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Affidavit of George Lalduhawma S/o Vanlalzawna, permanent resident of Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 377Date - 25/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 25.7.2013 Sravana 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 377 AFFIDAVITI,George Lalduhawma S/o Vanlalzawna, permanent resident of Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth. 2.That in my Birth Certificate my name was wrongly recorded as Lalduhawma. 3.That I do hereby declare before Notary Public, Aizawl Mizoram that my correct name is George Lalduhawma. 4.That the statements made in paragraphs 1 to 4 are true and correct to the best of my knowl- edge and belief and nothing material has been concealed therein. In witness whereof I hereunto set my own signature on this the 2nd day of May, 2012 at Aizawl. Identified by me :- Sd/- R.Lalhungliana BA (Hons) LLB Advocate Mission Veng ‘S’ Mv 86Signed befor e me :- Sd/- R. Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl, MizoramSd/- (GEORGE LALDUHAWMA) DEPONENT Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Notarial Registration No. 41/5 date 2/5/12

Affidavit of J.LALNUNHLIMA, S/o Sanghleithanga, Zuangtui, Aizawl,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 378Date - 25/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 25.7.2013 Sravana 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 378 AFFIDAVITBy this deed I, the undersignedJ.LALNUNHLIMA, S/o Sanghleithanga, previously called B.Lalnunhlima, doing No. 610, Constable MAP 1st Battallion and resident of Zuangtui, Aizawl, Aizawl District, Mizoram, solemnly declare :- 1.That for and on behalf of my myself and my wife, children and remitter issue wholly renounce relinquish and abandon the use of my former name/surname ofB.Lalnunhlima and in place thereof I do hereby assume from the date the name/surnameJ.LALNUNHLIMA an so that my wife, children and remit- ter issue may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name/surname ofB.Lalnunhlima but assumed name/surname ofJ.LALNUNHLIMA. 2.That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions, private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name ofJ.LALNUNHLIMA as my name/surname in place of and in substitution for my former name/surname. 3.That I expressly authorize and request all persons in general and relatives and friends in particular, at all times hereafter to designate and address me my wife, my children, remitter issue by such assumed name/ surname ofJ. LALNUNHLIMA. 4.In wit ness whereof I have hereunto subscr ibed my for mer and adopted na me/surname of B.Lalnunhlima andJ. LALNUNHLIMA affix my signature and seal, if any, this the the 22nd day of February, 2013. Identified by me :- Sd/- H.Lalremruata Advocate Ph : 9089670712Signed before me :- Sd/- R. Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl, MizoramSigned and delivered by the above named Former Name : B.Lalnunhlima Name : VANLALLIANA Address : Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Notarial Registration No. 24/2 date 22/2/13 Dated 22-02-2013 In the presence of Name : H.LALHMINGTHANGA Address : Bethlehem Vengthlang Aizawl

Affidavit of Shri. NT Hlondo S/o H. Zalinga, Bungkawn CID Complex, Aizawl

VOL - XLIISSUE - 1Date - 06/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 6.1.2012 Pausa 16, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 1 AFFIDAVIT I, S hri. NT Hlondo S/o H. Zalinga , aged about 44 years and a resident of Bungkawn CID Complex, Aizawl do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bona-fide cit izen of India a nd a competent to swear this Affida vit. 2.That my name has b een wrongly and mistakenly recorded as Nothanga Hlondo and NT Hla wndo in my HSLC and PUC Certificates a nd Marksheet respectively. 3.That my name should be known, recorded a nd read as N.T. Hlondo not as Nothanga Hlondo or N.T. Hlawndo in all my official correspondence hereinafter. 4.That the aforementioned pa ra-1 to 3 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing materials has been concealed therin. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I here unto put my hands and subscribed my signatur e in this affidavit on t his the 30th day of November, 2011 at Aizawl. DEPONENT Ident ified by me :Signed befor e meAttest ed by Sd/-Sd/-Sd/- Roger C. LalhmangaihaJudicial Magistrate 1st Class-4Paul Thangzika AdvocateAizawl Judicial DistrictDy. Superintendent of Police District & S essions Judge CourtMizoram : AizawlCID (SB), Mizoram, Aizawl Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Village Council Constituencies to form new Village Council

VOL - XLIISSUE - 2Date - 10/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 10.1.2012 Pausa 20, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 2 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14016/8/2011-LAD/VC, the 5th January, 2012.In exercise of powers conferred by section 3(1) of the Lusha i Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953, as a mended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the Villa ges shown below as Village Council C onstituencies to form new Village Council from their respective Par ent Village Council as indica ted below :- Sl. Name of New Villa ge CouncilName of Parent Village CouncilName of District 1223 1.Hnahthial North - IHnahthial NorthLunglei 2.Hnahthial North - IIHnahthial NorthLunglei 3.Hnahthial South - IHnahthial S outhLunglei 4.Hnahthial South - IIHnahthial S outhLunglei 5.Su ma su miPuankhaiLunglei 6.New SachanMauzamLunglei 7.Champhai Vengthlang NorthChamphai Vengthlang IIIChamphai 8.Champhai Zion VengBethel, ChamphaiChamphai 9.Khawzawl HermonKha wzawl - IChamphai 10.Khawzawl KawnzarKhawzawl - IIIChamphai 11.Ka wrthah-Nor thKawrthahMamit 12.Ka wrthah-SouthKawrthahMamit 13.Rajiv Nagar - IRajiv NagarMamit 14.Rajiv Nagar - IIRajiv NagarMamit 15.LuangpawlNew MamitMamit 16.NalzawlMamit Chhim VengMamit 17.DamdiaiSuarhliapMamit 18.BelkhaiRajiv NagarMamit 19.ZomuantlangThaida wrMamit 20.Phuldungsei JampuiDLAO MamitMamit 21.MualthuamBunghmunMamit 22.TumpangluiTuidamMamit 23.SihthiangRengdilMamit 24.HreichukKhawrihnimMamit 25.Teirei For est VengDamparengpuiMamit - 2 - Ex-2/2012 26.HmawngkawnBaktawng VengpuiSerchhip 27.Thenzawl EastThenzawlSerchhip 28.Thenzawl WestThenzawlSerchhip K. Lalmuana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

New Village Council Constituency Mamit District

VOL - XLIISSUE - 3Date - 10/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 10.1.2012 Pausa 20, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 3 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14016/8/2011-LAD/VC, the 9th January, 2012.In Addition to this Department’s Notification of even No. dated 5/1/2012 and in exercise of powers conferred by section 3(1) of the Lushai Hills District (Village Council) Act, 1953, as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the Village shown below a s Villa ge Council Constituency to form new Village Council from its Pa rent Village Council as indicated below :- Name of New Villa ge CouncilName of Parent Village CouncilName of District KolalianHriphawMamit K. Lalmuana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 2 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 4Date - 12/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 12.1.2012 Pausa 22, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 4 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/28/2012-LJD, the 10th January, 2012.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 2 of 2012) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 19th December, 2011} Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE LUSHAI HILLS DISTRICT (VILLAGE COUNCILS) (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2011 ACT No. 2 OF 2012 AN ACT further to amend the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Whereas it is expedient further to amend the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 (Act No. 5 of 1953) which is herein referred to as the Principal Act. It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty Second Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.Short title, extent1) This Act may be called the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) and commencement(Amendment) Act, 2011. 2) It shall have the like extent as the Principal Act. 3) It shall come into force at once. - 2 - Ex-4/2012 THE LUSAI 2.Amendment ofIn clauses (i) (ii) (iii) and (iv) of Sub-Section (2) of Section 3 of Section 3the Principal Act, the following clauses shall be substituted namely :- “(i) For village not exceeding 200 households, there shall be 3 (three) elected members. (ii) For village with more than 200 households but not exceeding 500 households, ther e sha ll be 5 (five) elected members. (iii) For village more than 500 households but not exceeding 1000 households ther e sha ll be 7 (seven) elected members. (iv) For village with more than 1000 households and above there shall be 9 (nine) elected members”. 3.Amendment ofIn Section 15 of the Principal Act, Section 15 (a) the first paragraph under the sub-heading ‘Village Council Fund’ shall be numbered as sub-section (1) as follows :- “15(1) Village Council Fund - Ther e sha ll be for med for ever y Village Council a fund to be called “Village Council Fund”. Any col- lection authorised by law other than District revenue and taxes made in a village for the good of the people shall be paid into the said Fund. The President shall be the treasurer of the fund and the list of the col- lection shall be kept by the Secretary. T his account shall be opened for inspection by any subscriber to the collection”. (b) After sub-section (1), a new sub-section (2) shall be added which shall be followed by the existing proviso, as follows :- “(2) Power to collect Property Tax - The Village Councils are empowered to collect property tax within their respective jurisdictions on such items, and at such rates, as may be determined by the State Government from time to time. Provided that Village Council may appoint a Treasurer from amongst the members who shall keep developmental grants and other fund exclusive of a collection authorised by law, and maintain the accounts thereof which will be liable to inspection by the Village Council in its sitting and by an official authorised to do so by the Government”. P. Singthanga, Secretary, L & J Deptt., LAD, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (Act No. 1 of 2005) with effect from 1 st January 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 8Date - 13/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 13.1.2012 Pausa 23, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 8 NOTIFICATION No. J. 11020/1/2005-TAX, the 9th December, 2011.In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 11 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (Act No. 1 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to transpose entry of Schedules and revise r ate of taxes under Schedule-II and S chedule-III to the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (Act No. 1 of 2005) with effect from 1st January 2012 as follows : 1.The following entr ies in Schedule II, Part ‘C ’, namely - “112. Electrical goods of all kinds used in the generation, tr ansmission, distribution or in connection with the consumption of electricity, including all kinds of transformers, inverters, voltage stabilizers, wires and cables, holders, plugs, sockets, switches, canings, reapers, bends, junction boxes, cou pling boxes, meter boxes, switch boxes, fuse switch boxes, distribution boxes, power meters, meter boards, switch boards, panel boards, distribution boards, electrical relays, single pha sing pr eventers, wooden plugs, lightning a rrestor s, electrical earthenware and porcela in ware, circuit breakers, starters, chokes, power supply indicators, winding wires and strips, jointing materials, heating elements, general lighting system (GLS) lamps, bulbs, tubes, light fittings, chandeliers and their shades, fans, air circulators, protectors, stands, fixtures, fittings, battens, brackets, sound or visual signaling apparatus such as bells, sirens, indicator pa nels, burglar or fire alarms other than those specifically included”..- shall be substituted as under - “112. Electrical goods, namely - (i) winding wires and strips; (ii) switches, selector switches, fuse-switches unit, above 5 amps.; (iii) contactors, a uxiliar y contactors, contact block; (iv) control gea rs and starters [inclu ding industrial motor starters]; (v) ammeter, KWH meter, voltmeter; (vi) insulating materials, insulator; (vii) jointing materials; (viii) circuit br eaker s, HR C fuse, thermostat; (ix) programmable logic contr oller, timers; (x) switch boa rds, panel boar ds, distribution boar ds, cont rol panels, mot or contr ol cent re, power contr ol centr e, bus duct, burner contr ol cubicle, contr ol desk, push button station, local control station, kiosk, feeder pillar, SMPS; (xi) electrical relays and single phasing preventer and timers; (xii) overhead transmission line materials including components, access ories a nd spar e parts thereof [including earth spike, stay set, galvanized iron pin, isolators, lightning arrestors, pre-cast concrete pole (PCC pole) and cut-outs (fuse-unit)]”. 2.The following entry shall be added immediately after entry no 158 of Part ‘D’ of Schedule II as under - “159. All other goods not specified in entry 112 of Part ‘C ’ of Schedule II”. - 2 - Ex-8/2012 3.The following entr ies in Schedule II, Part ‘C ’, namely - “113. Floor and wall tiles of all varieties (i) Ceramic tiles, glazed floor, roofing and wall tiles; (ii) Cuddappah stone slabs and shahabad stone slabs; (iii) (a ) Granite blocks (rough or r aw); (b) Polished granite slabs, including tomb stones, monument slab and head stone; (iv) Black stone, kota stone or any other na tural stone, (v) Marbles, that is to say, - (a) Marble boulders or lumps, (b) Marble slabs (c) Marble chips (d) Marble dusts (e) marble floor tiles and wall tiles (f) Other ar ticles made of marbles (vi) Mosaic tiles, chips a nd powder”. “114. Glass and glassware other than those specified elsewhere in this schedule or in any other schedule”. “115. Paints, lacquers, polishes and ena mels not otherwise specified in this schedule, inclu ding powder paints, stiff paste paints and liquid paints; (ii) Colours (iii) Pigments , including water pigments a nd leather finishes; (iv) Dry distempers including cement based water- paints, oil-bound distempers, plastic emulsion paints; (v) Varnishes, french polish, bituminous and coa l-ta r blacks; (vi) Cellulose lacquers, nitro-cellulose lacquers, clear a nd pigments and nitro-cellulose ancillaries in liquid, semi-s olid or pasty forms; (vii) Turpentine oil, bale- oil, white oil; (viii) Diluents and thinners including natura l and synthetic drying and semi- drying oils such as double boiled linseed oil, blown linseed oil, stand oil, sulphurised linseed oil, parilla oil, whale oil and tung oil; (ix) Glaziers putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics, painters fillings, non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor walls, false ceiling or the like; (x) Primers of all kinds (xi) All other”. shall be tr ansposed immediately after entry 155 of Pa rt ‘D’ of Schedule II as under - “156. Floor and wall tiles of all varieties (i) Ceramic tiles, glazed floor, roofing and wall tiles; (ii) Cuddappah stone slabs and shahabad stone slabs; (iii) (a ) Granite blocks (rough or r aw); (b) Polished granite slabs, including tomb stones, monument slab and head stone; (iv) Black stone, kota stone or any other natural stone, (v) Marbles, that is to say, - (a) Marble boulders or lumps, (b) Marble slabs (c) Marble chips (d) Marble dusts (e) marble floor tiles and wall tiles (f) Other a rticles made of marbles (vi) Mosaic tiles, chips a nd powder”. “157. Glass and glassware other than those specified elsewhere in this schedule or in any other schedule”. “158. Paints, lacquers, polishes and ena mels not otherwise specified in this schedule, inclu ding powder paints, stiff paste paints and liquid paints; (ii) Colours (iii) Pigments , including water pigments a nd leather finishes; (iv) Dry distempers including cement based water- paints, oil-bound distempers, plastic emulsion paints; (v) Varnishes, french polish, bituminous and coa l-ta r blacks; (vi) Cellulose lacquers, nitro-cellulose lacquers, clear a nd pigments and nitro-cellulose ancillaries in liquid, semi-s olid or pasty forms; (vii) Turpentine oil, bale- oil, white oil; (viii) Diluents and thinners including natura l and synthetic drying and semi- drying oils such as double boiled linseed oil, blown linseed oil, stand oil, sulphurised linseed oil, parilla oil, whale oil and tung oil; (ix) Glaziers putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics, painters fillings, non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor walls, false ceiling or the like; (x) Primers of all kinds (xi) All other”. 4.Rate of taxes under Part ‘C’ of S chedule II is revised and raised from 4% to 5%. 5.Rate of taxes under Part ‘D’ of S chedule II is r evised and raised from 12.50% to 13. 50%. 6.Rates of ta xes under Schedule III is revised and the revised rate of tax as appear ed in Schedule III shall be as follows - SCHEDULE - III (See sub-section (2) of section 11) Sl. No.DescriptionRate of Tax 1.All kinds of Works Contract13.5% SCHEDULE - IIIA (See sub-section (2) of section 11) Percentage of deduction under sec. 8(2 )(c) Sl. Description of works cont ractPercentage of No.deduction under sec. 8(2)(c) 1. Fabr ication and installation of plants and machinery30% 2. Fabr ication and erection of struct ural works, including fabrica tion, supply and erection of ir on trusses, purlins, etc.30% 3. Fabr ication and installation of cranes and hoists30% 4. Fabr ication and installation of elevators (lifts) and escala tors30% 5. Fabr ication and installation of rolling shutters and collapsible gates30% 6. Civil works like construct ion of building, bridges, roa d, rail roads, etc.30% 7. Installation of doors, door frames, windows, window frames and grills30% 8. Supplying and fixing of tiles slabs, stones and sheets30% (i) Supplying and fixing of mosaic tiles30% (ii) Supplying and fixing of mar ble sla b polished granite stone and tiles30% (other than mosaic tiles) (iii) Supply and fixing of slabs, stones and sheets other than those specified at30% items (i) and (ii) a bove 9. Supplying and insta llation of air-conditioning equipment inclu ding deep freezers,30% cold storage plants, humidification plants and dehumidifiers 10. Supplying and insta llation of air-conditioner and air-coolers30% 11. Supplying and fitting of electrical goods, supply and installa tion of electr ical30% equipment including transformers 12. Supplying and fixing of furniture and fixtures, partitions including contracts for30% interior decoration 13. Sanitary fitting for plumbing for draina ge including supply of materials thereof30% 14. Painting and polishing including supply of painting and polishing materials30% 15. Construction of bodies of motor vehicles a nd construction of trailers30% 16. Providing a nd laying of p ipes for purposes other than those specified in serial30% number 13 of this schedule. 17. (i) Providing and laying pipes (other than steel pipes) for purposes other than30% those specified in serial number 13 of this Schedule (ii) Providing and laying of steel pipes for purposes other than those specified30% in serial number 13 of this Schedule (iii) Providing a nd boarding, dr illing and fit ting of all types of pipes30% 18. Programming and providing of computer soft ware30% 19. Fabr ication, testing and reconditioning of meta llic ga s cylinders30% 20. Tyre retreading30% 21. Processing a nd supplying of photogr aph, photo prints, photo negatives15% (including photogra phing with camera, x-ray and other scanning materials.- 3 -Ex-8/2012 22. Supplying and installation of electronic instruments, equipment, apparatus,30% appliances a nd devices. 23. Supplying a nd installation of firefighting equipment and devices15% 24. Electroplating and anodizing30% 25. Lamination, rubberisation, coating and similar process30% 26. Printing and block making30% 27. Supply and erection of weighing machines and weigh bridges30% 28. Dyeing and printing text iles30% 29. Construction of ta nkers on motor vehicles, cha ssis30% 30. Supply and fixing of door and window cur tains including Venetian blinds and nets30% 31. Other works contra cts not covered by serial number 1 to 3030% Not e :1)Sub-section (2) of section 11 -The tax payable by a dealer on his taxable contractual transfer price, shall be levied at the ra te as s pecified in Schedule III. 2)Section 8 (2) (c) -labour and non-material cost incurred by the dealer in the execution of works contract or where no such record relating to cost of labour and non-materials are available after deducting such percentage of the turnover of the dealer as specified under column 3 of Schedule-III. 3)Rate of tax in Schedule IIIA of this notification shall not apply to the contract works for which deeds of agreement for execution of the works have been signed by the parties involved prior to this notification. Lalthansanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. - 4 - Ex-8/2012Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Member of New Land Use Policy (NLUP) Marketing Cell.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 9Date - 13/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 13.1.2012 Pausa 23, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 9 NOTIFICATION No. G. 28014/21/2009-AGR(NLUP)Pt, the 16th December, 2012.In continuation of this Department’s Notification of even No. dt. 18th June, 2 009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include t he following Non-Official Members as Member of New Land Use Policy (NLUP) Mar keting Cell. i)Pu C . Lalrua ta, Cha irman, MIFCO. ii)Pu Andrew La lherliana Khiangte, Ex-MLA. iii)Pu Robert Halliday, Chaltlang South. iv)Pu Ramhmangaiha, P resident, Hna mchhantu (Electric Veng). v)Pu Zion Lalremruata, Gen. Secretary, AMFU. Non-Official members will be entitled to TA/DA as Group ‘A’ Officers on Official travel and Rs. 300/- sitting allowance per day for the Boa rd Meeting. T.V. Fambawl, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Adoption Recommendation Committee

VOL - XLIISSUE - 10Date - 13/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 13.1.2011 Pausa 23, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 10 NOTIFICATION No. B. 12011/8/2011-SWD, the 19th December, 2011.In exercise of the powers conferred under Para 31(2 ) of the Guidelines governing the Adoption of Children 2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Adoption Recommendation Committee as follows with immediate effect and until further orders : 1.Pi B. Sairengpuii,-Chairperson Secr etary, Socia l Welfare Department or her repr esentat ive. 2.Pi Zodintha ngi,-Member Social Work Teacher as Representa tive of Chairperson, ACA. 3.Pi C. Laltha nsangi, M. Sc (Clinical Psychology)-Member D/o J.H.C. Aichhu nga, E/14, Dawrpui Vengthar 4.Pi Laldikkimi,-Member Secretary Depu ty Director, as Representative of Director, Social Welf are. B. Sairengpuii, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Shops and Establishment Act,2010 (Act No. 14 of 2010)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 12Date - 13/01/2012

NOTIFICATIONNo.A-47012/5/2009-L&E. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 28 of the Mizoram Shops and Establis hment Act,2010 (Act No. 14 of 2010), the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to make the following rules, namely:- CHAPTER – I Preliminar y 1.Shor t title, extent and commencement. (1)These rules may be called the Mizoram Shops and Establishments Rules, 2011. (2)They shall extend to the whole of Mizoram. (3)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2.Definitions. - In these rules, unless there is anything r epugnant in the subject or cont ext. (a)‘Act’ means the Mizoram Shops and Establishments Act, 2010. (b)‘App ellate a uthorit y’ means the au thority set up under t hese r u les; (c)Chief Inspector ’ means a person appointed as such under sub section 2 of section 21 of the Act not below the rank of Deputy Labour Commissioner‘ to be appointed by the department of LE&IT (d)‘Family’ in relation to an employer means: (i)Sp ous e; (ii)Children and step-children; and (iii)Parents, sisters a nd brothers, nephews a nd nieces if r esiding with and wholly dependent upon him/them (e) ‘Form’ means a form appended to these rules; (f)‘Government’ means the Government of Mizoram; (g)‘Rule’ means rules framed under the Act; (h)‘Schedule’ means a Schedule appended to t hese ru les; (i)‘Section’ means a section of the Act; (j)‘Time’ with reference to time of day in this rule means the Indian Sta ndard Time which is five and a half hours ahead of Greenwich Time; (k)Words and expressions used in the Act and not defined in these Rules sha ll have same meaning assigned t o them in the Act. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 13.1.2012 Pausa 23, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 12 CHAPTER-II REGISTRATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS 3.Registration of establishment and application for registration - Within thir ty days from the date of enforcement of these rules in the case of an establishment existing on that da y and within t hirty da ys from the date of commencement of the business in the case of a new establishment the employer of every establishment shall apply for registration under the Act to the Chief Inspector or the officer authorized by him in this behalf inForm‘ A’ prescribed for the purpose in duplica te a nd in print together with the origina l copy of the treasur y challan depositing the requisite amount of fees as specified inSchedu le- I Provided that the State Government may, in relaxation of the provision of this rule, allow the employer of a particular establishment, if satisfied with the reasons fur nished by him, to get his esta blishment registered or the registration of his est ablishment renewed on or before a date specified in the order issued in this behalf. 4. Register of shops and establishments - The Chief Inspector or the officer author ized by him in this behalf shall maintain a Register of Shops and Establishments inForm ‘B’ which shall consist of thr ee Parts as follows: Part IShops. Part IICommercial Establishments. Part III Esta blishment for P ublic E ntertainment or Amusement 5. Issue of Certificate of Registration - On r eceipt of the applica tion in the prescribedF o r m ‘ A’ and the original copy of the treasury challan depositing the fees, the Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf shall on being satisfied about the correctness of the statement made in the application, register the esta blishment in the appr opriate part of the Register of Shops and Establishments and shall, in the prescribedForm ‘C’ iss ue Cert ificate of Registration to the employer : Provided that a certificate of Registration sha ll be valid up to a period of twelve months only from the da te of issue unless r enewed ther eafter. 6. Display of notices and certificate of registration. (1 ) Any notice or certificate required to be exhibit ed under the Act or the rules shall be exhibited in such a manner that it is readily seen and can be read at ease by a ny person whom it concerns and shall be replaced by a fresh one whenever it becomes defaced or ceases to be legible. (2 ) Every employer in a n establishment shall display the Certifica te of Registra tion or the Renewed Certificate of Registration, as the case may be, issued under rule 5 in a conspicuous place in the establishment. 7 . R enewa l of cer t ifica t e of r eg is t r a t io n. - An a pplicat ion for the r enewal of a Cer tificate of Registration sha ll be su bmitted in the prescr ibed F o r m ‘ A’ wit hin thr ee months after the date of expiry of the Certificate of Registr ation, as the case may be and shall be accompanied by the current Certificate of Registration together with t he original receipt of depositing such fees a s are prescribed in Schedule I and the Chief Inspector or the Officer Ex-12/20122 authorized by him in this behalf shall, on being satisfied about the correctness of the statement, issue the renewed Certificate of Regist ration in the p rescrib edForm ‘C’ after making relevant entries in the appropr iate pa rt of t he Register of Shops and Establishment. 8. Notice of change in Establishments. (1 ) It shall be the dut y of every employer in an esta blishment to notify to the Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf, in the prescribedForm ‘D’ together with the original receipt of depositing the requisite fees, for any change in respect of any pa rticular s conta ined in the statement s ubmitted under sub-rule (1) of rule 3 within two months after the change has taken pla ce. (2 ) The Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf on receiving the prescr ibed notice of change together with the original receipt of depositing the required fees shall, on being specified about the correctness of the cha nge of particulars, make the required change in the Register of Shops and Establishments, in a ccordance with such notice and shall amend the curr ent Certificate of Registration or issue a fresh Certifica te of Registra tion, if necessary. 9. Notice of winding-up of establishments. - (I) The employer shall, within ten days of the winding-up of the business of his establishment notify to the Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf in the prescribedForm ‘E’ accompanied by the Certificate of Registr ation. The Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf, on receiving the information of the closure of the establishment and on being satisfied about its correctness, r emove the name of such establishment from the Register of S hops and Establishments a nd cancel the Certificate of R egistration: (2 ) Provided that if t he Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf does not receive any written infor mation about the winding-up of the business of an establishment, but he is otherwise satisfied that the establishment has been wound-up, he may r emove the name of such establishment from the Register of Shops and Establishments and cancel the Certificate of Registration.Explanation. - Every case where a n establishment is closed for a continuous period of three months or mor e shall be treated for the pur pose of this r ule as a case of winding-up of the business of that establishment. 10. Loss of Certificate of Registration. - If a ny Certificate of Registration issued under rule 5 or a renewed Certificate of Registra tion issued under rule 7 is lost, dest royed or defaced the employer shall forthwith report the ma tter and make an application in the prescribedForm ‘F’ accompanied by the origina l receipt depositing the required fees specified in Schedule I and the Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf shall issue a duplicate copy of the Certificate of Registration duly stamped with the words ‘DUPLICATE’ in red ink. 11. Non-transferability of Certificate of Registration. - A Certifica te of R egistration or a renewed Certificate of Registration issued under these rules shall not be tra nsfera ble. 12. Certificate of Registration on transfer of ownership of Establishment. (1 ) In case the ownership of a n establishment is tr ansferr ed the employer shall, within two months of s uch transfer, notify the fact of transfer and surrender the Certificate of Registr ation or theEx-12/2012 3 renewed Certificate of Registration, as the case may be, to the Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf along with a signed statement specifying the name and address of the transferee. (2 ) The Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf, on being satisfied about the correctness of the statement relating to transfer, shall cancel the Certifica te of R egistra tion or the Renewed Certificate of Registration as the case may be, by making necessary alterations in t he Register of Shops a nd Esta blishments. (3 ) The employer of the establishment so transferred shall apply for a new Certificate of Registration as provided in the Act and these rules. 13. Enquiry in connection with registra tion, renewal, etc. - The Chief Inspector or the Officer authorized by him in this behalf may, for the purpose of satisfying himself about the correctness of any particulars contained in any statement made under these rules in any application or notice, hold such inquiry a s he deems necessary and in such ma nner as he considers fit. 14. Mode of payment of fees. - All fees to be paid by the employer of an establishment under the provisions of these rules shall be credited to the Account of the Mizoram Shops and Establishments, Department of Labour, Employment & Industrial Training for registra tion under this rules, and the original copy of the receipt depositing the requisite amount of fees shall be forwarded by the employer to the Chief Inspector or the officer authorized by him in this b ehalf a ccompanied by t he prescribed a pplication form duly filled in and signed. 15. Fina lity of decision in matters of doubt, etc. - In t he event of any doubt or difference of opinion as t o the manner of registration and renewal of C ertificate or payment of fees or the category to which an establishment should belong the officer authorized by the Chief Inspector to do the registration etc. shall refer the matter to the Chief Inspector who shall, aft er such inquiry as he thinks proper, decide the issue and the decision of t he Chief Inspector shall be final for the purpose of this Act and these rules. CHAPTER –III HOURS OF WORK 16. Register of hours of work and interval for rest. - Every employer in an esta blishment shall mainta in a register inForm ‘G’ showing the daily and weekly hours of work and hours of interval for rest against the name of each employee and also the hours of opening and closing of an establishment. 17. Register of overtime work and payment of overtime wages. - Every employer in an esta blishment shall mainta in a register inForm ‘H’ showing the overtime work done in every month by each employee and the amount of overtime wages the employee is entitled to and pa id under the Act. 18. Overtime Slip In addition to recording the full par ticular s of the overtime work done by an employee on any day in the register prescribed for the purpose, over-time slips inForm ‘I’ shall be issued to an employee immediately after overtime work is done by him on each occasion by the employer concerned under his own signature or under the signature of any other person a uthorized by him to do so on his behalf by general or special or der: Ex-12/20124 Provided that copies of such general or special orders shall be pasted on the Notice Boar d of the establis hment for infor mation of the employees concerned. CHAPTER- IV HOLIDAYS 19. Notice of weekly closure of Shops. (1)Every employer of a shop shall display closure notice inForm ‘J’ specifying the day of the week on which the shop sha ll rema in entir ely closed. (2)Every employer of a shop before displaying the weekly closure notice inForm ‘J’ shall submit the said notice with the required entries in duplicate to the Inspector of shops and esta blishments within whose jurisdiction the shop is situated a nd the inspector shall, on receipt of the Forms duly filled in and on being satisfied about the correctness of the entries made therein, countersign them and shall, after retaining one copy thereof for his office record, return the other copy to the employer for displa y in the shop as required under the Act. 20. Notice of Weekly Holidays in Esta blishments. (1)The employer in all the establishments a nd commercial establishments as specified under sub-section 5 and 9 of section 2 of section 2 of the Act, sha ll display in the esta blishment a Notice inForm ‘K’ specifying the one a nd a half days in each week du ring which every employee in the establishment shall be allowed holidays. (2)Every employer in a commercial establishment or an establishment for public entertainment or a musement, before displa ying the Notice inForm ‘K’ sha ll submit the said Notice with the required entries in duplicate to the Inspector within whose jurisdiction the establishment is situated and the Inspector shall, on receipt of the Forms duly filled in and on being satisfied about the correctness of the entries made therein, countersign the Forms a nd shall, after retaining one copy thereof for his office r ecord r eturn the other copy t o the employer for display in the establishment. (3)The one and a half of Weekly Holidays so determined by the employer of an establishment shall be continuous and s hall not be alt ered more than once in any year. 21. Restr iction on double employment. - No employee shall work in any establishment, nor shall any employer knowingly permit an employee to work in any establishment, on a day on which the employee is given a holiday or is on leave in accordance with the provisions of the Act and these Rules. CHAPTER- V LEAVE 22. Privilege Leave. (1 ) Every employee in a n establishment desir ing to avail of any pr ivilege leave which is due to his cr edit under the Act , shall ma ke an a pplication in writing at least seven days prior to the intended commencement of such leave and the employer sha ll issue orders on the applica tion within three days of submission: Provided tha t the employer may, if satisfied that the leave is r equired for urgent matters waive the period of seven days’ notice and pass orders, accordingly.Ex-12/2012 5 (2 ) Leave due a nd prayed for shall not be r efused a nd no part of the privilege leave earned by an employee in an establishment shall be allowed to lapse by the refusa l of the employer to grant such leave: Provided that the employer may regulate the grant of privilege leave according to convenience of work in the esta blishment: Provided fu rther that all refused privilege leave sha ll accumulate without any limit. (3 ) Every employee who has been allowed leave under sub-rule (1) above shall, on demand, before his leave begins be paid by the employer half the total amount of wages due to him for the period of such leave. 2 3 . C a s u a l lea ve. - Ordinarily Casual Leave of absence shall not be admissible for more than five days at a time and previous permission in writing of the employer shall be obtained before such leave is availed of. Provided that when it is not possible to obtain such pr evious permission the employer shall, as may be practicable, be informed in writ ing of the absence from duty and the probable duration of such absence with reasons thereof. 24 Medical leave. - Grant or ext ension of medical leave on gr ounds of sickness incu rred or accident susta ined, if due sha ll not be refused when prayed for in writing by or on behalf of a n employee supported by a certificate from a registered medical pr actitioner. Provided that the employer may, if he so thinks fit and underta kes or defrays the cos t involved, require the employee by an order in writing to be examined by the nearest Healt h Officer under the State Gover nment, and if the employee refuses to submit to such exa mination or is certified on such examination he/she is certified to be fit for duty, the employer may refuse the leave or extension ther eof as the ca se may be. 25. Combination of medical leave with privilege leave. - Leave on medical certificate allowed under Rule 24 above may be combined with privilege leave if due under the Act. 26. Prohibit ion of alteration of nature of leave. - The employer shall not alter the nature of leave applied for by the employee. 27. Intimation of employee’s address on leave.- Every employee praying for privilege or medical leave shall intimate to the employer his address during the period of leave and if there is any change of the address so communica ted, that shall be intimated within three days of such cha nge. 28. Extension of leave. - If a n employee after proceeding on leave desires an extension thereof, he sha ll apply in writing to the employer, a nd the latter shall send a wr itten reply either gra nting or refusing the extension of leave to the applicant a t the a ddress last given by him. Ex-12/20126 29. Unauthorized absence. (1 ) If a n employee remains absent without leave or beyond the period of leave origina lly gra nted or subsequently extended, the employer shall, before ta king any disciplinary action against the absentee employee issue a notice requiring him to expla in in wr iting -the reasons of his absence within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice. (2 ) If on receip t of the notice referr ed to in sub-ru le (1) above, t he absentee employee expla ins the reasons of his absence to the satisfaction of the employer, the latter may regularize the period of unauthorized absence by grant of such leave as may be due to the employee a nd treat the remaining period of absence, if any, as leave of absence without wages; and where the explanation given by the employee is considered not satisfactory, the employer may either treat the period of unauthorized absence of the employee as absence without wages even though leave with wages may be due to him or terminate his lien on service, depending on the seriousness and gravity of the case. (3 ) If the employee does not submit a ny explanation to the employer within the t ime limit given in the notice referred to in sub-rule (1) above, t he latter may termina te the lien of the person employed on his service. (4 ) The notice referred to in sub-rule (1) a bove shall be served by registered post to the address given under Rule 27 or in its absence, to the address la st given by the persons employed. CHAPT ER- VI PRESCRIBED AUTHORITY AND NOTICE OF DISMISSALS 30. Continuous employment for six months. - An employee shall be deemed to have completed a period of six months continuous service within the meaning of sub-section (2) of Section 18 of the Act, notwithstanding any interruption in service during those six months brought about (a) by sickness accident or authorized leave (including authorized holidays and weekly holidays) not exceeding forty-five da ys in t he aggr egate, or (b) by a lock out, or (c) by a strike which is not an illegal str ike or (d) by intermittent periods of involuntary unemployment not exceeding fifteen days in the aggregate, and authorized leave shall be deemed not to include any weekly holiday a llowed under this Act , which occurs, at the beginning or end of interruption brought about by the leave. 31. Time within which appeal can be submitted. (1)An employee, whose service has been dis pensed with for an alleged contravention of the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 18 of the Act may, within t hirty days of the date of termination of service, ma ke an a ppeal to the appellate author ity. (2)The appellate authority may, however, entertain a n appeal after the expiry of the aforesaid period of t hirty days if he is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause for not prefer ring the appeal within such period. 32. Procedur e for hear ing of appeal. (1)The appella te authority, on receipt of the memorandum of appeal and on being satisfied that there is a prima facie case showing alleged contra vention, shall fix a date for the hearing of t he appeal by giving due notice inF o r m ‘ L’ t o t he a p p el la nt a nd inForm ‘M’ to the employer, whose order is appealed against to appear in person or by a duly authorized agent and shall, after giving both the parties fair and full opp ortunit y of being heard and making such fur ther enquiry as he may deem fit, dispose of the appeal in the manner required under the provisions of the Act a s expeditiously as possible.Ex-12/2012 7 (2)The decision or the order of the Appellate Author ity sha ll be recorded inForm ‘N’ and it shall be car ried out by the employer concerned within the period specified by t he appellate a u t h o r i t y. 33. Recovery of s ums of money under section 1 8. - When any sum of money is due from an employer under sub-section (4) or (6) of section 18, and the amount has not been pa id by the employer within such period as may be fixed by the appellate authority in his or der, the latter shall issue a certificate to the C ollector who shall recover it as arr ears of land revenue with utmost expedition. 34. Issue of appointment letters to employees. - Every employer in an esta blishment shall furnish ever y employee with a letter of appoint ment with a copy to the Chief Inspector to his official Addr ess, by a registered post, with acknowledgement due and to the Ins pector of the a rea in which the esta blishment is situated and it shall be effective from the act ual date of employment inForm ‘O’ in the case of every person who is:– (i) already in the employ of t he establishment within thirty days fr om the date on which these rules come into force, and (ii) employed in the establishment after these rules come into force and before the person so employed commences wor k, Provided tha t it shall not be necessary for an employer to issue such letter of appointment to an employee who is alr eady in the employ and has alr eady been furnished with a letter of appoint ment in a ny other form substantially containing the particulars specified in the Form. 35. Employee’s liability to give prior notice: An employee in an establis hment who has put in thr ee mont hs’ service shall have to give fift een days’ notice in writing b efore quitting his job and in default, the employee may for feit to the maximum his seven days’ unpaid wa ges. CHAPTER- VII EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSON 36. Evidence a s to age of an employee. (1 ) In r espect of an employee in an establis hment the Chief Inspector or the inspector of the area within whose Jurisdiction the est ablishment is s ituated may, at any time, in writing require the employer to produce at his own cost within such time, not being less tha n ten days from the date of the requisition, one of the following documents showing the age of such person employed, na mely a certified copy of an extract from: (i) The records of any School; (ii) The Birth Register of Loca l Author ity: (2) In the case of t he employer ’s failur e to produce either of the Docu ments required u nder sub-rule (1) a bove the Chief Inspector or the Inspector shall, a t the cost of the employer, arrange to determine the age of the person employed through medical examination by the District Health Officer of the area or by any other competent medical officer not below that r ank. Ex-12/20128 CHAPT ER- VIII HEALTH AND SAFETY 37. Times and methods of cleansing establishments. (1 ) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2) in every est ablishment- (a) all the inside walls of the rooms and all ceilings and tops of such r ooms (whether such walls, ceilings and tops be plastered or not) and all the passages and stair cases shall be lime-washed or colour-washed at least once a year, unless in the opinion of the local Inspector such walls, ceilings, passages or stair cases require to be lime-washed or colour- washed ea rlier ; (b ) all the beams, rafters, doors, window frames and other wood work with the exception of floors shall be either painted or varnished once in two years. (2 ) Nothing in this rule shall apply to: (a) rooms (not being r ooms in residential hotels, r estaura nts and eating houses) used only for storage of articles; (b) walls or tops of rooms which are made of galvanized iron, tiles, asbestos sheets or similar ma terial or glazed bricks; (3 ) All floors, passages and stairs shall be swept, washed and dried (wher ever necessary with mixtures or detergents or deodorizers) at least once a day to keep them adequately clean and free from slippery agents or substances giving offensive smell. (4) Where the floor of the premises of an establishment is liable to become wet in the course of any process effective means of dr ainage shall be provided and maintained. (5 ) No r ubbish, filth or debris shall be allowed to accumulate or to rema in on or near a ny premises in a n establishment in such position that effluvia ca n arise therefrom. (6 ) All dr ains car rying waste or sila ges water or sewage shall be constructed of impermeable material and shall be flushed regularly t wice daily. (7 ) The dates on which lime-washing, colour-washing, painting or varnishing is carried out under sub-rule (1) shall be duly enter ed in a register maintained inForm ‘P’ (8 ) In every establishment in which articles are stored with a view to their tr ansport or sale, adequate washing facilities shall be provided and maintained free for the use of employees such as soap, towel, nail brush, etc. (9 ) No stationar y internal combustion engine shall be operated in any establishment unless the exha ust is conducted into the open air and no other int ernal combustion engine shall be operated in a ny room unless effective measures have been taken to prevent such accumulation of fumes therefrom as are likely to be injurious to the health of employees wor king in the est ablishment. (1 0) In every establishment in which t here is given off any dust or fume or other impur ity of such nature and to such an ext ent as is likely to be injurious or offensive to the persons wor king therein effective measures sha ll be ta ken to prevent its inha lation and accumulation in the premises and if any exhaust appliance is necessary for this purpose, it shall be applied as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust, fume or other impurity and such point shall be enclosed as far as possible. (11) Every employer of an esta blishment where food, drink and beverage is prepa red and are served shall ensur e that a ll the persons employed in connection with the business of the establishment, including the employer, himself, are free from any communicable diseases. A certificate inForm ‘Q’ to the effect that the person so employed is free from communicable disease sha ll be obtained from a competent medical officer not below the rank of Health Officer of class I and produced before the Inspector on demand.Ex-12/2012 9 (1 2) In every est ablishment proper arra ngement shall b e made for providing s ufficient supply of drinking water to the employees. T he water so supplied shall be fit for human consumption and shall be stored in a hygienically sheltered place a nd kept cleanly and properly covered. As far as practicable only filtered water shall be supplied for the purpose. (1 3) Every employer in an esta blishment shall provide and maintain at convenient places sufficient number of spittoons in a clean and hygienic condition with lime. The disinfecta nts shall be replaced daily. (1 4) Latr ines and Urinals shall be so situated as to be conveniently access ible and shall be provided in ever y es tablishment in suffic ient nu mbers for the u se of t he employees t her eof. The wa lls, ceilings and partitions of every latrine and urinal shall be made of glazed tiles as far as practicable and wherever they are not made of glazed tiles, they shall be white washed or colour washed once in every month. All latrines and urinals shall be adequately lighted, ventilated and at all times maintained in a clea n and s anitary condition. 3 8 . Vent ila t io n. - In ever y work room or hall of an esta blishment windows and other forms of openings for ventilation shall be provided in sufficient numbers to admit a continued supply of fresh air so a s to keep the atmosphere inside such room or hall comforta ble and free from dus t, fumes and other impurities. 39. Precautions against fire. (1 ) Every establishment shall be provided with adequate means of esca pe in case of fire. (2 ) In every establishment the doors affording exit from a ny room shall not be locked or fastened in s uch a way that they cannot be easily and immediately opened from inside while any person is within the room. (3 ) In every establishment buckets and or chemical fire extinguishers preferably the latter shall be provided in suitable numbers and at suitable sites according to nature of work car ried on and the s ize of t he premises. (4 ) In every establishment dealing in or with inflammable su bstances there shall be a war ning notice in writing conspicuously displayed that no person sha ll smoke or use a naked light or caus e or permit any such light to be used in the immediate vicinity of any inflammable mater ial. 40. Safety. (1 ) Every dangerous part of a Ma chinery in an establishment sha ll be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the pa rts of machinery so fenced are in motion or in use. (2 ) In every est ablishment, where packing or any other process is carried on with the aid of electric power, suitable devices for cutting off power in emergencies from running ma chinery shall be provided and maintained. (3 ) No employee with loose fitting clothes shall be allowed or made to work near the moving machinery or belt. Tight fitting clothes for the purpose shall be provided fr ee by the employer. CHAPTER- IX ENFORCEMENT AND INSPECT ION 41 Powers and functions of Inspector. (1 ) The duties of the Inspector appointed under section 2 1 of the Act shall generally be to make such examination of an establishment as may be necessa ry for the pur pose of satisfying himself Ex-12/201210 that the pr ovisions of the Act, the rules and any orders issued by the Gover nment under the Act are duly observed and in particular, to ascertain whether within limits of his jurisdict ion: (i) the restrictions imposed on the daily and weekly hours of work and the intervals of rest and the spr ead over of the periods of provisions of the Act and the Rules; (ii) the overtime work done by the person employed ar e within the pr escribed limits of the Act and the Rules and the overtime wages due are paid regula rly; (iii) the shops r emain closed on the notified day of the week and the decla red one and a half days of holiday are given; (iv) the opening and closing hours fixed under the Act and the r ules are observed in the shops and est ablishments; (v) any deduction from the wages of the person employed in establishments on account of the weekly closure day or the weekly holidays as the case may be are made in cont ravention of t he provisions of the Act; (vi) leave with wages a re afforded or wages are duly observed; (vii) the provisions of the Act on payment of wages are duly observed; (viii) the prohibitions of employment of children and women and persons below the age of seventeen imposed under the Act are duly observed; (ix) the provisions of the Act and the Rules r elating to cleanliness lighting, health, safety, welfare measures a nd the precautions aga inst fire are properly observed; (x ) the register, records and notices requir ed to b e maint ained and displayed under the Act and the rules are properly mainta ined and exhibited; (xi) the establis hments have been duly registered; (xii) the irregularities pointed out at previous inspections have been remedied and orders previously issued have been complied with. (2 ) For carrying out the purposes of the Act and these rules the Inspector may cause to be taken a photograph of any employee or the premises of any est ablishment. (3 ) The Chief Inspector shall have all the powers of an Ins pector a nd shall direct and supervise the works of the Inspectors who shall be his subordina tes. (4 ) The Chief Inspector or any Inspector may call for any information from a ny esta blishment or employer which he may deem relevant for the efficient adminis tration of the provisions of the Act or these r ules. (5 ) Any person called to furnish any information under sub-rule (4) shall, subject to the provisions of S ection 22 of the Act be legally bound to do s o within such time as may be fixed by the Chief Inspector as the case may be. (6) The Chief Inspector or an Inspector shall have powers to point out all such defects or irregularities as he ma y have observed in course of inspection and to give orders for their removal and to record and furnish to the employer a summary of the defects or irr egularities and of his or ders. (7 ) Every order passed under the Act and the rules shall b e served on the employers: - (a) by delivering a copy of it to him personally or at his office through a messenger, or (b ) by registered post. (8) The power under the provision of sub-section (3) of Section 13 shall be exercised by the Labour Officer or the Assistant La bour Officer who has been appointed Inspector under the Act.Ex-12/2012 11 42. Method of Inspections. (1 ) In conducting any inspection, the Inspector shall not, as far as possible, cause any suspension of business in any establishment. (2 ) No inspection shall be held during – (i) any day in which the shop remains entir ely closed in each week, or (ii) any period or periods for which the establishment ma y be exempted by not ifica tion under Section 3 of the Act. Provided tha t notwithstanding anything hereinbefore mentioned an inspection may be held to- (a) ascertain if any shop is open on a ny day of weekly closur e notified in respect thereof; or (b ) check up whether the provisions of the Act and the rules from which the establishment has not been exempted are duly observed. 43. Visit Book. (1 ) Every employer shall maintain a Visit Book which shall be pr oduced on demand by an Inspector. (2 ) The Visit Book shall be a bound Book of size 7" x 6" containing at least two hundred pa ges, every page thereof shall be so numbered that each consecutive number is in duplicate and the duplicate page between each two consecutively numbered pages shall have a vertically perforated straight line on the margin side at a margin of at least one inch. Every page shall cont ain the following hea dlines at the top. (a) Name of the Establishment. (b ) Address in full. (c) Registration Number of the Establishment (d) Dat e. (e) Time of Visit. (3)If t he Inspector in course of inspection of an establishment finds any deviations from the provisions of the Act and these Rules or any or der or notifications issued by the Government, he may record the same in duplicate on the serially nu mbered pages of the Visit Book and take out the marginally perfor ated duplicate pages for his office record and thereafter, may send sepa rately a detailed copy of his Inspection Notes to the employer for necessary action with a copy thereof to the Chief Inspector within seven days from the date of inspection. Where the Inspector has no remarks t o offer he sha ll merely enter the da te and time of his visit and sign on the Visit Book. (4)In case the Visit Book containing the remarks passed by an Inspector is lost, destr oyed or defaced, the employer shall forthwith repor t in wr iting t he loss of the Visit Book to the Inspector of the a rea and immediately r eplace it by a fresh one. (5)The Inspector within the limits of his jurisdiction shall inspect each establishment at least once in thr ee months. 44. Appeal from an Inspector ’s orders or recommendation. (1 ) An employer may, within fifteen da ys of the date on which an Inspector endorses an order or recommendation in the Visit Book or of the receipt of the copy of the Inspection Notes or any order or recommendation made by an Inspector, appeal aga inst such order or recommendation to the Chief Ins pector a nd the C hief Inspector ma y, aft er necessar y inquir ies, confir m, or modify or reverse the order of the recommendation appealed against. Ex-12/201212 (2 ) The notice or appeal shall be in the form of a memorandum setting forth concisely the grounds of objection accompanied by a copy of the order or recommendation against which the appeal is preferred, and shall bear a Court Fee Stamp of the value of ten rupees. It shall be signed by the appella nt or, on his behalf, by an author ized agent. (3 ) The Chief Inspector may, however, entertain an appeal after the expiry of the aforesaid period of fifteen days if he is satisfied that the appellant had reasonable cause for his inabilit y to prefer the ap peal in time. CHAPTER- X OFFENCES AND PENALTIES 45. Penalties. (1 ) Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of these Rules, except in the ca se of r ules 21 and 36 a nd which is already pr ovided in the Act, shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, and where the breach is a continuing one, with a fur ther fine which may extend to fifty r upees, for ever y day, after t he first during which the br each continues. (2 ) If a ny one contravenes the provisions of rule 21 shall be, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees. (3 ) If a ny employer: (i) Makes or ca uses or allows to be made, in any register, record or notice prescribed to be maintained under the provision of these rules any entry which to his knowledge, is false in a ny material par ticular ; or (ii) Willfully omits or causes or allows to be omitted from such register, record or notice an entr y which is required to be made therein; or (iii) Maintains or causes or allows to be maintained more tha n one set or a ny register, record or notice except t he office copy thereof; or (iv) Sends or causes or allows to be sent, to an Inspector, any statement, infor mation or notice which to his knowledge, is false in any material particu lar;Shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which ma y extend to five hundr ed rupees and where the breach is a continuing one with a fu rther fine which may extend to fifty rupees, for ever y day, a fter the first, during which t he breach continues. 46. Determination of employer for the purposes of the Rules. Wher e the owner of an establishment is a firm or any other association of individu als, any one of t he individual partners or members thereof, ma y be pr osecuted and punished under these rules for any offences for which an employer in an establishment is punisha ble: Provided that the firm or association may give notice to the Inspector that it has nominated one of its members who is resident in the State to be the employer for the purposes of these rules and such individual shall, so long as he is so resident, be deemed to be the employer for the purposes of these rules, until further notice cancelling the nomination received by the Inspector or until he ceases to be a partner or member of the firm or association. (2 ) Wher e the owner of an esta blishment is a public limited Company, any one of the directors thereof, or in the case of a private company, ma y be pr osecuted and punished under these Rules for a n offence for which the employer in an establishment is punisha ble:Ex-12/2012 13 Provided that the compa ny may give notice to the Inspector that it has nominated a director, or, in the case of a private company, a shareholder who is resident in the State, to be the employer in the establishment for the purposes of these rules, and such director, or shar eholder shall so long a s he is so esta blishment for the purposes of these rules, until fur ther notice canceling his nomination is received by t he Inspector or until he ceases to be a director or shareholder. 47. Exemption of employer for liability in certa in cases. (1 ) Wher e the employer of an establis hment is charged with an offence for violation of these r ules or orders made thereunder, he shall be entitled upon complaint duly made by him, to have any other person, whom he charges as the actual offender, br ought before the court at the time appointed for hear ing the charge; and if, after the commission of the offence has been proved, the employer proves to the satisfa ction of the court: (i) that he has used due diligence to enforce the execution of these rules; and (ii) that the said other person committed the offence in question a gainst his orders and without his knowledge, cons ent or connivance; tha t other person shall be convicted of the offence and sha ll b e liable to the like fine as if he were the employer. 48. Penalty for obstructing Inspector. - Whoever willfully obstruct s an Inspector in the exercise of any power under these rules or any person lawfully assisting an Inspector in the exercise of such power or refuses without reasonable cause to comply wit h any lawful direction made by an est ablishment from appear ing before or being exa mined by an Inspector, sha ll, on convict ion, be punished with fine which ma y extend to five hundred r up ees. CHAPTER- XI MISCELLANEOUS 49. Maintenance of register of employment. (1 ) Every employer in an esta blishment shall mainta in a register of employment inForm ‘R’ (2 ) All informa tion in the register of employment shall be kept and maintained up-to-date and corr ections, as and when necessa ry, sha ll be made within thr ee days from the date any change takes pla ce. (3 ) The register of employment kept a nd maintained in the prescribedForm ‘R’ shall bear the signature of the employee and the employer shall authenticate the entries under his signature. (4 ) If an application made by an employer in writing the Chief Inspector is satisfied that any muster roll, register or record already mainta ined by the employer substantially contains in resp ect of all or a ny of t he employees in his establishment the particulars r equired to be s hown in any register, record or notice referred to in these rules, the Chief Inspector may, by order in writ ing, direct tha t such muster roll, r egister or record shall, to t he corr esponding extent be maintained in place of such register, record or notice. A copy of the Chief Inspector ’s order to this effect shall be forwarded to the Inspector of the area within whose jurisdiction the establishment is situated. 5 0 . R egis t er of lea ve. - The employer shall maintain a Register of Leave inForm ‘S’ and particulars of applica tion for leave, whether granted or refused, shall be entered in the corresponding part of the register against the name of the employee immediately a fter receipt of the a pplication. Ex-12/201214 51. Leave card. (1 ) The employer shall provide each employee with a card ca lled the ‘Leave Card’ in the same Form ‘S’ as the form of the Register of Leave but a separate card shall be made for each employee on a thick sheet which shall be the property of the employee and the employer shall not demand it except to make entries therein and shall not keep it for mor e than a week at a time. (2 ) If a ny employee loses the Leave Ca rd, the employer shall provide him with another cop y on payment of ten rupees and shall complete it from the records in Leave Register. 52. Liability of employer for maintenance and preservation of records and display of notices. (1 ) Every employer sha ll on demand fr om an Inspector produce for inspection all registers, records and notices required to be kept, and maintained under a nd for the pur pose of these r ules on the premises of the establishment to which t hey relate. (2) The registers and records required to be kept and maintained under these rules shall be maintained regularly and legibly in English or Mizo, and the date entered sha ll be in accordance with the English Ca lendar and sha ll be so preser ved tha t the records a nd registers of every year cont inue to remain for at least a full period or three successive years. Provided that office copies of all the a ppointment letters issued by the employer to the employees must be preserved for at lea st thr ee successive yea rs after superannuation/ retir ement/ termination/dismissal /resignation of a n employee. (3 ) Every such register shall be serially pa ge marked and well bound. (4 ) In any register or r ecord which an employer is r equir ed to maint ain under these r ules, the entr ies relating to any day shall be made on that very day a nd shall be authenticated by the employer or the manager, as the ca se may b e, by p utting his signature a gainst them: Provided that in ca se the employer or the manager is absent on any day the entries shall be a uthenticated by such person as may be authorized to do s o by the employer. 53. Suspension of the provision of the Act. - The Government may suspend t he operation of the Act on accou nt of the following holida ys or occasion, namely: (a) Chapchar Kut (b ) Good F riday (c) Diwali (d) Christmas (e) Id-Ul-Fitr (f) Any other occasion as may be specified by the Government. 54. Manner of computing the money value of meals and concessional supply of food grains and other articles. (1)The price of meals of the type and standa rd actually made available to an employee by his employer in terms of the contract of service, expressed or implied, charged in the nearest hotel or r estaura nt, as the case may be, immediately before the date on which overtime work is done or the leave commences shall be regarded as the money for the pu rpose of calculating either the lea ve wages or the overtime wages a s the case may be.Ex-12/2012 15 (2)For the pur pose of computing the money value of food grains a nd other articles supplied or ma de ava ilable to a par ticula r employee in a wage p eriod, the difference between the pr ices of food gra ins and other articles prevailing on an average during that period in the nearest market in the area where the concerned employee ordinarily resides and the price at which food grains and other articles ar e supplied to him by his employer; shall be reckoned by it for calc ula ting the overtime wages or the leave wa ges. (3)If any dispute arises in respect of computation of t he money value of meals a nd food grains and other ar ticles made ava ilable to an employee by his employer the ma tter ma y be referred to the local Inspector of Shops and Establishments by either of the par ties to the dispute and his decision t hereon shall be final a nd b inding on both the employer a nd t he employee concerned unless it is modified in any manner on appeal. If, however, the order of the Inspector is modified, the or der so modified shall be fina l and binding on both the par ties to the dispute and shall not be liable to be questioned in any court of law and be given effect to within such time as may be specified in the order of the a ppellate author ity. Nikhil Kumar Secretary Labour, Employment & Industrial Training Department Government of Mizoram. Ex-12/201216 Ex-12/2012 17 F OR M I Overtime slips [See Rule 18]F OR M I Overtime slips [See Rule 18] Foil 1.Name of the Establishment 2.Name of the Employer 3.Name of the Employee 4.Date ............................... 5.Extent of overtime work Done (in hours.)Counter Foil 1.Name of the Establishment 2.Name of the Employer 3.Name of the Employee 4.Date ............................... 5.Extent of overtime work Done (in hours.) Signature of Employer/ Authorized person.Signature of Employer/ Authorized person. Date .....................Date ..................... Ex-12/201218 FORM ‘J’ Notice of the Weekly Closure [See Rule 19] (To be displayed in a conspicuous place) Name of Shop ......................................................................................................................... Name of Employer ................................................................................................................ Address ................................................................................................................................... Registration No. ....................................................................................................................... Until further notice this shop shall remain entirely closed for one day in each week as specified below following the date of this notice. EVERY .............................................................................. OF THE WEEK Counter Signature of theSignature of the employer/the Inspector of Shops andManager/Agent or any other Establishmentauthorized person acting in the General mana gement Designation Date ............................Date ............................. Office Seal of the Inspector with Date ........................... Copy to : The Inspector of Shops and Establishments and Labour Inspector ....................... .................................................................................................... Mizoram Ex-12/2012 19 FORM ‘K’ Notice of Weekly Holidays [See Rule 20] (To be displayed in the Establishment) Name of :(i)Commercial Establishment: (ii)Establishment for public Entertainment: (iii) Establishment for Amusement : Address : Registration No. Until further notice employee in this Commercial Establishment/Establishment for Public Enter- tainment/Establishment for Amusement (Strike out the words which are not applicable) shall be allowed holidays continuously for one and a half day in each week as specified below following the date of this notice: Name of EmployeesDays on which HalfDays on which Full Holiday is allowedHoliday is allowed 123 Counter Signature of theSignature of the Employer/ Inspector of Shops andthe Manager/Agent or any EstablishmentOther authorized person acting In the general management Designation Date :Date : Office Seal of the Inspector with date Copy to - (1) The Inspector of shops and Establishments and Labour Inspector ............................. .............................................................................. Mizoram. Ex-12/201220 F O R M ‘ L’ Notice of the employee under Section 18(3) [See Rule 20] To Shri ............................................................... Address ......................................................... ........................................................... Your appeal dated ................................... has been posted for hearing on the ..................... day of .................................. 20 ............................... A.M/P/M ......................................... at .................... You shall appear before the Appellate Authority on that day to prove the claim. You must be pre- pared to produce on that day all the witnesses on whose evidence and all the documents upon which you intend to rely in support of your case. In default of your appearance on that day, the matter will be heard and determined in your absence. Official Seal.................................................. Appellate Authority. Date ....................... FORM ‘M’ Notice of the employer under Section 18(3) [See Rule 32] To Shri ......................................................... Address ................................................... .................................................... Shri .................................................................................................................... has appealed to the Appella te Authority under sub-s ection (3) of section 18 of the Mizor am Shops and Establishment Act, 2010, against the orders of the termination of his services by you. A copy of his appeal petition is enclosed herewith. The appeal has been posted for hearing on the ............................. day of .................................... 20 ................... At .................................. A.M/P.M at ................................ you shall appear before the Appeallate Authority on that day and answer the charges. You must be prepared to produce on that day all the witnesses upon whose evidence and all the documents upon which you intend to rely in support of your defence. In default of your appearance on that day the matter will be heard and determined in your absence. Office Seal................................................. With dateDate Appellate Authority Ex-12/2012 21 FORM ‘N’ Record of Decision/Order of the Appeallate Authority. [See Rule 32 (2)] 1.Seria l Number. 2.Date of application/appeal. 3.Date of Receipt of application/appeal. 4.Name or names of the applicants/appellant or appellants. 5.Address of the applicant or applicants/Appellant or Appellants. 6.Name of the employer or the person whose decision has been appealled against. 7.Address of the employer or the person whose decision has been appealed against. 8.Substance of the complaint/appeal. 9.Date of hearing/hearings given. 10.Pleas of parties and their examination, if any. 11.Documents seen. 12.Substance of the evidence taken 13.Fending and brief statement of reasons thereof. 14.Decision. Office Seal............................................. Signature of the Appellate Authority Date ................................................... Ex-12/201222 FORM ‘O’ Letter of Appointment [See Rule 34] Name of the Establishment ............................................................................................................... Registration No ................................................................................................................................. Name of Employer ............................................................................................................................ Address ............................................................................................................................................. To You, Shri/Shrimati ............................................................................................................. is hereby appointed on Probation for a period of three months ontemporary basis To casual basis for the period from ............................................................................._____________ Permanent basis for .................................................................... Your time scale of pay including rate of increment shall be .................... (here insert the scale of pay) and you will get the total wages/salary per day/month composed of the following : (i)Basic Pay________________________ Rs. (ii)Dearness Allowance ______________________ Rs. (iii)Other Allowances ________________________ Rs. In addition to the above you will be entitled to : (1)Free Board. (2)Free Lodging. (3)Concessional supply of food grains @ ......... per K.G. (4)Concessional supply of other articles (here mention the articles and the prices that will be charged for them) Seal, if any ............................................. Signature of the employer Date ..................................... N.B. Strike off whichever is inapplicable. Ex-12/2012 23 FORM ‘P Record of lime-washing, painting etc. [See Rule 37 (7)]Descriptionofpartoftheestablishment i.e.,nameofroom etc. Partslimewashedcolourwashed,paintedor varnishede.g.walls,celingswoodworks,etc. Treatmentwhetherlimewashedorcolour washed,paintedorvarnished. Dateonwhichlimewashing,colourwashing, paintingorvarnishingwascarriedoutaccor- dingtotheEnglishCalendar. Signatureoftheemployer. Remarks. 123456 Ex-12/201224 FORM ‘Q’ Certificate of Fitness (Communicable Diseases) [See Rule 37 (11)] This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati .................................................................................................... son of/ doughter of ............................................................. Age .................................................................. Resident of .................................................... has been thoroughly examined by me and is considered to be free from any communicable diseases and is fit for being employed, where food, drink and beverage is prepared and/ or served to customers. His/her mark (s) of identification is/are- (i) (ii) (iii) ................................................................. Signature of competent Medical Officer Registration No. ..................................... Date ....................................................... Ex-12/2012 25 FORM ‘G’ Register of hours of work and rest [See Rule 16] For the week ending on ____________________ Name of the Establishment : .......................................................................................................................... Name of the Employer : ................................................................................................................................. Address : ........................................................................................................................................................ Registration No : ................................................................... Name of theSex AgeHours worked on EmployerSUNDAYTime at which employment commencesTime at which employment ceasesSignature of the employee Interval for rest1234567 Hours worked on MondayHours worked on TuesdayTimeatwhichemployment commences Timeatwhichemployment ceases Intervalforrest Signatureoftheemployee Timeatwhichemployment commences Timeatwhichemployment ceases Intervalforrest Signatureoftheemployee 89101112131415 Hours worked on WednesdayHours worked on TuesdayTimeatwhichemployment commences Timeatwhichemployment ceases Intervalforrest Signatureoftheemployee Timeatwhichemployment commences Timeatwhichemployment ceases Intervalforrest Signatureoftheemployee 1617181920212223Hours worked on FridayHours worked on Saturday Timeatwhichemployment commences Timeatwhichemployment ceases Intervalforrest Signatureoftheemployee Timeatwhichemployment commences Timeatwhichemployment ceases Intervalforrest Signatureoftheemployee 2425262728293031Notes : (i) The mark ‘H’ shall be made in the column relating to any day on which a holiday is given in accordance with the Notices referred to in Rule 19(1) or 20(1) (ii) The mark ‘A’ shall be ade if an employee is absent on any day. (iii) The entries under the heading ‘intervals for rest’ shall be actual hours at which the intervals began and ended. (iv) The mark ‘SL’ shall be in the column relating to any day on which the employer is allowed special leave of absence in the year for the purpose of attending religious ceremonies or functions. (v) The mark ‘CH’ shall be made in the column relating in any day on which the employee was allowed Compen- satory Holiday as per Government orders, if any.......................................... Signature of the employer Ex-12/201226 FORM ‘H’ Register of overtime work and payment of overtime wages [See Rule 17] For the week ending on ____________________ Name of the Establishment : .......................................................................................................................... Name of the Employer : ................................................................................................................................. Address : ........................................................................................................................................................ Registration No : ...................................................................NameoftheEmployee RateofWages Moneyvalueofmeals& concessionalsupplyoffood grainsetc.,ifany Overtimerateofwagesper hour Datesonwhichovertime workwasdone Totalamountofovertime wagestheemployee entitledto Totalamountofovertime wagespaid Signatureoftheemployee 123456789 Extentofovertimework doneoneachday(inhours) .................................................... Signature of the Employer Date ...........................................Ex-12/2012 27 FORM ‘R’ Register of Employment [See Rule 49] Name of the Establishment : .......................................................................................................................... Registration No : ................................................................... Address : ........................................................................................................................................................ Name of the Employer : .................................................................................................................................SerialNo. NameoftheEmployee Father’snameorHusband’s nameincaseofmarried DateofBirth Postheldornatureofjob performed Dateof appointment StatusProbationer/ Temporary/Casual/ Permanent Signatureoftheemployee 12345678 RateofIncrement BasicPay Dearnessallowance Otherallowances FreeBoardand/or Lodging Concessionalsupply offoodgrainsand/ orotherarticles,ifany Signatureoftheemployee 9101112131415*According to School records or Birth Register of a Local Authority Ex-12/201228 FORM ‘S’ Register of leave with wages [See Rule 50] Name of the Establishment : .......................................................................................................................... Name of the Employer : ................................................................................................................................. Address : ........................................................................................................................................................ Registration No : ............................................................................................................................................ Name of the Employee : ................................................................................................................................. Father ’s Name : ................................................................................................................................................ Permanent Address : ....................................................................................................................................... Leave Address, if any : .................................................................................................................................... Date of Entry into Service .................................................................................................................................Period of twelve mo nth’s continuo us serviceLEAVE DUENo. of days of accumulated leave due, if anyNo. of days for which leave is due currentlyTotal number of days of leave to credit12345Leave applied forLeave AllowedLeave Availed Date of Applica- tion for leaveNo. of da ysFr omToFr omTo No. of da ysNo. of da ys 6789101112131415Fr omTo To Fr omEx-12/2012 29 Extended Leave, if refused in Part or FullFr om ToNo. of da ysBalance Leave to Credit, if anyFr omFr omReasons of RefusalNormal rate of wages inclu ding Dearness Allowance, etc., if any1617181920212223Cash equivalent of supply of meals and scale of food grains or other articles at consessional rateWages paid during the leave periodRemarkSignature of the Employee in a quittance of payment received24252627 WAGES Ex-12/201230 MedicalLeave Periodoftwelvemonth’s continuousservice From To No.ofdaysofleaveofcredit Dateofapplicationforleave From To No. of days From To No. of days From To No. of days From To No. of days Balanceofleavetocreditduringtheperiodof twelvemonth’sifanyFrom To Rea- sons of refusal Normal rateof wages inclu- ding dear- ness allo- wance, etc., ifany Cash equiva- lentto supply ofmeals andsale fofood grains ofother articles atcon- sessio- nal rates. Wagespaidduringtheleaveperiod Remarks SignatureoftheEmployeeinacquit- tanceofpaymentreceived Leaveapplied Leaveallowed Leaveavailed Leaveextended Wages Leave,ifrefusedinpart orfull 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ex-12/2012 31 CasualLeave Periodoftwelve month’scontinuous service No.ofdays ofleaveat credit Dateof application forleave From To From To No.of days From To No.of days From To No.of days Leaveappliedfor Leaveallowed Leaveavailed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Leaveextended From To No.of days Balance ofleave atcredit ifany From To Reasons ofrefusal Leave,ifrefusal Normalrateofwages includingdearness allowance,etc.,if any Cashequivalent tosupplyofmeals andsaleoffood grainsorother articleat concessional rates Remarks Wages paid Signatureofthe Employeeinacquain- tanceofpayment received W ages 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SignatureoftheEmployee Date N.B.-ForeachemployeeseparatepagesintheRegistercontainingcolumnsforeachkindofleaveshallbeallotted. Ex-12/2012 32 FO R M ‘ A’ Application for certificate of Registration of Establishments, (and also periadic renewal thereof) [See Rules 3 and 7] To, The Inspector of Shops and Establishments, (here specify the area and the address of the Inspector) Sir, I beg to apply for registration/renewal of registration of my establishmen for the period of twelve months from ........................ to .................. as required under section 5 of the Mizoram Shops and Estab- lishment Act, 2010 and the Rules framed thereunder. The required particulars in r egard to the establis hment are furnished herein below in the form prescribed for the purpose in Duplicate - 1.Name of Establishment, if any - 2.Postal Address and exact location of the Establishment - 3.Situation of Office, store-room, godown, warehouse or work place, if any, attached to the establish- ment but situated in premises different from those of the establishment - 4.No. and date of previous Certificate of Registration (certificate to be surrendered with the applica- tion for renewal) - 5.Name of employer - 6.Residential address of employer - 7.Name of the Manager/Agent/Other person acting in the genera l management, if any, a nd his a address - 8.Name of partners and their residential addresses (if it is a partnership concern) - 9.Names and residential addresses of Directors (if it is a case of limited company) 10.Category of establishment i.e. whether shops, commercial establishments hotel, restaurant, eating house or other place of amusement or entertainment 11.Nature of business - 12.Date of commencement of business - 13.Name of members of the employe’s family employed in the establishment and residing with and wholly dependent upon him - Sl.No. NameRelationshipMale or FemaleAdult or Child 12345Ex-12/2012 33 Sl.No. NameRelationshipMale or FemaleAdult or Child 1234514. Total No. of permanent employees - Sl.No. NameRelationshipMale or FemaleAdult or Child 12345 Sl.No. NameRelationshipMale or FemaleAdult or Child 12345 15. Total No. of Temporary/Casual employees - 16. Total No. of learner Probationer employees - The application must be accompanied by attested copy of the appointment letter issued to each of the permanent, tempor ary, casual probationer /lea rner employees. (Enter ‘not applicable’ in case any of the information sought for is not appliable to an establish- ment). I testify that the particulars furnished a bove are true to the best of my information, knowledge and b elief. Copy of the receipt of depositing a sum of Rs. ........... (Rupees .......................................................) only at ....................................................... (name of the place prescribed in Schedule I of the rules is at- tached for reference and needful. Dated .................................Yours faithfully, Signature of the Employer with Designation N.B. - Attension should be done by a Gazette Government servant or two persons of responsibility in the locality or in which the establishment is situatted. Form ‘O’ was substituted vide Notification ........... Ex-12/201234 FORM ‘B’ Register of Shops and Establishments [See Rule 4] PartI-Shop - PartII-Commercial Establishment - PartIII -Establishment for Public Entertainment or Amusements -Sl.No. NumberofCertificateorRegistrationandDateof Registration NameoftheEstablishment NameoftheEmployerwithresidentialaddress NameoftheManager/Agent/Otherperson,if any,actinginthegeneralmanagementwith residentialaddress. Postaladdressandexactlocationtheestablishment ExactlocationofOffice,store-room,godown, Warehouse,workplace,ifany,attachedtoan establishment,butsituated inpremisesotherthanthoseoftheestablishment Dateofcommencementofbusiness Natureofbusiness Males Famales Males Famales No.ofotherpersonoccupyingpositionofmanagement ofemployeesengagedinconfidentialcapacityAdultChild12 34567891011121314 Ex-12/2012 35 FORM ‘B’ (Contd.)Male Fimales Males Famales DateofInspectioninconnectionwithRegistration DateofRegistrationandno.ofRegistration DateofReceiptofNotificaationofchanges,ifany Declaredweeklyclosuredayincaseofshop DeclaredWeeklyoneandhaldholidayincaseofestablishments ForRegistration Forrenewal Forchanges ForlossofCertificate Maximum No.ofEmployeesforwhichCertificategranted DateofRenewalofCertificate DateofCancellationofCertificateonWinding-upof anestablishment Remarks Fees Paid Total No. of AdultChild 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 2425 252728293031 Ex-12/201236 FORM ‘C’ Certificate of Registration [See Rule 5] Name of Establishment - Name of Employer - Address and Location of the Establishment - No. of Employees - Nature of Business- Registration No .............................................................................. Date ....................................................... Certified that under the Mizoram Shops and Establishment Act, 2010 and the rules framed thereunder - (i)the establishment bearing the above particulars has been registered this .............................. day of ......................................... for a period of twelve months upto (here put the date) and the Registration Num- ber is ......................... The validity of the Certificate of Registration shall expire unless renewed before that date Office Seal and Date :Signature of the Inspector of Shops and Establishments. (iii) the validity of the Certificate of Registration issued to the establishment bearing the above particu- lars having expired on ......................................... is, on the employer’s application under the Rule 7, renewed- (a)for a period of twelve months up-to......................................................... (b)For a further period of twelve months, upto ........................................... Official Seal and Date:Signature of the Inspector of Shop and Establishments. (iii) the information in the prescribed Form R by the employer under Rule 8 as requiring change in respect of the establishment bearing the above particulars have been registered this ....................... Official Seal and Date:Signature of the Inspector of Shop and Establishments.Ex-12/2012 37 FORM ‘D’ Notice of change in Establishment [See Rule 8] 1.Name of Establishment - 2.Address and Location 3.Number of Employer with residential address - Registration Certificate No ........................................................................ Date ............................... To The Inspector of Shops and Establishments ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Sir, Notice is hereby given that the following change has taken place with effect from .......................... in respect of the particulars of information relating to my establishment forwarded in the statement under rule 3 in Form O, which please note. The Certificate of Registration is enclosed herewith for amendment. A Copy of the receipt of depositing the fee of Rs. ........................................... (Rupees ..................................................................................... ) only on ................................................................. at (mention place) as specified in Schedule I is also sent herewith. Yours faithfully, Signature of the employer Dated .............................. Ex-12/201238 FORM ‘E’ Notice of winding-up of the business of Establishment [See Rule 9] To The Inspector of Shops and Establishments, ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Sir, Notice is hereby given that I am wingding-up the business of my establishment with effect from ................................................... The Certificate of Registration No ............................................ dated .......................................... is sur rendered herewith, Name of Establishment - Name of Employer - Address and Location - Number of Employees affected - Reasons for winding-up - Yours faithfully, Signature of the employer Date .......................................Ex-12/2012 39 FORM ‘F’ Notice of loss of Certificate of Registration or Renewed Certificate of Registration [See Rule 10] 1.Name of Establishment - 2.Address and Location of the Establishment - 3.Number of Employer - Certificate Registration No ........................................................................ Date ............................... To The Inspector of Shops and Establishments ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Sir, This is to inform you that the Certificate of Registration No. ................................... dated .............. which was issued in favour of the above establishment has been lost/destroyed/defaced. Plea se issue a duplicate Certificate. A Copy of the receipt of depositing the fee of Rs ..................... Rupees ................................................... ........................................... ) only at (here mention the place) as specified in Schedule I is forwarded here- with for needful. Yours faithfully, Signature of the employer Date ....................................... Ex-12/201240 * SCHEDULE - I [See Rules 3, 7, 8 & 10] Fees for Certificate of Registration, Renewal of Registration, Issue of Duplicate Certificate of Registration and for notice of change. A. SHOP - Category of ShopsFees forFees forFees forFees for Remarks Registra-Renewal DuplicateNotice of trationcopychange 123456 Rs.Rs.Rs.Rs. 1.Ghumti type shall, Self-employed small Shops50501010 2.Shops with no employee (Run by the Pro- prietor)100752020 3.Shops with 1 to 3 employees1501002020 4.Shops with 4 to 9 employees3002002020 5.Shops with 10 em- ployees or more4003002020 6.Jeweller y shops engaged in making or na ment s5004002020 7.Shops dealing in costly stones7005002020Ex-12/2012 41 Category of ShopsFees forFees forFees forFees forRemarks Registra- RenewalDuplicateNotice of trationcopychange 123456 Rs.Rs.Rs.Rs. 1. Establishment with no employee (Run by the Proprietor)100752020 2. Establishment with 1 to 3 employees3002002020 3. Estblishment with 4 to 9 employees4003002020 4. Establishment with 10 or more employees5004002020 B. COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT C. ESTABLISHMENT FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT OR AMUSEMENT -Category of ShopsFees forFees forFees forFees forRemarks Registra- RenewalDuplicateNotice of trationcopychange 123456 Rs.Rs.Rs.Rs. 1. Establishment with no employee (Run by the Proprietor)2001002020 2. Establishment with 1 to 3 employees (Hotel,5004002020 Restaurants 3. Estblishment with 410008002020 to 9 employees 4. Establishment with 1050012002020 employees or more Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-12/201242

Village Council Constituency to form new Village Council from its Parent Village Council

VOL - XLIISSUE - 13Date - 16/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 13 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14016/8/2011-LAD/VC, the 13th January, 2012.In a ddition to this Department’s Notification of even No. dt. 5/1/2012 & dt. 9/1/2012 and in exercise of powers conferred by section 3(1) of the Lushai Hills Distr ict (Village Council) Act, 1953, as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to declare the Village shown below as Village Council Constituency to form new Village Council from its Par ent Village Council as indica ted below :- Name of New Villa ge CouncilName of Parent Village CouncilName of District New EdenTuidamMamit K. Lalmuana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Afidavit of Vanlalhruaii D/o C. Vanlalruata, Maubawk, Aizawl

VOL - XLIISSUE - 14Date - 16/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 14 AFFIDAVIT I, Vanlalhruaii D/ o C. Vanlalruata, a permanent resident of Maubawk, Aizawl, Aizawl Distr ict, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affir m and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Scheduled tribe community of M izo. 2.That I am working as Follower under MP RO, Aizawl. 3.That my name was wr ongly recorded as Lalhmingdiki in my service book 4.That I do hereby decla re before Notary Public, Aizawl, Mizoram that my correct name is VANLALHRUAII and so as to avoid any troubles that may arises in future. 5.That in the circumstances given above, it is my fervent plea tha t correction of my name be entered from La lhmingdiki t o VANLALHRUAII in my service book be allowed from the author ity of Headquarters, MPRO Office, Aizawl, Mizoram. 6.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed ther ein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 10th day of January, 2012 at Aizawl. DEPONENT Ident ified by me :Signed befor e me Sd/-Sd/- C. Zoramchhana,R. T hangkanglova, Advoca te.Nota ry Public, Aizawl, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Notarial Registration No 8/01 Date 10.01.12

Obituary of Pu Vanlalruata, Sound Recordist, Directorate of SCERT, School Education Department

VOL - XLIISSUE - 15Date - 16/01/2012

OBITUARY The Government of Mizor am ha s learnt, wit h profou nd regret, the sad demise of Pu Vanlalruata, Sound Recordist, Directorate of SCERT, School Education Department at 7:00 AM on the 5th January, 2012 due to diabetes at Greenwood Hospital, Aizawl. Pu Vanlalruata was born on the 1st March, 1959. He entered Government of Mizoram service as LDC in Local Administration Department on 20.4.1979. He was then appointed in SCERT as Production Assistant on 20.8.1985 and later confirmed as Production Assistant in 29.1.1991. he was promoted to Sound Recordist, SCERT on 27.4.1992 and he continued to hold this post till his sad demise today. He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious Officer. He served the Government of Mizoram for more than 32 years and he was due for retirement on 28.2.2019. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Vanlalruata and conveys its heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved f a mi ly. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Dated Aizawl,Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, the 5th January, 2012School Education Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 15Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

The Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Prohibition, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 16Date - 16/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 16 NOTIFICATION No. J. 11011/28/2011-HFW, the 21st December, 2011.In s upercession of this Department’s Notifica tion of even No. dt. 1st September, 2011 and in the interest of public service, t he Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute the following Task Forces for working out strategies for implementation and also for monitoring under S ection - 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Ciga rettes & Other Tobacco P roducts (P rohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Prohibition, S upply a nd Distr ibution) Act, 2003, consisting of the following members with immediateeffect and until fur ther or der. STATE LEVEL TASK FORCE : 1. Commissioner/Secretary, Health & F.W-Chairman 2. Noda l Officer/Foca l Point for Tobacco Control in the State-Member Secretary 3. Repr esentative of Vice Chancellor, Mizora m Univer sity-Member 4. Dir ector, Hea lth Services-Member 5. Director, Hospital & Medical Educa tion-Member 6. Director, School Education-Member 7. Director, Higher & Technical Educa tion-Member 8. Director, Information & Public Relation-Member 9. Director, Transport-Member 10. Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics-Member 11. Repr esentat ive of DGP-Member 12. Head of Psychology Department, Mizoram Univer sity-Member 13. Head of Sociology Department, Pachhunga University College -Member 14. Programme Officer, Nationa l Cancer Control Progr amme-Member 15. Programme Officer, (Public Health or appropriate Programmes -Member as identified by DHS/DHME)-Member 16. President, Indian Society on Tobacco & Health (Mizoram Chapter) -Member 17. President, Centra l Young Mizo Associa tion-Member DISTRICT LEVEL TASK FORCE : 1. District Magistrate-Chairman 2. Nodal Officer/Foca l Point Tobacco Contr ol in t he District-Member Secretary 3. Chief Medical Officer-Member 4. Distr ict Superintendent of Police-Member 5. District Information & Public Relation Officer-Member 6. Distr ict Edcuation Officer-Member 7. Superintendent, Excise & Narcotics-Member - 2 - Ex-16/2012 8. Drug Inspector (S enior most)-Member 9. Pres ident, YMA Sub-Headquar ter/CYLA/MTP (a s Considered -Member appr opriate by Chairman within their Respective distr ict) 10. Principal of leading College in the District-Member 11. Academicia n/Psychologist/Sociologist one to be Nominated-Member as considered appropriate by Chairman 12. Member(s) of India n Society on Tobacco and Health,-Member Mizoram Chapter. FUNCTIONSI.The Functions of the State Level Committee will be : 1) To see whether District/Local Committee have been for med. 2) To see whether the meeting is held regula rly at quarterly interval. 3) To see whether the author ized officers a re effectively perfor ming their duties. 4) To see how many cases are handled by them and wha t decisions are arrived at. 5) To give suggestion/ guidance to District/Local Level Committee 6) To take decision on the ma tters r eferred to it by Distr ict/Local Level Commit tee. 7) To collate data/information from District/Local Level Committee and for ward it to Ministry of H ealth & Family Welfare, Government of India from time to time or a s may be prescr ibed by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. 8) To r ecommend and initiate action in specific cases or violation of section-4, 5, 6 a nd 7 of the Indian Tobacco Control Act , brought to the notice of the Commit tee. 9) To set in place a mechanism for reporting of violations including st arting guidelines/tobacco help lines. 1 0 ) In r es pect t o int er st at e viola tion(s ), the st at e level committ ee ma y init ia te a ction, as per pr es cr ib ed procedure and such cases may be forwarded to the Director, Public Health, MOHFW, GOI. II.The functions of District Level Committee will be : 1) To provide a forum where the public may lodge a complaint regarding violation of Section-4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Indian Tobacco Control Act of 2003 a nd take action on the same as per procedure. 2) To r eview the action taken by the committee for enforcement of the Section - 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Indian Tobacco Control Act of 2 003. 3) To immediately bring to the notice of the State a nd Central Government if any programme is affecting public or der. *The nominated members State/District level committees shall have terms of two years. They shall not be eligible for re-nomination. Any vacancy can be filled by nominating a new member for a fresh term. *The Sta te/District level monitoring will review deliberate and take decision against the compla ints received in accordance with the Law of the land. *Meeting of State/District level committee may be convened within one month of Issue of this notification and act ion taken report may be submitted to the undersigned wit h a cop y of Sta t e Noda l Officer-cu m-P r oject Officer, Smoke Fr ee M izora m, M S T C S , M /D-15 A, C ha ltla ng Venglai, Aizawl. M. Zohmingthangi, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 3 -Ex-8/2012

‘District Project e-Mission Team’

VOL - XLIISSUE - 17Date - 16/01/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 16.1.2012 Pausa 26, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 17 NOTIFICATION No. Z. 11012/4/02-HFW/Pt, the 4th January, 2012.In pursuance to the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (NRHM Division) letter No. Z. 18015/1/2011-MMPC; dated 21st September, 2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute‘District Project e-Mission Team’ cons isting of the following members with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. District Project e-Mission Team1.District Magistrate/Dy. Commissioner-Chairperson 2.CMO/DMO/CHMO/Civil Surgeon, Mizoram-Member Secretary 3.District Information Officer (NIC), Mizoram-Member 4.Officer in charge of MCTS Project in the District-Member 5.District Project Manager (NRHM)-Member The District Pr oject e-Mission Team will have the following responsibilit ies :1.Over all responsibility of Project implementation in the District 2.Close monitoring of the project 3.Coor dination with the concerned agencies 4.Communication and Training. The above team shall meet at least once in a month and review the project. M. Zohmingthangi Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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