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City Bus fare on Govt. Complex to Temple as per Annexure-‘A’

VOL - XLIISSUE - 33Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 33 NOTIFICATION No. F. 20016/1/11-DTE(STA)Vol-II, the 19th January, 2012.As per approval given by the Govt. vide letter No. D. 26031/10/10-TRP dt. 12.01.2012, the STA hereby fixed rate of City Bus fare on Govt. Complex to Temple as per Annexur e-‘A’ and also revised rate of Towing Cha rges of vehicular offender s as per Annexure ‘B’ with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Thlamuana, Secretary, State Transport Authority, Mizoram, Aizawl. ANNEXURE ‘A’CITY BUS FARE ON GOVERNMENT COMPLEX TO TEMPLE ROUTESl. No.Name of RouteNew Rate1.Govt. Complex to ChhangurkawnRs. 8/- 2.Govt. Complex to VaivakawnRs. 10/- 3.Govt. Complex to TempleRs. 13/- ANNEXURE ‘B’TOWING CHARGE OF VEHICULAR OFFENDERS1.Four Wheeler-Rs. 600/- per vehicle 2.Two Wheeler-Rs. 300/- per vehiclePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Acquisition of land for construction of Border Out Post along IBB fencing within Lunglei District.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 34Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 34 NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/20/2010-REV/pt, the 17th January, 2012. Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinaft er refer red to as the “ said la nd”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for constr uction of Border Out Post along IBB fencing within Lunglei Distr ict. 1.Now, therefore, the Gover nment hereby notifies under section 4 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 read with sub-section (i) of section 11(2) of the said Act (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act tha t the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector, Lunglei District within a period of 30 da ys from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of t he objection and claims as per provision of s ection 5-A of the La nd Acquisition Act, 1894. 3.All persons interested in the said land ar e hereby warned not to be obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the sa id land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any cont ract for the disposal of the sa id land by sale, lease, mortga ge, assignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the sa id land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : :LUNGLEIDescription of landAppr oximate AreaStatus of pass As app ended15 acresAs app ended R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram Revenue Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Committee on Network connectivity under Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS) Project

VOL - XLIISSUE - 35Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 35 NOTIFICATION No. D. 25017/1/2011-HMS, the 19th January, 2012.In t he interest of public service and in pursuance to the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signed between BS NL and NCRB, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constit ute a Committee on Network connectivity under Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS) Pr oject as under :- (1)Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID (Nodal Officer).- Chairman (2)General Manager, BSNL of the Sta te/or a n officer appr oved by him- Member (3)Depu ty Secr etary, DIT or his representa tive who is looking a fter- Member SWAN Project. (4)Addl. S.P. CID (Crime)- Member Secretary Functions of the committee shall be as under :- (1)Facilitate BSNL to complete the survey of a ll s ites cover ed u nder CC TNS. (2)Sign the SLA agreement between the State/UT and BSNL. (3)Provide connectivity in the State/WT in line with the C entral MoA and the St ate/UT specific SLA a gr eement. K. Riachho, Home Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500


VOL - XLIISSUE - 36Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 36 NOTIFICATION THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (CONSTITUTION, CONDUCT OF BUSINESS etc.) (AM E NDM ENT ) R ULE S , 2 011 A BILL further to amend the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 and the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules 2003 (herein after ca lled the “Principal Rules”), the Mara Autonomous Dis trict Council, in exercise of t he Powers conferred by sub-par agraph (7) of paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, read with Paragraph 20 B, with approval of the Governor of Mizoram, makes the following amendments rules :- Be it enacted by the Mara Autonomous District cou ncil in the sixty-second year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council Commencement(Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2011. (2 ) They shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Amendment of Rule 2In Rule 2 of the Pr incipal Rules, the following definitions shall be added, namely :- (J) (i)“Electronic Voting Machine” means Electronica lly operated Ma chine for use in vot ing. (Q) (i)“Opposition Leader” means a leader of the opposition members having one third of the elected members from a single recognized or registered Political Party. (W) (i)“State Election Commission” means the Mizoram State Election Commission constituted under clause (1) of Article 243K of t he Constitution. - 2 - Ex-36/2012 Proviso of sub-rule (4) of Rule 2 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constit ution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2003 shall be substituted as follows :- Provided that the Chief Executive Member shall recommend the names of persons eligible to be nominated as members and furnish all documentary proofs in support of their qualifications for such a ppointment . Provided further that “Not less than two (2) nominated Members shall be women”. 3.Amendment of Rule 5.Rule 5 of the Principal Rules shall sta nd omitted. 4.Amendment of Rule 7.In Rule 7 after sub-rule (4) of the Principal Rules, sub-rule(5) shall be inserted, na mely :- “(5) T he superintendence, direction and control of the prepara tion of Electora l rolls for, a nd the conduct of the Election to the District Council shall vest in the State Election Commission”. Provided tha t the District Council may, by law, ma ke pr ovision with respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, elections to the Distr ict Council. Provided further that in preparation of Electoral Rolls and conduct of E lection to District Council, the State Election Commission shall exercise the rules as provided in Chapter XIII to Chapter XXII of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Ru les, 20 02 as a mended from time to t ime. 5.Amendment of Rule 12. Proviso of clause (a) of sub-rule (5) of Rule 12 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted and new clause (c) shall be inserted, namely :- “(c) If he votes or abstains from voting in the District Council Session contrary to any direction issued by the political party to which he belongs or by any person or authority authorized by it in this behalf, without obtaining, in either case the prior permission of such political party, person or authority, and such voting or abstention has not been condoned by such political party, person or authority within fifteen days from the date of such voting or a bstention”. 6. Amendment of Rule 22. After sub-rule (6) of Rule 22 of the Principal rules, new sub-rule (7) sha ll be inserted, na mely :- (1 ) “(7) There shall b e an Opposition Leader, if a single recognized or r egister ed political p arty ha s at least 1/ 3 of the elect ed members. The Opposit ion Leader sha ll be appoint ed by t he Governor on the recommendation of t he Chief Executive Member. (2 ) In s ub-rule (6) of Rule 2 2 of the Princ ipal Ru les the word “ and” shall stand omitted and after the words Executive Members “and the Opposition Leader” shall be added”. - 3 -Ex-36/2012 7.Amendment of Rule 147. In clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 147 of the Principal Rules, for the word ‘Governor ’ the words “State Election Commission,” shall be substituted. 8. Amendment of Rule 149. In Rule 149 of the Principal Rules, for the word ‘Governor ’ the words “State Election Commission,” shall be s ubstituted. 9. Amendment of Rule 151. In Rule 151 of the Principal Rules, for the word ‘Governor ’ the words “State Election Commission,” shall be s ubstituted. 10. Amendment of Rule 153. In Rule 153 of the Principal Rules, for the word ‘Governor ’ the words “State Election Commission,” shall be s ubstituted. 11. Amendment of Rule 154. In Rule 154 of the Principal Rules, for the word ‘Governor ’ the words “State Election Commission,” shall be s ubstituted. 12. Amendment of Rule 156. For sub-rule (2) of Rule 156 of the Principal Rules, the following rules shall be substituted, namely :- (1 ) “At Elections in every constituency where a poll is taken, votes shall be given by pressing on the button in the balloting unit of an EVM in the manner hereaft er provided in these r ules, a nd no votes shall be received by proxy”. (2) Sub-rule (3) of Rule 156 of the Principal Rules, for the words “ballot box” the wards “Electronic Voting Machine” sha ll be substituted. 13. Amendment of Rule 158. In sub-rule (1) and (2) of Rules 1 58 of the P rincipal Rules, for the wor d ‘ Gover nor ’ the words “St ate Election Commission” shall be substituted. 14. Amendment of Rule 161. In sub-rule (4) of Rules 161 of the Principa l Rules, for the wor d ‘Governor ’ the words “State Election Commission” shall be substituted. 15. Amendment of Rule 162. (1) In sub-rule (1) of Rules 1 62 of the P rincipa l Rules, for the wor d ‘ ballot box or boxes’ the words “Electronic Voting Machine” shall be substituted. (2) Sub rule (2) of Rule 162 of the Principal Rules, for the word “Governor” the words “ State Election Commission” shall be substit uted. 16. Amendment of Rule 163. In sub-rule (1), (2) and (3) of Rules 163 of the Principal Rules, for the words ‘ballot box & boxes’ the words “Electronic Voting Machine” shall be substituted. 17. Amendment of Rule 164. Sub-rule (1) of Rule 164 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following words, namely :- (1) “The Presiding Officer in any Polling Station, immediately before the commencement of the poll, shall show to all such polling agents and others as may be present at such station that the Electronic Voting Machine is empty, a nd shall then lock it up”. (2) sub-rule (2) of Rule 164 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. - 4 - Ex-36/2012 18.Amendment of Rule 166. (1 ) In s u b -r u le (1 ) of R u le 1 6 6 of t h e P r inc ip a l R u les , F o r t he wor ds “the voter has received the ballot pa per to which he or she is entitled”, the words “ the voter has casted his or her vote” sha ll be substituted. (2) sub-rule (3) of Rule 166 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. 19. Amendment of Rule 168. Rule 168 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely :- “A voter sha ll go inside the polling compa rtment and press on button in the balloting unit of the EVM opposite to the election symbol of t he candidate for whom he or she wishes to vote and come out of polling compartment”. 20. Amendment of Rule 169. In Rule 169 of the Principal Rules, for the words “ballot paper” the words “Electronic Voting Machine” shall be substituted. 21. Amendment of Rule 170. Rule 170 of the Principal Rules shall sta nd omitted. 22. Amendment of Rule 174. Rule 174 of the Principal Rules shall sta nd omitted. 23. Amendment of Rule 177. Clause (1) of Rule 177 of the Principal Rules, for the words “ballot box” the words “Electronic Voting Machine” shall be substituted and clauses (ii), (vi) and (vi) shall sta nd omitted. 24. Amendment of Rule 179. (1) In sub-rules (1) and (2) of Rule 179 of the Principal Rules, for the word ‘Governor ’ the words “State Election Commission” shall be substituted. (2 ) In s ub-rule (2) of Rule 1 79 of the Princ ipal Ru les, for the wor ds “ballot boxes” t he wor ds “ Electr onic Voting Ma chines” shall be substituted. 25. Amendment of Rule 208. Sub-rule (4) of Rule 208 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. 26. Amendment of Rule 220. (1) In sub-rule (1) of Rule 220 of the Principal rules, for the words “ballot paper” the words “Electronic Voting Machine” shall be substituted. (2) sub-rule (3) of Rule 220 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONSFor better and smooth functioning of the District Council, the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, and the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2003 is hereby amended by the Mara Autonomous District Council in the sixty second year of the Republic of India. Hence the Bill. S. Khipo, Chief Execut ive Member, Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Street Vendor (Protection of Livelihood & Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2011 (Act No. 4 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 37Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 37 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/233/2012-LJD, the 13th January, 2012.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram Street Vendor (Protection of Livelihood & Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2011 (Act No. 4 of 2012) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 19th December, 2011} Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. AN ACTto provide for protection of livelihood of urba n street vendors and to regulate str eet vending and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. BE it enact ed by t he Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram in the S ixty second year of the Republic of India a s follows:- CHAPTER – I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent (1 ) This Act ma y be ca lled the Mizor am Street Vendors (Pr otection of and Commencement :- Livelihood a nd Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2011. (2 ) It shall extend to the whole of the State of Mizor am except the areas of the Autonomous District Councils under the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India. (3 ) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. (4 ) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the land, premises and trains owned and controlled by t he Railway. - 2 - Ex-37/2012 2.Definitions :- (1 ) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, – (a) “Government” means the Government of Mizor am ; (b ) “holding capacity” means the maximum number of street vendors who can be accommodated in any vending zone; (c) “local authority” means a Municipal Corporation or a Municipal Council by whatever name called, or such other body legally entitled to function as a local authority in any city or town to provide civic services and regulate str eet vending, a nd includes the “planning authority” which regulates the land use in that city or town; ( d) “notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette; (e) “pla nning a uthorit y” means an Ur ban Development Authority or any other authority in any city or town designa ted by the Government as responsible for regulating the land use by defining t he pr ecis e ext ent of a r ea s for a ny pa r ticula r a ct ivit y in t he ma s ter plan or development plan or zonal plan or layout plan or any other spatial plan which is legally enforceable under the applicable Town and Country Planning Act or the Urban Development Act or the Municipal Act; (f) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the Government; ( g ) “scheme” means a scheme framed by the Government under section 3; (h) “specified” means a s specified by the scheme; (i) “sta te nodal officer” means an officer designated by the State Government to co-ordinate all matters relating to urban street vending in the State; (j) “str eet vendor” means a person enga ged in vending of articles, goods, war es, food items or merchandise of everyday use or offering services to the general public, in a street, la ne, side walk, footpath, pa vement, public park or any other public p lace or p r iv a t e a r ea or fr om a t emp or a r y b u il t u p s t r u ct u r e or b y movi ng from place to place and includes ha wker, peddler, squatter and all other synonymous terms which may be local or region-specific; and the words “street vending” with their grammatical variations and cognate expressions, shall be cons trued a ccordingly; (k) “town vending committee” means the body constit uted by the Government under section 4; (l) “vending zone” means an area or pla ce or a location designated as such by the pla nning a uthorit y for the specific use by street vendors for street vending and includes footpath, sidewalk, pavement, embankment, portions of a street, waiting area for public or any such place considered suitable for vending activities and providing services to the general public. (2 ) Any reference in this Act to any enactment or any provision thereof, shall, in relation to an area in which such enactment or such provision is not in force, be construed as a reference to the corresp onding law, if a ny, in force in that a rea. - 3 -Ex-37/2012 CHAPTER – II SCHEME FOR STREET VENDING 3.Scheme for (1 ) For the purposes of this Act, the Government shall frame, by notification, Street Vendors. a scheme which may specify all or any of the following matters, namely :- (a) the form and manner of grant, renewal, suspension or cancellation of a r egistration certificate for, and issue of identity card to, the street vendors; (b) the manner of levy and collection of fees for the grant and renewal of a registration certificate and fines for contravention of t he terms and conditions of r egistra tion and other provisions of this Act; (c) the form and manner of filing appeals to, and procedure for disposal of appeals by, the local authority in respect of registration of str eet vendors; (d) the manner of, and the ter ms and conditions of, allotment of stalls to the r egist ered str eet vendor s; (e) the form and manner of grant, renewal, suspension or cancellation of a licence; (f) the manner of levy and collection of fees for the grant and renewal of a licence and fines for contravention of the terms and conditions of the license; (g) the nor ms of spa tial planning to be adopted by the planning authorit y for earmarking vending zones for street vendors in the master plan, development plan, zonal plan, la yout pla n or any other spatial plans; (h) the princip les for determination of vending zones as r estrict ion- fr ee-vending zones, restrict ed-vending zones and no-vending zones; (i) the conditions under which private places may be designated as r estriction-free-vending zones, restricted-vending zones and no-vending zones; (j) the principle for determining holding capacit y of vending zones and the manner of u ndertaking comprehensive digitalized photo census and survey of the existing number of street vendors with the assistance of experts for the purpose of accommodating street vendors wit hin the holding capacity of the vending zones; (k) the terms and conditions for street vending including norms to be observed for up keeping public health and hygiene; (l) the designa tion of State Nodal Officer for co-ordina tion of all matters relating to street vending at the state level; (m) the manner of maintenance of proper records and other documents by the town vending committee, local authority, planning authority and St ate Nodal Officer in respect of street vendors; (n) the manner of giving notice to, and eviction of, street vendors; impounding, destruct ion or seizure of stalls, goods and equipments and relocation of, and compensation payable to evicted street vendors; - 4 - Ex-37/2012 (o) a ny other pa r ticu lar s which ma y be considered by the Government a s proper for including the scheme; (2) A summary of the scheme notified by the Government under sub- section (1) shall be published by the local authority in at least two loca l news papers in such manner as may be prescribed. CHAPTER – III TOWN VENDING COMMITTEE 4.Town Vending (1) The Government shall, in each local authority, constitute a town Committee vending committee. (2 ) Each town vending committee shall consist of – (a) the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Executive Officer, as the case may be, who sha ll be the Chairperson; and (b ) such number of other members as ma y be prescr ibed, to be nominated by the Government, representing the local author ity, the planning authority, t raffic police, local police, associa tion of street vendors, market associations, traders associations, resident welfare a ssociations, nationalized ba nks and such other interests as it deems proper : Provided that the number of members nominated to repr esent the street vendors shall not be less than forty percent of the total number of members and one-third of such members shall be fr om amongst women vendors: Provided fu rther that reasonable representation shall also be given to persons who a re physically challenged. (3) The Chairperson and the members nominated under clause (b) of sub-section (2) shall receive such honorarium as may be prescribed by the Government. (4 ) The Chairperson or the member nominated under clause (b) of sub- section (2) shall, unless his nomination is terminated earlier by the Government, hold office for a term of three years from the date of his nomination. 5. Meeting of Town The town vending committee shall meet at such times and places within Vending Committee : the jurisdiction of the local authority and shall observe such rules of Procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its meetings, and in the discharge of it s functions, as may be prescribed. 6. Tempora ry Association (1 ) The town vending committee may associate with itself, in such of persons with town manner and for such purposes as may be prescribed, any Vending Committee for person whose assistance or advice it may desire in carrying out particular purposes : any of the provisions of this Act. (2) A person so associated under sub-section (1) for any purpose shall have a right to take part in the discussion relevant to that purpose, but shall not have a right to vote at a meeting of the committee and shall not be a member for any other purpose. (3 ) The person so associated under sub-section (1) shall be paid such allowances as may be prescribed. 7.Office Space and The Government shall provide the town vending committee with appropriate other employees office space and such other employees as may be prescribed. for Town Vending Committee : 8. Constitution of The town vending committee may constit ute, in such manner a nd for such War d Vending purposes, such number of ward vending committees, as may be prescribed. Committees : 9. Functions of The Government may assign, to the town vending commit tee, the following Town Vending functions, namely:- Committee : (a) grant, renew, suspend or cancel registration certificates to street vendors, in such form and manner, and on such terms and conditions, as ma y be specif ied; (b ) issue to the street vendors identit y cards in such form and manner as may b e specif ied; (c) collect such fee for registration or r enewal of registration of street vendors as may be specified; (d) determine the manner of collecting fees through banks, counters of local authority or counters of town vending committee, fee for registration, usage of pa rking s pace for mobile stalls and availing of civic services, in consultation with the local author ity; (e) identify and designate vending zones; (f) specify timings for vending in vending zones; (g) maintain the records of la nd, street, footpath, embankment, waiting area, parks and other public places designated for vending in such manner as may be specif ied; (h) conduct periodic surveys of vending zones; (i) collect and mainta in data regarding street vendors; (j) determine quantitative nor ms for different categories of stationary and mobile stalls in the vending zones; (k) assess and determine maximum holding capacity of each vending zones; (l) indentify and declare vending zones as restrict ion-free-vending zones, rest ricted-vending zones a nd no-vending zones in the ma nner specified; (m) fix sign boar ds a t each vending zone to indicate kind of vending zone, its boundar ies and vending timings; (n) declare place and timings of vendors markets for weekly haats, night bazaars, holiday bazaars and festival bazaars; (o) ensur e adequa cy of civic amenities including wa ter, sanitation, waste mana gement, electricity, provided in the vending zones; (p ) monitor act ivities of street vendors; (q) ensure that the quality of products and services provided to the public and public health, hygiene and safety sta ndards as specified by the loca l author ity are maintained; (r) ensure that allotted stalls are utilised by the allottee(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions specified;- 5 -Ex-37/2012 (s ) specify the terms and conditions for issue, renew, suspension or cancellation of registration in the manner specified; (t ) determine actions including imposition of fine for violating the terms and conditions for r egistration; (u) promote awareness regarding credit thr ough institutional mechanisms; (v) determine norms for regulating the activities of street vendors; (w) determine terms and condit ions for providing benefits of insura nce, maternity benefits, old age pension and other social security schemes to the street vendors in ca se of death, illness or disability; (x ) lay down guidelines for organising associations a nd self help gr oups of street vendors; (y) conduct training programmes for street vendors with a view to enlighten them with entrepreneurship and technical and business skills; (z) redress grievances and resolve disputes a mongst the street vendors. 10.Publication of The town vending committee shall prepare and publish its annual accounts annual accounts statements in such form a nd manner as may be prescribed. statement : C HAP T ER – IV REGISTRATION OF STREET VENDORS 11. Application for (1 ) Every person who has completed the age of 18 years and intends to registration : do street vending shall make an application for registration as street vendor to the town vending commit tee. (2 ) Every application u nder sub-section (1) shall be made in such form and manner and accompanied by such fee a s may be specified. 12. Registration of (1 ) An application made under sub-section (1) shall be examined by the Str eet Vendors: town vending committee and the registration made within such period, and in such manner, as may be specified: Provided that on completion of s pecified period, if no resp onse is received by the applicant about rejection or deficiencies in the application, the applicant shall b e deemed to ha ve been registered. (2 ) The town vending committee shall not summarily reject the application without giving the applicant an opportunity to rectify deficiencies, if a ny and hearing him. (3) If the town vending committee or the officer authorized by town vending committee, as the case may be, is satisfied that the application is in compliance with the provisions of this Act and the rules or schemes made there under, he shall register the name of the str eet vendor. (4 ) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the town vending committee under sub-section (3) may, prefer an appeal to the local authority within such period, and in such ma nner, a s may be specified. 13. Preference in (1) The local authority may give preference to the registered street allotment of stalls vendors in allotment of stalls in the vending zones. to r egistered (2) The allotment of stalls to the street vendors shall be made in such Street vendors: manner, and subject to such terms and conditions, as may be specified.- 6 - Ex-37/2012 14.Grant of Licence A registered street vendor to whom a stall has been allotted in a vending zone shall be granted a license and renewed from time to time by the Local authority, in such manner, on payment of such fee, and subject to such terms and conditions, as may be specified. CHAPTER – V DUTIES OF LOCAL AUTHORITY 15. Duties of Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in local authority : force, the local authority shall be responsible for :- (a) overall supervision and monitoring of the Scheme for str eet vendors; (b ) monitoring effective functioning of the town vending commit tee; (c) deciding appeals in respect of registration of street vendors in the ma nner specified; (d) allotting stalls to the s treet vendors in the manner specified; (e) granting, renewal, suspension or cancellation of licence to the registered street vendors in the manner specified; (f) providing, in consultation with the town vending committee, in the vending zones and to the street vendors, civic services, including:- (i) solid waste disposal, (ii) public toilets to maintain cleanliness, (iii) electricity, (iv) drinking wa ter, (v) shelter to protect street vendors and their wares, (vi) stor age facilities, beautification, placement of signage and, (vii) other facilities as may be needed by the street vendors and specified in the schemes; (g) determining, in consultation with the town vending committee, the manner of collecting, through banks, counters of local a uthority and counters of town vending commit tee, fee for registr ation, use of parking spa ce for mobile stalls and availing of civic services; (h) undertake, in consultation with the town vending committee, comprehensive digitalized photo census a nd survey of the exis ting number of street vendors with the assista nce of such experts and in such manner as may be specified, for the purpose of accommoda ting street vendors within the holding capacity of the vending zones; (i) notify the entire database of street vendors on its website and update the same at regular intervals. CHAPTER – VI DUTIES OF PLANNING AUTHORITY 16. Duties of Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in planning force, the planning authority shall be responsible for – author it y: (a) determining spatial planning norms for str eet vending; (b ) earmark spa ce for vending zones in the master plan, development plan, zonal plan, layout plan and any other plan; (c) monitor the functioning of the town vending committee with regard to t he planning norms;- 7 -Ex-37/2012 (d) amend the city or town ma ster pla n, development plan, zonal plan, layout plan and any other plan for accommodating street vendors in the designa ted vending zones; ( e) demarcate vending zones specific to the requirement of the town or city; (f) makes spatial plans conducive and adequate for the prevalent number of street vendors in that city or town and also for the future growth, by a dopting such norms as may be specified. (g) discharge any other duty or duties which may be assigned to it by the Government from time to time. CHAPTER – VII BREACHES OF CONDITIONS AND PENALTY 17.Cancellation or Where any street vendor who has been registered under this Act or his suspension of agent or servant of such vendor commits breach of any of the conditions registration: thereof or a ny other terms and conditions specified for the purpose of regulating street vending under this Act or any rules or schemes made thereunder , or where the town vending committee is satisfied that such registration has been secured by the street vendor through misrepresentation or fraud, the town vending committee may, without prejudice to any other fine which may have been incurred by the street vendor under this Act, cancel the registration or suspend t he same for such period as it thinks fit: Provided that no such cancellation or suspension shall be made by the town vending committee unless an opportunity of hear ing has been given to the street vendor. 18. Cancellation or Wher e any street vendor to whom a stall has been allotted or a licence has suspension of been granted under this Act or any agent or servant of such vendor commits allotment of stall a br each of any of the condit ions thereof, or any ot her terms and conditions licence, etc. specified for the p urpose of regulating street vending under this Act or any rules or schemes made ther eunder, or where the local authority is satisfied that such as the ca se may be, has been secured by the st reet vendor thr ough misrepresentation or fraud, the local authority may, without prejudice to any other fine which may have been incurred by the street vendor under this Act, cancel the allotment of stall or licence, as the case may be, or suspend the same for such period as it thinks fit: Provided tha t no such cancella tion or suspension shall be made by the local author ity unless an opportunit y of hearing has been given to the st reet vendor. 19. Penalt y for If a ny street vendor – contraventions (a) indulges in street vending without r egistration; (b ) vends beyond the designated vending zones or specified timings; (c) vends goods or offers services that are detrimenta l to public health; (d) cont ravenes the terms and conditions of r egistration; ( e) contravenes the terms and conditions of allotment of stall or license; or (f) cont ravenes any other terms and conditions specified for the pur pose of r egulating street vending under this Act or a ny rules or schemes made thereunder, he shall be liable to a penalty which s hall not be less tha n rupees two hundred which ma y extend t o rupees five hundr ed, as may be determined by the town vending committee, or as the case may be, by the local authority.- 8 - Ex-37/2012 CHAPTER – VIII MISCELLANEOUS 20.Retur ns Every town vending committee shall furnish, from time to time, to the Government and the local a uthority such returns as may be pr escribed. 21. Promotional The Government may, in consultation with the town vending commit tee, Measures local authority, planning authority and street vendors associations or unions, undertake promotional mea sures of making availa ble credit, insurance and other welfa re schemes of social securit y for the street vendors. 22. Research, The Government may, to the extent of ava ilability of financia l and other Tra ining and resources, – awar enes s (a) develop and organize capacity building programmes for street vendors and on how to exercise the rights contemplated under this Act; (b ) undertake r esearch, educa tion and training programmes to advance knowledge and understanding of the role of the informa l sector in the economy, in general and the street vendors, in particular and to raise awareness among the public through town vending committees. 23. Power to make Subject to the provisions of this Act or any rules or scheme made thereunder, bye-laws the local authority may make bye-laws to provide for all or a ny of the following matters, namely:- (a) the regulation and manner of vending in restriction-free-vending zones, restr icted-vending zones and designated vending zones; (b ) the regulation of the collection of taxes and fees in the vending zones; (c) regulation of traffic in the vending zones; (d) the regulation of the quality of products and services provided to the public in vending zones a nd maint enance of public health, hygiene and safety standa rds; (e) the regulation of civic s ervices in the vending zones; and (f) the regulation of s uch other matters in the vending zones as may be necessary. 24. Power to make ( 1 ) The Government may, a fter consultation with the town vending C ommittee, Rules by notification, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act. (2 ) In particular and without prejudice to the generalit y of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:- (a) the manner of publishing summary of scheme under sub-section (2) of section 3; (b) the number of members under clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section 4; (c) an honorarium to Chairperson and members under sub-section (3) of section 4; ( d) the time and place for meeting, procedure for transaction of business at meetings and functions to be discharged under section 5; (e) the manner and purpose for which a person may be associated under sub-section (1) of section 6;- 9 -Ex-37/2012 (f) an honorarium to associated person under sub-section (3) of section 6; (g) the other employees of town vending committee under section 7; (h) the manner and purposes for constituting, and the number of the ward vending committee under section 8; (i) the form and manner for preparing and publishing annual accounts statement under section 10; (j) the returns to be filed under S ection 20. (3 ) Every rule, scheme and bye-law made under this Act sha ll be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the State Legislature, while it is in session, for total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, the House agrees in ma king any modification in the rule or scheme or bye-law or the House agrees that the rule or scheme or bye-law should not be made, the rule or scheme or bye-law shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or scheme or bye-law.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 10 - Ex-37/2012

Obituary R. Rotluanga

VOL - XLIISSUE - 38Date - 24/01/2012

OBITUARY No. A. 1920/6/2004-FCS&CA.The Government of Mizor am ha s learnt with deep sorrow the sa d and untimely demise of Pu R. Rotluanga, Assistant Director/Assistant DCSO, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department on 25.12.2011. Pu R. Rotluanga entered into Government Service as Sub-Inspector of Food & Civil Supply on 30.1.1980. He was promoted to the post of Inspector, Food & Civil Supply on 1.3.1989 and again promoted to Assistant Director/Assistant DCSO under FCS&CA Department on 16.2.2010 wher e he served till his demise. He served the Government of Mizoram for 31 years in various capacity with utmost sincerity and devotion, and endeared himself as a conscientious Officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu R. Rotluanga and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. M. Zohmingthangi Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 38Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

Obituary Pu Lallawmzuala

VOL - XLIISSUE - 39Date - 24/01/2012

OBITUARY No. A. 19020/17/2012-COOP, the 12th January, 2012.The Government of Mizoram has lea r nt with profound sorrow the sad and untimely demise of Pu Lallawmzuala, Senior Inspector of Cooperative Societies on 4.12.2011. Pu Lallawmzuala entered into Government Service as LDC on 26.11.1990 in the office of the Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Aizawl. He joined as Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies at ARCS (Aizawl East) Office on 9.2.1995. He was promoted to Senior Inspector of Cooperative Societies on 7.5.2010. Dur ing his service, he attended Training on Account and Audit Course under Institute of Cooperative Management, Guwahati during 8.8.2006 to 12.8.2006. Thereafter, he was posted back in the office of Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Aizawl from 10.5.2010 till he breathed his last. He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost devotion and endeared himself as a conscientious Officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Lallawmzuala, SICS and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace. K. Riachho, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Cooperation Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 39Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

Child Welfare Committee for Mamit District

VOL - XLIISSUE - 40Date - 24/01/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B. 12019/13/10-SWD, the 19th January, 2012.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification issued vide No. B. 12019/13/10-SWD dt. 7.10.2010 and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 29 of the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000 read with Rule 23 of the Mizoram Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Rules, 2003, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute ‘Child Welfare Committee’ for Mamit District comprising of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders : MAMIT DISTRICT1.Sister Zothanpari, BA B.Ed., Bethani Social Welfare Society, Mamit-Chairperson 2.Ms C. Dengmawii, MSW, STD Counsellor, Mamit-Member 3.Pu P.C. Lalthianghlima, Vice President, Mamit Br. YMA, Mamit-Member 4.Pu H. Darhmingliana, Coordinator, BRCC (SAA), Mamit-Member The tenure of the Committee will be three years from the date of issue of this Notification and the tenure of the members is co-terminus with the tenure of the Committee. The Committee will carry out its functions in accordance with the procedure as laid down under the Act and the Rules. The Committee shall meet in the premises of Children’s Home once a month or as the case may be depending upon the number of cases to be disposed. B. Sairengpuii, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 40Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

State Level Steering Committee for Conservation Projects for Tamdil & Palak

VOL - XLIISSUE - 41Date - 24/01/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B. 11015/14/2011-FST, the 19th January, 2012.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification No. B. 11015/10/2001-FST dt. 22.3.2005 and even No. dt. 5.7.2010, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstituteState Level Steering Committeefor Conservation Projects for Tamdil & Palak with the following compositions. 1.Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram-Chairman 2.Principal Secretary, Environment & Forest, Mizoram-Vice Chairman 3.Dr. S. Kaul, Director Wetlands, MoEF-Associated Member 4.Director, Soil & Water Conservation, GOM-Member 5.Director, Fisheries Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram-Member 6.Director, Agriculture Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram-Member 7.Director, Tourism Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram-Member 8.Chief Wildlife Warden, Govt. of Mizoram-Member 9.Dr. H. Lalthanzara, Asst. Prof. P.U.C-Member 10.Dr. Ramnghinglova, Reader, MZU-Member 11.Divisional Forest Officer, Aizawl-Member 12.Principal, FTS, Aizawl-Member 13.Dy. Conservator of Forests (MADC), Saiha-Member 14.Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram-Member 15.President, C.Y.M.A-Member 16.President, M.U.P-Member 17.Chief Conservator of Forests (P&D), E&F, Mizoram-Member Secretary The State Level Steering Committee shall meet at least twice a year to review and discuss management action plan for identified wetlands, before sending it to the Ministry for further examination. The State Level Steering Committee would be a standing Committee for any subsequent approved wetland project in Mizoram. The Governor of Mizoram is further reconstit uteSub- Commit tee of t heStat e Level Steering Committee for Tamdil & Palak with the following compositions :- 1.Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Mizoram-Chairman 2.Dir ector, Fisher ies Department, Mizor am-Member 3.Director, Agriculture Department, Mizoram-Member The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 41RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

The Mizoram Trade & Commerce Department (Group ‘A’ Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 42Date - 25/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 25.1.2012 Magha 5, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 42 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/71/2009-P&AR(GSW), the 17th January, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Governor of M izora m is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Mizora m Tra de & Commerce Department (Group ‘A’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) relating to the recruitment to the post ofDirector, Trade & Commerce Department issued under Notification No. A. 12018/54/2005-PAR(GSW) dt. 28.12.2007 published in the Mizoram Gazette, Vol. XXXVII Extra-ordinary Issue No. 1 dt. 7.01.2008, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizor am Tr ade & Commerce Department Commencement(Group ‘A’ Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2011. (2 ) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Amendment ofIn Annexure-I of the Principal Rules in respect of entries under Columns Annexure-I11 a nd 12, the following shall be substituted, namely :- (i) “Column 11-By Promotion/tra nsfer on deputation” (ii) “Column 12-PROMOTION : From Joint Director, Trade & Commerce Dep artment with not less tha n 5(five) years regula r service in the gr ade. DEPUTATION : Transfer on deputation fr om officers holding analogous post in t he Centr al or State Government, the period of deputation shall not or dinarily exceed 3 (thr ee) yea rs”. By order, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Acquisition of Land for Improvement of Serchhip-Buarpui Road.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 43Date - 25/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 25.1.2012 Magha 5, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 43 NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/24/11-REV, the 23rd January, 2012.Wher eas by the Government Notifica tion No. K. 12011/24/11-REV dt. 31.1.2011 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Centr al) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referr ed to as the “sa id land”) that the land specified in t he schedule appended to the sa id Notification was likely to be needed for the pur pose na mely - Acquisition of Land for Improvement of Serchhip-Buarpui Road. Now, therefor e, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and a s per scheduled indicated below. The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the fu nctions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the sa id Act to take order for the acquisit ion of the said la nd. The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collector shall submit a Draft Award to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act. A plan of the same can be inspected at t he Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip till the fina l award is made under s ection 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : SERCHHIPDescription of landStatus of Pass & No. Approximate Area Sailam, Serchhip to Buarpui road as appendedAs app endedAs app ended R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram Revenue Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Acquisition of Land for construction of line from Bairabi to Sairang.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 44Date - 25/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 25.1.2012 Magha 5, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 44 NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/25/11-REV, the 24th January, 2012.Whereas by the Government Notification No. K. 12011/25/11-REV dt. 2.8.2011 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Centr al) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referr ed to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended t o the said Not ification was likely t o be needed for the pur pose na mely - Acquisition of Land for construction of line from Bairabi to Sair ang. Now, therefor e, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and a s per scheduled indicated below. The Government now appoint s the Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the fu nctions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the sa id Act to take order for the acquisit ion of the said la nd. The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collector shall submit a Draft Award to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act. A plan of t he same can be inspected at t he Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib till the fina l award is made under s ection 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : KOLASIBDescription of landStatus of Pass & No. Approximate Area Bair abi-Sairang road New B.G Ra ilway lineDeta iled a s appended Deta iled a s appended R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram Revenue Department. - 2 - Ex-44/2012 1 ThansangaHauvaDawrpui, Aizawl70 of 1990Yes 2 H. KawlaKanan veng, Aizawl 37 of 1994Yes 3 ThantluangaHauvaKanan veng, Aizawl 40 of 1991Yes 4 ThantluangaHauvaKanan veng, Aizawl 49 of 1992Yes 5 LalhnunaD. LalauvaMualkhang135 of 1999Yes 6 C. Lalchhandama Laichhunga (L)Mission veng, Aizawl 71 of 1990Yes 7 LalrohluaLaltlanlianaMualkhang414 of 2006Yes 8 LalbiakthangaChanmary, Aizawl68 of 1996Yes 9 ZahminglianaThangzikaSairang60 of 1995Yes 10 RothangvungaChawnpui, Aizawl65 of 1995Yes 11 ZaawiaThatluia (L)Ramhlun ‘S”, Aizawl 63 of 1995Yes 12 VanlalsawmiKanan veng, Aizawl 26 of 1995Yes 13 VL PhenaKanan veng, Aizawl 18 of 1990Yes 14 M. RochhingpuiiThangmawiaMualkhang154 of 2003Yes 15 ThangmawiaHrangiMualkhang39 of 1990Yes 16 C. ThangchhungaKanan veng, Aizawl 2 of 2010Yes 17 Thangliantluanga KT VungaKolasib382 of 2008Yes 18 LalhlimpuiiZaawiaRamhlun ‘S”, Aizawl 721 of 2007Yes 19 LalrinlianaZanawkaVenglai, Kawnpui389 of 2008Yes 20 LiankhumaSangliana (L)Venglai, Kawnpui387 of 2008Yes 21 F. VanlalhlunaF. ThankimaMualkhang369 of 2007Yes 22 KhawvelthangaLalthanzualaMualkhang24 of 1997Yes 23 KhawvelthangaLalthanzualaMualkhang167 of 2007Yes 24 ThangmawiaThanthuama (L) Mualkhang320 of 2003Yes 25 C.LalmalsawmaThangmawiaMualkhang54 of 1998Yes 26 Lalkimi SailoThangsavunga86 of 2001Yes 27 R.K.RobuangiKhatla, Aizawl45 of 1993Yes 28 C.NundangaRamhlun ‘S”, Aizawl 3 of 1993Yes 29 J.DanielaLianhirma (L)Kulikawn, Aizawl18/1990Yes 30Joseph H.LalramsangaH.HrangdawlaTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl84/1998Yes 31 Miriam H.Lalpuii-do-Tuikual ‘S’, Aizawl38/1991Yes 32 H.LalbiakzualaH.LalsanglianaVaivakawn, Aizawl702/2008Yes 33 H.Lalbiakzuala-do-Vaivakawn, Aizawl142/1999Yes 34 VanlalluraVanlalhluaVaivakawn, Aizawl701/2008Yes 35 LalhmachhuaniC.NikungaMualkhang1 of 2007Yes 36 RalneihthangaLalhmingthanga Govt. Complex15/1990Yes 37 Thanchungnunga NguauaSairang18/1989Yes 38 J.VanlalruataNguauaSairang59 /1996Yes 39 VanlalsawmaR.LalvangaAibawk18/1988Yes 40 VanlalsawmaR. LalvangaAibawk 6/1990YesSl. No.Name of ComplainantFather’s /Husband NameAddressLand holder document No. (VC)Whether objection received in t imeRemarks Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTION, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER MUALKHANG V/C AREA - 3 -Ex-44/2012 41 LalremmawiiKolasib182 of 2008Yes 42 C,NguraLaltanaChaltlang, Aizawl79 of 1998Yes 43 Lalmalsawma sailo Lalrova (L)Hunthar, Aizawl502008/10/1274Yes of 2009(P/P) 44 A.C. Zonunmawia LalnunmawiaTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl402/2005Yes 45 PhirthangaThangvelaMualkhang80 of 1998Yes 46 LaltanpuiaThankimaMualkhang81 of 1998Yes 47 LalremruatiV.L.Siamthanga Kawnpui82 of 1998Yes 48 LalremmawiiRohmingthanga Kolasib83 of 1998Yes 49 VanlalthangaK.T.VungaLungdai84 of 1998Yes 50 ThantluangaHauvaUpper Kanan, Aizawl 19 of 1985Yes 51 Lalremruata TlauZaawiaMission veng, Aizawl 146 of 2004Yes 52 KhumtiriLalliana (L)Mualkhang582 of 2001Yes 53 BiaklianaLalliana (L)Mualkhang581 of 2001Yes 54 LalthlamuanpuiiBiaklianaMualkhang583 of 2001Yes 55 LaldinsangiDengkhumaMualkhang592 of 2001Yes 56 LalhmangaihaF. ThankimaMualkhang615(A) of 2001Yes 57 LalhruaizelaBiaklianaMualkhang585 of 2001Yes 58 F. ThankimaLalkhama (L)Mualkhang616 of 2001Yes 59 LaltlanzoviDamthanga (L)Mualkhang618 of 2001Yes 60 F. LalhlunaF. ThankimaMualkhang619 of 2001Yes 61 LalremruatiThangliana (L)Mualkhang237 of 2006Yes 62 LalremmawiiRohmingthanga Mualkhang381 of 2008Yes 63 RochungnungaLaldailovaMualkhang368 of 2008Yes 64 LalnunhluaSelhnunaMualkhang722 of 2007Yes 65 RodinglianaVanlalhmuakaMualkhang165(A) of 2008Yes 66Lalramhlupuii KhiangteNgaihzuala (L)Mualkhang199 B of 2008Yes 67 Lalruata RalteManhleia (L)Mualkhang153 A of 2008Yes 68 ZomuanpuiiNgaihzuala (L)Mualkhang154 A of 2008Yes 69 C.Lalthangmawia C.LalengaMualkhang2 of 1989Yes 70 Chawngthankhuma Tuanchungnunga Mualkhang47/1980Yes 71 DarzikaTlanglawmaArmed veng, Aizawl 33 of 1982Yes 72 F.VanramsangaRev.Lalthanga(L) Republic, Aizawl502008/10/648Yes of 2006(P/P) 73 P.B.RosangaChhunburaKanan veng, Aizawl 103401/10/836Yes of 2009(P/P) 74 SawithangiKapthanthuama(L) Upper Kanan, Aizawl 5/B of 1992Yes 75Lalhlimpuii ChawngthuC.LalremsiamaVenghlui, Aizawl502008/10/1072Yes of 2008(P/P) 76 LalchhuanawmiVanlalruataKolasib394 of 2008Yes 77 RodingluaiiLalphungaMualkhang155 of 2003Yes 78 Ngurhmingsangi RothuamaMualkhang413 of 2007Yes 79 LalthianghlimaSangthuamaMualkhang75 of 1999Yes 80 T.LalmuanpuiiR.L.KapaThuampui383 of 2008Yes 81 LalawmpuiaRokhumaMualkhang502008/10/1291Yes of 20101234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189482 LalhruaiaNeihkima (L)Vengthar, Kolasib502008/10/1385Yes of 2011 83 ThansangaHauva (L)Dawrpui, Aizawl502008/10/1372Yes of 2011 84 ThantluangaHauvaKanan veng, Aizawl 634 of 1982Yes 85 F.DarnghakaThangzingaRamhlun ‘S”, Aizawl 502008/10/08Yes of 2003 86 PhirthangaThangvelaMualkhang502008/10/798Yes of 2007 87 PhirthangaThangvelaMualkhang401 of 2005Yes 88 RinglianaLallianaMualkhang502008/10/845Yes of 2007 89 PhirthangaThangvelaMualkhang502008/10/934Yes of 2007 90 ThanlianaVawmaMualkhang502101/10/838Yes of 2007 91 Chawngthankima ChawnglutaDurtlang6 of 1997Yes 92 LalnawtaDengchhungaMualkhang135 of 2011Yes 93 K.ThansiamiChhawnzinga(L) Kanan veng, Aizawl K.53011/215/99-Yes REV/2005 94 Miriam H.LalpuiiH.HrangdawlaTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl502008/10/1123Yes of 2008 95 HminglianiH.HrangdawlaTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl502008/10/1125Yes of 2008 96 Zion LalthanpuiiH.HrangdawlaTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl502008/10/1124Yes of 2008 97 Jesse LalrinawmaChhinga veng, Aizawl 502008/10/1071Yes of 2008 98 H.ZosanglianaH.Lalmawia(L)Hunthar, Aizawl502008/10/852Yes of 2007 99 HminglianiH.HrangdawlaTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl502008/10/1126Yes of 2008 100 RodingpuiiDengchhungaMualkhang309 of 1983Yes 101 K.Lalchawimawia ThangseiaLungdai502008/10/656Yes of 2006 102 K.Lalhmachhuana BelaLungdai502008/10/646Yes of 2006 103 RamthianghlimaLalbiaklianaMualkhang502008/10/396Yes of 2004 104 ThanlianaJ.VanlalruataSairang637/1987Yes 105 SaingengaLiandala(L)College veng,Aizawl 100 of 1984 (P/P) Yes 106 C. NgunchhungaC. ZathangaG.13 of 1993 (LSC)Yes 107 C.RolianaKhatla, Aizawl39 of 1991Yes 108 ThansangaHauvaDawrpui, Aizawl70 of 1990Yes 109Antony ChhuanvawraChawlhhmun, Aizawl 82 of 1983 (P/P)Yes 1234567 - 4 - Ex-44/2012 Sl. No.Name of ComplainantFather’s /Husband NameAddressLand holder document No. (VC)Whether objection received in t imeRemarks Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTION, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER KHAMRANG V/C AREA1 Lalzarliana Hnamte LalluraTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl7 of 2009Yes 2 LallungmuanaRinsenaKhamrangK.174 of 2006Yes 3 LalvenrualaLallungmuanaKhamrangK.175 of 2006Yes 4 Lalrinsangiw/o K.Vanlalnghaka Zarkawt14/2010Yes 5 K.C.RolianaLianthanga (L)Tuikual ‘S’, Aizawl14/2009Yes 6 Kawlchhawnthanga RohlumaTuikual ‘S’, Aizawl5 of 2009Yes 7 Lalrina (L)Kapchhunga (L) Tuikual ‘A’, Aizawl10 of 2010Yes 8 K.LalengaLalruaia (L)Tuikual ‘S’, Aizawl6 of 2009Yes 9 V.L.Thansiama (Puia) Lalkhawliana (L) Bungkawn, Aizawl11 of 2010Yes 10 VanlalhluniLalsawmaKolasibA/87/94Yes 11 VanlalhruaiiThangthuia (L)KhamrangC.105Yes 12 Lalmalsawmid/o Vanlalhruaii Khamrang13/89Yes 13 C.Ramchangliana C.Bukchhuaka (L) KhamrangA.35/1994Yes 14 LaldinglianiLallianaKhamrangA/55/1994Yes 15 ThankimaHranghleiaKhamrangB/101/1997Yes 16 RohminglianaHranghnuna (L) Khamrang15 of 1994Yes 17 RohminglianaHranghnuna (L) KhamrangK.36 of 1994Yes 18 LalhmunsiamiRohminglianaKhamrang83 of 1997Yes 19 RangkhumiBianga (L)Khamrang14 of 1994Yes 20 ThangdawlaNgurkhuma Royte Khamrang184 of 2007Yes 21 C.LalrinpuiaLianzualaLungdai83 of 2009Yes 22 C.VanlalhruaiaNolianaBethlehem veng, Aizawl 185 of 2007Yes 23 P.B.Lalbiaksanga P.B.Lalbiakliana Mission veng, Aizawl 103/19/2/2000Yes 24 RamhlunaLuiaKhamrangK.148/25/8 of 2011 Yes 25 K.LalruatfelaK.VanlalnghakaKhamrangK. 17/2011Yes 26 VanlalbiakiLalsawmlianaTuikual ‘S’, AizawlNov-10Yes 27 VanlalruataHmarkhumaBethlehem veng, Aizawl Sep-09Yes 28 LalhuzauviRohmingaKhamrang43/2011Yes 29 LalnuntlaniJacobaKhamrang72/KYes 30 MissionthangiC.ChawnglianaKhamrangK.118/2009Yes 31 ZaneihkungaThangkhumaKhamrangB/13Yes 32 LalnunpuiiLalliankimaKhamrangB/134Yes 33 ZarzolianaAikungaKhamrangK.187 of 2009Yes 34 R.LalhminglianaR.LallianzualaDiakkawn, KolasibK.27 of 2010Yes 35 B.VanlalhruaiiH.T.ParaDiakkawn, Kolasib52 of 2009Yes - 5 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189436 VanlalruatiVanlalhumhimaKolasib13 of 2009Yes 37 LalthangkungaBianga (L)KhamrangB.68 of 1968Yes 38 Isaac LalruatfelaLalparlianaAizawl177 of 2008Yes 39 LalremmawiiRohmingthanga Kolasib182 of 2008Yes 40 ZohmingsangiHrangkungaBairabiB 171 of 2009Yes 41 MalsawmkimiT.PahliraKolasibD 19 of 2009Yes 42 C.LalnunmawiiKawlnilianaKolasibB 58 of 2008Yes 43 ZonunmawiaHmingdailovaSerkhanB 152 of 2009Yes 44 LaltanpuiiLalhriataKolasibK 132 of 2002Yes 45 LalruatkimaKashmirthangaKhamrangK 142 of 1994Yes 46 LalthanpuiaChalkhumaKhamrangK 64 B/94Yes 47 RomawiiKawlkungaKolasib23/A of 1994Yes 48 ChalkhumaThanthuamaLungdaiK 42/ 1994Yes 49 VanlalnghetaAikungaKhamrang502006/10/570Yes of 2006 50 VanlalnghetaAikungaKhamrang502006/10/569Yes of 2006 51 K.ZolianaChhunga (L)Dinthar, Aizawl598 of 1982Yes 52 LalthankimaTaimamaChhinga veng, Aizawl 502006/10/972Yes of 2008 53 TaimamaLaltawnga (L)Electric veng, Aizawl 502006/10/1852Yes of 2011 54 TaimamaLaltawnga (L)Electric veng, Aizawl 502006/10/1353Yes of 2011 55 LalbiaklianiThanthuamaKhamrang502006/10/1272Yes of 2009 56 LalrintluangaMalsawmaVenghlui, Aizawl3 of 2001Yes 57 MalsawmaJohn (L)Venghlui, Aizawl2 of 2001Yes 58 VanlalsawmiV.L.MalsawmaRamhlun ‘N’, aizawl 179 of 2008Yes 59 LalruatlianaRotluangaAizawl181 of 2008Yes 60 LalruatlianaRotluangaAizawl178 of 2008Yes 61 Zahlira C/o Thapuii HrangkungaNew Diakkawn,Kolasib 153 of 1964Yes N.Diakkawn(Revenue) 62 Zahlira C/o Thapuii HrangkungaNew Diakkawn,Kolasib 154 of 1964Yes N. Diakkawn(Revenue) 63 HmingthanzauvaNew Diakkawn,Kolasib 144 of 1962Yes C/o Thapuii(Revenue) 64 ZairemthangaChhunzova502006/10/7Yes of 2008(LSC) 65 SangthankimaJ.LalrumaTNT Camp, Aizawl1217 of 2009 (P/P) Yes - 6 - Ex-44/2012 Sl. No.Name of ComplainantFather’s /Husband NameAddressLand holder document No. (VC)Whether objection received in t imeRemarks Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTION, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER KAWNPUI VC-I & II AREA1 L.T.MuanaLalthangvungaChhimveng, Kawnpui 7 of 2007Yes 2 Ngurthuliw/o Rangkhuma Chhimveng, Kawnpui 14/2008Yes 3 DarthansangiDarzawngaChhimveng, Kawnpui 2 of 2008Yes 4 LalrinfelaTlauhnunaChhimveng, Kawnpui 4 of 2007Yes 5 L.T.MuanaLalthangvunga (L) Chhimveng, Kawnpui 40/2008Yes 6 ZahmingthangaLalkhuma (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui 18/2007Yes 7 LalngaihzualaZahmingthangaChhimveng, Kawnpui 6 of 2008Yes 8 Thanchungnunga K.ThanhliraVengthar, Kawnpui6 of 2007Yes 9 BiaksiamiLalchhawniVengthar, Kawnpui5 of 2007Yes 10 VanlaltluangaBiakmawiaBangla veng, Kawnpui 10 of 2008Yes 11 LalrohluaLalluraKanan veng, Kawnpui 60 of 2009Yes 12 LalnunpuiaLalrohluaKanan veng, Kawnpui 61 of 2009Yes 13 C.LalrinchhanaChalngengaVengthar, KawnpuiVC 17/2007Yes 14 LalthaiLalrinkimaVenglai, KawnpuiVC No.39/2008Yes 15 LalthangaHlingaVenglai, Kawnpui142 of 1974Yes 16 Zohmingthangiw/o VanlalveniVenglai, KawnpuiVC No.42/2008Yes 17 Hmingthanmawii w/o C.Lalrinchhana Vengthar, KawnpuiVC No.11/10/2008 Yes 18 LalrinkimaZoramaMualvumVC No.35/2008Yes 19 VanlalvenaChalngengaVenglai, KawnpuiVC 38/2008Yes 20 LiankhumaDawnkima (L)Venglai, Kawnpui45/2008Yes 21 K.ThankimaK.Thangzuala (L) Chhimveng, Kawnpui 43/2008Yes 22 Hmingthanmawii d/o ZathuamiVengthar, Kawnpui12 of 2008Yes 23 Helen Malsawmi d/o LiankhumaVenglai, KawnpuiVC No.36/2008Yes 24 Lalduhawmid/o Vanlalmuana Venglai, KawnpuiVC No.37/2008Yes 25LalengaThlauvaVenglai, KawnpuiRevenue 251Yes of 1971 26 LalramsiamaVanlalmuanaVenglai, KawnpuiVC No.46/2008Yes 27 ThanvelaTlangdawlaHmarveng, Kawnpui VC No.5/9/2008Yes 28 P.c.Lalthlamuana Ngurkhuma (L)Venglai, Kawnpui34/2008Yes 29 LallawmsangaT.C.LalenglianaChhimveng, Kawnpui 44/2008Yes 30 DarthanmawiiVarnghinglova (L) Venglai, KawnpuiB.128 of 2009Yes 31 TlangdawlaTaithuama (L)Hmarveng, Kawnpui 174 of 2008Yes 32 David M.S.Tluanga C.LalthanpuiaVenglai, KawnpuiA.28 of 2004Yes 33 RinchhungaZamaHmarveng, Kawnpui VC Pass B.57Yes of 2010 34 LalhlunthangaPeter ZalawmaVenglai, KawnpuiA.15 of 2003Yes 35 LaldingluaiaR.LalhmuakaVenglai, KawnpuiVC Pass no.B.86 Yes of 2009 36 LalramtiamaRenglutiVenglai, KawnpuiVC Pass B.89Yes of 2009 - 7 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189437 Renglutiw/o R.Lalhmuaka Venglai, KawnpuiVC Pass A.26Yes of 2009 38 R.VanlalnghakaR.LalhmuakaVenglai, KawnpuiVC Pass B.88Yes of 2009 39 Ruthy Laltlanthangi LaldingluaiaVenglai, KawnpuiVC Pass B.92Yes of 2009 40 LaldinthariRaltawnaKawnpuiB.97 of 2009Yes 41 HmangaihzualaR.ThangvungaKawnpuiB.74 of 1993Yes 42 HmingthanzualaR.ThangvungaKawnpuiVC Pass B.76Yes of 1993 43 LalfakzualaR.ThangvungaKawnpuiVC Pass B.75Yes of 1993 44 Lalfanzauvid/o RamzauviKawnpuiVC Pass B.73Yes of 1993 45 KailianaLalauvela (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui 13/2007Yes 46 LalrohluaThansangaChhimveng, Kawnpui VC Pass 81Yes of 2009 47 LalchawimawiaLawmsangaChhimveng, Kawnpui VC Pass 80Yes 48 LalhmingmawiaLawmsangaChhimveng, Kawnpui 84 of 2009Yes 49 LalduhkimaThansangaChhimveng, Kawnpui 83 of 2009Yes 50 LalmuanpuiiThansangaChhimveng, Kawnpui VC Pass 82Yes of 2009 51 R.L.ZanghawraKapthangaKawnpui8 of 2003Yes 52 C.LalthanpuiaC.L.RinglianaVenglai, KawnpuiB.34 of 2006Yes 53 LalmuanpuiiP.RolianaVenglai, KawnpuiA.29 of 2004Yes 54 RintluangaSuma (L)Venglai, KawnpuiVC Pass No.33Yes of 2004 55 Ngaihawma Renthlei Thanghrima (L) Venglai, KawnpuiB.6 of 2001Yes 56 Lalchhuangzuali V.ChalnghakaVenglai, KawnpuiA.35 of 2004Yes 57 LalsiamiHrangthianga (L) Venglai, KawnpuiVC Pass A.36Yes of 2004 58 LalchungnungaP.RolianaVenglai, KawnpuiA.32 of 2004Yes 59 LalhmangaihiR.K.BeiseiaVenglai, KawnpuiA.34 of 2004Yes 60 P.RolianaAithuama (L)Venglai, KawnpuiA.31 of 2006Yes 61 K.LalthanfalaK.ThanhliraHmarveng, Kawnpui VC Pass A.37Yes of 2004 62 LalrinawmiVanlalchhungaChhimveng, Kawnpui A/3/2009Yes 63 Lalhruaiiw/o V.L.Rova (L) Chhimveng, Kawnpui C-21Yes 64 HrangneihkimiLalneihkimaChhimveng, Kawnpui A/13/11Yes 65 LallawmthangaLalthangluraChhimveng, Kawnpui A/3/10Yes 66 Malsawmkimid/o Lalthanglura Chhimveng, Kawnpui A/3/12Yes 67 VanlalchhungaSelhmingthanga Chhimveng, Kawnpui A/3/11Yes 68 J.C.LalrimawiaR.LalhnunaChallui, KolasibVC PassYes No.24/2008 - 8 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189469 T.LalchhanhimaL.ChanglianaChhimveng, Kawnpui 19/2008Yes 70 RosanglianaRodinglianaVengthar, Kawnpui2 of 2008Yes 71 R.LalthlamuanaLalkhuma (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui 9 of 2007Yes 72 T.Lalrindikiw/o Rosangliana Chhimveng, Kawnpui 3 of 2008Yes 73 RamdinzauvaKapthiangaVengthar, Kawnpui3 of 2007Yes 74 Rohlupuiiw/o Lalpianruala Bawngkawn, Aizawl 4 of 2008Yes 75 LalhmangaihiLalthaaChhimveng, Kawnpui 5 of 2008Yes 76 LalnunthariEngkungaChhimveng, Kawnpui 1 of 2008Yes 77 LallianpuiiLalchuangkimaChhimveng, Kawnpui 8 of 2007Yes 78 J.Lalhruaitluanga Thannghinglova Chhimveng, Kawnpui 41/2008Yes 79 C.Lalhmunmawia C.S.ThuamaVengthar, Kawnpui21/2008Yes 80 LalthafamkimaLianhliraChhimveng, Kawnpui 48/2008Yes 81 LalrammawiaDawlaVenglai, Kawnpui20/2008Yes 82 Remlallianiw/o Zahmingthanga Chhimveng, Kawnpui 19/2008Yes 83 Lalzawmpuiid/o P.C.RohminglianaChhimveng, Kawnpui 11 of 2008Yes 84 BeiseiaRothangaVenglai, KawnpuiB.85 of 2007Yes 85 LalmuanawmaSangluraChhimveng, Kawnpui 14/2007Yes 86 VanlalnghetiChawngkhuma (L)Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl2 of 2009Yes 87 R.LalhmangaihiZathangvunga (L) Vengthar, Kolasib28/2008Yes 88 LaldikkimiL.T.MuanaChhimveng, Kawnpui 30/2008Yes 89 LalmalsawmaHranglianmawia Chhimveng, Kawnpui VC PassYes No.26/2008 90 RamhlunaThangluaia (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui 31/2008Yes 91 LalhmangaihiThankungaChhimveng, Kawnpui 27/2008Yes 92 LalhriatdikaH.LalramlianaKolasib, vengtharVC Pass 29/2008 Yes 93 C.LalrotluangiC.BiakringaVenglai, Kolasib1 of 2009Yes 94 DarthangvungaDailova (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui 37 of 2004Yes 95 ThankimaKhelkunga (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui C/112/97Yes 96 C.ZohminglianaLalzawmaSaron veng, Aizawl A.27 of 2004Yes 97 RemsangpuiiThuamluaia (L)Saron veng, Aizawl A.31 of 2004Yes 98 SairengpuiiThanvela (L)Saron veng, Aizawl A.30 of 2004Yes 99 Jacob V.L.RuataParlianaN.Kolasib21/2008Yes 100 LalthazualaSena (L)Venglai, KawnpuiB.103 of 2011Yes 101 B.SangkhumaSatzauvaHmarveng, Kawnpui B/170/93Yes 102 BiakmawiiH.LalzarlianaVenglai, KawnpuiB.60 of 2009Yes 103 H.LalzarlianaSaiduhaVenglai, KawnpuiB.118 of 2007Yes 104 H.LalzarlianaSaiduhaVenglai, KawnpuiB.59 of 2009Yes 105 LalmuanzovaV.L.ChhuangaKawnpuiVC Pass 7 of 2009Yes 106 LalduhawmaVanlaliana (L)Chhimveng, KawnpuiVC Pass 5 of 2009Yes 107 LalduhawmaVanlallianaChhimveng, Kawnpui 8 of 2009Yes 108 LalrohluiDokunga (L)Bungkawn, AizawlB/90/2009Yes 109 C.LalengmawiaChalngengaHunthar, Aizawl32/2008Yes 110 LalnunfimaSangluraVenglai, KawnpuiB.125 of 2009Yes - 9 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894111 LaltlanthangaSangluraVenglai, KawnpuiB.124 of 2009Yes 112 LaltlanthangaSangluraVenglai, Kawnpui26/8/2006Yes 113 R.LalnuntluangaR.ZasanglianaHmarveng, Kawnpui B.123 of 2009Yes 114 SamuelaZaiaVengthar, Kawnpui11 of 2009Yes 115 R.LalnuntluangaR.ZasanglianaHmarveng, Kawnpui B.90 of 2009Yes 116 RozikpuiiZohnunaChhimveng, Kawnpui 90 of 2009Yes 117 LalthanvawraHranghnunaChhimveng, Kawnpui C/99/97Yes 118 VanthangpuiaC.ThanmawiaChhimveng, Kawnpui 97 of 2009Yes 119 ZohmangaihaNgurchhawnaBawngkawn, Aizawl B/134 of 2009Yes 120 P.LianzualiP.KhawmaKolasibB/135/ of 2009Yes 121 P.LianzualiP.KhawmaKolasibB/136/2009Yes 122 LalthansangaVanlalhruaiaRamhlun Venglai, AizawlB/145 of 2009Yes 123 LalthansangaVanlalhruaiaRamhlun Venglai, AizawlB/144 of 2009Yes 124 LalthansangaVanlalhruaiaRamhlun Venglai, AizawlB/141 of 2009Yes 125 LalrohluaVanlalhruaiaRamhlun Venglai, AizawlB/154 of 2009Yes 126 LalrohluaVanlalhruaiaRamhlun Venglai, AizawlB/143 of 2009Yes 127 LalrohluaVanlalhruaiaRamhlun Venglai, AizawlB/142 of 2009Yes 128 VanlalhriataPC.ThanlianaAizawl, VenglaiB/146 of 2009Yes 129 VanlalhriataPC.ThanlianaAizawl, VenglaiB/147 of 2009Yes 130 VanlalhriataPC.ThanlianaAizawl, VenglaiB/148 of 2009Yes 131 VanlalhriataPC.ThanlianaAizawl, VenglaiB/149 of 2009Yes 132 RoluraMankunga (L)Ramhlun, AizawlB/142 of 2009Yes 133 RoluraMankunga (L)Ramhlun, AizawlB/156 of 2009Yes 134 RoluraMankunga (L)Ramhlun, AizawlB/157 of 2009Yes 135 RoluraMankunga (L)Ramhlun, AizawlB/140 of 2009Yes 136 Varzikid/o Mankunga (L) Ramhlun, AizawlB/139 of 2009Yes 137 Varzikid/o Mankunga (L) Ramhlun, AizawlB/138 of 2009Yes 138 Varzikid/o Mankunga (L) Ramhlun, AizawlB/137of 2009Yes 139 RochanglianaTiauvaKhamrangVC Pass No.Yes F/101 of 1993 140 ZothanmawiaLiankhumaVenglai, Kawnpui33/2008Yes 141 LalnunmawiaLallawmaRamhlun, Aizawl39/2006Yes 142 H.VanlalruataHlira (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui C.178Yes 143 HranglawtaChhunhrangaVenglai, KawnpuiB 127 of 2009Yes 144 LalhlunthangaPeter ZalawmaVenglai, KawnpuiVC Pass No.Yes B.126 of 2009 145 LaltanaVanlalliana (L)Chhimveng, Kawnpui VC Pass No.9Yes of 2009 146 TluangpuiaZasangaHmarveng, Kawnpui A/38 of 2004Yes 147 K.LalnunsangaK.LalthanfalaHmarveng, Kawnpui B/91 of 2009Yes 148 LalbiaknungaL.K.SiamlianaBangla veng, Kawnpui B/235 of 2009Yes 149 LaltlanthangaV.L.ThawmaVenglai, KawnpuiB/122 of 2009Yes 150 BiaklianaSuakthangaChhimveng, Kawnpui 15 of 2008Yes - 10 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894151 RolianaSangzualaKhamrang100/2009Yes 152 LalchhuangaThanglawtaHmarveng, Kawnpui 98/2009Yes 153 LalhmingmawiaNuntluangaChhimveng, Kawnpui 101/2009Yes 154 Chhandamthanga Chawnga (L)Hmarveng, Kawnpui 102/2009Yes 155 K.DawnglianaKawltea (L)Venglai, Kawnpui103/2009Yes 156 ZahliraC.VawraVenglai, Kawnpui99/2009Yes 157 LalremruatkimaLalrinchhanaChhimveng, Kawnpui 107/2009Yes 158 LalhmingmawiiRamfangzaviChhimveng, Kawnpui 104/2009Yes 159 LalngaihawmiRinchhanaChhimveng, Kawnpui 106/2009Yes 160 L.RinchhanaKaptawiaChhimveng, Kawnpui 105/2009Yes 161 Vincent Zothanpuia LalthantluangaRamhlun, Aizawl241/2009Yes 162 C.ZonunsangiC.PazawnaVenglai, KolasibB/242 of 2009Yes 163 TlanghminglianiK.T.VungaKawnpui232/2009Yes 164 LalremruataThlamuanaChhimveng, Kawnpui 75/2008Yes 165 LalrinzualiZahmingaChhimveng, Kawnpui 60/2008Yes 166 EngmawiiDangaChhimveng, Kawnpui 73/2008Yes 167 H.ThantluangaSaiduha(L)Venglai, KawnpuiA.25 of 2009Yes 168 RomanthangiZalawma (L)Venglai, Kawnpui110 of 2009Yes 169 LalhunmawiaZatawna (L)Venglai, KawnpuiA.26 of 2009Yes 170 LalnuntluangaC.LalengmawiaHunthar, Aizawl1025/2008Yes 171 VanlalchhuangaVanlallianaKawnpui, Chhimveng 12 of 2009Yes 172 LiankhumaDawnkima (L)Venglai, Kawnpui175 of 2008Yes 173 LalhmingmawiaLaltanpuiaKawnpui, Chhimveng 13 of 2009Yes 174 LalhluniR. KailianaKawnpui, Chhimveng 105 of 2008Yes 175 ZonunsiamiLalroviKolasib, Diakkawn101 of 2008Yes 176 C.LalrinchhanaChalngengaKawnpui100 of 2008Yes 177 RamhlunaZahmingthanga16 of 2009Yes 178 LaichhingiBunglavunga (L) Venglai, Kawnpui502001/10/1337Yes of 2010 179 M.S.DawngzelaD.SakhawlianaKawnpui502001/10/1628Yes of 2009 180 LalduhawmaVanlallianaKawnpui502001/10/560Yes of 2006 181 B.ZakhumaHranghleiaVenglai, Kawnpui502001/10/420Yes of 2005 182 R.K.BawngaLalluiakawnpui18 of 1982Yes 183 R. LalchhanlianaR.SanglianaKawnpui612 of 1978Yes 184 LalhruaiaThandangaKawnpui233 of 2009Yes 185 R.LalhriatpuiaR.LalduhzualaKawnpui243 of 2009Yes 186 V.L.NghakiKamtinaKawnpui39 of 2004Yes 187 Lalremmawii Tlau Robert Zirsangzela Kawnpui87 of 2009Yes 188 SawithuamiV.L. Siamthanga Kawnpui15 of 2007Yes 189 LalrawngbawlaV.L. Siamthanga Kawnpui23 of 2008Yes - 11 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894190 RamhlunsiamiV.L. Siamthanga Kawnpui22 of 2008Yes 191 R.LalzawmlianaKawlkhumaVenglai, Kawnpui502001/10/1226Yes of 2006 192 Rev.R.Thangvunga Rova (L)Durtlang502001/10/422Yes of 2005 193 R.ThangvungaRovaKawnpui28 of 1996Yes 194 R.L.LalhmuakaHrangchhunga (L) Venglai, Kawnpui502001/10/1222Yes of 2009 195 LalhmuakaHrangchhunga (L) Venglai, Kawnpui502001/10/1317Yes of 2010 196 Golden JubileeaChalmawiaHmarveng, Kawnpui 502001/10/418Yes of 2005 197 LalramchhanaZanghuala (L)Venglai, Kawnpui502001/10/1304Yes of 2010 198 C.LalbiakthangaLalrosanga (L)Kolasib152 of 1986Yes 199 LalhmuakaNuntluangaChhimveng, Kawnpui 502001/10/1081Yes of 2008 200 LalrinchhanaKaptamaChhimveng, Kawnpui 502001/10/1540Yes of 2011 201 LianzualaLalzuia (L)Venglai, Kawnpui502001/10/1322Yes of 2010 202 LaltanpuiaLawmsanga (L)Dawrpui vengthar, Aizawl502002/10/1277Yes of 2009 203 RamlianaSeizidingaHmarveng, Kawnpui 502001/10/1278Yes of 2009 204 M.ThangthuamiRamhlun, Bairabi66 of 1979Yes 205 LalchungnungaThatluia (L)Ramhlun ‘S’, Aizawl 502002/10/139Yes of 2004 206 VanlalhriataThanliana (L)502001/10/1336Yes of 2010 207 HunherlianaLalhliraKawnpui502001/10/406Yes of 2005 208 P.C.LalhruaiaPC.RosangaVenglai, Kawnpui502001/10/997Yes of 2008 209 Moses Lalchawikima R.Lalzawmliana Venglai, Kawnpui502001/10/1221Yes of 2009 210 LalzikpuiiThanbakaHmarveng, Kawnpui 502001/10/408Yes of 2005 211 LalkimaLalduhawmaKawnpui502001/10/561Yes of 2006 212 VanlalnghakiLalnghinglovaChhimveng, Kawnpui 502006/10/1317Yes of 2010 213 LalrohluiDokunga (L)Bungkawn, Aizawl218 of 1983Yes - 12 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894214 BenjaminaHuankunga (L)Venglai, Kawnpui502001/10/416Yes of 2005 215 R.LalchhanlianaR.SanglianaKawnpui3 of 2009Yes 216 R.K.BawngaSaplianaKawnpui612 of 1978Yes 217 VanlallianaRev.LalluraKawnpui18 of 1982Yes 218 B.ZakhumaHranghleiaVenglai, Kawnpui502001/10/420Yes of 2005 219 SiamthangiR.Lalramchhana HortokiC/22 of 2009Yes 220 VanrammawiiSapzuithanga (L) HortokiC/31 of 2009Yes 221 R.LalsangpuiaR.Lalramchhana HortokiC/21 of 2009Yes 222 LalnunziriLalhruaiaHortokiC/20 of 2009Yes 223 ZamiR,VanlalhriataHortokiC/30 of 2009Yes 224 R.VanlalhriataSapzuithanga (L) HortokiC/29 of 2009Yes 225 R. Lalramchhana Sapzuithanga (L) HortokiC/28 of 2009Yes 226 R. LalhmangaihiSapzuithanga (L) HortokiC/33 of 2009Yes 227 Linda Lalchawimawii R.Lalramchhana HortokiC/24 of 2009Yes 228 TanpuiiKawlha (L)HortokiC/32 of 2009Yes 229 SiamthangiR.Lalramchhana HortokiC/25 of 2009Yes 230 R.LalramchhanaSapzuithanga (L) HortokiC/27 of 2009Yes 231 R.LalramchhanaSapzuithangaVengthar, Hortoki37 of 2009Yes 232 LiansangkimaR.Lalramchhana Vengthar, Hortoki40 of 2009Yes 233 ChanchinmawiaLalrinpuiaHortokiA 31 of 2007Yes 234 LaltlingzoviLalrinpuiaHortokiA 27 of 2007Yes 235 LalrinpuiaLalsanga(L)HortokiA 36 of 2007Yes 236 LalnunsiamiLalhnehkimaHortokiA 32 of 2007Yes 237 LalramthlenaLalrinpuiaHortokiA 22 of 2007Yes 238 LalhnehkimaLalrinpuiaHortokiA 29 of 2007Yes 239 LalthapuiiLalbuanga(L)HortokiA.23 of 2007Yes 240 Abraham Rochanhlua La lhne hki maHortokiA 60 of 2007Yes 241 LalramchhanaSapzuithangaHortokiC/41 of 2009Yes 242 ThangvelaRualkhumaHortokiC/42 of 2009Yes 243 RamchhanaSapzuithangaHortoki13 of 1984 (P/P)Yes 244 R.LalramchhanaSapzuithangaVengthar, Hortoki37 of 2009Yes 245 LiansangkimaR.Lalramchhana Vengthar, Hortoki40 of 2009Yes 246 ZathuamiSapzuithangaHortoki88 of 2009Yes 247 LaltlingzoviVanlalhriataKolasib55 of 2009Yes 248 Jonathan Lalmawizela Sa pzui than gaKolasib85 of 2009Yes 249 LalthangmawiaLalkhumaKawnpui114 of 2008Yes 250 ZohmangaihiLalmuanaKolasib71 of 2008Yes 251 MadikaLianmawiaKawnpui61 of 2008Yes 252 RochungnungaLaldailova (L)Zemabawk,Aizawl72 of 2008Yes 253 LianhnunaZachhinga (L)N.Hlimen62 of 2008Yes 254 ThangrikhumaKapkungaSertawk zawl124 of 1962Yes - 13 -Ex-44/2012 Sl. No.Name of ComplainantFather’s /Husband NameAddressLand holder document No. (VC)Whether objection received in t imeRemarks Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTION, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER HORTOKI V/C AREA1 VanrammawiiSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki84 of 2009Yes 2 LalhruaiaZahminglianaHortoki87 of 2009Yes 3 LalmalsawmaLunghnemaKolasib301/A of 2007Yes 4 LalronghakaLaihnuni (L)Kolasib, Venglai354/A of 2009Yes 5 VanrammawiiSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki79 of 2009Yes 6 ThanzualiKeimanthangaHortoki, Venglai93 of 1994 (NLUP) Yes 7 VanlalhriataSapzuithanga (L) Kolasib57 of 2009Yes 8 VanrammawiiSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki56 of 2009Yes 9 LalnunziriSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki78 of 2009Yes 10 ZothanzamiVankakhriataKolasib80 of 2009Yes 11 LalramchhanaSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki77 of 2009Yes 12 ZothanzamiSapzuithanga (L) Kolasib76 of 2009Yes 13 LalnuntluangaChallianngenga Hortoki, Vengthar38 of 2006Yes 14 VanlalhriataSapzuithanga (L) Kolasib81 of 2009Yes 15 VanrammawiiSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki89 of 2009Yes 16 MalsawmtluangaR.KapthangaHortoki216 of 2010Yes 17 VanlalhriataSapzuithanga (L) Hortoki86 of 2009Yes 18 ZathuamluaiiSapzuithanga (L) Hortoki82 of 2009Yes 19 VanlalhriataSapzuithanga (L) Kolasib51 of 2009Yes 20 LalmawizelaVanrammawiiKolasib53 of 2009Yes 21 LalbiakhluniRamlianaKawnpui, Vengthar202/A of 2010Yes 22 R.VanrammawiiSapzuithanga (L) Kolasib52 of 2009Yes 23 VanlalhriataSapzuithanga (L) Kolasib58 of 2009Yes 24 LaltlankimaLalrinngheta115/B of 2009Yes 25 Khuanghlunchhunga ThansiamaRasdali157/A of 2011Yes 26 LalnunngilaLalnuntluangaHortoki99 of 2011Yes 27 H.HmingthanfelaHortoki, Venglai159/B of 2007Yes 28 C.LalrinpuiaChuhvelthangaRamthar, Aizawl289 of 2007Yes 29 VanlalhriataHmangaihaRadali22 of 2011Yes 30 R.KapthangaRangaHortoki299 of 1994Yes 31 LalhruaizelaLalrinnghetaHortoki115(B-a) of 2009Yes 32 LaldinglianaLaltinkhumaHortoki32/C of 1997Yes 33 R.LalramchhanaSapzuithanga (L) HortokiC/26 of 2009Yes 34 LalrammawiaSapmawiaVengthar, Kolasib160 of 2009Yes 35 K.LalrinawmaPabuanga(L)Hortoki119 of 2009Yes 36 K.BuangthangaLalrinawmaHortoki Vengthar122 of 2009Yes 37 LallawmiK.LalrinawmaHortoki Vengthar127 of 2009Yes 38 RuatkimaK.Lalpianmawia Hortoki Vengthar126 of 2009Yes 39 K.LalpianmawiaK.LalrinawmaHortoki Vengthar125 of 2009Yes 40 K.LalthianghlimiK.LalrinawmaHortoki Vengthar120 of 2009Yes 41 LalramchhanaSapzuithangaHortoki Vengthar91 of 2009Yes - 14 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189442 R.Lalchungnunga LiantawnaZemabawk, Aizawl20 of 2009Yes 43 R.LalsangzualiRokiliVengthar, Hortoki24 of 1994Yes 44 R.LalramchhanaSapzuithangaVengthar, Hortoki32 of 2009Yes 45 R.LalramchhanaSapzuithangaVengthar, Hortoki11 of 2009Yes 46 R.LalramchhanaSapzuithangaVengthar, Hortoki97 of 2009Yes 47 ZoramchhanaLaldinglianaVengthar, Kolasib140/A of 2009Yes 48 Linda Lalchawimawii R.Lalramchhana Vengthar, Hortoki45 of 2009Yes 49 RamlianaLalchungnungaHortoki81 of 1994Yes 50 RorelsangaRamthangaVengthar, Kolasib28/B of 2006Yes 51 LalruatsangaLalnuntluangaHortoki33 of 2009Yes 52 VanlalchakaFakzauvaHortoki277/B of 2008Yes 53 BawikungaSapaVengthar HortokiB.37 of 2006Yes 54 LalfakzauvaChallianngengaVengthar HortokiB.210 of 2006Yes 55 LalfakzauvaChallianngengaVengthar HortokiB.275 of 2007Yes 56 LalfakzauvaCahllianngengaVengthar HortokiB.239 of 2008Yes 57 LalthafamkimaLalfakzauvaVengthar HortokiB.270 of 2008Yes 58 VanlalchakaLalfakzauvaVengthar HortokiB.287 of 2007Yes 59 C.LalhminglianaKhuangaVengchhak, Hortoki B. 211 of 2006Yes 60 C.LalhminglianaKhuangaVengchhak, Hortoki 39 of 1989Yes 61 C.LalhminglianaKhuangaVengchhak, Hortoki 21 of 1989Yes 62 C.LalhminglianaKhuangaVengchhak, Hortoki 306 of 1994Yes 63 ZonunsangaH.VanlalpekaDiakkawn, Kolasib41/A of 2008Yes 64 VanlalzawmiBairabi ‘N’221 of 2011Yes 65 John Lalthlamuana LalkulhpuiiHortoki11/A of 2009Yes 66 John Lalthlamuana LalkulhpuiiHortoki40/A of 2009Yes 67 H.T.RilaDiakkawn, Kolasib10/A of 2009Yes 68 NathanaRobertHortoki21/A of 2009Yes 69 RemtluangaLalhleiaHortoki511 of 1998Yes 70 LiansawtaChawngsailovaHortoki152/A of 2009Yes 71 LalhmingsangiH.T.RilaHortoki27/A of 2009Yes 72 LalhmangaihaHrangkhumaHortokiB-110 of 2005Yes 73 LalhmangaihaHrangkhuma(L) Hortoki34 of 2009Yes 74 VanlalfingaLalrimawiaHortoki238 of 1996Yes 75 ThangparaH.T.RilaDiakkawn, Kolasib33/A of 2009Yes 76 Ura c/oLalawmpuia GormoniChanmari, AizawlC.50 of 2008Yes 77 Khetrojoi c/o Lalmalsawma Aizawl, RamhlunC.21 of 1998Yes 78 Leo Zothansiama ChawngsailovaVenglai, Hortoki107 of 1996Yes 79 Leo Zothansiama -do-Venglai, Hortoki102 B of 1996Yes 80 ChhuanawmiLalruataKolasib30/F of 2009Yes 81 H.D. VanlalauvaH.D.Pachhunga Vengthar, HortokiC.3 of 2006Yes 82 H.D. VanlalauvaH.D.Pachhunga Vengthar, Hortoki220 of 2010Yes 83 LalchhanhimaC.Lalhmingliana Hortoki273 of 2008Yes 84 LalrimawiaKapthuama(L)Vengthlang, Hortoki 203 of 1996Yes 85 LalramngaiaLalrimawiaVengthlang, Hortoki 198 of 1996Yes 86 C.RaltawnaKawnga(L)Vengthar, HortokiA.45 of 1989Yes c/o C.Lalchhanhima- 15 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189487 H.S.ThanglawtaH.ZakhumaHortokiC.8 of 2008Yes 88 S.K.SangaL.T.ZauvaProject veng, Kolasib C,84 of 2009Yes 89 NgaihawmaChalngengaHortoki214 of 2004 (P/P) Yes 90 Ngurchhuanmawia S.K.SangaProject veng, Kolasib C.80 of 2009Yes 91 ZothanpuiiNgurchhuanmawia Project veng, Kolasib C.81 of 2009Yes 92 C.N.TluangaC.BiaknguraTuikual ‘C’,Aizawl752 of 2011 (P/P) Yes 93 J.ThangluraS.K.SangaProject veng, Kolasib 89.C of 2009Yes 94 LalrindikaNgurchhuanmawia Project veng, Kolasib 106 of 2009Yes 95 C.N.TluangaC.BiaknguraTuikual ‘C’,Aizawl754 of 2007 (P/P) Yes 96 LaldawngkimaNgurchhuanmawia Project veng, Kolasib C.82 of 2009Yes 97 LalrindikaNgurchhuanmawia Project veng, Kolasib C.83 of 2009Yes 98 C.LalpariRinawma (L)Hortoki285/B of 2007Yes 99 Malsawmtluangzeli ThandangaHortoki38 of 2008Yes 100 LallawmawmiH.D.Pachhunga Hortoki222 of 2010Yes 101 R.LalawmpuiaDenghmingliana Bairabi ‘N’B.15 of 2003Yes 102 LalmuanpuiaH.ThanglianaHortoki2 Dilzau of 2006Yes 103 VanlalhruaiiZothansangaDiakkawn, Kolasib6 of 1994Yes c/o Zothanga 104 LalramzauvaLalrema(L)Venglai, Hortoki136 of 1996Yes 105 Joel LalnunfelaLalramzauvaVenglai, Hortoki76 of 1996Yes 106 LalhlunaChallianngenga(L) Ramhlun, Aizawl77 of 1996Yes 107 LalchawlthangaC/o Remthangi College veng,Kolasib 254/B of 2006Yes 108 MankungaDiakkawn, Kolasib95/B of 2005Yes 109 RothangaH.Thansanga(L) Vengthar, Hortoki43 of 1997Yes 110 VanlalhruaiaRothangaVengthar, Hortoki33.C of 1997Yes 111 RothangaH.Thansanga(L) Vengthar, Hortoki3 of 1983Yes 112 SanghnuniLalzuala(L)Vengchhak, Hortoki 425 of 1997Yes 113 LalthianghlimiLaltinkhumaVengchhak, Hortoki 14 ‘A’ of 2009Yes 114 LalrorelaLaltinkhumaVengchhak, Hortoki 552 of 1997Yes 115 LaltanpuiiLalthansangaHmarveng, Kawnpui 15 ‘A’ of 2009Yes 116 H.LalduhawmaL.Vuana(L)Hortoki187 of 1994Yes 117 LalhmudikaLalngaihsakaVenglai, Hortoki14 of 2009Yes 118 V.L.DuhaRualzachhingaVenglai, Hortoki1 of 2004Yes 119 LiannguraNeihtluangaVenglai, Hortoki25 of 2004Yes 120 VanlalnghetaRualkhuma(L)Venglai, Hortoki4 of 2004Yes 121 LalhmachhuanaNeihtluanga(L)Venglai, Hortoki30 of 2004Yes 122 ThanhliraLalrema(L)Venglai, Hortoki13 of 2004Yes 123 LalenglianaMalsawmaHortoki, Venglai293 of 1994Yes 124 KaphrangaThansanga(L)Venglai, Kolasib28 of 2004Yes 125 Tv.H.ChanchinmawiaVengthar, Hortoki14 of 2004Yes 126 LalramzauvaLalrema(L)Venglai, Hortoki3 of 2004Yes 127 H.D.VanlalauvaH.D.Pachhunga Hortoki299 of 2010Yes 128 LalfakzualaLalrema (L)Venglai, Hortoki6 of 2004Yes 129 LalngaihsakaR.K.KapthangaVenglai, Hortoki12 of 2004Yes 130 R.L.RuatmawiaR.LalduhawmaDiakkawn, Kolasib42 of 2002Yes 131 LalrochhariV.L.DuhaDiakkawn, Kolasib212 of 2011Yes - 16 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894132 D.Thangchuailova D.ThangkimaVenglai, Hortoki32 of 2004Yes 133 LaltinkhumaLalthansangaVengchhak, Hortoki 137 of 1996Yes 134 LalhmingmawiaVenglai, Hortoki29 of 2004Yes 135 LalhriatpuiaBiakmawiaHortoki210 of 1997Yes 136 Lalhmangaihpuia BiakmawiaHortoki212 of 1997Yes 137 BiakmawiaTawnaHortoki211 of 1997Yes 138 Lalhmangaiha Ngente Lalsawmliana (L) Diakkawn, Kolasib31/B of 2009Yes 139 LalchhuanmawiaLalsangliana (L) Diakkawn, Kolasib27/B of 2009Yes 140 LalremruatiVanlalchakaHortoki279/B of 2008Yes 141 LalchhantluangiLalnuntluangaHortoki273 of 2008Yes 142 LalhriatpuiiLalfakzualaHortoki276 of 2008Yes 143 M.DarthangpuiiLalnghaklianaVenglai, KolasibB-109 of 2005Yes 144 Ronald lalramthana H.D.Lalramliana Vengthar, Hortoki477 of 1997Yes 145 LalthannguriLaltinkhumaVengthar, Hortoki478 of 1997Yes 146 LalramlianaLalmuana (L)Vengthar, Hortoki476 of 1997Yes 147 LallawmkimaKeimanthangaVengthar, Hortoki28 of 2004Yes 148 R.PachhungaS.K. LianaZonuam, AizawlB.99 of 2005Yes c/oEllenDiki 149 R.LalthanpariPahliraZemabawk, Aizawl162 of 2003Yes 150 LalrindikiLiannguraVenglai, Hortoki117 of 2010Yes 151 EngkimaLiannguraVenglai, Hortoki115 of 2010Yes 152 LalrosangaV.L.DawlaVengthar, Kolasib74 of 2010Yes 153 ChawnghmingthangaVanlaldawliVengthar, Hortoki75 of 2010Yes 154 LalthangmawiaLalropuiaCollege veng, Aizawl 26/B of 2009Yes 155 ChuhiLawithanga(L)Hortoki76 of 2010Yes 156 LalhmachhuaniLiannguraHortoki116 of 2010Yes 157 LalnunziriSapzuithangaVengthar, HortokiB.42 of 2010Yes 158 HmangaihzualaNunziriHortoki32/A of 2009Yes 159 VanlalhruaiaZahminglianaHortoki204 of 1996Yes 160 VanlalhruaiaThangzualaElectric veng,Aizawl 109/A of 2009Yes 161 RuatkimaLalhruaiaHortoki14/A of 2009Yes 162 LalmuankimiHuallianchhunga Vengthar, Hortoki217/A of 2010Yes 163 LalhumaLalhmingthanga(L) Hortoki214/A of 2010Yes 164 C.RotluangaSaitawnavengchhak, Hortoki 215/A of 2010Yes 165 VanlalmawiaChalthantluanga64 of 2007Yes c/o Thandanga 166 ThangchuailovaThangkima (L)Venglai, Hortoki37/A of 2009Yes 167 RingzualaNidailovavengchhak, Hortoki 183 of 1994Yes 168 Lalduhkimavengchhak, Hortoki 19 of 1990Yes 169 LalfakmawiaVanlallianaHortokiB.177 of 2008Yes 170 VanlallianaLaluma (L)HortokiB.176 of 2008Yes 171 VanlallianaLaluma (L)HortokiB51 of 2008Yes 172 RemtluangaLalhleia(L)Hortoki511 of 1998Yes 173 H.C.VanlalsiamaRalmuangaHortoki207/A of 2009Yes 174 ThanhliriLalhnunaHortoki151/A of 2009Yes 175 MalsawmtluangaLalrinthangaBairabi ‘N’17 of 1986Yes - 17 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894176 LungawiaBairabi ‘N’16 of 1986Yes 177 LalrinthangaPasenaBairabi ‘N’15 of 1986Yes 178 R.Lalthanghluari RamlianaHortoki209/A of 2009Yes 179 RawngbawlaH.SangluaiaBairabi ‘N’25 of 2986Yes 180 Joseph Lalrinpuia LalnuntharaHortoki208/A of 2009Yes 181 D.Thangchuailova ThangkimiHortoki23/C of 2009Yes 182 D.Thangchuailova ThangkimiHortoki21/C of 2009Yes 183 H.HmingthanfelaThanmawiaHortoki26/C of 2009Yes 184 LalbuatsaihaLalrawnaHortoki(B)2.109 of 2010Yes 185 ThanthuamiChhuanvawraVenglai, Hortoki41 of 2010Yes 186 LalsangluaiaLalrinsangaHortoki42 of 2010Yes 187 H.HmingthanfelaThanmawiaHortoki22/C of 2009Yes 188 LalsiamlianaH.D.TawnaHortoki43 of 2010Yes 189 H. LalrindikaH.Lalthanmawia HortokiB ‘48’ of 2010Yes 190 H.LalthanmawiaZathangaHortoki17 of 1987Yes c/o Lalremliana 191 MaengiLalremlianaHortokiB ‘46’ of 2010Yes 192 ZonuntluangaH.Hmingthanfela Hortoki199 of 2011Yes 193 ZothankimaH.Hmingthanfela Hortoki198 of 2011Yes 194 ZaihmingthangaH.Hmingthanfela Hortoki197 of 2011Yes 195 LalmawizualiC.Rohmingthanga Hortoki25 of 1994Yes 196 LalhriatpuiaLalremlianaHortokiB ‘48’ of 2010Yes 197 LalnunhluiH.LalrindikaHortokiB ‘40’ of 2010Yes 198 RosangzualiLalremlianaHortokiB ‘45’ of 2010Yes 199 LalthanlianaZathanga(L)HortokiB ‘44’ of 2010Yes 200 LalbiaktluangiH.LalrindikaHortokiB ‘41’ of 2010Yes 201 Lalhmangaihzuala HmachhuanaHortoki79 of 2009Yes 202 VanlalthangaZakhumaVenglai HortokiB-11 of 2003Yes 203 KeimanthangaBenga (L)Venglai Hortoki69 of 1997Yes c/o Thanzuali 204 KawldinglianiThankimaVenglai HortokiB-12 of 2003Yes 205 LalruatpuiaVanlalthangaVenglai Hortoki308 of 2009Yes 206 ZoremtluangiVanlalthangaVenglai Hortoki15 of 2009Yes 207 LalthafalaBiakkimaVengchhak, Hortoki 76 of 2004Yes 208 ZodinthariLalrinsangaHortoki44 of 2010Yes 209 MalsawmaHauchhingaHortoki236 of 2009Yes 210 MalsawmaHauchhungaHortoki199 of 2009Yes 211 ThandangaHortoki17 of 1989Yes 212 ThandangaHortoki7 of 1989Yes 213 LalhmangaihzualaHortoki34 B of 2008Yes 214 ChalnguriThandangaHortoki45/B of 2008Yes 215 ZohmingthangiHortoki205 of 2011Yes 216 LalhruaitluangiThandangaHortoki35/B of 2008Yes 217 LalhumaLalhmingthanga (L) Hortoki214/A of 2009Yes 218 LalparlianaLalhlua (L)Hortoki280/B of 2008Yes 219 ThandangaHortoki27 of 1991Yes - 18 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894220 MalsawmtluangzeliHortoki204 of 2011Yes 221 LalvulluaiaHortoki203 of 2011Yes 222 Moses Lalrinngheta Hmangaihsanga Venglai Hortoki83 of 2010Yes 223 Lalhmangaihsanga ChallianngengaVenglai Hortoki95 of 1996Yes 224 Elilsiammawii(Tlau) Lalhmangaihsanga Venglai Hortoki201 of 2010Yes 225 ZanghakiNgengaVenglai Hortoki137 of 2010Yes 226 LalngaihawmaChallianngengaVenglai Hortoki56 of 1996Yes 227 LalbuatsaihiLalngaihawmaHortoki42 of 1994Yes 228 LalbuatsaihiLalngaihawmaHortoki429 of 1994Yes 229 LalawmpuiaLalpianmawiaHortoki17/C of 2009Yes 230 LalhlunaChallianngengaVenglai Hortoki57 of 1996Yes 231 LalhlunaChallianngengaVenglai HortokiC.27 of 1996Yes 232 VanlalhriatiTluangaElectric veng, Aizawl 105 of 2009Yes 233 LalrinmawiiRemruataRamthar veng, Aizawl 127 of 2009Yes 234 LalmuankimiLalhlunaRamhlun ‘N’, Aizawl 78 of 2009Yes 235 ZoparaRamhlun ‘N’, Aizawl 475 of 1992Yes c/o Lalrinawmi 236 LalremsiamaHulianaVenglai Hortoki118 of 1996Yes 237 LalhulianaChallianngengaVenglai Hortoki201 of 1996Yes 238 ThandangaChalthantluanga(L) Hortoki18 of 1989Yes 239 ThandangaChalthantluanga(L) HortokiB-34 of 2003Yes 240 C.LalmuankimiC.HualthanchhungaHortoki217/A of 2009Yes 241 R.K.KapthangaHortoki8 of 1989Yes 242 F.ZarzolianaPawia(L)Chaltlang, Aizawl77 of 1997Yes c/oLalchawia 243 DorchhoramRasdali17/A of 1989Yes 244 C.RotluangaJ.SaitawnHortoki215/A of 2007Yes 245 VanlallianaLalluma (L)Hortoki149 of 2007Yes 246 LalvulluaiaThangchhingpuia Hortoki49/B of 2008Yes 247 R.LalhnunaHanga (L)Challui veng173A of 2009Yes 248 VanengmawiiR.LalhnunaChallui veng407/B of 2007Yes 249 ZohlimpuiiV.L.SakaTuikhuah tlang15 of 1994Yes 250 LalmuanpuiaNunmawiaDilzau, Hortoki3 of 2006Yes 251 MalsawmtluangaC.Lalhmingliana Hortoki281/B of 2008Yes 252 HorendroNew Diakkawn,Kolasib 334 of 1994Yes c/o R.Lalmalsawma 253 LalsanglianaThangkhuma (L) Hortloki248 of 2008Yes 254 LalfakawmaSanglianaKulikawn, Aizawl250 of 2008Yes 255 LalsailoviLalrinnungaHortloki238 of 2008Yes 256 LalngaihsakiRosangzualaDiakkawn, Kolasib33 of 2009Yes 257 VanlalpekiLalpianmawiaHortoki62 of 2009Yes 258 RosangzualaZahunga(L)Vengchhak, Hortoki 191 of 1994Yes 259 C.LalrinpuiaChuhvelthangaRamthar ‘N’, Aizawl 242 of 2008Yes 260 ZoremmawiaH.LalnunmawiaHortloki245 of 2008Yes 261 C.LalrintluangaC.LalrinpuiaRamthar ‘N’, Aizawl 248 of 2008Yes 262 LalnunmawiaDarlianaHortloki195 of 2008Yes 263 LalrinnungaSanglianaHortloki197 of 2008Yes - 19 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894264 LalthlamuaniLalkhawthangaKulikawn, Aizawl192 of 2008Yes 265 BihauaRasdali35 of 2008Yes 266 PachilaTawikhangraiRasdali33 of 2008Yes c/o Lalfakawma 267 LalmawiiSanglianaHortloki239 of 2008Yes 268 LalrinnungaSanglianaHortloki243 of 2008Yes 269 LalnuntluangiH.LalnunmawiaHortloki246 of 2008Yes 270 SasnoraiC/o Vanawmawia RasdaliNLUP315 of 1994 Yes 271 Pachilac/oLalfakawmaRasdaliNLUP 300 of 1994 Yes 272 LalfakawmaSanglianaKulikawn, Aizawl240 of 2008Yes 273 MalsawmtluangaLalfakzawmaKulikawn, Aizawl194 of 2008Yes 274 RaimonaAsporoRasdali249 of 2008Yes (Laldingluaia) 275 LalfakawmaSanglianaKulikawn, Aizawl196 of 2008Yes 276 H.LalnunmawiaDarlianaHortoki244 of 2008Yes 277 VanawmawiaLalfakawmaKulikawn, Aizawl193 of 2008Yes 278 LalnunmawiaH.LalramlianaKhuangpuilam1 of 2006Yes 279 LalchuailoviThuamlianaBairabi32 of 2009Yes 280 SaithanzauvaLalhmangaihiHortoki91 of 2009Yes 281 ZathuamluaiiSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki90 of 2009Yes 282 Lalhmangaihzuala LalhruaiaHortoki88 of 2009Yes 283 VanrammawiiSapzuithanga(L) Hortoki89 of 2009Yes 284Jonathan LalmawizelaVanlalhriataHortoki87 of 2009Yes 285 LalzawmlianaRengzikaHortoki235 of 2010Yes 286 Tlangsan HmarZathuamaRasdali4 of 2009Yes 287 NilbadurRonjonaRasdali34 of 2008Yes 288 M.Zohmingthangi C/o A.Chhuanvawra Chawlhhmun, Aizawl A 45 of 1989Yes 289 Antony ChhuanvawraChawlhhmun, Aizawl A 46 of 1989Yes 290 RoluraMankungaRamhlun, Aizawl63-E of 2009Yes 291 RoluraMankungaRamhlun, Aizawl62-E of 2009Yes 292 RoluraMankungaRamhlun, Aizawl61 –E of 2009Yes 293 P.C.ThanlianaMankima(L)Venglai, Aizawl87-D of 2009Yes 294 P.C.ThanlianaMankima(L)Venglai, Aizawl88-D of 2009Yes 295 P.C.ThanlianaMankima(L)Venglai, Aizawl89-D of 2009Yes 296 VanlalhriataP.C.ThanlianaVenglai, Aizawl86-D of 2009Yes 297 VanlalhriataP.C.ThanlianaVenglai, Aizawl85-D of 2009Yes 298 VanlalhriataP.C.ThanlianaVenglai, Aizawl84-D of 2009Yes 299 LalramchuaniP.C.ThanlianaVenglai, Aizawl71-D of 2009Yes 300 LalramchuaniP.C.ThanlianaVenglai, Aizawl72-D of 2009Yes 301 LalroviChuauhnuna (L) Diakkawn,Kolasib269/A of 2010Yes 302 ThangparaH.T.RilaKolasib DiakkawnC.0437 of 2008Yes 303 VanlaldikaThangluaiaBawngkawn, Aizawl 41-E of 2009Yes 304 VanlaldikaThangluaiaBawngkawn, Aizawl 42-E of 2009Yes 305 VarzikiMankungaRamhlun, Aizawl45-E of 2009Yes 306 VarzikiMankungaRamhlun, Aizawl46-E of 2009Yes 307 LalrinchhaniK.V.L.Siamkima Bawngkawn, Aizawl 73-D of 2009Yes 308 LalrinchhaniK.V.L.Siamkima Bawngkawn, Aizawl 74-D of 2009Yes - 20 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894309 LalmalsawmiLalthansangaRamhlun, Aizawl12-E of 2009Yes 310 LalmalsawmiLalthansangaRamhlun, Aizawl13-E of 2009Yes 311 LalmalsawmiLalthansangaRamhlun, Aizawl14-E of 2009Yes 312 LalrohluaV.L.HruaiaRamhlun, Aizawl15-E of 2009Yes 313 LalrohluaV.L.HruaiaRamhlun, Aizawl16-E of 2009Yes 314 LalrohluaV.L.HruaiaRamhlun, Aizawl17-E of 2009Yes 315 LalthansangaV.L.HruaiaRamhlun, Aizawl18-E of 2009Yes 316 LalthansangaV.L.HruaiaRamhlun, Aizawl19-E of 2009Yes 317 VanlalnghetaMosiaHortoki87/C of 2009Yes 318 T.RohlunaT.RozauaBilkhawthlir38-E of 2009Yes 319 T.RohlunaT.RozauaBilkhawthlir39-E of 2009Yes 320 T.RohlunaT.RozauaBilkhawthlir40-E of 2009Yes 321 ZothanpariThanhranga(L)Chanmari ‘W’, Aizawl 35-E of 2009Yes 322 ZothanpariThanhranga(L)Chanmari ‘W’, Aizawl 36-E of 2009Yes 323 ZothanpariThanhranga(L)Chanmari ‘W’, Aizawl 37-E of 2009Yes 324 LalrokimiThanhranga(L)Chanmari ‘W’, Aizawl 43-E of 2009Yes 325 LalpianmawiaThanzualaHortoki97/A of 2009Yes 326 LalrinawmaThanthianga(L) Chhinga veng, Aizawl 22-E of 2009Yes 327 LalrinawmaThanthiangaChhinga veng, Aizawl 23-E of 2009Yes 328 LalrinawmaThanthianga(L) Chhinga veng, Aizawl 24-E of 2009Yes 329 LalnundikaHrangchhungaSialsir75-D of 2009Yes 330 LalnundikaHrangchhungaSialsir76-D of 2009Yes 331 LaldintluangaK.Hrangchhunga Sialsir31-E of 2009Yes 332 LaldintluangaK.Hrangchhunga Sialsir32-E of 2009Yes 333 LalrintluangaHlimthangaVairengte27-E of 2009Yes 334 LalrintluangaHlimthangaVairengte28-E of 2009Yes 335 LalawmpuiaKhlimthangaVairengte29-E of 2009Yes 336 LalawmpuiaK.HlimthangaVairengte30-E of 2009Yes 337 VanlaldikiVanlalchhuanga New Diakkawn, Kolasib 81-D of 2009Yes 338 VanlaldikiVanlalchhuanga New Diakkawn, Kolasib 77-D of 2009Yes 339 LalthlamuanaLalpianmawiaHortoki18/C of 2009Yes 340 VanlalchhuangaThangluaiiNew Diakkawn, Kolasib 80-D of 2009Yes 341 VanlalchhuangaThangluaiiNew Diakkawn, Kolasib 79-D of 2009Yes 342 F.LaldinpuiiVanlalchhuanga New Diakkawn, Kolasib 26-E of 2009Yes 343 F.LaldinpuiiVanlalchhuanga New Diakkawn, Kolasib 25-E of 2009Yes 344 M.S.KimiLawmkimaKolasib37-E of 2009Yes 345 LalramlianiDurtlangthanga(L) Tumpui, Kolasib53-D of 2009Yes 346 LalramlianiDurtlangthanga(L) Tumpui, Kolasib57-D of 2009Yes 347 RomanaThangchhuma(L) College veng, Kolasib A 72 of 2009Yes 348 MankungiRomanaCollege veng, Kolasib A 73 of 2009Yes 349 VanlalruatiSawikhuma (L)College veng, Kolasib A 71 of 2009Yes 350 MalsawmsangiRammawiaKolasib52-D of 2009Yes 351 MalsawmsangiRammawial54-D of 2009Yes 352 V.L.PekiLiankhumaVengchhak, Hortoki 55-D of 2009Yes 353 V.L.PekiLiankhumaVengchhak, Hortoki 56-D of 2009Yes 354 RinpuiiR.SangkhumaNew Diakkawn, Kolasib 59-D of 2009Yes - 21 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894355 R.SangkhumaThanzoa(L)New Diakkawn, Kolasib 58-D of 2009Yes 356 LalpianmawiaThanzualaVengchhak, Hortoki 51-D of 2009Yes 357 MalsawmsangiRammawia Ralte Kolasib21 of 2009Yes 358 Horendroc/oLalropuiaSaidan, KolasibNLUP 234of 1994 Yes 359 J.Ngaihdamsanga Vanhnuaithanga Kolasib62-D of 2009Yes 360 V.L.SiamiLalrosiamaKolasib65-D of 2009Yes 361 F.Hmangaihzuala Gabriel Zahluna Kolasib63-D of 2009Yes 362 LalnunmawiiZasangaKolasib66-P of 2009Yes 363 V.L.PariRamzauviKolasib64-D of 2009Yes 364 LalawithangiLalropuiaSaidan, Kolasib67-D of 2009Yes 365 LalhriatmawiiLalremfelaVengchhak, Hortoki 22 of 2009Yes 366 VannneihtluangaZohminga(L)Hortoki431 of 1994Yes 367 H.D.Darthantluanga H.D.Zahunga(L) Hortoki17 of 2009Yes 368 M.S.DawngzelaLalremfeliVengchhak, Hortoki 23 of 2009Yes 369 LalbiaksangiH.D.DarthantluangaHortoki19 of 2009Yes 370 DarrotluangaZahunga(L)Hortoki426 of 1994Yes 371 ZonuntluangiH.D.DarthantluangaHortoki18 of 2009Yes 372 G.Lalkhawngaiha RaltawnaVengthar, HortokiA-43 of 2009Yes 373 RohmingthangiThangruma(L)Vengthar, HortokiA-44 of 2009Yes 374 LalnunmawiaLalchhanhimaVengthar, Hortoki45 C of 2009Yes 375 Lalhmangaihzuala HruaiaVengthar, Hortoki46 -C of 2009Yes 376 LawmkimaKeimanthangaHortoki31-B of 2004Yes 377 LalrinmawiaVenglai, Hortoki308 of 2009Yes 378 VanlalkimaChalthiangaVengthar, Hortoki48 of 2009Yes 379 VanlalkimaChalthianga(L)Vengthar, Hortoki173 of 2010Yes 380 H.LalremruataKhuangsangaRamthar, Aizawl87 of 2009Yes 381 RinmawiiH.lalremruataRamthar, Aizawl105 of 2009Yes 382 LalthankimiG.RongengaVengchhakB 64 of 2009Yes 383 BenjaminaZahmingthangi Venglai, Hortoki34/A of 2009Yes 384 LalpianniNunnemiVenglai, Hortoki79 of 2010Yes 385 Hmangaihtluanga HmachhuanaVenglai, Hortoki80 of 2010Yes 386 ThazualiLalhmachhuana Venglai, Hortoki84 of 2010Yes 387 LalthansangiV.L.Auva (L)Venglai, Hortoki36/A of 2009Yes 388 LalrinfelaV.L.Auva (L)Venglai, Hortoki35/A of 2009Yes 389 Lalnunmawia NgenteVenglai, Hortoki92 of 2010Yes 390 HmingthanzauviVenglai, Hortoki93 of 2010Yes 391 Lalhriatpuia NgenteVenglai, Hortoki91 of 2010Yes 392 LalramnghakiDawliVenglai, Hortoki77 of 2010Yes 393 LalremfelaZahunga (L)Vengchhak, Hortoki 427 of 1994Yes 394 L.RingzualiRamlianaHortoki201/A of 2009Yes 395 LalrammawiaSapmawiaRasdaliC 29 of 2008Yes 396 MalsawmtluangiL.RinglianaHortoki26 of 2009Yes 397 ZodingaMasaraiRasdaliC 24 of 2008Yes 398 LalmalsawmiC.LalrinpuiaKolasib277/A of 2009Yes 399 V.L.MalsawmaVengthar, Kolasib165 of 2008Yes 400 HriatkimaAsproBairabiC 1 of 2008Yes c/o Lalchhuanawma- 22 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894401 RaimonaRasdali148 of 2007Yes 402 H.VanlalsiamaL.B.Chhunga(L) HortokiB 183 of 2009Yes 403 LiankhumaZaliana (L)Vengchhak, Hortoki B 181 of 2007Yes 404 LalfakzualaVanrampanmeka HortokiB 182 of 2009Yes 405 VanlaldawmaVanhnuaithanga Hortoki82 of 2009Yes 406 LalawmpuiaLalpianmawiaHortoki90-C of 2009Yes 407 LalzarmawiaLalzarlianaHortoki83 of 2009Yes 408 Village Council Court C/o LalhruaiaHortoki91 of 2010Yes 409 HmangaihzualaHmachhuanaHortoki79 of 2010Yes 410 ZothanpuiaHmingmawiaHortoki33/A of 2009Yes 411 V.H.ThangaR.KapthangaHortokiB ‘43’ of 2010Yes 412 HmingsangaHruaiaHortoki395 of 2009Yes 413 SelzikpuiiLalhruaiaHortoki221 of 2010Yes 414 VanlalzualaV.LalduhaHortoki, Venglai36 of 2004Yes 415 LalfakzauvaChallianngengaVengthar, HortokiB.29 of 2006Yes 416 Lalkima PautuPahliraVengchhak, Hortoki B.31 of 2006Yes 417 LalbiakiLalzama(L)Vengthar, KolasibB.75 of 2006Yes 418 P.C.LalfamkimaDarliana(L)College veng, Kolasib B.27 of 2006Yes 419 R.K.Laldawngliana NghakaBairabi NB.108 of 2000Yes 420 LalrammawiiLalrammawiaRamhlun, Aizawl30/C of 2010Yes 421 LalengmawiiLungtiawiaDiakkawn, KolasibD.38 of 2009Yes 422 V.L.PekiLiankhumaVengchhak, Hortoki D.39 of 2009Yes 423 R.LalfamkimiDurtlangthangaVenglai, KolasibB.53 of 2009Yes c/o Zokhumi 424 P.C.LalzamlianaLalbiakzualiVenglai, KolasibB.54 of 2009Yes c/o Zokhumi 425 ZokhumiLalthansangaVenglai, KolasibD.31 of 2009Yes 426 Leo Zothansiama c/o VanlalzapaProject veng, Kolasib 147 of 1996Yes F.Vanlalpeka 427 R.VanrammawiiZathuamiNew Diakkawn, Kolasib 92 of 2009Yes 428 R.RamchhanaSapzuithangaHortokiC/40 of 2009Yes 429 H.B.LalremruataZoramchhuanaVengthar, HortokiC.75 of 2009Yes 430 ThangparaH.T.RilaDiakkawn, KolasibC.0436 of 2010Yes 431 LalramnghakiLalawmpuiChanmari, aizawlC.51 of 2010Yes 432 LaltanpuiaLawmsanga (L) Hortoki342 of 1999Yes 433 LalduhsakiLalawmpuiaRamhlun, AizawlC.52 of 2010Yes 434 AsproTauhlingaVengthar, Kolasib149/A of 2009Yes c/o Lalhruaitluangi 435 Lalchhuanthangi LianzualaKolasib113 of 2009Yes 436 HrangkhumaThantinselaRasdaliC.41 of 2009Yes 437 ZodingaMasaraiVenglai, Kolasib26 of 2008Yes c/o Kaphranga 438 RaimonaAsproVenglai, Kolasib42/A of 2009Yes c/o Kaphranga 439 SarudaihamVenglai, Kolasib95 of 1992Yes c/o Kaphranga 440 LalmuankimaVengthar, Hortoki234 of 2011Yes - 23 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894441 Nironjon/Ramzauva RamzauaRasdaliC.63 of 2008Yes 442 LalthakimaS.K.SangaVengthar, Kolasib142/A of 2009Yes 443 R.SangkhumaThanzoa(L)Vengthar, Kolasib50 of 1994Yes 444 AsporoMuithailaNew Diakkawn, Kolasib 21A of 1992Yes 445 NadiraiMuanpuiaRasdali31 of 2008Yes 446 VanlallianaLalchhunga (L) Hortoki324 of 1999Yes 447 ZonunsangaLalrammawiiDiakkawn, Kolasib42 of 2009Yes 448 ElizabethiM.T.LawiaRengtekawn43 of 2009Yes 449 UporjoiRasdali310 of 1994Yes 450 LaltlankimaZosangluraHmarveng, Kolasib83 of 1997Yes 451 LaldinpuiiLalhminglianaHortoki283 of 2007Yes 452 LalhminglianaLalrinawmaHortoki282 of 2007Yes 453 LalrempuiaLalhriataProject veng, Kolasib 284 of 2007Yes 454 MalsawmkimiSangnghakaVenglai, Hortoki278/A of 2009Yes 455 LalremmawiaV.L.LianaHortokiA/151 of 2000Yes 456 HmingdailovaZaia (L)Serkhan253 of 2010Yes 457 LalvensangaHmingdailovaSerkhan33 of 2009Yes 458 LalthlamuaniSangkhumaKolasib25.F of 2009Yes 459 LalmalsawmaLallunghnemaKolasib26.F of 2009Yes 460 BenzaminaRozama (L)Lungdai30 of 2009Yes 461 LalhruaiaSangkhumaKolasib27 of 2009Yes 462 Lalzamlova-do-Kolasib29 of 2009Yes 463 HmangaihsangiThangluaiaHortoki28 of 2009Yes 464 VanlalfelaZahminglianaHortoki254 of 2010Yes 465 Lalruatkima Hrahsel LalhruaiaHortoki149/B of 2009Yes 466 VanlalbikangurrothangaHortoki97 of 2011Yes 467 LalmuanpuiaLalhriataKolasib300 of 2007Yes 468 F.LalnunpuiaF.ThangluaiaHortoki296 of 2007Yes 469 Thannguri-do-Hortoki291 of 2007Yes 470 LalthazualaLalrinnungaHortoki292 of 2007Yes 471 H.C.Lalhmingthanga ThanseiaHortoki295 of 2007Yes 472 LalbiakfeliLalhmingthanga Hortoki294 of 2007Yes 473 LalhlimpuiiKorneliaHortoki297 of 2007Yes 474 LaledenaF.ThangluaiaHortoki293 of 2007Yes 475 ThanlianaZathangaHortoki290 of 2007Yes 476 LalthuampuiiKeuphungaHortoki286 of 2007Yes 477 ChhumiTawna (L)Hortoki, VengtharA 244 of 2010Yes 478 C.LalhminglianaKhuangaHortokiB 167 of 2006Yes 479 RemsiamaPiangthanga (L) Zotlang, AizawlA 148 of 2009Yes 480 F.ThangluaiaF.PachhungaHortoki215 of 1994Yes 481 ZualaHruaiaHortokiA.50 of 2009Yes 482 L.H.HauthuamaRallianaNew Diakkawn, Kolasib B 13 of 2003Yes 483 K.Thanchungnunga K.ThanhliraHortoki36 of 2006Yes 484 H.MalsawmaDarlianaHortoki24 of 2004Yes 485 LalhriatpuiiLalchhuangaHortoki303 of 2007Yes 486 Laltani-do-Hortoki299 of 2007Yes 487 VanlalruatiVanlalsiamaKhatla, Aizawl304 of 2007Yes - 24 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894488 LalrinmawiaKapthangaHortoki305 of 2007Yes 489 HmangaihzualiLawmsanga (L) Hortoki394 of 2009Yes 490 LalchhuangaThangkhumaHortoki298 of 2007Yes 491 R.Lalhmingthanga Hmuaka (L)Zemabawk, AizawlB 301 of 2008Yes 492 LalrualaChhuansangaHortoki325 of 1996Yes 493 HruaiaZ.H.LianaHortoki284/A of 2010Yes 494 Lalruatkima Hrahsel VanlalhruaiaHortoki273/A of 2010Yes 495 VanlalhruaiaZ.H.LianaHortoki274/A 2010Yes 496 LalruatkimaLalhruaiaHortoki285 of 2010Yes 497 LaltawngchhanaLalbuatsaihaHortoki111/B of 2010Yes 498 LalmuansangaLalzahawmaHortoki109(B-b)Yes 499 Lalhmangaihzuala LalbuatsaihaHortokiB 110 of 2010Yes 500 LaldinglianaSangzualaHortoki280/A of 2009Yes 501 LalnunpuiiLalhmachhuana Hortoki105/CYes 502 LalrinmawiiFrancis Laltanpuia Hortoki106/CYes 503 LalramhriliMalsawmdawngliana Hortoki396 of 2009Yes 504 H.D.LalramlianaLalmuanaHortoki78 of 2009Yes 505 R.KimaHruaiaHortoki284/A of 2010Yes 506 C.ZothansangiLalzuitluangaThakthing, Aizawl281/A of 2009Yes 507 ZoramchhanaLaldinglianaVengthar, Kolasib140/A of 2009Yes 508 LalremsiamaVanrampanmeka Vengchhak, Hortoki 39 of 2009Yes 509 FeliHuaplianaVenglai, Hortoki395 of 2009Yes 510 LallawmzualaLalromawiiVenglai, HortokiB/62 of 2009Yes 511 LalchhanhimaLaltinkhumaVenglai, Hortoki15/A of 2009Yes 512 LalzarlianaNguraHortoki81/2009Yes 513 VanlalngaiiLalrimawiaHortoki301 of 2007Yes 514 LalengzamaLalrammawiaRamhlun S, AizawlC/28 of 2008Yes 515 SelzikpuiiLalhruaiaHortoki300 of 2011Yes 516 LalhmingmawiaLalkhuma (L)Venglai, Hortoki209 of 2011Yes 517 VanlalfelaZahminglianaHortoki21 of 2009Yes 518 LalawmpuiaThankimaHortoki187 of 1996Yes 519 C.Lianhmingthanga C.LianzualaKolasib158/B of 2011Yes 520 H.D.Lallawmzuala H.D.Pachhunga HortokiC/4 of 2006Yes 521 LalhungchhungiVanlalbikaVenglai, Hortoki98 of 2011Yes 522 T.ZothanmawiiT.RohlunaBilkhawthlir51-E of 2009Yes 523 T.Zothanmawii-do-Bilkhawthlir52-E of 2009Yes 524 T.Zothanmawii-do-Bilkhawthlir53-E of 2009Yes 525 LalringnghetiHmingmawiaBilkhawthlir75 of 2010Yes 526 LalruatdikaLaltlingpuiaHortoki328 of 1999Yes 527 LiansawtaChawngsailova (L) Vengchhak, Hortoki 213/A of 2010Yes 528 LallawmsangiLalrammawiaRamhlun, aizawl29/C of 2010Yes 529 L.ChawlthangaLalneihthangaKolasib254/B of 2006Yes 530 MalsawmsangiF.Hmangaihzuala Kolasib40/D of 2009Yes 531 Elad Malsawmsanga VanlalbikaVenglai, Hortoki99/2011Yes 532 ZodiniLalhmachhuana Kolasib282 of 2009Yes 533 LalhmangaihaSitaraiRasdali24 of 2008Yes 534 RohlupuiiTawnaHortoki71 of 2010Yes - 25 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894535 ThangbikaR.LalhnunaChallui veng,Kolasib 23 of 2008Yes 536 H.Vanlalsiama271/BYes 537 VanlalringiLalfakzauvaHortoki275 of 2008Yes 538 LalthangmawiaLalhmuakaHortoki201 of 2006Yes 539 ZohmingthangiThandangaHortoki72 of 2007Yes 540 Lalhmangaihzuala LalrinsangaHortoki45 of 2007Yes 541 V.L. NghakaK.TluangaHortoki299/A of 2007Yes 542 LalrohluiLalhmachhuana Hlimen297A of 2007Yes 543 LalnunzualiVanlalthlanaAizawl296A of 2007Yes 544 VanlalthlanaC.Lalhmingliana Aizawl295A of 2007Yes 545 C.Lalchungnunga SaikapkungaHlimen281 of 2007Yes 546 ThandangaChalthantluanga Hortoki8 of 2008Yes 547 KhawlawtaKhuangaHortoki386 of 2007Yes 548Dominic LalchhanhimaHortoki200 of 2011Yes 549 KrosmawiiChhumiHortoki72 of 2010Yes 550 LalnghaklianiLalbiakmawiaHortoki70 of 2010Yes 551 VanlallianaLalchhingaHortoki, Venglai84 of 1997Yes 552 LalthlenglianaLalrinthangaBairabi North18 of 1986Yes 553 LalramlianaHuaplianaHortokiB.109 of 2005Yes 554 LalrinzauvaLalramlianaSihphirB.11 .6. 1994Yes 555 LalzahawmaLalhmuakthanga HortokiB.109 of 2009Yes 556 RemthangiKhianghlunaKolasibE.4 of 2009Yes 557 RochhingpuiiThangmawiaHortoki149 B of 2009Yes 558 S.K. SangaLT.ZauvaKolasibC. 84 of 2009Yes 559 LalduhsangaS.K. SangaKolasibC.86 of 2009Yes 560 Leo Zothansiami ChawngsailovaHortokiV.C Pass No. 117 Yes of 1966 561 K.LalhminghluaK.Lalpianmawia Hortoki, Vengthar128 of 2009Yes 562 K.LalromawiaK.Lalpianmawia Hortoki, Vengthar124 of 2009Yes 563 LalbeliLalrinmawiaHortoki74 of 2010Yes 564 VanlalkimaChalthiangaHortoki, Vengthar136 of 2010Yes 565 C.LalhminglianaKhuanga (L)HortokiB.385 of 2007Yes 566 VanlalhruaiaLalnuntluangaHortoki85 of 2009Yes 567 BihawSasnamraiRasdali6 of 2008Yes 568 Immanuel Lalremkimi DarthantluangaHortoki27 of 2009Yes 569 RamlianaLalchungnungaHortoki500 of 1998Yes 570 DarthantluangaZahunga (L)Hortoki430 of 1994Yes 571 VanlalthlanaZolutaBairabi North385 of 1995Yes 572 LalringzualiRamlianaHortoki201A of 2010Yes 573 LalpekhluaLalthanglianaHortoki, Vengchhak275A of 2010Yes 574 LaltuaklianaL.H.ThangaRasdali52/A of 2010Yes 575 LallawmzualiRuatkimaHortoki273A of 2010Yes 576 VanlaldikaRutakimaHortoki, Vengthar274A of 2010Yes 577 LalrosangaHuapzauva (L)Kolasib20.C of 2009Yes 578 MandriRaimonaRasdaliB.387 of 2007Yes 579 LaldinsangaHortoki, Vengthar94/A of 2009Yes 580 LawmkimaHodrendoRasdali144 A of 2011Yes 581 H.LalrinawmaChhuankungiMeidum1/B of 2009Yes - 26 - Ex-44/2012 Sl. No.Name of ComplainantFather’s /Husband NameAddressLand holder document No. (VC)Whether objection received in t imeRemarks Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTION, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER BAIRABI V/C AREA1 LalrinawmaNgenkhuma(L)Bairabi North30 of 1991Yes 2 H.LalzawmlianaLalbiaksanga(L) Ramhlun veng, Bairabi 348 of 2010Yes 3 D.LalnghaklianaLaltawna (L)Ramhlun veng, Bairabi 18 of 1987Yes 4 A.RalkapthangiD.Lalnghakliana Bairabi South32 of 2996Yes 5 B.DengkhumaKaichhungaBairabi696 of 1997Yes 6 LalbiaknungaLalthianghlimaBairabi185 of 1995Yes 7 LalthangmawiaV.L.Ruata(L)Meidum16 of 1987Yes 8 LalthanngaiaLalluaia(L)Bairabi212 of 1995Yes 9 RosiamiThangbuaia(L)Ramhlun veng, Bairabi 152 of 1995Yes c/oZorammawii 10 VanlalhluiR.RomawiaBairabi211 of 2004Yes 11 LalchhandamaVanringaia(L)Bairabi146 of 1995Yes 12 LalchhandamaVanringaia(L)Bairabi594 of 1997Yes 13 Timothy Lalrindika LalchhandamaBairabi185 of 2003Yes 14 Sisily Zohmingsangi J.Lalmuana(L)Bairabi111 9 o f 2 0 11Yes 15 ZakiamlovaHranghleia(L)Bairabi111 3 o f 2 0 11Yes 16 M.DarthangpuiiLalnghaklianaBairabi34 of 2006Yes 17 B.SairengpuiiRivenga(L)Rimawi veng, Bairabi 217 of 1989Yes 18 C.LalbiakengaYMA Bairabi ‘N’ Bairabi North315 of 2009Yes 19 LalniengvariThanhnuna‘Bairabi North312 of 2010Yes 20 C.LalbiakmawiaHualrokima (L)Rimawi veng, Bairabi 415 of 2009Yes 21 ZosangkimiZoramtharaBairabi North413 of 2010Yes 22 LalrinlianaLalphuta (L)Bairabi North178 of 1995Yes 23 Melody Vanlal-ZalawmaBairabi North215 of 2010Yes hmangaihzuali 24 LalhmunlianiLalzahawmaBairabi North180 of 2010Yes 25 LalrokimaLalchuta (L)Zohlun veng, Bairabi 205 of 2010Yes 26 A.RomawiiJ.Lungmuana (L) Bairabi South39 of 1992Yes 27 NuiLalnuntluanga(L) Bairabi Rimawi veng Of 1982Yes 28 VanlalhmuakiSapliana (L)Bairabi Rimawi veng 1126 of 2011Yes 29 ChhuangiRosiama (L)Bairabi Rimawi veng 337 of 2010Yes 30 K.Lalhmangaihzuala K.ThangmawiaDiakkawn, Kolasib45 of 1990Yes 31 L.ThangluraZara(L)Rimawi veng, Bairabi 32 of 2010Yes 32 SelhmingthangaLawia(L)Bairabi214 of 2004Yes 33 LaltanpuiaChalkhuma (L)Bairabi South713 of 2009Yes 34 S.VanlalmawiaThiamkimaBairabi South613 of 1997Yes 35 C.VanlallawmiH.T.Zauva (L)Ramhlun veng, Bairabi 746 of 1997Yes - 27 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189436 P.SangluraBiakthanga (L)Ramhlun veng, Bairabi 940 of 2006Yes 37 RosiamlianaTawna (L)Bairabi Ramthar veng 743 of 1997Yes 38 RosiamlianaVanlaltawna (L) Bairabi Ramthar veng 716 of 1987Yes 39 LalpianthangaH.BiakthuamaBairabi1035 of 2009Yes 40 R.MalsawmiRodingliana(L)Ramhlun veng, Bairabi 688 of 1997Yes 41 LalhmingthangaR.RodinglianaRamhlun veng, Bairabi 1114 of 2011Yes 42 ThangliansawtaKapsanga(L)Bairabi350 of 2010Yes 43 RaltawnzelaV.Chaka (L)Bairabi South1004 of 2006Yes 44 BiakkimaThangchuama (L) Venglai, Kolasib156 of 1995Yes 45 HlunthangiL.Lalthlamuana(L) Venglai, Kolasib37 of 1990Yes 46 MalsawmkimiK.Kunga (L)Bairabi Zohlun veng 65 of 2010Yes 47 R.LalbiaktluangaR.Thangliana(L) Dinthar, Aizawl72 of 1987Yes 48 R.LalbiaktluangaThanglianaDinthar, Aizawl186 of 1995Yes 49 ThangzualiThankima (L)Bairabi North357 of 2010Yes 50 RalliantawniLalsiama (L)Bairabi North245 of 1990Yes 51 MalsawmiLuaia (L)Bairabi North244 of 1990Yes 52 ZomuanpuiiLuaia (L)Bairabi North243 of 1990Yes 53 LalpianzuiaZathangpuia (L) Bairabi North66 of 1997Yes 54 P.C.ZathangpuiaZahleiaBairabi3 of 1963Yes 55 T.LalruatfelaJ.Lalmuana(L)Bairabi431 of 2006Yes c/o Zathangpuia 56 C.LalramtharaThanglehzualaBairabi Rimawi veng 1125 of 2011Yes 57 F.lalmawiaZachhunga (L)Ramthar veng, Bairabi 495 of 1996Yes 58 LalchharlianaNeihkungaBairabi864 of 2004Yes 59 SapzuithangaSapchhawna (L) Bairabi82 of 1987Yes 60 BiaktluangiH.ThangaRamhlun veng, Bairabi 898 of 2004Yes 61 C.J.Lianchungnunga Rohmingliana (L) Rimawi veng, Bairabi 189 of 2009Yes 62 ZonunsangaLaltanpuiiRimawi veng, Bairabi 214 of 2010Yes 63 LalrokhumiSapbawihaKolasib339 of 1995Yes 64 Laldinpuia RalteR.RomawiaRamthar veng, Bairabi 687 of 1997Yes 65 ZoramchuanaK.ZosangaZarkawt, Aizawl676 of 1987Yes 66 ZoramchuanaK.ZasangaZarkawt, Aizawl627 of 1987Yes 67 ZothankhumiRobulaZarkawt, Aizawl628 of 1987Yes 68 ZothankhumiRobulaZarkawt, Aizawl630 of 1987Yes 69 H.LalmuanpuiaLalthankima (L) Bairabi1113 of 2009Yes 70 H.lalhmangaihzuala H.LalbelaBairabi South745 of 1997Yes 71 H.LalrinthangaKhawliana (L)Ramhlun veng, Bairabi 430 of 1996Yes 72 C.Lalchhuanawma C.L.BiaklianaKolasib11 of 1990Yes 73 H.VanlaldikaH.Lalthankima(L) Ramthar veng, Bairabi 509 of 2009Yes 74 RothanglianiLalpianaBairabi ‘S’1076 of 2009Yes 75 ZorampariRamliana Hnamte Rimawi veng, Bairabi 679 of 1997Yes - 28 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 189476 J.NguraSumlalaRimawi veng, Bairabi 241 of 2006Yes 77 DemkhawhauvaLunkhawpauvaZohlun veng, Bairabi 188 of 1991Yes c/o Lalthlanawmi 78 ChhiarkimaVungaBairabi406 of 1982Yes 79 LaihnunaR.RammawiaBairabi349 of 2010Yes 80 LaltanaThanseia (L)Bairabi578 of 1997Yes 81 H.BiaktluangaLallianbutaBethlehem vengthlang, 858 of 2004Yes Aizawl 82 Dorothy Zathuamliani J.KapthiangaVenglai, Kolasib534 of 1996Yes 83 P.LalupaZawniKulikawn, Aizawl919 of 2009Yes 84 LalbiakmawiaP.C.ZairemaBairabiB/109 of 2005Yes 85 B.DohnunaThangzina (L)Mission veng, Aizawl 5 of 2009Yes 86 T.LalmawiaT.LallawmaZohlun veng, Bairabi 345 of 2010Yes 87 Hmingchungnunga R.V.L.NghakaRimawi veng, Bairabi 216 of 1989Yes 88 LalchhuandingiKapthangvungi (L) Bairabi South67 of 1993Yes 89 SaikungaRenghnunaBairabi17 of 1989Yes 90 C.J.Lianchungnunga RohminglianaBairabi856 of 2003Yes 91 LaltanpuiiV.L.NghakaBairabi11 of 2009Yes 92 Baby LalrokimaR.K.VanlallianaBairabi North81 of 2009Yes 93 R.K.VanlallianaV.L.Nghaka (L)Bairabi North51 of 2009Yes 94 David Lalruatkima H.VanlalrovaRimawi veng, Bairabi 606 of 2005Yes 95 ZohmingsangiHrangkungaRimawi veng, Bairabi 807 of 2009Yes 96 RallianthangaLerhmangaBairabi825 of 2009Yes 97 J.H.Lalhmangaiha RalaithangaBairabi830 of 2009Yes 98 LalnunziraC.Lalthlamuana (L) Diakkawn, Kolasib1147 of 2009Yes 99 Hrangchungnunga Lalhleia (L)Bairabi South1017 of 2009Yes 100 LalliantluangiParliana44 of 2008Yes 101 LalnunhlimiThanhnunaBairabi North229 of 1989Yes 102 Pastor Lalramdinthara Kamlova (L)Venglai, Kolasib873 of 1987Yes Colney 103Joan Lalramngaihsangi K.T.,HmarRimawi veng, Bairabi 916 of 2008Yes 104 Sally Zohmingliani HrangkungaRimawi veng, Bairabi 479 of 1996Yes 105 LalmalsawmiLalthansangaAizawl1080/2009Yes 106 LalmalsawmiLalthansangaAizawl1082/2009Yes 107 LalmalsawmiLalthansangaAizawl1081/2009Yes 108 LalrohluaVanlalhruaiaAizawl1084/2009Yes 109 LalrohluaVanlalhruaiaAizawl1083/2009Yes 110 LalrohluaVanlalhruaiaAizawl1085/2009Yes 111 LalthansangaVanlalhruaiaAizawl1086/2009Yes 112 LalthansangaVanlalhruaiaAizawl1087/2009Yes 113 LalthansangaVanlalhruaiaAizawl1088/2009Yes - 29 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894114 VanlalhriataP.ThanlianaAizawl1081/2009Yes 115 VanlalhriataP.ThanlianaAizawl1082/2009Yes 116 VanlalhriataP.ThanlianaAizawl1083/2009Yes 117 K.NuthiangiThanthiangaAizawl1088/2009Yes 118 K.NuthiangiThanthiangaAizawl1089/2009Yes 119 K.NuthiangiThanthiangaAizawl1087/2009Yes 120 VarzikiMankungaAizawl1090/2009Yes 121 VarzikiMankungaAizawl1091/2009Yes 122 LalbiaktluangaHauchhawnaVairengte55 of 1993Yes 123 LalrinawmaThanthiangaAizawl1094/2009Yes 124 LalrinawmaThanthiangaAizawl1095/2009Yes 125 LalbiaktluangaLallianbutaBethlehem vengthlang, 885 of 2008Yes Aizawl 126 LalngilneiiLalkungaVenglai, Kolasib1149 of 2009Yes 127 VanlalthangaKashmirthangaLungdai1148 of 2009Yes 128 LalmawiiZachhungaBairabi South54 of 1987Yes 129 J.Lalchhuanawma Thanhnuna (L)Bairabi615 of 2009Yes 130 LalthlenglianaRinthangaBairabi North28 of 1972Yes 131 RongengaBiakliana (L)Ramthar veng, Bairabi 347 of 1995Yes 132 R. LalrinawmaThuamliana (L)Ramthar veng, Bairabi 468 of 1991Yes 133 R. LalrinawmaThuamliana (L)Ramthar veng, Bairabi 662 of 1987Yes 134 B.PanmekaB.LaiaBairabi503 of 1996Yes 135 B.DengkhumaKaichhunga (L) Bairabi698 of 1997Yes 136 F.lalhriattiraRamzaua (L)Bairabi North14 of 1991Yes 137 SaikungaVanlalkunga (L) Tuithaing veng, Aizawl 16 of 1989Yes 138 SaikungaVanlalkunga (L) Bairabi17 of 1989Yes 139 T.Lalhruaitluanga T.Malsawmtluanga Project veng,Kolasib B.3 of 2007Yes (Revenue) 140 LaldinpuiaV.L.RuataLaipuitlang, AizawlB.4 of 2007Yes (Revenue) 141 RaltawnluiaKhena (L)Ramthar veng, Aizawl B.1 of 2007Yes (Revenue) 142 T.PachhungaR.T.LuiaRamthar veng, Aizawl B.6 of 2007Yes (Revenue) 143 ZothansangaR.T.LuiaRamthar veng, Aizawl B.5 of 2007Yes (Revenue) 144 RodingaR.T.LuiaRamthar veng, Aizawl B.6 of 2007Yes (Revenue) 145 LalchungnungaThatluiaRamhlun ‘S’, Aizawl B.7 of 2007Yes (Revenue) 146 T.RemsangpuiiParvulaRamhlun ‘S’, Aizawl B.2 of 2007Yes (Revenue) - 30 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894147 Michael ThihlumJoseph ThihlumVenglai, Kolasib501201/12/186(P/P) Yes 148 Lalthanngaia Sailo (LalrinawmaBairabi501801/10/26Yes of 2004(P/P) 149 V.ZoramthangiRamhlun, Bairabi1187 of 1976(P/P) Yes 150 Antony Chhuanvawra P.Zotawnphunga Zotlang, Aizawl874 of 1977(P/P) Yes 151 ZasangaChalaBairabi1201 of 1976(P/P) Yes (Robert Lalnunsanga) 152 LalbukaThangkunga (L) Bairabi51 of 1984(P/P)Yes 153 Antony Chhuanvawra P.Zotawnphunga Chawlhhmun, Aizawl 501801/10/223Yes of 2011(P/P) 154 LaihmingthangaRodinglianaBairabi41 of 1978(P/P)Yes 155 PasenaDinthar - I, Aizawl313 of 1981(P/P) Yes 156 HrangkungaZakamlovaRimawi veng, Bairabi 917 of 1977(P/P) Yes 157 LalengzamaK.ThanparaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-15 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 158 K.Thansangzuali K.ThanparaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-14 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 160 K.ZaithanvawraK.ThanparaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-13 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 161 H.ThanchamaK.ThanparaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-12 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 162 ThangnghilhloviK.ThanparaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-11 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 163 LalrinhluaHmingmawiaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-16 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 164 HmingmawiaK.ThanparaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-18 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 165 LalrindikiHmingmawiaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-17 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 166 K.ZoramnuamaK.LalrinlianaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-24 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 167 C.LalmalsawmiLalnghaklianaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-23 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 168 C.LalthiangiLalhera(L)Banglakawn, Kolasib BBI-22 of1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 169 K.LalrintluangaK.ThanhawlaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-21 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 170 K.LalrinmawiaK.Thanhawla(L) Banglakawn, Kolasib BBI-20 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 171 K.LalrinlianaK.ThanhawlaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-19 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) - 31 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of preliminary survey and objections received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894172 K.LalbeiseiaK.LalrinlianaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-6 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 173 LalhmangaihiK.LalrinlianaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-7 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 174 K.LalngaihawmiK.LalrinlianaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-8 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 175 K.ThanparaK.ThanhawlaBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-9 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 176 F.ThanmawiiRokhuma (L)Banglakawn, Kolasib BBI-10 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 177 RengpuiiK.VanlallianaBairabiBBI-4 of 1996Yes (LSC) 178 LalhlupuiiC.LalthiangiBanglakawn, Kolasib BBI-25 of 1996Yes c/o K.Lalrinmawia(LSC) 179 RohmingthangiK.VanlallianaBairabiBBI-5 of 1996(LSC) Yes 180 K.VanlallianaHangchhinga(L) BairabiBBI-2 of 1996(LSC) Yes 181 RamthangiPawihaBairabiBBI-3 of 1996(LSC) Yes 182 H.Selhmingthanga Lama(L)Bairabi101801/01/138Yes of 1999(LSC) 183 VanlalbukaThangkungaBairabiBRB. 2 of 1996(LSC) Yes 184 LalthantluangaChhunzovaCollege veng, Aizawl 101801/01/67Yes of 98(LSC) 185 ZodinsangaL.ThantluangaCollege veng, Aizawl 501801/12/4Yes of 2005(LSC) 186 K.Lalhmachhuani P.D.VanlalauvaRimawi veng, Bairabi 101801/01/182Yes of 2009(LSC) 187 ZodinlianaRamhluna KhiangteChaltlang Aizawl79 of 1994(LSC)Yes 188 LalthuamlianaLalnghaklianaCachar Zion101801/10/34Yes of 1998(LSC) 189 K.ThangzualaK.Kaichhunga (L) Chanmari Aizawl501801/10/1Yes of 2004(LSC) 190 Laldinpuia RalteR.RomawiaRamthar veng, Bairabi 691 of 1997Yes 191 Laldinpuia RalteR.RomawiaRamthar veng, Bairabi 96 of 2009Yes 192 Laldinpuia RalteR.RomawiaRamthar veng, Bairabi 687 of 1997Yes 193 Lalchungnunga27 of 1991Yes c/o V.Lalthakima 194 Samuel Zothantluanga C/o V.Laltha kima29 of 1987Yes 195 DarthangpuiiC/o V.Lalthakima183 of 2003Yes 196 H.LalnghaklianaC/o V.Lalthakima184 of 2003Yes 197 D.LalnghaklianaC/o V.Lalthakima264 of 1995Yes 198 F.Lalhmingmawia F.Lalhmingthanga New Diakkawn, Kolasib G.81 of 1994Yes 199 LalpianthangaR. Ralliana (L)Bilkhawthlir1127 of 2011Yes - 32 - Ex-44/2012 1 Vanlaltawki HnamteBairabiGraveyardYes 2 Vanlaltawki HnamteBairabiGraveyardYes 3 Aikhuma Fanai (L)F.LalhriattiraBairabiGraveyardYes 4 Lalramzauva Fanai-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 5 Laldotawni varte-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 6 Lalthuami sailoRohlupuiiBairabiGraveyardYes 7 B.Liansua c/o Rohlupuii -do-BairabiGraveyardYes 8 F.Lalrinliani-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 9 ZasangaSangmawiaBairabiGraveyardYes 10 BiakchhungiRosangiBairabiGraveyardYes 11 Lalrinmawii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 12 BualkungaLalduhawmaBairabiGraveyardYes 13 LiankhumaBiaksangiBairabiGraveyardYes 14 Hrangthangpuii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 15 Ralthangpuii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 16 Lalengsanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 17 Lalramtharid-o-BairabiGraveyardYes 18 ZakungiNeihlaiaBairabiGraveyardYes 19 Biakchhunga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 20 sangneihthanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 21 Lalrithanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 22 LalsiamaLianchhungiBairabiGraveyardYes 23 Lianbeli-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 24 Vanramnunmaii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 25 Rohnuna-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 26 VanlalngilneiaVanlalfelaBairabiGraveyardYes 27 SerualaH.LalberemaBairabiGraveyardYes 28 Sailianthanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 29 Lalnunsiami-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 30 Vanlalruata-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 31 Samuel lalchungnunga ZohmingthangaBairabiGraveyardYes 32 HmarbawiaLalbiakmawiaBairabiGraveyardYes 33 Hualrokima-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 34 Ngursiamliani-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 35 Lallawma-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 36 LalnuntluangiLalnghilhloviBairabiGraveyardYes 37 LalkhawthangaThangkimiBairabiGraveyardYes 38 Teressa lalthanmawiiJulietBairabiGraveyardYes 39 LalrinchhaniP.C.LianhmingthangaBairabiGraveyardYes 40 R.L.H.SangaR.VanlalnghakaBairabiGraveyardYes 41 KutdengaVanlalhnehaBairabiGraveyardYes LIST OF GRAVEYARD AT BAIRABISl. No.Name of ComplainantFather’s /Husband NameAddressWhether objection received in t imeRemarks- 33 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 42 Kawlzingi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 43 Vanlalfani-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 44 LalzarlianaT.L.ZualaBairabiGraveyardYes 45 LalengzamiLalhmachhuaniBairabiGraveyardYes 46 Lalmuanawma-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 47 LalremsangaObeda laltlansangaBairabiGraveyardYes 48 HmignthanmawiiRochhungiBairabiGraveyardYes 49 LalthafamkimiBiaklianiBairabiGraveyardYes 50 ZakamlovaHrangkungaBairabiGraveyardYes 51 Ropari-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 52 Zoramsanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 53 HualzikiThanglianhnunaBairabiGraveyardYes 54 Zahuati-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 55 Jeho Lalduhawma-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 56 LalchhanhimaThanglianhnunaBairabiGraveyardYes 57 F.LalremaLalkhumtiriBairabiGraveyardYes 58 LalhminglianaC.LalthlenglianaBairabiGraveyardYes 59 KawlchhingpuiaLalvuaniBairabiGraveyardYes 60 LalruatbikiR.HrangkimaBairabiGraveyardYes 61 Hilda ZodinsangiB.LalhlimpuiiBairabiGraveyardYes 62 Lalchharliani PachuauR.LalramhluniBairabiGraveyardYes 63 Vaikhuma-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 64 HmariR.LalramhluniBairabiGraveyardYes 65 Ralkapzauvi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 66 SangthangiRamlianiBairabiGraveyardYes 67 R.Vanlalduha-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 68 R.LalawmpuiiR.VanlalfalaBairabiGraveyardYes 69 LalzuimawiaLalenkawliBairabiGraveyardYes 70 Dengthuami-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 71 Rangkhuma-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 72 C.TlangkhumaLalzuilianaBairabiGraveyardYes 73 LalremtluangiLalngaihawmaBairabiGraveyardYes 74 C.VanlalpanthangaZaichungnungiBairabiGraveyardYes 75 K.ZahliraChawilianaBairabiGraveyardYes 76 ZobuaniBawbawiBairabiGraveyardYes 77 ZosangkimiLalhluniBairabiGraveyardYes 78 R.Lalbiaktluanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 79 RokamlovaEdenthariBairabiGraveyardYes 80 Vanlalhruaii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 81 C.RothuamaDuhawmaBairabiGraveyardYes 82 C.LalmawiiDuhawmaBairabiGraveyardYes 83 C.ChawnghnunaLalparmawiaBairabiGraveyardYes 84 ZodinpuiiZakhumaBairabiGraveyardYes 85 Vanlalbani-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 86 Chanchinmawii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes - 34 - Ex-44/2012 1234567 87 Rothangvungi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 88 LalngaihawmiLalduhawmaBairabiGraveyardYes 89 RosangkimaKapmawiiBairabiGraveyardYes 90 Khuangliani-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 91 Chiluaia-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 92 Lalramthanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 93 VanlalnghakaZakhumiBairabiGraveyardYes 94 LalbiaknungiVanlalbukaBairabiGraveyardYes 95 HuapzauviLalthlamuaniBairabiGraveyardYes 96 Singha-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 97 LalhlunpuiiH.T.TlangsawithangiBairabiGraveyardYes 98 LalrinsangaV.L.ChhuangiBairabiGraveyardYes 99 Lalbiaknungi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 100 Lalramnghaki-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 101 Lalhlimpuia-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 102 SaplianaS.TharmawiiBairabiGraveyardYes 103 Zokhumi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 104 KapmawiiThanghuaiaBairabiGraveyardYes 105 RosiamiRopiangaBairabiGraveyardYes 106 LalvuanaRamthangaBairabiGraveyardYes 107 LalvulmawiaSiamkungiBairabiGraveyardYes 108 LalhmingsangiK.lalchhandamaBairabiGraveyardYes 109 K.LalrintluangiP.C.PahliraBairabiGraveyardYes 110 ThianghlimiThangsavungaBairabiGraveyardYes 111 Lalchhandami-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 112 Lalrinsiama-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 113 LiantawnaLalrotluangaBairabiGraveyardYes 114 Lalbiaknii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 115 RinthangaC.SanglianaBairabiGraveyardYes 116 RallianthangaC.SanglianaBairabiGraveyardYes 117 LalrempuiiC.SanglianaBairabiGraveyardYes 118 Lalnunngili-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 119 LalteiP.C.MalsawmiBairabiGraveyardYes 120 LalrinkimaKawlthawmaBairabiGraveyardYes 121 R.LalhmingthangaLalnunsangaBairabiGraveyardYes 122 R.Lalrokimi (Tei)R.LalhmangaihaBairabiGraveyardYes 123 HrangkhumiH.SanghmingthangaBairabiGraveyardYes 124 LalniropuiiChhuanawmiBairabiGraveyardYes 125 LalvenaChhuanawmiBairabiGraveyardYes 126 RambadurIsraeliBairabiGraveyardYes 127 NunmawiiLalhmangaihiBairabiGraveyardYes 128 RoviV.L.RuataBairabiGraveyardYes 129 Lalrimawii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 130 Lalmuankimi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 131 Lalnunfela-do-BairabiGraveyardYes - 35 -Ex-44/2012 1234567 132 MawizualaKaphrangaBairabiGraveyardYes 133 LalrinawmiKhawkhumaBairabiGraveyardYes 134 Lalramhmuaki-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 135 RomawiaL.RinpuiiBairabiGraveyardYes 136 R.LalkhumaLalzarlianaBairabiGraveyardYes 137 Kawlthantluangi Kawlni -do-BairabiGraveyardYes 138 R.LalrintluangaLalrualiBairabiGraveyardYes 139 C.LalrosangiC.LalramtharaBairabiGraveyardYes 140 C.Lalrengpuii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 141 RochhungaLaljehovaBairabiGraveyardYes 142 Aichhungi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 143 Lalthlamuana-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 144 Lalthangfala-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 145 VumaLalramnghengiBairabiGraveyardYes 146 LalsiamthariH.KaphmingthangaBairabiGraveyardYes 147 LaldawliC.LalchhuankimaBairabiGraveyardYes 148 Rosy Lalrinawmi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 149 Lalhruaitluanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 150 LalhmingmawiaLalenglianiBairabiGraveyardYes 151 Lalhruaia-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 152 KhuangvuanthangiLalhawkiBairabiGraveyardYes 153 Vanlalthanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 154 L.TlanthangiLalduhlianaBairabiGraveyardYes 155 L.Hlimpuia-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 156 V.L.Ruatkima-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 157 P.C.Lalzarmawii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 158 TuiawmloaLalneihaBairabiGraveyardYes 159 Lalzahawmi-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 160 chawithangiLaltanpuiiBairabiGraveyardYes 161 LiliparmawiiB.ZairemsiamaBairabiGraveyardYes 162 LalremsangiLalzamlianiBairabiGraveyardYes 163 Biakthansanga-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 164 NgurthanmawiiChhawnthangaBairabiGraveyardYes 165 VanlalbeiseiiC.LalruatkimaBairabiGraveyardYes 166 Thuampuii-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 167 Lalsangliana-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 168 LalsawnlianaTlangrothangiBairabiGraveyardYes 169 Ramzaua-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 170 B.VanlalpekiR.VanlalphenaBairabiGraveyardYes 171 R.VanlaltanpuiiR.VanlalphenaBairabiGraveyardYes 172 J.LalduhawmaJ.LalchhuanawmaBairabiGraveyardYes 173 C.LalmakthangaRohmingliana (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 174 RozingaZahlira (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 175 P.C.ThanglianchhungaZathangpuia (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 176 V.L.HriataR.Lalawia (L)BairabiGraveyardYes - 36 - Ex-44/2012 177 C.LalchuankimaC.M.S.DawngzelaBairabiGraveyardYes 178 Lalhliri RalteEnga (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 179 RemsiamlianiThanmawia (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 180 LalchhuangaRaldothanga (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 181 LalrinawmaLiantawna (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 182 D.LalentiriLalhmachhuana (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 183 VanlalhnehaK.KungaBairabiGraveyardYes 184 R.LalawmpuiiR,LalhminglianaBairabiGraveyardYes 185 F.LalthuammawiaThangchuanga (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 186 ThangzualiThankima (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 187 ZodinpuiiR.Thanghuama(L)BairabiGraveyardYes 188 H.ValbuangaKamlovaBairabiGraveyardYes 189 S.TharmawiiLalchungnungaBairabiGraveyardYes 190 LalrinawmaLiantawnaBairabiGraveyardYes 191 LalhmuakiSapliana (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 192 LalzarlianaR.Lalkhuma (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 193 Lalzarliana-do-BairabiGraveyardYes 194 P.C.LiangnguraVanhnuaithangiBairabiGraveyardYes 195 RopuiaLalrampaniBairabiGraveyardYes 196 ThangzualiLalthankima (L0BairabiGraveyardYes 197 LalberemaZathuama (L)BairabiGraveyardYes 198 ZothannguriLiangnura PachuauBairabiGraveyardYes 199 VanlalhnehaKhawkunga(L)BairabiGraveyardYes 200 Vanlalhriata KawlniR.LalawiaBairabiGraveyardYes 201 RemsiamlianiHulaianaBairabiGraveyardYes 202 LalhmuakiSapliana (L)1234567Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 37 -Ex-44/2012

The Mizoram Prison Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 45Date - 31/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 31.1.2012 Magha 11, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 45 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/23/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 27th January, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Chief Head Warden, Head Warden and Jail Warden under Prison Department, Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Prison Department (Gr oup Commencement‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2011. (2 ) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the post(s) specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and classification, pay bandG rade pa y/ pa y scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scaleto 4 of the said Annexure-I. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters age limit,relating to the said post(s) shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of qualifications, etc-the a for esaid Annexur e-I. Provided that the age limit prescribed for direct r ecruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or (b ) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contract ed a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); - 2 - Ex-45/2012 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 6.Training and DepartmentalEvery Government s ervant r ecr uited under these rules shall undergo Examination.such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be pres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these r ules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing a ndin consultation with the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of t hese rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age concessionslimit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes /the Schedu led Tr ibes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the CentralGovernment or the Government of M izoram from time to t ime in this regard. 10. Repeal and SavingsAll rules pertaining to these posts fr amed by the Government of Mizoram issued under Memo No. HMJ. 22/73/Pt.I dated 9.10.1978 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. VII Issue No. 41 dated 3.10.1978 and No. A. 12011/1/97-HMJ/pt dated 6.7.2004 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. XXXIII Issue No. 254 dated 17.8.2004 shall stand repea led from the commencement of t hese ru les. Provided that any order ma de or anything done or any action t aken under the rules so repealed, or under any general orders ancillary thereto, shall b e deemed to ha ve been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘C’ POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRISON, GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 1. Chief Head Warder1 (one) post or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeSelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualifications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicableGroup 'C' postPB-1 ^ 5200-20200 + Grade Pay ^ 2800/- - 3 -Ex-45/2012 Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of pos ts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/ transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/deputation/ transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314100% by promotionPromotion from Head Warder with 5 years regular service in the gradeExempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC constituted by the Government f rom time to time.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 3. Jail Warder (Male & Female 2. Head Warder33 (thirty three) posts or as sanctioned by the Government f rom time to timeGroup 'C' postPB-1 ^ 5200-20200 + Grade Pay ^ 2400/-Selection 206 (two hundred and six) posts or as sanctioned by the G overn men t f rom time to timeGeneral State Service Group 'C' postPB-1 ^ 5200-20200 + Grade Pay ^ 1900/-Not Applicable Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Not applicableBetween 18 -35 years relaxable by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Trib esNot applicable 1) High School Leaving Certif ica te 2) Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Cl-VIII standardTwo years 100% by promotionPromotion from Jail Warder with 8 years regular service in the grade and passed departmental examinationExempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC constituted by the Government f rom time to time. 100% by direct recruitmentNot applicableExempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC constituted by the Government f rom time to time.

The Mizoram Prison Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 46Date - 31/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 31.1.2012 Magha 11, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 46 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/23/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 27th January, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Jailor and Assistant Jailor under Pr ison Depa rtment, Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Prison Department (Gr oup Commencement‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2011. (2 ) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and classification, pay bandGrade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scaleto 4 of the said Annexure-I. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters age limit,relating to the said post(s) shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of qualifications, etc-the a for esaid Annexur e-I. Provided that the age limit prescribed for direct r ecruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or (b ) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contract ed a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); - 2 - Ex-46/2012 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 6.Training and DepartmentalEvery Government s ervant r ecr uited under these rules shall undergo Examination.such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be pres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these r ules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing a ndin consultation with the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of t hese rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age concessionslimit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes /the Schedu led Tr ibes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the CentralGovernment or the Government of M izoram from time to t ime in this regard. 10. Repeal and SavingsAll rules pertaining to these posts fr amed by the Government of Mizoram issued under Memo No. HMJ. 23/73/Pt.I dated 9.10.1978 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. VII Issue No. 41 dated 3.10.1978. Provided that any order ma de or anything done or any action t aken under the rules so repealed, or under any general orders ancillary thereto, shall b e deemed to ha ve been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘B’ NON GAZETTED POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRISON, GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 1. Jailor8 (eight) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeSelection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualifications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicableGroup 'B' (Non-Ga zetted)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4400/- plus ^ 200/- S.A - 3 -Ex-46/2012 Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of pos ts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/ transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/deputation/ transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314100% by promotionPromotion from Assistant Jailor with 2 years regular service in the grade and has passed Departmental ExaminationExempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC constituted by the Government f rom time to time.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 2. Assistant Jailor13 (thirteen) posts or as sanctioned by the Government f rom time to timeGroup 'B' (Non-Ga zetted) (Non- Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4400/-Selection in the case of promotion Not applicableBetween 18 -35 years relaxable by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Trib esNot applicable Graduate from recognised Universities DesireableWorking knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standardTwo years for direct recruitment 1) 75% of posts by direct recruitment 2) 5% by promotion 3) 20% by promotion through LDE from Head Warder and WarderPromotiona) From Chief Hea d Warder with 6 years regular service in the grade b) Through LDE from Graduate Head Warder with 5 years regula r service in the gra de and Graduate Jail Warder with 8 years regula r service in th e g rade.Exempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC constituted by the Government f rom time to time.


VOL - XLIISSUE - 47Date - 12/08/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 1.2.2012 Magha 12, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 47 NOTIFICATION No. C. 31012/8/2011-DCA(L), the 27th January, 2012.In pursuance of paragraph II of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by the Lai Autonomous District Council which was approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 19.1.2012 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL EMPLOYEES (PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT) RULES, 2011. P. Chakraborty, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dist rict Co uncil Affairs Depart ment . - 2 - Ex-47/2012 THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL EMPLOYEES (Performance Appraisal Report ) RULES, 2011 A RULE to provide for accurate and conditional assessment with regard to performance and conduct of Officers, and also, it is felt necessar y to maintain a record of Performance Appra isal Report of each and every Officer of Group ‘A’ Whereas Sub-Rule (2) of Rule 25 ( read with Rule 20 ) of the Lai Autonomous District Council ( Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2010 empowered to make Rules regulating the conditions of ser vice. And whereas it is expedient to introduce a new set of Rules with an aim for strengthening and developing the efficiency and conduct of its Officers. Be it enact ed by the Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council in the six ty-second year of the Republic of India as follows:- THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL EMPLOYEES (PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT ) RULES, 2011. 1.Short title, application and commencement (1)These rules may be called the Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council Employees (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2011. (2)They shall apply to all Group ‘A’ Officers under the Lai Autonomous District Council. (3)They shall come int o force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Definitions – In t hese rules, unless the c ontext other wis e requir es:- (a)“Accepting Authority” means the authority which supervises the performance of the reviewing authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by Executive Committee of the Lai Autonomous District Council; (b)“Authorit y” means Executive Committee of the Lai Autonomous District Council; (c)“Benchmark Score” shall mean the minimum numerical weighted mean score arrived at for overall grading above which a n officer shall be regarded a s fit for promotion to the next higher grade; (d)“Dossier” means performance appraisal dossier; (e)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram; (f)“Member of t he Service” includes a member of all Group ‘A’ Officer mentioned in sub- rule( 2) of ru le 1 of these r u les; (g)“Performance appr aisal dossier” means the compilation of the performance appraisal reports writ ten on a member of the Service, referred to in rule 3, a nd includes such other documents as may be specified by Authority by genera l or special order, in this behalf; (h)“Performance appraisal report” means the performance appraisal report referred to in rule 4 and 5; (i)“Pr omotion” means appointment of a member of the Service to the next higher grade over the one in which he is serving at the relevant time; - 3 -Ex-47/2012 (j)“Referral Board” means a board consisting of officers of the Service designated by Authority for cases r elating to all officers of the Service gover ned by t hese rules; (k)“Reporting Authority” means such authority or a uthorities supervising the per formance of the member of the Service reported upon as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by Authority;(Not e: When the officer reported upon is looking after more than one Department, the Reporting Officer shall obtain a note from the head of the Department(s) concerned indicating the performance of the officer reported upon in resp ect of that department and enclose the same wit h the Performance Appra isal Report) (l)“Reviewing Authority” means such author ity or authorities supervising the performance of t he reporting authority as ma y be specifica lly empowered in this behalf by the Author ity; (m)“Schedule” mea ns the schedule annex ed to t hese ru les. (n)“Service Controlling Department” is the Personnel Reforms Cell which issue order of appointment of the officers concerned and which contr ols the officer in the matter of ca reer adva ncement, transfer and posting, disciplinary cases, etc.; 3.Maintenance and custody of performance appraisal dossier- A comprehensive per formance appra isal dossier shall be maintained for each member of the Service by the Personnel Reforms Cell of the La i Autonomous District Council in the manner specified under these rules and the perfor mance a ppraisa l dossier shall consist of the docu ments s pecified in Schedule – I. The dossier shall be kept in the custody of Executive Secreta ry who is the head of the Service Controlling Department. 4.Form of the performance appraisal report- The reporting authority shall write the performance appraisal report in such form as specified in Schedule – II and the officer reported upon and the reporting, reviewing and accepting authority shall ensur e that the por tions of the forms which are to be filled in by them are completed by them within the time limit specified in this behalf from time to time. 5.Performance Appraisal Report- (1)A performance appra isal report assessing the performance, character, conduct a nd qualities of every Member of the Service governed by these rules shall be written for each financial year or as may be specified by the Authority in the Schedule: Provided that a performance appra isal report ma y not be written in such cases as may be specified by Author ity, by genera l or special or der: Provided fur ther that if a performance appraisal report for a financial year is not recorded by 31st December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks may be r ecorded thereafter and the officer ma y be assessed on the basis of the overall record and self assessment for the year, if he has submitted his self-assessment on time. (2)Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (4), a performance appraisal report shall also be written when either the r epor ting or r eviewing authority or the Member of the Service reported upon relinquishes charge of the post, and, in such a case, it shall be written at the time of the relinquishment or ordinarily within one month of such relinquishment. (3)Wher e more than one perfor mance appraisa l reports are written on a Member of the Service during the course of a financial year each such repor t shall indica te the period to which it pertains: Provided that only one report shall be written on a Member of the Service for a particular period during the cour se of the financial year and t here shall be a single reporting, - 4 - Ex-47/2012 reviewing and accepting authority at each level of assessment which shall be s pecified in the channel for writing performance appr aisal reports by the concerned Department and in no circumstances more tha n one person shall write the performance appraisal reports in the capacity of reporting, reviewing or accepting authority for a given period of t ime: Provided fur ther that if more than one person of the same superior level supervises the performance of the Member of the Service, the Authority shall identify the person to report or r eview well in advance of the relevant asses sment year. (4)Where the reporting authority has not seen, but the reviewing authority has seen the performance of a Member of the Service for at least three months dur ing the period for which the performance appra isal report is to be written the reviewing authority shall write the performance appraisal report of any such Member of the Service for any such period. (5)Where, both the reporting authority and the reviewing authorit y have not seen and the accepting authority has seen, as r eferred to in sub-rule (4), the performance of any such Member of the Service, the accept ing authority shall write the perfor mance a ppraisa l of any such Member of the Service during s uch period. (6)Wher e the reporting author ity, the reviewing authority and the accept ing authority have not seen the perfor mance of a member of the service for at least three months during the period for which the repor t is to be written, the authority shall make an entry to that effect in the performance appraisal report for any such period. (7)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1),(2),(4) and (5), it shall not be competent for the reporting a uthorit y, the r eviewing author ity or the accepting authorit y to write a performance a ppraisal r eport after he demits office when he is no longer a competent a u t h o r i t y. (8)Unless the officer reported upon submit his property return, his Performance Appraisal Report shall not be initiated, reviewed a nd accepted. 6.Review of the performance appraisal report- (1)The reviewing authority shall recor d his remar ks on the performa nce appr aisal r epor t, within the timeframe specified in the F orm I of Schedule II (r ead wit h para 9 of General guidelines for filling up the PAR form). (2)Wher e the report is written by the reviewing authority under sub-rule (4) of rule 5, or where the reviewing author it y has not seen, and the accepting author it y has seen, the performance of a Member of the Service for at least three months dur ing the period for which the performance appra isal report is written, the accepting authority shall review the performance appraisal report of a ny such member for any such period within the timeframe specified in Schedule II. (3)It shall not be competent for the reviewing authority, or the accepting authority to review any such performance appra isal report unless it has seen the performa nce of a Member of the Service for at least three months during the period for which the report has been writ ten, and in ever y such case an entry to that effect shall b e made in the p erforma nce report. (4)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) and (2), it shall not be competent for the reviewing authority or the accepting authorit y to review or accept a ny such performance appraisal report- (a)Wher e the authority reviewing the performa nce appr aisal report is a Member of the Service, after one month of his retirement from service, and (b)In other ca ses, after one month of the date on which he demits office. 7.Acceptance of the Performance Appraisal Report- (1)The accepting authority shall within the timefra me specified in Schedule II, record his rema rks on the performance appraisal report and may accept it, with such modifications as may be cons idered necessa ry, and sign the report:- Provided that where the a ccepting author ity has not seen the performance of any Member of the Service for a t least three months during the period for which the performance appraisal report has been written, it shall not be necessary an entry to this effect shall be made in the performance appraisal report. (2)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), it shall not be competent for the accepting a uthority to accept and countersign any such performa nce report- (a)Wher e the a ccepting author ity is a Member of the Service, after one month of his retirement from s ervice, and (b)In other ca ses, one month after the date on which he demits the office. (3)When the performance appr aisal report is not wr itten or revised:- Notwithsta nding anything conta ined in rule 5 or rule 6, where the accept ing authority writes or reviews the performance appraisal report of any member of the Service, it shall not be necessary to review or accept any such report. 8.Disclosure of performance appraisal report to the officer reported upon and procedure for representation to the Referral Board – (1)The full annual performance appraisal report, including the overall grade and assessment of integrity, shall be disclosed to the officer reported upon after finaliza tion by the accepting authority to enable the officer reported upon to represent his case. (2)The officer reported upon may have the opinion to give his comments on the performance appr aisal r eport in writing to the accepting a uthorit y within fifteen days of the receipt of the Performance Appraisal Report. (3)The comments shall be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes, work output and competency. (4)The accepting authority shall within fifteen days of receipt of comments from the officer reported upon forward the same to the reviewing and the reporting authority a nd call for their views on the comments. (5)The reporting authority shall within fift een days of receipt of comments from the officer reported upon forward his own views on the comments to the reviewing author ity failing which it shall be presumed that he has no views thereon. (6)The reviewing authority shall forward the comments to the officer r eported upon along with the views of the reporting authority a nd his own views to the accepting authority within fift een days of receipt of the views of the reporting author ity. (7)The accepting author it y sha ll consider the comment s of the officer r eported upon, the views of the repor ting authority and aft er due consideration may accept them and modify the performance appraisal report accordingly and the decision and final grading shall be communicated to the officer repor ted upon within fifteen days of receipt of the views of the reviewing author ity. (8)(a)In case the officer reported upon chooses to repr esent a gainst the fina l assess ment conveyed to him according to this procedure, he may represent his case through the accepting authority for a decision by the Referral Board, specified in the Schedule III, within one month, provided that such representation shall be confined to errors of facts. (b)The representation of the officer reported upon along with the views of the reporting authority, the reviewing a uthorit y and the accepting authority shall be forwarded to the Refer ral Boa rd on the request of the officer repor ted upon within a period of fift een days of r eceipt of communication. (9)(a)The Referra l Board shall consider the representa tion of the officer reported upon in the light of the comments of the reporting authority, the reviewing authority and- 5 -Ex-47/2012 the accepting authority and confirm or modify the performance appraisal report, including the overa ll grade and the decision of the Referral Boar d shall be confined only to err ors of facts a nd the decision of the Refer ral Boa rd shall be final. (b)In case an entry or assessment is upgra ded or downgra ded, reasons for the same shall be recorded in the performance appra isal report. (1 0) The entire performa nce appraisal r eport, including the overall grade, shall thereafter be communicated to the officer repor ted upon which shall conclude the pr ocess of assess ment and no further repr esentation of any kind shall be entertained thereafter. 9.Gener al – The Authorit y may issue instructions, not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules, or as it may considered necessary, with regard to the writing of the performance appraisal reports, the maintenance of the performance appraisal dossier and the effect of the performance appra isal reports on the conditions of service of a member of t he service. SCHEDULE – I[See rule 3] FORMS FOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT:Documents to be maintained in the Performance Appraisal Dossier (i)A cu rriculum Vitae to be updated annually on the basis of the Performance Appraisal Reports and a five-yearly Curriculum Vitae upda te submitted by the officer reported upon. (ii)The performance appraisal reports earned throughout the car eer, (iii)Certificate of tra ining, academic courses attended aft er joining service, s tudy leave, (iv)Deta ils of books, articles and other publications made by the officer concerned, (v)Appr eciation letters from Government or Secretar y or Head of Department of or Specia l bodies or Commissions or Author ity, (vi)Copy of order impos ing any of the penalt ies specified the CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 and final result of inquiry into allegations and charges against a Member of the service, (vii) Warning or displeasure or reprimands of the Authority. SCHEDULE – II [See rule 4] Forms for Performance Appraisal Report APPENDIX - Performance Appraisal Report Forms and Proforma Form – IThe Lai Autonomous District Council Employee Performance Appra isal Report form and General Guidelines for filling up the Performance Appra isal Report. Form – IIPerformance Report on Training. Form – IIIPerformance Report on study leave / leave for study. SCHEDULE – III [See rule 2(j)] COMPOSITION OF THE REFERRAL BOARD(i)Execu tive Secretary, LADC-Chairman (ii)Head of the Department concerned-Member (iii)Under Secret ary, Per sonnel Refor ms Cell-Member Secretary. - 6 - Ex-47/2012 Not e :The Referra l Board may co-opt any one senior / experienced officer to participate in the delibera tion of t he Board as and when considered necessary. F OR M – I (See rule 4) THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL EMPLOYEES (PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT) RULES,2011. Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _____________________ to _________________ ___ Section – I BASIC INFORMATION.(To be filled in by the Personnel R eforms C ell) 1.Name of the Officer reported upon : ________________________________________________ 2.Name of Services : ______________________________________________________________ 3.Date and Year of entry into Service : ________________________________________________ 4.Date of Birth : _____________________________________________________ ____________ 5.Present Grade : _________________________________________________________________ 6.Present post : _________________________________________________________________ 7.Date of appointment to the present post : _______________________________________________ 8.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities : Name & DesignationPeriod wor ked Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accept ing Authority 9.Period of absence on leave, etc., PeriodType Remarks On Leave (Sp ecify t ype) Others ( Specify) 10.Training Programs attended: Date from Date to Institute Subject 11.Awards / Honours.- 7 -Ex-47/2012 12.Deta ils of Performance Appraisal Report of Officers not writ ten by the Officer as reporting/ reviewing a uthorit y for the previous year. 13.Date of filling the property return for the year ending December ____________________ (Note: Unless the officer reported upon submit his property r eturn, his Performance Appra isal Report shall not be initiated, reviewed and accept ed.) Date: ________________Signature ____________________________ Pers onnel R efor ms Cell,LADC. S ect io n – II SELF APPRAISAL. 1.Brief descr iption of duties : (Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are r equired to perform, in about 100 words) 2.Annual wor k plan and achievement : Tasks to be performedDeliver ables (a)Actual Achievement (b) (a)Deliverables refers to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs. (b)Actual achievement refers to achievements against the specified deliver ables in respect of each task. No expla nations for divergences are to be given in this ta ble. 3.During the period under report, do you b elieve that you have made any except ional contribution, e.g. success ful completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or; major systematic improvement ( resulting in __). Significant benefits to the public and / or reduction in time and costs? If so, please give a verbal description (within 100 words): 4.What are the factor s that hindered your performa nce? 5.Please indicate specific a reas in which you feel the need to upgrade your skills through training programs : For the cu rrent a ssignment: For your future career:- 8 - Ex-47/2012 Please Note :You should send updated CV, including educational qualifications acquired / training programs attended / publications / special assignments undertaken, in a prescribed profor ma, to the Service Controlling Authority , once in 5 years, so tha t the records a vailable with the Service Controlling Authority rema in upda ted. 6.Declaration : Ha ve you filled your immovable propertyYes / No Date return, as due. If yes, please mention date. Ha ve you set the annual work plan for allYes / No officers for the current year, in respect of whom you a re the r eporting author ity. 7.Whether any order for transfer and posting of the officer was issued by the Authority during the period under report. Yes/ No. 7(a) If yes, please indicate or der No &date a nd date of joining at the new place of posting. Date: ______________Signature of the Officer Reported upon __________ Section – III AP PRAIS AL 1.Please state whether you a gree with the responses relating to the accomplishment of t he work plan and unforeseen tasks as filled out in Section – II. If not, please furnish fact ual deta ils. 2.Please comment on t he claim (if made) of exceptional contribution by the officer reported upon. 3.Has the officer reported upon met with any significant failures in respect of his wor ks? If yes, please furnish factual details. 4.Do you agree with the skill upgraded or needs as identified by the officer? 5.Assessment of work output: (This assess ment should ra te the officer vis-a-vis his peers and not the general population Grades should be assigned on a sca le of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 refer ring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. Weighta ge to this Section will be 40%.) ReportingR eviewing Initial of Reviewing AuthorityAuthorityAuthority i Accomplishment of p lanned work ii Quality of output iii Accomplishment of exceptional work/unforeseen tasks perfor med. Overall Grading on ‘Work Output’- 9 -Ex-47/2012 6.Assessment of Personal Attributes (on a scale of 1- 10 weightage to this Section will be 30%) Reporting Reviewing Initial of Reviewing Authority AuthorityAuthority i. Attitude to work ii. Sense of responsibility iii. Overall bear ing and personality iv. Emotional stability v. Communication skills vi. Mora l courage and willingness to take a professional stand vii. Leader ship qua lities viii. Capacity to work in time limit Overall Grading on Personal Attributes 7.Assessment of Functional Competency (on a scale of 1-1 0 Weightage to this Section will be 30%) Reporting Reviewing Initial of Reviewing Authority AuthorityAuthority i . Knowledge of la ws/ ru les/ proc edur es/ IT skills a nd awar eness of the local norms in the relevant a reas ii. Strategic pla nning ability iii. Decision making ability iv. Initiative v. Coordina tion ability vi. Ability to motivate and develop subordinates / work in a team. Overall Grading on Functional Competency. 8.Integrity: Please comment on the integrity of the officer. 9.Pen picture by Reporting Officer: Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitudes towards weaker sections. 10.Whether any order for transfer and posting of the officer was issued by the Authority during the period under report? Yes/No.(a)If yes, please comment whether the officer complied with the orders in time/without delay. (b)If no, reason for not complying with the orders. 11.Overall Gr ade ( on a score of 1 – 10 ) ____________________________ Date : ______________ Signature of Reporting Authority __________________- 10 - Ex-47/2012 S ect io n – IV REVIEW 1.Do you agree with the statement ma de by the repor ting officer with resp ect to the work output and the various attributes in section – III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in resp ect of extraordinary achievement and / or significa nt failu res of the officer reported upon?(In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessment of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initia l entries). Yes / No.2.In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same ma y be given. 3.Pen picture by Reviewing Officer: Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitudes towards weaker sections. 4.Over all gr a de on a scale of 1 – 1 0 : ________________________ Date : ______________ Signature of Reviewing Officer _____________ S ect io n – V ACCEPTANCE. 1.Do you agree with the remarks of the Reporting / Reviewing Authorit ies? Yes / No.2.In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same ma y be given. 3.Over all Grade ( on a scor e of 1 – 10 ) _______________________________ Date : ____________ Signature of Accepting Authority ____________________ GUIDELINES FOR REPORTING AUTHORITIES WHICH MAY BE KEPT IN MIND WHILE AWARDING NUMERICAL GRADINGS 1.Officers gra ded from 8 to 10 will be rated as ‘Outstanding’ and will be given a score of 9 for the purpose of calculating average scor es . 2.Officers graded from 6 to 7 will be rated as ‘Very good’ and will be given a score of 7 for the purpose of calculating for empanelment | promotion just after officer who were graded Outstanding. 3.Officers graded from 4 to 5 will be rated as ‘Good’ and will be given a score of 5. 4.Officers gr aded below 4 will be given a score of Zero (0). Note:- (i)High credit should not be given to the officers in a routine manner by the Reporting/Reviewing Authorities and this should be restricted to 20% of the Officers under their supervision.- 11 -Ex-47/2012 (ii)If there is a decimal number in overall grading, it should be rounded of as 0.5 a nd below to the lower number and 0.6 and above to the next higher number. (iii)Any grading more than 8 for each a ttribute must be justified by giving reasons in writing in a separ ate sheet. General Guidelines for filling up the PAR form1.Introduction : 1.1.The Performa nce Appraisal Report is an important document. If provides the basic and total inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, Reviewing, Authority a nd the Accepting Authority should therefore, underta ken, mistake a duty of filling up the form with a high sense of resp onsibility. 1.2.Performance Appraisal shou ld be used as a tool for car eer pla nning a nd training, ra ther than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realized that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmenta l tool. The Reporting Author ity, The Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away fr om reporting shortcomings in performance, a ttitude or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3.The columns should be filled with due ca re and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4.Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and tr aining, rather than a mere judgmental exercised, the reporting author ity and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year are regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps. 2.S ect io n - I 2.1.This Section should be filled up in the Personnel Reforms Cell. Period of r eport could either be the entire reporting year, namely, fr om 1st April to 31st March or a par t of the year (exceeding 3 month). In case the period of reporting is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007 – 2008 period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September, 2007 - 31st March, 2008. 2.2.Infor ma tion on t he pr esent gr ade (pa y sca le) as well a s pr esent post (a ctual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3.In t he table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting and r eviewing authorities should be mentioned so that the officer repor ted upon is clear about whom he/she is r equired to send the report. 2.4.The period of absence from duty, on leave, tra ining, or for other r easons, should also b e mentioned in this section in the table provided for the pur pose. Details of a tra ining attended, date of filling of property returns and whether the officer reported upon as reported/reviewed and the annual performance report of all his/her subor dinate officers for the previous year should be mentioned in the t able for the pur pose. 3.Section - II 3.1.The officer repor ted upon is fir st requ ired to give br ief description of his/her duties a nd responsibilities, which would norma lly not exceed above 100 words. Ideally, this should be in bullet form. 3.2.All officers are r equired to develop a work pla n for the year and agree upon the sa me with the reporting officer. The work plan should incorpora te the relative annual work r hythm a nd budgetary- 12 - Ex-47/2012 cycle. T his exercise is to be ca rried out at t he beginning of the year and finalized by 30th April, positively. In case of a change of reporting officer during the yea r, the work plan agreed with the previous reporting officer would continue to apply. T he work plan agreed upon at the beginning of the year ha s to be reviewed again during the month of Sept/October a s a mid-some changes from that originally prepa red. 3.3.After the work plan is prepared, it is possible that the officer reported upon is transferred out. There need not be more tha n one work plan for one post each yea r. T he period s pent by the officer during the year and his contribution could be considered for evaluating his performa nce aga inst the work pla n. In the case of mid-term tr ansfers, continuity and assess ment of work and the lower performance profile in the first quarter should be taken into consideration. 3.4.The work plans, duly signed by the officer reported upon and the reporting authorit y has t o be submitted to the reviewing author ity for his/her perusa l and custody. The performance appra isal form provides for an assessment of the accomplishments vis-a -vis the work plan agreed at the commencement of the year a nd reviewed mid-year. The officer reported upon is required to fill up the table provided for the purpose in Section - II. 3.5.It is not necessary that the work plan should be entirely quantitative in nature. While for field level posts, the work pla n would consist essentially of quantifiable targets, for secreta rial level posts it would consist of policy objectives to be achieved etc. 3.6.Section - II also provides an opportunity for the officer to reflect upon his/her performance during the year and indicate one item which he/she thought was a significant contribution even in activities otherwise regarded a s routine in nature. Examples of such contribution may be the successful organization of a major event like the Kumbh Mela or successful conclusion of a n act ivity that has been going on for a long time, or even successful dealing of an emergency (e.g. major ear thquake / flood) would certa inly be an exceptional contribution. 3.7.The officer reported upon is required to indicate specific areas in which he/she feels the need to upgr ade skills and attend training programs. He/she should a lso mention the specific steps that he/ she has taken or pr oposes to take to upgra de his/her skills in t he identified a rea. 3.8.There is an increased emphasis on competency building in the new perfor mance a ppraisal and career progression system. There would be a premium on competency and skill upgradation. Hence, all officers are advised, through a note in Section - II, to keep the service controlling authority informed, a t least once in five years, of all educational and training programs a ttended, including the deta ils of ma rks/gr ades in such pr ogr ams, details of p rofess ional papers published. These would be taken into account in the future career progress ion. 3.9This section also requires the officer upon to recor d certain certificates about submission of property returns and setting up of annual work plan for whom he/she would be the reporting author ity. 4.Section –III 4.1Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on Section –II as filled up by the officer reported upon, and specifically state whether he/she agrees responses relating to the accomplishment. In case of disagreement the reporting authority should highlight the specific portions with which he/she in unable to agree and the reasons for such disagreement. 4.2This Section then requires the reporting authority to comment on the skill u pgradation needs as identified by the officers. 4.3Thereafter, this S ection requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the work out-put of the officer r eported upon both in r espect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical gr ade is also required in resp ect of the ‘Quality’ of the out put. In doing so, the repor ting authority should t ake int o account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cos t conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the ta sks.- 13 -Ex-47/2012 4.4The reporting authority is also r equired to record a numerical grade in resp ect of work output, personal attributes and functional competencies. 4.5Section-III requires the repor ting authorit y to comment on the int egrit y of the officer r epor ted upon. In r ecording r emarks wit h r egard to integr ity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account t he mora l and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in the filling up the column relating to integrity; (i)If the Officer ’s integrity is beyond doubt, it ma y be sta ted. (ii)If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under; (a)A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Wher e it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to recor d the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not wa tched t he Officer ’s work for sufficient time to form a definite judgment or that he/she has heard nothing aga inst the officer, as the case may be. (b)If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the Officer ’s integr it y should be certified a nd a n ent r y ma de accor dingly in the Perfor ma nce Appraisal Report. (c)If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d)If a s a resu lt of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken a s indica ted at (b) and (c) above. 4.6The reporting authority is also r equired to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon his/her performance including his attitude towar ds weaker sections. This need not exceed a bout 100 words and should try to cover overa ll qualities of the officer including areas of strengths a nd lesser strengths. The-pictur e is also meant to be a qua litative supplement t o the qu antitative assessments made ea rlier pa rt of t his section. 4.7Fina lly, the repor ting authority is required to record an overall gr ade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5.Section –IV 5.1This section is also to be filled up by the reviewing a uthorit y. He/S he is r equired to indicate if he/ she agrees with the assess ments made by the reporting officer. In ca se of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In ca se of a greement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. 5.2The reviewing authority is required to record a pen-picture, not exceeding about 100 words, on the overall qua lities of the officer reported upon including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his/her performance including his attitude towards weaker sections. Finally he/she is required to record and overall grade in the scale of 1 -10. 6.Section –V 6.1This Section is to be filled by the accepting authorit y. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessment s made by the repor ting author ity/r eviewing authorit ies. In ca se of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and r easons for the same in the column specifically provided for the pur pose in Section V. 7.Numerica l Grades: 7.1At a severa l places, numerical grades ar e to be awarded be reporting and reviewing authorit ies. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is- 14 - Ex-47/2012 expected tha t any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall gra de) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific fa ilures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments Grade of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be r are occur rences and hence the need to justify them. In awar ding a numerical gr ade the reporting, r eviewing and accepting authorities should ra te the officer against a larger popula tion of his/her peers that may be cur rently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to work output, personal attributes and functional competency. The overall gra de will be based on the addition of mean value of each group of indica tors in propor tion to weightage assigned. 8.Disclosure: 8.1There should be more openness in the system of appraisal. The annual Performance Appra isal Report, including the overall grade and integrity, should be communicated to the Officer reported upon after it has been finalized by the a ccepting author ity. Representation: The Officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the Performance Appra isal Report. Such comments may be restricted to the specific factual observations conta ined in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the Officer in terms of attributes, competency and output. If comments are submitted, the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would have the option to accept them and modify the Performance Appr aisal Report a ccordingly. If the comments are not accepted, the views of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would be communicated with reasons to the Officer repor ted upon. Thereafter, only if the Officer reported upon so desires, he may r equest for the matter to be forwarded to the Referra l Board. The repr esentation sha ll be confined to err ors of facts a nd nothing else. The Referra l Board shall give clear findings on the representa tion and take a final decis ion on the assessment, including the overall gra ding in regard to the parameters effect thereby. The decision a long with deta ils in case an entry is upgraded or downgraded with, reasons for same ma y be recorded in the PAR and the same communicated to the Officer reported upon. The decision of the Referral Board shall be final. 9.Schedule for completion of Performance Appraisal Reports: 9.1The following schedule should be strictly followed :- Reporting Year – Financial Year Activity Cut – off dates Blank PAR form to be given to the Officer repor ted upon by the Personnel 1st April Reforms Cell Specifying the reporting and reviewing author ity. Self appraisal for current year30th April Appraisal by reporting authority31st May Appraisal by reviewing authority30th June Appraisal by accepting authority31st July Disclosure to the Officer r eported upon15th August Comments of the Officer reported up on. If any (If non,31st August Transmission of the Performance Appraisal Report )- 15 -Ex-47/2012 Forwarding of comments of the Officer reported upon to the reviewing15th September and the reporting a uthorit y by the accept ing authority, in case the Officer reported upon makes comments Comments of reporting authority30th September Comments of reviewing authority15th October Comments of accept ing authority/Perfor mance Appraisa l Repor t to31st October be finalized and dis closed to the Officer r eported upon Repr esentation to the Referral Board by the Officer reported upon30th November Forwarding of representation to the Referr al Boar d along with15th December the comments of reporting a uthorit y / reviewing a uthority and accepting authority Fina lisation by Referral Board if the Officer reported upon15th January repr esents against the decision of the Accepting Authority Disclosure to the Officer r eported upon31st January 9.2The completed Performance Appraisal Report should reach the Service Controlling Authorities by 31 st March the following year. The Service Controlling Authority will prepar e a list of Perfor mance Appr aisal Reports not received a nd follow up with the Head of the P ersonnel Refor ms Cell and the Executive Secret ary. 9.3Head of the Personnel Reforms Cell (i.e: Under Secretary) shall be the Nodal Officer to ensure tha t the Per for manc e Appra isal Rep or ts of the members of the Service, duly completed, are sent to the Service Controlling Authority by 31 st Mar ch of the following year. They shall send a list each officer whose Performa nce Appraisa l Reports ar e to be writ ten and reviewed to the concerned Reporting / Reviewing / Accepting Authorities by the 15 th April every year to ena ble them to ensu re completion of Performance Appraisa l Reports within the t ime-schedule 9.4If a PAR relating to a financial year is not r ecorded by the 31 st December of the year in which the fina ncial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter. T he Officer will be assessed on the overall record and self-assessment of the year concerned, if he had given his self-assessment in time and the Repor ting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accept ing have not completed the Performance Appraisa l Repor t according to the time schedule given in para 9.1 9.5The officer reported upon shall, while forwarding his self-appr aisal t o the Reporting Author ity, endorse a copy of the self-appra isal, to the Nodal Officer a nd keep of the same as evidence tha t he had submitted the same in time 9.6The Reporting Authority sha ll record his comment in the Performa nce Appr aisal R eport of the Officer reported upon within the stipulated time and sent it to Reviewing Aut hority along a copy thereof to the Noda l Author ity. 9.7In case the Reporting Authority fa ils to submit the Performance Appraisal Report to t he Reviewing Authority within the stipulated period under intimation to the nodal officer, the nodal officer shall sent a copy of self-appra isal directly to the Reviewing Authority a nd authorize him to initiate the Performance Appraisal Repor t. The Nodal Officer shall also keep a note of failu re of t he Repor ting Authority to submit the Performance Appraisal Report of his subordinate in time for an appropriate entr y in the Performance Appraisal Repor t of such Reporting Authorit ies. The Nodal Officer shall evolve a suitable mechanism to ensure that the remarks of the Reporting, the Reviewing and t he Accepting Authorities are recorded without fail by the dates given in the schedule below Para 9.1- 16 - Ex-47/2012 F OR M – II(See rule 4) THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL EMPLOYEES (PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT) RULES, 2011. PERFORMANCE REPORT ON TRAINING(For the year / period ending __________________________ ) A.PERSONAL DATA: 1.Name of the Officer 2.Service/ Year of allotment 3.Date of Birth 4.Present Gr ade 5.Study leave/ Leave details a) Course b) Institution c) Duration 6.Period of Sanctioned Leave 7.Deta ils of Degree/Certificate/Diploma and Evalua tion obta ined during the period (copies to be enclosed). 8.Date of Filling Annual Property Returns. B.SELF ASSESSMENT : Officer ’s Signature:_________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Service Contr olling Authorities.- 17 -Ex-47/2012 FORM – III(See rule 4) THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL EMPLOYEES (PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT) RULES, 2011. PERFORMANCE REPORT ON STUDY LEAVE/ LEAVE FOR STUDY(For the year / period ending __________________________ ) A.PERSONAL DATA: 1. Name of the Officer 2. Service/ Year of allotment 3. Date of Birth 4. Present Gr ade 5. Study leave/ Leave details a)Course b)Institution c)Duration 6. Period of Sanctioned Leave 7. Deta ils of Degree / Certificate/ Dip loma and Evalua tion obta ined during the period (copies to be enclosed). 8. Date of Filling Annual Property Returns. B.SELF ASSESSMENT : Officer ’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date:______________________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Service Contr olling Authorities.- 18 - Ex-47/2012 STATEMENT OF OBJECTS & REASONSAs the erstwhile Annual Confidential Report (ACR) has been renamed as Annual Performance Appr aisal Report (APAR) in respect of Gr oup ‘A’ Officers, necessity towards maintenance of Performance Appr aisal Report is mandatory as promotion in service is based on the assessment of Performance Appra isal Reports. Since the principle tha t confirmation crossing of efficiency bar, promotion etc should be based on the assessment of the confidentia l dossiers, this matter is of the gr eatest importa nce for the efficiency and mora le of t he service. It is also very important in the interest of efficiency of the service and also of the Officers that the reports are written with the greatest possible care so that the works, conduct, char acters and capa bilities of the Officers repor ted upon can be accur ately judged from the recorded opinion. In view of the above, it is proposed to enact a new legislation thr ough The Lai Autonomous District Council Employees (Performance Appraisal Report ) Rules, 2011 Hence, the Bill. C. Ngunlianchunga, Chief Execut ive Member, Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council, La wngtlai. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITYCertified that the Bill was passed by the Lai Aut onomous District Council in its Budget Session on thir tieth Ma rch two thousand and eleven. And in authentication thereof, I put my Signature on this Thirteenth December two thousand eleven Anno Domini. F. Rohnuna, Cha irma n, Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council, La wngtlai.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 19 -Ex-47/2012

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