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Appointments of officials as Ex-officio Members for the State Wetlands Authority for the State of Mizoram

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 416Date - 21/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.C. 18011/4/2011-FST, the 19th June, 2019.In continua tion of this Department’s Notifica tion vide No. C. 18011/4/2011-FS T dt. 16.01.2018 regar ding the constitution of State Wetlands Authority for the State of Mizoram, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to appoint the following officials as Ex-officio Members for the Sta te Wetla nds Authority for the State of Mizora m in the fields mentioned below :- 1.For Wetland Ecology :Dr. Lalzahawma Chenkual, Associate Proffessor, Government Zirtiri Residential Science College 2.For Hydrology:Pu R. Lalruatkima, Hydrogeologist, Ground water Resou rces Assessment Cell, Public Health Depart ment 3.For Landsca pe Planning :Pi Sylvia Romawizuali, Assistant Professor, Depa rtment of Planning & Architecture, Mizoram University 4.For S ocio-Economics :Dr. James L .T. Tha nga, Assistant Professor, Depa rtment of Economics, Mizoram University 5.For Fisher ies:Pu C. Laldawngliana, Director Depa rtment of Fisheries Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 21.6.2019 Jyaist ha 31, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 416Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Constitution of the State Level Security Committee for Railways

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 417Date - 21/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.D. 32019/3/2019-HMS, the 19th June, 2019.In the interest of Public Service and in pursuance of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs instruction No. VI-23014/538/2015-V5 dt. 22.08.2017, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the State Level Security Committee for Railways which shall consist of t he following members with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Chairman- Director General of Police, Mizoram Members- i) Chief Security Commissioner, North East Frontier Railways, Guwahati ii) Depu ty Inspector General of Police (CID), Mizoram iii) Additional Deputy Director, Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau, Mizoram. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 21.6.2019 Jyaist ha 31, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 417Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue 1 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 1Date - 04/01/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS A. 22012/5/2014 - PERS (B), the 18th December, 2018. In pursuance of Order F.No.32013/3/2018-IFS-I (AGMUT) (Part-I) dated 27.07.2018 issued by Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change whereby Pu L iandawla IFS (AGMUT: 19 86) was promoted to the rank of Principal Conservator of Forests (P CCF) in the Level 16 in the Pay Matrix (Rs 2,05,400 - Rs 2,24,400/-)and posted in Mizoram segment with effect from the date of his a ssumption of charge as PCCF in Mizoram Segment read with Notification No. A.11013/ l/2016-FST dated 16.10.2018 issued by Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department, Govt. of Mizoram upgr ading one post of Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest s to the post of Principal Chief Conservator of Forest s in Level 16 in the Pay Matrix for a period of two years and redesignating the post to Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Working Plan & CAMPA) & Nodal Officer (Forest Conservation), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order the posting ofPu Liandawla, IFS (AGMUT: 1986)asPrincipal Chief Conservator of F orests (Working Plan & CAMPA) & Nodal Officer (Forest Conservation)with immedia te effec t and u ntil fur ther or ders. No.H.11020/5/2014 - P&AR(CSW), the 19th December, 2018.With the completion of the process of election to the Mizoram Legislative Assembly, 2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the following officers, temporarily a ttached to the office of Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram shall stand rever ted to their regular p osts as shown against their na mes, with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Sl. No.Name of OfficerDesignation (Regular posts)1.Pu Krishna Mohan Uppu, IAS,Director, Transport Additional C EO, Mizoram 2.Pu H. Lianzela, MCSDeputy Secretary, Planning, Taxation and DM&R Departments Deputy CEO, Mizoram 3.Pu C .C. La lchhuangkima, MCSDeput y Secret ary, R.D. Depart ment Deputy CEO, MizoramRNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 4.1.2019 Pausha 14, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 1 - 2 - R-1/2019 Pi Lalzarmawii, IAS, Director, ATI who is currently holding additional charge of joint Chief Electoral Officer shall continue till 10.01.2019 or till the return of Pu Ashish Kundra, IAS, Chief Electoral Officer from lea ve/t our, whichever is earlier. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.19015/113/2014/TRP, the 20th December, 2018.On attaining the age of 60(s ixty) year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pi Lalremveli, Asst. Director of Transport(Accounts), Transport Depa rtment from Govt. Service on superannuation pension under Rule 35 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 with effect from 31.12.2018(A.N) Vanlalvuana, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. CORRIGENDUM No.B.14020/2/2018-COOP/Part, the 20th December, 2018.The name appearing in this Department’s Notification of even number dated 14.12.2018 as ‘Pu Lalmalsawma Lingdoh’ may be read as Pu Lalmalsawma. B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Cooperation Department. NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 12031/4/03 - F.Est, the 20th December, 2018.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 38/A/99-MPSC/Vol-I dt. 20.11.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Liansailova, Junior Administrative Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts ServicetoSelection Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Servicein t he L evel 1 3 in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.1.2019. On his promotion to the Selection Grade of MFAS, he is posted asJoint Secretary, Finance Department (A). Ramchuana, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depar tment (E) No.A-22013/1/2018-P&AR (GSW), the 27th December, 2018. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalremruata Kullai, MCS, Election Officer, Champhai District as Private Secretary to Hon’ble Minister Pu Lalchamliana i/c Home, Taxation and Disaster Mana gement & Rehabilitation Depar tments on deputation basis with effect from the date of joining duties on the following terms and conditions: 1)The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the pay cor responding to the Level in the Pay Matr ix of the deputation p ost or the pay corresp onding to his own Level in the Pay Ma trix in the parent cadre with Deputation (Duty) Allowa nce. - 3 -R-1/2019 2)The tenure of deputation shall be coterminus with that of the tenure of the Hon’ble Minister concerned. The appointment is made aga inst the sanctioned post of Private Secreta ry to Minister created vide No.A. 11013/4/87-SAE dt 28.03.1989. No. A-22013/1/2018-P&AR (GSW), the 27th December, 2018.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Dr. Tha ngzadinga, MAH& VS as P rivate Secretar y to Hon’ble Minister of State, Dr. K. Beichhua i/c Social Welfare, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Excise & Narcotics and Sericulture Departments on deputation basis with effect from the date of joining duties on the following terms and conditions: 1)The officer shall exercise an opt ion to draw either the pay corresponding to the Level in the Pay Matr ix of the deputation post or the pay corresponding to his own Level in the Pay Ma trix in the parent cadre with Deputation (Duty) Allowa nce. 2)The tenur e of deputation sha ll be coterminus with that of the tenu re of the Hon’b le Minister concerned. The appointment is made against the sanct ioned post of P rivate Secretar y to Minister created vide No.A.11013/4/87-SAE dt 28.03.1989. No.A-22013/l/2018-P&AR (GSW), the 27th December, 2018.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to appoint Pu Zoramsiama Hmar, MCS, S DO(C), Tuipang as Private Secr etary t o Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Pu Tawnluia i/c Personnel & Administrative Reforms, Public Health Engineering and Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Depa rtments on deputation basis with effect from the date of joining duties on the following terms and conditions: 1)The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the Level in the Pa y Matrix of the deputa tion post or his own Level in the Pay Matrix in the parent cadre with Deputation (Duty) Allowance. 2)The tenure of deputation shall be coterminus with that of the tenure of the Hon’ble Minister concerned. The appointment is made aga inst the sanctioned post of Private Secreta ry to Minister created vide No.A.11013/4/87-SAE dt 28.03.1989. No. A-22013/1/2018-P&AR (GSW), the 27th December, 2018.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to appoint Pu La lrinawma, MCS, Election Officer, Lawngtlai District as Private Secretary to Hon’b le Minister of State Pu T.J. Lalnuntluanga i/c Law & Judicial, Environment, For est & Climate Cha nge, Transpor t and Par liamentar y Affair s Departments on deputation basis with effect from the date of joining duties on the following terms and conditions: 1)The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the Level in the Pa y Matrix of the deputa tion post or his own Level in the Pay Matrix in the parent cadre with Deputation (Duty) Allowance. 2)The tenur e of deputation sha ll be coterminus with that of the tenu re of the Hon’b le Minister concerned. The appointment is made against the sanct ioned post of P rivate Secretar y to Minister created vide No.A. 11013/4/87-SAE dt 28.03.1989. Arvind Ray, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 4 - R-1/2019 No.A.19018/248/2018-PLG, the 27th December, 2018.On attaining the age of 60 years of age, the Gover nor of M izoram is plea sed to releasePu R. Vanlalpawla, Research Officer, Office of PCCF, Envir onment, Forest & Climate Change Departmenton superannuation pension from Government service with effect from dt 31.12,2018(A/N). Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, SecretarytotheGovt. ofMizor am, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 2 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 2Date - 11/01/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 12024/1/2007-SERI/254, the 20th December, 2018.Aft er reviewing the appointment on Contract (Co-terminus) basis issued vide Notification No.A.32013/2/2012-SERl/Pt dated 01.12.2014 for changing the mode of appointment, the Mizoram Public Service Commission has recommended the following persons for appoint ment to the post of Sericulture Extension Officer on Contra ct basis under Sericulture Department vide No.A.l 2032/6/2014-MPSC dt. 14.12.2018 in order of merit. Sl.No.Name & AddressFather’s/Mother ’s Name1.Lalbiakhlua Ralte, H.No.D-II/180, Nursery Veng,R. T hangliana Diakkawn - II, Kolasib. Pin-796081 2.S. Lalrintluangi, Chhim Veng, Near Presbyterian Chur ch, SaitualS. Lalremruati Pin-976261 Vanlalduhsaka, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sericulture Department. No.A.22012/3/2016-AH&V,the 21st December, 2018.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to repatriate Dr.Thangzadinga, Junior Grade, MAH&VS from his deputa tion post of Private Secr etary t o Minis ter, AH & Vety Department with effect from 17.12.201 8 to his parent Depart ment and is posted as Veterinar y Officer, RBCF, Thenzawl and attached to Directorate of AH & Vety Department, Aizawl. His salary will be drawn from Directorate Office. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 11.1.2019 Pausha 12, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 2 - 2 - R-2/2019 No. A.12012/2/2018-TAX/Pt.II, the 21st December, 2018.On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No. 51/B/2015-MPSC : dt. 16.11.2018, their acceptance of the offer of appointment and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to issue appointment order of the following persons, in or der of merits to the post of State Tax Officer (Group ‘B’ Gazetted) pr eviously designated as Inspector of Taxes in the Pay Matrix Level 7 plus a ll other allowa nces as a dmissible under the Rules from time to time under Taxation Department. Government of Mizoram with effect from the date of joining in their r espective posting pla ces. Consequent upon their appointment, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order posting of t he newly recruited St ate Tax Officers to the posts/places as shown aga inst their names : Sl. No.NAME & ADDRESSPOSTING PLACEHead of Accounts1.PC LALMUANSANGA S/o LALRINMAWIAKolasib Zone2040 - Taxes on sales, Trade, Non-Plan H. NO. B-2800- INDUSTRY MUAL,001 - Direction & Administration RAMHLUN NORTH,02 - Administration AIZAWL, MIZORAM.00- 2.MALSAWMTLUANGI POI BAWITLUNGLunglei Zone2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan D/o ZAHMINGTHANGA00- 156 COLLEGE VENG001 - Direction & Administration NORTH, LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT02 - Administration 00- 3.R. LALMUANKIMALawngtlai Zone2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan S/o CHHUNHNUNA00- H.NO. F-3001 - Direction & Administration DAMDAWI VENG PHC 02 - Administration N. VANLAIPHAI 00- 4.PATRICK T THIANDINGAChamphai Zone2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan S/o KHAMZAMANGA00- MIMBUNG,001 - Direction & Administration CHAMPHAI DISTRICT.02 - Administration 00- 5.LALVENHIMI RALTE2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan All the newly recruited State Tax Officers should join their new place of posting within 15 days from the date of issue of this Notification. Terms of appointment for newly recruited State Tax Officer: 1.Appointment is subject to product ion of Police verification r eport on character und antecedent (other docu ments like medical certifica te, declaration of hometown, marital status, oath of secr ecy, oath of allegiance, details of family, authenticated document as proof of a ge and degree certificate ha s been a lr eady received). 2.The appoint ees shall be on probation for a period of two years. The period of probation may, for good and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writ ing, be extended by the Author ity. 3.The appointees are liable to be discharged from service at any time dur ing the period of proba tion without assigning a ny reason thereof. Consequent upon the appointment of the new State Tax Officers, the following State Tax Officers are transferred to the posts/places as shown against their names : - 3 -R-2/2019 Sl. Name&designation Present placeNew placeHead of Accounts No. of postingof posting 1.H. ZarzolianaAizawl EastLunglei2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan ZoneZone00- 001 - Direction & Administr ation 02 - Administration 00- 2. K.H. Thanchhunga Kolasib Commiss ioner a te 2040 - Taxes on Sales,Trades, Non-Plan Zone00- 001 - Direction & Administr ation 02 - Administration 00 3. LalnunhluiAizawl South Lunglei Zone2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan Zone00- 001 - Direction & Administr ation 02 - Administration 00- 4. Jennifer Lalt hanzami ChamphaiAizawl South2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan ZoneZone 5. RinmalsawmiLungleiAizawl West2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan ChawngthuZoneZone00- 001 - Direction & Administr ation 02 - Administration 00- 6. E.S. LalthlamuanaLawngtlaiAizawl East2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trades, Non-Plan ZoneZone00- 001 - Direction & Administr ation 02 - Administration 00- Vanlal Chhuanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. No. B. 11017/l/2018-AGR(FARMS), the 21st December, 2018.In pursuance of the recommendation of the minutes of the meeting of officers of Directorate of Agriculture (Crop Husbandr y) & Dir ectorate of Agriculture (Resea rch & Extension) held on 27.11.2018, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to transfer the following posts with incumbents from Directorate of Agriculture (CH) to Directorate of Agriculture (R&E) as mentioned below with effect from the date of issue of this Notification. 1.STATE SEED TESTING LABORATORY, NEIHBAWI:Sl. No.Name of postNo. of post Creat ion No. & DateName of incumbent1.Seed Analyst1No. A.11013/1/87-AGR dt. 27.7.1988Lalsawmliana 2.Analytical Assistant1No. AGR.1/73/14 dt. 6.9.1973VAC ANT 3.Laboratory Assistant1No. AGR. 1/76/17 dt. 17.1.1977Zoremsanga - 4 - R-2/2019 2.STATE PESTICIDE TESTING LABORATORY, NEIHBAWI;Sl. No.Name of postNo. of post Cr eation No. & DateName of incumbent1.Insecticide Analyst1No. A. 11013/1/87-AGR dt. 27.7.1988 Dr. Samuel Lalliansanga 2.Analytical Assistant1No.FMC.44/85(A) dt. 18.7.1986Lyncy La lrindiki 3.GramSevak1Pre U.T Permanent p ost vide No.H. Laltlankima AGR.l/76/Pt/67 dt. 12.9.1978 3.MODEL ORGANIC FARM, NEIHBAWI;Sl. No.Name of postNo. of post Cr eation No. & DateName of incumbent1.Sr. GramSevak1No. AGR/E/11/81/22 Dt. 24.3.1982B. Lalrinsanga 2.GramSevak1Pre U.T Permanent p ost vide No.S. Chitha AGR.l/76/Pt/17 dt. 12.9.1978 3.Power Tiller1Pre U.T Permanent p ost vide No.H. Lalrindika G.I 1015/2/82-F.Est/233 : dt. 28.8.84 4.Group ‘D’ (P eon)1No. AGR/E/11/81/22 dt. 24.3.1982Vanlaldina 4.Casual Labourers: 1)Joseph Khu llu2)C. Lalawmpuii3)Ginzadawnga 4)C. L almawi kima5)Lipsana6)Lalthlahlovi Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No. A. 12031/2/2013 - F.Est, the 27th December, 2018.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 79/A/95-MPSC/Vol-III dt.26.10.2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Lalmuanpuia SailoJunior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service toSenior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Serviceon Officia ting ba sis in the Level-11 in the Pay Matrix of ^.67700-150800 plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. On p romotion to Senior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post him asDeputy Director, Accounts & Treasuriesvice Pu J.Vanlalbiakdika, tr ansferred. Ramchuana, Addl. Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Fina nce Department(E). No. A. 22013/1 (i)/2014 - F.Est, the 27th December, 2018.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order transfer and posting ofPu J.Vanlalbiakdika , Deputy Director, Accounts & Treasur iesto the vacant post ofDeputy Director (Accounts), PHE Departmentwit h immediate effect and until fu rther or der. Further,Dr.Lalmuanpuia, P.S . to Minister, Finance Department who has been repatr iated to his original post of Deputy Director, IF&SL vide No.A.22013/l/2018-P&AR (GSW) dt.19.12.2018is ent rust ed to take additional charge ofDeputy Director (Accts)LADduring the maternity leave period ofPi Lalfakzuali Rokhum, i.e. upto 27.1.2019in addition to his own duties and without any financial benefit, with immediate effect and until fu rther or der. - 5 -R-2/2019 No. A. 22013/l(ii)/2014 - F.Est, the 27th December, 2018.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tr ansfer and posting of the following Junior Grade of MFAS Officers to the post shown against each with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Sl. No.Name of OfficerPresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1.Dr.K.LalnghinglovaTreasury OfficerTreasury OfficerVice Pu Lalmuanpuia Lawngtlai TreasuryAizawl South TreasurySailo promoted 2.LaltanzualaFAO, Irrigation &Treasury OfficerVice Dr.K.Lalnghinglova Water ResourcesLawngtlai Treasurytransferred 3.Lalchhuanliana SailoFAO, PHE depttTreasury OfficerVacant Champhai Treasury Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No. A. 22012/4/89-Pers(B)/Part, the 28th December, 2018.Consequent upon the deputation of Pu Lalrinawma, MCS, Election Officer/DTO, Lawngtlai District as Private Secretary to Hon’ble Minister of State Pu T.J. Lalnuntluanga i/c Law & Judicial, Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Transport & Parliamentary Affairs Departments issued vide Notification No.A.22013/1/2018-P&AR(GSW) dated 27.12.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pi R ochuangkimi Khenglawt,MCS, SDO(S), Lawngtlai shall hold the charge of Election Officer/DTO, Lawngtlai in addition to her normal duties a s a stop-gap arr angement with immedia te effect and until further orders. No. A. 19014/228/2012-P&AR(CSW), the 28th December, 2018.Consequent upon the deputa tion of P u L a lr emr u at a Ku lla i, MC S , E lect ion O fficer, C ha mp hai Dis tr ict as P r iva t e S ecr et a ry t o Hon’b le M inist er Pu Lalchamliana i/c Home, Taxation and Disaster Management & Rehabilitation issued vide Notifica tion No. A. 22013/ l/2018-P&AR(GSW) dated 27.12.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or der thatPu Abraham Beirazi Khithie,MCS, SDO(S), Champhai sha ll hold the charge of Election Officer, Champha i in a ddition to his nor mal duties as a stop-gap arrangement with immediate effect a nd until further orders. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. LA/ESTT.43/2014/109, the 28th December, 2018. In the interest of public service S.F. David Ngursangzuala s/o Lalliana Sailo, Dinthar Veng is appointed as Private Secretary to Deputy Speaker, Mizoram Legislative Assembly in the Pay Level 10 of Rs. 56100/- p.m. plus other allowances a s admissible from time to time w.e.f. 20.12.2018. The term of appointment will beco-terminouswith the term of Deputy Speaker concerned. S.R. Zokhuma, COMMISSIONER & SECRETARY. No.A-22013/1/2018-P&AR (GSW), the 28th December, 2018.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to appoint Pu Lalfamkima s/o Hmangaihzuali, Zema ba wk North as Additional P rivate Secretar y to the Hon’ble Chief Minister Pu Zoramthanga in Level 10 of the Pay Matrix - 6 - R-2/2019 (^ 56,100 - ^ l,24,500) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining duties. The tenur e of appointment shall be co-terminus with the tenure of the Hon’ble Chief Minis ter concerned or until further orders, whichever is earlier. T heco-terminusappointment will not confer any right for r egular appoint ment against a ny post in future. The appointment is made against the sanct ioned post of P rivate Secretar y to Minister created vide No.A.l1013/4/87-SAE dt 28.03.1989. Arvind Ray, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.19099/142/2017 - FST, the 28th December, 2018.On his attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, Pu Lalramchhana, Forest Ranger, Buhchang, Mamit Forest Division is hereby released from Government S ervice on superannuation pension w.e.f. 31.01.2019 (AN). No. A.19099/117/2013 - FST, the 28th December, 2018. On his attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, Pu B. Rohmingliana, Forest Ranger, Lengpui, Mamit Forest Division is hereby released from Government S ervice on superannuation pension w.e.f. 31.01.2019 (AN). Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No. A. 13015/7/2014-PLG, the 31st December, 2018.On t he recommendation of MPSC conveyed by DP & AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. A. 32013/16/2017-P&AR(GSW)dt 24.7.2018 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased t o promotePu C. Vanlalmuana, Junior Grade of MPE & SS to S enior Gr ade of MPE & SS in the pay ma trix level 11 plus all other allowances as a dmissible from time to time and posted as Senior Research Officer-cum-Under Secretary, Planning & Programme Implementation Department (RDB)w.e.f. 1.1.2019. No. A. 13015/8/2015-PLG, the 31st December, 2018.On t he recommendation of MPSC conveyed by DP & AR (GSW) vide I.D. No, A. 32013/28/2016-P&AR(GSW) dt. 20.9.2018 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to promote Pi Biakchungnungi, Senior Grade of MPE & SS to Junior Administrative Grade of MPE & SS and posted as Joint Director, Economics & Statistics Department in the pay matrix level 12 plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.1.2019. Consequent upon the promotion of P i Biakchungnungi to Junior Administra tive Gr ade of MPE & SS, Pi Biakthansangi Hrahsel, S enior Research Officer-cum-Under Secretary, Planning (RDB) is transferred and posted as Deputy Director, Dir ectorate of Economics & Statistics a gainst the vaca nt post with effect from 1.1.2019. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. - 7 -R-2/2019 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN/64, the 31st December, 2018. On attaining the a ge of 60 years, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to r elease the following Headmasters, Govt. Middle School from Govt. service with effect from 31.12.2018 (AN) on Superannuation Pension. Sl. No.Name of Headmaster Name of SchoolDate of BirthSub-Division1V. LS awmlia naGovt. Bawrai Middle School,1.1.1959Mamit 2R.S angkungaGovt. Chawnpui Middle School,1.1.1959Aizawl West The senior-most teacher of the school sha ll take charge of Headmaster in matter of da ily routine works from the retiring Headmaster till regular Headmaster is posted. No.A.38012/1/09-EDN/154, the 31st December, ;2018.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Headmaster, Govt. High School from Government service w.e.f. 31.12.2018(A/N) on superannuation pension. S l. No. N a me of Hea dma s t erPlace of postingunder DEO1MankungaGovt. Sakawr tuichhun HS Aizawl 2LawmchhungiGovt. Hrangchhuana HS, Aizawl Aizawl The senior-most Teacher of their respective school shall take the charge of Headmaster till such time a regular Headmaster is posted. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.32012/1/2011- EDN/414-416, the 4th January, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 47/A/95-MPSC/Vol-II dt 23.10.2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Govt. Trained Graduate High School Teachers/ Govt. Trained Graduate High School Hindi Teachers to the post of Headmaster/ Headmistress, Govt. High S chool (Group A Gazetted) in level 10 of the Pay Ma trix (corresponding to Pay Band 3 of Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/- p.m. in the pre-revised pay) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time and they areposted totheSchoolsasshownagainst their names with effect from the da te of joining their posts: Sl.NamePresent place of PostingNew Place of Posting asRemarksNo.Headmaster1 C. LalpariGovt. Mizo HSGovt. Bawngkawn HSVacant 2 Linda LalthlamuaniGovt. Comp M odel SchoolGovt. Falkawn HSVacant 3 H. ZoremthangaGovt. Lungsen HSGovt. Lungsen HSVacant 4 LalhmingthangaGovt. Durtlang HSGovt. Sakawrtuichhun HSVacant 5 K. SangaiaGovt. Chaltlang HSGovt. Gorkha HSVacant 6 C. LalbiaklianiGovt. Mizo HSGovt. Kolasib HSVacant 7 Lalhmasaa RalteGovt. Lengpui HSGovt. Tlungvel HSVacant 8 B. ThanglianaGovt. T.M. HS FarkawnGovt. Vanzau HSVice Hrangliankima Transferred 9 C. LalrinpuiiGovt. Hlimen HSGovt. Sateek HSVice Laltlanthangi Transferred 10 Dina Nath SinghMizoram Polytechnic,Govt. Tawipui S HS(Vacant) LungleiHindi Teacher quota 11 P. RohmingthangaGovt. Rawpuichhip HSGovt. Rawpuichhip HSVacant 12 Seipuia SailoGovt. Theiriat HSGovt. Pukpui HSVice Peter Lalsanga Transferred 13 ZangaiaGovt. Theiriat HSGovt. Theiriat HSVice Lalhliri Ralte Transferred 14 C. LianchungnungaGovt. Sialsuk HSGovt. Samlukhai HSVacant 15 K.I. SinghGovt. Thenzawl HSGovt. Thenzawl HSVice J.L. Thanzawna Transferred 16 F. MalsawmaGovt. N. Vanlaiphai HSGovt. N. Vanlaiphai HSVice R.K. Dwivedi Transferred 17 Lalhlimpuia KhiangteGovt. Mizo HSGovt. Sumsuih HS Vacant 18 L. Surmani SinghGovt. BethlehemGovt. Kawlbem HSVice B.Lalrinthanga Vengthlang HStransferred 19 VanlalchhungaGovt. Rengdil HSGovt. Kawrthah HSVacant 20 Harendra Prasad SinghR.B. Mahavidyalaya, Khatla Govt. Rulchawm HS(Vacant) Hindi Teacher quota 21 Lalbiakchhuanga SailoGovt. Chaltlang HSGovt. K.M. HS ,AizawlVacant 22 Jayanta Kumar DasGovt. Sihphir HSGovt. Khawhai HSVacant 23 Lalnunsangi KhiangteGovt. Venglai HS,LungleiGovt. Venglai HS,LungleiVacant 24 C. Liantawna Govt. Hnahlan HSGovt. Khawzawl HSVacant 25 Nilomani SharmaGovt. Rengdil HSGovt. Zawlnuam, HSVacant 26 Z.D. LalthanglianaGovt. Zobawk HSGovt. Zobawk HSVacant 27 R. LalramhlunaGovt. Kolasib HSGovt. Chalkunga HS, BukpuiVacant 28 F.C.Johana .Govt.TipaVHSGovt Tipa V HSVacant 29 C. LalrinawmaGovt. Eastern HS, BiateGovt. Eastern HS, Biate Vice Lalhmingliani Transferred 30 Ajay KumarMICEGovt. Suangpuilawn HS(Vacant) Hindi Teacher quota 31 LalrinawmiGovt. K.V.M.HSGovt. K.V.M HS, AizawlVacant 32 Biswajit DeyGovt. Diakkawn HSGovt. N.Hlimen HSVacant 33 T. VanlalnghakaGovt. Pianghleia HSGovt. Zoram HS, KhawruhlianVacant 34 LalchhuanawmaGovt. Lengpui HSGovt. Darlawn HSVacant 35 B. LalbiaklianaGovt. Mamawii HSGovt. Thingsulthliah HSVacant 36 RamchanglianaGovt. Reiek HSGovt. Reiek HSVacant 37 H. LalropuiaGovt. Sihphir HSGovt. Sihphir HSVacant 38 Sangliana VarteGovt. Vairengte HSGovt. Vairengte HS Vice Zalianchhuma Transferred 39 LalhluniGovt. Bungkawn HSGovt. E. Phaileng HSVacant 40 Mina ChhetriGovt. H.T. ComprehensiveGovt. Sawleng HSVice Lalhlimpuii SchoolTransferred (Hindi Teacher quota) 41 D. LalzawmlianaGovt. Thingdawl HSGovt. Ratu HSVacant 42 VanlalthlanaGovt Thingsulthliah HSGovt NM HS, Kepran Vice R.K.Chhandama Transferred 43 Ram Krit ChauhanGovt. Model Compr.Govt. Lallengvunga HS,Vacant SchoolThenzawl(Hindi Teacher quota) 44 Mathura RamGovt, Kanghmun HSGovt. Kawrtethawveng HSVacant (Hindi Teacher quota) - 8 - R-2/2019 The newly pr omoted Headmasters/Headmistress should join their posts within15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this notification, failing which will be construed as declining of the pr omotion. In case of declining the promotion, he/she should submit in writing wit h reason of declination within the time given above to the undersigned with a cop y to their concerned DEOs. Consequent upon the promotion, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to tra nsfer the following Headmasters/Headmistress to the Schools as shown against their na me as below: Sl.No. Na mePresent place of PostingNew Place of PostingRemarks1Lalhliri RalteGovt. Theiriat HSGovt. Leitlangpui HS,LungleiVacant 2J.L. ThanzawnaGovt. Thenzawl HSGovt. Tanhril HS, Aizawlvacant 3R.K. DwivediGovt. N. VanlaiphaiGovt. Keitum HSvacant 4LalhminglianiGovt. Eastern HS, BiateGovt. HS, ChamphaiVice H.T. Vanlalsawma transferred 5R.K. ChhandamaGov t. N M HS, Kep ranGovt. Hrangchhuana HS, Aizawlvacant 6H.T. VanlalsawmaGovt. HS, ChamphaiGovt. GM HS, Champhaivacant 7LalhlimpuiiGovt Sawleng HSGovt. Seling HSvacant 8ZalianchhumaGovt. Vairengte HSGovt. T.Robert HS,Bilkhawthlirvacant 9LaltlanthangiGovt. Sateek HSGovt. Comprehensive M odel HSvacant 10Peter LalsangaGovt. Pukpui HSGovt. Dinthar HS, Aizawlvacant 11B. LalrinthangaGovt Kawlbem HSGovt. Sairang HSVacant 12C. HrangliankimaGovt. Vanzau HSGovt T.M . HS, Farkawnvacant They should join their new place of posting within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this notification. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.11015/3/2017-PHE/pt, the 4th January, 2019.On the recommendation of MPSC vide letter No.105/A/2002-MPSC/Vol-ll dt.26.10.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Er.S nehangshu Dey, Junior Grade of MES (AE/SDO) to Senior Grade of MES on non-functional basis under PHE Department in the level 11 of the Pay Ma trix p.m plus a ll other allowa nces as admissible under Rules from time to time w.e.f 11.11.2018. K.T. Beicho, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A. 19021/246/2009-P&E, the 4th January, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram pleased to release Er. B. Lalrinthanga, Senior Grade of MES (EE), Power & Electricity Department, Aizawl from Government service on superannuation pension with effect from 28.2.2019 (AN). H. Lalengmawia, Secretaryto the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. - 9 -R-2/2019 No.A.31013/ 1/2018-HTE/294, the 7th January, 2019.On successful completion of the probationary period of service, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to confirm the following14 (fourteen) nos.of Lecturers a t Women Polytechnic, Aizawl and Mizor am Polytechnic, Lunglei under Higher & Technical Education Department as per Annexur e appended her ewith wit h immedia te effect. H. M. Hualsangi, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Annexure appended to No.A.31013/l/2018-HTE/294 dt. 7thJan., 2019 Sl. No.Name & InstitutionSubjectDate of Entry into Govt. Service1.Laltlansangi PachuauBeauty Culture & Cosmetology23.03.2017 Women Polytechnic, Aizawl 2.Rebecca MalsawmtluangiBeauty Culture & Cosmetology23.03.2017 Women Polytechnic, Aizawl 3.Lalthangpuii, Women Polytechnic, Aizawl Garment Technology23.03.2017 4.Lalmuanpuii ChawngthuGarment Technology23.03.2017 Women Polytechnic, Aizawl 5.LalrinlianiGarment Technology23.03.2017 Women Polytechnic, Aizawl 6.Suroj BaruaComputer Science & Engineering23 03 2017 Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei 7.V. L. ChhanhimiComputer Science & Engineering23.03.2017 Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei 8.F. AinghinglovaMechanical Engineering23.03.2017 Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei 9.Jenny R. LalmuanzualiEconomics23.03.2017 Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei 10.Helen LalrinkimiLanguage (English)23.03.2017 Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei 11.Lalrinzuala PachuauElectronics & Telecommunication23.03.2017 Women Polytechnic, AizawlEngineering 12.LalhruaizelaComputer Programmer23.03.2017 Women Polytechnic, Aizawl 13.C. LalrintluangaCivil Engineering23.03.2017 Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei 14.VanlalhlanaComputer Science & Engineering23 03 2017 Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei No.A.22012/l/2017-PWD(E)/L, the 7th January, 2019.In continuation to this Department Notifica tion No. A.22012/l/2017-PWD(E) dt. 4.10.2018. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to keep in abeyance the or der of tr ansfer a nd p osting in respect of Er. La lzawmthanga (J AG) EE, Sa itual Division and Er. T.La lkha nha u, Senior Grade EE(P) Central Circle under P WD with immediate effect and until further or der. Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. - 10 - R-2/2019 No. A. 22012/1/2017 - P&AR(CSW), the 7th January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting ofPu H. L. Rochungnunga, IAS,Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Cosumer Affairs and Transport Departments asSecr etary to the Chief Minister, Mizor am with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. The Governor is fur ther pleased to alloca tePublic Works Departmentto Pu H. L. Rochungnunga in a ddition to his existing charge of FCS&CA and Transport Departments with immediate effect and until futher orders. Arvind Ray, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.32013/1/2014-COOP/Pt, the 9th January, 2019.In t he interest of Publice Service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu Lalrinsanga,Grade II of Mizoram State Cooperative Service (Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies) to Grade I of Mizoram State Cooperative Service (Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies) in the Level 13 of Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. The promotion is made against the vacancy caused by the voluntary retirement of Pu F. Lalthianghlima w.e.f. 1.1.2019 (F/N). No.A.32013/1/2014-COOP/Pt, the 9th January, 2019.In t he interest of Publice Service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu K. Lalthanpara,Grade III of Mizoram State Cooperative Service (Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies) to Grade II ofMizoram State Cooperative Service (Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies)in the Level 12 of PayMatrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. No.A.32013/2/2014-COOP/Pt, the 9th January, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission, and in the Interest of Public Service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu K. Lalduhawma, (Senior Inspector of Cooperative Societies) Grade V of Mizoram State Cooperative Societies to Grade IV of Mizoram State Cooperative Service (Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies) in the Level 10 of PayMatrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining. On his promotion, Pu K. Lalduhawma is posted as ARCS in the office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Mizoram. B. Lalhmingthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Cooperative Department. No.A.22013/1/2018-P&AR(GSW), the 10th January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu John Lalrinawma, Committee Officer, Mizoram Legislative Assembly as Private Secretary to Hon’ble Minister of State Pu Lalruatkima i/c Rural Development Department etc on deputation basis with effect from 27.12.2018 on the following terms and conditions.- 11 -R-2/2019 1.The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the pay corresponding to the level in the Pay Matrix of the deputation post or the pay corresponding to his own Level in the Pay Matrix in the parent Cadre with Deputation (Duty) allowance. 2.The tenure of deputation shall be co-terminus with that of the tenure of the Hon’ble Minister concerned. The appointment is made against the sanctioned post of Private Secretary to Minister created vide Notification No.A.11013/4/87-SAE dated 28.03.1989. Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONS No.B.14020/50/2015-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Kolasib District chhunga Vairengte- III Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Pu Lalnunsanga Vice-President- Pu Lalawmpuia Tr easurer- Pi Lalrindiki Members- 1) Pu Zirliana 2) Pu Ramhluna No.B.14017/30/2015-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Villa ge Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1 )(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Aiza wl District chhunga Luangpawn Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Pu C. Lalnuntluanga Vice-President- Pu Lalramenga Tr easurer- Pi L alr a mt ia mi Secretary- Pu Lalrohawnga No.B.14019/96/2015-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Champhai District chhunga Khawzawl-V Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Pu H. Zoremsanga Vice-President- Pu B. Vanlalbiakzara Tr easurer- Pu Lalnunpuia- 12 - R-2/2019 Secretary- Pu R. Lalmawia Members- 1) Pu Lalfakzual Varte 2) Pi Lalnunnemi No.B.14019/83/2015-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Cou ncils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a pha l angin, Champhai District chhunga Kawlbem Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Pu G. Kaizamuana Vice-President- Pu Khawlrokunga Tr easurer- Pu Suankhankapa Member- 1) Pi Zopari 2) Pu G. Thangbuanga No.B.14019/90/2015-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Champhai District huam chhung a mi North Diltlang Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Lalengliana Vice-President- Zaihmingthangi Tr easurer- La lrongha ka No.B.14020/12/02-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Aizawl District chhunga Lungmuat Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Pu K. Lalkima Vice-President- Pu Lalthanliana Tr easurer- Pi Lalbuatsaihi No.B.14022/38/02-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Serchhip District huam chhung ami Thinglian Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Zonunliana Vice-President- Lalengmawia Tr easurer- Lalhlimpuii No.B.14018/42/02-LAD/VC, the 4th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) Section 15 leh Section 22 in a phal angin, Mamit District huam chhung ami Saithah Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- M.S. Dawngliana Vice-President- La lr inliani Tr easurer- La lr inliani Secretary- Va nlalsanga Tlangau- Zothanthuama Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. - 13 -R-2/2019 PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONS No.B.14016/81/2018-RFS/12, the 13th December, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Dilhnuai Far mer ’s Society ha ving office a t Hnahlan, Champhai District, Mizoram has been registered on 13.12.2018 and numbered as MSR - 995. No.B.14016/82/2018-RFS/13, the 14th December, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Mizoram Bamboo Mission having office at Office of the Chief C onservation of Forest, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 14.12.2018 and numbered as MSR - 996. No.B.14016/61/2018-RFS/16, the 19th December, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Mission Veng Badminton Academy having office at Mission Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 19.12.2018 and numbered as MSR - 998. No.B.14016/63/2018-RFS/23, the 19th December, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Mizora m English Literary Society having office a t English Department, Pachhunga University College, College Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 19.12.2018 and numbered as MSR - 997. L.H. Lalrosanga, Registrar Firms & Societies, Mizoram : Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 14 - R-2/2019

Regular Issue No. 4 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 4Date - 25/01/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 19018/24/15-FS, the 17th December, 2018.Upon his attaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu L.H Zirliansanga,FEO, DFDO’s office, Lawngtlai from Government service with effect from the afternoon of 31.12.2018. Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. No.A.39017/1/2018-HFW, the 18th January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Competent Authority hereby accepts declination of a ppointment to t he post of Assistant P rofessor in the Department of Community Medicine at MIMER t endered by Dr. Limalemla Jamir with immediate effect. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No. A. 22017/2/2016-PLG, the 18th January, 2019.The Competent Authority is pleased to fix the final Inter-se-Seniority of Scientific Officers in the pay matrix level 10 under Science & Technology Department as below : Sl. No.Name of OfficerDate of appointment/promotion to the postAppointment Order No. & Date1.K. Lalrammuana18.7.1994No. A. 33033/Est/11/91-CST dt.18.7.1994 2.F. Lalramchuana28.9.2001No. A. 12026/2/98-DST Dt.28.9.2001 3.Dr. Aldrin Malsawmtluanga19.8.2002 No.A.12026/2/98-DST Dt.19.8.2002 4.Edward Lalzuithanga4.6.2003No. G. 12014/l/2k/SRSC Dt 4 6 2003 Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 25.1.2019 Magha 5, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 4 - 2 - R-4/2019 No. A. 32014/1/2017-HMP, the 18th January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularize officiating promotion of the under-mentioned Inspector of P olice(UB) to Junior Grade of Mizora m Police Service in the Level 10 in the Pa y Ma trix plus all other allowances as admiss ible from time to time with immediate effect and he willcont inue to hold the same post until further order:- Sl. No.Name of OfficerNotification and da te of officiatingpromotion1.Pu RamfangzauvaNo. A. 32014/lB/2017-HMP, dt l3.08.2018 Henry C.Lalrawnkima, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.22012/l/98-FS/Pt, the 18th January, 2019. Inthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased t o order transfer and p osting of Pi La lremsangpuii, F EO Directorate of Fisheries Department to DFDO’s Office, Lawngtlai t o take charge of DFDO with immediate effect and until further orders. Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. No. A.11011/2/2010-HMJ, the 21st January, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.l09/A/2002-MPSC dt. 15.1.2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order promotion of PuC.Zohmingthanga,Superintendent of Jails to Assistant Inspector General of Prisons/Special Superintendent in Level 10 of the Pay Matrix in the Seventh Central Revision of Pay (as modified and extended to the employees under the Government of Mizoram) Rules, 2018 plus allowances admissible under rules from time to time with immediate effect. On his promotion, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the Officer shall continue to hold the post of Superintendent of Jails , District Jail, Kolasib until further order in his own pay in the Pay Matrix. La lbiakzama, Addl. Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.32012/1/2015 - HORT, the 21st January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Gr ade V MHS Officers with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Sl. No.Name of OfficersPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1.V.L Remruatpuia Horticulture Centre, Chite Shall take the charge of SDHO, Hnahthial 2.Henry L.Va rteCOE, ThiakHorticulture Centre, Chite vice Pu V.L Remruatpuia Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. No. A. 45012/4/2014-LJE, the 22nd January, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under Clause 2 sub-section (2) of the uniform Terms and Conditions for engagement of Govt. Advoca tes in t he Govt. of - 3 -R-4/2019 Mizoram, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram hereby accepts the resignation t endered by Pu A.K. Rokhum, Addl. Advoca te General, Mizoram with immediate effect. No. A. 45012/4/2014-LJE, the 22nd January, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under Clause 2 sub-section (2) of the uniform Terms and Conditions for engagement of Govt. Advoca tes in t he Govt. of Mizoram, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram hereby a ccepts the resignation tender ed by S hri. Biswajit Deb, Advocate General, Mizoram w.e.f 9.1.2019. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law & Judicia l Department. No. A. 38012/1/09-EDN/155, the 22nd January, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Kapil Deo Singh, Headmaster, Govt. Vanbawng High School from Government s ervice w.e.f. 31.01.2019(A/N) on superannuation pension. The senior-most Teacher of Govt. Vanbawng High School shall take the charge of Headmaster till such time a regular Headmaster is pos ted. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.12025/11/2018-HFW, the 22nd January, 2019.In the interest of public service and alter due cons ideration the Competent Authority hereby cancelled appointment of Dr. Anup Kumar Das to the post of Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education & Research (MIMER), Farkawn issued vide this Department’s Notification of even No. dated 05.10.2018 with immediate effect on account of failur e to join the post dur ing the specified period of time without giving any satisfactory reasons thereof to the appointing author ity. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.A.12031/14/2018-TOUR, the 22nd January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Competent Authority is pleaseito repatriate Pu, La lhm.ansanga, MCS from his deputation as Deputy Dir ector under Tourism Department to his parent Department i.e DP&AR(CS W) witheffect from the da te of his joining Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department. No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 22nd January, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu C . Lalrua tliana, Headma ster, Govt. B.M Middle School, Ramhlun Vengthar from Government service with effect from 1.2.2019 (F/N) on Voluntary Pension as the Government had already accepted his application for Voluntary Pension vide No.A.38020/l/2016-EDN Dt.27.9.2018. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. - 4 - R-4/2019 No.A.38012/1/2015-HTE, the 22nd January, 2019.On a ttaining the superannuation age of 62 (s ixty two) years on 01.02.2019, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to releasePu C. Tlanthanga, Associate Professor, Govt. Hnahthial College, Deptt. of Political Science,Higher & Technical Education Department on superannuation pension w.e.f. 31.01.2019 (A/N) in terms of P ara 8(f) of Appendix-I of UGC Regulation, 2010 read with Notification No.G.12017/8/2012-HTE dt.03.10.2013 and The Mizoram Gazette (Extra Ordinary) Issue No. 538 dt. 10.10.2013. H. L. Dmgliana, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.11015/3/2017-PHE, the 22nd January, 2019.On r ecommendation of MPSC vide their No.15/ A/2012-MPSC dt. 23.10.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Er C.Lalzidinga, Senior Grade of MES to Junior Administrative Grade of MES (Non-functional) under PHE Department in the level 12 of the Pay Matrix p.m plus all other allowances as admissible under Rules from time to time w.e.f 1.4.2019 and until further orders. K.T. Beicho, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A.22017/l/2015-EDN/289, the 22nd January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tr ansfer and posting of the following Headmasters, Govt. Middle School as below: Sl. No.Name of HeadmasterPresent place of p ostingNew place of pos tingRemar ks1P. C.La lvanthangiGovt. M/S, MualkhangGovt. Chawnpui Model M/SVacant 2H. LalremruataGovt. M/S ChhipphirGovt. M/S SumsuihVacant The movement on tr ansfer a nd posting should be completed within 15 days from the date of issue of this Notification. No TA/DA is admissible as the transfer is made at their own request. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.38020/l/2014-PWD(E), the 22nd January, 2019.On a ttaining the age of Superannuation Pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu C. Liantluanga, SE, Lunglei Circle, PWD from Government Service with effect from 28.02.2019(AN). H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No. A. 35018/2/2012-P&AR (CSW), the 23rd January, 2019.Upon repatriation from the deputation post of Deputy Dir ector, Tourism Department and in the interest of p ublic service, the Governor of Mizorarn is p leased to order posting ofPu Lalhmansa nga, MCS,as Private Secretaryto Chief Minister, Mizoram with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 5 -R-4/2019 No.D.26017/1/05-GAD/Pt.,, t h e 2 3rd January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the- Competent Authority is pleased toappoint Pu J. Lalhmingliana, Wing Commander (Rtd.) as P rincipal Consultant under General Administration Department (Civil Aviation Wing)at a consolidated honorarium of ^ 30,000/ - (Rupees thirty thousand) only per month with effect from 10.01:2019 on the following terms and conditions:- (1)He shall enjoy the rank of and st atus of the Pr incipal Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. (2)His headqua rters shall be at Aizawl. (3)He shall be entitled to an officia l vehicle with a driver for performing his duties. (4)He shall be entitled to Air Travel, TA/DA while on official duties as admissible to Group ‘ A’ Officers of the Government of Mizoram. (5)He shall be entitled to one Household Peon on muster roll ba sis. (6)Pensionery benefits admissible to the retired Officer under the relevant provisions of rules shall not be deducted on account of payment of the consolidated honorar ium. (7)He shall exercise the powers of t he Head of Depa rtment while the Deputy Director (Civil Avia tion Wing) shall be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer. . (8)The period of appointment shall be 2 Vi (two and ha lf) yea rs extendable by mutual consent. This is issued with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No.13/2019/629 dated 23.01.2019. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department. No.A.12031/4/2017-LR,S&WC, the 24th January, 2019.On the recommendation of MPSC vide No. 3/A/2010-MPSC dt 18.1.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu C. Va nlaltluanga, Deputy Ra nger to the post of S oil Conservation Ranger in level 7 of the Pay Matrix (corresponding to PB-2, Rs.9,300-34800/- plus Grade Pay of Rs.4400/- p.m. in the existing pay structure) plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules and as amended from time to time with effect from the date of joining. On his promotion Pu C. Vanlaltluanga, S.C. Ranger is posted at Kolasib Ra nge. No.A.38020/l/2015-S&WC/52, the 24th January, 2019.On attaining the superannua tion pension age of 60 (s ixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to r elease Pu Lalta npuia Varte, District Soil Conservation Officer, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department from Government service with effect from 28.2.2019 (A/N). No.A.38020/1/2015-S&WC/53, the 24th January, 2019.On attaining the superannua tion pension age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Zothankima, S.C. Ranger, Durtlang Range, Land Resources , Soil & Water Conservation Dep artment from Gover nment ser vice with effect from 28.2.2019 (A/N). Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. No.A.32012/29/2018-EDN/119, the 24th January, 2019.In the interest of public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Distr ict Adult Educa tion Officer in the Level 10 of Pay Ma trix, under School Education Department with immediate effect. - 6 - R-4/2019 Sl. No.Name of D.A.E.O.Present post heldNew place of pos ting1.Pu T.C.LalremsiamaLungleiAizawl East 2.Pu R . LalthlenglianaNewly ap pointedLunglei Pu T. C. Lalremsiama, DAEO of Sl.l above, will continue to perform his usual duties at the Office of Youth Commission in addition to the charge of D.A.E.O. Aizawl East. Esther Lalruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A. 22012/2/2015-P&AR (CSW)/Part, the 24th January, 2019.In t he int erest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting ofPu H. Lianzela, MCS,Deputy Secretary, Planning & P rogramme Implementation, Taxa tion and Disaster Mana gement & Rehabilitation Department as Joint Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram in his own grade with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. This issues with the approval of Election Commission of India vide No. 154/MZ/2019-P. Admn dt. 16.01.2019. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. ORDERNo. A. 13015/4/2018-PLG, the 24th January, 2019.On t he recommendation of MPSC conveyed by DP & AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. A, 32013/24/2016-P&AR(GSW) dt, 15.1,2019 and in theinterest of public services, the Gover nor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Inspector of Statistics to Junior Grade of MPE & SS in the Pay Matrix Level 10 plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date as shown against each: Sl. No.Name of officerEffective datePlace of posting1.Lalremsiamiw.e.f. from the date of joiningResearch Officer Dte. of Transport 2.Ma nlia na1.2.2019District Research Officer, Serchhip Consequent upon the above promotion/appointment the Governor is pleased to order t ransfer and posting of the following Junior Grade of MPE & S S to the post shown against each wit h immediate effect; Sl. No.Name of officerPresent place of p ostingNew place of pos ting1.V. RonguraResearch Officer Dte. of Transport Research Officer, Dte. of Eco & Stats 2.C. Laithanr uala District Research Officer, Serchhip Research Officer, Dte. of School Education 3.TC. Zonunsanga Research Officer, Dte. of Eco & Stats District Research Officer, Lunglei NOTIFICATIONSNo.A.19018/185/99-PLG, the 24th January, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years of age, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePi Biakchungmmgi, Joint Director, Economics & Statistics Depart ment on superannuation pension from Government service with effect from dt. 28.2.2019 (A/N). - 7 -R-4/2019 No.A.19018/147/83-PLG, the 24ih January, 2019.On a ttaining the age of 60 years of age, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu R, Tlangkhuma, Chief Planning Officer, High Powered Committee, Lungleion superannuation pension from Government service with effect fr omdt28.2,2019 (A/N). Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. No.A.38012/2/2017-PAR(SSW)/120, the 24th January, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, theGovernor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following 11 (eleven) MSS Officers as shown aga inst their names from Government Service on superannuation pension w.e.f. 28.02.2019(A/N). 1.K.Vanlalrawni, Secretary, Social Welfare Department. 2.C.La lhuliana, Joint Secretary, School Education Department. 3.Vanlalrovi, Joint Secretary, EF&CC/I&PR Departments. 4.C.H. Saplianzara, Deputy S ecreta ry, Fis her ies Department. 5.Vanlalchhua ngi, Deputy Secretary, FCS&CA Department. 6.Lalnunthangi Chhakchhuak, Deputy Director(Admn.), O/o CE (Zone-II), PHE. 7.H.La lzuala, Superintendent, Dte. of Election. 8.Judy Lalremmawii, Superintendent, District Industr ies Centre, Aizawl. 9.Zachuailovi, Superintendent, AH&Vety Department. 10.F.La lnunmawia, Superintendent, Political & Cabinet Department. 11.V.L. Krosthanga, Superintendent, Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei, Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 14018/44/02- LAD/VC, the 21st January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2), Section 15 leh Section 22- in a phal angin, Mam it District huam chhung ami La llen Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hia n a pawmpui a ni. President -C.Sangkhuma Vice-President -Saithansanga Tr eas urer -Lalrohlui Secretary -H. La lsangpuia Tlangau -Isak Laldinkima Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. - 8 - R-4/2019 PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATION \No.A.43016/3/2018- DCA (C)/Pt, the 18th January, 2019.Inexer cise of powers conferred by sub- rule (2)&(3 ) of Rule 22 of the Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council (C onstitution, Conduct of Business etc) Rules, 2002 read with para 20 BB of Sixth .Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to a ppoint Shri R asik Mohan Chakma, a n elected MDC from Borapa nsur y-I Cons tituenc y, and an elected Lea der of the MNF Legisla ture Pa rty as Chief Executive Member of the 10 Chakma Autonomous District Council with effect from 18th January, 2019 i.e. the date of approval of the Governor of Mizoram. By Or deretc. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Deptt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 5 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 5Date - 01/02/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 46011/2/16-JERC/189, the 23rd January, 2019.In the interest of the public service and in pursuance to the Government of India, Ministry of Power, Or der No.47/l/2014-R&R(Vol. ll) dt. 14.1. 2019, Shr i. Lalchharlia na Pachuau, is hereby appointed as Member of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram representing Mizoram side in the HAG pay scale of Rs. 67000-79000/- (pre- revised) w.e.f. 21. 1.2019 (A/F) for a period of 5(five) years or till he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is ear lier. His contact detailsare a s below: Phone:Office: 0389-2333625 Residence:LL. No.0389-2341253/M.No. 9436140790 Fax: 0389-2336299/2335523 Email: Richard Zothankima, Secretary. No. C.14011/16/2018-EDN, the 25th January, 2019.In compliance of Judgment & Order dt. 31.8.2018 in WP(C) No. 101/2018(P.C. Lalthlamuana & 33 ors-vs-SOM) and in partial modification of this Department’s Notification issued under Memo No. G. 12017/2/2011-EDN dt. 19.7.2013, the following 33 (T hirty thr ee) Primary School Teachers as shown in Annexure - I are hereby allowed counting of past services rendered as Non F ormal/Aided Pr imary S chool Teacher as qualifying service for the purpose of non functional promotion to higher grades i.e Senior a nd Selection Grade scale resp ectively on the condition that there should be no claim to pay arr ears and that t he effective da te for up-gradation s hould not be before the actual date of regularization.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 1.2.2019 Magha 12, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 5 - 2 - R-5/2019 This issues with the concurrence of Fina nce Department (E) vide their I.D.No. FIN (E) 857/2018 dt. 04.01.2019 and DP & AR (GSW) vide ID No. GSW 8/2019/593 dt. 14.01.2019. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Comm. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. ANNEXURE -1 LIST OF 33 P/S TEACHERS ELIGIBLE FOR COUNTING OF PAST SERVICE FOR UPGRADATION TO SENIOR/SELECTION GRADE Sl. No.NameDate of initial appointment asSchoolNon formal/AidedP/S Teacher1P.C. Lalthlamuana01.02.1982Hmunnghak P/S , Khawruhlian 2B.Lalthianghlima17.07,1984Sailen P/S, Sailen 3Biakthansangi08.05.1989Laipuitlang P/S, Laipuitlang 4La lsangpuii01.03.1984Ramhlun P/S, Ramhlun ‘S’ 5Lalrodawngi27.03.1981Phua ibuang P/S-l, Phuaibuang 6Lalengzami Ralte12.06.1985Phainuam P/S, Phainuam 7Laldingliana01.09.1980Saikhawthlir P/S, Saikhawthlir 8Hrangmawia30.01.1984Saikhawthlir P/S, Saikhawthlir 9R.Zonunmawii01.02.1994Kola sib P/S-IV, Kola sib Diakkawn 10F.Lalrohlui01.06.1982Leng P/S, Leng 11K.Lalpara01.03.1980Tualcheng P/S, Tualcheng 12J.C.Lalr emsia mi04.07.2002Lungsen P/S-III, Lungsen 13Kopiha m01.03.1985Zawlpui P/S, Zawlpui 14M.S.Bora01.02.1981Belt hei P / S, Belthei 15Gyana -Moni Chakma01.03.1985Ugudasuri P/S, Tarabonia 16Kripa chariya Chakma27.01.1988Devasora P/S, Devasora 17B.H.Langeswar26.07.2007Gulsil P/S, Gusil (Chawngte) 18Nayan Ranjan Chakma01.03.1985Silkur P/S, Silkur 19Biswamoni 01.06.1986Puankhai P/S, Puankhai 20Kiran Bikash C hakma 01.03.1985Dblibagh P/S, Diblibagh 21F. Vanlalsawmi15.04.1981Khawbung P/S, Khawbung 22D. L.Vanla lrova02.02.1981Samthang P/S, Samthang 23C.Malsawma05.03.1984Zawlsei P/ S, Zawlsei 24Zaithuami03.05.1984Zawlsei P/ S, Zawlsei 25F. Rint hanga02.02.1981Zawlsei P/ S, Zawlsei 26H.Rosangzuali11.07.2000Baktawng P/S, Baktawng 27Rualkhumi22.06.1981Baktawng P/S, Baktawng 28C. Lalhmachhua na22.06.1981Baktawng P/S, Baktawng 29Lalchhuanawmi04.08.1989Keitum P/S-I, Keitum 30Vanlalhruaii08.05.2001Thentlang P/S, Thentlang 31Lalnunthari08.04.1983Serchhip Vengchung P/S 32Deb Kumar Chakma10.07.2006Marpara P/S, Marpara 33Suresh Bhan C hakma01.02.1989Tara bonia P/S, Tarabonia - 3 -R-5/2019 No. A. 32013/5/2012-EDN (Vol-II)/76, the 25th January, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order attachment of Pu. Zothanpara , Lecturer (Economics), Govt. Zemabawk Higher Secondary School, Aiza wl to the Personal Branch of Er. Lalrinawma, Deputy Speaker, Mizora m Legislative Assembly with immediate effect and until further or der. No transfer TA/DA shall be admissible C. Lalhuliana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP/B, the 25th January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularize the officiating promotion of the under-mentioned Junior Grade of Mizoram Police Service to Senior Grade of Mizoram Police Service in the PB-3 of Rs. 15,600-39,100/- p.m +G.P Rs. 6600/- (Level 11 in the pay matrix) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect and they will continue to hold the same post until fur ther order:- Sl. No.Name of OfficerNotification and da te of officiatingpromotion1.Pu C.VanlalvenaNo.A.32020/lD/2013-HMP,dt. 13.09.2018 2.Pu B. LaldingnghetaNo.A.32020/1 A/2018-HMP, dt. 14.09.2018 No. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP/A, the 25th January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularize the officiating promotion of the under-mentioned Senior Gra deofMizoram Police Service to Junior Administrative Grade of Mizoram Police Service in the PB-3 of Rs. 15,600- 39,100/- p.m + G.P Rs. 7600/- (Level 12 in the Pay Matrix) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect and he will continue to hold the same post until further order :- Sl. No.Name of OfficerNotification and da te of officiatingpromotion1.Pu Rex Zarzoliana VanchhawngNo.A.32020/lB/2013-HMP, dt. 13.09.2018 R.Lalthazuala Depu ty Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No. A. 22012/5/2014-P&AR (CSW), the 25th January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Gover nor of M izor a m is p lea s ed t o or der t ha t Dr C .H. M u r a lidha r R a o, IF S (AGM U:1 9 8 5 ), P C C F (Wildlife) and Chief Wildlife Warden who is presently holding the charge of PCCF, Mizora m shall hold the charge of Principal S ecretar y to Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Depa rtment in addition to his own duties without any extra financial benefits, with immediate effect and until further orders. No. A. 38012/265/2018-P&AR(CSW), the 25th January, 2019.Upon his attaining the age of superannua tion pension, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to releasePu J. Lalzamliana, Director (Crop Husbandry), Agriculture Departmentfrom Government service with effect fr om the afternoonof 31.01.2019. No. A. 19011/384/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 25th January, 2019.In pursuance of Ministry of Home Affairs’ Order F.No.l4020/03/2018.UTS-I dated 11.01.2019 and in accordance with the approval of the Election Commision of India vide their letter No. 434/1/MIZ/2019-NES/1 dated 23.01.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Ms. Harleen Kaur (AGMUT : 2012), Deputy Commissioner, Siaha District from Mizoram with effect from the forenoon of 28.01.2019 to join her new place of posting under GNCT of Delhi - 4 - R-5/2019 The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to or der tha t the charge of the Deputy Commissioner, Siaha shall be held by the Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Siaha a nd in his absence, the Project Director, DRDA, Siaha till such time a regular Deputy Commissioner is posted in t he Distr ict. No.A.19011/379/2016-P&AR (CSW), the 25th January, 2019.In pursuance of Ministry of Home Affairs’ Order F.No.l4020/03/2018.UTS-I dated 11.01.2019 and in accordance with the approval of the Election Commision of India vide their letter No. 434/1/MIZ/2019-NES/1 dated 23.01.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to r elease Dr. A. Muthamma, IAS (AGMUT : 2012), Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl District from Mizor am with effect from the afternoon of 31.01.2019 to join her new pla ce of posting u nder the Government of DD&DNH The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that the charge of the Deputy Commissioner will be held by the seniormost Addl. Deputy Commissioner till such time a regular Deputy Commissioner is posted. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.11012/3/2015-IPR, the 25th January, 2019.On satisfact ory completion of the probationary period of 2(two) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order confirmation of the following persons to the post of IPRO (Junior Grade of Mizoram Information Service) under I& PR Depa rtment in the Level 10 of Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as a dmissible under the Rules from time to time from the date shown against their names and they will continue to hold the same post in the department until further orders : Name of OfficersDate of JoiningDate of Confirmationl. C.Lalremruati23.12.201624.12.2018 2. Lallawmkima23.12.201624.12.2018 3. LalruatpuiiHnamte23.12.201624.12.2018 Biaktluanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. No. A. 22012/4/2008-P&AR(CSW), the 28th January, 2019.Upon the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.64/A/2000-MPSC dated 24.01.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Rohmingthanga Colney,Joint Director, Agriculture Department toGrade-I of Mizoram Agriculture Servicein the Level 13 (thirteen) of Pay Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37,400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 8,700/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.02.2019. Upon his promotion,Pu Rohmingthanga Colneyis posted asDirector of Agriculture (Crop Husbandry). Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22018/2/2016- S&WC/Pt, the 28th January, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer & posting of Pu R. Zoengmawia. Deputy Director.(Planning),currently being attached to IFAD at the office of State Project Director FOCUS to DSCO, Aizawl, with effect from 1st March, 2019. Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. - 5 -R-5/2019 No. A. 32015/3/2018-COOP, the 28th January, 2019.In the interest of Public Service and on the recommenda tion of t he Mizor am Public Service Commission, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to promote the following Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies to the Post of Senior Inspector of C oop er a t ive S ociet ies (Gr ou p B Ga zet ted) in t he Level 7 of Pa y M a tr ix p lu s a ll ot her a llowa nces a s admis s ib le under the rules as amended from time to time and posted as shown against their names with effect from the date of joining. Sl.NoHame of OfficersPlace of Posting1.E.N.LalsangzualiARCS Office, Aizawl West 2.La lthangfa laARCS Office, Mamit 3.LalthlamuanaARCS Office, Kolasib B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Cooperation Department. No.B. 16012/1/2007-HTE/93, the 28th January, 2019.In s upersession to this Department’s Notifica tion No.B.16012/l/2007-HTE/91 dt.14.01.2019 and in the interest of Public Service, Pu Lalhmingthanga, Associate Professor, Depar tment of Economics, Govt. Hra ngbana College is assigned to take the charge of the Principal, Govt. Hrangbana College as a stop ga p ar rangement in his own grade pay without any additional financia l benefit with immediate effect and until further or der. This is with the approval of the Hon’ble Minister, Higher & Technica l Educa tion Department on Dt.25.01.2019. Malsawmdawngliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.38012/l/05-IND, the 28th January, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 (sixty) year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release A.S Chhetry, Functional Manager, Commerce & Industries from Government service on s uperannuation pension with effect from 31.03.2019. No.A.38012/l/05-IND, the 28th January, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 (sixty) year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pi K.Zothanpuii, SDIO Commerce & Industries from Government service on superannuation pension with effect from 30.04.2019. Zothan Khuma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. No. A. 19099/45/05-F S T, t he 2 8th January, 2019.On his attaining the superannuation age of 60 years,Pu La llungmua na, Forest Ranger,Sialsuk Range, T henzawl Forest Division under E nvironment, Forests &Climate ChangeDepa rtment is hereby released fr om Government Service on superannua tion pensionw.e.f. 28.02.2019 (AN). No.A.19099/54/05- FST, the 28th January, 2019.On his attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu Lalchhuanmawia, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Champhai Forest Division from Government Service on superannuation pension w.e.f. 28.02.2019 (A/N). - 6 - R-5/2019 No. A. 19099/23/2015-FST, the 28th January, 2019.On his attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu K. Lalchhunga, Assistant Conservator of Forests, office of the Chief Wildlife Warden from Government Service on superannuation pension w.e.f. 28.02.2019 (A/N). Ch. Murallidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No. A.13052/12/2018-EDN42, the 28lh January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tempor ary attachment of Pu R .S. Lalrinpuia , Lectur erof DI ET,Saiha to DIET, Aizawl with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. He shall continue to draw his pay and allowances from DIET Sa iha. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secr etary to the Govt.of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.33023/1/2014-P&AR(CSW), the 29th January, 2019.As a part of her 12-month District Training Programme, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order tempora ry posting/atta chment ofP i M a mu Ha ge, IAS (Probationer) to the posts as indicated below: Sl.No.Post/AttachmentPeriod of postingRemar ks1.BDO Tlangnuam23.01.2019-20.02.2019Pi Mamu Hage shall continue to draw her 2.Settlement Officer,21.02.2019-08.03.2019pay and allowances against the post of Aizawl DistrictAsst. Commissioner, Aizawl 3.SDO(C ), Hnahthial22.03.2019-05.04.2019 The Governor of Mizor am is fur ther pleased to order tha t during her attachments/postings as mentioned above, the following stop-gap a rrangements sha ll be made In respect of the following officers: Sl.No.Name of incumbent officerArrangement1.Pu Andy Lalfakzuala, MCS,Attached asBDO, Darlawn with immediate effect and BDO Tlangnuam.until 20.02.2019. 2.Pu H. Lalrinpuia, MCS,Attached to DC's Office, Aizawl Settelment Officer, Aizawlfrom 21.02.2019-08.03.2019 3.Pu C. Khamluaia, MCS,Atta ched to DC's Office, Lunglei SDO(C ), Hnahthialfrom 22.03.2019-05.04.2019. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.LA.ESTT.7/2015/182, the 29th January, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of S election Board, the Hon'ble Speaker, Mizoram Legisla tive Assembly is pleased to promote Pu La lhmahruaia Zote, Depu ty Secreta ry to the post of Joint S ecreta ry, Mizora m Legislative Assembly Secretaria t, in the Level of Pay in the Pay Matrix Level 13 plus other allowances a s admissible from time to time with effect from 1.2.2019 or from the date of joining the p ost. S.R. Zokhuma, Commissioner & Secretary. - 7 -R-5/2019 No.A.38020/2/02-PHE, the 29th January, 2019.On his atta ining the retiring age of 60 (sixty) year s on Superannuation pension, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to r elease Er. K.Va nlalnghaka, Superintending Engineer, Lunglei WATSAN Circle, Lunglei, PHE Department with effect from 28.02.2019 (A/N). K.T. Beicho, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. CORRIGENDUMNo.A.19011/379/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 29th January, 2019.In p artial modifica tion of this Department's Notification No.A.19011/379/2016-P&AR(CSW) dated 25.01.2019, the Year of Allotment ofDr. A. Muthamma, IAS which was written as'AGMUT.2012' should be read as“AGMUT:2009” H. Vanlalsanga, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. NOTIFICATIONSNo.A.22012/2/15-AH&V, the 29th January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Livestock Superintendent under AH & Vety Department as shown against their names with immediate effect and unt il further order:- Sl.No.Name of Livestock SuperintendentPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1.Pu C . PakungaOffice of the DVO, Lunglei Office of the DVO, Kolasib 2.Pu C. BiakchhawnaOffice of the DVO, Kolasib Offic e of the DVO, Lu nglei attached to Serchhip, DVO Office. No.A.22012/1/98-AH&V, the 29th January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Senior Gr ade of MAH&VS Officers as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further order:- Sl.No.Name of OfficerPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1.Dr. F. LalramhlunaChief Vety Officer, Lunglei Gener al Mana ger, Thenzawl 2.Dr. KVL. Rochhar zela Gener al Manager, Thenzawl Chief Vety Officer, Office of the Joint Director (S Z), Lunglei 3.Dr. VanlalhruaiaChief Vety Officer, M ampui Chief Vety Officer, Lunglei Sl.No. 1 will move first. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No.A.12025/13/2018-HFW, the 29th January, 2019.Consequent upon the acceptance of declination of a ppointment tendered by Dr. Limalemla Jamir to the post of Assista nt Professor in the Department of Community Medicine and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Dr. Ganeshrao Ta the to the afor ementioned post atMizoram Institute of Medical Education & Research - 8 - R-5/2019 (MIMER), on regular basis in the scale of pay of PB-3 Rs 15,600 - 39,100 + Rs 7000/- AGP + 25% NPA plus all other admissible a llowances under Rules from the date of joining his post. The appoint ment is liable to be cancelled if t he appointee ha s already been counted to the appointed post in any Medical College by Medical Council of India for the period of 2019-2 020. He will be on proba tion for a period of 2 (two) years. He should submit a copy of Certificate of charge along with t he following documents within 15 (fifteen) days from the da te of issue of this notification to the undersigned failing which it may be treated as declination of a ppointment:- a)Declaration of Home town-APPENDIX ‘A’ b)Marital Status-APPENDIX ‘B’ c)Oath of Secrecy-APPENDIX ‘C’ d)Oath of Allegiance-APPENDIX ‘D’ e)Details of Family-APPENDIX ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ f)Medical Cer tificat e of Fitness from Ap propria te Medical Officer g)Attested copy of E ducational Certificate from HSLC onwards h)Police Verification of chara cter and antecedents Expenditure is debitable under the head of account:- 2210- Medical & Public Health 05- Medical Education, Training & Research 105- Allopathy (55) - Estt of MIMER (State) 01- MIMER 01- Salary Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.A.45012/11/90-LJE, the 29th January, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 sub- rule (2) of the Mizoram Standing Counsel for the Government (Appointment a nd Conditions of Service) Rules, 2009 and as amended from time to t ime, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Mr. Siddhesh Kotwal, Advocate as Standing Counsel for the Sta te of Mizoram in the Supreme Court of India with effect from the date of assuming charge and until further orders, for appearing and conducting all cases in the Supr eme Cour t of India in which Government of Mizoram is a party, on usual terms and conditions as applicable to such Standing Counsel in force in Mizoram. ADDRESS:Mr. Siddhesh Kot wal, Advoca te, Standing Counsel for the State of Mizoram, Supr eme Court of India JI, Upasana Building 1, Hailey Road, New Delhi-110001 Ph: 9999037353 Email: siddheslikotwal@swar - 9 -R-5/2019 No.A.45012/4/2014-LJE, the 29th January, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under Clause 2 sub-section (2) of the uniform Terms and Conditions for engagement of Govt. Advoca tes in t he Govt. of Mizoram, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram hereby a ccepts the resignation tender ed by S hri. Pra gyan Pr adip Shar ma, Standing Counsel for Mizor am in the Supr eme Cour t of India with immediate effect. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Law & Judicia l Department. No.A.32012/1/2011-EDN/421, the 29th January, 2019.The declination of promotion to Headmaster, Govt. High School tendered by the following Teachers, Govt. High School is hereby accepted: Sl.No.NamePresent place of PostingNew Place of Posting as HeadmasterRemarks1Lalhmingthanga Govt. Durtlang HS Govt. Sakawrtuichhun HSpromoted vide No.A.32012/ 1/2011-EDN/414-416 2C. LalrinpuiiGovt. Hlimen HS Govt. Sateek HS-do- 3Mina ChhetriGovt. H.T. Compr. School Govt. Sawleng HS-do- No.A.32012/1/2011-EDN/39, the 29th January, 2019.The resignation tendered by H.T. Malsawmtluanga, Science Teacher, Govt. High School, Hnahlan is hereby a ccepted w.e.f. 21st January, 2019. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commnissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.11011/2/2010-HMJ, the 30th January, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the r ecommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.125/A/03-MPSC dt. 21.1.2019, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to order promotion ofPu T huthlungropuia, Jailer to Superintendent of Ja ils in Level 8 of the Pay Matrix in the Seventh Centr al Revision of Pay (as modified and extended to the employees under the Government of Mizoram) Rules, 2018 plus allowances admissible under rules from time to time with immediate effect. On his promotion, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of the Officer to the post of S uperintendent of Jails, District Ja il, Kolasib until fur ther or der. Lalnumawia Chuaungo, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.22017/l/2019-EDN/2, the 30th January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Headmasters, Govt. Middle School as below: Sl.No.Name of HeadmasterPresent place of p ostingNew place of pos tingRemar ks1C. L alr emkimaGovt. M/S Nor th Chalt lang Govt. Armed Veng M/SVacant 2H.Z. SanglutaGovt. Ratu M/S-IGovt. Chalfilh M/S, East Phaileng Va ca nt The movement on tr ansfer a nd posting should be completed within 15 days from the date of issue of this Notification. No TA/DA is admissible as the transfer is made at their own request. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commnissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.22013/3/91-FST, the 31st January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Junior Grade Officers of Mizoram Forest Service as shown aga inst their names with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Sl.No.Name of OfficerPresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1.K. SanglianaACF, Mamit Forest DivisionACF, Forest Extension Division ViceZ.D. Zonuntluanga transferred 2.Z.D. Zonuntluanga ACF, Forest Extension Division ACF, office of the Conservator Vacant. of Forest (SC), Lunglei Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.A.22012/8/2019-P&AR(CSW), the 31st January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer/posting of the following IPS officers to the posts shown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl.No. Name of OfficersPresent posting New Place of Posting Remarks 1.Pu Ajay Choudhary (AGMUT:1996)IGP (Intelligence) On arrival. He will draw salary against the post of ADGP 2.Pu L.H. Shanliana (AGMUT:1998 )IGP (Intel,IGP (Law & Order) Law & Order) 3.Pu John Neihlaia (AGMUT:2001 )DIG (Hqrs)IGP (Hqrs) 4.Pu M.N. Tiwari (AGM UT:2003)DIG (SR)OSD(PHQ)He will draw salary against the post of SP (Ministerial), PHQ 5.Pu John Laldina (AGMUT:2004)OSD (PHQ)DIG (Hqrs)Vice Pu John Neihlaia, IPS 6.Pu Rajneesh Gupta (AGM UT:2005)DIG (SR)On arrival. In his own grade pay, vice Pu M.N. Tiwari, IPS 7.Pu Lalhuliana FanaiAIG-IISP, CID (Crime) 8.Pu Karthik Kashyap (AGMUT:2009) Awaiting postingAIG-III 9.Pi Priyanka Kashyap (AGMUT:2009)AIG (Modernization) On arrival. She will draw salary against the post of 2-IC 2nd IR Bn. Pu Kar thik Ka shyap, IPS reported for duty to the Government of M izor am on 24.01.2019 in compliance with MHA's Order No. 4 F.No. 14020/03/2018. UTS-I dated 11.01.2019 and has been waiting for a posting. The period between the date on which he reported for duty and the date of actual taking over the charge of his post shall be treated as compulsory waiting period and he will be paid pay and allowances for the period as a dmissible under the rules. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32016/2/2012-FST, the 31st January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the following Forest Rangers are hereby transferred and posted to the places shown against their names wit h immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Sl.No.Name of OfficerPresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1Sangmawia Poonte R.O, LungleiWPO (South)Vacant 2VanlalhmuakaR.O, HaulawngR.O, LungleiVice Sangmawia Poonte transferred. 3Thanthianga Hnamte R.O, KhawzawlR.O, BuhchangVice Lalramchhana retiring on 31.01.2019 (AN)- 10 - R-5/2019 4LaldinglianaR.O, MamitR.O, AibawkVice Chuauzika retiring on 31.01.2019 (AN) 5LalhmachhuanaProtection DivisionR.O, DarlawnVice B. Rohmingliana retiring on 31.01.2019 (AN) The movement of tra nsfer should b e completed within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Office Order. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.A.22012/3/2015-P&AR(CSW), the 31st January, 2019.Consequent upon r epatria tion of Pu R. Lalremsa nga, MCS, from the deputation post of Project Director, DRDA, La wngtlai vide Notifica tion No.A.12011/6/2017-RD(DRDA) dt. 25.01.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or der thatDr. Andrew H. Vanla ldika, MCS, Additional Deputy C ommissioner, Lawngtlai District shall hold the charge of Project Dir ector, DRDA, La wngtlai in addition to his normal duties with effect from 1st February, 2019 and until a new Project Director is posted. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONSNo.A.32019/1/2013-PAR(SSW)/30, the 28th January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that l (one) no. of vacancy ar ising during the year 2018-2019 in Stenographer Grade-I to be filled by seniority promotion and l(one) no. of vacancy during the year 2018- 2019 in Stenographer Grade-II to be filled by Limited Departmental Examination are hereby carried over to the vacancy year 2019- 2020. Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. No.B.14019/8/2015-LAD/VC, the 29th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Champhai District chhunga Vangchhia Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Kaptlua nga Vice-President -F. Ma lsawmtluanga Tr eas urer-Lalchhuanpuii Secretary-Lalhmingtha nga No.B.14017/55/2015-LAD/VC, the 29th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal a ngin, Aizawl District chhunga Ratu- 11 -R-5/2019 Village Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-La lngaihsa ka Vice-President -R. La lhmingthanga Tr eas urer-Saizawna Sailo Secretary-L. Rokunga Songate M emb er s-1)La lhriatpuii 2)K. Lalrinliana 3)Haleluia 4)VanLalhluni No.B.14017/46/2015-LAD/VC, the 29th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal arigin, Aizawl District chhunga North Serzawl Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-Manghluni Vice-President -Lalbiaktluanga Tr eas urer-Thinlaihnema No.B.14020/43/2010-LAD/VC, the 29th January, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal a ngin, Kolasib Project Veng Village Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Pu Lallawmsanga Ngente Vice-President -Pu Lalmalsawma Tr eas urer-Pi Lalnemi Member-Pu T. Lalrothila Secretary-Pu David La lhmingmawia Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATION No.H.14011/6/2008-DCA (C), the 29th January, 2019.Whereas owing to vacancy in the Office of Chairman. Chakma Autonomous District Council following the no confidencc passed against Pu Buddha Lila Chakma from the Chairmanship, it has been necessita ted lo hold an election to fill up the vacancy of the Chairma n. Chakma Autonomous District Council. Now, therefore, the Governor of Mizoram, in exer cise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (1) of R ule 31 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules. 2002 as amended from time lo time, read with all other enabling powers under the provisions of the said- 12 - R-5/2019 Rules is pleased t o fix a nd notify the schedule for election of a new Chairman to Chakma Autonomous District Council as follows: 1.Dt. 30.1.2019 (Wednesday):Filling up of nomination paper for election of a new (10:30 A.M.-3:00 P.M.)Chairman to the Chakma Autonomous District Council. 2.Dt. 31.1.2019 (Thursday):Election of Chairman in the Cha kma Autonomous District (10:30 A.M.)Council Session Hall, Ka malanagar. By Order etc. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 13 -R-5/2019

Regular Issue No. 6 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 6Date - 08/02/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.A.19018/28/2005-COOP, the 28th January, 2018.On his atta ining t he age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu K.Lalthanpara, Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies from Government service on superannuation pension with effect from 28. 2.2019 (AN). B. Lalhmingthanga, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Cooperation Department. No.A.38020/l/2003-PWD(E)/Pt, the 30th January, 2019. On attaining the age of Superannua tion Pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Lalnunmawia, S DO, Mechanical Sub-Division, PWD, Aizawl from Government Service with effect from 28.02.2019(AN). Further, Pu C. Lalr emruata, JE will take the charge of SDO, Mechanical Sub-Division, PWD in addition to his own duties without any financial benefit. H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No. A.22011/1/2016-HMJ, the 30th January, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order tr ansfer and posting of the following Officers under Home (P risons) Depa rtment to the places shown against their names with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Sl.NoName of Officer From To1.C.La lrosanga Chha ngte Spl. Superintendent, Central Jail, Aizawl AIG of Prisons, Dte. Of PrisonsRNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 8.2.2019 Magha 19, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 6 - 2 - R-6/2019 2.C. Zohmingtha ngaDistrict Jail, KolasibSpl. Superintendent.Central Jail, Aizawl Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.45012/3/2019-LJE/21, the 31st January, 2019.As provided under Clause 2 (2) of the Uniform Terms & Conditions for engagement of Govt. Advocates in the Govt. of Mizor am, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to terminate the enga gement of the following Sr. Govt. Advocate/Public Prosecutor, Addl. P ublic Pr osecutors/Addl. Govt. Advocates, Asst. Public P rosecutor s/Asst. Govt. Advocates with effect from 31.1.2019 (Afternoon). Aizawl Distr ict CRIMINAL SIDE Sl. No.Name of AdvocateDesignation1.R.C. T hangaSr. GA/PP/Spl.PP 2.H. L almuankimaAddl. PP/Spl.PP 3.K. LalremruatiAddl. PP/Spl.PP 4.Lily ParmawiiAddl. PP 5.Lalremtha ngiAddl. PP/Spl.PP 6.C. LalremruatiAddl. PP/Spl.PP 7.R. LalremruataAddl. PP/Spl.PP 8.Lalrinpuii Tochha wngAsst. PP 9.Venus H. Zomua nkimiAsst. PP 10.La lr insiamiAsst. PP 11.Lalremruati PachuauAsst. PP 12.Penlui VanlalchawiiAsst. PP 13.LaldinpuiiAsst. PP 14.Lalthazuali RenthleiAsst. PP 15.P. LalremruatiAsst. PP 16.K. LalramnghakiAsst. PP CIVIL SIDE Sl. No.Name of AdvocateDesignation1.Rose MaryGA 2.LalchhandamaGA 3.Joseph LalfakawmaGA 4.Zotha nsangi Pa chuauAddl. GA 5.VanneihsiamiAddl. GA 6.R.K. MalsawmkimaAddl. GA 7.LalthanmawiiAddl. GA 8.H. LalchhuanawmaAddl. GA 9.La lr inpuiiAddl. GA Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 3 -R-6/2019 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN/66, the 31st January, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Lalbia kliana, Headmaster, Khianga Govt. Middle School, Kolasib from Government service with effect from 31. 1.2019 (A/N) on Superannuation Pension. The Seniormost teacher in the School sha ll take charge of Headmaster in matter of da ily routine works from the retiring Headmaster till regular Headmaster is posted. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. ORDERS No.A.19011/343/2014-P&AR(CSW), the 31st January, 2019.Upon the expiry of the inter-cadre deputation under the Government of Mizoram, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to releasePu Lalrinliana Fanai, IAS (UK:1997)from the Government of Mizoram with effect from theforenoon of 04.02.2019 to enable him to return to his par ent ca dre. No.A.19011/379/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 31st January, 2019.In continuation of this Department’s Notification No.A.19011/379/2016-P&AR(CSW) dated 25.01.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order thatPu V. L. Hruaizela Khiangte, MCS,Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl shall hold the charge ofDeputy Commissioner, Aiza wlin a ddition to his normal duties till such time a regular Deputy Commissioner is posted. NOTIFICATIONS No.A.22012/5/2014-PERS (B), the 31st January, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the following IFS officers shall hold t he charge mentioned against their names in addition to their own duties without any extr a financial benefits, with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. No.Name of officer & post holdAdditional charge to holdRemar ks1.Pu C. Vanlalena, IFS (2005),Conservator of Forests,Vacant Divisional Forest Officer, Aiza wl Forest Division(Southern Cir cle) 2.Pu H. Lianmawia, IFS (2005),Conservator of For estsVacant Depu ty Conservator of Forest s (Wildlife), Aizawl(Wildlife) Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 45012/9/98-LJE, the 1st February, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred under Clause 2 (2) of t he uniform Terms and Conditions for engagement of Govt. Advocates in the Govt. of Mizoram, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram hereby terminated the following Govt. Advoca tes wef 31st January, 2019. 1.Shri K.N. Madhusoodhanan, Advocate on Panel in the Supreme Court of India for the Govt. Mizor a m. 2.Shri Mangaljit Mukherjee, Advocate on Panel in the Supreme Court of India for the Govt. Mizoram. - 4 - R-6/2019 No. A. 45012/3/2019-LJE, the 1st February, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizdram is pleased to engage/appoint Pu Joseph Lalfakawma, Advocate as Govt, Advocate/Public Prosecutor in t he Distr ict Court, Aiza wl with effect from the date of joining and until further or der. The terms a nd conditions of his engagement shall be governed by the Uniform Terms & Condit ions for engagement of Govt. Advocates in the Govt. of Mizoram, 2016 as a mended from time to t ime. Home AddressOffice AddressJoseph LalfakawmaJoseph Lalfakawma S/o R. LalthazualaAdvoca te, Ra mhlun VenglaiGA/PP, Dist. Court, Aizawl Aizawl, MizoramTreasury Square, PIN - 796001Contact: 0389 2310709, Aizawl - 796001 Mizoram Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law & Judicia l Department. No. A. 45012/3/2019-LJE/23, the 1st February, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order engagement/appoint ment of the following persons to render service to the Government of Mizor am as shown aga inst their names with effect from the date of joining and until fur ther order. The terms a nd conditions of their engagement sha ll be governed by the Uniform Terms & Condit ions for engagement of Govt. Advocates in the Govt. of Mizoram, 2016 as a mended from time to t ime. Gauhati High Court (AB)Sl. No.Name and AddressDesignation1.Linda L. Fa mbawl w/o John Zomuana , MacDonald Hill, Zar kawtGA 2.H. Lalmalsawmi d/o H. Lalchhuanawma, KhaltlaGA 3.Mary Lalruatkimi Khiangte d/o K. Lalrintluanga, Mual Veng, Chalt langGA Aizawl District CourtSl. No.Name of AdvocateDesignation1.Rose Mary d/o C. Hualzika, Upper KhatlaAddl. PP /Addl.GA 2.R. Lalremruata s/o R. Vanengliana, Ramhlun North, AizawlAddl. PP /Addl.GA 3.Lily Parmawii Hmar d/o Lallianzuala, Chawnpui, AizawlAddl. PP /Addl.GA 4.Saihminglia na Sailo s/o Lalhmachhuana Sailo, Mission VengthlangAddl. PP /Addl.GA 5.Lalr emthangi d/o C. Roenga, Durtlang RamtharAddl. PP /Addl.GA 6.Lalchhandama s/o K. Lalramhluna, Bethlehem Veng, AizawlAddl. PP /Addl.GA APP/AGASl. No.Name and AddressDesignation1.Grace Lalchhuandiki d/o La lremrua ta Sailo, Dawrpui VengtharAPP/AGA 2.Lalr uatfeli d/o R. Lalchhua hkima Ramhlun NorthAPP/AGA - 5 -R-6/2019 3.Penlui Vanla lchawii d/o R. Lungkhama, Ramhlun Sports ComplexAPP/AGA 4.Lalremruati Pachuau d/o P. Siamliana (L), Ramhlun VenglaiAPP/AGA 5.Zonunmawii Sailo d/o H. T hangkima, Upp er RepublicAPP/AGA 6.Zothansangi Hmar d/o Rualkhuma Hmar, C hhinga VengAPP/AGA 7.Lalnunpuii d/o Lalhmachhu ana, Dinthar Veng, AizawlAPP/AGA 8.Lalthazuali Renthlei d/o R. Malsawma, Zonuam, AizawlAPP/AGA 9.Zoremtluanga s/o Zokailiana, KelsihAPP/AGA 10.Lalkhumsanga s/o Chawithuama, KhatlaAPP/AGA Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.H.11021/1/2018-EDN, the 1st February, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu P.C. Lalrindika, Deputy Secretary, School Education Department, Government of Mizoram as Noda l Officer for Voter Awareness Forum (VAF) under School Education Depa rtment to coordinate with the Office of Election Commission of India or Chief Electoral Officer in Election matter with immediate effect and until further orders. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.32012/7/2016-AH&V/Pt, t h e 1st February,2019.In t he interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is p leased to allow Dr.Saihlira, Joint Director (Biogas) to hold the charge of Additional Director in his own Grade Pa y and shall look after the work of Veterina ry Service (Admn.) and Public Health (VS & PH) without involvement of financial benefit in addition to his own duty with immediate effect and until further orders. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No.A.19018/2I/15-FS, the 1st February, 2019.On his attaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePuB. Vanlalnela,FEO, DFDO’s office, Serchhip from Government service with effect from 28.2.2019 (A/N). No. A. 19018/23/15-FS, the 1st February, 2019. Upon his attaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu J.Lalremruata,FEO, DFDO’s office, Kolasib from Government service with effect from 28.2.2019 (A/N). No.A.190l8/35/17-FS, the 1st February, 2019.On his attaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to releasedPu C.PThangmanga ,FEO, DFDO’s office,. Aizawl from Government service with effect from 28.2.2019(A/M). No. A. 19018/38/18-FS, the 1st February, 2019. On his a ttaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizoramis p lea sed t o relea sePu T. Chalzawna, FEO, DFDO’s office, Cha mphai from Government service with effect from 31.3.2019 (A/N). - 6 - R-6/2019 No.A.19018/33/16-FS, the 1st February, 2019.Upon his attaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu C. Laldinliana,FEO, DFDO’s office, Aizawl from Government service with effect from 28.2.2019 (A/N). Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. No.A.11022/19/2017-FST, the 1st February, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pu H. L ianmawia, IFS, Deputy Conservator of Forest s (Wildlife) who is given additional charge of Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) vide No.A.22012/5/2014-PERS(B) dt 31.1.2019 shall take additional charge of Field Director, Dampa Tiger Reserve which is cu rrently under the charge of Pu Lalthlamuana Pachuau, IFS, Conservator of Forests (CC) vide Notification No.A.22012/5/2014-PERS(B) dt 07.06.2018. without ext ra fina ncial benefits with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.A.22015/4/2009-PAR(SSW)/93, the 4th February, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pu Zohmingthanga, Under S ecretary, Irr igation & Wa ter Resources and District Council & Minority Affairs Departments shall take additional cha rge of Under S ecretary, Sports & Youth Services Depa rtment in addition to his own duties without any extra financial benefits and furthermore he is relieved of his duties as Under Secr etary, Irrigation & Wa ter Resources Department with immediate effect and until further orders. Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 22013/1/2014 - F.Est/Pt, the 4th February, 2019. On completion his deputa tion period i.e.upto 5.2. 2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order repatr iation ofPu Laldinpuia, MFAS, Deputy Secr etary-cum-Progr amme Director, Fiscal Management Unit (FMU) under F inance Departmentto his parent cadr e, and on his repatr iation, he is posted asDepu ty Secr etary, Finance Depart ment (B),the post vaca ted by Pu Liansailova promoted,with effect from 6.2.2019and until further or der. Further,Pu Laldinpuiais entrusted to hold additional charge ofDeputy Secretary-cum-Programme Director, Fiscal Management Unit (FMU) under Finance Departmentin addition to his own duties without any extra financial benefit, with effect from 6.2.2019 and till the post is properly filled up on deputation. Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No.A. 22012/56/97-P&AR(CSW), the 4th February, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order temporary attachment of the following officers to the office of the Chief Electoral Officer in the ca pacity shown against their names with immediate effect and until the completion of the Gener al Election of the Lok Sabha 2019: - 7 -R-6/2019 Sl. Name of officer withP osting/atta chmentRemar ks No. designation 1.Pu Krishna Mohan Uppu, IASAddl. Chief Electoral In addition to his substantive charge (AGMUT : 2009)Officerof Director, Transport as the post Addl.Director, Transport CEO does not exist 2.Pu C.C. Lalchhuangkima,Deputy Chief Electoral He will dra w salar y against the post MCS (2003) Officerof OSD under SAD till completion of Deputy Secretary, Rural General Election to Lok Sabha 2019 Development 3.Pu Kumar Abhishek, IASOSD, Elect ionHe will continue to draw his sa lary (AGMUT:2014)against the vacant post of SDC, Awaiting regular posting Aizawl. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22015/4/2009-PAR(SSW)/94, the 4th February, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pi Vanra mmawii, Under Secretary, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumers’ Affairs and Spor ts & Youth Services Depa rtments shall t ake additional charge of Under Secretary, Ir rigation & Water Resou rces Department in addition to her own duties without any extra financial benefits and furthermore she is relieved of her dut ies as Under S ecretary, Spor t s & You th Services Dep artment with immediate effect and until further orders. No.A.22015/l/2009-PAR(SSW)/176, the 4th February, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following 2 (two)Officers of Junior Grade of MSSwith immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders: Sl. No. Name & present place of postingNew place of postingRemarks 1.C.Lalfakzuala,Superintendent,Vice C.Lalbiakzuala, Assistant Resident Commissioner,O/o Deputy Commissioner,transferred Mizoram House, GuwahatiSiaha District, Siaha 2.C.Lalbiakzuala, Superintendent,Superintendent,Vice Vanlalruata Pautu, O/o Deputy Commissioner,Finance Department(APF)on deputation as PS to Siaha District, SiahaVice Chairman, HPC, Lunglei Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. RELEASE ORDER No. LA/ESTT. 20/2017/103, the 4th February, 2019. On attaining the age of 60 years Pu C. Lalbiakthanga, Joint Secretary, Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secretariat is hereby released from Government service on superannuation pension with effect from31.1.2019(A/N). S.R. Zokhuma, Commissioner & Secretary. - 8 - R-6/2019 NOTIFICATIONS No.A.22015/4/2009-PAR(SSW)/92, the 4th February, 2019.On repatriation from his deputation as P.S. to Former Minister, FCS&CA/Transport etc. w.e.f. 14.12.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to post Pu Lalramngaia a s Under Secreta ry, Environment, Forests & Climate Cha nge Department with immediate effect and until fur ther or ders. The period between the date of r epatria tion and actual date of posting in respect of Pu La lramnga ia shall be tr eated as compulsory waiting period. Consequent upon the above, Pi Lalr emruati, Under Secreta ry, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Depa rtment may be transfer red and posted as Under Secretary, School Education Department. Furthermore, the Governor of Mizor am is a lso pleased to relieve Pi Lalbiakmawii, Under Secretary, AH&Vety and School Education Departments of her duties as Under Secretary, School Education Department. Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. F.23015/4//2018-AH&V, the 4th February, 2019.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification No. F.23015/4/2013-AH&V dt. 22nd May, 2018, and in exercise of the power conferred under section 5(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 (Act No. 22 of 2005) and in the interest of public service, Dr. K.C. Roduhawma, Joint Director (A), A.H&Vety Depar tment is hereby designated as SPIO in respect of Directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department to pr ovide information to persons requesting for informa tion and receive applications or appeals under the said Act with immediate effect and untill further or der. His Address is as below:Contact No.Dr. K.C.Roduhawma,9612154668 Joint Dir ector(A), Directorate of A.H & Vety, Aizawl, Mizoram. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr./Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Animal Husbandry & Veter inary Department. No.A.22012/l/2017-P&AR(CSW), the 5th February, 2019.Consequent upon the release of Pu Lalrinliana Fana i, IAS (UK:1997), from the Government of Mizoram w.e.f the forenoon of 04.02. 2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that all files pertaining toHealth & Family Welfare and Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Depar tments shall be submitted to his link officerPu Lalhmingthanga , IAS, Commissioner & Secreta ry, Agr iculture & Rural Development Depa rtmentas a stop-gap arrangement and until further orders. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.H.11019/29/2018-FCS&CA, the 5th February, 2019. In the interest of public service and in pur suance of General Administration Department’s Office Memorandum No.A.60011/l/2019-GAD dated the 24th January, 2019, the Governor of Mizoramis pleased to appoint Pi Zosangzua li.Joint Director (Admin), - 9 -R-6/2019 FCS&CA Depa rtment a s Nodal Officer for ‘Voter Awareness Forum’ in respect of FCS&CA Department, Mizoram to function as Convener of the Voter Awareness For um and coordina tewith theOffice of the Election Commission of India/Chief Elector al Officer, Mizoram. Name of Officer:Pi Zosangzuali Designation:Joint Director (Admin.), FCS&CA Department Telephone:0389-2323181 Mobile:+919436141974 H.L. Rochungnunga,IAS, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies& Consumer Affairs Department, Mizor am : Aizawl. No. A. 32020/1/2013-HMP, the 5th February, 2018.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.l4/A/94-MPSC/Vol-III dt. 22.1.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order officiating promotion of Pu Francis Lallawmkima, Junior Grade of MPS to Senior Gra de of MP S in the Level 11 of the Pay Matrix plus allowances admissible under rules from time to t ime wit h immediate eff ect. On his promotion, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to or der posting of the officer toAddl SP, Sia ha. Zahmingthanga Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No. A. 22013/1/2014-F.Est, the 5th February, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Junior Administra tive Gr ade of MFAS Officers to the post shown against each with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. No. Name of OfficerPresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks 1.Pu Sailoliana Sailo Joint Director, Commerce &Joint Director, IF&SL.Vice Pu Zoramchhana Industries Department.transferred 2.Pu ZoramchhanaJoint Director, IF&SL. Joint Director Commerce & Vice Pu Sailoliana Sailo Industries Department.transferred Further, Pu Sailoliana Sailo is attached to MIMER to function as Joint Director (Accts), MIMER with immediate effect and until further order. T he Officer will take full cha rge of the pos t of Joint Director (Accts), MIMER and he will draw his pay and allowances from Directorate of IF&SL. Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No.A.19015/5/99-EXC, the 5th February, 2019. On attaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu R. Lianhluna, Joint Commissioner, Excise & Narcotics Department, Mizoram from Government service with effect from 28.02.2019(AN). K.T. Beicho, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department. - 10 - R-6/2019 No.A.22012/l/98-FS/Pt,the 6th February, 2019.In s upersession of this Department’s notification of even no. dt. 18.9. 2018, the Gover nor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu George Lalnuntluanga, FEO, DFDO’s office, Serchhip to DFDO’s Office, Lunglei with immediate effect and until further orders. Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. NO.A.19011/340/2013-P&AR (CSW), the 6th February, 2019.On a ttaining the age of superannua tion pension, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to releasePu Joseph Lalchhuana, IPS, DIG(Trg)from Government s ervice with effect from the afternoon of28.02.2019. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A.22012/3/2018-PHE, the 6th February, 2019.In t he interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Senior Chemist under PHE Department to the post as shown against their names with immediate effect a nd until further orders :- Sl. No.Name of OfficerPresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1.T. PahliraKolasib District LaboratoryAizawl District LaboratoryVacant 2.LalngaihawmaLawngtlai District Laboratory Kolasib District LaboratoryVice T. Pahlira transferred On their tra nsfer and posting Sl.No 1 shall move first. K.T. Beicho, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A.45011/49/2010-P&AR(CSW), the 6th February, 2019.Consequent upon his profor ma promotion to the Apex Scale of India n Administrative Service (L-17 of P ay Matr ix) vide Order No.AIS/35.2019/l/G dated 01.01.2019 issued by the Government of Gujarat a nd creation of a Supernumerar y post in the same level of pay with effect from 01.01.2019 vide Order No.A.11011/l/2011-SAE dated 01.02.2019 read with Order dated 05.02.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that PuLalnunmawia Chuaungo, IAS (GJ: 1987),Principal S ecretar y to the Gover nment of Mizora m shall draw pay and allowances aga inst this post with effect fr om01.01.2019till further orders. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.19015/207/2004-PAR(SSW)/50, the 6th February, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor ofMizoramis pleased to appointPu K.M.Lalr indika, Under Secretar y, School Educa tion Dep artmentto hold additional charge of the post ofPrivate SecretarytoPu La lchhanda ma Ralte, the Ho’nble Minister of State, School Education/Printing & St ationery Departments addition to the post he is currently holding without extra financial benefit with effect from the date of joining. Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 11 -R-6/2019 No. A. 19012/192/2017 - P&AR(CSW), the 6th February, 2019.In t he int erest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to extend the service of PiLa ldikkimi,Director, Socia l Welfare Depa rtment for a further period of1 (one) monthfrom01.03.2019 to 31.03.2019beyond the date of her superannuation pension i.e 28.02.2019. She will continue to hold the post of Director, Social Welfare Depa rtment during the period of extension. This issues with the approval of DP&AR(GSW) vide their I.D. No.GSW.22/2019/621 dated 14.01.2019. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.B.12011/61/2012-IND, the 6th February, 2019.In exercise of the p ower conferred u nder Article 62 of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of Zoram Industrial Development Corporation (ZIDCO) Ltd., the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalt hlengliana, Ex-MLA, Bungkawn, Aizawl a s Chair man, Zoram Industrial Development Corporation (ZIDCO) Ltd., for the period of 2 (two) years wit h immedia te eff ect. No.B.12011/63/2012-IND, the 6th February, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred by Chapter-II, Section 4(3 ), (4) & (5) of the Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Board (MKVIB) Act , 1982 (as amended from time to time), the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to appoint Pu La lthanliana Ex-MLA, Ramhlun North, Aiza wl as Chairman, Mizora m EVI Board for the period of 3 (three) yea rs with immediate effect. V. Lalsangliana, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. No.A.22012/4/89-Pers(B)/Part, the 7th February, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MCS officers of Senior Gra de as s hown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. Name of Officers withNew place ofRemar ks No. designationposting 1.Pu Lalvenhima,SDO(C),Vice Pu Isaac C. Lalrempuia transferred Election Officer, Serchhip Vairengte 2.Pu Isaac C. Lalrempuia,Election Officer, Vice Pu Lalr emruata Kullai deputed as PS to Home SDO(C ), VairengteChamphaiMinister 3.Pu Victor Lalawmpuia,Election Officer, Vice Pu J. Miahlung transferred. BDO, West Phaileng SDO(C) West PhailengMamitshall hold a ddl. cha rge of S DO(C), West Phaileng as a stop-gap arrangement 4.Pu Vanlalhmachhuana,Election Officer, Vice Pu Lalvenhima transferred. SDO(S ), Serchhip BDO, SerchhipSerchhipshall hold the charge of BDO, Serchhip as an interim arrangement 5.Pu Lalremruata Sailo,Election Officer and Vice Pu La lrina wma dep uted to PS to Minist er of St ate, BDO, KhawzawlDTO, Lawngtlai EF&CC etc. SDO(C), Khawzawl shall hold a ddl. charge of BDO, Khawzawl as a stop-gap arrangement. 6.Pu Lalbiakfela,S DO(C), Tuip ang Vice P u Z or a ms ia ma Hma r dep u t ed as P S t o Dy. C M . BDO, Aibawkwith addl. charge Pu Lalchhanhima, Dy. Director, RD shall hold the of BDO, Tuipang charge of BDO, Aibawk as a stop-gap arrangement. - 12 - R-6/2019 They are instructed to join their new places of posting within 2(two) days from the date of issue of this or der. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22017/1/2019-EDN/4, the 7th February, 2019.T he Governor of Mizor a m is pleased to or der transter and posting of P u Z.D. Vanlalliana, Headmaster from Govt. M/S Kha wrihnim to Govt. Combined M/S, Bubutlang, Za rkawt with immediate effect and until further orders. To movement on transfer and posting should be completed within 15 days from the date of issue of this Notifica tion. No TA/DA is admissible as the tra nsfer is made at his own request. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONSNo.A.11013/l/2012-UD&PA(M), the 5th February, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accord creation of 98 (ninety eight) var ious posts specified below under Aizawl Municipal Corpora tion with immediate effect and until further or der. Sl. Name of PostsPay BandLevel in No. of Posts No.Grade Pay7th CPC 1Depu ty Municipal C ommissionerPB 3 + 6600GPLevel- 111 2Town PlannerPB 3 + 6600 GPLevel- 111 3Engineer ing GeologistPB 3 + 6600 GPLevel- 111 4Asst. Municipal CommissionerPB 3 + 5400 GPLevel- 102 5Asst. Municipal Commissioner (IT)PB 3 + 5400 GPLevel- 101 6Asst. Town PlannerPB 3 + 5400 GPLevel- 101 7Asst. ArchitectPB 3 + 5400 GPLevel- 101 8GeologistPB 3 + 5400 GPLevel- 101 9Asst. EngineerPB 3 + 5400 GPLevel- 103 10Urban Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Officer PB 3 + 5400 GPLevel- 104 11Asst. Enforcement OfficerPB 2 + 4600 GPLevel- 86 12Asst. Programme OfficerPB 2 + 4600 GPLevel- 81 13Asst. Programme Officer (IT)PB 2 + 4600 GPLevel- 81 14Asst. Accounts OfficerPB 2 + 4400 GPLevel- 72 15Junior Engineer (Civil)PB 2 + 4400 GPLevel- 78 - 13 -R-6/2019 16Planning AssistantPB 2 + 4400 GPLevel- 78 17UDCPB 2 + 4200 GPLevel- 64 18Enforcement Ins pectorPB 2 + 4200 GPLevel- 619 19Electr icianPB 1 + 2400 GPLevel- 41 20LDCPB 1 + 2400 GPLevel- 48 21Backhoe Loader OperatorPB 1 + 1900 GPLevel- 22 22Group ‘D’IS-1650Level- 122 Total98 This is issued with the approval of DP&AR(ARW) vide their ID. No. ARW/UD&PA-2/2018- 2019/D-121 dt. 23.07.2018 and concurrence of Finance Department (E) vide their ID.No.Fin(E)301/2018 dt. 31.10.2018. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. No. B. 14022/9/02 - LAD/VC, the 30th January, 2019.Serchhip District chhunga N.Vanlaiphai Village Council Treasurer Pu R.Laldawngliana chu dt.26.10.2018 khan a boral a, a aiah Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills Distr ict (Village Councils ) Act, 1953 Section 15 -in a phal angin N.Vanlaiphai Village Council Treasurer atan Pu P.C.Lalnunmawia chu a ruat a ni. Hetih rual hian Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills Distr ict (Village Councils ) Act, 1953 Section 7(7)-in a sawi angin N.Vanlaiphai Village Council-ah seat khat a ruak tih a puang a ni. No. B. 14018/49/2019 - LAD/VC, the 30th January, 2019. Mizor amSorkarchuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 -in a phal angin, Mamit Distr ict hua m chhung ami DamparengpuiVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-Pu Rohmuaka Vice-President-Pu A.Laldinthara Tr eas urer-Pu Kilorung M emb er s-1)Pu Lalramenga 2)Pi Lalhminghlui 3)Pu K.Lallawmsanga 4)Pu Sonaram Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONS No.B.14015/58/2019-RCOOP, the 25th January, 2019.Under Section 10(2)(c) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act 2006 (Amended 2017) (Act No.9 of 2006), the said cooperative has been registered in my office a s a Cooperative Feder ation Society with limited liability under the title of theMizoramPoultry Producer Cooperative Feder ation Ltd. and numbered asA-29/2018-19 of dated thistwenty fifthday ofJanuary in the year two thousand nineteen Anno Domini. The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Cooperative Society ha ve been registered. The following is the area of opera tion of the Society "The whole of Mizoram" CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION UNDER MIZORAM COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT 2006 (AMENDMENT 2017) In the matter of application ofPu C. Lalhuliana and 10 other for Registration of Federal Cooperative Society a tAiza wl P.O.Aiza wl Police StationAiza wl Sub-Division _____ in the District ofAizawl.I do hereby certify that in pursuant to Acts 10(2)(c) of the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act 2006 (Amendment 2017) registered in my office as a Federal Cooperative Society with limited liability under the title of t heMizoram Poultry Producer Cooperative Federation Ltd. and numbered asA-29/2018-19 date this thetwenty fifth day ofJanuary in the yeartwo thousand nineteen Anno Domini. The Bye-Law adopted by the said S ociety have also been registered. The following is the area of operation of the Federal Society :- 1.whole of Mizoram Bhupesh Chaudhary, IAS, Regis trar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Mizor am : Aizawl. No.B.14016/71/2018-RFS/15, the 28th January, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Tuivaikual M ultipurpose Far ming Society ha ving office a t Phuaibuang, Aizawl District, Mizoram ha s been registered on 28.01.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1003. No.B.14016/90/2018-RFS/16, the 28th January, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13- 14 - R-6/2019 of 2005) Water User Association Tuikhurlui MI Project having office at Buhchangphai, Kolasib District, Mizoram ha s been r egistered on 28.01.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1001. No.B.14016/75/2018-RFS/22, the 28th January, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Maurua Society having office at Kanan Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 28.01.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1002. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Society, Mizor am : Aizawl. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF AMENDMENTS OF BYE LAWS (See sub-rules (3) of Rule 14) No.B.14015/53/2018-RCOOP(Sc)/34, the 30th January, 2019. In the office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies under the Mizora m Cooperative Societies Act 1991 (Act of 2006). I do hereby certify that pursuant in the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act 2006 (Act 19 of 2006) the amendment shown in the enclosed document of the Bye-laws of theMizoram Milk Producer CooperativeSocieties Ltd. registered under the provision of the Assam Coop erative Societies Act 1949 (Act 1 of 1950) on thetwenty first day ofJanuary in the yeartwo thousand nineteen Anno Domini underA-31/18-19 dt. 21.1.2019. The following is the area of operation of the coopera tion "The whole of Mizoram" Bhupesh Chaudhary, IAS, Regis trar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Mizor am : Aizawl. PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF BYE LAWS OF THE MIZORAM MILK PRODUCERS’ COOPERATIVE UNION LTD.Sl. No.Existing Bye LawProposed amendmentJurisdiction12 . 1 - ‘Act ’ mea ns t he M izor a m C o- op societies Act 1991.2 . 1 - ‘Act ’ mea ns t he M izor a m C o- operative Societies Act 2006.As p er The Mizoram Co- operative Societies Act-2006 22.3 - “Chairman” means a member of the Board who has been elected nominated as Chairman of the Union as per provision of the Act, Rules and Bye-laws. He will responsible for the development and progress of the Union and to ensure that the policy decisions taken by the Board are properly implemented by the Managing Director/Chief Executive2 . 3 - ‘C ha ir ma n mea ns a memb er of the Board who has been elected as Cha irma n of the Union as per provision of the Act, Rules and Bye-laws. He will be r esponsib le for the development and progress of the Union and to ensure that the policy decisions taken by the Board a re pr operly imp lemented by the Mana ging Director /Chief Executive.As p er The Mizoram Co- operative Societies Act- 2006- 15 -R-6/2019 32.4 - “Commodities” include Milk and Milk Products. Livestock and Livestock products and horticulture produce.2.4 - ‘Commodities’ include Milk and Milk Procucts, livestock feeds and feed ingredients, fodder, fodder seeds etc.Since The Mizoram Milk Pr oducer s’ Cooperative Union is dealing with Milk and Milk Products, only those it ems neces- sa ry for smooth fu nctio- ning of the Union are included.42.9 - “Registrar” means the Registrar of Cooperative Societies Mizora m State as defined in t he Mizora m Cooperative Societies Act. 19912.9 - ‘Registrar ’ means the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Mizoram state as defined in the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act 2006.As per The Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act - 2006 53.2.5 - Organize and develop primary multi-commodity Producers Co-operative Societies and to take over their management partially or fully when necessary and if appointed as an adminis- trator by the Registrar or at the requ est of t he members.3.2.5 - Organize and develop Primary Milk Producers’ Cooperative Societies and to affiliate them in the Union to take over their management pa rtially or fully when necessary and if appointed as an adminis tra tor by the Regisgrar or at the request of the members.Since the name of the Union had been cha nged from Multi-commodity Producers to Milk producers, it is more appr opriate that the Primary Societies are also Milk Producders rather than Muli-commodity Producders. 63.2.11 - Provide/arrange seeds, fert ilizers , pesticides, Animal feed and other technical inputs either directly of through any appr oved agency (s)3.2.11 - Provide/arrange feeds, feed ingredients, fodder a nd fodder seeds, medicines and feed additives and a ny other items a nd technical inputs which may be required for smooth functioning of primary societies, either directly or thr ough any approved agency.Since the Union is dealing with a single commodity, it is appro-priate that inputs be confined to those items necessary for smooth running of the Union. 75.2.1 - Any registered Multi- Commodity Pr oducers’ Co- operative Society Supplying Commodities to the Union and the bye-laws of such Primary Societ ies are in conformity with the bye-law prepared by the Union/NDDB.5.2.1 - Any registered Milk Producers’ Cooperative Societies supploying commodities to the Union and the Bye laws of such Primary Societies ar e in conformity with the model By-law prepared by the Union/NDDB.Since the name of the Union had been cha nged to Milk Producders, likewise, name of the Primar y Societies may also be changed to Milk Producers from Multi- commodit y Pr oducers. 85.3 - Registered Multi-commodity Co-operative Societies who ha ve signed the bye-la ws and the application of registration of the Union will be deemed to be enrolled as ordinary member.5.3 - Registered Milk Producers’ Cooperative Societies who have signed the Bye-la ws and the application of registration of the Union will be deemed to be enrolled as ordinary member.Changed from Multi- commodity Producer to Milk Producer- 16 - R-6/2019 915.1.1 - Chairman of the Primary Mult i Commodity Producers’ Co- operative societies affiliated to the Union.15.1.1 - Chairman of the Primary Milk Producers’ Coopera tive Societies affilia ted to the Union.Changed from Multi- commodity Producer to Milk Producer 1022.2 - A meeting of Boa rd of Directors shall be called within ten days after the election of the Dir ectors. In this meeting all the elected Dir ector s sha ll elect the Chairman amongst themselves for a period of two year s as per the Act of Mizoram Cooperative Societies. The Chairman shall cont inue to hold office till a new Chairman is elected as per these bye-laws. The members of the Boar d nomina ted from the Government, financing agency or any other agency and the Ma na ging Director of the Union shall not be entitled to vote for and cont est the election of the Chair man. No post of Vice Cha irma n shall be there on the Boa rd.22.2 - The existing Chairman and Directors shall hand over their charge to the newly elected Chair man and Director s within ten days after obtaining approval of RCS. There shall be no post of Vice Chairman on the Board.As per the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act - 2006, the Chairman is elected Directly and to avoid undue delay in handing over of charge to the newly elected Chairman and Directors, the provision of time limit is incorpora ted. 1122.7 - The Election of Boar d of Directors shall be condu cted biennially (every two year s) a nd the term of Office shall be two years. No member shall hold office for more than fou r year s in succession or having already held office for four years be re-elected within a shorter interva l than two years fr om the date on which he ceased to be a member of such Board of Director. If he or the society he represents ha s acted in a ma nner tha t causes a breach of provision under bye-laws no 24, he shall cease to be a member on the Board.Vaca ncies a rising thus shall be filled as per the provision of these bye- la ws.22.7 - The election of the Chairman and members of Board of directors shall be held every five (5) years and the term of office of the Board of Directors shall be five (5) years provided that no member shall hold office for more than 10 years in succession or having already held office for 10 years, whether in su cces sion or not, be r e-elect ed within a shorter interval than 5 year s from the da te he ceased to be a member of Board of Director. If he or t he Society he repres ents as acted in a manner that causes breach of provision under Section 24 of the bye-laws, he shall cease to be a memb er of t he Boa r d. Vacancy/vacancies arising thus shall be filled as per the provision of these bye- la ws.As per The Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act - 2006- 17 -R-6/2019 12 23.2 - To a ppoint the Ma na ging Director of the Union. The Board shall have powers to suspend him. QUALIFICATION OF MANAGING DIRECTOR The candidate should possess a degr ee in a ny discipline preferable with a post gr aduate degree/ diploma in Management. The candidate should have atleast 15 yea r s experience wt ih a minimum 5 years in a senior managerial posit ion with proven track record in a Dairy/Food Industry. This is a Chief Executive position in the Union. The candidate will be responsible for the mana gement of multifaceted functions of the Union. The incumbent should have indepth understanding of the Principles, philosophies and values of the integrated cooperative system. The position demands vision, dynamism and lea dership qualities to motivate a group of professionals to achieve organiza- tional goa ls.23.2 - To appoint the Managing Director of the Union. The Board shall have power to suspend him. 23.2.1 - A candida te for the post of Managing Director of the Union should possess a degree in Da iry or Animal Husbandry & Veterinary or a ny other discipline preferably with a post gr adu ate degree/ diploma in Management. 23.2.2 - A candidate should have atleast 15 years experience with a minimum of 5 years experience in a Senior Managerial position with proven track record in Dairy/Food Industry. 23.2.3 - Managing Director is a Chief Executive position and he is responsible for the management of multifaceted funct ions of the Union. He should have indepth knowledge and understanding of the Principles, philosophies and va lu es of the integr ated cooperative system. The position demands vision, dynamism and leadership qualities to motivate other employees to achieve orga nizational goals.To make the points more clear, the section have been divided into sub- sections. 13 EXPERT PANEL 23.5 - An expert panel will be cons tituted to recommend administrative/organizational structure including the staff requirements, qualifications, exper ience, job requirements, pay scale etc. a nd a ny other wor ks assigned by the Board. The expert p anel sha ll be formed of the following members. 1. Chairman of the Union. 2. The Managing Director of the Union. 3 . One Government Rep r es ent a t i ve. 4. Repr esenta tive of the NDDB.23.5 - An expert panel shall be cons tituted to frame and r ecommend a ny a dministra tive/ organizational structure including Service Rules , Recruitment Ru les, staff requirements, job require- ments etc. and also any work/works assigned by the Board from time to t ime. 23.5.1 - The expert panel shall consists of t he following members : 1) Chairman of the Union 2) Mana ging Dir ector of the Union who will be the Secretary 3) One Government representative 4 ) Repr esentat ive of NDDBThe number of candidates to be recommended by the expert panel for recr uitment ha s been specified. The last para - ‘For recruiting junior staff of the Union, the Ma naging Director shall have powers to form the panel of atleast 3 Officers of the Union’ to be deleted since the Expert panel is alr eady there.- 18 - R-6/2019 5. Registrar of Co-opera tive Societies, Mizoram. After the approval of the recommendation of this pa nel, the Managing Director shall invite applications for recr uitment of the Staff and the exper t panel sha ll select suit able candidates. This panel shall be responsible for the selection of candidates for the post of Officers and staff except the Managing Director. For selection and recruitment of Managing Director, the expert panel shall comprise of the following members. 1. Chairman of the Union. 2. One Government Representative 3 . one Representative of NDD B. 4. Registrar of Co-opera tive Societies, Mizoram. For recr uiting junior staff of the union, the Managing Director shall have powers to form the panel of atleast 3 Officers of the Union.5) Registrar of Coopera tive Societies, Govt. of Mizoram 23.5.2 - At the direction of the Board, this panel shall make recommendation for any particular job assigned to it and submit it to the Board for fina l approval. 23.5.3 - For recruitment to any posts other than Muster roll/ Casual employee, the Managing Director shall invite application as per existing Recruitment Rules and a s directed by the Board. The expert panel shall conduct exam/ test amongst the candidate a nd recommend suitable candidates (no of vacancy to be filled up + 2 nos) to the board for final Selection thr ough personal interview 23.5.4 - F or recruitment of the Managing Director, the Expert panel shall consists of the following memb er s: 1. Chairman of the Union 2. One Government representative 3. One r epresent ative of NDDB 4. Registrar of Co-opera tive Societies, Mizoram 14 24.2 - Chairman of a primary Mult i-commodity Producers’ Co- oper ative Society shall be eligible for election if he;24.2 - Chairman of a Primary Milk Pr oducers’ Coopera tive Society shall be eligible for election if he;Changing of M ulti- commodity Pr oducder s to Milk Producers 15 30.2 - Notwithsta nding anything cont ained in these bye-laws amendment or repeal of any existing bye-laws or r epeal the enactment of any new bye-laws shall be made by the Union with prior consent of NDDB.To b e deletedIt is felt that prior consent of NDDB is not required for enactment of any new bye-laws since pr ovision is a lready there for amendment of bye-laws in the Mizora m Co- operative Societies Act 2006.- 19 -R-6/2019 FORM - ‘E’ CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF AMENDMENT OF BYE-LAWS(See Sub-rules (2) of Rule 5 & Sub-rule (3) of Rule 10) MCS Rules 2012 No.B.14023/50/99-ARCOOP(AE)/18, the 4th February, 2019.In the office of the Assistant Registra r of Cooperative Societies, Aizawl East, Aiza wl District under the Mizora m Cooper ative S ocieties Act, 2006 (Amendment 2017). I do hereby certify that pursuant to the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 Act 9 of 2006 (a mendment 2017) shown in the enclosed document of t he Bye-Laws of theSARON VENGMULTIPURPOSE Cooperative Society registered under the aforesaid Act, on t heFOUR day ofFebruaryTwo thousand nineteen underNo.AE-107/1991-1992 in the District ofAiza wl EAST has been duly r egis t er ed. 1The area of operation of the Cooperative Society shall be:- SARON VENG LOCAL COUNCIL AREAThe Bye-Laws amended and registered this day are as follows :- Complete amendment of previous Bye-L aws. Name of Society:SARON VENG MULTIPURPOSECOOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD.The Registration No & Date of the Society will now be:-No.AE-107/1991-1992Dt.04.04.2019.Lalringzuala, Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Aizawl East, Aizawl, Mizoram. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (S ee S u b R u le (3 )( a ) of R u le 4 of t he M i zor a m C oop er a t ive S oci et ies R u les , 2 0 1 2 ) REGISTRATION NO. AE-107/1991-1992 OF 04.02.2019In the matter of application of Pu Lalthuama a nd 8 others for Registration of Cooperative Society a t S a r o n Veng B .P.O. Aiza wl Police Station Aizawl Dis trict of Mizoram in the Sub-Division Aizawl.I do hereby certify that pursuant to Sub-Section (2)(c) of Section 10 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act No.9 of 2006), the sa id S ociety ha s been registered in my Office a s a Cooperative S oc iet y wit h l imit ed l i a b il it y u n d er t he t it l e of t he S AR O N VE NG M ULT IP UR P O S E Coop er at ive Societ y Ltd., and numbered as No. AE-107/1991-1992 Da t ed in t his F OUR da y of F EBR UARY in the year 2019Anno Domini. The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society have been registered.- 20 - R-6/2019 The following is the area of operation of the Society. 1. S aron Veng Loca l Council p Area. Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Aizawl East, Aizawl, Mizoram. No.B.14016/83/2018-RFS/12, the 4th February 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Federation- I Self Help Group Zemab awk having office at Zemabawk, Aizawl, Mizoram has been regis tered on 04.02.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1006. No.B.14016/92/2018-RFS/16, the 4th February 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Next Level Production Society having office at Ramhlun South, Aizawl, Mizoram ha s been registered on 04.02.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1004. No.B.14016/18/2018-RFS/24, the 4th February 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Villa ge Council Associa tion Cha kma Autonomous Distr ict Council having office at Kamalanagar, Lawngtlai District, Mizoram ha s been r egistered on 04.02.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1005. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizor am : Aizawl. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATIONS No.H.14011/3/2018-DC&MA (C)/Pt, the 5th February, 2019.Whereas Dangu Pra nab Kumar Chakma, a sitting Member of District Council of the 10th Cha kma Autonomous District Council from 9 - Uguda sury ‘S’ Constituency expired on 19.7.2018. Now, therefore, the Governor of Mizoram, in exercise of powers conferred under sub-rule (3 ) of Rule 11 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, is pleased to declare the said seat as vacant w.e.f. 19.7.2018.- 21 -R-6/2019 No.A.43016/3/2008-DCA(C)/Pt, the 5th February, 2019.In exercise of the power s conferred under sub- rule (3) of R ule 22 of the C hakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc. ) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram, on the recommendation of the Chief Executive Member of Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council, is pleased to appoint the following elected Members of District Council (MDC) as Executive Members of the 10th Chakma Autonomous District Council w. e.f. 4. 2.2019, i.e. fr om the date of the approval by the Hon'ble Governor of Mizoram. Sl.No.Name of the Elected MDCMDC Constituency1.Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma5-Ka malana gar (N) MDC Constituency 2.Shri Bubon Kumar Chakma19-D evasora (S) MDC Constituency 3.Shri Lakhi Dhan Chakma14-L ungpuighat MDC Constituency 4.Shri Mohan Chakma20-Pa rva MDC Constituency 5.Shri Hiranand Tongcha ngya16-New Jaganasury MDC Constituency 6.Shri Uday Tongcha ngya12-M ainabapsora MDC Constituency 7.Shri Lakkhan Chakma17-Ja ruldubosora MDC Constituency By Order, etc. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Deptt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 22 - R-6/2019

Regular Issue No. 9 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 9Date - 01/03/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.A.22012/18/2010-P&AR(CSW)/Pt, the 21st February, 2019. In the interest of public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting ofShri Praveen Kumar Gupta, IAS (AGMU:1989) Principal Resident C ommissioner, Mizoram House, New Delhi asOfficer-on- Specia l Duty in Mizoram House, New Delhi.He will continue to draw sa lary against one of the ex-cadre post of Additional C hief Secr etary/Apex Sca le, Govt. of M izoram with immediate effect and until further orders. The officer will perform duties as may be assigned to him in wr iting by the St ate Government from time to time. Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.H.11020/5/2014-P&AR(CSW), the 22nd February, 2019.In compliance with Election Commission of India’s letter No.434/l/MIZ-LA/2019-NES-l dated 21.02.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appointPiK.Lalrinzuali MCS, Additional Secretary, Rural Development Department asDepu ty Commissioner, Lunglei Districtwith immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that the officer should join her new place of posting immediately without availing joining time. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.31013/1/2016-HTE/87, the 22nd February, 2019. On successful completion of the probationary period of service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confirm the following 10(ten) Assistant ProfessorsRNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 1.3.2019 Phalguna 10, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 9 - 2 - R-9/2019 (Sta ge-1) with immedia te effect as per Annexur e appended. Malsawmdawngliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Annexure appended to No.A.31013/l/2016-HTE/87 dt. 22.02.2019 Sl. No. Name & Institution SubjectDate of Entry into Govt. Service 1.Dr. C. Vanlalnghaka, Assistant Professor,Zoology18.01.2017 Govt. Serchhip College 2.Dr. Jonathan Lalnunsiama, Assistant ProfessorPhysics18.01.2017 Govt. Serchhip College 3.Lalengmawii, Assistant ProfessorPublic Administration18.01.2017 Govt. Kolasib College 4.Dr. Tracy Lalduhawmi, Assistant ProfessorPublic Administration18.01.2017 Govt. Kolasib College 5.H. D. Dothuami, Assistant ProfessorPublic Administration18.01.2017 Govt. Kolasib College 6.Dr. K. Vanrammawia, Assistant ProfessorEconomics18.01.2017 Govt. Kolasib College 7.S. Sangchungnunga, Assistant ProfessorPhilosophy18.01.2017 Lunglei Govt. College 8.Mimi Lalmuanawmi, Assistant ProfessorHome Science18.01.2017 Govt. Zirtiri Res. Sc. College 9.Rosangzuali Varte, Assistant ProfessorBotany18.01.2017 Govt. Champhai College 10.C. Lalthantluangi, Assistant ProfessorEconomics18.01.2017 Govt. Champhai College No. A.13015/7/2014-PLG, the 22nd February, 2019.In t he interest of p ublic services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote PiMaryLalr inchhungi Junior Grade of MP E & SS to Senior Grade of MPE &SSin the Pay Matrix L evel 11 plus a ll other allowances as admissible fr om time to time and posted as Deputy Director, Directorate of Economics & Statistics with effect from dt.1.3.2019. No. A.13015/8/2015-PLG, the 22nd February, 2019.In t he interest of p ublic services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Saithanzuala,Senior Grade of MPE & SS to Junior Administra tive Grade of MPE & SS in the Pay Matrix Level 12 plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time and posted a s Joint Director, Directorate of Economics & Statistics wit h effect from dt, 1.3.2019. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. No. A.35017/2/2015-HMP, the 22th February, 201 9.In the interest of public service, the following Police per sonnel deput ed to Vigilanc e Dep art ment (Anti- Cor rup tion Bur eau ) a re hereb y r epa triat ed to Home(Police) Department with effect from 11.03.2019. 1.Pu J. Biakr emsanga , Driver Grade-III 2.Pu C.Rinenga, Driver Special Grade Zahmingthanga Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. - 3 -R-9/2019 No. A. 32015/l/2012-F.Est/319, the 22nd February, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No. 26/A/2018-MPSC dt. 11.9. 2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to promote the following 2 (two) nos of Assistant Accounts Officer to Accounts Officer in the Level-10 of the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.3.2019 and post them as shown in the table below until further orders — Sl. No. NamePresent Place of Posting New Place of PostingRemarks 1ThangliansawtaAizawl ‘S’ Treasury Siaha TreasuryVice J. Lalmalsawmi transferred but she shall remain attached in Aizawl ‘S’ Treasury 2FH LalramlianaAizawl ‘S’ TreasuryAizawl ‘S’ Treasury Vice David Chuangkima transferred Consequent upon promotion of the above 2 (two) Assistant Accounts Officer to Accounts Officer, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Accounts Officers as shown below - Sl. No. NamePresent Place of Posting New Place of PostingRemarks 1David ChuangkimaAizawl ‘S’ Treasury Kolasib TreasuryVice P. Sangkhumi retired 2J. LalmalsawmiSiaha TreasuryLunglei TreasuryVice H. Sanghmingthanga retired F. Lalrinawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Depa rtment (E). No. A. 22012/45/ 2014-P&AR(CSW), the 22nd February, 2019. Upon the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.44/A/99-MPSC dated 22.01.2019 and in the interest of p ublic service, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased t o promotePu K. LalsawmvelatoSupertime Grade ‘A’ of MES(PWD Cadre) in the Level 14 of P ay Matr ix (cor responding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37, 400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 9,500/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as a dmissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. Upon his promotion,Pu K. Lalsawmvelais posted asEngineer-in-Chief; Public Works Department. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22013/l/2018-P&AR(GSW), the 22nd February, 2019.In the interest of public service, the ser vice of Dr. Thangzadinga , MAH&VSappointed as Private Secretary to Dr. K.Beichhua, Hon’ble Minister of State i/c Social Welfare, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Excise & Narcotics and Sericulture Departments on deputation basis is hereby repatriated to his parent Department with immediate effect. No.A.22013/l/2018-P&AR(GSW), the 22nd February, 2019.In the inter est of public service, the Governor of M izo r a m is p lea s ed t o a p p oint P u Ab r a ha m Beir a zi Khit hi e, M C S a s P r i va t e S ecr et a r y t o Dr. K. Beichhu a , Hon’ble Minister of State i/c Social Welfare, Animal Husbandr y & Veterinary, Excise and Na rcotics and Sericulture Departments on deputa tion ba sis with effect from the date of joining duty on the following terms and conditions: l)The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the pay cor responding to the Level in the Pay Matr ix of the deputation p ost or the pay corresp onding to his own Level in the Pay Ma trix in the parent cadre with Deputation (Duty) Allowa nce. 2)The tenure of deputation shall be coterminous with that of the tenure of the Hon’ble Minister concerned. - 4 - R-9/2019 The appointment is made against the sanct ioned post of P rivate Secretar y to Minister created vide No.A. 11013/4/87-SAE dt 28.03.1989 Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No. A. 22017/1/2019-EDN/22, the 22nd February, 2019. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Headmasters, Government Middle Schools as below:- Sl. No. Name of Headmaster Present place of posting New place of postingRemarks 1V.L. RoluahpuiiGovt. Tuikual South M/S Govt. B.M. M/SVacant Ramhlun Vengthar 2RamngaihzualaGovt. Suangpuilawn M/S-I Govt. Sesawng M/SVice Lalhuliana transferred 3.LalhulianaGovt. Sesawng M/SGovt. Suangpuilawn M/S-I Vice Ramngaihzuala transferred 4H. LarawngbawlaGovt. Zawlnuam M/S-lGovt. Tuikual South M/S-l Vice V.L. Roluahpuii transferred The movement on tr ansfer a nd posting should be completed within 15 days from the date of issue of this Notification. No TA/DA is admissible as t he transfer is made at their own request except Sl.No.3. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.12024/1/2014-HMP,, the 22nd February, 2019.On satisfactory completion of their probation period, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confirm the following Mizoram Police Service Officers in the Junior Grade of MPS wit h immedia te effect. 1.Henry Malsawmtluanga2.Lalrinpuia Chenkual Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No. A. 22012/3/2016-AH&V, t he 2 2nd February, 2019.In t he interest of p ublic services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Dr.F.Vanlalruata, CVO, Tu ipang s hall take over the cha rge of CVO. Siaha, in addition to his own duties with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/158, the 22nd February, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to releasePu Liansailova, Joint Secretary, Finance Department (APF/ PRU/EC/PFPM/FC&MC)from service on superannuation pension from the afternoon of 28.2.2019. No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/157, the 22nd February, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to releasePu H.L Thasawta, Finance & Accounts Officer, DHMEfrom service on superannuation pension from the afternoon of 28.2.2019. - 5 -R-9/2019 No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/156, the 22nd February, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu C. Roenga, Finance & Accounts Officer, SCERTfrom service on superannuation pension from the aft ernoon of 28.2.2019. No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/155, the 22nd February, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to releasePu Lalmuankima, Finance & Accounts Officer, PWD Highwayfrom service on superannuation pension from the afternoon of 28.2.2019. No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/154, the 22nd February, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu C. Lalra mliana, Finance & Accounts Officer, Disaster Management & Rehabilit ation Departmentfrom service on superannuation pension from the afternoon of 28.2.2019. Ramchuana, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Depa rtment (E). No.B.12011/62/2012-IND, the 22nd February, 2019.In the interest of p ublic service, the competent authority is pleased to appoint P u Lalra msanga Sailo, IRS, Managing Director, ZIDCO to take additional charge of M anaging Director, ZOHANDCO, without additional financial benefit with immediate effect as a stop gap arrangement till new Managing Director is a ppointed or until fur ther or der. V. Lalsangliana, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. No. A. 12031/3/04-F.Est, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 13/A/94-MPSC/Vol-III dt. 20.11.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePi Lalropuii Ralte,Senior Grade of Mizor am Finance & Accounts Service toJunior Administrative Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Servicein t he Level- 12 of the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.3.2019. On her promotion to Junior Administrative Grade of Mizor am Finance & Accounts Service with effect from 1.3.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post her asDeputy Secretary, Finance Department (A)vice Pu Lalpekliana who is promoted with effect from 1.3.2019. She may however, continue to hold the post of Deputy Director (Accts), Agriculture Department as a dditional charge without any extra fina ncial benefit until fur ther orders. Ramchuana, Addl.Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Fina nce Department(E). No. A. 22012/19/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 25th February, 2019.Upon the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.78/A/95-MPSC dated 19.02.2019 and in the interest of p ublic service, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased t o promotePu F. Liantlua ngatoSupertime Grade ‘B’ of MES(PHE Cadre) on officiating basis in the Level 13 A of Pay Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37,400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 8,900/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. - 6 - R-9/2019 Upon his pr omotion,Pu F. Liantlua ngais posted asChief Engineer (Headquarters & Water Resources), Public Health Engineering Department. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A. 45011/49/2010 - P&AR(CSW), the 25th February, 2019.On having been promoted to Apex S cale of t he Indian Administrative Service w.e.f 01.01.2019 vide Ministry of Home Affairs Order F.No.l4016/ 24/2018-UTS-I dt.28.12.2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order thatPu Praveen Kumar Gupta, IAS, Officer on Special Duty, Mizoram House, New Delhi shall draw pa y and a llowances against the post of Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizora m retained vide SAD Order No.A.11011/l/2011-SAE dated 01.02.2019 with effect from the date of his promotion to the Apex Scale i.e. 01.01.2019 R. Lalthazuala, Depu ty Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22015/4/2009-PAR(SSW)/93, the 25th February, 2019.On repatriation from his deputation as P.S . to Former Minister, FCS&CA/Transport etc. w.e.f. 14.12.2018 a nd in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to post P u Lalra mngaia as Under Secretary, School Education Department with immediate effect and until further orders. T he period between the date of repatriation and actual date of posting in resp ect of Pu Lalr amngaia shall b e treated as compulsory waiting per iod. Furthermore, the Governor of Mizor am is a lso pleased to relieve Pi Lalbiakmawii, Under Secretary, AH&Vety and School Education Departments of her duties as Under Secretary, School Education Department. This supersedes notification issued vide No.A.22015/4/2009-PAR(SSW)/92 dated 22nd February, 2019. No.A.22020/l/2002-PAR(SSW)/191, the 25th February, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Stenographers Grade-I as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders. SI. No. Name & present place of postingNew place of postingRemarks 1Lalbiaknungi, P.S. to Former Commissioner P.S. to Commissioner & SecretaryVice Laldawngliani & Secretary, H&FW/DM&R DepartmentsGeneral Administration/H&TEattached to DP&AR(SSW) Departments 2Lalsangliani Sailo, P.S. to Vice - Chairman, P-S. to Secretary,Vacant NLUP Apex BoardI&CT/PHE Departments Consequent upon the above, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order attachment of Pi Laldawngliani, St enographer Grade-1to DP&AR(SS W) until normal place of posting is made. Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22012/18/2016-P&AR(CSW)/Pt2, t he 2 5th February, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Order of even no. dated 19.02.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order tr ansfer a nd posting of the following officers to the office a s shown against their names with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. - 7 -R-9/2019 Sl. No. Name of officer with designationNew Place of PostingRemarks 1R. Zarzosanga, IAS (AGM UT:2007)Director, School EducationVice Kesavan R., newly posted Director, Higher & Techical Edu. 2Pu Krishna M ohan Uppu, IAS (AGM UT:2009) Special SecretaryHe shall continue to be on Director, Transport attached toattachment as Addl. CEO. CEO Mizoram as Addl. CEO. 3Pu S. L. Naveen, IAS (AGMUT:2012),Director, Transport Department Vice Krishna Mohan Uppu Awaiting posting 4Pu Kesavan R. IAS (AGMUT:2013),DirectorVice R. Zarzosanga Posted as Director, School EdcuationHigher & Technical Education Pu S .L. Naveen, IAS and P u Kesavan R., IAS reported for duty to the Government of Mizora m in the forenoon of 23.01.2019 and 25,01.2019 respectively. The period between t he date they r eported for duty and the actual date of taking over of charge of their new posts mentioned above, shall be treated as compulsory waiting period and they will be paid pay and allowances as a dmissible under the rules. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No. A.12031/3/2009-LAD/Pt, the 25th February 2019.In t he interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commissionvide No. 102/A/2002-MPSC dt. 19.02.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Lalchawimawia, Deputy Director, Local Administration Dep artmentto the post ofJoint Director, Local Administr ation Departmentin the Level 12 of Pay Ma trix (Rs. 78,800 - Rs. 1,75,200/- per month) plus all admissible allowances with effect from 1st March 2019. Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.A.22012/4/2011-COOP/Pt, the 25th February, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pi Maria G. Ralte, JRCS, Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Mizoram, shall hold the charge of Managing Director, MAHCO in a ddition to her own duties without ext ra fina ncial benefit with immediate effect and unt il further orders. Further, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to order that the following Assistant Registra r of Cooperative Societies shall hold the cha rge of DRCS as a stop gap arr angement in addition t o their own duties without extr a financial benefit with immediate effect a nd until further orders .- 1. Pu Lalnuntluanga, ARCS, Lunglei2. Pu Lalmuanpuia, ARCS (Hqrs) 3. Pu Lalringzuala, ARCS, Aizawl East4. Pu Zaliankhuma, ARCS, Aizawl West B. Lalhmingthanga, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Cooperation Department. No.A.12025/4/2014-PAR(SSW)/315, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No.86/A/95-MPS C/Vol-II Dt.ll. 09.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of the following Officers ofSenior Grade of M SStoJunior Administra tive Grade of M SSin Level-12 in the Pay Ma trix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. - 8 - R-9/2019 Sl. No. Name & present place of postingNew Place of posting on promotionRemarks 1.R.Lalbiakzuala, Under Secretary,Deputy Secretary,Vice Vanlalchhuangi, Agriculture DepartmentFCS&CA Departmentretired 2C.Lalbiaknungi, Under Secretary,Deputy Secretary,Vice H.Vanlalchuangi, I&PR DepartmentFinance Department (EC)promoted 3Zaihmingthangi, Under SecretaryDeputy Secretary,Vice C.H.Saplianzara, Social Welfare Deptt.Fisheries Departmentretired 4Malsawmdawngliani, Under Secretary, Joint Director (Trg.), A.T.IVice Betsy Zothanpari H&TE DepartmentSailo, promoted 5Lalramngaia, Under Secretary,Deputy Secretary, GADVice Lalthlamuami, School Education Deptt.promoted No.A.12025/2/2014-PAR(SSW)/300, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No.l06/A/2002-MPSC/Vol-I Dt.24.08.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu C.Lalsangzuala, Selection Grade of MSS, Joint Secretary, Irrigation & Water Resources Department to Supertime Grade ‘B’ of MSS in Level-13A in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. On his promotion to Supertime Gr ade ‘B’ of MSS, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to postPu C.Lalsangzuala as Additional Secretary, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation/ Sports & Youth Services Departments. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22015/l/2009-PAR(SSW)/184, the 25th February, 2019.In t he in t er es t of p u b lic s er vic e, t he Go ver n or of M izoram is pleased to order tr ansfer a nd posting of the following 6(six] Officers of Junior Grade of MSS with immediate effect and until further orders: Sl. No. Name & Present Place of Posting New place of postingRemarks 1R.L. Rindika, Superintendent, SAD(E) Superintendent, Dte.of EF&CC(R&D) Vice C.Zirsangliani, promoted 2Lalhmangaihsangi Hnamte,Superintendent,Vice Lalmuankima, Superintendent, H&FW Deptt.Dte. School Educationpromoted 3H.Zasiama, Superintendent,Supenntendent, Dte of ElectionVice H.Lalzuala, retiring O/o CE, Zone-1, PHEw.e.f 28.02.2019 4Lalhlupuii Sailo, Superintendent, Superintendent, SAD (E)Vice R.L. Rindika, transferred Commerce & Industries Deptt. 5Laltlanzovi Sailo, Superintendent, Superintendent, AH &Vety Deptt.Vice Zachuailovi, retiring DC&M Aw.e.f 28.02.2019 6H.Lalremruata, Superintendent,Superintendent, DC&MAVice Laltlanzovi Sailo O/o DC, Lawngtlaitransferred Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.12025/6/2014-PAR(SSW)/372, the 25th February, 2019.Inthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regular ise the officia ting pr omotion ofPi Thanchungnungi, Junior Grade of MSSto S enior Gr ade of MSS in Level-11A in the Pay Matrix plus all other a llowances as admissible from time to time issued vide Notification No.A.12025/6/2017-PAR(SSW)/367 Dated 06.08.2018 with effect from 01.03.2019. - 9 -R-9/2019 No.A.12025/l/2015-PAR(SSW)/113, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of t heMizoram Public Service Commission vide No.9/A/2008-MPSC Dt.13.02.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Gover nor of Mizor am is plea sed t o pr omotePu F.Lalthuamluaia, Additional Secretary, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation/ Sports & Youth Services Depa rtments to Supertime Grade ‘A’ of Mizoram Secr etaria t Service inLevel-14 in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as a dmissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. No.A.12025/6/2014-PAR(SSW)/371, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No.4/A/95-MPSC/Vol-III Dt.27.07.2018 a nd in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of the following Officers ofJunior Grade of MSStoSenior Grade of MSS in Level-11A in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. SI. No. Name & present place of postingNew Place of posting on promotionRemarks 1Joseph L.Hauhnar, Assistant ResidentUnder SecretaryVice Lalramngaia, Commissioner, Mizoram House, ShillongSchool Education Departmentpromoted 2Lalhmingmaka, Superintendent,Under SecretaryVice R.Lalbiakzuala, Dte. of Health ServicesAgriculture Depttpromoted 3Zohmingthangi Fanai, M izoram StateUnder SecretaryVice Zaihmingthangi, Commission for Protection of Child Rights Social Welfare Departmentpromoted 4Zothansiami, Superintendent,Under SecretaryVice C.Lalbiaknungi, Dte. or Commerce & Industriesl&PR Departmentpromoted 5Lalmuankima, Superintendent,Under SecretaryVice Malsawmdawngliani, Dte. of School EducationH&TE Departmentpromoted 6C.Zirsangliani, Superintendent,Deputy Director (Admn.,),Vice Lalnunthangi, Dte. of EF&CC(R&D)O/o CE(M&I), PHEretired The promotion of Sl.No.6 will be on officiating ba sis. No.A.12025/3/2018-PAR(SSW)/10, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No.93(B)/A/95-MPSC/Vol-II Dt.16.08.2018 andin t heinter estofpublic service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of the following Officers ofJunior Administra tive Gr ade of MSS toSelection Gr ade of M SSinLevel-13in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. SI. No. Name & present place of postingNew Place of posting on promotionRemarks 1Lalthlamuani, Deputy Secretary,Joint Secretary, Irrigation & WaterVice C.Lalsangzuala, GAD/LESD&E DepartmentsResources Departmentpromoted 2Betsy Zothanpari Sailo,Joint Secretary,Vice Vanlalrovi, Jt. Director(Trg.), A.T.I.EF&CC/l&PR Departmentsretired 3H.Vanlalchuangi, Dy. Secretary,Joint Secretary,Vice K.Sangthuama, Finance Department(EC)Health & Family Welfare Departmenttransferred Consequent upon the promotion of the above 3(thr ee) JAG of MSS Officers,K.Sa ngthuama,Joint Secretary, H&F W Depa rtment may be transferred and postedasJoint Secretary, School Education Department. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 10 - R-9/2019 No.A.12025/2/2018-PAR(SSW)/49, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No.25/A/95-MP SC/Vol-IV dated 20.07.2018 a nd in t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following 2 (two) Assistants to Junior Grade of MS S through Seniority Promotion in the Pa y Matrix Level 10 plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time w.e.f 1st March, 2019. SI. No.Name of OfficerNew place of posting on promotionRemarks1Zohlupuii Sailo,Superintendent,Vice Lalhruaikimi, Assistant, Horticulture Deptt.Vigilance Deptt.transferred 2Lalawmpuii Chawngthu, Assistant,Superintendent,Vice H.Zasiama, Finance Department (FC&MC)O/o CE, Zone-I, PHEtransferred Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 12031/4/03 - F.Est, the 25th February, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 38/A/99-MPSC/Vol-I dt. 20.11.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Lalpekliana,Junior Administrative Grade of Mizoram Fina nce & Accounts Service toSelection Gr ade of Mizoram F inance & Accounts Servicein t he Level 13 of the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.3.2019. On his promotion to Selection Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service with effect from 1.3. 2019, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post him asJoint Secretary, F inance Department (A)vice Pu Lia nsailova who is due to retire on superannua tion pension with effect from 28.2.2019. Ramchuana, Addl.Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Department(E). No. D. 24016/55/2018-C&I(TC), the 25th February, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Competent Authority is pleased to appoint Pu Joseph L.Ra lte as Centre Director, Mizor am Food Processing, Research and Training Certre (MFP RTC) as per cla use 5.4 under para 5 of the 2 nd Agreement signed between Government of Mizoram and Pu Joseph L. Ralte with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. V. Lalsangliana, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. No.C.18014/l/2004-SYS, the 25th February, 2019.In the interest of Public Service and in pursuance of para 1.6.2 of Mizoram Litigation Policy, 2010, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Zohmingthanga, Under Secretary, Sports & Youth Services Department as Nodal Officer, Mizoram State Litigation P olicy, 2010 in respect of Sports & Youth Services D epartment with immediate effect and until further or der. The requisite infor mation of the Nodal Officer is as below :- 1.Name of Nodal Officer for Court Case :Pu Zohmingthanga 2.Exact Postal Address:Under Secretary, Sports & Youth Services, Civil Secretariat, Annex-I, Treasury Square, Aizawl, 796001 - 11 -R-9/2019 3.Telephone No.:2325314 (Office), 9436365212 (Mobile) 4.Fax No.:2300684 5.Email H. Lalengmawia, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sports & Youth Services Department. No. A. 22013/1/2014-F.Est, the 26th February, 2019. Inthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cancel the transfer and posting of Junior Administrative Grade of MFAS Officers notified vide No.A. 22013/1/2014-F.Est Dt.5.2.2019 with immediate effect. Pursuant to the above cancellation, Pu S ailolia na Sailo, Joint Director, Commerce & Industries Depa rtment and, Pu Zoramchhana, Joint Dir ector, IF&SL shall continue to be in the posts where they were before they were transfer red vide Notification indicated above. Further, Pu Zoramchhana is attached to MIMER to function as Joint Director (Accts), MIMER with immediate effect and until further order. T he Officer will take full cha rge of the pos t of Joint Director (Accts), MIMER and he will draw his pay and allowances from Directorate of IF&SL Ramchuana, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No. A.21015/1/2016 -EDN/166, , the27th February, 2019.The name of Pi Lalhliri, Headmaster, Government P rimary School-II, Bungtlang, under School Education Department is hereby changed to Pi C. Lalhliri with immediate effect . Henceforth, her name shall be read as Pi C.Lalhliri in her service records and all other officia l documents. C. Lalhuliana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.F.13011/7/2014-IPR, the 27th February, 2019.In t he interest of public service and in exer cise of p owers conferred by the provisions of sub-section (3) of Section 15 of the Right to Infor mation Act, 2005 ( 22 of 2005 ), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appointDr.C.Lalzirliana,as theState Information Commissionerin the scale of pa y of Rs. 80,000/- per month consolida ted wit h allowa nces as admissible under the said Act , with effect from the date of takingOathor a ffirma tion as per theRight to Informa tion Act, 2005. The terms and conditions of service of the above mentioned person as such will be governed by the terms and conditions as la id down in Section 16 of the said Act and the rules made thereunder. The appointment is made against the sanctioned post of the Mizoram State Information Commissioner created vide Notification No.F.13011/7/2005-IPR dated 21.6.2006. Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. - 12 - R-9/2019 No.A.32013/15/2018-AGR, the 27th February, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 20/A/2013 - MPSC dated 22.02.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu James Lalsiamliana, Grade-III of Mizoram Agriculture ServicetoGrade-II of Mizoram Agriculture Serviceunder Agriculture Department in the Level 12 of Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the post. Consequent upon his promotion, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of t he following Gr ade-II of MAS as shown below with immediate effect and unt il further orders : Sl.NoNamePresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1Pi Zothansangi Sailo Joint Director of Agriculture (Planning & M onitoring) Joint Director of Agriculture (Technical) 2Pu James Lalsiamliana Newly PromotedJoint Director of Agriculture (Planning & Monitoring) Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt . of Mizoram Agriculture Department. No.A.32014/11/2018-REV, the 27th February, 2019. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide MPSC No.55/A/95-MPSC dt.13.02.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote t he following Surveyor-I to the post of Assistant Director of Survey/Assistant Survey Officer under Land Revenue & Settlement Department in Level 10 in the Pay Ma trix plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules as amended from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. Sl.NoName & present place of postingNew place of posting on promotionRemarks.1.H.Vanneihthanga, DLR&SASO, LungleiVice S.Hrangluaia transferred. 2.K.Thanthuama, DLR&SADS, DLR&SVice Vanlalruata retired. 3.C.Lalchhuanmawia, DLR&SASO, SerchhipVacant. Consequent upon the promotion to the above three officer s and in the interest of public services, the following ASO are hereby tra nsferred and posted as shown against their names with effect from 1st March, 2019. Sl.NoName & present place of postingNew place of posting on promotionRemarks.1.S. Hrangluaia, ASO, LungleiASO, Aizawl DistrictVice K. Sanghmingthanga retired No.A.32014/ll/2018-REV, the 27th February, 2019.On the recommendation of t heMizoramPublic Service Commission vide MPSC No.55/A/95-MPSCdt.13.02.2019,the Governor of Mizor amisplea sed topromotePu Ngunliansanga, S urveyor-Ito the post ofAssistantDirector of Survey/Assistant Survey Officer under Land Revenue & Settlement Department and posted atDirectorate of Land Revenue & Set tlementin Level 10 in the Pay Matrix plus all ot her allowances as admissible under the rules as amended fr om t imetotime with immediate effect. R. Lalramnghaka, Special Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement. No. A.22012/3/2018-PHE, the 28th February, 2019.Consequent upon the Supera nnuation Pension of Er. K.Vanla lnghaka, Superintending Engineer.PHE Department, Lunglei WATSAN Circle, Lunglei w.e.f 28.02.2019 (A/N) Er. Ngentluanga, Executive Engineer, PHE Department Lunglei Water Supply - 13 -R-9/2019 Maintenance Division, Lunglei is hereby entrusted to take the charge of Superintending Engineer, Lunglei WATS AN Circle, Lunglei in addition to his own duties as a stop-gap arrangement until fur ther or der. Amjad Tak, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. CORRIGENDUMNo. A.11018/2/2014-FCS&CA, the 21st February, 2019.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even no. dt 11.12.2017 r egarding amalgamation and upgradation of the post of Accounts Officer and Superintendent of Accounts a s Accounts Officer and re-designation of the post of Assistant Superintendent of Accounts as Junior Accounts Officer under F CS & CA Department, the post of Accounts Officer and Junior Accounts Officer which appear ed as Account Officer and Junior Account Officer should be read asAccounts OfficerandJunior Accounts Officer.All other r emains unchanged. H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. NOTIFICATIONSNo. B. 14021/5/02 - LAD/VC, the 25th February, 2019. Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei DistrictchhungaTuichawng Village Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Mausing Vice-President - Mayaram Tr eas urer- Suniti No. B. 14021/82/2015 - LAD/VC, the 22nd February, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei Distr ictchhu nga DarzoVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Lalbiakdika Vice-President - H.Lalramenga Tr eas urer- F.Malsawmzuala No. B. 14021/127/2015 - LAD/VC, the 22nd February, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei Distr ictchhu nga Bualpui ‘H’Village Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. - 14 - R-9/2019 President-La lawmliana Vice-President-La lramchua na Tr eas urer-Lalrinngheti No. B. 14021/23/02 - LAD/VC, the 21st February, 2019. Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei Distr ictchhungaMarpara SouthVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Shanti Moni C hakma Vice-P res ident - Nara singh Chakma Tr eas urer- Lakhi Devi Chakma M emb er s- 1) Moni Rattan Chakma 2 ) Hina Ram Chakma No. B. 14019/97/2015 - LAD/VC, the 22nd February, 2019. M izor a m S or ka r chu an L u s ha i Hills Dis t r ict (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Champhai Electric VengVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President- H. Lalrothanga Vice-P res ident - Cha lneihthuana Tr eas urer- Lalneihthuama M emb er s- 1) Vanlalsangpuia 2) J.H. Hauthangpuii Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No. B.11035/57/2013-EDN, the 25th February, 2019.In pursuance of the minutes of the Meeting of the Council of Ministers held on 12.02.2019 vide No.J.11011/l/2019-POL, dated 14.02.2019 and in the interest of Public Service, Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order change ofSchool Timing with effect from the Academic Session of 2019 -2020 as mentioned below: LevelProposed TimingActive Teaching Hours as per RTEProbable time allotted for Act Guidelines for Elementary SchoolSchool Assembly/ breaks Primary Schools9:00AM - 2:00 PM4 Hours (240 Minutes)1 hour Middle Schools9:00AM - 3:00 PM5 Hours (300 Minutes)1 hour Secondary & Higher 9:00AM - 3:30 PM51 /2 Hours (330 M inutes)1 hour Secondary Schools This School timing is binding on all Government Schools, Deficit, and Government Aided & Private Schools. If any school wishes to deviate from the Government notified school timing by star ting the school hours at 8:30 A.M, school authorities may obtain pr evious sanction with proper justifica tion from the concerned DEO/ Director, School Education. This supersedes the previous notification issued vide Not ification of even number, dated 18.03. 2015 and 05.10.2016. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. - 15 -R-9/2019 No. C.18015/368/2017-LJC/242, the 25th February, 2019.In pursuance of the judgment dt. 17.07.2018 in WP (C) No. 754 of 2016 (Tehseen S. P oonawalla vs UOI & Ors) passed by the Supreme Cour t of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate the following Courts as Special Courts to t ry cases of lynching and mob violence with immediate effect: Sl. No.Name of CourtJurisdiction1. 1st Court of Addl. District & Sess ions Judge, AizawlAizawl/S erchhip/Mamit Distr ict 2.Addl. Distr ict & Sessions Judge, ChamphaiChamphai District 3.Fast Track Court, KolasibKola sib District 4.1st Court of Addl. District & Sessions Judge, LungleiLunglei District 5.Fast Track C ourt, S iahaSiaha/Lawngtlai District This issues with the approval of the Gauhati High Court vide No.P.17013/4/2014-HC(AB)/192 dt. 11.10:2018. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A.4601l/l/2018-F.Est/129, the 25th February, 2019. In the interest of public service and in pursuance of decision of the Meeting of the Empanelment Boa rd held on 22. 2.2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to empanel the following Consultants/Contractors under the Govt. of Mizoram against the categories and grades shown below for a period from 22.2.2019 up to 30.9.2020 in addition to the Consultants/ Contractors already empanelled vide No.A.46011/l/2018-F.Est/58-60 dt. 1.10.2018- 1)Preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) & Project SupervisionG r a d e ASl. NoName of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.Ceeke KonsarfB-147, Ramhlun Venglai, Aizawl - 796012 2.Development Consultancy ServiceH.No. 103, Zemabawk-VL PC Thlamuanpuia Building 3.Johnson Engineering ServicesE-l, Johnson Estate, Peter Street, Khatla, Aizawl 4.Leitlang ConsultantLunglawn, Lunglei - 796701 5.Megastruct Project Mizoram Ltd.Lunglei, Mizoram - 796701 6.Mizopa Engineer EnterpriseV-III, 76A, ITI Veng 7.MizotechTanhril Vengpui, Aizawl, Mizoram - 796009 8.Modern Construction & Consultancy ServiceT+27, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 9.New Street Consultancy ServicesD-44,J. Thanghuama Building, New Street, Mission Veng, Aizawl 10.NPEC Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.H.No.-A50/lA, Near YMA Hall, Luangmual, Aizawl-796009 11.PSP Financial Consultants Pvt. Ltd.H. No. YB-20, Chaltlang Tatkawng Veng, Aizawl, Below Exodus English M edium School, Aizawl-796012 12Sky Ridge Construction & ConsultancyY-161, Near BCM Ramhlun South, Aizawl 13 Torel ConsultancyCP Road, 920, Tlangnuam West, Aizawl - 796005 Grade BSI. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.ZofinsE-50, 1st Floor, R. Zahmuaka Bldg, Chanmari Ramhlun Road, Aizawl - 796012 Grade CSI. NoName of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.Babie Construction & Consultancy ServicesH.No. - 92, Upper Khatla, Aizawl - 796001 - 16 - R-9/2019 2)Project Development & Construction WorksGrade ASI. NoName of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.Advance ConsultingA-23, Upper Republic, Aizawl 2.Development Consultancy ServiceH.No. 103, Zemabawk- VI, PC Thlamuanpuia Building 3.Excell Consultancy ServicesMV-168, Thakthing Bazar, Mission Veng, Aizawl - 796005 4.Johnson Engineering ServicesE-l, Johnson Estate, Peter Street, Khatla, Aizawl 5.Leitlang ConsultantLunglawn, Lunglei - 796701 6.Megastruct Project Mizoram Ltd.Lunglei, Mizoram - 796701 7.Mizopa Engineer EnterpriseV-III, 76A, ITI Veng 8.MizotechTanhril Vengpui, Aizawl, Mizoram - 796009 9.Modern Construction & Consultancy Service T+27, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 10.New Street Consultancy ServicesD-44, J. Thanghuama Building, New Street, Mission Veng, Aizawl 11.Sky Ridge Construction & ConsultancyY-161, Thanzauva Building, Ground Floor, Near BCM Ramhlun South, Aizawl Grade BSI. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.Ceeke KonsarfB-147, Ramhlun Venglai, Aizawl - 796012 Grade CSI. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.Babie Construction & Consultancy Services H.No. - 92, Upper Khatla, Aizawl - 796001 The terms and conditions of empanelment of the firms will the sa me as laid out in Notification No. A. 46011/1/2018 -F.Est/58-61 dt. 1.10.2018. Vanlal Chhuanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No.B.13017/53/2013-UD&PA, the 25th February, 2019.As prescribed under Chapter 9.110 (xi) of the Reports and Recommendations of the Four teenth Finance Commission, target of Service Level Benchmark during 2019-2020 for Urban Local Bodies in respect of 4 (four) Service Sectors viz. Water Supply, Sewerage, Stor m Water Draina ge and Solid Waste Ma nagement under Urban Development & P overty Allevia tion Depa rtment is hereby notified as shown in the ‘Annexure’ enclos ed for information. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. ‘ANNEXURE’ SERVICE LEVEL BENCHMARKS FOR 2019 - 2020(As-prescribed under Chapter 9.110 (xi) of the Reports & Recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance Commission) [Benchmarks indicate the service levels to be ult imate achieved by the ULB/State Government in provision of urban civic services as prescribed by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of - 17 -R-9/2019 India. Baseline Level indicates the Level of services provided as at end of 2010 - 11, Curr ent Level indicates level of services provided as at end of current year 2018 - 19 and Ta rgets for 2019 - 2020 indicate the level of s ervices expected of ser vices ex pected to be achieved b y end of 2019 - 20] 1.WATER SUPPLYSl. No.Proposed IndicatorBench markBaseline LevelCurrent LevelTarget for 2019-201.Coverage of water supply connections100%54%81.87%85% 2.Per capita supply of water135 lpcd70.27 lpcd68.051pcd85 lpcd 3.Extent of metering of water connections100%91%AchievedAchieved 4.Extent of non-revenue water (NRW)20%40%25%20% 5.Continuity of water supply24 hours8 Mins.9Mins.15Mins 6.Quality of water supplied 100%100%AchievedAchieved 7.Efficiency in redressal of customer Complaint 80%50%AchievedAchieved 8.Cost of recovery in water supply services100%11%33%35% 9.Efficiency in collection of water supply90%75%AchievedAchieved related chargesNotes: 1. The extent of coverage of water supply connections has been worked out on the basis of number of household within AMC area. The coverage percentage is 81.87 %. Hence, target for 2018-19 achieved and target for 2019-20 fixed at 85% . 2. The existing 2 6 MLD pumping is not yet enha nce, therefor e with an incr ease in coverage of water supply connection the per capita water supply has come down to 68.05 Lpcd. 3. Water supply connections are fully metered. 4. Leakage reduction schemes a re taken up under AMRUT result ing in a good a chievement. Revenue Collection system is also greatly enhanced under the State Fund. So the NRW is having a great achievement. 5. Continuity of water supply indicates the average period during which the water supply is provided to the customer da ily. However, the existing system of water distr ibution is on a weekly basis for 1-2 hours per week resulting in an average of 10 minutes per day. Hence, with same water level the cont inuity of water supply cannot be enhanced. 6. Tr ea ted wa ter/potab le wa ter is sup plied t o consumer s. 7. Nature of Complaints and Redressal status. a) Water revenue issue -Water revenue is based on water meter reading. The department has water meter test bench which accur ately examine t he condition of water meter. T he customer, who lodges complaint, paid his revenue as per the result of his tested water meter. Hence, complaint solved. b) Water supply related issue - There is an on-going project of Sma rt Water Solution. Consumer can obtain all information such a s frequency, schedule of water supply in his own a rea. 8. Water Revenue Collection System are improved- considerably. But the high Head Pumping Scheme rema in non-cost effective. 9. All water charges a re well mana ged and collected efficiently. 2.SEWARAGESl. No.Proposed IndicatorBench markBaseline LevelCurrent LevelTarget for 2019-201.Coverage of toilets100%98.95%AchievedAchieved 2.Coverage of sewage network services100%0%15%25% 3.Collection efficiency of the sewage network100%0%0%30% - 18 - R-9/2019 4.Adequacy of treatment capacity100%0%3%30% 5.Quality of sewage treatment100%0%10%80% 6.Extent of reuse and recycling of sewage20%0%0%0% 7.Efficiency in redressal of customer complaints 80%80%90%Achieved 8.Extent of cost recovery in sewage management 100%100%AchievedAchieved 9.Efficiency in collection of sewage charges90%100%AchievedAchievedNotes: 1. The level of cover age of toilets is based on survey conducted by SIP MIU in 2011 2. The coverage area means South Eastern par t of Aizawl cit y, which are sub-divided into four zones, and half of the sewerage network target (30% of Aizawl) is laid and make ready for house connection. The serage Treatment plant is ready and completed. However, collection and treatment will s tart from mid-year of 2019. 3. 30% of the population of Aizawl is target using common swage treatment and septage management through Bio-Digester is also taken up by SIPMIU covering appr oximately 6% of the population of Aiza wl. Sep tage management is als o being implemented by PHED u nder AM RUT. 4. Since the common sewage tr eatment is yet to be started, Sl.No. 4,5 relates to Septage management 5. S ince t he common s ewa ge t r ea t ment is yet to b e s ta r t ed, Sl. No. 7 , 8 , 9 r ela t es t o S ep ta ge management and cesspool clea ner. 6. Since the Sewerage Network in Aizawl City is not yet commissioned, Sl. No. 8 & 9 relates to cost recovery in septage collection by Cesspool Cleaners. 3. STOR M WAT E R DRAI NAGESl. No.Proposed IndicatorBench markBaseline LevelCurrent LevelTarget for 2019-201Coverage of storm water drainage network100%40%85%87% 2Incidence of water logging/flooding0000 Note:- 1. C urrent level s tor m wat er dr aina ge network r emains 6 7% as no progress is made under AMRUT due to non release of further funding during 2016-2017 1.Coverage of Water Supply (24X7) in all public/ 24X712 hoursAchievedAchieved community toilet 2Percentage of wage being process scientifically 100%0%45%45% Note: 1.Tanky for storage of water are ma de in all public/community toilets where public water supply as well as rain wa ter are ha rvested. With stor age of wa ter in the water tanks, 24 hou rs of water su pply could be made in all public/community Toilets. 2.After handing over of Sewage Treatment P lant (S TP) to AMC by SIPMIU, there will be more waste will be processed Scientifically. It is expected that the said STP will be handed over to AMC as a nd when power line is installed to the said plant by the Power & amp; Electricity Department. 4. SOLID WAST E MANAGE MENTSl. No.Proposed IndicatorBench markBaseline LevelCurrent LevelTarget for 2019-201.Household level coverage of solid waste100%70%95%95% management services 2.Efficiency of collection of municipal solid waste100%60%95%97% - 19 -R-9/2019 3.Extent of segregation of municipal solid waste100%0%10%50% 4.Extent of municipal solid waste recovered80%0%30%40% 5.Extent of scientific disposal of municipal solid waste 100%0%23%50% 6Efficiency in redressal of customer complaints80%60%75%80% 7Extent of cost recovery in SWM services100%10%30%40% 8Efficiency in collection of SWM charges90%60%AchievedAchieved 1.Collection and tra nsportation of Municip al Solid Waste within Aizawl Municip al area is car ried out in a modified form of PPP wherein the Aizawl Municipal Cor poration in pa rtnership with each Loca l Council mana ged the collection and transportation in an efficient manner. 2. There are 51 nos. of Medium Garba ge Truck Vehicles and 55 nos. of Light Garbage Motor Vehicles being service within Municipal Ar ea throughout the year. The collection of ga rbage being done at lea s t thr ee times a week within Large a rea of Local Councils, while at lea s t two t imes a week within small area of Local Councils 3.Segregation of wastes has been practiced initially with 19 (Nineteen) local councils and it is expected tha t the same will cover all the 83 (Eighty thr ee) local councils wit hin a short spa n of time viz. as and when the Solid Wa ste Management Centre is handed over to Aiza wl Municipal Corporation by SIP MIU. 4.At p resent, 125 nos. of Ra g Pickers are given r egistra tion by the AMC who further disposed off their wastes to 7 Nos. of Contra ctor s a ppointed b y the AMC which in turn are making more cont ribution for recovery of solid waste. 5.A scientific Solid Waste Management Centr e, being taken up under ADB assisted NERCCDIP is to be handed over soon to Aizawl Municipa l Corporation i.e. by the end of 30th April 2019. After handing over of the plants, it is expected that municipal solid waste will be scientifically disposed off and there will be mor e recovery of recyclable wa ste. 6.Sometimes a complaint has been lodged by the public sta ting irr egularity of solid waste vehicles and falling of garbage from the vehicles thereby making the roads dirty. T his sort of problems are brought to the notice of each concerned local council. To solve the problem of falling of gar bage from the vehicles, a new design is made by making cover for all garbage vehicles. 7.20% of expenditure for collection of Garba ge is b eing recovered from the public by means of Garbage fees collected by each Local Council. 8.All local councils are informed to collect solid waste before 8:30am and to reach the dumping ground befor e the peak hour of tra ffic i.e.between 9:30am - 10:30am which has been followed effectively by all local councils. No. B. 14017/18/2015- LAD/VC, the 27th February, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils)Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Aizawl Districtchhu nga Keifa ngVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President- Pu Lalremruata Vice-President- NI .K .Z or a ms ia mi Tr eas urer- Pu R.Lalrinawrna M emb er s- 1) Pi Lianthangpuii 2) Pu Lalengmawia Ralte 3) Pu Lalrinawma 4) Pu Buangkhuma Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. - 20 - R-9/2019 PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONS No. B. 14016/74/2017-RFS/15, the 15th February. 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Hmar Veng Labour Association Bairabi having office at Bairabi Hmar Veng, Kolasib District, Mizoram ha s been registered on 15.02.2019 and numbered as MSR-1009. No. B. 14016/91/2018-RFS/20, the 15th February. 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of allconcerned that in pursuance of S ection 8 of the Mizora m Societies Registration Act , 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Mizor am Political Science Association having office at Depa rtment of Political Science, Govt. Hrangbana College, Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizoram ha s been r egistered on 15.02.2019 andnumbered as MSR -1010. No. B. 14016/101/2018-RFS/15, the 15th February. 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Grace Rescue Ministry having office at Chite Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 15.02.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1011. No. B. 14016/103/2018-RFS/15, the 27th February. 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Phullen Historica l Society having office at Phullen, Aizawl Distr ict has been registered on 27.02.2019 and numbered as MSR -1014. No. B. 14016/95/2018-RFS/15, the 27th February. 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Mizoram Rubber Planters Association having office at Treasury Square Aizawl, Mizoram has been regis tered on 27.02.2019 and numbered as MSR -1015. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizor am : Aizawl. - 21 -R-9/2019 PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATIONS No. H. 14011/6/2008-DCA (C), the 22nd Febuary, 2019. Whereas it was expedient to have an election of Chairman to the 10th ChakmaAutonomous District Council for the smooth functioning of the Council and whereas after having followed all necessary formalities under the provisions of Rule 31 (4) of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, Dangu H.Amaresh Chakma, MDC has been declared elected a s Chair manof the said Council in its meeting held on 31.1.2019. Now, therefore, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accept and notify that Dangu H.Ama resh Chakma has been duly elected as Chairman of the 10th Cha kma Aut onomous District Council in the meeting of the Council held on 31.1.2019. By order. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Deptt. No.H.11016/1/2016-LADC/DCS, the 7th February, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred upon hin by rule 32 sub-rule (4) of the Lai Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc) Rules, 2010. Pu V. Zirsanga . Chairman of the Lai Autonomous Distr ict Councilhasbeen pleased to summon the 10th Lai Autonomous District Council to sit for its Budget S ession, 2019, commencing from 26th Mar ch, 2019 at 10:30 Am at the Lai Autonomous District Council Session Hall, Lawngtlai. All business both official and non-official meant for the Budget Session, 2019 should be submitted to the under signed during office hours on or before 11th , March 2019 at 2:30 pm. K. Lalramliana, Secretary, Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council, La wngtlai.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 10 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 10Date - 08/03/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.LA/ESTT.2/2016/24, the 6th March, 2019.Under Section (13) of the Mizoram Salaries, Allowances and Pensions of Member of the Legislative Assembly Act, 1999 ( As amended uptodate ) the Speaker is pleased to accord sa nction for creation of 4 (four ) posts Grade -IV on C o-terminous basis without annual increment with immediate effect. Sl. No. Na meNo. of PostsPay LevelRemar ks1.Grade - IV 4 (four) postsLevel 1 with Basic pay ^ 17,400/-for 2 (two) MLAs The expenditure is debitable to the head : 2011 - Parliament/State/UT/Legislature 02 - State Legislature 103 - Legislative Assembly 01 - Assembly Secretariat (Voted) 00- (01) - Salary This issues with the concurrences of Finance Department Vide their I.D. No. FIN(E) 987/2018 of 25th February, 2019. S.R. Zokhuma, Commissioner & Secretary. No.A.12025/4/2014-PAR(SSW)/317, the 4th March, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularise the officia ting promotion ofPi R .Lalmua nkimi, S enior Grade of MSSRNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 8.3.2019 Phalguna 17, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 10 - 2 - R-10/2019 toJunior Administrative Grade of MSSinLevel-1 2in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time issued vide Notification No.A.12025/4/2014-PAR(SSW)/302 Dated 29.03.2018 with effect from 01.03.2019. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretaryto the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32013/2/2008-PWD(E)/Pt(I), the 28th February, 2019. In the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tr ansfer of the following Selection Gra de of M ES under PWD Ca dre (Civil) and post them to the places shown against their names with immediate effect a nd until further orders :- Sl.No. Name of OfficerPresent Place of PostingNew Place of PostingRemarks 12345 1Er. C. LalhmingthangaSE(P&W) CE, PWD,SE, Multi Modal ProjectVice Er. J. Sangkhuma Highway OfficeCircle, LawngtlaiKhiangte transferred 2Er. MalsawmdawnglianaSE(P) Engineer-SE, Central CircleVice Er. N. Chhylai in-Chief OfficeRetired 3Er. J. Sangkhuma KhiangteSE, Multi M odalSE, Lunglei CircleVice Er. C. Liantluanga Project CircleRetired H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.12025/3/2018-PAR(SSW)/12, the 4th February, 2019.Intheinterestof public service, the Governor ofMizoramis pleased to regularise the officiating promotionof P u C.Lalsangkhuma, Junior Administrative Gra de of M SStoSelection Gr ade of MSSin Level-13 in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances a s admissible fr om time to time issued vide NotificationNoA12025/3/2014-PAR(SSW)/366 Dated 29.03.2018 with effect from 01.03.2019. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32014/2/2013-HMP, the 4th March, 2019. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of M izoram P ublic S ervice Commission vide letter No. 172/A/97-M PSC dt. 19.2.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Inspectors of Police (Ministeria l) to the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Ministerial) in the scale of pay PB-3 of Rs. 15,600 - 39,100/- + G.P. of Rs. 5,400/- p.m. corresponding to Level 10 with other allowances a s admissible under rules from time to time with immedia te effect. 1.K. Lalmawii2.Mary R. Vanlalsiami On t heir pr omotion, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of t he said officers to Police Headquarters, Aizawl, Mizoram. Zahmingthanga Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. - 3 -R-10/2019 N o . A.22020/1/201 3-HMP, the 4th March, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Mizoram Police Service Officers to the places shown against their names with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Sl.No.Name & GradePresent place of p ostingNew place of pos tingRemar ks1Pu V.L Lura HauzelAddl SP, LawngtlaiDY CO, Ith IR BnTo be effective a fter con- (atta ched to Addlclusion of Lok Sabha SP, Security)Election, 2019) 2Pu Zoramthanga Pautu Dy CO, 5th IR BnAddl SP, Traffic 3Pu Riado HlychhoAddl SP, SerchhipDy CO, 5th IR Bn 4Pu C. LalruatkimaDy SP, CID(SB)Addl SP, LawngtlaiTo be effective a fter (own grade pay)conclusion of Lok Sabha Election, 2019 5Pu P.C. LaltanpuiaDy SP, CPWAddl. SP, Serchhip (own grade pay) 6Pu LalchhuanawmaA/C2nd Bn MAPDy SP, CPW Chhangte 7Pu ZoramtharaA/C, 3rd Bn MAPDy SP, CID(SB)To be effective a fter conclusion of Lok Sabha Election, 2019 8Pi C.LalbiaksiamiSDPO, ChamphaiDy SP, F&ESSalary to be drawn against the vacant post of A/C. 4th IR Bn 9Pu Albert Lalnunpuia Dy SP(HQ),Sia haA/C, 4th IR Bn (atta ched to PHQ) 10Pu Beimosia LapiA/C, 3rd IR BnSDPO, Lawngtlai 11Pi P.C. LiansiampuiiA/C, 2nd IR BnSDPO, Champhai 1 2 Pu Robert S.BeihrosaSDPO, LawngtlaiDy SP(HQ), Siaha Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Principal S ecretar y to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.32013/2/2008-PWD(E)/Pt, the 28th February, 2019. On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide MPSC No.23/A/94-MPSC/Vol.II dt. 21.2.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Junior Administrative Grade (NF) of MES under PWD Cadre(Civil) to Selection Grade of MES under PWD Cadre (Civil) in the Level 13 in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible under r ule from time to time with effect from 1st March, 2019. On their promotion, they ar e posted as shown below :- Sl. NoName of Officer promotedPresent Place of PostingNew Place of PostingRemarksOn Regular basis1Er. H. ZoramlianaEE, National HighwaySE(P), Engineer-in-Chief Office,Vice Division-IPWD. He will hold additional post Malsawmdawngliana of Project Director, ADB, PIU and to transferred submit report directly to Engineer- in- Chief, PWD for this project 2Er. VanlaldikaEE, Champhai Division SE(Monitoring), Engineer-in-Vice V.L. Nghinglova Chief OfficeRetired - 4 - R-10/2019 3Er. Lalthanzuala RalteEE, Project Division-II Joint Secretary, PWDVice J. Zothanpuia promoted On officiating basis4Er. R.K. VanlalremaEE(P), CE(Roads)SE(P&W), CE(Highway)O fficeVice C. Lalhmingthanga transferred On their pr omotion to Selection Grade of MES under PWD Cadre (Civil) they shall exercise their option within one month fr om the date of taking over cha rge for the purpose of fixationof theirpay under FR 22(l)(a)(i). Option once exercised sha ll be final. H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No. F. 22015/1/2010-HM, the 4th March, 2019.Pursuant to the issue of Office Memorandum No. 25016/ 10/20170-Imm(Pt) dt.7.12.2018 by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (Immigration Section, Foreigners Divis ion), the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to appoint the following officials as Nodal Officers to issue VPN token to send the respective request of LOCs through online system in respect of Indian Citizens and foreigners thr ough online por tal. 1.State Foreigners Registration Officers & SP, CID(SB)- State Nodal Officer. 2.All DCs under the Government of Mizoram - District concerned Nodal Officers. 3.All District FRO & SP under the Government of M izoram - District Noda l Officers. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No. A.11013/12/2016-PHE, the 5th March, 2019. On the recommendation of MPSC vide No.A.12032/4/ 2017-MPSC dt. 21.02.2019 a nd in t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Lalthantlua nga Khiangte s/o K.La lhunmawia, Dawr kawn, Dawr Veng, Baktawng to the pos t of Programmer under PHE Department in the Level 10 of the Pay Matrix pm plus all other allowances as admissible under Rules from time to time with immediate effect. He will be on probation for a period of 2 (two) years which may be extended for good and sufficient reasons by the Govt. for a further period as may be determined. On his appointment, he will be posted in the office of Engineer-in-Chief Office, PHE Department. Amjad Tak, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No. J.11011/28/2015-HFW, the 5th March, 2019.In p ursuance of the Government of India’s D.O. No.P.16012/11/2018-TC dt.18.9.2018, the Governor ofMizoramis pleased to notifythe prohibition, the manufacture, sale (including online sale), distribution, use, import and possession of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (E NDS) known as e-ciga rettes in the State of Mizor amwith immediate effect and until further or der. - 5 -R-10/2019 The ENDS are battery operated devices that heat up an element through puffing to vaporize a solution mainly consisting of Propylene Glycol. Glycerin, flavor ing and liquid nicotine. The users inhale the aerosols simula ting cigarette smoking feeling. Nicotine is t he addictive component of toba cco products and as such, use of ENDS may have harmful effects as use of conventional tobacco products. T here is also a gr eater risk of exposing our young population to such products as these do appear attractive and car ry a false perception of being less harmful alternative to cigarette. The above Prohibition is notified under Food Safety & Standa rd (Prohibition & Restriction on Sales) Regulation, 2011 of Food Safety & Standard Act, 2006 and D & G Act & Rules, 1940 and 1945 r espectively. Therefore, the Governor of Mizora m is please to notify the pr ohibition, the manufacture, sale, distribution, trade, display, advertisement, import and use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) known as E-Cigarettes or by any other na me or component with immediate effect in the State of Mizoram. H. Lalengmawia, Secretary to the Govt . ofMizor am, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.A. 22012/18/2016-P&AR(CSW)/Pt2, the 6th March, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following officers to the office as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. No.Name of officer with designationNew place of postingRemarks1.Pu R. Zarzosanga,IAS (AGMUT:2007)Director, H&TEUnder order of transfer as Director, Director, H&TESchool Education 2.Pi Lalzarmawii,IAS (AGMUT:2008)Director, School Education - Director, ATI 3.Pu Kesavan R. IAS(AGMUT:2013),Director, ATIUnder order of posting as Director, H&TE Posted as Director, School Education R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22012/1/98-AH&V, t h e 6th March, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Junior Gra de of M AH & VS Officers as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further order:- Sl. NoName of OfficerPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1.Dr. H.PachhungaV.O., LungdaiManager, Piggery Development Farm, Kolasib 2.Dr. LalfamkimaV.O., State Very Hospital, AizawlV.O., (MI) 3.Dr.Lalbiakzuala Sailo V.O., Surveillance Check-post, Vairengte V.O., State Vety Hospital, Aizawl 4.Dr.K.VanlalpekaManager, P&PF, KolasibV.O., Surveillance Check-post, Vairengte 5.Dr.RebeccaV.O. (MI)Manager, P&PF, Kolasib K.Lalhmangaihi Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram AH & Veter inary Department. - 6 - R-10/2019 No.C.17015/1/2013-EDN, the 6th March, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of Section 19 of the Right to Infor mation Act, 2005 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following officers a s Appellate Aut hority & SPIOs in their respective jurisdiction/work allocation under Directorate of SCERT and DIETs with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Sl. No.Name of OfficerDesignated as1Pi Laldawngliani C hawngthu, Director, SCERTAppellate Authority 2Pi Dorothy Ramdint hari, Jt. Director, S CERTSPIO 3Pu MC Lalthankima, Jt. Director, SCERTSPIO 4Pi Zohmingliani, Dy. Director, S CERTSPIO 5Pu Vanlaldika Sailo, Dy. Dir ector, SCERTSPIO 6Pi Alice Lalchhandami Fanai, Dy. Dir ector, SCERTSPIO 7Pu Lalnuntluanga Hna mte, Pr incipal, DIET AizawlSPIO 8Pu H.Lalzar liana, Principal, DIET LungleiSPIO 9Pu Lalsangvuana, Principal, DIET MamitSPIO 10Pu RL Thianghlima, Principal, DIET ChamphaiSPIO 11Pu H.Lalfakzuala, Principal, DIET SaihaSPIO 12Pu Lalrammawia, Principal, DIET SerchhipSPIO 13Pu Vanlalmawia, Principal, DIET KolasibSPIO 14Pi Ngurhmingliani C hinzah, Principal, DIET LawngtlaiSPIO Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.C. 18014/37/97-FST, the 25th February, 2019. In supercession of Notification of even No. dt. 18.04.2018 and in compliance with the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal’s Order dt 16.01.2019 in O.A.No.606 of 2018 in t he matter of Compliance of M unicipa l Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Sta te Level Committee for compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 comprising the following members with immediate effect a nd until further orders :- 1.Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram- Chairman 2.Principal Secretary, Environment, F orests & Climate Change Department - Member 3.Commissioner & Secr etary, R ural Development Depart ment- Member 4.Secr etary, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department- Member 5.Secr etary, Health & Family Welfare Depart ment- Member 6.Secr etary. Local Adminis tration Department- Member 7.Member Secr etary, Mizoram Pollution Control Board- Member Secretary The State Level Monitoring Committee sha ll co-ordinate and oversee the implementation of S olid Waste Management Rules, 2016 alongwith the activities of concerned line Departments. The Committee sha ll meet at lea st t wice a year. Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department - 7 -R-10/2019 No.A.38020/l/2014-PWD(E), the 27th February, 2019.On a ttaining the age of Superannuation Pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to r elease Pi H.C. Hranghnuni, AE, Chief Engineer(Roa ds) Office, PWD, from Government Service with effect from 28.02.2019 (AN). H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.22019/l/2018-HTE, the 28th February, 2019. Consequent upon the retirement of Pi Lalchhanhimi Khiangte, Associate Professor and Acting Principal, Govt. Champhai College on superannuation pension w.e.f. 28.02.2019 (Afternoon) and in the interest of Public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tha t Pu P. Lalhmingliana, Associate Professor, Education Depa rtment shall take the cha rge of the Principal, Govt. Champhai College with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. No.A.22012/l/2008-HTE(TE), the 28th February, 2019.Consequ ent upon the r elease of P u F VL Biakchhawna, Lecturer (Selection Grade) and Principal, Women Polytechnic Aizawl from service on atta ining superannuation age of 60 years a nd in the interest of Public S ervice, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order that Dr. H. Lalchhuanvela, Technical Officer, Technical Wing s hall take the charge of the Principal, Women Polytechnic Aizawl with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to or der that Pu Lalnuntluanga, Lecturer (Selection Gra de), Mizoram Polytechnic Lunglei shall take the cha rge of Technical Officer, Technical Wing with immediate effect a nd until further orders. H.M. Hualsangi, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 11016/7/2015 -FST, the 26th February, 2019.On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 63/A/99 -MPSC/Vol-I dt 03.09.2018 a nd in t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of the following Forest Rangers toAssistant Conservator of F orests (Junior Grade ofMizor am For es t Service)in Level 10 of the Pay Matrix Rs. 56100 - 124500/- plus all other allowances a s admissible fr om time to time with effect fr om01.03.2019or fr om the a ctual date of taking over of charge, whichever is la ter. On their pr omotion to Junior Gra de of Mizoram F orest S ervice, the Governor Mizoram is fur ther pleased to order posting of the officers to the places as shown against their names further orders : Sl.No.Name of OfficerPresent place of postingPlace of posting on promotionRemarks1V. Zaithanzuala Forest Training School, Aizawl Forest Training School, Aizawl He shall draw his pay against the post of ACF, Working Plan (N) 2C. Lalkhawthanga Thenzawl Forest DivisionChief Wildlife Warden’s Office, Aizawl Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.A.22012/3/95-P&E, the 28th February, 2019. Consequent upon the promotion of Er. La lduhzuala Sailo, SE, Aizawl Power Circle and Er. Va nlalrema, SE (Design), Office of E-in-C to t he post of Supertime Grade - 8 - R-10/2019 ‘B’ of MES w.e.f. 1.3.2019. T he following officers are hereby entrusted to take their cha rge in addition to their own duties as a stop-gap ar rangement until further orders as shown below :- 1.Er. Lalnithanga, Sr. EE, Generation Division-SE, Aizawl P ower Circle, Aizawl 2.Er. Thanglawra, SE(R E), office of E-in-C-SE (Design), Office of E-in-C B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. No. A. 22012/8/2019-P&AR(CSW), the 28th February, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting ofPu Ajay Chaudhry, IPS (AGMUT: 1996),IGP (Intelligence) as Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, New Delhi with immediate effect and until further orders. No. A. 22012/21/2005-P&AR(CSW), the 28th February, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order the transfer and posting of Chief Engineers under Public Department as s hown aga inst their names with effect form 01 .03.2019 and until fur ther orders: Sl. No.NamePresent Place of PostingNew Place of -PostingRemarks1Pu Lalmuankima Henry CE (Buildings)CE (Highways)Vice Pu K. Lalsawmvela recommended for promotion to E-in-C w.e.f 01.03.2019 2Pu BowmanCE (Planning)CE (Buildings)Vice Pu Lalmuankima Hen ry 3Pu J. ZothanpuiaJoint Secretary, PWD (recommended CE (Planning)Vice Pu Bowman. for promotion to CE w.e.f 0l.03.2019) R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A.32013/2/2008-PWD(E)/Pt(II), the 28th February, 2019.In the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer of the following Junior Administrative Grade(NF)/ Senior Grade of MES(Civil) under PWD Ca dre and post them to the places as shown below with immediate effect and until further orders :- SI. No. Name of OfficerPresent Place of PostingNew Place of PostingRemark 1 2345 1Pu LalzawmthangaEE, Saitual DivisionEE, National HighwayVice H. Zoramliana Division-Ipromoted 2Pu T. LalnunsangaEE, Kawrthah DivisionEE, Project Division-IIVice Lalthanzuala Ralte promoted 3Pu R. DawngsanglianaEE, Aizawl RoadEE, Kawrthah DivisionVice T. Lalnunsanga North Divisiontransferred 4Pu B. LalbiakthuamaEE(P), CE(Highways)EE, Champhai DivisionVice Vanlaldika Officepromoted 5Pu P.C. ChhiarkimaEE(Procurement),EE, Saitual DivisionVice Lalzawmthanga ADB, PIUtransferred 6Pu LalzarzolianaAE, Engineer-in-ChiefEE (P), CE (Highways)Vice B. Lalbiakthuama OfficeOfficetransferred 7Pi LaltenthangiSDO(TC), Aizawl RoadEE(P), CE(Roads)Vice RK. Vanlalrema South DivisionOfficepromoted - 9 -R-10/2019 8Pu S.R. LalramthangaAE,CE(Roads)EE(Procurement),Vice P.C. Chhiarkima Office (attached to PIU)ADB, PIUtransferred H.L. Rochungnunga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.32013/ll/2017-AGR, the 28th February, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order regularization of officiating promotion ofPu T langtimawia ZotetoGrade -III of MASunder Agriculture Department in the Level 11 of Pay Matr ix plus all other allowances a s admissible from time to time issued vide Notification No.A.22012/4/2012-AGR dated 19.07.2018 with effect from 01.03.2019. Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No. A. 22012/5/2008-P&AR(CSW), the 7th March, 2019.On t he recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.4/A/2009-MPSC dated 18.01.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to promotePu C. LianlungatoSuper time Gra de ‘A’ of MES (Power & Electricity Cadre) in the Level 14 of Pay Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37,400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 9,500/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as a dmissible from time to time with effect from 01.04.2019. Upon his pr omotion,Pu C. Lianlungais p os t ed a sEngineer-in-Chief, Power&Electricity Department. No.A.22012/1/2017-P&AR (CSW), the 28th February, 2019.In t he inter est of public ser vice the Gover nor of M izoram is pleased to allocate Departments to the following officers as shown against their names with immediate effect a nd until further orders. Sl. NoName and Designation of OfficerDepart ment(s)1.Pu J. P. Agrawal, IASSecretary Cooperation 2.Pi Zoramtha ngi Hauhnar, MCS Secretary 1. Local Administration2. Social Welfare 3.Pu Valbuanga, MES Secretary 1. Irrigation & Water Resources 2. Land Resour ces, S oil & Water Conserva tion 4.Pu F. Lalthuamluaia, MSS Secretary Sericultur e Pu J.P Agrawal, IAS reported for duty to the Government of Mizoram in the afternoon of 25.02.2019. The per iod between the date he reported for duty and the actual date of ta king over of charge of S ecretary, Cooperation Department, sha ll be treated a s compulsory waiting period a nd he shall be paid pay and allowances as admissible under the rules. No. A. 22012/21/2005-P&AR(CSW), the 28th February, 2019.Upon the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.7/A/94-MPSC dated 22.01.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Gover nor of Mizora m is pleased to promotePu J. Zothanpuiato SupertimeGr a d e ‘B’ of M E S (PWD Cadr e) in the Level 1 3A of P ay Matr ix (cor responding to Pay Band 4 of R s. 37,4 00- 67, 000 + GP of Rs. 8,900/- p.m, pr e-revised) plus all ot her allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. Upon his promotion,P u J .Zothanpuiais posted asChief Engineer (Planning), Public Works Department. - 10 - R-10/2019 No. A. 19015/69/82-APT(A), the 7th March, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or der thatPi La lbiaksangi,MCS, Joint S ecretary, Home holding the charge of Secr etary, SHC sha ll hold the cha rge of Development Officer, Sinlung Hills C ouncil in addition to her normal duties as a stop-ga p arrangement with effect from 1st March, 2019 and until further orders. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. ORDERNo. G. 12017/23/2018-EDN, t he 5lh March, 2019.Consequent upon the implementation of the Seventh Central Revision of Pay (a s modified and extended to the employees under the Government of Mizora m) Rules 2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow adoption of the Seventh Centr al Revision of Pay (as modified and extended to the employees under the Government of Mizoram) Rules 2018 for CS S employees of District Institute of Educa tion and Training (DIET), This issues withthe concurrence of F inance Department (PRU) vide I.D. No. FIN(PRU) 134/ 2018 dated. 27.02.2019. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Comm.& Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. NOTIFICATIONSNo. B. 14018/85/2015- LAD/VC, the 5th March, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Mamit Districthuam chhung ami ZomuantlangVilla ge CouncilExecutive Bodysiamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Pu Lalthana Vice-President -Pu Vanlalsiama Tr eas urer-Pi Sotrangti No. B. 14018/12/02- LAD/VC, the 5th March, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2), Section 15 in a phal angin,Mamit Districthuam chhung ami ChuhvelVilla ge CouncilExecutive Bodysiamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-LalnuntluangaRalte Vice-President -H.Vanhmingthanga Tr eas urer-Laldinpuii Secretary-R. La ldintha ra - 11 -R-10/2019 No. B. 14018/7/02- LAD/VC, the 5th March, 2019. Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2), Section 15 in a phal angin,Mamit Districthuam chhung amiZawlnuam ThuampuiVilla ge CouncilExecutive Bodysiamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-H.Ramthanpuii Vice-President -H. La lsanglia na Tr eas urer-H.T ha ngsa ilova Secretary-Lalhriatpuia Sailo Member-1) Zodinsanga 2) T.Lalmalsawma Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.A.19018/229/2017-PLG, , the 5th March, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years of age, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to releasePu ZasiamaFanchun, District Research Officer,Saihaon superannuation pension from Government service with effect from dt 31.3.2019 (A/N). Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & Programme ImplementationDepart ment. No. F. 22015/1/2010-HM, the 4th March, 2019.Pursuant to the issue of Office Memorandum No. 25016/ 10/20170-Imm(Pt) dt.7.12.2018 by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (Immigration Section, Foreigners Divis ion), the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to appoint the following officials as Nodal Officers to issue VPN token to send the respective request of LOCs through online system in respect of Indian Citizens and foreigners thr ough online por tal. 1.State Foreigners Registration Officers & SP, CID(SB)- State Nodal Officer. 2.All DCs under the Government of Mizoram - District concerned Nodal Officers. 3.All District FRO & SP under the Government of M izoram - District Noda l Officers. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.32012/l/07-LJE/26, the 4th March, 2019.On the recommendation of the Hon’ble Gauhati High Court vide No. HC.XXXVII-35/2018/139/R.Cell dated 21.02.2019 conveyed under No. P.27011/2/2016- HC (AB)/214 dt. 22.02.2019 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Sub-Rule 2 of Rule 16 of the Mizoram Judicial Service Rules, 2006 as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi R. Va nlalchami, MJS fr om Grade-II to Gr ade-I of the Mizoram Judicial Service of the District Judge Cadre in the scale of Rs. 51550-1230-58930-1380-63070/- p.m. plus other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the post. The officer shall be on probation for a period of one year and the period of proba tion may, for good and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, be extended by the Governor as permissible under the Mizoram Judicial Service Rules, 2006 as amended from time to time and shall be liable to be reverted to the Cadre/Grade to which she held prior to her promotion. - 12 - R-10/2019 Other conditions of service of the promotee willbe governed by the relevant Rules and or ders applicable to her from time to time. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law and Judicial Department. No.A.22017/1/12-TRP, the 4th March 2019. In the interest of Public Services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to Transfer and posted the following Officers under Transport Department with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Pu P.C. Khuma, Assistant Director (Booking) is transferred and posted as Assistant Director (C.C.P) and Pu Kawlchhuana Assista nt Director ( O.P) will look a fter the work of Assistant Director (Booking) in addition to his own duties. It is further ordered that Pu Jonathan Benjamin who is the senior most Assistant. Work Manager will take the charge of t he Work Manager without any financial benefit. K.T. Beicho, Commissioner/Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. CANCELLATION ORDERNo. B.14019/9/04-RCOOP(Lq)/71, the 21st February, 2019.As per power convey to me under section 15(l)(c)of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006 and as submitted by theARCS, Serchhipagainst Serchhip Poultry F arming Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14019/6/81-ARCOOP(SCP)/10 dt.12.4.2013bearing RegistrationNo.SCP-336/2005-2006 dt. 10.6.2005. In p ersuant to the receipt of the aforesaid letter (audit report), a Notice was issued to t he Chairman of the a for esa id s ociety(vide letter No.B.14031/6/04-RCOOP/51 dt.9.5.2013giving reasonable opportunity of being hea rd inwr iting as t o why the registr ation of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.That the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.That the society has already suspended its business activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.Tha t pr esent wor king of the society is not considered to be conducive to it s future improvement. And whereas no representation was submit ted or replies furnished was not fou nd satisfactor y by the society pursua nt to the receipt of t he afor esaid Notice as mentioned above. And whereas the liquidator submittedherreport vide lett erNo.B.14019/6/81-ARCOOP (SCP)/ 10 dt. 12.4.2013recommending termination of liquidation pr oceedings instituted against the society. - 13 -R-10/2019 Now therefore, the undersigned, keepingin view the aforesaid fact and circumstances hereby orders Cancellation of the registr ation of the aforesaid Society U/S 15(1 )(c) of the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act, 2006. Registr ar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Mizoram, Aizawl. NOTIFICATIONSNo. B. 14016/100/2018-RFS/17, the 28th February, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)DNS Federation Self Help Group having office at Durtlang North, Aizawl, Mizor am ha s been registered on 28.02.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1017. No. B. 14016/78/2018-RFS/17, the 27th February, 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Khatla East Welfare having office at Khatla East, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 27.02.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1016. No. B. 14016/70/2018-RFS/33, the 28th February, 2019. Itis hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) The Mizoram Employees State Insurane Society ha ving office at Directorate of Labour, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (LESDE), Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram has been regis tered on 28.02.2019 and numbered as MSR - 1018. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizor am : Aizawl. CANCELLATION ORDERNo. B.14027/68/04-RCOOP(Lq)/60, the 4th March, 2019.As per power conferred to me under Section 15(l)(c)of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006 and as submitted by theARCS, Serchhipagainst Keitum Pig Producers Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14031/6/81-ARCOOP(SCP)/9 dt.17.3.2017bearing RegistrationNo.SCP-10/2009-2010dt.13.5.2009; And p er s u a nt t o t he r eceip t of t he a for es a id l et t er (a u di t r ep or t ), a Not ice wa s is s u ed t o t he C h a ir ma n of the a for esa id s ociety(vide letter No.B.14031/6/04-RCOOP/51 dt.9.5.2013giving reasonable opportunity of b eing heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended its business activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. - 14 - R-10/2019 And whereas no representation was submit ted or replies furnished was not fou nd satisfactor y by the society pursua nt to the receipt of t he afor esaid Notice as mentioned above. And whereas the liquidator submitted herreport vide lett erNo.B.14031/6/81-ARCOOP (SCP)/9 dt. 17.3.2017recommending termination of liquidation pr oceedings instituted against the society; Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders Cancellation of the registr ation of the aforesaid Society U/S 15(1 )(c) of the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act,2006. Registr ar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Mizoram, Aizawl. CORRIGENDUMNo.A.38012/l/05-IND, the 4th March, 2019.The post held by Pi K.Zothanpuii writ ten as SDIO, in this department’s Notification No.A.38012/l/05-IND dt.28.01.2019 is to be read as Functional Manager, DIC, Aizawl. Zothan Khuma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. NOTIFICATIONNo.A.32013/5/2016-P&E, the 4th March, 2019.In the interest of Public Service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission (MPSC) vide their letter No.36/A/2016-MPSC dt. 27.09.2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promoteEr. C. Laldinliana, Junior Gra de of MES to S enior Grade of MES (Electrical) under Power & Electricity Department in Level 11 of Pay matrix with immediate effect. B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATIONSNo.MADC.H.11011/1/2014-15/DCS-MADC, the 21st February, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred by r ule 33 (2) of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, Puhpa H. Sahlo, Chairman,Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to summon Members of theMara Autonomous District Council to sit for its Budget Session commencing from 28th March, 2019 at 10:30 A.M. in the Session Hall of the Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha. - 15 -R-10/2019 All business both official and non-official meant for the Budget Sess ion, 2019 may b e submitted to the undersigned on or before l3th March, 2019. P. Sama, Secretary to the District Council, Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha. No. A.32014/2/2011-LADC/GAD, t he 1 9th February, 2019.In t he interest of public service and based on the result of the Limited Depar tmental Examination, T he Lai Autonomous District Council is pleased to promoteZirliantluanga Tinthefrom Junior Grade-B to Junior Grade-A of LADC General Service in the scale of pay of Rs. 15600-39100+5400 GP under the Major Head 7 : General Secretariat ( CEM) plus other usual allowances as a dmissible under the existing rules as amended from time to time with immediate effect. Further, He is given an option for fixa tion of his pay either from the date of promotion or from the date of annual increment within 1 (one) month - from the date of issue of this notification, L.Z. Tluanga, Depu ty Secr etary (G), for Executive Secret ary, Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council, La wngtlai.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 12 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 12Date - 22/03/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 46012/6/2015-LJD/50(A), the 18th March, 2019. In exercise of the power conferred by sub- section (1) of Section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Victor Lalawmpuia, MCS, Election Officer, Mamit as Executive Magistrate within Mamit Distr ict with immediate effect so long as the Officer holds his post unless earlier withdrawn. No. A. 46012/6/2015-LJD/50, the 18th March, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974), the Governor of Mizoram is p lea s ed t o a p p oint P u Dr. L a lr oza ma , IAS , Dep u t y C ommis s ioner, M a mit a s Dist r ict M a gis t r a t e/ E x ecu t ive Magistrate within Mamit District with immediate effect so long as the Officer holds his post unless ear lier withdrawn. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. B. 11015/35/2018 - FST/Pt,, t he 1 8th March, 2019. In pursuance of the 1st Meeting cum Inception Workshop of State Level St eering Committee on Mizoram State Specific Action P lan (SSAP) on Water Sector, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Nodal Officer for State Level Steering Committee on Mizoram State Specific Action P lan (SS AP) on Water Sector under Environment, Forests & Climate Change Depar tment as per details below: Name of Nodal Officer -Shri Ritu Raj Singh Designation-Chief Conservator of For ests (P&D) Mobile No.-9366223535 Email Addr Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 22.3.2019 Chaitra 1, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 12 - 2 - R-12/2019 No. C-21025/1/2009-HM, the 18th March, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred under Section 5 (2 ) of the RTI Act, 2005 and in partial modification of notification of even number dt. 18.6.2014 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to designate Pu James Lalnunma wia, Depu ty Secretary, Home Department as SPIO in resp ect of Home Department to provide information to persons requesting for the informa tion under the said Act with immediate effect and until fu rther or der. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Govt of Mizoram. No. A. 35017/2/2015-HMP, the 18th March, 2019.In supersess ion of Home Department Notification of even number, dated 11.03.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the service of the following Drivers under Police Depa rtment at the disposa l of Vigilance Department (Anti-Cor ruption Branch) on depu tation initially for a period of 3(three) yea rs with effect from 1 1.03.2019 which may be extended or terminated as per rules subject to the following terms and conditions: 1.D/G-II Lalchhuanmawia, Aizawl DEF 2.D/G-III Lalliansanga , 2nd Bn MAP The officers shall exercise, an option to draw either the pa y corresponding to the Level in the Pay Matr ix of the deputation post or the pay corresponding to their own Level in the Pay Matrix in the pa rent cadr e without Deputation(Duty) Allowance. Lalremruata Kullai, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No. A. 19018/143/83-PLG, the 19th March, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years of age, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to relea se Pu Lalchhuanawma Hr ahsel, Director, Economics & Statistics Depa rtment on superannuation pension from Government service with effect from dt 30.4.2019 (A/N). No. A. 22017/l/98-PLG, the 19th March, 2019.The Competent Author ity is pleased to fix provisionally the Inter-se-Senior ity of Senior Grade of MPE & SS in the Pay Matrix Level 11 as below : Sl. Name of OfficerDate ofDate ofDate ofRemar ks No.birthsuperannuation Appointment/Joining pensionto t he present Grade 1.C. Lalriliana1.3.196128.2.20211.9.2008/1.3.2017 2.Thanhlupuia31.3.195931.3.20191.9.2008/30.10.2017 3.VL.Remliana1.3.196029.2.20201.9.2008/30.10.2017 4.B. Lalrinhlua21.1.198031.1.204020.10.2008/1.2.2018 5.Chingt hanmawii Guite7.2.197428.2.203420.10.2008/1.3.2018 6.Biakthansangi Hra hsel13.2.198328.2.204320.10.2008/14.8.2018 7.C. Vanlalmuana19.9.197231.9.20329.3.2009/1.1.2019 8.Mary Lalrinchhungi20.1.198731.1.204723.3.2012/1.3.2019 Any officer having been aggr ieved by the list should submit his/her representation t o the under signed within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification after which no representation shall be entertained. - 3 -R-12/2019 No. A. 22017/l/98-PLG, the 19th March, 2019.The Competent Author ity is pleased to fix provisionally the Inter-se-Senior ity of Senior Grade of MPE & SS in the Pay Matrix Level 10 as below : Sl. Name of OfficerDate ofDate ofDate ofRemar ks No.birthsuperannuation Appointment/Joining pensionto t he present Grade 1.Malsawma1.3.196028.2.202016.11.2012/16.11.2012 2.H. Chhunkungi1.3.196028.2.202029.5.2014/29.5.2014 3.H. Lalremmawii3.3.196231.3.20223.7.2015/3.7.2015 4.C. Lalnunsiami9.9.197930.9.203910.3.2016/10.3.2016 5.B. Vanlalruati9.2.198531.9.204510.3.2016/10.3.2016 6.Lalzamliana2.7.196131.7.202130.12.2016/30.12.2016 7.Zasiama Fanchun28.3.195931.3.201930.12.2016/30.12.2016 8.C. Lalthanmawii26.7.196131.7.202130.12.2016/30.12.2016 9.Jessie Vanlalruati11.9.197330.9.203330.12.2016/30.12.2016 10. B. Vanlalr engi13.5.197131.5.203130.12.2016/30.12.2016 11. H. Lalnunzuala8.9.197130.9.203130.12.2016/30.12.2016 12. Ruth Lalrinsangi6.12.196831.12.202830.12.2016/30.12.2016 13. VL Nghahmawia2.10.196831.10.202830.12.2016/30.12.2016 14. Silk Thansiami15.9.196030.9.20201.2.2017/1.2.2017 15. Laldinthara Ralte23.2.196428.2.20241.2.2017/1.2.2017 16. R. Lalmuanpuii10.2.196528.2.20251.9.2017/1.9.2017 17. V. Rongura14.4.196230.4.20221.9.2017/1.9.2017 18. C. Lalremruata2.2.196628.2.20261.9.2017/1.9.2017 19. Thomas Dohawla16.5.196031.5.20201.9.2017/1.9.2017 20. Zohmingliani24.4.196330.4.20231.10.2017/1.10.2017 21. Lalthlamuana Fanai28.10.196731.10.20271.11.2017/1.10.2017 22. C. Laithanrualal7.12.196331.12.20231.11.2017/1.10.2017 23. H. Laldinpuia8.8.196331.8.20231.1.2018/1.1.2018 24. TC. Zonunsanga17.12.196531.12.20251.4.2018/1.4.2018 25. Lalremsiami11.3.196431.3.202424.1.2019/24.1.2019 26. Ma nlia na31.7.196631.7.20261.2.2019/1.2.2019 Any officer having been aggr ieved by the list should submit his/her representation t o the under signed within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification after which no representation shall be entertained. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. No. J. 12016/17/2015-POL, the 19th March, 2019. P u r s u a nt t o t he Office M emor a ndu m No. A. 6 0 0 11 / 1 / 2019-GAD dt . 24.1. 2019, a nd in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pi Zothantluangi, Under Secreta ry, Political & Cabinet Depar tment a s Nodal Officer for Voter Awar eness Forum (VAF) in r espect of Polit ical & Cabinet Department. Donnie, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 4 - R-12/2019 No. B. 11016/3/2016-HFW/115, the 19th March, 2019.On the recommendation of Departmental Screening Committee held on 8.3.2019 at 1:00 P.M. and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant and fix 2nd & 3rd financial upgradation in terms of the MACP Scheme, 2010 in respect of the following 6(six) nos. of Group 'A' Officers under Health & Family Welfare as per Annexur e enclosed. Sl. No.NameDesignationPlace of Posting1.LalbiaksangiJoint Director(N)DHME 2.ThandinglianiDy.Director (N)Retired 3.LalremmawiiDy.Director (N)DHME 4.RosangzualiAsst.Director (M)DHME 5.T.RozamiPrincipalNursing School, Lunglei 6.LalrmpariNursing Supdt.DMS, Kola sib H. Lalengmawia, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. ANNEXURE LIST OF GOVT. EMPLOYEE ELIGIBLE FOR FINANCIAL UPGRADATION UNDER TIME BOUND PROMOTION SCHEME UNDER HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT.Sl. No. Name of Govt. Servant With designation Date of entry into service with name of post inclu ding service on Adhoc/cont ract/ officiating/deficit/ workcharged etc/ followed by regulariza tion Date of promotion to next higher post other than the pr esent grade Present Pay Band and grade Pay1 234 5 1. Lalbiaksangi,Level-1216.11.1980 as sister Tutor 1) 19.3.1966 as Principal Nursing Jt. Dir (N)School 2) 2.2.2008 as Dy. Dir 3) 13.8.2012 as Jt. Dir 2. T ha ndinglia ni, Level-1119.1.1980 as PHN Tutor 1) 22.11.2004 as Tutor Dy. Dir Rtd. (N)2) Prin. N/S, Lli 3. Lalremmawii, Level-112.4.1988 as sister1) 31.8.2004 as Asst. N/S Dy. Dir (N)2) 1.3.2009 as N/S 3) 30.03.2017 as D/D 4. Rosangzuali,Level-1012.11.1991 as Ward Supdt. 10.6.2013 as Asst. Dir Asst. Dir (N) 5. Rozami,Level-1020.10.1988 as S/N1) 2.9.1997 as Tutor Asst. Dir (N)2) 1.4.2014 as Asst. Dir 6. Lalrinpa ri,Level-101.2.1986 as S/N1.4.2014 as N/S Nursing Supdt. - 5 -R-12/2019 No. A. 19015/207/2004-PAR(SSW)/52, the 20th March, 2019. In t he interest of public service, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to appoint Pu K.M. Lalrindika as Private Secretary to Pu Lalchhandama Ralte, the Ho'nble Minister of State, School Education/Print ing & Stationer y Depar tments etc. with addit ional charge of Under Secretary, School Education Department. This supersedes Notification No. A.19015/207/2004-PAR(SSW)/50 dated 06.02.2019. Dr. Lalngura Tlau, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 22012/19/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 20th March, 2019.In the interest of public ser vice, the Gover nor of Mizoram is pleased to regularize the officiating promotion of Pu H.C. Lalnunzira, Supertime Grade ‘B’ of Mizoram Engineering Service (PHE Cadre) i.e. Chief Engineer under Public Health Engineering Department issued vide Notification of even number dated 28.03.2018 in the Level 13A of Pay Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37,400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 8,900/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.E.13016/l/2013-TOUR/Pt, the 20th March, 2019.In pursuance of O.M. No.A.60011/l/2019-GAD dt. 24th January, 2019 and in partial modification of this office notification No.E.13016/l/2013-TOUR Dated 12th M arch, 2019 the Department of Tourism, Government of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi Esther Lalruatkimi, IRS, Commissioner & Secretary, Tourism Department as the head of the VAF and Pu Sait luanga Joint Director as the Nodal Officer for VAF in resp ect of Tourism Department, Government of MizoramDate of appointment to the present post/ gr ade. No. of completed year s of service From the date of last entry In the present gr ade/ post Remar ks Date of Eligibility Recommended 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd6789101112 131415 13.8.201238 yrsLapsed 1.12.2006 17.11.20116100 7100 2nd & 3rd completedGPGP 1.10.201238 yrsLapsed 1.12.2006 2.12.20116100 7100 2nd & 3rd completedGPGP 30.3.201730 yrsLa ps ed2.4.2008La ps ed6100 Lapsed 2nd completedGP 10.6.201327 yrsGranted 18.3.201661002nd completedGP 1.4.201430 yrsGranted 2.7.201761002nd completedGP 1.4.201432 yrsGranted 14.3.201461002nd completedGP - 6 - R-12/2019 The Nodal Officer will act as the convener of the VAF and will coordinate with the office of Election Commission of India/Chief Electoral Office, Mizoram, as well a s site offices of Tour ism Depar t ment. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department. APPOINTMENT ORDERSNo.A.11016/1/2018-MIMER/ESST, the 6th March, 2019.On the recommendation of the meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for MIM ER held on 6th March 2019 and in the interest of public service, Dr. Ganeshr ao Tathe is hereby appointed to the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, MIMER on cont ractual basis with a fixed remunera tion of Rs. 1,80,000/- per month. He shall execute a n agreement wit hin a period of 1 month from the da te of issue of this or der. He should s ubmit a copy of Certificate of Charge along with the following documents within 30 (T hirty) da ys from the da te of issue of this order to the undersigned. a)Declaration of Home Town-APPENDIX 'A' b)Marital Status-APPENDIX 'B' c)Oath of Secrecy-APPENDIX 'C d)Oath of Allegiance-APPENDIX'D' e)Details of Family-APPENDIX 'E', F, 'G' f)Medical Cer tificat e of Fitness from App ropria t e Medical Officer. g)Attested Copy of Educational Certificate from HS LC onwards, h)Police Verification of character and a ntecedents. Expenditure is debitable under the head of account:- 2210 -Medical & Public Head 05-Medical Education, Training & Research 105-Allopathy (55)-Estt of MiMER (State) 01-MIMER 01-Salary No. A. 11016/1/2018-MIMER/ESST, the 6th March, 2019.On the recommendation of the meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for MIM ER held on 6th March 2019 and in the interest of public service, Dr. Haobam Rajajee Singh s/o Haobam Rajamani Singh, Imphal, Manipur is hereby appointed to t he post of Assistant P rofessor, Depar tment of Anatomy, MIMER on Regular ba sis in the sca le of pa y of PB-3 Rs.15600-39000 + Rs. 7000/- AGP + 25% NPA plus all other admissible allowance under Rules from the date of joining to his post. He shall be on probation for a period of 2 (two) years. He should join his posts within 15 days from the date of issue of this order along with cop y of Certificate of Charge along with the following documents to the undersigned. a)Declaration of Home Town-APPENDIX 'A' b)Marital Status-APPENDIX 'B' - 7 -R-12/2019 c)Oath of Secrecy-APPENDIX V d)Oath of Allegiance-APPENDIX 'D' e)Details of Family-APPENDIX 'E', F, 'G' f)Medical Cer tificat e of Fitness from App ropria t e Medical Officer. g)Attested Copy of Educational Certificate from HS LC onwards, h)Police Verification of character and a ntecedents. Expenditure is debitable under the head of account:- 2210 -Medical & Public Head 05-Medical Education, Training & Research 105-Allopathy (55)-Estt of MIMER (State) 01-MIMER 01-Salary No. A. 11016/1/2018-MIMER/ESST, the 6th March, 2019.On the recommendation of the meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for MIM ER held on 6th March 2019 and in the interest of public service, Dr. Zorammuana s/o T. Ra mngaia, Dawrpui South, Aizawl is hereby appointed to the post of Demonstr ator, Department of Anatomy, MIMER on regular basis in the scale of pay of PB-3 Rs.15600- 37100 + Rs.5400/- GP plus all other admissible allowance under Rules from the date of joining his post. He shall be on probation for a period of 2 (two) years. He should join his posts within 15 days from the date of issue of this order along with cop y of Certificate of Charge along with the following documents to the undersigned. a)Declaration of Home Town-APPENDIX'A' b)Marital Status-APPENDIX 'B' c)Oath of Secrecy-APPENDIX'C d)Oath of Allegiance-APPENDIX'D' e)Details of Family-APPENDIX 'E', 'F', 'G' f)Medical Cer tificat e of Fitness from App ropria t e Medical Officer. g)Attested Copy of Educational Certificate from HS LC onwards, h)Police Verification of character and a ntecedents. Expenditure is debitable under the head of account:- 2210 -Medical & Public Head 05-Medical Education, Training & Research 105-Allopathy (55)-Estt of MIMER (State) 01-MIMER 01-Salary H. Lalengmawia, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare & Chairman, Executive Committee, MIMER - 8 - R-12/2019 PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. OFFICE MEMORANDUMNo. D. 11021/l/2003-PWD(T)/Loose, the 19th March, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that t he Residences/Bungalows of VIP's will hereforth be furnished by PWD within the upper ceiling limit of expenditur e as shown below :- Chief Minister/Dy. Chief Minister/Speaker-Rs. 15.00 lakh In supersession of this Department's Office Memorandum No.D.11026/13/99-PWB, dt.22.4.2014, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to specify names of a pproved furnishing items for the residence of VIP's. Hencefor th VIP's may choose the items for requisite quantity / numbers within u pper ceiling limit of expenditure as shown below :- 1.Bed12.Cupboard 2.Sofa set13.Bed side table 3.Dining ta ble14.Centre table 4.Dining cha irs15.Side table 5.Matress16.Visitors chair 6.Refrigerator17.Doormat 7.Wollen car pet18.Wat er filter 8.Linoleum carpet19.Curtain 9.Wardrobe20.Writing ta ble 10.Dressing table21.Computer table 11.Dressing stool22.Reading chair Once the residences are fu rnished, the replacement of the items of the furnishing will be made on the expiry the life of the particular items. This issues with the approval of Hon'ble Chief Minister & Finance Minister on dt.18.3.2019. This supersedes this Department's Office Memorandum No.D.11026/13/99-PWB, dt.22.4,2014 Lalthanzuala Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. - 9 -R-12/2019 PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONSNo.B.16012/204/13-RFS/26, the 18th March, 2019.It is hereby notified that the registration of Zoram Business Enterprise located at Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizor am registered under the India n Partnership Act, 1932 bearing Registration No RF/MZ-115 of 2012-2013 dt.28.01.2013 has been dissolved under section 40 of the Act with the consent of all the partners with effect from issue of this Notification. No.B.l6012/403/17-RFS/12, the 18th March, 2019.It is hereby notified that the registration of Blue Hill Engineering located at Chhinga veng, Aizawl, Mizor am registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 bearing Registration No RF/MZ-273 of 2017-2018 dt.04.08.2017 has been dissolved under section 40 of the Act with the consent of all the partners with effect from issue of this Notification. No.B.14016/84/2018-RFS/17, the 19th March, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Mizo Occupa tional Therapists' Association having office at Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizoram has been regis tered on 19.03.2019 and numbered as MSR-1019. No.B.14016/108/2018-RFS/15, the 19th March, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Mana ging Board Tha nglailung Presbyterian English School ha ving office at Thanglailung, Aizawl, Distr ict has been registered on 19.03.2019 and numbered as MSB. — 1020. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizor am : Aizawl. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. ORDERNO.C. 14012/2/2011-LADC/GAD, the 21st February, 2019.Wher eas a joint complaint was received from the LADC Officers' Associa tion, LADC Staff Association, Middle School Teachers' Association, Lawngtlai and Primary School Teachers' Associa tion, La wngtlai that there was a regular shortage in a monthly salary for employees under Plan Sector and thereby requested the undersigned to look into the matter, the undersigned vide its Memo.No.C.14012/2/2011-LADC/GAD-II dated 25th July, 20l7 appointed Shri H.Lalruatkima. Court President and Recor der, Lai Autonomous District Council Court a s Inquiring Authority to conduct preliminary enquiry on the said matter. - 10 - R-12/2019 And Whereas the said Inquiring Authority in his preliminary enquiry repor t submitted on 31st August, 2017 vide Memo No J. 11011/17/2017-LADC/JUD., stated t hat a case was detected where the fund received for salary of staffs under plan sector (hereinafter ca lled plan sala ry) received during 2014- 2016 was r e-appr opriated for other purpose as such there wa s shor tage and deficiency in the monthly sala ry of t he plan staffs . In this regard, the main official regarded as responsible for the said re-appropria tion namely Shri Lallawmsanga, the erstwhile P & DO who is a Junior Administrative Grade Officer was served a "Notice to Explain" directing him to explain as to why the sa id fund which was received purely for the purpose of plan sa lary was re-appropriated and for what the purpose the same have been utilized. Wher eas, the said officer namely Shri Lallawmsanga., after receiving the said Notice to Explain, stated in his expla nation that he admitted the fact that he had re-appropriated the said pla n salary, but under the authority and permission of the then Executive Secretary. Hence, having felt necessar y for constitution of Departmental; Enquiry, the sa id officer was placed under suspension vide Memo.No.C. 14012/2/2011- LADC/GAD Dated 27th April, 2018 as per Rule 10 (1) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965. Thereafter, as per Rule 14 (2) of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965, Shri J.Zahlira, Education Officer (P) was appointed as Inquiring Authority in place of Shri H.Lalruatkima vide Memo.No.C. 14012/2/2011-LADC/GAD-II Dated 17th May, 2018. Whereas Memora ndum and Statement of Articles of Cha rge against the sa id officer was duly framed and served upon the charged officer directing him to submit his written statement within 10 days of receipt of the said Memorandum vide Memo No.C. 14012/2/2011-LADC/GAD dated 30th July, 2018. Wher eas, the charged officer, aft er having duly received and acknowledged the proceedings drawn against him failed to make any defense or file written statement in his defense, the inquiry was proceeded ex-parte. During ex-parte proceedings, all available material evidences were collected and examined from reliable witnesses. Even though, the charged officer did not file any written statement at this stage, his reply to 'N otice to expla in' dur ing preliminar y enquiry was taken into consideration. After appra ising a nd perusal of a ll materials a vailable on records, the Inquiring Authority submitted his final report on 10.12.2018 vide Memo. No. Pl/2018 where the Inquiring Author ity fou nd that the charged officer had actually re-appropriated the plan salary without obtaining pr ior approval from competent authority and misappropriated the same for some other pur poses without genuine utiliza tion certifica tes. Further, the impu tations of the charged officer that the re-appropriation was done under due authorit y of the then Executive Secretary was found to be false. Thereafter, the charged officer was served and supplied with a copy of the said Inquiry Report submit ted by the Inquiring Authorit y with a direction to make repr esentation if any upon the said report vide Memo No C.14012/2/2011-LADC/GAD dated 25 th January, 2019. The charged officer submitted his response on 28th January, 2019 wherein his responses and justification were identical to that of his reply against the 'Notice to Expla in'. From the above facts and circumstances, it is clear that the charged officer is guilty of grievous professiona l misconduct a s laid down under Rule 122 of the Mizoram Autonomous District Councils Fund Rules, 2010, Rule 9 (1) of the Lai Autonomous District Council (Transaction of Business) Rules and Sub- Rule (i), (iii) and (ix) of Rule 3 of Central Civil A Services (Conduct Rules), 1964 Therefore, the Disciplinary Authority, by virtue of powers given to him by Rule 129 (1) (a) of the Mizora m Autonomous Distr ict Councils F und Rule, 2010 and Rule 1 2 of Centr al Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, hereby imposed Major Penalty of Reduction to Lower Grade (i.e. Senior Grade) to the charged officer, Shri Lallawmsanga as specified in Sub Rule (vi) of Rule II of Centr al Civil Services Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, for a period of 8 (eight) yea rs with immedia te effect. - 11 -R-12/2019 It is further directed tha t Shri Lallawmsanga will not earn increment during the said period of reduction a nd tha t on the expir y of the said period of 8 (eight) yea rs the reduction will have the effect of postponing his future increment of pay, and he will not regain his original seniority in the gra de after expiry of the said specified period of 8 (eight ) years. All other ma tters surrounding this order shall be as per rules in for ced. Further, it has been revea led from the report of the Inquiring Officer in the instant case that at least a sum of money amounting to Rs. 1,30,75,985/- was re-appropriated without obtaining approval of competent authority and was misappropriated by the charged officer and the misappropriated amount cannot be tr aced out as the same were misused without proper and genuine utilization certificate by the charged officer which itself is a crimina l offence and civil wrong punishable and r ecovera ble by law. Therefore, the undersigned shall, after contempla ting all evidences ava ilable on record, pass and take necessa ry and effective order for recovery of the same. With this instant p roceedings is partly disposed off. T. Zakunga, Chief Execut ive Member, Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council, La wngtlai.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 13 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 13Date - 29/03/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.A.13052/11/2018-EDN/4, the 8th March, 2019.In continua tion to this Department’s Notifica tion No. A-13052/11/2018-EDN/3 Dt. 8.3.2019, Pi Louis V.L. Rinsangi, Senior-most Lecturer, DIETKola sib is ordered to take the charge of P rincipal Kolasib DIET withimmediate effect and until further or der. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A. 22012/5/2014 - P&AR (CSW)/Pt, the 22nd March, 2019. In supersession of this Department’s Notification of even no. dated 24.09.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order posting ofPu V. Lalfala, IFS (AGMUT: 2000)as Conserva tor of F orests (Resear ch & Development), Mizor am with immediate effect and until fu rther or ders R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.35011/5/03-FST, the 22nd March 2019.Consequent upon the pre-mature repatriation from depu tation to Forest Resea rch Centre - Ba mboo & Rattan (FRCBR) under IC FRE and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Shri Mahesh Zoramtha ra Singson, Depu ty Conservator of Forests as Working Plan Officer (N), Aizawl w.e.f. 01. 04.2019 till such time the incumbent officer, Smt. N.Viji, IFS returns from her Maternity Leave. The officer shall draw his pay against the post of Deputy Conserva tor of Forests, Working Plan (S), Lunglei. The Governor of Mizor am is further pleased to or der that Shri Mahesh Zoramthara Singson, Deputy Conservator of For ests shall look after Forest Conservation C ell, office of the Pr incipal Chief ConservatorRNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 29.3.2019 Chaitra 8, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 13 - 2 - R-13/2019 of F orests, Mizoram in addition to his own duties without extra financia l benefit and until further or der. Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department No.A.22017/1/98-PLG, the 22nd March 2019.In s upersession of this Department’s Notifica tion issued vide even no. dt.19.3.2019, the Competent Authority is pleased to fix provisionally the Inter-se-Seniority of Junior Grade of MPE & SS in the Pay M atrix L evel 10 as below : Sl. Name of OfficerDate ofDate ofDate ofRemar ks No.birthsuperannuationAppointmen/Joining pensionto t he present Grade 1.Malsawma1.3.196028.2.202016.11.2012/16.11.2012 2.H. Chhunkungi1.3.196028.2.202029.5.2014/29.5.2014 3.H. Lalremmawii3.3.196231.3.20223.7.2015/3.7.2015 4.C. Lalnunsiami9.9.197930.9.203910.3.2016/10.3.2016 5.B. Vanlalruati9.2.198531.9.204510.3.2016/10.3.2016 6.Lalzamliana2.7.196131.7.202130.12.2016/30.12.2016 7.Zasiama Fanchun28.3.195931.3.201930.12.2016/30.12..2016 8.C. Lalthanmawii26.7.196131.7.202130.12.2016/30.12.2016 9.Jessie Vanlalruati11.9.197330.9.203330.12.2016/30.12.2016 10. B Va nlalrengi13.5.197131.5.203130.12.2016/30.12.2016 11. H. Lalnunzuala8.9.197130.9.203130.12.2016/30.12.2016 12. Ruth Lalrinsangi6.12.196831.12.202830.12.2016/30.12.2016 13. VL. Nghahmawia2.10.196831.10.202830.12.2016/30.12.2016 14. Silk Thansiami15.9.196030.9.20201.2.2017/1.2.2017 15. Laldinthara Ralte23.2.196428.2.20241.2.2017/1.2.2017 16. R. Lalmuanpuii10.2.196528.2.20251.9.2017/1.9.2017 17. V. Rongura14.4.196230.4.20221.9.2017/1.9.2017 18. C. Lalremruata2.2.196628.2.20261.9.2017/1.9.2017 19. Thomas Dohawla16.5.196031.5.20201.9.2017/1.9.2017 20. Zohmingliani24.4.196330.4.20231.10.2017/1.10.2017 21. Lalthlamuana Fanai28.10.196731.10.20271.11.2017/1.10.2017 22. C. Laithanruala17.12.196331.12.20231.11.2017/1.10.2017 23. H. Laldinpuia8.8.196331.8.20231.1.2018/1.1.2018 24. TC. Zonunsanga17.12.196531.12.20251.4.2018/1.4.2018 25. Lalremsiami11.3.196431.3.202424.1.2019/24.1.2019 26. Ma nlia na31.7.196631.7.20261.2.2019/1.2.2019 Any officer having been aggr ieved by the list should submit his/her representation t o the udner signed within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification after which no representation shall be entertained. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. - 3 -R-13/2019 No. A. 46012/1/2013-LJD, the 22nd March, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following MCS Officers as Executive Magistrates within Aizawl District with immediate effect so long as the Officers hold their posts unless earlier withdr awn. 1.Pu Andy Lalfakzuala, BDO, Tlangnuam. 2.Pu Lalchhanhima, BDO, Aibawk. 3.Pi Lalzikpuii, BDO, Thingsulthliah. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 38012/1/09-EDN/159, the 22nd March, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following 4 Headmaster, Govt. High School from Government service w.e.f. 31.3.2019(A/N) on superannuation pension. Sl. NoName of HeadmasterPlace of postingunder DEO1.La lzu ithangaGovt. Khawrihnim HSAizawl 2.C.ZathaGovt. Khawbung HSChamphai 3.H. Zor emthangaGovt. Lungsen HSLunglei 4.Dina Nath S inghGovt. Tawipui HSLunglei The senior-most Teacher of their r espective school shall take the charge of Headmaster till such time a regular Headmaster is posted. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A. 35018/2/2014-AGR (NLUP), the 25th March, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order repatriation of the following officers and staff deputed under NLUP Implementing Board to their Parent/Cadre /Depar tment with effect from 1.4.2019 as shown below: Sl. No.Name of Officer /sta ffDesignationDep a rt ment1.Pu James Lalrinchhana, MCS Secretary, NIBDP&AR(CSW) 2.Pu Zoremthara Ralte, MCS Deputy Secretary, NIB DP &AR (CSW) 3.Pu Lalrampara, AssistantAssistant, NIBDP&AR(SSW) 4.Pi Lalnunziri Chhangte, UDC UDC,NIBDirectora te of Agr icultur e (Crop Husba ndr y) Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No. A. 12024/2/2014-HMP, the 25th March, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service C ommission vide their letter No. 14/A/94 - MPSC/Vol-lll dt. 18.3.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to orderofficiating promotionof t he under-mentioned Junior Grade of MPS Officers to Senior Grade of MPS in the Level 11 of the pay matrix plus allowances admissible u nder ru les from time t o time and wit h immediate effect. - 4 - R-13/2019 1.Pu C. Lalruatkima 2.Pu F. Lalchhua nawma On their pr omotion, the Governor of Mizor am is p leased to order posting of the Officers as under Sl. Name & GradePresent placeNew placeRemar ks No.of postingof posting 1 Pu C LalruatkimaD y. S P,A d d l . S P,Pu C. Lalruatkima, Dy.Sp, CID CID (SB)Lawngtlai(SB) is under order of tr ansfer vide GOM, Home Dept. Notifica tion No.A. 22020/1/2013-HMP dt. 04. 03. 2019 posted as ADDL SP, Lawngtlai (Own Grade Pay) to be effective after conclusion of General Par liamenta ry Election (GPE), 2019. He will remain at CID (SB) on promotion to Senior Grade of MP S while drawing pay against the post of Dy. CO, 1st IR Bn. 2 Pu F. LalchhuanawmaA/c, 5th IR Bn. Dy.CO, 4th IR Bn. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No. A.32015/1/2016-HMP, the 25th March, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to pla ce the service of Pu Stephen Lalrina wma, Senior St aff Officer, Mizoram Home Guar ds & Civil Defence at the disposal of the Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram for deployment at Kanhmun for setting up of Special Polling Station with immediate effect. Lalremruata Kullai Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No. A. 22012/5/2014-P & AR (C S W), t he 2 5th March, 2019.As per approval of the Appoint ments Committee of the Cabinet conveyed by DoPT vide their letter No. 33/05/2019-OE(SM-I) dated 10.03.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Shri Umakant, IFS (AGMUT:1996), Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, New Delhi with effect fr om the forenoon of 01.04.2019, to enable him to join his new posting as Joint Secretary, Department of Land Resources in the Central Government. Further, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to order that Shri David Lalthantluanga, MCS, Addl. Resident Commissioner, Mizoram Hou se, New Delhi shall take the charge of Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, New Delhi with effect from 01.04.2018(A/N) until Shri Ajay Chaudhry, IPS (AGMUT : 1996) joins the pos t of Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, New Delhi after completion of the General Elect ion to the Lok S abha. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 46019/1/2019-HMP, the 26th March, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(i) of S ection 20 of t he Code of Criminal P rocedur e, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) the Governor of Mizora m is - 5 -R-13/2019 pleased to appoint the following officers as Executive Magistrate in the Constituencies shown against their names with immediate effect upto the completion of the General Election to Lok Sabha , 201 9 in Mizoram. STATIC SURVEILANCE TEAM Pu H. Lalzuatliana Headmaster, ZM High26-S erchhip (ST) In place of Pu C La ldintlua nga, School, SerchhipAsso. Prof. , Govt. Serchhip College SECTOR OFFICER Pu P.C. Zokhuma SDO, PWD, N.Vanlaiphai 28-Saiha (ST)In place of Pu L.N. Tluanga, SDO Sub-DivisionPWD, N. Vanlaiphai Sub-Division Pu T. Liankunga DHO, Siaha39-Saiha (ST)In place of Pu Isaac Lalchhuanmawia, Sr. SDO (M), PHED, Siaha. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No. A. 12031/1/2012 - F.Est, the 26th March, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.l51/A/2012-MPSC dt.8.3.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to promote Pu Zothanza ma Sailo, Auditor, Finance Department (APF ) to Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service through Limited Departmental Examination, in the Level 10 in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining his post. On promotion to Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post him as Finance & Accounts Officer, Directorate of Hospital & Medica l Education. Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No. A. 43014/3/2018-LJD/PART, the 27th March, 2019. In pursuance of the OM No. A. 60011/1/2019- GAD dt. 24.1.2019 issued by GAD, Pu Vincent Lalrokima, Deputy Secretary, Law & Judicial Department is hereby appointed as Nodal Officer forVoter Awareness Forum (VAF)under Law & Judicia l Department with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. Marli Vankung, Secretary, Law & Judicial Department. No.A.32013/4/2017-PHE/Pt-I, the 27th March, 2019.On the recommendation of MPSC vide letter No.159/A/96-MPSC dt. 22.3.2019 and GAD letter vide I.D No.D.11031/2/2018-GAD/Pt-ll dt. 27.3.2019, and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Er Lalropuia from Junior Administrative Grade to Selection Grade of MES on officiating basis under PHED in the Level 13 of the Pay Matrix p.m plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. On his promotion to Select ion Gra de of MES, Er Lalropuia is p osted as Superintending Engineer, Aizawl WATSAN Circle, Aizawl. No. A.11013/2/2K-PHE/pt-II, the 27th March, 2019. In the interest of public service and as per Rule 22 (5) (b) of MES (Amendment) Rules, 2017, and as per observation of DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D No. GSW- 27/2019/655 dt. 12.2.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order placement of Pu Darthangvunga, - 6 - R-13/2019 Senior Grade of MES in the funct ional post of Senior Grade (EE) under PHE Department with immediate effect and until further orders : Consequent upon his placement in the functiona l post of Senior Grade of MES, he is posted as Executive Engineer (P), in the office of Chief Engineer, PHE, Zone - II and he will join his new place of posting as soon as model code of conduct is lifted in Mizoram. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.B. 14013/ 1/2018-AH&V, the 28th March, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to deploy Dr.Lalhmingthanga, Deputy Director (F&F D) to SCRAM-SPD Office for the implementation of IFAD- FOCUS project with immediate effect and until further orders. His sa lary and allowances would be borne by the Depa rtment of AH& Vety and his service would be utilized by SCRAM-SPD office. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No. A.12032/1/2016-PHE, the 28th March, 2019.In the interest of public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularize the officiating promotion of E r Zodinthari, S election Grade of MES (SE) under PHE Department vide Notification No.A.32013/3/2015-PHE/Pt-l/91 dt. 7.10.2016 in the Level 13 of Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible fr om time to time with effect fr om 1.3.2019. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.P.27011/2/2016-HC(AB)/220, the 28th March, 2019.Consequent upon the recommendation of the Hon’ble Gauhati High Court vide No.HC.XXXVII-15/2019/234/R.Cell dated 27.03.2019 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Sub-Rule 3 of Rule 16 of the Mizoram Judicial Service Rules, 2006 as amended from time to time, the Hon’ble Gauhati High Cour t is pleased to promote Mr. H. Lalduhsa nga, Mizoram Judicial Service C ivil Judge Cadr e (Grade-Ill) to Civil Judge (Senior Division) Cadr e (Grade-II) in the scale of pay of Rs. 39530-920-40450-1080-49090-1230-54010/- P.M. plus other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the post. The Officer shall be on probation for a period of 1 (one) year. By Or der, Helen Dawngliani, R egis t r a r. No. C.14011/16/2018-EDN, t he 2 8th March, 2019.In compliance of Judgment & Order dt. 31.8.2018 in WP(C) No. 101/2018 (P.C. Lalthlamuana & 33 ors-vs-SOM) and in partial modification of this Department’s Notification issued under Memo No. G. 12017/2/2011-EDN dt. 19.7.2013. Pi Darringaii, Teacher, Govt. Primary School -II, Chawngtlai is hereby allowed counting of past services rendered as - 7 -R-13/2019 Non Formal/Aided Primary School Teacher as qualifying service for the purpose of non functional promotion to higher grades i.e Senior and Selection Grade scale respectively on the condition that there should be no claim to pay arrear s and that the effective date for up-gradation should not be before the actual date of regularization. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department (E) vide their I.D.No. FIN (E) 1015/2018 dt. 11.03.2019 and DP & AR (GSW) vide I.D No. GSW.8/2019/646 dt. 15.03.2019. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Comm. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONSNo. G. 28014/21/2013-AGR (NLUP), the 27th March, 2019.Pursuant to the Minutes of the Meeting of t he Committee constituted to consider Roadma p for Exit Protocol of NLUP held on 13th March, 2019 and in the interest of public service, the Gover nor of Mizoram is pleased to order t hat all activit ies, assets and liabilit ies of the erstwhile NLUP Implementing Board shall stand tra nsferred to Agricultur e Department with effect fr om 1st April, 2019. Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No.A. 12018/18/2016-P&AR(GSW),the 28th March, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to a ccord encadrement of 1 post of Joint Director (Dental) under Health & Fa mily Welfare Department to Gra de-I of Mizora m Healt h Service (Dental Surgeon Sub-Cadre) in Schedule-II of authorized cadre strength annexed to the Mizora m Healt h Service Rules, 2009 as amended. Consequent upon encadrement of the said post, the number of post(s) in Gra de-I, Grade-II and Grade-Ill of the Mizoram Health S ervice (Dental Surgeon Sub-Ca dre) under the author ized cadre strength in S chedule-II annexed to the Mizoram Health Service Rules, 2009 as amended shall be as follows:- Sl. No.GradeDesignationNo. of P o s t s1Grade-IJoint Director1 2Grade-IISenior Dental Surgeon4 3Grade-IIIDental Surgeon23 Total28 Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 8 - R-13/2019 PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONSNo. B. 14016/93/2018-RFS/23, the 25th March, 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Agricultural Technology Management Agency, Champhai Distr ict having office at Champhai ha s been registered on 25.03.2019 and numbered as MSR-1021. No. B. 14016/120/2018-RFS/12, the 25th March, 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concernedthatin pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizora m Societies Registration Act , 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Presbyterian English School Football Academy,Farka wn having office at Farka wn, Champhai Distr ict ha s been registered on 25.03.2019 andnumberedas MSR — 1022. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizor am : Aizawl. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATIONNo.F.13011/2/2017-LADC/GAD, the 15th March, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Executive Committee of the Lai Autonomous District Council is pleased to constitute t he LADC - Sanitation Task Force Committee as under with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. The LADC - Sanitation Task Fotce Commit tee: 1.Chairman:Executive Member i/c. Sanitation, etc. LADC 2.Member Secretary:Sanitation Officer, LADC 3.M emb er s:(1)Depu ty Chief Whip, LADC (2)Loca l Administrative Officer, LADC (3)President : CYLA, LSA (GHQ), LWA(HQ), MHIP(SHQ) It is further notified that the Committee so constituted will take sole responsibilities pertaining to implementa tion of any sanita ry, cleanliness and public health activities being undertaken by Sanitation Depa rtment of the Lai Autonomous District Council through Public Priva te Partnership (PPP) Mode. L.Z. Tluanga, Depu ty Secr etary to the Lai Autonomous District Council, General Administration & Control Deptt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 14 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 14Date - 05/04/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 46019/1/2019-HMP, the 25th March, 2019. In exercise of the power conferred b y sub-s ection(l )- of S ection 20 of t he Code of Criminal P rocedur e, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to appoint the following officers as Executive Magistrate in the Constituencies shown against their names with immediate effect upto the completion of the General Election to Lok Sabha , 2019 in Mizor arn. FLYING SQUAD Name of Distr ict NameDesignationName of A/C ChamphaiLaltanpuiaEE, P&E, Hydel Div. Ngopa21 - Lengteng (ST) K. ZionaAsso. Prof. Govt. Khawza wl College 22 - Tuichang ST C. LalnunpunAsso. Prof. Govt. Champhai College 23 - Champhai North (ST) Major RebeccaDSW & RO, Dist. Sainik Office24 - Champhai South (ST) Lalzarzovi Chhakchhuak VanlalruatiLecturer, DIET, Leader Flying Squad 25 - East Tuipui (ST) MamitDr. LalmakzualaDVO, Mamit3 - Mamit (ST)(In place of Pu C. Lalawmpuia, SDHO, Mamit) STATIC SURVE1LANCE TEAM ChamphaiC. LalsanglianaSDO, P&E, Ngopa21 - Lengteng (ST) R. LalthanlianaAsso. Prof. Govt. Khawza wl College 22 - Tuichang ST Dr. C. Laldawngliana Asso. Prof. Govt. Champhai College 23 - Champhai North (ST) C. La lthianghlima SDO, I&WRD, Champhai2 4 - C h a mp ha i S ou t h (S T ) K. Pa zawnaPrincipal GMHSS25 - East Tuipui (ST)RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 5.4.2019 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 14 - 2 - R-14/2019 SECTOR OFFICER ChamphaiR. Lalchhuanawma Asso. Prof. Govt. Champhai College 25- East Tuipui (ST)A/C Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP, the 27th March, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleasedto r egularize the officia ting pr omotion of the under-mentioned Junior Grade of Mizoram Police Service to S enior Gr ade of Mizoram Police Service in the Level 11 in the Pay Ma trix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.03.2019 and he will continue to hold the same post until further order:- Sl. No.Name of OfficerNotification and da te of officiatingpromotion1.Pu LalthakimaNo. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP, dt. 17.09.2018 Lalremruata Kullai Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A. 19011/353/2014-P&AR(CSW), the 29th March, 2019.Upon attaining the age of superannua tion pension while on deputation to Government of Mizoram, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Shri Zothan Khuma, IT S,Commissioner & Secretary to Government of Mizor am, Commerce & Industries and Labour, Employment, Skill Development and Enterpreneurship Departments from Government service with effect from 31.03.2019 (A/N). R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.32014/2/2004/L-2/PWD(E), the 29th March, 2019. On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.9/A/98-MPSC/Vol.I dt. 19.3.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Lalfakzuali, Junior Gra de of MES (Civil) (Promotee) under P WD Cadre to the post of Senior Grade of MES (Civil) (Non-Functiona l) in the Level 11 of t he Pay Matrix a ll other allowa nces as admissible under the rule fr om time to time with r etrospective effect from 22.03.2019(FN) and she will remain in her present place of posting until further orders. Fixa tion of pay shall be done under the provision of F.R. 22 (l)(a)(2). H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No. A. 32013/ 10/2010-P&AR(CSW), the 29th March, 2019.In t he interest of public service and upon the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 66/A/95-MPSC/Vol-III dt. 22.03.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePi La lbiaksangi,Joint Secretary, Home/ AH&Vety Department to Supertime Grade ‘B’ of MCS (Level 13A of Pay Matrix corresponding to Pay Band 4: 37,400 - 67,000 + GP Rs. 8,900/-pm, pre-revised)on officiating basiswith immediate effect. - 3 -R-14/2019 Upon her promotion, Pi Lalbiaksangi is posted as Additional Secr etary, Home Department. She shall also continue to hold the charge of Secr etary, Sinking Hills C ouncil in addition to her normal duties until further orders. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 32012/2/99-HORT, the 29th March, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.2/A/2011 - MPSC dated 12.3.2019 and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to promote Pu B.Lalremsanga, Junior Engineer to Assistant Enginer in the Pay Matrix Level-10 plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time with immediate effect and posted at Dir ectorate of Horticultur e, Mizoram, Aizawl. The promotion is ma de against the vacancy caused by the superannuation pension of Pu Tilak Chowdhury w.e.f 31.12.2018. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. No. A. 22012/19/84-P&AR(CSW), the 29th of March, 2019.In t he interest of public ser vice, the Gover nor of M izoram is pleased to order thatPi Vanlalpianpuii,Joint Director, Social Welfare Department shall take the charge of Director, Social Welfare Department in her own grade without a ny extr a financial benefit with effect from 01.04.2019 and until further orders. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A.13015/4/2018-PLG, the 29th March, 2019.On atta ining the age of 60 years of age, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu Churamani Thapa, Research Officer, Directorate of Economics & Statistics on superannuation pension from Government service with effect from dt. 31.3.2019 (A/N). Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. No. P. 17034/5/2014-HC(AB)/130, , the 29th March, 2019.The Hon’ble Gauhati High Court is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Judicial Officers of the Mizora m Judicial Service with immediate effect as under:- Grade-I Sl. No. Name of the Officer s with present designa tion New place of posting 1.Mr. R. Thanga, District a nd Sess ions Judge, District and Sessions Judge, Aizawl Lungleivice Mr. Joel Joseph Denga 2.Mr. Joel Joseph Denga,District and Sessions Judge, Lunglei District and Sessions Judge, Aizawlvice Mr. R. T hanga 3.Dr. HTC. Lalrinchhana,Addl. Distr ict and Sessions Judge, Aizawl Judge, Fast Track C ourt, S iahavice Mr. R. Vanla lena - 4 - R-14/2019 4.Mr. R. Vanlalena,Addl. District and Sessions Judge, Champhai (where Addl. Distr ict and Sessions Judge, AizawlMr. R. Vanlalena is officiating since 07.04.2017) 5.Mrs. R. Vanlalchami, Sr. Civil Judge -cum-Judge, Fast Track Court, Siaha with Additional Chief Judicia l Magist rate, AizawlCharge of Addl, District a nd Sess ions Judge, (on promotion to Grade-I)Lunglei vice Dr. HTC. La lrinchhana Grade-II Sl. No. Name of the Officer s with present designa tion New place of posting 1.Mrs. R. Lalduhawmi,Sr. Civil Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Sr. Civil Judge, AizawlMagistrate, Kolasib vice Ms. Sylvie Zomuanpuii 2.Ms. Sylvie Zomuanpuii, Sr. Civil Judge-Sr. Civil Judge, Aizawl cum-Chief Judicial Magistr ate, Kolasibvice Mrs. R.Lalduhawmi 3.Mr. F. Rohlupuia,Chief Judicia l Magist rate, Aizawl Sr. Civil Judge, Aizawlvice Mrs. R. Vanlalchami 4.Mr. Lalngaihmawia Zote, Sr. Civil Judge-Sr. Civil Judge, Aizawl cum-Chief Ju dicial Magistra te, Serchhipvice Mrs. R. Vanlalchami 5.Mrs. Ngursa ngzuali Sailo, Sr. Civil Judge-Sr. Civil Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistr ate, cum-Chief Judicial Magistra te, ChamphaiSerchhip vice Mr. Lalngaihmawia Zote 6.Mrs. Lalrochami Ralte,Sr. Civil Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistr ate, Sr. Civil Judge, AizawlChamphai vice Mrs. Ngursangzuali Sailo 7.Mr. Lalramsanga, Sr. Civil Judge-cum-Sr. Civil Judge, Champhai Chief Judicial Magistrate, Siahavice Mr. T homas Lalrammawia 8.Mr. T. Lalhmachhuana,Sr. Civil Judge, Lunglei Sr. Civil Judge, Aizawlvice Mr. R. Malsawmdawngzuala 9.Mr. R. Malsawmdawngzuala,Sr. Civil Judge, Aizawl Sr. Civil Judge, Lungleivice Mr. T. Lalhmachhuana 10.Mr. Thomas Lalrammawia,Sr. Civil Judge, Aizawl Sr. Civil Judge, Champhaivice Mrs. Lalrochami Ralte 11.Mr. H. Lalduhsanga , Civil Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Sr. Civil JMFC, Aizawl (on promotion to Grade-II)Judge, Sia ha, vice Mr. Lalramsanga Helen Dawngliani Regis trar, Gauha ti High C ourt, Aizawl Bench : Aizawl. No.A.11012/3/96-TAX, the 1st April, 2019.On satisfactory completion of the probationary period of 2 (two) years and clearance from Vigilance Department, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confir m Pu C . L a lnu np u ia , St a t e Ta x Officer wit h effect fr om t he da t e of comp let ion of 2 (t wo) yea r s p r ob a t ion i. e. 2 8 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 7 . Vanlal Chhuanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. No.A.32014/l/2008-PWD(E)/Pt, the 1st April, 2019.On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.22/A/94-MPSC/Vol.I dt. 7.3.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Er. H. Vanlalruatpuia, Junior Grade of MES (Civil) (Dir ect) under PWD Cadre to the post of S enior Grade of MES(Civil) (Non-Functional) in the Level 11 of the Pay Matrix all other allowances as admissible under the rule from time to time with - 5 -R-14/2019 retrospective effect from 08.03.2019(FN) and he will remain in his present place of posting until further orders. Fixa tion of pay shall be done under the provision of F.R. 22 (l)(a)(2). H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.11013/5/2012-EDN, the 2nd April, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the deputation period of P u K.Laldinglia na MCS, Addl. Director, School Educa tion Department for another period of 1 (one) year w.e.f. 28.3.2019 to 27.3.2020 as per the same terms & conditions of his initial deputation. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (CSW) vide their I.D.No.GSW-2772019/696 dt.18.3.2019 and DP&AR (CSW) vide their I.D.No.A.35018/2/2012-P&AR (CSW)/Pt dt.20.3.2019. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.32014/2/2004/L-2/PWD(E), the 2nd April, 2019.On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.21/A/94-MPSC dt. 14.3.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to p romote Pu R. Lalremsa nga, Junior Engineer (Mech/Elect) to the pos t of Junior Grade of MES (Mech/Elect) under PWD Cadre in the Level 10 in the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as a dmissible under rule from time to time. On his promotion, he is posted as SDO, Electr ical Sub-Division, Lunglei with effect from the date of taking over charge and until fur ther or der. He shall exercise his option within one month from the date of taking over cha rge for the pur pose of fixation of his pay under FR 22 (l)(a)(i). Option once exercised sha ll be final. H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No. A. 46019/1/2019-HMP, the 2nd April, 2019. In exer cise of the power conferred by sub-section(l) of Section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following officers who are deployed as Nodal Officers to oversee voting arrangements for Bru Voters at S pecial P olling Stations to be set up at Kanhmun as Executive Magistrate with immediate effect upto the completion of the General Election to Lok Sabha, 2019 in Mizoram. Sl.NoName of OfficerDesignation1Pu Kumar Abhisekh, IASOSD o/o Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram 2Pu Lalmuansanga Ralte, MCSUnder Secr etary, GAD 3Pu Z othanma wia Khiangte, MCSUnder Secretary, SAD (E) 4Pu V. Lalruatliana, MCSDy. Director, DM&R Deptt. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. - 6 - R-14/2019 No.A.35011/5/03-FST, the 2nd April, 2019.Consequent upon the withdrawal of premature repatriation of S hri Mahesh Zor amthara Singson, Depu ty Conservator of For ests vide ICFRE’s order No.35-695/2004- ICFRE dt 29.03.2019, the notification of his posting order issued vide No.A.35011/5/03-FST dt 22.03.2019 is hereby withdrawn until further orders. Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.F.13014/1/2017-FCS&CA/42, the 2nd April, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under section 5(1) of the Right to Infor mation Act, 2005 (No. 22 of 2005) and in the interest of Public S ervice, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate the following officers as mention against their names in respect of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department to provide information to persons requesting information under the said Act, with immediate effect and unt il further orders. This supercedes this Department’s Notification No.F. 13014/1/2013-FCS&CA/242-243 dt. 25.05.2015 and F.NO.13014/1/2015-FCS&CA/248. dt.07.06.2017 Sl. No.Name of officersDesignation as for RTI act, 20051Pu. R. Lalbiakzuala, Deputy Secretary, FCS&CASPIO-I 2Pu. K. Zorammuana, Under Secretary, FCS&CASPIO-II H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. No. A. 35018/7/2014-P&AR(CSW), the 3rd April, 2019.In the interest of public s ervice, the Governor of M izor a m is p lea s ed t o p la ce t he s er vi ces ofPu V.L. Remlia na, Junior Administrative Gr ade of Mizoram Civil Serviceat the disposal of Public Works Department for appointmenttothe post of Competent Authority for Land Acquisition ‘CALA) initially for a period of 2(two) years on deputation basiswith effect “from the date of joining the post only after completion of the process of General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2019 subject to the following terms & conditions: 1.The officer shall exercise an opt ion to draw either the level in the Pay Matrix of the deputation post or his own Level in the Pay Matr ix in the parent cadr e, without deputation allowa nce. 2.The officer shall have no right to claim the P ay of the depu tation post upon his repatriation a fter completion of the deputation tenure. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. GSW.22/2019/707 dated 29.03.2019. No.A.22012/42/08-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 3rd April, 2019.In partial modification of this Department notification No.A.22012/4/89-Pers(B)/part dated 07.02.2019 and in the interest of public service,the Governor of Mizoram is pleased, to order thatPu Andy Lalfakzuala Varte,MCS, BDO, Tla ngnuam shall hold the cha rge of BDO, Aibawkas a stop-gap arrangement in addition to his normal dut ies with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. This issues with the approval of Election Commission of India vide their letter No.437/MIZ/ 2019(MCC)-NES-l dated 23.03.2019. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram. - 7 -R-14/2019 No.A.12032/l/2016-EXC, the 3rd April, 2019.On t he recommendation of t he Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter NoJ/A/2010-MPSC : dt. 15. 03.2019 and conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide their I.D.No.A.32013/10/2013-P&AR(GSW)/Loose : dt.19.03.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu C.Thangchuanga and Pu Lalmalsawma,Sub-Inspector of Excise & Narcotics to the post of Inspector of Excise & Narcotics in the Level 8 of the Pay Matrix Rs.44,900-99,800/- p.m. plus all other allowances as a dmissible from time to time with effect fr om the date of joining and pos ted against their names with immediate effect an until fur ther or der: Sl. No.Name & DesignationNew Place of postingRemar ks1.C.T hangchuanga,Anti-Narcot ics Squad, Resultant vacancy due to superannuation Sub-Inspector of ExciseCommissionerate ofpension of Pu R. Lianhluna, Joint Com- & Na rcotics, Siaha District. Excise & Narcotics.missioner of Excise & Narcotics on 28.02.2019 2.Lalmalsawma,Inspector of Excise &Due to superannuation pension of Sub-Inspector of Excise &Narcotics, Siaha District Pu H. Darhmingtha nga, Inspector of Narcotics, Aizawl District.Excise & Narcotics on 28.02.2019. This issues with the recommendation of the Screening C ommittee (for Projects during opera tion of the Model code of Conduct for the forthcoming Genera l Election to the Lok Sabha, 2019) held on 29.03.2019 (Friday) vide G.A.D. letter I.D.No.D.11031/2/2018-GAD/Pt-II : dt.29.03.2019. No.A.12032/2/2017-EXC, the 3rd April, 2019.On the recommendation of t he Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.82/A/2001-MPSC : dt. 15.03.2019 conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide their I.D.No. A.32013/10/2013-P&AR(GSW)/Loose : dt. 19.03.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu R. Vanlalthlana,Depu ty Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics (officia ting) t o the post of Joint Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics on officiating basis in the level 12 of the Pay Matrix p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining. The officia ting pr omotion is made against the vacant post of Joint Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics vice Pu R. Lianhluna who had retired on superannuation pension w.e.f. 28.02.2019. This issues with the recommendation of the Screening C ommittee (for Projects during opera tion of the Model code of Conduct for the forthcoming Genera l Election to the Lok Sabha, 2019) held on 29.03.2019 (Friday) vide G.A.D. letter I.D.No.D.11031/2/2018-GAD/Pt-II : dt.29.03.2019. No.A.12032/3/2017-EXC, the 3rd April, 2019.On t he recommendation of t he Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter NO.180/A/97-MPSC : dt. 15. 03.2019 conveyed by DP &AR(GSW) vide their I.D.No.A.32013/10/2013-P&AR(GSW) : dt. 19.03.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Rodala ,Assistant Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics to the post of Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics on officiating basis and posted at the Commissionerate of Excise & Na rcotics in the level 11 of the Pay Matrix p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining. The officia ting pr omotion is made against the vacant post of Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics vice Pu R. Vanlalthlana who was promoted on officiating basis to the post of Joint Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics, Mizoram. - 8 - R-14/2019 This issues with the recommendation of the Screening C ommittee (for Projects during opera tion of the Model code of Conduct for the forthcoming Genera l Election to the Lok Sabha, 2019) held on 29.03.2019 (Friday) vide G.A.D. letter I.D.No.D.11031/2/2018-GAD/Pt-II : dt.29.03.2019. K.T. Beicho, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department. No.A.35018/l/2016-TOUR, the 3rd April, 2019. In the interest of Public Service and on the recommendation of t he Depar tmental Screening Committee held on 05.03.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appointPu Alan Lalt hanzara , Senior Grade of Mizoram Civil Service to the post of Depu ty Director, Tour ism Departmentinit ially for a period of 3 (three) year s on deputation basis with effect fr om the date of joining the postonly after completion of the process of Genera l Elect ions to Lok Sa bha, 2019 subject to the terms and conditions. 1.The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the pay cor responding to the level in the Pay Matr ix of the deputation post of the pay corresp onding to his own level in the Pay Ma trix in the parent cadr e without depu tation (Duty) Allowances. 2.The officer shall have no right to claim the pay of the deputation post upon his repatriation a fter completion of the deputation tenure. This issues withthe approval of DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.GSW.22/2019/706 dt. 26.03.2019. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Tourism Department. No.A.45012/1/2011-LJE, the 3rd April, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to engage Shri Arun Dev Choudhury, Advocate as Additional Advoca te General for Mizora m in the Gauhati High C ourt, Guwahati with effect fr om the date of joining and until fur ther or der. The terms and conditions of his appointment shall be governed by the Mizoram (Appointment, duties fees etc. of Government Advocates ) Rules , 1995 and as revised from time to t ime. His contact Address is as follows : Shri Arun Dev Choudhury, Additional Advocate General for Mizoram, Gauhati High Court, Guwahati 55, HC Road, Opp. Hira Prava Apartment, Uzan Bazar, Guwahati, District-Kamrup (M), Assam, PIN - 781001 Cell(s):094357-36633/08638214212 Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.11016/6/2016-FST, the 3rd April, 2019.Consequent upon the withdrawal of premature repatriation of S hri Mahesh Zor amthara Singson, Depu ty Conservator of For ests vide Notification No.A.35011/5/03- - 9 -R-14/2019 FST dt 02.04.2019, the reversion order of Shri Lalbiakchama Cha wngthu, Divisional For est Officer, Forest Extension Division, officiating Senior Grade of Mizora m F orest Service to Junior Gr ade of Mizor am Forest Service issued vide Notification No.A. I 1016/6/2016-FST dt 28.03.2019 is hereby withdrawn until further orders. Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.A.22012/3/2016-AH&V, t he 4th April, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Dr.C.La lzuitluanga, CVO, Chawngte is hereby attached to the Office of the Joint Director, Polyclinic Hospital, Aizawl with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Thangchem Zathang, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No.A.22012/5/2014-P & AR (C S W), t he 4th April, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designa teDr. CH. Muralidhar Rao, IFS,Principal Chief Conservator of Forests a s Head of Depa rtment, Envir onment, F orest s & Climate Change Depa rtment with immediate effec t. Further, in supersession of this Department’s Notification of even no. dated 24.07.2018, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to order thatPu Liandawla, IFS,Principal Chief Conservator of Forests shall hold the charge of Chief Wildlife War den in addition to his own duties without a ny extr a financial benefits with immediate effect a nd until further orders. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 46019/1/2019-HMP, the 4fh April, 2019. In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (l) of S ection 20 of the Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, 1 973 (Act No. 2 of 1 974) the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to appoint the officers indicated at Annexure as Executive Magistrate in the Constituencies shown against their names with immediate effect upto the completion of the General Election to Lok Sabha, 2019 and bye-election in 15-Aizawl West-I (ST) AC in Mizoram. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. ANNEXURE LIST OF ADDITIONAL SECTOR OFFICERS Sl. No. Name of the OfficerDesignation/OfficeContact No. JurisdictionName of AC 1Dr. ThanhminglianaAsst. Professor, PUC9862359012 Chhanchhuahna7-Tuivawl Sawleng, Kepran(ST) AC E. Phaileng Pehlawn 2F. RohmingthangaSDO, PWD, Sakawrdai8974005819 Mauchar7-Tuivawl Zokhawthiang(ST) AC N. Tinghmun, Zohmun Upper Sakawrdai :Palsang 3LaldinglianaSDEO, Education9436144079 N. Khawdungsei7-Tuivawl DepartmentSakawrdai-I(ST) AC Sakawrdai-II Khawpuar Vaitin, Thingsat New Vervek Vervek, Lungsum 4Dr. LalmuanpuiaAsst. Professor, PUC9436150069 Daido8-Chalfilh VanchhawngN.E.Tlangnuam(ST) AC Khawlian-I Khawlian-II Phuaibuang-I Phuaibuang-II 5L. SangromuanaSDO, PHE, Saitual8131983629 Luangpawn8-Chalfilh Power Sub-Div.Phullen-I(ST) AC Phullen-II Thanglailung 6Dr. K. VanlaldinpuiaAsst, Professor, PUC9862086476 N.Khawlek8-Chalfilh Vanbawng(ST) AC Lamherh Zawngin, Suangpuilawn-I Suangpuilawn-II 7H. Lalhmangaihzuala Lecturer, Govt. Higher9862305741 Saitual-I, Saitual-II9-Tawi Sec. School, SaitualSaitual-III, Saitual-IV(ST) AC Saitual-V, Keifang-I Keifang-II, Keifang-III Rulchawm, Ruallung Lenchim 8H. LallawmzualaTeacher,7005574414 Mualpheng9-Tawi Govt. Saitual High SchoolTawizo, Maite(ST) AC 9MargaretUnder Secretary, GAD8730927832 Bawngkawn-I10-Aizawl North-I Lalrinawmi FanaiBawngkawn-II(ST) AC Bawngkawn-III Bawngkawn-IV Bawngkawn-V Bawngkawn-VI Bawngkawn South-I Bawngkawn South-II Chaltlang-I Chaltlang-II Chaltlang-III Chaltlang-IV Chaltlang North-I Chaltlang North-II 10LalrohluaUnder Secretary,9436363171 Ramhlun South-I11-Aizawl North-II DP&AR (GSW)Ramhlun South-II,(ST) AC - 10 - R-14/2019 - 11 -R-14/2019 Ramhlun South-Ill Ramhlun South-IV Aizawl Venglai-I Aizawl Venglai-II Ramthar Veng-I Ramthar Veng-II Ramthar Veng-III Ramthar North-I Ramthar North-II 11Lalmuan PuiaDy. Director, LR&S Deptt. 8118997952 Falkland-I, Falkland-II 13-Aizawl East-I Zemabawk-IAC Zemabawk-II Zemabawk-III Zemabawk IV Zemabawk-V Zemabawk -VI Zemabawk-VII Zemabawk-VIII Zemabawk North-I Zemabawk North-II Tuirial Airfield Tuirial 12Paul L. KhumaUnder Secretary,8837069362 Chhinga Veng-I14-Aizawl East-II R.D. DepartmentChhinga Veng- II (ST) AC Chhinga Veng-III Chhinga Veng-IV Chhinga Veng-V Dawrpui-I Dawrpui-II Saron Veng-I Saron Veng-II Tuithiang-I, Tuithiang-II 13VanlalmuanaSDC, Aizawl8415848210 Tanhril-I, Tanhril-II15-Aizawl West-I Sakawrtuichhun(ST) AC (MP) Central Jail Veng Tuivamit, Chawlhhmun-I Chawlhhmun-II Govt. Complex-I Govt. Complex-II Luangmual-I Luangmual-II Luangmual-III Zonuam-I, Zonuam-II Zotlang-I, Zotlang-II Chawnpui-I Chawnpui-II Chawnpui-III 14LalhminglianaASO, District9436198490 Sairang Dinthar15-Aizawl West-I Revenue, AizawlSairang-I, Sairang-II(ST) AC (MLA) Sihhmui, PTC - 12 - R-14/2019 Lungverh Phunchawng Rangvamual 15MarilynDy. Director,9436148728/ Tanhril-I, Tanhril-II15-Aizawl West-I Rualzakhumthangi Tranport Department9862650133 Sakawrtuichhun (ST) AC (M LA) Central Jail Veng Tuivamit Chawlhhmun-I Chawlhhmun-II Govt. Complex-I Govt. Complex-II Luangmual-I Luangmual-II Luangmual-III Zonuam-I, Zonuam-II Zotlang-I, Zotlang-II Chawnpui-I Chawnpui-II Chawnpui-III 16. Dr. MalsawmtluangaUnder Secretary9089563538 D. Vengthar-I16-Aizawl West-II FanchunDM & R Deptt.D. Vengthar-II(ST) AC D. Vengthar-III Tuikual S-I Tuikual S-II Tuikual S.-III Tuikual S-IV Tuikual N-I Tuikual N-II Tuikual N-III 17VanlalrovaDy. Director,9436146135 Nursery Veng-I17-Aizawl West-III Sports & Youth ServicesNursery Veng-II(ST) AC DepartmentKhatla-I, Khatla-II Khatla-III, Khatla-IV Khatla-V, Khatla East Khatla South-I Khatla South-II Mission Vengthlang-I Mission Vengthlang-II Mission Vengthlang-III 18MelodyUnder Secretary,9612458751 Venghlui-I, Venghlui-II 18-Aizawl South-I NgurthantluangiFinance DepartmentVenghlui-III(ST) AC Upper Republic-I Upper Republic-II Republic-I, Republic-II Republic-Ill, Republic Vengthlang-I Republic Vengthlang-II 19LalfakawmaSDC, Aizawl9436151829 ITI Veng-I, ITI Veng-II 19-Aizawl South II ChhakchhuakITI Veng-III(ST) AC ITI Veng-IV Dam Veng - 13 -R-14/2019 Venghnuai-I Venghnuai-II Salem Veng-I Salem Veng-II Salem Veng-III 20LalremruataSDO, PWD,9436140804 Lungsei, Samlukhai 20-Aizawl South III SialsukSialsuk-I, Sialsuk-II(ST) AC Sailam, Chamring No. A. 46019/1/2019-HMP, the 5th April, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-s ection(l) of Section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu H. Lalramliana, MCS, BDO, Hnahthial as Executive Magistrate within Lunglei District with immediate effect so long as the officer holds his post unless earlier withdr awn. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No.A.35019/3/2019-LESDED, the 5th April, 2019.In t he Interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order Pu C. Lalpeksanga, MCS, Additional Secr etary, Labour, Employment, S kill Dev. & Entrepreneurship Depa rtment to hold the charge of Secreta ry, Mizoram Youth Commission in addition to his nor mal dut ies without extra financial benefit with immediate effect and until further orders. R. Lalramnghaka, Spl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour, Employment, Skill Dev. & Entrepreneurship Deptt. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. CORRIGENDANo. A. 46019/1/2019-HMP, the 27th March, 2019.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even no. dated 26.03.2019, the word 28-Saiha (ST) should be r ead as 28-Hrangturzo (ST). Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 11016/2/2018- FST, the 2nd April, 2019. In pursuance of MPSC letter No. 73/B/2008-MPSC dt 18.03.2019 and in partial modification of this Depa rtment’s Notification issued under Memo of even No. dt 09.03.2019 for appointment of 5 (five) Junior Gra de Officers of Mizoram Forest Service (Assistant Conservator of For ests) u nder Environment, For est & Climate Change Department, the lather ’s name of Lawmnapari appearing at SI. No. 2 should be read as‘H.La lhminglia na’instead of La lhmingliana. Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. - 14 - R-14/2019 OFFICE MEMORANDUMNo.D.11021/l/2003-PWD(T)/Loose, the 28th March, 2019.In continuation of this Department’s Office Memorandum of even no. da ted 19. 3.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the Residences/Bungalows of VIP’s will hereforth be furnished by PWD within the upper ceiling limit of expenditure as shown below :- 1.Cabinet Minister-Rs.12.00 lakh 2.MOS/Dy.Speaker/Equivalent rank-Rs.10.00 lakh The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to sp ecify names of approved furnishing items for the residence of VIP’s. Henceforth VIP’s may choose the items for requisit e quantity / numbers within upper ceiling limit of expenditure as shown below 1.Bed12.Cupboard 2.Sofa set13.Bed side table 3.Dining ta ble14.Centre table 4.Dining cha irs15.Side table 5.Matress16.Visitors chair 6.Refrigerator17.Door mat 7.Wollen car pet18.Wat er filter 8.Linoleum carpet19.Curtain 9.Wardrobe20.Writing ta ble 10.Dressing table21.Computer table 11.Dressing stool22.Reading chair Once the residences are furnished, the replacement of the items of thefurnishing will be made on the expiry the life of the particular items. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Chief Minister & Finance Minister on dt.26.3.2019. This supersedes this Department’s Office Memorandum No.D.11026/13/99-PWB, dt.22.4.2014 Lalthanzuala Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. NOTIFICATIONNo. C-31015/1/2018-FCS&CA, the 29th March, 2019. In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even No, dt 9.2.2018 regardingappointment of Under Secreta ry’, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs D epartment as Nodal Officer of Mizor am State Litigation P olicy in respect of F ood, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Government of Mizoram, particulars of Nodal Officer is changed as under :- Under Secretary Government of Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department Room No.006, Secretar iat Building - 15 -R-14/2019 New Capital Complex Office Phone: 2321976 Mobile : 9856090757 Email : H.L. Rochungnunga,IAS Commissioner &Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food,Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONSNo. B. 14016/69/2018-RFS/18, the 1st April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Air Veteran Society of Mizoram having office at Peter Street, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram ha s been registered on 01.04.2019 and numbered as MSR-1023. No. B. 14016/115/2018-RFS/18, the 2nd April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Lumtui Water User Society having office at Tuikhua h Veng, S erchhip, Mizor am has been r egistered on 02.04.2019 and numbered as MSR -1024. No. B. 14016/5 9/2011-RFS/29, the 2nd April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that the registration of Love United Society for Handicaps (LUSH), located a t Bawngkawn South, Aizawl, Mizoram registered under the Societies Registration Act , 1860 ( XXI of 1860 ) as in force in Mizoram holding Registration No. MSR-399 of dt. 11.11.2011 is hereby cancelled under section 23A(l)(b)(c) of The Mizoram SocietiesRegistration Act, 2005 as amended by The Mizoram Societies Registration (Amendment) Act, 2012 with effect from issue of this Notification. No. B.14016/61/2012-RFS/31, the 2nd April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that the registration of Venghnuai Welfare Committee, located at Venghnuai, Aizawl, Mizoram registered under the Societies Registra tion Act, 1860 ( XXI of 1860 ) as in force in Mizoram holding Registration No. MS R 470 of dt. 8.10.2012 is hereby cancelled under section 23A(l)(b )(c) of The Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 a s amended by The Mizor am Societies Registration (Amendment) Act, 2012 with effect from issue of this Notification. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizor am : Aizawl. - 16 - R-14/2019 PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATIONNo.H.11018/1/2011-LADC/GAD.VOL-I, the 18th March, 2019. Inthe interest of public service, the Lai Autonomous District Council is pleased to notify that the following Rules shall be commenced and enforced under the Lai Autonomous District Council with immediate effect. Viz : 1.The Mizoram Autonomous District Council Fund Rules, 2018which has been published in Mizoram Gazette on Thursday the 13th December, 2018 under VOL-XLVII, Issue No.719, vide : Memo. No. C. 31030/3/2005-DCA, the 6th December, 2018. 2.The Mizoram Autonomous District Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Rules, 2018which has been published in M izoram Gazette on Tuesday the 12th Ma rch, 2019 under VOL-XLVIII, Issue No. 149, vide : M emo. No. B. 13011/1/90-DCA, the 8th March, 2019. It is further notified that the Deputy Secretary to the Lai Autonomous District Council, Finance & Accounts Department shall be the Drawing & Disbursing Officer as per Rule 2 (1) of The Mizoram Autonomous District Council Fund Rules, 2018 with immediate effect and until fu rther or der. Furthermore, the Ex ecutive Secretary of the Lai Autonomous District.Council shall be the Controlling Officer with r egard to the Qrants-In-Aid sa nctioned by the Government t o this Council. The grants shall be dra wn by the Deputy Secretary to the Lai Autonomous District Council, Finance & Accounts Depa rtment after being cou ntersigned by the Executive Secretar y of the Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council who will ma intain records of the grants so drawn in a r egister in For m No.GF R. 19 a s amended from time to time, as per Rule 2 fd) and Rule 12 (1 ) of the Mizora m Autonomous D istrict Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Rules, 2018 with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. T.Zakunga, Chief Execut ive Member, Lai Autonomous District Council, Lawngtlai. No. H. 11015/6/2010/CADC(L)/132, the 22nd March, 2019.In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 33 (3) of theChakmaAutonomous District Council (Constitution and Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 and asamendedfrom time to t ime, Da ngu H. Amar esh C hakma, Chair man, ChakmaAutonomous District Council is pleasedtosummon the Members of the ChakmaAutonomousDistr ictCouncilto sit for theBudgetSession of the 10th Cha kma Aut onomous District Council to be commenced fr om22nd Apr il, 2019 (Monday) at 10.30 the Sess ion Hall of Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council, Kamalana gar. All Business both Official and Non-official meant for the Budget Session may be submitted to the undersigned during office hours on or before12th April, 2019 . H. Amaresh Chakma, Cha irma n, Chakma Autonomous District Council, Kamalana gar. - 17 -R-14/2019 No.V. 11012/2/2019 - LADC/LAD, the 7th March, 2019.Hemi Office Notification No. V. 11012/ 2/2014-LADC/LAD of 12th February, 2019 a seat allocation of Village Council Under Lai Autonomous District Council List kan rawn thawn ah khan heng a hnuaia tar lan khua leh veng No. of seat hi printing mistake anih avangin a dik lova a hnuai ami ang hian sia m that a ni a, a tul anga action lak a tan. S/No.Name of VillageNo. of HousesThawn danSiam that dan11Lawngtlai Vengpui-II26775 28Lungpher ‘S’34057 58Diltlang ‘S’21475 71Kawrthindeng19245 88Tuichawngtlang18045 93Vaseikai23575 J. Zahlira, Local Administrative Officer, Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council, La wngtlai.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 15 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 15Date - 12/04/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.A.11013/16/2017-LJE, the 28th February, 2019.On t he recommendation of t he Selection Committee and in the interest of public s ervice a nd as per the powers conferred under Section 4(1) of the Mizoram Lok Ayukta Act, 2014 as a mended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu C. Lalsa wta, IAS (Rtd) as Chairman, Lok Ayukta, Mizoram wit h effect from the date of joining the post for a period of 5(five) years or till attaining the age of 70 years, whichever is earlier from the date on which he enters upon his office. The terms a nd conditions of service of Pu C. Lalsawta, IAS (Rtd) on his appointment a s Chair man, Lok Ayukta, Mizoram will be governed by the Chair man, Lok Ayukta , Mizor am (Terms and C onditions of Service) Rules, 2019. Expenditur e shall be debitable to: Major Head-2014-Administration of Justice Sub-Major Head-00 Minor Head-800-Other Expenditure Sub-Head-(13)-Mizoram Lokayukta (Charged) Deta iled H ead-00 Object Head-(01)-Salary This issues with the approval of DP&AR(ARW) vide I.D.No.ARW/LJE-4/2018-2019/B-73 Dt.03.05.2018 and Finance Deptt(E)’s concurrence vide I.D.No.FIN(E) 103/2018 Dt.25.05.2018. Marli Vankung, Secretary, Law & Judicia l Department.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 12.4.2019 Chaitra 22, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 15 - 2 - R-15/2019 No. G. 12017/10/2010-EDN/127, the 5th April, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the MPS C vide No. I/A/2018-MP SC dated 15.3. 2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order non-funct ional upgradation to Senior Grade in the P.B. 3 of Rs. 15,600 - 39,100 plus Rs.6100/- Grade Pay and Selection Grade in the P.B. 3 of Rs. 15,600 - 39,100 plus Rs.6600/- Grade Pay for the following High School Headma sters with effect from the dates as shown a gainst their names in the Annex ur es . Enclo: As above Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. ANNEXURELIST OF HIGH SCHOOL HEADMASTERS UPGRADED TO SELECTION GRADEDIRECT APPOINTMENT Sl. Name of HeadmasterDate of entry as Date of completion Effective date for upgrade to No. with SchoolGovt. Headmasterof 16 yearsSelection Grade (GP-6600) 12345 1 S.R. Chakma, Govt. Kamalanagar H/S3.6.19963.6.20123.6.2012 2 Lalzuithanga, Govt. Bazar H/S, Lunglei14.8.199614.8.201214.8.2012 3 J.N. Ngunkhuaia, Govt. Lai H/S, Vawmbuk1.3.19991.3.20151.3.2015 4 Priya Wansa, Govt. Marpara H/S28.7.199828.7.201428.7.2014 LIST OF HIGH SCHOOL HEADMASTERS UPGRADED TO SELECTION GRADEPROMOTEESl. No.Name of Headmaster with schoolDate of entry as Govt. Hadmaster Adhoc/ Deficit/Govt./ AidedDate of upgradation to Selection Grade as H/ S teacherDate of promotion to Headmaster, Govt. H/SDate of completion of 8 years (as High School Headmaster)Effective date for upgradation to Selection Grade (GP-6600)1234567 1 Lalduhawma, Govt. PCR H/S, Chhingchhip21.5.1981 21.5.1997 13.8.2002 12.8.2010 19.4.2016 2 K. Lalhmachhuani, Govt. Chhingchhip H/S2.2.19862.2.20021.4.20031.4.2011 19.4.2016 3 J.N. Maji, Govt, Keifang H/S, Keifang7.3.19887.3.2004 27.3.2006 27.3.2014 19.4.2016 4 Vanlalhliri Sailo, Govt. Hnahthial H/S12.4.1988 12.4.2004 14.2.2007 14.2.2015 19.4.2016 5 C. Lalpari, Govt. Saitual H/S1.2.1987 22.1.2003 22.8.2008 22.8.2016 22.8.2016 6 P.C. Liankimi, Govt. JL H/s1.10.1984 1.10.2000 22.9.2008 22.9.2016 22.9.2016 7 Lalhliri Ralte, Govt. Theiriat H/S8.8.19851.8.20015.9.2008 5.9.2016 5.9.2016 - 3 -R-15/2019 K.M. Lalrindika, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A. 45011/1 /2008-DMR, the 9th April, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion of even No. dated 15.05.2018 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Sub-Section (1) of Section 19 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to designa te Pi Ra mdinlia ni, Joint Secr etary, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department1234567 1 Lalbuatsaiha, Govt. GM H/s, Champhai19.9.1978 19.9.2002 1.4.2003 1.4.2008 19.4.2015 2 Lalhmangaihi Ralte, Govt. Republic H/S15.9.1981 15.9.2005 17.9.2008 17.9.2013 19.4.2016 3 Dengsailovi Zadeng, Govt. H/S, Lunglei8.3.19838.3.20075.9.2008 5.9.2013 19.4.2016 4 L.D. Rasera attached to DEO Serchhip14.8.1980 14.8.2004 1.9.2008 1.9.2013 19.4.2016 5 J.L. Thanzawna, Govt. Thenzawl H/S13.9.1978 13.9.2002 1.4.2010 1.4.2015 19.4.2016 6 Liandinga Pachuau, Govt. Tinzagina H/S, Durtlang1.2.19801.2.2004 26.4.2010 26.4.2015 19.4.2016 7 Ch. Biaknema, Govt. Lungsen H/S1.1.19811.1.2005 24.3.2010 24.3.2015 19.6.2016 8 J. Neihhnuna, Govt. H/S, Cherhlun1.6.19791.6.20031.4.2010 1.4.2015 19.4.2016 9 C. Remsanga, Govt. Bungtlang H/S1.2.19801.2.2004 29.3.2010 29.3.2015 19.4.2016 10 Lawmchhungi, Govt. Hrangchhuana H/S1.3.19801.3.2004 29.3.2010 26.3.2015 19.4.2016 11 Thanthuami, Govt. K.M. H/S13.2.1980 13.2.2004 1.4.2010 1.4.2015 19.4.2016 12 Ngurthankhumi Sailo, Govt. Pianghleia H/S1.2.19851.2.2009 27.8.2013 27.8.2018 27.8.2018 13 Lalnuntluangi, Govt. S. Hlimen H/S1.3.19811.3.20054.9.2013 4.9.2018 4.9.2018 14 C. Ringzuala, Govt. Zemabawk H/S19.9.1981 19.9.2005 13.9.2013 13.9.2018 13.9.2018 15 R.K. Chhandama, Govt. Kepran H/S13.7.1983 13.7.2007 9.12.2013 9.12.2018 9.12.2018 LIST OF HIGH SCHOOL HEADMASTERS UPGRADED TO SELECTION GRADEPROMOTEESl. No.Name of Headmaster with schoolDate of entry as Teacher Govt./DeficitDate of completion of 24 years as H/S TeacherDate of promotion to HeadmasterDate of completion of 5 years as HeadmasterEffective date for upgradation to Selection Grade (GP-6600)LIST OF HIGH SCHOOL HEADM ASTERS UPGRADED TO SENIOR GRADEPROMOTEESl. No.Name of Headmaster with schoolDate of entry as TeacherDate of promotion as Headmaster Adhoc/Deficit/Govt./ AidedDate of completion of 8 yearsEffective date for upgradation to Senior Grade (GP-6100)1 23456 1 Nungo Azyu, Govt Siaha H/S1.3.19881.4.20031.4.201125.1.2016 2 S. Vanlalchhunga, Govt. Serchhip H/S4.7.20034.7.201125.1.2016 3 Lalthangliana Hlychho, Govt. Serchhip H/S6.11.198931.3.200331.3.201125.1.2016 4. Paul Zohmingthanga, Govt. Keitum H/S23.4.199128.3.200328.3.201125.1.2016 5 K. Zoramchhani, Govt. Chhiahtlang H/S23.4.199131.3.200331.3.201125.1.2016 6 Zirkima, Govt. Kanghmun H/S29.8.19914.6.20034.6.201125.1.2016 - 4 - R-15/2019 as Appellate Authority in respect of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Dr. Malsawmtluanga Fanchun, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department. No.A-38020/l/2015-S&WC/57, the 10th April, 2019.On a ttaining the superannua tion pension age of 60 (Sixty) years. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Sadasivan Pillai V, District Soil Conservation Officer, Lunglei, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department from Government Service with effect from 31.5.2019(A/N) Er. Valbuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. No. A. 45012/4/2014-LJE, the 10th April, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under Clause 2 sub- section (2) of the uniform Terms and Conditions for engagement of Govt. Advocates in the Govt. of Mizoram, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram her eby accepts the resignation tendered by Shri. Arup Kumar Sa rma, Additional Advocate Gener al, Gauhati High Court, Guwahati wit h effect from 03.04.2019. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law & Judicia l Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONS No. K. 12011/57/18-REV, the 8th April, 2019.Whereas the Public Works Department, Government of Mizoram requires a plot of land measuring not less than 588.00 sq.mat Thenzawl for approach road to their Auditorium and the urgency of the project requires speedy acquisition of the land for the purpose. Now, therefore, the Governor of Mizoram hereby grants concurr ence to the pr oposal of the said depa rtment for proceeding as the procedures pr escribed by the Government vehicle Notifica tion No. H. 11018/2/2018-REV dt. 20.09.2018. R. Lalramnghaka, Special Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. No.H.11014/9/2017-GAD, the 8th April, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare t he11th April, 2019 (Thursday) as Poll Dayand will be observed asState Holidayfor all Government Servants including employees under - 5 -R-15/2019 Central / State Public Undertakings, Educational Institutions and Ba nking Institutions in Mizora m to enable Voters to exercise their franchise in the General Elections to the Lok Sabha-2019 and bye-election to Aizawl West -1 Assembly Constituency, Mizoram. Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATION No. MADC . H.11011/1/2014-15/DCS-MADC, the 21st February, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred by r ule 33 (2) of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, Puhpa H. Sahlo, Chairman, Ma ra Autonomous District Council is pleased to summon Members of the Mara Autonomous District Council to sit for its Budget Session commencing from 28th March, 2019 at 10:30 A.M. in the Session Hall of the Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha. All business both official and non-official meant for the Budget Sess ion, 2019 may b e submitted to the undersigned on or before 13th March, 2019. P. Sama, Secretary to the District Council, Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 16 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 16Date - 19/04/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 46019/1/2019-HMP, the 10th April, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(l) of S ection 20 of t he Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1 974) t he Governor of Mizora m is pleased to a ppoint Dr. Lalhmingtha nga, Deputy Dir ector AH&Vety, who has been a ppointed as Leader, Static Surveillance Team as Executive Magistrate with immediate effect upto the completion of the General Election to Lok Sabha, 2019 and Bye-Election to 15-Aiza wl West -I (ST) AC. LalnunmawiaChuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No.A.22012/1/2009-PLG, the 10th April, 2019 . In continuation to this Depar tment Notification of even letter No. dated 8th March, 2019, slight modification is made as under. Sl. No.Name of OfficerNew place of pos tingREMARKS1H. Lalnunzuala Dte of AH & VETY attached to ElectionHe shall dr aw his pay from DRO DRO Champhai Department till finalization of election process Champhai till he can join his new for General Election to LokSabha, 2019place of posting 2Jessie Va nlalruati Planning Depa rtment (RDB)She shall join her place of posting R.O AH &Vety,on 12th April, 2019 positively. Further Pu B. Lalrinhlua, Deputy Director, Directorate of Economics & Statistics shall take over the charge of DRO Champha i till posting of the new DRO is made. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2019 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 16 - 2 - R-16/2019 No. A. 32014/1/2017-HMP, the 12th April, 2019.In the interest of public service and on recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.49/A/95-MPSC/Vol-II dt. 26.3.2019, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to orderofficiating promotion of P u H.Lunghnema,Inspector of P olice to Junior Grade of MPS in the Level 10 of the Pay Matr ix plus allowa nces admissible under rules from time to time with immediate effect. On his promotion, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to order posting of the officer to the post of Assistant Commandant, 2nd B n M A P. Lalremruata Kullai, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A. 22012/18/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 12th April, 2019.In pursuance of Ministry of Home Affa irs’ Order No.3 of F.No.14020/03/2010-UTS-I dated 18.02.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting ofPi S akshi Mittal, IAS (AGMUT:2010)asSpecial Secr etary, Informa tion and Communication Technology Departmentwith effect from her date of joining Government of Mizora m and until fur ther orders. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. ORDER No. A. 13015/4/2018-PLG, the 12th April, 2019.On the recommendation of MP SC conveyed by DP & AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. A. 32013/28/2016-P&AR(GSW) dt. 13.3.2019 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to pr omote the following Inspector of Sta tistics to Junior Grade of MPE & SS in the Pay Matrix Level 10 plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time as below : Sl. No.Name of officerEffective datePlace of posting1P.C. Lalbiaktluanga w.e.f. from the date of joiningDistrict Research Officer, Siaha No.A.22017/1/98-PLG, the 12th April, 2019.The Competent Authority is pleased to fix the final Inter- se-S eniorit y of Senior Gr ade of MPE & S S in the Pay Matrix Level 11 as below : Sl. Name of OfficerDate ofDate ofDate ofRemar ks No.birthsuperannuationAppointment/Joining pensionto t he present Grade 1. C. Lalriliana1.3.196128.2.20211.3.2017 2. VL. Remliana1.3.196029.2.202030.10.2017 3. B. Lalrinhlua21.1.198031.1.20401.2.2018 4. Chingt hanmawii Guite7.2.197428.2.20341.3.2018 5. Biakthansangi Hra hsel13.2.198328.2.204314.8.2018 6. C. Vanlalmuana19.9.197231.9.20321.1.2019 7. Mary Lalrinchhungi20.1.198731.1.20471.3.2019 8. Isak Lalmuanpuia Chuaungo 20.6.198330.6.20431.4.2019 - 3 -R-16/2019 NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 22017/1/98-PLG, the 12th April, 2019.The Competent Authority is pleased to fix the final Inter- se-S eniorit y of Junior Gr ade of MPE & S S in the Pay Matrix Level 10 as below : Sl. Name of OfficerDate ofDate ofDate ofRemar ks No.birthsuperannuationAppointment/Joining pensionto t he present Grade 1. Malsawma1.3.196028.2.202016.11.2012 2. H.Chhunkungi1.3.196028.2.202029.5.2014 3. H. Lalremmawii3.3.196231.3.20223.7.2015 4. C. Lalnunsiami9.9.197930.9.203910.3.2016 5. B. Vanlalruati9.2.198531.9.204510.3.2016 6. Lalzamliana2.7.196131.7.202130.12.2016 7. C. Lalthanmawii26.7.196131.7.202130.12.2016 8. Jessie Vanlalruati11.9.197330.9.203330.12.2016 9. B. Vanlalr engi13.5.197131.5.203130.12.2016 10. H. Lalnunzuala8.9.197130.9.203130.12.2016 11. Ruth Lalrinsangi6.12.196831.12.202830.12.2016 12. VLNghahmawia2.10.196831.10.202830.12.2016 13. Silk Thansiami15.9.196030.9.20201.2.2017 14. Laldinthara Ralte23.2.196428.2.20241.2.2017 15. R. Lalmuanpuii10.2.196528.2.20251.9.2017 16. V. Rongura14.4.196230.4.20221.9.2017 17. C. Lalremruata2.2.196628.2.20261.9.2017 18. Thomas Dohawla16.5.196031.5.20201.9.2017 19. Zohmingliani24.4.196330.4.20231.10.2017 20. Lalthlamuana Fanai28.10.196731.10.20271.11.2017 21. C. Laithanruala17.12.196331.12.20231.11.2017 22. H. Laldinpuia8.8.196331.8.20231.1.2018 23. TC. Zonunsanga17.12.196531.12.20251.4.2018 24. Lalremsiami11.3.196431.3.202424.1.2019 25. Ma nlia na31.7.196631.7.20261.2.2019 Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. No. A. 22012/1/2017-P & AR (C S W) , t he 1 5th April, 2019.In continuation of this Department’s Notification of even no. dated 14.03.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pu Ajai Saxena, IFS (AGMUT : 1984) posted as Principal S ecretar y, Environment, Forests & Climate Cha nge Depa rtment shall draw pay and allowances in his own gra de i.e. HAG + S cale of Rs. 75,500 -80,000/- (Level 16 in the Pay Matrix of Rs. 2,05,400 - Rs. 2,24,400/-) Pu Ajai Saxena, after availing 10 days’ Joining Time (25.01.2019 - 03.02.2019) reported to the Ministry of Environment, F orests & Climate Change on 04 .02.2019 pending fina lization of his posting in Mizoram. T he officer was posted as Principal Secretary, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Depa rtment, Mizora m vide order of even no. dated 14.03.2019 a nd after availing 10 days’ J oining time (15.03.2019 - 24.03.2019) joined Govt. of Mizoram in the forenoon of 25.03.2019. - 4 - R-16/2019 Hence,the period between 25.01.2019 to 24.03.2019 shall be treated as Joining Time and compulsory waiting period and he sha ll be paid pay and and allowances a s admissible under rules. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22012/2/2011-AGR/Pt, the 15th April, 2019.In the interest of public service, Pu T. Lalhmingmawia, SDAO, Zawlnuam will t ake additional charge of SDAO, Ka wrtethawveng without any ext ra financial benefit with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. Lalhmingmaka, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No.A.12031/4/2017-LR,S&WC, the 16th April, 2019.On the recommendation of MPSC vide No. 3/A/ 2010-MPSC dt 26.3.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu H.Zahmua ka, Deputy Ranger to the post of Soil Conservation Ranger in the level 7 of the Pay Matrix(corresponding to PB-2, Rs.9300-34800/- plus Grade Pay of Rs.4400/- in the existing pay structure) plus all other allowances a s admissible under the rules and as a mended from time to time with effect from the date of joining. On his promotion Pu H. Zahmuaka, S.C. Ranger is posted at Tuipang Range under Lawngtlai District. Er. Valbuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. No. A. 22012/50/94-P & AR (C S W) , t he 1 6th April, 2019.On t he recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.87/A/2001-MPSC dated 08.04.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Gover nor of Mizora m is pleased to promoteDr. Hmarkunga,Selection Grade of MAH&VS to Supertime Grade of MAH&VSi.e. Director, AH& Vety Department in the Level 13 A of Pay Ma trix (corresponding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37,400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 8,900/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. No. A. 22012/3/2014-P&AR (CSW), the 16th April, 2018.Upon his repatriation from deputation as Secr etary, NLUP Implementing Boa rd and in the interest of public service, t he Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order posting of PuJames Lalrinchhana,Junior Administrative Gra de of MCS as Development Officer, Sinlung Hills Council with immediate effect and until further orders. Further, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the period between the date of his relinquishing the charge of Secretary, NLUP Implementing Boar d i.e. 01.04.2019 and the date of ta king over charge of Development Officer, Sinlu ng Hills Council as ‘compulsory waiting period’, which shall be treated as ‘on duty’ for all purposes. This issues with the recommendation of Screening Committee vide I.D. No.D. 11031/2/2018- GAD/Pt-II dated 12.04.2019. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 5 -R-16/2019 PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONS No. D. 26017/1/05-GAD/Pt., the 10th April, 2019.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even no. dated 23.01.2019, Para (7) of the said Notification should be read as below:-“He shall exercise the powers of the Head of Department.” This is issued with the approval of the Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram on 10.04.2019. Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department. No. A.11018/1/2018-P&AR (ARW), the 16th April, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tr ansfer of the posts as details mentioned in the table below with immediate effect a nd until further orders. Sl. Name of No of Post creation Department from Department to No post post order no & date which transferred which transferred 1Cook1 (one) STE. 50/77/Part-II Food, Civil Supplies General Administration dated 10.02.2002& Consumer AffairsDepartment (GAD) 2Sweeper1 (one) STE. 50/77/Part-II Food, Civil Supplies General Administration dated 10.02.2002& Consumer AffairsDepartment (GAD) 3Room Bearer 2(t wo) STE. 50/77/Part-II Food, Civil Supplies Gener al Administr ation dated 10.02.2002& Consumer AffairsDepartment (GAD) OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Guidelines on noting and file management No.A.45012/1/2019-P&AR (ARW), the 15th April, 2019.Attention of all officers & staff under the Government is invit ed to the instr uctions contained in the Centr al Secr etariat Manual of Office Procedure (as revised and updated from time to time) regarding file management and noting. All employees are enjoined to adhere to the general instruct ions contained in the said Manual. In a ddition, the following points may also be kept in mind and should be strictly complied with: 1.At least 3 (three) extra/spare note-sheets, duly margined and numbered, should invariably be ta gged in the notesheet portion of the file for use of higher a uthorit ies. 2.A ma rgin of at lea st 1(one) inch should be left blank at the bottom of each page of the note sheet to ensu re bett er pres erva tion of notes recor ded on the file. 3.When notes a re put up to the Secretary and above, margin/blank space of at least 3 (t hree) inches should be left at the bottom of notesheet for higher authorities to write notes/append signature. - 6 - R-16/2019 4.Notesheet should be serially numbered. R. Lalchhanhima. Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, DP&AR(ARW). NOTIFICATIONS No. H. l1018/11/2018-PWD(E), the 8th April, 2019.Consequent upon the revocation of conversion of Mechanical Circle under PWD into Mizor am Road Fund Board Secretaria t vide Notifica tion No. H. 11018/11/2018-PWD(E) dt. 11.2.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order jurisdiction of Circles under PWD as mentioned below with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. 1. Central Circle with the following Divisions:- (a)Aizawl Road NorthDivision (b)Aizawl Road South Division (c)Aiza wl Building Division 2.Project Cir cle with the following Division:- (a)Project Division-I (b)Pjr oject Division-II (c)Project Division-III (d)Building Division, Lunglei 3.Mechanical Circle with the following Divisions:- (a)Aizawl Electr icalDivision (b)Lunglei Electrica l Division (c)Mechanical Division Further, the Superintending Engineer, Mechanical Circle, PWD will look after; the works of Chief Executive Officer, Mizora m Road Fund Board Secretariat till t he full fledged Mizor am Road Fund Board Secr etariat is esta blished for effective a nd proper funct ioning of the Board in addition to his own duties without extra financial benefits. This supersedes this Depar tment’s Notification of even and 19.3.2019. H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No. B. 14020/26/2002- LAD/VC, the 12th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Kolasib TumpuiVillage Cou ncil Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Pi T.La lr inmawii Vice-President -Pu Lalbiakmawia Kawlni Tr eas urer-Pu T.Laldawngliana M emb er s-1) Pu Laldawngliana 2) PuV.LSiama Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 17 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 17Date - 26/04/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.A.32013/2/2018-P&E, the 5th April, 2019.On r ecommendation of MPSC vide their letter No.35/A/ 98-MPSC/Vol-II dt. 7.3.2018 and GAD letter vide I.D. No.D.11031/2/20l8-GAD/pt-II dt 5.4.2019 and in the interest of pub lic service, the GovernorofMizoram is pleased to promote the following officers of Junior Administrative Grade of MES (Non-Functional) to the Selection Grade of MES (Elect) under P ower & Electricity Depar tment in the Level 13 of pay matrix p lus all other allowances as a dmissible from time to time with immediate effect : Sl. Name of Officer Present place New place of Remarks No. of posting posting 1. Er. LalzoramaSr. EE, Mamit SE, AizawlVacant w.e.f. 1.3.2019 due to promotion of Power Division, Power Circle, Er. Lalduhzu ala Sailo to S upertime Grade ‘B’. MamitAizawlHe may be allowed to continue in his own gra de (Selection grade) of MES Grade as Sr. EE, Mamit Power Division till the ensuing election process is over 2. Er. C. Saphnehzova S r. EESE (Planning), Vaca nt w.e.f. 1.4. 2019 due to promotion of Joseph(Planning),O/o CE (SO) Er. Jolly Newman to Supertime Grade ‘B’ O/o E-in-C No.A.32013/2/2018-P&E, the 5th April, 2019.On the recommendation of MPS C vide their letter No.35/A/98-MPSC/Vol-II dt. 7.3.2018 and GAD letter vide I.D. No. D. 11031/2/2018-GAD/pt-II dt 5.4.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoramis pleased to pr omote Er. J.H.Laithangliana,Junior Administrative Grade of MES (Non-Functional) to the Selection Grade of MES (Elect) on officiating basis under Power & Electr icity Department in t he Level 13 of pay matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 26.4.2019 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 17 - 2 - R-17/2019 On his promotion, Er. J.H. Laithangliana is posted as Superintending Engineer (Design), Office of Engineer-in-Chief, P&E Department. B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. No.A. 19011/353/2014-P&AR(CSW), the 18th April, 2019.Appr oval of the competent authorit y is hereby convoyed toSmt.Mamu Hage, IAS (Probationer)to undertake depar tmental examina tion during 22nd April, 2019 - 12th May, 2019 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie and also to undergo IAS Professional Course for IAS Officer Trainees of 2017 batch to be held at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 20th May, 2019. The officer shall be relieved of her duties under the Government of Mizoram w.e.f the afternoon of 18.04.2019so as to enable her to join the training progra mme. No. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP, the 18th April, 2019.In the interest of Public Service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.141(B)/A/l998-MPSC, dt. 15.04.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or der promotion ofPu H.Ramthlengliana,Selection Gra de of MPS to Supertime Grade ‘B’ of MPS in the level 13A of the Pay Matr ix plus all ot her allowances admissible from time to time with immediate effect. On his promotion, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order that the officer shall remain in Home Department until fur ther or der. LalnunmawiaChuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 23022/4/02-P&AR (CSW), the 18th April, 2019. In pursuance of the Judgement and Order passed by the Gauhati High Court in WP(C) No. 67 of 2015 and in supersession of this Department’s Notification No.A. 23021/2/2012-P&AR(CSW) dt. 18.07.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re- fix provisional inter-se-seniority of Mizoram Civil Service officers in theSelection Gra depromoted upto 27.12.2011retr ospectively a s shown in the Annexure. Any officer feeling aggrieved in t his regard may submit his/her representation to the undersigned within 15(fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. ANNEXURE INTERSE-SENIORITY OF SELECTION GRADE OF MCS Sl. Name of OfficersDate of birthDate ofDate of promotionRemar ks No.Superannuation to present grade 1 Thlamuana01.03.196029.02.202001.04.2009 2 C.Thatkunga01.10.195630.09.201601.04.2009Retired on 31.01.2016 3 K. Rohmingthanga12.06.196130.06.202115.l0.2009 4 La lzawnglia na14.07.195431.07.201415.10.2009Retired on 31.07.2014 5 H. Lalengmawia23.11.196530.11.20253l.05.2011 - 3 -R-17/2019 6 Sangdingliana01.03.196128.02.202131.05.2011 7 Lalbiaksangi01.08.196031.07.202031.05.2011 8 Lianhmingi Pa chuau17.03.196331.03.202331.05.2011Retired on 03.09.2014 9 K. Lalmuana01.03.195728.02.201731.05.2011Retired on 28.02.2017 10 K. Lalthawmmawia07.04.196930.04.202931.05.2011 11 Vanlalngaihsaka15.08.196231.08.202231.05.2011 12 R. Zarzosa nga17.07.196831.07.202827.12.2011 13 H. La izika01.03.195728.02.201727.12.2011Retired on 28.02.2017 14 Rotluanga07.03.196831.03.202827.12.2011 15 La lzarmawii08.09.196930.09.202927.12.2011 16 La lramngha ka09.09.196530.09.202527.12.2011 17 Lalzirmawia Chhangte 21.08.196531.08.202527.12.2011 ORDER No. A. 13015/8/2015-PLG, the 22nd April, 2019.On t he recommendation of MPSC conveyed by DP & AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. A. 32013/28/2016-P&AR(GSW) dt. 4.4.2019 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to promotePu C. Lalrilia na,Senior Gra de of MPE & S S to Junior Administrative Grade of MPE & SS in the pay matrix level 12 and posted as Chief Planning Officer, Lunglei with effect from the date of joining. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. NOTIFICATIONS No. A.22012/5/2017-P&E, the 22nd April, 2019.In the interest of public service and GAD ID No. D.11031/2/2018-GAD/Pt-IIdt. 16.4.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting ofthefollowing Senior Gr ade of MES (Elect) as shown against their na mes wit h immediate effect. Sl. No.NamePresent post heldNew place of pos tingRemar ks1.H. LalruatkimaRevenue Sub-Division-II,EE (Commercial),Vacant Aizawl CentralOffice of E-in-C 2.Malsawmdawngliana Distribution Sub-Division-II, EE (Planning), OfficeVacant Aizawl Northof E-in-C The above officers will take additional charge of their respective Sub-Divisions until further arra ngement is ma de. B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. No.A.38020/1/2016-EDN, the 23rd April, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accept the application for Voluntary R etirement w.e.f. 1.5.2019(F/N) in favour of P i Zosangliani, Headmistress, Govt. Chhiahtlang Middle School, Chhiahtlang who has put in the requir ed length of service in terms of Rule 48- A of CSS(Pension) Rules, 1972. - 4 - R-17/2019 The senior most Teacher of Govt. Chhiahtlang Middle School, Chhiahtla ng will perform the duties of Headmaster in the matter of daily routine work w.e.f 1.5.2019(F/N) till such time regular Headmaster is post ed. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.32013/ll/2017-AGR, the 23rd April, 2019. In the interest of public service and on the recommenda tion of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 14/A/2011 - MPSC (A) dated 04.04.2019 and GAD letter vide I.D.No.D.11031/2/2018-GAD/Pt-II dated 09.04.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following officers of Grade-IV of MAS to Grade-III of MAS under Agricult ure Depar tment in the Level 11 of the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. Sl. NoName of OfficerNew Place of PostingRemar ks1.George LalthannguraDAO, ChamphaiVice Pu James Vanlalluaia being promoted 2.Zokhuma VarteDepu ty Dir ector (Plant P rotection)Officiating basis Handing and taking over charges should be completed within 10 (ten) days from the da te of issue of t his or der. No.A.32013/15/2018-AGR, the 23rd April, 2019.In the interest of public service a nd on the recommendation of the Mizoram P ublic Service Commission vide No. 20/A/2013 - MP SC dated 04. 04.2019 and GAD letter vide I.D.No. D. 11031/2/2018 -GAD/Pt-II dated 09.04.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu James Vanlalluaia, Grade-Ill of Mizoram Agriculture ServicetoGr ade-II of Mizor am Agriculture Serviceunder Agriculture Department in the Level 12 of Pa y Matrix plus a ll other allowa nces as a dmissible from time to time with effect fr om the date of joining the post. Consequent upon his promotion, he is posted asPrincipal, IT C, Hnahthial. Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No. A. 32015/l/2012-F.Est/320, the 23rd April, 2019.On t he recommendation of the MP SC vide No. 26/A/2018-M PSC dt. 11.9.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promoteLalhmangaihi, Assistant Accounts Officer, Kolasib TreasurytoAccounts Officerin Level-10 of the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the place of posting. On promotion to Accounts Officer, she is posted against the vacant post of Accounts Officer at Kolasib Treasury until further orders. Ramchuana, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Depa rtment (E). - 5 -R-17/2019 No.A.11018/l/2015-FCS&CA, the 24th April, 2019.On t he recommendation of MPSC vide No. l/A/ 98-M PSC dt.8.4.2019 and in the int erest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following five(5) Junior Accounts Officer to the pos t of Accounts Officer in the Pay Matr ix Level- 10 plus all other allowances a s admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining duties and until further or der. Sl. No.Name of OfficersPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1.Pi LalthansangiOffice of DCSO, Aizawl ‘E’Office of DCSO, Champhai 2.Pi VanlalmalsawmiDirectorate of FCS & CAOffice of DCSO, Saiha 3.Pu LalbiakkimaDirectorate of FCS & CAOffice of DCSO, Lawngtlai 4.Pi Engzuali R alteDirectorate of FCS & CAOffice of DCSO, Mamit 5.Pi LalhmangaihiOffice of DCSO, Aizawl ‘W’Office of DCSO, Serchhip This issues with the approval of GAD vide their I.D. No.D.11031/12/2018-GAD/pt-II dt 16.4.2019 Consequent upon the promotion of t he above 5(five) JAOs, the Governor of Mizora m is fur ther pleased to order Pu R.Lalzuiliana, Accounts Officer, Office of DCSO, Saiha presently attached to DCSO, Lunglei is hereby transferred and posted to the Office of DCS O, Lunglei. H.L. Rochungnunga, IAS Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. No.A.12031/14/2018-TOUR, the 24th April, 2019.On the recommendation of M PSC vide No.72 /A / 2000-MPSC(A) dt. 09.04.2019 and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion ofMs. R. Lalr inchhani, Tour ist Officer, Tourism Departmentto the post ofDeputy Director, Tourism Departmentin the Level 11 of the Pay Matrix plus a ll other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect fr om the date of joining the post. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department. No.A.22012/3/2016-AH&V, t he 2 5th April, 2019.In s upersess ion of this Department Notifica tion even No. da ted 04.04.2019 and in the int erest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or der that Dr. C.La lzuitlua nga, CVO, Chawngte is hereby attached to the Office of the Joint Dir ector, Polyclinic Hospital, Aizawl with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. The Officer will draw his salary from the office of the Joint Director, Polyclinic Hospital, Aizawl. Thangchem Zathang, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. - 6 - R-17/2019 PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. CORRIGENDUM No. D. 26017/1/05-GAD/Pt., the 10th April, 2019.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even no. dated 23.01.2019, Para (7) of the said Notification should be read as below:-“He shall exercise the powers of the Head of D epartment.” This is issued with the approval of the Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram on 10.04.2019. Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department. NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 45011/1/2015-P&AR(ARW), the 23rd April, 2019.Pursuant to Judgment & Order of the Hon’ble Gauhati High Court dated 02.08.2018 on WA.No 5/2017 (SoM & Anr -vs- Sh. Zaliana & 616 Ors) & WP (C) No. 158/2016 (Sh. Lalhmachhuana & 54 Ors -vs- SoM & 3 Or s) and Finance Department’s Notification No G. 12015/3/2016-FIN (PRU) dated 08.04.2019, it is hereby clarified to all concerned that the effective date for matching of pay under MACP S, 2010 issued vide Office Memorandum No.A.12014/ 1/2010-P&AR(ARW)/Pt-l dated 25.10.2012 shall be01.01.2006instead of 01.06.2012. Service book of concerned official, whose pay is already matched, need “not be sent to DP&AR (ARW). Necessary pa y re-fixation, if any, may be done by the concerned department. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A. 12018/7/2018-AH&V, the 23rd April, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion even No. Dated 21th September, 2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to a llow service charges of Veterinary S ervices for Government Polyclinic Hospital, RAH Services and 39 nos. of Veterinary Dispensaries and Vety Hospita l in the District Headquarters within Mizora m in resp ect of items a s shown below with immediate effect and unt il further orders. 1.REGISTRATION FEELivestock - Rs. 10/- (per animal) Poultry-Rs. 1/- (for upto 10 birds) 2.VACCINATION f) Ova rectomyRs. 100 (Rs.200 in case of Dog/Cat) g) CastrationRs. 100 (Rs. 200 in case of Dog/Cat) h) Major OperationRs. 200 - Rs. 500 i) Minor OperationRs. 50 j) DressingRs. 10/- per follow up dressing 3.VACCINATION f) SFRs. 50 - ot her than Government Progra mmes g ) A RVRs. 50 - ot her than Government Progra mmes h) CD(Combine)Rs. 50 - ot her than Government Progra mmes (300+10 if vaccine is Government supplies) i) FMDRs. 50 - ot her than Government Progra mmes j) R.D.Free 4.POST MORTEM e) Large AnimalRs. 500/- f ) Sma ll AnimalRs. 200/- g) Medium AnimalRs. 300/- h) PoultryRs. 100/- 5.A.I e) Cattle Rs. 100/- f) PigRs. 200/- 6.EUTHANASIA g) LargeRs. 500/- h) SmallRs. 100 - Rs. 300 7.Ultr asoundRs. 200/- 8.X-RayRs. 150/- 9.Skin ScrapingRs. 100/- 10.Complete HaematologyRs. 200/- 11.Faecal ExaminationRs. 100/- 12.UrineRs. 100/- 13.Blood SmearRs. 100/- Thangchem Zathang, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH& Veterinar y Depart ment. No.B.14021/47/2015-LAD/VC, the 12th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(5) in a sawi anginLunglei Distr ictchhung amiBelthei Village Council Vice Presidentban dilna chu a pa wm sak a. Chutichuan Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(7 ) in a sawi anginBeltheiVillage Cou ncil-ah seat khat a ruak tih a puang a ni. No. B. 14017/41/2015- LAD/VC, the 12th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Aizawl DistrictchhungaNew VervekVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-F.Lalbiaktluanga Vice-President -Lalhrilmawia Tr eas urer-Khuanglianchhungi M emb er s-1) C.Vanlalhruaia 2) Lalzarzova Secretary-Lalhumhima No. B. 14021/14/2015 - LAD/VC, the 23rd April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei DistrictchhungaTablabagh- 7 -R-17/2019 Village Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-Chondro Sekhar Chakma Vice-President -Subash Bosu Chakma Tr eas urer-Surjomuki No. B. 14020/29/2015- LAD/VC, the 12th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorka r chu anLushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phalangin,Kolasib Distr ictchhu nga BuhchangphaiVillage Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami anghian a pawmpui a ni. President-Pu C.Lalremzela Vice-President -Pu Lalnunthara Tr eas urer-Pi Lalduhawmi M emb er s-1) Pu Laltanpuia Sailo 2) Pi Zodinr nawii Secretary-Pu Jerry Lalrinnunga No. B. 14021/27/2015 - LAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019.Mizoram Sor kar chua nLushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act,1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in aphal angin,Lunglei Distr icthuamchhung amiThenhlumVilla ge CouncilExecutive Bodysiamthatna chu a hnuai ami anghian a pawmpui ani. President-Pu Ng.Lalr inawma Vice-Presldent -Pu Z.D.Lalrawngbawla Tr eas urer-Pu P.Lalramngaia M emb er s-1) Pu Lalhrangluaia 2) Pi Laldingngheti No. B. 14017/8/2015-IAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Aizawl DistrictchhungaDarlawn Chhim VengVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chua hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Pu Lalfakzuala Vice-President -Pi Ngurnunpari Tr eas urer-Pi Ngurnunpari No. B. 14020/48/2005 - LAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019. Mizor am S orka rchuan Lushai Hills Dis trict (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Kola sibDistr ictchhu nga Bair abi SouthVillage Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hia n a pawmpuia ni. President-Pu R.Lalrinawma Vice-President -Pu Lalnghinglova Tr eas urer-Pi Lalchhingpuii M emb er s-1) Pu H.Zirsangliana 2) Pu Lalbiakzama Secretary-Pu H.Lalremsiama S/o J.Ralkapthanga No. B. 14020/19/02- LAD/VC, the 12th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Villa ge C ouncils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1 ) leh Section 15 in a pha langin,Kolasib Districtchhunga PangbalkawnVillage Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami anghian a pawmpui a ni. - 8 - R-17/2019 President-Vanlalnghaka Vice-President -C. Lalnuntluanga Tr eas urer-Lalnunmawii M emb er s-1) Biakthanga 2) Lalhruailiana No.B. 14019/71/2015 - LAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan LushaiHillsDistrict (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Champhai Districtchhu nga ChangzawlVillage Council Executive Body siamtha tnachu a hnuai amiang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-PB.Vanlalsawma Vice-President -Lia ntha ngpuia Tr eas urer-La lsangzuali Secretary-Joseph Kaisanga No. B. 14019/36/2015 - LAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019. Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Champhai Districtchhu nga N.KhawbungVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chua hnuai ami ang hianapawmpui a ni. President-V.R.Rohmuchhuaka Vice-President - T.Lalsangliana Tr eas urer-J.H.Malsawmi M emb er s-1) Vanlalpeka Hlondo 2) F.Vanchhunga No. B. 14019/84/2015 - LAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019. Mizor am Sor ka r chua n Lushai Hills D istrict (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Champhai Distr ictchhu nga Vaikhawtla ngVillage Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-V. Ginlianthanga Vice-President -V. Ginzalama Tr eas urer-Ginnga ihluni M emb er s-1) Suangsianthanga 2) G.Tha ngroenga No. B. 14019/94/2015- LAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2), Section 15 in a phal angin,Champhai Distr icthuam chhung amiKhawzawl-lllVilla ge CouncilExecutive Bodysiamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Pu Rosangpuia Vice-President-Nl. Lalr inawmi Tr eas urer-Laldengkima Membeir-Pu C.Lalbiakenga Secretary-Pu P.C.Lalromawia No. B. 14019/10/2015- LAD/VC, the 16th April, 2019.Mizoram S orkar chua n LushaiHills Distr ict (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Champhai Distr ictchhu nga Chawngtui ‘E’Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai amiang hianapawmpui a ni. - 9 -R-17/2019 President-Thaneihthangi Vice-President -Chhuanawma Tr eas urer-Hmangaihzama No. B. 14021/72/02 - LAD/VC, the 18th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 inaphal angin,Lunglei Distr ictchhu nga Zohnuai Village Council Executive Body siamtha tna chu a hnua i ami a nghiana pawmpui a ni. President- Va nlalthlanga Vice-President - C. Lalhmunmawia Tr eas urer- L . Muanpuia No. B. 14021/87/2015- LAD/VC, the 18th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,LungleiDistr ictchhungaHlumte Village Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-Darngaii Vice-President -Lalchungnunga Tr eas urer-C.Hr angmawia Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONS No. B. 14016/86/2018-RFS/16, the 4th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Reiek Tlang Tawngtaina Hmunpui Society having office at Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizoram has been regis tered on 04.04.2019 and numbered as MSR -1025. No. B. 14016/106/2018-RFS/23, the 15th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Agricultura l Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Mamit District having office at Office of the Project Director ATMA, Distr ict Agriculture Office, Agriculture Complex, Lungsir, Mamit, Mizoram ha s been registered on 15.04.2019 and numbered as MSR — 1026. No. B. 14016/116/2018-RFS/17, the 15th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Ngur siamlia na Memor ial Medical Aid And Development Society having office at Zonuam, Aizawl, Mizoram ha s been registered on 15.04.2019 and numbered as MSR — 1027. - 10 - R-17/2019 No. B. 14016/104/2018-RFS/13, the 15th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Farmers Society Sihphir Venghlun having office at Sihphir Venghlun, Mizoram has been registered on 15.04.2019 and numbered as MSR -1028. No. B. 14016/2/2019-RFS/14, the 18th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concer ned thatinpursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) White Whole Agro Farming Society having office at Chhinga Veng, Aizawl, Mizor am ha s been registered on 18.04.2019 andnumberedas MSR-1029. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizor am : Aizawl. CANCELLATION ORDERSNo. B.14027/49/04-RCOOP(Lq)/66, the 3rd April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006 was submitted by t heARCS,Aizawl EastagainstSesa wng Piggery Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14023/52/05-ARCOOP (AE)bear ing Registra tion No.AE-337/05-06 dt.17.6.2005; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14027/49/04-RCOOP(SC) dt.6.6.2013) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14027/49/2004-RCOOP(Lq) dt.10.10.2014the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110 (c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The afor esaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal aga inst the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her r epor t vide lett erNo.B.14023/52/05-ARCOOP (AE)/96 dt.28.4.2015recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted against t he society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14019/5/04-RCOOP(Lq)/177, the 3rd April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by t heARCS,Aizawl EastagainstUnited Poultry Far ming Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14025/2/99-ARCOOP (AE)/174bear ing RegistrationNo.AE-255/97-98 dt.4.12.1997;- 11 -R-17/2019 In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14019/5/04-RCOOP(Lq)/141 dt.5.5.2012)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide or derNo.B.14019/5/04-RCOOP(Lq)/155 dt.23.9.2014the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (s ixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her r epor t vide lett erNo.B.14025/2/99-ARCOOP (AE)/221 dt.2.9.2015recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted against t he society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14027/52/06-RCOOP(Lq)/62, the 3rd April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by t heARCS,Aizawl EastagainstSihphir Vengthar Pig Producers Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14023/55/06-ARCOOP (AE)bearing Registration No.AE-354/06-07 dt.5.6.2006; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14027/52/06-RCOOP(SC) dt.29.3.2013) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive toits future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14027/52/06-RCOOP dt.13.10.2014the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under S ection 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that a ppeal a gainst the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Or der issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/ her rep or t vide lett erNo.B.14023/55/06-ARCOOP (AE)/101 dt.28.4.2015recommending closur e of liqu idation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006.- 12 - R-17/2019 No. B.14027/90/ll-RCOOP(Lq)/74, the 3rd April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by theARCS,Aizawl EastagainstTuir ial Airfield Piggery Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14023/47/99-ARCOOP (AE)/24bear ing Registr ationNo.AE-197/1991 -1992 dt.25.5.1992; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14027/90/ll-RCOOP(SC)/50 dt.20.11.2015)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14027/90/ll-RCOOP(Sc) dt.22.2.2018the then Registrar or dered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (s ixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her r epor t vide lett erNo.B.12020/l/2009-ARCOOP (AE)/4 dt.13.2.2019recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted against t he society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14016/61/05-RCOOP(Lq)/91, the 3rd April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by t heARCS,Aizawl EastagainstDurtlang Leitan Farming Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14019/73/05-ARCOOP (AE)/104 bearing Registration No.AE-340/05-06 dt.16.8.2005; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/61/05-RCOOP(SC)/60 dt.29.3.2013)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/61/05-RCOOP(Lq)/61 dt.30.10.2013the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110 (c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The afor esaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal aga inst the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her report vide letterNo.B.12020/l/2009-ARCOOP (AE) dt.l3.11.2018r ecommending closur e of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society.- 13 -R-17/2019 Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14027/63/2008-RCOOP(Lq)/92, the 4th March, 2019.As per power conferred t o me under Section 15(l)(c) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006 and as submitted by t heARC S, Aizawl EastagainstEdenthar Pig Producers Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14024/66/08-ARCOOP ( AE )/90 dt.31.8.2015bearing Registra tionNo.AE-408/08-09 Dt.15.5.2008; And pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid letter (audit r eport), a Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14027/63/2008-RCOOP(Lq)/86 dt.25.3.2015 giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registra tion of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended its business activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submit ted or replies furnished was not fou nd satisfactor y by the society pursua nt to the receipt of t he afor esaid Notice as mentioned above. And whereas the liquidator submitted his/her report vide letterNo.B.14024/66/08-ARCOOP (AE)/ 90 dt.31.8.2015recommending termination of liquidation pr oceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders deregister of Cancellation of the r egistra tion of the aforesaid Society U/S 15(l)(c) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14027/66/09-RCOOP(Lq)/139, the 8th March, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by t heARCS,SerchhipagainstSerchhip Electric Veng Pig Producers Coopera tive Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14020/7/09-ARCOOP (SCP) dt.20.10.2018bearing Registration No.SCP-8/2008-2009 dt.9.1.2009; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesa id inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14027/66/09-RCOOP(SC)/117 dt.8.2.2017) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. Wher eas repr esentation submitted or replies furnished wa s not found satisfactor y on the receipt of the aforesaid Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14027/66/09-RCOOP dt.25.10.2018the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under S ection 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that a ppeal a gainst the Winding Order may be submitted- 14 - R-17/2019 to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Or der issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/ her rep or t vide lett erNo.B.14020/7/09-ARCOOP (SCP) dt.20.10.2018recommending closur e of liqu idation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14030/458/04-RCOOP(Lq)/167, the 16th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by t heARCS , ChamphaiagainstChamphai Vengthlang Women Knitting Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14027/7/97-ARCOOP (CPI)bearing RegistrationNo.CPI-38/97-98 dt.28.10.1997; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesa id inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14030/452/04-RCOOP(SC)/155 dt.17.10.2014)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registra tion of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14030/452/04-RCOOP(Sc) dt. 18.5.2016the then Registrar or dered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Orderissuedby the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her r epor t vide lett erNo.B.14027/7/97-ARCOOP (CPI)/106 dt.7.9.2016recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted against t he society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14032/306/04-RCOOP(Lq)/248, the 16th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006 was submitted by t heARCS , ChamphaiagainstKawlkulh Livestock C ooperative Society Lt d.Vide letterNo.B. 14026/2/97-ARCOOP (CPI)bear ing Registra tion No.AE-150/91-92 dt.29.4.1992; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14032/306/04-RCOOP(SC) dt.6.12.2012)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.tha t pr esent wor king of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show CauseNoticeas mentioned a bove.- 15 -R-17/2019 And whereas vide orderNo.B.14032/306/04-RCOOP(Sc) dt. then Registra r or dered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (s ixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her r epor t vide lett erNo.B.14026/2/97-ARCOOP (CPI)/117 dt.23.9.2016recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted againstthe society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14032/308/09-RCOOP(Lq)/72, the 16th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by the ARCS ,ChamphaiagainstHliappui Livestock Cooperative S ociety Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14036/32/09-ARCOOP (CPI)/28bear ing Registra tion No.CPI-129/2009-2010 dt.4.11.2009; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesa id inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to t he C ha ir ma n of the a foresa id societ y(vide letter No.B.14032/308/09-RCOOP(SC)/56 dt.31.7.2013) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14032/308/2009-RCOOP dt.10.2.2016the then Registrar or dered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) a nd111of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (s ixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her r epor t vide lett erNo.B.14026/32/09-ARCOOP (CPI)/52 dt.7.9.2016recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted against t he society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.14029/458/04-RCOOP(Lq)/223, the 16th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by t he ARCS ,ChamphaiagainstKhawzawl Vengthar Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd.Vide letter No.B.14023/18/97-ARCOOP (CPI)bearing RegistrationNo.AE-202/94-95 dt.23.2.1995; Inpursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a S how Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.R.14029/458/04-RCOOP(SC)/2l0 dt.15.10.2013)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement.- 16 - R-17/2019 And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14029/458/04-RCOOP(Lq) dt.15.10.2014the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (s ixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her r epor t vide lett erNo.B.14023/18/97-ARCOOP (CPI)/103 dt.24.4.2016recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted against t he society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1)of the Mizor am Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14016/571/2006-RCOOP(Lq)/120, the 16th April, 2019. Inspection report underSection 92(2) of t he Mizor am Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submit ted by the ARCS ,KolasibagainstZamuang Agri. Development&Marketing Cooperative SocietyLtd. Vide let terNo.B. 14038/8/2005-ARCOOP (K)bearing Registra tionNo.KLB-31/2004-2005 dt. 13.12.2005; Inpursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a S how Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/571/2006-RCOOP(SC) dt.28.10.2013)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelledon the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/571/2006-RCOOP(Lq)/99 dt.12.9.2014the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110 (c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The afor esaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal aga inst the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his/her report vide letter No.B.14029/64/98-ARCOOP(K)/147 dt.29.3.2018recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted against t he society. Now therefor e, the undersigned, keeping in viewthe aforesaid fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. Registr ar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Mizoram, Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 17 -R-17/2019

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