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Screening Committee under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2010 to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation for Group A,B, C & D under the Department of ICT

VOL - XLIISSUE - 145Date - 20/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.3.2012 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 145NOTIFICATIONNo. A.42011/1/2011-PLG/ICT, the 14th March, 2012. In puarsuance of the Government of Mizoram, DP&AR (ARW) Office Memorandum issued vide No.B.12014/1/2010-P&AR (ARW) dt. 27.1.2012, the Government of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute Screening Committee under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2010 to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation for Group A,B, C & D under the Department of ICT with the following members with immediate effect and until further order. 1.Group A &B1.Secretary, Department of ICT-Chairman 2.Principal Informatics Officer, Deptt. of ICT-Member Secretary 3.Representative of DP & AR-Member Not below the rank of Under Secretary. 4.Chief Controller of Account or-Member his representative not below the rank of Dep uty Direct or. IIGroup C & D1.Principal Informatics Officer, ICT-Chairman 2.Dy. Director (Admn) ICT-Member Secretary 3.Representative of DP&AR not below the-Member rank of Superintendent 4.Representative of Finance Department not-Member below the rank of Superintendent S.S. Garbyal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Deptt. of Information & Communication Technology. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Mizoram Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Fund

VOL - XLIISSUE - 146Date - 20/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.3.2012 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 146NOTIFICATIONNo. B.11017/5/2009-LE&IT, the 10th March, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 24 of the Building and Other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, (Central Act No. 27 of 1996) the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Mizoram Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Fund as under: THE MIZORAM BUILDING & OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS’ WELFARE FUNDWorkers proposed to be covered under the Welfare Fund are as givin below : Construction workers 1.Masons 2.Brick moulders 3.Carpenters 4.Blacksmiths 5.Fitters 6.Plumbers 7.Painters 8.Sawyers (excluding saw mill workers) 9.Workers connected with construction works 10.Workers engaged in collecting sand and gravel 11.Mosaic workers 12.Tunnel workers 13.Rock breakers and quarry workers 14.Electricians 15.Concrete/Steel workers 16.Workers engaged in thatching and spreading tiles 17.Marble stone workers 18.Road workers 19.Earth workers connected with construction work 20.Workers engaged in processing lime 21.Welders engaged in construction work Membership of the Welfare Fund Every construction worker in the age group 18 to 60 years who is not a member of any other welfare fund scheme and who has been engaged in construction work for not less than ninety days during the preceding year will be eligible for registration as a member. An identity card is issued to every registered construction worker with his photograph and details of construction work. Every building worker eligible to become a beneficiary of the Fund has to submit an application on the prescribed Form to the secretary Welfare Board or to an officer authorized to act on his behalf. Every application must be accompanied by a certificate to prove age. This can be(i) school records, (ii) a certificate from the registrar of births and deaths, (iii) EPIC. A certificate from the employer or contractor to show that the applicant is a construction worker has also to be produced. Where a cert ificate is not availab le, a certificate issued by a registered construction workers’ union (approved by the Welfare Board) or a certificate issued by Labour Officer of the concerned area is considered. At the time of registration, a fee of Rs. 25 must be paid. Every member has then to contribute Rs. 10 per month to the fund. Benefits The basic objective of the Construction Workers Welfare Fund is to provide a measure of social security for its members who are vulnerable to risks and uncertainties and do not have any other institutional protection based on their employment stat us. The different major categories of benefits provided by the fund are as follows: dead benefit, Maternity benefits, medical benefits, cash award/scholars hip, financial assistance for entrance coaching class. 1.Refund of worker’s contribution The amount contributed by registered workers over the years (Rs. 10 per mounth) will be returned at the time of retirement (at the age of 60). 2.Pension On reaching the age of 60, a registered worker with just one year of service (live membership with the Board) will be entitled to a pension of Rs. 200 per month, plus and additional Rs. 20 per year of service beyond 5 years.The maximum pension is Rs . 300 p er month. When a pensioner dies, the spouse is eligible for a family pension, amounting to half of the pension received by the pensioner or Rs. 100, whichever is higher. Whenever a worker is unable to work due to disease or accident she/he will be entitled to an invalidity pension based on the certificat e from the Medical Board. Invalidity pension will be fixed at the rate of Rs. 150 per month. Any member who has completed one year of service alone is eligible to get this pension. An ex- gratia payment of up to Rs . 10,000 is granted in addition, according to the degree of disability. 3.Death benefit If a registered member dies before reaching 60, an amount of Rs. 15,000 will be paid to the nominees of the deceased worker. If the death results from an accident at work, his/her nominee is eligible for Rs. 50,000 as accidental death relief. A member who is permanently disabled as a result of an accident at work will be entitled to Rs. 25,000. If the member has not filed a proper nomination, family members will be entitled to receive benefit , in the following order : a.Wife/husband b.Minor son/daughter c.Unmarried s on/daughter d.Dependent parents e.Widowed daughter f.Widowed daughter-in-law Ex-146/20122 3.Treatment for accidents and fatal diseases If a registered member is hospitalized because of an accident or terminal illness s he/he wll receives medical benefit amounting to Rs. 300 for the first five days of hospitalization and Rs. 50 per day for each additional day, up to a maximum of Rs. 10,000. If the member becomes permanently disabled and is unable to carry out his/her normal work, she/he will be eligible for financial assistance to a maximum of Rs. 20,000 based on the percentage of disability cert ified by the Medical Board. 4.Maternity benefit This is an important social security benefit enjoyed by women workers who have completed one year of membership in the Board. Financial assistance payable will be Rs. 2,000 and will be limited to two deliveries. 5.Scholarship/cash award Children of registered construction workers who have completed one year of membership will be eligible for a scholarship for various post-matric studies. A cash award of Rs. 3000 will also b e granted to the children of members who secure the highest marks for SSLC Examination in the District. 6.Other benefits In addition to the above-mentioned welfare benefit s, the Board will provide assistance to regist ered members to meet funeral expenses - nominees of a deceased member (with a valid membership) will receive Rs. 1,000. Moreover, after five years of service plus another 15 years for superannuation, a member will be eligible for a house building advance of Rs. 50,000. It can be drawn in two instalments, and will carry a nominal rate of interest .The Board will also grants up to Rs. 5,000 to members’ children to attend coaching classes intended for admiss ion to profess ional courses. If a worker has three years of membership and has not reached age 55, she/he will be eligible for tool advance of Rs. 10,000. The advance will be granted in a lump sum with nominal interest and is to be recovered in 60 instalments. Financial assistance for marriage, maternity, scholarships and coaching shall all be grants and not nonrefundable advances. 7.Revenue of the Welfare Fund The revenue of the Mizoram Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board shall include the following: (i)Cont ribution from construction workers registered with the Fund (ii) Cont ribution in the form of a cess collected from employers of construction and building workers. (iii) Grants or advances made by the Government (iv) Any voluntary donations, etc. (v) Any amount raised by the Board from other sources (vi) Other sources of income like interest from loans etc. `The Board shall administer the funds, and the money therein shall be utilized by the Board to defray expenditure to uplift social and economic status of the contributing workforce. This Constitution may be revised from time to time. Nikhil Kumar, Secretary. Labour, Employment & Industrial, Training Department.Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-146/2012 3

Summary revision of Electoral Rolls and District Election Officer & Returning Officer for general election to Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 147Date - 20/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.3.2012 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 147Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.STATE ELECTION COMMISSION MIZORAM ***** NOTIFICATIONNo. B.11011/8/2012-SEC/MADC,the 19th March, 2012.In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 read with sub-rule (1) of Rule 148 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, the State Election Commissioner hereby appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Saiha District to function as the District Election Officer & Appellate Authority for summa ry revision of Elector al Rolls and District Election Officer & Returning Officer for general election to Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012. Designation of StatePower & FunctionJurisdiction Government Officerto be perfor med Deputy Commissioner,Distr ict Election Officer/All Constituencies u nder Saiha District /Appellate Authority &Mara Autonomous District Retur ning OfficerCouncil By order etc. P. Lianhrima, Secretary Election Commission Mizoram

The Assistant Returning Officer for the general election to Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 148Date - 20/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.3.2012 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 148Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.STATE ELECTION COMMISSION MIZORAM ***** NOTIFICATIONNo. B.11011/8/2012-SEC/MADC,the 19th March, 2012.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 read with Rule 148 & 149 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002 a s amended, the State Election Commissioner hereby a ppoints the following Officers of the State Government of Mizoram to function as the Assistant Returning Officer for the general election to M ara Autonomous Distr ict Council, 2012. Sl. No. Designa tion ofPower & Function toJurisdiction State Governmentbe per for med Officers 1Project Director,Asst . Returning OfficerAll Constituencies u nder DRDA, SaihaMara Autonomous District Council 2Addl. DC, S aihaAsst . Returning OfficerAll Constituencies u nder Mara Autonomous District Council By order etc. P. Lianhrima, Secretary State Election Commission Mizoram

Revision of Electoral Rolls for general election to Mara Autonomous District Council, 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 149Date - 20/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.3.2012 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 149STATE ELECTION COMMISSION MIZORAM ***** NOTIFICATIONNo. B.11011/8/2012-SEC/MADC,the 19th March, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferr ed under sub-r ule (5) of Rule 7 read with R ule 148 of the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002 a s amended, the State Election Commissioner hereby a ppoints the following Officers of the State Government of Mizoram to function as t he Elect oral Registration Officers and Assistant Electoral Registration Officers in connection with summa ry revision of Elector al Rolls for general election to Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council, 2012 as shown against each:- Sl. No. Designa tion ofPower & FunctionJurisdiction State Government to be performed Officers 1Project Director,Electoral Registra tion11 - Chhuarlung, DRDA, SaihaOfficer12 - Niawhtlang, 15 - Council Veng, 16 - New Saiha, 17 - Saiha tlangkawn, 18 - Saiha Vengpui, 19 - New Colony, 20 - College Veng, 21 - Meisavaih, 22 - Rawmibawk 2Addl. DC, S aihaElectoral Registra tion1 - Tongkolong, Officer2 - Laki, 5 - Phura, 6 - Tuipang I, 7 - Tuipang II, 13 - Serkawr, 14 - Maubawk, 9 - Tuisih, 3 - Chapui, 4 - Chakha ng, 8 - Zawngling, 10 – Siata 3BDO, SaihaAsst. Electoral11 - Chhuarlung, Registration Officer12 - Niawhtlang, 15 - Council Veng, 16 - New Saiha, 17 - Saiha tlangkawn, 18 - Saiha Vengpui, 19 - New Colony, 20 - College Veng, 21 - Meisavaih, 22 – Rawmibawk 4BDO, TuipangAsst. Electoral1 - Tongkolong, Registration Officer2 - Laki, 5 - Phura, 6 - Tuipang I, 7 - Tuipang II, 13 - Serkawr 5SDC, SaihaAsst. Electoral14 - Maubawk, Registration Officer9 - Tuisih, 3 - Chapui, 4 - Chakha ng, 8 - Zawngling, 10 - Siata By order etc. P. Lianhrima, Secretary Election Commission MizoramPublished and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500. Ex-149/20122

Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002

VOL - XLIISSUE - 150Date - 20/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.3.2012 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 150STATE ELECTION COMMISSION MIZORAM **** NOTIFICATIONNo.B.11011/5/2012-SEC/MADC, the 19th March, 2012.WHEREAS, under sub-rule (1) of Rule 142 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, the term of the existing Mara Autonomous District Council is due to expire on 10.5.2012 and a General Election has to be held for the purpose of Constituting a new District Council for the said Autonomous District Council; and WHEREAS, under sub-rule (1) (b) of Rule 147 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002 as amen ded from time to time, a Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls is required to be conducted for inclusion, deletion, or correction of names in the electoral roll of the District Council preceding any election to the Council constituencies/constituency by such time frame as may be decided and notified by the State Election Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 of Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc) (Amendment) Rules, 2011, the State Election Commission, Mizoram hereby orders that Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls with reference to 1st January, 2012 as the qualifying date shall be carried out as per the schedule indicated below:- Sl.No Stages of RevisionPeriod allowed for stage 1Publication of Draft Electoral Rolls21.3.2012 (Wednesday) 2Filing of Claims & Objections22.3.2012 (Thursday) to 27.3.2012 (Tuesday) 3Disposal of Claim s & Objections by28.3.2012 (Wednesday) ERO/AEROto 4.4.2012 (Wednesday) 4Preparation & Printing of Supplementary5.4.2012 (Thursday) list of Electoral Rollsto 9.4.2012 (Monday) 5Final Publication of Electoral Rolls10.4.2012 (Tuesday) P.Lianhrima, Secretary State Election Commission Mizoram.Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The cost of High Security Registration Plates

VOL - XLIISSUE - 151Date - 22/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 22.3.2012 Chaitra 2, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 151NOTIFICATIONNo. D.26020/8/10-TRP, the 20th March, 2012. In pursuance of Supreme Court’s Order dt. 7.2.2012 and in supersession of this Depart ment Notification of even No. dt. 12.3.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify 30.4.2012 as the date of full implementation of High Security Registration Plates for all new vehicles and 15th June, 2012 for old vehicles in the State of Mizoram. All running vehicle which are registered within the Stat e of Mizoram shall be fixed with High Security Registration Plates at the Registering Authority office/Premises. The cost of High Security Registration Plates shall be borne by the vehicle owners and t he rate shall b e as per the schedule given below : Schedule of Rates The rates of complete sets of High Securit y Registration Plates including snap lock and fixing b e as follows :- 1)Two Wheeler Scooter/Scooty-Rs. 669/- 2)Two Wheeler/Motor Cycles-Rs. 668/- 3)Three Wheeler-Rs. 940/- 4)Light/Medium/Heavy Motor Vehicles-Rs. 945/- H. Darzika, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

Screening Committee under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme,2010 to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation for Group A,B,C &D under the Dte. of Science &Technology

VOL - XLIISSUE - 152Date - 22/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 22.3.2012 Chaitra 2, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 152Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo.A.42011/2/2012-PLG, the 19th March, 2012. In pursuance of the Govt. of Mizoram, DP&AR (ARW) Office Memorandum issued vide No.B.12014/1/2010-P&AR (ARW) dt. 27.1.2012 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Screening Committee under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme,2010 to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation for Group A,B,C &D under the Dte. of Science &Technology with the following members with immediate effect and until further order. GROUP A & B1.Secretary, Planning & Prog. Implementation Deptt -Chairman 2.Chief Scientific Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Chief Controller of Account or-Member his representatives not below the rank of Deputy Director 4.Rep resentative fr om DP &AR-Member not below the rank of Under Secretary GROUP C & D1.Chief Scientific Officer-Chairman 2.Principal Scientific Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Rep resentative fr om DP &AR-Member not below the rank of Superintendent 4.Representative from Finance Deptt.-Member not below the rank of Superintendent Renu Sharma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & Prog. Implementation Department.

Village Council Boundary

VOL - XLIISSUE - 169Date - 04/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 4.4.2012 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 169NOTIFICATIONNo.B.14016/31/02-LAD/VC, the 28th March, 2012. Lushai Hills Dist rict (Village Co uncil) Act , 1953, Section 2(20) in a sawi angin Mizoram Governor chuan heng a hnuaia Village Council tarlan Lunglei Dist rict chhunga awm te boundary Annexure a tarlan ang hian a siam thar a. Hei hian tun hmain boundary lo siam tawh a awm pawhin a t hlak nghal ang. 1) Zote South2) Darzo3) Tarpho4) Ngharchhip & New Ngharchhip 5) S. Vanlaiphai6) Chawngte ‘L’ 7) Rangte8) Diblibagh 9) Tuichawng10) Tiperaghat11) Theiriat12) Laisawral 13) Nunsury14) Kawlhawk15) Lungchem 16) Lungsen 17 ) Vanhne18) Hauruang19) Zobawk2 0 ) Runtung Biaktluanga, Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Lo cal Administ rat io n Depar t ment . ANNEXURE 1. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF ZOTE SOUTH V/C TEH TANNA: Lendurlui-in Vanva a finna atanga sawitan a ni. HMAR LAM: Lendur luiin Vanva Lui a finna at anga sawi tan niin, hmarchhak hawiin Lendur Lui zawh chho zelin, Ramrikawn luiah chho zelin Ramrikawn a su ang. CHHAK LAM: Ramrikawn atangin Mualthang Thei Lui khawchhak hawi zawng a zawhthla-in Tuisen Lui finthlain, Mat Lui a fin ang. Mat Lui chhim lama zawh zelin, Pukpui Lui chhuah a thleng ang. CHHIM LAM: Pukpui khawthlang lam hawi a zawh chho in (tawkper) Nivungi tui tlang kawrte zawhin, Lungsai luiah zawh thlain Vanvate Lui a fin ang. Vanvate Lui hmarthlang hawia zawh zelin Herse Lui a zawh chho anga, Thingse tlangah inbangliamin Mulen Lui zawh thla zelin Tuizuar Lui a fin ang. Tuizuar hian Vanva Lui a pawh t hla ang. THLANGLAM: Tu iz uar in Vanva Lui a finna at a ng in hmar la m ha wia k al ze lin, Le ndu r Lu i a fin ang. 2.BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF DARZO V/CTEH TANNA: Tuipui Darzo kai bul Hnahchang Lui chhuah atangin teh tan a i. HMAR LAM: Hnahchangluiin Tuipui a finna atangin a zawh chho hlek a. CHHAK LAM: Hnahchanglui a zawh zel a, S. Vanlaiphai nen a ramri kawrte thlengin. CHHIM LAM: S.Vanlaiphai nena ramri kawrte atangin BRTF Road tan tlangin Vaihlokhan tlang vaw liamin thinglui a pawhthla a. Thinglui zawhthlain Darzo Lui a fin a, Lui zawh thla zelin Tuipui a finna ah. THLANGLAM: Darzo Lui leh Tuipui infinna atanga Tuipui (KLODYNE) zawh chho zelin teht anna Dazo kai bul Hnahchang Lui chhuah ah teh tanna a fin leh a ni. 3. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF TARPHO V/CTEH TANNA: Tuichang Lui Hnahhri Lui-tein a finna atangin HMAR LAM: Tuichang Lui Hnahhri Luiin a finna atangin Hnahhri Lui a zawh zel a, Tlantau Luiin Hnahhri a finna atangin Tlantau Lui a zawh leh zel a, Tlantau Lui hnarah veila ma Luit e zawhin Chawngt u i Lui ka wng Ramr i kawnah inbat liamin, c hhak lam panin Ramri Lui (Luit e) zaw h zelin Tuip hai a fin t a a ni. Ex-169/20122 CHHAK LAM: Ramri Luiin Tuiphai a finna at angin chhim lam hawiin Tuiphai a zawh zel a, Challuiin Tuiphai a finna thlengin, Challuiin Tuiphai a finna atangin Challui a zawh chho zel a, Challui fintu kawrte zawh lehin Khawhri khaw hmawr Khawhri Tanky hlui zawk atanga Khawhri khawchhung lama 20m ah inbat liamin ngil taka rin thla zelin Pa awh Lui hnar (khaw hnuai kawrpui) a fin/a su leh ang. CHHIM LAM: Khawhri khawhnuai kawrpui (Pa awhlui) Luite zawh chhoin ramri kawn PWD kaw ng peng t huam pawhin (Ramrikawn) Ramrikaw nah inbat liamin Luiah chhuk zelin kawrpui zu finin kawrpui ah chhuk leh zelin, khuai Lui a fin a. Khuai Lui ah chhuk le h zelin Tu ic hang Lui a zu fin t a a ni. THLANGLAM: Khuai Luiin Tuichang Lui a finna (Khuailu i chhuah) at angin, Hmar lam zawngin Tuichang Lui a zawh zel ang a, Tuichang Lui Hnahhri chhuah (t eh tanna) a thleng le h a ni. 4. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF NGHARCHHIP & NEW NGHARCHHIP V/CTEH TANNA: Bungkaihkuah Luite hnar kawn atangin teh tan a ni. HMAR LAM: Bungkaihkuah Luite zawhthla zelin Tiau Lui ah a chhuak thla. CHHAK LAM: Tiau Lui ‘Internat ional Boundary’ chhim lam hawiin a zawhthla zel a. Tuizawl Luiin Tiau Lui a finna ah a tawp. CHHIM LAM: Tuizawl Lui ah chho zelin, Pu Duhpianga Huan sira kawrte-in Tuizawl a rawn finna thleng. THLANGLAM: Pu Duhpianga Huan sir kawrt e zawh chho zelin Bungkaihkuah Luite hnar kawnah teh tanna kawnah a man leh a ni. 5. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF SOUTH VANLAIPHAI V/CTEH TANNA: Maumual Luiin Hnahchang Lui a finna atanga teh tan a ni. HMAR LAM: Tehtanna atanga chhak lam hawiin Maumual Lui zawh chho-in Lalriahbuk thlengin. CHHAK LAM: Lalriahbuk at angin kawrte Fura tui awm thinna rawn zawh chho-in tlangdung thleng, tlangdung tan liamin tlangdung vek ah sahmul then a kal zelin Thanbuanga Terrace chhimlam Luite lo chhuak hnar-ah chiah chhunin Ramri Lui thleng, Ramri Lui a hnar lamah zawh chho-in Tuihla ber kawr thleng, Tuihla ber kawr zawh chho leh zelin Sial hmai khup tlang thleng t langdung zawh phei lehin Kawnpui thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Kawnpui atangin District Boundary ah zel kalin Darzo Lui a pawh leh a, District Bo undary Darzo Lui zawh thla zelin Thing Lui chhuah thleng.Ex-169/2012 3 THLANGLAM: Thing Lui zawh chho-in Palai lunglen t lang Hmar lam kawnah a chhuak chho a, chuta tang a kawrte zawh thlain BRTF kawng kanin Hnahchang Lui a thleng a, Hnahchang Lui zawh thla zelin teh tanna Maumual Lui a pawh leh a ni. 6. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF CHAWNGE ‘L’ V/CTEH TANNA: Sihluiin Tuichawng Lui a finna atanga sawi tan a ni. HMAR LAM: Sihluiin Tuichawng Lui a finna atangin Sihlui chu a hnarlamah zawh chho zelin PWD Road tantlangin tlangdung ‘Lungmak kawn’ kaltlangin Mintui Lui thlengin, Mintui Lui chu a mawng lamah zawh thla zelin Lungrang Lui a fin a. CHHAK LAM: Lungrang Lui chu a mawng lamah zawh thla zelin hmunthar khaw sirah zawh thla zelin Chawngte Lui a infinna thleng CHHIM LAM: Chawngte Lui chu a mawnglamah zawh thla zelin Tuichawng Lui nen an infinna thlengin. THLANGLAM: Tuichawnglui chu a mawng lamah zawhthla zelin a tira sawi tanna Sihluiin Tuichawng Lui a finna chiah a thleng leh ta a ni. 7. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF RANGTE V/CTEH TANNA: Soil Huan kawn teh t anna a hmangin. HMAR LAM: Soil Huan kawn tan tlangin Chhumkhum Lui zawh thlain Phairuang Lui a finna thlengin. CHHAK LAM: Phairuang Lui a hnar lamah zawh chho zelin Sahram Lui hnar kin PWD Road tantlangin Lungrang Lui a fin a. CHHIM LAM: Lungrang Lui chu a mawng lamah zawh zelin Chhuahthum Lui a fin a. Chhuahthum Lui chu zawh thla zelin Tuichawng Lui a fin a. THLANGLAM: Tuichawnglui atangin Sihlui tein a lo finna atanga Sihlui zawh chho zelin a hnarkin t lang t ant langin Khawt hlirt lang t hle ngin, Khawt hlir t lang t ant langin Lui ka wrt e zawhthlain Khan Lui a fin a. Khan Lui fintu Luite zawh chhoin a tira teh tanna Soil Huan kawn a pawh chho a ni. 8. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF DIBLIBAGH V/CTEH TANNA: Artah Luiin khawthlang Tuipui a finna atanga sawi tan a ni. HMAR LAM: Artah Luiin Khawthlang Tuipui a finna atangin Khawthlang Tuipui chu a hnar lamah zawh chho zelin Tuichawng chhuah thlengin. Ex-169/20124 CHHAK LAM: Tuichawngchhuah atanga Tuichawng Lui chu a hnar lamah zawh chho zelin Thorikau Luiin Tuichawng Lui a finna t hlengin. CHHIM LAM: Thorikau Lui chu a hnar lamah zawh chhoin thui vak loah Luite-in a fin a, chu Luit e peng chu zawh chho zelin Pu Mawia kawnah her liamin Dulubo nia So ra Lui thlengin. THLANGLAM: Dulubonia Sora Lui chu a mawng lamah zawh thla zelin Artahlui a finna thlengin. Artah Lui chu a mawng lamah zawh thla zelin Khawthlang Tuipui a finna t hlengin. Tichuan a tira sawi tanna Artah Luiin Khawthlang Tuipui a finna chiahah a thleng leh ta a ni. 9. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF TUICHAWNG V/CTEH TANNA: Tuichawng Lui leh De lui infinna atanga sawi tan a ni. HMAR LAM: Tuichawng Lui leh De Lui infinna atanga De Lui zawh chho zelin Sihphir Luite-in De Lui a finna t hlengin. CHHAK LAM: Sihphir Luite zawh chho zelin 4(four) Kms Luite a finna thlengin. CHHIM LAM: 4(four) Kms Luite zawh chho zelin BRTF Road thlengin 4(four) Kms piah 5(five) Kms nena inkar Luite zawhthla zelin Laldawta Lui a finna thlengin. THLANGLAM: Laldawta Lui zawhthla zelin Tuichawng Lui a finna thlengin Tuichawnglui zawhthla zelin at ira sawi tanna Tuichawng Luiin De Lui a finna t hlengin. 10. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF TIPERAGHAT V/CTEH TANNA: Bulungsuri Lui BRTF Road-in a tantlangna chu sawi tanna a ni. HMAR LAM: Bulungsuri Lui BRTF Road in a tantlangna atangin Bulungsuri Lui chu a hnar lamah zawh chho zelin Tiante Khawhmun hlui chin tlangah chho zelin, Zohmun tlangdung thlengin. CHHAK LAM: Tlangdung chu (Zohmun tlangdung) ti a vuah bawk chu zawh phei zelin chhim lamah Thumbagasora Lui hnarin a sutna thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Thumagasora Lui chu a mawng lamah zawh thla zelin kawrpui Lui a finna thlengin. THLANGLAM: Kawrpui Lui chu a hnar lamah zawh chho zelin Karalliasury Luite-in Kawrpui Lui a finna thlengin. Karalliasury Luite chu a hnar lamah zawh chho zelin a tira sawi tanna BRTF Road-in Bulungsuri Lui a tantlangna kawngpui thlengin.Ex-169/2012 5 11. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF THEIRIAT V/CTEH TANNA: Mengpui Lui (Pawihlui) hnar kin Pu Buangthanga In bul PWD Road atangin tehtan a ni. HMAR LAM: Tehtanna atangin hmarlam hawiin kawrte a zawhthla zel a. Nghasih Lui a fin a, Nghasih Lui zawh lehin Tlawng Lui a fin thla leh a ni. CHHAK LAM: Tlawng Lui a zawh chho leh a, a fintu Tum Lui kawr hnar thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Heta tang hian chhimlam hawiin Sorkar huan ri zelin a phei a, kawnah a her liam a, Lungpher Lui hnarah. THLANGLAM: Lungpher Lui chu Khawthlang lam hawiin a zawh thla zel a, Mengpui Lui a fin a Mengpui Lui chu a hnar lamah zawh chho lehin NH-54 kan chhoin, teh tanna po int P WD Ro ad ah a t awp a ni. 12. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF LAISAWRAL V/CHMAR LAM: Mar Luiah zawhthla zelin Pukzing V/C nen Mar Lui hi inrina a ni a, Mar Luiah hian Lungphum Lui a lo chhuak a, hei hi zawh chho zelin, Lungpum Lui hi Darngawn ‘W’ V/C ram nen a inriin, Lungpum Luiah Tuikawi a lo chhuak a, hei hi zui chho in Ramri Lui zawh chhoin, Zaite Lui a lo chhuak a, hei hi zawhin Dilkawnah Darngawn ‘W’ Kawngpui a zui phei a, Darngawn tlang pui a tan liam a. CHHAK LAM: Tuikawi Lui zawh chhoin Ramrikawnah liamthlain Zaite Lui a fin a, Zaite Lui zawh chhoin Dilkawnah chhuakin kawngpui a pawh a, chhim zawng a zui pheiin Mithakawn huamin ngil tak a tan pheiin Talhkuang khaw hmun a chhuakin Tuichar Lui a zawh thla a, Tuichar Luiin Lungphum a finna chin zelah Lungpum Lui zuithla in, Lungpum ah hian Daiduk Luiin a rawn finna zelah. CHHIM LAM: Daiduk Luiin Lungpum Lui a finna chin zelah Sesawm V/C nen ramri a ni. Daiduk Lui awh chho zelin Ramri Lui zelah kawngpui hlui tan tlangin Tuidam Lui hnar kin zelah Tuidam Lui zawhthla zelin Thangruaia Mar a finna zelah. THLANGLAM: Marpara ‘S’ V/C nen hian Mar Lui atanga BRTF Road zawh zelin, Daichi Luiin BRTF Road a finna chinah Bunghmun V/C nen a inri a, Mar ‘N’ V/C nen Mar Lui zawh chhoin a tira teh tanna Mar Lui zelah a man leh a ni. 13. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF NUNSURY V/CHMAR LAM: From (West) Hongodabasora (Luite) Starting point to North Hill and Vandau Lui (Malgudomsora) restricted CHHAK LAM: K arnafuli River (Tuipui) CHHIM LAM: K arnafuli River (Tuipui) THLANGLAM: K arnafuli River (Tuipui) Ex-169/20126 14. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF KAWLHAWK V/CHMAR LAM: Buarpui ramri Luiin De Lui a finna chu teh tan nan a hmangin PWD Road Kaltlangin Tlawng Lui a sut thlengin. CHHAK LAM: Buar pui ramri Luiin Tlawng Lui a finna at angin Tlawng Lui chu r amri at an zawh zelin Sert langpui lama ramri Lui a pawh t hlengin. CHHIM LAM: Tlawng Lui chu sertlangpui ramri Lui nen an infinna atangin ramri Lui chu ramri a zawh zelin De Lui a fin t hlengin. THLANGLAM: Sertlangpui ramri Luiin De Lui a finna atanga De Lui chu ramri a hmang zelin teh t anna, Buar pui ramr i Lui a fin t hlengin. 15. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF LUNGCHEM V/CHMAR LAM: Ramritlang changpui kawng a mi chu teh tan nan a hmangin ramri mualkhang chu zawh chhukin De Lui a fin t hlengin. CHHAK LAM: De Lui chu chhim zawnga zawh zelin Pi Thangi Lui chhuah a fin thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Pi T hangi Lui chu ramri a hmang zelin ramri Lui a fin a, Sait u m Lui ( Ramri Lui) chu ramri a hmang zelin Tuisen Lui a finna thlengin. THLANGLAM: Tuisen Lui chu a hnar lamah ramri a hmang zelin Luidar Lui a fin thlengin, Luidar Lui chu a hnar lamah zawh zelin teh tanna ramri tlang a sut thlengin. 16. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF LUNGSEN V/CHMAR LAM: Tuichawng Lui kawrtein a finna atangin kawrte a zawh chhova, BRTF Road han manin Forest Department Thlanvawng hmun leh Pu Hmuaka Teak hmun inkar kawrte zawh lehin Sihphir Lui a fin a, Sihphir Lui hmar lamah zawh lehin De Lui a fin a, De Lui a hnar lamah zawh chho lehin Phairuang Lui nen a infinna thlengin. CHHAK LAM: De Lui leh Phairuang Lui infinna atangin Phairuang Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chho zel a, Chauchi Luiin Phairuang Lui a finna thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Chauchi Lui hi Phairuang Lui a finna atangin Chauchi Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chhova, BRTF Road a man a, BRTF Road a zawh leh a Quarry Lui thlengin, Quarry Lui zawh chho lehin Soil Department Rubber Plantation kawnah a chhuak chhova, tlak lamah kawrte zawh chho lehin tlangdungah ngil taka kalin Sih Lui kawrte a t hleng a, Sih Lui kawrte zawh lehin Tuichawng Lui a finna thlengin. THLANGLAM: Sih Lui kawrte-in Tuichawng Lui a finna atangin Tuichawng Lui a mawng lamah a zawh thla zel a, a tira sawi tanna kawrte-in Tuichawng a finna thlengin.Ex-169/2012 7 17. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF VANHNE V/CHMAR LAM: Sum Luiin De Lui a finna atangin Sum Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chho a, Summual Luiin Sum Lui a finna thlengin, Summual Lui a hnar lamah zawh chhho lehin Sakei Lui nen a infinna thlengin. Sakei Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chho leh a, Ramrikawnah chhuakin Ramrikawn atangin Ramri Lui a mawng lamah a zawh thla a, Hmawngva Lui a finna thlengin. CHHAK LAM: Ramri Luiin Hmawngva Lui a finna atangin Hmawngva Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chhova, Chhumliamkawn Lui te-in Hmawngva Lui a finna thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Chhumliamkawn Lui t e-in Hmawngva Lui a finna at angin Chhumliamkawn Lui te a hnar lamah a zawh chhova, Main Road Chhumliamkawn thlengin, Main Road Chhumliamkawn atangin Sailungrek Lui a mawng lamah a zawh thla a, Rekte Lui thlengin, Rekte Lui a hnar lamah zawh chho lehin Ramri Lui thlengin, Ramri Lui a zawh chho leh a, Thehlep kawng Ramrikawnah a chhuak a ni. THLANGLAM: Thehlep kawng Ramrikawn atangin Nghaleng Lui a mawng lamah a zawh thla a, De Lui a fin a, De Lui a hnar lamah zawh chho lehin a tira sawi tanna Sum Luiin De Lui a finna t hlengin. 18. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF HAURUANG V/CHMAR LAM: Ramrikawn hi teh tanna atana hmangin BRTF Road a zawh chhova Hauruang Buarpui Veng chhak 132 KV Ban dinna kawn a thleng a, 132 KV Ban dinna atangin Buarpui Veng Tuikhur mawng kawrte a zawh thla a, Kahkawn bula kawrte man-in, kawrte a zawh chhova Buhkang kawng thlengin, Buhkang kawng a zawh phei leh a Sub-Centre thlen hma kawrte thlengin kawrte hmarlam hawiin a zawh thla leh a Pu Lalenga Garden ram chinah tan pheiin kawrte a zawh chho leh a, Sunhlu kawnah a chhuak a. Chuta tang chuan tlaklam hawiin kawrte a zawh thla leh a, Chhekpui Lui a fin a, Chhekpui Lui hmar zawng a zawh thla leh in Sailungrek Lui a fin a. Sailungrek Lui zawh thla leh zelin Phairuang Lui a finna thlengin. CHHAK LAM: Sailungrek Luiin Phairuang Lui a finna atangin Phairuang Lui a zawh chho zel a, Ruangte Luiin Phairuang Lui a finna thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Ruangte Luiin Phairuang Lui a finna atangin Ruangte Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chhova, Lungin Luiin Ruangte Lui a finna t hlengin. THLANGLAM: Lungin Luiin Ruangte a finna atangin a hnar lamah Lungin Lui a zawh chhova, Zaieti Lui chhuah thlengin, Zaieti Lui a zawh chho leh a, Kutranga Lui kawrte a man a, kawrte zawh chho lehin Ramrikawn a tir a teh tanna a thleng leh a ni. Ex-169/20128 19. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF ZOBAWK V/CTEH TANNA: Tlawng Lui leh Chite Lui infinna HMAR LAM: Tlawng Lui Chite Luiin a finna atangin Chite Lui chu khawchhak lamah zawh chhovin, Chite Lui fintu kawrte a hnar lam zawh chho zelin Pu R. Hrangthuama Zobawk huan hmar lam kawr a zawh chhova, RMSA School peng bul kawnah a tan liam a, Ramri Lui kawr a zawh thla zel a, Ui Lui a pawh a, Ui Lui zawh thla zelin Mat a pawh thla a ni. CHHAK LAM: Mat Lui chu chhim lamah zawh thla zelin Lunglei-Aizawl Road a tan tlang a, Mat Lui chu a zawh thla zel a Lurhva Luiin Mat a finna thleng. CHHIM LAM: Lurhva Lui chu khawthlang lam hawiin a hnar lamah a zawh chhova, Zinkawng Luiin Lurhva Lui a finnaah Zinkawng Lui a zawh chho leh a, Nisapui ram kawng a su a, chhim lamah zawh leh hlekin Muallungthu peng at angin Arthladawn tlang hmawrah chuta tang chuan Chaptuk tlang a su leh a, Chaptuk tlang sahmul then zelah khawthlang hawi zawng a zawh zelin Tum Lui zawnah chhuk thla in Lunglei- Aizawl Road tan leh in Tum Lui a zawh thla a, Tlawng a fin a ni. THLANGLAM: Tlawng Lui chu hmar lamah zawh t hla zelin teh tanna Chit e Luiin Tlawng Lui a finna a pawh leh a ni. 20. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF RUNTUNG V/CTEH TANNA: Ruangt e Luiin Phairuangkai Lui a finna hi teh tan nana hman a ni. HMAR LAM: Ruangte Luiin Phairuangkai Lui a finna atangin Ruangte Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chhova, Lungin Luiin Ruangte Lui a finna t hlengin. CHHAK LAM: Lungin Luiin Ruangte Lui a finna atangin Ruangte Lui a hnar lamah a zawh chhova, Saizawh Luiin Ruangte Lui a finna t hlengin, Saizawh Lui a hnar lamah zawh chho lehin Saizawh Luiin hnar a neihna khan thlengin. CHHIM LAM: Saizawh Lui hnar khan atangin Sawiapa Phairuang Lui a mawng lamah a zawh t hla a , Tuiuih Lui a finna t hlengin, Tuiu ih Lui t awi t e zawhin t lang dung a man a, tlang dungah kal zelin Tiareng Lui thlengin. Tiareng Lui a mawng lamah a zawh a Nghatam Lui nen a infinna t hlengin. Nghatam Lui zawh thla lehin Phairuang Lui a finna thlengin. THLANGLAM: Nghatam Luiin Phairuang Lui a finna atangin Phairuang Lui a mawng lamah a zawh thla a, a tira sawi tanna Ruangte Luiin Phairuang Lui a finna thlengin.Ex-169/2012 9 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Mizoram General Administration Department (Aviation Wing) Group ‘C’ posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 170Date - 04/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 4.4.2012 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 170NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 29th March, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Art icle 309 of the Const itution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules further to amend the Mizoram General Administration Department, Aviation Wing (Group ‘C’ Post) Recruitment Rules, 1994 issued under DP&AR(GSW)’s Notification No.A.12018/2/87- PAR(GS)/pt dated the 31st October, 1994 and published in the Mizoram Gazette, Volume; XXIII, Extra -ordinary Issue No. 199 of 11th November, 1994 in respect of the post of Bowzer Operator under General Administration Department, Government of Mizoram, namely:- (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram General Administration Department (Aviation Wing) Group ‘C’ posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. In the Annexure 1 to the Principal Rules, for column 1, 4, 7 and 8, the following columns shall be substituted, namely:- “Column 1 : Bowzer Operator/Refuelling Opera tor” “Column 4 : 5200-20200 Grade Pay 2400/-” “Column 7 : Between 18-35 years; Upper age-limit is relaxable by 5 year s in ca se of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tr ibes.” “Column 8 : ESSENTIAL :- 1. PUC/HSSLC 2. Should have experience in operating Bowzer/Refueller with at least 1 year. DESIREABLE : Trained in the field of operating Refuelling from I.O.C.” By order s, etc Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of P ersonnel & Adve. Reforms. 1. Short title and commencement 2. Amendment of Annexure to the Principal Rules Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

Assembly Enquiry Committee to enquire into the alleged lapse of SSA Uniform Grant for 2010-2011 and the authencity of the documents presented by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA to the Press on 29.2.2012.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 171Date - 04/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 4.4.2012 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 171NOTIFICATIONNo. LA/E.COM-SSA/2012/93, the 29th March, 2012. Whereas the subject of the alleged lapse of SSA Uniform Grant for 2010-2011 amounting to ^ 743.16 lakhs was discussed at length during the course of the Tenth Session of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of Mizoram, Members unanimously accepted the constitution of an Assembly Enquiry Committee to enquire into the alleged lapse of SSA Uniform Grant for 2010-2011 and the authencity of the documents presented by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA to the Press on 29.2.2012. And whereas the Hon’ble Speaker, after consideration of Member’s wishes, is satisfied that with a view to arrive at a finding or findings as to the truth of this alleged lapse of SSA fund and the authencity of the said documents, it is necessary and expedient to constitute an Assembly Enquiry Committee. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers co nferred under Rule 202 of the Rules of Procedure & Conduct of Business in Mizoram Legislative Assembly, the Hon’ble Speaker is pleased to constitute an Enquiry Committee to enquire into the alleged lapse of SSA Uniform Grant for 2010-2011 and the authencity of documents presented by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, MLA to the Press on 29.2.2012 as follows:- 1.Pu Lalduhawma-Chairman 2.Pu P.P. Thaw la-Member 3.Pu Lalthansanga-Member 4.Pu T.T. Zo thansanga-Member 5.John Siamkunga-Member The terms of reference o f the Committee shall be as here under. 1.To enquire into the authencity of the documents presented to the Press by Dr. R. Lalthangliana on 29.2.2012 and to arrive at a finding or findings as to whether the documents were fabricated o r not. 2.To enquire into the allegations made by Dr. R. Lalthangliana to the Press on 17.2.2012 and 29.2.2012 that the total amount of ^ 743.16 lakhs for SSA Uniform Grant for 2010-2011 had lapsed and to arrive at a finding or findings if said fund had lapsed or not. The Enquiry Committee will have the power to call for any relevant documents and persons as it deems fit . The Enquiry Co mmit t ee shall submit it s repo rt t o t he Ho n’ble Speaker wit hin 3(t hree) mo nt hs. Ngurthanzuala, Secretary. Ex-171/20122 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

Departmental Screening Committee to consider the case for grant of financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS), 2010

VOL - XLIISSUE - 172Date - 04/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 4.4.2012 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 172NOTIFICATIONNo. A.42011/1/2010-HMF, the 30th March, 2012. In pursuance to DP&AR(ARW) O.M. No.B.12014/ 1/2010-P&AR(ARW) dt.27.01.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute 2(two) Departmental Screening Committee to consider the case for grant of financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS), 2010 for various categories of posts as mentioned below under Fire & Emergency Services Department with immediate effect and until further order. G rou p A & B :1. Home Secretary-Chairman 2. Director, Fire & Emergency Services-Member Secretary 3. Representative of DP&AR-Member 4. Director, Accounts & Treasuries-Member G rou p C & D :1. Director, Fire & Emergency Services-Chairman 2. Addl. S.P., F & ES-Member Secretary 3. Representative of DP&AR-Member 4. Representative of Finance Deptt.-Member K. Riachho, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

Screening Committee under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2010 to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation for Group A, B, C & D under the Directorate of Eonomics & Statistics

VOL - XLIISSUE - 173Date - 04/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 4.4.2012 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 173NOTIFICATIONNo. A.42011/3/2012-PLG, the 30th March, 2012.In pursuance of the Government of Mizoram DP&AR (ARW) Office Memorandum issued vide No.B.12014/1/2010-P&AR (ARW) dt. 27.1.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Screening Committee under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2010 to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation for Group A, B, C & D under the Directorate of Eonomics & Statistics with the following members with immediate effect and until further order: G rou p A & B1. Secretary, Planning & Prog. Implemantation Deptt.-Chairman. 2. Director, Economics & Statistics-Member Secretary. 3. Chief Controller of Accounts or his representatives not below the rank of Deputy Director-Member. 4. Representative of DP & AR-Member. G ro u p C & D1. Director, Economics & Statistics-Chairman. 2 . Jo int Dire ct o r, Eco no mics & St at ist ics-Member Secretary. 3. Representative of DP&AR-Member. 4. Representative of Finance Department-Member. Renu Sharma, Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & Programme Implementation Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

District Programme Managers under NRHM (National Rural Health Mission) as Nodal Officer for MCTS (Mother and Child Tracking System)

VOL - XLIISSUE - 174Date - 04/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Wednesday 4.4.2012 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 174Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.NOTIFICATIONNo. Z.11012/4/2002-HFW/Pt, the 26th March, 2012. In the interest of public service, the Go vernor of Mizoram is pleased to nominate District Programme Managers under NRHM (National Rural Health Mission) as No dal Officer for MCTS (Mother and Child Tracking System) for each respective District. Each District Programme Manager will be responsible for the following activities/task:- 1. Coordination of all activities related to the implementation of MCTS at the District level 2. Organizing the meeting of District Project e-Mission Team (DPeMT) chaired by the concerned Dist rict Deput y Co mmissio ner/Dist rict Mag ist rat e 3. Preparation of report of MCTS at the District level and submission of performance report to the Chairperson of DPeMT to be discussed at the meeting of DPeMT. 4. Follow up the decisions t aken by DPeMT related to the implementation of MCTS in the District 5. Planning and organizing training programme at the District and Block level related to MCTS 6. Liaison with the State and Central authorities on different issue related to the implementation of MCTS in t he Dist rict 7. Visit ing t he blo ck and belo w blo ck level healt h facilit ies t o ident ify t he bo t t lenecks in t he implementation of MCTS and initiating conrrective actions as per the decisions taken in the meeting of DPeMT 8. Coordinating with the Block Programme Managers for all issue related to the implementation of MCTS. This issu e w it h t he Go vt . o f Ind ia Minist ry o f H ea lt h & Fa mily Welfa re (N RHM D ivisio n) le t t er No.Z.18015/1/2011-MMPC : Dated 21.09.2011. M. Zohmingthangi, Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.

Mara Autonomous District (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002,

VOL - XLIISSUE - 177Date - 10/04/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 10.4.2012 Chaitra 21, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 177NOTIFICATIONNo. H.14011/2/2011-DCA(M), the 9th April, 2012.Whereas it was decided to raise the number of elected members of the Distrtict Council of Mara Autonomous District from 22 to 25, for which a Delimitation Committee was const ituted under Rule 8 of the Mara Autonomous District (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, as amended from time to time, vide t his Department’s notification No.H.14011/2/2011- DCA(M) dt.8.2.2012, for the purposes of dividing the Mara Autonomous District into 25 (Twenty five) territorial constituencies to be filled up by election and therefore, for delimitat ion; And whereas the said Committee submitted its detailed report on 27.2.2012 which was again notified in draft form by this Department vide No.H.14011/2/2011 dt.9.3.2012 for information of general public of the Mara Autonomous District, and inviting objections, if any, and the same was duly published in consonance with sub-rule (2) of Rule 8 of the above mentioned Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time. And whereas the objections and comments received from the public were given due condideraion by the Governor; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 read with sub-rules (1) and (2) of Rule 8 of the above mentioned Rules of 2002, as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that for the purposes of next elections to the Mara Autonomous District and until further order (s), the Mara Autonomous District Council shall be divided in 25 (Twenty five) MDC- Cons tituencies in the manner as specified in ANNEXURE-A to this notifiation. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that the ANNEXURE-A to this Notification shall form part and parcel of this Notification and this Notification shall take effect immediately on expiry of the tenure of the existing Mara Autonomous District Council. P. Singthanga Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. ANNEXURE - A DELIMITATION OF MDCs CONSTITUENCIES IN MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL, SAIHA Sl.No. Name of ConstituencyName of Villages to be cover 123 1) Tongkalong 1TONGKALONG2) Lomasu 3) Bymari 4) Lungdar 1) Phura North 2PHURA2) Phura South 3) Kiasie 1) Meipu 2) Vahai 3) Lungpuk 3VAHAI4) Khaikhy 5) Leisai 6) Lope 7) Supha 1) Laki - I 2) Laki - II 4LAKI3) Khopai 4) Ahmypi 1) Zawngling -B 2) Zawngling 5ZAWNGLING3) Lotai Vaih 4) Siatlai 1) Mawhre 2) Chapui - I 6CHAPUI3) Chapui - II 4) Chapui - III 1) Chakhang - I 2) Chakhang - II 7CHAKHANG3) Chakheitlah 4) Chheihlu 5) Siasi 1) Siata - I 8S IATA2) Siata - II 3) Ainak 1) Tuisih - I 9TUISIH2) Tuisih - II 3) Theiri 1) Tuipang V - I 10TUIPANG - I2) Tuipang V - II 3) Tuipang V - III 1) Tuipang D - I 11TUIPANG - II2) Tuipang D - II 3) Tuipang LEx-177/2012 2 1) New Latawh 12LATAWH2) Lohry 3) Maisa 4) Lawngban 1) Serkawr 2) Serkawr-Abeivaih 13SERKAWR3) Lorrain Ville 4) New Serkawr 5) Kawlchaw E - I 6) Kawlchaw E - II 1) Theiva 14MAUBAWK2) Mawbawk - B 3) Maybawk - CH 4) Maubawk - Zero 1) Phalhrang 2) Rawmibawk 15RAWMIBAWK3) Riasikah 4) Tupui Ferry 1) Niawhtlang - I 16NIAWHTLANG2) Niawhtlang - II 1) Lungbun - I 2) Lungbun - II 17CHHUARLUNG3) Chhuarlung - I 4) Ch huarlung - II 5) Chhuarlung - III 1) College Ven g - I 18SAIHA NORTH - I2) New Colon y III (p) 1) College Veng - II 19SAIHA NORTH - II2) New Saih a ‘E’ - II 1 ) N ew Col on y - I 20SAIHA SOUTH - I2) New Colony - III (p) 1) Council Veng 21SAIHA SOUTH - II2) New Colony - II 3 ) E C M Ven g 1) New Saiha ‘W’ - I 22SA I HA E A S T - I2) New Saiha ‘W’ - II 3) New Saiha ‘E’ 1) Tuisumpui - I 23SAIHA EAST - II2) Tuisumpui - II 3) Saihatlangkawn - I 4) Saihatlangkawn - II, III 1) Saiha - I 2) Saih a - II 24SA I HA WE S T - I3) Saiha - III 4) Thingsen 1) Meisavaih - I 2) Meisavaih - II 25SAIHA WEST - II3) Meisavaih - III 4) Meisatlah - I 5) Meisatlah - IIEx-177/2012 3Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

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