFORMA 1.Name of the School:_____________ 2.Name of the District to which it is situated:_____________ 3.Date of First opening of the school:______________ 4.State upto which educational facilities provided.:______________ (Primary, Middle, High or Higher Secondary) 5.Medium of instruction at various stages:______________ 6.Stage of education upto which recognition desired (Primary, Middle, High or Higher:______________ 7.Number and categories of recognised schools already functioning in that locality:______________ 8.General desirablity of the school with special reference to the suitability and sufficiency of the existing schools in the locality and the probable effect on them.:______________ 9.W hether the school is run on commercial basis for profit to any individual or group of individuals:______________ 10. Constitution of the Managing Committee of the school together with the names of the members of the committee and their occupations:______________ 11. (a)In the society running the school registered under the societies Registration Act, 1860:______________ (b)W hether the school has a duly approved scheme of the Management 12. Has the school its own building or is housed in a rental building?:______________ 13. Total area of the school campus wi th the total builtup area:______________ 14. (a) Number of class room with seating capacity in each. :______________ (b) Details of furniture ventilation provided in each class room. :______________ (c) School library and reading room :______________ (d) Science laboratories :______________ (e) School Hall :______________ (f) Staff room :______________ (g) Room for Head of School :______________ (h) Office room :______________ (i) Store room :______________ (j) Refreshment room for student :______________ (k) Drinking water facilities :______________ (l) Bath room and lavatories for day scholars :______________ 15. Total area of play grounds and the games played:______________ 16. Details of apparatus and equipment for:______________ (a)Physics:______________ (b)Chemistry:______________ (c)Biology:______________ (d)Music.:______________ (e)History/Geography:______________ (f)Any other:______________ 17. Member of books in the library:______________ 18. Financial position of the school:______________ (a)Reserve Bank:______________ (b)Total monthly income (i ) Fees:______________ (ii)Other source (sources to be specified):______________ (c) Average monthly expenditure:______________ 19. Number of students Name of ClassName of SectionName of SchoolAverage In each sectionattendence in each section 1234 20. W hether the management maintain a provident fund scheme or any other si mi l ar scheme for the staff:______________ 21. Rates of fees and other funds charged (class-wise):______________ 22. Details of staff including Head of school Name Date of Birth Academic Subject teachingDate of Present pay Qualificationpresentappointment 123456 23. Details of cocurricular cultured and other activities oganised in the school:______________ 24. Any other information:______________ Place:Chairman Note :Managing Committee FORM - II APPLICATION FOR GRANT-IN-AID 1.Name of the School (In Blocks letters):______________ 2.Address:______________ 3.Type of school (Higher Secondary, HighSchool or Middle School):______________ 4.The date on which recognition has beenaccorded to this school:______________ 5.The staff strength of the school (Li st ofteaching and non-teaching staff alongwith posts and qualification be appended):______________ 6.Year from which grant-in-aid is prayed for:______________ 7.Amount required towards minimum grant-in-aid:______________ 8.W hether managed by any Trust/Society or theManaging Committee:______________ 9.Any other special cl ai m for grant-in-aid:______________ 10. Details of examination conducted by the Boardor other Examining bodies in which the studentshave appeared and passed.:______________ Year Name of the ExaminationNo. of StudentsNo.of Students appearedPassed 1234Signature of Secretary Managing Committee Sd/- L. TOCHHAW NG Commissioner to the Govt. of Mizoram Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-900

The Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2007

VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 285Date - 23/10/2007

NOTIFICATION N o . C.11018/1/99 - DCA. dt. 17.10.2007. In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to t he Co nst it ut io n o f India, t he fo llo wing Amendment Rules made by Chakma Aut o no mo us Dist rict Council and as approved by the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general information, namely :- The Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2007 [vide Governor of Mizoram’s approval dt. 11.10.2007.] Sd/- P. Chakraborty Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. Published by Authority VOL - XXXVI, Aizawl, Tuesday, 23.10.2007 Kartika 1, S.E. 1929, Issue No. 285The Mizoram Gazette Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) Rs. 2/- per IssueEXTRA ORDINARY THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (CONSTITUTION AND CONDUCT OF BUSINESS, ETC) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2007.Furt her t o amend t he Chakma Aut o no mo us Dist rict Co uncil ( Co nst it ut io n Co nduct o f Busi- ness etc.) Rules, 2002 (hereinafter called the “Principal Rules”) as amended from time to time. The District Council of Chakma Autonomous District in exercise of powers conferred by sub-paragraph 7 of paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India and with approval of the Governor of Mizoram makes the following rules, namely :- Short title & Commencement1. (1) These rules may be called the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution Conduct of Business etc.) (Amend- ment) Rules, 2007 (2) They shall co me int o fo rce from t he dat e of publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2. The proviso t o sub-rule 4 of rule 7 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows : “Provided that when recommending the names, the Chief Executive Member shall include the name of at least one women and shall furnish the bio-data of such recommended persons as required in these rules”. 3. In Rule 10 of the Principal Rules, for the Explanation (2), the fo llo wing shall be subst it ut ed, namely:- “(2) For the purposes of this rule, the expression by birth or descent” shall include a person born within the defunct Pawi - Lakher Regional Council area and also a person whose name is included in the Assembly Electoral Roll of 5 - Chawngte Assembly Constituency for the relevant year of the elections”. Amendment of Rule 7 Amendment of Rule 10 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-750.Ex-285/07 2


VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 297Date - 29/10/2007

CORRIGENDUMH.12018/83/03-LJD/72, the 25th October, 2007. In partial modification of the Schedule of the Mizoram Appropriation (No. 1) Act. 2007 (Act No. 1 of 2007) a sum of Rs. 39,90,000.00 against the Capital sector under Demand No. 19 which was shown under the Charged components shall be shown under t he voted components as shown in the Schedule. Sd/- P. Chakraborty Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law Judicial & Parliamentary Affairs Aizawl Published by Authority VOL - XXXVI, Aizawl, Monday, 29.10.2007 Kartika 7, S.E. 1929, Issue No. 297The Mizoram Gazette Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) Rs. 2/- per IssueEXTRA ORDINARY THE SCHEDULE (See Section 2 and 3)Demand NoSERVICES AND PURPOSESSUMS NOT EXCEEDING Voted by Legislative AssemblyCharged on the Consolidated FundTotal12345 1Legislative AssemblyRevenue39090005790004488000 Capital10000001000000 2GovernorRevenue2550001560001815000 3Council of MinistersRevenue876000876000 4Law & JudicialRevenue63070006307000 5.VigilanceRevenue294000294000 6.Land Revenue & ReformsRevenue 145708000145708000 8Taxa tionRevenue21990002199000 9Fina nceRevenue 1324700013247000 10Mizoram Public Service Commission Revenue940000940000 11Secreta riat AdministrationRevenue 186050000186050000 12Parliamentary AffairsRevenue825000825000 13Personnel & Administrative Reforms Revenue44520004452000 14Planning & Programme Implementation Revenue 7611400076114000 15General Administr ation DepartmentRevenue 1951800019518000 16HomeRevenue 184862000184862000 17Food & Civil SuppliesRevenue 7571900075719000 Capital 203640000203640000 18. Printing & StationeryRevenue50000005000000 19Local Administr ationRevenue 115044000115044000 Capital39900003990000 20School EducationRevenue 416647000416647000 21Higher & Technical EducationRevenue 178759000178759000 Capital7640000076400000 22Sports & Youth ServicesRevenue 3387000033870000 23Art & CultureRevenue20250002025000 24Medical & Public Health ServicesRevenue 153377000153377000 25Water Supply & SanitationRevenue77540007754000 Capital 545645000545645000 26Information & PublicityRevenue42860004286000 27District CouncilsRevenue 3297400032974000Ex-297/072 THE SCHEDULE (See Section 2 and 3)Demand NoSERVICES AND PURPOSESSUMS NOT EXCEEDING Voted by Legislative AssemblyCharged on the Consolidated FundTotal12345 28Labour & EmploymentRevenue81480008148000 29Social WelfareRevenue 181443000181443000 Capital 177316000177316000 30Relief & RehabilitationRevenue 6890000068900000 31AgricultureRevenue 211005000211005000 32HorticultureRevenue 1260600012606000 33Soil & Water ConservationRevenue26000002600000 Capital2428700024287000 34Animal HusbandryRevenue 102807000102807000 35FisheriesRevenue 2460300024603000 36Enviroment & ForestRevenue 125160000125160000 Capital5590000055900000 37Coopera tionRevenue 1303300013033000 38Rural DevelopmentRevenue 133650000133650000 Capital4972100049721000 39Electr icityRevenue 9546400095464000 Capital 498967000498967000 40IndustriesRevenue 7781600077816000 Capital4200000042000000 41SericultureRevenue10000001000000 42TransportRevenue Capital30000003000000 43TourismRevenue46670004667000 Capital26100002610000 44Trade & CommerceRevenue546000546000 45Public WorksRevenue 5843100058431000 Capital 10553130001055313000 Public DebtRevenue199245000199245000 Capital178668000178668000 GRAND TOTAL5531739000 380992000 5912731000Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-830Ex-297/07 3

Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation Department

VOL - XXXVIISSUE - 338Date - 03/12/2007

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) VOL - XXXVI Aizawl, Monday, 3.12.2007 Agrahayana 12, S.E. 1929, Issue No. 338 N O T I F I C A T I O N No. A. 46011/1/2004-GAD : As a corollary to the creation of the new Department of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, the Governor of Mizoram, in exercise of the power conferred by Rule 3 of the Government of Mizoram (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1987, is pleased to make allocation of subjects to the Local Administration Department and the Urban Development and poverty Alleviation Department as follows: XXII. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1.Village Council matters and village administration 2.Matters relating to Panchayati Raj Institution 3.Naming of streets, roads and villages 4.Animal control and taxation 5.Local Development works funded under State Plan Fund including Housing Assistance 6.Park & Recreation 7.Aizawl Building Centre 8.Housing Loans & Advance XLII URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION DEPARTMENT 1.Jawharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and allied matters 2.Urban Infrastructure Development Schemes funded under 10% Lump Sum grants for North Eastern Regions States 3.Urban Development schemes to be funded under Asian Development Bank 4.Solid Waste Management and Sanitation 5.Aizawl Development Authority (ADA)Rs. 2/- per Issue 6.Town and Country Planning which includes - (1)The Mizoram Urban & Regional Development Act, 1990 and Rules thereunder. (2)The Urban Development Plans Formulation and Implementation Guidelines, 1996 (3)The National Building Code of India under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 7.Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns 8.Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation Programme including Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yajona (SJSRY) and Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programmes (IHSP) 9.Urban Local Bodies Consequently, the subject‘Solid Waste Management’ shall stand deleted from the list of subjects under the Public Health Engineering Department. Sd/- J.C. Ramthanga Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram General Administration Department

The Mizoram Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department (Group 'A' post) Recruitment Rules, 2007.

VOL - XXXVIIISSUE - 4Date - 17/01/2008

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ)Rs. 2/- per issueVOL - XXXVII Aizawl, Thursday 17.1.2008 Pausa 26, S.E. 1929, Issue No. 4NOTIFICATION No.A. l2018/24/2003 - P&AR(GSW), the 15th January, 2008.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules relating to the recruitment to the post of Joint Director, Deputy Director, under Department of Urban Develo pment & Poverty Alleviation, namely :- Short title and1(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Urban Development commencement& Po vert y Alleviat io n Depart ment ( G r o u p 'A' p o s t ) R e c r u it me nt Rules, 2007. (2) The y shall co me int o fo r ce fro m t he dat e o f t heir publica t io n in t he Official Gazette. Application2These Rules shall apply to the post(s) specified in Column I of the Annexure -I hereto annexed. Number of posts3The number of the said post(s), their classification and the scale of pay classification andattached thereto shall be as specified in Columns 2 to 4 of the Annexure-I scale of payas aforesaid. Method of recruitment4The age limit, qualification and other matters relating to the said post shall age limit and otherbe as specified in Column 5 to 14 of the Annexure-I aforesaid; qualifications. Provided that the age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance wit h the orders issued by t he Central Government or Government of Mizo ram fro m time to t ime. Disqualification5No person - (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or (b) Who, having a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s). Pro vided t hat t he Go verno r may, if sat isfied t hat such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of the provisions of this Rules. Training and6Every Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo such Departmentaltraining or pass such Departmental Examination as may be prescribed Examinationfro m t ime t o t ime. Power to transfer7Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizoram in public interest shall have the right and power to transfer any officers so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. Power to relax8Where the Go vernor is of the opinio n t hat it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through Depart ment o f P erso nnel & Administ rat ive Refo rms relax any o f t he pro visio ns o f these rules with respect of any class or category of persons. Reservations and other9Nothing in these rules shall effect any other concessions required t o be Concessionsprovided for the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and ot her categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government o r Go ver nment o f Mizoram from t ime t o t ime in t his regard. By orders, etc. C. Ropianga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t . o f Perso nnel & Administ rat ive Re fo rms. - 2 - Ex-4/2009 ANNEXURE - I (See rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP 'A' POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT & POVERTY ALLEVIATIONName of postsNo. of postsClassificationScale of Pay Whether Selection or Non-Selection posts 1 2 3 4 5 1. Jt. Director 2. Dy. Director1 (one) post or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to time. 1 (one) post or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to time.General State Service Group 'A' post (Gazetted) - do -Rs. 14300- 375-18300 Rs. 12000- 325-16500Seelction SeelctionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational qualification and other qualification required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educa- tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment will apply in the case of promotionsPeriod of proba- tion if any678910 N.A N.AN.A N.AN.A N.AN.A N.AN.A N.AMethod of recruitment whether by direct recruit- me nt s or by pr omo t i on or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the vacancies to be filled by various methodsIn case of re cruitment by pr omoti on/ transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exists, what is its compo- sition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314 100% by promotion failing which by transfer or deputation 100% by promotion failing which by transfer or deputationPromotion : Deputy Director, Town & Country Planner/Senior Sanitation Officer having at least 5(five) years regular services in the grade. Transfer or Deputation : Officers (Central/State Govt.) holding equivalent post having at least 7 years regular services in the grade (period of deputation shall ordinarily not to exceed 3 years). Promoti on : Sanitation Officer/Asst. Town & Country Planner having at least 5 (five) years regular services in the grade. Transfer or Deputation : Officers (Central/State Govt.) holding equivalent posts having at least 7 (seven) years regular services in the grade (period of deputation term shall ordinarily not to exceed 3 years).As per the MPSC (Limitations of Function) Regulations 1994 and as amended from time to time. - do - - 3 -Ex-4/2009Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/750MPSC - do -

General Election to Member of the Chakma Autonomous District Council from 1 - 17 Constituencies

VOL - XXXVIIISSUE - 91Date - 28/03/2008

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 2/- per issueVOL - XXXVI I Aizawl, Wednesday 26.3.2008 Chaitra 6, S.E. 1930, Issue No. 91OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER 1 - 17 MDC CONSTIT UENCIES, CADC, CHAWNGTE Declaration of Results Rule 181 (4) General Election to Member of the Chakma Autonomous District Council from 1 - 17 Constituencies. No. H.11012/4/2008-SDO(C)/CWTE, the 10th March, 2008. As per provision contained at Rule 181 (4) of the Cha kma Autonomous District Council Constitution and Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002. I declare that the following persons have been duly elected to fill the seats in these Constituencies against their names mentioned below :- 1. Rasik Mohan (MNF)Borapansury - I1 - Borapansur y - I 2. Buddha Dhan (INC)Borapansury - I2 - Borapa nsury - II 3. Arun Kumar (MNF)Kamalanagar - II3 - Rajmandal 4. Anil Kanti (MNF)Ba jeisora4 - Bajeisora 5. Arati (INC)Kamalanagar - I5 - Kamalanagar ‘N’ 6. H. Amaresh Chakma (MNF)Kamalanagar - III6 - Kamalanagar ‘S’ 7. Ajoy Kumar (INC)Udalthanasora7 - Udalthana 8. Susen (INC)Ugudasury ‘S’8 - Ugudasury ‘S’ 9. Sushil Kumar (INC)Kamalanagar - I9 - Mainabapsora 10. Taranisen (INC)Ajasora - I10 - Ajasora 11. Buddha Lila (INC)Devasora ‘N’11 - Vaseitlang 12. Lakhi Dhan (MNF)Longpuighat12 - Longpuighat 13. Prema Ranjan (MNF)Rengka shya13 - Rengkashya 14. Hiranand Tochchangya (MNF) Chhotaguisury - I14 - Damdep 15. Kali Kumar (INC)Bilosor a15 - Fultuli 16. Bubon Kumar (INC)Kamtuli16 - Devasora ‘S’ 17. Mohan (INC)Parva - I17 - Parva Zahminga Retur ning Officer 1 - 17 MDC Constituencies CADC , ChawngteSl. No.Name of Elected AddressNo. & Name of Constituency Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/700

Minutes of Meeting under ICT Department held on 3.5.2012 regarding Development of Website for all Government Departments, a Website Management Team in respect of General Administration Department, Government of Mizoram is hereby formed as follows.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 268Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 268 NOTIFICATION No. D. 13023/1/2012-GAD, the 5th June, 2012.In p ursuance of Pa ra 1 of Minutes of Meeting under ICT Department held on 3.5.2012 regarding Development of Website for all Government Departments, a Website Management Team in resp ect of General Adminis tration Department, Government of Mizoram is hereby formed as follows. 1.Commissioner & Secretary, Genera l Administration Depa rtment as appr oving authority regar ding data upload a nd updation. 2.Pi Zonunthari, Under Secretary & IT Nodal Officer, General Administration Department as the Content Manager-cu m-Moderator in respect of General Administr ation Department Webs ite. 3.Ms Linda Thansangzuali, Assistant & Webs ite Information Manager to a ssist Pi Zonunthari in the creation and maintenance of Gener al Administration Webs ite. Renu Sharma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Health & Family Welfare Department (Dialysis Technologist) Group ‘B’ posts Recruitment Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 269Date - 11/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 11.6.2012 Jyaistha 21, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 269 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/17/2011-P&AR(GSW), the 7th June, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules relating to recruitment to the post(s) of Dia lysis Technologist under Health & Family Welfare Depa rtment, Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1) Thes e Rules may be called the Mizoram Health & Fa mily Welfare CommencementDepartment (Dialysis Technologist) Group ‘B’ posts Recruitment Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and classification, pay bandGrade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scaleto 4 of the said Annexure-I. 4.Method of recruitment,The age limit, qua lifica tion and other matters relating to the sa id age limit,post(s) shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the aforesaid qualifications, etcAnnexure-I Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-269/2012 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are ot her grounds for doing so, exempt any s uch person from the operation of this rule. 6. Training andEvery Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo Departmentalsuch training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be Examinationpres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to tra nsfer a ny officer so r ecr uited under thes e rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing a ndin consultation with the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions to these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect reser vation relaxation of age concessionslimit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Gover nment or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. R. Zarzosanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt .of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-269/2012Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500ANNEXURE-I (See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FO R GROUP ‘B’ POST INTHE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH &FAMILYWELFAREName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non -selection p ost12345 Dialysis Technologist2(two) post or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeNot ApplicableWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether the age and educa- tional qualifications prescribe d for direct recruits will apply in the ca se of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableBetween 18 and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled TribesNot applicableMizoram state Services Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9,300-34,800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4400/- Essential :-1. B. Sc or above in Renal Dialysis Technology under Allied Health Science f rom recognised University 2. Should posses working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard. Desirable :-Experience in Dia lysis Services in a recognised Hospital2(two) yearsMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of posts to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314100% by Direct RecruitmentNot applicableExempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission . As constituted by the Government from time to time


VOL - XLIISSUE - 270Date - 12/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 12.6.2012 Jyaist ha 22, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 270 THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI(HIGH COURT OF ASSAM : NAGALAND : MEGHALAYA : MANIPUR : TRIPURA : MIZORAM AND ARUNACHAL PRADESH NOTIFICATION No. HC.XI-07/2012/173/RC, the 27th April, 2012.In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 229 of the Constit ution of India, Hon’ble the Chief Justice is pleased to amend the Gauhati High Cour t Services (Appointment, Condition of Service and Conduct) Rules, 1967 in the following manner with immedia te eff ect : 1.The word Ja madar a ppearing in Rule 6(b) shall be substituted by the word Usher. 2.The word Jamadar appearing in Schedule-I(IV) provided under Rule 4 & Rule 11 shall be substituted by the word Usher. By Or der, R.K. Phukan, REGISTRAR GENERALPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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