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Reserved Forest required to be diverted under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 158Date - 28/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 28.3.2013 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 158 NOTIFICATION No. K. 15012/11/2010-REV, the 25th March, 2013.Whereas the land specified below has to be transferred to the Environment & Forest Department, Govt. of Mizoram for the purpose of compensa tory afforestation in lieu of Reserved Forest r equired to be diverted under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for non-forestry purpose covering an area of 74.54 Hecta res of land at N. Serza wl for construction of New B.G. Railway Line from Bairabi to Sair ang. Now, therefore, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to mutate the land specified below to Environment & Forest Department in lieu of forest land required to be diverted for cons truction of ra ilway line between Bair abi and Sairang with immediate effect in accordance with t he provision of Section 8(a) of the Mizo District (L and & Revenue) Act, 1956. The land so mutated shall be “Reserved forest” as provided under section 2(4) of the Lushai Hills District (House Sites) Act, 1953, section 3(a) of the Mizo Distr ict (La nd & Revenue) Act, 1956 and section 3(a) of the Mizo District (Agr icultur e Land) Act, 1963 and as assigned under sub-p aragraph 2 of the par agraph 3 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India. This superceeds this Depar tment’s Notification of even no dated 14.10.2011. Location &Distr ictArea in Ha.Map ofDescription name of VillageSite Planof boundary 12345 N. SerzawlAizawl74.54As perAs per Annexure-AAnnexure-B R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . - 2 - Ex-158/2013COMPENSATORY AFFORESTATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BAIRABI TO SAIRANG RAILWAY LINE AT N. SERZAWL VILLAGE, SAKAWRDAI SUB-DIVISION, AIZAWL DISTRICT Date of verification 16.09.2009 Scale : 1:20,000 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF COMPENSATORY AFFORESTATION IN LIEU OF SUBMERGE AREA UNDER _________________________ HYDEL PROJECT AT N. SERZAWL VILLAGE 1.Name of Department : Environment & Forest 2.Detail Location description : It is located in between Tuitla river and new road to Sunhluchhip. On the north of Tlanchhiat stream and South of Ramri river. It is on the north east of N. Serzawl Village. 3.Area of Land : 745487.50 Sq. m 557.25 Bighas 74.54 Hectares. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTIONStarting Point :T he star ting point B. P No. 1 was fixed on the western side of new r oa d to Sunhluchhip Village. Western Side :- From Bp. No. 1. The boundary line runs along new road to Sunhluchhip Village up to Bp No. 6 in the directio ns and distances as follow :- Dista ncesDirectionBp No. 1-2 200.00m3250 Bp No. 2-3 250.00m500 Bp No. 3-4 320.00m3150 Bp No. 4-5 300.00m500 Bp No. 5-6 250.00m3300 Northern Side : From Bp No. 6 the boundary line runs along the stream called Ramri Lui in the directions and distances as follow up to Bp No. 8 Dista ncesDirectionsBp No. 6-7 300.00m800 Bp No. 7-8 500.00m900 Eastern Side :From Bp No. 8, the boundary line runs along the stream called Tuitla Lui up to Bp No. 11 in the direction and distances as below :- DistancesDirectionsBp No. 8-9 600.00m1920 Bp No. 9-10 150.00m1740 Bp No. 10-11 330.00m1730 Southern Side : From Bp No. 11 the boundary line runs in the direction of 2650 and the distance of 650.00m and meets the starting point Bp No. 1- 3 -Ex-158/2013Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Civil Service (Amendment) Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 157Date - 28/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 28.3.2013 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 157 NOTIFICATION No. A. 12018/12/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21st March, 2013.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following r ules fur ther to amend the Mizoram Civil Service Rules, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal rules) notified vide No. A. 12031/1/91-P&AR(CSW) dated the 18.1.2000 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extraordinary Issue No. 1. dated the 18.1.2000, namely :- 1.Shor t title and(1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram Civil S ervice (Amendment) commencementRules, 2012. (2)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Amendment ofIn the Principal Rules, for Rule 8 1(a)&(b), 9(i) and 12(i), the following Rule - 8, 9, 12shall be substituted, namely :- “8.RECRUITMENT TO THE SERVICE 1(a): 80% of the total sanctioned posts shall be filled up by direct recruitment through Competitive Examination to be conducted by the Commission. (b) 20% of the total sanctioned posts shall be filled up by selection method from amongst the Officers who hold Group ‘A’ post in a substantive capa city under the Government of Mizor am by way of induction in the manner as may be prescribed by the Commission. 9.DIRECT RECRUITMENT (i) Save as provided under Rule 2 of these (Amendment) Rules, appointment to the service by direct recruitment shall be made through Competitive Examination conducted by the Commission in the manner laid down under Mizora m Civil Service (Combined Competitive Examination) Regulations, 2011. 12.APPOINTMENT BY SELECTION (i) The Governor may, in consultation with the Commission consider for appointment to the service to the extent of 20% of substantive posts of t he authorized permanent strength of the service in the manner as may be prescribed by the Commission. By order s, etc. K. Lalrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Adve. Reforms.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

East Tuipang (ST) Assembly Constituency

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 156Date - 28/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 28.3.2013 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 156 CORRIGENDUM No. J. 11011/3/2013-GAD/50, the 21st March, 2013.In partial modifica tion of earlier corrigendum issued vide even no. dt. 05.03.2013, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to order that East Tuipang (ST)Assembly Constituency appearing under para 4 (e) relating to the jurisdiction of Champhai District Rural Development Commit tee should be read as East Tuipui (S T) Assembly Constituency. Ashwani Kumar, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee Local Council)(First Amendment) Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 155Date - 28/04/2013

“The Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council)(First Amendment) Rules, 2012”

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 155 (A)Date - 28/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 28.3.2013 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 155(A) NOTIFICATION No. B. 13017/21/2008-UD&PA/Loose, the 25th March, 2013.The Rules called “The Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council)(First Amendment) Rules, 2012” is hereby published for general informatio n which shall be effect ive from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urban Development & Povert y Alleviation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Housing Loan Board

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 154Date - 28/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 28.3.2013 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 154 CORRIGENDUM No. B. 14015/3/2007-LAD, the 19th March, 2013.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even No. dated 8.3.2012, whereby Housing Loan Advisory Board for all the eight Distr icts of Mizoram for the year 2012-2013 was constituted, it is hereby informed to all concerned that Lalrengpuia should be included at Sl. No. 12 as member of Housing Loan Board for Lunglei District and the name of Housing Loa n Board member at Sl. No. 15 for Aizawl District appearing as P akunga, Selesih should be read as Pakunga, Pr esident, Martyr ’s Family, Durtlang. C. Lalthankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Aizawl District Rural Development Committee

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 153Date - 21/03/2013

CORRIGENDUMNo.J.11011/3/2013-GAD, the18 th March, 2013.In supersession of earlier corrigendum issued vide even no. dt. 05.03.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that para 4 in the Notification of even No. Dt. 31.01.2013 relating to the jurisdiction of Aizawl District Rural Development Committee may read as follows :- “4.Jurisdiction : (i)All villages outside the jurisdiction of Aizawl Municipal Council in respect of (a)Aizawl East-I (ST) Assembly Constituency (b)Aizawl South-III (ST) Assembly Constituency (c)Aizawl West-I (ST) Assembly Constituency (ii)All the villages within the following Assembly Constituency : (a)Chalfilh (ST) (b)Tawi (ST) (c)Tuivawl (ST)” Ashwani Kumar, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administration Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, T hursday 21.3.2013 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1934, Issue No.153 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 152Date - 21/03/2013

AFFIDAVIT ON CHANGING NAMEBY THIS DEED I, the undersigned CHAWNGDINPUII CHAWNGTHU D/o Chawng Hmingliana, residing at H/No. UK/B-55, Upper Ka nan, PO : Vaivakawn, Aizawl, Mizoram, formerly known asChawngdingpuii Jonathan T lau, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I wholly renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former name ofChawngdingpuii Jonathan Tlau and in place thereof do assume from the date hereof the name of CHAWNGDINPUII CHAWNGTHU and so that I may hereaft er be called, known and distin- guished not by my former name ofChawngdingpuii Jonathan Tlau but by my assumed name of CHAWNGDINPUII CHAWNGTHU. 2.That for the purpose of evidencing such may determination declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writing and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name ofCHAWNGDINPUII CHAWNGTHU as my name in place of and in substitution for my former name ofChawngdingpuii Jonathan Tlau. 3.Expressly authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me such assumed name ofCHAWNGDINPUII CHAWNGTHU. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I ha ve here-unto subscribed my for mer name and adopted name of Chawngdingpuii Jonathan Tlau a ndCHAWNGDINPUII CHAWNGTHU respectively and affixed my signature on this 15th January, 2013. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, T hursday 21.3.2013 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1934, Issue No.152 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500(CHAWNGDINGPUII JONATHAN TLAU) Former Name(CHAWNGDINPUII CHAWNGTHU) Assumed Name Identified by me :- (C. ZORAMCHHANA) AdvocateSworn before me :- R. Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl, MizoramNotarial Registration No. 35/3Date 20.3.2013

The Mizoram Police Service (Amendment) Rules, 2012

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 151Date - 21/03/2013

NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/20/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 15th March, 2013.In exercise of the powers con- ferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules further to amend the Mizoram Police Service Rules, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) notified vide No.A.12018/20/2003-P&AR(GSW) dt. 30.9.2008 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extraordinary Vol-XXXVII issue No.376 dt.30.9.2008, namely :-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, T hursday 21.3.2013 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1934, Issue No.151 1(1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Police Service (Amendment) Rules, 2012 (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Mizor am Gazette. 2.In clause (c) of rule 4 of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted namely:- “The number of the post in the Selection Grade shall be 21% of the total duty post in the Senior Grade and above of the Service specified in the schedule I” 3.For rule 16 of the Principal Rules, the following shall be sub- stituted namely :- “The scale of pay attached to grades of service shall be as follows :- (1) Senior Administrative Grades : PB-4 ^ 37400-67000/- Grade pay ^ 8900/- (2) Selection Grade : PB-4 ^ 37400-67000/- Grade pay ^ 8700/ - (3) Junior Administrative Grade : PB-3 ^ 15600-39100/- Grade pay ^ 7600/- Short title and Commencement Amendment of Rule 4 Amendment of Rule 16 (4) Senior Grade : PB-3 ^ 15600-39100/- Grade pay ^ 6600/- (5) Junior Grade :PB-3 ^ 15600-39100/- Grade pay ^ 5400/- 4The authorised strength of the Service appearing at Schedule-I of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows :- A.SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE GRADE :1.2% of the duty posts in the Senior Grade and above of the service(NF) 2.Director, Fire and Emergency Services1 B.SELECTION GRADE : 1.21% of the duty posts in the Senior Grade and above of the Service(NF) 2.Joint Secretary, Home Department1 C.JUNIOR ADMINISTRATIVE GRADE : 1.Commandant, 1st Bn Mizoram Armed Police1 2.Commandant, 2nd Bn Mizoram Armed Police1 3.Commandant, 3rd Bn Mizoram Armed Police1 4.Commandant, 1st India Reserved Battalion1 5.Commandant, 2nd India Reserved Battalion1 6.Commandant, 3rd India Reserved Battalion1 7.Commandant, 4th India Reserved Battalion1 8.Commandant, 5th India Reserved Battalion1 9.Superintendent of Police, CID (SB)1 10.Superintendent of Police,Fire & Emergency Service1 11.Assistant Inspector General of Police-I1 12.Assistant Inspector General of Police-II1 13.Assistant Inspector General of Police-III1 14.Superintendent of Police, Traffic1 15.Senior Staff Officer, Mizoram Home Guard1 Total -15 D.SENIOR GRADE : 1.Additional Superintendent of Police, Aizawl District2 2.Additional Superintendent of Police, Lunglei District1 3.Additional Superintendent of Police, Saiha District1 4.Additional Superintendent of Police, Lawngtlai District1 5.Additional Superintendent of Police, Serchhip District1 6.Additional Superintendent of Police, Champhai District1 7.Additional Superintendent of Police, Mamit District1 8.Additional Superintendent of Police, Kolasib District1 9.Additional Superintendent of Police, Traffic Branch1 10.Additional Superintendent of Police, CID (Crime)1 11Additional Superintendent of Police, F&ES1 Ex-151/20132 Amendment of Schedule I 12.Additional Superintendent of Police, Security1 13.Additional Superintendent of Police, CID (SB)1 14.Vice Principal, Police Training Centre, Lungverh1 15.Deputy Commandant, 1st Bn Mizoram Armed Police2 16.Deputy Commandant, 2nd Bn Mizoram Armed Police2 17.Deputy Commandant, 3rd Bn Mizoram Armed Police2 18.Deputy Commandant, 1st India Reserve Battalion3 19.Deputy Commandant, 2nd India Reserve Battalion3 20.Deputy Commandant, 3rd India Reserve Battalion3 21.Deputy Commandant, 4th India Reserve Battalion3 22.Deputy Commandant, 5th India Reserve Battalion3 Total -36 E.JUNIOR GRADE : 1.Staff Officer to Director General/Inspector General of Polic1 2.Staff Officer to Deputy Inspector General of Police (Range)1 3.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Hqrs.) Aizawl District1 4.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Hqrs.) Mamit District1 5.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Hqrs.) Champhai District1 6.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Hqrs.) Lunglei District1 7.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Hqrs.) Saiha District1 8.Deputy Superintendent of Police, Fire & Emergency Services1 9.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (DSB) Aizawl District1 10.Deputy Superintendent of Police, Traffic, Aizawl1 11.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Hqrs.) CID (Special Branch)1 12.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Field) CID (Special Branch)2 13.Deputy Superintendent of Police, Security1 14.Deputy Superintendent of Police, Airport Security1 15.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Narcotic Cell) CID (Crime)1 16.Deputy Superintendent of Police, (Prosecution) Aizawl District1 17.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Aizawl South1 18.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Kolasib1 19.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Champhai1 20.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Serchhip1 21.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Mamit1 22.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Hnahthial1 23.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Kawrthah1 24.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Chawngte1 25.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Lawngtlai1 26.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Lunglei1 27.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Tlabung1 28.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Khawzawl1 29.Assistant Principal, Police Training Centre1 30.Assistant Commandant, 1st Bn Mizoram Armed Police6 31.Assistant Commandant, 2nd Bn Mizoram Armed Police6 32.Assistant Commandant, 3rd Bn Mizoram Armed Police6 33.Assistant Commandant, 1st India Reserve Battalion7 34.Assistant Commandant, 2nd India Reserve Battalion7Ex-151/2013 3 35.Assistant Commandant, 3rd India Reserve Battalion7 36.Assistant Commandant, 4th India Reserve Battalion7 37.Assistant Commandant, 5th India Reserve Battalion7 38.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, West Phaileng1 39.Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Vairengte1 Total -85 TOTAL OF A, B, C, D & E (1+1+15+36+85)=138 Deputation reserved @ 10%=13.8 (say 14) Grand Total=152 K. Lalrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Ex-151/20134

The Anti Corruption Bureau Manual 2012

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 150Date - 21/03/2013

NOTIFICATIONNo.C.31016/30/2013-VIG, the 15th March, 2013.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to substitute the following section of the Anti Corruption Bureau Manual 2012 notified vide No.C.31012/1/2010-VIG dt. 22nd October 2012 as below :- Sec 23 :The entire section shall be substituted with the following, “When a complaint is received or information is available which may indicate serious misconduct on the part of a public servant, a Preliminary enquiry may be registered by S.P, ACB after obtaining approval of the Director, ACB. Sometimes the High Court & Supreme Court also entrust matters to Anti-Corruption Bureau for enquiry and submission of report. In such situations the orders of the Court should be complied with, in consultation with Chief Vigi- lance Officer and Director, ACB. If as a result of this preliminary enquiry, sufficient evidences are available to proceed further into regular case after obtaining expressed approval of the Chief Vigilance Officer. The Director/S.P shall obtain approval of the Chief Vigilance Officer before ordering a PE or laying trap against All India Services Officers, Heads of Deptt. and Joint Secretary and above level officers or before acting on complaints having political overtones or on anonymous complaints with unveri- fiable addressee.” Sec 35 :The last sentence may be substituted with the following, “Therefore, the decision to register a PE against retired Government Servants shall be made with expressed approval from the Chief Vigilance Officer.” Sec 37 :The entire section shall be substituted with the following, “On receipt of approval/order from the Chief Vigilance Officer, the Superintendent of Police shall draw the FIR in consultation with the Director, ACB on the strength of complaint and PE. While drawing the FIR it should be ensured that at least the main offence has been notified by the Government of Mizoram.” L. Tochhong, Chief Vigilance Officer/Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, T hursday 21.3.2013 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1934, Issue No.150 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

Traffic Compounding Fees

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 149Date - 21/03/2013

NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12024/4/2013-TRP, the 15th March, 2013.In the interest of Public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute a co-ordination committee on utilization of Traffic Compounding Fees with immediate effect comprising the following officials : 1.Commissioner/Secretary, Transport:Chairman 2.Chief Engineer, PWD (Building):Member 3.Director, Transport:Member Secreta ry 4.S.P., Traffic:Member 5.Dy. Secretary, Finance (Budget):Member 6.Joint Director (STA), Transport:Member 7.Dy. Director (Acctt), Transport:Member. The committee will identify various items of works to be undertaken with the Traffic compounding fees and will make re-commendation for utilization of the said fees. R. Lalvena, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, T hursday 21.3.2013 Phalguna 30, S.E. 1934, Issue No.149 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 148Date - 20/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 148 NOTIFICATIONNo. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18th March, 2013.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 8th March, 2013 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRIC T COUNCIL (TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS) RULES, 2011”. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS) RULES, 2011 A RULES to provide for smooth running of the function of the different departments under Mara Autonomous District Council. Whereas it is expedient to provide for the transa ction of Business to Depa rtment of the Mara Autonomous District Council as specified in the Rules. And whereas under clause (b) of sub-par agraph (7) of paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the District Council for an Autonomous District is empowered to make Rules for Administration of Transaction of Business in the Distr ict. Now, therefore in exercise of the said powers enabling it in that behalf, the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to make the following Rules:- Short title, extent1.(1)These Rules may be called “The Mara Autonomous District and commencement.Council (Transaction of Business) Rules, 2011.” (2)T hey shall come into force on their publica tion in the Mizoram Gazette. - 2 - Ex-148/2013 Definitions.2.In t hese Rules unless the context other wise requires- (a)“Chief Executive Member” means the Chief Executive Member appointed as such by the Governor under Rule 22 (3) of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002. (b)“Constitution” means the Constitution of India. (c)“Council” for the pu rpose of these Rules means the Mara Autonomous District Council. (d)“Department” means a Depa rtment of the Ma ra Autonomous District Council as specified in the first Schedule. (e)“Dep artment al Head” means hea d of the Department. (f)“District Council” means the Mara Autonomous District Council set up under the Provisions of Article 244(2) read with the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India. (g)“Executive Committ ee” means the E xecutive Committee with a Chief Executive Member at the head and eight ot her memb er s. (h)“Executive Member” means an Executive Member appoin t ed as s uch by the Governor. (i)“Executive S ecretar y” means the Executive Secretar y to the Executive Committee of Mara Autonomous District Council. (j)“Fund Rules” means the Mizoram Autonomous District Councils Fund Rules, 2010. (k)“Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram. (l)“Schedules” means the Schedules appended to these Rules. PART – I TRANSACTION, ALLOCATION AND DISPOSAL OF BUSINESS3.The Business of the Mara Autonomous District Council shall be transacted in the different Departments specified in the First Schedule. 4.The Chief Executive Member shall allot among the Executive Members, the business of the Council by assigning one or more Depa rtments to the charge of an Executive Member. 5.Each Department of the District Council shall consist of the Secr etary to Distr ict Council or one Gr oup ‘A’ officer who shall be the administrative head of the Department. Provided that more than one Depar tment ma y be placed under the charge of the same Secretary or Officer. 6.In matters of interpretation of the express ions “decision” or “approval” of the “Executive Committee” mentioned in any rules, regulations, order or scheme or notification or instruct ions for the time being in force shall mean the decision of the Executive Committee or the Chief Executive Member or the concerned Executive Member of the Ma ra Autonomous District Council as the case may be. - 3 -Ex-148/2013 7.Subject to t he or der s of the Chief Executive Member under Rule 13 all cases referred to in t he S econd Schedule to thes e Ru les shall be brought before the Executive Committee with the provision of the Rules conta ined in Procedure by the Executive Secretary. 8.The Executive Member-in-charge of a Department shall be responsible for the disposal of business pertaining to his Department and the Secr etary of the Department concerned shall assist and carr y out the instructions of the Executive Member-in-charge in this regard. 9.(1)No department shall without previous consultation with the Finance Department, a uthorize any orders (other than orders issued under any Act or Rules made thereunder, or the Executive Commit tee) which – (i)either immediately or by their repercussion, will affect the finances of the council or which, in particular – (a)involve any grant of land or assess ment of r evenue or concession, grant, lease or licenc e of miner a l of for es t , r ight t o wa t er or a ny easement or p rivilege in r es pect of such concession; or (b)in a ny way involve a ny relinquishment of revenue; (ii)relate to the numbers or grading of cadre of posts or the emoluments or other conditions of service or post; (iii)involve the addition of a post in the public service in the variation of emoluments of any post. Provided that all group ‘A’ posts or posts on fixed pay which is equiva lent or mor e than that of the starting of Group ‘A’ scale of pay per month shall be created in consultation with the Departments of General Administration and Finance & Account. (iv)involve an expenditure for which no provision has been made in the re-appropriation or which is in excess of the provision made in the Fund Rules. (v)involve the sanction of an a llowances or special or personal pay for any post or class of posts or to any employee to the Mara Autonomous District Council. (2)No proposal which requires the previous consultation with the Finance Department under these Rules, but in which the Finance Department has not concurred may be proc eeded with, unless a decision to that effect ha s been taken by the Executive Commit tee. (3)No re-appropr iation shall be ma de by any Depa rtment other than the Fina nce Depa rtment except in accordance with such general or specific delegation as the Executive Committee ma y have made. - 4 - Ex-148/2013 (4)Except to the extent that power may have delegated to the Departments under rules approved by the Executive Committee, every or der of a n Administrative Department conveying a sa nction to be enfor ced in Audit sha ll be communicated to the Audit authorities by the Finance Department. (5)Nothing in this Rule shall be construed as authorizing any Department including the Finance Depa rtment to make re-appropriation from one grant specified in the Fund Rule to a nother such grant or from a charge appropr iation to a votable appropriation. 10.Order or instrument made or executed by or on behalf of the Executive Committee sha ll b e expressed to be made or executed in t he name of the Executive Commit tee. 11.Ever y or der or instr ument of the Mar a Autonomous Distr ict Council shall be expressed to be made in the name of the Executive Committee a nd sha ll be signed either by the Ex ecutive Secret ary, a Deputy Secretary, an Under Secretary or such other officer as may be specia lly empowered in that behalf and such s ignature shall be deemed to be proper authentica tion of such order or instrument. PART – II PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE12.The Executive Secretar y or such other Officer as t he Chief Executive Member may appoint shall be the Secretary to the Executive Committee who sha ll record all proceedings/ minutes of t he said Commit tee. 13.All cases referred to in the second schedule shall, after cons ideration by the concerned Executive Member be sent to the Executive Secretar y for obtaining orders of t he Chief Executive Member for bringing it up for consideration at the meeting of the Executive Members or for circulation of the case under Rule 13 herein. 14.The Chief Ex ecutive Member may dir ect tha t any c ase referred to in the Second Schedule or otherwise may instead of being brought up for discussion at the Executive Committee be circulated to the Executive Members for their opinion. The Chief Executive Member may refer such matter for discussion at the meeting of the Executive Member s if he consider s necess ary. 15.In cases which are circulated for opinion under Rule 14, every Executive Member shall communicate his opinion by a date specified in the memorandum of circulation. In case any Executive Member fails to communicate his opinion within the date so specified, the Executive Secretary shall bring the matter to the notice of t he Chief Executive Member for further directions. The Chief Executive Member may return the case to the Executive Secr etary with orders. The Execu tive Secretary will t hen pas s it - 5 -Ex-148/2013 on to the Head of Department concerned for ta king steps for the implementation of the decision or for issuance of the orders as may be directed by the Chief Executive M ember a ccordingly. 16.When it has been decided to bring a case before the Executive Committee, the Department to which the case belongs s hall unless the C hief Executive Member other wise directs, prep are a memorandum indica ting with sufficient precision on the salient fact s of the case and the points for decis ion. The Memora ndum having any financial implication shall be accompanied by Financial Memorandum obtained from Finance depar tment. Such memorandum and such other papers as are necessar y to enable the case to be disposed of shall be circulated to the Executive Members. 17.In case which concerns mor e Executive Members than one, the Executive Members shall attempt by previous discussion to arrive at an agreement. If an agreement is reached, the memorandum shall contain the Joint recommendations of the Executive Members and if no agreement is reached, the memora ndum sha ll state the points of difference and the recommendations of each of the Executive Member concerned and the same shall be submitted to the Chief Executive Member for his decis ion. 18.(1)The Executive Committee shall meet at such place and time as the Chief E xecutive Member may dir ect. (2)After an agenda paper showing the cases to be discu ssed at the Executive Committee has been approved by the Chief Execu tive Member, copies thereof, together with copies of such Memorandum a s have not been circulated under Rule 15 shall be sent by the Executive Secretar y to the Chief Executive Member and other Executive Members so as to r each them within two clear days before the date of such meeting. The sa id period of 2 (two) days may be waived on r easona ble ground. (3)Except with the permission of the Chief Executive Member, no case shall be placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Executive Members and unless papers relating thereto have been circu lated a s required by Rule 15 of these R ules. (4)If any Executive Member is on tour or on leave, the Executive Secretary shall bring the matter to the notice of the Chief Executive Member befor e the Executive Committee for appropriate instructions. The Chief Executive Member ma y direct for a r epor t from the Head of the department for cons ideration of the Executive Committee. T he Head of Depar tment so directed sha ll act for and on behalf of the Executive Member who has been on tour or on leave and in active consultation with such Executive Member as far as practicable. (5)The Chief Executive Member may direct the Execu tive Secr etary to obtain the opinion of Judicial Department as rega rds to t he proposal before the Executive Commit tee. - 6 - Ex-148/2013 (6)The Chief Executive Member or in his absence any other Executive Member authorized by him shall preside over the Executive Commit tee. (7)The Executive Secretary shall attend the Executive Committee and shall prepare a recor d of the decisions. He sha ll, after app roval of the Chief Executive Member prepare the record of decisions of the Executive Committee for communication to other Executive Members of the Executive Commit tee. 19.When a case has been decided by the Execut ive Committee a fter discussion at a meeting, the Executive Member concerned shall take action to give effect to the decision. If however, a ny devia tion is proposed to be made from that decision, the case shall be submitted to the Chief Executive Member by the Executive Member concerned and further action will be taken according to the direction, if a ny, of t he Chief Executive Member. PART – III DEPARTMENTAL DISPOSAL OF BUSINESS20.Except as otherwise provided by any other Rule in force or provisions under sections 23, 25 & 26 of these Rules, case shall ordinarily b e disposed of by or under the authority of t he Executive Member-in-charge of the Department who shall give such directions as he thinks fit for the disposal of cases in his Department. Copies of important instr uction shall be brought to the notice of the Chief Executive Member. 21.Whenever a matter concerns two Departments, the fact shall be specifically brought to the notice of the Executive Members concerned. Thereup on, the Executive Members of the Depa rtments concerned sha ll hold discussion and try to arrive at an u nderstanding. T he Executive Members may, however, direct that the discussion may be held by the Heads of the Departments concerned. Such decision shall be recorded and placed before the Executive Members concerned. In case of any difference of opinion, the matter sha ll be put up before the Chief Executive Member for appropr ia te or der. 22.(1)The Chief Executive Member may call for records of any case relating to any Department. (2)The Chief Executive Member may, in consultation with the Executive Member-in-cha rge of t he depa rtment, pass such orders in any case a s he consider s necessary or may direct tha t the mat ter sha ll be p la ced befor e the Execu tive Committee. (3)The Chief Executive Member may pa ss orders in a case relating to any Depa rtment when the case is referred to him by the Executive Member-in-charge of the Department. - 7 -Ex-148/2013 (4)The Chief Executive Member, in the absence of the Executive Member-in-charge of the Department may, in a matter of urgent public importance relating to any Depa rtment pass such orders as he considers necessary or expedient. 23.If a question arises to the depa rtment or depa rtments to which a case properly belongs, the matter shall be referr ed for the decision of t he Chief Execut ive Member. 24.All communications received from the Government of Mizoram (including those from the Chief Minister and other Ministers of the State) other than those of routine or unimportant nature shall be pla ced by the Ex ecutive Secreta ry to the Execu tive Member- in-charge and the Chief Executive Member for information. 25.Any matter likely to bring the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council into controversy with the Government of Mizoram or with any other State Government sha ll be brought to the notice of the Chief Executive Member and the Executive Member-in-charge forthwith. The Chief Executive Member may apprise the Governor in t his regard. 26.The following classes of cases shall be submitted to the Chief Executive Member befor e the issue of or ders – (i)Resignation/Termination/Dismissal/Disciplina ry action of all categories of employees under Mara Autonomous District Council. Such proposals should be routed through the Executive Secretary. (ii)Proposal for awarding punishment of dismissal or removal or compulsory retirement from service in r espect of Gazett ed Offic ers. (iii)Imp or t a nt ca ses which a ffect or a r e likely t o a ffect the interest s of the Minority Communities within Mara Autonomous District Council a rea. (iv)Cases which affect the relation of the Mara Autonomous District Council with the Government of Mizoram. (v)Appointment of the Executive Secret ary. (vi)Appointment, transfer, posting and deputation of all categories of employees under Mara Autonomous District Council. Such proposals should be routed through the Executive Secretary. (vii)Appointment of the Chairma n and Member of the Mara Autonomous District Council Public Services Commission, Mara Autonomous District Council Selection Board and the Members of the Departmental Selection and Promotion Commit tees. (viii) Any proposal in regard to the matters in connection with the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India. (ix)Cases of Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Officers of the Mara Autonomous District Council pertaining to appeals against the order of the Appointing Author ity. - 8 - Ex-148/2013 (x)All other policy and important matters. (xi)Constitution of different committees. 27.Where a matter (of sensitive public importance) is required to be decided or dealt with, the Executive Secretary shall place the matt er befor e the Chief Executive Member t hr ough t he Execu tive Member concerned. The Chief Executive Member then ma y pass such order as he may consider necessary and proper. In matters required to be disposed of by t he Executive Member concerned, the Head of Depa rtment sha ll place the same befor e t he Execu tive Member concerned for orders under Rule 20 of these Rules. 28.The Chief Executive Member sha ll – (i)communicate to the Chairman all decisions of the Executive Committee relating to the administration of the affairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council and proposa l for legislation; (ii)furnish such informa tion relating to the administration of the affairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council and pr oposals for legislation as the Chairma n may call for and if the Chairman so requires. Executive Secretary.29.(1)The Executive Secretary, as the head of administrative machinery, responsible to ensure the efficient functioning of the Mara Autonomous District Council Administra tion and shall b e kept informed and apprised of all impor tant decisions a nd in p articular of the Depa rtments of General Administr ation a nd Control Department, Vigilance a nd Rural Development Department, who shall bring such decisions and informa tion to the notice of the Chief Executive Member. (2)All cases of appointment, tr ansfer, posting, deputation, termination, compulsor y retir ement and remova l of a ll categories of employees under Mara Autonomous District C ou ncil s ha ll b e p u t u p b y t he H ea d of Dep a r t ment concer ned to t he Executive Secretary who shall put them up before the Chief Executive Member through the Executive Member concerned for orders. (3)When a matter is requir ed to be pla ced before the C hief Executive M ember, t he Head of Dep artment sha ll p la ce the matter befor e the Executive Member concerned thr ough the Executive Secret ary. The matter s ha ll then be pla ced before the C hief Executive Member for orders accordingly. In matter required to be disposed by the Executive Member concerned, t he Depa rtmental Head s hall place the same before the Executive Member concerned for or der s u nder Rule 19 of t hese Ru les. - 9 -Ex-148/2013 Finance & Acco unts30.The Finance Department s hall have the following funct ions, Department.namely :- (i)It shall, in consultation with the General Administration and Control Department, frame Rules regula ting the pay, leave and pension of persons in t he service of the Mara Autonomous District Council and Rules regulating the number, grading or cadres and emoluments of posts under the Mara Autonomous District Council and also be responsible for seeing that these Rules are properly applied; (ii)It shall advise the Executive Committee on the financial aspects of all transactions relating to loans granted by MADC/State/Central Government; (iii)It shall be responsible for proper utilization and safety of Provident Fund deposits of Council servants and shall frame Rules relating to giving of a dvances out of Provident Fund, the recovery of such a dvances and a dvising Dep ar tments generally on such matters, it being understood that it is the duty of the Council servant himself/herself to get the annual verifica tion and reconciliation of his or her own Provident Fund account from the Senior Account Officer, who is resp onsible for maintaining the accounts. The Finance Depa rtment shall also lay down Rules relating to adva nces made to Council servants for purchase or construction of houses and purchases of conveyance; (iv)It shall exa mine and report on all p roposals for the increase or reduction of taxation; (v)The service of loans and the discharge of any fina nce guar antees; (vi)It shall be responsible for laying down appropriate fina nce rules for guidance of other Department who are responsible for proper maintenance of accounts by themselves and by the establishment subordinate to them. Finance Department may take such a ction a s may b e appr opriate to enforce such accountability. Such financial rules shall be pla ced befor e the Executive Commit tee for approval; (vii)It shall prepare an estimate of the total receipts and disbursements of the Mara Autonomous District Council fund in ea ch year and shall be responsible during the year for watching the balance and for their ways and means and opera tions of the Mar a Autonomous District Council Fund; - 10 - Ex-148/2013 (viii) In connection with the budget and with supp lementar y estima te:- (a)It shall prepare a statement of estimated revenue and expenditure to be laid before the District Council Session in each year and any supplementary estimates or demands for excess grants which may be submitted to the vote of the Legislature or, as the case may be, laid before the L egisla t ure; (b)For the purpose of such preparation it shall obta in from the Departments concerned material on which to base its estimates, and it shall be responsible for the corr ectness of the estimates, framed on the materia l so supplied; and (c)It shall examine and advise on all schemes of new expenditure for which it is pr oposed to make provision in the estimates for any scheme which has not been so examined; (ix)On the receipt of a report from an Audit Officer that expenditure is being incurr ed for which there is no sufficient F und it shall require the Depa rtment concerned to obt ain sanction or not to incur fu rther expenditure; (x)On the receipt of a report that a financial rule has been contravened or a financial irregularity has been commit ted, it shall take steps to enforce the rule or to stop or rectify the ir regular ity; (xi)It shall lay before the Committee of Public Accounts the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India relating to the appr opriation of accounts of the Mara Autonomous District Council and shall bring to the notice of the Mara Autonomous District Council Public Accounts Committee all expenditures which have not been duly authorized and any financial irregula rities; and (xii)It shall advise the Depar tment r esponsible for the collect ion of r evenue regarding the progress of collection and the methods of collection employed. 31.Where a financia l proposal has been made by a Executive Member and the sa me is not a ppr oved by the Finance Depar tment , the same shall be put up before the Chief Executive Member for appropriate orders and the decision of the Chief Executive Member shall be final. 32.The Finance Department shall be consulted upon all proposals to sanction the relaxa tion of any financial rule and also before final orders are passed in such case of serious financial ir regular ity: - 11 -Ex-148/2013 Provided that where an expenditure is incurred on a decision taken by the Executive Committee such financial r ules shall be deemed to have been appr opriately relaxed. 33.Wher e a mat ter ha s been r eferred to be taken u p by the Execu tive Commit tee, the Mar a Autonomous District Council F inance Depa rtment shall for ward its financial memorandum as descr ibed under Rule 16. 34.(1)The Finance In-cha rge or concerned Executive Member in consultation with the Executive Member of another Depa rtment may call for papers of such other Department provided the paper s r ela t e to Financia l matter of the Mara Autonomous District Council. (2)In case of a ny difference of opinion, the Finance in- char ge or the concerned Executive Member may request tha t the pa pers be pla ced befor e the Chief Execu tive Member for orders. 35.The Finance Department shall be responsible for observation of fina ncial procedur e in general in all Departments and to regulate the business of the F ina nce Depa rtment. T he sa id Fund Rules shall be pla ced before the Executive Committee for approval. General Administration36.(1)The General Administration & Contr ol Depa rtment s hall & Control responsible for seeing that the rules and principles relating to services in general are properly followed. (2)The General Administration & Contr ol Depa rtment s hall be consulted for advice by other departments in matters relating to framing of service rules and general principles rela ting to services. (3)The approval of the Chief Executive Member shall be obta ined by all Departments in the following matters:- (i)relaxation of any service r ule; (ii)relaxation of any general service condition; and (iii)creation of any gazetted post or non-ga zetted post or payment of additional remuneration to any employee or gr oup of employees Law & Judicial37.The functions of the Law & Judicial Depa rtment shall be to: Department.(i)aid and advise the Mara Autonomous District Council and other Departments on all legal matters; (ii)consider the proposals for legislation for the cons ideration of the Mara Autonomous District Council; (iii)draft legislations for giving effect to the decisions of the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council; (iv)prosecute all litigation for and on behalf of the Mara Autonomous District Council; - 12 - Ex-148/2013 (v)make proposals for legal reforms to the Mara Autonomous District Council; (vi)br ing out in published for m all Act s, Rules, Notifications and up date them from time to t ime; (vii)formulate scheme for giving legal a id to weaker sections of the society. 38.Proposals to initia te legislation shall b e treated as a case and the Law & Judicial Department shall a dvise the Mara Autonomous District Council as – (i)the feasibility of the pr oposed Legisla tion fr om a legal point of view; (ii)competence of the Mara Autonomous District Council Legislature to enact the measure/matter proposed; (iii)the requirements of the Constitution as to obtaining the previous sanction of the Governor thereto; and (iv)the consistency of the proposed measure/ma tter with the pr ovisions of the Constit ution, a nd in particular those relating to the Fundamental Rights. 39.If the legislation is decided up on or proposed by the Executive Member-in-charge of any Department, the Department concerned will, if the legislation involves expenditure from the Office Expenses of t he concerned Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council, prep ar e in consult ation wit h the Ma ra Autonomous Distr ict Council Finance Department, a financial memorandum. The papers shall then be sent to the Law & Judicial Department under Mara Autonomous District Council, r equesting it to draft the Bill accordingly. 40.The Law Department shall thereafter prepare a Draft Bill and return the case where necessary, to the Department concerned. 41.If the draft Bill is appr oved by the Executive Member-in-cha rge, it shall be brought before the Executive Committee with prior approval of the Chief Executive Member. The Executive Committee may approve the Bill with or without amendment. 42.If the Bill is appr oved with amendments it shall be sent to the Law & Judicial Department to finalize the Bill after incorporating the amendments. 43.The Law & Judicial Department shall then send the Bill to the depa rtment concerned indicating at the same time the sanctions, if a ny, required for the Bill. If any provisions in the Bill involving expenditure from the Office Expenses of the concerned Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council are modified in the finalized dra ft, the Department concerned shall send the finalized draft Bill to Finance Department for revising, if necessary alongwith the fina ncial memorandum thereof. - 13 -Ex-148/2013 44.The Bill thus finalized will be sent to the District Council Secretariat by the Depa rtment concerned for introduction in the Legisla ture with intimation to the Law & Judicial Department. The Law & Judicial Department will obtain the previous sanction of the Executive Commit tee. 45.Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 39, measures/ matters designed t o amend and consolida te existing enactments a nd Legislation of a formal character, such as repealing a nd amending Bills may be initiated in the Law & Judicial Depar tment of the Mara Autonomous District Council: Provided that the Law and Judicial Department shall send a copy of t he draft Bill to the Department which is concerned with the subject matter for considera tion as a n a dministr ative measure. The depar tment to which it is sent shall for thwith make such enquir ies as it thinks fit a nd shall send to Law and Judicial Depa rtment for its opinion thereon. 46.(1)Whenever a p rivate member of the District C ouncil gives notice of his intention to move for leave to introduce a Bill, he shall give notice of his intention to the Secr etary of the District Council Secreta riat and shall together with the notice, s ub mit a copy of t he Bill a nd s ta t ements of ob ject s a nd r eas ons . (2)T he S ecret a r y of t he Dis t r ict C ou ncil S ecr et a r ia t s ha ll t hen send a copy of the Bill and the statement of objects and reasons to the Executive Member concerned of the Mara Autonomous District Council for Parliamentary Affairs and the Law and Ju dicial Department. (3)The Bill shall then be dealt with as a case by the Law & Judicial Department in the first instance, where it shall be considered in its technical aspect, such as need for previous sanction of the Governor and the competency of the District Council Legislature to enact over the subject or matter and then be forwarded with its opinion to the depa rtment to which the ca se belongs. (4)The Depa rtment concerned sha ll then examine whether any provisions of such Bill involve expenditu re from the Fund of the District Council and if so, they shall prepare in consulta tion with the Finance department, the financial memorandum in respect of the Bill. (5)The Dep ar tment concerned shall t hen p la ce the ma tt er before the Executive Committee for necessary order s through the Executive Member concerned. (6)The Law & Judicial Department shall thereafter take necessary steps as prescribed by the Law, Rules or Regulations in force in respect of the Mar a Autonomous District Council Bill. - 14 - Ex-148/2013 47.The Provisions of these Rules shall apply, as far as may be, to Amendments of substance recommended by the Select Committee and also to all Amendments and Enactments, notice of which is to be given by the Member of the Distr ict Council for being moved during the consideration of a Bill in the District Council Sess ion. 48.(1)When a Bill has been passed by the District Council Legislature, the Secretary to the District Council shall then send the Bill to t he Secr etary, District Council Affa irs, Government of Mizor am for a ssent of His Excellency Governor of Mizoram. (2)After obtaining the assent of the Governor, the Bill shall immedia tely be published by t he La w & Judicia l Department, Government of Mizoram in the Official Gazette as an Act of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 49.Wher ever it is proposed in any Depa rtment other than the Law & Judicial Department:- (i)to issue a statutory rule, notification or or der, (ii)to submit to the State Government, any statutory Rule, Notification or order for issue by them, the dra ft shall be referr ed to the Law Depa rtment, Ma ra Autonomous District Council for opinion a nd for revision where necessary. Rural Development50.(1)The Rural Development Depa rtment shall implement all Department.Rural Development Schemes whether sponsored by Central Government or otherwise under the guidance and supervision of the Chief Executive Member and the Executive Member concerned. T he Executive Secretary shall seek guidance from the concerned Executive Member in this regard from time to time and shall be responsible to the District Council all respects as to the pla nning, evaluation, execution, due and rational expenditure of funds provided for the purpose. (2)The department shall be responsible for all schemes pertaining to repla cement of jhooming system including conservation of forest wealth in regard to jhooming practice. Planning Department.51.(1)The Planning Department shall be responsible forworking out a strategy of development which maximizes the national pr oduct through time, la ying down the guideline for the Depar t men t regarding the drawing up of departmental programmes and schemes a nd working an economic, administr ative and orga nizational appra isal of the Pla ns and Programmes of var ious Departments under Mara Autonomous District Council. (2)The Planning Department sha ll be consulted for advice by other Departments in matters relating to Plan formulations and the general principles relating to Planning: - 15 -Ex-148/2013 Provided tha t it sha ll be opened to the Planning Depa rtment to pres cribe by genera l or sp ecia l order, cases in which su ch cons ultation with it may not be necessary. Supplementary.52.The Head of the Department concerned in each case isresponsible for the proper tra nsaction of business a nd the careful observance of these Rules and when he considers that there ha s been any material departure from them he shall personally bring the ma tter to the notice of the Executive Member-in-cha rge. 53.Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Chief Executive Member may relax t he Rules in the interest of public and smooth functioning of the affairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 54.The matters in regard to which t he Rules are silent or adequate pr ovision has not been made the Head in the department sha ll obtain appropriate directions from the Chief Executive Member through the Executive Member concerned. STATEMENT OF OBJECTS & REASONS:The Ma ra Autonomous District Council felt it necessar y to ma ke the Transaction of Business Rules 2010 for better mana gement of the administration of the Mara Autonomous District Council. Hence, the Bill. Chief Executive Member Mara Autonomous District Council Siaha, Mizoram - 16 - Ex-148/2013 SCHEDULES FIRST SCHEDULE (See Rule 3) LIST OF DEPARTMENT 1.Agriculture Department. 2.Animal Husbandry & Veter inary Department. 3.Art & Culture Department. 4.Co-operation Department. 5.Relief & Rehabilitation Department. 6.District Council Secretariat/ Legislative Department. 7.Envir onment & Forests Department. 8.Fina nce & Account Department. 9.Fisheries Department. 10.Secr etariat General Service/ General Administra tion & Control Department. 11.Boar d of School Education Department. 12.Industries Department. 13.Information & Public Relation Department. 14.Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. 15.Law & Judicia l Department. 16.Local Administration Department. 17.Wa ter Wa ys Dep art ment. 18.Education & Human Resources Department. 19.Taxation Department. 20.Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department. 21.Public Health Engineering Department. 22.Public Works Department. 23.Rura l Development Department. 24.Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. 25.Soil & Water Conservation Department. 26.Sport & Youth Services Department. 27.Transport Department. 28.Sericulture Department. 29.Stationary & Printing Department. 30.Horticulture Department. - 17 -Ex-148/2013 SCHEDULES SECOND SCHEDULE (See Rule 7) 1.Proposals for creation of a ny category of p ost. 2.Proposal for appointment/promotion of any category of post. 3.Proposal for sanction of advance increment/additional remuneration to a ny employee. 4.Proposal for making or amending rules/regulation, the recruitment and condition of services of the Mara Autonomous District Council employees. 5.Annual Accounts. 6.Proposal for the making and amending any rules. 7.Any proposa l involving any action for the dismissal, removal or suspension of any ca tegories of employees. 8.Report of the Depa rtmental Promotion Committee/Selection Committee on its works and any action proposed to be taken thereto. 9.Proposal for imposition of a new tax or any change in the method of assessment or the pitch of any exis ting tax or land revenue of the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council. 10.Proposal involving the alienation either temporary or permanent, or of sca le, gra nt or lease of any mova ble or immovable or the abandonment or reduction of revenue. 11.Proposals involving any major policy or pract ice. 12.Proposals to vary or reserve a decision pr eviously taken by the Executive Commit tee. 13.Cases requir ed by t he Chief Execut ive Member to b e brought befor e the Executive Commit tee. 14.The Financial statements to be laid before the Council Sess ion.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 147Date - 20/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 147 NOTIFICAION No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20th March, 2013.WHEREAS,the Governor has, by Notification under sub-para (1) & (6A) of Pa ra 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution read with sub- rule (1) & (2) of Rule 9 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, published in the Official Gazette vide No. H.14011/3/2010- DCA (C), dt.7th Febr uary, 2013, been pleased to ca ll upon every Constituency in the Chakma Autonomous Distr ict to elect a member to the Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council in accorda nce wit h the said Rules and orders made by the State Election Commission there-under; NOW, THEREFORE, in exercis e of the power confer red under sub-rule (1 ) of Ru le 151 read with sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 & sub-rule (1) of Rule 158 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, as amended in 2012, the State Election Commission hereby appoints the following dates and times with respect to the said election in each of the Constituencies:- (1) Issue of Notification by State Election Commission &20.3.2013 (Wednesday) Issue of Notice of Election by Returning Officer (2) Last date for filing Nominations1.4.2013(Monday) (Upto 3:00 PM) (3) Scrutiny of Nominations2.4.2013(Tuesday) (11:00 AM – 3:00 PM) (4) Last date for withdrawal of Candidature3.4.2013(Wednesday) (Upto 3:00 PM) (5) Date and time for allotment of symbols4.4.2013(Thursday) (10:00 AM – 3:00 PM) (6) Display and submission of list of Contesting Candidates4.4.2013(Thursday) (3:00 PM – 5:00 PM) (7) Date of Poll17.4.2013(Wednesday) (7:00 AM – 5:00 PM) (8) Date of Re-poll, if necessary18.4.2013(Thursday) (9) Counting of Votes19.4.2013(Friday) (8:00 AM onwards) (10) Date before which election process shall be completed26.4.2013(Friday) (11) First Meeting of the New Council to be summoned underLatest by 29.4.2013 (Monday) Rule 33 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended in 2012 By Order, etc H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission Mizor am : Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

‘The Education Policy of Mizoram, 2013’

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 146Date - 20/03/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 146 NOTIFICATIONNo. B.12012/15/2011-EDN/Pt, the 15th March, 2013.Wher eas the Gover nment deems expedient to have a set of policy for School Education Department and Higher & Technical Edcua tion Depa rtment a nd whereas in t he interest of public service and in pursuance of decision Item No. Addl. 7 of the minutes of the meeting of the Council of Minis ters in their meeting on 7.3.2013 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to not ify ‘the Education Policy of Mizoram, 2013’ as follows:- 1. INTRODUCTION1:01The foundation of education and its growth in Mizoram started with the advent of C hristia nity in the year 1894. According to Pr of. Siamkima Khawlhring, a makeshift school with two pupils was started at Aizawl by two Missionaries on the 1st April, 1894, barely 80 days after reaching Mizoram. The achievements of Missionaries in Mizoram in the spr eading of the Gospel on one hand and the works of the Missionaries in the field of establishment and development of education in the other hand cannot be sepa rated. Starting right from introducingRoman scriptand making a lphabets for the Mizo people, the uphill task of education has been most successful that Mizoram has distinguished itself by occupying the position of second most literate State in India by the late twentieth century, being second only to Ker ala. 1:02Depr ived of almost all aspects of economic development because of its geogra phical limitations, coupled with the virtual stoppage of all forms of development a ctivities for a long twenty years, since 1966 when Mizoram (then one of the Distr icts under Assam State) was submerged into the turmoil of grave political disturbance which veer ed towards tota l insurgency, with peace retur ning fina lly only in 1986 with the historic signing of peace accord. It is, therefor e, a ha rd fact that Mizoram, after having lost twenty valuable years, could actually begin rather late in the la ter par t of the twentieth century, to really embark upon developments to catch up with the rest of the country. 1:03Mizoram has produced a good number of educated people, some of whom have served in the All India Services and Central Civil Services, and other educated people getting employments under the Government, which delivers the demonstration effects on the Mizo people that education continues to be an investment with the highest possible dividends. It is fortunate tha t the Mizo people strongly believe in the transforming power of education. 1:04With market demands in the past decades of the late twentieth century more simple almost all educated people, having matriculation a nd above qualifications could easily secure employment - 2 - Ex-146/2013 under the Government. It is somewhat ironic to notice that in contrast to the prevailing unemployment toda y, barely twenty years ago, students pursuing medical and engineering courses were required to sign an undertaking tha t they would compulsor ily wor k under the Government for at least five year s failing which they would be required to refund the scholar ships for their study. Now, things have greatly hanged and there ar e today educated people, including bachelor -degree holder s in engineering, who remain unemployed, according to the live register with the Labour and Employment Depa rtment in Mizor am wile some work in private schools as teachers earning barely 20% of what Engineers in the Government Departments earn. 1:05It is a fact that t here ar e no industrial units capable of employing a large number of skilled, educated and even unskilled people in Mizoram, and that the Government has continued to be the sole employer till today. Want of industrial establishments, paucity of employment in private sectors underline the need to reform the education system so as to make education more employment-oriented in the State. 1:06Therefore, education needs to come to the rescue. Realizing that educating the people in the right way is the need of the hour, the Congress Ministry in Mizoram, immediately on assuming charge of the Gover nment, constit uted t heMIZORAM EDUCATION REFORMS COMMISSIONto addr ess the prob lem. 1:07Fortunately and timely for the State, the constitution ofMizoram Education Commission coincides wit h the enactment ofThe Right Of Children To Free And Compulsory Education Act, 2009. Therefore, strictly in line with the recommendations ofThe Mizoram Education Reforms Commission, the Government of Mizor am begins to embark upon its journey to reform education. Ever convinced and feeling confident tha t the people of t his Sta te who ar e lar gely literate can excel in educa tion, a nd with one of the best climates in the world and peace reigning supr eme in the society as the necessary a ssets, the Government has for mulated and announced this EDUCATION POLICY. 2. LEGAL OBLIGATION2:01Education is a subject under the ‘Concurrent List’ (List III) of the Constitution of India and therefore, State Governments are competent to make legislation on educa tion, subject to the condition that the legislation of the Centra l Government shall pr evail over the legislation of the State Government in the event of a conflict between the States and the Central Government on any matter concerning education. Article 21A of the Constitution also mandates that fr ee and compulsory education has to be provided to all children from the age of six years to the age of 14 years. Further, Article 45 of the Constitution provides that the Sta te shall endeavour to provide early childhood care a nd educa tion to t he children below the age of six years. 2:02Moreover, with the implementation of theRight Of Children To Free and Compulsory Education Act,2009effective fr om 1st Apr il, 2010, ever y State Government is legally bound to provide free and compulsor y educa tion to all children between the age of 6 and 14 years. 2:03 TheEducation Reforms Commission ofMizoram, set up t o recommend ways and means to raise the standards and improve quality in all sectors of education submitted its R eport in July, 2010 which was a ccepted by the State Government‘in principle.’ To implement the recommendations, the State Government ha s made elabor ate arr angements by forming Task Forces and Committees to address the problems enumerated by theEducation Reforms Commission. 3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES3.01One of the biggest challenges confronting Mizoram is to reform the prevailing and existing education system to conform to the requir ement of the present da y problems. Educa tion reforms need to addr ess diverse pr oblems of unemployment, degra dation of the environment, violence, milit ancy and insurgency the wor ld over. Therefore, the focus of educa tion r eforms would be to impa rt education in such a manner that each student would - @ find employment in Public/Private sector or be a ble to have self-employment through skill development he so acquires; @ become a responsible, hard-working, honest, just and understanding citizen; @ appr eciate the int rinsic values of huma nities, importance of conservation of the environment and natural resources,flora and fauna, ma intena nce of preserva tion of la w, order a nd peace in the world; @ be imbued with a life-long desire and hunger to learn:- a fter he leaves School, College and University, and even after he has settled down in is car eer. @ be equipped withlife skills to face the challenges he encounters in his everyday-life and also the challenges of the world at la rge. TO ACHIEVE THESE OBJECTIVES:-The Government of Mizoram has decided to stress and emphasize the importance of - Firstand foremost, communication skills . Human being is endowed with the gift of speech and with education a nd guidance he then learns to read and writ e. Communication skills, in speech and writing, cont inue to occupy top prior ity for meaningful educa tion. One must start one’s educa tion in his mother tongue/ home language which is the language he best understands. It is of paramount importance that a child learns English since the world has virtually become a global village with English as a favour ed means for communication whereby competency and fluency in the English language have become essential t oday. As India ns, we must be able to effectively communicate in Hindi wit h our brethren Indian citizens for which study of Hindi occupies a predominant position in education. Therefore, ability to speak and communicate in Hindi right from elementary education stage is considered important. SecondScience, Mathematics and Technology. Students must provide the necessary skills to his employer, whether at home or abroad. Science, Mathematics and Technology occupy an important place in education at present a s compa red to the situation pr evailing earlier when one could find employment in almost any line after graduation without any essential requirement for specialisation in any of the subjects mentioned. Voca tiona l education, where further development of skills beyond class-room study, is predicated upon, requires the study and deeper knowledge of Science, Mathematics and Technology. Thirdhigher sense of social and moral va lues in education.National Policy On Education (NPE), 1986 has observed as follows - “The growing concern over the erosion of essential values and an increasing cynicism in society has brought to focus the need for readjustment in the curriculum in order to make education a forceful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values.”- 3 -Ex-146/2013 This is not the first time that concern has been expressed about the decline in the standards of moral and social life of the people and attention dra wn to the role of educa tion in fostering a sens e of va lues. Severa l Committees and Commissions on Educa tion that have delib era ted on different aspects of our education ever since we became a free nation, have pointed to the need for value education. Now with increased means of swifter communica tion and ever increasing needs of huma n beings, maintenance of social and moral values has become more relevant than ever before in the history of man. Considera tion for what is right and what is wrong plays a very important role in today’s life. One’s life and achievements are not mea sured only on tangible and physical achievements, but on what one has stood for in the society, in life and in death. One of t he gui di ng pr i nci pl es of NATIONAL CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK (NCF), 2005 is enriching the curriculum to pr ovide for overall development of children ra ther than remain textbook-centr ic thus stress ing on making children sensitive to the environment as important curricular concern. Pr eservation of the beauty of nature, and its protection from degradation, sharing in a world-wide concern and of its necessity, is another thrust point. A good educa tion is , in essence, a process of developing the human personality in all its dimensions - intellectual, physical, social, moral and spirit ual. But for a variety of r easons, the effective dimension of personality has in recent times been seriously neglected in our education. Education today has almost degenerated int o a process of informa tion-tra nsmission, acqu ired through rote learning with its sole objective being passing of examinations. Education should not be a process whereby it ha s been transfor med into a system where a man knows a screwdriver and a hammer, but does not know what to do with them. Therefore, when we speak of value education, the development of social, mor al, aest hetic a nd spir itual aspects of man’s personality are all ta ken into account. Fourthdevelopment of aest hetic sense in life. Aesthetic sense, an ability to appreciate and understand the beauty of nature and art, needs to be developed for: @ preservation of the environment; @ development and preservation of art and culture @ development of the three faculties of personality - (i) knowing, (ii) feeling, (iii) doing; @ developing love and appreciation for art and artistic p ursuits in diverse and different aspects; @ developing love and desira ble attitudes t owards nature, art and natura l resou rces @ instilling the impor tance of maintaining moral standard right from the early formative year s of children is importa nt in today’s fa st dwindling morality in he world. @ addressing the importance and compulsion to prevent dangers and damage to ear th planet by our senseless a nd greedy act ions. The global warming resu lting in snow storms and eve incr easing ice melting, r aising the levels of sea to swallow more and more areas of isla nds, seen in the Television as a sort of entertainment, is a stark realit y that human existence on this planet is in r eal danger. Economic pursuits without consideration for environment also pose a risk to humanity. T herefor e, students fr om their early age should be sensitised on this and be made to understand and contribute in every little possible wa y they can.- 4 - Ex-146/2013 Aesthetic sense can be cultivated and nurtured through - (i) Poetry - which dea ls with the beauty and abunda nce of nature and life, in a ll its magnificent forms; (ii) Less ons in Language Classes - which dea l with human na ture, life and art in its va ried forms; (iii) Lessons in Environmental Studies; (iv) Art Education that includes drawing, painting, sculpting, music, dance, drama and theatre THE MIZORAM EDUCATION POLICY Taking all the above in consideration, the State Government of Mizoram has formulated the following 10 (ten) p oints asMIZORAM EDUCATION POLICYwhich it will try to implement and achieve with its available resources:- ONE:REORGANISATION AND REVAMP OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: Some changes and reorganisa tions have taken place in education since Mizoram had its first government continuing till today. Some of these changes have indeed contributed towards achieving positive results in the State. But it is a fact tha t more improvements in the system within the organisation are needed. Services in the Education Department have to be re- orga nised to have efficient and smooth administration within the or ganisation. Monitor ing and Supervision of educational institutions, being an essentia l part of education, has to be re-inforced by adopting better system of inspection/supervision/monitoring and equipping the inspecting officer with the required inputs. Better methods of r ecr uitment of t eachers, teacher educa tion and t eacher tra ining a nd evolving meaningful and effective system of service delivery in the Department to be addressed. It is required for the State to improve the position, status and social standing of teachers, which all contribute to making the teaching profession noble and dignified. Service rules and conditions of s ervice of teachers and non-t eaching facult y need to be reviewed, and suitably changed to make services in education enviable to attract the best talents. The service conditions of t hose serving under the Education Department, such as the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT ), Mizoram Boa rd of S chool Education (MBSE) and Institutions like the Institute of Advanced Study in Education (IASE), College of Teacher Education (CTE), District Institute of Teacher Education (DIET), District Resource Centre (DRC), Mizoram Hindi Training College, Polytechnics and Law College need to be reviewed and improved to suit the cha nged circumstances of the twenty-fir st century. TWO:UNIVERSALISATION OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: Since our independence in 1947, Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) has cont inued to be a priority of the Government of India. With the enactment of theRight Of Children To Free And Compulsory Education Act, 2009,it has become a fundamental right of every child aged 6 to 14 years to be provided fr ee and compulsory education by the Government. The contributions fr om the Central Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in setting the sta ge for UEE thr ough immense input of the Sa rva Shiksha Abhyan (SSA), have not only helped in realisation of UEE but also contributed in ra ising t he literacy percentage of the St ate.- 5 -Ex-146/2013 By school mapping and identifying the gap and providing schools and the necessary accompanying paraphernalia, Mizoram State is poised to become an exemplar of excellence in the country through contributions of t he loca l community, local elected representa tives, Non- Governmental Organisations like Young Mizo Association (YMA) and Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl (MHIP). THREE: LEARNING WITH UNDERSTANDING AND COMPREHENSION: The MizoramEducation Reforms Commission reiterates the importance of learning with understanding and comprehension and doing away with rote learning. When a child learns by rote learning, the retention of what he learns matters only for a limited period of time and does not really contribute towards understanding of what he has learnt thereby having no real impa ct on his further studies. To do a way with the system of r ote learningLearning outcomeswill be identified to ensure that objectives of learning are fulfilled. Steps will fur ther be taken to p romot e overall understa nding a nd competency of lear ning objectives through aChild-centred approachfocusing on the needs of the child with activity- based learning at the primary stage. Any learning system needs support of an equally sound system of evaluation and Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE),in place now in Mizoram, for two years, following t he enactment of the RTE Act and the timely recommendation of theEducation Reforms Commission, has substantially improved the level of learning in elementary education. Similarly, in the College level, S emester System has been introduced and has b egun to show positive results and the Semester System, being the sister-system of CCE, would soon be intr oduced in secondary level. The medium through which the Curriculum is transacted becomes vital to promote comprehensive learning and understanding. Taking into account t he conviction t hat a child lear ns best when he understands what he learns the fir st choice for medium of instr uction will undoubtedly be theHome language/ Mother tongue/First language of the child at the first years of schooling. But importance of English for communication and for the purpose of quality education at the secondar y and tertiary levels cannot be minimized or over-emphasized. Lear ning in one’s mother-tongue at Primary level of elementa ry education and in English from the upper primary, seconda ry and tertiar y levels would enhance the quality of educa tion in the State. FOUR:VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (SKILL DEVELOPMENT): At present, almost all the schools in t he entir e State offer only general education with only a small percentage of students at secondary and College levels are pursuing vocational education. It is, therefore, no wonder that a large percentage of students are consigned to abandon fur ther studies and remain unemployed. Therefore, vocational education needs to be int roduced from Class IX as a sepa rate stream of study for students t o pursue their chosen field of study to cater to their different interests and aptitudes in addition to what is presently available in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), Polytechnics and Vocational Education offered in a few Schools. The Ministry of Huma n Resource Development ha s come up wit h a compr ehensive scheme calledNational Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF) which has a ten-stage of vocational education study beginning from Class IX cont inuing right up to the top level wher e one gets a Doctorate Degree. Therefore in order to implement this program proper linkage between School Education, Higher and Technical Education and Univer sity- 6 - Ex-146/2013 needs to be established. T he State needs to veer towards Vocational Education where skill development is part and pa rcel of the courses. It is the avowed determination of the State Government of Mizor am to enhance the employability of its youth for jobs in t he domestic markets and abroad. Some Colleges in the State where only general education is taught would need to be converted to Community Colleges utilizing the infra structure of the no longer viable Colleges in the St ate. FIVE:HIGHER STUDIES AND PROFESSIONAL COURSES: The number of existing Institutions offering higher education and p rofessional courses is grossly inadequa te. The two Universities of the State, namelyMizoram University (Central Government) andInstitute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), a private university established by a State legislation are inadequate for the State. The State is yet to have a Medical College, an Engineering College or even an Agricultural College.The National Institute of Technology (NIT),recently set up at Lengpui, is one of our va lued educational institutions. The Government of Mizoram is awar e of the needs of the youths not only for the state of Mizoram but also for the entire nation in providing tra ining of the youths to meet the needs of industries and technology within and outside the state. In order to achieve this goal, the government is placing more emphasis on vocational trainings. The government is also embarking on bringing experts in this field. The government will legislate mor e private universities who are willing to impart such training as to increase employability of Mizo youths in and outside Mizoram who will be able to face challenges with their knowledge anywher e in the world. The Government of India also sanctioned two (2) Community Colleges to be established in Mizoram recently. T he courses offered in this Community Colleges will also prepare the youths in getting themselves employment and self reliant. Participation of private entities in the Educational System of the country is the need of the hour. The government is therefore, very much a ware of the situation. The government welcomed private entities t o participate in the Educational System of M izoram not as a commercial venture but as a philanthropic and educator. The State Government is working on regulation as to how the priva te schools and colleges funct ions in compliance with the Right to Education Act. (RTE.) The percentage of Mizoram students pursuing higher and professional education needs to be greatly increased to cope with the prevailing unemployment. To achieve this, it is the intention of the State Government to provide opportunities in the College thereby encouraging the students to study Science, Mathematics and Technology subjects for better prospects. SIX:INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: The world is full of unexpected surprises, some of them good and some not s o good. The Central Government has enacted a number of legislations to ensure that physically challenged persons, who are differently abled, get their due place. It is the solemn affirma tion of the Mizoram State Government to provide maximum oppor tunities to the people with special needs in matters of educa tion, jobs and private enterprises. It is unfor tunate that even in the most advanced countr ies, the general attit ude towards people with disabilities r emain the same as in the earlier ages and they are still considered not as equals. It is the intention and policy of the State Government of Mizoram to give efforts to affording equal opportunities to the people with special needs, and strictly implementing statutory provisions of legislations to benefit them.- 7 -Ex-146/2013 SEVEN: TEACHERS’ WELFARE AND TEACHER EDUCATION: Happy in their status and satisfied in their career as teachers are good teachers. Cor rect and differential tr eatment of teachers by the Government and by public make ideal teachers. Their service conditions, their welfare and future pr ospects all combine to create the r ight ingr edients for good teachers. Good teachers give bir th to good students, good students give birth to good nations. Therefore, the Government of Mizoram is committed towar ds improving the service conditions and affording teachers their rightful place in their career a nd society. Good academicians and excellent qualifications do not necess arily make good teachers. New techniques a nd methods in teaching to reach the understa nding levels of the students through appropriate and suitable trainings are needed to make good t eachers. To achieve this, the State Government is determined to make efforts in improving the service conditions of the teachers and providing Teacher Education Institutions for them. EIGHT: STRONG CULTURAL ROOTS AND MORAL VALUES:The old saying - “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; When health is lost, something is lost; But when character is lost, everything is lost” still holds true today, and it is likely to be more so in the future. Therefore, classroom and out of classroom teachings in education need to be more comprehensive and relate to all-round development of the students. It is paramountly important to instill moral va lues to children in their formative years and even later in life. In this tur bulent and fast-life civilization, the younger generation has to be nourished with cult ural and moral values that ha ve stood the test of time. Lessons in textbooks should also be so designed to sha pe corr ect mor al behaviour a nd life attitudes. School students in Japan a re taught to clean their cla ss rooms and the school premises. Similarly, the Mizo people, used to har d work, from da ys immemorial, are never known to shirk work at any period in recent history. They happily work in community as members of Young Mizo Associa tion (YMA) and some Church and community Associations. Therefore, work and labour continue to be an integral part of Mizo community. Dignity of labour, however highly placed one may be in society, is what is intended to be embedded in the schools and colleges at all levels from Pre-Prima ry to University. Education, is an effective means of improving society, beca use education not only provides, but it is also a major contributor towards upr ightness in society and promoting peace at a ll levels. T he sayings of these two famous people abunda ntly manifest the importance of education for the people and the country- Victor Hugo - “He who opens a school door, closes a prison” Henry Peter, Lord Brougham- “Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave”- 8 - Ex-146/2013 NINE:PRIVATISATION IN EDUCATION: For two or three centuries, the world witnessed a scenario where the Sta te has been burdened with its sacred duty to deliver education to its people. It is on this context that President Franklin D. Roosevelt of USA aid,“The school is the last expenditure on which America should be willing to economize.” Education still continues to be one of the important obligations of State, not only in India, but throughout the world at la rge. In spite of the State’s obligation to provide education to its people, privatisation of education from the lowest to the highest level has been found to b e in vogue, not only in India but also in other parts of the world. There are a good number of reasons privatised education fares better than education provided under government control. One of the reigning factors responsible for this is evidently that private educationa l institutions have t o compete with one another to attract students as they are commercial institutions. Therefore, it is the avowed intention of the Mizoram State Government to encourage private educational institutions from the State as well as from outside the state. At the same time, healthy competition should also be encouraged amongst the State- run educational institutions and there should a lso be healthy competition between them and the privately-run educational institutions. TEN:EMPOWERMENT OF COMMUNITY: A new English word‘communitisation’ has been coined in Nagala nd recently to describe a system of community empowerment in improvement of public utilities, such as pr imary school education, water supply and village health care by directly involving the community in the day to day activities of the public service utilities. As evidently true from the oft saying that “Government does not have all the answers”there are areas where the community can mana ge much better than the government because the community is the stake-holder in the affa irs. This is one reason why decentralisation, depending dir ectly on the local people, for its successful execution of works and progr ammes, has continued to be the favourite in efficient administration and development. It is, therefor e, the endeavour of Mizoram State to encourage empowerment of community in education. CONCLUSIONThe Government of Mizoram, having formulated the aboveEDUCATION POLICY,is committed to take all necess ary steps to execute a nd implement the above given point s to achieve the targets in the best interest and benefits of the people of Mizoram. K. Lal Nghinglova, IAS, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 9 -Ex-146/2013

“The Mizoram (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010” to The Sixth Central Revision of Pay (as modified and extended to the employees under the Government of Mizoram) Rules, 2010”

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 144Date - 20/03/2013

NOTIFICATIONNo.G.11013/71/2010-FIN(PRU), the 15th March, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309, read with Article 162 of the Constitution of India and on the basis of the decision against Addl. item No. 5 of the Council of Minister in its meeting held on 07.03.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order change of the title of“The Mizoram (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010”to The Sixth Central Revision of Pay (as modified and extended to the employees under the Government of Mizoram) Rules, 2010”with immediate effect. F. Vanlalruata, Finance Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29,, S.E. 1934, Issue No.144 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

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