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The Mizoram Education and Human Resource Development Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 79Date - 17/02/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 17.2.2012 Magha 28, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 79 NOTIFICATION No. 12018/6/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 16th February, 2012.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the constit ution of India, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to amend the following R ules relating to recruitment to the post of Joint Director under S chool Education Department issued under Notification No. A. 12018/14/89-APT(B)Vol-II dated 12.9.1996, and published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. XXV, Extra Or dinary Issue No. 363 dated 20.9.1996, (her einafter referr ed to a s Principal rules) namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Education and Human Resource Commencement Development Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2011. ( 2 ) T hey s ha ll co me in t o fo r ce f r om t he da t e o f p u b lica t ion i n t he Offi cia l Ga zet t e. 2. Amendment of (1) In the Principal Rules, for the words and figure “Rs. 3700-125-4700- ANNEXURE-I 150-5000/-” appearing at column 4 shall be substituted by the words and figures “Rs. 15600-39100+7600 G.P” (2 ) In t he Principal Rules, for the words PROMOTION : From Deputy Director of School Education/Deputy Director, SCERT/Deputy Director, Science Promotion/Deputy Director, Adult Education/D.E.O/Professors, SCERT/Chief Tutor, SCERT/Principal, G.H.S.S with not less than 5 years regular service in the grade appearing at Column 11 shall be substituted by the words and figures, “PROMOTION : 66 1/3% from Deputy Directors and District Education Officers of School Education with not less than 5 years’ qualifying service in the grade, and 33 2/3% from P rincipals, Government Higher Secondary Schools, with not less than 5 years’ qualifying service in the gra de”. By order s etc. C. Zothankhumi, Jt. Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of P ersonnel & Adve. Refor ms..Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Travelling Allowances Rules for Judicial Service Officers on Implementation of the Mizoram Revision of Pay Rules.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 80Date - 17/02/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 17.2.2012 Magha 28, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 80 OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject :Travelling Allowances Rules for Judicial Service Officers on Implementation of the Mizoram Revision of Pay Rules. No. G. 14019/1/2010 - F. Est., the 8th February, 2012.Consequent upon the implementation of the Mizoram (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010 and in pursuance of the revision of Travelling Allowance Rules by the Government of India vide their Office/Memorandum F. No. 19030/3/2008-E. IV dated 23.9.2008; and in continuation of para 1 of Finance Depa rtment (Estt)’s Office Memora ndum of even no. dated 26.11.2011, the undersigned is directed to convey the adoption of the revised ra te of Travelling Allowance for Judicial Officers as set out in the following paragr aph. On a nd from the da te of issue of this O .M., the differ ent categories of Judicial S ervice Officers of Mizoram sha ll be entitled to the rates and scales of TA/DA as stipulated in Finance Department (Estt)’s Office Memorandum of even no. dated 26.11.2010 based on the underlying gradation of officers as equated with their counterparts in the Government of Mizoram having corresponding status/gr ade in the general categories of employees on the basis of their pay sca les and grade pay. Classification of EmployeesS l. No. S ca le of P a y of J u dicia l S er vice Officer sCorresponding Grade Pay to be used for TA/DA entitlement 1.^ 70290 - 76450 2.^ 57700 - 702909500 and a bove 3.^ 51550 - 63070 4.^ 39530 - 540107600 - 8900 5.^ 27700 - 447705400 - 7100 All cases not specifically mentioned in this Office Memorandum shall be governed by the Rules, Order, Instr uctions, Clarifications and a mendments made by the Government of India, Ministry of Fina nce, Depa rtment of Expenditure, E. IV Branch from time to time.

Election Petitions arising out of the General Election to Village Councils, 2012 that may come after General Election during the term of the new Village Councils within Aizawl, Lunglei, Champhai, Kolasib, Serchhip and Mamit Districts consisting of the following members :-

VOL - XLIISSUE - 85Date - 24/02/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 24.2.2012 Phalguna 5, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 85 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14016/4/09-LAD/VC, the 10th February, 2012.As provided under Rule 35 of the Mizoram (Election t o Villa ge Councils) Rules, 1974 (as amended form time to time) the Governor of Mizora m is pleased t o constitute Election Tr ibunal to hear and dispose of a ll Election Petit ions ar ising out of t he General Election to Village Councils, 2012 that may come after Genera l Elect ion dur ing the term of the new Village Councils within Aizawl, Lunglei, Champhai, Kolasib, Serchhip and Mamit Districts consisting of the following members :- 1.Secretary, L.A.D-Chairman 2.Director, L.A.D-Member/Secreta ry 3.Pu H. Raltawna, I.A.S. (Rtd) -Member 4.Pu R. Liankima, M.C.S (Rtd) -Member Non Official members shall be entitled to get DA at the rate of Rs. 250.00 per day for each sitting. Further, as provided under Rules 35 of the said Rules, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint all District Local Administration Officers to received all Election petitions submitted by a candidate under their respective Jur isdiction and they will pass on the petitions to the Tribunal for disposal. T. Sangkunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Two (2) Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) are allotted Unique Code Numbers as assigned against their names in the list appended at Annex-A.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 86Date - 24/02/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 24.2.2012 Phalguna 5, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 86 NOTIFICATION No. G. 17011/2/2011-F. APF/Pt, the 16th February, 2012.In continuation of F inance Department’s Notification No. G. 17011/2/2008-F. APF dated 10.1.2012, two (2) Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) are allotted Unique Code Numbers a s assigned against their names in the list a ppended at Annex-A. The DDOs concerned should mark their respective Code Numbers in clear recor ds and furnish the same in the appropr iate column in all bills and communications relating to the New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, 2010. The Code Numbers as recorded herein should not be altered by any individual authorit y except by the Government of Mizoram in the Finance Department in consultation with the National Securities Depository Ltd (CRA) Additions of new Treasuries or DDOs, if any, from time to time shall be made by the author ity aforementioned only. Lalthansanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. ANNEX - A Sl. Name of Ministry Ministry Name of DDO/Office DDO CodeName ofTreasury No.TreasuryCode 1.Finance109Deput y Secret ary,109013Aizawl South90101 Mizoram Finance Commission 2.Horticulture132Sub-Divisional132013Mamit90801 Horticulture Officer MamitPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

General Elections to 509 Village Councils of 6 (six) Districts in the State of Mizoram.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 87Date - 24/02/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Friday 24.2.2012 Phalguna 5, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 87 NOTIFICATION No. D. 32019/2/2012-SEC, the 22nd February, 2012. WHEREAS, the State Election Commission vide its Notification No. B. 12011/13/2011-SEC/VC, Dt. 24.1.2012 has issued the Schedule for General Elections to 509 Villa ge Councils of 6 (six) Districts in the State of Mizoram. Subsequently, General Elections to Village Councils in Kolasib Distr ict and Aizawl District will also be held on 23rd February, 2012; AND WHEREAS, as per special reports received from various sources, leaders of all political parties in some villages of Sinlung Hill Development Council (SHDC) a rea are summoned by one insurgent group at Dholakhal (Assam) and Thingpuikual, (Manipur) on the bank of Tuiruang river adjacent to Zokhawthiang villa ge wher ein the cadres of the insurgent group armed with sophisticated weapons told the lea ders of differ ent p olit ical parties to help win all candidates of a particular party in the ensuing General Elections to some Village Councils within SHDC area. T he reports fur ther suggest that free and fair elections may not be possible even if fool-proof security is provided; AND WHEREAS, it is a fa ct t ha t for en s u r ing fr ee a n d fa ir elect ion s , it i s of p a r a mou nt imp or t a nce that peaceful atmosphere prevails , enabling electors to cast t heir votes at the polling sta tions without fear. In t he meantime, the said reports further reveal that there will be a sense of ins ecurity or fea r psychosis pervading the minds of candidates belonging to other parties and the voters in the said villages and it is evident tha t under such a fear psycholosis, they could not be expected to exercise their franchise in a free and fair ma nner. Under the circu mstances, it a ppears that the situation is indeed bad and not conducive for holding free and fair elections; NOW, THEREFORE, the State Election Commission, after taking all intelligence inputs and various reports received fr om District Authorities into consideration, is of the opinion tha t it would not be possible to hold General Elections to some Village Councils in Kolasib a nd Aiza wl Distr ict on 23rd February, 2012 in a peaceful, free and fa ir manner. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferr ed under Rule 3 (1) of the Mizoram (Constitution of State Election Commission) Rules, 2008 and as per a uthorit y delegated to the State Election Commission, Mizoram for the conduct of Elections to the Village Councils vide Notifica tion No. B. 14016/1/07-LAD/VC, dt. 15.01.2009,the State Election Commission hereby orders to postpone the General Elections to 2 (two) Village Councils viz, Saipum and Sa iphai in Kolasib District and 13 (thirteen) Village Councils viz, Zokhawthiang, North Tinghmun, Mauchar, Zohmun, Palsang, Sakawrdai, Khawpuar, Vaitin, North Khawdungsei, Thingsat, New Vervek, Damdiai and Lungsum in Aizawl District for an indefinite period of time until further orders. The Commission fur ther advises tha t either a sepa rate - 2 - Ex-87/2012Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 Notification for extension of the term of the existing Village Councils as provided under Section 5 of the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 as amended or alterative administrative stop-gap arra ngement may be issued or made by the State Governmenton or before 27th February, 2012 by which date the term of the existing Village Councils shall expire. C. Ropia nga State Election Commission, Mizor a m.

General Election to Phuldungsei Village Council under Mamit District to be held on 23 rd February, 2012;

VOL - XLIISSUE - 90Date - 28/02/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 28.2.2012 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 90 NOTIFICATION No. D. 32019/2/2012-SEC, the 22nd February, 2012. WHEREAS,the State Election Commission vide its Notification No. B. 12011/13/2011-SEC/VC, Dt. 24.1.2012 has issued the Schedule for General Elections to 509 Village Councils of 6 (six) Districts in the State of Mizoram, calling for General Election to Phuldungsei Village Council under Mamit District to b e held on23rd February, 2012; AND WHEREAS, the Deputy Commissioner & District Elect ion Officer, Mamit Dis trict, Mamit has brought to the notice of the Commission that Additional District Magistrate & Collector, Nor th Tripura, Dhar managar strongly objected to holding election in Phuldungsei Villa ge on t he ground that 138 Nos. of Voters actua lly belong to Ward No. 3 of S abual ADC Villa ge who are residents a nd registered voters under Phuldungsei Village and contesting candidates for the scheduled election ar e elect ors of Part No. 45 of 59- Assembly Constituency of the Tripura Legislative Assembly, asserting that law & order crisis is likely to break out at any moment if the situation is allowed to prevail, and further requesting for stoppage/ postponement of the scheduled elect ion; NOW, THEREFORE, the State Election Commission, Mizoram, after taking into considera tion an objection conveyed by Additional District Ma gistrate & Collector, North Tripura, Dharma nagar a nd a report received from the Deputy Commissioner, Mamit District, orders that the poll process in respect of Phuldungsei Village under Mamit District stands called off until proper understanding and amicable sett lement on the issue is reached between the two Sta tes. C. Khawla, State Elect ion Commissioner, MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Obituary Pu Lalrinliana, Forest Ranger, Kolasib Forests Division, Environment & Forests Department, Mizoram

VOL - XLIISSUE - 91Date - 28/02/2012

OBITUARY No. A. 19099/42/05-FST, the 21st February, 2012.The Government of Mizoram has lea r ned with deep sorrow the sad and untimely demise of Pu Lalrinliana, Forest Ranger, serving at Kolasib Forests Division, Environment & Forests Department, Mizoram at 0445 hrs on 21st February, 2012. Pu Lalrinliana entered into Government service on 17.11.1980 as Forester under Environment & Forests Department. He had undergone and completed the Training Course of Forest Ranger in the year 1985-1987 at Kurseong and was appointed as Forest Ranger on 4.5.1987. He was posted to various places within the State of Mizoram and he obediently took charge of his posting places until his death. He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion and always proved himself a conscientious officer. The Government places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Lalrinliana, Forest Ranger and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Dr. S.S. Garbyal, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 28.2.2012 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 91Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

The Mizoram Prison Department (Group ‘B’ Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 92Date - 28/02/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 28.2.2012 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 92 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/23/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 22nd February, 2012. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Superintendent of Jails under Pr ison Depa rtment, Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizor am Prison Depar tment (G roup Commencement‘B’ Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2011. (2 ) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and classification, pay bandGrade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns (2) and grade pay/pay scaleto (4) of the aforesaid Annexur e-I. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters age limit,relating to the said post(s ) shall be as specified in columns (5) to qualifications, etc-(14) of the aforesaid Annexure-I. Provided that the age limit prescribed for direct r ecruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or (b ) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contract ed a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post; - 2 - Ex-92/2012 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 6.Training and DepartmentalEvery Government s ervant r ecr uited under these rules shall undergo Examination.such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be pres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these r ules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing a ndin consultation with the Mizor am Public Service Commission through the Department of P ersonnel and Administra tive Reforms relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with r espect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age concessionslimit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes /the Schedu led Tr ibes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the CentralGovernment or the Government of M izoram from time to t ime in this regard. 10. Repeal and SavingsAll r ules perta ining to these p osts fra med b y the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. HMJ. 23/73/34-35 dated 11.7.1979 and all its subsequent amendments shall stand repealed from the commencement of t hese ru les. Provided that any order ma de or anything done or any action t aken under the rules so repealed, or under any general orders ancillary thereto, shall b e deemed to ha ve been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these rules. By order s, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘B’ POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRISONS, GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Superintendent of Jails6 (six) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeSelection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualifications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicableGeneral State Service Group ‘B’PB-2 ^ 9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4600/- - 3 -Ex-92/2012 Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of pos ts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314100% by PromotionPromotion from J ailor with 5 (f ive) years regula r service in the grade with passing of training in Jail Administration/ Correctiona l serviceAs per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended f rom time to time. Mizoram Public Service CommissionPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Obituary Pu Lalremruata Sailo, S/o Lalhluna Sailo (L) Horticulture Extension Officer

VOL - XLIISSUE - 93Date - 28/02/2012

OBITUARY No. A. 38017/1/2009-HORT, the 23rd February, 2012.With the profound grief and sorrow, the Government of Mizoram has learnt the sad demise of Pu Lalremruata Sailo, s/o Lalhluna Sailo (L) Horticulture Extension Officer, Horticulture Department on 22nd February, 2012 at 10:00 PM Pu Lalremruata Sailo was born on 14th April, 1969, he entered into Service as Agriculture Extension Officer on 19th March, 1996. Due to bifurcation of Horticulture Department from Agriculture Department his service was then transferred from Agriculture Department to Horticulture Department and joined as Horticulture Extension Officer on 15th March, 2001. He served the Government with sincerity and devotion and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He always proved himself to be conscientious Officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of sincere services rendered by Pu Lalremruata Sailo and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace. R.T. Nghaka, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dated Aizawl,Horticulture Department, The 23rd February, 2012Mizoram, Aizawl. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 28.2.2012 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 93Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page

High Powered Monitoring Committee on oil exploration in Mizoram.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 95Date - 01/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 1.3.2012 Phalguna 11, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 95 NOTIFICATION No. G. 28014/18/2011-PLG, the 27th February, 2012. Oil and Gas are important subjects of the State. In order to carry out the process of exploration / drilling of oil efficiently and smoothly it is felt necessary to have a proper forum wherein the problems faced by the concerned parties can be discussed and resolved. The Governor of Mizoram is therefore, pleased to constitute High Powered Monitoring Committee on oil exploration in Mizoram. T he Committee will consist of the following Officials:- 1.Chief Secretary- Chairman 2.Member Secretary, SPB & Ex- Officio Principal Secretary, P&PI - Member Secretary 3.Commissioner/Secretary Planning & Programme Implementation - Member 4.Principal Secretary, Industries Department- Member 5.PCCF, Environment & Forest- Member 6.Secretary, Taxation- Member 7.Principal Adviser, State Planning Board- Member 8.Director, Industries- Member 9.Dir ector, Land Revenue & Settlement- Member 10.Director, Geology & Mining- Member 11.Chairman, MPCB- Member 12.Deputy Commissioner concerned- Member 13.Superintendent of Police concerned- Member 14.Representative of concerned Exploratory Company- MemberTerms of reference : *To monitor the activities of Oil & Natural Gas exploration agencies who operate in Mizoram and to see their programmes, difficulties faced by agencies, if any and their achievements. *To formulate a plan or policy of oil exploration system in the state. *To coordinate with the exploratory agencies and line Department of the State Government. *To oversee that the exploratory a gencies adopt eco-friendly approach in the exploration/drilling of oil. Renu Sharma, Commissioner & Secretary, Planning & Programme Implementation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

State Level Medicinal Plant Board (SMPB) in Mizoram

VOL - XLIISSUE - 96Date - 01/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 1.3.2012 Phalguna 11, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 96 NOTIFICATION No. B.18015/1/09-HFW/pt, the 28th February,2012.On expiry of the terms of office of State Medicinal Plant Board (SMPB) Mizoram, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a State Level Medicinal Plant Board (SMPB) in Mizoram comprising of the following members for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of notified in the official Gazette 1.Chairman- Minister, Health & Family Welfare Department. 2.Member Secretary - Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department. 3.Members- 1) Chief Conservator of Forest, Mizoram. 2) Director of Agriculture, Mizoram. 3) Director of Horticulture, Mizoram. 4) Director of Industries, Mizoram. 5) Director of Health Services, Mizoram. 6) Director, Hospital & Medical Education, Mizoram. 7) Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission. 8) Nodal Officer, Ayush. 9) Deputy Drugs Controller, Mizoram. 10) Head of Department, Pharmacy, RIPANS 11) Deputy Director, AYUSH. 12) Programme Officer, (SMPB) 13) President, Mizoram Journalist Association 14) President, Mizoram Veterinary Council 15) Representative from Mizoram University. Functions of the State Medicinal Plants Board will be as follows:- 1.Assessment of demand/ supply position relating to medicinal plants both within the council and aboard 2.Advise concerned departments on policy matters relating to schemes and programme for development of medicinal plants 3.Provide guidance in the formulation of proposals, schemes and programme etc. to be taken up by agencies having access to land for cultivation and infrastructure for collection, storage and transportation of medicinal plants. 4.Identification, inventorisation and qualification of medical plants. - 2 - Ex-96/2012 5.Promotion of cooperative efforts among collectors and growers and assisting them to Store transport and market their product effectively. 6.Development of protocol for cultivation and quality control 7.Preservation and control of medicinal plants, property right including export from Mizoram. 8.No survey and collection of medicinal plants will be allowed without prior permission of State Medicinal Plants Board, Mizoram M. Zohmingthangi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progressive Scheme (MACPs) 2012

VOL - XLIISSUE - 97Date - 01/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Thursday 1.3.2012 Phalguna 11, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 97 NOTIFICATION No. B.12014/1/2006-HM (SB), the 28th February,2012.In pursuance of DP&AR (ARW) O.M. No.B.12014/ 1/2010-P&AR (ARW) dt. 27.01.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute 2 (two) Departmental Screening Committee to consider the ca se for gr ant of financial Upgradation under Modified Assur ed Ca reer Progressive Scheme (M ACP s) 2 012 for var ious ca tegories of posts as mentioned below under Department of Sainik Welfare & Resettlement with immediate effect and until further or der :- Group A&B1. Home Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram-Chairman 2. Director, SW&R-Member Secretary 3. Representative of DP&AR-Member 4. Chief Controller of Accounts or-Member his Representative not below the rank of Dy. Director. Group C&D1. Director, SW&R-Chairman 2. DSW&RO, Aizawl District-Member Secretary 3. Representative of DP&AR-Member 4. Representative of Finance Department-Member K. Riachho, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Obituary of Pu Vanlalsiama, Superintendent of Accounts, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department

VOL - XLIISSUE - 98Date - 06/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 6.3.2012 Phalguna 16, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 98Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OBITUARY No. A. 19019/103/2008-FCS&CA, the 29th February, 2012.The Government of Mizoram ha s lea r nt wit h deep sorrow the sad and untimely demise o f Pu Vanlalsiama, Superintendent of Accounts, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department on 26.2.2012. Pu Vanlalsiama was born on 20.3.1954 and entered into Government service as Account Assistant of Supply Department on 13.2.1976. He was promoted to the post of Superintendent of Accounts, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs on 14.5.2003 where he served till his demise. He served the Government of Mizoram for 35 years in various capacities with utmost sincerity and devotion, and endeared himself as a conscientious Officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Vanlalsiama and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. M. Zohmingthang i, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department.

The Empowered Committee consisting of the following members

VOL - XLIISSUE - 99Date - 06/03/2012

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 6.3.2012 Phalguna 16, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 99 NOTIFICATION No. B. 24013/10/2009-P&E, the 28th February, 2012.In pursuance with clause 10 of Hydro Electric Power Policy of Mizoram, 2010 notified vide letter No. B. 24013/10/2009-P&E dt. 16.8.2010, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Empowered Committee consisting of the following members :- Chairman: Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram Member Secretary : Secretary, Power & Electricity Deptt. Members: 1) Principal Secretary, Planning & Programme Implementation Deptt. 2) Commissioner/Secretar y, Finance Department 3) Secretary, Industries Department 4) Secretary, Law & Judicia l Department 5) Secretary, Hor ticulture Department 6) Secretary, Agr iculture Department 7) Secretary, Environment & Forest Department 8) Secretary, Land Revenue & Settlement Department 9) Secretary, Public Wor ks Department 10) Secretary, Public Health Engineering Department 11) Secretary, UD&PA Department 12) Member Secretary, State Planning Board 13) Principal Adviser, State Planning Board 14) Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Deptt. TERMS OF REFERENCESTo determine norm and procedure etc. a)To determine the norms and procedure for selection of bidders and other types of allottees of power projects within the policy parameters. b)To finally select the developers of Power Plants of all categories under this policy. c)To approve the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs), Implementation Agreement/Letter of Allotment and other such docu ments a s specified which a re requ ir ed t o be executed by Government of Mizoram and the concerned developers. d)To consider and approve the incentives, monetary or otherwise, which would be made available to developers under this policy. e)To suggest amendments to this policy if considered necessary. f)To undertake a periodic review of the implementation of projects. Van Hela Pachuau, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Revised Mizoram State Health Care Scheme on self-financing basis for the year, 2011-2012 with effect from 1 st September, 2011.

VOL - XLIISSUE - 100Date - 06/03/2012

NOTIFICATION No. B. 16011/18/10-HFW, the 28th February, 2012.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to not ify implementation of Revised Mizora m State Healt h Care Scheme on self- fina ncing basis for the year, 2011-2012 with effect from 1st September, 2011. This Revised Mizor am State Healt h Care Scheme shall be implemented through the services of a Thir d Party Administrator (TPA) duly selected thr ough competitive bidding. The specification etc. will be as per Annexure enclosed. M. Zohmingthangi, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLI Aizawl, Tuesday 6.3.2012 Phalguna 16, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 100RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 1/- per page SPECIFICATION OF SCHEME BENEFITS 2011-2012Name of the Scheme1.Mizor am State Health Care Scheme Objective of the Scheme2.The objective of the Scheme is to improve access of families to quality medical care for treatment of diseases involving hospitaliza tion and surgery through an identified network of Health Care Providers Each family shall cover all eligible family memebrs under this Scheme. Covered Benefits3.Hospitalisation - The Scheme shall provide coverage for meeting expenses of hospitalization and surgical procedures of BPL beneficiary memebrs up to Rs. 70,000/- per family per year subject to limits, in any of the network hospitals, after having exhausted RSBY cover of Rs. 30,000/- only. The cover shall be on family floater basis. 4.Critical Illness - A buffer floater amounting to Rs. 2,00,000/-, over and above the normal cover can be availed of individually or collectively, by members of the BPL family suffering from below listed critical illness. APL families will avail benefits only under this critical illness cover within a sum insured of Rs. 3,00,000/-. This buffer floater will be made available for beneficiaries with identified critical illness (excluding related ailments except where specified) as given under : I.CARDIOLOGY AND CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY a.Coronary By-pass Surgery (CABG). b.Valve Replacement/Repair or Valvuloplasty. c.Correction of Congenital Heart Diseases eg. VSD, ASD, TOF, etc. d.Angioplasty and PTCA Stent. e.Permanent and Temporary Pacemaker Implantation. f.Surgeries for Repair of Aneurysm. g.Electrophysiologic Study and Radiofrequency Ablation. h.Pericardial Surgery & Pericardial Effusion requiring Drainage. i.Acute Coronary Syndrome (Unstable Angina, Myocardial Infraction). j.Heart Failure/Cardiogenic Shock. II.ONCOLOGY a.Surgical Management of all Malignant Tumours. b.Radiation Treatment of Malignancies. c.Chemotherapy/Targeted Therapy for Treatment of Malignancies. d.Complications and Toxicities of treatment of Malignancies. III.MEDICINES 1.NEPHROLOGY a)Kidney Failure. 2.RESPIRATORY SYSTEM : a)Respiratory Failure. b)Pulmonary Thromboembolism. 3.GI TRACT a)GI bleed requiring Surgical Intervention. b)Acute Pancreatitis with Complications. 4.ENDOCRINOLOGY a)Diabetic ketoacidosis.- 2 - Ex-100/2012 b)Other Meta bolic emergencies (eg. T hyrotor ix Crisis, Myxoedemic Coma , Pheochr omocytoma, Cushing’s Disease, etc). 5.CNS a)Acute Stroke - any Cerebro Vascular incident producing permanent Neurological Sequelae. b)Acute Myelopathies requiring Medical Board Referral. c)Hydrocephalus requiring Surgical Intervention. d)Myasthenic Crisis. 6.HEPATOLOGY a)Liver Abscess requiring Surgical Intervention. b)Hepatic Encephalopathy. c)Hep B&C on Interferon/Antiviral Therapy treated only at Civil Hospital, Aizawl & Lunglei. 7.HEMATOLOGY a)Complicated Cytopenias (eg : Aplastic/Hypoplastic Anaemias, Neutropenias, Thrombocytopenias) b)Hemoglobinopa thies requiring Splenect omy (Thalassemia/Sickle Cell Anemia). c)Thromboembolic Disease (eg : DVT, Mesenteric Artery thromboembolism, Pulmonary Thromboembolism, etc). d)Bleeding disorders (eg : Hemophilia). 8.CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE a)SLE, Mixed Connective tissue disease, etc. 9.INFECTIVE DISEASES a)Complicated Malaria (identified according to WHO criteria). b)Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. 10.ORGAN TRANSPLANT :Renal/Bone Marrow/Liver/Heart/Stem Cell (for treatment of Malignancies, etc), and including ‘the’ donor only. IVS URG E RY 1)UROLOGY/NEPHROLOGY a)Nephrectomy and Surgery for Perinephric Abscess b)Urinary Stone cases requiring surgery under GA 2)GASTROENTEROLOGY a)Acute Abdomen requiring major surgery : eg - Gut Perforation, Acute Appendicitis, Vulvulus, Intussusception, Peritonitis, Intra-Abdominal Abscess etc. b)Pseydocyst of Pancreas requiring Surgery. 3)NEWROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY a)Life saving surgeries on Brain (eg : Intracranial Hematomas/Abscess) and Spinal Cord. 4)PLASTIC SURGERY a)Treatment of major burns with complications. V.OPHTHALMOLOGY (Mit lampang) a.Surgery and other procedures for Detachment of Retina. b.Surgery for Glaucoma. c.Vitreous Heamorrhage, Vitrectomy. d.Laser treatment of Retinopathies (to SSN referred cases only). e.Orbital fracture and penetrating eye ball injury. f.Intracranial blood disorders involving eye. VI.ENT a.Ma stoidectomy. b.Middle Ear Disease requiring Operation in Children (excluding Intracranial Implants like Cochlear Implants, etc). c)St apedectomy.- 3 -Ex-100/2012 VII. ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY a.Joint Repla cement (Hip/Knee, etc). b.Surgery for correction of Fractures of Bones and Joints. c.Arthroscopic Repair of Ligaments. d.Major limbs amputations (legs/arms/foot) due to any diseases excluding single digits/ terminal Phalanged Amputations (with Prosthesis). e.Correction of Locomotor disabilities due to Congenital & Acquired Contractures. f.PIVD with Severe Cord Compression requiring Surgery. VIII. ICU CARE a.Any seriously ill patient requiring ICU admission to sustain life (excluding routine post- operative patients and uncomplicated surgeries). IX.PAEDIATRICS a.CNS- Meningitis/Encephalitis. b.Respiratory System- Severe Pneumonia with related complications. c.Nephr ology- Complicated Nephrotic Syndrome. - AR F. d.New borns- Birth Asphyxia and related complications. - Preterm/VLBW requiring NICU care. - Congenital Malformations requiring Major Surgery. X.DERMATOLOGY a.Steven Johnson’s Syndrome - drug induced XI.PSYCHIATRY a.Psychiatric Emergencies (eg : Manic/Ac Psychotic Disorder). XII. OBS AND GYNAECOLOGY a.Emergency life saving operations (eg : Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancies, DUB, Twisted Ovarian Cyst, etc). b.LSCS complicated by Rupture Uterus, Re-opening of Abdomen. XIII. DENTAL SURGERIES a.Post Traumatic Maxillofacial fractures requiring Surgery. Eligibility of Beneficiaries5.Any non-Governemnt Servant (Central or State) or their dependents who is a bonafide citizen of India and residing in Mizoram, with the Head of the Family thereby being in the Voters list or the Head of the Fa mily having Voter ID Ca rd shall be eligible to be covered under this Scheme, irrespective of age. The Scheme will also cover dependents of Government Servants (Central or Sta te), who are not covered under the existing Medical Attendance Rules such as Grandchild, daughter/son-in-law, overage children, sister/brother, uncle/aunty, niece/nephew, etc. The Scheme will also cover personnel and their dependents working under the Government of Mizora m eg. Contracts, Muster r oll, etc who are not entitled to medical reimbursement under the existing rule in force. The Scheme will not cover persons and their dependents working under church organizations and who can thus be eligible for claiming their medical reimbursements their respective church organiza tion. 6.Coverage under the Scheme would be provided for all family and their members as per the photo ID Card/Smart Card issued to them Prior to issue of Photo ID Card/Smart Card, copy of enrollment form with Voter ID may be used as proof of coverage.- 4 - Ex-100/2012 7.Family -A family would be defined as anyone living under one roof, irrespective of their relationships and duly ascertained by the Family Ration Card. Any addition/deletion of family memebrs e.g. death, birth, divorce, marriage, adoption etc. the same will have to be recommended by the concerned Health Worker/Medical Officer/Senior Medical Officer/Chief Medical Officer and certified by the Mizoram State Health Care Society. 8.Proposed Payment of Premium : The family members will be restricted to 5 memebrs for APL families, while for BPL families, this number limit will not be applicable Payment of premium for a family of 5 or families whose number is above 5, payment of Premium may if as below : Table III : Details of Premium Payment : BPL, family APLAPL, family APL, Additional members<5members < 5family member >5 NilSum insured up to Rs. 1 lakh Rs. 500/-Rs. 100 per additional member Sum insured up to Rs. 2 lakhs Rs. 750/-Rs. 200 per additional member Sum insured up to Rs. 3 lakhs Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 300 per additional member 9.Dependents -The dependents should be living in the same hous ehold. “Dependents” are those who depend upon the Head of the household for their basic subsistence/care. Insured Benefits10.Pre-existing conditions to be covered, subject to minimal exclusions as per clause 19. 11.Transport Allowance - Provision for transport allowance as part of the sum insured will be allowed for the patient along with one attendant by any public service vehicle at the rate as may be fixed by the State Transport Authority from time to time. In case of an emergency/exceptional case, hiring of private vehicle may also be allowed, provided it is duly certified by the Medcial officer i/c of the Hospital. The cost of travel that would be reimbursable for a patient that has to be shifted from residence to hospital in case of admission in Emervency or from one Hospital/Nursing Home to another Hospital/Nursing Home for better medical facilities. Expenses for travel (Fares only) would have a ceiling of Rs. 1,000/- within the State and Rs. 10,000/- for travel outside the State per claim. Reimbursement for travel outside the State would be considered for treatment of named Critical Illnesses only. Further, only the lowest fare available for the journey shall be considered for reimbursement . 12.Relevant medical expenses incurred for the period up to 1 clear day prior to hospitalization and up to 10 clear days from the date of discharge from the hospital shall be part of the benefit. T his pre- hospitalization coverage would also include all pre-admission investigations pertaining to the particular hospitalization and not subject to the 1 clear day pre-hospitalization coverage and duly certified by the tr eating doctor. However, in cases of orga n transpla nta tion pa tients, post hospitalization coverage would be extended up to 30 clear days. 13.Maternity and New Born Benefit : a.This means treatment taken in Hospital/Nursing Home arising from childbirth including normal delivery/caesarean section and/or miscarriage or abortion induced by accident or other medical emergency except voluntary medical termination of pregnancy. b.Newborn child shall also be covered from day one up to the expiry of the Policy and expenses incurred for treatment taken in hospital as in-patient. This benefit shall be a part of basic sum insured and new bor n will be considered as a pa rt of insur ed family member till the expiry of the policy. However, hospitalization prior to delivery can be taken under medical procedures and will not be included under this benefit.- 5 -Ex-100/2012 c.The maximum benefit allowable under this benefit allowable under this benefit will be up to Rs. 10,000/-. For complicated cases such as Cesarean Section, the amount covered will be subject to actuals, provided certification from the treating doctor is included in the claim. This benefit shall be a part of basic sum insured. Note : I.For the Policy period, new born will be provided all benefits under the Scheme and will NOT be counted as a separate member II.Verification for the new born can be done by any of the existing family members who are getting the Scheme benefits. 14.Minimum period of hospitalization : The minimum period for which a beneficiary is admitted in the hospital as inpatient and stays there for the sole purpose of receiving the necessary and reasonable treatment for the disease/ailment contracted/injuries sustained under the Scheme shall be at least 24 hours. 15.Day Care Procedures :Given advances in treatment techniques, many health services formerly requiring hospitalization can now be treated on a day care basis. Examples of such services which are included for coverage under hospitalization benefits are : a.Dialysis b.Parenteral C hemother apy c.Hepatitis B d.Hepatitis C e.Drug Resistant TB f.Ra diot hera py g.Epilepsy h.Eye Surger y i.Lithotripsy (Kidney stone removal) j.Tons illectomy k.D&C (not MTP) l.Dental Surgery following an accident m.Hu st er ectomy n.Surgery of Hernia o.Surgery of Hydrocele p.Surgery of Prostrate q.Gastrointestinal Surgery r.Genital S urger y s.Surgery of Nose t.Surgery of T hroat u.Surgery of Ear v.Surgery of Appendix w.Surgery of Urinary System x.Treatment of Fractures/Dislocation (excluding hair line fracture). Contracture releases and minor reconstructive procedures of limbs which require hospitalization. y.Laparoscopic Therapeutic Surgeries. z.Any surgery under General Anaesthesia aa.Any disease/procedure mutually agreed upon by the Society and the Insurance Company/ TPA befor e treatment. The above listed procedures can also be treated/claimed under normal hospitalization benefits.- 6 - Ex-100/2012 16.Fraudulent B ills/Claims : If fraudulent bills are detected from beneficiaries, hospitals or Government Staffs, the following actions will be initiated. For Beneficiaries : The fraudulent claims will be rejected and further claims from the particular family will not be entertained for the current Policy period or as may be determined by the Executive Committee. For Hospitals : the bills of the hospitals will be out rightly rejected. Further, if the hospital is found to be directly attributable to the false cla ims as referred to in the S pecification of Scheme Benefits or included later under the clause, the concerned hospital will be de-panelled. For Government Staff working in Hospitals, etc: Appropriate Government proceedings will be initiated against them. Benefit Exc lusions17.Common exclusions from the benefits would include : Conditions that do not require hospitalization or that can be treated at home or conditions that do not fall under Day Care Procedures specified in paragraph 16. i)Sterilization and Fertility related procedures. ii)Circumcision unless necessary for treatment of a disease not excluded hereinabove or as may be necessitated due to an accident. iii)Vaccination or Inoculation. iv)Change of life or cosmetic or anesthetic treatment of any description other than as may be necessitated due to an accident or as a part of any illness. v)Cost of spectacles, contact lenses and hearing aids. vi)Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless requiring hospitalization. vii)Convalescence, general debility, ‘run-down’ condition or rest cure. viii) Congenital externa l diseases, except where intervention is requir ed to maintain the functionality of the individual. ix)Sterility, venereal or sexually transmitted diseases. x)Intentional self-injury, unlawful activity associated injury (intentional/unintentional), suicide and direct consequence of use of intoxicating drugs/alcohol. xi)All expenses arising out of any condition, directly or indirectly, caused to or associated with human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus type III (HTLV III) or Lymphadinopathy Associated Virus (LAV) or the Mutants Derivative or Variations Deficiency Syndrome or any Syndrome or condition of a similar kind commonly referred to as AIDS/HIV, if otherwise treatable under Mizoram State Aids Control Society (MSACS) Programme. xii)Charges incurred at Hospital or Nursing Home primarily for diagnostic, X-ray or laboratory examinations or other diagnostic studies not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of the positive existence or presence of any ailment, sickness or injury, for which confinement is required at a Hospital/Nursing Home or at home under domiciliary hospitalization as defined. xiii) Expenses on vitamins and tonics unless forming part of treatment for disease or injury as certified by the Medical Practitioner. xiv)Domiciliary Treatment, Naturopathy Treatment. xv)Disease or injury directly or indirectly caused by or arising form attributable to war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), disasters (man made, natural). xvi)Disease or injury directly or indirectly caused by or contr ibuted to by nuclear weapons/mater ia ls. Rates18.The rates will include Bed charges (General Ward only), Nursing, diet charges, Surgeons, Anesthetists, Medical Practitioner, Consultants Fees, Anesthesia, Blood Oxygen, O.T. Charges, Cost of Surgical Appliances, medicines and Drugs, Cost of Prosthetic Devices, implants, X-Ray- 7 -Ex-100/2012 and Diagnostic Tests, etc as notified by the Government of Mizoram and will be applicable for all medical/surgical cases for hospitals within the State of Mizoram vide No. A. 17014/7/07-HFW, Dt. 22nd July, 2008. For hospitals outside Mizoram, rates will be as current CGHS rates will be adhered Costs of drugs would be as per distributor prices. Specific Provisions for the Scheme19.Enrolment Procedure a)Beneficiary Enrollment is the responsibility of t he Mizoram State Healt h Care S o c i e t y.Enrolment period will be opened for 2 months in each district only and beyond this period, enrollment would not be opened whatsoever. b)Enrollment of the Head of the Family in the current electoral roll or having Voter ID Card of the State publis hed by the Election Commission of India shall be used as proof of eligibility for enrollment under the Scheme. c)For BPL families, a Certificate/Card as proof thereof issued by GoM authorized Department (identified from time to time) and certified by a Gazetted Officer or Health Worker in remote villages of the Government of Mizoram has to be attached. d)Coverage under the Scheme would be provided for all family and their family members as per the Enrollment/Photo ID Card. e)The period for enrolment would be from the date of commencement of enrolment for a period of 60 days only, beyond which it would not be possible to enroll, Enrolment period would be widely publicized. f)Enrollment under the Scheme at the time of hospital admission within the enrolment period will also be considered. 20.Cashless Access Service a)Within the limits of coverage, BPL beneficiaries only shall be provided cashless treatment for all conditions, illness or disease covered under the Scheme. T he Health Care Provider shall be reimbursed according to the packaged cost specified in Paragraph 18. b)For APL beneficiaries, the facility of cashless treatment shall be restricted only to Critical Illness as listed in Paragraph 4. The basis of reimbursements shall be limited to the rates specified in Paragraph 18. 21.The Mizoram State Health Care Society shall formulate Rules and Procedures relating to the following : a.Pre-authorization requirements, when applicable. b.Access to network and out-of-network providers. c.Emergency care and treatment of beneficia ries. d.Any other matter as may be deemed necessary by the Mizoram State Health Care Society. 22.Referral of Patients from Mizoram to Hospitals outside the State : The existing Medical Boards constituted by the Government of Mizoram at Aizawl and Lunglei will be utilized under the Scheme for referring cases outside the State of Mizoram. However, Final Authority shall lie with the Society and the recommendations of the Boards for utilization of hospitals referred by it will not be binding on the Mizoram State Health Care Society. T he Mizoram State Health Care Society may recommend other hospitals with similar facilities but providing the same treatment at lower rates as negotiated by the Society. 23.Eligible Health Care providers i)Both public and private health care providers which provide hospitalization and/or daycare services, with desired infrastructure would be eligible for inclusion under the Scheme, subject to such requirements for empanelment as accepted by the Mizoram Health Care Society.- 8 - Ex-100/2012 ii)All Government Hospita ls (inclu ding Primary and Community Health Centres) will be automatically eligible for empanelment under the Scheme. However, claims from beneficiaries taking treatment at Government Hospitals would only be allowed for expenses incurred by them on drugs, consumables, etc., purchased from the marked (on production of Cash Memos/Bills) a nd on minimal investigation/Labora tory charges levied by t he Government Hospitals (on production of Cash Memos/Bills/Receipts). Expenses such as Diet, Nursing, Bed Charges, Doctor Consultation, Surgical Charges and other expenses which the Government Hospitals provide free will not be payable under the Scheme. 24.Empanelment of Private Hospitals for Inpatient and Day Case Services : i)Hospitals and other Health Facilities shall be empanelled that conform to the eligibility criteria as detailed below : a. It has a minimum of 15 beds. b. It is equipped with properly functioning of Computer, Telephone and Fax facilities. c. It is fully equipped and engaged in providing medical and/or surgical care, including a Pharmacy and Laboratory and Diagnostic Services that could handle at least testing of clinical (blood and urine) specimens, X-rays and ECG. d. The facilities undertaking Surgical Operations have a fully equipped Operating Theatre which it owns and is located on the premises of the facility. e. The facility employs fully qualified Doctors and Nursing Staff on a 24 hours a day basis. f. The facility employs fully qualified laboratory technicians. g. The facility has the requisite system and procedures of maintaining patient’s records required to be provided to the patient or his representative, the Insurance Company/ TPA, Governemnt/Nodal Agency as and when required. h. The facility preferably agrees to packaged costs for each identified medical/surgical intervention/procedures provided as covered benefits under the Scheme. i. The Hospital should be in a position to provide following additional benefits to the BPL beneficia ries rela ted to identified systems ; i) Free OPD consultation. ii) Fixed/agreed discounts on diagnostic tests and medical treatment required where hospitalization is not required.- 9 -Ex-100/2012 Annexure-I Lists of Expenses Not Admissible under Mizoram State Health Care Scheme Sl. No.Expenses Not AdmissiblePayableClarification1. Abdominal BeltNot Payable 2. Abdomen BinderNot Payable 3. Additional Room Charges for AttendantNot Payable 4. Admission KitNot Payable 5. Air Conditioner ChargesNot Payable 6. Alpha Bed/Water Bed, etc.Not Payable 7. Ambulatory Devices (like Walker/Crutches, etc.)Not Payable 8. Apron Drape LinenNot Payable 9. Arm SlingNot Payable 10. Arthroscopy & Endoscopy InstrumentsNot Payable Only rental charged by the Hospital allowed. Purchase of instruments not allowed. 11. Attendant ChargesNot Payable 12. Attendants Extra Bed ChargesNot Payable 13. Attendant Food ChargesNot Payable 14. Aya ChargesNot Payable 15. Baby FoodNot Payable 16. Baby SetNot Payable 17. Band AidNot Payable 18. Barber ChargesNot Payable 19. Beauty ServicesNot Payable 20. BeltsNot Payable 21. Birth Certificate ChargesNot Payable 22. BladeNot Payable 23. Blanket/Warmer BlanketNot Payable 24. Bra cesNot Payable 25. CapsNot Payable 26. CD/Video CasetteNot Payable 27. Cost of Organ Charges for TransplantationNot Payable 28. Clea n SheetNot Payable 29. Cold Pack/Hot PackNot Payable 30. CollarsNot Payable 31. CommodeNot Payable 32. CosmeticsNot Payable 33. Contact LensesNot Payable 34. Cozy Sheet/Cozy TowelNot Payable 35. CPAP EquipmentsNot Payable Hospital Rental for the period of Hospitalisation only payable. 36. Crepe BandageNot Payable Payable only in case of Varicose Vein Surgery/ Accident with open wounds 37. CrutchesNot Payable Rental charges are payable (up to 5 days) 38. Daily Chart ChargesNot Payable 39. Delivery KitNot Payable - 10 - Ex-100/2012 40. Diabetic Foot WearNot Payable 41. Diabetic Test StripsNot Payable 42. DiaperNot Payable 43. Dietician feeNot Payable 44. DrapesNot Payable 45. Eau-de-cologne/Room Fr eshenersNot Payable 46. Elastic StockingsNot Payable Payable in case of Varicose Vein 47. Email/Internet ChargesNot Payable 48. Entrance Pass/Visitors Pass ChargesNot Payable 49. Eye DrapeNot Payable 50. Eye Drape/Eye ShieldNot Payable 51. Eye PadNot Payable 52. Eye KitNot Payable 53. File Opening ChargesNot Payable 54. Food for AttendantsNot Payable 55. Food CoverNot Payable 56. GauzeNot Payable 57. GlovesNot Payable 58. GlucometerNot Payable 59. Gluco StripsNot Payable 60. GownNot Payable 61. Guest ServicesNot Payable 62. Gynae BundleNot Payable 63. Health Drinks-Horlicks, Viva Bournvita &Not Payable Protein Powder including Lactogen 64. Hearing AidsNot Payable 65. Home Visit ChargesNot Payable 66. Hormonr Replacement TherapyNot Payable 67. Hospitalisation for Evaluation/Diagnosis Purpose Not Payable 68. Incidental Expenses (Not Explained)Not Payable 69. Infertility/Sub Fertility/Assisted Conception Procedure Not Payable 70. Infusion Pump-CostNot Payable 71. Internet ChargesNot Payable 72. Kit with no details mentionedNot Payable (Delivery Kit, Orthokit, etc) 73. Knee Braces (long/short/hinged)Not Payable 74. Knee Immobilizer/Shoulder ImmobilizerNot Payable 75. Laundry ChargesNot Payable 76. LeggingsNot Payable 77. Lumbo Sacral BeltNot Payable 78. Luxury TaxNot Payable 79. MaskNot Payable 80. Med KitNot Payable 81. Medical C ertificate Cha rgesNot Payable 82. Medicine BoxNot Payable 83. Medicao Legal Charges (MLC)Not Payable 84. Microscope CoverNot Payable 85. Mineral WaterNot Payable 86. Miscellaneous Charges-Details not providedNot Payable 87. Mortuary ChargesNot Payable - 11 -Ex-100/2012 88. Na pkinsNot Payable 89. Nebulizer (Equipment)Not Payable 90. Nebulizer KitNot Payable 91. Nutrition Planning Charges-Dietician ChargesNot Payable 92. Obesity (including Morbid Obesity) TreatmentNot Payable 93. Ortho BundleNot Payable 94. Or thokitNot Payable 95. Outstation Consultant’s/Surgeon’s FeesNot Payable 96. Ounce GlassNot Payable 97. Oxygen Cylinder (for usage outside the Hospital) Not Payable 98. Oxygen MaskNot Payable 99. Patient Identification Band/Name Tag ChargesNot Payable 100. Pelvic Tration BeltNot Payable 101. Preparation ChargesNot Payable 102. Private Nurses Charges-Special Nursing ChargesNot Payable 103. Referral Doctor ’s FeesNot Payable 104. Registration ChargesNot Payable 105. Rib BinderNot Payable With in the Hospital, usage charges are permissible 106. Room Freshneer, Eau-de-cologneNot Payable 107. Sanitary PadNot Payable 108. Service Charges where Nursing Charge also charged Not Payable 109. SlingsNot Payable 110. Soap, Powder, Shampoo, etc.Not Payable 111. SpacerNot Payable 112. Sp ect aclesNot Payable 113. Spir ometreNot Payable 114. SplintNot Payable 115. SPO2 ProbeNot Payable 116. Sputum CupNot Payable 117. Stem Cell Implantation/SurgeryNot Payable 118. Sterility TreatmentNot Payable 119. StockingsNot Payable 120. SurchargesNot Payable 121. Telephone Cha rgesNot Payable 122. Television ChargesNot Payable 123. ThermometerNot Payable 124. Tissue PaperNot Payable 125. Toiletry ItemsNot Payable 126. Urine CanNot Payable 127. UrometreNot Payable 128. Vaccine Charges for BabyNot Payable 129. WalkerNot Payable 130. Warmer BlanketNot Payable 131. Washing ChargesNot Payable 132. Water BedNot Payable 133. Weight Control Programs/Supplies/ServicesNot Payable 134. Wheel ChariNot Payable 135. Xerox Copies ChargesNot Payable 136. X-Ray Film ChargesNot Payable - 12 - Ex-100/2012 137. Kidney TrayNot Payable 138. Under PadsNot Payable 139. Tooth PasteNot Payable 140. Tooth BrushNot Payable 141. CombNot Payable 142. Shoe CoverNot Payable 143. SlippersNot Payable 144. Surgical DrillNot Payable 145. IM IV Injection Charges when Nursing is charged Not Payable 146. Examination GlovesNot Payable 147. Paper GlovesNot Payable 148. TED Stockings/StockingsNot Payable 149. TourniquetNot Payable Payable-as specified by the Treating DoctorPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 13 -Ex-100/2012

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