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The Mizoram Entry Tax Act, 2015 with effect from 1 st April, 2016 and until further order since the Mizoram Entry Tax Act & Rules, 2015 will come into force on the 1 st April, 2016 in the Local Area of Mizoram State.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 74Date - 13/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 13.4.2016 Chaitra 24 S.E. 1938, Issue No. 74 NOTIFICATIONNo.J.11015/1/05-TAX, the 1st April, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 19 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify that sub- rule (1) & (2) of Rule 97 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 shall not apply to the list of specified goods/items of the Mizoram Entry Tax Act, 2015 with effect from 1st April, 2016 and until further order since the Mizoram Entry Tax Act & Rules, 2015 will come into force on the 1st April, 2016 in the Local Area of Mizoram State. L.N. Tochhong, Co mmissio ner/Secret ary t o t he Go vt . o f Mizo ram, Taxation Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

Affidavit of H.Lalruata S/o Biaktluanga Hmarveng, Kolasib

VOL - XLVISSUE - 75Date - 13/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 13.4.2016 Chaitra 24 S.E. 1938, Issue No. 75 AFFIDAVITI, H.Lalruata S/o Biaktluangaaged about 46 years a permanent resident of Hmarveng, Kolasib Christian by faith do hereby solemnly affirm and declared as follows : 1.That I am bonafide citizen of Indian by birth and belonging to Scheduled Tribe. 2.That I am servicing in the Mizoram Police, since 1986. 3.That my name is wro ngly writ t en asLALRUATA in my service book. 4.That my true and correct name isH.LALRUATA S/o Biaktluanga. Verified on this 12th day of June, 2014 at Kolasib place that the contents of above affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief based on record and believed by me to be true. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.Inentified by: BUANGTHANGPUII Advocate Mizoram Bar Association Dist rict Co urt s, Ko lasibSigned before me Magistrate 1st Class Ko lasib: Aizawl Sessio ns Divisio nDEPONENT

General Performance Grants to Municipalities/Urban Local Bodies in Mizoram.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 76Date - 13/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 13.4.2016 Chaitra 24 S.E. 1938, Issue No. 76 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13019/10/2016-UD&PA, the 31st March, 2016.As prescribed in t he Guidelines o f t he Fo urt eent h Finance Co mmissio n para 19 (ii), t he Go verno r o f Mizo ram is pleased t o no t ify t he fo llo wing pro cedures and co ndit io ns fo r disbursal of General Perfo rmance Grant s t o Municipali- t ies/Urban Lo cal Bo dies in Mizo ram. 1. General Performance Grants will be released only to those Municipalities/urban local bodies t hat fulfill such t hree (3) co ndit io ns laid do wn by Fo urt eent h Finance Co mmissio n. Such conditions are: a. The Municipalit y will have t o submit audit ed acco unt s t hat relat e t o year no t earlier than two years preceeding the year in which the Municipality seeks to claim the perfor- mance grant. b. The Municipality will have to show an increase in its own revenues over the preceding year as reflected in the audited accounts. The improvement in revenue accounts will be determined o n t he basis of these audited accounts and o n no other basis. For computing the increase in own revenues in a particular year, the proceeds from octroi and entry tax must be excluded. c. The Municipality must measure and publish the Service Level Bench Marks relating to basic urban services each year for the period of the award and make it publically avail- able. The Service Level Bench Mark of the Ministry of Urban Development may be used for this purpose. 2. The quant um o f incent ives will be released t o t he Municipalit ies/urban lo cal bo dies o n t he fo llo wing crit eria. a. Po pulat io n: Out o f t he t o t al General Perfo rmance Grant s allo t t ed t o a part icular mu- nicipality, 50% of General Performance Grants will be allotted on the basis of size of population. b. Area: Out o f t he t o t al General Perfo rmance Grant s allo t t ed t o a part icular municipalit y, 10% of General Performance Grant will be allotted on the basis of size of population. c. Forest and Green Area Coverage: Out of the total General Performance Grants allotted t o a part icular municipalit y, 10% o f General P erfo rmance Grant s will be allo t t ed o n t he basis of area of forest cover compared to the total area of a municipality. d. Coverage in Core Municipal Services: Out of the total General Performance Grants allo t t ed t o a part icular municipalit y, 15% o f General Perfo rmance Grant s will be allo t - ted on the basis of level of core municipal services provided. e. Regulat io n o f Building Co nst ruc t io n wit h inclusio n o f Wat er Harvest ing Pro visio n: Out o f t he t o t al General Perfo rmance Grant s allo t t ed t o a part icular municipalit y, 15% o f General Perfo rmance Grant s will be allo t t ed o n t he basis o f inst it ut io nalizat io n o f regulat io n o f building co nst ruct io n wit h inclusio n o f wat er harvest ing pro visio n. 3. Arrangement of Technical Guidance & Support by the C&AG should be continued by the State Government as notified vide No.G.11023/4/2008-FCC dt.02.06.2011 and 24.06.2011. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urban Development & Poverty Department. Ex-76/20162 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Interim Period of the Sinlung Hills Development Council for another pe- riod of 1(one) year or until further order whichever is earlier, w.e.f. 1.6.2016 to 31.5.2017.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 77Date - 13/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 13.4.2016 Chaitra 24 S.E. 1938, Issue No. 77 NOTIFICATIONNo.D.32020/1/2014-GAD/SHDC, the 8th April, 2016.In continuation to the Govt. of Mizoram’s Notification No.D.32020/1/2014-GAD/SHDC dt.6.5.2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased t o ext end t he Int erim P erio d o f t he Sinlung Hills Develo pment Co uncil fo r ano t her pe- riod of 1(one) year or until further order whichever is earlier, w.e.f. 1.6.2016 to 31.5.2017. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased t o extend t he Interim Period o f Chairman and other Members of the Council for the extended Interim Period of SHDC with effect from 1st June, 2016. Arvind Ray, Addl. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administ rat io n Depart ment . Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Mamit District station areas as CHHIPPUI village with immediate effect and valid for 2 years.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 78Date - 13/04/2016

N O T I F I C A T I O NNo. J-12011/3/2014-REV/21, the 31st March, 2016.In pursuance to this Depar tment’s Notification No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinMamit Districtstation areas asCHHIPPUIvillage wit h immedia te effect and valid for 2 yea rs. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman:Pu C.Sangliana, Pr esident, Villa ge Council. 2.Secretary:Tv. Lalkungpuia, Headmaster H/S. MEMBERS: 1)Pu Lalchuailova, Secretary V.C. 2)Pu Rokima, MNF 3)Pu Khawvelthanga, INC 4)President, MUP 5)President, YMA 6)Prominent Persons : - a)Pu Malsawmthanga b)Pi Lalzawmliani. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will b e the Screening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Boa rd s hall have to ju diciously examine t he applica nt’s or igina lity with r eference to sub- section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the a pplicant or applicants the Boa rd shall have to reject outright.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 13.4.2016 Chaitra 24, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 78 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twice in a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. T he Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairman by giving a t least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any ca tegory or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairma n of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must be submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the ma tter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. T he recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one a pplicant for one plot or one a rea SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obstruction to future infrastructure development wor k of the Government. It shall also take into account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of t he Mizor am (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 a s amended from time to t ime. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt.of Mizoram Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. Ex-78/20162 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

Advisory Committee to aid and advice the Appropriate Authority in the discharge of its functions, consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further order.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 152Date - 03/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 3.6.2016 Jyaistha 13, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 152 NOTIFICATIONNo.Z.11011/8/2015-HFW, the 26th May, 2016.In supersession of this Department’s Notification of even no. dated 04.12.2015 and as per the powers conferred under section 17 of the Pre-conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994, and The Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (Regulation & Prevention of Misuse) (Advisory Committee) Rules, 1996, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute ‘Advisory Committee’ to aid and advice the Appropriate Authority in the discharge of its functions, consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further order. ADVISORY COMMITTEE1.Joint Secretary, Law & Judicial Department-Chairman 2.Dr. R.Lianhnuna, Radiologist, MSCI, Aizawl-Member 3.Dr. Doris L Sailo, Peadiatrician, Civil Hospital, Aizawl-Member 4.Dr. C.Ngurbiakveli, Gyneacologist, Civil Hospital, Aizawl-Member 5.Pu F.Lalfakzuala, MIS (IPRO)-Member 6.Vice President, MUP, Mizoram-Member 7.Vice President, MHIP, Mizoram-Member 8.Vice Chairman, Kohhran Hmeichhia (Presbyterian)-Member The Advisory Committee may meet as and when it thinks fit or on the request of the Appropriate Authority for consideration of any application for registration or complaint for suspension or cancellation of registration and to give advice thereon : Provided that, the period intervening between any two meetings shall not exceed the prescribed period (vide Section 17(8) of the said Act). Lalrinliana Fanai, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

By-Election was held for the purpose of constituting 3 (three) Village Councils under Mara Autonomous District Council on 26 th May, 2016 and;

VOL - XLVISSUE - 153Date - 03/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 3.6.2016 Jyaistha 13, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 153 NOTIFICATIONNo. B.12024/1/2016-SEC/VC/MADC, the 27th May, 2016. WHEREAS, in pursuance of the Commission’s Notification issued under Memo of even No, dt. 2.5.2016 under sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Election to Village Council) Rules, 2014, By-Election was held for the purpose of constituting 3 (three) Village Councils under Mara Autonomous District Council on 26th May, 2016 and; WHEREAS, the results of the election to the said Village Councils has been declared by the Returning Officers concerned on 26th May, 2016; and NOW, THEREFORE, as provided under Rule 77 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Election to Village Council) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commission hereby notifies the names of the members elected in respect of 3 (three) Village Council Constituencies under Mara Autonomous District Council along with their party affiliations as shown below: S/NNo. & Name of Village CouncilName of Elected CandidateParty Affiliation143-Saikao1AZ. BeibaolaiINC 2B. LaisaINC 3N. ReithaiMDF 4L. RiliMDF 5M. Sh ar on ( R )MDF 248-Theiri1S. BeikhoINC 2S. BeisiaIND 3V. SiekhaINC 4S. MohsiaINC 5Rei si (R)IND 370-Lotai1C. ChamawMDF 2TawtuINC 3Liato SoloINC 4T.T. Khaiso (R)MDF By order, etc H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

Aizawl Municipal Corporation hereby declared rates for parking a vehicle, areas of on-street parking timings for collection of parking fees within the limits of the Aizawl Municipal Corporation with immediate effect

VOL - XLVISSUE - 233Date - 29/07/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 29.7.2016 Sravana 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 233 NOTIFICATION No.B.12011/1/2012-AMC, the 1st July, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by regula tion 6 & 8 of the Aizawl Municipal C ouncil(Control of Parking and Collection of Parking Fees) Regulations, 2012, and in pursua nce of the decision t aken by the Boa rd of C ouncillors meeting held on 8. 6.2016, the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation hereby declared ra tes for parking a vehicle, ar eas of on-street parking , timings for collection of parking fees within the limits of the Aiza wl Municipal C orporation with immediate effect and until further or der. Hot Zone½ hr1hr2hrs3hrs4hrs5hrs 6hrs7hrs8hrs9hrs 10hrs 1. SUVRs.10 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.60 Rs.80 Rs.100 Rs.120 Rs.150 Rs.180 Rs.210 2. LMVRs.10 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.50 Rs.60 Rs.70 Rs.90 Rs.110 Rs.130 Rs.150 3. TwoRs. 5 Rs.10 Rs.15 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.50 Rs.60 Rs.70 Rs.80 Rs.90 Rs.100 wheeler A 1. LMVRs.10 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.50 Rs.60 Rs.70 Rs.80 Rs.90 Rs.100 Rs.120 2. TwoRs. 5 Rs.10 Rs.10 Rs.15 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.50 Rs.60 Rs.70 Rs.80 wheeler B 1. LMVRs.10 Rs.20 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.50 Rs.60 Rs.70 Rs.80 Rs.90 Rs.100 2. TwoRs. 5 Rs.10 Rs.10 Rs.15 Rs.15 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.50 Rs.60 Rs.70 wheeler C 1. LMVRs. 5 Rs.10 Rs.10 Rs.15 Rs.15 Rs.20 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.50 Rs.60 2. TwoRs. 5 Rs.10 Rs.10 Rs.10 Rs.10 Rs.15 Rs.15 Rs.20 Rs.20 Rs.30 Rs.30 wheeler 1.Category - A (P lus Hot Zone), B & C A.Ca tegor y A (Plus Hot Zone) : i.Bawngkawn Durtlang Road Tr affic point to Kulika wn Tlangnuam junction via Ramhlun and Upper Bazar Dawrpui. ii.Bawngkawn Durtlang Road Traffic point to Chanma ri via Chaltla ng . iii.Chanmari to Israel point via lower Zarkawt. i v.Sikulpuikawn to Zodin via Temple Square and Kha tla, Tennis Court . v.Temple Squar e to Vaivakawn via Dawrpui vengthar. vi.Baza r Bungkawn Traffic point to Sakawrpuilui Tra ffic point via Saron veng. vii.Treasure square Traffic point to Sikulpuikawn via Upper Republic. - 2 - Ex-233/2016 Hot ZoneSl.NoPLACEREMARKS1.Floria Glamour KawtTwo Wheelers Par king 2.Baza r Phei (Israel point Bus stand hnung atangin chhimlamah Two Wheelers and LMV Parking Aiza wl Mosque thleng.) 3.Upper Bazar (Aizawl Civil Hospital peng bul)Two Wheelers Par king 4.Millenium Centre chhakTwo wheelers Par king (Hnam ro chawi sang pawl Building Opposite) 5.Creative Business Building kawt pheiLMV Pa rking (Creative Business Building to Hotel Ritz) 6.AR Wet Canteen luhna opposit e atanga Bazar lamahTwo Wheelers par king D Light enterprise in kil hmar lam thleng. 7.Assa m Rifles Mandir opposite kawng chhakLMV Pa rking 8.Assa m Rifles Mandir bul kawng thlangTwo wheelers par king 9.SBI Main Branch kawtTwo wheelers & LMV Pa rking 10.Quar ter gua rd bul(Kawng chhak)LMV Pa rking 11.Gandhi lim to Vanapa HallTwo Wheelers & LMV Pa rking 12.Treasury SquareTwo Wheelers Par king 13.Sangchia Building opposite, Zar kawtLMV Pa rking 14.Zart dawr kawt phei, ZarkawtTwo wheelers 15.Hotel Regency bul Chanma ri lam ah.LMV Pa rking 16.Lalbuaia Shopping Complex bulTwo Wheelers Par king 17.New Life Hospital kawt leh kawng chhak lam.Two Wheelers & LMV Pa rking 18.Art & Cultur e Office thlang kawng chho.Two Wheelers & LMV Pa rking 19.Pu Robula in kawngthlang kual a tangin Bazar lamahLMV Pa rking Pu S uakchhunga Building hmar lam kil thleng. 20.Grace Nursing Home Building hmarla m kil atangin BazarTwo Wheelers & LMV Pa rking lama h Zarka wt pan chhohna step bul thleng. 21.Mamta Bazar to SakawrpuluiTwo Wheelers & LMV Pa rking 22.Pu.F Kapsanga Building (Temple Squa re atangin chha klamTwo Wheelers & LMV Pa rking ah sanitation site office thlang kual thleng. 23.Solomons Ca ve oppositeTwo Wheelers B.Category B : i.Kulikawn Tlangnuam junction to Melthum via Ngaizel. ii.Vaivakawn to Chanmari via Chanmari West. iii.Khatla Secr etariat junction to Maubawk junction via Nursery and Ma ubawk road. i v.Pi Pangi junction to Bethlehem Vengthla ng kawn via College Veng. v.Bawngkawn Du rtlang Road Tra ffic point to Durtlang North ICFAI ju nction via Durtlang Leitan. vi.Bawngkawn Durtlang Road Tr affic point to City Bus Stop at Zema bawk via Thuampui. vii.Bawngkawn Sairang Road Tr affic point to Company peng via Edenthar viii.Bawngkawn S airang Road Tra ffic point to Sakawrpului Tra ffic point via Ramhlun and Aizawl Venglai. C. Category C: 1.All other specified parking areas within the city not mentioned in Category A (plus Hot Zone) and B. 2.Rates for night parking: Sl. No.CategoriesSummerWint erRa tes(per month)1.A i) LMV6:30 PM - 7:30 AM6:00 PM - 8:00 AMRs. 600.00 ii) 2 Wheelers6:30 PM - 7:30 AM6:00 PM - 8:00 AMRs. 250.00 2.B i) LMV6:30 PM - 7:30 AM6:00 PM - 8:00 AMRs. 400.00 ii) 2 Wheelers6:30 PM - 7:30 AM6:00 PM - 8:00 AMRs. 150.00 3C i) LMV6:30 PM - 7:30 AM6:00 PM - 8:00 AMRs. 250.00 ii) 2 Wheelers6:30 PM - 7:30 AM6:00 PM - 8:00 AMRs. 50.00 2.Timings for collect ion of parking fees will be fr om 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. dur ing summer and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during winter seasons. 3.DEMARCATED ON- STREET PARKING AREA WITHIN AIZAWL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AREA Sl. No.Area No.Area Descriptions11Melthum & S aikhama kawn 22Ngaizel 33Tlangnuam to Kulikawn Road 44Kulikawn Area 55Thakthing Area (T hakthing Tlang & Dam Veng) 66Mission Veng Baza r to Sikulpuikawn 77Mission Veng to Mission Vengthlang 88Tuikhuahtlang 99Upper Kha tla 1010Secr etariat Complex to Khatla Ka wn to S ikulpuikawn 1111Tennis Court to Khatla 1212Khatla kawn to Nursery (Cha wnga Road), Nur sery & Khatla S outh 1313Bungkawn Area 1414Bawngkawn T lang Veng, Shivaji Tilla 1515Bungkawn Vengthar 1616Maubawk 1717Lawipu 1818Sikulpuikawn to Treasury Square via Upper Republic & Venghlui 1919Repu blic, C ollege Veng leh ITI 2020Tuit hiang, Bethlehem, Bethlehem Vengthlang Area 2121Aizawl Tennis Cour t to Aizawl Temple 2222Tr eas ury Ar ea 2323Zodin 2424Zodin-Dawrpui (Baza r Bungkawn) 2525Millenium Centre 2626Dawrpui Biak In to Ba zar Bungkawn 2727Za rka wt Ar ea 2828Lower Chanmari - Lower Zarkawt – Dawrpui (Upa Pawl Chawlhbuk) 2929Saron Veng to Electric Veng via Chhinga Veng 3030Electric Veng, Aizawl Venglai & Ramthar 3131Chhinga Veng, Armed Veng & Armed Veng S outh 3232Temple to Va ivakawn – I (Tuikual & Dintha r & Dawrpui Vengthar Area)- 3 -Ex-233/2016 3333Temple to Va ivakawn – II (Dawrpui Vengtha r & Vaivakawn area) 3434Kanan Veng 3535Joint YMA Field to Dinthar & Dinthar kawn Area 3636Chawnpui & Zotlang Area 3737Zonuam area (University r oad), Zonuam to Govt. Complex road & Luangmual Chhangurkawn & Govt. Complex Area 3838Chawlhhmun R opaiaba wk, Tuivamit, Ramrikawn, Tanhr il & Sa kawrtuichhun 3939Rangvamual 4040Chanmari West , Edenthar & Hunthar 4141Chanmari - I 4242Chanmari – II (Chanmari Ka wn to Ra mhlun Road) 4343Chanmari – III (Chanmari Kawn to Cha ltlang Road) 4444Chaltlang Dawrkawn to Tourist Lodge & Laipuit lang 4545Chaltlang t o Bawngkawn Road & Chaltlang North - I 4646Chaltlang North – II (Sa irang R oad) 4747Ramhlun South (Upper & Lower Road) 4848Ramhlun Venglai (Upper & Lower Road) & Ramhlun Vengthar 4949Ramhlun North 5050Bawngkawn Chhimveng (Upper & Lower Road) & Tlaklui to Industry Peng 5151Bawngkawn & Bawngkawn Sairang Road Traffic point to New Foundland school 5252Bawngkawn Lunglei road 5353Bawngkawn Lunglei road to T huampui (Zuangtui peng), Thuampui to Zuangtui & Muanna veng 5454Bawngkawn Durtlang Road 5555Durtlang – I (Durtlang Leitan & Durtlang Area) 5656Durtlang – II (Durtlang & Durtlang North a rea) 5757Falkland & Zemaba wk Kawn Veng – I 5858Zema bawk Kawn Veng – II & Cancer Hospital Tlang Dr. H. Lalthlangliana, Municipal Commissioner, Aizawl Municipal Corporation. - 4 - Ex-233/2016 DEMARCATED ON-ST REET PARKING AREAS WITHIN AIZAWL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AREA 2016 AIZAWL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Area No. 1 : MELTHUM & SAIKHAMAKAWN MELTHUM Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu S aikhuma Sailo Colony Building chhim lam Thir banL-10.5mtrs3 nos Taxis atanga hmar lamah Pi Kapi Dawr huamin. W4.5mtrs (Tempora ry) SAIKHAMAKAWN 1Presbyterian Biak In chhim lam luh chhohna Step atangaL-13mtrs13 nos chhim lamah Pu C. Zakhuma In kil hmar lam zawn thlengW-lmt TwoWheelers 2A chunga sawi Step zawn zuah awlin hmar lamahL-3Lmtrs7 nos LMV Presbyterian Biak In luh chhohna S tep thleng. W-1.7mtrs 3Presbyterian Biak In hmar lam kil zawn atanga hmar lamahL-31.5mtrs10 nos Taxi Pu Zohmingliana In bul ah kalna tur zuah awlin hmar lamahW-1.5mtrs Pu P hirthanga In kil hma r lam zawn thleng. 4City Bus Stand: City Bus Stand (i) Pi Zoparmawii In bul. (ii) Pu Phirthanga In bul (Mami Tea Stall bul). (iii) Pu Rintluanga In bul (YMA Golden Jubilee Lungphun bul). Area No.2: NGAIZEL Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Laldawngliana Workshop bul thir ban atanga hmar lama h Electr ic thir ban thleng.L-160 mtrs Maxi Cab Stand 2A chunga sawi thir banatanga hmar lamah Pi Lalrinthuami in kil hmar lam Electric ban thleng.L-50 mtrs Maxi Cab Stand 3City Bus Terminal: Upa Pawl In kil Footpath tawp thir ban atanga hmar lamah Lalnghakliana Petrol Pump chhim lam Electric thir ban (C hecker Buk) thleng.L-226 mtrs City Bus Terminal 4Lalnghakliana Petr ol Pump hmar lam Jai Jawan Stall in kil hmarlam thirban a tangin chhimlamah Pu Parmawia In kilL - 42 mtrs chhim lam thir ban bul thleng. W-1.5 mtrs13 nos Taxi 5Pu P armawia In kil chhim la m thir ban bul atanga hmar lama h Trade & Commerce Building (Chhim lam zawk)L-94.5mtrs Zotei Dawr zawn thleng. W-1. 7mtrs Dropping Zone 6A chunga sa wi Zotei Dawr atanga hmar la mah Tra de & Commerce Ma in Entr ance chhim lam ban thleng.L-35 mtrs Line Bus stand 7A chung a sa wi atanga hmar lamah Market Building hmar lam kil YMA bung kung thleng.L-15 mtrs. Dropping Zone 8YMA bung phun (Market Building) hmar lam atanga hmarL -10 mtrs10 nos Two lama h Pu F. Sawmlia na In kil hmar lam thir ban zawn thleng. W-1.5 mtrs Wheelers Pa rking 9Pu K . Rochhinga Building chhim lam kil atanga hmar lamah Pu H. Lalhlira Building kil chhim lam thlang kawng chhak15 nos lamah.L-64 mtrs LMV Parking 10Pu H. Lalhlira Building hmar opposite zawk.L-15 mtrs City Bus Stand - 5 -Ex-233/2016 11Pu H. Lalhlira Building hmar lam kil atanga hmar lamahL-49 mtrs Pu V. Tawnluia In kil hmar lam zawn thleng. (Hlimen) W-1.5mtr12 nos Taxis 12Taxis Stand (Hlimen) tawp atangin hmarlamah Pu V.Tawnluia13 nos Building hmar lam.L-13 mtrs Two Wheelers Area No. 3:TLANGNUAM TO KULIKAWN ROAD Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1.TIangnuam kawn veng Pu Robuanga In step ata nginL -27 mtrs khawchhak lamah W -1.6 mtrs 6 nos LMV 2.Tlangnuam Mual veng kawn (Chhim lam side)L-27. mtrs W-1.7mtrs7 nos LMV 3.Pu R . Sangkhuma Kawlni In kawngpui zawn ata ngin Pi S awikungi (L) In bul telephone ban thiengL - 30 mtrs (kawng thlang lam”) W-1.6 mtrs7 nos Taxis 4.St. Pauls HSS step thlang zawn a tangin tlang lamahL - 17 mtrs (kawng thlang la mah) W-1.6 mtrs4 nos LMV 5.Pu J. Lalhluna leh Pi La lkhawhluni te In inkar retainingL -14 mtrs wall chin za wng. W-1.6 mtrs3 nos LMV 6.Pu Lalduhliana In lai tak electric ban atanga Mary M ountL -14 mtrs School lam (kawng thlang lam) W-1.6 mtrs3 nos LMV 7.Mary Mount School peng atangin thlang lam 5 metre atangaL - 30 mtrs tanin thlang lamah (kawng thlang lam) (Ammended on 2012)W-1.6 mtrs DroppingZone 8.Pu Joseph S awilaia In kil thlang lam telephone ban ata nginL - 30 mtrs thla ng lamah (kawng thlang lam). W-1.6 mtrs 10 Nos LMV Area No. 4 : KULIKAWN AREA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Samuel Drugs Store Building kil hmar lam atanga chhimL-14.6 mtrs lama h Maruati Dawr zawn thleng. W-1.5 mtrs4nos Taxi 2A chunga Taxi Stand leh Kulikawn Hospital road junction inkar.Dropping Zone 3Taxi Stand hma lam Pu Darchhawna In kil lam atanga hmarL-12 mtrs12 nos lama h Pu K.Lalhmingthanga In kil hmar lam zawn thleng W-15 mtrs Two Wheelers 4A chunga Two Wheelers Stand atanga hmar lamah Pu Zataia In chhim la m kil zawn thleng.L-26 mtrs6 nos LMV 5(i) Pu Zataia Building opposite. (ii) Greyhound Finance Building hmar lam kil zawn atanga hmar lamah.City Bus Stand 6A chunga Apr il kung zawn atanga hma r lam Kulikawn Biak8 nos In p an chhohna Step thleng (Zun In thlen hma).L-8 mtrs Two Wheelers 7Kulikawn Biak In hnuai Va ntlang Zun In atanga hmar lamah4 nos LMV Pu Chhuanawma Dawr kawt zawn thleng.L-16 mtrsPeriodical No parking (7:00 AM- 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM - 6:00PM) 8Pu Davida Building hmarlam ban atangin chhim lamahL- 31mtrs Pi Zopari Building opposite thleng. W -1.5mtrs10 nos Taxi 9A chung sawi Taxi stand (Kulikawn) atang a hmar lamah Vantlang Zun in thleng.L-11 mtrs Dropping zone - 6 - Ex-233/2016 Area No. 5 : THAKTHING AREA (THAKTHING TLANG & DAM VENG) THAKTHING TLANG Sl NoPLACELENGTHREMARKS1UD &PA Office kawt, YMA Golden Jubilee lungphun atanga teh chhoh in Pu L. Sawithanga in (Assa m type) kil chhak thleng.L-18 mtrs7 nos LMV 2Pu V.L. Hmachhuana In luhna gate chhak lam atang a teh tanin Presbyterian Kohhran Hall bul, April kung thleng.L-19 mtrs7 nos LMV 3Pu R okamlova gate luhna chhak lam ban ata nga teh chho20 nos in chhak lama kawng peng thuam thleng.L-15.8 mtrs Two Wheelers 4Thakthing Zawlbuk luh chhohna step bul atanga Pi Dailovi6 nos dawr kawt thleng.L-5mtrs Two Wheelers DAM VENG 5Thakthing tlang pen chhohna 6 mtrs. dah awlin chuta tangaL-9.3 mtrs9 nos chhim lamah. W-lmtr Two Wheelers 6A chunga sawi atanga chhim lamah YMA In kil hmar lam thleng. Ke a kalna tur 1.8 mtrs. zuah awlin chhim lamah vantlang zunin hmarla m kil thleng.L-82.5 mtrs 20 nos LMV 7A chunga sawi atanga chhim lam18 nos 18.7 mtrs Two Wheeler 8Pu Bawihhlut a in kil chhim lam ata nga chhim lam a h Pu P.C. Thangla wta in kil hmar lam thlengL-35mtrs8 nos LMV Area No. 6:MISSI0N VENG BAZAR TO SIKULPUIKAWN Sl NoPLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Roy C.Sa ngzuala (L) Bu ilding hmar lam ban atanga thlang3 nos lama h an in huam in.L-10 mtrs Two Wheelers 2Narzaret press Building ka wt an in huam chin. L - 13 mtrs W-1.5 mtrs3 nos LMV 3Mamawii HSS step leh Pu Rochhunga building chhim lam kil inkar. L - 7 mtr s Dr op ping Z one 4Pu C . Rochhinga inkil ata nga hmar lam ah Pu J. Lianchhunga building chhim lam kil thlengL-17 mtrs General par king 5Pu J . Lianchhunga building huam chin za wng.L- 11 mtrs Dropping Zone 6Pu J. Lalsa ngzuala & Pu J. Lianchungnunga building inkarL-38.5mtrs electric ban leh Buldozer step (Dyo panna step inkar) W-1.5 mtrs9 nos Taxis 7Buldozer step atanga Pu Lalr ingliana building (Bona nza) chhim lam kil electric ban thleng.City Bus Stand 8Pu Lalringliana building (Bonanza) Garr age luhka ban hmar5 nos lam atang a Pu Vanhlira building hmarlam kil thleng.L-16m Two Wheelers 9Pu Vanhlira Building hmar lam kil atanga Mission Veng step thleng.20 mtrs5 nos LMV 10Pu Zabanga Building hmar la m kil a tanga t raffic point (J.L. Point) thleng.L- 42mtrs Dropping Zone. 11Mission Veng Biakin chhak Mendus Building chhim lam kil atangin hmar lam thir ban thleng.L- 15 mtrs Dropping Z one 12Thir ban ata nga hma r lamah Zorin Bu isiness Centre kawt thirpahnih dingthiang thleng.L- 36 mtrs9 nos LMV 13Zorin business Centre kawt Elect ric ban pahnih dingthiang atanga hmar lamah Pu J.Thanghuama building hmar lam14 nos kil zawn thleng (S BI Entrance zuah awlin).L -46 mtrs Two Wheeler 14A chunga two wheeler stand tawp thir ban atanga Sikulpuikawn6 nos lama h Pu J. Thanghuama building hmar la m kil zawn thleng.L - 15 mtrs Two wheelers - 7 -Ex-233/2016 15Pu J .Thanghuama Building hmar lam kil zawn atanga Sikulpuikawn lamah.L- 41mtrs12 nos Taxi 16Taxi Stand atanga hmar lamah Pi Zaii Gate thlengL-18mtrs Dropping Zone 17Pi Lalremsiem Building hmar lam kil atangin chhim lamah Pu B.Romama Building (Car Clinic) ban la i tak zawn thleng.L-72.5mtrs General Parking. 18A chunga sawi atangin Sikulpuikawn lamah Pu R.Thangzuala Building chhimlam kil thleng.L-l0mtrsDropping Zone Area No. 7:MISSI0N VENG TO MISSION VENGTHLANG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Mission Vengthla ng kawn Pu Ramnghata building hmar kilL-15.5mtrs Electric ba n atanga chhim thlang lamah Mahimi Store thleng. W-1.5 mtrs4 nos Taxis 2Mission Vengthlang Biak In panna, T lawng Road chung YMA Hall thlang Electr ic ban chhak ra iling ban pahnihna atangaL-12.6 mtrs3 nos Biak in lam ah. W-1.5 mtrs LMV 3Court zawl Pu H.D. Rothuama building bul khawthlang lamL - 20 mtrs step bul atanga kawn lam ah. W-1.5 mtrs4 LMV 4Mission Vengthlang kawn Biak In pan chhohna.L-21 mtrs5 nos Taxi 5Mission Vengthlang Court zawl Pu H.D. Rothuama GateL - 6.4 mtrs atangin SMTC lamah. W-1.3 mtrs2 nos Taxi Area No. 8:TUIKHUAHTLANG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Speaker Bungalow penchhohna junction atang hmar lamahL- 100 mtrs YMA building thleng. W- 1.5 mtrs 24 nos LMV 2YMA building huam chin zawng a hma la mah.L - 9.2 mtrs6 nos Taxi 3Tuikhuahtla ng Anganwadi Centre leh Pu Dengtluanga InL- 72 mtrs inka r step atangin tlang lamah Pu Vairenga (L) building huam in. W-1. 5 mt r s 16 nos LMV 4A chunga telephone ban atanga PCCF office bul footpath8 nos tawp thleng.L- 8.8 mtrs Two Wheelers 5AIR Junction zun in lai tak atangin chhim lamahL-14 mtrs (Kawng chhak lam)W-1.5 mtrs3 nos LMV 6Raj Bhawan South Gate bul Upper Republic kawng pengL-13 mtrs14 nos atangin Tuikhuahtlang lamah. W-1.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 7New MLA Hostel pan pheina kawng kawng chhak lam telephone ba n zawn atang chhim lamah. Pu B. Sangkhuma kawngka zawn thleng. Cantilever pa vement ban panga na11 nos leh sawmpakhatna inkar.L-11.5mtr s Two Wheeler 8A chunga Two Wheelers Stand atanga chhim lamah Pu Rohnuna in bul telephone ban thleng.L-30.5mtrs7 nos LMV 9A chunga LMV Parking tawp atanga chhim lamah17 nos Pu C. Khenglawta in bul telephone ban thleng.L-17.5mtrs Two Wheelers 10MLA House Building thar hungna bang hmar lam kil tawp (Gate No. 1 huam lovin leh Gate No. 2 zawn 3 mtrs zua hin)L-36 mtrs, atangin chhim lam (Hostel Building side). W-1.5 mtrs8 nos LMV 11A chunga Electric ban atanga Sikulpuikawn lam Dr. R.L. Nunthara building chhim lam kil zawn thleng.L-20 mtrs4 nos LMV 12Pu R . Zatha nga building Ga rage luhna chhim lam zawn atanga chhim lam (Sikulpuikawn) ah kawng chhak lam lungrem tawp thleng Aizawl College Gate thlen hma.L-30.5 mtrs7 nos LMV - 8 - Ex-233/2016 Area No. 9 : UPPER KHATLA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Zathanga in hmar lam ban zawn atang chhim lamahL-30 mtrs6nos LMV. 2IGNOU Office chhim lam kil step zawn atanga hmar lamah11 nos Gorkha High School chhim lam kil zawn thlengL-11 mtrs Two Wheelers 3CYMA building luhna step bul electric ba n atanga hmar lamah UPC Biak in luhna step thleng.L - 41 mtrs10 nos LMV 4A chung LMV parking tawp atang UPC Biak in luhna tur 3 mtrs5 nos zuah awlin hmar lamah UPC Biak in hmar lam kil zawn thleng. L-32 mtrs Pik- up/207 5Pu F. Hrangvela building opposite vantlang zunin atanga chhim lamah step lo chhuak thla thleng.L-17 mtrs General Par king 6Khatla ka wn pan thlakna step ata nga chhim lam ah Pu F. Hrangvela L - 1 4 mt r s14 nos building hma r lam kil thleng kawng kual zau lai. W-1.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 7Pu Dr. B Thangdailova Garrage atanga hmar lam ah.L-12 mtrs3 nos LMV 8Dr. C. Silvera building chhimlam pa ng electric thirban ata ngin L-19.5 mtrs20 nos chhim lamah Pi. Rengpuii RCC building huam chiahin W-lmtr TwoWheelers 9Baptist House building chhim lam kil electric ban bul atanga10 nos hmar lam a h Baptist gara ge thleng.L-10.9mtrs TwoWheelers 10A chunga sa wi gara ge luhna hmar lam kawng ka bul electric ban atanga hmar la mah BSNL luhna gate thleng Ga rrage luhna hmun 2 ah 2.5 mtrs zuah awl zelin.L- 45 mtrs11 nos LMV 11A chunga LMV parking tawp a tanga hmar lamah telephone24 nos ban thleng.L- 24 mtrsTwo wheeler 12MUP building bul hmawng kung zawn atanga hmar lamah Village Cou ncil Golden Jubilee lungphun zawn thleng.L- 60 mtrs14 nos LMV 13A chung atanga hmar lamah.L-11 mtrs11 nos TwoWheelers 14State Planning Board Office kawt.L-18.8mtrs4 nos LMV 15Raj Bhawan NorthGate bul thinglian chhimlamah.L-22 mtrs25 nos TwoWheelers Area No. 10 : SECRETARIAT COMPLEX TO KHATLA KAWN TO SIKULPUIKAWN Sl NoPLACELENGTHREMARKS1Aiza wl Hospital opposite Gorkha High School step chhohna sir thlang lam kil atangin thlanglamah Central Gorkha Mari9 nos Sama ch Office thleng.28 mtrsTwo Wheelers 2SBI Khatla Branch kawt pillar ban atanga chhim thlang lam5 nos Khatla kawn lamah, Axis Bank ATM kawngka hmar lam thleng. L-14 mtrs Two Wheelers 3Pu Giri Building ka wt Telephone pillar ban atanga Zote Ba kery dawr in kar.L-37 mtrsl0 nos Taxi 4A chunga taxi stand hnung chiah.L-6.7 mtrs Dropping Zone 5Khatla bazaar kawt Bazar Banpui hmar lam pathumna atanga hmar lam ah.L-13 mtrs4 nos Taxis 6A chunga sawi atanga chhim lam Baza r building huam chinLine Bus / Dropping Zone 7New Secreta riat Complex peng bula Assam Rifles Hqrs,20 nos Mizoram Range kawt canteen luhna gate thleng lo chia hin.L-8 mtrs Two Wheelers (Two lane) 8Dr. Kapthuama In bul secretariat panthlakna kawngkual zau lai (L-1.8 mtrs step tan a zuah in”)L- 15 mtrs4 nos Taxis 9New Secretar iat building gate luh hma kawng kualL - 29 mtrs15 nos Taxis - 9 -Ex-233/2016 Area No. 11 :TENNIS COURT TO KHATLA Sl NoPLACELENGTHREMARKS1Tennis Court luhna zawn ata nga Aiza wl Club Gate thlengL -27 mtrs6nos LMV 2(a)Excise Office chhim lam Pavement ban pangana ata ngin chhim lamah thir ban thleng.L-15 mtrs Dropping Zone 2(b)A chhunga sa wi thir ba n a tanga chhim lamah Fa r kung par ukna thleng. L - 2 6mt r s7 nos Taxi 3A chunga sa wi Far kung Pa rukna atanga chhim lamah11 nos Khia ng kung thlang berthleng.L- 44mtrs LMV Parking 4Benision Car accessories building bul zunin atanga hmar la mah, kawng chhak lam.L-25mtrs7 nos LMV 5Directorate Revenue building hmar lam.kil atanga chhim lamah Retaining Wall ban.L- 33.6 mtrs General parking 6Pu Rinawma b uilding (Tawrhbawm) chhim lam kil electric ban zawn atanga chhim la mah.L-15.6 mtrs.3 LMV 7A chung atanga kalna tur 2 mtrs zuahawlin chhim lamah Indu stries Director ate Office tar zawn thleng.L-20.3 mtrs4 nos LMV 8Khatla North biak in hnua i zun in atanga chhim lamah biak in luhna step thlengL -23.3 mtrs Dropping Zone 9TATA Tiscon dawr chhim lam kil zawn atang chhim lamah Biak in hua m chia hin.L -7 mtrs Dropping Zone. 10ZIRE TYRE work dawr kawt za wn atanga chhim lam Khatla lam ah kawng chhak kual zau lai.L -25.3 mtrs6 nos LMV 3 nos 11A chunga sawi atanga No Overtaking ban thleng.L-4.4 mtrs Two Wheelers Area No. 12 : KHATLA KAWN TO NURSERY (CHAWNGA RD.) & NURSERY& KHATLA SOUTH KHATLA KAWN TO NURSERY (CHAWNGA RD)Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKSKHATLA KAWN TO NURSERY (CHAWNGA RD.) 1Telephone pillar atanga Khatla Biak In lam side ah YMA23 nos Building luh chhohna gate thleng.L-23 mtrs TwoWheelers 2A chunga sawi Pu S.T. Rualyapa building chhim lam tawp thleng. L-28. 7 mtr s6 nos LMV 3A chunga sa wi atanga Pi Lalzingi building kawngka thleng.L-26 mtrs26 nos Two Wheelers 4A chung sawi atanga Biak In step luh chhohna.L -15.4mtrs15 nos Two Wheelers 5Pu Zaia in zawn thleng.L-66 mtrs16 nos LMV NURSERY 1YMA information center dawr kawtSanitation/Gas Point 2Pu C.Lalzamliana in (Pi Chhungi dawr) kawt electric ban atanga Pu C.Sangpuia (L) in thleng.L-7mtrs3 nos Taxis 3Pu L.L. Ngura Sailo Gate luhna atanga Khatla ‘S’ lamah.L-4mtrs2 nos Taxis 4Pu S angpuia Chawngthu in kawtDropping Zone 5Pi Saiveli kawtSanitation/Gas Point 6Pu R.Selthuama MLA in kawtSanitation/ City Bus 7Pu Laldinliana h/o Pi Lalsangzuali(L) te in kil khaw chhak4 nos LMV lam atanga khaw thlang lam in kil thleng.L-18mtrs (Night Parking) 8Pu Vanlalsiama ram junction bul.Sanitation Point - 10 - Ex-233/2016 KHATLA SOUTH 1Vailui kualTurning Point 2Primary School Khatla ‘S’ kawtSanita tion/ Gas Point 3Pu Zoramthanga in bulSanita tion/ Gas Point 4Pu P.C. Vanlalruata in bulSanita tion/ Gas Point 5Pi S aplianthangi in kawtSanita tion/ Gas Point 6Pu Lallura Sailo in bul kawr/culvertTurning Point 7Pu Zoliana In kawtSanita tion/ Gas Point 8Pi Khiangthangi in kil chhak la m atang khaw thlang lamahL-4mtrs1 no Taxi 9Pu P.Dokunga leh P u Selbua nga in inkar kawr culvertTurning/ Sanitation Point 10YMA step zawn kawng kual zau laiSanita tion/ Gas Point 11YMA Hall kawtSanita tion/ Gas Point Area No. 13 : BUNGKAWN AREA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Lalthankima in kawtSanitation Point 2Pi Laltanpuii in kawt (Puii store]Sanitation Point 3Pu T hangluaia building khaw thlang lam kil zawn atanga khaw thlang lam ah Pu C.Zabiaka in khaw chhak lam kil zawn thleng.L-58 mtrs14 nos LMV 4Pu Liankima kawtSanitation Point 5Community Hall kawtSanitation Point 6Pi Nutei in bul telephone ban atanga khaw thlang lamah Dr. Vanlalr uata building P u Lalhmuchhuaka dawr kawt thleng. L-42 mtrs13 nos Taxis 7CID peng chho atanga Bazar lamah, Hall thleng.L-20 mtrs Dropping Zone 8Baza r khaw thlang lam kil atang khaw thlang lamah electric ban thleng.L-23 mtrs5 nos LMV 9A chhunga electric ban ata nga kha w thlang lam a h Pu R.Liantluanga in kawt electric ban thleng.L-50 mtrs 12 nos Maxi Cab 10A chunga Maxi Cab stand atanga Vaiveng junction thleng.L-66 mtrs16 nos LMV Area No. 14: BUNGKAWN TLANG VENG, SHIVAJITILLA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Johnson College luhna gate atanga hmar lama Pu J. C. Siamliana building thleng.L-17 mtrs4 nos LMV 7 nos 2Johnson College Pr incipal in thleng zaulai.L-7.9 mtrs Two Wheeler 3Johnson College luhna gate khaw chhak lam leh10 nos Pu P. Changliana in inkarL-l0mtrs Two Wheeler 4Pu J .C. Siamliana kawt ata nga thir ban ata nga Pu P. Lungliana building pan chhohna step thleng.L-23 mtrs5 nos LMV 5Pi C . Rochhungi kawtSanitation Point 6Pu L alpeklia na kawt step a tanga zu nin thleng.L-23 mtrs23 nos Two Wheeler 7Pu R. Malsawmtluanga kawt tui pump na atanga thlang lama h Pu V.L. Puitua leh Pu F. Ngurthankima in inkar thleng. L-33 mtrs8 nos LMV 8Pu Zorinmawia leh Pi S. R alliani in kil hmar lam thleng.L-20 mtrs4 nos LMV - 11 -Ex-233/2016 Area No. 15 : BUNGKAWN VENGTHAR Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Ramdinthara(L) inkawt kawng chhak lam.L-12 mtrs2 nos LMV 2Presbyteria n Biakin chhim lam kil atanga hmar lam11 nos S.A. Hall step lo chhuk thleng.L-11 mtrs Two Wheeler 3A chunga step atanga hmar lamah Salvation Army Hall building step laita step thleng.L-10 mtrs2 nos Taxis 4A chunga Salvation Army step laita atanga hmar lamah Salvation Army Ha ll bul main step thleng.L-10 mtrs2 nos LMV 5Pu C . Laldingliana in kil chhim lam ata nga tuikhur thlengL-11 mtrs2 nos LMV 6Pu F. Lalruata in kawt kawng chhak lam kualzau laiL-15 mtrs3 nos LMV 7Pu H mingdailova KawlnifL) kawtL-9 mtrs2 nos LMV 8Pi Mangziki kawm chhak electric ban atang.L-9 mtrs2 nos LMV 9Pi Mimi Laldinsangi kawm chhak zau laiL-13 mtrs3 nos LMV 10Vety Quarter thlang kawng kual zaulai.L-9 mtrs2 nos LMV Area No. 16 : MAUBAWK Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Sangzuala in kil chhak lam atanga Tlangveng panna step thleng. L-15. 8 mt r s Gener a l P a r king 2Pu J. Lalmawia in kawt zau lai.City Bus stand 3High School peng opposite atanga tehin chhak lamah Tlangveng panna step thleng.L-76mtrs General Par king 4Laldinliana in kil thlang lam a tanga kawn lamah Pu Vanlalsa wma in hmar lam kil thleng Pu Vanlalsawma garage kawng da hawlin. L-53. 6 mt r s Gener a l P a r king 5Pu Zoliana building kawt chhuah la mah.14.4 mtrs4 nos Taxis Area No. 17 : LAWIPU Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Sha rma In kil hmarthlang atanga chhak la mah MHIP in kil t hleng. L - 2 3 . 5 mt r s7 nos Taxis 2Pu Rintea L. R. Workshop oppositeL-lL08mtrs2 nos HMV 3Pu Rintea Workshop thlang thlengL-22mtrs3 nos HMV 4Pu Remsanga in atanga chhim chhak lamah Pi T hankhumi Dawr inkarL-30mtrs9 nos Taxis 5Pu Rokunga in rel atanga Pi Duhawmi dawr inkar.L-5mtrsBus stand 6Mining check gate kil atanga chhim chhak lam Pu R intluanga in kil thleng.L-18.4mtrs Dropping Zone 7Pu Rintluanga In opposite culvert atangin chhim chhak lama h Pu Kapthanga in opposite thleng.L-63.6mtrs 26 nos HMV Area No. 18 : SIKULPUIKAWN TO TREASURY SQUARE VIA UPPER REPUBLIC & VENGHLUI Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu C. Pahlira building opposite tuikhur bul step tawpL-22.2mtrs atangin Upper Repu blic Anganwadi in hnu ai tuikhur thleng.W - 2 mtrs6 nos LMV 2Anganwadi in hnuai tuikhur atangin chhim lamah zunin hmarL-22.2mtrs lam kil thleng.W -2 mtrs6 nos Taxis 3Pu Rotluanga building hmar lam kil atangin chhim lamahL-64.2 mtrs “Mercy Villa” building chhim lam kil thleng.W-2.3mtrs17 nos LMV 4Baptist Bia kin ban chhim lamah atangin chak lamah Biakin luhna Gate thleng. (Proposed)L-18 mtrs4 nos LMV 5Seventh Day Biakin hnuai hmar lam kil atang in chhim lamah Seventh Da y Biakin peng thlen hma.L-46 mtrs General Par king - 12 - Ex-233/2016 6Pu Vanhlira building (Labour & Employment office bul)L- 15.5 mtrs chhim lam kil atangin chhim lamah zunin thleng. W -2 mtrs4 nos LMV 7Pu Vanlalzawma (MLA) building hmar lam kil atanginL-37.6 mtrs chhim lamah Pu Lalrinliana (MLA)in chha k thir ban thleng. W - 2 mtrs 14 nos LMV (Private ga rage zawn zel zuah awl in) 8Pu Laldenga Building hmar lam kil atangin chhim lamah9 nos PHE T-Cluster thleng.L-27 mtrs Two Wheelers 9A chunga sawi atanga chhim lamah Pu Lalbiaktluanga Varte Building chhim la m huam in.L-40mtrs Dropping Zone VENGHLUI 1MPC OFFICE GATE atangin chhim lam Pu Zoramliana in vera ndah ba n opposite thleng.L-38 mtrs9 nos Taxis 2A chunga sawi atangin hmar lam ah Pu Zaluta inkil hmar lamPeriodic No P arking kil thir ban thleng opposite kawngchhak.L - 3 4 mt r s fll:0 0AM - 3 :0 0 P M) 3A chunga sawi atangin hmarlamah Pu R .Lalbuaia Building Chhim lam thir ban thleng.L-93mtrs General Par king 4Aiza wl Central Hall peng zun in atangin chhim lamah Pu T hankunga (L) Building hmar lam kil thir ban thleng.L-2 2 mtrs6 nos LMV 5Venghlui peng atangin hmar lam hawiin kawngthlang lam railing ban tawp 3-na thleng.L-17.2mtrs4 nos LMV 6PHE water ta nk hlui chhim lam kil atangin hmar la mah.L- 9.5 mtrs15 nos W-2 mtrs Two Wheelers Area No. 19 : REPUBLIC, COLLEGE VENG, ITI VENG REPUBLIC Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu L alpiangthara in chhim lam kil atangin chhim lamahL-60.7 mtrs Holy Heart school bul step thleng W-2.5 mtrs 15 nos LMV 2Holy Heart school peng step bul tui pump atangin ‘Mua lhawih’ peng thlengL-14 mtrs Dropping Zone 3Dr. Lalhnuna building chhim kil thir ba n zawn kawng chhak lam a tangin zun in thleng.L- 30.9 mtrs8 nos LMV 4Soil Quarter hungna gate-te zawk atangin chhim lamah thir20 nos ban thleng kawng thlang lam.L-11.5 mtr s, Two Wheelers 5Two wheeler parking tawp atangin chhim lamah soil qua rter gara ge building chhim kil zawn thleng.L -19 mtrs5 nos LMV 6Repu blic ka wipui chhak Pu Chhawnsa nga building chhim kil ban tawp ber atangin ban 4-na thleng.L-12 mtrs3 nos Taxi 7“KTa nhlira & Lalhmua ka Stand’ waiting shed kawtLine Bus S tand 8Mualveng chung peng slab ban hmarlam kil atangin hma rlam ah Marley Vankung building, chhim lam kil thleng.L-71 mtrs17 nos LMV 9Pu Vanlalliana building chhim kil atangin hmar lamah Pu J.H. Lianzuia building hmar lam kil thleng.L-19mtrs5 nos Taxis 10Pu Lalrinliana in opposite step bul atangin Vety Complex peng thleng.L-40mtrs10 nos LMV 11Pu K.Lengluta building opposite zunin atangin hmar lamahL-39mtrs Pi Zabawihi in luhna gate zawn thleng. W-2.5 mtrs9 nos LMV - 13 -Ex-233/2016 COLLEGE VENG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Laihmingthanga building (J.J. Store) ban chhim chhak lam kil ban 2-na atangin hmar chhak zawngin zunin kil thleng.L-21 mtrs5 nos LMV 2Bethlehem r oad tawntirh waiting shed bul thir ban ata ngin PUC lamah P u V. Rohlua building chhak kil thir ban thleng.L-20 mtrs5 nos Taxi 3College veng Primary school luhna step tawp a tangin khaw chhak lamahL-21mtrs5 nos Taxi ITI VENG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Holy Trinity School building area leh Pu V.L. Ma wia building chhim lam kil thlengL -63 mtrs Dropping Zone 2YMA Hall opposite peng thua m atangin YMA building hmar35 nos lam kil zawn thlengL-21.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 3IT I Block-11 Gate atangin Pu Liannghinglova in opposite April kung thleng.L-43.5 mtrs 11 nos Taxis 4IT I junction World bank road kawng lam thir ban ata ngin Pu V. Zawmliana in kawt thleng.L-33 mtrs Dropping Zone 5Dropping Zone tawp atangin Pi Jenny building kil thir ban thleng. L-16.7 mtrs4 nos LMV 6Pu C . Tawkliana building chu ngzawn garage luhna lungrem kil atangin khaw chhak zawngin.L-11.7mtrs.3 nos LMV 7IT I Quarter Complex peng thir ba n atanga 5.3 mtrs ata ngin Girl Hostel lamah.L - 28.4 mtrs. 7 nos LMV 8Girl Hostel hungna bul Vaube kung thir ban atangin khawchhak hawi zawngin junction thlen hma thir ban thleng.L-35.6 mtrs 27 Nos LMV Area No. 20 :TUITHIANG, BETHLEHEM, BETHLEHEM VENGTHLANG AREA TUITHIANG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu P.C. Sangliana In lai Garage luhna ban ata ngin17 nos Pu Lalchha nhima in lai t ak thleng.L-17 mtrs Two Wheelers 2Pu T langhmingthanga in kil thir ban atangin Bethlehem lamah17 nos Pu Zalena In kil thleng.L-17 mtrs Two Wheelers 3K.B. Tuikhur bul kual zau lai Pu Vanlalmawia Building huamin. L-17 mtrs17 nos Two Wheelers 4Pu R . Mankima Building kil hmar lam ata ngin TBC Lalbawlliana Workshop kil hmar lam thleng.L - 3 3 mt r s Periodic No P arking (6:00 Am- 7:00 Pm) 5Pu C. Challiana in kawt zau lai.Periodic No Pa rking (6:00 Am-7:00 Pm) 6Tuithiang Middle School ka wt zau lai.Dropping Zone BETHLEHEM Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Sihtui Taxis Stand : Water Pump a tangin Mimi Ma rket Building huam chin.L-17.3 mtrs5 Taxis 2Pu Z oliana in leh S.A. (Enna Corps) Building inkar.L-15.5 mtrs3LMV 3Pu V. Vungmanga in huam chin leh a pia h thir ban thleng.L-24 mtrs24 nos Two Wheelers - 14 - Ex-233/2016 4Pu Vanromawia in kil hmar lam kil zawn atanga Pu R. Kapchhunga in kawt zawn thleng.L - 1 6 mt r s Periodic No P arking (7:00 Am-7:00 Pm) 5YMA Diamond Jubilee Lungphun bul zau lai.Bus Pickup/ Drop Point 6Zohualzawna Garage kil atangin College Veng lamah Pu Rochhara in kil thleng.L-33.7mtrs 7Bethlehem Culvert Pu La ltanvela in luh chhohna College Veng lam bu l atangin College Veng lamah Telephone thir ban thleng (Kawng vang tan zawngin).L-12.3 mtrs6 nos Taxis 8Pu Matluanga Building Garage luhna bul ban atangin12 nos Pu Lalkamlova Sailo in kil thleng.L-50 mtrs LMV both side 9Pu Lalmuana wma in kil ata ngin Pu R. La ldingliana in kil thleng. L-43 mtrs23 nos LMV BETHLEHEM VENGTHLANG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Bethlehem Vengthlang kawn Sodium Light thir ban ata ngin Market Building zulzuiin.L-30 mtrs8 nos Taxis 2Pu T hangthia uva in bul step hrul atangin Pu Zathuama in kawt thir ban thleng, Middle School -II Road zuah awlin.L-18 mtrs3 nos Taxis 3Primary School-II kawt kual zau lai.Line Bus Turning P oint 4Pu K. Lallawma in kawt junction.Turning Point 5Jenny Cosmetic Building hmar lam kil ata ngin Sih lui lamahPeriodic No P arking Pu K. Lalthlengliana Building hmar lam kil thleng.L-61 mt r s (7:00 Am-7:00 Pm) 6Pu C h. Kapkima in kawt leh Pi Lalriliani in kawt.Line Bus Pickup/ Drop Point 7Primary School - I Step vei lam kil atangin P u H. La lbiakthanga in kawt thleng.L-12.3 mtrs4 nos LMV 8Pi Lalchawii in kawt junct ion.Dropping Zone Area No. 21 :AIZAWL TENNIS COURT TO AIZAWL TEMPLE Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Venghlui Bazaar Step luh chhohna hmar lama h Printing & Stationery luh chhohna thlen hma thir ban thleng.L- 31 mtrs Dropping Zone 2Directorate of Agriculture office kawt building huam chin Gate pui luhna 2 mtrs zuahawlin AR DIG Bungalow kawt lamahL-56 mtrs12 nos LMV 3Congress Bhavan pen chhohna reta ining wall block inthenna19 nos atangin S.A. Temple lamah Upa Biaksanga In garage luhna thleng. L - 19 mt r s Two Wheeler s 4Congress Bhavan ka wmthlang kawng thlang lam kual zaulai.L -18 mtrs4 nos LMV 5S.A. Territorial b uilding chhimlam kil atangin hmar lamahL-20 mtrs12 nos Taxis 6Temple squa re Taxis stand hnung chhim lamDropping Zone 7S.A. Temple main Gate hma rlam atangin Tuichhunchhuah lama thir ban ding thia ng thleng.City Bus Stop 8Pu F. Kapsanga building chhim kil atangin hmar la mah.L -40 mtrs W-3.5 mtrs General Par king 9Solomon’s Cave Opposite LAD Site bul kawng kual kil zau lai. L-28 mtrs5nos LMV 10Solomon’s Ca ve Main gate bul atangin hmar lamah TuikualL -15 mtrs10 nos panna step chhuah thleng. W-l mtrs Two Wheelers - 15 -Ex-233/2016 Area No. 22 :TREASURY AREA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1DC Office Lock-up Ga te pui a tangin hmar lamah DC officeL- 31 mtrs40 nos luhna step chhim lam kil thleng. W-1.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 2Treasury step atanga hmar lamah Court junction thlengL -34 mtrs W- 1.6 mtrs Dropping Zone 3Vana pa Hall chhim lam electric ban ata nga 2 mtrs ata nginL-41 mtrs hmar lamah kawng bul thing kung lian thleng. W-1.5 mtrs 14 nos LMV 4Vanapa Hall bul YMA zunin zawn atanga chhim lamahL-20 mtrs W-3.6 mtrs Dropping Zone 5Dak In pui kawt: Venghlui Pu T langa road peng ata ngin Post office Gate lia n luhna hmar lam ban thleng.L-15 mtrs Dropping Zone 7A chunga sawi ban leh Mizofed Petr ol. Pump lam14 nos Hi-Mas opposite ata nginL-14.9 mtrs Two Wheelers 8Congress Bhavan peng thirban ding thiang atangin AR Commandant Bungalow la mah Congress Bhavan luhna peng thleng.L-40 mtrs9 nos LMV 9Congress Bha van luhna veilam thirba n dingthiang ata ngin AR C ommanda nt Bunga low lamah -10 mtrs -Up a Biaksanga3 nos building Va randah RCC fencing ba n tawp lam thleng.L - 10 Mtrs Two Wheelers Area No. 23 : ZODIN Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1.Tra nsport Directorate Office Building thar chhim lam kil a tangin. L -12 mtr s W-3.6 mtrs5nos LMV 2.Transport Office Building thar hmar lam thirhrui ban atangaL -14.9 mtrs hmar lamah. W-3.3 mtrs8 nos Taxi 3.A chunga sa wi Taxi stand a tangin hmar la mah.L -22.9 mtrs W-4 mtrsl0 nos LMV 4Over Bridge ban atanga SBI Main Gate luhna thleng.L-23 mtrs,7 nos W-3.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 5A chunga sawi atanga Gandhi lim lamah.L-5 mtrs, W-3.5 mtrs2 nos LMV 6A.R. Quarter Guard hnuai kual zaulai Gandhi lim opposite. Assam Rifles Sign Board tarna zawn a RCC ban sir ber atang in chhimlam ah thir ban thleng.L-37.4 mtrs8 nos LMV 7Dental plaza atanga Gandhi lim lamah7 nos L-24 mtrs Two Wheelers 8AR Mandir bul Silver oak ata nga hma rlam AR Mandir luhna kawngka za wn thleng.L-10.3 mtrs Dropping Zone 9Baja tlang hnuai AR Wet ca nteen pia h chhim lamah Parking s ign dahna a tangin chhim lamah Zodin Ma in gate chhak thir ban thleng. L-31. 5 mt r s8 nos LMV 10AR Mandir chhak kual zau lai hmarlam pavement ko ata ngin26 nos chhim lamah Mandir luhna Gate hmarlam ban thleng.L-21 mtrs Two Wheelers Area No. 24 :ZODIN-DAWRPUI(BAZAR BUNGKAWN) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1AR Wet Canteen opposite atanga hmawngkung thleng.L-9.4 mtrs Dropping Zone/ Gas Point 2AR Wet Canteen luhna opposite atanga Bazaar lamah. Hmawngkung a D. Light Enterprise in kil hmar lam thleng.L-36mtrs9nos LMV - 16 - Ex-233/2016 3Hotel Ritz building huamin hmar lamah Creative business kawt no parking sign ban thleng RC parking luhna kawng zawn zuah awlin leh Tuikual panna step zawn zuahawlin.L-43 mtrs9nos LMV 4RC Garr age luhna No parking ban ata ngin telephone ban thleng. L-16. 5 mt r s Dr op ping Z one 5Upa Zosangzuala te in luh chhohna atanga Civil Hospital Aiza wl lama h Civil Hospital Aizawl p eng thleng.L-52 mtrs Dropping Zone 6Civil Hospital bul Bus Stand hnunglam, Zun in hlui thiah tak hmun r uak.Dropping Zone 7Civil Hospital Aiza wl peng atanga Thanna lamah Hospital pan chhohna step thleng.L-18 mtrs Dropping Zone 8Aiza wl Civil Hospit al pan chhohna Step atangin Thahna14 nos lama h Bus S tand thlen hma zun in bul thleng.L-45 mtrs Two Wheelers 9Zunin atanga Babutlang peng thleng.City Bus Stand Area Area No. 25 : MILLENIUM CENTRE 1Thana peng atanga Millenium center hrul Millenium chhim lam hungna kil thleng.L-72.5 mtrs Dropping Zone 2Millinium chhak Hnam Ro chhawisa ng Pawl Building hmar lam4 nos kil opposit e Rihnim kung P ahnihna atanga hmar lamah13mtrs Two wheelers 3Pu R amhermawia kawmthlang a building huam chin za wng.L-19 mtrs6 nos Two Wheelers 4A chunga sawi electr ic ban atanga Babutlang lamah Co-opera tive office opposite SBI main office hmar lam kil thleng.LMV 5Millenium chhim lam gate a tanga Ma in gate chhak gate thleng. L-34 mtrs Dropping Zone 6A chunga gate atanga main gate chhimlam thleng.L-30 mtrs Dropping Zone Area No. 26 : DAWRPUI BIAK IN TO BAZAR BUNGKAWN 1Pu Rokamlova In lu hthlakna step leh Da wrpui Biak In Gate inkar.Dropping Zone 2Flor ia Glamour Gara ge Entra nce 2.5 m zuah awl in chhimL-13.5mtrs5 nos lama h Floria Glamour Building huam chin thleng.W -7mtrs Two wheelers 3Dawrpui Zama & Sons Gen. Merchant kawt atangin chhim lamah.L-16M W-2.5M29nos taxi 4City Bus Checker Bui atang in Mana & Sons Electric ban bul5 nos thlengTwo wheeler hi lane khat chauh a dah tur.L-14.4 mtrs, Two Wheelers 5Thenhran tur: 1) A chhunga sawi Electr ic ban atang chhim lama h Johnson Diesiel sales & services Building chhim lam huam thleng (Zebra Crossing 3mtrs dah awl in)L-30mtrs Dropping Zone. 2) A chung asawi atangin chhim lamah Hauva & sons22 nos Building ba n pathumna thleng (Zebra Crossing thleng)L-88mtrs LMV Parking 6Zora m Drug center hmarlam kil atangin chhimlamah Aizawl12 nos Two Mosque Gate thlen hma Elect ric thirban thleng.L-36 mtrs Wheeler Parking. 7A chunga sa wi atangin chhim lamah Baza r Bungkawn thleng.No Stopping zone. Area No. 27 : ZARKAWT AREA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Lalhmachhuana(L) building chhim lam kil atanga Vaivakawn pen thlakna thlengL-11.8 mtrs Dropping Zone 2Pu Sumkhuma building huam zawngDropping Zone 3Pu Lalmawia(L) building huam zawngL-20 mtrs Periodic Par king 4Pu M. S. Dawngliana In chhimla m kil ata nga hma rla mah a in kil thleng L - 6 mt r sTwo wheeler - 17 -Ex-233/2016 5Pu Rinsanga IAS(Rtd.) building hmarlam a tanga step thleng. L-22.8 mtrs5 nos LMV Pa rking 6Pu Tha nglianchhu nga (L) building Mahindra dawr kawt huam zawng L - 1 3 mt r s D r op p ing z one 7Zart bul thir ban atanga Pu A. Rohnuna building chhim lam4 nos zawk huam chin zawngL-12 mtrs Two Wheelers 9Thir ban atangin Pu A. Rohluna building hmarlam zawk Zart bul thir ban thleng.L-37 mtrs9 nos LMV 10Lalbuaia Shopping complex Building chhim lam atang in Lalbuaia Shopping main Entrance 3mtrs dah awl in hmar lam ah Pu Lalbiakliana in luh na dah awl leh in Pu David zosanglianaTwo Wheeler in hmar lam kil thlengL-27 mtrs Par king 11(a)C. Zakamlova building hma rlam ba n atanga Pu Hmuaka building chhim lam kil electric ban thleng.L-24 mtrs6 LMV (b)Pu Hmuaka building chhim lam kil electr ic ban atangin hmarDropping & lama h Pu Jeffry Zohmingtha nga in kilhmar lam thleng.L-20 mtrs Pick Up Zone 12MISS TA building pa n chhohna ata nga Govt’. H/S Hall lamahPeriodical Pa rking canteen chhak electric ban thleng.L-20 mtrsDar 6—8 a.m park phal loh 4 LMV Parking 13Directorate of Higher & Technical building ta wp hmar-lamL-9.4 mtrs Periodical Pa rking pavement atang (T. C Store kawmchhak)Dar 6—8 a.m park phal loh Two Wheelers Parking 14PMS building huam chin zawngL-33 mtrs Periodical Pa rking Dar 6—8 a.m park phal loh 8 nos LMV Par king 15Zarkawt Loca l Council House atangin chhimlamahL-12mSanitation & Zarkawt kawn panthlakna April kung thleng Gas Point 16Zarkawt Loca l Council House atangin hmar la mah.L-26m6 nos LMV Area No. 28 : LOWER CHANMARI-LOWER ZARKAWT-DAWRPUI (UPA PAWL CHAWLHBUK) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Zoliana building leh building inkar atanga chhim lamahL-54mtrs Pu T hangkunga (Om Om Sofa dawr) chhim lam kil thleng. W-1.3mtrs12 nos LMV 2Pu C. Lalta npuia In (Mosia Agencies) building hmar lam kil zawn atanga chhim lamah City Steel Industries in kil chhimL-16mtrs lam kil za wn thleng. W-1.2mtrs3 nos LMV 3Brig. Vankunga building hmar lam ban pa hnihna zawn atangaL-15mtrs chhim lamah thir ba n lian bul Step lo chhu ahna thleng. W-1.5mtrs3 nos LMV 4New Life Da mdawi In pan chhohna step bul atang chhimL-135mtrs lama h Pu Thanchhunga building thleng. W-1.5mtrs27 nos LMV 5Then hran tur :1) Chawlhna Hotel Building hmar lam step lo chhu k thlakna atangin chhim lamah Pu zoramtha nga (zotea) Building hmar lam kil thir ban thlengL-62mtrsLMV Pa rking 2) A chunga sawi a tanga chhim la mah Pi Thangpuii buildingDropping & chhim lam kil thir ban thleng.L-28mtrs Pick Up Zone 3) Achunga sawi atangin chhim lamah Grace Nursing Home Building chhim lam kil thleng.L-21mtrsLMV Pa rking - 18 - Ex-233/2016 6Pu S angkamlova building hua m chin zawngL-9.7mtrs15 nos W-2mtrsTwo Wheelers 7Zarkawt kawngchung pan chhohna step (Tr affic P oint chhuahL-16mtrs chhohna) atanga chhim lam. W-1. 2mtrs Dropping Zone 8Pu Zaka mlova Har dware Store opposite Bus wa iting shed za wn.Bus Stop 9A chunga Bus Stand atanga chhim lamah T heihai buk thleng.L-23mtrs6 nos LMV 10A chunga sawi theihai kung a tanga P &E Office luhthlakna Gate thleng.L-44mtrs Dropping Zone 11Zarkawt pan chhohna Step ata nga Pu V. Lalliana buildingL-13 mtrs kawt BSNL Pillar thleng. W-1.5 mtrs Dropping Zone 12A chunga Dropping Zone BSNL Pillar atanga 2mtrs atangaL-30 mtrs tannin Pu Liantluanga kawt Electric ban thleng. W-1.5 mtrs6 nos LMV 13A chunga Two Wheelers stand atanga Dawrpui Biak In panL-17mtrs chhohna step lamah. W-1.5mtrs Two Wheelers 14Pu John Rotluanglia na MLA (Dy. Speaker) in luhna bul atanga L-7.8mtrs Dr. Rohawka building luhna bul thleng. W-4mtrs2 nos LMV 15A chunga sa wi Dr. Rohawka building luhna zuaha wlin Dr. Chawnglungmua na in luhna Ga te thleng.L-14.2mtrs Dropping Zone 16Fair land Medical Helpline kawt (hmar lam step) a tanga chhimL-22 mtrs lam Upa Pawl Chawlhbuk hmawr tawp thlang lam hret. W-1.5mtrs Two Wheelers Area No. 29 :SARON VENG TO ELECTRIC VENG VIA CHHINGA VENG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu R . Challiantluanga Colony Building hmar lam kil zawn atanga Sihpui lamah kawng chhak lam Step lo chhuk thla thleng.L-30 mtrs7 nos LMV 2A chunga sa wi atanga Sihpui lamah Pu T hangmawia building huam chin.L-ll mtr sTwo Wheelers 3Police Run Gate leh Gate inkarCity Bus 4Pu L althantluanga Building chhim lam a tanga S ihpui lamah Pi Vanchhuangpuii building hmar lam kil thleng.L-17.4 mtrs Two Wheelers 5A chunga sa wi atanga hmar lamah Zion Street lo chhuk thla Hotel Hill Or chid thleng.L-38 mtrs8 nos LMV 6Pu T hanzara building chhim lam kil atanga Sihpuin lamah a building la i tak kil zum zawn thleng.L-13 mtrs Dropping Zone 7KD S chool ka wt Sanitation Point.Sanitation Point 8Pu Rosangliana P & Sons kawt.Sanitation Point 9A chunga sawi atanga thlang lam Sihpui lamah Electric ban Pi Romawii Building hma lam kil thleng.L-21 mtrs4 LMV 10Pu J. Thanhrima Building chhim lam kil zawn atanga hmar lamah Pi T hangliani Building hmar lam kil zawn thleng.L-25.5 mtrs 2 Bus (Line Bus) 11Pu T hanbanglova in kil chhim lam atanga hma r lam Sihpui lama h Pu Ma nlinga Building lai ta k Step luh chhohna thleng.L-27.8 mtrs Dropping Zone 12A chunga sa wi atangin Sihpui lama h KT P Chhinga Veng Building kil (Bazar luh chhohna Step vei lam thleng”).L-197 mtrs Dropping Zone 13Pu V. L. Rawna Building huam chin.L-17 mtrs3 nos LMV 14Market Building (P u V.L. Rawna thenawm) huam chinTwo Wheelers Baza r luh chhohna S tep thleng.L-16 mtrs Par king 15A chunga sa wi step lehlam atangin Sihpui lamah Gov’tTwo wheeler Middle School Chhinga Veng luhna Step thleng.L-43 mtrs Par king - 19 -Ex-233/2016 16Then hran tur -1) P.H.E Building hmar kil atangin chhimlamah P.H. E Site office chhim lam kil t hleng, Chhinga Veng Gov’t Middle School Entr ance 1. 5 mtrs dah awl in.L-23 mtrs General Par king 2) P u R.Lalhnuzauva inkil hmar lam tawp atang in chhimDropping & lama h Pu V.L.Rawna in kil chhim lam tawp thleng.L-74 mtrs PickUp Zone 3)Work shet (Mizo Fed opp osite) hmar lam kil ban ata nginL-13mtrsLine Bus chhim lamah Telephone ban thleng Dropping/sanitaition/ Gas Point 2) A chunga sawi atanga chhimlam ah Pu Lalzarliana (L) Building huam in.L-6 mtrs Sanitaition Point 17Pu R.Zatawna Building hmar lam kil atangin chhim lamah Ganesh Chhetri Building chhim lam kil thleng.18 mtrsLMV Pa rking 18Then hran tur -1) Pu J.V.Lalmawia Building hmar lam kil atangin chhim lamah Ban pathumna thlengL-l0 mtrsDropping zone 2)A chunga sawina tangin Bazar Step chhohna 1.5 mtrs dah awl in Pu K.Chalhanga & Sons building chhimlam thlengTwo Wheeler (an Entrance zuah awl tur)L-30 mtrs Par king 19Pu Sanghmingthanga H. Pautu (Ex-MLA) in kawt kual zaulai.Sa nitation/ Gas point Area No. 30 :ELECTRIC VENG, AIZAWL VENGLAI& RAMTHAR ELECTRIC VENG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Electric veng YMA Hall hnua i SBI ATM opposite atanga hmar lamah footpath tawp thleng.L-17 mtrs Dropping Zone 2Electric veng YMA Hall ba n kil hmar lam atanga St. Ma ry’s School chho kawng chhak la mah.L-33 mtrs8 nos Taxis 3Electric veng Chur ch street Pu R. Vanneia In opposite TankyTwo Wheelers hmar lam ba n Presb yterian Biak in lo chhuak thla thleng. & LMV 4Saka wrpului Taxi Stand Tr affic point ata nga YMA Hall chhimL-9.5 mtrs lam kil thleng. W-3.6 mtrs5 nos Taxis 5Zaba nga High School thlang Primar y School - II kawt thirbanL-6 mtrs, atanga hmar lamah. W-3.3 mtrs4 nos Taxis AIZAWL VENGLAI 6Aizawl Venglai Presbyterian Biak in step bul Dr. C.Lalrawna In ban chhim lam atanginan Garrage luhna 2 mtrs zuahin hmarSanitation & lamah Pu J.C. Senglua ia Ga te chhuah thleng. (Kawng chhak lam) L-16 mtr s Gas Point 7MHIP Building Tuikhur ka wt kual zaulai(Kawng chhak lam) L-10 mtrs Two Wheelers 9Pu H.Rochungnunga In hmar lam kil thirban atanga hmar lamahSanitation & (Kawngthlang)L-10 mtrs Gas Point 10Pi Rinthangi (L) building chhim lam kil zawn ata ngin 3 mtrsL-20 mtrs, W-1.5 mtrs. vantlang kawng zuahin chhim lamah ngil ta ka rin tlang pheiin i) a zau la i ah 4 nos LMV Zirtiri Residentia l Science college building hmar lam kil 4.5 mtrs thir ban thleng. (Ka wng thlang)ii) a zim laiah 11Aiza wl Venglai leh Ramhlun South inrinna Zirtiri Residential ScienceCollege building bul kawng peng thuam atanga kawng hnuai zawk 8mtrs atanga teh ta nin chhim lamah. (Kawngchhak)L-20 mtrs4 nos LMV 12Aiza wl Venglai to Zirtiri Residential Science College Road Pu P.C. Lalauva kawt zau lai.L-10 mtrsTurning Point - 20 - Ex-233/2016 RAMTHAR Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Sihpui Junction, Theihai lui step chhuah atanga teh a chhim (Electric Veng) lamah ka wngthlang.L-28 mtrs8 nos Taxis 2Sihpui Tuikhur kawt kawng chhak lam kawng zaulai.L-20 mtrs Line Bus Stand 3Ramthar Roa d/Thlanmual road, Pu Rohlupuia In hnuai luhna step chhuah atangin hmar lam retaining wall chung.L-13 mtrs3 nos LMV 4Bishop House Road, Pu Liandawla In chhim lam atanga hmar lamah kawngchhak.L-15 mtrs3 nos LMV 5Pu L alnunsiama Kawlni in chhim la m opposite thirban atanga hmar lamah kawngchhak.L-5 mtrs1 no LMV 6Pu T. Ngurauva in (Bezelel Cottage) chhim lam kil opposite atanga hmar lamah Pu Selthuama garrage kawt thleng.L-30 mtrs7 nos LMV 7Pu Ramliana In chhim lam ban kil atanga hmar lamah Pu Zamlova In hmar lam ban kil opposite.L-16 mtrs3 nos LMV Area No. 31 :CHHINGA VENG, ARMED VENG & ARMED VENG SOUTH CHHINGA VENG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1L. R alhnehthanga in kil thir ban atangin Bethlehem Peng lama h Pu Biakthanga In kawt thleng.L-26 mtrs6LMV 2Chhinga Veng Peng atangin Armed Veng Field Kawngah Pu P.C. Lalr uatsanga in thleng.L-16 mtrs5 Taxis 3Pu C.T. Zama Building kawmthlang zau lai Gas semna PointGas point 4Pu C. Hualhnuna Building kawt kual zau lai.Dropping Zone AR MED VENG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Armed Veng to Ramthar road Junction atangin Ramthar lama h Market Building La wp thleng.L-30.5 mtrs9 nos Taxis 2Armed Veng F ield chhak kawngpui Telephone Box dingthiang a tangin Magazine kawn la mah.L-36.5 mtrs7LMV 3YMA Hall bul kawng kual zau lai.(Turning/Sanitation Point) 4Pu R. Lalneka in kil chhak lam atangin Armed Veng F ield lama h Pu Laibuanga in luhna zawn thleng.L-49 mtrs11 nos LMV ARMED VENG SOUTH Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Bazar building kawtCity Bus 2City Bus stand Chite road lamah Middle school chhak thleng6 nos Taxis 3Bethlehem Vengthlang roa d Pu Huthanga leh Pu Vanmawia in kawt zau lai.4 nos LMV 4Magazine kawn to thlanmual road Pu Kawlliana in kawt zau lai3 nos LMV Area No. 32 : TEMPLE TO VAIVAKAWN-1 (TUIKUAL, DINTHAR & DAWRPUI VENGTHAR AREA) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1S.A. Temple main ga te hmarlam atangin Tuichhun-chhuah lama thirban dingthiang thleng.City Bus Stop - 21 -Ex-233/2016 2Tuichhunchhuah kual zau lai, Zodin Squar e atanga step lo chhuk chhuahnaDropping Zone 3A chunga sawi opposite R.T. Iron & Steel Works kawt zau lai.Dropping Zone cum Line Bus & MZU Pickup Point. 4R.S. Building (Mana International Cement) Dawr chhim lam banPeriodic No Pa rking kil ata ngin Vaivakawn lamah Pu J. Malsa wma building tawp thleng. L-58 mtr s (8:30a m-10:30a m 4:00pm-6:00pm) 5Pu Zahnuna In opposite step hand ra iling b an 2-na zawn ata ngin S.A. Temple lamah thirban thlengL-23 mtrs5 nos LMV 6Pi Nghinglovi Building huamchin Gar age luhna dah awl inL-177 mtrs17 nos Two Wheelers 7Zomi Villa building leh Phulmawi Run building chhim lam inka r thir ban thleng.L-15.4 mtrs Dropping Zone 8Pu V.L.T. Muana Building chhim kil atangin Vaiva kawn lama h Pu C. Thangkima In kil chhim lam thir ban thleng.L-46 mtrs LMV Periodic No Pa rking (8:30am-10:30am & 4:00pm-6:00pm) 9Chhinga & Son’s kawt April kung atangin Dinthar lamah Pu R odney Ralte IAS in hmar lam kil thleng.L-73 mtrs18 nos LMV 10Pu Vanlalhr iata Building in kil thlang lam atangin chhak lama h Pu R.Renghnuna Building in kil chhak lam thlengin70mtrs.Dropping & Pick Up zone. 11Rura l Bank thlang lam Building kil tawp atangin chhak lamah Pu Ma-ngura Building (Commissioner Food Sa fety Office) in kil chhak lam thleng.L-73 mtrsTwo wheelers Area No. 33 : TEMPLE TO VAIVAKAWN - II (DAWRPUI VENGTHAR & VAIVAKAWN AREA) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1S.A. Hall Dawrpui Vengthar (Hauva Memorial Hall)General Par king kawm thla ng.L-20 mtrs LMV & Two Wheelers 2Pi Hauziki In kil hmar lam thir ban atangin hmar lamah Pu H.V.L. Auva Building chhim lam thleng.L-67 mtrs Dropping Zone 3Glass House opposite thir ba n atangin hmar lamah Water Pump thleng.L-27.5 mtrs6 nos LMV 4Pu T hanghuama in kawt kawng chhak lam zau lai.L-15 mtrs3 nos LMV 5Pu Lalthansanga Sailo in kawt kual zau lai.Dropping Zone 6Pu Romawia in kawt YMA Zun In ban atangin Vaiva kawn lamah, thingkung thleng.L-53 mtrs12 nos LMV 7A chunga sawi atangin hmar lam Vaivakawn kawn lamah N.S. S. H.B.C. Zun In ban thleng.L-71 mtrs20 nos Taxi 8Vaivakawn YMA Library Building huam chin.L-12.7 mtrs Dropping Zone 9A chunga sa wi Two Wheelers Parking ata ngin Bazar Building huam chin.Dropping Zone 10Pu W. Chhuanawma in kawt Zun In atangin.L-20 mtrs W-9 mtrs City Bus Stand 11A chunga sawi Zun In atangin Zotlang peng bul No Parking ban thleng. L - 2 7 . 5 mt r s6 nos LMV 12Khawtini Building chhak Tuikhur atangin Pu Laltinkhuma Sailo In kawt Tuikhur thleng.L-39 mtrs7 nos Pik Up - 22 - Ex-233/2016 13A chunga sa wi Tuikhur ata ngin Zohnuai peng thleng.L-208 mtrs5 nos LMV 14Vaivakawn Ba zar pan chhohna No Par king Sign Board banTwo Wheeler a tanga thlang lamah Health Care Building hma rlam ban thleng.L- 21 mtrs,Periodic (7:00 AM - 11:00AM, 3:00 PM - 6:00PM)(Enchhin tur). W-1.5mtrs No Parking Area No. 34 : KANAN VENG SOUTH KANAN Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Upper Kanan panna kawng chhuah ata ngin Dr. R. T hangvunga In thleng.L-45 mtrs10 nos LMV 2Pu P.C. Lalzuiliana In khawchhak lam tawp atanga khawthlanglam. L-10 mt r s10 nos Two Wheelers 3Pu Rochhunga In khawchhakla m tawp atangin chhakla mah.L-14 mtrs3 nos LMV 4P.C. Malsawmtluanga In khawthlang lam tawp atanga khawtlang lam. L-18 mtrs18 nos Two Wheelers 5Kanan area tawp tui pump bul kawng kual zau lai.L-8 mtrs2 nos LMV 6Pu R. Dawngliana In opposite railing huam chin za wng.L-20 mtrs20 nos Two Wheelers. MIDDLE KANAN Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Lungtiawia leh Pi F. Lalengmawii te building huam chin zawng. L-40 mtrs Two Wheelers 2Pu H rangzuala In hua m chin zawngL-10 mtrs2 nos LMV 3Pu Zosangliana Varte In chhim tawp atangin hmar lam.L-9 mtrsTwo Wheelers 4Pu V.L. Liana Hmar in luhna step atanga hmar lamah Pu P.B. Rosanga ka wt kuallai thleng.L-13 mtrs3 nos LMV 5Pu C. Zotawna In atanga hmarlamah Pu Saingura Sailo inhnuai panna step thleng.L-18 mtrs Two Wheelers 6Pu R . Lalthlamuana In opposite reta ining wall chhim lam tawp atangin hmar lamah.L-16 mtrs3 nos LMV 7Pu J. Lawmkima In chhim tawp atangin hmar lamah a in huam chin za wng.L-10 mtrs2 nos LMV LOWER KANAN Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Lalvuana In hmarlam electric ban atangin chhim lamah Pu Lalvuana In huam chin za wng.L -15 mtrs5 nos LMV 2Badminton Ha ll sak la i hmarlam electric ban atangin chhim lamah. L -17 mtr s3 nos LMV 3Pu Vanlalphena In hmar kil atanga chhimlam.L -8 mtrs2 LMV 4Pu Vanlalmawia Magistrate in dawr step tawp atanga chhimlam15 nos Pu P.C. Bia ksiama kawt thleng.L -15 mtrs Two Wheelers 5Pi Chuauchhungi in luhna step atangin Kohhran Thia nghlim Biakin kawng luhna 1. 5 meter zuahin chhimlamah Pu T handanga kawt gate luhna thleng.L-15.8 mtrs3 nos LMV 6Middle School luhna step ata ng Kanan kawn la mah.L-10 mtrs10 nos Two Wheelers. 7Pu Ramengmawia (L) In (Near Presbyterian Biakin kawt)2 nos Vara ndah ta wp Biak In lam atangin Vaiva kawn la mah.L-6.2 mtrs Taxis Sta nd. - 23 -Ex-233/2016 Area No. 35 : JOINT YMA FIELD TO DINTHAR& DINTHAR KAWN JOINT YMA FIELD TO DINTHAR Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Dawr pui Vengthar YMA In step kil a tangin kawng thlang16 nos lam Pavement tawp zawn thleng.L-16.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 2Pu C. Vanlalhruaia In luah Pu Lalchhunga In huam chin.L-14.5mtrs3LMV 3Pu Sangliana In hmar lam kil atangin Pu R. Lalzauva In bul Peng thir ban thleng.L-29 mtrs6LMV 4Pu Muana (Transport Mual) In hmar lam kil atangin Dinthar ka wn lamah.L-18.5 mtrs General Par king 5Pu V.L. Zuala Ralte in kawt kual zau lai.L-12.5mtrs General Par king 6Pu R . Lalnunsanga in kawt a in hmar lam zawn ata ngin Pi Thangi in hmar lam kil thleng.L-37.5mtrs General Par king 7Dinthar Thla nmual kawngkual zau lai Middle School penna bul atangin Very Office bul thleng, Thlanmual kawng dal lovin. L-26 mtrs General Par king 8Pu K. Zathua ma in kil hmar lam atangin Pu L alpianthanga in chhim la m kil zawn thleng.L-52.5mtrs12LMV 9SAHa ll hnua i Zun in leh S. A.Hall Gate inkar.Bus S tand 10A chunga sa wi Gate chhak a tangin S.A. Ha ll kil tawp thir ban thleng.L-19 mtrs4LMV DINTHAR KAWN AREA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu C. Pazawna In kil Pu Thianghlima In kawt atangin Dinthar kawn lamah, Tuilua nkawr P u K. Rosanga in kil zawn thleng.L-52 mtrs17 Taxis 2Dint har kawn Taxis Stand ata ngin Pu Rosanga in kil Beam zawn thleng.L-19 mtrsBus S tand 3Taxis Stand Dinthar opposite Dropping Zone leh Line BusMawii Dawr kawt drop & pickup point. Bus Dropping Zon & YMA Hall kawt zawn Dropping Zone 4Tuikual D Mual, Dinthar leh Tuikual in ri na zau lai thirlen hung chin.L-48 mtrs12LMV 5Tuikual Hall bul Step atangin chhim lama h Hall In kil tawp thleng. L-30 mtr s7 Temporary Taxis stand Area No. 36 :CHAWNPUI AREA & ZOTLANG AREA CHAWNPUI AREA Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Chawnpuikawn: Pu H. Lalnghaka varandah hungna kil chhim lam atangin hmar lamah Pu Thanglura building hnuai luhna step thleng, Pu Tha nglura Garrage luhna 2.5 mtrs zuahawlin.L-23 mtrs7 Taxis 2Chawnpui Vengthlang : Pu K.C. Thanga In ban la ita ata ngin4 LMV thla ng lamah.L-20 mtrs (NCC peng) ZOTLANG AREA 1Pi T hanglia nchhungi In khawthlang lam tawp ata ngin khawthlang lamah leh kawngchhak lamahL-27 mtrs5LMV 2Pu B. Lalrinthanga Building opposite khawchhak lamTwo Wheelers vantlang zunin bul electr ic ban atangin khawthlang la mah.L-11 mtrs parking - 24 - Ex-233/2016 3Biak In kawn, Gospel Centenary building ban lai ata ngin YMA library building kawt thleng.L-11.5 mtrs3 Taxis 4Pu S.R. Zokhuma building bul step chhuah atangin khawthlang lamahL-10 mtrs3 Taxis 5Pu H. Lalrua ta In (panna) luh chhohna ata nga hmar lam Chhangurkawn lamah.L-12 mtrs3 LMV 6Pu L alhruaia In kil zawn (opposite) atangin Chhangur kawn lamah kawngkual zaulai.L-17 mtrs4 LMV 7Pu Mangsavunga (L) In leh P u Laltha ngzauva Pudaite (L) In inkar kawngkual za ulai.L-10 mtrs2 LMV 8Zotlang H/S panna step ata nga Pu Samuel Rosanglura In lamah L-13 mtrs Two Wheelers 9Pu Lalhmingliana In bul tui pump atangin chhimlamah.L-7 mtrs2 LMV 10Pu T.C. Thanga Guite In khawchhaklam kil ata ngin Chhangurkawn lamah.L-17 mtrs4 LMV Area No. 37 : ZONUAM AREA (UNIVERSITY ROAD), ZONUAM TO GOV’T. COMPLEX ROAD & LUANGMUAL CHHANGURKAWN & GOV’T. COMPLEX AREA ZONUAM AREA (UNIVERSITY ROAD) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Lalnuntluanga building bul elect ric ban bul ata ngin Chawlhhmun la mah.L-20 mtrs4LMV 2R.C. Steel frame works kawt zaulai.L-11 mtrs2LMV 3L.R. T. Motor works inhnua i luhna step atangin Chawlhhmun lama h Faith Academy School (C.Thangkima building) huam chin zawng, Faith Academy s chool luhna zua hin.L-34 mtrs8LMV 4Vety Health Center luhna step atangin Chawlhhmun lamah kawng chhak kawngkual zaulai.L-16 mtrs4LMV 5Pu C.Lianthuama in khawthlang lam kil atangin Chawlhhmun lama h kawngchhak lam.L-37 mtrs9LMV 6Pu K.Lalzuala kawt zaulaiCity Bus Stand 7A chunga sa wi City Bus stand opposite Vantlang zunin bul.Bus S tand 8Lungmual pa nna peng atanga 11 mtr s atanga teh tanin Chawlhhmun la mah.L-30 mtrs7LMV 9BSNL Qtr. Ga te atangin Chawlhhmun lamah Pu Lalnunmawia Sailo In luhna gate bul thirban thleng.L-10 mtrs2LMV 10Bazaar building kawt zawl zaulaiL-14 mtrs3LMV 11Pu C. Biakchhu nga in kawt.Bus S tand (Cha wlhhmun pan) 12A chunga sawi Bus stand opposite YMA Infor mation kawt.City Bus Stand (Vaivakawn pan) 13Pu Lalruatkima kawt, In hungna atangin chhim la mah.L-20 mtrs4LMV 14Zonuam Presbyterian Biak In kawng peng atangin Biak In lama h.L-24 mtrs5LMV 15Pu Lalringliana Hna mte building chhim lam tawp ata ngin chhim lama h kawngchhak lam.L-15 mtrs3LMV 16Pu Zathuama building hmar la m tawp atangin chhim la mah.L-10 mtrs2LMV 17Lalkhawchhana PointL-10 mtrs City Bus Stand (Cha wlhhmun pan) 18A chunga sawi City Bus stand atanga chhim lamah.L-8 mtrs2LMV 19Pu Krosena building bul.City Bus stand (Vaivakawn lam pan) - 25 -Ex-233/2016 20Pu Vanlalrua ta building chhim tawp atangin chhim la mah.L-20 mtrs4LMV 21Pu Sata tuikhur kual zaulai kawngchhak lam.L-20 mtrs4LMV ZONUAM TO GOV’T. COMPLEX ROAD & LUANGMUAL CHHANGURKAWN ZONUAM TO GOV’T. COMPLEX ROAD Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Khawneiha In pa nna step chhua h kawngkual za ulai behchhanin kawngchhak lam.L-46 mtrs11LMV 2Hmunkhawhar peng bul.City Bus Stand 3Aganwadi Center II kawmthla ng kawngkual zaulai.L-10 mtrs2LMV 4HSS North College waiting s hed ata ngin ata ngin Govt Complex lamahL-13 mtrs3LMV LUANGMUAL CHHANGURKAWN Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Lalremliana In kawt Pu Rualtha nkhuma nen an inkar kawng zuah awlin Pu Lalremliana Building huam chin.L-7 mtrsCity Bus 2Pu K . Thanza ma in peng leh L uangmual peng inkar.Sanitation Point 3Pi Rosangpuii In hmar lam kil atang chhim lamah Luangmual peng za wn thleng.L-17 mtrs5 Taxis 4Pi R uaihmingthangi In kawt.Dropping Zone 5Pu C hhuanva wra In kawtCity Bus Stand 6YMA Y Section House hnuai kawng kual zau laiah zunin bul footpath ban thlang atangin chhim thlang lamah.L-12 mtrs4 Taxis 7Pu Lalmuanawma In kawt atanga Chhangurkawn lamah \Pu C. Ralka pthanga in lu hna thleng.15LMV 8Pu P.T. Tha nga In kawtCity Bus Stand 9Pu B. Ramena In kawtSanitation Point 10Pu Lalnunzira In pengCity Bus Stand 11Pu David Vanrammawia(L) in bul.City Bus Stand 12Remna Run peng bul Ch. Chhunga H/S peng chhakCity Bus Stand 13Luangmual peng chho (Chawlhhmun lam atangin) khaw chhak lamah L-69mt r s9HMV GOV’T. COMPLEX Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pi Lalpuii In khaw chhak lam kil atanga khaw chhak lamah hmawngkung thleng.L-8 mtrsCity Bus Stand 2City Bus stand ata nga 7 mtrs zuah awlin khaw chhak lamah Old Age Home lam thleng.L-20 mtrs6Taxi 3Guahati High Court Gate bul junction Turning point for City Bus 4Bazar shed bulCity Bus Stand 5Baza r shed bul theihai ku ng atanga R.T. Point peng lam ah.L-16.9 mtrs5 Taxi 6Presbyterian Biak In bul waiting shed bulCity Bus Stand 7R.D. Point tuikhur atanga chhak la m ahL-13 mtrs4 Taxi Area No. 38 : CHAWLHHMUN ROPAIABAWK, TUIVAMIT, RAMRIKAWN, TANHRIL & SAKAWRTUICHHUN CHAWLHHMUN ROPAIABAWK, TUIVAMITSl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu H. Sangchhunga in atanga telephone pillar thlengL-31 mtrs10 Taxis - 26 - Ex-233/2016 2Pu J. Kapkima(L) in kawtCity Bus Stand 3Dr. Lalbiakmawia (Kidron Valley) building oppositeCity Bus 4Salvation Army Tuivamit Corps atang PGCI Gate thlengL-34mtrs3HMV 5Salvation Army YP Hall Tuivamit kawtSanitation Point 6Salvation Army YP Hall kha wchhak lam kil zawn a tang khawchhak lamah, kawng ko Pu H. Zoliana in kil khaw thlang lam thleng.L-19mtrs2HMV 7Pu Lalhmangaiha Sa ilo te in panna peng atanga kawng chhak lam PHE tui pump na thleng.L-26mtrs6LMV 8Pu C. Lalthianghlima in Pu T hangchhu nga luah bul Electric ban bul kawg kual zaulai.Sanitation Point 9Geology and Mining site office bul Pu Thanseia In zawn atanga khaw t hlang la mah.L-l00mtr s12HMV RAMRIKAWN Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Tuivamit M UP in kawtCity Bus Stand 2Animal feed plant Ra mrikawn peng atanga Pu L.T. Hrangchala te in peng phei ah.L-23mtrs7 Taxis 3Ramr ikawn la i tak Pi Rohlupuii dawr kawt atanga Pu Hlira building la i tak Pi Rita thingpui dawr thleng.L-25mtrs5LMV 4Pu M.D. Shar ma building leh Pu R.Lalpiangliana building inkar L-12mtrs City Bus S tand TANHRIL 1Pu H. Lalthianghlima building hmar lam kil zawn atanga FCI Godown lamah a building chhimlam zawn thleng.L-17 mtrs6LMV 2Dr. Rotluanga building hmar lam kil zawn atanga FCI G odown la mah.L-38 mtrs9LMV 3Pu Badhura building hmar lam kil zawn electric ban atanga chhim lamah. FCI Godown kawn lamah electric ban thleng.L-38 mtrs9LMV 4FCI Godown luhna bul atanga hmar la mah (Ramr ikawn lam site). L-32mtr s4HMV 5FCI Godown gate ata nga MZU lamah Ranhril peng thleng.L-24mtrs3HMV 6Tanhril peng atanga 8 mtrs zuah awlin MZU lamahL-22mtrs3HMV SAKAWRTUICHHUN 1Field hlui Pu C.Vanlalliana in bul (C.Vanlalliana Point)Bus t urning P oint Area No. 39 :RANGVAMUAL Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Truck Terminal Gate ban veilam atanga Hunthar lam Pi La lchhuanmawii in zawn thleng.L-64 mtrs General Par king 2Truck Terminal Gate ban dinglam atanga Phunchawng lam Mini Bazaar (Sa zawr hna) thleng.L-128mtrs41 nos Taxis 3Pu Lalhmunmawia dawr kawt atangin hmar thlang lam Pu Vanlalawma in zawn electric ban thleng.L-19 mtrs6 Taxis 4Anganwadi C enter II atanga Phunchawng lam Pu Moses La lchhandama in kawt telephone ban thleng.L-19 mtrs6 Taxis - 27 -Ex-233/2016 Area No. 40 :CHANMARI WEST, EDENTHAR & HUNTHAR CHANMARI WEST Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Hunthar peng bul electric ban atanga Chanmari lam side ah Pu P apuia building L.T. Furnishing thleng.L-16 mtrs Dropping Zone 2Chanmari & Vaivaka wn inrinna step bul electric ban atanga Chanmari la mah culvert tawp thleng.L-20 mtrs4LMV 3Pu C.Zosangliana(L ) In peng ata nga Cha nmari lamah Pu Lalthlamuana In step chhuahchhohna hmar lam kil thleng. L-100 mtrs24LMV 4Pu R .Pakunga In zawn lungrem chin thleng.L-14.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 5Pu Vanlalrova MPSfRtd.) In atanga Chanmari lamah Pu Lalduhawma In thir ban hmar tawp thleng.L-64 mtrs.15LMV 6Pu R. Lalrama building hmar lam kil atanga C.V. Library inkar. L-24 mtrs Dropping Zone 7Damdiai sarep dawr bul chhim lam nala atangaTwo Wheeler Pu Zakunga building hmar lam kil tawp thleng.L-13 mtrsParking 8Pu C.Lalramzaua building hmalam.L-13mtrs4 Taxis 9New Horizon building hmar lam kil tawp atang Edenthar lam panna UPC Biak In luhna chhim lam step zawn thleng.L-24 mtrs5LMV 10Hming Auto Washing (Waiting shed) atanga Bawngkawn lam electric ban thleng. (Kawngthlang lamah”)L-48 mtrs12LMV 11Pu Lalremtluanga in chhim lam atanga Company peng lam Pu H.Vanlalduata In chhim lam kil thleng.(Kawngchhak lam) L-108 mtrs26LMV EDENTHAR Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Ralkapzauva in kil atanga Pu C. Zosangliana in kil thleng.L-20 mtrs Dropping Zone 2Pu C. Vanla lhnema in luhna gate zawn ata nga hma rlam electric ba n Pi Va nzingi in thleng.L-25 mtrs4LMV 3Pu Biakliana In hma zawn.L-10 mtrs2LMV 4La lsangliana Petrol Pump a tanga C. Lalr amliana in hmarla m kil thleng. L - 2 8 mt r s7 Taxis 5H. B. Motor s building hmar lam kil tawp electr ic ba n a ta nga Ba wngka wn lam Pu Ramthanga r am tawp electric ban ding thiang thleng.L-105 mtrs26LMV 6Baza r building hmarlam in ban kil atanga Pu Hr angthankima building chhim lam kil t awp thleng.L-22 mtrs 22 Two Wheeler 7Pu Hrangtha nkima In tawp atanga Company peng lam, kawngchhak lam C. S angkhuma in thleng.L-136 mtrs33LMV 8Thlanmual kual luhna bul Pu Ramliana In hmar lam kil tawp atanga Company peng lam Pu Thangkhuma in hmar lam kil tawp thleng. fkawng thiang la mah)L-13 mtrs3LMV HUNTHAR Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu F.L. Tha nzawna in zawn atanga Compa ny peng lam Pu V. Lalramliana in hmarlam kil tawp thleng. (LMV Parking kawngchhak lam)L-83 mtrs20LMV 3Horticulture building chhim lam kil tawp atanga Pu Lianzinga in chhimlam kil tawp (kawngthlang lam) thleng.L-25 mtrs7 Taxis 4Pu Lianzinga In ata nga Company peng tak Ba zar building chhimlam ban tawp thleng.L-25 mtrs Dropping Zone 5Company peng atanga Sairang lamah waiting shed tawp thleng. L-24 mtrs Dropping Zone- 28 - Ex-233/2016 6Wait ing Shed (Coy. Peng) atanga S airang lam Pu Laizinliana in April ku ng thleng.L-80 mtrs20LMV 7Hunthar leitlahniam zau lai Pu Rohluna ram chinL-25 mtrs W-10 mtrs Maxi Cab Stand Area No. 41 : CHANMARI - I Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Jeffrey-a Building kawt huam za wng.L-9.7 mtrsDropping & Pick up 2New Life Hospital bul Step lo chho atanga hmar lamah New Life Sign Boar d hmar lam hua min.L-11 mtrs Dropping Zone 3A chunga sawi Two Wheeler dahna atanga hmar lamah SBI (Pu Thanhlira Hauva) Gar age luhna thleng.L-9 mtrsTwo Wheeler 4Pu Thangmawia building hmar lam kil atanga hmar lamah kawng chha k lam, Art and Cultur e Office kawng thlang junct ion thleng. L-40 mtrs9LMV 5Art and Culture Office thlang Reebok showroom opposite telephone ban kawng chhak lamah a tang a teh chhohinL-15.5 mtrs 20 Two Wheeler 6A chunga sa wi atanga chhaklamah t eh chhohin Art and Cult ure Office kawng thlang junct ion thleng.L-15 mtrs5LMV 7Ch. Saprawnga building Gate atanga Reebok Show Room building hmar lam thleng.L-21 mtrs Dropping Zone 8Chanmar i YMA Hall hnuai zun in bul step atangin hmar lamah.L-15 mtrs W-1.5 mtrs Two wheeler 9Sl. No.10 leh 11 hi tiang hian da h zawk ni se, C hanmari YMA Hall hnuai zun inbu l step a tang in hrangba na collage junctionTwo wheeler thlen hma thir ban thleng.L-27 mtrs. parking 10MMF Golden Jubilee Pillar bul Electric ban atanga Junction in kar.L-7.5mtrs Sanitaition Point 11Chanmari Taxi Stand Transformer awmna YMA dawr ban kil chhim lam atanga chhim lamah pu rozama building inhnuai luhna thleng. L-37mtrs.9 Taxis Area No. 42 : CHANMARI - II (CHANMARI TO RAMHLUN ROAD) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Hrangbana building chhim lam kil atanga Pu Hrangbana building V.L. Automobiles dawr thleng.L-14 mtrs3LMV 2Then hran tur:a) Pu Hrangba na Building V.L Automobiles dawr atanga hmar lam7mtrsDropping zone b) A chunga sawi a tangin hmar la mah Pu Hrangba na BuildingTwo Wheeler hmar lam kil thlengL -6 mtrs Par king 3Pu R.Thangla wra(L) Pi Lalthangzauvi Sailo building chhim lam kil atanga Pu Rosiamngheta building hmar lam kil thleng.L-35 mtrs8LMV 4Pu P.C. Vanlalsanga building chhim lam kil atanga hmar lamah Pu Lalbiakthanga building hmar kil opposite thleng.L-23 mtrsBus S tand 5Pi Lalengma wii (WK] building chhim kil a tanga hmar lam kilL-23 mtrs Two Wheelers 6A & T Office building chhim kil atanga hmar lamah Pu C halhnuna(L) building (Taxation) hmar kil thleng. (Kawng dung zui za wng)L-69 mtrs17LMV 7Pu Lianhlira (L) building chhim kil atanga hmar lamha Pu Dailova Pachuau building hma r kil t hleng. Balu zu arte loading/unloading na tur r inawl nise).L-31 mtrsTwo Wheeler 8.Pu Lalbiakthanga P achuau Building pahnihte lai tak atanga hmar lamah Lai Chhungkaw Building hmar lam kil thleng.L-44 mtrs10LMV - 29 -Ex-233/2016 9Pu V. Neihkunga building hma r lam kil atanga hmar lamah Customs Building chhim kil thleng.L-28 mtrs Two Wheelers 10Pu Lalthuama Building hmar lam kil a tanga chhim la mah IDBIDropping & Bank Building chhim lam kil thleng (Kawngthlang lam pang)L- 22 mtrs Pick up Zone Area No. 43 : CHANMARI - III (CHANMARI KAWN TO CHALTLANG ROAD) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Chanmari West Junction atanga BOC Peng lamah kawngL-27 mtrs thla ng zau laiah ELBEE Hood Works bul thir ban thleng. W-lmt 36 Two Wheeler 2Pi Tawnveli building (TL Enterprise) ban chhim la m kil atanga Hrangbana P oint opposite thir ban thleng.L-18 mtrs Dropping Zone 3Chanmari Chaltlang road, Pu Robuanga in luhna gate atanga Chaltlang lamah Pu Nghinglova building kil tawp thleng. Timing ( 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM & 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM)Periodic a da h zawk tur.L-105 mtrs No Pa rking 4Pu L alnghinglova Building Chaltlang lam kil tawp atanga Chaltlang lamah La ipuitla ng chhohna step thleng.L-8 mtrs Sanitation Point 5Laipuitlang chhohna step dawt chhiah tanga Chaltlang lamah K. Lalthantluanga building opposite thirban lian thleng.L-36 mtrs8LMV Area No. 44 : CHALTLANG DAWRKAWN TO TOURIST LODGE& LAIPUITLANG CHALTLANG DAWRKAWN TO TOURIST LODGE Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Baza r opposite kawng chha k lam kawngkual zau lai.Dropping Zone 2Chaltlang Dawrkawn Sapramthangi dawr bul Electric ban atanga chhim lamah.L-27 mtrs8 Taxis Stand 3Electric ban atanga hmar lamah.L-14.7 mtrs Dropping Zone 4Dropping Zone atanga hmar la mah.L-8 mtrsBus S tand 5Pu Tha nliana (L) in ka wng ata nga hma r lamah Ka wlthei kung thleng. L - 1 5 . 5 mt r s5 Taxis LAIPUITLANG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Salvation Ar my Hall bul step atanga chhim la mah.L-28 mtrs General Par king 2Pu S. Hminga In atanga chhim lamah PWD Mechanical Workshop chhim lam kil thleng.L-49 mtrs General Par king 3Recr eation Centre panna kawng atanga chhim la mah.L-16 mtrs General Par king 4YMA Building opposite PWD Building atanga chhim lamah SE Main Ga te thleng.L-13 mtrs 5EE PWD Road North Ofice hmar la m kil a tanga chhim la mah. L-24 mtrs General Par king 6Pi Zothankimi in ka wt step chhuah atanga chhim la mah.L-5 mtrsTwo Wheeler 7Jubilee Hall opposite tui pump atanga hmar lamah.L-8.5 mtrs Turning Point 8Pu Lalfakzua la Building Female Handicap Building chhim lam atanga hmar lamah.L-14.6 mtrs General Par king Area No. 45 : CHALTLANG TO BAWNGKAWN ROAD& CHALTLANG NORTH-1 CHALTLANG TO BAWNGKAWN ROAD Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Rokhama in hnua i luhna opposit e atanga Bawngkawn lama h Pi Vanlalthangi Building thlang lam kil thleng.L-90 mtrs General Par king 2Pu F. Malsa wma in p eng ata ngin Ba wngkawn lamah P & E Site Office Gate thleng.L-9.9 mtrs General Par king - 30 - Ex-233/2016 3Chalkhawrun kawt vantlang zun in atangin Bawngkawn lamah Laltawna in bul step thleng. Eastern Motor Body Build and Repair Works luhna 4 mtrs zua hin.L-57 mtrs General Par king CHALTLANG NORTH -I Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Chaltlang North pa n chhohna, MST Office bul atanga Bawngkawn la mah foot path b an tawp ber da wttu thleng.L-12 mtrs City Bus Stand 2A chhunga City Bus S tand atanga Bawngkawn lamah Pu Clement Lalrema in peng thleng.L-83 mtrs20LMV 3Sericultute quarter bul PHE Tanky hlui Pi Lalnunsangi dawr bul telephone ban atanga Bawngkawn lama h kawng thiang lam kual zau laiah Pu H. Lalfanthanga building hmar lam kil thleng. L-50 mtrs12LMV 4State Guest House peng zunin bul zau laiCity Bus Stand/ Dropping zone 5State guest house hnuai hoarding ban hma r lam (State Guest House lungr em hmar lam kil) zawn atangin 14 mtrs zuah a wlin Bawng-kawn lamah Pu A.K. Za ma In hmar lam kil thleng.L-41 mtrs10LMV Area No. 46 : CHALTLANG NORTH -II (SAIRANG ROAD) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Hrangbana Petrol pump opposite Pu Lalthara building chhimlam kil atanga hmar lam ah FBL tyre siamna building tawp thleng. L-56 mtrs7 Trippers 2Pu Kapzauva in (Palau Dawr) bul Electric ban Bawngkawn lam side atanga Sairang lamah Pu Kapzauva building huamin. L-24 mtrs4 Trippers 3Pu M. Lalvuana building in rel lai atanga Sairang lamah Pu Lianthanghrima in kil chhim lam zawn thleng.L-166 mtrs23 LPK/ 407 Stand Area No. 47 : RAMHLUN SOUTH (UPPER & LOWER ROAD) RAMHLUN SOUTH UPPER ROAD Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Ramhlun South Carmel road P u P.L. Chhuma building lai tak opposite thleng.L-20 mtrs4LMV 2Pu C.S. Kapliana building kawt hirban opposite atanga chhim lama h Pu V. L. Bela building chhim lam ban thleng.L-95 mtrs Dropping Zone 3Pu J. Lalthuama In opposite step atanga hmar lamah Pu Nicholas Ralte building hmar kil thleng.L-15 mtrsTwo Wheeler 4Pu Nicholas Ralte building hmar kil atanga Pu Vanlalngheta in hmar kil opposite thleng.L-44 mtrs10LMV 5Pu Vanlalnghaka building opposite zaulai.Sa nitation/ Gas Point 6Pi Sailovi Sailo in chhohna step atanga chhim lala Pu Biakdanga in hmar kil thleng.L-12 mtrsTwo Wheeler 7Pu C hhuanawma Building kawt zawng (Kawngthlang)L-23 mtrs Two Wheelers 8Pu R .T. Chhingvunga in chhohna step atanga chhim lamah Pi Lalhlunchhungi Sa ilo in kil chhim lam thleng.L-15 mtrsCity Bus 9P i Lalhlunchhingi Sailo (Lalbuaia Enterprise) atanga chhim lamah Salvation Army (Ramhlun ‘S’ Corps) building chhim kil thleng. L-27 mtrs8 Taxis 10Pu Rangkhuma(L) bu ilding kawtCity Bus - 31 -Ex-233/2016 11Pu John Zama Kawt atanga hmar lamahL-13 mtrs4 Taxis 12Pu H. Lalsa ngzuala Building thar kawt telephone ban atanga chhim lamah Pu H. Lalsangzuala building hlui kawt telephone ban thleng.L-10 mtrs Dropping Zone RAMHLUN SOUTH (LOWER ROAD-AIZAWL VENGLAI TO LRM BUILDING) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Ramhlun South Presbyterian Biak in kawt zau lai.Sanitation Point/ Gas semna 2Pu C. Lalsanga In kawt Tui pump bul.Sanitation Point 3Pu C. Hrangluta building kawt zaulai.Sanitation Point 4Pu Zosangliana Ralte building kawt zaulai.Sanitation Point Area No. 48 : RAMHLUN VENGLAI (UPPER & LOWER ROAD) & RAMHLUN VENGTHAR RAMHLUN VENGLAI (UPPER ROAD) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1S.E. PWD highway circle gate atanga electric ban thleng.L-17 mtrs3LMV 2PWD SE Highway Office kawt bul junction ahSanitation Point 3Pi F. Lalneihkimi in kawt Water Pump ata ngin Pi Lalthahliri in kawt Breast Wall tawp thleng.L-16 mtrs3LMV 4Pi Lalthahliri in kawt.Sanitation Point 5PWD Site Office kawt kual zau laiSanitation Point 6R.L. Building kawng kual zau laiCity Bus Stand 7R.L. Building kawng kual zau lai footpath tawp telephone ban atanga hmar lamah Pi Nunvuli te in bul electric ban thleng step lo chhohna 3 mtrs zuah awl in.L-46 mtrs11LMV 8Pi R ohmingliani building kawng chhak lam kil atanga R.L. Building lamah Pu B. Vanhlira building kil thlengL-30 mtrs7LMV 9Lalbiakliana Petrol Pump bul City Bus stand hlui.L-26 mtrs Dropping Zone 10RL. Building kawt zau lai ah sawn ni se (Enchin phawt t ur).City Bus Stand 11Pu V.Z. Kaia in kawt electric ban atanga hmar lamah Pu Vanlalta na in bul lamkhuang kung thleng.L-16 mtrs5 Taxis 12Ramhlun Indoor stadium kawtCity Bus stand 13Pavement ta wp step lo chho Pu Chawngpianga building hmar lam kil ata nga chhim lam kil thleng.L-15 mtrs Dropping Zone 14Pu Sangliankhuma building hmar lam electr ic ban atang chhim lam a h Pi Va nlaldini building chhim lam kil thleng.L-30.5 mtrs7LMV RAMHLUN VENGLAI KAWNG HNUAI Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Upa L.V. Zosanglia na in opposite atanga chhim lama Pu S atia in hmar lam kil zawn thlengL-79mtrs19LMV RAMHLUN VENGTHAR 1Luihnai junction Pu Zahmuaka in kil ban ata ngin Pu Vanenga in kil thir ban thleng.L-49 mtrs12LMV 2Pu Thawmlova (L) in kawt zau lai.L-6 mtrs Sanitation Point 3Biak In kawmthlang Pi Lalkhawzawli in kawt.L-15 mtrs General Par king 4Pu J. Lalnuntluanga in kawt.Sanitation Point 5Pu H rangkunga (L) ka wt Pu Hr angkunga (L)L-12.5 mtrs in kil hmar lam atangin junction lamah.W-3.4 mtrs6 Taxis - 32 - Ex-233/2016 Area No. 49 : RAMHLUN NORTH Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu C . Lallia na building chhim lam kil atang hmar la mah. SA Hall hma r lam kil zunin chhak tui pump thleng. Bia k in luhna step hmun hnih (2) ah 1.5 mtrs zual awl ve ve in.L-61.6 mtrs18 Taxis 2Pu Chhuanawma leh Pu Thangzuala in hmar lam kil telephone ban atanga hmar lamah P u Hmingliana (Kawlni Run) hmar lam kil thleng.L-30.6 mtrs7LMV 3Pu Lalthankhuma building chhim lam kil atang hmar lam Zoenga building chhim lam kil thleng.L-45.5 mtrs Two Wheelers 4Pu T hansanga & Sons YAMAHA building kawt.L-17.5 mtrs Dropping Zone 5Pu Zakamlova building chhim lam kil ban pahnihna zawn atang hmar lam ah.L-25.5 mtrs5LMV 6Nazareth Hospita l building chhim lam atanga hmar lam kil thleng. L-28. 5 mtr s6LMV 7Pi Zamtluangi building hma r lam kil elect ric ban atang chhim lam building kil thleng.L-10 mtrs Two Wheelers 8Pu K. Rochhuma building hmar la m kil a tanga chhim la m ah D-3 Business building chhim lam hua min kawng kalna tur 6.7 mtrs zual awl sa kin.L-31 mtrs Dropping Zone 9Ramhlun Bazar building kawt step bul.Sanitation Point 10MIZOFED building huam chin za wng.L-11m3 LMV General Par king 11MiZOFED building hmarlam kil atanga MUP building bul zunin luh chhohna step thleng.L-56mGeneral Par king 12A chunga mi opposite ah Pu Lalthanliana building hmar lam kil ata nga 2 mtrs zua hawlin chhim la mah Dr. Loncy-a in Sun Rise Ha rdware dawr chhim lam kil thleng.L-31.3 mtrs General Par king 13DIE T peng kr oss bul S CERT building ban chhim la m ata ng hmar lama h Pu Thanzuala Dosel(L) in chhim la m kil zawn thleng.L-45 mtrs10 LMV 14Zangena Petrol pump opposite SCERT building chhim lam kil atanga hmar lamah, building huam chiah chiah in.1-31.8 mtrs7 LMV 15Pu Chawngsavunga in hmar lam kil electric ba n zawn ata ng hmar lamah, Pu Biakzuala Ex-MLA building chhil la m kil step bul thleng. L-40 mtr s9 LMV Area No. 50 : BAWNGKAWN CHHIMVENG (UPPER & LOWER ROAD) & TLAKLUI TO INDUSTRY PENG BAWNGKAWN CHHIMVENG (UPPER ROAD) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu F. Chalngenga (F B Motor works) chhim la m kil atanga hmar lamah khaw chhak lam kawng kual zau lai. 5 mtrs Sanitation point, chutatanga hmar la mah.L-18 mtrs4 LMV 2Pu T hangliana (L) in kil chhim lam zawn pick up s tand tih inta rna thing kung atang hmar lamah MST office panchhohna thleng.L-35 mtrs6 Pik up 3A chunga sa wi MST kawng hmar lam kil ZOHANCO office hmar lam kil zawn atang hmar lama h Pu Biakthanga building hmar lam kil zawn thleng.L-35 mtrs6 Pik up 4A chunga Pik-up stand atanga hmar lam ah Bethesda main entr ance hmarlam zawn thleng.L-37 mtrs8 LMV 5A chunga LMV parking atanga hmar lamah zunin/step thleng. L-10 mtrs Two Wheelers 6Zun in atanga step bul thleng.L-15 mtrsBus S tand - 33 -Ex-233/2016 7Pi Mangkungi building chhim lam opposite (kawng chhak) lam atang hmar lamah Pu Rochhu nga building hmar lam kil huam in. L-45 mtrs10 LMV 8Pu T hangdingliana building chhim lam kil atanga hmar lam 5 mtrs Sanit ation &Gas point atanga hmar la mah.L-29 mtrs7 LMV 9Pu T hangdingliana building chhim lam kil atanga hmar lamah Hotel Serrow hmar lam kil thleng.L-45 mtrs10 LMV 10Hotel Serow hmar lam kil ata nga Pu Vungzadinga building chhim lam ki thleng.L-10 mtrs Two Wheelers 11Pu C.B. Tha ngluta building chhim lam kil atanga hmar lamah Pi Ngeni building chhim lam kil thleng.L-25 mtrs Dropping Zone 12.Pi Ngeni building bul.Sanitation/Gas point 11Pu C.B. Tha ngluta building chhim lam kil atanga hmar lamah Pi Ngeni building chhim lam kil thleng.L-25 mtrs Dropping Zone 12.Pi Ngeni building bul.Sanitation/Gas point BAWNGKAWN CHHIM VENG (LOWER ROAD) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pi Zoremi building kawt kawng kualSanitation/Gas point 2Pu B. Zaihnuna in kawtSanitation/Gas point 3Pu Vungzaliana in kawtSanitation/Gas point 4Pu Lalhuapliana in kawtSanitation/Gas point 5Pu T hanthua ma building bul zun in atanga hmar lamah kawng chhak lam Pu Sanglua ia in hmar lam kil thleng.L-36 mtrs8LMV 6Pu B. Lalrinliana in bulSanitation/Gas point 7Pu P akunga building RCC hmar lam kil atanga chhim lamah Pu Lianngur a main gate thleng.L-15 mtrs3LMV 8Pu T hansanga in building kawt.Sanitation/Gas point 9Pu Thansanga building hmar lam kil atang hmar lamah Puit ea SDO in kil zu n in thleng.L-24.6 mtrs5LMV 10Pu Liansailova in kawt.Sanitation/Gas point TLAKLUI TO INDUST RY PENG Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Biak in bul Pu Lalsangliana in bul.Sanitation/Gas point 2Pu Rohmingthanga in bul electric ba n atanga chhim lamah Pu R.C. Lalmuana leh Pu Lianzela te in inkar electric ban thleng. L-13 mtrs3LMV 3Pu Biakthuama in bulSanitation/Gas point 4Pu Thanpara building kawtSanitation/Gas point 5Pu Chhawnsa nga in kawtSanitation/Gas point Area No. 51 : BAWNGKAWN& BAWNGKAWN SAIRANG ROAD TRAFFIC POINT TO NEW FOUNDLAND SCHOOL BAWNGKAWN Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Bank of Maha rastra Building hmar la m kil Telephone ban atanga hmar lamah Zodin M otor Pa rts dawr hmar lam thleng. L-13.3 mtrs Dropping Zone 2A chunga sawi atanga hmar lamah Chami Beauty Parlour chhim lam kil thleng.L-11.4mtrs2 Taxis (July thla chhung atan enchhin nan dintir loh tur) - 34 - Ex-233/2016 3Pu J. Thanzu ala Building chhim lam kil ata ng High Mass thleng.Ciy Bus 4Bawngkawn Sairang Road Junction atangin Durtla ng road bul tr affic Point thleng (t lak lamah). Dropping Zone BAWNGKAWN SAIRANG ROAD TRAFFIC POINT TO NEW FOUNDLAND SCHOOL Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Bawngkawn S airang Peng Pu Tej Singha Building hmar lam kil zawn atang S airang lamah Ba wngkawn P/S Building leh Pu K. Zokhuma Building inkar thleng.L-15.5 mtrs5 Taxis 2A chunga Taxis Stand atanga Sairang lamah Pu H. Lalenga Building chhim thla ng lam kil thleng.L-22 mtrs5LMV 3A chunga sawi atanga Sairang lamah Pu Ngama Building luhna Gate thleng.L-20 mtrs6 Taxis 4ZDU ram chin atang Sairang lamah ZDU Building hmar thlang lam thleng.L-32 mtrs8LMV 5Pu Vara Building kha w thlang lam kil zawn atanga Sair ang lama h New Foundland School peng thleng.L-45.4 mtrs11LMV Area No. 52 : BAWNGKAWN LUNGLEI ROAD Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1V.L. Kunga Building atanga Pu T hansiama Building thleng.L-34 mtrs W-2 mtrs10 Taxis 2Pu R . Rinawma Building bul.Sanitation Point 3Pu R. Rinawma Building atang Thuampui lamah Bawngkawn Hmar veng pan chhohna Step (Pu Ngama Building bul) inkar thleng. L-189mtrs47LMV 4Bawngkawn Hmar veng pan chhohna Step b ul Pu Ngama Building bul inkil atangin T huampui lamah J. Thankima College peng step RCC Building (Ani Va riety store) inkil opposite kawngchhak thlengL- 76mtrs17 Pick-Up 5A chhunga sa wi (Ani Variety store) inkil opposite kawngchhak atanga Thuampui lamah.L- 33mtrs2 Wheeler 6A chhunga sa wi atangin Thua mpui la mah Leiminna thleng (TL Store opposite)L- 20mtrs6LMV 7Pu Michael Krossta na Building (Michael Earth Mover) atanga Thuampui lamah V.L. Automobile Workshop luhna Gate thleng. L-114.6 mtrs 25 Maxi-Cab 8Pu. Rotluanga in bul kawr atangin hmar lamah Pi. Hriati in kil L- 76 mtrs hmar lam thleng. W- 1.7mtrs 12 MaxiCabs 9A chunga sawi atanga Pu Lawta Building hua min.City Bus 10Pu. Chhawnthanga Ka wlni in kil chhim lam atangin hmar lama h Pi.Tluangi (Assam type building) in kil thleng.L- 74 mtrs W- 1.7mtrs16 Maxi Cabs Area No. 53 : BAWNGKAWN LUNGLEI ROAD TO THUAMPUI (ZUANGTUI PENG), THUAMPUI TO ZUANGTUI & MUANNA VENG BAWNGKAWN LUNGLEI ROAD TO THUAMPUI (ZUANGTUI PENG),Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1J.K. Tyre Steel Wheel Building chhim lam a tang Pi P. Sangthuami in thleng.City Bus 2Pi P. Sangthuami Building huam chin za wng.L-29 mtrs6 LMV 3Pu Lalmalsawma Building chhim lam kil atang hmar lamah Pu K. Rohmingliana (MRF Retread) Building zawn Electric ba n thleng. L - 4 8 mt r s11 LMV - 35 -Ex-233/2016 4A chunga sawi Building hmar lam opposite kawng ko lam kual zau lai. L-28 mt r s5 LMV 5A chunga sawi LMV Parking hmar lam tawp op posite kawng thla ng lama h hmar lam hawiin.L-18 mtrs4 LMV 6Pu Lalsiamliana in opposite Electric thir ban atang Helipad hnua i ah hma r lam ha wiin a zau lai chin thleng.L-29 mtrs6 LMV 7Pu Rualpawla inkil hmar la m kawngchhak a tangin hmarL-43 mtrs lam ah Pu Kawsiama in chhim lam kil thleng. W-1.7 mtrs 10 Maxi Cab 8Pu C. Kaphlira Buidling hmar chhak kil zawn atanga hmar lama h Pi Chhuani Building hmar lam kil thleng.L-71.7 mtrs17 LMV 9Pi Ruati (KB Bar) opposite Culvert kawr atanga hmar lamah Elctric ban kawng chhak lam PHE Tanky thlen hma thleng.L-40 mtrs9 Taxis 10Taxis Stand atanga YMA Run thleng.City Bus THUAMPUI TO ZUANGTUI Sl. No. Pu Tej Singha RCC building chhimlam kil atangin.L-13 mtrsCity Bus 1Pu B. Zakamlova building opposite thir ban a tangin Zuangtui lama h. 4. 5 mt r s1 no LMV 2A chunga sa wi atanga Pu Changphir a building thleng.32.5 mtrsDropping zone 3Pu Changphira Building opposite atanga Godown lamah Gov’t Primary School Peng thleng.L-46 mtrs10 LMV 4Pu C.S. Thia uva Wor kshop ka wt (Roya l Maruti Workshop).Ciy Bus 5Waiting Shed Zemabawk lamah 10 metre zuah awlin Chutatrya Zemabawk lamah AMC Buidling chhim lam ban 3-na za wn thleng.L-17 mtrsTwo Wheeler 6A chunga Two Wheeler Stand atanga AMC Gate luhna thleng. L-14.5 mtrs Dropping Zone 7Pu V. Lallia na Building chhim lam kil ata nga hmar lam NIELIT Gate thleng.L-34 mtrsTwo Wheeler 8NIELIT Boys Hostel panna Gate atanga hmar lamah Main Gate NIELIT thleng.L-34 mtrsTwo Wheeler 9UPC Biak In chhak Electric ban ata nga Pi Sawntlua ngi Building hmar lam kil Electric Ban thleng. Step 3 metre zuah awlin.L-19 mtrs4 Taxis 10Electric EE MRT Division Office chhak Telephone ban atanga L-25 mtrs hmar lamah. W-3 mtrs General Par king 11Electric EE MRT Division O ffice chhak Telephone banL-25 mtrs atanga hmar lamah. W-3 mtrs General Par king MUANNA VENG 1Baptist Biakin hmar lam atanga hmar lam ah Pu Ngurthanmawia in chhim kil thleng.L-46 mtrs15 Taxis Area No. 54 : BAWNGKAWN DURTLANG ROAD Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1A chunga sawi atanga Durtlang lamah Pu Bawia (L) Building ta wp thleng.L-9.6 mtrs2 Taxis (July thla chhung atan enchhin nan din tir loh tur) 2Mana Building (Pi Lalchhanhimi Pachuau Building) khaw chha k lam kil atanga Durtlang lamah a Building kil leh lam tawp Electric ban thleng.L-11.6 mtrs Dropping Zone 3Pu Lalringliana Building, Bawngkawn P/S Building hlui bul thir ban atangin Za sanga P oint la mah.L-35 mtrs Dropping Zone - 36 - Ex-233/2016 4Brigade peng Pu F.C.Ramlia na inkil hmarlam atanga teh tanin chhimlamah Pu F.C.Ramliana in hua min.L-13.5 mtrs City Bus Stand 5Pu F.C. Ramliana in kil chhimlam atang a teh tan in chhimlam Bawngkawn lam 38 m a thui chu Taxi Stand atan dah a ni.L-38 mtrsTaxi stand 6Shiv Mandir Peng step atanga Greenwood Hospital Peng thleng. L-21 mtrs5LMV 7A chunga Maxi Cab Wa iting St and tawp atangin Durtla ng l amah 23m a thui chu Taxi Wa iting Stand atan dah a ni.L-23 mtrs6 nos Taxis 8A chunga Taxi Waiting Stand tawp atangin Durtlang lamah Duke Bike Show Room Building kil thir ban thleng.L-42 mtrs11LMV 9Greenwood Hospital chhak Mahindra showroom opposite kawng thlang lam thirban ding thiang ata nga dur tlang lamah Pu T hangzua la Chenkual Building hmarlam kil thleng.L-158 mtrs Maxi Cab Stand 11Pu Huapzauva in luh chhohna step opposite atangin Durtlang lamah. L-26 mtr s6LMV 12Hill Rose Automobile in kil chhim lam opposite ata ngin Pu P.C. Lalhmachhu ana in opposit e thir ban thleng.L-33 mtrs8LMV 13Pu F. LTZA House Pass No. 10310/01/97 of 2004 a Max Cement Adver tisement Pillar atangin PHE AWSP Division Durtlang Office luhna bul pavement thleng.L-22 mtrs5LMV 14PHE AWSP Division Durtlang Office Gate chhak ata ngin Durtlang lamah Ngia u thingkung thleng.L-48 mtrs11 LMV 15Halflong Dur tlang road kawng kual lai.L-28 mtrs6LMV 16Pu Sanga Durtlang road (Halflong) kawt zau lai.L-48 mtrs11 LMV 17Pu V.L. Tawna & Sons in kawt kual zau lai.L-32 mtrs7 LMV 18LTR Motor Silna thlang thir ban atangin Motor Silna luhna dal lo tawkin.L-18 mtrs4 LMV Area No. 55 : DURTLANG - I (DURTLANG LEITAN & DURTLANG AREA) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Vanlalsawma (Rural Bank) in kawt hmar lam kil atang chhim lamah peng thleng.L-6 mtrsTaxis 2 nos 2Pu Chalhnuna in ban kil hmar lam a tang chhim lam kil thleng.L-llmtrsTwo Wheelers 3Pu T hangfala building hmar lam zawn.City Bus 4Pu Zasiama Ralte dawr (Albeca medical store) hmar lam kil atanga chhim lam kil thleng.L-4.9 mtrs Two Wheelers 5Durtlang Pr esbyterian Hospital pa n chhohna peng NSS Hrangbana College waiting shed zawn.City Bus 6Pu Billy La lthlamuana building hmar lam kil telephone ban atanga hmar lamah Pu Khianghluna (L) building Mawi Mawi Tailoring bul electric ban thleng.L-299 Taxis 7Pu H.Lalbia kkima building chhim lam kil zawn atanga hmar lama h L.H. Motor works building hmar lam kil thleng.L-26 mtrs6LMV 8Salvation Army Hall pan chhohna step atanga hmar lamah Pu T hantlua nga in kil hma r lam zawn thleng.L-17 mtrs4LMV 9Upa Hmingliana building hmar lam kil zawn atang hmar lamah kawng thleng.L-41 mtrs10LMV 10Pu David-a in bul step atanga hma r lamah Durtla ng Hospital pan chhohna thir ban thleng.L-28 mtrs6LMV - 37 -Ex-233/2016 Area No. 56 :DURTLANG - II (DURTLANG & DURTLANG NORTH AREA) Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Leitan Venghnuai panna junction atanga Damlam inkar.Dropping Zone 2Durtla ng Centenary Hall hnuai Bazar hmar la m kil a tanga zunin thleng. L - 11 mt r s3 Taxis 3Pu Laldingliana In kawtCity Bus 4Pu L ianhmingthanga leh Pu Lalramena In kawtDropping Zone 5Mual Veng La i in (Lourel Cr est School) zawn Bazar shed atanga hmar lamah telephone ban thlengL-46.7 mtrs11LMV 6Pu K. Lalrinawma Building hmar lam ban pa lina zawn atanga Dr. K. Lalrintluanga building chhim lam thleng.L-23 mtrs7 Taxis 7A chunga Ta xis dinna atanga chhim lam Pu C . Vanla lnghaka building thleng.L-28 mtrs6LMV 8ICFAI peng YMA Platinium Jubilee lungphun atanga hmar lama h bazar building hmar lam hua min.L-22 mtrs Two Wheelers 9Pu C hhuanlia na (L) building kawtCity Bus Area No. 57 : FALK LAND & ZEMABAWK KAWN VENG - I FALKLAND Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pushpak Primary school peng atanga Falkland lamah kawng thla ng kual zual lai ah.L-8 mtrs2 Taxis ZEMABAWK - I 1Pu L alringa Sailo in bul chhim la m kil atangin chhim lamah Pu Novala in huam in telephone ban thleng.L-29 mtrs7LMV 2Ding Dong Services atanga Taxation Check Gate thleng.L-40 mtrs9LMV 3Pu Daniela building chhim lam kil atanga chhim lamahL-24.8 mtrs Pu Lalchhua na in hmar lam kil thleng. W-3 mtrsTaxi 12 nos. 4Pu L almuana In kil chhim lam kil atanga chhim la mah.L-29 mtrsCity Bus 5Dr. Nupuii in hmar lam kil atanga hmar lamah 15 mtrs na atanga tan in hmar lamah Agriculture Market hma r lam kil zawn thleng.L-26 mtrs5 Maxi Cab 6Hmua ka Tyre & T hread works chhim la m kil hmar lam zawn thleng kawng kual zau lai.L-40 mtrs9LMV 7Field chung waiting shed atanga hmar lam field pan chhuknaL-17 mtrs12 kawng bul foot path tawp thleng. W-1.5 mtrs Two Wheelers Area No. 58 : ZEMABAWK KAWN VENG- II & CANCER HOSPITAL TLANG ZEMABAWK - II Sl. No.PLACELENGTHREMARKS1Pu Rualduha building chhim lam kil zawn opposite vantiangL-121 mtrs 30 nos. LMV zunin atanga hmar la mah Graceland building tawp thleng. 2Graceland building in tawp hmar la m kil atangaL-18 mtrs4 nos LMV junction Bazar pa n chhohna thleng. 3Pu Ngurchhua na building hua min.City Bus Stand 4Pu N gurchhua na building hmar lam kil atangin 8m a thui.L-8 mtrs2 nos LMV 5Homeland Agency building hmar lam kil atanga Pu Roneihkima L-55 mtrs13 nos LMV in chhim lam kil thleng. 6Pi R . Zamawii in opposite kawn chha klam ata nginL-20 mtrs4 nos LMV hmar lamah Pi Ruati in hmar lam kil thleng.- 38 - Ex-233/2016 7Pi F. Lalnunmawii in kil chhim la m opposite ata nginL-28 mtrs6 nos LMV Pu Malsawma in kil chhim lam thleng. CANCER HOSPITAL TLANG 1Cancer hemna atanga chhak lam khaw chhak lamL-18.7 mtrs4 nos Taxis kawng kual zau lai Eucalyptus lamah. 2Cancer Hospital bul MUP cha wlh buk atanga RIPANL-19.7 mtrs6 nos Taxis lama h telephone ban thleng.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 39 -Ex-233/2016

Apex Level Committee (State Level) as per the new guidelines under proviso to Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India Consisting of the following members :-

VOL - XLVISSUE - 234Date - 29/07/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 29.7.2016 Sravana 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 234 NOTIFICATION No.B. 13011/6/2015-SWD, the 20th July, 2016. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Apex Level Committee (State Level) as per the new guidelines under provis o to Ar ticle 27 5(1) of the Constitution of India Consisting of the following members :- 1)Chairman: Chief Minister 2)Vice Chairman: Minister i/c Socia l Welfar e Depart ment 3)Member Secretary : Chief Secreta ry 4)Members: Secr etary, Finance Depart ment : Secr etary, Planning Department : Secr etary, Health & Medical Education Depart ment : Secr etary, S chool Education Department : Secr etary, Commerce & Industries Depart ment : Secretary, Agricultur e Depart ment : Secr etary, Hor tic ulture Depart ment : Secr etary, AH & Vet y Depart ment : Secr etary, F isher ies Depart ment : Secr etary, Socia l Welfare Depart ment The Key functions of the Apex Level Committee ar e :- a)To formulate policies relating t o Triba l Sub Plan; b)To a pprove perspective Tr ibal Sub Plan document and Annual Tribal S ub Plan Plans; and c)To suggest measur es for pr oper planning and implementa tion of scheme by different depa rtments; and d)To monitor progress of Tr ibal Sub Plan so as to take timely corrective measures for improving performance of line departments. The Apex Level Committee will meet once in six-months. Social Welfar e Depar tment will provide necessary secretarial backup. P. Lalchhuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Committee to examine administrative and personnel issues arising out of the said amalgamation comprising the following members

VOL - XLVISSUE - 235Date - 29/07/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 29.7.2016 Sravana 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 235 NOTIFICATION No.A.22011/l/2016-P&AR(ARW)/l, the 20th July, 2016.Consequent upon the amalgamation of the Director ates of Industries and Trade & Commerce vide Notification No.A.46013/9/2016-GAD D ated 27th June, 2016 and in the interest of the public, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Committee to examine administrative and personnel issues arising out of the said amalgamation comprising the following memb er s: Chairperson: Principal Secretary/Secretary, DP&AR Members: 1. Secr etary, GAD or his repr esentat ive. 2. Secr etary, Finance Department. 3. Secretary, Law & Judicial Department. 4. Commissioner & Secr etary, Commerce & Industries Department. Member Secretary : Deputy Secretary-II, DP&AR(ARW) The Terms of Reference of the Committee shall be as follows: 1.Various administrative matters concomitant with the amalgamation of the two Directorates of Industries and Trade & Commerce. 2.Issues relating to staffing a nd service matters of Officers and Staff of the amalgama ted Directorates. The Committee may have co-opted officers from the DP&AR (ARW), DP&AR (G SW) or other Depa rtments as deemed necess ary in any of its meetings. The Committee shall submit its r ecommendations within 1 (one) month from the date of issue of this Notification. Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

State Level Coordination Committee for mobilization of Youth Organizations effectively to carry out chosen activities in the state is reconstituted with the following members

VOL - XLVISSUE - 236Date - 29/07/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 29.7.2016 Sravana 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 236 NOTIFICATION No. F. 22016/2/2016-SYS, the 26th July, 2016.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion of even No. dated 5th July, 2016 the members of the State Level Coordination Committee for mobilization of Youth Organizations effectively to carry out chosen activities in the state is reconstituted with the following memb ers wit h immedia te effect until fur ther or der. 1.Secr etary, S por ts & Youth Services Depart ment- Chairman. 2.Addl. Secretary, S ports & Youth S ervices Department- Vice Chairman 3.Director, S ports & Youth Services Department- Member Secretary 4.Secr etary, Mizoram State Sports Council- Member 5.State SNO cum Dy. Secretary, NSS Cell- Member 6.Zonal Director, NYKS- Member 7.Commanding Officer, 20th Indep Coy, NCC- Member 8.Director, School Education.- Member 9.Director, Higher & Technica l Education.- Member 10.Dir ector, Director at e of Hea lth Services- Member 11.CE, PHE, Headquar ters and Water Resou rces- Member 12.Director, Soil & Water Conservation.- Member 13.Conservator of For est, (C entral Circle) Aizawl, E&F & Climate Change - Member Deptt. Terms of Reference : The committee will chalk out programmes for taking up the following activities:- (i)clea ning of schools/colleges, hospitals & Public statues & for making villa ges open defecation free. (ii)creating awareness about water conservation/recharge & taking concrete steps like bu ilding bori bund, farm ponds, well recharge etc. (iii)taking up massive programme for plantation. (iv)actively supporting Indradhanush immunization initiative. (v)popularizing the game of football among the youth. H.L. Rochungnunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sports & Youth Services Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Empowered Committee (IPEC)’ for implementation of Aizawl City Urban Development Project under North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development and Investment Project (NERCCDIP) funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with immediate effect

VOL - XLVISSUE - 237Date - 29/07/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 29.7.2016 Sravana 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 237 NOTIFICATION No.B. 11029/11/2009-UD&PA(ADB)SIPMIU, the 21st July, 2016. In supersession of Finance Depa rtment’s previous Notification of even No. dt. 16.04.2009 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute an ‘investment Empowered Committee (IPEC)’ for implementa tion of Aizawl City Urban Development Project under North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development and Investment Project (N ERCCDIP ) funded by the Asian Development Ba nk (ADB) with immedia te effect a nd until further order comprising of the following composition:- 1)Secretary, UD&PA, Mizoram:Chairman 2)Secr etary, Finance Depart ment:Member 3)Secr etary, P ublic Health Engineer ing Depart ment:Member 4)Secr etary, Land Revenue & S ettlement Depart ment:Member 5)Joint Secreta ry, UD&PA Depart ment:Member 6)Principal Adviser, State Planning Board:Member 7)Engineer-in-Chief, P ublic Health Engineering Department:Member 8)Chief Engineer(Building), Public Works Department:Member 9)Director. UD&PA Department:Member 10)Director, La nd Revenue & Settlement Department:Member 11)Municipal Commissioner, Aizawl Municipal Corporation:Member 12)Additional S ecretar y, Fina nce Depa rtment (EA):Member 13)Depu ty Secr etary, Financ e Depar tment (EA):Member 14)Under Secret ary, Finance Dep artment (EA):Member 15)Under Secretary, UD&PA Department:Member 16)Joint Director, UD&PA Department:Member 17)Program Director, SIPMIU:Member The terms of reference of t he Committee ar e as under:- 1.The Committee will take decisions in all matters related to the investment programme, which do not effect its scope or cost. 2.Decisions at (i) above include financial and administrative approvals of procurement tenders, purchases, appointment of staff, creation of posts, requirement of project management capacity buildings and deta iled design consultants, acquisition of land and other similar other matters. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The State Steering Committee for implementation of ‘Aizawl City Urban Development Project’ under ‘North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Project (NERCCDIP) funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with immediate effect

VOL - XLVISSUE - 238Date - 29/07/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 29.7.2016 Sravana 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 238 NOTIFICATION No.B.11029/22/2013-UD&PA(ADB)SIPMIU, the 22nd July, 2016. In supersess ion of Finance Depa rtment’s previous Notification of even No. dt. 07.12.2009 the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to re- cons titute the Sta te Steer ing Committee for implementa tion of ‘Aizawl City Urban Development Project’ under ‘North Eastern Region Capita l Cities Development Investment Project (NERCCDIP) funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with immediate effect and until further orders with the following composition:- 1.Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram- Chairman 2.Secretary, UD&PA, Mizoram- Convener 3.Commissioner & Secretary, Finance Department- Member 4.Secr etary, Planning Department- Member 5.Secr etary, P ublic Health Engineer ing Depart ment- Member 6.Secr etary, Public Wor ks Depart ment- Member 7.Engineer-in-Chief, P ublic Health Engineering Department- Member 8.Principal Adviser, State Planning Board- Member 9.Director. UD&PA Department- Member 10.Municipal Commissioner, Aizawl Municipal Corporation- Member 11.Program Director, SIPMIU- Member Secretary The terms of reference of the committee would be to review progress, a dvise on necess ary cou rses of a ction particula rly as to the scope of cost of the programme and resolve inter-agencies coordina tion issues on Asian Development Bank fu nded project Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare 130 (One hundred thirty) Press Representatives as Accredited Journalist as shown in the Annexure with immediate effect and until further orders.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 240Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 240 NOTIFICATION No.F. 14011/1/2009-IPR, the 27th July, 2016. In the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare 130 (One hundred thirty) P ress Represent atives a s Accredited Journalis t as shown in the Annexure with immediate effect and until fur ther orders. B. Lalthanliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. ANNEXURE AIZAWL DISTRICT1.Pu C. Lalhrua itluanga, Highla nder2.Pi Lalsangluaii Sailo, Chief Editor, Tawrhbawm 3.Pu Lalhmunzauva, Tawrhbawm4.Pu Zodinsanga, Asst. Editor, Newslink 5.Pu K. Zabiaka, Newslink6.Pu D. R. Zirliana, Editor, Mizo Aw 7.Pu C. Lalzamlova,, Chhawrpial8.Pu Lalthanzama, Sakeibaknei 9.Pu V. Zoramthara, Khawpui Aw10. Pu Vanlalbia ka, Aizawl Observer 11. Pu E. Lalhleia, Aizawl Observer12. Pu H. Lalngaihawma, Hnehtu 13. Pi Vanlaldiki, Managing Director, Hnehtu14. Pu Lalrinmawia Sailo, Thlirtu 15. Pu Lalbiakzama, Entlang16. Pu M.K. Dey, Correspondent, The Mizoram Post 17. Pu Chhuanvawr a, Mizo Arsi18. Pu Lalchhanhima Zadeng, Editor, Mizo Arsi 19. Pu A. Zotinkhuma, The Zoram Voice20. Pu T. Lalhmachhua na, Dingdi 21. Pu Samuel V. L. Rinma wia,22. Pu L alremsiama, Zawlkha wpui News Editor, Zawlkha wpui23. Pu L.T. Sanga, Editor, Morning Post 24. Pu H.C. Vanlalruata, Cor respondent,25. Pu T. Lalbiakdika , Zawlbuk. Press Trust of India26. Pu F. Lalramliana, News Editor, The Aizawl Post 27. Pu Biakchungnunga, News Editor,28. Pu Zohmingmawia, News Editor, The Aizawl Post The Aizawl Post29. Pu James Lalramruata News Editor, Romei 30. Pu R . Lalhmangaihzu ala, Editor, Romei31. Pu C. Lalhmachhua na, Editor, Youth Herald 32. Pu K. Zothankhuma, Editor, Virthli33. Pu K. Zotha npara, News R eporter, Vanglaini 34. Pu Lalnghinglova Hma r, Editor, Vanglaini 35. Pu Malsawmdawngzela Hrahsel, News Reporter, Va nglaini 36. Pu K. Sapdanga, Editor, Vanglaini37. Pu Lal Rinma wia, News Editor, Vanglaini - 2 - Ex-240/2016 38. Pu Isaac Laldinthara Ralte, The Zozam Times 39. Pu Zonunsanga Khiangte, Edit or, Lenlaini 40. Pu F. Lalrinfela, News Editor, Zalen41. Pu H. Lalchhandama, Asst. Editor, Zalen 42. Pu Vanlalrema Vantawl Editor, Zalen AIZAWL DIST RICT PERIODICAL MAGAZINE1.Pu S angthua ma, Hriatna2.Pu C . Dinthanga, Editor & Publisher, Lelte AIZAWL DISTRICT CABLE T.V.1.Pu C. Lalduhawma, L.P.S. Vision2.Pu R. Lalbiakkima L.P.S. Vision 3.Pu PC. Zoramtha nga , News Editor, LPS Vision 4.Pu Joseph La lnuntluanga, Report, Zonet Ca ble. 5.Pu La ldinglia na Sailo, Zonet Cable6.Pu Lalnunzira, News Report, Doordarshan Kendra 7.Pu J. Malsawmzuala,8.Pu Alfred Vanchha wng, Asst. News Editor, Doordar shan KendraNews Reporter, Doorda rshan Kendra 9.Pu Jonathan L. Hnamte All India Radio LUNGLEI DISTRICT DAILY NEWSPAPER1.Pu F. Zosa ngliana Editor, Cala thea2.Pu K. Lalrinpuia Editor, Vulmawi 3.Pu K. Lalmuankima Editor, Ralvengtu4.Pu L alchhua nawma Editor, Daily Post 5.Pu R odingliana Khiangte Joint Editor, Zoen 6.Pu Lalremruata Zadeng Editor & Publisher, Zoen 7.Pu C. Lalbuatsaiha Editor, Hnahthial Today 8.Pu H. Lalthanghuta , Editor, Hnahthial Times 9.Pu Rodingluaia, Editor, Huihchhuk10. Pu T hanghmingliana Renthlei Editor, Zunzam 11. Pu H. Lalthansanga, Edit or, Lunglei Times 12. Pu Lianchama Chhangte, Edit or, Zochhiar 13. Pu Laltlanthanga, Editor, Hlimthla LUNGLEI DISTRICT PERIODICAL1.Pu Ram Prasad Poudel Editor, Mizoram Udaya 2.Pi S angmawii Chha kchhuak Editor, Changdam 3.Pu V. Rokhawlkima Editor, Ziakfung LUNGLEI DISTRICT VISUAL MEDIA1.Pu F. Lalngaihzuala Editor, J.B. Cable Network 2.Pu Johan La lhmunmawia Reporter, Doordar shan Kendra 3.Pu P.C. Lalduhthanga, Editor-in-Chief, EDF Cable Network SAIHA DISTRICT DAILY NEWSPAPER 1.Pu B. Dawpho, Editor-in-Chief, The Times of Maraland 2.Pu B. Vanla lhriata Editor, Saiha Post3.Pu M. Baithai Editor, Chhim Aw 4.Pu C.Z. Hluna, Edit or, Bua nnel5.Pu Lalramnghaka Edit or, Kawl Eng 6.Pu Jeffrey Khara Editor, Moonlight7.Pu T. Lalrosiama, Editor, Tipa Express 8.Pu K. T hangvela Editor, Zobawm SAIHA DIST RICT CABLE T.V.1.Pu V. Pawlha, Edit or-in-Chief, New Skylinks Vision 2.Pu Lalnunkima Pija Hnialum Star Vision 3.Pu F T Sabi, News Reporter, Doordar shan Kendra LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT DAILY NEWSPAPER1.Pu V. Lallianzuala, Editor, Lairam2.Pu H. Lalrinmawia Editor, Rameng 3.Pu Z. D. Dengngu ra Edit or, Phawngpui Express 4.Pu Elvis Lalthangzuala Editor, Rauthla 5.Pu L alngheta Ralte Editor, T he Lawngtlai Post SERCHHIP DISTRICT DAILY NEWSPAPER1.Pu R. Lalmuansanga Joint Editor, Serkhawpui 2.Pi H. Lalbiakzauvi Editor, Serkha wpui 3.Pu Laldinpuia, Joint Editor, Serchhip Times 4.Pu Kapliana Pachuau Editor, Serchhip Times 5.Pu Zonunsanga Kawlni Edit or, Lenkawl6.Pu C . Lalhminghlua Editor & Publisher, Laisuih 7.Pu PC. Lawmkima The Taisuih8.Pu C. Lalr ochhua nga, Editor & Publisher, Zothlifim Daily 9.Pu R. C. Hranghmingt hanga, Editor, Zawlbuk Aw 10. P u L a lr emr u a t a R a lt e E dit or, R a mla i Ar s i 11. Pu P C. Zonunsanga Thenzawl Today CHAMPHAI DISTRICT DAILY NEWSPAPER1.Pu Lalrotlua nga Editor, Khawzawl Times 2.Pi Lalthlamuani Ra lte Editor, Si-Ar 3.Pu Lalhlupuia Editor, Lenrual4.Pu R . Lalfakawma Joint Edit or, Rihlipui 5.Pu D.K. Lalhruaitluanga Editor, Rihlipui6.Pu C. Lalrinsanga Joint Editor, Pasa ltha 7.Pu Lalhmingmawia Pachuau Editor, Pasaltha CHAMPHAI DISTRICT CABLE T.V.1.Pu La lhminglia na, Editor, Cha mphai Ca ble Network 2.Pu Vanlalzawna Ralt e,News Reporter, Doorda rshan Kendra 3.Pu Lalhnunpuia, News Reporter, Doordar shan Kendra KOLASIB DIST RICT DAILY NEWSPAPER1.Pu C. Lallawmzuala Vairengte Aw2.Pu H. Lalmuanpuia Chhuahtlang 3.Pu Andrew Vanlalauva Editor, Kolasib Today 4.Pu C. Thanmawia Editor, Duhlai 5.Pu R. Lalnunmawia Joint Editor, Du hlai6.Pu Zomuanpuia Editor, Zingtian 7.Pu C. Zomuanpuia Editor, Kolasib Aw8.Pu R. Lalchungnunga Reporter, Kolasib Aw 9.Pu K. Lalthlamuana Editor, Ramnuam KOLASIB DISTRICT CABLE T.V.1.Pu H. Vanla lnghaka , News Reporter, Doordarshan Kendra & CZS Cable 2.Pu R. Lalhmingthanga , News R eporter, Doorda rshan Kendra MAMIT DIST RICT DAILY NEWSPAPER1.Pu P.C. Lalthanzuala, Editor, Lentupui2.Pu H. Lalchhuanmawia News Editor, Mamit Times 3.Pu H. Lalra mliana, Publisher, Mamit Times 4.Pu C. Ramdinzela Editor, Mamit Times 5.Pu Lalhlupuia Editor, Zolamtluang6.Pi Ramhnehzauvi, Joint Editor, Zolamtluang 7.Pu R. Lalmua npuia Editor, Zotlanglentu8.Pu Lalremrua ta Khia ngte Editor, Ka wrthah Post MAMIT DISTRICT CABLE T.V.1.Pu Lalhuma, News Reporter, Doordar shan Kendra 2.Pu P. Lalchunglura, Reporter, Doorda rshan KendraPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex-240/2016

Schedule of By-Election to Village Councils, 2016, Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng)

VOL - XLVISSUE - 241Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 241 PRESS NOTE Dated Aizawl, the 27th July, 2016. Subject :Schedule of By-Election to Village Councils, 2016, Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) Champhai District hnuaia Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) chu Inthlanpui 2015 khan rokhawlhna avangin neih a ni ta lova, tunah hian sub-section (7) of section 3 of The Lushai Hills District (Villa ge Councils) Amendment Act, 2014 leh chumi hnuaia dan siam Rule 3 (1 ) of The Mizor am (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 in thuneihna a pek angin State Election Commission, Mizoram chuan ni 23rd August, 2016 hian a bua tsaih leh dawn a ni. 1.The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 - Rule 16 in a phut angin Assembly Electoral Roll thar ber draft roll-ah hmangin, kum tling chhiarna’n 1.1.2016 ruat a ni. Final Roll hi ni 26.7.2016 ah peih a ni. Khawzawl-I Electric Veng Village Council Electoral Roll-ah hian In (households) 217 awmin vote nei thei mipa 342 leh hmeichhia 349, an vaiin 691 te hian Village Council member General seat 4 leh Reserved seat 1 an thlang dawn a ni. 2.Identifica tion of Electors : Vote thla k turte chuan a n nihna tichiang turin Election Commission of India in an siam EPIC a n keng ngei tur a ni a, an neilo anih chuan anmahni nihna chiang hriat theihna Identity Ca rd dang an keng tur a ni. Vote thlak anih dawn in vote - ‘neitu dik tak a ni’ tih chian theih anih loh chuan vote an thlak ve thei lovang. 3.Dan leh thupek : Inthlanna felfai leh muanawm kan neih theih nan dan leh thupek kenkawh kawngah District Ma gistrate leh Superintendent of Police te’n inthlanna tur Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) huam chhungah mawh an phur ang. Eng thil mahin Inthlanna hi a tibuai tur a ni lo. 4.Elect ion Officials : Deputy Commissioner te chu District Election Officer atan ruat an ni a, an District tina Election Officer te pawh Assistant District Election Officer ata n ruat an ni. Inthlanna buaipuitu atan hian sawrka r hnathawkte chu ruat an ni dawn a. Returning Officer, P residing Officer leh Polling Officer atan pawh tualchhung mi rua t an ni ang. 5.Conduct of Officials : S tate Election C ommission chuan inthlanna buatsaihna a mawhphurhtu tupa wh duh s ak bik emaw hlauh bik emaw an neih a rem ti lova, a lai thei ang bera hnathawk tura beisei an - 2 - Ex-241/2016 ni. An zava i hian inthlan zawh hma chu St ate Election Commission hnuaiah deputation a kal anga ngaih an ni a, Commission t huneihna hnua iah an thawk a ni. 6.Single Ballot Box : Vote thlaktuten an thlakna midangin an rin hriat mai theih lohna tur te, inthlanna thianghlim leh felfai kan neih theihna turin Ballot paper - General seat leh Reserved seat te Ballot Box pakhatah thlak vek tur a ni. 7.Ballot Paper : Ballot Paper hi General seat tan pakhat leh Reserved seat tan pakhat a rawng in anglo hman tur a ni anga , a pahnih chuan Ballot Box pakhat a h thlak kawp tur a ni ang. 8.Indelible Ink : Vote thlak nawn leh mi aia vote thlak tumte ven nan vote thlaktute kut veilam zungchal tin leh vuna kai telin Indelible Ink ta h vek tur a ni ang. 9.Common Election Camp : Party worker-te inkara boruak tha lo pumpelh nan Polling Booth bulah P olit ical Par ty-te leh Candida te-t e awmkhawm na n Common Election Camp pa khat cha uh siam phalsak an ni, he camp hi mawlmang thei ang bera siam tur a ni. Flag te, Poster te, Symbol te leh thuziak Political P arty ema w Candidate lam kaihhnawih ziahna engmah ta r loh tur a ni. He camp ah hia n pawm tlan theih tuemaw in a ho ang. 10.Reservation of S eat : Tun inthlan hi Khawzawl-I Electric veng pawhin bung thar pawimawh tak an kaina tur a ni. Democr acy bulthut rorelnaa hmeichhiate an tel ve ngei ngeina turin Village Council tinah seat zuat sak bik angin hetiangin:- i)General Seat (He seat hi mipa leh hmeichhiate! n an chuh thei) - Seat 4 ii)Reserved Seat (He seat hi hmeichhe tan chauha zua tsak a ni) - Seat 1 11.Village Council Term : Kumin inthlan atang hia n Villa ge Council Term kum thum (3) ni thin chu kum nga (5) a ni ta wh dawn a, Kha wzawl - I (Electric Veng Village Council Member thlan thar turte term hi General Election 2015 term tawp rualin a tawp ang. 12.Model Code of Conduct : M odel Code of Conduct for By-Election to Villa ge Councils chu tun atang hian Khawzawl-I Electric Veng Village Council huam chhungah hman tan nghal a ni. He Model Code of Conduct hian Political Party zawng zawng, Contesting Candidate zawng zawng te, Minister-te, Parliamentar y Secretary-te, Member of Par liament-te, MLA-te, Municipal Councillor te leh Village Council inthlannaa inhnamhnawih Public Servant te a huam ang. 13.Schedule of Election : Hetiang hian By-Election to Village Councils-2016 Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) neih dan tura ruahmanna - Schedule chu siam a ni. 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the27.7.2016 (Wednesday) State Election Commission 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission27.7.2016 (Wednesday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers27.7.2016 (Wednesday) 4.Last date for filing Nominations4.8.2016 (Thursday) 5.Scrutiny of Nominations5.8.2016 (Friday) 6.Last Date for withdr awal of Nominations8.8.2016 (Monday) Up-to 12:00 noon 7.Date & Time for allotment of symbols to Candidates &8.8.2016 (Monday) display of list of CandidatesBetween 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex-241/2016 8.Date of Poll23.8.2016 (Tuesday) (7:00 am – 5:00 pm) 9.Date of re-poll if any24.8.2016(Wednesday) 10. Counting of Votes23.8.2016(Tuesday)(Counting of Votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) 11. Last date for for mation of Executive Body26.8.2016(Friday) 12. Date on which Election pr ocess shall be completed29.8.2016(Monday) 14 . Appeal : State Election Commission chuan inthlanna felfai leh muanawm kan neih theih nan inthlanna buaipuitute, Political Party te, Media te, NGO te leh mipui tawiawmna a ngen a. Mipui duhthlanna kal tlanga tua lchhung inrelbawlna tha tak kan neih zui zel theih nana theih ta wp chhuah theuh turin mitin te a sawm a ni. By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.

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