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The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 4 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 381Date - 09/08/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 9.8.2012 Sravana 18, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 381NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/55/2012-LJD, the 2nd August, 2012. The following Central Act is hereby re-published for general information. The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 4 of 2012) Zahming thang a Ralte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE COMPANY SECRETARIES (AMENDMENT) A CT, 20 11 AN ACT further to amend the Company Secretaries Act, 1980. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-second Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. (1) T his Act may be called the Company Secretaries(Amendment) Act, 2011. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. In the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in section 2, in sub-section (1)- (i) after clause (f), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:- ‘(fa) “firm” shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 4 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, and includes,-Short title and commencement. Amendment of section 2. 56 of 1980 9 of 1932. Ex-381/20122 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.9 of 1932 6 of 2009 9 of 1932 Amendment of section 26.(i) the limited liability partnership as defined in clause (n) of sub- section (1) of section 2 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008; or (ii) the sole proprietorship, registered with the Institute;’; (ii) after clause (ga), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:- ‘(gb) “partner” shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 4 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 or in clause (q) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, as the case may be; (gc) “partnership” means- (A) a partnership as defined in section 4 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932; or (B) a limited liability partnership which has no company as its partner;’; (iii) after clause (j), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:- ‘(jj) “sole proprietorship” means an individual who engages himself in the practice of the profession of the company secretaries or offers to perform services referred to in clauses (b) to (f) of sub-section (2);’; 3. In section 26 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), the following Explanation shall be inserted, namely:- ‘Explanation.- For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that the “company” shall include any limited liability partnership which ha s company as its partner for the purposes of this section.’.6 of 2009

The Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Act, 2011 (Act No. 13 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 390Date - 09/08/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 9.8.2012 Sravana 18, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 390NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/55/2012-LJD, the 2nd August, 2012. The following Central Act is hereby re-published for general information. The Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Act, 2011 (Act No. 13 of 2012) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. o f Mizoram. THE ACADEMY OF SCIENTIFIC AND INNOVATIVE RESEARCH AN ACTto establish an Academy for furtherance of the advancement of learning and prosecution of r esearch in t he field of science and technology in association with Council of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch and to declare the institution known as the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, to be an institution of national importance to provide for its incorpora tion and ma tters connected therewith or incidental thereto. BE it enacted by Parlia ment in the Sixty-second Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1. (I) This Act may b e called the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Act, 2011. (2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Ka s hmir. (3) It sha ll come into force on su ch date as the Central G overnment may, by notifica tion in the Official Gazette, appoint and differ ent da tes may be appointed for differ ent pr ovisions of this Act. 2.In this Act, and in a ll St atutes and Ordina nces made thereunder, unless the context otherwise requires,— (a)“Aca demy” means the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research established under sub-section (l) of section 3; (b)“Board” means the Boa rd of Governors of the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research referred to in section 10; (c)“Council of Scientific and Industr ia l Research” means a society registered by the name of the Council of S cientific and Industrial Research under the Societies Registration Act, 1860; (d)“Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Board appointed under section12; (e) “Chancellor” means the Cha ncellor of the Academy refer red to in section 20; (f) “Director ” means the Director of the Academy appointed under section 22; (g) “distinguished scientists” or “outstanding scientists” of t he Council of Scientific and Industrial Research means scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research designated as such; (h) “existing Academy” means the Academy of Scientific and Innova tive Resea rch established in pursuance of the Resolution of the Government of India in the Ministr y of Science and Technology, Depa rtment of S cientific a nd Industrial Research, Council of Scientific and IndustrialShort title, extent and commencement Definitions 21 of 1860 Ex-390/20122 Res earch,vide No. 6/l/CSIR-AcSIR/2010-PPD, dated the 1st July, 2010; (i) “Faculty of the Academy” means Academy Professors, Professors of Eminence, Distinguished Professors, Outstanding Professors, Senior Professors, Emeritus Pr ofessors, Pr ofessors, Associate Professors, Assista nt Professor s, visiting facult y, and such other persons as may be appointed for imparting instruction or conducting research in the Aca demy or institutions maintained by the Aca demy and includes the scientists of Council of Scientific and Industr ia l Research a ssigned for impar ting ins tr uction or conducting research; (j) “notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette; (k) “Statutes and Ordinances” means the Statutes and the Ordinances of the Aca demy for the time being in for ce. 3.(1) With effect from such date as the Central Government may, by notification, appoint in this behalf, there sha ll be established for the purposes of this Act an Academy to be called the “Academy of Scientific and Innovative Resear ch” a s a body cor porate by such na me. (2) The headquar ters of the Academy shall be a t such place as the Centr al Government may, by notification, specify. (3) The Academy may have such number of regional centres and campuses, as it may deem fit. (4) The Academy shall have perpetual success ion and a common seal with power, subject to the provisions of this Act , to a cquire, hold and dispose of property a nd to contra ct, a nd sha ll by that name, sue and be sued. 4. (/) T he objects of the Academy sha ll be to — (a) disseminate advanced knowledge in science and technology, by providing teaching and r esear ch facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit, pa rticularly in emerging a reas and such areas as may emerge in future; (b)undertake inter-disciplinary studies and resea rch; (c)conduct cou rses in, and integrate into its cour ses, inter- disciplina r y a nd multi-disciplinary areas covering natural sciences, life sciences, mathematical and computational sciences, medical sciences, engineering, a pplied a r t, humanities, social sciences, law relating to these areas and interfaces thereof; Establishmen t of Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research. Objects of AcademyEx-390/2012 3 (d)take appropriate measures for innovations in teaching a nd learning processes; (e)create an ambience for learning and scholarship in advanced science and technology instead of exclusively focusing on ma r ks or gr a des; (f) educate and train manpower in scientific and technological fields; (g) establish linkages with industries in India and outside India for the promotion of science and technology;(h) collaborate, in appropriate areas in the field of science and technology, with reputed universit ies and institutions in India or outside India; (i) promote research in science and technology having a bearing on socia l, economic, cultural, int ellect ual and academic welfare of the peop le. (2)The Academy shall primarily focus on research and imparting instruction in such areas as are not ordinarily taught in regula r academic universities in India. (3)The curricula, pedagogy a nd evaluation of the Academy shall be innovative and directed towards creating highest quality personnel with cross-disciplinary knowledge, aiming to provide lea ders in the field of science and technology. 5. (1) The Academy shall be, provided, or, allowed to use, the infrastructure and scientific manpower of the Council of Scientific and Industr ial Research for teaching and research purposes for mutua l benefit. (2) The Academy, within two weeks of the c ommenc ement of this Ac t , s ha ll, notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act, r ules, regulations or bye-laws for the time being in force, enter into a Memorandum of Understa nding with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch, for the purposes of its affiliation with the Academy for the purposes of academics, teaching and award of degr ees or diplomas, and, the persons pursuing the studies in the Council for awar d of any degree or diploma, after entering of such Memorandum of Understanding, be awarded degrees or diplomas by the said Academy:Relationship of Academy with Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Ex-390/20124 Provided that a ny person pu rsuing any academic or r esearch cour se, before the commencement of this Act, in the Council of Scientific and Industria l Research for award of any degree or diploma and r egistered for the sa id pur pose with any other university, may, with the approval of the university with which s uch person is registered, migrate a fter such commencement to the Academy established under this Act and be registered with the said Academy for grant of the same degree or diploma by the Academy established under this Act and such person shall be deemed to have migrated and registered with the Academy establis hed under this Act at the same level of study in the univer sity from which such person migrated. (3 ) Nothing contained in sub-section (I) or sub-section (2) shall be construed to affect the functions or powers of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, being discharged or exercised, before the commencement of this Act, by the Council or to affiliate with any other university or institution for the p ur poses of aca demics , tea ching a nd a war d of degrees or diplomas or for any other purposes necessa ry for pursuing its objects. 6.It is hereby declared that the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Resea rch shall be an institution of national importance. 7.(1) On and from the date of esta blishment of the Academy,— (a)any refer ence t o the existing Academy in any law other than this Act or in any contract or other instr ument shall be deemed a s a reference to the Academy; (b)all pr operties and assets, movable and immovable, of, or belonging to, the existing Academy, shall vest in the Academy; (c)all rights and liabilities of t he existing Academy shall be tra nsferr ed to, and be the rights and liabilities of, the Academy; (d)without pr ejudice to the provisions of clause (c), a ll debts, obligations and liabilities incurred, all contracts entered into and all matters and things enga ged to be done by, with or for the existing Academy immediately before that da te, for or in connection with the purpose of the said existing Academy shall be deemed to ha ve been incur red, ent ered into or engaged to be done by, with or for, the Academy; (e)all sums of money due to the existing Academy immediately before that date sha ll be deemed to be due to the Academy; (f) all suits and other legal proceedings instituted or which could have been instituted by or a gainst the existing Academy immediately before that date may be continued or ma y be instituted by or against the Academy;Declaration of Academy as an institution of national importance Transfer of assets, liabilities etc., of existing Academy to Academy estab- lished under this Act and other provisions, etc.Ex-390/2012 5 (g) every employee (including those appointed for imparting instruction or conducting r esearch in the existing Academy) holding any office under the existing Academy or teaching therein immediately before tha t date shall hold his office in the Academy or continue teaching therein by the sa me tenure and upon the same terms and conditions of service as r espects remuneration, leave, provident fund, retirement and other terminal benefits as he would ha ve held such office if the Academy had not been established and shall continue to do so as an employee of the Aca demy or until , the expiry of the period of six months from that date if such employee opts not to be the employee of the Academy wit hin such period. (2) Any person pursuing any academic or resear ch cou rse, before the commencement of this Act, in the existing Aca demy for award of any degree or diploma or certificate shall be entitled to pursue such academic or resear ch course a fter the establis hment of the Academy under this Act and be registered with the sa id Academy for gr ant of the sa me degree or diploma or certificate by the Academy established u nder this Act and such person shall be deemed to have migrated and registered with the Academy esta blished under this Act at the same level of study in t he existing Academy from which such person migra ted. (3) Any person, who immediately before the commencement of this Act, had b een awarded a degree or diploma or certificate for having qua lified any course by the existing Academy, shall be entitled to award of equiva lent degree or diploma by the Academy su bject to approval by the Board of the Academy.(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Industria l Disputes Act, 1947 or in any other law for the time being in for ce, absorption of any employee by the Academy in its regular service under this section shall not entit le such employee to any compensation under that Act or other law and no such claim shall be entertained by any cour t, tr ibunal or other authority. 8.(I) The Academy shall discha rge it s functions and exercise the following powers, namely:— (i) to provide for instructions and conduct resear ch in such br anches of lear ning like natur al sciences, life sciences, mathematical and computational sciences, medical sciences, engineering, applied art, humanities, social sciences, law relating to these a reas a nd int erfaces thereof, a nd in particular, in inter- disciplinary and multi-disciplinary ar eas of these branches, and in all such areas as may emerge in future and other emerging areas of knowledge, as the Academy may from time to time determine and make provision for advancement and dissemination of knowledge; (ii) to lay administr ative standa rds a nd str uctures and decide on14 of 1947 Functions and powers of Academy. Ex-390/20126 all matters of creation of posts, laying down standards for recruitment, determining compensation packages, and contractua l arra ngements;(iii ) to design its curriculum and pedagogy for award of diplomas or certificates and confer degrees or other academic distinctions as it may deem fit; (iv) to grant, subject to s uch conditions as the Academy may determine, diplomas or certificates and confer degrees or other academic distinctions on the basis of such methods of evaluation and to hold its examinations, as the Academy may, from time to time, determine and to withdraw any such diplomas, cer tificates, degrees or other academic distinctions for good and sufficient cause; (v) to fr ame St atutes and Ordinances and to alter, modify or rescind the same; tra ining and extension services; (vi) to organise and undertake extramural studies, (vii) to confer honora ry degrees or other distinctions; (viii) to provide distance education in such branches of learning and to such persons as it may determine; (ix) to instit ute professorships, associate professorships a nd a s s i s t a nt professorships including Aca demy P rofessors, Professors of Eminence, Distinguished Professors, Outsta nding Professors, Senior Professors, Emeritus Professors, or visiting positions and other teaching or academic or other positions, required by the Academy and to make appointments to such positions; (x) to appoint persons from any other univer sity, or institution, or industr y, or persons of eminence from appropriate fields of studies, including those outside the country, as Faculty of the Academy; (xi) to create administrative, ministerial a nd other posts and to make appointments thereto; (xii) to co-operate or collaborate or associate with any body including, any university or institution, or industry, located in India or outside India; (xiii) to establish such centres and specialised laboratories or other units for resea rch and instruction as may be requir ed; (xiv) to set up schools, centres and campuses and function therefr om or conduct classes fr om a ny place of it s choice, including the premises of laboratories or other centres of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch;Ex-390/2012 7 (x v) to instit ute a nd award fellowships, schola rships, studentships, medals and prizes;(xvi) to conduct research, advisory and consultancy services with or for any entit y, public or priva te, whether in India or outside India, which are in conformity wit h the spirit and object of the Academy; (xvii) to engage scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research as Faculty in imparting instruction and conducting research in the Academy; (xviii) to establish, maintain and manage institutions and hostels for residence of students or establish and maintain such institutions through the Council of Scientific a nd Industr ial Resear ch or any other body; (xix) to fix, demand a nd receive payment of fees and other charges; (xx) to determine the standards of admission to the Academy, which may include examination, other innovative models of testing or evaluation; (xxi) to supervise the res idences of t he stu dents of the Academy and to ma ke arr angements for promoting their health, general welfa re, cultural and corporate life; (xxii) to lay down conditions of service for all categories of employees, including t heir code of condu ct; (xxiii) to regula te a nd enfor ce discipline, a mong the student s and employees and to take such disciplinary measures in this regard as may be necessar y; (xxiv) to make arrangements for promoting the health and general welfar e of the employees; (xxv) to receive grants, benefact ions, donations, gifts, bequests and transfer or acqu ire, hold a nd manage a nd dispose of any property movable or immovable, including t rust a nd endowment properties for the purposes of the Academy: Provided that no such grants, benefactions, donations, gifts, bequests a nd tra nsfer shall be accepted by the Academy which in the opinion of the Board involves conditions or obligations opposed to the spirit and object of this Act; (xxvi) to borrow, on the securit y of property of the Academy or otherwise, money for the pu rposes of the Academy or utilise its property for such purposes as a re in confor mity with the spir it and object of this Act; (xxvii) to do all such other acts and things as may be necessa ry, incidenta l or conducive to the attainment of all or any of its objects. Ex-390/20128 (2) In exercising its powers referred to in sub-section (I), it shall be the endeavour of the Academy to maintain an all India char acter and high standards of teaching and r esearch, and, the Academy sha ll, among other measures which may be necessary for the said purpose, take, in particular, the following measures, namely:— (i) subject to the provisions of section 9, the admission of students sha ll be made on merit; continuous evaluation or other innovative methods of evaluation and choice based credit system may be introduced and the Academy may enter into agreements with other universities and academic institutions in India or outside India for credit transfer and joint degree pr ogrammes;(iii) innovative courses and programmes of studies shall be int roduced with a provision for periodic review and restr ucturing; (iv) the imparting of instruction shall be, as far as may be, through use of modern techniques or technologies; (v) the systems and structures of the Academy should be flexible to adapt to the requir ements of multi-disciplinary a nd inter-dis ciplinary studies; (vi) active participation of students may be ensured in governance of a cademic ma tters of the Academy. 9.(I) T he Academy sha ll be open to all p ersons, of either sex, irr espective of caste, creed, ra ce or class, and it sha ll not be lawful for the Academy to adopt or impose on any person, any test whatsoever of religious belief or profession in order to be entitled to be appointed as a Faculty of the Academy or to hold any other office therein, or to be employed therein or to be admit ted as a student in the Academy or to gra duate thereat or to enjoy or exercise any privilege thereof. (2) The Aca demy shall make special pr ovision for the employment or a dmis sion of women, persons with disa bilit ies or of persons belonging to the weaker sections of t he society and, in par ticula r, of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the other socially and educationally ba ckwar d classes of cit izens a nd any exemption fr om making such reservation under the proviso to clause (b) of s ection 4 of the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2006 sha ll not be a pplica ble t o the Academy. Provided that no such special provision shall be ma de on the ground of domicile. 10.The following shall be the authorities of the Academy, namely:— (a)The Boa rd; (b)Sena te;Academy open to all castes, creed, race of class 5 of 2007 Authorities of Academy Ex-390/2012 9 (ii) (c)Director; (d)Boa rds of Studies; (e)such other authorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be the author ities of the Academy. 11.(/) The Board referred to in clause (a) of section 10 shall cons ist of the following, namely:— (a)the Chair person of t he Boa rd, to be a ppointed under section 12; (b)the Director-General of the Councilex officio Vic e- of S cientific and Industrial Resea rch, Chairperson; (c) the President of the Indian National ex officio Science Academy, member ; . d) the Chairman, Atomic Energy ex officio Commission, Government of India, memb er ; (e) the Chairman, Space Commission, ex officio Government of India, memb er ; (f) the Chairma n, University Gra nts ex officio Commission, Government of India, memb er ; (g) the Finance Secr etary in the Minis try ex officio of F inance, Government of India, memb er ; (h) the heads of t hree premier institutions members to be in the field of imparting education in nominated under Science and Technology, section 13; (i) four distinguished scientists or members to be academicia ns of global eminence, nominated under of which from reputed institutions two should be outside India, section 13; (j) three eminent industrialists or members to be technologists, nominated under section 13; (k) four distinguished scientists or members to be outstanding scientists or Director s of nominated under laboratories of Council of S cientific section 14; and Industrial Resear ch, (l) the Director of the Academy, ex officio memb er.Composition of Board of Governors. Ex-390/201210 (2)The Chair person shall ordinarily preside over the meetings of t he Boa rd. (3)The Board may evolve its own procedure for the purpose of conducting its meetings and tr ansact ing business therein. (4)The Associate Director in charge of a dminis tration of the Academy shall be the Secreta ry of the Board. 12.(I) The Chairperson shall be appointed by the President of the Council of Scientific and Industr ial R esearch, on the recommendation of the selection commit tee constituted under sub-section (2): Provided that the Director -Gener al of the Council of S cientific and Industrial Research, being theex officio Vice-Chairperson, as referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (I) of section 11, shall act as the Chairperson until the first Chairperson is selected and appointed in accordance with the pr ovisions of this Act: Provided further tha t no p erson shall be selected and appointed as C hairperson unless such person is an Indian citizen. (2) The selection committee referred to in sub-section (I) shall consist of four eminent scientists or technologists of internationa l repute, as may be nominated by the President of the Council of Scientific and Indu strial Resea rch. (3) At least two eminent scientists or technologists of international repute nominated under sub-section (2) shall be from the heads of international societies, a cademies, or similar organisa tions in the field of science and technology. (4) The selection committee referred to in sub-section (2) shall— (a)be constituted within six months before the completion of tenure of the incumbent as the Chairperson of the Board; (b)submit it s recommendation at least thr ee months before the completion of t he tenure of the incumbent Cha irperson. (5)The selection committee may evolve its own procedure for the purposes of meetings and making recommendations under sub-section (I) including making recommendations in respect of a person who has not applied for the post of Cha irperson. (6)Thr ee members of the s election committee refer red to in sub-section (I) shall form quorum for the meeting of the committee. (7)The Chairperson shall exercise such other powers and perform such ot her functions as may be assigned to him by this Act or the Statutes. Appointment of Chairperson.Ex-390/2012 11 13.The heads of three pr emier institutions in the field of imparting education in science and technology, referred to in clause(h), the distinguished scientists or academicians of global eminence r eferred to in clause (i), a nd eminent industr ialists or technologists referred to in cla use (I), of sub-section (j) of section 11, shall be nominated, by the President of the Council of Scientific and industrial Resear ch. 14.The nomination of distinguished scientists or outstanding scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research or Directors of Council of S cientific a nd Industrial Research labor atories, referred to in clause (k) of sub-section (I) of section 11 shall be made by the Governing Body of the Cou ncil of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch. 15.The members of the Boa rd sha ll be entitled to such a llowances, if any, from thAcademy, as may be provided for, in the Statutes but no member other than the Director of the Academy referred to in clause (I) of sub-section (I) of section 11, shall be entitled to any salary by reason of this section. 16.(I) Save as otherwise provided in this section, term of office of t he Cha irperson or any other nominated member of the Board shall be four years, being one term of the Boa rd and they shall not be eligible to be re-a ppoint ed as Chairperson or nominated as a member, as the case may be. Explanation I. — The period of term of office of the Chairperson or any ot her nomina ted member of the Boa rd [other than ex officio Vice-Chairperson and ex officio members and nominated members under clause (k) of sub-section (I) of section 11 ] of the existing Academy shall be counted for the purposes of this sub-section. Explanation II. —For the remova l of doubt it is hereby decla red that a person who held the office of a member shall not be eligible to be re-appointed as a member but may be appointed as the Chairperson in accordance with the pr ovisions of this Act: Provided that an outgoing member of the Board shall, unless or otherwise directed, continue in office until a nother person is a ppointed, or, as the case may be, nominated as a member in his place. Nomination of distinguished scientists of academicians of global eminence, eminene industrialists or techn ologists and heads of three premier institutions in the field of imparting education in science and technology. Nomination of dist in gu ised scientists or outstanding scientists of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of Directors of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research laboratories. Term of office of members of Board. Ex-390/201212 (2) In the event of vacancy in the office of the Chairperson, by reason of his death or resignation or otherwise, the Vice-Chairperson sha ll act as t he Cha irperson until a new Chairperson is appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill the va cancy and enter upon his office: Provided that a person appointed due to a vacancy in the office of Chairperson under sub-s ection (2), shall be eligible to be appointed as Cha irperson in accordance with t he provisions of this Act only for one term in a ddition to the period for which he was a ppointed to fill the vacancy of Cha irperson. (3) In the event of vacancy in the office of a nominated member under clauses(h), (i), (j) and (k) of sub-section (I) of section 11 by reason of his death or resignation or otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled in accor dance with the pr ovisions of this Act: Provided that a person nominated under sub-section (I) of section 11 due to a vacancy in the office of the member, such person shall be eligible to be nominated only for one term as member in accorda nce with the provisions of this Act, in addition to t he period for which he was nominated to fill the vacancy. (4)The term of office of an ex officio member shall continue as long as he holds the office by virtue of which he is a member. (5)One-fourth of the members, being distinguished scientists or outstanding s cientists or Directors of laboratories of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Resea rch nominated under cla use (k) of sub-section (I) of section 11 shall retire every year and new members shall be nominated in their place in accordance with the provisions of this Act: Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained in this sub- section, the members, being distinguished scientists or outstanding scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research or Directors of the Council of S cientific a nd Industrial Research la bor atories nominated under clause (k) of sub-section (I) of section 11, immediately after the commencement of this Act for the first time, may hold office for such period, as may be sp ecified in their nomination and provisions of this sub-section shall not be applicable to such nominated members. 17.(I) Subject to the provisions of t his Act, the Board shall be responsible for the general superintendence, direction and control of the affairs of the Academy and sha ll exercise all the powers of the Aca demy not otherwise provided for by this Act, the St atutes and the Ordinances, and shall have the power to review the acts of the Senate. Power of Board.Ex-390/2012 13 (2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (I), the Board shall have the powers to— (a)take decisions on questions of policy relating to the administr a tion a nd working of the Academy; (b)institute courses of study at the Academy; (c)make Statutes; (d)institute and appoint persons to academic as well as other posts in the Academy; (e)consider and modify or cancel or rescind Or dina nces; (f) consider and pass resolutions on the annua l report, the annual accounts and the budget estimates of the Academy for the next fina ncial year, together with a statement of its development pla ns; (g) approve investments in infrastruct ure of the Academy in any land or building; (h) exer cise such ot her powers a nd perform such ot her duties as may be conferred or imposed upon it by this Act or the Statutes.(3) The Board shall also have the power to appoint such committees of one or more persons as it considers necessa ry for exercise of its powers a nd the performance of it s duties and hold enquir ies under this Act. 18.(I) The Senate sha ll consist of the following, namely:— (a) the Director, ex officio, who shall be the Chair person of the Sena te; (b) all Associate Directors, ex officio memb ers; (c)all Deans of the Academy, ex officio memb ers; (d)two Professors from each area of study represented by the Boards of Studies of the Academy, as may be nominated by the Boar d, ex officio memb ers; (e)two scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, who being the youngest in age; and recipient of Shanti Swar oop Bhatna gar Award; and who are a lso Faculty of the Academy, as may be nominated by the Director-General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research; (f) two scientists of the Council of Scientific and I ndu s t r ia l Research, who being the youngest in age; and recipient of CS IR- Young Scientist Award; and who are Faculty of the Academy, as may be nominated by the Director-General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research; Senate. Ex-390/201214 (g) three Directors or distinguished scientists or outstanding scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research laboratories, nominated by its Director- General; (h) three persons, not being the employees of the Academy or the Council of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch, to be nominated by the Chancellor in consultation with the Director from amongst educationists of r epute, one being from each of the fields of science, engineering and social sciences; (i)such other members of the staff a s may be laid down in the Statutes, (2) The tenure of the nomina ted members under clauses (d) to (h) of sub-section (I) sha ll be two years: Provided that the Senate shall not, a t any time, have less than fifty per cent. of its members from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research scientists teaching in the Academy. 19.Subject to the p rovisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, the Senate of the Academy shall have the control and general regulation, and be responsible for the maintenance, of standards of instruction, education and examinations in the Academy and shall exercise such other powers and perfor m such other duties as may be confer red or imposed upon it by the Statutes and Ordinances. 20.(I) The Chairperson of the Board shall be the Chancellor of the Academy. (2) The Chancellor shall ordinarily preside at the Convocations of t he Academy. 21.The Director shall be the principal a cademic and executive officer of the Academy and s hall be resp onsible for the a dministration of the Academy and impar ting instruction, research a nd maintenance of discipline. 22.( I ) The Director shall be appointed, by the President of the Council of Scientific a nd Industr ial Resear ch, on the recommendation of t he selection committee constit uted under s ub-section (2). (2) The selection committee referred to in sub-section (I) shall consist of— (a)the Chair person of t he Boa rd; (b)the Vice-Chair person of the Boa rd; (c)the President of the Indian National S cience Academy; (d)the Chair man, Atomic Energy Commission, Govern- ment of India; (e)the Chair man, S pace Commission, Government of India.Powers of Senate. Chancellor of Academy. Director of Academy. Appointment and duty of Director of Academy, etc. Ex-390/2012 15 (3) The selection committee referred to in sub-section (2) shall— (a)be constituted within six months before the completion of tenure of the incumbent as the Director; (b)submit it s recommendation a t least three months before the completion of the tenure of the incumbent Director. (4)The selection commit tee ma y evolve it s own procedure for the purposes of meetings and making recommendations u nder sub- section (I) including making recommendations in resp ect of a person who has not applied for the post of Director. (5)Thr ee members of the selec tion c ommit tee referred to in sub-section (I) shall form quorum for the meeting of the committee: Provided that no person shall be selected or nominated as Director unless such person is an Indian citizen. (6)It shall be the duty of the Director that the decisions taken by the Board are implemented. (7)The Director shall submit an annual report and accounts of the Academy to the Boa rd. (8) The Director shall exercise su ch other powers and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by this Act or the Statutes or the Or dinances. (9) The term of the Director shall be five yea rs. 23.(I) The Associate Directors of the Academy sha ll, be appointed by the Director with the approval of t he Boa rd, fr om amongst P rofessors of t he Aca demy or scientists of the Council of Scientific and. Industr ial Research engaged in academic act ivity in the Academy, for such period, and on such terms and conditions, as may be laid down by the Statutes, and, shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to them by this Act or the St atutes or by the Director. (2) The Board may assign any other designation for the Associate Dir ectors, for the purpose of a dminis trative convenience or academic efficiency. 24.(I) The constitution and powers of Board of Studies shall be s uch as may be provided in the Statutes. (2) The powers, including the financial powers and duties of authorities, officers and other functionaries of the Academy shall be as provided by the Statutes. Associate Directors. Powers of other authoritiesEx-390/201216 25.(I) The Academy shall maintain and retain a fund to which sha ll be credited— (a)all fees (including tuition fees) and other char ges received by the Academy; (b)all monies received by the Academy by way of grants, gifts, donations, benefactions, bequests or transfers; (c)monies for projects undertaken by the Academy; (d)income from investment made by the Academy or from any other sour ce; (e)the funds received fr om the Council of Scientific and Indu strial Resea rch, by way of loa n or otherwise; (f) all monies received by the Academy in any other manner or from any other sour ce. (2)All monies credited to the fund of the Academy shall be deposited in such banks or invested in such manner as the Academy may, with the approval of the Boar d, decide. (3)The fund shall be applied for meeting,— (a)the salar ies, a llowances and other remuneration of the Chairperson, members of the Board or Faculty, officers and other employees or members of the committees set up by the Academy; (b)the expenses of the Academy in the discharge of its functions or exercise of its powers under section 8; (c)the expenses on object s of, and for purposes a uthorised by, this Act.(4) All expenditure of the Academy sha ll be within the framework of a budget approved by the Board. 26.(I) The Academy shall maint ain proper and separate accounts giving therein the details of a ll receipts in, a nd, expenditure from, such fund and other relevant par ticula rs. (2)The accounts referred to in sub-section (I) shall be prepa red and got audited before the expiry of six months from the end of each financial year. (3)The Academy sha ll submit to the Board and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, the accounts r eferred to in sub- Funds of Academy. Accounts.Ex-390/2012 17 section (I) duly audited under section 27 a nd signed by the Director, Associate Director in cha rge of Finance and Associate Director in charge of Administration.(4) The Council of S cientific and Indu strial Resea rch referred to in sub-section (3), the Board and any other person appointed by them in connection with the a udit of the accounts of the Academy shall have the right to demand the production of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other documents a nd papers and to inspect any of the offices of the Academy. 27.(I) The accounts of the Academy shall, without prejudice t o t he p r o vis ions cont ained in the Comptroller and Auditor-Gener al’s (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971, be audited by auditors who may be appointed by the Boa rd for the t erm of one year and such a uditor s shall be eligible for re-appointment. (2) No person shall be eligible to be appointed as a n auditor under sub-section (I) unless he is a chartered accountant as defined in clause (b) of sub-section (I) of section 2 of the Chartered Accounta nts Act, 1949, and who has obtained a certificate of practice under sub- section (I) of section 6 of that Act. (3) T he accounts of the Academy sha ll, after the completion of the audit under sub-s ection (I) a nd submission thereof t o the Board and the Council of Scientific and Industr ial Research be published on the website of the Academy. 28.(I) T he Statutes of the Academy shall be enact ed by the Board. (2)Wit hout prejudice to the pr ovisions contained in sub- section (I), the Senate may make recommendations for enactment of Statutes to the Board. (3)The Board may, from time to time, make new Statutes or may amend or repeal or rescind the Statutes with effect from such date as it may direct. 29.Subject to the provisions of this Act , the Statutes may provide for all or any of the matters considered necessary by the Board for functioning of the Academy within the framework of this Act, including the following ma tters, namely:— (a)the conferment of degrees and diplomas; (b)the constitution, powers and functions of the Board of Studies; (c)the tuition fee and other fees to be charged;Au dit of accounts and its publication 56 of 1971 38 of 1949 Statutes. Matters to be provided by Statutes Ex-390/201218 (d)the institution of fellowships, scholarships, medals and prizes; (e)the term of office and the method of appointment of officers of the Academy; (f) the qualification of F aculty of the Academy (other than the scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research engaged in the service of the Academy), officers and ot her staff of Academy: Provided that the scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industr ia l Research engaged in the service of the Academy s hall be governed by t he qua lifica tions specified by the Council and nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to disqualify them from undertaking the service of the Academy or engaging them as F aculty of the Academy; (g) the classification, the method of appointment and the determination of the t erms a nd conditions of service of Facu lty, officers and other staff of the Academy;(h) the provision of insurance fund, provident fund and other retir ement benefits, for the benefit of the F aculty, officers and other staff of the Academy; (i) the constitution, powers a nd duties of authorities of the Academy; (j) the establishment and maintenance of hostels; (k) the conditions of residence of students of the Academy and the levying of fees for residence in the hostels and of other charges; (l) the allowances to be paid to the Chairperson and other members of the Board and any committee constituted by the Academy; (m) the meetings of the Board, the Senate, or any committee, the quorum at such meetings and the procedure to be followed in the condu ct of their business; (n) any other matter which may be required or necessary for the purposes of this Act. 30.(I) Subject to the pr ovisions of this Act and the Sta tutes, the Ordinances of t he Academy may pr ovide for a ll or any of the following matters, namely:— (a)the admission of the students; Ordin anceEx-390/2012 19 (b)the courses of study; (c)the conditions under which students s hall b e admitted and sha ll be eligible for degrees, diplomas and certificates and to the examinations of the Academy, a nd sha ll be eligible for the degrees, diplomas and certificates; (d)the conditions of award of the fellowships, scholarships, medals and prizes; .(e) the condition and mode of appointment and duties of examining bodies, examiners and moderators; (f)the condu ct of examinations; (g) the maint enance of discipline among students of the Academy;(h) any other matter which by this Act or the Statute, is t o b e, or, ma y b e, provided for by the Or dinances. (2) Save as otherwise provided in this section, Ordina nces shall be made by the Senate. (3)All Ordina nces made by the S enate shall have the effect from such date as it may direct, but every Ordina nce so made shall be submitted, as soon as may be, to the Board and shall be cons idered by the Board in it s subsequent meeting. (4)The Board shall have the power by resolution to modify or cancel or rescind any of the Ordinances and such Or dinances sha ll, from the date of such resolution stand modified accordingly or cancelled or rescinded, as the case may be. 31.(I) There shall be a r eview of the funct ioning of the Academy once in every four years by persons of eminence to be appoint ed by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch. (2 ) T he Academy sha ll meet the expenses for conducting the review under sub-section (I) and upon receipt of the report of such review, the Boa rd may take appr opriate action. (3) In addition to the r eview under sub-section (I), the Board may conduct review of functioning of administrative and academic wings of the Academy, in such manner and at such intervals, as may be provided in the Statutes. 32.All appointments of the staff of the Academy (except appointment of the Director ), shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Sta tute, by— (a)the Board for the academic staff; (b)the Director, in any other case. 33.(I) Every employee of the Aca demy sha ll be appointed on contractual basis under a written contract, which shall be lodged with Review of functioning of Academy. Appointments. Con ditions of service. Ex-390/201220 the Academy and a cop y of which s hall be furnished to the employee concerned: Provided that a ll scientists and other employees of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research engaged in the service of the Academy shall be governed by the ser vice conditions, r ules a nd regulations of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch. (2) The Academy shall have a flexible compensation system which recognises performance, as laid down in the Statutes, to bring the best talent in the Academy: Provided that the scientists of the Council of Scientific and Indu strial Resea rch— (a)engaged in the service of the Aca demy; and (b)who draw their salar y from the Council,shall be eligible for such a llowances or honor arium, as ma y be determined by t he Stat ute. 34.(I) Any dispute arising out of a contract between the Aca demy a nd a ny of i t s employees sha ll, a t the request of the employee concer ned or at the insta nce of the Academy, be refer red to a Tribunal of Ar bitration consisting of one member appointed by the Director, one member nominated by the employee, and such two arbitrators shall appoint the third arbitrator who shall act a s the presiding ar bitrator.(2) The arbitr ation under sub-section (I) shall be governed by the Arbitration and ConciliationAct, 1996. 35.(I) The C hairperson or any Member of the Boa rd other tha n ex officio Members of the Boar d or Dir ector ma y, by notice in writ ing under his hand addressed to the President of the Council of S cientific and Industrial R esearch, resign his office: Provided that the Chairperson or such Member or Director sha ll, unless he is permitted by the President of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research t o relinquish his office sooner, continue to hold office until the expir y of three months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly a ppoint ed as his successor enters upon his office or until the expir y of his term of office, whichever is the earliest. (2) The President of the Council of S cientific and Industrial R esearch may remove from office the Chairperson or any Member of the Board or the Director, who— (a)has been adjudged an insolvent; or (b)being the Director ha s engaged at any time, during his term of office, in any paid employment; or (c)has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the C en t r a l Government, involves moral turpitude; orArbitration. 26 of 1996. Resignation, removal and suspension of Chairperson and other Members or Direct or.Ex-390/2012 21 (d)has become physically or mentally incapa ble of acting as such Chairperson or Member or Dir ector; or (e)is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or (f)has acquir ed such fina ncial or other int erest as is likely to affect pr ejudicially the exercise of his functions as s uch Chairperson or Member or Dir ector; or (g) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office pr ejudicial t o the public interest; or(h) has been guilty of pr oved misbehaviour; or (i)has such other disqua lifica tions as may be pr escribed. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (I), the Chair person or a Member of the Board or the Director shall not be removed from his office on the grounds specified in clause (f) or clause (g) or clause (h) of sub-section (I), except by a n order made by the President of the Council of S cientific and Industrial Resea rch after an inquir y made in this behalf in which such Chairperson or Member or Director ha s been infor med of the char ges a ga inst him and given a reasonable opportunit y of b eing heard in resp ect of those charges. (4)In the event of inquiry instituted under sub-section (2), the President of the Council of Scientific a nd Industrial Research may suspend such Chairperson or Member or Director a ga inst whom inquir y has been instituted for a period not exceeding six months if it is considered necessary in public interest. (5)The President of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Res earch may, b y rules, regula te the p rocedu re for the inquir y refer red to in sub-section (2). (6)In ca se a ny nomina ted member under cla use (k) of sub-section (I) of section 11 in the Board incurs any of the disqualifications under clauses (a) to (I) of sub-section (1), such nominated member shall not be eligible to be nominated a s such and his nomination as nomina ted member shall be revoked by those who nominated such member. 36.The meetings of t he Boar d, Senate, or other committees constituted by the Academy may be held using contemporary tools of information and communication technologies (including video- conferencing) without the members necessarily having t o be physica lly present. 37.No act of the Board or the Academy or any other body set up under this Act or the Statutes, shall be invalid merely by reason of- (a) any vacancy in, or defect in the constitution thereof; or (b) any defect in the selection, nomination or a ppoint ment of a person act ing as a member thereof; or (c) any irregularity in its procedure not affecting the merits of the case. Meetings. Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate acts or proceedings of Board, Academy or any other body. Ex-390/201222 38.(I) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such pr ovisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty: Provided that no such order shall be ma de under this section aft er the expir y of three years from the commencement of this Act. (2) Every order made under sub-section (I) shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the success ive sessions aforesaid, both Houses a gree in making any modification in the order or both Houses agree that t he order should not be made, the order sha ll thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the ca se may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment sha ll be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that order. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Power to remove difficulties.Ex-390/2012 23

Members of the Interim Sinlung Hills Development Council

VOL - XLIISSUE - 393Date - 16/08/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 393Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo. D.32020/22/96-GAD, the 7th August, 2012. T he Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persons a s members of the Interim Sinlung Hills Development Council on the recommendation of the Chairma n :- 1.Pu T hanngila s/o Za wlkhawchhana (L ), Sakawrdai 2.Pu K humtea Hmar s/o Rosuokhup (L), Sakawrdai 3.Pu S.K.Lala s/o Zambuanga (L), Rengtekawn 4.Pu Lalramhluna s/o Kaithuama (L), Ratu 5.Pu Tawnluia s/o Kunga (L), Zohmun 6.Pu Hrangkhupa Biate s/o Hnuna (L), Sakawrdai 7.Pu R alkaptha nga s/o Saikapliana (L), New Vervek 8.Pu C .Laltha kunga s/o Sia ma (L), Phuaibuang 9.Pu H.L.Ramtluanga s/o T.K. Vela (L), Vairengte 10.Pu L albanlia na s/o T langchhu aha, Saiphai 11.Pu Lalnunsanga s/o Lalhuala, Saipum 12.Pu Lalneihliana s/o Sanglianthanga, Vanbawng 13.Pu Lalrothanga s/o Zaneihkhama, Saiphai 14.Pu H. Thanluaia s/o Vawmkapthanga (L), Khawlian Further, the Gover nor of M izoram is pleased to appoint the following persons as members of the Council on the recommendation of the Govt. of Mizor am:- 1.Pu Laldinliana s/o Lianchhunga, Sakawrdai 2.Pu Rambeiseia s/o Duhsanga , Phuaibuang 3.Rohluna Ngur te s/o Ngunlengtho, Saiphai The above appointment will take immediate effect and will be valid for the extended interim period of Sinlung Hills Development Council i.e. upto 30.5.2014. Renu Sharma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, General Administrative Department.

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Constitution of State Advisory Committee and its Functions) Regulations, 2010,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 394Date - 16/08/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, T hursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 394NOTIFICATIONNo. H.11019/3/08-JERC, the 8th August, 2011. In pursuance of Section 87 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and pro visio ns under t he Jo int Elect ricit y Regulat o ry Co mmissio n fo r Manipur and Mizo ram (Constitution of State Advisory Committee and its Functions) Regulations, 2010, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram hereby reconstitutes the State Advisory Committ ee for the State of Mizoram with the following composition. The term of the Committee shall be for a period of 2 (two) years with effect fro m the date of issue of this Notification. 1. Chairperson, JERC for Manipur and Mizoram-Ex-officio Chairman 2. Member, JERC for Manipur and Mizoram-Ex-o fficio Member 3. Secretary, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer-Ex-o fficio Member Affairs Department 4. Secretary, Power & Electricity Department-Member 5. Engineer-in-Chief, PHE Department-Member 6. Director, Industry Department-Member 7. Director, Trade & Commerce Department-Member 8. Chief Executive Officer, Aizawl Municipal Council-Member 9. Director, Mizoram Electricity Development Agency-Member 10. President, Mizoram Chamber of Industries and Commerce-Member 11. Pre sident , Miz o ram Co nsu mers’ Unio n Gen. Hqrs, Aiz awl-Member 12. President, Mizoram Hmeichhia Insuihkhawm Pawl.-Member Gen. Hqrs. Aizawl 13. President, Central Young Mizo Association-Member 1 4 . Pre sident , All Mizo ram Farmer s’ Unio n-Member Gen. Hqrs. Aizawl 15. President, Mizoram Upa Pawl Gen. Hqrs. Aizawl-Member 16. Er. B. Lalrinliana, Retd. Chief Engineer, P&E Department-Member 17. Prof. H.J. Lalramnghinglova-Member Department of Env. Sciences, Mizoram University 18. Director, Transport Department-Member 19. Director, LAD-Member 20. Mr. Rualkhuma Hmar, Advocate, College Veng-Member 21. Mr. C. Lalrambuatsaiha, President, Mizoram-Member Journalists’ Assiciation, Gen. Hqrs. Chanmari 22. Secretary, JERC for Manipur and Mizoram-Member Secretary By Order of the Commission A. Chhawnmawia, Secretary, Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-394/20122

Security Arrangements for Protected Persons held on 25.7.2012,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 395Date - 16/08/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, T hursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 395NOTIFICATIONNo. D.32020/14/86-HMP (S)/Pt, the 8th August, 2011. In partial modification of this Department Notification of even number dt. 22.10.2009 and in pursuance of the minute of the meeting on Security Arrangements for Protected Persons held on 25.7.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is please to provide Security Guard to Protected Persons of various categories as provided in Para 3 of the Yellow Book, 2002 issued by the Government of India, a list of which is appended herewith with immediate effect and until further order. K. Riachho, Home Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. Ex-395/20122 REVISED LIST OF PROTECTED PERSONS Z + CATEGORY Sl.#NAME & DESIGNATIONSCALE OF SECURITYREMARKS PSOs (3) + Ring Round Vakkom Purushothaman,(15 SAP) + Escort + Pilot 1.Governor of Mizoram+ House Guards (1 Coy of CRPF) PSOs (3) + Escort (19) + Pilot (15) + House 2.Pu Lal Thanhawla, Chief MinisterGuards (Two Section of CRPF Z. CATEGORY Sl.#NAME & DESIGNATIONSCALE OF SECURITY REMARKS Esco rt will be provided P S Os ( 4) + Ho usewhenever 1.Pu R. Romawia, SpeakerGuard (1+1+ 4 SAPAssembly is in session PSOs (4) + Escort (1+1+3+3) for duty on 2.Pu R. Lalzirliana, Ho me Minist er2 shift + House Guards (1+1+5) Y CAT EGORY Sl.#NAME & DESIGNATIONSCALE OF SECURITY REMARKS P S Os ( 3) + Ho use 1.Pu H. Liansailova, Cabinet MinisterGuards (1+1+4 SAP) P S Os ( 3) + Ho use 2.Pu S. Hiato, Cabinet MinisterGuard (1+1+4 SAP) 3.Pu P.C. Zoram Sangliana, CabinetP S Os ( 3) + Ho use MinisterGuards (1+4 SAP) 4.Pu J.H. Rothuama, Cabinet MinisterP S Os ( 3) + Ho use Guards (1+4 SAP) 5.Pu Lalsawta, Cabinet MinisterP S Os ( 3) + Ho use Guards (1+4 SAP) 6.Pu H.Rohluna, Cabinet MinisterP S Os ( 3) + Ho use Guards (1+4 SAP) P S Os ( 3) + Ho use 7.Pu Lalr inliana Sailo , Cabinet Minist erGuards (1+4 SAP) 8.Pu Zodintluanga, Cabinet MinisterP S Os ( 3) + Ho use Guards (1+4 SAP) P S Os ( 3) + Ho use 9.Pu John Rotluangliana, Deputy Speaker Guards (1+1+4 SAP)ANNEXURE 10.Pu Nihar kanti Chakma, MinisterP S Os ( 3) + Ho use of StateGuards (1+4 SAP) P S Os ( 3) + Ho use 11.Pu P.C.Thanliana, Minister of StateGuards (1+4 SAP) 12.Pu Lalkhama, Vice Chairman,P S Os ( 3) + Ho use State Planning BoardGuards (1+4 SAP) P S Os ( 3) + Ho use 13.Pu Vanhela Pachuau, Chief Secretary Guards (1+1+4 SAP) P S Os ( 3) + Ho use 14.Director General of PoliceGuards (1+4 SAP) X CATEGORY Sl.#NAME & DESIGNATIONSCALE OF SECURITY REMARKS 1.Judges, Gauhati High Court,P S Os ( 2) + Ho use Aizawl BenchGuards (CRPF) 2.Pu Hmingchungnunga, Chairman,PSO 1+1 Hills Develo pment Co uncil 3.Pu Zoramthanga, ex-Chief MinisterPSO s (3) 4.Pu Lalhmingliana, MP (R/S)PSOs (2)PSOs are provided during st ay in t heir own Parliamentary 5.Pu C.L.Ruala, MP (L/S)PSOs (2)Constituency 6.Pu Chawngtinthanga, MLA & Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) Pu Lalthanzara,PSOs (2) 7.MLA & Parliamentary Secretary 8.Pu K.S. Thanga,PSOs (2) MLA & Parliamentary Secretary 9.Pu Lalrinmawia Ralte,PSOs (2) MLA & Parliamentary Secretary 10.Pu S. Laldingliana,PSOs (2) MLA & Parliamentary Secretary 11.Pu H. Zothangliana,PSOs (2) MLA & Parliamentary Secretary 12.Pu Lalrobiaka, MLA & Chairman,PSO (1) ZIDCO 13.Pu K.Lianzuala, MLA & ChairmanPSO (1) MKVI 14.Pu T.T. Zothansanga, MLAPSO (1) 15.P u R. L. P ia nma wia , M LAPSO (1) 16.Pu R.Lalrinawma, MLAPSO (1) 17.Pu R.Selthuama, MLAPSO (1) 18.Col. Z.S. Zuala, MLAPSO (1) 19.Pu Hmingdailo va Khiangt e, MLAPSO (1) 20.Pu K. Lalrinthanga, MLAPSO (1) 21.Pu Joseph Lalhimpuia MLAPSO (1)Ex-395/2012 3 Ex-395/20124 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.22.Pu Nirupam Chakma, MLAPSO (1) 23.Dr. R.Laltha ngliana, MLAPSO (1) 24.Pu B. Lalthlengliana, MLAPSO (1) 25.Pu C. Ramhluna, MLAPSO (1) 26.Pu P.P. Thawlla, MLAPSO (1) 27.Pu Lalduhawma, MLAPSO (1) 28.Pu K. Liantlinga, MLAPSO (1) 29.Pu Lalthansanga, MLAPSO (1) 30.Brig. T. Sailo, MLAPSO (1) 31.Pu John Sia mkunga, MLAPSO (1) OTHER PROTECTED PERSONS Sl.#NAME & DESIGNATIONSCALE OF SECURITY RE MARK S 1.CEM, LADC, MADC & CADCPSO 1 each 2.State Chief Infor mation CommissionPSOs (2) 3.Addl. Chief SecretaryPSOs (3) 4.Commissioner & Secretary, Home Deptt.PSOs (2) 5.Additional Director Genera l of PolicePSOs (2) 6.Vice Chancellor, Mizoram UniversityPSO (1) 7.Pu Vanengmawia, IAS (Retd), Chair person, MPSCPSO (1) 8.Pu L. Hrangnawna, IPS Tetd)PSO (1) State Infor mation C ommissioner 9.Depu ty Inspector General of Police (CID)PSO (1) 10.Depu ty Inspector General of Police (TRG)PSO (1) 11.Depu ty Inspector General of Police (HQ)PSO (1) 12.Depu ty Inspector General of Police (NR) 13.Depu ty Inspector General of Police (SR)PSO (1) 14.Commandant General, MRHGPSO (1) 15.Deputy Commissioner, AizawlPSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 16.Deputy Commissioner, LungleiPSOs (2) 17.Deputy Commissioner, SaihaPSOs (2) 18.Deputy Commissioner, ChamphaiPSOs (2) 19.Deputy Commissioner, MamitPSOs (2) 20.Deputy Commissioner, KolasibPSOs (2) 21.Deputy Commissioner, SerchhipPSOs (2) 22.Deputy Commissioner, LawngtlaiPSOs (2) 23.District & S ession Judge, AizawlPSO (1) 24.Distr ict & Session Judge, LungleiPSO (1) 25.Liaison Officer, Mizoram House, GuwahatiPSOs (2) 26.Liaison Officer, Mizoram Hou se, ShillongPSOs (2) 27.Liaison Officer, Mizoram House, SilcharPSOs (2)

The Mizoram Appropriation Act, 2012 (Act No. 10 of 2012) Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 31 st July, 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 396Date - 16/08/2012

NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/83/2009-LJD, the 9th August, 2012.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram Appropriation Act, 2012 (Act No. 10 of 2012) (Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 31st July, 2012) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. o f Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 2/- per issueVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 396 THE MIZORAM APPROPRIATION ACT, 2012 ACT NO.10 OF 2012 AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State for the services for the Financial Year, 2012-2013. It is enact ed by t he Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty third Year of the Republic of India as follows :-Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/700- 2 - Ex-396/2012 1. This Act may be called the Mizoram Appropriation Act, 2012 2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram, there may be paid and applied the sums not exceed- ing t ho se as specified in co lumn (5) o f t he Schedule to this Act , amounting, in the aggregate, to the sum ofRupees five thousand three hundred twenty seven crore twenty four lakh sixty seven thousand only for defraying the several charges which will come in course of pay- ment for the Financial Year 2012-2013 (in respect of the services specified in column (2) of the Schedule. 3. The sums so authorised is inclusive of the sums already authorized under the Mizoram Appropriation (Vote on Ac- count) Act, 2012 (Act No. 6 of 2012). 4. The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in the Schedule in relation to the said period. Short Title Issue of^ 53,27,24,67,000/- out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram for the Fi- nancial Year 2012-2013. Appropriation THE SCHEDULE ( See Sections 2 and 3) 1Legislative Assembly148868000170000008720000174588000 2Govern or 10600003961100040671000 3Council of Ministers5607000056070000 4Law & Judicial1688700001850000048915000236285000 5Vigilance4726500047265000 6Land Revenue & Reforms212322000212322000 7Excise & Narcotics202558000202558000 8Taxation101000000101000000 9Finance3423199000 2475000003670699000 10 Mizoram Public Service Commission4300000043000000 11 Secretariat Administration715139000715139000 12 Parliamentary Affairs45000004500000 13 Per son n el & Admn . Reforms2143600021436000 14 Plan nin g & Prog. Implementation685739000685739000 15 General Admn. Department505455000505455000 16 Home4175858000 2466000004422458000 17 Food, Civil Supplies & Con. Affairs58846500017826700002371135000 18 Printing & Stationery139678000139678000 19 Local Administration Department38471300040000000424713000 20 Sch ool Education57820900005782090000 21 High er & Technical Education12432030001243203000 22 Sports & Youth Services358103000358103000 23 Art & Culture8224400082244000 24 Medical & Public Health Services1827686000 102500001837936000 25 Water Supply & Sanitation1067425000 2605530001327978000 26 Information & Public Relations7890000078900000 27 District Councils24316850002431685000 28 Labour & Employment7759200077592000 29 Social Welfare674764000674764000 30 Disaster Management & Rehab.167838000167838000 31 Agriculture19963580001996358000 32 Horticulture1187160000 21950001189355000 33 Soil & Water Conservation599052000622000599674000 34 Animal Husbandry1139508000 557270001195235000 35 Fish eries242373000242373000 36 Environment & Forests962585000962585000 37 Cooperation11996900011300000131269000 38 Rural Development8308730004432000001274073000 39 Power2754644000 6143240003368968000 40 Industries975670000975670000 41 Sericulture244655000244655000 42 Transport41861000028240000446850000 43 Tourism598710001376200073633000 44 Trade & Commerce373530001000000047353000 45 Public Works1422056000 43130190005735075000 46 Urban Dev. & Poverty Alleviation41223600012279370001640173000 47 Minor Irrigation1155930001356000001471593000 48 Info. & Com. Technology5061600050616000 49 Public Debt2613959000 875956000 3489915000 G R A N D TO TAL38942907000 10699399000 2754205000 875956000 53272467000 TOTAL OF VOTED/CHARGED 4 9 6 4 23 0 6 0 0 0 3 6 3 0 1 6 0 00 5 3 2 7 24 6 7 0 0 0 SERVICES AND PURPOSESDemand No. SUMS NOT EXCEEDING Voted by Legislative Assembly CapitalCharged on the Consolidated Fund RevenueCapital RevenueTOTAL 1.234567 ^ in lakh

DPS/DSC for Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2012 for employees under Directorate of Industries

VOL - XLIISSUE - 397Date - 16/08/2012

NOTIFICATION No. A.32012/2/2003-IND, the 10th August, 2012.In pursuance of DP&AR(ARW) Office Memorandum No. B.12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW)/Pt-II dated 30.7.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is plea sed to re-cons titute DPS/DSC for M odified Assured Career Progression S cheme, 2012 for employees under Directorate of Industries consisting of the following members :- GROUP ‘A’ & ‘B’ (GAZETTED)1 Principal S ecretar y, Industries Depart mentChairman 2 Representative of DP & ARMember 3 Under Secretary, Industries Depar tment or above rankMember - Secret ary GROUP ‘B’ (NON-GAZETTED)1 Principal S ecretar y, Industries Depart mentChairman 2 Representative of DP & ARMember 3 Director of Industries, Govt. of MizoramMember - Secret ary GROUP ‘C’ & ‘D’1 Director of Industries, Govt. of MizoramChairman 2 Representative of DP & ARMember 3 Depu ty Director (Admn.), Industries Dept t. or its equivalent rank Member - Secretary This supersedes the earlier notification of even No.dt.14.9.2011. P.C.Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 397RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Departmental Screening Committee (DSC) Printing & Stationery Department

VOL - XLIISSUE - 398Date - 16/08/2012

NOTIFICATION No. A.11014/8/2009-P&S, the 13th August, 2012.In pursuance of Office Memorandum issued by DP&AR(ARW) vide No. B.12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW)/pt-II dated 30.7.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute theDepartmental Screening Committee (DSC) to consider ca ses for fina ncial u pgradations under the Modified Assured Career Progression S cheme, 2012 (MACP 2012) in respect of Printing & Stationery Department as follows, with immediate effect. Group A&B (Gazetted)1 Secr etary, Printing & Sta tionery DepartmentChairman 2 Representative of DP & ARMember 3 Under Secretary, P rinting & Sta tionery DepartmentMember - Secret ary Group B (Non-Gazetted)1 Secr etary, Printing & Sta tionery DepartmentChairman 2 Representative of DP & ARMember 3 Controller, Printing & Sta tionery DepartmentMember - Secret ary Group C&D1 Controller, Printing & Sta tionery DepartmentChairman 2 Representative of DP & ARMember 3 DD (Admn) or equivalent rankMember - Secret ary This supersedes this Department Notification No. A.11014/8/2009-P&S dated 12.9.2012. C. Lalthankhuma, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 398RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

‘Child Welfare Committee’ for the Districts of Mamit, Kolasib, Champhai, Serchhip and Lawngtlai

VOL - XLIISSUE - 399Date - 16/08/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B.12019/12/10-SWD, the 1st August, 2012.In partial modification of this Department’s Notifica tion issued vide even No.dt.01. 10.2010 and dt. 01.05.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute ‘Child Welfare Committee’ for the Districts of Mamit, Kolasib, Champhai, Serchhip and Lawngtlai comprising of t he following members with immediate effect a nd until further orders :- 1.MAMIT DISTRICT1. Sister Zothanpari, BA B.Ed- Chairperson Bethani Social Welfare Society, Mamit 2. Ms C.Dengmawii, MSW- Member STD Counsellor, Mamit 3. Mr. R. Lalmua npuia , Editor,- Member Zotlang Lengtu, Mamit Bazar Veng 4. Mr.H.Darhmingliana,- Member Coor dinator, BRCC (SSA), Mamit 5. Mr.Lalbiakkila, SDPO, Mamit- Member 2.KOLASIB DISTRICT1. Mrs.Happy Laldingliani- Chairperson Vice President, Joint MHIP Project Veng, Kolasib 2. Mr.F rancis Lalnuntluanga Ralte- Member SDPO, Kola sib 3. Ms.T.Lalparmawii,- Member Social Activist, C.P Roa d, Kolasib 4. Upa Ralliantawna,- Member Headmaster M/S (Rtd.) Diakkawn, Salem Veng 5. Mr.H.Bajiram, MCS (Rtd.)- Member Pakkawn Veng. 3.CHAMPHAI DISTRICT1. Mrs.Thangmawii,- Chairperson Lecture, Govt. Champhai CollegeThe Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 399RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pagePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 -- - 2 - Ex - 399/2012 2. Mr.V.L.Cha ma Hnamte,- Member Social Worker, Champhai 3. Mr.Andrew Zohmanga iha,- Member Social Activist, Champhai Vengthlang 4. Mr.C.Lalremliana,- Member M/S Teacher, Champhai 5. Dr.Roluahpuii,- Member Dental Surgeon, Champhai Vengthlang 4.SERCHHIP DISTRICT1. Mr. Lalzuiliana- Chairperson President, YMA Sub-H qrs. Serchhip Bazar 2. Mr.Vanlalchhunga,- Member Lectu rer, Govt. Serchhip College, Serchhip Vengchung. 3. Mrs.B.Lalhmangaihi.- Member Social Worker, w/o Saingenga Sa ilo, Chanmari, Serchhip 4. Dr Lalhlupuii, M.O- Member Civil Hospital, Serchhip 5. Ms. Lalnuntluangi Renthlei,- Member Councellor, ICTC, Serchhip, Kawnpui 5.LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT1. Mrs Ngurhmingliani Chinzah- Chairperson MA, B.Ed, Chanmari, Lawngtlai 2. Dr H.Lalrinfela, MBBS- Member Electric Veng, Lawngtlai 3. Pastor V.La lhmingsanga- Member Lawngtlai 4. Mr.Zohmingthanga,- Member SDPO, Lawngtlai 5. Mr.H.L.Rinawma,- Member World Vision, Lawngtlai The tenure of the Committee will be thr ee year s from the date of issue of this Notification and the tenure of the members is co-terminus with the tenure of the Commit tee. The Committee will carry out its functions in accordance with the procedure as laid down under the Act a nd the Rules. The Committee shall meet in the premises of Children’s Home once a month or as the case ma y be depending u pon the number of cases to be disposed. B.Sairengpuii, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram. - 3 -Ex - 399/2012

Juvenile Justice Boards for the Districts of Aizawl, Champhai and Lawngtlai

VOL - XLIISSUE - 400Date - 16/08/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B.12019/12/10-SWD, the 1st August, 2012.In partial modification of this office Notification even No.dt.21.12.2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the reconstitution of Juvenile Justice Boar ds for the Dis tricts of Aiza wl, Cha mphai a nd Lawngtlai with the following members for exercising powers and discharging the duties conferr ed or imposed on such Boards under the Act and Rules in relation to t he cases of children in conflict with law : 1.Aizawl District :(1) Ms. Julie Lalrinzami- Principal Magist rate Civil Judge-cum-Judicial, Magistrate First Class. (2) Mrs.Liansangluri,_ Member Social Worker, Mission Veng, Aizawl (3) Dr Robert Khawlhring_ Member M.D (Psychiatrist), Bungkawn Tlang Veng, Aizawl. 2.Champhai District :(1) Mr.Vincent Lalrokima- Principal Magist rate Civil Judge-cum-Judicial, Magistrate First Class. (2) Ms.V.L.Rochhari, BA- Member Headmistress Middle School, Champhai Vengthlang (3) Mr.Lalhlupuia, BA- Member Edit or, Lenrual Daily Newspa per, Champhai. 3.Lawngtlai District(1) Mr.Liansangzuala- Principal Magist rate Senior Civil Judge-cum-C hief Judicial Magistrate.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 16.8.2012 Sravana 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 400RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- - 2 - Ex - 400/2012 (2) Ms.Darbuangpuii, MA (P.A)- Member A.O. C Veng, Lawngtlai (3) Ms.La lr amdinpuii,- Member Private School Owner, d/o Rev.M.Z. Lawmtha nga, M.L. Junior School, Lawngtlai Bazar. The Board will dispose the cases of the childr en in conflict with la w as per the procedur e laid down under the Act and t he Rules as amended fr om time to time notwithstanding that the Board may adopt a set Rules of procedure in conformity with the Act and the Rules for smooth functioning under intimation to the Constituting Authority. The Board will hold its sittings in the premises of an Observation Home while dealing with the cases of children in conflict with law. In Distr icts where there is no Observa tion Home, the Board will hold its sittings at a suitable premise as t he Boar d finds appropriate. The Boards will have jurisdiction over their respective administrative districts. The above three Boards will have a tenure of 3 (three) years from the date of issue of this Notification. The tenure of the Members will be Conterminus wit h the tenure of the Board. B.Sairengpuii, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Guidelines for issue of Residential Certificate.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 461Date - 26/09/2012

Departmental Screening Committee/Departmental Promotion Committee for the purpose of processing the case in respect of (1) Group A&B (Gazetted), (2) Group B (Non-Gazetted) and (3) Group C&D under Art & Culture Department

VOL - XLIISSUE - 462Date - 28/09/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 28.9.2012 Asvina 6, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 462Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo. A.32013/1/2011-AC the 24th September, 2012. In super sessio n o f t his Depar t me nt ’s le t t er o f even No.dt.21.9.2011 and in pursuance of DP & AR (ARW)’s O.M. No.B.12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW)/ Pt-II dt.30.7.2012 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute the following Departmental Screening Committee/Departmental Promotion Committee for the purpose of processing the case in respect of (1) Group A&B (Gazetted), (2) Group B (Non-Gazetted) and (3) Group C&D under Art & Culture Department for grant of financial upgradations under Modified Assured Career Progressive Scheme (MACPS) 2010 as follows with immediate effect and until further o rders. Group ‘A & ‘B’ (Gazetted)1.Secretary, Art & Culture-Chairman 2.Representative of DP & AR-Member 3.Deputy Secretary, Art & Culture-Member Secretary Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted)1.Secretary, Art & Culture-Chairman 2.Representative of DP & AR-Member 3.Director, Art & Culture-Member Secretary Group ‘C’ & ‘D’1.Director, Art & Culture-Chairman 2.Representative of DP & AR-Member 3.Deputy Director (Admn.) or its equivalent-Member Secretary R. Lalvena, Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram,

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 Assistant Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram

VOL - XLIISSUE - 457Date - 26/09/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 26.9.2012 Asvina 4, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 457Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIANirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 NOTIFICATIONNo. No.429/MIZ/2010(1) :- In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of 13C of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950), the Elect ion Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendment in its Notification No.429/MIZ/2008(1) dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Assistant Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizo ram, namely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to the said Notification, against the Assembly Constituency shown below, for the exist ing entry, t he follo wing corresponding entry shall be subst it uted- TABLE No. & Name of Assembly ConstituencyAssistant Electoral Returning Officers (1)(2) 14-Aizawl East-II (ST)SDC, DC Office, Aizawl By order, Varinder Kumar, Secretary, Elect io n Co mmissio n o f I ndia.Dated : 31st August, 2012 9 Bhadrapada, 1934 (Saka)


VOL - XLIISSUE - 464Date - 01/10/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Monday 1.10.2012 Asvina 9, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 464STATE ELECTION COMMISSION MIZORAM ***** NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12011/48/2012-SEC/VC,the 1 st October, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 (1) of the Mizoram (Constitution of State Election Commission) Rules, 2008 read with Rule 5 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974 as amended from time to time and as per authority delegated to the State Election Commission, Mizoram for the conduct of Elections to the Village Councils vide Notification No. B. 14016/1/07-LAD/VC, dt. 1 5.01.2009, the State Election Commissioner hereby calls upon the Village Council Constituencies wit hin Aiza wl District and Kolasib District to elect Members for the Village Councils as shown below :- S/NName of VillageNa me ofNo. ofNo. ofNo. of CouncilDistrictHouseholdsVotersSeats 1ZokhawthiangAizawl511503 2North TinghmunAizawl1465623 3MaucharAizawl1886083 4ZohmunAizawl27110315 5PalsangAizawl913073 6SakawrdaiAizawl58220027 7KhawpuarAizawl1023273 8VaitinAizawl2378195 9North KhawdungseiAizawl491593 10T hingsa tAizawl541683 11New VervekAizawl1815663 12DamdiaiAizawl451633 13LungsumAizawl1023053 14SaiphaiKolasib37512425 15SaipumKolasib40614535 Total2880986257 Accordingly, the State Election Commission hereby publishes the Schedule for By-Elections to constitute the said 15 (fifteen) Village Councils as follows:- 1Issue of Election Notice by the Returning Officers01.10.2012 (Monday) 2Last date for filing of nominations4.10.2012 (Thursday) 3Scrutiny of nominations5.10.2012 (Friday) 4Last date for withdr awal of nominations8.10.2012 (Monday) 5Date for allotment of symbols to Ca ndidates and display of list of Candidates9.10.2012 (Tuesday) 6Submission of list of Contesting Candidates to the State Election Commission & District Election Officers10.10.2012 (Wednesday) 7Date of Poll18.10.2012 (Thursday)(7:00 AM – 4:00PM) 8Date of re-poll, if any19.10.2012 (Friday) 9Counting of Votes(Counting of votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) 18.10.2012 (Thursday) 10Date on which election pr ocess shall be completed23.10.2012 (Tuesday) By order, etc. P. Lianhrima, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram : Aizawl.2 Ex-464/2012 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

By-Election to 15 (fifteen) Village Council Constituencies viz, Zokhawthiang, North Tinghmun, Mauchar, Zohmun, Palsang, Sakawrdai, Khawpuar, Vaitin, North Khawdungsei, Thingsat, New Vervek, Damdiai, Lungsum in Aizawl District and Saiphai & Saipum in Kolasib District

VOL - XLIISSUE - 473Date - 10/10/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 10.10.2012 Asvina 18, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 473NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12011/48/2012-SEC/VC, the 9th October, 2012. Wit h a view to ensuring smoot h conduct of b y-elections and in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 (1) of the Mizor am (Constitution of State Election Commission) Rules, 2008 r ead with Rule 5 of the Mizor am (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974 as amended from time to time & as per authority delegated to the State Election Commission, Mizoram for the conduct of Elections to the Village Councils vide Notification No. B. 14016/1/07-LAD/ VC, dt. 15.01.2009, the State Election Commission hereby issues Revised Schedule for By-Election to 15 (fifteen) Village Council Constituencies viz, Zokhawthiang, N orth Tinghmun, Maucha r, Zohmun, Palsang, Saka wrdai, Khawpuar, Vaitin, North Khawdungsei, Thingsa t, New Vervek, Damdiai, Lungsum in Aizawl District and Saiphai & Saipum in Kolasib District as shown below :- 1 La st date for filing of nominations15.10.2012 (Monday) (Upto 3:00 Pm) 2 Scrutiny of nominations16.10.2012 (Tuesday) 3 Last date for withdrawal of nominations17.10.2012 (Wednesday) (Upto 3:00 Pm) 4 Da te for allot ment of symbols to Candidates and display of list of Candidates18.10.2012 (Thursday) 5 Submission of list of Contesting Candidates to the State Election Commission & District Election Officers19.10.2012 (Friday) 6 Date of Poll25.10.2012 (Thursday) (7:00 AM – 4:00PM) 7 Date of r e-poll, if any26.10.2012 (Friday) 8 Counting of Votes(C ounting of votes sha ll commence as soon as poll is over) 25.10.2012 (Thursday) 9 Date on which election process shall be completed 31.10.2012 (Wednesday) This supersedesour earlier Notification of even No. Dt. 4.10.2012. C. Ropianga, State Election Commissioner Mizor am : Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

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