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‘State Project e-Mission Team’

VOL - XLIISSUE - 18Date - 16/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 18 NOTIFICATION No. Z. 11012/4/02-HFW/Pt, the 4th January, 2012.In pursuance to the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (NRHM Division) letter No. Z. 18015/1/2011-MMPC; dated 21st September, 2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute‘State Project e-Mission Team’ consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. State Project e-Mission Team1.Secr etary, Health & Family Welfa re Dept t., Miz or am-Mission Leader/Cha irperson 2.Mission Director (NRHM), Directorate of Health-Member Secretary Services, Mizoram 3.State Information Officer (NIC), Mizoram-Member 4.Repr esentatives of Information Technology Deptt.-Member 5.Director of Health Services, Mizoram-Member 6.Director of Hospital and Medica l Educa tion-Member 7.Repr esentative of State Designated Agency of-Member CSC Project of Deptt. of Information Technology 8.Officer in charge of MCTS Project,-Member Directorate of Healt h Services, Mizoram The State Pr oject e-Mission Team will have the following responsibilities :1.Overall co-ordination, guidance a nd close monitoring of MCTS in the State. 2.Over all responsibility of Project implementation. 3.Implementation of Business Process Re-engineering (BP R) and Change Management. 4.Communication and Training. 5.Strategic Control. 6.Ongoing support and upgra des. The above team shall meet at least once in a month and review the project. M. Zohmingthangi Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Board of School Edcuation (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 1 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 19Date - 16/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 19 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/118/2008-LJD, the 12th January, 2012.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram Board of School Edcua tion (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 1 of 2012) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 19th December, 2011} Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. AN ACT further to amend the Mizoram Board of School Education Act, 1975 (Act No. 2 of 1976)(hereinafter referred to as the Principal Act); It is enact ed by t he Legislature of the State of Mizor am in the Sixty Second Year of the Republic of India , as follows, na mely;1. Shor t title, extend and (1) This Act may be called the Mizoram Board of School Education commencement (Amendment) Act, 2011. (2 ) It shall ha ve the like extent as the Principal Act. (3 ) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. Amendment of The first and second provisos to sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the section 15 - Principal Act shall be substituted respectively by the following, namely :- “Provided that the person to be appoint ed as C hairman shall fulfill any one of the following eligibility criteria , namely :- - 2 - Ex-19/2012 (a) He should be a serving or r etired officer of the All India Service or Central Civil Service Group ‘A’, in the Junior Administr ative Grade or above. OR (b ) He should be a serving or retired officer of the Mizoram Civil Service or Mizoram Secreta riat Service in the Selection Grade or above, OR (c) He must be a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) and must ha ve at least fift een yea rs’ experience in imparting education; Provided further that the person so appointed as Chairman shall hold office for a maximum period of six years or till he attains s ixty five years of age, whichever is earlier, depending upon the satisfaction of the Government regarding his/her performance”. Secretary, Law & Judicia l Department, Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 3 -Ex-8/2012


VOL - XLIISSUE - 21Date - 18/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 18.1.2012 Pausa 28, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 21 NOTIFICATION No. C. 11018/1/99 - DCA, the 16th January, 2012.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 16. 12.2011, is hereby published for general information, namely :- THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (CONSTITUTION, CONDUCT OF BUSINESS ETC.) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2011. P. Chakr aborty, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. A BILL further to amend the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 and the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules 2003 (herein after called the "Principal Rules"), the Mara Autonomous District Council, in exercise of t he Powers conferred by sub-par agraph (7) of paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, read with Paragraph 20 B, with approval of the Governor of Mizoram, makes the following amendments rules :- Be it enacted by the Mara Autonomous District cou ncil in the sixty-second year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.Short Title and1)These Rules may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council Commencement(Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2011. 2)They shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Amendment ofIn Rule 2 of the Pr incipal Rules, the following definitions sha ll be added, Rule 2.namely :- (J) (i) "Electronic Voting Machine" means Electronically opera ted Machine for use in voting. - 2 - Ex-21/2012 (Q)(i) "Opposition Leader" means a leader of the opposition members having one third of the elected members from a single recognized or registered Political Party. (W) (i) "Sta te Election Commission" means the Mizoram St ate Election Commission constituted under clause (1) of Article 243K of the Constitution. Proviso of sub-rule (4) of Rule 2 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2003 shall be substituted as follows :- Provided that the Chief Executive Member shall recommend the names of persons eligible to be nominated as members and fu rnish all documentary proofs in support of their qualifica tions for such appointment. Provided further that "Not less than two (2) nominated Members shall be women". 3.Amendment of Rule 5.Rule 5 of the Principal Rules shall sta nd omitted. 4.Amendment of Rule 7In R u le 7 a ft er s u b - r u le [4 ) of t h e P r in cip a l R u l es , s u b -r u le(5 ) s ha l l b e i ns er t ed, namely :- "(5) The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of Electoral rolls for, a nd the conduct of the Election to the District Council shall vest in the Sta te Election Commission". Provided tha t the District Council may, by law, make provision with respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, elections to the Distr ict Council. Provided fur ther that in preparation of Electora l Rolls and conduct of Election to District Council, the State Election Commission shall exercise the rules as provided in Chapter XIII to Chapter XXII of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constit ution, Conduct of Business, etc.)Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time. 5.Amendment of Rule 12Proviso of clause (a) of sub-rule (5) of Rule 12 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted-and new clause (c) shall be inserted, namely:- "(c) If he votes or abstains from voting in the District Council Session cont rary to any dir ection issued by the political party to. which he belongs or by any person or authority authorized by it in this behalf, without obtaining, in either case, the prior permission of such political party, person or authority, and such voting or abstention has not been condoned by such political party, person or authority within fifteen days fr om the date of such voting or a bstention". 6.Amendment of Rule 22After sub-rule (6) of Rule 22 of the Principal rules, new sub-rule (7) shall be inserted, namely:- (1 ) "(7) There shall be an Opposition Leader, if a single recognized or registered political party has at least 1/3 of the elected members. - 3 -Ex-21/2012 The Opposition Leader shall be appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of t he Chief Executive Member. (2) In sub-rule (6) of Rule 22 of the Principal Rules, the word "and" shall stand omitted and after the words Executive Members "and the Opposition Leader" shall be added". 7.Amendment ofIn clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 147 of the Principal Rules, for the Rule 147word 'Governor' the words "State Election Commission." shall be substituted. 8.Amendment ofIn Rule 149 of the Principal Rules, for the word "Governor" the words Rule 149"State Election Commission" shall be substituted. 9.Amendment ofIn Rule 151 of the Principal Rules, for the word "Governor" the words Rule 151"State Election Commission" shall be substituted. 10. Amendment ofIn Rule 153 of the Principal Rules, for the word "Governor" the words Rule 153"State Election Commission" shall be substituted. 11. Amendment ofIn Rule 154 of the Principal Rules, for the word "Governor" the words Rule 154"State Election Commission" shall be substituted. 12. Amendment ofFor sub-rule (2) of Rule 156 of the Principal Rules, the following rules Rule 156shall be substituted, namely :- (1 ) "At Elections in every constituency where a poll is taken, votes shall be given by pressing on the button in the balloting unit of an EVM in the manner hereafter pr ovided in these rules, and no votes s hall be received by proxy". (2) Sub-rule (3) of Rule 156 of the Principal Rules, for the words "ballot box" the words "Electronic Voting Machine" sha ll be substituted. 13. Amendment ofIn sub-rule (1) and (2) of Rules 158 of the Principal Rules, for the word Rule 158"Governor" the wor ds "Sta te Election C ommission" sha ll be substituted. 14. Amendment ofIn s ub-rule (4) of Rule 161 of the Principal Rules, for the word "Governor" Rule 161the words "State Election Commission" shall be substituted. 15. Amendment of(1) In sub-rule (1) of Rule 162 of the Principal Rules, for the words Rule 162"ballot box or boxes" the words "Electronic Voting Machine" shall be substituted. (2 ) Sub rule (2) of Rule 162 of the Principal Rules, for the word "Governor" the words "State Election Commission" shall be substituted. 16. Amendment ofIn sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) of Rule 163 of the Principal Rules, for the words Rule 163"ballot box or boxes" the words "Electronic voting Machine" shall be substituted. 17. Amendment ofSub-rule (1) of Rule 164 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the Rule 164following words, namely:- (1 ) "The Presiding Officer in any Polling Station, immediately before the commencement of the poll, shall show to all such polling agents and others a may b e present at such station that the Electr onic Voting Machine is empty, a nd shall then lock it up". - 4 - Ex-21/2012 (2) sub-rule (2) of Rule 1-64 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. 18. Amendment of(1) In sub-rule (1) of Rule 166 of the Principal Rules, For the words Rule 166"the voter has received the ballot paper to which he or she is entitled", the words "the voter has casted his or her vote" sha ll be substituted. (2) sub-rule (3) of Rule 166 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. 19. Amendment ofRule 168 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely :- Rule 168"A voter sha ll go inside the polling compartment a nd press on button in the balloting unit of the EVM opposite to the election symbol of the candidate for whom he or she wishes to vote and come out of polling compartment". 20Amendment ofIn Rule 169 of the Principal Rules, for the words "ballot paper" the words Rule 169"Electronic Voting Machine" shall be substituted. 21. Amendment of Rule 170 Rule 170 of the Principal Rules shall sta nd omitted. 22. Amendment of Rule 174 Rule 174 of the Principal Rules shall sta nd omitted. 23. Amendment ofClause (1) of Rule 177 of the Principal Rules, for the words " ballot box" Rule 177the words "Electronic Voting Machine" shall be substituted and cla uses (ii),(vi) and (vi) shall stand omitted 24. Amendment of(1 ) In sub-rules (1) and (2) of Rule 179 of the Principal Rules, for the word Rule 179'Governor' the words "State Election Commission" shall be substituted. (2 ) In sub-rule (2) of Rule 179 of the Principal Rules, for the words" ballot boxes" the words "Electronic Voting Machines" shall be substituted. 25. Amendment of Rule 208 Sub-rule (4) of Rule 208 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. 26. Amendment of(1 ) In sub-rule (1) of Rule 220 of the Principal rules, for the words "ballot Rule 220paper" the words "Electronic Voting Machine" shall be substituted. (2) sub-rule (3) of Rule 220 of the Principal Rules shall stand omitted. STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONSFor better and smooth functioning of the District Council, the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, and the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Amendment) Rules 2003 is hereby amended by the Mara Autonomous District Council in the sixty second year of the Republic of India. Hence the Bill. S. Khipo, Chief Execut ive Member, Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Acquisition of Land for construction of Railway line from Bairabi to Sairang.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 22Date - 19/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 19.1.2012 Pausa 29, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 22 NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/26/11-REV, the 18th January, 2012.Wher eas by the Government Notifica tion No. K. 12011/26/11-REV dt. 25.8.2011 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Centr al) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referr ed to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended t o the said Not ification was likely t o be needed for the pur pose namely - Acquisition of Land for constr uction of Railway line from Bairabi to Sair ang. Now, therefor e, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and a s per scheduled indicated below. The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the funct ions of a Collector for all p roceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collector shall submit a Draft Award to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act. A plan of t he same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl till the final awar d is made under section 11 of t he said Act. SCHEDULEDistrict : AIZAWLDescr iption of landStatus of Pass & NoApproximate Area As app endedAs app ended44.6945 ha. or 48,12,718.062 Sq. ft. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. - 2 - Ex-22/2012 SlNameFather’s NamePresentStatus of PassCompensation Compensation Area to b e No.Addressof Crops, of Building acquired trees etc.etc. LSC in Sq. ft 1. Zosiamiw/o Saizika Sailo (L)Khatla, Aizawl LSC No. 102 of 1986 Crops etc.70085.26 2. GermantawnaTaia (L)Sairang Venglai LSC No. G. 76 of 1987 Teak/Crops etc.80904.44 3. B. SanghnunaKhenkhuaia (L)Tuikhuahtlang LSC No. 138 of 1987 - do -85392.00 - do -- do -- do -LSC No. 210 of 1987 - do -21744.00 David Lalchhuan B. Sanghnuna- do -LSC No. 208 of 1989 - do -213264.00 mawia 4. ZomuanpuiaLalthanzauvaKulikawn, Aiz. LSC No. G. 78 of 1987 - do -10168.00 5. C. Lalengzami C. LalhrangaElectric Veng LSC No. 103001/01/04 - do -1666.00 of 98 6. Dr. B. Thangdailova B. Pakhuma (L)KhatlaLSC No. 91/2006- do -148488.00 7. H. Lalthlamuani w/o Hrangthanga Colney Mc. Donald Hill LSC No. 25 of 2001- do -7801.00 Zarkart 8. Vanlalchhuangi LallungmuanaZotlangLSC No. G/15 of 1990 - do -87882.30 9. C.T. MawiaPakunga (L)Mission Veng LSC No. 931/2008Crops etc.15516.99 C. Chawnghming C.T. Mawia- do -LSC No. 999/20107751.28 liana MS Dawngliana C.T. Mawia- do -LSC No. 1000/20107767.32 10. H. Lalmuantluangi H. Lalzarliana- do -LSC No. 944/2009- do -129.12 11. H. LalzarlianaLalthana- do -LSC No. 949/2009- do -2926.72 12. H. Lalmuanzuala H. Lalzarliana- do -LSC No. 947/2009- do -4793.58 13. H. Lalmuanpuii H. Lalzarliana- do -LSC No. 948/2009- do -8051.17 14. MalsawmiZorama (L)ChaltlangLSC No. g. 148/1989- do -69036.16 15. R.C. Lalrokunga RolutaMissionLSC No. G-139/89- do -4236.75 Vengthlang 16. L. ZokhumaHauchhumaChanmari, Azl. G. LSC No. 118 of 1993 Crops etc.118338.00 17. ZosangiZolawrthangaThakthingG. LSC No. 63 of 2005 - do -RCC Tank85112.00 Tlang, Aizawl6.00mx3.20m Depth = 1.50m 18. Lallianngura c/o ThanhawlaSairangG. LSC No. 49 of 1990 - do -84036.00 Robert Rosanglura of Zarkawt 19. B. Sairengpuii J. Hranglura (L)Hunthar Veng LSC No. G. 84/87- do -92414.95 20. Robert Rosanglura ZalawmaZarkawt, Aizawl G. LSC No. 46 of 1990 - do -RCC building 123955.00 Retainingwall Lailaih zawl 21. H. Lalramthanga ChhuanaSairangG. LSC No. 103401/10/ Crops51674.90 2006 22. Andrew Lalrinkima RosiamaTuikualG. LSC No. 84/89- do -111419.80 23. Lalsangkhuma ThanzauvaSairangG. LSC No. 139/93- do -108589.92 24. LalchhanhimaLalramthanga Tochhong - do -G. LSC No. 309/07- do -Bldg. Green 148127.54 TochhongHouse etc. 25. H. SikhuH. Zacho (L)Ramhlun North G. LSC No. 404/11- do -177109.60 26. HaulianthangaTinkhandalaRamhlun North G. LSC No. 270/08- do -2614.68 - 3 -Ex-22/2012 27. ZorammawiaLalramthanga Tochhong Lower Zarkawt G. LSC No. 202/07- do -Bld. R. Wall 156305.14 Tochhongetc. 28. PazawnaBabu RamSairangG. LSC No. 178/89- do -124633.087 29. Rev. Biaksanga Aikunga (L)SairangP/P No. 369/81Teak/Crops etc. 30. R. ZathangaDenga (L)Tuikhuahtlang P/P No. 1809/76/6 of 1992 - do -Jeep road 3.00mx200m 31. J. ZothanpuiaJ. PazawnaSairangP/P No. 257 of 1986 32. DarchhungaKhuma (L)A.P Veng, Azl. P/P No. 617 of 2006- do - 33. ThanbanglovaThanzamaSairangP/P No. 560 of 2006- do - 34. Laltanpuia Sailo Lalzuala SailoElectric, Aizawl P/P No. 545/2006- do - 35. V.L. Pari (Nuteii) LiansiamaKhatlaP/P No. 113/81- do - ThangzikaTuahchhungaLaipuitlangP/P No. 35/91 c/o Dunglena 36. T. Lalthlamuana c/o HnundailovaArmed Veng, Azl. P/P No. 173 of 1989- do - Rev B. RopiangaChanmari, Azl. 37. S. ThanghliraV.L. HrangaSairangP/P No. 752 of 2008- do - Dawr Veng 38. Malsawma Colney ThangvungaSairangP/P No. 732 of 2007Teak/Crops etc. 39. MichaelRohmingthangaKhatlaP/P No. 66 of 1990- do - Zohmingthanga 40. Sangthanmawii Thangbuaia (L)ThakthingP/P No. 663 of 2006- do - 41. L.V. Zohmingliana L.V. ZahnunaChaltlang Venglai P/P No. 906 of 2011- do - 42. T. HnunaSuaka (L)Tuikual ‘B’P/P No. 38 of 1985- do - 43. HrangthangaRev. Fehtea (L)- do -P/P No. 21 of 1995- do - Colney 44. LalthanpuiaZoramthangaSairangP/P No. 986/1981Crops/Trees etc. A s s a m ty p e building 45. LalthanzamaLalkaithuama (L)- do -P/P No. 413/2005- do - 46. ThanbanglovaLalthanzamaSairangP/P No. 560/2006Crops/Trees etc. 47. K.T. Nghawrac/o KaphleiaSairangP/P No. 91/1981- do - 48. LalthlamuanaThankunga- do -P/P No. 41 of 2005- do - 49. LalzirlianaLalduhaChanmariP/P No. 214/2004- do - 50. H. Lalthlamuana Thanghnuna- do -P/P No. 92/2004- do - 51. J. MalsawmSanghmingthanga- do -P/P No. 93/2004- do - dawngliana 52. T. BualzikaLalsanga (L)Chanmari West P/P No. 762/2008- do - 53. ZothansangaT. Bualzika- do -P/P No. 760/2008- do - 54. LalchhungaChalhnunaTuikualP/P No. 110/95- do - 55. LalkamlovaLalkhawthanga (L)ChanmariP/P No. 551/2006- do - 56. Isaka FanaiBawihnunaSairangP/P No. 43/2004- do - 57. ZosanglianaK. SenaSairangP/P No. 100/84- do - 58. ThanchhingiThanglura (L)Electric Veng P/P No. 446/2005- do - 59. Ethel Lalsangliani LalzawmthangaChhinga Veng P/P No. 541/2006- do -Water Tank Sailoetc. 60. R. Lalhnuna &Lalvuana (L)Zotlang, Aizawl P/P No. 444/2005- do - Betty Zairemmawii Ranga (L)KulikawnP/P No. 105/85- do - - 4 - Ex-22/201261. ThanchhingiThanglura (L)Electric Veng P/P No. 447/2005- do - 62. C. SangluraKamlova (L)- do -P/P No. 459/06- do - 63. LalmungaChalkhuma (L)Venghlui, Azl. P/P No. 492/05- do - 64. Vanhmingthanga Pachala (L)Mission Veng P/P No. 855/10- do - 65. LalliannguraLalbuangaBungkawnP/P No. 701/2007- do - Nursery 66. R. RokimaLalengaChanmari West P/P No. 566, 567- do - of 2006 67. LalthansangiLalhmingthanga SailoKhatlaP/P No. 626/06- do - Sailo 68. LalthannguriVanlallawmaI.T.IP/P No. 627/06- do - 69. RalthangaLalngengaZotalangP/P No. 316/81-do- 70. D.ThanglianaL.T. DawlaKhatlaP/P No. 204/89-do-Tanky 71. A.K. ZamaLaisavungaChaltlangH/P No. 210/2011-do- RokhumRokhum (L) 72. ZoramthangaVaia (L)SairangH/P No. 37/1992Teak/Crops etc. 73. LalrinawmaVanlalma wiaChaltlangH/P No. 673/10-do- Lily Veng 74. H. LalthangaKiaulinga-do-H/No. 402/11A/T Bldg etc 75. LaldinpuiiH. Lalthanga-do-H/P No. 404/11-do- 76. LalbiaksangiLianchungnungaMission Veng H/P No. 608/678,-do- 672,676 664/2010 H/P No. 677, 666/2010 77. C. KapthangiVanlalma wiaMission Veng H/P No. 663/10 Crop/Trees etc . 78. R. LalbiakpariW/o H.T. ZauvaDinthar - IIH/P No.507.508,-do- 509,491, 506,495, 490,494, 501, 498/2009 79. J. Lalmuanzuala TaikhupaBethlehem Veng V/C Pass-do- No. 119/1989 80. Judy Zohmingliani H. ZirlianaBungkawnV/C Pass No. 96 of 1989 -do- 81. P.C. LalbiakniaP.C. LalbuaiaSairang Dinthar V/C Pass No.42/2008 Teak, Crops etc. 82. P. LalnithangaSapkungaSairangV/C Pass 1989-do- Dawr Veng 83. H.A. Lianngura (L) H/o K.C. ZothanmawiiChaltlangV/C Pass No. 41/73Crops etc. 84. LiandingaRinsangaSairangV/C PassCrops etc. 85. LalpanlianaNgurkhuma (L)Ramhlun ‘N’ V/C Pass-do- 86. LallawmaThangsiamaSairang Venglai V/C Pass No.71/87-do- 87. TlangmawiaKawlkungaSairangV/C Pass No.12/2009 -do- Dawr Veng 88. LalhlunaKutdenga (L)SairangV/C Pass-do-Assam type building 89. LalchhanhimiHrangkima (L)SairangV/C Pass Crops/Trees etc. 90. Ramdingngheti Zama (L)SairangV/C Pass-do-Building 91. Vanthangzuali Lalthanzama-do-V/C Pass-do- 92. LalrotluangaLalloha Sailo (L)Chanmari West V/C Pass-do- 93. Lalhmingsanga Lalengmawia (L)SairangV/C Pass 223/2004-do- 94. H. Lalramnghaka Lalramthanga-do-V/C Pass 77/94-do- 95. LalthlamuanaThankungaChaltlangV/C Pass 14/86-do- 96. ThangpuiiD/o Khuma (L)ChaltlangV/C 18/86 Cr ops/Trees etc. 97. DengchhungaChana (L)SairangV/C Pass No.67/92 andC/o BiakthansangaBawngkawnV/C Pass No.75/87-do- Hmingthanzama 98. T.Laldingngheti T. LalnghaklianaChaltlangV/C Pass 21/86-do- 99. VanlalnghakaRaltawna (L)ChanmariV/C Pass-do- 1/92/23/2010 100. ZolaltharaVanchhunga (L)Chanmari West V/C No.20/10-do- C/o R. Rokima 101. H.Lalnunmawia H.LianzelaZemabawkV/C Pass-do- 102. BialaC/o SanglianthangaSerkhanV/C Pass 45/87-do- 103. Ethel Lalsangliani Lianzuala (L)Chhinga Veng Permit No.150 of 1973 -do- 104. F. LaltanpuiaF.HranghliraRamhlun North Permit No.122/74-do- 105. LalrintluangaLalrinawmaChaltlangH/No.679/10-do- Lily Veng LSC. Area Grand Total : 2231934.70 Sq. ft. = 155.00 BighasPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 5 -Ex-22/2012

The Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 23Date - 20/01/2012

NOTIFICATION No. M. 33025/80/2011-AMC, the 16th January, 2012.In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 15, sub-rule (2) of the Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010, the Aizawl Municipal Council is pleased to declare the Local Council shown below as Local Council Constituencies to form new Local Council from their resp ective parent Local Council as indica ted below :- Sl. No.Name of New Local CouncilName of Parent Local CouncilWar d No. 1234 1.Chaltlang NorthChaltla ngII 2.Khatla EastKhatla & Khatla SouthXIV 3.Model VengMission VengXVIII 4.TuikhuahtlangMission VengXVIII Nghaklianmawia, Chief Execut ive Officer, Aizawl Municipal Council, Aizawl, Mizoram. CHALTLANG NORTH LOCAL COUNCIL BOUNDARY AS DULY APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNCILLORS MEETING HELD ON 16TH JANUARY, 2012 Mizoram State Transport Office, ma in gate opposite a Cha ltlang Lily veng panna hi Sta rting Point- a hman niin kawngpu i zel za wh chhovin Salem Veng atanga kawng lo chhuk chu tawite zawh chho leh in Pu B. Lalna wta leh Pi Remsiami te kawmchhak ka wng zawh pheiin kawr a man a, kawr hi zawh thla lehin Primary School-IV t hlang kawng a man leh a, heta tang hian hma r lam hawia ka wng zawh chho zelin Chaltlang North Branch YMA Building a thleng a , step zawh thla lehin Pu Sa ngzela In kawng step zawh chho in Pi E deni (L ) ram nen inri zelin step a ma n leh a , step chu zawh thle lehin Thlanmual hnuaia kawng zawh pheiin step a thleng a , step tawite zawh thla lehin Pu T. T hangchu ngnunga In panna kawng zawh zelin Thlanmual nen a inriin Chaltlang North Bra nch YMA, Section-III Building a thleng a, heta tang hian Pu H. Lalsa ngzuala leh Thlanmual inrinaa h kal chhovin Jeep roa d a man a, chu ta tang chuan T hlanmua l ri zela h kalin kopangah ngil taka in bang liamin S airang Road a man a. Sairang Road atang chu an kawngpui zela h kalin Edentha r Veng nena inrina Zotui Kawr a thleng a, kawrpui chu zawh thla lehin Ba wngkawn lui a thleng a, helai atang hian chhim lam hawiin Bawngkawn nena inrina zelah zawh chho leh in Hrangbana Filling Sta tion thlang Ba wngkawn nen inrinaah a rawn chhuak leh a ni. Helai atang hian kawngpui zel zawhin Bawngkawn la m hawiin a kal a, Ramhlun road-ah kal zelin Industry Department ram leh Mizoram State Transport Office inkarah chhovin Sta rting Point a man leh a ni.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 20.1.2012 Pausa 30, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 23 - 2 - Ex-23/2012 KHATLA EAST LOCAL COUNCIL BOUNDARY AS DULY APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNCILLORS MEETING HELD ON 16TH JANUARY, 2012 Pu S awilaia leh Pu Raldot hanga In inkar F Line Jeep road atanga kawr zawh thlain CP Road-ah a chhukthla ang a, CP Road zawh zelin Pu Selbuanga Chhangte kawmchhak step zawh chhovin Pu Thanthuama leh Pu C. Rodingliana kawtah kal pheiin step a zawh thla ang a, kawr kanin Khatla S outh Local Council House kawta h kalin kawrah a chhu kthla a ng a, CP Road a pawh ang. CP Road a tangin Zuang Tuikhur bula pengah chhovin Pu Denglia na (L) In bul kawra chhukin CP Road a pawh ang. CP Road a zawh phei ang a, Pu R obuaga In leh Primary School kawmchhak a kalin Pr imary S chool bula step a pawh ang a, step-a lo chhukin CP Road a pawh ang. Mission Vengthlang hawi zawngin CP Road zui zelin, Mission veng leh Khatla inrina kawr zawh chhovin Pu Laltha nsanga (L) House No. F -1 in bulah kawngpui a pawh ang a, Mission veng toNu rsery Jeep roa d za wh phei zelin Pu Ra ldothanga leh Pu Sa wila ia In inka r ka wr a suihfin a ng. MODEL VENG LOCAL COUNCIL BOUNDARY AS DULY APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNCILLORS MEETING HELD ON 16TH JANUARY, 2012 Khawchhak lamah:Hmar chhak kilah Pu R.Zothansanga ram atangin, Pu R. Laldawngliana r am huamin Pu Lalhmingmawia ram inkarah lo chhu kin kawngpui a zawh thla a, Upa Rinzamlova in panna step zawh chhovin heng ram: Upa Rinzamlova, Pu Lallampuia, Upa K. Rokima te ram huamin kawngpuiah lo chhuk lehin Pu K. Lallia nzauva, Pu Kapthianga (L), P u PC. Lalzika, Pu M.Tumsanga , Pu Anthony Lalremruata, Pi Phiri W/o Kapzama (L), Pu PC Lalrammuana, Pu H. Lianzuala, Pi J.Lallawmkimi te ram huamin MHIP School tel loin P u Zolawra Hnamte, Upa Zaithansiama , Pu Lalramnghaka Ralt e In atanga Pu K. Lalnghenga ram huamin vantlang kawng r awn zawh thlain motor kawngpui dungah pheiin Kulikawn nena inrina Bawla lui atanga lo chho a man ang. Khawthlang la mah: Luipui dung zawh thlain Mission Vengthlang nen inri zelin Bawla lui chhua h thlengin. Chhim la ma h:Luipui, Bawla lui chhuah atangin kawr dungah zawh chhoin khawchhak ramri Pu K. Lalnghenga ra m atanga lo chhuk motor kawngpui rawn zawh phei nen Kulika wn ramri ah a insu. Hmar lamah: Mission Vengthla ng nen kawrah fel takin khua vang ra mri kha msa a hmang TUIKHUAHTLANG LOCAL COUNCIL BOUNDARY AS DULY APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNCILLORS MEETING HELD ON 16TH JANUARY, 2012 Hmar thlang lamah M.G. Road atangin Pu R. Zathanga In thlang step-ah ramri chhoin Sikul Sen kawmchhak (Minister Bunglow r amri) manin Boys’ ME Sikul chowkider quarter leh Boys’ ME Sikul ka wmchhaka kal zelin DEO Office leh Quarter kawm chhaka phei zelin Pu F.Lalhr anga leh Sanitation Office inkar step ah chhu k thlain Republic Road kawng chhak zawng, Mission Veng Local Council Area thin chu Seventh Day Biak In thlengin Tuikhuahtlang a ni ang a , Pu Zathanga kawmthla ng step atanga hmarlam chhak zawng Governor Gate thlengin Republic nena inrina pangngai sawi dangla m lovin a pangngaiin Tuikhuahtlang Loca l Council ramr i chuan a huam ang Sd/- Nghaklianmawia, Chief Execut ive Officer, Aizawl Municipal Council, Aizawl, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Allocation of Seats to the 82 Local Councils within Aizawl Municipality for which General Elections will be held on 23 rd February, 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 24Date - 24/01/2012

NOTIFICATION No.B.14015/39/2012-SEC/LC/1-4, the 24th January, 2012.In ex ercise of the powers conferred u nder Rule 3 & Rule 37 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Councils) Rules, 2011 read with Rule 16 of the Mizoram Municip alities (Ward Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010, the Sta te Election Commission, Mizoram hereby fixes and publishes the Allocation of Seats to the 82 Local Councils within Aiza wl Municipality for which General Elections will be held on23rd February, 2012 as shown below :-Sl. No. No. & Name of Local C ouncils Total No. of Voters No. of Seats to be elected 1I/1 - Selesih4995 2I/2 - Durtlang North10355 3I/3 - Durtlang24907 4I/4 - Durtlang Leitan28377 5I/5 - Zuangtui20327 6I/6 - Muanna Veng5915 7II/1 - Chaltlang38997 8II/2 - Chaltlang North16307 9II/3 - Bawngkawn50637 10II/4 - Bawngkawn South16417 11III/1 - Ramhlun North41017 12III/2 - Ramhlun Venglai22817 13III/3 - Ramhlun Vengthar16817 14III/4 - Ramhlun Sports Complex7865 15III/5 - Laipuitlang11445 16IV/1 - Ramhlun S outh43247 17IV/2 - Ramthar North12375 18IV/3 - Ramthar Veng29217 19IV/4 - Aiza wl Venglai15507 20V/1 - Electric Veng37047 21V/2 - Chanmari32847 22V/3 - Zarkawt15917 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 24 - 2 - Ex-24/2012 23VI/1 - Chanmari West35597 24VI/2 - Edenthar13595 25VI/3 - Hunthar16197 26VII/1 - Zemabawk51007 27VII/2 - Zemabawk North19787 28VII/3 - Falkland6145 29VII/4 - Thuampui24567 30VIII/1 - Armed Veng27007 31VIII/ 2 - Armed Veng S outh32897 32VIII/3 - Chite3435 33IX/1 - Dawrpui19997 34IX/2 - Saron Veng16627 35IX/3 - Chhinga Veng37967 36IX/4 - Tuithiang11525 37X/1 - Chawnpui24347 38X/2 - Zotlang18307 39X/3 - Zonuam16637 40X/4 - Government Complex10715 41XI/1 - Luangmual22467 42XI/2 - Chawlhhmun19957 43XI/3 - Tanhril18477 44XI/4 - Saka wrtuichhun11135 45XI/5 - Rangva mual6125 46XI/6 - Phunchawng5905 47XI/7 - Tuivamit8695 48XII/1 - Tuikual North30347 49XII/2 - Tuikual South30927 50XII/3 - Dinthar45637 51XIII/1 - Dawrpui Vengthar22517 52XIII/2 - Vaivakawn24887 53XIII/3 - Kanan21427 54XIV/1 - Khatla36437 55XIV/2 - Khatla South14615 56XIV/3 - Khatla East11455 57XIV/4 - Mission Vengthlang29307 58XV/1 - Bungkawn31597 59XV/2 - Bungkawn Vengthar12205 60XV/3 - Maubawk24247 61XV/4 - Lawipu3725 62XV/5 - Nursery Veng16537 - 3 -Ex-24/2012 63XVI/1 - Bethlehem31137 64XVI/ 2 - Bet hlehem Vengthlang43597 65XVI/ 3 - College Veng22357 66XVII/1 - Venghlui27737 67XVII/2 - Republic27297 68XVII/3 - Upper Republic17767 69XVII/4 - Republic Vengthlang15787 70XVIII/1 - Mission Veng33997 71XVIII/2 - Model Veng8445 72XVIII/3 - Tuikhuahtlang11305 73XVIII/4 - Salem Veng23757 74XVIII/5 - Dam Veng8125 75XVIII/6 - Venghnuai13315 76XVIII/7 - Thakthing7395 77XVIII/8 - ITI29937 78XIX/1 - Kulikawn26827 79XIX/2 - Tlangnuam26227 80XIX/3 - Sa ikhama kawn9685 81XIX/4 - Melthum7205 82XIX/5 - Hlimen18967 Total174868522 C. Ropianga, State Elect ion Commissioner, Mizor a m.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The 509 Village Councils in the Districts of Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib for which General Elections will be held on 23 rd February, 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 25Date - 24/01/2011

NOTIFICATION No. B. 12011/31/2012-SEC/VC/1,the 24th January, 2012.In ex ercise of the powers conferred u nder sub-rule 2 of Rule 3 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974 as amended in 2006 & 2009; and as per a uthority delegated to the State Election Commission, Mizora m for the conduct of Elections to the Village Councils vide Notification No. B. 14016/1/07-LAD/VC, dt. 15th January, 2009, the State Election Commission hereby fixes and publishes the allocation of seats to the 509 Village Councils in the Districts of Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib for which General Elections will be held on23rd February, 2012 as shown below a nd as perAnnexure enclosed.Sl. Name of Districts No. of No. of No. of S ea t s No. Village Councils Households to be elected 1Aizawl9123,308379 2Lunglei13829,274548 3Serchhip4412,741192 4Champhai10525,734445 5Mamit8617,526332 6Kolasib4516,419219 G. TOTAL5091,25,0022,115 C. Ropianga, State Elect ion Commissioner, Mizor a m. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 25 - 2 - Ex-25/2012 ANNEXURE ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR ELECTIONS TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2012Name of SI. Constituency No. & Name of No. of No. of s ea t s Districts No. Village Councils Households to be with Code elec ted 1MZ-VC 01/1 - Aibawk3555 2MZ-VC 01/2 - Buhban1173 3MZ-VC 01/3 - Chamring533 4MZ-VC 01/4 - Chawilung973 5MZ-VC 01/5 - Chha nchhuahna Kha wpui403 6MZ-VC 01/6 - Daido963 7MZ-VC 01/7 - Da rla wn8867 8MZ-VC 01/8 - Darlawng1553 9MZ-VC 01/9 - Damdiai (Vervek)453 10MZ-VC 01/10 - Dilkhan433 11MZ-VC 01/11 - E. Phaileng2545 12MZ-VC 01/12 - Falkawn2785 13MZ-VC 01/13 - Hmuifang613 14MZ-VC 01/14 - Hmunnghak653 15MZ-VC 01/15 - Hualngohmun1613 16MZ-VC 01/16 - Keifang8667 17MZ-VC 01/17 - Kelsih1533 18MZ-VC 01/18 - Kepran1693 19MZ-VC 01/19 - Khanpui3275 20MZ-VC 01/20 - Khawlian3485 21MZ-VC 01/21 - Khawpuar1023 22MZ-VC 01/22 - Khawruhlian5367 23MZ-VC 01/23 - Lailak943 24MZ-VC 01/24 - Lamchhip1443 25MZ-VC 01/25 - Lamherh843 26MZ-VC 01/26 - Lenchim783 27MZ-VC 01/27 - Lengpui8457 28MZ-VC 01/28 - Luangpawn753 29MZ-VC 01/29 - Lungleng – I1513 30MZ-VC 01/30 - Lungsei443 31MZ-VC 01/31 - Lungsum1023 32MZ-VC 01/32 - Maite1853 33MZ-VC 01/33 - Maubuang1383 34MZ-VC 01/34 - Mauchar1883 35MZ-VC 01/35 - Melriat2175 36MZ-VC 01/36 - Muallungthu2705 37MZ-VC 01/37 - Mualpheng1473 38MZ-VC 01/38 - Muthi1713 39MZ-VC 01/39 - N. Khawdungsei493 40MZ-VC 01/40 - N. Khawlek1253 41MZ-VC 01/41 - N. Lungleng1543 42MZ-VC 01/42 - N.Lungpher1703 43MZ-VC 01/43 - N. Serzawl1293 44MZ-VC 01/44 - N. Tinghmun1463 M Z-VC 01AIZAW L M Z-VC 01AIZAW L- 3 -Ex-25/2012 45MZ-VC 01/45 - NE. Tlangnuam1013 46MZ-VC 01/46 - New Ver vek1813 47MZ-VC 01/47 - Palsang913 48MZ-VC 01/48 - Pehlawn1433 49MZ-VC 01/49 - Phuaibuang4165 50MZ-VC 01/50 - Phullen3675 51MZ-VC 01/51 - Phulmawi593 52MZ-VC 01/52 - Phulpui2215 53MZ-VC 01/53 - Ratu5037 54MZ-VC 01/54 - Ruallung2135 55MZ-VC 01/55 - Rulchawm2445 56MZ-VC 01/56 - Sailam1303 57MZ-VC 01/57 - Sailutar1073 58MZ-VC 01/58 - Sairang6537 59MZ-VC 01/59 - Sairang Dinthar3525 60MZ-VC 01/60 - Sairang Sihhmui1533 61MZ-VC 01/61 - Saitual11389 62MZ-VC 01/62 - Sakawrdai5827 63MZ-VC 01/63 - Samlukhai2455 64MZ-VC 01/64 - Samtlang1383 65MZ-VC 01/65 - Sateek2115 66MZ-VC 01/66 - Sawleng3155 67MZ-VC 01/67 - Seling4855 68MZ-VC 01/68 - Sesawng7707 69MZ-VC 01/69 - Sialsuk4555 70MZ-VC 01/70 - Sihfa2105 71MZ-VC 01/71 - Sihphir8337 72MZ-VC 01/72 - Sihphir Venghlun6087 73MZ-VC 01/73 - Suangpuilawn4205 74MZ-VC 01/74 - Sumsuih1673 75MZ-VC 01/75 - Sunhluchhip963 76MZ-VC 01/76 - Tachhip2165 77MZ-VC 01/77 - Tawizo853 78MZ-VC 01/78 - Thanglailung1523 79MZ-VC 01/79 - Thiak1513 80MZ-VC 01/80 - Thingsat543 81MZ-VC 01/81 - Thingsul Tlangnuam2765 82MZ-VC 01/82 - Thingsulthliah8077 83MZ-VC 01/83 - Tlungvel5737 84MZ-VC 01/84 - Tualbung1883 85MZ-VC 01/85 - Tuirial2225 86MZ-VC 01/86 - Tuirial Airfield1693 87MZ-VC 01/87 - Vaitin2375 88MZ-VC 01/88 - Vanbawng2175 89MZ-VC 01/89 - Zawngin1193 90MZ-VC 01/90 - Zohmun2715 91MZ-VC 01/91 - Zokhawthiang513 TOTAL23308379 - 4 - Ex-25/2012 1MZ-VC 02/1 - Aithur373 2MZ-VC 02/2 - Bazar Veng7777 3MZ-VC 02/3 - Belkhai1383 4MZ-VC 02/4 - Belpei1783 5MZ-VC 02/5 - Belthei1223 6MZ-VC 02/6 - Bolia1353 7MZ-VC 02/7 - Bualpui ‘V’1053 8MZ-VC 02/8 - Bualpui ‘H’1443 9MZ-VC 02/9 - Bualte853 10MZ-VC 02/10 - Buarpui2425 11MZ-VC 02/11 - Buknuam513 12MZ-VC 02/12 - Bunghmun ‘W’2395 13MZ-VC 02/13 - Bungtlang ‘W’513 14MZ-VC 02/14 - Changpui923 15MZ-VC 02/15 - Chanmari9577 16MZ-VC 02/16 - Chawilung ‘S’513 17MZ-VC 02/17 - Cha wngte ‘L’2855 18MZ-VC 02/18 - Chengkawllui1243 19MZ-VC 02/19 - Chengpui373 20MZ-VC 02/20 - Cherhlun4155 21MZ-VC 02/21 - Chhipphir2435 22MZ-VC 02/22 - Chithar493 23MZ-VC 02/23 - College Veng2335 24MZ-VC 02/24 - Darnga wn ‘W923 25MZ-VC 02/25 - Darzo2435 26MZ-VC 02/26 - Dawn903 27MZ-VC 02/27 - Dengsur753 28MZ-VC 02/28 - Diblibagh3765 29MZ-VC 02/29 - Electricveng7237 30MZ-VC 02/30 - Farmveng3215 31MZ-VC 02/31 - Haulawng5157 32MZ-VC 02/32 - Hauruang2295 33MZ-VC 02/33 - HIumte303 34MZ-VC 02/34 - Hmundo1173 35MZ-VC 02/35 - Hnahthial ‘N’ – I4775 36MZ-VC 02/36 - Hnahthial ‘N’ – II3335 37MZ-VC 02/37 - Hnahthial ‘S’ – I4255 38MZ-VC 02/38 - Hnahthial ‘S’ – II2225 39MZ-VC 02/39 - Hrangchalkawn1273 40MZ-VC 02/40 - Kalapani1263 41MZ-VC 02/41 - Kanghmun ‘S’1083 42MZ-VC 02/42 - Kauchhuah833 43MZ-VC 02/43 - Kawlhawk343 44MZ-VC 02/44 - Kawnpui ‘W423 45MZ-VC 02/45 - Khawhri603 46MZ-VC 02/46 - Khawlek ‘S’583M Z-VC 02 LUNGLEI M Z-VC 02 LUNGLEI 47MZ-VC 02/47 - Khawmawi2205 48MZ-VC 02/48 - Khojoysury2305 49MZ-VC 02/49 - Laisawral1043 50MZ-VC 02/50 - Leite1893 51MZ-VC 02/51 - Luangmual3775 52MZ-VC 02/52 - Lungchem823 53MZ-VC 02/53 - Lungdai ‘S’493 54MZ-VC 02/54 - Lunglawn5677 55MZ-VC 02/55 - Lungmawi503 56MZ-VC 02/56 - Lungpuitlang403 57MZ-VC 02/57 - Lungpuizawl1103 58MZ-VC 02/58 - Lungrang ‘S’3655 59MZ-VC 02/59 - Lungsen7597 60MZ-VC 02/60 - Malsury2315 61MZ-VC 02/61 - Mamte1163 62MZ-VC 02/62 - Marpara ‘S’5057 63MZ-VC 02/63 - Mausen593 64MZ-VC 02/64 - Mautlang493 65MZ-VC 02/65 - Mauzam713 66MZ-VC 02/66 - Mualcheng ‘S’1433 67MZ-VC 02/67 - Muallianpui1953 68MZ-VC 02/68 - Mualthuam ‘N’2895 69MZ-VC 02/69 - Mualthuam ‘S’1013 70MZ-VC 02/70 - New Ngharchhip573 71MZ-VC 02/71 - New Sachan1293 72MZ-VC 02/72 - Ngharchhip403 73MZ-VC 02/73 - Nunsury2515 74MZ-VC 02/74 - Pangzawl5467 75MZ-VC 02/75 - Pha ileng ‘S’493 76MZ-VC 02/76 - Phairuangkai2635 77MZ-VC 02/77 - Puankhai1603 78MZ-VC 02/78 - Pukpui3945 79MZ-VC 02/79 - Putlungasih2625 80MZ-VC 02/80 - Rahsiveng6957 81MZ-VC 02/81 - Ralvawng1023 82MZ-VC 02/82 - Ramlaitui1133 83MZ-VC 02/83 - Ra mthar veng7657 84MZ-VC 02/84 - Rangte1463 85MZ-VC 02/85 - Rawpui1703 86MZ-VC 02/86 - Rotlang ‘E’1363 87MZ-VC 02/87 - Rotla ng ‘W1353 88MZ-VC 02/88 - Rualalung1193 89MZ-VC 02/89 - Runtung303 90MZ-VC 02/90 - S.Chawngtui1093 91MZ-VC 02/91 - S.Lungleng303 92MZ-VC 02/92 - S.Vanlaiphai3325 - 5 -Ex-25/2012 M Z-VC 02 LUNGLEI 93MZ-VC 02/93 - Sachan933 94MZ-VC 02/94 - Sailen363 95MZ-VC 02/95 - Sairep463 96MZ-VC 02/96 - Salem3105 97MZ-VC 02/97 - Sazaikawn873 98MZ-VC 02/98 - Sekhum603 99MZ-VC 02/99 - Serkawn4745 100MZ-VC 02/100 - Serte823 101MZ-VC 02/101 - Sertlangpui1143 102MZ-VC 02/102 - Sesawm793 103MZ-VC 02/103 - Sethlun1643 104MZ-VC 02/104 - Silkur1183 105MZ-VC 02/105 - Sumasumi263 106MZ-VC 02/106 - Tablabagh2205 107MZ-VC 02/107 - Tarpho683 108MZ-VC 02/108 - Tawipui ‘N’ – I1483 109MZ-VC 02/109 - Tawipui ‘N’ – II1763 110MZ-VC 02/110 - Tawipui’S’3625 111MZ-VC 02/111 - Thaizawl733 112MZ-VC 02/112 - Thangte/Thangpui643 113MZ-VC 02/113 - Thehlep253 114MZ-VC 02/114 - Theiriat3535 115MZ-VC 02/115 - Thenhlum2225 116MZ-VC 02/116 - Thiltlang2465 117MZ-VC 02/117 - Thingfal3235 118MZ-VC 02/118 - Thingsai4565 119MZ-VC 02/119 - Thlengang473 120MZ-VC 02/120 - Thualthu1273 121MZ-VC 02/121 - Thuampui1103 122MZ-VC 02/122 - Tiperaghat2155 123MZ-VC 02/123 - Tlabung5857 124MZ-VC 02/124 - Tuichawng3675 125MZ-VC 02/125 - Tuipui ‘D’1723 126MZ-VC 02/126 - Tuisenchhuah623 127MZ-VC 02/127 - Vaisam653 128MZ-VC 02/128 - Vanhne1503 129MZ-VC 02/129 - Venghlun3885 130MZ-VC 02/130 - Venglai5527 131MZ-VC 02/131 - Zawlpui2365 132MZ-VC 02/132 - Zehtet863 133MZ-VC 02/133 - Zobawk6157 134MZ-VC 02/134 - Zodin4995 135MZ-VC 02/135 - Zohnuai2645 136MZ-VC 02/136 - Zote ‘S’1283 137MZ-VC 02/137 - Zotlang4285 138MZ-VC 02/138 - Zotuitlang1233 TOTAL29274548- 6 - Ex-25/2012 1.MZ-VC 03/1 - Buangpui883 2.MZ-VC 03/2 - Bakta wng Tlangnuam2905 3.MZ-VC 03/3 - Baktawng Vengpui3065 4.MZ-VC 03/4 - Bawktlang643 5.MZ-VC 03/5 - Bungtlang4275 6.MZ-VC 03/6 - Chekawn493 7.MZ-VC 03/7 - Chhiahtlang7287 8.MZ-VC 03/8 - Chhingchhip4215 9.MZ-VC 03/9 - E. Lungdar6687 10.MZ-VC 03/10 - Hmawngkawn363 11.MZ-VC 03/11 - Hmuntha1213 12.MZ-VC 03/12 - Hmunzawl923 13.MZ-VC 03/13 - Hr ia ngtla ng1103 14.MZ-VC 03/14 - Hualtu2025 15.MZ-VC 03/15 - Keitum4205 16.MZ-VC 03/16 - Khawbel1063 17.MZ-VC 03/17 - Khawlailung5347 18.MZ-VC 03/18 - Khumtung2375 19.MZ-VC 03/19 - Leng1923 20.MZ-VC 03/20 - Lungchhuan1323 21.MZ-VC 03/21 - Lungkawlh1863 22.MZ-VC 03/22 - Lungpho1733 23.MZ-VC 03/23 - Mualcheng2765 24.MZ-VC 03/24 - Mualpui Chhingchhip2905 25.MZ-VC 03/25 - N. Vanlaiphai7567 26.MZ-VC 03/26 - Neihloh633 27.MZ-VC 03/27 - New Serchhip8607 28.MZ-VC 03/28 - Ngentiang1203 29.MZ-VC 03/29 - Piler873 30.MZ-VC 03/30 - Rullam1043 31.MZ-VC 03/31 - Sailulak1793 32.MZ-VC 03/32 - Serchhip – I5557 33.MZ-VC 03/33 - Serchhip – II4405 34.MZ-VC 03/34 - Serchhip – III3525 35.MZ-VC 03/35 - Serchhip – IV7067 36.MZ-VC 03/36 - Serchhip – V3745 37.MZ-VC 03/37 - Sialhau1093 38.MZ-VC 03/38 - Sialsir623 39.MZ-VC 03/39 - Thentlang1253 40.MZ-VC 03/40 - Thenzawl East7437 41.MZ-VC 03/41 - Thenzawl Vengthar893 42.MZ-VC 03/42 - Thenzawl West6667 43.MZ-VC 03/43 - Thinglian753 44.MZ-VC 03/44 - Vanchengpui1283 TOTAL12741192M Z-VC03SERCHHIP - 7 -Ex-25/2012 M Z-VC 04 CHAM PHAI 1MZ-VC 04/1 - Aiduzawl753 2MZ-VC 04/2 - Ar ro373 3MZ-VC 04/3 - Bethel6237 4MZ-VC 04/4 - Biate5277 5MZ-VC 04/5 - Buang923 6MZ-VC 04/6 - Bulfekzawl723 7MZ-VC 04/7 - Bungzung2305 8MZ-VC 04/8 - Chalrang1413 9MZ-VC 04/9 - Champhai Vengthlang North2125 10MZ-VC 04/10 - Champhai Zion Veng2025 11MZ-VC 04/11 - Changzawl1073 12MZ-VC 04/12 - Chawngtlai3235 13MZ-VC 04/13 - Chawngtui ‘E’613 14MZ-VC 04/14 - Chhawrtui2155 15MZ-VC 04/15 - Chhungte483 16MZ-VC 04/16 - Chiahpui1683 17MZ-VC 04/17 - Dilkawn1783 18MZ-VC 04/18 - Dinthar1673 19MZ-VC 04/19 - Dulte1843 20MZ-VC 04/20 - Dungtlang2135 21MZ-VC 04/21 - Electric Veng3955 22MZ-VC 04/22 - Farkawn5307 23MZ-VC 04/23 - Hliappui3515 24MZ-VC 04/24 - Hmuncheng673 25MZ-VC 04/25 - Hmunhmeltha2425 26MZ-VC 04/26 - Hnahlan5247 27MZ-VC 04/27 - Hrianghmun1253 28MZ-VC 04/28 - Hruaikawn733 29MZ-VC 04/29 - Kahrawt4355 30MZ-VC 04/30 - Kanan5717 31MZ-VC 04/31 - Kawlbem2655 32MZ-VC 04/32 - Kawlkulh6737 33MZ-VC 04/33 - Kelkang2255 34MZ-VC 04/34 - Khankawn1323 35MZ-VC 04/35 - Khawbung North1593 36MZ-VC 04/36 - Khawbung South4895 37MZ-VC 04/37 - Khawhai5337 38MZ-VC 04/38 - Khawkawn1453 39MZ-VC 04/39 - Khawzawl-I2095 40MZ-VC 04/40 - Khawzawl-ll4515 41MZ-VC 04/41 - Khawzawl-lll2335 42MZ-VC 04/42 - Khawzawl-IV4815 43MZ-VC 04/43 - Khawzawl-V3455 44MZ-VC 04/44 - Khawzawl Hermon2425 45MZ-VC 04/45 - Khawzawl Kawnzar1513 46MZ-VC 04/46 - Khualen463 47MZ-VC 04/47 - Khuangleng3425 48MZ-VC 04/48 - Khuangphah1263 49MZ-VC 04/49 - Khuangthing2735 50MZ-VC 04/50 - Lamzawl663 51MZ-VC 04/51 - Leisenzo1663 52MZ-VC 04/52 - Leithum1153 53MZ-VC 04/53 - Lianpui1313- 8 - Ex-25/2012 M Z-VC 04 CHAM PHAI54MZ-VC 04/54 - Lungphunlian633 55MZ-VC 04/55 - Lungtan1093 56MZ-VC 04/56 - Melbuk1243 57MZ-VC 04/57 - Mimbung3455 58MZ-VC 04/58 - Mualkawi1523 59MZ-VC 04/59 - Murlen883 60MZ-VC 04/60 - N. Diltlang603 61MZ-VC 04/61 - NE Khawdungsei4315 62MZ-VC 04/62 - Neihdawn993 63MZ-VC 04/63 - New Chalrang1243 64MZ-VC 04/64 - New Champhai1963 65MZ-VC 04/65 - Ngaizawl1493 66MZ-VC 04/66 - Ngopa8887 67MZ-VC 04/67 - Ngur3395 68MZ-VC 04/68 - Pamchung593 69MZ-VC 04/69 - Pawlrang2115 70MZ-VC 04/70 - Puilo983 71MZ-VC 04/71 - Rabung2915 72MZ-VC 04/72 - Riangtlei1273 73MZ-VC 04/73 - Ruantlang4075 74MZ-VC 04/74 - Saichal2015 75MZ-VC 04/75 - Samthang2325 76MZ-VC 04/76 - Sazep1293 77MZ-VC 04/77 - Selam2145 78MZ-VC 04/78 - Sesih2835 79MZ-VC 04/79 - Sialhawk5137 80MZ-VC 04/80 - Teikhang3305 81MZ-VC 04/81 - Thekpui573 82MZ-VC 04/82 - Thekte973 83MZ-VC 04/83 - Tlangmawi503 84MZ-VC 04/84 - Tlangpui1433 85MZ-VC 04/85 - Tlangsam3825 86MZ-VC 04/86 - Tualcheng1463 87MZ-VC 04/87 - Tualpui1093 88MZ-VC 04/88 - Tualte2175 89MZ-VC 04/89 - Tuipui1003 90MZ-VC 04/90 - Vaikhawtlang1603 91MZ-VC 04/91 - Vangchhia1693 92MZ-VC 04/92 - Vangtlang953 93MZ-VC 04/93 - Vankal743 94MZ-VC 04/94 - Vanzau1603 95MZ-VC 04/95 - Vapar1863 96MZ-VC 04/96 - Vaphai4745 97MZ-VC 04/97 - Venglai5357 98MZ-VC 04/98 - Vengsang5877 99MZ-VC 04/99 - Vengthar3375 100MZ-VC 04/100 - Vengthlang7187 101MZ-VC 04/101 - Zawlsei1043 102MZ-VC 04/102 - Zawngtetui453 103MZ-VC 04/103 - Zokhawthar5147 104MZ-VC 04/104 - Zote3105 105MZ-VC 04/105 - Zotlang’E’5177 TOTAL25734445 - 9 -Ex-25/2012 1MZ-VC 05/1 - Ailawng1273 2MZ-VC 05/2 - Andermanik2215 3MZ-VC 05/3 - Bawlte613 4MZ-VC 05/4 - Bawngthah833 5MZ-VC 05/5 - Bawngva1183 6MZ-VC 05/6 - Borai, Zawlnuam2275 7MZ-VC 05/7 - Bunghmun West1783 8MZ-VC 05/8 - Bungthuam1923 9MZ-VC 05/9 - Belkhai1263 10MZ-VC 05/10 - Chhippui/Kawnmawi1773 11MZ-VC 05/11 - Chuhvel943 12MZ-VC 05/12 - Chungtlang843 13MZ-VC 05/13 - Damdiai1123 14MZ-VC 05/14 - Dampui1733 15MZ-VC 05/15 - Dapchhuah2115 16MZ-VC 05/16 - Darlak2315 17MZ-VC 05/17 - Darlung2145 18MZ-VC 05/18 - Damparengpui4465 19MZ-VC 05/19 - Hmunpui2565 20MZ-VC 05/20 - Hnahva2315 21MZ-VC 05/21 - Hriphaw1413 22MZ-VC 05/22 - Hruiduk1703 23MZ-VC 05/23 - Hreichuk513 24MZ-VC 05/24 - Kanghmun2385 25MZ-VC 05/25 - Kanhmun3275 26MZ-VC 05/26 - Kawrtethawveng4075 27MZ-VC 05/27 - Kawrthah North2995 28MZ-VC 05/28 - Kawrthah South3165 29MZ-VC 05/29 - Khantlang1313 30MZ-VC 05/30 - Khawhnai943 31MZ-VC 05/31 - Khawrihnim1593 32MZ-VC 05/32 - Kolalian1083 33MZ-VC 05/33 - Lallen1643 34MZ-VC 05/34 - Lengte1163 35MZ-VC 05/35 - Luimawi823 36MZ-VC 05/36 - Lungphun873 37MZ-VC 05/37 - Luangpawl1533 38MZ-VC 05/38 - Mamit Bazar Veng2365 39MZ-VC 05/39 - Mamit Chhim Veng4255 40MZ-VC 05/40 - Mamit Hmar Veng3615 41MZ-VC 05/41 - Mamit Venghlun2455 42MZ-VC 05/42 - Marpara Mizo Veng973 43MZ-VC 05/43 - Marpara North4345 44MZ-VC 05/44 - Mualthuam2495M Z-VC 05 M AM IT- 10 - Ex-25/2012 45MZ-VC 05/45 - New Mamit3475 46MZ-VC 05/46 - New West Pha ileng4125 47MZ-VC 05/47 - Nghalchawm993 48MZ-VC 05/48 - North Sabual953 49MZ-VC 05/49 - Nalzawl1043 50MZ-VC 05/50 - New Eden1233 51MZ-VC 05/51 - Parvatui (Zopui)533 52MZ-VC 05/52 - Phaizau653 53MZ-VC 05/53 - Phuldungsei3895 54MZ-VC 05/54 - Phulpui West983 55MZ-VC 05/55 - Pukzing Vengthar643 56MZ-VC 05/56 - Pukzing943 57MZ-VC 05/57 - Phuldungsei Jampui633 58MZ-VC 05/58 - Rajiv Nagar – I5107 59MZ-VC 05/59 - Rajiv Nagar – II3085 60MZ-VC 05/60 - Rawpuichhip3345 61MZ-VC 05/61 - Reiek3785 62MZ-VC 05/62 - Rengdil3225 63MZ-VC 05/63 - Rulpuihlim933 64MZ-VC 05/64 - Saithah763 65MZ-VC 05/65 - Saikhawthlir1233 66MZ-VC 05/66 - Serhmun West1413 67MZ-VC 05/67 - Silsury5997 68MZ-VC 05/68 - South Sabual1173 69MZ-VC 05/69 - Suarhliap1553 70MZ-VC 05/70 - Sihthiang2895 71MZ-VC 05/71 - Thaidawr1773 72MZ-VC 05/72 - Thinghlun1843 73MZ-VC 05/73 - Tuahzawl943 74MZ-VC 05/74 - Tuidam3585 75MZ-VC 05/75 - Tuipuibari – I4685 76MZ-VC 05/76 - Tuirum773 77MZ-VC 05/77 - Teirei For est Veng1083 78MZ-VC 05/78 - Tumpanglui1383 79MZ-VC 05/79 - West Lungdar1833 80MZ-VC 05/80 - West Phaileng4575 81MZ-VC 05/81 - West Serzawl1073 82MZ-VC 05/82 - Zamuang2365 83MZ-VC 05/83 - Zawlnuam Thuampui2195 84MZ-VC 05/84 - Zawlnuam Vengpui4045 85MZ-VC 05/85 - Zawlpui913 86MZ-VC 05/86 - Zomuantlang1223 TOTAL17526332M Z-VC 05 M AM IT- 11 -Ex-25/2012 1MZ-VC 06/1 - Bairabi9427 2MZ-VC 06/2 - Bilkhawthlir North4825 3MZ-VC 06/3 - Bilkhawthlir South5507 4MZ-VC 06/4 - Bualpui North2645 5MZ-VC 06/5 - Buhchangphai1953 6MZ-VC 06/6 - Bukpui2605 7MZ-VC 06/7 - Bukvannei863 8MZ-VC 06/8 - Hortoki5837 9MZ-VC 06/9 - Kawnpui -I6737 10MZ-VC 06/10 - Kawnpui - II8397 11MZ-VC 06/11 - Khamrang1263 12MZ-VC 06/12 - Kolasib College Veng2485 13MZ-VC 06/13 - Kolasib Diakkawn6507 14MZ-VC 06/14 - Kolasib Hmarveng7197 15MZ-VC 06/15 - Kolasib New Diakkawn3855 16MZ-VC 06/16 - Kolasib Project Veng2375 17MZ-VC 06/17 - Kolasib Tumpui2945 18MZ-VC 06/18 - Kolasib Venglai9477 19MZ-VC 06/19 - Kolasib Vengthar8047 20MZ-VC 06/20 - Lungdai5137 21MZ-VC 06/21 - Lungmuat1533 22MZ-VC 06/22 - Meidum1613 23MZ-VC 06/23 - Mualkhang913 24MZ-VC 06/24 - N. Chaltlang2155 25MZ-VC 06/25 - N. Chawnpui743 26MZ-VC 06/26 - N. Chhimluang683 27MZ-VC 06/27 - N. Hlimen2685 28MZ-VC 06/28 - N. Thinglian673 29MZ-VC 06/29 - New Builum873 30MZ-VC 06/30 - Nisapui1833 31MZ-VC 06/31 - Pangbalkawn1683 32MZ-VC 06/32 - Phainuam2395 33MZ-VC 06/33 - Phaisen1143 34MZ-VC 06/34 - Rengtekawn3665 35MZ-VC 06/35 - Saida n/Tuitha Veng3605 36MZ-VC 06/36 - Saihapui ‘K’1643 37MZ-VC 06/37 - Saihapui V523 38MZ-VC 06/38 - Saiphai3755 39MZ-VC 06/39 - Saipum4065 40MZ-VC 06/40 - Serkhan1703 41MZ-VC 06/41 - Thingdawl6937 42MZ-VC 06/42 - Thingthelh1103 43MZ-VC 06/43 - Vairengte – I7957 44MZ-VC 06/44 - Vairengte – II10119 45MZ-VC 06/45 - Zanlawn2325 TOTAL16419219Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500M Z-VC 06 KOLASIB- 12 - Ex-25/2012

The Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Councils) Rules, 2011

VOL - XLIISSUE - 26Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 26 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14015/31/2011-SEC/LC , the 24th January, 2012.In ex ercise of the powers conferred u nder Rule 3 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 34 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Councils) Rules, 2011, the State Election Commissioner, Mizoram hereby calls u pon all the Local Council Constituencies within Aiza wl Municipality to elect members for the Local Councils on23rd February, 2012 (Thursday). Accordingly, the St ate Election Commission, in consulta tion with the State Government, hereby publishes the Schedule for General Elections to constitute 82 Local Councils within Aizawl Municipality as follows:- (1 ) Last date for filing nominations1.2.2012(Wednesday) (2 ) Scrutiny of nominations2.2.2012 (Thursday)(10:00 AM – 2:00 PM) (3 ) Last date for withdr awal of nominations3.2.2012 (Friday)(upto 3:00 PM) (4 ) Date and time for allotment of symbols to3.2.2012(Friday)(3:00 PM onwards) candidates and display of list of candidates (5 ) Date of P oll23.2.2012(Thursday)(7:00 AM – 4:00 PM) (6) Date of Re-poll, if any24.2.2012(Friday) (7 ) Counting of Votes23.2.2012(Thursday)(Counting of Votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) (8 ) Date on which election process shall be completed27.2.2012(Monday) By order, etc. P. Lianhr ima Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizor am : Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The State Election Commission, Mizoram for the conduct of Elections to the Village Councils vide Notification No. B. 14016/1/07-LAD/VC, dt. 15.01.2009,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 27Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 27 NOTIFICATION No. B. 12011/13/2011-SEC/VC, the 24th January, 2012.In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 (1) of the Mizoram (Constitution of State Election Commission) Rules, 2008 read with Rule 5 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974 as amended from time to time and as per authority delegated to the State Election Commission, Mizoram for the conduct of Elections to the Village Councils vide Notification No. B. 14016/1/07-LAD/VC, dt. 1 5.01.2009, the State Election Commissioner hereby calls upon all the Village Council Constituencies within Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib Districts to elect Members for the Village Councils on23rd February, 2012 (Thursday).Accordingly, the State Election Commission, in consultation with the State Government, hereby publishes the Schedule for General Election to constitute 509 Village Councils a s follows :- (1 ) Last date for filing nominations1.2.2012(Wednesday) (2 ) Scrutiny of nominations2.2.2012 (Thursday)(10:00 AM – 2:00 PM) (3 ) Last date for withdr awal of nominations3.2.2012 (Friday)(upto 3:00 PM) (4 ) Date and time for allotment of symbols to3.2.2012(Friday)(3:00 PM onwards) candidates and display of list of candidates (5 ) Date of P oll23.2.2012(Thursday)(7:00 AM – 4:00 PM) (6) Date of Re-poll, if any24.2.2012(Friday) (7 ) Counting of Votes23.2.2012(Thursday)(Counting of Votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) (8 ) Date on which election process shall be completed27.2.2012(Monday) By order, etc. P. Lianhr ima Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizor am : Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Police Act, 2011 (Act No. 3 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 20Date - 16/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 20 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/118/2008-LJD, the 12th January, 2012.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram Police Act, 2011 (Act No. 3 of 2012) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 19th December, 2011} Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Preamble WHEREAS respect for and p romotion of the human rights of the people, and protection of their civil, political, s ocial, economic and cultural r ights, is the primary concern of the Rule of Law; AND WHEREAS, it is the constitutional obligation of the State to provide impa rtial and efficient Police Service safeguarding the interests of vulnerable sections of society including the minorities, and resp onding to the democratic aspir ations of citizens; AND WHEREAS such fu nctioning of the Police Service needs to be professionally organized, service oriented, free from extra neous influences and a ccounta ble to law; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to redefine the role of the police, its duties and responsibilit ies, by taking into account the emerging challenges of policing and security of State, the imperatives of good governance, and r espect for human rights; AND WHEREAS it is essentia l to appropria tely empower t he police to enable it to function a s an efficient, effective, people-friendly and responsive agency; AND WHEREAS it is necessa ry for this purpose to enact a new law relating to the establishment and management of the Police Service; - 2 - Ex-20/2012 It is enact ed by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the sixty-Second year of the Republic of India as follows:- THE MIZORAM POLICE ACT, 2011 (Act No. 3 of 2012)An Act to provide for the establishment and management of better policing system and matter relating thereto. C hap t er - I Preliminary: Definitions & Interpretations 1. Short title, extent and commencement: (1) This Act may be called the Mizoram Police Act, 2011. (2 ) It extends to the whole of t he state of Mizoram. (3 ) It shall come into force on such date as the Sta te Gover nment may, by notifica tion in the official Ga zette, specify in this behalf. 2.Definitions:- (1 ) In this Act , unless the context otherwise requir es,- (a) “Act” means the Mizoram Police Act, 2011; (b) “Core functions” means duties related to sovereign functions of the State including arrests, search, seizure, crime investiga tion, cr owd control and allied functions that can only be performed by the P olice a s the a gency of the St ate. (c) “Insurgency” means waging of armed struggle by a group or a section of population a ga inst the state with a polit ical objective including the separation of a part from the territ ory of India; (d) “Int ernal S ecurity” means preser vation of sovereignty and integrity of the State from disr uptive and anti-national forces from within the St ate; (e) “Militant activities” means any violent a ctivity of a gr oup using explosives, inflammable substances, firear ms or other lethal wea pons or hazardous substance in order to achieve its political objectives; (f) “Non-core functions” mean such functions which are not core functions as defined; (g) “Organized crime” means any crime committed by a group or a network of persons in pursuance of its common intention of unlawful gain by using violent means or threat of violence; (h) “Place of public amusement and public entertainment” means such places as may be notified by t he State Government; (i) “Police District” means the territorial area notified under Section 9 of Chapter II of this Act; (j) “Police Officer” means any member of Mizoram Police constituted under this Act; (k) “Prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (l) “Public place” means any place to which the public have access and includes,- (i) a public building and monument a nd precincts thereof; and (ii) any place a ccessible to the public for drawing water, washing or bathing or for purposes of recreation; (m) “Regulations” means regula tions made under this Act; (n) “Rules” means rules made under this Act; (o) “Service Companies” means units of State Armed Police Ba ttalions and District Armed Reserve which are deployed for law and order and other duties in supportof civil police; (p ) “Service” means the Police Service constit uted under this Act; (q) “Subordinate Rank” means all ranks below the rank of Assistant or Deputy Superintendent of Police; - 3 -Ex-20/2012 (r) “Terrorist activity” means any activity of a person or a group using explosives or inflammable substances or firearms or other lethal weapons or noxious ga ses or other chemicals or any other substance of a ha zardous nature with the aim to strike terror in the society or any section thereof, and with an intent to overawe the Government established by law. (2 ) Words and expressions used in this Act but not defined specifically shall have the same meaning as provided in the Genera l Clauses Act 1897 (Act No 10 of 1897), the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 Act No 2 of 1974), and the Indian Penal Code 1860 (Act No 45 0f 1860). Chapter - II Constitution and organization of the Police Service 3.One Police Service,- There shall be one Police Service for the State of Mizoram. Members of the P olice Service shall be liable for posting to a ny branch of the Service in the state, including any of its specialized wings. 4.Constitution and composition of the Police Service. Subject to t he provisions of this Act: (1 ) The Police Service shall consist of such numbers in various ranks a nd have such organiza tion as the State Government ma y by general or specia l orders determine. (2 ) The direct r ecruitments to non-gazetted ra nks in the Police Service shall be ma de through a state-level Police Recruit ment Boa rd duly constit uted by the competent authority through a transparent process, adopting well-codified and scientific systems a nd procedures as provided in t he Mizor am Police Manua l and other relevant rules. (3 ) The recruit ment to the Indian Police Service and to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police shall be ma de through the Union Public Service Commission and the State Public Service Commissions r espectively. (4 ) The composition of the Police Service sha ll, as far as possible, reflect adequate representa tion of a ll sections of society, including gender representation. (5 ) The pa y, allowances, service and working conditions of police personnel shall be as prescribed by rules, from time to time. These shall always be commensurate with the arduous nature of their duties. (6) Police personnel shall at all times remain accountable to the law and responsive to the lawful needs of the people and shall observe codes of ethica l condu ct and integrity, as prescribed. 5.Appointment of Director General, Additional Directors General, InspectorsGeneral, Deputy and Assistant Inspectors General,- (1 ) For the overall dir ection a nd supervision of the Police Service, the Sta te Government s hall appoint a Director General of Police who shall exercise such powers, perform such funct ions and duties, and have such r esponsibilities and such authority, as may be prescribed. (2 ) The post of Director General of Police shall be the senior-most position in the hierarchy of the Police Service in the state and no other officer senior or equivalent in rank to the incumbent Director General of Police shall be posted to any position within the police orga nization to ensu re that the unity of command is maint ained a t all times, Provided tha t the State Government in exceptional case, if considered necessary, may appoint to the post, a police officer, on deputation, from outside the State cadre, subject to his fulfillment of the criteria la id down in sub-section (2). Provided further that ifany other police officer also holds the rank of Director General, then he or she may be appropriately appointed outside the state police organization. (3 ) The State Government may appoint one or more Additional Director General, and as many Insp ector s Gener al, Deputy and As sistant Inspector s General as necess ary. (4 ) The State Government may, by a general or special order and in consultation with the Director General of P olice, direct in what manner and to what ext ent an Additional Director General or a n Inspector General or a Deputy or Ass istant Inspector Gener al shall assist and aid the Director General of Police in the performance, exercise and discharge of his functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities. 6.Selection a nd term of office of the Dir ector General of Police.- (1 ) The Sta te Government sha ll appoint the Director Gener al of P olice fr om amongst thr ee senior-most police officers of the State, empanelled for the r ank. (2 ) The empanelment for the ra nk of Director General of P olice shall be done by the Sta te Security Commission created under section 30 of Chapter IV of this Act, considering,int er alia , the following criteria: (a) Length of service and fitness of health, standar ds as pr escribed by the State Government; (b ) assessment of the performance appraisal reports of the previous 15 years of service by assigning weightage to different grading, namely, ‘Outstanding’, ‘Very Good’, ‘Good’, & ‘Satisfactory’ ; (c) range of relevant experience, including exp erience of work in centra l police orga nizations, and training courses undergone; (d) indictment in any criminal or disciplina ry proceedings or on the counts of corruption or mora l turpitude; or charges having been framed by a court of law in such ca ses. (e) due weighta ge to a ward of medals for ga llantry, distinguished and meritorious service: (3 ) The Director Gener al of Police so appointed, unless superannuating ear lier, shall have a minimum tenure of two years: Provided that the Dir ector General of Police may be removed from the pos t befor e the expiry of his tenure by t he State Government through a written order specifying r easons, consequent upon: (a) conviction by a cou rt of la w in a criminal offence or where charges have been fr amed by a court in a ca se involving corruption or moral turpitude; or (b ) punishment of dismissal, r emoval, or compulsory retirement fr om service or of reduction to a lower post, a warded under the provisions of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 or any other relevant rule; or (c) suspension from service in accor dance with the provisions of the said rules; or (d) inca pacitation by physica l or mental illness or otherwise becoming unable to discharge his functions as the Director General of Police; or (e) promotion to a higher post under either the Sta te or the Cent ral Government, subject to the officer ’s consent to such a posting. 7.Appointment of Legal Advisor.- (1 ) The State Government may a ppoint a Legal Advisor to assist and a id the Director Genera l of Police on legal matters in the discharge of his duties and functions. (2 ) The State Government shall also ensure that every District Police Unit and every City Police Commissionerate is provided with one or more Legal Advisors to advise the police on legal issues a nd matters on the adequacy or otherwise of available evidence in va rious cases investigated by them. The police shall take necessary action on such advice before submitting the cha rge s heets in the ca ses.- 4 - Ex-20/2012 8.Creation of Police Zones and Ranges (1) The State Government, in consult ation with the Dir ector Gener al of Police, may, by notification, divide the entire geographical ar ea of the state into one or more Police Zones. Each Zone,comprising two or more Police Ranges, shall be headed by an officer of the rank of Inspector Genera l who shall supervise the police administration of the Zone and report directly to the Director General of Police. (2) The State Government, in consult ation with the Dir ector Gener al of Police, may, by notification, create as ma ny Police Ranges as deemed necessary. Each Range, consisting of two or more Police Districts, shall be hea ded by an officer of t he rank of Depu ty Inspector General who shall supervise the police administration of the Range a nd report directly to the Inspector General in charge of the Zone in the jurisdiction of which the Range fa lls. 9.Police Districts The State Government, in consulta tion with the Director Gener al, may, by notification, declare any area within the state to be a Police Distr ict. The administration of the police throughout such district shall vest in the Superintendent of Police who may be assisted by a s many Additional, Assistant or Deputy Superintendents, as deemed necessar y and ar e notified. 10.District-level Special Cells, Sub-Divisions and Circles (1 ) For the pur pose of dealing with a particular ca tegory of crime or pr oviding better service to the community at large including victims of cr ime, the State Government ma y, in consulta tion with the Director General and by notification, create one or more Special Cells in each Police District, to be headed by an officer of the rank of Assistant/Deputy Superintendent of Polic e. (2 ) The State Government may, by notification, divide each Police District into a s many Sub- Divisions as deemed necessary, to be headed by a n officer of the rank of Assistant/Deputy Superintendent of Police. (3 ) The State Government may, by notification, divide each P olice Sub-Division into two or more Circles, each headed by an officer of the ra nk of Inspector or Deputy Superint endent of Poli c e:Pr ovided that in the event of a Cir cle being p ut under the cha rge of a Deputy Superintendent, such officer sha ll report directly to the District Superintendent of Police. 11.Police Stations (1 ) The St ate Government may, in consult ation wit h the Director Genera l of Police and by notification, create as many Police Sta tions with as many outposts as necessary, in a Police District as deemed necessary, duly keeping in view the population, the area, the crime situation, the workloa d in terms of law and order a nd the distances to be traversed by the inhabitants to reach the Police Station. (2) A Police Station shall be headed by a St ation House Officer/Officer-in- Charge not below the rank of Sub-Inspector of Police: Provided that larger Police Stations may be placed under the supervision of officers of the rank of Inspector of Police. (3 ) The State Government shall ensure availability of adequate strength of staff at each police station, duly based on the population, incidence of crime, law a nd order-related workload, and the geographical area. (4 ) The State Governments shall provide, as early as possible, each Police Station with all essential amenities including a reception- cum -visitors’ r oom, separate toilets for men a nd women and separate lock-ups for men and women. (5 ) Each Police Station shall have a Women and Child Protection Desk, staffed, as far as possible, by women police personnel, to record compla ints of crimes aga inst women and children and to deal with the tasks r elating to administration of special legislations r elating to women and childr en.- 5 -Ex-20/2012 (6 ) Each Police Station shall prominently display all the relevant infor mation required to be made public, including the Supreme Court guidelines and directions, a s also departmental orders on arrests, and the details regar ding the persons arrested and held in lock-ups. 12.Term of office of key police functiona ries.- (1 ) An officer posted as a St ation House Officer/Officer-in-Charge in a Police Station, as a Sub- Divisional Police Officer, as a Superint endent of Police of a District a nd as a Deputy Inspector General of Police in-charge of a Range shall have a term of a minimum of two years a nd a maximum of three years:Provided that any such officer may be made to leave his post before the expiry of the minimum tenure of two year s consequent u pon: (a) promotion to a higher post; or (b ) conviction, or cha rges ha ving been framed, by a court of law in a cr iminal offence; or (c) punishment of dismissal, removal, discharge or compulsory retirement from service or of r eduction to a lower r ank awarded under the relevant Discipline & Appeal Rules; or (d) suspension from service in accor dance with the provisions of the said Rules; or (e) inca pacitation by physica l or mental illness or otherwise becoming unable to discharge his functions and duties; or (f) the need to fill up a vacancy ca used by promotion, tr ansfer, or retirement; or (g) on deputation with the consent of the officer concerned. (2 ) In exceptional cases, an officer may be removed from his post by the competent authority before the expiry of his tenure for gross inefficiency and negligence or where a prima facie case of a serious nature is established a fter a preliminary enquiry: Provided that in all such ca ses, the competent authority shall report in writing the ma tter with all details to the next higher authority as well as to the Director General of Police. It shall be open to the aggrieved officer, after complying with the order, to submit a representation against his premature removal to the Police Esta blishment Board, which shall consider the same on merit and recommend due course of action to the competent author ity. Explanation : Competent authority means an officer authorized to order tr ansfers and postings for the rank concerned. 13.Coordination within the District Administration.- For the pur pose of efficiency in the general administra tion of the district, it shall be lawful for the District Ma gistrate, in addition to the provisions of the Code of Cr iminal P rocedur e, 1973 and other r elevant Act s, to coordina te the functioning of the police with other agencies of district administration in respect of matters r elating to the following: (a) the promotion of la nd reforms and the settlement of land disputes; (b ) extensive disturbance of t he public peace and tr anquility in the distr ict; (c) the conduct of elections to any p ublic b ody; (d) the handling of na tural calamities and rehabilitation of the persons affect ed thereby; (e) situations a rising out of any external aggression or internal disturbances; (f) any similar matter, not within the purview of any one department and affecting the general welfare of the public of the district; and (g) removal of any persistent public grievance. 14.Railway Police (1 ) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, create one or more special police distr icts embracing such ra ilway ar eas in the State as it may specify, a nd appoint a Superintendent of P olice, one or more Assistant and Deputy Superintendent and such other police officers for each such special district as it ma y deem fit.- 6 - Ex-20/2012 (2 ) Subject to the control of the Dir ector General of Police, such police officers shall discharge police functions connected with the administration of r ailways situated within their respective charges, and such other fu nctions as Sta te Government may from time to time a ssign them. (3 ) Any police officer whom the State Government may by general or specia l order empower to act under t his sub-section, may, subject to any orders which the government may make in this behalf, exercise wit hin the specia l district or a ny part thereof any of the p owers of an officer-in-charge of a Police St ation in that district . While exercising such power he shall, subject to any such order as aforesaid, be deemed to be an officer-in-charge of the Police Station discharging the functions of such officer within the limits of his Station. (4 ) Subject to any general or specia l orders which the State Government may ma ke in this behalf, such police officers shall, in the discharge of their function, be vested within every par t of the state, with the powers and pr ivileges and be subject to lia bilities of police officers under this Act or any other law for the time being in force. (5 ) The Superintendent of Police may, with the previous permission of the State Government, delegate any of the powers and functions conferred on him by or under this Act, to an Assistant or Deputy Superintendent. 15.State Intelligence and Criminal Investigation Departments (1) The state police organization shall have a State Intelligence Department for collection, collation, analysis and dissemina tion of intelligence, and a Crimina l Invest igation Department for investigating inter-state, inter-district cr imes and other specified offences, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IX of this Act. (2 ) The State Government shall appoint a police officer of or above the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police to head each of the aforesaid departments. (3 ) The Criminal Investigation Department sha ll have specialized wings to deal with different types of crime requir ing focused attention or specia l expertise for invest igation. Each of these wings shall be headed by an officer not below the rank of a Superintendent of Police. (4 ) The State Intelligence Depa rtment shall have specialized wings, to deal with and coordinate specialized tasks such as measur es for counter terrorism, cou nter militancy and VIP Secur ity. (5 ) The State Government shall a ppoint by rules pr escribed under this Act, an appropriate number of officers from different ranks t o serve in the Criminal Investigation Department, and the State Intelligence Department, a s deemed appropriate with due regard to the volume and variety of t asks to be handled. 16.Technical and Support Services.- (1 ) The State Government shall create and maintain such ancillary technical agencies and services, under the overall contr ol of the Director Genera l of Police, a s considered necessa ry or expedient for promoting efficiency of the Police Service. (2 ) (a) The services so cr eated shall include a full fledged F orensic Science Labora tory at the State-level, and if possible, at a Police Range and a Mobile Forensic Science Unit for every district, with appropriate equipment and scientific manpower, in keeping with the guidelines laid down by the Director ate of Forensic Science or the Bureau of Police Research and Development of the Government of India. (b) The State Government shall take all measures to encourage and promote the use of science and technology in all aspects of policing. (3 ) The State Government, shall appoint for the whole state one or more Director s of Police Telecommunications, prefer ably not below the ra nk of Deputy Inspector Genera l of Police and as many Superintendents of P olice and Deputy Superintendents of Police as deemed necessary to assist him.- 7 -Ex-20/2012 17.Appointment of Directors of State Police Academies and Principals of Police Training Schools.- (1 ) The State Government shall establish a full-fledged Police Tra ining Academy a t the state level and as many fully-equipped Police Training Schools as deemed necessary for ensu ring efficient post induction training of all directly-recr uited police personnel in var ious ra nks, pre-promotion training for all those promoted to higher levels and such thematic and specialized in-service tra ining courses for police personnel of different ra nks and categories as deemed necessary from t ime to t ime. (2) The State Government shall also ensure by rules p rescribed, for appointment of senior and competent officers to head such Police tr aining instit utions, a nd appropria te number of officers from the Police Service, after careful selection having due regard to aptitude, academic qualifica tions, professiona l competence, experience and integr ity. T he State Government shall evolve a scheme of monetar y and other incentives to attract a nd reta in the best of the available talent in the P olice Service to the faculties of such training institutions. (3 ) The State shall also ensur e appointment of persons with academic accomplishments in the fields of law, sociology, psychology, criminology, forensic science and other a cademic subjects relevant to police profession to the permanent faculty positions in these tra ining institutions. 18.Organization of research.- The State Government may set up such bodies and take up such other steps as considered necessary or expedient for the purpose of underta king research into ma tters r elating to the efficiency of the Police Service. 19.Oath or affirmation by police personnel.- Every member of the Police Service enrolled under this Act sha ll, on appoint ment and completion of training, make a nd subscribe before the Superintendent of Police or Commissioner of Police, as the case may be, or another officer appointed in that behalf by him as the case may be, an oath or affirmation, as prescribed. 20.Certificate of appointment.- (1 ) Every police officer of or below the rank of Inspector shall on appointment receive a certificate in t he form as prescribed. The cer tificate shall be issued under the ha nd and seal of such officer as the Sta te Government may by general or special or der dir ect. (2 ) The certificate of a ppointment sha ll become nu ll a nd void, whenever the person named therein ceases to belong to the Police Service or sha ll rema in inoperative during the period such person is suspended from the service. 21.Special Police Officers.- (1 ) The Superintendent of Police or any officer, specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government, may, a t any time by a written order issued under the hand and seal of such officer, a ppoint, for a period as specified in t he appointment order, a ny a ble-bodied and willing person between the age of 18 and 50 year s, whom he considers fit to be a Special Police Officer to assist t he Police Service. (2 ) Every Specia l Police Officer so appointed shall: (a) on appointment, undergo prescribed training and thereafter receive a certificate in a form approved by the State Gover nment in this behalf; and (b ) shall have the same power s, privileges and immunities and be liable to the same duties and responsibilities and be subject to the same authorit ies as a n ordinary police officer. (3 ) Every Specia l Police Officer so appointed shall be honorary in nature. However, the state government may by special order pr escribe the honorarium to be paid to such Special Police Officers.- 8 - Ex-20/2012 22.Appointment of Additiona l Police.- (1 ) Additional police comprising officers of such ra nks or grades may be appointed or deputed for the pur pose pr escribed by the State Government for such time and on such pay as the authority prescribed in that behalf may determine. (2 ) Every Additional Police Officer upon such appointment, shall- (a) receive a certificate in a form approved by the State Government in t his behalf; (b ) be vested with all or such of the powers, privileges, duties and immunities of a police officer as are specially mentioned in the certificate; and (c) be subject to the orders of the Superintendent of Police. (3 ) The deployment or deputation of such Additional Police Officer may be made at the request of a ny person requiring such police, and the cost of such deployment shall be recovered in such manner as is prescribed under this Act or a ny other law for the t ime being in force. Chapter - III Armed Police Units 23.District Armed Reserves and State Armed Police Battalions.- To assist the civil police promptly and efficiently in dealing with group protests and violent disturbances involving breaches of peace or law and order, and in disa ster ma nagement functions, as well as to discharge such duties as require the presence of armed police, the State Government may create Armed Police units with appropriate manpower strengths in the form of an Armed Police Reser ve for each Police District, (if and when considered necessary) and appropriate number of Armed Police Battalions for the state, including provision of women units 24.Role and functions.- The Armed Police Ba ttalions will b e a stat e-level reserve, to be deployed under specif ic or der s of the Director General of Police, to aid and assist the civil police in dealing with virulent and widespread problems of public dis order or other forms of violence, needing deployment of a rmed police beyond the resources of the distr ict police. 25.The District Armed Reserve.- The District Armed Reserve, if created, will function under the control, direction and supervision of the District Superintendent of Police and shall be the ar med wing of the Distr ict Police to deal with an emergent la w and or der problem or any violent situation in the District , and for providing security gua rds or escort of violent prisoners, or such other duties as may be prescribed. 26.Organizational structure of District Armed Reserves.- (1) The District Armed Police Reserve shall be headed by an officer of the rank of either a Depu ty Superintendent of P olice (Armed Reserve) or an Additiona l Superintendent of Police (Armed Reserve), depending on the manpower strength of the Ar med Reserve set-up of the District. (2 ) The District Armed Reserve will be sub-divided into appr opriate number s of Pla toons, each headed by a Reserve Sub-Inspector. The Platoons will be further subdivided into Sections, each of which will be headed by a senior Havilder or senior Head Constable. Each Section shall have two Havilders or Head Consta bles who could lead the ha lf-S ections when so deployed. (3 ) The deployment of the District Ar med Reserve for perfor ming la w and order duty with arms shall ordina rily not be in less than Section strengt h. Only when large-scale deployments have to be made, covering a wide a rea, and when firearms are not needed, the Armed Reserve set-up could be utilized in the strength of half-Sections.- 9 -Ex-20/2012 (4 ) Each Armed Reserve set-up shall have an appropriate number of Reserve Inspectors to deal with general administration of the Reserve, maintenance of equipment and stores, and training. (5 ) It shall be the dut y of the District Superintendent of P olice to ensure that the personnel of the Reserve are deployed in a manner that ensures t heir regular training and constant preparedness for their tasks, a s also a fair rotation between duty and rest for them. 27.Organizational structure of the Armed Police Battalions.- A Commandant, equivalent in rank to Superintendent of Police, shall head each Armed Police Battalion. T he Commandant shall be assisted by a Deputy Commandant, equivalent in rank to Additional Superintendent of Police, who will also be the Second-in-Command of the Battalion. Each Battalion shall be divided into appropriate number of Service Companies and a Headquar ters Company, each of which will be headed by an Assistant Commandant, equivalent in rank to Deputy Superintendent of Police. 28.Administration, Training, etc of Armed Police Battalions set up.- The Armed Police Ba ttalions set-up of the state shall be headed by an officer of or above the rank of Deputy Inspector Gener al, depending on the number of Batta lions in the state, who shall be responsible for the administration, training, operational preparedness and welfare of personnel of all the armed police units in the state, under the overall guidance and supervision of the Director General. Chapter - IV Superintendence and Administration of Police 29.Superintendence of state police to vest in the State Government.- (1) It shall be the responsibility of the State Government to ensure an efficient, effective, resp onsive and accountable Police Service for the entire state. For this pur pose, the power of superintendence of the Police Service shall vest in a nd be exercised by the State Government in a ccordance with the provisions of this Act. (2 ) The State Government shall exercise its superintendence over the police in such manner and to such an extent as to promote the professiona l efficiency of the police a nd ensure that its performance is at all times in accordance with the law. This shall be achieved thr ough la ying down policies and guidelines, setting standards for qua lity policing, facilitating their implementation and ensuring that the police performs its task in a professional manner with functional autonomy. 30.State Security Commission.- The State Government shall, within six months of the coming into force of this Act, establish a State Secur ity Commission to exercise the functions assigned t o it under the provisions of this C ha p t er. 31.Composition of the Commission.- (1 ) The State S ecurity Commission s hall ha ve as its members: (a) the Home Minister a s its Chairperson; (b ) the Leader of the Opposition in the State Assembly; (c) a retired District Judge, nominated by the Chief Justice of the High Court; (d) the Chief Secret ary; (e) the Secretar y in cha rge of the Home Department; (f) the Dir ector Gener a l of Police as its Member-Secretary; and (g) two non-p olitical persons (her einafter referred to a s “Independent Members”) of proven reputation for integrit y and competence in administration, law enforcement and security related matters to be appointed by the State Government.- 10 - Ex-20/2012 (2 ) No serving Government employee sha ll be a ppointed as an Independent Member. (3 ) Any vacancy in the State Security Commission shall be filled up as soon as practicable, but not later than three months after the seat has fa llen vacant. 32.Grounds of ineligibility for Independent Members.- No person shall be appoint ed as a n Independent Member of the State Security Commission if he – (a) is not a citizen of India; or (b ) has been convicted by a cou rt of law or against whom charges have been framed in a cour t of law; or (c) has been dismissed or removed from service or compulsorily retired on the grounds of corr uption or misconduct ; or (d) holds an elected office, including that of Member of Par liament or Sta te Legislature or a loca l body, or is an office-bearer of any polit ical pa rty or any organization connected with a political party; or (e) is of unsound mind. 33.Term of office of Independent Members.- A person sha ll be appointed as an Independent Member for a period of three years. T he same person shall not be appointed for more than two consecutive terms. 34.Removal of Independent Members.- (1 ) An Independent Member may be removed from the St ate Security C ommission by a two- thir ds majority of members of the Commission on any of the following grounds:- (a) proven incompetence; or (b ) proven misbehavior ; or (c) failure to a ttend three consecutive meetings of t heState Security Commission without sufficient cause; or (d) inca pacitation by reasons of physical or mental infirmity or otherwise becoming unable to discharge his functions as a member. (2 ) In a ddition, an Independent Member shall be removed fr om the State Security Commission if he incurs any of the grounds of ineligibility specified under Section 32. (3 ) The State Security Commission shall explicitly state in writing the grounds for such removal. 35.Functions of the State Security Commission.- The State Security Commission shall perfor m the following functions - (a) frame broad policy guidelines for promoting efficient, effective, r esponsive and accountable policing, in accordance with the law; (b ) prep are panels of p olice officers for the r ank of Dir ector General of Police a ga inst prescr ibed crit eria with the provisions of Section 6 of Chapter II; (c) identify perfor ma nce indicators to evaluate the funct ioning of the Police S ervice. T hese indicators shall,inter alia , include: operational efficiency, public satisfaction, victim satisfaction vis-à -vis police investigation and response, accountability, optimum utiliza tion of r esources, and observance of human rights sta ndards; and (e) review and evalua te orga nizational performance of the Police Service in the state as a whole as well as district -wise a gainst (i) the Annual Plan, (ii) performance indicators as identified and laid down, and (iii) r esources available with and constraints of the police. 36.Expenses of the State Security Commission.- The expenses on account of remuneration, allowances and travel in connection with official business of t he State Secur ity Commission, in respect of the Independent Members sha ll be borne by the State Government.- 11 -Ex-20/2012 37.Administration of Police.- (1 ) The adminis tration of Police thr oughout the state sha ll be vested in the Director Genera l of Police and in such Addit iona l Dir ector s Gener al, Inspector s Gener al, Deputy Inspectors General and other officers a s appointed under this Act. (2 ) The adminis tration of police in a district shall vest in the District Superintendent of Police. (3 ) Administration will mean t he management of the P olice Force of the Sta te, subject to law, rules and regulations; and will include fr aming of regula tions; supervising the functioning of the police at all levels; appointment to subor dinate r anks of the Service, deployment of the police personnel, posting, tra nsfers, and maintenance of dis cipline and high morale in the entir e State police force.Provided that the State Government may intervene in the exercise of the powers of administration by the Director Gener al of Police or any ot her authorized officer only in accordance with the prescribed rules, regulations or in exceptional circumstances involving urgent public interest, r easons for which shall be recorded in writing. 38.Powers and responsibilities of the Director General of Police.- As head of the state Police Force, it sha ll be the resp onsibility of t he Director General of Police to; (a ) operationalise the policies, the Strategic Plan and the Annual Plan prepared by the State Government. (b ) administer, control and s upervis e the P olice Service t o ensur e its efficiency, effectiveness, resp onsiveness and accountability. 39.Police Establishment Board and its functions.- (1 ) The State Government shall constit ute a Police Establishment Boa rd (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Establishment Boa rd) with the Director Genera l of Police as its Chairperson and four other senior-most officers within the police organization of the State as members. (2)The Police Establishment Board shall accept and examine compla ints fr om police officers about being subject ed to illegal orders and shall make appropr iate recommendation to the Director General of Police for necessary act ion: Provided that if the matter under report involves any authority of or above the ranks of the members of the Establishment Board, it shall forward such report to the State Security Commission for further act ion. (3 ) The Establishment Board shall recommend names of suitable officers to the State Gover nment for posting to all the pos itions in the ranks of Assistant/Deputy Superintendents a nd above in the police orga nization of the sta te, excluding the Director General of Police. T he Sta te Government shall ordina rily accept these r ecommendations, and if it disagr ees with a ny such recommendation, it sha ll recor d reasons for disagreement. (4 ) The Establishment Board shall also consider and recommend to the Dir ector General of Police the names of officers of the ranks of Sub-Inspector and Inspector for posting to a Police Range on initial appointment, or for tr ansfer from one Police Range to another, where such transfer is considered expedient for the Police Service. (5 ) Inter-distr ict tra nsfers and postings of non-gazetted ranks, within a Police Range, shall be decided by the Range Deputy Inspector General, as competent authority, on the recommendation of a Committee comprising all the District Superintendents of Police of the Range. (6 ) Postings and transfers of non-gazetted police officers within a Police District shall be decided by the Distr ict Superintendent of Police, as competent a uthority, on the recommendation of a District -level Committee in which all Additional/Deputy/Assista nt Superintendents of Police post ed in the District sha ll be memb ers. (7 ) While effecting tra nsfers and postings of police officers of a ll ranks, the concerned competent authority shall ensure that every officer is or dinarily allowed a minimum tenure of two years in a posting. If a ny officer is to be transferr ed before the expiry of this minimum term, the competent a uthority must r ecord detailed reasons for the transfer.- 12 - Ex-20/2012 (8 ) No a uthority other than the author ity having power under this Act to order tra nsfer shall issue any tr ansfer order C h a p t er - V Role, Functions, Duties and Responsibilities of the Police 40.Role, funct ions and duties of t he police:- The role and functions of the police shall broadly be:- (a) to uphold a nd enfor ce the law impartially, and t o protect life, liberty, property, human rights, and dignity of the members of t he public; (b ) to promote and preserve pu blic or der; (c) to protect internal security, to prevent and control terrorist activities, breaches of communal harmony, militant activit ies and other situations affecting Interna l Secur ity; (d) to protect public properties including roads, railways, bridges, vital installations and esta blishments etc. against acts of vandalism, violence or a ny kind of attack; (e) to prevent crimes, and reduce the opportunities for the commission of crimes t hrough their own preventive action and measures as well as by aiding a nd cooperating with ot her relevant agencies in implementing due measures for prevention of crimes; (f) to accurately register all complaints brought to them by a complaina nt or his repr esentative, in person or received by post, e-mail or other means, and ta ke prompt follow-up action thereon, after duly acknowledging the receipt of the compla int; (g) to register and investigate all cognizable offences coming to their notice through such complaints or otherwise, duly supplying a copy of the First Information Report to the complainant, and where appropriate, to apprehend the offenders, and extend requisite assistance in the prosecution of offenders; (h) to create a nd maintain a feeling of security in the community, and as far a s possible prevent conflicts a nd promote amity; (i) to provide, as first responders, a ll possible help to people in situations arising out of natural or man-made disasters, and to provide active assistance to other agencies in relief and rehabilitation measures; (j) to aid individuals, who ar e in danger of physical harm to their person or property, and to provide necessary help and afford relief to people in distress situations; (k) to facilita te orderly movement of people and vehicles, and to control and r egulate traffic on roads and highways; (l) to collect intelligence relating to matters affecting public peace, and all kind of crimes including social offences, communa lism, extremism, terrorism and other matters relating to na tional security, and dissemina te the same to all concer ned agencies, besides acting, as appr opriate on it themselves. (m) to t ake cha rge, as a police officer on duty, of all unclaimed property and ta ke action for their safe custody and disposal in accordance with the procedure prescribed. 41.Social responsibilities of t he police Every police officer shall:- (a) behave with the members of the public with due courtesy and decorum, particularly so in dealing with senior citizens, women, persons with disabilities a nd children; (b ) guide and assist members of the public, particula rly senior citizens, women, children, the poor and indigent a nd the physically or mentally challenged individuals, who a re found in helpless condition on the streets or other public places or otherwise need help and protection; (c) provide all requisite assistance to victims of crime a nd of r oad accidents, and in particular ensu re that they a re given prompt medical aid, irresp ective of medico-legal forma lities, and facilitate their compensation and other legal cla ims;- 13 -Ex-20/2012 (d) ensu re that in all situations, especially during conflict between communities, classes, ca stes and political groups, the conduct of the police is always governed by the principles of impa rtialit y and human rights norms, with special attention to protection of weaker sections including minor ities; (e) prevent hara ssment of women and children in public places and p ublic t ransport, including stalking, making objectionable gestures, signs, remarks or har assment caused in any way; (f) render all r equisite assistance to the members of the public, pa rticular ly women, children, and the poor and indigent persons, against criminal exploitation by any person or organized group; and (g) arra nge for legally permissible sustenance and shelter to every person in custody and ma king known to all such persons provisions of legal a id schemes ava ilable from the Government and also inform the authorities concerned in this regard. 42.Duties in emergency situations:- (1 ) The Sta te Government may, by not ifica tion in the officia l gazette, declar e any specified service to be an essential service to the community, for a specified period, which may be extended from time to time, by a notifica tion, a s necessary. (2 ) Upon a declaration being made under sub-section (1) and so long it r emains in force, it shall be the duty of every police officer to obey any order given by any officer superior to him in connection with the service specified in the declaration. 43.Senior police officer performing duties of a subordinate officer A senior police officer ma y perform any duty assigned by law or by a lawful order to any officer subordinate to him, and ma y aid, supplement, supersede or prevent any action of the subordinate by his own action or that of any person lawfully acting under his command or authorit y, whenever the same sha ll appear necessary or expedient for giving more complete or convenient effect to the law or for a voiding any infringement thereof. 44.Non-core duties may be outsourced The Director Gener al of Police, with the approval of the State of the Government, shall tr y to outsource as many non-core police functions as possible, to ena ble police officers to concentrate on core police functions. Chapter - VI Policing in Rural Areas and Village Police System 45.Police Stations covering rural areas. Police Stations covering r ural areas shall be so organized as t o be self-sufficient in matters of accommodation, amenities as well as in communication facilities, tra nsport a nd police housing. Each Police Station will also be equipped with adequate facilities of forensic science and scientific aids to investigation. 46.Security of Police Station. Special attention shall be paid to the security of each Police Station, particularly in areas prone to violence or mass disturbances. 47.Village visits by Station House Officer/Officer-in-Charge. The Station House Officer/Officer-in-Charge shall visit every village under his jurisdict ion, as per the minimum frequency prescribed by the Superintendent of Police thr ough a general or special order, and shall interact with as many local residents as possible so as to assess the level of public satisfaction with the police.- 14 - Ex-20/2012 48.Village visits by Supervisory Officers. All supervisory officers including the S uperintendent of Police shall visit as many villages in their jurisdiction as possible. The pur pose of such visits shall be to review the general state of crime, the law and order situation a nd the activities, if any, of violent and militant individuals or groups in the area and to interact with as many local residents as possible so as to assess the level of public satisfaction with the police. 49.Villa ge Defense Parties. The Superint endent of Police shall organize a group of local respectable persons for each village for the pur pose of carrying out preventive patr olling, promoting crime reduction measures and generally assisting the police in their functioning. The group will be called the Village Defense Party and may not normally consist of more than 15 members, with provision for having more than one Village Defense Party if the size and population of the village so require. The composition of the Party shall reflect the diversity of local popula tion including adequa te gender repr esentation. 50.Members of Villa ge Defense Party Members will be induct ed into the Village Defense Parties by the Superintendent of Police in cons ultation with the Community Liaison Group, from amongst able-bodied persons, and with good character and antecedents, who are permanent residents of that village, who have not been convicted by a cou rt of la w or ha ve not had cha rges fr amed against them by a court of law in a criminal ca se, or dismissed, removed, discharged or compulsorily retired from any employment on grounds of moral turpitude, cor ruption or misconduct, or are connect ed with any political party or a ny allied orga nization thereof. 51.Term of Villa ge Defens e Party The Villa ge Defens e Party will normally be reconstitut ed ever y thr ee yea rs. Members may be re- nominated subject to at least one third new member being inducted every year. No renewal shall, however, be granted to a person a fter he crosses the age of sixty yea rs or who incur s any other condition of ineligibility specified in Section 50. However, any vacancy may be filled up as and when it occurs. 52.Removal of member of Villa ge Defense P arty. A person may also b e removed from the membership of the Village Defense Party at any time during the currency of his tenure, if he incurs any condition of ineligibilit y specified in Section 50. 53.Complaint against Village Defense Party In the event of any complaint against the Village Defense Party or its members, the Superintendent of Police will take appropr iate action, including, if necessary, removal of the concer ned members. 54.Day-to-day needs of Village Defense Party. Membership of the Village Defense Party shall be voluntary and honora ry. However, to facilitate the proper functioning of the Village Defense Pa rty, the Officer-in-Charge/St ation House Officer shall provide its members with the required equipment of day-t o-day needs as well as reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, as prescr ibed fr om time to time. The District Superintendent of Police will make ar rangements for necessa ry training of the members of each Village Defense Pa rty. 55.Identification Badge. The members of the Village Defense Party shall wear such an Identification Badge a s issued by the District Superintendent of Police.- 15 -Ex-20/2012 56.Return of Badge.- Any person who for any reason ceases to be a member of a Village Defense Par ty shall forthwith deliver, to the Superintendent of Police or to an officer authorized by him, his Identification Badge and all records and documents maintained by him as a member of the Village Defense Pa rty. 57.Community Liaison Group.- The District Superintendent of Police sha ll constitute a Community Lia ison Gr oup for each Police St ation, compr ising respecta ble loca l resident s of the a rea with u nimpeachable cha ra ct er a nd antecedents, including retired public servants and heads of teaching institutions, if any, as representatives of the community, to generally advise the police in their functioning. The Community Liaison Group shall have a fair represent ation of gender, and a ll other segments and professions, of the society in villages falling in the Police Station area. The Community Liaison Group s hall have two representa tives nominated by each Village Council / Pa nchayat Samiti in the jurisdiction of the concerned Police Station from amongst its members:Provided that no person convicted by a cour t of law or aga inst whom charges have been framed by a court of law in a criminal case, or dismissed, removed, discharged or compulsorily retired from any employment on grounds of corr uption, moral turpitude or miscondu ct shall be eligible to be inducted into the Community Liaison Group. Provided further that no person who is connected with any politica l party or an organiza tion allied to a political party, other than the nominated r epresentatives of the Village Council/Panchayat Samiti, sha ll be eligible to be inducted into the Community Lia ison Gr oup. 58.Identifying Policing need and meeting of Community Liaison Group.- The Community Liaison Group will identify the existing and emerging policing needs of the a rea, which will be taken into considera tion by the Sta tion House Officer/Officer-in-Cha rge while preparing the annua l policing stra tegy and action plan for his jurisdiction, for submission to the Distr ict superintendent of Police. The Community Liaison Group shall perform such other functions as prescribed. It will meet as frequently as necessary, and at least once in each quarter of a year. The meetings of the Community Liaison Group may be attended by the Sub-Divisional Police Officer as well as the officer in charge of the Police Station and t he Circle Inspector. T he meetings shall be open to public. Chapter - VII Policing in Metropolitan Areas, Major Urban and Other Notified Areas 59.Establishment of Metropolitan Police.- The State Government may, if and when considered expedient, establish for each of the metropolitan areas, other major urban areas wit h a sizable population (as determined by the State Government), and such other ar eas as notified for the purpose fr om time to time, a police system which is capa ble of handling the typically complex problems of cr ime, public order and internal security in urba n areas, which call for quick and comprehensive resp onse springing from purposeful direction, unitary chain of command, professional competence, funct ional specialization, and legal authority coupled with accountability, in accordance with the pr ovisions of this Chapter. 60.(1) Commissioner of Police : The Commissioner of Police in whom the administration of police is vested in such area ma y be an officer of the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police or above, depending on the population, and the magnitude and complexity of policing tasks in such area.- 16 - Ex-20/2012 (2)Additional, Joint, Deputy and Assistant Commissioners of Police : The Government may divide the area specified in Section59 int o convenient territor ial units and a ppropriate special unit s, and appoint one or more Additiona l, Joint, Depu ty and Assistant Commissioner s to assist the Commissioner of Police in the discha rge of his duties. (3) Powers, functions and dut ies : The Commissioner of Police and other officers under him shall exercise such powers, perform such functions and duties and shall have such resp onsibilities and author ity, as prescribed : Provided that any of these powers, functions, or duties, exercised or performed by the Commissioner of Police, shall be subject to the overall contr ol and direction of the Director Gener al of Police. 61.Magisterial powers of Commissioner of Police.- Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be specified by the State Government: (a) the Commissioner of Police shall exercise the powers and duties of an Executive Magistrate under such p rovisions of the Code of Criminal Pr ocedure 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974), and such other Acts, as may be specified in addition to the normal police powers and duties exercised by t he District S uperint endent of Police. (b) any officer subordinate to the Commissioner of Police (not being an officer below the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police) shall exercise the powers and duties of a n Executive Magistrate, under the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974), as ma y be specified, under the overall control and supervision of the Commissioner of Police. 62.Constitution of police districts, police sub-divisions and police stations: The State Government, in consultation wit h the Director General of Police, sha ll:- (a) cons titute appropr iate number of Police Districts within each Commissioner ate; (b) divide such Police Districts into Police Sub-Divisions and specify the Police Stations comprised in each Sub-Divisions; and (c) define the limits a nd extent of such Police Districts, Police Sub-Divisions a nd Police Stations; 63.Officers in charge of police districts, police sub-divisions and Police Stations (1 ) Each Police District shall be under the charge of a Deputy Commissioner of Police, who may, if necessary, be assisted in the discharge of his duties by one or more Additional Deputy Commissioners of Police. (2 ) Each Police Sub-Division shall be under the charge of an Assistant Commissioner of Police and each Police Sta tion sha ll be u nder the charge of an Inspector of Police. 64.Security for keeping peace and order (1 ) The Commissioner of Police or any officer of an above the rank of Assistant Commissioner, on r eceipt of information that a person- (a) is likely to do any wrongful act that may lead to disturbance of public order; or (b ) habitually commits, or attempts to commit, or abets the commission of, the offence of kidnapping, abduct ion, ext ortion, cheating or mischief, or any offence punishable under Chapter XII of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or under section 489A, 489B, 489C, 489D or 489D of that Code; or (c ) habitually commit, or attempts to commit, or abets the commission of offence involving a breach of the peace; or (d) is so dangerous as to render his being at large hazardous to the community; may require, by an order, such person to show cause why he should not be ordered to execute a bond, with or without sureties, for good behaviour in the interest of peace and order in his jurisdiction, for a period not exceeding one year.- 17 -Ex-20/2012 (2 ) An officer acting under sub-section(1) s hall conduct the proceedings and issue or ders in accordance with the procedure laid down in sections 111 to 122, and 124 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. 65.Power to operate certain Specia l Acts The State Government shall assign the enforcement and administration specially of the following Acts as well as other similar Acts, as it deems necessar y, to t he Commissioner of Police; (1) The Indian Explosives Act 1884(Act No.IV of 1884); (2) The Mental Health Act, 1987(Act No. 14 of 1887); (3) The Poisons Act 1919(Act No.12 of 1919) (4 ) The Police(Incitement to Disaffection) Act, 1922. (5) The Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956(Act No.104 of 1956); (6) The Arms Act, 1959(Act No.54 of 1959); (7 ) The Prevention of C ruelty to Animals Act , 1960(Act No.59 of 1960); (8) The Indian Sarais Act, 1867(Act No.22 of 1867); (9) The Cinematograph Act, 1952(Act No. xxxvii of 1952); and (10) The Child marriage Restraint Act, 1929(Act No. 19 of 1929). 66.Police to be associated in ur ban planning While planning for any major developmental activity including development of new colonies, the concerned agency shall consult the Commissioner of P olice to assess the likely impact of t he pr oposed developmental activit y on the safety and secur ity needs of the citizens or any other policing requirements, and the suggestions based on such assessment shall be given due consideration in finalizing the plan. 67.Liaison and coordina tion with other government agencies In order to ensure proper liaison, consult ation a nd coor dination between the police, the municipal authorities, the district administration and such other departments of the government, whose functioning impact s the working of the police, the Sta te Government, by notification, will constitute appr opriate coordination machinery and lay down procedures. Chapter – VIII Policing in the Context of Public Order and Internal Security Challenges 68.Internal Security Schemes.- The Dir ector Gener alof Police sha ll, with the approval of the State Government, draw up an Internal Security S cheme for the entire state as well as for each of the districts and urban areas notified under Section59, to deal with problems of Public Order and Security of State, as specific to the area. 69.Review and revision of the Internal Security Schemes.- The Internal Security Schemes so formulated shall be reviewed, and revised as necessa ry, at least once annually and more frequently if required. 70.Matters to be covered under Internal Security Schemes.- (1 ) The Internal Secur ity Schemes will, as far as possible, cover all major pr oblems the area is prone to or which can otherwise be anticipated in the whole or any part thereof. In prepa ring the Schemes, the Director General of Police sha ll give specia l attention to likely disturbance of public order arising out of non-implementation of developmental programmes in the backward and not so easily accessible areas.- 18 - Ex-20/2012 (2 ) The schemes will pr ovide that officers deploying the police to deal with situations of conflict between communities, classes, ca stes, a nd polit ical gr oups shall ensure tha t its composition, as far as possible, reflects social diversity of the area including adequate representation of weaker sections and minorit ies. 71.Coverage of vital installations under Internal Security Schemes.- The Interna l Security Scheme sha ll,inter alia , cover the role of the police with regard to the security of any establishment or installation relating to critical infr astr uctur e, if any loca ted in the ar ea. 72.Matters to be taken under certain situations.- (1) Any organization, while taking up any activity or programme which is otherwise unobjectionable but ma y have the potential for disturbing law and order may inform the police, and thereup on, the police shall take such measures as may be deemed necessar y to deal with the situation. (2 ) While prepar ing the Internal Secur ity Scheme under Section 68, the police shall take into cons ideration the contingencies of specific law and or der problems, and security r equirements that may a rise in such situations. 73.Regular updating of Internal Security Schemes The Internal Security Schemes will incorporate regularly updated and comprehensive Sta ndard Operating Procedures for the action to be taken by the police, independently or in coordination with other concer ned agencies in the period preceding, during, and in the aftermath of problems of each kind. C hap t er - IX Effective Crime Investigation, Including Use of S cience and Technology in Investiga tion 74.Investigations by Special Crime Investigation Unit.- The State Government shall ensure that in all ur ban Police Stations and those in the crime-p rone rura l areas, a Special Crime Investigation Unit, headed by an officer not below the r ank of Sub- Inspector of Police, is cr eated with an appropr iate strength of officers and staff, for investiga ting organized, economic a nd heinous crimes. The personnel posted to t his unit shall not be diverted to any other duty, except under ver y special circumstances with the wr itten permission of t he Director Gener al of Police. 75.Selection of officers for Special Crime Investigation Unit.- The officers posted in Special Crime Investigation Units will be selected on the basis of their aptitude, pr ofessional competence and integrity. Their p rofessional skills will be upgraded, from time to time, through specialized training in investiga tive techniques, particularly in the applica tion of s cientific aids to investigation and forensic science techniques. 76.Tenur e of officers posted in the Special Cr ime Investigation Unit.- Officer s posted to Special Crime Invest igation Units will normally have a minimum tenure of three years and a maximum of five years, after which they will be rotated to law and order and other assignments. 77.Cases to be investigated by the Special Crime Investigation Unit.- (1 ) The officers posted to the Specia l Crime Investigating Units will investigate organized crimes, serious economic offences and such heinous crimes as notified by the Director Genera l of Police, besides any other cases specia lly entrusted to the unit by the District Superintendent of Police.- 19 -Ex-20/2012 (2 ) All other crimes will be investigated by other staff posted in such Police Stations. Necessary legal and forensic advice will be made available to investigating officersof Special C rime Investigating Units during investigations. 78.Supervision of investigation taken up by theSpecial C rime Investigation Unit.- The investigations of cases taken up by the Special Crime Investigation Unit, over and above the supervision by the Station House Officer/Officer-in-Cha rge concerned, will b e supervised at the district level by a n officer not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police, assisted by an appr opriate number of officers t o ensur e quality investigation on professional lines. 79.Criminal Investigation Department.- The Criminal Investigation Department sha ll take up investigationof inter-state, inter-district and other crimes of serious nature as notified by t he government and will have specialized units for investigation of cyber crime, organized crime, homicide cases, economic offences, and any other category of offences, as notified by the State Government and which require specialized investigative skills. 80.Selection of officers.- The officers posted to the Criminal Investigation Department will b e selected on the basis of their aptitude, professional competence, experience and int egrity. They will undergo appropria te training upon induction, and their knowledge and skills will be upgraded from time to time through appr opria te refresher and s pecia lized cour ses. 81.Scientific aids to investigation.- The Cr iminal Invest igation Department shall be equipped with adequate facilities of scientific aids to investigation and forensic science including qualified and trained manpower. C ha pt er X Training, Research and Development 82.Training Policy.- The State Government shall evolve a Tra ining-cum-Education P olicy for the police, keeping in view the current a nd anticipated requir ements of policing. The Policy will, as far as possible, take into account any guidelines in respect of police training as may be issued by the Union Government from time to time. The tr aining policy shall a im at a chieving the objectives of imparting knowledge in police subjects, developing of professional skills, inculcating the right attitudes, and promoting constitutional and ethica l values among police personnel. 83.Linking of tr aining and promotion.- The Training Policy shall ensure that police personnel are adequately trained to efficiently perform their job. Successful participation in appropriate training programmes shall be linked, as fa r as possible, to the promotion of police personnel of different r anks, a nd to their postings to different assignments, in a structured manner, as notified by the State Government from time to time. 84.Regular up-gradation of Training Institutions.- The State Government shall create and upgrade, from time to time, the infrastructure and capabilities of t heir tr aining institutions in consonance with the holistic training needs of police personnel of different r anks, which sha ll include, besides all types of specialized training, a compulsor y refresher training course of appropriate duration, for all ranksat r egular intervals. For this purpose, the State Government shall also create a suitable training centre with the requisite infrastructur e in each Police District or Armed Police Battalion, as the case may be.- 20 - Ex-20/2012 85.Availing training facilities of the Central and Regional Police Training Institutions.- The State Government shall ensur e that full advantage is taken of the training fa cilities available in central and regional police tr aining institutions, to adequately tr ain police per sonnel of the state in s pecialized professional subjects, and to train the tr ainers of the state police tra ining institutions. 86.To follow standards and guidelines issued by Government of India and National Police Academy in training.- In upgrading their training infra structure as well as the content and methodologies of their training cour ses, the training institutions shall take maximum advanta ge of the standards and pract ices evolved or guidelines issued by organizations such as the Bureau of Police Research and, Development of Government of India , and the National Police Academy. 87.Research and Development.- The State Government may establish a State Bureau of Police Research a nd Development with provision for appropriate staff, funds a nd other resour ces regularly to undertake r esearch and analysis on all such subjects and issues which ma y lead to impr ovement in the standar ds of police functioning and performance. The State Government may also sponsor, in other reputed orga nizations and institutions, special studies and research in subjects having relevance to policing. 88.Harnessing of developing technology and scientific aids in investigation.- The State Government may also ta ke appr opriate measur es to harness developing technology for scientific a nd technical a ssistance in the investigation a nd detection of cr ime, and other policing tasks. 89.Career planning - Procedure for promotion of police officers.- (1 ) The State Government shall formula te a policy for career progression of police personnel in a ma nner tha t will ensure avenues for at least three promotions to meritorious officers in their career, through a tr ansparent process in accordance with the provisions laid down in Mizoram Police manual. (2 ) Promotion to each r ank in the Police Service sha ll be ba sed on merit, which would include senior ity, to be evaluated thr ough the result of a qualifying exa mina tionor performance evaluation in resp ect of each officer. T he Director General of Police shall, with the appr oval of the State Government, fr ame the evaluation criteria for each rank and category of police p er s onnel. C hap t er - XI Regulation, Control and Discipline 90.Framing of rules for administration of police.- Subject to the appr oval of the Sta te Government, the Dir ector General of Police shall make rules, regulations or issue orders, not inconsistent with this Act or with any other enactment for the time being in force for: (a) prevention and investigation of cr ime; (b ) maintenance of law and or der; (c ) regulation a nd inspection of the police organization, a nd of the work performed by police officer s; (d) determining the description and quantity of arms, accoutr ements, clothing and other wherewithal to be provided to the Police Service; (e) pres cribing the pla ces of r esidence of members of the Police Service; (f) institution, management and regulation of any non-gover nment fund for purposes connected with the police administration or welfare of police personnel; (g) regulation, deployment, movements and loca tion of the police;- 21 -Ex-20/2012 (h) assigning duties to officers of all ra nks and grades, and pr escribing the manner and the conditions subject to which, they shall exercise and perform their respective powers and duties, (i) regulating the collection and communication of intelligence and informa tion by the police; (j) prescribing the records r egisters and forms to be maintained and the retur ns to be submitted by different police units and officers; and (k) the purpose, gener ally, of rendering the police more efficient, and preventing abuse of power and neglect of duties by them. 91.Disciplinary Penalties.- (1) Subject to the provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution and the Rules and Regulations made under this Act , an officer of the ra nk of Superintendent of Police or above may a ward any of the following punishment to a police officer of a rank for which he is the appointing author it y: (a) reduction in rank; (b) compulsory retirement; (c) removal from service; or (d) dismissal (2 ) Any police officer of the rank of Superintendent of Police or above, subject to the rules made in this behalf, may a ward any of the following punishments to any non-gazetted police officer subordina te to him: (a) reduction in pay; (b ) withholding of increment (c) withholding of pr omotion; (d) fine not exceeding one month’s pay; or (e) reprimand or censure. (3 ) An Assista nt Superintendent of P olice or any officer of equiva lent r ank may a ward the punishment of reprimand or censure to an officer of or below the rank of Sub Inspector of Police. (4 ) Any officer of and above the rank of Inspector may award punishments to Constables and Head Constab les, as prescribed. (5 ) Any punishment mentioned in sub-Sections (1), (2), (3) or (4), a warded to an officer, will not absolve him or her fr om any liability for prosecution for any criminal offence committed by him or her in the same transaction for which departmental action has led to awar d of punishment to him or her for any tr ansgression of departmental rules. 92.Suspension.- (1) A police officer of or above the rank of Superintendent of Police may place a police officer of the rank of Sub-Inspector or below subordinate to him, under suspension: (a) where a disciplinar y proceeding for award of punishment against him is contemplated or is pending; (b ) where in the opinion of the aforesa id author ity, there is aprima facie case that such officer has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the Security of State for which an enquiry is contemplated or pending; or (c) where in the opinion of t he aforesaid authority there is prima facie evidence in respect of a ny criminal offence under investigation, inquiry or tr ial. (2 ) Every order of suspension passed under this section shall be in writing, giving briefly the reasons. (3) Where an officer is placed under suspension, whether in connection with a disciplinary proceeding or otherwise, a nd another disciplinary proceeding is ordered against him during the currency of tha t suspension, the authority competent to place him under suspension may,- 22 - Ex-20/2012 for reasons to be recorded in writing, direct that the officer shall continue to be under suspension until the completion of all or any of such proceedings. (4) An order of suspension so made shall be reviewed every 90(ninety) days by a Review Committee to be constituted by t he Director General of Police and may at a ny time be revoked or modified,suo moto or on a repr esentation made by the officer under suspension, by the authority which made the order or by any authorit y to which such author ity is subordinate, on the basis of recommendation of the su spension Review Commit tee. 93.Authority to suspend officers of subordinate ranks.- Suspension or ders of officers of subordinate r ank sha ll be made only by police officers above or of the equivalent rank of Superintendent of Police. 94.Misconduct.- A police officer sha ll, in addition to any other delinquent act or behaviour, as specified in the relevant rules, be liable for disciplinary action for any of the following misconduct: (a) disobedience of lawful orders; (b ) neglect of duty; (c) insubordina tion or any oppressive conduct; (d) unauthorized malingering or absence from duty; (e) act of cowardice; (f) misuse of authority; or (g) any a ct unbecoming of an officer. 95.Appeals against orders of punishment.- An appeal against a ny order of punishment passed against an officer under Section 91 or any rules made there under, shall lie;- (a) where the order is passed by the Director Genera l of Police, to the St ate Government; and (b ) where the order is passed by an officer subordinate to the Director General of Police, to the officer next higher in rank in the police hierar chy who passed such or der. 96.Separate set of rules for police personnel.- The State Government shall frame the Classification, Control and Appeals Rules for police personnel, which will, among other things, ensu re timely disposal of disciplinary proceedings. 97.Police officers always on duty.- (1 ) Every officer not on leave or under suspension shall, for all p urposes of this Act , be considered to be always on duty and may at any time be deployed in any part of the st ate. (2 ) The State Government shall, however, ensure the grant of at least one day off in a week to all police personnel or make provision of appropriate compensator y benefits in lieu of such weekly off, if under extra ordinar y situa tions the same cannot be granted to a ny of them. 98.No abdication or withdrawal without authority.- No police officer shall abdicate his duties or withdraw himself from his place of posting or deployment, without proper authorization. Explanation :An officer who, being absent on authorized leave, fails without reasona ble cause to report for duty at the expiration of such leave, shall be deemed within the meaning of t his Section to withdraw himself from the duties of his office. 99.Police officer barred from other employment.- No police officer s hall engage in any other employment or office of profit wha tsoever, other than his duties under this Act.- 23 -Ex-20/2012 Chapter - XII Police Accountability 100. Accountability of Police.- In a ddition to the already existing mecha nisms, a nd functions, duties a nd resp onsibilities of the depa rtmenta l author ities, accountability of the police shall be further ensured thr ough the additional mechanisms detailed in this chapter. Accountability for conduct 101. Police Accountability Commission.- The State Government shall, within three months of the coming into effect of this Act, establish a State-level Police Complaints Authority to be named as the St ate -Level Police Accountability Commission (“the Commission”), consisting of a Chairperson, Members and such other staff as may be necessary, to inquire into public complaints supported by sworn statement against the police personnel for serious misconduct and perfor m such other functions as stipulated in t his C ha p t er. 102. Composition of the Commission The Commission sha ll have five members with a credible recor d of integrity and commitment to huma n rights and shall consist of;- (a)a retired High Court Judgeor a retired IPS officer of the level of DGP from another state cadre, who shall be the Chairperson of the Commission; (b ) a retired police officer, superannuated in the rank ofDepu ty Inspector General of Police and above; (c) a person with a minimum of 10 years of experience either as a judicial officer, public prosecutor, practicing advocate, or a professor of law; (d) a person of repute and sta nding from the civil society; and (e) a retired officer with experience in public administr ation from another state:Provided that at least one member of the Commission shall be a woman and not more than one member s ha ll be a retired police officer. 103. Ineligibility for membership.- A person shall be ineligible to be a member of the Commission, if he (a) is not a citizen of India; (b ) is above 70 years of age; (c) is serving in any police, militar y or allied organization, or has so served in the twelve months preceding such appointment; (d) is employed as a public servant; (e) holds any elected office, including tha t of Member of Parlia ment or State Legisla ture or any local body; (f) is a member of, or is associated in any manner with, an organization declared as unla wful under an existing law; (g) is a n office-bearer or a member of any political pa rty; ( h) has been convicted for any crimina l offence involving mor al turpit ude or for an offence punishable with imprisonment of one year or more; (i) is facing pr osecution for any offence mentioned in Sub-s ection (h) above and against whom charges have been framed by a cour t of law; or (j) is of unsound mind and ha s been so declared by a competent court- 24 - Ex-20/2012 104. Term of office and conditions of service of members and Chairperson.- (1 ) The term of office of a member, and the Chairperson, sha ll be three years unless;- (a) he r esigns at any time before the expiry of his term; or (b ) he is removed from the office on any of the grounds mentioned in Section 103. (2 ) Members shall be eligible for reappointment on the expir y of term, provided that no member shall be eligible to hold office for more than two terms. (3 ) The remuneration, allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the members shall be as notified by the State Government from time to time and sha ll not be varied to their disadvantage after a ppointment. 105. Removal of members.- Any member of the C ommis sion may be removed fr om office, on t he recommendation of the Commission, by an order of the Sta te Government on the grounds of;- (a) proven misconduct or misbehavior; (b ) persistent neglect to perfor m duties of the Commission; (c) occurrence of any situation that would make a member ineligible for appoint ment to the Commission under Section 103; or (d) any member engaging himself during his term of office in any paid employment outside the duties of his office. 106. The staff of the Commission.- (1 ) Members of the Commission shall be assisted by adequate staff with requisite skills, for efficient discharge of their functions of the Commission. (2 ) The strength of the staff may be prescribed by the State Government, keeping in view the size of the state, its population, and the avera ge number of complaints against the police, and shall be periodica lly reviewed a nd revised. (3 ) The staff shall be select ed by the Commission, inter alia, on a contractua l basis, through a transparent process. (4 ) The remuneration and other terms and conditions of service of the staff shall be as prescr ibed fr om time to time. 107. Conduct of business.- The Commission shall devise its own rules for the conduct of its business. 108. Functions of the Commission.- (1 ) The Commission shall inquire into allegations of “serious misconduct” against police personnel, as detailed below, eithersuo moto or on a complaint r eceived from any of the following;- (a) a victim or any per son on his behalf; (b ) the Nationa l or the State Human Rights Commission; (c) the police or (d) any other source. Explanation : “Serious misconduct” for the purpose of this cha pter sha ll mean any act or omission of a police officer that leads to or amounts to: (a) death in police custody ; (b ) grievous hu rt, as defined in Section 320 of the India n Penal Code, 1860 (Act No 45 of 1860); (c) rape or attempt to commit rape; or (d) arrest or detention without due process of law. Provided that the Commission sha ll inquire into a complaint of such arrest or detention, only if it is satisfied prima facie about the veracit y of the compla int.- 25 -Ex-20/2012 (2 ) The Commission may also inquire into any other ca se referred to it by the Director General of Police if, in the opinion of the Commission, the nature of the case merits an independent inquiry. (3 ) The Commission may monitor the sta tus of departmental inquiries or departmenta l action on the complaints of “ misconduct” aga inst ga zetted officers of and above the rank of Deputy/ Assistant S uperint endent of Police through a quarterly repor t obtained periodically from the Director General of Police, and issue appropriate advice to the police department for expeditious completion of inquiry, if in the Commission’s opinion the departmental inquiry or departmental act ion is getting unduly delayed in any such case;Explanation: “Misconduct ”in this cont ext sha ll mean any willful breach or neglect by a police officer of a ny law, rule, regulation applicable to the police that adversely affects the rights of any member of the public, excluding “serious misconduct” as defined in sub-Section (1) (4 ) The Commission may also ca ll for a repor t from, and issue appr opriate advice for fur ther act ion or, if necessary, a direction for a fresh inquiry by another officer, to the Director General of Police when a complaina nt, being dissatisfied by the outcome of, or inordinate delay in the process of departmental inquiry into his complaint of “misconduct ” as defined above, by a ny police officer, br ings such matter to t he notice of t he Commission; and (5 ) The Commission may lay down genera l guidelines for the state police to prevent misconduct on the part of police personnel. 109. Powers of the Commission.- (1 ) In the cases directly enquired by it, the Commission shall have all t he powers of a civil court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, a nd in pa rticula r in respect of the following matters;- (a) summoning a nd enforcing the attendance of witnesses and examining them on oath; (b ) discovery a nd production of any document; (c) receiving evidence on affidavits; (d) requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from a ny court or office; (e) issuing authorities for the examination of witnesses or documents; and (f) any other ma tter as may be prescribed. (2 ) The Commission shall have the power to require any person, subject to legal pr ivilege, to furnish information on such points or matters as, in the opinion of the Commission, ma y be useful for, or relevant to, the subject matter of the inquiry, and any person so required shall be deemed to be legally bound to furnish such information within the meaning of Sections 176 and 177 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Act No 45 of 1860). (3 ) The Commission sha ll be deemed to be a civil court, and when any offence, as defined in Sections 175, 178, 179, 180 or 228 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Act No 45 of 1860) , is committed in the view or presence of the Commission, the Commission may, after recor ding the facts constituting the offence and the statement of the accused as provided for in the Code of Cr iminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974) , forward the case to a Magistrate having jurisdiction to tr y the s ame. The Magistrate to whom any such case is forwarded shall proceed to hear the compla int against the accused as if the case has been forwarded to him under Section 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974) . (4 ) Every proceeding before the Commission shall be deemed to be a judicia l proceeding within the meanings of Sections 193 and 228, and for the purposes of Section 196 of the Indian Penal Code, 1 860 (Act No 45 of 1860) , the Commission shall be deemed to be a civil court for all the purposes of Section 195 and Chapter XXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974) . (5 ) The Commission shall have the power to advise the State Government on measures to ensure protection of witnesses, victims, and their fa milies who might face any threat or harassment for making the complaint or for furnishing evidence.- 26 - Ex-20/2012 (6 ) The Commission may visit a ny police station, lock-up, or any other place of detention used by the police and, if it thinks fit, it may be accompa nied by a police officer. 110. Statements made to the Commission.- No statement made by a person in the course of giving evidence before the Commission shall subject tha t person to a civil or criminal proceeding or be used against him in such proceeding, except in a prosecution for giving false evidence:Provided that the statement (a) is made in reply to the question which he is r equired by the Commission to answer; or (b ) is r elevant to the subject matter of the inquiry. Provided fur ther that on conclusion of the inquir y into a compla int of ‘serious misconduct’ aga inst the police personnel, if the Commission is satisfied that the complaint was vexatious, frivolous or malafide , the Commission may impose such fine as consider ed appr opriate on the complainant. 111. Persons likely to be prejudicially affected to be heard.- If, at any stage of the inquiry, the Commission considers it necessa ry to inquire into the conduct of any person, or is of the opinion that the repu tation of a ny person is likely to be prejudicially affected by the inquiry, it shall give that person a reasonable opportunity of being heard in the inquiry and to produce evidence in his support : Provided that nothing in this section shall apply where the credibility of a witness is being impeached. 112. Decisions and Dir ections of the Commission.- (1 ) In the cases directly inquired by the Commission, it may, upon completion of t he inquiry, communicate its findings t o the Director General of Police and t he State Gover nment with a direction to:- (a) register a First Information Report; and/or (b ) initiate departmental action based on such findings, duly forwarding the evidence collected by it to the police. Such directions of the Commission shall be binding: Provided that the Commission, before finalizing its own opinion in all such cases shall give the Dir ector General of Police an opportunity to present the depa rtment’s view and additional facts, if any, not already in the notice of the Commission: Pr ovided further that, in such cases, the Commission may review its findings upon receipt of additional information from the Director General of Police that may have a material bear ing on the case. (2) The Commission may also recommend to the State Government payment of monetary compensation by the government to the victims of the subject matter of such an inquiry. 113. Reports of the Commission (1 ) The Commission sha ll prepa re an a nnual report a t the end of each calendar year, int er alia , containing: (a) the number and type of cases of “ serious misconduct” inquired into by it; (b ) the number a nd type of cases of “misconduct” refer red to it by the complainants upon being dissa tisfied by the departmental inquiry into his compla int; (c) the number and type of cases including those referred t o in (b ) above in which advice or direction was issued by it to the police for fur ther act ion; (d) the number of complaints received by the Distr ict Accountability Authorities, and the manner in which they were dealt with; (e) the identifiable pa tterns of misconduct on the part of police personnel in the state; and (f) recommendations on measures to enhance police accountability.- 27 -Ex-20/2012 (2 ) The annual report of the Commission sha ll be laid before the State Legisla ture in the budget session and shall be a public document, made easily accessible to the public. (3 ) The Commission may also prepare special reports with respect to specific cases directly inquired into by it. These repor ts shall also be made easily accessible to the public. 114. District Accountability Authority (1 ) The State Government may establish in each police district or a group of districts in a police range, a District-level Police Complaints Authority, named as District-level Police Accountability Authority to receive complaints of serious misconducts and misconducts aga inst police personnel, as defined in Section 108 and t ake further a ction as provided in this Act. (2 ) The District Accountabilit y Authority shall have three members with a credible recor d of integrity and commitment to human rights and the chair person shall be selected fr om amongst retired persons with judicial experience in the rank of District a nd Sess ions Judge, a retired senior p olice officer a nd a person ha ving legal background or a retired senior civil servant or an eminent person from the civil s ociety as members. (3) The Chairperson and other members of the District Accountability Authorities will be appointed by the Government. (4 ) Vaca ncies in the Authority shall be filled up as soon a s pract icable, and in no case later than three months after the seat has been vaca ted. (5 ) In selecting members of the Authority, a transparent process shall be adopted. (6 ) The conditions of eligibility, term of office, terms a nd conditions of service, and conditions of removal from office for the Chairperson and members of the District Accountability Authorities will be the same as that of the Police Accountability Commission. (7 ) The District Accountability Aut hority shall be assisted by a dequate legal and administra tive staff with requisite skills and experience. (8 ) The staff shall be select ed by the District Accountability Authority,inter alia , on a contra ctual basis, through a tr ansparent process. (9) The remuneration and other terms and conditions of service of the staff shall be as prescr ibed fr om time to time. 115. Functions of District Accountability Authority, 1) The District Accountabilit y Authority Shall : (a) forward the complaints of ‘serious misconduct’, received directly by it, to the Commission for further action; (b ) forward for further action, the complaint s of ‘misconduct’ received dir ectly by it, to the District S uperint endent of Police. Provided that if the complaint contains allegations against a ny police officer of or above the rank of Assistant/Deputy Superintendent of Police, the District Accountability Authority shall forward the same to the Director General of Police under intimation to the Commission, for further action. (c) monitor the status of depa rtmenta l inquiries or action on the complaints of ‘misconduct’ against officers below the rank of Assistant/Deputy Superint endent of Police, thr ough a quarterly report obtained periodically from the District Superintendent of Police; (d) issue appropriate advice to the District Superintendent of Police for expeditious completion of inquiry, if, in the Authority’s opinion, the inquiry is gett ing unduly delayed in any such case; (e) report cases to the Commission where depa rtmenta l enquir y into ‘misconduct’ is not concluded in time by the police department in spite of the Authority’s advice(s) to the District Superintendent of Police issued under sub-section (d) above.- 28 - Ex-20/2012 (2 ) The Authorit y may a lso, in respect of a complaint of ‘misconduct’ against an officer below the rank of Assistant/Deputy Superintendent of Police, call for a report from, and issue appr opriate advice for fur ther action or, if necessary, a direction for fresh inquiry by another officer, to the District S uperint endent of Police when a complainant, being dissatisfied by an inor dinate delay in the process of depa rtmental inquir y into his complaint of ‘misconduct ’ or outcome of the inquiry, if the pr inciples of na tural justice have been viola ted in the conduct of t he disciplinary inquiry, brings such matter to its notice; 116. Report of the District Accountability Authority.- Each District Accountability Authorit y shall prepare a nd submit to the Commission an annual report befor e the end of each calendar year,inter alia , containing: (a) the numbers and types of cases of ‘serious misconduct’ a nd ‘misconduct’ forwar ded by it to the Commission and the Dis trict S uperint endents of Police resp ectively, during the year; (b ) the number a nd types of cases monit ored by it during the year; (c) the number a nd types of cases of ‘miscondu ct’ referred to it by the complainants upon being dissatisfied by the departmental inquiry into his compla int; (d) the number and types of cases referred to in © above in which advice or direction was issued by it to the police for further action; and (e) recommendation on measures to enhance police accountability. 117. Relationship between the Commission and District Authority.- (1 ) The Commission shall contr ol and supervise, and issue su itable directions to the District Authorities for their pr oper fu nctioning. (2 ) The District Author ities will assist the Commission in everyway for the proper discharge of the Commission’s functions. (3 ) Wher e the Commission considers that any of the conditions laid down in Section 105 read with Section 114(6) of this Chapter for the removal of a member has been fulfilled, it shall be competent to request the State Government to initiate appropriate proceedings aga inst that member of the District Authority. 118. Rights of the complainant.- (1) The complainant may lodge his complaint relating to any “misconduct” or “serious misconduct” on the part of police personnel with either t he depa rtmental police authorities or with the Commission or the District Accountability Author ity: Provided that no complaint shall be entertained by the Commission or the District Authority if the su bject ma tter of the complaint is being examined by any other commission, or a ny cou rt. (2 ) In cases where a complaina nt has lodged a complaint with the police a uthorit ies, he may inform the Commission or the District Accountability Authority at any sta ge of the depa rtmental inquir y about any undue delay in the processing of the inquiry. (3 ) The complainant shall have a right to be informed of t he progress of the inquiry from time to time by the inquiring authority (the concerned police authority, Commission or the District Accou ntabilit y Author ity). Upon completion of inquiry or depar tmenta l proceedings, the complainant shall be informed of the conclusions of the same as well as the final action in the case a t t he earliest. (4 ) The complainant may attend all hea rings in an inquiry concerning his ca se. The complainant shall be informed of the date and place of ea ch hear ing. (5 ) All hearings shall be conducted in a language intelligible to the complainant. In a case where hearings cannot be conducted in s uch a language, the services of an interpreter shall be requisitioned if the complainant so desires.- 29 -Ex-20/2012 (6 ) Wher e upon the completion of the departmental inquiry, the complainant is dissa tisfied with the outcome of the inquiry on the grounds that the said inquiry violated the principles of natural justice, he may approach the Commission or the Authority for appropriate directions. 119. Duty of the police and other state agencies.- (1 ) All police officers and authorities shall refer all allegations of “serious misconduct” aga inst police personnel, coming t o their notice, to the Commission. (2 ) It shall be the dut y of the heads of the district police and of the sta te police as well as of any other concerned state agency to provide to the Commission and to the Distr ict Accountability Authority all infor mation they may reasonably require to perform their duties provided for in this Chapter. 120. Interference with the functioning of t he Commission or the Authority.- Whoever influences or interferes wit h the funct ioning of the C ommis sion or the Distr ict Accountability Authority, except in the course of lawful duty, shall, on conviction by a cour t of law, be liable to a fine or to an imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.Explanation: Any threat, coercion or inducement offered to any witness or victim of police misconduct or serious misconduct, shall be deemed to be interference with the functioning of the Commission for the purposes of this Section. 121. Training.- It shall be the duty of the Commission to ensure that all its Members, and other staff as well as Members of the District Accountability Authorities and their staffs are regularly trained, inter alia , about: (a) technical and legal issues related to depa rtmental inquir ies; (b ) specific for ms of human rights violation; and (c) appr opriate handling of victims of police a buse 122. Protection of action in good faith.- No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the State Government, the State Security Commission, its members and staff, the Police Accounta bility Commission, its members, staff or any person acting under the direction of the Commissions, or members or sta ff of the District Accountability Authorities, in respect of anything which is in good fa ith done or intended to be done in pur suance of the provisions of this Chapter. 123. Funding.- The State Government shall ensure that a dequate funds are provided to the Commission and the District Accountability Authorities for the effective performance of their functions and that the police shall not be requir ed to provide any material or human r esources to the Commission or the District Accountability Authorities for their smooth functioning. Chapter - XIII Welfare and Grievance Redressal Mechanisms for Police Personnel 124. Welfar e Boa r d. - (1 ) Ther e sha ll be a Police Welfare Board, (hereinaft er referred to as ‘Welfare Board’) headed by a n officer not below the rank of Deputy Ins pector General of Police, in the office of the Director General of Police to advise and assist him in the implementation of welfa re measures for police personnel.- 30 - Ex-20/2012 (2 ) The functions and duties of the Welfare Board shall,inter alia , include a dministration and monitoring of welfa re measures for police personnel, such as: (a) health care, particularly in respect of chronic and serious ailments, and including p ost- retirement hea lth care schemes for polic e personnel and their dependents; (b ) full and liberal medical a ssistance to police personnel suffering injury in the course of performance of duty; (c) fina ncial security for the next of kin of those dying in harness; (d) post-retirement financia l secur ity; (e) group housing; (f) education and career counseling and tra ining in appr opriate skills for dependents of police officers; and (g) appr opriate legal facilities for defense of police officers facing court proceedings in matters relating to bonafide discharge of duty. (3) The Welfare Board shall have as many members as prescribed, and shall comprise of repr esentatives fr om all police ranks. It may have also include other members in an advisory capa city. T he members of t he Welfare Boa rd shall be nominated by the Director Genera l of Police. (4 ) The Welfare Board shall lay down norms and policies relating to police welfare, and monitor welfare activities underta ken by various police units in the state. (5) The Welfare Board shall interact with other government departments, public sector undertakings and other organizations to facilitate gainful employment for retired police officers, and for the dependents of police personnel who have laid down their lives in due discharge of their duties. (6 ) A Police Welfare Fund, under the a dministration and control of t he Welfare Boa rd, shall be created for the welfare act ivities and programmes for police per sonnel, which will have two components: (a) outr ight financial grant by the state; and (b ) matching gr ant by the sta te to the cont ributions made by the police personnel, towards the welfare fund. 125. Insurance cover, allowances and medical facilities.- (1 ) The State Government shall provide adequate ins urance coverage for all police personnel against any injury, disability, or death caused in the course of performance of their duty. (2 ) Police officers posted in special wings, such as Counter-Terror ism Operations Units, Bomb Disposal Squads, Commando Groups etc. shall be paid risk allowance, commensurate with the risks involved in those dut ies. (3 ) In a ddition to facilities as may be made available in police hospitals for genera l treatment and specialized ser vices, police p ersonnel shall also be provided with a medical insur ance cover that would enable them to keep up the required standards of health and physical fitness. (4) Facilities for stress management, including psychological counseling, to cope with professional stress , shall be given due a ttention in all police units and esta blishments. 126. Grievance Redressal.- (1 ) The Director Gener al of Police, with the approval of the St ate Government shall put in place, a fa ir, tra nsparent, and participatory grievance redressal mechanism for looking into individual as well as collective grievances of p olice personnel, which shall be freely received and channeled upwards from all levels of the organization. (2 ) The grievances tha t cannot be redressed by the said mechanism shall be forwarded to the State Secur ity Commission, which in turn, shall make appropriate recommendations to the Stat e Government for remedial measu res.- 31 -Ex-20/2012 (3 ) An analysis of the grievances, their ca uses and their impact on the morale and efficiency of the Police Service shall be carried out annually. This analysis shall be included in the annual report of the State Security Commission. 127. Working hours.- The State Government shall take effective steps to ensure tha t the average hours of duty of a police officer do not nor mally exceed eight hours a day:Provided that in exceptional sit uations, the duty hours of a police officer may extend up to 12 hours or beyond. In such cases, adequa te compensation and fa cilities shall be provided to the police personnel. C hap t er - XIV General Offences, Penalties, and Responsibilities Or der in s t r eet s a nd p u b lic p la ces 128. Regulation of public assemblies and processions.- (1 ) The District Superintendent of Police or an officer not below the rank of Assistant/Deputy Superintendent of P olice may, where necessar y, dir ect the conduct of all a ssemblies a nd processions on any public road, street or thoroughfare, and prescribe the routes by which and the time at which such a pr ocession may pass. (2 ) It shall be duty of a ny person intending to organize a pr ocession on a ny roa d, street or thor oughfar e, or to convene an a ssembly at any public place, to give intimation in writing to the officer in charge of the concerned Police Station. (3) The District Superintendent or any officer not below the rank of Assistant/Deputy Superintendent of Police, on receipt of such intimation or otherwise, and upon being satisfied that such an assembly or procession, if allowed without due control and regulation, is likely to cause a breach of peace, may pr escribe necessa ry conditions including making provisions for satisfa ctory regulator y arrangements, on which alone such assembly or procession may take place. Under special circumstances to be recorded in wr iting, the concerned officer may also prohibit the assembly or pr ocession in public interest. All orders and directions should be given within 48 hours of receipt of intima tion, a s far a s possible. 129. Assemblies and processions violating prescribed conditions.- (1) The District Superintendent of Police or any Police Officer not below the rank of Sub- Inspector, a uthorized in this behalf by the Distr ict Superintendent of P olice, may stop any assembly or procession which viola tes the conditions set under sub-sections (1 ) and (3) of Section 128, and order such assembly or procession to disperse. (2 ) Any assembly or pr ocession which neglect s or refuses to obey any order given under sub- section (1) above shall be deemed to be an “unla wful assembly” under Chapter VIII of the Indian Penal Code 1860 (Act No 45 of 1860). 130. Regulation of the use of mike and other sound systems in public places.- The Distr ict Sup erintendentof Police or any officer not below the rank of Assistant/ Deputy Superintendent of P olice ma y regulate the time and the volume at which mike and other sound systems are used in connection with any perfor mances and other activities in or near str eets or any public place that cause a nnoyance to the residents of the neighborhood.- 32 - Ex-20/2012 131. Directions to keep or der on public roads.- (1 ) The District Superintendent of Police or a ny other Police Officer author ized by him in this behalf, through a general or special order, may give reasonable directions to the public to keep order on public roads and st reets, thoroughfares, or any public place, in order to prevent obstruction, injury, or annoyance to passers by or pollution. (2 ) The District Superintendent of Police may issue gener al directions under sub-Section (1), in resp ect of the whole district or any pa rt thereof, as per procedure laid down in Section 141. 132. Penalty for disobeying orders or directions.- Any person not obeying the lawful orders issued under S ections 128, 129 and 131 may be arrested and, on conviction by a court of law, shall be liable to a fine. 133. Power to reserve public places and erect barriers.- (1 ) The District Superintendent of Police may, by public notice, temporarily reser ve for any public purpose any street or other public place, and prohibit the public from entering the area so reserved, except on such conditions as may be specified. (2 ) (a) The District Superintendent of Police ma y author ize any police officer to erect barr iers and other necessary structures on public roads and streets, to check vehicles or occupants there of for violation of any legal provisions by them. (b ) In making such order, the District Superintendent of Police sha ll prescribe the necessary steps for ensuring the safety of passers-by. (c) These temporary structures shall be removed once the purpose for which they were installed is over. Offences aga inst the police. 134. Obstruction in police work.- Any person, who obstructs the discharge of duties and funct ions of a police officer, shall, on conviction, be liable to simple imprisonment not exceeding thr ee months or fine or both. 135. Unauthorized use of police uniform.- Whoever, not being a member of the Police Service wear s, without obtaining permission from an officer authorized in this behalf by the State Government by a general or special order, a police uniform or any dress having the appeara nce or bearing any of the distinctive marks of that uniform, shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment not exceeding six months or fine or both. 136. Refusal to deliver up certificate etc. on ceasing to be police officers.- Whoever, ha ving ceased to be a police officer, does not forthwith deliver up his/her cer tificate of appointment, clothing, accoutrements and other wherewithal supplied to him for the execution of his duty, shall on conviction by a court of law, be liable to a fine. 137. False or misleading statement ma de to the police.- Whoever makes a false statement or a statement which is misleading in material particulars to a police officer for the purpose of obtaining any benefit shall, on conviction, be punished with impr isonment for a term which may extend to three months or a fine or both. Offences by the police. 138. Dereliction of duty by a police officer.- (1 ) Whoever, being a police officer;- 33 -Ex-20/2012 (a) willfully br eaches or neglects to follow any lega l provision, pr ocedure, rules, regulations applicable to members of the Police Service; or (b ) without lawful reason, fails to r egister a First Infor mation Report as required by Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974); or (c) is found in a state of intoxication, while on duty; or (d) malingers or feigns illness or injury or voluntar ily causes hurt to himself with a view to evading duty; or (e) acts in any other manner unbecoming of a police officer; shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with a fine or both. (2 ) Whoever, being a police officer: (a) is guilty of cowardice; or (b ) abdicates duties, or withdraws fr om duties, or r emains absent without authorization from duty for more than 21 days; or (c) uses criminal force against another police officer, or indulges in gross insubordination; or (d) engages himself or participates in any demonstra tion, procession or strike, or resorts to, or in any way abets any form of s trike, or coerces or uses physical force to compel any authority to concede a nything; or (e) is guilty of sexua l harassment in the course of duty, whether towards other police officers or any member of the public; shall, on conviction, be punished with impr isonment for a term which may extend to one year or with a fine or both. 139. Arrest, search, seizure and violence, Whoever, being a police offic er;- (1 ) without lawful authority or reasonable cause enters or searches, or causes to be entered or sear ched, a ny building, vessel, tent or place; or (2 ) unla wfully a nd without reasonable cause seizes the property of any person; or (3 ) unla wfully a nd without reasonable cause detains, searches, or a rrests a person; or (4 ) unla wfully a nd without reasonable cause delays the forwarding of any person ar rested to a Magistrate or to any other authority to whom he is legally bound to forward such person; or (5 ) subjects any person in her /his custody or with whom he may come into contact in the course of duty, to torture or to any kind of inhuman or unlawful personal violence or gross misbehavior ; or (6 ) holds out a ny threat or promise not war ranted by law; shall, on conviction, be punished with impr isonment for a term which may extend to one year and shall be liable to fine. 140. Offences by the public.- (1 ) Any person who commits any of the following offences on any road, or street or thoroughfare, or a ny open place, within the limits of any area specially notified by the State Government or a Local Government for the purpose of this Section, to the inconvenience, annoyance or danger of the residents or passers-by shall, on conviction by a court, be liable to a fine: (a) allowing any cattle to stray, or keeping any ca ttle or conveyance of any kind standing longer than is required for loading or unloading or for taking up or setting down passengers, or leaving any conveya nce in such a manner a s to cause inconvenience or danger to the public; (b ) being found intoxicated and creating nuisance at any public pla ce, and/or riot ous; (c) neglecting to fence in or duly pr otect a ny well, tank, hole or other dangerous place or structure under his charge or possession; or otherwise creating a hazardous situation in a public place; (d) defa cing, or affixing notices, or writing graffit i on wa lls, buildings or other struct ures without the prior permission of the custodian of t he property;- 34 - Ex-20/2012 (e) willfully entering or remaining without sufficient cause in or upon any building belonging to the Gover nment or land or ground attached thereto, or on any vehicle belonging to Government;; (f) knowingly spreading rumour s or ca using a false alarm to mislead the police, fire brigade or a ny other essential service or; (g) willfully damaging or sabotaging any public alarm system; (h) knowingly and willfully ca using da mage to an essential s ervice, in order to ca use general panic among the public; (i) acting in contravention of a notice publicly displayed by the competent authority in any government building :Provided that the police sha ll take cogniza nce of this offence only upon a complaint made by an authorized functionary of the concerned office. (j) causing annoyance to a woma n by ma king indecent overtures or calls or by stalking : Provided that the police sha ll take cogniza nce of this offence only upon a complaint made by the victim. (k) dr iving rashly and noisingly any two wheeler dur ing late evening a nd night on t he public road/street. (2 ) It shall be lawful for any police officer to take into custody, without a warr ant, whoever commits any of the offences mentioned in sub-s ection (1). (3 ) Whoever commits any offence under sub-S ection (1), on subsequent conviction sha ll be liable to enhanced punishment. Procedural matters, 141. Procedure for posting directions and public notices.- (1 ) All general directions, regulations, and public notices issued under this Chapter shall be published by posting notices in the office of the District/S ub-Divisional Magistr ate, at the loca l area as well as in the locality a ffected, by affixing copies in conspicuous places near the building or pla ce to which the notice specially relates, or by announcing it by public announcement system availa ble or by advertising in local newspapers a nd other media, or by a ny other means as the Superintendent of Police may deem fit : Provided that the Superintendent of Police may, on being satisfied that it is in public int erest to bring a ny regula tion int o force with immediate effect, make su ch direction or regulation without previous publication. (2 ) If a ny direction or regulation made under this section relates to a ny matter with respect to which t here is a provision in any law, rule or bylaw of the Cor pora tion or of any other Municipal or Local Authority in relation to public health, convenience or safety of t he locality, such regulation shall be subject to such law, rule or bylaw. 142. Prosecution of police officers.- Subject to Section 197 of the Code of Cr iminal P rocedur e,1973(Act no. 2 of 1974), no court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act when the accused person is a police officer except on a report in writing of the facts cons tituting such offence by, or with the previous sanction of an officer authorized by the State Government in this behalf. 143. Prosecution for offences under other laws.- Subject to the provisions contained in Section 300 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974), nothing in this Act shall be constr ued as preventing any person from being prosecuted and punished under any other law for anything made punishable by this Act.- 35 -Ex-20/2012 144. Summary disposal of certain cases.- (1 ) A court taking cognizance of an offence punishable under Sections 132 and 140 may state, upon the summons to be served to t he accused person, that he may, by a specified date prior to the hear ing of the charge, plead guilty to the charge by registered letter, and r emit to the court such sum as the court may specify. (2 ) Wher e an accused person pleads guilty and remit s the sum specified in the summons under sub-Section (1), no further proceedings in resp ect of the offence shall be taken a gainst that person. 145. Recovery of penalties and fines imposed by Magistrates.- Provisions of Sections 64 to 70 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Act No 45 of 1860) a nd Sections 386 to 389 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974) shall apply to penalties and fines imposed under this Act on conviction before a Magistra te :Provided that notwithstanding contained in Section 65 of the Indian Penal Code,1860, any person sentenced to fine under section 1 32 and 1 40 of this Cha pter ma y be imprisoned in default of payment of such fine,for any period not exceeding eight days. 146. Limitation of actions.- No court sha ll take cogniza nce of any offence under this Chapter after the expiry of t he period of limitation as provided for in Section 46 8 of the Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974). For computing the limitation period, provisions of Chapter XXXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 of 1974) shall apply. C ha p t er - XV Miscellaneous 147. Powers of District Superintendent of Police to be exercised by Commissioner of Police.- All powers, functions and duties of the Distr ict S uperintendent of P olice described in this Act shall be exercised, in respect of areas notified under Section 59 of Chapter VII, by the Commissioner of P olice or any other officer a uthorized in this behalf. 148. Disposal of fees and rewards.- All fees paid for licenses or writ ten per mission issued under this Act, and all sums paid for the service of processes by p olice officers and all rewards, forfeitures and penalties or sha res thereof which are by law payable to police officers as informers shall, save in so far as any such fees or sums belong under the provisions of any enactment in for ce to a ny local author ity, be credited to the State Government: Provided that with the sa nction of the State Government, or under a ny rule made by the State Government in that behalf, the whole or a ny portion of a ny such reward, forfeiture or penalty may for special services, be paid to a police officer, or be divided amongst two or mor e Police officers. 149. Method of proving orders and notifications.- Any order or notification pu blished or issued by the Sta te Government or by a Magistr ate or officer under any p rovision of this Act, a nd the due publication or issue thereof may be proved by the production of a copy thereof in the Official Gazette, or of a copy thereof signed by such Magistrate, or officer, and by him certified to be a true copy of an or iginal published or issued according t o the pr ovisions of the section of t he Act a pplicable thereto.- 36 - Ex-20/2012 150. Validity of rules and orders.- No r ule, regulation, order, direction, or notification made or published and no adjudication, inquiry or a ct done under any provision of this Act, or under any rules made there under, which is in substantial conformity wit h the same, shall be deemed illegal, void or invalid by reason of any defect of form. 151. Officers holding charge of or succeeding to va cancies competent to exer cise powers.- Whenever in consequence of the office of a police officer becoming vaca nt, any officer holds charge of the post of such police officer or succeeds, either t emporar ily or permanently, to his office, such officer shall be competent to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties resp ectively conferred and imposed by this Act on such p olice officer, as the case may be. 152. Public notices how t o be given.- Any public notice r equired to be given under any of the provisions of t his Act shall be in writing under the signature of a competent authority and shall b e publis hed in the loca lity to be affected thereby, by affix ing copies thereof in conspicuous public pla ces, or by proclaiming the same through public announcement, or by advertising in local newspa pers as the sa id authority ma y deem fit.Provided that the competent authority may, on being satisfied that it is in public interest to bring any regulation into force with immediate effect, make such direction or regulation without previous publication. 153. Consent of a competent authority may be proved by writ ing under his signature.- Whenever under this Act, the doing or the omitting to do anything or the validity of a nything depends upon the consent, a pproval, declar ation, opinion or satisfaction of a competent author ity, a wr itten document signed by a competent a uthorit y purporting to convey or set forth s uch cons ent, appr oval, declaration, opinion or satisfaction sha ll be sufficient evidence ther eof. 154. Power to make rules.- (1 ) The Government may make r ules for carrying out the pur poses of this Act. (2 ) All rules made by the Sta te Government under this Act shall, as soon as may be aft er they are made, be laid befor e the Mizoram Legislative Assembly and shall, unless some later date is appointed, take effect from the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 155. Power to remove difficulties.- (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make such provisions as it deems necessar y or expedient for removing the difficulty. (2 ) Every notification issued under this section shall, as soon as may be a fter it is issued, be laid before the a ppropr ia te legisla t ure. 156. Persons aggrieved may apply to State Government to annul, reverse or alter any rule or order.- In t he case of any rule or order made by t he State Government under an authorit y conferred by this Act and requiring t he public or a particular cla ss of persons t o perform some duty or act, or to conduct or order themselves or those under their cont rol in a manner therein described, it shall be competent to any a ggrieved person to make a represent ation t o the State Government to annul, reverse, or alter t he aforesaid rule or or der.- 37 -Ex-20/2012 157. Repeal and saving.- (1 ) The Police Act, 1861 in its application to the Sta te of Mizoram is hereby repealed. (2 ) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken or any pr oceeding instit uted under the Act so r epealed shall be deemed to have been done or taken or instituted under the corr esponding provisions of this Act. (3 ) All references in any enactment to any of the provisions of the Act so repealed shall be construed as r eferences to the corr esponding provisions of this Act. Sd/- Secretary Law & Judicial Deptt., PAD Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 38 - Ex-20/2012

Mizo Air Squadron, NCC, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLIISSUE - 28Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 28 NOTIFICATION No. G. 17011/2/2011-F. APF, the 10th January, 2012.In continuation of Finance Department’s Notification No. G. 17011/2/2008-F. APF dated 12.9.2011, Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) of AG, Mizoram and Officer Commanding, 1 Mizo Air Squadron, NCC, Aizawl, Mizoram are her eby allotted Unique Code Numbers as assigned against their names in the list a ppended at Annex-A. The DDOs concerned should mark their respective Code Numbers in clear recor ds and furnish the same in the appropr iate column in all bills and communications relating to the New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, 2010. The Code Numbers as recorded herein should not be altered by any individual authorit y except by the Government of Mizoram in the Finance Department in consultation with the National Securities Depository Ltd (CRA) Additions of new Treasuries or DDOs, if any, from time to time shall be made by the author ity aforementioned only. Lalthansanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500ANNEX-ASl. Name of MinistryMinistryName of DDO/DDOName of Treasury No.OfficeCode TreasuryCode 1. Central Ministry of Finance,201Senior Accounts201001 Aizawl90101 Accountant General Office,OfficerSouth Mizoram 2. Sport & Youth Services122C.O-1 Mizo Air122006 Aizawl90101 (NCC)Squadron, NCC AizawlSouth

The State Transport Authority to fix Saiha Auto Rickshaw fare, city Bus fare on Government Complex to Temple, Aizawl

VOL - XLIISSUE - 29Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 29 NOTIFICATION No. D. 26021/10/10-TRP, the 12th January, 2012.In exercise of the powers conferred under section 67 of the MV Act 1988, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to a uthorize the State Tra nsport Authorit y to fix Saiha Auto Rickshaw fare, city Bus fare on Government Complex t o Temple, Aiza wl and r evision of Towing charges of vehicula r offenders. H. Darzika, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Soil & Water Conservation Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 30Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 30 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/58/2006-P&AR(GSW), the 10th January, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) ofJoint Director underSoil & Water Conservation Department, Gover nment of Mizor a m, na mely :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Soil & Water Conserva tion CommencementDepartment (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2011. (2 ) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and classification, pay bandG rade pa y/ pa y scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scaleto 4 of the said Annexure-I. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters age limit,relating to the said post(s) shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of qualifications, etc-the a for esaid Annexur e-I. Provided that the age limit prescribed for direct r ecruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or (b ) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contract ed a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); - 2 - Ex-30/2012 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 6.Training and DepartmentalEvery Government s ervant r ecr uited under these rules shall undergo Examination.such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be pres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these r ules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing andin consulta tion with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of P ersonnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with r espect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation andNothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age concessionslimit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes /the Schedu led Tr ibes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the CentralGovernment or the Government of M izoram from time to t ime in this regard. 10. Repeal and SavingsAll rules pertaining to these posts fr amed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/13/80-APT (B) dt. 13.3.1992 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary Issue No. 34 dt. 13.3.1992 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order ma de or anything done or any action t aken under the rules so repealed, or under any general orders ancillary thereto, shall b e deemed to ha ve been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘A’ POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOIL & WATER CONSERVATIONName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Joint Director1 (one) or as may be sanctioned from time to timeSelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualifications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicableGeneral State Services Group 'A' postPB-3 ^ 15600-39100 + Grade Pay ^ 7600/- - 3 -Ex-30/2012 Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of pos ts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314By promotion failing which by deputationPromotion : From Deputy Director/District Soil & Water Conservation Officer/Soil & Water Conservation Engineer having not less th an 5 years reg ula r service in the grade. By deputation : Officers from Centra l or Sta te G overment h olding an alog ous p ost (P eriod of deputation not exceeding 3 years)As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limination of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as a men d ed f rom t ime to time Mizoram Public Service CommissionPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Affidavit of P.C. Lalbuatsaiha S/o Rochhinga, Armed Veng South, Aizawl,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 31Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 31 AFFIDAVIT I, P.C. Lalbuatsaiha S/o Rochhinga, permanent r esident of Armed Veng South, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affir m as hereunder :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2.That my name has b een recorded asBuatsaiha in my Service Book and F amily R ation C ard. 3.That my name has been recorded asP.C. Lalbuatsaiha in all my other documents. 4.That the aforementioned namesP.C. Lalbuatsaiha andBuatsaiha do not signify that they belong to two persons but only one and the same person. 5.That I declare on oath that my true and correct name isP.C. LALBUATS AIHA. 6.That the statements made in para 1 to 5 are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I put my signature hereto on this 14th day of November, 2011. Sd/- DEPONENT Ident ified by me :Signed befor e me Sd/-Sd/- Lalthazuali Renthlei,Judicial Magistrate 1st Class-1 Advoca te.Aizawl Judicial District Aizawl, MizoramMizoram, Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500


VOL - XLIISSUE - 32Date - 24/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 24.1.2012 Magha 4, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 32 NOTIFICATION No. F. 20016/1/11-DTE(STA)Vol-II, the 19th January, 2012.As p er direction given by the Govt. vide Notification conveyed under Memo No. D. 26031/10/10-TRP dt. 12.01.2012, the STA, Mizoram hereby fixed fares for Saiha Auto Rickshaw as per Annexure ‘A’ w.e.f. the date of issue of this Notification. Thlamuana, Secretary, State Transport Authority, Mizoram, Aizawl. ANNEXURE ‘A’SAIHA AUTO RICKSHAW FARESl. No.Present RateNew Rate1.Bazar Stand To MST Bus Station1010 Baitai Veng/Laila Hall Peng1020 AOC Pump2030 2.Bazar Stand To MST Bus Station1010 Don Bosco School Peng2030 Meisavaih PS3040 Bethesda Biak In3050 Meisatla Checkgate5060 3.Bazar Stand To Atta Lane1010 Babu Veng Peng20 Meisavaih Peng30 Meisatla Checkgate3040 4.Bazar Stand To ECM HS Peng1010 ECM HS/ARCS Office3040 Pu Beila In100 Thinsen300 - 2 - Ex-32/2012 5.Bazar Stand To Shalom Biak In1020 DIC Handicraft Centre2040 MRP Veng3050 MRP Veng Tuikhur Hnuai4060 6.Bazar Stand To MADC Office/Apex Bank/DIC Office1010 I&PR Office1020 MRP Veng Police Quarter2030 MRP Tuikhur Veng3040 7.Bazar Stand To Vengpui Field1010 Meisavaih30 Meisatla Checkgate50 8.Bazar Stand To DC/ECM/DAO/PWD Office1010 9.Bazar Stand To Khurpui1010 CCIM Biak In Tlang2020 N. Saiha Vety Kawn3030 10.Bazar Stand To MST Bus Station1010 Baitai Veng2020 Lorrain School3030 Motherless Baby Home3040 N. Saiha PS4050 Saiha Tlangkawn Stand5060 11.Bazar Stand To MST Bus Station1010 College Veng UPC Biak In3040 12.Bazar Stand To MCHP Drop in Centre2020 DIC Handicraft Centre3030 13.Bazar Stand To Police Canteen1010 SP Tlang/Hospital2020 AR3040 Power House4050 Saiha Tlangkawn6080 14.Bazar Stand To Ramdhani Kawt10 N. Saiha Vety Kawn1020 HS Peng2030 1.N. Saiha Vety Kawn Stand To N. Saiha Bazar/PWD Godown10 UPC Biak In Tlang/HS Peng1010 Elim Public School2020 2.N. Saiha Vety Kawn Stand To Civil Hospital/SP Tlang1010 Bazar/Apex Bank/MADC Office2020 - 3 -Ex-32/2012 3.N. Saiha Vety Kawn Stand To HS Peng1010 Harmon Veng1020 Saiha Tlangkawn2040 4.N. Saiha Vety Kawn Stand To Ar Peng1010 Tourist Lodge Peng2020 Telecom Office2030 Circuit House3040 Helipad4050 5.N. Saiha Vety Kawn Stand To Ramdhani Kawt1010 Bazar2020 DC/PWD/ECM Etc. Office2030 1.AOC Stand To Saiha Tlangkawn2040 2.AOC Stand To Thlanmual Veng1010 Chhochhopa Tuikhur Veng1020 N. Colony Thlanmual Peng2030 Moni Workshop3040 Meisatla4060 3.AOC Stand To Bethany Veng3030 College Tuikhur4050 College Quarter5070 4.AOC Stand To Baby Home2030 Saiha Tlangkawn4050 5.AOC Stand To Samaritan Veng2030 College Veng Thlanmual80 6.AOC Stand To Baitai Veng10 MST Bus Station20 Bazar Stand2030 DC/ECM/MADC Office3040 1.Saiha T langkawn Stand To Leir awhchan Veng1010 KVK60 2.Saiha T langkawn Stand To BDO2030 KVK60 Treasury Quarter2030 3.Saiha T langkawn Stand To Vantuma In1020 Tuisumpui Peng2040 Bawngvulhna3050 KVK6080 Tawngta ina100 - 4 - Ex-32/2012 BRTF Quari100150 Tlangpui200300 4.Saiha T langkawn Stand To Power House2030 AR3040 Hospital/SP Tlang4050 5.Saiha T langkawn Stand To Harmon Veng20 GHSS Peng Bazar2030 N. Saiha Vety Kawn3040 6.Saiha T langkawn Stand To AOC2040 7.Meisatla Stand To Short Cut Peng10 ABC/Remand Home40 Tawngta ina70 1.Meisatla Stand To Jail Veng1010 33 KV Station/IIT2010 Vety Farm4030 Tuisumpui Peng50 SSB Tuikhur5070 Tawngta ina70100 T. Ferry Peng100120 Theihai Lui130200 Tuitlawk150300 2.Waiting Charge100100 3.After 5 Minute1.50/Min.1.50/Min. 4.Hiring Charge a nih avanginH. Charge+3 passenger system a lak a nihseats in a fare hmunthum a then a hmunkhat lak tur.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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