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The Mizoram Vigilance (Anti Corruption Bureau) Department [Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) post] Recruitment (by deputation) Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 118Date - 28/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.3.2014 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 118 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/83/2012-P&AR(GSW), the 13th March, 2014. In ex ercise of t he powers conferr ed by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment by deputation to the post(s) of Sub-Inspector of Police (Executive, Ministerial a nd Steno-III), Assistant Sub-Inspector of P olice (Executive and Ministerial) u nder Vigilance Department (ACB), Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Vigilance (Anti Corruption Commencement Bureau) Department [Gr oup ‘B’ (Non-G azetted) post] Recruit ment (by deputation) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the Annexure-I a s aforesaid. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the said Annexure-I aforesaid. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-118/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through Depar tment of Personnel & Administr ative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation relaxation of age concessions limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Schedu led Tribes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE - I(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF GROUP ‘B’ IN THE DEPARTMENT OF VIGILANCE (ACB), GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 SelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable- 3 -Ex-118/2014 Not applicable Direct recruitmentNot applicable Sub-Inspector of Police8 (eight) posts or as sanctioned by Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Personnel Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted and Non-Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4400Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableSelection Asst. Sub Inspector of Police4 (four) posts or as sanctioned by Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Personnel Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted and Non-Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4200 Selection Sub-Inspector (M)/Steno-III2 (two) posts or as sanctioned by Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Personnel Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted and Ministerial) General State Service (Group ‘B’ Non Gazetted post)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4400Selection Sub-Inspector of Police (Ministerial)6 (six) posts or as sanctioned by Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Personnel Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted and Ministerial) General State Service (Group ‘B’ Non Gazetted post)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4400Selection Asst. Sub- Inspector of Police (Ministerial)6 (six) posts or as sanctioned by Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Personnel Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted and Ministerial) General State Service (Group ‘B’ Non Gazetted p ostPB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4200Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314The Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairman- Director, ACB 2 . Member Secretary - SP. ACB 3. Member - Representative of Vigilance Department 4. Member -Representa tive of DP&AR Deputation from persons of Mizoram Police holding analogous post in the State Government with minimum educational qualification of HSSLC/Graduate. 100 % by deputationExempted from the purview of MPSC- 4 - Ex-118/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500The Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairman- Director, ACB 2 . Member Secretary - SP. ACB 3. Member - Representative of Vigilance Department 4. Member -Representa tive of DP&AR Deputation from persons of Mizoram Police holding analogous post in the State Government with minimum educational qualification of HSSLC/Graduate. 100 % by deputationExempted from the purview of MPSC The Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairman- Director, ACB 2 . Member Secretary - SP. ACB 3. Member - Representative of Vigilance Department 4. Member -Representa tive of DP&AR Deputation from persons of Mizoram Police(Ministerial) holding analogous post in the State Government. 100 % by deputationExempted from the purview of MPSC The Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairman- Director, ACB 2 . Member Secretary - SP. ACB 3. Member - Representative of Vigilance Department 4. Member -Representa tive of DP&AR Deputation from persons of Mizoram Police(Ministerial) holding analogous post in the State Government. 100 % by deputationExempted from the purview of MPSCThe Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairman- Director, ACB 2 . Member Secretary - SP. ACB 3. Member - Representative of Vigilance Department 4. Member -Representa tive of DP&AR Deputation from persons of Mizoram Police(Ministerial) holding analogous post in the State Government. 100 % by deputationExempted from the purview of MPSC

The Mizoram Vigilance (Anti Corruption Bureau) Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 117Date - 28/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.3.2014 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 117 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/83/2012-P&AR(GSW), the 13th March, 2014. In ex ercise of t he powers conferr ed by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to t he post(s) of Director, Superintendent of Police, Addl. Superintendent of Police and Deputy Superintendent of Police under Anti Corruption Bureau, Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Vigilance (Anti Corruption Commencement Bureau) Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule Annexure-I annex ed to t hese ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the Annexure-I a s aforesaid. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the said Annexure-I aforesaid. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-117/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the MizoramPublic Service Commission through the Depar tment of Personnel & Administra tive Refor ms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations or other concessions required concessions to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes /the Scheduled Castes and other ca tegories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE - I(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POSTS IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DIRECTOR, ACB UNDER VIGILANCE DEPARTMENT (GROUP A GAZETTED)Name of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 SelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable- 3 -Ex-117/2014 Not applicableNot applicable Director, ACB1 (one) or as sanctioned by the Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeIndian Police Service/ Mizoram Police Service/ (Group ‘A’ Post)PB-4 ^ 37400-67000/- + Grade Pay ^ 10,000 (for IPS) ^ 8900 (for MPS)Selection Superintendent of Police, ACB1 (one) or as sanctioned by the Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Service Group ‘A’ (Gazetted)PB-3 ^ 15600-39100/- + Grade Pay ^ 7600 Selection Additional Superintendent of Police, ACB1 (one) or as sanctioned by the Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Service Group ‘A’ (Gazetted)PB-3 ^ 15600-39100/- + Grade Pay ^ 6600 Selection Deputy Superintendent of Police3 (three) or as sanctioned by the Govt. of Mizoram from time to timeMizoram Police Service Group ‘A’ (Gazetted)PB-3 ^ 15600-39100/- + Grade Pay ^ 5400Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicable direct recruitmentNot applicable Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314The Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairman- Chief Vigilance Officer/CS 2 . Member Secretary - Spl . Secy. Vigilance 3 . M e mb er - S ec ret a ry D P & A R or h is representa tive 4. Member - Secretary, H ome Deputation posting of IPS Officer by State Govt. (as exists presently) holding analogous post or deputation of MPS Officer SAG or selection grade with at least 5 years regular service in the grade. The period of d eputation shall not exceed 3 yrs initially 100 % by deputation from IPS/ MPS Off icersExempted from the purview of MPSC - do - Deputation from MPS Officers holding analogous post in the sta te Govt. The period of deputation shall not exceed 3 yrs initially 100 % by deputation from MPS Officers Exempted from the purview of MPSC - do - Deputation from MPS Officers holding analogous post in the sta te Govt. The period of deputation shall not ordinarily exceed 3 years initia lly. 100 % by deputation from MPS Officers Exempted from the purview of MPSC - do - Deputation from MPS Officers holding analogous post in the state Govt. which shall not ordinarily exceed 3 yea rs initially. 100 % by deputation- 4 - Ex-117/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Vigilance (Anti Corruption Bureau) Department (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment (by deputation) Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 116Date - 28/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.3.2014 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 116 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/83/2012-P&AR(GSW), the 13th March, 2014. In ex ercise of t he powers conferr ed by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment by deputation to the post(s) of the Inspector of Police (Executive and Ministeria l) under Vigilance Department (ACB), Gover nment of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Vigilance (Anti Corruption Commencement Bureau) Department (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment (by deputation) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the Annexure-I a s aforesaid. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the said Annexure-I aforesaid. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-116/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Department of Personnel & Administr ative R eforms, relax any of the provisions of these r ules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation relaxation of age concessions limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Schedu led Tribes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-116/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500ANNEXURE - I(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF GROUP ‘B’ IN THE DEPARTMENT OF VIGILANCE (ACB), GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 SelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314Exempted from the purview of MPSC The Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairma n-Director, ACB 2 . M ember Secretary - SP, ACB 3. Member - Representative of Vigilance Department 4. Member - Representative of DP&AR Inspector of Police8(eight) posts or as sanctioned by Government from time to timeMizoram Police Personnel Group ‘B’ Executive (Gazetted)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4600/- Deputation from Mizoram Police personnel holding analogous post in the State Government with minimum educational qualification of HSSLC/Graduate. The period of dep utation sha ll n ot ordinarily exceed 3 years initia lly 100% by deputationSelection In spector (Ministerial)1(one) posts or as sanctioned by Government from time to timeMizoram Police Personnel Group ‘B’ Executive (Gazetted & Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4600/-Not admissibleNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableExempted from the purview of MPSC The Selection Committee will consist of :- 1. Chairma n-Director, ACB 2 . M ember Secretary - SP, ACB 3. Member - Representative of Vigilance Department 4. Member - Representative of DP&AR Deputation from officers of Mizoram Police (Ministerial) holding analogous post in the State Government. The period of dep utation sha ll n ot ordinarily exceed 3 years initia lly 100% by deputation

Early Childhood Care And Education (ECCE) Committee comprising of the following ECCE experts,

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 115Date - 28/03/2014

NOTIFICATION No. B. 12018/18/2013-SWD, the 25th March, 2014.In compliance with NIPCCD, Guwahati’s letter ’s No. NIG/V/110/ECE/RD/2013-14/2724 dated 17.02.2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute Early Childhood Care And Education (E CCE) Committee comprising of the following ECCE experts, senior officials and experienced field funct ionaries :- 1.Pu P.L. Liandinga, State ICDS Progra mme Officer. 2.Pi D. Ramdinthangi, Deputy Director, SCERT. 3.Pi A. Lalchhandami, Lecturer, SCERT. 4.Pi Zoramtha ngi Chhangte, CDPO, Aizawl Urban IC DS Project. 5.Pi B. Thangseii, CDPO, Tlangnuam ICDS Project. 6.Pi Ngaihsaki, Circle Officer, Tlangnuam ICDS Project. 7.Pi Lalbiaksangi, Circle Officer, Aizawl Urban ICDS Project. 8.Pi Zorinpuii, Nutritionist, District ICDS Cell. 9.Pi Vanlalremruati, Instructress, Anganwadi Wokers’ Training Centre, Aizawl. Terms of r eference :1)Examination of ECCE Curriculum developed by ICDS officials. 2)Finalization of the Curriculum. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.3.2014 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 115Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the House of the People from 1-Mizoram (ST) PC

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 114Date - 28/03/2014

FORM 7A LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES [SEE RULE 10(1)] Election to the House of the People fr om 1-Mizora m (ST) PC Sl. No. Name of CandidateAddr ess of CandidateParty Affilia tionSymbol Allotted 12345 1.C.L. RualaTuikhuahtlang, AizawlIndian NationalHand Congr ess 2.M. LalmanzualaChaltlang, AizawlAam Aadmi PartyBroom 3.Robert Romawia RoyteChhinga Veng, AizawlIndependentGas Cylinder (i)Candidates of recognized Na tional and State Political Par ties (ii)Candidates of registered Political Parties (Other than recognized National and State Political Parties) (iii)Other ca ndidates Sd/- JUHI MUKHERJEE, Place : AizawlRetur ning Officer, Date : 26.03.20141 - Mizoram (ST) PC. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.3.2014 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 114Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Acquisition of land for construction of Helipad at Tumpui, Kolasib.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 113Date - 28/03/2014

NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/56/2013-REV, the 25th March, 2014.Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinaft er refer red to as the “ said la nd”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for construction of Helipad at Tumpui, Kola sib. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said la nd is likely to b e needed for the purpose specified ab ove. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/ Collector, Kolasib District, within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the La nd Acquisition Act, 1894. (T he date of publication in the newspaper in regional la nguage following Gazette Notification under Section 4(1) of the LA Act is the date of publica tion within the meaning of Section 5-A of the Act.) 3.All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the sa id land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any cont ract for the disposal of the sa id land by sale, lease, mortga ge, assignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the sa id land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULEDISTRICT: KOLASIB Description of landApproximate Area. A piece of land belonging to Lalr emsiama & 6 others4566.28 sq.m. (including B.Lalbiaknungi and Vanlalchhuangi) R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.3.2014 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 113Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NOTIFICATION Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 112Date - 27/04/2014

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 27th March, 2014 6 Chaitra, 1936 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 434/MIZ-HP/2014(1) :-In exercise of the power conferr ed by S ub-Section (1) of Section 22 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), the Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendment in its Notification No. 434/MIZ-H P/2014(1 ) dated 14th Ma rch, 2014, relating to t he appointment of Assistant Returning Officers for Mizoram Parliamentary Constituency in the Sta te of M izoram, namely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to the said Notification, against the Parliamentary Constituency shown below, with the existing entry, the following cor responding entry shall be added - TABLE No. & Name of Parlia mentary ConstituencyAssistant Returning Officer (1)(2) 1 - Mizor amJoint Director, FCS & CA By or der, Sd/- (NARENDRA N. BUTOLIA) S EC RE TARY The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 27.3.2014 Chaitra 6, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 112Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 111Date - 25/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 25.3.2014 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 111 NOTIFICATIONNo. LA/RC/32/96/21, the 21st March, 2014. The following amendments to the existing rules of the Rules of P rocedures and Conduct of Business in Mizoram Legislative Assembly as recommended by the Rules C ommittee which was presented to the House on 19.3.2014 are published as required by sub- rule (4) of rule 273 of the said rules for general information. AMENDMENT TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE AND CONDUCT OF BUS INES S IN T HE MIZORAM LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Amendment to Rule 276(1) : Sub-rule (1) of Rule 276 shall be substituted by the words “(1) There shall be 3 (three) Subject Committees as enumerated in the Fourth Schedule.” Accordingly, the a llocation of different Departments under ea ch S ubject Committee ha s to be rearranged as the number of Subject Committ ees ha s been r educed from 5 (five) to 3 (thr ee). T her efor e, s u b jec t a lloc a t ion u nder the Fourth Schedule is made as follows: FOURTH SCHEDULE (See Rule 276) SUBJECT COMMITTEE-11.Transport Department 2.Public Works Department 3.Loca l Administration Department 4.Finance Depa rtment 5.Information & Public Relations Department 6.District Council Affairs Department 7.Ser icult ure Department 8.Fisheries Department 9.Dep artment of P ersonnel & Adminis trative Reforms 10.Pla nning & Programme Implementa tion Department 11 .Parliamentary Affairs Department 12.Home Depa rtment 13.Disaster Management & Rehabilita tion Department 14.Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department 15.Excise & Narcot ics Department SUBJECT COMMITTEE-II1.Environment & Forest s Department 2.Industries Department 3.School Edu cation Department 4.Higher & Technical Education Department 5.Co-operation Department 6.Art & C ultur e Depart ment 7.Rura l Development Depart ment 8.Gener al Administration Department 9.Power & Electricity Department 10.Law & Judicial Department 11 .Economic & Statistics Department 12.Secretariat Administration Department 13.Tr ade & Commerce Depart ment 14.Land Revenue & Settlement Department 15.Geology & Minera l Resources Department SUBJECT COMMITTEE-III1.Public Health Engineering Department 2.Agriculture Department 3.Horticulture Department 4.Soil & Water Conservation Department 5.Animal Husba ndry & Veterinar y Department 6.Tourism Depar tment 7.Health & F amily Welfare Depart ment 8.Taxation Depar tment 9.Socia l Welfar e Depart ment 10.Printing & Stationery Department 11.Information & Communication Technology Department 12.Labour, Employment & Industrial Training D epartment 13.Election Department 14.Sports & Youth Services Department 15.Minor Irrigation Department 16.Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department NGURTHANZUALA , SECRETARY. - 2 - Ex-111/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Co-ordination Committee on Traffic Management

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 110Date - 25/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 25.3.2014 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 110 NOTIFICATIONNo. D. 32021/1/2014-HM(TM), the 24th March, 2014.In pursuance of General Administration Department’s Notification No. A. 46011/70/2009-GAD dt. 15.1.2014 and in supersession of Transport Department’s Notification No. B. 12024/4/10-TRP dt. 16.6.2010, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Co- ordination Committee on Tra ffic Management a s indicated below to take appropria te steps for improvement of Traffic in Aizawl City. Chairman:Hon’ble Home Minister Members:1. Chief Secretary i/c Home D epartment 2. Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl 3. Dir ector, Transport Department 4. Director, LAD 5. Director, LR & S Department 6. Director, I & PR Department 7. Chief Engineer, PWD (Building) 8. Director, T & C Department 9. Dir ector, UD & PA Department 10. Superintendent of Police, Aizawl 11. Superintendent of Police (Traffic) 12. President, Mizoram Journalist Association Member Secretary :Joint Secr etary, Home Depart ment L. Tochhong, Chief Secretar y to the Govt. of Mizor am.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Second Session of the Seventh Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram with effect from the afternoon of the 20th March, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 109Date - 25/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 25.3.2014 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 109 NOTIFICATIONNo. LA.2/LEGN/2013/6, the 24th March, 2014.The following order of the Governor of Mizoram dated 20th March, 2014 is hereby published for information : “ORDER In exercise of the powers conferr ed by Clause (2) (a) of Article 174 of the Constitution of India, I, Vakkom Purushothaman, Governor of Mizora m, do hereby prorogue the Second Session of the Seventh Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram with effect from the afternoon of the 20 th Mar ch, 2014 after conclusion of the Business. VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAMAN GOVERNOR” NGURTHANZUALA SecretaryPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

General Election to Village Councils under Lai Autonomous District Council wherein the 25th March, 2014 (Tuesday) is fixed as the date of Counting;

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 107Date - 24/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 24.3.2014 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 107Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500NOTIFICATIONNo. C. 17016/3/2014-SEC/VC/LADC, the 21st March, 2014.WHEREAS, the State Election Commission vide its Notification No.B.12011/46/2012-SEC/LADC/VC, dt. 24.2.2014 had issued the Schedule for holding General Election to Village Councils under Lai Aut onomous District Council wher ein the 25th March, 2014 (Tuesda y) is fixed as the da te of Counting; and WHEREAS, in view of the ensuing 16th General Election to Lok Sa bha to be held on 9th April, 2014, request has been received from certain politica l parties of the State for changing the said date of Counting; and NOW, THEREF ORE, the State Election Commission has cons idered the request and decided to defer the date of Counting to 12th Apr il, 2014 from 9:30 AM onwards. Consequently, the election process shall be completed by 17th April, 2014. It is further or dered that polled Ballot Boxes will be collected and deposited in the designated Strong Rooms to be identified by Deputy Commissioner/District Election Officer, Lawngtla i for safe custody during the intervening period of Poll day & Counting day and Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai and S.P, Lawngtlai will make fool proof security arrangement for transportation and safe custody of the polled Ba llot Boxes. By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 106Date - 24/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 24.3.2014 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 106 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sa dan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110001 No.56/2014/PPS-II Dated : 10th March, 2014. 19 Phalguna, 1935 (Saka). NOTIFICATIONWHEREAS, the Election Commission of India has decided to upda te its Notification No. 56/2013/ PPS-II, dated 18th Ja nuar y, 2013, as amended from time to time, specifying the names of recognised National and State Parties, registered-unrecognised par ties and the list of free symbols, issued in pursuance of p aragraph 17 of the Election S ymbols (Reservation a nd Allot ment) O rder, 1968; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, a nd in supersession of its aforesaid notification No. No. 56/2013/PPS-II, dated 18th January, 2013, as amended from time to time, published in the Gazette of India , Extra -Ordina ry, Part-II, Section-3, S ub-Section (iii), the Election Commission of India hereby specifies: - (a)In Table I, the National Parties a nd the Symbols respectively reserved for them and postal addr ess of their Headquarters; (b)In Table II, the State Parties, the State or States in which they are State Parties and the Symbols resp ectively reser ved for them in such State or States a nd postal addr ess of t heir Headquarters; (c)In Table III, the registered-unrecognized political parties and postal address of their Headquarters; a nd (d)In Table IV, the fr ee symbols. IN S O FAR AS elections to t he Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir are concerned, this notification shall be deemed to have been issued in terms of Rules 5 and 10 of the Jammu and Kashmir Conduct of Elections Rules, 1965 and under the Election Symbols (Reser vation and Allotment) Order, 1968 as made applicable for elections t o the Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir. - 2 - Ex-106/2014 TAB LE – INATIONAL PARTIESSl.N. Name of the PartySymbol reservedAddress 1.Bahujan Samaj PartyElephant [In all States/U.T.s except in 4, Gurudwara Rakabganj Road, the State of Assam, where its candidates New D elhi – 110001. will have to choose a symbol from out of the list of free symbols specified by the Commission] 2.Bharatiya Janata PartyLotus11, Ashoka Road,New Delhi – 110001. 3.Communist Party of India Ears of Corn and SickleAjoy Bhawan, Kotla Marg,New Delhi – 110002. 4.Communist Party of India Hammer, Sickle and StarA.K.Gopalan Bhawan,27-29, Bhai Vir (Marxist)Singh Marg (Gole Market), New Delhi-110001. 5.Indian National Congress Hand24,Akbar Road, New Delhi – 110011. 6.Nationalist Congress Party Clock10, Bishambhar Das Marg,New Delhi-110001. TABLE – IISTATE PARTIESSl. Name of theState/Name of the State PartySymbolAddress No. UnionTerritoryReserved 1. Andhra Pradesh1. Telangana Rashtra Samithi CarHouse No. 8-2-220/110/1/3, Road No.14, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 2. Telugu DesamBicycleTelugu Desam Party Office, N.T.R. Bhavan, Road No.2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500033.(Andhra Pradesh). 2. Arunachal Pradesh 1. All India Trinamool Congress Flowers and 30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street GrassKolkata-700026,West Bengal. 2. People’s Party of Arunachal MaizeK. Ringu Complex, G-Extension Road, Naharlagun-791110 ( Arunachal Pradesh). 3. Assam1. All India United Democratic Lock & KeyNo.3 Friends Path, Hatigaon, FrontGuwahati-781038 (Assam). 2. Asom Gana ParishadElephantHead Office :- Gopinath Bordoloi Road, Guwahati- 781001 (Assam). 3. Bodoland Peoples FrontNangolHead Office Kokrajhar, B.T.C., P.O.-Kokrajhar, Distt. Kokrajhar, Assam, Pin-783370. 4. Bihar1. Janata Dal (United)Arrow7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi-110001. 2. Lok Jan Shakti PartyBungalow12, Janpath, New Delhi – 110 011. 3. Rashtriya Janata DalHurricane13, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, LampNew Delhi -110001. 5. GoaMaharashtrawadi GomantakLionVikas ‘A’ Building, 3rd Floor, Near Pharmacy College, 18th June Road, Panaji - 403001 (Goa). 6. Haryana1. Haryana Janhit Congress (BL) Tractor135, Golf Links, New Delhi-110003. 2. Indian National Lok DalSpectacles18, Janpath, New Delhi-110011. 7. Jammu & Kashmir 1. Jammu & Kashmir National Plough(i) Sher-e-Kashmir Bhavan, Residency ConferenceRoad, Jammu (J & K). (ii) Nawai Subh Complex, Zero Bridge, Srinagar (J & K). 2. Jammu & Kashmir National Bicycle17, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001. Panthers Party 3. Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Ink Pot & Pen 2-Emporium Lane, Residency Road, Democratic PartySrinagar 8. Jharkhand1. AJSU PartyBananaPoornima Tower, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2A, Opp. Chhaganlal Jain, Dhramshala, Lake Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand- 834001. 2. Jharkhand Mukti MorchaBow & Arrow Bariatu Road, Ranchi-834008 (Jharkhand). 3. Jharkhand Vikas MorchaCombAtithishala, Morhavadi, Ranchi, Jharkhand (Prajatantrik) 4. Rashtriya Janata DalHurricane13, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi -110001. Lamp 9. Karnataka1. Janata Dal (Secular)A Lady Farmer 5, Safdarjung Lane, New Delhi – 110003. carrying Paddy on her head 2. Karnataka Jantha PakshaYet to be# 11, 12th Main 17th Cross, Malleshwaram, allottedBengaluru – 560055.Karnataka 10. Kerala1. Janata Dal (Secular)A Lady Farmer 5, Safdarjung Lane, New Delhi – 110003. carrying Paddy on her head 2. Kerala Congress (M)Two LeavesState Committee Office, Near Fire Station, Kottayam (Keral a). 3. Indian Union Muslim League LadderQuaid-e-Millath Manzil,36 Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Chennai-600001,Tamil Nadu. 11. Maharashtra1. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena RailwayKrishna Kunj, M.B.Raut Road, Shivaji EnginePark, Mumbai-400028, Maharashtra. 2. Shiv SenaBow andShivsena Bhavan, Gadkari Chowk, ArrowDadar, Mumbai-400028(Maharashtra). 12. Manipur1. All India Trinamool Congress Flower and30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, GrassKolkata-700026 (West Bengal) 2. Manipur State Congress Party CultivatorKeishampat (Opposite Raj Bhawan), Cutting Crop Imphal-795 001 (Manipur). 3. Naga Peoples FrontCockPost Box No.565, Kohima-797001, Nagaland. 4. People’s Democratic Alliance CrownRagailong, Imphal-795 001, Manipur. 13. Meghalaya 1. United Democratic PartyDrumMawlai Nonglum, Shillong-793008 (Meghalaya). 2. Hill State People’sLionKench’s Trace, Laban,Shillong 739004. Democratic Party(Meghalaya) 3. National People’s PartyBook2nd Floor, MDU Building,M. G. Avenue, Imphal – 795001 (Manipur) 14. Mizoram1. Mizo National FrontStarGeneral Headquarters, Zarkawt, Aizawl (Mizoram). 2. Mizoram People’s Conference Electric Bulb General Headquarters, Treasury Square, Aizawl-796001 (Mizoram). 3. Zoram Nationalist PartySunGeneral Headquarters, Treasury Square, (without rays) Aizawl-796001 (Mizoram). 15. Nagaland Naga Peoples FrontCockPost Box No.565, Kohima-797001, Nagaland. 16. N.C.T. of DelhiAam Aadmi PartyBroomA-119, Ground Floor, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad - 201010, Uttar Pradesh. 17. OrissaBiju Janata DalConchNaveen Nivas, Aerodrome Gate, Bhubaneswar-751009 (Orissa). 18. Puducherry1. All India Anna DravidaTwo Leaves275, Avvai Shanmugam Salai, Royapettah, Munnetra KazhagamChennai-600014 (Tamil Nadu). 2. All India N.R. CongressJugNo. 51, J.J. Complex,100 Feet Road, Illapillaichavadi, Nellithope Post, Puducherry –605005. 3. Dravida M unnetraRising Sun‘Anna Arivalayam’ 268-269, Anna Salai, KazhagamTeynampet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). 4. Pattali Makkal KatchiMango63, Nattu Muthu Naiken Street, Vanniya Teynampet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu).- 3 -Ex-106/2014 19. PunjabShiromani Akali DalScalesBuilding No.6, Sector-28 B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh – 160028. 20. SikkimSikkim Democratic FrontUmbrellaUpper Deorali, Gongtok, East Sikkim. 21. Tamil Nadu1. All India Anna DravidaTwo leaves275,Avvai Shanmugam Salai, Royapettah, Munnetra KazhagamChennai-600014 (Tamil Nadu). 2. Dravida M unnetra Kazhagam Rising Sun‘Anna Arivalayam’ 268-269, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai-600018(Tamil Nadu). 3. Desiya MurpokkuNagara125/7, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai(100 Ft. Road), Dravida KazhagamKoyambedu, Chennai-600 107, Tamil Nadu. 22. Uttar Pradesh1. Rashtriya Lok DalHand Pump12-Tughlak Road, New Delhi-110011. 2. Samajwadi PartyBicycle18, Copernicus Lane, New Delhi. 23. West Bengal1.All India Forward BlocLion28,Gurudwara Rakab Ganj Road, New Delhi –110001 2. All India Trinamool Congress Flowers &30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, GrassKolkata-700026 (West Bengal) 3. Revolutionary Socialist Party Spade &37 Ri pon Street (Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani), StokerKolkata-700016 (West Bengal). TABLE – IIIREGISTERED UNRECOGNISED PARTIESSl.No.Name of the Registered Unrecognised Political PartyHeadquarters Address 1.2.3. 1.Aadarshwaadi Congress PartyE.W.S. – 04, Kausalpuri Colony, Phase-2, Near of Water Tank, Gramsabha–Gaddopur, Vikas Khand – Masoadha, Tahsil – Sadar, District – Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh. 2.Aadijan Mukti Sena‘First Floor’, 21, Durgesh Vihar, J.K. Road, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) 3.Aadivasi Sena PartyAt & Post – Rupvel (Nishal Falia),Tal. Vansada, Distt. Navsari-396 321, Gujarat. 4.Aam Janata PartyVillage – Jigina,P.O. – Manjhariya Vikram,District – Basti, Uttar Pradesh. 5.Aama Odisha Party185, VIP Colony, IRC Village,Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar,Odisha – 751015 6.Aapka Hamara PartyGram – Mahudar, Post – Rewali, District – Hazaribagh, Jharkhand – 825301.. 7.Aarakshan Virodhi PartyDT-146, Tirkha Colony, Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana – 121004. 8.Aarthik Samanta Party189, B-Block, Gali No. 4/6,Karawal Nagar,DELHI-110094. 9.Aazadi Ka Antim Aandolan DalM.I.G.D. – 27, Shailendra Nagar, Raipur-492001 Chhattisgarh. 10.A-Chik National CongressDakopgre (Opp. office of Inspector & School), Tura, West Garo Hills, (Democratic)Meghalaya – 794 101. 11.Adarsh Jan Shakti PartyH.No. 10204, Araie Wali Gali, Maan Auto Stand,Durga Puri, Haibowal Kalan, Ludhiana, Punjab. 12.Adarsh Lok DalAbu Nagar, Opposite Police Station Fatehpur City, Distirct, Fatehpur (U.P). 13.Adarsh Manavtawadi PartyD. S. /919, Sector-C,Sitapur Road Yojna,Janakipuram, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 14.Adarsh Political Party405, Kundan Bhawan Commercial Complex, Azadpur, Delhi-110 033. 15.Adarsh Rashtriya Vikas PartyH.No. 1369, Suraksha-1, Sector –4,ELDECO, Rai Bareilly Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 16.Adarsh Samaj PartyB-505, Kamla Nagar, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 17.Adarshwadi DalJawahar Road, Khurja-203136,Distt. Bulandshahr, (U.P.). 18.Adhunik Vikaswadi PartyD-1/425, Sector-H, L.D.A. Colony,Kanpur Road, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 19.Adim Bhartiya DalBeldar Bhawan, Kuri Bazaar Marg,(Balua) Kuri Bazaar,Distt. Gorakhpur – 273404, Uttar Pradesh. 20.Adivasi Jan Kalyan PartyC/o Dakshin Gujarat Gamit Samaj Seva Trust Panwadi,Near Gujarat Traders, Vyara, District - Tapi, Gujarat-394650. 21.Advait Ishawasyam CongressGuruaaiyanwari Ashram,Riva Naka, Meher, Distt. Satna,Madhya Pradesh. 22.Agar Jan PartyV-949, Aggarwal Wali Gali, Near Main Krishna Gali, M oujpur, Delhi-110053. 23.Ahinsa DalSikarwar Sadan, L-1/108,109 Sector-B, Priyadarshini Colony, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.- 4 - Ex-106/2014 24. Aihra National Party1/24, S.F., KMT Bhawan,St. # 2, Lalita Park, Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-110092. 25. Aims PartyAzad Chowk, Piprahi Bazaar,Post – Piprahi,Distt. - SheoharBIHAR-843334. 26. Ajeya Bharat PartyA-14, Mohan Estates, Mathura Road, New Delhi. 27. Akahand Bharat Maha SanghSunfool, Kota-1, (Rajasthan). Sarvahara Krantikari Party 28. Akali Dal (1920)296, Sector 10-A, Chandigarh-160010. 29. Akhand Bharat Ekta AndolanBasant Bhawan, 17/34, Singhan Street, Kashipur-Pin Code-244713, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttaranchal). 30. Akhand Bharat National Party22-3-947/33/A/1/1, Mega City No.125, Purani Haveli, Opp. Setwin Office, Hyderabad-500002, Andhra Pradesh. 31. Akhand Bharat Samaj PartyE-14, First Floor, DDA Mini Market, Sultan Puri, Delhi – 110086 32. Akhand Bharatheeya AawaazA – 54, Manek Nagar CHS Ltd., M.G. Road, Kandivali (West),Mumbai - 400067 Maharashtra. 33. Akhand Bharatiya Kavach Party B-33, Ashok Nagar,Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh. 34. Akhand BhartiE-5 (1st Floor), Bali Nagar,Shivaji M arg, New Delhi-110015. 35. Akhand Desham Party6, Dwarkapuri, Sector-8, Indira Nagar,Lucknow-226016Uttar Pradesh. 36. Akhand Jharkhand People’s Front At & P.O.- Gidhaur, Distt. Jamui, Bihar – 811305. 37. Akhil Bharat Hindu MahasabhaMandir Marg, New Delhi-110001. 38. Akhil Bharat Samagra Kranti Party Rajendra Pandey’s House,In front street of Dr. Saleem Ahmad,Katra, Basti, District Basti, Pin Code No.272001, Uttar Pradesh. 39. Akhil Bharatiya Aman Committee 1/9986, West Gorakh Park, Shahdara, Delhi-110032. 40. Akhil Bharatiya Ashok Sena117/0/117, Gita Nagar, Kanpur-208025(Uttar Pradesh). 41. Akhil Bharatiya Atyant Pichhara Transformer Lane, North Nawada,Ara, District – Bhojpur,Bihar-802301. Sangharsh Morcha Party, 42. Akhil Bharatiya Azad LokhitKhari Mohalla, Khatikon Ka Chowk,Bhiwani, Haryana. Congress Party 43. Akhil Bharatiya Azad PartyPhawwara Tiraha, Nai Sarak,Shajadpur, Akbarpur-224122Janpad- Ambedkarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. 44. Akhil Bharatiya Bharat Mata –Office – Nandurbar, Pin-425412, Distt. Dhulia (Maharashtra). Putra Paksha 45. Akhil Bharatiya BhrastacharOm Building, Chhatrapathi Shivaji Chowk, Gondhale Nagar, Hadpsar, Nirmoolan SenaPune-411002 (Maharashtra). 46. Akhil Bharatiya Congress DalCh-1, Kumbha Nagar, Housing Board, Chittorgarh-312001 (Rajasthan). (Ambedkar) 47. Akhil Bharatiya Dalit Utthan Party A-201/2, Gali No. 1, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. 48. Akhil Bharatiya Dastkar MorchaChamber No.187, New Delhi Courts, Patiala House, New Delhi-110001. 49. Akhil Bharatiya Desh Bhakt Morcha Puranderpur G .P.O. , Patna (Bihar). 50. Akhil Bharatiya Gareeb PartyVillege-Kurana, Post Simmavali, Distt. Ghaziabad (U.P.). 51. Akhil Bharatiya Garib MazdoorG-10/2, Ratia Marg, Sangam ViharNew Delhi-110062. Kisan Party 52. Akhil Bharatiya General Labour Party A-3/85, Nand Nagari, Delhi – 93. 53. Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha LeagueMahabir Building, Ladenla Road,Darjeeling – 734101( West Bengal). 54. Akhil Bharatiya Hind Kranti Party Krishna Bhavan, Semriya Chowk, Satna, Madhya Pradesh. 55. Akhil Bharatiya Jan SanghJ-394, Shankar Road, New Delhi –110060. 56. Akhil Bharatiya Janata Congress 4 U.F. Babar Place, Todarmal Road, Near Bengali Market, New Delhi-110001. 57. Akhil Bharatiya Kisan Mazdoor Shri Mahatma Gandhi Vichar Kendra, Uldan, Jhansi. (Uttar Pradesh). Morcha 58. Akhil Bharatiya Kranti Dal7, Prem Colony, Pragati Path, Ist Floor,Kalyan Nagar, Behind Hanuman Mandir, Tonk Road, Jaipur – 302011, Rajasthan. 59. Akhil Bharatiya Lok TantrikVillege Barve, Post Dahu, P.S.Ormanazi, Distt. Ranchi (Bihar). Alp-Sankhyak Jan Morcha 60. Akhil Bharatiya Lokraj PartyH.O.Raghubir Nagar, Ballabgarh, Faridabad (Haryana). 61. Akhil Bharatiya Loktantra Party Vill & P.O.Dattavali, Distt. Meerut (U.P.). 62. Akhil Bharatiya Manav Adhikar Dal 1602, D.D.A. Janta Flats, G.T.B.Enclave, Delhi-110093. 63. Akhil Bharatiya M anav Seva Dal A-74, Sector-12, Noida (U.P.). 64. Akhil Bharatiya Manavata Paksha Manavata Bhavan Pentry (Koke),Teh. Sindevahi, Distt.-Chanderpur, Maharashtra.- 5 -Ex-106/2014 65.Akhil Bharatiya Muslim LeagueKhari Kuan, M ughalpura Ist, Muradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh. (Secular) 66.Akhil Bharatiya Rajarya SabhaAdarsh Gurukul Shahi, District Pilibhit-262001 (Uttar Pradesh). 67.Akhil Bharatiya RajivwadiWZ-8-93, Tanwar M arket, Ring Road, Naraina, New Delhi-110028. Congress (Dubey) 68.Akhil Bharatiya Ram RajyaShri Krishna Bodh Dham, 7, Shankracharya Marg, Civil Lines, Delhi – 110054. Parishad (Prem Ballabh Vyas) 69.Akhil Bharatiya Rashtriya AzadH.O. 1 R 11-12 Vistar Yojna Dadabari, Kota (Rajasthan). Hind Party 70.Akhil Bharatiya RevolutionaryVaishali Nagar, Sidheshwar Ves, At. & Post : Latur,Distt. Latur, 413512 Shoshit Samaj Dal(Maharashtra). 71.Akhil Bharatiya SamajwadiC-31, Hauz Khas, August Kranti M arg, New Delhi- 110016. Congress 72.Akhil Bharatiya Sangharsh Dal Nangli Bhattha, Fethehgarh Choorian Road, Amritsar-143001, Punjab. 73.Akhil Bharatiya SenaOm Kala Niketan Sankalap,Co-op. Housing Society, Anandgar, Vikhorili Park Site (West), Mumbai-400079 (M aharashtra). 74.Akhil Bharatiya ShivsenaAkhil Bharatiya Shivsena Bhawan, Gur Mandi, Ludhiana (Punjab). Rashtrawadi 75.Akhil Bhartiya Janata Sahara Party 7/96-97, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 76.Akhil Bhartiya Aamjan PartyF-1, 99, Shiv Nagar A,Harnathpura, Kalawad Road,Jaipur – 302012, Rajasthan. 77.Akhil Bhartiya Gondwana Party 263, Rahul Nagar, Kolar Road,Bhopal-462003,MADHYA PRADESH. 78.Akhil Bhartiya Janata Vikas Party 21-D, Pocket A-3, Everest Apartment, Kalkaji Extention, New Delhi – 110019. 79.Akhil Bhartiya Jharkhand Party Village – Kinudeeh, Post – Karandeeh,Jamshedpur-831002, Distt. – Poorvi Singhbhoom, Jharkhand. 80.Akhil Bhartiya Loktantrik Congress F-3, Park Road, Lucknow (U. P.). 81.Akhil Bhartiya M ithila PartyHouse of Shri Ratneshwar Jha, Village & P.O. Parjuar, Distt. M adhubani (Bihar), PIN-847229. 82.Akhil Bhartiya Nagrik Sewa Sangh Plot No. 98, Ratan Lal Nagar,Kanpur – 208022, Uttar Pradesh. 83.Akhil Bhartiya Sudhar PartyHouse No. 2389, 1st Floor,Hudson Lane, Kingsway Camp,Delhi-110009. 84.Akhil Bhartiya Swarajya DalH. No. 22/178, Manjh Khore Ramedi, Tarous Chauraha, Hamirpur,Uttar Pradesh 85.Akhil Bhartiya Vikas Congress Party S-7,Vikasdeep Basement, Station Raod, Lucknow -226001Uttar Pradesh. 86.Akhil Jan Vikas Dal50A/1A, Nahar Pur, Rao S.K. Shopping Complex, Sector-7, Rohini, Delhi-85. 87.Akhil Rashtrawadi PartyMoharvati Sisoudiya Bhawan, Near Dak Bangla, Nadri Gate, Kasganj, District Eta (Uttar Pradesh). 88.Akhila Bharatiya Rytha PartyNo. 127, Shravanabelagula Town, Bangaluru Main Road, Channarayapatna Taluk, Hassan District, Karnataka-573135. 89.Akhila India JananayakaNo. 171, Kannan Nagar, Winterpet,Arakonam, Vellore Distt., Tamil Nadu. Makkal Katchi (Dr. Isaac) 90.Akhilandra MahadesamDoor No. 2-9-53, Nawabpet,Medak – 502 110, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh. 91.Akila India Vallalar Peravai43, Pillayar Koil Street, Veera Ragavapuram,Chennai – 600 077, Tamil Nadu. 92.Al-Hind PartyB-2/40, Safdarjung Enclave,New Delhi-110029. 93.Ali Sena1/1, Jafrabad, New Seelampur, Delhi-110053. 94.All India Ambedkar Makkal104, Walja Road, 3rd Floor, Arivu Mani Arangam, Triplicane, Chennai, Munnetra KazhagamTamil Nadu 600002. 95.All India Athithanar Makal Katchi H.O. 24, Thangam Colony, Annagar Weat, Chennai-40, Tamil Nadu. 96.All India Babu Jagjivan RamC-22, Basement, Chirag Enclave,New Delhi-110048. Baba Saheb National Congress 97.All India Bahujan Samman Party 107, Tikri Kalan, New Delhi-110041. 98.All India BC,OBC PartyH.No. 1-1-109/18,Ramdas Nagar, Kapra, ECIL, Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh – 500062. 99.All India Bharti Jug PartyNear Luxmi Narain Mandir,Grain M arket, Mansa – 151 505, Punjab. 100. All India Christian DemocraticBlock A-1, Flat 2, Kolkata-700054(West Bengal). and Backward People’s Party 101. All India Dalit Welfare Congress Flat No. 44, Sector B-4, Narela, Delhi. 102. All India Forward Bloc (Subhasist) 49-M, Mothilal, 1st Street, Madurai- 625010 (Tamil Nadu). 103. All India Gareeb CongressA-1/126, Sector-6, Rohini, New Delhi. 104. All India Homeless People Congress Nabagram Garia, P.O. Panchpota, South 24 Parganas-743516 (West Bengal).- 6 - Ex-106/2014 105. All India Indira Congress (Secular) 2680, Chooriwalan, Delhi-110006. 106. All India Kissan M azdoor Morcha Gali Gujjar Singh Wali,Inside Bagdadi Gate,Firojpur City,Punjab-152002. 107. All India Krantikari Congress184/1469, Moti Lal Nagar-1, Goregaon (West), Mumbai-400104, Maharashtra. 108. All India Liberal PartyPlot No. 48, Near Vinayaka Temple,Sector-6, M.V.P. Colony, Visakhapatnam-530017, Andhra Pradesh. 109. All India Lok Raj PartyVillage-Meharban, Tehsil & District-Ludhiana (Punjab). 110. All India Mahila Democratic Front House No.6-1-57/62, Secretariat Road, Saifabad, Hyderabad-500004, (AIMDF)Andhra Pradesh. 111. All India Mahila Raj Party5A, Orient Row, Kolkata-700017 (West Bengal). 112. All India Majlis-E-IttehadulDarussalam Board, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). Muslimeen 113. All India Manchi PartyFlat No. F-5, Sai Apartment, Katuru Road, Vuyyuru,Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. 114. All India Mazdoor Party (Rangreta) H.No. 2453, Bagh Wala Khuh, Jandiyala Guru, District – Amritsar, Punjab. 115. All India Minorities Front148, South Avenue, New Delhi-110001. 116. All India Moovendar MunnaniLake Area, Melur Road, Madurai-625107, (Tamil Nadu). Kazhagam 117. All India M ukti Dal PartyPlot No. 158/1, H. No. 37-93/55/1,Road No.3, Mathuranagar,Neredmet ‘X’ Roads, Secunderabad-500094Andhra Pradesh. 118. All India Muttahida Qaumi Mahaz # H. No. 19-2-23/M/J/5/E,1st Floor, Bahadurpura,M ecca Colony, Hyderbad-500053, Andhra Pradesh. 119. All India Party for the Protection 100 A/5, 11th Sector, 66th Street, Ponnambalam Salai, K.K. Nagar, of Civil RightsChennai – 600 078. 120. All India People’s PartyCentral Committee, Ghandhi Nagar – 1st Line, Berhampur-760001 (Orissa). 121. All India Peoples’ Front (Radical) B.P.- 18, 40- Feet Road, Patel Nagar, Mugal Sarai,Chandauli, UTTAR PRADESH. 122. All India Pichhada Jan Samaj Party 475/15 Ka, Kadam Rasool,Daliganj, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 123. All India Progressive Janata Dal 17, Akbar Road, New Delhi-110001. 124. All India Rajiv Krantikari Congress B-68, Jagat Puri, Delhi-110051. 125. All India Raksha PartyPost Box No. 136, Main Post Office, Karnal-132001, Haryana. 126. All India Ravidas Samata PartyBhagwat Singh Bhawan No. 10,Sector – 11, Shastrinagar,Meerut,Uttar Pradesh. 127. All India Sadguna PartyKalkiri Indlu Village, RKVB Pet Post, Karvet Nagar M andal, Pin-517582, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. 128. All India Samathuva Makhal Katchi 2, Kalyani Nagar, Kattivakkam, Chennai – 600041, Tamil Nadu. 129. All India Shiromani BabaVillege & P.O. M ajitha, Amritsar (Punjab). Jiwan Singh Mazhabi Dal 130. All India Singaravelar Munnetra No. 2/305, Singaravelar Nagar, Neelangkarai, Chennai –600 041Tamil Nadu. Kazhagam 131. All India Stree ShaktiII-257/1, Co.Op. Society Colony,Madanapalle-517325,Chittor District, ANDHRA PRADESH. 132. All India Tafsili United PartyVillage Simulpur, Post-Thakur Nagar, Distt. 24-Parganas (N) (West Bengal). 133. All India Tamil Makkal Munnetra No. 25, Veerapandi Street, Perambur, Chennai-600 039,Tamil Nadu. Kazhagam, 134. All India Tribes And Minorities Front Windrush Hill Annexe, Shimla-2 (Himachal Pradesh). 135. All India UzhavargalDoor No.55, First Floor,Sinavar Street, Tiruppattur-635601,Tamil Nadu, Uzhaippalargal Katchi,CHENNAI. 136. All Indians’ Gandhi Congress212, Kalika Nagar, Andrahalli,M ain Road, Bangaluru-560058Karnataka. 137. All J & K Kisan M ajdoor PartyStandard Hotel, Saheed Chowk,Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir. 138. All J & K Peoples Patriotic Front Jawaharnagar, House No.97, Police Station, Ragh Bagh, Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir). 139. All Jammu & Kashmir LiberalM.P. Gali, Raj Bagh, Srinagar,Jammu & Kashmir. Democratic Party 140. All Jammu and Kashmir1464, Mohalla Khwaja Bazar, Near Power Station, Anantnag, Pin Code -192101, Republican PartyJammu and Kashmir. 141. All Kerala M.G.R. DravidaDas Building Nemom P.O.Thiruvananthapuram-695 020 (Kerala). Munnetra Party 142. All Party Hill Leaders Conference P.O. Tura Chandmari, West Garo Hills-794002 (Meghalaya). (Armison Marak Group)- 7 -Ex-106/2014 143. All Peoples PartyDoor No. 1-138, Pallegunta Village. & Post,Gurazala Rural Mandal, Guntur District. Andhra Pradesh. 144. Alpjan Samaj PartyDak Bangala Market Parishar, 1st Floor, Shop No. 28, Dak Bangla Market, P.O. – Sasaram, P.S. – Sasaram, Distt. Rohtas, Bihar – 821115. 145. Ambedkar Janatha PartyNo. 57/1, Savimana Enterprises, Badrappa Layout, Kodigehalli, Nagashettyhalli, M ain Road, Bagalore-560092, Karnataka. 146. Ambedkar Kranti DalShanti Homeopathic Store, Arya Samaj Chowk, Badayun, Uttar Pradesh. 147. Ambedkar National Congress8-3-323, Amreetpet Cross Road, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). 148. Ambedkar National Makkal Katchi Door No. 53, Gandhi Road, (formerly Peeran Lane),Thirupattur, Vellore District, Pin-635601 Tamil Nadu. 149. Ambedkar Peoples Movement39. Saravana Street, T. Nagar, Chennai- 600017 (Tamil Nadu). 150. Ambedkar PragatisheelDr. Lohia Colony, Shahjhapur, Pin-242001 (Uttar Pradesh). Republican Dal 151. Ambedkar Samaj Party304, Mandakini Enclave, Alaknanda, New Delhi-110019. 152. Ambedkarbadi Party136/1,Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata-700063 (West Bengal). 153. Ambedkarist Republican PartyBehind Rashtrabhasha Prachar Sammittee, Wardha-442001, Distt. –Wardha, Maharashtra. 154. Ambedkarite Party of IndiaA C/o 26, Bhoslewadi, Near Awale Babu Square, Lashkaribagh, Nagpur, Maharashtra – 440017. 155. Amra BangaleeNo.2, Ballav Street, Kolkata-700004 (West Bengal). 156. Anaithindhia MGR Katchi68, Habibullah Road, T. Nagar, Chennai-600017, Tamil Nadu. 157. Anaithindia Dravidar Samudaya No.13, East Meda Street, Thiruvathipuram & Post Cheyyar Taluk – 604 407, Munnetra KazhagamThiruvannamalai Distt., Tamil Nadu. 158. Anaithinthiya Thamizhaga10/2, Nalvar Nagar, Kalveerampalayam, Bharathiar University (Post) Munnetra KazhagamCoimbatore - 641048 (Tamil Nadu). 159. Anaithu Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam D. No. 199/416 (RS No. 177-1B), 1st Floor, Arcot Road, Vadapazhani Chennai - 600 026 Tamil Nadu. 160. Anbu Udhayam Katchi12/11, Subash Illam,Theni – Gudalur – 625518,Tamilnadu. 161. Andaman Nicobar Vikas Congress MB-23, M.G. Road, Middle Point,Port Blair-741 001, (Andaman Nicobar Islands). 162. Andhra Nadu Party10-5-14/1, M asab Tank, Hyderabad-500028 (Andhra Pradesh). 163. Andhra Paradesh RashtraH. No. 11-8-118/2(Old), 11-8-99/84(New), Narsimhapuri Colony, Ashtalakshmi Samaikya Samithi PartyHYD-VIJAYAWADA Highway, Hyderabad-500 035, Andhra Pradesh. 164. Andhra Pradesh NavodayaNo.3-11, Thukkuguda, Village, Maheshwaram Mandal, Mankhal Post, Ranga Praja PartyReddy District (Andhra Pradesh). 165. Andhra Rastra Praja SamithiBehind AC Stadium,Koneyapalem Gate,Dargamitta, Nellore,Andhra Pradesh-524001 166. Anna Telugu Desam Party4-1-825/8,9 and 10, NTR Estates, Abids, Hyderabad-500001, Andhra Pradesh. 167. Anndata PartyMandir Sri Purushottam Bhagwan, Chandrabhaga-326023, Jhalarapatan City, District-Jhalawar (Rajasthan). 168. Antarrastriya Swarn Congress Party Village & Post – Sarakara Vishnoi,Vikas Khand – Dilari,Tehsil – Thakurdwara, District – M oradabad,Uttar Pradesh - 244401. 169. AntashchetanPU-102, 1st Floor, Pitam Pura,Delhi – 110 088. 170. Anti Reservation Party of IndiaH.No. 1184, Sector-21-B, Chandigarh. 171. Apna BharatSaini Bhawan, Near Kalkaji Mata Mandir, Kalkaji, New Delhi – 110 019. 172. Apna Dal1/2A.P. Sen Road, Lucknow, (U.P.). 173. Apna Desh PartyH. No. – 457, Majorganj,District - Sultanpur,Uttar Pradesh 174. Arunachal CongressG- Extension, Naharlagun (Arunachal Pradesh) 175. Arya DalCentral Camp Office – 775,Shanti Colony,Itawa, Uttar Pradesh. 176. Arya Sabha7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi-110001. 177. Aryavart PartyVillage & Post – Barsaina,Thana – Ahirauli,District - Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh – 274207 178. Asankhya Samaj PartyA-490, Gali No. 22,Shyam Colony, Buddh Vihar, Phase –2, Delhi-110086. 179. Asom Gana Parishad Pragatisheel H.O.-G.S. Road, Ulubari,Guwahati-781 007, Assam. 180. Ati Picchara PartyMohalla- Badi Pahadi, PO-Sohsarai,Thana-Laheri, Zila-Nalanda-803118, Bihar. 181. Ati Pichhda Varg M ahasangh3/1274, Jankipuram Vistar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 182. Ati Pichhra Jan DalVillage: Rampur Bakli, Post & Distt. Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh. 183. Atulya Bharat Party91, Pili Kothi,Near Guruharikishan Public School,Hari Nagar,New Delhi-110064.- 8 - Ex-106/2014 184. Autonomous State DemandRongniheng, Diphu-782460, Karbi Anglong (Assam). Committee 185. Awami Aamjan PartyBaria Ghat Road, Wellesliganj, Distt. Mirzapur-231001, U.P. 186. Awami PartyE-11/77, New Colony, Hauz Khas Ext.,Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017. 187. Awami Socialist Party of IndiaBukhara, Bakshiwala Road,Bijnaur – 246 701 (Uttar Pradesh). 188. Azad Hindustan PartyE Block – 265, Yadav Nagar,New Delhi – 110042. 189. Azad Janata Party208, Dhillan Complex,Akashganga Supaila,Bhilai, District - Durg, Chhattisgarh. 190. Azad Mazdoor Kissan PartyD-4, Prem Nagar-III, Shani Bazaar Road,Kirari Nahar, Nangloi,New Delhi-110086. 191. B.C. Bharatha Desam Party,H.No.12-13-426, Street No.1,Tarnaka,Hyderabad – 500 017Andhra Pradesh. 192. B.C. United Front15, Saptagiri Nagar, Rethi Bowli, Hyderabad – 500 028, Andhra Pradesh. 193. Baaratha Samuthaya Munnetra 400/12, Ist Floor, Township Commercial Complex, Kamarajar Nagar Main MunnaniRoad, Avadi, Chennai – 600 071, Tamil Nadu. 194. Backward Classes DemocraticPeer Bagh Colony, Opp. Army Gate,Sunjwan Road, Jammu, Party, J&K (BDP)Jammu & Kashmir – 180 004. 195. Badavara Shramikara Raitara1/A, Parvathi Nagar Main Road, Bellary-583103 Karnataka Congress Party 196. Bahujan Ekta Party ( R )2151/T-10, D-6, Near Shadipur Depot,New Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008. 197. Bahujan Kisan DalKisan Bhawan, Rishabh Vihar, Circular Road, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. 198. Bahujan Kranti PartyVillage – Dhansua, Post – Central Jail,Fatehagarh, Distt. Farrukhabad, (Marxwad-Ambedkarwad)Uttar Pradesh – 209 601. 199. Bahujan Loktantrik PartyG-161, J.J.Colony, Wazirpur, Delhi-110052. 200. Bahujan Mahasangha PakshaRamnagar, Sudhir Colony, Akola – 444001, Maharashtra. 201. Bahujan Mukti PartyFlat No. 14, Aasha Pushp Vihar,Sahkari Aavas Samiti, Sector – 14, Kaushambi, Gazhiabad, Uttar Pradesh. 202. Bahujan Party125/98, New L.I.G. Barraha –7,Kanpur-208027Uttar Pradesh. 203. Bahujan Republican Ekta Manch Hardas Nagar, Kamptee, District Nagpur, Maharashtra. 204. Bahujan Republican PartyH.No.1-7-1046/18, SRT Quarters-18, Azamabad, Ramnagar, Hyderabad-500020 (Andhra Pradesh). 205. Bahujan Sadan MorchaIsari Bazar, Post - Isari Bazar,District – Giridih, Jharkhand-825107. 206. Bahujan Samaj Mukti MorchaH. No. B-198, Gali No. 11, Ground Floor, Bhajanpura, Delhi-110053. 207. Bahujan Samaj Party (Ambedkar) Village & Post Office Segti, Distt. Ambala (Haryana). 208. Bahujan Samaj PartyH.No. V-25, Sandhya Venus ApartmentS.P.Nagar, Moula-ali, Hyderabad, (Ambedkar-Phule)Andhra Pradesh 209. Bahujan Samaj Vikas Party20-B.D.S. Commercial M arket, Village – Sadarpur,Sector- 45, Post Office- Arun Vihar, Sector – 37, Noida, Janpad – Gautambudhnagar,Uttar Pradesh. 210. Bahujan Samajwadi Party53-54, 1st Floor, Commercial Complex, South Patel Nagar, In Front of Metro (Baba Saheb)Pillar No. 190, New Delhi - 110008. 211. Bahujan Sangharsh DalOpposite Padav Police Station, Laxmanpura, P.O. Laskar, (Gwalior), Madhya Pradesh. 212. Bahujan Sangharsh PartyBahujan Bhawan, Khabbashpur, Post-Malikpur, Zila-Ropar, Punjab. (Kanshiram) 213. Bahujan ShaktiMines Resque Station Camps, Post – Dhansar, Distt. – Dhanbad, Jharkhand. 214. Bahujan Suraksha Dal1/7, G.H. Board, Hardasnagar,Stadium Road, Old Bapunagar, Ahmedbad-380024 Gujarat. 215. Bahujan Uday ManchVillage: Chalakpur, Post – Jameen Rasoolpur, Distt. Ajamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 216. Bahujan Vikas AaghadiA-301, Arti Apartment, Vartak Raod, Virar (West), Taluka – Vasai, District – Thane, Maharashtra-401 303. 217. Bajjikanchal Vikas PartySahjanand Nagar, Bhagwanpur, N.H. 28, Muzaffarpur – 842002 (Bihar). 218. Bam Party538 K/780, Triveni Nagar-II, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 219. Banchita Swaraj Party117, No., Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Road,P.O. and P.S.-Nalhati, District-Birbhum-737220, West Bengal. 220. Barak Valley Territory DemandSwaraj Bhawan, Silehar Road, P.O. P.S. and District – Karimganj, Pin-788711, CommitteeAssam. 221. Begumpura Sanjha Front193, New Rasila Nagar, Basti Danishmandan,Jalandhar,Punjab. 222. Best Class Party House No. 94, Mohalla Alwal,Sadar- Azamgarh,Uttar Pradesh-276001. 223. Bhaarat Mahashakti Party11A, DDA Flats, Priyadarshni Vihar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092. 224. Bharat Bachao Party of IndiaS – 528, Greater Kailash Part-1, New Delhi –110048.- 9 -Ex-106/2014 225. Bharat Bhrashtachar Mitao Party New House No.4, Ground Floor,Begam Vihar, Block – A, Khasra No. 16/19, Village – Begampur, Near Bhairon Mandir, DELHI - 110086. 226. Bharat DalBharat Sevadham Arnayak, Krantideep Mourana, Nurpur, Distt. Bijnaur (U.P). 227. Bharat Desam PartyDoor No. 8-3-270/1, Nehru Nagar,9th Line, Main Road,Guntur – 522 001, Andhra Pradesh. 228. Bharat Jan Party324, Kailash Nagar, Ghaziabad(Uttar Pradesh). 229. Bharat Ka Kisan M ajdoor PartyVillage-Baliyan (Nayan Nagar),Post – Baliyan,M aharajganj, Siwan,Bihar-841506. 230. Bharat Kaumi DalVillage – Lathardeva Hoon, Post – Jhabreda, District – Haridwar, Uttarakhand. 231. Bharat Ki Lok Jimmedar Party3/250, Vishwas Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010 (Uttar Pradesh). 232. Bharat Kranti Rakshak PartyBarakkatpur, Post-Badagaon,Distt.-Koshambi, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 233. Bharat Labour Praja Party4-25, Seethanagar Colony,Somulagudem (P), Palvancha (M),Khammam District-507115, Andhra Pradesh. 234. Bharat Mangalam ParishadJamo Bazar, Hospital Chowk, P.O. Jamo Bazar, District Siwan, Bihar. 235. Bharat Nav Jyoti Sangh18/25-A, Kursava, Fulbagh, Kanpur-208001 (Uttar Pradesh). 236. Bharat Nav Nirman PartyA – 2, Nitesh Villa, Vivekanand Colony, Nayakhera, Ambabari,Jaipur-23, RAJASTHAN. 237. Bharat Navnirman Voter Sena1255-F, Basantvihar,Kanpur-208021Uttar Pradesh. 238. Bharat Nirman PartyHigh School Road,P.O.-Triveniganj,Distt.-Supaul-852139,Bihar. 239. Bharat Pensioner’s FrontR-17, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi-110016. 240. Bharat Punarnirman DalK.J. – 116, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 241. Bharat Rakshak Party (Democratic) Village Post Pakka Saharna,Tehsil Zila Hanumangarh, Rajasthan. 242. Bharat SrijanGeeta Nagar, Balkeshwar, Agra – 282 004, Uttar Pradesh. 243. Bharat Uday MissionC-3/4, Suman Nagar, V.N. Purav Marg,Chembur, Mumbai – 400071. 244. Bharat Vikas MorchaSekhpura Road, M adhupur, Distt. Devghar, Jharkhand. 245. Bharat Vikas Party (Secular)Kh. No.21/25, Near HP Petrol Pump, Upkar Properties, A-Block, Himgiri Enclave, Burari, Delhi-110084. 246. Bharat Vishal PartyA/6A, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi – 110067. 247. Bharateeya Bahujana Praja Rajyam D. No. 956, Arundelpet, 10th Lane, Guntur-522 002 Andhra Pradesh. 248. Bharateeya M anavadhikar Party 21, Rajendra Mullick Street,Kolkata – 700007,West Bengal. 249. Bharatha Makkal CongressN.30, Veluchetty Street, S.Kadiyur, Jolarpet, North Arcot Distt. (Tamil Nadu). 250. Bharatheeya SadharmaHouse No.3/17, Dorasani Palli, Proddatur Mandal, Kadapa District, Samsthapana PartyAndhra Pradesh. 251. Bharathiya Dravida Makkal Katchi 2036, 15th M ain Road, Anna Nagar West,Chennai – 600 040, Tamil Nadu. 252. Bharathiya Jana Shabdth331(311), Ward No. 1, Kallara House, Mundella (P.O.), Vellanadu, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 543, Kerala. 253. Bharathiya Nethaji Party3857, 4th Cross, Gayathri Nagar, Bangalore-560021 (Karnataka). 254. Bharathiya Praja Shakti No. 931,932, Karabala Maidana, Railway Station Cross Road,Channapattna Town & Taluk, Ramanagara District, Pin-571501 KARNATAKA. 255. Bharathiya Sahayog CongressMeghavath House, Chandanapuram, Mukanapalya Post, Chamarajanagar Taluk and District, Karnataka State – 571 127. 256. Bharathiya Yuvatha, Samatha,Flat No. G1, Ground Floor,ARK Residency Plot No. 304,Survey No. 153,154,163 Rashtriyatha Congress Partyand 143,Boduppal, Village & Gram Panchayat – Ghatkesar (Mandal), Rangareddy (District), Hyderabad-500038, Andhra Pradesh. 257. Bharatiya Ambedkar PartyMain Bazar, Krishna Nagar, Jaura Fatak, Amritsar (Punjab). 258. Bharatiya Asht Jan Party151, C Sector, Second Floor, Room No. 203, Inder Puri, Bhopal –462022 (M.P.). 259. Bharatiya Awaj PartyMilan Committee Sewa Sangh, Santosh Nagar, Behram Bagh, Jogeshwari West, Mumbai-440102, Maharashtra. 260. Bharatiya Backward Party71, Surya Apartments, Fraser Road, Patna –800001 (Bihar). 261. Bharatiya Bahujan Congress117, Khodiyar Krupa Soc.,Nr. Kantareshwar Mahadev Temple,Katargam, Surat, Gujarat 262. Bharatiya Bahujan Party156, Bharauli, Shahganj, Jaunpur,Uttar Pradesh. 263. Bharatiya Berozgar MazdoorBansal Gaon, P.O.Dheghat, Patti Malla, Chackaut, Distt- Almora (Uttaranchal). Kisan Dal 264. Bharatiya Bouddhik Vichar Party Village – Ballanagla Patti,Post – Shahpur Kheri, Tehsil – Dhampur, Distt. – Bijnour, (Uttar Pradesh). 265. Bharatiya Chhatrasangh Bharat Premghan Marg, Badli Ghat, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh-231 001. 266. Bharatiya Congress (M)16, Batra Colony,M.T.X. (Sonepat), Harayana.- 10 - Ex-106/2014 267. Bharatiya Congress PakshaKasba Peth, In Front of Linbuwali Sawari ,Post-Barshi, District-Solapur, MAHARASHTRA. 268. Bharatiya Democratic DalNo. 1A, Gangai Amman Koil, Second Street, Vadapalani, Chennai-600026 (Tam il Nadu). 269. Bharatiya Dr. B.R. AmbedkarNo.18, 12th Cross, MTS,Layout, Kengeri Upanagara,Bangluru-560060 Janata PartyKARNATAKA. 270. Bharatiya Eklavya PartyVillage and Post Belhar Kalan, Tehsil Mahdawal, District Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 271. Bharatiya Ekta Dal189, Basant Apartment, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 57. 272. Bharatiya Gaon Taj DalVillage-Kuka, P.O. – Maqsudpur, District Kapurthala, (Punjab). 273. Bharatiya Grameen DalAryavart Prakashan Mandir, Bus Stop Gosaiganj, Janpad- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 274. Bharatiya Hindu SenaAmer Bhawan, Amer, Jaipur (Rajasthan). 275. Bharatiya Inqalab PartyVillage – Rana Pratap Nagar, Islampur,Post & P.S. – Islampur,Distt. – Nalanda, Bihar. (Pin – 801303) 276. Bharatiya Jagriti DalRZ-21D, Gali No.4, Syndicate Enclave, Near Dabri Mode, Delhi - 110045. 277. Bharatiya Jai Bheem Party1304, Bhantlaiya, Sindhi Camp,Distt. Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. 278. Bharatiya Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Party Near Truck Union, Jhajjar, Distt-Rohtak (Haryana). 279. Bharatiya Jan Berojgar Chhatra Dal Near R.T.O. Office, Hussainganj, Siddharth Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 280. Bharatiya Jan Congress5158/XV, Mahalaxmi- Building, Behind Ramakrishna Mission, Paharganj Lane, New Delhi – 110055. 281. Bharatiya Jan Jagriti PartyBrijdham Ashram, Ranhera, Tehsil-Chhata, District-Mathura (Uttar Pradesh). 282. Bharatiya Jan Kisan Party35-C/2, Jaynteepur, Dhumanganj, Allahabad-211011 (Uttar Pradesh). 283. Bharatiya Jan Kranti DalF-23, Sainik Society, Shakti Nagar,Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. (Democratic) 284. Bharatiya Jan SabhaC/o Raja Ram Yadav, Raghuvir Nagar, New Colony, Devaria (U.P). 285. Bharatiya Jan Samajwadi PartyA-62, J. J. Colongy, Khanpur, New Delhi-110062. 286. Bharatiya Jan Sangharsh Morcha 14A/ 84, WEA, Karol Bagh,New Delhi-110005. (Mahatma Gandhi) 287. Bharatiya Jan Shakti218, V.P.House, Rafi Marg,New Delhi-110 001. 288. Bharatiya Jan Vikas PartyEast Ashok Nagar, Post-Gulab House, Road No.14A, Kankkarbagh, Patna-20, B ih ar. 289. Bharatiya Jankranti Party12/17, Chakkhuwala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 290. Bharatiya Jantantrik Parishad8/1, Outside Datia Gate, Jhansi-284001 (U.P.). 291. Bharatiya Janvadi PartyA-559, Shastri Park Extn., Buland M asjid, Delhi-110053. 292. Bharatiya Jawala Shakti Paksha P.O. Marud, Taluka and Distt- Latur,Adarsh Nagar, Near Micro Tower Pin-413510, Maharashtra. 293. Bharatiya Karyasth Sena121, Vishnu Colony, Shahganj, Agra-282010. Uttar Pradesh. 294. Bharatiya Kisan Kamgar Party214, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi-110049. 295. Bharatiya Kisan Parivartan Party Nagla Dakhal, Kotla Road, Ferozabad-283203, District Ferozabad, Uttar Pradesh. 296. Bharatiya Kisan Sena Loktantrik House No. 392/1,Chak Raghunath, Naini,Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 297. Bharatiya Krantikari DalA-5, Priyadarshini Vihar, NEW DELHI - 110092. 298. Bharatiya Krantikari Kammand Party 214, LIC Colony, Tagore Town, Allahabad-211002 (U.P.). 299. Bharatiya Labour PartyB.P. 281, Ravi Nagar, M ughalasarai, Varansai -232101 (U.P.). 300. Bharatiya Lok Kalyan DalArea/Post/Tahsil Bikabur, Distt. Faizabad, (Uttar Pradesh). 301. Bharatiya Lok Nyay Party7/103, Awas Vikas Colony, Sikandra Yojna, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 302. Bharatiya Lok Vikas PartyAnamalay, Panjlasa, Near Naraingarh,Distt. Ambala, Haryana – 134203. 303. Bharatiya Loktantrik PartySatyawati Niwas, Ram Das Path, Meethapur B- Area, Patna - 800001, Bihar. (Gandhi-Lohiawadi) 304. Bharatiya Manav Raksha DalBarkhera, Pathani, Bhopal-21 (Madhya Pradesh). 305. Bharatiya Manavata Vikas Party 133/4, Qutub Enclave, Phase-II, New Delhi-110016. 306. Bharatiya Minorities Suraksha410, Arcadia Building, Sir J.J.Road, Opp. J.J.Hospital M umbai-400008 Mahasangh(Maharashtra). 307. Bharatiya Momin Front174, Anand Puri, West Boring Canal Road, Patna-800001 (Bihar). 308. Bharatiya Mool Niwasi Samaj Party 77/129, Bhagat Singh Colony, Tarla Adhoiwala, Dehradun,Uttarakhand. 309. Bharatiya Muhabbat Party (All India) H.No.18184, Chandsar Basti, Bhatinda-151001 (Punjab). 310. Bharatiya Muslim Party (Siddiqui) Village Surajpur, P.O. Raradeoria, Distt. Khiri-262071 (Uttar Pradesh).- 11 -Ex-106/2014 311. Bharatiya Nagrik PartyVillage Kanasi, P.O. Kanasi, Distt. Farukhabad-207501(Uttar Pradesh). 312. Bharatiya National Janata Dal701 A, 7th Floor, Meghmalhar Complex,Sector No.11, Gandhinagar, Gujarat – 382010. 313. Bharatiya Nav Kranti PartyVillage- Makhmailpur, Post-Saraikhwaja, Distt.- Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 314. Bharatiya Navshakti Party5, Gurudwara Rakab Ganj Road, New Delhi – 110001. 315. Bharatiya Navyuvak Chetna Party 429/263, Near Amber Marriage Hall, Mojjamnagar, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 316. Bharatiya Navyuvak PartyH. No. 572, Bye Saheb Ki Pared,Near of Priya Bread Factory, Laxmiganj, Lashkar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 317. Bharatiya Parivartan Congress126, Adivasi Colony, Near Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Maharaj, Cancer Hospital, Manewada Road, Nagpur-440027, Maharashtra. 318. Bharatiya Parivartan Morcha3/8, Shah Nagar, M angla Puri Terminal, Palam, New Delhi. 319. Bharatiya Parivartan Party70-A, DDA Flat, Pandav Nagar, Near Metro Station Shadipur, New Delhi–110008. 320. Bharatiya Peoples PartyChikna Sheth Building, 1st Floor, Opp. Devi Kaman, Shiva Nagar, Aland Road, Gulbarga, Karnataka. 321. Bharatiya Pichhra DalVillage – Khujri, Post – Sagar, Via – Chakarmatha Camp, Distt. Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh – 495 220. 322. Bharatiya Praja PakshaNo.374/A, I-Floor, I-Block, I-Cross, Ravindranath Tagoor Nagar (R.T.Nagar), Bangalore - 560032 (Karnataka). 323. Bharatiya Prajashakti Party29/3, Panchkuiyan, Jhanshi, Uttar Pradesh. 324. Bharatiya Prajatantra PartyPatel Nagar, Road. No.9, Patna-23 (Bihar). 325. Bharatiya Prajatantrik ShudhMisda, Distt. Janjgeer, Vikas Khand Navgarh,Chhattisgadhanchal, Gandhiwadi Krishak DalChhattisgarh. 326. Bharatiya Purvanchal PartyE-68, Premchand Colony,Pandeypur (1),Varanasi,UTTAR PRADESH. 327. Bharatiya Rajiv Congress145, A-1, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029. 328. Bharatiya Rashtra ParishadE-164, Samastpur Road, Pandav Nagar, Delhi-110092. 329. Bharatiya Rashtravadi Paksha12,Juna Power House, Behind Rotary Hall, Jail Road, Mehsana (Gujarat) Pin-384002. 330. Bharatiya Rashtravadi Samanta F-402, Road No. 9-F, Vishwakarma Industrial Area,Jaipur-302013. Party 331. Bharatiya Rashtriya BahujanG-96, Shantipuram, Phaphamau, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh Samaj Vikas Party 332. Bharatiya Rashtriya Janhit Party C-2968, Sapna Colony, Lucknow-226017 (Uttar Pradesh). 333. Bharatiya Rashtriya MahilaNo.2, 1st Floor, Vayuputra Arcade, Ward No.15, Near NTTF, P.B. Road, Dharawad, Sarvodaya CongressDistrict – Dharawad,Karnataka – 580001 334. Bharatiya Rashtriya Mazdoor Dal Naya Sarafa, Gwalior-474001(Madhya Pradesh). 335. Bharatiya Rashtriya MorchaD-6, Pratap Bagh Colony, New Hanuman Mandir, Aliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 336. Bharatiya Rashtriya Swadeshi308, Ramnagari, 2/C, 3rd Floor,Alandi Road, Bhosry, Pune-411039, M aharashtra. Congress Paksh 337. Bharatiya Ravidas PartyMoh.Kundigarh, Post-Sadar,Ajamgarh,Uttar Pradesh. 338. Bharatiya Republican PakshaDr.Ambedkar Bhawan, Gokuldas Pasta Road, Dadar,Mumbai-400014 (Maharashtra). 339. Bharatiya Sadbhawana Samaj Party Khan M anjil Khaparganj, Bi laspur, C hhattisgarh. 340. Bharatiya Samaj Dal85, Chowk Makandu Ganj, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 341. Bharatiya Samaj Kalyan Party Bharat Ravender Electronics, Purani Chungi, Agra Road, Hathras, Distt. Aligarh (U.P). 342. Bharatiya Samaj Shakti Party (R) House No. 558, Vill. + Post – Badsi,Tehsil – Bawanikhed, Distt. Bhiwani-127032, Haryana. 343. Bharatiya Samajwadi Vikas Party F-717, Mangolpuri, Delhi-110083. 344. Bharatiya Samata PartyA-71, Nirman Vihar, New Delhi. 345. Bharatiya Sampuran Krantikari Party A-1/150, Aman Vihar, Nangloi,New Delhi – 110041. 346. Bharatiya Samta Samaj PartyGram - Dehramau, Post – Gosainganj,Zila – Lucknow – 227 125 (U.P.) 347. Bharatiya Sant Mat PartyBahu Jholri Road,V.P.O. – Nahar, Tehsil – Kosli,Distt. – RewariHARYANA. 348. Bharatiya Sarvkalayan Kranti Dal 2/643/C, Rambagh Colony, Ramghat Road, Aligarh-202001 (Uttar Pradesh). 349. Bharatiya Sarvodaya Kranti Party 199, North Avenue, New Delhi – 110 001. 350. Bharatiya Satya Vijayee PartyC- 120, Begam Vihar Extension,Begampur, Delhi-110086. 351. Bharatiya Satyarth SangathanBharat Nagar, Prem Vidyalaya, Railway Crossing, Beside Sankirtan Kunj, Near Birla M andiar, Varindavan Road, G.T.V – 3, Mathura-281003, (U.P.). 352. Bharatiya Seva Dal3-1-236/239/1, First Floor, Somasunderam Street, Secunderabad-500003 (Andhra Pradesh). 353. Bharatiya Shakti SenaShakti Sena Bhawan, Bariar No. 6, Audyaugik Kshetra Bahadarabad, Haridwar – 249402, Uttarakhand.- 12 - Ex-106/2014 354. Bharatiya Shramik DalL-238, Vikash Pradhikaran Colony, Indira Nagar, Rai Bareilly (U.P.). 355. Bharatiya Subhash SenaVill. & Post Office: Bankasiya Shivratan Singh, Janpad-Gonda -271302. (U.P.). 356. Bharatiya Surajya Manch831, Sector-10, Panchkula-134113, Haryana. 357. Bharatiya Swatantra PartyVillage- Naugai, P.O. – Raghunathnagar,Teh. –Vadrufnagar, Distt:- Sarguja, Chhattisgarh 358. Bharatiya Uttam SenaVillage & Post – Kheddhain, Thana – Aander, Distt. – Siwan, Bihar. 359. Bharatiya Yuva ShaktiHaveliyo ka Vaas, Gram Panchayat – Kosewal, Tehsil – Sumerpur, District – Pali, Rajasthan. 360. Bharipa Bahujan MahasanghaDr. Ambedkar Bhawan, Gokuldas Pasta Road, Dadar, Mumbai-400014 (Maharashtra). 361. Bharteey Samajvadi Morcha3/1108, Dehradun ChowkSaharanpur-247 001 (Uttar Pradesh). 362. Bharti Jan Suraksha PartyHead Office, Dholwha Road,Near Heera Colony, Town & P.O. Hariana, Distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab -144208 363. Bharti Krishak Seva SamajVillage-Kharkhari Ashram, Post-Kharkhoda, District-M eerut (Uttar Pradesh). 364. Bharti Lok Lehar Party136, Ajit Nagar, Amritsar (Punjab). 365. Bharti Sarvadarshi Parishad86/12, Deputy Ka Padav, Dev Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 366. Bhartiya Arya Kranti Manch83 Ram Vatika Colony,Behind Geeta Palace, Shyamganj, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh – 243005 367. Bhartiya Awam Party (Rastriya) House No. 30, (B.P.20) Bechupur, Patel Nagar (40 Feet Road), Mughalsarai, District – Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh- 232 101. 368. Bhartiya Chaitanya PartyB – 97, Panchsheel Vihar, Near Sheikh Sarai, Community Centre, New Delhi. 369. Bhartiya Dalit CongressChopara Para, Behind of Kali Mandir, Ambikapur,Distt. – Sarguja, CHHATTIAGARH- 497001. 370. Bhartiya Deshbhakt Party92/H/2, Pratap Market, Munirka (C/o Somu Press), New Delhi-110067. 371. Bhartiya Deshbhakt Sangh(Brajesh) Shop No. 1, Khasra No. 1494, Nehru Enclave, Bank Wali Gali, Alipur, Delhi – 110036. 372. Bhartiya Ekta Manch PartyShabab Building , Tagore Marg, Nadava Road, Lucknow-226020Uttar Pradesh. 373. Bhartiya Gantantra PartyH. No.5, Ganga Dham,Kundan Nagar, Bagh Mughaliya, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal, MADHYA PRADESH. 374. Bhartiya Gorkha Janashakti26/2, H.D. Lama Road, Darjeeling-734 101, (West Bengal). 375. Bhartiya Gram Nagar Vikas Party Ekta Vihar, Lane No. -1, Gramsabha – Aaamwala Talla, P.O. - Kandoli, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand – 248 001. 376. Bhartiya Harit Kranti DalVillage & P.O. – Sonta, Via – Alipur, Kheri, Distt. Mujaffar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 377. Bhartiya Harit PartyNear Hans Prakratik Chikitsalaya, Meerapur Road, Jansath, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh – 251314. 378. Bhartiya Hind Ekta DalDefence Colony, Anil Shaheed Nagar, Izatnagar, Nainital Road, Bareilly - 243122, Uttar Pradesh. 379. Bhartiya Jagaran PartyPoorvi Nawada, Arrah,Bhojpur-802 301, Bihar. 380. Bhartiya Jan Kalyan Party199/2, Arjun Nagar, Kaithal-136 027,(Haryana). 381. Bhartiya Jan Manch361, Street No. 13, BuddhVihar, (Behind Senior School), Mandoli Gaon, Nand Nagri, Delhi-110093. 382. Bhartiya Jan Nayak Party418, New Govind Puri, Kanker Khera, Meerut Cantt, Uttar Pradesh 383. Bhartiya Jan Sahyog Samanvaya 6/412. Farsh Bazar, Shahdra,Delhi – 110032. Party 384. Bhartiya Jan Sanmati PartyVillage – Harola, Sector – 5, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. 385. Bhartiya Jan Seva PartySharif Market, Hardoi Road, Sikrori, Post: Kakori, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-227 107. 386. Bhartiya Jan Yug PartyHeera Nagar, Purani Chhawni, Laskhar,Gwalior, M adhya Pradesh –474010. 387. Bhartiya Jana Congress (Rashtriya) 113/70B, Lal Bahadur Shastri Nagar, Patna-800023 (Bihar). 388. Bhartiya Janta DalC-16, Sanjay Vihar, Aavas Vikas Colony, Meerut Road, Hapur,Distt. Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 389. Bhartiya Janta Dal (Integrated) H.No. 62, Gali No.16,A-1 Block, Sant Nagar, (Bengali Colony), Burari Road, Delhi – 110084 390. Bhartiya Janta Ki Ekta PartyPlot No. 29-A and 30-A, Khasra No. 20/1/1,Village Rajapura Khurd Delhi, Colony Mohan Garden, R-III, A-2, New Delhi -110059 391. Bhartiya Jantantrik Janata Dal1, Daroga Rai Path,Patna – 800001, Bihar. 392. Bhartiya Kisan M azdoor PartyVillage And Post Meerpur, Tehsil-Khair, Distt. Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh). 393. Bhartiya Krishak Dal197, Kaushalpuri (Sarla Bajpai Ka Bagh), South of Subhash Nagar, Janpad – Hardoi, UTTAR PRADESH.- 13 -Ex-106/2014 394. Bhartiya Mahashakti MorchaJai Narayan Varma Road, Fatehgarh, District-Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin-209 601. 395. Bhartiya Mazdoor Kisan Congress D-40, Meerut Road, Industrial Area,Ghaziabad-121003Uttar Pradesh. Party 396. Bhartiya Naujawan Inklav Party, 2/26, Mandauli Extension, M andauli Chungi, Shahdara,Delhi-110093 397. Bhartiya Navjawan Sena (Paksha) Shri Mourya Park, Shop No. 4,Somnathnagar, Near Somnath Temple, Vadgaonsheri, Pune - 411014 Maharashtra. 398. Bhartiya Nojawan DalSector-6, Pocket B-2, H.No.23, Rohini, New Delhi-110085. 399. Bhartiya PartyNew Colony, Post – Neem Ka Thana,District – Seekar, Rajasthan - 332713. 400. Bhartiya Pragatisheel Congress D-43, Rajdhani Park,Nangloi, Delhi – 110041. 401. Bhartiya Praja Jan PartyNarayanpur Road, Kasba Bansoor,District – Alwar, Rajasthan. 402. Bhartiya Prajatantra Nirman Party 7/7/47-A,New Colony Lal Bagh,Post Office, Faizabad, UTTAR PRADESH 403. Bhartiya Rajnitik Vikalp PartyVillage – Nayatola Bariapur, Panchayat – Champapur,Ward No. 13, Thana – Bakhtiyarpur, District - Patna, Bihar. 404. Bhartiya Rakshak PartyH.No. 397, Housing Board Colony,Rohtak-124 001 (Haryana). 405. Bhartiya Rashtriya Jansatta2604/207, Part-II Floor, Nai Sarak,Delhi-110006 406. Bhartiya Republican Party (Insan) Village - Mahuari, Post – Jangiganj,District - S.R.N. Bhadohi,Uttar Pradesh. 407. Bhartiya Samajik Kranti DalVillage – Suwari, Post – Danganj,Distt. – Varansi, Uttar Pradesh. 408. Bhartiya Samajik Nyay PartyVillage & P.O. Sersa,Tehsil & District – Sonepat, Haryana. 409. Bhartiya Santaji Party1, Khobragade Lay-out, Dighori Ring Road Square, Nagpur-440024, Maharashtra. 410. Bhartiya Sanvaidhanik Janhit Party Virk Gold Farm, Village – Sarayjoga,Post- Kantha, Nawabganj, Unnao, Uttar Pradesh. 411. Bhartiya Sarvjan Hitey Samaj Party Anant Vihar Colony,Daldal Shivni Marg, Mowa, Raipur, CHHATTISGARH. 412. Bhartiya Sarvjan Party,Village -Rampur, Hata Marg,Post - Gauri Bazar, District – Dewaria - 274202, UTTAR PRADESH. 413. Bhartiya Sarvodaya Party152/126, Patel Nagar (West),Dehradun-248001Uttarakhand. 414. Bhartiya Sarvsamaj PartyLal Singh Kachri Wala,Shani Bazar Wali Gali,Tunda Nagar, Johri Pur, Delhi. 415. Bhartiya Satya Sangharsh Party Village – Bijhinya, P.S. – Mandla,District – M andla, Madhya Pradesh. 416. Bhartiya Shakti Chetna PartyWard No. 9, Civil Lines, Tehsil – Vyouhari, District – Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh - 484774. 417. Bhartiya Shakti DalD – 236, Vivek Vihar, Delhi - 110095. 418. Bhartiya Shanti Kranti Party1/80, Ratan Vihar, Kiradi, Nangloi,New Delhi – 110041. 419. Bhartiya Shramik Dal Socialist Baman Nagar, Pateri, Sector – 20, District - Satna, Madhya Pradesh. 420. Bhartiya Shramik Party79/4, Juhi Safed Colony, Saket Nagar, Kanpur Nagar – 208014, Uttar Pradesh. 421. Bhartiya Swarn Samta Party201- C Block, Goyal Enclave, Faizabad Road,Chinhut Lucknow, UP. 422. Bhartiya Vanchitsamaj PartyVillage- Bhudiya, (Faguha),Tehsil & Distt.- Kannauj,UTTAR PRADESH. 423. Bhartiya Vikas Party139-B, Tamur Nagar, New Friends Colony, New Delhi. 424. Bhartiya Vistarwadi PartyVillage – Shyampur, Post – Dugarei,District - Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh. 425. Bhomi Jotak Samooh560/12, Krishna Nagar, Kanpur Road, Lucknow-226005 (Uttar Pradesh). 426. Bhrashtachar Mukti MorchaChandra Nagar, Kurud Road, Kohka,Bhilai, Tehsil & District – Durg, Chhattisgarh. 427. Bhrashtachar Virodhi Dal7/216, Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-110015. 428. Bihar Janta PartyVillage: Jail Shahar, Old Remand Home, Dharmnath Mandir Road, Daulatganj, Saran, Bihar – 841301 429. Bihar People’s Party303. C-Block, Daroga Prasad Roy Path, Patna-800001 (Bihar). 430. Bihar Vikas PartyRoom No.6, 1-Special Family Type, R-Block, Patna-800001 (Bihar). 431. Biju Swabhiman DalPlot No-40, Umapada,Stadium VIP Road,PO – FC Project, Kalinga Nagar, Jajpur Road, Jajpur,Odisha – 755020. 432. Bira Oriya PartyC/o Shri P.Samantaray, IAS(Retd.), At/P.O. M adhupatna, Cuttack-10(Orissa ). 433. Bolshevik Party Of IndiaC/o- Dr. Shashikant Waikar, 9, Bhupeshnagar, Gorewada Road, Nagpur- 440013, Maharashtra. 434. Braj Vikas PartyA-193, Trans Yamuna Colony,Phase-II, Agra-286002, Uttar Pradesh. 435. Brihattar Bharat PrajatantraBehind of the Palace, Kishorganj Panna,Distt. – Panna, Madhya Pradesh. Sewa Party 436. Brij Kranti Dal16, Haryana Bhawan, Dyal Bagh, Agra-5, Uttar Pradesh. 437. Brij Pradesh Nirman SanghSri Aurobindo Bhawan, 28/352, Gudri Mansoor Khan, Agra-3 (U.P.). 438. Buddhiviveki Vikas PartyR(U)-9, 2nd Floor, Pitampura, Delhi – 110088.- 14 - Ex-106/2014 439. Bundelkhand Akikrit PartyBundeli Sadan, Gram & Post - Satari,Zila – Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh 440. Bundelkhand Congress56. Jwala Heri Market, Sarbati Complex, Paschim Vihar, Delhi-63 441. Bundelkhand Mukti MorchaSh. Sukhlal Ice Factory Bhavan, Elite Chouraha, Jhansi-284001(Uttar Pradesh). 442. Bundelkhand Vikas DalVillage & P.O.-Culpahad, Janpad- Hamirpur (U.P.). 443. Champaran Vikas PartyBlock-A, Flat No.102, Daroga Roy Path, Patna (Bihar). 444. Chandigarh Vikas PartyHouse No.230, Sector 9-C, Chandigarh-160009. 445. Chhattisgarh Kisan Mazdoor Party House of P.R. Negi, Behind Jhule Lal Dham, Gali Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Katora Talab, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 446. Chhattisgarh Mukti MorchaP.O.Dalli Rajhara, Distt-Durg –491228 (Chhattisgarh). 447. Chhattisgarh Navnirman SenaC. R. – 12, R.D.A. Building, Gurunanak Market, Sharda Chowk, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 448. Chhattisgarh Samajwadi PartyRamanujganj Road, In front of Sanjay Park, Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh - 497001. 449. Chhattisgarh Sanyukt Jatiye Party Bajrang Nagar (Tatyapara Ward),Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 450. Chhattisgarh Swabhiman Manch 21, Battis Bangla, Bhilainagar,Distt. – Durg-490006,Chhattisgarh. 451. Chhattisgarh Vikas GangaKhongapani, District – Korea, Chhatisgarh – 497447 Rashtriya Party 452. Chhattisgarh Vikas PartyA-12, Flash Vihar, New Purena,Post Office – Ravigram, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 453. Chhattisgarhi Samaj PartyHandipara, Azad Chowk,Raipur-492001 (Chhattisgarh). 454. Chhattisgarhiya PartyHouse No. 93, Village – Dhanrash, Post – Chhuri, Tehsil – Katghora, District – Korba, Chhattisgarh. 455. Children First Party of India703-704, Devatha Plaza,132, Residency Raod,Bangluru-560025. Karnataka. 456. Christhava M akkal Katchi173, Ponnagar, Tiruchirapalli-620001, (Tamil Nadu). 457. Christian Democratic FrontNo.9, Rosary, Church Road, San Thome, Chennai (Tamil Nadu). 458. Christian Mannetra Kazhagam93, Thaiyappa Mudali Street, Chennai-600001 (Tamil Nadu). 459. Communist Marxist Party Kerala Kunnukuzhy, Trivandrum-695037(Kerala). State Committee 460. Communist Party of IndiaU-90, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. (M arxist-Leninist) (Liberation). 461. Communist Party of IndiaC-141, Sainik Nagar, New Delhi-110059. (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star 462. Congress (Secular)Ram Raj Bhavan, M anikkath Road, Cochin-16. (Kerala). 463. Congress Jananayaka Peravai24, Ormes Road, Kilpank, Chennai-600010. 464. Congress of People5, Patropolis Colaba, Mumbai-400005(Maharashtra). 465. Congunadu Makkal KatchiTTS Complex-58, M ettur Road, Erode District-638011, Tamil Nadu. 466. Dalit Kranti DalJati Meghwale, Gaon Post – Dholipal,Teh. & Zila – Hanumangarh (Rajasthan) 467. Dalit Mazdoor Kishan PartyE-11/77, New Colony, Hauz Rani, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017. 468. Dalit Muslim Vikas Party2/306, Dakshin Puri, New Delhi-110062. 469. Dalit Samaj PartyNavchetna Path, Shiv PuriP.O. Anishabad, Patna-800 002 (Bihar). 470. Dalit Vikas Party(Bharat),Behind of High School, Ward No.3, Village & Post – Ghunwara,Teshil – Maihar, Distt. – Satna, MADHYA PRADESH 471. Dalita Bahujana Party4-1-1215, Street No.3, Boggulakunta,King Kati Road, Hyderabad – 500001. 472. Dalitha Praja Party7/347-2P-A3, Simhapuri Colony, 4th Road, Near RTC Bus Stand, Kadapa – 516002, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh. 473. Dalitstan Peoples PartyVillage Shantinagar,Mauja - Sannpura, Post – Gonsili, Tehsil – Baah, District - Agra, Uttar Pradesh – 283104 474. Delhi Janta PartyY-200, Camp No.-1,Nangloi, Delhi-110041 475. Delhi Parivartan PartyE-37, Tagore Garden Extention, New Delhi – 110 027. 476. Delhi Vikas PartyB-600 Jahangir Puri, Delhi – 110033. 477. Democratic Bahujan Samaj Morcha Village-Sotran, P.O. Chak Kalai, Tehsil & District-Nawanshahar, Punjab. 478. Democratic Bharatiya Samaj Party Gali No-7, Guru Nanak Pura(East),Near Chintpurni Mandir, Jalandhar, Punjab. 479. Democratic Congress Party291, Odeon Wali Gali, Near Gopal Mandir, Majitha Road, Amritsar (Punjab). 480. Democratic Dal of HaryanaPaintawas House, Bhiwani Road, Charkhi Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani, Haryana. 481. Democratic Forward Bloc66, Tamil Sangam Road, Madurai-625001 (Tamil Nadu). 482. Democratic Insaf PartyD-62, G.T.B.Nagar (Kareli), Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). 483. Democratic Janta Dal (J & K)344 EP, Cristen Colony (Shaheedi Chowk), Jogi Gate, Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir). 484. Democratic Jharkhand Mukti Morcha Pump Road, Tonka Toli. P.O.Chakradharpur-833 102, Shinghbhum West (Jharkhand). 485. Democratic MovementWard No.1, Kathua (Jammu & Kashmir).- 15 -Ex-106/2014 486. Democratic Party of India162,Anandrao Umra Marg, Ashok Nagar, Nagpur-17 (M aharashtra). 487. Democratic Prajakranthi PartyUmmathur Post & Village, Hunsur Taluk, M ysore DistrictKarnataka-571105. Secularist 488. Democratic Secular PartyAt. Kohinoor Bakery, Umred Road, Tajabad, Aulia Nagar, Nagpur –24, (Maharashtra). 489. Democratic Socialist Party63- Ananda Plit Road, 1st Floor, Kolkata-700014, West Bengal. (Prabodh Chandra) 490. Desa Makkal Munnetrak Kazhagam 3/172, Veerachelliyapuram Colony, Valliyur (Post), P. Kumaralingapuram, Amathur (Via), Taluk & District – Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu-626005. 491. Deseeya Praja Socialist PartyN.S. Bhavan, Vellayani, P.O. Nemom, Thiruvananthapuram-695020, Kerala. 492. Desh Bachao Jan MorchaD-6/171, Sector-31, Noida-201301 (Uttar Pradesh). 493. Desh Bhakt PartyB-114, Preet Vihar, Delhi- 110092. 494. Desh Shakti Party14/39, Indira Nagar, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 495. Desia Pathukappu Kazhagam“ARIVAGAM’ 33, Ramakrishna Street, Gandhi Nagar,Saligramam, Chennai-600 093 (Tamil Nadu). 496. Desiya Forward BlocNo.5, M. P. Avenue, Majestic Colony, Saligramam, Chennai-600093, Tamil Nadu. 497. Dev Sena PartyVillage & Post: Sakrod, Tehsil & Distt. Rajasmand, (Rajasthan). 498. Dharam Nirpeksh Dal24/42, Loknath Chowk,Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). 499. Dharamarajya Paksha601/602, Bldg. No. 7, Shubharambh Phase-1, Konkanipada Marg, Off GB Road, Manpada,Thane-400610,Maharashtra. 500. Dhiravida Thelugar Munnetra4/802, Kurunji Street, Tahsildhar Nagar, Madurai-625020. Kalagam 501. Divya Shakti Party7/106, Ground Floor, Geeta Colony, Delhi-110031. 502. Dr. Ambedkar People Revolution No.4, 11th Street, Kumarappa Nagar,Dharapadavedu, Katpadi,Vellore District, MovementTamil Nadu – 632007. 503. Dr. Ambedkar SamajvadiVenkataiahna Chatra,Haradanahalli Hobli,Chamarajanagara Taluk & District, Democratic PartyKarnataka. 504. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar DalVillage – Kothideeh, Tehsil – Pargna Navabganj,Janpad – Barabanki – 225001, Uttar Pradesh. 505. Dravida M akkal CongressNo.11, Jawharlal Nehru Road, 1st Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083, Tamil Nadu. 506. Dravida Peravai69, Rangapillai Street, Pondicherry-605001. 507. Duggar Pradesh PartyDriving Institute Complex, Janipur, Jammu – 180007, Jammu and Kashmir 508. Eklavya Samaj Party53, B - Block, Old Darulshapha, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 251 001. 509. Ekta Kranti Dal U.P.C/o Satyapal Sagar Amanjai Jalal Nagar, Opp. Chhotti Line, Shahjahapur (Uttar Pradesh). 510. Ekta Samaj Party6898, Neem Street, Ahata Kidara, Bara Hindu Rao, Delhi-110006. 511. Ekta ShaktiJhanjhadi, Post – Bhaini Khurd,Tehsil – Nilokheri, Distt. Karnal, Haryana. 512. Elatchia Dhiravida Munnetra‘ELATCHIAGAM’ 4-A, Hindi Prachar Sabha Street, T. Nagar, KazhagamChennai-600017,Tamil Nadu. 513. Ephraim UnionTlangdingliana Building, Bawngkawn South, Aizawl-796012, (Mizoram). 514. Farmers Developments Party149, Mambalam High Road, T. Nagar, Chennai-600017, Tamil Nadu. 515. Federal Congress of IndiaHolumbi Khurd, Village & P.O. – Holumbi Kalan, Delhi – 110 082. 516. Federal Democratic PartyNo. 244B, Kathmorwa,P.O. – Madainiya, Distt. – Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 224147 517. Federation Of Sabhas101, Savitri Complex, Opp. Chaudhry Cinema, Ghaziabad-201001. (U.P.). 518. Forum For Presidential Democracy B-145-146, Mittal Towers, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021MAHARASHTRA 519. Forward Bloc (Socialist)Temple Street, P.O. & Distt. Jalpaiguri-735101 (West Bengal). 520. Front of RevolutionishedShree Goverdhan Palace, Dhar Road,Udhampur – 182101 Jammu & Kashmir. Creative Efforts 521. Gadar PartyHouse No.32, Near Ramlila Ground,Padav Ward, Post M akandruganj, Distt. Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh-230001. 522. Gandhiwadi Rashtriya Congress Teachers Colony, Tehsil Road, Mahoaria, Post Mahoaria Town and Distt. Mirjapur (Uttar Pradesh). 523. Gandhiyan Peoples PartyC-1255, Indira Nagar,Lucknow-226016, Uttar Pradesh. 524. Gareeb Samana PartyH.No. 399, Aawas Vikas Colony, District- Mirzapur-231001, Uttar Pradesh. 525. Gareebjan Samaj Party450, Jaidebvi Nagar, Garh Road, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). 526. Garib Ekta PartyA-71 Group, Vazirpur Industrial Area, Vazirpur, Delhi – 110052.- 16 - Ex-106/2014 527. Garib Janata PartyRajinder Nagar, Main Bazar, P.O. Vijay Nagar, Batala Road, Amritsar (Punjab). 528. Garib Raj PartyH. No. 748A, Jharkhandi Kayasthwada, Sikandrabad, District – Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh. 529. Garib Samaj Party (Shoshit)Hajipur Malipur Road, Near Ram Janaki Mandir, Shankargarh, P.S. & Tehsil – Jalalpur, District – Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-224149. 530. Garib Vikas PartyProfessor’s Colony,Belbanwa, Motihari,Bihar – 845401. 531. Garo National CouncilNew Tura, West Garo Hills (Meghalaya). 532. Goa People’s CongressOpp. Menezes Building,Altinho, Panaji, Goa-403 001. 533. Goa PokxOpp. Menezes Building, Altinho, Panaji, Goa-403001. 534. Goa Rajiv Congress PartyIst Floor Dias Building, Rua Ormuz Road, Opp. Ferry Wharf, Panaji, Goa-403 001. 535. Goa Su-raj Party383-A, Pirazona, Moira,Bardez-Goa (Pin-403514). 536. Goa Vikas PartyLaxmi Sadan, Ground Floor,Opp. Assembly Complex, Near Journalist Colony, Porvorim, Goa-403507. 537. Goemcarancho Otrec AsroH. No. 780/A, Mugally,Sao Jose de Areal, Salcete,Goa. 538. Golden India Party‘Nandan Van’, B-94, Gyan Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur-302004 (Rajasthan). 539. Gommant Lok Pokx31st January Road, P.O.Box-242, Panjim (Goa). 540. Gondvana Gantantra PartyVillage & P.O. Tiverth, Tehsil Kutghora, District-Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). 541. Gondwana Congress PartyShahapura, A-121, B.D.A. Colony,Bhopal,Madhaya Pradesh. 542. Gondwana Mukti SenaM-2, Poorvanchal Phase-I, Khazurikala Road,Bhopal-462 021, Madhya Pradesh. 543. Gorakha National Liberation Front Dr. Zakir Hussain Road (Jalpahar Road), P.O. and District-Darjeeling, Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (West Bengal). 544. Gorkha Democratic FrontShahi Niwas, Chandrabani,Post – Mohabbewala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 545. Gorkha Janmukti MorchaNorth Point Singamari, Darjeeling – 734104, West Bengal. 546. Gorkha Rashtriya Congress9, K.B. Road, P.O. Ghoom,P.S. Jorebunglow, District Darjeeling, West Bengal. 547. Grama Munnetra Kazhagam‘Z’ Mangammal Salai, Renga Nagar, Tiruchirapalli-620021 (Tamil Nadu). 548. Gramanchal Party3/A, Satya Nagar,In Front of Central School,Bhubaneswar-7, Orissa. 549. Great India PartyD.No.1-1334, Devasthanam Road, Mangalagiri-522503, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. 550. Gujarat Adijati Vikash PakshBlock No.6/4, MLA Nivas, Sector-21, Gandhi Nagar (Gujarat). 551. Gujarat Parivartan PartyA-4, Abhinav Arcade,Pritamnagar, Ashram Road,Ahmedabad, Gujarat- 380006. 552. Gujarat State Janta CongressIndubhai Patel Bhawan, Vasant Chowk, Bhardra, Ahmedabad-380001 (Gujarat). 553. Gujarat Yuva Vikas PartyC/o Darbar Kruba Transport, Near Bus Station, Vadnagar-384 355, District-Mehsana (Gujarat). 554. Gurgaon Residents PartyC-1927, Sushant Lok-I, Gurgaon – 122 002, Haryana. 555. Guru Chand M ukti MorchaG-52, Aruna Nagar, Majnu Ka Tilla, Civil Lines,Delhi-110054. 556. Hamara DalC-112, Sector-G, L.D.A. Colony,Kanpur Road, Lucknow-12,Uttar Pradesh. 557. Hamari Apni PartySurvey No. 75/1,Indrayani Vihar, Sant Nagar,Lohgaon, Pune,Maharashtra – 411047 558. Harit Pradesh PartyH. No. 349, Village & Post – Bilsuri, Distt. – Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh - 203205. 559. Haryana Gareeb Pichhra YuvaVillage & Post: Aahrika,Tehsil & Distt. Jind, (Haryana). Sangathan Party 560. Haryana Insaaf CongressFarm House, Near Bhagwat Bhakti Ashram, Rampura, Rewari – 123401Haryana. 561. Haryana Janrakshak Dal249/3, Park Road, Adarsh Nagar,Gohana, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana. 562. Haryana Lok Dal705, Sonipat Road, Rohtak (Haryana). 563. Haryana Navnirman Sena101, Village – Silokhra,Gurgaon, Haryana. 564. Haryana Samajik Nyay PartyKothi No. 239, Sector-7,Urban Estate, Kurukshetra-136118,Haryana. 565. Haryana Sarvajan PartyH. No. 236, Ward No. 2,Gram Panchayat Radaur,District – Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. 566. Haryana Swatantra PartyHouse No. 154, Village & P. O. – Jakhauda, Tehsil – Bahadurgarh, Distt. – Jhajjar, Haryana. 567. Himachal Kranti PartyVillage Khart, P.O.Nandrool, Tehsil & Distt. Kangra-176001 (H.P.). 568. Himachal Lokhit PartyShastri Bhawan, Devnagar,Kasumpti, Shimla-171009Himachal Pradesh. 569. Himachal Pradesh State Akali Dal Near Bus Stand, Paonta Sahib, Himachal Pradesh. 570. Himachal Swabhiman PartyChintpurni Niwas,Longwood Shimla,HIMACHAL PRADESH-171001. 571. Hind Ekta MissionVillage – Leduwawar, Post – Kauragahani,Tehsil – Phulpur, Distt. – Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 572. Hind Jan Congress72, Pyarelal Compound, Nagra, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. 573. Hind Kisan M azdoor Party31/419, Kela House, Maharana Pratap Nagar, Agra-4. (U.P.). 574. Hind MorchaSamaj Sudhar Ashram, Siraspur, Delhi. 575. Hind Raksha SenaWZ-13 B, First Floor, M ukhram Park Extn. Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018- 17 -Ex-106/2014 576. Hind Rashtriya Ekta PartyPlot No.104, Anguri Palace,Wazirabad Road, Pasunda,Garima Garden, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, U.P.-201 005. 577. Hind Swarajya Ganatantra Party S-41, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-110017. 578. Hind Vikas PartyP.O. Sri Harbhagwan Nagar,Tapakalan, Near Kali Mandir, Jalesar Road, Ferozabad (Uttar Pradesh). 579. Hindu Ekta Andolan PartyHindi Ekta Karyalay, Malhar, Khan Bhag, Police Chowki, H.No.927/1, Sangli-416416, District Sangli, Maharashtra. 580. Hindu Samaj Party117/K-36. Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur (U.P.). 581. Hindustan Action Party156, Khanna Nagar, Loni, Ghaziabad-201102, Uttar Pradesh. 582. Hindustan Ekta PartyShop No. 132/2, Kesho Ram Complex,Sector - 45 C, Chandigarh-160047. 583. Hindustan JanmorchaHouse No. 1,Village & Post – Tekua, District - Deoria, Uttar Pradesh – 244182. 584. Hindustan Janta PartyM/s Sono Sales Corporation, Subji Mandi, Khokadpura, Aurangabad (M aharashtra). 585. Hindustan Kranti DalVillage – Tundlaka, Panchayat – Goudhola,P.O & Tehsil – Punahana, Distt. – Mewat (Nuh), Haryana. 586. Hindustan Krantikari DalA-65, Sector – 34,Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 587. Hindustan National PartyNo. 103/68, College Raod,Nanganallur,Chennai-600 114,Tamil Nadu. 588. Hindustan Party202, Devika Apts., Baba Jan, Poona-411001. (M aharashtra). 589. Hindustan Swaraj Congress Party Shewar Bangla A.B. Nair Road, Juhu, Mumbai-4000491, Maharashtra 590. Hindustan Vikas DalKarman Tola, Arah,District – Bhojpur - 802301Bihar. 591. Hindustani Gareebwadi Party61, Aggarwal Chambers, Vikas Marg, Veer Savarkar Block, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. 592. Hindustani Swaraj Party69, Ashok Mohalla, Nangloi,Delhi – 110041. 593. Hindusthan Nirman DalHouse No. 100, Gali No. 5,Krishna Nagar, Safdarjang Enclave,New Delhi. 594. Hindusthan Praja Paksha7/702, ‘C’ Wing, Sheetal Dhara Complex, Plot No. 28, Sector-7, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai – 410209, Maharashtra. 595. Hindusthan Suraksha PartyNorth East Zone, Berpeta Road,Near Tourists Lodge, Ward No.6, District Berpeta (Assam). 596. Hmar Peoples ConventionC/o Lalauva, House No. A/56, Bawngkawn Chimveng, Aizawl – 796 014 (Mizoram). 597. Holy Blessing People’s PartyShop No.3, Laxmi Niwas Building,M.N. Road, Kurla (W),Mumbai-400070, MAHARASTRA. 598. Ikkiya Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam Makkalagam No.11, Pearl Empire Apartments, Kuppam Beach Road, Tiruvanmiyur, Chennai (Tamil Nadu). 599. Indhia Kudiarasu Katchi11, Karpagambal Nagar, III Street,Kottivakkam, Chennai – 600 041.Tamil Nadu. 600. India Dravida Makkal Munnetra Door No. 15/1, Ward No. 21, Sarojini Nagar, Towerline Colony, KatchiErode Corporation Zone II, Erode-638011,Tamil Nadu. 601. India M akkal Munnetra Katchi95, Cauveri Street, Bhavani – 638301,Erode District,TAM IL NADU. 602. Indian Bahujan Samajwadi Party 2/3, Ambedkar Nagar, Post-Nagina, Distt. Bijnaur-246762 (Uttar Pradesh). 603. Indian Bahujan Sandesh PartyB-525, Guru Harikishan Nagar, New Delhi. (Kanshiram) 604. Indian Christian FrontPlot No.660, East Last Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai-625020, Tamil Nadu. 605. Indian Christian Secular PartyPlot No. 8, Wahab Nagar, Sikh Village, Secunderabad – 500 009. 606. Indian Citizens’ PartyAt: Markata Nagar, Sector-10, Plot No. C-43,P.O. – Abhinaba Bidanasi, Cuttack-753014 Orissa. 607. Indian Democratic PartyD – 978, Jan Kalyan School Road,Bhajan Pura, Delhi – 110054 608. Indian Democratic Republican Front House No.-404 Sanjay Colony,Arthala Mohan Nagar,Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh. 609. Indian Ekta PartyA-180, Sector-40, Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 610. Indian Federal Democratic Party 1, Balwant Rai Mehta Lane, K.G. Marg, New Delhi – 110 001. 611. Indian Gandhiyan PartyKuriyakott Building,Thekkumpadam Road,Pattikkad P.O., Thrissur District, Kerala-680509. 612. Indian Justice Party5, Pusa Road, IIIrd Floor, Karol Bagh, New Delhi –110 005. 613. Indian Krantikari LeharMohalla Dhudi Wala, Bazigar Basti, Faridkot, Distt. – Faridkot,Punjab. 614. Indian Labour PartyD.No.26-28-118, 1st Line, Netaji Nagar,A.T. Agraharam, Guntur, (Ambedkar Phule)Andhra Pradesh – 522004. 615. Indian Liberation FrontT-16, Green Park Extension, New Delhi-110016. 616. Indian Minorities Political Party D. No. 9-4-51/35/48,Hakeempet (I.A.S.) Colony,Towli Chowki,Post – Golkonda Fort, Hyderabad – 500008,Andhra Pradesh. 617. Indian National Green PartyA/44, Paryavaran Complex, Saidulazaib, New Del hi-30.- 18 - Ex-106/2014 618. Indian National Labour PartyRajani Mukherjee Smriti, Bhabar, Coal Dock Road, (Former Coal Controller’s Office) Kolkata-700043 (West Bengal). 619. Indian National LeagueNo.7, Balwant Rai Mehta Lane, Kasturba Gandhi Marg Cross, New Delhi-110001. 620. Indian Oceanic PartyK-316, M .B.Road, Lado Sarai, New Delhi-110030. 621. Indian Peace PartyX-919, Chand Mohalla, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-110031. 622. Indian People’s Conference Party H/o Makhdoom Sahib, House No. 51, Rainawari, Srinagar, Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir. 623. Indian People’s Congress79, Lawyers Chambers, Supreme Court, New Delhi-110001. 624. Indian People’s Forward BlocTangra Housing Estate, Block-L/1, Flat -5, 40/1,Trangra Road, Kolkata-15, West Bengal. 625. Indian Peoples Green Party19, Shubham Enclave,C-Scheme, Jaipur,Rajasthan. 626. Indian Public PartyGujarat Housing Colony,Room No. - 1103,Block No.7/B, New Dablia, Bharatnagar, Bhavnagar-364001 Gujarat. 627. Indian Republican Front36/19/3, P.D. Kidganj, Allahabad, (Uttar Pradesh). 628. Indian Secular Congress202, Pocket-B, SFS (DDA Flats), Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi – 110025. 629. Indian Unity CentreVillage-Ichangari, P.o. & P.S- Jagatballavpur, Dist- Howrah, Pin- 711408, West Bengal. 630. Indian Voters Welfare PartyNo. 608, 14th Main, Gokula 1st Stage,Bangalore – 560 054, Karnataka. 631. Indian Youth Party7/545, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 632. Indians Front37-12-62, NGGO’s Colony, P.R. Gardens,Visakhapatnam – 530 007Andhra Pradesh. 633. Indians Victory Party3/261-2, Anandan Nagar, Asaripalla-629201, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu 634. Indigenous Nationalist PartyAbhoyanagar, Agartala-799005 (Tripura). of Twipra 635. Indigenous People’s FrontH.O. Old Kali Bari Road,Krishnanagar,Agartala-799001,Tripura. of Tripura 636. Indiya Jananayaka KatchiNo.9, 3rd Avenue, 34th Street,Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083, Tamil Nadu. 637. Inqalab Party of IndiaMohalla Paschimi Lakhpeda,Town & Post – M ohammadi, Distt. Lakhimpur Khiri – 262 804 Uttar Pradesh. 638. Inqalab Vikas Dal,92, Village Gawandi, Near Sardar Patel Park, Ghonda, Delhi. 639. Inqlabi PartyBehind B.T.I. School, Mahavir Nagar, Bhind, Madhya Pradesh, Pin – 477001. 640. Islam Party HindMohalla: Rajde Pur, Post-City Janpad, Gazipur, Uttar Pradesh. 641. Istatantra ParisadAt Village/M ouza – Dibyasinghapur,Khata No. 638, Plot No. 1343, P.O. Rayagurupur, P.S. – Gadisagoda, District – Puri, Odisha 642. Ittehad-E-Millait Council93, Sodagaran, Dargah Aala Hajrat,Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. 643. J & K Citizen’s PartyHeera Building, Abi Guzar, Lal Chowk, Srinagar,Jammu and Kashmir. 644. Jaganmay Nari SangathanSector-21/5, Indira Nagar, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 645. Jaghat Telugu MunnetraNo.33, Halls Road, P.A. Tower, F-9 & 10, Egmore, Chennai-600008, Tamil Nadu. Kazhggam 646. Jago Party9-1-108/1, 2nd Floor, Tata Chary Compound, S.D. Road, Secundrabad – 500 026, Andhra Pradesh. 647. Jagrat Bharat Party101, Vidhayak Niwas,Rajender Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 648. Jagte Raho PartyC/o Ms. Kshama R Desai,2, Vatika Bunglows, Near Sabari School, Vasna Road, Baroda, Gujarat. 649. Jai Bharat PartyRZH-710E (E/54), Raj Nagar II (Near Dev Hospital), Palam Colony, New Delhi-45. 650. Jai Bharat Samanta PartyA-36/54-V-1, Samanata Shakti Bhawan, Kajjakpura, Koniya Road, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 651. Jai Chhattisgarh Party10, 2nd Floor, Shaheed Veernarayan Singh Compound,Nagar Ghari Chowk, G.E. Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh – 492 001. 652. Jai Hind PartyWard No.6, Supaul, P.O. & Distt. Supaul,Bihar-852131. 653. Jai Hind Samaj PartyVillage - Kharhara (Bind Valia)Post – Dubiha,Janpad – Ghazipur,Uttar Pradesh. 654. Jai Janata Janardan PartyMohalla-Manohari Ganj, Mardan Naka Shahar Banda, Paragna & Distt. – Banda, Uttar Pradesh. 655. Jai Janseva Party14/43, Sambhaji Chowk, Ichalkaranji, Tehsil –Hatakanangale, Distt:- Kolhapur, Maharashtra-416115. 656. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan MazdoorWZ-553-A/3, Soni Kunj, Nangal Raya, New Delhi-110046. Congess 657. Jai Maha Bharath PartyJai Mahabharath Bhawan,Shri Mahaavykuntha Puram,Vill.- Bukkapuram, Tehsil – Alampuram,Distt. – Mahabub Nagar, Andhra Pradesh, Pin – 509 652.- 19 -Ex-106/2014 658. Jai Manavta PartyH. No. 1, Samriddhi Parisar,Near of Sahu Aata Chakki, Lalita Nagar, Kolar Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 659. Jai Prakash Janata Dal16 H.M.D., Purani Colony, Shahadara, Delhi – 110032. 660. Jai Samaikya Andhra PartyD. No. 4-86, Kammavari Veedhi, Machavaram Gram Panchayat Limits, Rayavaram Mandal, District – East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh – 533 214. 661. Jai Samaj Bharatiya Samaj Party Town Area Sadat, Post – Sadat, District – Gazipur, Uttar Pradesh. 662. Jai Telangana PartyH.No.34/9, SBH Colony, Shrinagar,Hyderabad-500073 (Andhra Pradesh). 663. Jai Vijaya Bharathi PartyChinnagottigallu P.O., Chittoor District,Andhra Pradesh. 664. Jamat -E- Seratul MustakimP.O. Chhotto Sujapur,P.S. Kaliachak, Distt. Malda,West Bengal – 732206 665. Jammu & Kashmir Awami3-R.C. Quarters, Press Enclave, Pratap Park, Srinagar-190001 (J & K). National Conference 666. Jammu & Kashmir NationalPost Office Building, Amphalla Chowk, Karan Nagar, Jammu Tawi – 180 005, United FrontJammu & Kashmir. 667. Jammu & Kashmir PeopleGeneral Office, Old Secretariat Road, Sri Nagar-190001 (Jammu & Kashmir). Conference 668. Jammu & Kashmir Save Srinagar Naib Mufti Azam M anzil , Tailbal Road, Habak Crossing, Srinagar – 190 006. Front,Jammu and Kashmir. 669. Jammu & Kashmir Awami League B-24, Indra Nagar Srinagar—190001, (Jammu & Kashmir). 670. Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Kursoo Rajbagh, Srinagar-190 008, Kashmir. Party Nationalist 671. Jammu And Kashmir National168, Rawalpora Housing Colony, Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir). Democratic Front 672. Jammu and Kashmir PeopleRajbagh, Near Little Angels School, Srinagar, Kashmir. Democratic Front (Secular) 673. Jammu State Morcha (Progressive) 8, Old Dry Fruit M arket, Jewel Chowk, Jammu – 180 001, Jammu & Kashmir. 674. Jan Adhikar Manch9 Shivakhand, Jhilmil, Delhi-110095. 675. Jan Bhavana PartyC-103, Ganesh Nagar, Pandav Nagar Complex, New Delhi – 110092. 676. Jan Chetna PartyChamber No.475, Western Wing, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-110054. 677. Jan Ekta DalGher Katebaz Khan,Near Masjid Kale Khan, Rampur, Distt. Rampur – 244 901, Uttar Pradesh. 678. Jan Ekta Party147/5, Behind ITI,Shamsherpur,Paonta Sahib,Himachal Pradesh. 679. Jan Kranti Morcha89-M, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh). 680. Jan Kranti Swatantrata Party226/27, Street No.-6,Mahavir Nagar, Firozabad,Uttar Pradesh. 681. Jan Lok Kalyan PartyVillage & Post: Butrada,Tehsil: Shamli, Distt. Muzaffar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 682. Jan Lokmat Party2, Hasrat Building, Adhyatmik Nagar, Beneath Rly. Fly Over, Dasna, Ghaziabad-201302 Uttar Pradesh. 683. Jan Morcha1, Teen Murti Marg, New Delhi-110001. 684. Jan Raajya Party128/5, Y Block, Kidwai Nagar,Kanpur-208011,UTTAR PRADESH. 685. Jan Raksha PartyBhithauli, Sitapur Road,Lucknow-226020Uttar Pradesh. 686. Jan Samanta PartyB-125, Navjiwan Camp, Tughlakabad Extension, New Delhi-110019. 687. Jan Samarthan Dal12, Krishna Vihar, Jwala Nagar, Rampur, Uttar Pradesh. 688. Jan Sangh PartyA-90, Sector-21, Jalvayu Vihar,Noida, Gautambudh Nagar-201301, Uttar Pradesh. 689. Jan Sangharsh Virat PartyStreet No. 2, Near of Bhuteshwar Mandir, Sant Ravidas Ward, Sagar, Tehsil & District - Sagar Uttar Pradesh. 690. Jan Sangram PartyHouse No. 905, Sector-7, Avas Vikas Colony, Sikandra Yojna, Agra-7, (Uttar Pradesh). 691. Jan Sevak PartyL.I.G. 63, Shekhpura, Aliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 692. Jan Sewa PartyJ-7, Laxmi Nagar, Vikas Marg, Delhi-110092. 693. Jan Shakti DalShivaji Nagar, Street No. 1, Near Kailtan School, Line Paar, Muradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh. 694. Jan Shakti Ekta PartyVillage – Mandanpur, Post- Meerganj,District – Bareilly,Uttar Pradesh – 243504. 695. Jan Shanti SangathanAA-14, Chandan Van,Phase –1, Mathura,Uttar Pradesh-281001 696. Jan Surajya ShaktiJanasampark Karyalaya, Warananagar, Tal. Panhala, Distt. Kolhapur, Maharashtra-416113. 697. Jana Hitkari PartyA/13-14, Industrial Estate, Rasulgarh,Bhubaneswar-751 010, Orissa. 698. Jana PriyaA/2, Kastel, 5, Cornwell Road, Bangalore-560025 (Karnataka). 699. Jana Swarajya PartyH.O. 83/A, 3rd Ward, Kalamma Bazar, Sandur-583119, Karnataka.- 20 - Ex-106/2014 700. Jana Unnayan ManchaC/o Dolphin Engineering Co., 39, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkatta-700017 (West Bengal). 701. Janadesh PartyRadhey Niwas, Jarimari, Jagtap Wadi, Kurla Andheri Road, Mumbai – 400072. 702. Janadhipathya SamrakshanaKerala State Committee Office, Iron Bridge P.O., Alleppey-688011, Kerala. Samithi 703. Jananayaha M unnetra Kazhagam No.32, New Tank Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600034, (Tamil Nadu). 704. JananishtaMohan Villa, A-1/347, Janak Puri, New Delhi 110058. 705. Janata Congress Party of Bharat A-15/2. Vasant Vihar, P.B. No.8801.New Delhi – 110057. Varsha 706. Janata PartyA-77, Nizamuddin East, New Delhi. 707. Janata Uday Party860, Gali No.4, Sanjay Enclave, Chacha Chowk, Parvatiya Colony, N.I.T. Faridabad, Haryana. 708. Janata Vikas ManchC/216, Awas Vikas Colony,Meera Bhawan, Pratapgarh,UTTAR PRADESH. 709. Janata Vikas PartyAbashek Bhavan, Udainagar Colony, Sagar Road, Vidisha(Madhya Pradesh). 710. Janhit DalR.M .S. Colony, Road No. 2, Kankar Bagh, Patna-20, Bihar. 711. Janhit Kisan PartyWard No. 24, Saxena Nagar, Nagar Palika Parishad – Maharajganj, Janpad – Maharajganj – 273303 Uttar Pradesh. 712. Janhit Samaj PartyBhagwati Market, Near Shiv Mandir,Belli Road, Jagdev Path, Post: B.V. College, Patna – 800 014,(Bihar). 713. Janlok Rashtriya Party,452, Sector –19,Dwarka,New Delhi. 714. Janmangal PakshRam Pratap, Geeta Nagar, Main Road, Near Gurukul, Rajkot – 360 002 (Gujarat). 715. Jan–Nyay Dal301, Sri Devraha – Complex, Mata Madia Choraha, Vijay Takeej Road, Motinagar Ward, Teh. & Zila – Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. 716. Janral Samaj PartySurat Printing Press,Dana Mandi Road, Bathinda, PUNJAB. 717. Jansatta PartyL-14, Mahendra Park,Adarsh Colony, New Delhi-110 003. 718. Jansevak Samaj Party159, Bodhashram, Tapa Road, Mohalla-Khera, Ferozabad-283203 (Uttar Pradesh). 719. Janshoshit Samaj PartyA-618/7, Street No. – 8,Bhajanpura, Delhi - 110053 720. Janta Dal RashtravadiHouse No. 55/1, Haroon Nagar Colony,Sector – 1, P.S. & P.O. Phulwari Sharif, Patna, Bihar - 801505. 721. Jantantra Party3rd Floor, Taksal Theatres Building, Nadesar, Varanasi – 221002, Uttar Pradesh. 722. Janvadi Party (Socialist)B-32/2, Behind Jain Mandir,Nariya, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 723. Jathiya Telugu Abhivrudhi Seva # 171, Kesavaigunta, Near S.G.S. Arts College, Tirupati -517501, Chittor District, SamuhamAndhra Pradesh. 724. Jawan Kisan MorchaQr. No. L.I.G.H.-1/7, Housing Colony, Dalpatpur (Chandva), Aara, Bihar-802312. 725. Jebamani JanataNo.33, Second Street, East Abiramapuram, Mylapore, Chennai-600004, (Tam il Nadu). 726. Jharkhand Anushilan PartyVill + Post – Jhilimili,P.S.– Barikul,Distt – Bankura,West Bengal – 722135. 727. Jharkhand Disom Party12, Road No.21, Kadma Farm Area, Jamshedpur-831005, Jharkhand. 728. Jharkhand Jan MorchaIInd Floor, Ajmeri Tower,Mallah Toli, Ranchi – 834001, Jharkhand. 729. Jharkhand Janadhikar ManchBhubaneshwari Lok, Kali Mandir Road, Vardman Compound, Ranchi – 834 001 (Jharkhand) 730. Jharkhand Janadhikar PartyOpposite Holi Cross School,Lalpur Peace Road, Ranchi – 834 001,Jharkhand. 731. Jharkhand Ki Krantikari Party23, Purvi Jail Road, Ranchi-1, (Jharkhand). 732. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (Ulgulan) Shukla Colony, Post Hinoo, Ranchi Distt, Ranchi-834002 (Jharkhand). 733. Jharkhand PartyAnand Suwani Niwas, Airport Road, Hinoo, Ranchi Jharkhand-834002. 734. Jharkhand Party (Naren)At-Raghunathpur, P.O.Jhargram,District- Midnapur-721507 (West Bengal). 735. Jharkhand People’s PartyP.O.Laubasa, Jamshedpur, P.S. Gobind Pur, Distt. Singhbhum (East) (Jharkhand). 736. Jharkhand Vananchal Congress 5, Ratu Road, Ranchi-834005, Jharkhand. 737. Jharkhand Vikas Dal10, A.P.N. Bose Compound, Ranchi-834001 (Jharkhand). 738. Jwala DalH. No. 247B, Mo. Jangal Tulsiram,Post – Bichhia P.A.C. Camp,P.S. – Shahpur, Distt. – Gorakhpur-273014, Uttar Pradesh. 739. K ai vi nay ger M unne tra K azha gam Sri Visweswara Bhavanam, 76, Millers Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-600010. (Tamil Nadu). 740. Kalinga Sena19A, Madhusudan Nagar, Unit-4, Bhubaneswar-751 001, Khurda, Orissa. 741. Kalyankari Jantantrik PartyB 4/260A, Keshavpuram,New Delhi - 110035. 742. Kamarajar Adithanar Kazhakam6-E, Sasthan Koil Street, Pudhukudieruppu, Nagercoil-629001, Tamil Nadu. 743. Kamarajar Deseeya Congress7-Velayudha Raja Street,Raja Annamalaipuram, M andaveli, Chennai-600028 (Tam il Nadu).- 21 -Ex-106/2014 744. Kamgar Samaj DalH. No.9/237, Mohalla : Raidopur,Post & Distt. Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 745. Kamtapur Progressive Party‘Chilla Roy Bhawan’ Village - Bidhanpally, P.O. Kadamtala, Distt. Darjeeling – 734433, West Bengal. 746. Kanchee Aringer Anna DravidaNo.10A, Natham Mettu St., Chengalpattu (Tamil Nadu). Makkal Kazhagam 747. Kannada Chalavali Vatal Paksha 154, Rangswamy Temple Street, Bangalore-560053 (Karnataka). 748. Kannada Naadu Party54, Ground Floor,Parasana Colony, Basaveshwar Nagar, Gokul Road, Hubli – 580030, Karnataka. 749. Kannada PakshaNo. 259/1, 1st Floor, Ranghswamy Temple Street (Opp. to Jain Temple) Bangalore-560053 (Karnataka). 750. Karnataka Kranthi DalNo.240, 16th Main, 6th Cross, Ist Phase, 2nd Stage, BTM (EWS) Layout, Bangalore - 560076 (Karnataka). 751. Karnataka Makkala PakshaH.O. No. 09, Block-4 JSS Employee’s Layout, Sathagalli, Nazarabad Mohalla, Mysore, Karnataka-570011 752. Karnataka Rajya Ryota Sangha 636, Ideal Homes Layout, Rajarajeshwarinagar, Bangalore-560098 (Karnataka). 753. Karnataka Swarajya PartyNo. 2082, Chidambar Krupa, Sai Nagar, Raibag, Dist-Belgaum, Karnataka – 591317. 754. Karnataka Thamizhar M unnetra No.6, IInd Floor, Chick Bazar Road Cross, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore-560051 Kazhagam(Karnataka). 755. Karunaadu PartySa-13/2,No:7th Mallathahalli,Nanjappa Garden, Bangalore-560056Karnataka. 756. Kerala Congress67, Kumaranasn Nagar, Kadavanthara, P.O. Ernakulam, Kerala. 757. Kerala Congress (B)P.T. Chacko Smarka, Mandiram, S.S. Kovil Road, Thampanoor, Thiruvanathapuram - 695001 (Kerala). 758. Kerala Congress (Jacob)Ward XIII, Building 346, T.B. Road, Kottayam (Kerala). 759. Kerala Congress SecularKerala Congress Secular State Committee Office, Bharath Building, Pulimood Jn., Kottayam - 1, (Kerala). 760. Kerala JanapakshamPURA-36, Shyamala Nivas,Poojappura P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695012. 761. Kerala Revolutionary Socialist Baby John Shashttyabdha,Poorthi Memorial Building,Chavara Party (Baby John)P.O. –691 583,Kulangara Bhagom, Kollam, Kerala. 762. Khandesh Vikas Congress Party Building No.2, 15/16, First Floor,Khandesh Mill Shopping Complex, Jalgaon – 425 001. 763. Khasi Farmers Democratic Party Malki Chinapatty, Shillong-793001, Meghalaya. 764. Khun Hynnieutrip NationalC/o Office of the Khasi Students Uni on, Jaiaw Chapel Road, Awakening MovementShillong-793 002 (Meghalaya). 765. Kisan Garib Nagrik Party203, Markaz View, 2nd Floor,24, Opposite Carrit Cinema,Jogeshwari (West), M umbai-400103, M AHARASHTRA. 766. Kisan Kranti DalNangla Sukhdev, Neemkhera – Jalesar,Distt: Etah (Uttar Pradesh). 767. Kisan M ajdoor Berojgar Sangh Village-Jaitpur,Post-Phaphund, Oraia,Uttar Pradesh 768. Kisan Majdoor Praja PartyA X - 223/224, Rajharsh Colony, Nayapura, Kolar Raod, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh. 769. Kisan Mazdoor Bahujan PartyJ-1/2, Dali Bagh Colony, Lucknow(Uttar Pradesh). 770. Kisan Naujawan PartyRajendra Nagar, Karmer Road, Orai, District Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh. 771. Kisan Samaj MorchaBichola Bhood, Post – Patriya,Tahsil – Gunnaur, Badayun,Uttar Pradesh. 772. Kisan Samaj Party (S)Jhinnapurva, Post – Dhakherva Nankar,Tehsil – Nighasan,Distt. – Lakhimpur (Khiri), Uttar Pradesh. 773. Kisan SenaKoliyan Vishungarh Road, Chhibramau,Kannouj,UTTAR PRADESH. 774. Kisan Shakti Jantantrik PartyH.No. 12/445, Majhola Awas Vikas, Tehsil-Sadar, Distt.:- Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh. 775. Kisan Vikas PartyAbdul Pura, Distt. Meerut,(Uttar Pradesh). 776. Kisan Vyawasayee Mazdoor Party Prakash Bhavan, Narhi Bazar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 777. Kishore Raj PartyL-2/601, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 778. Kongu Nadu M unnetra Kazhagam 320, Best Complex, Kumaran Road, Tirupur-641601, Coimbatore (District), Tamil Nadu. 779. Kongunadu Makkal Desia Katchi No. 5/54, East Street,Post - Kokkarayan Pettai,Taluk - Tiruchengode, District - Namakkal,Tamil Nadu-638007 780. Kosal Kranti DalTelephone Exchange Road, Rugudi Para, Balengir – 767 001, Orissa. 781. Kosal PartyG.M . College Road, Sambhalpur-768004 (Orissa). 782. Koshal Mukti MorchaRailway Station Road, Titilagarh,District-Bolangir,Odisha. 783. Kosi Vikas PartyMachhli Bhawan, Dr. Ambedkar M arg,At.+P.O. & Distt. Khagaria, Bihar – 851204. 784. Kranti Dal132, Babuganj, Lucknow (U.P.).- 22 - Ex-106/2014 785. Kranti Kari Jai Hind SenaC/o Advocate R.N. Kachave, Near Devi Prasad Hotel, M .I.D.C., Central Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400093, Maharashtra. 786. Kranti ParishadHouse No.2019, Mistrikhan Road, Nahargarh Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan). 787. Krantikari Berozgar PartyH.No. 86, Vinoba Ward, Ward No.6, Behind Jain Temple, Govt. Girls School Road, Sihora District, Jabalpur-483 225, (Madhya Pradesh). 788. Krantikari Kisan SenaC-221, Old Meenal Residancy, Raj Homes, J.K. Road, Bhopal-462023, Madhya Pradesh. 789. Krantikari Manuwadi MorchaF-62, Sector-11, Noida-201301 (Uttar Pradesh). 790. Krantikari Samajwadi Party Lohia 18/22, Taskand Marg, Mool Chand Yadav Chouraha, Civil Lines, Allahabad (U.P.). 791. Krantikari Samyavadi PartyMLA Flat No.26, Veerchand Patel Path, Patna. (Bihar). 792. Krantikari Vikas Dal78/09C, Mohalla- Birsa Adivasi Colony, Post- Guljarbagh, P.S.-Alamganj, Distt.- Patna-800007,Bihar. 793. Krantisena Maharashtra5-A, Jyotisadan Shitladevi, Temple Road, Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra. 794. Kuki National AssemblyGrace Cottage, Paiteveng, Kwakelthel, P.O. Imphal, Pin-795001, (Manipur). 795. Labour And Job Seeker’s66, Royapettah High Road, M ylapore, Chennai-600004 (Tamil Nadu). Party Of India 796. Labour Party (Secular)382/4, Gali Hardev, Sant Nirankari Colony, Delhi–110009. 797. Labour Party Of India(V.V. Prasad) B – 5, Kanti Nagar, Delhi –110051. 798. Labour Samaj PartyChamber No. 91, Civil Court,Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 799. Labour Vikas Party1407, New Preet Nagar, Tibba Road, Ludhiana (Punjab). 800. Laghujan Samaj Vikas PartyBadapura, Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh. 801. Lairam People PartyHqrs. Lawngtlai, P.O.-Lawngtlai-796891 (Mizoram). 802. Lakshya Ghar Ganatantrik Party Puruni Basti, Chowkidarpada,P.O.- K.M.Road, Jharsuguda-2, Dist. – Jharsuguda, Odisha 803. Lal MorchaRZC-113, Vishnu Garden, Khayala,New Delhi – 110018 804. Lattin CongressBavali, Post-Khash, Distt. Meerut-250621 (Uttar Pradesh). 805. Lenin Communist Party20, Bharathinagar, Alagappapuram,Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu. 806. Life Peaceful PartySarvadharma Bhawan, Hindu-M uslim Viswa Shanthi Ashrama and Komusowharda Vishwashanthi, Sarvadharma Ashrma Trust, Rajanagara, Poona-Bangalore Road, Tumkur-572 106 (Karnataka). 807. Lok Awaz DalHolding No. 20/11, Circle No. 264, Ambedkar Chowk, Vishnu Puri, Patna-800002, B ih ar. 808. Lok Bhalai Party5-FF, Raj Guru Nagar, Ferozepur Road, Ludhiana, Punjab. 809. Lok BharatiA/702, Vedant Unnat Nagar No. 2, Goregaon (W) Mumbai- 400062. 810. Lok DalCentral Office, 8, Mall Avenue,Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 811. Lok Ekta PartyS-8/188, Sudhakar Road, Khazuri Cant.,Varanasi – 221 002, Uttar Pradesh. 812. Lok Hit PartyBasti Abdulapura, Ludhiana-3 (Punjab). 813. Lok Jan Vikas MorchaKachahri Road, Thana-Kotwali, PO. Ranchi, Zila-Ranchi-834001, Jharkhand. 814. Lok Janhit PartyVillage – Daloopur Sultanpur, Post – Prempur, Janpad – Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. 815. Lok Manavadhikar PartyC. 32/27-16A, Vidyavihar Colony,Chhittupur,Varanasi-221002,Uttar Pradesh. 816. Lok Paritran“Saubhagya” 12-13 Tilak Nagar -II,Mahamandir, Jodhpur-342010 (Rajasthan). 817. Lok Parivartan Party (DC)Bhapra Road, opposite Police Chowki, G.T. Road, Samalkha District-Panipat, Haryana. 818. Lok Rajya Party221/20, Geet Gunjan Society, Sector-2, Charkop, Kandivali (West), Mumbai-400067, (Maharashtra). 819. Lok Raksha PartyVillage & Post Office Sirsa,District – Etawah,Uttar Pradesh. 820. Lok Satta Party5-10-180/A & A-1, Bandline, Adarsha Nagar, Hyderabad - 500001, Andhra Pradesh. 821. Lok Sewa DalPost: Badhiya, Tehsil: Lakhi Sarai,Bihar-811 302. 822. Lok Shakti83, Lodhi Eastate, New Delhi-110003. 823. Lok Vikas Party41, Vigyan Vihar, Delhi-110092. 824. Loknayak Party172/3 C, East Moti Bagh,Sarai Rohilla, Delhi-110 007. 825. Loko SanmilonP.O.-Jaleswar, Distt.-Goalpara, Assam. 826. Lokpriya Samaj PartyPrajapati Dharmshala M andir Shri Kalkaji, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019. 827. LoksangramH.No. 1321, Lane No.4,Dhule – 424001, Maharashtra. 828. Loksena63/H/S, Madan Mohan, Burman Street,Kolkatta-700007, West Bengal. 829. Lokshasan Party of IndiaS.No. 67, Plot No. 25,Pratik Building, Flat No. 3, Vidyanagar,Pune -411032, MAHARASHTRA.- 23 -Ex-106/2014 830. Loktantra Congress PartyE-1, 21/7, New Rajendra Nagar, P.O. Ravigram, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 831. Loktantrik Chetna PartyMumtaj Manjil, Azad Nagar, Baanda. (Uttar Pradesh). 832. Loktantrik Jan Samta PartyC-7/166, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-110053. 833. Loktantrik Janata Party (Secular) Main Road, Firozpur, Post Office-Aander, Distt.- Siwan, Bihar-841231. 834. Loktantrik Manavatavadi PartyShop No. 5, SD 366, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 835. Loktantrik Morcha Himachal Pradesh 212, Jawahar Sadan, Shimla-171004, Himachal Pradesh. 836. Loktantrik Rashtravadi Party25, Gopal Park,Maya Cinema Road,Kuber Nagar, Ahmedabad,GUJARAT. 837. Loktantrik Samajwadi Party27-A, D.D.A.Flats, Mata Sundri Road, New Delhi-110002. 838. Loktantrik Samata DalD-104, Daroga Prasad Rai Path,Patna-800 001. (Bihar). 839. Loktantrik Sarkar PartyC/o P.K. Kharia, Advocate,Shatabdi Chember No. 1, District Court, Mandla – 481 661, Madhya Pradesh. 840. Loktantrik Sarvjan Samaj Party B-103, Sapna Apartment,Ramnagari, Ashiyana Nagar,Patna-800025Bihar. 841. Loktrantrik Janata FrontD-351/12, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092. 842. M.G.R. Kazhagam11, Sadasivam Street, Gopalapuram, Chennai-600086 (Tamil Nadu). 843. M.G.R. Mannetra KazhagamKonnoor High Road (Canal Area) Otteri, Chennai-600012 (Tamil Nadu). 844. Maa Telangana Party8-2-540/4, Road No.4, Banjara Hills,Hyderabad, (Andhra Pradesh). 845. Maanila Konghu PeravaiNo.41, Narayanaguru Road,Saibaba Colony,Coimbatore-641011,Tamil Nadu. 846. Maatra Bhoomi Raksha Dal205, B-30, Prakash Trade Centre,Subhash Chowk, Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-110 092. 847. Madhya Pradesh Kisan Mazdoor Vidhayak Vishram Girh,Room No. 95, Part-III, Bhopal-462 003. Adivasi Kranti Dal(Madhya Pradesh). 848. Madhya Pradesh Loktantrik Party 19-Durga Colony, Sanjivani Nagar, Gadda, Jabalpur-482003 (Madhya Pradesh). 849. Madhya Pradesh Nav Nirman Sena 2983, Prince Colony,New Kanchanpur, Adhartal,Jabalpur-482004.Madhya Pradesh. 850. Maha Loktantra Party351, Nirmal Nagar,Pili Kothi, Kidganj,Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh. 851. Mahabharath M ahajan SabhaPlot No, 10, Vivekananda Nagar, Inner Ring Road, Kolathur, Chennai-600099 (Tam il Nadu). 852. Mahagujarat Janta PartyA-203, Satyamev-1, S.G. Road, Opp. High Court, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 853. Mahakaushal Vikas Party‘Shanti Kutir’ 281,Sanjivani Nagar, Jabalpur (M.P.). 854. Mahamukti DalVillage Usarav, Post Office – Itayen,Tehsil – Mariahu, District - Jaunpur,Uttar Pradesh. 855. Mahan DalA-218 D, Dhiraj Nagar Extn., Atmadpur, Near Fauji Dhaba, Sector-30, Faridabad, Haryana. 856. Mahanayak Sardar Patel Sangh 52/98, IInd Floor, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi-110019. 857. Mahanwadi PartyVillage & Post – Kutubpur Chanora,District – Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. 858. Maharashtra Parivartan Sena (T) Village – Mangvadgaon,Taluk – Kej, District – Beed,Maharashtra 859. Maharashtra Pradesh Krantikari Party At. Post-Tal. Koregaon, Koregaon, Distt. Satara (M aharashtra). 860. Maharashtra Rajiv CongressDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Nagar, Near Bus Stop, No. 379, P.L. Lokhande Marg, Chembur, Mumbai-400089 (M aharashtra). 861. Maharashtra Secular FrontHill View, 109, A/2, Vaishali Nagar, (S.V.P. Road, Dharkhadi), Dahisar (East), Mumbai-68, (M aharashtra). 862. Maharashtra Vikas AghadiGovindagraj Sadan, Shyam Nagar, Latur, Maharashtra. 863. Maharashtra Vikas CongressAt & Post-Jalgaon, Distt. Jalgaon-425001 (Maharashtra). 864. Mahashakti Inqualab PartyTigri, Khushhalpur, Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh. 865. Mahila Adhikar Party29-A, Naharpur, Sector-7, Rohini, Delhi-110085. 866. Mahila Pradhana Paksha1261, 16th Main, 20th Cross, A Block, Sahakara Nagara, Bangalore - 560092, Karnataka. 867. Mahila Swabhiman PartyVillage–Gumati No. 5, Sarai Karora, Gosainganj,District – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 227125. 868. Mai Hee Bharat2A, “Royal” Hastings Park Road,Kolkata,West Bengal. 869. Maidani Kranti DalHeadquarters Majid Wali Gali,Mazra, Dehradun (Uttaranchal). 870. Majdoor Kisan Akali DalVillage – 75 GB, Post Office – 72 GB,Via Ramsinghpur, Tehsil – Anoopgarh, Distt. – Ganganagar, Rajasthan. 871. Majdoor Kisan Union Party459/1, Moh. Sarvat (Basant Vihar),Post Office-Khas, Distt. & City-Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh – 251 001. 872. Majlis Bachao Tahreek16-4-593/A, Chenehalguda, Hyderabad-500024 (Andhra Pradesh). 873. Majlis Markaz-e-Siyasee Party10-5-391/54/182/A, Ground Floor,Kashan-e-Ghousia Aleem, Sayed Nagar,Opp: 95A, MLA’s Colony, Road No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500028, Andhra Pradesh . 874. Makkal Congress Vazhapadiyar 18, Telugu Brahmin Street, Velacheri, Chennai-600 042, Tamil Nadu. 875. Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi 245/6, R.K. Mutt Road, Mylapore,Chennai – 600004, Tamil Nadu. 876. Makkal M anadu Katchi82/1, 5th Street, Padmanabha Nagar, Adyar, Chennai – 600020, Tamil Nadu.- 24 - Ex-106/2014 877. Makkal Marumalarchi M unnetra No. 13A, 1st Floor, Thiyagarajan Nagar,Kodungaiyur, Chennai - 600118, Kazhagam Tamil Nadu. 878. Makkal Nalaurimaik Kazhagam629, Anna Salai, Chennai-600006 (Tamil Nadu). (People’s Liberal Party) 879. Makkal Sakthi KatchiNew No. 41, Old No. 15,Bazaar Lane, 2nd Floor, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai –600015, Tamil Nadu. 880. Makkal Tamil Desam14, Hanumantha Road, Balaji Nagar, Royapettah, Chennai-600014, Tamil Nadu. 881. Makkal Vilipunarvu EyakkamSeeranampalayam, Palakkarai-638057, Thudupathi (via) Perundurai Taluk, Erode District, Tamil Nadu. 882. Mana Party5-4-719, Kattelamandi, Nampally,Hyderabad-500 001, Andhra Pradesh. 883. Manav Ekta PartyDadusingh Colony, Plot No. 53, Sirpur,District – Dhule,MAHARASTRA. 884. Manav Jagriti Manch552, Bank Colony, Devli Village,New Delhi – 110062. 885. Manav Kalyan ManchSa. 6/186, M .X. – 1.Aktha, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 886. Manav Kalyan Sangh DalGadi Sthan-M ehtwara, Tahsil Astha, District Sehore (Madhya Pradesh). 887. Manav Mukti MorchaHameedganj Ward No. – 13,Ahead the Patthar Mill,PO. Medini Nagar – 822 101, Distt. Palamu (Jharkhand). 888. Manav Samaj Party9538, Gausala Baradari, Kishanganj, Delhi-110006. 889. Manav Sewa PartyC-6/28, Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi-110016. 890. Manava PartyG-23, Eureka Towers,Ki ttur, Chennamma Circle, Hubli-580029 (Karnataka). 891. Manavadhikar Janshakti PartyJ-6/7-B-D, Near Police Station,Jaitpura, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221001 892. Manavtawadi Samaj Party638/307, Village – Jarahra,Indira Nagar,Lucknow - 05, Uttar Pradesh. 893. Manipur Democratic People‘s Front Lairik Yengbam Leikai(South),Opposite-33KV Electric Sub-Station,Near K.M. Tower, Tirupati Lane,Imphal East - 795010Manipur. 894. Manipur People’s PartyPeople’s Road, Imphal 795001 (Manipur) 895. Manipur People’s Party (Democratic) Qtr. No.1, Type-IV, Babupara, Imphal-795001 (M anipur). 896. Manitha Urimaigal Kalaagam14/41, Goods Shed Street,M adurai-625001 Tamil Nadu. 897. Manithaneya M akkal Katchi3rd Floor, No. 6, Vada Maraicoir Street,Chennai- 600001,Tamil Nadu. 898. Manuvadi Party201, Birhana Pandeyganj, Subhash Marg, Lucnow-226004, Uttar Pradesh. 899. Maraland Democratic FrontSaiha-796901, Chhimtuipui District (M izoram). 900. Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra ‘THAYAGAM’ No. 141, Rukmani Lakshmi Pathi Salai, Egmore, Chennai-600008 Kazhagam(Tam il Nadu). 901. M arumalarchi Thamizhakam1/19, Onangudi (P.O.) Arimalam (Via) Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu. 902. Marxist Communist Party of India Saidpur, Patna-800004 (Bihar). (United) 903. Marxist Co-ordination115 MLA Flat, Bir Chand Patel Path, Patna-800004 (Bihar). 904. Maryadi DalGram Panchayat Chhoukarwada, Tehsil – Vair, District – Bharatpur,Rajasthan. 905. Matra Bhakta PartyRaghunath Farm, Village + Post – Kundli, Sonepat, Haryana. 906. Matra Bhoomi Vikas PartyC/o Shri Kashi Nath Tripathi,Aspathal Road Mau Chibee, Bandha-210209 (Uttar Pradesh). 907. Megh Desham PartyMeghvansh Bhawan, E-70B, Bajrang Vihar Tirtiya, Harmada Ghati, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 908. Meghalaya Democratic PartyMission Compound, Mawkhar,Shillong-793001, M eghalaya. 909. Meydhaa Party13E/10A, Rajeev Nagar (Suturkhana), P.O. Teliarganj, District-Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 910. MGR Thonderkal KatchiNo.18/33A, Vattavilai, Kappiyarai Post, Kanyakumari District- 629156, Tamil Nadu. 911. Ministerial System Abolition Party 25, Burtolla Street, Kolkata. 912. Minorities Democratic Party13, Hydry Road Complex,Mominpura, Nagpur-440018,(Maharasthra). 913. Mithilanchal Mukti MorchaSupoul Bazaar, College Road, Vandevi Nagar, Biroul, Darbhanga,Bihar – 847203. 914. Mizoram Congress PartyHeadquarters: Aizawal, Mizoram – 796 001. 915. Moderate PartyVillage – Khakhari (Maghara ChaurahaP.O. Balepur Kalan, District – Devariya, Uttar Pradesh. 916. Momin Conference47/26, Waris Plaza, Hussain Ganj, Vidhan Sabha Marg, Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh. 917. Mool Bharati (S) PartyHouse No. 25, Near Khooni Masit Moga Mehla Singh Moga- 142001 Distt. Faridkot (Punjab). 918. Moolniwasi Samaj PartyVillage – Maghaipur, Post – Maharajganj, Janpad – Ajamgarh - 276137Uttar Pradesh. 919. Moovendar Munnetra Kazhagam Lake Area, M elur Road,Madhurai-625 107 (Tamil Nadu). 920. Most Backward Classes of India Paraspur-Kudwar, Sultanpur-228155,Uttar Pradesh. 921. Moulik Adhikar PartyBiroli-M otinagar, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh-224201.- 25 -Ex-106/2014 922. Mudiraj Rashtriya SamithiMudiraj Bhavanam, H. No.6-7-537/1, New Boignda, Secunderabad-500003 (Andhra Pradesh). 923. Mukt BharatFlat No. 1451, Sector- A, Pocket- B & C, Vansant Kunj, New Delhi- 110070. 924. Musalsal Iman Samaj Party261, Chakki Wali Gali, Railway Road, Bazaria, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 925. Muslim Majlis Uttar PradeshSultan M anzil, Takia Peer Jaleel, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 926. Naam Tamilar KatchiDoor No. 7, Plot No. 8,Hospital Road, Senthil Nagar, Cinna Porur, Chennai – 600 116 Tamil Nadu . 927. Naari Shakti PartyC/11, Sunderdham, Rambauglane,Off. S.V. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 092 (Maharashtra). 928. Nag Vidarbha Andolan SamitiPardesi Telepura, Bajeeriya, Near Shukla Lodge, Nagpur-440018 (Maharashtra ). 929. Naga National PartyHd.Qtrs. Aja Daily Office, Church Road, Dewlahland, Imphal, Manipur. 930. Nagaland Democratic PartyPost Box No. 95, Dimapur,Nagaland, Pin-797112. 931. Nagrik Chetna PartySarvodaya Nagar, Teachers Colony,Pilakhua, Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh. 932. Nagrik Ekta DalB-15, Deen Dyal Nagar, Phase-II, M.D.A. M uradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh. 933. Nagrik Ekta Party19/1168, Indira Nagar,Lucknow,UTTAR PRADESH. 934. Naitik Party314, City Center, Near Press Club,Hazratganj, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 935. Naki Bharatiya Ekta Party,Ward No. 1, Mohalla- Harijan Wala,Kithore, Meerut,UTTAR PRADESH 936. Namadhu Dravida IyakkamSCC Anthony Pillai Illam, New No.41, Old No.18, 7th Cross Street, Shenoy Nagar West, Chennai – 600030, Tamil Nadu. 937. Namadhu Makkal KatchiNo.3, Pillayar Kail Street, Kasba, Vellore-632001, Tamil Nadu. 938. Narayani SenaNiwas-Gram, Post-Malipur, Zila-Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 939. National Citizens PartyFlat no. 202, Sri Rama Nivas, Behind Maruti Towers, Kuakatpally, Hyderabad-500 072, Andhra Pradesh. 940. National Congress Of YouthPost Box No. 6204, 2A/37-38 Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-110015. 941. National Democratic PartyCentral Office-Changanacherry-2, Kottayam District (Kerala). 942. National Democratic Peoples Front C-4D, 42 B, Janakpuri, New Delhi. 943. National Development PartyHouse No. A-8-2, Multani Colony,Bidar – 585 401, Karnataka. 944. National Future PartyDeoria House, Behind GPO, Purani Mandi, Ajmer,Rajasthan. 945. National Janhit Congress (AB) 043A/5 Piarey Lal Building,Near Government College,Mehrauli Road, Gurgaon, Haryana. 946. National Jankranti DalK-316, Near Bus Terminal,Opposite Qutub Minar, M.B. Road, Lado Sarai, New Delhi – 110030. 947. National Jansatta PartyTejaji Chenchya Wali Dhani,Post – Khori, Tehsil – Shahpura, District – Jaipur-303103 Rajasthan. 948. National Lokhind PartyC-1375, Rajajipuram, Lucknow-226017, Uttar Pradesh. 949. National Lokmat Party88/336, Chamanganj, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 950. National Loktantrik Party46, Gulista Colony, Lucknow-226001(Uttar Pradesh). 951. National Minorities Party7A-Junction S.V. Road and Bandra Railway Station Road, Opp. Lucky Hotel, Bandra (W), M umbai-400050 (Maharashtra). 952. National Organisation Congress No.1, Jeevananandam, Salia, K.K.Nagar, Chennai-600078(Tamil Nadu). 953. National PartyRudain Badayun-202 524 (Uttar Pradesh). 954. National Peace Party SecularVillage – Rasoolpur Biur, Post-Awadhan, Tehsil – Chaayal, District – Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh - 212218. 955. National Progressive PartyPlot No. 157, Block-B-3,Sultan Puri Colony, New Delhi-110086 . 956. National Republican PartyT-42/6. Old Barracks, Chamber Camp, M umbai –400074 (M aharashtra). 957. National Sarvasamaj PartyH. No. 66,Khasra No. 1995, Iqbal Colony,Near of Sana Masjid, Village – Pasaunda, Pargna – Loni,Tehsil & District – Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201001 958. National Secular ConferenceMISFA, Koduvally (P.O.), Kozhikode DT.,Kerala - 673572. 959. National Secular PartyC-20/B, 1st Floor, Green Park Extention,New Delhi-110 016. 960. National Students Party16/2, Karaneeshwarar Pagoda Street, Mylapore, Chennai-600004 (Tamil Nadu). 961. National Target PartyNo. 158/A, Tehkhand, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi- 110020. 962. National Tiger PartyCentral Head Office- Sarojnagar,Post office- Kalgiganj, Vai/Thana- Kahalgaon, District- Bhagalpur- Bihar- 813203. 963. National Unionist Zamindara Party 129, New Dhaan Mandi,Sriganganagar, Rajasthan-335001. 964. National Vikas Party (India)B-40/A-11, Ganapati, Paradise Central Spine, Vidhya Dhar Nagar,Jaipur-302023, Rajasthan. 965. National Welfare Party28/18, Anna Street, Senguttai, Katpadi, Vellore-632 007 Vellore District,Tamil Nadu.- 26 - Ex-106/2014 966. National World Life Panchatatva Patidar Colony,Bhelkheri Road, Shujalpur Mandi,District – Shajapur, PartyMadhya Pradesh 967. National Youth PartyFlat No. A-202, Yuro Apartment, Sector – 5, Rajendra Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 968. Nationalist Charity CongressBishop House, Gabriel Compound, Panavilai Thuckaley-629175, Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. 969. Nationalist Party of India5A, Beli Road, Allahabad-211002.(Uttar Pradesh). 970. Nationalist People’s FrontS-8, Divya Mall, Tonk Road, Lal Kothi, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 971. Nationalistic Telangana Rashtra 23-6-431/1, Gowlipura,Hyderabad – 500265, Andhra Pradesh. Samithi 972. Native People’s PartyH.O. Gote Nivas, Tisgaon Road, Kalyan (East)-421306. (M aharashtra). 973. Nav Bharat Democratic PartyChherawal and Associates, F6/35, United Apartments, East Street, Pune- 411001, (Maharashtra). 974. Nav Maharashtra Vikas PartyC-6, Bhaskar Darshan, Arunoday Nagar, Mulund East, Mumbai-400081, (Maharashtra). 975. Nav Samaj Dal102-C, Gaytri Nagar,Allahabad-211004Uttar Pradesh. 976. Nav Yuvak DalVillage - Tikra, Post – Ghunghter,Tehsil – Fatehpur, District - Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh – 225302 977. Nava Bharat National PartySurvey No.627, Bhairava Gutta,Ravalkole Village, Medchal Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh. 978. Nava Nirmana Nagarika Samithi 6/7/8, Shankarmutt Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore-560004 (Karnataka). 979. Nava Telangana PartyHouse No. 8-2-598/B, Road No.8,Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034. 980. Navbharat Nirman Party30, DSIDC Complex, Mata Sundri Road, New Delhi-110 002. 981. Navin Bharat Nirman ManchPipalawali Khadki,At. & Po. Kasor- 388205,Ta. & District Anand,Gujarat. 982. Navjawan Sangharsh MorchaD/711, Township, Bhavnathpur, Garhwa, Jharkhand-822112. 983. Navodyam PartyD.No. 4-96/2, Near Rama Mandir, Nallakavari Street, Etukuru Village, Guntur Rural Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. 984. Naya Daur PartyA-406, Defence Colony,New Delhi-110024. 985. Nehru Janhit CongressSainipura Mohalla, Badshahpur,Tehsil & Distt. – Gurgaon,Haryana. 986. Nelopa (United)B.D.O. Building, Durga Devi Marg,Sheesh Mehal, Hussenabad Chowk, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 987. Nesavaalar Munnetra KattchiNo. 34, Koladi Road, Thiruverkadu (P.O.), Chennai (Tamil Nadu). 988. Netaji Congress SenaRanga Building, S. No. 123, Katraj P.O., Pune – 411 046, (M aharashtra). 989. Netaji Subhash Chander BoseMohalla – Gayatri Nagar,City & Post – Banda,Distt. - Shahjahanpur, Rashtriya Azad Party,Uttar Pradesh – 242402. 990. Netaji Subhash PartyShajanwa, Distt. Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh). 991. New All India Congress PartyA-138, Main Vikas Marg,Shakarpur, Delhi – 110092. 992. New Democratic PartyMann Homeopathic Medical Centre,Near Mahavir Chowk, D.C. Kothi Road,Sangrur-148001Punjab. 993. New Democratic Party of India2nd Floor, 9A/83, W.E.A., Karol Bagh,NEW DELHI-110005. 994. New India National Movement2, Bigcity House, Behind Maszid, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001. 995. New India PartyH. No. 20-3-314, Vidyanagar Godavarikhani,-505209, Distt. Karimnagar (Andhra Pradesh). 996. New Life People’s PartyNo.15/16, ‘Judie Flats’, No. 13,Rosary Church Road, Santhome, Chennai-600004, Tamil Nadu. 997. New Socialist Movement104, Maharana Pratap ComplexOpp. Ellisbridge, P.O. – El lisbridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006, Gujarat. 998. News CongressBaimahal, 2nd Floor, Wadia Street, Tardeo, Mumbai – 400 034, Maharashtra. 999. Nidaya M alik (N) Party242, Civil Lines, Gaunda, Distt. Gaunda-271001 (Uttar Pradesh). 1000. Nirjatita Samaj Biplabi PartyVillage –Durgapur P.O. Haritala (Bagula), Distt. Nadia, West Bengal, Pin 741502 1001. Nirmal India PartySA 6/8 H-15, Satsang Nagar, Benipur,Pahadia, Varanasi-221007,Uttar Pradesh. 1002. Nissabada Bhooripaksham113, Pattukal Shopping Complex, IInd Floor, East Fort, Trivendrum Fort, P.O. Trivendrum, Kerala. 1003. Niswarth Sewa PartyVed Ayurvedic Store, Near Bus Stand,Mahendregarh, Haryana. 1004. Noorie Party102, Kadodra – Bardoli Road,Surat,Gujarat. 1005. North East Social Democratic Party Mawlai Mawdatbaki, Dong Nongpathaw,Shillong-793008, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya.- 27 -Ex-106/2014 1006. NTR Telugu Desam PartyRoad No. 13, Banjara Hills,Hyderabad-500034 (Andhra Pradesh). (Lakshmi Parvathi) 1007. Nyaynishth PrajatantraCentral Head Quarter and P.O. - Dewar (Gopeshwar)-246401, District Chamoli, Uttranchal. 1008. Odisha Jan MorchaPlot No.17, Village Nakhaur, PO Gopinathpur, District – Khurda, Bhubaneswar – 751002, Odisha. 1009. Ojaswi PartyFlat No. 38, Plot No. 36,Ajanta Apartment,Patparganj, Delhi-110092. 1010. Orissa Communist PartyMLA Colony, Unit-4, Bhubaneswar (Orissa). 1011. Orissa CongressQ.No.D.S. 1/19, M LA Colony, Unit-4, Bhubaneshwar –750001 (Orissa). 1012. Orissa Gana ParishadA/52, Kharvela Nagar, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar-751001. 1013. Orissa Mukti M orcha15, Bhouma Nagar, Unit-IV, Bhubaneswar-751 001, Orissa. 1014. Orissa Socialist PartyMunicipal Compound, Choudhury Bazar, Cuttack-753009 (Orissa). 1015. Pachai Kudi M akkal KatchiNo.7, Kamarajar Street, Pallikkaranai, Chennai-601302 (Tamil Nadu). 1016. Pahachan Mangalkari PartyL-II-56, Madangir, Delhi-110 062. 1017. Panchal Morcha137 B-1, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi-110049. 1018. Panchayat Raj Party106, Pocket A-3, Sector-3, Rohini, New Delhi – 110034. 1019. Panthers Republican Party‘Anandvan’, M ahatma Phule Nagar, Peer Bazar, Osmanpura, Aurangabad, Maharashtra - 431005 1020. Parcham Party of India1-Rahmat Bano Market, Medical College Road, Civil Lines, Aligarh-202002, Uttar Pradesh. 1021. Parivartan Samaj PartyGande Wali Sarak, Laskar, Gwalior-474001, Madhya Pradesh. 1022. Party for Democratic Socialism183, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata-700068, West Bengal. 1023. Party Kisan Mazdoor VyapariRailway Road, Hathras Junction, Mahatma Prakritic Chikitsalya, Nangla Hira, Hathras Junction, Mahamaya Nagar, Hathras, (Uttar Pradesh). 1024. Parvatiya Punrutthaan Parishad 64, 1st Floor, Adhchini, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016. 1025. Paschim Banga Rajya Muslim League 129, Collin Street, Kolkata-700016 (West Bengal). 1026. Paschimanchal Vikas PartyQr. No. 10 E, In front of St. Joseph School, At. Sakhipara, Distt. – Sambalpur, Orissa- 768001. 1027. Paschimbanga Ganatantrik Mancha Flat No.56, Block-H, C.I.T. Building, Christopher Road, Kolkata-700014 (West Bengal). 1028. Paschimi Prajatantra Morcha 386, Shahnatthan, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 1029. Paschimi Uttar Pradesh Swaraja Party Sardhana Road, Kankar Khara, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). 1030. Patriot28-Appavu Street, Cuddalore Port, Pin-607003, Tamil Nadu. 1031. Patriotic Party of India4/28, Vishal Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010, Uttar Pradesh. 1032. Pavitra Hindustan Kaazhagam11, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane, New Delhi-110001. 1033. Peace PartyJohra Complex, Barhalganj,PO- Barhalganj, Zila – Gorakhpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1034. Peasants And Workers Party of India Hari Kharude Niwas,Mahatma Phule Road, Naigaon, Dadar, Mumbai (Maharashtra). 1035. Pedala PartyD.No. 18-131(A), Village - Katurivaripalem, Mandal – Podili, District – Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh – 523240. 1036. Pedarikam Nirumulana PartyD No. 66-1-3/A.S. Atchuthapuram, Kakinada-533004, East Godavari District Andhra Pradesh. 1037. People’s Democratic FrontH.Q. Guwahati, H.O. Udalgiri, Distt. Darrang, Bodoland (Assam). 1038. People’s Justice Party‘KAAR ARUL’, A-87, Kandasamy Salai, 8th Street, Periyar Nagar, Chennai-600028 (Tamil Nadu). 1039. People’ s Party of India (Secul ar) Duplex-38, Saileshree Vihar, Chandershekharpur, Bhubaneshwar-751021, Orissa. 1040. People’s Party of Punjab7112, Ward No.2, M alout Road,Gidderbaha (M ukatsar),Punjab-152101. 1041. People’s Democratic Conference Bankra, Post Office – Birati,Kolkata – 700051, West Bengal. of India 1042. People’s Democratic ForumC-177, Sector’J’, Aliganj, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1043. Peoples Democratic LeagueBuilding No. 25, Flat No.8, Chitnavisnagar Layout, Byramji Town, Near Mental of IndiaHospital, Nagpur-13 (M aharashtra). 1044. People’s Democratic Movement Mawlai Nongkwar,Shillong-793 008 (Meghalaya). 1045. Peoples Democratic PartyMASS Building Ernakulam North,P.O. Cochin-18 (Kerala). 1046. Peoples Green Party19C/1, Jeevan Jyoti Appartments, Ward No. 1, Mehrauli,New Delhi-110030. 1047. Peoples GuardianD-302, Blue Hills, Nagar Road,Pune (Maharashtra) – 411 006. 1048. Peoples Movement of India9/215/22, Yojna – 3, Sector –9, Aavas Vikas Colony, Jhoonsi, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh – 211 019.- 28 - Ex-106/2014 1049. Peoples Power PartyP.B.No.16, Shivaji Nagar Post Office, Mumbai-400043, Maharashtra. 1050. Peoples Republican PartySaptahik Jaibheem, Opp. Anand Talkies, Sitabadi, Nagpur-440012 (M aharashtra). 1051. Perunthalaivar M akkal Katchi‘NRD Towers’, First Avenue ,Ashok Nagar,Chennai-600 083Tamil Nadu. 1052. Phule Bharti Lok PartyMain Gurudwara Road, Baba Bakala, Distt.-Amritsar, Punjab-143201. 1053. Pichhra Samaj PartyMohalla Jati, Nagina, District-Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh. 1054. Plains Tribals Council of AssamP.O. & T.O. Kokarajhar, Distt. Kokrajhar (Assam). 1055. Political Party of NationalC-546, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024. Management Service 1056. Pondicherry M annila Makkal17 Kumran Street, Kamarajar Nagar Pondicherry-605001. Munnani 1057. Poorvanchal Rashtriya Congress Plot No. 157-158, Pocket E-20,Sector-3, 1st Floor, Rohini,Delhi-110085. 1058. Prabuddha Bharat Party7A, Hospital Street, 1st Floor,Kolkata – 700072, West Bengal. 1059. Prabuddha Republican PartyMD-26-17/6, SRTRM CH Chanai Road, Ambajogai, District Beed-431517, M aharashtra. 1060. Pragatisheel Magahi SamajH.No.605/334, Ward No. 44, Mohalla – Madaanpur(Akshayvat), Thana – Civil Lines, Distt. – Gaya, Bihar. 1061. Pragatisheel M anav Sam aj Party Village Wari (Naipurva) Post Dashrathpur-221304, Distt. Bhadohi (Uttar Pradesh). 1062. Pragatisheel Party111, Badshah Nagar, Lucknow-226007(Uttar Pradesh). 1063. Pragatisheel Samaj Party58/12/1D, Newada, Circular Road, Rajapur,Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh. 1064. Praja Bharath PartyPlot No. 106, Block‘A’, Archana Appartments, East Marredpally, Secunderabad-500026 (Andhra Pradesh) 1065. Praja Chaithanya Party1-7-578/31/2, Gemini Colony,Musheerabad,Hyderabad,Aandhra Pradesh. 1066. Praja Party3-5-898/1, Himayatnagar, Hyderbad-500029 (Andhra Pradesh). 1067. Praja Raj Party287/264/1, Meerut Bulandshahar Road,Hapur –245101, Uttar Pradesh. 1068. Praja Shanthi Party382, Aparijitha Colony,Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1069. Prajasattak Bharat PakshaAt. Shileshwar, Post – Bhadas, Tal. M ulshi, District – Pune-412108Maharashtra . 1070. Prajashakti Party SamdarshiShri Ram Sadan – 40, Saraipitthu Aanshik,Nayagaon (Kesharua), Sitapur Raod, Hargaon, Janpad – Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh. 1071. Prajatantra Aadhar Party46, Purani Fauzdar Ki Chali,Memco Char Raste Ke Pass, Naroda Road, Ahmedbad-382345, Gujarat. 1072. Prajatantrik Bahujan Shakti Dal T-1, Shriram House,117 H-2/52, Pandunagar,Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1073. Prajatantrik Lok Ekta Dal3, Koutilya Marg, Patna – 800 001, Bihar. 1074. Prajatantrik Samadhan PartyVillage- Hakimabad, Tehsil- Aasta,Distt.- Sihore, Madhya Pradesh. 1075. Prajatantrik Samajvadi PartyC-17, Yadav Nagar, Village – Samaypur,Delhi-110042. 1076. Prem Janata DalH. No. 1-4-524/A/7/1, Bholakpur, Near Badi Masjid, Musheerabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1077. PRISMTop Floor, 4-CHHA-30, Vigyan Nagar, Kota-324005 (Rajasthan). 1078. Prithak Bastar Rajya Party8, Senior H.I.G., Sector-3, Shankar Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 1079. Progressive Democratic PartyVillage and Post- Surjawali(Salempur), District-Bulandshahar-203001, Uttar Pradesh. 1080. Progressive PartyB Block, Gali No.5, Shani Bazaar Road,Amrit Vihar, Burari,Delhi – 110084. 1081. Progressive People’s PartyHouse No. -975,976, Shyam Colony, Budh Vihar Phase-II, Near Krishna Mandir, P.S. – Vijay Vihar DELHI- 110086. 1082. Proutist Bloc, IndiaHouse No. E- 2/39, 5th Pustha, Sonia Vihar, Delhi- 110094 1083. Proutist Sarva SamajSewa Niketan Compound,Agra Road, Etah, Uttar Pradesh. 1084. Public Development PartyMurlipur Shekh Salah Takiya,Chinhat, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 1085. Public PartyIqbal Mahal, 234-A, Atala,Allahabad-211003,Uttar Pradesh. 1086. Public Political PartyH.N. 43, Village Shukulpur(B), Juhi, Teshil – Lalganj-Hazara, Distt.- Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh, 1087. Puducherry Padaippali MakkalNo. 4, First Street,Thendral Nagar,Puducherry - 605013. Katchi 1088. Punjab Janata MorchaPanj Pir, Jalandhar City -144001 (Punjab). 1089. Punjab Labour PartyVillage and Post Office Adhniyan,Tehsil – Malot, Distt. – Muktsar, Punjab 1090. Punjab People’s Party14, Sector 28, Arun Vihar, Noida-201303 (Uttar Pradesh). 1091. Punjab Pradesh Vikas PartyH.O. HIG-970, PHB Colony, Urban Estate, Focal Point, Ludhiana (Punjab). 1092. Punjab Vikas Congress PartyPanj Peer Chowk, Jalandhar, Punjab. 1093. Punjabi DalH.No. BV/30A, Ramgarhia, Gurdwara Road, Barnala-148101, Distt. Sangrur (Punjab).- 29 -Ex-106/2014 1094. Puratchi BharathamNo. 54, National Highways, Poonamalla, Chennai-56, Tamil Nadu. 1095. Puratchikara Thozhilalar Katchi No. 3, Karikalan East, First Street,(Opp.S.P.Hospital, Anjappar Hotel), Adambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600088 1096. Purvanchal Gan ParishadHouse No. 34, Pocket-28, Sector-24, Rohini, Delhi-110085. 1097. Purvanchal Janata DalVillage and Post Office – Janadi,District – Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. 1098. Purvanchal Janshakti PartyShreeVishveshwar Ashram Satuabhar,Post – Bihari Bujurg, Khajni, Gorakhpur-273 212, Uttar Pradesh. 1099. Purvanchal Rajya Banao Dal374, Bakshipur, (Near the North of Power House), Distt.-Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1100. Purvanchal Vikas PartyL-131, Street No.5, M ahipal Pur Extn., New Delhi-110037. 1101. Puthiya Needhi Katchi6, North Boag Road, T-Nagar, Chennai-600017, Tamil Nadu. 1102. Puthiya Tamilagam132, New MLAs Hostel, Govt. Estate, Chennai-600002 (Tamil Nadu). 1103. Pyramid Party of India2-1-83, Kola Street, Tirupati-517 501,(Andhra Pradesh). 1104. Qaumi Ekta DalH. No. - 228, Moh. Astupura, Teh. - Sadar,District - Mau,Uttar Pradesh. 1105. Quami Janta Dal9-B, Triloknath Road, Lal Bagh, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1106. Quami Party930, Street No.30/7, Jafrabad, Delhi – 110053. 1107. Rahbar PartyWard No. 2, Mohalla - Kachchi Masjid, Raysen,Tehsil & Distt. Raysen-464551, MADHYA PRADESH. 1108. Rajasthan Dev Sena DalOpposite to Bus Stand,Dhamai Haveli, Dudu, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 1109. Rajasthan Jan SattaGramin Kanya Chhatrawas, Near Water Works, Sadulpur, Churu-331023, Rajasthan. 1110. Rajasthan Samajik Nyaya Manch 5/8, Vidhayak Nagar (West), Opposite New Vidhan Sabha, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 1111. Rajasthan Veer Sena1-8-17 (SFS), Dr. Sheela Chowdhary Road, Talwandi, Kota-324005 (Rajasthan). 1112. Rajasthan Vikas Party43, Chand Bihari Nagar, Khatipura Road,Jaipur-302012. (Rajasthan). 1113. Rajdal HaryanaD/S 45, Brass Market, Bawal Road, Rewari-123401, Haryana. 1114. Rajiv Makkal CongressNo.16 (Old No.18), Viswanathapuram, III Street, Kodambakkam, Chennai-600024, Tamil Nadu. 1115. Rajlok PartyB-123, Street No.8, Kamal Vihar, Burari, Delhi – 10084. 1116. Rajnaitik Vikalp Party204 – Shahi Bhawan, Dak Banglow,Patna – 800001 Bihar. 1117. Rajya Nojawan Shakti PartyNear Gandhinagar Police Station,Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir. 1118. Rajyadhikara PartyH.No.10-4-A/390, Addagutta, East Marredpally, Secundarabad-17, Andhra Pradesh. 1119. Rakshaka SenaNo. 604, Vayunanda Layout, Hebbal, Kempapura, Banglore-560024. 1120. Ramrajya MargNo.17, Venus Colony, Second Street Alwarpet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). 1121. Rani Chennamma PartyVakkalageri Dyamavvankatti, Gadag – 582 101, Karnataka. 1122. Rashtra Bhakt DalBaba Bajrang Das Ji Ki Bagichi,Khatipura Road, Jhotwada,Jaipur – 302 012, Rajasthan. 1123. Rashtra Hith Party706/707, M.K. Heights CHS,‘B’ Wing, C.T.S. No. 621, Opp. ‘L’ Ward Office,S.G. Barve Marg, Kurla (W),Mumbai-400 070 Maharashtra. 1124. Rashtra Nirman PartyD-25, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024. 1125. Rashtra Sewa Dal85/40, Officer Flat, Beli Road, Patna – 800001, Bihar. 1126. Rashtra Shakti1112, S/5 Tegore Garden, Near Bus Stand, Yamuna Nagar-135001, District – Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. 1127. Rashtra Suraksha ParishadKothi No.A-2/79, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063. 1128. Rashtrasamarpit JansamoohH-101, Ground Floor, Chandu Park, Krishna Naga, New Delhi- 110051 1129. Rashtravadi Communist partyBegaria Ka Khera,P.O. Brawan Kalan, Kakori,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1130. Rashtravadi Janata PartyAnil Bharti Bhawan, 43-A, Sukhbir Nagar, Karala, New Delhi-110081. 1131. Rashtravadi Pratap SenaVillage – Narayanpur Banska,P.O. – Dhaulana,Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh. 1132. Rashtravadi Vikas DalA-37, Sector-26, Noida-201301,District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 1133. Rashtrawadi Jantantrik PartyAmbar Villa, 127/660, W-1,Saket Nagar,Kanpur-208014UTTAR PRADESH. 1134. Rashtrawadi Labour PartyD-12/104, Sector-8, Rohini,Delhi – 110085 1135. Rashtrawadi Parivartan Party (L.B.) M.C. Unit No. 4 – 467,Noonsar Johad, Patram Gate,Bhiwani, District – Bhiwani, Haryana – 127021 1136. Rashtrawadi Samaj Party16/17, Civil Lines, Near PadamApartment, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1137. Rashtrawadi Samta Party196/187 K, Village-Balipur Khurdwan,Tehsil- Gauriganj,Distt. Distt. Amethi, UTTAR PRADESH. 1138. Rashtrawadi SenaMain Shahdra Chowk, Delhi – 110032 1139. Rashtrawadi Swarn Ekta PartyPlot No. 11, 2nd Floor,Awadhpuri Khand – I, Market Khargapur, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.- 30 - Ex-106/2014 1140. Rashtriya Aadiwasi Bahujan Party Plot No.4, Pushpak Nagar,Junwani Road, Bhilai,Disst. Durg, Chhattisgarh-490020 1141. Rashtriya Adarsh PartyPitthuwala Khurd, Chanderbani,Dehradun,Uttarakhand. 1142. Rashtriya Agraniye DalVillage – Khamona, Post – Resipur,P.S. – Jansa, District – Varansi, Uttar Pradesh. 1143. Rashtriya Ahinsa Manch132/1, M ahatama Gandhi Road,Kolkata – 700 007. 1144. Rashtriya Aikta Manch PartyD-91, Kunwar Singh Nagar, Nangloi, Delhi-110041. 1145. Rashtriya Aman SenaAman House, Sanjay Gandhi Nagar,Road No. 9, Shiwaji Nagar No. 2, Govandi, Mumbai, M aharashtra-400043. 1146. Rashtriya Ambedkar DalAmbedkar Bhawan, Budh Vihar, Bhim Nagar, Central Jail Road, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 1147. Rashtriya Apna DalHouse No. 232/81/4D, Tilak Nagar, Allapur, Allahabad,UTTAR PRADESH 1148. Rashtriya Arya Raj Sabha769/2, Vijay Park, Jhang Colony,Rohtak-124001.Haryana. 1149. Rashtriya Awami Dal152, Kazi Tola, Sailani Road,Old City, Bareli-243005, Uttar Pradesh. 1150. Rashtriya Backward Party1/44, Shanti Nagar,Etah-207001UTTAR PRADESH 1151. Rashtriya Bahujan Congress Party TA-137/3, Tughlakabad Extension, New Delhi-110019. 1152. Rashtriya Bahujan Ekta PartyAlok Nagar, Air Force, Bareilly-243122 (Uttar Pradesh). 1153. Rashtriya Bahujan Hitay PartyC-158, Captain Satish Marg, Rishi Nagar, Rani Bagh, New Delhi-110034. 1154. Rashtriya Balmiki Sena Paksha Jagadguru Maharishi Balmiki Swami Mandir Marg, C.M.E. Ram Nagar Bopkhel, Pune-411 031 (Maharashtra). 1155. Rashtriya Bandhutwa Party554, Mamfordganj, AllahabadUttar Pradesh. 1156. Rashtriya Bhagidari Sam aj Party 86-B, DDA Flats,M asjid M oth, Phase-II,Greater Kailash Part III,New Delhi-110 048. 1157. Rashtriya Bhrasthachar Virodhi Central Office: Shivaji Nagar, Abu Parbat, 307501, Distt. Sirohi (Rajasthan). Morcha 1158. Rashtriya CongressWard No. 45, Mohalla – Baldevpuri, Janpad – Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh. (Babu Jagjivanram) 1159. Rashtriya Congress (J.) PartySaindhri, Post-Harthala,Via Pakvarh,M uradabad,Uttar Pradesh. 1160. Rashtriya Dehat Morcha Party601, Rohit House, 3-Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-110001. 1161. Rashtriya Deshaj PartyTungari Toli, Argora, St. Francis School,Post - Harmu, Distt. Ranchi Jharkhand - 834012. 1162. Rashtriya Deshbhakt PartyB-61, Shanker Garden, Vikas Puri,New Delhi-110018. 1163. Rashtriya Dharmanirpeksha108, Shankar Shah Nagar,Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh). Nava Bharat Party 1164. Rashtriya Ekta PartyH.No. 83, Ground Floor, Gali No. 4, Near Chand M asjid, Jafarabad, Delhi – 110053. 1165. Rashtriya Ekta Vikas PartyNear Noor Masjid,Madina Masjid Transformer Wali Gali,Ashok Vihar Ward No.42, Loni,Tehsil and District - Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1166. Rashtriya Garib Dal110, Ram Nagar, Panipat, Haryana. 1167. Rashtriya Garima PartyB-14, Kasturba Nagar, Near Chetak Bridge, Bhopal-462001, (Madhya Pradesh). 1168. Rashtriya Gondvana PartySarkhel House, Tiffra, Bilaspur – 495223, Chhattisgarh. 1169. Rashtriya Gram Vikas Party62, Civil Lines, Roorkie, Janpad-Haridwar Uttarakhand 1170. Rashtriya Gramin PartyVillage Chakershanpur (Kemrala), P.O. Ghori Bachera (Dadri), District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 1171. Rashtriya Gurujan PartyGurujan Vidyabhuvam, Doodh Sagar Marg, Rajkot – 3, Gujarat. 1172. Rashtriya Hamara Dal22/191, Dholi Khar, Mantola,Agra (Uttar Pradesh). 1173. Rashtriya Hind Sena158/1, Dev Nagar,District Firozabad - 283203,Uttar Pradesh. 1174. Rashtriya Hindu Sangathan30, Jati Colony, Ram Bagh, Opposite Sainath Mandir, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 1175. Rashtriya Hindustan Sena,Shiva Shakti, 141, Behind New Bus Stand, Vasvi Nagar, Hubli-580030, KarnatakaKarnataka. 1176. Rashtriya Hith Congress712, G-Block, Military Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005. 1177. Rashtriya Independent Morcha At: Mining Road, Keonjhar (In front of O.S.M.E. Ladies Hostal),P.O./Via.: Keonjhargarh District – Keonjhar-758001, Odisha. 1178. Rashtriya Indira PartyDattpura, Near Subzi M andi, Morena, (Madhya Pradesh). 1179. Rashtriya Jan Kalyan PartyG-290, Old Seema Puri, Delhi 110095. 1180. Rashtriya Jan Sahay Dal112, New Connaught Place,Dehradun, Uttaranchal. 1181. Rashtriya Jan Samanatavadi71-B, Pocket A-3, Kalkaji Extension,New Delhi–110 019. (Ambedkar) 1182. Rashtriya Jan SangamSharma Kunj, Shivpuri, Bulandshahar (Uttar Pradesh). 1183. Rashtriya Jan SansadShakti Nagar, Old G.T.Road, Khurja, Distt. – Bulandshahar-203131, UTTAR PRADESH.- 31 -Ex-106/2014 1184. Rashtriya Jan Sewak PartyVillage : Nangla Jamalpur, Post : Panchli Khurd, Baghpat Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. 1185. Rashtriya Janadhikar Party61, Mangla Puri Phase-I, Palam, New Delhi-110045. 1186. Rashtriya JanadhikarVillage: Krishnapur,Post: Dhopahat Krishnapur,Distt: 24 Parganas (South), Suraksha PartyWest Bengal. 1187. Rashtriya Janandholan Paksha “Powrabhavan”, No.567(38), 60 Ft. Road, Gokula Mathikere Layout, Bangalore - 560054 (Karnataka). 1188. Rashtriya Janasachetan PartySonarpur, Sukanta Nagar (Milanpally),(Near Shib Mandir)P.O. & P.S. Sonarpur, (R.J.P.)Kolkata-700150. West Bengal. 1189. Rashtriya Janata Janardan Party Suraj Ka-Purva, Atarrarural, P.O. Atarra, District Banda, Uttar Pradesh. 1190. Rashtriya Janhit PartyKothi No.75, Sector-17, Panchkula-134 109 (Haryana). 1191. Rashtriya Jan-Jagram MorchaRaj Manzil, Ward No.12, Gopalganj, Post and District Gopalganj, Bihar. 1192. Rashtriya Jankranti MorchaVillage- Babhne Alam Nagar,P.O-Pratappur,District: Chatra,Jharkhand -825404 1193. Rashtriya Jankranti Party5/24 H-10 (R) ITI Road, Aligarh,Uttar Pradesh – 202001 1194. Rashtriya Janmat PartyVillage – Fatuha, Post – Hanumanganj,Distt. – Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh. 1195. Rashtriya JanmorchaC-69/10, Gali No. 10, C- Block,M ustafabad,Delhi-110094. 1196. Rashtriya Janpriya PartyH-II-76/D, LDA Colony,Kanpur Road.Lucknow-226012,UTTAR PRADESH. 1197. Rashtriya Janrakshak PartyVillage – Birjapur, Post – Aduki,Distt. MathuraUTTAR PRADESH 1198. Rashtriya JansanghOld 20, New 35, Victoria Park, Sports Colony, Meerut,Uttar Pradesh 1199. Rashtriya Jansevak ParishadDevkanya Sadan, Near Water Tank, Tripolia Road, Banswara-327001 (Rajasthan). 1200. Rashtriya Janseva-Secular Party 428, Brahman Wara, Old Ward No. 23,Ballabhgarh-121004, Distt. - Faridabad, Haryana. 1201. Rashtriya Janshakti Party (Eklavya) Post and Village :- Binjhol, Tehsil and District :- Panipat, Haryana-132103. 1202. Rashtriya Janshanti Party52/2, School Ward Chawk,Behind G.G.I.C.,Pratapgarh-230001,Uttar Pradesh. 1203. Rashtriya Janta CongressA-4, Swaran Singh Road, Adarsh Nagar, New Delhi-110033. 1204. Rashtriya Janta PartyNear of Shiv Mandir Colony,Saorkha Jahidabad, Sector – 115, Noida, Distt. - Gautambudhnagar, UTTAR PRADESH. 1205. Rashtriya Jantantra Paksh24, Star Apartments, Vidya Vihar Marg, Sector – IX, Rohini,Delhi – 110085 1206. Rashtriya Jantantrik BharatGovind Chikitsalya, Parsiya Morh, Rasulpur, Rasraha, Balia,Uttar Pradesh. Vikas Party 1207. Rashtriya Jantantrik DalShukla Bhavan, Budhapara, Raipur-429 001, Chhattisgarh. 1208. Rashtriya Jantantrik PartyFlat No. 153-154, Vir Chand Patel Path,Patna-800001 (Bihar). (Secular) 1209. Rashtriya Janutthan PartyA-655-56, Awas Vikas, Hanspuram (Kainal Road), Naubesta, Kanpur Nagar – 208021, Uttar Pradesh. 1210. Rashtriya Janwadi Party (Krantikari) 9/168, Indira Nagar, Near Pani Tanki, Luknow-226016. 1211. Rashtriya Jatigat Aarakshan788-E/24, In Front of Union Bank,Near of old Court, Rohtak Road, Virodhi PartySonepat-131001 Haryana. 1212. Rashtriya Kalyan Paksha904, Atlanta Towers,Inqualab Society Gulbai Tekra,Ahmedabad-380006, Gujarat. 1213. Rashtriya Kamgar PartyB.W – 97 D, Shalimar Bagh,Delhi – 110088 1214. Rashtriya Kamjor Varg PartyCentral Office: Post Office Building, Lal Bahadur Shastri Nagar, Post Office (Upper Floor) Patna-800023 (Bihar). 1215. Rashtriya Karmyog PartyVillage & P.O. – Sultanpur, Tehsil – Nilokheri,Distt. – Karnal,Haryana-132116. 1216. Rashtriya Kisan Congress Party H. No. 1-11-602, Ramamata Ambedkar Nagar, Near of Guru Govind Singh Ji Stadium,Tq. & Distt. Nanded, Maharashtra. 1217. Rashtriya Kisan PartyVillage & P.O. Dhanaundha, Teh. & Distt. M ahendragarh (Haryana). 1218. Rashtriya Kisan Vikas PartyVillage & Post – Parasi, Tehshil – Mangawan,District – Rewa, Madhya Pradesh – 486111. 1219. Rashtriya Komi Ekta PartyLimda Lane, Makrani Pada, Jamnagar-361001, Gujarat. 1220. Rashtriya Kranti PartyLodhi Pragyapeeth, Lauh Purush Dr. Sakshi Nagar,Shikohabad Road, Etah, District: Etah – 207 001, Uttar Pradesh. 1221. Rashtriya Krantikari DalGopal Nagar, Main Surakhpur Road, Najafgarh, New Delhi –110043. 1222. Rashtriya Krantikari Janata Party 407, Durga Chambers, D.B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005. 1223. Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party House No. 65/25 K, Chhitwapur Road, Lalkaun, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1224. Rashtriya Lok Jagriti PartyNear Bk. No. 27, Opp. Budh Vihar,Bhim Nagar, Ulhasnagar – 421 001, Distt. Thane, Maharashtra.- 32 - Ex-106/2014 1225. Rashtriya Lok Nirman PartyM-12, Mir Vihar,Madan Pur DabasDELHI. 1226. Rashtriya Lok Samta PartyMouza – Dhkkanpura, Mohalla – Mohanpur Punaichak (Near Hartali Morh), Boring Kainal Road, Patna – 1, Bihar. 1227. Rashtriya Lok Seva Morcha206, Lovekush Tower, Exhibition Road, Patna-800 001, Bihar. 1228. Rashtriya Lokhit PartyA-40/35A, Amarpur Madiya, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 1229. Rashtriya Lokmanch1303, Naurang House,B-Block,21-Kasturba Gandhi Marg,NEW DELHI-110001. 1230. Rashtriya Lokshakti PartyArjun Nagar Colony, Gola Gokarnnath, Lakhimpur Kheeri, Uttar Pradesh - 262802 1231. Rashtriya Loktantrik SambhavH. No. 411, Krishna Bihari Nagar, Banda Sagar Road, Varma Tiraha, Secular PartyDistrict & Tehsil – Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1232. Rashtriya Lokwadi PartyA/6A, Ground Floor, Mansarovar Garden, New Delhi – 110015. 1233. Rashtriya M achhua Samaj Party Railway Road, Dadri, Near Ravaji Farm House, Gautam Budh Nagar (Uttar Pradesh) 1234. Rashtriya Maha Janshakti DalRoom No.17, M. Naresh Munna Chawl, Jaihind Nagar, Pipe Line, Khar East, Mumbai-400 051, M aharashtra. 1235. Rashtriya Mahan Dal108/60, Avas Vikas Colony,Village – Taimurpur, Post – Bijnaur,Distt. – Bijnaur, Uttar Pradesh. 1236. Rashtriya Mahan Gantantra Party H. No. 1488, Anna Nagar, Sector – B,Post – Govindpura,Bhopal – 462023, MADHYA PRADESH. 1237. Rashtriya MahasanghN.R. Complex, Opp. Nagar Palika Office, Ajmer –305001 (Rajasthan). 1238. Rashtriya Mahashakti Party5, Rupayatan, S V Road, Vile Parle West,Mumbai-400056Maharashtra. 1239. Rashtriya Mahila Janshakti Party Gram Sabha – Sainta Jiginiya,Post – Kanta Guljarpur,Block – Fatehpur, Distt. – Unnao, Pin-209801 UTTAR PRADESH. 1240. Rashtriya Manav Adhikar Party17/700, Village-Gopalpur, Post-Azadpur (Timarpur), Delhi-110009. 1241. Rashtriya Manav Ekta Congress Party O pp . G ur udw ar a, S ta ti on R oad , R ai pur, C hhat ti sga rh. 1242. Rashtriya Manav Kalyan Sangh 280, D.D.A. Flat, Pocket-1, Phase-1, Sector-23, Dwarka, New Delhi-45. 1243. Rashtriya Manav Samman Party H-16/147, G.F. Sangam Vihar, New Delhi-110062. 1244. Rashtriya Mangalam Party19/23, West Moti Bagh, Street No. 3, Sarai Rohilla, Delhi – 110035. 1245. Rashtriya Matrabhoomi Party1265 – Sector – 17C, Gurgaon, Haryana. 1246. Rashtriya Mazdoor Ekta PartyBlock-B, Sant Nagar, Gali No.57, Burari Road, Delhi –110009. 1247. Rashtriya Mazdoor KisanAshoka Avenue, Village-Lalganj, P.S- Sadar, District - Ranchi,Jharkhand. Prajatantrik Party 1248. Rashtriya Morcha PartyH.No.57, Village – Manesar, M ohalla – M ohan Patti, Distt. – Gurgaon, Haryana-122050. 1249. Rashtriya Naujawan Dal20/575, D.D.A. Flat, Dakshinpuri,New Delhi – 110062 1250. Rashtriya Nayay PartyCollege Road Dehari, Tehsil Nurpur, Distt. Kangara, Pin Code- 176 022 (Himachal Pradesh). 1251. Rashtriya Parivartan DalB-4A/25, Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi-110007. 1252. Rashtriya PartyGaya Prasad Dharmshala Complex, Charbagh Sabzi Mandi, Lucknow, (Uttar Pradesh). 1253. Rashtriya Peace Party17G/322, Sector – 17, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1254. Rashtriya Pragati PartyGarh Par, Nardiganj Road, Nawada, Post & Distt. Nawada – 805 110, Bihar. 1255. Rashtriya Pragatisheel3518, Daribapan, Opposite to Sheela Cinema,Paharganj, New Delhi-110055. Prajatantra Party 1256. Rashtriya Praja Congress (Secular) 12-11-113, AB-Nageswara Rao Street, Arya Puram, Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh. 1257. Rashtriya Prajantantrik PartyHouse No. 38, Gram-Janaur, Post-Kandhikala, Janpad-Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1258. Rashtriya Rajdhani Congress Delhi 8, Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006. 1259. Rashtriya Raksha DalC/o Hotel Pankaj, Sector-22A, Chandigarh. 1260. Rashtriya Sadhu Vichar Council Raidopur New Officer Colony, Nyay Marg, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 1261. Rashtriya Sahara PartyJangra Market Dundahara, Gurgaon-122016, Haryana. 1262. Rashtriya Sakar PartyG-12, Gupta Tower-1,Near M other Dairy, Vikas Puri,Delhi – 110 018. 1263. Rashtriya Samadhaan Party121-A, R-3/A-2, Mangal Bazar Mohan Garden, New Delhi - 110059. 1264. Rashtriya Samaj PakshaC/o L.W. Kale, 17-Raghunath Dadoji Street, 4th Floor, Near Handloom House, Fort, Mumbai-400 001 (Maharashtra). 1265. Rashtriya Samaj Sevak DalBheera Khiri, Janpad-Khiri-262901 (U.P.) 1266. Rashtriya Samaj Sudhar PartyVillage Thantri, Post Ghodi,Distt. Faridabad (Haryana). 1267. Rashtriya Samajwadi Apna Dal Vill. – Basupar (Bankut),Near Shiva Nursing Home, P.O. – Jiyanpur, District – Ajamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 1268. Rashtriya Samajwadi Congress S-9/11 B, Premchand Marg, Hukulganj, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.- 33 -Ex-106/2014 1269. Rashtriya Samajwadi Jankranti B-37/162, K.P.Giri Colony,Birdopur, Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh. Party 1270. Rashtriya Samajwadi PartyA/104, Rajshree Avenue,B/h, Income Tax, Nr. Dinesh Hall, Ashram Road, (Secular)Ahmedbad-380009, Gujarat. 1271. Rashtriya Samajwadi Party (United) 9, Community Centre, Ashok Vihar, Phase-II, Delhi-110052. 1272. Rashtriya Samajwadi PartyB-248, M ohan Nagar, Thatipur, Morar, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh). ‘Pragatisheel’ 1273. Rashtriya Samanta Dal8/440, Trilok Puri, Delhi-110091. 1274. Rashtriya Samdarshi Deshbakt Dal Khushkari Sadan, Anand Nagar,Mandi Road Tiraha, Kasganj, Kanshiram Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 1275. Rashtriya Samyawadi Aryan Party 570/20, Virat Nagar,Alam Bagh,Lucknow-226005,Uttar Pradesh. 1276. Rashtriya Sangharsh PartyFaridabad, Sujanganj,Jounpur-222201Uttar Pradesh. 1277. Rashtriya Sant Sandesh Party263, Vanarse Niwas, Mitra Nagar, Latur, Tq. Latur, Distt.- Latur-413512, Maharashtra. 1278. Rashtriya Sarvajan Party124/3, M adak Khana (Khushipura),Jhansi-284001,Uttar Pradesh. 1279. Rashtriya Sarvasamaj Party (India) Plot No. 256, Mithila Dham Rahivashi Sangh, Opp. Jery Verghese Termate Company, Gen. A.K.Vaidya Marg, malad (East), Mumbai-400097, Maharashtra. 1280. Rashtriya Sarvjan Samaj PartyVillage & Post – Mandhata,Tehsil – Sadar, Distt. – Pratapgarh,Uttar Pradesh. 1281. Rashtriya Sawarn DalDubey Ka Parav, Aligarh-202001 (Uttar Pradesh). 1282. Rashtriya Sawarn Shakti Party299, Ground Floor, Gagan Vihar, Delhi – 110051 1283. Rashtriya Secular CongressAshirvad Apartment,Mathura Dawaraka Road,P.O. Dispur, Sakuntala Path, 5th Bye Lane, Guwahati-6, ASSAM. 1284. Rashtriya Shakti Party (India)80-A, Munirka Village,New Delhi-110067. 1285. Rashtriya Sindhi Congress437/B/1, Rubia House,B/H, Ellis Bridge Shopping Centre,Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-380 006, Gujarat. 1286. Rashtriya Surajya ParishadMrudul Tower, Ground Floor, Kailash Society, H.K.House Lane, Ashram Road Ahmedabad-380009 (Gujarat). 1287. Rashtriya Surya Prakash PartyC/o Sh. Panna Lal, S/o. Sh. Bhole Shankar, Thana-Avagarh, Jalesar Road, Kasba & Post Office-Avagarh, Zila-Eta, Uttar Pradesh. 1288. Rashtriya Swabhimaan Party104-B-Block, Darulshafa, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1289. Rashtriya Swajan PartyGhagha Ghat Road, Near Malaria Office, Mahendru, Patna-800006 (Bihar). 1290. Rashtriya Ulama Council3, Rashad Nagar, Gorakhpur Road,Azamgarh-276001Uttar Pradesh. 1291. Rashtriya Unnatisheel DalF.167, Chand Bagh Colony, P.O. Gokulpuri, Delhi – 110094. 1292. Rashtriya Uttarakhand Party124/98, Haridwar Road, Dehradun,Uttarakhand. 1293. Rashtriya Vikas Manch PartyPlot No. 58, New Colony,Tilmapur, Aashapur, Sarnath, Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh. 1294. Rashtriya Vikas PartyE-86A, Vishwa Karma Colony, New Delhi - 110044. 1295. Rashtriya Viklang Party114, DDA Pocket –2,Sector-7, Dwarka,New Delhi-110045. 1296. Rashtriya Vyapari PartyF-25, Professor Colony,Kamla Nagar,Agra-282005Uttar Pradesh. 1297. Rashtriya Yuva Loktantrik Party Chamber No.461, New Chamber Complex, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi-110001. 1298. Rashtriya Yuva SanghB-117, Gali No. 6, East Vinod Nagar, Delhi-110091 1299. Rashtrotthan PartyArya Samaj, Kishanpol Bazaar, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 1300. Rastriya Insaaf PartyHouse No.606,Rudra Nagar,District-Sultanpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1301. Rastriya Naba Nirman PartyJemadevi Pentho Street, Old Berhamapur,PO- Berhamapur, PS – Bada Bazar, Dist. Ganjam, Odisha – 760009 1302. Rastriya Praja Chakravyuha Party No. 73, Shanthinikethanam, D.K. Halli Main Road, Palar Nagar, BEML Nagar Post, Bangarapet Taluk, Kolar District, Karnataka - 563115. 1303. Rayalaseema Parirakshana Samithi Door No. 70-125-B-71,Near Highway, Kallur,Kurnool Town,Andhra Pradesh – 518003 1304. Rayalaseema Rashtra SamithiDoor No.22/160, Vasanthapeta,Kadapa District, Proddatur-516360, Andhra Pradesh 1305. Regional Democratic SecularLower Lumparing, P.O. Laban,Distt. East Khasi Hills, Shillong – 793004 CongressMeghalaya. 1306. Republican Backward Congress Plot No. 4, Gali No. 1, Ward No.1,M.C. Colony, Charkhi-Dadari, Disstt. Bhiwani, Haryana-127306 1307. Republican Janata PartyD-29, Gandhi Vihar, D.D.A. Colony, M ukherjee Nagar, Delhi – 110009. 1308. Republican Labour PartyBlock-4, House No. 236,7th M ile Chumukedima, Dimapur-797103, Post Box –354, Nagaland. 1309. Republican M ovementPost Box No.117, Tadoba Road, Tukum, Chandrapur – 442401, Maharashtra.- 34 - Ex-106/2014 1310. Republican Paksha (Khoripa)Ensa Hutments, 8-9, Azad Maidan, Infront of Mumbai Maha Nagar Palika, Fort, Mumbai-400 001, (Maharashtra). 1311. Republican Party of IndiaENSA Hutment, I-Block, Mahapalika Marg, Azad Maidan, Mumbai-400001 (Maharashtra). 1312. Republican Party of IndiaMukund Niwas, India Nagar, Latur-413512 (Maharashtra). (Democratic) 1313. Republican Party of India (Kamble) A, 703, Suryakiran Co. Op. Housing Society, Plot No. 12&13, Sector-5, Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai- 400701, Maharashtra. 1314. Republican Party of India (Sivaraj) 10, Solai Street, Ayanavaram, Chennai-600023 (Tamil Nadu). 1315. Republican Party of India Ektavadi B-9/667, Dev Nagar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005. 1316. Republican Party of India(A)1/16, Sanjay Complex, T.T. Nagar, Bhopal-462003,(Madhya Pradesh). 1317. Republican Party of IndiaGita Villa, East M arredpally, Secunderbad, (Andhra Pradesh). (Khobragade) 1318. Republican Presidium Party of India Uruli-Kanchan, Pune-412202 (Maharashtra). 1319. Revolutionary Communist Party 84-Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700025 (West Bengal). of India (Rasi k Bhatt) 1320. Revolutionary Democratic Party 221, Street No. – 115,B – Block, Sant Nagar,Burari, Delhi – 110084. of India 1321. Revolutionary Socialist PartyTC 24/113, Panvila, Thycadu,P.O. Thiruvananthapuram, Pin Code-695014. of India (M arxist) 1322. Revolutionary Socialist PartyKerala State Committee Office, Future Centre, Sahodara, Samajam Road, of Kerala (Bolshevik) RSP.BChettikulangara, Thiruvananthapuram, (Kerala). 1323. Sabjan PartyC-1/50, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-110053. 1324. Sabka Dal Bharatiya Samajwadi N-14/169, Sarainandan (Khojva), Varanasi-221010 (Uttar Pradesh). Congress 1325. Sachet Bharat Party13/A/5, Shivaji Nagar, No.1, Govandi, Mumbai-43 (M aharashtra). 1326. Sadan Vikas PartyNorth Office Para, Gauri Shankar Nagar, House No.276, Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand. 1327. Sadbhavana PartyRoom No.14, Ist Floor, Lucknow Hotel, Sri Ram Road Choraha, Aminabad, Lucknow-226018 (Uttar Pradesh). 1328. Sainik Samaj Party317, Shiva Disposal Complex,Sanyukat Yatra Bus Adda Road,Chandrabhaga, Adarsh Gram,Rishikesh, Disstt. Dehradun-249201, Uttrakhand 1329. Sakhthi Baratha Desam2/58, Vairavan Chetty Store, Pachiyamman Padithurai, Madhurai-625001, Tamil Nadu. 1330. Samaikya Rashtra SamithiD. No: 42-64-1/1, Luna Centre,Opp. M.K. Baig Municipal Corporation High School, Singhnagar, Vijayawada, Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh – 520015 1331. Samaikya Telugu RajyamD. No.1-39-B(Serial No. 1026A), Chayapuram Village,Vajrakarur Mandal, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh-515842. 1332. Samaikyandhra ParirakshanaH.No. 8-3-580/1, Yellareddyguda,Ameerpet – 500073, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Samithi 1333. Samaj Parivartan PartyVillage – Salarpur, Post – Karaura,Tahsil – Machhlishahar,Janpad – Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1334. Samajik Ekta Party22, Housing Board Colony, Sonipat-131001 (Haryana). 1335. Samajik Insaaf Party (Rashtrawadi) House No - 53, Village Lehari,Post Kuriyar, District – Basti, Uttar Pradesh - 272178. 1336. Samajik Jantantrik PartyMukam Raja Market, Cinema Road, Gopalganj Nagar Palika Post, Gopalganj-841428, Distt. Gopalganj (Bihar). 1337. Samajik Nyaya PartyM-22, Mahavir Park, Marris Road, Aligarh-202001 (Uttar Pradesh). 1338. Samajtantric Party of India40/1, B – Road, Bamanghachi,Howrah – 711 006, (West Bengal). 1339. Samajvadi Youva Dal3/19-C/2, Sita Kunj, Behind Civil Court, Civil Lines, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 1340. Samajwadi Jan ParishadJai M alha Prasad, Reti Bunder Road, Mahagiri, Thane (W)-400601 (Maharashtra). 1341. Samajwadi Janata Dal Democratic 14, Dr. Bishambhar Das Marg,New Delhi – 110 001. 1342. Samajwadi Janata Party (Karnataka) Room No.21, 2nd Floor,Hameed S hah Complex No.2, Cubbonpet, M ain Road, Behind Ulsoor Gate Police Station,Bangalore-560002,Karnataka. 1343. Samajwadi Janata PartyBarrack No.4, Behind Yashodhan Dinsha Wacha Road, Church Gate, (Maharashtra)Mumbai-400020 (Maharashtra). 1344. Samajwadi Janata Party (Rashtriya) Narendra Niketan, Behind Police Headquarters, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi-110002. 1345. Samajwadi Kranti Dal3/197, Vidhayak Puram, Vinay Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.- 35 -Ex-106/2014 1346. Samajwadi Samaj PartyWard No.13, Lohia Nagar, Nagar Panchayat – Salempur, Janpad - Deoria, Uttar Pradesh – 274001 1347. Samarth Kisan PartyPrabandhak – Mother Teresa Convent School,Village & Post – Manauri, Tehsil – Chayal, Janpad – Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh. 1348. Samata Kranti DalPlot No.3547/3875, Mouza Gautam Nagar, Garage Chhaka, Temple Road, old TownBhubaneswar – 751002, Odisha. 1349. Samata Party220, Vitthalbhai Patel House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110001. 1350. Samata Samadhan PartyE-1/150, Arera Colony, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 1351. Samata Samaj PartyOpposite to Padav Police Station, Laxmanpura, P.O. Lashkar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 1352. Samata Sangharsh Party618-F 2/2/1, Shankar Gali, Vishwas Nagar, Delhi-110032. 1353. Sampoorna Kranti DalVillage – Khajoori Kalan,Post – Khajoori Khurd, Koraon, Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh 1354. Sampurna Vikas Dal88, South Avenue, New Delhi-11. 1355. Samruddha Odisha201, Sitalkunj Apartment,Plot No. M 63, Madhusudan Nagar, Bhubaneshwar – 751001, Orissa. 1356. Samta Samjwadi Congress Party C-4/350, Sarai Govardhan, Chetganj,Varanasi-221010, Uttar Pradesh. 1357. Samta Vikas PartyHouse Harbhajan Jangde, Ward No. 17,Mandideep, Tehsil – Goharganj, District - Raisen,Madhya Pradesh 1358. Samtawadi Republican Party108, Rampuram, PAC Road,Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1359. Samuga Samatuva Padai4/388, Ram Garden,Anna Salai, Palavakkam,Chennai-600041,TAMIL NADU. 1360. Samyak Parivartan PartyVillage –Janki Nagar, Behind of Ranipurwa School,Vikas Khand – Jhanjhri, Near of Mande Nala Bridge,Post – Bus Stop, Janpad – Gonda,Uttar Pradesh. 1361. Sanatan Samaj PartyRamanand Nagar, Begumpura, Ayodhya, Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh). 1362. Sanatan Sanskriti Raksha DalVillage – Taraon,Post, Thana & Tehsil – Koraon,Distt. – Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh. 1363. Sankhyanupati Bhagidari Party New (Bangali Tola), Vigrahpur Bus Stand,M ithapur,Patna,Bihar-800001. 1364. Sanyukt Dastkar PartyP-205, Basti Khwaja M eer Dard, Barron Road, New Delhi-110002. 1365. Sanyukt Samajwadi Dal11, Zones Lines, Agra – 282004,Uttar Pradesh. 1366. Sanyukta Samaj PartyVillage and Post-Khari,District-Bijnaur,Uttar Pradesh. 1367. Sarb Hind Shiromani Akali Dal103, New Officers Colony, Patiala, Punjab. 1368. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Party1, Olekar House, Dattapada Road,Borivali (East), Mumbai – 400 066. 1369. Sarv Jan Sarv Samaj Party2/248, TF, Subhash Nagar,New Delhi – 110027. 1370. Sarva Jan Samaj PartyChawla Properties, Laxmi Vihar,Camry Road, Hisar, Haryana. (Nand Kishore Chawla) 1371. Sarva Janata PartyCentral Party Office # 17, Javalli (Village), Pillangere (Post), Shimoga (Taluk), District – Shimoga - 577227 Karnataka. 1372. Sarva Samaj Kalyan PartyBijraj Bhawan, Village - Singharpur, Post – Ahamadpur, M athura Road, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. 1373. Sarva Samaj Vikas PartyBamba Road, Sailai, Post Office – Sailai,District – Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1374. Sarva Seva PartyB-51, Pratap Vihar, Part-3, Nangloi, Delhi-110041. 1375. Sarvadharam PartyC-44, Padmanabh Nagar, Bhopal- 462023 (Madhya Pradesh). (Madhya Pradesh) 1376. Sarvahara Samaj Party68-A Block, Darulshafa, Lucknow(Uttar Pradesh). 1377. Sarvajan Kalyan PartyIn front of K-73, Hanuman Nagar,Kankarbag,Patna-800020,Bihar. 1378. Sarvajan Samaj Party (D)Village & P.O. : Wadala Bangar,Tehsil: Gurdaspur,District: Gurdaspur-143511 Punjab. 1379. Sarvajanik Kranti PartySurya Lodge, Road ways,Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 1380. Sarve Bhavanti Sukhinah Party Village & Post - Mamdar, Tehsil & P.S. – Rampur Naikin, District – Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh. 1381. Sarvhara DalKewala Fariyatta, Via. Gidhour, Distt- Jamui (Bihar). 1382. Sarvochcha Rashtriya VikasC-90,DDA Flat, West Gorakh Park, (New Jafrabad) Shahdara,Delhi-110032. Mahaparishad 1383. Sarvodaya Karnataka Paksha“Aniketana” First Floor,SJM Samudaya Bhavana, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560 009, (Karnataka). 1384. Sarvodaya PartyP3, University Campus, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302004 (Rajasthan). 1385. Sarvshreshth DalVillage - Shahdaudpur or Kakorgahna, P.O. & Tehsil – Sader, District – Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh 1386. Sarwajan MahasabhaB-36/40, Kabir Nagar, Durgakund, Varanasi –221005, Uttar Pradesh. 1387. Satya Mave Party548, Ramdass Pate, Nagpur-10 (M aharashtra).- 36 - Ex-106/2014 1388. Satya Vijay Party101-C, Press House,22, Phiroz Gandhi Press Complex,Agra – Mumbai Road, Indore – 452 008, Madhya Pradesh. 1389. Satyavadi PakshRoom No. 4-5, Oriyan Complex, Opp. Hotel Rajdhani, Railway Station Road, Aurangabad-431005 Maharashtra. 1390. Satyayug PartyFlat No.203, Bldg. No.6-4-323/A, Vivek Vanshi Residency, Mekala Mandi Road, Bholakpur, Secunderabad-500080, (Andhra Pradesh). 1391. Satyug PartyVillage – Sukhatola, Dumri,Post – Kasya,Distt. – Kushinagar,Uttar Pradesh. 1392. Savarn Samaj PartyEast Of Stadium, Nand Hardware, Sirmor Road, Rewa-486001, (Madhya Pradesh). 1393. Secular Alliance of IndiaSai, Bhawan, Opposite- Swami Dharamdas Darbar, Swami Dharamdas Nagar, O.T. Section, Ulhasnagar-421003, Maharastra. 1394. Secular Democratic Labour6-2-44/3A, Jammibanda Street,Khammam-507001Andhra Pradesh. Party of India 1395. Secular National Dravida PartyKadakkavoor Buildings, Thumpara Nagar, M undakkal, Kollam City, Kollam-691001, Kerala. 1396. Secular Party of IndiaHouse No.122-A, Ramvihar, Old Janipur, Jammu-180007 (J& K). 1397. Sehajdhari Sikh Party622/9, Near Telephone Exchange,Raikot, District Ludhiana, Punjab. 1398. Shakti DalA-4, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi-110065. 1399. Shakti Sena (Bharat Desh)Simi Bhawan, National Highway 43,Cross Lane Tiraha, Devpuri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh-492015. 1400. Shetkari Vichar Dal49, Mamta, Anandnagar Co-op. Housing, Gulmohar Road, Savedi, Ahmednagar-414001, Maharashtra. 1401. Shining India PartyWard No.6,Post – Deshnoke,District - Bikaner,Rajasthan – 334801 1402. Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)Village Quilla S. Harnam Singh, P.O. Tellania, District-Fatehgarh Sahib, (Simranjit Singh Mann)Punjab- 140 406. 1403. Shiromani Akali Dal (Republic) 9, Hakikat Nagar,Guru Tegh Bahadur Nagar,DELHI-110009. 1404. Shiromani Youth Akali Dal (Kahlon) 5/5051, Shakti Nagar, Khandwalla, Chaharta, Amritsar (Punjab). 1405. Shivaji Congress PartyHouse No. 31, A/P Khakurdi,Tal. Malegaon, District – Nashik,Maharashtra. 1406. Shivrajya PartyFlat No. B/102, Deccan Apartment, Union Park, Pali Hill, Khar (West) Mumbai- 400052 1407. Shoshit Samaj Adhikar PartyTehsil – Kole, Thana – Gandhi Park,Janpad – Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh – 202001. 1408. Shoshit Samaj DalCenter Office : Dakshnini Mandiree,Patna-800001 (Bihar). 1409. Shoshit Samaj Party4/8, Thyagraj Nagar (Near Safdarjung Bus Terminal), New Delhi-110003. 1410. Shoshit Sandesh PartyGird Badgaon, Sant Ravidas Nagar,Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh. 1411. Shramajeevi Party1-6-48, Old Alwal, Post – Bollaram, Secunderabad – 500010,Andhra Pradesh. 1412. Shree Bharat Vikas Paksh220, Shreeji Complex, Near Ellisbridge Post Office, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad – 380 006 (Gujarat). 1413. Shreshthatam Rashtra PartyVillage – Jagsar, Post – Sarsava,Janpad – Kheeri-Lakhimpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1414. Shubha KarnatakaMIG-II, No. 129, Hudco Colony, Behind Bus Depot, Near Jagratha Anjaneya Tample, Gadag – 582 103, Karnataka. 1415. Sikkim Gorkha Prajatantric Party Shimma Building, P.O. & P.S. Singtam,East Sikkim-737 134 (Sikkim). 1416. Sikkim Himali Rajya Parishad Party Tulsikunj Building, Near Telephone Exchange, P.O. – Dara Gaon, 31-A, National Highway, Tadong Bazar, Tadong, Gangtok - 737102, Sikkim. 1417. Sikkim Janashakti PartyRanipool Marchak, Chakung House,P.O. Ranipool, Gangtok (Sikkim). 1418. Sikkim Jan-Ekta PartyTinzir, Namchi, South Sikkim – 737 126 1419. Sikkim Krantikari MorchaBoomtar, P.O. Namchi,P.S. Namchi, South Sikkim,Sikkim - 737126. 1420. Sikkim National Liberation Front 31-A, National Highway,P.O. Gangtok (Sikkim). 1421. Sikkim Sangram ParishadSangram Bhavan, Jewan Theeng M arg,Gangtok (Sikkim). 1422. Sikshit Berozgar SenaChandan Kumar Bahraicha, Khajurhawan, Madiyahun, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1423. Sinh Jan Sena PartyNear Public Library, Veraval-362265 (Gujarat). 1424. Sirpanch Samaj PartyT-47, Old Nangal, Delhi Cantt-110 010. 1425. Smast Bhartiya PartyW-6/5, DLF City Phase-III,Gurgaon – 122002, Haryana. 1426. Social Action PartyMylackal House, Ranny, PathanamtittaDistt. Pin-689072 (Kerala). 1427. Social Democratic Party of India, 8/2, First Floor, Jangpura Extn.,Hospital Road, Bhogal,New Delhi-110014. 1428. Social Justice PartyNo.73, Ellaiaman Colony, Teynampet, Chennai-600086 (Tamil Nadu). 1429. Socialist Janata (Democratic)6/924 – B 1,Calicut House Construction Society Building,YM CA Cross Road, Calicut – 673001,Kerala. 1430. Socialist Janata PartyXB-1, Sah Vikas Apartment,Patparganj, Delhi – 110 092- 37 -Ex-106/2014 1431. Socialist Party (India)Lohiya Mazdoor Bhawan, H. No. 41/557, Dr. Tufel Ahmed Marg, Narhi, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1432. Socialist Party (Lohia)Siddiqui Building, 6122, Bara Hindu Rao, Delhi-110006. 1433. Socialist Party Secular505/506 Bhilawan, Lucknow Kanpur Road, (In front of Ajanta Hospital) Aalambagh, Lucknow -5, Uttar Pradesh. 1434. Socialist Republican PartyState Committee Office, Tutor’s Lane, Statue, Trivandrum – 695001 (Kerala). 1435. Socialist Unity Centre of India48-Lenin Sarani (First Floor),Kolkata – 700 013,West Bengal. (Com munist) 1436. Socialist Workers PartyPlot No – 218, Backside of Binayak Enclave, At- Kolathia, P.O. – Aiginia, District – Khordha, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751019 1437. Socialistic Democratic PartyPost Box No.1089, General Post Office, Srinagar-190001, Jammu and Kashmir. 1438. Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party Village: Fatehpur, Post: Katona,P.S. Phoolpur, Distt. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 1439. Sukhee Samaaj Party344 Bhonjha,Ghaziabad - 201001,Uttar Pradesh. 1440. Sunder Samaj PartyVillage + Post – Nangoi, Tahsil - Kharasia, Distt. – Raigarh, Chhattisgarh – 496665. 1441. Suraaj Party6-81, Office Building,Vishal Estates, Village – Annaram,Mandal – Jinnaram, District – Medak, Andhra Pradesh – 502313 1442. Swabhimani PakshaJaisingpur, District Kolhapur,M aharashtra – 416 101. 1443. Swachh Bharat PartySai Baba Mandir Bhojyavas, Bhankrota, Ajmer Road, JaipurRajasthan. 1444. Swaraj (J)Jungle Suhas Kunwari (M ahavir Chhapra), Post Office – Mahavir Chhapra, Police Station – Belipar, Tehsil – Sadar, District – Gorakhpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1445. Swaraj DalNo.4 Stop, Pattar Gudda, Post-Garaheharama, Port Blair-744101 (Andaman & Nicobar Islands). 1446. Swaraj Party – YesVillage & P.O. Semrikhan Kot, Sidharth Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-272 192. (Subhash Chandra Bosh) 1447. Swarajya Party of IndiaB-33, Sector-C, Aliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh., PIN Code-226024. 1448. Swarashtra Jan PartyTarkapur, Phulwariya,P.O. Sadar,Distt. Mirzapur – 231001,Uttar Pradesh. 1449. Swarn MahasabhaMo. Islamabad, P.O. Mohammadi,Distt. Lakhimpur Kheeri, Uttar Pradesh. 1450. Swarna Yuga PartyNo. 26, “ Amma” Ist M ain Road, Dollars Colony, RM V 2nd Stage, Bangalore – 560 094, Karnataka. 1451. Swarnim Bharat InquilabL.G. - 22, Sunrise Tower 579, M.G. Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 1452. Swatantra Adarshwadi Bhartiya Village & Post- Lutuhi, Yanha Mahuli, Distt.- Sant Kabir Nagar,Khalilabad, Kranti PartyUttar Pradesh. 1453. Swatantra Bharat Paksha‘Rahi’, Khokadpura,Aurangabad-431001, Maharashtra. 1454. Swatantra Rashtravadi Party12-H, In front of Traffic Kotwali,Dariyaganj, New Delhi-110 002. 1455. Swatantra Samaj PartyVillage & Post – Lebhri,P.S. – Darauli, Block/Circle – Mairva, Pin Code – 841 239, District – Siwan, Bihar. 1456. Taayi Nadu PartyTaayi Nadu Party44/15, Kamraj Raod, Shivaji Nagar,Bangalore-560001 Karnataka. 1457. Tamil Desiyak Katchi80-A, Chamundi Shopping Complex, Salem-636007 (Tamil Nadu). 1458. Tamil Maanila Congress (Moopanar) No.2, 2nd Street, 2nd Pudhunagar,Kanuvapet, Villianur, Pondicherry. 1459. Tamil Maanila Kamraj Congress C/o F.B. Benjamin George, Advocate, No.17, Dooming Street, Santhome, Chennai-600004, (Tamil Nadu). 1460. Tamil Maanila Quaide Milleth579, Anna Salai Teynampet,Chennai – 600 006, Tamil Nadu. League 1461. Tamil Manila Dravida M unnetraDoor No.296, Ambedkar Street, Uthukkadu Village & Post, Walajabad Via KazhagamKancheepuram Taluka & District, Tamil Nadu. 1462. Tamil Nadu Deseeya Grameeya5/58, M aniam Building, Theethipalayam Post, Coimbatore-641010 (Tamil Nadu). Thozhilalar Congress 1463. Tamil Nadu Makkal Congress310- V-Block Boopathy Nagar, Chennai-600024 (Tamil Nadu). 1464. Tamil Nadu Peasants &No. 1, Jayammal Road, Teynampet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). Workers Party 1465. Tamil Nadu People’s Party16/2 K.P.Street M ylapore, Chennai-600004 (Tamil Nadu). 1466. Tamilaga Makkal Munnetra563, Shanti Colony, N.K.B. Nagar, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. Kazhagam 1467. Tamilar Kazhagam180, Longly Road, Shevapet, Salem-636002 (Tamil Nadu). 1468. Tamilina Vidiyal Pulikal Iyakkam, Annai Illam, Pallavan Nagar, Third Street, Theni Main Road, Madurai-625 016, Tamil Nadu. 1469. Tamilnadu Jananayaka Congress 327, Lloyds Road, Royapettah,Chennai – 600 014, Tamil Nadu.- 38 - Ex-106/2014 1470. Tamizhaga Makkal JananayagaVanavil Illam, No. 9,East 7th Street,Pudukkottai-622001, Tamil Nadu. Katchi, 1471. Tamizhaga Munnetra MunnaniNo.152 A, North Usman Road, T. Nagar, Chennai-600017 (T. N.) 1472. Tamizhaga Rajiv Congress6-II, Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai-600028 (Tamil Nadu). 1473. TamizhagaVaazhvurimai Katchi 13-6-54, Pillaiyar Koil Street, Samrajapettai Post, Mecheri Mettur Tk., Salem District, Tamil Nadu – 636451. 1474. Tamizhar Party8/43, M.T.C. Road, Mattur Dam, 1, Salem District, Chennai-600017 (Tamil Nadu). 1475. Tarai Kranti Dal21/2, Indira Nagar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1476. Telangana Congress PartyFlat No.4, Block-18, MIG Phase-II, Bagh Lingampally, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1477. Telangana Labour PartyH.No.8-2-293/82/BJR/A/1, BJR Nagar, Film Nagar, Jublee Hills, Mandal: Shaikpet, Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh-500096. 1478. Telangana Loksatta PartyPlot No. 46, Flat No. 201, Gunrock Teachers Colony, Trimulgherry, Secundrabad- 500015Andhra Pradesh 1479. Telangana Minorities OBC Rajyam 17-3-4, Rein Bazar, Yakutpura, Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh -500023. 1480. Telangana Praja Party‘Anantha Nilayam’, Door No.14-9-519, Chudi Bazar Dargah, Hyderabad-500 012, Andhra Pradesh. 1481. Telangana Praja SamithiH.No.10-4-108, Girmajipet,Warangal-506002Andhra Pradesh. (Kishore, Rao and Kishan) 1482. Telangana Sakalajanula PartyH. No. 4-2-99, NFC (Nuclear Fuel Corporation Colony), Bandlaguda Jagir (Village) & (Post), Rajendra Nagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dist. – 500 086 Andhra Pradesh 1483. Telangana Yuvajana ShramikaOld H.No.10-30, New H.No.11-54, Harijanawada(P&M) Utnoor, Rajyam PartyDistrict - Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh -504311 1484. Thaayaga Makkal Katchi7, Y.V.D.Complex, Chathiram Bus Stand, Tiruchirappalli-620002, Tamil Nadu. 1485. Thalli Telangana PartyPlot No.50, Road No.5, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033,Andhra Pradesh. 1486. Thamilar Bhoomi5, Dr. Sir C.V. Raman, 1st Street, Kumaran Nagar, Tiruchirappalli-620017, (Tam il Nadu). 1487. Thamizhaga M unnetra Congress No. 91, Ponnusamy Nagar,3rd Street Perambur, Division 68, Chennai-600011, Tamil Nadu. 1488. Thanthai Periyar Dravida23, Alagappan Street,Thenkarai Periyaklam,District - Theni,Tamil Nadu - 625601. Munnetra Kazhagam 1489. Tharasu Makkal Mandram14-Sait Colony, First Street Egmore- 600008 (Tamil Nadu). 1490. The Consumer Party of IndiaDeshmukhwadi Complex, P.K. Road and Zaver Road Junction, Mulund (West), Mumbai-400080 (Maharashtra). 1491. The Great India Revolutioners4/55, Roop Nagar, Delhi-110007. 1492. The Humanist Party Of India34, Lavina, 52A, Tagore Road Santa Cruz (West), Mumbai-400054 (Maharashtra). 1493. The Imperial Party of India190, Shrinagar Main,Indore – 452001, Madhya Pradesh. 1494. The Lok Party of IndiaRoom No. 7, Building No. 61, 1st Floor, 2nd Lane, M.R. Road, Kamathipura, Mumbai – 400 008, M aharashtra . 1495. The Religion of Man RevolvingKabitirtha, Kabitanagar, P.O.Bongaon, Distt. 24-Parganas (North)-743235 Political Party of India(West Bengal). 1496. Thesia Jananayaka Makkal Katchi New No. 2, Old No. 33,2nd Cross Street, West C.I.T. Nagar, Nandanam, Chennai-600 035 (Tamil Nadu). 1497. Third View Party203, Hill View, Plot No. 85,Lullanagar, Near Mount Carmel Convent School, Pune-411 040, (Maharashtra). 1498. Thondar Congress40-Venkatanarayana Road, Thiyagarayanagar, Chennai-600017,Tamil Nadu. 1499. Thozhilalar PartyNo. 28A, Metu Street,Nemilichery, Chrompet,Chennai-600044Tamil Nadu. 1500. Thrinamool Tamil Nadu Congress 189/1, Amaravathi Street (Near Five Roads), Reddiyur Village, District – Salem - 636004, Tamil Nadu. 1501. Tippu Sultan National Republic No.24, Ist Main, 13th Cross, Bapujinagar, Mysore Road, Bangalore – 560 026 PartyKarnataka. 1502. Tola PartyH. No. – 56, Ward No. – 14,Andhua Patti, Hodel, (Palwal),Haryana. 1503. Total Vikas PartyC-95 A-1, 2nd Floor, Ardee City, Sector – 52, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122011. 1504. Tribal People Party170, Lingi Chatty Street, Chennai-600 001 (Tamil Nadu). 1505. Trikalinga CongressPalanka Koligadia, P.O.- Gunthuni Barchana, District- Jajpur, Pin- 754024, Odisha. 1506. Trilinga Praja Pragati PartyB-118, M adhuranagar, S.R. Nagar post, Hyderabad-500038, Andhra Pradesh.- 39 -Ex-106/2014 1507. Trilok Shakti Congress Bharat49-D, Triveni Nagar, Naini, Udyog Nagar, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1508. Trinamool Gana ParishadAnanda Plaza Complex, 4th Floor, Ganeshguri Chariali, Gawahati-781006 (Assam). 1509. Tripura Pragatishil Gramin Congress Old Thana Road, North Banamalipur,Agartala, Tripura (W),Tripura – 799001 1510. Ulzaipali Makkal Katchy74, Santhi Nagar, Ist Street,S.M . Nagar Post, Chennai – 600 062Tamil Nadu. 1511. Union Party of IndiaTA – 208 A, Ravi Dass Marg,Tughlakabad Extension,New Delhi-110019. 1512. United Bodo NationalistC/o Deori Bora, Rambhapuri, Kahilipara, Guwahati, (Assam). Liberation Front 1513. United Citizen PartyD-29, Kondli, Delhi-110096. 1514. United Communist Party of India 29/116, Gali No.10, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdra, Delhi-110 032. 1515. United Front (Party)Abu Fakharuddin Plaza,Langar Toli Chauraha,Bari Path,Patna-800004,Bihar. 1516. United Goans Democratic Party 1st Floor, Casa Dos Aliados, Behind Gomat Vidya Niketan, Absde Faria Road, Margao, Goa-403601. 1517. United India Peoples PartyManjamattam, Moozhoor P.O., Kottayam Distt. (Kerala). 1518. United Indian Democratic Council No.1205, II-Stage, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore-560010 (Karnataka). 1519. United M inorities Front, AssamUlubari, Guwahati-781007 (Assam). 1520. United Naga Democratic Party, Ward No. 7, Near Agape School,Chumukedima – 797 103,Dimapur – 797 112 Nagaland(Nagaland). 1521. United National Loktantrik Party D-786, Jaidpur Extn., Part – II, Badarpur, Delhi - 110044. 1522. United People’s FrontCity Regency Building,R.K.B. Road, Dibrugarh,ASSAM -786001 1523. United People’s Democratic Party Tangkhul Avenue, Imphal,Manipur-795001. (Socialist) 1524. United Peoples Party of AssamS.S. Road, Lakhtokia, Guwahati-781001, Assam. 1525. United Reservation MovementPost Box No. 2, P.O.Rehabari, Guwahati-781008 (Assam). Council Of Assam 1526. United Secular Congress Party 2/104 B, Kurla Jai Hind Budhvikas, SRA Grihnirman Sanstha, of IndiaMaryadit Nehru Nagar, Kurla (East), Mumbai-400024, Maharashtra. 1527. United Tribal NationalistsDeulguri, Harisingh Darrong-784510 (Assam). Liberation Front 1528. United Women Front4, Krishna M enon Marg, New Delhi – 110011. 1529. Upekshit Samaj PartyF-15, Bhagat Singh Market,Near Gole Market, New Delhi-110001. 1530. Urimai Meetppu KazhagamNew No. 10A, Krishna Street, Irumbuliyur, West Tambaram, Chennai-600045, Kanchi Street, Tamil Nadu. 1531. Urs Samyuktha PakshaNo. 46, Palace Road, Bangalore – 560 001, Karnataka. 1532. Utkal BharatPlot No. 296/2624, At – Govinda Prasad, East Canal Road, In front of Twin Bridge, P.O. – G.G.P. Colony, Bhubaneswar-751010 Odisha. 1533. Utkal SamajAnandayan, Plot No.-567/2, Kanan Vihar, Phase – II, Bhubaneswar – 751 031 Orissa. 1534. Uttar Pradesh Jan Manas PartyA-1445/6, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016 (Uttar Pradesh). 1535. Uttar Pradesh Republican Party 552/2, Rajendra Nagar, 2nd Street, Lucknow-226004 (U.P.). 1536. Uttar Pradesh United Democratic 38-Royal Hotel, Vidhan Sabha Marg,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Front 1537. Uttarakhand Kranti DalRochipura, P.O. Majra, Dehradun, Uttarakhand). 1538. Uttarakhand Kranti Dal (Democratic) 85/12 – B, Nash Villa Road,Dehradun-248001, (Uttaranchal). 1539. Uttarakhand Parivartan PartySah Bhavan, Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali M arg, Gairsain,Distt. – Chamoli, Uttarakhand. 1540. Uttarakhand Pragatisheel Party 13, Subhash Road, Opposite back gate of St. Joseph School, Dehradun-248001, Uttrakhand. 1541. Uttarakhand Raksha MorchaH. No. 1, Village – Nouka (Dour Wala),Post - Mothronwala, Vikaskhand Raipur, District – Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 1542. Uttarakhand Sanskriti Parishad D-355, Vinod Nagar (West), Delhi-110092. 1543. Uttarakhand Sena PartyJai Matadi Apartment, 10/1, Near Shankar Mandir, Juna Kalwa, Bela Road, Kalwa, Thane (W), Maharashtra-400605. 1544. Uttarkhand Janwadi Party53-K, Rajpur Road, Dehradun, Uttaranchal. 1545. Uzhaippalar Katchi70-D, Palanisamy Street, Vaniyambadi Road, Tirupattur-635601, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu. 1546. Uzhaippalar Podhu NalakatchiTirupattur, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu-635601. 1547. Vanchit Jamat PartyN – 106, HIG Flat, Sanjay Nagar,Sector – 23, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.- 40 - Ex-106/2014 1548. Vanchitsamaj Insaaf Party39, Adarsh Nagar, c/o Dr. Sheikh Maholi Road, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. 1549. Varthur Congress Party No.98, Varthur Main Road, Bangalore East, Bangalore – 560087 Karnataka. 1550. Vichara Jagruthi Congress Paksha Door No. 275 of Hebbalu Village and Post, Davangere Taluk and District, Karnataka. 1551. Vidarbha Janata CongressAntar Bharti Ashram, Dabha,Behind Vayusena Nagar, Amraoti Road, Nagpur, (Maharashtra). 1552. Vidarbha Vikas PartyBlock A, Second Floor, Poonam Chambers, Chhindwara Road, Nagpur-13 (Maharashtra). 1553. Vidharabha Rajya Mukti Morcha A Type, Sukhkarta Apartment, Balraj M arg, Dhantali, Nagpur-440012 (Maharashtra). 1554. Vidharbha Rajya PartyKamgar Bhawan, Near Baidyanath Chowk, Great Nag Road, Nagpur-3, Maharashtra. 1555. Vidhayak DalHIG-205, Sector-1, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1556. Viduthalai Chiruthaigal KatchiNo. 16, Chinnaiah Street, T-Nagar,Chennai – 17, Tamil Nadu. 1557. Viduthalai Makkal MunnetraNo. 11, Kabilar Street, Devanampattinam,Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu. Kazhagam 1558. Vijaya Bharatha Makkal (People) 70, 2nd Floor, Braod Bazzar Street,Ambur-635802, Vellore District,TAMIL NADU Party 1559. Vijeta Party501, Abhishek Plaza, Exhibition Road, Patna-800001 (Bihar). 1560. Vikas Parishad62A, Shastri Colony, Ambala Cantt. Haryana – 133001. 1561. Vikas PartySatyagarh Marg, Darul Safa Compound, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1562. Vikassheel Samaj PartyH. No. 5E-5/70 Vrindavan Yojana, Raibarelly Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1563. Vikaswadi Communism PartyMakhdumpur Road, Mawana Kalan250401, Distt. Meerut (U.P.). 1564. Vishva Shakti PartyB-10/144, Pradeep Vihar,Nathupura M oreDelhi -110084. 1565. Vishwa Hindustani Sangathan3/105, Anandnagar, 100 ft. Ring Road,Satelite Vejalpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 1566. Vishwa Vikas SanghF-53/F-1, Dilshad Colony,Delhi – 110 095. 1567. Viswa M aya Political Party6D-6-18 (House No.),Near Markandeswara Swamy Temple, Southern Street, Eluru-534001, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. 1568. Vivasayi Anbhu KatchiNo.14, Raghava Nattan Street, Uthiramerur-603 406, Tamil Nadu. 1569. Voluntary Indian PeopleHouse No.363, 1st Floor, Street No.9, Jawahar Nagar, Hissar, Haryana. Party Haryana 1570. Voters PartyA, 1/75, Freedom Enclave, Neb Sarai, IGNOU Road, New Delhi – 110068 1571. War Veterans PartyA/301-302, Pearl Aptt., I.C. Colony, Borivali (West), Mumbai-400 103, M aharashtra. 1572. Watan Janta Party3/4/7 A, Mugalpura, Ayodhya,Faizabad,Uttar Pradesh 1573. Welfare Party of India122/1, Zakir Nagar, Jamia Nagar,New Delhi-110025. 1574. West Bengal Pragatishil Indira68 – B, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata – 700 009,West Bengal. Congress 1575. West Bengal Socialist Party42-Ananda Palit Road, Kolkata-700014,(West Bengal). 1576. Womanist Party of IndiaD 3/303, Pancharatna, Anand Nagar, Pandurang Wadi, Dombivli (East) – 421201 (Maharashtra). 1577. Yekikrutha Sankshema Rashtriya D No7-1-500, NGO Colony, YSR Street, Siddavatam Road, Badvel-516227, Praja PartyYSR District, Andhra Pradesh. 1578. Young India Tangress PartyYelam Galli, Tugav(H), Taluk – Bhalki, Distt. – Bidar, Karnataka. 1579. Youth and Students PartyR.P. Estates, 4/1, Poonamallee High Road, Koyambedu, Chennai-600 107. 1580. Youth BrigadeVillage Kakgachi, P.O-Bhanderhali, District Hooghly, West Bengal. 1581. Youth Democratic FrontH.No.1-10-63/5, Plot No.44, Chikoti Gardens, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500016. 1582. Youth For EqualityP-90A, IInd Floor, South Extension-II,New Delhi - 110034. 1583. YSR Bahujana Party28/434, Rameshwaram,Proddatur-516360,Kadapa District,Andhra Pradesh. 1584. Yuva Gantantra PartySardar Patel Nagar, Jamnipali-Korba, District Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. 1585. Yuva Jagriti Dal3-B, Prayosha Flats, Near Gymkhana, Sector-19Gandhinagar-382 019Gujarat. 1586. Yuva Jan Jagriti PartyBahalolpur, Bulandshaher-202391,Uttar Pradesh. 1587. Yuva Jankranti PartyKasba – Kerakat, Mohalla – Shekhzada 2nd , Post – Kerakat, Janpad – Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1588. Yuva Kranti DalB-667, Aman Vihar, Post Office-Sultanpuri, Distt.-North-West, New Delhi-110 086. 1589. Yuva Sarkar161, Vanmali Park Society, Harikrishna Chowk, Dharmakul Ashrit Road, Puna-Simada, Surat-394211 GUJARAT.- 41 -Ex-106/2014 1590. Yuva Shakti SanghathanaBhangdia Wada, Tilak Ward,Tah. Chimur,District – Chandrapur,Maharahtra 1591. Yuva Telangana PartyPlot No. 143&144, Rock Town Colony, Alkapuri, Monsoorabad, Hyderabad- 500068. 1592. Yuva Vikas PartySerawan, Atrampur, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1593. Yuvajana Sramika RythuH.No.8-2-269/S/98, Sagar Society, Road No. 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad- 34, Congress PartyAndhra Pradesh. TABLE-IV (LIST OF FREE SYMBOLS)1.Almirah 2.Air Conditioner 3.Auto- Rickshaw 4.Balloon 5.Basket containing Fruits(In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Tamil Nadu) 6.Bat 7.Batsman 8.Battery Torch 9.Belt 10.Black Board 11.Bottle 12.Bread 13.Brief Case 14.Brush 15.Bucket 16.Cake 17.Calculator 18.Camera 19.Candles 20.Carrom Board 21.Carpet 22.Carrot 23.Cauliflower 24.Ceiling Fan 25.Chappals 26.Chess Board 27.Coat 28.Coconut 29.Cot (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Kerala) 30.Cup & Saucer 31.Cutting Pliers 32.Dao 33.Diesel Pump 34.Dish Antenna 35.Dolli 36.Electric Pole 37.Envelope 38.Flute 39.Frock 40.Frying Pan 41.Funnel 42.Gas Cylinder 43.Gas Stove 44.Glass Tumbler 45.Grapes 46.Green Chilli 47.Harmonium- 42 - Ex-106/2014 48.Hat(In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Andhra Pradesh) 49.Helmet 50.Hockey and Ball 51.Ice Cream (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Tamil Nadu) 52.Iron 53.Kettle 54.Ki te 55.Lady Purse 56.Letter Box 57.Mixee 58.Nail Cutter 59.Neck Tie 60.Pen Nib with Seven Rays 61.Pen Stand 62.Pencil Sharpener 63.Plate Stand 64.Pot 65.Pressure Cooker 66.Razor 67.Refrigerator 68.Ring 69.Saw (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Kerala) 70.School Bag 71.Scissors 72.Sewing Machine 73.Shuttle 74.Slate 75.Stethoscope 76.Stool 77.Table 78.Table Lamp 79.Telephone 80.Television 81.Tent 82.Tooth Brush 83.Trumpet 84.Violin 85.Walking Stick 86.Whistle 87.Window By order, Sd/- (VARINDER KUMAR) SECRETARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 43 -Ex-106/2014

Acquisition of Land for construction of roads under Mizoram State Roads-II Project.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 41Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 41 NOTIFICATIONNo.K.12011/63/2013-REV, the 4th February, 2014. Whereas by the Government Notification No.K.12011/63/ 2013-REV dt. 13.8.2013 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended to the said Notification was likely to be needed for the purpose namely - Acquisition of Land for con struction of r oads under Mizoram State Roads-II Project. 2.Now, therefore, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for thepublic purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. 3.The Government now appoints the SLAO, Project Implementation Unit, PWD under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the functions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. 4.The Collector shall there upon cause the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the said Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all objection and claims after causing a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons interested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the said land as per section 9 of the said Act. Then, the Collector shall submit a Draft Award to the Government of Mizoram after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act read with Mizoram Land Acquisition Rules 2010. 5.A plan of the same can be inspected at the Office of the SLAO Project Implementation Unit, PWD till the finalaward is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULEDescription of landStatus of PassAppr oxi mate Area/length. 1) Land along Lunglei-Tlabung-143 ha Kawrpuichhuah 2) Land along Lungsen/71ha (Chhumkhum)-Chawngte 3) Land along Champhai Zokhawthar54ha R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

The Seventh Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram to meet for its Second Session at 10:30 hours on and from 18 th day of March, 2014 in the Legislative Assembly House at Aizawl.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 42Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 42 The following order of the Governor of Mizoram dated 30th January, 2014 is hereby published for information: “ORDER No.LA.1/LEGN/2013/5, the 6th February, 2014.In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Ar ticle 174 of the Constitution of India. I, Vakkom Purushothaman, Governor of Mizoram, do hereby summon the Seventh Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram to meet for its Second Session at 10:30 hours on and from 18th day of Ma rch, 2014 in the Legislative Assembly House at Aizawl. Vakkom Purushothaman, Governor” Ngurthanzuala, Secretary. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

The Mizoram Information and Public Relations Department (Group ‘B’ Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 43Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 43 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/37/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 29th January, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post ofTechnician Grade I, Government of Mizoram, namely : 1.(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Information and Public Relations Department (Group ‘B’ Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Officia l Gazette. 2.These rules shall apply to the post(s) specified in column 1 of the Schedule a nnexed to these Rules. 3.The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade Pay/scale of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Scheduled. 4.The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other matters relating to the said posts, shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the aforesaid Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5.No person- (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Short title and commencement- Application- Number of posts, classification, Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay scale- Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications, etc- Disqualification- Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the pesonal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 6.Every Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be prescribed from time to time. 7.Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any Officer or Official so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8.Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may by order and for reasons to be recorded in wiriting, and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9.Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation, relaxation of age limit, and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/the Scheduled castes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10.All Rules pertaining to these posts of Technician Grade-I framed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No.A.12018/ 86/80-APT(B) Dt.8.9.2003 and published in the Mizoram Gazette vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No. 254 dt.11.9.2003 stands hereby repealed on and from the commencement of these rules. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done of taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules. By orders, etc. C.Zothankhumi, Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. Tra ining and Departmental Examination- Powers to trans fer P ower t o r ela x - Reservation and other concessions Repeal and savings Ex-43/20142 Ex-43/2014 3 SCHEDULE (SeeRules2,3 and 4) RECRUITM ENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘B’POSTS IN THE DEPARTM ENT OF INFORM ATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS Name of post No.ofpost Classification Pay Band and Grade Pay/ Pay Scale W hether Selec- tion postor Non-Selection post W hether benefitof added years ofservice admissible underrule 30 ofthe CCS (Pen- sion)Rules, 1972 Agelimitfor directre- cruits Educationaland otherqualifica- tions required fordirectre- cruits Technician Grade-I 1(one)oras sanctionedby theGovernment from timeto time Group‘B’(Non- Gazetted)(Non- Ministerial) PB -2 ^9300-34800+ GP-^ 4200/- Selection Notapplicable Notapplicable Notapplicable. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W hetherage and educationalqualifi- cations prescribed fordirectrecruits willapply in the case ofpromotion Period of probation, ifany M ethod ofrecruit- mentwhetherby directrecruitment orby promotion transferand percen- tage ofpoststo be filled by various methods In case ofrecruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation,grades from which promotion/ deputation/transferis to be made Ifa DPC exist,whatisits composition? Circumstances in which M PSC isto be consulted in making recruitment. Notapplicable Mizoram PublicServiceCommission AsperMPSC (Limita- tionofFunction)Regu- lations,1994as amended. 9 10 11 12 13 14 100% ByPromotion Ex-43/2014 4 Promotion:FromTechnician Grade-IIhavingnotless than5year’sregularservice inthegrade. Notappli- cable PublishedandIssuedbytheController,Printing&Stationery,Mizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,AizawlC-500

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