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The Mizoram Appropriation Act, 2012 (Act No. 5 of 2012) [Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on 23rd March, 2012]

VOL - XLIISSUE - 181Date - 11/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 11.4.2012 Chaitra 22, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 181NOTIFICATIONNo. H.12018/83/09-LJD, the 2nd April, 2012. The following Act of the Mizoram Legislative Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram Appropriation Act, 2012 (Act No. 5 of 2012) [Received the assent of the Go vernor of Mizoram on 23rd March, 2012] AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State for the services during the Financial Year of 2011-2012 It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixtieth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.This Act may be called the Mizoram Appropriation Act, 2012 2.From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram, there may be paid and applied the sums not exceeding those as specified in column (5) of the Schedule to this Act, amounting, in the aggregate, to the sum ofRupees seven hundred eighty three crore thirty three lakh only for defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the Financial Year, 2011-2012 in respect of the services specified in column (2) of the Schedule. 3.The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in the Scheule in relation to the said period. Isseu of ^ 783,33,00,000/- only out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram for the Financial Year, 2011-2012 Appr opr ia tion Ex-181/20122 Short Title Ex-181/2012 3 THE SCHEDULE(See Sections 2 and 3) In ^ SUMS NOT EXCEEDING DemandVoted byCharged on No.SERVICES AD PURPOSESLegislativethe Consoli-Total Assemblydated Fund12345 1Legislative AssemblyRevenue19150000188900021039000 Capital35000003500000 2Govern orRevenue25550002555000 3Council of MinistersRevenue1878300018783000 4Law & JudicialRevenue1950500035500019860000 5VigilanceRevenue45650004565000 6Land Revenue & ReformsRevenue6810700068107000 7Excise & NarcoticsRevenue18000001800000 8TaxationRevenue1715900017159000 9FinanceRevenue2055300020553000 Capital50000005000000 10Mizoram Public Service Commsn.Revenue32390003239000 11Secretarian AdministrationRevenue22830002283000 12Parliamentary AffairsRevenue475000475000 13Per son n el & Admn . ReformsRevenue28800002880000 14Plan nin g & Prog. ImplementationRevenue1365300013653000 15General Admn, DepartmentRevenue3338000033380000 16HomeRevenue217914000217914000 Capital3375800033758000 17Food, Civil Supplies & Con. AffairsRevenue3501200035012000 Capital298956000298956000 18Printing & StationeryRevenue26270002627000 19Local Administration DepartmentRevenue5971500059715000 20Sch ool EducationRevenue937779000937779000 21High er & Technical EducationRevenue596577000596577000 22Sports & Youth ServicesRevenue6975200069752000 Capital1390000013900000 23Art & CultureRevenue34120003412000 24Medical & Public Health ServicesRevenue194405000194405000 25Water Supply & SanitationRevenue269579000269579000 Capital169970000169970000 26Information & Public RelationsRevenue37320003732000 27District CouncilsRevenue216686000216686000 28Labour & EmploymentRevenue49490004949000 29Social WelfareRevenue456923000456923000 30Disaster Management & Rehab.Revenue2151400021514000 31AgricultureRevenue335076000335076000 32HorticultureRevenue30000003000000 Capital1064000010640000 33Soil & Water ConservationRevenue16870001687000 Capital5046300050463000 34Animal HusbandryRevenue5206500052065000 35Fish eriesRevenue5171300051713000 36Environment & ForestRevenue6500600065006000 THE SCHEDULE(See Sections 2 and 3) In ^ SUMS NOT EXCEEDING DemandVot ed byCh ar ged on No.SE RV I C E S A D PU RPOSE SLegislative the Consoli-Tot al A ssem bl ydat ed Fund 12345 37CooperationRevenue1051300010513000 Capital36000003600000 38Rural DevelopmentRevenue1086700010867000 Capital3569700035697000 39PowerRevenue10808000001080800000 Capital184770000184770000 40IndustriesRevenue3230200032302000 41SericultureRevenue30000003000000 43TourismRevenue46190004619000 44Trade & CommerceRevenue25970002597000 45Public WorksRevenue3757200037572000 Capital10821910001082191000 46Urban Dev. & PovertyRevenue5855000058550000 AlleviationCapital1631200016312000 47Minor IrrigationRevenue36300003630000 48Info. & Com. TechnologyRevenue500000500000 49Public DebtRevenue46650004665000 Capital845474000845474000 GRAND TOTAL69751230008581770007833300000 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-181/20124 P. Singthanga, Secretary, Law & Judicial Deptt. Govt. of Mizoram.

The Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002

VOL - XLIISSUE - 191Date - 13/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 13.4.2012 Chaitra 24, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 191Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 14011 / 2 / 2011- DCA (M), the 13th April, 2012. WHEREAS, as provided under sub- para (1) & (6A) of Para 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution read with sub- rule (1) & (2) of Rule 9 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, the term of the existing Mara Autonomous District Council is due to expire on 10th M a y, 2012 ; and WHEREAS, in terms of sub- rule (1) of Rule 142 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, a General Election has to be held for the purpose of constituting a new District Council for the Mara Autonomous District. WHEREAS, THEREFORE,as recommended by the State Elect ion Commission, in exer- cise of the powers conferred by sub- rule (2) of 142 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Con- stitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to call upon every Constituency in the said Autonomous District to elect a member to the said District Council in accordance with the said Rules and orders made by the State Election Commission there under. By order in the name of the Governor, P. S ingtha nga, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department.

Zoram Industrial Development Corporation (ZIDCO)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 205Date - 26/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 26.4.2012 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 205NOTIFICATIONNo. B.12011/61/2012-IND, the 17th April, 2012. I n super sesio n o f t his Depar t me nt ’s No t ific at io n No.B.12011/08-IND dt. 2nd February, 2009 and 19th May, 2009 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Articles 61 & 62 of the Memorandum of Association and Aticles of Association of Zoram Industrial Development Corporation (ZIDCO) Ltd. the Governor o f Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the Board of Directors of ZIDCO Ltd. for a period of 2 (two) years or until further orders whichever is earlier. T he co mp o sit io n o f t he Bo ar d o f Dir ec t o r a t e will be as fo llo ws : 1.P u L alr o bia ka, M LA:Director 2.Principal Secretary, Industries DepartmentDirector 3.Commissioner/Secretary, Finance Department:Director 4.Director o f Industries, Govt. of Mizoram:Director 5.Managing Director, ZIDCO Ltd.:Director 6.Branch Officer (IDBI), Mizoram:Director 7.Managing Director (NMDFC), New Delhi:Director 8.Asst. General Manager (SIDBI), Aizawl:Director 9.Pu Sanghlira Colbert, Lunglei:Director 10. Pu CH. Lalngaihawma, Tuikual:Director 11. Pu H.T. Lalengmawia,MEWA:Director 12. Representative of Mizoram Industries Association:Director Further in exercise of the power conferred under Article 62 of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of Zoram Industrial Development Corporation (ZIDCO) Ltd. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalrobiaka, MLA, one o f the Board of Directors as Chiarman and Pu Zothankhuma, IAS, Director of Industries as Managing Director, Zoram Industrial Development Corporation (ZIDCO) Ltd. with immediate effect. P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Indust ries Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Governor of Mizoram have alloted code number to the Secretary, Finance Department, Government of Mizoram as per details shown below :-

VOL - XLIISSUE - 206Date - 26/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 26.4.2012 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 206Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo. G.25022/1/2000-F.Est/Pt.I, the 20th April, 2012. In co nt inuat io n o f this Depart ment ’s No t ificat io n of even no. dt.5.8.2011, the Governo r of Mizoram have alloted co de number to the Secretary, Finance Depart ment, Government of Mizoram as per details shown below :- Sl.No.Name ofMinist ryName of DDO/OfficeCodeName of Minist ryCodeTreasury 1.Finance109Secretary, Finance Department109014 Aizawl South Mizoram, Aizawl. Vanlalnghaka, Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department.

Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 207Date - 26/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 26.4.2012 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 207Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo. F.20016/11/2012-GAD, the 23rd April, 2012. In pursuance of the decision of the meeting of Secretaries held on 30th September 2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Consultancy Evaluatio n Co mmit t ee (CEC) under General Administ rat io n Depar t ment co nsisting o f t he follo wing members:- 1.Secretary, GAD:Chairman 2.Under Secretary (A), GAD:Member Secretary 3.Secret ary, Finance Department o r his representative not below the rank of Jt. Secretary:Member 4.Principal Ad viser, Planning Depart ment o r his:Member representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary 5.Head of Department/Deputy Commissioner/:Member Liaison Officer concerned Renu Sharma, Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administration Department.

The Mizoram State Biological Diversity Rules, 2010.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 208Date - 01/05/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 1.5.2012 Vaisakha 11, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 208NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 11015/26/2010-FST, the 25th April, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 63 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002. (Central Act No. 13 of 2003), and approval of the meeting of the Council of Ministers held in the Chief Secretary Conference Room on 17th August. 2011 (Wednesday) at 12:00 Noo n, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely :- 1. Short title, extent and commencement (1) These rules may be called “‘The Mizoram State Biological Diversity Rules, 2010. (2) It extends to the whole of Mizoram except the Autonomous District Council areas. (3) These rules shall come into force on such date as the State Government may by a notification in the Official Gazette appoints. 2. Definitions In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, - (a) “Act” means the Biological Diversity Act 2002; (Central Act No. 13 of 2003). (b) “Authority” means the National Biodiversity Authority established under Section 8 of the Act, (c) “Board” means the Mizoram Slate Biodiversity Board established under Section 22 of the Act; (d) “Biodiversity Management Committees” means the Committees established by the local bodies under Section 41 of the Act; (e) “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the State Biodiversity Board; (f) “fee” means any fee stipulated in the schedule of these Rules; (g) “form” means form set out in the schedule of these Rules; (h) “fo rest and wildlife legislat io ns” inclu des Mizo ram Fo rest Act , 1955, Wildlife (Pro t ect ion) Act,1972, Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and all other Acts for which the Department of Forest. Environment and Wildlife Management is currently or in future the enforcing agency; (i) “forest and wildlife offence” means offences as described in forest and wildlife legislations. (j) “habitat”, “vehicle”, “weapon”, “wildlife” shall have the meanings respectively assigned to t he m in t he Wildlife ( Pro t ect io n) Ac t 19 72; (k) “Member” means a member of Mizoram State Biodiversity Board, and includes the chairperson; (l) “Member Secretary” means the Member Secretary of the Board; (m) “schedule” means the Schedule appended to these Rules; (n) “section” means section of the Act: (o) “year” means the financial year commencing on the first day of April; (p) Words and expressions used but not defined in these Rules and defined in the Act shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act. 3. Manner of selection and appointment of the Chairperson (1) The Chairperson of the Board shall be an eminent person having adequate knowledge and experience in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and in matters related to equitable sharing of benefits, to be appointed by the State Government. 4. Term of Office of the Chairperson (1) The Chairperson of the Board shall hold the office for a period of three years ortill he attains the age of 65 years which ever is earlier, in one term and may be eligible for reappointment. (2) The Chairperson may resign from his office by giving at least one month notice in writing t o the State Government. (3) No twit hst anding any ot her provisio n of the Rules, his continuance in the office shall be at t he pleasure of the State Government. 5. Pay and Allowances of Chairperson (1) The Chairperson of the Board shall be entitled to salary and other allowances while discharging t he dut ies of t he Board as may be fixed by the St at e Go vernment . 6. Nomination, Term and Allowance of Expert Member (1) Not more than five members shall be nominated by the State Government, out ofwhich 3 shall be fro m amo ngst expert s in mat t ers relat ing t o co nservat io n o f wild bio lo gical diversit y, su st ainable u se o f bio lo gic a l r e so u r ces and eq uit a ble sha r ing o f benefit s a r is ing o ut o f t he u se o f bio lo g ical re so ur ces and no t le ss t han t wo me mber s shall be fro m lo cal co mmunit ie s. (2) An expert Member of the Board shall hold the office for a term not exceeding three years at a t ime fro m t he d at e o f his no minat io n. (3) An expert Member shall be entitled to traveling expense, daily allowance and to such other allowances as may be fixed by the St ate Government for at tending t he meeting of the Board. 7. Filling up of vacancies of Expert member (1)An expert member o f the Bo ard may resign his po sit io n at any t ime by giving in writ ing under his hand addressed to the Chairperson and the seat of that member in the Board shall become vacant. (2)Such vacancy in the Board shall be filled up by a fresh nomination and the person nominated to fill the vacancy shall hold office only for the remainder of the term of the member in whose place he was nominated. Ex-208-20122 8. Removal of the Members of the Board (1)No member o f t he Bo ar d shall be r emo ved fr o m t he o ffic e o n t he gr o unds enu me r at e d in Section II of the Act, without a due and proper enquiry by an officer appointed by the Chairperson for the purpose and without giving an opportunity to the member concerned to explain his/her conduct. 9. Appointment of the Ex -officio Members Not more than five ex-officio members shall be appointed to represent the departments of St ate Government. Four ex-officio members, who shall be the head of the depart ment to represent Agriculture Department. Hort iculture Department. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department and Tourism Department. One ex-officio member not below the rank of Chief Conservator of Forests shall represent Environment & Forests and who shall also function as Member Secretary to the board. 10. Head Office and Establishment of the Board The head Office of the Board shall be at Aizawl, Mizoram. The State Government shall provide adequate manpower and establishment costs for the effective and smooth functioning of the Board. The Board will be an autonomous body and have full administrative and financial autonomy as provided for by the Act. 11. Member Secretary of the Board (1) The Member Secretary shall be responsible for day-to-day administration of the Board, management of funds and implementation of various activities of the programme under the guidance of the Chairperson of the Board. (2) All orders or Instructions to be issued by the Board shall be under the signature of the Member Secretary or of any other officer authorized in his/her behalf by the Chairperson. (3) The Member Secretary or any other officer authorized in his/her behalf by the Chairperson for the purpose, may sanct ion and disburse all payments against t he approved budget. (4) The Member Secretary shall execute administrative and technical sanctions to the estimates included in the approved and en-bloc sanctioned budget and work programme of the Board. (5) The Member Secretary shall release grants to various individuals and organizations including Non-Governmental Organizations, Biodiversity Management Committee. Joint Forest Management Committee (JFMC). Eco-development Committee (EDC) and others as per the appro ved sanctioned budget and work programme of the Board. The Member Secretary shall also frame necessary Terms of Reference for the same. (6) The Member Secretary shall be in-charge of all the confidential papers of the Board and shall be responsible for their safe custody; he/she shall produce such papers whenever so directed by the Board. (7) The Member Secretary shall write and maintain confidential reports of all the officers and staff of the Board. (8) The Member Secretary shall exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be delegat ed to him from time t o time by the Board.Ex-208-2012 3 12. Meetings of the Board (1) The Board may meet at least two times a year normally after six months at the Headquarters of the Board. (2) The Chairperson shall, upon a written request from not less than five members of the Board or upon a direction of the St ate Government, call a special meeting of the Board. (3) Fifteen days notice of an ordinary meeting and three days notice of a special meeting specifying the purpose, the time and the place at which such meeting is to be held, shall be given to the members. (4) Every meeting shall be presided over by the Chairperson and in his absence, by a Board member aut ho rized by him. (5) The decision of the Board shall, if necessary, be taken by a simple majority of the members present and voting and the Chairperson or in his absence, the member presiding shall have a second or casting vote. (6) Each member shall have one vote. (7) Quorum for the meeting of the Board shall be five. (8) No member shall be entitled to bring forward for t he considerat ion of a meeting any matter of which he has not given fifteen days notice unless the Chairperson in his discretion permits him to do so. (9) Notice of the meeting may be given to the members by delivering the same by messenger or se nd ing it by r e gis t e r e d p o s t t o his las t k no wn plac e o f r es id ence o r bu sine ss o r in s uc h o t her manner as the Member Secretary of the Board may, in the circumstances of the case think fit. (10) In addition, the Board may evolve such ot her procedure for the t ransaction of its business, as it may deem fit and proper. 13. Appointment of Expert Committee by the Board and their Entitlements (1) The Board may constitute any number of committees for such purposes as it may deem fit consisting wholly of members or wholly of other persons or partly of members or partly of other persons. (2) The members of the committee may include the local knowledgeable experts of the Biodiversity Management Committee in herbal medicine, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, fishing, handicrafts, handloom, non timber forest produce, culture, tradition and folklore, tourism, wildlife, value addit io n et c. (3) The members of the committee other than the members of the Board shall be paid such fees and allowances for attending the meetings as the Board may deem fit. (4) The Board may invite any person, whose assistance or advice it considers useful to obtain in performing any of its functions, to participate in the deliberations of any of its meetings. Such person associated with the Board shall be entitled t o get allowances as prescribed by Board fro m t ime t o t ime. 14. General functions of the Board In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the other provisions, the Board may perform the following functions: (1) Lay down the procedure and guidelines to govern the activities provided under section 23 of the Act. Ex-208-20124 (2) Advise t he State Go vernment on any matter concerning conservation of biodiversity, sustainable us e o f it s co mp o ne nt s a nd fair a nd eq uit a ble s ha r in g o f bene fit s ar is in g o ut o f t he u se o f bio lo g ic al resource and knowledge. (3) Pro vide liveliho o d suppo rt t o t ho se villa gers who have shift ed o r are in t he pro cess o f shift ing fro m unsust ainable liveliho o ds t o sust ainable liveliho o ds. (4) Promote and strengthen individuals and institutions who are already working towards conservation, sustainable use, and equitable benefit-sharing of biological resources. (5) Provide technical assistance and guidance to the departments of the St ate Government. (6) Regulate by granting of approval or otherwise requests for commercial utilization or bio-survey and bio-utilization of any biological resource by Indian nationals. Provided that the provision of this rule shall not apply to the local people and communities of the area, including growers and cultivators of biodiversity, and local practitioners(ramhmul damdawi siamte) who have been practicing indigenous medicine. (7) Facilitate updating and implementation of State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. (8) Commission studies and sponsor investigations and research (9) Engage consultant, for a specific period, for providing technical assistance to the Board in the effective discharge of its functions. (10) Collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data, manuals, codes or guides relating to conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resource and knowledge. (11) Organize through mass media a comprehensive programme regarding conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resource and knowledge. (12) Plan and organize training of personnel engaged or likely to be engaged in programmes for the conservation of biological biodiversity and sust ainable use o f its components. (13) Prepare the annual Budget of the Board incorporating its own receipts as also the devaluation from the State and Central Government provided that the allocation by the Central Government shall be operated in accordance with the budget provisions approved by the Central Go vernment. ( 14) T he Bo ar d sha ll have full p o wer s fo r a ppr o val anden-bloc sanction of the annual budget and work programme. (15) Propose creation of posts to State Government, for effective discharge of the functions by the Board and to create such posts, provided that no such post whether permanent, temporary or of any nature, would be created without prior appro val of the St ate Government. (16) Approve the method of recruitment or promotions to such posts. (17) Take steps to build up data-base and to create information and documentation system for biological resources and associated traditional knowledge through biodiversity registers and electronics data bases, to ensure effective management, promotion and sustainable uses. (18) Give advise and directio ns to the local bodies. Biodiversity Manag ement Commit t ees in writ ing and through appro priate oral means, for effective implementation of the Act, and to facilitate their meaningful participation in all measures relating to conservation, sustainable use. and equitable benefit-sharing. ( 19) Repo r t t o t he S t at e Go ve r nment abo ut t he funct io ning o f t he Boar d and imp leme nt at io n of the Act and the rules made therein.Ex-208-2012 5 (20) Recommend, prescribe, modify, collection of fee of biological resources other than forest pro du ce fro m t ime t o t ime. (21) To devise methods to ensure protect ion of rights including intellectual property rights over bio logical reso urces and asso ciated knowled ge inclu ding syst ems o f maint aining co nfident ialit y of such information as appropriate, including the protection of the information recorded in Peo ple’s Bio dive rsit y Regist ers. (22) Sanction grants-in-aid and grants to Biodiversity Management Committees for specific purposes. (23) Undertake physical inspection of any activity or work to check whether it is in accordance to the Act. (24) Ensure that biodiversity and biodiversity-dependent livelihoods are integrated into all sectors of planning and management, and at all levels of planning fro m local to St ate, t o enable such sectors and administrative levels to contribute effectively to conservation and sustainable use. (25) Perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act or as may be prescribed by the State Government from time to time. (26) Shall have power to acquire, hold and dispose of propert y, both movable and immovable and enter into contract for the same. (27) Award individually or as a group, or both for innovation and contribution in the biodiversity sect or of the state. (28) Formulate indicators to evaluate the performance of the Biodiversity Management Committee, and annually reward the best performing Biodiversity Management Committee at each level in the State. (29) Based on this evaluation, poorly performing Biodiversity Management Committee may be dissolved by the Board on the recommendation of the concerned local body and new Biodiversity Management Committee reconstituted in its place. 15. Powers and Duties of the Chairperson (1) The Chairperson shall ensure that the affairs of the Board are run efficiently and in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules made therein (2) The Chairperson shall have the powers of general superintendence over the officers and staff of the Board and Chairperson may issue necessary directions for the conduct and management of affairs of the Board. (3) The Chairperson shall convene and preside over all the meetings of the Board and shall ensure that all decisions taken by the Board are implemented in a proper manner. (4) The Chairperson shall exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be delegat ed to him from time t o time by the Board. (5) The Chairperson shall exercise all the administrative and financial powers through the member secretary of the Board, subject to ratification by the Board in subsequent meetings. 16. Terms and Conditions of Service of employees of the Board (1) The terms and conditions of the employees of the Board shall be the same as those of correspo nding scale of pay under the State Government, the appo intments in general shall be on contractual basis or on deputation, unless otherwise decided by the State Government. 17. Procedure for access to or collection of biological resources (Section 24 of the Act) (1) Any person seeking access to or collection of biological resources and associated knowledge for research or for commercial utilization shall make an application to the Board in Form I as Ex-208-20126 given in schedule. Every application shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 100/- in case such access is for research purpose and Rs 1000/- for commercial utilization, and shall be in the form of a cheque or demand draft. (2) The Board after due appraisal of the application and after consultation with the concerned local bodies and after collect ing such additional information, as it may deem necessary shall decide the application, as far as possible within a period of 3 months of receipt of the same. In this context, the word “ consult” for the purposes of the act, includes the following steps, inter alia: (a) issuing of public not ice, in local languages, of the proposal for access or co llection;. ( b) disc uss io n w it h t he gener a l ass embly o f t he lo c al bo dy; a nd (c) formal consent from the assembly after being provided adequate information about the pro p o sal and it s imp licat io ns fo r c o nservat io n and liveliho o ds. (3) On being satisfied with the merit of the application, the Board may allow the application or r est r ic t any such act ivit y if it is o f t he o pinio n t hat such act ivit y is det r iment al o r co nt r ar y t o t he o bje ct iv e s o f co ns e r vat io n and su st aina ble us e o f bio dive r s it y o r eq uit a ble s ha r ing o f benefits arising out of such activity. (4) A written agreement duly signed by an authorized officer of the Board and the applicant shall govern the access/collection and benefit sharing. The form of the agreement shall be decided by the Board. (5) The conditions for approval may specifically provide measures for conservation and protection of biological resources to which the approval being granted. (6) The Board may reject the application if it considers that the request cannot be acceded to after recording the reasons thereof. Before passing an order of rejection, the applicant shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard. No order shall be made without an opportunity of being heard is given to the person being affected. (7) Any information given in the form referred to in sub rule of (1) shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed, either intentionally or unintentionally, to any person not concerned thereto. 18. Revocation of access/approval (1) The Board may either on the basis of any complaint orsuo moto withdraw the approval granted by it for access and revoke the written agreement under the following conditions: (i) On the basis of reasonable belief that the person accessing the said bio-resource has violated any of the provisions of the Act or the condition on which application was allowed; (ii) When the person has failed to comply with the terms of agreement; (iii) On failure to comply with any of the conditions of access; (iv) On account of overriding public interest or for protection of environment and conservation of biological diversity, and protection of the rights, livelihoods, and knowledge of local communities; (2) The revocation order shall be made only after making such inquiries as required and giving the person so affected an opportunity of being heard. (3) The Board shall send a copy of such revocation order to the Biodiversity Management Committees for prohibiting the access and also to assess the damage, if any, caused and take steps to recover the damage.Ex-208-2012 7 19. Restriction on activities related to access to biological resources (1) The Board, if it deems necessary and appropriate, shall take the steps to restrict or prohibit the pro posal for access to biological resources for the following reasons: (i) The request for access is for any threatened species, or species that is likely to become threatened due to such access. (ii) The request for access is for any endemic and rare species. (iii) The request for access may likely to result in adverse effect on the livelihoods, culture, or indigenous knowledge of the local people. (iv) The request to access may result in adverse environmental impact which may be difficult to control and mitigate. (v) The request for access may cause genetic erosion or affecting the eco system function. (vi) Use of resources for purposes contrary to national interest and other related international agreements entered into by the country. (2) Any order of restriction shall be made only after making such inquiries as required, consulting the concerned local bodies and Biodiversity Management Committees, and giving the person so affected an opport unity of being heard. 20. Operation of State Biodiversity Fund (Section 31 & 32 of the Act) (1) The Board shall have bank accounts in a nationalized bank, which shall be operated by the Member Secretary of the Board or by such other officer of the Board as may be authorized by it in this regard. (2) The State Biodiversity Fund will have two separate heads of accounts, one relating to the receipts (grants and loans) from the Central Government/ National Biodiversity Authority and State Government, including receipts from such other sources as decided by the Board and other concerning the fee, license fee, ro yalty, o ther receipts of the Board. (3) The State Government, after due appropriation made by the State legislature by the law in this behalf, pay to t he Bo ard such sum o f money as t he St ate Government may think fit for being utilized for the purpose of the Act. (4) The Board shall have powers to receive the funds from National and International donor agencies duly complying with the provisions of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976. The Member Secretary shall have the power to prepare and submit such proposals and also execute such projects after approval of the Board. (5) The Board will frame guidelines on ways to ensure that decisions regarding the management and use of the Fund are transparent and accountable t o the public. 21. Annual Report and Annual Statement of Accounts (Sections 33 & 34 of the Act) (1) The Board shall prepare its annual report for each financial year giving detailed account of its activities and annual statement of accounts and submit the same to the State Government. (2) The Board shall lay down the procedure for upkeep of the accounts. The accounts of the Board shall be audited annually by the Chartered Accountant appointed for the purpose by the Board. Accountant General of the State may as well audit the accounts and the expenditure towards this shall be payable by the Board. (3) The Board shall submit the Annual Report together with the audited statement of accounts for each financial year to the St ate Government by September each year so as to enable the St ate Go vernment to lay the repo rts before the Assembly. Ex-208-20128 22. Establishment and Management of Biodiversity Heritage Site (Section 37 of the Act) (1) In consultation with the local bodies and other key stakeholders, the Board shall take necessary steps to facilitate setting up of areas of significant biodiversity values as heritage sites. Following recommendation from the Board and after consultation with the Central Government, the State Government shall issue notification to this effect. (2) The Board will frame guidelines on the selection, management, and other aspects of Heritage Sites, ensuring that these provide decision-making role to relevant Biodiversity Management Committees. 23. Constitution of Biodiversity Management Committees (Section 41 of the Act) (1) Ever y lo cal body shall const itut e a Bio diversity Management Co mmit t ee wit hin its area o f ju risdic t io n. Ac co r dingly, Bio d ive rsit y Ma nag eme nt Co mmit t e es are t o be co nst it ut e d a t t he Village Co uncil level. (2) The Biodiversity Management Committees constituted shall have persons nominated by t he lo ca l bo d y, o f w ho m n o t less t han o ne t hir d and p r efer ably o ne half s ho uld be wo me n. Six local knowledgeable persons being so nominated should be drawn fro m amongst the herbalists, agriculturist, Non Timber Forest Produce collectors, wildlife resource persons, fisher folk, representatives of user asso ciations, community workers, and academicians and any person/ representative of organization whom the local body trusts that he/she can significant ly co nt ribut e t o t he mandat e o f t he Bio diversit y Management Commit t ee. All t he above should be residents within the said local body limits and be in the voters list. (3) The Chairperson of the concerned local body shall be the ex-officio member of the Biodiversity Management Committee and function as the Chairperson of the Biodiversity Management Committ ee. (4) The nominated members of the Biodiversity Management Committee shall have tenure of three years. (5) In mat t ers relat ed t o wild bio lo gical diversit y and/o r bio lo gical diversit y fo und in fo rest land, it shall be mandatory for the Biodiversity Management Committee to seek the assistance of the concerned Joint Forest Management Committ ee (JFMC) and/or Eco-Development Committee (EDC). (6) The local body shall nominate six special invitees from any of the departments such as forests, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, rural development, education etc. (7) The concerned area MLA would be special invitee to the meetings of the Biodiversity Management Committees at different levels. (8) A technical support group comprising of experts in thefield of biodiversity drawn from government agencies, NGOs. academia, community and individuals will be established by Village Council. The expert groups shall lend support to Biodiversity Management Committees. (9) The key mandate of the Biodiversity Management Committees will be to ensure conservation, sust ainable ut ilizat io n and equit able sharing o f benefit s fro m t he bio diversit y. T he Bio diversit y Management Committees shall facilitate preparation of People’s Biodiversity Registers. The Register shall contain comprehensive information on availability and knowledge of local biological resources, their medicinal or any other use or any other traditional knowledge associated with them. The Village Biodiversity Management Committee shall be responsible for developing a district wide network of People’s Biodiversity Register database. The People’s Biodiversity Register shall be prepared at the Village Biodiversity Management Committee level by usingEx-208-2012 9 the process and the format set by the Board. The Biodiversity Management Committees and local bodies will be responsible for ensuring the protection of the knowledge do cumented in the PBRs, especially to regulate its access to outside agencies and individuals. (10) The concerned local body shall provide the members of the Biodiversity Management Committee with Photo Identification Cards. (11) Not withstanding anything cont ained in any ot her law, for the time being in force, if t he Bo ard or any officer authorized by it or the Biodiversity Management Committee has reasonable gro unds for believing that an offence or contravention under the Act has been committed: (i) Require any such person to produce for inspection biological resources in his control, custody or possession, or any license, permit or any other document granted to him or required to be kept by him under the provisions of the Act; (ii) Stop any vehicle or vessel in order to conduct search or inquiry or enter upon and search any premises, land, vehicle, or vessel in the occupation of such person, and open and search any bag gage o r o ther t hings in his po ssession including vario us analog or digit al data storage devices like computers, cameras, video cameras, digital cameras and their accessories; (iii) Stop and detain any person, whom he sees doing any act for which a license or permit is required under the provisions of the Act. If such person fails to produce the license or permit, then inform the Village Biodiversity Management Committee and the Member Secretary of the Board and hand over the case to the forest officer having jurisdiction over the biological resource concerned in respect of which the offence has been committed. (iv) Seize any scheduled biological resource or derivative thereof in respect of which an offence against the Act appears to have been committed together with any tool, vehicle, vessel, or weapon used for committing any such offence and inform the Village Biodiversity Management Committee and the Member Secretary of the Board and hand over the case to the forest officer having jurisdiction over the biological resource concerned in respect of which the offence has been committed. (v) The forest officer may give the seized biological resource for safe custody on the execution by any person of a bond for t he production of the same if and when so required, before the court of law to try the o ffence on account of which the seizure has been made. (vi) Any person detained, or things seized under the foregoing power, shall forthwith be taken before the court of law to be dealt with according to law. (vii) Any person who, wit hout reasonable cause fails to produce anything, which is required to produce under this section, shall be guilty of an offence under the Act. (12) No su it , pr o se cut io n o r o t he r lega l p ro c eed ing s s ha ll lie ag ainst t he me mbe rs o f t he Bio d ive rsit y Management Committee or the forest officer for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under the Act or the rules o r regulations made there under. (13) The other functions of the Biodiversity Management Committees are to advise on any matter referred to it by the State Biodiversity Board or Authority for granting approval, to maintain data about the traditional health practitioners and other users of biological resources or as may be prescribed by the State Go vernment. (14) The Village Co uncil Bio diver sit y Management Co mmit t ee will serve as a super viso ry agency for the overall functioning of Biodiversity Management Committees in the district. (15) The Village Bio diversit y Management Co mmit t ees shall st rive t o mainst ream bio diversit y conservation concerns in the developmental planning at the local level. Ex-208-201210 (16) The Board shall provide guidance and technical support to the Biodiversity Management Committees for preparing People’s Biodiversity Registers, and shall ensure that all information reco rded in such Regist ers receives legal protection against misuse and appropriation by outside agencies and individuals. (17) The Committee shall also maintain a Register giving information about the details of the access to biological resources and traditional knowledge granted, details of the collection fee imposed and details of the benefits derived and t he mode of their sharing. (18) The Biodiversity Management Committee at Village Council level may decide on the terms under which they would permit access to biodiversity resources and associated knowledge to different parties for various purposes from within their jurisdiction and levy charges by way of collection fees from any person for accessing or collecting any biological resource for commercial purpose from area falling within its jurisdiction. The .major share of levy charged for the material collected /cultivated from private land should be given to the owner / cultivator of the land/ knowledge holder/s and the ba la nc e sho u ld be d ep o sit ed in Lo c al Bio d iver sit y F und o f Bio d iversit y Ma na ge ment Co mmit t e e. The levy charged for the material collected / cultivated from government land should be totally depo sit ed in lo c al Bio diver sit y Fund o f Bio dive rsit y Manag ement Co mmit t ee. (19) The Board shall provide guidelines for terms of access and fee collection by the Biodiversity Management Committees. (20) The Village Council Biodiversity Management Committee will prepare a Biodiversity Ma nag eme nt Pla n u sing o ut p ut fro m P eo p le’s Bio d iversit y Re gist er and w ill be re spo nsible fo r, o r part icipat e in, it s implement at io n. (21) The local bodies shall ensure t hat the Biodiversity Management Committees are integrated with the functioning of existing local inst itutions, by cross-membership, regular coordination meetings, and other such measures as determined by the local bodies or as specified by the Board. (22) In t o urism/t rek king de st inat io ns, t he Bio d ive rsit y Mana gement Co mmit t ee shall in co nsult at io n with the concerned Joint Forest Management Committee / Eco-Development Committee pass a resolution indicating the “ecotourism code” to be observed in their tourism/trekking destination. The code should include the mechanism to ensure that the tourism remains environment friendly, prevent biopiracy, be culturally acceptable, and result in equitable sharing of the benefits. This code should ensure that the villagers get a fair and equal employment opportunity and that the trekkers and travel agents get timely and quality service. (23) To promptly inform the Village Biodiversity Management Committee and the Board whenever t his eco t o urism c o de is vio la t ed. (24) A copy of the ecotourism code duly reco mmended by the Biodiversity Management Committee and the concerned Joint Forest Management Committ ee / Eco-Development Committ ee shall be forwarded to the concerned Village Biodiversity Management Committee for their approval. The Biodiversity Management Committee shall also be authorized to amend the ecotourism code in consultation with the concerned Joint Forest Management Committee / Eco-Development Committee and forward the same to the Village Biodiversity Management Committee for approval. The Village Biodiversity Management Committee shall keep the Board informed of the ecotourism code and its amendments. The Board shall pro vide a copy of these to the Tourism Depart ment and associations of tour and travel agents in the State. 24. Local Biodiversity Fund (Section 42-46 of the Act) (1) At t he le vel o f lo c al bo d y, t he lo c al bio d ive rsit y fund shall be co nst it ut e d.Ex-208-2012 11 ( 2 ) T he Bo a r d shall p r o vide t o t he lo ca l bo dy a ny lo a n o r gr ant r e ceive d by it fr o m S t at e Go ve r nme nt , Central Government or from the Authority for the purpose of the Act. The local body can also access such funds from other sources as it identifies, or as specified by the Board. (3) The local biodiversity fund shall be operated by the Biodiversity Management Committees. The Board shall lay down the operational guidelines for operation of the fund by the Biodiversity Management Committees, including ways in which its functioning is transparent and accountable to all members of the relevant local body. (4) The Biodiversity Management Committee shall maintain one bank account, for the local biodiversity fund in any nationalized bank or the Mizoram Rural Bank. The Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the Committee shall jointly operat e this account. The withdrawal of funds shall be made only after obtaining the written approval from all the members of the Biodiversit y Manag ement Commit tee. (5) At the time of implementation of any work by the Biodiversity Management Committee, before actual commencement of works, a display board shall be installed at a prominent public place wit hin t he village like Co mmunit y Hall, Scho o l, etc. enumerat ing t he fo llo wing namely: (i) Year of establishment of the Biodiversity Management Committee, (ii) Name of the work or initiative. (iii) Duration of work, (iv) Annual Physical and Financial target, (v) List of beneficiaries, (vi) It em of works to be undertaken along with their locat ion and cost estimate. (6) The fund shall be used for the co nservation and pro motion of biodiversity in the areas falling within the jurisdiction of the concerned local body and for the benefit of the local community in so far such use is consistent with conservation of biodiversity. (7) Specifically the fund shall be used to provide livelihood support to those villagers who have shifted out or are in the process of shifting fro m unsustainable livelihoods to sustainable ones. (8) The account of the local biodiversity fund shall be prepared, in such forms as specified by the Board and during each financial year at such time as may be prescribed. (9) Wherever an offence or co ntravention under t he Act has been detected with the assistance of t he Bio diver sit y Manageme nt Co mmit t ee t he Bo ard sha ll cr edit 50% o f t he a mo unt o f fine in the Local Biodiversity Fund of the concerned Biodiversity Management Committee. (10) The Biodiversity Management Committee shall prepare its annual report, giving full account of its activities during the previous financial year, and submit a copy thereof to the Board and a copy to the general assembly of the local body. (11) The accounts of the local biodiversity fund shall be maintained and audited in such manner as may be specified by the Board. Dr. S.S. Garbyal, Principal Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment and Fo rest s Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-208-201212

The Mizoram Municipality (Disclosure of Assets and Furnishing of other information) Act, 2012 (Act No. 8 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 209Date - 01/05/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 1.5.2012 Vaisakha II, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 209NOTIFICATIONNo. H.12018/225/2012-LJD, the 25th April, 2012. The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizo ram Municipalit y (Disclo sure o f Asset s and Furnishing o f o t her info rmat io n) Act, 2012 (Act No. 8 of 2012) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 10th April, 2012} P. Singthanga, Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, AN ACT to provide for transparency and accountability in the functioning of municipalities in Mizoram It is enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mizoram in the Sixty third of the Republic of India as follows : 1.1) This Act may be called the Mizoram Municipality (Disclo sure of Asset s and Furnishing o f Ot her Information) Act, 2012. 2) It shall extend to such municipalities as may be notified by the State Government from time to time; 3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by no tification, appoint in this behalf. 2.In t his Act , unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context,- 1) “Assets” means all immovable assets vested in the municip alit y; 2) “Municipality” means an inst itution of self government constituted under Article 243-Q of the Constitution of India; 3) “Ot her Info rmat io n” means t ho se info rmat io n as list ed in the Schedule to this Act and as may further be prescribed; 4) “Prescribed” means prescribed by the rules made under this Act; 5) “Schedule” means the Schedule or Schedules appended to this Act; 6) “State Government” means the State Government of Mizo ra m. 3.Every municipa lit y whet he r a Municip al Co rpo rat io n o r Co unc il or a Nagar Panchayat, by what-ever name called, shall maintain and publish all its records duly catelogued and indexed, in a manner and form which enables t he municipality under this Act to disclose the required information as specified in Part-A and Part-B of the Schedule at quart erly intervals. Short title, extent and commencement Definitions Obligations of Municipality Ex-209/20122 4.Manner of Disclosure shall include:- (a)Newspaper in regional and English language; (b)Internet; (c)No t ic e Bo ards o f t he municipa lit y; (d)Ward Offices; (e)Any other mode, as may be prescribed by the State Go ver nment fro m time t o time. 5.(1)The State Government may, by notification, make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act. (2)E ver y r u le mad e unde r t his A ct s ha ll be la id , as s o o n as may be after it is made, before the State Legislature. Manner of disclosure Power to make Rules SCHEDULE[ Section 3 ] P a r t A1.Particulars and assets of the municipality; 2.A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more person constituted as its part or the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; 3.A directory of its officers and employees; 4.The particulars of officers who grant concession, permits or authorization for each activity; Pa rt B1.Audited financial statements of Balance Sheet, Receipts and Expenditures, and Cash Flow on a quarterly basis, within two months of end of each quarter; and statutorily audited financial statements for the full financial year, within three months of the end of the financial year; 2.The service levels being provided for each of the services being undertaken by the municipality; 3.Particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures, actual expenditures on major services provided or activities performed and reports on disbursements made; 4.Details of subsidy programmes on major services provided or activities performed by the municipality, and manner and criteria of identification of beneficiaries for such programmes;Ex-209/2012 3 5.Part iculars of the Master plan, City Development Plan or any other plan concerning the development of the municipal area; 6.The particulars of major works as may be defined in the Rules to be made under this Act, together with information on the value of works, time of completion, and details of contract; 7.The details of the municipal funds i.e., income generated in the previous year by the following:- (a) Taxes, duties, cess and surcharge, rent from the properties, fees from licenses and permission; (b) Taxes, duties, cess and surcharge, rent from the properties, fees from licenses and permission that remain uncollected and the reasons thereof; (c) Share of taxes levied by the State government and transferred to municipality and the grants released to the municipality; (d) Grants released by the State government for implementation of the schemes, projects and plan assigned or entrusted to the municipality the nature and extent o f ut ilizat io n; (e) Money raised through donation or contribution from public or no n governmental agencies; 8.Annual budget allocated to each ward; 9.Such ot her information as may be included in this Schedule from time to time. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-209/20124

The Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. 7 of 2012)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 210Date - 01/05/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 1.5.2012 Vaisakha 11, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 210NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12018 / 98/ 2001- LJD, the 25th April, 2012. The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. 7 of 2012) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 20th April, 2012} P. Sing thanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram (1) This Act may be called the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) (Amendment)Act,2012. (2) It shall have the like extent of the Principal Act. (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by Notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. In short title of the Principal Act, the words ‘Government Land’ shall be substituted by the words, ‘Public Land’. (1)After clause (g) of section 2 of the Principal Act, the following new clauses shall be inserted namely:- “ (h) ‘ Public Land’ means any land / area of land recognized by the locality or its surrounding people not as a land belonging to any private individual or person or institution, and shall include Government land, Public Space and Community Land; (i) ‘ Public Space’ means any space reserved and recognized by the public for the purpose of gathering and other purposes; (j) ‘ Community Land’ means any land / area of land recognised by the locality or its surrounding people as a ‘ Community Land’ which includes, but is not limited to, village safety reserve, village supply reserve, grazing areas, water bodies, playgrounds, grave- yards and other such common-use-land or area.” Section 3 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the following, namely :- “3. PROHIBITION OF ENCROACHMENT OF PUBLIC LAND - No person shall encroach or occupy any Public Land, for whatsoever reason or purpose, without prior and express permission of the Govern- ment.” Section 4 of the Princip al Act shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “4. PENALTY FOR UNAUTHORISED OCCUPATION OF PUB- LIC LAND - Any person who has willfully encroached upon any Public Land in violation of the provision or provisions of this Act and the rules 1.Short title, extent, and commencement- 2.Amendment of short title of the principal Act- 3 Amendment of section 2 of the principal Act-AN ACT further to amend the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2012 (Act No. 7 of 2001) (her einafter referred to a s the ‘ Principal Act’.) It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram in the Sixty-third year of the Republic of India as follows: 4 . Subs titutio n of section 3- 5 . Substitution of section 4- Ex-210/20122 made thereunder shall be liable to eviction after being given an opportu- nity of being heard. Such an offender or offenders shall also pay penal rent for the period of such encroachment, and the crops or other agricul- tural or forest produce, building or any other construction on such land shall be liable to be forfeited.” In sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Principal Act, the words ‘the Gov- ernment Land’ shall be substituted by the words, namely, ‘Public Land’. In sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Principal Act, the words “property of the Government,” shall be substituted by the words, namely, ‘Public Land’. In section 9 of the Principal Act, the words “property of the Govern- ment” shall be substituted by the words, namely, ‘Public Land’. Section 10 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the following namely :- “10. RECOVERY OF PENAL RENT AS A PUBLIC DEMAND:- Any amount of fine or penal rent as may be imposed under this Act on any person unauthorisedly occupying or encroaching upon any Public Land shall be recoverable from him in form of public demand under the Mizoram Public Demands Recovery Act, 2001, as amended from time to time”. After section 10 of the Principal Act, the following new section 10A shall be inserted namely :- “10A. PENALTY - (1) Any person, or group of persons, or institution or organisation or public or private entity who willfully aids, abets or en- courages any unauthorised occupation or illegal encroachment of any Public Land, or willfully obstructs any person in doing any of the Acts authorised by Section 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month, or with fine not ex- ceeding two thousand rupees, or with both. (2) No court other than the court of a Judicial Magistrate of the First Class shall take cognizance of, or try, an offence under this Act. (3) No court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act except on a complaint in writing of a Revenue Officer specially authorised for the purpose”. After the words, “pass such order” in sub-section (2) of Section 11 of the Principal Act, the following words shall be inserted, namely, “in revi- sion”. (2) After sub-section (4) of Section 11 of the Principal Act, a new sub- section shall be added as follows, namely- “(5) The manner in which an appeal or a revision may be entertained and disposed of under this section shall be such as may be prescribed”. 6 . Amendment of section 5- 7 . Amendment of section 7- 8 . Amendment of section 9- 9. Substition of section 10- 10. Insertion of new section 10A- 11. Amendment of section 11- Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-210/2012 3

Village Education Register (VER) for the purpose of maintaining records of children up to the age of fourteen years residing within a particular neihgborhood.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 224Date - 11/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B.14013/22/2012-EDN, the 7th May, 2012.In pursuance of section 9 (d) of the Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Act, 2009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to prescribe Village Education Register (VER) for the purpose of mainta ining recor ds of children up to the age of fourteen years residing within a particular neihgborhood. The Register shall be maintained both by Headmaster/ Head Teacher and VEC Secret ary as p er pres cribed r egisters appended her ewith. F.Lalthuamluaia, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Edu cation Department The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 11.5.2012 Vaisakha 21, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 224RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- - 2 - Ex - 224/2012 VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER for Head Master/Head Teacher - 3 -Ex - 224/2012 Name of School: ................................................................................... Name o f Villag e/Habitat io n: ................................................................................... Name of Circle: ................................................................................... Name o f Dist rict: ................................................................................... Certified that this register contains ______________ pages Signature - 4 - Ex - 224/2012 GENERAL INSTRUCTION * He register chhunga thu ziah luh reng reng te ziah nan BALL POINT PEN tui dum emaw pawl emaw chauh hman tur a ni. Gel ink Pen, F o u n ta i n P e n , P i l o t P e n , e tc te h ma n l o h tu r a n i . * T h u z i a h l u h r e n g r e n g t e ma w i l e h f e l f a i t a ka z i a h t u r a n i . * Ziah sual palh a awm chuan thai chhe nuai lovin, a khamphei zawngin va w i kh a t c ha u h th ai ch h ia t tu r a ni . * He lehkhabu hi kum nga (5) chhung hman tur a nih avangin uluk tak le h d im ta ka e n ka w l tu r a n i . * Thu ziah luh dawn apiangin tahrik ni ziah zel tur a ni. CHHINCHHIAH BIK TUR VER-I atanga VER-III i hman dawn hian tlar hmasa berah fiah takin 30th September, 2012 tih i ziak anga, Hemi kuma ziah tur i ziah zawh hunah chuan phek thar kaiin tlar hmasa berah 30th September, 2013 tih i ziak leh dawn nia. Chutiang zelin - - 5 -Ex - 224/2012 CODE HRANG HRANGTE Rualban lohnate (Type of Disability)Codes Mit thatlohna (Visual impairment) VI Tawng leh ri hriatna thatlohna (Hearing impairment/Speech difficulty) HI Taksa pianken dik lohna (Physical deformity) PD Chhan dang (Others) OT Type of SchoolsCodes Government School/Local Body 1 Private recognized school 2 Private non-recognised 3 AS/NFE 4 Anganwadi/Balwadi 5 Muqtab/Madrsa 6 Sikul bansan chhan (Probable Reasons for Dropout)Codes Sikul tawt lutuk (Crowded Classroom) 1 Zirtirtu nena inngeih lohna (Problem with teacher) 2 Lehkha thiam theih loh vang (Difficulties in learning) 3 Sikul hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching the school) 4 Nau awm ngai (Sibling care) 5 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 6 Pem (Migration) 7 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning member for the family) 8 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 9 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 10 Zir zo tawh (Completed the desired level) 11 Chhan dang (Any other) 12 Sikul luh loh chhan (Pr obable Reasons for Non-enrolment)Codes Sikul kalna hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching) 1 Nau awm (Sibling care) 2 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 3 Pem (Migration) 4 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning) 5 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 6 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 7 Hnam leh sakhaw ngaihdanin a phal loh (Community/Social taboo) 8 Sikul hla lutuk (School too far) 9 Zirlai ngaihsak loh (Child not interested in studies) 10 Nu leh pain an ngaithah (Parents not interested in studies) 11 Sikul danga Admission nghak (Awaiting admission for the next level) 12 Chhan dang (Any other) 13 Tuna naupangin a tih mek (Present Engagement of the child)Codes In lam hna tul thawh (Helping in household work) 1 Nau awm (Sibling Care) 2 Dawr nghah (Working in shops/stalls) 3 Hlo thlawh (Working as Agriculture Labourer) 4 Tei rawlai (Roaming around) 5 - 6 - Ex - 224/2012 VER-I hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1. He chhinchhiahnaa naupang hming thunluh hun atana hun bithliah chu September ni 30 a ni thin ang. 2. Kum 2012, September ni 30 atanga bul tanin, kum tinin naupang a pawl zirlai kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4, leh kum 5-a a zir zat pawl ziah lan tur. 3. Entirna: KC Thanga chu sikul lut rual a lo ni ta a, September 30, 2012 hian kum 7 a lo ni a, pawl-2 hemi kum hian a zir a, a kum leh 2013-ah chuan pawl-3 a kai chho a, kum 2014-ah chuan fail-in a su nawn a. Tichuan VER-I-a ziah dan tur chu - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: 7 (September 30,2012-ah) Kum 1: II (a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 2: III (2013-a a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 3: III (2014-a a pawl zirlai zat) 4. Naupang lut thar chungchang: KC Thanga chu kum 2014-ah sikul a lut ve a. A ziah luh dan tur chu - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: A luh kuma a kum zat Kum 1 - kum 5: Kum 2012 kum 1-na anga chhutin kum 3-na zawhah a pawl zat ziah tur. Tichuan pawl zat ziahna co lumn veilamah he sikul a luh hmaa a dinhmun chu ............., sikul kum la tling lo , lut ngai lo, sikul dang atanga rawn insawn etc tih ziah tur. 5. Naupang sikul chhuahsan: Naupang tupawh kum laklawh emaw sikul kum tawpah emaw a kalna thin sikul lo chhuahsan ta se, hetiang hian ziah tur - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: Ziahlan sa tawh Kum 1 - kum 5: a sikul chhuahsan kum taka kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4 emaw kum 5- ah emaw chuan ‘sikul danga insawn’ emaw ‘zirlai bansan’ emaw a milpui apiang ziah luh tur. ‘Zirlai bansan’ a nih chuan VER II a milpui berah a hming ziah luh nghal tur. - 7 -Ex - 224/2012FORM AT No.2 VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER :NaupangSikulkallaitechhinchhiahna NameofLocality:.................................................................................................(Tobeupdatedannually.Renewedeveryfiveyears) SocialGroup:........................................................ *Sex: F-female M -M ale Sl.No. Hming Nu/PaHming Kum Sex* Class Name of School Naupang rualbanlo anihchuana rualbanlohdan Kum tinaapawlzirzat Kum 1-na Kum 2-na Kum 3-na Kum 4-na Kum 5-na Naupangzawngzawng 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Boys 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Girls 7 to 10 Yearsage: Boys 7 to 10 Yearsage: Girls 11 to 14Yearsage: Boys 11 to 14Yearsage: Girls Rualbanlo 1 2 3 4 5 - 8 - Ex - 224/2012 VIL VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER for VEC Secretary - 9 -Ex - 224/2012 Name of School: .................................................................................... Name of Village/Habitation: .................................................................................... Name of Circle: .................................................................................... Name of District: .................................................................................... Certified that this register contains ______________ pages Signature - 10 - Ex - 224/2012 GENERAL INSTRUCTION * He register chhunga thu ziah luh reng reng te ziah nan BALL POINT PEN tui dum emaw pawl emaw chauh hman tur a ni. Gel ink Pen, F o u n ta i n P e n , P i l o t P e n , e tc te h ma n l o h tu r a n i . * T h u z i a h l u h r e n g r e n g t e ma w i l e h f e l f a i t a ka z i a h t u r a n i . * Ziah sual palh a awm chuan thai chhe nuai lovin, a khamphei zawngin va w i kh a t c ha u h th ai ch h ia t tu r a ni . * He lehkhabu hi kum nga (5) chhung hman tur a nih avangin uluk tak le h d im ta ka e n ka w l tu r a n i . CHHINCHHIAH BIK TUR VER-I atanga VER-III i hman dawn hian tlar hmasa berah fiah takin 30th September, 2012 tih i ziak anga, Hemi kuma ziah tur i ziah zawh hunah chuan phek thar kaiin tlar hmasa berah 30th September, 2013 tih i ziak leh dawn nia. Chutiang zelin - - 11 -Ex - 224/2012 CODE HRANG HRANGTE Rualban lohnate (Type of Disability)Codes Mit thatlohna (Visual impairment) VI Tawng leh ri hriatna thatlohna (Hearing impairment/Speech difficulty) HI Taksa pianken dik lohna (Physical deformity) PD Chhan dang (Others) OT Type of SchoolsCodes Government School/Local Body 1 Private recognized school 2 Private non-recognised 3 AS/NFE 4 Anganwadi/Balwadi 5 Muqtab/Madrsa 6 Sikul bansan chhan (Probable Reasons for Dropout)Codes Sikul tawt lutuk (Crowded Classroom) 1 Zirtirtu nena inngeih lohna (Problem with teacher) 2 Lehkha thiam theih loh vang (Difficulties in learning) 3 Sikul hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching the school) 4 Nau awm ngai (Sibling care) 5 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 6 Pem (Migration) 7 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning member for the family) 8 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 9 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 10 Zir zo tawh (Completed the desired level) 11 Chhan dang (Any other) 12 Sikul luh loh chhan (Probable Reasons for Non-enrolment)Codes Sikul kalna hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching) 1 Nau awm ngai (Sibling care) 2 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 3 Pem (Migration) 4 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning) 5 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 6 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 7 Hnam leh sakhaw ngaihdanin a phal loh (Community/Social taboo) 8 Sikul hla lutuk (School too far) 9 Zirlai ngaihsak loh (Child not interested in studies) 10 Nu leh pain an ngaithah (Parents not interested in studies) 11 Sikul danga Admission nghak (Awaiting admission for the next level) 12 Chhan dang sawi fiah la (Any other) (to specify) 13 Tuna naupangin a tih mek (Present Engagement of the child)Codes In lam hna tul thawh (Helping in household work) 1 Nau awm (Sibling Care) 2 Dawr nghah (Working in shops/stalls) 3 Hlo thlawh (Working as Agriculture Labourer) 4 Tei rawlai (Roaming around) 5 - 12 - Ex - 224/2012 VER-I HMAN DAN TUR A KAIHHRUAINA 1. He chhinchhiahnaa naupang hming thunluh hun atana hun bithliah chu September ni 30 a ni thin ang. 2. Kum 2012, September ni 30 atanga bul tanin, kum tinin naupang a pawl zirlai kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4, leh kum 5-a a zir zat pawl ziah lan tur. 3. Entirna: KC Thanga chu sikul lut rual a lo ni ta a, September 30, 2012 hian kum 7 a lo ni a, pawl-2 hemi kum hian a zir a, a kum leh 2013-ah chuan pawl-3 a kai chho a, kum 2014-ah chuan fail-in a su nawn a. Tichuan VER- I-a ziah dan tur chu -Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: 7 (September 30,2012-ah) Kum 1: II (a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 2: III (2013-a a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 3: III (2014-a a pawl zirlai zat) 4. Naupang lut thar chungchang: KC Thanga chu kum 2014-ah sikul a lo lut ve a. A ziah luh dan tur chu - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: A luh kuma a kum zat Kum 1 - kum 5: Kum 2012 kum 1-na anga chhutin kum 3-na zawhah a pawl zat ziah tur. Tichuan pawl zat ziahna column veilamah he sikul a luh hmaa a dinhmun chu ............., sikul kum la tling lo, lut ngai lo, sikul dang atanga rawn insawn etc tih ziah tur. 5. Naupang sikul chhu ahsa n: Naupang tupawh kum laklawh emaw sikul kum tawpah emaw a kalna thin sikul lo chhuahsan ta se, hetiang hian ziah tur - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: Ziahlan sa tawh Kum 1 - kum 5: a sikul chhuahsan kum taka kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4 emaw kum 5-ah emaw chuan ‘sikul danga insawn’ emaw ‘zirlai bansan’ emaw a milpui apiang ziah luh tur. ‘Zirlai bansan’ a -13- Ex-224/2012 FORM AT No.2 VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER :NaupangSikulkallaitechhinchhiahna NameofLocality:.................................................................................................(Tobeupdatedannually.Renewedeveryfiveyears) SocialGroup:........................................................ *Sex: F-female M -M ale Sl.No. Hming Nu/PaHming Kum Sex* Class Name of School Naupang rualbanlo anihchuana rualbanlohdan Kum tinaapawlzirzat Kum 1-na Kum 2-na Kum 3-na Kum 4-na Kum 5-na Naupangzawngzawng 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Boys 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Girls 7 to 10 Yearsage: Boys 7 to 10 Yearsage: Girls 11 to 14Yearsage: Boys 11 to 14Yearsage: Girls Rualbanlo 1 2 3 4 5 VER-II ‘A’ LEH II ‘B’ hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1. Heng phekte hi sikul lut ngai reng reng lo leh zirlai bansante hming ziahna tur a ni. Phek hran hrante hi kum bithliah a zir leh hmeichhia leh mipa te ziahna tur bik a ni. 2.Entirna: KC Thanga chu sikul lut rual lo niin, September 30, 2012 hian kum 7 a ni a, sikul a luh loh chhan chu, ‘inhlawh/eizawng tura hnathawh’ ngaih vang a ni. Sikul la kai chhin eih lo a ni. 3. Lianzauva chu sikul lut rual niin, kum 2013, 30th September-ah kum 8 a tling a. Hemi lai hian sikul a lut lova. Chhui chianin sikul chu a lo lut thin a, pawl-II zir zovin zirlai bansan hi a lo ni a. A sikul bansanna chhan chu ‘naute awm ngaih vang’ a ni.N. B. - Sikul ban chhan, rualban loh dan, sikul luh ngai loh hrim hrim chhan leh tuna hnathawh mek te hi a code-a dah tur a ni a. He lehkhabu tir lamah hian ziahlan a ni. 4. Entirna-I Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga, Kum 7-10 inkar mipa ziahna tur phekah ziah tur. Kum: 7 Zir san ber: 0 Sikul luh loh chhan: 5 ( sikul lut chhin eih lote tana code en rawh) 5. Entirna - I Column indawtin: Hming: Lianzauva, Kum 7-10 inkar mipa ziahna tur phekah ziah tur. Kum: 8 Zir san ber: II Sikul luh loh chhan: 05 ( zirlai bansan tana code en rawh) Ex - 224/2012 -14- Ex - 224/2012FORM AT No.3A VER-II(A) VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER (Sikullutlo naupang kum 5 -10 tan) SocialGroup:........................................................ (Tobeupdatedannually.Renewedeveryfiveyears) A : Survey laia naupangin a tih mek; B: Sikula luh tan ni. Sl. No. Hming Kum Zirsan ber Sikul luh loh chhan Tuna naupangin a tih mek Kum 2-na dinhmun Kum 3-na dinhmun Kum 4-na dinhmun Kum 5-na dinhmun Age-group and related attribute Age5+ to 6+ years:Girls _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ -15- Ex-224/2012 A B A B A B A B VER-III hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1. Heng phekahte hian nausen leh naupang sikul lo la lut turte chhinchhiah tur a ni. 2. Reference year chu kum 2012, September ni 30 a ni ang. 3.Age as on .................... Tihah hian hetiang hian dah tur a ni. Kum 2012, September 30-ah chuan line hmasa berah ‘30 September, 2012’ tiin ziak la. Hemi ni leh 29.9.2013 inkara nau piang reng reng leh kum 0- 5 te ziah luh tur 30.9.2013 a lo thlen hunah he column-ah hian 30 September, 2012 ziakin a chung ami ang khian tih lehzel tur, Chutiang zelin. 4.Kum tinin, sikul admission lai velah, kum ruk tling turte la chhuak la, an nu leh pate hnenah an fate sikul luhtir ngen thin ang che. 5. ‘Pre-Primary School a kal em’ tih ah hian pre-primary school emaw, anganwadi-ah emaw an kal leh kal loh ziah tur. 6. ‘Sikul a luh theih hun tur ’ tih ah hian kum 6 an tlin hun tur ziah tur. 7. ‘Kum ruk a tlin ni a a dinhmun’ tih ah hian Sl. No.4 anga hma i lak hnuah, hemi kum vek 30th September- a sikul a luh leh luh loh ziah tur. FORMAT No.4VER-III VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER For recording details of children of 0-5 years(To be updated annually. Renewed every five years) SlNaupang HmingNu/PaAge a s on P r e- P r ima r y Sikul a luh Kum 6 a No.Hming ............ School atheih huntlin ni a, kal em?tura dinhmun Ex - 224/2012 -16- FORMAT 5/I&II; 6/I&II hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1.He format hi VER-II ‘A’ khaikhawmna a ni. 2.Kum bithliah hrang hrang leh hmeichhia leh mipa belhkhawm a milpui zelah dahkhah tur a ni. 3.Modal reason for being out of school-ah hian, code hrang hrang sikul luh loh chhan zinga a tam ber code kha dah tur. 4.Tuna naupangin a tih mek - tih ah hian ‘tuna hnathawh mek’ code hrang hrang zinga a tam ber kha dah tur. 5.Hetiang zel hian kum tinin khaikhawm tur a ni.Ex - 224/2012 -17- FORMAT No.5/I Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group :....................... Age group: 5+ to 10+ years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 1-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls FORMAT No.5/II Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group :....................... Age group: 5+ to 10+ years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 2-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 3-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 4-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girlsOIII III IVOIII III IVOIII III IVOIII III IVEx - 224/2012 -18- Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 5-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls Source : VER-II (A) FORMAT No.6/I Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group......................... Age group : 11 to 14 years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 1-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls FORMAT No.6/II Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group......................... Age group : 11 to 14 years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 2-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 3-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mekOIII III IVOI II III IVV VI VIIO I II III IVV VI VIIEx - 224/2012 -19-O I II III IVV VI VII 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 4-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 4-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Source : VER-III (B) Ex - 224/2012 -20-OI II III IVV VI VIIOI II III IVV VI VII FORM AT No.7/I Khaw khatchhunga naupang zawng zawng dinhmun khaikhawmna Frequency:Annual Habitation................................;RevenueVillageName.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... Social Group Numberofchildren of 5+ to 6+ age group Nunmberofchildren of7 to 10+ age group Numberofchildren of11 to 14 age group Sikul kal Sikul kallo Sikul kal Sikul kallo Sikul kallo Sikul kal Boys Sikul kal Sikul kallo Sikul kallo Sikul kal Girls Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls SC ST General* Total FORM AT No.7/II Khaw khatchhunga naupang zawng zawng dinhmun khaikhawmna Frequency:Annual Habitation................................;RevenueVillageName.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... SocialGroup Numberofchildren of5+ to 14 agegroup In School OutofSchool TOTAL Boys Boys Boys Girls Girls Girls SC ST General Total Ex-224/2012 -21- FORM AT No.7/III Habitation LevelConsoliadated reportfor-Cross-checking Frequency::Onceonlyatthetimeofconductinghouseholdsurvey Habitation................................;RevenueVillageName.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... Ex-224/2012 -22- Social Group SC ST General* Total Numberof households Below 3yrs >=18 yrs Grand Total Female Female Female Female Female Female TOTAL Male Male Male Male Male Male >=3 to<6 yrs>=6to<11yrs>=11to<14yrs >=14to<18yrs Male Social Group SC ST General* Total Numberof households Below 3yrs >=18 yrs Grand Total Female Female Female Female Female Female TOTAL Male Male Male Male Male Male >=3 to<6 yrs>=6to<11yrs>=11to<14yrs >=14to<18yrs Male Social Group SC ST General* Total Numberof households Below 3yrs >=18 yrs Grand Total Female Female Female Female Female Female TOTAL Male Male Male Male Male Male >=3 to<6 yrs>=6to<11yrs>=11to<14yrs >=14to<18yrs Male Habitation................................;RevenueVillage Name.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... Habitation................................;RevenueVillage Name.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... FORM AT No.8 Khawkhatchhunga naupang sikullutlo khaikhawmna Habitation..............................;RevenueVillage Name............................................;ClusterName..................................;BlockName ............... SocialGroup Sikulkallo kum 5 atanga 6 inkartedinhmun kimchang Sikulkallo Sikulluh loh chhan (M odal) Tuna naupangin a tih laimek (M odal) Boys Girls SC ST General* TOTAL Total Sikulkallo kum 7 atanga 10 inkartedinhmun kimchang Social Group Mipanaupangsikulkal lotezirthlen chin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tunanaupangin atih laimek(Modal) Hmeichhenaupang sikul kallotezirthlenchin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tuna naupangin atihlaimek (Modal) O I II III IV O I II III IV SC ST General* Ex-224/2012 -23- Sikulkallo kum 11 atanga 14 inkartedinhmun kimchang Social Group Mipanaupangsikulkal lotezirthlen chin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tunanaupangin atihlai mek(Modal) Hmeichhenaupang sikul kallotezirthlenchin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tuna naupangin atihlaimek (Modal) O I II III IV V VI VII O I II III IV V VI VII SC ST General* Total PublishedandIssuedbyController,Printing&StationeryDepartment,GovernmentofMizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,Aizawl.C/500 Ex-224/2012 -24-

The Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002

VOL - XLIISSUE - 191Date - 13/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 13.4.2012 Chaitra 24, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 191Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 14011 / 2 / 2011- DCA (M), the 13th April, 2012. WHEREAS, as provided under sub- para (1) & (6A) of Para 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution read with sub- rule (1) & (2) of Rule 9 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, the term of the existing Mara Autonomous District Council is due to expire on 10th M a y, 2012 ; and WHEREAS, in terms of sub- rule (1) of Rule 142 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, a General Election has to be held for the purpose of constituting a new District Council for the Mara Autonomous District. WHEREAS, THEREFORE,as recommended by the State Elect ion Commission, in exer- cise of the powers conferred by sub- rule (2) of 142 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Con- stitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to call upon every Constituency in the said Autonomous District to elect a member to the said District Council in accordance with the said Rules and orders made by the State Election Commission there under. By order in the name of the Governor, P. S ingtha nga, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department.

Village Education Register (VER)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 224Date - 11/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B.14013/22/2012-EDN, the 7th May, 2012.In pursuance of section 9 (d) of the Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Act, 2009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to prescribe Village Education Register (VER) for the purpose of mainta ining recor ds of children up to the age of fourteen years residing within a particular neihgborhood. The Register shall be maintained both by Headmaster/ Head Teacher and VEC Secret ary as p er pres cribed r egisters appended her ewith. F.Lalthuamluaia, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Edu cation Department The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 11.5.2012 Vaisakha 21, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 224RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- - 2 - Ex - 224/2012 VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER for Head Master/Head Teacher - 3 -Ex - 224/2012 Name of School: ................................................................................... Name o f Villag e/Habitat io n: ................................................................................... Name of Circle: ................................................................................... Name o f Dist rict: ................................................................................... Certified that this register contains ______________ pages Signature - 4 - Ex - 224/2012 GENERAL INSTRUCTION * He register chhunga thu ziah luh reng reng te ziah nan BALL POINT PEN tui dum emaw pawl emaw chauh hman tur a ni. Gel ink Pen, F o u n ta i n P e n , P i l o t P e n , e tc te h ma n l o h tu r a n i . * T h u z i a h l u h r e n g r e n g t e ma w i l e h f e l f a i t a ka z i a h t u r a n i . * Ziah sual palh a awm chuan thai chhe nuai lovin, a khamphei zawngin va w i kh a t c ha u h th ai ch h ia t tu r a ni . * He lehkhabu hi kum nga (5) chhung hman tur a nih avangin uluk tak le h d im ta ka e n ka w l tu r a n i . * Thu ziah luh dawn apiangin tahrik ni ziah zel tur a ni. CHHINCHHIAH BIK TUR VER-I atanga VER-III i hman dawn hian tlar hmasa berah fiah takin 30th September, 2012 tih i ziak anga, Hemi kuma ziah tur i ziah zawh hunah chuan phek thar kaiin tlar hmasa berah 30th September, 2013 tih i ziak leh dawn nia. Chutiang zelin - - 5 -Ex - 224/2012 CODE HRANG HRANGTE Rualban lohnate (Type of Disability)Codes Mit thatlohna (Visual impairment) VI Tawng leh ri hriatna thatlohna (Hearing impairment/Speech difficulty) HI Taksa pianken dik lohna (Physical deformity) PD Chhan dang (Others) OT Type of SchoolsCodes Government School/Local Body 1 Private recognized school 2 Private non-recognised 3 AS/NFE 4 Anganwadi/Balwadi 5 Muqtab/Madrsa 6 Sikul bansan chhan (Probable Reasons for Dropout)Codes Sikul tawt lutuk (Crowded Classroom) 1 Zirtirtu nena inngeih lohna (Problem with teacher) 2 Lehkha thiam theih loh vang (Difficulties in learning) 3 Sikul hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching the school) 4 Nau awm ngai (Sibling care) 5 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 6 Pem (Migration) 7 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning member for the family) 8 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 9 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 10 Zir zo tawh (Completed the desired level) 11 Chhan dang (Any other) 12 Sikul luh loh chhan (Pr obable Reasons for Non-enrolment)Codes Sikul kalna hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching) 1 Nau awm (Sibling care) 2 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 3 Pem (Migration) 4 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning) 5 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 6 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 7 Hnam leh sakhaw ngaihdanin a phal loh (Community/Social taboo) 8 Sikul hla lutuk (School too far) 9 Zirlai ngaihsak loh (Child not interested in studies) 10 Nu leh pain an ngaithah (Parents not interested in studies) 11 Sikul danga Admission nghak (Awaiting admission for the next level) 12 Chhan dang (Any other) 13 Tuna naupangin a tih mek (Present Engagement of the child)Codes In lam hna tul thawh (Helping in household work) 1 Nau awm (Sibling Care) 2 Dawr nghah (Working in shops/stalls) 3 Hlo thlawh (Working as Agriculture Labourer) 4 Tei rawlai (Roaming around) 5 - 6 - Ex - 224/2012 VER-I hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1. He chhinchhiahnaa naupang hming thunluh hun atana hun bithliah chu September ni 30 a ni thin ang. 2. Kum 2012, September ni 30 atanga bul tanin, kum tinin naupang a pawl zirlai kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4, leh kum 5-a a zir zat pawl ziah lan tur. 3. Entirna: KC Thanga chu sikul lut rual a lo ni ta a, September 30, 2012 hian kum 7 a lo ni a, pawl-2 hemi kum hian a zir a, a kum leh 2013-ah chuan pawl-3 a kai chho a, kum 2014-ah chuan fail-in a su nawn a. Tichuan VER-I-a ziah dan tur chu - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: 7 (September 30,2012-ah) Kum 1: II (a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 2: III (2013-a a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 3: III (2014-a a pawl zirlai zat) 4. Naupang lut thar chungchang: KC Thanga chu kum 2014-ah sikul a lut ve a. A ziah luh dan tur chu - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: A luh kuma a kum zat Kum 1 - kum 5: Kum 2012 kum 1-na anga chhutin kum 3-na zawhah a pawl zat ziah tur. Tichuan pawl zat ziahna co lumn veilamah he sikul a luh hmaa a dinhmun chu ............., sikul kum la tling lo , lut ngai lo, sikul dang atanga rawn insawn etc tih ziah tur. 5. Naupang sikul chhuahsan: Naupang tupawh kum laklawh emaw sikul kum tawpah emaw a kalna thin sikul lo chhuahsan ta se, hetiang hian ziah tur - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: Ziahlan sa tawh Kum 1 - kum 5: a sikul chhuahsan kum taka kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4 emaw kum 5- ah emaw chuan ‘sikul danga insawn’ emaw ‘zirlai bansan’ emaw a milpui apiang ziah luh tur. ‘Zirlai bansan’ a nih chuan VER II a milpui berah a hming ziah luh nghal tur. - 7 -Ex - 224/2012FORM AT No.2 VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER :NaupangSikulkallaitechhinchhiahna NameofLocality:.................................................................................................(Tobeupdatedannually.Renewedeveryfiveyears) SocialGroup:........................................................ *Sex: F-female M -M ale Sl.No. Hming Nu/PaHming Kum Sex* Class Name of School Naupang rualbanlo anihchuana rualbanlohdan Kum tinaapawlzirzat Kum 1-na Kum 2-na Kum 3-na Kum 4-na Kum 5-na Naupangzawngzawng 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Boys 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Girls 7 to 10 Yearsage: Boys 7 to 10 Yearsage: Girls 11 to 14Yearsage: Boys 11 to 14Yearsage: Girls Rualbanlo 1 2 3 4 5 - 8 - Ex - 224/2012 VIL VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER for VEC Secretary - 9 -Ex - 224/2012 Name of School: .................................................................................... Name of Village/Habitation: .................................................................................... Name of Circle: .................................................................................... Name of District: .................................................................................... Certified that this register contains ______________ pages Signature - 10 - Ex - 224/2012 GENERAL INSTRUCTION * He register chhunga thu ziah luh reng reng te ziah nan BALL POINT PEN tui dum emaw pawl emaw chauh hman tur a ni. Gel ink Pen, F o u n ta i n P e n , P i l o t P e n , e tc te h ma n l o h tu r a n i . * T h u z i a h l u h r e n g r e n g t e ma w i l e h f e l f a i t a ka z i a h t u r a n i . * Ziah sual palh a awm chuan thai chhe nuai lovin, a khamphei zawngin va w i kh a t c ha u h th ai ch h ia t tu r a ni . * He lehkhabu hi kum nga (5) chhung hman tur a nih avangin uluk tak le h d im ta ka e n ka w l tu r a n i . CHHINCHHIAH BIK TUR VER-I atanga VER-III i hman dawn hian tlar hmasa berah fiah takin 30th September, 2012 tih i ziak anga, Hemi kuma ziah tur i ziah zawh hunah chuan phek thar kaiin tlar hmasa berah 30th September, 2013 tih i ziak leh dawn nia. Chutiang zelin - - 11 -Ex - 224/2012 CODE HRANG HRANGTE Rualban lohnate (Type of Disability)Codes Mit thatlohna (Visual impairment) VI Tawng leh ri hriatna thatlohna (Hearing impairment/Speech difficulty) HI Taksa pianken dik lohna (Physical deformity) PD Chhan dang (Others) OT Type of SchoolsCodes Government School/Local Body 1 Private recognized school 2 Private non-recognised 3 AS/NFE 4 Anganwadi/Balwadi 5 Muqtab/Madrsa 6 Sikul bansan chhan (Probable Reasons for Dropout)Codes Sikul tawt lutuk (Crowded Classroom) 1 Zirtirtu nena inngeih lohna (Problem with teacher) 2 Lehkha thiam theih loh vang (Difficulties in learning) 3 Sikul hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching the school) 4 Nau awm ngai (Sibling care) 5 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 6 Pem (Migration) 7 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning member for the family) 8 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 9 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 10 Zir zo tawh (Completed the desired level) 11 Chhan dang (Any other) 12 Sikul luh loh chhan (Probable Reasons for Non-enrolment)Codes Sikul kalna hla lutuk (Difficulties in reaching) 1 Nau awm ngai (Sibling care) 2 In lam hna tul vang (Household work) 3 Pem (Migration) 4 Eizawn tul vang (Additional earning) 5 Retheih vang (Financially weak) 6 Kaihruaitu awm lo (Lack of guidance) 7 Hnam leh sakhaw ngaihdanin a phal loh (Community/Social taboo) 8 Sikul hla lutuk (School too far) 9 Zirlai ngaihsak loh (Child not interested in studies) 10 Nu leh pain an ngaithah (Parents not interested in studies) 11 Sikul danga Admission nghak (Awaiting admission for the next level) 12 Chhan dang sawi fiah la (Any other) (to specify) 13 Tuna naupangin a tih mek (Present Engagement of the child)Codes In lam hna tul thawh (Helping in household work) 1 Nau awm (Sibling Care) 2 Dawr nghah (Working in shops/stalls) 3 Hlo thlawh (Working as Agriculture Labourer) 4 Tei rawlai (Roaming around) 5 - 12 - Ex - 224/2012 VER-I HMAN DAN TUR A KAIHHRUAINA 1. He chhinchhiahnaa naupang hming thunluh hun atana hun bithliah chu September ni 30 a ni thin ang. 2. Kum 2012, September ni 30 atanga bul tanin, kum tinin naupang a pawl zirlai kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4, leh kum 5-a a zir zat pawl ziah lan tur. 3. Entirna: KC Thanga chu sikul lut rual a lo ni ta a, September 30, 2012 hian kum 7 a lo ni a, pawl-2 hemi kum hian a zir a, a kum leh 2013-ah chuan pawl-3 a kai chho a, kum 2014-ah chuan fail-in a su nawn a. Tichuan VER- I-a ziah dan tur chu -Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: 7 (September 30,2012-ah) Kum 1: II (a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 2: III (2013-a a pawl zirlai zat) Kum 3: III (2014-a a pawl zirlai zat) 4. Naupang lut thar chungchang: KC Thanga chu kum 2014-ah sikul a lo lut ve a. A ziah luh dan tur chu - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: A luh kuma a kum zat Kum 1 - kum 5: Kum 2012 kum 1-na anga chhutin kum 3-na zawhah a pawl zat ziah tur. Tichuan pawl zat ziahna column veilamah he sikul a luh hmaa a dinhmun chu ............., sikul kum la tling lo, lut ngai lo, sikul dang atanga rawn insawn etc tih ziah tur. 5. Naupang sikul chhu ahsa n: Naupang tupawh kum laklawh emaw sikul kum tawpah emaw a kalna thin sikul lo chhuahsan ta se, hetiang hian ziah tur - Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga Kum: Ziahlan sa tawh Kum 1 - kum 5: a sikul chhuahsan kum taka kum 1, kum 2, kum 3, kum 4 emaw kum 5-ah emaw chuan ‘sikul danga insawn’ emaw ‘zirlai bansan’ emaw a milpui apiang ziah luh tur. ‘Zirlai bansan’ a -13- Ex-224/2012 FORM AT No.2 VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER :NaupangSikulkallaitechhinchhiahna NameofLocality:.................................................................................................(Tobeupdatedannually.Renewedeveryfiveyears) SocialGroup:........................................................ *Sex: F-female M -M ale Sl.No. Hming Nu/PaHming Kum Sex* Class Name of School Naupang rualbanlo anihchuana rualbanlohdan Kum tinaapawlzirzat Kum 1-na Kum 2-na Kum 3-na Kum 4-na Kum 5-na Naupangzawngzawng 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Boys 5+ to 6+ Yearsage: Girls 7 to 10 Yearsage: Boys 7 to 10 Yearsage: Girls 11 to 14Yearsage: Boys 11 to 14Yearsage: Girls Rualbanlo 1 2 3 4 5 VER-II ‘A’ LEH II ‘B’ hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1. Heng phekte hi sikul lut ngai reng reng lo leh zirlai bansante hming ziahna tur a ni. Phek hran hrante hi kum bithliah a zir leh hmeichhia leh mipa te ziahna tur bik a ni. 2.Entirna: KC Thanga chu sikul lut rual lo niin, September 30, 2012 hian kum 7 a ni a, sikul a luh loh chhan chu, ‘inhlawh/eizawng tura hnathawh’ ngaih vang a ni. Sikul la kai chhin eih lo a ni. 3. Lianzauva chu sikul lut rual niin, kum 2013, 30th September-ah kum 8 a tling a. Hemi lai hian sikul a lut lova. Chhui chianin sikul chu a lo lut thin a, pawl-II zir zovin zirlai bansan hi a lo ni a. A sikul bansanna chhan chu ‘naute awm ngaih vang’ a ni.N. B. - Sikul ban chhan, rualban loh dan, sikul luh ngai loh hrim hrim chhan leh tuna hnathawh mek te hi a code-a dah tur a ni a. He lehkhabu tir lamah hian ziahlan a ni. 4. Entirna-I Column indawtin: Hming: KC Thanga, Kum 7-10 inkar mipa ziahna tur phekah ziah tur. Kum: 7 Zir san ber: 0 Sikul luh loh chhan: 5 ( sikul lut chhin eih lote tana code en rawh) 5. Entirna - I Column indawtin: Hming: Lianzauva, Kum 7-10 inkar mipa ziahna tur phekah ziah tur. Kum: 8 Zir san ber: II Sikul luh loh chhan: 05 ( zirlai bansan tana code en rawh) Ex - 224/2012 -14- Ex - 224/2012FORM AT No.3A VER-II(A) VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER (Sikullutlo naupang kum 5 -10 tan) SocialGroup:........................................................ (Tobeupdatedannually.Renewedeveryfiveyears) A : Survey laia naupangin a tih mek; B: Sikula luh tan ni. Sl. No. Hming Kum Zirsan ber Sikul luh loh chhan Tuna naupangin a tih mek Kum 2-na dinhmun Kum 3-na dinhmun Kum 4-na dinhmun Kum 5-na dinhmun Age-group and related attribute Age5+ to 6+ years:Girls _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ -15- Ex-224/2012 A B A B A B A B VER-III hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1. Heng phekahte hian nausen leh naupang sikul lo la lut turte chhinchhiah tur a ni. 2. Reference year chu kum 2012, September ni 30 a ni ang. 3.Age as on .................... Tihah hian hetiang hian dah tur a ni. Kum 2012, September 30-ah chuan line hmasa berah ‘30 September, 2012’ tiin ziak la. Hemi ni leh 29.9.2013 inkara nau piang reng reng leh kum 0- 5 te ziah luh tur 30.9.2013 a lo thlen hunah he column-ah hian 30 September, 2012 ziakin a chung ami ang khian tih lehzel tur, Chutiang zelin. 4.Kum tinin, sikul admission lai velah, kum ruk tling turte la chhuak la, an nu leh pate hnenah an fate sikul luhtir ngen thin ang che. 5. ‘Pre-Primary School a kal em’ tih ah hian pre-primary school emaw, anganwadi-ah emaw an kal leh kal loh ziah tur. 6. ‘Sikul a luh theih hun tur ’ tih ah hian kum 6 an tlin hun tur ziah tur. 7. ‘Kum ruk a tlin ni a a dinhmun’ tih ah hian Sl. No.4 anga hma i lak hnuah, hemi kum vek 30th September- a sikul a luh leh luh loh ziah tur. FORMAT No.4VER-III VILLAGE EDUCATION REGISTER For recording details of children of 0-5 years(To be updated annually. Renewed every five years) SlNaupang HmingNu/PaAge a s on P r e- P r ima r y Sikul a luh Kum 6 a No.Hming ............ School atheih huntlin ni a, kal em?tura dinhmun Ex - 224/2012 -16- FORMAT 5/I&II; 6/I&II hman dan tur a kaihhruaina 1.He format hi VER-II ‘A’ khaikhawmna a ni. 2.Kum bithliah hrang hrang leh hmeichhia leh mipa belhkhawm a milpui zelah dahkhah tur a ni. 3.Modal reason for being out of school-ah hian, code hrang hrang sikul luh loh chhan zinga a tam ber code kha dah tur. 4.Tuna naupangin a tih mek - tih ah hian ‘tuna hnathawh mek’ code hrang hrang zinga a tam ber kha dah tur. 5.Hetiang zel hian kum tinin khaikhawm tur a ni.Ex - 224/2012 -17- FORMAT No.5/I Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group :....................... Age group: 5+ to 10+ years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 1-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls FORMAT No.5/II Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group :....................... Age group: 5+ to 10+ years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 2-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 3-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 4-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girlsOIII III IVOIII III IVOIII III IVOIII III IVEx - 224/2012 -18- Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 5-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being outnaupanginzat of schoola tih mek 5+ to 6+ years boys 7 to 10+ years boys 5+ to 6+ years girls 7 to 10+ years girls Source : VER-II (A) FORMAT No.6/I Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group......................... Age group : 11 to 14 years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 1-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls FORMAT No.6/II Sikul kal lote dinhmun khaikhawmna Social group......................... Age group : 11 to 14 years Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 2-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 3-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mekOIII III IVOI II III IVV VI VIIO I II III IVV VI VIIEx - 224/2012 -19-O I II III IVV VI VII 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 4-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Sikul kal lote dinhmun - Kum 4-na a, a dinhmun No. of children ofStudied upto classModal reasons TunaRualbanlo a ge gr oupfor being out naupangin za t of schoola tih mek 11 to 12 years boys 12+ to 14 years boys 11 to 12 years girls 1 2 + to 1 4 ye a r s gir ls Source : VER-III (B) Ex - 224/2012 -20-OI II III IVV VI VIIOI II III IVV VI VII FORM AT No.7/I Khaw khatchhunga naupang zawng zawng dinhmun khaikhawmna Frequency:Annual Habitation................................;RevenueVillageName.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... Social Group Numberofchildren of 5+ to 6+ age group Nunmberofchildren of7 to 10+ age group Numberofchildren of11 to 14 age group Sikul kal Sikul kallo Sikul kal Sikul kallo Sikul kallo Sikul kal Boys Sikul kal Sikul kallo Sikul kallo Sikul kal Girls Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls SC ST General* Total FORM AT No.7/II Khaw khatchhunga naupang zawng zawng dinhmun khaikhawmna Frequency:Annual Habitation................................;RevenueVillageName.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... SocialGroup Numberofchildren of5+ to 14 agegroup In School OutofSchool TOTAL Boys Boys Boys Girls Girls Girls SC ST General Total Ex-224/2012 -21- FORM AT No.7/III Habitation LevelConsoliadated reportfor-Cross-checking Frequency::Onceonlyatthetimeofconductinghouseholdsurvey Habitation................................;RevenueVillageName.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... Ex-224/2012 -22- Social Group SC ST General* Total Numberof households Below 3yrs >=18 yrs Grand Total Female Female Female Female Female Female TOTAL Male Male Male Male Male Male >=3 to<6 yrs>=6to<11yrs>=11to<14yrs >=14to<18yrs Male Social Group SC ST General* Total Numberof households Below 3yrs >=18 yrs Grand Total Female Female Female Female Female Female TOTAL Male Male Male Male Male Male >=3 to<6 yrs>=6to<11yrs>=11to<14yrs >=14to<18yrs Male Social Group SC ST General* Total Numberof households Below 3yrs >=18 yrs Grand Total Female Female Female Female Female Female TOTAL Male Male Male Male Male Male >=3 to<6 yrs>=6to<11yrs>=11to<14yrs >=14to<18yrs Male Habitation................................;RevenueVillage Name.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... Habitation................................;RevenueVillage Name.................................;ClusterName.............................;BlockName............... FORM AT No.8 Khawkhatchhunga naupang sikullutlo khaikhawmna Habitation..............................;RevenueVillage Name............................................;ClusterName..................................;BlockName ............... SocialGroup Sikulkallo kum 5 atanga 6 inkartedinhmun kimchang Sikulkallo Sikulluh loh chhan (M odal) Tuna naupangin a tih laimek (M odal) Boys Girls SC ST General* TOTAL Total Sikulkallo kum 7 atanga 10 inkartedinhmun kimchang Social Group Mipanaupangsikulkal lotezirthlen chin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tunanaupangin atih laimek(Modal) Hmeichhenaupang sikul kallotezirthlenchin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tuna naupangin atihlaimek (Modal) O I II III IV O I II III IV SC ST General* Ex-224/2012 -23- Sikulkallo kum 11 atanga 14 inkartedinhmun kimchang Social Group Mipanaupangsikulkal lotezirthlen chin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tunanaupangin atihlai mek(Modal) Hmeichhenaupang sikul kallotezirthlenchin Sikulluh loh chhan (Modal) Tuna naupangin atihlaimek (Modal) O I II III IV V VI VII O I II III IV V VI VII SC ST General* Total PublishedandIssuedbyController,Printing&StationeryDepartment,GovernmentofMizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,Aizawl.C/500 Ex-224/2012 -24-


VOL - XLIISSUE - 226Date - 15/05/2012

CORRIDENDUMNo. F.23015/2/2005-AH&V, the 6th June, 2012.The date which appeared in the 2nd line of this office Notification No.F.23015/2/2005-AH&V dt. 28.5.2012 may be read as dt.8.9.2009 instead of dt.15.9.2012. No. F.23015/2/2005-AH&V, the 6th June, 2012.The date which appeared in the 2nd line of this office Notification No.F.23015/2/2005-AH&V dt. 28.5.2012 may be read as dt.15.9.2009 instead of dt.8.9.2012. C.Zothankimi Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, A.H. & Veterinary Depart ment No. G.16016/5/2012.F.IF&SL, the 31st May, 2012. In the interest of public service and for genera tion of a dditiona l revenues the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce a nd orga nize, through the Director. IF&SL, Paper lottery with the following descriptions:- 1. Name of lotteryFuture Hopes Thur sday Weekly 2. MRP per ticketRs. 2/- 3. Total number of tickets printed1 lakh 4. Gross value of tickets printedRs.2 lakhs 5. Distributor /Selling AgentM/s Teesta Distributor, T-121, Grace Villa, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 6. Area DistributorM/s Yama Lottery Distributor, Gangtok, Sikkim 7. Prize structureAs attached in Annex A 8. The amount offered as prize moneyRs. 1,48,404/- 9. Periodicit y of drawWeekly at 3 pm onwards 10. Draw placeDirectorate of IF&SL 11. Draw methodRandom Mechanical draw machine/computerized draw machine The revenues genera ted from the sa le proc eeds of the tic kets shall be invested for the welfar e of health care, educa tion, public sa nitation and other social sector services etc.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 15.5.2012 Vaisakha 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 226RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAMFUTURE HOPES THURSDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1ST DRAW ON 07-06-2012 1 110,000 - - ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 2 13,0043.000 200 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 3 102.0001,000 4 0 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 10 Nos. (0-9) 4 1 0 0 200 5 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 5 1 0 0 8 0 4 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 6 1000 4 0 2 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 100 Nos. TO TAL 1,01,004 42,0005,400 1,48,404 74.20% No. G.16016/5/2012.F.IF&SL, the 31st May, 2012. In the interest of public service and for genera tion of a dditiona l revenues the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce a nd orga nize, through the Director. IF&SL, Paper lottery with the following descriptions:- 1. Name of lotteryFuture Hopes Saturday Weekly 2. MRP per ticketRs. 2/- 3. Total number of tickets printed1 lakh 4. Gross value of tickets printedRs.2 lakhs 5. Distributor /Selling AgentM/s Teesta Distributor, T-121, Grace Villa, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 6. Area DistributorM/s Yama Lottery Distributor, Gangtok, Sikkim 7. Prize structureAs attached in Annex A 8. The amount offered as prize moneyRs. 1,48,404/- 9. Periodicit y of drawWeekly at 3 pm onwards 10. Draw placeDirectorate of IF&SL 11. Draw methodRandom Mechanical draw machine/computerized draw machine The revenues genera ted from the sa le proc eeds of the tic kets shall be invested for the welfar e of health care, educa tion, public sa nitation and other social sector services etc. FUTURE GREAT SATURDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1ST DRAW ON 09-06-2012 1 110,000 - - ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 2 1 3,0063.000 200 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 3 10 2.0001,000 4 0 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 10 Nos. (0-9) 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 5 1 0 0 80 4 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 6 1000 40 2 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 100 Nos. TO TAL 1,01,006 42,0005,400 1,48,406 74.20% No. G.16016/5/2012.F.IF&SL, the 31st May, 2012. In the interest of public service and for genera tion of a dditiona l revenues the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce a nd orga nize, through the Director. IF&SL, Paper lottery with the following descriptions:- RANKNO OF PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNTSUPER PRIZE AMOUNTDRAW METHOD SP EC IAL PRIZE AMOUNTRANKNO OF PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNTSUPER PRIZE AMOUNTDRAW METHOD SP EC IAL PRIZE AMOUNT 1. Name of lotteryFutur e Wish Friday Weekly 2. MRP per ticketRs. 2/- 3. Total number of tickets printed1 lakh 4. Gross value of tickets printedRs.2 lakhs 5. Distributor /Selling AgentM/s Teesta Distributor, T-121, Grace Villa, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 6. Area DistributorM/s Yama Lottery Distributor, Gangtok, Sikkim 7. Prize structureAs attached in Annex A 8. The amount offered as prize moneyRs. 1,48,404/- 9. Periodicit y of drawWeekly at 3 pm onwards 10. Draw placeDirectorate of IF&SL 11. Draw methodRandom Mechanical draw machine/computerized draw machine The revenues genera ted from the sa le proc eeds of the tic kets shall be invested for the welfar e of health care, educa tion, public sa nitation and other social sector services etc. FUTURE WISH FRIDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1ST DRAW ON 09-06-2012 1 110,000 - - ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 2 1 3,0063.000 200 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 3 10 2.0001,000 4 0 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 10 Nos. (0-9) 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 5 1 0 0 80 4 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 6 1000 40 2 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 100 Nos. TO TAL 1,01,005 42,0005,400 1,48,405 74.20% No. G.16016/5/2012.F.IF&SL, the 31st May, 2012. In the interest of public service and for genera tion of a dditiona l revenues the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce a nd orga nize, through the Director. IF&SL, Paper lottery with the following descriptions:- 1. Name of lotteryFutu re Bea utiful Wednesday Weekly 2. MRP per ticketRs. 2/- 3. Total number of tickets printed1 lakh 4. Gross value of tickets printedRs.2 lakhs 5. Distributor /Selling AgentM/s Teesta Distributor, T-121, Grace Villa, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 6. Area DistributorM/s Yama Lottery Distributor, Gangtok, Sikkim 7. Prize structureAs attached in Annex A 8. The amount offered as prize moneyRs. 1,48,404/- 9. Periodicit y of drawWeekly at 3 pm onwards 10. Draw placeDirectorate of IF&SL 11. Draw methodRandom Mechanical draw machine/computerized draw machine The revenues genera ted from the sa le proc eeds of the tic kets shall be invested for the welfar e of health care, educa tion, public sa nitation and other social sector services etc. RANKNO OF PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNTSUPER PRIZE AMOUNTDRAW METHOD SP EC IAL PRIZE AMOUNT RANKNO OF PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNTSUPER PRIZE AMOUNTDRAW METHOD SP EC IAL PRIZE AMOUNTRANKNO OF PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNTSUPER PRIZE AMOUNTDRAW METHOD SP EC IAL PRIZE AMOUNTFUTURE B EAUTIFUL WEDNESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1ST DRAW ON 09-06-2012 1 110,000 - - ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 2 1 3,0033.000 200 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 3 10 2.0001,000 4 0 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 10 Nos. (0-9) 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 5 1 0 0 80 4 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 6 1000 40 2 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 100 Nos. TO TAL 1,01,003 42,0005,400 1,48,403 74.20% No. G.16016/5/2012.F.IF&SL, the 31st May, 2012. In the interest of public service and for genera tion of a dditiona l revenues the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce a nd orga nize, through the Director. IF&SL, Paper lottery with the following descriptions:- 1. Name of lotteryFuture Happy Sunday Weekly 2. MRP per ticketRs. 2/- 3. Total number of tickets printed1 lakh 4. Gross value of tickets printedRs.2 lakhs 5. Distributor /Selling AgentM/s Teesta Distributor, T-121, Grace Villa, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 6. Area DistributorM/s Yama Lottery Distributor, Gangtok, Sikkim 7. Prize structureAs attached in Annex A 8. The amount offered as prize moneyRs. 1,48,404/- 9. Periodicit y of drawWeekly at 3 pm onwards 10. Draw placeDirectorate of IF&SL 11. Draw methodRandom Mechanical draw machine/computerized draw machine The revenues genera ted from the sa le proc eeds of the tic kets shall be invested for the welfar e of health care, educa tion, public sa nitation and other social sector services etc. FUTURE HAPPY SUNDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1ST DRAW ON 09-06-2012 1 110,000 - - ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 2 1 3,0003.000 200 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 3 10 2.0001,000 4 0 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 10 Nos. (0-9) 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 5 1 0 0 80 4 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 6 1000 40 2 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 100 Nos. TO TAL 1,01,000 42,0005,400 1,48,400 74.20% No. G.16016/5/2012.F.IF&SL, the 31st May, 2012. In the interest of public service and for genera tion of a dditiona l revenues the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce a nd orga nize, through the Director. IF&SL, Paper lottery with the following descriptions:- 1. Name of lotteryFuture Enjoy Tuesday Weekly 2. MRP per ticketRs. 2/- 3. Total number of tickets printed1 lakh 4. Gross value of tickets printedRs.2 lakhs 5. Distributor /Selling AgentM/s Teesta Distributor, T-121, Grace Villa, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 6. Area DistributorM/s Yama Lottery Distributor, Gangtok, Sikkim 7. Prize structureAs attached in Annex A 8. The amount offered as prize moneyRs. 1,48,404/- 9. Periodicit y of drawWeekly at 3 pm onwards 10. Draw placeDirectorate of IF&SL 11. Draw methodRandom Mechanical draw machine/computerized draw machine The revenues genera ted from the sa le proc eeds of the tic kets shall be invested for the welfar e of health care, educa tion, public sa nitation and other social sector services etc. FUTURE ENJOY TUESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1ST DRAW ON 09-06-2012 1 110,000 - - ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 2 1 3,0023.000 200 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 3 10 2.0001,000 4 0 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 10 Nos. (0-9) 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 5 1 0 0 80 4 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 6 1000 40 2 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 100 Nos. TO TAL 1,01,002 42,0005,400 1,48,402 74.20% No. G.16016/5/2012.F.IF&SL, the 31st May, 2012. In the interest of public service and for genera tion of a dditiona l revenues the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce a nd orga nize, through the Director. IF&SL, Paper lottery with the following descriptions:- 1. Name of lotteryFuture Bright Monday Weekly 2. MRP per ticketRs. 2/- 3. Total number of tickets printed1 lakh 4. Gross value of tickets printedRs.2 lakhs 5. Distributor /Selling AgentM/s Teesta Distributor, T-121, Grace Villa, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 6. Area DistributorM/s Yama Lottery Distributor, Gangtok, Sikkim 7. Prize structureAs attached in Annex A 8. The amount offered as prize moneyRs. 1,48,404/- 9. Periodicit y of drawWeekly at 3 pm onwards 10. Draw placeDirectorate of IF&SL 11. Draw methodRandom Mechanical draw machine/computerized draw machine The revenues genera ted from the sa le proc eeds of the tic kets shall be invested for the welfar e of health care, educa tion, public sa nitation and other social sector services etc.RANKNO OF PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNTSUPER PRIZE AMOUNTDRAW METHOD SP EC IAL PRIZE AMOUNT FUTURE B RIGHT MONDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1ST DRAW ON 09-06-2012 1 110,000 - - ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 2 1 3,0013.000 200 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 1 No. 3 10 2.0001,000 4 0 ON 5 DIGITS WITH OUT SERIES 10 Nos. (0-9) 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 5 1 0 0 80 4 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 10 Nos. 6 1000 40 2 0 4 ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 100 Nos. TO TAL 1,01,001 42,0005,400 1,48,401 74.20% Vanlalnghaka Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depa rtment No.H.14011/5/2007-DCA (M), the 1st June, 2012. Whereas it was expedient to have an election of Deputy Chairman to the 10th Mar a Autonomous District Council for the smooth functioning of the Council, and whereas after having followed all necessary for malities under the provisions of Rule 32 of the Mara Autonomous District Council ( Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, a s amended from time to time, Pu L.Prisila, MDC, Zawngling Constituency has been declared elected as Deputy Chairman of the said Council, in its second meeting on 16th May, 2012. Now, therefore, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accept and notify that P u L.Prisila has been duly elected as Deputy Chairman of the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council in the meeting of the Council held on 16th May, 2012. By order etc. P.Chakraborty Principal Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram. District Council Affairs Department. No.MADC.3/GAD/2012/, the 17th May, 2012. In partial modification of Notification under Memo No. MADC.3/GAD/2012/ Dated Saiha, the 15th May, 2012, Allocation of por tfolios amongst members of the Executive Committee is hereby notified for information and neccessary action to all concerned as shown against their names with immediate effect. Portfolios of any Executive Members during his a bsence from the headquarters will automatically fall with t he Chief Execut ive Member. 1.Puhpa R.T. Zachono, Chief Executive Member.1. General Administration Department. 2. Appoint ment, P osting & Transfer. 3. Planning & Programme & Implementation. 4. Finance. 5. A.H. & Vety Department. 6. Art & Culture Department. 7. Vigila nce. 8. Relief & Reha bilitation. The department which is not included in this notification and any subject which may come under Mara Autonomous District Council in due course shall be automa tically with the Chief Executive Member. RANKNO OF PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNTSUPER PRIZE AMOUNTDRAW METHOD SP EC IAL PRIZE AMOUNT 2.Puhpa N.Zakhai, Executive Member.1. Education Department (P.S. & M.S.) 2. S.S.A. 3. Board of School Education. 4. Adult Education. 3.Puhpa K.Hrahmo, Executive Member.1. Local Administration Department. 2. Urban Development. 3. Panchaya ti Raj Institution. 4. Law & Judicial. 5. Protocol. 6. Power & Electricity and Telephone. 4.Puhpa I.P.Junior, Executive Member.1. Agriculture Department. 2. Horticulture Department. 3. Sericu lture Department. 4. Minor Ir rigation Department. 5. Fishery Department. 5.Puhpa M.H.Tiabi, Executive Member.1. Public Works Department. 2. Informa tion & Public Department. 3. Information Technology. 4. Co-Operation Department. 6.Puhpa K.Chhuabei, Executive Member.1. R ural Development Department. 2. Industry Department. 3. Road Tr ansport Department. 7.Puhpa V.VB.Byhna, Executive Member.1. Soil & Water Conservation Department. 2. Socia l Welfare Department. 3. Sport & Youth Services Department. 8.Puhpa M.H.Tiabi, Executive Member.1. Public Works Department. 2. Informa tion & Public Department. 3. Information Technology. 4. Co-Operation Department. 9.Puhpa FC.Lawmkima, Executive Member.1. Land Revenue & Settlement. 2. Public Health Engineer Department. 3. Parliamentary Affairs. R.T.Zachono Chief Executive Member, Mara Autonomous District Council Saiha.

CORRIDENDUM General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 226Date - 15/05/2012

CORRIDENDUM General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 1-TONGKOLONG MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.K.L.BanaIndian National Congress357 2.J.RawnaMaraland Democratic F ront 442 Tota l Number of Electors: 921 Total Number of Votes Polled: 799 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. J.Rawna of Saiba Bazar has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 1-Tongkolong MDC Constituency The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 15.5.2012 Vaisakha 25, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 226RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 -- - 2 - Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 2-PHURA MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.K.PawhnieIndian National Congress365 2.Beisa KathieMaraland Democratic F ront 299 3.R.LalpathuamaIndependent282 Tota l Number of Electors: 1086 Total Number of Votes Polled: 946 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. K.Pawhnie of College Veng, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 2-Phura MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 3-VAHAI MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.K.ChhuabeiIndian National Congress695 2.Chima NohroMizo National Front 473 Tota l Number of Electors: 1281 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1168 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. K.Chhuabei of Saiba Bazar has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 3-Va hai MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 3 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the M ar a Autonomous Distr ict Council, 2012 fr om the 4-LAKI MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.T.SeidoIndian National Congress275 2.K.ChhalaiZoram Nationalist Party 13 3.B.PasiaMaraland Democratic F ront351 4.Pasa T.AzyuIndependent330 Tota l Number of Electors: 1048 Total Number of Votes Polled: 969 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. B.Pasia of Laki has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 4-La ki MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012Ex - 226/2012 - 4 - - 5 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 5-ZAWNGLING MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.L. Pr isilaIndian National Congress609 2.C. Va duMaraland Democratic F ront 496 Tota l Number of Electors: 1241 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1105 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. L.Prisila of Zawngling has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 5-Za wngling MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 - 6 - Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Elect ion to the M ar a Autonomous District Council, 2012 fr om the 6-C HAPUI MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.FC. ZaseIndian National Congress339 2.FC.RehmoMizo National Front 508 3.C.ChobiIndependent3 Tota l Number of Electors: 948 Total Number of Votes Polled: 850 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. FC.Rehmo of College Veng, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 6-Cha pui MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Ma ra Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 7-C HAKHANG MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.K.HrahmoIndian National Congress547 2.FC.SakhuMizo National Front 129 3.T.EssaIndependent 7 4.Mahu ChozahIndependent304 5.Sakho ChozahIndependent130 Tota l Number of Electors: 1588 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1090 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. K. Hrahmo of College Veng, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 7-Chakhang MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 7 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election t o the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 8-SIATA MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.M.ManasiaIndian National Congress415 2.M.ChiadungMaraland Democratic F ront 53 3.LC. ApawIndependent417 Tota l Number of Electors: 1025 Total Number of Votes Polled: 885 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. L.C.Apaw of Siata has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 6-Cha pui MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 8 - Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 9-T UISIH MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.S.KhipoIndian National Congress342 2.NC.BeichakheiIndependent 115 3.KhohuIndependent 6 4.Tia hlei S yuhloIndependent506 Tota l Number of Electors: 1047 Total Number of Votes Polled: 969 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. Tiahlei Syuhlo of Saiha Vengpui-III has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 9-Tuisih MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 9 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 10-TUIPANG-I MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.FC. LawmkimaIndian National Congress528 2.S.LalremthangaMaraland Democratic F ront 434 Tota l Number of Electors: 1070 Total Number of Votes Polled: 962 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. FC.Lawmkima of Tuipang V has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 10-Tuipang-I MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 10 - Ex - 226/2012 - 11 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 11-TUIPANG-II MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.HipheiIndian National Congress364 2.NghakmawiiMizo National Front 245 3.Belhu NohroIndependent348 Tota l Number of Electors: 1113 Total Number of Votes Polled: 957 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. Hiphei of New Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 11-Tuipang-II MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 12-LATAWH MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.Beir ahmo SyhlyIndian National Congress479 2.M.LaikawMaraland Democratic F ront 473 Tota l Number of Electors: 1033 Total Number of Votes Polled: 952 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. Beirahmo Syhly of Saiha Vengpui has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 12-La tawh MDC Constit uency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 12 - Ex - 226/2012 - 13 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 13-SERKAWR MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.I.P.JuniorIndian National Congress573 2.B. Lua haMaraland Democratic F ront 531 3.HC.LaichiIndependent180 Tota l Number of Electors: 1385 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1284 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. I.P. Junior of Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 13-S erkawr MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 - 14 - Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 14-MAUBAWK MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.N.Za khaiIndian National Congress837 2.Zakhu HlychhoMizo National Front 498 3.HC.S iamaIndependent4 Tota l Number of Electors: 1439 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1339 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. N.Zakhai of New Colony, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 14-Maubawk MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 15-RAWMIBAWK MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.R. T.Za chonoIndian National Congress 417 2.HC.Lalmalsawma ZasaiMizo National Front 403 Tota l Number of Electors: 855 Total Number of Votes Polled: 820 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. R.T. Zachono of New Saiha East has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 15-R awmibawk MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 15 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 16-NIAWHTLANG MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.F. Hr angchungaIndian National Congress 493 2.N.L. Hmunsa ngaMizo National Front 446 Tota l Number of Electors: 1042 Total Number of Votes Polled: 939 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. F.Hrangchunga of Niawhtlang has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 16-N iawhtla ng MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 16 - Ex - 226/2012 - 17 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 17-CHHUARLUNG MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.MH.TiabiIndian National Congress 677 2.C.HeihraMizo National Front 411 Tota l Number of Electors: 1206 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1088 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. MH.Tiabi of College Veng, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 17-C hhuarlung MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 18-SAIHA NORTH-I MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.NG.SillaIndian National Congress 469 2.Nahlo SoloMizo National Front 589 Tota l Number of Electors: 1298 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1058 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. Nahlo Solo of College Veng-I, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 18-Sa iha North-I MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 18 - Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 19-SAIHA NORTH-II MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.V.VanhupaIndian National Congress 425 2.C. La wb eiMaraland Democratic F ront 545 Tota l Number of Electors: 1133 Total Number of Votes Polled: 970 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. C.Lawbei of College Veng, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 19-S aiha North-II MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 19 -Ex - 226/2012 - 20 - Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 20-SAIHA SOUTH-I MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.V.VB.ByhnaIndian National Congress494 2.HC.NakuaMizo National Front 343 3.L.PathaIndependent209 Tota l Number of Electors: 1282 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1046 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. V.VB.Byhna of New Colony-I, has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 20-Sa iha South-I MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 21-SAIHA SOUTH-II MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.KH.BeihloIndian National Congress 494 2.N.ViakhuMizo National Front 343 Tota l Number of Electors: 1798 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1046 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. KH.Beihlo of New Colony, Saiha has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 21- Saiha S outh-II MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 21 -Ex - 226/2012 - 22 - Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council, 2012 from the 22-SAIHA EAST-I MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.Lengdu naIndian National Congress 592 2.K.Sangtlunga Mizo National Front 857 3.F.ThangchhuahaZoram Nationalist Party 89 Tota l Number of Electors: 2055 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1538 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. K.Sangtlunga of New Saiha East-I has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 22-S aiha East-I MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 - 23 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 23-SAIHA EAST-II MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.LC.ChakhaiIndian National Congress592 2.H.HmingchungnungaZoram Nationalist Party 89 3.S.VadyuMaraland Democratic F ront857 Tota l Number of Electors: 2211 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1899 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. LC.Chakhai of Saihatlangkawn-I has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 23-Sa iha East-II MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 24-SAIHA WEST-I MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.K.BeisaIndian National Congress 795 2.K. Chia maMaraland Democratic F ront 919 Tota l Number of Electors: 1915 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1714 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. K. Chiama of Saiha Vengpui has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 24-S aiha West-I MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012- 24 - Ex - 226/2012 - 25 -Ex - 226/2012 General Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 (See Rule 182) RETURN OF ELECTION Election to the Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012 from the 25-SAIHA WEST-II MDC Constituency RETURN OF ELECTION 1.H.SahloIndian National Congress831 2.Pakhu HlychhoMaraland Democratic F ront 1020 3.Malsawmtluanga FanaiIndependent35 Tota l Number of Electors: 2147 Total Number of Votes Polled: 1886 Tota l Number of Rejected Votes: 0 Tota l Number of Tendered Votes: 0 I declare that : Shri. Pakhu Hlychho of Meisavaih has been duly elected to fill the seat. Kunal, IAS Retur ning Officer, 25-Sa iha West -II MDC Constituency Sl.NoName of CandidateParty AffiliationNumber of Votes PolledPla ce : Saiha Date : 07.05.2012 - 26 - Ex - 226/2012 GENERAL ELECTION TO 10TH MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL, 2012 COMPILATION OF FINAL RESULT No and Name of ConstituencyName of CandidateParty affiliationNo.of Votes SecuredTotal Votes Polled I-Tongkalong 2-Ph ura 3-Vahai 4-Laki 5-ZawnglingK.L.BanaINC357 J.RawnaMDF442 K.PawhnieINC365 Be isa Kat hieMDF299 R.LalpathuamaIND282 K.ChhuabeiINC695 Chima No hroMNF473 T.SeidoINC275 K.ChhalaiZNP13 B.Pa siaMDF351 Pasa T.AzyuIND330 L. Pr isilaINC609 C.VaduMDF496 F.C.ZaseINC339 F. C.RehmoMNF508 C.ChobiIND3 K.HrahmoINC547 F.C.SakhuMNF129 T.EssaIND7 Mahu ChozahIND304 Sakho ChozahIND103 M.ManasiaINC415 M.ChiadungMDF53 L.C.ApawIND417 S.KhipoINC342 NC.BeichakheiIND115 KhohuIND6 Tiahlei S yuhloIND506 FC.LawmkimaINC528 S.Lalremt hangaMDF434 HipheiINC364 NghakmawiiMNF245 Beihu NohroIND348 Beirahmo SyhlyINC479 M.LaikawMDF4737-Chakhang 8-Siata 6-Chapui 9-Tuisih 10-Tuipang-I 11-Tuipang-II 12-Latawh779 946 1168 969 1105 850 1090 885 969 962 957 952 No and Name of ConstituencyName of CandidateParty affiliationNo.of Votes SecuredTotal Votes Polled 13-Serkawr 14-Maubawk 15-Rawmibawk 16-Niawhtlang 17-ChhuarlungI.P.JuniorINC573 B. LuahaMDF531 HC.LaichiIND180 N.ZakhaiINC837 Zakhu HlychhoMNF498 H.C. SiamaIND4 R.T.ZachonoINC417 H.C.Lalmalsawma ZasaiMNF403 F. HrangchungaINC493 N.L. HmungsangaMNF446 MH.TiabiINC677 C.HeihraMNF411 NG.SillaINC469 Na hlo So loMNF589 V.VanhupaINC425 C.LawbeiMDF545 V.VB. ByhnaINC494 HC.NakuaMNF343 L.PathaIND209 KH.BeihloINC789 N.ViakhuMNF646 LengdunaINC592 F.ThangchhuahaZNP89 K.SangtlungaMNF857 LC.ChakhaiINC953 H.HmingchungnungaZNP59 S.VadyuMDF887 K.BeisaINC795 K. Chia maMDF919 H.SahloINC831 Pakhu HlychhoMDF1020 Malsawmtluanga FanaiIND3519-Saiha North-II 20-Saiha South - I 18-Saiha North-I 21-Saiha South-II 22-Saiha East-I 23-Saiha East-II 24-Saiha West-I1284 1339 820 939 1088 1058 970 1046 1435 1538 1899 25-Saiha West-II1714 1886 - 27 -Ex - 226/2012 Total No. of Electors:32898 Total number of Valid Votes: Po lled including Post al Ballo t:28668 Percentage of Valid Votes Po lled:87.14% Total number of Rejected Votes:NIL Total number of Tendered votes:NIL Kunal,IAS Retur ning Officer, 1-25 MDC ConstituencyPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Deputation period of Shri R.L.Rinawma, IRS (1976) & Promotion of Pu Ngurbiaka, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram

VOL - XLIISSUE - 227Date - 15/05/2012

NOTIFICATION No. A.35017/1/96-P&AR(CSW), the 11th July, 2012.With the approval of Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Depar tment of Revenue, Centra l Board of Direct Taxes vice their letter F.No. A- 35011/15/2009-Ad.VI dt 28.06.2012 and in the interest of public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the deputation period ofShri R.L.Rinawma, IRS(1976), Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, for another 1(one) yearw.e.f. 18.08.2012-18.08.2013on the existing terms and conditions. No.A.22012/11/2009-P&AR(CSW), the 11th , July, 2012.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.39/A/94-MPSC : Dt.04.07.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Ngurbika, Joint Director, Art & Culture Department to the post of Director Art & Culture Department in the Pay Band 4 of ^ 37,400-67,000/- with G.P of ^ 8, 700/- p. m plus all other allowances admissible under the rules with effect from the date of ta king over charge of the post. Sd/- C.Zothankhumi Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22018/2/2009-S&WS, the 11th , July, 2012.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the Following S.C. Rangers shall draw their pa y & allowances against the vacant post as shown below: 1. A.C. Tanchhunga Directorate He will draw Pay & Allowances against the post of Darlawn 2. C. Thangliana Lunglei. Hqr. He will draw Pay & Allowances against the post of Tawipui 3. Zothankima Kolasib He will draw Pay & Allowances against the post of Vairengte 4. T.Pachhunga Aizawl Dist.Hqr He will draw Pay & Allowances against the post of Thingsulthliah S d/- La lra m T hanga Principal Secretary to the Government of Mizoram Soil & Water Conservation Department The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 15.5.2012 Vaisakha 21, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 227RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Sl. No.Name of incumbentPlace of postingRemarks -- - 2 - Ex - 224/2012 No.A.19020/11/2009-AGR, the 11th , July, 2012.On a ttaining superannuation age of 60(s ixty) years on 10.7.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to r elease Pu Daniela, SDAO, Mamit from Government Service with effect from 31.7.2012 (A/N). Sd/- T.V.Fambawl Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No.A.32013/12/2010-AGR, the 10th , July, 2012.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.93/A/95-MPSC dt.22.6.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following officers of Grade-V of MAS (AEO ,and it s equiva lent posts)to Grade-VI of MAS (SDAO), and its equivalent posts) in the PB-3, ^ 15600-39100/- plus Grade pay of ^ 6100/-P other a llowances as adimissible from time to time with effect from the date of ta king over charge in their place of posting.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Draft Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram(Demand Side Management) Regulations, 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 231Date - 17/05/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 17.5.2012 Vaisakha 27, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 231Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.PUBLIC NOTICENo. H.13011/27/10-JERC, the 14th May, 2012. The Jo int Elect ricit y Regulat o ry Co mmissio n fo r Manipur & Mizoram has published the Draft Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram(Demand Side Management) Regulations, 2012 for the information of the persons likely to be affected thereby. Co py o f the Draft Reg ulatio ns is available in the o ffice of Jo int Elect ricit y Regulato ry Co mmissio n (M&M) at D-31, M.G. Road, Upper Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram and in the office of the Chief Engineer (Power), Electricity Department, Govt. of Manipur, Keisampat, Imphal. The same can be seen by any interested person during office hour on any working day. The Draft Regulations is also available at the Co mmissio n’s Websit e : www.jerc.mizo ram.go Any person having any comments/objections/suggestions may submit the same in writing addressed to the Secretary, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (M&M)latest by 18th June, 2012 and the Draft Regulations shall be taken into consideration on22nd June, 2012. A. Chawnmawia, Secretary.

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