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Regular Issue No. 18 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 18Date - 03/05/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.C.18021/l/2019-PWD(E), the 23rd April, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion No.C.18017/24/2007-PWM dt. 10.6.2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following officers as Nodal Officer, Mizora m State Litiga tion Policy, 2010 in r espect of Public Works Department (Secretaria t), Govt. of Mizoram with immediate effect and unt il further orders as mentioned below :- 1.Pu Zosangliana, Deputy Secretary, PWD-Service Mat ters 2.Pu H. Lalnghinglova, Under Secretar y(Tech), PWD-Technical/Works The above Nodal Officers will link when either of them a re absent from duties on various reasons. H.L. Rochungnunga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public works Department. No.A.38012/3/19-EDN/2, the 24th April, 2019.On attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to release Pu K. Lalhmangaiha, Lecturer, Govt. Higher Secondary School, Serchhip from Gover nment service w.e.f. 28.02.2019 (A/N) on superannuation pension. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.22012/8/2019-P&AR(CSW), the 24th April, 2019.In pursuance of CEO’s letter No. A. 22012/3/2013-CEO dt. 22.04.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tr ansfer and posting of the following IPS Officers with immediate effect and until further orders.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 3.5.2019 Vaisakha 13, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 18 - 2 - R-18/2019 Sl. No. NamePresent place of p ostingNew place of pos ting1.Sh. R. Sathiyasundaram, IPS, (AGMUT : 2009) SP, Mamit DistrictSP, Serchhip District 2.Sh. Shashank Jaiswal, IPS, (AGMUT : 2014)SP, Serchhip DistrictSP, Mamit Dis trict R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. OFFICE ORDERNo. F. 29011/3/2006 - DC(A)/26, the 25th April, 2019. In exerciseof t he powers conferred under Sub- Section (1) & (2) of Section 5 of the Right to Information Act , 2005 a nd in pursuance of the Government of Mizoram, General Administration Department Circular No.F.14011/2/2012-GAD(RTI) dt. 7. 8. 2014, Pu Vanlalngaihsaka , Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl is hereby designated as Appellate Author ity for the Office of Deputy Commissioner,, Aizawl with immediateeffect and until fur ther orders. V.L. Hruaizela Khiangte, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl Distr ict, Aizawl. NOTIFICATIONSNo. A. 20019/1/16-FS, the 25th April, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferr ed under section 5 (1 )(2) and 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (Act.No.22 of 2005) and in superssession of previous Notification issued by this Department fr om time to time, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to designate the following officers as Departmental Appellate Authority (DAA) and State Public Information Officer (SPIO) in respect of Fisher ies Dep artment , Secret aria t a s shown aga inst their names with immediate effect and until fur ther orders:- Sl. No.Name & DesignationDesignated as1.Pu Thlamuana, SecretaryDepartmental Appellate Authority (DAA) 2.Pi Zaihmingthangi, Deputy SecretaryState Public Information Officer (SPIO) Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. No.A.19015/13/2008-EXC, the 29th April, 2019.On a ttaining the age of superannuation pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Rodala, Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics from Government service with effect from 30.04.2019 (AN). K.T. Beicho, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department. OFFICE ORDERNo.D.14015/6/2017-DTE(TRP), the 29th April, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Office Order of even no. dt. 1st June, 2018 and in exercise of the power conferred under Section 5(1)(2) and pursuant to Section 19(1 ) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and in the interest of public service, the following - 3 -R-18/2019 officers under Transport Department are hereby designated as Departmental Appellate Authority and SPIO under the s aid Act with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Sl. No.NameDesignationContact NumberMobile No1.S.L Na veen,Appellate(0389)-2316080/ 8660582421 Director of TransportAuthority2328855 (F) 2.Alexander V. Chongthu,SPIO(0389)-2341055/ 9612166025 Joint Director (OP)2348315(F) 3.Zothangzuala Chhangte, Joint Director (MV)SPIO(0389)-2312078 9436152841 4.Vanlalhruaia, Depu ty Director (Admn)SPIO(0389)-2324855 9862377510 5.Marilyn Rualzakhumthangi, Deputy Director (Hqrs) S PIO(0389)-2314877 9436148728 6.C. Lalbiakthanga, Deputy Director (STA)SPIO(0389)-2325888 9436157918 7.Rebecca F. Lalnuntluangi, Deputy Director (Acct) SPIO(0389)-2324822 9436141711 8.Lalnunmawia, DTO, Aizawl UrbanSPIO(0389)-2306079 9862336525 9.Lalzuitluanga, DTO, Aizawl RuralSPIO(0389)-2342679 9862060250 10.H. Lalhminglianga, DTO, KolasibSPIO(03837)-221568 9436146330 11.B. Lalrinsa nga, DTO, SerchhipSPIO(03838)-222296 9436157225 12.C. Lalawmpuia, DTO, MamitSPIO(0389)-2565737(F) 9436149118 13.DTO, LungleiSPIO(0372)-2324756 14.DTO, SiahaSPIO(03835)-223045 15.DTO, ChamphaiSPIO(03831)-234881 16.DTO, LawngtlaiSPIO(03835)-232247(F) Further, the four District officer namely, DTO Lunglei, DTO S iaha, DTO Champhai and DTO Lawngtlai a re MCS cadre posts. Since the incumbent officers ar e frequently transfer red, appointment of SPIO is ma de on designation ba sis. R. Lalrammawia, Joint Director (Hqrs), For Director of Transport, Mizor am : Aizawl. NOTIFICATIONSNo.A.40012/l/2015-HTE, the 30th April, 2019.In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to allow extension of service in respect of Pu T hanglura, Associa te Professor, Govt. Aizawl College presently holding the post of Additional State Project Director, RUSA for a period of 6(six) months w.e.f. 01.05.2019 upto 31.10.2019. This issues with the approval of DP&,AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.GSW.7/2019/747 dt.30.04.2019. Biaktluanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/164, the 30th April, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu Vanlalsiama, Treasury Officer, Aizawl North Treasuryfrom service on superannuation pension from the aft ernoon of 30.4.2019. No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/163, the 30th April, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu Lalramhluna, Treasury Officer, Kolasib Treasuryfrom service on superannuation pension from the aft ernoon of 30.4.2019. - 4 - R-18/2019 No. A. 22013/l/2014-F.Est/91, the 30th April, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Junior Gra de of MFAS Officers to the post shown against each with effect from 1.5.2019 and until fur ther or der. Sl. No.Na me of Off icer & p r es en t p la ce of p os t ingNew place of pos tingRemar ks1.Pu F. Lalremmawia,FAO DHMEVice Pu Zotha nzama Treasury Officer, Chawngte TreasurySailo transferred 2.Pi Helen Chawngma wii,Treas ury Officer,Vice Pu Lalramhluna Asst. Director, Accounts & Treasuries, AizawlKolasib Treasuryretired 3.Pu Vanlalfaka,Treas ury Officer,Vice Pu Vanlalsiama Treasury Officer, Mamit TreasuryAizawl ‘N’ Treasuryretired 4.Pu Zothanzama Sa ilo,Treas ury Officer,Vice Pu Vanla lfaka FAO, DHMEMamit Treasurytransferred Further, Pu Zoramthanga Pachuau, Asst. Director, Office of the Joint Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Southern Zone, Lunglei is entrusted to look after the works of Treasury Officer, Chawngte Treasury in addition to his own duties, without a ny extr a financial benefit, until further or der. Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No.A.32013/9/2017-HTE/208, the 30th April, 2019.In terms ofPara 6.4.4read withAppendix-III, Table-IIIof the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to placement/promotion to the post of Assistant Professor (Sta ge-2) a nd, on the recommendation ofMPSC vide No.91/A/95-MPSC-Vol.III dt.02.04.2019conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/7/2018-P&AR(GSW) dt.05.04.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the following Assistant Professors (Stage-1) to Assista nt Professor (Stage-2) in the Pay Band of ^ 15,600-39,100+AGP of ^ 7,000/-p.m with effect from the date of eligibility as shown against their names:- Sl. Name/Deptt./CollegeDate ofDate ofDue dateEffective No.Joining completionfordate of training placement courseto Stage-2 (1) (2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 1. Dr. David V. Khiangte, Deptt. of Pub. Admn., 09.10.2007 02.05.2014 09.10.2013 03.05.2014 Govt. Lawngtlai College 2. K. Lalhruaia, Deptt. of History,03.06.2008 12.12.2016 03.06.2014 13.12.2016 Govt. Aiza wl College 3. Lallawmzua la, Deptt. of Economics,19.06.2008 12.12.2016 19.06.2014 13.12.2016 Govt. Champhai College H. M. Hualsangi, Addl. Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 22012/31/88-P & AR (C S W) , t he 3 0th April, 2019.Consequent upon the retirement on superannuation pension in respect of Pu Lalchhuanawma Hrahsel, Director, Economics & Statistics Depa rtment in the a fternoon of 30. 04.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is p lea sed to or derPu Lalrikhuma Sailo,Adviser, Pla nning & Programme Implementation Department - 5 -R-18/2019 (Selection Grade of MPE&SS ) to ta ke the charge ofDirector, Economics & Statistics Departmentwith effect from the forenoon of 01.05.2019 as a stop gap arrangement till a regular Director is posted. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 19017/66/2016-PAR(SSW)/48, the 30th April, 2019.On her attaining the age of 60 (sixty) year s, the Governor of Mizor amispleased torelease Pi Juliet Lalr emr uati, St enogr ap her Gra de-I, P S to Addl. Secretary, Higher & Technical Education Departmentfrom Government Serviceon supera nnuation pension w.e.f.31.05.2019 (A/N). Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. F. 20016/1/2019-GAD, the 30th April, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pu J.Hmingt hanmawia, Director, Commerce & Indu stries Department, as the Nodal Officer to liaise with the senior officers from the Ministry of External Affair s(MEA), Govt of India, in matters relating to the promotion of India ’s tra de and investment. The designated Nodal Officer will act as a single point of contact for the officers of MEA, for their interaction and facilitation during their visit in the State and any fu rther works related to it. Biaktluanga, Commissioner Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department. No. A. 19015/5/2005-AC, the 1st May, 2019.On attaining the age of superannuation pension of 60 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu C.Lalt lankima, Senior Resea rch Officer, Tr ibal Research Institute under Art & Culture Department from Government Service with effect from 31.5.2019 (A/N). B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Art & Culture Department. No. A. 32019/5/2019-SERI, the 1st May, 2019.On t he recommendation of t he Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.l45/A/96-MPSC/Vol-II dt.25.04.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of M izor a m is p lea s ed t o p r omot e P u C . Hr a n gza wna , S er icu lt u r e E x t ens ion Offic er, S er icu lt u r e D ep a r t ment to the post of Sericulture Promotion Officer in Level 8 of the Pay Ma trix plus other allowa nces as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. He is posted as Ser icultur e Promotion Officer at Centra l Stor e under Dir ector ate of S ericult ure. No. A. 32019/6/2019-SERI, the 1st May, 2019.On the recommendation of t heMizoramPublic Service Commission vide No.4/A/2010-MPSC(B) dt.25.04.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Lalr emsiami, Sericulture Inspector, Sericulture Department to the post of Sericulture Extension Officer in Level 7 of the Pay Ma trix plus other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. - 6 - R-18/2019 She is posted as Sericulture Extension Officer at Central Grainage, Sericulture Training Institute, Zemabawk. F. Lalthuamluaia, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sericulture Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. CORRIGENDUMNo.A.22018/2/2016-S&WC, the 25th April, 2019.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even No. Dated 8.3.2019. The present place of posting of P.T. Vanrosiama, ASCE may be r ead as ASCE atta ched to D.O. Office, Lunglei instead of i/c D.O. Lunglei. Rosy Lalmua nsangi Hmar will draw her pa y & allowances against the post of D.O. Serchhip. She will hand over the charge of D.O. Serchhip to K. Lalrochhara, ASCE. Er. Valbuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. NOTIFICATIONSNo. 46/B/2013 - MPSC, the 30th April, 2019.Mizoram Public Service C ommission chuanJr. Grade of MCS, Jr. Gra de of M PS leh J r. Grade of MF& ASOfficers, Departmental Examination la ‘clear’ lote tan Depa rtmenta l Examination, ni16th - 22nd July, 2019chhu ngin bua tsaih a tum a. Heng Service hrang hrang tarla naJunior Grade/Proba tioner Officers,Depa rtmental Examina tion la hmabak zawng zawngte chuan ‘Willingness’ lehkhapuan pangngaia ziakin leh proper channel-in, Secretary, Mizoram Public Service Commission address-in ni31.5.2019thlengin thehluh theih a ni. Willingness thehlut turte chuan a hnuaia information mamawhte hi an rawn tarla ng tur a ni: 1.Name (in Block lett ers): __________________________________________ 2.Father’s Name: __________________________________________ 3.Present post held: __________________________________________ 4.Present place of posting: __________________________________________ 5.Subject(s)/Paper(s) already cleared: __________________________________________ 6.Subject(s)/Paper(s) to be appeared for : __________________________________________ 7.Address for Communica tion: __________________________________________ 8.Contact No.: __________________________________________ Exam tum te chuan Examination fee Rs. 250/- Mizoram Public Service Commission Reception Counter-ah Willingness thehluh rua lin an pe tur a ni. - 7 -R-18/2019 Willingness thehlut leh Examination fee pe te cha uh exam phalsa k an ni ang.Dr. Lalzirmawia Chhangte, Secretary, Mizoram Public Service Commission, Aizawl. No.A.4601l/l/2018-F.Est/139-141,the lst May, 2019. In t he interest of public service and in pursuance of decision of the Meeting of the Empanelment Boa rd held on 12. 4.2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to empanel the following Consultants/Contractors under the Govt. of Mizoram against the categories and grades shown below for a period from 12.4.2019 up to 30.9.2020 in addition to the Consultants/ Contractors already empanelled vide No.A.46011/l/2018-F.Est/58-61 dt. 1.10.2018and No.A.46011/l/2018- F.Est/129 dt. 25.2.2019 1)Preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) & Project SupervisionG r a d e ASl. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress13:16 Plan SolutionM-II, Block E/27 Chaltlang, Opposite Transport Bldg., Aizawl - 796007 2Babie Construction & Consultancy Services H.No. - 92, Upper Khatla, Aizawl - 796001 3CFH Consulta ncy ServicesF-3, Biakin Mual, Republic Veng, Aizawl 4DJ Consultancy ServicesA-19(D), Peter Str eet. Sikulpuikawn, Mission Veng, Aizawl - 796001 5Mizoram Development AgencyH.No. E/3, Peter ’s Street, Mission Veng, Aizawl 6MOPT-Construction & Consultancy Services E-53/C, Chanmari, Aizawl - 796007 7Prahar Equicom Pvt. Ltd2nd Floor, Ramphry House, Commercial Complex, Nangal Raya, New Delhi-110046 Gr a de BSl. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress1Zamzo Engineering, ConstructionBawngkawn, Durtlang Road (LT Car Wash), Aizawl & Consulta ncy 2)Project Development & Construction WorksG r a d e ASl. No. Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress 13:16 Plan SolutionM-II, Block E/27 Chaltlang, Opposite Transport Bldg., Aizawl - 796007 2Babie Construction & Consultancy Services H.No. - 92, Upper Khatla, Aizawl - 796001 3CFH Consulta ncy ServicesF-3, Biakin Mual, Republic Veng, Aizawl 4DJ Consultancy ServicesA-19(D), Peter Str eet, Sikulpuikawn, Mission Veng, Aizawl - 796001 5Infra structur al Planning &H.No.DV ‘B’-6/E, PC Thanglawta Bldg., Dam Veng Designing Consultant(Tha kthing), Aizawl 6KR ConstructionH.No: H/299, Thuampui, Aizawl 7Mizoram Development AgencyH.No. E/3, Peter ’s Street, Mission Veng, Aizawl 8MOPT-Construction & Consultancy Services E-53/C, Chanmari, Aizawl - 796007 - 8 - R-18/2019 9Zamzo Engineering, ConstructionBawngkawn, Durtlang Road (LT Car Wash), Aizawl & Consulta ncy 10ZT P owerD-4, Hrangbana House, Chanmari, Aizawl-796007 Gr a de BSl. NoName of Consultant/ContractorAddress1PNZ Infra Projects LLPH. No. T-131/C, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl - 796001 2Ruby EnterpriseA-50/1A, Luangmual, behind YMA Hall, Aizawl - 796009 The terms a nd conditions of empanelment of the firms will as be follows - 1.Departments under the Government of Mizoram who wish to engage any of the empanelled Consultants/Contractors may do so without approaching PWD for issue of No Objection Certificate (NOC). 2.However, all other methods of selection of Consultants/Contra ctors i.e. shor t-listing of C onsulta nts/ Contractors, preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR), issue of Request for Proposal (RFP). technical and financia l bidding and selection by the concer ned Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) of the Department shall remain the same as per the Guidelines and instructions already issued by Finance Department vide No. A. 46011/1/2010-F.Est. dt. 6.12.2010. 3.For any type of wor k, first prefer ence for procur ement of goods and services will be through open tender. In certain circumstances, limited tender may be issued/called for from a minimum of 5(five) firms. However, in the case of limited tender, the proposal should be supported by proper justification and approva l of the concer ned Minister. F urther, limited tender may be invited through email for which the Department should clear ly furnish email id in the tender notice. 4.All the Consultants/Contractors selected by Depar tments for preparation of Deta iled Pr oject Report (DPR) and for execution of works shall ensure universal accessibility of all public buildings for Persons with Disabilities a nd senior citizens. 5.Firms selected for prepara tion of Detailed Project Report (DPR) will not nor mally be allowed to execute the works for the DPR pr epared by them. However, the same firm will be eligible to be engaged for project supervision a nd monitoring of even the works for which DPR was prepared by them. However, this shall not debar award of works on Design-Build-Contract (DBC) and similar nature of contract/works execution, provided there is clear cut decision of the Government/ Depa rtment with approval of the concerned Minis ter in charge of the Department at the time of deciding the mode of execution of the wor ks/contr act. 6.The procedure of payments, including Mobilization Advance and provision of contingencies, will be regulated under CPWD Manual. 7.The Executing Department shall be solely responsible for ensuring the quality of works and enforcing compliance of the procedur es of the Government and CPWD Manua l by the Executing Agency.The terms and conditions as above will also be applicable to all the firms already empanelled vide Notification No.A.4601l/l/2018-F.Est/58-61 dt. 1.10.2018 and Notification No.A.46011/1/ 2018-F.Est/58-61 dt. 25.2.2019. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram & Chairman, Empanelment Board. No.B.14022/13/02-LAD/VC, the 25th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Serchhip District huam chhung amiHriangtlang Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. - 9 -R-18/2019 President-Zothanmawia Vice President-Lalliani Tr easurer-C. Lianmawia Secretary-Lalzuimawia (Ralte) No.B.14021/97/2015-LAD/VC, the 30th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei District huam chhung ami Tawipui North-I Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-P.C. Lalhlimpuia Vice President-T. Biaksailova Tr easurer-La lrinmawia No.B.14021/75/2002-LAD/VC, the 30th April, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei District huam chhung ami Venghlun Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-A. Biakhmingthanga Vice President-R. Lalthianghlima Tr easurer-CH. Lalramnghaki No.B.14021/134/15-LAD/VC, the 1st May, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei District huam chhung ami Puankhai Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-Hiralota Chakma Vice President-Bipanan Chakma Tr easurer-Bor un Cha kma No.B.14021/66/02-LAD/VC, the 1st May, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei District huam chhung amiSalem Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-Fimrosanga Vice President-B. Lalrinchhunga Tr easurer-C. Lalremsanga No.B.14019/29/2002-LAD/VC, the 2nd May, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,New Champhai Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-H. Chalzama Vice President-La llawmawmi Tr easurer-R. Thangnghilhlova No.B.14018/30/07-LAD/VC, the 2nd May, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Mamit Districthuam chhung a mi Mamit Hmar VengVilla ge Council Executive Body siamthat na chu a hnu ai a mi a ng hian a p a wmpu i a ni. - 10 - R-18/2019 President-Lalchhanthanga Vice President-P. Lalhmingthanga Tr easurer-Kananrammawii Secretary-P.C. Lalhmachhuana Member-P.C. Lalthlengliana He lehkha hian even No. dt. 25.4.2019 chu a thlak a ni. No.B.14019/26/2015-LAD/VC, the 2nd May, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Champhai District chhu nga Kahrawt Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-Pu Zoherliana Hauchhum Vice President-Pu PB. Vanlalruata Tr easurer-Pu Zohmingthanga Colney Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONS No.B.15014/3/2018-ARCOOP(AE)/6, the 16th April, 2019.Under Section 10 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act 9 of 2006) a Cooperative Society under the name of the ELECTRIC VENGHERBAL MEDICINE COOPERATIVE SOCIETY the District of Aizawl Mizoram has been registered in my Office and Numbered as AE-483/2019-2020dated this day the Sixteenof Aprilin the year 2019Anno Domini. No.B.15014/3/2018-ARCOOP(AE)/7, the 30th April, 2019.Under Section 10 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act 9 of 2006) a Cooperative Society under the name of the LAIPUITLANGMULTIPURPOSE COOPERATIVE SOCIETY the District of Aizawl Mizoram has been registered in my Office and Numbered as AE-484/2019-2020dated this day the Thirtyof Aprilin the year Twothousand NineteenAnno Domini. Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Aizawl East, Aizawl, Mizoram. CANCELLATION ORDERSNo.B.14030/459/09-RCOOP(Lq)/62, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstBulfekzawl - 11 -R-18/2019 Sands & Gravels Loaders Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14033/9/09-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing Registration No.CPI-123/2009-2010 dt.16.6.2009; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14030/459/09-RCOOP(SC)/51 dt.5.10.2015) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14030/459/2009-RCOOP dt.11.8.2016 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14033/9/09-ARCOOP (CPI)/52 dt.6.12.2016 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14016/400/11-RCOOP(Lq)/83, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstChawngtlai Rubber ProductionCoop erative Society Ltd. Vide lett erNo.B.14025/54/11-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing Registration No.CPI-146/2011-2012 dt.16.12.2011; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/400/11-RCOOP(SC)/72 dt.16.8.2016) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide or derNo.B.14016/400/2011-RCOOP(Sc) dt.13.9.2017 the t hen Registr ar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c0 and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14025/54/11-ARCOOP (CPI)/138 dt.22.2.2018 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. - 12 - R-18/2019 Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14016/465/04-RCOOP(Lq)/213, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstRuantlang Turmeric Growers Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14020/21/97-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing Registration No.CPI-39/97-98 dt.5.11.1997; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/465/04-RCOOP(SC)/202 dt.5.10.2015) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/465/2004-RCOOP(Lq) dt.13.9.2017 the then Registr ar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14020/29/97-ARCOOP (CPI)/107 dt.14.3.2018 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14029/55/08-RCOOP(Lq)/123, the 3rd April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizora m Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by t heARCS, Kolasib againstLungdai Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14024/67/08-ARCOOP (AE) bearing Registration No.AE-416/2008-2009 dt.26.8.2008; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Cha irman of the afor esaid society(vide letter No.B.14029/55/08-RCOOP(SC) dt.23.6.2012) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. - 13 -R-18/2019 And whereas vide or derNo.B.14029/55/2008-RCOOP(Sc) dt.24.11.2014 the t hen Registr ar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14024/67/08-ARCOOP (AE)/94 dt.27.4.2015 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14016/478/04-RCOOP(Lq)/120, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstChamphai Bethel Women FarmingCooperative Society Ltd. Vide letter No.B.14020/10/96-ARCOOP (CPI)/51bearing Registration No.CPI-69/2001-2002 dt.28.2.2002; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Cha irma n of the afor esaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/478/04-RCOOP/83 dt.14.2.2012) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/478/04-RCOOP dt.19.3.2015 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14020/41/2002-ARCOOP (CPI)/118 dt.28.8.2018 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14019/201/06-RCOOP(Lq)/83, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstChamphai Poultry Farming & Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14028/14/2007-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing Registration No.CPI-97/2006-2007 dt.28.7.2007; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14019/201/06-RCOOP(SC) dt.30.8.2013) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: - 14 - R-18/2019 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14019/201/06-RCOOP dt.22.2.2016 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14028/14/2007-ARCOOP (CPI)/39 dt.29.8.2018 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14016/487/04-RCOOP(Lq)/168, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstChamphai Vengsang Floriculture Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14020/31/97-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing Registration No.CPI-37/97-98 dt.9.10.1997; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/487/04-RCOOP(SC) dt.16.12.2012) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/487/04-RCOOP (Sc)/163 dt.2.3.2016 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14020/31/97-ARCOOP (CPI)/95 dt.7.9.2016 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14029/475/09-RCOOP(Lq)/178, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstChamphai - 15 -R-18/2019 Vengthlang Women Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14020/10/96-ARCOOP (CPI)/ 49 bearing Registration No.CPI-30/97-98 dt.20.8.1997. In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14029/475/04-RCOOP/165 dt.3.10.2011) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14029/475/04-RCOOP dt.19.3.2015 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14023/33/97-ARCOOP(CPI)/100 dt.19.10.2015 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14027/411/04-RCOOP(Lq)/202, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstChamphai Vengt hla ng Pig P roducers Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14021/17/97-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing Registration No.CPI-18/96-97 dt. 23.5.1997; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14027/411/04-RCOOP(SC)/176 dt.4.9.2013) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14027/424/09-RCOOP dt.1.10.2015 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14021/17/97-ARCOOP (CPI)/139 dt.26.4.2016 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. - 16 - R-18/2019 Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.12015/164/90-RCOOP(Lq)/172, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstFarkawn Pig Producers Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14020/10/98-ARCOOP (CPI)/23 bearing Registration No.CPI-59/91-92 dt.25.1.1991; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Cha irma n of the afor esaid society(vide letter No.B.12015/164/90-RCOOP/133 dt.7.8.2001) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14015/164/90-RCOOP/134 dt.27.2.2002 the then Registr ar or dered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14021/19/97-ARCOOP (CPI)/106 dt.29.8.2018 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby order closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14036/158/06-RCOOP(Lq)/69, the 29th April, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Champhai againstLeisenzo Sericulture Farming Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14020/50/2005-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing Registration No.CPI-89/05-06 dt.9.12.2005; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14036/158/06-RCOOP(SC)/50 dt.5.11.2013) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds: 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. - 17 -R-18/2019 And whereas vide orderNo.B.14036/158/06-RCOOP dt.13.10.2014 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winging Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Wingding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Wingding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.14020/50/2005-ARCOOP (CPI)/70 dt.27.4.2006 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigtned, keeping in view the aforesaid fa ct a nd circumstances hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the Registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. Regis trar, Cooper ative Societies, Mizoram, Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 19 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 19Date - 10/05/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.C.31012/l/2014-PWD(E), the 29th April, 2019.In partial modification to this Department’s Notification No.C.31012/1/2014-PWD(E) dt. 10.05.2018 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 5(1 ) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Er. Lalt hanzuala Ralte, Joint Secreta ry, PWD, as Sta te Public Information Officer to provide information to persons requesting for information under the Act relating to PWD(Secretariat) with immediate effect and until further or der. H.L. Rochungnunga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No. A. 19011/156/97-P & AR (C S W) , t he 3 0th April, 2019.On a ttaining the age of superannua tion pension, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased t o releasePu Lalthangliana Murray, IFS (AGMUT : 1992), St ate Mission Director, St ate Ba mboo Mission from Government S ervice with effect from the afternoon of 30. 04 . 2 0 1 9 . R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22013/l/2018-P&AR(GSW), the 1st May, 2019.Inthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint P u K.M. La lrindika , Senior Gra de, MSS a s Pr ivate Secretary to Pu La lchha ndama Ralt e, the Hon’ble Minister of St ate, School Edu cation Department/Printing & Stationery Depa rtment etc. on deputation basis with effect from 06.02.2019 on the following terms and conditions: 1.The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the pay cor responding to the level in the Pay Matr ix of the deputation post or the pay corresp onding to his own Level in the Pay Ma trix in the parent Cadre with Deputation (Duty) allowa nce.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 10.5.2019 Vaisakha 20, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 19 - 2 - R-19/2019 2.The tenure of depu tation shall be co-terminus with tha t of the tenur e of the Hon’ble Minister concerned. The appoint ment is made against the post of Private Secretary toMinistercreated vide Notification No.A.l 1013/4/87-SAE dated 28.03.1989. Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.11016/7/2015-FST, the 2nd May, 2019.In continua tion of this Department’s earlier Notifica tion issued vide even No. dt 09.03.2019 and in terms of Rule 11 of Mizora m Forest Service Rules 1999, the following officers who are appoint ed to the Junior Grade of Mizoram For est Service (Assistant Conservator of F orests) under Environment, Forests & Climate Change Depar tment s hall be on probation for a period of t wo (2) years from the date of appointment and until fur ther or der. 1.R. Lalruatfela, ACF, Champhai Forest Division. 2.Lawmnapari, ACF, T henzawl Forest Division. 3.R. Lalnungrenga, ACF, Dampa Tiger Reserve, W. Phaileng. 4.Vanlalnunpuii Hmar, ACF, Ma mit Forest Division. 5.Brya n Zorintluanga , ACF, Kawrtha h Forest Division. Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No. A. 19015/475/2016-PAR(SSW)/20, the 3rd May, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to r elease PuJ.Va nlalsia ma, Superintendent, Dte. of Transportfrom Government S ervice on superannuation pension vv.e.f.30.04.2019(AN), Dr. Lalngura Tlau, Deputy Secretary totheGovt. of Mizoram. CORRIGENDUMNo.B.12011/4/2016-FST, the 6th May, 2019.In partial modification of this department’s Notifica tion of even No. dt 16.04.2019 regarding the r econstitution of the State Board for Wildlife for Mizoram, the name of one of themembers at Sl.No.ll, appearing as Dr. John Lalthanzama, Assistant Professor, Department of Envir onmental Science, Mizoram University shall be read asDr. John Zothanzama, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Mizoram University. Ajay Saxena, Principal Secreta ry to theGovt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. NOTIFICATIONSNo. A. 38012/1/09-EDN, the 6th May, 2019.On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Headmasters, Govt. High School from Government service w.e.f. 31.5.2019(A/N) on superannuation pension. - 3 -R-19/2019 Sl. NoName of HeadmasterPlace of postingunder DEO1K.I.ReginoldGovt. Lengpui HSAizawl 2Peter LalsangaGovt. Dintha r HS, AizawlAizawl The senior-most Teacher of their respective school s hall ta kethecharge of Headmaster till such time a regular Headmaster is posted. K. Sangthuama, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.B.16012/l/2011-TRP, the 7th May, 2019.In exercise of the power conferred under S ec 19(1) and pursuant to Sec 5(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 and in the interest of public service, the Governor is pleased to designate Pi Ramdinliani, Joint Secretary, Transport Department as Appellate Authority under the said Act in r espect of Transport Department with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. K.T. Beicho, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. No. A. 20019/1/16-FS, t he 7lh May, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferr ed under section 5 (1 )(2) and 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (Act.No.22 of 2005) and in superssession of previous Notification issued by this Department fr om time to time, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to designate the following officers as Departmental Appellate Authority (DAA) and State Public Information Officer (SPIO) and State Assistant Public Information Officer (SAPIO) in respect of Directorate of Fisheries Depa rtment as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. No.Name & DesignationDesignated as1.Pu C. Lalda wngliana, DirectorDepartmental Appellate Authority (DAA) 2.Pu F. Vanlallawma, Joint DirectorState Public Information Officer (SPIO) 3.Pu Lalrochhara, DFDO, AizawlSlate Public Information Officer (SPIO) 4.Pu Lalthanzuala, DFDO, LungleiState Public Information Officer (SPIO) 5.Pi Zonuntlua ngi, DFDO, SerchhipState Public Information Officer (SPIO) 6.Pu V.L. Hmachhuana, DFDO, SiahaStale Public Information Officer (SPIO) 7.Pi C. Lalparmawii, DFDO, KolasibState Public Information Officer (SPIO) 8.Pi Lucy La lrinpuii, DFDO, ChamphaiState Public Information Officer (SPIO) 9.Pi C. Lalia npuii, F EO i/c DFDO, MamitState Assistant Public Information Officer (SAPIO) 10.Pi Lalremsa ngpuii, FEO i/c DFDO, Lawngtlai State Assistant Public Information Officer (SAPIO) Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. No. A. 45012/6/2017-LJE, the 7th May, 2019.In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to enga ge/appoint the following GA/PP, Addl.GA/Addl.PP and Asst. GA/Asst.PP in the var ious District Courts as Special Public Prosecutors for the following Special Courts established under the following Acts with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. - 4 - R-19/2019 1.LUNGLEI DISTRICT1. ZDL Pianmawia,i) Protection of Huma n Right s Act, 1993 GA/PPii) The Mizoram Protection of Interest of Depositors (in Financial Esta blishment) Act, 2002 (under the Administrative District of Lunglei, Lawngtlai & Siaha) iii) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes,(Prevention of Atrocities Act) 1989 2. F. Lalchhanhimi,i) Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 Addl.GA/Addl.PPii) Electricity Act, 2003 iii) Rights of Persons With Dis abilities Act, 2016 3. R. Zothantlua ngi,Drugs & Cosmetics Act,1940 Asst.GA/Asst.PP 2.KOLASIB DISTRICT1. Lalropara Singson,Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 Addl.GA/Addl.PP 2. Anthony Lalchhuanawma,Rights of Persons With Dis abilities Act, 2016 AsstGA/Asst.PP 3.CHAMPHAI DISTRICT1. Zothanpuia Chawngthui) Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 Addl.GA/Addl.PPii) Rights of Persons With Dis abilities Act, 2016 4.SAIHA DISTRICT1. H.C. Vannunthianghlima, i) Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 Addl.GA/Addl.PPii) Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 The terms and conditions of their appointment shall be governed by the Uniform Terms and Conditions for engagement of Government Advocates in the Government of Mizor am, 2016 as amended fr om time to time. Marli Vankung, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law & Judicia l Department. No.A.19015/22/2011-EXC, the 7th May, 2019.On attaining the age of superannua tion pension, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to release Pu R. Vanla lsanga, Inspector of Excise & Narcotics (ANS), Commissionerate of Excise & Narcotics fr om Government service with effect fr om 31.05.2019 (AN). K.T. Beicho, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department. No. A. 32013/8/2017-P&E,t he 7th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularise the officiating promotion of the following Junior Grade of MES (Elect) vide this Department No.A.32013/8/2017-P&E/3 dt.3.10.2018 against the post ofJunior Grade of MES under Power & Electricity Department in the Level 10 of Pay matrix with immediate effect. - 5 -R-19/2019 1.C. Lalduhawma, SDO, Revenue Sub-Division, Lunglei 2.B. Lalchhanhima, SDO (T C), Serchhip Power Division, Serchhip. No.A.32013/8/2O17-P&E, the 7th May, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of MPSC vide their letter No. 33/A/2016-MPSC dt. 8.4.2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to pr omote t he following Junior Engineers to Junior Gr ade of MES on officiating ba sis under Power & Electricity Department in the Level 10 of pay matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. 1.H. Lalengmawii 2.Vanlalchuanga No. A. 32013/5/2018-P&E, the 7th May, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of MPSC vide their letter No.33/A/2016-MPSC dt. 15.4.2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Er. Va nlalthlenga, Junior Gr ade of MES to Senior Gr ade of MES under Power & Electricity Depa rtment in the Level 11 of pay matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immedia te effect. B. Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. No. A. 46019/1 /2019-HMP, the 8th May, 2019. In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section(l) of Section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following officers as Executive Magistr ates within Kola sib District with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. 1.P.C Zonunsangi MCS, DUDO Kola sib. 2.T.T. Beikhaizi MCS, SO Kolasib. 3.Gaston Vanlalhriatpuia MCS, BDO Thingdawl. 4.Neng Thianlal MCS, BDO Bilkhawthlir. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No.A.19015/524/2018-PAR(SSW)/11, the 8th May, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow Pi Zothankhumi, Superintendent, Local Administr ation Department to go on voluntary retirement w.e.f. 01.08.2019(F/N) as permissible under Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Dr. Lalngura Tlau, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.45011/1/2007-CEO, the 8th May, 2019.In supercession of this D epartment’s Notification of even No. dated 8th May, 2018, a nd in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5( 1) and (2) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate the following officers as Department Appellate Authority, State Public Information Officer, State Asst. Public Information Officer under Election Depa rtment to provide information to persons requesting for the same relating to election matters with immediate effect and until further or der. - 6 - R-19/2019 Sl. No.NameDesignationDesignated as1Sh. Ashish KundraChief Electoral OfficerDepartment Appellate Authority 2Sh. H. LianzelaJoint Chief Electoral OfficerState Public Informa tion Officer 3Sh. Malsawmzuala Ass t.Chief Electoral Officer State Asst. Public Informa tion Officer Ashish Kundra Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram, Aizawl. No.A.12012/l/2016-FCS&CA, the 9th May, 2019.In t he interest of public service and in pursuance of the advice of Law & Judicial Department vide I.D.No.LJD. 13/2019/282 dated the 24th April, 2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to allow Pi Zosangzuali Pachu au, MCS , Joint Director (Admin), FCS&CA Depa rtment to discharge the functions of Registrar, Mizoram State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, in addition to her own duties and she shall be entit led to 20% of her basic pay a s honora rium with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. Consequent upon the appoint ment of Pi Zosa ngzuali Pachuau above, the Governor of Mizora m is also pleased to relieve Pu T.L. Guite of his present duty as Registrar, Mizoram State Consumer Disputes Redr essal C ommission with immediate eff ect. H.L. Rochungnunga,IAS, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONSNo. G. 17012/l/2009-F.Est/133, the 6th May, 2019.In continua tion to this Department’s Notifica tion No. G. 17012/1/2003 - F.Est dt. 6.9.2011 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 (f) of the Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the Secretary, Mizoram Lokayukta a s Head of Administrative Department under Annexure-I of the Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978 for exercising financial powers enumera ted therein. This order will ta ke effect from the da te of issue and will be in force until fur ther or der. Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No.B.16012/4/2018-RD, the 7th May, 2019.In partial modification of Notification No.B.16012/2/99- RD : dated 26.07.2004 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to re- dema rcate the exis ting boundaries of Lungsen a nd Lunglei R.D. Block by including Khawmawi Village of Lungsen R.D. Block under Lunglei R.D. Block with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. - 7 -R-19/2019 This issues with the approval of the Hon’ble Minister, Rural Development Department on 06.05.2019. Lalhmingthanga, Commr. & Secy. to the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONSNo.A.32012/7/2019-AH&V, the 6th May, 2019. This is to sta te that the post of Additional Director (Selection Grade) in the P ay Matr ix Level 13 was not filled up during the vacancy year 2018-2019 due to non availability of eligible candidate. DP&AR(ARW) has approved for filling up of 2 (two) vacant posts vide I.D. No. ARW/AH&V-4/2019-2020/D-6 dt. 16.04.2018. Therefore, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow to carry forward the vacancy year 2018-2019 for the post of Additional Director to 2019-2020. Lalthangpuia Sailo Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No. A.32020/1/2013-HMP/A, the 8th May, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that 3(three) number of vacancies of the post of Selection Grade of Mizoram Police Service under Home Department occurring during t he vacancy year 2018-2 019 which are to be filled up on Seniority by Promotion are hereby carried over to the next va cancy year i.e.2019-2 020. Lalremruata Kullai Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.B.14015/611/19-ARCOOP(L)/101, the 29th April, 2019.Under Section 10(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act , 2006, a Cooperative Society under the na me of theRahsi Veng II Piggery Cooperative Society Ltd. in the District of Lunglei Mizoram have been registered in my Office and numbered asL-642/2019-2020 Dated this theTwenty Nine day ofApr il of the yearTwo thousand nineteen Anno Domini. Assistant Registrar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Lunglei : Mizoram. - 8 - R-19/2019 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM COOPERATION DEPARTMENTCERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION UNDER MIZORAM COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT In the matter of application of Pi/Pu K. Vanlalchhuana a nd 20 others for Registra tion of Cooperative Society at Rahsi Veng II Piggery P.O Lunglei Police St ation Lunglei Sub-Division in the District of Lunglei. I do hereby certify that pursuant to the Section 10(2) of the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Act, 2006 the sa id Society has been registered in my office as a Cooperative Society with limited/unlimited liability under the title of the Rahsi Veng II Piggery Cooperative Society Ltd., a nd numbered as No. L-611/ 2019-2020 Dated in this Twenty nine day of April in the year Two thousand nineteen Anno Domini. The Bye Laws adopted by the said Society have also been registered. The following is the area of opera tion of the Society. 1.Rahsi Veng, Lunglei Assistant Registrar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Lunglei. No.H.11014/9/2017-GAD, the 2nd May, 2019.In t he exer cise of power conferr ed under Section 5 of the negotiable Instruments Act s 1881, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to decla rethe 8th May, 2019 (Wednesday) as Public Holidaywithin Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council and within the under mentioned 6 (s ix) Village Councils under Cha kma Aut onomous District Council to enable the voters to exercise their franchise in theGener al Electionto Village Councils under Lai Autonomous District Council a ndBy- Electionto 6 (six) Village Councils under Chakma Autonomous District Council r espectively. 1)1-Borapansury 2)18-Kamalanagar-I. 3)21 -Kamalanagar - III 4)51-Longpuighat-II 5)54-Simeisury 6) 58-New Jognasury -1 Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 22 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 22Date - 31/05/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 19099/77/05-F S T, t he 2 4th May, 2019. On his attaining the supera nnuation age of 60 years, Pu S angmawia Poonte, Forest Ranger,Working Pla n Office (South), Lunglei under Environment, For ests & Climate C hange Department is hereby released from Government Service on superannuation pension w.e.f. 30.06.2019 (AN). Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal Secreta ry to t he Govt.ofMizor am, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.A.12034/2/2008-PWD(E)/Pt, the 24th May, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu V.L. Remliana, Junior Administrative Grade of Mizor am Civil Service to the post of Competent Authority for Land Acquisition (CALA) under PWD for a period of 2(two) year s on deputation basis a s per t erms and condit ions as follows :- 1.The Officer shall exercise an option to draw either the level in the Pay Matrix of the deputation post or his own Level in the Pay M atrix in the pa rent ca dre, wit hout deputation allowa nce. 2.The Officer shall have no right to claim the Pa y of the deputation post upon his r epatria tion after completion of the deputation tenure. This issues with the approval of DP&AR(GSW) vide their I.D.No.GSW.22/2019/707 dt. 29.03.2019. H.L. Rochungnunga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 31.5.2019 Jyaistha 10, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 22 - 2 - R-22/2019 No. A.35017/1/2015-HMP, the 24th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, Pu Zonun Thar a, MPS, Dy S P(Prosecution), Aizawl Distr ict is hereby deputed as ADC to Governor, Mizoram on temporary basis in addition to his own duties without extra fina ncial b enefit during t he leave period of the current incumbent Maj Deepak Kumar Singh, ADC(A) with effect from 10.06.2019 to 21.06.2019. No. A. 32014/1/2019-HMP/15, the 24th May, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommenda tion of Mizora m P ublic Service Commission vide their letter No.8/A/98-MP SC/Vol-II dt. 21.05.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or der promotion ofPu Lalrinawma Tra ite, Senior Grade of MP S to Junior Administra tive Gra de of MPS in the Level 12 of the Pa y Matr ix plus allowa nces admissible under rules from time to time with immediate effect. On his promotion, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the officer shall remain in his current post until further or der. Lalremruata Kullai Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, HomeDepart ment. No.A. 33023/1/2014 - P&AR(CSW), the 24th May, 2019.In pursuance of Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs’ Order F.No.14046/12/2019.UTS-I dated 22.04.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to postShri Amol S rivasta va, IAS Probationer (AGMUT: 2018) a s Assis tant Commissioner, Aizawl Distr ict, Aizawl aga inst the post of SDC, Aizawl with effect fr om the date of his joining t he Govt . of Mizoram i.e. 22.05.2018 (afternoon). No. A. 35018/3/2008-P&AR(CSW), the 24th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to place the services ofPu Vanlaltanpuia,Senior Grade of Mizoram Civil Service at the disposal of Rural Development Department for appoint ment to the post of Deputy C hief Executive Officer, Mizora m State Rural Livelihood Mission (MzSRLM) initially for a period of l(one) year on deputation ba sis with effect from the date of joining the post only after completion of the process of General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2019 subject to the following terms & conditions: 1. The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the level in the Pa y Matrix of the deputa tion post or his own Level in the PayMatr ix in the parent Cadr e, without deputation allowance. 2. The officer shall have no right to claim the Pa y of the deputation post upon his r epatria tion after completion of the deputation tenure. 3. Leave salary and pension contribution shall be borne by the borr owing organization. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. GSW.22/2019/758 dated 21.05.2019. No.A. 22012/1/2017-P&AR(CSW) , the 27th May, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order p osting ofPu K. Rohmingthanga, MCS. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Printing & Stationery Department asOfficer on Specia l Duty under SAD with immediate effect and until further orders. Further, Printing & St ationery Department shall be allotted to Pu S angdingliana, IAS, Secr etary, Informa tion & Public Relations Depa rtment with immediate effect and unt il further orders. Pu K. Rohmingthanga,MCS shall continue to dra w his pay and allowa nces underthe post of Secretary to theGovt. of Mizoram. - 3 -R-22/2019 No. A. 22012/3/2014-P&AR (CSW), the 27th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-allocate the charge of Deputy Secretary, Rural Development Department toPu C. C. Lalchhuangkima,MCS currently attached as Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, with effect from28.05.2019. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32015/l/2018-HORT, the 27th May, 2019. On the r ecommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.l7/P/2006-MPSC/Vol-II dt.24.4.2019 and. in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to p romot e the following Mizora m Hor ticulture Service Gra de V to Mizoram Horticulture Service Grade-IV in the Pay Matrix Level 10 A(15600-39100 + 6100) plus other allowances a s admissible fr om time to time with effect fr om the date of taking over cha rge. Sl. No.Name & Present Place of postingNew place of posting on promotionRemar ks1.Lalnunpuia, DHO, KolasibHDO/ADHO, SerchhipVacant 2.Lalr osanga Khiangte.SDHO, MamitVice C.Lalawmpuia DHO, Aizawl DivisionMHS IV transferred 3.Manthanga TochhawngHDO, DirectorateVice F. Zorinsangi Serchhip Divisionpromoted Rodney L. Ralte, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. No.A.22012/2/2015-P&AR(CSW), the 27th May, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of M izor am is plea s edtoorder transfer and posting of the following Mizor am Civil Service officerswith effect from 28.05.2019and until fur ther orders: Sl. No.Name & designation of officerNew place of pos tingRemar ks1.Pi Maria C.T. Zuali,Inspector GeneralVacant Joint Secretary, Planning & Progr ammeof Pr isons Implementation and Printing & Stationery Dep ar tment 2.Pu Sangthuama,Joint Secretary,Vice Pi Maria C.T. On compulsory wait.Printing & StationeryZuali transferred Dep ar tment R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 45012/18/2017-LJE/149, , the 27th May, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of t he Notar ies Act , 1952 (Act No. 53 of 1 952) read with Rules 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pi Lalrinpuii, Advoca te d/o Dr. C. Lalhmingliana, Durtla ng North as Nota ry Public within Aizawl District for a period of 5 (five) years, subject to the provisions of the aforesaid Act and Rules with effect from the date of is sue of this Notification. The appointee hereof shall strictly comply with all requirements/duties stipulated under the provisions of the said Notaries Act and Rules [Particularly rules 10 & 11]. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 4 - R-22/2019 No.A.32013/9/2017-HTE/212, the 27th May, 2019.In terms ofPara 6.4.2 and 6.4.4read with Appendix-III, Table-IIIof the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to placement/promotion to the post of Assistant P rofessor (Sta ge-2) and on the recommendation ofMP SC vide No. 91/A/96-MP SC-Vol.III dt.06.05.2019conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/7/2019-P&AR(GSW) dt.07.05.2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to pla ce the following Assistant Professors (Stage-1) to Assistant Professor (Stage-2) in the Pay Band of ^ 15,600-39,100+AGP of ^ 7,000/-p.m with effect from the date of eligibility as shown against their names:- Sl. Name/Deptt./CollegeDate ofDate ofDate ofEffective NoJoiningAcquiring completion ofdate Ph.D Degree trainingcourse (1) (2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 1. Dr. Sakhawliana, Deptt. of Pub. Admn., 18.09.2013 06.09.201126.06.2017 18.09.2017 Govt. Kamalanagar College 2. Dr. John C. Lallawmawma, Deptt. of Pub. Admn.,18.09.2013 03.04.201403.11.2017 18.09.2017 Govt. Kamalanagar College 3. R. Laldampuii, Deptt. of Sociology,01.04.2008-15.02.2014 14.09.2015 Govt. Aiza wl CollegeNote : R. La ldampuii placement is counted from the date of service regularization. H. M. Hualsangi, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32015/l/2018-HORT/108, the 27th May, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.48/A/99 - MPSC/Vol-II dated 24.4.2019 and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of M izora m is pleased to promote Pu C Lianluaia, Hor ticulture Development Officer to Deputy Director in the Pay Matrix Level-11 plus all other allowances a s admissible under the rules from time to time with immediate effect and posted a t Directorate of Horticulture, Mizor am, Aizawl. The promotion is ma de against the vacancy caused by the Promotion of P u R. Tha siama w.e.f 30.4.2019. Further Pi Hmangaihzua li Deputy Director, IFAD (Hor ticulture) will draw her pay against the post of Divisional Horticulture Officer, Siaha Division. No.A.32015/1/2018-HORT/107,the 27th May, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 52/A/99 - MPSC dated 24.4.2019 and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu R. Thasiama, Deputy Director to Joint Director in the Pay Matrix Level-12 plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time with immediate effect and posted at Directorate of Horticultur e, Mizor am, Aizawl. The promotion is ma de against the vacancy caused by the superannuation pension of Pu Vanlalr uata Chenkual w.e.f 30.4.2019. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. - 5 -R-22/2019 No. A. 12033/5/2018-PLG, the 27th May, 2019. The following Officers who were absorbed to the post of Scientific Officers under Directorate of Science & Technology in the scale of pay of Rs. 15600- 39100+5400(GP) issued vide this Department’s Notification No. A. 12033/4/2016-PLG dt. 30.7.2018 are hereby allowed to p rotect their pay in the Pay Band and not the Grade Pay pr ior to their absorption as approved by Finance Department vide I.D. No. FIN(PRU) 17/2019 dt. 2.5.2019 as below : Sl. No.NamePay in the Pay Matrix LevelBasic Pay (in Rs.)1.K. Lalrammuana1039,540.00 2.F. Lalramchuana1035,230.00 3.Dr. Aldrin Ma lsawmtluanga1032,110.00 4.Edwar d Lalzuit hanga1033,670.00 Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. No. A. 22012/29/2019 - P&AR (CSW), the 27th May, 2019.On t he recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.7/A/2009 - MPSC(B) dated 25.04.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Gover nor of Mizora m is pleased to promotePi Lallianpu ii, Joint Director, Informa tion & Public Relations Department (JAG of Mizoram Information Service) to the post ofDirector, Informa tion &, Public Relations Department (Selection Grade of Mizoram Information Service) in t he Level 13 of the Pay Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37,400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 8,700/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.06.2019. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22013/3/91-FST, the 27lh May, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the competent authority is pleased to order Pu Rongura Hra hsel, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Aizawl Forest Division to assist the Mission Director, Mizora m Bamboo Mission in the ma nagement of Mizora m Bamboo Mission in addition to his own duties without extra financia l benefit with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Betsy Zothanpari Sailo, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No.A.38012/2/2017-EDN/9, the 27th May, 2019.As admissible under Rule 48 (1) (a) of CSS (Pension) Rules,1972, T he Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Lungngailova Colney, Principal, Principal, Mizoram Institute of Comprehensive Education (MICE) from Government Service w.e.f. 1.8.2019 (F/N) on Voluntary Retirement. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.C.31011/1/2019-UD&PA (RTI), the 27th May, 2019. In partial modification of the Department Notification No.F. 13013/ 1/2010-UD&PA dt. 14.06.2016 & even Nos dt. 21.07.2017, 17.10.2017 and in exercise of the power conferred under Section 5(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 (No. 22 of 2005) and in the interest of Public Service, the Competent Author ity is pleased to designate the following Officers under - 6 - R-22/2019 Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department as SPIO and SAPIO ’s under the said Act in respect of their offices with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Sl. No.SPIOSAPIO1Zoramsiama Hmar, Under Secretary, UD&PA H.Lalmuankima, Sr. Sanitation Officer, (O) 0389-2323257, Mb. No. 8974735508UD&PA Deptt. (O) 0389-2325728, Mb. No.-8729821257 P.C. Zonuntluangi, DUDO, Kolasib (O) 03837-222258, Mb.No.- 8974214794 Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. No .A.41017/17/2017-HTE/Pt- -II, the 28th May, 2019.As provided b y the Govt. of Mizor am Regularization of Contract Employees Scheme, 2008 and relaxation by the Government Vide Notifica tion No.A. 12020/1/2018-P&AR(GSW) dt.02.07.2018, and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No. 16/A/2013-MPSC/Vo1-II dated 10.04.2019 conveyed by the DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/2/2018-P&AR(GSW) dated 16.04.2019 and subject to production of Medical Fitness Certificate and Police Verification, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased fo regula rize 1(one) Contractual Assistant Professor to Assistant Pr ofessor (Stage-1) in the Level 10 of 7th Revision of Pay in accordance with UGC Regula tions, 2010 with effect from the date of issue of this Notification. AS provided under the Govt. of Mizoram Regula rization of Contr act Employees (Amendment) Scheme, 2015 and Govt. Notification issued by DP&AR(GSW) dt.30.07.2015, past services rendered by the following cont ract employees shall be counted as qualifying service for leave only. The newly r egularized Assistant P rofessor (Stage 1) as shown below shall continue and repor t to the place of posting as shown against his na me : Sl. Name & AdressName ofPlace of posting as Date of Appointment No.D ep tt /S u bjec t Contract Ass t. Pr ofessoron contract basis (1) (2)(3)(4)(5) 1. C. Lalrinawma s/o Rualzuala (L) Computer Science Zirtiri Res. Sc. College28.05.2008 This issues with the approval of DP&AR(ARW) vide their I.D.No.ARW/HTE-A./2018-2019/C-322 dt. and concurrence of Finance Department vide their I.D.No.FIN(E)876/2019 dated 18.01.2019. No.A.41017/17/2017-HTE/Pt-III, the 28th May, 2019. As provided by the Govt. of Mizoram Regularization of C ontract Employees Scheme, 2008, and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.l6/A/2013-MPSC/Vol-II dated 10.04.2019 conveyed by the DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/2/2018-P&AR(GSW) dated 16.04.2019 and subject to production of Medical Fitness Certificate and Police Verification, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to regula rize l(one) Contractual Assistant Professor to Assistant Pr ofessor (Stage-1) in the Level 10 of 7th Revision of Pay in accordance with UGC Regula tions, 2010 with effect from the date of issue of this Notification. As provided under the Govt. of M izoram Regulariza tion of Contract Employees (Amendment) Scheme, 2015 and Govt. Notification issued by DP&AR(GSW) dt.30.07.2015, past services rendered by the following cont ract employees shall be counted as qualifying service for leave only. - 7 -R-22/2019 The newly r egularized Assistant P rofessor (Stage-1) as shown below shall continue and repor t to the place of posting as shown a gainst her name :- Sl. Name & AdressName ofPlace of posting as Date of Appointment No.Deptt/Subject contract Asst. Professoron contract basis (1) (2)(3)(4)(5) 1T. Malsawmtluanga S/o LalthuamaPhysicsLunglei Govt. College12.09.2008 This issues with the approval of DP&AR(ARW) vide their I.D.No.ARW/HTE-A/2018-2019/C- 376 dt.29.01.2019 and concurrence of Finance Department vide their I.D.No.FIN(E)939/2018 dated 13.02.2019. H. M. Hualsangi, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. F. 23015/4/2013-AH&V, the 28th May, 2019.In partial modification of this Departments Notification No. F.23015/4/2013-AH&V dt. 28.06.2017, and in exercise of the power conferred under section 5(2) of the Right t o information Act, 2005 (Act No. 22 of 2005) and in the interest of public service, Pi Laltlanzovi Sailo, Superintendent is designated as SAPIO in respect of A.H. & Vety Department to provide informa tion to p ersons r equesting for information to receive applications or appeals under the said Act with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Her address is as below :Contact No. Laltlanzovi Sailo, Superintendent,9856636392 (M) A.H. & Vety. Department, New Secretariat Complex, Room No. 232. No.A.32012/7/2019-AH&V, the 28th May, 2019.On t he recommendation of the MP SC vide No. 110/A/2019-MPSC dt. 22.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order pr omotion of the following Senior Grade to the post of Junior Administrative Grade (Joint Director) under AH & Vety Department at Pay Matrix Level 12 plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time and they are posted to the posts as shown against their names with effect from the date of joining the post : Sl. No.NamePlaceofPosting1.Dr. Lalchungnunga PudaiteJoint Director (Biogas) 2.Dr. LalremlianaJoint Director (A) Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No.A.32012/7/2019-AH&V, the 28th May, 2019.On the recommenda tion of t he MP SC vide No.86/A/2001- MPSC/Vol II dt. 22.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of the following Junior Grade to the post of Senior Grade under AH & Vety Department at Pay Matrix Level 11 plus all other a llowances as admissible under the rules from time to time and they are posted to the posts as shown against their names with effect from the date of joining t he post : - 8 - R-22/2019 Sl.No.NamePlace of Posting1.Dr. LalrintluangaChief Vety Officer, Lawngtlai 2.Dr. C. KhawlthangmawiaChief Vety Officer, Mampui. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veterinary Department. No.A.22012/3/95-P&E, the 28th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of t he following Engineers as shown against their na mes with immedia te effect. SELECTION GRADESl.No.NamePresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1.LalrinmawiaSE (Comml.), Office of E-in-C SE, Aizawl Power CircleVice Lalzorama transferred 2.C. Lallawmsanga SE, Champhai Power Circle SE (Comml.), Office of E-in-C Vice Lalrinmawia transferred 3.LalzoramaSE, Aizawl Power CircleSE, Champhai Power Circle Vice C. Lallawmsanga transferred Sl. No.1 will move first. JAG & SENIOR GRADESl.No.NamePresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1.Y.D. SinghSDO, Rural Sub Division,EE (Planning), LungleiVice H. Kunjabihari Singh Senior GradeChamphaiPower Circletransferred 2.Zodingliana,EE, Power Maint. Division-I,EE (Design, Office of E-in-C Vacant JAGLunglei 3.R. RomawiaEE, Khawzawl Power Division EE, Power Maint, Division-I Vice Zodingliana transferred JAGLunglei 4.K. DuhsangaEE (Plg), Office of SLDCEE, Khawzawl Power Division Vice R. Romawia Senior GradeCircle, Aizawltransferred 5.LalruatkimaEE (Com), Office of E-in-CEE (Plg), Office of SLDCVice K. Duhsanga transferred Senior GradeCircle, Aizawl 6.Malsawmdawngliana EE (Plg), Office of E-in-CEE (Com), Office of E-in-CVice Lalruatkima Senior Gradetransferred 7.Ngursailova Sailo EE, Saiha Power DivisionEE (Plg), Office of E-in-CVice Malsawmdawngliana JAGtransferred 8.H. Kunjabihari Singh EE (Plg), Lunglei PowerEE, Saiha Power DivisionVice Ngursailova Sailo Senior GradeCircletransferred 9.LaldawnglianaSDO, Luangmual Sub Station EE, Electrical InspectorateVacant Senior GradeSub-Division 10. Thanglura SailoEE (Plg), Transmission Circle, EE, Mamit Power DivisionVice Lalzorama promoted Senior GradeAizawl 11. LalnunpuiiSDO, Distribution Sub-EE (Plg), Office of CEVacant Senior GradeDivision-III(Distribution) 12. C. LaldinlianaSDO, Revenue Sub-Division-III EE (Plg), Transmission Circle Vice Thanglura Sailo Senior Gradetransferred Sl. No.1, 4, 8 & 10 will move first. SENIOR GRADE & JUNIOR GRADESl.No.NamePresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1. P.C. LalbiaktluangaAE, Office of CE (SO)SDO, Revenue Sub-Vacant Junior GradeDivision-II, Aizawl - 9 -R-22/2019 2. Lalhmingliana Hmar,AE, Office of E-in-CSDO, Distribution Sub-Vacant Senior GradeDivision-II, Aizawl 3. RamdinsangaSDO, Distn. Sub-SDO, Distribution Sub-Vice Lalnunpuii Junior GradeDivision, LungleiDivision-III, Aizawltransferred 4. ZoremmawiaAE (Plg), Office ofSDO, Distribution Sub-Vice Ramdinsanga transferred Junior GradeE-in-CDivision, Lunglei 5. B. LalchhanhimaSDO (TC), SerchhipSDO, Revenue Sub-Vice C. Laldinliana transferred Junior GradePower DivisionDivision-III, Aizawl 6. C.C. LalrimawiaAE (Com), Office ofSDO, Luangmual Sub-Vice Laldawngliana Senior GradeE-in-CStation Sub-Divisiontransferred 7. H. LalnunsangaSDO, Zawlnuam Power AE (Com), Office ofVice C.C. Lalrimawia Senior GradeSub- DivisionE-in-Ctransferred 8. LalmalsawmaAE (Design), Office of SDO, Zawlnuam PowerVice H. Lalnunsanga Junior GradeE-in-CSub-Divisiontransferred 9. Vanlalthlenga,SDO, Kawnpui Power Sr. SDO, Kawnpui PowerNewly promoted from Senior GradeSub- DivisionSub-DivisionJunior Grade to Senior Grade 10. H. LalengmawiiOffice of ElectricalAE, Office of ChiefVacant Junior GradeInspectorateEngineer (SO) 11. VanlalchuangaMualthuam PowerAE (RE), Office of E-in-CAttached to Chief Junior GradeSub-DivisionEngineer (Distn) Lalremruata, EE (Planning), Champhai Power Circle will take the charge of Sub-Divisional Officer, Rural Sub-Division, Champhai in addition to his own duty until further arrangement is made. Sl.No. 4 & 8 will move first. The Engineers transferred are hereby informed to join their new place of posting within 30 days from the date of issue of this Notification. B. Lalhmingthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. No.A.32012/7/2019-AH&V , the 28th May, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No.1/ A/2017-MPSC dt. 22.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of the following Junior Administrative Grade to the post of Selection Grade (Additional Director) under AH & Vety Department at Pay Matrix Level 13 plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time and they are posted to the posts as shown against their names with effect from the date of joining the post : Sl.No.NamePlace of posting1.Dr. SaihliraAdditional Director (AH&DD) 2.Dr. K.C.RoduhawmaAdditional Director (VS&PH). Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veterinary Department. No.A.22012/48/2015-P&AR(CSW), the 29th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Mizora m Civil Service Officers with immediate effect and until further orders: - 10 - R-22/2019 Sl.No.Name & designation of OfficerNew place of postingRemar ks1.Pu R. Vanlalsawma,BDO, Phullen in addition to his As a stop-gap arrangement. Vice SDO(C), Saitualnormal duties.Pi Lalrinchhani Ralte transferred 2.Pi Lalrinchhani Ralte,SDO(C), Sa kawrdai with additional Va c a nt BDO, Phullencharge of BDO, Darlawn. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22012/1/2015-HORT/79, the 29th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MHS Officers with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl.No.Name of Officer sPresent place of postingNew place of posting1F. Zorinsangi, MHS-IIIDHO, SaihaDeputy Director, Dte. of Horticulture 2Lalvansanga, MHS -IVSDHO, ChamphaiDHO, i/c Saiha 3C. Lalawmpuia, MHS-IVSDHO, MamitADHO, Aizawl Division 4C. Lianluaia, MHS-IVDHO, i/c LawngtlaiDHO, Lawngtlai 5Vanlalvuana Rokhum, MHS-IV ADHO, Saiha DivisionSDHO, Champhai. La lhrangliani, Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. No.A.32012/6/2011-EDN/219, the 29th May, 2019.Consequent upon the taking over of C. Zakhuma Higher Secondary School, Kolasib under the Government of Mizoram vide No.B.17011/5/2000-HRD/144 and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission (MPSC) vide No.l/A/2019-MPSC Dt.16.4.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to absorb the following existing staff of Govt. C. Zakhuma Higher Secondary School to the post shown against their names in level 11A of the pay matrix for Principal, Level 10 of the pay matrix for Lecturers and level 6 of the pay matrix for UDC plus all other allowances admissible from time to time with effect from their date of joining: Sl.No.NamePostL evel of P a y in t he p a y M a t r ixSubject1Lalnghilhlova Chinzah Principal, GHSS11A 2C. VanlalzawmaLecturer, GHSS10Economics 3C. LalhmingmawiaLecturer, GHSS10Mizo 4Jenny L aldinglianiLecturer, GHSS10Political Science 5VanlalhluniLecturer, GHSS10Political Science 6La lra mchha niLecturer, GHSS10History 7H.K.Vanlalmuankimi Lecturer, GHSS10English 8Lalremsa ngaLecturer, GHSS10History 9Vanlalchhuanga Ralte Lecturer, GHSS10Education 10Julie ZobiaknungiLecturer, GHSS10English 11James VanlalruataLecturer, GHSS10Economics 12B. Va nla lngha kaLecturer, GHSS10Public Admn 13Dikrit hangaUpper Division Clerk6 The absorption is made against the posts created vide No.B.17011/5/2000-HRD/149 dt 27.9.2018 and they are posted at Govt. C. Zakhuma Higher Secondary School, Kolasib. - 11 -R-22/2019 They shall be on probation for 2 (two) years which may be extended for good and sufficient reason. They should join their posts within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Office Order, failing which, the appointment of the person shall stand cancelled. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.22019/1/2018-HTE, the 29th May, 2019.In the interest of public service Pu M. S. Dawngliana Hnamte, Associate Professor, Deptt. of Economics, Govt. Mamit College is assigned to take the charge of the Principal, Govt. Mamit College in his own grade pay without any extra financial benefit with immediate effect and until further orders. H. M. Hualsangi, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32013/8/2019-C&I, the 29th May, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.12/A/2016-MPSC dt. 22.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu V. Lalrinawma, Asst. Director (ID) Commerce & Industries Department to the post of Dy. Director (ID) Commerce & Industries Department in the level 11(67700-150800) of the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining t he post. This promotion is made against the post created vide A.l1013/8/81- IND dt.17.07.89 upgraded vide A.11013/8/81-IND dt.17.07.89. On his promotion he shall be posted at Directorate of Commerce and Industries. No.A.32013/6/19-C&I, the 29th May, 2019:On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.82/A/95-MPSC dt.22.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu C. Dawngzalala, Promotion Officer (ID) Commerce & Industries Department to the post of Assistant Director (ID) Commerce & Industries Department in the level 10 (56100 - 1,24,500) of the Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the post. This promotion is made against the post created vide A.11013/11/86-AR(A) dt.07.05.86 upgraded vide A.60011/1/93-IND dt.08.05.97. On his promotion he shall be posted at Directorate of Commerce and Industries. R. Lalramnghaka, Special Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. No.A.l1016/6/2016-FST, the 29th May, 2019:Consequent upon the repatria tion of Shr i Mahesh Zoramthara Singson, Senior Grade of Mizoram Forest Service from deputation to Forest Research Centre - Bamboo & Rattan (FRCBR) under ICFRE, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order reversion of Shri Lalbiakchama Chawngthu, Divisional Forest Officer, Forest Extension Division, officiating Senior Grade of Mizoram Forest Service to Junior Grade of Mizoram Forest Service in Level 10 of Pay Matrix Rs. 56100 - 1 2 45 0 0 / - p lu s a ll ot her a llowa nces a s a dmiss ib le fr om t ime t o time w. e. f. 2 7 . 0 5 . 2 0 19 (F / N). On his r ever s ion to Junior Grade of Mizoram Forest Service, the officer shall remain in the same post until further orders. Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. - 12 - R-22/2019 No.B. 12011/11/2013-SWD, the 29th May, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Smt. Lawmchhungi, Venghlui, Aizawl as Chairperson, Mizoram State Commission for Women for a period of three years or till she attains the age of Sixty-five years, whichever is earlier. The terms and conditions to the appointment will be governed by the Mizoram State Commission for women Rules,2008 issued in the Mizoram Gazette vide No.B.14011/3/05- SWD dt. 16.10.2008. Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfare Department. No. A. 22012/3/2016-AH&V, the 30th May, 2019.In the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Dr. Malsawmtluangi, Veterinary Officer, Polyclinic Hospital, Aizawl is hereby attached to Aibawk Dispensary with immediate effect and until further order. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veterinary Department. No.A.12026/4/2016-IPR, the 30th May, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.76/A/2001-MPSC, dt.22.5.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu Lalramliana Chawngte, Deputy Director to the post of Joint Director (JAG of Mizoram Information Service), in the Level 12 of the Pay Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 3 of Rs. 15,600-39,100 and G.P of Rs.7,600/- p.m. pre-revised) plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time with effect from 01.06.2019. This promotion is made against the post of Joint Director created vide No. 11013/1/03-IPR dt.04.07.2008 vacated by Pi Lallianpuii, Joint Director who is promoted to the post of Director, Information & Public Relations on 01.06.2019. . S angdinglia na , Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONNo.B.11013/2/2018-P&AR(GSW), the 27th May, 2019.In the interest of public service and in exercise of the powers conferred by the Central Civil Service (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to recognise the Mizoram Works Accounts Service Association (MWASA). - 13 -R-22/2019 The Service Association so recognized sha ll strictly abide by the CCS (Recognition of S ervice Association) Rules, 1993. Failure to abide by the said Rules shall entail withdrawal of recognition in respect of the defaulting Service Association. Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, (General Service Wing). PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONSNo.B.14016/99/2018-RFS/22, the 24th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Lawngtlai Districthaving office atOffice of the Project Director ATMA, District Agriculture Office, Agriculture Complex, Electric Veng, Lawngtlai, Mizoramhas been registered on24.04.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1030. No.B.14016/118/2018-RFS/15, the 26th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Zoram Meichher Societyhaving office atCollege Veng, Aizawl, Mizoramhas been registered on 26.04.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1031. No.B.14016/107/2018-RFS/23, the 29th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Serchhip Districthaving office atOffice of the Project Director ATMA, District Agriculture Office, Agriculture Complex, Serchhip District Mizoramhas been registered on29.04.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1032. No.B.14016/123/2018-RFS/12, the 29th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Mizoram Primitive Tribal Unionhaving office atDurtlang Mel-5, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on29.04.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1033. No.B.14016/111/2018-RFS/15, the 3rd May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)S enhr i S el f H elp Gr o uphaving office atZotlang, Aizawl, Mizoram has b een r egis t er ed on03.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1034. No.B.14016/3/2018-RFS/33, the 3rd May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Mizoram Green Society (A Society For Research, Training & Sustainable Development)having office atZonuam, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on03.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1035. - 14 - R-22/2019 No.B.14016/11/2019-RFS/15, the 6th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Mizoram State Branchhaving office atCivil Hospital, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on06.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1036. No.B.14016/12/2019-RFS/12, the 6th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Hnamte Sisters’ Societyhaving office at Peter Street, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on06.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1037. No.B.14016/16/2019-RFS/15, the 7th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Muanna Veng Farmers Societyhaving office atMuanna Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram has been register ed on07.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1038. No.B.14016/42/2019-RFS/18, the 9th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Managing Board Thentlang High Schoolhaving office atThentlang, Serchhip District, Mizoram has been registered on09.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1039. No.B.14016/5/2019-RFS/20, the 9th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Serchhip Heritage Societyhaving office atSerchhip, Mizoram has been registered on09.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1040. No.B.14016/119/2019-RFS/17, the 13th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Ophel Development Societyhaving office atKhawmawi, Lunglei District, Mizoram has been registered on13.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1041. No.B.14016/20/2019-RFS/14, the 16th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Hands of Hope (H.O.P.E)having office atTreasury Square, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on16.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1043. No.B.14016/18/2019-RFS/17, the 20th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Together In Crist Ministry (Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre)having office atMelthum, Mizoram has been registered on20.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1044. No.B.14016/15/2019-RFS/16, the 20th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Operation Mizoramhaving office atBawngkawn South, Aizawl, Mizoramhas been registered on 20.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1045. No.B.14016/56/2019-RFS/27, the 20th May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Omega Art Works Societyhaving office atZodin Square, Aizawl, Mizoramhas been registered on 20.05.2019 and numbered asMSR - 1046. - 15 -R-22/2019 No.B.16012/366/16-RFS/22, the 8th May, 2019.It is hereby notified that the registration of MIZO BREWERY located at Chaltlang, Dingdi veng, Aizawl, Mizoram registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 bearing Registration No. RF/MZ-244 of 2016-2017 dt.15.02.2017 has been dissolved under section 40 of the Act with the consent of all the partners with effect from issue of this Notification. No.B.14016/27/09-RFS/44, the 25th April, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that the registration of New Land Use Policy (NLUP) Board, located at Tuikual ‘A’, Aizawl, Mizoram registered under the Societies Registr ation Act, 1860 (X XI of 1860) as in force in Mizoram holding Registration No. MSR-263 of dt. 23.06.2009 is hereby cancelled under section 23A(1)(b)(c) of The Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 as amended by The Mizoram Societies Registration (Amendment) Act, 2012 with effect from issue of this Notification. No.B.14016/41/2012-RFS/22, the 2nd May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that the registration of G.G. Gardens Society located at Venghlui, Aizawl, Mizoram registered under the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) as in force in Mizoram holding Registration No. MSR-479 of 12.11.2012 is hereby cancelled under section 23A(1)(a)(b)(c) of The Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 as amended by The Mizoram Societies Registration (Amendment) Act, 2012 with effect from issue of this Notification. No. B. 14016/93/2011-RFS/16, the 23rd May, 2019.It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that the registration of Laurel Crest Society located at Mual Veng, Durtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram registered under the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) as in force in Mizoram holding Registration No. MSR-430 of 17.04.2012 is hereby cancelled under section 23A(1)(a)(b)(c) of The Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 as amended by The Mizoram Societies Registration (Amendment) Act, 2012 with effect from issue of this Notification. L.H. Rosanga, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizoram : Aizawl. CANCELLATION ORDERNo.B.14016/55/04-RCOOP(Lq)/100, the 24th May, 2019.Inspection repor t under Section 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Aizawl East against Durtlang Iskut Producers & Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14019/67/2004- ARCOOP (AE)/118 bearing RegistrationNo.AE-314/2004-2005 dt. 9.6.2004; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/55/04-RCOOP(SC) dt.20.12.2014) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/55/04-RCOOP(Lq)/ dt.14.1.2015 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his repor t vide letterNo.B.12020/1/2009-ARCOOP (AE)/3 dt.5.12.2018 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesaid fact and circumstances hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperation Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14030/20/04-RCOOP(Lq)/205, the 22nd May, 2019. Inspection report under Section 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Aizawl East againstJAA ROHI Electronics Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14017/24/99-ARCOOP (AE) bearing Registration No.AW-28/1992-1993 dt. 23.10.1992; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14030/20/04-RCOOP(SC)/179 dt.19.9.2014) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14030/20/04-RCOOP(Lq)/ dt.14.1.2015 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.12020/1/2009-ARCOOP (AE)/5 dt.10.5.2019 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesaid fact and circumstances hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperation Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14016/64/06-RCOOP(Lq)/84, the 22nd May, 2019.Inspection repor t under Section 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Aizawl East against Ramthar Veng Multi, Farming Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14019/79/06-ARCOOP (AE) bearing RegistrationNo.AE-351/2006-2007 dt. 28.4.2006; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/64/06-RCOOP(SC)/51 dt.6.6.2013) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in wirting as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds :- 16 - R-22/2019 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/64/06-RCOOP dt.24.9.2015 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his repor t vide letterNo.B.12020/1/2009-ARCOOP (AE)/7 dt.17.5.2019 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesaid fact and circumstances hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperation Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14028/207/2007-RCOOP(Lq)/125, the 22nd May, 2019.Inspection repor t under Section 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS Champhai against Mualkawi Dairy Farming Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14038/11/2007-ARCOOP (CPI) bearing RegistrationNo.CPI-113/2007-2008 dt. 12.11.2007; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14028/207/2007-RCOOP(Lq)/94 dt.22.1.2016) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14028/207/2007-RCOOP(Lq)/119 dt.1.2.2019 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. T he aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.140205/10/96-ARCOOP (CPI)/121 dt.8.3.2019 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesaid fact and circumstances hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperation Societies Act, 2006. No.B.14019/43/04-RCOOP(Lq)/181, the 22nd May, 2019.Inspection repor t under Section 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 was submitted by theARCS, Aizawl East against Durtlang Women (Widow) Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B.14024/18/99- ARCOOP (AE)/160 bearing RegistrationNo.AE-227/1996-1997 dt. 12.11.1996;- 17 -R-22/2019 In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14029/43/04-RCOOP(SC)/136 dt.4.11.2012) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in wirting as to why the registration of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not satisfactory. 2.that the society has already suspended its activities without any hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice as mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14029/43/04-RCOOP(Lq)/52 dt.12.8.2014 the then Registrar ordered the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order may be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. The liquidator submitted his/her repor t vide letterNo.B.12020/1/2009-ARCOOP (AE)/6 dt.15.5.2019 recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesaid fact and circumstances hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperation Societies Act, 2006. Registrar, Cooper ative Societies, Mizoram, Aizawl. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATIONNo.F.13014/3/2008-DCA (C), the 28th May, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred to paragraph 2 (7) of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India read with clause 2 of Rule 28 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizorma is pleased to re-constitute the Planning and Development Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council comprising the following members for a period of 3 (three) years with immediate effect. 1.Shri Kali Kumar Tongchangya-Vice Chairman 2.The Planning & Development Officer-Member Secretary 3.Shri Purna Chandra Chakma-Member 4.Shri Brihadawj Chakma-Member 5.Smt Champa Chakma-Member This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Governor of Mizoram dated 12.3.2019. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Deptt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 18 - R-22/2019

Regular Issue No. 23 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 23Date - 07/06/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 45012/18/2017-LJE, the 28th May, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under section 6 of the Not aries Act, 1952 and section 1 7 of Notaries Rules, 1956. The following Advocates are notified as Notary Public in their respective districts as listed below:- Sl. Name of NotaryResidential and Qualification Area in whichRemar ks No.professionalhe is author ized addressto practice 1. R. T hangkanglova,La ipuitlang,BA, LLBAizawlValid upto S/o H.Chhawna (L)AizawlDistrict21.03.2021 2. Lalramhluna,Dintha r,BA, LLBAizawlValid upto S/o K. ThlenglianaAizawlDistrict21.03.2021 3. S.L. ThansangaNusery VengBA, LLBAizawlValid upto S/o Lalthuama (L)AizawlDistrict21.03.2021 4. R. Laltanpuia,H/No. 410/HBA, LLBAizawlValid upto S/o Biakthanga (L)Laipuitlang, AizawlDistrict01.09.2022 5. ZD. Lalnunsa nga,Electric Veng,LLBLungleiValid upto S/o Valsanga Zadeng (L)LungleiDistrict06.04.2020 6. R. Zomuanpuia,Kolasib,BA, LLBKolasib,Valid upto S/o R. LungkhamaDiakkawnDistrict19.04.2024 7. ST. Ramhmachhuanmawia,Cha nmar i,BA, LLBLa wngtlai,Valid upto S/o ST. Chhumvenga (L)LawngtlaiDistrict08.02.2023 8. H. Vanlallawmzuala,Mamit,BA, LLBMamit,Valid upto S/o Valbua ngaVenghlunDistrict03.05.2023 9. C. Zokhuma,Bazar Veng,LLBLunglei,Valid upto S/o C. Lalthuama (L)LungleiDistrict11.07.2023RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 7.6.2019 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 23 - 2 - R-23/2019 10. Venty Vanneihtluangi,Champhai,BA, LLBChamphai,Valid upto D/o LalmuanpuiaVengthlang Nor thDistrict17.09.2023 11. La lr inpuiiDurtlang NorthM.A (Eng)AizawlValid upto D/o Dr. C. LalhminglianaLLBDistrict27.05.2024 The Notaries Public should submit their a nnual returns in the first week of Ja nuary every yea r as required under Rule 14 of Notaries Rule, 1956. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A-11016/1/2018-HM(Steno), the 29th May, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No. 4/A/201 9-MPSC dt 29. 5. 2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order proformapromotion of Pu Venu Nadha Karnaver, Deputy- Superintendent of Police (Steno Gr ade-I) to the post of Additional Superintendent of Police (Steno Senior Grade-I/Principal Private Secretar y) in the Level 11 of the Pay Matrix with other allowances a s admissible under rules from time to t ime wit h immediate eff ect. On his promotion, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order posting of the said officer to Principal Private Secretary to Director, Anti Corruption Bureau, Mizoram. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No.A.22012/39/2016-P&AR(CSW)/l, the 30th May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following various grades of Mizoram Civil Service officers with immediate effect a nd until further orders : Sl. No. Name & Designation of officer New place of posting Remarks 1.Pu C . Lalpeksanga,Additional Secreta ry,Relieved LESD&E Deptt. Addl. Secretary, LR&S/LESD&E LR&S/Transport 2.Pu David Liansanglura Pachuau, Additional D.C. Lunglei Vice Pu Benjamin La lzama to be Stat e Protocol Officerdeputed as PD, DRDA, Kolasib 3.Pu James Lalnunmawia,Dy. Secretary, UD&PAIn a ddition to his normal duties Dy. Secretary, Home 4.Pu Liansangzuala Chhakchhuak, Addl. D.C. KolasibVice Pu Laltanpuia Hnamte Addl. D.C. Cha mphai 5.Pi Zoramdini,Election Officer Champhai Vice Pu Ala n Laltha nzara to be BDO, Reiekwith addl. charges of S.O. depu ted as Dy.Director, Tourism and DSYO, Cha mphai& P u R eml a l li a na H na mt e f or S . O and Pi Laldinfeli for DSYO 6.Pu L alnunfela Chawngthu,SDO(C), Tlabung withVice Pi V. Lalmuanpuii BDO, Zawlnuamaddl. charge of BDO, Lungsen R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 3 -R-23/2019 No.A.22012/39/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 30th May, 2019.In t he interest of p ublic service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following various grades of Mizoram Civil Service officers with immediate effect and unt il furt her or ders: Sl. Name & designation ofNew Place of postingRemar ks No. officer 1.Pi Ramdinliani,Joint Secretary, Home, DM&R, Vice Pi Maria C.T. Zuali for Joint Secretary, DM&R/Pla nning & Prog. Implementation P la nning & P r og. Transport Deptt.Deptt.Implementation Dept t. 2.Pu V. Lalengmawia,Stat e Protocol OfficerVice Pu David Liansanglura Project Director, DRDA, AizawlPachuau 3.Pu James LalrinchhanaAdditonal D. C. Champhaivice Liansangzuala Development Officer, SHCChhakchhuak 4.Pi Rita Lalnunmawii PachuauJt. Director, UD&PAVice Pi Lalsangpuii Hmar Jt. Director, R.D.transferred 5.Pu Laltanpuia Hnamte,Jt. Director, FCS&CAVice Pi Zosangzuali Pachuau Addl. D.C. Kolasibtransferred 6.Pi Zosangzuali PachuauJt. Director, DM&RVice Pu H. Dolianbuaia to be Jt. Director, FCS&CAdeputed as PD, DRDA, Serchhip 7.Pi Lalsangpuii Hmar,Development Officer, SHCVice Pu James Lalrinchhana Jt. Director, UD&PAtransferred 8.Pu R. Lalnghakliana,Dy. Director, DM&RVice Pu V. Lalruatliana La nd Acquisitiontransferred Coor dinator, PWD 9.Pu V. Lalruatliana,La nd AcquisitionVice Pu R. Lalnghakliana Dy. Director, DM&RCoordinator, PWDtransferred 10.Pi V. Lalmuanpuii,Ass istant Commissioner,Vacant SDO(C ), Tlabung with addl.Aizawl charge of BDO, Lungsen 11.Pi Carolyn L.B. KhiangteDCSO, Lunglei with a ddl.Vice Pu Vanlaltanpuia to be BDO, Lawngtlaicharge of DTO, Lungleideputed as Dy.CEO, MzSRLM 12.Pi C. Lalduhzuali,DLAO, Serchhip inVice Pu H. La lhruaitluanga Sett lement Officer, Serchhipaddition to her normal du tiestransferred 13.Pu Vanlalhmachhuana,BDO, Serchhip in additionCharge held by SDO(S), Election Officer, Serchhipto his nor mal dutiesSerchhip 14.Pu Lalremruata Sailo,BDO, Lawngtla i in additionVice Pi Carolyn L.B. Khiangte EO/DTO, Lawngtlaito his normal dutiestransferred 15.Pu Lalfakawma Chhakchhuak,BDO, ZawlnuamVice Pu Lalnunfela SDC, AizawlChawngthu 16.Pu Remlalliana Hnamte,BDO, AibawkCharge held by BDO, S.O/SDC, ChamphaiTlangnuam 17.Pi Laldinfeli,SDC, AizawlVice Pu Lalfakawma SDC/DSYO, Cha mphaiChha kchhuak transferred 18.Pu Beitlotha Nohro,SDC, MamitVice Pu Lalrinsanga Hnamte BDO, Bunghmuntransferred 19.Pu Ngurthansanga,BDO, ReiekVice Pi Zor amdini transferred SDC/DSYO, Serchhip 20.Pu Lalrinsanga HnamteBDO, BunghmunVice Pu Beitlotha Nohro SDC, Mamittransferred - 4 - R-23/2019 21.Pu H. Lalhruaitluanga,BDO, East LungdarCharge held by SDO(C), SDC/DLAO, SerchhipNorth Vanlaiphai 22Pu Samuel Zodinsanga,SDC, Serchhip with addl.Vice Pu Ngurthansanga SDC , Kola sibcharge of DS YO, Serchhiptransferred 23.Pu Vanlalmuana,SDC , Kola sibVice Pu Samuel Zodinsanga SDC, Aizawltransferred No. A. 22012/20/2016-P & AR (C S W) , t he 3 0th May, 2019.On t he recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.28/A/2009 - MPSC dated 27.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, theGovernor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu Kailiana Ralte,Additional Commissioner of State Tax to the post ofCommissioner, State Taxin t he Level 13 of the Pay Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 4 of Rs. 37,400- 67,000 + GP of Rs. 8,700/- p.m, pre-revised) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 01.06.2019. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.12026/4/2016-FCS&CA/Part, the 31st May, 2019.On t he recommendation of MPSC vide No.13/ A/2017-MPSC dt. 16.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion ofPu B.Liansiama, Grade-IVof Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies a nd Consumer Affairs Ser vice t oGrade-III of Mizor am Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affair s Serviceunder Food, Civil Supplies & C onsumer Affairs Department in Level- 11 in t he Pay Matrix plus all other a llowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge on promotion. Consequent upon his promotion,Pu B.Liansiamais posted as DCSO, Lawngtlai. H.L. Rochungnunga, IAS, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. No.A.22018/2/2016- S&WC, the 31st May, 2019. Consequent upon release of Pu Sadasivan Pilla i V, District Soil C onservation Officer, Lunglei, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to order tha t Pu P.T. Vanr osiama, ASCE, i/c Distr ict Soil Conservation Officer, Hnahthial will take the charge of District Soil Conservation Officer, Lunglei in addition to his own duties without ext ra financial benefit a s a stop gap arrangement. C. Lalsangzuala, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resour ces, Soil & Water Conservation Department. No.A.12026/4/2016-IPR, the 31st May, 2019.On t he recommendation of t he Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.40/A/MP SC dt. 24.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Mina Zoliani Joute, IPRO to the post of Deputy Director (Sr. Grade of MIS), Infor mation & Public Relations Depa rtment in Level ll(eleven) of the Pa y Matrix (corresponding to Pay Band 3 of Rs.15,600-39,100 + G.P Rs.6,600/-p.m. Pre-Revised) plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time with effect from 1.06.2019. This promotion is made against the post of Depu ty Director cr eated vide No. G.12013/l/82-IPR&T - 5 -R-23/2019 dt.6.10.1983 vacated by Pu Lalramliana Chawngte who is promoted to the post of Joint Director, Information & Public Relations on 1.06.2019. Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. No.A. 22020/1/2013-HMP/164, the 31st May, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the transfer and posting of Pu Zoramthara, A/C, 3rd Bn MAP to the post of Dy SP, CID(SB) vide Home Department Notification No.A.22020/1/2013-HMP, dt. 4.03.2019 shall stand cancelled and he shall remain in his current post until fur ther or der. Lalremruata Kullai, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.H.12017/36/2016-LJD, the 31st May, 2019. In supersession of this Depa rtment’s Notification No. H.12017/36/09-LJD dt. 5th June, 2014 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 5 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 a nd in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi Lalneihhlimi, Under Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law & Judicial Department as State Public Information Officer (SPIO ) in respect of Law & Judicial Depa rtment to provide information to persons requesting informa tion under the said Act with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Her addres sis asbelow: Pi Lalneihhlimi, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law & Judicial Department, Room No. 060, Basement 1, Mizor am Secr etariat Building, Mizoram New Capital Complex, Khatla, Aizawl. Phone No. : 0389-2336001 (O) Ema il I.D: lawandjudicial(a )gmail.comMarli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.19015/293/2009-PAR(SSW)/46, the 31st May, 2019.On his attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releasePu Vanlalra wna, Deputy Director (Adnm.), O/o Chief Engineer(Roads), P WDfrom Government Service on supera nnuation pension w.e.f.31.05.2019 (A/N). Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22012/18/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 31st May, 2019.With the completion of the Lok Sabha Elections and Bye Elections 2019 a nd subsequent release from their attachment to the office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following 2(two) IAS officers with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. - 6 - R-23/2019 Sl. No.Name of officerPresent place of postingNew place of postingRemarks1.Pu Krishna Mohan Uppu, Special Secretary, (Attached Special Secretary, Labour, Employment, Independent IAS (AGMUT : 2009)to CEO as Addl. CEO)Skill Development & Entrepreneurship charge 2.Pu Kumar Abhishek,OSD ElectionSDO(C), West PhailengVacant IAS (AGMUT : 2016) R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.B.12018/1/2012-EXC, the 31st May, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 5(1) and (2) of the RTI Act, 2005 (Act No.22 of 2005) and in the interest of public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate the under mentioned Officers under Excise & Narcotics Department, Mizoram as S PIO and ASPIO to provide informa tion to persons request ing for infor mation under RTI Act, 2005 as far as applicable in the District/Units where they are posted with immediate effect and until further orders :- Sl. No.NameDesignationDesignated as1.VanlalmalsawmdawnglianaJoint Commr. of ExciseSPIO , Commissionerate & Nar cotics, (Enf)of Excise & Narcotics. 2.Peter Zohmingtha ngaAsst.Commr. of ExciseASPIO, Commissionerate & Narcotics, Hqrs.of Excise & Narcotics. 3.VanlalrenglianaAsst.Commr. of Excise & Narcotics,SPIO, Aizawl Aizawl Distr ict.District. 4.C. BiakringaInspector of Excise & Narcotics,ASPIO, Aizawl Aizawl, Distr ict.District. 5.Lalhmingtha ngaAsst.Commr. of Excise &SPIO, Lunglei Narcotics, Lunglei Distr ict.District. 6.P.C. LalchhanhimaInspector of Excise & Narcotics,ASPIO, Lunglei Lunglei, District.District. 7.B. ZolianaAsst.Commr. of Excise & Narcotics,SPIO, Champhai Champhai District.District. 8.MalsawmkimaInspector of Excise & Narcotics,ASPIO, Champhai Champhai District.District. 9.Ngurthanzama SailoAsst.Commr. of Excise & Narcotics,SPIO, Kola sib Kolasib Distr ict.District. 10.V.L Muana RokhumInspector of Excise & Narcotics,ASPIO, Kolasib Kolasib, District.District. 11.R. Laldins angaAsst.Commr. of Excise & Narcotics,SPIO, Serchhip Serchhip District.District. 12.B. NgurchhuanaInspector of Excise & Narcotics,ASPIO, Serchhip Serchhip District.District. 13.H. LalchhuanawmaAsst. Commr. of Excise & Narcotics,SPIO, Mamit Mamit District.District. 14.M. LianchhingpuiiInspector of Excise & Narcotics,ASPIO, Mamit Mamit, District.District. This Notification supersedes this Department’s pr evious Notification of even No. Dated 25.05.2018. K.T. Beicho, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department. - 7 -R-23/2019 No. A. 32013/ 10/2017-HTE/214, the 31st May, 2019.In terms ofPara 6.4.6read with Appendix-Ill Table-Ill of the UGC Regula tions, 2010 relating to placement to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage-3) and on the recommendation ofMPSC vide No.21/A/2019-MPSC dt.06.05.2019conveyed by DP & AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/7/2019-P&AR(GSW) dt.07.05.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to p lace the following Assistant Professors (St age-2) to Assistant Pr ofessor (Stage-3) in the scale of pa y of ^ 15,600-39,100+AGP of ^ 8,000/-p.m. with effect from the date of eligibility as shown below :- Sl. Name/Deptt./CollegeDate ofDate ofDate ofEffective date No.Joiningplacement Completion of Promotion the post ofto Asst.of Trainingto Assistant Lectur erProfessorCourseProfessor (Stage-2)(Stage-3) (1) (2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 1. Dr. Andrew Lalsangzela Sailo25.07.2006 25.07.2012 26.06.201725.07.2017 Deptt. of Economics , Govt. Aizawl College 2. Cindy Lalfakawmi25.05.2006 25.05.2012 23.03.201525.05.2017 Deptt. of Histor y, Govt. Aiza wl College 3. Vanrammawii17.07.2007 17.07.2013 11.07.201617.07.2018 Deptt. of History, Govt. Saitual College H. M. Hualsangi, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.31013/1/2016-HTE/107, the 31st May, 2019.On successful completion of the probationary period of service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confirm the following 2(two) Assistant Professors (Stage-1) with immediate effect as shown below :- Sl. No.Name & InstitutionSubjectDate of Entry into Govt.Service1.Lalngaihmanawmi, Assistant Professor,Botany12.01.2018 Govt. Kolasib College 2.Dr. Fanai Lalsangluaii, Assistant ProfessorBio-C hemistr y12.01.2018 Govt. Zirtin Res. S c. College No.B.16013/3/2009-HTE, the 31st May, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to give a chance of another 2(two) year s for qualifying NET which is the minimum qua lification for the appointment of teachers in University and Colleges in respect of Assistant Professors as mentioned below with immediate effect from 01.06.2019 to 31.05.2021 as was given a reasonable opportunity earlier to some teachers. Sl. No.Name/Designation/Deptt.Name of College1.Zopa rliani Khiangte, Assista nt ProfessorGovt. Mizoram Law College 2.Lalhlimpuii, Assistant ProfessorGovt. Mizoram Law College Their absor ption into Govt . services will be subject to acquiring NET within the stipulated time otherwise their services will be terminated. On acquiring NET qualifica tion within the stipulated time as shown above, the effective date of their absorption into Govt . service will also be considered fr om the date of declaration of qualifying, not from the date of provincialization of the College. During this period they will be allowed to continue their service as Deficit sta tus. L almu ankima , Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 8 - R-23/2019 No. A. 38021/1/2011-HTE, the 31st May, 2019. On attaining the superannuation age of 62 (sixty two) years on 07.03.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to releaseDr. Ngurthankimi, Associate Professor, IASE/CTE,Higher & Technical Education Department on superannuation pension w.e.f. 31.03.2019 (A/ N) in terms of Para 8(f) of Appendix-I of UGC Regulation, 2010 read with Notification No.G. 12017/8/ 2012-HTE dt.03.10.2013 and The Mizoram Gazette (Extra Ordinary) Issue No. 538 dt.10.10.2013 Biaktluanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP/99, t he 3rd June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularize officiating promotion of the under-mentioned officers from Junior Grade of Mizoram Police Service to Senior Grade of Mizoram Police Service in the Level 11 of the Pay Ma trix with effect from 24 .05.2019 and they will continue to hold the same post until further order :- Sl. No.Name of OfficerNotifica tion and date of officiating promotion1.Pu Francis LallawmkimaNo. A. 32020/l/2013-HMP. dt.05.02.2019 2.Pu C.LalruatkimaNo. A. 12024/2/2014-HMP. dt.25.03.2019 3.F.LalchhuanawmaNo. A. 12024/2/2014-HMP. dt.25.03.2019 No. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP/98, the 3rd June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regularize officiating promotion of the under-mentioned officer s from Senior Grade of Mizoram Police Service to Junior Administrative Gra de of Mizoram Police Service in the Level 12 of the Pay Matrix wit h effect from 24.05.2019 and they will cont inue to hold the same post until fur ther or der:- Sl. No.Name of OfficerNotifica tion and date of officiating promotion1.Pu David H.LalthanglianaNo.A.32020/l/2013-HMP. dt.14.09.2018 2.Pu Stephen LalrinawmaNo.A.32020/l/2018-HMP. dt.27.09.2018 No. A. 32020/1/2018-HMP/100, the 3rd June. 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased toregularizeofficiating promotion of the under-mentioned Inspector of P olice to Junior Grade of Mizoram Police Service in the Level 10 of the Pay Matr ix with effect from 24.05.2019 and he will cont inue to hold the same post until fur ther order:- Sl. No.Name of OfficerNotifica tion and date of officiating promotion1.Pu LalchanglianaNo.A.32014/lB/2017-HMP. dt.13.08.2018 Lalremruata Kullai, Under Secr etary to the Governmentof Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.11017/2/2011-EDN/543, the 3rd June, 2019.In the interest of public service and onthe recommendation of the MPSC vide their letter No.3/A/2019-MPSC dated 3.4.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order appoint ment of the following persons by absorption to the following Group ‘A’ posts in the SCERT, M izoram under S chool Education Department in Level 10 of the Pay Ma trix plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time as shown against their na mes wit h effect from the date of joining the post: - 9 -R-23/2019 Sl. No.NameDate of BirthNa me o f P os t1.Lalr indiki, D/o K. Saia8.1.1976Lecturer, SCERT 2.Lalda mpuii D/ o Liansa ilova20.3.1974Project Coordinator, SCERT The new appointees shall be on pr obation for a period of 2(two) years which may be extended for good and sufficient reason. Further, the upper age limit mandated by the relevant Recruit ment Rules for appoint ment to the post of Lecturer and Project Coordinator is hereby relaxed as per approval of the Government vide I.D.No.A.13018/6/2019-P&AR(GSW) dt.7.5.2019. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.B.12019/1/2015-SYS, the 3rd June, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Notification of even No. dt.30.10.2018 and in the interest of public service and in exercise of the powers conferred under sub- section (1) of section 19 of the RTI Act , 2005, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to designa te Pu H. Lalengmawia, IAS, Secretary, Sports & Youth Services as Appellate Authority under RTI Act, 2005 in respect of Sports & Youth Services Department with immediate effect and until further order. H. Lalengmawia, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sports & Youth Services Department. No.A.22015/2/2009-PAR(SSW)/99, the 3rd May, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tra nsfer and posting of the following Senior Gr ade of MSS Officer with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl.No.Na me & p r es ent p la ce of p os t ingNew Place of postingRemar ks1Lallianhmuaka, Deputy Director (Admn.), Deputy Director (Admn.), Vice Lallungawii, O/o E-in-C, PWDDte. of FCS&CAtr ansferr ed 2La llungawii,Deputy Director (Admn.), Vice Lallianhmuaka, Deputy Director (Admn.), Dte. of FCS&CA O/o E-in-C, PWDtr ansferr ed Dr. Lalngura Tlau, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 22012/4/2011-COOP, the 3rd June, 2019. In the interest of p ublic service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Officers as shown below with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl.No.Name & DesignationPresent Place of PostingNew Place of PostingRemarks1.C. Vanlalchhuangi, ARCS ARCS Office, SerchhipRCS Office (Hqrs)Vice C.Lalbethlehema on transfer 2.C. Lalbethlehema, ARCS RCS Office (Hqrs)ARCS Office Champhai Vice A.N.Barbhuiya on transfer 3.A.N. Barbhuiya, ARCSARCS Office, Champhai RCS Office (Hqrs)Vice K.Lalduhawma on transfer 4.K.Lalduhawma, ARCSRCS Office (Hqrs)ARCS Office, Serchhip Vice C.Vanlalchhuangi on transfer 5.Sajal Kanti Das, SICSARCS Office, KolasibARCS Office, Aizawl West Vacant 6.L.Lalzidingi, SICSARCS Office, SerchhipARCS Office, Aizawl East Vacant - 10 - R-23/2019 All the above officers should join their respective place of posting within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification. Sl. No. 2 & 4 will move first. J.H. Lalrimawia, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Cooperation Department. No.A.32015/1/2018-HORT/pt, the 3rd June, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.17/P/2006-MPSC/Vol-II dated 27.5.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote R.Lalrintluanga, Mizoram Horticulture Service Grade-V to Grade-IV of M izor am Hor ticulture Service (Hor ticulture Develop ment Officer) in the Pay Matrix level 10A plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time with immediate effect and posted at Centre of Exellence for Horticulture Thingdawl. The promotion is made against the vacancy caused due to death/expiry of Pu C.Lalrinawma, HDO, Directorate of Horticulture on 28.2.2019. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. No.A.12031/1/2012-F.Est, the 4th June, 2019.On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.A.12026/1/2018-MPSC dt.6.5.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the persons shown below to the Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service in Level 10 in the Pay Matrix, plus all other allowances admissible under the rules with effect from the date of their joining. Sl.No.Name & Addr essPlace of postingRemar ks1.Alvina Ramdinthari D/o VanlalremaFinance & Accounts Officer,Vacant B-41, Mission Veng, ‘N’ AizawlPrinting & Stationery Deptt. 2.Kevin Lalmalsawma S/o J.ZothanpuiaFinance & Accounts Officer, SCERTVacant T-122/B, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 3.Vanlalrosiama Ralte S/o Rohmingliana Ralte, Finance & Accounts Officer,Vacant T-48, Salem Veng, AizawlPWD (Roads) The appointees shall be on probation for a period of 2 (two) years and shall pass such departmental examination as required by the MFAS Rules, and the period of probation may, for good and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, be extended by the Governor in individual cases. They will be required to undergo training as the Government may, from time to time, prescribe. Sawihlir a, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No.A.12026/1/2016-P&AR(CSW)/1, the 4th June, 2019.In the interest of public service,the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Mizora m Civil Service Officers with immediate effect and until further orders : - 11 -R-23/2019 Sl.No.Name & designation of officerNew place of postingRemar ks1.Pi V. Lalmuanpuii,Assistant Director (ConsumerVacant Assistant Commissioner,Affairs), FCS&CA in addition Aizawl to her normal duties, 2.Pi R.Lalnunkimi,SDC, Kolasib SDC, AizawlVacant 3.Pu Vabeimozachhi ChozahDSYO, Lawngtlai in additionVice Pu Lalsanglura SDC, Lawngtlaito his normal duries 4.Pi Lalchhanhimi,SDC, Lunglei SDC, KolasibVice Denny Lalchhuanawma 5.Pu Lalsanglura,SDC, Lawngtlai SDC, LungleiVice Pi Lalchhanhimi 6.Pu Denny LalchhuanawmaSDC, SerchhipVice Pu H.Lalhruaitluanga SDC, Kolasib 7.Pu Benjamin Zalawma Ralte,SDC, ChamphaiVacant SDC, Siaha 8.Pu Timothy Lalhmangaiha,SDC, KolasibVice Pi R. Lalnunkimi SDC, Lawngtlai No.A.12026/1/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 4th June, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide letter No.A.12026/1/2018-MPSC dated 06.05.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persons to the Mizoram Civil Service (Junior Grade) in the Level 10 of Pay Matrix (Corresponding to Pay Band-3 : Rs. 15,600-39,100+GP Rs.5,400/- pm, prerevised) plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time under the provisions of extant rules with effect from the date of joining their respective places of posting indicated below :- Sl.No.NamePlace of postingRemar ks1LaldinsangiD/o C.Laldina, Y-25/1,SDC, KolasibVacant Mission Vengthlang, Model Road, Aizawl 2.H.LalramengaS/o Ramngaizuala, 143,SDC, AizawlVice Vanlalmuana Hospital Area, Thingsulthliah, Aizawl Dist. 3.Lalruatpuii HnamteD/o H.Vanlalhuma, B-33 CSDC, AizawlVacant Ch Pasena Colony, Mission Veng, Aizawl 4.F. LalnisaiD/o F.Hmingthanzauva, C-27,SDC, SerchhipVacant Tuikual North 5.Vanlalnunpuii HmarD/o H.K. Rokima (L),SDC, MamitVacant K-93, Dinthar Veng, Lengpui 6.Albert VanlalruataS/o Lalzarliani Sailo, B-18SDC, KolasibVacant Ramhlun Vengthar nearby Presbyterian Church Pastor Quarters 7.R. LalrinzualiD/o R. Vanlalsawma, A/5,SDC, AizawlVacant Chawnpui, Aizawl 8.N. LalzarzovaS/o N.Kilsaia, Bualpui NG,SDC, LawngtlaiVice Lalsanglura Lawngtlai District 9.Obed LalmalsawmaS/o Lalramnghaka,SDC, ChamphaiVice Laldinfeli F/21, Khatla East, Aizawl 10.K. LalhlimpuiaS/o K. Lalbuana, CNB-J7/C,SDC, LungleiVacant Chaltlang Lili Veng, near New Presbyterian Church 11.Henry MalsawmtluangaS/o C. Darthantluanga,SDC, SiahaVacant S-22, Kawrthah, Mamit District 12.H.VanlalbiakzauvaS/o H. Lalkhumtira, 254SDC, LawngtlaiVice Timothy Farm Veng, near Silver Mount School, LungleiR. Lalhmangaiha - 12 - R-23/2019 They shall be on probation for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of joining and they shall, during the period of probation, undergo the compulsory Foundation Training for a period of 1(one) year stipulated by the Mizoram Civil Service (Cadre Training) Regulations, 2016 scheduled to be held from July, 2019 and also pass the Departmental Examinations prescribed by Mizoram Civil Service (Departmental Examinations) Regulations, 2016. They should join duty within 45 days of the date of issue of the order of appointment, failing which, and unless the Governor is otherwise pleased to extend the said period, the appointment shall stand cancelled. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22012/39/2016-P&AR(CSW), the 4th June, 2019.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification No.A.22012/39/2016-P&AR(CSW)/1 dt.30.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Senior Grade officers of Mizoram Civil Service with immediate effect and until further orders : Sl.No.Name & designation of officerNew place of postingRemar ks1Pu Paul L.KhumaSDO(C), Tlabung with additional Vice Pi V.Lalmuanpuii Under Secretary, R.Dcharge of BDO, Lungsen 2Pi Zoramdini,BDO, R eiek Under Under Secretary, R.D.Vice Pu Paul L. Khuma order of transfer to EO/SO/DSYO, Champhai 3.Pu Lalnunfela Chawngthu,BDO, Election Officer, Champhai with Vice Pu Alan Lalthanzara Zawlnuam Under order of transfer additional charges of S.O. andto be deputed a s Dy. Director, to SDO(C), T labung with additional DS YO, Cha mpha i Tourism & Pu Remlalliana charge of BDO, Lungsen Hnamte for S.O. and Pi Laldinfeli for DSYO R. Lalthazuala, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 13 -R-23/2019 PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONNo.B.14021/53/2015-LAD/VC, the 30th May, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Lunglei Distr ict huam chhung amiElectrict Veng Village Council Executive Body sia mthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Ngaihkungi Ralte Vice President -Lalthantluanga Sailo Tr eas urer-Z.D. Lalsangpuii M emb er s-1)P.C. Lallawmsanga 2)C. La lr inawma 3)David C. Lalr inawma 4)C. Lalnunsanga Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 24 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 24Date - 14/06/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 22020/1/2013-HMP, the 31st May, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Mizoram Police Service officers with immediate effect and until further or der. Sl. NamePres ent Pla ce of New Place ofRemar ks No.postingposting 1Pu H. Ramthlengliana Addl. Secretary,Addl. Secretary,Sala ry against the post Home Deptt.Home Deptt.of Director, F&ES 2Pu C LalzahngoaAIGP-IIISP Aizawl Dist. 3Pu Lalthiamsanga Sailo SP, Champhai Dist. Joint Secretary (H ome) On pr omotion to Selection Grade 4Pu C. Lalr uaiaJt. Director, DM&RAwaiting PostingNewly promoted to Selection Gr ade. He will rema in in DM &R till his posting is decided. 5Pu K. LalremsangaSSP, CID SBSSP, CID SBOn pr omotion to Selection (Own Grade Pay)Grade 6Pu Rex ZarzolianaADC to GovernorSP, Champhai Dist. Vanchhawng 7Pu LalrinawmaTraite Addl. S.P., CID(SB) 2-l/C 1st IR. Bn.On pr omotion to JAG 8Pu P. C. Lalduhthlanga Addl. S.P., Aizawl Dist. 2-l/C, 3rd Bn. MAPOn pr omotion to JAG (Salary against Vice Principal, PTS) 9Pu M.S. Dawngkima Dy. CO, 1st Bn. MAP 2-l/C, 1st Bn. MAPOn pr omotion to JAGRNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2019 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 24 - 2 - R-24/2019 10 Pu B. LaldingnghetaDy. CO, 2nd Bn. MAP Addl. SP., CID( SB) (attached to Election Cell, PHQ) 11 Pu Francis Lallawmkima Addl. S.P., Siaha Dist. Dy. CO, 2nd Bn. MAP 12 Pu P.C. LaltanpuiaAddl. SP., SerchhipAddl. S.P.,On promotion to Senior Dist. (Own Grade Pay) Serchhip Dist.Grade 13 Pu LalmalsawmaDy. SP., SecurityAddl. S.P, Aizawl Dist. On promotion to Senior Hnamte(Airport)Grade 14 PuTluailaisa Hlychho SDPO ChawngteAddl. SP, S iaha Dist. On promotion to Sr. Grade 15 Pu Ratan KumarA/C, 3rd Bn. MAPSDPO, Chawngte (attached as SO-I to CM) 16 Pu Goverdona SailoA/c, 1st Bn. MAPSDPO, W. Phaileng 17 Pu Jacob HlychhoSDPO MamitDy. SP., TrafficSalar y against the va cant post of A/C, 1st Bn. MAP 18 Pu ZarzolianaSDPO, W. PhailengDy. SP Security (Airport) 19 Pu C.LalrohluaA/C, 5th IR. Bn.Dy. SP (Pros), Aizawl 20 Pu C. LalsawtaSDPO, KhawzawlSDPO, Champhai 21 Pi P.C. LiansiampuiiSDPQ, ChamphaiSDPO, Khawzawl 22 Pu ZonunTharaDy. S.P. (Pros), Aizawl ADC to Governor 23 Pi ZomuanpuiiA/C, 2nd IR BnA/C, 2nd IR Bn (atta ched to Women (atta ched to PHQ) Cell, AZL DEF) 24 Pu La lhmangaihhluaSDPO, KawrthahSDPO, Mamit 25 Pu Ma lsawma RoyteA/C, 1st IR BnDy. SP., SB (attached to SB) 26 Pu LaljohanaA/C, 2nd Bn MAPDy. SP, Security [attached to SO to DIG (SR)] 27 Pu Lalt hanfa la Khiangte A/C, 2nd IR BnSDPO, Kawrthah 28 Pu LalhmangaihaA/C, 2nd IR BnSDPO, SakawrdaiVice Pu Henry (atta ched to PHQ)Malsawmtluanga selected for appoint ment to MCS 29 Pu C.VaninmawiaA/C, 2nd Bn MAPSO to DIG (SR)Sala ry aga inst A/C, 2nd Bn MAP 30 Pu H. LunghnemaA/C 2nd Bn MAPAC lst IR Bn Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No. B. 11016/11/2013 - RD (MzSRLM), the 3rd June, 2019.In the interest of public service and on his services having been placed at the disposal of Rural Development Department, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Pu Vanlaltanpuia , Senior Grade of the Mizoram Civil Service, as Deputy Chief Executive Officer, MzSRLM on deputation initially for a period of 1 (one) year w.e.f 3rd June, 2019. The terms and condit ions of the deputation shall be as below:- 1)The officer shall draw his pay in his present Pay Matrix without any Deputation Allowance. 2)Leave Salar y and Pension Contribution shall be borne by the Borrowing Organization/Department. - 3 -R-24/2019 This issues with the approval of DP & AR (GSW) and DP & AR (CSW) vide their I.D. No.GSW- 22/2010/758 dated 21.05.2019 and Notification No.A.35018/3/2008 - P & AR(CSW) : dated.24.05.2019, r espectively. Lalhmingthanga, Commr. &Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. No. A.22020/1/201 3-HMP, , the 6th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased order repatriation of Pu Rex Zarzoliana Vanchhawng, JAG of MPS deputed as ADC to Governor to Home(Police) Department with effect from 31.05.2019. Lalremruata Kullai, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.22012/3/2011-AGR, the 6th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting ofPu V.L.Buanga,Grade-V of M izor am Agr iculture S er vice posted as AEO under DAO, Champhai to the post of AEO at Saitual Circle under DAO, Aizawl until further orders. Taking over of charge should be completed within 10 (ten) days from the date of issue of this order. Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No.H.11020/4/2013-P&A R(CSW) ,the 6th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, and in view of the By-Election to LADC a nd CADC , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make temporary arra ngement for tra nsfer and posting of the following MCS officers as below- 1.Dr Andrew H. Vanlaldika, MCS, Additional Deputy C ommissioner, La wngtlai who is under order for placing his services under Rur al Development Department for appointment a s Project Director, DRDA, Aizawl on deputation basis vide Notification No. No.A.35018/6/2014-P&AR(CSW) dt. 16.04.2019 shall remain as Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai till such time the process of By-Election to LADC and CADC is completed. 2.Pu V.Lalengmawia, MCS, Project Director, DRDA, Aizawl who is under order of transfer to State Protocol Officer vide Notification No.A. 22012/39/2016-P&AR(CSW) dt. 30.05.2019 shall hold the post of Project Director, DRDA, Aizawl in addition to his normal duties till such time Dr. Andrew H. Vanlaldika can t ake over the charge of Project Director, DRDA, Aizawl. 3.Pu B. Lalchhawntluanga, MCS, Dy. Controller, Pr inting and Sta tionery who ha s been promoted to Junior Administrative Grade of MCS and posted as Additional Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai vide Notification No.A. 32013/8/2016-P&AR(CSW) dt. 24.05.2019 shall continue to hold the post of Deputy Controller, P&S in his own grade till such time the post of Additional Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai is vacated by Dr. Andrew H. Vanlaldika. No. A. 35018/2/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 6th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the servicesofPu H. Dolianbu aiaJunior Administra tive Grade of M izoram Civil Service at the disposal of Rural DevelopmentDepa rtment for appointment to the pos t of Project Dir ector, DRDA, S erchhip initially for a period of l (one) year on deputation basis with effect from the date of joiningthe post subject tothe following terms & conditions: - 4 - R-24/2019 1.The officer shall exercise an option to draw either the level in the Pa y Matrix of the deputa tion post or his own Level in the Pay M atrix in the pa rent Ca dre, wit hout deputation allowa nce. 2.The officer shall have no right to claim the Pay of the deputation post upon his repatriation a fter completion of the deputation tenure. 3.Leave salary and pension contribution shall be borne by the borr owing organization. T his is su es wit h the ap p r ova l of DP & AR(GSW)vide I.D. No. GSW.22/2019/775 dated 31.05.2019. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22020/l/2002-PAR(SSW)/200, the 7th June, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tr ansfer a nd posting of the following Stenogra phers Grade-I a nd above as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl.No. Name& present place of postingNew place of postingRemar ks 1M. Lalhmanga ihpari, Sr. Gra de-IP.P.S. to Secretary,Vice Laltanpuii, P.P.S. to Secretary, I&WR/LRS&WC Deptts. Ser icultur e Depar t menttransferred 2Lalr ohlupui, Sr. Gra de-IP.P.S. to Secretary,Vice Lalawmpuii Colney P.P.S. to Former Commissioner &Co-operation Department who is deployed as a Secretary, Commer ce & Industriesstop gap a rrangement transferred 3Rosiampuii, Grade-I,P.S. to Commissioner &Vice La lngaihzuali P.S. to Former Secretary,Secr etary, School Educa tiontransferred Socia l Welfar e Depart ment/Tourism Depts. 4Lalngaihzua li, Gra de-IP.S. to Secretary,Vice P.S. to Commissioner & SecretaryI&WR/LRS&WC Deptts.M. La lhmangaihpari School Edn./Tourism Deptts.transferred 5Sosa ly Lalthankimi, Gra de-IP.S. to Spl. SecretaryVacant P.S. to Commissioner & Secretary,LESD&E Department Excise & Narcotics/Transport Deptts. 6Lalta npuii, Gr ade-IP.S. to Commissioner &Vice Sosaly P.P.S to SecretarySecretary, Excise & NarcoticsLalthankimi Sericulture Depart ment/Transport Deptts.transferred Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.12026/4/2016-FCS&CA, the 7th June, 2019.On the recommendation of MPSC vide No. 111/ A/2002-MPSC dt.16.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion ofPu C.C.Sakhawliana, Grade-Vof Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Ser vice t oGrade-IV of Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Serviceunder Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department in Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix plus all other a llowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge on promotion. Consequent upon this promotion, the Gover nor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting ofGrade-IVof Mizoram FCS&CA S ervice as below with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. - 5 -R-24/2019 Sl. No.Name of OfficerPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1.Pu Spencer Va nlalchhuanga ADCS O LawngtlaiADCSO, Kola sib, he will function as DCSO in his own Grade Pay 2.Pu LalthanmawiaADCSO ChamphaiAsst. Director, Dte. of FCS&CA 3.Pu H. C.LallianzualaADCS O Aizawl ‘E’ADCSO Champha i, he will function as DCSO in his own Grade Pay 4.ZosangluaiaADCSO KolasibAsst. Director, Dte. of FCS&CA 5.Pu LalrinsangaAsst. Director,ADCSO Aizawl East Dte. of FCS&CA 6.Pu CC SakhawlianaPromoted to ADCSOADCSO Kolasib H.L. Rochungnunga, IAS., Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. No. A. 19012/159/2015-P & AR (C S W ), t he 7th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting ofPu George La lromawia , Director, Land Resour ces, Soil & Water Conservation DepartmentasOfficer on Special DutyunderSecretariat Administr ation Dep artmentwith immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. Upon his posting asOfficer on Special Duty under Secretariat Administration Department , Pu George Lalroma wiashall continue to draw his pay and allowa nces against the post ofDirector, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order thatPu Valbuanga, Secretary to the Government of Mizora m, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Departmentshall hold the charge ofDirector, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Departmentwithout any extra financial benefits with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A.35017/1/201 5-HMP, the 11th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, Pu Lalpianthanga, MPS, Dy SP(Hqrs) is hereby deputed as ADC to G overnor, Mizora m on temporary basis in addition to his own duties without extra financial benefit during the leave period of the current incumbent Pu Rex Zarzoliana Vanchhawng, ADC(P) to Governor with effect from 30.05.2019 to 08.06.2019. Lalremruata Kullai, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No. A. 38017/l/2001-F.Est/165, the 11th June, 2019.On a ttaining the a ge of 6 0 year s, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to relea sePu P. Zopara, Assistant Director, Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts, Accounts & Treasuries, Aiza wlfrom service on su perannuation pension from the afternoon of 30.4.2019. Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. No. A. 22012/5/2014-P & AR (C S W) , t he 11th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order thatPu V. Lalfala, IFS,Conservator of For ests (R&D) Cir cle, Mizoram shall hold the charge ofConservator of For ests, Nothern Circle, Mizor amin addition to his own duties without any extra financial benefits, with immediate effect and until further orders. - 6 - R-24/2019 No.A.22012/8/2019-P&AR(CSW), the 11th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order tr ansfer a nd posting of the following IPS Officers with immediate effect and until fur ther orders : Sl. No.NamePresent place of postingNew place of posting Remarks1.Pu M.N. Tiwari, IPSOSD (PHQ)DIG (Trg) 2.Pu R. Sathiyasundaram, IPS SP, Serchhip DistrictAIG-III 3.Pu Karthik Kashyap, IPSSP, Aizawl DistrictSP, Serchhip District 4.Pu L.R. Dingliana Sailo, IPS Director, F&ESDirector, F&ESHe will draw his salary against the post of 2nd in Command, 3rd IR Battalion 5.Pu Thomas Zodingliana, IPS AIGP (Legal)AIGP (Legal)He will draw his salary against the post of Legal Adviser 6.Pu Lallianmawia, IPSCO, 4th IR BattalionCO, 4th IR Battalion Pu L.R.Dingliana Sa ilo, Pu Thomas Zodingliana and Pu Lallianmawia joined Govt. of Mizoram on 25.03.2019 upon being promoted from SPS to IPS of joint AGMUT Cadre (Mizoram Segment) vide MHA Order No I-14011/25/2018-IPS.I(I) dated 25.03.2019. The period between the date of joining and the date of actual taking over the charge of their respective posts shall be tr eated as compulsory waiting period and they will be paid pay and allowances for the period as admissible under the rules. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.35018/1/2013-AH&V, the 12th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to repatriate Dr.Lalrotluanga Sailo from his deputation post of Manager, MULCO, Thuampui, Aizawl with effect from 13.07.2019 to his parent Department and is posted as Deputy Director (REP) at Directorate of AH & Vety Department, Aizawl. Lalthangpuia Sailo Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No.A.12025/6/2017-PAR(SSW)/379, the 13th June, 2019.Inthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to regular ise the officia ting pr omotion ofPi C.Zirsangliani, Junior Grade of MSSto Senior Gra de of MS S inLevel-11 in the Pay Matrix plus a ll other allowances as admissible from time to time issued vide Notification No.A.12025/6/2014-PAR(SSW]/371 Dated 25.02,2019 with immedia te effect. No.A.12025/6/2017-PAR(SSW)/378, the 13th June, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC videNo.4/A/95-MPSC/Vol-IIIDt.06.06.2019 andinthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePi Laldinpuii, Junior Grade of MSS, Superintendent, DM&R DepartmenttoSenior Grade of MSSinLevel-11in t he Pay Matrix plus all other allowances as admissible fr om time to time on officiating basis with immediate effect. On her promotion to Senior Grade of MSS, the Governor of Mizor amisfurther pleased to postPi LaldinpuiiasDeputy Director (Admn.), O/o Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads). Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt of Mizoram. - 7 -R-24/2019 No. A-11016/l/2017-FCS(LM)/Part, the 13th June, 2019.On the recommendation of the MPSC vide letter No. No.l81/B/2009-MPSC dt 22.5.2019 and No.A.181/B/2009-MPSC dt 7.6.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to appoint the following 5(five) persons to the post ofInspector, Legal Metrologyin the Level - 7 of Pay Matrix Rs.39100 - Rs.86800/- plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the post a nd they are posted as s hown aga inst their names as below : S / N Na me & F a t her ’s na meAddressPlace of posting1. LalhriatpuiaH.No.E-2, Nursery vengOffice of the Jt. Controller, s/o C.LianmawiaAizawl - 796001Legal Metrology, Aizawl 2. Khotha JothyuH.No.29/I, Saikao, Near ECM LocalOffice of the Jt. Controller, s/o J. ChatlaiChurch Saikao, Siaha District - 796911 3. Jeffrey Zothanpuia Colney H.No.A-41/2, Kaisara Roa d, Tuikual South, Office of the Jt. Controller, s/o Zirthanga Colney Late Near H.Ramma wia Ex-Minister Building, Legal Metrology, Aizawl Aizawl - 796001 4. LalrindikaH. No. V-95, Saron Veng, Tlangsam, Near Office of the Jt. Controller, s/o LalengzamaTlangsam High School, Champhai-796321 Legal Metrology, Aizawl 5. R. LaldinpuiiH/No.K-5, Chanmari WestOffice of the Jt Controller, d/o DarhunthangaAizawl - 796007Legal Metrology, Aizawl. They shall be on probation for a period of 2(t wo) years from the da te of a ppointment and the probation is liable to be extended if any dissatisfaction is fou nd in their performance. They should join their post within 15(fifteen) da ys from the date of issue of this Notification. H.L. Rochungnunga,IAS., Commissioner &Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONSNo.A-12025/4/2017-LR,S&WC, the 6th June, 2019.In the interest of p ublic service, the competent authority is pleased to specify the following courses mentioned in the ta ble below as Training Course which is mandatory for Soil Conservation Demonstrator for promotion to the post of Dy. Ranger as prescribed in column 12 of Annexure-I of the Mizoram La nd Resources, Soil & Wa ter Conserva tion Department (Group ‘C post) Recruitment Rules, 2018 Sl. No.Training CourseDurationInstitute1.Soil & Water Conserva tion 11 months RETI, Durtla ng, CTI, Byrniha t, Meghalaya 2.Field Assistant Training11 months Forest Training School, Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl 3.Forester/Forest Guard Training 6 months Forest Training School, Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl - 8 - R-24/2019 4.Compulsory Training for the 6 months Forest Training School, Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl frontline staff/field staff C. Lalsangzuala, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department. No. A. 46011 /I /2013-HMP, the 7th June, 2019. In the interest of Public Service and as envisaged under Section 157(1), 161(1) and 174(1) of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to empower Assista nt Sub-Inspector of M izoram P olice with full powers of investigation for the purpose of S ection 157(1) a nd Section 161(1) of the Code of Criminal Pr ocedure, 1973, and the Head Constables of Mizor am Police for minor crimes for the purpose of Section 157 (1), 161(1) and 174(1 ) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Further, each Officer in Charge of a P olice Station shall depute such empowered official only after scrupulous assessment and being satisfied of the suitability and capa bilities of the officia l concer ned. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A-11016/2/2018-FCS&CA, the 7th June, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accord sanctioned to the creation of 15(fifteen) posts of LDC under Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Depa rtment in the Level - 4 of t he Pay Matrix by surrendering 30 (thirty) p osts of existing Group ‘D’ p osts (Porter - 29 posts and Masalchi - 1 post) with immediate effect. After abolition of the above posts, the total sanctioned post of Group ‘D’ will be 614(six hundred fourteen) (644- 30 = 614) and the total sanctioned post of LDC will be 45(forty five) posts from the existing 30 (thirty) sanct ioned posts. The Expenditure is debita ble under the Head of Account - 3456 - Civil Supplies 00- 001 - Direction & Administr ation 01 - Direction 00 - Direction 01 - Salary This issues with the approval of DP&AR(ARW) vide their I.D. NO.ARW/FCS&CA-21/2019-2020/ C-42 dt 6.5.2019 and concurrence of Finance Department (E) vide their I.D. No.FIN(E) 109/2019 dt 28.5.2019. H.L. Rochungnunga, IAS., Commissioner &Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food,Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. No.A.46011/l/2018-F.Est/153-154, the 10lh June, 2019. In the interest of public service and in pursuance of decision of the Meeting of the Empanelment Boa rd held on 29. 5.2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to empanel the following Consultants/Contractors under the Govt. of Mizoram against the categories and grades shown below for a period from 29.5.2019 up to 30.9.2020 in addition to the Consultants/ Contractors already empanelled vide No.A.46011/l/2018-F.Est/58-61 dt. 1.10.2018, No.A.46011/1/2018- F.Est/129 dt. 25.2.2019 and No.A.46011/l/2018-F.Est/139-141 dt. 25.2.2019- - 9 -R-24/2019 1)Preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) & Project Supervision:G r a d e ASl. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.EASTMEN ConsultancyN-49/Bungkawn, Aizawl - 796005 2.Kabod Consult ancy ServicesRZ Annex Building 3rd Floor, Zodin Square, Aizawl 3.Oriental Consultancy ServicesBawngkawn, Sairang Road, Aizawl. 4.Royal Consult ancy ServicesH/No. A-6, Peter Street, Mission Veng, Aizawl - 796001 5.RSP Construction & Consultancy Services RSP Building, ITI H.No: T-22, Aizawl - 796005 6.Star Consult ancyDawrpui West, Aizawl, Mizoram 7.ZOINFRACONM-112/D, LuangmualVenglai, Aizawl - 796009 8.Zoram Construction & Consultancy Services H/No. A-2 ‘A’, Aiza wl Venglai, Aizawl - 796001 9.Zothan Consultancy ServicesM-66, Luangmual Venglai, Aizawl - 796009 2)Project Development & Construction Works:G r a d e ASl. NoName of Consultant/ ContractorAddress1.EASTMEN ConsultancyN-49/Bungkawn, Aizawl - 796005 2.Kabod Consult ancy ServicesRZ Annex Building 3rd Floor, Zodin Square, Aizawl 3.National ConstructionH.No. E/3 Khatla, Aizawl 4.Oriental Consultancy ServicesBawngkawn, Sairang Road, Aizawl. 5.Royal Consult ancy ServicesH/No. A-6, Peter Street, Mission Veng, Aizawl - 796001 6.RSP Construction & Consultancy Services RSP Building, ITI H.No: T-22, Aizawl - 796005 7.ZOINFRACONM-l12/D, Luangmual Venglai, Aizawl - 796009 8.Zoram Construction & Consultancy Services H/No. A-2 ‘A’, Aiza wl Venglai, Aizawl - 796001 Gr a de BSl. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.NEXUS Consult ancy Services16 Hill Street, Vaivakawn, Aizawl - 796009 Gr ade CSl. No.Name of Consultant/ContractorAddress1.Zofa Run NetworkKhatla South, Aizawl The terms and conditions of empanelment of the firms will be the same as laid out in Notifica tion No.A.46011/l/2018-F.Est l39-141 dated 1.5.2019. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram & Chairman, Empanelment Board. No. B. 14018/49/2019 - LAD/VC, the 7th June, 2019. Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1)(2) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Mamit Districthuam chhung ami Damparengpu i Village Council Executive Bodysiamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-K.Lallawmsanga Vice-President-Zohmingthanga Tr eas urer-Kila-i - 10 - R-24/2019 Secretary-B.Thanmawia M emb er s-1)Lalhminghlui 2)Rohmuaka 3)La lr amenga 4)A.Laldinthara No. B. 14018/59/2015 - LAD/VC, the 7th June, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin, Mamit Distr ict hua m chhung ami Hmunpui Village Council Executive Body siamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-C.La lrinmawia Vice-President-Ramchhana Tr eas urer-Lalramthangi M emb er s-1)C.Lalsawta 2)R.Lalbiakkunga No. B. 14019/25/02- LAD/VC, the 11th June, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Champhai Distr ictchhu nga Vengsa ngVillage Council Executive Body s iamthatna chu a hnuai a mi ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President-C.Lalawmpuia Vice-President-La lr insanga Tr eas urer-Lianhmingthangi M emb er s-1)Ralkulhtawna 2)Rambuatsaiha Chawnghlut 3)Lalhminghlua 4)Lalbiakdiki No. B. 14018/3/02 - LAD/VC, the 11th June, 2019.Mizoram Sorkar chuan Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7(1) leh Section 15 in a phal angin,Mamit Districthuam chhung ami Thinghlun Village Council Executive Bodysiamthatna chu a hnuai ami ang hian a pa wmpui a ni. President-Vanneihliana Vice-President-G.T hangzela Tr eas urer-Vanneihchhunga No. B. 14019/16/02 - LAD/VC, the 13th June, 2019.Champhai District huam chhung ami Zawlsei Village Council Vice-President chuan banna a thehluh avangin Zawlsei Village Council chu member pa khat chauh a lo ni ta a , member pakha t chauhin khawtlang enkawl a theih loh ava ngin Mizoram S orkar chuan LushaiHillsDistrict (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 25(1) in a phal angin Zawlsei Village Council chu he notification chhuah ni atang hian a thiat (dissolve) ta a ni. Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. - 11 -R-24/2019 PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONS No. B.14031/43/04-RCOOP(Lq)/123, the 3rd June, 2019.Inspection reportunder Section 92(2)of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006 was submitted by theARCS,Aiza wlEast againstNorth Khawlek Handloom & Handicra ftCooperativeSociety Ltd.Vide letterNo.B. 14015/37/08-ARCOOP (AE)bearing Registration No.AE-309/2003-2004 dt.3.12.2003; In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of the a foresaid society (vide letter No.B.14031/43/04-RCOOP(SC)/103 dt.10.8.2016)giving reasonably opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society should not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereasno r epresentation was submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14031/43/04-RCOOP(Sc) dt.l8.10.2018 thethen Registrar ordered the Winding up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram C ooperative Societies Act, 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (s ixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted his rep or t vide letterNo.B.12020/l/2009-ARCOOP (AE)/8 dt.21.5.2019recommending closure of liquidation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. No. B.I4016/78/2013-RCOOP(Lq)/73, the 3rd June, 2019.Inspection r eport under Section 92(2 ) of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by t he ARCS ,SerchhipagainstThenzawl Women Mushroom GrowersCoop erative Society Ltd. Vide lett erNo.B. 14016/30/13-ARCOOP (SCP) bear ing Registration No.S CP-29/2012-2013 dt. 23.1.2013. In pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Cause Notice was issued to the Chairman of theaforesaid society(vide letter No.B.14016/78/2013-RCOOP(SC)/60 dt.22.1.2018)giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelledon the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. - 12 - R-24/2019 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14016/78/2013-RCOOP(SC)/ dt.17.10.2018the then Registrar or der edtheWinding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act 2006. The aforesaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Or dermay be submitted to the RCS within 60 (sixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted her rep or t vide lett erNo.B.14020/7/2009-ARCOOP (SCP)/55 dt.30.10.2018recommending clos ure of liquidation proceedings instituted againstthe society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders clos ure of liquidationproceedings and or der Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006. Registr ar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Mizoram, Aizawl. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATION No.MADC. ll/GAD(DPAR&P)/2018, the 30th May, 2019. In t he int er es t of p u b lic s er vice, t he E x ec u t ive Committee of the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to order transfer and posting of P uhpa P.Sama, Secretary to Mara Autonomous District Council as Executive Secretary with effect from the afternoon of 31st May, 2019 and until further orders. N. Zakhai, Chief Execut ive Member, Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Regular Issue No. 25 of 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 25Date - 21/06/2019

Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. F. 14011/2/2012-GAD, the 11th June, 2019.Asper I&PR Department Circular No.F. 13011/11/2005-IPR dt.22.11.2005 and under sub-section (1) of Section 5 and sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Right to Information Act, 2005, a nd in the interest of the public service, the following officers under Depu ty Commissioner ’s Office, Kolasib and its subordina te Offices are designa ted/appointed a s Appellate Authority, State Public Information Officers, St ate Assistant Public Information Officers, a s mentioned against their names to pr ovide information to persons requesting for information and to receive a pplications for information or appeals as the case ma y be under the said Act with immediate effect and until fur ther orders: Sl. No.Name of officersDesignationDesignated/Appointed asJurisdiction1Zoensanga, MCSDeputy CommissionerAppellate AuthorityKola sib District 2.Lia nsangzualaAdditionalState PublicKola sib District Chha kchhuak, MCSDeputyCommissionerInformation Officer 3.V. La ldinsanga , MCSSDO(Sadar)State Assistant PublicKola sib District Information Officer 4.Isaac C.Lalrempuia, MCS SDO(C), VairengteState Assistant PublicWithin Vairengte Information OfficerSub- Division 5.Lalhruaitluangi, MCSSDO(C), KawnpuiState Assistant PublicWithin Kawnpui Information OfficerSub- Division Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department.RNI. 27009/1973 Postal Regn.No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 The Mizoram Gazette Published by AuthorityVOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 21.6.2019 Jyaistha 31, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 25 - 2 - R-25/2019 No. A. 32013/4/2009-EDN/394, the 11th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to repatriate Pi Betty Lalrinchhani, Lecturer (Sociology) who is now attached to Govt. J.L Higher S econdar y School, Aizawl to her original place of posting i.e. Govt. Chaltla ng Higher Secondary School, Aiza wl with immediate effect and until further or der. No TA/DA shall be admissible K.M. Lalrindika, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A. 19012/159/2015 - P&AR (CSW), the 12th June, 2019.In continuation of this Department Notification Even No. dated 07.06.2019 whereinPu George Lalromawia, Director, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conserva tion Depa rtment was posted asO ff ic er o n S p eci a l D u t yunderSecretariat Administr ation Department andPu Valbuanga, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department was given the charge ofDirector, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department, and consequent uponPu Valbuanga availing Earned Leave w.e.f 24.05.2019 - 23.06.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order thatPu C. Lalsangzuala, Additional Secretary, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department shall take the charge of Director, Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Department as a stop-gap ar rangement until the timePu Valbuanga returns from leave. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. G. 28014/1/2014-PLG(SPB), the 13th June 2019.The Governor of Mizoram, on the advice of the Hon’ble Chief Minister is pleased to appoint Shri. H. Rammawi as Vice-Chairman, Mizoram Sta te Planning Boar d with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. Further, the Governor is pleased to gra nt the Vice-Cha irman, State Planing Board t he rank and status of Cabinet Minister of Mizoram and he shall be entitled to allowances and fa cilities as admissible to Cabinet Ministers. The expenditure shall be debitable to the following head of accounts : 3451- Secretariat Economics Service 80 - Geneml 101 - Planning Board (01) - Plan formulation (P) (00) - Plan formulation (P) (01) - Salary Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & Programme Implementa tion Deptt. No.A.22012/7/2019-EDN(HS)/17, the 13th June, 2019. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to order transfer a nd posting of the following Headmasters, Govt. High School as under: - 3 -R-25/2019 Sl. No.Name of HeadmasterPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting1La lrammawiaGovt. Mizo HSGovt. Pianghleia HS 2K. Zoramchha niGovt. Chhiahtlang HSGovt. PCR HS 5Serchhip 3HmingchungnungaGovt. Maubawk HSGovt. Mizo HS 4J.L.Tha nzawnaGovt. Tanhril HSGovt. Gorkha HS 5LalhlimpuiiGovt. Seling HSGovt. Chawnpui HS 6C.LalpariGovt. Bawngkawn HSGovt. Republic HS 7K.SangaiaGovt. GorkhaHSGovt. Durtlang HS 8Harendra Pr asad S inghGovt. Rulchawm HSGovt. Suangpuilawn HS 9Ajay KumarGovt. Suangpuilawn HSGovt. Maubawk HS 10B. Lalbiaklia naGovt. Thingsulthlia h HSGovt. Saka wrtuichhun The senior-most Teacher of their respective vaca ted Schools is author ized to take the charge of Headmaster till such time regular Headmaster is posted. K.M. Lalrindika, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.22012/1/2019-AH&V, the 13th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Junior Administra tive Gra de of MAH & VS Officers as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further order: - Sl. NoName of Junior Administr ative Gr ade OfficerPresent Place of PostingNew Place of Posting11Dr. H. LaltlanmawiaJoint Director (P olyclinic)Joint Director (P) 2.Dr.R.ThangthuamaJoint Director (S Z), Lunglei Joint Director (Polyclinic) Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No.A.32012/13/2017-EDN/97, the 13th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Sub-Divisional Education Officer under School Education Department as follows :- Sl. NamePresent place ofNew place ofRemar ks No.postingposting 1. LaldinglianaSDEO, DarlawnSDEO SaitualVice Lalsikula transferred 2. La lsikulaSDEO, SaitualSDEO, Kola sibVice JR Lalhruaitluang transferred. He shall take additional charge of S DEO Kawnpui 3. C.La lthanziraSDEO, KhawzawlSPO, SamagraHe shall draw his pay Shiksha Abhiyanagainst SDEO Mamit 4. K.La lsiamlianiDPC, SSA Champhai SDEO, KhawzawlVice C.Lalthanzira transferred 5. JR.Lalhruaitluanga DPC,SSA KolasibSPO, SamagraHe shall draw his & KawnpuiShiksha Abhiyanpay against SDEO Kawnpui The Officers should take over their new charge within 15 days positively from the date of issue of this Notification a nd Sl.No. 1 (one) will move first - 4 - R-25/2019 It is further ordered that R.Lalnunthari, DEO, Ma mit sha ll take charge of SDEO, Mamit in addition to her norma l duties with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. No. A. 32012/13/2017-EDN/96, the 13th June, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of t he MPSC vide No.70/A/95-MPSC/Vol-II dt.15.4.2019, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to promote the following Middle School Headmasters to Sub-Divisiona l Educa tion Officer under School Educa tion Department in the pay ma trix level 10 plus all other allowances as a dmissible from time to time and posted at the places a s shown below a gainst their na mes wit h immediate effect. Sl. No.Name and present place of postingPlace of postingRemar ks1.Pu Lalthanpara, Govt. Teikhang M/SSDEO, LungsenVacant 2.Lalthanmawia, Govt. Tanhril M/S-ISDEO DarlawnVice Laldingliana transferred 3.C.Rophira, Govt. Ruallung M/SSDEO, ThenzawlVacant 4.Lalchhanhima Chha ngte, Govt. Seling M/S S DEO, N. Va nla ipha iVacant 5.Lalliantlua nga Sa ilo,SDEO, West Pha ilengVacant Govt. Bawngkawn M/S-II Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A. 19015/524/2018 - P AR(SSW)/20, the 14th June, 2019.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pi Z othankhumi, Superintendent, Local Administra tion Department (Secretariat) to go on voluntary retirement w.e.f. 01.08.2019(F/N) as permissible under Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Zothantluangi, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 12026/2/2014-F. Est/283, the 14th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or dertransfer and posting of the following Audit & AccountsOfficer to the post shown in column4 with immediate effect a nd until further order - Sl. No.NamePresent Place of PostingNew Place of PostingRemar ks 12345 1Va nla lngeni Var teOffice of the PCCF,Office of the Chief ControllerVacant EF&C C Depart mentof Accounts, Accounts & Treasuries, Aizawl F. Lalrinawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Depa rtment (E). No. A. 11013/2/2013-HMP, the 14th June, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.7/A/2019-MPSC, dt. 13.06.2019, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to or derpromotion of P u L a l b ia kza ma , S u p er t ime Gr a de ‘B’ of M P S t o S u p er t ime Grade ‘A’ of MPS in the Level 14 of the Pay Matr ix plus allowances admissible under rules from time to time with immediate effect. - 5 -R-25/2019 No. A. 11013/2/2013-HMP/1, the 14th June, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No. 141 (B)/ A/98-MPSC dt. 13.06.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or derproforma promotion of Pu La ldawngliana, S el ec t i on G r a de o f M P S t o S u p er t ime Gr a d e ‘B ’ of M P S in t he L evel 13 A of the Pa y M at rix p lu s allowances admissible under rules from time to time with immediate effect. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No. A. 22013/3/91-FST, the 14th June, 2019.Consequent upon the repatriation from deputation to Forest Research Centre - Bamboo & Ratta n (FRCBR) under ICFRE and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Shri Mahesh Zoramthara Singson, Deputy Conservator of For ests as Working Plan Officer (S), Lunglei with effect from his joining the pos t and until fu rther orders. However, he shall be attached to the office of Pr incipal Chief Conserva tor of For est s, Mizoram to assist Climate Change Cell a nd Mizoram Bamboo Mission Cell in a ddition to his own duties without extra financial benefit until further orders. Shri Mahesh Zoramthara Singson, Deputy Conservator of Forests who reported for duty to Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department on 27 .05.2019, has been waiting for his posting. The period between the date on which he reported for duty and the date of actual taking over of charge of Working Pla n Officer (S), Lunglei shall be treated as compulsory waiting period and he will be paid pay and allowances for the period as a dmissible under the rules. Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. No. A. 22016/1/2018-EDN, the 14,h June, 2019. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of DPC held on 12.10.2018 and MPSC vide No. 2/A/2019-MPSC dt. 18.03.2019 & dt. 7.05.2019 and as per the Mizoram M/S and H/S Provicialisation Rules, 1994 with its amendment vide Notification No. B.13016/9/94-EDS dt. 10.10.1994 and dt. 12.08.2002, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order absorption of P u C. Zama nga (L), Headmaster, Lungbun Middle School of newly Provincialised M/S under MADC into Govt. Service in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-200 10,500/- (5th Pay) per month plus usual allowances as admissible under rules with retrospective effect from 1.9.2003. As per provision t o Rule 7 (a) of the Mizoram M/S and H/S (Pr ovincia lisation) Rules. 1994, he shall be entitled to reta in his pay and allowa nces as were admissible to him immediately before the date of Provincialisation of the school. The absorption is made against the sanctioned posts created vide No. A.l 1013/1/2011-EDN dt. 24.1.2012. The expenditure may be debitable under the head of account:- 2202 - General Education 01 - Elementa ry Education 101(02) - Govt. M/S (Plan) 101(02)(01) - Salary NO. A. 22017/1/2019-EDN/45, the 17th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Headmasters, Govt. Middle School as below :- - 6 - R-25/2019 Sl. No.Name of HeadmasterPresent place of p ostingNew Place of postingRemar ks1.Lalhmingtha ngaGovt. Hermon M/S,Govt.Bawngkawn M/S-II ViceLalliantluanga KhawzawlSailo promoted 2.C.LalbiakmawiaGovt M/S, DulteGovt Hermon M/S,ViceLalhmingthanga Khawzawltransferred 3.T la ngr emvelaGovt. Phuaibuang M/S-II Govt Phuaibuang M/S-1Vacant The movement on tr ansfer and posting should be completed within 15 days from the date of this Notification. The seniormost teacher of the school should take charge of Headmaster till regular Headma ster is posted. No.TA/DA is admissible as the transfer is made at their own request. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. F. 13011/11/2011-IPR, the 17th June, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 1 9(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 and in the interest of public service, the Competent Authorit y is pleased to designate P u Sa ngdinglia na , S ecreta r y, Infor mation & P ublic Relations Depa rtment as Depa rtment al Appellate Authority(D AA) in r espect of Information & Public Relations Department with immediate effect and until further or der. This supersedes this Department’s Notification of even No. dated 18.04.2017. No. F. 13011/11/201l-IPR, the 17th June, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 5(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 and in the interest of public service, the Competent Authorit y is pleased to designate Pi Zothansiami, Under Secr etary, Informa tion & Public Relations Depar tment a s State Public Informa tion Officer(SPIO) in respect of Infor mation & Public Relations Department with immediate effect and until further or der. This supersedes this Department’s Notification of even No. dated 25th May, 2017. Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. No. A. 22012/1/08-I&WR, the 18th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is please to order transfer of the following officers under Irrigation & Water Resources Depar tment to the place of posting a s shown against their names with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Sl. NoName of Officers & Present Pla ce of PostingNew Place of postingRemar ks1.Pu P.Lalbiakkima, S.D.O.S.D.O(TC)Vacant Khawzawl Sub-DivisionAizawl Division 2.Pi Lalremruati S.D.O.(TC)S.D.O. KhawzawlVice Pu P.Lalbiakkima Kolasib DivisionSub- Divisiontransferred Sl. No 2 shall move first. K.T. Beicho, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Irrigation & Water Resources Department. - 7 -R-25/2019 No. A. 32013/9/2012-P&AR(CSW), the 18th June, 2019.In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 65/A/95-M PSC/Vol-III da ted 06.06.2019 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu H. Lianzela, Junior Administr ative Grade of M CS to Selection Grade of MCS onad hoc basis in the Level 13 of P ay Matr ix (cor responding to PB 4: Rs. 37,400 - 67,000 + GP Rs. 8,700/- pm pre-revised) plus all admissible allowances with immediate effect and until further orders on the conditions tha t :- i) the promotion is being made on pur ely on an ad hoc basis, and the ad hoc promotion will not confer any right for regular promotion; and ii) the Government reserve the right to cancel at any time the ad hoc promotion and revert the officer to the post/grade from which he was promoted. The ad hoc promotion is in consonance with para 31 of the Office Memorandum issued by DP&AR(GSW) Vide No.A.32012/1/2011-P&AR(GSW) dt. 28th February, 2018. Upon his pr omotion to Selection Grade of MCS, Pu H. Lia nzela is posted asJoint Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram which he has been posted in his own grade since 01.02.2019. No. A. 19012/189/2017-P&AR(CSW), the 19th June, 2019.On expiry of the period of extension of his service beyond the superannua tion age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to releasePu Biakthanmawia Pautu, Director, Tourism Department from Government service with effect from the afternoon of 30.06.2019. No. A. 22012/49/93-P&AR(CSW), the 19th June, 2019. Consequent upon the release ofPu Biakthanma wia Pautu, Dir ector, Tour ism Department from Government service with effect from the afternoon of 30.06.2019 vide this Department’s Order No.A. 19012/189/2107-P&AR(CSW) dated 19.06.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allowPu Saitluanga, Joint Director, Tourism Department to take the charge of Director, Tourism Department in addition to his normal duties as a stop-gap a rrangement in his own grade pay without any ext ra fina ncial benefits with effect fr om01.07.2019 and until further orders.. R. Lalchhanhima, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 32012/7/2016-AH&V/Pt-II, the 19th June, 2019. On the r ecommendation of the MPSC vide No. 110/A/2019-MPSC dt. 13.06.2019 and No.86/A/2001-MPSC/Vol-II dt. 13.06.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to order pr omotion of the following Senior Grade and Junior Grade to the post of Junior Administrative Gra de (Joint Director) a nd Senior Grade of MAH&VS under AH & Vety Department at Pay Matrix Level 12 and L evel 11 plus a ll other allowances as admissible under the r ules fr om time to time and t hey are posted to the posts a s shown against their names with effect from the date of joining the post: Sl. No.NamePlace of PostingRemar ks1.Dr. Lalrinpuii Sa ilo,Joint Director (S Z), LungleiVice Dr.R.T hangthuama Senior Gr adetransferred 2.Dr. B.Lallawmsanga,Chief Vety Officer PolyclinicVice Dr.P.C.Lalsangzuala Junior Gr adeHospital, Aizawltransferred Consequent upon the promotion of Dr.Lalr inpuii Sailo, Senior Grade to Junior Administrative Grade, Dr. P.C. La lsangzu ala, Chief Vety Officer posted at Polyclinic Hospital, Aizawl is transferred to the - 8 - R-25/2019 post of Principal Institute of Animal Husbandr y & Veterinary Training(IAH& VT), Lungpuiza wl, Lunglei with immediate effect. Lalthangpuia Sailo, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. No.A.38011/1/2014-EDN, ; t he 1 9th June, 2019.On attaining the superannuation ageof 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pi Zokungpuii, Special Education Officer, SCERT, Mizoram from Government service with effect from 30.6.2019 (A/N) on superannuation pension. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No. A.38017/5/2019-SERI, the 19th June, 2019. On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Mani Kumar, Sericulture Extension Officer under Sericulture Department from Government service on superannuation pension with effect from 30.06.2019 (A/N). F. Lalthuamluaia, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sericulture Department. No. A. 32013/5/2012-EDN /Vol-II/96, the 20th June, 2019. In t he int er es t of p u b lic s er vice, t he Gover nor of Mizora m is pleased to or der transfer and posting of t he following Lecturers, Govt. HSS as shown against their names with immediate effect. Sl. No.NameSubjectPresent place of p ostingNew place of pos ting1.Ch Lalremkunga EconomicsGovt. HSS, LungleiGovt. Mamawii HSS, Aizawl 2.C.LalrinkimaEconomics Govt. Mamawii HSS, AizawlGovt. HSS, Lunglei K.M. Lalrindika, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONSNo. B. 14017/51/2015-LAD/VC, the 11th June, 2019.Aizawl District huam chhung ami Phuaibuang Village Council ten khawtlang an enkawl danah complaint a awm avangin verification lak a ni a, report atanga a lan danin heng - Ram theh bak lo atan an vat a, Law & Order kenkawh chungchangah an hlawhchham - 9 -R-25/2019 a, MGNREGS hnuaia hna kalpui danah thil fello a awm a vangte leh sum hman chungcha ngah thil fel tawk lo a awm avangin thuneihna an kuta dah reng hi Mizoram Sorkar chuan tha a tih loh avangin Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 Section 25(l)-na hmangin Phuaibuang Village Council chu he hriattirna chhu ah ni atang hian a thiat (dissolve) ta a ni. Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No. A-11013/1/2013-HM l/A, the 18th June, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to or der creation of t he Office of S uperintendent of Police in Hna hthia l Distr ict, Khawzawl Dis trict and Saitual District with immediate effect. This has the approval of General Administration Depar tment vide theirI.D. No. GAD: 39/2019 dt. 13. 6. 2019. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. No. A.12035/5/2018-PHE/Pt-I, the 18th June, 2019. In continua tion of this Department’s Notifica tion vide No.B.12011/21/2017-PHE dt. 3.9.2018 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify change of the nomenclature of Accountant-cum-DEO (contr act) at Sl. 7. of the said Notification to Accountant (Contract) under Wa ter and Sanita tion Support Organisa tion (WSSO) in the pay of Rs. 20,000/-pm (fixed). This is issued with the approval of DP&AR(ARW) vide I.D.NO.ARW/PHE-9/2018-2019/D-336 dt. 19.2.2019 and Finance Department (E) vide I.D.No.FIN(E)128/2019 dt. 10.6.2019. Amjad Tak, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No. G. 17012/l/2009-F.Est/135, the 20th June, 2019.In continua tion to this Department’s Notifica tion No. G. 17012/1/2003-F.Est dt. 6.9.2011 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 14 of the Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the Executive Engineer (C ommercia l), Office of the E-in-C, P&E Department as Head of Office under Schedule-II of the Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978 for exercising financial power s enumerated therein in connection with purchase of energy supplies. This order will ta ke effect from the da te of issue and will be in force until fur ther or der. Sawihlira, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Depart ment. - 10 - R-25/2019 PART - IX Advertisements, Notices (Tender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICATIONS No. B.14022/23/2013-RCOOP(Lq)/96, the 11th June, 2019.Inspection report underSection 92(2) of the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act,2006 was submitted by theARCS, Serchhip againstMualpui Chhingchhip Multi-Commodity Producers Cooperative Society Ltd. Vide letterNo.B. 14020/7/09- ARCOOP (SCP) bearing Registration No.SCP-6/2008-2009 dt.15.10.2008; In p ursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid inspection report, a Show Ca useNotice was issued to the Chairman of the aforesaid society (vide letter No.B.14022/23/2009-RCOOP(SC)/53 dt. 116.4.2014) giving reasonable opportunity of being heard in writing as to why the registr ation of the society s hould not be cancelled on the following grounds : 1.that the financial condition of the society is not sa tisfact ory. 2.that the society ha s already suspended it s activities without a ny hope of revival. 3.that present working of the society is not considered to be conducive to its future improvement. And whereas no representa tion wa s submitted by the society pursuant to the receipt of the aforesaid Show Cause Notice a s mentioned above. And whereas vide orderNo.B.14022/23/2009-RCOOP(Lq) dt.8.4.2015 the then Registrar or der ed the Winding Up of the society under Section 110(c) and 111 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The a foresaid Winding Up order, clearly mentioned that appeal against the Winding Order ma y be submitted to the RCS within 60 (s ixty) days of the Winding Up Order issued by the RCS. T he liquidator submitted her rep or t vide lett erNo.B.14020/7/09-ARCOOP (SCP) dt.5.4.2019 recommending closur e of liqu idation proceedings instituted against the society. Now therefore, the undersigned, keeping in view the aforesa id fact and circumsta nces hereby orders closure of liquidation proceedings and order Cancellation of the registration of the aforesaid Society U/S 116(1) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act,2006. Registr ar, Coopera tive Soc ieties, Mizoram, Aizawl. No. B. 14020/8/95-ARCOOP(AW)/Vol-V/20, the 14th June, 2019.Under Section 10(2)(4)(5) OF the Mizoram Cooperative S ocieties Act 2006 (Amendment 2017) a Cooperative Society under the name of Tuikual South Zo-Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. in t he Dis t r ict of Aiza wl, M izor a m ha s been this da y Registered in my office and numbered asNo.AW- 1/2019-2020 day forteenth of June in theyear 2019 Anno Domini. Zaliankhuma, Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Aizawl West. - 11 -R-25/2019 No. B. 14016/30/2019-RFS/l3, the 17th June, 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Aizawl Institute of Arts & Music having office at Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizoram has been register ed on 17.06.2019 and numbered as MSR-1051. No. B. 14016/8/2019-RFS/14, the 17th June 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Adventist Widow Association having office at 7th Day Tlang, Vaivakawn, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 17.06.2019 and numbered as MSR-1052. No. B. 14016/125/2018-RFS/20, the 17th June 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) HOPFAN (House of Prayer For All Nations) having office at New Colony-2, Sia ha, Mizoram ha s been registered on 17.06.2019 and numbered as MSR-1055. No. B. 14016/28/2019-RFS/16, the 17th June 2019. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Foundation For Sustainable Development & Social Transformation having office at T uikual North, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 17.06.2019 and numbered as MSR-1056. No. B. 14016/19/2019-RFS/16, the 17th June 2019.It is hereby notified for gener al information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registra tion Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Club Foot Society of Mizoram having office at Zarkawt, Aizawl, Mizoram has been registered on 17.06.2019 and numbered as MSR -1057. Kailiana Ralte, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizoram: Aizawl. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICATION No. H. 14011/2/2011- DC&MA (M), the 21st June, 2019.Whereas Shri K.L. Bana , an elected member of Ma ra Autonomous District Council (MADC) from 1-Tokalo MDC Constituency expired on 23.5.2019 and the said MDC Constituency has been declared as vacant seat w.e.f. 23.5.2019 vide Government Notification No. H. 14011/2/2011- DC&MA (M) dt. 18.6.2019. And whereas a By-Election has to be held to fill the vacant seat of the said Constituency in the Mara Autonomous District Council. - 12 - R-25/2019 Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of Rule 144 of Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to call upon the said M DC Constituency (1-Tokalo- C onstituency) under Mara Autonomous District Council to elect a member to fill the vacancy in accordance with the said r ules and orders. Schedule of Election shall, however be issued by t he State Elect ion Commission after final publication of Electora l Rolls a nd the Model Code of Conduct shall come into force from the date of announcement of poll by the State Election Commission. By Or der in the name of Governor. Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Deptt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Demarcation of the boundaries of the three districts of Saitual, Khawzawl and Hnahthial

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 422Date - 26/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.11019/1/2012-GAD, the 24th June, 2019.The Competent Author ity is pleased t o constitute a St ate Level Committee under the chairma nship of the Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizor am, for demarca tion of the boundaries of the three districts of Saitual, Khawzawl and Hnahthial and related matters for operationalization of the said districts. The Committee shall comprise of the following members:- 1)Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram-Chairman 2)Commissioner & Secretary, GAD-Member Secretary 3)Director General of P olice-Member 4)Commissioner & Secr etary, R.D.-Member 5)Commissioner & Secretary, Finance-Member 6)Secreta ry, DP&AR (ARW)-Member 7)Secretary, Home-Member 8)Special Secretary, LR&S-Member 9)Secreta ry, LAD-Member 10) Director, R.D.-Member 11) Director, LR&S-Member 12) Director, LAD-Member TERMS OF REFERENCE:-(1) The Committee shall make a proposal for demarca tion of the boundaries of the new Districts of Sait ual, Kha wzawl a nd Hnahthial, taking into consideration the administrative convenience and the interest of the general public in the process of such demarca tion. T he Committee shall also consider related issues in connection with the functioning of the newly created 3 (three) districts. (2) The Committee shall also suggest formation of new Sub-Divisions within the three new districts, the headquarters of such sub-divisions and the boundaries of the sub-divisions proposed thereof. (3) The Committee shall submit its report within 2 (two) months from the date of issue of this Notification. The Committee may also co-opt serving officers or retiredDeputy Commissioner s as and when their p resence is required. Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. General Administr ation Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 26.6.2019 Ashadha 5, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 422Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Adoption of the Mizoram Ministerial Service Rules, 2011

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 423Date - 26/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/43/2004-P&AR(GSW)/Pt, the 25th June, 2019.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow adoption of the Mizoram Ministerial Service Rules, 2011 notified vide No. A. 12018/2/98-P&AR(GSW), dated 30th September, 2011 and published in Mizoram Gazette Extraordinary Issue No. 468 dated 30.09.2011 for filling up of the post of LDC by promotion under DIET (CSS) on the following conditions : 1.The candidates will have no right to be considered for absorption/regularization subsequent to adoption of t he above mentioned rules. 2.Such adoption imply adoption of eligibility conditions only and not the conditions of service prescribed in t he said Recruit ment Ru les. Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel and Administrative Reforms. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 26.6.2019 Ashadha 5, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 423Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Bid Evaluation Committee for opening and evaluation of bids for selection of Distributors/Selling Agents for sale of Mizoram State Lottery

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 424Date - 26/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. G. 20015/1/2019-F. Est, the 25th June, 2019.The Bid Eva luation Committee for opening and evaluation of bids for selection of Distributors/Selling Agents for sale of Mizoram Sta te Lottery (Paper & Online) is constituted with the following members : 1.Secretary, Fina nce-Chairman 2.Secr etary, L&J Dep artment or his/ her rep resenta tive-Member 3.Addl. Secretary, Finance Deptt. (E)-Member 4.Director, IF & SL-Member Secretary 5.Deputy Director, IF&SL-Member 6.Asst. Director, IF&SL-Member The opening of bids is scheduled to be held on 26.6.2019 (Wednesday) at 2:00 p.m. in the Office Cha mber of Secreta ry, Fina nce Dep artment . The O fficia ls are r equested to be present at the prescr ibed date and t ime. Vanlalchhuanga, Fina nce Commissioner, Government of Mizoram. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 26.6.2019 Ashadha 5, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 424Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Council) Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 425Date - 29/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 11022/2/2019-GAD(SHC), the 25th June, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 59 of the Sinlung Hills Council Act, 2018, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules, namely “The Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Council) Rules, 2019”. The Rules will come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 26.6.2019 Ashadha 5, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 425The Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Council) Rules, 2019 CHAPTER - I PRELIMINARY In exercise of the powers conferr ed by sub-section (1) of Section 59 of the Sinlung Hills Council Act, 2018, the Government of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules, namely:- 1 . Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called The Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Council) R ules, 2019. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2 . Definitions.- (1) In these rules, excep t wher e it is ex pressly provided other wise or the contex t other wise requ ir es-a) “Act” means TheSinlung Hills Council Act, 2018; b) “ballot box” means any box, ba g or other receptacle used for the insertion of ba llot papers for the pur pose of casting votes by votersincluding EVMs; c) “constituency” means a Sinlung Hills Council constituency; d) “contesting candida te” means a ca ndidate whose nomination has been duly accepted under sub-rule 4 of rule 42 and who has not withdr awn his candida ture under rule 43; - 2 - Ex-425/2019e) “corrupt practices” means the corrupt practice as defined in section 123 of the Repr esentation of t he People Act, 1951 (4 3 of 1951) in so far a s they are relevant to the process of S inlung Hills Council election under these rules; f) “District Election Officer” means the District Election Officer appointed or designated under rule 5; g) “District” means an administrative distr ict; h)“Member of Hills Council (MHC)” means Members of the Sinlung Hills Council; i) “elect ion” means an election to fill vacancy or vacancies in a Sinlung Hills Council; j) “elector” means a person whose name is entered in the electoral roll of the constituency. k) “Electoral Registration Officer” means the Officer appointed or designated as such under rule 6 in connection with preparation and revision of electoral rolls; l) “electoral roll” means a list of persons whose names are registered and who are entitled to vote in an election under these rules; m) “For m” means a formor forms appended to these rules; n) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram a ppointed by the President of India under article 155 of the Constitution; o) “Polling Officer” means an officer appointed to a ssist the Presiding Officer to conduct election in a polling station; p) “Presiding Officer” means an Officer appoint ed under rule 11 to conduct election in a polling station under these rules; q) “qualifying date” means the first da y of Ja nuary of the year in which the Elect oral Roll is prepa red; r) “qualifying period” means the year which immedia t ely precedes t he yea r in which the Electora l Roll is prepa red; s) “Returning Officer” means an Officer appointed or designated as such under rule 8 who shall be responsible for the proper conduct of elect ion in one or more constituencies and he may be assisted by Assistant Returning Officer; t) “roll” means Elect oral Rollof Sinlung Hills Council; u) “rules” means The Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Council) Rules, 2019 as amended fr om t ime to time; v) “State Election Commission” means the State Election Commission, Mizor am cons tituted by the S tate Government of Mizoram; w) “State Government” means the Government of Mizora m. CHAPTER - II STATE ELECTION COMMISSION AND APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS 3 . State Election Commission.- (1) The State Election Commission duly constituted by the Sta te Government of Mizoram, consisting of a State Election Commissioner appointed by the Gover nor under article 243K of the Constitution of India read with sub-section (1) of section 34 5 of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 sha ll be vested with the superintendence, direction and control of the prepar ation of the elect oral rolls for and the conduct of all elections to the Sinlung Hills Council under these rules. (2) The State Election Commission shall co-ordinate and supervise the works of all District Election Officers in the State in t he discharge of their functions and duties under t hese rules. 4. Observers.- (1) The State Election Commission ma y appoint an Electora l Roll Observer who shall be an officer of the Centr al or State Government or Pubic Undertakings to review, supervise and monitor the prepara tion, or revision of elector al roll and to perfor m such other functions as may be entr usted to him by the S tate Election Commission; (2) The State Election Commission may also a ppoint an Election Observer(s ), who shall b e an officer of t he Central or State Government or Public Undertakings to watch the conduct of election or elections in a Constituency or a gr oup of Constit uencies and to perform such other function as may be entrusted to him by the State Election Commission. The Election Observer(s) so appointed or nominated shall r eport to the S tate Election Commission and function under the direction and control of the State Election Commission. 5 . District Election Officer.- (1) For each administra tive District to which these r ules ext end, the State Election Commission shall appoint the concerned Deputy Commissioner as District Election Officer for the preparation of Electora l Rolls and the conduct of elections under t hese rules. (2) The State Election Commission ma y appoint Election Officer of the District Election Officer ’s office or such other Officer of t he State Government a s may be necessary as Assista nt District Election Officer to assist the District Election Officer and perform such duties under his direction. (3) The District Election Officer shall also perform such other functions a nd duties as may be directed by the Sta te Election Commission from time to t ime. 6 . Electoral Regist ration Officer.- (1) For each Administra tive District to which these rules ext end, the State Election Commission shall appoint or designate any officer of the State Government as Electoral Registration Officer to perform all necessary functions for the preparation and revision of elect oral rolls for all Sinlung Hills Council constituencies in the Distr ict. (2) The State Elect ion Commission may designate one or more officers a s Assistant Electoral Registration Officer to assist the Electoral Registration Officer and perform duties under his direction. (3) The Elector al Registration Officer shall also perform such other functions as may be directed by the State Election Commission. (4) An Electoral Registration Officer may, subject to any pr escribed restrictions, employ such persons as he thinks fit for the prepara tion and revision of the electoral roll for the constituency. 7. One Officer may be appointed or designated as both District Election Officer and Elect oral Registration Officer.- Nothing in these r ules shall prevent the State Election Commission from appointing or designating one and same Officer to be both the District Election Officer and the Electoral Registration Officer for the sa me distr ict. 8 . Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officer.- (1) For every election to fill a seat or seats of a Sinlung Hills Council in any constituency, the State Election Commission shall appoint Sub- Divisional Officer (C), Sakawrdai or an officer subordinate to the concerned Deputy Commissioner to be the Retur ning Officer to conduct the election in the constituency. (2) The State Election Commission shall appoint any officer of the State Government to be Assistant Retu rningOfficer to assist the Returning Officer in the conduct of election in that constituency. (3) Every Assistant Returning Officer shall, subject to the control of the Returning Officer, be competent t o perfor m all or any of the functions of the Returning Officer.- 3 -Ex-425/2019 9 . Returning Officer to include Assistant Returning Officers performing the functions of the Retur ning Officer.-All references in these rules to the Returning Officer shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include an Assistant Returning Officer performing any function which he is authorized to perform under Rule 8. 1 0 . General duty of the Returning Officer.-It shall be the general duty of the Returning Officer at any election to do all such acts and things as may be necessar y for effectually conducting the election in the manner provided by these rules or orders made thereunder. 11. P residing Officer a nd P olling Officers for Polling Station. - (1) The District Election Officer sha ll, in consulta tion with the State Election Commission, appoint a Pr esiding Officer for each Polling Sta tion and such Polling Officers as may be required from amongst the employees of the Sta te Government to conduct the election in the manner provided by t hese ru les or or der s made t her e under. (2) If the Presiding Officer, owing to illness or other una voidable cause, is unable to perform his functions, the Polling Officer whose na me stands at s erial number one of the list of Polling Officers, shall perform the functions of the Presiding Officer, and the third Polling Officer shall be appointed by the Presiding Officer in-charge, from amongst any reliable Government servant. (3) References in these ru les to the Pr esiding Offic er sha ll, be deemed to include t he Polling Officer, who perfor ms the functions of t he Presiding Officer under sub-rule (2) of these rules. 12 . Duties of Presiding Officer.- The Presiding Officer shall - (1) maintain order at t he Polling Station; (2) ensure that the poll is taken fa irly and strictly in accorda nce with the provisions of t hese rules; (3) regulate the number of voters to be admitted at a ny one time inside the Polling Station and exclude there from all other pers ons except- (a ) the Polling Officer s and other sta ff engaged on polling duty; (b) the Candidates, Election Agents and the Polling Agents; (c ) Public Servants including Police personnel on duty; (d) a child-in-arm accompanying a voter; ( e) a companion of illiterate or blind or infirm elector; (f) observers appointed by the State Election Commission; (g) persons authorized by the State Election Commission such as media persons. 13. Duties of Polling Officers and other Staff.- (1) It shall be the duty of t he Polling Officers a t a Polling Sta tion to issue Ballot Papers to electors according to the pr ovisions of rule 57 and to mar k on the left forefinger of t he electors to whom ballot papers are issued, and to assist the Presiding Officer as may be required by him. (2) For the purpose of sub-rule (1), the Polling Officers shall be pr ovided with- (a) a sufficient number of Ballot Papers; (b) the Electora l Roll of the constituency; (c ) a stamp pad as may be required for taking thumb impression of illiterate elector under sub-rule (2) of rule 57 and; (d) other articles or forms which may be required. (3) The other staff appointed, if any, in a Polling Station shall perform such functions a nd duties as may be assigned to them by the Presiding Officer.- 4 - Ex-425/2019 14. Functions of the Returning Officer and the Presiding Officer.- (1) The Returning Officer shall funct ion under the control and supervision of the District Election Officer and shall perform such functions and duties a s may b e directed by the Sta te Election Commission or the District Election Officer. (2) The Presiding Officer shall funct ion under the control and supervision of the Returning Officer and shall p erform such functions and duties as may be directed by the District Election Officer or t he Retur ning Officer, as the case may be. 15. Observer, District Election Officer, Electoral Registration Officer, Returning Officer etc. deemed to be on deputation to the State Election Commission.- The Observer, Dist rict Election Officer, Electoral Registration Officer, Retu rning Officer etc. referred t o in Cha pter - II, and any other officers or staff employed in connection with the preparation, revision and correction of electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections shall be deemed to be on deputation to the State Election Commission for the period during which they ar e so employed and such officers and staff shall, during that period, be subject to t he cont rol, superintendence and discipline of the State Election Commission. CHAPTER – III ELECTORAL ROLL 16. Electoral Roll for every Constituency and adoption of electoral roll of the Assembly Constituency. - (1) For every Sinlung Hills Council Constituency, an elector al roll shall be prepar edon the ba sis of elect oral roll of the Village Councils wher e only bonafide Scheduled Tr ibe voters will be entered in t he lis t. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the State Election Commission may at the time and in the manner prescribed prepare and publish the electoral rolls of S inlung Hills Council on the basis of the electoral rolls of the villa ge councils, pr epared under the provisions of t he Mizoram (Election to Village Council) Rules, 2014 as a mended from time to t ime, as are relatable to constituency of the gener al council. (3) The elector al roll of the Village Council as are relata ble to the constituency of the Member of Hills Council (MHC) as adopted under sub-rule (2) shall be divided into separate parts for each Sinlung Hills Council Constituency and all electors included in the electoral roll of the Village councilsas are relatable to the constituency of the General Council shall be the electorate for the election of Member of the Hills Council. 17. Preparation and Revision of Electoral Roll.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 16, the roll shall be revised either intensively or summarily or partly intensively and partly summa rily as the Sta te Election Commission may direct. (2) The Elector al Roll for every constituency shall be pr epared with reference to the qualifying date before each general election or mid-term or by-election to the Sinlung Hills Council. The Electoral Roll so prepared and published in accordance with the provisions of these rules may be referred to as the mother roll of the constituency. (3) The Elector al Rolls under these r ules need not be revised annually or summar ily as a matter of cour se. However, if in the opinion of the State Election Commission there is sufficient reason to do so, it may, by a notification, order that the Electoral Roll or rolls of p articular cons tituency or constituencies be revised summarily at any time of the year other than the year befor e or during which the Election to Sinlung Hills Council was conducted.- 5 -Ex-425/2019 (4) For the pur pose of sub-rule (3), re-elect ion of a dissolved Sinlung Hills Council to restore the Sinlung Hills Council for remaining period of the general ter m, or by-election to fill ca sual vaca ncy in a Sinlung Hills Council at a ny time, shall not nor mally be counted as a sufficient reason for ordering summar y revision. (5) Summary revision under sub-rule (3) shall be done in such a way that the Electoral R egistra tion Officer sha ll, by r eference to the mother roll, invite claims a nd objections and dispose them of in the manners as provided under these r ules, and shall publis h a lis t of amendments containing additions or deletions or both showing the yea r of such revision, a nd shall append the lists to the mother roll. The mother roll together with such lists of additions or deletions or both appended to it, shall become the Electoral Roll of the constituency. 18 . Disqualifications for regis tra tion a s voter in an Electora l Roll.- A person shall be disqualified for registration in an Electoral Roll if he (a ) is not a Citizen of India ; or (b) is not a member of a Scheduled Tribe (c ) is less tha n 18 years of age on such da te as may be fixed by the Government or (d) is not an ordinary resident of the area fa lling under the Village Council within the S inlung Hills Council. 1 9 . No person t o be registered in mor e than one cons tituency.- No person shall be entitled to be registered in the Electora l Roll for more than one cons tituency at a time. 20. No person to be registered more than once in any constituency.- No person shall be entitled to be registered in the Electoral Roll for any constituency mor e than once. 21. Conditions of Registration.- (1) Subject to the provisions of for egoing r ules in this chapter, every person who- (a ) is not less than eighteen years of age on the qualifying date, and (b) is a n ordinary resident of the a rea or if he is an elector as defined in clause(g) of section 2 of The Sinlung Hills Council Act, 2018, shall be entitled to be registered in the Electoral Roll for that Constituency. (2) For the purpose of clause (b) of sub-rule (1), the expression“Ordinarily Resident” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it by section 20 of The Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950). 2 2 . Making false declar ation.-If any person makes any false declara tion in connection with:- (a ) the prepara tion, r evision or cor rection of an elector al roll, or (b) the inclusion or exclusion of any entry in or from an electoral roll, a statement or declaration in writ ing which is fa lse and which he either knows or believes to be fa lse or does not believe to be true, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both. 23. Order of Names.- (1) The name of Elector in each roll shall be arranged so far as pra cticable according to house number of the mother roll. (2) The names of electors in each part of the roll shall be numbered, so far as practicable, cons ecutively with a sepa rate series of numbers beginning with the number one.- 6 - Ex-425/2019 24 . Electoral Roll t o be divided in par ts.- (1) The electoral roll of Sinlung Hills Council as adopted under sub-rule (2) and (3) of Rule 16 shall be divided into separate parts for each village, and a ll electors included in the elector al roll for the Village Council Constituency relating thereto shall be incorporated in the electoral roll of the Sinlung Hills Council Constituency concer ned. (2) Wher e there are different localit ies in a constituency, the Electora l Registration Officer may direct to enter the names of the elector s in the locality wise by dividing into sections. T his, however, sha ll not be compulsor y but sha ll be left a t the free discretion of the Elect or al Registration Officer. In any case, the serial numbers of the elector s shall be cons ecutive all through. 25 . Access to certain registers.- For the pur pose of preparing electoral roll or deciding any claim or objection to electoral roll, the Elector al Registration Officer and a ny person employed by him for the purpose sha ll have access to any Register of births a nd deaths and to the admission register of any educational institution, a nd it shall be the dut y of every person in charge of any such register to give to the said officer or person such information and such extract s from the said register as he may requir e. 26 . Publication of Electoral Roll in draft.- As soon as the Electoral Roll for a constituency is ready, the Electora l Registration Officer shall publish it in draft, by making a copy thereof available for inspection and displa ying a notice inForm 1- (a ) at his Office, and (b) at such place in the constituency a s may be specified by him for the purpose. 2 7 . Further publicity to the dr aft roll and notice. -The Electoral Regis tra tion Officer shall also- (a ) make a copy of each draft r oll with a copy of the notice inForm 1 available for inspection at a specified place a ccessible to the public and in or near the constituency to which the draft roll relates; (b) give such further publicity to the notice inForm 1 as he may consider necessary; and (c ) supply free of cos t two copies of each draft r oll to every P olitica l Party recognized by the Election Commission of India. 2 8 . Period for lodging claims and objections.- Every claim for the inclu sion of a name in the roll and every objection to an entry t herein shall be lodged within a period of s even days from the date of publication of the roll in draft under rule 26: Provided that the State Election Commission may by a notification ext end the period not exceeding seven days in respect of a distr ict as a whole or in r espect of any constituency. 29 . Form for claims a nd objections.- (1) Every claim for the inclu sion of a name in the roll shall be inForm 2and signed by the person desiring his name to be included in the r oll. (2) Every objection to the inclusion of a name in the roll s hall be inForm 3and preferr ed only by a person whose name is alr eady included in the roll in which the name objected to appears. (3) Every objection to a particular or particu lars in an entr y in the roll shall be inForm 4 and preferred only by the per son to whom that entry relates. 30. Manner of lodging claims and objections.- Every claim and objection shall-- 7 -Ex-425/2019 (a ) either be presented to the Elect oral Registration Officer or to any person employed by him in this behalf who sha ll forward it with such remarks as he considers proper to the Electoral Registration Officer; or (b) be sent by p ost to the Electoral Registration Officer. 31. Disposal of claims and objections.- The Electoral Registration Officer shall- (a ) ensure that all cla ims and objections received after dra ft publication within the prescribed time period are duly disposed of in accordance with law and directions or instructions of the State Election Commission; (b) reject any claim or objection that is not lodged within the period or in t he Form and ma nner specified under rule 30; (c ) hold a summa ry enquiry into every claim or object ion in respect of which a notice has been given and shall record his decis ion thereon. At the hearing, claimant, or a s the case may be, objector and the person objected to and a ny other person, who, in his opinion, is likely to be of assistance to him, shall be entitled to appear and to be heard; (d) record not only his decision in each case but also brief reasons for the decision; ( e) dispose of all the claims and objections within thirty days from the last date of the period for lodging such claims and objections under rule 28; (f) communicate his decision to every applicant within 24 hours from the date of order made by him to enable the applica nts whose applications are rejected to file their appeals within the stipulated period of fifteen days. 32 . Final publication of electoral roll.-. (1) The Electoral Registration Officer shall thereafter- (a ) prepare a list of a mendments to carry out his decisions under rule 31 and to correct any clerical or printing errors or other inaccuracies subsequently discovered in the r oll; (b) publish the roll, together with the list of amendments by making a complete copy thereof available for inspection and displaying a notice inForm 5at his office; and (c ) subject to such genera l or special dir ections as may be given by the State Election Commission, supply free of cost, two copies of the roll, as finally published, with the list of a mendments, if any, to every politica l party for which a symbol ha s been exclusively reserved by the Election Commission of India. (2) On such publication, the roll together with the list of amendments if a ny, sha ll be the elect oral roll of the constituency. (3) Where the roll, together with the list of amendments, becomes the electoral roll for a constituency under sub-r ule (2) the Electoral Registra tion Officer may, for the convenience of all concerned, integrate, subject to any general or special directions issued by the State Election Commission in this behalf, the list in to the basic roll by incor porating inclu sion of names, amendments, deletion of entries in the relevant par ts of t he basic roll itself, so however that no change shall be made in the process of s uch int egration in the name of any elector or in any particulars relating to any elector, a s given in the list of amendments. 33. Appeals from orders deciding claims and objections.- (1) An a ppeal s hall lie in the decision of t he Electoral Registration Officer under rule 31 to such officer of Government as the State Election Commission may designate in this behalf (hereinafter referred to as the Appella te Offic er):- 8 - Ex-425/2019 Provided tha t an appeal shall not lie where the person desiring to appeal has not ava iled himself of his right to be heard by, or to make representations to t he Electoral R egistra tion Officer on the matter which is the subject of appeal. (2) Every appeal under sub-rule (1) shall be- (a ) in the for m of a memorandum signed by the appellant and a ccompanied by a copy of the order appealed against and a fee of Rs.10 (Rupees ten) to be paid- (i) by means of non-ju dicial stamps, or (ii) in such other manner as may be directed by the Sta te Elect ion Commission, and (b) presented to the Appellate Officer within a period of seven days from the date of announcement of the decision of the Elect oral Registration Officer or sent to that officer by r egistered post so as to reach him within t hat period. (3) The present ation of an appeal under this rule shall not have the effect of staying or postponing any action to be ta ken by the Electoral Registration Officer under rule 32. (4) Every decision of the Appellate Officer shall be final; but in so far as it reverses or modifies a decision of the Electoral Registration Officer, shall take effect only fr om the date of the decision in appeal. (5) The Elector al Registration Officer shall cause such a mendments to be made in the roll as may be necessar y to give effect to the decisions of the appellate officer under this Rule. 34 . Br each of officia l duty in connection with the pr epar ation etc., of elect or al r olls.- (1) If any Electoral Registration Officer, Asst. Electoral Registration Officer or other person required by or under this rule to perform any official duty in connection with the prepa ration, revision or corr ection of an electoral roll or inclusion or exclusion of any entry in or from such elect oral roll is, without reasonable cause, guilty of any a ct or commission in breach of such officia l duty, he shall be punisha ble with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees; (2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any such officer or other person for damages in respect of any such act or omission as aforesaid unless there is a complaint made by an order of, or under the authority from the State Election Commission or the District Election Officer concerned. CHAPTER IV NUMBER OF VACANCIES, ELECTION NOTICE, NOMINATIONS, SCRUTINY AND SYMBOLS 35 . Publication of Constituency numbers and vacancies.- Immediately after the publication of fina l electoral rolls under rule 3 2 or 33, the S tate Election Commission, in consulta tion with the S tate Gover nment, shall publish a list of Sinlung Hills Council Constituency for which election is to be held, and give each villa ge a distinctive village number and showing number of vacancies to be filled in each by such election. 36 . Notification for Gener al Election to Sinlung Hills Council.- (1) A general election to Sinlung Hills Council shall be held on or before the expiry of the dura tion of t he exis ting Sinlung Hills Council or on their dissolution, if any, and the Sta te Election Commission shall call upon every constituency to elect members of the Sinlung Hills Council in accordance with these rules within such time as may be specified in such notification. (2) For the pur pose of holding elections to fill or dinary or casual vaca ncies, the Sta te Election Commission shall by a notification in the Officia l Gazette, appoint–- 9 -Ex-425/2019 (a ) the last da te for making nominations which sha ll be t he seventh day after the date of publication of the first mentioned notification or, if that is a public holida y, the next succeeding day which is not a public holiday; (b) the date for the scrutiny of nominations which s hall be the day immediately following the last date for making nominations or, if t hat day is a public holiday, the next succeeding day which is not a public holiday; (c ) the last da te for the withdrawal of candidature, which shall be the second da y after the date for the scrutiny of nominations or, if tha t day is a public holiday, the next succeeding day which is not a public holiday; (d) the date of poll shall, if necessary, be a date not ear lier than the twenty first da y after the last date for the withdra wal of candidatures; and ( e) the date before which the election process shall be completed. (3) (a) Where general election is to be held otherwise than on the dissolution of the existing Sinlung Hills Council, no such notification shall be issued earlier tha n 6 months prior to the date on which the dura tion of the Sinlung Hills Council would expire. (b) When a Sinlung Hills Council is dissolved, election to constitute the Sinlung Hills Council for the remaining period of the fixed tenure, shall be completed before the expiry of 6 months from the date of its dissolution: Provided tha t where the per iod for which such dissolved Sinlung Hills C ouncil would have continued is less than six months, it shall not be necessar y to hold any election to constitute the Sinlung Hills Council for the remaining period. 37. Timeline for issue of notification.- (1) The period between announcement of schedule of elections to the Sinlung Hills Council by the State Election Commission and issue of notification for the elections to the Sinlung Hills Council by the State Election Commission s hall not exceed five days. (2) The notifica tion for elect ion to S inlung Hills Council shall be issued on a da te, giving time not less than seven da ys ahead of the date appoint ed for the last date of filing of nominations. (3) The date or dates of poll shall be fixed, leaving at least twenty one days between the date fixed for withdra wal of candidature and actual date of poll, for pr eparation of ba llot boxes, ba llot papers and other election materials. 38 . Public notice of intended election and time of nominations.- On the issue of a notification by the State Election Commission under rule 36, the Retur ning Officer shall, inForm 6, give public notice of the intended election inviting nominations of candidates for such election and specifying the place at which the nomina tion pa pers ar e to be delivered. 39 . Qualifications of candidates.- Every person who is of the age of 18 or above whose name is registered in the electoral roll of the Sinlung Hills Council concerned and who is not disqua lified under section 36 of the Act or by any other Act s in for ce or these rules, shall be qualified to be a candidate for election to the General Council. 40 . Filing of nomination.- Any person who is qualified to b e a candida te under r ule 39ma y offer himself as a candidate and file his own nomination duly countersigned by an witness , who is an elector of the constituency, inFor m 7and deliver it in person or by his representative at the appointed place and within the appointed date under rule 36 and 38, between the hours of eleven O’clock in the forenoon and three O’clock in the afternoon:- 10 - Ex-425/2019 Provided that no nomination paper shall be delivered to the Returning Officer on a day which is a public holiday. 41. Security deposit, refund or forfeiture.- (1) A ca ndidate shall deposit a security deposit ofrupees one thousa ndalong with his nomina tion paper which shall be refunded to him at once in the case of his withdrawing the candidature, or as early as possible after the conclusion of the election unless he forfeits t he deposit. (2) The Returning Officer sha ll issue to the candidate a r eceipt inForm 8which shall be taken back from him in the case of refund of t he deposit. (3) The securit y deposit of a candida te shall be for feited to the S tate Government if at an election to fill one vacancy the ca ndidate is not elected and the number of va lid vot es polled by him is less than one-sixth of the total number of valid votes polled by all candida tes; 42. Scrutiny of nominations.- (1) On the date appoint ed for the scr utiny of nomina tions under rule 36 a nd 38, the candidates and one person duly authorized in writ ing by each candidate, but no other person, may attend at such place a nd time as the Returning Officer may appoint for such scrutiny. The Retur ning Officer sha ll give them a ll reasonable facilities for examining the nomina tion pa pers of all candidates which ha ve been delivered in time. (2) The Returning Officer shall then examine the nomination papers and s hall decide all objections which may be made to any nomination and may, either on such objection or on his own motion after such summary inquiry, if any, as he thinks necessary, reject any nomination on any of the following grounds: (a ) that the candidate is either not qualified or disqualified for being elected as a member of Sinlung Hills Council under the pr ovisions of any Act or of these Rules; or (b) that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of rule 40 or Rule 41 ; or (c ) that the signature of the candidate/thumb impress ion on the nomination paper is not genuine: Provided that the nomination of a candidate sha ll not be rejected merely on the gr ound of a ny incor rect description of his name or of any other particulars relating to the candidate as entered in the electoral roll, if the identity of the ca ndidate, as the case may be, is otherwise established beyond reasonable doubt. (3) The Returning Officer shall endorse on each nomination paper, his decision, accepting or rejecting the same and, if the nomina tion pa per is r ejected, he shall record in writing a brief statement of his reasons for such rejection. The scr utiny shall be completed on the date appointed in this behalf and no adjournment of the proceedings shall be allowed except where such proceedings are interrupted or obstructed by riot or open violence or for causes beyond the control of the Retur ning Officer: Provided tha t in ca se an objection is made, the candidate concerned ma y be allowed time to rebut the same not later than the next day and the Returning Officer shall record his decision on the date to which the proceedings ar e adjour ned. (4) Immediately after all the nomination pa pers ha ve been scrutinized a nd decisions a ccepting or rejecting the same have been recorded, the Returning Officer shall prepare a list of validly nominated candidates, tha t is to say, candidates whose nomina tions have been found valid, and affix it to his notice boar d.Form 9 “List of validly nominated candidates” shall be arra nged under thr ee ca tegories-- 11 -Ex-425/2019 (a ) Candidates of recognized nationa l parties and state political parties: (b) Candidates of registered Political Parties other than those recognized Nationa l and State Political Par ties. (c ) Other (Independent) candidates. 43. Withdrawal of candidature.- (1) Any candidate may withdraw his candidatur e by a written notice inForm 10 and subscribed by him and deliver ed befor e three O’clock in the afternoon on the la st date fixed under clause (c) of sub-rule (2) of rule 36for such withdrawal, to the Returning Officer either by such candidate or any person authorized by him in writing in that behalf. T he Returning Officer shall normally accept such withdrawal and refund the security deposit to the withdrawing candidate. (2) No person who has given a notice of withdrawal of candidature under sub-rule(1) shall be allowed to cancel the notice. 44. Election without contest.- If, after the scrutiny of nominations or expiry of the period within which candidatures may be withdrawn, the number of valid candidates is equal to the number of vaca ncy to be filled, the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare the validly nominated candidate elected without cont est. 45 . Allotment of symbols and publication of list of contesting ca ndidates.- (1) In every contested election symbol shall be allotted to a contesting candidate and different symbols shall be allotted to different contesting candidate at an election in the same Constituency. (2) If, immediately aft er the expiry of the period within which candidatur es may be withdrawn under sub-rule (1) of rule 43, the number of validly nominated candidates is more than the number of vacancies to be filled for a Sinlung Hills Council, the Returning Officer shall forthwith cons ider the allot ment of symbols to those cont esting candida tes who have not withdrawn their candidatures. (3) For the purpose of these rules,symbolsare either “reser ved” or “free” as shown in Table- I and Table-II respectively in t he Appendix. A reserved symbol is a symbol which is reserved for recognized political party for exclusive allotment to a contesting candidate or candidates set up by that party. A free symbol is a symbol ot her than a reserved symbol. (4) For the pur poses of these rules, a recognized political party means a political party as ma y be recognized by the Election Commission of India as a National Party or a State Party of Mizoram as on the da te of notifica tion under rule 36. (5) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule(3), a candidate set up by a recognized political party shall be allotted the symbol reserved for that party a nd no other symbol. (6) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3), a ca ndidate set up by a r egistered but unrecognized political party sha ll be given a preference of choosing any symbol out of the symbols specified as “Free symbols”. (7) Any candida te other than a candidate of a recognized or a registered but unr ecognized polit ical party shall choose and be allotted one of the symbols specified as “free symbols”. If the choices come into conflict, the Returning Officer shall allot” symbols in conformity, as fa r as possible, with the wishes of the candidate and, if necessary, by dra w of lot and his decision shall be final. (8) Each candidate or his election agent sha ll forthwith be infor med of the symbol allotted to the candidate and shall be given a specimen thereof. (9) A ca ndidate shall b e deemed to be set up by a recognized political party if- (a ) the candidate has made a declaration to that effect in his nomination pa per;- 12 - Ex-425/2019 (b) a notice in writing inF or m 11 to that effect has, not la ter than 3:00 p.m. on the last date of withdrawal of ca ndidatures, been delivered to the Returning Officer; and (c ) the said notice is signed by the Party President of the recognized political pa rty. (10) A ca ndidate shall be deemed to be set up by a r egistered but unrecognized political party if – (a ) the candidate has made a declaration to that effect in his nomination pa per, (b) a notice in writing inF or m 11to t hat effect has, not later than 3:00 p. m. on t he last date of withdrawal of candidatures, been delivered to the Returning Officer, (c ) the said notice is signed by the President of t he registered but unrecognized political party, and (d) a copy of t he letter registering the said polit ical pa rty by the Election Commission of India is enclosed. (11) The Returning Officer shall then prepare a list inForm 12 of all contesting candidates with their distinctive symbols and display it on the wall of Polling Station and also in two or more cons picuous places in the constituency. (12) The list sha ll contain the names of contesting ca ndidates as prescribed in their nomina tion papers in English alphabetical order and in the same order as specified below:- (a ) candidates of recognized political parties; (b) candidates of registered political parties with a reser ved symbol; (c ) candidates of registered political parties without a reserved symbol; (d) independent candidates. 4 6 . Death of ca ndidate.-If a candida te who has been duly nominated under these r ules died after the date fixed for scrutiny of nomina tions and seven days before commencement of poll, the Retur ning Officer shall, on confirmation of the fact of such death, report the fact to the State Election Commission. The State Election Commission sha ll direct the Returning Officer to call upon the sponsoring Political Party to make fresh nomination. CHAPT ER V CONDUCT OF ELECTION 47. Polling Station.- (1) One or more Polling Station shall be set up for each cons tituency depending upon the number of electors in the Electora l Roll of the constituency. At each Polling Station, there shall be set up one or more voting compartments in which electors can cast their votes free from observation. (2) The District Election Officer shall provide at each polling station- (a ) a ba llot box or boxes as may be necessary with r eference to the number of electors assigned to it; (b) marked copies of the Electoral Roll of the constituency; (c) ballot papers; (d) materials for making voting compartments; (e) arrow cross mark rubber stamp to mark ballot papers; (f) distinguishing mark rubber stamp; (g) seal of Presiding Officer; (h) indelible ink; (i)statutory a nd non-statutory forms, other papers and stationery. (j)register of voters. (3) Outside each Polling Station, there shall be displayed prominently- (a ) A copy of the list of contesting candidates and their distinctive symbols inForm 12. - 13 -Ex-425/2019 (b) A notice specifying the polling area; and (c ) A notice showing the hou rs of p oll. 48. Appointment of Election Agent, Polling Agents and Counting Agents.- (1) Election Agent.- (a ) A ca ndidate at an election may appoint one person other than himself to be his Election Agent and when any such a ppointment is made, notice of the a ppointment sha ll be given inForm 13 to the Retur ning Officer. (b) Any person, who is, for the time being disqualified under these rules for being a member of a Sinlung Hills Council, shall be disqualified for being an Election Agent at any election. (c ) The notice for appointment of an Election Agent s hall be inForm 13and such notice with 2 copies shall be for warded to the Returning Officer and subject to the conditions of clause (a) & (b), the Returning Officer shall return one copy thereof to the Election Agent after affixing thereon his seal and signature. (d) An Election Agent may perform such functions in connection with the election as are authorized by or under these rules to be perfor med by an Election Agent. ( e) Any revocation of t he appointment of an Election Agent inForm 14, shall be signed by the candida te, and shall operate from the date on which it is lodged with the Retur ning Offic er. (2 ) Polling Agent.- (a ) The number of Polling Agents that may be appointed by a Contesting Candidate or his Election Agent, sha ll, in respect of each Polling Station, be one agent and a r elief agent. (b) Every such appointment of Polling Agent shall be made inForm 15and the Polling Agent shall deliver it to the Presiding Officer. (c ) No P olling Agent shall be admitted to the Polling Station unless he has delivered to the Presiding Officer the order of his appointment under sub-rule(2)(b) after duly completing and signing before the Presiding Officer the declaration contained therein. (d) Any revocation of the appointment of a Polling Agent inForm 16 sha ll be signed by the Candidate or his Election Agent and sha ll operate from the date on which it is lodged with the Pr esiding Officer, and in the event of such a revoca tion or of the death of a Polling Agent befor e the close of the poll, the Candidate or his Election Agent may appoint another Polling Agents as provided under clause (b) a t any time before the poll is closed. (3 ) Counting Agent.- (a ) A Contesting Candidate or his Election Agent may appoint one or mor e persons, but not exceeding such number as may be pr escribed by the State Election Commission, to be present as his Counting Agent or Agents at the counting of votes, and when any such appointment is made notice of the appointment inForm 17shall be given, to the Retur ning Officer. (b) Any revocation of the appointment of a Counting Agent shall b e signed by the Candidate or his Election Agent inForm 18and shall operate from the date on which it is lodged with the Returning Officer, and in the event of such revocation or of the death of a Counting Agent before the commencement of the counting of votes, the Candidate or his Election Agent may appoint another Counting Agent as per clause (a) of sub-rule (3) of r ule 48 at any time before the counting of votes is commenced.- 14 - Ex-425/2019 ( 4 ) Functions of P olling Agent s and Counting Agent .- (a ) A Polling Agent may perform such functions in connection with the poll as are authorised by or under these r ules, to be per formed by a Polling Agent; (b) A Counting Agent ma y perfor m such functions in connection with the counting of votes as a re authorised by or under these rules to be performed by a Counting Agent; ( 5 ) Attenda nce of a Contesting Ca ndidate or his Election Agent at P olling St ations, and perfor mance by him of the fu nct ions of a polling agent or cou nting a gent.- (a ) At every election where a poll is taken, each Contesting Candidate at such election and his Election Agent shall have a right to be present at a ny polling sta tion provided under rule 47for the ta king of the poll. (b) A Contesting Candidate or his Election Agent ma y himself do a ny act or thing which any Polling Agent or the Counting Agent of such Contesting Candidate, if appointed, would have been a uthorised by or under these rules to do, or may assist any Polling Agent or the counting agent of such Contesting Ca ndidate in doing any such act or thing. ( 6 ) Non-attendance of polling or counting agent.-Where any act or thing is requir ed or authorised by or under these rules to be done in the pr esence of the polling or counting agents, the non-attendance of any such agent or agents at the time and place appoint ed for the pur pose shall not, if the a ct or thing is otherwise duly done, invalidate the act or thing done. 4 9 . Fixing the time of Poll.-The State Election Commission shall fix the hours dur ing which the poll will be taken and t he hour s so fixed shall be published by notification in the Official Gazette: Provided that the total period allotted on any one day for polling shall not be less than eight hours in between7:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. 50. Method of Voting.- (1) At every election where a poll is taken under these rules, votes shall be given by ba llot and no votes shall be received by pr oxy. (2) Save as otherwise provided, all electors voting at an election shall exercise their franchis e in person at the Polling Station provided under rule 47. 51. Ballot Box.- (1) There shall be a single ballot box for all contesting ca ndidates at each polling station. A ba llot box shall be made of strong materials such as p lastic, wood, iron and shall be constructed in such a way that ballot papers can be inserted therein but cannot be withdrawn there-from without the box being unlocked. T he Ballot Box shall be duly approved by Sta te Election Commission. (2) Every ballot box used at a Polling Station shall bear label outside and marked with the number & na me of the Constituency, and the seria l number of the Polling Station if more than one Polling Station are set up for one Sinlung Hills Development Council C onstituency. (3) Immediately before the commencement of the poll, the Presiding Officer shall demonstrate to the contest ing candidates, polling agents and ot her persons who are present that the ballot box is empty and bears the labels referred to in sub-rule (2). (4) The ballot box shall then be closed, sealed and secured and pla ced in full view of the Presiding Officer and the Polling Agents.- 15 -Ex-425/2019 52. Ballot Papers.- (1) Every ballot paper shall be inForm 19with a counterfoil portion and sha ll provided a space for signatur e or thumb impr ession of elector just a bove t he wor ds“Signature or Thumb Impression” on the right hand side. (2) On each ba llot paper the names of all contesting candidates shall be printed with their respective symbols in the order in which their names a re publis hed under sub-rule (12) of rule 45 inForm 12. (3) The ballot papers shall be serially numbered and shall be stamped on their reverse by such distinguishing marks, so that the determination of a ballot paper as the original part of a counterfoil can be determined or in such a manner as the State Election Commission may direct from time to t ime. 53 . Pr ocedur e for voting by a voter on election duty.- (1) A voter on election duty, who wishes to vote, shall, at least five days befor e the da te of poll, appr oach the District Election Officer concerned and make an application inForm 20for the issuance of the ballot paper in order to enable him to cast his vote a s may be prescr ibed by the State Election Commission. (2) The District Election Officer shall, on being satisfied as to the identity of such voter on production of the letter of appointment in connection with t he elect ion- (a ) have the person’s name ma rked in the electora l roll; and (b) issue to such voter a ballot paper and permit him to vote on the sp ot with instrument provided for the purpose. (3) After recor ding his vote, such voter sha ll make over the ballot paper to the District Election Officer in a sealed cover for onward dispatch to the Returning Officer concerned. (4) The District Election Officer shall keep the counterfoil of such ballot pa per in a separ ate sealed cover and keep the cover containing the ballot paper in his sa fe custody. 54. Challenging of identity.- (1) Any Polling agent may challenge the identity of a person claiming to be a pa rticular elector by first depositinga sum of rupees hundr ed in ca shwhich is not refundable with the Presiding Officer for each such challenge. (2) In t he case of challenge ma de under sub-rule (1) t he Presiding Officer shall— (a ) warn the person cha llenged of the penalty for impersonation; (b) read the relevant entry in the electoral roll in full and ask him whether he is the person refer red to in that entry; (c ) enter his name and address in the list of cha llenged votes inForm 21; a nd (d) require him to affix his signatur e in the said list. (3) The Presiding Officer sha ll thereafter hold a summary inquir y into the cha llenge and may for that purpose,- (a ) requ ir e the challenger to a dduce evidence in proof of the challenge and the person challenged to adduce evidence in pr oof of his identity; (b) put to the person challenged any questions necessary for the purpose of establishing his identity and requir e him to answer them on oath; and (c ) administer an oath to the person challenged and any other person offering to give evidence. (4) If, after the inquiry, the Presiding Officer considers t hat the challenge has not been established he shall allow the person challenged to vote; a nd if he considers that the challenge has been esta blished, he shall debar the person cha llenged from voting.- 16 - Ex-425/2019 55. Safeguards against impersonation.- (1) Every elector about whose identity the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer, as the case may be, is satisfied with, shall allow his left forefinger to be inspected by the Presiding Officer or Polling Officer and indelible ink mar k to be put on it. (2) If a ny elect or refuses to allow his left forefinger to be inspected or marked, in accordance with sub-rule (1) or already has such a mark on his left forefinger or does any act with a view to removing the ink ma rk, he shall not be su pplied with any ballot paper or allowed to vote. (3) Any reference in this rule to the left forefinger of a n elect or shall, in t he case where the elector has his left forefinger missing, be constr ued as a refer ence to any other finger of his left hand, and shall, in the case where all the fingers of his left hand are missing, be construed as a reference to the forefinger or a ny other finger of his right hand, and sha ll, in the case where all his fingers of both the ha nds are missing, be construed as a r eference to such extremity of his left or right arm as he possesses. 56.Identification of electors.- (1) As each elector enters the polling station, the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer author ised by him in this behalf sha ll check the elector ’s name and other particulars with t he relevant entr y in the electoral roll and then call out the serial number, name a nd other particulars of the elector. (2) Every elector shall produce identity card issued to him under t he provisions of the Registra tion of E lectors Rules, 1960 ma de under the Represent ation of the People Act, 1950 or any such documents as may be specified, by order, by the State Election Commission before the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer a uthorized by him in this behalf, in order to esta blish his identity at the polling station. (3) In deciding the right of a person to ca st his vote, the Presiding Officer or the P olling Officer, as the case ma y be, shall over look the clerical or print ing err ors in an entry in the electoral roll if he is satisfied tha t such person is identical wit h the elector to whom such entry relates. 57. Issue of ballot papers.- (1) Before any ballot paper is delivered to a n elect or, the Presiding Officer sha ll sign his name in full on the back of the ba llot pa per. (2) At t he time of issuing a ballot paper to the elector, the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be ta ken on the counterfoil of the ballot paper. No ballot paper shall be delivered to the elector unless he puts his signa ture or thumb impr ession on the counterfoil of the ballot paper. Before permitting an elector to vote, the Polling Officer shall record the Electoral Roll number of the elect or as entered in the marked copy of the Electoral Roll in a register of Voters inForm 32. (3) After the elector put his signature or thumb impression as at sub-rule (2), the Polling Officer shall recor d on the counterfoil, the serial number of the elector a s at the electoral roll and then deliver the ballot paper to the elector. (4) The Polling Officer in-charge of the ma rked copy of the elect oral roll shall mark the name of the elector in the marked copy by underlining the entry, and if elector is a female, put a tick mark also on the left hand side of the name of the elector. (5) No person in the polling station shall be allowed to note down the serial number of ballot paper issued to a particular elector. (6) Each elector shall be given only one ba llot pa per for each election. Every elector to whom a ballot paper has been issued shall maint ain secrecy of voting and for that purpose observe the voting procedure her einafter laid down.- 17 -Ex-425/2019 58. Voting procedure.- (1) On r eceiving the ballot paper, the elector shall- (a ) forthwith proceed to the voting compartment and there, with the aid of the instruments supplied for the purpose, mark t he ballot paper on or near the symbol of the Candidate for whom he intends to vote; and (b) fold the ballot paper first vertically and then horizontally so as to conceal his vote and put it into the ballot box kept for the purpose. (2) Every elector shall vote without a ny undue delay and sha ll quit the Polling Station a s soon a s he has voted. (3) No elector shall be allowed to enter a voting compartment when another elector is inside it. (4) If an elector to whom a ballot pa per ha s been issued, r efuses after warning given by the Presiding Officer to observe the procedur e laid down in sub-rule (1), the ballot paper issued to him shall, whether he has recorded his vote therein or not, be taken back from him by the Presiding Officer or Polling Officer under the direction of the Presiding Officer. (5) After the ballot paper has been t aken ba ck, the Presiding Officer shall record on its back the words “Cancelled-Voting procedure violated” and put his signature below these words. (6) All the ballot papers on which the words “ Cancelled-Voting procedure violated” are recorded shall be kept in t he cover for unused ballot pa pers, a nd shall in no way be counted as votes. 59. Marking of ballot paper in excess or deficit.- (1) If a ny elector gives votes on ballot paper in favour of more candidates than the vacancy or vaca ncies for filling which the election is held, then at the counting of votes, his vote shall be inva lid and reject ed as void. (2) If a ny elector gives on the ballot paper in fa vour of less ca ndidates than the vacancies for filling which the multiple election is held, his vote sha ll be valid and counted at the counting of votes. 60 . Recor ding of votes of illiterate or blind or infir m electors.- 1)If t he Presiding Officer is satisfied that owing to old age or blindness or other physica l infir mity or illiteracy, an elector is unable to recognize the names of the contesting candidates and their symbols on the ballot paper or to make a mark thereon, the Pr esiding Officer shall permit the elector to take with him a companion of not less than eighteen year s of a ge to the voting compartment for recording t he vote on the ballot paper on his behalf and in accordance with his wishes, and, if necessary, for folding the ballot paper so as to conceal the vote and inserting it into the ballot box: Provided tha t no person sha ll be permitted to act as the companion of more than one elector at a ny Polling Station on the same day; Provided fur ther that befor e any person is permitted to act as the companion of an elec tor under this rule, the person sha ll be required to decla re inForm 23 tha t he will keep secr et the vote recorded by him on behalf of the elector and that he has not already acted as the companion of a ny other elector at any Polling Station on that day. (2) The Presiding Officer shall keep a record inForm 23 of all such cases under this Rule. 61 . Spoilt a nd returned ba llot pa pers.- (1) An elector who has inadvertently dealt with his ballot paper in such manner that it cannot be conveniently used as ballot paper may on returning it to the Pr esiding Officer or Polling Officer and on satisfying him of t he inadvertence, be given another ballot paper and the ballot paper so retur ned sha ll be mar ked“Spoilt – cancelled” by Presiding Officer. - 18 - Ex-425/2019 (2) If a n elector after obtaining a ballot paper desires not to use it he shall return it to the Presiding Officer or P olling Officer a n d t he b a llot p a p er s o r efu s ed s ha ll b e ma r ked“Refused – cancelled” by the Presiding Officer. (3) All ballot papers cancelled under sub-rule (1) or (2) shall be kept in the cover for unused ballot papers. 62. Adjournment of poll in emergencies.- (1) If a t an election the proceedings at any polling station are interrupted or obstructed by any riot or open violence, or if at an election, it is not possible to take the poll at any polling station or such place on account of any natur al calamity, or any other sufficient cause, t he Presiding Officer for such polling station or the Returning Officer presiding over such place, as the case may be, sha ll announce an adjournment of the poll to a date to be notified later, and where the poll is so adjourned by a Presiding Officer, he shall forthwith inform the District Election Officer and the Returning Officer concerned. (2) Whenever a poll is a djourned under sub-rule (1), the Returning Officer shall immediately report the circumstances to the a ppropriate authority and the State Election Commission, and shall, as soon as may be, with the previous approval of the Sta te Election Commission, appoint the day on which the poll s hall recommence, and fix the polling station or place at which and the hours during which the poll will be taken and shall not count the votes cast at such election until such adjourned poll shall have been completed. (3) In every such case as afor esaid; the Returning Officer shall notify in such manner a s the State Election Commission may dir ect the date, place and hours of polling fixed under sub-rule ( 2). 63. Fresh poll in the case of destruction etc. of ballot boxes.- (1) If at any election- (a ) any ballot box used at Polling Sta tion is unlawfully taken out of the cu stody of the Presiding Officer or is accidentally or intentionally destroyed or lost, or is damaged or tampered with to such an extent that the result of the poll at that Poling Sta tion ca nnot be ascertained; or (b) any such error or irregula rity in procedure, as is likely to vitiate the poll, is committed at a Polling Station, the Presiding Officer shall forthwith report the matter to the Retur ning Officer and the District Election Officer. (2) There-upon the Distr ict Election Officer shall, after taking all material cir cumstances into account, and in consultation with the State Election Commission, either- (a ) declare the poll at that P olling S tation to be void; appoint a day and fix the hours, for taking a fresh poll at tha t Polling Station, and notify the day so appointed a nd the hours so fixed in such ma nner as he may deem fit; or (b) issue such directions to the Returning Officer as it may deem proper for the further conduct and completion of the election, provided the Commission is satisfied that the result of a fresh poll at that polling station or place will not, in any way, affect the result of t he election or that the error or irr egularity in procedur e is not material. (3) The provisions of these Rules sha ll apply to every such fresh poll as they apply to the original poll. 64. Tendered votes.- (1) If a person representing himself to be a particular elector applies for a ballot paper after another person has already voted as such elector, he shall on sa tisfactorily answering such questions r elating to his identit y as the Presiding Officer may ask, be entit led, subject to the- 19 -Ex-425/2019 following pr ovisions of this Rule, to mar k a ballot paper (hereinafter in these rules referred to as a‘Tendered Ballot Paper ’) in the same manner as a ny other elector. (2) Every such person shall, before being supplied with tendered ballot paper, sign his name against the entry relating to him in a list inForm 24. (3) A tendered ballot paper shall be the same as the other ballot papers u sed at the Polling Sta tion except that it shall be- a)serially the last in the bundle of ballot papers issued for use at the Polling Station; and b)endorsed on the ba ck with the words, “Tendered Ballot Paper” by the Presiding Officer in his own hand a nd signed by him. (4) The elector, after marking a tendered ballot paper in the voting compartment and folding it, shall instead of putting it into ballot box, give it to the Pr esiding Officer, who shall place it in a cover specially kept for the purpose: Provided tha t if there is reasonable ground for believing that t he person, by applying for tendered ba llot pa per, ha s committed the offence of personating, the Presiding Officer shall immediately direct the Police to arrest him. (5) All ballot papers cancelled under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) shall be kept in a separate packet. 65. Sealing of ballot boxes after poll.- (1) Immediately after the clos ing of the poll, the Presiding Officer shall close the ballot box, and seal up the box and also a llow any polling agent present to affix his seal. (2) The ballot box shall thereafter be sealed and secured. (3) Wher e it becomes necessary to use a second ballot box by reason of the first ballot box getting full, the first box shall be closed, sealed and secured as provided in sub-rule (1) and (2) before another ballot box is put into use. 6 6 . Ballot paper account of Pr esiding Officer.- The Presiding Officer shall at the close of the poll prepare a ballot paper account inForm 25and enclose it in a separ ate cover with the words “Ba llot paper account of Pr esiding Officer” superscribed thereon showing the number & name of the Sinlung Hills Council constituency and the date of election on the cover. 67. Sealing of other packets.- (1) The Presiding Officer shall then make int o separ ate packets- (a ) the marked copy of the electoral r oll; (b) the unused ballot paper; (c ) the cancelled ballot pap ers; (d) the cover containing the tendered ballot papers and Form 24. ( e) declaration of companion of illiterate or blind or infirm elector inForm 22 with the record inForm 23; a nd (f) any other p apers directed by District Election Officer to be kept in a sealed packet. (2) Each such packet shall be sealed with the seals of the Presiding Officer and of those polling agents who may desire to affix their seals thereon. CHAPTER VI COUNTING OF VOTES AND SEALING OF ELECTION PAPERS 68 . Appointment of place and time for counting of votes.- T he State Election Commission shall appoint the time and place for counting of votes. Counting of votes shall be taken up as soon as possible after the close of the poll and the Returning Officer shall infor m the candidates or their Election agents. T he Retur ning Officer may appoint any reliable government servant or servants available as may be necessa ry to assist him in the counting of votes.- 20 - Ex-425/2019 69. Admission to the place of counting of votes, etc..- (1) The Returning Officer shall exclude from the place fixed for counting of votes all person except- (a ) such person to be known as counting supervisors and counting a ssistants as he may appoint to a ssist him in the counting; (b) the candidate/election agent and his counting agents duly authorized in writing by candidate; (c ) persons authorized by the State Election Commission, if any; and (d) public servants on duty in connection with the elect ion. (2) Any person who during the counting of votes misconducts himself or fa ils to obey the directions of t he Retur ning Officer may be removed from the place by any Police Officer on duty or by any other person authorized in this behalf by the Returning Officer. (3) The Returning Officer shall, befor e the commencement of the cou nting, briefly explain the counting pr ocedure to all those allowed admission in t he counting place under sub-r ule (1) and caution them as to the maintenance of secr ecy, the violation of which shall be an elect oral offence underrule 92. 7 0 . Scrutiny a nd opening of ballot boxes.- The Returning Officer shall satisfy himself that the ballot box is intact, and also allow the Ca ndidates or Election Agents or Counting Agents present to inspect the seals on the ballot box to satisfy themselves that it is intact, and thereafter open the ballot box. 71. Scrutiny and rejection of ballot papers.- (1) The ballot papers taken out of the ballot box shall be arranged in 100 ballot papers bundles and scrutinized. (2) The Returning Officer shall reject any ballot paper in whole only if- (a) it is a spurious ballot paper; or (b) it bears any mark or writ ing by which the elector can be identified; or (c ) no vote is r ecorded thereon; or (d) votes are r ecorded on it in favour of more candidates than the vacancy to be filled; or ( e) it is so dama ged or mutila ted tha t it s identit y as a genu ine ballot pa per cannot be esta blished; or (f) it bears a serial number, or a design different from the serial number or design of the ballot papers authorized for use at the particular polling station; or (g) it does not bear the mark which it would have borne under the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 51; Provided that where the Returning Officer is satisfied that any such defect as is mentioned in clause (f) or clause (g) has been caused by a ny mistake or failure on the part of a Presiding Officer or Polling Officer, the ballot paper sha ll not be rejected merely on the ground of such defect. (3) Before rejecting a ny ballot paper under sub-rule (3), the Returning Officer shall allow each candidate pr esent a reasonable opp ortunit y to inspect the ballot paper but sha ll not allow him to handle it or any other ballot paper. (4) The Returning Officer sha ll record on every ballot paper which he rejects the letter‘R’ and the grounds of r ejection in abbreviated for m either in his own hand or by means of a rubber stamp. (5) All ballot papers r ejected under this rule shall be bundled together. 7 2 . Rejection of pa rticula r vote recor ded on a ba llot paper.- The R et ur ning Offic er shall r eject a pa rticula r vote a s invalid vote if the mark indicating the vote on a ballot paper is placed in such a manner so as to make it doubtful to which candida te the vote has been given;- 21 -Ex-425/2019 Provided that a vote shall not be rejected as invalid merely on the ground that the mark indicating the vote is indistinct or made more than once, if the intention that the vote shall be for a particular candidate clearly appears from the way the paper is mar ked. 73. Counting of votes.- (1) Each valid vote recorded on ballot paper which is not rejected, shall be counted as one valid vote: Provided tha t no cover containing tendered ballot papers shall be opened and no such paper shall be counted. (2) The Returning Officer shall count all va lid votes in all valid ballot papers and also the total number of va lid vot es polled for each candidate. Round-wise counting sheet, cou nting ta ble- wise results tabula tion sheet and round-wise tabulation sheet shall be inForm 26, 27and28 respectively. (3) The candidate or his counting agent shall be allowed full view of the counting process and sufficient proximity so as to ena ble him to discern the votes cast on each ba llot paper and also on the record of votes for tabulation. Under no circumstances shall physica l conta ct with the ballot paper be allowed. 74. Re-count of votes.- (1) After the completion of the counting of votes under rule 73, the Returning Officer shall record in t he r esult sheet inForm 29 the total number of votes recor ded in favour of each candidate and read out the particulars. (2) Thereafter , a candidate or, in his absence his election agent may apply in writing to the Returning Officer to recount the ba llot pa pers either wholly or in part stating the grounds on which he dema nds such re-count. (3) On such an applica tion being made the Returning Officer shall decide the matter and may allow the application in whole or in part or may reject it, in toto if it appears to him to be frivolous or unreasonable. (4) Every decision of the Retu rning Officer under sub-rule (3) shall be in writing and shall contain the reasons thereof. (5) If the Retu rning Officer decides under sub-rule (3) to allow a n application either wholly or in part, he shall,- (a ) re-count the ballot papers in accor dance withRules 71, 72and73; (b) amend the r esult sheet inForm 29 to the ext ent necessary after such re-count; and (c ) announce the particulars of amendments so made by him. (6) After the total number of votes polled by each candida te has been read out under sub-rule (5), the Returning Officer shall complete and sign the result sheet in Form 29and no application for a re-cou nt sha ll be ent ertained ther eafter; Provided tha t no st ep under this sub-rule shall be taken on the completion of the counting of votes until the candidates and elect ion agents present at the completion thereof have been given a reasonable opportunity to exercise the right conferred by sub-r ule (3) ofrule 74. 75. Declaration of result of election.- On completion of procedures under rule 74 the Returning Officer shall forthwith, subject to the provisions ofrule 73declare as elected the ca ndidate who obtains the largest number of valid votes. 7 6 . Equa lity of votes.- If, after the counting of the votes is completed, an equality of votes is found to exist between any candidates and the addition of one vote will lead to any of those candidates being declared elected, the Returning Officer shall forthwith decide between those candidates by draw of lot.- 22 - Ex-425/2019 77. Publication of election results.- (1) The Returning Offic er sha ll prepar e the election r esults inForm 29and send the resu lts to the State Election Commission a nd also to the District Election Officer. (2) The Returning Officer shall also displa y the election result in Form 29, in the Not ice Boar d of the constituency. (3) On r eceipt of all the resu lts from the District Election Officer or the Returning Officer, the State Elect ion Commission shall publish the election results in the Official Gazette. 7 8 . Grant of certificate of election to retur ned candidate.- The Returning Officer shall grant to each returned candidate a C ertifica te of Election inForm 30. 79. Ballot Paper account of Returning Officer.- (1) The Returning Officer sha ll prepare a ballot paper a ccount inForm 31 which shall consist of- (a) total number of ballot papers found in the ballot box or boxes; (b) total number of rejected ballot papers under sub-rule (3) of Rule 71; (c) total number of valid ballot papers i.e. ballot papers which are not rejected; (d) tota l number of invalid votes on all valid ballot papers; (2) The Returning Officer shall enclose the ba llot paper account in a separ ate cover with the words “Ballot paper account of Returning Officer” subscr ibed thereon a nd showing the name of the Sinlu ng Hills Development Council and the date of counting of votes, and submit the cover to the Distr ict Election Officer along with the elect ion result. 80. Packet of election papers and sealing.- (1) The Returning Officer shall make a packet of election pa pers consisting of- (a ) a bundle of all valid ballot papers; (b) a bundle of rejected ballot papers under sub-rule (3) of rule 71; (c) a copy of ballot paper account of Returning Officer under sub-rule (1) of rule 79; and (d) a copy of election result under rule 77. (2) The packet shall be sealed with the seal of Returning Officer and of those candida tes who may desire to a ffix their sea ls ther eon. (3) The Returning Officer shall submit to the District Election Officer (a ) the packet under this r ule; (b) the cover containing the ballot paper a ccount of Presiding Officer under rule 66; and (c) all other packets under rule 67. 81 . Safe keeping of the packet containing election papers.- While in the custody of the District Election Officer, the packets and cover under sub-rule (3) of rule 80, shall not be inspected by, or produced before, any person or authority except under an order of a competent Authority as ma y be appointed by the Government under sub-section 1 of section 41 of the Act. 82. Custody of ballot boxes and papers relating to election.- (1) All ballot boxes used at an election shall be kept in such custody as the State Election Commission may direct. (2) The District Election Officer shall keep in safe custody - (a ) the packets of unused ballot papers with counterfoils attached thereto; (b) the packets of used ballot papers whether valid, tendered or rejected; (c ) the packets of counterfoil of used ballot papers ; (d) the packets of mar ked cop y of the electoral r oll;- 23 -Ex-425/2019 ( e) the packets of the declar ation by elect ors: (f) all other pa per relating to election and t hey sha ll not be opened except under the order of a competent authority. 8 3 . Disposal of Election Papers.- Subject to any dir ection given by the State Election Commission or by a competent court or authority – (a ) the packets of unused ballot papers shall be reta ined for a period of six months and shall thereafter be destr oyed in such ma nner as the State Elect ion commission may direct ; (b) the other packets referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 82 sha ll be r etained for a period of one year and shall thereafter be destroyed; Provided that packets containing the counter foil of used ballot paper shall not be destroyed except with the approval of the State Election Commission; (c ) all other pa pers relating to the election shall be retained for such period as the State Election Commission may dir ect. CHAPT ER VII DISPUTES REGARDING ELECTION 84. Election petitions.- (1) An election petition may be present ed by a ny candidate or any elector who is entit led to vote at the election to which t he petition relates within a period of 30 (thirty) days fr om the date of election of the returned candidate. E very election petition shall be accompanied by as many copies thereof as there ar e respondents mentioned in the petition and every such copy shall be attested by the petitioner under his own signatur e to be true copy of t he petit ion. (2) The petition shall contain a sta tement in brief of the material fact s on which the petitioner relies and shall, where necessary, be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively. It shall be signed by the petit ioner a nd verified in the manner as laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) for the verification of pleadings. (3) The petitioner may, in addition to claiming a declaration that the election of the returned candidate is void, cla im a fu rther declaration that he himself or any other candidate has been duly elected. (4) At the time of presenting an elect ion petition the petitioner shall deposit on obtaining order of the Authority, as Securit y for the cost of petition, a sum of two hundred rupees. During the cour se of trial of an election petition, the a uthorit y may at any time, ca ll upon the petitioner to give such further security for cos t as it may dir ect. (5) The authority shall, if the deposit in accordance with sub-rule has been made, proceed to enquire into the petition. (6) The authorit y shall, as soon as may be, cause a copy of the petition to be served on each opposite party. 85. Procedure to be followed.- Every dispute relating to election sha ll be enquired into by the authority as early as ma y be, in accordance with the procedure applicable under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1905 (5 of 1908) to trial of suits. The provision of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) shall apply in all respects to the trial of an election petit ion. 86. Withdrawal.- (1) An election petition may be withdrawn only by t he leave of the author ity. (2) Wher e an application for withdrawal is made under sub-r ule(1), notice thereof fixing a date for the hearing of the application sha ll be given to all other parties to the petition.- 24 - Ex-425/2019 (3) If, there ar e more petitioners tha n one, no application to withdraw an election petit ion shall be made except with the consent of a ll the petitioners. (4) No application for withdrawal shall be granted, if in the opinion of the authority such application has been induced by any bargain or consideration which ought not to be allowed. (5) If the application is granted, the petitioner shall be ordered to pay such cost to the opposite party as the author ity may think fit. 87. Decision of the Authority.- At the conclusion of the trial of an election, the authority shall make an appropr iate or der- (a ) dismissing the election petition; or (b) declaring t he election of all or any of the returned candida tes to be void; or (c ) declaring t he election of all or any of t he returned ca ndidates to be void and the petitioner or any other ca ndidate to have been duly elected; (d) also determine the cost to be paid. The order of the authority under this rule shall be communicated forthwith to the Sta te Election Commission and the Government. 88 . Gr ounds for decla ring a n election t o be void.- (1) Subject to the provisions of sub – rule (2) of this rule, if the authority is of the opinion – (a ) that, on the date of election a returned candida te was not qualified, or was disqualified under sec.36 of the Act to be chosen to fill the seat in the General Council; or (b) that, any corrupt practice has b een committed by a returned candida te or his election agent, or a ny other person with the consent of the returned candida te or his election agent; or (c ) that, any nomination has been impr operly rejected; or (d ) t hat , t he r esu lt of t he elect ion, in so fa r a s it concer ns t he ret u r ned candidat e, ha s mat er ially affected – (i) by the improper acceptance of any nomination; or (ii) by any corr upt practice committed in the interest of the retur ned candidate by an agent other than his election agent; or (iii) by improper reception, refusal or rejection of any vote or the reception of any vote which is void; or (iv) by a ny non-compliance with the provisions of the Constit ution or the Act or of any Rules or Order ma de under the Act. ( e) that, a returned candidate or his agent or an other persons with the conniva nce of such candidate or agent has committed or abetted the Commission of a ny election offence falling under Chapter IX-A of the Indian P enal Code (45 of 1890) or any law or rule relating to infringement of the secrecy of an elect ion; (f) then the election of such candidate sha ll be void. (2) If, the authority is of the opinion that corrupt practice specified in sub-rule (1) which does not amount to a ny form of bribery, ha s been committed, and the authority is of fu rther op inion that- (a ) no such cor rupt pr actice was committed at the election by the candida te or his election agent and every su ch corrupt practice was committed contrary to the orders, and wit hout the consent of the candida te or his election agent; (b) such ca ndida te and his election a gent took all reasona ble means for pr eventing the Commission of corrupt practices at the election; and (c ) in all other respects the election was free from any corrupt practice on the part of the candidate or any of his agents – then the authority may decide the election of the returned candidate to be not void.- 25 -Ex-425/2019 89. Grounds for which a candidate other than the returned candidate may be declared to have been elected.- If, any person who has lodged a petition has, in addit ion to calling in question the election of the returned ca ndidate, claimed a declaration that he himself or a ny other candidate ha s been duly elected and the authority is of opinion – (a ) that, in fa ct the petitioner or such other candidate received a major ity of the valid votes; or (b) that, but for the votes obtained by the returned candidate by corr upt pra ctices, the petitioner or such other candidate would have obtained a majority or the valid votes, the authority shall a fter declaring the election of the returned ca ndidate to be void, declare the petit ioner or such other candidate, as the case ma y be, to have been duly elected. 90. Fresh Election at Courts Order.- When an election is declared void under Rule 88 t he seat of the returned candidate sha ll be deemed to be vacant from the date of the order of the a uthorit y and the State Election Commission s hall forthwith take necessary steps for holding election for filling the seat. CHAPTER - VIII ELECT ORAL OFFENCES 91. Prohibition of public meeting.- (1)On the date of poll:No person shall convene, hold or attend any public meeting within any polling area on which a poll is ta ken for an election in that p olling a rea. (2)Period of forty eight hours ending with hour fixed for conclusion of poll.-No person sha ll- (a ) convene, hold, attend, join or a ddress any public meeting or procession in connection with an election; or (b) display to the public any election matter by means of\cinematograph, television or other similar apparatus; or (c ) propagate a ny election matter to the public by holding, or by arranging the holding of, any musical concert or any theatrical performance or any other entertainment or amusement with a view to attract ing the members of the public thereto, In t his section, the expression “election matter” means any matter int ended or calculated to influence or affect the result of an election.] (3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-rule (1) & (2) shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rupees Two Hundred. 92. Maintenance of Secrecy of voting.- (1) Every officer, clerk, agent or other person who performs any duty in connection with the recording or counting of votes at an election sha ll maintain, a nd aid in maintaining, the secrecy of the voting and s hall not communicate to any person any information ca lculated to violate such secrecy. (2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine or with both. 93. Officer, etc., at elections not to act for candidates or to influence voting.- (1) No person who is a Magistr ate or a Presiding Officer or Polling Officer at a n election shall in the conduct of or the mana gement of the election do any act (other than the giving of vote) for the furtherance of the pr ospects of the election of a candidate.- 26 - Ex-425/2019 (2) No such person as aforesa id, and no member of a Police force, shall endeavour- (a ) to persuade any person to give his vote at an election; or (b) to dissuade any person from giving his vot e at an election; or (c ) to influence the voting of any per son at an election in any manner. (d) a ny person who contra venes the pr ovisions of sub-rule (1) or sub-rule(2 ) sha ll be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years or with fine or with both. 94 . Prohibit ion of canvassing in or near polling stations.- (1) No person shall, on the date or da tes on which a poll is taken at any polling station, commit any of the following acts within the polling station or in any public or pr ivate place within a distance of one hundr ed metr es of the polling station, namely: (a ) canvassing for votes; or (b) soliciting t he vote of any elector ; or (c ) persuading a ny elector not to vote for any particular ca ndidates; or (d) persuading any elector not to vote at the election; or ( e) exhibiting any notice or sign (ot her tha n an official notice) relating to the elect ion. (2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine which may extend to rupees one thousand. (3) An offence punishable under this rule shall be cognizable. 95 . Penalty for disorderly conduct in or near polling sta tions.- (1) No person shall, on the date or da tes which a poll is ta ken at a ny polling station- (a ) use or opera te within or at the entrance of the polling station or in any public or private place in the neighbourhood thereof, any apparatus for amplifying or reproducing the huma n voice, such as a megaphone or a loud speaker; or (b) shout or otherwise act in a disorderly manner so as to ca use annoyance to any person visiting the polling station for the poll, or so as to interfere with the work of the officers and other persons on duty at the polling station. (2) Any persons who contravenes, or willfully aids or abets the contravention of, the pr ovisions of sub-rule (1) shall be punishable with the imprisonment which may extend to thr ee months or with fine or with both. (3) If the Presiding Officer of a polling sta tion has reason to believe tha t any person is commit ting or has committed a n offence punishable under these rules, he may dir ect any Police Officer to arrest such person, and thereupon the Police Officer shall arrest him. (4) Any Police Officer may take such s teps, a nd use such for ce, as may be reasonably necessary for preventing any contravention of the provisions of sub-rule(1), a nd may seize any appar atus used for such contravention. 96. Penalty for misconduct at the polling station.- (1) Any person who during the hours fixed for the poll at any polling station misconducts himself or fails to obey the lawful directions of the Presiding Officer may be removed from the polling stations by the Pr esiding Officer or by any Police Officer on duty or by any person author ized in this behalf by such Presiding Officer. (2) The powers conferr ed by sub-rule (1) shall not be exercised so as t o prevent any elector who is otherwise ent it led t o vote a t a polling station from having an oppor tunit y of voting a t tha t station. (3) If a ny person who has been so removed from a polling sta tion re-enters the polling sta tion without the permission of the Presiding Officer shall be punisha ble with imprisonment for a- 27 -Ex-425/2019 term which may extend to t hree yea rs or with fine which may ext end to rupees one thousand or with both. (4) An offence punishable under sub-rule (3) shall be cogniza ble. 97 . Removal of ballot pa pers from polling sta tion to be a n offence.- (1) Any person who at a ny election fr audulently takes, or a ttempts to take, a ba llot paper out of a polling sta tion, or willfu lly aids or abets the doing on any such act , shall be punishable with impr isonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which ma y extend to Rupees five hundred or with both. (2) If the Presiding Officer of a Polling sta tion has reason to believe tha t any person is commit ting or has committed an offence punishable under sub-rule (1), such officer may, before such person leaves the polling station, arrest or direct a Police Officer to arrest such person and may search such person or cause him to be sear ched by a Police Officer: Provided that when it is necessar y to ca use a woman to be searched, the sear ch shall be made by another woman with strict regard to decency. (3) Any ballot paper found upon the person arrested on search sha ll be made over for safe custody to a Police Officer by the Presiding Officer, or when the search is made by a Police Officer, shall be kept by such officer in safe custody. (4) An offence punishable under sub-rule (1) shall be cogniza ble. 98. Other offences and penalties thereof.- (1) A person shall be guilty of an electoral offence if at any election he - (a ) fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys any nomination paper; or (b) fraudulently defaces, dest roys or removes any list, notice or other documents affixed by or under the authority of a Magistrate or the Returning Officer or the Presiding Officer; or (c ) fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys a ny ballot paper or the official mar k on any ballot paper or any declaration of identity or official envelope used in connection with voting; or (d) without due authority supplies any ballot paper to any p erson or receives any ballot from any person or is in possess ion of a ny ballot paper; or ( e) fraudulently puts into any ballot box a nything other than the ballot paper which he is authorized by law to put in; or (f) without due authority destroys, takes, opens or otherwise interferes with any ballot box or ballot papers then in use for the pur poses of the election; or (g) fraudulently or without due author ity, as the case may be, attempts to do any of the foregoing acts or willfully aids or abets the doing of any such a cts. (2) Any person guilty of an electoral offence under this rule shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine or with both. (3) For the pur pose of this r ule, a person shall be deemed to be on official duty if his duty is to take part in the conduct of an election or part of an election including the counting of votes or to be resp onsible after a n elect ion for the used ballot papers and other documents in connection with such elect ion. (4) An offences punishable under sub-rule (2) shall be cognizable. 99. Penalty for corrupt practice.- Whoever commits a corrupt practice at an election shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees.- 28 - Ex-425/2019 100. Breaches of official duty in connection with elections.- (1) If any person, to whom these rules apply, is without reasonable cause guilty of any act or omission in breach of his official duty, he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees. (2) No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against a ny such person for damages in respect of any such act or omission as aforesaid. (3) The persons, to whom these rules apply, are the District Elect ion Officers, Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Officers, Presiding Officers, Polling Officers and any other person appointed to perform any duty in connection with the receipt of nominations or withdrawal of candidatures, or the recor ding or counting of votes at an elect ion. (4) No court shall take cognizance of any offence punisha ble under these rules unless there is a complaint ma de by a n order of, or under the authority from the State Election Commission or the District Election Officer concerned. CHAPTER IX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 101. Election to more than one seat.- (1)if a person is electedin one or more seats or chosen to be a member of the Parliament or of the State Legislature then unless, within fourteen da ys from the date of his election, he resigns all but one of the seats by writing under his hand address ed – (a ) To the Speaker or Chairman, as the case may be, of the Council or of the House; or (b) where the office of the S peaker or Chairman for the time being vaca nt or is deemed to be in abeyance, to the Deputy Speaker or the Deputy C hairman of the Council or of the House; or (c ) where the post of t he Depu ty Speaker or Deputy Chairman is also for the time being vaca nt or is, deemed to be in abeyance, to the commission all the seats shall become va ca nt. (2) Where the resignation has been addressed to the Commission under sub-rule (1), the Commission shall, as s oon as may after the r eceipt of the r esignation, send a cop y thereof to the Secretary of the Council or of the House concerned. (3) if a person is elected from more than one constituency in the election to General Council, he/ she should vacate either of the constituency and infor m in wr iting t o Secretary of the Council within four teen da ys from the declaration of the election result. The procedure for intimation of information may be same as sub-rules (1) and (2) of this rule. 102. Election Expenses.- (1) Every candidate at an election shall either by himself or by his election agent, keep a sepa rate and correct account of all expenditure in connection with the election incurr ed or authorized by him or by his election agent between the date on which he ha s been nominated and the date of declaration of the result t hereof both days inclusive. (2) The account shall contain the following particulars in respect of each item of expenditure from day to day inclusive. (a ) the date on which the expenditure was incurred or authorized; (b) the nature of the expenditure e.g. (i) travelling (ii) Cost of postage (iii) printing cost of leaflets, posters etc. (iv) petr ol and other lubrica nts.- 29 -Ex-425/2019 (v) hiring char ges of the vehicles (vi) meeting/ processions (vii) refreshments, (viii) camp office expenses; (ix) other miscellaneous expenses and the like; (c) the amount of the expenditure:- (i) the amount p aid; ii)the amount outstanding; (d) the date of payment; ( e) the name a nd addr ess of the pa yee; (f) the serial number of vouchers, in case of amount outstanding; (g) the name and address of the person to whom the amount outstanding and payable ( to be submitted with a certificate on the body of t he bills certifying that the expenditure was actually incurred). (3) A voucher shall be obtained for every item of expenditure unless from the nature of the case, such as postage tra vel by rail and the like, it is not practica ble to obtain a voucher. All such voucher sha ll have to be countersigned by the candidate. (4) All voucher s shall be lodged alongwith the account of election expenses, arr anged a ccording to the date of payment and serially numbered by the candida te or his election agent and such serial number shall be entered in the account under item (f) of sub-rule(2). (5) it shall not be necessary to give the particulars mentioned in item (e) of sub-rule(2) in regar d to items of expenditur e for which vouchers have not been obtained under sub-rule(3). 103. Maximum Election Expenses.-The total of the expenditure of which account is to be kept under rule 102 and which is incurred or authorized t o be incurred in connection with an election shall not exceed Rs. 2,00,000.00 (Rupees t wo lakhs) in any one Council Constit uency subject to the revision of the qua ntum of the amount by the Commission in consultation with the Government from time to time. 104. Lodging of the account of election expenses with the District Election Officer.- (1) Every contesting ca ndidate at an election shall, within thirty days fr om the date of election of the returned ca ndidate, lodge with the District Election Officer an account of his elect ion expenses which sha ll be a true copy of the account kept by him or by his election agent u nder rule 104 duly verified by an auditor of a local body. S uch account of election expenses shall be submitted in Form 33. (2) The District Election Officer shall, therefore, issue a letter to all t he contesting candidates in ever y Constituency within three days of t he day of election of the returned candidate intimating his name ,designation, and address for lodging the account of elect ion exp enses a nd also the last date before which the account should reach him. (3) If a candida te contests election from more than one Constituency he has to lodge a sepa rate account of election expenses for every election, which he contests. The election for each Constituency is a separate elect ion. 105. Report of the Commission by the District Election Officer.- (1) immediately after the last date for filling accounts of election expenses has expired, and in any case not la ter tha n the tenth day after such expiry date, the District Election Officer shall report to the Commission in Form 34 of Appendix II (i)the name of each ca ndidate whose name was included in t he list of contesting candida tes. (ii) whether the candida te had lodged his account of election expenses; (iii) if so, the date on which the account ha s been lodged, and- 30 - Ex-425/2019 (iv) whether in the opinion of the District Election Officer the account has been lodged within the time and in the manner required under these rules and Commission’s directions, if a ny in t his regard. (2) If a ny candidate has not submitted his a ccount by the time the Distr ict Election Officer would send his report, his name should a lso be included with the remar ks that the account has not been lodge. (3) Whenever the Distr ict Election Officer r eport that an account lodged by a contesting candidate is not in the manner required under these rules a nd the Commission’s directions, if a ny, he shall alongwith his report, forward to the Commission that account and the docu ments accompanying it. (4) The District Elect ion Officer sha ll not send with his report those a ccounts which he considers to have been lodged in the manner requir ed under these rules, unless specially asked for by the Commission in any case. (5) Since the return of election expenditure filed by a candidate has to reflect the “corr ect” account of the candidate as being in accor da nce with the ma nner pr escr ibed, many conduct such enquiry as he deems necessary, and sha ll certify in his report to the Commission that the docu ment filed before him were ver ified and that the sta tement of account was filed in the manner pres crib ed. 106. Disqualification and removal thereof by the Commission.- (1) The Commission, on receipt of the report of the District Election Officer, sha ll take such action against the defaulting ca ndidates and a fter considering the representation submit ted by such candidates, if it is satisfied that a candidate- (a ) has failed to lodge an account of elect ion exp enses within the time and in the ma nner requ ir ed under thes e rules, and (b) has no good reason or justification for the failure, the Commission shall, any order published in t he Official Ga zette, declare him to be disqualified for a period as it considers proper, but such period ma y be extended up to a maximum period of three years. (2) However, the Commission may for reasons to be reached in writing, remove any disqualification or r educe t he period of a ny such disqua lification. 107. Filling up of Casual Vacancies.- Under the pr ovisions of section 10 of the Act, when the seat of a member becomes vacant by reason of his death, resignation removal or otherwise, the Commission shall; by a notifica tion in the Official Ga zette, call upon the Council Constituency concerned to elect a person for the purpose of filling the vacancy so caused before such date as may be specified in the notification, and the provisions of the Act and these rules shall apply, as far as may be, in relation to the election of a member to fill such va ca ncy. 108. Time limit for filling va cancies.- Notwithstanding anything contained in section 10 of the Act, a bye-election for filling any vaca ncy referred to in the said s ection shall be held within a period of six months from the date of the occur rence of the vacancy: Provided tha t nothing contained in this r ule sha ll apply if: (a ) The remainder of the term of a member in relation to a vacancy is less than one year, or (b) The commission in consulta tion wit h the State Government certifies that it is difficult to hold the bye-election within the said period.- 31 -Ex-425/2019 CHAPTER – X GENERAL PROVISIONS 109. Civil court not to have jurisdiction.- No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction to question the legality of:- (a ) any action taken by the Returning Officer in the discharge of his duties under these rules; or (b) any action taken by the Presiding Officer and the Polling Officer in the discha rge of t heir duties under these rules; or 110. Requ isit ioning of pr emises etc. , for election purposes. - (1) If it appears to the State Election Commission or the District Election Officer that in connection with an election to a Sinlung Hills Development Council- (a ) any premises are needed or are likely t o be needed for the purpose of being used as a polling station or for the storage of ballot boxes after a poll has been taken, or (b) any vehicle or vess el is needed or is likely to be needed for the purpose of t ranspor t of ballot boxes to or from any polling station, or transport of members of the police force for maintaining order during the conduct of such election, or transpor t of any officer or other person for the perfor mance of any duties in connection with such election, the State Election Commission or as the case may be, the District Election Officer ma y by order in writing, r equisit ion such premises or such vehicle or vessel, as the case ma y be and may make such further orders a s may a ppear to him to be necessary or expedient in connection with the requisitioning in respect of matters including r easonable remuneration to be given therefor: Provided tha t no vehicle or vessel which is being lawfully used by candidate or his agent for any purpose connected with the election of such candidate shall be requisitioned under these rules until the completion of the poll at such elect ion. (2) The requisition shall be effected by an order in writing addr essed to the person deemed by the State Election Commission or, as the case may be, the District Election Officer to be the owner or person in possession of t he property. (3) Whenever any property is r equisit ioned u nder sub-rule (1) the period of such requisition shall not extend beyond the period for which s uch property is requir ed for any of t he purposes mentioned in that sub-r ule. (4) If any person contravenes any order made under this rule, he shall be punishable with impr isonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine or with both. (5) In this rule- (a ) “premises” means a ny land, building or part of a building and includes a hut, shed or other structure or any pa rt thereof; (b) “vehicle” means any vehicle used or capable of being’ used for the pur pose of road transport, whether propelled by mechanical power or otherwise; (c) “vessel” means any vessel used or capable of being used for the purpose of water transport, whether propelled by mechanical power or otherwise. 111. Staff of every loca l author ity to be made available.- Every depa rtment of the State Government or other authorities and every educational institution including an aided school or private affiliated college in the State shall when so requested by the Sta te Election Commission or the District Election Officer make availa ble- (a ) to the Electoral Registra tion Officer, such staff as may be necessa ry for the performance of any duties in connection with the prepara tion and revision of electora l rolls; or- 32 - Ex-425/2019 (b) to the District Election Officer and any Returning Officer such staff as ma y be necessary for the performa nce of any duties in connection with an elect ion. 112. Expenses in connection with elections.- Funds to meet all expenses in connection with the elections to the Sinlung Hills Council including those in relation to the preparation of electoral r olls therefor, shall be provided by the State Government. 113. Grant of Pa id Holiday to Employees on the da y of Poll.- (1) Every person engaged in work in any trade establishment or commercial establishment or industrial establishment or in any other establishment in the private sector who is eligible to vote in the Elect ion to Sinlung Hills Development Council shall be granted leave on the day of poll. (2) The wages of any such person shall not be reduced or disallowed on account of the leave granted under sub-rule (1) even though such person is appoint ed on the basis that, wages will not ordinar ily be paid for such date, he shall be paid the wa ges tha t would have been received by him on such date, had he not been gr anted leave for that day. 114. Repeal and Savings.- (1) On and fr om the commencement of these rules, The Mizora m (Election t o Sinlung Hills Development Council) rules, 2017 and all the subsequent amendments shall stand repea led. (2) In s pite of such repeal, a nything done or any action purported to have been done or taken under the rules so repea led, sha ll be deemed to have been so done or taken or purported to have been done or taken under these rules. 115. Removal of difficulties, if a ny, by the Government.- (1) The Government may, after consulting the Commission, issue such general or special instruction as may in its opinion be necessar y for the purpose of giving effect to these rules for holding any election under these ru les. (2) If a ny difficulty a rises in giving effect to the provisions of these rules or holding of any elect ions under these r ules, the Government as the occasion r equir es may, in cons ulta tion with the Commission, by order, do a nything which appears to it to be necessary for the purpose of removing the difficulties. 116. Matters not covered in these rules to be guided by the R.P.Act, 1950 and R.P. Act, 1951 and the rules framed thereunder.- As r egards matters not pr ovided in these rules such matters shall be guided by the provision of the Repr esentation of the People Act, 1950 (4 of 1950) and the Repr esentation of P eople Act, 1951 (43 of 1 951) and the rules fra med thereunder, namely; the Registration of Electors Rules 1960 and the Conduct of Elections Rule, 1961, respectively.- 33 -Ex-425/2019 FORM – 1 [See Rule 26 and 27] NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF ELECTORAL ROLL IN DRAFT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………….. (No. & Name) 20……. To, The Electors of the .........................................................................Sinlung Hills Council Constituency. Notice is hereby given tha t the electora l roll has been prepar ed in a ccordance with the Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Councils) Rules, 2019 and a copy thereof is available for inspection at my office, and at ........................................................................ during office hours. If there be any claim for the inclusion of a na me in t he roll or any objection to the inclu-sion of a name or any objection to particulars in any entry, it should be lodged on or before the ....................................... in form 3, 4 or 5 as may be appropriate. Every such claim or objection should either be presented in my office or to ............................or sent by post to the address given below so as to reach me not later than the afor esaid date. Date............................................Electoral Registration Officer Address:...................................... Place …………………………..... FORM – 2 [See Rule 29] APPLICATION FOR INCLUSION OF NAME To, The Electoral Registration Officer, Sinlung Hills Council ………………………………… District. Sir, I request that my name be included in the elect oral roll for the Sinlung Hills Council Constituency of .......................................................................... My name (in full) ................................................................................................... My Father ’s/ Mother’s/ Husband’s Name ......................................................... Particulars of my place of residence ar e :-- 34 - Ex-425/2019 House No. .............................................................. Street ...................................................................... Village .................................................................... Post Office .............................................................. Police Station .......................................................... District ………......................................................... I hereby declare tha t to the best of my knowledge and belief:- (i)I am a citizen of India ; (ii) My age on the first day of January ……....… was ............... years and .............. months ; (iii) I am ordinar ily resident at the address given below :- ……………………………………………………………………………………….. (iv) I have not applied for the inclusion of my name in the electoral r oll for a ny other Sinlung Hills Council Constituency : (v) My na me has not been included in the electoral roll for this or any other Sinlung Hills Council Constituency. or My name may have been included in the electoral roll of ……............................ Sinlung Hills Council in which I was or dinarily resident earlier at the address mentioned below a nd, if so, 1 r equest that the same ma y be excluded from that electoral r oll. Full Address of ear lier place of ordinary residence:- ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. Date ........................ Place ..................................................................... Signature or thumb impression of the Applicant Record of action takenThe application in Form - 3 of Mr/Mrs/Miss.................................................................................. of ........................................................ has been - (a) accepted and his/her name is included in the electoral roll of ................................................. .................................................................................................. Sinlung Hills Council Constituency, or (b) rejected for the reason ..................................................................... ............................................... ................................................................... Date ................................... Place ……………………..Electoral Registration Officer (Seal) - 35 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 3 [See Rule 29]APPLICATION FOR OBJECTING INCLUSION OR SEEKING DELETION To, The Electoral Registration Officer, Sinlung Hills Council ..................................................... District. Sir, I object to the inclusion of the name of …………................................................................ at Serial No. ….......................................... of the electoral roll of.................................................Sinlung Hills Council Constituency for the following reason ( s) :- …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… I hereby declare that the facts mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. My name has been included in the electoral roll for this constituency a s follows:- Name in full....................................................................... Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s Name............................................................... Serial No.............................................................. Part No................................................................. ………………………………….. Signature or thumb impress ion of the objector (Full postal address)...................................... NOTE : Any person who ma kes a statement or declaration which is fa lse and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true is punishable under Rule 22 of the Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Councils) Rules, 2019 and provisions under the appropriate law including Indian Penal Code. Record of action takenThe objection in Form – 4 lodged by Mr/Mrs/Miss ……............................................................... .......................................... of ........................................................ has been – (a) accepted and the entry of the name of .................................................................. Serial No. ............................ of the electoral roll of ......................................Sinlung Hills Council shall be deleted; or (b) rejected for the reason ………………................................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………..........….................……………………………………………………… Date ................................... Place ……………………..Electoral Registration Officer, (Seal) - 36 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 4 [See Rule 29] OBJECT IONS TO PARTICULARS IN ANY ENTRY To, The Electoral Registration Officer, Sinlung Hills Council , …………………………………… District. Sir, I submit that the entry relating to myself which appears at Serial No. ...................... of the electoral roll of ................................................................................... is not correct. It should be corrected to read as follows: “…………………………………………………………………………………………… ...………………………………………………………………………………………….” Place ......................................... Date ..........................................…..……....…………… Signature or thumb impression of t he elector. NOTE : Any person who ma kes a statement or declaration which is fa lse and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true is punishable under Rule 22 of the Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Councils) Rules, 2019 and provisions under the appropriate law including Indian Penal Code. Record of action takenThe objection in Form-5 lodged by Mr/Mrs/Miss ……….................................................. …….……………………............................. of ……...………............................................................. .................................................... has been - (a ) accepted and the relevant entry has been corrected to read as follows :- …………………………………………………………………………........ …………………………………………………………………………........ (b) rejected for the reason .................................................................................... Date....................................... Place ……………………….Electoral Registration Officer (Seal) - 37 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 5 [See Rule 32] NOTICE OF FINAL PUBLICATION OF ELECTORAL ROLL It is hereby notified for public informa tion tha t the list of amendments to the draft electoral roll for the................................................. (No. & Name) Sinlung Hills Council Constituency of ………………………….. District has been prepared with reference to....................................................... as the qualifying date and in accordance with The Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Councils) Rules, 2019. A copy of t he said roll together with the said list of amendments has been published and will be available for inspection at my office. Date ..........................................Electoral Registration Officer, Place ...........................................Address: ……………………………….. ……………………………….. FORM 6 [See Rule 38] NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that:- (1) an election is to be held of a member to the Sinlung Hills Council in the ………………….. (N o. & Name) Sinlung Hills Council Constituency; (2) nomination papers may be delivered by a ca ndidate to the Returning Officer/Asst. Retur ning Officer at …………………………………….. between 11:00 A.M and 3:00 P.M on any day (other than public holiday) not later than the ………………………………… (date) ; (3) forms of nomination paper may be obtained at the place and time aforesaid; (4) the nomination papers will be taken up for scrutiny at ………………………………………….. (place) on……………………… (date) at……………………………….. (hour); (5) notice of withdrawal of candidature may be delivered either by a ca ndidate or by his election a gent who has been author ized in writing by the candida te to deliver it to either of the officers specified in paragraph (2) above at his office before 3 P.M. on the……………………………(date) ; (6) a ca ndidate shall deposit rupees five hundred along with his nomina tion pa per; (7) in the event of the elect ion being cont ested, the poll will be taken on …………………. between the hours of……………………. and ………………………. ; (8) the counting of votes will commence on ………………… (date) at ………………………. (place) at ……………………… (hour) or immediately after the poll is over. Date ………………………………Retur ning Officer Place ……………………………. No. & Name of SHC Constituency…….…………….- 38 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 7 [See Rule 40] NOMINATION PAPER Part – I Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of _______________________(No & Name) 20……… 1. Name: 2. Fa ther ’s/Mother ’s/Husband’s Na me : 3. Age & Date of Birth: 4. Sex: 5. Educational Qualifications: 6. Address: 7. No & Name of Constituency: 8. Sl.No in the Electoral Roll: 9. Date & Time of filing Nomina tion: 10. Citizenship: 11. Religion: 12. Place of birth (Birth Certificate/: Baptismal Certificate should be enclosed) 13. Occupation: Part – II (CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION) I, _________________________ the candidate mentioned in Part-I assent to this nomination and her eby decla re:- 1)that I have completed _________ years of age; 2)that I am a member of Scheduled Tribe belonging to ______________sub-tribe; 3)that I am set up at this election by the ______________________ party; if any 4)that symbols I have chosen are, in order of prefer ence i)____________________ii)_____________________iii)_________________ 5)that I am not disqualified for being elected to fill the said seat in the Sinlung Hills Council; 6)that I am not an unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent Court of Author ity; 7)that my Name and F ather ’s/Husband’s Name have been cor rectly spelt out above in __________________ (name of language); 8)that the Code of C onduct prescribed by the State Election Commission has been read by me/read over to me and I will abide by it; 9)that I have deposit ed a security deposit of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only as prescr ibed under Rule 41(1). 10) that I am not holding any office of profit under the Central Government or the State Government. 11) that to the best of my knowledge a nd belief, I am qualified and not disqualified for being elected to fill the seat of the sa id Sinlung Hills Council; Witness: (………………………….)(………………………….) SignatureSignature - 39 -Ex-425/2019 (………………………….)(………………………….) Name (Capital Letter)Name (Capital Letter) Sl.No in the E/Roll………….. Date……………………..Date…………………… Place……………….……Place………….………. Part-III(To be filled by the Retur ning Officer) Serial No. of Nomination Paper ………………………………………….. This nomina tion pa per was delivered to me at my office at ……………….(hou r) on …………… (date) by the candidate. Signature of the Returning Officer or other authorised person Part-IV(Decision of Returning Officer accepting or rejecting the nomination paper) I ha ve examined this nomination in accordance with Rule _____ and decided as follows: Date: ___________Accepted/RejectedPlace:___________Ret urning Officer —————————————— (Perforation)————————————————— Part-VRECEIPT FOR NOMINATION PAPER AND NOTICE FOR SCRUTINY (To b e handed over to the Ca ndidate while filing the nomina tion paper) Serial No. of Nomination Paper …………………………………………… The Nomination Paper of …………………………., a ca ndida te for election to Sinlu ng Hills Council of …………………………………(No. & Name), was delivered to me at …………………. (hou r) on ……………….. (date) by the Candidate. All Nomination Papers will be taken up for scrutiny at …………………… (hour) …………. on ………………. (date) at …………………….. (place). Date: ……………………….Ret urning Officer Place: ……………………..- 40 - Ex-425/2019 P a r t ' A' No.. ................. .. Date ................ ....... Rec eiv ed a s um of Rs 1000/- (Rup ees one thous and) only from Pi / Pu ..... ............... ................. ................ ............... . of ..... ............... ................. ............ on ac co unt of s ecu rity depo sit f or h is no minat ion for SHC elect ion. Returning Off ice r, No & Name of S HC Constituenc y … … … … … .......... ............... ...........FORM 8 [See Rule 41(2)] RECEIPT OF SECURITY DEPOSITP art ' B 'HO W D ISPO SE D OF D ate ................ ................ .......... R ef unded/forfeited Sig natur e R e t urn ing O ffic er of C andid ate. N o & N am e of S H C C onstituenc y … … … … … ...... ............... ..............S.NoN ame o f th e C and idateNam e ofF a the r /M oth e r/H u sb a ndAddress ofC an d ida teP a rtya f f ilia tion , ifany(1)(2)(3)(4)( 5)12 3 4FORM 9 [See Rule 42(4)] LIST OF VALIDLY NOMINATED CANDIDATES Election to Sinlung Hills Council of ……………….. (No & Name) 20…… Place :Retur ning Officer Date :P art ' B 'HO W D ISPO SE D OF D ate ................ ................ .......... R ef unded/forfeited Sig natur e R e t urn ing O ffic er of C andid ate. N o & N am e of S H C C onstituenc y … … … … … ...... ............... ..............P a r t ' A'No.. ................. .. Date ................ ....... Rec eiv ed a s um of Rs 1000/- (Rup ees one thous and) only from Pi / Pu ..... ............... ................. ................ ............... . of ..... ............... ................. ............ on ac co unt of s ecu rity depo sit f or h is no minat ion for SHC elect ion. Returning Off ice r, No & Name of S HC Constituenc y … … … … … .......... ............... ........... - 41 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 10 [See Rule 43(1)] NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDATURE Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………….. (No. & Name) 20……. To, The Returning Officer, ……………………….. I, …………………………………………………. a candidate nominated at the above election do hereby give notice that I withdraw my candidature. Place ………………… Date …………………. Signature of nominated candidateThis notice was delivered to me at my office at ……….………. (hour) on ……….…………….. (date) by ………………………………………………. (name), the ** ………………………………. ……...…………… Ret urning Officer Place ……………………. Date……………………. ————————————————— (Perforation) ——————————————— Receipt for Notice of Withdrawal (To be handed over to the per son delivering the notice) The notice of withdrawal of candidature by …………………………. . a nominated candidate at the election to Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………....…. (No. & Name) was delivered to me by the ** ………………………… …. at my office at ……………..………… (hour) on ……………………. (date). ……...…………… Ret urning Officer ** Here insert one of the following alternatives as may be appropriate:- (1) Candidate ( 2 ) Candida te’s Election Agent who has been authorized in writing by the ca ndidate to deliver it. ( 3 ) A person authorized in writing by the ca ndida te to deliver it.- 42 - Ex-425/2019 F or m 11 [See Rule 45(9)(b) & 45(10)(b)] NOTICE AS TO NAMES OF CANDIDATES SET UP BY THE RECOGNISED/REGISTERED POLITICAL PARTY Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………….. (No. & Name) 20……. To, The Returning Officer, ………………………………………………………… Subject :Notice regarding setting up of candidates in the Election to Sinlung Hills Council from …………………….. (No. & Name) Constituency. Sir/Madam, I hereby give notice that the following persons have been set up by …………………………..........……. Party as its candidate(s) at the Election to be held on the ……………………………………………… for election of Members from the Sinlung Hills Council Constituency of ……………………………………….. (No. & Name) as shown against each of the candidates. Yours faithfully, Signature __________________ Name of President () (Seal) S/NNa me of Sp on s ored CandidatesFather’s/M other’s/ H usband’s NameA dd re ss1. 43 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 12 [See Rule 45(11), rule 47(3)(a) and 53(2)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………… (No. & Name) 20……Sl.No.Nam e o f Ca ndidateFather’s/Mo th er’ s/H usband’s namePartyAf fil iat ionSym bol all ot te dThe poll will be taken on ……..………………………..(date) at …….…………………….. (place) between the hours of …………….. A.M. to ………….. P.M. Date................................................... Retur ning Officer Place : …………………No. & Name of Sinlung Hills Council ……........................- 44 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 13 [See Rule 48(1)(a)&(c)] APPOINTMENT OF ELECT ION AGENT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ……….........…… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, …………………………………………….. (name) of ……………………………………….. (address), a candidate at the above election, do hereby appoint ……………………………………………… of … …………………………………… (address) as my Election Agent from this day at the above elect ion. Place ……………………….. Date ………………………..………………………Signature of Candidate I accept the above appointment Place ……………………….. Date ………………………..……………….…………… Signature of Election Agent Approved Signature a nd seal of the Returning Officer FORM 14 [See Rule 48(1)(e)] REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION AGENT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, ..………………………………………………….., a candidate at the above election, hereby revoke the appointment of Pi/Pu ………………………………………………… as my Election Agent. Place ……………………….. Date ……………………….. ……………………… Signature of Candidate - 45 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 15 [See Rule 48(2)(b)] APPOINTMENT OF POLLING AGENT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Presiding Officer, …………………………………… I, ……………………………............………. a Candidate/Election Agent* of Pi/Pu …………………………….. …………………………………………. who is a candidate at the above said election do hereby appoint Pi/Pu ……………………………………………………. as a Polling Agent at P olling Station of ……. .…………… (No.& Na me) Sinlung Hills Council Constituency. Place:Signature of Candidate/Election Agent Date: I agree to a ct as P olling Agent Place: Signature of P olling Agent Date: DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY THE POLLING AGENT BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER I, ……………………………… Polling Agent of Pi/Pu ……………………………….. do hereby declare tha t at the Election to t he Sinlung Hills Council Constituency of …………………………………. (No. & Name) I will not do anything that may violate the secrecy of the election or a ny provision of the Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Council) Rules, 2019 in connection with this elect ion. Signa ture of Polling Agent (date) Signed before me a nd a ccepted Presiding Officer Place: Date *Str ike off whichever is not applica ble.- 46 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 16 [See Rule 48(2)(d)] REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF POLLING AGENT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Presiding Officer, …………………………………… I, ………………………………. * the Election Agent of Pi/Pu ……………..……………………, a ca ndidate at the above election, hereby revoke the appointment of P i/Pu …………………………………. as my/his Polling Agent. Place:Signature ……………………………… Date:Name………………………………….. Candidate /Election Agent _____________________________________________________________________________________________ *Strike out the word(s) not applicable FORM 17 [See Rule 48(3)(a)] APPOINTMENT OF COUNTING AGENT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, ........................, * a candidate/the election agent of......................................who is a candidate a t the a bove election, do hereby appoint the following persons as my counting agents to attend the counting of votes at.................................................... (place). Name of the Counting AgentsAddr ess of the cou nting a gent1. ……………………………….…………..………………………………. 2. ……………………………….…………..………………………………. 3. ………………………………..………..……………………...…………. etc. Signature of Candidate/Election Agent. We a gree to act as such Counting Agents 1. ………………………………. 2. ………………………………. 3. ……………………………….- 47 -Ex-425/2019 Signature of Counting Agents Place.................................... Date..................................... Declaration of Counting Agents(To be signed before the Returning Officer) We hereby declare that at the above elect ion we will not do anything forbidden by Rule 92 of The Mizoram (Election to Sinlu ng Hills Council) Rules, 2019, which we ha ve read/has been read over to us. 1. 2. 3. etc. Date...................................Signature of counting agents Signed before me. Date.................................. Returning Officer FORM 18 [See Rule 48(3)(b)] REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF COUNTING AGENT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………… (No. & Name) 20…… To The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, ..........................., [the election agent of..........................] a candidate at the above election hereby revoke the appointment of...................... my/his counting agent. Date............................... Signature of person revoking. Place..............................- 48 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 19 [See Rule 52(1)] BALLOT PAPER COUNTERFOIL Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………… (No. & Name) 20…… Serial No. of Ballot Paper ............................... Elector ’s Serial number in the Electoral Roll………………………………..……….. Signature or thumb impress ion of the elector ————————————————— (Perforation) —————————————————— BALLOT PAPER Serial No. of Ballot Paper............................... No & Name of Sinlung Hills Council Constituency ............................................... S l.No.N ame of Can did ateS ym bo l A ll ottedS l.N o.N ame o f Can did ateSy mb ol A llo tted1 Bia k mu a na Hand13 H min gm uan aSun W itho ut Rays2 Buanga Hand14 LalthanzamaSun W itho ut Rays3 D ins a ng a Hand15 Ma w iaSun W itho ut Rays4 Hminghlua Hand16 Rom a w iaSun W itho ut Rays5 Hriata Hand17 Siamm awiaSun W itho ut Rays6 L a llia na Hand18 Th ans iamaSun W itho ut Rays7 Hmingmuana S tar19 Du h kimaAxe (Hrei pui)8 Lalthan zam a S tar20 La lr in gaHat ( L uk hu m)9 M awia S tar21 Mals awmaLantern (L altin)10 Ro maw ia S tar22 RindikaLeaf ( T hin gh na h )11 Siam mawia S tar23 Tlan kim aMug ( N ot un g)12 Thansiama S tar24 Za k a paNeckl ace (T hi)- 49 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 20 [See Rule 53(1)] APPLICATION FOR CASTING OF VOTE BY A VOTER ON ELECTION DUTY Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………......……………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The District Election Officer, ________________________ District. Sir, I intend to cast my vote in the ensuing Election to the Sinlung Hills Councils from ___________________________ (No. & Name) Sinlung Hills Council Constituency by means of Ballot Paper for Electors on Election Duty. My name is entered at Sl. No. _______ in Part No. ________ of the Electoral Roll of ______________________________ (No. & Name) Sinlung Hills Council Constituency. I ha ve been appoint ed/deployed to perform election duty and copy of my appointment/ deployment letter is attached herewith. I request that a ballot paper be issued to enable me to cast my vote as per procedures prescribed by the State Election Commission, Yours faithfully, Enclo: As stated above. Signature: _______________________ Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ Contact No.:_____________________ - 50 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 21 [See Rule 54(2)(c)] LIST OF CHALLENGED VOTES Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Serial No. of en tryName of electorSl . N o. of Electo r’s nam e i n the E /R o llS ig nat ure or th um b i m pr e s si on of the person challen gedAddress of th e pers on challen gedName o f identifier, if a nyN am e o f ch alleng erO rder o f P residing O fficerSignatureof challen ger on r e c e iv in g r e fun d of de p os it123456789Date: ………………….. Signature of Presiding Officer - 51 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 22 [See Rule 60(1)] DECLARATION BY THE COMPANION OF BLIND OR ILLITERATE OR INFIRM VOTERS Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… I, ............................................................................................................... do hereby certify that .......................................................................... is personally known to me. I am satisfied that he/ she is blind or illiterate or physically infirm and is unable to make a mark on the ballot paper. He/she requested me to ma rk the ballot paper on his/her behalf. I hereby declar e that I ha ve not a ccepted as companion of any ot her elector at any polling station t oday, a nd that I will keep secret the vote recorded by me on his/her behalf. Signature of Compa nion Date: ……………….. Place: ………………..Signed before me and permitted Signature of the Presiding Officer FORM 23 [See Rule 60(2)] RECORD OF VOTES OF BLIND OR ILLITERATE OR INFIRM ELECTORS Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Sl. NoNam e o f El ect orElector's S l. N o i n th e E /RollNa me of CompanionCo mpa nion' sSl. No in the E/RollSign ature of Com pani onDate : ........................................... Place : …………………………..Signature of the Presiding Officer - 52 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 24 [See Rule 64(2)] LIST OF TENDERED VOTES Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Sl. No.Name of the electorSl. N o. of elector in the E /Ro llA dd r e ss of the electorSerial n um be r of electo rs in electoral ro llSerial number o f tendered ballot paperS e r ial N um be r of ballo t paper is sue d to the person who has al ready vot edSign a tu re or thumb imp res sio n ofpers on tenderingvoteDate: .................................. Signature of the Presiding Officer Place: ..................................- 53 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 25 [See Rule 66] BALLOT PAPER ACCOUNT OF PRESIDING OFFICER Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… SI NoP ar t i cul ar sQ ua nti ty1 No of Ballot Papers received by the Presiding Officer2 No. of ball ot papers issued to electors3 No of ballot papers cancelled for violating voting pr oc e du re4 No of ballot papers spoilt and returned under Rule 61(1)5 No of ballot papers refused by the elector and cancelled under Rule 61(2)6 No of ballot paper to be found in the ballot box.7 No. of unused ballot papers returnedDate......................... Place : ………………Signature of the Presiding Officer - 54 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 26 [See Rule 73(2)] ROUND-WISE COUNTING SHEET Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… (a) Counting Table No:__________(b) Round No:______________ (c) No. of Ballot Papers: ________(d) Total Votes cast:____________ (e) Valid Votes:________________(f) Invalid Votes:________________S l.NoName o f C an didat e sVot es polledTotal5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5Name & Signature of Counting Supervisor Date ............................................ Place ............................................ Name & Signature of Returning Officer - 55 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 27 [See Rule 73(2)] COUNTING TABLE-WISE RESULTS TABULATION SHEET Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… ROUND No. ......... Sl.NoN am e o f C a ndidat e sVal id Votes PolledG . T ot alCou nti ng Table No_____C ou nti ng Tab le No_____C ou nti ng Tab le N o_ __ __Cou nti ng Tab le N o_ __ __Counting Ta ble N o_ __ __Date ……………………. Place …………………….Name & Signature of Returning Officer - 56 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 77 [See Rule73(2)] ROUND-WISE TABULATION SHEET Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… S l. NoNa me of Candi datesValid Votes Pol ledG . To t alRo und No_ __ __Rou nd No_____Ro und No __ _ __Rou nd No __ __ _Ro und No_____Name & Signature of Returning Officer - 57 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 29 [See Rule 74 & 77] ELECTION RESULT Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of …………… (No. & Name) 20…… Date of Poll: .............................................................. Date of Counting of Votes : .............................................................. Sl. NoNam e of Ca n did ateName of Political P ar ty , if anyTotal V otes P ol l edRes ult (I ndica te as Elected/not Elect ed)Tota l No. of Electors: ………………….. Total No. of valid votes polled : ………………….. Tota l No. of rejected votes: ………………….. Tota l No. of tendered votes: ………………….. I hereby declare that:- Sl. Nos :…………………………………….. Viz..1) ………….........……………………........ 2) …......………………………………..…3) …………...…………………………….. 4) ………………………………….....……5) ……...………………………………….. have been declared duly elected to fill the seats in the Sinlung Hills Council of …….…………………… (No. & Name). Date:......................................... Place : …………………………..Name & Signature of the Returning Officer - 58 - Ex-425/2019 FORM 30 [See Rule 78] CERTIFICATE OF ELECTIONI, Returning Officer for the election to Sinlung Hills Council of ………………..…………… in the District of ………..…………………. hereby certify that I have on the …..…… day of ……………………….. 20…..declared Pi/Pu ..................................................................... Son/ Daughter/Wife of ………................................................ sponsored by ...................................................... (name of the recognised/r egistered political party) to have been duly elect ed to be a member of the Sinlung Hills Council of ...................................................................... in an election held on ….................................................... and that in token thereof I have granted to him/ her this Certificate of Election. Date...........................................Retur ning Officer Place …………………………No. & Name of Sinlung Hills Council ........................... Seal FORM 31 [See Rule 79] BALLOT PAPER ACCOUNT OF RETURNING OFFICER Election to the Sinlung Hills Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… (a) Total number of ballot papers found in the Ballot Box/Boxes _________________________ (b) Total number of rejected ballot papers under Sub-rule (3) of Rule 72_________________________ (c) Total number of valid ballot papers, i.e. ballot papers which are not rejected_________________________ (d) Total number of invalid votes on all valid ballot papers_________________________ Date :..........................................Name & Signature of the Returning Officer Place :………………………….- 59 -Ex-425/2019 FORM 32[See Rule 57(2)] Register of Voters Election to the Sinlung Hills Council ____________________ Constituency No. and Name of the Polling Station ___________________________ Part No. of Electoral Roll _____________________________ @ Here polling officer is requir ed to fill up details of the identification document used by the voter e.g. last four digits of EPIC etc. Signature of the Presiding Officer Se ri al N o.Sl. No. of elector in the ele ct ora l Rol lSignature/ Thumb impre ssion of ele ctorsRemarks@- 60 - Ex-425/2019 APPENDIX [See Rule 45] TABLE - I : LIST OF SYMBOLS FOR RECOGNISED POLITICAL PARTIES NATIONAL PARTIESSTATE PARTIESCommunist Party of India (CPI) Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M))Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Indian National Congress (INC)Ears of Corn and Sickle Hammer, Sickle and Star Clock Lotus Elephant HandZoram Nationalist Party (ZNP) Mizo National Front (MNF)Mizoram People’s Conference Sun without Ray Star Electric Bulb- 61 -Ex-425/2019 TABLE - II : LIST OF FREE SYMBOLSCHEMDAWHKAN MAI CHEMTEGRAPE BALHLA LALTIN MOTORFAVAH KHUMBEUARBAWM DEKCHIHLUMBEL INIPTELEIHLAWNTUTHLAWH TUIBURKHUANGBALHLA KUNG EMPINGHACHHEKHE RAWT HMUIHNAH PAHNIH HNAMHREIPUI KETLILEHKHABU MAUFIANNGHAWNGKAWL NIHLIAPNO PANGPAR PENPHE IKHAWK SUAHDURPAM KHAWNVAR PAIKAWNG THINGKUNG THINGREM THINGZAINA THULTHUTTHLENGTHEIHAI TARMIT TUIT HAWLVAIBEL HMEHEN THLAWHTHEIHNA TIANGKAWM LEH BALLTALA C HAHBI TELEPHONESAKAWRB AKCHEHBUKNA- 62 - Ex-425/2019 APPENDIX-II Form-33 {See Rule 104(1)} ACCOUNTS OF ELECTION EXPENDITUREName of the Candidate:………………………………………………. Name of the Political Pa rty, if any:………………………………………………. Constituency from which contested:………………………………………………. Date on which validly nominated:………………………………………………. Date of Poll:………………………………………………. Date of Declaration of result:………………………………………………. PART-I DAY TO DAY ACCOUNTDateofExpenditure NameofExpenditure Amount of Expe nditure DateofPaym ent Name& Addressof Payee Sl.No.ofVoucherin caseofam ountpaid Sl.No.ofBillincase ofanamount outstanding Name& Addressof persontowhom the am ountoutstandingis Remarks Paid Outstanding12345678910Certified that the account of expenditure covers the period between the date on which I was nominated as a candidate and the date of declaration of result of the election, bot h days inclusive. Certified also that this is a true copy of the account kept by me/my election agent under Rule 104(1) of the …………………… Sinlung Hills Council (Election) Rules, 2019 ………………………………… Signature of the Contesting Candidate - 63 -Ex-425/2019 PART - II ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSESItem ofExpenditure Quantity/Number Nameofperson/Political Party/Body/Association incurringorauthorizing theexpenditure AmountofExpenses Date(s)ofPayment ModeofPayment Evidenceofpayment enclosedwiththeaccount Remarks123456781.Cost of nomination form. 2.Expenditure on security deposit. 3.Expenditure on Printing. 4.Expenditure on purchase of electoral rolls. 5.Expenditure on Advertisement. (a) Wall writing (b) Distribution of handbills (c) Printing of Posters (d) Publications (e) Video & Audio Cassettes (f) Others 6.Expenditure on Stationery 7.Expenditure on Postage & Telegram 8.Expenditure on Election meeting (a) Hiring charges of places (b) Hiring/Election charges of Pandals (c) Loudspeakers 9.Hiring charges & fuel charges of vehicles used by (a) The candidate (b) Election Agent (c) Polling Agent & Others 10.Refreshment given to (a) Election Agent (b) Polling Agent (c) Counting Agents (d) Others (to be specified) 11.Miscellaneous expenditure (not listed above like VIP visits, engagement of Photographers etc.) ………………………………Signature of the Contesting Candidate - 64 - Ex-425/2019 APPENDIX - II Form-34 {See Rule 10591)} Report of the Commission by the District Election Officer Lodging of Election Expenses accounts ELECTION To the General Council for ……………………….. Sinlung Hills Council …… (Year) From …………. Constituency …………………… Date of Declaration of result …………………………… Last date for lodging of accounts of election expenses ………………….. Name of elected candidate ………………………………………….. Sl. No.Name (Party affiliation of candidate) and address of contesting candidatesWhether account has been lodgedDate of lodging of accountWhether lodged in timeWhether lodged in the manner required by lawIf not, a brief statement of defects noticedTotal expenses incurred as per account filedRemarks123456789TOTALPlace ……………………… Date ……………………….District Election Officer ………………………… Notes: (1) A separate report should be sent in respect of each Constituency. (2) A report should cover all contesting candidates, whether they have been elected or defeated at the poll. (3) The name of the Constituency shall be spelt exactly in the same manner as in the Delimitation Order. The names of the candidates shall be spelt as in the list of contesting candidates. (4) In determining the last date by which the accounts of election expenses are to be lodged by the contesting candidates, the date on which the returned candidates has been declared elected shall not be taken into account while calculating the period of 30 days under Rule 105(1) of ……………………….. Sinlung Hills Council (Election) Rules, 2019. (5) Returns lodged by candidates after the last date should be examined andmaterial defects, if any, noticed therein, recorded in column 7. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50{See Rule 105(1)}- 65 -Ex-425/2019

Acquire the lands of the Petitioners for the EWS Housing Project at Hawngtial as per provision of the Mizoram 2016 Act

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 426Date - 27/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. K. 12011/14/2010-REV/728, the 27th June, 2019.Whereas the Hon’ble Aizawl Bench of Gauhati High Court in its judgement and order dated 16th May, 2016 in WP(C) No. 128/2018 directed the State Government to acquir e the la nds of the Petitioners for the EWS Housing P roject at Hawngtial as per provision of the Mizoram 2016 Act : And whereas the Preliminar y Notification for the said purpose was already published vide Mizoram Gazette Vol - XLVI, Issue No. 505 dated 15.09.2017, and a period of more than 12 months has lapsed since the date of the said notification on 14.09.2018; Now, the Government of Mizoram, under the provisions of section 19(7) of the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016, hereby notifies its decision to extend the said 12 - months period till 14.09. 2019 or till t he Declaration under S ection 19 is published in the Mizor am Gazette, whichever is earlier. R. Lalramnghaka, Special Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 27.6.2019 Ashadha 6, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 426Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Revision of Entitlement of residential landline Telephones including internet and mobile phones

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 427Date - 28/06/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OFFICE MEMORANDUMNo. D.25011/10/2018-GAD/Pt.1, the 27th June, 2019. Subject : Revision of Entit lement of r esidential la ndline Telephones including internet a nd mobile phones. 1.In pursuance of the Minutes of Meeting on revision of Entitlement of residential landline telephones including internet and mobile phones held on 7.3.2019 & 10.04.2019 vide No. D.25011/10/2018- GAD/ Pt-l dt.25.04. 2019 and in supersess ion of a ll previous Office Memoranda on entitlement of residential landline telephones including internet and mobile phones and in partial modification of OM No. D.25015/34/2016-GAD dt. 14.07.2017 issued by the Government of Mizoram, the undersigned her eb yrevises entitlement of residential landline telephones including internet and mobile phones by officersas shown below: Sl. Entitled Class of OfficersMonthly Billing of Residential No.landline telephone (including Internet) & Mobile Phone clubbed toget her (in Rs. ) 1. Chief Secretary(a) Private residence3,500/- (b) BungalowActual Bill 2. Addl. Chief Secreta ry, Principal S ecretar ies, Commissioners,3,500/- Secr etaries , Special Secretaries, DGP, IGP 3. Additional Secreta ries, Joint Secretaries, Heads of2,500/- Depa rtments (inclu ding Addl. Director), Superintendents of Police, Comma ndants, DIGP 4. Depu ty Secr etaries, Under Secreta ries and equiva lent1,000/- Officers posted in the M izor am Secreta ria t 5. Superintendents, Stenographers Grade -I and equiva lent600/- officers posted in the Mizor am Secreta ria t VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 28.6.2019 Ashadha 7, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 427 - 2 - Ex-427/2019 2.The category“Other Officers’ reflec tedinthe previous Office Memor anda is no more shown in the table of list of entitlement. Those officers who have already been specifically allowed by the Government to reta in residential landline telephone, internet and mobile phone under ‘Other Officers’ in the previous Office Memoranda may reimburse their bills not exceeding Rs. 600/- per month or they may seek approval of t he Government for revision as per their equivalent r ank. Those officers whose nature of wor ks genuinely demands r esidential landline telephone, internet and mobile phone may be cons idered case to case. In such cases, their request ma y be considered by the Government and the ceiling may be decided as per the equivalent ra nk of the officer. Thus, ‘Other Officers’ shall be construed to mean only those officers or class of officers who have been specially allowed by Government of Mizoram, General Administration Department to reimburse residential landline telephone, internet and mobile phone bills, in view of the nature of works / duties assigned to them even though they may not be otherwise entitled to reta in such means of communications. 3.It has come to the notice of the Government that Secretariat Administr ation Department (SAD) has been in receipt of bills from officers for different p eriods. As there are la rge numbers of entitled officers in the Mizoram Secretariat, some of them submitted their bills monthly/bi-monthly while others did quarterly. At times, some bills were lost a t the dak level. In light of the problems encountered by the Secr etariat Administration Depar tment in the current system of reimbursement of the bills, a uniform system of payment similar to that of the payment system of household peons may be adopted for reimbur sement of the telephone including internet and mobile phone bills in r espect of officers posted in the Mizoram Secretariat. Even if the actual bill exceeds the ceiling or is less than the admissible rate, a fixed a mount s hall be paid t o the entitled officer s every month. Thus, irrespective of the actual bills , a fixed sum of money has to be reimbursed to the officer s every month a s per their entitlement. 4.For officers who are included in the entitled class of officers but who are not posted in the Mizoram Secr etariat, the sum of the actua l monthly bills for residential landline including internet and mobile phone bills, not exceeding the ceiling, should be reimbursed by them every month from their resp ective Depa rtments / Offices on production of original receipts / cash memos. Re-imbursement should be made only for those bills which bear the name of the entitled officers concerned and no other name is a dmissible including a bill which bears the name of his / her members of the family. This revision of E ntitlement of residential la ndline telephones including internet and mobile phones shall becomeeffective fr om 1st July, 2019. This is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department (EC) vide I.D. No. FIN (EC)141/2019- GAD Dt.13.06.2019. Biaktluanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Change of name P. Rualthanchhingi D/o Chawngdenga (L)

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 428Date - 01/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. E/RO/PF/C-13713/2019/790, the 27th June, 2019.As a dmissible in the Office Memora ndum issued by Department of P ersonnel & Administra tive Reforms (General Service Wing), Govt. of Mizoram vide No. A. 47012/1/2016-P&AR (GSW) Dt. 17.01.2017, C/13713. Rualthanchhingi of Aizawl DEF (Crime Branch) is hereby a llowed to change her former name P. Rualtha nchhingi D/o Chawngdenga (L) which still continues in her service record into her assumed name Rualthanchhingi D/o Chawngdenga (L) with immediate effect. Hence, she may hereinaft er be called, known and distinguished in all proceedings, dealings a nd transactions of private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name as Rualthanchhingi D/o Chawngdenga (L). C. Lalza hngoa , MP S, Sr. Superintendent of Police, Aizawl Distr ict, Aizawl. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 1.7.2019 Ashadha 10, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 428Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram Drug Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre Accreditation Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 429Date - 01/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12012/39/2018-SWD, the 25th June, 2019.In exer cise of the powers conferred by section 43 of the Mizoram Drugs (C ontrolled Substances) Act, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the Mizoram Drug Tr eatment cum Rehabilit ation Centre Accredita tion Rules, 2019 with effect from the date of publica tion in the official Gazette of Mizoram. Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. THE MIZORAM DRUG TREATMENT CUM REHABILITATION CENTRE (TRCS) ACCREDITATION RULES, 2019 1.S hor t title, extent a nd commencement:- 1)These rules maybe called the Mizoram Drug Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre Accreditation Rules, 2019. 2)They shall extend to the whole of Mizoram. 3)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Definitions:- (1) In t hese rules, unless the context other wise requires- a)“Act ” means the Mizoram Drugs (Controlled Substances) Act,2016. b)“Accreditation” herein means being officially r ecognized, accepted or duly approved to implement a nd run the Drug Treatment cum Rehabilitation centres by the Government of M izoram on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commit tee. c)Accr editing Authority means Secretary to the Government of Mizoram Social Welfare Department. d)“applicant centre” means the Drug Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre applying for accreditation. e)“functioning centr e” means a centre that has been functioning for at least 6 months and has been pr oviding drug tr eatment cum rehabilit ation services in Mizoram. “MS D& RB” means t he Mizor am Social Defense and Rehabilitation Board constit uted under the Socia l Welfare Department to look after the drug demand reduction programme within the State of Mizoram. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 1.7.2019 Ashadha 10, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 429 - 2 - Ex-429/2019 f)“new centre” means a centre tha t has not started functioning and registered under the Societies Registration Act,1860. g)“operational accreditation” means approval for operation given to the centre for providing dr ug treatment cu m r ehabilitation services after evaluation of the centre by the accredita tion committee. h)“pr ovisional accreditation” means permission to start providing drug treatment cum rehabilitation services and is valid for a maximum period of 9 months only. 2)Words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as r espectively assigned to them in the Act or a ny rules made thereunder. 3.Applicant for accreditation certificate:- Two types of centers can apply for accreditation namely: a)A new center can a pply for provisional accreditation. During this period but after completion of 6 months of providing services, the centre will be re-evaluated as a functioning centre. b)A functioning center can apply for operationa l accreditation on submission of a ll the pre- requisite documents mentioned in Annexure I – VII. 4.Submission, scrutiny and pr ocess ing of a pplica tions:- 1)The applica nt centr e shall submit to the Accrediting Authority the application in the prescr ibed format along with a ll the required documents as mentioned in Form 1 to VII. 2)If the proposal along with all it s documents/annexures is complete, Accrediting Authority shall issue a receipt in the format given in Form VIII to the applicant centre. 3)If the proposal is incomplete or the infrastruct ure, staff, services and documentation does not match the cr iteria, it shall be communicated to the applicant centre and request for r ectifica tion and resubmission of the application on fu lfillment of the criteria. 4)Date shall be intimated to the applicant about the evaluation visit. 5)In case there is a problem with t he suggested da te, the center may su bmit a written request for re -scheduling of the center visit. 5 . Constitution of Accreditation Committee:- For assisting the verifica tion and evaluation of a center, MSD&RB, Social Welfare Depa rtment shall seek the help of experts from related fields and create an Accreditation Committee. The Accr editation Committee consisting of the following members may be constituted as follows: Sl. No.Department/OrganizationDesignation1.Secretary, SWD & Vice Chairman MSD&RBChairman 2.Commissioner, Excis e & Narcotics or his representa tiveMember 3.SP CID (Crime) or his representa tiveMember 4.State Nodal Officer, National Mental Health Prog, Hospital & Medical Education or his representa tiveMember 5.DSWO Aizawl E & WMember 6.CEO, MSD&RBMember 7.Chairman, MKHC or his representa tiveMember 8.President, CYMA or his representa tiveMember 9.Chairman, FINGODAP or his representa tiveMember 10.President, FONWIDAPAC or his representa tiveMember 11.President, MDUF or his representa tiveMember 12.Director, SWD & Member Secretary, MSD&RBMember Secretary 6 . Pr e requisit es for application of p rovisiona l Accer dit ation a nd Operationa l Accr editation: - 1)Provisional Accreditation : a.Application in Form I to VII 2)Operational Accreditation : a)Application in Form I to VII b)A functioning centr e that has been functional for at least 6 months with ‘provisonal accr editation’ from Social Welfare Department c)A team of staff members who have been functioning at the centre with t heir CVs and certificates 7.Constitution of Inspection team and procedure of inspection and evaluation of centre thereof:- 1)The Inspection team will be constituted in all the 8 (eight) districts of the state consisting of the following members; Sl. No.Department/OrganizationDesignation1.District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO)Chairman 2.SP Excise & Narcot ics or his representa tiveMember 3.Medical Superintendent or his representa tiveMember 4.SP Police or his representa tiveMember 5.President, YMA sub headquarter/MTP/YLA or his representativeMember 6.President, MHIP/MCHP or her representa tiveMember 7.President, MDUF sub headqua rterMember 8.Chief Executive Officer (CEO), MSD&RBMember Secretary 2)The Inspection team shall inspect the applicant centres and conduct on the spot evaluation of the components using the prescribed tools attached in the Form- IX. 3)Each members of the team will grade the center ba sed on their views upon inspection of the center in the forma t prescribed in Form- IX. The scores from individu al members will be tallied and the average shall be taken for final grading. 8 . Required basic minimum scores for accreditation :- Scores ComponentsFunct ioning centreNew centre Infrastructure60%50% Human resource70%50% Services70%40% Documentation70%40% Organizational Capacity70%50% Overall60%40% A centre will be scored based on both t he scor es received on individual components as well as on the overall. Thus if, a centr e matches an overall score but fails to secure the minimum score for any of the components, then, it will be a t the discretion of the Accreditation. Committee to approve the application. 9 . Result of eva lua tion and communica tion of result:- 1)Grading System and period of validity will be as follows : Grade A = Excellent Grade B = Very Good- 3 -Ex-429/2019 Grade C = Good Functioning Centre (TRC) who have scored up to Good will be liable for consideration of Operational Accreditation by the Accreditation Committee. 2)The Inspection team will t he repor t to the Accreditation Committee for considera tion of the Accr edita t ion. 10 . Issuance of Provisional /Operational Accreditation Certificate :- On the recommendation of the Accr edita tion Committee, Accr editing Author ity will issue on the recommenda tion of the Accreditation will issue P rovisiona l/Operational Accr edita tion Certificate in format prescribed in Form X. Sl. No.Funct ioning centresGradesNew centres1.60%-70%Good (C Gr ade)40%-60% 2.Above 70% -90%Very Good (B Grade)Above 60% -90% 3.Above 90% – 100%Excellent (A Grade)Above 90%– 100% 11.Period of validity of Accreditation:- Period of va lidity of the Accreditation will be for 2 (t wo) year s from the date of issuance of the Provisional /Opera tional Accreditation Certificate. 12.Disqualification and suspension of accredited treatment center: 1)An accredited treatment center maybe disqualified or suspended from running the centr e in case of any of the following reasons: a)Gross misdemeanor- like proven ill treatment/a buse of a patient. b)Financial misconduct c)Not registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860. d)Non-performa nce as reflected in the monitoring reports by Social Welfare Department. e)Not submitting scheduled a ctivity or fina ncial r eport to Social Welfar e Department f)Not being open to visits by authority a ssigned by the Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. Provided that the centre shall abide by the terms and conditions prescribed in the Rules fr amed by the Government of Mizor am failing which the centre will be liable for dis qualification from cont inuing to run the centre. 2)In such cases as in sub- rule 1 of rule 12, the inspection team may inspect and submit a report to the Accreditation Commit tee. 3)If a ny of the reasons given in sub- rule 1 of rule 12 is reported a nd proven to be true, the accr editation given to the center maybe cancelled or suspended for such period as ma y be decided by the Accreditation Commit tee.- 4 - Ex-429/2019 Application F orm for Pr ovisional/ Opera tional Accr edita tion of a Cent re : Form- I Full name of the individual, institution, organization, or community applying for a ccredita tion P er ma nent a ddr es s Phone number/s for official communication: Email –id for official communication: Society Registration no. Date of submission: Signa ture of the applicant Note to the applica nt: please fill up all the columns clearly (you may type them out) and check that all listed documents a re atta ched as per the checklist on page 2, failing which may disqualify the application. Form- II The following documents are to be submitted when applying for Provisional/ Operational Accreditation : Sl. No. List of documentsType of centre New centre Functioning centre 1.A proposal in the prescribed format (Annexure 1)99 2.Voter’s ID card of Chairman/Director, Secretary99 3.An updated Certificate of registr ation under the Societies99 Registration Act 1860/Mizoram Societies Registration Act 2005 4.A copy of the last audit r eport (if registered for more than99 one year) by CA or G overnment approved auditors 5.A floor map of the site showing space available for the centre*99 6.A list of staff with their CVs that include qualifications,99 experiences and tr ainings received* 7.List of services provided at the centre*99 8.A list of documentation/r ecords maintained at the centre*99 9.A detailed plan for financing the r unning of the centre99 that includes the modes/sour ces of r aising funds 10. A br ief report of the last quarter on the services provided in99 relation to drug treatment from the centre Template for proposalForm- III Proposed name of the centre Addr ess of the proposed venue Type of centre proposed TRC Number of Beds *A brief description of proposed services to be pr ovided and the deliver y modalities E.g.- Individual counseling for relapse prevention will be provided to each pa tient. The service will be provided through trained counselors. Each patient will be receiving at least 3 sessions of individual counseling ever y week, during his or her sta y at the T RC. T he sessions will cover –motivation enhancement, relapse prevention, management of craving, time, money and anger.- 5 -Ex-429/2019 Template for list of staff:Form- IV (Note: In case of a new centre this list should include the personnel proposed to be attached to the centre, in case of a functional centre this list should include the staff already working at the centr e). For each staff, a CV should be atta ched that mentions – the educational qualification, experience in the field of drug treatment and trainings received. PositionName Sex EducationDru g r ela tedExperience in the field trainings receivedof dr ug treatment Template for list of services: Form-V List of services (Note: in case of a new centre this list should include the services pr oposed to be provided fr om the centre, in case of a functional centre this list s hould include the services already b eing provided by the centre) Sl. Nos ServicesTick (9) if yes/cross (x) if noNos. per Month 1.Follow up 2.Educative/Input Sess ions 3.Individual counseling 4.Group sess ions 5.Family therapy 6.Referral 7.Medica l Assessment 8.Detoxification 9.Regular Medical Monitoring 10.Recr eation, Work Therapy 11.Referral Template for list of documentation/records Form- VI List of docu mentation (Note: in ca se of a new centre this list should include the documentation proposed maintained at the centre, in case of a functional centre this list should include the documentation alr eady being mainta ined at the centre) Sl. No Docu ments and registers//recordsTick(9)if being maintained and cross (x) if not 1.Intake Form 2.Admission register, including discharge records 3.Individual patients Records/File 4.Educative/Input sessions register 5.Individual counseling register/records 6.Family meetings, Counseling register/records 7.Follow up register/records 8.Staff Movement register/records 9.Referral directory- 6 - Ex-429/2019 10.Referral register/records 11.Medical Assessment Recor ds 12.Medicine Stock Records 13.Case History Records 14.Cash Book, Ledger 15.Asset Register 16.Staff Training Register 17.Staff meeting Register 18.List of Managing Board Members 19.Latest Audited Sta tement of Account 20.Latest Annual Report 21.Society Registration Photocopy 22.Voter ’s ID/Aadhar Ca rd Photocopy of President/Secretary Form- VII Receipt of application for accreditation Received one application for accreditation from _____________________________ with all the required documents attached on (date) _______________. Name and Signature of the receiving officer SWD For mat for assessment at the centre: Criteria for infrastructure:Form- VIII Sl. Nos InfrastructureTRC 1.Dormitories for patients:9 Adequate bed space of at least 1 foot to comforta bly accommodate all pa tients to be admitted Bedr ooms should be adequa tely equipped with separate beds for each patients and sepa rate locker for them to keep their belongingsAudio & visual privacy will be maintained in the rooms. 2.One hall for group activity adequately sized to comfor tably fit the number of patients9 to be admitted The hall should have adequa te provision for sitting in chairs all at the same time. 3.Counseling room –9 · A well-lighted and ventilated r oom, with minimum 2 cha irs and a small table a nd a provision for keeping records confidentia lly. 4.Office cum accounts room (with 1 lockable cupboard, chairs a nd tables for the sta ffs)9 5.Office room for the T RC manager (with 1 lockable cupboar d, 2 chairs and 1 small table)9 6.Kitchen (with cooking equipments, provision for gas connection, fir ewood etc.)9 7.Toilets- 1 toilet for 5 patients and bathroom per 10 patients9 8.Detoxification room (Beds to accommodate at least 10 patients, toilet and bath room to9 be attached) 9.Recr eation r oom (should have adequate provision for recreational activities like TV,9 books, carom board etc) 10.Medical examination room (a room with an examina tion table should be available for9 the patient to be examined by a doctor/nur se ensur ing privacy)- 7 -Ex-429/2019 1 . Huma n Resou rce:- T he following are the minimum prescr ibed human resource required for running an approved treatment centre: Criteria for staff: Sl. Staff positionsForMinimum requisite qualification No.TRC EducationalE xp er ienc e Tra inings QualificationAttended 1. Project Director9From NGOPrefer experiences in the field 2. Centre Manager9HSSLC and above (ConsiderationPrefer should be made even if centre does ex p er i en c es not have Cent re Manager while in the field Project Director resides within the Centre) 3. Accountant9HSLC and a bove 4. Counselors –For T RC -1 per 79B.A (Psychology)/ BSW/Diploma patients admitted in a TRCin Pastoral Care &Counselling (subsequently to be multiplied)(DPCC) failing which BA in any subject or recovering user with a minimum sobriety period of 2 years 5. 1 Cook and additional helping9Class VIII and a bove hands depending on the number of patients to be admitted 6. Par t-time Doctor9MBBS 7. Nurse9B.Sc, GNM, ANM 8. Ward Boy9Class VIII and a bove · For MSJE Funded IRCAs, the Staff structure and qualifications should be as prescribed by t he Minimum Standard of Care & Services, MSJE 2 . Services: The following a re the minimum services tha t should be provided to each patient by a centre seeking accreditation: Sl. NoServicesNos. for TRC 1.DetoxificationAs per requir ement 2.Educative sessions/ Input Class2 to 4 per week 3.Individual counseling1 per week & as p er needs of the patients 4.Family Meetingtime of admission & visiting day 5.ReferralAs per requir ement 6.Follow Uphome visit, telephone call 7.Initial Assessment & Case HistoryAt the time of Admission 8.Medica l AssessmentWithin 48 hrs of admission 9.Regular Medical Monitoring1 per week ‘‘Note: The services should be provided as per the Guidelines pr ovided for TRC by SWD (MSD&RB) and in case of MSJE Funded IRCA’s, services will be as per the Minimum St andard of Services laid by MS JE.”- 8 - Ex-429/2019 3 . Documentation/r ecor d keeping: T he following are the minimum documentations/records that are to be maintained at the applicant centre: Sl. NoDocumentsTRC1.Intake Form9 2.Admission Register , including Discharge records9 3.Individual patients File9 4.Educative Input sessions register/records9 5.Individual counseling register/records9 6.Group counseling reports/records9 7.Family Meeting, Counseling Register/records9 8.Follow up Register/records9 9.Staff Movement Register, Leave records9 10.Referral directory/records9 11.Referral register/records9 12.Medical Assessment Recor ds9 13.Medicine Stock Records9 14.Case History Records9 15.Cash Book, Ledger9 16.Asset Register9 17.Staff Training Register9 18.Staff Meeting Records9 19.List of Managing Board Members9 20.Latest Audited Sta tement of Account9 21.Latest Annual Report9 22.Society Registration Photocopy9 23.Voter ’s ID/Aadhar Ca rd Photocopy of President/Secretary9 Note: The documents/recor ds should be maintained in a ccordance to the guideline provided for TRC by Social Welfa re Depar tment (MSD&RB). They may also be maint ained on computers. 4 . Organizational capacity : Organization should be monitored in the following points which depicts reliability Sl. NoActivitiesTick (9) if yes/cross (x) if no1.Conducting Monthly/Review meeting with Staffs 2.Quar terly Board Meeting 3.Constitute Management Board- 9 -Ex-429/2019 Form-IX Tool for assessment of drug treatment centre for accreditation Type of accreditation applied forProvisional TRC (for new centre Operational TRC (tick the appropriate box)not yet operational) Name of the centre/proposed centre visited Address/location Name of the accreditation committee member Designation Date of centre visit Score cardMaximum scoreObta inedPercentage score for TRCscore TRC obta ined for TRC Total score 1(Infrastructure)27 Tota l score 2(Huma n resou rce)25(for a 15 bedded TRC) Tota l scor e 3(Services)17 Tota l score 4(Documentation)51 Total Score 5(Organizational Capacity)5 Over all score obta ined125 (for a 15 bedded TRC) Section 1. Assessing Infrastructure: Means of verification- physical verification of infrastructureInfrastructureFor TRC-Calcula- tion for sp ace r e- quir ed ba sed on criteria and number of pa tients to be admitted TRCActual space availableScor ing guideScore obtained (circle the app- ropria te) Dormitories for patients: Adequate bed space to comfortably accommo- date all patients to be admittedBedrooms should be adequately equipped with separate beds for each patients and lockers for them to keep their belongings9Poor- Space available; not meeting the criteria Aver age – Sp ace ava ila ble; meets the measurement crit eria Good- Space a vailable; ;meets the measurement criteria and is adequ ately equ ipped Excellent- Space available is more than the set criteria and is adequ ately equ ipped0 1 2 3 9 One hall for group activities adequately sized to comfortably fit t he n u mb er of p a t ient s t o be admittedThe hall should have adequa te provision for sitting all in cha irs at the same t ime.Poor- Space a vailable not meeting the criteria Aver age – Sp ace ava ilable meets the measurement crit eria Good- Space available meets the measurement criteria and is adequ ately equ ipped Excellent- Space available is more than the set criteria and is adequ ately equ ipped0 1 2 3- 10 - Ex-429/2019 Counseling room – · A well-lighted and ventilated room (with 2 chairs and a small table and a provision for keeping records confi- dentially)Poor- Space a vailable not meeting the criteria Aver age – Sp ace ava ilable meets the measurement crit eria Good- Space available meets the measurement criteria and is adequ ately equ ipped Excellent- Space available is more than the set criteria and is adequ ately equipped0 1 2 39 Office cum accounts room (with 1 lockable cupboard, chairs and table for staffs)Poor- Space a vailable not meeting the criteria Aver age – Sp ace ava ilable meets the criteria Good- Space available meets the criteria and is adequately equipped Excellent- Space available is more than the set criteria and is adequ ately equipped0 1 2 39 Office room for the TRC manager (with 1 lockable cupboard, 2 chairs a nd 1 small table)Poor- Space a vailable not meeting the criteria Aver age – Sp ace ava ilable meets the criteria Good- Space available meets the criteria and is adequately equipped Excellent- Space ava ilable is more than the set criteria and is adequately equipped0 1 2 3Kitchen (with cooking equipment, provision for gas connection, firewood etc.)90 1 2 3 Poor- Space a vailable not meeting the criteria Average – space available meets the criteria Good- Space available meets the criteria and is adequately equipped Excellent- Space available is more t han t he s et crit er ia a nd is a d eq u a t el y equipped0 1 2 3 Toilets& Ba throoms - 1 toilet per 5 patients and 1 bathroom per 10 patients9Poor- Space available not meeting the criteria Aver age – Sp ace ava ilable meets the criteria Good- Space available meets the criteria and is adequately equipped Excellent- Space ava ilable is more than the set criteria and is adequ ately equ ipped- 11 -Ex-429/2019 Detox ification Room (Adequate spa ce to accommodate at least 5 to 6 patients, toilet & bath room to be attached)Poor -Space for 5 to 6 beds not availa ble, ba thr oom & toilet not attached Average - S pace for 5 to 6 beds available, bathroom & toilet attached Good - Space for 5 to 6 beds available, bathroom & toilet attached, recreational facilities like TV, books available Recreational Room (should have adequate space and pr ovision for recreational activities like TV, books etc)90 1 2 9Poor – No recreational room and no provision for recreational activities Average -Not adequa te space and not a dequate provision for recreational activities0 1 Good – adequa te space and provision for recreational activities2Medical Examination Room (a room with an examination table should be a vailable for the patient to be exa mined by a doctor/ nurse ensur ing privacy)Poor – No Medica l room available Average–Medical room availa ble/ designated, but no examina tion table provided Good – Medical room available with examina tion table provided; priva cy during examination ensured Total Score Obtained 1 (Infrastructure)90 1 2Any additional remarks on infrastructure- 12 - Ex-429/2019 Section 2. Assessing Human resource: Means of ver ification- CV/bio data of the staff, with educational and training certificates obtained and meeting in person Staff positionsCalculation on number of staff based on criteria and number of patients For TRCScor ing guideScore obtained (circle the appropriate)9 Pr oject Director (Fr om NGO) (B.A and above, but having experiences in the field is pr eferable even without the desired qualification)Staff not in place Staff recruited but not sufficiently qualified Qualified sta ff recruited but not adequately tr ained Qualified and trained staff recruited0 1 2 3Center Mana ger (H SSLC a nd above)Staff not in place Staff recruited but not sufficiently qualified Qualified sta ff recruited but not adequately tr ained Sufficiently qualified a nd tra ined staff recruited 90 1 2 3Accountant (HSLC and above, experiences in the field is preferable)9Staff not in place Staff recruited but not sufficiently qualified Qualified sta ff recruited but not adequately tr ained Sufficiently qualified a nd tra ined staff recruited0 1 2 3 Counselors – (BA and above, with preferences given to recovering user with a minimum 2 years sobriety period ) · For TRC -1 per 7 patients admit ted in a TRC (eg. 2 counsellors should be placed in a 15 bedded TRC)Staff not in place Staff recruited but not sufficiently qualified Qualified sta ff recruited but not adequately tr ained Sufficiently qualified and tra ined staff recruited 990 1 2 3Cook (1 per 15 patients)Staff not in place Staff in place0 19 Assistant cook/helper (1 per 15 patients)Staff not in place Staff in place0 1Part-time Doctor (MBBS) 9Staff not in place Qualified staff recruited but not adequately tr ained0 1- 13 -Ex-429/2019 Sufficiently qualified a nd tra ined staff recruitedNurse (B.Sc, GNM, ANM) 9Staff not in place Staff recruited but not sufficiently qualified Qualified sta ff recruited but not adequately tr ained Sufficiently qualified and tra ined staff recruited0 1 2 3Ward Boy (Class VIII and above)Staff not in place Staff recruited but not sufficiently qualified Qualified sta ff recruited but not adequately tr ained Sufficiently qualified a nd tra ined staff recruited0 1 2 3Tota l score obtained 2 (Huma n r es ou rce)Any additional remar ks on human resourceSection 3. Assessing Services Means of verification- registers, individual pa tient records and discussion with the patients ServicesCalculations as per cr iter ia and nu mb er of patients Nos. for TRCScor ing guideScore obtained (circle the appropriate)Follow upHome visits, through telephoneNot provided a t all Contact within 2 months Contact at least once a month (home visit /telephone)0 1 2Educative/Input Sess ions2 to 4 per weekNot provided a t all Provided 1-2 times a week Provided 3-4 times a week Provided 4 and above per week0 1 2 3Individual counseling1 per week per patientNot provided a t all Provided once a week Provided more than once a week0 1 2Family Meeting at the time of admission & visiting dayNot provided a t all Pr ovided eit her at the time of admission or visiting day Pr ovided both at the time of admission & visiting day0 1 2- 14 - Ex-429/2019 ReferralAs per requirementNot done at all Done as per needs of clients0 1DetoxificationAs per requirementNot provided a t all Provided; but not manage with- drawal Withdrawal managed in adequate doses0 1 2Regular Medical Monitor ing1 per weekNot provided a t all Irregularly done by a doctor Monitoring done once a month by a doctor Monitoring done ever y week by a doctor0 1 2 3RecreationDoes not have the room and facilities Facilities a vailable but no room Room and fa cilities available0 1 2Total Score Obtained 3 (Services)Any additional remarks on services Section 4. Documentation:- Means of verification- registers/patient files, individual and group counseling records on paper or on computers maintained at the centre and through discu ssion with the staff Documents TRCScor ing guideScore obtained (circle the appropriate)Intake FormNot maintained/available for assessment0 Maintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Case HistoryNot maintained/available for assessment0 Maintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Admission & DischargeNot maintained/available for assessment0 Register/recordsMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Individual patient’s FileNot maintained/available for assessment0 Maintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly399 9 9- 15 -Ex-429/2019 Educa tive& Input sess ionsNot maintained/available for assessment0 recordsMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Individual counsellingNot maintained/available for assessment0 register /r ecor dsMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Family MeetingsNot maintained/available for assessment0 Register/recordsMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Follow UpNot maintained/available for assessment0 Records/RegisterMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Staff Movement Register/Not maintained/available for assessment0 Leave recordsMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Staff TrainingNot maintained/available for assessment0 Register/recordsMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Staff meetingNot maintained/available for assessment0 Records/registerMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Asset Register/RecordsNot maintained/available for assessment0 Maintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Cash Book, LedgerNot maintained/available for assessment0 Maintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Networking &Not maintained/available for assessment0 Referral directoryMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Referral register/recordsNot maintained/available for assessment0 Maintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Medica l AssessmentNot maintained/available for assessment0 RecordsMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly39 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9- 16 - Ex-429/2019 Medicine Stock RecordsNot maintained/available for assessment0 Maintained but poor ly and irregularly1 Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Organizational StructureNot maintained/available for assessment0 (list of Managing BoardMaintained but poor ly and irregularly1 member s)Maintained properly but irregularly2 Maintained pr operly and regularly3 Tota l Score Obtained 4 (Documentation/Record Keeping) Any additional remar ks on documenta tion Section 5. Organizational Capacity:- Means of Verification – r egister and file records on paper or computer maintained at the centre, individual and group interaction with managing board members and sta ffs. DocumentsScoring GuideScor e Obta ined (cir cle the appropriate) Quar terly Board MeetingDoes not conduct at all0 Meeting conducted less t han 4 times1 Meeting conducted quarterly2 Conducting Monthly/Weekly Does not conduct at all0 Review with StaffsMeeting conducted less tha n Monthly/Weekly1 Meeting conducted Monthly/Weekly2 Constitute Management Board Does not constitute Management Board0 List of Management Board members availa ble1 Tota l Score Obtained 5 (Organizational Capacity) Any other remarks on overall impression about the centre Signature- 17 -Ex-429/2019 FORM - X CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION No : __________ Date : ______________ This is to certify that xxxx (-na me of the centr e) run by YYYY (name of the applicant agency) is hereby certified with a Provsisional/Operational accreditation’ which hereby entitles them to provide Drug Treatment & Rehabilit ation services in Mizoram in accordance to the provisions of the Mizora m Drug (Controlled Substances) Act 2016, under the guidance of Socia l Welfa re Depar tment, Government of Mizoram. This certificate is valid subject to continued compliance with the a ccreditation requirements. The accreditation is valid from DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. Signature Accr editing Author ity.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/200- 18 - Ex-429/2019

Change of name Pi Ngurzampuii, UDC Champhai WATSAN Circle, PHE Department

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 430Date - 01/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 21015/1/2018-PHE, the 21st June, 2019.Pi Ngur zampuii, UDC Champhai WATSAN Circle, PHE Department is hereby allowed to cha nge her name to Mary Ngurzampuii. Henceforth, she will be known as Mary Ngurzampuii which shall be written in her service records and all other official documents. Amjad Tak, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 1.7.2019 Ashadha 10, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 430Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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