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An Assembly Enquiry Committee to enquire into the alleged lapse of SSA Uniform Grant for 2010 - 2011 and the authenticity of the documents presented by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA to the Press on 29.2.2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 198Date - 18/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 18.4.2012 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 198 NOTIFICATION No. LA/E.COM-SSA/2012/100, the 13th April, 2012.Wher eas the subject of the a lleged lapse of S SA Uniform Grant for 2010-2011 amounting to ^ 743.16 lakh was discussed a t length during the course of the Tenth Session of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of Mizoram, Members unanimously a ccepted the cons titution of an Assembly Enquir y Committee to enquire into t he alleged lapse of SS A Uniform Grant for 2010 - 2011 and the authenticity of the documents presented by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA to the Press on 29.2.2012. And whereas the Hon’ble Speaker, a fter consideration of Member ’s wishes, is sa tisfied that with a view to arrive at a finding or findings as to the truth of this alleged lapse of SSA fund and the authenticit y of the said documents, it is necessa ry and expedient to constitute an Assembly Enquiry Commit tee. And also whereas, consequent upon the r equest for modification of Notifica tion No. LA/E. COM- SSA/2012/96 dated 4th Apr il, 2012 made by Pu B. Lalthlengliana , representing the MNF - MDF Legisla ture Party, vide letter No. Nil dated 9.4.2012. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 202 of the Rules of Pr ocedure and Conduct of Business in Mizoram Legislative Assembly, the Hon’ble Speaker, in supersess ion of Notifica tion No. LA/E. COM-SSA/2012/96 dated 4th April, 2012 is pleased to make the following changes in the Enquiry Committee constituted to enquire into the alleged lapse of SS A Uniform Grant for 2010 - 2 011 and the authenticit y of document presented to the Press by Dr. R. Lalt hanglia na, MLA on 29. 2.2012 a s follows : Composit ion of t he C ommit tee For complete impartiality and full representation of all Legislative Pa rties of the Sixth Mizoram Legislative Assembly, the Enquiry Committee will consist of the following members : 1.Pu Lalduhawma, United Democratic Alliance Legislature Party- Chairman 2.Pu B. Lalthlengliana, MNF-MDF Legislature Party- Member 3.Pu P.P. Thawla, MNF-MDF Legislature Party- Member 4.Pu R. Lalrinawma, Congress Legislature Party- Member 5.Pu Lalthansanga, United Democratic Alliance Legislature Party- Member 6.Pu John Siamkunga, Congress Legislature Party- Member - 2 - Ex-198/2012 The terms of refer ence of the Enquir y C ommittee sha ll be as her e under. 1.To enquir e int o the allega tion made by Pu Lalsawta, Minister in the House on 21.3.2012 and 23.3.2012 that the document presented to the Press on 29.2.2012 by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA was fabr icated, and to arrive at a finding or findings as to whether the document was fabrica ted or not. 2.To enquire into the allega tion ma de by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA to the House on 21.3.2012 and 23.3.2012 that the total amount of ^. 743.16 lakh for SSA Uniform Grant for 2010 - 2011 had lapsed and which was contradicted by Pu Lalsawta, Minister in the House. The Enquiry Committee shall conduct the said enquir y to ar rive at a finding or findings as to whether the sa id fund had lapsed or not. The Enquiry Commit tee will have the power to ca ll for any relevant documents and persons a s it deems fit. The Enqu iry Committee shall submit it s repor t to the Hon’ble Speaker within 3(thr ee) months. Ngurtha nzuala, Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Plastic Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 199Date - 20/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 20.4.2012 Chaitra 31, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 199 NOTIFICATION No. C.18011/9/2001-FST, the 30th March, 2012.In continuation of this Department Notifica tion No. C. 18011/9/2001-FST dt.6.6.2011,CEO, AMC is included as one of the members of the State Level Advisory Body to monitor implementation of the Plastic Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011. Dr.S.S.Garbyal, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Envir onment & Forests Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Tenth Session of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram with effect from the afternoon of 28 th March, 2012,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 200Date - 20/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 20.4.2012 Chaitra 31, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 200 NOTIFICATION No. LA.2/LEGN/2008/29, the 17th April, 2012.The following communication dated 28th Mar ch, 2012 received from the Governor of Mizor am is hereby p ublished for information : “ O R D E R In exercise of the power conferr ed by clause (2)(a) of Article 174 of the Constit ution of India , I, Vakkom Purushothaman, Governor of Mizoram, do hereby prorogue the Tenth Session of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram with effect from the afternoon of 28th March, 2012, after conclusion of the Business. VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAMAN Governor of Mizoram” Ngurtha nzuala, Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Obituary, Dr. T. Lalsangliana, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Government Aizawl North College,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 201Date - 25/04/2012

OBITUARY The 25th April, 2012.With deep and profound sorrow, the Government of Mizoram has learnt the premature demise of Dr. T. Lalsangliana, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Government Aizawl North College, Aizawl at 11:45 A.M on the 24th April, 2012. Dr. T. Lalsangliana S/o Lalsawma was born on 10.10.1961 at Leite, Lunglei District. He passed M.A in Political Science and joined his service as Lectur er in Deficit Aizawl North College on 05.12.1996 and he was placed to Senior Grade on 05.12.2002 and Selection Grade on 05.12.2007. Aizawl North College was provincialized w.e.f 11.10.2007 and his service was absorbed into Gover nment service from the date of provincializa tion of the College. He continued his education and acquired Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) on 09.01.2008 in Political Science and the title of his Thesis was “The Chakmas in Mizoram : 1900 - 1972”. He was then re-designa ted as Reader fr om the date of acquiring Ph. D. Degree. Consequent upon implementa tion of the Central 6th Pay, he was re-designated to Associate Professor w.e.f 05.12.2010. The Government of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Dr. T. Lalsangliana, a nd conveys its heartfelt sympa thy to t he bereaved family. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. Es ther La l Ruatkimi, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 25.4.2012 Vaisakha 5, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 201Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

State Level Committee on Lab-to-Land Initiatives with the following members with effect and until further order.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 202Date - 26/04/2012

NOTIFICATION No. A. 33024/24/2010-RD(SIRD), the 13th April, 2012.In pursuance of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India No. M. 12017/1/2010-Trg dt . 24.9. 2010 and in supersession of Notifica tion No. A. 33024/24/2010-RD(SIRD) dt. 8.11.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute State Level Commit tee on Lab-to-L and Initiatives with the following members with effect and until further or der. Chairman:Minister, Rural Development Department. Vice Chairman:Parliamentar y Secretary, Rural Development Department. Members :- 1.Secretary or Joint Secretary, Public Work Department. 2.Secr etary or Joint Secreta ry, Public Health Engineering Department. 3.Secretary or Joint Secretary, Power & Electricity Department. 4.Secr etary or Joint Secreta ry, Land Revenu e & Set tlement Department. 5.Secretary or Joint Secretary, Agriculture Department. 6.Secretary or Joint Secretary, Horticulture Department. 7.Secr etary or Joint Secreta ry, AH & Vety Department. 8.Secr etary or Joint S ecretar y, Envir onment & Forest Department. 9.Secr etary or Joint Secreta ry, Fis her ies Department. 10.Secretary or Joint Secretary, Sericulture Department. 11.Secr etary or Joint Secreta ry, Soil & Water Conservation Department. 12.Secr etary or Joint Secretary, Minor Irrigation Department. 13.Secr etary or Joint Secret ary, S ocia l Welfare Department. 14.Secr etary or Joint Secret ary, FC S & CA Department. 15.Secretary or Joint Secretary, Local Administration Department. 16.Secr etary or Joint Secreta ry, Industries Department. 17.Secr etary or Joint Secret ary, Hea lth & F amily Welfare Department. 18.Secr etary or Joint Secreta ry, Education Department. 19.Secr etary or Joint Secretary, Information & Public Relation Department. 20.Director, Administrative Training Institute Department. 21.Director, Rural Development Department. 22.Director, SIRD, Kola sib. 23.Project Director, SLMC & IAC. 24.General Manager, NABARD. 25.Branch Mana ger, NEDFI. 26.Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Aizawl. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 26.4.2012 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 202RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- 27.Director, All India Radio, Aizawl. 28.Director, Press Information Bureau, Aizawl. 29.President, Mizoram Journalist Association, Aizawl. 30.Secr etary, Rural Development Depa rtment - Member Secret ary. Terms of Reference of the Committee will be as follows :-1.The Committee will decide the modification for dissemination of information regarding var ious development programme implemented in the rural ar eas. 2.The committee will demonstrate the achievement and good practices of various Development Programme Implement ed in r ural ar eas. 3.The committee will obtain feed ba ck for improvement in tr aining, communication and overa ll develop ment str ategy. K. Riachho, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex - 202/2012

Reconstitute the members of the Mizoram KVI Board with immediate effect and until further orders.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 203Date - 26/04/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B. 12011/63/2012-IND, the 19th April, 2012.In supersession of this Department’s Notification No. B. 12011/11/08-IND dt. 2nd February, 2009 and 24th June, 2009 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Chapter-II, Section 4 and 12 of the Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Board (MKVIB) Act, 1982 (as amended from time to time), the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to reconstitute the members of the Mizoram KVI Board with immediate effect and until further orders. The composition of the members of the Board will be as follows :- 1.Pu K. Lianzuala, MLA- Member 2.Principal Secretary, Industries Deptt.- Member 3.Commissioner /Secretary, Finance Deptt.- Member 4.Director, Industries Deptt.- Member 5.Chairman-cum-Managing Director (NS FDC)- Member 6.Chief Executive Officer, Mizoram KVI Board- Member 7.President, Mizora m Industries Associa tion- Member 8.Assistant Director, KVIC, Govt. of India, Aizawl- Member 9.Pu Khumtea, Sakawrdai- Member 10.Pu K. Lalchhuanawma, Republic Veng- Member 11.Pu C . Biakvela, Tuikual ‘S’- Member Further in exercise of the power conferred under Chapter-II, Section 4(3), (4) & (5) of the Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Board (MKVIB) Act, 1982 (as a mended from time to time), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu K. Lianzuala, MLA one of the members of the Board as Chairman, Pu Khumtea, Sakawrdai as Vice-Chairma n and Pu Zothankhuma, IAS, CEO, MKVIB as Secr etary of the Boar d with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 26.4.2012 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 203RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Development and Safety Agency of Road Transport of Mizoram consisting the following Office Bearers and Members.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 204Date - 26/04/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B. 11015/2/08-TRP/Pt, the 16th April, 2012.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute the Development and Safety Agency of Road Tra nsport of Mizor am consisting t he following Office Bearers and Members. 1)Secr etary, Transport, Government of Mizoram-Chairman 2)Director, Transpor t, Government of Mizoram-Secretary 3)Depu ty Commissioner (STA) Transport Department,-Assistant Secretary Government of Mizoram. 4)Joint Director (MV)-Member 5)Joint Director (Hqrs)-Member 6)Deputy Director (Accounts)-Member 7)Assistant Engineer, Transport-Member 8)Research Officer, Transport-Member Period of terms :the period of terms of :- (i)Office Bearers and Members shall be 2(Two) years from the date of issue of notification appointing the office bearers and members pr ovided that when any Office Bearers or member dies or vacates office, his/her successor shall be appointed for the remaining period of the members whose place he/she takes. (ii)if a ny member of the agency (other than the Chair man) unable to attend the meeting of the Agency, he may appoint reliable represent ative to take his place at the meeting and such representa tive shall have all the right and privileges of a member of the agency including the right to vote in the meeting, Represent ative so appointed sha ll be a gazetted officer. (iii)a member of the Agency appointed by the State G overnment shall continue to be a member during the pleasur e of the State Government. (iv)any member of the Agency shall be eligible for re-appointment. H. Darzika, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 26.4.2012 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 204RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Industries Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 211Date - 02/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. A. 12018/44/2004-P&AR(GSW), the 24th April, 2012.In ex ercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Mizoram Industries Depar tment (Group ‘A’ post) Recruit ment Rules, 1990 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) notified vide No. A. 12018/74/80-APT(B) dated 28.03.1990 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. XIX Extra Ordinary Issue No. 35 dated 28.05.1990 in respect of Assistant Director of Industries (ADI)/Sub-Divisional Industries Officer (SDIO) under Industries Depa rtment, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Industries Department Commencement - (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Under Rule 7 of the Principal Rules ‘Power to r elax’, the word ‘In Principal Rules :- consultation with the Selection Committee/DPC through the DP&AR shall be substituted by the word ‘In consultation with the MPSC through the DP &AR’. 3. Amendment of the In t he Annexure-I of the Pr incipal Rules, for the existing entries in Annexure-I - Columns 4 & 13, the following entr ies sha ll be substituted namely :- “Column 4 - PB-3 ^ 15,600-39,100 GP 5400/- Column 13 - MPSC or as constituted by the Government of Mizoram from time to time”. By order s, etc. R. Zarzosanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of P ersonnel & Adve. Reforms. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.5.2012 Vaisakha 12, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 211RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Industries Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 212Date - 02/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. A. 12018/44/2004-P&AR(GSW), the 24th April, 2012.In ex ercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Mizoram Industries Depar tment (Group ‘A’ post) Recruit ment Rules, 1989 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) notified vide No. A. 12018/74/80-APT(B)/pt dated 16.1.1989 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. XVIII Extra Ordinary Issue No. 3(L) dated 16.1.1989 in respect of Assistant Director (Ha ndloom) under Industr ies Department, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Industries Department Commencement - (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Under Rule 7 ‘Power to relax’, the word ‘Mizora m Selection Board’ Principal Rules :- shall be substituted by the word ‘In consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission (MPSC) through the DP&AR’. 3. Amendment of the In t he Annexure-I of the Pr incipal Rules, for the existing entries in Annexure-I - Columns 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 14 the following entries shall be substituted namely :- “Column 4 - PB-3 ^ 15,600-39,100 GP 5400/- Column 7 - N. A Column 8 - N. A Colu mn 10 - N . A Column 11 - 100 % promotion Column 13 - Mizoram Public Service Commission (MPSC) Column 14 - As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time”. By order s, etc. R. Zarzosanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of P ersonnel & Adve. Reforms. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.5.2012 Vaisakha 12, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 212RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 213Date - 02/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. A. 12018/61/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 26th April, 2012.In ex ercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules r egulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer and Assistant Architect under Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department, Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1) These Rules may be ca lled the Mizor am Urban Development & Poverty CommencementAlleviation Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and classification, pay bandGrade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scale-to 4 of the said Annexure-I. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters age limit,relating to the said post(s), shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 qualifications, etcof the aforesaid Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contract ed a marr iage with any other person shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.5.2012 Vaisakha 12, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 213RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- - 2 - Ex - 213/2012 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are ot her grounds for doing so, exempt any s uch person from the operation of this rule. 6. Training andEvery Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo Departmentalsuch training or pa ss such Departmental Examination as ma y be Examinationpres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to tra nsfer a ny officer so r ecr uited under thes e r ules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing andin consulta tion with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with r espect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age concessionslimit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the C entral Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. R. Zarzosanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt .of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE-I (See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘A’ PO S TS INTHE DEPARTMENT OF URBANDEVELOPMENT & PO VERTYALLEVIATIONName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non -selection p ost12345 1. Executive Engineer 2. Assistant Engineer 3. Assistant Architect1(one) or as may be san ction ed b y the Govt. from time to time. 2(two) or as may be san ction ed b y the Govt. from time to time. 1(one) or as may be san ction ed b y the Govt. from time to time.Selection Selection in ca se of Promotion Not ApplicableGeneral State Service Group ‘A’ (Technical) General State Service Group ‘A’ (Technical) General State Service Group ‘A’ (Technical)PB-3 ^ 15600-39100 + GP ^ 6600/- PB-3 ^ 15600-39100 + GP ^ 5400/- PB-3 ^ 15600-39100 + GP ^ 5400/- Whether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether the age and educa- tional qualifications prescribe d for direct recruits will apply in the ca se of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Between 18 and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST Between 18 and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST1. Not applicable 2. Not applicable 3. Not applicableNot applicable 1. Bachelor of Civil E nginee- ring from any recognised University. 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard. 1 . Ba che lor of Arc hite ctu re from any recognised University. 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard.Not Applicable Two years in case of Direct Re- cruitment Two years - 3 -Ex - 213/2012Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of posts to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314Promotion failing which by deputation 50% by Direct Recruitment 50% by Promotion failing which by deputation Direct Recruitment failing which by deputationPromotion : from Assistant Engineer having at least 5 years regula r service in the grade. Deputation : Officers holding analogous posts in the Central/ State Government. Promotion : from Junior Engineer having at least 5 years regula r service in the grade. Deputation : Officers holding analogous posts in the Central Government/the State Government. By deputation of officers holding analogous posts in the Central Government/the State Government.As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Mizoram Public Service Commission Mizoram Public Service CommissionPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500


VOL - XLIISSUE - 214Date - 07/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. C. 11018/2/2011-DCA, the 2nd May, 2012.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by the Chakma Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 19.4.2012 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (CONSTITUTION, CONDUCT OF BUSINESS ETC.) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2011”. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 7.5.2012 Vaisakha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 214RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page - 2 - Ex - 214/2012 THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL(CONSTITUTION, CONDUCT OF BUSINESS ETC.)(AMENDMENT) RULES, 2011RULES further to amend the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as Principal Rules) and in exercise of power conferred by sub-paragraph (7) of Paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, read with 20 B of the said Schedule, the District Council of the Chakma Autonomous District Council, with prior approval of the Governor of Mizoram, makes the following rules, namely :- 1.Short title and Commencement :- (1)These rules may be called the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2)It shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Amendment of Rule 2 :- In Rule 2 of the Principal Rules, after clause (x) the following clause (y) shall be substituted and clause (z) shall be added, namely :- “(y) ‘State Election Commission’ means the State Election Commission as constituted for the State of Mizoram under the provisions of Part IX and IX A of the Constitution. (z)‘State Finance Commission’ means the State Finance Commission constituted under Section 138-A of these Rules”. 3.Amendment of Rule 5 :- Rule 5 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. 4.Amendment of Rule 7 :- In Rule 7, after sub-rule (4) the following sub-rule shall be added, namely :- “(5) Not less than 2(two) of the total number of nominated members of the Council shall be women. (6)The conduct of election to the District Council shall vest in the State Election Commission”. 5.Insertion of Rule 138A. After Rule 138 of the Principal Rules the following new rule 138 (A) shall be inserted :- 138 - A. State Finance Commission : The Governor shall constitute State Finance Commission from time to time with provisions for nomination of one member in the Commission from the District Council to be recommended by the Executive Committee from time to time”. Sushil Kumar Chakma, Chair man, Chakma Autonomous District Council.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Acquisition of Land for construction of Accountant General’s Staff Quarters and Guest House at Chawnpui, Aizawl.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 215Date - 07/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. K. 15011/117/06-REV, the 27th April, 2012.Wher eas by the Government Notifica tion No. K. 15011/117/06-REV, dt. 21.12.2011 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspaper, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Centr al) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referr ed to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended t o the said Not ification was likely t o be needed for the purpose namely - Acquisition of Land for construction of Accountant General’s Staff Quarters and Guest House at Chawnpui, Aizawl. Now, therefore, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the pur pose sp ecified above and as per schedule indicated below. The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl under clause (C) of s ection 3 of the said Act to perform the funct ions of a Collector for all p roceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take over for the acquisition of the said land. The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of t he said Act. T hen, the Collect or shall submit a Dra ft Awar d to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act. A plan of the same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl till the final awar d is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULEDistrict : AIZAWL Description of landStatus of Pass & No. Approximate Area Plot of land belonging to Pu R. La lsangzuala,LSC. No. 61 of 197113.67 bighas Dawr pui, Aizawl P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 7.5.2012 Vaisakha 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 215RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

General Election was held for the purpose of constituting a new Mara Autonomous District Council in Saiha District on 3 rd May, 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 216Date - 08/05/2012

NOTIFICATIONNo.B.11011/15/2012-SEC/MADC, the 8th May, 2012.WHEREAS, in pursuance of the Notification issued by the Governor under sub-para (1) & (6A) of Para 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution read with sub- rule (1) & (2) of Rule 9 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, vide No. H.14011/2/2011- DCA (M), dt.13th April, 2012, and Notification issued by the State Election Commission under sub-rule (1) of Rule 151 read with sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 & sub-rule (1) of Rule 158 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, as amended in 2011, vide No.B.11011/5/2012-SEC/MADC dt.13th April, 2012, General Election was held for the purpose o f constituting a new Mara Autonomous Dist r ict C o u nc il in S aiha D is t r ic t o n 3rd May, 2012; and WHEREAS, the results of the elections in respect of all 25 (twenty five) Constituencies in the said General Election have been declared by the Returning Officer on 7th May, 2012; NOW, THEREFORE, t he S t a t e E lect io n C o mmis sio n her eby n o t ifies t he names o f t he members elected in respect of the said Mara Autonomous District Council, along with their party affiliations, in theSCHEDULE enclo sed to t his Not ificat io n. C. Ro pianga, St at e E lect io n Co mmissio ner, Mizo ra m. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 8.5.2012 Vaisakha 18, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 216RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- - 2 - Ex - 216/2012Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500S l. No.N o . & N a m e o f ConstituencyN am e of Elected CandidatesP ar ty Affili at io n 12341 01 - T ongkolong J. Rawna MDF 2 02 - Phura K. Pawhnie INC 3 03 - Vahai K. Chhuabei INC 4 04 - Laki B. Pasia MDF 5 05 - Zawngling L . P r isil a INC 6 06 - C hapui F.C. Rehmo MNF 7 07 - C hakhang K. Hrahmo INC 8 08 - S i ata L.C. Apaw IND 9 09 - T uisih T ia h le i S yu h lo IND 10 10 - T uipang –I F.C. Lawmkima INC 11 11 - T uip an g -II Hiphei INC 12 12 - Latawh Beirahmo Syhly INC 13 13 - Serkawr I.P. Junior INC 14 14 - M aubawk N. Zakhai INC 15 15 - R awmibawk R.T. Zachono INC 16 16 - N iawhtlang F. Hrangchunga INC 17 17 - C hhuarlung M .H . T i ab i INC 18 18 -Saiha North – I Nahlo Solo MNF 19 19 - Saiha North – II C. Lawbei MDF 20 20 - Saiha South – I V. V B. B y hna INC 21 21 - Saiha South – II K.H . B eih lo INC 22 22 - Saiha East – I K. Sangtlunga MNF 23 23 - Saiha East – II L.C. Chakhai INC 24 24 - Saiha W est – I K. Chiama MDF 25 25 - Saiha W est – II Pakhu Hlychho MDF SCH EDULEGENER AL ELECTION TO MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL HELD ON 3rd MAY,2012 LIST OF PERSO NS ELECTED AS M EMBERS OFMARA AUTONOM OUS D ISTRICT COUNCIL

General Election to Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 was held on the 3 rd May, 2012 and result was declared on the 7 th May, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 217Date - 09/05/2012

N O T I C ENo.H.13012/1/2012-DEO(S),the 8th May, 2012. It is hereby published for information of general public that General Election to Ma ra Autonomous District Council, 2012 was held on the 3rd May, 2012 and result was declared on the 7th May, 2012. The following persons have been declar ed elect ed to fill seats to the Members of MADC in the constit uencies as indicated against their names:- Sl. No.Na me of Ret urnedNo. & Name ofParty Affiliation Candidate Constituency1.J. R awna1-TongkolongMDF 2.K. Pawhnie2-PhuraINC 3.K. Chhuabei3-VahaiINC 4.B. Pasia4-LakiMDF 5.L. Prisila5-ZawnglingINC 6.F.C. Rehmo6-ChapuiMNF 7.K. Hrahmo7-Cha khangINC 8.L.C. Apaw8-SiataINDPT 9.Tia hlei S yuhlo9-TuisihINDPT 10.F.C. Lawmkima10-Tuipang-IINC 11.Hiphei11-Tuipang-IIINC 12.Beir ahmo Syhly12-LatawhINC 13.I.P. Junior13-Serka wrINC 14.N. Za khai14-MaubawkINC 15.R.T. Zachono15-RawmibawkINC 16.F. Hrangchunga16-NiawhtlangINC 17.M.H. Tiabi17-ChhuarlungINC 18.Nahlo Solo18-S aiha Nor th-IMNF 19.C. La wbei19-Saiha North-IIMDF 20.V. VB. Byhna20-Saiha South-IINC 21.K.H. Beihlo21-Saiha South-IIINC 22.K. S angtlunga22-S aiha East-IMNF 23.L.C. Chakhai23-S aiha East-IIINC 24.K. Chiama24-S aiha West-IMDF 25.Pakhu Hlychho25-S aiha West-IIMDF Kunal, IAS, Depu ty Commissioner & Returning Officer, 1-25 MDC Constituencies, General Election to MADC, 2012, Saiha : Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 9.5.2012 Vaisakha 19, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 217RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Soil & Water Conservation Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 398Date - 01/08/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 1.8.2013 Sravana 10, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 398 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/58(1)/2012-P&AR(GSW), the 24th July, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Deputy Ranger under Soil & Water Conservation Department, Govt. of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Soil & Water Conservation Commencement Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-1 annexed to these rules. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be as specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the said Annexure-I. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters age limit, relating to the said post(s) shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of qualifications, etc- the aforesaid Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-398/2013 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be pres cribed from time to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Administrative Refor ms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect reser vation, relaxation of age concessions limit and ot her oncessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Schedu led Tribes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizora m from time to time in this regard. 10. Repeal and Savings - All rules pertaining to these posts fra med by the Gover nment of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/76/80-APT(B) dt. 9.1.1992 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary Issue No. 8 dt. 22.1.1992 stand hereb y r epea led. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action t aken u nder t he r ules s o r ep ealed, or u nder a ny gener a l or der s a nc illa r y thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative ANNEXURE-I(SEE RULE 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘C’ POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOIL & WATER CONSERVATIONName of postsNo. of postsClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection or Non-selection posts12345 SelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableBetween 18 to 35 years (Upper age limit relaxable by 5 (five) years in case of SC/ST)Not applicable- 3 -Ex-398/2013 1. HSSLC (Science) or equi- valent qualification from a recognized University. After selection he will undergo the cou rse of S oil C onservation Training under Soil & Water Conservation. 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard. 3. Minimum of Physical standards of height 1.625m or 163cm round. Chest-0787m or 79cm round. Expansion-0.508m or 5cm round.Two years for direct recruitmentMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitments.11121314Direct - 20% Promotion - 80%Promotion : From Trained Soil Conservation Demonstrator with not less than 5(five) years regular service in th e grade.Exempted from the purview of the Mizoram Public Service Commission 1) Secretary, S &WC Department - Chairman 2) Director, S&WC Department - Member 3) Representative of DP&AR - Member or As constituted by the Government from time to timePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 Deputy Ranger28 posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service Group ‘C’ (Non-Ministerial)PB-1 ^ 5200-20200 + Grade Pay 2800/-

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