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The Mizoram (Taxes on Land, Building and Assessment of Revenue) Act, 2004

VOL - XLISSUE - 297Date - 18/07/2011

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARYVOL - XL Aizawl, Monday 18.7.2011 Asadha 27, S.E. 1933, Issue No. 297Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 1/- per page NOTIFICATIONNo.J.11011/1/06/-REV, the 15th July, 2011. In exercise of t he power conferr ed under section 6, 8 and 9 of the Mizora m (Taxes on La nd, Building a nd Assessment of Revenue) Act , 2004 and in s upersession of a ll Notifications earlier issued in this regards, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to revise the rates of various taxes and fees etc, levied and collected under Revenue Department with effect from the date of publication in the Mizoram Official Gazette. R.L. Rinawma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . Ex-297/2011 2 Ex-297/2011 3 Ex-297/2011 4 Ex-297/2011 5 Ex-297/2011 6 Ex-297/2011 7 Ex-297/2011 8 Ex-297/2011 9 PublishedandIssuedbyController,Printing&StationeryDepartment,GovernmentofMizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,Aizawl.C/650 Ex-297/2011 10

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 89Date - 15/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Saturday 15.3.2014 Phalguna 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 89 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 NOTIFICATIONNo.464/MIZ-HP/2014.WHEREAS, a number of electors enrolled in Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram had migrated because of compelling circumstances and have been temporarily resid- ing in various transit camps in the State of Tripura outside their place of ordinary residence; and WHEREAS, the Election Commission of India, ha ving regard to the right of franchise of such migrant electors, directed that these migrants, despite their temporary migration, shall continue to be treated as ordinarily residents of their respective places, for inclusion/retention of their names in the electoral rolls of the relevant Assembly Constituencies in the Sta te of Mizora m, as summarily revised with reference to 01.01.2014 as the qualifying date; Now, therefore, the Election Commission of India, in exercise of powers conferred by clause (c) of Section 60 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and in consultation with the Government of India vide the Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department letter No.H.11019/10/2013-Leg.II dated 7th March, 2014, hereby notifies the aforementioned migrant electors enrolled in different Assembly Constitu- encies in Mizoram and who are presently residing in various transit camps outside their place of ordinary residence, as the notified class of persons to give their vote by Postal Ballot at the current General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2014, subject to the fulfillment of the requirements specified in the rules made under the said Act. By Order, Narendra N. Butolia, Secretary, Election Commission of India. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Dated : 12th March, 2014 21 Phalguna, 1935 (Saka)


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 90Date - 15/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Saturday 15.3.2014 Phalguna 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 90 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 NOTIFICATIONNo.464/2014(2).WHEREAS, the President of India has, by notification issued under sub-section (2) of Section 14 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951) and published in the Gazette of India on the 15th March, 2014 (Saturday), been pleased to call upon each of the parliamentary constituency, specified in column (1) of the Schedule below, in the States or Union Territories mentioned in the Schedule, to elect members to the House of the People, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder. 2.Now, ther efor e, in pursuance of Sections 30 and 56 of the said Act, the Election Commission of India hereby - (A)Appoints, with respect to the said election, from each of the parliamentary constituency specified in the said Schedule,- (a)the 22nd March, 2014 (Saturday), as the last date for making nominations: (b)the 24th March, 2014 (Monday), as the date for scrutiny of nominations; (c)the 26th Ma rch, 2014 (Wednesday),as the last date for withdrawal of candidatures; (d)the date, specified in column (2) of theSCHEDULE below, as the date on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken in the parliamentary constituency, specified in the corresponding entry in column (1) of the said Schedule; and (e)the 28th May, 2014 (Wednesday), as the date before which the election shall be com- pleted in all the above mentioned parliamentary constituency; and (B)Fixes the hours specified in Column (3) of the said Schedule, as the hours during which the poll shall, if necessary, be taken in the constituency, specified in the corresponding entry in column (1) of the said Schedule, on the date specified against such constituency in column (2) thereof, for the above election.Da ted : 1 5th March, 2014 24 Phalguna, 1935 (Saka) SCHEDULEPa rlia ment ar y Constit uency, Date a nd Hours of Poll No. & Name ofDate of PollHours of Poll Parliamentary Constituency 123 1 - ARUNACHAL PRADESH1-Arunachal West9th April, 2014 (Wednesday)07:00AM to 05:00PM 2-Arunachal East9th April, 2014 (Wednesday)07:00AM to 05:00PM 2 - MANIPUR2-Outer Manipur (ST)9th April, 2014 (Wednesday)07:00AM to 04:00PM 3 - MEGHALAYA1-Shillong (ST)9th April, 2014 (Wednesday)07:00AM to 05:00PM 2-Tura (ST)9th April, 2014 (Wednesday)07:00AM to 05:00PM 4-MIZORAM1-Mizoram (ST)9th April, 2014 (Wednesday)07:00AM to 05:00PM 5-NAGALAND1-Nagaland9th April, 2014 (Wednesday)07:00AM to 04:00PM By Order, Sumit Mukherjee Secretary to the Election Commission of India.Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Ex-90/20142


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 91Date - 15/03/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Saturday 15.3.2014 Phalguna 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 91 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 NOTIFICATIONNo.100/MIZ-LA/1/2014.WHEREAS, the seat of Shri Lal Thanhawla in the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram, elected from 28-Hrangturzo (ST) Assembly Constituency, has become vacant on 19.12.2013 by reason of his resignation; and WHEREAS, a bye-election is to be held for the purpose of filling the vacancy so caused; NOW, THEREFORE, in pu rsuance of Sections 150, 30 a nd 56 of t he Repr esentation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), the Election Commission of India hereby- (A)Calls upon the said 28-Hrangturzo (ST) Assembly Constituency in the State of Mizoram, to elect, before the 28th May, 2014 (Wednesday) and in accordance with the provisions of the said Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder, a person, belonging to any of the Scheduled Tribes of the State, for the purpose of filling the said vacancy in the Legislative Assembly of the State; (B)appoints, with respect to the said election,- (a)the 22nd March, 2014, (Saturday), as the last date for making nominations; (b)the 24th March, 2014, (Monday), as the date for the scrutiny of nominations; (c)the 26th March, 2014, (Wednesday), as the last date for the withdrawal of candidatures; (d)the 9th April, 2014, (Wednesday), as the date on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken; and (e)the 28th May, 2014 (Wednesday), as the date before which the election shall be completed; and (C)fixes the hours from 07.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M., as the hours during which the poll shall, if necessary, be taken on the date specified above, for the election. By Order, Narendra N. Butolia Secretary Election Commission of India.Da ted : 1 5th March, 2014 24 Phalguna, 1935 (Saka) Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 592Date - 18/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by AuthorityVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 18.11.2013 Kartika 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 592RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 14th November, 2013 DIRECTIONNo. 576/3/EVM/2013/SDR(Gen-LA-MIZ):- Whereas, Section 61A of the Representation of t he People Act, 1951, pr ovides that the giving and recording of votes by voting machines in such manner as may be pr escribed, may b e adopted in such constituency or constituencies as the Election Commission of India may, having regard to the circumstances of each case, s pecify; and 2.Whereas, as per the proviso to rule 49A of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, a printer with a drop box of such design, a s may be approved by t he Election Commission of India, may also be attached to a voting machine for print ing a pa per tra il of the vote, in such constituency or constituencies or parts thereof as t he Election Commission of India may direct; and 3.Wher eas, the Elect ion Commission of India has, vide its notification No. 576/3/EVM/2013/SDR/ (MIZ ) dated 05-11-2013 alr eady sp ecified under t he said section 61A of the Represent ation of the People Act, 1951, all the assembly cons tituencies in the State of Mizoram a s the constituencies in which the votes shall be given and recorded by means of voting machines at the poll to be taken for the curr ent general election to the Legislative Assembly of the State in pur suance of the Commission’s notification No. 464/ MIZ-LA/2013 dated 01-11-2013; 4.Now, therefore, the Election Commission of India, in exercise of its powers under the said proviso to r ule 49A of the Conduct of Election Rules. 1961, hereby- (i) specifies 10-Aizawl North-I (ST), 11-Aizawl North-II (ST), 12-Aizawl North-Ill (ST), 13-Aizawl East- I, 14-Aizawl East-II (ST), 15-Aizawl West-I (ST), 16-Aizawl West-II (ST), 17-Aizawl West-III (ST), 18-Aizawl South-I (ST), 19-Aizawl South-II (ST) assembly constituencies in the State of Mizoram as the constituencies in which a printer with a drop box shall be attached to every voting machine to be used for the giving and recording of votes at the aforesaid general election to the State Assembly; (ii) appr oves the design of the printer with the drop box as developed by the Electr onic Corporation of India, Ltd., as the printer which shall be attached to the said voting machines to be used for the giving and recording of votes in the said assembly constituencies in the State of Mizoram. By Or der, K.F.Wilfred, Principal Secretary. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram Horticulture Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 597Date - 20/11/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.11.2013 Kartika 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 597NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/45/2004-P&AR(GSW), the 8th November, 2013.In exercise of the power s conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post (s) ofHorticulture Demonstrator under Horticulture Department, Government of Mizoram, namely :- (1)These rules may be called the Mizor am Hor ticulture Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. These rules shall apply to the post(s) specified in column 1 of the schedule a nnexed to these rules. The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the Schedule. The method of recruitment to the said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the aforesaid Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may b e fr om time to t ime. No person- (a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); 1. Short title and commencement- 2. Application- 3 . Number of posts, classification, pay band and grade pay/pay scale- 4 . Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications, etc- 5. Disqualification- Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this rules. Every Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo such training or pass such Departmental Examination(s) as may be prescribed from time to time. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing a nd in consult ation with the Depar tment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation relaxation of age limit and other concessions required to be pr ovided for the Scheduled Caste/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. All rules pertaining to these posts framed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No.A.12018/5/94-P&AR(GSW) dt.30.3.1999 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary Issue No. 72 dt.5.4.1999 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules. By orders, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. 6 . Tra ining and Departmental Examination- 7. Power to transfer- 8. Power to relax- 9 . Reservation and other concessions Ex-597/20132 10. Repeal and saving- Ex-507/2013 3 SCHEDULE (SeeRule2,3& 4) RECRUITM ENT RULES FOR THE POST OF HORTICULTURE DEM ONSTRATOR IN THE DEPARTM ENT OF HORTICULTURE Nameof post No.ofposts Classification PayBand and Grade Pay/Pay Scale W hetherSelec- tion postorNon- Selection post W hetherbenefit ofadded years ofservice admissibleunder Rules 30ofthe CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 Agelimitfor directrecruits Educationaland other qualificationsrequired fordirectrecruits Horticulture Demonstrator 180(onehundred eighty)ormore postsasmaybe sanctionedfrom timetotime GeneralState ServiceGroup‘C’ (Non-Ministerial) PB-1^5200- 20200/- GradePay 2400(Un- trained) PB-1^5200- 20200/-Grade Pay2800 (Trained) Notapplicable Notapplicable Between18to 35years,Upper agelimitis relaxablefor ScheduleCaste/ ScheduleTribes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1)HSSLCoritsequiva- lent. 2)Preferencewillbe giventoHSSLCwith Basic Agriculture Training&Integrated TrainingCourseetc. trained. 3)Itiscompulsoryun- dergobasisAgricul- ture/Horticulture Trainingasandwhen sentbytheDepart- ment.Nocompletion ofthecoursesuc- cessfullyordeclina- tionofthetraining coursewillforfeithis service. 4)Workingknowledge ofMizolanguageat leastMiddleSchool standard. Ex-597/2013 4 PublishedandIssuedbytheController,Printing&Stationery,Mizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovt.Press,Aizawl.C-500. W hetherage and educational qualifications prescribed for directrecruits willapply in the case of promotees Period ofproba- tion,ifany M ethod ofrecruitment whetherby directre- cruitmentorby promo- tion/orby deputation/ transferand percentage ofpoststo befilled by various methods In case ofrecruit- mentby promotion/ transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/deputa- tion/transferisto be made IfDepartmental Promotion Committee exist,whatisits composition Circumstances in which M PSC isto be consulted in making recruit- ment. Notapplicable Asconstitutedbythe Governmentfrom time totime Exemptedfrom the purview ofMizoram PublicService Commission 9 10 11 12 13 14 ByDirectRecruitment NotApplicable 2(two)years

Potential Employees relating to 3rd TRANCHE of Mizoram Public Resources

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 613Date - 28/11/2013

2 INTRODUCTION Helping students in making sound educational and vocational choices is crucial for preparing educational and vocational plans for students. With this aim in view, one needs to find out about the interest areas of the students and the availability of job placement within and outside the state. In order to find out the vocational interest of students and the potential employers available within the state the SCERT was given the responsibility of conducting a survey work on ‘ASCERTAIN DEMAND FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION BOTH FROM PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS AND FROM POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS.’ STATE PROFILE: Mizoram is a tiny mountaino us hilly landlocked state situated in the North Eastern Region of India and occupies a geographic area of 21,081 sq. km. Its geographical features have a scenic beauty. The majority of the people called themselves MIZO and belongs to Mongoloid stock. The state is now divided into eight administrative units including three autonomous district councils. Being located in the tropical region, it enjoys a moderate climate. The average rainfall is about 250 cm per year. So the climate is unique by nature. This peculiar characteristic of climate is favourable for different flora and fauna, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal husbandry and such other occupations. SCHOOL PROFILE: Details of High Schools and High School students in MizoramTable 1: Number of High Schools by Mangagement Sl. NoDEOGovernment DeficitAdhoc AidedLumpsum AidedRMSAPrivate UnaidedTotal Central State 1. Aizawl166535588200 2. Champhai13027111171 3. Kolasib1131931230 4. Lawngtlai1175311945 5. Lunglei2341231012899 6. Mamit1151042335 7. Saiha9193830 8. Serchhip1151112533 TOTAL81999129315162543Ex-613/2013 3 Table 2: Number of High School Students by Management: Sl. NoDEOGovernment DeficitAdhoc AidedLumpsum AidedRMSAPrivate UnaidedTotal Central State 1. Aizawl2859915278736835071136028537 2. Champhai572148129272355424146 3. Kolasib5192233989112835952461 4. Lawngtlai4399937113812812832 5. Lunglei7420611749883732012544944 6. Mamit42856436154631161667 7. Saiha5821263041605541726 8. Serchhip931302178509822462428 TOTAL64518803 3604847416141531544848741NEED AND SCOPE OF THE SURVEY: Skilled manpower requirement through Vocational courses are to be met for its rapid development and national reconstruction. Though vocationalisation in education was given emphasis by the State government since the inception of the scheme in the State in 1989, this system has not yet been ideally implemented well in Mizoram. Therefore, this modest survey, attempts to study the prospect, scope, interest of students on the basis of so called- Vocational Interest Record of classes IX & X students covering the whole state comprising eight districts. By and large, the existing situation of the implementation of Vocational Education in Mizoram has not found any considerable changes as yet. Rather this existing situation of the system of Vocational Education seems to be unsatisfactorily in solving unemployment problem which is still increasing in the state. Since there is still a shortage of technically trained manpower for the growth and development of the state and in order to control the oncoming unemployment problem, it is essential to implement appropriate vocational courses/ trades depending on the basis of survey on vocational interest of students in the context of Mizoram.Ex-613/2013 4 OBJEC TIVES OF THE SURVEY: Vocationalization has been observed and visualized as the most significant features at the +2 stage of education as reported by the Indian Education Commission and the subsequent National documents on this subject. This survey is conducted to realize the following objectives: 1. To study the interest of students with respect to their vocational aspiration. 2. To find out the level of their interest in various vocational fields. 3. To find out employment potential available in the state. 4. To find out skill requirement in different economic sectors. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY A small survey team consisting of 6 (six) members were formed to carry out the entire exercise. The framework of the survey consists of collecting vocational Interest of students from seven (7) district and lists of different categories of establishment in the state has been collected. A three day training course for selected 25 High School Headmasters to cover all 8 districts of Mizoram on “District vocational survey in line with NVEQF” was conducted. A total of 21 High School Headmasters from different districts except Mamit district attended the sa id training programme. Aizawl DistrictLunglei District1. Govt. Ch.Chhunga H/S1.Govt. Liantawna H/S 2. Govt. KVM H/S2.Govt. Leitlangpui H/S 3. Govt. Zemabawk H/S3.Govt. Bazaar H/S 4. Govt. KM H/SChamphaiDistrict5. Govt. Mamawii H/S1.Govt. Champhai H/S 6. Govt. Bungkawn H/S2.Govt. Khawzawl H/S 7. Govt. Central H/SKolasib District8. Govt. Chawnpui H/S1.Govt. Diakkawn H/S 9. Govt. Republic H/S2.Hmar veng H/S Serchhip DistrictSaiha District1.Govt. JM H/S 1.Govt. Siaha H/S2.Govt. PCR H/S Lawngtlai District1. Govt. Southern H/S Ex-613/2013 5 In this training, the Headmasters were given awareness on National Vocational and Educational Qualification Framework (NVEQF) its aim, objective and salient features. In this connection, they were trained to conduct students vocational interest among the students of class IX and X in their respective schools. The schools Headmasters were provided with survey form as per the total enrolment of class IX & X students in their respective schools. The survey forms contained different vocational areas with vocational trades in which students are expected to mark their vocational choice from each area. The completed survey forms were then collected at the SCERT office. Tabulation and analysis of the survey forms was then carried out. In order to find out employment potentials available in the state in different economic sectors, different categories of establishment in Aizawl district has been collected as given below: 1. Industrial Establishments 2. Medical and Para medical Establishments 3. Units under Business and Commerce 4. Units under Home Science Sector 5. Agriculture Sector A. SAMPLING: Population:The present study aiming to find out and understand vocational interest of students studying in class IX and X covers the whole state of Mizoram. Sampling:Simple Random sampling is used for the selection of the sample schools. i.e Schools were randomly selected to have a proportionate sample to represent the districts and the selected schools were called for the training. However, only those schools who participated in the training were taken as sample schools. The participating schools conducted the survey in their respective schools. Out of 1600 respondents, incomplete data were deducted and the final sample consisted of 1461 number of students. B. TOOLS & TECHNIQUES: Vocational Interest Record constructed by the survey team was used for the present study. The record contains vocational subjects and activities of different faculties and are distributed in six(6) vocational fields such as Engineering andEx-613/2013 6 Technology, Health and Para Medical, Agriculture, Humanities and Arts, Home science, Business and Commerce. Details of each field are highlighted in the Annexure. C. ANALYSIS OF DATA AND THEIR INTERPRETATIONS: The data collected from the sample population of 1461 students of Classes IX and X of seven (7) district of Mizoram was tabulated in a workshop mode. The choices made by each student were tabulated and recorded against the respective vocational area. Total score were tabulated separately for the district and the final score (for all the districts) were added. Average scores were calculated and converted into a stenine grade of I to IX where I is low; II-III is below average; IV-VI is average; VII-VIII is above average and IX is high. D. MAJOR FINDINGS 1. Vocational Interest areas of students from 7 district of Mizoram: The sample consisted of 1461 students of class-IX and class- X from 7 district of Mizoram. Vocational Interest offered by them in response to the questionnaires were tabulated (in percentage) in Table 1 below- TABLE-1:VOCATIONAL INTEREST AREAS OF STUDENTS IN MIZORAM Sl.NoDistrictEngineering & TechnologyHealth& ParamedicalAgricultureHumanities & ArtsHome ScienceBusiness& Commerce 1.Aizawl6408251147721048559514988 Average/ Profile8/IV2/I6/IV14/VII8/VI7/IV 2.Champhai6251913481235544430 Average/ Profile4/II1/I2/II7/V3/III2/II 3.Lunglei31788182505207171 Average/ Profile4/II1/I2/II7/V3/III3/III 4.Kolasib8362937107691433727 Average/ Profile3/II1/I3/II3/II6/IV3/III 5.Serchhip435160492592514394 Average/ Profile4/II1/I4/III5/IV5/IV4/III 6.Saiha1163512913212483 Average/ Profile2/II1/I4/III3/II3/II2/II 7.Lawngtlai 65741534251 Average/ Profile 2/II1/I1/I2/I1/I2/II Total 8802328566741377188156844 To t a l A v. 625965 Profile IVIIVVIIIIVFrom table 1 above, the following information have been drawn out:Ex-613/2013 Overall Performance: Among the vocational fields, the highest score lies in the Humanities and Arts which consist of Interior Design, Library and Information Science, Photography, Tourism & Travel Techniques, Classical Dance, Instrumental Music-table, Commercial Art and Hindustani Vocal Music. The raw score for this is 13771 and the average score being 9 which is stenine grade V. The lowest scores have been observed in Health and Paramedical whose average score is only 2 which is stenine grade I. The vocational interest of students may be presented in the following table- Table No 2. Abstract of Students Interest Score and their stenine. Sl. No.Vocational Interest AreasRaw Score Average Score Stenine Grade 1. Humanities and Arts137719V 2.Engineering and Technology88026IV Business and Commerce 68445IV Agriculture 66745IV 3. Home Science 88156III 4. Health and Paramedical3285 2I2.Employment potential under different economic sector In order to find out the employment potential available in the state, present status of different economic sectors within the state was examined. INDUSTRIAL SECTOR: The state covered in the survey may be regarded as “No Industry State” as only less than 2 percent of the total work forces in the State are engaged in household industries. By and large, almost all units are registered as small-scale industries (SSI). Such activities- carpentry, vehicle repairs, handloom weaving, printing press, metal works etc are only major non- farming activities whereas the state is having its own industrial policy, outlining several incentives and even subsidized the local entrepreneurs. Promotional schemes like entrepreneurial development programme, raw material depot, industrial growth estate/growth centre etc. have been evolved under the perusal of the State Government. The existing industrial units drawn from this sample unquestioningly have a small size of employment.Ex-613/2013 7 8Existing industrial units:Besides a few units under medium scale units, there are 32 categories of small-scale industrial (SSI) units permanently registered under the state government. Ason 2011, there were 6256 SST units in Mizoram.Table 3: District-wise Numbers of Permanently Registered SSI units as on 2011DistrictCodeName of the DistrictCumulative number of SSI units grantedpermanent registration01Mamit7502Kolasib15503Aizawl569104Champhai17305Serchhip21406Lunglei88107Lawngtlai18908Saiha353TOTAL7731Source: Directorate of Industries, Government of MizoramTable 3.1: Number of Permanently Registered SSI units in Mizoram 2011Sl.NoNICParticularsCumulative No. of SSI units grantedpermanent registration up to 20111.20Food Products7212.21Nil-3.22Beverages, Tobacco&Tobacco Products494.23Cotton Textile-5.24Wool, Silk, Synthetic Fibre Textiles3656.25Jute, Hemp&Mestas Textiles-7.26Hosiery&Gar ment5528.27Wood Products10159.28Paper Products&Printing47610.29Leather products3011.30Rubber&Plastic products15312.31Chemical&Chemical Products3413.32Non-Metallic Mineral Products8514.33Basic Metal Industries-15.34Metal Products121116.35Machinery&Parts Except Electrical117.36Electrical Machinery&Apparatus318.37Transport Equipments&Parts-19.38Misc. Manufacturing Industries98720.42Water works&supply4Ex-613/2013 921.50Construction7922.51Activities allied to Construction14023.69Restaurants&Hotels1724.74Sto rage&Ware House125.82Real Estate&Business Services-26.92Education, Scientific&Research Services3027.93Medical&Health Services2428.95Recreation&Cultural Services-29.96Personal services74830.97Repair Services91231.99Services Not Elsewhere classified5032.100Others44TOTAL7731Source: Directorate of Industries, Government of MizoramAccording to the level of investment and size of employment, industrial units areclassified into large, medium and small-scale units. Mizoram has, so far, no unitunder large-scale while there are only a few units under medium-scale. Most unitsare under the category of small industrial units. Aizawl district has the largestnumber of SSI units registered among the districts (table 3). As given in table 3.1,the major SSI units are food products, hosiery & garment, wood product, metalproduct etc.Business and CommerceSector:Business and Commerce sector covers a wide range of activities. It includes tradesin merchandise goods, insurance, banking, financial services, transport,warehousing, advertisement and tourism. Following economic reforms in thecountry and increased integration of global economy, commerce and businesssector is rapidly expanding and diversifying over the last fifteen years or so. Theirimpacts are beginning to be felt in a very remote state like Mizoram in recentyears.In the fields of banking and financial sectors, Aizawl district is well developedcompared to other districts. In the insurance sector, both public and private sectorinsurance companies are doing business side by side in the state. Public sectorinsurance companies in the state are Life Insurance Corporation of India, NewIndia Assurance Company, Oriental Insurance Company, and National InsuranceCompany etc. The state government has already outsourced its medicalreimbursement facilities to private insurance companies. With private playersintensifying the level of competition between private and public and the publicEx-613/2013 10sector companies diversifying themselves into different activities, employmentopportunities under insurance sector is expanding.Banking facilities are also reasonably well developed in the district. State Bank ofIndia has 31 branches. Nationalised bank and private company banks are comingup in Aizawl town. There are two co-operative sector banks - the Mizoram Co-operative Bank (APEX Bank) and the Mizoram Urban Co-operative Bank (MUCObank). Mizoram Rural Bank (MRB) has 62 branches.To get a brief profile of commerce and banking sector, the following organisationshave been selected (table 4):Table 4: Profile of units under business and commerceSI. NoName of unitsNumbersSectorScope of themarket1.State Bank of India31 All India 2.Other Nationalised Banks13 All India 3.Co-operative Banks12PublicState level4.Rural Banks62PublicState levelHome Science Sector:To get information on the occupational needs under Home Science Sector, oneunit each from the following activities has been selected: 1) Bakery, 2) Foodpreservation and processing, 3) Textile designing, 4) Pre-school and crèchemanagement, 5) Health and Beauty-culture, 6) Handicraft, (7) Catering andrestaurant management. The particulars of these units are given in table 5.Table 5: Particulars of selected units under Home Science SectorSI.NoName of unitsLocationSectorActivitiesScope ofthe market1.Mizoram Food & AlliedIndustry Ltd (MIFCO)UrbanPublicFood reservation andProcessingState level2.Shahnaz HerbalUrbanPrivateHealth and BeauticultureState level3.Basilica RestaurantUrbanPrivateCatering and restaurantManagementLocal market4.Tender Care Pre-schoolUrbanPrivatePre-school and Creche-ManagementLocal market5.P. Food ProductsUrbanPrivateConfectioneryLocal marketEx-613/2013 Public Public 116.Mizoram HandicraftsDevelopment CorporationLtd. (ZOHANCO)UrbanPublicHandicraftsAll India7.Youngmen's TailoringUrbanPrivateGarment designing and MakingState level8.Zote Bakery & ConfectioneryBakeryUrbanPrivateBakery & confectioneryAgriculture & Allied ActivitiesAgriculture and other allied activities dominate Mizoram economy. In terms ofemployment, agriculture and allied activities is the single most important sector ofthe economy. Workers depended on agriculture sector constitute approximately 61percent of the total workforce of the state, contributing 25.52 percent of the NetState Domestic Product (NSDO). The activities included under agriculture sectorare the following:(i) Growing of field crops, fruits and flowers, nuts, seeds and vegetables;(ii) Plantations;(iii) Foreyard and backyard cultivation;(iv) Breeding and rearing of animals and poultry including veterinary services;(v) Production of milk;(vi) Slaughtering, preparation and dressing of meat;(vii) Production of eggs, raw hide and skin, honey, silk worm and cocoon.The state government has established some institutions to manage the systematicdevelopment of agriculture sector in the state. These include AgricultureDepartment, Horticulture Department, Sericulture Department, Soil & WaterConservation Department and Co-operation Department. These departments havetheir own network at the district, sub-divisional and to some extent at the villagelevel.Production activities under the sector are, presently highly unorganised. Shiftingcultivation is followed for the production of field crops, vegetables etc. ThoughMizos are traditionally meat eaters and they have long tradition of animal rearinglike pigs and poultry, production activities around them are till today veryunscientific and unorganised.Ex-613/2013 12In the absence of science and technology inputs in the sectors, productivity inagriculture and allied activities are desperately very low, forcing the state toimport huge amount of food grain and other essential items from other states.Commercial production of crops has recently started mainly after the introduction ofthe Horticulture Technology mission in 2002.Livestock Resources:The important livestock in Mizo society include pigs, cattle and poultry. Today,many people derive their income from livestock resources. The livestockpopulation including poultry in Aizawl district is given in table 7. During 2011, porkproduction, which is one of the most favourite dishes of Mizo, amounted to 4545quintals. Since local production of pig does not cover local demand, the state hasbeen importing a large number of live pigs from Myanmar. Even beef is importedfrom Myanmar and other states in India. Beef production within Aizawl districtwas 3269 quintals in 2010-11. Poultry has become an important source oflivelihood for a large number of people who live in urban areas.Table 7: Livestock Population(2011)Source:Aizawl District ataGlance, 2011,District Research Officer, Department of Economics&Statistics, Aizawl District.The state is also a heavy importer of fish. The total inland fish production inMizoram amounted to 48900 Qtls in 2010-11. The number of fish pond is 9690.Name of livestock In numbers Pigs 267361 Cattle 34897 Goat 15710 Buffaloes 5832Mithun1939Poultry 1238048 Ex-613/2013 13Health SectorMizoram has 11 government hospitals and 13 private hospitals. There are 12Community Health Centres, 57 Primary Health Centres, 370 Sub-Centres spreadacross towns and villages in Mizoram. The numbers of sample drawn fromdifferent activities in the health sector are:Table 8: Hospitals under Health sectors Sl. No. Name of Hospitals Govt. Hospitals 1.Civil Hospitals8 2.T.B. Hospital1 3.P.P. Unit1 4.Referral Hospital1 PVT. Hospitals 1.Presbyterian Hospital1 2.Adventist Hospital1 3.Serkawn Christian Hosp1 4.Greenwood Hospital1 5.Aizawl Hospital1 6.New life Hospital1 7.Grace Nursing Home1 8.Vaivenga Hospital1 9.Nazareth Hospital2 10.Alpha Hospital1 11.Lairam Christian Md Hosp 1 12.Christian Hosp Lawngtlai12.1. FINDINGS ON EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL UNDER DIFFERENT ECONOMIC SECTOR (i) Employment potential under Industrial sector:Ex-613/2013 14Officially, Mizoram is regarded as “No Industry State”. All the 8 districts in the state including Aizawl are industrially backward and are classified ‘zero’ industry distric ts. As on 2011, there are 8282 units permanently registered under Small Scale Industry (SSI). Major non-farm activities are petty shops, carpentry, vehicle repairs, handloom weaving, printing press, steel fabrication works etc which are not well organised. Employment potential is also quite limited in these units. (ii) Agriculture and allied sector:At the state level, agriculture and allied activities dominate the economy. Workers depending on agriculture sector constitute approximately 61 percent of the total workforce of the state. Production activities under the sector are highly unorganised. Production of field crops, vegetables are done with shifting cultivation. In the absence of science and technology inputs in the sector, productivity in agriculture and allied activities are desperately low, forcing the state to import huge amount of food grains and other essential items from other states. Commercial production of crops has stated recently mainly after the introduction of the Horticulture Technology mission in 2002.The soil and topography of Mizoram is favourable for growing variety of fruits, vegetables, spices, medicinal plants and exotic flowers. Therefore, if well organised and with scientific inputs, agriculture and allied sector still have potential for development. Though the Mizos have long tradition of animal rearing like pigs and poultry, production activities around them are till today very unscientific and unorganised. Animal husbandry plays a major role in the economy of the State.Among livestock, majority of the production comes from cattle, pig and poultry. The State has potential for development of fisheries and becoming a major source of livelihoodThe Mizoram Multi-Co-operative Limited (MULCO LTD) formed by 132 primary co- operative societies has been doing quite well. The MULCO could not procure all the fresh milk products of its members. It can send out surplus milk to neighbouring states.(iii) Engineering and Technology sector:Infrastructure is mainly concentrated in Aizawl district. Business houses, institutions,Industries, offices in Aizawl and other districts will improve potential growth of ITand ITEs related industry.Ex-613/2013 15A number of Automobile dealers have sprung up in the capital-Aizawl. The increaseof motor-vehicles (big and small) in the state has projected the need for repairworks. Workforce is generated mainly from outside the state and a lot of vehiclesare also sent to Assam for repairs. Therefore, there is scope for employment in theautomobile sectors.Construction of building activities as well as large scale construction such as hydropower plant, sports infrastructure, roads and construction at the oil and gas fieldsare going on in various parts of Mizoram. These activities require many skilledhuman resources. Most construction workers are imported from other states.(iv) Business and Commerce sector:This sector covers trades in merchandise goods, insurance, banking, financial services, warehousing, transport, Co-operative etc. Economic reforms in the country and increased integration with global economy, commerce and business sector is rapidly expanding even in a remote state like Mizoram in recent years. Employment potential in the intermediate level may be in demand. (v) Home science sector and humanities/ Arts:Sample units were randomly selected from each of the following: Food preservation and processing, Bakery, Textile designing, Pre-school and crèche management, Health and Beauty-culture, Handicraft, Catering and restaurant management. There seems to be probable markets for handicrafts and handlooms. If well organized employment potential will open in these fields. Special focus has recently been placed on bamboo based products, though no big industry has come up in the sector yet. There is small scale units engaged in manufacturing ofAgarbatti sticks, fibre-board, bamboo mat-ply, toothpicks, bamboo chips, chopsticks, furnitures, handicrafts etc. In 2002, the Govt. also set up Bamboo Development Agency (BDA) for the development of the bamboo sector. Employment is bound to be generated in this area. The notable handloom industry mainly located in Aizawl and Thenzawl manufactures shawls, puan (traditional attire), bags, ties, stoles etc. They are marketed locally as well as in the neighbouring states. The number of handloom units is 172. Market potential is good as such there is ample room for employment.Ex-613/2013 16 Tourism development and hospitality related industry also has potential in Mizoram. The state’s rich potential in ecotourism is yet to be explored; The Tourism Department of Mizoram is preparing new tourism policy to provide thrust to tourism in the state. However, the state and Mizo community still needs to go a long way to make the state a friendly tourist destination. The state still lacks tourism infrastructure such as Hotels, scenic spots, amusement parks, entertainment units and health farms, facilities for cultural, adventure and wildlife, infrastructure for adventure sports. (vi) Health and Para-medical: Mizoram has 11 government hospitals and 13 private hospitals. There are 12 Community Health Centres, 57 Primary Health Centres, 370 Sub-Centres spread across towns and villages in Mizoram. Recently a number of private hospitals, Nursing Homes, Dental clinics and ophthalmic clinics have come up mainly in Aizawl district. As such, employment demands have grown in all areas of the health and Para-medical fields. 3. SKILLS REQUIREMENT UNDER VARIOUS ECONOMIC SECTORS A number of institutions/industries/firms within Aizawl district have been interviewed to find out skill requirement under various sectors. Interview schedule for assessing skill requirement under various vocational sectors was prepared by the survey team. The schedule includes- Establishment profile, employees profile, skills and qualification needed. Industries/ Institutions interviewed are from the following sectors. Sl. No. SectorNumber of firms 1. Banks5 2. IT related industries4 3. Automobile3 4. Nursing homes2 5. Hotels and catering services4 6. Bakery and confectionery2 7. Food processing6 8. Garment designing and making3 9. Piggery4 10. Poultry2 11. Dairying and milk production2Ex-613/2013 17 12. Handlooms3 13. Handicrafts3 14. Horticulture, Floriculture2 15. Construction2From the interview schedule analyzed skill requirement from various economic sectors are highlighted below-SectorsSkills required IT/ITESxComputer commercial applications xData entry operators xHardware Mechanics xIT entrepreneur xIT system specialists AutomobilexAutomobile engineering, Knowledge of various electrical and mechanical components of vehicles. xWorkshop technology xDiagnostic abilities xAuto servicing and garage management xAwareness of new technology in motor repair xSoft Skills ConstructionsxPlumbers, Fitters, Turners, Welders xQuality and Process Executives xSupervisors xMasonry xMachine Experts PoultryxPoultry production and breeding xPoultry housing and management xPoultry extension, marketing, economics xPoultry nutrition and physiology xPoultry products technology xPoultry diseases and control DairyingxDairy production and quality of milk xDairy engineering xMilk processing xDairy products xDairy management PiggeryxPiggery production and breeding xPiggery housing and management xPiggery extension, marketing, economics xPiggery nutrition and physiologyEx-613/2013 18 xPiggery products technology xPiggery diseases and control Horticulture /floriculturexAwareness of latest farming techniques xVegetables, fruits, flowers production and system of growing xCommercial cultivation of major fruits/veg/flowers xSetting up of focused co-operatives in area like oranges and flowers like anthuriums and roses. xFloriculture and landscaping, flower arrangements and exhibitions xExport potential of horticulture crops such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, medicinal and aromatic plants xBuilding market linkage BankingxElements of banking and book keeping xDeposit accounts xHouse keeping in banks xForeign exchanges xAncillary services xComputer applications Tourism and hospitalityTourism techniques xTechnical skills like housekeeping, front office management, xDifferent cuisine xSoft skills like communicating skills, client relationship, time management etc xCulinary skills xLanguage and soft skills training xUnderstanding of cultural differences xHotel management xEntrepreneurship xTourism package development planning. Handicrafts Production (bamboo products/ handlooms )etcHandicraftsMaking different crafts using bamboo cane and woodKnowledge of intricate work and complex design xDevelopment of new tools and designs xMarketing strategy xProviding finishing to the products HandloomxBasics skills like spinning, weaving, colouring and dyeing xDenting and drafting xKnowledge of new technology xBuilding market linkage xSpecialised skills like designing patterns, colours and designs. xMaster weaver, Designer Bamboo productsxCutting, drying and bundling of bamboo sticks xAgarbatti paste making (Jakitpowder is mixed with charcoal andEx-613/2013 19 water to make thick paste) xRolling of paste on bamboo sticks and drying xScenting and packaging xBamboo chipping units xBamboo diversified products like bamboo mat, bamboo ply, scantling etc. Food Preservations and ProcessingAFood preservation techniquesFood microbiology and quality assurance xFood processing xManagement of food processing plant xFood packaging xBuilding market linkage xCold storage and warehousing B xGrape cultivation of the wine variety grape. xWine brewing xPackaging and marketing of wine Building market linkageHospital andNursing CareHealth care xClinical pathology and clinical biochemistry xPara medicals, Nursing xHospitals and clinics organization xLaboratory management and EthicsE. LIMITATIONS OF SURVEY: In this survey, fervent efforts have been made to cover all corner of the state of Mizoram in selecting student’s population. As such, the present survey covers almost every part of the state. The State of Mizoram consists of 8 (eight)district- among these eight districts, only one district namely Mamit district did not attend the survey training programme, all other 7 district responded and thereby participated in the survey. However, it is not possible to claim that the present survey is a complete and final survey due to the following short comings and limitations.1. The time and financial resources at the disposal for the investigating team was limited in which practical difficulties have been felt and faced unavoidably. Such being the case, participating schools from each district is limited. The survey on employment potential and skill requirement of the state was carried out only in Aizawl district. 2.It is very difficult to check the reliability of the statements made by the individual student who reports his/her interests.Ex-613/2013 3.Interests of class IX&Xstudents may not be reliable as aptitude tests is not administered due to limited time, which is essential for indicating vocational as well as educational interest altogether. F. IMPLICATION OF THE SURVEY & RECOMMENDATIONIn critical view and analysis and thorough examination of all collected data, the surveydid not provide any clear indication on vocational prospects of the state and therebyrevealed that there are many weaknesses and short comings of the survey.However, based on state government’s recent initiatives in the field of agriculture,information & communication technology, Health etc the following vocational coursesmay be introduced.ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SECTOR1. Information & communication technology (ICT) and2. Automobile Engineering Technology3. Civil Construction Works.AGRICULTURE SECTOR1. Poultry2. Dairying3. Piggery4. Horticulture/FloricultureBUSINESS AND COMMERCE1.BankingHUMANITIES/ARTS AND HOME SCIENCE SECTOR1. Tourism and hospitality2. Handicrafts Production (bamboo products/handlooms etc)3. Food Preservations and Processing,HEALTH AND PARA-MEDICAL1. Hospital and Nursing Care Ex-613/2013 20

“Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013”

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 642Date - 20/12/2013

N O T I F I C A T I O NNo. H. 20013/04/13-JERC, Dated 13th December, 2013.In exercise of the power conferred by Section 50 and clause (x) of Sub-section (2) of Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’) and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, and in supersess ion of Notifica tion No. H.11019/7/08-JERC dated, Aizawl the 25th June, 2010 published on 2nd July, 2010 and 16th July, 2010 in t he Mizoram Extr aordina ry Gazette issue no. 224 and the Manipur Extraordinary Ga zette issue no. 203 resp ectively; the Joint Electricity Regula tory Commission for Ma nipur a nd Mizor am hereby makes the Electricity Supply Code Regulations, namely :- 1.SHORT TITLE, SCOPE EXTENT AND COMMENCEMENT 1.1This Code shall be called the “Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricit y Supply Code) Regula tions, 2013” (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Code’). 1.2This Code details the obligations of the licensee and consumers vis-à-vis each other a nd specifies the set of practices that shall be adopted by the licensee to provide efficient, cost-effective and consumer friendly service to the consumers. It specifica lly details the following: (1)The procedure for connection, disconnection, reconnection, assessment of load, cha nges in existing connections (load modifica tions, change of na me, change of ta riff category, etc.); and (2)Practices r elating to consumer metering, billing and payment of bills. 1.3All the for ms and formats annexed to the Code are fou nd to be suita ble for formal use. The licensee may, however, make suitable amendments in the for ms / formats a fter seeking pr ior approval of the Commission and such amended forms / for mats would be posted on the website of the respective licensees for use by consumers.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 20.12.2013 Agrahayana 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No.642 1.4This Code shall be applicable to: (1)all Distribution and Retail Supply licensees including Deemed licensees and all consumers in the States of MANIPUR a nd MIZORAM and shall apply in relation to a ll matters falling within the jurisdiction of the Commission; (2)all other persons who are exempted under Section 13 of the Act; and (3)unauthorized supply, unauthorized use, diversion and other means of unauthorized use/ abstraction of electricity. 1.5This Code shall come into force on the date of its publication in the official Extr aordina ry Gazettes of Manipur a nd Mizoram. 2.DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS 2.1Words, terms and expressions defined in the Electricity Act, 2003, as amended from time to time and used in this Code shall have and car ry the same meaning as defined and a ssigned in the said Act. Expressions used herein but not specifically defined in the Act but defined under any law passed by a competent legislatur e and applicable to the elect ricity industr y in the state shall have the meaning assigned to them in such law. Subject to the above, expressions used her ein but not specifically defined in these Act or any law pa ssed by a competent legislature shall have the meaning as is genera lly assigned in the electricity industry. 2.2In the interpretation of this code, unless the context otherwise requires: (1)Words in the singular or plural term, as the case may be, shall also be deemed to include the plural or the singular term, r espectively; (2)References to any statutes, regulations or guidelines shall be construed as including all statutor y provisions consolida ting, amending or repla cing such statutes, regulations or guidelines, as the case ma y be, r eferred to; (3)Terms “include” or “including” shall be deemed to be followed by “without limitation” or “but not limited to” regar dless of whether such terms a re followed by such phra ses or words of like import. 2.3In this Code, unless it is repugnant to the cont ext: (1)“Act” means the Electricity Act , 2003 and subsequent amendments thereof; (2)“agreement” means an agreement entered into by the Distribution licensee and the consumer; (3)“Appellate Authority” means the author ity prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 127 of the Act; Ex-642/20132 (4)“applicant” means an owner or occupier of any land/premises who files an application form with a licensee for supply of electricity, increase or reduction in sanctioned load/contra ct dema nd, cha nge in title, disconnection or restoration of supply, or termina tion of a greement, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Code, rules and regulations ma de ther eunder or other services; (5)“application” means an application form complete in all respects in the appropriate format, as required by the Distr ibution licensee, along with documents showing payment of necessar y charges and other compliances; (6)“application form” means an a pplication for m complete in all respects in the appropr iate format, as r equired by the Distribution licensee, before any payment of applica ble charges; (7)“area of supply” means the area within which a licensee is authorised by his License to supply electricity; (8)“Assessing Officer” means an officer designated as Assessing Officer by the State Government of MANIP UR / MIZORAM under provisions of Section 126 of the Act; (9)“Authorised Officer” means an officer designated as Authorised Officer by the Commission or the State Government, as the case may be, under provisions of Section 135 of the Act; (10)“authorised representative”of any person/entity means all officers, staff, repr esentatives or persons discharging functions under the gener al or specific authorit y of the concerned person/entity; (11)“billing cycle or billing period” The nominal period between two consecutive meter reading dates. It may be monthly or any other period as may be adopted by the Distribution Licensee as p er the t ariff or der. (12)“Billing demand”means the highest of the following:- (i) the contract dema nd, or (ii) the maximum demand indicated by the meter during the billing cycle, or (iii) the sanctioned loa d wherever contr act dema nd has not been provided in the supply agreement. (13)“calendar y ear” means the period from the first day of Janua ry of a year to the t hirty first da y of December, of the same year; (14)“check meter” mea ns a met er connec t ed t o t he s a me c or e of t he C u r r ent Tr a ns fo r mer (CT) and Voltage Tr ansformer (VT) to which main meter is connected;Ex-642/2013 3 (15)“Class-I cities” ar e as defined in the latest Census of India (ar eas with popula tion of more than 1 lakh); (16)“Commission” means the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram constituted under the Act; (17)“conductor” means any wire, cable, bar, tube, rail or plate used for conducting electrical energy and so arranged as to be electrica lly connected to a system; (18)“connected load” means a ggregate of the manufacturer ’s rated capacities of all energy consuming devices or appa ratus connected with the Distribution licensee’s service line in the consumer ’s premises which can be simult aneously used and sha ll be determined as per the procedure laid down in this Code; This sha ll be expressed in kW or kVA. If rating is in kVA, the same may be converted to kW by multiplying t he kVA with a Power Factor of 0.85. If the same or any other Apparatus is rated by the ma nufactur er in HP, the HP r a ting s ha ll be converted to kWby multiplying it by 0.746. (19)“connection po int” means a point at which the consumer ’s installation and/or appar atus are connected to distribution licensee’s distribution system; (20)“consumer” means any person who is s upplied with electricity for his/her own use by a licensee or the Government or by any other person engaged in the business of supplying electricity to the public under this Act or any other la w for the time being in force and includes any person whose premises are for the time being connected for the purpose of receiving electricity with the wor ks of a licensee, the Government or such other person, as the case may be. A consumer is specified as a: (i)‘Low Tension Consumer (LT Consumer)’ if he obtains supply fr om the licensee at low or medium volt age; (ii)‘High Tension Consumer (HT Consumer)’ if he obtains supply from the licensee at High Volt age; (iii)‘Extra High Tension Consumer (EHT Consumer)’ if he obta ins supply from the licensee at Extra High Voltage; (21)“consumer installation” or “consumer’s installation” means any composite portable or stationa ry electrical u nit including electric wires, fittings, motors and appara tus erected and wired by or on behalf of the consumer at the consumer ’s premises starting from the point of supply; a nd inclu des apparatus that is availa ble on his pr emises for being connected or envisaged to be connected to the installation but is for the time being not connected; Ex-642/20134 (22) “contract demand” means the maximum kW or kVA agreed to be supplied by the Licens ee and indica ted in the Agreement executed between the pa rties. Wherever the Agreement stipula tes supply in kVA, the quantum in terms of kW may be obtained by multiplying by the Power Factor of 0.85. (23)“contracted load” means the load in kW (kilo Watt) or kVA (kilo Volt Ampere), agreed to be supplied by the licensee and indicated in the agreement executed between the licensee and the consumer; (24)“cut-out” means a ny appliance or device for automatically int errupting the conduction of electricit y through any conductor when the current rises a bove a pre-determined quantum and shall also include fusible devices; (25)“date of commencement of supply” is the date when the licensee energizes the consumer installation by connecting to the Distribution ma ins; (26)“demand charge” means a mount chargeable for the billing cycle/billing per iod ba sed upon contra ct/billing demand in kVA. (27)“disconnection” means the physica l separa tion of user or consumer from the system; (28)“distribution mains” means the portion of any main with which a service line is, or is intended to be, immediately connected; (29)“distribution system” means the system of wires and associated facilities between the delivery point s on the tr ansmission lines or the genera ting station terminal and the point of connection to the insta llation of the consumers; Explanation: Any system cons isting mainly of overhead lines, undergr ound cables, service lines, electrical plant, control switchgear and meters having design voltage of 33 kV and below and shall also include any other system of higher voltage as the Commission ma y specifically recognise. The Distribution System sha ll not include a ny pa rt of the Transmission System except the terminal equipment (metering system, CT and PT) connected at consumer end and used for the supply of electricity to extra high voltage (66 kV and above) consumers (30)“earthed” means connected with the gener al mass of earth in such manner as t o ensur e at all times a n immediate discharge of energy without danger; (31)“electric line” means any line which is used for carrying electricity for any purpose and includes:Ex-642/2013 5 (i)any support for any such line, tha t is to say, a ny structure, tower, pole or other thing in, on, by or from which any such line is, or may be, supported, carried or suspended; and (ii)any apparatus connected to any such line for the purpose of carrying electricity; (32)“emergency rostering” means loa d shedding carr ied out by disconnecting at short notice or no notice for safety of personnel and equipment; (33)“energy charge” refers to a charge levied on the consumer based on the quantity of electricity (units in kWh or kVAh as per tariff) supplied; (34)“Extra High Voltage (EHV)” or “Extra High Tension (E HT)” means the voltage which exceeds 33000 Volt s under normal condition, subject to the percentage variation allowed by t he Centr al Electricity Authority (CEA) from time to t ime; (35)“financial year” means the period beginning from first of Apr il in a n English calendar year and ending with the thirty first of the March of the next year; (36)“feeder” means a LT, HT or EHT distributor, emanating from a sub-station, to which a distribution sub-station or LT, HT or EHT consumers are connected; (37)“fixed charges” means the amount chargea ble for the billing cycle/billing period based upon sanctioned load/cont racted load in kW. (38)“High Voltage (HV)” or “High Tension (HT)” means the voltage higher than 440 Volts, but which does not exceed 33000 Volts under nor mal condition, subject to the percentage variation a llowed by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) from time to t ime; (39)“independent feeder” means a feeder constructed at the cost of a consumer or a group of cons umers a nd supplying electricity to only tha t consumer or group of consumers; (40)“inter connection” shall have the sa me meaning as “connection point ” as defined in sub clause 2.3(18); (41)“licence” means a licence granted under Section 14 of the Act; (42)“Licensed Electrical Contractor (LEC)” mea ns a con t r a ct or l icens ed u nder r egu l a t ion 29 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to S afety a nd Elect ric Supply) Regulations, 2010; (43)“licensee” or “distribution licensee” means a person granted a license under Section 14 of the Act authorising him to operate a nd maint ain a distribution system for supplying electricity to the consumers in his area of supply; Ex-642/20136 (44)“load factor” is the ratio of the total number of units consumed during a given period to the tot al number of units which have been consumed had the contracted load been maintained throughout the same period a nd shall usually be expressed as the following p er cent a ge: Load factor in percentage =(Actual unit s consumed in a given period x 100)(Contracted load in kW x No. of hours in the period) (45)“Low Tension (LT)” means the voltage that does not exceed 250 Volt between phase and neut ral or 440 volt between any two phases, subject to the percentage variation allowed by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) from time to time; (46)“maximum demand” means the highest load measured in average kVA or kW at the point of supply of a consumer during any consecutive period of 30 (thirty) minutes during the billing period (or a specified b illing period).; (47)“meter” means a n equipment used for measuring, indicating and recording electr ical quantities like energy in kWh or kVAh, maximum demand in kW or kVA, reactive energy in kVAR hours etc. including accessories like Current Transformer (CT), Voltage Transformer (VT) / Potential Transformer (PT) / Capacitor Voltage Transformer (CVT) etc. , which are used in conjunction wit h such meter. It shall also include any seal or sealing arr angement and other measures provided by the licensee for securing reliability and also for preventing theft/unauthorised use of electricity; (48)“minimum charge” shall be as approved by the Commission in the prevailing tariff order for t he licensee; (49)“occupier” means the owner or person in occupation of t he premises where energy is used or proposed to be used; (50)“overhead line” means any electric supply-line, which is placed above ground and in the open air but excluding live rails of traction system; (51)“phased contract demand” means contract demand agreed to be availed in a phased manner; (52)“point of supply” means the point at the incoming terminals of switchgear installed by the consumer; (53)“power factor” is the cosine of the electrica l angle between the voltage a nd curr ent vectors in a n AC electrical circuit;Ex-642/2013 7 (54)“premises” means land, building or infrastr ucture or part or combination thereof in respect of which a separate meter or metering a rrangements have been made by the licensee for supply of electricity; (55)“rural areas” means the areas covered by Gram Panchaya ts/Village Council; (56)“sanctioned load” means the load in kW or kVA, which the licensee ha s agreed to supply from time to time subject to the governing terms and conditions in the absence of an Agreement between the Distr ibution licensee and the consumer; (57)“service line” means any electr ic supply line through which electricity is, or is intended to be, supplied: (i)to a single consumer either from a distr ibuting ma in or immediately from the Distribution licensee’s premises; or (ii)from a distr ibuting main to a group of consumers on the same pr emises or on cont iguous premises supplied from the same point of the distributing main; (58)“supplier” means any entity authorised to supply electricity to consumer under the provisions of the Act; (59)“tariff order” in r es p ect of a licens ee mea ns t he mos t r ecent or der is s u ed b y t he C ommis s ion for that licensee indicating the rates to be charged by the licensee from various categories of consumers for supply of electr ical energy and services; (60)“tariff schedule” means the most recent schedule of charges for supply of electricity and services issued by the licensee as per the provisions of the Tariff Order for tha t licensee; (61)“theft” shall mea n theft of electricit y as defined in Section 135 of the Act; (62)“transmission licensee” means a person who has been gr anted a license under Section 14 of the Act authorising him to establis h or operate transmission lines; (63)“transmission system” means the system consisting of extra high voltage electric lines being operated at EHV (excluding generator interconnection facilities) owned and/or operated by the Tra nsmission licensee for the purposes of the transmission of electricity from one power station to a sub-station or to another power station or between sub-stations or to or fr om any external interconnection equipment u p-to the interconnection with the distribution system and includes the pla nt and apparatus and meters owned or use by the transmission licensee in connection with the tra nsmission of electricity, but shall not include any part of any licensee’s distribution sys tem; Ex-642/20138 (64)“urban areas” means the areas covered by all Municipal Corporations and other Municipalities including the areas falling under the various Urban Development Authorities, Cantonment Authorities and industrial estates or townships, excluding the ar eas covered under Class-I Cities; (65)“user” means any person having electr ical interface with, or using the distribution system of the distr ibution licensee to whom this Code is applica ble. Explanation: Any distribution licensee, transmission licensee and generating units connected to the distribution system and the person ava iling Open Access in transmission or distribution system are also included in this term. 3.SYSTEM OF SUPPLY AND CLASSIFICATION OF CONSUMERS System of Supply 3.1(1)The licensee shall ensure that supply of power is mainta ined within the frequency band of 49.5–50.2Hz as specified in the Central Electricity Regulator y Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2010 or its a mendment from time to time. (2)At t he point of commencement of supply, except with the written consent of the cons umer or with the previous sanction of the Commission, a supplier shall not permit the voltage to vary from the decla red voltage mor e than stipulated below or the limit specified by Central Electricity Authority from time to t ime. (a)Plus(+)/Minus(-) 6% in respect of Low Tension, (b)Plus(+)/Minus(-) 9% in r espect of High Tension and (c)Plus(+)/Minus(-) 1 0% in respect of Extra high Tension. Provided the Licensee receives regula ted voltage from the transmission licensee. (3)The Licensee shall ensure that the volta ge unba lance does not exceed 3% at the point of commencement of supply. “Voltage unbalance” means the ra tio of the maximum voltage deviation of the phase voltage from the average phase voltage to the average phase voltage of the three phases. The voltage unbalance shall be measured at sub-sta tions provided with measuring instruments having accur acy cla ss within 1% limit.Ex-642/2013 9 Classification of Supply Voltage 3.2Supply shall genera lly be given at the following voltages on the basis of contracted load: Table 1: Classification of Supply Voltage CategorySystem of Supply Low Tension All installations with a contracted load up to 8 kWSingle phase at 230 V All installa tions with a contracted load above 8 kW and up to 50 kW3 Phase, 4 wire at 400 V High Tension Contr acted load exceeding 59 kVAand up to 2000 kVA3 Phase at 11 kV Contracted load exceeding 2000 kVA and up to 10000 kVA3 Phase at 33 kV Extra High Tension Contracted load exceeding 10000 kVA3 Phase at 110 kV/ 132 kV Assuming a power fa ctor of 0.85 However, pa st cases where 3 phase connections have been given for loa ds less tha n 8 kW, no changes are contemplated by these Regulations. Wherever three phase supply is required for loads below 8 KW, necessary justification shall be provided along with such request for considera tion of Licensee for extending su ch supply. 3.3Load for energy intensive consumers such as ar c/induct ion fur naces, rolling mills, re- rolling mills and mini steel plants shall be released only thr ough an independent feeder wherever feasible and all necessar y charges shall be paid by the consumer. Supply may be given at independent feeder in other cases at the request of the consumer if he is willing to bear all applica ble charges. 3.4Consumers a vailing supply at lower volta ge than above classification atclause 3.2 will be required to pay Low Voltage Supply Surcharge as a pproved by the Commission fr om time to time. Similarly consumers availing supply at volta ge higher than above classification a t clause 3.2 will get High Volt age Supply Rebate as approved by the Commission from time to time. 3.5The licensee may, depending upon t he technical conditions of the distribution system, give su pply at a voltage and phase other than the classification of supply in clause 3.2 of this Code, subject to the Commission’s appr oval. Load Balancing 3.6All 3-phase consumers taking three-phase supply shall balance their load in such a way that the difference in loading between each phase does not exceed 5% of the a verage loading between the phases. Class ification of Cons umers 3.7The licensee may classify and reclassify consumers into various tar iff categories from time to time as may be approved by the Commission and announce the different tariffs for different classes ofEx-642/201310 cons umers with the Commission’s a pproval. No additional category ot her than those approved by the Commission sha ll be crea ted by t he licensee. Charges for Supply 3.8Charges for supply of electricity shall be as per the tariff schedule approved by the Commission from time to time. The charges may include: (1)Charges for supply of energy (fixed / demand, energy charges etc.) as determined for the licensee by the Commission in the lates t tariff order for the licensee; (2)Statutory levies such as electricity duty, taxes or any other taxes/duties payable by the consumer as per law; (3)Wheeling charges and/or cr oss-subsidy sur charge and additiona l surcha rge, if a ny, as determined by the Commission; (4)Rental, if any, towards meters and other electric plant & equipment of the licensee, as a pproved by the Commission; (5)Miscellaneous charges such as penal charges for exceeding contract demand, late payment surcharge, and any other charges applicable as approved by the Commission from time to time. 3.9The licensee shall publish the tariff schedule on its website immediately after the Commission has approved it. The licensee shall also make ava ilable copies of the tariff schedule to consumers at a reasonable pr ice. 4.PROCEDURE FOR RELEASE OF NEW CONNECTION AND MODIFICATION IN EXISTING CONNECTION Licensee’s obligation to supply 4.1The licensee shall, on an application by the owner or occupier of any premises located in his area of supply, give supply of electricity to such pr emises within the time specified in this code, provided (1)the supply of power is technically feasible; (2)the applicant has observed the procedure specified in this Code; and (3)the applica nt agrees to b ear the cost of supply and services as specified in the Code. 4.2The system of supply and voltage shall depend on the category of the consumer and the loa d as per details given in clauses 3.1 a nd 3.2 of this Code, subject to clause 3.5 of this Code.In case of LT supp ly, the licens ee will provide ser vice line from the nearest distr ibution main. There shall not be any joint in the service line. The length of service line shall generally be 45 meters or such length that the voltage drop in the service line (derived from 60% of connected load at Ex-642/2013 11 power factor 0.85 and the size of wire to be used) shall not exceed 1 per cent of supply voltage while the provision of clause 3.1(2) still prevails.Otherwise, installation of meter and MCB/ CB shall be arranged as per clause 5.10 of this code. Past cases which do not conform to this clause shall be modified / rectified accordingly. Licensee’s obligation to extend the distribution system and consumer’s share in the cost 4.3The licensee is responsible for ensuring that it s distribution system is upgraded, extended and strengthened to meet the demand for electricit y in its ar ea of supply. Wherever the existing transformation capacity is loaded up to 75% of its capa city, the licensee shall take appropriate action for augmenta tion of capacity. However, new connection shall not be denied in such ca ses. 4.4The licensee shall meet the cost for strengthening / up-gradation of the system to meet the demand of t he existing consumers through its annual revenues or funds arranged by the licensee and this cost shall be recovered from the consumers through tariff. A part of such expenses shall be met by system strengthening/ capacity building cha rges if any. 4.5The cost of ext ension and up-gradation of the system for meeting demand of new consumers shall be recovered from the new consumers through system loading charges as approved by the Commission. The cos t of extension of distr ibution mains and extension / up-gradation of the system up to the point of supply for meeting demand of new consumers shall be payable by the cons umer or a ny collective body of the consumers or otherwise as may be directed by the Commission as per the provisions of Section 46 of the Act. 4.6In case of new connection, unless the work is taken up under specific scheme/project of t he Central/ State Government, the cons umer shall bear Service Connection Charges, i.e. the cost of extension of service connect ion from the distribution mains to the point of supply, and sha ll pay thesecurity deposit as detailed in Annexure 11.18 to this Code. Consumers having prepaid meter shall not pay load secur ity. Conditions for Grant of Connection 4.7The licensee shall pr ominently displa y on its websit e and wherever feasible, in its offices, the upda ted sta tus of applica tions for new connect ions in that ar ea/circle, detailed procedur e for grant of new connection and the complete list of documents r equired to be furnished along with such applications. Norma lly no document, which has not been so listed, will be required for processing application forms for new connection. Security amount and cost of service line to be deposited by applicant in accor dance with Annexure 11.18 to this Code shall also be prominently displa yed. 4.8Connection to unauthorised colonies / ar eas sha ll not be granted in case of a restr aining / prohibition order by the government or competent author ity. Purchase of existing property 4.9Where the applica nt ha s pur chased an existing property whose electricity connection has been disconnected, it shall be the applicant’s duty to verify befor e a sale deed is signed that the previous Ex-642/201312 owner has paid all dues t o the licensee and obtained a “no-dues certificate” from him. In case such “no-dues certificate” has not been obtained by the previous owner before cha nge in ownership of property, the new owner may appr oach the licensee for such a certifica te. The licensee shall acknowledge receipt of such request and shall either intimate in writing the dues outstanding on the premises, if any, or issue a “ no-dues certificate” within 1 month from date of receipt of such application. 4.10 In case the licensee does not intimate the outstanding dues or issue a “no-dues certificate” within this time, new connection to the premises shall not be denied on gr ounds of outstanding dues of the previous consumer. In such an event, the licensee shall have to recover his dues fr om previous cons umer a s per p rovisions of law. Sub-divided property 4. 11Wher e a property has been legitimately sub-divided, outstanding dues for consumption of energy on such undivided property, if any, shall be divided on pro-rata basis based on area of such sub- divided property. A new connection to any portion of s uch sub-divided premises sha ll be given only after the shar e of ou tstanding dues attributed to such legitimately sub-divided premises is duly pa id by the a pplica nt. A licensee shall not refuse connection to an applicant only on the ground that dues on the other portion(s) of such premises have not been paid, nor shall the licensee dema nd record of la st paid bills of other portion(s) fr om such applica nts. Reconstruction of existing property 4.12 In case of demolition and r econstr uction of the entire premises or building, the existing consumer installation shall be surrendered, meter a nd service line shall be removed and the agr eement s hall be terminated. The security deposit of the consumer shall be duly returned by the licensee in accordance with cla use 4.127 of this Code. A new connection sha ll be taken for the reconstructed building after clearing all dues on the old premises. Temporary power supply from existing connection shall not be a llowed for construction purpose in such ca ses. Procedure for providing New Electricity Service Connection Application Form 4.13 The applica nt shall apply for release of new connection in the following for mat as given in the Annexure to this Code: (1)Application form for release of new connection (Low Tension) – Annexure 11.1 (2)Application form for release of new connection (High Tension/ Extra High Tension) – Annexure 11.2 (3)Format for declaration/undertaking to be signed a t the time of r eceiving electr icity supply – Annexure 11.3Ex-642/2013 13 4.14 Application forms shall be available at the local office of the licensee free of cost. T he licensee shall also put up a ll application forms on its website for free downloa d. Legible phot ocopies of a blank form may be made by the consumer which shall be accept ed by the licensee. T he licensee shall clearly display on its website the address and telephone numbers of offices where filled-up application form ca n be su bmitted. The licensee shall also display in each office the address and telephone numbers of offices in the respective area of s upply where filled-up application form pertaining to that particu lar area can be submitted. Any assistance or infor mation required in filling up the form shall be provided to applica nts at the local office of the licensee. 4.15 The licensee shall also provide new avenues for applying for new connection or modifica tion in existing connection through website, call centres, etc. which minimise the applicant’s interface with the ut ility during the process. 4.16 Application forms for new connection must be accompanied with a photograph of the applicant, identity pr oof of the applicant, proof of applicant’s ownership or legal occupancy over t he premises for which new connection is being sought, proof of applicant’s current address, and in specific cases, certain other docu ments a s detailed in clauses 4.18 - 4.23 of this Code. 4.17 Registration-cum-pr ocessing fees for HT a nd EHT a s approved by t he Commission from time to time (if the Commission receives such pr oposal of fees from the licensee) shall be levied while applying for new connection. These charges shall be adjusted by the licensee while issuing the demand note. The registration-cum-processing fees are not refundable if the applicant fails to deposit the estimated amount within two months from the date of issue of demand note, unless time extension is granted by the licensee. 4.18 Any of the following documents or its attested cop ies, sha ll be consider ed as a cceptable proof of identity: (1)If the applicant is an individual: (i)Electoral identity card; (ii)Passport; (iii)Dr iving license; (iv)Ration ca rd; (v)Photo identity card issued by Government agency; (vi)PAN card; (vii) Photo Certificate from village Pradhan or any village level Government funct ionary like Patwari / Lekhpal / village level worker / village chowkidar / Pr imary school teacher / in-cha rge of primar y health centre etc. Ex-642/201314 (2)If the applicant is a company, trust, educationa l instit ution, government depa rtment etc, the application form shall be signed by a competent authority (e.g. Branch Manager, Principal, Head of Office/Department, etc) along with a relevant resolution/ authority letter of t he institution concerned. 4.19 Any of the following documents or its attested cop ies, sha ll be consider ed as a cceptable proof of ownership or occupancy of premises: (1)Copy of sale deed or lease deed or in the case of agricultural connections a copy of khasra / kha tauni / khata na kal; (2)Registered General Power of Attor ney; (3)Municipal ta x receipt or Demand notice or any other related document; (4)Letter of allotment / Patta; (5)Land Settlement Certificate (LSC); (6)Certificate/ Letter from village authority/panchayat stating that the premises belongs to the applicant; (7)An applicant who is not an owner but an occupier of the premises shall, along with any one of the documents listed at (1 ) to (6 ) above, also furnish a No Objection Certificate from the owner of t he premises. 4.20 Any of the following documents or its attested cop ies, sha ll be consider ed as a cceptable proof of curr ent address for communication: (1)Electoral identity card; (2)Passport; (3)Dr iving license; (4)Ration ca rd; (5)Photo ident ity card issued by any Government agency; (6)Statement of running Bank Account; (7)Most recent Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas connection Bill; (8)Income Tax assess ment order 4.21 In case of a partnership firm – T he applicant shall furnish the partnership deed and an authoriza tion in the name of the applicant for signing t he requisition form and agreement; 4.22 In case of Public and/or Private limited Compa ny – The applicant sha ll furnish the Memora ndum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorpor ation along with a n authorization in the name of the applica nt for signing t he requisition form and agreement;Ex-642/2013 15 4.23 Other documents applicable only for select consumer categories: (1)Industrial consumers: Valid Industr ial License, if applica ble; (2)Agricultural consumers: No Objection Certificate from competent government authority for tube wells, if required; (3)Non-Domestic Khokha s and Temporar y Struct ure: No Object ion Certificate for khokha or tempora ry str ucture from the na gar nigam / nagar palika / naga r panchayat / gram sabha / gra m pancha yat / land development authority / land owning agency. Processing Application Forms for New Electricity Service Connection 4.24 For all application forms pertaining to r elease of supply to new connections, the licensee shall verify the application for m along with enclosed documents and if found deficient, shall iss ue a writ ten note on the spot regarding shor tcomings in the application form. If the a pplication for m is complete, the licensee shall acknowledge its receipt on the spot. 4.25 The licensee shall maintain a permanent record of all application forms received in an Applica tion Register/Da tabase. Each application form shall be allotted a permanent application number (for identification) serially in the order in which it was received. Separate registers/databases for different category of consumers may be maintained. The licensee s hall keep the r egisters/databa ses updated with stage-wise sta tus of disposal of each application form. 4.26 The licensee shall deal with application forms in each tariff category on the broad principle of “first come, first served” basis as per serial priority in the Application Register/Database. The licensee shall maintain a waiting list of applicants seeking new connections, area-wise information about new connections released, and updated status of the waiting list shall be displayed on the licensee’s website or the Notice Board/Blackboa rd kept at the local office of the licensee, to be updated daily. 4.27 Anapplication formshall be deemed to be received on the da te of r eceipt of consumer’s r equisition of s upply in the pr escribed format of the applica tion form, complete in all respects and atta ched with all relevant documents. 4.28 Anapplicationsha ll be deemed to be received on the da te of r eceipt of all applica ble cha rges including the security deposit in accor dance with Annexure 11.18 of this Code, after receipt of the application form. 4.29 The licensee shall, at the time of receipt of application form, stipulate a date for inspection of applicant’s premises in mutual consultation with the applicant, under written acknowledgment. The date of inspection mus t be scheduled within 5 working days in Class-I cit ies and urban a reas and 10 working days in rur al areas from the date of receipt of application form. 4.30 If inspection is required to be carried out, the licensee shall inspect and test the applicant’s cons umer installation as r equired of him under regulation 31 of the Central Electricity Authority Ex-642/201316 (Measures r elating to Safety and Electr ic Supply) Regulations, 2010 in the presence of the applicant and his Licensed Electrical Contractor or his authorised repr esentative. The licensee sha ll maintain a record of test r esults in the format given in Annexure 11.9 as required of him under regulation 31 of the Central Electricit y Authority (Measures relating to S afety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010. 4.31 During the inspection, t he licensee shall: (1)Fix the point of supply and the place where the meter and the MCB etc. shall be installed, in consultation with the consumer: Provided that the service line shall be laid at an accessible location and the meter shall be fixed outside or a t the entry point of t he premises in such a manner that it is protected from elements like rain etc. and is easily accessible without getting the premises unlocked or opened for this purpose; (2)Record the correct full address of the pr emises, if not provided in the application form, and note down landmarks near the property and the pole number or the location of the pole from where service connection is proposed to be given; and (3)Verify all other particulars mentioned in the application form and the documents, as required. 4.32 If on inspection the licensee finds any defect (e.g. cons umer ’s installation not completed, bare ends of conductor/joints not properly covered with insulating tape, wiring of such nature that it is dangerous to life/property, etc.), the licensee shall intimate the defects to the applicant on the spot under proper receipt in the format given at Annexure 11.9. 4.33 The applica nt shall get all the defects r emoved/rectified within 10 working days from receipt of intimation of defects as specified in cla use 4.32 of this Code and inform the licensee in writing under acknowledgement. In case the applicant fails to r emove such defects or fails to inform the licensee about removal of the defects within t he above stipulated period, the application form shall stand lapsed and t he applicant will have to apply afr esh. The licensee may grant additional time to the applica nt for completion of works, in case the applicant submits a writ ten request for the same, within 10 working days from receipt of intimation of defects. 4.34 On r eceipt of infor mation from the applicant about removal of defects, the licensee shall on the spot stipulate a date for re-inspection of applicant’s premises in mutual consultation with the applicant, under written acknowledgment. The da te of r e-inspection must be scheduled within 5 working days in Cla ss-I cities and urban a reas and 10 working da ys in r ural areas from the date of receipt of such information. 4.35 If on re-inspection the defects point ed out ear lier are found to persist, the licensee sha ll again record the same in the format given in Annexure 11.9 to this Code and hand over a copy of the same to the applicant or his authorised representative availa ble on site. T he application form shall then stand lapsed and the applicant shall be infor med accordingly in writing under acknowledgement:Ex-642/2013 17 Provided that if t he applicant feels a ggrieved by the licensee’s a ction or omission, the applicant may file his representation to the concerned Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) for redressal of his grievance: Provided further that in case the licensee does not ca rry out site inspection/re-inspection within 5 working days in Cla ss-I cities and urban a reas and 10 working da ys in r ural areas from the date of receipt of applica tion form or information about removal of site defects, the load applied for shall be deemed to have been sanctioned and the licensee shall not deny grant/modification of connection on these grounds. 4.36 If on inspection there are no defects found, or on re-inspection the defects noticed earlier are found to have been removed, the licensee shall sanction the load determined in accor dance with Annexure 11.8 to this Code or the load applied for, whichever is higher, and issue a demand note in writ ing, under acknowledgment, wit hin the timeline specified below: Table 2 : Timeline for issue of demand note Particulars No. of working days from receipt of application form Class-I CitiesUrban Areas Rural Areas Extension of distr ibution mains not requiredWithin 7Within 7Within 10 wor king days wor king dayswor king days Extension of distribution mains/system required (1) In case of LT service connect ionsWithin 7Within 7Within 10 wor king dayswor king dayswor king days (2) In case of HT service connectionsWithin 15Within 15Within 20 wor king dayswor king dayswor king days (3) In case of EHT service connectionsWithin 30Within 30Within 30 wor king dayswor king dayswor king days Provided tha t the time taken by applicant in getting removed the defect s/deficiencies found at the applicant’s premises shall not be included in the timeline specified above: Provided fu rther that wherever the Transmission licensee’s involvement is requir ed in the process for cost estimation, the time taken by the Transmission licensee shall not be included in the timeline specified above. 4.37 The demand note shall contain details on the following: (1)Details of the works (including service line) to be undertaken for providing electricit y supply; (2)Charges for the abovementioned works to be paid by the applicant in a ccordance with the Estimate prepared by the Licensee on the basis of their approved Schedule rate/Store issue rate/ Present market r ate:Ex-642/201318 Provided tha t if the applicant wishes to carry out the works himself, he shall be permitted to do so under supervision by the licensee’s official. Adhering to the estimate and layout appr oved by the licensee, the applicant can get the wor k of dr awing of service line from the licensee’s distribution mains up to his premises and the work of extension of HT /EHT line, Distr ibution or HT substation and LT line only through an eligible Licensed Electr ical Contra ctor (LEC). In s uch case the consumer himself shall procure the materials. T he material should conform to releva nt BIS specifications or its equivalent and should bear the ISI mark wherever applicable. The licensee may ask for docu mentary evidence to verify the quality of materials u sed: Provided further that if the applicant chooses to get t he extension work done on his /her own, he sha ll bear only supervision charges as per the Estimate prepa red by t he Licensee on t he basis of their appr oved Schedule r ate/Store issue rate/P resent market r ate: Provided fur ther that if the applicant chooses to get the extension work done on his own, he shall get the work done within the timefra me sp ecified in cla use 4.41 of this Code, failing which the licensee may, on giving 15 days’ notice, treat the a pplication form for supply as cancelled. (3)Amount of security deposit as specified in Annexure 11.18 to this Code. 4.38 The applica nt shall make the payment within 15 days of receipt of dema nd note, failing which the application form shall sta nd lapsed a nd the a pplicant sha ll be infor med accordingly in writing under acknowledgement. The licensee’s obligation to energize the connection sha ll arise only a fter receipt of full payment. T he licensee ma y grant additional time to the applicant for payment of charges in case the applicant submits a written request for the same, within the 15-day payment period. 4.39 Any excess/deficient payment made by the consumer shall be adjusted in the subsequent two energy bills. 4.40 If the licensee is of the opinion that provision of supply requires installa tion of a distribution transformer within the applicant’s premises, the applicant shall make available to the licensee a suit able room or portion of land within his premises for the period of supply for installation of the distribution transfor mer. 4.41 For connection r equiring a ugmentation of distr ibution system, the licensee shall infor m the applicant in writing the approximate time frame by which applied load can be energized which shall not exceed the time schedule given in Table 3. The overall timeline for releasing new electricity connection, from the date of receipt ofapplication, shall be as under:Ex-642/2013 19 Table 3 : Timeline for releasing new electricity connection (energisation) ActivityClass-I CitiesUrban AreasRural Areas New connection/ additional load where supply 30 days30 days30 days can be provi ded from existing network New connection/ additional load where supply LT 30 days HT 90LT 30 days HT 90LT 30 days HT can be provided after extension/augmentation of days EHT 180 days days EHT 180 days 90 days EHT 180 networkda ys Erection of substation to extend supplyOn case to case basis On case to case basis On case to case as per the approval of basis as per thebasis as per the approval ofapproval ofapproval of CommissionCommission Provided that the licensee may approach the Commission for extension of time specified above, in specific ca ses where extension of Distribution mains requires more time, along with details. In such cases, the licensee shall inform the consumer about the likely time of completion of works. Provided further that in cases where fu rther time extension is not granted beyond the time/extended time specified above, if the licensee fa ils to supply electricity within the time specified at 4.41 of this code, he shall be lia ble to a penalty as per prevailing S OP Regulations or as fixed by the Commission from time to time, which shall be adjusted in not more than two instalments of subsequent bill of the vict imised applica nt/consumer. 4.42 Wher e extension of supply requir es erection and commissioning of new substa tion, the licensee shall submit to the Commission within 15 days of site inspection, a proposal for erection of such substation along with the time required for erection and commissioning of the same, and get the Commission’s approval. T he licensee shall commence electricit y supply to the applicant within the time period approved by the Commission: Provided tha t where such substation is covered in the investment plan a pproved by the Commission, the licensee shall not be required to take any fu rther appr oval from the Commission a nd shall complete erection of such substation within the time period specified in such investment plan: Provided further that in ca ses where the substa tion is meant to extend supply to an individual cons umer, t he licensee sha ll commence erection of the s ubstation only after r eceipt of neces sary payment against dema nd note from the applicant. 4.43 The licensee shall not be held r esponsible for delay, if any, in extending supply if the same is on account of problems relating to right of way, acquisition of land, or delay in consumer ’s obliga tion over which licensee has no reasona ble control. 4.44 In case the applica nt had opted to get t he extension work done himself, after receiving written information from the applicant regarding completion of works, the licensee shall on the spot acknowledge the information and stipulate a date for testing the consumer insta llation through mutual cons ultation, under written acknowledgment. The date of testing must be scheduled within 5 working da ys in Class-I cities a nd Urba n Areas and 10 working days in Rural Areas from the date of r eceipt of such information:Ex-642/201320 Provided that if the electric installation exceeds 440 Volts, it will require to be inspected by the Electrical Inspector befor e commencement of supply. 4.45 The applicant or his authorised representative shall be present during testing along with the Licensed Electrical Contractor or his authorised representative who ha d undertaken the installation. If the cons umer installa tion is found satisfactor y the licensee shall arrange to install the meter & accessories and seal the meter, meter box, and accessories in the presence of consumer and provide elect ricity supply within5 working days in Class-I cities and Urban Areas and 10 working days in Rura l Areas from the date of test ing. 4.46 If the licensee is not sa tisfied, applica nt shall be intimated on the spot in writing, under acknowledgment, of the faults/shortcoming in the consumer installation. The applicant, after rectification of the defects, will intima te the licensee in writing after which the licensee shall a gain follow the procedure as laid down in clause 4.44 of this Code. 4.47 After re-testing of the consumer installation and payment of prescribed fee (no fee shall be cha rged by the licensee for the first test but subsequent test s to be conducted to r emove faults/shortcomings found in the initia l test shall be charged), if the consumer installa tion is found satisfactory by the licensee, the licensee shall provide electricity supply after fixing the meter & accessories and sealing the same in the presence of the applicant within5working days in Class-I cities and Urban Areas and 10 working days in Rura l Areas from the date of such re-test ing. Supply for Public Street Lightings 4.48 Application for supply of electricity to public street lights shall be submitted in the prescribed form (Annexure-1) to the local office of the licensee by the Municipal Corporation or Municipalit y or Nagar Panchayat or Gram P anchaya t or local body or any Government Depa rtment or any other organization made responsible by the State Government to maintain public street light s (which shall herein after be called by the generic term ‘local body’). 4.49 The requisition for public lights shall be accompa nied by resolution of the local body and the sketch indicating the number of p oles, existing or new, where streetlights are required. Except otherwise directed by the Commission, the licensee may not provide a new street light connection if the local body, applying for new street light connection, ha s any electricity dues against it. 4.50 T he fittings, brackets or any special fittings shall be in accordance with the relevant BIS specifications or its equivalent, and shall require clear ances a s per prevailing rules and regulations. T he local body shall bear the full cost of arranging of power supply to public streetlights including complete fittings and brackets. In case, a ny special fit tings a re to be provided, the local body shall arr ange for it. (ref clause 4.5 of supply code 2013).Ex-642/2013 21 4.51 The licensee shall intimate the cost of extension in wr iting, within 15 days in urba n areas and within 30 da ys in r ural areas from the date of inspection of the site. T he applicant shall pay the estimated cost of the supply including the cos t of the security within two month of intimation. The work shall be taken up only after deposit of the amount and execution of agr eement by the local body. The work shall be completed within 30 days of receipt of payment or the date of execution of t he agreement, whichever is la ter. T he applicant sha ll execute an a greement in the prescr ibed form 4.52 A su itable metal waterproof box with cla ss window and locking/sealing arrangement t o house the energy meter, street light controller, MCB, timer, light sensitive timer, etc. as a pproved by the licensee shall be provided by the local his own cost. This box shall be installed a t the point of commencement of str eet light line (say DT substation) or any convenient location mutually agreed between loca l body and the licensee. The responsibility of the safety of the same shall be shar ed equally by local body and the licensee. 4.53 It shall be the responsibility of the local body to maintain and replace streetlight fittings and also switch on and switch off the streetlight. However, the licensee may carry out the maintenance of streetlight fixtures on payment basis and sha ll arra nge to switch on fifteen minutes before sunset and switch off the streetlights fifteen minutes before sunrise as per local sunset/ sunr ise timings or any ot her timings agr eed upon between the Licensee and t he local body. The licensee shall also carry out replacement of fixtures / bulbs (of same wattage) etc on t he poles on request by the local body. The fixtures, bulbs etc. shall be supplied by the local body and replaced by t he licensee within 7 days of r eceipt. All such services sha ll be chargeable. Such maintenance charges shall be included in the schedule of miscellaneous charges. 4.54 All connections sha ll be serviced through 400V, 50 Hz, T hree Pha se Supply or 230 V, 50 Hz. Single Phase Supply depending upon the load. 4.55 New connection for public street line be preferably with suitable timer. Procedure for Providing Temporary Supply 4.56 Temporary connection shall be gra nted for a maximum period of 3 months at a time. For extension of the period of temporary supply the pr ocedure detailed in clause 4.68 of this Code shall be applicable. 457For LT connections, tempora ry connect ion may be granted thr ough ordinary energy meter or prepaid meters, wher ever technically feasible. 4.58 The applicant shall apply for temporary supply in the format prescribed in Annexure 11.1 or 11.2 (as applicable) to this Code along with the documents prescribed in clauses 4.18 - 4.23 of this Code as well as a No Ob jection Certificate (NOC) fr om the local authority if the supply is required at a place owned by the local author ity: Ex-642/201322 Provided that in case temporary supply is required in premises/place where 100 or more persons are likely to assemble, a pplicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 54 of the Act: P rovided fu rther that in ca se a ny p ermit/NOC is wit hdra wn by the competent author it y after energisation of connection, supply shall be disconnected forthwith and shall be reconnected only after the per mit/NOC is restored. 4.59 The licensee shall process the a pplication for m as per the pr ocedure given in clauses 4.24 - 4.35 of this Code. 4.60 During the inspection, the licensee shall examine the technical feasibility of the connect ion applied for. If the connection is not found technically feasible, the licensee shall infor m the a pplicant in writing within 7 working days for LT and 15 wor king days for HT/EHT connect ions after receipt of a pplication for m, giving reason(s) for the same. 4.61 If on inspection/re-inspection, the connection is found feasible, the licensee shall sanction the load applied for and issue a demand note in accordance with clause 4.37 of this Code, inclusive of an estimate of advance cha rges for electr icity as per Annexur e 11.19(B) of t his Code, within the timeline specified in clause 4. 36 of t his Code. Bot h the licensee and applicant shall follow the procedure and timelines as laid down in clauses 4.38 - 4.40 and 4.43 - 4.44 of this Code. 4.62 The applicant or his authorised representative shall be present during testing along with the Licensed Electrical C ontract or or his authorised represent ative who had undertaken the installa tion. If the licensee is satisfied, he shall issue a written acknowledgment on the spot. 4.63 If the licensee is not satisfied the applicant shall be intimated on the spot in writing, under acknowledgment, of the faults/shortcoming in the consumer installation. The applicant, after rectification of the defects, sha ll intima te the licensee in writing aft er which the licensee sha ll again follow the pr ocedure as laid down in clause 4.44 of this Code. 4.64 After re-testing of the consumer installation and payment of prescribed fee (no fee shall be cha rged by the licensee for the first test but subsequent tests due to faults/shortcomings found in the init ial test shall be charged), if the consumer installation is found satisfa ctory by the licensee, the licensee shall issue a wr itten acknowledgment on the spot. 4.65 After deposit of estimated cost, advance charges and security(ies), for temporary electricity connection by the applicant, and satisfactory testing of the consumer installa tion, the temporary connection shall be relea sed by the date of requirement as indicated in the application form, or as per the timelines given below, whichever is la ter.Ex-642/2013 23 Table 4 : Timeline for release of temporary connection Release of temporary connectionClass-I CitiesUrban AreasRural Areas Wher e supply can be provided fr om existing3 days3 days7 days network Wher e supply can be provided after extension/ LT 30 daysLT 30 daysEHT 180 days augmentation of net workLT 30 daysHT 90 daysHT 90 days EHT 180 daysHT 90 daysEHT 180 days 4.66 If there ar e outsta nding dues on the premises, temporar y connection shall not be given till such dues are pa id by the consumer. 4.67 After the period of tempor ary supply is over and supply has been disconnected, the licensee shall prepare the final bill on the basis of actual consumption. Consumption security, after adjusting unpa id dues , sha ll be refunded b y the licensee. If the licensee provides t he requ isite materia l(s), then material security shall be refunded after deducting any damage to material (meter, transfor mer, isolator etc) and dismantling charges, which shall not be more than 10% of the material secur ity. Refund of t hese securities shall be made within 15 days from the date of disconnection, failing which the licensee shall be liable to pay interest at a rate equivalent to the late payment surcharge as per the prevailing Tariff Order issued by the Commission. 4.68 For extension of t he period of t emporar y supply, the consumer shall apply to the licensee in writing at least 7 working days before the date of expiry of temporar y supply. The licensee may grant extension and send to the consumer a dema nd note of adva nce electricity charges for the period of extension within 7 working days of receiving the written request. 4.69 The applica nt may get the date of availing temporary supply amended to a date not la ter tha n 90 da ys from the date of origina l sanct ion, by applying to the licensee a t least 4 days before the originally sanctioned date of commencement of s upply in Class-I cities and Urban Ar eas, and at least 8 days in adva nce in Rural Ar eas. 4.70 The grant of temporary connection does not create a r ight in favour of the applicant for claiming a permanent connection, which should be governed by provisions of the Act and R egulations. Tatkal Yojana (Emergency Work) 4.71 The licensee shall give temporar y supply at a notice of 24 hours, if it is technically feasible, on payment of a n addit ional fee of Rs 1,000.00(Rupees one thousand) in adva nce. Procedure for Modificatio n in Existing Connections Application Form 4.72 The applica nt shall apply for change in existing connection in the following format as given in the Annexure to this Code: Ex-642/201324 (1)Application format for change in the name of registered customer due to change in ownership/occupancy – Annexure 11.4 (2)Application format for transfer of ownership to legal heir – Annexure 11.5 (3)Application format for Conversion of Services / Change of Consumer Category / Shifting of Premises – Annexure 11.6 (4)Application format for load enhancement/reduction – Annexure 11.7 4.73 Application forms shall be available at the local office of the licensee free of cost. T he licensee shall also put up a ll application forms on its website for free download. Photocopies of a blank form ma y be made by t he consumer and shall be accept ed by the licensee. The licensee sha ll clearly display on its website the address and telephone numbers of offices where filled-up application form ca n be su bmitted. The licensee shall also display in each office the address and telephone numbers of offices in the respective area of s upply where filled-up application form pertaining to that particu lar area can be submitted. Any assistance or infor mation required in filling up the form shall be provided to applica nts at the local office of the licensee. 4.74 The licensee shall also provide new avenues for applying for new connection or modifica tion in existing connection through website, call centres, etc. which minimise the applicant’s interface with the ut ility during the process. 4.75 All application forms for change in existing connection must be accompa nied with an identity proof of the applicant in accorda nce with clause 4.18 of this Code, if the connection is registered in the name of the applicant. If the connect ion is not registered in the name of the applicant, applica tion shall be duly accompanied by legal Heirship Certificate or No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the person in whose name the connection is registered the applicant has to be identified by the village authority/pancha yat. Processing Application Forms for Modification in Existing Connections 4.76 The licensee shall verify the application form along with enclosed documents and if found deficient, shall issue a written note on the spot regarding shortcomings in the application form. If the application form is complete, the licensee shall acknowledge its receipt on the spot. 4.77 The licensee shall maintain a permanent record of all application forms received in an Applica tion Register/Da tabase. Each application form shall be allotted a permanent application number (for identification) serially in the order in which it was r eceived. The licensee shall keep the regist ers/ data bases updated with sta ge-wise status of disposal of each application form. The licensee shall deal with a pplication for ms on the broa d principle of “first come, first served” b asis as per serial priority in the Application Register/Database. 4.78 Anapplication formshall be deemed to be received on the date of r eceipt of consumer’s requisit ion of s upply in the pr escribed format of the applica tion form, complete in all respects and atta ched with all relevant documents.Ex-642/2013 25 4.79 Anapplicationsha ll be deemed to be received on the da te of r eceipt of all applica ble cha rges including the security deposit in accor dance with Annexure 11.18 of this Code, after receipt of the application form. 4.80 The licensee shall process application for ms for change in existing connections as deta iled b e l o w. Transfer of Connection 4.81 The Consumer shall not without prior consent in writing of the Distribution Licensee assign, transfer or part with the benefit of the Agreement executed with the Distribution Licensee nor shall part with or create any partial or separ ate interest there under in any manner. 4.82 A connection may be tr ansferr ed in the name of another person upon death of t he cons umer or in case of transfer of the ownership or occupancy of the premises, upon filing an applica tion form in the prescribed for mat given in either Annexure 11.4 or 11.5 (as applicable) for change of name by the new owner or occupier: Provided that such change of name shall not entitle the applicant to r equire shifting of the connection from the present loca tion. 4.83 The licensee shall deal with applications relating to change of consumer ’s na me due to change in ownership/occupancy of property in accor dance with the procedure deta iled below: (1)The applicant shall apply for change of consumer’s name in the format prescribed in Annexure 11. 4 to this Code, along with a copy of the latest bill duly pa id. The request for transfer of connection shall not be accepted unless all dues recoverable against the concerned connection are settled. The application form shall be accepted on showing proof of ownership/occupancy of property. A No Objection Certificate from the registered consumer/ author ised person/ previous occupant of the premises sha ll be required for cases involving transfer of security deposit in the name of applicant. The licensee shall process t he a pplication form in accordance with clauses 4.76 - 4 .79 of this Code. The licensee shall verify the authencity of the Certificate. (2)In case the No Objection Certificate from the registered consumer/ authorised person/ previous occupant is not submit ted, an application for m for cha nge of name sha ll be entertained only if security deposit as stipulated in this Code is paid afresh. However, the original security deposit shall be r efunded to the claimant as and when a claim is preferred by the concerned person. (3)Change of consumer ’s name shall be effect ed within two billing cycles after acceptance of application form. 4.84 The licensee shall deal wit h applications relating to tr ansfer of consumer ’s na me to legal heir in accordance with the procedure deta iled below: Ex-642/201326 (1)The applicant shall apply for change of consumer’s name in the format prescribed in Annexure 11. 5 to this Code, with a copy of the la test bill duly paid. T he application form shall be accepted on showing the Registered Will/deed, S uccession/Legal heir Certificate, Muta tion in municipal/land recor ds or a ny other proof of legal heir ship. The licensee shall process the applica tion for m in accordance with clauses 4.76 - 4.79of t his Code. (2)The change of consumer ’s name shall be effected within two billing cycles after accept ance of a pplication. (3)Any charge for electricity or any sum other than charge for electricity as due and payable to licensee which remains unpaid by a deceased consumer or the erstwhile owner/ occupier of any la nd/premises as the ca se may be, sha ll be a cha rge on the premise transmitted to the lega l representative/ successors-in-law or transferred to the new owner of the premise as the case may be, and same shall be recoverable by the licensee as due from such legal repr esentative or successor-in- la w or new owner /occupier of the premises as t he case may be. Conversion of Services 4.85 The applica nt shall apply for conversion of the nature of his existing connection in the format given in Annexure 11.6 to t his Code. The licensee shall process the application form in accordance with clauses 4.76 - 4.79 of this Code. For sit e inspection and issua nce & payment of demand note for the estimated cost of works, etc, both the licensee and a pplicant shall follow the procedure and timelines as la id down in clauses 4.29 - 4.40 of this Code. After payment of requisite cha rges by t he applicant, the licensee shall give effect to applications for conver sion of existing services from Low Tension to High Tension or vice-versa, and fr om single-phase to three-pha se or vice- versa, within the following time limits: Table 5 : Timeline for conversion of services Release of temporaryClass-I CitiesUrban AreasRural Areas connection Con ver si on fr om LT single-Within two billing cycles Within two billing cycles Within two billing cycles phase to LT 3-phase or vice- from payment offrom paymen t offrom paymen t of versanecessar y ch arges bynecessar y ch arges bynecessar y ch arges by consumerconsumerconsumer Conversion from LT to HT or Within two billing cycles Within two billing cycles Within two billing cycles vice-versa fr om pa ymen t offrom paymen t offrom paymen t of necessar y ch arges by necessa ry ch arges bynecessary consumerconsumerconsumer Change in HT to EHT or vice Within four billing cycles Within four billing cycles Within four billing cycles versafrom paymen t of n ecessary from paymen t offrom paymen t of necessar y ch arges bynecessar y ch arges bynecessar y ch arges by consumerconsumerconsumerEx-642/2013 27 4.86 The licensee shall, within the specified period, s eek the Commission’s a pproval for extension of time limit whenever the above schedule ca nnot be met. Shifting of Meter / Existing Connection 4.87 The applicant shall apply for shifting the service connection/for diver sion of service lines in existing pr emises in the format prescribed in Annexure 11.6 t o this Code. T he licensee shall process the application for m in accordance with clauses 4.76 - 4 .79 of this Code. For site inspection and issuance & payment of demand not e for the estimated cost of works, etc, both the licensee and applicant shall follow the procedure and timelines as laid down in clauses 4.29 - 4.40 of this Code. 4.88 The following time schedule shall be observed for completing the works from the date of payment of cha rges: (1)Shifting of meter/service line: 7 days (2)Shifting of LT/HT lines: 20 days (3)Shifting of transfor mer: 30 days 4.89 Any excess/deficient payment made by the consumer shall be adjusted in the subsequent two bills. Reclassification of Consumer Category 4.90 If it is found that a cons umer ha s been wrongly classified in a particular category, or the purpose of supply as mentioned in Agr eement has changed, or the consumption of power has exceeded the limit of tha t category as per the Commission’s or der, the licensee may consider recla ssifying the cons umer under appropriate category and revising the Agreement suita bly. The consumer shall be informed of the pr oposed reclassification through a notice a nd duly given a 30-da y notice period to file objections, if any. The licensee after due consideration of the consumer ’s reply, if any, may alter the classification. In case of any dispute, the ma tter shall be referred to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC). 4.91 If a consumer wishes to change his consumer category, he shall submit an application form to the licensee in the for mat given in Annexure 11.6 to this Code. The licensee sha ll process the applica tion form in accordance with clauses 4.76 - 4.79 of this Code. For site inspection and issuance & payment of demand note for the estimated cost of works, both the licensee and applicant shall follow the procedur e and timelines as laid down in clauses 4.29 - 4.40 of this Code. The licensee shall also note down the meter reading at the time of inspection. If on inspection the consumer ’s request for reclassification is found valid, change of category sha ll be effective from the date of inspection a nd a wr itten a cknowledgment shall be sent to the consumer. Resulta nt changes shall be incorporated in the new agreement to which both the licensee a nd applicant shall adhere. 4.02 If the licensee does not find the request for reclassification valid, it shall infor m the applicant in writ ing, giving r eason(s ) for the sa me, within 10 days from date of inspection. Ex-642/201328 4.93 For the period in which the consumer ’s application for reclassification is pending, the cons umer shall not be liable for any action on grounds of unauthorised use of electricity. Lo ad Enhancement 4.94 Applicants shall apply for load enhancement to the licensee in the for mat prescribed in Annexure 11. 7 to this Code. Along with documents showing details of a ltera tion/modification/addition of electrical installation with work completion certificate and test r eport from a Licensed Electr ical Contractor where a lteration of installa tion is involved. The licensee shall process the applica tion form in accordance with clauses 4.76 - 4.79of this Code. F or site inspection and issuance & payment of demand note for the estimated cost of works, etc, both the licensee and applicant shall follow the procedur e and timelines as laid down in clauses 4.29 - 4.40 of this Code. 4.95 The licensee’s written intimation sent along with t he dema nd note to the consumer shall cover the following: (1)Whether the additional power can be supplied at existing volta ge or a t a higher volt age; (2)Addition or alterations, if any, r equired to be made to the system and the cost to be borne by the consumer; (3)Amount of additional securit y deposit, cost of additional infrastructur e and the system strengthening charges or capacity building charges, if any, to be deposited; and (4)Change in classification of the consumer and applicability of tariff, if required. 4.96 The applica tion form for enhancement of load s hall not be accepted if the consumer is in arrear s of payment of the licensee’s dues. However, the a pplication for m may be accept ed if s uch payment of a rrear has been stayed by a Court of law, or the Commission or an authority appointed by the Commission. 4.97 If supply of enhanced load is feasible, the consumer shall: (1)Pay additional security deposit, cost of addition or alteration required to be made to the system, if a ny, and system strengthening charges/capacit y building charges, if any, within 15 working days of receipt of the demand notes; and any excess /deficient amount shall be adjusted within two subsequent bills of the consumer; and (2)Execute a supplementary Agr eement. 4.98 Supply of enhanced load sha ll be provided in adherence to the timeline specified in clause 4.41 of this Code. 4.99 If the cons umer feels aggr ieved by the licensee’s action or omission, the consumer may file his representation to the concerned Internal Grievance Redressa l Cell (IGRC)for redressal of his grievance.Ex-642/2013 29 4.100 If the application is not decided by the licensee wit hin the above-mentioned period of 30 days, the applicant ma y, by a written notice to the licensee, draw its attention to the matter a nd yet if no decision is communicated to him within a further period of 15 days, the permission for enhancement of contract demand shall be deemed to have been granted. Load Reduction 4.101 The applicant shall apply for load reduction to the licensee in the format prescribed in Annexure 11.7 to this Code, along with the following documents: (1)Deta ils of a lteration/modification/remova l of electrical installation with wor k completion certificate and test report from a Licensed Electrical Contractor where alteration of insta llation is involved. (2)Any other reason(s) for reduction of cont ract demand. 4.102 The licensee shall process the application form in a ccorda nce with clauses 4.76 - 4.79 of t his Code. For site inspection, both the licensee a nd applicant shall follow the procedure and timelines as laid down in clauses 4.29 - 4.35 of this Code. 4.103 The licensee shall consider the grounds stated in the applica tion, verify the same during inspection and decide the application within a period of 10 working days from inspection by a reasoned speaking order. If the consumer feels aggr ieved by the licensee’s action or omission, the consumer may file his representation to the concerned Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) for redressal of his grievance. 4.104 If t he licensee sanctions the redu ced loa d, the meter and service line may be cha nged if requ ir ed and the cost recovered from the applicant. T he licensee shall issue a demand note to the consumer in writing, under a cknowledgment, in accordance with the timeline specified in clause 4.36, and thereafter both the licensee and applicant sha ll follow the procedure and timelines as laid down in clauses 4.37 - 4.40 of this Code of this Code. 4.105 If the application is not decided by the licensee within the above-mentioned period of 10 days from inspection, the applicant may, by a written notice to the licensee, draw its attention to the matter. If no decision is communicated to the consumer within a further period of 15 days, permission for reduction of contract demand shall be deemed to have been granted. 4.106 If the licensee ha s sanct ioned load reduction through a speaking or der, the same shall be effective from the da te of inspection and a written acknowledgment shall be sent to the consumer. 4.107 Any difference in securit y deposit arising out of load reduction sha ll be a djusted in the subsequent two bills of the cons umer. Annual Review of Contract Demand 4.108In case of HT and EHT connections, if the maximum demand was r ecorded to be in excess of cont ract demand by 5% or more for at least fou r times during the last financial year, the licensee Ex-642/201330 shall issue a 30-day notice to the consumer for submit ting a n application form for enhancement of load. If there is no response from the consumer by t he end of the notice period, the licensee shall star t the pr ocedure for enhancing the cons umer ’s contract demand to the average of fou r recordings of maximum demand shown by the consumer ’s MDI meter in the la st fina ncial year. In case of LT connections, similar review shall be ca rried out for connections equipped with an MDI meter. 4.109 The licensee and applicant shall follow the procedure and timelines wit h respect to acceptance of application form, site inspection and issuance of demand not e for the estimated cost of works, etc. in accordance with clauses 4.24 - 4.39 of this Code. Enhanced supply shall be released in accordance with clause 4.41 of this Code. 4.110 If the cons umer feels aggr ieved by the licensee’s action or omission, the consumer may file his representation to the concerned Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) for redressal of his grievance. Agreement 4.111 An agreement shall be executed by the applicant for obta ining new connection before commencement of su pply. T he da te of commencement of agreement sha ll be the da te of relea s e of connection. Any amendment for the purpose of modification in existing connections shall be done and the same shall be incorporated in the agreement by execution of a supplementary or new agr eement, as the case may be. The supplementary a gr eement will be a part of the original agr eement. The date of commencement of revised agreement shall be the date of signing of the revised a gr eement. 4.112 The agreement form shall be supplied by the licensee along with applica tion for m and shall also be available on the licensee’s website for download. 4.113 The agreement sha ll include the following: (1)Name and address of the consumer/applicant; (2)Address of t he premises for which electricity supply has been r equisitioned and for which the agr eement is being execu ted; (3)Sanct ioned load/ cont ract demand; (4)Purpose of usage of electricity; (5)Declaration by the applica nt/consumer. (i)To a bide by provisions of Act and this Code; (ii)To pay for the supply of electricity based on the prevailing ta riff ra tes; (iii)To pay for a ll other charges payable in a ccordance with this Code and the Schedule of M iscellaneous Cha rges of the licensee a pproved by the Commission from time to t ime;Ex-642/2013 31 (iv)To deposit such security money a s the licensee may be entitled to recover from him under the Act a nd this Code 4.114 A copy of the agreement executed shall be given t o the consumer/applica nt. If there is no sepa rate written agreement between the Distribution Licensee and the Consumer; the latter, after the supply of electricity has commenced, sha ll be deemed to be bound by terms and conditions of prevailing Supply Code. 4.115 The agreement shall be terminated upon permanent disconnection of the consumer or deemed to be terminated if t he service of the cons umer remains continuously disconnected for one hundred and eighty (180) days, not being temporarily disconnected upon his request, on the expiry of fift een (15) clear days’ notice in writing or after the expiry of the period of agreement (if the period is specified in the agreement) whichever is la ter: Provided that the termina tion of agreement is without prejudice to the rights of the licensee or of the consumer under the Act for r ecovery of any amounts due under the agreement. Provided fur ther that on termination of agreement, the licensee shall have the right to remove the service line and other installations through which electr icity is supplied to t he consumer. General Conditions of Supply Connected Load 4.116 The method of determination of connected load is given in Annexure 11.8 to this Code. Demand Note 4.117 The demand note sha ll be prepared as per the provisions of this Code a nd on the basis of cha rges appr oved by the Commission from t ime to t ime. The licensee sha ll submit ever y yea r la test by end of F ebruary for the ensuing financial year, a pr oposal to the Commission for approval of var ious charges to be charged by the licensee in dema nd notes. The demand note, once made for an applicant, shall be valid for two months unless time extension is granted by the licensee. Disputes regar ding the demand note may be referred to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) for a djudication. Point of Supply 4.118 Supply shall be given at a single point in the premises at the outgoing terminal of the licensee. The point of supply shall be determined by the licensee such that meters and other equipment a re always accessible to the licensee for inspection without infr inging upon the consumer’s privacy. All HT & EHT consumers sha ll provide independent ent ry t o the meter or metering cubica l. However, in specia l cases, the licensee may agr ee to give supply at more tha n one point in the cons umer ’s installa tion on account of the physica l layout of the installation and the requirements of t he consumer. Ex-642/201332 4.119 At the point of supply, the consumer shall provide a main switch/circuit breaker. In addition, HT & EHT consumers shall also pr ovide s uitable pr otective devices a s p er the pr ovisions of regulation 35 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Sa fety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010. The system of protection shall have to be approved by the licensee before commencement of supply. Meters, MCBs/CBs a nd associated equipment shall be installed by the licensee at the point(s) of supply. 4.120 HT a nd EHT consumers shall install step-down tra nsformers with a vector group with delta winding on the high voltage side and sta r winding on the low voltage side, with the neutra l terminal brought out and solidly earthed. 4.121 The meter, meter boards, service mains, MCB/CB, load limiters etc., must on no account be handled or removed by anyone who is not an authorised employee/representative of the licensee. Seals which a re fixed on the meters/metering equipments, load limiters a nd the licensee’s appar atus, must on no account be tampered with, damaged or broken. It is the consumer ’s responsibilit y to keep in safe custody the licensee’s equipments and seals on the meters/metering equipments within the consumer’s premises. 4.122 In the event of any damage caused to the licensee’s equipments within the consumer ’s premises by reason of a ny act, neglect or default of the consumer or his employees, the cost thereof as cla imed by the licensee sha ll be p ayable by the consumer. If the consumer fails to do so after demand, it shall be treated as a cont ravention of the ter ms and conditions of supply agr eement and the elect ricity supply is liable t o be disconnected. Security Deposit 4.123 A security deposit shall b e made by all consumers to cover: (1)the estimated power consumption for the billing cycle period plustwo months; and (2)payment due to the licensee for a ny electric line or electrica l plant or electric meter that is to be provided for supplying electr icity to person / premises. 4.124 The estimated security deposit amount for different ca tegories while releasing new connections shall be calculated as per the methodology given in Annexure 11.18 to this Code. In case of enhancement of load,onlyadditional s ecurity to cover the additiona l load shall need to be deposited, as per the methodology given. In case of re-categorised consumer load security shall need to be deposited, a s per the methodology given: Provided that for cons umers who have opted for availing phased contract demand, revision of security deposit for the existing load sha ll be based on act ual consumption of the pr evious fina ncial year, while security deposit for additional load released during t he year shall be estimated on the basis of the methodology given in Annexure 11.18 to this Code.Ex-642/2013 33 4.125 Subsequently, the security deposit sha ll be revised annually as per the pr ocedure defined in clause 4.129 of this Code. Any excess/deficient amount shall be adjusted within two subsequent bills of the consumer. 4.126 If the security deposit is reduced due to adjustment of outstanding dues, the same shall be adjusted within the subsequent two bills of the consumer. 4.127 The securit y depos it shall be returned t o consumer upon termination of Agreement within 30 days of a djustment of a ll dues. In case of delay, interest equivalent to the State Bank of India base rate on the 1st of April of the yea r shall be payable to the consumer. Interest on Security Deposit 4.128 The licensee shall pay int erest to the consumer at the State Bank of India base rate prevailing on the 1st of April for the year, payable annually on the consumer ’s secur ity deposit with effect from date of such deposit in case of new connections energized a fter the date of this notification, or in other cases, from the date of notification of this Code. The interest accrued during the year shall be adjusted in the consumer ’s bill for the first billing cycle of t he ensuing financial year. Review of Security Deposit 4.129 At the beginning of the financial year, the licensee shall r eview the consumption pattern of the consumer for the adequacy of the security deposit from April to March of the previous year. Consumer is requir ed to ma intain a sum equivalent to his average payment for the period of one billing cycle plus two month, where ‘average payment’ shall be equal to the average of actual bills paid in the last financial year: Provided that for a consumer whose electricity connection is less than 1 year old, the secur ity deposit shall not b e revised at the beginning of the financial year. 4.130 The security deposit availa ble with the licensee in resp ect of each consumer shall be shown in the bill issued to the consumer. Refund of securit y to the consumer by t he licensee, a s and when arises, shall be made through maximum of two electricity bills without any other formalit ies. Cost of Serv icing New Connection/ Enhancement of Load 4.131 The consumer shall pay the cost of service line etc. a nd system loading charges. These cha rges shall be on the act ual cos t of works as in the estimate prepar ed by the licensee. Mode of Payment of Charges 4.132 All payments shall be made by way of Cash (as acceptable to the licensee), Banker’s Cheque, Dema nd Draft or Money Order or e-transfer on line. Cheques and demand drafts shall be payable at a ny branch of a scheduled commercial bank tha t is a member of the clearing house for the area where the concerned Sub Divisional Office is loca ted. Ex-642/201334 General Provisions Regarding Service Line and Apparatus 4.133 The consumer shall provide space of requisite dimensions and at convenient location as mutually agreed between the consumer and the licensee, free of charge, for erection / installation of that part of service line that falls within his premises, transformers, switch gear, meter and all other appa ratus up to the point of commencement of supply. T he whole of service line and other appa ratus shall be deemed to be the property of the licensee and shall remain under his cont rol. 4.134 T he licensee may use the service line and other apparat us to give s upply to other consu mers provided that the supply to the consumer who has paid for them is not affected adversely. Further, even if the supply to the consumer who ha s paid for the line / apparatus is disconnected for whatever reason, the consumer sha ll permit the licensee continued access to the service line and other appar atus if they a re required to give supply to other consumers, and no pa yment shall be due to the consumer for such access / facility, until alternate arrangements are made. However, it is expr essly pr ovided that the licensee shall make all possible efforts to make alternate arra ngements as ear ly as ma y be pr acticably possible. For this p urpose, the licensee may explore a mutually acceptable arrangement for continuation of the installa tion at the existing place. Resale of Energy 4.135 The consumer shall not supply any energy supplied to him by the licensee to another person or other premises unless he holds a suita ble sanction or licence for distribution a nd sale of energy gra nted by the Commission/St ate Government or has been exempted from obt aining the licence or has been appointed as franchisee. Access to Consumer’s Premises 4.136 The Distribution Licensee or any person duly authorised by Distribution Licensee may, at any reasonable time, and on informing the occupier of his intention, enter any premises to which electricity is, or has been, supplied by him, or any pr emises or land, under, over, along, across, in or upon which the electric supply-lines or other works have been lawfully placed by him for the purpose of: (1)Inspecting, testing, repa iring or altering the electric supply lines, meter s, fittings, works and apparatus for the supply of electricit y belonging to the Distribution Licensee; (2)Ascertaining the amount of electricity supplied or the electrica l quantity cont ained in the supply; or (3)Removing where a supply of electricity is no longer required, or where the Distribution Licensee is a uthorised to take away and cut off such supply, any electric supply-lines, meters, fittings, works or apparatus belonging to the licensee.Ex-642/2013 35 4.137 A licensee or any person a uthorised as aforesaid may also, in pursuance of a special order in this behalf made by an Executive Magistrate and after giving not less than 24 hours’ notice in writing to the occupier: (1)Enter any premises or land referr ed to in Clause 4.136 for any of the purposes mentioned therein; (2)Enter any premises to which electricity is to be supplied by him, for the purpose of examining and testing the electric wires, fittings, works and apparatus for the use of electricity belonging to the cons umer. 4.138 Wher e a cons umer refuses t o allow the licensee or any person authorised as aforesaid to enter his premises or land in pursua nce to the provisions of above clauses, or when such licensee or any person has so entered, refuses to allow him to perform any act which he is a uthorised by those clauses to perform, or fails to give reasonable facilit ies for such entry or perfor mance, the licensee may, after the expiry of 24 hours from the service of a notice in writing on the consumer, cut off the supply to t he cons umer for so long as such refusal or failure continues. Failure of Supply due to Fuse Failure 4.139 Should at any time the licensee’s service fuse or fuses fa il, notice thereof should be sent to the licensee’s local office or call centre or if there are sub-sta tions, to the nearest sub- station. Only author ised representatives of the licens ee are permitted to repla ce t hese fu ses in the licensee’s cut- outs. Consumers are not allowed to replace these fuses and they will r ender themselves liable to pena lty if t he licensee’s seals pla ced to p rotect the licensee’s apparatu s are b roken. The licensee should not allow his employees other tha n authorised to carry out any repair or replacement of fuses in the consumer ’s installation. 5.METERING Requirement of Meters 5.1No installa tion shall be serviced without an appropria te and correct meter. All meters shall conform to requirements as laid down in the Central Electricity Authority (Installation & Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 and all subsequent amendmentsissued under Section 55 of the Act. The licensee shall also comply with the abovementioned Regulations for energizing a new connection or for repla cement of meter or for other p urposes such as energy audit a nd interface meter. 5.2For LT loads Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) and for HT/ EHT loads Circuit Breakers (CBs) of appropria te rating and specifications shall be insta lled along with the meter. 5.3At t he time of seeking a new connection the consumer shall have the option to eit her: (1)Purchase the meter, MCB/CB and associated equipment himself from a vendor(s) provided the equipments are of a make and specification approved by the licensee fr om time-to- time; or (2)Requ ir e tha t the meter, MCB/CB a nd associa ted equipment b e supplied by t he licensee. Ex-642/201336 The consumer shall indicate this option in the application form and licensee shall supply him with the list of approved vendor(s) and make(s). Once the consumer ha s procu red the meter, the licensee shall test, install and seal the meter. T he licensee sha ll make availa ble on its website an updated list of makes and specifications of meters and other equipments, as approved by the licensee. 5.4The licensee is authorised to review the status of meters already installed in the context of upgr aded technology becoming availa ble and suitability of the site where meter is placed in the consumer ’s premises. The licensee may install remote metering device in the consumer’s premises as per the technical r equirements of the specific device. The licensee may a lso install maximum demand (MD) meter having maximum demand recording feature or such additiona l features. 5.5The meters for new connections and subsequent replacements shall conform to the technical requirements as prescribed in Central Electricity Author ity (Installation and Operation of meters) Regulations 2006 and all subsequent amendments, and shall be of following type(s): (1)For LT connections – Elect ronic Meters (LCD type) with MDI; (2)For HT/EHT consumers – 3 P hase Tr i-vector meters (LCD type) with MDI. The meters shall have a facility for “Time of the Da y” metering and storage of at least 45 days. The cons umer sha ll have the option to install meter having fa cility to recor d peak hours MDI in addition to above features; and (3)In a situation wher e the licensee is facing problems in collection of energy dues, the licensee may install pre-paid meters. However, regular reading shall be continued to pu t on record the maximum demand, unit consumed and other receivable data and also to ensure pr oper funct ioning of the meter. 5.6If supply is provided by the licensee to different categories of consumers in the same premises, sepa rate meter(s) sha ll b e insta lled for measur ement of energy for each such categor y. 5.7If supply to an HT /EHT consumer is given on an independent feeder for his exclusive use, the metering ar rangement shall be installed a t the sub-station of the licensee which may be used for billing. If supply to an HT /EHT consumer is given through non-independent feeder, metering may be done on HT /EHT system at t he consumer’s p remises or at any convenient place mutually agreed. Where metering of the HT/EHT service connection is on the Low Tension side i.e. on the secondary side of the Transformer: (1)The a vera ge los ses in the tr ansfor mer sha ll be calcula ted as follows a nd added to the energy consumption indica ted by the meter : 730 X 1.0 X C Average loss = .................................. Units per month 100 where C = KVA rating of the transfor mer.Ex-642/2013 37 The transformer loss arrived at by the a bove formula shall be added to the energy consumption, even when t he recorded energy consumption is nil. 1% of the tr ansformer capa city for transformer a bove 63 KVA will be added to the recorded maximum demand on the Low Tension side to arrive at the equivalent High Tension demand. Supply and Installation of Meters and MCBs/CBs 5.8LT, HT and EHT cons umers, if they opt for procurement of meter a nd related appa ratus, shall provide a locked a nd weatherproof enclosure of a design approved by the licensee to house the metering equipment including CTs a nd PTs. In other cases, these shall be included in the estimate and provided by the licensee. 5.9If the meter is supplied by the licensee, the recovery of the meter cos t and a ssociated equipment shall be ma de in one or more instalments but not more than ten insta lments. The consumer shall not be liable to pa y meter rent for the period the meter remains defect ive. In case of connections where cost of the meter ha s been borne by the consumer or where payment of cost of the meter has been made under Central specific programme in respect of BPL/KJ consumers,no meter rent shall be charged from the consumer as long as the said meter is in use even after the consumer is re- categorised as per t ariff or der. 5.10 The consumer shall provide suitable and adequate space for installation of the meter supply in such a manner that it is always accessible to the licensee or its representatives. The meter shall norma lly be mounted at such a height tha t meter reading counter/ display window is at eye level. In case of multi-storeyed buildings, it shall be fixed preferably on the ground floor/rising mains having pr oper a ir ventila tion & adequate illumina tion.In case the consumer does not pr ovide good qua lity wa ll for fixing the meter, the licensee shall be free to fix the meter inside water proof steel box, having gla ss window and locking/sealing arrangement, on the electricity pole or in a pillar-box to be provided by the licensee a nd the cost shall be borne by consumer. The safety of the same will lie with t he consumer. 5. 11Initial installation or replacement of the meter shall be done by the licensee in the presence of the cons umer or his authorised representative, after giving a notice period of 7 days. 5.12 The licensee shall evolve a format of Meter Particulars Sheet for recor ding the particulars of the meter at the time of initial installation or r eplacement. The licensee shall retain one copy and the second copy, duly s igned by the authorised representative of the licensee, shall be given to the cons umer under proper acknowledgment. The consumer or his authorised representative shall also sign the Meter Particulars sheet. Subsequently, details of any faults in the meter, repair s, repla cements etc. sha ll b e enter ed into the Met er Part icula rs Sheet b y the licensee or his authorised r ep resentat ive. 5.13 Whenever a new meter is ins talled (for a new connection or as a replacement) it shall be sealed in the presence of the consumer. T he seal, name pla tes and distinguishing numbers or ma rks affixed Ex-642/201338 on the said equipment or apparatus shall not in any way be broken, erased or altered by the consumer. Treatment of meter seals shall be in accordance with the Central Electricity Authority (Installa tion and Operation of Meters) R egulations, 2006 and all subsequent amendments. 5.14 The consumer shall be responsible for safe custody of meter(s), MCB/CB etc. if the same are installed within the consumer ’s premises. The consumer shall p romptly notify the licensee about any fault, a ccident or problem noticed with the meter. 5.15 It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to mainta in the meter a nd keep it in working order at all times. The licensee may also have a provision for such meter ing sys tem where the display unit is at the consumer premises and the metering unit is ou tside the premises such as on a pole etc. In such cases, the responsibility of safe custody of the metering unit shall lie with the licensee. 5.16 A consumer may install a check meter of appropriate make and conforming to the technical specifications as laid down in Central Electricity Authority (Insta llation and Operation of meters) Regulations 2006 and all subsequent amendments. T hese check meters may b e calib rated by the licensee upon payment of prescribed fee as approved by the Commission from time to time. However, check meter readings shall not be used for billing purpose by the licensee. Reading of Meters 5.17 The meter shall be read once in every billing cycle a nd the consumer shall extend all fa cilities to the licensee or his authorised represent atives to read the meter.In respect of domestic consu mers metershall preferably be readduring daylight hours. 5.18 The meter shall be r ead by an author ised representative of the licensee. T he licensee sha ll issue proper photo identity cards to all meter readers and meter readers shall carry the photo identity card during the cour se of meter reading. 5.19 The meter reader may use hand held instruments, meter reading instrument (MRI) or wireless equipment for recor ding meter readings a nd for generation of bills on the spot. If the cons umer wishes to have a record of the reading ta ken, either on basis of MRI downloads or on the basis of remote meter-reading, he sha ll be a llowed by the licensee. 5.20 It shall be the duty of t he meter reader to check the condition of LEDs (light emitting devices) on electronic meters. In case the E/L LED indicator provided on electronic meters is found to be ‘ON’, he shall inform the consumer that there is leakage in the premises and advise the cons umer to get the wiring checked and leakage removed. T he meter reader shall also inform the concerned officia ls of the licensee about t he leakage. 5.21 Status of the meter and/or its seal along with the meter reading details for last six billing cycles of each consumer sha ll be made ava ilab le on t he licensee’s web site.Ex-642/2013 39 5.22 In case, for any reason, the meter is not read du ring a billing cycle the licensee sha ll prepa re a provisional bill ba sed on the average consumption of last three billing cycles when readings were taken. Such provisional billing shall not continue for more than two billing cycles at a stretch, and the licensee shall not generate more than two provisional bills for a cons umer during one financial year. The amount pa id as per the provisional bill shall be adjusted aga inst the bill r aised on the basis of actual meter reading during subsequent billing cycles. 5.23 If the meter is r endered inaccessible on two consecutive meter r eading dates, a notice shall be issued to consumer to keep the meter accessible for reading on t he date (at least 7 da ys after the date of not ice) and time specified in the notice. 5.24 If meter is not ma de accessible even on the specified date, a notice shall be served on the consumer, if available, or affixed near the main entrance of the premises, to get the meter read by the licensee after payment of a penalty charge which shall be 5% of t he average billing amount for the last 12 months, within the next 7 days. Fa iling this, supply sha ll be disconnected. 5.25 The provisions of clauses 5.23 a nd 5.24 of this Code shall not apply in ca se of a domest ic cons umer who has given an a dvance intimation to the licensee of the inaccess ibility of his meter for reading due to the consumer being out of station and has also deposited an amount in accordance with clause 6.22 of this Code. 5.26 When a domestic consumer gives prior information in writ ing about inaccessibility of the meter to the licensee due to continued absence from residence, the licensee shall not send any notice/ provisional bill to the consumer provided that the consumer pays the fixed charges for such period in a dvance. Whenever the meter is made a ccessible by the consumer for taking the meter reading, the entir e consumption shall be ta ken a s if the consumption wa s for the period excluding t he intimated period of inaccessibility. This facility shall be available to the consumer if he has paid up to date du es. 5.27 If the cons umer desires to have a special reading taken, the same shall be arranged by t he licensee on a charge as appr oved by the Commission from time to time, and the charge shall be included in the next bill of the consumer. Testing of Meters 5.28 It shall be the licensee’s responsibilit y to sa tisfy it self regarding the accuracy of the meter before it is insta lled and the licensee may test them for this purpose. The licensee shall conduct periodical inspection/testing and calibration of the meters as specified by the Central Electricity Authority (Installation & Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 andall subsequent amendments. 5.29 The licensee shall conduct periodical inspection/testing of the meters as per the following schedule: (1)Single pha s e meter s: Onc e every five years (2)LT 3 -pha se meters: Once every 3 years (3)HT meters including MDI: Yearly Ex-642/201340 Wher ever applicable, CT and PT shall also be tested along with meters 5.30 Test result s shall be maintained as per the for mat given in Annexure 11.9 to this Code. Replacement of Meters Testing of Defective Meters 5.31The licensee shall have the right to test any meter and related apparatus if there is a reasonable doubt about accuracy of the meter. The consumer shall pr ovide the licensee necessary a ssistance in conduct of the test. 5.32 A consumer may request the licensee to test the meter on his premises if he doubts its accuracy, by applying to the licensee in the format given in Annexure 11.10 to this Code, along with the requisite test ing fee. On receipt of such r equest, the licensee s ha ll follow the procedure as detailed in cla uses 5.34 - 5.37 of this Code. 5.33 The meter may be tested for accuracy at the third party testing laboratory accr edited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), if so desired by the consumer. The list of third party agencies for test ing of meters s hall be available on the website of the licensee: Provided that in case of testing on the consumer ’s request, the cons umer sha ll have to pay the test ing fee as per approved by the Commission in the tariff order from time to t ime. Provided fur ther that if the meter is fou nd to be defective / burnt due to technical r easons attributable to the licensee viz. volta ge fluct uation, transients etc., the licensee shall refund the test fee to the consumer by adjustment in the subsequent bill. 5.34 The licensee shall inspect and check the correctness of the meter within 4 working days of receiving the complaint in Class-I cities, within 7 working days of receiving the complaint in urba n areas and within 12 working days of receiving the complaint in r ural ar eas. 5.35 Before test ing a consumer ’s meter, the licensee shall give 2 days’ adva nce notice in ca se of Class- I cit ies, 4 days’ advance notice in urban ar eas and 7 days’ advance notice in rur al areas intimating the date, time and place of testing so that the consumer or his author ised representa tive ma y be present at the test ing. 5.36 The consumer/author ised representa tive present du ring testing will sign the test repor t as a token of witness . In case the consumer / a uthorised r epresentative is not present, the licensee’s repr esentative and the testing la boratory official shall sign on the test report. 5.37 The licensee shall dispatch the test report to the consumer, to be received under acknowledgment, within 2 working days of the date of t esting. In case of fa ulty meter, rectifica tion for a maximum period of six months or from the date of last testing, whichever is shorter, on the basis of the test r eport, shall be adjusted in t he subsequent bill.Ex-642/2013 41 5.38 If a consumer disputes the result s of testing, he may a ppeal to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) which shall adjudicate upon t he matter and give its decision within one month of the application. Cost of Replacement of Defective/ Burnt/ Lost Meters 5.39 If, as a result of testing it is established that the meter became defective/burnt due to technical reasons viz. voltage fluctuation, transients, etc. attributable to the licensee, the cost of the meter sha ll be bor ne b y the licens ee.However, in the event of reasons beyond human contr ol /Force Majeur e conditions such as war, mutiny, civil commotion, riot, flood, cyclone, lightning, earthquake, lockout, fire, the licensee shall take steps to return to status quo condition as before the occurr ence of s uch events. Further if a consumer desires change of meter ownership (hired meter to owned meter or vice versa ) the licensee sha ll permit the same a nd meter secur ity levied / returned wher e applicable. Any excess/deficient amount shall be adjusted within two subsequent bills of the consu mer. 5.40 If, as a result of testing, it is established tha t the meter was render ed defective/burnt due to reasons attr ibutable to the cons umer such as defect in consumer installation, connection of unauthor ised load by the consumer etc.,the cost of the meter sha ll be borne by the consumer a s specified below: (1)If the meter was owned by the cons umer, the licensee sha ll inform the consumer to replace the meter a nd a ssociated equipment as per provisions of cla uses 5.1 -5. 4 of this Code within 7 days, after which the licensee shall automatica lly be empower ed to install a new meter and start charging meter rent.The meter security shall be included in the next bill of the consumer. (2)If t he meter was owned by the licensee, t he licensee sha ll inst all a new meter at its own cost and wha tever r ecovera ble cost of the meter shall be included in the next bill of the consu mer. Provided that in the scenario detailed in sub clause 5.40(2), the licensee shall r ecover the cos t of the meter from the consumer in propor tion of the remaining useful life of the meter that was rendered defective/burnt. Depr eciation sha ll be calculated by stra ight -line method ta king a life span of ten years. Provided fur ther that if, a s a result of t esting, it is establis hed that the meter was rendered defect ive/ burnt due to tampering or any ot her deliberate act by the consumer to interfere with the meter, the cons umption shall be assessed as per clause 7.49 of this Code and action as permissible under law shall be ta ken aga inst the consumer for pilferage and tampering. 5.41 If a consumer disputes the results of testing, the meter sha ll be tested at the third pa rty testing laboratory accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibr ation L aboratories (NABL), selected by the consumer from the list of third party testing facility in line with clause 5.33 of this code. Ex-642/201342 Provided that in case of testing on the consumer’s request, the cons umer shall have to pay the test ing fee as appr oved by the Commission from time to time. Provided fur ther that if the meter is fou nd to be defective / burnt due to technical r easons attributable to the licensee viz. volta ge fluct uation, transients etc., the licensee shall refund the test fee to the consumer by adjustment in the subsequent bill. 5.42 In case of loss of meter, the cost of new meter a nd other appara tus sha ll be borne by the consumer unless the meter was installed in the licensee’s office or sub-s tation. The licensee s hall recover the cost of the meter from the consumer in proportion of the r emaining useful life of the meter that was lost. Depr eciation sha ll be calculated by stra ight-line method ta king a life span of ten years. Replacement of Meters (including MDI) Not Recording 5.43 The consumer is exp ected to intima te the licensee as soon as he notices tha t the meter ha s stopped or is not recording. 5.44 If during periodic or other inspection any meter is found to be not recording by the licensee, or a consumer makes a complaint in this regard, the licensee shall follow the procedure deta iled in clauses 5.34 - 5.37 of this Code. 5.45 If the meter is act ually found to be not recording, the licensee shall repla ce the non working (stuck, running slow, fast or creeping) meter within 3 working days in Class-I cities, within 5 working days in urba n areas and within 15 working days in rural ar eas. Replacement of Burnt Meters 5.46 In case a meter is found burnt either on consumer ’s complaint or upon inspection by the licensee, the licensee shall rest ore the su pply immediately bypassing the bur nt meter a fter ensur ing that necessary pr eventive action at sit e is ta ken to a void future damage. 5.47 If t he meter is bur nt due to caus es attr ibutable to the licens ee, the licens ee sha ll repla ce the b urnt out meter within 3 working days of receiving the complaint in Class-I cities, within 5 working days of r eceiving the complaint in urba n areas and within 15 working days of receiving the complaint in rural areas. 5.48 If the meter is burnt due to causes attributable to the consumer such as tampering, defect in consumer ’s installation, meter getting wet, connecting unauthorised additional load etc., the procedure laid down in cla use 5.40 shall be followed with respect to cost of meter. T he licensee shall serve a notice to the consumer for recover y of cost of the meter within 7 working days of detection and shall replace the meter within 15 working days of receiving payment from the consumer and after necessary corrective act ion is taken to avoid future damage to the meter.Ex-642/2013 43 Replacement of Lost Meters 5.49 Complaints r egarding lost meters shall be enterta ined by the licensee only if they are accompa nied by a copy of the FIR lodged by t he consumer with police. In all such cases, the licensee shall also conduct an inquiry. 5.50 Supply in such cases shall be restored after ins tallation of a new meter, payment of electricity charges for the per iod in which meter was not ava ilable and any other prescribed charges that may be a pproved by the Commission. Electricity cha rges for the period in which the meter was not available shall be assessed as per clause 6.13 of this Code. Spare Meters 5.51 The licensee shall always mainta in in its Sub-Divisions dealing with revenue a stock of 20 (twenty) or more spa re meters each of different kind/ratings along with its accessories so that the replacement ca n be accomplis hed within the stipula ted time. However, the relevant conditions given in the Clauses 5.31 to 5.50 shall always apply. 6.BILLING General 6.1The licensee shall intimate the consumer, in the beginning of the financial year or as and when changes are made on billing cycle, of the following: (1)Probable week in which bill shall be issued by the licensee in every billing cycle; (2)Probable due dates for pa yment of bill; and (3)Reba tes applicable to consumers, if any: Provided that the due date for bill payment thr ough cheques shall be 3 days in advance of the normal due date for bill payment, and the due date for bill payment thr ough online ba nk transfer/ credit card shall be 1 da y in advance of the normal due date for bill payment. 6.2The licensee shall also intimate the consumer of bill dispatch through SMS a nd/or email, if the consumer has furnished requisite details. The billing details of last six bills (including the la test bill) for all consumers shall also be made availa ble on the licensee’s website along with payment receipt details. 6.3The licensee shall arrange to get the name of the bill distributor rubber-stamped and the bill distributor shall write down the delivery date of the bill on the body of the bill before it is ha nded over to the consumer. The licensee may give an option of Spot Billing to domestic and commercial cons umers in a notified distribution area. 6.4The licensee shall issue the fir st bill within two billing cycles of energising a new connection. In case the consumer does not receive the first bill within two billing cycles from the date of energisation of the connection, he shall complain, in writing, to the licensee’s office and the licensee shall issue the bill within the next 14 days. Ex-642/201344 6.5The bill will be delivered to the consumer immediately in ca se of spot billing under acknowledgment by the consumer. In all other cases, the licensee shall ensure that the bill is delivered to the consumer by hand/post/courier at least 10 days prior to the due date of payment. 6.6If a consumer does not receive the bill within 7 days of the bill issue date, he may obtain a duplicate bill from the concerned billing office of the licensee. The licensee shall issue a duplicate bill immediately if the consumer cont acts the licensee’s office in person/ telephonically, or on the date of a cknowledgement if received by post. Non-receipt of the bill shall not entitle the consumer to delay payment beyond the due date. 6.7The following information shall be included in the bill: (1)Addr ess and telephone number of t he billing office / distribution centre; (2)Service Connection Number; (3)Bill Number and Period of Bill; (4)Consumer Number, Name and Addr ess; (5)Pole Number from which connection is served / Name of sub-division or centre; (6)Date of issue of Bill; (7)Tariff category of consumer (i.e. domestic/ commercial etc.); (8)Tariff, rate of electricity duty and cess applica ble; (9)Status of meter (OK/defect ive/not available); (1 0) Billing Sta tus (Regular/ Assessed/ Provisional Bill with reason) (11)Supply deta ils: (i)Type of supply (i.e. single phase, three-phase LT or HT) (ii)Contracted load (iii)Connected load (1 2) Meter number and identification details of meter (in case the meter was replaced during the billing period, the bill must indicate the meter numbers of new as well as old meter, date of replacement, fina l reading of old meter and initial reading of new meter at the time of repla cement of meter). (13) Previousmeter reading with date; (1 4) Present meter reading with date; (1 5) Multiplying Factor of the meter if any; (16) Units consumed;Ex-642/2013 45 (1 7) Maximum demand; (MDI reading); (1 8) Due date of payment (separa tely specified for payment by cash, cheque, ECS, NEFT, Credit/Debit Card, etc. if necess ary); (19) Billing details: Item-wise details for the current month as well as past arrears shall be furnished in t he bill. A repr esentative list is given below: (i)Energy Cha rges (ii)Fixed Charges (iii)Meter rent, if any (iv)Capacitor surcharges (v)Other Charges, if any (vi)Electricity Duty (vii) Fuel Cost adjustment charges (viii) Power fact or adjustment charges, if any (ix)Reactive Energy Charges, if any (x)Time of Use charges, if any (xi)Surcha rge for delay, if any (xii) Interest on instalments due (xiii) Tota l current month demand (xiv) Arrears (with details) (xv) Deta ils of S ubsidy, if any, under S ection 65 of the Act (xvi) Others (with details as and when required as per CEA Regulations mentioned at Clause 5.1) (xvii) Tota l amount due (xviii)Adjustment (xix) Net amount to be paid (xx) Amount of last payment received with date (2 0) Modes of payment a ccepted; (2 1) In case of cheques and bank drafts, the receiving authority in whose favour the amount should be drawn; (2 2) Security Deposit held and required; (2 3) Details of last six readings. Ex-642/201346 6.8The following information shall be provided on the reverse of the bill or stamped on the bill or be sent in an annexur e accompanying the bill at least twice a year: (1)Addr ess(es) of collection centre(s) a nd working hours for collection of bill payments, including the date and time of presence of the mobile va n, if any, at different venues for collection of bill payments; (2)Designation and address of the a uthorit y with whom gr ievance/compla ints pertaining to bills can be lodged; (3)Complete address (es) with telephone number(s) of the complaint centr es, if any; (4)Addr esses a nd telephone numbers of the relevant Grievance Redressal Officers including Central Grievance Redressal Officers as well as the Ombudsman constituted under Section 42 sub-clause 6 of the Act; (5)Tariff Schedule applicable to the consumer; and (6)Advertisements, if any. 6.9The bill ma y conta in additional information, if any, a s desired by the licensee. Procedure for Billing under Special Circumstances Billing when Meter Not Accessible 6.10 In a ll cases not covered by the Spot Billing system, if the licensee is not able to read t he meter, a provisional bill ma y be issued on the basis of the average cons umption of the previous 3 billing cycles. However, the licensee sha ll ensu re that such pr ovisional billing does not extend to more than two billing cycles at a stretch, and there are not more than two provisional bills generated for a consumer during one fina ncial year. T he provisional bills sha ll be adjusted on the basis of the subsequent actual meter reading. Billing in case of defective/stuck/stopped/burnt meter 6. 11In case of defective/stuck/stopped/burnt meter, the consumer shall be billed on the basis of average cons umption of the past three billing cycles immediately preceding the date of the meter being found/repor ted defective. T hese charges shall be levia ble for a maximum period of t hree months only during which time the licensee is expected to ha ve replaced the defective meter: Provided that any evidence provided by consumer about conditions of working and/or occupancy of the concerned premises during the sa id period(s), which might have had a bearing on energy cons umption, may be considered by the licensee. 6.12 In case, the Ma ximum Demand Indica tor (MDI) of the meter at the consumer’s installa tion is f ou nd t o b e fa u l t y or n ot r eco r ding a t a ll (u nles s t a mp er ed ), t he d ema nd c ha rges s ha ll b e ca lcu l a t ed based on maximum demand during corresponding months/billing cycle of previous year, when theEx-642/2013 47 meter was functiona l and r ecording correctly. In case, the recorded MDI of corresponding month/ billing cycle of past year is also not available, the average maximum demand as available for lesser period sha ll be considered. Billing in case of Lost Meters 6.13 In case of meters r eported as lost, electr icity charges for the period for which the meter was not available shall be assessed as below: (1)As per clause 7.49 of this Code, if it is established in the licensee’s enquiry that the loss of meter was due to a delibera te act of the consumer and/or with his connivance (2)As per clauses 6.11 and 6.12 of this Code, in other cases. Billing on Prorata B asis 6.14 The consumer shall be levied fixed / demand charges / Energy cha rges / meter rent, as the case may be, for a particula r billing month on pr orata basis as applica ble: (1)By t he number of da ys the connection is energized in case of new connection and perma nent disconnection; (2)By t he number of da ys the revised tariff is effective; the energy charge shall be pror ated base on average consumption per day; (3)By t he number of day power is supplied to the consumer in case of continuous black out for 10 days (240 hou rs) or more. However meter rent shall be charged in full. Special Reading and Billing of Meters in cases of Change of Occupancy or Vacancy of Premises for Domestic Consumers 6.15 It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to get a special reading done by t he licensee at the time of cha nge of occupancy or on the pr emises falling vacant and obtain a No- Dues certificate from the licensee. 6.16 The consumer shall request in writ ing to the licensee for special reading to be taken at least 15 days in advance of the said vacancy of premises or change of t he occupancy, as the case may be. However, the licensee may accept a notice of shorter period. 6.17 The licensee shall arrange to take a special reading of the meter within 5 days of receiving the consumer ’s written request and issue a final bill including all ar rears till the date of billing, at least 5 days before change of occupancy / vacancy of pr emises. The final bill thus r aised shall mention tha t no other dues are pending on the pr emises and the bill is final. The final bill shall also include charges for the period between the date of special reading and date of vacancy of premises on a pro-rata ba sis. 6.18 Once the final bill is ra ised, the licensee shall not have any right to recover a ny charge(s) other than those in the final bill, for any period prior to the date of such bill. The licensee shall disconnect Ex-642/201348 supply to the premises on its vaca ncy. It shall be the r esponsibility of the consumer to make the final payment on vacating the premises and the licensee shall accordingly issue a No-Dues Certificate on receiving such payment. However, in case of change of occupancy, the connection shall not be disconnected and after completing the commercial formalities for change of name, the same shall be effective. Payment on Self As sessment by the Cons umer 6.19 In case of non-receipt of bill t he cons umer ma y deposit self-assess ed bill in the format prescr ibed in Annexure 11.12 to this Code for the period for which bill has not been r eceived, provided tha t it is not less than the avera ge cons umption during the billing cycle over the last six months. The excess/deficient pa yment so made by the consumer shall be adjusted in the next bill. 6.20 In case of dispute regarding levy of surcharges, the licensee shall settle the dispute within one billing cycle from the da te of protest by the consumer after giving him an opportunity for reply and a personal hea ring. Advance Payment of Bills 6.21 In case a consumer ’s premises remains vacant for some duration and he intends to make advance lump sum payments from which the billed amount may be deducted periodically, he can apply to the licensee in the format prescribed at Annexure 11.13 to this Code. 6.22 In such cases the consumer shall deposit an amount that covers the fixed charges for the dura tion of the pr oposed absence. Such pr ovisional payment shall be adjusted when subsequ ent bill is issued on the basis of act ual meter reading. 6.23 Bills of the consumers opting for this a rrangement shall be showing t he amount depos ited by the cons umer, a mount a djusted against the electricity dues after each billing cycle and the ba lance left. On the amount rema ining outstanding from such a dvance deposit s, interest shall be paid at the State Bank of India’s prevailing interest ra te for Savings Bank account. This interest computa tion will be done quarterly. Billing in case of Disputed B ills 6.24 On r eceipt of the complaint, the licensee shall issue a written/electr onic acknowledgment on the spot and give a complaint number for reference. 6.25 If no additional information is r equired from the consumer, the licensee sha ll resolve the consumer ’s complaint a nd intimate the result to the consumer within 7 days of receipt of the complaint . In case, any a dditiona l infor mation is required, the same shall be obtained, the issue r esolved and result intimated to the consumer within 15 days of receipt of t he complaint. However, if the consumer does not pr ovide information on time, the licensee sha ll not be held liable for the consequent delay. Till the complaint on the bill is resolved, the consumer sha ll pay the amount based on average cons umption of la st three consecutive undisputed bills. Amount so recovered shall be subject to fina l adjustment on resolution of the compla int.Ex-642/2013 49 6.26 If the complaint is fou nd to be corr ect by the licensee, a r evised bill shall be issued within 5 working days of intimation of the same to the consumer. T he consumer sha ll make the payment within 15 days aft er receipt of the revised bill. The consumer shall not be charged any late payment surcharge if the payment is made by the revised due date. 6.27 If the complaint was found to be incorrect the consumer shall be notified and directed to make the payment as per the origina l bill immediately and the consumer shall be liable to pay late payment surcharge if the pa yment is made after t he due date of the original bill. Billing in case of Excess Load 6.28 In cases where MDI is installed the assessment for billing shall be made as per the provisions of the Tariff order. In cases where no MDI is installed, the excess load shall be billed as per the formula given in Annexure 11.19(A) but at two times the rate applicable in the tariff order. The ‘L’ in t he formula shall be computed as per below: (1)In domestic category, 50% of the difference between the actual connected load and the cont racted load; (2)In commercial category, 75% of the difference between the act ual connected load and the cont racted load; and (3)In other cas es difference between the a ct ualconnected load and the cont racted load. Payment of Bills 6.29 Consumer may pay the bill by Cash (up to the limit acceptable by the licensee), Cheque, Demand Draft or Money Order or e-transfer on line. Cheques and demand draft s shall be payable at any branch of a scheduled commercial bank that is a member of the clearing house for the area where the concerned Sub Divisional Office is located. The date of payment by cheque shall be deemed to be the date on which the cheque is received or da te of cheque whichever is later in the licensee’s office, provided that the cheque is not dishonoured. 6.30 The payment may be made: (1)In person at the designated collection offices of the licensee during specified times; or (2)By post or courier; or (3)By deposit in the drop-boxes maint ained by the licensee at designated locations; or (4)By bank tra nsfer through the internet; or (5)By a ny other scheme notified by the licensee for acceptance of b ill payment. Ex-642/201350 6.31 The licensee shall establish sufficient number of collection centres at suitable locations with necessary facilities where consumer can deposit the bill amount with ease and without undue congestion. Wherever necessary a separa te collection centres should be provided for senior citizens, physically challenged person and women. 6.32 The licensee may issue a disconnection notice in writing, as per Section 56 of the Act, to any cons umer who defaults on his payment of dues, aft er giving him a notice period of 15 clear days to pay the dues. In ca se a cheque is dishonoured within the period prescribed in clause 6.29 of this Code, the licensee shall inform the consumer a nd require him to pay the bill within 7 da ys in cash. The consumer shall be liable to pay the late payment surcharge, as applicable, as well as a charge on account of the dishonour of the cheque/non realiza tion of the draft. If there are two instances of dishonour of cheques/draft of a consumer in a fina ncial year, the consumer shall be required to make all payments in cash till the end of the following financial year. In a ddition the licensee ma y initiate action against the consumer under Sections 138 and 142 of The Negotiable Instruments Act. 6.33 In a ddition to the mode of payments specified in clause 6.30 of this Code, the licensee may notify schemes for acceptance of bill payment through Electronic Clearing System or at designated counters of a bank or through credit/debit cards or thr ough any other means in a specified area a nd/or for a specified category of cons umers, after due notice is given to consumers. However, any change in the mode of payment shall be friendlier for the consumers than the prevailing system. 6.34 Wher e the due date indicated for payment on the bill fa lls on a Sunda y or a public holiday, the payment shall be due on the next working day. Receipt of bill payment 6.35 Receipt shall be given to the consumer for payment of bills made in person. In all cases, payments shall be acknowledged in the next bill. Utilization of the Amount Received 6.36 All payments made by the consumer will be adjusted in the following order of prior ity: (1)Late payment surcha rge; (2)Arrears of electricity cha rges and corresponding arrears of electricit y duty/ tax; (3)Curr ent electricity charges and corresponding cur rent electricity duty/tax; (4)Miscellaneous charges.Ex-642/2013 51 Late Payment Surcharge 6.37 Surcharge for delayed payment sha ll be levied as per the prevailing Ta riff Or der. Instalment Facility 6.38 The licensee ma y fr ame a scheme for providing facilit y of payment of bills in instalments for cons umers who are for the t ime being under financial distr ess. Recovery of Arrears 6.39 No sum due from any consumer, on account of default in payment shall be recoverable after the period of two years from the date when su ch sum became first due unless such sum has been shown continuously in the Book of Accounts (ledger, Ca sh Book and Bill, etc) as recoverable as arrear of charges for electricit y supplied. 7.THEFT AND UNAUTHORISED USE OF ELECTRICITY Theft of Electricity 7.1Whenever a case of theft of energy is detected, the Authorised Officer shall ca rry out assessment, in accordance with the procedure a s laid down in the sections below: Procedure for booking a case of theft of electricity 7.2The licensee or supplier s hall publish the list of the Authorised Officers prominently in all the Offices and the Photo Identity Card issued to such officers shall indicate so. 7.3An Authorised Officer, suo motu or on receipt of relia ble information regar ding theft of electricity shall promptly conduct inspection of such premises. 7.4The inspection team of the licensee or supplier, headed by such Authorised Officer shall carry along with them their Photo Identity Cards. Photo Ident ity Card should be shown to the consumer/ cons umer represent ative before entering the pr emises. Photo Identit y Card of the Authorised Officer shall clear ly indicate that he has been nomina ted as Authorised Officer as per provisions of Section 135 of the Act. 7.5The Authorised Officer sha ll prepa re a report giving details such as connected load, condition of meter seals, working of meter and mention any irregularity noticed (such as tampered meter, artificial means adopted for theft of energy). 7.6The report shall clearly indicate whether sufficient evidence substantiating the fact that theft of energy was found or not. T he deta ils of such evidence should be recor ded in the report. 7.7No case for theft shall be booked only on account of seals on the meter missing or tampered or breakage of glass window, unless corroborated by consumption pattern of consumer and such other evidence as may be availa ble. Ex-642/201352 7.8In case sufficient evidence is found to establish direct theft of electricity, licensee or Supplier as per Section 135 sub-clause (1A) of the Act shall disconnect the supply and seize all material evidenc e inc luding wir es / ca bles , met er, s er vic e line et c., from t he p r emis es and s ha ll lodge a complaint in writing relating to the commission of such offence in p olice station having jurisdiction within 24 hours fr om the time of such disconnection. T he Authorised Officer of the licensee or Supplier shall within 2 days from date of inspection, file a case against the consumer in designated Special Cour t as per the pr ovisions of Section 135 of the Act. 7.9The Author ised Officer shall assess the energy consumption as per the assessment for mula given in Annexure 11.19(A) to this Code, for the entir e period during which such t heft of electricity has taken place. If, however, the period during which such theft of electr icity has taken place can not be ascertained, such period shall be limited to 12 months immediately pr eceding the date of inspection. The period of assess ment ma y be ar rived at after taking into considera tion the following guidelines or any combination thereof or any other evidence which may be provided by the consumer: (1)Actual period from the date of commencement of supply t o the date of detection of theft; (2)Actual period from the date of replacement of component of metering system in which the evidence is detected to the da te of detection of theft; (3)Actual period from the date of previous checking of installation to date of detection of theft; (4)Meter Reading Instr ument (M RI) data should be considered wherever availa ble. 7.10 After establishing the duration period of theft, the Authorised Officer shall prepare an assess ment order on applicable tariff as per the Electricity (Amendment) Act, 2007 and any subsequent amendments, and serve on the person under proper receipt. 7. 11In ca se of a r egular metered connection, where a ca se of theft of electricity is detected, units allowed to be recor ded in t he meter for which bills have been ra ised by the licensee to the person during the period, for which the assess ment is made, shall be duly credited to the consumer. 7.12 In case of s uspected theft, the Au thorised Officer sha ll remove the old meter u nder a seizure memo and seal it in the presence of the consumer or his authorised representative and the Author ised Officer and the consumer have to sign on the seal borne on the meter. The licensee or supplier shall cont inue the supply to the consumer with a new meter. The old meter shall be tested in t he presence of the cons umer and the Authorised Officer at the licensee’s testing lab which shall give a test report, in writing, which along with photographs / videographs shall constitute evidence thereof. The Authorised Officer shall recor d reasons to suspect theft in the premises in his report: Provided that if consumer insists, the testing of the meter will be car ried out at a third party facility appr oved by the Commission.Ex-642/2013 53 7.13 The report shall be signed by the Author ised Officer and each member of the inspection team and the same must be ha nded over to the consumer or his/her representative at sit e immediately under prop er receipt. In case of refus al by t he cons umer or his aut horised r epres entative to either accept or give a receipt, a copy of the inspection report must be pasted at a conspicuous place in/outside the premises and photogra phed. S imultaneously, the report sha ll be sent to the consumer u nder Registered Post/Speed Post on the day or the next day of the inspection: Provided that in case of suspected theft, if the consumption pattern for la st one year is reasonably uniform and is not less than 75% of the assessed consumption, no fur ther pr oceedings shall be taken and the decision sha ll be communicated to the consumer under p roper receipt within t hree days and connection shall b e restored through original meter. 7.14 After detailed exa mination of the evidence and the consumption pattern of the consumer, if the licensee or supplier is convinced that a prima-facie case is made out for the abstraction, consumption or use of electricity dishonestly against the consumer, the licensee or supplier shall, within 7 days of inspection, serve a provisional assessment order assessed as per cla use 7.24 of this Code along with show cause notice to the consumer, giving r easons, as to why a case of theft should not be booked against such consumer giving full details for arr iving at such decision and points on which reply has t o be submitted. The notice should clearly state the time, date and place a t which the reply has to be submitted and the designation of the person to whom it should be addressed. 7.15 In case a show-cause notice is not served even after 30 days from da te of inspection by the licensee or supplier, the case of suspected theft shall be considered as dropped and no fur ther action ca n be initiated against t he consumer. 7.16 Theft shall not be limited to physical interference with the meter found during physical inspection. It shall also include theft committed by resor ting to external methods such as remote control, high volt age injection etc. which interfere with the a ccurate registr ation of energy consumed. Theft of electricity may be established by analysis of metering data down-loaded by a third pa rty facility appr oved by the Commission. In ca se theft of energy is determined by way of meter down load, the provisional assessment order assessed as per clause 7.24 of this Code along with show cause notice will be sent to the consumer/user. The notice should clearly state the time, date a nd place at which the reply has to be submitted and the designa tion of the person to whom it should be addressed. 7.17 The person, on whom an order has been served under clauses 7.14 and 7.16 of this Code, shall be entitled to file objections, if a ny, aga inst the provisional a ssessment before the Authorised Officer, who shall, after a ffording a reasonable opportunity of hearing to such person, pass a final order of assessment. Submission of consumer’s reply on Theft of Electricity 7.18 The consumer shall submit his/ her reply within 15 days of receipt of show cause notice to the concerned officer mentioned in clauses 7 .14 and 7.16 of this Code. Ex-642/201354 7.19 In s uch cases where the consumer files objections against the provisional assessment order, the process of hearing shall be as per cla uses 7. 20 and 7.21 of this Code. Hearing in case of suspected theft 7.20 Within 5 days from the da te of s ubmission of cons umer’s reply, the licensee or supplier sha ll arra nge a hearing with the consumer. The consumer may be given another opportunity in case he fails to appear for the hearing. In case, the consumer fails to appear for the second time, the licensee may proceed a gainst the consumer. 7.21 During the hearing, the Authorised Officer shall give due consideration to the facts submitted by the consumer and pa ss, within 5 working days, a speaking order as to whether the case of theft is established or not. The order shall contain the brief of inspection report, submissions made by cons umer in his written reply and or al submissions during hearing and reasons for accept ance or rejections of the same. 7.22 In a ll cases wher e theft of elect ricity has been detect ed, the licensee or su pplier sha ll file the case with Appropriate Court for decision in the matter unless the offence is compounded under Section 152 of the Act. 7.23 In case of the decision ba sed on the consumer ’s r eply/hearing wherein the case of theft is not esta blished, no fur ther proceedings shall be required and electr icity connection shall be rest ored through original meter. Assessment on theft of electricity 7.24 Where it is esta blished t ha t there is a ca se of theft of energy based on the consumer’s reply/ hear ing, the Author ised Officer shall assess the energy consumption as per the assess ment for mula given in Annexure 11.19(A) to this Code, for the entir e period during which such t heft of electricity has taken place and if, however, t he period during which such theft of electricity has taken place can not be ascertained, such period shall be limited to 12 months immediately preceding the date of inspection and prepare an assessment order on applicable tariff as per the Electricity (Amendment) Act, 2007 a nd any subsequent amendments , and serve on the per son under proper receipt. 7.25 In ca se of a r egular metered connection, where a ca se of theft of electricity is detected, units allowed to be recor ded in t he meter for which bills have been ra ised by the licensee to the person during the period, for which the assess ment is made, shall be duly credited to the consumer. 7.26 The consumer shall be required to make the payment wit hin 7 days of its proper receipt. 7.27 The licensee or supplier, as the case may be, on depos it or payment of the assessed amount or electricity charges in accordance with the provision of these regulations, shall, without prejudice to the obligation to lodge the complaint as referred to in the second proviso to the clause (1A) of Section 135 of the Electr icity (Amendment) Act , 2007, restor e the supply line of electricity within forty eight hours of such deposit or payment.Ex-642/2013 55 7.28 If the person does not ma ke payment within the st ipulated time, the licensee or supplier sha ll proceed to recover its dues against the assess ment or der. 7.29 In case of default by the person in payment of assessed amount, the person, in addition to the assessed amount, shall be liable to pay, on expiry of t hirty days from the da te of order of assessment, an amount of interest at the rate of 16% per annum compounded every 6 months pending adjudication by Appropriate Court. Default in p ayment of assessed amo unt or instalments thereof 7.30 In case of default in payment of the assessed amount, the licensee will, after giving a 15 days’ notice, in writing, file a case against the consumer in the designated Special Court a s per the provisions of Section 135 of the Act. Voluntary declaration of tampered meters 7.31 In case a consumer comes forward a nd voluntarily declares tampering of meter a nd/or seals: (1)The tampered meter sha ll b e r epla ced wit h a new meter by the licensee a t the consumer ’s cost or by the cons umer, a s the ca se may be, immediately and the licensee shall raise the assessment bill at two times the normal tariff for the period of last six months reckoned from date of declaration. (2)The energy bill, for the period the meter is not repla ced, shall be sent as per the procedure for defective met ers. (3)The licensee shall not move the Special C ourt in case a consumer voluntarily declares the tampered meter and pays the requisite charges in t ime. (4)In case of default in payment, the procedure for booking the theft ca se may be followed. Unauthorised Use of Electricity (UUE) Procedure for booking a case for Unauthorised Use of Electricity 7.32 The licensee shall publish the list of Assessing Officer s, prominently in all the Offices and the Photo Identity Card issued to such officers shall indicate so. 7.33 An Assessing Officer, suo motu or on receipt of relia ble information regarding unauthor ised use of electricity shall promptly conduct inspection of such pr emises a nd shall be pr esent at the time of conducting inspection of such premises. 7.34 The inspection team of the licensee, headed by su ch Assessing Officer shall ca rry along with them their Visit ing Cards and P hoto Identity Cards. P hoto Identity Card should be shown a nd Visiting Card handed over to the consumer before entering the premises. 7.35 The Assess ing Officer shall prepare a report giving details such as connected load, condition of seals, working of meter and mention any irregularity noticed (such a s, artificial means adopted for unauthorised us e of electricity). Ex-642/201356 7.36 The report shall clearly indicate whether sufficient evidence substantiating the fa ct that unauthorised use of electricity was found or not. The details of such evidence should be recorded in the report and the material ut ilised for the purpose shall be kept as a pr oof. 7.37 The report shall be signed by the Assess ing Officer, each member of the inspection team and by the consumer, if the consumer fails to sign the report then the same has to be recorded in the inspection r eport a nd the report must be handed over to the consumer or his/her representative at site immediately under pr oper receipt.. In case of refusal by the consumer or his/her representa tive to either a ccept or give a receipt, a copy of inspection repor t shall be pasted at a conspicuous place in/outside the premises and photographed. Simulta neously, the report shall be s ent to the cons umer under Registered Post/Speed post on the day or the next day of the inspection. 7.38 Within three working days of the date of inspection, the Assessing Officer shall, analyze the case after carefully considering all the evidence including the consu mption pattern, wherever available and the report of inspection. If it is concluded that no unauthorised use of electricity has taken place, no further action will be ta ken. Notice to consumer 7.39 If the Assessing Officer suspects that the una uthorised use of electricity has taken place, he shall serve a provisional assessment order assessed as per cla uses 7.48 and 7.49 of this Code along with show cause notice to the consumer, giving reasons as t o why a case of unauthorised use of electricity should not be booked against such consumer. T he show ca use notice should clearly state the time, date and pla ce at which the reply has to be submitted and the designation of the person to whom it should be addressed. 7.40 The person, on whom an order has b een served under clause 7.39 of this Code, s hall be entitled to file objections, if any, against the pr ovisional assessment b efore the Assessing Officer, who shall, after affor ding a reasonable opportunity of hearing to such person, pass a final or der of assessment. 7.41 If the pr ovisiona l assessment amount is deposited within 7 da ys of serving such provisional assessment order on the consumer, r eply to the notice shall not be necessary. Submission of consumer’s reply on Unauthorised Use of Electricity 7.42 The consumer shall submit his reply wit hin 15 days of receipt of show cause notice to the concerned officer mentioned in clause 7.39 of this Code. 7.43 In s uch cases where the consumer files objections against the provisional assessment order, the process of hearing shall be as per cla uses 7. 44 and 7.45 of this Code. Hearing in case of suspected unauthorised use of electricity 7.44 Within 5 da ys from the date of s ubmission of consumer ’s reply, the licensee shall arrange a hearing with the cons umer.Ex-642/2013 57 7.45 During the hearing, the Assess ing Officer shall give due consideration to t he facts submitted by the consumer and pa ss, within 5 working days, a speaking order as to whether the case of unauthorised use of electr icity is established or not. The order shall conta in the brief of inspection report, submissions made by cons umer in his written reply and oral submissions dur ing hearing and reasons for acceptance or rejections of the same. Assessment on unauthorised use of electricity 7.46 In cases where unauthorised use of electricity is not established based on consumer’s reply submission/hear ing, further proceedings sha ll be discontinued and case of unauthorised use of electricity shall be dropped immediately. 7.47 Wher e it is established that there is a case of unauthorised use of electr icity based on consumer ’s reply submission/hearing, the Assessing Officer shall assess the energy cons umption taking into considera tion the following: 7.48 The Assessing Officer shall assess the energy cons umption considering the following: (1)Period of assessment: If the Assessing Officer reaches to the conclusion that unauthor ised use of electricity has ta ken pla ce, the assessment sha ll be made for the entire period du ring which such unauthor ised use of electricity has taken place a nd if, however, the period during which such unauthor ised use of electricit y has taken place cannot be a scertained, such period shall be limited to a period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of inspection. (2)Assessment charge: The assessment for units assessed as per clause 7.49 of this Code shall be done on the basis of a pplicable tariff and in accordance with the Electricity (Amendment) Act, 2007 and any subsequent amendments, excluding the consumption recorded by the meter or alr eady billed during the assess ment period at applica ble tariffs. (3)If a consumer is found indulging in more than one act of unauthorised use of electricity, the charges payable by the consumer in respect of each such unauthorised use shall be sepa rately assessed and billed a ccordingly. 7.49 The methodology for assessment of consumption for unauthorised use of elect ricity shall be as follows: Assessment shall be based on the data obta ined fr om the meter (in case of electronic meter thr ough MRI) and shall be given as: =Average Monthly consumption for the period of assessment (units) x Period of assessment (in months or fraction thereof), assessed as per clause 7.48 (1) of this Code Provided the meter has been in working condition for at least 9 months of the assessment period; Provided fu rther that the connection of t he cons umer ha s been energized for a t least nine months prior to the date of inspection for unauthorised use of electricity. Ex-642/201358 If the above conditions are not satisfied then the assessment shall be as per the assessment formula given in cla use of Annexure 11.19 t o this Code. 7.50 The final a ssessment order shall be served on the consumer under proper receipt. T he cons umer shall be required to make the payment wit hin 7 da ys of its proper receipt. A copy of the speaking order shall also be handed over to the consumer under proper receipt. 7.51 The order of final assessment sha ll be served upon the person in occu pation or possession or in charge of the pla ce or premises in s uch manner as prescribed by the State Government as per section 126(2) of the Act. 7.52Any person served with the order of final assessment, may, accept such assessment and deposit the assessed amount with the licensee within 7 days of service of a ssessment order upon him. 7.53 In case of non-payment of bill amount within 7 days of serving the final assessment order, the connection will be disconnected by serving a 15 days notice, which will not be reconnected until the assessed amount is deposited. In case of non-payment, the amount will be shown as arrear in the r egular bill. 7.54 When a person defa ults in making payment of assessed amount, he, in addition to the assessed amount shall be lia ble to pay, on the exp iry of 30 days from the date of order of assessment, an amount of interest at the rate of 16% per annum compounded ever y 6 months. Appeal to Appellate Authority 7.55 Any person a ggrieved by the final order served by the Assessing Officer may, within 30 days of the said order, prefer an appeal in such for m, verified in such manner and be accompanied by such fee as specified by the State Commission, to an Appellate Authority. 7.56 No appeal a gainst a n order of assessment under section 7.55 above shall be entertained unless an amount equal to half of the assess ed amount is deposited in cash or by way of bank dr aft with the licensee and documentary evidence of such deposit has been enclosed along with the appeal. 7.57 The Appellate Authority will dispose of the appeal after hearing the parties and pass appropriate order within 90 days of appeal being admitted and send copy of the order to the Assessing Officer and the appellant. The or der of the App ellate Authority shall be final and shall not be a ppeal-a ble. 7.58 The consumer will be served with a revised bill as per final or der of the Appellate Authority to be paid in 7 days. 7.59 If a consumer defaults in making the payment within 7 days of serving the final order of the Appellate Authority, the connection will be disconnected after serving a 15 days notice which will not be reconnected until t he bill amount is cleared. In case of non- payment, the amount will be indicated a s arrear in regular bill and a ction will be taken for recovery.Ex-642/2013 59 7.60 An interest of 16% per annum will be cha rged on the amount as per final order of the Appellate Authority after thirty days from the date of fina l order, compounded every 6 months as per section 127(6) of the Act. 7.61 In case the Appellate Authority holds that no case of unauthorised u se of electricity is establis hed, no further proceedings will be initiated by the licensee and the amount deposit ed by t he appellant shall be refunded along with interest at the ra te of 1 6 percent per annum compounded every six months for the period from the da te of deposit till the amount recovered is adjusted thr ough adjustment in the electricity bills of the immediately succeeding months. The a ppellant may also opt for cash refund of the amount deposit ed by the appellant along with interest at the rate of 16 p ercent per annum compounded every six months, till payment of such amount is made by the licensee. 7.62 In case the amount payable as determined by the appellate authority is less than the amount alr eady deposited by the person, the excess amount will be refunded by adjustment in the bills of the immediately succeeding months along with interest at the rate of 16 percent per annum compounded ever y six months fr om the date of such excess deposit till the date of actual adjustment. 8.DISCONNECTION AND RECONNECTION 8.1The supply may be disconnected temporarily or on a permanent basis as per the procedure described below. The licensee shall remove service line, meter etc. aft er perma nent disconnection. However, the licensee may not remove service line, meter etc in case of temporary disconnection. 8.2The charges for connection, reconnect ion and disconnection sha ll be in accordance with the Schedule of C harges given in the Tariff Order issued fromtime to time. Temporary Disconnection 8.3The licensee sha ll issue a disconnection notice in writing, as per section 56 of the Act, to the consumer who default s on his p ayment of dues giving him fifteen clear days to pay the dues. Thereafter, the licensee may disconnect the cons umer ’s installa tion on expiry of the said notice period by r emoving the service line/meter as the licensee ma y deem fit. 8.4The licensee shall issue a minimum period of seven clear days’ disconnection notice in writing in the following ca ses. T hereafter, the supply shall be disconnected only if the cause of the disconnection is not removed / rectified within t he notice period of 7 days: (1)If the conduct/continuance of any business/industry/activity being carried out in any premises becomes unlawful due to lack of necessary permission or withdrawal of permission from the competent a uthority; or Ex-642/201360 (2)If the wiring, a pparatus, equipment or insta llation at the consumer ’s pr emises is found to be defective or there is leakage of electricity or if the consumer is found to have altered the position of the meter and related apparatus or if the consumer uses any apparatus or appliance or uses the energy in such manner as to endanger the service lines, equipment, electric supply mains and other works of t he licensee, or is found to be using it in any manner which unduly or improperly interferes with the efficient supply of energy to any other consumer; or (3)If a t any time the consumer is fou nd to be using energy for a purpose other than for which it was intended / provided or tampers with the meter and/or other appara tus of the licensee on his pr emises or extends/allows supply of energy to any other premises from his connection. 8.5The licensee sha ll, aft er the connection is temporarily disconnected as per clauses 8. 4, issue a notice to the consumer as per format given in Annexure 11.17 to this Code, to remove the cause of disconnection within 45 da ys failing which the supply s hall be disconnected permanently. 8.6During the period of temporary disconnection the consumer sha ll be liable to pay meter rental charge, demand charge or fixed charge as applica ble. 8.7The licensee may t ake steps to prevent unauthor ised reconnection of consumers disconnected in the manner as described above. Wherever the licensee discovers that connection has been re- connected in a unauthorised manner, licensee may initiate action as per provisions of Section 138 of the Act. Further, in case the licensee discovers that supply to such premises has been rest ored through a nother live connection, a ll pending dues of the said disconnected connection shall be transferred to such live connect ion’s a ccount a nd non-payment of such transferred dues ma y be treated as per clause 8.3. Permanent Disconnection 8.8The supply shall be disconnected permanently in following ca ses: (1)On t he termination of the Agreement; or (2)If the cause for which the supply was temporarily disconnected is not removed within the notice period; or (3)On the request of consumer: Pr ovided tha t a fter perma nent disconnection the licensee sha ll not levy rental or fixed/dema nd charges. The licensee shall have the right to recover the tota l outstanding amount due from the cons umer upto the date of permanent disconnection and la te payment surcharges till the outstanding due is cleared thr ough Court of Law, if necessary.Ex-642/2013 61 Disconnection on C onsumer’s Request 8.9In case a consumer desires his meter to be perma nently disconnected, he shall apply for the same in the format prescribed in Annexure 11.15 to this Code. The licensee shall give a written acknowledgment of receipt of such r equest, on the s pot. 8.10 The licensee shall carry out a special reading a nd prepare a final bill including all arrear s up to the date of such billing within 5 days from r eceipt of the request. Upon p ayment, the licensee shall issue a receipt with ‘Final Bill’ stamped on it. This receipt shall be treated as a No Dues Certificate: Provided that whenever an agreement is terminated on notice given by the consumer, the licensee shall give a written intima tion within 2 working days a fter termina tion in the forma t given in Annexure 11.16 to this Code, failing which such intimation shall be deemed to have been given to the consumer. 8. 11In case of consumers who were sanctioned phased contract demand and supply was released for init ial or intermediary phased demands, the consumer may seek deferment or cancellation of such of t he phased demands which are scheduled beyond minimum period of Agr eement, by giving 3 months’ notice in advance or in lieu thereof pay 3 months’ charges towards such deferment or cancellation of such phased dema nds. 8.12 Thereafter, the licensee shall not have any right to recover any charge(s) for any per iod prior to this date of billing. The licensee shall not ra ise any bill after dis connection. 8.13 HT/EHT consumers shall also bear the estimated expenditure on removal of the apparatus and service line. The licensee shall issue a demand note to the consumer in writing, under acknowledgment, within 10 working days of receipt of request. Reconnection 8.14 The licensee shall reconnect the consumer ’s installation within 2 days of pa yment of past dues, reconnection charges and Service Line Charges, as applicable, for that category of consumer, a fter getting necessary formalities completed from the consumer. Records of Disconnection and Reconnection 8.15 A record of disconnection and reconnection shall be ma intained by the licensee. 9 GENARAL CONDITION OF SUPPLY Wiring on Consumer’s Premises 9.1The wor k of wiring at the premises of the consumer sha ll be car ried out by a Licensed Elect rical Contra ctor and confor m to the st andards specified in Centra l Electricity Authorit y (M easur es relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010. The material used for wir ing shall Ex-642/201362 comply with or be superior to the standards laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standa rds. All high-rise buildings, having a height of more tha n 15 meters from ground level, sha ll also comply with Rule 50-A of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010. Wir ing shall be tested as per provisions of regulation 31 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010. Installation of AC Motors 9.2No AC motor sha ll be connected to the low or medium volt age system of the licensee unless the motor and the installation thereof has a suita ble device to limit the starting curr ent in accor dance with the requirement indicated below. (1)Power supply sha ll not be given to any applicant at low or medium voltage for utilizing induction motor s of 3 HP capacity or above or welding transformers of 1 kVA capacity or above, unless shunt capacitors of appropria te rating are insta lled by the consumer across the ter minal of su ch motors a nd welding tr ansfor mer s to achieve an avera ge monthly power fact or that is specified in this Code. (2)Motors of low or medium voltage sha ll be provided wit h control gea r to satisfact orily prevent the maximum current demand from the consumer’s installation exceeding the limits given in the following schedule under all possible conditions: Nature ofSupplySize of InstallationMax. Current Demand (a) Up to and including 3 BHP.Six times full load current (b) Above 3 BHP and up to andThree times full load current including 10 BHP Single pha se/(c) Above 10 BHP and up to andTwo times the full load current thr ee pha seincluding 15 BHP (d) Above 15 BHPOne and a half times the fu llload current Failure to comply with these requirements shall render the consumer liable to be disconnected. The licensee may, depending on the location and condition of working, relax the starting current limit. (3)A triple pole linked switch protected by a no-volt release sha ll contr ol the motor circuit and triple pole fuses (or overload release). It is impor tant that the release shall be maintained in good wor king order. Wiring for motor s sha ll be run wit h all three-phase wir e bu nches in a metallic conduit , which sha ll be effectively earthed throughout and sha ll be connected to the fra me of the motor from which two separ ate ear th wir es sha ll run. The minimum permissible size of the earth wire permitted shall be No. 14 SWG. Centra l Electricity Authorit y (M easures relating to Sa fet y and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time, shall be complied with in every respect.Ex-642/2013 63 (4)Total harmonic volt age distor tion sha ll not exceed the limits mentioned below: EHT = 4% HT = 10% LT = 15% (5)In addit ion, synchronous motors shall also be provided with an appara tus to contr ol watt- les s curr ent. Installation of Irrigation/Agriculture Pump Set 9.3All new pumping set connection/reconnections sha ll have the following: (1)Frict ion less foot valve (2)HDP E piping suct ion and delivery (3)ISI marked energy efficient monobloc pump set. (4)Capacitor of adequate rating for the pump set. Parallel Operation with the Supply System of licensee 9.4The consumer sha ll arra nge the plant, machinery a nd appar atus of his gener ating units, including an extension of or addit ion to the same, to opera te in an isola ted mode, with t he cons ent of the Commission, for capacity above 50 kW. Where cons ent has been given for pa r a llel oper a tion, the consumer shall arrange his installation to protect it from disturbances in the licensees system. The licensee shall not be liable for any dama ge ca used to the consumer’s plant, machinery and appar atus on account of such parallel opera tion, or any adverse cons equence arising ther eof. For parallel operation with the grid, the consumer shall have to follow the provisions of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizora m Electricity Grid Code and other relevant regulations and sha ll pay synchronizing charges as approved by the Commission. The actual operations shall be carr ied out in coor dination with the STU and the licensee. 9.5If it is brought to the notice of the SLDC/licensee that a particular consumer is using electricity during emergency rostering by una uthorised or irregular means, the feeder feeding such a consumer sha ll be opened to disenergise it from the sour ce grid sub-station, on instructions from the SLDC, for which the consumer sha ll be solely responsible. 10.OTHER IMPORTANT PROVISIONS General 10.1 The licensee shall monitor the progress of each case of new connect ion, billing, metering, disconnection, reconnection and theft on monthly basis and send MIS reports to the Commission ever y quarter, mentioning the performance standar ds achieved, violation of code in each category, penalty liveable, penalty a djusted etc. Ex-642/201364 10.2 The licensee shall keep uploading the a rea-wis e list and cur rent status of new connection, billing, metering, disconnection, reconnection and number of theft cases on the websit e giving overa ll figure of such cases booked, decided and pending. The licensee shall also upload at its website all the reports sent t o the Commission in a ccordance with this Code. Provision for load shedding 10.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in any agr eement or undertaking executed by a consumer with licensee or in the tariff applicable to him, the consumer shall r estrict the use of electricity in terms of his maximum demand and/or stagger energy consumption in the manner and for the period as maybe specified in any order that may be made by the State Load Dispatch Centre or the Sta te Government or the licensee to maintain orderly grid opera tion. The licensee shall inform bulk/ HT consumers about s uch restrictions as early as possible by any convenient communica tion mode for minimizing inconvenience. Service of Notice 10.4 Any order/ notice on the consumer by the licensee, including the notice under Section 56 of the Act shall be deemed to be duly served if it is sent by registered post at the correct postal address of the address ee or delivered by hand to the person residing at the address notified to the licensee by the consumer: Provided that in the case of an individual, service of notice to the consumer’s spouse or his authorised representa tive, a nd in the case of a firm, company or corporation, service of notice on the Managing Dir ector, Director or Principal Officer or an authorised person of such a concern, shall be ta ken as sufficient service for the purpose of this Code. 10.5 If a consumer refuses or avoids receiving the notice, the service may be effected by: (1)Affixing the notice at a conspicuous pla ce on the consumer’s pr emises in the presence of two witness and photographing the notice; or (2)Publication of the notice in daily newspaper(s) commonly read in the concerned loca lity to b e kept on recor d by the Licensee. Either of t he above shall be deemed as sufficient for service of not ice. Demand Side Management 10.6 It shall be the duty of every consumer to stop wastage and inefficient use of electricity and to extend necessar y cooperation to the licensee in implementation of the programs for Demand Side Management tha t may be launched by the licensee. Exemption 10.7 The standar ds of performa nce specified in this Regulation sha ll rema in suspended during Force Majeur e conditions such as war, mutiny, civil commotion, riot, flood, cyclone, lightning, earthquake, lockout, fire, etc., affecting the licensee’s installations and activities.Ex-642/2013 65 10.8 Non-compliance of a standar d conta ined in this Regulation shall not be treated as a violation, and the licensee shall not be required to pa y any compensa tion to affect ed consumer(s), if such violation is caused due to St ate Tra nsmission Utility and/or Central Tra nsmission Utility, gr id failure, a fault on t he Transmission licensee’s network or on account of instructions given by State Load Dispatch Centre, over which the Distribution licensee has no r easonable cont rol. Repeal and Savings 10.9 Joint Elect ricity Regulat or y Commission for Ma nipur and Mizor am (Electricit y supply c ode) Regulation, 2010 is hereby repea led. 10.10 Notwithstanding such repeal: (1)Anything done or a ction ta ken or purported to have been taken, or proceedings initiated under such repealed Regulations, shall be deemed to ha ve been taken under this Code to the extent that same were not inconsistent with the Act. (2)The Commission may, at any time and on such terms as it may think fit, amend, alter or modify any provision of this Code or remove any er ror or defect in this Code. Power of Relaxation and Power to Remove Difficulties 10.11 The Commission may, in public interest and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of this Code. 10.12 If a ny difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of this Code or there is a dispute regarding interpr etation of a ny provision, the matter may be expeditiously referred to the Commission. The Commission shall pass necessary orders after consulting the parties concerned, provided that the C ommission may refuse to entertain the refer ence filed beyond 3 months’ delay without sufficient cause. By Order of the Commission, Sd/- Richa rd Zothankima, Assistant Secretary. Ex-642/201366 11.ANNEXURES Annexure 11.1 Application form – New Connection (Low Tension Service) 1 Name of the Applicant/Organization: 2 Name of father/husband/Dir ector / Partner/Trustee: 3 Address: (a) For communicationHouse/Plot/Premise no. St reet Area/Colony District Telep hone No.: (b) Where the new connection is applied for/existingHouse/Plot/Premise no. connection is requ ired to b e shift ed St reet Area/Colony District (Indicate landmarks to identify the location) 4 Category of Supply (refer clause 3.2 of supply code) (list of categories attached) 5 Purpose of Su pply: 6 Total Contracted Load applied for (in kW):_______ Total Connected Load (kW):________ 7 Type of Supply (Permanent / Tempor ary): 8 If Tempora ry su pply, specify period ofrequ irement: From (da te): To (date): 9 Please indicate whether you want to carry out the works of laying service line and/or dedicated supply distr ibution facility for the electricity requisitioned (Yes/No) 10 Please indicate whether you want to install your own CEA approved meter (Yes/No) 11 List of documents attached: (a) Photograph to be affixed on application form (Yes/No) (b) Identity Proof duly certified submitted along with this application form: - If Applicant is a person(Tick any one)(i) Electoral identity card; (ii) Passport; (iii) Driving license;(iv) Ration car d; (v) Photo identity card issued by Government agency; (vi) PAN card; (viii) Certificate from village Pradhan/ Patwari/ Lekhpal/ village level wor ker/ village chowkidar/ Primary school teacher/ in- charge of p rimary health centre etc. - If Applicant is an organiza tionSignature of competent authority (e.g. (Tick any one)Branch Manager, Principa l, Head of Office/Department, etc) along with relevant resolution/authority letter of the institution concernedEx-642/2013 67 (c) Proof of ownership/ occupancy of premises, duly(i) Copy of sale deed or lease deed or in cer tified for which electricity connect ion is requiredthe ca se of agricultural connections a to b e enclosed(Tick any one)cop y of khasra / khatauni / khata nakal (ii) Registered General Power of Attorney; (iii) Municipal tax receipt or Demand notice or other related document; (iv) Letter of allotment. (v) Land Settlement Certificate (LSC)/Patta (vi) Certificate/ Letter from village authority/panchaya t stating that the property belongs to the applicant. (vii) An applica nt who is not an owner but an occupier of the premises shall along with any one of the documents listed at (i) to (vi) above also furnish a no objection certificate from owner of the premises (d) Proof of current address, duly certified to be(i) Electoral identity card; (ii) Passport; enclosed(Tick any one)(iii) Driving license;(iv) Ration card; (v) Photo identity card issued by any Government agency; (vi) Statement of running Bank Account (vii) Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas connection Bill; (viii) Income Tax assessment order. (e) Any other document as applica ble(Please specify) 12 Any electricity dues outstanding in licensee’s area of operation in consumer ’s name: Yes/ No 13 Any electricity dues outstanding for the premises for which connection applied for: Yes/ No 14 Any electricity dues outstanding with the licensee against any firm with which the consumer is associated as an Owner, Partner, Director or Managing Director: Yes/ No (For questions 13, 14 & 15 if the answer is ‘Yes’ in any case please provide details on a separate sheet) I/ We hereby declare that (a) The information provided in this applica tion is true to my knowledge. (b) I / We have read the Joint Elect ricity Regula tory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regula tions, 2013 and agr ee to abide by the condit ions mentioned therein. (c) I/ We will deposit electricity dues, every month, as per the applicable electricity tariff and other charges. (d) I/ We will own the resp onsibility of security and safety of the meter, cut-out and the installation thereafter. Date:Signa ture of the consumer/ Author ised Signa tory Place:Na me:Ex-642/201368 Note:Apa rt from docu ments for identity proof, proof of ownership/occupancy of premises and proof of cur rent address, the following documents sha ll be atta ched with the application form 1. In case of a partnership firm – The applicant shall furnish the partnership deed and an authorization in the name of the applicant for signing the requisition for m and agreement; 2. In case of Public and/or Private limited Company – The applicant sha ll furnish a Memor andum and Articles of Association and Certifica te of Incorporation a long with an authorization in the name of the applicant for signing the requisition form and agreement; 3. Other documents applicable only for select consumer categories: (a) Industrial consumers: Valid Industrial License, if applicable (b) Agricultural consumers: No Objection Certifica te from competent government author ity for tub e wells, if requ ir ed (c) Non-Domest ic Khokhas and Tempora ry Structure: No Objection Certificate for khokha or temporar y structure fr om the nagar niga m / nagar palika / nagar panchayat / gram sabha / gr am panchayat / land development authority / la nd owning agency ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgement Application of …………………………………………………………………. (name of applicant) for ………….………………………………………. (purpose) is hereby received on …………….…. (date). In this regard, the applicant is given a reference no. …………… to be used for all future correspondence. Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and Designation:Ex-642/2013 69 Annexure 11.2 Application form – New Connection (High Tension / Extra High Tension Service) 1Name of the Applicant/Organization: 2Name of father/husband/Dir ector / Partner Trustee: 3Addres s for communica tio n 4Address where the new connection is applied for/existingconnection is requ ired to be shifted (Indicate landmarks to identify the location) 5Voltage at which supply is required (kV)11 kV 33 kV 66 kV 110 kV 132 kV 220kV (Please tick the category applicable) 6Type of Supply (Permanent / Tempor ary): 6(a) If Tempora ry supply, specify period ofFrom (date): requirement:To (date): 7Tota l Contra ct Demand applied for (in kW / kVA) Tota l Connected load (kW/kVA________ kVA):______________ 8Basis for projection of Contract Demand - Diversity F actorassumed: 9Pha sing of Contra ct Demand required (Yes/No): If Yes, then provide the following details in the given format: CD required (kVA) along with remarks, if anyTentative Date from which required (a) (b) (c) 10Purpose of Installa tion/Supply: 11Category of Tariff opted for: 12Production capacity: 13Category of Industry:(Tick the applicable one)SSI MSILSI Type of unit: (viz. Ownership/Partnership/Private Ltd./Public Ltd./Society/ Govt Dept./Govt ) 14Name of Institution developing Industrial Premises: 15(a) Possession Letter or No-Objection Certificate 15(b) Issued by the Institution(attach a copy)Number:Date: 16Whether supply is needed through an independent feeder 17Whether the above unit ever operated at some(a) Sa nctioned L oad: other pla ce ordetails)(b) Service Connection No.: applied for connection?(If Yes, please provide details)(c) Arrears of payment (if any): Ex-642/201370 18 If electricity connection for the premises was(a)Name of unit: requ est ed in the(b) Service Connection No.: past?(If Yes, please provide details)(c) Arrears of payment (if any): 19 Status of land acquisition: 20 Expected date by which finance will be available: 21 Whether the requisite consent / NOC (if applicable as per the list of Pollution Control Board) has been obtained from ......................... 22 Any electricity dues outstanding in licensee’s area of operation in consumer ’s name: Yes/ No 23 Any electricity dues outstanding for the premises for which connection applied for: Yes/ No 24 Any electricity dues outstanding with the licensee against any firm with which the consumer is associated as an Owner, P artner, Director or Mana ging Director: Yes/ No (For questions 22, 23 & 24 if the answer is ‘Yes’ in any case please provide details on a separate sheet) I/ We hereby declare that (a) The information provided in this applica tion is true to my knowledge. (b) I/ We have read the Joint Electr icity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 a nd agr ee to abide by the condit ions mentioned therein. (c) I/ We will deposit electricity dues, every month, as per the applicable electricity tariff and other charges. (d) I/ We will own the resp onsibility of security and safety of the meter, cut-out and the installation thereafter. Date: ___________Signa ture of the consumer/ author ised signatory Place: __________ Name: Note:The following documents sha ll be attached with the application form: 1. Proof of ownership of the premises 2. A map indica ting the proposed location of the plant/office and the point where supply is required. The map should normally be of the scale of 1 cm representing 1200 cm. 3. Licence/NOC from statutory authority, if required or a declaration by the applicant that his connection does not fall under the requirement of NOC under any statute. 4. In case of a proprietary firm, an affidavit to be submitted stating that the applicant is the sole proprietor of the firm. 5. In case of partnership firm, partnership deed. 6. In case of Limited Company, Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation.Ex-642/2013 71 7. Proof of perma nent residential addr ess of the consumer and PAN Number, if any. If there is any change at a la ter date, the sa me sha ll be int imated by the consumer to the licensee immediately. 8. Letter of intent for produ ction/ enha ncement in production may be furnished. 9. List of equipments proposed to be installed along with the expected loa d. 10. Resolu tion for author ised signa tory. 11. Registration from Industries Department. 12. Extr act of project report relevant to power and process requirements (in case of industries). 13. Copy of the relevant section of the cur rent tariff order tha t provides deta ils of the tar iff category opted by the consumer and duly signed by him. This will be appended with the agreement aft er completion of for malities. ———————--———————--———————--———————--———————--—— Acknowledgement Application of ………………………………………………………………….…... (name of applicant) for …………….………………………………. (purpose) is hereby received on …………….…. (date). In this regard, the applicant is given a r eference no. …………… to be used for all fu ture corr espondence. Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and Designation: Ex-642/201372 Annexure 11.3 Declaration / Undertaking I, ____________________________________Son/Daughter of___________________Resident of________________________(hereinafter referred to as “Applicant”, which term sha ll mean and include executors, administrators, heir s, successors and assigns), do hereby swear and declare as under: Or The_______________________, a company incorpora ted under the provisions of the Compa nies Act, 1956 having its registered office at ____________________________________________________ (her einaft er r efer red to as “Applicant”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns), do hereby swear and declar e as under: T H ATtheApplicantis a lawfuloccupantofthepremises at __________________________________ in support of which the Applicant has enclosed a proof of occupancy. THAT the Applicant has requested the licensee to provide a service connection at the above-mentioned premises in the Applicants name for the purpose mentioned in the application form. THAT in furnishing the Decla ration, the Applicant has clear ly understood that should the above sta tements prove to be false or incor rect at any la ter stage, t he licensee s hall ha ve ever y right to disconnect supply to the Applicant without any notice and above right to adjust dues against Consumer Security Deposit. THAT the Applicant hereby agrees an undertakes: 1. To indemnify the licensee aga inst a ll proceedings, claims, demands, costs, da mages, expenses that he licensee may incur by reason of a fr esh service connection given to the Applicant. 2. That all Electrical Wor ks done within the premises ar e as per Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010 and have been carr ied out by a licensed electrical contractor (in case the Applicant is an owner and wiring in the premises is new) Or That all Electrical Wor k done within the premises ar e as per Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010 to the best of our knowledge (where application is for reconnection or Applicant is occupier of the premises) 3. The licensee is indemnified against any loss accr ued to the applicant on this account. Further, Applicant agr ees tha t if there is any har m/loss to the property of the licensee due to the fault in Electrical work within the premises of Applicant, all the liabilities shall be bor ne by the Applica nt. 4. To pay the electricity consumption bills and all other charges at the rates set out in the licensee’s Tariff Schedule and miscellaneous charges for supply a s may be in for ce from time to time, regularly as and when the sa me becomes due for payment. 5. To deposit the additional consumption deposit as revised by the licensee from time to time based on the consumption of the Applicant in preceding year.Ex-642/2013 73 6. To abide by the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, Joint Electr icity Regulator y Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013, tariff orders and any other rules or regulations notified by the Commission, as applicable from time to time. 7. T hat licensee sha ll be at liberty to adjust the electricity consumption charges along with any other charges aga inst the Consumer Security Deposit paid by the Applicant, in the event of termination of the agr eement prior to expiry of the contra cted period or in case of nay contractual defa ult. 8. To be responsible for safe custody of Meters, CTs, Cables etc. provided by the licensee and in case, there is any damage to equipment due to the reasons attributab le to Applica nt the same sha ll be chargeable to the Applicant. Further, all repercussions on account of breakage of seals of meters etc. or Direct/Dishonest Abstraction of energy sha ll be to the account of Applicant, as per the existing laws. 9. To allow clear and un-encu mbered access to the meters for the purpose of meter reading and its checking etc. 10. Tha t the Applicant would let the licensee disconnect the Service connection under reference, in the event of any default, non-compliance of statutory provisions and in the event of a legally binding directive by Statutory Author ity(ies) to effect such an order. This sha ll be without prejudice to any other rights of the licensee including tha t of gett ing its payment as on the date of disconnection. 11. Tha t the licensee sha ll not be held responsible for any interruption or diminution of supply of Electricity. 12. All the above decla ration given by the Applicant shall be constr ued to an Agr eement between the licensee and the Applicant. Signa ture of the Applicant: Name of the applicant: SIGNED AND DELIVERED In presence of witness Name of Witness: Ex-642/201374 Annexure 11.4 Application form – Change in Name of Registered Consumer 1Service Connection No 2Consumer No 3Name of Registered Consumer (at pres ent) 4Consumer category 5Contracted load 6Address: Telephone no.: 7Name of the person in whose name connection to bechanged (in CAPITAL LETTERS) Note:The following documents duly certified ar e atta ched with the application form: (Tick whichever applicable) 1. Copy of latest bill duly paid 2. Proof of ownership / legal occupancy of premises 3. No Objection Certificate fr om the existing consumer if available/possible. 4 . Regist ered deed/ Succession cert ificat e/_(if any other document, please specify) Date :_________________Signature of the Consumer Place : ________________Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgement Application form of Service Connection No. ____________ Consumer No. _________________ at present in the name of(name of a pplicant) has been received on (da te) for changing the name of Consumer to_____________________________. In this regard, the consumer is given a reference no. _____________to be used for all future correspondence. Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive N ame and Designation:Ex-642/2013 75 Annexure 11.5 Application form – Transfer of Ownership to Legal Heir 1 Service Connection No 2 Consumer No. 3 Name of Registered Consumer (at pres ent) 4 Consumer category 5 Contracted load 6 Address:Telephone no.: 7 Name of the person in whose name connection to be cha nged(in CAPITAL LETTERS) Note:The following documents duly certified ar e atta ched with the application form: (Tick whichever applicable) 1. Copy of latest bill duly paid 2. Proof of ownership / legal occupancy of premises 3. Registered deed/ Succession or Legal Heir certificate/ Mutation deed/(if any other document, please specify) 4. NOC from other legal heir (s) in case connection is to be changed in the name of one of the lega l heirs Date : __________________Signature of the Consumer Place :__________________Name: ———————--———————--———————--———————--——————— Ackno wledg ement Application form of Service Connection No. _______________Consumer No. __________________at present in the name of ____________________________(name of applicant) ha s been received on ___________(da te) for changing the name of Consumer to ___________________________ . In this regard, the consumer is given a reference no. _____________to be used for all future correspondence. Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and Designation:Ex-642/201376 Annexure 11.6 Application form – Conversion of Services / Change of Consumer Category / Shifting of Connection (Tick the applicable purpose) 1Service Connection No 2Consumer No. 3Name of Consumer 4Consumer category 5Contracted load 6Address: Telephone no.: 7Requ est for change in service:a) Conversion from LT single phase to LT 3-phaseb) i) IF request is for conversion of service: b) Conversion from LT 3-phase to LT single pha se (Tick whichever applicable)c) Conversion from LT to HT d) Conversion from HT to LT e) Conversion from HT to EHT f) Conversion from EHT to HT g ) Ot her(Please specify) ii) If r equest is for change in consumer(See list of all tariff categories attached with this form) category, mention the tariff category to which Consumer wants to shift: ii i) IF requ est is for change in p remises: Details of equ ipment t o b e shifted (Meter/ service line, LT/HT line, transformer, etc.): 8Reason for change in service Note:The following documents ar e atta ched with the application form:(Tick whichever applicable) 1. Installation inspection report by the Electrical Inspector 2. Any other docu ment(please specify) Date : _________________Signature of the Consumer Place : ________________ Name :Ex-642/2013 77 Annexure 11.7 Application form – Load Enhancement / Load Reduction (Tick the applicable purpose) 1Name of the Applicant/Organization: 2Service Connection No 3Consumer Number: 4Address of pr emises to which electr icity is being suppliedTelep hone No.: 5In case of Load Enhancement: Existing sanctioned load (in kW):Enhanced load requested (in kW): 6In case of Load Reduction: Existing sanctioned load (in kW):Reduced load requested (in kW): 7Reason(s) for Load Enhancement / Reduction: 8Details of load added/ disconnected from supply, if applicable.(Please attach list of equipments category-wise) (a) Lighting (b) Motive Power (c) Agricultural (d) Other (please specify) Date : ________________Signature of the consumer Place : _______________Name : Note:The following documents ar e atta ched with the application form(if applicable) 1. A work completion certificate & test report from Licensed Electrical Contractor, if the consumer’s installation has been altered. 2. Resolu tion for author ised signa tory. ———————--———————--———————--———————--———————--——— Acknowledgement Application of _______________________________for load enhancement / load reduction against Service Connection No. ___________________ Consumer No. ____________________ is hereby received on ______________(date) In this regard, the applicant is given a reference no. ___________________to be used in all future corr espondence. Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and Designation:Ex-642/201378 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgement Application form of Service Connecion No. ______________ Consumer No. ______________ at present in the name of ________________ (name of applicant) has been received on __________ (date) for ______ (purpose). In this regard, the consumer is given a reference No. ___________ to be used for all future correspondence. Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and Designation:Ex-642/2013 79 Annexure 11.8 Procedure for Determination of Connected Load Name of applicant : _________________________Service Connection No. (for existing Connection)______________________ Consumer No. (for existing connections): ____________________________ Addr essofapplicant :____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Electrical equipments proposed to be put to use: (Please fill-up the following table to enable determination of the connected loa d. Normally the a ctual load of each item (from name pla te in case of heater/machine/motor, etc in general) will be considered to det ermine the connected loa d at the premises. In caseofnon-a vailabilityoftherat edcapacityofanyitem,theloadshownbelow shallbeconsidered.)ItemLoad per item (Watts)No.Total load (Watts) 1234 = 2x3 CFL15 Bulb60 Tube light40 Fan60 Tap e-recorder / Mu sic system100 Television90 Mixie (If plugged in permanently)375 Electric iron750 Fridge150 Cooler250 Heater (for cooking /water Heating/r oom heater)1000 Washing machine750 Geyser2000 Microwave oven2000 Air Conditioner (1 ton)1500 Air Conditioner (1.5 Ton)2250 Computer100 Printer150 Total Note:- The following shall be adopted to arrive at rating of appliances : 1HP = 746 W, KW = 0.85of KVA, KW of Welding Machine (if name pla te is illegible) = 25 x highest rating of welding current (A) x Power factor (Pf as 0.60), Spare/unused plug or point 1/3rd of rating given herein shall be taken as connected load (Plug 5 A = 100W, Plug 15A = 1000W. light/fan point = 60W). Signature of consumer/applicantSignature Load determiner with official designa tion Ex-642/201380 Annexure 11.9 Test Result Report of Applicant’s Installation (Regulation 31 of Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electr icity Supply) Regulations, 2010) (To be filled by licensee’s representative) Referen ce No .:__________________________ Date______________ 1. Na me and addr ess of the Consumer 2. Deta ils of the installation 3. Short circuit fault level of the installation 4. Date of Commissioning of installation (In case of additional supply or reconnection) 5. Results of the tests conducted Sl. EquipmentTest ConductedTest ResultsRemar ks No 1 Linked Switch withFuse(s) (1 ) Mechanical operationSmooth/Troublesome (2 ) Rating of FuseAmpFull/ 1 a Is olator(1) Mechanical operationOK/Not OK (2) Remote operationOK/Not OK (3 ) Local opera tionOK/Not OK (4) Measurement of Contact ____micro resistance (5 ) Interlocking with ear thOK/Not/OK switch (6 ) Interlocking with CBOK/Not OK (7 ) IR Values Open Condition ____ M Ohm Clos ed Condition Ph-PhPh-E ______ Open Condition______ Closed C ondition 2 Circuit Breaker Sl No…(1) Rating of the Circuit Breaker (i) Type__________ (ii) Voltage__________kV (iii) Nor mal Curr ent__________Amps (iv) Rupturing capacity__________KA (2) IR ValuesPh-P h P h-E Open Condition____ ____ Closed Condition____ ____ (3) Contact Resistance________micro Ohm (4) Mechanical OperationInstant Smooth/ Time Gap (__ Sec) (5) Remote Opera tionOK/Not/OK (6) Local OperationOK/Not/OK (7) Interlocking with Isolator OK/ Not/ OK (8) Interlocking with Ear thOK/Not/OK switch (9) Alarm and Trip forOK/Not/OK OTI/WTI/Buchholz/PRVEx-642/2013 81 (10) Earth fault RelayOK/Not/OK (11) Over Current Rela yOK/Not/OK (12) Under Volt age RelayOK/Not OK (13) SF6 Pressure AlarmOK/Not OK and tripOK/Not OK 3 Transformer Sl No……..(1) Insula tion resistance Value ( i ) H T t o LT_____ M Ohm (ii) HT to Earth_____ M Ohm (iii) LT to Earth_____ M Ohm (2) Break down Volt age Test Oil Sample - I (Top)____ _kV Oil Sample - II (Bottom)_____ kV (3) Vector Group TestOK/Not OK (4) Polar ity TestOK/Not OK (5) Magnetizing Bala nceOK/Not OK (6) TanOK/Not OK Delta Test (a s perOK/Not OK capa city) (7) Oil level in conservatorOK/Not OK ta nk (8) Oil level in breather cupA/T __O C A/T __O C (9) OTI/WTI settingsOK/Not OK (10) OTI / WTI Alarm and Trip opera tionOK/Not OK (11) Opera tion of Buchholz relayOK/Not OK (12) Opera tion of PRVOK/Not OK (13) Oil leakageOK/Not OK (14) Interlock of door switch for dry transfor mer____Cms (15) Clea ranc e for side clea ranc e: ____ M eters Between two Transformers : (P) N1___Ohm Body Earth resistanceNeutralN2____ Ohm Earth resistance 4 DG Sets(1) Interlocking with other Supply OK/Not OK Sl No for Sources 1. Alternator:…….(2) Body Ear th resistance___Ohm 2. Engine:……..(3) Neutral Earth resistanceN1 __Ohm N2__Ohm 5 Cab le S iz e: ……..Sq mm(1) Insula tion Resistance Values (i) Ph-Ph___M Ohm (ii) PH –Earth___M Ohm (iii) Ph-Earth + Other Ph___M Ohm (2) Bending RadiusOK/Not OK 6 Ea rthing(1) Metal and Size of Earth Strips (2) Type of Ear thingCu/Al/GISq mm (i) Plate EarthingYes/No (ii) Pipe EarthingYes/No (iii) Counter Poise Earthing Yes/No (3) Value of Earth resistance of N1Ohm N2OhmEx-642/201382 Ex-642/2013 83 ear th electrodes for (R)Ohm(Y) (i) Reactor NeutralOhm (ii) LAs(B)Ohm (iii) Structure___ Ohm (iv) Frame/Bodies of equipment___ Ohm (v) Motors___ Ohm 7 Potential Transformer(1) Ratio TestOK/ Not OK (2) Polar ity TestOK/ Not OK (3) BDV of Oil____kV (4) IR Test(R) P-E__M Ohm (Y) P-E___M Ohm (B) P-E___M Ohm 8 Current Transformer(1) Ratio TestOK/ Not OK (2) Polar ity TestOK/ Not OK (3) BDV of Oil_____kV (4) IR Test(R) P-E____M Ohm (Y) P-E___M Ohm (B) P-E___M Ohm 9 Tra nsmission Line(1 ) Physical condition of conductor/ Ok/Not OK tower (2 ) Check of towerOk/Not OK accessories (3 ) Tower foot ing resistance____Ohm (4 ) Conductor continuity testOk/Not OK (5 ) Check of ground clear anceOk/Not OK (6 ) Check of electrica l clear an- Ok/Not OK cealong the route General Observations Sl.No ItemObservation 1Check of required pha se to phase, pha se to ground and sectional clearance 2Check for equipment layout and over all installation deta ils 3Test of resistance of earth mat or earth electrodes as applicable 4Check of consumer ’s pre-commissioning test repor ts of individual equipments 5Check of manufactur er ’s routine /type test reports of individua le- quipments 6Whether Inspector’s approval if applicable is obtained 7Whether owner’s self certification about compliance with the Regulations is obtained? 8General observations and views (specific deviation from the r equi- rements of the Regulations sha ll be clearly brought out) Name, Signa ture and Seal of Authority Annexure 11.10 Meter Related Complaints / Request for Testing of Meter (Tick the applicable purpose) Complaint reference No.: _______________________(to b e given by licensee) 1. Service Connection No.: ____________________________2 Consumer No ___________________________________ 3 Name of the consumer: ___________________________ 4 Address and Telephone No. of the consumer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Brief description of the complaint – Bur nt out / Completely stopped / Fast meter / Seal broken / Test ing of Meter 5. Initial cost of meter was borne by(tick one):Consu mer / licensee 6. Complainant desires to provide/has provided a new meter for replacement(Yes/No): 7. Any other information Date:(Signa ture of Consumer) ———————--———————--———————--———————--———————--——— (For Office Use) 1. Site verifica tion reportSigna ture (concerned official 2. Comments of concerned officialSigna ture (concerned officia l) ———————--———————--———————--———————--———————--——— Acknowledgement Complaint refer ence no. :__________________________(to be given by licensee)Complaint received by : ____________________________(name and designation) Date of receiving complaint : ___________________________ Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and Designation: Ex-642/201384 Annexure 11.11 Meter Testing Result Report 1. Consumer Particulars Service Connection No. _____________________Consumer No_____________________________ Name of consumer:______________________ Consumer category: _______________________ Contracted Load: ____________________ Addr ess of consumer: _______________________________________________________________ 2. Meter Particulars Meter No. ______________________________Size ____________________________ Type ___________________________________ C. T. Ratio_______________________ E/L- LED Status Rev LED status 3. Revolution / Pulse Test Meter Constant_____________________________Load __________________________________Reading before test__________________________ Reading after test __________________________ No. of Revolution/pulse taken _________________ Actual Time Taken for the test________________ Energy Recorded by meter __________________________ Energy Recorded by a standardized meter ______________________________ Error ___________________________________________ R E S U LT Consumer Meter recorded _______________% LESS / MORE Consumption Needs replacementORResults are within limits Certificate This is to certify that testing ha s been carried out as per the procedur e prescribed by the Commission. An external load of ______kW was used for testing for 1 kWh and total time taken was ________________ minutes. T he test ing was carried out b y using optica l scanner for counting the pulses/r evolutions. Signature of ConsumerSignature of Licensee/Third party Official Name:Name and Designation: Note : Approximate time taken for test for different external loads is as under : Load in kW Approximate time in minutes 1 kW60 2 kW30 4 kW15 5 kW12Ex-642/2013 85 Annexure 11.12 Application for Self Assessed Bill 1Name of the Consumer 2Service Connection Number 3Consu mer Numb er 4Address 5Average consumption of last 6 months 6Amount paid by Consumer based on readingPrevious Reading (Self assessed)Current Reading (Must not be less than average consumptionNet Consumption of last 6 months)Amount 7Mode of PaymentCheque DD/Money Order Cash Signa ture of Consumer Name of Consu mer: Annexure 11.13 Format for Application of Advance Payment Service Connection No. _______________________ Consumer No _______________________________ Name of consumer: ______________________________Consumer category: _____________________________ Contracted Load: _______________________________Address of consumer: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Telephone No.: __________________ Dear Sir, I wish to make advance payment for the period from ______________to ___________________against the above r eferred connection. You are requested to kindly send me a pr ovisional advance bill for my electr icity consumption of a bove period, so that I can ma ke payment. Thank you.Signature of Consumer Name of Consumer: Ex-642/201386 Annexure 11.14 Format for Inspection Report in case of UUE/Theft DateofIns pection:________________________________Sl No.: InspectingAgency : _________________________________ Service Connection No. Consumer No. Name of Consumer Consumer category Address: Load Details a) Sanctioned/Contracted Load b) Connected Load c) Un-authoris ed excess Load Type of Irregularity:(Tick whichever applicable) UnauthorisedUse of ElectricityExcess LoadTheft Ot her (Specify in detail) INSPECTION RESULT: Meter No. (Painted):CT Box Seal No.:Found: Meter No. (Dial):Meter Box Seal No.:Found: Rea ding (kWh) :Meter Termina l Seal No.: Found: Reading (kVAh):Half Seal No.:Found: Reading (kVARh):Working Meter: MDI:Cable Status: Power Factor:CT Ratio: Size:Type: S hunt Capa c itor(Tick one)  Shunt Capacitor_______No. of ___________ rating and__________make found installed in working order to maintain the power factor; OR  No shunt capacitor found installed. Power factor measured lagging Generator:kVA found installed with / without permissionEx-642/2013 87 Details of Seals ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Other observations by Inspection Tea m: ______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Note to Consumer: You are requested to please appear before ______ _____on the time and date mentioned in the Show-Cause Notice issued by inspection team member/police officer. Signa ture of Consumer NameofConsum er: ______________________ Signa ture of Assessing/Authorised Officer(s): Signature: 1.___________2.______________3.___________4. _____________ Name: 1.___________2.______________3.___________4. _____________ Designation: 1.___________2.______________3.___________4. _____________Employ ee No .: 1.___________2.______________3.___________4. _____________ Ex-642/201388 Annexure 11.15 Request for Permanent Disconnection & Termination of Agreement Service Connection No.__________________________ Consumer No. : ________________________________ Name of the consumer: ___________________________Consumer category: _____________________________ Contracted load: ________________________________Address: ______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ It is requested tha t the above connection may be disconnected and the relevant Agreement with the licensee be terminated forthwith. Note:The following documents a re atta ched with the application form: 1. Copy of last bill 2. Copy of payment receipt of last bill Thank you. Date: ___________________Signa ture of the Consumer Place: __________________Name: Phone no.: Address: —————————————————————————————————————————— Acknowledgement Application of _________________________(name of applicant) complete in all respects for disconnection and termination of Agreement has hereby been received at this office on________ (date). In this regard, the applicant is given a reference no. ____________________________to be used for all future corr espondence. Name and Designation: Signature / Seal of licens ee’s rep resenta tiveEx-642/2013 89 Annexure 11.16 Format for Intimation to Consumer after Termination of Agreement Licensee’s OfficeDate. ___________________Office Address Service Connection No. _____________________________ Consumer No. ______________________________________________________________________(Name of consumer) ___________________________________ (Addr ess of consumer) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Thisistoinform you that an agreement dated____________________________ against Consumer No.___________________________ between yourself and ______________________________ (name of licensee) regarding supply of kW/MW (contracted load) in the ______________________ consumer category has been terminated w.e.f. _____________________ (date) on a c c ou nt of r ea s on) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Your supply has been disconnected permanently. Aft er final adjustment of all charges and energy bills an amount of: 1. Rs.____________is payable to you for which Cheque No. _______________________is enclos ed. 2. Rs._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is due from you. You are requested to pay the amount within a week of receipt of this letter, failing which, action as prescribed under the law sha ll be initiated for recovery of the amount. Tha nk you. Sincerely, Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and Designation: Ex-642/201390 Annexure 11.17 Format for Intimation to Consumer after Temporary Disconnection of Supply Licensee’sOf fice Addr essDate ______________ Service Connection No.:___________________ Consumer No :____________________________ Name of consumer: ________________________ Consu mer category: ________________________ContractedLoad: __________________________ Addr essofconsumer: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ This is to inform you tha t your supply has been temporar ily disconnected with effect from (date) due to the following reason(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ You are requested to remove the cause of disconnection and intimate this office at the ear liest . You are also requested to pay a sum of Rs.______________towards disconnection & re-connection charges and ______________________(mention if any other dues ar e to be deposited, with a detailed break-up). If the cause of disconnection is not removed to the sa tisfact ion of this office and above amount is not paid, within 45 days of this notice your supply sha ll be disconnected permanently without any further notice. Tha nk you.Sincerely, Signa ture / Seal of licensee’s representa tive Name and DesignationEx-642/2013 91 Annexure 11.18 Determination of Security Deposit amount (A)Load Security: Secur ity deposit amount for a consumer = (Connected Load in kW x 730 hrs x Load F actor x Applicable Tariff + Monthly fixed or Demand charge) x 3 Note :- Loa d secur ity amount arrived by t he above formula shall be rounded off to the next multiple of 10, in case the figure so arrived at is not divisible by 10 Sl. No.ParticularsLoad factor 1.Domestic (LT/HT)15% 2.Non- domestic/Commercial (LT/HT)25% 3.Industrial: (LT /HT)30% 4.Public Water Works (LT/HT)30% 5.Bulk Supply within state (HT)25% 6.Agriculture / Irrigation (LT/HT)10 % 7..Street lights/Public Lighting25% 8.Signals & blinkers50% 9.Railway Traction30% Note :- Review of security deposit shall be carr ied out annually as per clause 4.129 of this code (B) Meter Security:- Meter Secur ity sha ll be equal to the price of the meter, if licensee provides the meter. (C) Material(s) Security:-The security of material(s) shall be as follow if licensee provides the material(s) (i)LT current transformer (LT CT) = Price of the Current Transformer (CT) (ii)Other Materials = 50% of the price of the material(s).Ex-642/201392 Annexure 11.19 Assessment of Energy (A) In cases of Theft The assessment formula for calculation of the consumption due to theft of electricity sha ll be as under: Units assessed = L x D x H x F Where, L =Loa d (Connected load fou nd in the consumer ’s premises during the course of inspection) in kW; D =Period of assess ment in days; H =Number of hours per day, which shall b e taken as 8 hours for all consumers except industrial cons umers in respect of whom the hours of use shall be as per the hours the industr y generally operates in a day which in any case shall not be less than 8 hours. F =Loa d fact or, which sha ll be taken for different categories of use as given below: Sl. No. ParticularsLoad factor 1.Domestic (LT/HT)40% 2.Non-domestic/ Commercia l (LT/HT)50% 3.Industrial (LT/HT)75% 4.Public Water supply(LT/HT)50% 5.Bulk supply50% 6.Agriculture/Irrigation(LT/HT)50% 7.Street light50% 8.Direct theft – All categories100% (B)Assessment of pre-assumed consumption for Temporary Connection The assessed consumption of energy for temporar y connection shall be as follow:- Units assessed = L x D x H x F Where, L = Loa d (Connected loa d for tempora ry connection) in kW; D = Period for temporary connection in days; H =Number of hours per day, (Taken as 24 Hours) F = Loa d factor (Load Factor = 50%)Ex-642/2013 93 Annexure 11.20 AGREEMENT / SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN LICENSEE AND CONSUMER (Not to be filled up by the consumer while submitting the application) 1. Name of cons umer (i)Category of Supply:- (Tick whichever is applicable) Single Phase, 3 Phase, 6.6 kV11 kV 22 kV 33 kV 66 kV 110 kV 132 kV 220 kV 230 V400 V (ii Consumer Category : (iii) Connected loa d: (iv) Contract demand: (v) Owner ship of meter: (vi) Point of commencement of supply: (vii) Extension/ service connection work will be done by licensee / consumer (delete which is not applicable): (viii)Any other ma ter: In witness there of _________________(Name and designation of Licensees authorized executive) acting for and behalf of the Distribution Licensee and _____________(Consumer) have hereunto set their hands and seal on this _____________________ day of the month of ____________of the year ___________. On behalf of licensee Consumer Name and address Signature Seal Place WitnessWit nes s 11 22 NB:- Do’s and Don’ts and other important information may be given in the back page in the local language.Ex-642/201394 SAMPLE ONLY Do’s : (1)Pay electricity bill regularly to avoid disconnection of supply (2)Obta in Amount Payment Receipt (AR P) after payment is made. (3)Ensure Safety of licensee’s apparatus in your residence. (4)Use electricity economically. (5)Inform nearby Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) in case of exigencies. (6)Extend co-operation to the supplier to serve you better. Don’ts : (1)Do not interfere with licensee’s work. (2)Do not touch the properties of licensee. (3)Do not brea k licensee’s energy meter s eal. (4)Do not enhance your load without pr ior permission of licensee. (5)Do not extend elect ricity supply to nearby residences/houses. (6)Do not use electricity more than the contract demand. (7)Do not indulge your self in practice of b y passing energy meters, looping, hooking and tampering etc. (8)Do not allow unauthorized persons to touch any part of your installation. Telephone Nos. of (a)CGRF: (b)IGRCs :Ex-642/2013 95 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

The Mizoram Education & Human Resources Development Department (School Education) (Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment (First Amendment) Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 21Date - 07/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 7.2.2014 Magha 18, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 21 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/19/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 28th January, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Mizor am Education and Human Resour ces Development Department (School Education) (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 relating to recruit ment to the post of Middle School Teacher issued under Notification No. A. 12018/19/2003-P&AR(GSW) dated 12.11.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extr a-ordinary Issue No. 351 dated 17. 11.2003 in respect of Middle School Teacher, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and ( 1 ) T hes e R u les ma y b e ca ll ed t he M izor a m E du c a t ion & Hu ma n R es ou r ces Commencement Development Department (School Education) (Group ‘B’ Non- Gazetted post) Recruitment (First Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of Sub- Entries under sub-rule (1) of Rule 1 of the Principal Rules shall be rule (1) of Rule 1 - substituted a s follows, namely :- “These rules may be called the Mizoram Education and Human Resources Development Department (School Education) (Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003”. 3. Amendment of E nt r ies u nder column 4 , 7 , 8 , 11 , 1 3 a nd 1 4 of t h P r incip a l R u les s ha ll Annexure - I be substituted as follows, namely :- “Column 4-PB-2 ^ 9300-34800 + 4600 GP. Column 7- Between 18 and 35 years. Upper age limit relaxable by 5 years for Scheduled Tr ibe/Scheduled Ca ste. Column 8- (1) Graduate and above with 2 years Diploma in Elementary Educa tion (by wha tever na me known) fr om recognized Unviersity and approved by NCTE. - 2 - Ex-21/2014 ‘OR’ Graduated and above with at least 50% marks and 1(one) year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) from recognized Unviersity and approved by NCTE. ‘OR’ B.Sc (Science & Mathematics) and above with at least 50% marks with 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) from recognized Unviersity and approved by NCTE or 1(one) year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) from recognized University and approved by NCT E. ‘OR’ Graduate with at least 50% marks with 2 years D.Ed (Special Education) or B.Ed (Special Education) recognized by the RCI. (2) Passed in Teacher Eligibility Test (T ET). (3) Working knowledge of Mizo langua ge at least Middle School standard. (4) For Nepali/Gorkha Middle School the candidates should possess Nepa li as one of the subjects either in HSLC or HSSLC level. (5) Relaxation upto 5% in the qualifying marks shall be allowed to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Physica lly Handicapped/OBC. Column 11- 100% Direct Recruitment. a ) 3 3 1 / 3 % fr om S cience or M a t hema t ics Gr a d u a t e & a b ove. b) 66 2/3% from Graduate other than Science & Mathematics. Column 13 - Mizoram Public Service Commission. Column 14 - As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regula tion, 1994 and as amended from time to time”. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms.viPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Education & Human Resources Development Department (School Education) (Group ‘C’ post) Recruitment (Second Amendment) Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 22Date - 07/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 7.2.2014 Magha 18, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 22 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/19/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 28th January, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Mizor am Education and Human Resour ces Development Department (School Education) (Group ‘C’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 relating to recruit ment to the post of Primary School Teacher issued under Notification No. A. 12018/19/2003-P&AR(GSW) dated 12.11.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary Issue No. 352 dated 17.11.2003 and No. 12018/6/2003-P&AR(GSW) dated 1.4.2005 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary Issue No. 65 dated 6.4.2005 in respect of Primary School Teacher, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and ( 1 ) T hes e R u les ma y b e ca ll ed t he M izor a m E du c a t ion & Hu ma n R es ou r ces Commencement Development Depar tment (S chool Educa tion) (G roup ‘C’ post) Recruitment (Second Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of Sub- Entries under sub-rule (1) of Rule 1 of the Principal Rules shall be rule (1) of Rule 1 - substituted a s follows, namely :- “These rules may be called the Mizoram Education and Human Resources Development Department (School Education) (Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003”. 3. Amendment of Entries under column 3, 4, 7, 8, 13 and 14 of th Principal Rules shall Annexure - I be substituted as follows, namely :- “Colun 3 - General State Service Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted (Non-M inisterial). “Column 4- PB-2 ^ 9300-34800 + 4200 GP. Column 7- Between 18 and 35 years. Upper age limit relaxable by 5 years for Scheduled Tr ibe/Scheduled Ca ste. Column 8- (1) HSSLC with at least 50% marks or graduate and above with Diploma in Elementar y Eduation (whatever name - 2 - Ex-22/2014 known) with a duration of not less than 2 years from recognized University and approved by NCTE. ‘OR’ HS S L C wit h a t lea s t 5 0 % ma r ks or Gr a du a t e wit h 2 y ea r s D. Ed (Special Educa tion) recognized by the RCI. (2) Passed in Teacher Eligibility Test (T ET). (3) Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard. (4) For Nepali/Gorkha Primary School the candidates should possess Nepa li as one of the subjects either in HSLC or HSSLC level. (5) Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Physically Handicapped/OBC shall be allowed relaxa tion upto 5% in the qualifying marks. Column 13 - Mizoram Public Service Commission. Column 14 - As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regula tion, 1994 and as amended from time to time”. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms.viPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (ACT No. 1 of 2005)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 23Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 23 NOTIFICATIONNo. J.19012/1/05-TAX, the 27th January, 2014. In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion of even No. dated 6.12.2013 and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section II of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (ACT No. 1 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to add ‘Films including X-Ray Films, Medical Imaging Equipments’ to entry 73 Part ‘C’ of Schedule II of the MVAT Act, 2005 with immediate effect. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Obituary of Pu JH. Lallianngura, MDC on the 20th 11.2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 24Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 24 OBITUARY No. B. 11012/8/08-LADC/DCS, the 18th December, 2013.The Lai Autonomous District Council has learnt with deep and profou nd sorr ow the untimely demise of Pu JH. La llianngura, MDC on the 20th 11.2013. Pu J H. Lallianngura was born on 1953 at Tuithumhnar. He passed HSLC Examina tion from Lawngtlai Govt. Region High School and continued his studies in S hillong and graduated in 1982. After graduation he entered politics and joined the Congress party. He was elected as Member of the Lai Autonomous District Council in the following year:- In Feb. 1988 from Bungtlang Constituency; in May 2002 from Tuithumhnar Constituency; in Nov. 2010 from Tuithumhnar Constituency and served till his last breath. During his membership, he was Elected Chairman LADC, during 30.3.1990-30.11.1991. He also held the Office of Chairman,Town Committee, LADC from 1.12.2004 - 6.4.2005. He served the Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council with utmost sincerity and devotion and always proved himself a conscientious politician. The Lai Autonomous Distr ict Council places on r ecord its appr eciations of the sincere services rendered by Pu JH. Lallianngura and convey its heartfelt sympa thy and condolence to the bereaved family. CL. Lianzuala, Secretary, Lai Autonomous District Council, Lawngtlai.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Mizoram State Law Commission Members

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 25Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 25 NOTIFICATION No. A. 49011/29/2013-LJD, the 27th January, 2014. In supercession of this department notification issued vide No. A. 49011/29/2009-JD dt. 4.3.2009 and in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 2 of the Mizoram Sta te Law Commission Rules, 2009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Mizoram State Law Commission as follows:- Chairman: Pu John Siamkunga, MLA Member Secretary : Pu Zahmingthanga Ralte, Deputy Secretary, Law and Judicial Department Members: 1) Pu Biswajit Deb, Advocate General, Mizoram 2) Pu P. Singthanga , Secr etary Law and Judicial Department 3) Pu R.T. Za chono, Chief Executive Member, Mara Autonomous District Council 4) Pu V. Zirsanga, Chief Executive Member, Lai Autonomous District Council 5) Pu Buddha Lila Chakma, Chief Executive Member, Chakma Autonomous District Council 6) Pi Marli Vankung, President, Mizoram Judicia l Service Association 7) Pu L.H. Lianhrima, President, Mizoram Bar Association 8) Dr. Rualkhuma Colney, Principal, Mizoram La w College 9) Pu R.C. Thanga, Public Prosecutor, Zotla ng, Aizawl 10) Pu A.K. Rokhum, Additional Advocate General, Bawngkawn, Aizawl 11) Pu Nelson Sailo, Sr. Advoca te, Tlangnua m, Aizawl P. Singthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizor am.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Serchhip District station areas as Khawbel

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 26Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 26 NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/1/2014-REV/8, the 28th January, 2014. In pursuance to this Department’s Notification No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisor y Boa rd (SAAB) wit hinSerchhip Distr ictstation areas asKhawbelvillage wit h immediate effect and is valid for 3 years. The composition of t he SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman :Pu P.C. Lallawmkima -VCP Khawbel. 2.Secretary :Tv. H.Lalawmpuia-Asst. Headma ster, High School, Khawbel. MEMBERS: (1) Pu C.Lalthanmawia-Secretary, V.C. (2) Pu J.Ralliantawna-President, M.U.P. (3) Pu H.Lalruatliana-President, Y.M.A. (4) Pu K. Lalhmingsanga-Representative National Party. (5) Pu B.Roza wna-Rep resentat ive part y. (6) Pu R.Lalbiakchhawna -Prominent person. (7) Pu Lawmsangzuala-Prominent person. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sittingat least twicein a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in cons ultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring la nd holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more tha n one applicant for one plot or one a rea, SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general pu blic health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take int o account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-26/2014

Mizoram Rural Development Department (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 27Date - 13/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.2.2014 Magha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 27 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/33/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 28th January, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Extension Officer under Rural Development, Government of Mizor am, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizor am Rur al Development Department Commencement (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the aforesaid Schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 qualifications, etc. to 14 of the said Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be, from time to time. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-27/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Departmental Exa mination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so r ecruited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation and other concessions concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF EXTENSION OFFICER (R.D) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection in ca se of promotionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableBetween 18 to 35 years upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes candidates.Not applicable- 3 -Ex-27/2014 1. Graduate from recognized University 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard.2(two) years for direct recruit.Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Extension Of ficer6(six) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘B’) (Non-Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4400/-Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500PROMOTION :from JEO (RD) with 5 years regular service in th e grade 60% by Promotion 40% by direct recruit

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