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Affidavit for change of name Vanlalduata son of Zoramchhana

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 376Date - 11/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50AFFIDAVIT FOR CHANGE OF NAMEBy this deed I, the undersignedVanlalduata son of Zoramchhana, previously known asVanlalduata son of Zait luanga, a permanent r esident of Govt. Complex, Aizawl, Mizoram solemnly declar e :- 1.That I wholly renounce/relinquish and aba ndon the use of my for mer father ’s na meZaitluanga and in place thereof, I do hereby assume from this date the na meZor amchha na so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former father’s name but assumed name of Zoramchhana. 2.That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writings a nd in a ll proceedings, dealings and transactions, private as well as upon all occasions whatsoever, use and sign the name ofZoramchhana as my father’s name in place and in substitution of my former father ’s name. 3.That I expressly authorize and request all persons in general a nd relatives and friends in particula r at all times hereafter to designate and address me using such my assumed father’s name of Zoramchhana. 4.That the statements made in para 1 - 3 a re correct to the best of my knowledge and firm belief. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha ve hereunto subscribed my hand to this Affida vit on this the 29th day of May, 2019. Sd/- Vanlalduata DEPONENT Identified by me :-Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- V.L. ThlamuanpuiaS.L. Thansa ngaNotary Registration AdvocateAdvocate &No. 58/5 Aizawl, MizoramNota ry Public MizoramDt 29/5/2019 Aizawl VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 11.6.2019 Jyaist ha 21, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 376

Change of name Lalchungnunga Ralchhun, Assistant Fishery Officer

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 377Date - 11/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 21015/1/17-FS, the 10th June, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to modify the name of LALCHUNGNUNGA RALCHHUN, Assistant Fishery Officer, Fisheries Department to LALCHUNGNUNGA with immediate effect. Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 11.6.2019 Jyaist ha 21, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 377

Including Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Environment, Forests & Climate Change in State Level Executive Committee on Bamboo

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 378Date - 12/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 11012/45/2019-FST, the 10th June, 2019.In continua tion of this Department’s Notifica tion issued vide No. B. 11012/45/2016-FST dt. 05.07.2018 regarding constitution ofStat e Level Execu tive Committee on Bamboo, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include Principal C hief Conservator of Forests, Environment, For ests & Climate Change as one of the members of the Commit tee with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 12.6.2019 Jyaist ha 22, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 378

Soil Conservation Training Course which is mandatory for promotion to the post of Soil Conservation Ranger

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 379Date - 12/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 12025/4/2017-LR, S&WC, the 10th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, the competent authority is pleased to specify the following courses mentioned in the table below as Soil Conservation Training Cour se which is mandatory for promotion to the post of S oil Conservation Ranger as prescribed in column 12 of Annexure-I of the Mizoram Soil & Water Conservation Department (Group ‘B’ post) (Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 1991. Sl. No.Training CourseDurationInstitute1.Soil Conservation a nd Forestry11 months Conservation Training Institute Byrnihat, Meghala ya 2.Soil & Water Conserva tion11 months Research Institute and Training Instit ute, Durtlang, Mizoram C. Lalsangzuala, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 12.6.2019 Jyaist ha 22, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 379

Change of name Pu Pahli s/o Phodia (L) Siaha

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 380Date - 13/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OFFICE ORDERNo. A. 20018/22/2014-DTE(HORT)/25, the 10th June, 2019.Pu Pahli s/o Phodia (L) Siaha ti a hr iat leh a official documents a in zia k chu Magistrate hriatpuina in Pahli T. Azyu s/o Phodia (L) ti a thlak a ni a. Tun atang chuan official documents leh thil da ng reng rengah Pahli T. Azyu s/o Phodia (L ) ti a ziak a ni tawh ang. Dr. Elizabeth S aipari, Director of Horticulture, Mizor am : Aizawl. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.6.2019 Jyaist ha 23, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 380

The Mara Autonomous District Council (Salaries, Allowances and Pension) (Amendment) Rules, 2017

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 381Date - 13/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 26020/1/2009-DCA(pt), the 11th June, 2019.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules of Ma ra Autonomous District Council (Salar ies, Allowances and Pension of Members) (Amendment) Rules, 2017 which received the approval of the Governor, Mizoram on 4.6.2019 is hereby published for general information. “The Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council (Salaries, Allowances and Pension) (Amendment) R ules, 2017”. Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Department. THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES, ALLOWANCES AND PENSION OF MEMBERS) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2017 Rules further to amend the Mara Autonomous District Council (Salar ies, Allowances and Pension of Members) Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the “ Principal Rules”). Be it enact ed by t he Mara Autonomous District Council in its Session in the Sixty-ninth Year of the Republic of India a s follows :- Short title, extent1.(1) These rules may be called the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council and commencement.(Salaries, Allowances and Pension of Members) (Amendment) Rules, 2017. (2) They sha ll have the like ext ent as the Principal Ru les. (3) They shall come into force on and from the date of their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. Amendment of2.In rule 4 of the Principal Rules, for the words “two hundred rupees”, the Rule 4.words “five hundred rupees” sha ll be substituted. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.6.2019 Jyaist ha 23, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 381Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

Uniform Norms for Veterinary Health Establishment of Mizoram

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 388Date - 14/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 11016/4/2019-AH&V, the 12th June, 2019.In the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to formula te the Uniform Norms for Veterinary Health Establishment of Mizoram for use as guidelines in streamlining the establishment of Veterinary Health viz. Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital, District Veterinary Hospitals and Rural Animal Health Centres in the State. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. UNIFORM NORMS/STANDARDS FOR VETERINARY HEALTH INST ITUTIONS UNDER GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM PART – I PRELIMINARY 1 . Short Title and Commencement (i)These norms may be called the ‘Uniform Norms (Manpower & Infrastructure in Veterinary Institutions) of AH & Vety Department, Govt. of M izoram 2019’ (ii) They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2 . Definitions:- (a)‘Act’means the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 (52 of 1984). ( b ) ‘Animal’means any a nimal a nd insect other than humans a nd includes, but not limited to, fowl, fish, birds and reptiles, wild or domestic, living or dead. ( c ) ‘Animal Ambulance’means a mode of tra nsport by road/air/rail/water which carries sick or injured animals safely to or from a veterina ry dispensary, veterinary hospital, veterinary polyclinic, or a veterinary clinic. ( d ) ‘Client’means and includes the owner of the patient or his/her r epresentative who presents the patient(s) to a veterinarian and/or seeks his/her advice and treatment. ( e ) ‘Consultant’means a registered veterinary pr actitioner who provides professiona l advice on request. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2019 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 388 - 2 - Ex-388/2019 ( f ) ‘Dia gnostic Clinic’means an institution which receives animals for the pu rpose of diagnosis and has facilities of performing diagnostic tests that help in diagnosis of animal disease. ( g ) ‘Diagnostic Laboratory’means an institution/society/organization/body which receives samples for the pur pose of diagnosis and has facilities of performing diagnostic test s that help in diagnosis of animal disease. ( h ) ‘District Veterinary Hospital (DVH)means a n instit ution a t the district level under the charge of a registered Veterinar y Pract itioner to render veterinary service in all of it s branches, have the dia gnostic facilities and facilities for both outdoor a nd indoor patients. (i)‘Emergency Veterinary Services’means the services rendered by registered Veterinary Practitioners as emergency measures for the benefit of the animal(s) or designated as such by the Central or Stat e Government for specif ic purposes. (j) ‘Minor Veterinary Service’means minor veterinary service rendered under supervision and guidance of a r egistered Veterinary pr actitioner by a person trained for the purpose as prescribed under clause (b) of Section 30 of the Act. (k)‘Mobile Veterinary Practic e’means providing a wide range of medical or surgical services in a movable trailer, pick-up, or other vehicle on land or water or airship designed or modified to function as a veterinar y facility. (l) ‘Patient’means and includes animal as defined in part I (2) (b) above and a gr oup of them being treated or managed or advised to b e treated or managed by veterinarian(s). ( m ) ‘Registered Veterinary Pra ctitioner ’means a registered veterina ry practitioner as defined in Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984. ( n ) ‘Specialist’means a veterinary practit ioner who provides a specialized veterinary service or advice by virtue of his/her additional qua lification(s) r ecognized by VC I from a recognized veterinary institution. ( o ) ‘Sma ll Anima l Mobile Facilit y’means a tra iler or mobile unit established to function as a veterinary premises which concentr ates in providing veterinary services to common domestic household pets. ( p ) ‘Specia l Wastes’are hazardous or aesthetically obnoxious wastes that demand special attention to ensure sa fe disposal. Special wastes include anatomical waste, blood-soaked swabs and dressings, infected a nimal carcasses, soiled dressings, contaminated or infectious waste from examination, treatment, and kennel rooms, pharmaceutical waste, cytotoxic waste, sharps, and syringes. ( q ) ‘Veterinary Clinic’means a pla ce wher e a registered veterinary pra ctitioner renders services for treatment, prophylaxis, diagnosis, or advice on request of a client. ( r ) ‘Veterinary Dispensary’means a veterina ry institution u nder the cha rge of a r egistered veterinary pr actitioner for providing out-patient veterinary services in all of its bra nches related to veterinar y pract ice. ( s ) ‘Veterinary Facility’means a facility at or fr om which a registered veterinary practitioner practices veterinar y profession. This ma y include a far m building, kennel, mobile unit vehicle, animal shelter, pet shop, animal supply store including vaccination clinics or any other veterinary services, being provided temporar ily or permanently by any private or Government agency. ( t ) ‘Veterinary Hospital’means an institution under the charge of a registered veterinary pr actitioner where veterinary services a re available a t a ll times a nd wherein exa mination, diagnostic, prophylactic, medical, surgical and extended accommodation services for hospitalized animals are provided. The hospital shall have facility for indoor pa tients & at least minimal facilities for client accommodation. ( u ) ‘Veterinary Polyclinic’means an institution under the charge of a registered veterinary practitioner where the prescribed numbers of specialists give diagnosis, health care, veterinary treatment or advises in various branches of veterinar y medical service. - 3 -Ex-388/2019 ( v ) ‘Veter inary Practice’means the practice of Veterinary service deliver y by a registered veterinary practitioner to any sp ecies of anima l(s)within the sphere/practice of the veterinary profession in any one or a ll branches of Veterinary science (b y whatever name called). It calls for human skill, sound knowledge & compa ssion for animals. Veterinary practice includes animal health care, clinica l veter inary service, advice on the management and production of animals, animal based technology, technical administration & community development thr ough animal resource development. This shall also include management of the professional service, teaching, r esearch and ext ension in veterinary science, zoonosis control, disaster management, laboratory animal medicine and animal welfare. A registered veterinary practitioner shall always strive to p rovide service through “good veterinary pra ctice”. He/she shall attempt to provide qua lity veterinary service for which minimum infrastr uctur e, sta ndard manua l of practice, transparent informa tion, proper record keeping, s afe and compassionate handling of patient shall be available. ( w ) ‘Veterinary Practitioner ’means a person holding a veterinary qualification recognized under the Indian Veterina ry Council Act , 1984 and r egistered with a Sta te/UT Veterina ry Council. ( x ) ‘Veterinary Premises’means any facility where the practice of veterinary medicine is undertaken, including, but not limited to, a mobile unit, mobile clinic, outpatient clinic, livestock farm with treatment facilities, satellite clinic, public service outr each of a veterinary facility, or veterinary hospital or dispensary or polyclinic or clinic. The term ‘veterinary premises’ s hall not include the premises of a client. ( y ) ‘Veterinary Profession’means veterinary profession involving all its branches, namely, animal health, animal reproduction, animal productivity and animal nutrition, animal product technology, genetic improvement including genetic engineering and transgenesis, a nd areas of sister professions wherein veterinary service is extended or is sought or is made use of, na mely laboratory animal medicine, aquatic/marine animal, veterinary public health, animal experimentation and vaccine product ion. ( z ) ‘Vet erinary Service’means to provide the complete range of medical, surgical, nutritional biotechnologica l tools, artificial insemina tion, embr yo tra nsfer, diagnostic, vaccination, production, and all other services tha t alleviates pa in & sufferings of livestock and zoo animals or enhance animal & hu man life or prevent zoonosis or anima l related activities for the development of the society by a registered veterinary practitioner. PART – II MINIMUM STANDAR DS FOR VETERINARY P RAC TICE (For Every Veterinary Institutions Providing Veterinary Services) CHAPTER – I FUNCTIONS OF VETERINARY INST ITUTIONS A . General (i)Veterinary institutions undertaking professional service analyses the needs of the animal, client, household, society, village, block, distr ict and state in that order. A macro level (regional or national) policy may be developed for the country on the basis of this grass root data. (ii) The primary objective of veterinary service is animals welfar e and well being that optimising (as against maximise) its health and performance. Any effort therefore must sustain environment, compliment human development and deliver social justice. The principles under which the primary vet erinary service is delivered are- - 4 - Ex-388/2019 (a ) The health promotion, ess ential animal health care and at least a minimal veterinary medical service mus t be delivered under the principle of equit y; for this there should be univer sal coverage. (b) Besides cura tive aspects, primary veterinary care should include promotive, pr eventive and development services. (c ) The service for development should be effective, efficient, a ffordable and a cceptable to local communities, through choice of appropria te methods and in a manner t hat it can be delivered at all levels. Individuals and community should be encour aged to be involved in developing a self reliant promotive system whose basis would be awareness of feeding, breeding and management through a knowledge delivery system as part of a professional service. (d) Beca use of close inter-relation among animal, ma n (community) a nd environment, veterinary sector must reach beyond health care and veterinary medical service, to include other support systems needed for feeding, breeding and t he overall development of animals. ( e) Veterinary centres shall seek to promote overall development of the animals thr ough overall development of the society in which they are brought up so that animals and society play a mutually complementary role, rather than veterinarians seeking isolated development of animals without involving t he society. B . Functions of Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital In Veterina ry Polyclinic, the specialists shall provide support service to all cases referred to them or seek their suppor t for diagnosis, prevention, treatment or advice, from the OPD, Veterinary Dispensaries or Veterinary Hospita l(s). A Veterinary Polyclinic may also have specialized services as is needed and relevant to the area. A Polyclinic sha ll have casualty, indoor war ds etc r equired for the number of cases, out-patient and indoor patient etc. and shall provide 24 hours service a nd emergency veterina ry services. T he polyclinic shall invariably provide specialist veterinary medical service, in surgery & radiology, clinical medicine, epidemiology & preventive medicine, labora tory diagnostics (lab. medicine), reproduction technology, gynecology & obstetr ics. T he Polyclinic shall normally provide reach out service to support the function of the Veterinary Dispensaries in promotive, preventive, ther ap eutic or reha bilitative healt h services. C . Functions of District Veterinary Hospital The district veterinary centers shall be the nodal center for Suppor t, Supply and Maintenance and shall provide professional and administrative support to all the activities of the Veterinary Dispensaries/hospitals of the district. Apart from managing the stockpiles, they shall provide specialist and specialized support in Veterinary service viz. in Animal health, production management, veterinary medical attendance, feed analysis, marketing, animal resou rce development, conservation, community development, animal welfar e and veterina ry public healt h as is relevant to the need of the district in question. It generally undertakes t he following jobs: 1.Timely diagnosis & appropr iate tr eatment of common ailments, deficiencies and injur ies. 2.Referring or seeking specia list service fr om professiona ls trained for the purpose. 3.Studying the prevailing husbandry, health and animal development practices and identifying problems through Participatory Developmental Approach (PDA) and deriving methods to solve problems tha t are encountered and preventing their recurr ence 4.Advising community on feed & fodder supply and proper nutrition after assessing economic viability, availability, socio-economic status of the animal owners etc. 5.Sensitizing the community on the role of essential nutrients, micronutrients, feed and fodder, safe water, shelter (housing) and basic hygienic as part of the management. 6.Ensuring regular br eeding (breedability) of anima ls through health promotion, sexual health care, proper breeding policy, repr oduction technology, ca re of pr egnant animals etc. 7.Maternal and offspring care, early nutrition & care of growing animals, including animal welfare. 8.Collection of data in resp ect of a nimal, client, her/ his family and the society, thr ough village level workers or stock assistants. 9.Assisting in surveillance & monitoring (epidemiology), control & prevention: Immuniza tion against major diseases; control of parasites, ma cro-mana gement of grasslands & other feed sour ces, environmental assessment, risk a ssessment etc. Advise the depa rtment on contr ol & prevention of endemic diseases or intoxica tion through observing environment residues, risk ar ea s et c. 10. Vetero-legal cases should be handled as p er guidelines for the same. 11.Authority to inspect slaughter house and meat s hop as may be authorized by the State/UT Government. 12. There shall be exclusive fa cilities for diagnosis, nursing and client accommodation. D . Functions of State Veterinary Dispensary The Veterinary Dispensary shall generally under take the following jobs:- 1.Timely diagnosis & appropr iate tr eatment of common ailments, deficiencies and injur ies. 2.Referring or seeking specia list service fr om professiona ls trained for the purpose. 3.Studying the prevailing husbandry, health and animal development practices and identifying problems through Participatory Developmental Appr oach (PDA) and deriving methods to solve problems tha t are encountered and p reventing their recurrence; 4.Advising community on feed & fodder supply and proper nutrition after assessing economic viability, availability, socio-economic status of the animal owners etc. 5.Sensitizing the community on the role of essential nutrients, micronutrients, feed and fodder, safe water, shelter (housing) and basic hygienic as part of the management. 6.Ensuring regular br eeding (breedability) of anima ls through health promotion, sexual health care, proper breeding policy, repr oduction technology, ca re of pr egnant animals etc. 7.Maternal and offspring care, early nutrition & care of growing animals, including animal welfare. 8.Collection of data in resp ect of a nimal, client, her/ his family and the society, thr ough village level workers or stock assistants. 9.Assisting in surveillance & monitoring (epidemiology), control & prevention: Immunisa tion against major diseases; control of parasites, ma cro mana gement of grasslands & other feed sour ces, environmental assessment, risk a ssessment etc. Advise the depa rtment on contr ol & prevention of endemic diseases or intoxica tion through observing environment residues, risk ar ea s et c. 10. Vetero legal cases should be handled as per guidelines for the same. 11. Authority t o inspect slaughter house and meat shop as may be authorized by the State/UT Government. E . Functions of Rural Animal Health Center 1.It is the most peripheral and first contact point between the primary animal health care system and the community 2.Provision of timely treatment of common ailments, deficiencies a nd injur ies. 3.Referring or seeking specialist service from professiona lly tra ined, dispensar y, hospital for the purpose. 4.Advising community on feed & fodder supply and proper nutrition after assessing economic viability, availability, socio-economic status of the animal owners etc.- 5 -Ex-388/2019 5.Sensitizing the community on the role of essential nutrients, micronutrients, feed and fodder, safe water, shelter (housing) and basic hygienic as part of the management. 6.Ensuring regular br eeding (breedability) of anima ls through health promotion, sexual health care, care of pregnant animals etc. 7.Maternal and offspring care, early nutrition & care of growing animals, including animal welfare. 8.Collection of data in resp ect of a nimal, client, her/ his family and the society, thr ough village level workers or stock assistants. 9.Assisting in surveillance & monitoring (epidemiology), control & prevention: Immunisa tion against major diseases; control of parasites. CHAPTER – II INFRASTRUCT URE / BUILDING A . Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital : The building of veterinary polyclinic sha ll include the following:- 1.Separate Rooms for head of the establishment (Joint Director) and other Officers (CVO’s & VO’s) 2.Common room for clerical st aff (As sistant, UDC, etc.) 3.Common room for technical staff (JVEO, VFA, etc.) 4.Waiting room for clients. 5.Registration and dispensing room for patients’ registration and medicine dispensing. 6.Consultation room for OPD with sufficient diagnostic equipment to carry ou t routine physical examination of the patients. 7.Operation r oom for sterile surgical procedure that should be equipped with minimum essential surgical instruments and appliances. There should be separate operation room for small and large animal. 8.Provision of Animal holding room/space in the open area for examination of la rge animal. 9.Infusion/tr eatment/recover y room for giving immediate t reatments to the patients. 10. Vaccination room 11. X-ra y room including dark room 12. Labor atory Diagnostic room 13. Rooms for Ultra-sonography, Endoscopy and ophthalmic examination. 14. Room for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 15. Stor e room for stora ge of equipments and other hospital goods. 16. Seminar room for holding meeting, training and recreation for staff. 17. Washing and changing room 18. Adequate number of Toilets 19. It should have a good dra inage a nd waste disposal system.(Floor plan / Layout of Typical Veterinary Polyclinic Building: ANNEXURE – I TO III) B . District Veterinary Hospital : Minimum facilities needed for District Veterinary Hospital ar e as follows:- 1.Chief Veterinary Officer ’s room 2.Veterinary Officers’ Room 3.Technical Staff Common room 4.Office Administration room 5.Waiting area / room 6.Registration and dispensing room 7.Consultation room (OPD) 8.Porcine operation room 9.Operation room for other small animals- 6 - Ex-388/2019 10. Vaccination room 11. X-ray room with dark room 12. Infusion / tr eatment room 13. Sterilisation & Laboratory room 14. Medicine storage room 15. Wash room 16. Adequate number of toilets(Typical layout of Hospita l building: ANNEXURE - IV) C . State Veterinary Dispensary : Minimum fa cilities needed for veterinar y dispensar ies are:- 1.Veterinary Officer ’s room 2.Office/Staff room 3.Registration / Dispensing room 4.Porcine operation / examination room 5.Sterile Operation T heater room 6.Medicine storage room 7.Wash room / toilets 8.Changing / sterilization room 9.Laboratory room 10. Wait ing/ Recovery room (Typical layout of dispensary building: ANNEXURE - V) D . Rura l Anima l Health Center : Minimum ess entials needed for RAHC building are as follows:- 1.Office room 2.Operation theater r oom / examination / treatment r oom. 3.Registration / Dispensing room 4.Wash room / sterilization room (Typical layout of RAHC building: ANNEXURE - VI) CHAPTER – III MINIMUM MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS A . VETERINARY POLYCLINIC HOSPITAL 1 . Joint Director-1 number 2. Chief Veterinary Officers: a. Chief Vet erina r y Offic er-i/c Clinical b. Chief Vet erina r y Offic er-i/c Administration c. Chief Vet erina r y Offic er-i/c Extension 3. Veterinary Officers: a . Medicine Department-2 Veterinary Officers b . Gyna ecology Department-1 Veterinary Officer c . Surgery & Radiology Dept-2 Veterinary Officers d . Microbiology/Pathology/Parasitology Dept-1 Veterinary Officer e . Mobile-2 Veterinary Officers Total-8 Veterinary Officers 4. Other Technical Staff: a.Junior Veterinary Extension Officer-1 number b.Veterinary Supervisor-2 numbers - 7 -Ex-388/2019 c.Veterinary Field Assistant-6 numbers d.Veterinary Field Assistant (Inseminator)-2 numbers e.Veterinary Field Assistant (Mobile)-2 numbers f.X-ra y Technician-1 number g.Labora tory Technician-1 number 5 . Clerical Staff a . Assistant-1 number b. UDC-2 numbers c . LDC-4 numbers d . Computer Operator-2 numbers e . Driver-2 numbers f.IV Grade:- Sweeper-1 number Attendant-6 numbers Chowkidar-1 number B . DISTRICT VETERINARY HOSPITAL 1 . Chief Vet erina r y Offic er-1 number 2 . Vet er ina ry Offic er s-3 numbers 3 . Junior Veterinary Extension Officer-1 number 4 . Veterinary Supervisor-1 number 5 . Veterinary Field Assistant-4 numbers 6. Inseminator(VFA)-2 numbers 7 . X-ray technician-1 number 8 . Labora tory Technician-1 number 9. Clerk-1 number 10. Computer Operator-1 number 11. Driver-1 number 12. IV Grade:- a)Attendant-1 number b)Chowkidar-1 number C . STATE VETERINARY DISPENSARY 1 . Veterinary Officer-1 number 2 . Junior Veterinary Extension Officer-1 number 3 . Veterinary Supervisor-1 number 4 . Veterinary Field Assistant-2 numbers 5 . Inseminator (VFA)-1 number 6 . IV Grade a ) Attendant-1 number b) Chowkidar-1 number D . RURAL ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER 1 . Veterinary Supervisor-1 number 2 . Veterinary Field Assistant-1 number 3. Inseminator(VFA)-1 number 4 . IV Grade-1 number - 8 - Ex-388/2019 CHAPTER - IV MINIMUM MOBILE VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS A . POLYCLINIC HOSPITAL 1.Mobile Clinic Vehicle / Ambula nc e (Medium Vehicle)-2 numbers 2.Two wheeler-4 numbers B . DISTRICT VETERINARY HOSPITAL 1.Mobile Clinic Vehicle / Ambula nc e (Medium Vehicle)-1 number 2.Two wheeler-3 numbers C . STATE VETERINARY DISPENSARY 1.Two wheeler-2 numbers D . RURAL ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER 1.Two wheeler-1 number CHAPTER – V CLARIFICATION OF MANPOWER AND MOBILE VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS A . Joint Director:1 . Polyclinic Hospital: Since the Polyclinic Hospital is a separate establishment under dir ectorate of AH & Vety, Government of Mizoram, one post of Joint Director as head of the establishment is necessary, to oversee a ll activities t aken up under polyclinic hospital. B . Chief Veterinary Officers: 1 . Polyclinic Hospital: There shall necessarily be 3 nu mbers of Chief Veterinary Officers for taking charge of thr ee different tasks:- a. CVO (i/c C linica l): The 1st CVO who shall take charge of all works related to clinical works done under polyclinic hospital. b. CVO (i/c Administration): The 2nd CVO shall take charge of office and staff administration thereby assisting Joint Director of Polyclinic Hospital. c. CVO (i/c Extension): The 3rd CVO shall t ake cha rge of works related to veterinary extension, outr each progr amme, public health, statistical record, organization of tra ining and health camp, etc. 2 . District Veterinary Hospital: There shall necessarily be one Chief Veterinary Officer at District Veterinar y Hospital to supervise and monitor all activities taken up under District Veterinary Hospita l, different Veterina ry Dispensaries and Rural Animal Health Centers within the district. C. Veterinary Officers: 1 . Polyclinic Hospital: Since Veterinary P olyclinic provides veterinary services to the public in the field of different specializations, it should be manned with a number of veterinary practitioners having additional qualification (Post graduate degree in the concerned department) or a veterinary officer with mor e than 10 years experience in the service. 2 . District Veterinary Hospital: The District Veterinary Hospita l shall be the nodal center for Support, Supply and Maint enance and sha ll provide professional and adminis trative suppor t to all the act ivities of the Veterinary Dispensaries/hospitals of the district. It should necessarily be- 9 -Ex-388/2019 manned with minimum 3 Veter inary Officers to be engaged with different tasks for the smooth functioning of District Veterinary Hospita l and other veterinary institutions within t he distr ict. They shall take up works related to clinical and extension works and any other important jobs within the district assigned to them by their r espective superior.3 . State Veterinary Dispensary: Veterinary Dispensary means a veterinary institution under the charge of a registered veterinary pra ctitioner for providing out-p atient veterina ry services in all of its branches related to veterina ry practice. It shall cover up differ ent act ivities of a varying number of Rural Animal Health C enters and number of villages under its ju risdict ion. It shall necessarily be ma nned with one Veterina ry Officer. D . Junior Veterinar y Extension Officers: T here shall necess arily be one JVEO each in P olyclinic Hospital, District Veterinary Hospital and State Veterinary Dispensary. He shall assist Veterinary Officers in providing veterinary services to the public and undertaking works r elated to different government schemes and pr ogrammes within their jurisdiction. They shall engage with record keeping, animal census, other extension services, minor veterinary services, etc. E . Veterinary Supervisors: There shall be a var ying number of Veterina ry Supervisor in each Veterinary Institution. T hey may be engaged in works related to record keeping, office file maintenance, patient regist ration, dispensing of medicines. They shall also take up different activities both in clinical and field/extension works whatever is assigned to them by their superior. Number of posts shall be made as per requir ements given ea rlier. F. Veterinary Field Assistants: There shall necessarily be a varying number of Veterinary Field Assistants (VFA) in differ ent veterinary instit utions as the number of posts mentioned ear lier as per the needs of different veterinary institutions. T hey shall assist their respective superiors in delivering veterinary services both in clinical and field works. Since doorstep service delivery and field service provision is an ess ential nature of veterinary practice, presence of VFA in each veterinary institution is a must. G. Inseminators (VFA): Inseminator means those trained personnel engaged with Artificial Insemination in Pig and Ca ttle. Animal br eeding t hrough A.I is one important task in the field of veterinary practice. The AH & Vety Department has a number of A.I centers in t he state that shall necessarily be manned with well tr ained inseminators as per the requirements given earlier. H. Clerical Staff - Assistant, UDC, LDC, IV Grade, Driver: There shall also be clerical staff as per requirements given earlier to engage with all wor ks and a ctivities related to office establishment and administration, maintenance of office files, properties, buildings, etc. I.Mobile Vehicle / Animal Ambulance: Veterinary services and practices provided from veterinary institutions time to time need doorstep deliver y and field works wit hin their respective jurisdiction such as animal vaccination, outpa tient a ttendance, animal population census, investigation of dis ease outbreak, sa mple collections, farmers’ tra ining a nd animal health camp, different activities u nder government schemes and programmes, etc. Small animal mobile facility is necessary especially for polyclinic hospital to deliver mobile veterinary practices. Successful accomplishment of different veterinary practices cannot be a chieved without mobile vehicle facility. There sha ll be provision of mobile vehicle / a nimal a mbulance allocated to different veterinary institutions a s per r equirements given earlier.- 10 - Ex-388/2019 PART – III BIOMEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT A . The Heads of each Veterinary Institutions have a responsibility to: 1.Provide and maintain a safe working environment; 2. Provide and maint ain facilities for the safety and health of all sta ff at work; 3.Ensure that the equipment in the work place is designed, set up, and maintained to be safe for the users; 4.Ensure that staff a re not exposed to hazards in the cou rse of their work; 5.The inherent emergency pr ocedures perta ining t o the r espective field of veterinar y procedure should be followed. B . Guidelines for waste management and disposal to be followed in each veterinary institution in the veterinary premises:- 1.Waste must be segregated depending on whether it is of the General or Special category. The Veterinary Institute must have facilities for the hygienic storage of waste prior to disposal. This must not create an offensive appearance or allow the development of bad odors. Special waste may need to be refrigerated prior to collect ion. 2.General waste (non-infect ious wa ste, pa ckaging materia ls, non-infect ious animal bedding, etc) can be disposed of by Loca l Author ity thr ough la ndfill, recycling or incineration. 3.Special wastes include ana tomical waste, blood-soaked swabs and dressings, infected animal carcasses, soiled dressings, contamina ted or infectious waste from examination, treatment, and kennel rooms, pharmaceutical waste, cytotoxic waste, shar ps, and syringes. Special wastes (other than sharps) must be bagged in Polythene bags (with a minimum thickness of 50 microns, if of low density and 25 microns, if of high density). Cytotoxic wastes are to be placed into coloured cytotoxic waste containers with Eye-catching colours used for the label. Also repr esentative colours for different wa ste should be used where a professional medical waste service is available to the Veterinary Institute, it must be used to collect and inciner ate special waste. Where there is no such service available, special waste must be disposed of in the same way that the Veterinary Institute disposes of cadavers. Eco-friendly waste disposal should be practiced with the help of trained per son. 4.Sharp waste poses a potential hazard because of the risk of injury. They must be placed directly into approved containers. They must be stored in non -reusable, leak-proof, and puncture- proof containers with an aperture that must inhibit removal of t he contents. 5.The practice must have fa cilities for the hygienic storage of cadavers. The disposal of dead animals must give the client no cause for complaint a nd cause no public offence or nuisa nce. They may be inciner ated in a suita ble pet crematorium or buried in a manner which meets the appr oval of the loca l author ity. 6.All rooms used for the exa mination, treatment, or housing of animals must be provided with lined waste containers tha t are emptied regular ly and kept in a hygienic manner.- 11 -Ex-388/2019 Category No. 3 Category No. 4 Category No. 5 Category No. 6 Category No. 7 Category No. 8 Category No. 9Waste sharps (needles, syringes, scalpels, blades, glass, etc. that may cause puncture and cuts. This includes both used and unu sed sha rps) Discarded Medicines and Cytotoxic drugs (wa stes comprising of outdated, contaminated and discarded medicines) Solid Waste (Items contaminated with blood, and body fluids including cotton, dr essings, soiled plaster casts, lines, beddings, other material contaminated with blood) Solid Waste (wastes generated from disposable items other than the waste [sharps] such as tubings, catheters, intravenous sets etc). Liquid Waste (waste generated from laboratory and washing, cleaning, housekeeping and disinfecting activities) Incineration Ash (ash from incineration of any bio- medical waste) Chemical Waste (chemicals used in production of biologicals, chemicals used in disinfect ion, as insecticides, etc.)Disinfection (Chemical treatment / autoclaving / microwaving and mutilation / shredding Incineration / destruction and drugs disposal in secured landfills Incineration at Autoclaving / microwaving Disinfection by chemical treatment / autoclaving / microwaving and mutilation / shredding Disinfection by chemical treatment and discha rge Disposal in municipal landfill Chemical treatment and discharge into drains for liquids and secured landfill for solids.Animal waste (animal tissues, organs, body parts carcasses, bleeding parts, fluid, blood and experimental animals used in research, waste generated by veterinary hospitals colleges, discharge fr om hospitals, animal houses)Incineration/ deep burialCategory No. 1 Category No. 2 Microbiology & Biotechnology Waste (wastes from laboratory cult ures, stocks or specimens of microorganisms live or attenuated vaccines, human and animal cell culture used in research and infectious agent sfr om r esea rch a nd industr ia l laboratories, wastes from production of biologicals, toxins, dishes and devices used for transfer of cultures)Local Autoclaving/ microwaving/ incinera tionC . CATEGORIES OF BIOMEDICAL WASTES WasteWa ste Ca tegor y (type) Treatment and disposal Category No.- 12 - Ex-388/2019 - 13 -Ex-388/2019 CONCLUSION: It is the duty of veterinarian to safeguard the healt h of the community fr om possible health hazard that arises due to outbreak of PRRS, Avian Flu, Classical Swine Fever, other infectious and contagious animal diseases, which directly or indir ectly a ffect the health of a nimals and huma n beings, as it is a fact that more t han 60% of animal diseases can be tra nsmitted to humans and vice versa. As such, the need to strengthen the veterinary service in respect of health initiatives which require no further elaboration considering the food ha bit and system of rearing of anima ls of the Mizo community. The situation urgently ca lls for a greater thr ust on the efforts of veterinary ser vices a nd enha nced production of food of animal origin domest ically. The department, therefore, feel imper ative to strengthen the veterina ry services by laying out standard norms, as written above, of Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital, District Veterinary Hospital, Veterinary Dispensary and Rural Animal Health Centers, which s hall include incr easing the strength of veterinary services providers as well as mobilization of the institution for minute to minute delivery of the service as proposed by the cons ultative commit tee. - 14 - Ex-388/2019 - 15 -Ex-388/2019 - 16 - Ex-388/2019 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 17 -Ex-388/2019

Chhinga Veng to Modern School kual, Saron Veng inkar kawngpui a lirthei tlan dan tur ruahmanna

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 392Date - 18/06/2019

PUBLIC NOTICENo. RO/TRF/SP-Noti-7/08/308, the 17th June, 2019.Mizoram S tate Sorka r Notification No.B.12021/10/04-TRP Dt.22.8.2008 leh Section 115 of MV Act, 1988-in thuneihna min pek angin, kei a hnuaia hming ziaktu / sign-tu hianPi S apdengi Inbul (Tuithia ng, Bethlehem veng peng), Chhinga Veng to Modern School kual, Saron Veng inkar kawngpui alir thei tla n dan t ur rua hma nna lo siam tawh chu lir thei tlan te tan a felfa i zawk avangin lir thei tlandan ruahmanna hmanla i mek hi hma n chhunzawm zel turin thupek ka chhuah e. Pi Sapdengi Inbul, Chhinga Veng to Modern School kual, Saron Veng inkarkawngpui ah Zing dar 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM inkar leh Tlai dar 3:00PM - 6:00 PM inkarah lirthei LMV chin chunglam chho zawngin tlanphal a ni lo. He thupek hi thuleh awm hma chu hman tur a ni. He thupek hian chhiatrupna thil kangmei leh emergency ka ihhnawiha duty, dan leh thupek pawimawh bika Police duty te chetvelna a huam lo ang. Tin, tul leh remchang zawk a nih chuan ruahmanna hi s iamrem/siamthat thei ang. Rodingliana Chawngthu, MPS, Sr. Super intendent of Police, Traffic : Aizawl : Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 18.6.2019 Jyaist ha 28, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 392

Grace period of 2 (two) months with effect from 1st July, 2019 for waiving of penalty on payment of taxes and fees collected through VAHAN and SARATHI

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 393Date - 18/06/2019

NOTIFICATIONNo. B.12022/2/10-TRP, the 14th June, 2019.In pursua nce of the power conferred under clause(a)(i) of sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Mizoram Motor Vehicles (Taxation) Act, 1996 and subsequent amendment, the competent author ity hereby a llowed grace period of 2 (two) months with effect from 1st July, 2019 for waiving of penalty on payment of taxes and fees collect ed thr ough VAHAN and SARATHI. All defaulters s hould pay their tax over dues during this grace period. It is fur ther notified that the grace period shall not b e facilitated anymore in future. K.T Beicho, Commissioner/Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizor am, Transport Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 18.6.2019 Jyaist ha 28, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 393

Correction of Pay band and Grade pay of Principal College of Nursing (MCON)

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 394Date - 19/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. G. 12014/12/2016-FIN(PRU), the 17th June, 2019.In partial modification of this Department Notification No. G. 12011/2/2017-FIN(PRU) Dt. 16.8.2018 on “The Seventh Central Revision of Pay (as modified and extended to the employees under the Government of Mizoram) Rules, 2018,” the Pay Band and Grade Pa y as on 01.01.2016 and pay Level mentioned in respect of Pr incipal College of Nursing, (MCON) at Annexure-II Sl. No. 419 should be corrected and read as PB 3 15600 - 39100 + 7600 GP and Level 12 respectively. Vanlal Chhuanga, Fina nce Commissioner, Government of Mizoram.VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 19.6.2019 Jyaist ha 29, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 394Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Results of Mizoram State Lottery drawn during 10.05.2019 to 18.05.2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 395Date - 19/06/2019

- PB - - 1 - The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 NOTIFICA TION No. F. 14017/1/2015-DTE(IF&SL)/LOT, the 17 th June, 2019. In exercise of the power re- delegated vide Government’s letter No. G. 16010/2/2012-F. IF&SL dt. 20.7.2012, Results of Mizoram State Lottery drawn during 10.05.2019 to 18.05.2019 are hereby declar ed as Final Results as per result sheet enclosed herewith. Jennifer H. L. Duhawmi,Director, Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Mizoram : Aizawl. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 19.6.2019 Jyaistha 29, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 395 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 Ex-395/2019 - 2 - - 3 - Ex-395/2019 - 2 - - 3 - Ex-395/2019 - 4 - - 5 - Ex-395/2019 - 4 - - 5 - Ex-395/2019 - 6 - - 7 - Ex-395/2019 - 6 - - 7 - Ex-395/2019 - 8 - - 9 - Ex-395/2019 - 8 - - 9 - Ex-395/2019 - 10 - - 11 - Ex-395/2019 - 10 - - 11 - Ex-395/2019 - 12 - - 13 - Ex-395/2019 - 12 - - 13 - Ex-395/2019 - 14 - - 15 - Ex-395/2019 - 14 - - 15 - Ex-395/2019 - 16 - - 17 - Ex-395/2019 - 16 - - 17 - Ex-395/2019 - 18 - - 19 - Ex-395/2019 - 18 - - 19 - Ex-395/2019 - 20 - - 21 - Ex-395/2019 - 20 - - 21 - Ex-395/2019 - 22 - - 23 - Ex-395/2019 - 22 - - 23 - Ex-395/2019 - 24 - - 25 - Ex-395/2019 - 24 - - 25 - Ex-395/2019 - 26 - - 27 - Ex-395/2019 - 26 - - 27 - Ex-395/2019 - 28 - - 29 - Ex-395/2019 - 28 - - 29 - Ex-395/2019 - 30 - - 31 - Ex-395/2019 - 30 - - 31 - Ex-395/2019 - 32 - - 33 - Ex-395/2019 - 32 - - 33 - Ex-395/2019 - 34 - - 35 - Ex-395/2019 - 34 - - 35 - Ex-395/2019 - 36 - - 37 - Ex-395/2019 - 36 - - 37 - Ex-395/2019 - 38 - - 39 - Ex-395/2019 - 38 - - 39 - Ex-395/2019 - 40 - - 41 - Ex-395/2019 - 40 - - 41 - Ex-395/2019 - 42 - - 43 - Ex-395/2019 - 42 - - 43 - Ex-395/2019 - 44 - - 45 - Ex-395/2019 - 44 - - 45 - Ex-395/2019 - 46 - - PB - Ex-395/2019

Government of Mizoram (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 396Date - 20/06/2019

NOTIFICATIONNo.A-46013/1/2017-GAD, the 19th June, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (3) of article 166 of the Constitution and all other powers enabling him in that behalf and in pursuance of the approval of the Council of Ministers on dt.10.6.2019 conveyed vide Memo No. J.11011/1/2019-POL/Vol-II dt.13.6.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules, namely: 1.Short Title & Commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Government of Mizoram (Allocation of Business) R ules, 2019; (2) They shall come into for ce at once. 2. Definitions.- In t hese Rules, unless the c ontext other wis e requir es – (a) “Governor” mea ns the Governor of Mizoram; (b) “Council” mea ns the Council of Ministers under Article 163 of the Constitution of India; (c) “Government” means the Government of Mizoram; (d) “Secretary” means Chief Secretary or any other officer who is in charge of a Department or Depar tments of Government. (e) “schedules” mean the Schedules of business of Depa rtments appended to these rules. 3. Allocation of Business to Departments.- The entire Business of the Government shall be transacted in the Departments of the Government as s pecified in the Schedules and shall be classified and distributed among these Departments as laid down therein: Provided that the Governor may, from time to time, make such additional to or modifications in the list of business allotted to a Department. 4. Allocation of Departments to Ministers.- The Governor shall, on the advice of the Chief M inister, alloca te to t he Minister so much of the business of the Government as relates to matters with respect to which the Council is required under article 163 of the Constit ution of India to aid and advise the Governor in the exercise of his function and for tha t purpose assign one or more Departments to the cha rge of a Minis ter: Provided tha t nothing in t hese rules shall prevent the assignment of one Depar tment to the charge of mor e than one Minister.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 20.6.2019 Jyaist ha 30, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 396 5.Head of Department.- There shall be a Secretary for each Department who shall be an official head of that Department. Provided that – (a ) more than one Depa rtment may be placed in char ge of t he same Secretary; (b) the work of a Depa rtment may be divided between two or more S ecretar ies. 6. Repeal and Savings.- The Government of M izoram (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2014 is hereby repea led. Notwithstanding such repea l, anything done or any action shall be deemed to ha ve been done or taken under the corresponding provision of t hese rules. By order and in the name of the Governor Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department. - 2 - Ex-396/2019 FIRST SCHEDULE : AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT 1.Food-gr ain development – cereals, pulses etc. 2.Production and certification of quality seeds and planting materials. Implementation of Seed Act 1966 and Seed Control Order 1983. 3.Manures and fertilisers (organic, inorga nic & bio-fertilizer) to be used in a griculture. 4.Plant protection of agricultural plants/crops and plant quarantine. 5.Development of commercial crops like sugarcane and other crops which are not under other Depa rtments. Mission Orga nic Value Chain Development for Nor th Eastern Region. 6.Agriculture extension and farmers training. 7.Crop insurance - implementa tion of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMF BY). 8.Oil palm a nd oils eeds development. 9.Agriculture resear ch and extension. 10. Soil survey and land use planning. 11. Agricultura l machineries, tools & post-harvest management. 12. Implementation of the Mizoram Agriculture Produce Marketing Act, 2008 and regulation, management of jhum cultivation. 13. Orga nic farming for agricu ltural crops (development, promotion and certification). 14. Soil health management and soil testing for a gricultural cr ops. 15. NLUP related residual works. SECOND SCHEDULE : ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY DEPARTMENT 1.Animal husbandry a nd veterinary extension. 2.Regulation of veterinary polyclinic, hospitals, dispensaries and sma ll animal clinics. 3.Animal feed and quality cont rol. 4.Livestock census and integrated sa mple sur vey. 5.Development of poultry, piggery, mithun a nd cattle, goat and sheep. 6.Matters relating to State Poultry Associa tion, F ederation and other organisations. 7.Livestock insura nce. 8.Development of grazing ground & pasture, grassland silvi-pasture development. 9.Slaughter house and meat processing plant. 10. Bioga s development. 11. Administration of the following Acts: i.Prevention & Control of Contagious & Infectious Diseases Act, 2006. ii.Mizoram Veterinary Council Act. iii. The Prevention of Cruelty to Anima l Act, 1960. iv. Mizoram Animal Slaughter Act, 2013. 12. Marketing of livestock and livestock products. THIRD SCHEDULE : ART & CULTURE DEPARTMENT 1.Matters relating t o Mizo history, art a nd cult ure. 2.Conservation and p reserva tion of cultur al heritage in Mizora m. Exhibition, exchange and exposur e to the heritages in and outside Mizoram. 3.Museums.- 3 -Ex-396/2019 4.Archives. 5.Library services. 6.Music & fine arts and related subjects. 7.Tribal Research. 8.Mizor am Publication Board. 9.Archaeology. 10. Orga nization of cu ltural festivals. FOURTH SCHEDULE : COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT 1.Esta blishment of major and minor industr ies. 2.Registration, regulation and inspection of industries/factor ies. 3.Industrial loan. 4.Allotment of raw materials. 5.Development of industrial ar eas. 6.Cotta ge industries. 7.Handicraft schemes. 8.Handloom development schemes. 9.Handmade paper mills. 10. Physical infrastructure for elect ronics industr ies in associa tion with I&CT Department. 11. Development of textile industr ies. 12. Recycling of used plastics & metal scraps. 13. Food processing. 14. Ground water/hydro-geological survey/investigation and development. 15. Geo-technical survey and investigation including foundation studies of buildings, bridges and dams, etc. formation cutting/excavation for developmental works. 16. Landslides and Geo-disaster studies, mitigation and remedial measures. 17. Mineral investigation and mapping, development and administration under the Mizoram Minor Minerals Concession Rules, 2000. 18. Oil and natural gas and other major miner als. 19. Matters relating to inspecting, exploration and production of major a nd minor minerals. 20. Seismological studies and earthquake related issues. 21. Promotion and regulation of trade and commerce su bject to provision of entry 33 of lis t in the 7th Schedule of the Constitution. 22. Trading by Non-Tribal (Regulation) Act, 1974 and Rules thereunder. 23. Border tra des. 24. Regulated markets and ma rket ya rds. 25. Village mar ket. 26. Inter-st at e tr ade. 27. Collection of toll taxes on roads/ bridges connecting India and foreign countr ies. 28. The C ompetition Act, 2002. 29. Export stra tegy of the State. 30. Pric e regula tion of meat, vegetables, cereals. FIFTH SCHEDULE : COOPERATION DEPARTMENT 1.Promotion of cooperative movement.- 4 - Ex-396/2019 2.Registr ation and regulation of pr imary, district and state level Co-operative Societies/Credit Societies. 3.Price control through Co-op erative Societies/Credit Societies. 4.Strengthening of cooperative credit struct ure thr ough Cr edit Cooperative Societies. 5.Cooperative education, training, audit and inspection. SIXTH SCHEDULE : DISASTER MANAGEMENT & REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT 1.Natural and man-made disaster. 2.Gratuitous relief. 3.Disaster Ma nagement:- i.Prevention of danger or thr eat of a ny disaster. ii.Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severit y or consequences. iii. Capacity-building. iv. Preparedness to deal with a ny disaster. v.Prompt resp onse to any thr eatening disaster sit uation or disaster. vi. Assessing the severity or magnit ude of effects of any disaster. vii. Relief & rehabilitation. viii. Planning, or ganising and coordinating with all Govt. departments and other sta keholder s in disaster management. ix. Post disaster mana gement a nd reconstruct ion. x.Resp onse to disas ter. SEVENTH SCHEDULE : DISTRICT COUNCIL & MINORITY AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT 1.All matters relating to S ixth Schedule to the Constit ution of India and functioning of t he District Councils in the Sixth Schedule ar eas. 2.Grants-in-aid to Autonomous District Council. 3.Monitoring of developmental works taken up by District Council. 4.Matters r elating to minority communities, including: i.Overall policy, planning, coordination, evaluation and review of regulatory and development of minority communities. ii.Matters relating to National Commission for minority communities. iii. Protection of places of worship of minority communities including burial ground, crematorium. iv. Repr esentation of minority communit ies. v.Formulation of mea sures r elating to the protection of minority communities and their security in consultation wit h other concerned agencies. vi. Prime Minister ’s 15-Point Programme for Welfare of Minorities. vii. Any other issues pertaining to minority communit ies. viii. All matters relating to funding of minorities except those specifically allotted to other Departments. ix. Matter pertaining to socio-economic, cu ltural and educational status of minority communities. x.Funding of programmes and projects for the welfar e of minority communities including MsDP. xi. Preservation of place of worship of minority communities including burial ground, crematorium. 5.The Waqf Act , 1995 (43 of 1995) and matters connected thereto. 6.Presidentia l Orders on SC&ST.- 5 -Ex-396/2019 EIGHTH SCHEDULE : ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE DEPARTMENT 1.Environment and climate cha nge. 2.Envir onmental Act & Rules. 3.Conservation, protection & development of forests, environment a nd wildlife. 4.Forests Policy, Acts & Rules. 5. Reserved forests, protected forests, village supply & safety r eserve, community reserve/forests. 6.Biodiversity Acts and Rules. 7.For est fire. 8.Afforestation and re-afforestation inclu ding tr ee felling. 9.Regulation a nd cont rol of fishing in reserved for est. 10. Tiger reserves, national pa rks, wildlife sanctuar ies, zoological parks a nd bota nical pa rks. 11. Clearances for ext raction of stone and sand from reser ved forest/notified ar eas. 12. Non-timber F orest P roduce (NTFP) including medicinal and aromatic plants & their marketing. 13. Minor forest produce & marketing. 14. Wetland management. 15. Conservation of ra re & threatened flora and fa una. 16. Mizoram Pollution Control Board. 17. Wood based industries/saw mills. 18. Carbon economy & car bon trading. 19. Save Chite Lui Co-or dination Committee. NINTH SCHEDULE : EXCISE & NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT 1.Policy on Excise and Narcot ics. 2.Mizoram Excise Act, 1973 & Rules, 1983. 3.Matters relating to Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. 4.All matters connected with licensing, distribution and regulation of liquors. 5.All matters pertaining to Acts and Rules r elating to Liquor Prohibition in Mizoram. 6.Co-operation and coordina tion with NGO’s on excise and narcot ics policy. 7.The Mizoram Drugs (Controlled Substances) Act, 2016. TENTH SCHEDULE : FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1.Fina ncial powers and delegation thereof. 2.Revisions of pay & allowances. 3.General Financial Rules & Treasury Rules. 4.Embezzlement and other financial irregularities in public fina nce. 5.Rules relating to pay, allowance and tra velling allowance. 6.Write off of loss. 7.Pre-audit and arrear claims. 8.Matters relating to Treasuries. 9.Rules relating to security deposits. 10. Cadr e control for MFAS & MS FAS. 11. General advice on financial aspects of Service Rules etc. 12. Rules relating to grants-in-aid.- 6 - Ex-396/2019 13. All budgetar y matters including control of expenditure. 14. Internal Audit and Audit of Local Funds. 15. Bank/Development of Bank in Mizoram. 16. Pension. Authorization of pension, DCRG etc., communication thereof. 17. Depa rtmentalization of Accounts. 18. Lottery/IF&SL. 19. General insurance and insurance s chemes of Govt. serva nts. 20. Discretiona ry Grants Rules and procedures. 21. Authorization of entitlement of Group A & B Officers of Mizoram Government Employees. 22. Rules relating to advances to government serva nts. 23. Matters relating to fiscal policy and public fina nce. 24. The Mizoram Transpa rency in Public Procur ement Act, 2008 and Rules thereof. 25. State Finance Commission of Mizoram. 26. The Mizoram Public Demand Recovery Act & Rules, 2004. 27. Budget speech of Finance Minis ter. 28. State borrowings and debt management. 29. State Government Guarantees. 30. Mana gement of cash balances. 31. Mana gement of public accounts, including GPF, GIS, civil deposits, remittances, etc. 32. Policies and guidelines relating to procur ement of goods, works a nd services. 33. Fixa tion of rent r ates for accommodation of Government offices/purposes. 34. Administrative App roval for all new works/projects. 35. Expenditure sanction of fu nd beyond the delegated financial power. 36. Fina ncial ma nagement including standardiza tion/computerisa tion of Treasur ies. 37. Public Expenditure reforms including Public Sector Undertakings/ Local Bodies under State Government. 38. Mizoram Protection of Interest of Depositors (In F inancia l Establishment) Act, 2002. 39. Matters relating to engagement of consult ancy firms. 40. Matters relating to public accounts-deposits & advances. 41. Framing of rules/procedur es perta ining t o medical re-imbursement. 42. All matters relating to Externally Aided Projects, and all other Loa n Projects. 43. Allocation of State Matching Share. ELEVENTH SCHEDULE : FISHERIES DEPARTMENT 1.Fisheries research and education. 2.Fish production under culture and capture section 3.Conservation, regulation, control & management of riverine fisheries. 4.Control & ma nagement of fish health and hygiene. 5.Development of pond/tank by assista nce to fish farmers. 6.Extension & training of fish farmers. 7.Enforcement of the M izor am Fisher ies Acts & Rules, etc. 8.Integrated fish farming. 9.Mana gement and production of qua lity fish in Government Fish Seed Farm. 10. Marketing, preservation, pr ocessing and quality control of fish in the State. 11. Conservation & management of reservoir fisheries. 12. Culture of fish, prawn, crab, snail and ornamental fish. 13. Registration of fish farmers.- 7 -Ex-396/2019 14. Certification and registr ation of priva te fish seed farm. 15. Propagation, conservation and culture of indigenous fishes. 16. Procurement and distribution of essentia l fish farm inputs to the fish farmers. TWELFTH SCHEDULE : FOOD, CIVIL SUPPLIES & CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT 1.Food and civil supplies. 2.Essential Commodities Act. 3.Price contr ol and rationing. 4.Inter-State movement permits of food-stuff. 5.Warehouse for public distribution system. 6.Control, distribution and r egulation of LPG. 7.Control, distribution and r egulation of POL and its products. 8.Quality control, distribution and regulation of essential commodities. 9.Consumer affairs - Consumer protection including Mizor am State Consumer Disputes Redressal and District Forum. 10. Legal Metrology. 11. Standards of weights and measures. 12. Bureau of Indian S tandar d related matters. 13. Implementation of NFSA including Constitution of Grievance Redressal Mechanism. 14. Test and re-calibration of water meter. THIRTEENTH SCHEDULE : GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1.Transaction/Alloca tion of Business under Government of Mizoram. 2.District administration. 3.Mizoram Houses and offices outside Mizoram. 4.State Guest House, Circuit House a nd Dak Bungalow/Rest House. 5.Air travel permission 6.Allotment, maintenance and furnishing of General Pool Government Quarters. 7.Annual Administration Report. 8.Aviation. 9.Regulation of flying drones/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and the Licensing Authority for Drones/ UAVs. 10. Census. 11. Ceremonial functions including celebration of Republic Da y/Independence Day. 12. Creation of district and sub-division. 13. Creation, r eorganization a nd amalgamation of Department(s). 14. Determination of ceremonial procedure and precedence. 15. District Development Committee/Board except Lunglei HPC. 16. Entitlement of space, furniture and office equipment. 17. Official entitlements (e. g., accommodation, telephones, vehicles, foreign tours, air tra vel) 18. Entitlement/Purchase of Govt. vehicles. 19. Matters relating to National Fla g, National Emblem, National Anthem and State Emblem. 20. Foreign tours/tra vel. 21. Hiring of private building for office accommodation. 22. Holiday.- 8 - Ex-396/2019 23. Protocol and Hospitality. 24. Requisition of helicopter and matters relating to helipad. Air communication between Mizoram and other places. 25. Sinlung Hills Council and Sialkal Range Development Council. 26. Government complexes at var ious pla ces. 27. Special Casual Leave. 28. Statues and memorials. 29. All matter pertaining to elections, including State Election Commission. 30. State Mourning and Obituary. 31. Mizoram Sta te Infor mation Commission. 32. Co-ordination relating to UID. 33. Subjects not allocated to any Department. FOURTEENTH SCHEDULE : HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT 1.Administration of Government hospitals a nd health centers. 2.Drugs control Acts. 3.Implementation of nationa l and State health schemes/ programmes. 4.Medical services. 5.Indian Lunacy Act, 1912. 6.Matters relating to Indian Medica l Council/State Medical Council/State Nursing Council. 7.Health education/research schemes. 8.Mizoram Health Ca re Scheme. 9.Medical & Nursing Colleges/Institutions. 10. State Illness Assistance F und. 11. Telemedicine. 12. State Council for Clinical Establishment Act, 2010. 13. Pre-concept ion and Pre-na tal Dia gnostics Techniques Act & Rules. 14. Transplanta tion of Human Organs Act, 1994 and Rules. 15. Matters relating to Medica l Attendance Rules other than Framing of Rules/ Procedure pertaining to Medical R eimbursement. 16. State Medicinal P lant Board. 17. Rest riction of sale of acids. 18. The Poisons Act, 1919 and Model Poisons Possess ion and Sale R ules, 2013. 19. National population policy. 20. Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006/Rules. 21. AYUSH and Na tional AYUSH M ission (NAM) 22. Bio-medical waste mana gement. 23. Family welfare. FIFTEENTH SCHEDULE : HIGHER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 1.University / Post Graduate education. 2.College /Under Gr aduate education. 3.Centrally sponsored schemes of Government of India (RUSA). 4.Mizor am Scholarship Board. 5.All matters concerning education scholarships and incentives.- 9 -Ex-396/2019 6.Technical Education: a)Mizoram State Council for Technical Education (MSCTE). b)Conduct of professional and technical entrance examination and allotment of seats of Mizoram quota. 7.State Technical Entrance E xamination (ST EE). 8.Unnat Bhara t Abhiyan. SIXTEENTH SCHEDULE : HOME DEPARTMENT 1.Law & order. 2.Security ar rangement, security architecture a nd infr astruct ure. 3.Acts, Rules relating to Police. 4.Home Guards and Civil Defense. 5.All matters relating to foreigners. 6.Administration of Arms Act and matters relating thereto. 7.Fir e & Emergency Services. 8.Sainik Welfare & Resettlement, S S&A Boa rd and other ma tters r elating to Ex-Servicemen. 9.Compensation to political sufferers. 10. Nationa lity, Passpor t, Citizenship, etc. 11. National Security Act 1980, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. 12. Prisons Act 1894, P risoners Act, 1900 and Adminis tration of Prisons. 13. Explosives Act, 1884 and matters relating thereto. 14. Mizoram Essential Services Maintenance Act, 1990. 15. Inner Line Regulation and connected issues. 16. Matters relating to internationa l/interstate boundaries and border management. 17. General matters relating to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes. EXPLANATION: T he term “General matters” r elating to SCs/STs under Sl.17 may constitute the following:i. Overall policy, planning, coordination, evaluation and review of regulatory and development of SCs/STs. ii. All matters relating to Law & Order relating to SCs/STs/MCs. iii. Policy initiative for SCs/STs/MCs and their security. iv. Matters relating to Linguistic Minorities in the State. v. Matters relating to National Commission for SCs/STs vi. Representation of SCs/STs vii. Protection of Places of Worship of SCs/STs viii. Formulation of measures relating to the protection of STs/SCs and their security in consultation with other concerned agencies. ix. Prime Minis ter ’s 15-Point Programme for Welfare of SCs/STs x. Enforcement of SCs/STs (P revention of Atrocities) Act , 1989 and Rules thereof. xi. Any other is sues pertaining to SCs/STs. 18. National Awards like Padma Shri etc., Governor Awards, etc. 19. Int elligence matters. 20. Civil-Military liaison. 21. Relocation of Assa m Rifles Complex at Zokhawsang, and connected matters. 22. Huma n Right s, State Human Rights Commission and connected matters. 23. Declaration of restricted/protected ar eas for security purpose. 24. The Mizoram Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes (Regulation of Issuance and Verification of) Community Certificates Act, 2014.- 10 - Ex-396/2019 25. Tr affic management. 26. Forensic Science Laboratory. 27. Regulation of private security agencies. 28. Regulation of private placement agencies. 29. Other Backwar d Classes. 30. Prohibition of beggary. 31. Forensic Science Services. 32. Investiture of Executive Magisterial Powers. SEVENTEENTH SCHEDULE : HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT 1.Aromatic plant development. 2.Tree borne oilseeds. 3.Spices & condiments development. 4.Floriculture development. 5.Medicinal plant development. 6.Manures & fertilizers to be used in horticulture. 7.Mushroom development. 8.Bee keeping. 9.Plantation crops of horticulture cr ops. 10. Root and tuber cr ops. 11. Spices and condiments development. 12. Tea plantation. 13. Chillies, turmeric, onion and vegetable development. 14. Plant Protection of Horticultural Cr ops. 15. Horticulture Machineries & Implements. 16. Creation of Water S ources & Micro-Irrigation. 17. Protected and precision farming. 18. Orga nic farming in horticulture. 19. P ost-ha rvest ma na gement . 20. Implementation of Nursery Registration Act, 1992 & Rules. 21. Horticulture marketing. 22. Horticultur e crop insura nce. 23. Horticulture extension, research, education & training. 24. Horticultur e Centr e & production of qua lity seeds & planting materials. 25. Bamboo cultivation / development. EIGHTEENTH SCHEDULE : INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 1.Policy matters relating t o electronics, informa tion technology, and communication technology. 2.Cyber laws, cyber security, The Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules and other IT related laws. 3.Promotion of electr onics, including inter net; IT and IT enabled services; digital tra nsactions including digital payments. 4.Promotion of electr onics design and manufacturing, hardware/software industry including knowledge based enter prise, etc. 5.Pr omotion of sta ndar dization, test ing and qu alit y in IT and standardization of procedure for IT application and ta sks.- 11 -Ex-396/2019 6.Assistance to other Depar tments in the promotion of e-Governa nce, e-Commerce, e-Medicine, e- Infrastructure, etc. 7.Promotion of information technology educa tion and information t echnology based education, digital literacy, etc. 8.Coordination of information technology related matters with national and international agencies, bodies and institutions relating to infor mation & communication technology. 9.Control and regulation of internet service provider within the State. 10. IT r elated public sector undertakings and societies. 11. Technical matters relating to Unique Identifica tion (UID). 12. Communication towers. 13. Infr astruct ure development for electronics; IT a nd telecommunication including internet. 14. Streamlining procedure and Issue of NOC for procurement of hardware and software including software development. 15. Capa city building in IT and e-Governa nce. NINETEENTH SCHEDULE : INFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT 1.Press, Newspapers and Periodicals a nd Electronic Media. 2.Publication and Publicity. 3.Advertisements. 4.Public Relation and Mass Communications. 5.Co-ordination with AIR and Doorda rshan, PIB. 6.Regulating, Censoring and Monitoring the making, producing, displaying, broadcasting and exhibition of Movies, Films, News C lippings etc. through any medium or channel of mass communication operating in Mizora m, which imply application of relevant Act and Rules, such a s :- i)the Cinematograph Act. ii)Cable TV Network Act, 1995 & Amendment Act, 2000. iii) The Mizoram Exhibition of Films on TV Screen through VCP Rules, 2000 & Amendment Act, 2005. 7.Field publicity, etc. 8.Journalist welfare. 9.Speeches of Governor in t he first session after each Election of the Legislative Assembly and at the commencement of the first session of Legislative Assembly each year. 10. Speeches of Governor and Chief Minister on National Important Days. 11. Production a nd certification of films. 12. Production of visua l arts, films a nd painting. 13. Development of photogra phy. 14. Publicity of Government development, progress, schemes through print and elect ronic media. 15. Information & publicity on Nationa l and State important days. TWENTIETH SCHEDULE : IRRIGATION & WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1.Irrigation, which includes: i.River Lift Irrigation ii.Drips & Sprinklers, Hydrams etc. iii. Diversion S cheme.- 12 - Ex-396/2019 2.Networking of Rivers. 3.Command Area Development. 4.Central Sector and CSS on Irrigation and r elated subjects which inter a lia include: i.Surfa ce Minor Irriga tion. ii.Lift Irrigation. iii. Repa ir, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies under Pra dhan Ma ntri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY). iv. National Hydrology Project. 5.Flood management pr ogr amme for protection of agr icultur al land (excluding stream bank er osion control). 6.Harnessing water resources for pr omotion of agriculture and allied sector. 7.Ground water development and management for irrigation. TWENT Y FIRST SCHEDULE : LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT, SKILL DEVELOPMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEPARTMENT 1.Employment excha nges/ career counseling centre. 2.Labour Acts and Rules. 3.Fixa tion and revision of wages and settlement of wages in case of disputes. 4.Labour statistics. 5.Tra de Union. 6.Welfare of labour and labour disputes. 7.Fact ories Acts, Regulation and implementation. 8.Fund & Miscellaneous Act, 1952, Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Employees State Insurance Act, 1978 and Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Pr ovisions Act, 1952. 9.Industrial Training Institute. 10. IT I’s Vocational & Technical Training of Craftsmen and Apprentice. 11. Regulation of placement a gencies (India & Abroad). 12. The Mizoram Building & Other cons truction Workers’ Welfare Board. 13. Skill Development. TWENTY SECOND SCHEDULE : LAND RESOURCES, SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT 1.Soil conserva tion. 2.Hill-side terracing. 3.Plantation for soil conservation such as arecanut, broom, coffee and rubber p lantations. 4.Utilization of terrace la nd for various crops a nd cereals. 5.Contour bunding. 6.Soil erosion cont rol /anti erosion works. 7.Gully control measures. 8.Water extension dams / water harvesting / rainwa ter har vesting structures. 9.Wa ters hed develop ment and ma na gement. 10. Soil survey, soil testing & soil health management. 11. Land resou rce development. 12. Extension and training. 13. Development of catchment area of water for water secur ity.- 13 -Ex-396/2019 TWENTY THIRD SCHEDULE : LAND REVENUE & SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT 1.Land revenue. 2.Land settlement. 3.Land records. 4.Land reforms. 5.Assessment/rental compensa tion on account of occupation of private properties by security forces and para-military forces and others. 6. All matters perta ining to land a cquisition. 7.Stamps and R egistration. TWENTY FOURTH SCHEDULE : LAW & JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT 1.Compilation, maintenance and interpretation of all Acts/Rules. 2.Laws and regulation in force from time to time. 3.Administration of justice in the State. 4.Advice on legal matters. 5.Appointment of Advocate General/St anding C ounsel/Public P rosecutor and Government Advocate. 6.Advice on a ll cases involving the State of Mizoram in the Supreme C ourt, High Court and Civil C ourt to the Depa rtment and agencies concerned. 7.Vett ing of a ll official Bills/Rules/Regula tions under Government of Mizoram. 8.Contract Deeds, Ar bitration Cases and Memorandum of Understanding (M oU). 9.The Mizoram Marriage, Divor ce and Inherit ance of Property Act, 2014. 10. Infr astructure development of District and other Subordinate Courts. 11. Lushai Hills Autonomous District (Administration of Justice) Rules, 1953. 12. Personal laws and customary laws and practices. 13. Matters relating to Supr eme / High Court. 14. Motor Accident Claims Tribunal. 15. Registration of marriage. 16. Matters relating to the Mizoram Judicia l Services. 17. Matters relating t o Mizor am Legal Services. 18. Matters relating to Mizor am Law Commission. TWENTY FIFTH SCHEDULE : LOCAL ADMINIST RATION DEPARTMENT 1.Village mar ket and villa ge administration. 2.Matters relating to Panchayati Raj Institution. 3.Naming of streets, r oads and villages outside municipal ar eas. 4.Animal control and taxation outside municipal ar eas. 5.Park & recr eation. Registr ation a nd regulation of recreation, park and places, like picnic s pots, etc., outside municipal areas. 6.Housing loan and adva nces. 7.Loca l development works fu nded under State Plan Fund including housing assistance outside Aizawl City and its agglomeration. 8.Preservation of place of worship of SCs/STs including burial ground, crematorium outside municipa l areas. 9.Street Lights in rural areas.- 14 - Ex-396/2019 10. Village sa fety and supply reserve. 11. Village sa nitation. 12. Dog bite in rural ar eas. TWENTY SIXTH SCHEDULE : PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT 1.Summoning and prorogation of the Legislative Assembly, dissolution of the Assembly. 2.Planning and coordination of legislative and other official business in the Legislative Assembly. 3.Allocation of time to the Government in the House for discussion of motions given notice of by Members. 4.Liaison with Leaders and Whips of various parties and groups represented in the Legislative Assembly. 5.List of Members of Select and Joint Committees on Bills. 6.Appointment of Members to Commit tees and other Bodies set up by the Government. 7.Functioning of Consultative Committees of Members of the Legislative Assembly for various Ministries/ Departments. 8.Implementation of Assurances given by Ministers in the Assembly. 9.Government’s stand on Private Members Bills and Resolutions. 10. Sala ry, allowances and pension of Members of the State Legislature. 11. Salary, allowance etc.. of the Ministers, Speaker/Dy. Speaker, Government Whip, Leaders of Opposition in the State Legisla t ure, of ficers of the State Legisla t ure. 12. Advice to Ministries on procedura l and other legislative matters. 13. Coor dination of action by Ministries on general application made by various Committees of t he State Legis la t u r e. 14. Officially sponsored visits of Members of the Legislative Assembly to places of interest. 15. Matters connected with powers, pr ivileges and immunities of Members of the Legislative Assembly. 16. Welfare of ex-Legislators and their families. 17. Matters relating to Legislative Assembly. TWENTY-SEVENTH SCHEDULE : PERSONNEL & ADMINIST RATIVE REFORMS DEPARTMENT 1.All matters relating to r ecruitment/promotion/ regularisation to Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C ’ and ‘D’ posts by Mizoram Public Service Commission/ Depa rtmenta l Promotion Committee including Ass ured Ca reer Progression Schemes and Time Bound Promotion Schemes. 2.Framing, amendment, relaxa tion of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules of va rious S ervices / Posts and matter relating thereto. 3.Service matters relating to All India Services, Centr al Civil Services on deputation, Mizoram Civil Service, Miz or am Secretaria t Service and H eads of Department. 4.All service matters relating to Ministerial Service (Assistant), Mizora m Stenographer Service and Mizoram Subordina te Stenographer Service. 5.Matters relating to Personal Staff of Ministers. 6.Rules and Pr ocedures regarding Fixation of Senior ity, Pr omotion, Counting of Pa st Services and all matters relating thereto. 7.Advice on re-employment / extension of services of supera nnuated Government servant. 8.Honorary appointment of persons in civil posts. 9.Matters relating to Classification of Posts and Grant of Gazetted Status. 10. Reservation of pos ts in services for certain class of citizens. 11. Advice on absorption of staff, retrenched personnel and re-deployment of staff render ed surplus. 12. Matters relating to debarring persons from Government service.- 15 -Ex-396/2019 13. Compa ssionate appoint ment. 14. General policy regarding age limits, medical standards and educational qualifications. 15. General policy rega rding verification of cha ra cter and antecedents, suita bilit y of ca ndida tes for appointment to Government service. 16. Recognition of University degree and non-technical degrees/diploma for appointment to Government service. 17. Rules relating to applica tion fee and instruct ions regarding advertisement for posts. 18. Advice on cadre r eview a nd rest ructur ing. 19. Advice on cr eation, a malgamation, re-or ganisation and bifurca tion of Government esta blis hments / dep a r tmen ts . 20. General policies on Perfor mance Appraisa l Repor t and Annual Confidential Report. 21. Custody of PARs of Civil / Secretar iat Service Officers & Head of Department. 22. Depu tation / Foreign Service. 23. All matters relating to Administr ative Training Instit ute. 24. All matters relating to Good Governance initiatives. 25. The Mizoram Right to Public Services Act, 2015. 26. Public grievances including MIPUI AW. 27. Depu tation of Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Officers for Tra ining in India and abr oad. 28. Advice on all matters pertaining to training. 29. All matters relating to Commissioner of Inquiry. 30. Matters relating to Public Service Commission. 31. Co-ordination with the Central Government on ma tters of administrative reforms. 32. General Policy on personnel administrative reforms, research in personnel administration and manpower planning (service). 33. Organisation & method, works study/work measurement and laying down of yardstick for Departments. 34. Administration and interpr etation of Service Rules including FR&SR. 35. Secretariat Manual. 36. Simplification of rules and procedures. 37. General Policy on Staff Welfare. 38. Matters relating to Service Associations. 39. General Rules governing petitions, appeal and memorial on service matters. 40. Maintenance of service books. 41. Maintenance of service books of Assistant, Steno II & III under Secretar iat. TWENTY EIGHTH SCHEDULE : PLANNING & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION DEPARTMENT 1.Formulation of development policy and plan. 2.Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of plan & other developmental schemes and projects including Centrally S ponsored Schemes, Central Sector Schemes. 3.Mizoram Sta te Planning Board and other Development/ Advisory Committees, and matters relating to development coor dination and decentralised planning including Distr ict Planning Committee etc. 4.Plan publicity. 5.Matters relating to MPLADS and MLALADS 6.Official Data and Statistics / Data including Census of Government Employees, various socio-economic surveys, National Sample Survey, Agricu lture Census, Economic Census, State Income Estimation, Price Statistics, Index of Industrial Production, Annua l Survey of Industries, Building Statistics, BPL Statistics, Village Profile, Budget Analysis, Employment & Unemployment Survey etc. 7.Matters relating t o Minis try of DoNER and Nor th Eastern Council (NEC). 8.Evaluation a nd monitoring of statistics. 9.Survey on ma npower planning, employment a nd credit linka ges.- 16 - Ex-396/2019 10. 20-Point Progr amme. 11. Civil Regist ration S ystem (Registra tion of Births and Deaths). 12. Infr astructure development, public investment & P ublic P rivate Partnership. 13. Resource Mapping for Sectoral Allocation and Formulation of Action Plan for Development of Mizoram. 14. Promotion and populariza tion of Science, Technology and Innovations. Mizoram Science, Technology & Innovations Council, and matters relating to Department of Science & Technology, Ministr y of Science & Technology. 15. Remote sensing, GIS and Space Applications and matters relating to MIRSAC, NESAC and Depa rtment of Sp ace. 16. Matters relating to Intellectual Property Rights including Copyright Act, 1957; Patent Act, 1970 involving establishment of Patent Information Centre; Design Act, 1999; Trademarks Act, 1999; and all Rules/ Regulation thereunder. 17. Meteorology and Weather Information. 18. Biot echnology and Bioresea rches, and matter relating of Department of Biotechnology, Ministr y of Science & Technology. 19. Resear ch and Analysis of t he State’s Economy, Welfare Pa ra Metr es, Sector al Surveillance a nd Identification of P lan Priorities including Evaluation and Applied Research for Pilot Projects and Policy Intervention. 20. Matter relating to Ministry of Statistics & Progra mme Implementation. 21. All matters relating to Central Planning Machinery (Planning Commission, NITI Aayog etc.) and National / global development goals (Act East Policy, Sustainable Development Goals etc.). 22. Socio Economic Development Progra mme (SEDP). TWENTY NINTH SCHEDULE : POLITICAL & CABINET DEPARTMENT 1.Swearing-In of Cabinet Ministers/Ministers of State. 2.Appointment, Swearing-In and Resignation of Ministers. 3.Allocations of Depar tments to Ministers. 4.Council of Ministers Meeting and related matters. THIRTIETH SCHEDULE : POWER & ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT 1.The Electricity Act (EA) 20 03 inclu ding the Rules and Regulations thereunder. 2.Central Electricity Regulation Commission (CERC) Rules and Regulations. 3.Central Electricity Authority (CEA) Regulations. 4.Energy Conservation Act, 2001 including Regulations made thereunder. 5.Implementation of Hydro Electric Power Policy of Mizoram, 2010 S olar Power Policy, 2017 and Renewable Energy Policy, 2003. 6.Generation of Power both from conventional and non-conventional /renewable sources of energy. 7.Transmission of power including construction of transmission infrastruct ure. 8.Distribution of power including construct ion of supporting Infr astruct ure. 9.Purchase and sale of power including trading of power. 10. Tariff Policy, 2016. 11. Filing of Tar iff. 12. Tariff Orders /Codes /Regulations issued by Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission, Manipur and Mizoram [JERC(M&M)]. 13. Mizoram Electrical Licensing Regula tions, 2017.- 17 -Ex-396/2019 14. Matters relating to Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission [( Manipur and Mizoram) JERC(M&M)], Zora m Energy Development Agency (ZEDA), Electr ical Inspector ate (EI) and State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC). 15. Execution of deposit works for external electrification as deemed licensee under Electricity Act, 2003. 16. Communication system in the power networ k with leasing out. 17. All matter pertaining to licensing and inspections of electrical installations. 18. Inspection a nd certification of lifts. THIRTY FIRST SCHEDULE : PRINTING & STATIONERY DEPARTMENT 1.Control of Government Printing Press a nd Printing Works. 2.Str eamlining the pr ocedure of local purchase of sta tionery by Depa rtments under Government of Mizor am. 3.Printing of Departmental forms, leaflets , books, calendars, receipts, pamphlets, journals, invitations, tickets, etc. 4.Procurement of stationery articles & supply to offices. 5.Publication of Mizoram Gazette. 6.All matters relating to all publications in r espect of Mizoram. 7.Institute of Printing & Digital Technology. 8.Registration of private printing pr ess. THIRTY SECOND SCHEDULE : PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1.Administration of public health and water supply. 2.Ground water management for drinking wa ter. 3.Urban and rural water supply. 4.Protection, renovation, restoration and r epair of water bodies for drinking wa ter. 5.Quality assessment, regulation, monitoring and surveillance of water bodies. 6.Sewerage, liquid & septage management. 7.Water and sa nitation issues having adverse effect on public health. THIRTY THIRD SCHEDULE : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1.Construction of Government buildings. 2.Supply of furnitur e to residentia l quarters. 3.Construction of Government r esidential quarters. 4.Construction and maintenance of urban a nd rura l roads & bridges. 5.National Highway Act and other Laws/Regulation pertaining to roads. 6.The Mizoram Roadside Land C ontrol Act, 1976 and related Rules. 7.Flood contr ol measures excluding protection of agricu ltural land 8.Purchase, a llotment and t ransfer of plant, tools and machinery. 9.Maintenance of Gover nment buildings constructed by PWD. 10. The Mizoram Road F und Act , 2007 and the Mizora m Road Fund Rules. 11. The Mizoram Rural Road Maintenance Policy. 12. Construction of major elevated roads a nd tunnels. 13. CPWD Codes and CPWD Works Manual maintained by PWD. 14. Construction of air ports a nd helipads.- 18 - Ex-396/2019 THIRTY FOURTH SCHEDULE : RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1.Rura l Development Blocks including creation and demarca tion of R.D. Block. 2.Rura l employment a nd livelihood progra mme. 3.Planning, co-ordina tion, evaluation and monitoring of all Rural Development Schemes a nd Centr ally Sponsored Schemes for rural development. 4.All Sta te fu nded Rura l Development Schemes including social education, rural housing scheme, Housing for Project Staff, Chief Ministers Rur al Housing Scheme. 5.SLMC & IAC. 6.State Institute of Rural Development a nd Panchayati Raj. 7.National Rural Livelihood Mission/State Rural Livelihood Mission. 8.Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana(PMKSY). 9.Border Area Development Programme (BADP). 10. Indira Awas Yojana / Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Gra min. 11. Shya m Prasa d Mukherji Rurban Mission. 12. Sansad Adar sh Gram Yojana / Vidhayak Adarsh Gram Yojana. 13. All matters relating to District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). THIRTY FIFT H SCHEDULE : SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 1.Inclusive education in schools. 2.Elementary & secondar y education. 3.Hindi education. 4.Teachers’ education and training. 5.Right to Education Act and Rules. 6. Sta te Council for Educational Research & Training. 7.Mizoram Boa rd of School Education (MBSE). 8.State Institute of Educational Ma nagement & Training 9.Physical education in schools. 10. Co-ordination with Government of India in matters relating to NIOS, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya Vidyala ya, RIMC, Sainik School, Imphal. 11. Administration and management of Sa inik School. 12. Regulation of hostels for school students. 13. Mid- Day M eal. 14. Development/publica tion & printing of elementar y school textbooks. 15. Education research & evaluation. 16. Population / environment education. 17. Education through satellite. 18. School leadership. 19. RMS A/SS A. 20. Orga nization of school competition including School Ga mes. THIRTY SIXTH SCHEDULE : SECRETARIAT ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1.All service matters relating to UDCs, LDCs, Drivers and Group D staff under SAD. 2.Pay and allowances and personal claims of Ministers, all Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Officers of Secr eta r ia t.- 19 -Ex-396/2019 3.All interest bearing and non-interest bearing advances a nd loans, maint enance of accounts/records thereof for staff under SAD. 4.All kinds of contingency bills of Secretar iat. 5.Accommodations of officer & staff in the Secretariat and minor repair/alteration works in the Secretariat. 6.Maintena nce of Secretaria t vehic les. 7.Procurement and supply of furniture, sta tionery and office equipment in the S ecretar iat. 8.All matters relating to departmental proceedings of staff under SAD. 9.Arra ngement of mea sures for security in the S ecretar ia t. 10. Honorarium & OTA of officers & staff under SAD. 11. Beautification of Mizoram Secretariat and its premises. THIRTY SEVENTH SCHEDULE : SERICULTURE DEPARTMENT 1.Development of mulberry silk. 2.Development of vanya silk (Muga, Eri and Oak Tasar). 3.Silkworm food plants development. 4.Silkworm seed development. 5.Post cocoon development. 6.Marketing of sericulture products. 7.Sericulture extension and training. THIRTY EIGHTH SCHEDULE: SOCIAL WELFARE AND TRIBAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT 1.Welfare of women & children. 2.Matters relating to persons with disabilities. 3.Grant-in-Aid to voluntary organization. 4.Child protection. 5.Welfare of poor and destit ute. 6.Implementation of Children’s Act, Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act and such social security scheme. 7.Integrated Child Development Services. 8.Component of health, nutrition and non-formal education to children below 6 years, pregnant and lact ating mother and adolescent girls. 9.The persons with Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act, 1995. 10. Matters relating to senior citizens. 11. Protection of women from domestic violence. 12. Welfare matters relating to Schedule Castes/ Scheduled Tribes a nd Other Backward Classes/ Weaker Section of the society. EXPLANATION:The term “Welfare Measures” relating to SCs/STs under sl.12 may constitute the following:- i.Charities and charitable institutions, charitable and religious endowments to subject dealt within the Department. ii.Matters pertaining to socio-economic, cultural and educational status of SCs/STs. iii. Funding of programmes and projects for the welfare of SCs/STs including MsDP. iv. Welfare matters relating to NC for SCs STs.- 20 - Ex-396/2019 13. All matters r elating to adoption. 14. All matters relating to social defence a nd rehabilitation. 15. National awards for women a nd children. 16. Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and C itizens Act, 2007. 17. Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006. 18. The Scheduled Tribe, and other Traditional For est Dwellers (R ecognit ion of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. 19. Sexu al harassment of women a t workplace. 20. Aadhaar enrolment of children 0-5 years. 21. Universal Women’s Helpline. 22. Gender budgeting. 23. Manual scavengers a nd related matters. 24. Rights of lesbians, gays, bisexua ls and transgender (LGBT). 25. Child rights protection. THIRTY NINTH SCHEDULE : SPORTS & YOUTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1.Formulation and implementation of all p olicies relating to S ports a nd Youth Services. 2.Mizoram State Sports Council and gr ant-in-aid to sports a ssociations. 3.Bhara t Scouts and Guides. 4.Adventure spor ts. 5.National Service Scheme (NSS). 6.National Cadet Corps (NCC). 7.Youth Hostels. 8.Nehru Yuva Kendra. 9.Matters relating S ports Authorit y of India. 10. Matters relating to Mizoram Olympic Association. 11. Administr ation a nd maintena nce of spor ts aca demies, hostels, spor ts complexes a nd other infr astructures for sports and youth training and development. 12. Coor dination with other departments for development of sports, youth services and sports tour ism. 13. Promotion and development of adventure sports and youth services in schools and colleges. 14. Development of skills and personality of youth thr ough youth development activit ies. 15. Incentive a wards a nd scholarships to outstanding sportspersons. 16. Promotion of resea rch and scientific study on sports a nd yout h services. 17. Training of coaches, imparting of coaching at var ious levels. 18. Provision of sports infrastructur e inclu ding distribution and arrangement of equipment to educational and village level institutions and other stakeholders. 19. Orga nizing of sports competition at various levels directly or through the a gency of autonomous spor ts bodies and associa tions including School Games and S tate Ga mes. 20. Physical Educa tion. 21. Promotion of Sports & youth services in school. 22. Mizoram Youth Commission. FORTIETH SCHEDULE : TAXATION DEPARTMENT 1.Policy on ta xes and its related matters. 2.Taxes on profession, trades, callings and employment. 3.Value Added Tax.- 21 -Ex-396/2019 4.Goods and S ervices Tax and related matters. 5.Registration of Firms and Societies. 6.Registration of Partnership Firms. FORTY FIRST SCHEDULE : TOURISM DEPARTMENT 1.Policies for promotion and development of tour ism. 2.Promotion and development of tourism including adventure tourism, eco-tourism etc. 3.Tour ist accommodation and Tourist Information Centres. 4.Tour guides. 5.Tours and tra vels. 6.Hotels and r estaura nts. 7.Fair s and festivals for the promotion of tour ism. 8.Ropeways and cable cars for Tourism Development. FORTY SECOND SCHEDULE : TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT 1.Matters relating to the registration and taxation of all surface transports including Inland Water Transport and Ropeway, but excluding Railways. 2.Formulation and administr ation of Rules, Regulations a nd Laws governing all surface transport in the State. Matter relating to Inland Water Transport, Ropeways and Non-Motorized Vehicles, subject to the provisions of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. 3.Matter relating to improvement of road safety. 4.Matter relating to railways 5.All matter relating to rural and inter-state transport. 6.All matters relating to the constitution of the State Transport Authority and the subjects allocated to it. 7.Condemnation of Government vehicles. FORTY THIRD SCHEDULE : URBAN DEVELOPMENT & POVERTY ALLEVIATION DEPARTMENT 1.Urban Governance: a.Municipal administration. b.Development Authorities/Boa rds/Committees. c.Naming of streets, localit ies and development ar eas in urban ar eas. d.Notification/de-notification of Towns (including dema rcation in urban areas). e.Street lighting and solar lighting (including S olar City Project). 2.Urban Development: a.Urban infrastructures. b.Urba n renewal, transformation and r ejuvenation. c.Urba n amenities and social development. d.Township development 3.Urban Sanitation: a.Solid waste management. b.liqu id waste management c.Cleanliness and sanitation.- 22 - Ex-396/2019 4.Urban Transport: a.Planning & co-ordination of urban transport. b.Infrastructure for urban transport. c.Non-motorized transport. d.Direction, delinea tion and signage. e.Metr o-cable and urban ropeways. 5.Urba n Planning: a.Master Plans for Ur ban Areas (including strategic development areas). b.City Development Plans. c.District/Region/Zone/Town Development Plans. 6.Urba n Housing: a.Land development r egulations. b.Building regulations. c.Urba n Rent Control and Residential Tenancy. d.Property Titling. e.Regulation a nd engagement of developers. 7.Urban Poverty Allevia tion: a.Street vending. b.Urba n shelter c.Skill development a nd training. d.Social mobilization e.Urba n wage employment. 8.Disposal of uncla imed dead bodies. 9.Animal control in urban ar eas. 10. Dog bite in municipal a reas FORTY FOURTH SCHEDULE : VIGILANCE DEPARTMENT 1.All matters connected with vigilance work. 2.Anti-corruption measures. 3.Property Returns of Gazetted Officers. 4.Property Returns in respect of Group-B. 5.C.C.S (CCA) Rules, 1965. 6.CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. 7.Matters relating to Vigilance Commission. 8.Matters relating to Establishment & Administration of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB). 9.Reference of cases to Central Bu reau Investiga tion (C BI). 10. Matters relating to Lokayukta.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/180- 23 -Ex-396/2019

The Government of Mizoram (Transaction of Business) 3rd Amendment Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 397Date - 20/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 46012/4/2016-GAD, the 18th June, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred by clause (3) of a rticle 166 of the Constitution of India, and The Governor of Mizora m is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Government of Mizoram (Transaction of Business) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter called Principal Rules) as follows: 1 . Short Tit le a nd1)These rules may be called The Government of Mizoram (Tra nsaction Commencementof Business) 3rd Amendment Rules, 2019. (2) They shall come into force from the date of Publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2. Amendment ofList of Depa rtments in the First Schedule shall be as follows: Rule 31.Agriculture Department. 2.Animal Husba ndry &Veterinary Department. 3.Art & Culture Department. 4.Commerce & Industries Department 5.Co-operation Department. 6.Disa ster Management & Reha b ilitation Depart ment 7.District Council & Minority Affairs Department. 8.Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. 9.Excise & Narcotics Department. 10. Fina nce Dep art ment. 11. Fisheries Department. 12. Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. 13. General Administr ation Department. 14. Health & Family Welfare Department. 15. Higher & Technical Education Department 16. Home Depa rtment . 17. Horticulture Department. 18. Information & Communication Technology DepartmentVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 20.6.2019 Jyaist ha 30, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 397 19. Information & Public Relation Department. 20. Irrigation & Water Resources Department 21. Labour, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Department. 22. Land Resour ces, Soil & Water Conservation Department 23. Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. 24. Law & Judicia l Department. 25. Loca l Administration Department. 26. Parliamentary Affairs Department. 27. Personnel & Adminis trative Reforms Department. 28. Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. 29. Political & Cabinet Department. 30. Power & Electricity Department. 31. Printing & S tationer y Department 32. Public Health Engineering Department. 33. Public Works Department. 34. Rura l Development Department. 35. School Education Department. 36. Secretariat Administration Department. 37. Sericulture Department. 38. Social Welfare & Tribal Affairs Department. 39. Spor ts & Youth Services Department. 40. Taxa tion Department. 41. Tourism Department. 42. Transport Department. 43. Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. 44. Vigilance Department. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. - 2 - Ex-397/2019Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram State Child Protection Society Financial Management Guidelines, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 398Date - 20/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12019/69/2019-SWD, the 17th June, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is please to notify Mizoram Sta te Child Protection Society F inancia l Management Guidelines, 2019 with immediate effect and until further order as follows: 1 . Shor t Title a nd Commencement: (i)These guidelines may be called the Mizoram Sta te Child Protection Society Fina ncial Mana gement Guidelines, 2019. (ii) The Guidelines conta ins: PART-I:Fina ncial Management System. PART-II:Guidelines for orga nizing Trainings; Meetings; Awar eness/Capacity Building/Sensitization Progra mme. PART-III :Delegation of Fina ncial Powers under MSCPS. (iii) These Guidelines shall be deemed to have come into effect from the date of publication. 2 . App lica bilit y and Administration of the Manual: (i)The financial management guidelines shall be followed by all the implementing units/offices set up under this Society. (ii) This guidelines will be administered in the manner given below: (a ) Governing Body of the Society will authorize and approve the guidelines. (b) These guidelines a re a dynamic document and may be amended by the Governing body as a nd when requir ed. All amendments ma de to t he Guidelines will be circulated to all the implementing units/Offices by SCPS. (c ) This Guidelineswill govern the Financial Management system of Mizoram State Child Protection Society and should be maintained by the Principal Programme Manager of the MSCPS.VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 20.6.2019 Jyaist ha 30, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 398 - 2 - Ex-398/2019 PART-1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3 . Fund Flow Arrangement: 3.1. Society Fund: (i)The fund of the Society shall be called Society Fund and shall consist of the following namely: (a ) Funds received from the Central Government. (b) Funds received fr om the State Government. (c ) Grants, Dona tions or assistance or any other receipt from the NGOs, individuals and corporate bodies. (ii) All money constituting the Society Fund shall be credited to any Nationalized B a n k o r a n y other Scheduled Bank as the “A/C of the Society Fund”. 3. 2. Fund Flow at MSCPS: The Government of India (GoI) through MWCD provides funds to MSCP S through annual budgetary a llocation. T he State Government sanctioned its 10% share from the approved budget of GoI. There is no physical transfer of funds fr om Government of India and Government of M izor am to MS CPS. The society is funded by Government of India (9 0%) and Government of Mizoram (1 0%). 3 . 3 . Accounting Centres:The accounting centres for the Society will be as follows: (i)State Child Protection Society (SCPS): The overall Child Protection Service Scheme monitoring office. (ii) State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA): The Scheme implementation office at the state level in relation to Non-Institutional Service Progr ams. (iii) District Child Protection Unit: The Scheme implementation office at the district level. The DCPU will be responsible for accounting expenditures by CWC, JJB and NGO run Child Care Institutions. (iv) Child Care Institutions: The scheme implementation offices within districts. 3. 4. Transfer of funds: (i)The Secretar y of the Society will open a J oint Account with the President for management of the Fund. T he Principal Pr ogramme Manager, MSCP S will submit requirement of expenditure to the Secretary for onward approval to President. T he Principal Programme Manager, MSCPS is a uthorised for making sanctioning or der and payment order to different implementing units/ offices under Child Protection Service Scheme as approved by P resident/Secretary. (ii) The Princip al Programme Ma nager, MSCPS will devolve funds to the different implementing unit s/offices in accordance with the Annual Approved Budget. The District Child Protection Officer in turn will devolve funds to the respective NGO, CWC and JJB. (iii) Devolving of funds should be done quarterly. (iv) All funds r eleased by the State to the District s will be treated as inter unit transfers until expenditures are incurred at these levels. 3. 5. Expenditure and payment of money: (i)No officers or authority shall incur any expenditure from the Fund unless such expenditure has been sanctioned by a gener al or special order of the competent author ity. (ii) No expenditure shall be made in excess of the limits sanctioned for the purpose in the sanctioning order or the budget, as the case may be. (iii) All sanction of expenditure shall indicate the details of the pr ovisions under the relevant budget head. A sanction s hall unless specially mentioned by t he authority passing t he order come into effect from the date of its is sue. (iv) No a uthorit y shall exercise his sanctioning power in respect of the expenditure, in which he either directly or indirectly has some interest . In such a ca se the matter s hall invariably be referred to his next higher authority for according the sanction in otherwise. (v) That there shall be adequate provision of fund authorized by a competent authority fixing the limits within which the expenditure shall be incur red. (vi) That there shall be proper sanction, either general or special, accorded by the authority component therefore a uthorizing the particular it em of expenditure. (vii) Each head of the office shall be r esponsible for enforcing the financia l order and strict economy at every step and also for observance for all the relevant financial rules regulations and discipline. (viii) All bills presented for pa yment s hall be examined in accordance with the relevant pr ovisions of the rules a nd these regulations and disbursing officer shall if the claim is admissible and proper, the signature of the claimant is true, the bill is in order a nd the receipt is a legal acquainta nce, make an order to pa y the bill under his hand seal on the bill. The order shall specify the amount paya ble bot h in words and in figures. 4 . Planning and Budgeting: 4 . 1 Budget Period:Budget Period to be followed by the Society will be the financial year i.e. from April to March of each year. 4 . 2 . Budget calendar:The budgeting process for the budget yea r will start a fter the completion of six months of the current fina ncial year, thereby leaving six months for budget prepar ation, review, consolidation, revision, approval and allocation of approved budgets to the various Society Units. The milestones in the budgeting process along with the target timeline are laid down in the following budget calendar: S N ActivityResponsibleCompletion AgencyTimeline 1Letter by Pr incipal Programme Mana ger to SARA and all Principal Programme Oct ober DCPU for submission of plan/budget proposal Manager, SCPS 2Pre Budget conference/ pla nning with all stakeholders withinSARA/DCPONovember districts and finalizing district budget- 3 -Ex-398/2019 3Submission of budget estimates by all stakeholders to SCPSSARA/DCPODecember 4Preparation of Annual Budget by SCPSSCPSJanuary 5Submission and approval of budget to the State GovernmentSCPS StateFebruary and submission to MWCD Government 6Submission of budget estimates to MWCDState GovernmentMarch 4. 3. Budget Proposals and framing of Budget Estimates: (i)Annual Work Plan & Budget will b e prepa red every year by following CPS guidelines and after assessment of the need of each individual district by the districts. (ii) State Principal Programme Manager MSCPS, Programme Manager SARA and District Child Protection Officers will be responsible for preparation of the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) of their respective component/ functional area after consultation workshop/ meetings with other offices and sta tutory bodies. District Child Protection Officers will be responsible for compilation of the proposals of differ ent functiona l areas and prepara tion of complete District plan. (iii) In c ase of exceptional exigencies, SCPS sha ll take midterm cor rective meas ure other tha n re- appropriation in the a pproved budget and submit the same to the competent a uthority for approval at the earliest opportunity. 5 . Re-appropriation of funds: The expenses of the Authority shall be made in complia nce of the budget provisions. In ca se the need for re-appr opriation exists, the Approval authority for re-a ppropriation shall be the Secretary and President of the Society. 6 . Accounting & Financial Procedures: (i)The accounts of the Society shall be ma intained on cash basis using double entry b ook keeping principles with pr ovision to migrate to accrual account. (ii) Standard books of accounts (Cash Book, Journal, Ledger, etc.) including TALLY Soft ware shall be maintained in resp ect of funds received under CP S, Juvenile Justice Fund and other sources. (iii) The Books of Account shall be upda ted and tallied regula rly. (iv) The following books, accounts and registers sha ll be maintained by t he Society: ·Cash Book, Ledger, Jour nal. ·Register: Jour nal/Ma gazines/News Papers, Cheque issue, Bill, St ock, F ixed Assets, Advances, Non-consumable articles, Consumable articles. ·Bank Pass Book, Bank reconciliation statement. (v) The voucher s after being approved by the competent authority mainta ining a ccounts in var ious levels shall be posted in cash/bank books. (vi) All cash/ bank payments shall be accounted for/through payment voucher. The Payee must sign the voucher for having received the payment. (vii) Vouchers sha ll be issued officially to a designated person who shall be responsible for the custody and accounting of the same. (viii) Vouchers shall not be overwritten. In such cases it is best that the voucher be ca ncelled and reta ined for future inspection. (ix) Unutilised or cancelled vouchers shall be retained in t he voucher books itself for inspection by the audit subsequently and shall not be destroyed under any cir cumstances. (x) Vouchers and the cash memos need to be stamped with a rubber stamp of a particular project or agency.- 4 - Ex-398/2019 (xi) A “PAID” sta mp should be put on all vouchers for which payment ha s been made. (xii) Vouchers need to be approved by the person initia ting the expenditure (who can sign on the supporting document as well). In case the competent person is not present, the voucher must be verified/approved by any other person standing-in for the person before r elease of payment. (xiii) All cash pa yments exceeding Rs.5000/- should be receipted with a revenue stamp. (xiv) Cash transactions a re generally ma de for petty expenses and when/where banking facilities are not available. As per Income Tax Rules, no claim exceeding Rs.20,000/- should be settled through cash payments. These should invar iably b e by account pa yee cheques. (xv) The Ledger accounts shall be arranged and grouped in such a manner that the desired information is promptly secured. (xvi) Combined Ledger accounts can be ma intained for various detailed heads. The contingent Register may be maintained in such a manner that it is used as Ledger for r ecording expenditure under miscellaneous items. (xvii) The formats for monthly s tatements of account and expenditure will be as per”Statement of expenditure Form” prepared by State Child Protection Society (SCPS). 7 . Accounting for Advances: (i)Advances to Suppliers/ Service P rovider s (as per terms of the contr act/ Purchase Order/ Rate Contract/ S ervice C ontract ) can b e released. T he advance shall be recorded in an Advance register. T he adva nce to staff shall also be recorded in a separate “staff advances register”. Staff can obtain advances mainly for the following expenses: Travel and S ubsistence. Purchase of goods from the mar ket. Day to Day expenses. All such requests should be made only after it is duly approved by the competent authority as per the delegated authority limits. (ii) The advances shall be adjusted on receipt of goods/ services, through journal voucher. (iii) The release of adva nce sha ll be done thr ough payment voucher. The adjustment of adva nces shall be done through the journal voucher. (iv) It is manda tory that there are no advances outstanding as on 31st March, i.e. t he end of the fina ncial year. 8 . Accounting for fixed assets: The accounting for fixed assets shall be done for all offices. Accounting of fixed assets shall be done in respect of assets acquired for the project. The procedure of maintenance of the fixed assets register is as follows: (i)Whenever a fixed asset is purcha sed a payment voucher shall be prepa red whereby the respective account head is debited a nd bank/ cash account is cr edited. The relevant asset code and description is s pecified in the voucher itself. (ii) The fixed asset register shall give details as regards to the nature of asset; date of purchase; loca tion; Cost; Asset code and voucher reference of purchase. (iii) The fixed asset register shall be updated as soon as the Cash/ bank payment voucher is pa ssed for purchase of the fixed asset. 9 . Bank Transaction: (i)All receipt s are to be acknowledged by issuing an official receipt. The date of r eceipt, its accounting and the date of deposit of the cheque/draft to the bank account should be the same. The relaxation can be only in view of banking hour s or ba nk holidays. (ii) The bank deposit slip should be a ttached with t he Receipt Voucher.- 5 -Ex-398/2019 (iii) No r eceipt should be issued on the last day of the month if the instrument cannot be deposited with the ba nk on the same day. (iv) Payment has to be made only against original bills and claims. Any type of copy of bill or claim should not be enterta ined. (v) All supporting docu ments should be attached with the Payment Voucher and filed according to serial number. (vi) If there is more than one bank account, separate Payment Voucher files to be maintained. (vii) All letters/instructions t o the ba nk should be signed by the authorized signatories only. (viii) Never sign cheques in advance or in blank. (ix) Un-cashed cheques should b e cancelled within a r easonable period. Do not leave specimen signa tures ar ound. (x) Cheque books should always be kept under lock and key. Only authorized persons should be allowed to handle them. 10. Bank Reconciliation Statement: (i)Bank balance shall be reconciled as per the bank statement and the ba nk book as and when needed. The unmatched tra nsactions would be gr ouped under the following heads: (a ) Cheque deposited but not credited. (b) Cheque issued but not presented. (c ) Excess/ less amount debited / credited by b ank. (d) Bank interest. (e) Bank charges. (ii) Appropria te correction entr ies sha ll be pass wherever necessary for the differences in the bank statement and bankbook. 11 . Fina ncial R eporting: Reports can be divided into Internal Reports and External Reports: Internal Reports: S. N Title of ReportPeriodicity TimelinePr ep ar ed BySubmitted to 1Monthly ExpenditureMonthly5th of the everyGovt. Run CCISCPS Reportsucceeding monthDCPUSCPS SARASCPS 2Monthly BankMonthly5th of the everyGovt. Run CCISCPS Reconciliationsucceeding monthDCPUSCPS SARASCPS External Reports: S. N Title of ReportPeriodicity By WhenPr ep ar ed BySubmitted to 1Utilisation CertificateAnnual30th Apr il of theSCPSSWD for onward succeeding FYsubmission to MWCD 2Sta tement ofAnnual30th Apr il of theSCPSSWD for onward Expendituresucceeding FYsubmission to MWCD 3ConsolidatedAnnual30th July of theStatutorySCPS, for onward Audit Reportsucceeding FYAuditorsubmission to SWD- 6 - Ex-398/2019 12.Audit Arrangements (i) Statutory Audit:St atutory Audit of MSCPS will be conducted by independent Cha rtered Accountants firms as per terms of reference. However, the accounts of the MSCPS will be open to audit both by C&AG of India as well as by the P rincipa l Accounts Office of MWCD. The State Child Pr otection Society will submit consolidated annual audit r eport for State to MWCD through Directorate ofWomen and Child Development. (ii) Internal Audit: SCPS, Mizoram will be responsible for carrying out internal Audit. The Internal audit will include payment audit as well asindependentappraisal of the fina ncial, operational and control activities of the progra mme. (iii) Statutory Audit Calendar:The following time table is prescribed for the external audit arra ngements which should be followed: S.N Activity Timeline 1Date of approval for engagement of AuditorsBetween Jan & Mar of ever y yea r by competent authority 2Date of engaging CA firmBy April of every year at the outset 3Completion of Audit of MSCPSBy June of every year 4Review and Analysis of St ate Audit Report by SCPS By July of every year 5Submission of consolidated Audit Reports to MWCD By 30th July of every year 1 3 . Procurement Guidelines:For procurement,General Financial Rules, 2017 shall be applied as and when required. 1 4 . Local Purchase Committee: A departmental local purchase committee will be constituted for regulating procurement of goods a nd services only on ea ch occasion as laid down under GFR Rules, 2017: LEVELCHAIRMANMEMBERS SOCIETY PresidentSecretaryOne GoverningPrincipal Programme Body M emberMana ger, S CPS SCPSPrincipal Programme Progr ammeAccounts officer Accountant Mana ger, S CPSOfficers SARAProgr ammeProgr ammeProgr ammeAccounts officer, Mana ger, S ARAOfficerAssistantSCPS DCPUDistrict ChildProtectionLegal-cum-Accountant Protection OfficersOfficersProba tion Officer CCISuperintendentCase Worker CounsellorAccountant PART -2 GUIDELINES FOR ORGANIZING TRAINING/ MEETING/ SENSITIZATION/ AWARENESS/ CAPACITY BUILDING EXPENDITURE S N Particulars / Items State Level District Level MSCPSO ut s ide Within OfficeOutside Training HallBuilding 1Hall Rent including Sound System, Rs 5,000/-Rs 15,000/-Rs 2,500/-Rs 5,000/- Projector & Decora tion- 7 -Ex-398/2019 2Workshop / Training KitRs 150/-Rs 200/-Rs 100/-Rs 150/- per hea dper hea dper hea dper hea d 3BannerRs 1,000/-Rs 2,000/-Rs 1,000/-Rs 2,000/- 4Video Coverage / Photogr aphyRs 5,000/-Rs 10,000/-Rs 5,000/-Rs 5,000/- 5Printing & XeroxRs 5,000/-Rs 10,000 /-Rs 2,500/-Rs 5,000/- 6RefreshmentRs. 250/- per Rs. 350/- per Rs. 150/- per Rs. 250/- per head per day head per day head per day head per day 7Travel Cost1) MSCPS Staff, CWC/JJB/ Committee members at district level - As per MSCPS Travelling Allowance Rules. 2) Stakeholders under ICPS - As per MSCPS Travelling Allowance R ules & As per their corresponding level in the said Rules. 8Lodging of p articipants1) MSCPS Staff, CWC/JJB/ Committee members at district level - As per MSCPS Travelling Allowance Rules. 2) Stakeholders under ICPS - As per MSCPS Travelling Allowance R ules & As per their corresponding level in the said Rules. 9Daily Allowance/Honor arium1) Committee Member (State & District Level ) : Rs 500/- per day 2) Committee Member (Block Level) : Rs 300 /- per da y 3) Committee Member (Villa ge Level) : Rs 200 /- per da y 4) MSCPS Staff : Rs 200/- per day 5) Other Stakeholders under ICPS :Rs. 200 per day 10 Honorarium for ExpertsRs. 1000/- p er sess ion of 6 0 minutes duration. 11 Accommodation/fooding for Experts Rs 5,000/- per day (maximum) Rs. 3000/- per day (maximum) 12 Travel Cost of Experts Actual expenditureActual expenditure 13 Training Report As per actual price, if required 14 Misc. Rs10,000/-Rs 20,000/-Rs 5,000/-Rs 10,000/- PART-III DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS UNDER MSCPS 1 . Delegation of Financial Powers: The Society shall adhere to provisions of the Delegation of Fina ncial P owers given below and have them ratified by the Governing Body as the case maybe. All powers for approva l and authoriza tion/ sanction for release of funds and incurring expenditure should be vested with the programme functionaries of all implementing agencies. All powers s hould s tart and end within the Society struct ure its elf. 2 . Duties and responsibilities: 2. 1 Governing Body: (i)The Governing Body shall decide the extent of the financial powers to be delegated to the related authorities and officials. In the matters where there is no detailed rules and procedure with regard to incurring expenditure, the State Govt. rules a nd procedures shall be followed. (ii) Subject to the appr oval of the Governing Board and also the budget provision, the President shall exercise full financial powers in r elation to the affair s of the Author ity.- 8 - Ex-398/2019 2. 2 Duties and responsibilities of President: (i)The President being the overall executive of the Authorit y sha ll be resp onsible for proper fina ncial administr ation & activities of the Authority a nd shall exercise the financial power s as indicated in Table-I as ma y be modified from time to t ime by t he Governing body. (ii) Shall have the power to delegate his financial powers to the Secreta ry or a ny other member of the Governing body. (iii) Shall ensure proper arrangement for safe custody and security of cash balances, stores and other properties of the Authority and further ensure that reports and accounts are prepared and submitted properly, cor rectly a nd promptly. (iv) Shall ensure the timely formulation of annual plan, implementation and monitoring and submission of periodica l, performance reports as and when required by the S tate Government or Central Govt. as the case may be. (v) Shall exercise all financial powers as a ssigned by Governing Body. (vi) Shall open a Bank A/c in any nationalized Bank at the head quarter and deposit all the money received fr om Govt. of India. Sta te Govt and other sources in it. 2. 3 Duties and responsibilities of the Secretary: (i)The Secretary shall assist the President in all matters in the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of financial matters. (ii) To supervise the day-to-da y works of the budget & accounts sanctions in the office of the various office under MS CPS. (iii) To examine personal claims of the employee and give necessary advice. (iv) To maintain the records of finance related committee meetings, coor dinate the preparation of agenda notes and follow up the decisions ta ken therein. (v) The Secreta ry shall exercise the financial powers as indicated in Table-I as may be modified from time to time by the Governing body. 2. 4 Duties of Principal Programme Manager, MSCPS: (i)To a ssist the President and Secretary in the discharge of their financia l responsibilit ies. (ii) Shall be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) at State Level. He/She shall make sanctioning order a nd payment order to different units under CPS as approved by Secretary/ P resident . (iii) To prepare periodical returns on income & expenditure relating to tr ansactions. (iv) To supervise the day-to-day works of the budget & accounts sanct ions in the var ious offices under ICPS. (v) To compile correct accounts and statistics. (vi) To impart tr aining to all s takeholders for maintenance of accounts and computation thereof. (vii) To a rrange the logistics of seminars, tra ining programs, conference etc., as required by var ious programme officers. (viii) He/S he will also do other duties a s assigned by t he President/Secretary from time to t ime. (ix) The Principa l Progr amme Ma nager, SCPS sha ll exer cise the financial powers as indicated in Table-1 as may be modified from time to time by the Governing Body. 2.5 Duties of Pr ogramme Ma na ger S ARA, Distr ict Child Protection Officer a nd Superintendent of Govt run CCIs. (i)District Child Protection Officer (DCPO) shall be the Dr awing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) at District level. He/She shall make sanctioning order and pa yment order to different unit s at district level.- 9 -Ex-398/2019 (ii) Programme Manager, SARA and Superintendent, Child Care Institutions s hall be the Dra wing and Disbursing Officer (D DO) at their r espective offices. (iii) The DCPO shall impart training to Districts level staff and other stakeholders for maintenance of a ccounts and computation thereof. (iv) The DCPO shall supervise and monitor the day-to-day works of the budget & accounts sanctions in the various offices under ICPS within the Distr ict. (v) To a rrange the logistics of seminars, tra ining p rograms, conference, etc.,as required by var ious programme officers. (vi) Theyshall perform functions such as: (a ) To maintain properly the a ccounts of the transaction cor rectly and in the form prescr ibed under the rules a nd orders. (b) To maintain financial regularity of transactions with the progr ams adopted. (c ) To prepare periodical returns on income & expenditure relating to tr ansactions. (d) To supervise the day-to-day works of the budget & account sa nctions in their offices. ( e) To compile correct accounts and statistics. Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Gov’t of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. Table: DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER S.N . Nature of expenditurePresidentSecretaryP.P.M.P.M. (SARA)D.C.P.O.Superinten- (MSCPS)dent 1 Office Expenses (i) Furniture & FixturesFull Po wer Up to Rs. 2.5Upto Rs. 1Upto Rs. 60,000/- Upto Rs. 50,000/- Upto Rs. 25,000/- (a) Purchaselakhs on onelakh on oneon one itemon one itemon one item itemitem (b) RepairsFull Po wer Up to Rs. 2.5Upto Rs. 1Upto Rs. 60,000/- Upto Rs. 50,000/- Upto Rs. 25,000/- lakhs on onelakh on oneon one itemon one itemon one item itemitem (ii) PostageFull Powers Full PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull Powers (iii) Purchase of OfficeUpto Rs. 10Upto Rs. 5Upto Rs. 2Upto Rs. 1Upto Rs. 50000/- Upto Rs. 25,000/- machines and equipment la khs atlakhs atlakhs atlakh atat one timeat one time (e.g. Photocopiers, Fax one timeone timeone timeone time machine, Computers, heaters, Clocks etc (iv) Maintenance of office Full Powers Full Powers Upto Rs. 1 Lakh Upto Rs. 60,000/- Upto Rs. 50,000/- Upto Rs. 25,000/- machineon one itemon one itemon one itemon one item (v) Electricity & WaterFull Powers Full PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull Powers charges (vi) Telephone billFull Powers Full PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull Powers (vii) Carriage of record &Full Powers Full PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull Powers other office items. (viii) Stationery articlesFull Powers Full Powers Up to Rs. 50,000/- Up to Rs. 30,000/- Up to Rs. 25,000/- Up to Rs. 15,000/- at one timeat one timeat one timeat one time (xi) Demurrage/warfageFull Powers Full PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull Powers (x) Printing & bindingFull PowersUpto Rs. 5Upto Rs. 2 Lakhs Upto Rs. 60,000/- Upto Rs. 50,000/- Upto Rs. 20,000/- lakh at one timeat one timeat one timeat one timeat one time (xi) Bo ok & journalsFull Powers Full PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull PowersFull Powers newspapers- 10 - Ex-398/2019 2PublicationUptoRs. 10Upto Rs. 5Upto Rs. 3Up to Rs. 1.5Upto Rs. 1 Upto Rs. 20,000/- Expenditure on printing lakhs at lakhs atLakhs atlakhs atlakh atat one item of office materials,one timeone timeone timeone itemone item manuals, and other documents, priced or unpriced etc. 3Advertising andUpto Rs. 10Upto Rs. 5Upto Rs. 2Upto Rs. 1Upto Rs. 80,000/- Upto Rs. 30,000/- publicitylakhs atlakhs atlakhs atlakh atat one itemat one item Expenditure on printing one timeone timeone timeone item of publicity material etc. 4FurnishingsUpto Rs. 10Upto Rs. 5Upto 3Up to Rs. 1.5Upto Rs. 1 Upto Rs. 50,000/- Expenditure on furni- lakhs at lakhs at lakhs at lakhs at lakh atat one time shings of office, &one timeone timeone timeone timeone time other buildings etc. 5Professional andFull PowersUpto Rs. 5Upto Rs. 2Upto Rs. 60,000/- Upto Rs. 50,000/- Upto Rs. 30,000/- Special Serviceslakhs atlakhs atat one timeat one timeat one time Hiring of experts,one timeone item Legal services, and consultants 6Disposal articles/Full Powers Full power---- materials/ furnitures /equiptments 7Minor WorksFull PowersUpto Rs. 5Upto Rs. 2Upto Rs. 60,000/- Upto Rs. 50,000/- Upto Rs. 30,000/- It in cludes min orlakhs atlakhs atat one timeat one timeat one time additions/ alterationone timeone time to existing work or new work classified as minor 8Vehicle HiringAs approved by ICPS--- Guidelines and as per Govt. approved rates and as amended from time to timePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 11 -Ex-398/2019

Reconstitution of the Mizoram Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 400Date - 21/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 13017/4/2019-LESDE/12-14, the 20th June, 2019.In par tial modification of t his Depar tment’s Notification No. B. 16012/4/2017-LE&IT dated 07.06.2017 and in exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the Mizoram Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Boa rd cons isting of the following members with immediate effect: 1.Minister, Labour, Employment, Skill Dev & Entrepreneur ship Deptt.- Chairman 2.Spl. Secretary, Labour, Employment, Skill, Dev. & Entrepreneurship Deptt. - Member 3.Depu ty Labour Commissioner, LE&IT Department- Member-Secretary 4.Dy. Director, Regional Labour Institute. Lake Town, Calcutta-700089- Member 5.Repr esentative of F inance Department, Government of Mizoram- Member 6.Joint Director, La bour, Employment, Skill Dev. & Entrepreneur ship Deptt. - Member 7.Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department, Govt. of Mizoram- Member 8.Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity, Govt. of Mizoram- Member 9.Engineer-in-Chief, PHE Department, Govt. of Mizoram- Member 10. President, Joint Mizoram Contractors Associa tion- Member 11. President, Nationa l Trade Union of Mizoram- Member 12. President, Federation of M izoram Trade Union- Member 13. President, Centre of Indian Trade Union Mizoram- Member 14. President, Mizoram Mistiri Associa tion- Member 15. Ms. Vanlalhruaitluangi, PWD Office, C.E. Building, Tuikhua htlang,- Member Aizawl, Phone No. - 9612159182 (Woman member). 1. TERMS OF OFFICE: (1) Each member shall hold office for three years or till he/she holds the office of the post and remains a member of the Trade Union or Orga nisa tion he/she represents as the ca se ma y be whichever is ear lier. (2) Wher e the appointment of the successor of any such member has not been notified by the Government on or before the expiry of the said period of thr ee year s, such member shall continue to hold such office until notified by the Government. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 21.6.2019 Jyaist ha 31, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 400 - 2 - Ex-400/2019Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 (3) The Board shall meet at such time and pla ce and observe such rules or p rocedur e in regards to the t r ans a ct ion of b u s ines s a t it s meet ing as ma y b e p r escr ibed -a nd su b mit r ep or t t o t he St a t e S ecr et ar y (L a b o u r ) . (4) The Chairperson, if, for any reasons, is unable to attend a meeting of the Board, any member nominated by the Chair person in this behalf and in t he absence of such nomination, any member elected by the members present fr om amongst themselves at the meeting, shall preside over the meeting. (5) Any question which comes up before any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a majorit y of votes of the members present and voting, and in the event of equalit y of vot es, the Chairperson or in his/her absence, the person presiding, shall have a second or casting vote. (6) The Board will comply with the instructions/orders/circulars issued by the Govt. of M izoram from time to time with r egard t o personnel, financial and other matters. 2 . FUNCT IONS OF THE BOARD: (1). The Board may - a)provide immediate assistance to a beneficiary in case of accident; b)ma ke payment of pension to the beneficiaries who have completed the age of sixty years; c)sanction loans and advances to a beneficiary for cons truction of house, not exceeding such amounts and on such term and conditions as may be prescribed; d)pay such amount in connection with premia for Group Insurance Scheme of the beneficiaries as it may deem fit; e)give such financial assistance for the education of children of the beneficia ries as may be p rescribed; f)meet such medical expenses for treatment of major ailments of a beneficiary or such dependant, a s may be prescribed; g)make payment of maternity benefit to the female beneficiar ies; h)make provision and improvement of such other welfare measures and facilities as may be p rescribed; i) take all necessar y action to comply with the directions and advice of Centra l Government with regard to implementation of Building & Other Constr uction Workers (RECS) Act, 1996 and Rules frame thereunder and also of the Building & Other Construction Workers Cess Act, 1996 and Rules framed there under. (2 ). The Board ma y grant loan or subsidy to a local authority or an employer as may be appr oved by the State Government towards welfare of building workers. (3 ). The Board may also pay gr ant-in-aid to a local authority or to an employer for the benefit of the Building workers and their fa mily members, subject to conditions and limit as ma y be prescribed by the State Government. (4 ). The Board ma y pay sitting a llowance to the members present in its meeting and the amount of which may be as prescribed from time to time. The other terms and conditions of the Mizoram Building and other Construction Workers Board shall be as prescr ibed by the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act , 1996 a nd Rules made there under. Krishna Mohan uppu, Spl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour, Employment, Skill Dev. & Entrepreneurship Department.

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