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(High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 249Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 249 NOTIFICATION No. HC. XI-10/2012/214/RC, the 15th May, 2012.The Gauhati High Court (High Cour t of Assa m, Naga land, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tr ipura, Mizoram and Ar unachal Pradesh) is pleased to make the amendments of the Rule contained in Chapter-II, Rule 1 (ii) & (iii) of the Gauhati High Court Rules by the allowing all Civil Appeals, which are not required to be heard statutorily b y the Division Bench, to be heard by learned S ingle Judge, irr espective of the valuation. This amendment will come into force with retr ospective effect from 14th May, 2012. By Or der, Sd/- R.K. Phukan, REGISTRAR GENERALPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Acquisition of Land for construction of Drilling Well (LOC-3) near Maubuang Village.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 250Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 250 NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/32/2011-REV, the 5th June, 2012.Wher eas by the Government Notifica tion No. K. 12011/32/2011-REV, dt. 16.2.2012 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Centr al) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referr ed to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended t o the said Not ification was likely t o be needed for the purpose namely - Acquisition of Land for construction of Drilling Well (LOC-3) near Maubuang Villa ge. Now, therefor e, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the funct ions of a Collector for all p roceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention to taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collect or shall submit a Dra ft Awar d to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act. A plan of t he same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl till the final awar d is made under section 11 of the said Act. S C H E D U L E District : AIZAWL Description of landStatus of Pass & No.Approximate Area. Plots of land belonging to 1) ThanzualaV.C. Pass11272.16 sq. ft. 2) V. RoluraV.C. Pass2556.38 sq. ft. 3) RamlianaV.C. Pass30749.84 sq. ft. 4) HrangdawlaV.C. Pass43255.45 sq. ft. 5) VanlalrovaV.C. Pass34584.30 sq. ft. 6) Ramfangza uvaV.C. Pass90121.05 sq. ft. 7) J. RosiamaP. Patta No. 133/08195968.19 sq. ft. P.C. Lallawm Sanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

FALKAWN GROWTH CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AREA under Section 4 of the Mizoram Urban & Regional Development Act, 1990

VOL - XLIISSUE - 251Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 11.5.2012 Vaisakha 21, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 221RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/20/2010-REV, the 3rd May, 2012.Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referr ed to a s the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (her einafter referr ed to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purposes viz., Acquisition of land for construction of Border Out Posts and approach roads within Lawngtlai Distr ict. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said la nd is likely to b e needed for the purpose specified ab ove. 2.Any person interested in the land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector, Lawngtlai District within a period of 20 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the La nd Acquisition Act, 1894. 3.All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the sa id land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any cont ract for the disposal of the sa id land by sale, lease, mortga ge, assignment exchange of the status of pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, de disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the sa id land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : LAWNGTLAIDescription Approximate area Plots of land belonging to 174 persons as per list annexed. 41.68 Hectare or 4,16,800 Sq. m. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . -- - 2 - Ex - 221/2012 PART-ISTATEMENT SHOWING PARTICULARS OF LAND TO BE ACQUIRED FOR CONSTRUC- TION OF BOP WITHIN LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT 1.BOP-Khurbalachhari (Kurbalovasora)Location-Kurbalovasora Sl.NameFather’s NameAddressNature ofPass No.Area of Remarks No.Pass& DateLand in Sqm. 12345678 1. Parak DhanChandra MohanKurbalovasoraLSC G/Site151/78 Dt. 12/9/783000 2. ShyamaliJuttyaKurbalovasoraLSC G/Site151/78 Dt. 12/9/782180 3. SuponBoishakya Kr.KurbalovasoraLSC G/Site151/78 Dt. 12/9/782520 4. Cahnd MuniKripaKurbalovasoraLSC G/Site151/78 Dt. 12/9/782600 5. SasankaKaruna MohanKurbalovasoraLSC G/Site123/76(A) Dt. 23/8/76 1200 6. H. MangalPrabat Kr.KurbalovasoraLSC G/Site91/92 Dt. 10/7/921800 7. Chand MuniKripaKurbalovasoraLSC WRC45/98 Dt. 15/7/981700 8. Chand MuniKripaKurbalovasoraHouse Total15000 2.BOP-Silchuri (Silsury)Location-Silsury9. Suratha RanjanIndra-SenUgalsuryLSC G/Site78/85 Dt. 18/2/853500 10. Prabhat KumarSuratha RanjanUgalsuryLSC G/Site78/85 Dt. 18/2/851800 11. Fulesh KumarSuratha RanjanUgalsuryLSC G/Site78/85 Dt. 18/2/851800 12. Chinta MuniDino MohanBorapansury-IILSC G/Site3/76(A) Dt. 14/8/762454 13. Biro SankarRattan MuniBorapansury-IILSC G/Site3/76(A) Dt. 14/8/762000 14. Sukra JoyBijoy MuniLSC G/Site3/76(A) Dt. 14/8/762000 15. Chinta MuniDino NohanBorapansury-IILSC WRC13/76(B) Dt. 14/7/76 1446 16. Mangal KantiTiboshyaUgalsuryHouse Total15000 3.BOP - Thanguchera (Tungosora)Location - Tungosora17. KalabuaKalesh ChandraTungosoraLSC G/Site 13/86 Dt.30/5/863000 18. Gyana DattaSukro CharjyoTungosoraLSC G/Site 78/85 Dt.18/2/851700 19. Rosik MohanSama MuniTungosoraLSC G/Site 78/85 Dt.18/2/853500 20. Punyo SenRosik MohanTungosoraLSC G/Site 3/76(A) Dt.14/8/763500 21. Amrit LalSuro KantaTungosoraLSC G/Site 3/76(A) Dt.14/8/761500 22. Suresh MohanSama MuniBPS-11LSC G/Site 3/76(A) Dt.14/8/761800 Total15000 4.BOP - Chhotapansury (Chotapansury)Location - Chotapansurj23. Biro BahuKalapunoChotapansuryLSC G/Site 29/92 Dt.4/6/923480 24. Ananda KumarBeka MuniChotapansuryLSC G/Site 29/92 Dt.4/6/921200 25. Biro BahuKalapunoChotapansuryLSC WRC30/92 Dt.4/6/92750 26. Ratna SenAmmyaChotapansuryLSC G/Site 35/92 Dt.8/7/926450 27. Doya MoyKamini RanjanChotapansuryLSC G/Site 35/92 Dt.8/7/925000 28. Kina MuniPunyo RattanChotapansuryLSC G/Site 35/92 Dt.8/7/92800 29. Suresh MohanSama MuniChotapansury35/92 Dt.8/7/922000 30. Sharan SushilUdasenChotapansuryHouse 31. Akoy ChandraChito MuniChotapansuryHouse 32. DhaneshwarRameshyaChotapansuryHouse 33. Ratna SenAmmyaChotapansuryLSC WRC36/92 Dt.8/7/921920 Total21600 5.BOP - Nagdasura (Sangrasury)Location - Sangrasury34. KushallySushi MohanGulsinbapsoraLSC G/Site 42/98 Dt.15/7/982500 35. Doya MohanRagani SwarSangrasuryLSCG/Site42/98 Dt.15/7/982000 - 3 -Ex - 221/2012 36. GupataraSushi MohanGulsinbapsoraLSC G/Site 42/98 Dt.15/7/981000 37. Ratna SenGuno SandaSangrasuryLSC G/Site 42/98 Dt.15/7/982000 38. JudishtirSundor MohanSangrasuryLSC WRC37/99 Dt.6/1/992500 39. Sudi RamSundor MohanSangrasuryLSC WRC37/99 Dt.6/1/991500 40. Manek DhanSundor MohanSangrasuryLSC G/Site 26/90 Dt.7/3/903500 41. SusenUgra MuniGulsinbapsoraHouse 42. Biraj ChandraSusenGulsinbapsoraHouse Total15000 6.BOP - Jogisulchhara (Gulsinbapsora)Location - Jubisillosora43. Kina DhanGumeshyaLSC G/Site 35/90 Dt.7/3/901400 44. BadhimilaShanti MuniLSC G/Site 35/90 Dt.7/3/901000 45. Gyana DhanNishi KumarLSC G/Site 16/90 Dt.3/1/904200 46. PunongbiBorkhulaLSC G/Site 16/90 Dt.3/1/901100 47. Lokhi KumarMekkyaLSC G/Site 16/90 Dt.3/1/901000 48. Hari DhanNishi KumarLSC G/Site 16/90 Dt.3/1/902600 49. Jala MayaGumeshyaLSC G/Site 44/98 Dt.15/7/981400 50. JamadhanKolesh ChandraLSC G/Site 44/98 Dt.15/7/98900 51. Gyana BikashNara SinghLSC G/Site 25/90 Dt.7/3/901400 Total15000 7.BOP - Barakuruchira (Geraguluksora)Location - Geraguluksora52. Lokhi KumarChigonyaGeraguluksoraLSC G/Site 84/01 Dt.28/6/012500 53. Doya MohanBattyaGeraguluksoraLSC G/Site 84/01 Dt.28/6/011000 54. RakeshShantimoyGeraguluksoraLSC G/Site 8/96 Dt.8/4/963500 55. Ranga Chandra TumbussyaGeraguluksoraLSC G/Site 8/96 Dt.8/4/963000 56. Shanti MoySurendraGeraguluksoraLSC G/Site 8/96 Dt.8/4/963000 57. Lolit KumarDirendraGeraguluksoraLSC G/Site 8/96 Dt.8/4/962000 Total15000 8.BOP - Ugdachari (Ugudasury’S’)Location - Ugudasury ‘S’58. Bana ChandraBhagyo SenUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 33/91[H) Dt.25/4/91 4000 59. ManekyoHirambarUgudasury ‘S’LSC G/Site 33/91(H) Dt.25/4/91 2000 60. Kina ChandraKegeraUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 33/91(H) Dt.25/4/91 4000 61. Monu RanjanBasistha MuniUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 33/91(H) Dt.25/4/91 3000 62. Bhagyo SenNatun ChandraUgudasury ‘S’LSC G/Site 33/91(H) Dt.25/4/91 2000 Total15000 9.BOP - Dumdumai (Ugudasury Old)Location - Dumdunia63. GupallyaChigonyaUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 36/89(A) Dt.8/3/895000 64. Kala MilaKina MuniJarulsuryLSC G/Site 36/89(A) Dt.8/3/892000 65. JotikaChinta HaranUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 36/89 (A) Dt.8/3/89 2000 66. Nirmal KumarSumoti RanjanBarapansuryLSC G/Site 36/89(A) Dt.8/3/892000 67. PalonyaSusengpunaUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 36/89(A) Dt.8/3/892000 68. AyukkanJongaUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 36/89(A) Dt.8/3/892000 Total15000 10.BOP - Khobakali (Chotakabakhali)Location - Chotabakhali69. SanjoyBiraj MohanKukurduleyaLSC G/Site 92/97 Dt.27/11/973000 70. NandaSukro KantaKukurduleyaLSC G/Site 92/97 Dt.27/11/97600 71. KukyongpuriSurjyo KumarKukurduleyaLSC G/Site 92/97 Dt.27/11/971750 72. KuttanrimalaBiraj MohanKukurduleyaLSC G/Site 92/97 Dt.27/11/972650 73. Raj KumarSukro KantaKukurduleyaLSC G/Site 1/97 Dt.16/1/972000 74. Kala-AdaPasanta MuniKukurduleyaLSC G/Site 204/84 Dt.20/10/84 1000 75. Indra LalBiraj MohanKukurduleyaLSC WRC204/84 Dt.22/11/844000 Total15000 - 4 - Ex - 221/2012 11.BOP - Rangachia (Rengkashya)Location - Rengkashya76. Sulu ChakmaJala DharRengkashyaLSC G/Site 18/80 Dt.18/2/805200 77. Doya MoyModhan MohanK/NagarLSC G/Site 18/80 Dt.18/2/801000 78. Hira LodaGanashyamJarulsuryLSCG/Site18/80 Dt.18/2/801500 79. Binod BihariJala DharRengkashyaLSC G/Site 18/80 Dt.18/2/802000 80. Bipin BihariJala DharRengkashyaLSC G/Site 18/80 Dt.18/2/801500 81. Aggya MonNagendraRengkashyaLSC G/Site 18/80 Dt.18/2/801300 82. Aruna DeviShanti JeebanRengkashyaLSC G/Site 18/80 Dt.18/2/801000 83. BattuabiNoramyaRengkashyaLSC G/Site 18/80 Dt.18/2/801500 84. Dino MohanKarma MuniRengkashyaHouse 85. MuktalalAgyamonRengkashyaMouse 86. AlomotiBhanu MotiRengkashyaHouse 87. MarattuaSubo RanjanRengkashyaHouse 88. LokhiramRattyoramRengkashyaHouse 89. Amrit LaiGuno DharRengkashyaHouse 90. Doya RanjanBorkulaRengkashyaHouse Total15000 12.BOP - Phukachhari (Futsury)Location - Futsury91 Madhu SudhanRanga MattuaFutsuryLSC G/Site 153/02 Dt.3/12/025000 92 AlumbushBirodhawajFutsuryLSC G/Site 153/02 Dt.3/12/021000 93 Swarna SilKrishna LalFutsuryLSC G/Site 153/02 Dt.3/12/021200 94 ChigonbiDilipFutsuryLSC G/Site 153/02 Dt.3/12/021000 95 Subal ChandraBrisawsenFutsuryLSC G/Site 153/02 Dt.3/12/021100 96 Hari joyKrishna LaiFutsuryLSC G/Site 42/97 Dt.11/3/972000 97 Bana ChandraDurgo MonFutsuryLSC G/Site 42/97 Dt.11/3/971200 98 Binod BihariReboti MonFutsuryLSC G/Site 45/96 Dt.12/3/961500 99 Sambu MuniJattanFutsuryLSC G/Site 45/96 Dt.12/3/961000 Total15000 13.BOP - Jamairsury (Jarulsubasora)Location - Jaruldubasora100. SiddarthaAnanda KumarjaruldubasoraLSCG/Site20/97 Dt.10/1/974500 101. KrishnaKitto ChandraJaruldubasoraLSC G/Site 21/97 Dt.10/1/976500 102. Gyana RanjanKitto ChandraJaruldubasoraLSC G/Site 21/97 Dt.10/1/974000 Total15000 14.BOP - Serabasti (Boroituli)Location - Boroituli103. Biro MoyRodoBoroituliLSC G/Site 87/95 Dt.13/6/954000 104. Rupati RanjanRojono MohanBoroituliLSC G/Site 88/95 Dt.13/6/952500 105. Ranjan MohanIna MohanBoroituliLSCG/Site55/95 Dt.3/8/952500 106. MallikaKali KumarBoroituliLSC G/Site 55/95 Dt.3/8/953500 107. Punyo MuniDhana KumarJaruldubasoraLSC G/Site 55/95 Dt.3/8/952500 Total15000 15.BOP - Chippui (Fultuli)Location - Fultuli108. Shanti KumarTallikyaFultuliLSC G/Site 27/96 Dt.12/6/963500 109. PritideviCharjyo KumarNJSLSC G/Site 27/96 Dt.12/6/963000 110. Belei ChandSubal ChandraFultuliLSC G/Site 27/96 Dt.12/6/963000 111. MidungyaLokhi KumarFultuliLSC G/Site 31/96 Dt.12/6/963500 112. Ranga lalBeleiNJSLSC G/Site 31/96 Dt.12/6/962000 113. Ratna BalaCharjyo KumarNJSLSC G/Site 31/96 Dt.12/6/962100 114. Guri MuniBitsyaFultuliLSC G/Site 31/96 Dt.12/6/96750 115. ShantiGyana LalCHTLSC G/Site 31/96 Dt.12/6/963000 116. Jamali TongMidungyaFultuliLSC G/Site 31/96 Dt.12/6/96750 Total21600 - 5 -Ex - 221/2012 16.BOP - KamtuliLocation - Kamtuli117. JarmuniPunyo MonKamtuliLSC G/Site 39/98 Dt.22/5/983000 118. JuddhapudiSamamuniChotapansuryLSCG/Site39/98 Dt.22/5/981500 119. Bhuban KumarBarat MohanParva - ILSC G/Site 39/98 Dt.22/5/983000 120. Pon ChogaKajaramKamtuliLSC G/Site 38/98 Dt.22/5/983000 121. Sneha DiniBhadrasenDevasora (N)LSC G/Site 38/98 Dt.22/5/982000 122. Maya SitaSurendraParvaLSC G/Site 38/98 Dt.22/5/982500 Total15000 17.BOP - Star Hill (Talsora)Location - Talsora123. Ananda KumarBarat MohanParvaLSC G/Site 40/98 Dt.11/6/984000 124. Dhan MuniLokhi MonBarkalakLSCG/Site40/98 Dt.11/6/982000 125. Sujit KumarGuno MuniChotapansuryLSC G/Site 40/98 Dt.11/6/983000 126. Bar NaghaChandra KumarKamtuliLSC G/Site 40/98 Dt.11/6/983500 127. Shanti MoyAnanda KumarParva - 1LSC jG/Site 40/98 Dt.11/6/982500 Total15000 Grand Total of SI No. 1 to 127 (17 BOPs)268200 18. Jognasury 1. SI.NameFather’s NameAddressNature of Pass Pass No. & Date Area of Remarks No.Land in Sqm. 12345678 1. Bhagyo DhanSundor MohanBoroituliLSC G/Site 65/99 Dt.29/10/993000 2. UlluaChandraSahadevBVoituliLSC G/Site 66/99 Dt.29/10/992000 3. LaxmanKrishnadoyBoroituliLSC G/Site 67/99 Dt.29/10/993000 4. LalluaJendoshyaBoroituliLSCG/Site67/99 Dt.29/10/992000 5. Punyo Chandra Ranjan MohanBoroituliLSC G/Site 77/99 Dt.29/10/993000 6. MilesawGyana RanjanJaruldubasoraLSCG/Site77/99 Dt.29/10/992000 Total15000 19. BOP : Crocodile Hill EPILLocation: Kamtuli 2. (Barmonosora/ Purihat)(Barmonosora) 7. Barat Mohan(L) Mayur DojKamtuliLSC G/Site 41/98 Dt.11/6/983000 8. NayantaraBuban KumarKamtuliLSCG/Site41/98 Dt.11/6/982500 9. Suresh KumarGuno MuniCPSLSCG/Site41/98 Dt.11/6/983000 10. SurendraNishi MohanUdalthanaLSC G/Site 41/98 Dt.11/6/983000 11. Punyo SenKarbuaKamtuliLSC G/Site 36/98 Dt.22/5/982000 12. Ananda KumarBarat MohanKamtuliLSC G/Site 36/98 Dt.22/5/981500 Total15000 Grand Total of SI. No. 1 to 12 (2 BOPs)30000 20. Bungtlang ‘S 13.Bungtlang ‘S’Land Donation No. R. 13011/1/93- 100000 Land LDC/188dt 9/2/94donated by LADC Lawngtlai Total100000 - 6 - Ex - 221/2012 PART - II STATEMENT SHOWING LAND TO BE ACQUIRED FOR APPROACH ROAD TO BOPs Implementing Agency: EPIL1. Approach Road toChotapansury BOPLocation: Chotapansury SI.NameFather’s NameAddressNature of Pass Pass No. & Date Area of Remarks No.Land in Sqm. 1. Toya MonSundor MuniChotapansuryLSCG/Site45/92 Dt.24/3/92800 Total800 2. Approach Road t oJubisillosora (Gulsingbapsora)BOP Location .-Jubisillosora 2. SukrolotaShanti MoyGulsingbapsoraLSC G/Site 16/90 Dt.3/1/90400 Total400 3. Approach Road t oBarakruchir (Geraguluksora)BOPLocation.Geraguluksora 3. Chitra SenRogoni MohanGeraguluksoraLSCG/Site8/98 Dt.11/6/98440 Total440 4. Approach Road toDumdunia(Ugudasury Old)BOPLocation: Dumdunia 4. Suresh KumarKamodevUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 46/92 Dt.24/3/92640 5. TalamalLongaUgudasury’S’LSC G/Site 46/92 Dt.24/3/92600 6. Shanti KumarBijiUgudasury ‘S’LSC G/Site 47/92 Dt.24/3/92800 7. Raju LakiGupallyaK/NagarLSC G/Site 47/92 Dt.24/3/92800 Total2840 5. Approach Road toChotakabakhali (Kukurduleya)BOPLocation:Chotakahakhali 8. Milon KumarBiraj MohanKukurduleyaLSC G/Site 92/97 Dt.27/11/97560 Total560 6. Approach Road toRengkashyaBOPLocation: Rengkashya 9. Kina DhanSuluRengkashyaLSC G/Site 18/81 Dt.18/2/80560 Total560 7. Approach Road toFutsuryBOPLocation: Futsury 10. BhanupudiBala BadraFutsuryLSC G/Site 22/97 Dt.10/1/97320 Total320 8. Approach Road toBoroituliBOPLocation: Boroituli 11. Doya MohanSukro MuniBoroituliLSC G/Site 10/95 Dt.22/2/95800 12. KalpanaNipayonJaruldubasoraLSCG/Site10/95 Dt.22/2/95480 13. MilesawGyana RanjanJaruldubasoraLSCG/Site10/95 Dt.22/2/95560 14. ArotiTridipBoroituliLSC G/Site 15/95 Dt.30/4/95480 15. MilliRanjan MohanBoroituliLSC G/Site 11/95 Dt.22/2/95720 16. Sunity BalaLaxmanBoroituliLSC G/Site 12/95 Dt.22/2/95560 17. Purno KumarHejakya MuniBoroituliLSC G/Site 35/95 Dt.28/7/95480 18. Doya SitaBiro MoyBoroituliLSC G/Site 47/96 Dt.12/3/96400 Total4480 9. Approach Road toKamtuliBOPLocation:Kamtuli 19. Surath BalaSatya ChandraParva - ILSC G/Site 45/99 Dt.6/1/99640 20. MangalaNilo MuniK/NagarLSC G/Site 45/99 Dt.6/1/99480 21. Nanda LalChandra NathK/NagarLSCG/Site45/99 Dt.6/1/99400 22. LokobalMadanga MuniKamtuliLSCG/Site46/99 Dt.6/1/99640 - 7 -Ex - 221/2012 23. Anil BalaDevendraK/NagarLSC G/Site 46/99 Dt.6/1/99520 24. Lolita DeviRaju KumarParvaLSC G/Site 46/99 Dt.6/1/99400 25. Chitra MohanGayasurParvaLSCG/Site47/99 Dt.6/1/99640 26. Surjyo SenKina DhanL/GhatLSC G/Site 47/99 Dt.6/1/99440 27. Deva MughiBiju MohanParvaLSCG/Site47/99 Dt.6/1/99400 28. Sukro MohanDino MohanParvaLSCG/Site48/99 Dt.6/1/99640 29. GobindaSujitK/NagarLSC G/Site 48/99 Dt.6/1/99520 30. Sona MughiPronit BikashK.NagarLSC G/Site 48/99 Dt.6/1/99400 Total6120 10. Approach Road toStar Hill (Talsora)BOPLocation: Kamtuli (Talsora) 31. BengoPunyoMonKamtuli LSC G/Site 40/98 Dt.11/6/98320 Total320 Grand Total of SI. No. 1 to 31 (10 Approach Road) 16840 11. Approach Road toCrocodileBOP (Bormonosora)Location: Kamtuli 1. Sona DhanMaya ChandraKamtuliLSC G/Site 40/95 Dt.23/5/95640 2. Tapashi[L]RabindranathKamalanagarLSC Q/Site 40/95 Dt.23/5/95560 3. Jalanta KumarBindu RamUdalthanaLSCG/Site40/95 Dt.23/5/95560 Grand Total of SI No. 1 to 3 (1 Approach Road)1760Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

State Advisory Committee for preventing and combating trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation comprising of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders :-

VOL - XLIISSUE - 252Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 252 NOTIFICATION No. B. 12011/9/11-SWD, the 15th May, 2012.In compliance with the Government of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development’s letter F. No. 3-1/2010-CP dt. 12.10.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the constit ution of State Advisor y Committee for preventing and comba ting trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation comprising of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders :- a ) Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Social Welfare Department. - Chairperson b) Director, Social Welfare Department.- Member-Secretary c ) Superintendent of Police i/c AHT U Home Department.- Member d) Director or his representa tive, Tourism Department.- Member e ) Director or his represent ative, Labour, Employment & Industrial - Member Training Institute. f) Repr esentat ive of State Lega l Aid Services.- Member g) Representative from CHAN.- Member h) Dir ector of Health Services or his repr esentat ive.- Member i) Superintendent, Protective Home, Socia l Welfare Department.- Member 2.The State Advisor y Committee (SAC) sha ll meet at lea st t wice a year. 3.The Committee shall conduct periodic visits to the Homes to assess their usefulness and the corrective meas ures requir ed for effective imp lementat ion. 4.The term of nominated members shall be for a period of t hree years with the provision of extension for one more term. B. Sairengpuii, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

State Level Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) for Agriculture Department, Government of Mizoram.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 253Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 253 NOTIFICATION No. F. 20016/9/2011-AGR, the 28th May, 2012.In pur sua nce of the decision of t he meeting of Secretaries held on 30th Sept., 2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State Level Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) for Agriculture Department, Government of Mizoram. The Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) shall consist of the following members with immediate effect and until further order. State Level Consultancy Evaluation Committee : 1.Chief Secretary- Chairman 2.Secretary, Agricultur e Depart ment- Member Secretary 3.Principal S ecretary/Commissioner, Finance Department- Member 4.Member Secretary, Planning Board- Member 5.Director, Directorate of Agriculture (CH)/(R&E)- Member Terms of reference and enga gement of Consultant(s ) will be as per Finance Depar tment Office Memorandum No. A. 46011/1/2010-F. Est dt. 6.12.2010 R.T. Nghaka, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

State Grant-in-Aid Committee (GIAC) under the Scheme for Infrastructural Development of Minority Institutes (IDMI)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 254Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 254 NOTIFICATION No. J. 20011/16/2012-HM(M), the 28th May, 2012.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute the State Grant-in-Aid Commit tee (GIAC) under the S cheme for Infr astruct ural Development of Minority Institutes (IDMI) as below : 1.Chairman- Home Commissioner 2.Repr esentative of M HRD, Govt. of India- Member 3.Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl- Member 4.Chief Engineer, PWD (Building)- Member 5.Director, School Education- Member 6.Director, Social Welfare Deptt.- Member 7.Depu ty Secretary, Home Department.- Member Secretary The terms of reference of the GIAC shall, interalia, includes : a)To ensure Wide publicity of the Scheme for expansion of formal education to children of Minority Communities in the State of Mizoram. b)To guide and facilitate the eligible Voluntary Organiza tion/NGOs/Schools in p reparation of DPRs/ Project proposals a nd implementation of t he projects; c)To examine, prioritize and recommend the proposals/DP Rs of NGOs/Schools for consideration in the Central GIAC meeting. d)To s upervise, monitor and evalua te the implementation of the projects. e)To fulfill the above tasks, the State GIAC shall have powers to select Consultants/Construction Agency for ensuring transparency, qualit y and t imely completion works under the Scheme of IDMI in Mizoram. K. Riachho, Home Commissioner, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Minister Portfolios

VOL - XLIISSUE - 255Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 255 NOTIFICATION No. J. 11012/6/98-POL/68, the 28th May, 2012.In partial modification of this Department’s Notifications No. J. 11012/6/98-POL dated 29th Dec., 2008, and No. J. 11012/6/98-POL/66 dated 2nd Ju ne, 2011, the Governor of Mizoram, on the advice of the Chief Minister, Mizoram is pleased to reallocate portfolios to the Chief Minister and three Cabinet Ministers as below : 1.Pu Lal Thanhawla,1. Political & Cabinet Department Chief Minister2. Vigilance Department 3. Gener al Administration Department 4. Public Works Department 5. Power & Electricity Department 6. District Council Affairs Department 7. Minor Irrigation Department 8. Information & Public Relations Department 2.Pu R. Lalzirliana,1. Home Dep ar tment Cabinet Minister2. Prison Department 3. Rura l Development Department 4. Secr etariat Adminis tration Department 5. Fisheries Department 3.Pu J.H. Rothuama,1. Land Revenu e & Set tlement Depart ment Cabinet Minister2. Co-operation Department 3. Excise and Narcotics Department 4. Soil & Water Conservation Department 4.P u Zodintluanga ,1. Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department Cabinet Minister2. Spor ts & Youth Services Department 3. Taxation Depar tment 4. Information & Communication Technology Department Van Hela Pachuau, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Industries Department (Geology & Mineral Resources) Group ‘A’ post Recruitment Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 256Date - 07/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 7.6.2012 Jyaist ha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 256 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/44/2010-P&AR(GSW), the 25th May, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules relating to recruitment to the post(s) ofTechnical Officerunder Directorate of Geology & Mineral Resources,Industries Department, Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Industries Department (Geology Commencement& Mineral Resources) Group ‘A’ post Recruitment Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and classification, pay bandGrade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scaleto 4 of the said Annexure-I. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment, age limit , qua lification and other relating age limit,to the sa id post(s), shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the qualifications, etcaforesaid Annexure-I Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-256/2012 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are ot her grounds for doing so, exempt any s uch person from the operation of this rule. 6. Training andEvery Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo Departmentalsuch training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be Examinationpres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing andin consulta tion with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions to these rules with r espect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect any reservation and other concessions concessionsrequired to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Schedules Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government of the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10.Repeal and SavingsAll Rules pertaining to these posts frame by the Government of Mizoram for the post of Driller, under Notification No. A. 12018/ 74(i)/80-APT(B) dated 13th July, 1999 published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary Issue No. 146 dated 23.7.1999 and for the post of Senior Laboratory Technician, under notification No. A. 12018/74(i)80-APT(B) dated 14.2.2000, published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary Issue 44 dated 29.2.2000 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order ma de or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillar y thereto, shall be deemed to have made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of t hese rules. By order s, etc. R. Zarzosanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt .of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-256/2012Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500ANNEXURE-I (See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF TECHNICAL OFFICER IN THEDAPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENTName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non -selection p ost 1 2345 Technica l Off icer (Geology & Mineral Resources5(five)SelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether the age and educa- tional qualifications prescribe d for direct recruits will apply in the ca se of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 N.AN.A Not applicableIndustries Department Group ‘A’ Gazetted postPB-3 ^ 15,600-39,100/- + GP ^ 5400/- N.ANot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of posts to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314100% (Percent) PromotionPromotion from Driller and Senior Laboratory Technician having 5(five) years regular services in the g ra deAs per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations 1994 and as amended from time to time Mizoram Public Service Commission

(1) State Nutrition Council (2) District Nutrition Council and (3) Block/Project Nutrition Council for formulation of policies to prevent Malnutrition and to ensure effective implementation of Nutrition Programme

VOL - XLIISSUE - 294Date - 22/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 22.6.2012 Asadha 1, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 294 NOTIFICATION No. B. 16011/26/2011-SWD, the 13th June, 2012.In pursuance of Govt. of India, Ministry’s of Women & Child Development instruction as contained in letter D.O. No. 5-38/2011-ND/Tech dt. 30.9.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute (1) S tate Nutrition Council (2) District Nutrit ion Council and (3) Block/Project Nutrition Council for formulation of policies to prevent Malnutr ition and to ensure effective implementation of Nutrition Pr ogramme as envisaged in the Scheme comprising of the following memb er with immediate eff ect and until further or der s :- 1.State Nutrition Council :Chairman-Chief Minister Member Secy. -Secretary, Social Welfare Members-1)Minister, Social Welfare 2)Minister, Health & Family Welfare 3)Minister, Agricultur e Depart ment 4)Minister, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs 5)Minister, Information & Public Relations 6)Minister, Horticulture Deptt. 7)Head of Deptt./Lecturer, Food & Nutrit ion, Zirtiri Residential Science College. 2.District Nutrition Council :Chairman-Depu ty Commissioner(s) Member Secy. -Programme Officer, District/Divisional/Child Development Project Officer Members-1)District Horticulture Officer 2)District Agriculture Officer 3)District Civil Supply Officer 4)Chief Medical Officer 3.Block/Project Nutrition Council :Chairman-Block Develop ment Officer Member Secy. -Child Develop ment Officer Members-1)Medical Officer 2)Sub-Divisional Agriculture Officer 3)Sub-Divisional Horticu lture Officer 4)Inspector of Supplies. B. Sairengpuii, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Departmental Screening Committee to consider the case for grant of financial Upgradation under the provision of MACP Scheme, 2010

VOL - XLIISSUE - 295Date - 28/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 28.6.2012 Asadha 7, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 295 NOTIFICATION No. B. 12012/1/2012-HMP(ACP), the 22nd June, 2012.In pursuance to DP&AR(ARW) O.M. No. B. 12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW) dt. 24.08.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Depa rtmenta l Scr eening Committee to consider the case for gr ant of financial Upgra da tion under the provision of MACP Scheme, 2010 for the various categories of posts under Police Department as follows with immediate effect. Group A&B :1.Secretary, Home Deptt.-Chairman 2.DGP, Mizoram-Member Secretary 3.Representative of DP&AR-Member 4.Director, Accounts & Treasuries-Member Group C & D :1.DGP, Mizoram-Chairman 2.AIGP - I-Member Secretary 3.Representative of DP&AR-Member 4.Representative of Finance Deptt.-Member K. Riachho, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Rajya Sainik Board with the following members for a period of 3(three) years.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 297Date - 28/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 28.6.2012 Asadha 7, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 297 NOTIFICATION No. F. 20016/3/80-HM(SB) Pt-I, the 27th June, 2012.In supersession of Notification No. F. 20016/3/80-HM(SB)Pt-I dt. 4.3.2009 and even number dt. 24.1.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the Mizoram Rajya Sainik Board with the following members for a period of 3(t hree) years. President:His Excellency, Governor of Mizoram. Vice P resident:1) Hon’ble Chief Minister of Mizoram. 2 ) General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Command, Fort William, Kolkata. 3) Air Officer-in-Chief, Eastern Air Command, Shillong. Ex-Officio Members :1) Member of Pa rliament, Lok Sa bha. 2) Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha. 3) Home Minister, Govt. of Mizoram. 4) Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram. 5) Home Secreta ry, Government of Mizoram. 6) Director General of Police, Mizoram. 7) Secretary, Labour & Employment Department. 8) Secretary, Industries Department. 9) Commandant General, Mizoram Home Guard. 10) Station Comma nder, (Army) Aizawl. 11) Director, Resettlement, Eastern Zone, Eastern Command. 12) Director General Recruiting, N. E. Region. 13) President, Mizoram Ex-service League (MESL) Non-Officio Members :1) Col. (Retd) John Zama 2) Lt. Col. (Retd) Z.S. Zuala 3) Capt (Retd) Hmingdailova Khia ngte 4) Wing Commander (Retd) Lalzawma 5) Maj. (Rtd) K. Thangkima 6) Capt. (Retd) Ngurchhawna Special Invitees :1) Dir ector General Res ettlement, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. 2) Secr etary, K.S.B. Ministr y of Defence, New Delhi. 3) Repr esentative of Department of Ex -Servicemen, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. K. Riachho, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Assembly Enquiry Committee on the alleged lapse of SSA Uniform Grant for 2010-2011

VOL - XLIISSUE - 298Date - 28/06/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 28.6.2012 Asadha 7, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 298 NOTIFICATION No. LA/E. COM-SSA/2012/223, the 28th June, 2012.The Hon’ble Speaker is plea sed to extend the term for submission of the Report of the Assembly Enquir y Committee on the alleged lapse of SSA Uniform Gra nt for 2010-2011 and the authenticity of the documents pr esented by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA to the Press on 29.2.2012 till October, 2012 i.e. 31st October, 2012. Ngurtha nzuala, Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram State Managing Committee on Special Fund for Re-construction and Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen

VOL - XLIISSUE - 299Date - 02/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 2.7.2012 Asadha 11, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 299 NOTIFICATION No. F. 20016/2/2007-HM(SB), the 27th June, 2012.In pursuance of the Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 115/64/D (AG-I) dt. 27.9.1996 and No. KSB (66) 16/16 dt. 7.9.79. The Government of Mizor am is pleased to reconstitute the Mizoram State Managing C ommittee on Special Fund for Re-construction a nd Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen with the following Members for a period of two (2) years w.e.f. 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2013. 1.Chairman: Governor of Mizoram 2.Vice Chairman: 1) Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram. 2) General Officer Commanding 5 7 Mounta in Division. 3.Members: 1) Secreta ry, Home Depa rtment. 2) Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl. 3) Pres ident, Mizor am Ex-Service Lea gue. 4) IC-3 635H Lt. Col. (R etd.) V. Khawlhr ing. 5) EC-58312 Capt. (Retd.) Malsawmliana. 4.Special Invitee: 1) Dir ector Gener al R e-settlement, Minist ry of Defence, New Delhi. 2) Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. 3) Rep resent ative of Department Ex -Servicemen Welfa re, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. 5.M ember Secr et ar y : Dir ector, Sa inik Welfare & R esettlement. The notification No. F. 20016/2/2007-HM (SB) dated 4th March, 2009 stands superseded. K. Riachho, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Committee on Naming of Streets/Roads in Cities/Towns and Villages in Mizoram

VOL - XLIISSUE - 300Date - 02/07/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 2.7.2012 Asadha 11, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 300 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14016/18/02-LAD/VC/Pt, the 26th June, 2012.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute a Committee on Naming of Streets/Roa ds in C ities/Towns and Villages in M izoram, except the terr itorial area of the Aizawl Municipal Council, cons isting of the following members with immediate effect. 1.Secreta ry, LAD-Chairman 2.Director, LAD-Member Secretary 3.Depu ty Commissioner concerned-Member 4.Chief Engineer, P WD (Roads)-Member 5.Director, Land Revenue & Settlement Dept.-Member 6.Director, UD & PA Department-Member 7.Dir ector, Ru ral Development Depart ment-Member 8.Pu C. Chawngkunga, Ex-Minister-Member 9.Pu Vanneihtluanga, Chanmari Veng, Aizawl-Member 10.Pu Rualthankhuma, Luangmual-Member 11.Pu Ch. Lalngaihawma, Tuikual ‘S’-Member 12.Pu C. Kapliana, Chhinga Veng-Member 13.Pu D.R. Zirliana, Zarkawt (Editor Mizo Aw)-Member 14.Pu C. Lalruata, Ex-MLA, Ramhlun South-Member 15.President, Central Y.M.A-Member 16.President, M. H.I.P. General Hqrs.-Member 17.President, M.U.P. General Hqrs.-Member The terms of r efer ence of the Committee will b e :- 1.The term of the Committee will be one year from the da te of issue of this Notification. 2.The Committee will sit at least twice in a year. 3.The Committee will recommend/propose names of places and Villages within Mizoram for obtaining Government approval. 4.Non-official Members of the Committee will be entitled to receive sitting allowance @^500/- per sitting K. Riachho, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Appropriation (Railways) No. 4 Act, 2013

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 452Date - 22/08/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 22.8.2013 Sravana 31, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 452 NOTIFICATIONNo.H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 16th August, 2013.The following Act of is hereby published for general information. The Appropriation (Railways) No. 4 Act, 2013 (Act No. 15 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE APPROPRIATION (RAILWAYS) NO. 3 ACT, 2013 AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the services of the financial year 2013-14 for the purposes of Railways Be it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. This Act may be called the Appropriation (Railways) No. 3 Act, 2013. 2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of India there may be paid and applied sums not exceeding those specified in col- umn 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggregate [inclusive of the sums specified in column 3 of the Schedule to t he Appropria tion (Railways) vote on Account Act, 2013] to the sum of two lakh eighty- three thousand two hundr ed and forty-five crore, twenty-one lakh and ninety-two thousand rupees towards defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2013- 14, in respect of the services relating to Railways specified in col- umn 2 of the Schedule. 3. The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in the Schedule in relation to the said year.Short title Issue of Rs.2832452192000 out of the Consoli- dated Fund of India for the financial year 2013-14 Appropriation 5 of 2013 Ex-452/20132 THE SCHEDULE (See sections 2 and 3) 123 No.Sums not exceeding ofServices and purposesVoted byCharged on VoteParliamentthe Conso- lidated FundTotalRs.Rs.Rs. 1.Railway Board............................254,01,00,000..254,01,00,000 2.Miscellaneous Expenditure (General) .......898,89,00,000 2,11,00,000901,00,00,000 3.General Superintendence and Ser vices on Railways5920,43,11,000.. 5920,43,11,000 4.Repairs and Maintenance of Permanent Way and Works 9477,84,28,00033,31,000 9478,17,59,000 5.Repairs and Maintenance of Motive Power .................. 4397,04,93,000.. 4397,04,93,000 6.Repairs and Maintenance of Carriages and Wagons..... 10233,23,60,0002,00,000 10233,25,60,000 7.Repairs and Maitenance of Plant and Equipment5450,04,21,000.. 5450,04,21,000 8.Operating Expenses-Rolling Stock and Equipment ...... 8487,98,26,000.. 8487,98,26,000 9.Operating Expenses-Traffic ........................................ 17173,95,14,000.. 17173,95,14,000 10. Operating Expenses-Fuel ............................................ 26474,09,63,00013,76,000 26474,23,39,000 11. Staff Welfare and Amenities .......................................4816,68,70,000.. 4816,68,70,000 12. Miscellaneous Working Expenses ................................ 4889,00,76,000 212,01,69,000 5101,02,45,000 13. Provident Fund, Pension and Other Retirement Benefits 22626,47,26,00049,50,000 22626,96,76,000 14. Appropriation to Funds .................................................. 42661,80,00,000.. 42661,80,00,000 15. Dividen d to Gen er al Revenues, Repaymen t of loans taken from General Revenues and Amortisation of Over-Capitalisation ......................................................... 6249,20,00,00.. 6249,20,00,000 16. Assets-Acquisition, Construction and Replacement Revenue ...............................................................60,00,00,000..60,00,00,000 Other Expenditure Capital .................................................................94618,75,78,000 87,30,00,000 94706,05,78,000 Railway Funds ....................................................16249,84,50,0003,50,50,000 16253,35,00,000 Railway Safety Fund ..........................................1999,70,00,00030,00,000 2000,00,00,000 Total......................................282939,00,16,000306,21,76,000 283245,21,92,000Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Ex-452/2013 3

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