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“Price Fixation Advisory Committee for Forest Produce”

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 28Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 28 NOTIFICATIONNo. B.11012/40/99-FST, the 29th January, 2014.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a “Price Fixation Advisory Committee for Forest Pr oduce” in order to ensure better and assured payments for the forest produce harvested from the Government Reserved Forests with immediate effect and until fu rther order. The committee will have the following composition : 1.Chief Secretary-Chairperson 2.Principal Secretary, E&F Deptt.-Member 3.Principal Secreta ry, Finance-Member 4.Principal Secretary, Industries-Member 5.Additional PCCF-Member Secretary 6.Repr esentative of District Councils-Member The committee will recommend to the Government for fixing the fair pr ice for the for est produce designated depots, keeping in view the ma rket ra tes, ext raction cost, carriage from forest to designated depots, maintenance of depots, overhead charges and a r easonable profit. The commit tee may also ensure revision of the price so fixed from time to time based on escalation in wage rates and other market fluctuations. J.L. Singh, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forest s Deparment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Serchhip District station areas as Neihloh village with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 29Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 29 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/1/2014-REV/10, the 28th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinSerchhip Districtstation areas asNeihlohvillage with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years. The composition of t he SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :Pu Hr anghmingthanga, VCP, Neihloh 2.Secretary :Pu V. Zaihmingthanga , Headmaster, M/S, Neihloh. MEMBERS: (1) Pu Lalthankhuma, S ecretar y, Village Council (2) Pu Thanglura, INC (3) Pu Vawrsanga, MNF (4) Pu Lalduhawma, ZNP (5) Pu Zachungnunga, Pr esident, MUP (6) Pu Malsawmtluanga, President, YMA (7) Pu La lthlamua na, Prominent Person (8) Pu Luahzauva, Prominent Person FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one applicant for one plot or one a rea, SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-29/2014

Joint Monitoring Committee and District Monitoring Committee for effective implementation and monitoring of the programme and to monitor the academic counselling

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 30Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 30 NOTIFICATION No. A. 11055/1/2013-EDN, the 28th January, 2014. As provided under para (3)(v) of terms and conditions of Memor andum of Collaboration (MOC) signed on 9.12. 2013 between the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department and IGNOU to provide 2(two) years D.E1.Ed progra mme/training to the untr ained teachers through ODL mode (Open Distance Lear ning) a s per NCTE nor ms, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Joint Monitoring Committee and District Monitoring Committee for effective implementation a nd monitoring of the programme and to monitor the academic counselling, School based activities, workshop based activities and Term End Examinations comprising of the following members. A . Joint Monitor ing Committee1.Director, School of Education (SOE), IGNOU or a Represent ative of the- Chairperson Director, SOE, IGNOU 2.Programme Co-ordina tor, D.E1.Ed pr ogramme/Faculty, SOE IG NOU,- Member New D elhi 3.Director, Regional Services Division (RSD), IGNOU, New Delhi- Member 4.Sta te Project Dir ector, Sa rva Shiksha Abhiya n (SSA), Rajya Mission, Mizoram - M emb er 5.Director, S chool Education, Mizoram- Member 6.Director, SCERT, Mizoram- Member 7.Regional Director, IGNOU, Regional Centre- Convener 8.Dy. Secreta ry, School Education Department, Mizoram (St ate repr esentat ive) - M ember 9.Dy. State Project Director (SSA), Aizawl District, Mizoram (SSA representative) - Member B . District Monitoring Committee1 . Aizawl District 1.Depu ty Commissioner-cum-DPD, Aizawl- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Aizawl- Convener 3.SDEO, Aizawl ‘E’- Member 4.District Project Co-ordinator (DPC), SSA, Aizawl- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Aizawl District - 2 - Ex-30/2014 2 . Lunglei District 1.Deputy Commissioner-cum-DPD, Lunglei- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Lunglei- Convener 3.SDEO, Lunglei ‘N’- Member 4.District Pr oject Co-ordinator (DPC), SSA, Lunglei- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Lunglei District 3 . Champhai District 1.Deputy Commissioner-cum-DPD, Champhai- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Champhai- Convener 3.SDEO, Champhai- Member 4.District Pr oject C o-ordinator (DPC), SSA, Champhai- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Champhai District 4 . Kolasib District 1.Deputy Commissioner-cum-DPD, Kolasib- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Kolasib- Convener 3.SDEO, Kola sib- Member 4.District Pr oject Co-ordinator (DPC), SSA, Kolasib- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Kolasib District 5 . Serchhip District 1.Deputy Commissioner-cum-DPD, Serchhip- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Serchhip- Convener 3.SDEO, Serchhip- Member 4.District Pr oject Co-ordinator (D PC), SS A, Serchhip- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Lunglei District 6 . Mamit District 1.Deputy Commissioner-cum-DPD, Mamit- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Mamit- Convener 3.SDEO, Mamit- Member 4.District Project Co-ordinator (DPC), SSA, Mamit- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Mamit District 7 . Lawngtlai District 1.Depu ty Commissioner -cum-DP D, Lawngtlai- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Lawngtlai- Convener 3.SDEO, Lawngtlai- Member 4.District Pr oject C o-ordina tor (DPC), SSA, Lawngtlai- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Lawngtlai District 8 . Saiha District 1.Deputy Commissioner-cum-DPD, Saiha- Chairperson 2.District Education Officer (DEO), Saiha- Convener 3.SDEO, Saiha- Member 4.District Project Co-ordinator (DPC), SSA, S aiha- Member 5.Repr esentative from IGNOU, Regional Centre- Co-convener 6.Programme-in-charge (PIC) of IGNOU Programme Study Centre- Member activated in Saiha District The Joint Monitor ing Committee may sit a t least one in every three months (i. e. quar terly) a nd District Monitoring Committee ma y sit at least once in a month. All local expenses of travel and hospita lity for members of J MC and DMC (for monitoring of the programme) within Mizoram shall be borne by the School Education Department, Govt. of Mizoram. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, School Education Department. - 3 -Ex-30/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Serchhip District station areas as Keitum village with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 31Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 31 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/1/2014-REV/9, the 28th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notification No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinSerchhip Distr ictstation areas asKeitumvillage wit h immedia te ef fect and is valid for 3 years. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :Pu Lalruatmawia, VCP, Keitum 2.Secretary :Pu Lalnunngila, Headmaster, Aided M/S, Keitum. MEMBERS: (1) Pu K. Laldingliana, Secreta ry, Village Council (2) Pu La lhuliana, MPCC (3) Pu J. Lalchharliana, MNF (4) Pu K.C. Lalbawia, MPC (5) Pu Hrangluta, ZNP (6) Pu P.C. Kapzinga, Pr esident, MUP (7) Pu Hrangzua la Sailo, President, YMA (8) Pu Lalrint luanga, Prominent Person (9) Pu La lthankhuma, Prominent Person FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one applicant for one plot or one a rea, SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-31/2014

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Serchhip District station areas as E. Lungdar village with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 32Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 32 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/1/2014-REV/12, the 28th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinSerchhip Distr ictstation areas asE. Lungda rvillage with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years. The composition of t he SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :Pi C. Laltleipuii, BDO, E. Lungdar R.D. Block 2.Secretary :Pu R . Chalhmingthanga, Headmaster, H/S. MEMBERS: (1) Pu K. Lalngaihzuala, VCP (2) Pu H. Laltanpuia, President, Br. YMA (3) Pu B. Zoramthanga, Pr esident, MUP (4) Pr ominent Persona ) Pu Hrangla wma, E. Lungda r Vengthar b) C. Sawidawla, E. Lungdar c ) H. Lalpartlana, E. Lungdar Venghlun (5) Political Par tiesa ) F. Lianhnuna, President, INC b) B. Dengmur a, President, MPC c ) C. La lbiaktluanga, Pr esident, MNF d) Lalr amchhua na Sailo, President, ZNP (6) SDO, P&E, E. Lungdar (7) SDO, PHE, E. Lungdar (8) District ASO, Serchhip FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one applicant for one plot or one a rea, SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-32/2014

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Serchhip District station areas as Chhingchhip village with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 33Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 33 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/1/2014-REV/12, the 28th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinSerchhip Distr ictstation areas asChhingchhipvillage with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years. The composition of t he SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :Pu Lalchungnunga Sailo, VCP, Chhingchhip 2.Secretary :Pu P. Lalawmpuia, Headmaster, Govt. M/S. MEMBERS: (1) Pu S angthanmawia, Secretar y, Village Council (2) Group President, MPCC (3) Group President, MNF (4) Group President, MPC (5) Group President, ZNP (6) Pu P. Rotha nga, Pr esident, MUP Venglai Unit (7) Pu Vanlallia na, Prominent Person (8) Pu Vanlalhluna, Prominent Person (9) President, Venghlun Branch YMA (10) President, Venglai Branch YMA (11) Repr esentative from ASO Office, Serchhip FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one applicant for one plot or one a rea, SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-33/2014

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Serchhip District station areas as Leng village with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 34Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 34 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/1/2014-REV/13, the 28th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinSerchhip Distr ictstation areas asLengvillage wit h immedia te effect and is valid for 3 years. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :Pu K. Zohuthanga, VCP, Leng 2.Secretary :Pu Lalengzauva, i/c Govt. Middle School. MEMBERS: (1) Pu Zoramchhana Hna mte, Secretar y, Village Council (2) Pu B. Lalramchuana, President, YMA (3) Pu Ropianga, President, MUP (4) Political Par tiesa ) Pu La lduhsaka , INC b) Pu Ngurkhuma, MNF c) Pu Lalfamkima, MPC d) Pu Remkima, ZNP (5) Pu Laltanpuia, Prominent Person (6) Pu Ramngha hmawia, Prominent Person FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one applicant for one plot or one a rea, SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-34/2014

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Champhai District station areas as Khawzawl village with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 35Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 35 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/2/2014-REV, the 28th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinChamphai Distr ictstation areas asKhawzawlvillage with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years. The composition of t he SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :Pu R. Vanlalsawta, MCS, SDO(C)/BDO 2.Secretary :Pu Joseph Zonunmawia, Principal, HSS. MEMBERS: GROUP ‘A’1)Pu C. Lalrema, VCP, Hermon 2)Pu Rosailova, VCP, Khawzawl-I 3)Pu Lalbiaknia, VCP, Khawzawl-II 4)Pu K. Lalbiaksiama, VCP, Khawzawl-III 5)HP Chhawntluanga, VCP, Khawzawl-IV 6)H. P armawia , VCP, Khawza wl-V 7)T. Sawmvela, VCP, Khawzawl Kawnzar GROUP ‘B’1)P.C. Lalzarliana, Block Pr esident, INC 2)K. Hranglia na, Block President, MNF 3)Germana Ralte, Block President, ZNP 4)H. Lalrintluanga, Block Pr esident, MPC GROUP ‘C’1)K. Lalthanpuia, Pr esident, Joint YMA GROUP ‘D’1)Lalkhawngaiha, Pr esident Joint (Area) MUP GROUP ‘E’Pr ominent Persons 1)Pu La lchhanda ma, Darngawn 2)Upa K. Lalremsiama, Zuchhip GROUP ‘F’1)Zoliansanga, EE, PWD 2)H. Zonunsanga, EE, P&E 3)H. La lnuntlua nga, EE, PHE GROUP ‘G’1)ASO, Champhai Distr ict. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format at NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one applicant for one plot or one a rea, SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-35/2014

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Aizawl District station areas as Saitual town with immediate effect and is valid for 3 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 36Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 36 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/3/92-REV, the 30th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notification No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinAizawl Districtstation areas asSaitualtown with immediate effect and is valid for 3 year s. T he composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :SDO (Civil), Saitual S ub-Division 2.Secretary :Headmaster, Saitual High School-II, Saitual MEMBERS: 1.President, Village Council, Saitual (C hairman, Saitual Town Joint V/C) 2.a)Laldawngliana, President, Tawi East Block Congress b)Zonunthara, President, Tawi East Block MNF c)Laldinliana, President, MPC, Saitual Block d)Chawngchhunga, President, ZNP, (Saitual Block) Rulchawm 3.President, Joint YMA, Saitual 4.Pres ident, MUP Sa itual Area 5.a)Biakzauva, VCP, Keifang b)C. Samuela, VCP, Rulchawm c)H. Zarzolia na, VCP, Ruallung 6.Range Officer (R.O) Forest Department, Saitual 7.a)SDO, PWD b)SDO, P&E c)SDO, PHE, Saitual Division 8.Sett lement Officer (S.O), Land Revenue & S ettlement, Aiza wl Distr ict. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area,SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-36/2014


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 37Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 37 OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. C. 31012/1/2013-VIG, the 29th January, 2014. Subj : Procedure for conducting on the spot survey work of private land to make assessment for compensation in connection with acquisition of land for public purpose. It has come to the notice of the Government that there are sever al instances of wrongful claims of compensation in connection with the land acquired by the Government for public purposes, which has taken place in the compensation Award made by the District Collector. It is crystal clear that these wrongful claims as well as irregula r and undue compensation Awar d has taken place as a result of non-observance of t he task to be carried out by the Officials involved in the survey and a ssessment of the land acquired by the Government. Lapses on the part of the officials who were doing such survey and assessment of compensation Award result in heavy undue liabilities t o the Government and corruption in t he society. Attention of all the District Collector s is invited on the above su bject and the phenomenon of Corruption in the Compensation scam prevailed time and again since a long time past till now. This phenomenon has been methodica lly exa mined and from such a nalysis it is obvious that such compensation scam have happened due to non-availability of stringent r ules and regulation in relation to t he moda lity of conducting gr ound realit y survey a nd methods for cr oss checking the genuineness of the assess ment ma de by the officials who are detailed to conduct the ground survey and to make detailed assessment in the process of Compensation Award by the District Collector. It has a lso been noticed that there are several la pses on the part of the Collect or also in relation to compliance of the necessary-action to be ta ken step by step as required in the Land Acquisition Act and the rules made there under. It is observed that in the Act and Rules in force in Mizoram there is no deta iled specific instruct ions to be followed by t he surveyors/Team of officials detailed to ca rry out on the spot gr ound survey work by measuring t he area of the land a nd marking of the boundary of such land to be acqu ired and Forms for recording such act ual ground survey work done to be su bmitted to the District Collector so that the District Collector ma y be able to cr oss check the documents and the land to be acquired to satisfy himself and rely upon the survey conducted by the survey Team. It is also observed that in a bsence of such detailed instruction in t he rules, the District Collector, who is entrusted to carr y out the assessment of requirement of fund for compensation and to prepar e such Compensation Award without consider ing the seriousness of the ma tter and the possible irregularity in the pr ocess with its consequential problem that may happen, due to negligence or greed of some officials involved in the pr ocess who try to derive benefits from su ch work, may simply rely upon the untrustworthy work done even by the officials, which sometimes results in lot s of irr egularities in the compensation Award. - 2 - Ex-37/2014 In the circumstances mentioned above, it is absolutely considered necessary and imperative from vigilance point of view to introduce detailed guidelines /stringent instruct ions for conducting gr ound survey work, measur ing and marking the la nd to b e acquired, recording the act ual measurement of the area of the land and any valua bles attached to such land in the forms prescribed for the purpose to make deta iled assessment of Compensation Award for strict compliance by the Compensation assessing Authorities. These guidelines a re in a ddition to the express provisions as contained in the Act and Rules in force in the State as on today. Therefore, it has been decided that, henceforth the following guidelines sha ll be inevitably complied with whenever private land are to be acquired for public purposes. Unless this guideline is scrupulously followed, the Compensation Award submitted to the Government by the District Collector should be summarily rejected and only the Compensation Award assessed and prepared in accordance with the following guidelines only shall be sanct ioned for payment. Guidelines for survey of la nd a nd the things a ttached there to for acquisition for public purpose and assessment of due compensation Award: 1.Whenever it is necessary to acqu ire any land for public purpose, the District Collector or any other Authority authorised and empowered to cause survey of such la nd and to make Compensation Award, such Authority shall invariably issue detailed instructions to be followed by the team of surveyors and other officials involved in the process of making compensation assessment and precautionary measures comprising severe penal provisions against the defaulting officials should be inserted in such order to prevent any corruption related activities. It must be ensured that the Revenue Department’s Settlement Officer of the Concerned District or Officers a uthorised by him should necessarily be a pa rt of the Survey Team for esta blishing proper land holding a s per the Revenue records. 2.The Agency which requires the land for a cquisition shou ld make foot path along the a lignment of the proposed road construction in the case of proposed Road/Railways construction to facilitate accessibility for conduct ing sur vey work for assessment of compensation. 3.The owner of the la nd to be acquir ed should necessarily cut and clear scrub and forest vegeta tion in the boundary line of his land to be acquired to ena ble the survey team to do physical measurement of the land area to be acquired and also to verify the valuable things like commercial trees/fruits trees, etc. available within such area. 4.Survey of the land to be a cquired should be conducted in presence of the land owner by applying the modern GPS instruments and the survey work done sha ll be recorded in the prescribed Pro forma and the exact location of the area to be acquired should be reflected indicating the longitude and latitude degree of such location; For example. (Location of the land belongs to Pu Liankima of Venghlui, Aiza wl is 23.37°N, 91.95°E ) a nd these Longit ude and Latitude degree should invar iably be reflected in the deta iled survey record of the individual la nd in the ANNEXURE-I (a ) Survey of the land should be done block-wise by dividing the land into various blocks, and each Block shall comprise of the consecutive private lands belonging to 30(t hirty) persons at a maximum, and the survey reports should also be confined to each block a nd the Compensa tion Awar d shall be prepared separately for each Block. (b) The actual finding on ground survey should be r ecorded in the Pro forma which shall invariably support the assessment for compensation award block-wise as per Pro forma vide Annexure -I. (c ) The exact location of the land to be acquired should be indicated in the sketch map of each block which shall invariably support the a ssessment for compensa tion award as per sample in the Annexure-II or Annexure-III whichever is relevant and applica ble. (d)Concerned VCP/Chairman Local Council as the case may be and P resident of leading L ocal NGO should invariably be a ssociated in the Survey work of the Land to be acqu ired, a nd their signatures along with official designation clearly appended in the relevant Pro forma. 5.The surveyor(s) who condu ct the survey work should be acquainted with the land to be acqu ired for public purpose and he should make a sketch map of the land. In case, such land to be acqu ired covered a la rge area he should divide into different blocks, and in no case such a block should comprise more than the land holding by 30(thir ty) private individuals. He should ca rry out physica l ground measur ement of the land portion needed to be acquired only a nd mark bearings of such land measured. He should note that any portion of the land area which need not be acquired but cover ed by the individual land pa ss /LSC should not be included in the land to be acquired, but the actual area required for acquisition only should be included in the assessment for compensation. He sha ll then record his finding in the sketch ma p and pro forma of ANNEXURE-I accurately. He must satisfy himself that the land measur ed and recorded in the pro forma are all cor rect. He will b e responsible in case of any wrong entry in the survey documents and will be liable to penal action for wilful defa ult. 6.A reliable Officer authorised by the District Collector to monitor such compensation assess ment should ca rr y ou t on the spot ra ndom cr oss checking of each and every p rivate la nd covered by such compensation award with t he finding of the sur veyor(s) recorded in t he Annexure-I and Annexure-II or Annexure-III if possible a t least 50% of the individual lands t o be acquired a nd he should satisfy himself that the survey documents are cor rect in all resp ect. 7.The District Collector or any other Officers authorised by the Government to carry out survey of the land and to ma ke assessment for compensation Award should also visit the location of s uch private lands to be acquired whichever he considers deserving physical checking on the spot at least 10% of the private individual lands covered in the compensation a ssessment and satisfy himself that the sur vey work in relation to exact a rea of the individual private lands are accurately measur ed and marked a nd also any valuable tr ees or other valuable things and cr ops available within such land were correctly recorded in the survey report forms. 8.The District Collector who prepared compensation Award should thoroughly examine all the supporting documents of t he assessment and satisfy himself that the entries in each and every survey report forms as well as consolida ted sta tement of the Award to be submitted to the Government are corrobor ated with each other and correct. The District Collectors should bear in mind that correctness in such assess ment including the entr ies in the sur vey report documents a nd the calcula tion sheet of the compensation in which the amount has been worked out ar e his r esponsibility a nd such process of compensation Awar d should be carr ied out with utmost care so as to pr event a ny bogus and false claim. 9.It should a lso be ensured by the Adminis trative Department tha t on scrutiny and checking of any compensation Award submitted by concerned District Collector or any other Authorities author ised to make such Compensation Award to the Government, the instruction issued by the Government is complied with by the Compensation assessing Authorities in letter and in spirit before obtaining approval of the Government so as to avoid sanction of compensation for any unfair and doubtful claim of complex nature in future. It is hereby reiterated that henceforth the above instruction should invar iably b e complied with by all concern, failing which appropr iate action shall be taken against the erring officials. L.Tochhong, Chief Secretary. - 3 -Ex-37/2014 ANNEXURE-IPRO FORMAFORM FOR SURVEY OF LAND TO BE ACQUIRED FOR PUBLIC PURPOSECompensation Award No. ___________ OF 201__ Dt. ______________ 1.Name of land / property rights holder : ___________________ 2.Father ’s Name : __________________________ 3.Block No. __________ SI. No. ______________ 4.Title of Land Pass ___________________________ and Pass No. __________________ 5.Total area of the Land covered by the Land Pass : ____________ 6.Exact location is at Longitude and Latitude degree _________________ 7.Boundary description of t he land (exact location): the East ____________________________. b.In the west ____________________________. c.In the North ___________________________. d.In the South ___________________________. 8.Exact area of the land to be acquired out of land at SI. No. 4 : __________ 9.No. of valua ble trees with size and other valuable crops or things. SI. No ItemsNos of ItemsRemarks1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). 9). 10). Certified that all the entries in this form are made by me with the knowledge of the owners a fter conducting on the s pot sur vey and taking actual measurement of the la nd area and counting the valuable things within the land to be acquired as indicated above and satisfied that the above sta tement are true to the best of my knowledge. Signature of land ownersSignature of NGO representa tiveSignature of Surveyor Name __________________ Name ___________________Name ____________________ Signature of concerned VCP /L.CCountersigned byCountersigned by Official Seal Supervising Officer.Distr ict Collector. - 4 - Ex-37/2014 - 5 -Ex-37/2014 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 6 - Ex-37/2014


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 37Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 37 OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. C. 31012/1/2013-VIG, the 29th January, 2014. Subj : Procedure for conducting on the spot survey work of private land to make assessment for compensation in connection with acquisition of land for public purpose. It has come to the notice of the Government that there are sever al instances of wrongful claims of compensation in connection with the land acquired by the Government for public purposes, which has taken place in the compensation Award made by the District Collector. It is crystal clear that these wrongful claims as well as irregula r and undue compensation Awar d has taken place as a result of non-observance of t he task to be carried out by the Officials involved in the survey and a ssessment of the land acquired by the Government. Lapses on the part of the officials who were doing such survey and assessment of compensation Award result in heavy undue liabilities t o the Government and corruption in t he society. Attention of all the District Collector s is invited on the above su bject and the phenomenon of Corruption in the Compensation scam prevailed time and again since a long time past till now. This phenomenon has been methodica lly exa mined and from such a nalysis it is obvious that such compensation scam have happened due to non-availability of stringent r ules and regulation in relation to t he moda lity of conducting gr ound realit y survey a nd methods for cr oss checking the genuineness of the assess ment ma de by the officials who are detailed to conduct the ground survey and to make detailed assessment in the process of Compensation Award by the District Collector. It has a lso been noticed that there are several la pses on the part of the Collect or also in relation to compliance of the necessary-action to be ta ken step by step as required in the Land Acquisition Act and the rules made there under. It is observed that in the Act and Rules in force in Mizoram there is no deta iled specific instruct ions to be followed by t he surveyors/Team of officials detailed to ca rry out on the spot gr ound survey work by measuring t he area of the land a nd marking of the boundary of such land to be acqu ired and Forms for recording such act ual ground survey work done to be su bmitted to the District Collector so that the District Collector ma y be able to cr oss check the documents and the land to be acquired to satisfy himself and rely upon the survey conducted by the survey Team. It is also observed that in a bsence of such detailed instruction in t he rules, the District Collector, who is entrusted to carr y out the assessment of requirement of fund for compensation and to prepar e such Compensation Award without consider ing the seriousness of the ma tter and the possible irregularity in the pr ocess with its consequential problem that may happen, due to negligence or greed of some officials involved in the pr ocess who try to derive benefits from su ch work, may simply rely upon the untrustworthy work done even by the officials, which sometimes results in lot s of irr egularities in the compensation Award. - 2 - Ex-37/2014 In the circumstances mentioned above, it is absolutely considered necessary and imperative from vigilance point of view to introduce detailed guidelines /stringent instruct ions for conducting gr ound survey work, measur ing and marking the la nd to b e acquired, recording the act ual measurement of the area of the land and any valua bles attached to such land in the forms prescribed for the purpose to make deta iled assessment of Compensation Award for strict compliance by the Compensation assessing Authorities. These guidelines a re in a ddition to the express provisions as contained in the Act and Rules in force in the State as on today. Therefore, it has been decided that, henceforth the following guidelines sha ll be inevitably complied with whenever private land are to be acquired for public purposes. Unless this guideline is scrupulously followed, the Compensation Award submitted to the Government by the District Collector should be summarily rejected and only the Compensation Award assessed and prepared in accordance with the following guidelines only shall be sanct ioned for payment. Guidelines for survey of la nd a nd the things a ttached there to for acquisition for public purpose and assessment of due compensation Award: 1.Whenever it is necessary to acqu ire any land for public purpose, the District Collector or any other Authority authorised and empowered to cause survey of such la nd and to make Compensation Award, such Authority shall invariably issue detailed instructions to be followed by the team of surveyors and other officials involved in the process of making compensation assessment and precautionary measures comprising severe penal provisions against the defaulting officials should be inserted in such order to prevent any corruption related activities. It must be ensured that the Revenue Department’s Settlement Officer of the Concerned District or Officers a uthorised by him should necessarily be a pa rt of the Survey Team for esta blishing proper land holding a s per the Revenue records. 2.The Agency which requires the land for a cquisition shou ld make foot path along the a lignment of the proposed road construction in the case of proposed Road/Railways construction to facilitate accessibility for conduct ing sur vey work for assessment of compensation. 3.The owner of the la nd to be acquir ed should necessarily cut and clear scrub and forest vegeta tion in the boundary line of his land to be acquired to ena ble the survey team to do physical measurement of the land area to be acquired and also to verify the valuable things like commercial trees/fruits trees, etc. available within such area. 4.Survey of the land to be a cquired should be conducted in presence of the land owner by applying the modern GPS instruments and the survey work done sha ll be recorded in the prescribed Pro forma and the exact location of the area to be acquired should be reflected indicating the longitude and latitude degree of such location; For example. (Location of the land belongs to Pu Liankima of Venghlui, Aiza wl is 23.37°N, 91.95°E ) a nd these Longit ude and Latitude degree should invar iably be reflected in the deta iled survey record of the individual la nd in the ANNEXURE-I (a ) Survey of the land should be done block-wise by dividing the land into various blocks, and each Block shall comprise of the consecutive private lands belonging to 30(t hirty) persons at a maximum, and the survey reports should also be confined to each block a nd the Compensa tion Awar d shall be prepared separately for each Block. (b) The actual finding on ground survey should be r ecorded in the Pro forma which shall invariably support the assessment for compensation award block-wise as per Pro forma vide Annexure -I. (c ) The exact location of the land to be acquired should be indicated in the sketch map of each block which shall invariably support the a ssessment for compensa tion award as per sample in the Annexure-II or Annexure-III whichever is relevant and applica ble. (d)Concerned VCP/Chairman Local Council as the case may be and P resident of leading L ocal NGO should invariably be a ssociated in the Survey work of the Land to be acqu ired, a nd their signatures along with official designation clearly appended in the relevant Pro forma. 5.The surveyor(s) who condu ct the survey work should be acquainted with the land to be acqu ired for public purpose and he should make a sketch map of the land. In case, such land to be acqu ired covered a la rge area he should divide into different blocks, and in no case such a block should comprise more than the land holding by 30(thir ty) private individuals. He should ca rry out physica l ground measur ement of the land portion needed to be acquired only a nd mark bearings of such land measured. He should note that any portion of the land area which need not be acquired but cover ed by the individual land pa ss /LSC should not be included in the land to be acquired, but the actual area required for acquisition only should be included in the assessment for compensation. He sha ll then record his finding in the sketch ma p and pro forma of ANNEXURE-I accurately. He must satisfy himself that the land measur ed and recorded in the pro forma are all cor rect. He will b e responsible in case of any wrong entry in the survey documents and will be liable to penal action for wilful defa ult. 6.A reliable Officer authorised by the District Collector to monitor such compensation assess ment should ca rr y ou t on the spot ra ndom cr oss checking of each and every p rivate la nd covered by such compensation award with t he finding of the sur veyor(s) recorded in t he Annexure-I and Annexure-II or Annexure-III if possible a t least 50% of the individual lands t o be acquired a nd he should satisfy himself that the survey documents are cor rect in all resp ect. 7.The District Collector or any other Officers authorised by the Government to carry out survey of the land and to ma ke assessment for compensation Award should also visit the location of s uch private lands to be acquired whichever he considers deserving physical checking on the spot at least 10% of the private individual lands covered in the compensation a ssessment and satisfy himself that the sur vey work in relation to exact a rea of the individual private lands are accurately measur ed and marked a nd also any valuable tr ees or other valuable things and cr ops available within such land were correctly recorded in the survey report forms. 8.The District Collector who prepared compensation Award should thoroughly examine all the supporting documents of t he assessment and satisfy himself that the entries in each and every survey report forms as well as consolida ted sta tement of the Award to be submitted to the Government are corrobor ated with each other and correct. The District Collectors should bear in mind that correctness in such assess ment including the entr ies in the sur vey report documents a nd the calcula tion sheet of the compensation in which the amount has been worked out ar e his r esponsibility a nd such process of compensation Awar d should be carr ied out with utmost care so as to pr event a ny bogus and false claim. 9.It should a lso be ensured by the Adminis trative Department tha t on scrutiny and checking of any compensation Award submitted by concerned District Collector or any other Authorities author ised to make such Compensation Award to the Government, the instruction issued by the Government is complied with by the Compensation assessing Authorities in letter and in spirit before obtaining approval of the Government so as to avoid sanction of compensation for any unfair and doubtful claim of complex nature in future. It is hereby reiterated that henceforth the above instruction should invar iably b e complied with by all concern, failing which appropr iate action shall be taken against the erring officials. L.Tochhong, Chief Secretary. - 3 -Ex-37/2014 ANNEXURE-IPRO FORMAFORM FOR SURVEY OF LAND TO BE ACQUIRED FOR PUBLIC PURPOSECompensation Award No. ___________ OF 201__ Dt. ______________ 1.Name of land / property rights holder : ___________________ 2.Father ’s Name : __________________________ 3.Block No. __________ SI. No. ______________ 4.Title of Land Pass ___________________________ and Pass No. __________________ 5.Total area of the Land covered by the Land Pass : ____________ 6.Exact location is at Longitude and Latitude degree _________________ 7.Boundary description of t he land (exact location): the East ____________________________. b.In the west ____________________________. c.In the North ___________________________. d.In the South ___________________________. 8.Exact area of the land to be acquired out of land at SI. No. 4 : __________ 9.No. of valua ble trees with size and other valuable crops or things. SI. No ItemsNos of ItemsRemarks1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). 9). 10). Certified that all the entries in this form are made by me with the knowledge of the owners a fter conducting on the s pot sur vey and taking actual measurement of the la nd area and counting the valuable things within the land to be acquired as indicated above and satisfied that the above sta tement are true to the best of my knowledge. Signature of land ownersSignature of NGO representa tiveSignature of Surveyor Name __________________ Name ___________________Name ____________________ Signature of concerned VCP /L.CCountersigned byCountersigned by Official Seal Supervising Officer.Distr ict Collector. - 4 - Ex-37/2014 - 5 -Ex-37/2014 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 6 - Ex-37/2014


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 38Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 38 CORRIGENDUM No. B. 12012/16/2013-FST, the 30th January, 2014. In partial modification of final Notification of Pualreng Wildlife Sanctuary issued vide Notification No. B. 12012/16/2013-FST dt. 10.12.2013 the words appearing as “Sec-2A (1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972” in last para should be read as Sec. 26 A(1) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. J.L. Singh, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Envir onment & Forests Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Committee in connection with construction of new Railway BG line from Bairabi to Sairang

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 39Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 39 NOTIFICATION No. G. 20015/55/2012-FST, the 30th January, 2014. In the interest of p ublic service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Committee in connection with construct ion of new Railway BG line from Bairabi to Sairang with immediate effect and until further order comprising of the following members :- 1.Conservator of Forests (Central Cir cle)- Chairman 2.Conservator of Forests (Northern Cir cle)- Vice Chairman 3.Repr esentative of Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl District- Member 4.Repr esentative of Deputy Commissioner, Kola sib District- Member 5.Chairman, St ate Level Task Force or his representa tive- Member 6.Divisional Forest Officer, Kolasib Forest Division- Member 7.President, Bio-diversity & Natur e Conservation Network, Mizoram- Member 8.Co-ordinator, Centre for Environment P rotection, Mizoram- Member 9.President, Association for Environment Pr eservation, Mizoram- Member 10.Divisional Forest Officer, Aiza wl Forest Division- Member Secretary The Committee will visit the sit e periodically during constr uction of the Railway line and submit 6 (six) monthly repor t to the Minis try of Environment & F orests, North Eastern Regional Office, Shillong. J.L. Singh, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Envir onment & Forests Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 40Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 40 CORRIGENDUM No. H. 20013/04/13-JERC, the 30th January, 2014. The following regulations of t he Joint Electricity Regula tory Commission for Ma nipur a nd Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regula tions, 2013 published recently in the Official Extra Ordinary Gazettes of Manipur and Mizoram in which some typographica l mista kes have occurr ed, sha ll be corrected as under, namely : 1.In Table 1 of Regulation 3.2, the words “ load upto 8 kW” shall be substituted by the words “ load upto 5 kW”. 2.In Table 1 of Regulation 3.2, the words “ load above 8 kW” shall be substituted by the words “ load above 5 kW”. 3.In R egulation 3.2, the words “for loads less than 8 kW” shall be substituted by the words “for loads less than or equa l to 5 kW”. 4.In R egulation 3.2, the wor ds “for loads below 8 kW” sha ll be su bstituted by t he words “for loads less than or equa l to 5 kW”. By Or der of t he Commission Richard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizo Hnam Dan chungchang (Mizo Customary Law)

VOL - XXXIVISSUE - 66Date - 06/04/2005

- 1 - The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Regn. No. NE-313(MZ)VOL - XXXIV Aizawl, Wednesday 6.4.2005 Chaitra 16, S.E. 1927, Issue No. 66 N O T I F I C A T I O N No.H. 12018/119/03-LJD/62, the 4th April, 2005.The Mizo Customary Law is hereby published for general information. Sd/- Chawngtint hanga, Deputy Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Go vt . o f Mizo ram. - 2 - BUNG - 1 MIZO HNAM DAN CHUNGCHANG Hmasang a\angin Mizote hian hnam inkaihhruai nan leh t hubuai/hlabuai rel fel nan Hnam Dan an lo nei \hin a; chungte chu uluk t aka la khawmin ziak chhuah a ni. Chang 1A HMING LEH A KAIHHNAWIH 1)A hming:He Dan hi Mizo Hnam Dan a ni. 2)A huam chin:He Dan hian Mizo zawng zawng a huam a; Mizo hnah thlak hnam pêngin tihdan bik an neih pawh a hnawl lo. Chang 2MIZO‘Mizo’ tih hian Mizo hnahthlak tawh phawt chu a huam vek a ni. BUNG - 2 MIZO KHAWTLANG INAWP DAN Chang 3KHUA LEH A MI CHENGTE Mizo te hi pi leh pute hun a\ang tawha khawbik neia awm \hin an ni a. Thuneituin khuaa a puan apiangte chu‘khua’ tih a ni. Khua apiangte chuan ram chin bithliah an nei zel bawk a. A khaw \henawmte nen an inkarah ram in\henna fel tak‘ramri’ an nei vek a ni. Khuaa awm nghette chu chumi khaw‘khua leh tui’ an ni. Chang 4KHAWTLANG RORELTUTEKhawtinin Khawtlang Roreltu an nei a, chu chuan Khawtlang chungchanga thil pawimawh eng pawh a \ul dan azirin an rel thei a, Vantlang Inkhawm pawh an ko thei. Chang 5VANTLANG INKHAWM Vantlang inkhawm chu, khawt lang ro reltuten khawt lang pawimawh t hila an khaw mipui an ko h khawm hi a ni. Pawlho in emaw, mimal t uin emaw, mipui t am t ak ko vin inkhawm siam mah se, chut iang inkhawm chu hemi dana vantlang inkhawm tih hi a ni lo. Vantlang inkhawm chuan thu tihtluk an nei thei a; chu chu khawtlang roreltute pawhin an kengkawh tur a ni. Amaherawhchu, harsatna a awm chuan, a \ul ang zelin khawtlang roreltute chuan an tidanglam thei. Chang 6SALAM LEH SUKCHIN Khaw chhungah thubuai a awmin roreltuten an rel \hin a, chawitir ngai an chawitir \hin. An lei chawi rual chuan roreltute ei atan a thu azira an chawitir \hin chu ‘Salam leh Sukchin’ a ni. An chawitir dan chu hetiang hi a ni : - 3 - (1)Salam:Salam chu Vawkpui a ni \hin; tangka hman hnuah chuan cheng nga (Rs.5/-) a ni. (2)Sukchin :Thil t ihsual nep deuh Salam chawit irna t ur em ni si lova an chaw it ir \hin chu ‘Sukchin’ a ni. Sukchin chu zu bel pakhat a ni a; tangka hman hnuah chuan cheng khat (Rs.1/-) a ni ber \hin. Lal rorelna tihtawp a nih hnuah chuan khawtlang rorelna chhunzawm zeltu chu Village Co uncil a ni. Village Co uncil chuan Salam leh Sukchin chu, ro rel hah man angin an la ei zel a. He dan bu ruahman lai hi chuan cheng sawmnga (Rs.50/- ) a ni. Tangka hlut na a danglam ang zelin Mizo ram pum puia hman t urin r o relt ut en Salam leh Sukchin chu a ^wm t^wk an bithliah thar thei. Chang 7KH AW RAMRI LEH RAMRI LUNGPHUN Khua at an Sawrkarin ramri a kham chu khuaa chengten anmahni thua sawn theih a ni lo va. Ramri lungphun pawh t ih chhiat emaw, sawn emaw phal a ni lo. Chutianga titute chu hrem theih an ni. Ramri chung- chang chu sawrkar chauh lo chuan tihdanglam theih a ni lo. Chang 8HNAM RO THIL Khaw ramri chhungah, khaw chhungah emaw, khawdaiah emaw, ramhnuaiah emaw, pipu sulhnu hlui, hnam ro tling, khaw chhunga mite humhalh lai t ichhia emaw, t i bo emaw chu hrem t heih a ni. Chang 9VANTLANG TANA HMUN PAWIMAWH Khaw chhungah vantlang tana hmun pawimawh t ur reng reng chu mimal t hil aia ngaih pawimawh a ni \hin. Chang 10TLANGAU Khaw tinin tlangau an nei thei a,chu tlangau chu khawtlang roreltute thuhnuaia awm an ni. Rikrum thilah lo chuan mimalin emaw, pawlhoten emaw anmahni t huin an aut ir t hei lo. Chang 11VANTLANG THIR DENG LEH PUM Khaw tinin vantlang thirdeng an nei thei. Vantlang thirdeng neihna hmunah chuan khaw roreltuten thirdeng chu Pum sak nan vantlang t ana remchang laiah hmun an pe thei. Pumah chuan an thlen hmasak dan indawtin thir an chher hmasaktir \hin a. Hmeichhia t hir chhertir tura a lo kal ve chuan mipain an kian \hin. Chang 12TUIKHUR Tuikhur siam leh humhalh leh vawn t hianghlim chu khawt lang ro relt ut e mawhphurhna a ni. Tui kang nghahah chuan a thleng hmasa apiangin an thal hmasa \hin. Hman lai chuan pain tui an chawi chuan hmeichhiain an kian \hin. ‘Pumah hmeichhia an lal a, Tuikhurah mipa an lal’ tih a ni \hin. Chang 13THLANMUAL Khaw tinin thlanmual an nei \hin. Mitthi reng reng chu, hmun danga phum tura khawtlang roreltute phalna la an nih loh chuan, thlanmualah ngei phum t ur a ni. Thlanmual siam leh humhalh leh enkawl chu khawt lang ro relt ut e kuta awm a ni. - 4 - Chang 14THLANLUNG PHUN LEH LUNGDAWH Lungphun leh lungdawh hi a tana siamsaka t hlanah ngei tih tur a ni. Hmun dangah t ih duhna a lo awmin a phuntu ram chhung a nih loh chuan khawtlang roreltute phalna lak tur a ni. Thlanmuala thingphun pawh hi khawt lang ro relt ut e remt ihna lo chuan t ih t ur a ni lo . Chang 15KH AW KAR KAWNG LEH KAWNG DANGTE Khawtinin, sawrkar enkawl lai kawng ni lo, mahni ram chhunga khaw kar kawng sahfai leh enkawl thuah mawh an phur a. Feh kawng te, tuikhur kawng te, khaw chhung kawng leh kawng dang \ul apiang a enkawl \hin. Chang 16IN HMUN Khaw chhungah In hmun sem leh \hen thuah khawtlang roreltuten an thuneihna chinah chuan mawh an phur a ni. Vantlang tana hnawk leh harsatna awm thei turah chuan an semin an \hen tur a ni lo. Chang 17KH AW VAWN THIANGHLIMKhaw chhung vawn thianghlim chu khawtlang roreltute mawhphurhna a ni. Chang 18HNATLANG Khawtlang huapa hlawh nei lova hnathawh hi ‘Hnatlang’ a ni. Hnat lang ko vin int in a\angin mi pakhat zel, mipa puit ling, kum 15 pumhlum leh a chunglam, kum 60 hnuai lamin thawh tur a ni. Chang 19HNATLANG AWL Mi t upawh ro reltuten hnatlang thawk lo tura an tiht e chu ‘Hnatlang Awl’ an ni. Chu bakah, a hnuaia mite hi hnatlangah an phut ngai lo : 1) Hmeithai 2) Mipa kum 15 hnuai lam 3) Kum 60 leh a chunglam 4) Damlo 5) |awmkailo Hmeithai hi hnatlang thawhah ^wl mah se, an t elna thlawhhma kawng hnatlangah chuan an ^wl bik lo. Chang 20RAMTHEH THU Sawrkarin phalna a pek angin. Khawtlang roreltuten ram an \heh t hei. Ram \heh bak neih tuma vattu chu hrem theih a ni a, a vah sa pawh a nei tur a ni lo. - 5 - Chang 21LOHALLo hal dawn hian khawtlang roreltuten ram kang chhe lo thei tur ang berin an rel tur a ni. Fimkhur loh vang leh roreltute thu zawm loh vanga ram tikang chhia chu, chang 153 (2) anga hrem theih a ni. Ramri bul neih kum chuan hal dawnin khaw \henawmte hriattir tur a ni. Chang 22RAMVAK LEH RAMCHHUAK Zan riak lova Silai kenga sa zawnga ramhnuaia kal hi ‘Ramvak’ a ni a; zan riaka mi engemaw zat sa kah tuma a huhova kal hi ‘Ramchhuak’ a ni. Miin mi dang Silai hmanga sa a kahin, Silai neit u hnenah S adar a pe \hin. Chang 23RANVULH Khuaa mi cheng tupawhin a duh ang ang ‘Ran’ a vulh t hei. Chutianga vulhtute chuan mi dang tana hnawksak lo tur zawngin an ran vulh chu an khuahkhirh tur a ni. Chutianga ran vulhtute chuan Bung 11-nain ran vulh chungchang a sawi angin an vulh tur a ni. Chang 24KHAWTHAR KAI Roreltute remtihnaa khaw hmun sawn emaw, hmun hrang hrang a\anga khaw awm ngai lohna hmuna mi eng emaw zat awmkhawm emaw chu ‘Khawthar Kai’ a ni. Roreltute phalna la hmasa lovin tuman khawthar an kai tur a ni lo. Chutianga kai luite chu hrem theih an ni. Chang 25THLAWHBAWK Khuaa miten, an lo neih a hlat avanga kum khat chhung atana a huhova an awmchilh emaw, kawng dang vang emawa nghet lova mihring chenna hmun chuThlawhbawk a ni. Thlawhbawk chu khuaa chhiar a ni lo. Khawt lang ro relt ut e remt ihnain t ut e pawhin lo neih awmchilh a ngaih chuan ‘Bawk’ an khawh thei. Chu tianga thlawhbawk siamte chuan siam chhan an t ih zawh veleh an l>t leh tur a ni. Thlawhbawk awm phalna chu a \ul chuan kum tina siam thar zel tur a ni. Tupawh phalna nei lova bawk khawh emaw, phal bak awm lui emaw chu Dan anga hrem theih a ni. Chang 26KHAWPER Lal ram chhungah emaw, Village Council ram huam chhungah emaw, Sawrkar phalnaa mi eng emaw zat In leh Lo dina awmkhawm chu ‘Khawper’ a ni. Khawper chuan a khawpuia roreltute thu ang zelin ‘Thuneitu’ an nei \hin. Chung mite chuan a \ul ang zelin khawper atan ro an rel \hin. Chang 27PEM Khuaa mi cheng mi tupawh khaw dangah a pem thei. Khaw danga a pem dawnin a ruk a rala pem mai tur a ni lo. Mi tupawh a pem chuan a In leh Bungrua te, Huan leh Ramte a kalsan tak emaw, a kalsan tur emaw chu enkawltu siamin a pem thu chu Khawtlang Roreltute hnenah ziakin a hrilh tur a ni. A pemna khuaa Khawtlang Roreltute hnenah a inhriattir bawk tur a ni. Chang 28CHIKHUR Khuaa mite ram huamchhung khawi laiah pawh miin Chikhur hai chhuak sela, a haichhuaktuin mahni tan a hauh bik ngai lo. - 6 - Chang 29KHUAI Khaw ram huamchhungah Khuaipui (Kham-Khuai) awm chu tumahin pumbil bik t heih a ni lo. Khawt lang ro relt ut e phalnaa a zu leh a hnun lak \hin a ni. Chang 30THIH CHUNGCHANGA KHAWTLANG MAWHPHURHNAKhawchhungah mi tupawh thi sela, thi leh piang chhinchhiahtute hnenah hriattir tur a ni. Mitthi chungchanga t hlan laih leh khawhar riahpui chu tlangval mawhphurhna; tlaivarpui chu khawtlang mawhphurhna; mitthi puala thil khawn chu nulate mawhphurhna a ni. Chang 31HLAMZUIHNausen t hla t hum (ni sawmkua) hnuai lam t hi chu ‘Hlamzuih’ a ni. Hlamzuiha t hi chu mit t hi pangngai anga khawt lang buaipui a ni lo . Chang 32THLANTHUT Khualkhuaa mi an t hihin, a t hihnaa awm ve ngei t ur lainat en an hriat a, an awm ve theih loh avanga, mitthi puala awmni an kham chu,Thlan\hu a ni. An thlan\hut chuan chhungkhat leh \henrual \ha ten lenpuiin an ral \hin. Chang 33MISUAL BIK CHUNGCHANGA KHAWTLANG RORELTUTE MAWHPHURHNA Khaw huamchhungah, ruk ruk vangte, zu ruih vangte leh thil \ha lo dang tih vangtea khawtlang hriat thama misual leh hnawksak bikte chu Roreltuten an chungthu an relsak thei. Chang 34KHAWTLANG MAWHPHURHNA KAWNG DANGTEA hnuaia sawi angte hi khuaa mi chengte mawhphurhna a ni : 1)Mibo zawn leh tuitla ruang zawn : Khuaa mi tupawh chin hriat lohva a bo vin emaw, t uit la zawn ngai a awmin emaw khawt langin zawn t ur a ni. Mi bo chu ni sarih (7) thleng an zawng \hin. 2)Kangmei chhuak : Kangmei chhuak a awm chuan khuaa mi chengten a rang thei ang berin \helh tur a ni. Kangmei tichhuaktu chu chang 53-a Kangmei thu angin hrem tur a ni. 3)Lui humhalh : Mahni ram chhunga lui humhalh thuah chuan khawtlang Ro reltuten mawh an phur a ni. Khuaa mi chengten an ram chhunga luite chu neitu chan changin an humhalh \hin 4)Ram theikung humhalh : Ramhnuaia t hing leh hrui, a rah leh a zik, a hnah ei chi reng reng, a kung kih leh a hrui chhah hi tih loh tur a ni. Hemi dan bawhchhia chu a thu awm dan azirin Roreltuin a ^wm t^wkin a hrem thei. 5)Vantlang thil venhim : Khuaa vantlang t hil reng reng venhim chu khawtlang mawhphurhna a ni. Chutiang tichhia chu a thu azirin Khawtlang Ro reltuten an chawitir thei. - 7 - 6)In sak leh a bul vel : Khuaa mi cheng tu pawhin in a sak dawn chuan khawtlang roreltute a hriattir hmasa tur a ni. In sakna tur hmun chu an sak hmain Khawtlang Roreltuten an en dik hmasa tur a ni a, an phal angin an sa tur a ni. Khawtlang t ana hnawksak zawngin tuman in an sa tur a ni lo. Thu awih lo chu Ro relt uin a ^wm t ^wkin a hrem thei. 7)Ek in, ran in, buh in : Chhungkaw tinin anmahni ram chhungah mahni pualin ek in te, ran in t e, buh in te an sa thei. Amaherawhchu, \henawmte leh vantlang tana hnawksak a nih chuan Khawtlang Ro reltuten an \hiahtirin an sawnt ir t hei. Hemi zawm lo chu a t hu azirin Ro relt uin a ^wm t ^wkin a hrem t hei. 8)Chhan ngai chhan leh \anpui ngai \anpui :Mi t u paw h, rik rum t hil vang emaw, mihring vang emaw, ramsa leh ran kawlh vang emaw, engvang pawha chhan ngaia a awm chuan a hria apiangin chhan nghal tur a ni a, \anpui a ngaih ang anga \anpui tur a ni. Chut iang bawkin, mahni nupui/pasal lakah emaw, fat e lakah emaw, nu leh pate lakah emaw, unaute lakah emaw, engvang pawha miin chhan a ngaih chuan, a hria apiangin chhan nghal tur a ni a, \anpui a ngaih ang anga \anpui tur a ni. Chhan ngai chhan leh \anpui ngai \anpui hi Mizo Hnam nunphung a ni. Chhan tumna avanga thil tihchhiat emaw, a mihring ngei chunga kutthlak emaw chuan lei a kuai lo. 9)Ensan : Hman laiin khawtlangah mi hnawksak leh kawhmawh bawl bikte chu, an in leh lovah chuangkai lovin an ensan \hin. Thih thua thlan inlaihsak duh loh thleng thlenga ensan erawh chu a awm ngai lo. Chang 35THIAN MAN Mipa tan \hian chi hnih siam theih a ni a, ‘In lam \hian’ leh ‘Ram lam \hian’ (Het a \hian t ih hi Inneihnaa \hian hi a ni lo ). 1)In lam \hian :Sechhun/Khuangchawi chuan, rantalh nikhuaah a In lam \hian chu a sa chanpual a pe \hin; ranpuiah chuan, a lung leh a kal pakhat a ni \hin. Chu chu ‘In lam \hian’ man a ni. 2)Ram lam \hian : Ramvak mi chuan sa a awhin emaw, a kahin emaw, a \hian chu ‘|hian Sabeng’ a pe \hin. Chu chu ‘Ram lam \hian’ man a ni. |hian man hi hmeichhia chuan, Vawkpa sut nghak talh hian a \hian hnenah a khabe phawh hlawk leh a hmuiner a pe \hin. Chu chu ‘In sahmui’ an ti a, ‘|hian sa kha’ an ti bawk. Hetiang \hian insiam hi nghet hle mah sela, chhunzawm theih loh hun a lo awm chuan ban t heih a ni a, ban man sawi a ni ngai lo . - 8 - BUNG - 3 NUPUI PASAL INNEIH THU Chang 36INNEIHNA CHUNGCHANG Hmasang a\ang rengin Mizo t e hi, Palai hmangin mipa chhungte leh hmeichhe chhungte an inberem a, Sadawtin Remar a talhsak a. Mipa chhungten hmeichhe chhungte hnenah nupui man an pe a, hmeichhe chhungten an dawng a. Hmeichhia chu a pasal tur inah a l^wi a. Sadawtin innei turte chu an sam a suihkaihhlihsak a, Arzangtuak talhin a inneihtir \hin. Tun hnuah erawh chuan Sakhaw Puithiamte leh inneihtirtu tura thuneituten an ruat apiangin an inneihtir \hin. 1)Innei/Nupa : Hmeichhia leh mipa, puit ling, nupui pasal pawm lai nei lo ve ve, palai hmanga mipa chhungte leh hmeichhe chhungte inberema, man inhlan a, inneihtir theituin a inneihtir hiInnei an ni. Chut ianga inneit e chauh chuNupa an ni. Not e :1. Inneihna hi nu leh pate ve ve inbiakremna Sakhuain a nemngheh \hin a ni. 2. Inneiht ir t heit u : Sawrkarin emaw, t huneit uin emaw a ruat apiang Inneihtirtu an ni. 2)Man hlanna : Tun hma chuan hei hi \awngkaa tih a ni \hin a, lehkha kan neih chinah chuan ziaka t ih a ni, hetiang hian :- a) Inneite hming ve ve; aw) Inneite kum zat ve ve; b) Inneite pa hming ve ve; ch) Inneite khua/veng ve ve; d) Man zat; e) Man hlan zat; f) Man bat zat; g) |hutphah zat; h) Man hlantute hming leh signature; i) Man dawngtu hming leh signature; j) Hriatpuitute hming leh signature; Man hlantute leh man dawngtute lam a\angin; k) Man hlanna hmun; l) Man hlan hun lehni. m) Inneih ni (Form 1 en rawh) 3)Nupaa chhiar theih loh : Inluhkhung emaw, infan emaw, inru emaw, tlan dun emaw te chu eng chen pawh nupa anga awm dunin fate pawh nei hial mah se, chang 36 (1)-a sawi anga innei an nih loh chuan nupaa chhiar theih an ni lo. - 9 - Chang 37MAN LEH MUALHmasang a\angin Mizo Dana nupui pasala inneihnaah chuan, mipain a nupui man a pek \hin chu ‘Man leh mual’ a ni. Man leh mual hi mihringt e inleina a ni lo va, nupui pasala innei turte leh an chhungte ve ve, chhung leh khata insuihkhawmna tura inremna entirna a ni. Chuvangin kawngro nei taka siam a ni. Man teltu chu pa ber a ni a. Pa ber a awm tawh loh chuan, a aiawha pa chan chang apiangin an tel \hin. Man teltu chuan Mo chu a theih angin a lawi ang a, mak chhiat a tawh pawhin a tuam hlawm tur a ni. Man leh mual hi t angkaa bit hliah a nih hma chuan r o t hil, \hi leh dar t e leh sial te an lo hmang \hin a. Tin, bel leh hriamhrei thleng pawha hman a ni bawk \hin. Hetiang huna an pawm dan tlangpui chu Se puitling hi ‘Sial’ an t i a, Se puit ling lo hi ‘Tlai’ an ti a; chu chu ‘Sepui chanve’ anga ngaih a ni. Mizovin Tangka kan hman \antirha a hlutna an chhut dan tlangpui chu : Sial-Cheng Sawmli Tlai-Cheng Sawmhnih Tlai Sial -Cheng Sawmhnih Tin, ‘Tlai’ t ih hi Se puit ling lo t ihna a ni a, Sial hming a lo put ve avang hian Man leh Mual thuah hian ‘Tlai nga’ an lo ti ber \hin. 1)Man bi :Pain a fanu pasal nei t ur manbi a t hliah ang ang hiManpui a ni. Manbi thliahna chuTlaia ni a, Tlai chu Rs. 20/- hua ngaih a ni. Sailo man chu Tlai 10 a ni a, hnamchawm man tlangpui chu Tlai 4 a ni a, a tawng san theih ber chu Tlai 5 a ni. Pain a fanu pasal nei tur manbi a thliah bakah amah leh lainate ei tur chi hrang a siam hiMan\ang a ni. Nun dan leh khawsaknate a lo danglam zel a, tun hnua manbi atana hman tlangpui ni deuh bera lang chu, Manpui leh Man\ang Cheng Zali leh Sawmhnih (Rs. 420/-) a ni. Man teltu Pa-in man eitute hnena Man\ang a sem dan pawh a t langpuiin a hnuaia bit hliah ang hi a ni. a) Sum hmahruai-Cheng 60/- (Sawmruk); aw) Sumfang -Cheng 50/- (Sawmnga); b) Pusum -Cheng 40/- (Sawmli); ch) Palal -Cheng 30/- (Sawmthum); d) Ni-ar -Cheng 20/- (Sawmhnih); e) Naupuakpuan -Cheng 20/- (Sawmhnih); 2)Man eitute : Mizo inneihna chungchanga man eit ut e hi Palal eit u t ih chauh lo chu laina bul tak tak an ni vek a, Palal erawh hi chu khualkhuaa pasal nei tan phei chuan hmelhriat \ha deuhte zawn chawp a ni fo \hin. - 10 - 3)Man\ang : Mizo inneihnaah hian hmanlai chuan tangka van avangin man pe tla thei hi an vang thei hle \hin a. Chuvang chuan hmeichhe lam chhungte hian ‘Manpui’ chu pe thei lo mah sela, ‘Man\ang’ tal hi chu pe thei turin an phut deuh hram \hin. Chuvangin Mizo Inneih danah hian Man\ang hi a pawimawh >m >m tih a lang thei a ni. Man\ang eitute chu a hnuaia tarlan ang hi a ni : a)Sumhmahruai : Sumhmahruai chu Man\ang zinga mi, Pasal nei pa chanpual a ni a, ani chuan a unaute emaw a fapa indang tawhte emaw a teltir \hin. b)Sumfang : Sumfang pawh Man\ang zinga mi, pasal nei pa chanpual a ni a; ani chuan a unaute emaw a fapa indang tawh emaw a teltir \hin. c)Pusum : Mo pu, (Mo hringtu nu pa) ei tur a ni. A pu chu lo thi tawh mah sela, a pi (a pu nupui) a la dam phawt chuan a pasal la dam tluka ngaih a ni a, ani chuan a ei tur a ni. Anni nupa an thih tawh chuan an rokhawmtu ziding ber chuan a ei ang. Pu dik tak ten pusum an tel lo a nih chuan, a pu dik tak chuan ‘Pu ban man’ Sial a \hing t hei. Pusum teltu tur dik ber a thih tawh chuan, a fate zinga mi pakhat aia tamin pusum an tel thei a, chu chu ‘Pu phir’ an ti. Chu bak chu Man\angah phir a awm ngai lo (Man\ang eitu zingah pusum teltu chauh hian lawi a kham t hei a ni). d)Palal : Khualkhuaa pasal nei chuan an va innghahna tur ‘Thlen in’ an t ih \hin at an hmel hriat \ha leh bul deuh an zawng \hin a, mi tu pawh thisen zawmpui kher lo pawh an zawng t hei. Chu chu ‘Palal’ an ti a, pasal nei khan duh duha chaw a lam ngamna tur a nih avangin ‘Chaw\hing zenna’ an ti \hin. Nu leh pa biak phak loh leh biak hman lo h t hil engpawh lo t hleng sela, pa hminga t hil t i t hei a ni. e)Ni-ar :Ni-ar hi a pa farnu (a ni) ei tur a ni. Ni dik an awm loh pawhin a aiawh zawn chawp theih a ni. f)Naupuakpuan : Mo laizawn a u ei t ur a ni. A nausen laia lo pawt u leh awmtleitu a nih avanga eitir a ni. U a neih loh pawhin zawnchawp theih a ni. Note :Pa chuan heng sumhmahruai leh sumfang teltu turte hi a \ul a tih loh chuan a siam lo thei. Man\ang dang eitu turte erawh hi chu a tlangpui chuan siam ngei tura ngaih a ni. Chang 38PALAIInneih buat saihnaah Palai pahnih aia t lem lo t irh t ur a ni. Palait e chuan innei turate thuthlung tih fel leh man hlan hi an tih tur a ni. Chang 39|HUTPHAH Hmeichhe pasal nei chu, a lo upat a, harsatnain a tlakbuak hunah, amah a intunnun nana hman tur thlaveng a neih theih nan leh a pasal nena in\hen thulhah pawh a thuam a lakkir theihna tura a man hlan laia a man dawngtuin Rs. 20/ - (Tlai) a pek kir leh chu|hutphah a ni. - 11 - |hutphah lehThuam inzawm dan chu hetiang hi a ni : Hmeichhia pasal neiin |hutphah a neih loh chuan, lo in\hen pawh ni se, a thuam a la kir thei lo va, a pasal emaw a fate emaw chan tur a ni. Thuam a lakkir dawn chuan thuam manah Cheng Sawmhnih (Rs. 20/-) a pe tur a ni. Hmeichhia pasal nei, \hutphah nei chu, a pasalin a mak chuan, a man ba zawng zawng, \hutphah nen lam a pasal chuan a pe tla vek tur a ni a, chu bakah a bungrua leh a thuam zawng zawng a chhuahpui vek thei. Hmeichhia pasal nei, \hutphah nei chu a thih chuan a chhungten a thuam zawng zawng an la kir thei; man ba a awm erawh chuan man chu tlaiin a kiam tur a ni. Amaherawhchu \hutphah tih loh man dang zawng zawng chu pek tlak tawh vek a nih a, a chhungten thuam an lak bawk chuan, |hutphah chu lak tur a ni lo. Chang 40|HIAN MAN Hmeichhiain pasal a neihin \hian a nei \hin a; mahse \hian man a awm ngei t ur a ni chuang lo . |hian man a awm erawh chuan Tlai aiin a t am ngai lo va, hmeichhe lam pek \hin a ni. A \hian khan pasal a neih ve hunah a \hian let ve leh ngei tur a ni a, a \hian chu remchang lo sela, a \hian chuan a aiawh, a laizawn emaw, midang emaw a hmang thei. Chutiang ni lova mi dang, \hian a zawng thar a nih chuan \hian man a ei kha a pe kir leh \hin. Chang 41LAWI Man teltuin a duh chuan, fanu pasal nei chu ranin a lawi thei. Lawina sa chu mo neit u lam nen, zat leh zat a insem a ni a, mipa lamin a lu an chang \hin. Note : Mo nu leh pa neinung deuhte chuan lawi nan Sial an hmang \hin a; mi tam ber chuan fanau malsawmna atan Vawkpuiin an lawi \hin. Khualah sa ken a harsat chuan, a lu chauh an thawn \hin a. Lawina chu vawk emaw, sial emaw, bawng emaw a ni \hin. Chang 42MO LAWI Mo a lawi d awnin mipa lamin mo hruai t urin laina \henrual \hat e an t ir a, hmeichhe lamin lawichal an ruat a, mo chu a \hiant e nen lawichal ho vin mipa Inah an lawi \hin. Tun hma chuan vawi hnih lawi - lawichhiat leh lawi\hat a awm a, tunah chuan lawichhiat hi a awm t a ngai lo va, vawikhat lawiah fihlim nghal a ni. Chang 43LAWICHAL Mo lawi t ur hruait u ber at an hmeichhe lam nu leh pain an aiawha mi an ruat hi ‘Lawichal’ a ni. Khual khuaa pasal neihnaah pawh mawhphurtu ber a ni. Mo chu a pasal turte inah \ha tak leh him taka a lawi theihna t ura pa chan changa hruait u a ni. Lawichal chuan Tlai aia t am a phut t ur a ni lo va. Lawichal man hi mipa lamin an pe \hin. Tualchhungah chuan Lawichal man hi pek ngei tur a ni chuang lo. Note : Lawichal chuan Mipa In an luh dawn hian, “Kha fanu fapa kan rawn lawipui e,” tiin hma hruaiin an au \hin. - 12 - Chang 44MA K PA CHHUNGKHUNGMipain Nupuite chhungkua belh tum saa inberem a, innei a, a nupuite chhungkuaa a luh chuan ‘Makpa Chhungkhung’ a ni. Inneih hnuah pawh an dinhmun azirin Makpa chhungkhung a awm thei. Chang 45ZAWLKENPUANInneihnaah hmeichhiain ‘Zawlkenpuan’ a nei tur a ni. Zawlkenpuan hi Inneihna thil serh t ikimtu pakhat a ni a, a pasal thih hunah tuam nana tih a ni. Zawlkenpuan chu Mizo puandum pangngai a ni a; Puan thulkhung dang ang a ni lo. Zawlkenpuan nei lo chuan pasal in a\angin a buatsaih thei; amaherawhchu, a senso chu hmeichhe lam tum a ni. Zawlkenpuan chu a fanuin a chhawm thei lo. In\hen thulhah pawh Zawlkenpuan chu a chhawmtuin a chhuahpui \hin. Chang 46LAWI ARMo lawi turin ‘Lawi ar’ a lawipui \hin a, chung ar te chu man teltu leh man eitute pek khawm a ni. Chang 47ZAWNCHAWP PA LEH ZAWNCHAWP NU TA TEHmeichhia, Nu leh P a nei t awh lo vin pasal an neih dawnin Palal eitu ang mai ni lo, pa-a vawn tur emaw, nu\a-a vawn tur emaw a zawng thei a, chung a zawnte chu ‘Zawnchawp Pa’ emaw ‘Zawnchawp Nu\a’ emaw a ni. Chung mite chu hmeichhe lam chuan a man a teltir \hin. Chang 48PALAI SAInneihnaah lawina ran talh a awm chuan a dar emaw, a nakruh pahnih hleh emaw palai sa at an palait e hnena pek t ur a ni. Mo lawmnaa ran t alh belh a nih chuan Palaiin palai sa dang a phut tur a ni lo. Chang 49NU MANNupa in\hen tawh fanu emaw, nulat fain emaw pasal a neih a, a nuin a man a ei ve \hinhiNu-man a ni a. Man\ang a ni lo. Nu man chu cheng sawmhnih (Rs.20) a ni a, a hringtu, a nu dik tak chauhvin a ei tur a ni. Chang 50HMEICHHE BUNGRUA Hmeichhiain pasal a neiha a chhawmluh ngei tur ‘Hmeichhe bungrua’ tih \hin chu hengte hi a ni -Pawnpui te,Thul te,Thingremte,Phurhhlan te,Thembu te lehZawlkenpuan t e hi. Hmeichhia pasal neiin Pawnpui chhawm tur nei lo sela, a pasalin a lamsakin emaw, a pasal ina a puahin emaw, hmeichhe man chu Tlaiin a kiam \hin. Puah laiin meichhia chu t hi sela, man kiam tur a kiam lo vang. A dangte hi chu neih loh vanga man kiamna a ni lo. Pawnpui chu lo chhia sela, a pasal in a\angin puah leh sela, a tira a chhawm anga ngaih tur a ni. Hmeichhia thi sela, fa thihsan a neih loh chuan Pawnpui tih loh a bungruate chu a chhungten an la kir leh \hin a; fa a neih erawh chuan lak kir tur a ni lo. Pasalin nupui dang a neih leh dawnah erawh chuan, Pawnpui pawh lak kir a ni \hin. Chang 51THUAM Hmeichhia pasal nei, a pain emaw, a man eit ut e emawin t hil engpawh an chhawmtir reng reng chuThuam a ni. Thuam chu a hnuaia ziak zat emaw, a aia tam - 13 - emaw pawh a ni thei a, a aia tlem erawh chu Thuama chhiar a ni lo. 1) |hival hrui t hum emaw 2) |hifen hlui hrui khat leh \hival tak hrui khat emaw 3) |hihna tangka cheng 20 man aia hniam lo emaw 4) Tangka fai Rs. 20/- aia t lem lo emaw “Thuam” hi chi hniha \hen theih a ni : 1)Laksawn theih Thuam :Laksawn theih Thuam chuan thil pathum, Incheina lam te, Inchhung bungrua te, pawn lama awm khawih chet theih te a huam. 2)Laksawn theih loh Thuam : Laksawn theih loh Thuam chuanIn hmun te, Huan te,Sangha dil te leh thil dang khawihchet theih loh Thuam atana an pek chu a huam vek. Hrilhfiahna : Thuam nei reng reng chu a man Tlai (Rs.20/-) in a pung \hin. Thuam chu inneih ni kher lo vah pawh pek t heih a ni. Pek laiin Thuam a ni ngei t ih sawi chian t ur a ni. Nupa chu lo in\hen sela, uire vang a nih loh chuan thuam zawng zawng a chhuahpui vek thei. Amaherawhchu, Nupui chu a thih a, |hutphah tih loh a man dang zawng zawng chu pek t lak a nih bawk chuan, Thuam zawng zawng kir mah se, |hutphah a kir ve lo. Thuam reng reng chu thil pawimawh bik, \ambarah leh an nupaa pawimawh an tih dun thil dangah te pawh an hmang thei a. Amaherawhchu, in hmuna in sak nan emaw, huan enkawl nan emaw, pawisa puk \ulna thilah a pasal chuan in hmun chu ama hmingin dah mah se, a hmun kha chu a chhawmtu Thuam a ni reng. Chutiang bawk chuan, Thuam chu \ambar thil ni lo, nawmchenna lam thil atan an nupaa remtih dunin lo hmang pawh ni se, a pasalin a nupui chu a mak chuan, thuam an lo hman man chu a pasal chuan a rul ang. Hmeichhiain sum a chhuahin emaw, mipain a nupui a makin emaw, t huam zawng zawng a kir thei. Chuvang chuan, pasal nei chu tupawhin eng pawhin lo t huam se, a t huamt u remt ihna t el lo chuan neit u nihna t ihdanglam t heih a ni lo . Hmeichhe Thuam, in hmunah mipa senso vin, in sa sela, hmeichhia chuan sum chhuah leh si sela, in hmun chu a t a a ni reng; mahse, in chu mipa ta a ni. Hmeichhiain a in chu a neih dawn chuan, a sakna man a pasal hnenah pein emaw, a pasalin a hmun chu a neih dawn chuan, a nupui hnenah in hmun man chu pein emaw an inremsiam t hei. Chut ianga an inremsiam t heih lo h chuan Ro relt ut e t hu lo chuan a tu zawk zawk mahin mahni chanpual ni lo chungah thuneihna an nei ngawt - 14 - t hei lo . Chang 52INRUMipain hmeichhia nupuia neih duhin nu leh pate hriatpui lohvin an inah hruai sela, ‘Inru’ a ni. Man leh mual thuah inru chu fan anga ngaih a ni. Chang 36 sawi anga insawiremna a awm lo h chuan nupui pasala pawm a ni lo . An insawirem hnuah chuan hmeichhe man tlaiin a pung \hin. Chang 53TLAN DUN Mipa leh hmeichhia, inneih duh, nu leh pate hriatpui lohva, anmahni awmna in ni lo , hmun dangah awm dun sela, ‘Tlan dun’ an ni. Tlan dun innei zui chu hmeichhe man tlaiin a pung. Chang 36 sawi anga inneih \hat na a awm loh chuan inneia pawm a ni lo. Sumchhuah pawhin tlan dun vanga man punna tlai kha a chhuak ve lo. Chang 54LUHKHUNG/FANInnei t ura nu leh pa remt ihna awm lo va, mipa hmeichhe ina a pasal nih tuma lut hiLuhkhung a ni a, hmeichhia mipa ina a nupui nih t uma lut hi Fan a ni. Hetiang titu tan hian mualphothlak tak a nih avangin man leh mual a nghawng \hin. Mipain a luhkhung chuan a nupui man t laiin a kiam a, hmeichhiain a fan chuan a man t laiin a pung \hin. Chang 55MAN LO VA INNEI Nupui pasala inneih dawna man leh mual awm lo t ura palai hmanga mipa chhungte leh hmeichhe chhungte inberema innei hi ‘Man lova innei’ a ni. Chang 56MAN BOHmeichhia pasal nei tawh, sumchhuah emaw, uire emaw vanga in\hen tawh hnuin, a lunglen vangin emaw, chhan dang vangin emaw man pawh phut lo vin, nu leh pa remt ihna pawh awm lovin a pasal inah lut leh t a sela, ‘Man bo’ a ni. Chutianga lut leh chu nupa dik t ak a ni leh a; amaherawhchu hmeichhe chhungten man an \hin thei tawh lo. A bungraw chhawm erawh chu an chhuhsak thei a, an t uit hlar t hei a, an insiamrem leh t hei bawk. Chang 57MAN AIA MAN TELTU CHAWM Man aia inchawm hi, in khata awm hovin emaw, in hrang a\angin emaw a inchawm theih a. Engtikawng pawhin inchawm se, inchawm hlum loh chuan man tlaka ngaih theih a ni lo. Chutianga inchawm mek chu inngeih lohvin, hmeichhe lam duhna avangin an nupa chu in\hen sela, kum t hum aia tam lo inchawm tawh an nih chuan, hmeichhiain mipa hnenah man zatve a pe ang. Hmeichhia chu uire a nih chuan dan pangngaiin a pasalin Thuam leh Bungrua pawh a hreng thei. Mipa lam duhna avanga in\hen an niha hmeichhia chu a pasal laka t hisenpal a nih chuan, kum thum lai an inchawm tawh bawk chuan, a man zatve tlaka ngaih tur - 15 - a ni a, a bak chu chang 37(1)-a hmeichhe man bithliah dan chu tehnaa hmangin a zatve a pe tla tur a ni. Thisen pal lova a thih chuan, chawm zui a ngai lo va, engmah dang sawi theih a ni lo . Chang 58MAN KIAM THEIHNA CHITEHmeichhia pasal nei t ur man, Tlaia a kiam t heihnat e chu hetiang hi a ni : 1)Lamthlang rapthla :Pasal sun vanga kir leh. 2)Hringkir:Pasal nei, Pasal ina fa sun emaw, nau chhiat emawa kir leh. 3)Lengleh:Pasal nei, fa nei lo va kir leh. Chang 59SEHRUI SAT CH ATInnei tura miin thu an thlun fel vek tawh hnuah mipa dangin hmeichhia chu neih zawk tumin an inneih ti\hulh sela, ‘Sehrui sat chat’ a ni. Sehrui sat chattu chuan a sehrui sahchah chhan hmeichhia chu nei ta sela, a nupui man chu Sial (Rs. 40/-) in a pung ang. Sumchhuah pawhin sehrui sahchah man chu a chhuak ve lo vang. Mipa chuan a neih duh leh si loh erawh chuan, nupui man zat Sehrui sahchah man a chawi ang. Chang 60KHUAL-KAINulain khaw dangah pasal a neih chuan ‘Khualkai’ a ni. Chang 61CHHUATKIL KAI MANHmeichhiain a laichin bul ni lo , midang in a\angin pasal nei sela, a in neitu chuan chhuatkil kai man tlai, pa chan a\angin a tel \hin. Sumchhuah leh uire vanga in\henah chhuatkil kai man chu a chhuak ve tur a ni lo. Chang 62NUPUI MAN INKHALH Unau inkara upa zawkin man pe tla lovin nupui nei sela, a nupui pa chuan inneih dawnin, “I nau Sialin ka khalh e” a tih chuan nupui man inkhalh a ni. Chutiang a lo nih chuan a nauvin nupui a neih ve hma ngeiin a u nupui man ba chu a pe hmasa ngei tur a ni. Man inkhalhna hi pe tla lovin a nau nupui man pe sela, man inkhalhna Sial chu a nau nupui man tur a\ang chuan a khalhtu chuan a laksak t hei. Chang 63CHARSUTPHAWITlangvalin nula unau zinga a naupang zawk emaw, a naupang ber emaw, a u te pasal neih hmain nupuiah nei sela,Charsutphawi a ni. Charsutphawia inneihnaah chuan hmeichhe man tlaiin a pung \hin. A u pakhat aia t am pawh eih khalh se, a man punna chu t lai aiin a t am t hei chuang lo . Hmeichhia chuan sum a chhuah pawhin, Charsutphawi man hi a chhuak ve lo. Chang 64THISEN PALHmeichhia fa nei emaw, nauchhiat emaw chu ‘Thisen pal’ a ni. Hmeichhiain sawn paiin, a sawn paina chu pasalah nei sela, inneih hmain anmahni inah a hring emaw, inneih hnuin a pasal inah a hring emaw, thisen pal a ni. Hmeichhia, a pasal laka thisen pal lova a thih chuan, man ba a bo va, thisen pal erawh chuan man ba a bo thei lo. Rai lai mek ni sela, thisen pala ngaih a ni. Nau chunga thi pawh - 16 - t hisen pal a ni. Chang 65SEBO MAWHInnei lova nula leh t langval kara fa a lo pian emaw, a lo pian hma pawhin, sawn man pek a nihin emaw, pek a la nih loh pawhin emaw, nula leh tlangval chu an inneih leh chuan mipa lamin man pangngai bakahSebo mawh, Tlai (Sawn man chanve) an pe tur a ni. Sawn man pek t awh a nih chuan tlai chu Sebo mawh niin, fanghmano eia ei tur a ni a, a chanve dang erawh chu man puiah rin nghal tur a ni. Sawn man la pe lo an nih chuan man pangngai bakah fanghmano eia ei t urin Sebo mawh ‘ Tlai’ a pe t ur a ni. Chang 66HMEIMipa, nupui pawm lai neiin, a nupui tak baka hmeichhe dang nupui anga a neih hi ‘Hmei’ a ni. Hmei neih hi Mizo nun danah thil mawi lo taka ngaih a ni. Chang 67KUT ZALA TLANupui man ba chu man t eltuin ama t huin man ba aiah a batu bungrua lo la sela, ‘Kut zala tla’ a ni. Kut zala tla hian man ba aia tlem hu pawh la sela, man ba zawng zawng a tibo. Man hu aia tam lak phei chuan rukru anga ngeih t heih a ni. Chang 68REM AR TALH/ARZANGTUAK/REM AR TALH CHHANMizo inneihnaah chuan palai hmangin mipa chhungt e leh hmeichhe chhungt e an inberem a, man an inhlan a, hmeichhia chu a pasal tur inah a lawi \hin. Chumi zan chuan Sadawtin Khawn\hiang a dawntir a. An sam zai nga vel ve ve thlang chhuakin, chhamphual chungin a suihkaihhlihsak a. Chumi zawhah chhamphual chung bawkin an sam suihkaihhlih chu a phelhsak a. Chumi zawhah mipa ar leh hmeichhe ar a la a, chhamphual chung bawkin buht lei hman lai ngeiin an zangah a vaw hlum \hin. Chutianga Sadawt ar talh chu, ‘Rem ar talh’ a ni a, ‘Arzangtuak’ a ni bawk. Rem ar talh chuan inremna tur a entir a. Arzangtuak chuan malsawmna a entir. Chutianga inremna leh Malsawmna chuRem ar talh chhan a ni. Kawng dang a awm leh a. Nupui nei turin man pek tur a zakhamna takngial pawh nei lo sela, eng emaw zat chu a t heih huna peka int iamin, innei t urin inremna an siam a. Sadawt in mipa ar leh hmeichhe ar chu a la a, chhamphual chungin buht lei hman lai ngeiin a talh a; chu chu rem ar talh a ni a, Arzangtuak a ni bawk. Chutianga neih huna man inpek t ura intiam/inrem chuRem ar talh chhan a ni. Chang 69INKAICHHUAK Hmeichhia pasal sun, a pasal thih a\anga thla 3 hnua a pasal laka inthen thianghlimna siam chu, ‘Inkaichhuak’ a ni. Inkaihchhuah hian hriatpuitu, \henawm khawvengte an awm ngei tur a ni. Chutianga kaihchhuah thian hnu chuan pasal dang nei t hei a ni a, mipa lakah chesual mah se uire-a ngaih a ni tawh lo . Pasal sun chu, mitthi chaw pek a ngaih avangin a pasal thih a\anga thla thum pumhlum a pasal inah a awm tur a ni a, chumi chhung chuan inkaihchhuah tur a ni lo. Thla thum tih hi ni 90 a ni; chumi chhunga inkaichhuak lui chu chang 76-a - 17 - sawi angin, ‘Sumchhuah’ a ni. Note : ‘Pasal in’ t ih hian, la indang lova nu leh pa ina awm emaw, pasal pual ina awm emaw, mi in luaha awm emaw, an nupaa an awmna apiang chu a huam. Chang 70MA K PA HNAMHRUAL CH ATMiin nupui a sun chuan, a nupui chhungte nen an inzawmna a chah tak avangin ‘Makpa Hnamhrual chat’ a ni. Makpa hnamhrual a lo chah chuan nupui dang a neih leh hma chuan pawnpui laksak tur a ni lo. An makpa chuan nupui dang neih leh duh sela, a nupui sun taka man chu la ba si sela, a nupui sun taka chhungte chuan, an makpa hluiin nupui thar a neih theih loh nan, sumhmahruai leh man\ang pe thei lo khawpin a man bat kha an \hing tur a ni lo. Amaherawhchu, a nupui thar man a pek tlak hmain a hlui man a la bat chu a rul hmasa tur a ni. Chang 71NUPUI PAWI KHAWIHNupuiin mi pawi a khawihin, a pawi khawih dan azirin a mawhphurtu a hrang thei. Tingthul leh mipat hmeichhiatna kawngah nupui avanga lei chawi t ur a nih chuan, a pasal ni lo vin, ama man t elt u mawhphurhna a ni. Amaherawhchu, tingthul leh mipat hmeichhiatna kawng ni lo, kawng dangah reng reng chuan, a nupui chawi tur leh tel tur kawngah a pasal mawhphurhna vek a ni. Chang 72NUPUI LAKA PAWI KHAWIH Mi nupui laka pawi khawiha lei chawi chu a pawi khawih azirin a dawngtu a hrang thei. Tingthul leh mipat hmeichhiatna kawngah nupui lakah miin lei an chawi chuan, a pasal ni lo vin, a man t elt ut e dawn t ur a ni. Amaherawhchu, tingthul leh mipat hmeichhiatna kawng ni lo, kawng dangah reng reng chuan, nupui lakah miin lei an chawi chuan, a pasala dawn tur a ni. Chang 73FANGHMANO EIFanghmano ei chu rulh leh tawh loh tura eiral hi a ni. Nupui tlan kohnaah hian, hmeichhe nu leh pain Tlai emaw, a aia sang emaw an lo phut chuan, chu chu man ba rulh nan hman a ni \hin. Man ba a awm tawh loh chuan Fanghmano eia ei a ni \hin. Chumi bakah chuan, Sehrui sahchah man te, charsut phawi man te, hmingchhiat man t e, inneih nia mipa lamin hmeichhe lam t ana a senso t e hi Fanghmano ei a ni vek. Sumchhuah nikhuaa chhuak ve tur a ni lo. Chang 74HNAM DANG NENA NUPUI PASAL INNEIHMizo mipain hnam dang nupuia a neih chuan Mizo Dan angin engkim a kal \hin. Anmahni inkarah intiamna bik neih pawh lo duh sela, roluah thu leh fate thuah Mizo Hnam Dan kalhin a ti thei lo. Mizo - 18 - hmeichhiain hnam dang pasala a neih chuan hnam dang chhungkuaah a luta ngaih a ni. BUNG - 4 NUPA INTHEN CHUNGCHANG Mizo zingah Nupa In\hen Dan chi hrang hrang a awm. Chang 75MA/MAKMipain a nupui duh lova a \hen hiMa a ni. Tupawhin a nupui a m^k chuan, a nupui chu a pasal laka thisen pal a ni emaw ni lo emaw, a man ba zawng zawng a tl^k vek tur a ni. A nupui chuan a bungrua leh thuam zawng zawng a chhuahpui vek thei. Nupa an nih chhunga an thawhchhuah dun In leh Lo leh bungruate chu chhungkhat lainaten ^wm an tih ang angin an sem ang a; annin an sem theih loh erawh chuan khawtlang roreltuten an semsak ang. Hmeichhiain a in lam pan nan sum sen ngai sela, mipain a t umsak vek t ur a ni. Nupa la indang lo, nu leh pate nena la awm chu, an thawhchhuah dun pawh Pa angchhunga la awm an la nih avangin Pa ta vek a ni a, insem theih a ni lo. Pasal chauh lo chuan tuman nupui maksak theih a ni lo. Chang 76SUMCHHUAHHmeichhiain a pasal a duh lohva, ama thua a \hen chuan ‘Sumchhuah’ a ni. Sum a chhuah chuan man pek tawh zawng zawng chu man eituten an pe kir leh vek tur a ni. Man atana tangka aiah bungrua pek ni sela, chumi ngei chu pekkir leh tur a ni. A awm tawh loh chuan a tira an pawm dan ang hu tawk an pe kir tur a ni. Hmeichhiain a thuam leh ama pual a bungrua a chhuahpui thei. Nupui nei laiin nula ngai sela, a nupuiin a pawm duh loh a, a chhuahsan nghal chuan, sumchhuah a ni lovang a, a bungrua mipa ina a luhpui ngeite chu a chhuahpui thei bawk ang. Man ba a awm chuan pek tur a ni. Nula ngai tih emaw t langval ngai t ih emaw hi nula kher emaw t langval kher emaw ni lo vin hmeichhe mut pui emaw mipa mut pui emaw t ihna a ni. Chang 77SUM LAITANNgam leh ngama nupa in\hen hi ‘Sumlaitan’ a ni. Man zawng zawng pek tlak hnua, sumlaitana in\hen an nih chuan man eituten an man ei a\angin a zatve an pekir leh tur a ni. Mipa chuan man zatve pawh a la pe lo a nih chuan, man zatve t linna t ur a pe ngei t ur a ni. Sumlait an ni mah se, bungrua leh t huam hi \hen chi a nih ve loh avangin hmeichhia chuan a chhuahpui vek thei. Chang 78PEKSACHANGMan pek tawh zawng zawng chhuak leh tawh lo tura in\henna hi ‘Peksachang’ a ni. Peksachang tih chuan man atana pek sa chauh a kawk a; hmeichhe bungrua leh thuam a huam lo va, hmeichhia chuan a chhuahpui vek thei. Chang 79KAWNGKA SULA MAKNupui pawm lai neiin hmeichhe d ang nupui atan a - 19 - hruailuhin emaw, nupui thlakna t ura hualsa nei emawa a nupui pawm lai a mak chuan, ‘Kawngka sula mak’ a ni. Kawngka sula mak hmeichhia chuan buhbal leh bungbel hmun thuma \hena hmun khat a chang thei. Buhbal tih hian ei leh bar leh eizawnna t ura an lo thawhchhuahte leh inchhung bungrua pawh an pahniha an lo thawhchhuah apiangte chu a huam vek a ni. Roluahtu, nu leh pa in luahtu ngei pawh nu leh pa an thih hnua an nupaa an thawhchhuah dun chu a huam vek a ni. Nupa la indang lo , chhungt e dang nena la awm chu a huam lo . Hmeichhia chuan a bungrua leh thuam, hmeichhe pual bik a chhuahpui vek thei. Chang 80UIRE Pasal nei laiin mip a dang ngai sela,Uirea ni. Uirena hi hmeichhe sualna chungchuang tak a nih avangin a man pek tawh zawng zawng lak kir leh vek tur a ni a, a bungrua leh a thuam zawng zawng a chan vek bawk ang. Pipute a\angin ‘vun inhlihsak’ em chu an t i ngai lo va, hak lai an chhuahpui thei. Pasal sun, inkaichhuak lova pa dinhmun luaha fate enkawltu pawh, mipa laka a chetsual chuan Uire a ni. Chutianga uire chu, a faten emaw, a pasala chhungten emaw, a tu zawk zawk pawhin an hnawtchhuak thei. A faten hnawtchhuak lova awmpui zel an duh chuan an awmpui zel thei a, khumpui erawh chu a chang thei tawh lo. Chang 81PASAL AWM LOH HLANA CHHUAK 1) Hmeichhia, a pasal awm lo h hlana mahni thua chhuak chu‘Tlan’ a ni. A pasal lo hawn a, a kohva a haw duh loh chuan ‘Sumchhuah’ a ni. A pasalin a koh duh loh chuan a‘Ma’ a ni. 2) Hmeichhia, a pasal awm loh hlana a pasala chhungte nen inngeih loh vanga, a pasala chhungte chhuahtir chu a pasal lo haw leh hnua koh tur a ni. A pasalin a koh duh loh chuan a ma a ni. Kohva a haw duh loh chuan Sumchhuah a ni. A pasal lo haw hmain a tu zawk emaw lo thi sela, mahni thua chhuak chu Sumchhuah a ni a. Pasal chhungte chhuahtir chu mak a ni. Chang 82ATNA AVANGA INTHEN Nupa tu emaw zawk lo ^ sela, in\hen tura ngaih a ni lo. Kum thum (thla 36) chhung chu inenkawl ngei ngei tur a ni. Amaherawhchu, kum 3 hnuah pawh a reh loh va, in\hen loh theih a nih loh chuan, Peksa changa in\hen theih a ni. Kum thum hmaa mipain a \hen chuan a ma a ni a. Hmeichhe chhungten loh theih lohna avanga an lak chhuah chuan Sumchhuah a ni. Chang 83NUPUI FANAU CHHUAHSANNupui nei laiin nupui atan hmeichhe dang a duh zawk avangin in\henna thu pawtchata, a nupui a chhuahsan chuan ‘Nupui fanau chhuahsan’ a ni. Nupui fanau chhuahsantu chuan a chhuahsan ni a\angin a in leh lo a chhuahsan chu a ch^n ang a, a fate ta a ni ang. Fa nei, a fate nu chu chang 102(1)- a sawi angin a fate enkawltu a ni. - 20 - Fa nei lo an nih a, an in leh lo chu an nupaa an din a nih chuan, a nupui ta a ni. Nupui fanau chhuahsantu chuan in\henna chu tichiang lo leh pawtchat lova nupui fanau a chhuahsan a, nupui fanau lakah a mawhphurhna pawh engmah ti duh lova kum thum (thla 36) a awm chuanNupuifanau chhuahsan a ni. Note : In leh Lo tih hian, chhungkuaa thil neih zawng zawng a huam. Chang 84NUPUI FANAU TLANBOSAN Nupui nei laiin nupuidang neih duh vang ni kher lovin, chhan awm lova a zinnaah emaw, a hnathawhnaah emaw, eng vang pawhin rei t ak awm sela, a nupui fanau laka a mawhphurhna pawh engmah t i lo leh chin hriat lohva kum thum chhung a awm chuan, ‘Nupui fanau tlanbosan’ a ni. Chumi hnuah a lo hawn leh pawhin, nupui chuan a lo duh tawh lo thei. A nupuiin a duh tawh loh chuan a in leh lo a ch^n ang a, a fate ta a ni ang. A fate nu chu chang 102-a sawi angin a fate enkawltu a ni. An tuten pasal pawh lo nei sela, pusum kha an pu aiah an piin a tel \hin. Fa nei lo an nih a, an in leh lo chu an nupaa din a nih chuan, a nupui ta a ni. Chang 85HMEICHHE BUNGRAW LAKUirena tih lohah chuan, engti kawng pawhin nupa lo in\hen sela hmeichhiain a bungrua a la kir leh vek t hei. Hmeichhe bungraw laknaah mipa bungrua lo tel palh sela, in pek kir leh mai tur a ni a, rukru anga puh theih a ni lo . Bungrua lak hian mipa lam leh hmeichhe lam hriat puit u fel t ak an awm t ur a ni. Chang 86ZA N G Z AWMipa, vanduaina avanga mipa t hei lo hi ‘Zangzaw’ a ni. Zangzaw chu inenkawl nan thla thum nghah tur a ni. Thla thum thlenga nupui a pawl theih loh chuan, a nupui chu peksachangin a kal thei a, thla thum nghak zo lova kal chu Sumchhuah a ni. Hmeichhiain a pasal chu Zangzawah puh sela, a puhna chu a dik loh chuan, hmingchhiat man chawit ir t heih a ni. Chumi bakah mipain a nupui chu a pawm duh loh chuan Sumchhuahin a kal tur a ni. Chang 87CHHUPINGHmeichhia, vanduaina avanga chhuping pasal pawl theih loh chu, inenkawl nan t hla thum nghah tur a ni. Thla thum hnuah pawh pawl theih loh a la nih fo chuan, Peksachanga kaltir theih a ni. A pasalin thla thum tlin hmaa a chhuahtir chuan a ma a ni. A nupui pawhin thla thum a nghah duh loh chuan Sumchhuah a ni. Chang 88NU PA INPAWL DUH LOInneih a\angin mip ain a nupui pawl duh lo sela, t hla khat chhung nghah tur a ni. Thla khat hnuah pawh a la pawl duh loh fo chuan, a nupui chu a chhuak thei a, a pasal chuan man zawng zawng a pe tla vek tur a ni. Chutiang bawkin hmeichhiain a pasal pawl a duh loh chuan, thla khat hnuah a chhuak ang a, man zawng zawng a pe kir vek ang. - 21 - Chang 89NUPUI TLAN KOHNAHmeichhia, pasal nei lai chu eng vang pawhin a pasal hnena awm duh lovin ama chhungte hnen lamah awm se,Tlan a ni. Tlan kohna chu an tlan chhan azirin Rs. 5/- a\anga Rs. 20/- thleng a ni thei. Chang 90SAZUMEIDAWHTlangvalin man awm lovin hmeichhia an chhungte remtihnain nupuiah neih duhin luhkhung sela, hun eng emaw chenah duh lovin chhuahsan leh ta sela,Sazumeidawh a ni. Chutianga Sazumeidawh chuan, eng pawh lo thawk chhuak mah sela, a luhpui bak chu engmah a chhuahpui thei lo. Chang 91NU PA INTHEN FATE DINHMUNMizote hi pipute a\ang rengin Pa lam a\anga chi kal a nih avangin fat e chu Pa ta an ni. Nupa an in\hen chuan, an fate kum thum tling lo chu Nu hnenah an awm \hin. Nu lam chuan hnute hne lai chu pa hnenah an hruai \hin. Kum thum tling lo chu pain lakluih loh tur a ni a. Nuin pa hnenah a hruai loh pawhin fa chu pa ta a nih avangin enkawl thuah Pain mawh a phur. Kum thum tling tawh erawh chu, Pa hnena awm tur an ni a; nu hnena awm zawk an nih pawhin nuin chawm man a beisei thei lo. Fate enkawl thuah erawh chuan, englai mahin Pa a int hiarfihlim t hei lo . Fatlum erawh chu nuin a \ulpui peih chuan pain a chuh buai thei lo va, an fa dangte pawh an inbiakrem dan azirin Nuin a awmpui thei. Duhthlanna hmang thei an nih hnuah chuan, an faten an awmna tur duh an thlang thei. An fate chu khawiah pawh awm se, nupui pasal neih thuah chuan pa chan leh mawhphurhna a ni reng. BUNG - 5 SAPHUN Chang 92SAPHUNHman laiin Mizo zingah hnam hrang hrangin ‘Sa’ biak dan an nei hrang vek a. Miin a hnam kalsan a, hnam dang sa biak zawm tur leh an hnam vuan tura a va int ulut hi ‘Saphun’ a ni. Chut ianga mi dang ‘Sa’ va phunt u chuan a ‘Sa’ chu a va be ve ta a. Chu bakah hnam nihna pawh a vuan tel tihna a ni. SAPHUN DAN CHI HRANG HRANG A AWM 1)Fahrah nih vangin :Chhungkhat laina belh tur mumal nei loten hnam dang Sa an phun \hin. 2)Laina siam nan :Khual lam hlaa awmten laina hnaivai an neih lohna hmunah awmhmun bengbelin khawsa sela, laina bul hnai siam nan hnam dang Sa an phun \hin. 3)Chak loh zawk vangin : Indonaa sala mante leh dinhmun chhiat avanga mi chak leh thil tithei zawk hnena intulutte chuan a lo rei hnuah an awmna hmuna an va belhte Sa an phun \hin. 4) Fa dam thei loten fa an dam theih nan hnam dang Sa an phun ve bawk \hin. - 22 - Chang 93SAPHUN DANMi tupawhin mi dang Sa a phun dawn chuan Sa phuntu leh a phunna tur remtih tawnna a ngai a, chutianga remtih tawnna an neih chuan, hriatpuitu awmin an puangchhuak a, Saphun an tipuitling \hin. Chang 94SAPHUNTE DINHMUNMi tupawhin mi dang Sa a phun chuan, a phunna chhungkuate chi leh kuang nihna a lo nei ve ta a ni. Chang 95SAPHUN TI C H ATSaphun hi a t u lam lam pawhin an t ichat t hei. BUNG - 6 FA-A SIAM (ADOPTION) Chang 96FA-A SIAM CHHANFa nei loten midang fa an fa atan an siam thei. Faa siam dan chu kawng hrang hrang a awm : 1)Fa nei loten fa an duh vang :Fa nei loten fa an duh avangin an fa atan mi dang fa an la \hin. 2)Chawmtu neih loh vang :Chawmt u leh enk awlt u bulbal nei lot en an lo bawrhsawmin emaw, an lo upat in emaw, anmahni enkawlt u t ur mi dang an fa atan an la \hin. 3)Fahrah nih vang :Chawmtu leh enkawltu nei lo fahrahte chu miin an fa atan an siam \hin. Chang 97FAA SIAMTU LEH SIAM TUR DINHMUN Faa siamt u t ur puit ling leh faa a siam t ur naupang dinhmun chu a hnuaia sawi ang hi a ni : 1)Faa siamtu :Naupang, mahni faa siamt u t ur chu mi pangngai, rilru fim a ni ngei tur a ni a; nupa an nih chuan an nupaa remtih dun a ni ngei tur a ni. 2)Kum inthlauhna :Faa siamtu tur puitling leh faa a siam tur naupang chu kum 21 aia t lem lo vin an int hlau ngei t ur a ni. 3)Naupang Nu leh Pa : Faa siam tur naupang chu a nu leh pa an la dam chuan an nupaa remtih dun ngei a ni tur a ni a; nu emaw pa emaw chauh pawh dam se, a remtihna lak ngei tur a ni. Naupang nu leh pa chu awm hrang pawh ni se, an remtih dun a ngai tho va; amaherawhchu, a nu emaw, a pa emaw chu, a fa ngaihsak lova tlanbosan a nih chuan, a awmpuitu zawk zawk remtihna lak tur a ni. 4)Nu leh Pa nei tawh lo : Faa siam tur naupang chu nu leh pa nei tawh lo a nih chuan, a enkawlt uin emaw, a laichin hnai ber emawin faa siam phalna a pe tur a ni. Chang 98FA-A SIAMNA LEHKHAFaa siam hi a siama leh a siamtu hming chiang taka ziak tur a ni. Chu lehkhaah chuan a hnuaia sawite hian an hming an ziak (sign) tur a ni : 1) Faa siam (Hming ziak thei a nih chuan) - 23 - 2) Faa siamtu 3) Faa siam naupang Nu leh Pa 4) Nu leh Pa an awm loh chuan, an laichin bul hnai ber emaw, a enkawltu emaw; 5) Hriatpuitu puitling pahnih bakah Khawtlang roreltu.(Faa siamna lehkha Form - 2-na en rawh). Chang 99FA-A SIAM DINHMUN Naupang chu faa siam a nih tawh chuan, fa tak nen a dinhmun a thuhmun a ni. Chang 100FA-A SIAM CHUNGCHANGA KAMTAM MANFaa siam chungchangah hian, mi t upawhin sawi lo h t ur sawiin mi pawi sawi sela, chhungkua a t ihkhaw lo h t heih avangin chang 144-a kam tam hremna anga hrem theih a ni. BUNG - 7 ENKAWLTU NIHNA (GUARDIANSHIP) Chang 101 ENKAWLTU Chhungkaw pa ber chu, chhungkaw mawhphurhna la thei lova a awmin emaw, a thihin emaw, chhungkaw mawhphurhna latu apiang chu Enkawltu (Guardian) a ni. Chang 102FATE ENKAWLTU ATAN NU 1)Nu dinhmun : Chhungkuaa Pa ber a thih chuan, a nupui chu chang 181 (1)- a sawi angin, Pa d inhmun luaha fat e enkawltu a ni. A fate leh a t ute chungchangah pawh pa dam laia pa dinhmun luahin, fate man teltu leh tute pusum eitu a ni. Hetianga tu leh fate enkawl thei Nu chu, nu dik leh rinawm, nu zahawm leh chhuantlak nu thianghlim a ni. Chutiang a nih zawh loh erawh chuan chanvo engmah a nei thei lo. 2)Roluah thuah : Pasal sun chu, a fate nena khawsa an nih chuan, pa dinhmun luaha enkawltu a nih avangin Roluah chungchangah pawh tuma t ihbuai t heih a ni lo . 3)Thurochhiah chungchang :Pa ro, in hmun leh huan te, ram leh thil dang eng pawh, Nu kuta awm a ni. Pa-in ro a sem tawh pawh, nuin a fate a awpkhawm chhung chuan, nu kuta awm a ni. Amaherawhchu, a fate indan hunah emaw, chhungkaw in\hendarh a lo \ul hunah emaw chuan, nu chuan pa ro sem tawh dan kha a t idanglam tur a ni lo . 4)Chhungkua chhuahsan lui fa dinhmun : Pa a thih hnuah nuin a fate a awpkhawm laiin, a fate zinga mi, tu pawhin a nu remtih loh chungin a chhungkua chhuahsan lui sela, pa dam laia chhungkaw chhuahsan lui ang a ni. Intuithlar an nih chuan, chang 190 (1)-a sawi ang zulzuiin ro chungchangah chanvo engmah a nei lo. - 24 - 5)Fate hnena pek theih loh : Nu hriat loh hlanin pa rokhawmtu nihna chu fate hnenah pek theih a ni lo. Nu hriatpuiin faten pa rokhawmtu nihna an neih pawhin, a indan hma chuan pa rokhawmtu nihna neitu chu nu kuta awm tur a ni. 6)Fate puala pawisa dah : Pain a fat e mimal pualin tangka dah hran bik nei sela, Nu hova awmkhawm an nih chhung chuan a dah hransaka chuan nu thu lo chuan deh chet tur a ni lo. 7)Enkawltu atan nu hnuhnung :Pain fapa nei lovin fanu chauh nei sela, a fanute chuan pasal an neih hnuah an nu chu thi sela, a thih hnuah pa chuan nupui dang nei leh sela, pa chu thi leh si sela, a nupui thar chu pa dinhmun luaha ro enkawltu a ni. Mipa laka a chetsual erawh chuan, chanvo eng mah a nei lo . Chang 103ENKAWLTU NI THEI DANGTE 1)Enkawltu atan fa : Enkawlt u ni lai mek, Nu a t hihin, a fat e puit ling zinga upa ber chuan chhungkhata khawsaho an la nih chuan ho tu chan a chang ang. Chu chuan chang 179 leh 180-a roluah dan a tidanglam lo. 2)Enkawltu atan mi dang : Fa puitling nei lova nu leh pa an thih chuan, an fate puitlin hmaa enkawltu atan a hnuaia mite hi ruat theih an ni : a) Naupang pi leh pu (mipa lam); b) Naupang pami (naupang pa unau); c) A chunga (a) leh (b) sawi ang hi an awm loh chuan enkawltu ni thei indawt dan chu hetiang hi a ni : (i)Naupang pi leh pu (hmeichhe lam); (ii)Naupang pu (naupang nu nu\a); (iii)Naupang ni (naupang pa farnu); (iv)Naupang nu laizawn; (v)A chunga sawi te hi an awm loh chuan, roreltuin a ^wm apiang a ruat thei. ‘Pi’ tih hi pasal dang nei tawh a nih chuan, enkawltu a ni t hei lo. Chang 104ENKAWLTU MAWHPHURHNA 1)A tih turte :Chang 103 (2) anga naupangenkawltuin enkawlna kawngah thuneihna a neih chu : a)Naupang chungchang : Enkawltuin Pa chan changin naupang himna leh an t ana \hatna t ur thilah chuan, naupang chungah thu a nei. b)Ro chungchangah : |am bar chungchangah leh naupang \hatna kawngah, loh theih loh thilah chuan, naupang ro, tawhchet theih (moveable) tenau deuh chu, roreltu phalna la hmasa lo pawhin tihral theih a ni. 2)A tih loh turte : Chang 103 (2) anga enkawltuin naupang enkawlna chungchangah tih loh tur chi hrang hrang a neih te chu : a) Enkawltu chuan ama ham\hatna turin a duh duhin naupang ro a tiral t hei lo . - 25 - b) Ro reltu phalna lo chuan enkawltu chuan naupang ro thil lian deuh leh khawih chet theih loh chi (immoveable) chu, hralh te, hman t e, thil dang nena int hleng t e, mi pek t e, engt i kawng mahin a t i t hei lo. c) Roreltu phalna la tur pawhin chang 103 (2)-a sawi, enkawltu ni thei dangte nen inrawn tlang hmasa lo chuan, enkawltuin amahin engmah a ti tur a ni lo . Chang 105RORELTUIN ENKAWLTU A THLAK THEIRoreltuin enkawltu chang 103 (2)-a mite chu enkawltu ni tlak a nih lohzia fiahna \ha tawk a hmuh chuan a paih thei a, chang 103 (2)-a sawi zinga mi a ruat thar thei. Enkawltu thlakna chungchangah thubuai a kal chuan, a enkawla te sum leh pai hi, tuman thubuai senso atan an hmang thei lo. BUNG - 8 INNGAIH LEH SAWN PAI THU Chang 106 INNGAINupa ni lo , hmeichhia leh mipa inpawl hi ‘inngai’ a ni. Chang 107SAWN CHUNGCHANG 1)Sawn :Hmeichhiain a pasal ni lo, mi dang lak a fa a hrin hiSawn a ni. Hmeichhiain chutianga nau a pai chuanSawn pai a ni a; mipain chutianga fa a neih chuanSawn thlak a ni. Pa bik hriat lohva nau piang chuFalak a ni. 2)Sawn man : Miin sawn a t hlak chuan sawn man a pe \hin. Sawn man chu Cheng Sawmli (Rs. 40/-) a ni \hin. Sawn man chu lei chawi leh fa tlanna a ni a. Sawn man ba a awm ngai lo. Amaherawhchu, sawn pai chu thla thum a tlin hma chuan sawn man a awm thei lo; thla thum a tlin erawh chuan a chhiat pawhin sawn man a bo t hei lo. 3)Sawn man pek dan : Sawn paitu lamin sawn man an \hing \hin a, sawn thlaktuin a pe \hin. Sawn t hlaktuin sawn man a pek duh loh chuan, Pa a nihna a hauh t hei lo; fa chu nu t a a ni. Amaherawhchu, sawn man chu \hin loh vanga pek loh a nih chuan, sawn thlaktu chu pa a nihna a bo thei chuang lo. 4)Sawn nawn : Hmeichhiain a sawn paina lakah bawk sawn a pai leh chuan, Sawn nawn a ni a; Sawn nawnin man a nei lo va; sawn thumnaah erawh chuan sawn man a awm leh \hin. Chutianga inkarthlaka kal a ni. Sawn chu phir pawh ni se, sawn man a pung chuang lo. 5)Sawn hruai : Sawn chu enkawl a ngaih chhung chuan a pa hnenah an hruai \hin. - 26 - 6)Nu hnena sawn awm theih chin : Sawn chu kum thum a tlin hma chuan a nu hnenah a awm tur a ni. Kum thum a ral hma chuan, a nuin pasal neiin emaw, chhan dang vang emawa kalsan a nih loh chuan, a pain a la lui thei lo. Note :Sawn b>l : Miin sawn a thlak chuan, a sawn thlaknate hnenahSawn b>l, a zu awmin a pe \hin. Anni chuan an duh ang angin an thehthang \hin. Sawn bel hi pek a nih loh chuan a aiah Rs.1/- an lo inpe \hin. Chang 108SAWNTHLAK INNEI ZUITlangvalin sawn a thlakna a neih chuan, chang 65-a sawi angin man bakah Sebomawh, cheng sawmhnih (Rs. 20/-) (Tlai) a pe tur a ni. Rai a\anga thla thum tlin hmaa an inneih chuan, Sebomawh a awm thei lo. Hetiang innei zui fate chu inneih hmaa piangte pawh sawn an ni lo. Chang 109FA TIHBAWLHHLAWH MANHmeichhe nau paiin, a nau paina ni lo , mipa dang ngai sela, Fa tibawlhhlawh a ni. Fa tihbawlhhlawh man chu a hnuaia mi ang hi a ni : 1)Fa tihbawlhhlawh man Rs. 40/- leh Uire :Hme ichhia pa sal nei, fa tibawlhhlawh chuan, a t ihbawlhhlawh man Rs. 40/- (Sial), a pasal lakah a chawi ang a, amah chu uire a ni bawk. In\hen hnua fa tibawlhhlawh erawh chu Uire a ni lo va, fa a tihbawlhhlawh man a fa pa lakah a chawi ang. 2)Sawn tihbawlhhlawh man :Sawn tihbawlhhlawh man chu a pai a\anga thla thum tlin hma pawh ni se, hmeichhia chuan a tihbawlhhlawh man Rs. 40/- a fa pa lakah a chawi ang. Note : Fa t ihbawlhhlawh hian a chet sualpui mipa lam a khawih lo . Chang 110KHUMPUI KAI MAN Chhungkaw lu ber mutna chu ‘Khumpui’ a ni. Hmeichhe beisei avanga khumpui leh a bul hnaia va kal leh awm man a nih chuanKhumpui kai a ni. Khumpui kai chu khumpui a\anga ban phak chinah chauh man theih a ni. Khumpui kai man chuSial a ni. C h a n g 111KHUM TIHBAWLHHLAWH MANHmeichhia leh mipa, mi khumah inpawl sela, ‘Khum tibawlhhlawh’ an ni. Khum tihbawlhhlawh man chu Tlai a ni. Khum t ihbawlhhlawh hian k hum chauh ni lo vin, mi ina hmeichhia leh mipa inpawl hi a hu a m a ni. Chang 112LAWITHLEM Lawithlem chu mi nu, a pasalawm loh hlana a pasal anga lang tura kawng hrang hrang hmanga mutpui hi a ni. Lawithlemtu chu hrem theih a ni. A pasalin a nupui chu a pawm duh loh chuan, Lawithlemtu chuan sum a chhuahsak t ur a ni. Lawit hlem t uma hlawht ling lo pawh lawi t hlem anga ngaih a ni. Chang 113THLIMMipain hmeichhia pasal pawm lai nei, a muhil lai a pasal awm lo h hlana a pasal lema changa a lo pawl chuan ‘Thlim’ a ni. Thlim hi Lawit hlem ang bawk a ni a, a hremna pawh a thu-hmun. Note : Lawit hlem leh T hlim hi suahsualna chungchuang t ak a nih avangin, hman lai chuan a titu beng emaw, hnar emaw hlehsak a ni \hin. Hetianga hlep tur hian, Chem hmang lovin ‘Tlahthi’ an hmang \hin. - 27 - Chang 114INTIAMNupui nei lai leh hmeichhe dang emaw, pasal nei lai leh mipa dang emaw, innei tura inberemin, a bawhchhetu zawk chu tangka emaw, thil eng emaw chawi tura inberem chuIntiam a ni. A bawhchhetu zawk chuan an intiamna ang ngeiin a chawi tur a ni. Nula leh t langvalah Int iamin awmzia a nei lo . Chang 115DAWNPUANPHAHNula nu leh paten an fanu pasal atana an duh tlangval leh an fanu chu an remtihnain hmeichhe inah mut duntir sela, ‘Dawnpuanphah’ a ni.Zawl puan phah an t i bawk. Tlangvalin a neih leh duh lo h chuan Sial a chawi ang. Chang 116HNUTE DEH 1)Nula hnute deh : Nula hnute pawng deh chu lei chawi theihna a ni a, Tlai t hlenga chawit ir t heih a ni. 2)Mi nu hnute deh : ‘Mi nu’ tih hi hemi thuah hi chuan pasal pawm lai nei emaw, pasal sun, fate awpa, pa chan changa awm emaw a ni. Mi nu hnute deh chu Sial t hlenga chawit ir t heih a ni. Chang 117PAWNFEN ZARHmeichhe pawnfen zial \hat emaw, thleh \hat emaw, a dah \hat emaw, mi dang hmuha zar pharhsak chu amah tihmualphona a nih theih avangin Tlai thlenga chawitir theih a ni. Chang 118RAIZEPHmeichhia, nau paiin, a nau pai chu zepin, a fa pa ni lo, mi dang pasalah nei sela,Raizepa ni. Raizep chu hriat chhuah a nih chuan a pasal chuan a hnawtchhuak thei a, a man zawng zawng a phih chhuak vek thei. Raizep chungchanga lei chawi theihna leh a fa dinhmun chu hetiang hi a ni : 1)Fa tihbawlhhlawh man :Hmeichhia chuan, a nau pai chu a fa pa hrilh hauh lo va pasal nei lui a nih emaw, mipa dang ngai emaw a nih hriat chhuah a nih si chuan, chang 109 (1)-a sawi angin, a fa pa tel turin fa a tihbawlhhlawh man a chawi tur a ni. Amaherawhchu a fa pa chuan a hriat hnu pawha engmah a sawi loh chuan, nau pian hnuah chuan fa t ihbawlhhlawh man sawi theih a ni lo. 2)Raizep fa dinhmun : Raizep chu hriatchhuah a nih a, a fa pain a fa chu, fa atana a duh chuan sawn man pein a chang thei. A fa chu lak nghal a duh chuan a la nghal thei a, a lak nghal duh loh chuan, naute nu chhungten sawn dinhmun angin kum thum a tlin hma chuan an enkawl tur a ni. Naute chu a pain a duh lohva, a nu pasalin a fa atan a duh chuan a nei thei. A pawm duh loh erawh chuan a nu chhungte ta a ni. Chang 119 ZenMipain hmeichhia mut pui t umin zanah a mut hmunah va kal sela, ‘Zen’ a ni. Zen chu in chhungah a awm lai man a nih a, a hlawhtlin loh chuan, Tlai thleng a chawitir theih a ni. - 28 - Chang 120MI NU THLEMMi t upawhin mi nu, pasal pawm lai nei, pawl t uma a t hlem chuan, Tlai t hlenga chawit ir t heih a ni. Chang 121MAHNI BUL LEH BAL NGAIHPipute chuan, pafa inngai an awm chuan thlawhhma lama pachhiatnaah an ngai a, khua pawh tikh>nga ngaih a nih avangin, an pahnihin, khawtlangin tuiin an leih \hin. Mizo danah chuan, mahni bul leh bal ngaih hi thil zahthlak tawpkhawka ngaih a ni. Chang 122MI A MUTPUI Mi ^ mutpui hi thil mawi lo leh zahthlak tak leh sual lian tak a ni a, mit e endawng hlawhna a ni. Hemi dana mi â t ih hi rilru lama mi pangngai chen lo hi a ni. BUNG - 9 THUBUAI AWMTHEIHNA TLANGPUI Thubuai awmtheihna chi hrang hrang, a hnuaia miah te hian, lei chawite chu ‘Salam’ tih chauh lo chu a tuartu lam chan tur a ni. Chang 123 KUTTHLAK 1)Kutthlak naran : Infiamna leh intihpalh naran ni lo va, kawng dang vanga miin mi dang chunga kut a t hl^k chuan, a t hu awmdan azir in, ro reltuin kutthlaktu chu a ^wm t^wk a chawitir thei. Amaherawhchu, hnar intih thisak sat liah mai chu Mizo Dana kut t hlak a t ling lo . 2)Hliampui tuar khawpa kutthlak : Miin, nunna at ana hlauhawm khawpa mi dang taksa englai pawh a tihnat chuan Hliampui tuar khawpa kutthlak a ni. Hetianga kutthlaktu chu a pawikhawih dan azirin hrem theih a ni. 3)Hliampui tuar khawpa kutthlak palh : Miin a tum reng vang ni lo va, a chunga chang 123 (2) anga kutpalh a tuartir chuan a \ul dan azirin a enkawlna atan roreltuin kutthlak palhtu chu a ^wm t^wk a pektir thei. Chang 124INRALPALH : Tum reng vang ni lo va, sa kah tumin, sa emaw tia mihring a kahhlum palh t e, sa emaw t ia feia khawh t umin mihring a khawhhlum palh emaw, kawng danga int ihhlum palh emaw t e hi ‘Inralpalh’ a ni. Tun hma chuan het iang t hila inbiak remna an siam chuan, a ralpalht uin Sialin a thisen a, puandum leh puanngoin a tuam bawk \hin. An inbiakremna anga an inngaidam tawh chuan thuchhiaa lak theih a ni tawh lo. Amaherawhchu, ngaihdam a nih tawh chuan an inbiakremna ang chu an zawm ngei tur a ni thung. - 29 - Tun hnuah erawh hi chuan Siala in thisen kher lo pawhin chumi zul zui chuan inbiakremna siam theih a ni. Chutianga inbiakremna chu hretu pahnih aia tlem lo neiin ziaka siam theih a ni. An inbiakremna anga an inngaihdam tawh chuan, thu chhiaa lak zui theih a ni tawh lo. Chang 125TUAL TH AT :Tum lawk renga mi t ihhlum chu t ualt hat a ni. Tualthat hi sualna vawrtawp a nih avangin hman lai Mizo zingah chuan, tualthattu chu a thaha chhungten an thah let ve pawh a thiang a ni. Amaherawhchu lal sutpui a vawn hman chuan a him a ni. Chang 126INSUAL Mi, thinrima inbei hi ‘Insual’ a ni. Mi an insualin r uh t liak leh hliam na deuh te a awm loh chuan engmah thubuai a awm zui ngai lo va. Thisen chhuah leh intihnat thuah erawh chuan a t hu azirin hrem theih a ni. Chang 127INVEL Mi tupawhin thinrim vanga dawi zawk chunga kut a thlak hiInvel a ni. Invelh hian a thu azirin lei a kuai thei. Thisen chhuah leh intihnat dangah chuan chang 123 angin hrem theih a ni. Chang 128NUPUI VELH 1) Miin a nupui hliam tuar khawpin vel sela, a nupui chu tlanin, haw duh ta lo sela, sumchhuah ni lovin ‘peksachang’ angin a kal thei. Kutthlaktu chu hrem t heih a ni. 2) A nupui velh chu mi inah t lan lut sela, a tlan luhna in neitu chuan thlavang hauhvin a pasal chu lo dang sela, chu pawh chu zah zo lovin a pasalin a umzui zel chuan, in neitu chuan eng ang pawhin kut lo thlak mah sela, lei a kuai lo. In neit u ni kher lo pawh, a lo awm remchang apiangin in neit u aiawhin an lo chhan thei. A chhantu chungah pawh kut a thlak chuan hrem theih a ni. In neitu chuan a um luttu chu kut thlak lova thu buaia a lak zawk chuan, a thu awmzia azirin chang 130 anga rel tur a ni. 3) Miin a in chhungah emaw, hmun dangah emaw pawh a nupui vel sela, chhan ngai a nih chuan tupawhin chhan theih a ni. Chang 129NAUPANG INSUALNaupang insual hian dan naranin lei a kuai lo va, \helh tur a ni. An intihnat erawh chuan, a thu azirin a tinatu chhungte chuan a e nk a w ln a se n s o zatve tal a tum tur a ni. Naupang insuala puit ling lo inrawlh ve hi t hil mawi lo t ak a ni. A ngam lo t u zawk chhungte khan lo chhanin, amah veltu chu lo vel ve thung sela, an velh nat dan azirin hrem theih a ni. - 30 - Chang 130THINURA MI LUHKHUNGThinrim avanga mi an Ina luhkhung emaw, inhumhimna tura ngamtlak ina tlan lut va luhkhung zui emaw hi ‘Thinura mi luhkhung’ a ni. Thinura mi luhkhung hi chi hnih a awm : 1)|awngkaa thinur hrikthlak tuma luhkhung :Dan naranin mi chunga thinurna chu palai thlaka sawi fel \hin a ni. Insawirem tumna vang ni lo va, mahni thinurna hrikthlak tuma mi luh khung chu lei chawitir theih a ni. 2)Thinur vanga kutthlak tuma luhkhung :Miin thinur vanga kutthlak tuma mi dang a luhkhung chuan, in neit uin emaw, a chhunga lo awm mi t upawhin a luhkhungtu laka inven nan a luhkhungtu chungah kut pawh lo thlak sela, lei a kuai lo. Thinur vanga kutthlak tuma mi luhkhungtu chu hrem theih a ni. Luhkhung tih hian Inchhung bakah a kawtlai chin pawh a huam a ni. Chang 131MI NGAITHLARU LEH BIH RU Mi in chhunga t it i leh inbia lo ngait hlat u leh lo bih ru chu lei chawit ir t heih a ni. Chang 132IN-AUH DUH DAHKhawlaiah emaw, in chhungah emaw, khawi hmunah pawh mualpho theihna tura, zahpah lo leh duhdah taka mi auh hi ‘In-auh duhdah’ a ni. Chut ianga t upawhin mi a auh d uhdah chuan lei chawit ir t heih a ni. Chang 133VANTLANG TANA HNAWKSAKVantlang tana hnawksak chu heng a hnuaia sawi enga pawh hi a ni : 1) Khawlaia ruih mualpho ; 2) Mi tibuai zawnga bengchheng siam; 3) Vant lang leh mimal t ana rimchhe siam; 4) Zahpah leh pawisak nei lova khawklaia khawsak; 5) Khawlaia mi dang pawng vau; 6) Vantlang emaw, mimal emaw tana hnawksak leh huatthlalaa awm. Khawtlang leh vantlang tana hnawksaka awm chu roreltuin a hrem thei. Chang 1341)RUKRUK : Khawi hmuna mi pawh, eng hunah pawh, a neitu remtihna ni lo va, a hriat lo h hlana a t hil neih lak hi ‘Rukruk’ a ni. Tum lawk reng vang ni lova, hmuh remchan leh tawh remchan vanga t hil lak ruk mai ching hi ‘Kutkem nei’ a ni a. Kutkem neih pawh rukruk chi khat a ni. 2)Rawk :Eng hunah pawh, mihring chenna inah emaw, in dangah emaw, a neit u hriat lai ngei emaw, hriat lo h hlan emaw pawha in t ichhia a, t hil eng pawh la lui hi ‘Rawk’ a ni. 3)Suam : Mi t upawhin, mi t hil neih it vanga, kalkawnga kal emaw, chawl emaw, riahbuka awm emaw, ina awm emaw, sawisa a, an thil neih laksak hi ‘Suam’ a ni. - 31 - A chunga sawi anga mi thil neih laksak reng reng, hmuhchhuah leh a nih a, a titu manchhuah a nih bawk chuan, thil bo chu lak kir leh a, a neitu pek kir tur a ni. A thil bo chu hmuhchhuah a nih a, a titu manchhuah a nih loh chuan, a thil bo hmuhchhuah chu a neituin a la kir leh tur a ni. A titu manchhuah a nih a, a thil bo chu hmuhchhuah a nih loh chuan, thil bo hu tawkin a tituin a rul leh t ur a ni. Het iang t hilsual t it u chu a t hilsual t ih phu t awkin r o relt uin a hrem t hei. Chang 135PAWNGSUAL 1) Mipain hmeichhia a duh lo chung, chakna hmangin emaw, kut thlakin emaw, vauin emaw, bumna hmangin emaw pawl tuma a khawih chuan, a hlawhtling emaw hlawht ling lo emaw, apawngsuala ni. 2) Hmeichhiain, amah pawngsualtu chungah eng ang pawhin kut lo thlak sela, lei a kuai lo . Hetianga pawngsualtute chu lei chawitir theih a ni. Chang 136KUM TLINGLO MUTPUIMipain hmeichhenaupang, \han thi la nei lo a pawl chuan, ‘Kum tlinglo mutpui’ a ni. Chut ianga mut puit u chu Ro relt uin a hrem t hei. Chang 137HMINGCHHIAT MANMiin dawt a mi nih lo hna nia a puh t e, a t ih lo h pui t ia a puh te avanga lei chawi chu ‘Hmingchhiat man’ a ni. Chutianga hmingchhiat man chawi theihnate chu uirea inpuh te, inngaia inpuh te, khawhring neia inpuh te, eirua inpuh te, dawithiama inpuh te leh kawng dang, engti kawng pawha hmingchhiat theihna zawnga inpuh te hi a ni. Mi t upa whin da wt a mi a t ih hming chhia t c hu an a hming chhia t d an az ir in Ro relt uin a ^wm t^wkin a hrem t hei. Chang 138INTIAMNA BAWHCHHIAMi tupawhin eng thilah pawh, mi dang nena intiama, chu int iamna chu a bawhchhiat leh si chuan, a int iamna azir zelin r o relt uin a hrem t hei. Chang 139LEIBAMiin a leibat reng reng, pek hun tura a pek loh chuan roreltuin a pung awmin emaw, pung awm lo vin emaw a rulht ir t hei. Leiba hi a battirtuin a \hin har vang emaw, thildang vangin emaw, ngaihdam a nih loh chuan, engtikah mah a ral thei lo. Chang 140THAMMahni duh zawng tihhlawhtlintir tura tihsak theitu hnena thil engpawh pek hi ‘Tham’ a ni. Hmasang a\angin Mizo zingah t hamna pek emaw lak emaw chu t hilsual t aka ngaih a ni. - 32 - Chang 141MI DANG THILNEIH TIHRALMi tupawhin, mi dang bungrua a hawh emaw, a kawlsak emaw, a enkawlsak emaw, a neitu remtihna lova a tihral chuan, roreltuin a phu tawkin a chungthu a rel thei. Chang 142MI BUM Mi tupawhin, mi dang a bum avanga mi dang tan channa emaw, chhiatna emaw, tuarna emaw a thlentir chuan, a bumtu chu a bum dan azirin Roreltuin a hrem t hei. Chang 143MI INA LUT RU Mi t upawh pawikhawih t umin mi inah lut ru sela, pawi khawih hman lo mah sela, chawit ir t heih a ni. Chang 144KAM TAM MAN‘Kam tam’ t ih hi mi dang chanchin sawi \ ul lo, mi t ihmingchhe t hei zawnga vawrh darh t e, t hu mu hnu sawi \ul lo , mi t imualpho zawnga sawi t e, thil dik pawh ni sela, sawi \ul tawh lo sawi te hi a ni. Kam tam man chu Roreltuin a thu azirin a ^wm t^wk a chawitir thei. Chang 145CHAWM MANMi baihvaiin, mi chhungkua bel sela, inremna siam a nih lo h chuan mi baihvai chu a duh hun hunah a chhuak leh t hei a. A chhuak leh a nih pawhin a awmnate chuan, chawm man an \hing thei lo va, ani pawhin thawhchhuah man engmah a sawi thei lo. Inremna an siam erawh chuan, inremna hun tlin hmaa mi baihvaiin a chhuahsan chuan, a awmna ten a awm tawk chawm man an \hing thei a, a awmnate pawhin an inremna an bawhchhiat chuan, mi baihvai chuan a awm tawk a thawhchhuah man a phut thei. Chang 146INTUITHLARChhungkhat kara inzawmna zawng zawng tihchah vek hi ‘Intuithlar’ a ni. Pa leh fa karah te, Nu leh fa karah te, Unau karah te a awm thei a ni. Mihrang inkarah intuithlar a awm thei lo. Pa fa an intuithlar chuan, a fapa chuan a pa ro a luah thei lo va, a pa leiba pawh a chan tur chuan a um thei lo. Chutiang bawkin a pa leibatte pawh rulhsak a ba tawh bawk hek lo. Chang 147PU BAN MANPusum emaw, pusachawn emaw a tuten an pu hnenah an pek loh chuan, an pu chuan ‘Pu ban man’ a sawi thei a, an pu tak tak anmahni hringtu nu pa chauh lo chuan Pu ban man hi a sawi thei lo. Pu tak tak chu a thih tawh chuan, a nupuiin a pasal hmingin P usum a t >l t hei. Nu a t hih chuan an ai awhin an fapa t en Pusum an t>l thei. Nu leh pa an thih hnuah unaute indang tawh an awm chuan, Pu phir siam theih a ni. Pu ban man erawh chu an sawi thei lo. Pu ban man chu sial a ni. Chang 148THANGAWK LA RURamhnuaia t hangawk miin lo la ru sela, a awk a len leh a t et a thuin a manhu tawkin a rul tur a ni. Chumi bakah hrem nan a awk azirin Roreltuin a ^wm t^wk a chawitir thei. - 33 - Chang 149THIL BO CHHARMi tupawhin midang t hil tih bo chhar sela, a thil chhar chu a neitu hnenah a pe tur a ni. A neitu zawnga puanzarna nei lova, ama tana neih tuma a zep a, hriatchhuah a nih leh si chuan, a thil chhar chu a neitu hnena a pek let leh bakah, a zep avangin Roreltuin a ^wm t^wk a chawitir thei. A thil chhar kha lo tihral tawh a nih pawhin a hu t^wk a neitu hnenah a pe tur a ni. Chang 150PAWIKHAWIHMi t upawhin p awi a khawih chuan a pawi khawih d ana zirin lei chawit ir t heih a ni. Zu ruiin pawi khawih se la, a ruih vang ringawt chuan ngaihhnathiamna a awm chuang lo , hrem t heih a ni. ‘Zu rui’ tih hian, ruih theih thil dang reng reng avanga rui pawh a huam vek a ni. Chang 151MI HEKMiin mi dang t hilt ih emaw, t husawi emaw, aw m dan emaw, t hu dik innghahna nei si lo va, thu neitu hnenah emaw, mi dang hnenah emaw, a pawi thei tur zawnga a va thlen hi ‘Mi hek’ a ni. Het ianga mi hekna chu, a dik lo ngei a ni t ih finfiah a nih chuan ro relt uin a hrem thei. Chang 152MI ANGLO TIHNAWMNAHPianphunga rual ban lo, mi anglo tihnawmnah chu a t hu azirin chawitira hrem theih a ni. Chang 153KANGMEIKangmei t ih hi in emaw, ram emaw, t hil dang emaw, t ihkan hi a ni. 1)In kang leh in hal : In t ik^ngtu chu, a tihkan dan azirin hetiang hian hrem theih a ni : a) Ama in a nih a, tih palh thil liau liauva tikang a nih pawhin, fimkhur loh manah Ro relt uin S alam a chawit ir t hei. Tih luih a nih erawh chuan, in dang kang kai lo mah se, ro relt uin a hrem t hei. b) A in tihkan chu ama in a nih loh chuan, tihpalh pawh ni sela, roreltuin a tuartu tel turin a chawitir thei. c) Tum renga mi in emaw, mahni in emaw, hal a nih chuan a in hlut dan azirin, ro relt uin a t uart u t >l turin a awm t awk a chawit ir t hei. Tupawhin mi in hal tum sela, in chu hal ta kher lo mah se, chawitir theih tho a ni. 2)Ram tihkan : ‘Ram tihkan’ tih hian ramhnuai chauh ni lovin, lo leh huan tihkan te pawh a huam a ni. Tupawhin chutianga a tihkan chuan, a kan dan azirin r o relt uin a ^wm t ^wk a chawit ir t hei. Hei hian khawt lang lo hal vanga ram kang palh erawh chu a huam lo. Chang 154THLAMA UI TALHMi t hlama ui t alh a t hiang lo va, chut iang bawkin mi t hlama chakai chhum pawh a thiang lo. Lei chawi theihna ve ve a ni. - 34 - BUNG - 10 THIH THU LEH THIHNA CHUNGCHANG Chang 155 THIHNA CHI HRANG HRANG 1) Awmlai (Natna avanga thi); 2) Sarthi (Tawhsual tawka thi); 3) Raicheh (Nau chunga thi); 4) Zachhamlak (Nat lawk awm lova thi); A chunga sawi anga thite khawtlangin a buaipui dan Chang 30-na en rawh. 5) Hlamzuih [Nausen t hla t hum (ni sawmkua) t ling lo va t hi]; Hlamzuih khawtlangin a buaipui dan Chang 31-ah en rawh. Chang 156IN SILMi t upawhin ama chhungt e leh a laina ni lo , hmun danga t hi, a inah la lut sela emaw, dama lo lut kha a inah t hi sela emaw, a t hia chhungt en in sil nana an pek chu ‘In sil man’ a ni. In sil man hi mit t hi ruangin mi in a t ihbawlhhlawh t ihfaina leh rilrua t hinhrikna tirehtua ngaih a ni. Chang 157THLAN, LUNGPHUN LEH LUNGDAWH TIHCHHIATMitthi chhungten thlanah lung phunin emaw, kawtchhuahah lung dawhin emaw hriatrengna an siam \hin. Hetiang thilte hi Mizo Danah serh leh roh >m >m a ni. ‘Lungphun’ tih hian mitthi hriatrengna tura lungphun emaw, lungdawh emaw, thingphun emaw a damlai lungphun emaw a huam a ni. Mi tupawhin a neitu remtihna lova lungphun a tihchhiat emaw, a sawn emaw chuan, roreltuin a ^wm t^wk a chawitir t hei. Chu bakah a t ihchhiat tak lungphun tlukin a siam \ha leh tur a ni. Khawtlang mamawhna avanga tihchhiat a \ul pawhin a neitute nena inbiakrem hmasak tur a ni. Note :Hman lai chuan, Thlanah lung an phun meuh lo va, mi khawsa thei deuh chuan ran talhin, kawtchhuahah emaw, hmun langsar laiah emaw lung an dawh \hin. Tun lai chuan kawtchhuahah lungdawh a awm ta meuh lo va, Thlana lungphun erawh chu ngaih pawimawh a ni ta zawk. Chang 158THLA HUAL Mi tupawhin a hnuaia sawi ang thil hi a chungah a thlen a, chhungte emaw, laichin hnai dangt e emawin a puala t hilt ih an neih hi ‘Thla hual’ a ni. Thla hual theihna chi hrang hrang a awm : 1) Nau a lo pianin chungkuaa mi t har lo luh lawm nan; 2) Pasal sun, pasal in a\anga thla thum hnua kaihchhuah t hlavenna atan; 3) Chhungkaw zinga mi an thih avanga thlamuanna atan; 4) Miin ramsa hlauhawm emaw, thih hlauhawm thil dang vang emawa t hlabarna a t awhin, thlavang hauhna atan Puin a t ute t hlahual nan chawhlui a siamsak \hin. - 35 - Chang 159LUKHAWNGLukhawng hi Puin a tute thla a hualsak \hin avanga a tuten Pu an pek a ni. Amaherawhchu, t hla hual nazawngin lukhawng a nei lo. Mi t upawh, thih hlauhawm khawp dinhmun emaw, t hlabar na nasa t ak emaw t awkin him takin lo awm leh ta sela, a pu (a nu pa) in emaw, a laichin hnai tak dangin emaw a thla a hualsakna chuan lukhawng a nei \hin. Thla hualsaka chu a lo thih chuan, a thla hualsaka fapa hnenah a pa thla a hualna man Lukhawng chu, thlahualtu chuan a \hing thei. A thla hualsaka chuan a dam laiin a Lukhawng chu a pe mai thei bawk. Mi naran t hla inhualna chu ar-va a lo nih \hin avangin, lukhawng pawh a tam lem lo va; Khuangchawi thlahualna chu ar-va mai a nih loh avangin a Lukhawng pawh a t am. Sailo t hlahualna chu Sial a ni a, a Lukhawng pawh S ial a ni. Chang 160THLAICHHIAHMizo pipute ngaihdan chuan, mi a thihin, a thlarau kalchhuak turin ran thlarau kalpui tur a neih theihna tura a thih nia ran talh hiThlaichhiah a ni a, mi an inralpalh avanga an thih nia Siala an thisen pawhThlaichhiah a ni bawk. Thlaichhiahna ran talh sa chu thlan lai hrai nan an hmang \hin. Note : Inthlaichhiah hi thih nia tih a ni ber \hin a, Lal thi erawh chu tlai deuhva t ih a ni \hin. Khuala mi thlaichhiah pawh thih ni aiin a hnu deuhvah a ni \hin. Thlaichhiah nan a nei chuan ran lu kim an talh a; mi naran chuan an neih ang ang an talh \hin. Chang 161MITTHI CHHIAHMizo pipute chuan, mi an thihin thla thum chhung chu, a thlarau in bul velahawmin an ring \hin. Chuvang chuan a nupui emaw, a chhungte emawin a ei tur an dahsak \hin chu,Mitthi chhiah a ni. Chu bakah chuan Mim Kut lai hian Mizo pipute chuan mitthi thlarauvin an thlan an rawn tlawh leh \hina an rin avangin an ei tur an dah pawhMitthi chhiah a ni. Chang 162THISENMi a thihin a thlarau kalchhuak tur chuan ran thlarau a kalpui theihna tura mitthi puala ran talh chuThisen a ni. Sa emaw tia inralpalh avanga a ral palhtuin, a ral p alh a Thisen chuan, t hupha chawina leh ngaihdam dilna a huam nghal. BUNG - 11 RANVULH CHUNGCHANG Chang 163 RANVULH HUAM CHIN‘Ranvulh’ tih chuan a hnuaia sawi mihring ran vulh chi hrang hrang a huam : a)Ranpui:Bawng, Sial, Sakawr, Lawi. b)Ran dang:Ui, Vawk, Kel, Beram, Zawhte, Ar, Varak, Vatawk, Parva leh a dangte. Heng bakah hian ramsa pawh mihring khawi lai chu a huam vek a ni. - 36 - Chang 164RAN VULHHLAWHA no emaw, a sa emaw, insem atana midang ran vulhsak hi ‘Ran vulhhlawh’ a ni. Ran vulhhlawh dan chu hetiang hi a ni : 1)A note insem tura vulhhlawh : A no insem tura ran vulhhlawh dan chu a neitu leh a vulhtu inzah sem a ni a, a no chu pakhat chauh a nih chuan, a vulhtu chan a ni. Inkawp kim lo a nih chuan a vulhtuin a chang tam \hin. 2)A sa insem tura vulhhlawh : Miin t alh hun bit hliah emaw, hun bit hliah lovin emaw, a sa insem atan mi dang ran a vulh \hin. Ran chu t a lh h u n a h chuan a sa an insem bakah a vulhtuin a lu a chang \hin. Chang 165SECHHUDAWMMiin vulh atan Sial, a pian hmaa a neitu nen inberema, a no lo piang tur leinan a man a pek lawk hi ‘Sechhudawm’ a ni. Sechhudawm chu ran neitu leh a dawmtute inbiakremna a ni. Se no chu a pian a\anga thla li hnuah a khel an beng \hin. ‘Khel beng’ tih awmzia chu ran neituin a neitu tur chu a ran a hmuhtir a, a neit u nihna a hlan a, a neit u t harin a lo pawm hi a ni. Sechhudawm hnuah Sepui chu no a neih hmaa a thih chuan, a dawmna sum chu a dawmtu hnenah pek kir leh tur a ni. Ran chuan no vawi thum a neih thleng pawha, a khel ben hmaa a no chu a riral zel chuan, a dawmna man chu a neitu chuan a dawmtu hnenah a pe kir leh tur a ni. Pek kir leh tur a neih loh chuan Sepui chu a neitu leh a dawmtu chuan an in\awm tawh tur a ni. Hei hi Sial chungchang bikah hman ni mah sela, ran dang chungchangah pawh hman ve theih a ni. Chang 166RAN CHUANGKhawi khuaah pawh ran chuang a awm chuan, khawtlang roreltute hnenah hriattir thuai tur a ni. Ro reltute chuan, a zau thei ang berin khaw \henawmte thlengin, an khua/rama ran chuang awm chu an puangzar tur a ni. Hriattirna chhuah a\anga thla khat chhunga lamtu an awm loh chuan, ran chuang chu khawtlang roreltuten khawtlang sum atan an nei thei. Chang 167RANVULH THI Vantlang t ana hnawksak theihna hmunah ranvulh thi sela, a neitu hriattir thuai tur a ni. A neitu chuan a rang thei ang berin a ruang hlawmin a sengfel tur a ni. Hriattir a nih hnuah a neitu chuan, a ran ruang chu a sengfel duh loh chuan, khawtlang roreltuten an ti riral thei. Chang 168RANVULH INSUALTu chotuah mah ni lovin, ranvulh insualin thi sela, tumah mawhchhiat theih a ni lo, a neituin a ruang a hlawm mai tur a ni. Cho tuah vanga insuala thi emaw, silawng emaw a nih chuan, a chotuahtu chu a ran leh a dinhmun azirin chawit ir t heih a ni. Ran neit uin a ruang emaw, a silawng emaw a chang \hin. - 37 - Chang 169RAN TALH PALHTupawhin mi dang ran vulh mahni t a emaw t ia haiin t alh sela, ‘Ran talh palh’ a ni. Tu pawhin mi ran a talh palh chuan, a talh palhtu chuan a ruang a hlawm ang a, a aiah ama ran chu a ran t alh palh neitu hnenah a pe thung t ur a ni. A ran pek chu khuahkhirh a ngaih dawn avangin a khuahkhirhna tur ‘Palhuang’ a siamsak tur a ni. Ran talh palh chu a talh palhtu ran aia a len zawk chuan, an inlenhleihna ang zelin, a ran neitu zangnadawm nan a talh palhtu chuan, a hu tawk a pe tur a ni. A talh palha ai khan a talhtu ran chu lian zawk mah se, a talhtu chuan a inlenhleihna a phut thei chuang lo. Ar leh thla nei dang talh palh chu a tiapui emaw, a hu tawk emaw pek tur a ni. Chang 170RAN KUTPALHEngt i kawng pawha t ihpalh t hila mi ranvulh t ihhlum emaw, hliam emaw hi ‘Ran kut palh’ a ni. 1)Thi khawpa kutpalh :Miin mi r anvulh a t ihhlum palh chuan, a t ihlumt u chuan a ruang a hlawm ang a, a tihhlum nena inphu t awk ran emaw, tangka emaw ran neitu hnenah a pe ang. 2)Thi lova kutpalh :Miin mi ranvulh a t ihhliam palh chuan, ran chu a neit uin a chang ang a, a tihliamtu chuan ran hliam enkawlna senso a tum ang. Chang 171RANVULH SATHANGA AWK 1) Thang kamna awm r eng rama mi thang kamah r anvulh awk palh sela, lei a kuai lo. Amaherawhchu, a ran len dan azirin thang kamtu chuan ran neitu hnenah zangnadawmna an pe \hin. 2) Sa thang kamna chu thang kamna awm a nih loh chuan, a ran len dan azirin, thang kamtu chu chawitir theih a ni. A ruang leh a chawi chu ran neituin a chang ang (Thang tih hian Kar, Fal, Vawmtlak, Hum leh thang dangte a huam). A ruang hlawm tlak loh a nih chuan, a man hu tawk ran neitu hnenah a pe t ur a ni. Hremna dang a awm lo. Chang 172RANVULH NGHAISAKSil kawp emaw, thihpui k ha w p e ma w a mi r a nv u lh chunga kutthlak chu ‘Ranvulh nghaisak’ a ni. A hnuaia sawi ang hian ran nghaisakin man a nei : 1)Ranpui nghaisak : Ranpui nghaisatu chu, a ran leh a nghaisak dan azirin lei chawitir theih a ni. Lei chawi chu ran neitu chan tur a ni. Vawk hi Ranpui ni lo mah sela, a man a t am avangin, a nghaisatu chu ranpui nghaisa anga hrem theih a ni. 2)Ran dang nghaisak :Ran dang nghaisatu chu ran leh a nghaisak dan azirin, lei chawitir theih a ni. Lei chawi chu ran neitu chan tur a ni. - 38 - 3)Ran ruang chungchang :Ranpui emaw, ran dang emaw nghaisak chu a t hih chuan, a ruang hlawm t lak chu a neit uin a hlawm ang. Hlawm t lak lo h khawp a nih emaw, a ran chu a sa ei loh chi emaw a nih chuan, a nghaisatu chuan a ruang chu a senghawi ang. A nghaisatu chuan a ran hu tawk a chawi ang. Lei chawi chu ran neitu chan tur a ni. Chang 173RAN PHIL Tupawhin mi ranvulh, a neitu hriat loh va, a ruka a talh hi ‘Ran phil’ a ni. Ran philtu chuan a neitu hnenah a man hu tawk a rul tur a ni. Chu bakah Roreltuin a phu t^wkin a hrem thei. Ar leh t hla nei dang phil pawh a hu t awk chawit ir t heih a ni. Lei chawi chu ran neit u t >l t ur a ni. Chang 174RAN PAWI KHAWIHRan chu a neituin \ha takin a khuahkhirh tur a ni. Ranin pawi a khawih reng reng chu a neitu mawhphurhna vek a ni. Ranin pawi a khawih theih dan chu a hnuaia sawi ang hi a ni : 1)Thil neih chunga ran pawi khawih : Ranin mi lo emaw, mi huan emawa thlai leh thil dang emaw a tihchhiat chuan, ran neitu leh khawtlang roreltute hrilh vat tur a ni. Khawtlang roreltute chuan, ran neitu chu a ran khuahkhirhtir tur a ni a, a khuahkhirh \hat tawk loh chuan, khawtlang roreltute chuan ran neitu chu a ran tiral turin an hrilh tur a ni. Hrilh a\anga kar khat chhunga ran chu a t ihral loh chuan, khawtlang roreltute chuan a ran chu an hralhsak nghal thei. Hralh a nih chuan, ran man chu a t>l tur a ni. Khuahkhirh \hat tawk loh avanga ranin kut a lo tuar chuan, thubuaia lak theih a ni lo. 2)Mihring chunga ran pawi khawih : Ranin thihna thlen khawpa mihring chunga pawi a khawih chuan, zangnadawm nan ran neitu chu chawitir t heih a ni. Ranin thihna em thlen lova a tihnat chuan, ran neitu chu a ranin a tihnat enkawl nan a nat dan azirin chawitir theih a ni. Hetianga mihring thihna thlentu ran chu kar khat chhunga tihral tur a ni a. Ran neitu chu a ran tiral tura hrilh nghal tur a ni. Hrilh hnu pawha a tihral loh chuan, Khawtlang roreltuten an tihralsak thei. Chang 175UI 1)Ui seh : Uiin mi a seh chuan, ui ^ seh enkawla enkawl a ngaih avangin, ui neituin dam lo enkawlna senso a tum tur a ni. Ui chu a seh a\anga ni sawm (10) chhung a ^t leh ^t loh fiah nan khuahkhirh zui tur a ni a; khuahkhirh a nih lo h chuan, t upawhin lo t ihlum mah se, t hubuaia lak t heih a ni lo. Ui chu a ^t chuan tihhlum nghal tur. Zawhte seh pawh ui ^ seh ang bawka ngaih a ni. - 39 - 2)Ui ^ seh :Ui ^-in mi a seh chuan, a dam lo enkawlna senso zawng zawng ui neituin a t um tur a ni. Thihna hial a thlen phei chuan, dam lo enkawlna senso bakah chang 124 anga rel theih a ni. 3)Ui seh dangte :Uiin ui dang emaw, ran dang emaw a seh chuan, ui ^ seh anga sawngbawl phawt tur a ni. A sehtu ui chu a ^t leh ^t loh finfiah a nih hma chuan, a sehtu leh a seha pawh chu khuahkhirh a, a hliam chu enkawl tur a ni. Enkawlna senso chu a sehtu ui neitu chuan a tum ang. A sehtu chu a ^t chuan, a sehtu leh a seha chu tihhlum ve ve nghal tur a ni. A enkawlna senso bakah Tlai chawitir theih a ni. A sehtu chu finfiah hnua a ^t loh chuan a hliam senso bak thil dang sawi a ngai lo . 4)Uisathiam : Ram chhuahnaah uisathiam tihhlum palhin lei a kuai lo va, uisathiam avanga miin sa an kah chuan, a awm tawk chanvo siamsak tur a ni. Uisathiam chu pakhat aia tam hruai a nih pawhin, chanvo pakhat aia tam a chang thei chuang lo. BUNG - 12 MIZO RO INLUAH CHHAWN DAN Chang 176 RORo chu in leh lo t e, sum leh pai t e hi a ni. Chang 177RO NEIH DANRo inluahchhawn chungchangah ‘Ro ’ tih hi a hnuaia sawi ang hian kawng thumin a \hen theih : 1)Thlahtute atanga neih ro :Hei hi chhungkaw Pa berin a pi leh a pute emaw, a nu leh a pa emaw a\anga ro a luah hi a ni. 2)Thawhchhuah atanga neih : Ro neituin a pi leh pu emaw, a nu leh pa te emaw a\anga Ro a luah ni lo, ama kut khawih emaw, a nupui fanaute nena an thawhchhuah liau liau emaw a\anga an neih Ro te hi a ni. 3)Chhungkaw ro awm thei dang :Ro neitu nupuiin emaw, a tu leh fate leh a mote emaw, pa ina awmkhawm chhunga anmahni hminga ram leh t hil dang chi hrang hrang an neihte pawh ro a ni vek a. Amaherawhchu, chang 50 leh 51-a a sawi hi chu hmeichhe ro bik a ni. Chang 178RO NEITUMizo hi pate lam a\anga thlah kal zel leh ro inluah chhawng zel kan ni a, chuvangin chhungkaw pa ber chu ro neitu a ni. Chang 177 (3)-a ro pawh hi chang 50 leh chang 51-a a sawi, hmeichhe bungrua leh thuam tih loh chu, pa ina awmkhawm chhung chuan, pa ro vek a ni. Chhungkaw pa ber ro neitu tih hian, hmeichhia pawh chhungkaw pa ber dinhmunah a din chuan a huam a ni. - 40 - Chang 179RO NEITU THUNEIHNARo neitu chuan a ro chungchangah a hnuaia sawi ang hian thuneihna a nei : 1) Ro neit uin a dam laiin, \awngkain a ro a sem t hei. 2) Ro neit uin a dam laiin t huro chhiah a siam t hei. 3) Ro neituin, a ro \henkhat chu pian leh murnaa ro luahtu t ura a ngaih ni lo, midang hnenah emaw, pawl hnenah emaw pawh a pe thei. Mahsela, hetianga ro changtu hi ro luahtu a ni chuang lo. Ro \henkhat a chang ve mai chauh a ni. Chang 180RO LUAH THEITU INDAWT DAN 1) Mizo t e hi chang 178-a sawi angin Pat e lam a\anga c hit hlah kal ze l leh ro inluah chhawng zel an nih avangin ro neitu chu pa a ni. Pa a thih chuan a nupui chu chang 181 (1)-a sawi angin, ro neitu, pa dinhmun luahtu a ni. Ro neitu a thiha ro luah theite indawt dan chu hetiang hi a ni : Fate leh mahni bulbal dik tak, thisen zawmpuite chauh ro luahtu tak tak an ni thei. Mahni bulbal tak tak te chu : fa te, pa te, pianpui unau te, pa unau te, pu (pate pa) te, tupa (fapa fate) te, fanu leh tunu (fapa fanu) te leh an thlahte an ni. 2) a) Ro neitu ro luah tur hian, nu leh pa awmpuitu, fapate an lal ber a, chumi zingah pawh chuan fatlum, chhungpui fa (nupui dik tak fa) hi nu leh pa chawmhlum tura ngaih a nih avangin a lal ber a ni. Fatlum pawh ni se indang tawh, nu leh pa awmpui lo a nih chuan, a fapa dangte chuan a naupan dan indawtin chumi dinhmun chu an rawn luah ang a. Fapate zingah chutianga nu leh p a awmpuia, chawm hlum t hei an awm lo h chuan, awmpuit u leh chawmt u chu fanu pawh nise roluahtu a ni thei. Fapa mal chu hnathawhna leilet emaw, huan emaw, hna dang avangin emaw in hrangah lo awm mah sela, ro khawm thei lo tur anga indanga ngaih tur a ni lo. Nu hrang laka fate pawh pa hnena an awm chuan, roluahtu dik tak an ni a, Nu hnena awm nghet erawh chuan, fapa, pa hnena khawsa an awm chhung chuan pa rovah chanvo a nei lo. b) Fapa, pa ro luahtu tur chu a ro luah hmain thi sela, a thia fate chuan a chunga ro luah dan sawi angin ro chu a luah ang; c) A dawt lehah chuan, ro neitu chuan fapa dang a neih lohva, fanu a neih chuan fanu chuan a luah ang; d) A dawt lehah chuan, an la dam a nih chuan, ro neitu nu leh pa te; e) A dawt lehah chuan ro neitu unau mipa leh an fate; f)A dawt lehah chuan ro neitu farnute leh an fate; g) Ro neitu chuan unaute a neih loh chuan, pu (pate pa) lama t hisen inzawm leh remchang hnai ber apiang; h) A chunga sawi anga mipa lama ro luahtu tur an awm loh chuan hmeichhe lama laichin hnai ber. - 41 - Chang 181RO LUAH DAN 1) Ro neitu, fanu fapa nei a thih chuan, a fate chu an nu hovin an khawsa ang a, an nu chu chang 178 leh chang 180-a sawi angin ro neitu pa dinhmun luahtu a ni. A fate leh a tute chungchangah pawh, a pa dam laia pa dinhmun luahin, fate man teltu leh pusum eitu a ni. Ro luah chungchangah pawh tuma tihbuai theih a ni lo. Hetianga tu leh fate enkawl thei nu chu, nu dik leh nu rinawm, nu zahawm leh chhuan tlak, nu thianghlim a ni. Chutiang a nih zawh loh erawh chuan, chanvo engmah a nei thei lo. Pa remtihnaa lo indang tawh fapa tan emaw, chanvo siamsak leh \ul bikna avang emawa In Lo Ram dinhmun tihdanglam tur thuah pawh, nu remtihna tel lo chuan tih t heih a ni lo. Amaherawhchu, nu chuan pa dam laia pa duh dan tlangpui chu a zawm ngei tur a ni. 2) Ro neitu chu a thih chuan, ro luahtu dinhmun pawimawh indawt dan chu hetiang hi a ni : Insem tur chi-ah chuan, fapa tlum ber chu a farnute leh unau chhawmdawl ngaite chhawmdawltu tura ngaih a nih avangin a unaute chan leh hnih a chang ang. Amaherawhchu, insem theih loh a chanpual chu, a unaute chan leh hnih hu a nih chuan, insem theih chi-ah chanpual a nei lo vang. Hetiang thuah hian fanu, inhrang chang lova la awm, nu leh pa in chhunga t hawkchhuaktu chuan chanvo a nei ngei tur a ni. 3) Ro neitu chuan fapa nei lovin, fanu chauh neiin a nupui fanau thihsan sela, a fate chu a nu hova an khawsak laiin an nu chu thi ve leh ta sela, nu leh pa ina la awm fanute chuan ro chu an luah ang a, Ro insem dan chu fapate ro insem dan ang bawk a ni ang. 4) Ro neitu chu nupui fanau nei lovin t hi sela, a nu leh pa an dam chuan a ro chu an luah ang. An dam tawh loh chuan, chang 181-a ro luahtu lal dan indawta a hnai berin a luah ang. 5) Ro neitu chuan, fa nei lova nupui a t hihsan chuan, chang 184 (4)-a a sawi anga rel tur a ni. 6) Ro neitu chuan, a nupui ni lo, mi dang lakah fa nei sela, a hnena a awmpui chuan, a nupui laka a fate chan ang bawk chanvo a nei ve ang. Amaherawhchu, chutiang chu kum thuah naupang ber ni mah sela, fatlum chanvo a chang thei chuang lo. 7) Pain a nupui a sun hnuin nupui dang nei leh sela, a nupui te lakah chuan fa nei ve vein amah chu thi ta sela, a nupui hmasa bungrua, chang 50-a a sawi ang chi bungrua a neih reng reng chu a nupui hmasaa laka ama fa bikt en an chang ang. Chutiang bawkin a nupui hnuhnung bungrua pawh ama fa bik ten an chang ang. 8) Mizo Ro inluahchhawn danah hian, \ulna bik t ak a awm loh chuan, roluahna lehkha lak emaw, pek emaw a awm ngai lo. 9) Mizo Ro inluahchhawn danah hian, \ul bikna a awm chuan, Ro reltu hnen a\angin Roluahna lehkha lak tur a ni. - 42 - Chang 182THUROCHHIAHThurochhiah chu, Ro neituin a ro luahtu t urte hnena a ro an luah dan tur a siam leh mi dang hnena a ro sem dawngtu tur leh an chanvo tur a siam hi a ni. Chu chu ro neit uin \awngkain emaw, ziakin emaw a siam t hei. Thuro chhiah siam dan chu a hnuaia sawi ang hi a ni. 1)|awngkaa thurochhiah siam dan : Ro neit uin a rilru harhfim laiin \awngkain Thurochhiah a siam thei. Chutiang thulhah chuan thuhretu pahnih aia tlem lo hriatpuiin, a ro a semna thurochhiah chu a siam ang. Vanduaina tawh phut vangte leh dam lohna avanga thurochhiah siam hmanhmawh bikna t hilah chuan, thuhretu pahnih nei kher lo pawh ni se, a thurochhiah chu pawm theih a ni. 2)Thurochhiah ziaka siam dan : Ro neit u, puit ling chin chuan mihring rilru pangngai put lai leh a rilru harhfim laiin, chang 180 (1)-a a sawi, a mi duh apiang roluahtu atan thurochhiah a siam thei. 3)Thurochhiah ziak dan : Thurochhiah ziaka siamtu chuan a hnuaia mi ang hian a siam tur a ni. a) Ro neituin chang 180-a mi anga a ro luahtu tur hming leh awmna khua te, amah nena an inlaichinna leh ro a luah tur chu chiang takin a ziak tur a ni. aw) Ro neituin, ro luahtu atan ni lovin, chang 179 (3) anga a ro \henkhat chauh pek atan a thurochhiah ziaka a siam pawhin, thurochhiah a siamsaka hming leh awmna khua te, a ro pekte chu chiang takin a tilang tur a ni. Chutianga a ro sem dawngtu chu chang 179 (3)-a sawi angin, ro luaht u nih a t ling lo . b) Ro neitu chuan, thurochhiah chu ziakin a siam ngei a ni tih fiah nan, a hming a ziak ngei ang a, a ziak ni leh thla leh kum pawh a ziak tel thlap tur a ni. Ziak thiam lo a nih chuan, a kutzungpui thla a nem kai ngei tur a ni. ch) Ro neituin, ziaka thurochhiah a siam chuan, ama duh dan ngeia a ziak a ni t ih hriat pui nan t huhret u pahnih aia t lem lo , mi ang pangngai puit ling chinin, ro neit u hming ziak zawnah a hmuh lai leh hriat pui ngeiin an hming leh an awmna hmun, ni leh thla leh kum chiang takin thurochhiahah chuan an ziak ve t ur a ni. Ama heraw hchu, Ro neit uin zia ka t huro chhiah a sia min, ama z iak ngei a ni tih rinhlelhna a awm loh chuan thuhretu awm lo mah se pawm t heih a ni. d) Ro neituin, a ro thuhmun atan thurochhiah vawi khat aia tam, \awngka emaw, ziak emaw a siam chuan, a hnuhnung zawk apiang pawm tur a ni. - 43 - Chang 183THUROCHHIAH DIK LO SIAM 1) Tupawh vauna emaw, bumna emaw, dawt emaw hmanga, ro neitu, ama duh dan hmang thei lova t hurochhiah siamtirtu chu hrem theih a ni. 2) Ro neitu hminga dawt thua thurochhiah lo siamtu chu, a chunga hremna siam ang hian hrem theih a ni. Chang 184PASAL RO CHUNGCHANGA NUPUI DINHMUN 1) Pasal ro luah thei tur emaw, chanvo nei thei tur emaw chuan, a nupui a nihna a chiang t ur a ni. Chang 36-a sawi anga inneihna chiang t a wk a awm lo h chuan, Nupuiah chhiar theih a ni lo. 2) Pasal sun chu, Chang 102-a sawi anga nu thianghlim a nih chuan, Pa chan changin a fate enkawltu a ni. 3) Chang 177 (1)-a sawi thlahtute a\anga ro luahte chu mipa lam, a ro luahtu an awm chhung chuan, a nupuiin a rochung thei lo. Nimahsela, a nupui dam chhung chuan a remtihna lo chuan ro chu laksak t heih a ni lo. 4) Pasal sunin, a pasal rovah ro neitu a nih theih dan emaw, chanvo neitu a nih theih dan emaw chuan, chang 180 (1) leh 181 (5)-a sawi a kalh tur a ni lo. 5) Ro neitu chu, a nupui hmasa lakah fa neiin, a hnuhnung zawk a pawmlai lakah fa nei lovin t hi sela, a nupui hnuhnung zawk chu nu thianghlim a nih loh chuan, chanvo engmah a nei tur a ni lo. Nu thianghlim a nih chuan, chang 181- a sawi angin Pa chan a chang ang a. An awmho theih loh chuan ro an insem ang. Nu chuan fatlum chanvo ang ni lo, fapa dang chanvo ang a chang thei. A chanvo chungah chuan, a t a liau liau a nih tawh avangin, thuneitu a ni tawh a, ama ro luahtu tur pawh a duh angin a siam thei. 6) Pasal sun hmeichhia chu, pasal nen la indang lo a nih chuan, roluah chuangchangah chanvo a nei lo. Fapa a neih erawh chuan, a pasala pa chuan a tupa chu chanvo a siamsak thei. 7) Pasal sun hmeichhia chu a pasal nen indang tawh a nih a, Nu thianghlim a nih bawk chuan, chang 180-a sawi ang a, pa chan chang a nih tawh avangin a fate emaw, midang reng rengin emaw an hnawtchhuak t hei lo. A fate nen awmho thei lo an nih erawh chuan, nu leh pa dinhmuna ding a nih tawh avangin fat e chu an indang zawk tur a ni. Fatlum ber chu ro luahtu tura ngaih a nih avangin nu hnena awm tur a ni a, a awm peih loh erawh chuan, a unaute zinga nu chawm peih apiangin fatlum chanvo changin a ro a luah ang. Chang 185FA PA INDANG 1) Fapa, nupui nei emaw, nei lo emaw, In hranga thuk hrang chhuanga khawsa chu Indang a ni. 2) Pain fate chu a duh hunah a indantir thei. 3) Pain a fat e indantir kher lo mah se, eizawnna avangin emaw, \ul dang avangin emaw, hmun dangah fanaute nen kum nga (5) an lo khawsak hman tawh chuan, mahni puala in leh lo emaw, in hmun emaw nei lo mah sela, indanga ngai a ni. - 44 - Fapa, ro luahtu tur chu a pa nen intuithlar vang ni lo va, chhungkaw rokhawlhna leh \ul dang avanga chhungkaw remtih tlana, amahin emaw, nupui fanau nen emaw in hranga khawsa chu eng chen pawh lo khawsa hrang t awh mah se, ro luah chungchang thuah chuan indanga ngaih a ni lo. Fapa mal chu, a pa nena intuithlar vang chauh lo chuan a malin emaw, chhungkuain emaw, eng chena rei pawh hmun dangah awm mah se, ro luah chungchangah chuan engti kawng mahin indanga ngaih a ni chuang lo. 4) Fapa indang tawhte chuan, chang 180 (2) (a)-a mi ang chauh lo chuan, pa rovah chanvo an nei tawh lo. Amaherawhchu, pa ber dam lai a\anga unauzaho, in hrang chang tawh pawh, eizawnna kawnga la inti hrang lova, hmun khata an la tih tlan chuan, rokhawm chungchangah indanga ngaih an la ni lo. Chang 186MAHNI FATE RO LUAHChang 181 (4)-a sawi angin, nupui fanau thihsan nei lovin ro neitu thi sela, a pain a ro a luah ang. Pa a thih tawh chuan nuin a luah ang. Chang 187PA MI RO LUAHRo neitu chu nupui fanau leh nu leh pa leh unaute nei tawh lovin thi sela, a unaupa fate zinga mi, chang180-a sawi, ro luah thei indawt hnai berin ro chu a luah ang. Chang 188TU PA RO LUAHTupa indang tawh chu, nupui fanau leh tu leh fate leh, hringtu nu leh pa pianpui unaute nei lova a thih chuan, a pu/pi in a ro a luah ang. Chang 189PI RO LUAHPi ro luah t ur lo awm t a sela, a luah t hei t ur hnai zawk an awm lo h chuan chang 181(4)-na angin a kal ang. Chang 190RO KHAWM TURA SIAMCHAWPHemi bunga sawi Mizo Ro inluah chhawn dan pangngai baka \ulna a lo awm chuan a hnuaia sawi ang hian ro khawmtu siamchawp t heih a ni. 1)Ro luah thei tur nena intuithlar vanga ro khawmtu siam :Ro neitu chu a ro luah theitu tur chang 180-a sawi te nen lo intuithlar ta sela, a duh apiang a ro khawm turin a siam chawp t hei. Chutianga tih a nih chuan, an intuithlarna leh ro khawmtu thar a siam dan chu thuhretu pahnih tal awmin ziaka dah tur a ni. 2)Chawmhlumtu tura ro khawmtu siam : Ro neit u laichin bulbal, chawmt u leh ngaihsakt u nei lo chuan, a ro khawmt u at an amah chawmhlumt u t ur mi t upawh a siam thei. Chumi chuan a ro pawh a khawm t hei. Hetiang ro khawmt u t ur siam chu t huhret u pahnih t al awmin, ziaka dah t ur a ni. 3)Zawnchawp ro khawmtu siam : Ro neit uin ro luaht u t ur laichin bulbal hnai nei lo sela, a ro khawmtu atana \ha a tih apiang a zawng chawp thei. Hetianga tih a nih chuan, thuhretu pahnih tal awmin ziaka dah tur a ni. - 45 - Chang 191RO LUAHTU MAWHPHURHNA LEH TIH TURTE 1) Ro luahtu chuan a ro luahsak chungah chuan a tih tur pual a tihsak ngei tur chu hengte hi a ni : a) A t hihin a ruang a hlawm ang a, a vui bawk ang. Mitthi chungchangah tih tur awm apiang a ti ang. b) Ro luahtu chuan, a ro luahsak khan leiba a neih chuan a mawhphurhna a ni. 2) Chang 181-a sawi ro luahtu, a tu a pawhin luah sela, a ro luah turah leiba rulh tur a t el vang maiin ro luahtu nihna a pha t hei lo. Chang 192MI CHUANG RO KHAWMMi t upawh awmna nei lo va vak mai mai chu, mi inah a thih chuan, a thihna in neitute chuan, dan pangngaia an vui chuan, a neih apiang a khawm tur a ni. Mi inah thi lova, khawlaiah a t hih chuan, khawtlangin an phum ang a, a neih apiang chu khawtlang ta a ni. Chang 193INRALNAChhiat tawh nikhuaa inralna hi ruang chhuahna hmuna pek a nih \hin avangin a dawngtu tur pawh a hnuaia mi ang hi a ni : 1)La indang lo inpuia khawsate dinhmun : a)Ralna thilpek : Chhungkaw pa ber a la dam chuan ralna thilpek chu pa ber kuta lut tur a ni. Pa ber a dam tawh loh chuan, pa chan changtu nu ber kutah a lut tur a ni. Nu leh pa an awm tawh loh chuan an aia chhungkaw hotu ber kuta lut vek tur a ni. b)Ralna thil bik : Khawi a\ang pawhin ralna t hil bik lo kal a awm chuan a petuten tu pawh pek bik nei mah sela, chhungkaw hotu ber kutah a lut hmasa phawt tur a ni. Amaherawhchu, hmanral lehna lamah chuan chutiang thil bikin a tum tak ang zela hman tur a ni a, chhungkaw hotu leh an pek bik remtih tlanna a nih chauh loh chuan, kawng danga hman t ur a ni lo . 2)Indang tawhte dinhmun : Indang tawh chhungkuaah tupawhin chhiat tawk se, tupawhin ralin tupawhin dawng se. Thihna Ina ral a nih chuan, chu chhungkuaah chuan pek luh vek tur a ni. 3)Hmun danga thi :Mahni khuaah ni lo, khaw dangah miin vanduaina a tawhin an khaw lama hawnpui theih lohva laina hnai an bel a nih chuan, ralna reng reng chu a thite chhungkua leh ruang thlenna chhungkua ten an insiamrem tur a ni. - 46 - Form 1. MAN HLANNA LEHKHA (Chang 36 (2)) He Man Hlanna Lehkha hian mipa nupui neitu hian a hnuaia ziak ang hian a nupui man a hlan tih a entir : 1. Innei te hming : (1) Mipa hming __________________________________________________________ Kum zat _____________________________________________________________ Pa hming _____________________________________________________________ Khua/Veng ___________________________________________________________ (2) Hmeichhe hming _______________________________________________________ Kum zat ______________________________________________________________ Pa hming _____________________________________________________________ Khua/Veng ____________________________________________________________ 2. Man zawng zawng zat _______________________________________________________ 3. Man pek zat _______________________________________________________________ 4. Man bat zat ________________________________________________________________ 5. |hutphah (A awm chuan) zat __________________________________________________ 6. Man hlantute -1.Signature ______________________________________________ Hming. ________________________________________________ 2.Signature _______________________________________________ Hming. ________________________________________________ 7. Man dawngtu ______________________________________________________________ 8. Man hlanna hmun ___________________________________________________________ 9. Man hlan hun leh ni _________________________________________________________ 10. Inneihni ___________________________________________________________________ 11. Hriatpuitute :(1) Signature _______________________________________________ Hming ________________________________________________ (2) Signature _______________________________________________ Hming ________________________________________________ - 47 - Form 2. FA-A SIAMNA LEHKHA (Chang-98) He Fa-a siamna Lehkha hian a hnuaia sawi ang hian Fa-a siam a entir : 1. Fa-a siam hming __________________________________Signature ______________ (or kutzungpui nem) Kum zat ______________ Pa hming ________________________________________ Nu hming _______________________________________ 2. Fa-a siamtu hming _________________________________ Signature _____________ Kum zat ______________ Pa hming ________________________________________ Khua/Veng _____________________________________________________________ 3. Fa-a siam Nu emaw Pa emaw an awm tawh loh chuan : A laichin bul hnai la awm : Hming ____________________________________________ Signature ____________ Kum zat _______________ Pa ______________________________________________ Khua/Veng _____________________________________________________________ 4. Fa-a siam ni _____________________________________________________________ 5. Hriatpuitute : (1) Signature _____________________________________________________ Hming ________________________________________________________ (2) Signature ______________________________________________________ Hming ________________________________________________________ 6. V.C.P. Hming ___________________________ Address ________________________ Signature ________________________ Date___________________________________ - 48 - GLOSSARYB Ban Man:Inlaichinna tihtawp vanga chawi, Pu leh t u inkar thu. Tuin a pu a ban chuan pu atana a ban man a puin a \hing t hei. Thil dangah ban man a awm t hei lo . Buh-Bal:Buh-bal chuan Nupaa thawhchhuah dun engkim a huam. C Chhuatkil Kai Man :Mahni laichin bulhnai ni lo, mi dang In a\anga pasal neiin a man tel tura In neitu hnena a pek, in\hen pawha kir ve lo tur. Chi chhiah:Lal ram chhunga chikhura mi ten khang man, Lal hnena pek. E Enkawltu:Naupang kaihruai tur mawhphurtu, Pa thihsan fate chunga mawh latu. Ensan:Khawtlangin chhiatni \hatnia a buaipui duh loh. F Fanghmano Ei:Inneihna chungchanga mipa lamin hmeichhe lam hnena sum an pek, \hin leh lo h t ur chi. Falak:Fa, Pa bik hriat loh. Fan:Insawiremna awm hmasa lo va inneih t uma mipa ina hmeichhe lut . Fatlum:Fate zinga a naupang ber. H Hliampui:Na taka hliam. Hmeithai:Hmeichhia, pasal sun vang emaw, an in\hen vang emaw, thil dang vang emawa fa puit ling emaw, puit ling dang emaw pawh t el lova In hranga khawsa. Hmeichhiapasal nei lo pawh mahnia khawsa chu Hmeithai a ni bawk. Hnam Ro:Pipute a\anga thil neih chhawm zel, hnam tana thil hlu leh pawimawh. Hnatlang:Khawtlang tana t ihluihnaa, hlawh nei lova t hawhho. - 49 - I Inkaichhuak:A t hihsantu laka, a Nupui in\henna leh inthen thianghlimna. In Leh Lo:Chhungkuaa thil neih zawng zawng. Inru:Chhungte lamin sawiremna awm hmasa lova, innei tura anmahni inberema, mipain hmeichhia a lak hi. Insilna:Mi hrang ina thih avanga in neitu hnena sum pek. Intuithlar:Pa leh fa emaw, Nu leh fa nihna emaw, U leh nau nihna emaw thinurna avanga tichat. K Khawthar Kai:Awm nghehna tura khua din, roreltute phalnaa mi engemaw zat hmun khata awm thar. Khawtlang Roreltute :Khawtlang roreltu tih chu Lal leh Upate an ni \hin a, Lal rorelna tihtawp a nih hnuah chuan Village Council/Co urt Member te. Khumpui:Chhungkuaa hotu ber Nu leh pa mutna. Khumpui Kai:Chhungkuaa hotu ber mutna khuma hmeichhia mutpui beiseia khuma lawn leh lawn tum, Khum a\anga ban phaka in chhunga man. Kutthlak:Kut lawng emaw, hmanrua emaw hmanga mi dang vel, sawisa. L Laizawn:Hme ichhe pianpu i hme ichhia t e. Lawi:Mo, a pasal Ina awm tura lut. Lawi:Fanu pasal neih nia vantlang ei tura ran talh. Lungdawh:Mitthi hriatrengna tura kawtchhuahah emaw, hmun dang remchangah emaw lung emaw, thil dang emaw remkhawm leh hriatrengna lungphun. Luhkhung:Insawiremna awm hmasa lo va nupui at ana neih t uma hmeichhe ina mipa lut . Luhkhung:Ankhum emaw, velh emaw, sawisak emaw t uma t hinrim chunga mi ina lut . Lukhawng:Mi, t hih hlauhawm khawp dinhmun emaw, t hlabarna nasa t ak emaw a\anga him taka lo awm leh, a pu (a nu pa)-in emaw, laichin hnai tak dangin emaw, a thla a hualsak avanga a thla hualsaktu chanvo. - 50 - M Ma/Mak:Duh lo h, hnawl, pasalin a nupui duh lo va an in lama a hawnt ir. Makpa:Fanute/farnute pasal. Mutpui:Mipat hmeichhiat na hmanpui, inpawlna neihpui, ngai. N Naupuakpuan:Man\ang chi khat , pasal nei u hmeichhiat e ei \ hin. Ni-Ar:Man\ang chi khat, pasal nei ni te ei \hin. Nuhrawn:Nu, amah hringtu ni lo, a pa nupui. Nu Thianghlim:Pasal sun, mi dang laka chetsualna nei lo, kaihchhuah loh. Nu\a:Hmeichhiate pianpui mipa. P Palai:Miin ama aiawha mi dang be t ura a t irh. Palai Sa:Mo lawina ranpui t alh \uma palai an pek \hin sa. Palal:Man\ang chi khat, pa atana siam chawpte ei \hin. Palhuang:Ran khungna, thinga hung. Pami:Pate unau mipa. Pian Leh Murna:Pianchhuahna bul. Pianphunga Rual:Taksa peng dik loh vang emaw, ban Lorilru lam fel lo h vang emawa mi ang pha lo . Phurhhlan:Thil phurhna em leh hnam. Puandum/Pawndum :Inneihnaa chhawm tur puan, a dum leh a sena kutphah tiat vela \ial kara sin te tea a eng, a pawl, a hring etc.-a \ial; Zawlkenpuan. Pawnpui:Mutbu atana puan tah, a tilumtu atana la chawn te deuh zeh, puan lian. Pu Phir:Inneihna pusum ei t ur pakhat aia t am siam. Pum:Thir chherna in. Pusachawn:Pu nih avanga tute lamin vawk an talha a bawp pakhat Pu an pek. Pusum:Man\ang chi khat, pasal neitu Pu (a nu pa) emaw, a nu nu\a emaw ten an ei \hin. R Ramri Lungphun:Ram leh hnam inrinaa chhinchhiahna atana siam, lungphun emaw, thingphun emaw. - 51 - Ram |heh:Khawtlang roreltuten lo neih tur ram an ruat. Rem-Ar-Talh:Innei tur man pek hmaa inremna ar talh. Ro luahtu:Thlahtu bul a\anga ro neitu, thlah ziding dik tak ‘Pa’ ro changtu. Ro Khawmtu:Laichin bulhnai ro changtu, thlahtu bul a\anga ro kal zel thlah ziding ni lo pawh ro changtu. Roreltu:Khawtlang roreltu, khaw hotu, thubuai hlabuai chingfel tura ruat, dan kengkawhtu. S Sa:Chhungkaw mal biak \hin. Pathian, Sakhaw thil hlan dawngtu, Sakhaw thila chanvo neitu. Sakhua:Mizo pipute biak sa leh khuaa kaihkawp hming. ‘Sa’ chu chhungkaw mal biak a ni a, ‘Khua’ chu khawtlang biak a ni. Salam:Lei chawina zinga tel ve, roreltute chanpual. Saphun:Mi sa leh hnam \awmpui, hnam d ang sa biak leh hnama kai. Sawn:Nupui/Pasal ni lo laka fa. Sawnpai:Pasal ni lo laka nau pai. Sawnthlak:Nupui ni lo hmeichhe dang nau paitir. Sial:Inneihnaa piputen man bithliah nana an lo hman \hin a ni. Sukchin:Pipute huna lei chawina hniam ber hming. Sum leh pai:Tangka te, bungrua leh thil neih dangte. T Thembu:Puantahna hmanraw chikim. Thian:Thihna avanga int hian thianghlim. Thingphun:Mitthi hriatrengna thing nung thei phun. Thinhrik:Timna nei, lungten, duhlohna, iaina. Thirdeng:Thirchher thiam, vantlang tana hlawh neia thirchher \hin. Thisen pal:Nau nei tawh emaw, chhiat tawh emaw. Thlahual:Vanduaina t awk, thi lova damchhuakte chunga t hlavang hauh nana pute lamin an tute tana ran an talh \hin. Thlaichhiah:Ran t hlarauvin mit t hi t hlarau a kalpui t heihna t ura ran t alh. Thurochhiah:Pain fate hnenah emaw, mi dang hnenah emaw, tihtur leh chanvo a hnutchhiah. Thumuhnu chawh- :Thu ngaihthah t awh hnu, a pawi chhuahtur zawnga sawi thar. - 52 - Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of M izoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/850| |ambar:|am laia eit ur, \am laia eiral. |awmkailo:Upat vang emaw, pianphung lam vang emawa rualbanlo, chawmhlawm ngai, kep ngai. U Uisathiam:Sa hnu chhui thiam Ui fing. Upa:Lal ro relpui. V Val Upa:Tlangval kaihruait u, t langval ho vin ho t ua an neih, r o nei t hiam, mi t la w mng ai. Vantlang:Mipui. Vantlang Inkhawm :Khawtlang \hatna tura Roreltuten In tin aiawh mipui inkhawm an siam. Z Zawlkenpuan:Inneihnaa mo chhawm puan, a dum leh a sena \ial. Zualko:Khaw chhungah emaw, hmun dangah emaw, khaw \henawmah emaw, chhiat na lam t hu pawimawh sawi t ura mi t irh.

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