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The Appropriation Act, 2013 (Act No. 9 of 2013)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 446Date - 22/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 16th August, 2013.The following Centra l Act is hereby re- published for general information. The Appropriation Act, 2013 (Act No. 9 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE APPROPRIATION ACT, 2013 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 22.8.2013 Sravana 31, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 446RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page AN ACTto authorise payment and appropr iation of certain fur ther sums from and out of the Consolidated F und of India for the services of the financial year 2012-13. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.This Act may be called the Appropriation Act, 2013. 2.From and out of the Consolidated Fund of India there may be paid and applied sums not exceeding those sp ecified in column 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggr egate t o the sum of forty-nine thou sand seven hundred fifteen crore and fifty-four lakh rupees towards defra ying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2012-13, in resp ect of the services specified in column 2 of the Schedule. 3.The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India by this Act shall be appropr iated for the services and purposes expr essed in the Schedule in rela tion to the said year.Short title. Issue of Rs. 49715,54,00,000 ou t of the Con- solidated Fu nd of India for the financial year 2012-13. Appropriation. - 2 - Ex-446/2013 Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Department of Agriculture and CooperationRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 2 Department of Agricultural Research and EducationRevenue3,00,000..3,00,000 3 Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Revenue3,00,000..3,00,000 4 Atomic EnergyRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 Capital2,00,0008,00,00,0008,02,00,000 7 Department of FertilisersRevenue 4997,94,00,000.. 4997,94,00,000 9 Ministry of Civil AviationRevenue96,60,00,000..96,60,00,000 10 Ministry of CoalRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 Capital214,95,00,000..214,95,00,000 11 Department of CommerceRevenue1,00,00011,00,00012,00,000 12 Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion ....Revenue1,00,0004,00,0005,00,000 13 Department of PostsRevenue 940,87,00,00011,00,000940,98,00,000 Capital..66,00,00066,00,000 14 Department of TelecommunicationsCapital80,64,00,000..80,64,00,000 15 Department of Electronics and Information Technology Revenue - 1,00,000..1,00,000 16 Department of Consumer AffairsRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 17 Department of Food and Public DistributionRevenue 9942,44,00,000.. 9942,44,00,000 19 Ministry of CultureRevenue3,17,00,000..3,17,00,000 20 Ministry of DefenceRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 21 Defence PensionsRevenue 499,44,00,00056,00,000500,00,00,000 24 Defence Services — Air ForceRevenue..86,00,00086,00,000 26 Defence Services — Research and Development.... Revenue..13,00,00013,00,000 30 Ministry of Environment and ForestsRevenue3,00,000..3,00,000 Capital10,49,00,000..10,49,00,000 31 Ministry of External AffairsRevenue 665,00,00,000..665,00,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 32 Department of Economic AffairsRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 33 Department of Financial ServicesRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 CHARGED.—Interest PaymentsRevenue..4718,00,00,0004718,00,00,000 35 Transfers to State and Union territory GovernmentsRevenue 213,55,00,000..213,55,00,000 40 Indian Audit and Accounts DepartmentRevenue81,89,00,0007,78,00,00089,67,00,000 45 Ministry of Food Processing IndustriesRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 46 Department of Health and Family WelfareRevenue5,00,000..5,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 47 Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH)Revenue3,00,000.. ,3,00,000 48 Department of Health ResearchRevenue2,00,000.. .’2,00,000 49 Department of AIDS ControlRevenue59,56,00,000..59,56,00,000 50 Department of Heavy IndustryRevenue5,70,00,000..5,70,00,000 52 Ministry of Home AffairsRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 Capital4,25,00,000..4,25,00,000No. of Vote123 SERVICES AND PURPOSESVoted by Parlia- mentCharged on the Consoli- dated FundTotal SUMS NOT EXCEEDINGTHE SC HEDULE (See sections 2 and 3) - 3 -Ex-446/201353 CabinetRevenue214,01,00,00028,00,000214,29,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 54 PoliceRevenue12,74,00,000..12,74,00,000 Capital2,00,000..2,00,000 55 Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Home Affairs ..Revenue3,00,000..3,00,000 58 Department of School Education and LiteracyRevenue3,00,000..3,00,000 59 Department of Higher EducationRevenue5,00,000..5,00,000 60 Ministry of Information and BroadcastingRevenue112,09,00,000..112,09,00,000 61 Ministry of Labour and EmploymentRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 65 Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises .Revenue1,00,000..1,00,000 66 Ministry of MinesRevenue31,08,00,000..31,08,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 70 Ministry of Panchayati RajRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 71 Ministry of Parliamentary AffairsRevenue43,00,000..43,00,000 72 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Revenue..50,00,00050,00,000 73 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural GasRevenue 24773,77,00,000.. 24773,77,00,000 Capital480,50,00,000..480,50,00,000 75 Ministry of PowerRevenue90,21,00,000..90,21,00,000 Capital1031,81,00,000.. 1031,81,00,000 77 Lok SabhaRevenue6,00,00,000..6,00,00,000 81 Ministry of Road Transport and HighwaysCapital1,00,000..1,00,000 84 Ministry of Drinking Water and SanitationRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 85 Department of Science and TechnologyRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 87 Department of BiotechnologyRevenue1,00,000.,1,00,000 88 Ministry of ShippingRevenue3,00,000..3,00,000 Capital10,01,00,000..10,01,00,000 89 Ministry of Social Justice and EmpowermentRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 90 Department of SpaceRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 91 Ministry of Statistics and Programme ImplementationRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 93 Ministry of TextilesRevenue4,00,000..4,00,000 Capital63,33,00,000..63,33,00,000 95 Ministry of Tribal AffairsRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 96 Andaman and Nicobar IslandsRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 97 ChandigarhRevenue289,52,00,0002,57,00,000292,09,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 100 LakshadweepRevenue37,31,00,000..37,31,00,000 101 Department of Urban DevelopmentRevenue..5,75,00,0005,75,00,000 Capital2,00,000..2,00,000 102 Public WorksCapital1,00,000..1,00,000 104 Ministry of Water ResourcesRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 Capital1,00,000..1,00,000 105 Ministry of Women and Child DevelopmentRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 106 Ministry of Youth Affairs and SportsRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 TOTAL:44970,19,00,0004745.35,00,00049715,54,00,000Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2013 (Act No. 10 of 2013)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 447Date - 22/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 16th August, 2013.The following Centra l Act is hereby re- published for general information. The Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2013 (Act No. 10 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE APPROPRIATION (NO. 2) ACT, 2013 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 22.8.2013 Sravana 31, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 447RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page AN ACTto provide for the authorisation of appropriation of moneys out of the Consolidated Fund of India to meet the a mounts spent on certain services during the financia l year ended on the 31st day of March, 2011 in excess of the amounts granted for those services and for that year. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.This Act may be called the Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2013. 2.From and out of the Consolidated Fund of India , the sums specified in colu mn 3 of the Schedule, a mounting in the aggregate to the sum of seven thousand nine hundred ninety cr ore, eight lakh, five thousand two hundred twenty-four rupees shall be deemed to have been authorised to be paid and applied to meet the amounts spent for defraying the cha rges in resp ect of the ser vices s pecified in column 2 of the Schedule during the financial year ended on 31st day of Mar ch, 2011, in excess of the amounts granted for those ser vices a nd for that yea r. 3.The sums deemed to have been authorised to be pa id and a pplied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India under this Act shall be deemed to have been appropriated for the services and purposes expr essed in the Schedule in relation t o the financial year ended on the 31st day of March, 2011.Short title. Issue of Rs. 7990,08,05,224 ou t of the Con- solidated Fu nd of India to meet certain excess expenditure for the yea r ended on the 31st March, 2011. Appropriation. - 2 - Ex-447/2013 Rs. Rs. Rs. 11 Department of Commerce.......................................... Capital6,56,75,990..6,56,75,990 13 Department of Posts.................................................. Revenue 366,63,29,167..366,63,29,167 21 Defence Pensions....................................................... Revenue 3336,30,72,98310,74,9603336,41,47,943 22 Defence Services — Army........................................ Revenue 2864,01,52,379.. 2864,01,52,379 23 Defence Services — Navy........................................ Revenue 138,84,60,256..138,84,60,256 25 Defence Ordnance Factories.................................... Revenue..1,16,34,9611,16,34,961 27 Capital Outlay on Defence Services........................... Capital1235,31,94,576.. 1235,31,94,576 31 Ministry of External Affairs......................................Revenue6,32,33,514..6,32,33,514 Capital26,97,65,506..26,97,65,506 72 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas...................... Capital14,000..14,000 80 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.............. Revenue..15,00015,000 101 Public Works............................................................... Revenue7,79,95,991..7,79,95,991 102 Stationery and Printing...........................................Capital1,85,941..1,85,941 TOTAL :7988,80,80,3031,27,24,9217990,08,05,224No. of Vote123 SERVICES AND PURPOSESVoted PortionCharged PortionTotal EXCESSTHE SC HEDULE (See sections 2 and 3) Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Jharkhand Appropriation Act, 2013 (Act No. 11 of 2013)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 448Date - 22/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 16th August, 2013.The following Centra l Act is hereby re- published for general information. The Jharkhand Appropriation Act, 2013 (Act No. 11 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 22.8.2013 Sravana 31, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 448RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page THE JHARKHAND APPROPRIATION ACT, 2013 AN ACTto authorise payment and appropriation of certa in sums from a nd out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Jhar khand for the services of the financial year 2013-14. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.This Act may be called the Jharkhand Appropriation Act, 2013. 2.From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Jharkhand there may be paid and applied sums not exceeding those specified in column 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggr egate to the sum of thirty-nine thousand five hundred for ty-eight crores ninety lakhs six thousand rupees towards defraying the several cha rges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2013-14 in respect of the services specified in column 2 of the Schedule. 3.The sums authorised to be paid and applied from a nd out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Jharkhand by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in t he Schedule in relation to the said year.Short title. Issue of Rs. 39548,90,06,000 ou t of the Con- solidated Fu nd of the State of Jharkhand for the financial year 2013-14. Appropriation. - 2 - Ex-448/2013 Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Agriculture and Sugarcane Development Department Revenue 939,41,03,000..939,41,03,000 Capital1,50,00,000..1,50,00,000 2 Animal Husbandry DepartmentRevenue 159,44,96,000..159,44,96,000 3 Building Construction DepartmentRevenue86,01,66,000..86,01,66,000 Capital146,00,00,000..146,00,00,000 4 Cabinet Secretariat and Coordination DepartmentRevenue31,60,61,000..31,60,61,000 5 Secretariat of the GovernorRevenue..6,44,95,0006,44,95,000 6 ElectionRevenue25,25,65,000..25,25,65,000 7 VigilanceRevenue13,51,70,000..13,51,70,000 8 Civil Aviation DepartmentRevenue23,01,01,000..23,01,01,000 9 Co-operative DepartmentRevenue82,94,45,000..82,94,45,000 Capital16,50,00,000..16,50,00,000 10 Energy DepartmentRevenue 1753,64,91,000.. 1753,64,91,000 Capital766,88,00,000..766,88,00,000 11 Excise and Prohibition DepartmentRevenue20,88,71,000..20,88,71,000 Capital10,00,00,000..10,00,00,000 12 Finance DepartmentRevenue41,95,69,000..41,95,69,000 Capital25,40,00,000..25,40,00,000 13 Int erest PaymentRevenue..2474,63,72,0002474,63,72,000 14 Repayment of LoansCapital..1809,02.00,0001809,02,00,000 15 PensionRevenue 3061,26,00,000.. 3061,26,00,000 16 National SavingsRevenue2,62,79,000..2,62,79,000 17 Finance (Commercial Taxes) DepartmentRevenue57,08,94,000..57,08,94,000 18 Food Supply and Consumer Affairs Department .Revenue 994,33,04,000..994,33,04,000 19 Forest and Environment DepartmentRevenue 307,75,97,000..307,75,97,000 Capital60,00,000..60,00,000 20 Health, Medical Education and Family Welfare Department R eve nue 1133, 19, 72, 000.. 1133,19,72,000 Capital291,80,28,000..291,80,28,000 21 Higher Education DepartmentRevenue 662,97,85,000..662,97,85,000 22 Home DepartmentRevenue 2786,70,68,000.. 2786,70,68,000 Capital99,54,50,000..99,54,50,000 23 Industry DepartmentRevenue 290,93,82,000..290,93,82,000 Capital2,00,00,000..2,00,00,000 24 Information and Public Relation DepartmentRevenue48,68,09,000..48,68,09,000 25 Institutional Finance and Programme Implementation DepartmentRevenue2,04,46,000..2,04,46,000 26 Labour, Employment and Training Department.Revenue 996,20,28,000..996,20,28,000 27 Law DepartmentRevenue 209,14,10,000..209,14,10,000 28 High Court of JharkhandRevenue..46,18,20,00046,18,20,000 29 Mines and Geology DepartmentRevenue26,97,40,000..26,97,40,000 30 Minorities Welfare DepartmentRevenue1,73,99,000..1,73,99,000 Capital175,45,00,000..175.45,00,000 31 Parliamentary Affairs DepartmentRevenue41,09,000..41,09,000No. of Vote/ Appropria- tion123 SERVICES AND PURPOSESVoted by Parlia- mentCharged on the Consoli- dated FundTotal SUMS NOT EXCEEDINGTHE SC HEDULE (See sections 2 and 3) 32 LegislatureRevenue46,44,85,00023,25.00046,68,10,000 33 Personnel and Administrative Reforms DepartmentRevenue17,36,38,000..17,36,38,000 34 Jharkhand Public Service CommissionRevenue..7,76,50.0007,76,50,000 35 Planning and Development DepartmentRevenue642,46,41,000..642,46,41,000 36 Drinking Water and Sanitation DepartmentRevenue214,85,91,000..214,85,91,000 Capital360,00,00,000..360,00.00,000 37 Rajbhasha DepartmentRevenue14,74,57,000..14,74,57,000 38 Registration DepartmentRevenue19,77,20,000..19,77,20,000 39 Disaster Management DepartmentRevenue458,76,26,000..458,76,26,000 40 Revenue and Land Reforms DepartmentRevenue397,16,56,000..397,16,56,000 Capital1,43,63,000..1,43,63,000 41 Road Construction DepartmentRevenue277,11,40,000..277,11,40,000 Capital1775,94,06,000.. 1775,94,06,000 42 Rural Development DepartmentRevenue756,60,37,000..756,60,37,000 Capital599,00,00,000..599,00,00,000 43 Science and Technology DepartmentRevenue72,18,72,000..72,18,72,000 Capital170,15,00,000..170,15,00,000 44 Human Resource Development DepartmentRevenue37,63,33,000..37,63,33,000 45 Information Technology DepartmentRevenue68,76,17,000..68,76,17,000 Capital32,46,00,000..32,46,00,000 46 Tourism DepartmentRevenue9,31,45,000..9,31,45,000 Capital18,25,00,000..18,25,00,000 47 Transport DepartmentRevenue117,78,31,000..117,78,31,000 Capital19,40,00,000..19,40,00,000 48 Urban Development DepartmentRevenue 1287,35,01,000.. 1287,35,01,000 Capital22,21,72,000..22,21,72,000 49 Water Resources DepartmentRevenue330,80,76,000..330,80,76,000 Capital1640,00,00,000.. 1640,00,00,000 50 Minor Irrigation DepartmentRevenue82,22,97,000..82,22,97,000 Capital298,60,00,000..298,60,00,000 51 Welfare DepartmentRevenue810,63,80,000..810,63,80,000 Capital152,72,00,000..152,72,00,000 52 Art Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs DepartmentRevenue78,59,07,000..78,59,07,000 Capital16,45,00,000..16,45.00,000 53 FisheryRevenue53,80,56,000..53,80,56,000 Capital7,00,00,000..7,00,00,000 54 DairyRevenue117,40,48,000..117,40,48,000 55 Rural Works DepartmentRevenue201,36,54,000..201,36,54,000 Capital488,40,00,000..488,40,00,000 56 Panchayati Raj and N.R.E.P. (Special Divisional) Department R eve nue 1672, 28, 33, 000.. 1672,28,33,000 Capital2,75,00,000..2,75,00,000 57 Housing DepartmentRevenue10,39,18,000..10,39,18,000 Capital6,00,00,000..6,00,00,000 58 Secondary EducationRevenue740,97,74,000..740,97,74,000 Capital42,35,00,000..42,35,00,000 59 Primary and Public EducationRevenue 4369,23,80,000.. 4369,23,80,000 Capital8,00,00,000..8,00,00,000 60 Social Welfare, Women and Child Development Department R eve nue 1233, 96, 52, 000.. 1233,96,52,000 Capi t al108, 00, 00, 000. . 108, 00, 00, 000 TOTAL:35204,61,44,0004344,28,62,00039548,90,06,000 - 3 -Ex-448/2013Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Jharkhand Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2013

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 449Date - 22/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 16th August, 2013.The following Act is hereby re-published for general information. The Jharkhand Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2013 (Act No. 12 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 22.8.2013 Sravana 31, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 449RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page THE JHARKHAND APPROPRIATION (NO. 2) ACT, 2013 AN ACTto authorise payment and appropriation of certa in sums from a nd out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Jhar khand for the services of the financial year 2012-13. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.This Act may be called the Jharkhand Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2013. 2.From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Jharkhand there may be paid and applied sums not exceeding those specified in column 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggr egate to the sum of four hundred for ty-four crores, thirty-four lakhs, twenty-five thousand six hundred rupees towar ds defraying the several charges which will come in course of pa yment during the financial year 2012-13, in respect of the services specified in column 2 of the Schedule. 3.The sums authorised to be paid and applied from a nd out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Jharkhand by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in t he Schedule in relation to the said year.Short title. Issue of Rs. 444,34,25,600 from and out of the Consoli- dated Fund of the State of Jharkhand for the financial year 2012-13. Appropriation. - 2 - Ex-449/2013 Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Agriculture and Sugarcane Development DepartmentRevenue13,02,50,000..13,02,50,000 2 Animal Husbandry DepartmentRevenue 2,00,000.. 2,00,000 3 Building Construction DepartmentRevenue13,19,200..13,19,200 10 Energy DepartmentRevenue 125,00,00,000..125,00,00,000 Capital141,00,00,000..141,00,00,000 13 Int erest PaymentRevenue..14,00,00,00014,00,00,000 16 National SavingsRevenue5,04,000..5,04,000 18 Food Supply and Consumer Affairs DepartmentRevenue14,30,000..14,30,000 19 Forest and Environment DepartmentRevenue1,83,99,700..1,83,99,700 20 Health, Medical Education and Family Welfare Department R eve nue8,83,00,000..8,83,00,000 Capital2,05,70,000..2,05,70,000 22 Home DepartmentRevenue9,34,28,000..9,34,28,000 23 Industry DepartmentRevenue11,00,000..11,00.000 25 Institutional Finance and Programme Implementation DepartmentRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 26 Labour, Employment and Training DepartmentRevenue 15,84,15,200..15,84,15,200 28 High Court of JharkhandRevenue..1,56,00,0001,56,00,000 33 Personnel and Administrative ReformsRevenue1,75,40,000..1,75,40,000 36 Drinking Water and Sanitation DepartmentRevenue30,00,000..30,00,000 40 Revenue and Land Reforms DepartmentRevenue33,74,000..33,74,000 41 Road Construction DepartmentRevenue1,21,46,500..1,21,46,500 Capital20,00,00,000..20,00,00,000 43 Science and Technology DepartmentRevenue5,87,69,000..5,87,69,000 44 Human Resource Development DepartmentRevenue16,00,000..16,00,000 45 Information Technology DepartmentRevenue2,00,000..2,00,000 48 Urban Development DepartmentRevenue95,00,000..95,00,000 49 Water Resources DepartmentCapital23,00,00,000..23,00,00,000 50 Minor Irrigation DepartmentCapital6,10,00,000..6,10,00,000 51 Welfare DepartmentRevenue 36,78,00,000..36,78,00,000 53 FisheryRevenue 12,85,00,000..12,85,00,000 54 DairyRevenue1,95,80,000..1,95,80,000 56 Panchayati Raj and N.R.E.P. (Special Divisional) DepartmentRevenue4,00,000..4,00,000 58 Secondary EducationRevenue4,00,000..4,00,000 TOTAL:428,78,25,60015,56,00,000444,34,25,600No. of Vote/ Appropriation123 SERVICES AND PURPOSESVoted by Parlia- mentCharged on the Consoli- dated FundTotal SUMS NOT EXCEEDINGTHE SC HEDULE (See sections 2 and 3) Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Act No. 13 of 2013)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 450Date - 22/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 16th August, 2013.The following Centra l Act is hereby re- published for general information. The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Act No. 13 of 2013) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 22.8.2013 Sravana 31, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 450RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page THE CRIMINAL LAW (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2013 AN ACTfurther to amend the India n Penal Code, the Code of Criminal P rocedur e, 1973, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012. BE it enacted by Parlia ment in the Sixty-four th Year of the Republic of India as follows:— CHAPTER I PRE LI M I N ARY 1.(1) This Act may be called the Cr iminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 3rd day of Febr uary, 2013. CHAPTER II AMENDMENTSTOTHE INDIAN PENAL CODE 2.In the Indian Penal Code (hereafter in this Chapter referred to as the Penal Code), in section 100, aft er clause Sixthly, the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—Short title and com- mencement. Amendment of section 100. 45 of 1860. - 2 - Ex-450/2013“Seventhly. —An act of throwing or administering acid or an attempt to throw or administer acid which may r easonably cause the apprehension that grievous hurt will ot herwise be the consequence of such act.”. 3.After section 166 of the Penal Code, the following sections shall be inserted, namely:— “166A. Whoever, being a public servant,— (a) knowingly disobeys any direction of t he law which pr ohibits him from requir ing the attendance at any pla ce of a ny person for the pur pose of investigation into an offence or any other matter, or (b) knowingly disobeys, to the pr ejudice of any person, any other direction of the la w regulating the manner in which he shall conduct such investigation, or (c) fails to recor d any information given to him under sub-section (1) of section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in relation to cognizable offence punishable under section 326A, section 326B, section 354, section 354B, section 370, section 370A, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376E or section 509, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to two years, and shall also be liable to fine. 166B. Whoever, being in charge of a hospital, public or priva te, whether run by the Central Government, the State Government, local bodies or any other person, contravenes the provisions of section 357C of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, sha ll be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine or with bot h.”. 4.In s ection 228A of t he Penal Code, in sub-section (1), for the words, figures and letters “offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C or section 376D”, the words, figures and letters “offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D or section 376E” shall be substituted. 5.After section 326 of the Penal Code, the following sections shall be inserted, namely:— ‘326A. Whoever causes perma nent or partial damage or defor mity to, or burns or maims or disfigures or disa bles, any part or parts of the body of a person or causes grievous hur t by throwing acid on or by administering acid to that person, or by using any other means with the intention of causing or with the knowledge tha t he is likely to cause such injury or hur t, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less tha n ten years but which may ext end to imprisonment for life, and with fine: Pr ovided tha t such fine shall be just a nd reasona ble to meet the medical expenses of the treatment of the victim: Provided further that any fine imposed under this section shall be paid to the victim. 326B. Whoever throws or a ttempts to throw acid on any person or attempts to administer acid to any person, or attempts to us e any other means, with the intention of causing permanent or partial damage or Insertion of new sections 166A and 166B. Pu blic serva nt disobeying di- rection under l a w. Punishment for non-treatment of victim.2 of 1974. 2 of 1974. Amendment of section 228A. Insertion of new sections 326A and 32 6 B. Voluntarily causing griev- ous hurt byu use of acid, etc. Voluntarily throwing or attempting to throw acid. - 3 -Ex-450/2013 deformity or burns or maiming or disfigurement or disa bility or grievous hurt to that person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than five yea rs but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be lia ble to fine.Explanation 1. —For the pu rposes of section 326A and this section, “acid” includes any substance which has acidic or corr osive character or burning nature, tha t is capable of causing bodily injury leading to scar s or disfigurement or temporary or permanent disability. Explanation 2. — For the purposes of section 326A and this section, permanent or partial damage or deformity shall not be required to be ir reversible. ’. 6.In s ection 354 oft he Penal Code, for the words “shall be pu nished with impr isonment of either description for a term which ma y extend to two years, or with fine, or with both”, the words “shall be pu nished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less t han one year but which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine” sha ll be s ubstituted. 7.After section 354 of the Penal Code, the following sections shall be inserted, namely:— ‘354A. (1) A man committing any of the following a cts— (i) physical contact and advances involving u nwelcome and explicit sexual overtures; or (ii) a demand or request for sexual favours; or (iii) showing por nography against the will of a woman; or (iv) making sexually coloured rema rks, shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment. (2) Any man who commits the offence specified in clause (i) or clause (ii) or clause (iii) of s ub-section (1) shall be punished with rigorous impr isonment for a term which may extend to thr ee years, or with fine, or with both. (3) Any man who commit s the offence s pecified in clause (iv) of sub-section (1) sha ll be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which ma y extend to one year, or with fine, or with both. 354B. Any ma n who assaults or uses criminal force to any woman or a bets such act with the intention of disrobing or compelling her to be naked, shall be punished with impr isonment of eit her description for a term which shall not be less t han thr ee yea rs but which may extend to seven year s, and shall also be liable to fine. 354C. Any man who watches, or captures t he image of a woman engaging in a private act in cir cumstances where she would usually have the expecta tion of not being observed either by the perpetrator or by any other person at the behest of the perpetrator or disseminates such image shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than one yea r, but which ma y extend to three years, and sha ll also be liable to fine, and be punished on a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than thr ee year s, but which may extend to seven year s, and shall also be liable to fine.Amendment of section 354. Insertion of new sections 354A, 354B, 354C and 354D. Sexual harass- ment and pu- nishment for sexual harassment. Assault or use of criminal force to woma n with intent to disrobe. Voyeu rism. - 4 - Ex-450/2013Explanation I. —For the purpose of this section, “private act” includes an act of watching carried out in a place which, in the circumstances, would reasonably be expected to provide privacy and where the victim’s genitals, posterior or breasts are exposed or covered only in underwear; or the victim is using a lavatory; or the victim is doing a sexual act that is not of a kind or dina rily done in public. Explanation 2. —Where the victim consents to the capture of the images or any act, but not to their dissemination to third persons and where such image or act is disseminated, such dissemination shall be considered an offence under this section. 354D. (1) Any man who— (i) follows a woman and contacts, or attempts to contact such woman to foster personal intera ct ion r epeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest by such woman; or (ii) monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication, commits the offence of stalking: Provided that such conduct shall not amount to stalking if the man who pursued it proves that— (i) it was pursued for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime and the man accused of stalking had been entrusted with the responsibility of prevention and detection of crime by the State; or (ii) it was pur sued under any la w or to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any law; or (iii) in the particular circumstances such conduct was reasonable and justified. (2) Whoever commits the offence of stalking shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine; and be punished on a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine.’. 8.For section 370 of the Penal Code, the following sections shall be substituted, namely:— ‘370. (1) Whoever, for the pur pose of exploitation, (a) recruits, (b) transports, (c) harbours, (d) transfers, or (e) receives, a person or persons, by— First. — using threats, or Secondly. — using force, or any other form of coercion, or T h i r d l y. — by abduction, or Fourthly. — by practising fraud, or deception, or Fifthly. — by abuse of power, or Sixthly. — by inducement, including the giving or receiving of payments or benefits, in order to achieve the consent of any person having control over the person recruited, transported, harboured, transferred or received, commits the offence of trafficking. Explanation 1. —The expression “exploitation” shall include any act of physical exploitation or any form of sexual exploitation, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, or the forced removal of organs. Explanation 2. —The consent of the victim is immaterial in determination of the offence of trafficking. Stalking. Substitution of new sections 370 and 370A for section 370. Trafficking of person - 5 -Ex-450/2013(2) Whoever commits the offence of tr afficking shall be punished with rigorous impr isonment for a term which sha ll not be less than seven year s, but which ma y extend to ten years, and sha ll also be lia ble to fine. (3) Where t he offence involves the t ra fficking of mor e than one person, it shall be punishable with rigor ous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less t han ten years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. (4) Wher e the offence involves the tr afficking of a minor, it shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. (5) Where t he offence involves the t ra fficking of mor e than one minor, it shall be punisha ble with rigor ous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than fourteen years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life, a nd shall also be liable to fine. (6) If a person is convicted of the offence of trafficking of minor on more than one occasion, then such person shall be punished with imprisonment for life, which sha ll mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life, and shall also be lia ble to fine. (7) When a public servant or a police officer is involved in the trafficking of any person then, such public servant or police officer shall be punished with impr isonment for life, which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of t hat person’s natural life, and shall also be liable to fine. 370A. (1) Whoever, knowingly or having reason to believe that a minor has been tra fficked, engages such minor for sexu al exploitation in any manner, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years, but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. (2) Whoever, knowingly by or having reason to believe that a person has been tr afficked, engages such person for sexual exploita tion in any manner, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than thr ee years, but which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine.’ . 9.For sections 375,376,376A, 376B, 376C and 376D of the Penal Code, the following sections shall be substituted, namely:— ‘375. A man is said to commit “rape” if he— (a) penetrates his penis, to a ny extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra or a nus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or (b) ins erts, to any extent, any object or a part of the body, not being the penis, into the vagina , the urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do s o with him or a ny other person; or (c) manipulates any pa rt of the body of a woman so as to cause penetration into the vagina, urethra, anus or any part of body of such woman or makes her to do so with him or a ny other person; or (d) applies his mouth t o the vagina, a nus, ur ethra of a woma n or makes her to do so with him or any other person, under the circumstances falling under any of the following seven descriptions:— First. —Against her will. Secondly. —Wit hout her cons ent.Exploitation of a trafficked person. Substitution of new s ections for s ections 375, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C and 376D. Rape. - 6 - Ex-450/2013Thirdly. —Wit h her consent, when her consent ha s been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is int erest ed, in fear of death or of hur t. Fourthly. —Wit h her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully marr ied. Fifthly. —Wit h her consent when, at the time of giving such cons ent, by r eason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by him personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome substance, she is unable to understand the nature a nd consequences of that to which she gives consent. Sixthly. —Wit h or without her cons ent, when she is under eighteen year s of a ge. Seventhly. —When she is unable to communica te cons ent. Explanation 1. —For the purposes of this section, “vagina” shall also inclu de labia majora. Explanation 2. —Consent means an unequivocal voluntary agreement when the woman by words, gestures or any form of verbal or non-verbal communication, communicates willingness to participate in the specific sexual act: Provided that a woman who does not physically r esist to the act of penetration shall not by the reason only of that fact, be regarded as consenting to the sexual activity. Exception I. —A medical procedure or intervention shall not constitute rape. Exception 2. —Sexual intercourse or sexual acts by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fift een years of age, is not rape.’. 376. (1) Whoever, except in the cases pr ovided for in sub-section (2), commits rape, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than seven years, but which may extend to impr isonment for life, a nd shall also be liable to fine. (2) Whoever,— (a) being a police officer, commits r ape— (i) within the limits of the police station to which such police officer is a ppointed; or (ii) in the premises of any station house; or (iii) on a woman in such police officer ’s custody or in the custody of a police officer subor dinate to such police officer ; or (b) being a public servant, commits rape on a woman in such public servant’s custody or in the custody of a public servant subordinate to such public servant; or (c) being a member of the armed forces deployed in an area by the Central or a State Government commits ra pe in such area; or (d) being on the management or on the staff of a jail, remand home or other place of custody est ablished by or under any law for the time being in force or of a women’s or childr en’s institution, commits rape on any inmate of such jail, remand home, place or institution; or (e) being on the mana gement or on t he sta ff of a hospit al, commits rape on a woman in that hospital; or (f) being a relative, guardian or teacher of, or a person in a position of t rust or author ity towards the woman, commits rape on such woman; or (g) commits rape during communa l or sectarian violence; or Pu nishment for ra pe. (h) commits rape on a woman knowing her to be pregnant; or (i) commits rape on a woman when she is under sixteen year s of age; or (j) commits ra pe, on a woman incapa ble of giving consent; or (k) being in a position of control or dominance over a woman, commits rape on such woman; or (l) commits r ape on a woman suffering from menta l or physical disability; or (m) while commit ting ra pe causes grievous bodily harm or maims or disfigures or endangers the life of a woman; or (n) commits rape repea tedly on the same woman, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life, which shall mean impr isonment for the rema inder of that person’s natura l life, and shall also be liable to fine. Explanation. —For the pur poses of this sub-section,— (a ) “ar med for ces” means the naval, milit ary a nd air for ces a nd includes any member of the Armed Forces constituted under any law for the time being in force, including the par amilita ry forces and any auxiliary forces that are under the control of the Centra l Gover nment or the S tate Government; (b) “hospita l” means the precincts of the hospit al and includes the precincts of any institution for the reception and treatment of persons during convalescence or of persons requiring medical attention or rehabilitation; (c) “police officer ” shall have the same meaning as assigned to the expression “police” under the Police Act, 1861; (d) “women’s or children’s institution” means an institution, whether called an orphanage or a home for neglected women or children or a widow’s home oran institution called by any other name, which is esta blished and maintained for the reception and care of women or children. 376A. Whoever, commits an offence punishable under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 376 and in the course of such commission inflicts an injury which causes the death of the woman or causes the woman to be in a persistent vegetative sta te, sha ll be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than twenty years, but which may extend to impr isonment for life, which sha ll mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s na tural life, or with death. 376B. Whoever has s exual intercourse with his own wife, who is living separately, whether under a decree of sepa ration or otherwise, without her consent, shall be pu nished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than two years but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. Explanation. —In this section, “ sexual intercou rse” shall mea n any of the acts mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) of section 375. 376C. Whoever, being— (a) in a position of authority or in a fiduciar y relationship; or (b) a public servant; or (c) superint endent or mana ger of a jail, remand home or other place of custody establis hed by or under any law for the time being in force, or a women’s or children’s institution; or (d) on the management of a hospital or being on the staff of a hospital, 5 of 1861. Pu nishment for causing death or result- ing in persis- tent vegetative state of victim. Sexual inter- course by hus- ba nd u pon his wife during separation. Sexu al inter- course by a person in a u- thority - 7 -Ex-450/2013 abuses such position or fiduciary relationship to induce or seduce any woman either in his custody or under his charge or present in the premises to have sexual intercourse with him, such sexual intercou rse not amounting to the offence of rape, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than five years, but which may extend to ten years, and shall also be lia ble to fine.Explanation 1. —In this section, “ sexual intercou rse” shall mean any of t he act s mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) of section 375. Explanation 2. —For the purposes of this section, Explanation 1 to section 375 shall also be applica ble. Explanation 3. —”Superintendent”, in relation to a jail, rema nd home or other pla ce of custody or a women’s or children’s institution, includes a person holding any other office in such jail, remand home, place or institution by virtue of which such person ca n exercise any authority or control over its inmates. Explanation 4. —T he expr ess ions “ hospita l” and “women’s or children’s institution” shall respectively have the same meaning as in Explanation to sub-section (2) of section 376. 376D. Where a woma n is ra ped by one or more persons constituting a group or a cting in furtherance of a common intention, each of those persons sha ll be deemed to have committed the offence of rape and shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than twenty years, but which may extend to life which shall mean impr isonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life, and with fine: Pr ovided tha t such fine shall be just a nd reasona ble to meet the medical exp enses a nd rehabilitation of the victim: Provided further that any fine imposed under this section shall be paid to the victim. 376E. Whoever has been previously convicted of an offence punishable under section 376 or section 376A or section 376D and is subsequently convicted of a n offence punishable under a ny of the sa id sections shall be punished with imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natura l life, or with death.’. 10.In section 509 of the Penal Code, for the words “shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one yea r, or with fine, or with both”, the wor ds “shall be punished with simple impr isonment for a term which may extend to three years, and also with fine” shall be substituted. CHAPTER III AMENDMENTSTOTHE CODEOF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1973 11.In the Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, 1973 (hereafter in this Chapter referred to a s the Code of Criminal Procedure), in section 26, in the proviso to clause (a), for the wor ds, figures and letters “offence under section 376 and sections 376A to 376D of the Indian Penal Code”, the words, figures and letters “offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code” shall be substituted. 12.In s ection 54A of the Code of Cr iminal P rocedur e, the following provisos shall be inserted, namely:— Gang rape. Punishment for repeat offenders. Amendment of section 509. Amendment of section 26. Amendment of section 54A.2 of 1974. 45 of 1860. - 8 - Ex-450/2013 “ Pr ovided t ha t, if t he person identifying the person ar r ested is menta lly or physically disabled, such process of identifica tion sha ll take place under the supervision of a Judicial Magistrate who shall take appropriate steps to ensu re that such person identifies the person a rrested using methods that person is comfortable with: Provided fu rther that if the person identifying the person arrested is mentally or physically disabled, the identification process shall be videographed.”. 13.In s ection 154 of t he Code of Criminal P rocedur e, in sub-section(1), the following pr ovisos shall be inserted, namely:— “Provided that if the information is given by the woman against whom an offence under section 326A, section 326B, section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376E or section 509 of the Indian Penal Code is alleged to have been committed or a ttempted, then such information shall be recorded, by a woman police officer or any woman officer: Provided fu rther that— (a) in the event tha t the person against whom an offence under section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376E or section 509 of the India n Penal Code is alleged to have been committed or attempted, is temporar ily or permanently mentally or physically disabled, then such information shall be recorded by a police officer, at the residence of the person seeking to report such offence or at a convenient place of such person’s choice, in the presence of an interpreter or a specia l educa tor, as the cas e may be; (b) the recording of such information shall be videographed; (c) the police officer shall get the statement of the person recorded by a Judicia l Magist rate under clause (a) of s ub-section (5A) of section 164 as soon as possible.”. 14.In section 160 of the Code of Criminal P rocedur e, in s ub-section (1) , in the proviso, for the words “under the age of fifteen years or woman”, the words “under the a ge of fifteen years or above the age of sixty-five years or a woma n or a mentally or physically disabled person” sha ll be s ubstituted. 15.In section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in sub-section (3), after the pr oviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:— “Provided further that the statement of a woma n against whom an offence under section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376E or section 509 of t he Indian P enal Code is a lleged to ha ve been committed or attempted shall be recorded, by a woman police officer or any woman officer.”. 16.In s ection 164 of t he Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, after sub-section (5), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:— “(5A) (a) In cases punishable under section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) ofAmendment of section 154. Amendment of section 160. Amendment of section 161. Amendment of section 164. 45 of 1860. 45 of 1860. 45 of 1860.- 9 -Ex-450/2013 section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376E or section 509 of the Indian Penal C ode, the Judicial Magistrate shall record the statement of the person against whom such offence has been committed in the manner prescribed in sub-section (5), as soon as the commission of the offence is brought to the notice of the police: Provided that if the person making the statement is temporarily or permanently mentally or physically disabled, the Magistrate sha ll take the assistance of an interpreter or a special educator in recording the statement: Provided further that if the person making the statement is temporarily or permanently mentally or physically disabled, the sta tement made by the person, with the assistance of an interpreter or a special educator, shall be videogr aphed.(b) A statement recorded under clause (a) of a person, who is temporarily or permanently mentally or physically disabled, shall be considered a statement in lieu of examination-in-chief, as specified in section 137 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 such that the maker of the statement can be cross-examined on such statement, without the need for recor ding the same at the time of trial.”. 17.In section 173 of the Code of Criminal P rocedur e, in su b-section (2), in sub-clause (h) of clause (i), for the words, figures and letter “or 376D of the Indian Penal Code”, the words, figures a nd letters “376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code” shall be substituted. 18.In s ection 197 of t he Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, after sub-section (1), the following Explanation shall be inserted, namely:— “Explanation. —For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that no sanction shall be required in case of a public servant accused of any offence alleged to have been committed under section 166A, section 1 66B, section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 370, section 375, section 376, section 376A, section 376C, section 376D or section 509 of the Indian Penal Code.”. 19.After section 198A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the following section sha ll be inserted, namely:— “198B. No Court shall take cognizance of a n offence punishable under section 376B of the Indian Penal Code where the persons are in a marital relationship, except upon prima facie satisfaction of the facts which cons titute the offence up on a complaint having been filed or made by the wife against the husband.”. 20.In section 273 of the Code of Cr iminal Procedur e, before the Explanation, the following proviso sha ll be inserted, namely:— “Pr ovided tha t where the evidence of a woma n below the age of eighteen years who is alleged to have been subjected to rape or any other sexu al offence, is to be r ecor ded, the court may take a ppropria te meas ures to ensure that such woman is not confronted by the accused while at the same time ensuring the right of cr oss-exa mination of the accused.”. 21.In section 309 of the Code of Criminal P rocedur e, for sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely :—1 of 1872. Amendment of section 173. Amendment of section 197. Insertion of new section 198B. Cognizance of offence. Amendment of section 273.45 of 1860. 45 of 1860. Amendment of section 309.- 10 - Ex-450/2013 45 of 1860. “(1) In every inquiry or tria l the proceedings sha ll be continued from day- to-day until all the witnesses in attendance have been examined, unless the Cour t finds the adjournment of t he same beyond the following day to be necessary for reasons to be recor ded: Provided tha t when the inquiry or trial r elates to an offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C or section 376D of the Indian Penal Code, the inquiry or trial shall, as far as possible be completed within a period of two months from the date of filing of the charge sheet.”. 22.In section 327 of the Code of Criminal P rocedur e, in su b-section (2) , for the wor ds, figures and letter “or section 376D of the Indian Penal Code”, the words, figures a nd letters “section 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code” shall be substituted. 23.After section 357Aof the Code of Criminal Procedure, the following sections shall be inserted, namely:— “357B. The compensa tion payable by the Sta te Government u nder section 357A shall be in addition to the payment of fine to the victim under section 326A or section 376D of the Indian Penal C ode. 357C. All hospitals, public or private, whether run by the Central Government, the Sta te Government, local bodies or any other person, shall immediately, provide the first-aid or medical treatment, free of cost, to the victims of any offence covered under section 326A, 376,376A, 376B, 376C, 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code, and shall immediately inform the police of such incident.”. 24.In t he First Schedule to the Code of Criminal Procedure, under the heading “I.—OFFENCES UNDER THE INDIAN PENAL CODE”,— (a) after the entries r elating to section 166, the following entries shall be inserted, namely:— 123456 “166A Public servant ImprisonmentCognizable Bailable Magistrate of disobeyingfor minimumthe first class, direction under 6 months l a w.which may extend to 2 year s and fine. I66B Non-treatment ImprisonmentNon-Bailable Magistrate of victim byfor 1 year orcognizableof the first hospital.fine or both.class.”: (b) aft er the entries r elating to section 326, the following entries shall be inserted, namely:— 123456 “326A VoluntarilyImpr isonment for Cognizable Non-Court causingnot less tha n 10bailable of Session, grievous hurt year s but which by use ofmay extend to45 of 1860. Amendment of section 327. Insertion of new sections 357B and 357C. Compensation to be in addition to fine under section 326A or s e cti on 37 6D of Indian Penal Code. Treatment of victims. 45 of 1860. 45 of 1860. 45 of 1860. Amendment of Fir st Schedule. - 11 -Ex-450/2013 45 of 1860 acid, etc.impr isonment for life and fine to be paid to the victim. 326B VoluntarilyImpr isonment for Cognizable Non-Cour t of throwing or5 years but whichbailable Ses sion.”; attempting to may extend to 7 throw acid.year s and with fine. (c) for the entries relating to section 354, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:— 123456 “354 Assa ult or use Impr isonment of Cognizable Non-Any of criminal1 year which maybailable Magistr ate, force to woman extend to 5 years, with intent to and with fine, outrage her mod es t y. 354A SexualImprisonmentCognizable Bailable Any ha rassment of which may extendMagistrate, the nature of to 3 years or with unwelcomefine or with both, physical contact and advances or a demand or re- quest for sexual favours, showing pornography. SexualImprisonmentCognizable Bailable Any ha rassment of which may extendMagistrate, the nature of to 1 year or with making sexually fine or with both, coloured rema rk. 354B Assa ult or use Impr isonment of Cognizable Non-Any of criminal force not less t ha nbailable Magistr ate, to woman with 3 yea rs but which intent to disrobe may extend to 7 year s and with fine. 354C VoyeurismImpr isonment of Cognizable Bailable Any not less than 1Magistrate. year but which may extend to 3 year s and with fine for first conviction.- 12 - Ex-450/2013 Impr isonment of Cognizable Non-Any not less thanbailable Magistrate 3 years but which may extend to 7 years and with fine for second or sub- sequent conviction. 354D Stalking.ImprisonmentCognizable Bailable Any up to 3 yearsMagistrate and with fine for first conviction. Impr isonment up Cognizable Non-Any to 5 years a nd withbailable Magistrate fine for second or subsequent conviction(d) for the entries r elating to section 370, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:— 123456 “370 TraffickingImpr isonment of Cognizable Non-Cour t of of person.not less thanbailable Sess ion 7 years but which may extend to 10 year s and with fine. TraffickingImpr isonment of Cognizable Non-Cour t of of more thannot less tha n 10bailable Sess ion one person.year s but which may extend to im- prisonment for life and with fine. TraffickingImpr isonment of Cognizable Non-Cour t of of a minor.not less tha n 10bailable Sess ion year s but which may extend to im- prisonment for life and with fine. TraffickingImpr isonment of Cognizable Non-Cour t of of more thannot less tha n 14bailable Sess ion one minor.year s but which may extend to impr isonment for life and with fine. Person convic- Impr isonment for Cognizable Non-Cour t of ted of offence life which shallbailable Sess ion- 13 -Ex-450/2013 of trafficking mean the remain- of minor onder of that person’s more than one natural life and occasion. with fine. Public servant Impr isonment for Cognizable Non-Cour t of or a police officer life which shallbailable Sess ion involved inmea n t he rema inder trafficking of of that person’s minor.natural life and with fine. 370A ExploitationImpr isonment of Cognizable Non-Cour t of of a trafficked not less than 5bailable Sess ion childyear s but which may extend to 7 years and with fine. ExploitationImpr isonment of Cognizable Non-Cour t of of a trafficked not less than 3bailable Ses sion.”; person.year s but which may extend to 5 years and with fine. (e) for the entries relating to sections 376, 376A, 376B, 376C and 376D, the following entries shall be su bstituted, namely:— 123456 “376 R a p e.Rigor ousCognizable Non-Cour t of impr isonment ofbailable Sess ion not less than 7 year s but which may extend to im- prisonment for life and with fine. Rape by aRigor ousCognizable Non-Cour t of police officer imprisonment ofbailable Sess ion or a public ser- not less than vant or member 10 years but of armed forces which may extend or a person being t o i mp r is on ment on the manage- for life which ment or on the shall mean the staff of a jail, remainder of that remand home or per s on’s na t ur a l other place of life and with fine. custody or wo- men’s or children’s institution or by a person on the- 14 - Ex-450/2013 mana gement or on the staff of a hospital, and rape committed by a person in a posi- tion of trust or authority towar ds the person raped or by a near relative of the person raped. 376A Person commit- Rigor ousCognizable Non-Cour t of ting an offence impr isonment ofbailable Sess ion of rapenot less than and inflicting20 years but injury whichwhich may extend causes death or to imprisonment causes the wo- for life which man to be in a shall mean impri- per sist entsonment for the vegetativeremainder of state.that person’s natural life or with death. 376B Sexual inter- Impr isonment for Cognizable Bailable Cour t of cour se by hus- not less than 2(but only onSess ion band upon his years but whichthe compla int wife duringmay extend to 7 of the victim) separa tion.years and wit h fine 376C SexualRigor ousCognizable Non-Cour t of intercourse by impr isonment forbailable Sess ion a person innot less than 5 authority.years but which may extend to 10 years and with fine. 376D Gang rapeRigor ousCognizable Non-Cour t of impr isonment forbailable Sess ion not less tha n 20 year s but which may extend to impr isonment for life which s hall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine to be paid to the victim.- 15 -Ex-450/2013 376E Rep ea tImprisonmentCognizable Non-Cour t of offendersfor life which shallbailable Ses sion.”; mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life or with death.(f) in entry relating to section 509, in colu mn 3, for the words “Simple impr isonment for one year, or fine, or both, ”, the wor ds and figure “ Simple impr isonment for 3 years and with fine” shall be substituted. CHAPTER IV AMENDMENTSTOTHE INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872 25.After section 53 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (hereafter in this Chapter referred to as the Evidence Act), the following section shall be inserted, namely:— “53A. In a prosecution for an offence under section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code or for attempt to commit any such offence, where the question of consent is in issue, evidence of the character of the victim or of such person’s pr evious sexual experience with any person sha ll not be relevant on the issue of such consent or the qua lity of consent.”. 26.For section 114A of the Evidence Act, the following section shall be substituted, namely:— ‘114 A. In a prosecution for rape under clause (a), clause (b), clause (c) , clause (d), clause (e), clause (f) , clause (g) , clause (h), clause (i) , clause (j) , clause (k), clause (l), clause (m) or clause (n) of s ub-section (2) of section 376 of the India n Penal Code, where sexua l intercour se by the accused is proved and the question is whether it was without the consent of the woman alleged to have been raped a nd such woman states in her evidence before the court that she did not consent, the court shall presume that she did not cons ent. Explanation. — In this section, “sexual intercou rse” shall mean any of the acts mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) of s ection 375 of the Indian Pena l C ode.’. 27.For section 119 of the Evidence Act, the following section shall be substituted, namely:— “119. A witness who is una ble to speak ma y give his evidence in any other manner in which he ca n make it intelligible, as by writing or by signs; but such writing must be written and the signs made in open Court, evidence so given sha ll be deemed to be ora l evidence: Provided that if the witness is unable to communicate verbally, the Court shall take the assistance of an interpreter or a special educator in recording the statement, and such statement shall be videographed.”.Insertion of new section 53 A. Evidence of char- acter or previous sexual experience not relevant in certain cases. Substitution of new section for section 114A. Presumption as to absence of consent in cer- ta in prosecution for ra pe. Substitution of new section for section 119. Witness unable to communi- cate verbally.1 of 1872. 45 of 1860. 45 of 1860. 45 of 1860. - 16 - Ex-450/2013 28.In s ection 146 of t he Evidence Act, for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:— “Provided that in a prosecution for an offence under s ection 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal C ode or for attempt to commit any such offence, where the question of consent is an issue, it shall not be permissible to adduce evidence or to put questions in the cross-examination of the vict im as to the general immoral character, or pr evious s exual experience, of such victim with any person for proving such consent or the qu ality of consent.”. CHAPTER V AMENDMENTTOTHE PROTECTIONOF CHILDRENFROM SEX UALOFFENCES ACT, 2012 29.For section 42 of the Protection of Children fr om Sexu al Offences Act, 2012, the following sections shall be substituted, namely:— “42. Where an act or omission constitutes an offence punishable under this Act and also under sections 166A, 354A, 354B, 354C, 354D, 370, 370A, 375,376, 376A, 376C, 376D, 376E or section 509 of the Indian Penal Code, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, the offender found guilty of such offence shall be liable to punishment under this Act or under the Indian Penal Code as provides for punishment which is greater in degree. 42 A. The provisions of this Act shall b e in additon to and not in derogation of the provisions of a ny other law for the time being in force and, in case of any inconsistency, the provisions of this Act shaH have overriding effect on the provisions of a ny such law to the extent of the inconsistency.”. CHAPT ER VI MISCELLANEOUS 30.(1) The Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013 is hereby repea led. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and the Indian Evidence Act , 1872, as amended by the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the cor responding provisions of those Acts, as amended by this Act. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Amendment of section 146. 45 of 1860. Substitution of new sections for section 42. Alternate punishment. Act not in derogation of any other law. Repeal and sa vings. 32 of 2012. 45 of 1860. Ord. 3 of 2013. 45 of 1860. 2 of 1974. 1 of 1872.- 17 -Ex-450/2013

Secretary and the Director, Health & Family Welfare Department as members of the State Level Committee for the implementation of Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) in Minority Concentration Districts

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 460Date - 29/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. A. 14014/94/2013-SWD, the 16th August, 2013. In pursuance to Minutes of the State Level Committee on Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) held on 19.12.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is plea sed to include the S ecretary and the Dir ector, Healt h & Family Welfare Department as memb ers of the Sta te Level Committee for the implementation of Mult i-sectoral Development Progr amme (MsDP) in Minority Concentration District s with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 29.8.2013 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 460RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Sub-Division Level Committee for Lawngtlai Sub-Division and Sangau Sub-Division

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 461Date - 28/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. A. 14018/1/2011-SWD, the 21st August, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred under Sub-section (3) of Section 6 of the Scheduled Tr ibes & Other Tr aditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute Sub-Divis ion Level Committee for Lawngtlai Sub-Division and S angau S ub-Division with the following members with immediate effect and until further orders :- LAWNGTLAI SUB-DIVISION1.Sub-Divisional Officer (Sadar), Lawngtlai-Chairman 2.Circle Officer, CDPO Office, Lawngtlai-Member Secretary 3.R.O., LADC, Forest Department, Lawngtlai-Member 4.R.O., Hqrs. LADC, Revenue Department, Lawngtlai -Member 5.District Medical Superintendent, Lawngtlai-Member 6.Block Development Officer, Lawngtlai-Member 7.Treasurer, MJA, Lawngtlai-Member 8.Finance Secretary, CYLA, Lawngtlai-Member SANGAU SUB-DIVISION1.Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil), Sangau-Chairman 2.CDPO, Sangau-Member Secretary 3.Revenue Officer, LADC, Sa ngau-Member 4.Medical Officer, PHC, Sa ngau-Member 5.SDAO, LADC, Sangau-Member 6.O.C., Sangau P.S., Sangau-Member 7.VCP, Sangau-Member 8.President, YLA, Sub-Hqrs., Sangau-Member Function of the Sub-Divisional Level Committee :The Sub-Divisional Level Committee (SDLC) shall -- a)Provide information to each Gram Sabha about t heir duties and duties of holder of forest rights and other towar ds protection of wildlife; forest a nd biodiversity with reference to critica l flora and fauna which need to be cons erved and protected; b)Provide forest and revenue maps and electoral rolls to the Gram Sabha or the Forest Rights Committee; c)Collate all the resolutions of t he concerned Gram Sabhas; d)Consolidate maps a nd deta ils provided by the Gram Sabhas;The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 29.8.2013 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 461RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- - 2 - Ex-461/2013 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500e)Examine the resolutions and the maps of t he Gram Sabhas to ascertain the vera city of the cla ims; f)Hear and adjudicate disputes between Gra m Sabhas on the nature and extent of any for est rights; g)Hear petitions from persons, including State agencies, aggrieved by the resolutions of Gram Sa bhas; h)Co-ordinate with other Sub-Divisional Level Committees for inter sub-divisional cla ims; i)Prepare block or tehsil-wise draft recor d of pr oposed forest r ights a fter reconciliation of government r ecor ds; j)For ward the claims with the draft record of proposed for est r ights through the Sub-Divisional Officer to the District Level Committee for fina l decis ion; k)Raise awareness among for est dwellers a bout the objective and procedures laid down under the Act and in the rules; l)Ensure easy and free availa bility of proforma of claims to the claimants as provided in Annexure-I (For ms A and B) of the Scheduled Tribes a nd Other Traditional of Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Rules, 2008. Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

High Level Committee under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister to identify and locate 10-25 hectares of suitable land at appropriate location free of cost for setting up Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre (ECC)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 462Date - 29/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. D. 11014/2/2012-TC, the 23rd August, 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to cons titute a High Level C ommittee under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister to identify and locate 10-2 5 hecta res of suitable land at appropriate location free of cost for setting up Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre (ECC) and to coordinate all the activities relating to the establishment and functioning of the Centre. Hon’ble Chief Minister-Chairman Hon’ble Minister, Trade & Commerce Deptt.-Co-Chairman Chief Secretary-Vice Chairman Principal Secretary, Revenue Deptt.-Member Principal Secretary, P.W.D.-Member Principal Secretary, UD&PA-Member Secretary, Tourism-Member Secr etary, Rural D evelop ment Deptt.-Member Secretary, Law & Judicial Deptt.-Member Secretary, L.A.D.-Member Secretary, Trade & Commerce Deptt.-Member Secretary B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tr ade & Commerce Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 29.8.2013 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 462RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram Police Act, 2011

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 463Date - 29/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. A. 47012/1/2013-HMP, the 23rd August, 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the Mizoram Police Act, 2011 which was published vide Notification No. H. 12018/118/2008-LJD dt. 12.1.2012 and notified in the Mizoram Gazette Extra Ordinary Volume XLI Issue No. 20 dt. 16.1.2012 shall come into force with effect from 1st September, 2013. L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 29.8.2013 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 463RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Ancient Monuments and Archaeological sites and Remains Act, 2001

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 464Date - 29/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. B. 20023/3/2002-EAC, the 27th August, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 3 of the Mizoram Ancient Monuments and Archaeological sites and Remains Act, 2001, the Government of Mizor am is pleased to decla re provisionally the following ancient monument/archaeological sites in Mizoram, to be protected monuments/sites. Any person or association or Department, having objection to the issue of this notification or inclusion of monument(s) or site(s) should submit their objection with full justification within one month fr om the date of issue of this notification to the Secretary, Art & Culture Department, Govt. of Mizoram. Sl. No. Name of MonumentsLocationAreaOwnerAntiquity 123456 1.Treasury BuildingAizawl40mtsx40mtsAizawl D.C.1902 (N-S+E-W) 2.Thiak BungalowThiak, Aizawl Dist.4 BighasArt & Culture Deptt.1905-10 3.Bung BungalowZemabawk, Aizawl Dist. Entire PrecinctsTourism Deptt.1905-10 4.Sialsuk BungalowSialsuk, Aizawl Dist.Entire HillockMizoram PWD1905-10 5.Sialsuk Doctor’s QuarterSialsuk, Aizawl Dist.Entire HillockHealth & Family Welfare 1905-10 6.Sialsuk DispensarySialsuk, Aizawl Dist.Entire HillockHealth & Family Welfare 1905-10 7.Compounder’s quarterSialsuk, Aizawl Dist.Entire compoundHealth & Family Welfare 1905-10 8.Sairang Police Out postSairang, Aizawl Dist.Entire compoundHome Deptt.1890 9.Compounder’s quarterSairang, Aizawl Dist.Entire compoundHealth & Family Welfare1900 10. Civil Hospital DispensaryAizawl, Aizawl Dist.Entire compoundHealth & Family Welfare1890 11. Assam Rifle Quarter Guard Aizawl Dist.Entire compoundAssam Rifles1890 12. Loch HouseAizawl, Aizawl Dist.Entire compoundAssam Rifles1890 13. Bawrhsap INLunglei, Lunglei Dist.Entire compoundD.C. Lunglei1901 14. Pu Buanga (Rev. J.H. Lorrain) Serkawn, Lunglei Dist. Entire compoundBaptist Church of Mizoram 1904 In (BCM) 15. Sap Upa (Rev. F.W. Savidge) Serkawn, Lunglei Dist. Entire compoundBaptist Church of Mizoram 1904 In (BCM) 16. Serkawn Hospital Doctor’s Serkawn, Lunglei Dist. Entire compoundBaptist Church of Mizoram 1929 Quarters (BCM Bangla) 17. Sap TuiSerkawn, Lunglei Dist. Precincts and entireBaptist Church of Mizoram 1903 uninhabited hillock/forest 18. Baptisma Channa Tuikhuah Serkawn, Lunglei Dist. 40mtsx40mtsBaptist Church of Mizoram 1906 (N-S+E-W) The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 29.8.2013 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 464RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- - 2 - Ex-464/2013 19. Tlabung Police StationTlabung, Lunglei Dist.Entire compoundHome Deptt.1871 20. Tlabung Post OfficeTlabung, Lunglei Dist.Entire compoundPostal Deptt.1872 21. Saikuti LungzehThingsai, Lunglei Dist.50mtsx50mtsJoint YMA, ThingsaiN.A (N-S+E-W) 22. Zotlang Lal InZotlang, Lunglei Dist.Entire compoundTourism Deptt.1934 23. Lungsen BungalowLungsen, Lunglei Dist.Entire compoundMizoram PWD1905-10 24. Tlabung BungalowTlabung, Lunglei Dist.Entire compoundMizoram PWD1905-10 25. Isolation Ward, Tuipang Tuipang, Saiha DistrictEntire compoundHealth & Family WelfareN.A. Dispensary 26. Kawlkulh BungalowKawlkulh, Champhai Dist.Entire compoundMizoram PWDN.A 27. Chawngvungi lehKhankawn, Champhai Dist.40mtsx40mtsYMA, KhawnkawnN.A Sawngkhara Lungdawh(N-S+E-W) 28. ZialungSialhawk, Champhai Dist.20mts+20mtsYMA, SialhawkN.A (N-S+E-W) 29. Kairuma Sailo ThlanBiate, Champhai Dist.Entire compoundAnthony Lalramchhana,1912 Biate 30. Mura PukSialhawk, Champhai Dist.50mtsX50mtsYMA, SialhawkN.A (E-W+N-S) 31. Lungphun LianLungphunlian, Champhai Dist. 50mtsx50mtsYMA, LungphunlianN.A (E-W+N-S) 32. Tawitaw BungalowZanlawn, Kolasib Dist.Entire HillockMizoram PWD1905-10 33. Kolasib BungalowKolasib, Kolasib Dist.Entire compoundHealth & Family Welfare1897 including the sur- rounding forest areas 34. Compounder’s quarter North Vanlaiphai,Entire compoundHealth & Family Welfare1897 Serchhip Dist. 35. DispensaryNorth Vanlaiphai,Entire compoundYMA, N. VanlaiphaiN.A Serchhip Dist. C. T hatkunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Art & Culture Department. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

State Level Consultancy Evaluation Committee to consider nomination of Consultants where the estimated cost of works is above Rs. 25/- lakh and a Departmental Level Consultancy Evaluation Committee for works below Rs. 25/- lakh under Transport Department

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 465Date - 30/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. B. 11015/3/2013-TRP, the 27th August, 2013. As required in Para 3.1 & 3.2 of Guidelines for engagement of consultants issued by Finance Department in their O.M. No. A. 46011/1/2010-F. Est dt. 6.12.2010 a nd dt. 9.11.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State Level Consult ancy Evaluation Committee to consider nomination of Consult ants where the estimated cost of wor ks is a bove Rs. 25/- la kh and a Departmental Level Consulta ncy Eva luation Committee for works below Rs. 25/- lakh under Transport Department consisting of the following Members :- A. State Level C.E.C. under Transport Department :1.Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram-Chairman 2.Principal Secretary/Commissioner, Finance Deptt.-Member Secretary 3.Member Secretary, Planning Board-Member 4.Secr etary, Transpor t Depart ment-Member 5.Director, Transport Department-Member B. Departmental C.E.C. under Transport Department :1.Secr etary, Transpor t Depart ment-Chairman 2.Secr etary, F inance Deptt. or his nominee-Member not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 3.Principal Adviser, Planning Deptt. or his nominee-Member not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 4.Director, Transport Department-Member C. Lalhmachhuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 30.8.2013 Bhadrapada 8, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 465RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Advisory Committee for Aizawl City area and the District area excluding Lawngtlai and Saiha

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 466Date - 30/08/2013

NOTIFICATION No. H. 11018/6/2008-REV/Pt, the 27th August, 2013. In pursuance to sub-section (3) of Section 16, Section 35 and 37 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Advisory Committee for Aizawl City area and t he Distr ict area excluding Lawngtlai and Saiha as advisory body in the matters of Ma ster Pla n, Land Zoning, Zonal Plan (Sections 35 & 37) and restriction on land allotment (Section 16(3)). T he composition of Advisory C ommittee for the area of Aiza wl City and Districts as follows :- 1.Aizaw City Area ChairmanPrincipal S ecreta ry/Commissioner/Secretary, Revenue Department Member-SecretaryDirector, L and Revenue and Settlement Member (s)1)Deputy Commissioner of t he District 2)Chief Conservator of For ests 3)Chief Executive Officer, Aizawl Municipal Council 4)Director, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation 5)Joint Director, Town & Country Planning - UD & PA 6)Joint Director of Survey, Land Revenue & Settlement 7)Joint Director, Geology and Minera l Resou rces 8)Project Director, MIRS AC, Science & Technology, Mizoram 9)Repr esentatives of Aizawl Development Authority 10)Convener, Mizoram Chapter, Indian Nationa l Trust for Art and Culture Heritage (INTACH) 11)President, Local Council Associa tion 2.District Advisory Committee (s) ChairmanDeputy Commissioner of t he District Member-SecretarySettlement Officer/Assistant Settlement Officer Member (s)1)Divisional Forest Officer of the District Area 2)Assistant Settlement Officer 3)Repr esentat ive of PD, MIRSAC 4)District Urban Development Officer - UD&PA 5)District Local Administr ation Officer, LAD 6)Representative of INTACH 7)Repr esentative of Village Councils as invited by the Chairman The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 30.8.2013 Bhadrapada 8, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 466RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page - 2 - Ex-466/2013 Preparation of boar d Master Plan, Land zoning and declar ation of restricted area (‘no-go area’) is mandatory without which land allotment or land settlement. TERMS OF REFERENCE 1.The Advisory Committee will be providing broad guidelines as to how land in their respective Town or Village is to b e broadly divided into different zones based on purpose of usage keeping in view of the present and for the future requirements. 2.The Advisor y Committee’s recommendation will be the basis Revenue Department’s spatial plan. Proper land use and land a llotment based on land zoning will be enforced in land administration. Preparation of micro plan or zonal plan will not be the Advisory Committee’s purview. 3.The Advisory Committee will provide suggestion broad zoning of land, such as, land earmarked for :- a)agricu ltural area (jhum, pla ntation, ga rden), b)industrial area, c)infrastructural area for water reservoir, power station, arterial road etc., d)social infrastructure like; habitation (residential), playground, hospitals, educational institutions, market area (in ca se the area has good potentia l for establishing bigger market hub, wholesale mar ket lar ger area may be earma rked), community centers, places of worship etc. 4.The AC will, as far as possible, use GIS based satellite imagery maps to facilitate suggesting and preparation of broad zoning of the area. 5.In case of scattered present land use, the Advisory Committee will prescribe pa ttern of zoning for ensu ring the best practica l utilit y having regar d to the terrain and present use of land. 6.The Advisor y Committee will give careful examination of any particular land areas which have potential to be of public nuisance, causing adverse public safety or public health where land allotment is t o be pr ohibited for any category. Specific advisor y will be given by the Committee. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 467Date - 04/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 4.9.2013 Bhadrapada 13, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 467RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001Dated : 12th August, 2013 21 Shravana, 1935 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 434/MIZ-LA/2013 :-In pursuance of the provisions of Section 21 of the Representa tion of t he People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), the Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following fur ther amendment in its Notification No. 434/MIZ-LA/2013 dated 02nd July, 2013, relating to the appointment of Retu rning Officers for Assembly C onstituencies in the State of Mizoram, namely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to t he said Notification, against the Assembly Constituency shown below, for the existing entry, the following cor responding entry shall be su bstituted - TABLE No. & Name of Assembly ConstituencyRetur ning Officers (1)(2) 11-Aizawl North-II (ST)Secretary, Tourism 12-Aizawl North-III (ST)Secretary, Tourism By or der, (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Appointment of Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 469Date - 04/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 4.9.2013 Bhadrapada 13, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 469RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001Dated : 26th August, 2013 4 Bhadrapada, 1935 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 429/MIZ/2010 :- In pursuance of the provisions of sub-section (1) of 13B of the Representation of t he People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950), the Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following fur ther amendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ-LA/2008 dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Electoral R egistra tion Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram, namely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to t he said Notification, against the Assembly Constituency shown below, for the existing entry the following cor responding entry shall be su bstituted - TABLE No. & Name of Assembly ConstituencyElectoral Registration Officers (1)(2) 39-Saiha (ST) ACAddl. D.C, Saiha By or der, (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NOTIFICATION Assistant Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 470Date - 04/09/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 4.9.2013 Bhadrapada 13, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 470RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001Dated : 26th August, 2013 4 Bhadrapada, 1935 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 429/MIZ/2010(1) :- In exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section (1) of 13C of the Repr esentation of the People Act, 1950 (4 3 of 1950), the Elect ion Commission of India, hereby makes the following further a mendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ/2008(1) dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Assistant Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram, namely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to t he said Notification, against the Assembly Constituency shown below, for the existing entry the following cor responding entry shall be su bstituted - TABLE No. & Name of Assembly ConstituencyAERO (1)(2) 39-Saiha (ST) ACSDO (S), Saiha By or der, (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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