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Institutional Ethic Committee (IEC) for Biomedical and Research on Human Participants

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 205Date - 26/04/2013

NOTIFICATION No. J. 11011/74/2009-HFW, the 18th April, 2013.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion issued vide even No. dt. 9.4.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Gover nor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Institutiona l Ethic Commit tee (IEC) for Biomedical and Research on Human Participants as per guidelines of Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi comprising of the following members for a period of 1(one) year with effect from the da te of issue of this notification. 1.Chairperson- Dr. L. Ringluaia (retired Director, Presbyterian Hospital) 2.Basic Medical Science Area - Dr. T. Lalzawmliana, M.D., Civil Hospital, Aizawl (Deptt. of Biochemistry) 3.Clinicians- Dr Saia, M.S & Dr. Rosangluaia, M.D (both Civil Hospital, Aizawl) 4.Legal Exp ert- Michael Zothankhuma, Advocate, Chalt lang 5.NGO/Social Scientist- Dr. Zoengpari, Mizora m Univer sity 6.One Theologian- Rev. Thanhnuna, Chaplain, Civil Hospital, Aizawl 7.One lay person from- Thanseia, Zarkawt the Community 8.Member Secretary- Dr. Lalchha ndama, M.D (Pa thology), Civil Hospital, Aizawl Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 26.4.2013 Vaisakha 6, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 205RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram (Land Survey and Settlement (Operation) Act, 2003 (Act No.4 of 2003)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 204Date - 23/04/2013

NOTIFICATIONNo.D.11011/5/2011-NLRMP(REV, the 22nd April, 2013.It is hereby notified for general informa- tion under rule 4 or rule 62 of the Mizoram (Land Survey and Settlement (Operations) Rules, 2008 read with section 3 or section 37 of the Mizoram (Land Survey and Settlement (Operation) Act, 2003 (Act No.4 of 2003) that a Cadastral Survey or Record Operation or Settlement of Land Revenue of the area/village specified in the Schedule below shall be made with a view to settlement of land revenue or boundary and preparation of land records connected therewith or the revision of any existing survey, settlement or record- of--rights or incidental thereto. SCHEDULESl. No. Name of village/areaSub-DivisionDistrict 1.All vilages in Serchhip DistrictSerchhip, Thenzawl, N. VanlaiphaiSerchhip District RL. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Revenu e Depar tment, Aizawl. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 23.4.2013 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1934, Issue No.204 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

“The Mizoram (Establishment of Independent Local Body) Ombudsman Rules, 2013”

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 203Date - 24/04/2013

NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/47/2012-UD&PA/Pt, the 19th April, 2013.The r ules “The Mizoram (Establishment of Independent Local Body) Ombudsman Rules, 2013”is hereby published for general information and t he Rules shall effect from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. The territorial jur isdiction of the Ombudsman shall be within the Sta te of Mizoram, where Local Bodies are in existence. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 20 of the Mizoram (Establishment of Independent Local Body) Ombudsman Act, 2011 ( Act No. 8 of 2011), the Governor of Mizoram is plea sed t o make t he fo llo wing rules, name ly:- CHAPTER - IPRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement These rules may be called The Mizoram (Establishment of Independent Local Body) Ombudsman Rules, 2013. (2)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 24.4.2013 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No.203 2. Definitions In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:- (1) ‘Act’ means t he Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (2) ‘Authorized representative’ means a person duly appointed and authorized by a complainant to act on his behalf and represent him in the proceedings under these Rules for consideration of his co mp la int . (3) ‘Award’ means an award passed by the Ombudsman in accordance under these Rules. (4) ‘Complaint’ means a representation in writing or through electronic means containing a grievance aga inst munic ipal administ ra t io n, grie vance against c o rrup t io n, co mp laint alle ging defic iency in t he services o f t he Municipal Co uncils, and Lo cal Co uncil o r Village Co uncil inst it ut io ns as mentioned in Rule 9 of the Rules. (5) ‘Local Body’ means all institutions carrying out t he municipal and civic functions under the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 and which for the purposes of these Rules is also termed as Local Bo dy; (6) ‘Ombudsman’ means any person appointed under the Mizoram (Est ablishment of Independent Local Body Ombudsman (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 8 of 2011) (7) ‘Rules’ means the Mizoram (Establishment of Independent Local Body) Ombudsman Rules, 2013. (8) Words and expressions used herein but not defined in these Rules shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act. CHAPTER - IIESTABLISHMENT OF THE OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN 3. Appointment and Tenure (1) The State Government may, on the recommendation of a Selection Committee as indicated in sub- rule (2) of these Rules shall appoint a person to be known as Ombudsman to carry out the functions entrusted to him under these Rules. (2) The Selection Committ ee referred to in sub – rule (1) shall consist of :- (a) The Chief Minister of the State Government, (b) Speaker of the Mizoram Legislative Assembly, and Ex-203/20132 (c) Leader of the Oppo sition Party in the Legislative Assembly. (3) The Ombudsman must not be a person below the rank of Additional Secretary to the State Government or a District Judge having jurisdiction in the State. (4) The minimum age of a person for appointment as Ombudsman shall be fifty – five years. (5) The appointment of Ombudsman shall be made for a period not exceeding three years, Provided that the period of appointment of a Ombudsman may, subject to the recommendation of the Selection Committee referred to in sub-rule (1), be extended for a further period not exceeding two years, subject to the age-limit of sixty-five years. (6) The Ombudsman shall devote his whole time to the affairs of his office, Provided that the State Government may, if, in its opinion, considers necessary so to do, permit the Ombudsman to undertake such part-time honorary work as is not likely to interfere with his duties under this Act. (7) When appointed as Ombudsman, the officer, if he/she is still in service under the Government of Mizoram, shall seek and obtain retirement from Government service, before entering upon the office as an Ombudsman. (8) Where the State Government is satisfied that in the public interest or for reason of incapacity of a Ombudsman, it is necessary so to do, it may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, and by giving him three months notice or by paying him three months consolidated emoluments in lieu of the notice aforesaid, remove him from his office. (9) The Ombudsman shall be independent of any control of either t he Urban Local Bo dy or other L o c a l B o d y. 4. Remuneration The Ombudsman selected shall be engaged in the scale of pay determined by orders of the Government or in accordance with CCS (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioner) Orders, 1986 on regular basis and shall preferably be a resident of the city where he/she is proposed to be posted. 5. Territorial Jurisdiction The State Government shall specify the territorial jurisdiction of the Ombudsman by a notification in the Gazette. 6. Location of Office The office of Ombudsman shall initially be located at Aizawl, State of Mizoram and the Government may notify additional locations and may appo int additional Ombudsman for each such location.Ex-203/2013 3 7. Secretariat The Ombudsman shall be provided with a secretariat staff consisting of a Private Secret ary, UD C, Offic e P eo n by t he Go ve r nment o f M iz o r a m. CHAPTER - IIIPOWERS AND DUTIES OF MUNICIPAL OMBUDSMAN 8. Powers and Duties (1)The Ombudsman shall have the powers to – (a) rec eive co mp laint s fr o m c it ize ns o n any mat t ers spec ifie d in Rule 9; (b) consider such complaints and facilitate their satisfaction or settlement by agreement, through conciliation and mediation between the Local Body and the aggrieved parties or by passing an ‘award’ in accordance with the Rules, failing conciliation or mediation; (c) to resolve, by referring to arbitration, such disputes between Municipalities or between a local council or village council and its citizens to arbitrator/(s) as may be agreed upon by the contesting parties in accordance with the pro visions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. (d) require the Local Body Authority Complained Against or any other related Local Body Authority to provide any information or furnish certified copies of any document relating to the subject matter o f the complaint which is or is alleged to be in its possession; provided that in the event of failure of such authority to comply with the requisition without any sufficient cause, t he Ombudsman may, if he deems fit, draw the inference that the information, if provided or copies if furnished, would be unfavourable to the concerned Municipal or Local/ Village Council Authority; e) suggest remedial measures for redressing of grievances; and (f) report his order and findings and/or forward the Award to the Governor of Mizoram for appropriate action against erring officials and/or compliance of the Award; (2)The Ombudsman shall have t he fo llowing dut ies: (a) to exercise general powers of superintendence and contro l over his office and be responsible for the conduct of business in his office; (b) to maintain confidentiality of any information or document coming into his knowledge or possession in the course of discharging his duties and not to disclose such information or document to any perso n except with the consent of the perso n furnishing such informatio n or document; Pro vided t hat no t hing in t his clause shall prevent t he Ombudsman fr o m disclo sing info rmat io n or documents furnished by a party in a complaint to the other party or parties, to the extent Ex-203/20134 considered by him to be reasonably required to comply with the principles of natural justice and fair play in the pro ceedings; (c) to protect individual citizens’ civic rights and reduce citizens’ civic burden; (d) to identify issues that increase the complications, burden, or create problems for citizens in respect o f civic amenit ies, and t o bring t ho se issu es t o t he a t t ent io n o f t he Go ve rnment o f Mizo r am; (e) to send a monthly report to the Principal Secretary, Urban Development Department, recommending appropriate action. The report shall specially highlight cases where action needs to be taken against erring Local Body Authorities for their failure to redress the grievance. The report will be accompanied with primary evidence needed to initiate action against the delinquent persons; (f) to furnish a report every year containing a general review of activities of the office of the Ombudsman during the preceding financial year to the Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram along with such other information as may be considered necessary by him. In the annual report, the Ombudsman, on the basis of grievances handled by him, will review the quality of the working of the Local Body and make recommendations to improve t he functioning of municipal and other lo c al bo d y administ ra t io n; and (g) to compile a list of ‘awards’ passed by it between April and March of each financial year in respect of every Local Body Authority Complained Against, by name, and report it to the controlling Chief Executive Officers concerned and the Chairperson-in-Council/Chairperson of the Local Body before the end of April so that this information can be reflected in the Annual Confidential Reports of the officers concerned. CHAPTER - IVPROCEDURE FOR REDRESSAL OF GRIEVANCES 9. Grounds on which complaint shall be filed:- (1)Complaints may be filed on grounds of grievance against administration, grievance against corruption, complaint alleging deficiency in the services of the Local Body; (2)A complaint on any one or more of the following grounds alleging deficiency in the services of the Urban Local Bo dy and o n charges o f corruption may be filed with t he Ombudsman, only wit h sufficient evidences to suppo rt the complaint:- (a) Complaints in the nature of allegations of corruption, bribery, misconduct, lack of integrity, or any other kind of malpractice or misdemeanour on part of any elected representative to the Municipal Council or Local Council or Village Council and on the part of any officer or other employee of t he said Lo cal Bo dy;Ex-203/2013 5 (b) delay in issue of demand notices, orders, refunds, and copy of regist er o r other documents beyond t ime limit s p rescribed by law o r under t he relevant inst ruct io ns issued fr o m t ime t o t ime under t he Act or the Rules framed there under; (c) non acknowledgement of lett ers or documents sent or submitted to the Local Body; (d) non up-dating of demand register and o ther registers leading to harassment o f property-tax assesses, shop owners, licensees, and lessees of municipal properties; (e) lack of transparency in identifying cases for scrutiny of Property-Tax returns and non communication of reasons to assesses for selecting the case for scrutiny; (f) delay in disposing cases of interest waiver; (g) delay in disposal of rectification applications; (h) delay in giving effect to the municipal appellate orders given under the Act; (i) delay in release of seized assets, if any, after the pro ceedings under Act; (h) delay in allotment of property-tax identification number, holding number, and licenses; (j) non credit of property-tax paid before filing of property-tax returns; (k) non adherence to prescribed working hours by municipality officials; (l) non adherence to prescribed working hours by municipality officials; (m) failure to provide or delay in providing a civic facility without reasonable causes like supply of water, removal of municipal solid waste, and all other civic functions as mentioned in the Act, and as promised under the Act and/or by a “Citizen Charter for Civic Services” accepted by the Lo c al Bo dy; (n) levying of charges and taxes without adequate prior notice to the citizen; (o) delays in sanction, disbursement or non-observance of prescribed time schedule for disposal of applications to avail permissions and permits as mentioned and pro mised under the Act; (p) unwarranted rude behaviour of municipal officials with citizens; (q) demand for gifts and gratifications against promise to provide civic services; (r) any other matter relating to violation of the administrative instructions and circulars issued by the Urban Development Department in relation to civic administration; 10. Procedure for filing the complaint (1)A citizen or a person can file a complaint before the Ombudsman if the reply is not received from the Local Body within a period of one month after the Local Body concerned has received his/her representation, or if the Local Body rejects the complaint without grounds o f rejection, or if the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given by the Local Body. Ex-203/20136 (2)Any person, who has a grievance against the Local Body, may, himself or through his authorized representative, make a complaint against the Local Body Authority Complained Against in writing to the Ombudsman. (3)The complaint shall be duly signed and verified by the co mplainant and his aut horised representative, if any, and shall state clearly the name and address of the complainant, t he name of the office and official of the Local Body against whom the complaint is made, the facts giving rise to the complaint supported by documents, if any, relied on by the complainant and the relief sought from the Ombudsman; (4)The Ombudsman shall also accept a complaint made through electronic means and a print out of such complaint shall be taken on the record of the Ombudsman. (5)The complainant at the earliest possible opportunity shall sign a printout of the complaint made through electronic means before the Ombudsman takes steps for conciliation or settlement. (6)The signed printout shall be deemed to be the complaint and it shall relate back to the date on which the complaint was made through electronic means. (7)No complaint to the Ombudsman shall lie unless:- (a) the complainant had, before making a complaint to the Ombudsman, made a written representation to the civic authority superior to the one complained against and either such authority had rejected the complaint or the co mplainant had not received any reply within a period of one month after such authority had received his representation or the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him by such authority; (b) the complaint is made not later than one year after the complainant has received the reply of the department to his representation or, in case, where no reply is received, not later than one year and one month after the representation to the Local Body. (c) the complaint is not in respect of the same subject matter which was settled through the Office of the Ombudsman in any previous proceedings whether or not received from the same complainant or along with any one or more complainants or any one or more of the parties concerned with the subject matter; and (d) the complaint is not frivolous or vexatious in nature. (8)No complaint shall be made to the Ombudsman o n an issue, which may be, has been, or is t he subject matter of any proceeding in an appeal, revision, reference or writ before Municipal Appellate Authority or Tribunal or Court. 11. Proceedings to be summary in nature The proceedings before the Ombudsman shall be summary in nature.Ex-203/2013 7 12. Settlement of complaints by agreement (1)As soon as it may be practicable so to do, the Ombudsman shall cause a notice of the receipt of any complaint along with a copy of the complaint to be sent to the Local Body Authority Complained Against and endeavour should be made to pro mote a settlement of the complaint by agreement between the complainant and such Authority through conciliation or mediation; (2)For the purpose of promoting a settlement of the complaint, the Ombudsman may follow such procedure as he may consider appropriate. 13. Award by the Ombudsman (1)If a complaint is not settled by agreement within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the complaint or such further period, as the Ombudsman may consider necessary, he may pass an award after affording the parties reasonable opportunity to present their case. He shall be guided by the evidence placed before him by the parties, the principles of providing basic urban services, directions, instructions and guidelines issued by the Urban Development Department, Govt. of Mizoram from time to time and such other factors, which in his opinion are necessary in the interest of justice. (2)The ‘award’ passed under sub-rule (1) of Rule 13 shall be a speaking order consisting of the following components: (a) Directions to the concerned Local Body Authority such as performance of its obligations like expediting delayed matters, giving reasons for decisions and issuing apology to complainants etc., except a direction affecting the quantum of tax assessment or imposition of penalties under the Act; (b) A compensation amount not exceeding Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) for the loss suffered by the complainant; (c) Designation of the Local Body to whom the letter of acceptance of the award is to be communicated. (3)A copy of the ‘award’ shall be sent to the complainant and the Civic Authority complained against. (4)The ‘award’ shall be binding on the Local Body and on the complainant provided that an award shall not be binding on the Local Body unless the complainant furnishes to it, within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the award, a letter of acceptance of the award in full and final settlement of his complaint. If the complainant does not accept, the Award passed by the Ombudsman or fails to furnish his letter of acceptance within the said period of 15 days or within such time, not exceeding a period of 15 days that may be granted by the Ombudsman, the award shall lapse and be of no effect. (5)Any co mpens at io n as me nt io ne d in sub- r ule ( 2) ( b) o f R ule 1 3 abo ve give n as a pa r t o f t he aw ar d shall be paid by the Local Body out of the budget allocated under the head ‘Office Expenses’ of the office of the Local Body Authority Complained Against. Such payments shall take priority over any other expendit ure fro m t his allo cat io n. Ex-203/20138 (6)The Local Bo dy Authority Complained Against shall, within o ne month from the date of the aw ard , c o mp ly w it h t he a war d a nd int imat e c o mp lia nce t o t he Ombud sma n. CHAPTER -VMISCELLANEOUS 14. Removal of difficulties (1)If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these Rules, the State Government may make such provisions consistent with the Act or the Rules as it appears to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Ex-203/2013 9

Mizoram Public Service Commission chuan Junior Grade of Mizoram Civil Service (MCS), Mizoram Police Service (MPS) leh Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service (MF&AS) Officers,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 202Date - 23/04/2013

NOTIFICATION No. 46/B/2013-MPSC, the 19th April, 2013.Mizoram Public Service Commission chuan Junior Grade of Mizoram Civil Service (MCS), Mizoram Police Service (MPS) leh Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service (MF&AS) Officers, Departmental Examination la ‘clear ’ lot e tan Departmental Exa mination, ni 17-2 5.6.2013 chhungin bua tsaih a tum a. Heng S ervice hrang hr ang tar lan a Junior Grade/Pr obationers, Depa rtmenta l Examination la hmabak zawng zawngte chuan ‘Willingness’ lehkhapuan pa ngngaia ziakin leh proper channel-in, Secretary, Mizoram Public S ervice C ommission hnenah ni 17.5.2013 thlengin thehluh theih a ni. Exam tum te chuan, an hming, pa hming, date of entry, pr esent place of posting, an exa m tur pa per, paper an ‘clear tawh’ leh la ‘clear loh’ te chiang takin an ziak lang tur a ni. Tin, Exam tumte chuan Examination fee ^ 150/-, Willingness and thehluh rualin emaw ni 24.5.2013 hma ngeiin Mizoram Public Service Commission Reception Counter ah an pe tur a ni. Willingness thehlut leh Examination fee pe te chauh exam phalsak an ni ang.Tamlal Lohar, Secretary, Mizor am Public Service Commission, Aizawl. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 23.4.2013 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 202RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page -- SYLLABUS FOR MIZORAM CIVIL SERVICE (MCS) DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION =Paper-I Criminal Law 1)Indian Penal Code, 1860 2)Criminal Pr ocedure Code, 1973 3)Rules for the Regulation of Officers appointed to administer Justice in the Lushai Hills, 1937 and the Lushai Hills Autonomous District(Administration of Justice) Rules, 1953. =Paper-II Constitution & Other Laws 1)Civil Procedure Code, 1908 2)Evidence Act, 1872 3)Constitution of India. =Paper-Ill Revenue Law 1)Mizoram Revenue Acts/Regulations 2)Lushai Hills District (Village Council) Acts, 1953 as amended upto date. 3)Land Acquisition Act, 1894. =Paper-IV Accounts & Estab lishment 1)General Financial Rules, 1963 2)Central Treasury Rules, Vol-II 3)Central Civil Service (Classification Control & Appeal) Rules,1965 =Paper-V 1) Mizo language of Middle School Standar d for Non-Mizo speaking officers SYLLABUS FOR MIZORAM FINANCE & ACCOUNTS SERVICE (MF&AS) DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION Paper-1 1)Central Civil Services (Pension)Rules, 1972 2)Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 3)Central Civil Services(Joining Time) Rules, 1971 Paper-II 1)Fundamental Rules and S up lementa ry Rules Part -1 General Ru les. 2)Fundamental Rules a nd Supplementa ry Rules Part - II Tra velling Allowances Paper-III 1)General Financial Rules, 1963 2)Treasury Rules of Central Government Volume -1 3)Delegationn of Financial Powers Rules, 1978 Paper-IV 1)Constitution of India 2)Central Civil Services(Conduct)Rules, 1964 3)Central Civil Services(Classification,Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 Paper-V 1) Auditing2) Book Keeping & Accountancy Paper-VI 1)Central Public Wor ks Accounts & Centra l Public Works Department Codes. 2)Forest Accounts.3) Account Code Volume I,II,III Paper VII: Mizo language of Middle School Standa rd for non-Mizo speaking officer Syllabus details chu the Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service Depar tmental Examina tion Regulation, 2003-a mi ang a ni e.- 2 - Ex-202/2013 SYLLABUS FOR MIZORAM POLICE SERVICE (MPS) DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION. Paper- I :(A)GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES, 1963(100 Marks) 1)Chapter-2 (G eneral system of Financial Management and Control) 2)Cha p ter-3 (R evenue a nd receipts) 3)Chapter-4 (Powers of sanct ion) 4)Chapter-5 (Budget, Grants and Appr opriations) 5)Chapter-6 (Establishment) 6)Chapter-7 (Contingent and Miscellaneous Expenditure) 7)Cha pt er-8 (St or es) (B) CENTRAL TREASURY RULES VOLUME-I 1)Part -I (General Principles and Ru les) 2)Part-Ill (Receipt of Government money and payment of s uch money into the Government Account) 3)Part-IV (Rule 109-112) (Cash in Department chests-General Rules) 4)Part-V (Withdrawal from the Government Account-Section I to V) Paper - II : A)CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL ANDAPPEAL) RULES, 1965.(100 Marks) 1)Chapter 1 Part IV-Rule 10 (Suspension) 2)Chapter 1 Part V-R ule 11 (Penalties and Disciplinary Authorities) 3)Chapter 1 P art VI-Rule 14 (Procedure for imposing Major penalt ies) 4)Chapter 1 P art VI-Rule 16 (Procedure for imposing minor penalt ies) 5)Chapter 1 Pa rt VI-Rule 18 (Common proceedings) (B)FR&SR-PART-I (General Rules)1)Chapter -II (Definitions) 2)Chapter -III (General Conditions of Service) 3)Chapter - IV (Pay) 4)Chapter- V (Additions to Pay) 5)Chapter-VIII (Dismissal, Remova l and Suspension). (C)FR&SR-PART-II (Travelling Allowances)1)Chapter -II (Different kinds of Tra velling Allowances) 2)Chapter-Ill (Travelling Allowance admissible for Different C lasses of Jour ney) 3)Chapter-VI (Contr olling Officers). Paper - III : ( A )Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1964(100 Marks) 1)Rule -3 (General) 2)Rule-5 (Taking part in politics and elections) 3)Rule-6 (Joining of Associations by Government serva nts) 4)Rule-7 (Demonstra tion and Strikes) 5)Rule-9 (Criticism of Government) 6)Rule-11 (Unauthorized Communication of information) 7)Rule-13 (Gifts) 8)Rule-15 (Pr ivate tr ade or employment) 9)Rule-16 (Investments, leading and borrowing) 10)Rule-18 (Movable, immovable and valuable property) 11)Rule-20 (Ca nvassing of non-official or other outside influence) 12)Rule-21 (Restriction regarding marriage) 13)Rule-22( Consumption of int oxicating drinks and dr ugs)- 3 -Ex-202/2013 (B)THE MOTOR VEHICLES ACTS, 1988 AND THE INDIAN EVIDENCE ACTS, 1872. Paper-IV : A)Police Act. 1861 B)Assam Police Manual (Part-Ill) Rule 66 C)Assa m Police Manual Part-V (Circle Inspectors a nd Police Stations) D)The Constitution of India (Art.309-315) E)The Arms Acts, 1959 and the Arms Rules. 1962 Paper-V :(50 Marks) Mizo langua ge of M iddle School standard for Non-Mizo speaking Officers. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 4 - Ex-202/2013


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 201Date - 23/04/2013

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 9th April, 2013 19, Chaitra, 1935 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 56/2013 (I)/PPS-II.In pursuance of sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (R eser vation & Allotment) Order, 1968, the Election Commission of India hereby makes the following a mendments to it s Notification No. 56/2013/PP S-II, dated 18.01.2013, namely :- 1.In table II (State Parties), a ppended to the said Notification - (i)The following entries under Column No. 3, 4 and 5 given against Sl. No. 12 in respect of the State of Manipur shall be deleted :- 2.Manipur People’s Party BicyclePeople’s Road, Imphal 795001 (Manipur) 4.National People’s P arty Book2nd Floor, MDU Building, M.G. Avenue, Imphal-795001 (Manipur) 7.Rashtriya Janata DalHurricane Lamp13, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 (ii)The serial number in respect of ‘Ma nipur State Congress Party’, ‘Naga Peoples Front’, and ‘People’s Democratic Alliance’ given under column 3, shall be re-numbered as 2, 3 and 4 respectively. 2.In Table III (Registered un-recognised parties), appended t o the s aid Not ification - (i)After the existing entries at Sl. No. 1392, the following entries shall be inserted under Column Nos. 1, 2 & 3, respectively :- Sl. No.Name of the PartyAddress1393 North East Social Democr atic P arty Mawlai Mawdatbaki, Dong Nongpathaw, Shillong-793008, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya. 1394 Bhar atiya Uttam SenaVillage & Post Kheddhain, T hana Aander, Distt. Siwan, Bihar. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 23.4.2013 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 201RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page 1395 Aaza di Ka Antim Aandolan DalMIGD - 27, Shailendra Nagar, Raipur-492001 Chha ttisga rh. 1396 Aam Aadmi PartyA-119, Ground Floor, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad - 201010, Utta r Pr adesh. 1397 Mahila Pradhana Pa ksha1261, 16th Main, 20th Cross, A Block, Sahakara Nagara, Bangalore - 560092, Karnataka. 1398 Varthur Congress P artyNo. 98, Var thur Ma in Roa d, Bangalore East, Bangalore - 560087 Karnataka. 1399 Vichara Jagr uthi Congress Pa kshaDoor No. 275 of Hebbalu Village and Post, Dava ngere Ta luk and District, Karnataka. 1400 Communist Pa rty of IndiaC-141, Sainik Nagar, New Delhi - 110059. (Mar xist-L eninist) Red Star 1401 Haryana Sarvajan PartyH. No. 236, Ward No. 2 Gram Panchayat Radaur, District Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. 1402 Sama jik Insaaf Pa rty (Ra shtrawadi) House No.-5 3, Village Lehari, Post Kuriyar, District - Basti, Uttar Pradesh - 272178. 1403 Rashtriya Hind Sena158/1,Dev Nagar, District Firozabad - 283203, Utta r Pr adesh. 1404 Bhar tiya Hind Ekta DalDefence Colony, Anil Shaheed Nagar, Izatna gar, Nainital Road, Bareilly-243122, Uttar Pradesh. 1405 Thrinamool Tamil Na du Congress189/1, Amar avathi Street (Near F ive Roa ds), Reddiyur Village, District Salem - 636004, Tamil Nadu. 1406 Sukhee Samaaj Party344 Bhonjha, Ghaziabad-201001, Uttar Pradesh. 1407 Kosha l Mukti M orchaRailway Station Road, Titilagarh, District-Bolangir, Odisha. 1408 Akhil Bhar tiya Aamjan P artyF-1, 99, Shiv Nagar A, Harnathpura, Kalawad Road, Jaipur - 302012, Rajasthan. 1409 Lok Raksha P artyVillage & Post Office Sirsal, District - Etawah, Utta r Pr adesh. 1410 National Ja nhit Congress (AB)043A/5 Piarey Lal Building, Near Government College, Mehrauli Roa d, Gurga on, Haryana. 1411 Jan Sevak PartyLIG 63, Shekhpur a, Aliga nj, Lucknow, Utta r P ra desh. 1412 Kisan Majdoor Praja PartyA X - 223/224, Rajharsh Colony, Nayapura, Kolar Road, Bhopa l, Madhya Pradesh. 1413 Manipur People’s PartyPeople’s Road, Imphal 795001 (Manipur) 1414 National People’s P arty2nd Floor, MDU Building, M. G. Avenue, Imphal-795001, Manipur. 1415 Ambedkar Ja natha P artyNo. 57/1, Savimana Enterprises, Badrappa Layout, Kodigehalli, Nagashettyhalli, Main Road, Bangalore-560092, Karnataka. (ii)Against serial numbers 1201 the existing entries under column 2 and 3 s hall be substit uted by the entr ies “Ma hanayak Sarder Patel Sangh, 52/98, IInd Floor, Chit taranja n Park, New Delhi - 110019.”; By or der, Varinder Kumar, Secretary, Election Commission of India. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-201/2013

Obituary Pu H. Lalramenga, Forest Range Officer

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 200Date - 23/04/2013

OB ITUA RY No. A. 19099/91/06-FST, the 23rd April, 2013. The Government of Mizoram has lear nt with deep sorrow the sad and untimely demise of Pu H. Lalramenga, F orest Ra nger serving at Khawnglung Wildlife S anctuar y, Envir onment & Forests Depa rtment, Mizora m at 3:25 pm on 22nd April, 2013. Pu H. Lalramenga entered into Government service on 13.5.1985 a s Forest Ranger. He was posted to various places and he obediently took char ge of his posting places until his death : 1.Range Officer -13.5.1985 - 31.7.1986 -DFO Kawrthah 2.Range Officer -4.8.1986 - 25.8.1987-CCF Office 3.Range Officer -28.8.1987 - 24.1.1992 -Lunglei Forests Division 4.Range Officer -28.1.1992 - 5.5.1995-Chhimtuipui Div. Lawngtlai 5.Range Officer -10.5.1995 - 25.8.1998 -Darlawn Division 6.Range Officer -28.8.1998 - 26.4.1999 -PCCF Office 7.Range Officer -29.4.1999 - 12.7.2002 -Darlawn Division 8.Range Officer -16.7.2002 - 21.2.2006 -Aiza wl Forests Division 9.Range Officer -28.2.2006-Khawnglung Wildlife He served the Government of Mizor am with utmost sincerity and devotion and always proved himself a conscientious officer. The Gover nment of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu H. Lalramenga, Forest Ranger and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. R. Zohmangaihi, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Enviroment & Forests Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 23.4.2013 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 200RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc) Rules.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 199Date - 19/04/2013

- 1 - The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 199 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12021/4/2013-SEC/CADC, the 19th April, 2013.WHEREAS, in pursuance of the Notification issued by the Governor under sub-para (1) & (6A) of Para 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution read with sub-rule (1) & (2) of Rule 9 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc) Rules, 2002 as amended, vide No. H.14011/3/2010-DCA (C), dt.7th February, 2013, and Notification issued by the State Election Commission under sub- rule (1) of Rule 151 read with sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 & sub-rule (1) of Rule 158 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc) Rules, 2002, as amended in 2012, vide No.B.12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, dt. 20th March, 2013, General Election was held for the purpose of constituting a new Chakma Autonomous District Council in Lawngtlai District on 17th April, 2013; and WHEREAS, the results of the elections in respect of all 20 (twenty) Constituencies in the said General Election have been declared by the Returning Officer on 19th April, 2013; NOW, THEREFORE, the State Election Commission hereby notifies the names of the members elected in respect of the said Chakma Autonomous District Council, along with their party affiliations, in theSCHEDULE enclosed to this Notification. (C. ROPIANGA) State Election Commissioner Mizoram. - 2 - Ex-199/2013Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500(H. DARZIKA) Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.

Affidavit of Vanlalthanga, S/o Lianzika, resident of Ramhlun South, Aizawl District,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 198Date - 19/04/2013

NOTIFICATIONI, VANLALTHANGA, S/o Lianzika,resident ofRamhlun South, Aizawl District, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows : 1.That my name isVANLALTHANGA as registered in my Bir th Certificate. 2.That in my Service Book, my name had inadvertently recorded and written asP. VANLALA which is not correct and I say that my true and correct name isVANLALTHANGA notP. VANLALA. 3.That the purpose of this affidavit is to correct my name toVANLALTHANGA in my Service Book. Henceforth my correct name shall be written as VANLALTHANGA. 4.That the said two name relates one of the same person. 5.That the statements made in Para no. 1-5 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I here unto subscribed my name and signature on this affidavit today the 18th of July, 2012.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No.198 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Identified by : Sd/- (R. LALREMRUATA) AdvocateDEPONENT Sd/- (VANLALTHANGA) Signed before me Sd/- Judicial Magistrate Aizawl District, Aizawl

Affidavit of P.C. Zakhuma S/o Ralhranga (L) resident of Bethlehem Veng, Aizawl,Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 197Date - 19/04/2013

NOTIFICATIONI, P.C. Zakhuma S/o Ralhranga (L),aged about55 years, a permanent resident of Bethlehem Veng, Aizawl,Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows : 1.That my name is P.C. Zakhuma and my father ’s name isRalhranga (L). In my voter I.D Card and my LSC my name has been recorded asP.C. Zakhuma S/o Ralhranga (L). However, in my service book my name has been wrongly recorded as Zakhuma and my father ’s name has been also wrongly recorded asHrangchhinga. 2.Tha t my actual name is P.C. Zakhuma S/o Ralhranga (L),and all important documents to be addressed as cited above. 3.That the nameZakhuma S/o Hrangchhinga (L) which entries of my name incorrect in my service book are to be replaced/substituted to my correct name i.eP.C. Zakhuma S/o Ralhranga (L) for all practical purpose and in all the subsequent correspondences. 4.That the matters stated in paras No.1 to 3 above are true to the best of my personal knowledge and belief. In witness whereof I put my hand and sign this the 1st day of October, 2012.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No.197 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Identified by : Sd/- J.N. BUAL TENG Advocate Bethlehem Veng, AizawlSd/- DEPONENT Notarial Registration No. 105/10 Date. 1/10/12 Signed befor e me : Sd/- R. Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl, Mizoram

The Mizoram Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 196Date - 19/04/2013

NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/61/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 10th April 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Inspector of Sanitation under Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department, Government of M izoram, namely : (1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these rules. The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay band and Grade Pay/Pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters relating to the said post(s) shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the aforesaid Schedule. Provided that the age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. No person- (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 1961. Short title and commencement- 2. Application- 3 . Number of posts, classification, pay band and grade Pay/pay scale- 4 . Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications, etc- 5. Disqualification- Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the pesonal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt my person from the operation of this rule. Every Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be prescribed from time to time. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position in which is equivalent in rank or grade. Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in wiriting, through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/the Scheduled Castes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. All Rules pertaining to these posts framed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No.LAD/Gen.47/74/76 dt. 21.2.75 and No.A.12018/87/80-APT(B) dt. 24.5.1988 published in the Mizoram Gazette extra-ordinary Issue No.66(A) dt. 24.5.1988 are hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary there to, shall be deemed to have been made, done of taken under the corresponding provisions or these rules. By orders, etc. K. Lalrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. 6 . Training and Departmental Examination- 7. Powers to transfer 8. Power to relax- 9 . Reservation and other concess io ns 10. Repeal and savings Ex-196/20132 SCHEDULE RECRUITM ENT RULES FOR GROUP‘C’POSTS IN THE DEPARTM ENT OF URBAN DEVELOPM ENT & POVERTY ALLEVIATION Ex-196/2013 3 Name of post No.ofpost Classification Pay Band and GradePay/ Pay Scale W hether Selec- tion postor Non-Selection post W hether benefitof added years ofservice admissible underrule 30 ofthe CCS (Pen- sion)Rules, 1972 Agelimitfor directre- cruits Educationaland other qualifica- tionsrequired fordirectre- cruits Inspectorof Sanitation 13(thirteen)or asmaybe sanctionedby theGovernment from time totime GeneralState ServiceGroup‘C’ (Non-Ministerial) PB -1 ^.5200-20200+ 2800/-Gradepay NotApplicable Notapplicable Between18to 35years,Upper agelimitis relaxableby5 (five)yearsfor SC/ST. 1)Graduate from any recognised University,orDi- ploma in public HealthandSanita- tion/Diploma in SanitaryInspector Training Course from a Govern- mentrecognized institution. 2)Working knowl- edgeofMizolan- guageuptoMiddle SchoolStandard. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W hether ageand educationalqualifi- cationsprescribed fordirectrecruits willapply in the case ofpromotees Period of probation, ifany M ethod ofrecruit- mentwhetherby directrecruitment orby promotion orby deputation/ transferand percen- tageofpoststo be filled by various methods In case ofrecruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation,grades from which promotion/ deputation/transferis to bemade Ifa DPC exist,whatisits composition? Circumstancesin which M PSC isto be consulted in making recruitment. Notapplicable Secretary,UD&PA-Chairman Director,UD&PA-Member RepresentativeofDP&AR-Member or AsconstitutedbytheGovern- mentofM izoram from timeto time. Exemptedfrom the purview ofMizoram PublicServiceCommis- sion.. 9 10 11 12 13 14 ByDirectRecruitment failingwhichby deputation Ex-196/2013 4 DEPUTATION : From Officer’sofCentral/State/U.T. Governmentholdinganalogous posts. Periodofdeputationshall notordinarilyexceed3(three) years twoyears PublishedandIssuedbytheController,Printing&Stationery,Mizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,AizawlC-500

132 KV Melriat Sub-Station, Aizawl to 132 KV Khawiva Sub-Station, Lunglei

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 195Date - 19/04/2013

CORRIGENDUM No. B. 24016/16/2012-P&E, the 15th April, 2013. In partia l modification of this Department letter even No. 5.2.2013, whereas the Power & Electricit y Depar tment, Government of Mizoram has taken up the Construction works of 110 kms, 132 KV Single Circuit Tra nsmission line from 132 KV Melriat Sub- Station, Aizawl to 132 KV Khawiva Sub-Sta tion, Lunglei including one Outgoing Bay at Melriat Sub- Station, Aizawl and one Incoming Ba y at Khawiva Sub-Station, Lunglei. WHEREAS THE SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT ARE AS UNDER :The scope of the work includes 110kms, 132KV Single Circu it Transmission Line on Tower from Aiza wl (Melriat) S ub-Station to Lunglei (Khawiva) Sub-Station on a turnkey basis (i.e. Survey, Check Survey, Supply of Tower, Conductor, Erection and Stringing-complete). LOCATION:Between Aizawl (Melriat) to Lunglei. APPROVED COST :The project cost approved by DONER is Rs. 4176.07 lakhs BENEFITS:The project is aimed at pr oviding regula r and quality power supply at 132 KV level for distribution to various Sub-Stations in southern part of Mizoram and to enhance revenue collection by way of pr oviding better power supply. This scheme will also facilitate provision of power supply to Multi-Modal Transport activities between Myanmar and India which is expected to uplift the socio-economic condit ions of Mizora m as whole. Now, therefore, a notice is hereby given, inviting licensees and other persons interested who are likely to be affected to make repr esentation on the scheme to t he undersigned within a period of 2 (two) months with effect from the date of its publica tion in the official Gazette for consideration. Ashwani Kumar, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 195RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Lunglei Town Bus and Auto Rickshaw Fares

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 194Date - 19/04/2013

NOTIFICATION No. F. 20016/1/2013-DTE(STA), the 15th April, 2013. As per approval given by the Govt. Vide letter No. B. 12021/1/13-TRP Dt. 12.04.2013, the State Transport Authority, hereby revised the rate of Fares for Lunglei Town Bus and Aut o Rickshaw as per Annexure - ‘A’ with immediate effect and until further or der. Sd/-Secretary, State Transport Authority, Mizoram, Aizawl. ANNEXURE - ‘A’ NEW RATE OF LUNGLEI AUTO RICKSHAW FARESA.Main Stand to Kawmzawl (Mizofed dawr kawt venglai atanga chhiarin) Sl. No.Main Stand to KawmzawlRate1.SBI Main Br anch20.00 2.Bazar High School35.00 3.Kika wn35.00 4.Kikawn Tlang35.00 5.Zohnuai P eng45.00 6.Zohnuai YMA Lungphun55.00 7.Zohnuai YMA Hall75.00 8.Serkawn Hospital60.00 9.Ramzotlang PHE Office90.00 10.Melte Road (Pu Thangzuala In P eng)80.00 11.DIET Office Melte110.00 12.Zotla ng Biakin-II90.00 13.Zotla ng Dawr Kawn90.00 14.Zotlang Tourist Lodge80.00 15.Zotlang BSF Camp90.00 16.Pukpui Pengthuam130.00 17.Pukpui Zadeng hmun140.00 18.Kawmzawl200.00 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 194RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page B. Main Stand to Parallel Road : Sl. No.Main Stand to Parallel RoadRate1.PHE Quarters25.00 2.Pu Lianchhu nga in bul35.00 3.Kika wn Parallel Road a kualin45.00 C. Main Stand to Hauruang : Sl. No.Main Stand to HauruangRate1.Rahsi Veng Hall Peng25.00 2.Lalthangkhuma In bul35.00 3.Rahsi Veng Upper Roa d Biakin bul30.00 4.Sazaikawn90.00 5.District Jail140.00 6.Hauruang270.00 7.Venglai Saptuikhur30.00 8.Venglai Thlanmual50.00 D. Main Stand to 3-Gate District Road ah : Sl. No.Main Stand to 3-GateRate1.Sobji Bazar20.00 2.Horticulture Office30.00 3.Chanmari Thlanmual thlang lam60.00 4.Pu Bawka point50.00 5.YMA Lu ngphun55.00 6.Ramthar Presbyterian Biakin bul75.00 7.MST Petrol Pump90.00 E. Main Stand to Rahsi Veng (PWD Complex) : Sl. No.Main Stand to Rahsi Veng (PWD Complex)Rate1.Venghlun Hall Peng35.00 2.Rev. Kaplinga Point55.00 3.PWD Complex80.00 4.Govt. College40.00 5.Bazar High School40.00 6.College Veng Hall bul60.00 7.Venghlun P/S bul80.00 F. Main Stand to Zobawk Road : Sl. No.Main Stand to Zobawk RoadRate1.AP T lang40.00 2.Hospital Zawn (Main Road)30.00 3.Target Bazar30.00 4.AOC Area40.00 5.Falkawn35.00 6.Upper Road AIR Sta tion65.00 7.Pangkai Veng60.00 8.1-Gate70.00 9.3-Gate90.00 10.Luangmual Supply Godown110.00 11.MAP Camp chhung120.00 - 2 - Ex-194/2013 12.Sethlun100.00 13.T heir iat120.00 14.Theiriat Gilgal Biakin bul140.00 15.Theiriat Dawr Zawl160.00 16.Hminlokawn150.00 17.Polytechnic170.00 18.Hrangchalkawn180.00 19.Lungpuizawl Bus Stand220.00 20.Lungpuizawl Khawchhung230.00 21.Vawngzawl240.00 22.Tlawng hnar240.00 23.Zobawk300.00 G. Main Stand to Electric Veng : Sl. No.Main Stand to Electric VengRate1.LDSC Ground No. 250.00 2.Electric Veng Hall bul50.00 3.Electric Veng Mandir bul70.00 H. Main Stand to 3-Gate-Via-Falkawn : Sl. No.Main Stand to 3-Gate-Via-FalkawnRate1.Ramthar50.00 2.Ramthar Presbyterian Biakin bul60.00 3.Remand Home80.00 4.Govt. Press70.00 5.MST Petrol Pump80.00 6.Forest Check Gate90.00 7.3-Gate100.00 8.Nursing School80.00 9.Kendrya Vidhyalaya School90.00 F. Main Stand to 3-Gate District Road ah : Sl. No.Main Stand to 3-Gate District Road ahRate1.Forest Check Gate90.00 2.3-Gate100.00 3.Soil & Water Conservation Office80.00 NEW RATE OF LUNGLEI TOWN BUS FARESA. O Point to Zobawk : Sl. No.O Point to ZobawkRate1.SP Office3.00 2.DVO Peng4.00 3.Falkawn6.00 4.AOC7.00 5.Pangkai Veng8.00 6.1-Gate9.00 7.3-Gate10.00 8.Sethlun12.00 9.T heir iat14.00 - 3 -Ex-194/2013 10.Hminlokawn16.00 11.Hrangchalkawn18.00 12.Lungpuizawl20.00 13.Zobawk22.00 B. O Point to Pukpui : Sl. No.O Point to PukpuiRate1.LP Thanzika Dawr3.00 2.Thua mluaia Mual Peng4.00 3.RTP Cinema Hall5.00 4.Kika wn6.00 5.Zohnuai P eng8.00 6.Serkawn Hospital9.00 7.Serkawn Phei9.00 8.Tourist Lodge Peng11.00 9.Zotlang13.00 10.BSF Camp15.00 11.Helipad P eng17.00 12.Pukpui20.00 C. O Point to Hauruang : Sl. No.O Point to HauruangRate1.Tla bung P eng3.00 2.Venglai Middle School5.00 3.Rahsi Veng Pr imary School7.00 4.Rahsi Veng Thlanmual9.00 5.Sert hlum Kawn12.00 6.Sazaikawn15.00 7.Riangvaite Thlanmual17.00 8.Hauruang25.00 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 4 - Ex-194/2013

Constitution of District Level Complaint Committee for prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at work place.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 193Date - 19/04/2013

NOTIFICATION No. C. 19018/1/2010-SWD, the 11th April, 2013. In continua tion of this Department’s Notifica tion No. C. 19018/1/2010-SWD dt. 4.2.2013 regarding Constitution of District Level Complaint Committee for prevention of Sexu al Harassment of Women at wor k place, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include the following 2(t wo) NGOs as memebr s of the District Level Complaint Committee for prevention of Sexual Hara ssment of women at work place within Saiha District in addition to the existing members with immediate effect a nd until further orders. 1.Repr esentative of Ma ra Thyutlia Py (MTP) 2.Repr esentative of Mara Cha no Py (M CHP) Saithangpuia, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 193RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Governing Body (State Food Processing Development Council (SFPDC)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 192Date - 19/04/2013

NOTIFICATION No. B. 12018/31/2012-IND, the 11th April, 2013. In s upersession to this Department’s Notifica tion No. B. 12013/10/09-IND dated Aizawl, the 13th February, 2012 and in the interest of public service and as a follow-up action to National Mission on Food Processing, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re- cons titute the Governing Body (Sta te Food Processing Development Council (SFPDC) and an Executive Committee of the State Food Processing Mission consisting of the following members : GOVERNING BODY1.Chief Minister, Mizoram- Chairman 2.Minister, Industries Department- Co-Chairman 3.Pu C.L. Ruala, MP (Lok Sabha)- Member 4.Minister, Agricultur e Depart ment- Member 5.Minis ter, Hor ticultur e Depart ment- Member 6.Minister, AH & Vety Depart ment- Member 7.Minister, F isher ies Depart ment- Member 8.Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram- Member 9.Secretary, Agricultur e Depart ment- Member 10.Secr etary, Hor tic ulture Depart ment- Member 11.Secr etary, AH & Vet y Depart ment- Member 12.Secr etary, F isher ies Depart ment- Member 13.Repr esentative of Food Pr ocessing Industries Associa tion - Member 14.Principal S ecretar y, Industries Depart ment- Member Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE1.Principal S ecretar y, Industries Depart ment- Chairman 2.Director of Industr ies, Mizoram- Member Secretary 3.Secretary, Agricultur e Depart ment- Member 4.Secr etary, Hor tic ulture Depart ment- Member 5.Secr etary, AH & Vet y Depart ment- Member 6.Secr etary, F isher ies Depart ment- Member 7.Manager (P&M), MIFCO Ltd- Member 8.Scheme Officer (Food Processing), Directorate of Industries - Member 9.Repr esentative of Food Pr ocessing Industries Associa tion- Member Directorate of the Mission will be headed by the Director of Industries as Mission Director. P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 192RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Obituary of Dr. Innocent Chawnghmingmawia, (Dr. Innocent Chawngthu)

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 191Date - 19/04/2013

OB ITUA RY No. B. 11014/1/09-HFW, the 10th April, 2013. The Government of Mizoram has lear nt with deep sorrow the untimely demise of Dr. Innocent Chawnghmingmawia, S pecial Grade of Mizoram Health Services on 10th April, 2013 at 5:30 AM. Born on 31.8.1966, he entered into Government Service as Medical Officer on 20.8.1992 and served under t he Govt . of Mizoram in Health & Family Welfare Department at Mimbung PHC, attached to C ivil Hospital, Aizawl on 14. 9.1992 and tra nsferred to West Phaileng PHC on 8.10.1992 and was again transferred to Civil Hospital, Aizawl on 29.6.1995. He completed P.G. in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at RIMS, Imphal dur ing 2001 and was posted at Mamit CHC on 31.10.2001. He was later posted at Civil Hospital, Aizawl on 22.4.2008 where he served with sincerity and devotion till his demise. The Govt. of Mizor am in Health & Family Welfare Department placed on record its deep appreciation of the services render ed by Dr. Innocent Cha wnghmingmawia and conveys sincere sympathy and condolence to his bereaved family. Thanhliri Pachuau, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 19.4.2013 Chaitra 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 191RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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