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The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commissioner hereby calls upon the By-Election to Village Council Constituency of Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) under Champhai District

VOL - XLVISSUE - 242Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 242 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14015/3/2015-SEC/VC/LC/CPI, the 27th July, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-s ection (7) of section 3 of The Lushai Hills Distr ict (Village C ouncils) Amendment Act, 2014 and Rule 3(1) of The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils ) Rules, 2014, the State Election C ommissioner hereby calls upon the By-Election to Village Council C onstituency of Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) under Champhai District to elect members for the Village Councils on 23rd August, 2016 (Tuesday) as per schedule shown below :- 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the State Election Commission 27. 7 . 2016 ( Wednes da y) 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission27.7.2016 (Wednesday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers27.7.2016 (Wednesday) 4.Last date for filing Nominations4.8.2016 (Thursday) 5.Scrutiny of Nominations5.8.2016 (Friday) 6.Last Date for withdr awal of Nominations8.8.2016 (Monday) Up-to 12:00 noon 7.Date & Time for allotment of symbols to Candidates &8.8.2016 (Monday) display of list of CandidatesBetween 1:00 pm-4:00 pm 8.Date of Poll23.8.2016 (Tuesday) (7:00 am – 5:00 pm) 9.Date of re-poll if any24.8.2016(Wednesday) 10. Counting of Votes(Counting of Votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) 23.8.2016(Tuesday) 11. Last date for for mation of Executive Body26.8.2016(Friday) 12. Date on which Election pr ocess shall be completed29.8.2016(Monday) As provided under Section 3(ii) of The Lushai Hills District (Villa ge Councils) Amendment Act 2014. Number of members Village Council for Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) is hereby allotted as below : General Seat 4 (Four)Reserved Seat 1(One) Further, as provided under Section 6 of The Lusha i Hills District (Village Councils) Act 1953, the member so elected shall hold office during the r emaining term of Villa ge Council election held in 2015. By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secr etary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

President, MEFCOF (Mizoram Environment & Forests Consultative Forum) State Level Committee on Green Mizoram with immediate effect and until further order.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 243Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 243 NOTIFICATION No.B. 11023/13/2006-FST, the 27th July, 2016. In continuation of this Department’s Notification of even No. dt. 28.1.2014, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to include President, MEFCOF (Mizoram Environment & Forests Consultative Forum) as a member of the State Level Committee on Gr een Mizoram with immediate effect and until fu rther or der. Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (Central Act No. 27 of 1996), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute and Expert Committee to advise the State Government of Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 244Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 244 NOTIFICATION No.B. 16012/3/2016-LE&IT, the 28th July, 2016. In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion No. B. 13017/5/2009-L&E dated 18th March, 2009 and in exercise of the power conferred under Section 5(1) of the Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (Central Act No. 27 of 1996), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute and Expert Committee to advise the State Government of Mizoram in making Rules under the said Act : 1.Commissioner & Secretary, LE&IT, Deptt.-Chairperson 2.Labour Commissioner/Director, LE & IT Deptt.-Member Secretary 3.Chief Engineer, PWD, Building Division-Member 4.Representative of DP&AR-Member 5.Representative of Law & Judicial Deptt.-Member 6.Under Secretary, LE&IT Deptt.-Member 7.Labour Officer, LE&IT Deptt-Member Benjamin, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour, Employment & Industrial Training Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

State Steering Committee in respect of Mizoram State for Government Industrial Training Institute (ITI) at Lunglei and Saiha

VOL - XLVISSUE - 245Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 245 NOTIFICATION No. F. 20016/1/2007-L&E, the 28th July, 2016.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion of even No. dated 30th Mar ch, 2009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the “State Steering Committee” in respect of M izoram State for Government Industria l Training Institute (IT I) at Lunglei and Saiha for implementation of the scheme of “Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership” with immediate effect and until fur ther orders: The Committee shall consists of the following: 1.Commissioner & Secretary, LE&IT, Deptt.- Chairperson 2.Director. LE&IT Deptt.- Member Secretary 3.Secr etary, F inance Deptt. or his representa tive- Member 4.Engineer-in-Chief, PWD or his representa tive- Member 5.Chairman, IMC Society, ITI, Lunglei- Member 6.Chair man, IMC Society, IT I, S aiha- Member 7.President, Mizoram Chamber of Industries- Member 8.President, Mizoram Industry Associa tion- Member 9.President, Vocational Training Provider (VTP)- Member 10.Secr etary, Mizoram Council for Vocational Training- Member The respons ibilities/terms of reference of the C ommittee will b e as under : 1.Guiding overall implementation and monitoring of the scheme a t the S tate level. 2.Assessing a nd recommending the IDPs of the IMCs for financing under the scheme of the Central Government. 3.Authorizing submission of reports to the National Steering Committee (NSC) or Central Govt., whenever requir ed under the scheme. 4.Reviewing a nd approving the training pla ns for the staff of State Implementing Committee (S IC). Benjamin, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour, Employment & Industrial Training Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Departmental Selection Committee for recruitment of Contract Employees and Muster Roll Employees for the Co-terminus posts created vide No.D.12011/24/2014-SWD(i) dt.16.06.2016 consisting of the following basis

VOL - XLVISSUE - 246Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 246 NOTIFICATION No.A.11013/50/2016-SWD, the 28th July, 2016. Consequent upon exclusion of Contract Employees on Co-terminus basis in the Mizor am Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ posts Recruitment (On Contract Basis) Rules, 2013 notified vide No.A.32012/l/2011-DP&AR(GSW) dt.15.01.2012 and Muster Roll on Co-terminus basis vide O.M.No.A.32012/l/2013-PAR(GSW)/Pt dt.19.02.2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Depa rtmenta l Selection Committee for recruitment of Contract Employees and Muster Roll Employees for the Co-terminus posts created vide No.D.12011/24/2014-SWD(i) dt.16.06.2016 consisting of the following basis :- 1.Secr etary, Socia l Welfare Depart ment- Chairman 2.Secr etary, DP & AR or his representat ives- Member 3.Joint Secretary, S ocia l Welfare Depart ment- Member 4.Director, Social Welfare Department- Member-Secretary 5.Joint Director concerned- Co-opt ed Member The Committee will consider filing up of all vacant posts both Gazetted and Non- Gazetted by direct recruitment. The Committee may a ssociate the su bject expert in their meeting as and when considered necessary. P. Lalchhuanga, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Committees for selection of contractors/successful bidders of the tender of works undertaken by Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department with the following members

VOL - XLVISSUE - 247Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 247 NOTIFICATION No.G.20016/24/2016-UD&PA, the 29th July, 2016. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute Work Advisory Committees for selection of contract ors/success ful bidders of the tender of works undertaken by Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Depa rtment with the following members with immediate effect and until fu rther or der: 1.Works Advisory Committee I (upto Rs. 120.00 lakhs) 1)Chairman- Secretary, UD & PA Deptt. 2)Member Secretary - Director, UD&PA Deptt. 3)Member- 1) Joint Secretary, UD&PA Deptt. 2) Joint Director(A), UD&PA Deptt. 3) Under Secreta ry, UD& PA Dept t. 4) Deputy Director (Acct). UD&PA Deptt. 5) Executive Engineer, UD&PA Deptt. 6) Assistant Engineer concerned, UD&PA Deptt. 2.Works Advisory Committee II (above Rs. 120.00 lakhs) 1)Chairman- Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram 2)Vice Chairman- Secretary, UD&PA 3)Member Secretary - Director, UD&PA 4)Members- 1) Joint Secretary, UD&PA Deptt. 2) Joint Director (A), UD&PA Deptt. 3) Under Secreta ry, UD& PA Dept t. 4) Deputy Director (Acct), UD&PA Deptt 5) Executive Engineer, UD&PA Deptt. 6) Assistant Engineer concerned, UD&PA Deptt.Ter m of Refer enc e: 1)The Committees will select and r ecommend award of wor ks to contract ors/bidders for the works bid by them. 2)The ceiling of amount of works as specified in respect of the two committees shall mean the single amount of one component of work and not the total amount of various works to be consider ed in one sitting. 3)The Committee reserves the right not to select the lowest quoted price or bidder if it is of the view that it is not workable within the amounted quoted by the bidder or for any other reason thereto. However, the reason for selection or rejection sha ll be specifica lly put in writing. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Committee comprising of the following members to examine the issues/complaints raised in the representation submitted to His Excellency the Governor by Mara Autonomous District Council with immediate effect and until further orders

VOL - XLVISSUE - 248Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 248 NOTIFICATION No.F. 12013/3/2008-DCA(M), the 29th July, 2016. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constit ute a committee comprising of the following members to examine the issues/complaints raised in the representation submitted to His Excellency the Governor by Mara Autonomous District Council with immediate effect a nd until further orders :- 1.Secr etary, DC & MA Depart ment- Chairman 2.Addl. Secretary, DC & MA Department- Member Secretary 3.Representative from (a ) Finance Depa rtment- (b) Planning & Prog. ImplementatioN Deptt. - (c ) Law & Judicia l Department- (d) Vigilance Department- This issues with the approval of the Chief Secretary Dt. 20.7.2016. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 ] not below the rule of Under Secretary

The Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Councils) Rules, 2015 read with Rule 16 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010, the State Election Commission, Mizoram hereby notified Schedule of election and, fixed and published the Allocation of Seats to the Chhinga Veng, Chite and Mission Veng Local Councils within Aizawl Municipality for which By-Elections will be held on 26th August, 2016 as shown below

VOL - XLVISSUE - 250Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 250 NOTIFICATION No.B.14015/1/2015-SEC/LC, the 1st August, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 & Rule 37 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Councils) Rules, 2015 read with Rule 16 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010, the State Election Commissio n, Mizoram hereby no tified Sched ule o f election and, fixed and published the Allo cation o f Seat s t o the Chhinga Veng, Chite and Missio n Veng Lo cal Co uncils wit hin Aizawl Municipalit y fo r which By-Elections will be held on26th August, 2016 as sho wn belo w : - Schedule of Election 1. Announcement of Schedule of Election by the1.8.2016 (Monday) St at e Elect io n Co mmissio n 2. Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission1.8.2016 (Monday) 3 . Da t e o f I s sue o f No t ice o f E lect io n by t he R et u r nin g Offic e r s1.8.2016 (Monday) 4. Last date for filing Nominations8.8.2016 (Monday) 5. Scrutiny of Nominations9.8.2016 (Tuesday) 6. Last Date for withdrawal of Nominations11.8.2016 (Thursday) Up-to 12:00 noon 7. Date & Time for allo tment o f symbols to Candidat es &11.8.2016 (Thursday) display of list of CandidatesBetween 1:00 pm-3:00 pm 8.Date of Poll26.8.2016 (Friday) (7:00 am – 5:00 pm) 9. Date of re-poll if any27.8.2016(Saturday) 10. Counting of Votes26.8.2016(Friday)(Counting of Votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) 11. Last date for formation of Executive Body if necessary30.8.2016(Tuesday) 12. Date on which Election pro cess shall be co mpleted31.8.2016(Wednesday) - 2 - Ex-250/2016 By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 Allocat ion of SeatsSlNo.No. & N ame of L ocalCoun cilsNo . ofH ouse -holdTotalNo. ofEle ct orsN o o f s e at sNo. of seatto bee l ec tedG ene ralReservedforW om enTota l1VIII/3-Chite1053874151 (General)2IX/3-Chhing a Veng123246045271 (General)3XVIII/2-Mis sion Ve ng102036725211(Reserved)7

Schedule of By-Election to Chhinga Veng, Chite and Mission Veng Local Councils, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 251Date - 02/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.8.2016 Sravana 11, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 251 PRESS NOTE Dated Aizawl, the 1st August, 2016. Subject :Schedu le of By-E lection t o Chhinga Veng, Chite a nd Mission Veng Local Councils, 2016. Aiza wl Municipal Council hnuaia Local Council member bora l avangin a hmun ruak hi hnawhkhah nan inthlan hi bua tsaih leh a ni. Constitution of India - Article 243K leh 243Z in thuneihna a pek dungzuia sub-rule (1) of Rule 15 of The Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010 leh sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 of The Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Council) Rules, 2015 in mawhphurhna a pek angin State Election Commission, Mizoram chuan Aizawl Municipal Corporation chhunga Chhinga Veng, Chite leh Mission Veng Local Council ah t e hmun ruak pa khat theuh hnawhkhah nan26th August, 2016 hia n inthlan a buatsaih dawn a ni. 1.Local Council : A chunga kan sawi tak angin heng Local Council Chhinga Veng, Chite leh Mis sion Veng a thihna avanga hmunruak pa khat theuh hna whkhah nan hia n Rule 16 of T he Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Councils) Rules 2015 in a sawi angin MLA roll chu draft roll ah hmangin kum tling teh nan 1.1.2016 behchhanin Electoral Roll siam tha r vek a ni a, revision of Electoral Roll hi 29.7.2016 zawhfel a ni. Hetiang hi Electoral Roll dinhmun a ni e. 2. Identification of Electors : Vote thla k tur te chuan an nihna tichia ng turin Elect ion Commission of India in an siam EPIC an keng ngei tur a ni a, an neilo anih chuan anmahni nihna chiang hr iat theihna Identity Ca rd dang an keng tur a ni.SlNo.No. & N ame of L ocalCoun cilsNo . ofH ouse -holdTotalNo. ofEle ct orsN o o f s e at sNo. of seatto bee l ec tedG ene ralReservedforW om enTota l1VIII/3-Chite1053874151 (General)2IX/3-Chhing a Veng123246045271 (General)3XVIII/2-Mis sion Ve ng102036725211(Reserved)7 - 2 - Ex-251/2016 Vote thlak a nih dawn in vote - ‘neitu dik tak a ni’ tih chian t heih anih loh chuan vote an t hlak ve thei lovang. 3.Dan leh thupek : Inthlanna felfa i leh muanawm kan neih theih na n da n leh thupek kenka wh kawngah District Ma gistrate leh Superintendent of Police te beisei an ni. Eng thil mahin Inthlanna hi a tibuai tur a ni lo. 4.Elect ion Officials : Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl chu District Municipal Election Officer atan ruat an ni a , Aizawl Election Officer pawh Assistant Dis trict Municipal Election Officer atan ruat an ni. Retu rning Officer, Asst. Returning Officer, Presiding Officer leh Polling Officer atan hian L ocal Council area chhung a mi ni lo ruat an ni. 5. Conduct of Official : State Election Commission chuan inthla n a buatsaihna a mawhphurtu tupawh duh sak bik emaw hlauh bik emaw an neih a rem ti lova, a lai thei ang bera hnathawk tura beisei an ni. An zava i hian inthlan zawh hma chu S tate Election Commission hnua iah deputation a kal anga nga ih an ni a, Commission thuneihna hnua iah an thawk a ni. 6.Ballot Box leh Ballot Paper : He By-Election ah hian Ballot Box hman tur a ni anga. General Seat atan Ba llot Pa per var leh Reserved Seat atan sendang hman tur a ni ang. 7.Voting Compartment: Vote thla ktuten awlsam leh hun khawhral lo zawka vote an thla k theih nan voting compa rtment hetiang hian siam tur a ni. Chhinga Veng leh Mission Veng-ah 6 aia tlem lo; Chite-a h 2. 8.Indelible Ink : Vote thlak nawn leh mi aia vote thlak tumte ven nan vote thlaktute kut veilam zungchal tin leh vuna kai telin Indelible Ink hnawih vek tur a ni ang. 9.Common Election Camp : Party worker-te inkara boruak tha lo pumpelh nan Polling Booth bulah P olit ical Par ty-te leh Candida te-t e awmkhawm na n Common Election Camp pa khat cha uh siam phalsak a ni, he camp hi mawlmang thei ang bera siam tur a ni. Flag te, Poster te, Symbol te leh thuziak Political P arty emaw Candidate lam kaihhnawih ziahna engmah tar loh tur a ni. He camp- a h hian pawm tlan theih tuemaw in a ho ang. 10. Local Council Term : Tun turn By-Election a Local Council member thlan thar te term hun chhung hi General Election to Local Council 2015 term tawp rualin a tawp ang. 11. Model Code of Conduct : He By-Election ah hian dan pa ngngai a ng thla pin Model Code of Conduct a awm anga, chu chu vawiin atangin heng Local Council - Chhinga Veng, Chite leh Mission Veng Constituency huamchhunga h chauh lekkawh a ni a ng. He Model Code of C onduct hian Political Party zawng za wng, Contesting Candida te zawng zawngte, Minister-te, Parliamentar y Secretary-te, Member of Par liament-te, MLA-te, Municipal Councillor-te leh Local Council inthla nnaa inhnamhnawih Public Serva nt te a huam ang. 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the1.8.2016 (Monday) State Election Commission 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission1.8.2016 (Monday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers1.8.2016 (Monday) 4.Last date for filing Nominations8.8.2016 (Monday) 5.Scrutiny of Nominations9.8.2016 (Tuesday) 6.Last Date for withdr awal of Nominations11.8.2016 (Thursday) Up-to 12:00 noon 7.Date & Time for allotment of symbols to Candidates &11.8.2016 (Thursday) display of list of CandidatesBetween 1:00 pm-3:00 pm 8.Date of Poll26.8.2016 (Friday) (7:00 am – 5:00 pm) 9.Date of re-poll if any27.8.2016(Saturday) 10. Counting of Votes26.8.2016(Friday)(Counting of Votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) 11. Last date for forma tion of Executive Body if necessary30.8.2016(Tuesday) 12. Date on which Election pr ocess shall be completed31.8.2016(Wednesday) 12.Appeal : State Election Commission chua n inthlanna fel fai leh muanawm ka n neih theih nan inthlanna buaipuitu, Political Par ty te, Media te, NGO t e leh mipui ta wiawmna a ngen a. Mipui duhthlanna kal tlanga tualchhung inr elbawlna tha ta k kan neih zui zel theih nana theih tawp chhuah theuh tur in mitin te a sawm a ni. By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex-251/2016

Obituary of Pu Z. Lalbiaktluanga, Industrial Promotion Officer, District Industries Centre, Mamit.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 252Date - 05/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYNo. 21011/1/2015-IND, the 18th April, 2016.The Government of Mizoram has learnt with profound sorrow the sad demise of Pu Z. Lalbiaktluanga, Industrial Promotion Officer, District Industries Centre, Mamit. Pu Z. Lalbia ktluang S/o La lzika, a ccording to his service recor d, was born on 16.11.1962. He joined his service under the Government of Mizoram on 10. 02.1989 as Economic Investigator and was posted at District Industries Centre, S aiha. He was promoted to the post of Industrial Promotion Officer (Gr oup ‘B’ Gazetted) on 23.04.2013 and was posted at Directorate of Industries. he was attached to District Industries Centre, Mamit from 14.06.2013. Pu Z. Lalbiaktluanga served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion and endeared himself to his collea gues - officers and st aff and no less to members of the public. The Government of Mizoram would like to place on recor d its deep appreciation of the dedicated and sincere services rendered by Pu Z. Lalbiaktluanga and conveys its hear tfelt sympathy and condolences to the bereaved family. Zothan Khuma, Commissioner/Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 5.8.2016 Sravana 14, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 252

District Programme Advisory Committee consisting of Officials listed in Annexure 1, 2, 3 & 4 enclosed herewith is hereby constituted for 8(eight) District Institute of Education and Training to advise guide and review the Institute’s plans, programmes and activities under the following terms of reference

VOL - XLVISSUE - 253Date - 05/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 18020/5/2016-EDN, the 1st August, 2016. In the interest of public service, District Programme Advisory Committee consisting of Officials listed in Annexur e 1, 2, 3 & 4 enclosed herewith is hereby constituted for 8(eight) District Institute of Education and Training to advise guide and review the Institute’s plans, programmes and activities under the following terms of reference. TERMS OF REFERENCE 1.The term of Committ ee will be of t hr ee years. 2.The Committee will meet at least once a year to approve the Perspective and Annual Plans of the DIET and monitor its functioning. 3.The C ommitt ee wou ld ensu re - a)District focus in programmes and activities. b)Coor dination among the institutions. c)Promoting innovation. d)Ensuring tha t the State Education Plans a re adequately r eflected within the district plan. e)Efficient use of resources and personnel to addr ess teacher education quality and teacher education requirements of the Districts. P. Lalchhuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 5.8.2016 Sravana 14, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 253 - 2 - Ex-253/2016 ANNEXURE-I MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR DIET, AIZAWL 1Deputy CommissionerChairman 2Principal, IASE/CTEMember 3Principal, DIETConvener 4Distr ict Education OfficerMember 5District Programme Officer, SWDMember 6District Pr oject Coordinator, RMS AMember 7Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 8Lecturer, DIETMember 9Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember 10Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 11Headmaster, DIET Practicing SchoolMember 12BRC Coordinator, BawngkawnMember 13Two student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)Member MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR DIET, LUNGLEI 1Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei DistrictChairman 2Principal, DIETConvener 3Distr ict Education OfficerMember 4District Programme Officer, SWDMember 5District Pr oject Coordinator, RMS AMember 6Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 7Lecturer, DIETMember 8Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember 9Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 10Headmaster, Standar d Middle School, Bazar vengMember 11Headmaster, Model Primar y School, LunglawnMember 12BRC Coordinator, Tlabung BlockMember 13Two student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)Member ANNEXURE-II MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR DIET, CHAMPHAI 1Deputy Commissioner, Champhai DistrictChairman 2Principal, DIETConvener 3Distr ict Education OfficerMember 4DPO/Senior-most CDPO(if DPO is not posted), SWDMember 5District Project Coordinator, RMSAMember 6Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 7Lecturer, DIETMember 8Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember 9Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 10Headmaster, Zotlang Comprehensive Middle schoolMember 11Headmaster, Roseland School, ChamphaiMember 12BRC Coordina tor, Champhai BlockMember 13Two student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)Member MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC)FOR DIET, KOLASIB 1Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib DistrictChairman 2Principal, DIETConvener 3Distr ict Education OfficerMember 4DPO/Senior-most CDPO(if DPO is not posted), SWDMember 5District Project Coordinator, RMSAMember 6Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 7Lecturer, DIETMember 8Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember 9Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 10Headmaster, Middle School-I, KolasibMember 11Headmaster, Primary School-IV, KolasibMember 12BRC Coordinator, Kolasib BlockMember 13Two student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)Member ANNEXURE-III MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR DIET, SERCHHIP 1Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip DistrictChairman 2Principal, DIETConvener 3Distr ict Education OfficerMember 4DPO/Senior-most CDPO(if DPO is not posted), SWDMember 5District Project Coordinator, RMSAMember 6Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 7Lecturer, DIETMember 8Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember 9Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 10Headmaster, Govt. Chanmari Middle SchoolMember 11Headmaster, Govt. Chanma ri Primary SchoolMember 12BRC Coordina tor, Serchhip BlockMember 13Two student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)Member MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR DIET, MAMIT 1Deputy Commissioner, Mamit DistrictChairman 2Principal, DIETConvener 3Distr ict Education OfficerMember 4DPO/Senior-most CDPO(if DPO is not posted), SWD 5District Project Coordinator, RMSAMember 6Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 7Lecturer, DIETMember 8Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember 9Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 10Headmaster, Govt. Middle School -IMember 11Headmaster, Govt. Primary School-VIIMember 12BRC Coordinator, Mamit BlockMember 13Two student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)Member - 3 -Ex-253/2016 ANNEXURE-IV MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR DIET, LAWNGTLAI 1Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai DistrictChairman 2Principal, DIETConvener 3Distr ict Education OfficerMember 4DPO/Senior-most CDPO(if DPO is not posted), SWDMember 5District Project Coordinator, RMSAMember 6Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 7Lecturer, DIETMember 8Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember 9Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 10Headmaster, Govt. M iddle SchoolMember 11Headmaster, Thingkah Primary SchoolMember 12BRC Coordina tor, Lawngtlai BlockMember 13Two student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)Member MEMBERS FOR PROGRAMME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC)FOR DIET, SIAHA 1Deputy Commissioner, Sia ha DistrictChairman 2Principal, DIETConvener 3Distr ict Education OfficerMember 4DPO/Senior-most CDPO(if DPO is not posted), SWDMember 5District Project Coordinator, RMSAMember 6Senior Lect urer, DIETMember 7Lecturer, DIETMember %Representative of Dir ector, S CERTMember Distr ict Project Coor dinator, SSAMember 10Headmaster, Govt. Middle S chool, S iahaMember 1 /Headmaster, New Siaha Primary School, SiahaMember i aBRC Coordinator, Siaha BlockMember I JTwo student representative P STE(Senior & Junior)MemberPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 4 - Ex-253/2016

The Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department (Limited Depart-mental Examination) Regulations, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 254Date - 05/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/50/2014-P&AR(GSW), the 2nd August, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred under the pr oviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with the provisions under Column 11 of Annexure-I of the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department (Group ‘B’) (Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment R ules, 2015 relating to the post of Veterinar y Supervisor, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to make the following regulations namely:- 1. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT: 1)These Regula tions may be ca lled the Mizora m Animal Husbandry & Veterinar y Department (Limited Depart-mental Examination) Regula tions, 2016. 2)They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2. DEFINITIONS: 1)In t hese Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, a ) “Commission” means the Mizoram Public Service Commission b) “Constitution” means the Constitution of India c ) “Limited Departmental Examination” means the examination conducted by the Commission under these Regulations for filling up of 25% of the sanctioned posts of Veterinary Supervisor d) “Government” means the Government of Mizoram e ) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram f) “Vacancies” means vacancies to t he post of Veterinary Supervisor which are declared to be filled by promotion on the result of Limited Departmental Examina tion 2)All other words and expressions used in these Regulations but not defined shall ha ve the same meanings respectively a ssigned t o them in the Mizor am Animal Husbandry & Veterina ry Department (Group ‘B’) (Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2015. 3. HOLDING OF EXAMINATION 1)The examina tion sha ll be conducted by the Commission in the ma nner as laid down in these Regu la tions. 2)The date on which and the venue at which the examination sha ll be held sha ll be fixed by the Commission and it shall be conducted at such intervals as the Governor may, from time to time, determine VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 5.8.2016 Sravana 14, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 254 - 2 - Ex-254/2016 4. CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible to appear in the Limited Departmental Examination for filling up of vacancies to the post of Veterinary Supervisor, a candidate must be a citizen of India a nd must satisfy the eligibility criteria as per the provisions in Column 12 of Annexure-I of the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department (Group ‘B’) (Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2015 relating to the post of Veterinary Supervisor. 5. DECISION ON ELIGIBILIT Y: The decision of the Commission on the eligibility or otherwise of candidates for admission to the Examination shall be final and no candidates to whom a certificate of admission has not been issued by the Commission shall be admitted to the examination. 6 . RESULT: 1)The names of the ca ndidates who ar e considered suitable for appointment as a r esult of the examination shall be arranged in order of merit. They shall be r ecommended for appoint ment in order of merit up to the number of appointment required to be made. The order of merit shall be determined in accordance with aggregate marks obta ined by each candidate; if two or more candidates obtained equal marks in the examina tion, their names shall b e arra nged in order of their age i.e. candidate having higher age will come before the ca ndidate with lower age 2)Selection a t the examination shall confer no right of appointment unless the Government is satisfied to a ppoint them. 3)The form and manner of communication of the results of the Examination to individual candidates shall be as decided by the Commission at its discretion. 7. PENALTY FOR MISCONDUCT: Any candida te(s) who has been declared by the C ommission to be guilt y of a)Obta ining support for his candidature by any means or b)Impersonating, or c)Procuring impersonation by any persons, or d)Submitting fabrica ted documents which ha ve been tampered with, or e)Making statement which ar e incor rect or false, or suppressing material information, or f)Resorting to any other ir regular or improper means in connection with his candida ture in the examination hall, or g)Using unfair means in the examination hall, or h)Misbehaving in the examination hall, or i)Attempting t o commit or abetting t he Commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clause, a s the case may be sha ll, in a ddition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable 1)to be disqualified by the Commission fr om the examina tion for which he is a candidate 2)to be debar red either permanently or for a specified period (i) By the State Government fr om any examina tion or selection by them; (ii) By t he Centr al Government from any employment under them, and 3)to disciplinary action under the appropriate r ules 8. SYLLABUS: The Limited Departmental Examination for filling up vacancies to the post of Veterinary Supervisor under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department shall be conducted as per the syllabus at Appendix-I. - 3 -Ex-254/2016 9 . MINIMUM MARKS: Candidates shall be required to obtain minimum 40 percent ma rks in each of the Pa pers as prescr ibed under these Regula tions for qualifying in the Limited Departmental Examination. 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION: If a ny doubt arises about the interpretation of any of the provisions of these Regulations, it shall be referred to the Governor whose decision sha ll be final. By order s, etc R. Malsawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Appendix-I SYLLABUS FOR THE LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR PROMOTION TO VETERINARY SUPERVISOR PAPER – I2 HOURSFULL MARKS – 50 English a)Comprehension10 Mar ks b)Precis Writing10 Mar ks c)Essa y Writing15 Mar ks d)English Gra mmar15 Mar ks PAPER – II2 HOURSFULL MARKS – 50 Office Procedure a)FR & SR Part II (Travelling Allowance Chapter II & III)15 Mar ks b)FR 9 and 56, and SR 197-20315 mar ks c)CCS (Conduct) Rules, 196410 Mar ks d)CCS (Leave) Rules, 197210 Mar ks PAPER – III3 HOURSFULL MARKS-100 1)Livestock & Poultr y Husba ndry50 Mar ks 2)Basic Farm Management50 Mar ks PAPER – IV3 HOURSFULL MARKS-100 1)Anima l Husbandry Extension50 Mar ks 2)Clinical Veterina ry Medicine50 Mar ksPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100


VOL - XLVISSUE - 255Date - 09/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 14016/41/03-LAD/VC, the 2nd August, 2016.The Lushai Hills District (Administra tion of Justice) Rules, 1953 Section 4(1) in a sawi angin, New Hruaikawn Village Council Boundary chu Annexure a ra wn tarlan ang hian sia mthar a ni. C. T hatkunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. BOUNDARY DESCRIPT ION OF NEW HRUAIKAWN VILLAGE COUNCIL Star ting Point : Tiau lui a tanga intanin S athanglui hnar lam ah khawthlang lam ah zawh in Pawi zin kawng a han su a, P awi zin kawng chhim la ma zawh in T hanglui atanga kawrte pahnihna a h khawthlang lama zawh in Luruh kham tla ng dung a han su a. Luruh kha m tlang dung chhim lama h zawh in Lawmzuala vau kawrte khawthlang zawnga zawh in khu ailui a su ang a. Chhim zawngin a khuailui a zawh anga Kurung a su ang a, Kurung lui ata ngin New Hruaikawn thlanmual bul electric ban zawnah ngil takin a chho a ng a New Hruaika wn thla nmual bul elect ric ban a su a nga chu mi atanga ngil taka chhuk thla in Kum 2016 a an safety reserve zua h chin zawnah hmar za ngin ngil takin a phei ang a New Hr uaikawn khaw hnuai sa fety reserve a va pawh ang. Zokhawthar nen chu an ramri kawr a ni a, Pu Lalta wna Qua ry ah a in ri a ni.VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 9.8.2016 Sravana 18, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 255Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Indian Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act No. 4 of 2016)

VOL - XLVISSUE - 256Date - 09/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 46022/2/2014-REV/pt-I, the 2nd August, 2016. In exercise of the power conferred under Section 1 (3) of the Indian Stamp (Mizor am Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act No. 4 of 2016) the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to appoint The Indian Stamp (Mizor am Amendment) Act, 2016 published in the Mizoram Gazette vide Notification No. H. 12018/76/2016-LJD, dt. 18.4.2016 to be effective from 1st September, 2016. Zothan Khuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 9.8.2016 Sravana 18, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 256Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Public Works Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 257Date - 09/08/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/42/2015-P&AR(GSW), the 1st August, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Human Resource Development Mana ger under Public Works Depar tment, Government of Mizora m namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizor am Public Wor ks Depar tment commencement (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016 (2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexure-I her et o a nnex ed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), classification and the scale of pay/ classification and Pay Band & Grade Pay attached thereto shall be as specified in scale of pay/Pay Column 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Annexure-I Band & Grade Pay 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other matters age limit and other relating to the sa id post shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a ) Who has entered int o or contracted a mar riage with a person having a spouse living; or VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 9.8.2016 Sravana 18, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 257 - 2 - Ex-257/2016 (b) Who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other valid grounds for doing so, exempt a ny such person from the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment s ervant recruit ed under these Rules shall undergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Ex amination fr om time to time. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizora m, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Refor ms, relax any of the provisions of these Rules with r espect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of age limit other concessions and other concessions required to be pr ovided for the Scheduled Castes/ the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order, etc R. Malsawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-257/2016 ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘A’ POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational qualification and other qualification required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruitmen ts will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 N.ABetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candida tes from Scheduled Ca ste/Schedules Tribes.N.A Essential 1. Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Human ResourceOR Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management from recognized University 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard Desirable: 1. Graduate in Enginee- ring from a recognized University 2. At least 2 yea rs expe- rience in ISO 9001 Internal Auditing/Audi- tor Training Certificate2 yearsMethod of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission. N.A 100% by direct recruitmentName of PostNo. of PostClassificationScale of Pay/Pay Band & Grade PayWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 N.A Human Resource Development Manager1 (one) or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘A’ Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-3 ^ 15,600- 39,100/- ^ 5,400 GPPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

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