Acquisition of land for construction of road from Kawlchaw-Phura-Tongkalong.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINAR Y Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Post al Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 15.3.2013 Phalguna 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 140 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for construction of road from Kawlchaw-Phura-T ongkalong. 1. Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2. Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector , Saiha District, within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 3. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment exchange of the status of Pass orotherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collectorwill, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Area. Area. Area. Area. Area. S tretches of land from Kawlchaw-Phura-T ongkalong 00 km - 20.00 km. 20 kms. R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 2 - Ex-486/201 1
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINAR Y Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Post al Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 15.3.2013 Phalguna 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 140 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV 1/49/13-REV , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for construction of road from Kawlchaw-Phura-T ongkalong. 1. Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2. Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector , Saiha District, within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 3. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment exchange of the status of Pass orotherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collectorwill, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Area. Area. Area. Area. Area. S tretches of land from Kawlchaw-Phura-T ongkalong 00 km - 20.00 km. 20 kms. R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 2 - Ex-486/201 1Acquisition of land for construction of road from Zawngling-Mawhre-Chapui.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINAR Y Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Post al Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 15.3.2013 Phalguna 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 141 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for construction of road from Zawngling-Mawhre-Chapui. 1. Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2. Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector , Saiha District, within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 3. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment exchange of the status of Pass orotherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collectorwill, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Area. Area. Area. Area. Area. Stretches of land from Zawngling-Mawhre-Chappui 00 km - 20.00 km. 20 kms. R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 2 - Ex-486/201 1
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINAR Y Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Post al Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 15.3.2013 Phalguna 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 141 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 No. K. 1201 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV 1/50/13-REV , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 , 14 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for construction of road from Zawngling-Mawhre-Chapui. 1. Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 2. Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector , Saiha District, within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 3. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment exchange of the status of Pass orotherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collectorwill, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA DISTRICT : SAIHA Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Description of land Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate Area. Area. Area. Area. Area. Stretches of land from Zawngling-Mawhre-Chappui 00 km - 20.00 km. 20 kms. R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 2 - Ex-486/201 1“THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (NON-AGRICULTURAL LAND SETTLEMENT) ACT, 2011”.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 145 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 11 11 1 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In pursuance of paragraph 1 1 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Act passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 27 th February , 2013 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (NON-AGRICUL TURAL LAND SETTLEMENT) ACT, 201 1”. PP PP P . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. AN ACT to provide for the better control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential and other non-agricultural purposes. AND WHEREAS the power conferred by sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 3 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Mara Autonomous District Council is empowered to make regulations for the control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential and other non-agriculturalpurposes within the said Autonomous District; NOW , THEREFORE, in exercise of the said powers and other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to make the following Act in the Sixty- Second Year of the Republic of India as follows:- CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR YY YY Y Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent 1.(1)This Act may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. (Non-Agricultural Land Settlement) Act, 2011. - 2 - Ex-145/2013 (2) It shall extend to the whole of the Mara Autonomous District area. (3) It shall come into force on its publication in the Mizoram Gazette. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. 2.In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- (i) “Allotment Authority” means any Land Settlement Authority to which the allotment power of land is vested under section 7 or section 8 of this Act; (ii) “Commercial or business activities” means the establishmentof any market, heavy industry center , any motor vehicle terminal or station, any office or infrastructure of companiesor firms, any commercial institution such as privatecommercial school or college and any other commercial orbusiness activities of the like nature; (iii) “District Council” means the Mara Autonomous District Council; (iv) “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committeeof the Mara Autonomous District Council; (v) “Financial year” means the period of 12 months commencingon the first day of April; (vi) “Government” means the Central Government or StateGovernment; (vi) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram; (viii) “Land” means either vacant land or occupied land; (ix) “Land Dispute” means any dispute on any land between oramong two or more Land Settlement Holders or Lessee; (x) “Land Dispute Court” means a Court established under section 32 of this Act; (xi) “Land Lease” means a temporary rights of use or occupation of a specified portions of land granted to the holder of suchlease for a specified period; (xii) “Land Lease Certificate” means a certificate issued undersection 17 of this Act; (xiii) “Land Settlement Authorities” means such Authorities as mentioned in Chapter II of this Act to control and restrict the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential andother non-agricultural purposes; (xiv) “Land Settlement Certificate” includes Temporary Land Settlement Certificate and Permanent Land Settlement Certificate; (xv) “Land Settlement Holder” includes Permanent Land Settlement Holder and Temporary Land Settlement Holder; (xvi) “Law enforced by the District Council” means any legislationof the Parliament or State Legislature enforced by theDistrict Council with such modifications and amendment, ifany; (xvii) “Lessee” means the holder of Land Lease Certificate issuedunder section 17 of this Act; (xviii) “Non-agricultural land” means any land which is not usedfor agricultural and allied purpses such as fishery , piggery, cattle rearing or the like; (xix)“Officers” means any Officer appointed by the Executive Committee under sub-section (1) of section 4, read with sub-section (5) of the same section; (xx) “Permanent Land Settlement Certificate” means a LandSettlement Certificate issued under section 16; (xxi) “Permanent Land Settlement Holder” means the holder ofPermanent Land Settlement Certificate and who by virtueof such title enjoyed such rights as mentioned in sub-section(1) of section 23; (xxii) “Person” means and includes an individual, a company , firm, a Government Department or other association of persons; (xxiii) “Schedule” means Schedule appended to this Act; (xxiv) “Site” means any particular or specified area of land allotted for residential or other non-agricultural purposes; (xxv) “Surveyor” means any Surveyor appointed under section 5 of this Act; (xxvi) “Temporary Land Settlement Certificate” means a Land Settlement Certificate issued under section 15; (xxvii) “Temporary Land Settlement Holder” means the holder of a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate and who by virtue of such title enjoyed such rights as mentioned in sub-section(2) of section 23; (xxviii) “Village Council” means any Village Council constituted under the Lakher Autonomous District Council (V illage Council) Act, 1974. CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES Executive Committee. Executive Committee. Executive Committee. Executive Committee. Executive Committee. 3.Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Executive Committee shall be the Apex Land Settlement Authority and shall have the general power to control and direct the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential and other non-agricultural purposes. Officers. Officers. Officers. Officers. Officers. 4.(1)Without prejudice to the provisions of section 3, the Executive Committee shall appoint Senior Land Settlement Officer andsuch number of Land Settlement Of ficers and Assistant Land Settlement Officers as it thinks necessary for the purpose ofthis Act. (2) For the purpose of this Act, all Land Settlement Of ficers and Assistant Land Settlement Officers shall subordinate to SeniorLand Settlement Of ficer and all Assistant Land Settlement Officers shall subordinate to all Land Settlement Officers. (3) Subject to the general control and direction of the ExecutiveCommittee, Senior Land Settlement Officer shall either byhimself or through Officers subordinate to him, exercise allpowers and perform all functions relating to thesuperintendence and control of the occupation or use of landfor residential and other non-agricultural purposes. - 3 - Ex-145/2013 (4)The Executive Committee or , if authorized by the Executive Committee, Senior Land Settlement Officer may specify the area or areas over which each Land Settlement Officer shallexercise jurisdiction. (5) Assistant Land Settlement Of ficer, if any , shall assist his/ her superior Officers if and when required by such superior Offic ers. (6) For the purpose of this Act, Senior Revenue Of ficer shall be deemed to be Senior Land Settlement Of ficer, each Revenue Officer shall be deemed to be each Land Settlement Officerand each Assistant Revenue Of ficer, if any , shall be deemed to be each Assistant Land Settlement Of ficer. Surveyors. Surveyors. Surveyors. Surveyors. Surveyors. 5.For the purpose of this Act, the Executive Committee may appoint such number of Surveyors who shall perform such functions as maybe directed and allotted to them by the Executive Committee o r Officers appointed under sub-section (1) of section 4. VV VV V illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. 6.Subject to the provisions of this Act and subject to the general control and direction of the Executive Committee or Senior Land SettlementOf ficer , V illage Council shall be Land Settlement Authority within its local jurisdiction. CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites 7.Subject to the provisions of this Act, a Village Council other by by by by by VV VV V illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. than Village Council area which is declared as town area by the Executive Committee under this Act or any other law for the time being enforced by the District Council, may allot sites within its local jurisdiction. Provided that such Village Council shall not allot any site for carrying any commercial or business activities. Provided further that the Executive Committee may , at any time, by notification declare that any village or a particularlocality is a protection area where allotment of sites shall be doneby such Village Council only with the previous approval of the Executive Committee. Provided also that the Executive Committee may , at any time, by notification declare any particular locality to be a townarea and the allotment of sites shall be done under section 8 of this Act. Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites 8.(1)The Executive Committee may allot sites in all town areas. by the Executive. by the Executive. by the Executive. by the Executive. by the Executive. (2)The Executive Committee may , in writing, authorize any Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Officer mentioned in Chapter II of this Act to allot sites in all or any particular area. (3) The Executive Committee or any authorized Officer undersub-section (2) may allot sites for carrying any commercialor business activity within the Mara Autonomous District Council area. - 4 - Ex-145/2013 (4)If any land is allotted by any authorized Officer under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) it shall be subject to the confirmation by the Executive Committee. Area of site to be Area of site to be Area of site to be Area of site to be Area of site to be 9.(1)The allotment authority shall allot site in following manner:- allotted. allotted. allotted. allotted. allotted. (i)if the allotee is an individual, an area not less than15ft x 15ft. (i.e. 225 Sq.ft.) but not exceeding 100ftx 100ft. (i.e. 10000 Sq.ft.), or (ii) if the allotee is a Government Department, acompany , firm or other associations of persons, such area as required by such Department,company , firm or associations subject to availability of the land. (2) No individual person shall, whether as a Land SettlementHolder/Lessee or a mortgagee with possession orotherwise, hold any land under this Act or any other law for the time being enforced by the District Council inexcess of 100 ft x 100 ft. (i.e. 10000 Sq. ft.) in one holding. Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites 10.(1)While allotting any site at the public road side, the Allotment at the public road at the public road at the public road at the public road at the public road Authority shall keep vacant certain portions of land between side. side. side. side. side. the allotted site and the public road as a “Reserved- Road- Side -Land” which may be used for the expansion of such public road or for such other public purposes. (2) The Allotment Authority shall make a Reserved -Road – Side- Land under sub-section (1) in the following manner-(i) if the public road is less than three meters width,the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land on which at least four meters width ofpublic road could be expanded between theallotted site and the existing public road, (ii) if the public road is more than three meters widthbut less than six meters width, the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land on which at least three meters width of public road could be expanded between the allotted site andthe existing public road, (iii) if the public road is more than six meters widthbut less than nine meters width, the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land onwhich at least two meters width of public roadcould be expanded between the allotted land andthe existing public road, (iv) if the public road is more than nine meters widthbut less than twelve meters width, the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land on - 5 - Ex-145/2013 which at least one meter width of public road could be expanded between the allotted land and theexisting public road. (3) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2), the Executive Committee may , at any time, by notification declare that no Reserve- Road- Side- Landneed to be made for any particular public road. Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or District Council or District Council or District Council or District Council or District Council or VV VV V illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. Allotment of site Allotment of site Allotment of site Allotment of site Allotment of site 11. If any site is to be allotted at the side of or nearby any public well at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby or any public water point or source of such public water point, the any public well or any any public well or any any public well or any any public well or any any public well or any Allotment Authority shall keep at least fifty meters vacant land between public water point or public water point or public water point or public water point or public water point or the allotted site and such public well or such public water point or source of such public source of such public source of such public source of such public source of such public source of such public water point for the purposes of preserving water point. water point. water point. water point. water point. clean and healthy water for public consumption. Prohibition. Prohibition. Prohibition. Prohibition. Prohibition. 12.(1)No Allotment Authority shall allot any site to a non-tribal without the prior permission of the Executive Committee. (2) For the purpose of obtaining permission under sub-section(1), the matter shall be put in the House of the DistrictCouncil and it must be accepted by two third majority ofthe members present. Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ shall not include a company shall not include a company shall not include a company shall not include a company shall not include a company , firm or other associations , firm or other associations , firm or other associations , firm or other associations , firm or other associations of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or firm or firm or firm or firm or firm or , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. 13.(1)If any Allotment Authority allot any site to any person in contravention of the provisions of section 9, section10,section 1 1 and section 12, every such allotment shall, to the extent of such contravention, be void and the alloteeshall have no right and title over such void land. (2) For the purpose of section 10, section 1 1 and section 12 the provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply to anyallotment which had been made before the commencementof this Act CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE Issue of Land Issue of Land Issue of Land Issue of Land Issue of Land 14.When any site is allotted to any person under section 7 or section 8 , Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate the Allotment Authority shall issue Land Settlement Certificate or or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. Land Lease Certificate to such person in such form and manner as provided in sections 15, 16 or 17. - 6 - Ex-145/2013 Procedure for issue Procedure for issue Procedure for issue Procedure for issue Procedure for issue 15.(1)Any person intending or willing to occupy or use any vacant of of of of of TT TT T emporary Land emporary Land emporary Land emporary Land emporary Land land for residential or other non-agricultural purposes may Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate apply to the concerned Allotment Authority in the prescribed or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate .“Form -A” provided in the Schedule. (2) On receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the concerned Allotment Authority shall verify whether the land so applied for is a vacant land or not. (3) If the concerned Allotment Authority found that the land so applied for is a vacant land it shall take all suchnecessary measurement for the purposes of boundary description and shall attach the findings of such verification and such measurement in the prescribed “Form A-(1)” as provided in the Schedule. (4) After such verification and after taking such necessarymeasurement under sub-section (3) the concernedAllotment Authority may issue a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate to the applicant in the prescribed“Form A-(2)” as provided in the Schedule: Provided that such Temporary Land Settlement Certificate may be issued to such applicant only on paymentof such fee as may be prescribed or imposed from time totime by the concerned Allotment Authority. Provided further that such Temporary Land Settlement Certificate shall be valid only for three yearsfrom the date of issue and shall be liable to be cancelled after the expiration of such prescribed period. Provided also that if such Temporary Land Settlement Holder continues to occupy or use such landafter the expiration of such prescribed period or after such cancellation of such Temporary Land Settlement Certificate, the provisions of section 27 shall apply . Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of 16.(1)After the expiration of one year from the issue Permanent Land Permanent Land Permanent Land Permanent Land Permanent Land of Temporary Land Settlement Certificate, a Temporary Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate .Land Settlement Holder may apply to the concernedAllotment Authority for the issue of Permanent Land Settlement Certificate in the prescribed “Form B” provided in the Schedule. (2) On receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the concerned Allotment Authority shall examine or scrutinize all the documents produced by the applicant and onsatisfaction by such documents the concerned Allotment Authority may issue Permanent Land Settlement Certificate to such applicant in the prescribed “Form B- (1)” provided in the Schedule. Provided that such a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate may be issued to such applicant only on paymentof such fee as may be prescribed or imposed from time totime by the concerned Allotment Authority. - 7 - Ex-145/2013 Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned Allotment Allotment Allotment Allotment Allotment Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Land Lease. Land Lease. Land Lease. Land Lease. Land Lease. 17.(1)The Allotment Authority may , instead of issuing Land Settlement Certificate to any company , firm, Government Department or any association of persons, issue Land Lease Certificate in the prescribed “Form-C” as providedin the Schedule. (2) If Land Lease Certificate is issued to any company , firm, Government Department or any association of persons,the rate of the land, the period of the Land Lease and theterms and conditions of the Land Lease may be prescribed in the Land Lease Certificate by the Allotment Authority. Certain powers of Certain powers of Certain powers of Certain powers of Certain powers of 18.(1)The Allotment Authority shall define the boundary of the Land Settlement Land Settlement Land Settlement Land Settlement Land Settlement land so allotted and shall attach such boundary description Authority Authority Authority Authority Authority .. .. . in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate. (2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, Senior Land Settlement Officer or any of his Subordinate Officer may direct any Surveyor or a group of Surveyors to take such verificationor such necessary measurement under section 15 or toexamine or scrutinize such documents under section 16and to submit the findings of such verification or suchmeasurement or such examination or such scrutiny withinsuch period as may be prescribed by such directing Of ficer. (3) The Allotment Authority may classify or categorize the allotted land on the basis of the quality and purpose ofsuch land and such classification or categorization maybe shown or incorporated in the Land SettlementCertificate or Land Lease Certificate. (4) The Allotment Authority may also classify land value on the basis of its quality and purpose and such valuationmay be shown in the Land Settlement Certificate or LandLease Certificate. Redemption. Redemption. Redemption. Redemption. Redemption. 19.(1)In any Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate,if the boundary description of the land is larger than th e figure description (numerical description) of the land area,such portions of land which is uncovered by the figuredescription but covered by the boundary description shallbe expressed herein after as surplus/untaxed land. (2) If any Land Settlement Holder or Lessee has a surplus/untaxed land he/she may apply in writing to the Allotment Authority for redemption of such surplus/untaxed land. (3) On receipt of an application under sub-section (2) theAllotment Authority may verify and take necessary measurement and calculate the area of the surplus/untaxed la nd. (4) After taking such measurement and calculating such areaunder sub-section (3) the Allotment Authority may adjust - 8 - Ex-145/2013 or make tally the figure of the land area and the boundary description of the land on payment of such redemptionfee by the Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. (5) Redemption fee may be calculated on the basis of currentland revenues or taxes payable per specified area of landas may be prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Authority . (6) The Allotment Authority may , instead of giving the surplus land to such Land Settlement Holder or to Lessee, declaresuch surplus land to be a vacant land. Maintenance of Maintenance of Maintenance of Maintenance of Maintenance of 20.The Allotment Authority shall maintain the records of all sites allotted Land Records. Land Records. Land Records. Land Records. Land Records. by it to any person, company, firm or other associations of persons etc and such records may contain all the necessary requirementscontained in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certif icate and such records shall be available at any time for inspection orready reference during of fice hour. Revenue Liability Revenue Liability Revenue Liability Revenue Liability Revenue Liability .. .. . 21.(1)A Land Settlement Holder or a Lessee shall be liable topay such amount as land revenue/tax each financial yearas may be prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Authority. (2) The Allotment Authority may prescribe land revenues/ taxes on the basis of the quality and purpose or the landvalue of the land so allotted. (3) The Allotment Authority may exempt any Land Settlement Holder or Lessee from paying land revenue/tax for aspecified period as may be prescribed by the Allotment Authority . CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL OF OCCUP OF OCCUP OF OCCUP OF OCCUP OF OCCUP AA AA ATION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL LAND LAND LAND LAND LAND Persons entitled Persons entitled Persons entitled Persons entitled Persons entitled 22.(1)On and from the commencement of this Act no person shall to occupy or use to occupy or use to occupy or use to occupy or use to occupy or use occupy or use any land without obtaining Land Settlement land. land. land. land. land. Certificate or Land Lease Certificate from Allotment Authority in the prescribed form and manner as provided in this Act. (2) The Allotment Authority may recall any land holding certificate issued under any law for the time being enforced by the District Council and may compel such land holderto apply for fresh Land Settlement Certificate or LandLease Certificate under this Act within such period as may be prescribed by the Allotment Authority. Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. - 9 - Ex-145/2013 Explanation II : Explanation II : Explanation II : Explanation II : Explanation II : AA AA A person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this Act Act Act Act Act shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate under this under this under this under this under this Act. Act. Act. Act. Act. Right of Land Right of Land Right of Land Right of Land Right of Land 23.(1)A Permanent Land Settlement Holder shall have Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder heritable and transferable right of occupancy, use or of or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder .. .. . sub-letting of his/her land subject to – (a) the payment of all revenues and taxes payable in respect of such land under any law made or enforce d by the District Council, or (b) the compliance of – (i)such terms and conditions as incorporated in the Land Settlement Certificate, or (ii) such other provisions of this Act, or (iii) such other rules or regulations made orenforced by the District Council. (2) A Temporary Land Settlement Holder or Lessee shall have no right over his/her land except a right of occupancy or use of his/ her land for the period for which it is issued subject to –(a) the payment of all revenues and taxes payable in respectof such land under any law made or enforced by th e District Council, or (b) the compliance of – (i)such terms and conditions as incorporated in the Land Settlement Certificate orLand Lease Certificate, or (ii) such other provisions of this Act, or (iii) such other rules or regulations made orenforced by the District Council. (3) No Land Settlement Holder or Lessee shall convert his/her land to any other purpose other than the purposementioned in the Land Settlement Certificate or LandLease Certificate without prior permission of the Allotment Authority . (4) No transfer of any right or title over any land shall be recognized or accepted by the Land Settlement Authority unless such transfer is registered in the office of Land Settlement Authority in such form and manner as prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Authority and no transfer of any right or title over any land shall beregistered by Land Settlement Authority unless such transfer is supported by an Affidavit or a Document of Deed of such transfer . Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Act, such terms and Act, such terms and Act, such terms and Act, such terms and Act, such terms and conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law .. .. . - 10 - Ex-145/2013 Restrictions of Restrictions of Restrictions of Restrictions of Restrictions of 24.(1)A Land Settlement Holder or a Lessee shall, while occupation or use occupation or use occupation or use occupation or use occupation or use occupying or using such land, keep vacant at least tw o of land. of land. of land. of land. of land. and half meters in each side of such land as a marginal boundary and out of such marginal boundary one meterof the outer part may be used for public purposes whene ver necessary and the remaining one and half meter of theinner part shall be kept vacant as it is for the free flow ofair and sun-light. (2) No Land Settlement Holder or Lessee shall construct orauthorize any person to construct any building orinfrastructure on his/her land so as to prevent the free flow of sun-light to his/her neighbouring land or building or infrastructure. (3) The provisions of sub-section (1) and sub- section (2) shallnot apply to any land on which certain building orinfrastructure had been constructed before thecommencement of this Act. (4) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (3), if any buildingor infrastructure which had been constructed before thecommencement of this Act is for any reason dismantled or destroyed and for that reason such Land SettlementHolder or Lessee or any person authorized by such LandSettlement Holder or such Lessee is willing to reconstructa new building or infrastructure on such land where the old building or infrastructure had been dismantled or destroyed, such Land Settlement Holder or Lessee or anyperson authorized by such Land Settlement Holder or suchLessee shall be bound by the provisions of sub-section(1) and sub-section (2). Information to Land Information to Land Information to Land Information to Land Information to Land 25.(1)On and from the commencement of this Act a Land Settlement Settlement Settlement Settlement Settlement Settlement Authority Authority Authority Authority Authority .. .. . Holder or Lessee or any person authorized by such LandSettlement Holder or such Lessee who is willing to construc t any building or infrastructure on such land shall, in writing,inform to Land settlement Authority his/her intention to do so. (2) On receipt of such information under sub-section (1) Land Settlement Authority shall take spot verification and shall prescribe, with the help of an expert, the actual land which may be covered by such building or infrastructure, theheight of such building or infrastructure and the marginalboundary to be kept vacant in accordance with theprovisions of this Act and, if any, rules made thereunder . Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. - 11 - Ex-145/2013 CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS VV VV V iolation of iolation of iolation of iolation of iolation of 26.If any person acts or omits to do any act in contravention of any certain provisions. certain provisions. certain provisions. certain provisions. certain provisions. provision of this Act or rules made thereunder , such person shall be deemed to violate such provision and such person shall be hereinafter known as Defaulter . VV VV V iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. 27.(1)If any person occupies or uses any land without obtainingLand Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificat e from Allotment Authority, the concerned Allotment Authority may evict such defaulter in the following manner:- (i) if such defaulter has not constructed any building or infrastructure in a permanent nature, theconcerned Allotment Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to vacate such land within thirtydays from the date of issue of such notice and ifsuch defaulter does not comply or is unwilling tocomply with such notice, the Allotment Authority may impose a fine not less than one thousandrupees and in case of continuing violation theAllotment Authority may impose an additional fine not less than one hundred rupees for each dayduring which such violation continues, (ii) if such defaulter had constructed any building or infrastructure in a permanent nature, the concerned Allotment Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to vacate such land within sixtydays from the date of issue of such notice and ifsuch defaulter does not comply or is unwilling tocomply with such notice, the Allotment Authority may impose a fine not less than two thousandrupees and in case of continuing violation theAllotment Authority may impose an additional fine not less than two hundred rupees for each dayduring which such violation continues. (2) The Allotment Authority may , instead of imposing such additional fine under clause (i) and clause (ii) of sub-section(1), make such order compelling such defaulter to applyfor the allotment of such land within such period as maybe prescribed in such order . (3) If such defaulter does not comply or is unwilling to complywith all actions taken by the Allotment Authority under clause (i) and clause (ii) of sub-section (1) and under sub-section (2), the Allotment Authority may use force or any other means whichever is convenient to evict suchdefaulter . (4) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) and sub-section (3) if such defaulter , in compliance with an order - 12 - Ex-145/2013 under sub-section (2), apply in the prescribed form and manner as provided in this Act for the allotment of such land, the Allotment Authority may issue a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate to such applicant in accordance with the provisions of this Act. VV VV V iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. 28.(1)If any person transfers or inherits any land having a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certifica te, the concerned Land Settlement Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter requiring such defaulter to appearand explain the matter before such Land Settlement Authority and if such Land Settlement Authority is not satisfied by such explanation or such objection, if any , such Land Settlement Authority may cancel such Land Settlement Certific ate or Land Lease Certificate: Provided that such Land Settlement Authority may issue an order compelling such defaulter to apply for freshallotment of such land and if such defaulter complied withsuch order , the provisions of section 15 or section 17 shall apply . (2) If a Permanent Land Settlement Holder has not paid suchrevenues and taxes within the prescribed period in respectof his/her land the concerned Land Settlement Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to pay all suchrevenues and taxes due from him with such arrears, if any , in accordance with the provisions of any law made or enforced by the District Council, within such period as may be prescribed in such notice, and if such defaulterdoes not comply or is unwilling to comply with such notice,such Land Settlement Authority may cancel such Land Settlement Certificate. (3) If any Land Settlement Certificate is cancelled under sub-section (1) and such defaulter does not apply for freshallotment of such land, or if any Land Settlement Certificateis cancelled under sub-section (2), the provisions of section27 shall apply . Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder .. .. . VV VV V iolation of section iolation of section iolation of section iolation of section iolation of section 29.(1)If any person without giving any information under section 24(1), 24(1), 24(1), 24(1), 24(1), 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 25 (1) constructs any building or infrastructure in contravention and section 25(1). and section 25(1). and section 25(1). and section 25(1). and section 25(1). of the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) ofsection 24, the concerned Land Settlement Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to observe and compl y the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) ofsection 24 within such period as may be prescribed in suc h - 13 -Ex-145/2013 notice, and such Land Settlement Authority may enclose or incorporate the provisions of such sub-sections in such notice for general information. (2) If such defaulter is willing to comply with such notice, theprovisions of sub-section (2) of section 25 shall apply . (3) If such defaulter does not comply or is unwilling to complywith a notice served under sub-section (1), the concernedLand Settlement Authority may cancel the Land Settlement Certificate of such defaulter after serving a notice ofwarning and if such Land Settlement Certificate iscancelled, the provisions of section 27 shall apply . Official actions. Official actions. Official actions. Official actions. Official actions. 30.(1)If any action is taken under sections 27, 28 and 29 by Village Council, any person aggrieved by the actions of such Villag e Council may approach the Executive Committee or anyOfficer authorized in this behalf by the Executive Committeeand the decision of the Executive Committee or such authorize d Officer shall be final and it shall not be called in questionin any Court of Law . (2) If any action is taken under sections 27, 28, and 29 by theExecutive Committee or any Officer authorized in thisbehalf by the Executive Committee, such action shall befinal and it shall not be called in question in any Court of L aw. 31. Any person who has land dispute with any other person may approac h Land Dispute Court in a proper manner . Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. 32.(1)There shall be Land Dispute Court to be constituted bythe Executive Committee who shall settle all land disputeswithin the District Council jurisdiction. (2) The Executive Committee shall appoint only qualifiedperson holding a law degree from any recognizeduniversity by the State or Central Government and mayprescribe such requirements such as experience, etc.before making appointment for the purpose of this Act. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. 33.(1)The Executive Committee may make rules for carryingout the purpose of this Act. (2) Every rule made by the Executive Committee under thisAct shall be laid before the House of District Council fordiscussion and shall be accepted by simple majority of themembers present. (3) After acceptance by such simple majority in the House ofDistrict Council, such rule or rules shall be submittedforthwith to the Governor for approval and after suchapproval by the Governor such rule or rules shall bepublished in the official Gazette of Mizoram and on suchpublication it shall have the force of law . - 14 - Ex-145/2013 Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. 34.(1)The Lakher District Council (House Sites) Act, 1973 is hereby repealed. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken or purported to have been done or taken under theenactment repealed by sub-section (1) shall in so far as itis not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done or taken under thecorresponding provisions of this Act. ST ST ST ST ST AA AA ATEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS The increasing needs of land from time to time for various purposes necessitate proper allotment of land in the Mara Autonomous District area. The uncontrolled and unrestricted allotment, occupation or use of land disturbed public road safety and also pollutes certain water consumed by the public. Besides, the uncontrolled and unrestricted construction of such large and high buildings or infrastructures at certain places prevent the free flow of air and sun-light to the neighboring land or buildingor infrastructure. Therefore, such uncontrolled and unrestricted construction seriously infringed the right ofthe victim in particular and the public in general. At this situation, the Lakher District Council (House Sites) Act, 1973, could not provide sufficient laws for the control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential andother non-agricultural purposes. In view of the above situation there is great need for the enactment of new laws which inter alia could provide better general laws for the control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or useof land for residential and other non-agricultural purposes in the Mara Autonomous District Council area. The Bill seeks to achieve the above objects. Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member Land, Revenue and Settlement, Mara Autonomous District Council,Siaha - 15 - Ex-145/2013 SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE FORM-A FORM-A FORM-A FORM-A FORM-A MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR YY YY Y LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA TION TION TION TION TION 1. Name of applicant (in block letters) ...............................…………….………………………… 2. Father’s name ……………………………………………......……….…………………………. 3. Husband’ s/Wife’s name ……………………….………………………..………………………... 4. Permanent address ……...…………………………………………..……………………………. 5. Present address ....…………………………………………………..……………………………. 6. Purpose for which it is applied (Residential/Commercial/Residential cum Commercial/Shop) ……………..………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Occupation/Profession ..…………………………………………………………………………. 8. Community to which he/she belongs ……………………………………………………………….. 9. Whether born in the MADC area or not? ………………………………………………………….. 10. Whether head of family or not? …………………………………………………………………... 1 1. Details of applicant’ s family members, if any :- Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name Name Name Name Name Aged Aged Aged Aged Aged Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family 12. Description of location and boundary:-(a)Name of Village Council to which the land is located ………………………………………. (b) Whether it is a reserved area or not? ……………………………………………………. (c) Tentative area of the land ………………………………………………………………... (d) Actual location of the land ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………...……………………………………………... (e) Tentative boundary ……………………………………………………………………… ..................……………………………………………………………………………......………………………………………………………………………………………...Declaration/Confirmation:- I, …………………………………., the applicant herein solem nly affirm and declare that the contents of the above application are true and correct to thebest of my knowledge and belief. If anything mentioned herein above is found untrue orincorrect, I shall be responsible for it, and the Allotment Authority may cancel ................. ………………………………………………………… Certificate already issued to me. Documents to be enclosed:- 1)Xerox copy of Voter/Electoral Identity Card 2) Xerox copy of Birth Certificate 3) Verification certificate duly signed by verificant 4) Residential Certificate issued by the concerned authority under Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha Date ……………………. Signature: ..………………. Place ………………...... Name : …………...….. - 16 - Ex-145/2013 FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR YY YY Y LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE / TE / TE / TE / TE / VERIFICA VERIFICA VERIFICA VERIFICA VERIFICA TION CER TION CER TION CER TION CER TION CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA TION TION TION TION TION 1. Questions to be answered by verificant:- (a)Whether the contents of the application form are true and correct? ………………………… ….....……………………………………………………………………………………………..(b) Whether the land so applied for may be required by the public in the near future?………………………………………………………………………………………...... (c) Whether the land so applied for is dangerous for construction of buildings or infrastructure?.......……………………………………………………………………………………... (d) Whether the applicant has any Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate inhis name? .........…………………………………………………………………………. If so, please fill up the table below:- Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. VC area to which the VC area to which the VC area to which the VC area to which the VC area to which the TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the land located land located land located land located land located No & Date No & Date No & Date No & Date No & Date purpose or not purpose or not purpose or not purpose or not purpose or not 2. Free Hand Sketch Map Declaration/Confirmation:- Verifications made above by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I shall be responsible for anything discovered to be untrue and incorrect. Date ………………………… Signature ………………….……... Name ………………………...Occupation …………...…………... - 17 -Ex-145/2013 FORM – FORM – FORM – FORM – FORM – A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR YY YY Y LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA TE TE TE TE TE T emporary Land Settlement Certificate No. …………………of …………………………………. Shri/Smt. …………………………………………………….. aged about ......…………. years S/o, D/o, W/o……………………………… resident of ……………………………………… is granted this Temporary Land Settlement Certificate for the LAND specified in the table below for the purpose of …………………………………………….........................................…………. with such terms andconditions and in the manner provided herein under: TT TT T able able able able able Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Land Land Land Land Land Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Class Class Class Class Class Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter value value value value value payable payable payable payable payable per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum TT TT T erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- 1) The holder of this Certificate shall pay the prescribed land revenue each financial year and thisCertificate may be cancelled in case of non-payment of the prescribed land revenue/tax within theprescribed period. 2) The revenue shall at any time be increased or decreased by the Executive Committee in accordancewith the Act and Rules as may be made and amended from time to time, or as the land may be re- classified by the Executive Committee or by Officer so authorized. 3) The Allotment Authority may impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other purpose other than the purpose mentioned in the Cer tificate.. 4) The land may be partly or wholly acquired by the District Council or Officer authorized by it forpublic purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council a rea. 5) The land can neither be transferred nor sublet to any other person. 6) Construction of any building or infrastructure within the land without the knowledge of LandSettlement Authority shall entail appropriate penalty in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council area to the extent of cancellation of the Land Settlement Certificateas may deem fit and reasonable by the concerned authority . Location of land:- …………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description in figure: 1) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters - 18 - Ex-145/2013 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2. Description in words: Starting point :- ……………………………………………….…………… ……………...………………...………………………………………………………………….……………………..……………………………………………………………………………. 1) …………………………………......................……………………………………………………2) ……………………………………...........…………………………………………………………3) ………………………………..……………………………………………………………………4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………5) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………6) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………7) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………8) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10) ………………………………………...………………………………………………………….1 1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….13) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….14) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….15) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….16) ……………………………………...…………………………………………………………….17) ………………………………………………………...………………………………………….18) ………………………………………………………....…………………………………………19) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….20) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….21) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….24) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….25) …………………………………………………...……………………………………………….26) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….27) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….28) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….29) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….30) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Free Hand Sketch Map Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. With Seal - 19 - Ex-145/2013 FORM-B FORM-B FORM-B FORM-B FORM-B MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE APP APP APP APP APP LICA LICA LICA LICA LICA TION TION TION TION TION 1. Name of applicant (in block letters) ………………………………………………...…………… 2. Father’s name …………………………………………………………………...………………. 3. Husband’ s/Wife’s name ………………………………………………………...……………….. 4. Present address ………………………………………………..………………………………… 5. Temporary Land Settlement Certificate No. and date ……………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………….....………….. 6. Purpose for which it is applied (Residential/Commercial/Residential cum Commercial/Shop) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. 7. Detail name and addresses of all neighbouring land settlement holder , if any, ..................……………………………………………………………………………………….......………………………………………………………………………………………………..................……………………………………………………………………………………….......……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Detail boundary description in figure and in words: …………………………………………………..........................…………………………………………………………………………………............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................……………………………………………………………………………………… ............................................……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Documents to be enclosed/attached:-a) Temporary Land Settlement Certificate b) Tax Clearance Certificate c) Residential Certificate issued by the concerned authority under Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha. Declaration/Confirmation:- I, ……………………………………. the applicant herein abovesolemnly affirm and declare that the contents of this application are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge belief. If anything is found untrue or incorrect, I shall be responsible for it and a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate already issued to me may be cancelled by the Allotment Authority . Date …………………………. Signature : ………………….............. Place…………………………. Name : ……..…………………….. - 20 - Ex-145/2013 FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA TE TE TE TE TE (See section 16) No. OF This Certificate, setting the land prescribed hereunder as recorded in the General Register , is granted under section 16 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Non-Agricultural Land Settlement) Act, 2011. Name : Father ’s Name : Present Address : Location Address : Previous Regd. No. : Serial No. Grade AreaRate per Sq. Revenue payable meter (Rs.) per annum (Rs.) T aken as ( ) Bigha/Bighas for Revenue Assessment Description of Boundary with location:- Approval Vide Letter No. _______________________ Date __________________ The holder of this Certificate has entered into an agreement with the Mara Autonomous District Council to pay land revenue as shown above and thereby acquired the status of settlement holder undersection 23 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Non-Agricultural Land Settlement) Act, 2011. He is vested with the legal ownership of the land including all rights and interests arising out of such settlementssubject to the Act, Rules, Terms and Condition made and amended by the Mara Autonomous District Council from time to time. Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. W ith Seal Bigha Sq. mSq. ft - 21 - Ex-145/2013 TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT 1) The Land Settled with the holder of this Certificate is mainly for ___________________________ ________________________________ and without previous permission of the ExecutiveCommittee or Officer authorized by it writing, the land shall not be utilized entirely for anotherpurpose then specific herein. 2) The holder of this Certificate shall pay the prescribed land revenue each financial year and this Certificate may be cancelled in case of non- payment of the prescribed land revenue/tax within the prescribed period. 3) The revenue shall at any time be increased or decreased by the Executive Committee in accordancewith the Act and Rules as may be made and amended from time to time, or as the land may be re- classified by the Executive Committee or by Officer so authorized. 4) The Allotment Authority may impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other purpose other than the purpose mentioned in the Certificate. 5) The land may be partly or wholly acquired by the District Council or Officer authorized by it forpublic purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council ar ea. 6) The land cannot be transferred, either in part or in whole, to any other person without the priorpermission of the Allotment Authority. 7) Construction of any building or infrastructure within the land without the knowledge of Land Settlement Authority shall entail appropriate penalty in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council area to the extent of cancellation of the Land Settlement Certificate as may deem fit and reasonable by the concerned authority . I undertake to abide by the above terms and conditions and put my signature in token thereof. Signature of Settlement Holder Signature of Issuing Authority W ith Seal Location of land:- ……………………………………………………………………………….. Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- 1. Description in figure: 1) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters - 22 - Ex-145/2013 2.Description in words: Starting point :- ……………………………………………….…………… ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………. ……………………………………………………..…………………………………………….1) …………………………………………………........…………………………………………2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………5) …………………………………………………………………………………………………6) …………………………………………………………………………………………………7) …………………………………………………………………………………………………8) …………………………………………………………………………………………………9) …………………………………………………………………………………………………10) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….14) ………………………………………………………………………....…………………….15) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….16) …………………………………………………………………….....……………………….17) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….18) ………………………………….……………………………………………………………19) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….20) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….21) ………………………………....…………………………………………………………….22) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….23) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….26) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….27) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….28) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….29) ………………………………….....………………………………………………………….30) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Free Hand Sketch Map The land is converted to PLSC No. …………………………. of ………………. from TLSC No. …………………………. of ………………………… Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. With Seal - 23 - Ex-145/2013 FORM – C FORM – C FORM – C FORM – C FORM – C MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA TE TE TE TE TE Land Lease Certificate No. ………………………...of ………………. In favour of Shri/Smt/M/S. ……………………………………….. aged about …………. years S/o, D/o, W/o ………………………………… resident of …………………………………. is granted this LandLease Certificate for the LAND specified in the table below for the purpose of ………………………………and for a period of …………………………..W ith such terms and conditions and in the manner provided herein under: TT TT T able able able able able Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Land Land Land Land Land Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Class Class Class Class Class Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter value value value value value payable payable payable payable payable per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum TT TT T erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- 1) The holder of this Certificate shall pay the prescribed land revenue each financial year and this Certificate may be cancelled in case of non- payment of the prescribed land revenue/tax within theprescribed period. 2) The revenue shall at any time be increased or decreased by the Executive Committee in accordancewith the Act and Rules as may be made and amended from time to time, or as the land may be re- classified by the Executive Committee or by Officer so authorized. 3) The Allotment Authority may impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other purpose other than the purpose mentioned in the Certificate. 4) The land may be partly or wholly acquired by the District Council or Officer authorized by it forpublic purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council are a. 5) The land can neither be transferred nor sublet to any other person. 6) Construction of any building or infrastructure within the land without the knowledge of LandSettlement Authority shall entail appropriate penalty in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council area to the extent of cancellation of the Land Lease Certificate asmay deem fit and reasonable by the concerned authority . Location of land:- .........………………………………………………………………………….. ...………………………………………………………………………………………………… Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:-2. Description in figure: 1) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters - 24 - Ex-145/2013 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2. Description in words: Starting point :- …………………………..................……….…………… ……………..…………………………………………………………………………………….………………........................…………………………………………………………………. 1) …...............................................................................................................………….......… 2) ……………………………………………………………………...…………………………… 3) ………………............………………………………………..………………………………… 4) …………………………………………………………………..……………………………… 5) ……………………....…………………………………………...……………………………… 6) ……………………………………………………………………...…………………………… 7) ………………………………………………………………………...………………………… 8) …………………………………………………………………………...……………………… 9) ……………………………………………………………………………...…………………… 10) ………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. 1 1) …………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 12) ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………. 13) ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 14) …………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 15) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 16) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 17) …………………………………………………………………………..………………………. 18) ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………… 19) ………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. 20) …………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 21) ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………. 22) ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 23) …………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 24) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 25) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 26) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 27) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 28) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 29) ………………………………………………………………………………………………....... 30) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 3. Free Hand Sketch Map Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. With Seal Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 25 - Ex-145/2013
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 145 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 No. C. 13031/5/201 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 1-DCA(M), the 1 11 11 1 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In pursuance of paragraph 1 1 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Act passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 27 th February , 2013 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (NON-AGRICUL TURAL LAND SETTLEMENT) ACT, 201 1”. PP PP P . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. AN ACT to provide for the better control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential and other non-agricultural purposes. AND WHEREAS the power conferred by sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 3 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Mara Autonomous District Council is empowered to make regulations for the control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential and other non-agriculturalpurposes within the said Autonomous District; NOW , THEREFORE, in exercise of the said powers and other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to make the following Act in the Sixty- Second Year of the Republic of India as follows:- CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I CHAPTER – I PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR PRELIMINAR YY YY Y Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent 1.(1)This Act may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. (Non-Agricultural Land Settlement) Act, 2011. - 2 - Ex-145/2013 (2) It shall extend to the whole of the Mara Autonomous District area. (3) It shall come into force on its publication in the Mizoram Gazette. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. 2.In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- (i) “Allotment Authority” means any Land Settlement Authority to which the allotment power of land is vested under section 7 or section 8 of this Act; (ii) “Commercial or business activities” means the establishmentof any market, heavy industry center , any motor vehicle terminal or station, any office or infrastructure of companiesor firms, any commercial institution such as privatecommercial school or college and any other commercial orbusiness activities of the like nature; (iii) “District Council” means the Mara Autonomous District Council; (iv) “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committeeof the Mara Autonomous District Council; (v) “Financial year” means the period of 12 months commencingon the first day of April; (vi) “Government” means the Central Government or StateGovernment; (vi) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram; (viii) “Land” means either vacant land or occupied land; (ix) “Land Dispute” means any dispute on any land between oramong two or more Land Settlement Holders or Lessee; (x) “Land Dispute Court” means a Court established under section 32 of this Act; (xi) “Land Lease” means a temporary rights of use or occupation of a specified portions of land granted to the holder of suchlease for a specified period; (xii) “Land Lease Certificate” means a certificate issued undersection 17 of this Act; (xiii) “Land Settlement Authorities” means such Authorities as mentioned in Chapter II of this Act to control and restrict the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential andother non-agricultural purposes; (xiv) “Land Settlement Certificate” includes Temporary Land Settlement Certificate and Permanent Land Settlement Certificate; (xv) “Land Settlement Holder” includes Permanent Land Settlement Holder and Temporary Land Settlement Holder; (xvi) “Law enforced by the District Council” means any legislationof the Parliament or State Legislature enforced by theDistrict Council with such modifications and amendment, ifany; (xvii) “Lessee” means the holder of Land Lease Certificate issuedunder section 17 of this Act; (xviii) “Non-agricultural land” means any land which is not usedfor agricultural and allied purpses such as fishery , piggery, cattle rearing or the like; (xix)“Officers” means any Officer appointed by the Executive Committee under sub-section (1) of section 4, read with sub-section (5) of the same section; (xx) “Permanent Land Settlement Certificate” means a LandSettlement Certificate issued under section 16; (xxi) “Permanent Land Settlement Holder” means the holder ofPermanent Land Settlement Certificate and who by virtueof such title enjoyed such rights as mentioned in sub-section(1) of section 23; (xxii) “Person” means and includes an individual, a company , firm, a Government Department or other association of persons; (xxiii) “Schedule” means Schedule appended to this Act; (xxiv) “Site” means any particular or specified area of land allotted for residential or other non-agricultural purposes; (xxv) “Surveyor” means any Surveyor appointed under section 5 of this Act; (xxvi) “Temporary Land Settlement Certificate” means a Land Settlement Certificate issued under section 15; (xxvii) “Temporary Land Settlement Holder” means the holder of a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate and who by virtue of such title enjoyed such rights as mentioned in sub-section(2) of section 23; (xxviii) “Village Council” means any Village Council constituted under the Lakher Autonomous District Council (V illage Council) Act, 1974. CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II CHAPTER – II LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES AUTHORITIES Executive Committee. Executive Committee. Executive Committee. Executive Committee. Executive Committee. 3.Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Executive Committee shall be the Apex Land Settlement Authority and shall have the general power to control and direct the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential and other non-agricultural purposes. Officers. Officers. Officers. Officers. Officers. 4.(1)Without prejudice to the provisions of section 3, the Executive Committee shall appoint Senior Land Settlement Officer andsuch number of Land Settlement Of ficers and Assistant Land Settlement Officers as it thinks necessary for the purpose ofthis Act. (2) For the purpose of this Act, all Land Settlement Of ficers and Assistant Land Settlement Officers shall subordinate to SeniorLand Settlement Of ficer and all Assistant Land Settlement Officers shall subordinate to all Land Settlement Officers. (3) Subject to the general control and direction of the ExecutiveCommittee, Senior Land Settlement Officer shall either byhimself or through Officers subordinate to him, exercise allpowers and perform all functions relating to thesuperintendence and control of the occupation or use of landfor residential and other non-agricultural purposes. - 3 - Ex-145/2013 (4)The Executive Committee or , if authorized by the Executive Committee, Senior Land Settlement Officer may specify the area or areas over which each Land Settlement Officer shallexercise jurisdiction. (5) Assistant Land Settlement Of ficer, if any , shall assist his/ her superior Officers if and when required by such superior Offic ers. (6) For the purpose of this Act, Senior Revenue Of ficer shall be deemed to be Senior Land Settlement Of ficer, each Revenue Officer shall be deemed to be each Land Settlement Officerand each Assistant Revenue Of ficer, if any , shall be deemed to be each Assistant Land Settlement Of ficer. Surveyors. Surveyors. Surveyors. Surveyors. Surveyors. 5.For the purpose of this Act, the Executive Committee may appoint such number of Surveyors who shall perform such functions as maybe directed and allotted to them by the Executive Committee o r Officers appointed under sub-section (1) of section 4. VV VV V illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. 6.Subject to the provisions of this Act and subject to the general control and direction of the Executive Committee or Senior Land SettlementOf ficer , V illage Council shall be Land Settlement Authority within its local jurisdiction. CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III CHAPTER – III ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES ALLOTMENT OF SITES Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites 7.Subject to the provisions of this Act, a Village Council other by by by by by VV VV V illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. than Village Council area which is declared as town area by the Executive Committee under this Act or any other law for the time being enforced by the District Council, may allot sites within its local jurisdiction. Provided that such Village Council shall not allot any site for carrying any commercial or business activities. Provided further that the Executive Committee may , at any time, by notification declare that any village or a particularlocality is a protection area where allotment of sites shall be doneby such Village Council only with the previous approval of the Executive Committee. Provided also that the Executive Committee may , at any time, by notification declare any particular locality to be a townarea and the allotment of sites shall be done under section 8 of this Act. Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites 8.(1)The Executive Committee may allot sites in all town areas. by the Executive. by the Executive. by the Executive. by the Executive. by the Executive. (2)The Executive Committee may , in writing, authorize any Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Committee, etc. Officer mentioned in Chapter II of this Act to allot sites in all or any particular area. (3) The Executive Committee or any authorized Officer undersub-section (2) may allot sites for carrying any commercialor business activity within the Mara Autonomous District Council area. - 4 - Ex-145/2013 (4)If any land is allotted by any authorized Officer under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) it shall be subject to the confirmation by the Executive Committee. Area of site to be Area of site to be Area of site to be Area of site to be Area of site to be 9.(1)The allotment authority shall allot site in following manner:- allotted. allotted. allotted. allotted. allotted. (i)if the allotee is an individual, an area not less than15ft x 15ft. (i.e. 225 Sq.ft.) but not exceeding 100ftx 100ft. (i.e. 10000 Sq.ft.), or (ii) if the allotee is a Government Department, acompany , firm or other associations of persons, such area as required by such Department,company , firm or associations subject to availability of the land. (2) No individual person shall, whether as a Land SettlementHolder/Lessee or a mortgagee with possession orotherwise, hold any land under this Act or any other law for the time being enforced by the District Council inexcess of 100 ft x 100 ft. (i.e. 10000 Sq. ft.) in one holding. Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “Government Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Department” includes any Department under the Central Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Government or State Government or District Council. Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites Allotment of sites 10.(1)While allotting any site at the public road side, the Allotment at the public road at the public road at the public road at the public road at the public road Authority shall keep vacant certain portions of land between side. side. side. side. side. the allotted site and the public road as a “Reserved- Road- Side -Land” which may be used for the expansion of such public road or for such other public purposes. (2) The Allotment Authority shall make a Reserved -Road – Side- Land under sub-section (1) in the following manner-(i) if the public road is less than three meters width,the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land on which at least four meters width ofpublic road could be expanded between theallotted site and the existing public road, (ii) if the public road is more than three meters widthbut less than six meters width, the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land on which at least three meters width of public road could be expanded between the allotted site andthe existing public road, (iii) if the public road is more than six meters widthbut less than nine meters width, the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land onwhich at least two meters width of public roadcould be expanded between the allotted land andthe existing public road, (iv) if the public road is more than nine meters widthbut less than twelve meters width, the Allotment Authority shall reserve such portions of land on - 5 - Ex-145/2013 which at least one meter width of public road could be expanded between the allotted land and theexisting public road. (3) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2), the Executive Committee may , at any time, by notification declare that no Reserve- Road- Side- Landneed to be made for any particular public road. Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, “public road” means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle means any road on which any mechanically propelled vehicle could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and could run or pass and includes any road constructed and maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or maintained by the Central Government or State Government or District Council or District Council or District Council or District Council or District Council or VV VV V illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. illage Council. Allotment of site Allotment of site Allotment of site Allotment of site Allotment of site 11. If any site is to be allotted at the side of or nearby any public well at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby at the side of or nearby or any public water point or source of such public water point, the any public well or any any public well or any any public well or any any public well or any any public well or any Allotment Authority shall keep at least fifty meters vacant land between public water point or public water point or public water point or public water point or public water point or the allotted site and such public well or such public water point or source of such public source of such public source of such public source of such public source of such public source of such public water point for the purposes of preserving water point. water point. water point. water point. water point. clean and healthy water for public consumption. Prohibition. Prohibition. Prohibition. Prohibition. Prohibition. 12.(1)No Allotment Authority shall allot any site to a non-tribal without the prior permission of the Executive Committee. (2) For the purpose of obtaining permission under sub-section(1), the matter shall be put in the House of the DistrictCouncil and it must be accepted by two third majority ofthe members present. Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of this section, the expression ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ ‘non-tribal’ shall not include a company shall not include a company shall not include a company shall not include a company shall not include a company , firm or other associations , firm or other associations , firm or other associations , firm or other associations , firm or other associations of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or of persons in which all the shareholders of such company or firm or firm or firm or firm or firm or , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, , all the members of such other associations of persons, are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. are tribal as an individual. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. Unauthorized allotment. 13.(1)If any Allotment Authority allot any site to any person in contravention of the provisions of section 9, section10,section 1 1 and section 12, every such allotment shall, to the extent of such contravention, be void and the alloteeshall have no right and title over such void land. (2) For the purpose of section 10, section 1 1 and section 12 the provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply to anyallotment which had been made before the commencementof this Act CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV CHAPTER - IV ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT ISSUE OF LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TE OR LAND LEASE CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE Issue of Land Issue of Land Issue of Land Issue of Land Issue of Land 14.When any site is allotted to any person under section 7 or section 8 , Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate the Allotment Authority shall issue Land Settlement Certificate or or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. or Land Lease Certificate. Land Lease Certificate to such person in such form and manner as provided in sections 15, 16 or 17. - 6 - Ex-145/2013 Procedure for issue Procedure for issue Procedure for issue Procedure for issue Procedure for issue 15.(1)Any person intending or willing to occupy or use any vacant of of of of of TT TT T emporary Land emporary Land emporary Land emporary Land emporary Land land for residential or other non-agricultural purposes may Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate apply to the concerned Allotment Authority in the prescribed or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate or Land Lease Certificate .“Form -A” provided in the Schedule. (2) On receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the concerned Allotment Authority shall verify whether the land so applied for is a vacant land or not. (3) If the concerned Allotment Authority found that the land so applied for is a vacant land it shall take all suchnecessary measurement for the purposes of boundary description and shall attach the findings of such verification and such measurement in the prescribed “Form A-(1)” as provided in the Schedule. (4) After such verification and after taking such necessarymeasurement under sub-section (3) the concernedAllotment Authority may issue a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate to the applicant in the prescribed“Form A-(2)” as provided in the Schedule: Provided that such Temporary Land Settlement Certificate may be issued to such applicant only on paymentof such fee as may be prescribed or imposed from time totime by the concerned Allotment Authority. Provided further that such Temporary Land Settlement Certificate shall be valid only for three yearsfrom the date of issue and shall be liable to be cancelled after the expiration of such prescribed period. Provided also that if such Temporary Land Settlement Holder continues to occupy or use such landafter the expiration of such prescribed period or after such cancellation of such Temporary Land Settlement Certificate, the provisions of section 27 shall apply . Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of Procedure for issue of 16.(1)After the expiration of one year from the issue Permanent Land Permanent Land Permanent Land Permanent Land Permanent Land of Temporary Land Settlement Certificate, a Temporary Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate Settlement Certificate .Land Settlement Holder may apply to the concernedAllotment Authority for the issue of Permanent Land Settlement Certificate in the prescribed “Form B” provided in the Schedule. (2) On receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the concerned Allotment Authority shall examine or scrutinize all the documents produced by the applicant and onsatisfaction by such documents the concerned Allotment Authority may issue Permanent Land Settlement Certificate to such applicant in the prescribed “Form B- (1)” provided in the Schedule. Provided that such a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate may be issued to such applicant only on paymentof such fee as may be prescribed or imposed from time totime by the concerned Allotment Authority. - 7 - Ex-145/2013 Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any Explanation.- In this sub-section, “document” means any document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned document which is required by the concerned Allotment Allotment Allotment Allotment Allotment Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Authority in support of an application under sub-section (1). Land Lease. Land Lease. Land Lease. Land Lease. Land Lease. 17.(1)The Allotment Authority may , instead of issuing Land Settlement Certificate to any company , firm, Government Department or any association of persons, issue Land Lease Certificate in the prescribed “Form-C” as providedin the Schedule. (2) If Land Lease Certificate is issued to any company , firm, Government Department or any association of persons,the rate of the land, the period of the Land Lease and theterms and conditions of the Land Lease may be prescribed in the Land Lease Certificate by the Allotment Authority. Certain powers of Certain powers of Certain powers of Certain powers of Certain powers of 18.(1)The Allotment Authority shall define the boundary of the Land Settlement Land Settlement Land Settlement Land Settlement Land Settlement land so allotted and shall attach such boundary description Authority Authority Authority Authority Authority .. .. . in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate. (2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, Senior Land Settlement Officer or any of his Subordinate Officer may direct any Surveyor or a group of Surveyors to take such verificationor such necessary measurement under section 15 or toexamine or scrutinize such documents under section 16and to submit the findings of such verification or suchmeasurement or such examination or such scrutiny withinsuch period as may be prescribed by such directing Of ficer. (3) The Allotment Authority may classify or categorize the allotted land on the basis of the quality and purpose ofsuch land and such classification or categorization maybe shown or incorporated in the Land SettlementCertificate or Land Lease Certificate. (4) The Allotment Authority may also classify land value on the basis of its quality and purpose and such valuationmay be shown in the Land Settlement Certificate or LandLease Certificate. Redemption. Redemption. Redemption. Redemption. Redemption. 19.(1)In any Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate,if the boundary description of the land is larger than th e figure description (numerical description) of the land area,such portions of land which is uncovered by the figuredescription but covered by the boundary description shallbe expressed herein after as surplus/untaxed land. (2) If any Land Settlement Holder or Lessee has a surplus/untaxed land he/she may apply in writing to the Allotment Authority for redemption of such surplus/untaxed land. (3) On receipt of an application under sub-section (2) theAllotment Authority may verify and take necessary measurement and calculate the area of the surplus/untaxed la nd. (4) After taking such measurement and calculating such areaunder sub-section (3) the Allotment Authority may adjust - 8 - Ex-145/2013 or make tally the figure of the land area and the boundary description of the land on payment of such redemptionfee by the Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. (5) Redemption fee may be calculated on the basis of currentland revenues or taxes payable per specified area of landas may be prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Authority . (6) The Allotment Authority may , instead of giving the surplus land to such Land Settlement Holder or to Lessee, declaresuch surplus land to be a vacant land. Maintenance of Maintenance of Maintenance of Maintenance of Maintenance of 20.The Allotment Authority shall maintain the records of all sites allotted Land Records. Land Records. Land Records. Land Records. Land Records. by it to any person, company, firm or other associations of persons etc and such records may contain all the necessary requirementscontained in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certif icate and such records shall be available at any time for inspection orready reference during of fice hour. Revenue Liability Revenue Liability Revenue Liability Revenue Liability Revenue Liability .. .. . 21.(1)A Land Settlement Holder or a Lessee shall be liable topay such amount as land revenue/tax each financial yearas may be prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Authority. (2) The Allotment Authority may prescribe land revenues/ taxes on the basis of the quality and purpose or the landvalue of the land so allotted. (3) The Allotment Authority may exempt any Land Settlement Holder or Lessee from paying land revenue/tax for aspecified period as may be prescribed by the Allotment Authority . CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CHAPTER – V CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL OF OCCUP OF OCCUP OF OCCUP OF OCCUP OF OCCUP AA AA ATION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TION OR USE OF NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL LAND LAND LAND LAND LAND Persons entitled Persons entitled Persons entitled Persons entitled Persons entitled 22.(1)On and from the commencement of this Act no person shall to occupy or use to occupy or use to occupy or use to occupy or use to occupy or use occupy or use any land without obtaining Land Settlement land. land. land. land. land. Certificate or Land Lease Certificate from Allotment Authority in the prescribed form and manner as provided in this Act. (2) The Allotment Authority may recall any land holding certificate issued under any law for the time being enforced by the District Council and may compel such land holderto apply for fresh Land Settlement Certificate or LandLease Certificate under this Act within such period as may be prescribed by the Allotment Authority. Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does Explanation I : The expression “ no person” in this section does not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the not include a person who occupy or use any land with the permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. permission of a Land Settlement Holder or Lessee. - 9 - Ex-145/2013 Explanation II : Explanation II : Explanation II : Explanation II : Explanation II : AA AA A person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement person who has obtained Land Settlement Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced Certificate from a competent authority under any law enforced by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this by the District Council before the commencement of this Act Act Act Act Act shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to have obtained Land Settlement Certificate under this under this under this under this under this Act. Act. Act. Act. Act. Right of Land Right of Land Right of Land Right of Land Right of Land 23.(1)A Permanent Land Settlement Holder shall have Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder heritable and transferable right of occupancy, use or of or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder or Land Lease Holder .. .. . sub-letting of his/her land subject to – (a) the payment of all revenues and taxes payable in respect of such land under any law made or enforce d by the District Council, or (b) the compliance of – (i)such terms and conditions as incorporated in the Land Settlement Certificate, or (ii) such other provisions of this Act, or (iii) such other rules or regulations made orenforced by the District Council. (2) A Temporary Land Settlement Holder or Lessee shall have no right over his/her land except a right of occupancy or use of his/ her land for the period for which it is issued subject to –(a) the payment of all revenues and taxes payable in respectof such land under any law made or enforced by th e District Council, or (b) the compliance of – (i)such terms and conditions as incorporated in the Land Settlement Certificate orLand Lease Certificate, or (ii) such other provisions of this Act, or (iii) such other rules or regulations made orenforced by the District Council. (3) No Land Settlement Holder or Lessee shall convert his/her land to any other purpose other than the purposementioned in the Land Settlement Certificate or LandLease Certificate without prior permission of the Allotment Authority . (4) No transfer of any right or title over any land shall be recognized or accepted by the Land Settlement Authority unless such transfer is registered in the office of Land Settlement Authority in such form and manner as prescribed from time to time by the Allotment Authority and no transfer of any right or title over any land shall beregistered by Land Settlement Authority unless such transfer is supported by an Affidavit or a Document of Deed of such transfer . Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Explanation .- For the purpose of this Act, such terms and Act, such terms and Act, such terms and Act, such terms and Act, such terms and conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land conditions incorporated in Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law Lease Certificate shall be treated as law .. .. . - 10 - Ex-145/2013 Restrictions of Restrictions of Restrictions of Restrictions of Restrictions of 24.(1)A Land Settlement Holder or a Lessee shall, while occupation or use occupation or use occupation or use occupation or use occupation or use occupying or using such land, keep vacant at least tw o of land. of land. of land. of land. of land. and half meters in each side of such land as a marginal boundary and out of such marginal boundary one meterof the outer part may be used for public purposes whene ver necessary and the remaining one and half meter of theinner part shall be kept vacant as it is for the free flow ofair and sun-light. (2) No Land Settlement Holder or Lessee shall construct orauthorize any person to construct any building orinfrastructure on his/her land so as to prevent the free flow of sun-light to his/her neighbouring land or building or infrastructure. (3) The provisions of sub-section (1) and sub- section (2) shallnot apply to any land on which certain building orinfrastructure had been constructed before thecommencement of this Act. (4) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (3), if any buildingor infrastructure which had been constructed before thecommencement of this Act is for any reason dismantled or destroyed and for that reason such Land SettlementHolder or Lessee or any person authorized by such LandSettlement Holder or such Lessee is willing to reconstructa new building or infrastructure on such land where the old building or infrastructure had been dismantled or destroyed, such Land Settlement Holder or Lessee or anyperson authorized by such Land Settlement Holder or suchLessee shall be bound by the provisions of sub-section(1) and sub-section (2). Information to Land Information to Land Information to Land Information to Land Information to Land 25.(1)On and from the commencement of this Act a Land Settlement Settlement Settlement Settlement Settlement Settlement Authority Authority Authority Authority Authority .. .. . Holder or Lessee or any person authorized by such LandSettlement Holder or such Lessee who is willing to construc t any building or infrastructure on such land shall, in writing,inform to Land settlement Authority his/her intention to do so. (2) On receipt of such information under sub-section (1) Land Settlement Authority shall take spot verification and shall prescribe, with the help of an expert, the actual land which may be covered by such building or infrastructure, theheight of such building or infrastructure and the marginalboundary to be kept vacant in accordance with theprovisions of this Act and, if any, rules made thereunder . Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression Explanation.- For the purpose of sub-section (2), the expression ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor ‘expert’ shall mean any person who has completed Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering or Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by Architecture from any University recognized by the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. the Central Government or the State Government. - 11 - Ex-145/2013 CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI CHAPTER – VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS VV VV V iolation of iolation of iolation of iolation of iolation of 26.If any person acts or omits to do any act in contravention of any certain provisions. certain provisions. certain provisions. certain provisions. certain provisions. provision of this Act or rules made thereunder , such person shall be deemed to violate such provision and such person shall be hereinafter known as Defaulter . VV VV V iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. iolation of section 22. 27.(1)If any person occupies or uses any land without obtainingLand Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificat e from Allotment Authority, the concerned Allotment Authority may evict such defaulter in the following manner:- (i) if such defaulter has not constructed any building or infrastructure in a permanent nature, theconcerned Allotment Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to vacate such land within thirtydays from the date of issue of such notice and ifsuch defaulter does not comply or is unwilling tocomply with such notice, the Allotment Authority may impose a fine not less than one thousandrupees and in case of continuing violation theAllotment Authority may impose an additional fine not less than one hundred rupees for each dayduring which such violation continues, (ii) if such defaulter had constructed any building or infrastructure in a permanent nature, the concerned Allotment Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to vacate such land within sixtydays from the date of issue of such notice and ifsuch defaulter does not comply or is unwilling tocomply with such notice, the Allotment Authority may impose a fine not less than two thousandrupees and in case of continuing violation theAllotment Authority may impose an additional fine not less than two hundred rupees for each dayduring which such violation continues. (2) The Allotment Authority may , instead of imposing such additional fine under clause (i) and clause (ii) of sub-section(1), make such order compelling such defaulter to applyfor the allotment of such land within such period as maybe prescribed in such order . (3) If such defaulter does not comply or is unwilling to complywith all actions taken by the Allotment Authority under clause (i) and clause (ii) of sub-section (1) and under sub-section (2), the Allotment Authority may use force or any other means whichever is convenient to evict suchdefaulter . (4) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) and sub-section (3) if such defaulter , in compliance with an order - 12 - Ex-145/2013 under sub-section (2), apply in the prescribed form and manner as provided in this Act for the allotment of such land, the Allotment Authority may issue a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate to such applicant in accordance with the provisions of this Act. VV VV V iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. iolation of Section 23. 28.(1)If any person transfers or inherits any land having a Temporary Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certifica te, the concerned Land Settlement Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter requiring such defaulter to appearand explain the matter before such Land Settlement Authority and if such Land Settlement Authority is not satisfied by such explanation or such objection, if any , such Land Settlement Authority may cancel such Land Settlement Certific ate or Land Lease Certificate: Provided that such Land Settlement Authority may issue an order compelling such defaulter to apply for freshallotment of such land and if such defaulter complied withsuch order , the provisions of section 15 or section 17 shall apply . (2) If a Permanent Land Settlement Holder has not paid suchrevenues and taxes within the prescribed period in respectof his/her land the concerned Land Settlement Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to pay all suchrevenues and taxes due from him with such arrears, if any , in accordance with the provisions of any law made or enforced by the District Council, within such period as may be prescribed in such notice, and if such defaulterdoes not comply or is unwilling to comply with such notice,such Land Settlement Authority may cancel such Land Settlement Certificate. (3) If any Land Settlement Certificate is cancelled under sub-section (1) and such defaulter does not apply for freshallotment of such land, or if any Land Settlement Certificateis cancelled under sub-section (2), the provisions of section27 shall apply . Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who Explanation .- For the purpose of this sub-section an heir who inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land inherits such land from a person having a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate shall be deemed to be a Permanent Land Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder Settlement Holder .. .. . VV VV V iolation of section iolation of section iolation of section iolation of section iolation of section 29.(1)If any person without giving any information under section 24(1), 24(1), 24(1), 24(1), 24(1), 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 24(2), 24(4) 25 (1) constructs any building or infrastructure in contravention and section 25(1). and section 25(1). and section 25(1). and section 25(1). and section 25(1). of the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) ofsection 24, the concerned Land Settlement Authority shall serve a notice to such defaulter to observe and compl y the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) ofsection 24 within such period as may be prescribed in suc h - 13 -Ex-145/2013 notice, and such Land Settlement Authority may enclose or incorporate the provisions of such sub-sections in such notice for general information. (2) If such defaulter is willing to comply with such notice, theprovisions of sub-section (2) of section 25 shall apply . (3) If such defaulter does not comply or is unwilling to complywith a notice served under sub-section (1), the concernedLand Settlement Authority may cancel the Land Settlement Certificate of such defaulter after serving a notice ofwarning and if such Land Settlement Certificate iscancelled, the provisions of section 27 shall apply . Official actions. Official actions. Official actions. Official actions. Official actions. 30.(1)If any action is taken under sections 27, 28 and 29 by Village Council, any person aggrieved by the actions of such Villag e Council may approach the Executive Committee or anyOfficer authorized in this behalf by the Executive Committeeand the decision of the Executive Committee or such authorize d Officer shall be final and it shall not be called in questionin any Court of Law . (2) If any action is taken under sections 27, 28, and 29 by theExecutive Committee or any Officer authorized in thisbehalf by the Executive Committee, such action shall befinal and it shall not be called in question in any Court of L aw. 31. Any person who has land dispute with any other person may approac h Land Dispute Court in a proper manner . Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. Land Dispute Court. 32.(1)There shall be Land Dispute Court to be constituted bythe Executive Committee who shall settle all land disputeswithin the District Council jurisdiction. (2) The Executive Committee shall appoint only qualifiedperson holding a law degree from any recognizeduniversity by the State or Central Government and mayprescribe such requirements such as experience, etc.before making appointment for the purpose of this Act. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. Power to make rules. 33.(1)The Executive Committee may make rules for carryingout the purpose of this Act. (2) Every rule made by the Executive Committee under thisAct shall be laid before the House of District Council fordiscussion and shall be accepted by simple majority of themembers present. (3) After acceptance by such simple majority in the House ofDistrict Council, such rule or rules shall be submittedforthwith to the Governor for approval and after suchapproval by the Governor such rule or rules shall bepublished in the official Gazette of Mizoram and on suchpublication it shall have the force of law . - 14 - Ex-145/2013 Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. Repeals and savings. 34.(1)The Lakher District Council (House Sites) Act, 1973 is hereby repealed. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken or purported to have been done or taken under theenactment repealed by sub-section (1) shall in so far as itis not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done or taken under thecorresponding provisions of this Act. ST ST ST ST ST AA AA ATEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS OF OBJECTS & REASONS The increasing needs of land from time to time for various purposes necessitate proper allotment of land in the Mara Autonomous District area. The uncontrolled and unrestricted allotment, occupation or use of land disturbed public road safety and also pollutes certain water consumed by the public. Besides, the uncontrolled and unrestricted construction of such large and high buildings or infrastructures at certain places prevent the free flow of air and sun-light to the neighboring land or buildingor infrastructure. Therefore, such uncontrolled and unrestricted construction seriously infringed the right ofthe victim in particular and the public in general. At this situation, the Lakher District Council (House Sites) Act, 1973, could not provide sufficient laws for the control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or use of land for residential andother non-agricultural purposes. In view of the above situation there is great need for the enactment of new laws which inter alia could provide better general laws for the control and restriction of the allotment, occupation or useof land for residential and other non-agricultural purposes in the Mara Autonomous District Council area. The Bill seeks to achieve the above objects. Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member Land, Revenue and Settlement, Mara Autonomous District Council,Siaha - 15 - Ex-145/2013 SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE FORM-A FORM-A FORM-A FORM-A FORM-A MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR YY YY Y LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA TION TION TION TION TION 1. Name of applicant (in block letters) ...............................…………….………………………… 2. Father’s name ……………………………………………......……….…………………………. 3. Husband’ s/Wife’s name ……………………….………………………..………………………... 4. Permanent address ……...…………………………………………..……………………………. 5. Present address ....…………………………………………………..……………………………. 6. Purpose for which it is applied (Residential/Commercial/Residential cum Commercial/Shop) ……………..………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Occupation/Profession ..…………………………………………………………………………. 8. Community to which he/she belongs ……………………………………………………………….. 9. Whether born in the MADC area or not? ………………………………………………………….. 10. Whether head of family or not? …………………………………………………………………... 1 1. Details of applicant’ s family members, if any :- Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name Name Name Name Name Aged Aged Aged Aged Aged Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Occupation/Profession Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family Relationship with Head of Family 12. Description of location and boundary:-(a)Name of Village Council to which the land is located ………………………………………. (b) Whether it is a reserved area or not? ……………………………………………………. (c) Tentative area of the land ………………………………………………………………... (d) Actual location of the land ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………...……………………………………………... (e) Tentative boundary ……………………………………………………………………… ..................……………………………………………………………………………......………………………………………………………………………………………...Declaration/Confirmation:- I, …………………………………., the applicant herein solem nly affirm and declare that the contents of the above application are true and correct to thebest of my knowledge and belief. If anything mentioned herein above is found untrue orincorrect, I shall be responsible for it, and the Allotment Authority may cancel ................. ………………………………………………………… Certificate already issued to me. Documents to be enclosed:- 1)Xerox copy of Voter/Electoral Identity Card 2) Xerox copy of Birth Certificate 3) Verification certificate duly signed by verificant 4) Residential Certificate issued by the concerned authority under Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha Date ……………………. Signature: ..………………. Place ………………...... Name : …………...….. - 16 - Ex-145/2013 FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) FORM-A-(1) MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR YY YY Y LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND TE/LAND LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER LEASE CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE / TE / TE / TE / TE / VERIFICA VERIFICA VERIFICA VERIFICA VERIFICA TION CER TION CER TION CER TION CER TION CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA APPLICA TION TION TION TION TION 1. Questions to be answered by verificant:- (a)Whether the contents of the application form are true and correct? ………………………… ….....……………………………………………………………………………………………..(b) Whether the land so applied for may be required by the public in the near future?………………………………………………………………………………………...... (c) Whether the land so applied for is dangerous for construction of buildings or infrastructure?.......……………………………………………………………………………………... (d) Whether the applicant has any Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate inhis name? .........…………………………………………………………………………. If so, please fill up the table below:- Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. VC area to which the VC area to which the VC area to which the VC area to which the VC area to which the TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC TLSC/PLSC/LLC Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the Whether utilized for the land located land located land located land located land located No & Date No & Date No & Date No & Date No & Date purpose or not purpose or not purpose or not purpose or not purpose or not 2. Free Hand Sketch Map Declaration/Confirmation:- Verifications made above by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I shall be responsible for anything discovered to be untrue and incorrect. Date ………………………… Signature ………………….……... Name ………………………...Occupation …………...…………... - 17 -Ex-145/2013 FORM – FORM – FORM – FORM – FORM – A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR TEMPORAR YY YY Y LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA TE TE TE TE TE T emporary Land Settlement Certificate No. …………………of …………………………………. Shri/Smt. …………………………………………………….. aged about ......…………. years S/o, D/o, W/o……………………………… resident of ……………………………………… is granted this Temporary Land Settlement Certificate for the LAND specified in the table below for the purpose of …………………………………………….........................................…………. with such terms andconditions and in the manner provided herein under: TT TT T able able able able able Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Land Land Land Land Land Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Class Class Class Class Class Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter value value value value value payable payable payable payable payable per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum TT TT T erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- 1) The holder of this Certificate shall pay the prescribed land revenue each financial year and thisCertificate may be cancelled in case of non-payment of the prescribed land revenue/tax within theprescribed period. 2) The revenue shall at any time be increased or decreased by the Executive Committee in accordancewith the Act and Rules as may be made and amended from time to time, or as the land may be re- classified by the Executive Committee or by Officer so authorized. 3) The Allotment Authority may impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other purpose other than the purpose mentioned in the Cer tificate.. 4) The land may be partly or wholly acquired by the District Council or Officer authorized by it forpublic purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council a rea. 5) The land can neither be transferred nor sublet to any other person. 6) Construction of any building or infrastructure within the land without the knowledge of LandSettlement Authority shall entail appropriate penalty in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council area to the extent of cancellation of the Land Settlement Certificateas may deem fit and reasonable by the concerned authority . Location of land:- …………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description in figure: 1) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters - 18 - Ex-145/2013 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2. Description in words: Starting point :- ……………………………………………….…………… ……………...………………...………………………………………………………………….……………………..……………………………………………………………………………. 1) …………………………………......................……………………………………………………2) ……………………………………...........…………………………………………………………3) ………………………………..……………………………………………………………………4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………5) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………6) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………7) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………8) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10) ………………………………………...………………………………………………………….1 1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….13) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….14) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….15) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….16) ……………………………………...…………………………………………………………….17) ………………………………………………………...………………………………………….18) ………………………………………………………....…………………………………………19) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….20) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….21) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….24) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….25) …………………………………………………...……………………………………………….26) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….27) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….28) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….29) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….30) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Free Hand Sketch Map Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. With Seal - 19 - Ex-145/2013 FORM-B FORM-B FORM-B FORM-B FORM-B MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE TE TE TE TE APP APP APP APP APP LICA LICA LICA LICA LICA TION TION TION TION TION 1. Name of applicant (in block letters) ………………………………………………...…………… 2. Father’s name …………………………………………………………………...………………. 3. Husband’ s/Wife’s name ………………………………………………………...……………….. 4. Present address ………………………………………………..………………………………… 5. Temporary Land Settlement Certificate No. and date ……………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………….....………….. 6. Purpose for which it is applied (Residential/Commercial/Residential cum Commercial/Shop) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. 7. Detail name and addresses of all neighbouring land settlement holder , if any, ..................……………………………………………………………………………………….......………………………………………………………………………………………………..................……………………………………………………………………………………….......……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Detail boundary description in figure and in words: …………………………………………………..........................…………………………………………………………………………………............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................……………………………………………………………………………………… ............................................……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Documents to be enclosed/attached:-a) Temporary Land Settlement Certificate b) Tax Clearance Certificate c) Residential Certificate issued by the concerned authority under Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha. Declaration/Confirmation:- I, ……………………………………. the applicant herein abovesolemnly affirm and declare that the contents of this application are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge belief. If anything is found untrue or incorrect, I shall be responsible for it and a Permanent Land Settlement Certificate already issued to me may be cancelled by the Allotment Authority . Date …………………………. Signature : ………………….............. Place…………………………. Name : ……..…………………….. - 20 - Ex-145/2013 FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) FORM – B(1) MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT LAND SETTLEMENT CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA CERIFICA TE TE TE TE TE (See section 16) No. OF This Certificate, setting the land prescribed hereunder as recorded in the General Register , is granted under section 16 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Non-Agricultural Land Settlement) Act, 2011. Name : Father ’s Name : Present Address : Location Address : Previous Regd. No. : Serial No. Grade AreaRate per Sq. Revenue payable meter (Rs.) per annum (Rs.) T aken as ( ) Bigha/Bighas for Revenue Assessment Description of Boundary with location:- Approval Vide Letter No. _______________________ Date __________________ The holder of this Certificate has entered into an agreement with the Mara Autonomous District Council to pay land revenue as shown above and thereby acquired the status of settlement holder undersection 23 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Non-Agricultural Land Settlement) Act, 2011. He is vested with the legal ownership of the land including all rights and interests arising out of such settlementssubject to the Act, Rules, Terms and Condition made and amended by the Mara Autonomous District Council from time to time. Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. W ith Seal Bigha Sq. mSq. ft - 21 - Ex-145/2013 TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT 1) The Land Settled with the holder of this Certificate is mainly for ___________________________ ________________________________ and without previous permission of the ExecutiveCommittee or Officer authorized by it writing, the land shall not be utilized entirely for anotherpurpose then specific herein. 2) The holder of this Certificate shall pay the prescribed land revenue each financial year and this Certificate may be cancelled in case of non- payment of the prescribed land revenue/tax within the prescribed period. 3) The revenue shall at any time be increased or decreased by the Executive Committee in accordancewith the Act and Rules as may be made and amended from time to time, or as the land may be re- classified by the Executive Committee or by Officer so authorized. 4) The Allotment Authority may impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other purpose other than the purpose mentioned in the Certificate. 5) The land may be partly or wholly acquired by the District Council or Officer authorized by it forpublic purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council ar ea. 6) The land cannot be transferred, either in part or in whole, to any other person without the priorpermission of the Allotment Authority. 7) Construction of any building or infrastructure within the land without the knowledge of Land Settlement Authority shall entail appropriate penalty in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council area to the extent of cancellation of the Land Settlement Certificate as may deem fit and reasonable by the concerned authority . I undertake to abide by the above terms and conditions and put my signature in token thereof. Signature of Settlement Holder Signature of Issuing Authority W ith Seal Location of land:- ……………………………………………………………………………….. Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- 1. Description in figure: 1) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters - 22 - Ex-145/2013 2.Description in words: Starting point :- ……………………………………………….…………… ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………. ……………………………………………………..…………………………………………….1) …………………………………………………........…………………………………………2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………5) …………………………………………………………………………………………………6) …………………………………………………………………………………………………7) …………………………………………………………………………………………………8) …………………………………………………………………………………………………9) …………………………………………………………………………………………………10) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….14) ………………………………………………………………………....…………………….15) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….16) …………………………………………………………………….....……………………….17) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….18) ………………………………….……………………………………………………………19) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….20) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….21) ………………………………....…………………………………………………………….22) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….23) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….26) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….27) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….28) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….29) ………………………………….....………………………………………………………….30) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Free Hand Sketch Map The land is converted to PLSC No. …………………………. of ………………. from TLSC No. …………………………. of ………………………… Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. With Seal - 23 - Ex-145/2013 FORM – C FORM – C FORM – C FORM – C FORM – C MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA AUT AUT AUT AUT AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL COUNCIL LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE LAND REVENUE AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT AND SETTLEMENT DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA : SIAHA NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL NON-AGRICUL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL TURAL LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA LAND LEASE CERIFICA TE TE TE TE TE Land Lease Certificate No. ………………………...of ………………. In favour of Shri/Smt/M/S. ……………………………………….. aged about …………. years S/o, D/o, W/o ………………………………… resident of …………………………………. is granted this LandLease Certificate for the LAND specified in the table below for the purpose of ………………………………and for a period of …………………………..W ith such terms and conditions and in the manner provided herein under: TT TT T able able able able able Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Sl/No Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Land Grade/ Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Land Land Land Land Land Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Class Class Class Class Class Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter Sq. meter value value value value value payable payable payable payable payable per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum TT TT T erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- erms and Conditions:- 1) The holder of this Certificate shall pay the prescribed land revenue each financial year and this Certificate may be cancelled in case of non- payment of the prescribed land revenue/tax within theprescribed period. 2) The revenue shall at any time be increased or decreased by the Executive Committee in accordancewith the Act and Rules as may be made and amended from time to time, or as the land may be re- classified by the Executive Committee or by Officer so authorized. 3) The Allotment Authority may impose appropriate amount as a fine or may cancel this Certificate in case of utilization of the land for any other purpose other than the purpose mentioned in the Certificate. 4) The land may be partly or wholly acquired by the District Council or Officer authorized by it forpublic purposes in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council are a. 5) The land can neither be transferred nor sublet to any other person. 6) Construction of any building or infrastructure within the land without the knowledge of LandSettlement Authority shall entail appropriate penalty in accordance with the provisions of any law applicable in the District Council area to the extent of cancellation of the Land Lease Certificate asmay deem fit and reasonable by the concerned authority . Location of land:- .........………………………………………………………………………….. ...………………………………………………………………………………………………… Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:- Description of boundary:-2. Description in figure: 1) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 3) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 4) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 5) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 6) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 7) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………...meters 8) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 9) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., …………………meters 10) Pillar No… Pillar No….., ………………….meters 11) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 12) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 13) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 14) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 15) Pillar No… Pillar No….., …………………meters 16) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 17) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 18) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 19) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 20) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters - 24 - Ex-145/2013 21) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters22) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 23) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 24) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 25) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 26) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 27) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 28) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 29) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 30) Pillar No….. to Pillar No….., ………………. meters 2. Description in words: Starting point :- …………………………..................……….…………… ……………..…………………………………………………………………………………….………………........................…………………………………………………………………. 1) …...............................................................................................................………….......… 2) ……………………………………………………………………...…………………………… 3) ………………............………………………………………..………………………………… 4) …………………………………………………………………..……………………………… 5) ……………………....…………………………………………...……………………………… 6) ……………………………………………………………………...…………………………… 7) ………………………………………………………………………...………………………… 8) …………………………………………………………………………...……………………… 9) ……………………………………………………………………………...…………………… 10) ………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. 1 1) …………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 12) ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………. 13) ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 14) …………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 15) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 16) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 17) …………………………………………………………………………..………………………. 18) ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………… 19) ………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. 20) …………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 21) ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………. 22) ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 23) …………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 24) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 25) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 26) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 27) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 28) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 29) ………………………………………………………………………………………………....... 30) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 3. Free Hand Sketch Map Date …………………………….. Signature of Issuing Authority Place…………………………….. With Seal Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 25 - Ex-145/2013Every Constituency in the Chakma Autonomous District to elect a member to the Chakma Autonomous District Council in accordance with the said Rules and orders made by the State Election Commission.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINAR Y Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Post al Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 147 NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, the Governor has, by Notification under sub-para (1) & (6A) of Para 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution read with sub- rule (1) & (2) of Rule 9 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, published in the Of ficial Gazette vide No. H.14011/3/2010- DCA (C), dt.7th February , 2013, been pleased to call upon every Constituency in the Chakma Autonomous District to elect a member to the Chakma Autonomous District Council in accordance with the said Rules and orders made by the State Election Commission there-under; NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW , , , , , THEREFORE, THEREFORE, THEREFORE, THEREFORE, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-rule (1) of Rule 151 read with sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 & sub-rule (1) of Rule 158 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, as amended in 2012, the State Election Commissionhereby appoints the following dates and times with respect to the said election in each of the Constituencies:- (1) Issue of Notification by State Election Commission & 20.3.2013 (Wednesday) Issue of Notice of Election by Returning Officer (2) Last date for filing Nominations 1.4.2013(Monday) (Upto 3:00 PM) (3) Scrutiny of Nominations 2.4.2013(Tuesday) (11:00 AM – 3:00 PM) (4) Last date for withdrawal of Candidature 3.4.2013(Wednesday) (Upto 3:00 PM) (5) Date and time for allotment of symbols 4.4.2013(Thursday) (10:00 AM – 3:00 PM) (6) Display and submission of list of Contesting Candidates 4.4.2013(Thursday) (3:00 PM – 5:00 PM) (7) Date of Poll 17.4.2013(Wednesday) (7:00 AM – 5:00 PM) (8) Date of Re-poll, if necessary 18.4.2013(Thursday) (9) Counting of V otes 19.4.2013(Friday) (8:00 AM onwards) (10) Date before which election process shall be completed 26.4.2013(Friday) (11) First Meeting of the New Council to be summoned und erLatest by 29.4.2013 (Monday) Rule 33 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended in 2012 By Order, etc H. Darzika, H. Darzika, H. Darzika, H. Darzika, H. Darzika, Secretary , State Election Commission Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 2 - Ex-486/201 1
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINAR Y Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Post al Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 147 NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION NOTIFICAION No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 No. B. 12021/1/2012-SEC/CADC, the 20 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, the Governor has, by Notification under sub-para (1) & (6A) of Para 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution read with sub- rule (1) & (2) of Rule 9 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended, published in the Of ficial Gazette vide No. H.14011/3/2010- DCA (C), dt.7th February , 2013, been pleased to call upon every Constituency in the Chakma Autonomous District to elect a member to the Chakma Autonomous District Council in accordance with the said Rules and orders made by the State Election Commission there-under; NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW , , , , , THEREFORE, THEREFORE, THEREFORE, THEREFORE, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-rule (1) of Rule 151 read with sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 & sub-rule (1) of Rule 158 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, as amended in 2012, the State Election Commissionhereby appoints the following dates and times with respect to the said election in each of the Constituencies:- (1) Issue of Notification by State Election Commission & 20.3.2013 (Wednesday) Issue of Notice of Election by Returning Officer (2) Last date for filing Nominations 1.4.2013(Monday) (Upto 3:00 PM) (3) Scrutiny of Nominations 2.4.2013(Tuesday) (11:00 AM – 3:00 PM) (4) Last date for withdrawal of Candidature 3.4.2013(Wednesday) (Upto 3:00 PM) (5) Date and time for allotment of symbols 4.4.2013(Thursday) (10:00 AM – 3:00 PM) (6) Display and submission of list of Contesting Candidates 4.4.2013(Thursday) (3:00 PM – 5:00 PM) (7) Date of Poll 17.4.2013(Wednesday) (7:00 AM – 5:00 PM) (8) Date of Re-poll, if necessary 18.4.2013(Thursday) (9) Counting of V otes 19.4.2013(Friday) (8:00 AM onwards) (10) Date before which election process shall be completed 26.4.2013(Friday) (11) First Meeting of the New Council to be summoned und erLatest by 29.4.2013 (Monday) Rule 33 of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended in 2012 By Order, etc H. Darzika, H. Darzika, H. Darzika, H. Darzika, H. Darzika, Secretary , State Election Commission Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 2 - Ex-486/201 1“THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS) RULES, 2011”.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 148 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In pursuance of paragraph 1 1 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 8 th March, 2013 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS) RULES, 201 1”. PP PP P . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. THE MARA AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS) RULES, 201 1 A RULES to provide for smooth running of the function of the dif ferent departments under Mara Autonomous District Council. Whereas it is expedient to provide for the transaction of Business to Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council as specified in the Rules. And whereas under clause (b) of sub-paragraph (7) of paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the District Council for an Autonomous District is empowered to make Rules for Administration of Transaction of Business in the District. Now , therefore in exercise of the said powers enabling it in that behalf, the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to make the following Rules:- Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent 1.(1)These Rules may be called “The Mara Autonomous District and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. Council (Transaction of Business) Rules, 201 1.” (2) They shall come into force on their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. - 2 - Ex-148/2013 Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. 2.In these Rules unless the context otherwise requires- (a)“Chief Executive Member” means the Chief Execu tive Member appointed as such by the Governor under Ru le 22 (3) of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitutio n, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002. (b) “Constitution” means the Constitution of India. (c) “Council” for the purpose of these Rules means the Mara Autonomous District Council. (d) “Department” means a Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council as specified in the first Schedule. (e) “Departmental Head” means head of the Department. (f) “District Council” means the Mara Autonomous District Council set up under the Provisions of Article 244(2) read with the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India. (g) “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committeewith a Chief Executive Member at the head and eightother members. (h) “Executive Member” means an Executive Member app ointed as such by the Governor . (i) “Executive Secretary” means the Executive Secretary tothe Executive Committee of Mara Autonomous District Council. (j) “Fund Rules” means the Mizoram Autonomous District Councils Fund Rules, 2010. (k) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram. (l) “Schedules” means the Schedules appended to these Rules. PP PP P AR AR AR AR AR TT TT T – I – I – I – I – I TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, ALLOCA ALLOCA ALLOCA ALLOCA ALLOCA TION TION TION TION TION AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS 3. The Business of the Mara Autonomous District Council shall be transacted in the different Departments specified in the First Schedule. 4. The Chief Executive Member shall allot among the ExecutiveMembers, the business of the Council by assigning one or moreDepartments to the char ge of an Executive Member . 5. Each Department of the District Council shall consist of theSecretary to District Council or one Group ‘A ’ of ficer who shall be the administrative head of the Department. Provided that more than one Department may be placed under the char ge of the same Secretary or Of ficer. 6. In matters of interpretation of the expressions “decision” or“approval” of the “Executive Committee” mentioned in any rules,regulations, order or scheme or notification or instructions for the time being in force shall mean the decision of the Executive Committee or the Chief Executive Member or the concernedExecutive Member of the Mara Autonomous District Council as the case may be. - 3 -Ex-148/2013 7. Subject to the orders of the Chief Executive Member under Rule 13 all cases referred to in the Second Schedule to these Rules shall be brought before the Executive Committee with the provisionof the Rules contained in Procedure by the Executive Secretary . 8. The Executive Member-in-charge of a Department shall beresponsible for the disposal of business pertaining to his Departmentand the Secretary of the Department concerned shall assist and carry out the instructions of the Executive Member-in-charge in this regard. 9. (1)No department shall without previous consultation withthe Finance Department, authorize any orders (other thanorders issued under any Act or Rules made thereunder , or the Executive Committee) which – (i) either immediately or by their repercussion, will affect the finances of the council or which, inparticular –(a)involve any grant of land or assessmentof revenue or concession, grant, lease orlicence of mineral of forest, right to water or any easement or privilege in respect of such concession; or (b) in any way involve any relinquishment ofrevenue; (ii) relate to the numbers or grading of cadre of postsor the emoluments or other conditions of service or post; (iii) involve the addition of a post in the public service in the variation of emoluments of any post. Provided that all group ‘A ’ posts or posts on fixed pay which is equivalent or more than that of the starting of Group ‘A ’ scale of pay per month shall be created in consultation with the Departments of General Administration and Finance & Account. (iv) involve an expenditure for which no provision hasbeen made in the re-appropriation or which is in excess of the provision made in the Fund Rules. (v) involve the sanction of an allowances or special or personal pay for any post or class of posts orto any employee to the Mara Autonomous District Council. (2) No proposal which requires the previous consultation with the Finance Department under these Rules, but in which the Finance Department has not concurred may beproceeded with, unless a decision to that effect has beentaken by the Executive Committee. (3) No re-appropriation shall be made by any Departmentother than the Finance Department except in accordance with such general or specific delegation as the Executive Committee may have made. - 4 - Ex-148/2013 (4) Except to the extent that power may have delegated to the Departments under rules approved by the Executive Committee, every order of an Administrative Department conveying a sanction to be enforced in Audit shall be communicated to the Audit authorities by the Finance Department. (5) Nothing in this Rule shall be construed as authorizing anyDepartment including the Finance Department to makere-appropriation from one grant specified in the Fund Ruleto another such grant or from a charge appropriation to avotable appropriation. 10. Order or instrument made or executed by or on behalf of theExecutive Committee shall be expressed to be made or executed in the name of the Executive Committee. 1 1. Every order or instrument of the Mara Autonomous District Council shall be expressed to be made in the name of the Executive Committee and shall be signed either by the Executive Secretary , a Deputy Secretary , an Under Secretary or such other of ficer as may be specially empowered in that behalf and such signatureshall be deemed to be proper authentication of such order orinstrument. PP PP P AR AR AR AR AR TT TT T – II – II – II – II – II PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 12.The Executive Secretary or such other Officer as the Chief Executive Member may appoint shall be the Secretary to theExecutive Committee who shall record all proceedings/ minutesof the said Committee. 13. All cases referred to in the second schedule shall, afterconsideration by the concerned Executive Member be sent to theExecutive Secretary for obtaining orders of the Chief ExecutiveMember for bringing it up for consideration at the meeting of theExecutive Members or for circulation of the case under Rule 13herein. 14. The Chief Executive Member may direct that any case referredto in the Second Schedule or otherwise may instead of being brought up for discussion at the Executive Committee be circulated to the Executive Members for their opinion. The Chief ExecutiveMember may refer such matter for discussion at the meeting ofthe Executive Members if he considers necessary . 15. In cases which are circulated for opinion under Rule 14, everyExecutive Member shall communicate his opinion by a datespecified in the memorandum of circulation. In case any ExecutiveMember fails to communicate his opinion within the date sospecified, the Executive Secretary shall bring the matter to thenotice of the Chief Executive Member for further directions. TheChief Executive Member may return the case to the ExecutiveSecretary with orders. The Executive Secretary will then pass it - 5 -Ex-148/2013 on to the Head of Department concerned for taking steps for the implementation of the decision or for issuance of the orders as may be directed by the Chief Executive Member accordingly . 16. When it has been decided to bring a case before the ExecutiveCommittee, the Department to which the case belongs shall unlessthe Chief Executive Member otherwise directs, prepare amemorandum indicating with sufficient precision on the salientfacts of the case and the points for decision. The Memorandumhaving any financial implication shall be accompanied by FinancialMemorandum obtained from Finance department. Suchmemorandum and such other papers as are necessary to enablethe case to be disposed of shall be circulated to the ExecutiveMembers. 17. In case which concerns more Executive Members than one, theExecutive Members shall attempt by previous discussion to arriveat an agreement. If an agreement is reached, the memorandumshall contain the Joint recommendations of the Executive Membersand if no agreement is reached, the memorandum shall state thepoints of difference and the recommendations of each of theExecutive Member concerned and the same shall be submitted tothe Chief Executive Member for his decision. 18. (1)The Executive Committee shall meet at such place andtime as the Chief Executive Member may direct. (2) After an agenda paper showing the cases to be discussedat the Executive Committee has been approved by theChief Executive Member , copies thereof, together with copies of such Memorandum as have not been circulatedunder Rule 15 shall be sent by the Executive Secretary tothe Chief Executive Member and other ExecutiveMembers so as to reach them within two clear days beforethe date of such meeting. The said period of 2 (two) daysmay be waived on reasonable ground. (3) Except with the permission of the Chief ExecutiveMember , no case shall be placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Executive Members and unless papersrelating thereto have been circulated as required by Rule15 of these Rules. (4) If any Executive Member is on tour or on leave, the Executive Secretary shall bring the matter to the notice of the Chief Executive Member before the ExecutiveCommittee for appropriate instructions. The ChiefExecutive Member may direct for a report from the Headof the department for consideration of the ExecutiveCommittee. The Head of Department so directed shallact for and on behalf of the Executive Member who hasbeen on tour or on leave and in active consultation withsuch Executive Member as far as practicable. (5) The Chief Executive Member may direct the ExecutiveSecretary to obtain the opinion of Judicial Department asregards to the proposal before the Executive Committee. - 6 - Ex-148/2013 (6) The Chief Executive Member or in his absence any other Executive Member authorized by him shall preside overthe Executive Committee. (7) The Executive Secretary shall attend the ExecutiveCommittee and shall prepare a record of the decisions. He shall, after approval of the Chief Executive Member prepare the record of decisions of the Executive Committeefor communication to other Executive Members of theExecutive Committee. 19. When a case has been decided by the Executive Committee afterdiscussion at a meeting, the Executive Member concerned shalltake action to give ef fect to the decision. If however , any deviation is proposed to be made from that decision, the case shall besubmitted to the Chief Executive Member by the ExecutiveMember concerned and further action will be taken according tothe direction, if any , of the Chief Executive Member . PP PP P AR AR AR AR AR TT TT T – III – III – III – III – III DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT AL AL AL AL AL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS 20. Except as otherwise provided by any other Rule in force or provisions under sections 23, 25 & 26 of these Rules, case shallordinarily be disposed of by or under the authority of the ExecutiveMember-in-charge of the Department who shall give suchdirections as he thinks fit for the disposal of cases in his Department.Copies of important instruction shall be brought to the notice ofthe Chief Executive Member . 21. Whenever a matter concerns two Departments, the fact shall bespecifically brought to the notice of the Executive Membersconcerned. Thereupon, the Executive Members of theDepartments concerned shall hold discussion and try to arrive atan understanding. The Executive Members may , however, direct that the discussion may be held by the Heads of the Departmentsconcerned. Such decision shall be recorded and placed beforethe Executive Members concerned. In case of any difference ofopinion, the matter shall be put up before the Chief ExecutiveMember for appropriate order . 22. (1)The Chief Executive Member may call for records of anycase relating to any Department. (2) The Chief Executive Member may , in consultation with the Executive Member-in-charge of the department, passsuch orders in any case as he considers necessary or maydirect that the matter shall be placed before the ExecutiveCommittee. (3) The Chief Executive Member may pass orders in a caserelating to any Department when the case is referred tohim by the Executive Member-in-charge of theDepartment. - 7 -Ex-148/2013 (4) The Chief Executive Member , in the absence of the Executive Member -in-charge of the Department may , in a matter of urgent public importance relating to any Department pass such orders as he considers necessaryor expedient. 23. If a question arises to the department or departments to which acase properly belongs, the matter shall be referred for the decisionof the Chief Executive Member . 24. All communications received from the Government of Mizoram(including those from the Chief Minister and other Ministers ofthe State) other than those of routine or unimportant nature shallbe placed by the Executive Secretary to the Executive Member-in-charge and the Chief Executive Member for information. 25. Any matter likely to bring the Mara Autonomous District Council into controversy with the Government of Mizoram or with anyother State Government shall be brought to the notice of the ChiefExecutive Member and the Executive Member-in-chargeforthwith. The Chief Executive Member may apprise the Governorin this regard. 26. The following classes of cases shall be submitted to the ChiefExecutive Member before the issue of orders – (i)Resignation/T ermination/Dismissal/Disciplinary action of all categories of employees under MaraAutonomous District Council. Such proposalsshould be routed through the Executive Secretary . (ii) Proposal for awarding punishment of dismissal or removal or compulsory retirement from service in respect of Gazetted Officers. (iii) Important cases which affect or are likely to affectthe interests of the Minority Communities withinMara Autonomous District Council area. (iv) Cases which affect the relation of the MaraAutonomous District Council with theGovernment of Mizoram. (v) Appointment of the Executive Secretary . (vi) Appointment, transfer , posting and deputation of all categories of employees under MaraAutonomous District Council. Such proposals should be routed through the Executive Secretary . (vii) Appointment of the Chairman and Member of the Mara Autonomous District Council Public Services Commission, Mara Autonomous District Council Selection Board and the Members of theDepartmental Selection and Promotion Co mmittees. (viii) Any proposal in regard to the matters inconnection with the Sixth Schedule to theConstitution of India. (ix) Cases of Group ‘A ’ and ‘B’ Officers of the Mara Autonomous District Council pertaining to appealsagainst the order of the Appointing Authority. - 8 - Ex-148/2013 (x) All other policy and important matters. (xi) Constitution of different committees. 27. Where a matter (of sensitive public importance) is required to be decided or dealt with, the Executive Secretary shall place thematter before the Chief Executive Member through the ExecutiveMember concerned. The Chief Executive Member then may pass such order as he may consider necessary and proper . In matters required to be disposed of by the Executive Member concerned, the Head ofDepartment shall place the same before the Executive Memberconcerned for orders under Rule 20 of these Rules. 28. The Chief Executive Member shall – (i)communicate to the Chairman all decisions of theExecutive Committee relating to the administrationof the af fairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council and proposal for legislation; (ii) furnish such information relating to the administration of the affairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council and proposals forlegislation as the Chairman may call for and if theChairman so requires. Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Executive Secretary .. .. . 29.(1)The Executive Secretary , as the head of administrative machinery , responsible to ensure the ef ficient functioning of the Mara Autonomous District Council Administration and shall be kept informed and apprised of all importantdecisions and in particular of the Departments of GeneralAdministration and Control Department, Vigilance and Rural Development Department, who shall bring such decisions and information to the notice of the Chief Executive Member . (2) All cases of appointment, transfer , posting, deputation, termination, compulsory retirement and removal of allcategories of employees under Mara Autonomous District Council shall be put up by the Head of Department concerne d to the Executive Secretary who shall put them up beforethe Chief Executive Member through the Executive Membe r concerned for orders. (3) When a matter is required to be placed before the ChiefExecutive Member , the Head of Department shall place the matter before the Executive Member concerned through the Executive Secretary . The matter shall then be placed before the Chief Executive Member for orders accordingly . In matter required to be disposed by the Executive Member concerned, the Departmental Head shall place the same before the Executive Member concerned for orders under Rule 19 of these Rules. - 9 -Ex-148/2013 Finance & Finance & Finance & Finance & Finance & Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts 30.The Finance Department shall have the following functions, Department. Department. Department. Department. Department. namely :- (i)It shall, in consultation with the General Administration and Control Department, frameRules regulating the pay , leave and pension of persons in the service of the Mara Autonomous District Council and Rules regulating the number , grading or cadres and emoluments of posts underthe Mara Autonomous District Council and also be responsible for seeing that these Rules areproperly applied; (ii) It shall advise the Executive Committee on thefinancial aspects of all transactions relating toloans granted by MADC/State/Central Go vernment; (iii) It shall be responsible for proper utilization andsafety of Provident Fund deposits of Councilservants and shall frame Rules relating to giving of advances out of Provident Fund, the recovery of such advances and advising Departmentsgenerally on such matters, it being understood thatit is the duty of the Council servant himself/herselfto get the annual verification and reconciliation ofhis or her own Provident Fund account from theSenior Account Of ficer, who is responsible for maintaining the accounts. The FinanceDepartment shall also lay down Rules relating toadvances made to Council servants for purchaseor construction of houses and purchases of conveyance; (iv) It shall examine and report on all proposals for the increase or reduction of taxation; (v) The service of loans and the discharge of anyfinance guarantees; (vi) It shall be responsible for laying down appropriatefinance rules for guidance of other Departmentwho are responsible for proper maintenance ofaccounts by themselves and by the establishmentsubordinate to them. Finance Department maytake such action as may be appropriate to enforcesuch accountability . Such financial rules shall be placed before the Executive Committee forapproval; (vii) It shall prepare an estimate of the total receiptsand disbursements of the Mara Autonomous District Council fund in each year and shall beresponsible during the year for watching thebalance and for their ways and means andoperations of the Mara Autonomous District Council Fund; - 10 - Ex-148/2013 (viii) In connection with the budget and with supplementary estimate:-(a)It shall prepare a statement of estimatedrevenue and expenditure to be laid beforethe District Council Session in each yearand any supplementary estimates ordemands for excess grants which maybe submitted to the vote of theLegislature or , as the case may be, laid before the Legislature; (b) For the purpose of such preparation it shallobtain from the Departments concernedmaterial on which to base its estimates,and it shall be responsible for thecorrectness of the estimates, framed onthe material so supplied; and (c) It shall examine and advise on allschemes of new expenditure for which itis proposed to make provision in theestimates for any scheme which has notbeen so examined; (ix) On the receipt of a report from an Audit Officer that expenditure is being incurred for which thereis no sufficient Fund it shall require theDepartment concerned to obtain sanction or notto incur further expenditure; (x) On the receipt of a report that a financial rule hasbeen contravened or a financial irregularity hasbeen committed, it shall take steps to enforce therule or to stop or rectify the irregularity; (xi) It shall lay before the Committee of PublicAccounts the report of the Comptroller andAuditor General of India relating to theappropriation of accounts of the MaraAutonomous District Council and shall bring tothe notice of the Mara Autonomous District Council Public Accounts Committee all expenditures which have not been duly authorizedand any financial irregularities; and (xii) It shall advise the Department responsible for thecollection of revenue regarding the progress ofcollection and the methods of collection employed. 31. Where a financial proposal has been made by a Executive Memberand the same is not approved by the Finance Department, thesame shall be put up before the Chief Executive Member forappropriate orders and the decision of the Chief Executive Membershall be final. 32. The Finance Department shall be consulted upon all proposals tosanction the relaxation of any financial rule and also before final orders are passed in such case of serious financial irregularity: - 11 -Ex-148/2013 Provided that where an expenditure is incurred on a decision taken by the Executive Committee such financial rules shall be deemed to have been appropriately relaxed. 33. Where a matter has been referred to be taken up by the ExecutiveCommittee, the Mara Autonomous District Council Finance Department shall forward its financial memorandum as describedunder Rule 16. 34. (1)The Finance In-charge or concerned Executive Memberin consultation with the Executive Member of anoth er Department may call for papers of such other Departmentprovided the papers relate to Financial matter of the Mara Autonomous District Council. (2) In case of any difference of opinion, the Finance in- charge or the concerned Executive Member may requestthat the papers be placed before the Chief ExecutiveMember for orders. 35. The Finance Department shall be responsible for observation offinancial procedure in general in all Departments and to regulatethe business of the Finance Department. The said Fund Rulesshall be placed before the Executive Committee for approval. General General General General General Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration 36.(1)The General Administration & Control Department shall & Control Department. & Control Department. & Control Department. & Control Department. & Control Department. be responsible for seeing that the rules and principlesrelating to services in general are properly followed. (2) The General Administration & Control Department shall b e consulted for advice by other departments in matter s relating to framing of service rules and general principlesrelating to services. (3) The approval of the Chief Executive Member shall b e obtained by all Departments in the following matters:-(i) relaxation of any service rule; (ii) relaxation of any general service condition; and (iii) creation of any gazetted post or non-gazetted postor payment of additional remuneration to any employee or group of employees Law & Judicial Law & Judicial Law & Judicial Law & Judicial Law & Judicial 37.The functions of the Law & Judicial Department shall be to: Department. Department. Department. Department. Department. (i)aid and advise the Mara Autonomous District Council and other Departments on all legal matte rs; (ii) consider the proposals for legislation for the consideration of the Mara Autonomous District Council; (iii) draft legislations for giving effect to the decisionsof the Mara Autonomous District Council; (iv) prosecute all litigation for and on behalf of theMara Autonomous District Council; - 12 - Ex-148/2013 (v) make proposals for legal reforms to the Mara Autonomous District Council; (vi) bring out in published form all Acts, Rules, Notifications and update them from time to time; (vii) formulate scheme for giving legal aid to weakersections of the society . 38. Proposals to initiate legislation shall be treated as a case and theLaw & Judicial Department shall advise the Mara Autonomous District Council as – (i)the feasibility of the proposed Legislation from alegal point of view; (ii) competence of the Mara Autonomous District Council Legislature to enact the measure/matterproposed; (iii) the requirements of the Constitution as to obtainingthe previous sanction of the Governor thereto; and (iv) the consistency of the proposed measure/matterwith the provisions of the Constitution, and inparticular those relating to the FundamentalRights. 39. If the legislation is decided upon or proposed by the ExecutiveMember-in-charge of any Department, the Department concernedwill, if the legislation involves expenditure from the Office Expensesof the concerned Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council, prepare in consultation with the Mara Autonomous District Council Finance Department, a financial memorandum. The papersshall then be sent to the Law & Judicial Department under MaraAutonomous District Council, requesting it to draft the Billaccordingly . 40. The Law Department shall thereafter prepare a Draft Bill andreturn the case where necessary , to the Department concerned. 41. If the draft Bill is approved by the Executive Member-in-charge,it shall be brought before the Executive Committee with priorapproval of the Chief Executive Member . The Executive Committee may approve the Bill with or without amendment. 42. If the Bill is approved with amendments it shall be sent to the Law& Judicial Department to finalize the Bill after incorporating theamendments. 43. The Law & Judicial Department shall then send the Bill to thedepartment concerned indicating at the same time the sanctions,if any, required for the Bill. If any provisions in the Bill involving expenditure from the Office Expenses of the concernedDepartment of the Mara Autonomous District Council are modified in the finalized draft, the Department concerned shall send thefinalized draft Bill to Finance Department for revising, if necessary alongwith the financial memorandum thereof. - 13 -Ex-148/2013 44. The Bill thus finalized will be sent to the District Council Secretariat by the Department concerned for introduction in the Legislaturewith intimation to the Law & Judicial Department. The Law &Judicial Department will obtain the previous sanction of theExecutive Committee. 45. Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 39, measures/ mattersdesigned to amend and consolidate existing enactments andLegislation of a formal character , such as repealing and amending Bills may be initiated in the Law & Judicial Department of theMara Autonomous District Council: Provided that the Law and Judicial Department shall send a copy of the draft Bill to the Department which is concernedwith the subject matter for consideration as an administrativemeasure. The department to which it is sent shall forthwith makesuch enquiries as it thinks fit and shall send to Law and Judicial Department for its opinion thereon. 46. (1)Whenever a private member of the District Council gives notice of his intention to move for leave to introduce a Bill,he shall give notice of his intention to the Secretary of theDistrict Council Secretariat and shall together with the notice , submit a copy of the Bill and statements of objects and reasons. (2) The Secretary of the District Council Secretariat shall thensend a copy of the Bill and the statement of objects an d reasons to the Executive Member concerned of the MaraAutonomous District Council for Parliamentary Affair s and the Law and Judicial Department. (3) The Bill shall then be dealt with as a case by the Law & Judicial Department in the first instance, where it shall be considered in its technical aspect, such as need for previoussanction of the Governor and the competency of theDistrict Council Legislature to enact over the subject ormatter and then be forwarded with its opinion to thedepartment to which the case belongs. (4) The Department concerned shall then examine whetherany provisions of such Bill involve expenditure from theFund of the District Council and if so, they shall preparein consultation with the Finance department, the financialmemorandum in respect of the Bill. (5) The Department concerned shall then place the matter before the Executive Committee for necessary orders through the Executive Member concerned. (6) The Law & Judicial Department shall thereafter takenecessary steps as prescribed by the Law , Rules or Regulations in force in respect of the Mara Autonomous District Council Bill. - 14 - Ex-148/2013 47. The Provisions of these Rules shall apply , as far as may be, to Amendments of substance recommended by the Select Committee and also to all Amendments and Enactments, notice of which is to be given by the Member of the District Council for being movedduring the consideration of a Bill in the District Council Session. 48. (1)When a Bill has been passed by the District CouncilLegislature, the Secretary to the District Council shall thensend the Bill to the Secretary , District Council Affairs, Government of Mizoram for assent of His ExcellencyGovernor of Mizoram. (2) After obtaining the assent of the Governor , the Bill shall immediately be published by the Law & Judicial Department, Government of Mizoram in the Official Gazette as an Act of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 49. Wherever it is proposed in any Department other than the Law &Judicial Department:- (i)to issue a statutory rule, notification or order , (ii) to submit to the State Government, any statutoryRule, Notification or order for issue by them, thedraft shall be referred to the Law Department,Mara Autonomous District Council for opinion and for revision where necessary . Rural Development Rural Development Rural Development Rural Development Rural Development 50.(1)The Rural Development Department shall implement all Department. Department. Department. Department. Department. Rural Development Schemes whether sponsored by Centra l Government or otherwise under the guidance and supervis ion of the Chief Executive Member and the Executive Memberconcerned. The Executive Secretary shall seek guidancefrom the concerned Executive Member in this regard fromtime to time and shall be responsible to the District Councilall respects as to the planning, evaluation, execution, dueand rational expenditure of funds provided for the purpose. (2) The department shall be responsible for all schemespertaining to replacement of jhooming system includingconservation of forest wealth in regard to jhooming practice. Planning Department. Planning Department. Planning Department. Planning Department. Planning Department. 51.(1)The Planning Department shall be responsible for working out a strategy of development which maximizes the nation al product through time, laying down the guideline for the Depa rtment regarding the drawing up of departmental programmes an d schemes and working an economic, administrative and organizational appraisal of the Plans and Programmes ofvarious Departments under Mara Autonomous District Council. (2) The Planning Department shall be consulted for adviceby other Departments in matters relating to Planformulations and the general principles relating to Planning: - 15 -Ex-148/2013 Provided that it shall be opened to the Planning Department to prescribe by general or special order , cases in which such consultation with it may not be necessary . Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary .. .. . 52.The Head of the Department concerned in each case is responsible for the proper transaction of business and the careful observance of these Rules and when he considers that there has been an y material departure from them he shall personally bring the matterto the notice of the Executive Member-in-charge. 53. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Chief ExecutiveMember may relax the Rules in the interest of public and smoothfunctioning of the af fairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 54. The matters in regard to which the Rules are silent or adequateprovision has not been made the Head in the department shallobtain appropriate directions from the Chief Executive Memberthrough the Executive Member concerned. ST ST ST ST ST AA AA ATEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: The Mara Autonomous District Council felt it necessary to make the Transaction of Business Rules 2010 for better management of the administration of the Mara Autonomous District Council. Hence, the Bill. Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Mara Autonomous District Council Siaha, Mizoram - 16 - Ex-148/2013 SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) LIST OF DEP AR TMENT 1. Agriculture Department. 2. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department. 3. Art & Culture Department. 4. Co-operation Department. 5. Relief & Rehabilitation Department. 6. District Council Secretariat/ Legislative Department. 7. Environment & Forests Department. 8. Finance & Account Department. 9. Fisheries Department. 10. Secretariat General Service/ General Administration & Control Department. 1 1. Board of School Education Department. 12. Industries Department. 13. Information & Public Relation Department. 14. Land Revenue & Settlement Department. 15. Law & Judicial Department. 16. Local Administration Department. 17. Water Ways Department. 18. Education & Human Resources Department. 19. Taxation Department. 20. Planning & Programme Implementation Department. 21. Public Health Engineering Department. 22. Public Works Department. 23. Rural Development Department. 24. Social Welfare Department. 25. Soil & Water Conservation Department. 26. Sport & Youth Services Department. 27. Transport Department. 28. Sericulture Department. 29. Stationary & Printing Department. 30. Horticulture Department. - 17 -Ex-148/2013 SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) 1. Proposals for creation of any category of post. 2. Proposal for appointment/promotion of any category of post. 3. Proposal for sanction of advance increment/additional remuneration to any employee. 4. Proposal for making or amending rules/regulation, the recruitment and condition of services of the Mara Autonomous District Council employees. 5. Annual Accounts. 6. Proposal for the making and amending any rules. 7. Any proposal involving any action for the dismissal, removal or suspension of any categories of employees. 8. Report of the Departmental Promotion Committee/Selection Committee on its works and any actionproposed to be taken thereto. 9. Proposal for imposition of a new tax or any change in the method of assessment or the pitch of any existing tax or land revenue of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 10. Proposal involving the alienation either temporary or permanent, or of scale, grant or lease of any movable or immovable or the abandonment or reduction of revenue. 1 1. Proposals involving any major policy or practice. 12. Proposals to vary or reserve a decision previously taken by the Executive Committee. 13. Cases required by the Chief Executive Member to be brought before the Executive Committee. 14. The Financial statements to be laid before the Council Session. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.3.2013 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 148 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 No. C. 31025/2/92-DCA(M), the 18 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In pursuance of paragraph 1 1 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 8 th March, 2013 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS) RULES, 201 1”. PP PP P . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. THE MARA AUT ONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS) RULES, 201 1 A RULES to provide for smooth running of the function of the dif ferent departments under Mara Autonomous District Council. Whereas it is expedient to provide for the transaction of Business to Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council as specified in the Rules. And whereas under clause (b) of sub-paragraph (7) of paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the District Council for an Autonomous District is empowered to make Rules for Administration of Transaction of Business in the District. Now , therefore in exercise of the said powers enabling it in that behalf, the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to make the following Rules:- Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent Short title, extent 1.(1)These Rules may be called “The Mara Autonomous District and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. and commencement. Council (Transaction of Business) Rules, 201 1.” (2) They shall come into force on their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. - 2 - Ex-148/2013 Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. Definitions. 2.In these Rules unless the context otherwise requires- (a)“Chief Executive Member” means the Chief Execu tive Member appointed as such by the Governor under Ru le 22 (3) of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitutio n, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002. (b) “Constitution” means the Constitution of India. (c) “Council” for the purpose of these Rules means the Mara Autonomous District Council. (d) “Department” means a Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council as specified in the first Schedule. (e) “Departmental Head” means head of the Department. (f) “District Council” means the Mara Autonomous District Council set up under the Provisions of Article 244(2) read with the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India. (g) “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committeewith a Chief Executive Member at the head and eightother members. (h) “Executive Member” means an Executive Member app ointed as such by the Governor . (i) “Executive Secretary” means the Executive Secretary tothe Executive Committee of Mara Autonomous District Council. (j) “Fund Rules” means the Mizoram Autonomous District Councils Fund Rules, 2010. (k) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram. (l) “Schedules” means the Schedules appended to these Rules. PP PP P AR AR AR AR AR TT TT T – I – I – I – I – I TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, TRANSACTION, ALLOCA ALLOCA ALLOCA ALLOCA ALLOCA TION TION TION TION TION AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL AND DISPOSAL OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS 3. The Business of the Mara Autonomous District Council shall be transacted in the different Departments specified in the First Schedule. 4. The Chief Executive Member shall allot among the ExecutiveMembers, the business of the Council by assigning one or moreDepartments to the char ge of an Executive Member . 5. Each Department of the District Council shall consist of theSecretary to District Council or one Group ‘A ’ of ficer who shall be the administrative head of the Department. Provided that more than one Department may be placed under the char ge of the same Secretary or Of ficer. 6. In matters of interpretation of the expressions “decision” or“approval” of the “Executive Committee” mentioned in any rules,regulations, order or scheme or notification or instructions for the time being in force shall mean the decision of the Executive Committee or the Chief Executive Member or the concernedExecutive Member of the Mara Autonomous District Council as the case may be. - 3 -Ex-148/2013 7. Subject to the orders of the Chief Executive Member under Rule 13 all cases referred to in the Second Schedule to these Rules shall be brought before the Executive Committee with the provisionof the Rules contained in Procedure by the Executive Secretary . 8. The Executive Member-in-charge of a Department shall beresponsible for the disposal of business pertaining to his Departmentand the Secretary of the Department concerned shall assist and carry out the instructions of the Executive Member-in-charge in this regard. 9. (1)No department shall without previous consultation withthe Finance Department, authorize any orders (other thanorders issued under any Act or Rules made thereunder , or the Executive Committee) which – (i) either immediately or by their repercussion, will affect the finances of the council or which, inparticular –(a)involve any grant of land or assessmentof revenue or concession, grant, lease orlicence of mineral of forest, right to water or any easement or privilege in respect of such concession; or (b) in any way involve any relinquishment ofrevenue; (ii) relate to the numbers or grading of cadre of postsor the emoluments or other conditions of service or post; (iii) involve the addition of a post in the public service in the variation of emoluments of any post. Provided that all group ‘A ’ posts or posts on fixed pay which is equivalent or more than that of the starting of Group ‘A ’ scale of pay per month shall be created in consultation with the Departments of General Administration and Finance & Account. (iv) involve an expenditure for which no provision hasbeen made in the re-appropriation or which is in excess of the provision made in the Fund Rules. (v) involve the sanction of an allowances or special or personal pay for any post or class of posts orto any employee to the Mara Autonomous District Council. (2) No proposal which requires the previous consultation with the Finance Department under these Rules, but in which the Finance Department has not concurred may beproceeded with, unless a decision to that effect has beentaken by the Executive Committee. (3) No re-appropriation shall be made by any Departmentother than the Finance Department except in accordance with such general or specific delegation as the Executive Committee may have made. - 4 - Ex-148/2013 (4) Except to the extent that power may have delegated to the Departments under rules approved by the Executive Committee, every order of an Administrative Department conveying a sanction to be enforced in Audit shall be communicated to the Audit authorities by the Finance Department. (5) Nothing in this Rule shall be construed as authorizing anyDepartment including the Finance Department to makere-appropriation from one grant specified in the Fund Ruleto another such grant or from a charge appropriation to avotable appropriation. 10. Order or instrument made or executed by or on behalf of theExecutive Committee shall be expressed to be made or executed in the name of the Executive Committee. 1 1. Every order or instrument of the Mara Autonomous District Council shall be expressed to be made in the name of the Executive Committee and shall be signed either by the Executive Secretary , a Deputy Secretary , an Under Secretary or such other of ficer as may be specially empowered in that behalf and such signatureshall be deemed to be proper authentication of such order orinstrument. PP PP P AR AR AR AR AR TT TT T – II – II – II – II – II PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 12.The Executive Secretary or such other Officer as the Chief Executive Member may appoint shall be the Secretary to theExecutive Committee who shall record all proceedings/ minutesof the said Committee. 13. All cases referred to in the second schedule shall, afterconsideration by the concerned Executive Member be sent to theExecutive Secretary for obtaining orders of the Chief ExecutiveMember for bringing it up for consideration at the meeting of theExecutive Members or for circulation of the case under Rule 13herein. 14. The Chief Executive Member may direct that any case referredto in the Second Schedule or otherwise may instead of being brought up for discussion at the Executive Committee be circulated to the Executive Members for their opinion. The Chief ExecutiveMember may refer such matter for discussion at the meeting ofthe Executive Members if he considers necessary . 15. In cases which are circulated for opinion under Rule 14, everyExecutive Member shall communicate his opinion by a datespecified in the memorandum of circulation. In case any ExecutiveMember fails to communicate his opinion within the date sospecified, the Executive Secretary shall bring the matter to thenotice of the Chief Executive Member for further directions. TheChief Executive Member may return the case to the ExecutiveSecretary with orders. The Executive Secretary will then pass it - 5 -Ex-148/2013 on to the Head of Department concerned for taking steps for the implementation of the decision or for issuance of the orders as may be directed by the Chief Executive Member accordingly . 16. When it has been decided to bring a case before the ExecutiveCommittee, the Department to which the case belongs shall unlessthe Chief Executive Member otherwise directs, prepare amemorandum indicating with sufficient precision on the salientfacts of the case and the points for decision. The Memorandumhaving any financial implication shall be accompanied by FinancialMemorandum obtained from Finance department. Suchmemorandum and such other papers as are necessary to enablethe case to be disposed of shall be circulated to the ExecutiveMembers. 17. In case which concerns more Executive Members than one, theExecutive Members shall attempt by previous discussion to arriveat an agreement. If an agreement is reached, the memorandumshall contain the Joint recommendations of the Executive Membersand if no agreement is reached, the memorandum shall state thepoints of difference and the recommendations of each of theExecutive Member concerned and the same shall be submitted tothe Chief Executive Member for his decision. 18. (1)The Executive Committee shall meet at such place andtime as the Chief Executive Member may direct. (2) After an agenda paper showing the cases to be discussedat the Executive Committee has been approved by theChief Executive Member , copies thereof, together with copies of such Memorandum as have not been circulatedunder Rule 15 shall be sent by the Executive Secretary tothe Chief Executive Member and other ExecutiveMembers so as to reach them within two clear days beforethe date of such meeting. The said period of 2 (two) daysmay be waived on reasonable ground. (3) Except with the permission of the Chief ExecutiveMember , no case shall be placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Executive Members and unless papersrelating thereto have been circulated as required by Rule15 of these Rules. (4) If any Executive Member is on tour or on leave, the Executive Secretary shall bring the matter to the notice of the Chief Executive Member before the ExecutiveCommittee for appropriate instructions. The ChiefExecutive Member may direct for a report from the Headof the department for consideration of the ExecutiveCommittee. The Head of Department so directed shallact for and on behalf of the Executive Member who hasbeen on tour or on leave and in active consultation withsuch Executive Member as far as practicable. (5) The Chief Executive Member may direct the ExecutiveSecretary to obtain the opinion of Judicial Department asregards to the proposal before the Executive Committee. - 6 - Ex-148/2013 (6) The Chief Executive Member or in his absence any other Executive Member authorized by him shall preside overthe Executive Committee. (7) The Executive Secretary shall attend the ExecutiveCommittee and shall prepare a record of the decisions. He shall, after approval of the Chief Executive Member prepare the record of decisions of the Executive Committeefor communication to other Executive Members of theExecutive Committee. 19. When a case has been decided by the Executive Committee afterdiscussion at a meeting, the Executive Member concerned shalltake action to give ef fect to the decision. If however , any deviation is proposed to be made from that decision, the case shall besubmitted to the Chief Executive Member by the ExecutiveMember concerned and further action will be taken according tothe direction, if any , of the Chief Executive Member . PP PP P AR AR AR AR AR TT TT T – III – III – III – III – III DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP AR AR AR AR AR TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT TMENT AL AL AL AL AL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS OF BUSINESS 20. Except as otherwise provided by any other Rule in force or provisions under sections 23, 25 & 26 of these Rules, case shallordinarily be disposed of by or under the authority of the ExecutiveMember-in-charge of the Department who shall give suchdirections as he thinks fit for the disposal of cases in his Department.Copies of important instruction shall be brought to the notice ofthe Chief Executive Member . 21. Whenever a matter concerns two Departments, the fact shall bespecifically brought to the notice of the Executive Membersconcerned. Thereupon, the Executive Members of theDepartments concerned shall hold discussion and try to arrive atan understanding. The Executive Members may , however, direct that the discussion may be held by the Heads of the Departmentsconcerned. Such decision shall be recorded and placed beforethe Executive Members concerned. In case of any difference ofopinion, the matter shall be put up before the Chief ExecutiveMember for appropriate order . 22. (1)The Chief Executive Member may call for records of anycase relating to any Department. (2) The Chief Executive Member may , in consultation with the Executive Member-in-charge of the department, passsuch orders in any case as he considers necessary or maydirect that the matter shall be placed before the ExecutiveCommittee. (3) The Chief Executive Member may pass orders in a caserelating to any Department when the case is referred tohim by the Executive Member-in-charge of theDepartment. - 7 -Ex-148/2013 (4) The Chief Executive Member , in the absence of the Executive Member -in-charge of the Department may , in a matter of urgent public importance relating to any Department pass such orders as he considers necessaryor expedient. 23. If a question arises to the department or departments to which acase properly belongs, the matter shall be referred for the decisionof the Chief Executive Member . 24. All communications received from the Government of Mizoram(including those from the Chief Minister and other Ministers ofthe State) other than those of routine or unimportant nature shallbe placed by the Executive Secretary to the Executive Member-in-charge and the Chief Executive Member for information. 25. Any matter likely to bring the Mara Autonomous District Council into controversy with the Government of Mizoram or with anyother State Government shall be brought to the notice of the ChiefExecutive Member and the Executive Member-in-chargeforthwith. The Chief Executive Member may apprise the Governorin this regard. 26. The following classes of cases shall be submitted to the ChiefExecutive Member before the issue of orders – (i)Resignation/T ermination/Dismissal/Disciplinary action of all categories of employees under MaraAutonomous District Council. Such proposalsshould be routed through the Executive Secretary . (ii) Proposal for awarding punishment of dismissal or removal or compulsory retirement from service in respect of Gazetted Officers. (iii) Important cases which affect or are likely to affectthe interests of the Minority Communities withinMara Autonomous District Council area. (iv) Cases which affect the relation of the MaraAutonomous District Council with theGovernment of Mizoram. (v) Appointment of the Executive Secretary . (vi) Appointment, transfer , posting and deputation of all categories of employees under MaraAutonomous District Council. Such proposals should be routed through the Executive Secretary . (vii) Appointment of the Chairman and Member of the Mara Autonomous District Council Public Services Commission, Mara Autonomous District Council Selection Board and the Members of theDepartmental Selection and Promotion Co mmittees. (viii) Any proposal in regard to the matters inconnection with the Sixth Schedule to theConstitution of India. (ix) Cases of Group ‘A ’ and ‘B’ Officers of the Mara Autonomous District Council pertaining to appealsagainst the order of the Appointing Authority. - 8 - Ex-148/2013 (x) All other policy and important matters. (xi) Constitution of different committees. 27. Where a matter (of sensitive public importance) is required to be decided or dealt with, the Executive Secretary shall place thematter before the Chief Executive Member through the ExecutiveMember concerned. The Chief Executive Member then may pass such order as he may consider necessary and proper . In matters required to be disposed of by the Executive Member concerned, the Head ofDepartment shall place the same before the Executive Memberconcerned for orders under Rule 20 of these Rules. 28. The Chief Executive Member shall – (i)communicate to the Chairman all decisions of theExecutive Committee relating to the administrationof the af fairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council and proposal for legislation; (ii) furnish such information relating to the administration of the affairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council and proposals forlegislation as the Chairman may call for and if theChairman so requires. Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Executive Secretary .. .. . 29.(1)The Executive Secretary , as the head of administrative machinery , responsible to ensure the ef ficient functioning of the Mara Autonomous District Council Administration and shall be kept informed and apprised of all importantdecisions and in particular of the Departments of GeneralAdministration and Control Department, Vigilance and Rural Development Department, who shall bring such decisions and information to the notice of the Chief Executive Member . (2) All cases of appointment, transfer , posting, deputation, termination, compulsory retirement and removal of allcategories of employees under Mara Autonomous District Council shall be put up by the Head of Department concerne d to the Executive Secretary who shall put them up beforethe Chief Executive Member through the Executive Membe r concerned for orders. (3) When a matter is required to be placed before the ChiefExecutive Member , the Head of Department shall place the matter before the Executive Member concerned through the Executive Secretary . The matter shall then be placed before the Chief Executive Member for orders accordingly . In matter required to be disposed by the Executive Member concerned, the Departmental Head shall place the same before the Executive Member concerned for orders under Rule 19 of these Rules. - 9 -Ex-148/2013 Finance & Finance & Finance & Finance & Finance & Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts 30.The Finance Department shall have the following functions, Department. Department. Department. Department. Department. namely :- (i)It shall, in consultation with the General Administration and Control Department, frameRules regulating the pay , leave and pension of persons in the service of the Mara Autonomous District Council and Rules regulating the number , grading or cadres and emoluments of posts underthe Mara Autonomous District Council and also be responsible for seeing that these Rules areproperly applied; (ii) It shall advise the Executive Committee on thefinancial aspects of all transactions relating toloans granted by MADC/State/Central Go vernment; (iii) It shall be responsible for proper utilization andsafety of Provident Fund deposits of Councilservants and shall frame Rules relating to giving of advances out of Provident Fund, the recovery of such advances and advising Departmentsgenerally on such matters, it being understood thatit is the duty of the Council servant himself/herselfto get the annual verification and reconciliation ofhis or her own Provident Fund account from theSenior Account Of ficer, who is responsible for maintaining the accounts. The FinanceDepartment shall also lay down Rules relating toadvances made to Council servants for purchaseor construction of houses and purchases of conveyance; (iv) It shall examine and report on all proposals for the increase or reduction of taxation; (v) The service of loans and the discharge of anyfinance guarantees; (vi) It shall be responsible for laying down appropriatefinance rules for guidance of other Departmentwho are responsible for proper maintenance ofaccounts by themselves and by the establishmentsubordinate to them. Finance Department maytake such action as may be appropriate to enforcesuch accountability . Such financial rules shall be placed before the Executive Committee forapproval; (vii) It shall prepare an estimate of the total receiptsand disbursements of the Mara Autonomous District Council fund in each year and shall beresponsible during the year for watching thebalance and for their ways and means andoperations of the Mara Autonomous District Council Fund; - 10 - Ex-148/2013 (viii) In connection with the budget and with supplementary estimate:-(a)It shall prepare a statement of estimatedrevenue and expenditure to be laid beforethe District Council Session in each yearand any supplementary estimates ordemands for excess grants which maybe submitted to the vote of theLegislature or , as the case may be, laid before the Legislature; (b) For the purpose of such preparation it shallobtain from the Departments concernedmaterial on which to base its estimates,and it shall be responsible for thecorrectness of the estimates, framed onthe material so supplied; and (c) It shall examine and advise on allschemes of new expenditure for which itis proposed to make provision in theestimates for any scheme which has notbeen so examined; (ix) On the receipt of a report from an Audit Officer that expenditure is being incurred for which thereis no sufficient Fund it shall require theDepartment concerned to obtain sanction or notto incur further expenditure; (x) On the receipt of a report that a financial rule hasbeen contravened or a financial irregularity hasbeen committed, it shall take steps to enforce therule or to stop or rectify the irregularity; (xi) It shall lay before the Committee of PublicAccounts the report of the Comptroller andAuditor General of India relating to theappropriation of accounts of the MaraAutonomous District Council and shall bring tothe notice of the Mara Autonomous District Council Public Accounts Committee all expenditures which have not been duly authorizedand any financial irregularities; and (xii) It shall advise the Department responsible for thecollection of revenue regarding the progress ofcollection and the methods of collection employed. 31. Where a financial proposal has been made by a Executive Memberand the same is not approved by the Finance Department, thesame shall be put up before the Chief Executive Member forappropriate orders and the decision of the Chief Executive Membershall be final. 32. The Finance Department shall be consulted upon all proposals tosanction the relaxation of any financial rule and also before final orders are passed in such case of serious financial irregularity: - 11 -Ex-148/2013 Provided that where an expenditure is incurred on a decision taken by the Executive Committee such financial rules shall be deemed to have been appropriately relaxed. 33. Where a matter has been referred to be taken up by the ExecutiveCommittee, the Mara Autonomous District Council Finance Department shall forward its financial memorandum as describedunder Rule 16. 34. (1)The Finance In-charge or concerned Executive Memberin consultation with the Executive Member of anoth er Department may call for papers of such other Departmentprovided the papers relate to Financial matter of the Mara Autonomous District Council. (2) In case of any difference of opinion, the Finance in- charge or the concerned Executive Member may requestthat the papers be placed before the Chief ExecutiveMember for orders. 35. The Finance Department shall be responsible for observation offinancial procedure in general in all Departments and to regulatethe business of the Finance Department. The said Fund Rulesshall be placed before the Executive Committee for approval. General General General General General Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration 36.(1)The General Administration & Control Department shall & Control Department. & Control Department. & Control Department. & Control Department. & Control Department. be responsible for seeing that the rules and principlesrelating to services in general are properly followed. (2) The General Administration & Control Department shall b e consulted for advice by other departments in matter s relating to framing of service rules and general principlesrelating to services. (3) The approval of the Chief Executive Member shall b e obtained by all Departments in the following matters:-(i) relaxation of any service rule; (ii) relaxation of any general service condition; and (iii) creation of any gazetted post or non-gazetted postor payment of additional remuneration to any employee or group of employees Law & Judicial Law & Judicial Law & Judicial Law & Judicial Law & Judicial 37.The functions of the Law & Judicial Department shall be to: Department. Department. Department. Department. Department. (i)aid and advise the Mara Autonomous District Council and other Departments on all legal matte rs; (ii) consider the proposals for legislation for the consideration of the Mara Autonomous District Council; (iii) draft legislations for giving effect to the decisionsof the Mara Autonomous District Council; (iv) prosecute all litigation for and on behalf of theMara Autonomous District Council; - 12 - Ex-148/2013 (v) make proposals for legal reforms to the Mara Autonomous District Council; (vi) bring out in published form all Acts, Rules, Notifications and update them from time to time; (vii) formulate scheme for giving legal aid to weakersections of the society . 38. Proposals to initiate legislation shall be treated as a case and theLaw & Judicial Department shall advise the Mara Autonomous District Council as – (i)the feasibility of the proposed Legislation from alegal point of view; (ii) competence of the Mara Autonomous District Council Legislature to enact the measure/matterproposed; (iii) the requirements of the Constitution as to obtainingthe previous sanction of the Governor thereto; and (iv) the consistency of the proposed measure/matterwith the provisions of the Constitution, and inparticular those relating to the FundamentalRights. 39. If the legislation is decided upon or proposed by the ExecutiveMember-in-charge of any Department, the Department concernedwill, if the legislation involves expenditure from the Office Expensesof the concerned Department of the Mara Autonomous District Council, prepare in consultation with the Mara Autonomous District Council Finance Department, a financial memorandum. The papersshall then be sent to the Law & Judicial Department under MaraAutonomous District Council, requesting it to draft the Billaccordingly . 40. The Law Department shall thereafter prepare a Draft Bill andreturn the case where necessary , to the Department concerned. 41. If the draft Bill is approved by the Executive Member-in-charge,it shall be brought before the Executive Committee with priorapproval of the Chief Executive Member . The Executive Committee may approve the Bill with or without amendment. 42. If the Bill is approved with amendments it shall be sent to the Law& Judicial Department to finalize the Bill after incorporating theamendments. 43. The Law & Judicial Department shall then send the Bill to thedepartment concerned indicating at the same time the sanctions,if any, required for the Bill. If any provisions in the Bill involving expenditure from the Office Expenses of the concernedDepartment of the Mara Autonomous District Council are modified in the finalized draft, the Department concerned shall send thefinalized draft Bill to Finance Department for revising, if necessary alongwith the financial memorandum thereof. - 13 -Ex-148/2013 44. The Bill thus finalized will be sent to the District Council Secretariat by the Department concerned for introduction in the Legislaturewith intimation to the Law & Judicial Department. The Law &Judicial Department will obtain the previous sanction of theExecutive Committee. 45. Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 39, measures/ mattersdesigned to amend and consolidate existing enactments andLegislation of a formal character , such as repealing and amending Bills may be initiated in the Law & Judicial Department of theMara Autonomous District Council: Provided that the Law and Judicial Department shall send a copy of the draft Bill to the Department which is concernedwith the subject matter for consideration as an administrativemeasure. The department to which it is sent shall forthwith makesuch enquiries as it thinks fit and shall send to Law and Judicial Department for its opinion thereon. 46. (1)Whenever a private member of the District Council gives notice of his intention to move for leave to introduce a Bill,he shall give notice of his intention to the Secretary of theDistrict Council Secretariat and shall together with the notice , submit a copy of the Bill and statements of objects and reasons. (2) The Secretary of the District Council Secretariat shall thensend a copy of the Bill and the statement of objects an d reasons to the Executive Member concerned of the MaraAutonomous District Council for Parliamentary Affair s and the Law and Judicial Department. (3) The Bill shall then be dealt with as a case by the Law & Judicial Department in the first instance, where it shall be considered in its technical aspect, such as need for previoussanction of the Governor and the competency of theDistrict Council Legislature to enact over the subject ormatter and then be forwarded with its opinion to thedepartment to which the case belongs. (4) The Department concerned shall then examine whetherany provisions of such Bill involve expenditure from theFund of the District Council and if so, they shall preparein consultation with the Finance department, the financialmemorandum in respect of the Bill. (5) The Department concerned shall then place the matter before the Executive Committee for necessary orders through the Executive Member concerned. (6) The Law & Judicial Department shall thereafter takenecessary steps as prescribed by the Law , Rules or Regulations in force in respect of the Mara Autonomous District Council Bill. - 14 - Ex-148/2013 47. The Provisions of these Rules shall apply , as far as may be, to Amendments of substance recommended by the Select Committee and also to all Amendments and Enactments, notice of which is to be given by the Member of the District Council for being movedduring the consideration of a Bill in the District Council Session. 48. (1)When a Bill has been passed by the District CouncilLegislature, the Secretary to the District Council shall thensend the Bill to the Secretary , District Council Affairs, Government of Mizoram for assent of His ExcellencyGovernor of Mizoram. (2) After obtaining the assent of the Governor , the Bill shall immediately be published by the Law & Judicial Department, Government of Mizoram in the Official Gazette as an Act of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 49. Wherever it is proposed in any Department other than the Law &Judicial Department:- (i)to issue a statutory rule, notification or order , (ii) to submit to the State Government, any statutoryRule, Notification or order for issue by them, thedraft shall be referred to the Law Department,Mara Autonomous District Council for opinion and for revision where necessary . Rural Development Rural Development Rural Development Rural Development Rural Development 50.(1)The Rural Development Department shall implement all Department. Department. Department. Department. Department. Rural Development Schemes whether sponsored by Centra l Government or otherwise under the guidance and supervis ion of the Chief Executive Member and the Executive Memberconcerned. The Executive Secretary shall seek guidancefrom the concerned Executive Member in this regard fromtime to time and shall be responsible to the District Councilall respects as to the planning, evaluation, execution, dueand rational expenditure of funds provided for the purpose. (2) The department shall be responsible for all schemespertaining to replacement of jhooming system includingconservation of forest wealth in regard to jhooming practice. Planning Department. Planning Department. Planning Department. Planning Department. Planning Department. 51.(1)The Planning Department shall be responsible for working out a strategy of development which maximizes the nation al product through time, laying down the guideline for the Depa rtment regarding the drawing up of departmental programmes an d schemes and working an economic, administrative and organizational appraisal of the Plans and Programmes ofvarious Departments under Mara Autonomous District Council. (2) The Planning Department shall be consulted for adviceby other Departments in matters relating to Planformulations and the general principles relating to Planning: - 15 -Ex-148/2013 Provided that it shall be opened to the Planning Department to prescribe by general or special order , cases in which such consultation with it may not be necessary . Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary .. .. . 52.The Head of the Department concerned in each case is responsible for the proper transaction of business and the careful observance of these Rules and when he considers that there has been an y material departure from them he shall personally bring the matterto the notice of the Executive Member-in-charge. 53. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Chief ExecutiveMember may relax the Rules in the interest of public and smoothfunctioning of the af fairs of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 54. The matters in regard to which the Rules are silent or adequateprovision has not been made the Head in the department shallobtain appropriate directions from the Chief Executive Memberthrough the Executive Member concerned. ST ST ST ST ST AA AA ATEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: OF OBJECTS & REASONS: The Mara Autonomous District Council felt it necessary to make the Transaction of Business Rules 2010 for better management of the administration of the Mara Autonomous District Council. Hence, the Bill. Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Chief Executive Member Mara Autonomous District Council Siaha, Mizoram - 16 - Ex-148/2013 SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) (See Rule 3) LIST OF DEP AR TMENT 1. Agriculture Department. 2. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department. 3. Art & Culture Department. 4. Co-operation Department. 5. Relief & Rehabilitation Department. 6. District Council Secretariat/ Legislative Department. 7. Environment & Forests Department. 8. Finance & Account Department. 9. Fisheries Department. 10. Secretariat General Service/ General Administration & Control Department. 1 1. Board of School Education Department. 12. Industries Department. 13. Information & Public Relation Department. 14. Land Revenue & Settlement Department. 15. Law & Judicial Department. 16. Local Administration Department. 17. Water Ways Department. 18. Education & Human Resources Department. 19. Taxation Department. 20. Planning & Programme Implementation Department. 21. Public Health Engineering Department. 22. Public Works Department. 23. Rural Development Department. 24. Social Welfare Department. 25. Soil & Water Conservation Department. 26. Sport & Youth Services Department. 27. Transport Department. 28. Sericulture Department. 29. Stationary & Printing Department. 30. Horticulture Department. - 17 -Ex-148/2013 SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SCHEDULES SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) (See Rule 7) 1. Proposals for creation of any category of post. 2. Proposal for appointment/promotion of any category of post. 3. Proposal for sanction of advance increment/additional remuneration to any employee. 4. Proposal for making or amending rules/regulation, the recruitment and condition of services of the Mara Autonomous District Council employees. 5. Annual Accounts. 6. Proposal for the making and amending any rules. 7. Any proposal involving any action for the dismissal, removal or suspension of any categories of employees. 8. Report of the Departmental Promotion Committee/Selection Committee on its works and any actionproposed to be taken thereto. 9. Proposal for imposition of a new tax or any change in the method of assessment or the pitch of any existing tax or land revenue of the Mara Autonomous District Council. 10. Proposal involving the alienation either temporary or permanent, or of scale, grant or lease of any movable or immovable or the abandonment or reduction of revenue. 1 1. Proposals involving any major policy or practice. 12. Proposals to vary or reserve a decision previously taken by the Executive Committee. 13. Cases required by the Chief Executive Member to be brought before the Executive Committee. 14. The Financial statements to be laid before the Council Session. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Deputy Controller-cum-Under Secretary, General Administration Department (Aviation Wing), Government of Mizoram.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 28.3.2013 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 162 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. No. No. No. No. A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 stst stst st March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Deputy Controller -cum-Under Secretary, General Administration Department (A viation Wing), Government of Mizoram, namely : 1. Shor t Title and (1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram General Administration Commencement.- Department (Aviation Wing)(Group A posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application.- These rules shall apply to the post (s ) specified in Column 1 of th e Schedule annexed to the rules. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay band an d classification , pay band Grade Pay/Pay scale/ attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scale.- to 4 of the said schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the said post, age limit, qualification and age limit, other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 qualifications, etc.- of the aforesaid schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the ScheduledCastes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government orthe Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification.- No person,- (a)who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted amarriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointmentto the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may , if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are - 2 - Ex-162/2013 other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 6. Training and Depar tmentalEvery Government servant recruited under these rules shall under go Examination.- such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may b e prescribed from time to time. 7. Powers to transfer .-Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer or officials recruited under these rules to any other pos t or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8. Power to r elax.- Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedien t so to do, he may , by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation , relaxation of ag e other concessions.- limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Schedule d T ribes /the Scheduled Castes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regards. By orders, etc. K. Lalrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-162/2013 SCHEDULE RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP A POSTS IN THE GENERAL ADMINISTRA TION DEPARTMENT (AVIA TION WING) Name of post No. of postClassification Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale Whether Selection post or Non-selection post 1 2 3 4 5 Selection Whether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits Whether age and educ ational qualifications pr escribed for direct recruit s will appl y in the case of promotees Period of probation, if any 6 7 8 9 10 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable General S tate Service Group 'A' PB- PB- PB- PB- PB- 33 33 3 ^^ ^^ ^ 15,600- 15,600- 15,600- 15,600- 15,600- 39,100 + 39,100 + 39,100 + 39,100 + 39,100 + GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 00/- 00/- 00/- 00/- 00/- Not Applicable Not Applicable Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion /transfer and percentage of posts to be filled by various methods In case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/ deput ation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be made If a DP C exist , what is its composition ? Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment 11 12 13 14 By promotion failing which by transfer or deputation Pr omotion : From Assistant Dir ector/ Assistant Contr oller under GAD (A viation Wing) having not less than 5 (five) years regular service in the grade. Transfer on deputation : Officer from Central Government or State Government holding analogous post. As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limination of functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Deputy Controller- cum-UnderSecretary 1 (one) or as sanctioned by from time to time Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 4 - Ex-163/2013 - 5 -Ex-163/2013 - 6 - Ex-163/2013
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 28.3.2013 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 162 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. No. No. No. No. A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 A. 12018/21/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21 stst stst st March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Deputy Controller -cum-Under Secretary, General Administration Department (A viation Wing), Government of Mizoram, namely : 1. Shor t Title and (1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram General Administration Commencement.- Department (Aviation Wing)(Group A posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application.- These rules shall apply to the post (s ) specified in Column 1 of th e Schedule annexed to the rules. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay band an d classification , pay band Grade Pay/Pay scale/ attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 and grade pay/pay scale.- to 4 of the said schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the said post, age limit, qualification and age limit, other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 qualifications, etc.- of the aforesaid schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the ScheduledCastes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government orthe Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification.- No person,- (a)who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted amarriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointmentto the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may , if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are - 2 - Ex-162/2013 other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 6. Training and Depar tmentalEvery Government servant recruited under these rules shall under go Examination.- such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may b e prescribed from time to time. 7. Powers to transfer .-Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer or officials recruited under these rules to any other pos t or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8. Power to r elax.- Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedien t so to do, he may , by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation , relaxation of ag e other concessions.- limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Schedule d T ribes /the Scheduled Castes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regards. By orders, etc. K. Lalrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-162/2013 SCHEDULE RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP A POSTS IN THE GENERAL ADMINISTRA TION DEPARTMENT (AVIA TION WING) Name of post No. of postClassification Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale Whether Selection post or Non-selection post 1 2 3 4 5 Selection Whether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits Whether age and educ ational qualifications pr escribed for direct recruit s will appl y in the case of promotees Period of probation, if any 6 7 8 9 10 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable General S tate Service Group 'A' PB- PB- PB- PB- PB- 33 33 3 ^^ ^^ ^ 15,600- 15,600- 15,600- 15,600- 15,600- 39,100 + 39,100 + 39,100 + 39,100 + 39,100 + GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 GP - ^ 66 00/- 00/- 00/- 00/- 00/- Not Applicable Not Applicable Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion /transfer and percentage of posts to be filled by various methods In case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/ deput ation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be made If a DP C exist , what is its composition ? Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment 11 12 13 14 By promotion failing which by transfer or deputation Pr omotion : From Assistant Dir ector/ Assistant Contr oller under GAD (A viation Wing) having not less than 5 (five) years regular service in the grade. Transfer on deputation : Officer from Central Government or State Government holding analogous post. As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limination of functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Deputy Controller- cum-UnderSecretary 1 (one) or as sanctioned by from time to time Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 4 - Ex-163/2013 - 5 -Ex-163/2013 - 6 - Ex-163/2013The Mizoram Ceiling on Government Guarantees commencement : Rules, 2013.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 1.4.2013 Chaitra 1 1, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 163 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. G No. G No. G No. G No. G . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 stst stst st April, 2013. April, 2013. April, 2013. April, 2013. April, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7 of the Mizoram Ceiling on Government Guarantees Act, 2011 (Act No. 9 of 201 1), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely : 1. Shor t Title and (1)The Rules may be called the Mizoram Ceiling on Government Guarantee s commencement : Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Definitions : In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context : (a)‘Agencies’ means all other entities not specifically defined in sub- section (2) of Section 2 of the Act including autonomous bodies having separate entities and are Government of Mizoram that may requirefunds for their day to day business for which loans from any financialinstitutions may be applied. (b) ‘Finance Department’ means Finance Department of the Governmentof Mizoram. (c) ‘Year ’ means the financial year starting from April to March. 3. Ceiling on Government (1) The total outstanding Government Guarantees as on the first day of Guarantees : April shall not exceed 25 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product estimated for the year . (2) The total fresh Government Guarantees given in a year shall not exceed3 percent of Gross S tate Domestic Product estimated for the year . Provided that under extreme exigencies and occurrence of natur al calamities requiring immediate fiscal policy measures, the Governmentmay decide to grant the guarantees in excess of the ceilings prescribedunder sub-rules (1) and (2). 4. Restrictions on No Government Guarantees shall be extended to individuals, private institution s Governement or private companies. Guanrantees : - 2 - Ex-163/2013 5. Guarantee (1) The Government shall charge a minimum of 0.75 percent of the amoun t Commission : of the guaranteed loan as a guarantee commission which shall not be waived under any circumstances. Provided that the Government may enhance the rates of guara ntee commission depending upon the default risk of the project for which the governemnt may stand as a guarantor . (2) The Guarantee Commission charged under sub-rule 1 above shallbe credited into the Government account under the Head : 0075 0075 0075 0075 0075 - Miscellaneous General Services 108 108 108 108 108 - Guarantee Fees which shall be subsequently allocated under the following expenditureHead of Account for further remittance into the Public Account as part of the corpus of the Guarantee Redemption Fund : 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 - Appropriation for reduction or avoidance of Debt 200 200 200 200 200 - Other Appropriations (01) (01) (01) (01) (01) - Guarantee Redemption Fund (54) (54) (54) (54) (54) - Investment 6. Application for (1) The borrowing institution shall apply grant of Government guarantee Government Guarantee for the loans to the Administrative Departments concerned and the and the mode of granting application shall contain the following particulars, namely : the Guarantee : i)Name of the borrowing institution; ii) Name of the lending institution; iii) Amount for which guarantee is sought and the rate of interest; iv) Period and schedule of repayment; v) Outstanding loans, if any , against the borrowing institutions; vi) Purpose of the proposed loan; vii) Financial status of the borrowing institutions as indicated by itstrading accounts, profit and loss account and the balance sheetfor the previous three years. (2) The Administrative Department after satisfying itself that the loans being applied should be guaranteed shall forward the application to Finance Department for scrutiny and concurrence. (3) Finance Department shall examine the application for granting Governme nt guarantee received from the Administrative Department and after satisfying itself that the borrowing institution is financially sound and no default risk is involved in the giving guarantee, may accordconcurrence to the proposal. (4) The Administrative Department after getting financial concurrence shall invariably obtain approval of the Council of Ministers and thereafter , issue order in this behalf. A copy of such order shall be endorsed to Finance Department and the Accountant General, Mizoram. 7. Execution of In all such cases where loans are guaranteed by the Government, th e Agreement Administrative Department concerned shall enter into a separate agreementwith the principal debtor and the creditor in a Standard Form of Deed o f State Government Guarantee, as appended herewith, a copy of which shallbe sent to Finance Department and Accountant General, Mizoram. 8. Maintenance of Administrative Department concerned shall maintain a complete record of Records : all Government guarantees given showing due dates of repayment and such other particulars of the loans as may be considered necessary for safegua rding Government interest. 9. Repayment : 1) It shall be the responsibility of the Administrative Department to ensure that repayments are punctually made by the borrowing institutions. In order to keep a close watch on the repayments, the Administrative Department shall obtain periodical reports on outstanding loans fromthe borrowing institutions. 2) If the borrowing institution makes a default in repayment, the Administrative Department shall arrange to repay the instalments due without anyfurther delay and shall take steps to recover the amount from th e borrowing institutions together with interest at the rate of 2 percenthigher than the rate at which the Government has to pay interest onthe defaulted instalments. 3) All cases of default in repayment where the Administrative Department has to make payments on that behalf shall forthwith be reported toFinance Department. L.N. L.N. L.N. L.N. L.N. TT TT T ochhawng, ochhawng, ochhawng, ochhawng, ochhawng, Finance Commissioner , Government of Mizoram. - 3 - Ex-163/2013 Standard Form for Deed of Agreement DEED OF ST DEED OF ST DEED OF ST DEED OF ST DEED OF ST AA AA A TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE executed at ____________________ this ____________ day of ___________________ by the Governor of the State of __________ (hereinafter referred to as “The Guarantor” which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include itssuccessors in office) IN FAVOUR OF ____________________________________________________________________ (hereinafterreferred to as _______________) a Government company , incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at _________________________, hereinafter referred to as______________________ which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof,include its successors and assigns. WHEREAS:1. The _____________________________________________________________ (Name & Address of Channelizing Agency) (hereinafter referred to as the “Channelizing Agency”) intends to undertake _________________ __________________ in the State of _______________. 2. The Channelizing Agency intends to obtain from the ___________ loans/mar gin money assistance or any other financial assistance which ___________ may agree to sanction from time to time upto ^ _______________ (Rupees in words) ________________________________________ referred to as the “said loans” for implementing the project(s)/scheme(s), embodied in the General Loan Agreement already executed between ______________ and the Channelizing Agency on _________________ (date of General Loan Agreement) for the said loans (hereinafter referred to as “The Loan Agreement”). 3. ______________ will sanction loan to the Channelizing Agency for each scheme/project after proper appraisal of projects/schemes and requirements of funds thereafter on such terms andconditions as may be stipulated by __________ and accepted by the Channelizing Agency in this behalf and as such the sanction and disbursement of the loans are linked with the projects sanctionedby ______________ within the overall limit of ^ _______________herein before mentionedand each loan is to be treated separately in so far as the schedule of repayment of principal andpayment of interest/service charges and maintenance of accounts both by __________ and theChannelizing Agency are concerned. 4. _____________ has as stipulated in the said Loan Agreement that the repayment of the principal of the loan sanctioned by __________ to the Channelizing Agency for each project/scheme together with interest/service charges/commitment charges at the rate stipulated therein within the overalllimit of ^___________(Rupees in words _________________________________________________________ hereinbefore mentioned be guaranteed by the Guarantor in the mannerhereinafter appearing. 5. The guarantor has now at the request of the Channelizing Agency agreed to furnish such guarantee in favour of the ___________ as hereinafter mentioned. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED TO BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERET O AS FOLLOWS: I. (1) That to enable the Channelizing Agency to obtain from __________ the said loans on the terms and conditions contained in the Loan Agreement for implementing the scheme(s)/project(s) - 4 - Ex-163/2013 and in consideration of the aforesaid promises the Guarantor hereby fully, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees to the ________ the due repayment by the Channelizing Agency to the ________ of each loan sanctioned by __________ for the projects/schemes mentioned in the said Loan Agreement within the overall limit of ^ _______________ hereinabove mentioned and the due payment of interest by the instalment/instalment(s) thereof as shall become due and payablein respect of that loan and in the event of the Channelizing Agency’s failure to repay that loan of any part or parts thereof and/or pay any interest/service charges/commitment charges that willbecome due, and payable and remain due and unpaid by the Channelizing Agency to the ____________ the Guarantor shall on demand by _______ pay the same to the ___________. (2) The _________ shall give intimation to the Guarantor of the sanction of each loan to the ChannelizingAgency and the terms and conditions thereof as accepted by the Channelizing Agency, and on such intimation it shall form the part of the said Loan Agreement. (3) That the Guarantee hereby given shall be a continuing guarantee for all amounts advanced and orto be advanced by ________ to the Channelizing Agency from time to time to the extent and upto the limit of the amount agreed to be advanced under the aforesaid Loan Agreement together with the interest/service charges/commitment charges at the stipulated rate and costs, charges andother monies payable to ____________ by the Channelizing Agency and shall not be at any time or times hereafter or any sum or sums of money for the time being due under the aforesaid LoanAgreement or any of them by way of principal or interest but shall extend to cover and be asecurity for all future sums at any time or times, guarantee shall continue until all the dues of the________ under the said Loan Agreement have been paid in full or otherwise fully dischar ged by the Guarantor to the satisfaction of the _______________ irrespective of any part payment orpayments. (4) That the Guarantor hereby consents to the ______________ making any variance that it maythink fit in any of the terms of the said Loan Agreement at any time hereafter and agrees that such variance shall not in any way affect the liability of the Guarantor under the guarantee hereby given. (5) That any neglect or the forbearance of the _________in enforcing the payment or repayment toit of any of the loans or any instalment/instalments thereof of interest/service charges/commitmentcharges thereon under the said Loan Agreement, payment or repayment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or giving of time by __________ for the payment or repayment thereof shall notin any way release the Guarantor of his liability under the guarantee herein before contained. (6) This Guarantor hereby agrees and declares that the ____________ will not be bound or compelledto take any proceedings whatsoever for realization of any of the dues of the __________ from or against the Channelizing Agency under or in pursuance of the guarantee hereby given so that the Guarantor shall be liable and bound to pay all such dues to the _____________ as shall be or become due and payable by the Channelizing Agency as if the guarantor were the principal debtor notwithstanding that no proceedings whatsoever shall have been taken by the _________________against the Channelizing Agency for recovery, enforcement or realization of any such dues. (7) That any amount intimated by the ______________ as outstanding against the Channelizing Agency in respect of any loan advanced for any project(s)/scheme(s) under the said Loan Agreement shall be conclusive and binding against the Guarantor and shall not be questioned by the Guarantor . (8) That in the event of default in the payment of any instalment of principal and/or interest/servicecharges/commitment charges or breach of any of the terms and conditions/of any loan by the - 5 - Ex-163/2013 Channelizing Agency, the __________ may without prejudice to its other rights recall loan or all the outstanding loans under the said Loan Agreement and in the event of failure on the part of the Channelizing Agency to make payment as required by the ____________, the Guarantor shall pay forthwith the amounts as and when demanded by the __________. II. The Guarantor hereby declares that the guarantee hereby given by the Guarantor is within the limits fixed/no limit has been fixed by the legislature of the S tate of _____________ under Article 293(1) of the Constitution of India. III. The stamp duty , if any, payable on this Deed of Guarantee is to be borne by the S tate Government, the Guarantor herein. IN WITHNESS WHEREOF the within named Guarantor has caused these presents to be executed by the hand of Shri/Smt______________________ (Name & Designation) its authorized official on theday , month and year first hereinabove written. SIGNED AND DELIVERED For and on behalf of the Governor For and on behalf of the Governor of the State of _______________________ State of _______________________By hand of _____________________Smt. ________________________________________________________(Name and Designation) (Name and Designation) In the presence of: 1) 2) Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 6 - Ex-163/2013
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per page VOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 1.4.2013 Chaitra 1 1, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 163 NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TION TION TION TION TION No. G No. G No. G No. G No. G . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 . 21025/2/201 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 1-DMU, the 1 stst stst st April, 2013. April, 2013. April, 2013. April, 2013. April, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7 of the Mizoram Ceiling on Government Guarantees Act, 2011 (Act No. 9 of 201 1), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely : 1. Shor t Title and (1)The Rules may be called the Mizoram Ceiling on Government Guarantee s commencement : Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Definitions : In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context : (a)‘Agencies’ means all other entities not specifically defined in sub- section (2) of Section 2 of the Act including autonomous bodies having separate entities and are Government of Mizoram that may requirefunds for their day to day business for which loans from any financialinstitutions may be applied. (b) ‘Finance Department’ means Finance Department of the Governmentof Mizoram. (c) ‘Year ’ means the financial year starting from April to March. 3. Ceiling on Government (1) The total outstanding Government Guarantees as on the first day of Guarantees : April shall not exceed 25 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product estimated for the year . (2) The total fresh Government Guarantees given in a year shall not exceed3 percent of Gross S tate Domestic Product estimated for the year . Provided that under extreme exigencies and occurrence of natur al calamities requiring immediate fiscal policy measures, the Governmentmay decide to grant the guarantees in excess of the ceilings prescribedunder sub-rules (1) and (2). 4. Restrictions on No Government Guarantees shall be extended to individuals, private institution s Governement or private companies. Guanrantees : - 2 - Ex-163/2013 5. Guarantee (1) The Government shall charge a minimum of 0.75 percent of the amoun t Commission : of the guaranteed loan as a guarantee commission which shall not be waived under any circumstances. Provided that the Government may enhance the rates of guara ntee commission depending upon the default risk of the project for which the governemnt may stand as a guarantor . (2) The Guarantee Commission charged under sub-rule 1 above shallbe credited into the Government account under the Head : 0075 0075 0075 0075 0075 - Miscellaneous General Services 108 108 108 108 108 - Guarantee Fees which shall be subsequently allocated under the following expenditureHead of Account for further remittance into the Public Account as part of the corpus of the Guarantee Redemption Fund : 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 - Appropriation for reduction or avoidance of Debt 200 200 200 200 200 - Other Appropriations (01) (01) (01) (01) (01) - Guarantee Redemption Fund (54) (54) (54) (54) (54) - Investment 6. Application for (1) The borrowing institution shall apply grant of Government guarantee Government Guarantee for the loans to the Administrative Departments concerned and the and the mode of granting application shall contain the following particulars, namely : the Guarantee : i)Name of the borrowing institution; ii) Name of the lending institution; iii) Amount for which guarantee is sought and the rate of interest; iv) Period and schedule of repayment; v) Outstanding loans, if any , against the borrowing institutions; vi) Purpose of the proposed loan; vii) Financial status of the borrowing institutions as indicated by itstrading accounts, profit and loss account and the balance sheetfor the previous three years. (2) The Administrative Department after satisfying itself that the loans being applied should be guaranteed shall forward the application to Finance Department for scrutiny and concurrence. (3) Finance Department shall examine the application for granting Governme nt guarantee received from the Administrative Department and after satisfying itself that the borrowing institution is financially sound and no default risk is involved in the giving guarantee, may accordconcurrence to the proposal. (4) The Administrative Department after getting financial concurrence shall invariably obtain approval of the Council of Ministers and thereafter , issue order in this behalf. A copy of such order shall be endorsed to Finance Department and the Accountant General, Mizoram. 7. Execution of In all such cases where loans are guaranteed by the Government, th e Agreement Administrative Department concerned shall enter into a separate agreementwith the principal debtor and the creditor in a Standard Form of Deed o f State Government Guarantee, as appended herewith, a copy of which shallbe sent to Finance Department and Accountant General, Mizoram. 8. Maintenance of Administrative Department concerned shall maintain a complete record of Records : all Government guarantees given showing due dates of repayment and such other particulars of the loans as may be considered necessary for safegua rding Government interest. 9. Repayment : 1) It shall be the responsibility of the Administrative Department to ensure that repayments are punctually made by the borrowing institutions. In order to keep a close watch on the repayments, the Administrative Department shall obtain periodical reports on outstanding loans fromthe borrowing institutions. 2) If the borrowing institution makes a default in repayment, the Administrative Department shall arrange to repay the instalments due without anyfurther delay and shall take steps to recover the amount from th e borrowing institutions together with interest at the rate of 2 percenthigher than the rate at which the Government has to pay interest onthe defaulted instalments. 3) All cases of default in repayment where the Administrative Department has to make payments on that behalf shall forthwith be reported toFinance Department. L.N. L.N. L.N. L.N. L.N. TT TT T ochhawng, ochhawng, ochhawng, ochhawng, ochhawng, Finance Commissioner , Government of Mizoram. - 3 - Ex-163/2013 Standard Form for Deed of Agreement DEED OF ST DEED OF ST DEED OF ST DEED OF ST DEED OF ST AA AA A TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT TE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE executed at ____________________ this ____________ day of ___________________ by the Governor of the State of __________ (hereinafter referred to as “The Guarantor” which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include itssuccessors in office) IN FAVOUR OF ____________________________________________________________________ (hereinafterreferred to as _______________) a Government company , incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at _________________________, hereinafter referred to as______________________ which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof,include its successors and assigns. WHEREAS:1. The _____________________________________________________________ (Name & Address of Channelizing Agency) (hereinafter referred to as the “Channelizing Agency”) intends to undertake _________________ __________________ in the State of _______________. 2. The Channelizing Agency intends to obtain from the ___________ loans/mar gin money assistance or any other financial assistance which ___________ may agree to sanction from time to time upto ^ _______________ (Rupees in words) ________________________________________ referred to as the “said loans” for implementing the project(s)/scheme(s), embodied in the General Loan Agreement already executed between ______________ and the Channelizing Agency on _________________ (date of General Loan Agreement) for the said loans (hereinafter referred to as “The Loan Agreement”). 3. ______________ will sanction loan to the Channelizing Agency for each scheme/project after proper appraisal of projects/schemes and requirements of funds thereafter on such terms andconditions as may be stipulated by __________ and accepted by the Channelizing Agency in this behalf and as such the sanction and disbursement of the loans are linked with the projects sanctionedby ______________ within the overall limit of ^ _______________herein before mentionedand each loan is to be treated separately in so far as the schedule of repayment of principal andpayment of interest/service charges and maintenance of accounts both by __________ and theChannelizing Agency are concerned. 4. _____________ has as stipulated in the said Loan Agreement that the repayment of the principal of the loan sanctioned by __________ to the Channelizing Agency for each project/scheme together with interest/service charges/commitment charges at the rate stipulated therein within the overalllimit of ^___________(Rupees in words _________________________________________________________ hereinbefore mentioned be guaranteed by the Guarantor in the mannerhereinafter appearing. 5. The guarantor has now at the request of the Channelizing Agency agreed to furnish such guarantee in favour of the ___________ as hereinafter mentioned. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED TO BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERET O AS FOLLOWS: I. (1) That to enable the Channelizing Agency to obtain from __________ the said loans on the terms and conditions contained in the Loan Agreement for implementing the scheme(s)/project(s) - 4 - Ex-163/2013 and in consideration of the aforesaid promises the Guarantor hereby fully, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees to the ________ the due repayment by the Channelizing Agency to the ________ of each loan sanctioned by __________ for the projects/schemes mentioned in the said Loan Agreement within the overall limit of ^ _______________ hereinabove mentioned and the due payment of interest by the instalment/instalment(s) thereof as shall become due and payablein respect of that loan and in the event of the Channelizing Agency’s failure to repay that loan of any part or parts thereof and/or pay any interest/service charges/commitment charges that willbecome due, and payable and remain due and unpaid by the Channelizing Agency to the ____________ the Guarantor shall on demand by _______ pay the same to the ___________. (2) The _________ shall give intimation to the Guarantor of the sanction of each loan to the ChannelizingAgency and the terms and conditions thereof as accepted by the Channelizing Agency, and on such intimation it shall form the part of the said Loan Agreement. (3) That the Guarantee hereby given shall be a continuing guarantee for all amounts advanced and orto be advanced by ________ to the Channelizing Agency from time to time to the extent and upto the limit of the amount agreed to be advanced under the aforesaid Loan Agreement together with the interest/service charges/commitment charges at the stipulated rate and costs, charges andother monies payable to ____________ by the Channelizing Agency and shall not be at any time or times hereafter or any sum or sums of money for the time being due under the aforesaid LoanAgreement or any of them by way of principal or interest but shall extend to cover and be asecurity for all future sums at any time or times, guarantee shall continue until all the dues of the________ under the said Loan Agreement have been paid in full or otherwise fully dischar ged by the Guarantor to the satisfaction of the _______________ irrespective of any part payment orpayments. (4) That the Guarantor hereby consents to the ______________ making any variance that it maythink fit in any of the terms of the said Loan Agreement at any time hereafter and agrees that such variance shall not in any way affect the liability of the Guarantor under the guarantee hereby given. (5) That any neglect or the forbearance of the _________in enforcing the payment or repayment toit of any of the loans or any instalment/instalments thereof of interest/service charges/commitmentcharges thereon under the said Loan Agreement, payment or repayment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or giving of time by __________ for the payment or repayment thereof shall notin any way release the Guarantor of his liability under the guarantee herein before contained. (6) This Guarantor hereby agrees and declares that the ____________ will not be bound or compelledto take any proceedings whatsoever for realization of any of the dues of the __________ from or against the Channelizing Agency under or in pursuance of the guarantee hereby given so that the Guarantor shall be liable and bound to pay all such dues to the _____________ as shall be or become due and payable by the Channelizing Agency as if the guarantor were the principal debtor notwithstanding that no proceedings whatsoever shall have been taken by the _________________against the Channelizing Agency for recovery, enforcement or realization of any such dues. (7) That any amount intimated by the ______________ as outstanding against the Channelizing Agency in respect of any loan advanced for any project(s)/scheme(s) under the said Loan Agreement shall be conclusive and binding against the Guarantor and shall not be questioned by the Guarantor . (8) That in the event of default in the payment of any instalment of principal and/or interest/servicecharges/commitment charges or breach of any of the terms and conditions/of any loan by the - 5 - Ex-163/2013 Channelizing Agency, the __________ may without prejudice to its other rights recall loan or all the outstanding loans under the said Loan Agreement and in the event of failure on the part of the Channelizing Agency to make payment as required by the ____________, the Guarantor shall pay forthwith the amounts as and when demanded by the __________. II. The Guarantor hereby declares that the guarantee hereby given by the Guarantor is within the limits fixed/no limit has been fixed by the legislature of the S tate of _____________ under Article 293(1) of the Constitution of India. III. The stamp duty , if any, payable on this Deed of Guarantee is to be borne by the S tate Government, the Guarantor herein. IN WITHNESS WHEREOF the within named Guarantor has caused these presents to be executed by the hand of Shri/Smt______________________ (Name & Designation) its authorized official on theday , month and year first hereinabove written. SIGNED AND DELIVERED For and on behalf of the Governor For and on behalf of the Governor of the State of _______________________ State of _______________________By hand of _____________________Smt. ________________________________________________________(Name and Designation) (Name and Designation) In the presence of: 1) 2) Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 6 - Ex-163/2013Promotion of Pu H.Sanghleia Surveyor-I to the post of Assistant Director (Survey) in the Pay Band 3 of ^ 15600 - 39100 + GP ^ 5400/- pm plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules and as amended from time to time with immediate effect. Promotion of Pi Zairemveli, Vice Principal, Govt. Mizo HSS to the post of Principal, Govt. HSS in the pay band of Rs. 15,600-39,100 + GP Rs 7,100/- with immediate effect. Posting order of Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT:79) as Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram with immediate effect and until further orders.
NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No. No. No. No. No. A.1201 A.1201 A.1201 A.1201 A.1201 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV , the 18 , the 18 , the 18 , the 18 , the 18 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.55/A/95-MPSC dt.14.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu H.Sanghleia Surveyor -I to the post of Assistant Director (Survey) in the Pay Band 3 of ^ 15600 - 39100 + GP ^ 5400/- pm plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules and as amended from time to time with immediate effect. R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of MPSC, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Zairemveli, Vice Principal, Govt. Mizo HSS to the post of Principal, Govt. HSS in the pay band of Rs. 15,600-39,100 + GP Rs 7,100/-with immediate effect. On her promotion to Principal she is posted at Govt. Saitual HSS.She should join her post within 30days from the date of issue of this Notification failing which it will be considered as declining the promotion. K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commr & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST , the 15 , the 15 , the 15 , the 15 , the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu H.Thanhlira, Forest Range Of ficer, Tlabung Range under Tlabung Forests Division, E&F Department from Government Service on his attaining the age of 60 years onsuperannuation pension w .e.f 31.1.2013 (A/N). L.T L.T L.T L.T L.T ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of Government of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests Order No.32012/6/2012-IFS-I(AGMUT) Dt.19.12.2012 and in the interest ofpublic service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT :79) :79) :79) :79) :79) as Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram with immediate effect and until further orders. VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 18.1.2013 Pausa 28, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 3 The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 1/- per page - 2 - Pu J.L.Singh, IFS reported for duty on 07.01.2013 and wait for formal posting and as such the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the period with effect from 07.01.2013 and actual date of taking over the charge of Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram shall be treated as compulsorywaiting period and he will be paid & allowances for the period as admissible under the rules. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner/t Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP , the 10 , the 10 , the 10 , the 10 , the 10 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MPS officers to the places shown againsttheir names with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl.No. Name of Officers FromTo 1. K.L.Vulmawia Deputy Superintendent of Police, CID (SB) SDPO, Tlabung 2. Rosiama Ralte Assistant Commandant, 2 nd IR Bn. Deputy Superintendent of Police, CID (SB) K.Riachho, K.Riachho, K.Riachho, K.Riachho, K.Riachho, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 1-HMP 1-HMP 1-HMP 1-HMP 1-HMP , the 14 , the 14 , the 14 , the 14 , the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In supersession of this Department’ s Notification of even number dt. 8.1.2013 and the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to ordertransfer and posting of Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, MPS, Principal, PTC to the post of Dy .CO.,1st IR Bn with immediate effect and until further orders. He will continue to function as Principal, PTC. R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In partial modification of this Department’ s Notification issued under even number dated 7.1.2013, the new place of posting of Pu Lalrinsanga from Govt. Chhinlung Middle School, Sialhawk to Govt. Saichal M/S-II is hereby cancelled andhe will continue to be in Chhinlung M/S. Sialhawk as Headmaster until further orders. K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On attaining the age of superannuation age of 62 (sixty two) years on 31.01.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu LalnghinglovaKawlni, Associate Profesor , Department of Mizo, Govt. Kolasib College on superannuation pension w .e.f. 31.01.2013 (A/N) under Rules 35 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 read with Para 16.1.0 of the UGCNorms adopted by the Govt. of Mizoram. Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department. R-3/2013 - 3 - No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP , the 16 , the 16 , the 16 , the 16 , the 16 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of DP&AR’ s I.D.No.GSW.15/ 2012/3048 dt.7.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow counting of the past services rendered by Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS for the period with effect from 04.09.2004 - 18.01.2009 as qualifying service for pension and leave as permissible under Rule 26(2) of CSS (Pension) Rules, 1972. R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP , the 17 , the 17 , the 17 , the 17 , the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.201/1/2012-MPSC dt.14.12.2012 and on their acceptance of the offer of appointment, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased toappoint the following 10 (ten) persons to the post of Mizoram Police Service (Junior Grade) in a temporarycapacity in the scale of pay PB-3 of ^ 15,600-39,100 + GP of ^ 5,400/- p.m plus other allowances asadmissible from time to time under the rule in force in the following order of merits with effect from the date of joining in the Police Headquarters and posted as shown against each. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name Name Name Name Name Father Father Father Father Father ’’ ’’ ’ s Name s Name s Name s Name s Name Address Address Address Address Address Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting 1. C.Lalengliana C.ZadailovaVenghlui, Aizawl, Mizoram SO to DIG(NR) 2. Zonun Sanga NghaklianmawiaMission Vengthlang Dy.SP(Pros),DEF Aizawl, Mizoram 3. Lalchhuanawma Chhangte C.ThanbuaiaCollege Veng, Dy.SP .,F&ES Aizawl, Mizoram 4. Zarzoliana RosailovaDinthar Veng, Asst.CO,3rd IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 5. Bruce K.V abeihrokhai K.Chahu College Veng Asst.CO,3rd IR Bn Saiha, Mizoram 6. F.Lalthlamuana F.Lalthlungliana Chaltlang Lily Veng, Asst.CO,3rd IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 7. Zoramthara ZamuanaTuikual North, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 8. Remlalliana Hnamte Lalvena HnamteChanmari, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 9. Jacob Hlychho H.C.LalthansangaNew Colony, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Saiha, Mizoram 10. Pachuau Lalringliana ChuaulianthangaPeter Street, Khatla, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram They shall be on probation for a period of 2 (two) years as per Rule 1 1 of the Mizoram Police Service Rule, 2008 from the date of joining which can be extended by the Governor in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. During the period of probation, they will draw their Pay and Allowances from the Police Headquarters against their respective place of posting mentioned against each. The above Of ficer will under go necessary training course at NEP A, Maghalaya with effect from 29.1.2013 and pass such course during the period of probation. R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. R-3/2013 - 4 - No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.4/A/95-MPSC/V ol-II dated 04.09.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Grade-V of MSS, Superintendent, Directorate of Social Welfare to Grade-IV Grade-IV Grade-IV Grade-IV Grade-IV of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} on officiating basis in the PB-3 of ^ 15,600 - 39,100 plus Grade Pay of ^ 6,600/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. On her of ficiating promotion Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii is posted as Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary , Land , Land , Land , Land , Land Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department vice Pu K.Sangthuama transferred. The officer will draw her pay and allowances against the post of Under Secretary , Land Revenue and Settlement Department vide creation order No.A.1 1013/1/2008-PAR(SSW) dt. 06.10.2008. Consequent upon the promotion of Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary ,, ,, , Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement as Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary , School Education Department , School Education Department , School Education Department , School Education Department , School Education Department vice Pu.F Pu.F Pu.F Pu.F Pu.F .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia promoted to Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.201/1/2012 - MPSCdated 14.12.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persons to the Mizoram CivilService (Junior Grade) in the Pay Band 3 of ^ 15,600 - 39,100 + GP 5,400/- pm plus all other allowances asadmissible from time to time under the Rules in the following order of merit with effect from the date ofjoining their respective place of posting as shown against each:- Sl. Name Place of postingRemarks No. 1. Malsawmtluanga Fanchun S/o J.S.Fanchun, SDC, LungleiVice Zathangliana Hospital Road, Electric Veng, Lawngtlai transfered 2. S.T.Lalvensangi D/o S.T .Zaduna, SDC, Aizawl Vacant Khatla South 3. P.C.Zonuntluangi D/o P .C.Liansanga (L) SDC, Aizawl Vacant D-37, Chandmary , Aizawl 4. Lalchhanhima S/o Lalrinawma, SDC, KolasibVice Lalrinawma T -33, Thakthing, Veng, Aizawl transfered 5. K.Zorammuana S/o K.Lalrinliana, SDC, SerchhipVacant D-3, R T Market, Tumpui, Kolasib 6. Lal Muanpuia S/o C.Ropianga SDC, Aizawl Vice Malsawmzuala D-30/B, Upper Khatla, Aizawl transfered 7. V.Lalmuanpuii D/o Rochharthara, SDC, ChamphaiVacant V -66, Bawngkawn Biak In veng, Aizawl 8. Alan Lalthanzara S/o Thanhawla, SDC, ChamphaiVacant 1/54, Kulikawn, Aizawl 9. Vanlaltanpuia S/o TC Zadenga, SDC, LawngtlaiVacant N.E. Khawdungsei, Mualveng 10. B.Malsawmtluangi D/o B.Sangkulha (L) SDC, SerchhipVice Robert Lalhmangaiha H/No.139 Chanmari Square Lawngtlai transfered R-3/2013 They shall be on porbation for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of joining and they shall, during the period of probatio n, appear and pass Department al Examinations as may be conducted by the M PSC. They should report themselves to their respective place of postings immediately and proceed to under go compulsory Foundation Course Training at ATI, Aizawl for a period of 3 (three) months commencing from 1 st April, 2013. No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MCS officers with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. Name Present placeNew place Remarks No. of posting of posting 1. Zathangliana SDC,LungleiASO,Lunglei V acant 2. Robert Lalhmangaiha SDC, SerchhipASO, Serchhip V acant 3. Lalrinawma SDC, KolasibASO, Kolasib V acant 4. Malsawmzuala SDC, Aizawl ASO, (L&B), D.C Aizawl Vacant No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order Pu Lalthuamliana, Joint Secretary , SAD and Political & Cabinet Department to take additional char ge of Joint Secretary, Labour Employment & Industrial Training Department without any financial benefits with immediate effect and until further orders. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu H.Thangmawia, General Manager from DIC, Lunglei to Consultant, Industries Department, Aizawl with immediate effect and until further orders. He will draw his pay and allowances against the sanctioned post of General Manager , DIC, Lunglei. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Minister , Industries on 8.1.2013. No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu L.V .Vanlalrema, Industrial Promotion Of ficer (IPO) from DIC, Lunglei to DIC, Aizawl with immediate effect and until further orders. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Minister , Industries on 8.1.2013. PP PP P .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the MPSC vide their letter No.86/A/95-MPSC/V ol-II dated 21.08.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order officiating promotion of Pu F .Lalthuamluaia , Grade-IV of MSS, Under Secretary , School Education Department to Grade-III of MSS (Deputy Secretary) in the PB-3 of ^ 15,600 - 39,100 plus Grade Pay of ^ 7,600/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. - 5 - R-3/2013 On his officiating promotion to Grade-III of MSS, Pu F .Lalthuamluaia is posted as Deputy Secretary , Public Health Engineering Department vice Pu Lalbuatsaiha expired on 28.12.2012. The Officer will draw his pay and allowances against the post of Deputy Secretary , PHE Department vide creation order No. A.11013/4/87-SAE dated 06.1 1.1987. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.1201 No.A.1201 No.A.1201 No.A.1201 No.A.1201 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of the Government of Mizoram’ s Notification No.D.13017/1/2009 - P & AR (GSW) dated 14.12.2012 and in the interest of Public Service, the Mizoram Information Commission is pleased to permanently absorb the following officers to Mizoram Information Commission to the posts indicated against their names with immediate effect :- Sl.No. Name of Officers Post held in Post to which Date of Deputation of MIC the S tate Govt. he/she is absorbed 1. R.Vanlalduha Sr.PPS Sr.PPS 7.7.2006 2. K.Zadawla Under Secretary Under Secretary 3.9.2010 3. Lily AssistantSuperintendent 3.9.2010 4. K.Lalmuanpuia Steno Grade-IISteno Grade-I 11.6.2009 This issues with the approval of the Chief Information Commissioner , Mizoram Information Commission on 14 th January , 2013. Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Secretary Mizoram Information Commission, Mizoram : Aizawl. No.A.2301 No.A.2301 No.A.2301 No.A.2301 No.A.2301 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 21/P/2006-MPSC dated 29.10.2012, The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Lecturers (Senior Grade), Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei (presently attached to Mizoram Scholarship Board, Aizawl as OSD) to Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) in the pre-revised scale of pay of ^ 12,000 - 420 - 18,300/- p.m. w .e.f. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. On his placement to Lecturer , Selection Grade as above, the pay of Pu Lalmuankima Sailo is fixed in the Pay Band of ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- with with with with with AGP AGP AGP AGP AGP of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- under Clause 3(a)(xi) of the AICTE Regulations, 2010 w .e.f. 01.01.2006. Consequent upon his completion of 3(three) years service in Lecturer , Selection Grade, his Pay is further stepped up in the Pay Band of ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- with with with with with AGP AGP AGP AGP AGP of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- w .e.f. 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 under Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) of the AICTE Regulations, 2010 and his Pay shall be regulated as per TT TT T abl-5 abl-5 abl-5 abl-5 abl-5 appended to the AICTE Regulations, 2010. The actual monetary benefits shall be given to the Of ficer as per the Mizoram (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010 issued by Finance Department, Govt. of Mizoram. The aprticulars of Pu Lalmuankima Sailo is as given below :- Dt. of joining Lecturer Dt. of placement to Sr .Grade Dt. of placement to Sel.Grade 06.12.1994 06.12.2000 06.12.2004 K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commr . & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 6 - R-3/2013 - 7 - PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration r elating to Land and Forest etc., by the S tate Govt. and Head of Depar tments. NOTIFICA TION THE GAUHA THE GAUHA THE GAUHA THE GAUHA THE GAUHA TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TT TT T AA AA A TT TT T GUW GUW GUW GUW GUW AHA AHA AHA AHA AHA TI TI TI TI TI (The High Court of (The High Court of (The High Court of (The High Court of (The High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur , , , , , TT TT T ripura, ripura, ripura, ripura, ripura, Mizoram and Mizoram and Mizoram and Mizoram and Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 rdrd rdrd rd January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Hon’ble Gauhati High Court has been pleased to withdraw the Of fice Order dated 27.02.2012 of the Aizawl Bench and pleased to constitute Special Courts under the Provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 the SC and ST (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989 and Human Rights Court Act, 1993, in the State of Mizoram and reconstitute the above Special Courts as follows :- Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name of Court Name of Court Name of Court Name of Court Name of Court TT TT T erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction 1. 2nd Court of Addl. District & Whole of Aizawl Judicial District comprised of Aizawl, Kolasib, Sessions Judge at AizawlMamit, Champhai and Serchhip Administrative Districts. 2. 1st Court of Addl.District & Whole of Lunglei Judicial District comprised Sessions Judge at Lunglei. of Lunglei, Lawngtlai and Saiha. Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. The Special Court The Special Court The Special Court The Special Court The Special Court District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted 1. The 3rd court of Addl. District The special Court under the Scheduled and Sessions Judge Court at Castes/Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, Aizawl. 1989, for the whole Aizawl Judicial District comprised of Aizawl, Kolasib, Mamit, Champhai and Serchhip Administrative Districts. Serchhip Administrative Districts. 2. The Court of Addl. District and The Special Court under the Scheduled Castes/ Sessions Judge at Lunglei Scheduled Tribes ( Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, for the whole of Lunglei, Lawngtlai and Saiha. Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted 1. The Court of District and Sessions Aizawl Judicial District comprised of Aizawl, Judge at Aizawl. Kolasib, Mamit, Champhai and Serchhip Administrative Districts. 2. The Court of District and Sessions Lunglei Judicial district comprised of Lunglei, Judge at Lunglei Lawngtlai and Saiha Administrative Districts. The Officers holding the Courts indicated at above shall hold the post of Special Judge under the Provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 the SC and ST (prevension of atrocities) Act, 1989 and Human Rights Court Act, 1993 respectively . By Order, Sd/- M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, I/c Registrar General. R-3/2013 PART - IX Adver tisements, Notices (T ender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICA TIONS No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 thth thth th December December December December December , 2012. , 2012. , 2012. , 2012. , 2012. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No.13 of 2005) Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society having of fice at Maubuang, Maubuang, Maubuang, Maubuang, Maubuang, Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram has been registered on 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 under Registration No. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana VV VV V arte, arte, arte, arte, arte, Registrar , Firms & Societies, Mizoram : Aizawl. No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - ARCOOP ARCOOP ARCOOP ARCOOP ARCOOP (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Under Section 10 (2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 a Cooperative Society under the name of the Lungsen, Aieng Farming Cooperative Society Ltd, in the District of Lunglei Mizoram, have been registered in my Office and numbered as L-585/2012-2013 Dated this the fifteen Day of January of the year two thousand twelveAnno Domini. Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar ,, ,, , Cooperative Societies, Lunglei : Mizoram. CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TION TION TION TION TION UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 In the matter of application of Pi/Pu P .C.Chuauthuama and 19 others for Registration of Cooperative Society at Lungsen P .O.. Lungsen Police S tation Lungsen Sub-Division Tlabung in the District of Lunglei I do hereby certify that pursuant to the Section 10 (2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 the said Society has been registered in my office as a Cooperative Society with limited/unlimitedliability under the title of the Lungsen Aieng Farming Cooperative Society Ltd., and numbered as No. L- 585/2012-2013 Dated in this fifteenth day of January in the year two thousand thirteen Anno Domini. The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society have also been registered. The following is the area of operation of the Society . 1. Lungsen VC - Area 2. ......................................................3. ...................................................... Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar ,, ,, , Cooperative Societies, Lunglei. - 8 - Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 R-3/2013 - 9 -R-3/2013
NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No. No. No. No. No. A.1201 A.1201 A.1201 A.1201 A.1201 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV 1/3/2010-REV , the 18 , the 18 , the 18 , the 18 , the 18 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.55/A/95-MPSC dt.14.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu H.Sanghleia Surveyor -I to the post of Assistant Director (Survey) in the Pay Band 3 of ^ 15600 - 39100 + GP ^ 5400/- pm plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules and as amended from time to time with immediate effect. R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, R.L.Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 1-EDN, the 18 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of MPSC, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Zairemveli, Vice Principal, Govt. Mizo HSS to the post of Principal, Govt. HSS in the pay band of Rs. 15,600-39,100 + GP Rs 7,100/-with immediate effect. On her promotion to Principal she is posted at Govt. Saitual HSS.She should join her post within 30days from the date of issue of this Notification failing which it will be considered as declining the promotion. K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commr & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST No.C.18014/168/2012-FST , the 15 , the 15 , the 15 , the 15 , the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu H.Thanhlira, Forest Range Of ficer, Tlabung Range under Tlabung Forests Division, E&F Department from Government Service on his attaining the age of 60 years onsuperannuation pension w .e.f 31.1.2013 (A/N). L.T L.T L.T L.T L.T ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 No.A.22012/4/2007-PERS(B), the 18 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of Government of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests Order No.32012/6/2012-IFS-I(AGMUT) Dt.19.12.2012 and in the interest ofpublic service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT Pu J.L.Singh, IFS (AGMUT :79) :79) :79) :79) :79) as Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram with immediate effect and until further orders. VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 18.1.2013 Pausa 28, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 3 The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 1/- per page - 2 - Pu J.L.Singh, IFS reported for duty on 07.01.2013 and wait for formal posting and as such the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the period with effect from 07.01.2013 and actual date of taking over the charge of Principal Chief Conservation of Forests, Mizoram shall be treated as compulsorywaiting period and he will be paid & allowances for the period as admissible under the rules. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner/t Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP No.A.22022/2/2012-HMP , the 10 , the 10 , the 10 , the 10 , the 10 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MPS officers to the places shown againsttheir names with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl.No. Name of Officers FromTo 1. K.L.Vulmawia Deputy Superintendent of Police, CID (SB) SDPO, Tlabung 2. Rosiama Ralte Assistant Commandant, 2 nd IR Bn. Deputy Superintendent of Police, CID (SB) K.Riachho, K.Riachho, K.Riachho, K.Riachho, K.Riachho, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 No.A.22022/1/201 1-HMP 1-HMP 1-HMP 1-HMP 1-HMP , the 14 , the 14 , the 14 , the 14 , the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In supersession of this Department’ s Notification of even number dt. 8.1.2013 and the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to ordertransfer and posting of Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, Pu C.Lalnunmawia, MPS, Principal, PTC to the post of Dy .CO.,1st IR Bn with immediate effect and until further orders. He will continue to function as Principal, PTC. R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/LOOSE, the 16 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In partial modification of this Department’ s Notification issued under even number dated 7.1.2013, the new place of posting of Pu Lalrinsanga from Govt. Chhinlung Middle School, Sialhawk to Govt. Saichal M/S-II is hereby cancelled andhe will continue to be in Chhinlung M/S. Sialhawk as Headmaster until further orders. K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 No.A.19027/23/98-EDC/26, the 16 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On attaining the age of superannuation age of 62 (sixty two) years on 31.01.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu LalnghinglovaKawlni, Associate Profesor , Department of Mizo, Govt. Kolasib College on superannuation pension w .e.f. 31.01.2013 (A/N) under Rules 35 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 read with Para 16.1.0 of the UGCNorms adopted by the Govt. of Mizoram. Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department. R-3/2013 - 3 - No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP No.A.19018/295/2008-HMP , the 16 , the 16 , the 16 , the 16 , the 16 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of DP&AR’ s I.D.No.GSW.15/ 2012/3048 dt.7.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow counting of the past services rendered by Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS Pu Lalchhuanthanga, MPS for the period with effect from 04.09.2004 - 18.01.2009 as qualifying service for pension and leave as permissible under Rule 26(2) of CSS (Pension) Rules, 1972. R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, R.Lalremsanga, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP No.A.12024/1/2012-HMP , the 17 , the 17 , the 17 , the 17 , the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.201/1/2012-MPSC dt.14.12.2012 and on their acceptance of the offer of appointment, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased toappoint the following 10 (ten) persons to the post of Mizoram Police Service (Junior Grade) in a temporarycapacity in the scale of pay PB-3 of ^ 15,600-39,100 + GP of ^ 5,400/- p.m plus other allowances asadmissible from time to time under the rule in force in the following order of merits with effect from the date of joining in the Police Headquarters and posted as shown against each. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name Name Name Name Name Father Father Father Father Father ’’ ’’ ’ s Name s Name s Name s Name s Name Address Address Address Address Address Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting 1. C.Lalengliana C.ZadailovaVenghlui, Aizawl, Mizoram SO to DIG(NR) 2. Zonun Sanga NghaklianmawiaMission Vengthlang Dy.SP(Pros),DEF Aizawl, Mizoram 3. Lalchhuanawma Chhangte C.ThanbuaiaCollege Veng, Dy.SP .,F&ES Aizawl, Mizoram 4. Zarzoliana RosailovaDinthar Veng, Asst.CO,3rd IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 5. Bruce K.V abeihrokhai K.Chahu College Veng Asst.CO,3rd IR Bn Saiha, Mizoram 6. F.Lalthlamuana F.Lalthlungliana Chaltlang Lily Veng, Asst.CO,3rd IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 7. Zoramthara ZamuanaTuikual North, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 8. Remlalliana Hnamte Lalvena HnamteChanmari, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram 9. Jacob Hlychho H.C.LalthansangaNew Colony, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Saiha, Mizoram 10. Pachuau Lalringliana ChuaulianthangaPeter Street, Khatla, Asst.CO,4th IR Bn Aizawl, Mizoram They shall be on probation for a period of 2 (two) years as per Rule 1 1 of the Mizoram Police Service Rule, 2008 from the date of joining which can be extended by the Governor in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. During the period of probation, they will draw their Pay and Allowances from the Police Headquarters against their respective place of posting mentioned against each. The above Of ficer will under go necessary training course at NEP A, Maghalaya with effect from 29.1.2013 and pass such course during the period of probation. R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, R. Lalremsanga, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. R-3/2013 - 4 - No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P No.A.12025/5/2009-P AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 AR(SSW)/234, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No.4/A/95-MPSC/V ol-II dated 04.09.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Pi Martini Lalhlupuii, Grade-V of MSS, Superintendent, Directorate of Social Welfare to Grade-IV Grade-IV Grade-IV Grade-IV Grade-IV of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy of MSS {Under Secretary / Deputy Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} Director(Admn.) / Liaision Officer} on officiating basis in the PB-3 of ^ 15,600 - 39,100 plus Grade Pay of ^ 6,600/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. On her of ficiating promotion Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii is posted as Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary , Land , Land , Land , Land , Land Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department Revenue and Settlement Department vice Pu K.Sangthuama transferred. The officer will draw her pay and allowances against the post of Under Secretary , Land Revenue and Settlement Department vide creation order No.A.1 1013/1/2008-PAR(SSW) dt. 06.10.2008. Consequent upon the promotion of Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii Pi Martini Lalhlupuii and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary Pu K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary ,, ,, , Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement Land Revenue and Settlement as Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary , School Education Department , School Education Department , School Education Department , School Education Department , School Education Department vice Pu.F Pu.F Pu.F Pu.F Pu.F .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia .Lalthuamluaia promoted to Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Grade III of MSS. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.201/1/2012 - MPSCdated 14.12.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persons to the Mizoram CivilService (Junior Grade) in the Pay Band 3 of ^ 15,600 - 39,100 + GP 5,400/- pm plus all other allowances asadmissible from time to time under the Rules in the following order of merit with effect from the date ofjoining their respective place of posting as shown against each:- Sl. Name Place of postingRemarks No. 1. Malsawmtluanga Fanchun S/o J.S.Fanchun, SDC, LungleiVice Zathangliana Hospital Road, Electric Veng, Lawngtlai transfered 2. S.T.Lalvensangi D/o S.T .Zaduna, SDC, Aizawl Vacant Khatla South 3. P.C.Zonuntluangi D/o P .C.Liansanga (L) SDC, Aizawl Vacant D-37, Chandmary , Aizawl 4. Lalchhanhima S/o Lalrinawma, SDC, KolasibVice Lalrinawma T -33, Thakthing, Veng, Aizawl transfered 5. K.Zorammuana S/o K.Lalrinliana, SDC, SerchhipVacant D-3, R T Market, Tumpui, Kolasib 6. Lal Muanpuia S/o C.Ropianga SDC, Aizawl Vice Malsawmzuala D-30/B, Upper Khatla, Aizawl transfered 7. V.Lalmuanpuii D/o Rochharthara, SDC, ChamphaiVacant V -66, Bawngkawn Biak In veng, Aizawl 8. Alan Lalthanzara S/o Thanhawla, SDC, ChamphaiVacant 1/54, Kulikawn, Aizawl 9. Vanlaltanpuia S/o TC Zadenga, SDC, LawngtlaiVacant N.E. Khawdungsei, Mualveng 10. B.Malsawmtluangi D/o B.Sangkulha (L) SDC, SerchhipVice Robert Lalhmangaiha H/No.139 Chanmari Square Lawngtlai transfered R-3/2013 They shall be on porbation for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of joining and they shall, during the period of probatio n, appear and pass Department al Examinations as may be conducted by the M PSC. They should report themselves to their respective place of postings immediately and proceed to under go compulsory Foundation Course Training at ATI, Aizawl for a period of 3 (three) months commencing from 1 st April, 2013. No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 No.A.12026/1/2012-P&AR(CSW)/part, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MCS officers with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. Name Present placeNew place Remarks No. of posting of posting 1. Zathangliana SDC,LungleiASO,Lunglei V acant 2. Robert Lalhmangaiha SDC, SerchhipASO, Serchhip V acant 3. Lalrinawma SDC, KolasibASO, Kolasib V acant 4. Malsawmzuala SDC, Aizawl ASO, (L&B), D.C Aizawl Vacant No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 AR(SSW)/17, the 17 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order Pu Lalthuamliana, Joint Secretary , SAD and Political & Cabinet Department to take additional char ge of Joint Secretary, Labour Employment & Industrial Training Department without any financial benefits with immediate effect and until further orders. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-I, the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu H.Thangmawia, General Manager from DIC, Lunglei to Consultant, Industries Department, Aizawl with immediate effect and until further orders. He will draw his pay and allowances against the sanctioned post of General Manager , DIC, Lunglei. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Minister , Industries on 8.1.2013. No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 No.A.22020/1/09 - IND/Pt-II, the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu L.V .Vanlalrema, Industrial Promotion Of ficer (IPO) from DIC, Lunglei to DIC, Aizawl with immediate effect and until further orders. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Minister , Industries on 8.1.2013. PP PP P .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P No.A.12025/4/2008-P AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 AR(SSW)/264, the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the MPSC vide their letter No.86/A/95-MPSC/V ol-II dated 21.08.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order officiating promotion of Pu F .Lalthuamluaia , Grade-IV of MSS, Under Secretary , School Education Department to Grade-III of MSS (Deputy Secretary) in the PB-3 of ^ 15,600 - 39,100 plus Grade Pay of ^ 7,600/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. - 5 - R-3/2013 On his officiating promotion to Grade-III of MSS, Pu F .Lalthuamluaia is posted as Deputy Secretary , Public Health Engineering Department vice Pu Lalbuatsaiha expired on 28.12.2012. The Officer will draw his pay and allowances against the post of Deputy Secretary , PHE Department vide creation order No. A.11013/4/87-SAE dated 06.1 1.1987. Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Chetan B.Sanghi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.1201 No.A.1201 No.A.1201 No.A.1201 No.A.1201 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 1/1/2012 - MIC, the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of the Government of Mizoram’ s Notification No.D.13017/1/2009 - P & AR (GSW) dated 14.12.2012 and in the interest of Public Service, the Mizoram Information Commission is pleased to permanently absorb the following officers to Mizoram Information Commission to the posts indicated against their names with immediate effect :- Sl.No. Name of Officers Post held in Post to which Date of Deputation of MIC the S tate Govt. he/she is absorbed 1. R.Vanlalduha Sr.PPS Sr.PPS 7.7.2006 2. K.Zadawla Under Secretary Under Secretary 3.9.2010 3. Lily AssistantSuperintendent 3.9.2010 4. K.Lalmuanpuia Steno Grade-IISteno Grade-I 11.6.2009 This issues with the approval of the Chief Information Commissioner , Mizoram Information Commission on 14 th January , 2013. Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Lalsawmi, Secretary Mizoram Information Commission, Mizoram : Aizawl. No.A.2301 No.A.2301 No.A.2301 No.A.2301 No.A.2301 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 1/2/2012 - HTE(Poly)/13, the 14 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 21/P/2006-MPSC dated 29.10.2012, The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Lecturers (Senior Grade), Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei (presently attached to Mizoram Scholarship Board, Aizawl as OSD) to Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturer (Selection Grade) in the pre-revised scale of pay of ^ 12,000 - 420 - 18,300/- p.m. w .e.f. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. 06.12.2004. On his placement to Lecturer , Selection Grade as above, the pay of Pu Lalmuankima Sailo is fixed in the Pay Band of ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- ^ 15,600 - 39,100/- with with with with with AGP AGP AGP AGP AGP of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- of ^ 8000/- under Clause 3(a)(xi) of the AICTE Regulations, 2010 w .e.f. 01.01.2006. Consequent upon his completion of 3(three) years service in Lecturer , Selection Grade, his Pay is further stepped up in the Pay Band of ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- ^ 37,400 - 69,000/- with with with with with AGP AGP AGP AGP AGP of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- of ^ 9000/- w .e.f. 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 under Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) Clause 3 (a)(xi) of the AICTE Regulations, 2010 and his Pay shall be regulated as per TT TT T abl-5 abl-5 abl-5 abl-5 abl-5 appended to the AICTE Regulations, 2010. The actual monetary benefits shall be given to the Of ficer as per the Mizoram (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010 issued by Finance Department, Govt. of Mizoram. The aprticulars of Pu Lalmuankima Sailo is as given below :- Dt. of joining Lecturer Dt. of placement to Sr .Grade Dt. of placement to Sel.Grade 06.12.1994 06.12.2000 06.12.2004 K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commr . & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 6 - R-3/2013 - 7 - PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration r elating to Land and Forest etc., by the S tate Govt. and Head of Depar tments. NOTIFICA TION THE GAUHA THE GAUHA THE GAUHA THE GAUHA THE GAUHA TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TI HIGH COUR TT TT T AA AA A TT TT T GUW GUW GUW GUW GUW AHA AHA AHA AHA AHA TI TI TI TI TI (The High Court of (The High Court of (The High Court of (The High Court of (The High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur , , , , , TT TT T ripura, ripura, ripura, ripura, ripura, Mizoram and Mizoram and Mizoram and Mizoram and Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh) No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 No.HC.VII-330/2012/27 - 41 /A, the 3 rdrd rdrd rd January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Hon’ble Gauhati High Court has been pleased to withdraw the Of fice Order dated 27.02.2012 of the Aizawl Bench and pleased to constitute Special Courts under the Provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 the SC and ST (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989 and Human Rights Court Act, 1993, in the State of Mizoram and reconstitute the above Special Courts as follows :- Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Special Courts to deal with cases under the Electricity Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Act, 2003 Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name of Court Name of Court Name of Court Name of Court Name of Court TT TT T erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction erritorial Jurisdiction 1. 2nd Court of Addl. District & Whole of Aizawl Judicial District comprised of Aizawl, Kolasib, Sessions Judge at AizawlMamit, Champhai and Serchhip Administrative Districts. 2. 1st Court of Addl.District & Whole of Lunglei Judicial District comprised Sessions Judge at Lunglei. of Lunglei, Lawngtlai and Saiha. Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST Special Courts under the SC and ST (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Act, 1989. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. The Special Court The Special Court The Special Court The Special Court The Special Court District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted 1. The 3rd court of Addl. District The special Court under the Scheduled and Sessions Judge Court at Castes/Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, Aizawl. 1989, for the whole Aizawl Judicial District comprised of Aizawl, Kolasib, Mamit, Champhai and Serchhip Administrative Districts. Serchhip Administrative Districts. 2. The Court of Addl. District and The Special Court under the Scheduled Castes/ Sessions Judge at Lunglei Scheduled Tribes ( Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, for the whole of Lunglei, Lawngtlai and Saiha. Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Special Courts under the protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Act, 1993. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court The Human Rights Court District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted District for which constituted 1. The Court of District and Sessions Aizawl Judicial District comprised of Aizawl, Judge at Aizawl. Kolasib, Mamit, Champhai and Serchhip Administrative Districts. 2. The Court of District and Sessions Lunglei Judicial district comprised of Lunglei, Judge at Lunglei Lawngtlai and Saiha Administrative Districts. The Officers holding the Courts indicated at above shall hold the post of Special Judge under the Provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 the SC and ST (prevension of atrocities) Act, 1989 and Human Rights Court Act, 1993 respectively . By Order, Sd/- M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, M.K.Bhattacharjee, I/c Registrar General. R-3/2013 PART - IX Adver tisements, Notices (T ender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICA TIONS No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 No.B.14016/55/2012-RFS/12,the 14 thth thth th December December December December December , 2012. , 2012. , 2012. , 2012. , 2012. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No.13 of 2005) Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society Zaman Bamboo Society having of fice at Maubuang, Maubuang, Maubuang, Maubuang, Maubuang, Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram Aizawl District, Mizoram has been registered on 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 12.12.2012 under Registration No. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. MSR - 488. Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana VV VV V arte, arte, arte, arte, arte, Registrar , Firms & Societies, Mizoram : Aizawl. No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - No.B.15015/554/2013 - ARCOOP ARCOOP ARCOOP ARCOOP ARCOOP (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 (L)/46, the 15 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Under Section 10 (2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 a Cooperative Society under the name of the Lungsen, Aieng Farming Cooperative Society Ltd, in the District of Lunglei Mizoram, have been registered in my Office and numbered as L-585/2012-2013 Dated this the fifteen Day of January of the year two thousand twelveAnno Domini. Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar ,, ,, , Cooperative Societies, Lunglei : Mizoram. CER CER CER CER CER TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TIFICA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TE OF REGISTRA TION TION TION TION TION UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA UNDER MIZORAM COOPERA TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES TIVE SOCIETIES ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 In the matter of application of Pi/Pu P .C.Chuauthuama and 19 others for Registration of Cooperative Society at Lungsen P .O.. Lungsen Police S tation Lungsen Sub-Division Tlabung in the District of Lunglei I do hereby certify that pursuant to the Section 10 (2) of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 the said Society has been registered in my office as a Cooperative Society with limited/unlimitedliability under the title of the Lungsen Aieng Farming Cooperative Society Ltd., and numbered as No. L- 585/2012-2013 Dated in this fifteenth day of January in the year two thousand thirteen Anno Domini. The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society have also been registered. The following is the area of operation of the Society . 1. Lungsen VC - Area 2. ......................................................3. ...................................................... Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar ,, ,, , Cooperative Societies, Lunglei. - 8 - Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 R-3/2013 - 9 -R-3/2013Consequent upon the transfer of Pu T.C. Lalkhuma, Superintendent & State Assistant Public Information Officer (SAPIO), Higher & Technical Education, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalhmachhuana, Superintendent, Higher & Technical Education Department as SAPIO in respect of this Department with immediate effect and until further order. Transfer and posting of the following AE/SDO under PHE Department to the place shown against each with immediate effect and until further orders
Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICA TIONS No.F No.F No.F No.F No.F .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 th th th th th January January January January January ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. Consequent upon the transfer of Pu T.C. Lalk huma, Superintendent & S tate Assistant Public Information Of ficer (SAPIO), Higher & Technical Education, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Superintendent, Higher & Technical Education Department as SAPIO in respect of this Department with immediate ef fect and until further order. Rothuama, Rothuama, Rothuama, Rothuama, Rothuama, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Deptt. No. No. No. No. No. A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following AE/SDO under PHE Department to the place shown against each with immediate effect and until further orders :- SI. SI. SI. SI. SI. Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Present place of Present place of Present place of Present place of Present place of New place of New place of New place of New place of New place of Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks No. No. No. No. No. posting posting posting posting posting posting posting posting posting posting 1. Viasai Solo SDO (Maintenance), AE, CE (M&I) Office Vice Sub-Division, Saiha Z.R. Thasangzuala 2. Z.R. Thasangzuala AE, CE (M&I) Office SDO (Maintenance), Vice Viasai Solo Sub- Division, Saiha L. L. L. L. L. TT TT T ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, Chief Secretary , Government of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 1.2.2013 Magha 12, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 5 RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 1/- per page - 2 - R-5/2013 No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On his attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is plaesed to release Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Superintendent, Industries Department (Sectt) from Government service on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) .. .. . C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of MPSC, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Zairemveli, Vice Principal, Govt. Mizo HSS to the post of Principal, Govt.HSS in the pay band of Rs 15,600-39,100 + GP Rs 7,100/- with immediate effect. On her promotion to Principal she is posted at Govt. Saitual HSS. She should join her post within 30 days from the date of issue of this Notification failing which it will be considered as declining the promotion. This issues with approval of Joint CEO vide their letter No.C. 23016/3/2008-CEO dated 23.1.2013. K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV , the 28th January , the 28th January , the 28th January , the 28th January , the 28th January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In supersession of this Department’ s Notification of even No.and in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (i) of section 5 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi MartiniLalhlupuii, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Revenue Department as the State Public InformationOf ficer under Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of Revenue Department with immediate ef fect and until further order . R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs order No. 14046/04/2004-UTS-I Dated 23.01.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Dharmendra, IAS, Resident Commissioner , Mizoram House, New Delhi from the Government of Mizoram with effect from 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) to enable him to join his new assignment on central deputation. Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In terms of Para 1.2 of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage- 2) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No. 91/A/95-MPSC-V ol.II dt. 10.1.2013 conveyed by DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No.A. 32013/1 1/2009-P&AR(GSW) dt. 21.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following 3 (three) Assistant Professors (Stage - 1) to Assistant Professor (S tage-2) in the scale of pay of Rs 15,600-39,100 + AGP of Rs. 7000/- p.m. w .e.f. the date as shown against their names :- - 3 -R-5/2013 SI. Name & College DepartmentEffective date No. of Promotion 1. Pu Lalrinmawia, Govt. Aizawl North College Deptt. of Geography25.05.2011 2. Pi Lallianzuali Varte, Govt. Aizawl West College Deptt. of English 29.05.2011 3. Pi Catherine Lalhruaitluangi, Chhangte Govt. T. Romana College Deptt. of English 01.06.2011 Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 . On attaining the age of 60(sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow Pu Lalzabiaka, Deputy Director , Industries Department to go on Superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.2.2012. (A/N) P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Industries Department. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 .In terms of Para 1.2. of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage- 2) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No.91/A/95-MPSC-V ol.II dt.17.12.2012 conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/1 1/2012-P&AR(GSW) dt.9.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following 6(six) Assistant Professors (Stage-I) to Assistant Professor (S tage-2) in the scale of pay of Rs.15,600-39,100+AGP of Rs.7000/- p.m. w.e.f. the date as shown against their names :- Sl. Name & College DepartmentEffective date of No. Promotion to Stage-2 1. Pu R. Lalruatkima, Govt. Saitual College Deptt. of Geography25.05.2012 2. Pu C. Lalhumbika, Govt. Saitual College Deptt. of Geography26.05.2012 3. Pu Saithangpuia, Govt. Saitual College. Deptt. of Geography25.05.2012 4. Pu Andrew Lalsangzela, Sailo, Govt. Aizawl College.Deptt. of Economics 25.07.2012 5. Pi Lalmalsawmi Renthlei, Govt. Johnson College. Deptt. of Economics25.05.2012 6. Pu Vanlalchanchinthahrilmawia, Deptt. of Mizo30.05.2012 Govt. Serchhip College Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration r elating to Land and Forest etc., by the S tate Govt. and Head of Depar tments. No.A.4601 No.A.4601 No.A.4601 No.A.4601 No.A.4601 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 . Consequent on completion of his tenure, Mr . H.Bihari Singh, Chairperson, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (M&M) has demitted his office with ef fect from the afternoon of 23rd January , 2013 Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Secretary , Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission, For Manipur & Mizoram. - 4 - R-5/2013 No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 th th th th th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order formation of 7 (seven) nos. of Academic Branches at DIET Lunglei viz : 1. Pre-Service Teacher Education (PSTE) Branch. 2. Work Experience (W .E) Branch. 3. District Resource Unit (DRU) for Adult Education/Non-Formal Education 4. In-Service Programme, Field Interaction and Innovation Co-ordination (IFIC) Branch 5. Curriculum, Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE) Branch. 6. Educational Technology (ET) Branch. 7. Planning & Management (P&M) Branch The task of placement of Head and Lecturers of each Branches may be initiated by Director , SCERT. K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 th th th th th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 .Kolasib District chhunga Rengtekawn V illage Council Executive Body insiamthatna chu Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7 (1) & (2) leh Section 15 na te hmangin a hnuaia mi ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President :Pu Lianthuama V ice President :Pu Rohmingliana T reasurer :Pu Lalrampana Members :Pu Lamkhawliana : Pu TH Luna Secretary :Pu Chawngliana Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. . Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500
Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICA TIONS No.F No.F No.F No.F No.F .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 .23015/1/2012-HTE, the 28 th th th th th January January January January January ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. Consequent upon the transfer of Pu T.C. Lalk huma, Superintendent & S tate Assistant Public Information Of ficer (SAPIO), Higher & Technical Education, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Pu Lalhmachhuana, Superintendent, Higher & Technical Education Department as SAPIO in respect of this Department with immediate ef fect and until further order. Rothuama, Rothuama, Rothuama, Rothuama, Rothuama, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Deptt. No. No. No. No. No. A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 A. 22012/3/2007-PHE, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following AE/SDO under PHE Department to the place shown against each with immediate effect and until further orders :- SI. SI. SI. SI. SI. Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Present place of Present place of Present place of Present place of Present place of New place of New place of New place of New place of New place of Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks No. No. No. No. No. posting posting posting posting posting posting posting posting posting posting 1. Viasai Solo SDO (Maintenance), AE, CE (M&I) Office Vice Sub-Division, Saiha Z.R. Thasangzuala 2. Z.R. Thasangzuala AE, CE (M&I) Office SDO (Maintenance), Vice Viasai Solo Sub- Division, Saiha L. L. L. L. L. TT TT T ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, Chief Secretary , Government of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 1.2.2013 Magha 12, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 5 RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 1/- per page - 2 - R-5/2013 No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P No.A.19015/226/2006-P AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On his attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is plaesed to release Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Pu Lalbiaksanga Ralte, Superintendent, Industries Department (Sectt) from Government service on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) 28.02.2013(A/N) .. .. . C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 No.A.32013/1/201 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 1-EDN, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of MPSC, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Zairemveli, Vice Principal, Govt. Mizo HSS to the post of Principal, Govt.HSS in the pay band of Rs 15,600-39,100 + GP Rs 7,100/- with immediate effect. On her promotion to Principal she is posted at Govt. Saitual HSS. She should join her post within 30 days from the date of issue of this Notification failing which it will be considered as declining the promotion. This issues with approval of Joint CEO vide their letter No.C. 23016/3/2008-CEO dated 23.1.2013. K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV No.C.31012/2/2012-REV , the 28th January , the 28th January , the 28th January , the 28th January , the 28th January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In supersession of this Department’ s Notification of even No.and in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (i) of section 5 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi MartiniLalhlupuii, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Revenue Department as the State Public InformationOf ficer under Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of Revenue Department with immediate ef fect and until further order . R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenue Department. No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 No.A. 22012/18/2013-P&AR(CSW)/pt, the 29 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs order No. 14046/04/2004-UTS-I Dated 23.01.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Dharmendra, IAS, Resident Commissioner , Mizoram House, New Delhi from the Government of Mizoram with effect from 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) 31.01.2013 (A/N) to enable him to join his new assignment on central deputation. Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Chetan B. Sanghi, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 . 12017/9/201 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 1-HTE/218, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In terms of Para 1.2 of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage- 2) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No. 91/A/95-MPSC-V ol.II dt. 10.1.2013 conveyed by DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No.A. 32013/1 1/2009-P&AR(GSW) dt. 21.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following 3 (three) Assistant Professors (Stage - 1) to Assistant Professor (S tage-2) in the scale of pay of Rs 15,600-39,100 + AGP of Rs. 7000/- p.m. w .e.f. the date as shown against their names :- - 3 -R-5/2013 SI. Name & College DepartmentEffective date No. of Promotion 1. Pu Lalrinmawia, Govt. Aizawl North College Deptt. of Geography25.05.2011 2. Pi Lallianzuali Varte, Govt. Aizawl West College Deptt. of English 29.05.2011 3. Pi Catherine Lalhruaitluangi, Chhangte Govt. T. Romana College Deptt. of English 01.06.2011 Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 No.A.38012/1/05-IND, the 29 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 . On attaining the age of 60(sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow Pu Lalzabiaka, Deputy Director , Industries Department to go on Superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.2.2012. (A/N) P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Industries Department. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 .12017/9/2012-HTE/92, the 28 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 .In terms of Para 1.2. of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage- 2) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No.91/A/95-MPSC-V ol.II dt.17.12.2012 conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/1 1/2012-P&AR(GSW) dt.9.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following 6(six) Assistant Professors (Stage-I) to Assistant Professor (S tage-2) in the scale of pay of Rs.15,600-39,100+AGP of Rs.7000/- p.m. w.e.f. the date as shown against their names :- Sl. Name & College DepartmentEffective date of No. Promotion to Stage-2 1. Pu R. Lalruatkima, Govt. Saitual College Deptt. of Geography25.05.2012 2. Pu C. Lalhumbika, Govt. Saitual College Deptt. of Geography26.05.2012 3. Pu Saithangpuia, Govt. Saitual College. Deptt. of Geography25.05.2012 4. Pu Andrew Lalsangzela, Sailo, Govt. Aizawl College.Deptt. of Economics 25.07.2012 5. Pi Lalmalsawmi Renthlei, Govt. Johnson College. Deptt. of Economics25.05.2012 6. Pu Vanlalchanchinthahrilmawia, Deptt. of Mizo30.05.2012 Govt. Serchhip College Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration r elating to Land and Forest etc., by the S tate Govt. and Head of Depar tments. No.A.4601 No.A.4601 No.A.4601 No.A.4601 No.A.4601 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 1/1/08-JERC/210, the 29 thth thth th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 . Consequent on completion of his tenure, Mr . H.Bihari Singh, Chairperson, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (M&M) has demitted his office with ef fect from the afternoon of 23rd January , 2013 Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Richard Zothankima, Secretary , Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission, For Manipur & Mizoram. - 4 - R-5/2013 No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V No.B. 12019/50/2002-EDN/Pt-V ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 ol-II, the 30 th th th th th January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order formation of 7 (seven) nos. of Academic Branches at DIET Lunglei viz : 1. Pre-Service Teacher Education (PSTE) Branch. 2. Work Experience (W .E) Branch. 3. District Resource Unit (DRU) for Adult Education/Non-Formal Education 4. In-Service Programme, Field Interaction and Innovation Co-ordination (IFIC) Branch 5. Curriculum, Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE) Branch. 6. Educational Technology (ET) Branch. 7. Planning & Management (P&M) Branch The task of placement of Head and Lecturers of each Branches may be initiated by Director , SCERT. K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 No.B.14020/41/07-LAD/VC, the 28 th th th th th January January January January January , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 , 2013 .Kolasib District chhunga Rengtekawn V illage Council Executive Body insiamthatna chu Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 Section 7 (1) & (2) leh Section 15 na te hmangin a hnuaia mi ang hian a pawmpui a ni. President :Pu Lianthuama V ice President :Pu Rohmingliana T reasurer :Pu Lalrampana Members :Pu Lamkhawliana : Pu TH Luna Secretary :Pu Chawngliana Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. . Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Attaining the superannuation age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow Pu Lalsiama Fambawl, Deputy Director, Information & Public Relations Department to go on superannuation pension w.e.f. 28.2.2013 (A.N). On attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following officers from Government Service with effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N) on Superannuation Pension. 1. C. Lalrizapa, SDEO Champhai 2. V.S. Pandey, Lecturer, DIET AIZAWL 3. Lianchia, Headmaster, Govt. Seling H/S 4. C.D. Lianchungnunga, Headmaster, Govt. Khawruhlian H/S 5. C. Chawnghuliana, Headmaster, Govt. Kolasib H/S 6. VL Rawna, Headmaster, Govt. T. Robert H/S, Bilkhawthlir 7. Lalbiakchhunga, Headmaster, Govt. Rengdil H/S 8. Lalramliana, Headmaster, Govt. Hliappui H/S 9. Bose Hlychho, Headmaster, Govt. Maubawk H/S, Saiha
- 2 - R-7/2013 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 11 11 1 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In pursuance of Government of Mizoram, DP&AR letter No. A. 45011/2/2012-DP&AR (GGC) dt. 29.01.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pi A. Vanlalzawni, Deputy Director , Social Welfare Department as Results Framework Document (RFD) Coordinator in respect of Social Welfare Department with immediate ef fect and until further orders. The user ID and Password for RFMS (Results Framework management System) are produced below for ready reference and is accessible at User ID Social Password Social 1@ Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 1-HFW 1-HFW 1-HFW 1-HFW 1-HFW , the 7 , the 7 , the 7 , the 7 , the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In pursuance of DP&AR (GGC) letter No. A. 4501 1/2/2012-DP&AR (GGC) dt. 29.1.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Laltanpuia Hnamte, Under Secretary , Health & Family Welfare Department as Results Framework Document Coordinator under Health & Family Welfare Department with immediate ef fect and until further order . His user ID and Password for Results Framework Management System (RFMS) are reproduced below for ready reference and is accessible at User ID health Password health 1@ Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In terms of Para 6.2(iv) of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of College Librarian (Senior Grade) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No.126/P/2003-MPSC dt.14.1.2012 conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/1 1/2012-P&AR(GSW) dt.23.1.2013 and vide MPSC letter No.126/ P/2003-MPSC letter No.126/P/2003-MPSC dt.8.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotethe following 2 (two) College Librarians (entry grade) to Senior Grade in the scale of pay of Rs. 15,600- 39,100+AGP of Rs. 7000/- p.m. w .e.f. the date as shown against their names :- Sl.No. Name & College Effective date of Promotion to Senior Grade 1. Pu Lalthanzama Ralte, Govt. Serchhip College. 20.09.2011 2. Pu H. Darhmingliana, Govt. Mamit College 28.04.2012 Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram. No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service in respect of Pu B. Lalzethanga, Headmaster , Govt. Modern M/S,Khawzawl for a period of 2(two) months with effect from 1.1.2013 - 28.2.2013. - 4 - R-7/2013 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In exercise of the power conferred under section 5 (2) of the R TI Act, 2005 and in partial modification of Notification of even number dated 31.1.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi Zaithanmawii Ralte, Under Secretary , Home Department as SAPIO in respect of Home Department to provide information to persons requesting for the information under the said act with immediate effect and until further orders. K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In continuation of this Department’ s Notification of even number dt.8.2.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to orderthat Pu Zasangzela, Dy . Commandant, 2nd Bn MAP shall take full char ge of Commandant, 2 nd Bn MAP during 1 1.2.2013 - 12.3.2013 the period when Pu Laldawngliana, Commandant, 2 nd Bn MAP is on leave. Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Officers from Government Servicewith effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N) on Superannuation Pension. 1)Pi Lalramthangi, HPO, Dte. of School Education 2) Pu F. Zakhuma, Headmaster , Govt. Melriat H/S The senior most Teacher of the School concerned should take char ge of daily routine works from the retiring Headmasters respectively till regular Headmaster is posted. K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the MPSC vide No. 146/A/2005-MPSC dt. 17.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram ispleased to order promotion of the under mentioned Assistant Treasury Accountant to Treasury Accountant in the scale of pay PB 2 - ^ 9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4600/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge :- 1.Lalkhawngaihi Ralte On promotion the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post her against the post shown in column 4 with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. No. Name Present Place of Posting New Place of PostingRemarks 1. 2 3 4 5 1. Lalkhawngaihi Ralte Lunglei Treasury (New promotee) Chawngte Treasury Vacant Sl. No. Name of Officer Promoted Present Place of Posting Post against which promoted 1. Pu Vanlalchhuana Sr. EE, i/c S.E, Lunglei Circle S.E., Lunglei 2. Pu Lalhmingliana Bawitlung Sr. EE, i/c SE(M) E-in-C Of ficeSE (Monitoring) E-in-C Office On their promotion to Engineering Grade-III Superintending Engineer (Civil) of PW Cadre they shall exercise their option within one month from the date of taking over charge for the purpose of fixation of their pay under FR-22(1)(a)(i). Option once exercised shall be final. C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following District Social Welfare Of ficers (DSWO) under Social Welfare Department as shown below with immediate ef fect and until further orders. Sl. No. Name of Officers Present place of posting New place of posting 1. 2 3 4 1. Pi G. Lalhmingthangi District Social Welfare Of ficer, Saiha District Social Welfare Of ficer, Lunglei 2. Pi Nukungi Zote District Social Welfare Of ficer, Lunglei District Social Welfare Of ficer, Saiha Sl. No. 1 will move first. They should join their respective new places of posting on or before 15.02.2013 positively . Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commr . & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the age of superannuation age of 62 (sixty two) years on 28.02.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu K. Liantuala, Associate Professor , Department of Mizo, Govt. Hrangbana College on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.02.2013 (A/N) under Rules 35 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 read with Para 16.1.0 of the UGCNorms adopted by the Govt. of Mizoram. Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Deptt. No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pi Irene Z. Chawngthu, MCS, OSD,Mizoram House, New Delhi as Deputy Secretary , DP&AR (CSW) with immediate effect and until further order . No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On her attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pi Vanlalsawmi, Superintendent, DIET , Aizawl from Government service on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.02.2013 (A/N). No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No. 25/A/94-MPSC, Vol-II dated 1 1.07.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Assistants to Grade-V of MSS (Superintendent/Junior Analyst/ - 6 - R-7/2013 No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In continuation to this Department’ s Notification of even numbers dated 15.1 1.2012 and 24.1.2013 and Corrigendum No.A.22013/1/2005-PW/177 dated 30.1 1.2012 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pi Laltlanthangi Ralte, AE/SDO will draw her pay and allowances against the post of AE, PIU, ADB Project with ef fect from the date of relinquising the post of AE, Easterm Circle till the date she assumes the char ge of SFO(TC), Mamit Division (attached to Mizoram House, New Delhi). Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST , the 12 , the 12 , the 12 , the 12 , the 12 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu B. Rokima, DFO, Kawrthah Forests Division,Environment & Forests Department from Government Service on his attaining the age of 60 years on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.2.2013 (A/N). L.T L.T L.T L.T L.T ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Goveror of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Headmasters from Government Service with effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N) on Superannuation Pension. 1) Vanlalhruaia, Bungkawn M/S-I 2) R.C. Zahluna,Suangpuilawn M/S-I 3) S. Vanlalnunga, LCM M/S 4) R.L. Buatsaiha, Oriental M/S N. Vanlaiphai 5) Siamhmingthanga, Khawlailung M/S-I 6) R. Rozama, Lungdai M/S-IThe senior most Teacher of the School concerned should take char ge of daily routine works from the retiring Headmasters respectively till regular Headmaster is posted. K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.a.1201 No.a.1201 No.a.1201 No.a.1201 No.a.1201 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Mizoram Compulsory Registration of Marriages Act, 2007 (Act of No. 7 of 2007), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persons as Registrar of Marriges for Lunglei District, Lawngtlai District and Mamit District with immediate ef fect and until further order. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registration Name of Registration Name of Registration Name of Registration Name of Registration Area/V Area/V Area/V Area/V Area/V illage. illage. illage. illage. illage. Designation Designation Designation Designation Designation 1 2 3 4 1. Poran Kisto Chakma Malsury, Lunglei District H/M. P/S-I 2. MC. Zirkungi Mt. Hermon Unit, Tawipui ‘S’ Lunglei District P/S. Teacher 3. Dharmajoy Chakma Sumasumi, Lunglei District H/M/P/S 4. Tara Chand Chakma Tablabagh, Lunglei District i/c. H/M. P/S 5. Chandra Kumar Chakma Andermanik, Mamit District H/M. P/S - 8 - R-7/2013 Members:(1) Pu Lalramliana (2) Pu C. Lalbiakngheta (3) Pu Mangchhuana (4) Pu H. Lalremsanga Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.F No.F No.F No.F No.F .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare 23.2.2013 (Saturday) as public holiday within 8-Chalfilh (ST) Assembly Constituency so that all the eligible voters of constituency may exercise their right to franchise on 23.2.2013 in connection with by-election to 8- Chalfilh (ST) Assemble Constituency . Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar ,, ,, , Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administration Department. CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM No.A.2401 No.A.2401 No.A.2401 No.A.2401 No.A.2401 1/3/201 1/3/201 1/3/201 1/3/201 1/3/201 1-T 1-T 1-T 1-T 1-T OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In partial modification of this office order No.A.2401 1/3/2011-TOUR dt. 10.12.2012. The pay scale of Miss R. Lalrinchhani, Tourist Of ficer under T ourism Department reflected as P .B-II Rs. 9,300-84,000 + Rs. 4800 GP pm should be read as PB-II Rs. 9,300-34,800 + Rs. 4,800 GP p.m C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public services and for generation of additional revenues and in terms of Rule 3 (3) of Lottery (Regulation) Rules, 2010 of Governmentof India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce and organize, Poila Baisakh Bumper Lotterythrough Director of IF&SL with the following descriptions :- 1. Name of Lottery Scheme -Poila Baisakh Bumper Details of the Scheme attached at Annex - A 2. Distributor/Selling Agent-M/s Teesta Distributors T-19(D), Peace Villa Beside PWD Building Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 3. Draw Place -Directorate of Instutional Finance and S tate Lottery, T uikhuahtlang, Aizawl. The revenues generated from the sale proceeds of the tickets shall be invested for the Welfare of Health Care, Education, Public Sanitation and other Social Services Sector . By order etc. FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department, (IF&SL) - 10 - R-7/2013 i) Interval between the draw:Draw Time : 4:00 PM Onwards j) The place where the draw shall be conducted : Directorate of Institutional Finance & S tate Lottery, Mizoram : Aizawl, k) The procedure for drawing the prize winning tickets or prize winners : As mentioned above. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and in supercession of this Department’ s Notification issued vide No.A.1 1013/1/2011-HM (HG) dt. 7.12.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order creation and filling up of the following posts under Mizoram Home Guar ds. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name of posts Name of posts Name of posts Name of posts Name of posts No. of posts No. of posts No. of posts No. of posts No. of posts Scale of pay Scale of pay Scale of pay Scale of pay Scale of pay Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks 1. Staff Nurse 3 nosPB-2 Rs.9300-34,800 + 2 nos for CTI Sesawng and 1(one) GP 4400/- for M.I. Room at Chawlhhmun 2. Laboratory Asst.1 no PB-1 Rs.5200-20,200 + For CTI Sesawng GP 2400/- This issues with the approval of DP&AR (AR W) vide their I.D. ARW/HM (HG)/2012-13/C-153 dt. 7.8.2012 and concurrence of Finance Department’ s vide their I.D. No.1546/2012 dt. 6.2.2013. The bove posts shall be filled up as per prescribed Recruitment Rules under Mizoram Home Guard Department. This supersedes this Department’ s Notification No.A.11013/1/2011-HM (HG) dt. 7.12.2012. Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accord sanction to the retention of 61 (sixty one) temporary posts under various Departments as shown in the Annexure for another period of 1 (one) year with ef fect from 01.03.2013 - 28.02.2014. The expenditure will be debitable to the Head of Accounts as shown against each. The issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their ID. No. FIN(E) 1535/2012 dt. 04.02.2013. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. ST ST ST ST ST AA AA ATEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT SHOWING SHOWING SHOWING SHOWING SHOWING TEMPORA TEMPORA TEMPORA TEMPORA TEMPORA TY TY TY TY TY POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS TT TT TO BE RET O BE RET O BE RET O BE RET O BE RET AINED FOR AINED FOR AINED FOR AINED FOR AINED FOR THE THE THE THE THE YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 Sl. Name of Post No. ofScale of Name of Creation LastHead of No. PostPay Department/ order No.retention No. Account Office & Date 1. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 Dte. of LADNo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2217-Urban Development (NP) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 05-Other Urban Dev . Scheme Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Admn. 01-Direction 2. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 Dte. of H&TENo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2202-(Gen. Education) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 03-University & Higher & Edn. Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration001(01)-Direction 001(01)(01)-Salary (NP) 3. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 C.E., PWDNo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2059-R&B (NP) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600(Building) PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80/001(1)-Direction Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.201180/001(01)(01)-Salary of OfficersEstt. 4. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 C.E., PWDNo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 3054-R&B (NP) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600(Highway) PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80/001(01)-Direction Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.201180/001(01)(01)-Salary - 12 - R-7/2013 19.Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 LAD, DLAO,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2070-Other Admn. Service (LAD) + 4400 Champhai/ PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Kolasib/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011800-Other Expenditure Serchhip (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 20. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Industries, DicNo. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2851-Village & Small Industries + 4400 Champhai/ PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Serchhip/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011102-Small Scale Industries Kolasib (03)-Dist. Industries Centers(01)-Salaries (NP) 21. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Taxation, No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2040-Taxes on Sales, Trade + 4400 Taxation Circle PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Office, Serchhip Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Champhai/Saiha (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 22. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Agriculture(CH),No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2401-Crop Husbandry + 4400 DAO, Serchhip PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Lawngtlai/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Champhai (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 23. Head Assistant 4PB 2 9300-34,800 School Edn.,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2202-General Education + 4400 DEO, Champhai PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 02-Seconday Education Serchhip/Mamit/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011101(01)-Inspection (NP) Kolasib (01)-Salaries 24. Head Assistant 2PB 2 9300-34,800 Minor Irrigation,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2702-Minor Irrigation + 4400 DAE, Champhai/ PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Kolasib Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration(02)-Administration(01)-Salaries (NP) 25. Head Assistant 1PB 2 9300-34,800 PHE,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2215-Water Supply & Sanitation + 4400 Sewerage & PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 01-Water Supply Drainage Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Circle (02)-Administration(01)-Salaries (NP) 26. Head Assistant 1PB 2 9300-34,800 PHE,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2215-Water Supply & Sanitation + 4400 E-in-CPAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 01-Water Supply Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration(02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 27. Head Assistant 2PB 2 9300-34,800 Sericulture,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2851-Village & Small + 4400 DSO,PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Champhai/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011107-Sericulture Industries Serchhip (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 28. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Co-operation,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2425-Co-operation + 4400 ARCS,PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Champhai/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Serchhip/ (02)-Administration Kolasib (01)-Salaries (NP) 29. Head Assistant 2PB 2 9300-34,800 Fisheries,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2405_Fisheries + 4400 Fisheries PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Development Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Officer, Aizawl/ (02)-Administration Lunglei (01)-Salaries (NP) 30. Stenographer 1PB 3 15600-39100 DC, LungleiNo. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2053-District Administration Grade-I + 5400PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011093-Dist. Establishment0-DC, Lunglei (NP) (01)-Salaries Grand T otal 61 - 14 - R-7/2013 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 rd rd rd rd rd January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Under Section 10 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act 9 of 2006) a Cooperative Society under the name of the Thenzawl Thenzawl Thenzawl Thenzawl Thenzawl WW WW Women Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. in the District of Serchhip, Serchhip, Serchhip, Serchhip, Serchhip, Mizoram has been this day registered in my Office and Numbered as SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 dated this day the 23 23 23 23 23 day of January January January January January in the year 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Anno Domini. Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar ,, ,, , Cooperative Societies, Serchhip District, Serchhip. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and as per the approval of the Principal Accountant General, Mizoram vide No.TMC/New Treasury/2012-13/803 dt.28.01.2013,the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order opening of a new Treasury at Chawngte (Kamalanagar) to be functional with effect from 19.02.2013. The jurisdiction of the Chawngte (Kamalanagar) Treasury shall be within the administrative area of SDO (Civil) Chawngte, Lawngtlai District and all the financial transaction of the Treasury shall be done with the State Bank of India, Chawngte Branch. This issue with the approval of General Administration Department vide their ID.No.GAD : 671/ 2013 dt. 12.2.2013. FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. - 16 - R-7/2013
- 2 - R-7/2013 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 No.C.30016/5/2013-SWD, the 1 11 11 1 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In pursuance of Government of Mizoram, DP&AR letter No. A. 45011/2/2012-DP&AR (GGC) dt. 29.01.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pi A. Vanlalzawni, Deputy Director , Social Welfare Department as Results Framework Document (RFD) Coordinator in respect of Social Welfare Department with immediate ef fect and until further orders. The user ID and Password for RFMS (Results Framework management System) are produced below for ready reference and is accessible at User ID Social Password Social 1@ Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 No.A.42013/2/201 1-HFW 1-HFW 1-HFW 1-HFW 1-HFW , the 7 , the 7 , the 7 , the 7 , the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In pursuance of DP&AR (GGC) letter No. A. 4501 1/2/2012-DP&AR (GGC) dt. 29.1.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Laltanpuia Hnamte, Under Secretary , Health & Family Welfare Department as Results Framework Document Coordinator under Health & Family Welfare Department with immediate ef fect and until further order . His user ID and Password for Results Framework Management System (RFMS) are reproduced below for ready reference and is accessible at User ID health Password health 1@ Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 .12017/6/2010-HTE/183, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In terms of Para 6.2(iv) of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of College Librarian (Senior Grade) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No.126/P/2003-MPSC dt.14.1.2012 conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/1 1/2012-P&AR(GSW) dt.23.1.2013 and vide MPSC letter No.126/ P/2003-MPSC letter No.126/P/2003-MPSC dt.8.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotethe following 2 (two) College Librarians (entry grade) to Senior Grade in the scale of pay of Rs. 15,600- 39,100+AGP of Rs. 7000/- p.m. w .e.f. the date as shown against their names :- Sl.No. Name & College Effective date of Promotion to Senior Grade 1. Pu Lalthanzama Ralte, Govt. Serchhip College. 20.09.2011 2. Pu H. Darhmingliana, Govt. Mamit College 28.04.2012 Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Saithangpuia, Addl. Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram. No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service in respect of Pu B. Lalzethanga, Headmaster , Govt. Modern M/S,Khawzawl for a period of 2(two) months with effect from 1.1.2013 - 28.2.2013. - 4 - R-7/2013 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 No.C.21015/1/2009-HM, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In exercise of the power conferred under section 5 (2) of the R TI Act, 2005 and in partial modification of Notification of even number dated 31.1.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi Zaithanmawii Ralte, Under Secretary , Home Department as SAPIO in respect of Home Department to provide information to persons requesting for the information under the said act with immediate effect and until further orders. K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP No.A.19018/70/89-HMP , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In continuation of this Department’ s Notification of even number dt.8.2.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to orderthat Pu Zasangzela, Dy . Commandant, 2nd Bn MAP shall take full char ge of Commandant, 2 nd Bn MAP during 1 1.2.2013 - 12.3.2013 the period when Pu Laldawngliana, Commandant, 2 nd Bn MAP is on leave. Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Lalnunhlua, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN, the 12 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Officers from Government Servicewith effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N) on Superannuation Pension. 1)Pi Lalramthangi, HPO, Dte. of School Education 2) Pu F. Zakhuma, Headmaster , Govt. Melriat H/S The senior most Teacher of the School concerned should take char ge of daily routine works from the retiring Headmasters respectively till regular Headmaster is posted. K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F No.A.32015/1/2012-F . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 . Est/64, the 12 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the MPSC vide No. 146/A/2005-MPSC dt. 17.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram ispleased to order promotion of the under mentioned Assistant Treasury Accountant to Treasury Accountant in the scale of pay PB 2 - ^ 9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4600/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge :- 1.Lalkhawngaihi Ralte On promotion the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post her against the post shown in column 4 with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. No. Name Present Place of Posting New Place of PostingRemarks 1. 2 3 4 5 1. Lalkhawngaihi Ralte Lunglei Treasury (New promotee) Chawngte Treasury Vacant Sl. No. Name of Officer Promoted Present Place of Posting Post against which promoted 1. Pu Vanlalchhuana Sr. EE, i/c S.E, Lunglei Circle S.E., Lunglei 2. Pu Lalhmingliana Bawitlung Sr. EE, i/c SE(M) E-in-C Of ficeSE (Monitoring) E-in-C Office On their promotion to Engineering Grade-III Superintending Engineer (Civil) of PW Cadre they shall exercise their option within one month from the date of taking over charge for the purpose of fixation of their pay under FR-22(1)(a)(i). Option once exercised shall be final. C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, C. Lalchhuana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 1012/36/2012-SWD, the 8 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following District Social Welfare Of ficers (DSWO) under Social Welfare Department as shown below with immediate ef fect and until further orders. Sl. No. Name of Officers Present place of posting New place of posting 1. 2 3 4 1. Pi G. Lalhmingthangi District Social Welfare Of ficer, Saiha District Social Welfare Of ficer, Lunglei 2. Pi Nukungi Zote District Social Welfare Of ficer, Lunglei District Social Welfare Of ficer, Saiha Sl. No. 1 will move first. They should join their respective new places of posting on or before 15.02.2013 positively . Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commr . & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 No.A.19029/12/2004-EDC/Pt, the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the age of superannuation age of 62 (sixty two) years on 28.02.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu K. Liantuala, Associate Professor , Department of Mizo, Govt. Hrangbana College on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.02.2013 (A/N) under Rules 35 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 read with Para 16.1.0 of the UGCNorms adopted by the Govt. of Mizoram. Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Malsawmdawngliana, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Deptt. No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 No.A.22012/3/03-P&AR(CSW), the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pi Irene Z. Chawngthu, MCS, OSD,Mizoram House, New Delhi as Deputy Secretary , DP&AR (CSW) with immediate effect and until further order . No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 No.A.19015/330/201 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 AR(SSW)/10, the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On her attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pi Vanlalsawmi, Superintendent, DIET , Aizawl from Government service on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.02.2013 (A/N). No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P No.A.12025/1/2012-P AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 AR(SSW)/64, the 7 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No. 25/A/94-MPSC, Vol-II dated 1 1.07.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Assistants to Grade-V of MSS (Superintendent/Junior Analyst/ - 6 - R-7/2013 No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW No.A.22013/1/2005-PW , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 , the 13 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In continuation to this Department’ s Notification of even numbers dated 15.1 1.2012 and 24.1.2013 and Corrigendum No.A.22013/1/2005-PW/177 dated 30.1 1.2012 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pi Laltlanthangi Ralte, AE/SDO will draw her pay and allowances against the post of AE, PIU, ADB Project with ef fect from the date of relinquising the post of AE, Easterm Circle till the date she assumes the char ge of SFO(TC), Mamit Division (attached to Mizoram House, New Delhi). Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Public Works Department. No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST No.A.19071/1/88-FST , the 12 , the 12 , the 12 , the 12 , the 12 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu B. Rokima, DFO, Kawrthah Forests Division,Environment & Forests Department from Government Service on his attaining the age of 60 years on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.2.2013 (A/N). L.T L.T L.T L.T L.T ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 No.A.38012/2/2012-EDN, the 14 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On attaining the superannuation age of 60 years, the Goveror of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Headmasters from Government Service with effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N) on Superannuation Pension. 1) Vanlalhruaia, Bungkawn M/S-I 2) R.C. Zahluna,Suangpuilawn M/S-I 3) S. Vanlalnunga, LCM M/S 4) R.L. Buatsaiha, Oriental M/S N. Vanlaiphai 5) Siamhmingthanga, Khawlailung M/S-I 6) R. Rozama, Lungdai M/S-IThe senior most Teacher of the School concerned should take char ge of daily routine works from the retiring Headmasters respectively till regular Headmaster is posted. K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.a.1201 No.a.1201 No.a.1201 No.a.1201 No.a.1201 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 1/33/2007-LJD/224, the 12 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Mizoram Compulsory Registration of Marriages Act, 2007 (Act of No. 7 of 2007), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persons as Registrar of Marriges for Lunglei District, Lawngtlai District and Mamit District with immediate ef fect and until further order. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registrar Name of Registration Name of Registration Name of Registration Name of Registration Name of Registration Area/V Area/V Area/V Area/V Area/V illage. illage. illage. illage. illage. Designation Designation Designation Designation Designation 1 2 3 4 1. Poran Kisto Chakma Malsury, Lunglei District H/M. P/S-I 2. MC. Zirkungi Mt. Hermon Unit, Tawipui ‘S’ Lunglei District P/S. Teacher 3. Dharmajoy Chakma Sumasumi, Lunglei District H/M/P/S 4. Tara Chand Chakma Tablabagh, Lunglei District i/c. H/M. P/S 5. Chandra Kumar Chakma Andermanik, Mamit District H/M. P/S - 8 - R-7/2013 Members:(1) Pu Lalramliana (2) Pu C. Lalbiakngheta (3) Pu Mangchhuana (4) Pu H. Lalremsanga Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.F No.F No.F No.F No.F .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 .23012/3/2012-GAD, the 7 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare 23.2.2013 (Saturday) as public holiday within 8-Chalfilh (ST) Assembly Constituency so that all the eligible voters of constituency may exercise their right to franchise on 23.2.2013 in connection with by-election to 8- Chalfilh (ST) Assemble Constituency . Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar ,, ,, , Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administration Department. CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM No.A.2401 No.A.2401 No.A.2401 No.A.2401 No.A.2401 1/3/201 1/3/201 1/3/201 1/3/201 1/3/201 1-T 1-T 1-T 1-T 1-T OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 OUR, the 8 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In partial modification of this office order No.A.2401 1/3/2011-TOUR dt. 10.12.2012. The pay scale of Miss R. Lalrinchhani, Tourist Of ficer under T ourism Department reflected as P .B-II Rs. 9,300-84,000 + Rs. 4800 GP pm should be read as PB-II Rs. 9,300-34,800 + Rs. 4,800 GP p.m C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, C. Lalzarliana, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .16016/5/2012-F .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 .IF&SL, the 13 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public services and for generation of additional revenues and in terms of Rule 3 (3) of Lottery (Regulation) Rules, 2010 of Governmentof India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to introduce and organize, Poila Baisakh Bumper Lotterythrough Director of IF&SL with the following descriptions :- 1. Name of Lottery Scheme -Poila Baisakh Bumper Details of the Scheme attached at Annex - A 2. Distributor/Selling Agent-M/s Teesta Distributors T-19(D), Peace Villa Beside PWD Building Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl 3. Draw Place -Directorate of Instutional Finance and S tate Lottery, T uikhuahtlang, Aizawl. The revenues generated from the sale proceeds of the tickets shall be invested for the Welfare of Health Care, Education, Public Sanitation and other Social Services Sector . By order etc. FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department, (IF&SL) - 10 - R-7/2013 i) Interval between the draw:Draw Time : 4:00 PM Onwards j) The place where the draw shall be conducted : Directorate of Institutional Finance & S tate Lottery, Mizoram : Aizawl, k) The procedure for drawing the prize winning tickets or prize winners : As mentioned above. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1013/1/201 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 1-HM (HG), the 13 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and in supercession of this Department’ s Notification issued vide No.A.1 1013/1/2011-HM (HG) dt. 7.12.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order creation and filling up of the following posts under Mizoram Home Guar ds. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Sl.No. Name of posts Name of posts Name of posts Name of posts Name of posts No. of posts No. of posts No. of posts No. of posts No. of posts Scale of pay Scale of pay Scale of pay Scale of pay Scale of pay Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks 1. Staff Nurse 3 nosPB-2 Rs.9300-34,800 + 2 nos for CTI Sesawng and 1(one) GP 4400/- for M.I. Room at Chawlhhmun 2. Laboratory Asst.1 no PB-1 Rs.5200-20,200 + For CTI Sesawng GP 2400/- This issues with the approval of DP&AR (AR W) vide their I.D. ARW/HM (HG)/2012-13/C-153 dt. 7.8.2012 and concurrence of Finance Department’ s vide their I.D. No.1546/2012 dt. 6.2.2013. The bove posts shall be filled up as per prescribed Recruitment Rules under Mizoram Home Guard Department. This supersedes this Department’ s Notification No.A.11013/1/2011-HM (HG) dt. 7.12.2012. Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Zaithanmawii Ralte, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P 1012/2/97-P AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 AR(SSW)/130, the 7 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accord sanction to the retention of 61 (sixty one) temporary posts under various Departments as shown in the Annexure for another period of 1 (one) year with ef fect from 01.03.2013 - 28.02.2014. The expenditure will be debitable to the Head of Accounts as shown against each. The issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their ID. No. FIN(E) 1535/2012 dt. 04.02.2013. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. ST ST ST ST ST AA AA ATEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT TEMENT SHOWING SHOWING SHOWING SHOWING SHOWING TEMPORA TEMPORA TEMPORA TEMPORA TEMPORA TY TY TY TY TY POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS TT TT TO BE RET O BE RET O BE RET O BE RET O BE RET AINED FOR AINED FOR AINED FOR AINED FOR AINED FOR THE THE THE THE THE YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 YEAR 2013-2014 Sl. Name of Post No. ofScale of Name of Creation LastHead of No. PostPay Department/ order No.retention No. Account Office & Date 1. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 Dte. of LADNo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2217-Urban Development (NP) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 05-Other Urban Dev . Scheme Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Admn. 01-Direction 2. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 Dte. of H&TENo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2202-(Gen. Education) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 03-University & Higher & Edn. Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration001(01)-Direction 001(01)(01)-Salary (NP) 3. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 C.E., PWDNo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2059-R&B (NP) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600(Building) PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80/001(1)-Direction Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.201180/001(01)(01)-Salary of OfficersEstt. 4. Deputy Director (Admn.) 1PB 3 15600-39100 C.E., PWDNo. A. 11015/1/2007- No. A. 11012/2/97- 3054-R&B (NP) (Grade-IV of MSS) + 6600(Highway) PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80/001(01)-Direction Dt. 23.01.2007 Dt. 16.05.201180/001(01)(01)-Salary - 12 - R-7/2013 19.Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 LAD, DLAO,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2070-Other Admn. Service (LAD) + 4400 Champhai/ PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Kolasib/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011800-Other Expenditure Serchhip (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 20. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Industries, DicNo. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2851-Village & Small Industries + 4400 Champhai/ PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Serchhip/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011102-Small Scale Industries Kolasib (03)-Dist. Industries Centers(01)-Salaries (NP) 21. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Taxation, No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2040-Taxes on Sales, Trade + 4400 Taxation Circle PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Office, Serchhip Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Champhai/Saiha (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 22. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Agriculture(CH),No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2401-Crop Husbandry + 4400 DAO, Serchhip PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Lawngtlai/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Champhai (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 23. Head Assistant 4PB 2 9300-34,800 School Edn.,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2202-General Education + 4400 DEO, Champhai PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 02-Seconday Education Serchhip/Mamit/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011101(01)-Inspection (NP) Kolasib (01)-Salaries 24. Head Assistant 2PB 2 9300-34,800 Minor Irrigation,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2702-Minor Irrigation + 4400 DAE, Champhai/ PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Kolasib Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration(02)-Administration(01)-Salaries (NP) 25. Head Assistant 1PB 2 9300-34,800 PHE,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2215-Water Supply & Sanitation + 4400 Sewerage & PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 01-Water Supply Drainage Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Circle (02)-Administration(01)-Salaries (NP) 26. Head Assistant 1PB 2 9300-34,800 PHE,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2215-Water Supply & Sanitation + 4400 E-in-CPAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 01-Water Supply Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration(02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 27. Head Assistant 2PB 2 9300-34,800 Sericulture,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2851-Village & Small + 4400 DSO,PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Champhai/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011107-Sericulture Industries Serchhip (02)-Administration (01)-Salaries (NP) 28. Head Assistant 3PB 2 9300-34,800 Co-operation,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2425-Co-operation + 4400 ARCS,PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Champhai/ Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Serchhip/ (02)-Administration Kolasib (01)-Salaries (NP) 29. Head Assistant 2PB 2 9300-34,800 Fisheries,No. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2405_Fisheries + 4400 Fisheries PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Development Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011001-Direction & Administration Officer, Aizawl/ (02)-Administration Lunglei (01)-Salaries (NP) 30. Stenographer 1PB 3 15600-39100 DC, LungleiNo. A. 11013/1/2008- No. A. 11012/2/97- 2053-District Administration Grade-I + 5400PAR (SSW) PAR (SSW)Pt 80-General Dt. 10.10.2008 Dt. 16.05.2011093-Dist. Establishment0-DC, Lunglei (NP) (01)-Salaries Grand T otal 61 - 14 - R-7/2013 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP No.B.14016/30/2013-ARCOOP (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 (SCP)/2, the 23 rd rd rd rd rd January January January January January , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Under Section 10 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act 9 of 2006) a Cooperative Society under the name of the Thenzawl Thenzawl Thenzawl Thenzawl Thenzawl WW WW Women Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. omen Grower Cooperative Society Ltd. in the District of Serchhip, Serchhip, Serchhip, Serchhip, Serchhip, Mizoram has been this day registered in my Office and Numbered as SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 SCP-29/2012-2013 dated this day the 23 23 23 23 23 day of January January January January January in the year 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Anno Domini. Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar ,, ,, , Cooperative Societies, Serchhip District, Serchhip. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 .Est/195, the 12 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and as per the approval of the Principal Accountant General, Mizoram vide No.TMC/New Treasury/2012-13/803 dt.28.01.2013,the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order opening of a new Treasury at Chawngte (Kamalanagar) to be functional with effect from 19.02.2013. The jurisdiction of the Chawngte (Kamalanagar) Treasury shall be within the administrative area of SDO (Civil) Chawngte, Lawngtlai District and all the financial transaction of the Treasury shall be done with the State Bank of India, Chawngte Branch. This issue with the approval of General Administration Department vide their ID.No.GAD : 671/ 2013 dt. 12.2.2013. FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. - 16 - R-7/2013Non-functional (NF) promotion to Dr. Lalrinliana Sailo for encadrement and notional upgradation to Grade-II w.e.f. 18.5.1983, Grade - I w.e.f. 18.5.1988 and Special Grade of Specialist Sub-Cadre of MHS in the scale of pay of Rs. 14300 - 18300/- pm. (Pre-revised) i.e. Rs. 15600 - 39100 + 7600 GP (Revised) pm. w.e.f. 18.5.1993. Extension of re-employment in respect of Pu S. Bhattacherjee, Stenographer Sr. Grade-I (Rtd.) as APS to His Excellency, the Governor of Mizoram for a period of 6 (six) months w.e.f. 01.03.2013 to 31.08.2013.
Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICA TIONS No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of the MPSC issued vide No. 48/A/2010-MPSC dt. 1.2.2013 based on MHS Rules, 2009 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order non-functional (NF) promotion to Dr . Lalrinliana Sailo for encadrement and notional upgradation to Grade-II w .e.f. 18.5.1983, Grade - I w.e.f. 18.5.1988 and Special Grade of Specialist Sub-Cadre of MHS in the scale of pay of Rs. 14300 - 18300/- pm. (Pre-revised)i.e. Rs. 15600 - 39100 + 7600 GP (Revised) pm. w.e.f. 18.5.1993. However , the officer will enjoy pay and allowances w .e.f. 1.6.2007 as admissible from time to time. The officer shall continue to remain at his present place of posting Directorate of Hospital & Medical Education, until further orders. The officer shall be entitled to a Non-practicing allowance as may be determined by the Govt. from time to time as per MHS Rules, 2009. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of re-employment in respect of Pu S. Bhattacherjee,S tenographer Sr . Grade-I (Rtd.) as APS to His Excellency , the Governor of Mizoram for a period of 6 (six) months w .e.f. 01.03.2013 to 31.08.2013. This issues with the approval of the DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. GSW . 22/2013/2938 dated 25.02.2013. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 1.3.2013 Phalguna 10, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 9 RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 1/- per page - 2 - R-9/2013 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu V.L. Hmachhuana, Fisheries Extension Of ficer to the post of Deputy Director (CSS) on deputation initially for a period of one (1) year with effect from the date of joining. The Officer shall draw his own Grade Pay in the parent Cadre without deputation (duty) allowance as per Deptt.of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (GSW) OM. No. A. 35011/1/2008-P&AR(GSW) Dt. 19.8.2010. This issues with the approval of Deptt. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (GSW) vide their I.D. No. GSW/43/2013/3047 Dt. 21.2.2013. Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.4501 No.A.4501 No.A.4501 No.A.4501 No.A.4501 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In supersession of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department’ s Notification No. A. 5011/1/2008-DMR dt. 5.5.201 1 and in exercise of the power conferred under Section 5(1) of the R TI Act, 2005 (No. 22 of 2005) and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi Thanhliri, Deputy Director, Directorate of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department as State Public Information Officer in respect ofDirectorate of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation with immediate effect and until further orders. PP PP P .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the DPC, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu L. Rozuala, ExtensionOfficer (Handloom) to the post of Handloom Officer under Industries Department (Handloom & Handicraft W ing) in the Pay Band 2 of ^ 9300 - 34800+GP ^ 4400/-pm. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the post. This promotion is made against the post created vide Notification No. A. 11013/1 1/81-IND Dt. 23.1.1982 as Weaving Superintendent and re-designated as Handloom Of ficer vide No. A. 11015/1/88-IND Dt. 18.3.1992, and conferred to Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) status vide Notification No. A. 12031/1/07- P&AR(AR W)/104 Dt. 24.8.201 1. On his promotion to Handloom Of ficer, he will be posted at Directorate of Industries (Handloom & Handicraft Wing). PP PP P .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu R. Chalkhuma, Development Engineer , Local Administration Department from Government Service on Superannuation Pension with effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N). C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer of Pu Vanlalawmpuia, Employment Of ficer, District Employment - 3 -R-9/2013 Exchange, Aizawl to the District Employment Exchange Of fice, Saiha and shall function as District Employment Of ficer (DEO) Saiha, Employment Of ficer, District Employment Exchange, Lawngtlai and Principal ITI, Saiha without any extra financial benefits with immediate effect and until further orders. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour , Employment & Industrial Training Department. No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the service of Pu J. Mokhu, Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service Officer, currently posted as Joint Director (Accounts), Office of the Engineer-in-Chief, PWD for a period of 1 (one) month with effect from 1.3.2013 upto 31.3.2013 (A/N). On extension of his service, he shall continue to be posted as Joint Director (Accounts), Office of the Engineer -in-Chief, PWD until further order . This issues with the approval of the Hon’ble Finance Minister dt. 28.1.2013 and the approval of DP&AR (AR W) vide ID. No. GSW . 22/2013/3014 dt. 18.2.2013. VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the services of Pi Lalsawmi, Addl. Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram at the disposal of the Mizoram S tate Information Commission as Secretary , Mizoram State Information Commission, in her own Grade pay for another period of 6 (six) months with effect from 1.3.2013-31.8.2013without any deputation (duty) allowance as contained in para 2 of the Of fice Memorandum No. A. 35011/1/ 2008-P&AR (GSW) Dt. 19.08.2010. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) ID. No. GSW . 20/2013/2838 dated 21.02.2013. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 132/A/03-MPSC dt. 31.1.2013,the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Divisional Accountants to Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service in the scale of PB-3 ^ 15600-39100 + GP ^ 5400/-pm. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the place of posting - 1.Pu Hautluanga Hauhnar 2.Pu Vanhmingliana On the promotion, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post them against the post shown against each in the table below - Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks 1. Pu Hautluanga Hauhnar Minor Irrigation, Kolasib Treasury Of ficer, Tlabung Vacant 2. Pu Vanhmingliana AWSP Division, PHE, AizawlFAO, PWD (Roads) Vacant - 4 - R-9/2013 Further, Pu Hautluanga Hauhnar shall remain attached in the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries until further order . FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service in respect of Pu Zochungnunga, Director , Higher & Technical Education Department for another period of 6 (six) months w .e.f. 01.12.2013 to 31.07.2013. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide their I.D. No. GSW . 7/2013/2012 dt. 14.02.2013. Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department. No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service in respect of Pu Lian G . Khiangte, Associate Professor , Commerce Department, Govt. Hrangbana College, Aizawl for a period of 6 (six) months w.e.f. 01.03.2013 to 31.08.2013. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide their I.D. No. GSW . 22/2013/3014 dt 18.02.2013. Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of MPSC and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Executive Engineer (Engineering Grade-IV) to the post of Superintending Engineer (Engineering Grade-III) underPHE Department on of ficiating basis in the scale of pay of P .B. 4 Rs. 37400-67000/- + GP Rs. 8700/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. 1.Pu Lalrammawia 2.Pu H. Duhkima On promotion to SE, they are posted to the post against their names. 1. Pu Lalrammawia SE (Investigation), CE (M&I) Office (with additional charge of E.O to C.E) 2. Pu H. Duhkima SE (Monitoring), CE (M&I) Of fice (with additional charge of EE, Aizawl W ater Distribution Division) No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of MPSC and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following AE/SDO (Engineering Grade-V) to the post of Executive Engineer (Engineering Grade-IV) under PHE Departmenton of ficiating basis in the scale of pay of P .B. 3 Rs. 15600-39100/- + GP Rs. 6600/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. 1.Pu Lalsanga 2.Pi Helen Rodingliani On promotion to EE, they are posted to the post against their names. - 5 -R-9/2013 1. Pu Lalsanga EE ( Planning ) Rural WATSAN Circle, Aizawl (attached to E-in-C of fice) 2. Pi Helen Rodingliani EE (Monitoring), CE (M&I) office Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer of Pu K. Zairema, Forest Ranger , Kanhmun Forest Range to the Forest Protection Division with immediate ef fect and until further order. Pu C. Lalrinmuana, Forest Ranger , Kawrthah Forest Range shall take the char ge of Kanhmun Forest Range in addition to present posting without any extra financial benefit till posting of Range Officer in Kanhmun Forest Range on regular basis. This issues with the approval of Joint Chief Electoral Of ficer, Mizoram vide No. C. 23016/3/2008- CEO/Pt-II dt. 22.2.2013. J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Er . C. Lianthangpuia, EE, PHE Department to the post of S tate Coordinator under Communication and Capacity Development Unit (CCDU) on deputation basis for aperiod of 2 (two) years from the date of joining on the following terms and conditions :- 1. He shall draw his own grade pay in the parent cadre without deputation (duty) allowances as per DP&AR (GSW) O.M. No. A. 35011/1/2008-P&AR (GSW) dt. 19.8.2010. 2. Leave salary and pension contribution in respect of the officer shall be credited regularly by the borrowing organization. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) I.D. No. GSW . 27/2013/389 dt. 21.2.2013. Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to approve extension of service beyond the date of superannuation in respect of Pu Lalbiakthanga, MCS, Election Of ficer, Aizawl for a period of 1 (one) month with ef fect from 01.03.2013 to 31.03.2013. No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to withdraw this Department’ s Notification No. A. 22015/4/2010-P AR(SSW)/18 dated 04.02.2013 with immediate effect. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 6 - R-9/2013 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 93/A/95-MPSC dated 15.2.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following of ficers of Grade-V of Mizoram Agriculture Service (AEO and its equivalent posts) to Grade-IV of M.A.S (SDAO and its equivalent posts) in the scaleof PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay - 6100/-pm plus other allowances as admissible from time to timewith effect from the date of taking over charge in their respective place of posting. B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder BA BA BA BA BA TT TT T Holder Holder Holder Holder Holder 1. Pu R. Vanlalchhuanga 1.Pu R. Hranghrima 2. Pu Ngurrinsanga Sailo 2.Pu K. Vanlalrema Consequent upon the promotion of the above Officers and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Of ficers of Grade-IV of Mizoram Agriculture Service as follows : Sl. No. Name of Officer New Place of Posting Remarks 1. Pu R. Hranghrima SMS (Agro), DAO Office, Mamit Vacant 2. Pu K. Vanlalrema Instructor, ITC, Hnahthial Vacant 3. Pu R. Vanlalchhuanga SDAO, Khawzawl Vice B. Lalhmuchhuaka transferred 4. Pu Ngurrinsanga Sailo SMS (SS), DAO Office, Saiha Vice C. Lalzarliana transferred 5. Pu B. Lalhmuchhuaka SMS (RS), DAO Office, Champhai Vacant 6. Pu C. Lalzarliana Instructor, ITC Hnahthial Vacant 7. Pu R. Zoramthanga SDAO, Kawrtethawveng Vice V.L. Hmangaihchhunga transferred 8. Pu V.L. Hmangaihchhunga SMS (Forestry), DAO Office, Serchhip Vice Pu R. Zoramthanga transferred The whole process of handling and taking over of charge should be completed within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification. Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu Lalthlamuana, MCS, ASO, Dte. of LR&S as Assistant Director , LAD with immediate ef fect and until further order . C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of Section 20 of the Code of Procedure 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalchhanhima, MCS Officer as Executive Magistrate within Kolasib District withimmediate effect and so long as he hold the posts unless sooner withdrawn. PP PP P . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law and Judicial Department. - 7 -R-9/2013 No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW , the 22 , the 22 , the 22 , the 22 , the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Ngurkhuma, Community Health Of ficer, Thenzawl CHC from service w .e.f. 22.2.2013 (AN). Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the age of Superannuation Pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Engineers under PWD from Government Service with ef fect from the afternoon of 28th February , 2013. 1. Pu Tlanghmingthanga, Senior Executive Engineer , PWD, Building Circle. 2. Pu M.D. Illias, Executive Engineer , PWD, Eastern Circle. Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration r elating to Land and Forest etc., by the S tate Govt. and Head of Depar tments. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.F No.F No.F No.F No.F .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In supersession of this Department’ s Notification of even No. Dt. 5.01.2000, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to enhance Advertisement Rates in local Newspaper as follows with immediate ef fect and until further order. Classification Classification Classification Classification Classification Existing Rate Existing Rate Existing Rate Existing Rate Existing Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate 1. Classified Advertisement ^ 80/- per column ^ 100/- per column 2. Display Advertisement ^ 2500/- per full page ^ 3000/- per full page This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Govt. of Mizoram vide their I.D. No. FIN(E) 1593/2013 Dt. 18.2.2013. C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order upgradation of 6 (six) posts of Constable (GD) to Head Constable(GD) in the scale of pay of PB-1 ^ 5200 - 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- under MPRO, Police Department. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (AR W) vide their I.D. No. ARW/HMP/2012-13/B-282 dt. 3.1.2013 and concurrence of Finance Department (E) vide their I.D. No. FIN(E) 1699/2012 dt. 25.2.2013. K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. - 8 - R-9/2013 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Due to non-availability of eligible candidate and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to brought forward the vacancy year of 1 (one) post of Senior X-Ray Technician under Health & Family Welfare Department which falls during 2007-2008 to the year 2012-2013. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In partial modification of this Department’ s Notification of even No. dt. 18.2.2013, the debitable head of account appearing as 2210-Medical & Public Health (HME) 01 -Urban Health Services (Allopathy) 1 10 - Hospital & Dispensary (NP) 51 -Hospy & Dispy 01 -Salary may be read as 2210 -Medical & Public Health (HS) 01 -Urban Health Services (Allopathy) 1 10 - Hospital & Dispensary (NP) 51 -Hospy & Dispy 01 -Salary Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Khawruhlian Village Council Member Pu Lawmnakima a ban tak avangin Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(7) tlawhchhanin Khawruhlian Village Council ah hian seat khat (1) a ruak ta tih a puang a. Chutichuan, Khawruhlian Village Council Executive Body insiamremna chu Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(1) leh section 15 na hmangin Khawruhlian V .C. Vice President atan Pu P .C. Lalrindika leh V.C. Treasurer atan Pu Lalrova te chu a ruat a ni. Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In continuation to this Department’ s Notification No. G . 17015/1/96-F. Est/195 dt. 12.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow the Drawing & Disbursing Of ficers listed below to carry out all the financial transactions with Treasury Of fice, Chawngte with immediate effect and until further order - 1.Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil), Chawngte. 2. Block Development Of ficer, Chawngte. - 9 -R-9/2013 3. Senior Medical Of ficer, Chawngte. 4. Child Development Project Of ficer, Chawngte. 5. Employment Of ficer, Chawngte. 6. Sub-Divisional Veterinary Of ficer, Chawngte. 7. Headmaster , Govt. High School, Chawngte. 8. Executive Secretary , Chakma Autonomous District Council, Chawngte. FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Pu K. Vanlaltluanga, Hmuntha Village Council Member chu a lo boral tak avangin Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(7) tlawhchhanin Hmuntha Village Council ah hian Seat khat a ruak tih a puang a. Chutichuan, Hmuntha Village Council Executive Body insiamthatna chu Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(1) leh section 15 nate hmangin heng a hnuaia mi ang hian a siam tha e. President -Pu H. Lalzuitluanga V ice President & Treasurer -Pu R. Lalthanmawia Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In terms of Para 3.4 of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of Associate Professor (Stage-4) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No. 2/4/2013-MPSC/Pt dt. 4.2.2013 conveyed by DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. A. 32013/11/2007-P&AR (GSW) dt. 18.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the following 28 (twenty eight) Lecturers (Selection Grade)/Assistant Professors (Stage-3)to Associate Professor (S tage-4) in the scale of pay of Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP of Rs. 9000/-pm as listed in the Annexure appended herewith w .e.f. the date as shown against their names. K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ( Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) Sl. Sl. Sl. Sl. Sl. Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Effective date of Effective date of Effective date of Effective date of Effective date of No. No. No. No. No. Placement Placement Placement Placement Placement to to to to to Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Stage-4 Stage-4 Stage-4 Stage-4 Stage-4 1. Pu Remlalnghaka, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 08.05.2012 Govt. Lawngtlai College 2. Dr. Jangkhongam Doungel, Reader , Deptt. of Political Science, 08.05.2012 Govt. Lawngtlai College 3. Pu Remlalsiama, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Physics, 21.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College - 10 - R-9/2013 4. Pu Lawrence Zonunmawia, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Physics,22.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 5. Pi C. Zarzokimi, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Zoology, 18.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 6. Pi Lalrammawii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Home Science, 14.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 7. Pi Vanlalawmi, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt . of Home Science 13.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 8. Pi Lalrinsangi Nghinglova, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of English14.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 9. Pi R. Lalramengzami, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Chemistry 18.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 10. Pi H. Lalengzuali, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 17.09.2011 Govt. Hrangbana College 1 1. Pi Laldinpuii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Economics, 08.01.2012 Govt. Hrangbana College 12. Pu Vanlalpeka, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Economics, 13.05.2012 Govt. Hrangbana College 13. Pi Zomuani Cherpoot, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of English, 19.05.2012 Govt. Hrangbana College 14. Pu Jamkhokam Touthang, Lecturer (Sel.Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 09.06.2012 Govt. Saitual College 15. Pi Lalmuanpuii Khiangte, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of History,27.03.2012 Lunglei Govt. College 16. Pu Bilal Ahmed, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of History, 26.05.2012 Govt. Mamit College 17. Pi Janet Lalthanpari, Lecturer (Sel. Gr . ) Deptt. of English, 01.07.2012 Govt. Aizawl College 18. Pi Zolianzuali, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Commerce, 13.05.2012 Govt. Aizawl College 19. Pi H. Lalbiakzuali, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Mizo, 26.06.2012 Govt. T. Romana College 20. Pi Ramdinliani, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 01.07.2012 Govt. T. Romana College 21. Dr.Vansanglura, Reader , Deptt. of Education, 06.06.2012 Govt. J. Buana College 22. Pu Benjamin Lalduhawma, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of History,13.05.2012 Govt. Aizawl North College 23. Pi Thanchhungi Hmar , Lecturer (Sel. Gr.) Deptt. of Eduation, 15.05.2012 Govt. Aizawl North College 24. Pi Mary Lalromawii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Economics, 13.05.2012 Govt. J. Buana College 25. Pi Zonunthara, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Chemistry, 18.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 26. Pi Janet Vanlalhlimpuii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Public Administration, 15.07.2012 Govt. Aizawl West College 27. Pi K. Lalmuanpuii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Public Administration, 01.08.2012 Govt. Aizawl West College 28. Pu R. Lalrochama, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Zoology, 08.06.2012 Lunglei Govt. College - 11 -R-9/2013 No.B.1 No.B.1 No.B.1 No.B.1 No.B.1 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In partial modification of this Department Notification even No. dt. 13.9.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include President of Central YMA, Mizoram as one of the members in the Multi Disciplinary Committee under Tuirial Hydro Electric Project, Mizoram with immediate ef fect and until further order. J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. PART - IX Adver tisements, Notices (T ender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower ’’ ’’ ’ s Society s Society s Society s Society s Society having office at Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development having office at Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl VV VV V englai, englai, englai, englai, englai, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 stst stst st February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Minorities and Minorities and Minorities and Minorities and Minorities and TT TT T ribal ribal ribal ribal ribal WW WW W elfare Society elfare Society elfare Society elfare Society elfare Society having office at TT TT T uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 stst stst st February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer ’’ ’’ ’ s Society s Society s Society s Society s Society having office at Muanna Muanna Muanna Muanna Muanna VV VV V eng, eng, eng, eng, eng, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 stst stst st February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) DERIELA DERIELA DERIELA DERIELA DERIELA having of fice at Ramthar Ramthar Ramthar Ramthar Ramthar VV VV V eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei has been registered on 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana VV VV V arte, arte, arte, arte, arte, Registrar , Firms & Societies, Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500
Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICA TIONS No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW No.A.32021/3/2012-HFW , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of the MPSC issued vide No. 48/A/2010-MPSC dt. 1.2.2013 based on MHS Rules, 2009 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order non-functional (NF) promotion to Dr . Lalrinliana Sailo for encadrement and notional upgradation to Grade-II w .e.f. 18.5.1983, Grade - I w.e.f. 18.5.1988 and Special Grade of Specialist Sub-Cadre of MHS in the scale of pay of Rs. 14300 - 18300/- pm. (Pre-revised)i.e. Rs. 15600 - 39100 + 7600 GP (Revised) pm. w.e.f. 18.5.1993. However , the officer will enjoy pay and allowances w .e.f. 1.6.2007 as admissible from time to time. The officer shall continue to remain at his present place of posting Directorate of Hospital & Medical Education, until further orders. The officer shall be entitled to a Non-practicing allowance as may be determined by the Govt. from time to time as per MHS Rules, 2009. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P No.A.19017/18/97-P AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 AR(SSW)/74, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of re-employment in respect of Pu S. Bhattacherjee,S tenographer Sr . Grade-I (Rtd.) as APS to His Excellency , the Governor of Mizoram for a period of 6 (six) months w .e.f. 01.03.2013 to 31.08.2013. This issues with the approval of the DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. GSW . 22/2013/2938 dated 25.02.2013. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 1.3.2013 Phalguna 10, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 9 RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 1/- per page - 2 - R-9/2013 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 No.A.32015/3/12-FS, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu V.L. Hmachhuana, Fisheries Extension Of ficer to the post of Deputy Director (CSS) on deputation initially for a period of one (1) year with effect from the date of joining. The Officer shall draw his own Grade Pay in the parent Cadre without deputation (duty) allowance as per Deptt.of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (GSW) OM. No. A. 35011/1/2008-P&AR(GSW) Dt. 19.8.2010. This issues with the approval of Deptt. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (GSW) vide their I.D. No. GSW/43/2013/3047 Dt. 21.2.2013. Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Lalthansanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.4501 No.A.4501 No.A.4501 No.A.4501 No.A.4501 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 1/1/2008-DMR, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In supersession of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department’ s Notification No. A. 5011/1/2008-DMR dt. 5.5.201 1 and in exercise of the power conferred under Section 5(1) of the R TI Act, 2005 (No. 22 of 2005) and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate Pi Thanhliri, Deputy Director, Directorate of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department as State Public Information Officer in respect ofDirectorate of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation with immediate effect and until further orders. PP PP P .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 1017/1/2008-IND, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the DPC, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu L. Rozuala, ExtensionOfficer (Handloom) to the post of Handloom Officer under Industries Department (Handloom & Handicraft W ing) in the Pay Band 2 of ^ 9300 - 34800+GP ^ 4400/-pm. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the post. This promotion is made against the post created vide Notification No. A. 11013/1 1/81-IND Dt. 23.1.1982 as Weaving Superintendent and re-designated as Handloom Of ficer vide No. A. 11015/1/88-IND Dt. 18.3.1992, and conferred to Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) status vide Notification No. A. 12031/1/07- P&AR(AR W)/104 Dt. 24.8.201 1. On his promotion to Handloom Of ficer, he will be posted at Directorate of Industries (Handloom & Handicraft Wing). PP PP P .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, .C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 No.A.19015/10/2010-LAD, the 27 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu R. Chalkhuma, Development Engineer , Local Administration Department from Government Service on Superannuation Pension with effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N). C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 No.A.22013/1/84-L&E, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer of Pu Vanlalawmpuia, Employment Of ficer, District Employment - 3 -R-9/2013 Exchange, Aizawl to the District Employment Exchange Of fice, Saiha and shall function as District Employment Of ficer (DEO) Saiha, Employment Of ficer, District Employment Exchange, Lawngtlai and Principal ITI, Saiha without any extra financial benefits with immediate effect and until further orders. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour , Employment & Industrial Training Department. No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F No.A.19018/42/91-F . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 . Est/60, the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the service of Pu J. Mokhu, Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service Officer, currently posted as Joint Director (Accounts), Office of the Engineer-in-Chief, PWD for a period of 1 (one) month with effect from 1.3.2013 upto 31.3.2013 (A/N). On extension of his service, he shall continue to be posted as Joint Director (Accounts), Office of the Engineer -in-Chief, PWD until further order . This issues with the approval of the Hon’ble Finance Minister dt. 28.1.2013 and the approval of DP&AR (AR W) vide ID. No. GSW . 22/2013/3014 dt. 18.2.2013. VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 No.A.35018/3/201 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P 1-P AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 AR(SSW)/121, the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the services of Pi Lalsawmi, Addl. Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram at the disposal of the Mizoram S tate Information Commission as Secretary , Mizoram State Information Commission, in her own Grade pay for another period of 6 (six) months with effect from 1.3.2013-31.8.2013without any deputation (duty) allowance as contained in para 2 of the Of fice Memorandum No. A. 35011/1/ 2008-P&AR (GSW) Dt. 19.08.2010. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) ID. No. GSW . 20/2013/2838 dated 21.02.2013. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F No.A.12031/1/2012-F . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 . Est/43, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 132/A/03-MPSC dt. 31.1.2013,the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Divisional Accountants to Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service in the scale of PB-3 ^ 15600-39100 + GP ^ 5400/-pm. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of joining the place of posting - 1.Pu Hautluanga Hauhnar 2.Pu Vanhmingliana On the promotion, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post them against the post shown against each in the table below - Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting Present Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting New Place of Posting Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks 1. Pu Hautluanga Hauhnar Minor Irrigation, Kolasib Treasury Of ficer, Tlabung Vacant 2. Pu Vanhmingliana AWSP Division, PHE, AizawlFAO, PWD (Roads) Vacant - 4 - R-9/2013 Further, Pu Hautluanga Hauhnar shall remain attached in the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries until further order . FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 1-HTE/140, the 19 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service in respect of Pu Zochungnunga, Director , Higher & Technical Education Department for another period of 6 (six) months w .e.f. 01.12.2013 to 31.07.2013. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide their I.D. No. GSW . 7/2013/2012 dt. 14.02.2013. Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department. No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 No.A.40012/1/201 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 1-HTE/Pt-1/50, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service in respect of Pu Lian G . Khiangte, Associate Professor , Commerce Department, Govt. Hrangbana College, Aizawl for a period of 6 (six) months w.e.f. 01.03.2013 to 31.08.2013. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide their I.D. No. GSW . 22/2013/3014 dt 18.02.2013. Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Malsawmdawngliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of MPSC and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Executive Engineer (Engineering Grade-IV) to the post of Superintending Engineer (Engineering Grade-III) underPHE Department on of ficiating basis in the scale of pay of P .B. 4 Rs. 37400-67000/- + GP Rs. 8700/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. 1.Pu Lalrammawia 2.Pu H. Duhkima On promotion to SE, they are posted to the post against their names. 1. Pu Lalrammawia SE (Investigation), CE (M&I) Office (with additional charge of E.O to C.E) 2. Pu H. Duhkima SE (Monitoring), CE (M&I) Of fice (with additional charge of EE, Aizawl W ater Distribution Division) No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 No.A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of MPSC and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following AE/SDO (Engineering Grade-V) to the post of Executive Engineer (Engineering Grade-IV) under PHE Departmenton of ficiating basis in the scale of pay of P .B. 3 Rs. 15600-39100/- + GP Rs. 6600/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. 1.Pu Lalsanga 2.Pi Helen Rodingliani On promotion to EE, they are posted to the post against their names. - 5 -R-9/2013 1. Pu Lalsanga EE ( Planning ) Rural WATSAN Circle, Aizawl (attached to E-in-C of fice) 2. Pi Helen Rodingliani EE (Monitoring), CE (M&I) office Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Lalramthanga, IFS, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST No.A.32016/2/2012-FST , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer of Pu K. Zairema, Forest Ranger , Kanhmun Forest Range to the Forest Protection Division with immediate ef fect and until further order. Pu C. Lalrinmuana, Forest Ranger , Kawrthah Forest Range shall take the char ge of Kanhmun Forest Range in addition to present posting without any extra financial benefit till posting of Range Officer in Kanhmun Forest Range on regular basis. This issues with the approval of Joint Chief Electoral Of ficer, Mizoram vide No. C. 23016/3/2008- CEO/Pt-II dt. 22.2.2013. J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 No.A.12035/1/2007-PHE, the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Er . C. Lianthangpuia, EE, PHE Department to the post of S tate Coordinator under Communication and Capacity Development Unit (CCDU) on deputation basis for aperiod of 2 (two) years from the date of joining on the following terms and conditions :- 1. He shall draw his own grade pay in the parent cadre without deputation (duty) allowances as per DP&AR (GSW) O.M. No. A. 35011/1/2008-P&AR (GSW) dt. 19.8.2010. 2. Leave salary and pension contribution in respect of the officer shall be credited regularly by the borrowing organization. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) I.D. No. GSW . 27/2013/389 dt. 21.2.2013. Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 No.A.19015/67/82-APT(A), the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to approve extension of service beyond the date of superannuation in respect of Pu Lalbiakthanga, MCS, Election Of ficer, Aizawl for a period of 1 (one) month with ef fect from 01.03.2013 to 31.03.2013. No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P No.A.22015/4/2010-P AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 AR(SSW)/22, the 25 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to withdraw this Department’ s Notification No. A. 22015/4/2010-P AR(SSW)/18 dated 04.02.2013 with immediate effect. C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 6 - R-9/2013 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 No.A.32013/12/2012-AGR, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 93/A/95-MPSC dated 15.2.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following of ficers of Grade-V of Mizoram Agriculture Service (AEO and its equivalent posts) to Grade-IV of M.A.S (SDAO and its equivalent posts) in the scaleof PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay - 6100/-pm plus other allowances as admissible from time to timewith effect from the date of taking over charge in their respective place of posting. B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder B. Sc. (Agri.) Degree Holder BA BA BA BA BA TT TT T Holder Holder Holder Holder Holder 1. Pu R. Vanlalchhuanga 1.Pu R. Hranghrima 2. Pu Ngurrinsanga Sailo 2.Pu K. Vanlalrema Consequent upon the promotion of the above Officers and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Of ficers of Grade-IV of Mizoram Agriculture Service as follows : Sl. No. Name of Officer New Place of Posting Remarks 1. Pu R. Hranghrima SMS (Agro), DAO Office, Mamit Vacant 2. Pu K. Vanlalrema Instructor, ITC, Hnahthial Vacant 3. Pu R. Vanlalchhuanga SDAO, Khawzawl Vice B. Lalhmuchhuaka transferred 4. Pu Ngurrinsanga Sailo SMS (SS), DAO Office, Saiha Vice C. Lalzarliana transferred 5. Pu B. Lalhmuchhuaka SMS (RS), DAO Office, Champhai Vacant 6. Pu C. Lalzarliana Instructor, ITC Hnahthial Vacant 7. Pu R. Zoramthanga SDAO, Kawrtethawveng Vice V.L. Hmangaihchhunga transferred 8. Pu V.L. Hmangaihchhunga SMS (Forestry), DAO Office, Serchhip Vice Pu R. Zoramthanga transferred The whole process of handling and taking over of charge should be completed within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification. Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu Lalthlamuana, MCS, ASO, Dte. of LR&S as Assistant Director , LAD with immediate ef fect and until further order . C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, C. Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 No.A.46012/10/98-LJE/229, the 21 st st st st st February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of Section 20 of the Code of Procedure 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalchhanhima, MCS Officer as Executive Magistrate within Kolasib District withimmediate effect and so long as he hold the posts unless sooner withdrawn. PP PP P . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, . Singthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law and Judicial Department. - 7 -R-9/2013 No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW No.A.19022/32/2012-HFW , the 22 , the 22 , the 22 , the 22 , the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Ngurkhuma, Community Health Of ficer, Thenzawl CHC from service w .e.f. 22.2.2013 (AN). Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 No.A.38020/1/2003-PW/Pt/37, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the age of Superannuation Pension, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release the following Engineers under PWD from Government Service with ef fect from the afternoon of 28th February , 2013. 1. Pu Tlanghmingthanga, Senior Executive Engineer , PWD, Building Circle. 2. Pu M.D. Illias, Executive Engineer , PWD, Eastern Circle. Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration r elating to Land and Forest etc., by the S tate Govt. and Head of Depar tments. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.F No.F No.F No.F No.F .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 .14018/1/98-IPR, the 27 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In supersession of this Department’ s Notification of even No. Dt. 5.01.2000, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to enhance Advertisement Rates in local Newspaper as follows with immediate ef fect and until further order. Classification Classification Classification Classification Classification Existing Rate Existing Rate Existing Rate Existing Rate Existing Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate Enhancement Rate 1. Classified Advertisement ^ 80/- per column ^ 100/- per column 2. Display Advertisement ^ 2500/- per full page ^ 3000/- per full page This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Govt. of Mizoram vide their I.D. No. FIN(E) 1593/2013 Dt. 18.2.2013. C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, C. Lalthankhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP 1015/1/2004-HMP , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order upgradation of 6 (six) posts of Constable (GD) to Head Constable(GD) in the scale of pay of PB-1 ^ 5200 - 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- under MPRO, Police Department. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (AR W) vide their I.D. No. ARW/HMP/2012-13/B-282 dt. 3.1.2013 and concurrence of Finance Department (E) vide their I.D. No. FIN(E) 1699/2012 dt. 25.2.2013. K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, K. Riachho, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. - 8 - R-9/2013 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 No.A.3201 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW 1/2/2002-HFW , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Due to non-availability of eligible candidate and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to brought forward the vacancy year of 1 (one) post of Senior X-Ray Technician under Health & Family Welfare Department which falls during 2007-2008 to the year 2012-2013. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW No.A.12026/2/2010-HFW , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 , the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In partial modification of this Department’ s Notification of even No. dt. 18.2.2013, the debitable head of account appearing as 2210-Medical & Public Health (HME) 01 -Urban Health Services (Allopathy) 1 10 - Hospital & Dispensary (NP) 51 -Hospy & Dispy 01 -Salary may be read as 2210 -Medical & Public Health (HS) 01 -Urban Health Services (Allopathy) 1 10 - Hospital & Dispensary (NP) 51 -Hospy & Dispy 01 -Salary Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Thanhliri Pachuau, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 No.B.14017/79/02-LAD/VC, the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Khawruhlian Village Council Member Pu Lawmnakima a ban tak avangin Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(7) tlawhchhanin Khawruhlian Village Council ah hian seat khat (1) a ruak ta tih a puang a. Chutichuan, Khawruhlian Village Council Executive Body insiamremna chu Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(1) leh section 15 na hmangin Khawruhlian V .C. Vice President atan Pu P .C. Lalrindika leh V.C. Treasurer atan Pu Lalrova te chu a ruat a ni. Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F .17015/1/96-F . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 . Est/198, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In continuation to this Department’ s Notification No. G . 17015/1/96-F. Est/195 dt. 12.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to allow the Drawing & Disbursing Of ficers listed below to carry out all the financial transactions with Treasury Of fice, Chawngte with immediate effect and until further order - 1.Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil), Chawngte. 2. Block Development Of ficer, Chawngte. - 9 -R-9/2013 3. Senior Medical Of ficer, Chawngte. 4. Child Development Project Of ficer, Chawngte. 5. Employment Of ficer, Chawngte. 6. Sub-Divisional Veterinary Of ficer, Chawngte. 7. Headmaster , Govt. High School, Chawngte. 8. Executive Secretary , Chakma Autonomous District Council, Chawngte. FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 No.B.14022/30/12-LAD/VC, the 22 nd nd nd nd nd February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Pu K. Vanlaltluanga, Hmuntha Village Council Member chu a lo boral tak avangin Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(7) tlawhchhanin Hmuntha Village Council ah hian Seat khat a ruak tih a puang a. Chutichuan, Hmuntha Village Council Executive Body insiamthatna chu Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953 section 7(1) leh section 15 nate hmangin heng a hnuaia mi ang hian a siam tha e. President -Pu H. Lalzuitluanga V ice President & Treasurer -Pu R. Lalthanmawia Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.G No.G No.G No.G No.G .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 .12017/10/201 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 1-HTE/Pt/338, the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In terms of Para 3.4 of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of Associate Professor (Stage-4) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No. 2/4/2013-MPSC/Pt dt. 4.2.2013 conveyed by DP&AR (GSW) vide I.D. No. A. 32013/11/2007-P&AR (GSW) dt. 18.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the following 28 (twenty eight) Lecturers (Selection Grade)/Assistant Professors (Stage-3)to Associate Professor (S tage-4) in the scale of pay of Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP of Rs. 9000/-pm as listed in the Annexure appended herewith w .e.f. the date as shown against their names. K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ( Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G Annexure appended to Notification No. G . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 . 12017/10/201 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) 1-HTE/Pt/338 dated 25.02.2013) Sl. Sl. Sl. Sl. Sl. Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Name/Department/College Effective date of Effective date of Effective date of Effective date of Effective date of No. No. No. No. No. Placement Placement Placement Placement Placement to to to to to Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Stage-4 Stage-4 Stage-4 Stage-4 Stage-4 1. Pu Remlalnghaka, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 08.05.2012 Govt. Lawngtlai College 2. Dr. Jangkhongam Doungel, Reader , Deptt. of Political Science, 08.05.2012 Govt. Lawngtlai College 3. Pu Remlalsiama, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Physics, 21.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College - 10 - R-9/2013 4. Pu Lawrence Zonunmawia, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Physics,22.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 5. Pi C. Zarzokimi, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Zoology, 18.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 6. Pi Lalrammawii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Home Science, 14.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 7. Pi Vanlalawmi, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt . of Home Science 13.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 8. Pi Lalrinsangi Nghinglova, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of English14.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 9. Pi R. Lalramengzami, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Chemistry 18.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 10. Pi H. Lalengzuali, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 17.09.2011 Govt. Hrangbana College 1 1. Pi Laldinpuii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Economics, 08.01.2012 Govt. Hrangbana College 12. Pu Vanlalpeka, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Economics, 13.05.2012 Govt. Hrangbana College 13. Pi Zomuani Cherpoot, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of English, 19.05.2012 Govt. Hrangbana College 14. Pu Jamkhokam Touthang, Lecturer (Sel.Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 09.06.2012 Govt. Saitual College 15. Pi Lalmuanpuii Khiangte, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of History,27.03.2012 Lunglei Govt. College 16. Pu Bilal Ahmed, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of History, 26.05.2012 Govt. Mamit College 17. Pi Janet Lalthanpari, Lecturer (Sel. Gr . ) Deptt. of English, 01.07.2012 Govt. Aizawl College 18. Pi Zolianzuali, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Commerce, 13.05.2012 Govt. Aizawl College 19. Pi H. Lalbiakzuali, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Mizo, 26.06.2012 Govt. T. Romana College 20. Pi Ramdinliani, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Political Science, 01.07.2012 Govt. T. Romana College 21. Dr.Vansanglura, Reader , Deptt. of Education, 06.06.2012 Govt. J. Buana College 22. Pu Benjamin Lalduhawma, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of History,13.05.2012 Govt. Aizawl North College 23. Pi Thanchhungi Hmar , Lecturer (Sel. Gr.) Deptt. of Eduation, 15.05.2012 Govt. Aizawl North College 24. Pi Mary Lalromawii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Economics, 13.05.2012 Govt. J. Buana College 25. Pi Zonunthara, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Chemistry, 18.05.2012 Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 26. Pi Janet Vanlalhlimpuii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Public Administration, 15.07.2012 Govt. Aizawl West College 27. Pi K. Lalmuanpuii, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Public Administration, 01.08.2012 Govt. Aizawl West College 28. Pu R. Lalrochama, Lecturer (Sel. Gr .) Deptt. of Zoology, 08.06.2012 Lunglei Govt. College - 11 -R-9/2013 No.B.1 No.B.1 No.B.1 No.B.1 No.B.1 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST 1021/8/2001-FST , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 , the 26 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In partial modification of this Department Notification even No. dt. 13.9.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include President of Central YMA, Mizoram as one of the members in the Multi Disciplinary Committee under Tuirial Hydro Electric Project, Mizoram with immediate ef fect and until further order. J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, J.L. Singh, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. PART - IX Adver tisements, Notices (T ender Notices), Advertisements for the post and vacancies etc. Registration and Liquidation and Merger Notification of Co-operative Societies by the State Government. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 No.B.14016/65/2012-RFS/12, the 14 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower Oil Palm Grower ’’ ’’ ’ s Society s Society s Society s Society s Society having office at Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Zemabawk North, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 13.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. MSR - 497. No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 No.B.14016/76/2012-RFS/15, the 15 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development Nuno Foundation For Community Development having office at Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl VV VV V englai, englai, englai, englai, englai, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 14.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. MSR - 498. No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/48/2012-RFS/12, the 21 stst stst st February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Minorities and Minorities and Minorities and Minorities and Minorities and TT TT T ribal ribal ribal ribal ribal WW WW W elfare Society elfare Society elfare Society elfare Society elfare Society having office at TT TT T uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, uikhuahtlang, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. MSR - 500. No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 No.B.14016/91/2012-RFS/12, the 21 stst stst st February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer ’’ ’’ ’ s Society s Society s Society s Society s Society having office at Muanna Muanna Muanna Muanna Muanna VV VV V eng, eng, eng, eng, eng, Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl has been registered on 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 18.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. MSR - 499. No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 No.B.14016/56/2012-RFS/28, the 21 stst stst st February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. It is hereby notified for general informa- tion of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 8 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) DERIELA DERIELA DERIELA DERIELA DERIELA having of fice at Ramthar Ramthar Ramthar Ramthar Ramthar VV VV V eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei eng, Lunglei has been registered on 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 21.02.2013 under Registration No. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. MSR - 501. Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana Lalthangliana VV VV V arte, arte, arte, arte, arte, Registrar , Firms & Societies, Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Transfer and posting of Pi H. Lalsangliani, Headmistress, Lungpho Govt. Middle School to Bungkawn Govt.Middle School-I, Aizawl in place of Pu Vanlalhruaia, Headmaster retired. Pu Lalhruaikima, Headmaster, Govt.Middle School Khawzawl is hereby transferred and posted to DIET Practising Middle School, Chaltlang, Aizawl with immediate effect and until further order. Transfer of Pu TBC Lalniliana, Lecturer, DIET Lunglei to the post of Lecturer, DIET Aizawl with immediate effect and until further orders against 1 (one) of the 4 (four) posts of Lecturer lying vacant due to promotion of Lecturers of DIET, Aizawl to Senior Lecturers
Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICA TIONS No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 thth thth th March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. In the interest of public service, Pi H. Lalsangliani, Headmistress, Lungpho Govt. Middle School is hereby transferred and posted to Bungkawn Govt.Middle School-I, Aizawl in place of Pu Vanlalhruaia, Headmaster retired. The senior most teacher of Lungpho Govt. Middle School should take charge of Headmaster/ Headmistress until a new Headmaster/Headmistress is posted. K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 thth thth th March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. In the interest of public service the following Government Middle School Headmaster are hereby transferred and posted as shown against theirnames. SI. No. SI. No. SI. No. SI. No. SI. No. Name Name Name Name Name Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting 1. P. Zoramthanga Govt. M/S-1 1Govt. M/S Tawizo 2. H. Laltanpuia Govt. M/S Tawizo Govt. M/S -11, Thingsulthliah They should join their respective place of posting within 10 days from the date of issue of this Notificatio n. No TA/DA is admissible against SI.No.2 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 thth thth th March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. In the interest of public service, Pu Lalhrua ikima, Headmaster , Govt.Middle School Khawzawl is hereby transferred and posted to DIET Practising Middle School, Chaltlang, Aizawl with immediate ef fect and until further order . The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority VOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 8.3.2013 Phalguna 17, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 10 RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 1/- per page - 2 - R-10/2013 No TA/DA is admissible to him as the transfer is at his own request. K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, K. Thanzama, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.22014/1/2009-EDN, the 4 No.22014/1/2009-EDN, the 4 No.22014/1/2009-EDN, the 4 No.22014/1/2009-EDN, the 4 No.22014/1/2009-EDN, the 4 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer of Pu TBC Lalniliana, Lecturer , DIET Lunglei to the post of Lecturer , DIET Aizawl with immediate effect and until further orders against 1 (one) of the 4 (four) posts of Lecturer lying vacant due to promotion of Lecturers of DIET , Aizawl to Senior Lecturers No transfer TA/DA will be admissible K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, K. Sangthuama, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.1901 No.A.1901 No.A.1901 No.A.1901 No.A.1901 1/95/2012-PHE, the 5 1/95/2012-PHE, the 5 1/95/2012-PHE, the 5 1/95/2012-PHE, the 5 1/95/2012-PHE, the 5 th th th th th March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. On attaining the retiring age of 60 yrs on Superannuation Pension. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Er . C. Rotluanga, Sub-Divisional Of ficer , PHE with ef fect from 28.2.2013 (AN) C. Chawnghnuna, C. Chawnghnuna, C. Chawnghnuna, C. Chawnghnuna, C. Chawnghnuna, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No.A.19015/2/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/2/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/2/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/2/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/2/92-FCS&CA, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, and after subsequent extension of service for 1 (one) month w .e.f. 1.3.2013 to 31.3.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Lalduhthanga, Additional. Director, FSC&CA Department from Government Service on Superannuation Pension w .e.f. 31.3.2013(AN) No.A.19015/4/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/4/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/4/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/4/92-FCS&CA, the 28 No.A.19015/4/92-FCS&CA, the 28 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, and after subsequent extension of service for 1 (one) month w .e.f. 1.3.2013 to 31.3.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Lalhmingliana, Jt. Director , FCS&CA Department from Government Service on Superannuation Pension w .e.f. 31.3.2013(AN). M. Zohmingthangi, M. Zohmingthangi, M. Zohmingthangi, M. Zohmingthangi, M. Zohmingthangi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. No.A.4101 No.A.4101 No.A.4101 No.A.4101 No.A.4101 1/3/2009-EDN/Loose, the 5 1/3/2009-EDN/Loose, the 5 1/3/2009-EDN/Loose, the 5 1/3/2009-EDN/Loose, the 5 1/3/2009-EDN/Loose, the 5 th th th th th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service of Pu C.Lalrizapa,SDEO Champhai for aperiod of 1 (one) Month i.e. 1.3.2013 This issues with the approval of DP&AR (GSW) vide their I.D.No. GSW -8/3039/2013 dt. 4.3.2013. This supersedes Govt. Notification No.A.38012/1/2009-EDN dt. 8.2.2013 Zothuami, Zothuami, Zothuami, Zothuami, Zothuami, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. - 3 -R-10/2013 No.A.1901 No.A.1901 No.A.1901 No.A.1901 No.A.1901 1/275/2009-P&AR(CSW), the 5 1/275/2009-P&AR(CSW), the 5 1/275/2009-P&AR(CSW), the 5 1/275/2009-P&AR(CSW), the 5 1/275/2009-P&AR(CSW), the 5 th th th th th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In pursuance of Government of India, Ministry of Environment & Forest Order No. 32012/6/2012-IFS-I (AGMUT) dated 28.01.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Shri K.Kar Shri K.Kar Shri K.Kar Shri K.Kar Shri K.Kar , IFS (AGMUT , IFS (AGMUT , IFS (AGMUT , IFS (AGMUT , IFS (AGMUT :99) :99) :99) :99) :99) from the Government of Mizoram with ef fect from 11 11 1 1.03.2013(A/N) 1.03.2013(A/N) 1.03.2013(A/N) 1.03.2013(A/N) 1.03.2013(A/N) to enable him to join his new place of posting at Lakshadweep. Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commissioner/Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/53, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/53, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/53, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/53, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/53, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On attaining the age of superannuation, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Kapchhuanthanga, Special Superintendent, Central Jail,Aizawl from service with effect from 28.2.2013 (A/N). R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Prisons Department. No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 thth thth th March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. On satisfactory completion of his Probation Period, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confirm Pu Thangropianga against the post of Employment Officerunder Labour , Employment & Industrial Training Department in the PB-2 of Rs 9,300-34,800/- plus grade pay of Rs 4,600/- plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour Employment & Industrial Training Deptt. No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/54, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/54, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/54, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/54, the 28 No.A.19018/4/93-HMJ/54, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Consequent upon the retirement of Pu Kapchhuanthanga, Special Superintendent, Central Jail, Aizawl on 28.02.2013 (A/N) and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order Pu K.Lawmthanga, AIG Prisons to perform the duty of Special Superintendent Central Jail, Aizawl in addition to his own duty without extra financial benefit as a stopgap arrangement until further order w .e.f. from 1.3.2013. R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Prisons Department. No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. On satisfactory completion of his Probation Period, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confirm Pu Vanlalawmpuia against the post of Employment Of ficer under Labour , Employment & Industrial Training Department in the PB-2 of Rs. 9,300-34,800/- plus grade pay of Rs. 4,600/- plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 No.A.31013/1/2008-L&E, the 6 th th th th th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. On satisfactory completion of his Probation Period, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confirm Pu Lalmuanpuia Fanai against the post of Labour Officerunder Labour , Employment & Industrial Training Department in the PB-3 of Rs. 15,600-39,100/- plus grade pay of Rs. 5,400/- pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with immediate effect. Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour Employment & Industrial Training Deptt. - 4 - R-10/2013 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 No.A.1 1016/1/93-EDC/82, the 6 1016/1/93-EDC/82, the 6 1016/1/93-EDC/82, the 6 1016/1/93-EDC/82, the 6 1016/1/93-EDC/82, the 6 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In the interest of public service and in pursuance to the decision of the meeting of Council of Ministers dt. 21.08.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to transfer 1 (one) post of Lecturer 1 (one) post of Lecturer 1 (one) post of Lecturer 1 (one) post of Lecturer 1 (one) post of Lecturer , Department of Economics, Govt. , Department of Economics, Govt. , Department of Economics, Govt. , Department of Economics, Govt. , Department of Economics, Govt. Aizawl College Aizawl College Aizawl College Aizawl College Aizawl College created vide No.A.1 1013/3/81-EDN/31 dt. 21.04.1989 to Govt. Khawzawl College Govt. Khawzawl College Govt. Khawzawl College Govt. Khawzawl College Govt. Khawzawl College with immediate effect and until further orders. K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr .& Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.12025/1/2008-P No.A.12025/1/2008-P No.A.12025/1/2008-P No.A.12025/1/2008-P No.A.12025/1/2008-P AR(SSW)/1 AR(SSW)/1 AR(SSW)/1 AR(SSW)/1 AR(SSW)/1 15, the 28 15, the 28 15, the 28 15, the 28 15, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission Vide No.9/A/2008-MPSC dated 18.02.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu K.Thanzama, Grade-I of MSS, Pu K.Thanzama, Grade-I of MSS, Pu K.Thanzama, Grade-I of MSS, Pu K.Thanzama, Grade-I of MSS, Pu K.Thanzama, Grade-I of MSS, Addl. Secretary Addl. Secretary Addl. Secretary Addl. Secretary Addl. Secretary , School Education Deptt. to Supertime Scale Grade of MSS , School Education Deptt. to Supertime Scale Grade of MSS , School Education Deptt. to Supertime Scale Grade of MSS , School Education Deptt. to Supertime Scale Grade of MSS , School Education Deptt. to Supertime Scale Grade of MSS in the PB 4 of Rs. 37,400-67,000/- p.m. plus Grade Pay of Rs. 9,500/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time totime with effect from the date of taking over charge. The promotion is made against the vacancy caused by the superannuation pension of Pu Lalthansanga w .e.f. 28.2.2013(A/N) On his promotion to Supertime Scale Grade of MSS, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post Pu K. Pu K. Pu K. Pu K. Pu K. Thanzama as Secretary Thanzama as Secretary Thanzama as Secretary Thanzama as Secretary Thanzama as Secretary , Fisheries Deptt. and Soil & , Fisheries Deptt. and Soil & , Fisheries Deptt. and Soil & , Fisheries Deptt. and Soil & , Fisheries Deptt. and Soil & W W W W W ater Conservation Department ater Conservation Department ater Conservation Department ater Conservation Department ater Conservation Department No.A.12025/2/2008-P No.A.12025/2/2008-P No.A.12025/2/2008-P No.A.12025/2/2008-P No.A.12025/2/2008-P AR(SSW)/233, the 28 AR(SSW)/233, the 28 AR(SSW)/233, the 28 AR(SSW)/233, the 28 AR(SSW)/233, the 28 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the MPSC vide No. 106/A/2002-MPSC dated 18.02.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Governor ofMizoram is pleased to order promotion of Pi R. Zohmangaihi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi R. Zohmangaihi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi R. Zohmangaihi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi R. Zohmangaihi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi R. Zohmangaihi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary ,, ,, , Environment & Forests, Environment & Forests, Environment & Forests, Environment & Forests, Environment & Forests, Art & Culture and Art & Culture and Art & Culture and Art & Culture and Art & Culture and TT TT T ourism Departments to Grade-I of MSS ourism Departments to Grade-I of MSS ourism Departments to Grade-I of MSS ourism Departments to Grade-I of MSS ourism Departments to Grade-I of MSS in the PB-4 of Rs. 37,400-67,000 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 8,900/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible fromtime to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. The promotion is made against the vacancy caused by the promotion of Pu K. Thanzama to Supertime Scale Grade of MSS. On her promotion to Grade-I of MSS, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post PiPi PiPi Pi R.Zohmangaihi as R.Zohmangaihi as R.Zohmangaihi as R.Zohmangaihi as R.Zohmangaihi as Additional, Environment & Forests, Additional, Environment & Forests, Additional, Environment & Forests, Additional, Environment & Forests, Additional, Environment & Forests, Art & Culture and Art & Culture and Art & Culture and Art & Culture and Art & Culture and TT TT T ourism ourism ourism ourism ourism Departments. Departments. Departments. Departments. Departments. The Officer shall draw her pay and allowances against the post of Additional Secretary, Agriculture Department created vide No.A.1 1011/1/95-P&AR(GSW)/Pt. dated 03.08.2001. No.A.22012/1/03-P&AR(CSW), the 28 No.A.22012/1/03-P&AR(CSW), the 28 No.A.22012/1/03-P&AR(CSW), the 28 No.A.22012/1/03-P&AR(CSW), the 28 No.A.22012/1/03-P&AR(CSW), the 28 th th th th th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order allocation of additional departments to the Chief Secretary andSecretaries as shown against their names under column 4 of table below with immediate effect and untilfurther orders : Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of Officers Name of Officers Name of Officers Name of Officers Name of Officers Existing Departments Existing Departments Existing Departments Existing Departments Existing Departments Additional allocation of Department Additional allocation of Department Additional allocation of Department Additional allocation of Department Additional allocation of Department 1. Pi L. Tochhong, IAS 1. Political & Cabinet Home Department Chief Secretary 2. Vigilance 3. Plg & Prog Implement 4. SAD 2. Pu R. Lalvena, IAS 1. Transport 1. Rural Development Secretary 2. S & YS 2. FCS & CAHe will also hold the char ge of Director, FCS & CA - 5 -R-10/2013 3. Pu C. Thatkunga, MCS I & PR Art & Culture Secretary Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A.12031/4/03-F No.A.12031/4/03-F No.A.12031/4/03-F No.A.12031/4/03-F No.A.12031/4/03-F . Est/92, the 28 . Est/92, the 28 . Est/92, the 28 . Est/92, the 28 . Est/92, the 28 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 38/A/95-MPSC dt. 14.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu Sawihlira, JAG of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service to Selection Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service in the Pay Band-4 ^ 37400-67000 + GP ^ 8700/- pm. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.3.2013. On promotion of Pu Sawihlira to Selection Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MF AS Officers until further order - Sl. Name of Officer Present Place of New Place ofRemarks No. Posting Posting 1. Pu R. Lalbiakthanga Director, Local Fund Director, A&T Vice Pu S. Hmingthanga Audit, A&T promoted and transferred 2. Pu Sawihlira Jt. Director (Accts), Director, Local Fund Vice Pu R. Lalbiakthanga Dte. of Health Services Audit, A&T transferred 3. Pu Lalthakima Dte. of Secretary,Jt. Director (Accts), Vice Pu Sawihlira promoted Finance Deptt. Dte. of Health Servicesand transferred (APF/PRU/IF&SL etc) No.A.12031/2/04-F No.A.12031/2/04-F No.A.12031/2/04-F No.A.12031/2/04-F No.A.12031/2/04-F . Est/219, the 28 . Est/219, the 28 . Est/219, the 28 . Est/219, the 28 . Est/219, the 28 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 79/A/95-MPSC Vol-II dt. 1 1.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service Of ficers to Senior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service in the Pay Band-3 ^ 15600- 39100 + Gp ^ 6600/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.3.2013. 1.Pu Lallianzuala On promotion of the above to Senior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Officers to the post shown in column 4 against each - Sl. Name of Officer Present Place of New Place ofRemarks No. Posting Posting 1. Pu V. Lalzamlova Dy. Director , Local Dy. Director (Accts), Vice Pu Ramchuana Fund Audit, A&T Rural Development promoted and transferred 2. Pu Lallianzuala FAO,ICT Dy. Director , Local Vice Pu V. Lalzamlova Fund Audit, A&T transferred However , Pu Lallianzuala shall continue in his present place of posting till the end of the current financial year 2012 - 2013. No.A.12031/3/04-F No.A.12031/3/04-F No.A.12031/3/04-F No.A.12031/3/04-F No.A.12031/3/04-F . Est/48, the 28 . Est/48, the 28 . Est/48, the 28 . Est/48, the 28 . Est/48, the 28 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 13/A/94-MPSC Vol-II dt. 14.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu Ramchuana, Senior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service to Junior Administrative Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service in the Pay Band-3 - 6 - R-10/2013 ^ 15600-39100 + GP ^ 7600/-pm plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.3.2013. On promotion to Junior Administrative Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post him as Deputy Secretary , Finance Department (APF/PRU/IF&SL) vice Pu Lalthakima transferred to the post of Jt. Director (Accounts), Dte. of Health Services. However , Pu Ramchuana will continue in his present place of posting till the end of the current financial year 2012-2013. No.A.32013/1/2003-F No.A.32013/1/2003-F No.A.32013/1/2003-F No.A.32013/1/2003-F No.A.32013/1/2003-F . Est/75, the 28 . Est/75, the 28 . Est/75, the 28 . Est/75, the 28 . Est/75, the 28 th th th th th February February February February February ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. ,2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission vide No. 1/A/2009-MPSC dt. 1 1.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu S. Hmingthanga, Selection Grade of Mizoram Finance &Accounts Service to Supertime Grade ‘B’ of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service in the Pay Band- 4 ^ 37400-67000 + GP ^ 8900/-pm plud all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from 1.3.2013. On promotion to Supertime Grade ‘B’ of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post him as Additional Secretary, Finance Department vice Pu Vanlalphena released on superannuation pension w .e.f. 28.2.2013 until further order. FF FF F . . . . . VV VV V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.12025/4/2008-P A.12025/4/2008-P A.12025/4/2008-P A.12025/4/2008-P A.12025/4/2008-P AR(SSW)/271, the 28 AR(SSW)/271, the 28 AR(SSW)/271, the 28 AR(SSW)/271, the 28 AR(SSW)/271, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission Vide No.86/A/95-MPSC/V ol-II dated 21.08.2012 and in the interest of public service, the Govenror of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi Lalhrangliani, Grade-IV of MSS, Under Pi Lalhrangliani, Grade-IV of MSS, Under Pi Lalhrangliani, Grade-IV of MSS, Under Pi Lalhrangliani, Grade-IV of MSS, Under Pi Lalhrangliani, Grade-IV of MSS, Under Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary , PWD to Grade-III of MSS (Deputy Secretary) , PWD to Grade-III of MSS (Deputy Secretary) , PWD to Grade-III of MSS (Deputy Secretary) , PWD to Grade-III of MSS (Deputy Secretary) , PWD to Grade-III of MSS (Deputy Secretary) in the PB 3 of ^ 15,600-39,100 plus Grade Pay of ^ 7,600/-p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. The promotion is made against the vacancy coused by promotion of Pu B.Lalthanliana, promoted to Grade-II of MSS. On her promotion to Grade-III of MSS(Deputy Secretary), the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post Pi Lalhrangliani as Deputy Secretary Pi Lalhrangliani as Deputy Secretary Pi Lalhrangliani as Deputy Secretary Pi Lalhrangliani as Deputy Secretary Pi Lalhrangliani as Deputy Secretary , PWD. , PWD. , PWD. , PWD. , PWD. The of ficer shall draw her pay and allowances against the post of Deputy Secretary , PWD created vide No. A.11017/1/80-APT(B) dated 05.05.1981. Consequent upon the promotion and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order transfer and posting of Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi VV VV V anlalpawli, Deputy Secretary anlalpawli, Deputy Secretary anlalpawli, Deputy Secretary anlalpawli, Deputy Secretary anlalpawli, Deputy Secretary , PWD to Food , PWD to Food , PWD to Food , PWD to Food , PWD to Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Civil Supplies & Consumer Civil Supplies & Consumer Civil Supplies & Consumer Civil Supplies & Consumer Af Af Af Af Af fairs Department fairs Department fairs Department fairs Department fairs Department with immediate ef fect. The of ficer shall draw her pay and allowances against the post of Deputy Secretary , Power & Electricity Department created vide No. A.11013/4/87-SAE dated 06.1 1.1982. No. No. No. No. No. A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P AR(SSW)/220, the 28 AR(SSW)/220, the 28 AR(SSW)/220, the 28 AR(SSW)/220, the 28 AR(SSW)/220, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission Vide No.93(B)/A/95-MPSC dated 18.02.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Govenror of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of the following officers of Grade-III of Grade-III of Grade-III of Grade-III of Grade-III of MSS to Grade-II of MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS to Grade-II of MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS to Grade-II of MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS to Grade-II of MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS to Grade-II of MSS (Joint Secretary) in the PB-4 of ^ 37,400-67,000 plus Grade Pay of ^ 8,700/-p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge in their respective new place of posting :- - 7 -R-10/2013 No. No. No. No. No. A.32013/2/2002-P A.32013/2/2002-P A.32013/2/2002-P A.32013/2/2002-P A.32013/2/2002-P AR(SSW)/59, the 28 AR(SSW)/59, the 28 AR(SSW)/59, the 28 AR(SSW)/59, the 28 AR(SSW)/59, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of Mizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.144/A/2004-MPSC dated 15.02.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Govenror of Mizoram is pleased to order proforma promotion of Pu H.Lalramliana, Pu H.Lalramliana, Pu H.Lalramliana, Pu H.Lalramliana, Pu H.Lalramliana, Stenographer Grade-I Stenographer Grade-I Stenographer Grade-I Stenographer Grade-I Stenographer Grade-I who is presently on deputation to Mini Passport Seva Kendra, Ministry of External Af fairs, Government of India, Aizawl as Deputy Passport Of ficer to S to S to S to S to S tenographer Senior Grade-I tenographer Senior Grade-I tenographer Senior Grade-I tenographer Senior Grade-I tenographer Senior Grade-I in the PB-3 of ^ 15,600-39,100 plus Grade Pay of ^ 6,600/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible fromtime to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. The Officer will hold lien and seniority position in Stenographer Senior Grade-I of Mizoram S tenographer Service below Pi Vanlalthlamuani. No. No. No. No. No. A.32013/2/2003-P A.32013/2/2003-P A.32013/2/2003-P A.32013/2/2003-P A.32013/2/2003-P AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 AR(SSW)/58, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of MPSC V ide No.144/A/2004-MPSC dated 15.02.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Govenror of Mizoram is pleased to regular promotion of Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi VV VV V anlalthlamuani, S anlalthlamuani, S anlalthlamuani, S anlalthlamuani, S anlalthlamuani, S tenographer Grade-I to S tenographer Grade-I to S tenographer Grade-I to S tenographer Grade-I to S tenographer Grade-I to S tenographer tenographer tenographer tenographer tenographer Senior Grade-I Senior Grade-I Senior Grade-I Senior Grade-I Senior Grade-I in the PB-3 of ^ 15,600-39,100 plus Grade Pay of ^ 6,600/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. On her promotion to S tenographer Senior Grade-I, Pi Vanlalthlamuani will continue as P .P.S. to Secretary , Law & Judicial. No. No. No. No. No. A.12025/2/2008-P A.12025/2/2008-P A.12025/2/2008-P A.12025/2/2008-P A.12025/2/2008-P AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of MPSC V ide No.106/A/2002-MPSC dated 26.02.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Govenror of Mizoram is pleased to order of ficiating promotion of Pi C.Zothankhumi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi C.Zothankhumi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi C.Zothankhumi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi C.Zothankhumi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary Pi C.Zothankhumi, Grade-II of MSS, Joint Secretary ,, ,, , DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T rr rr r g.) to Grade-I of MSS g.) to Grade-I of MSS g.) to Grade-I of MSS g.) to Grade-I of MSS g.) to Grade-I of MSS in the PB-4 of ^ 37,400-67,000 plus Grade Pay of ^ 8,900/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of takingover charge. The officiating promotion is made against the vacancy caused by the deputation of Pi Lalsawmi as Secretary , Mizoram S tate Information Commission. On her officiating promotion to Grade-I of MSS, The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post Pi C.Zothankhumi as Pi C.Zothankhumi as Pi C.Zothankhumi as Pi C.Zothankhumi as Pi C.Zothankhumi as Additional Secretary Additional Secretary Additional Secretary Additional Secretary Additional Secretary , DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T , DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T , DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T , DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T , DP&AR(SSW)/CSW/T rr rr r g.) and g.) and g.) and g.) and g.) and Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Departments. Departments. Departments. Departments. Departments. The Of ficer shall draw her pay and allowances against the post of Additional Secretary, DP&AR created vide No.A.1 1013/1/89-P&AR(GSW)/Pt. dated 24.06.1993. Consequent upon the above promotion, Pi Lalsangpuii, Joint Secretary Pi Lalsangpuii, Joint Secretary Pi Lalsangpuii, Joint Secretary Pi Lalsangpuii, Joint Secretary Pi Lalsangpuii, Joint Secretary , , , , , TT TT T axation Department axation Department axation Department axation Department axation Department will take over the char ge of Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Joint Secretary , Finance Department(E) , Finance Department(E) , Finance Department(E) , Finance Department(E) , Finance Department(E) and Pi Rosangpuii, Joint Pi Rosangpuii, Joint Pi Rosangpuii, Joint Pi Rosangpuii, Joint Pi Rosangpuii, Joint Sl. No Name & present place of posting New place of posting Post creation and Deptt. against which pay & allowances to be drawn Remarks B.Lalthanliana, Deputy Secretary , FCS & CA Department Joint Secretary , AH&V ety and Horticulture Department Joint Secretary , Political & Cabinet, vide No.A.11011/1/95-P&AR (GSW)/Pt.dated 03.08.2011 The promotion is made against the vacancy caused by the superannuation retirement of K.T .Lalrikhuma w .e.f. 31.01.2013. Rothuama, Deputy Secretary , H&TE and LAD Joint Secretary , School Education Department Joint Secretary , V igilance vide No. A.11013/1/95-SAE dated 22.09.2010 The promotion is made against the vacancy caused by the promotion of Pi R.Zohmangaihi promoted to Grade-I of MSS 1 2 - 8 - R-10/2013 Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary , FC&CA , FC&CA , FC&CA , FC&CA , FC&CA Department Department Department Department Department will take over the char ge of Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Joint Secretary , DCA , DCA , DCA , DCA , DCA Department Department Department Department Department in addition to their own duties without any extra financial benefits with immediate effect and until further orders. No. No. No. No. No. A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P A.12025/3/2008-P AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 AR(SSW)/Pt, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of MPSC V ide No.93/A/95-MPSC dated 26.02.2013 and in the interest of public service, the Govenror of Mizoram is pleased to order of ficiating promotion of Pu N.H.Majumder Pu N.H.Majumder Pu N.H.Majumder Pu N.H.Majumder Pu N.H.Majumder , Grade-III of MSS to Grade-II of , Grade-III of MSS to Grade-II of , Grade-III of MSS to Grade-II of , Grade-III of MSS to Grade-II of , Grade-III of MSS to Grade-II of MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS (Joint Secretary) MSS (Joint Secretary) in the PB-4 of ^ 37,400-67,000 plus Grade Pay of ^ 8,700/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge. The officiating promotion is against the chain vacancy caused by the deputation of Pi Lalsawmi. On his officiating promotion to Grade-II of MSS, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post Pu N.H.Majumder as Joint Secretary Pu N.H.Majumder as Joint Secretary Pu N.H.Majumder as Joint Secretary Pu N.H.Majumder as Joint Secretary Pu N.H.Majumder as Joint Secretary , Environment & Forest Department , Environment & Forest Department , Environment & Forest Department , Environment & Forest Department , Environment & Forest Department vice Pi R.Zohmangaihi, promoted. The Officer shall draw his pay and allowances against the post of Joint Secretary , Agriculture created vide No.A.1 1011/2/90-P&AR(CSW) dated 19.08.1996. Ranbir Singh Ranbir Singh Ranbir Singh Ranbir Singh Ranbir Singh Commissioner Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.22018/2/2010-HTE/145, the 28 A.22018/2/2010-HTE/145, the 28 A.22018/2/2010-HTE/145, the 28 A.22018/2/2010-HTE/145, the 28 A.22018/2/2010-HTE/145, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. Consequent upon the absorption of Dr .Lalrinawma, OSD, Directorate of Higher & Technical Education as regular Principal at Govt. Aizawl North College vide this Department’ s Notification No.C.18014/9/2009-HTE dt.13.02.2013, Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr . Lalrinawma . Lalrinawma . Lalrinawma . Lalrinawma . Lalrinawma is ordered to relinquish the char ge of OSD at Directorate of Higher & Technical Education and take over the char ge of Principal, Govt. Aizawl North College within 5(five) days 5(five) days 5(five) days 5(five) days 5(five) days from the date of issue of this o rder. No. G No. G No. G No. G No. G .12017/6/2010-HTE/186, the 28 .12017/6/2010-HTE/186, the 28 .12017/6/2010-HTE/186, the 28 .12017/6/2010-HTE/186, the 28 .12017/6/2010-HTE/186, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In terms of Para 6.2(iv) of Scheduled for Clause 6.8.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to promotion to the post of College Librarian (Senior Grade) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No.126/A/2003-MPSC dt.14.2.2012 conveyed byDP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A.32013/1 1/2012-P&AR(GSW) dt.25.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote the following 5(five) College Librarians (entry grade) to Senior Grade in the scale ofpay of Rs. 15,600-39,100+AGP of Rs.7000/- p.m. w.e.f. the date as shown against their names :- Sl. Name/Designation/College Date of joiningEffective date No. the post of Collegeof Promotion to Librarian Senior Grade 1. Pu C.V anlalruaia, College Librarian, Govt. Aizawl College.20.09.200508.12.2011 2. Pu Zohmangaiha, College Librarian, Govt. J.Thankima College. 28.04.2006 28.04.2012 3. Pu Ramnghahmawia, College Librarian, Govt. Saitual College. 28.04.2006 28.04.2012 4. Pu S.Lalnunpuia, College Librarian, Govt.T .Romana College.28.04.2006 04.06.2012 5. Pu Zomuana Joute, College Librarian, Govt. Aizawl North College.28.04.2006 28.04.2012 K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.22017/12-TRP A.22017/12-TRP A.22017/12-TRP A.22017/12-TRP A.22017/12-TRP , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following of ficers Under Transport Department as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders - - 9 -R-10/2013 Sl. No.Name of Officers Present place of posting New place of posting 1. R.Lalrammawia Works Manager Deputy Director (MV) Directorate of Transport 2. Zothangzuala Chhangte Principal, Driving School Works Manager 3. R.Kawlliana Station Superintendent Principal, Driving School R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.40017/1/2004-S&WC, the 27 A.40017/1/2004-S&WC, the 27 A.40017/1/2004-S&WC, the 27 A.40017/1/2004-S&WC, the 27 A.40017/1/2004-S&WC, the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the service of Pu H.L.Chungnunga, District Soil Conservation Of ficer, Serchhip beyond the date of his superannuation i.e. 28.02.2013 for a period of 6 (six) months with effect from 01.03.2013 to 31.08.2013. Esther Lalruatkimi, Esther Lalruatkimi, Esther Lalruatkimi, Esther Lalruatkimi, Esther Lalruatkimi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Soil & Water Conservation Department. No. B.1201 No. B.1201 No. B.1201 No. B.1201 No. B.1201 1/3/2008-HTE(TE), the 27 1/3/2008-HTE(TE), the 27 1/3/2008-HTE(TE), the 27 1/3/2008-HTE(TE), the 27 1/3/2008-HTE(TE), the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following Of ficers/Sr. Lecturers to hold charge of the Principals of Polytechnics as mentioned below with effect from the date of taking overcharge and until further orders : Sl. No. Name of Officers Present place of posting New place of posting (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Pu Lalmuankima Sailo, Sr .LecturerMizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei Principal-in-Charge, Champhai Polytechnic 2. Pu H.Lalchhuanvela, Sr . Lecturer -do- Principal-in-Charge, Kolasib Polytechnic K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.3801 A.3801 A.3801 A.3801 A.3801 1/4/93-SWD, the 27 1/4/93-SWD, the 27 1/4/93-SWD, the 27 1/4/93-SWD, the 27 1/4/93-SWD, the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In accepting the notice for Voluntary retirement given under sub-rule (1) of Rule 48-A of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 by Pu P .Lalhmangaihzuala, Assistant Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities who has rendered the required length of qualifying service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu P .Lalhmangaihzuala, Assistant Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Of fice of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities under Social Welfare Department from Government service with effect from 30.04.2013 (afternoon) on voluntary retirement. Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.32015/6/2000-HOR A.32015/6/2000-HOR A.32015/6/2000-HOR A.32015/6/2000-HOR A.32015/6/2000-HOR TT TT T , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promotePu C.Zosangliana, MHS Grade-V to MHS Grade-IV in the scale of pay of ^ 15,600-39,100 + GP 6,100/-PM plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from time to time with immediate effect. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to post Pu C.Zosangliana as Horticulture Development Officer (MHS grade - IV) in Horticulture Centre, Thingdawl with effect from the date of taking overchar ge and until further order . - 10 - R-10/2013 The officer will draw his pay and allowances against the sanctioned post of HDO, Directorate of Horticulture. TT TT T .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.38017/1/2001-F A.38017/1/2001-F A.38017/1/2001-F A.38017/1/2001-F A.38017/1/2001-F .Est/68, the 27 .Est/68, the 27 .Est/68, the 27 .Est/68, the 27 .Est/68, the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On attaining the age of 60 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Hautluanga Hauhnar , MFAS, Treasury Of ficer, Tlabung from service on superannuation pension on the afternoon of 28.2.2013. FF FF F .V .V .V .V .V anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, anlalruata, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 27 A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 27 A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 27 A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 27 A.32013/2/2012-PHE, the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of this Department’ s Notification No.A.32013/2/2009-PHE dated 8.1.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant extension of joining time to Pu K.Sachho, Executive Engineer PHE Department for 3 (three) days w .e.f. 19.2.2013 to 21.2.2013 since the of ficer could not join the post of Executive Engineer , Rural WATSON Division, Lunglei due to ill ness. C.Chawnghnuna, C.Chawnghnuna, C.Chawnghnuna, C.Chawnghnuna, C.Chawnghnuna, Joint Secretary (T) to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.22012/4/09-P&AR(CSW), the 27 A.22012/4/09-P&AR(CSW), the 27 A.22012/4/09-P&AR(CSW), the 27 A.22012/4/09-P&AR(CSW), the 27 A.22012/4/09-P&AR(CSW), the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following MCS officers with immediate effect and until further orders. Sl. No. Name & present place of posting New place of postingRemarks 1. Lalhmunsanga Lawngtlai, SDO (Sadar), DTO, Lawngtlai - Lawngtlai 2. T.V anlalmalsawmsanga, DT O, LawngtlaiSDO(Sadar), Lawngtlai with - with additional charge of BDO, Lawngtlai additional charge of BDO, Lawngtlai No. No. No. No. No. A.35018/2/2012-P&AR(CSW), the 26 A.35018/2/2012-P&AR(CSW), the 26 A.35018/2/2012-P&AR(CSW), the 26 A.35018/2/2012-P&AR(CSW), the 26 A.35018/2/2012-P&AR(CSW), the 26 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the deputation period of Pu H.Lianzela, MCS to State Election Commission, Mizoram for a period of another 1(one) year w .e.f. 2.2.2013. This issues with the approval of DP&AR(GSW) vide their I.D. No. GSW .22/2013/2930 dated 18.02.2013. No. No. No. No. No. A.19015/67/82-A A.19015/67/82-A A.19015/67/82-A A.19015/67/82-A A.19015/67/82-A TP(A), the 25 TP(A), the 25 TP(A), the 25 TP(A), the 25 TP(A), the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to approve extension of service beyond the date of superannuation in respect of PuLalbiakthanga, MCS, Election Of ficer, Aizawl for a period of 1(one) month with ef fect from 01.03.2013 to 31.03.2013. C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.35019/5/2009-P&E, the 25 A.35019/5/2009-P&E, the 25 A.35019/5/2009-P&E, the 25 A.35019/5/2009-P&E, the 25 A.35019/5/2009-P&E, the 25 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In pursuance of the Government of India, Ministry of Power ’s order No.47/1/2006-R&R dt.22.1.2013, Shri A.Chhawnmawia is appointed as Member of the JERC for Manipur & Mizoram for a period of 5 years with effect from the date on which he entersupon his of fice or until he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier . - 11 -R-10/2013 Shri A.Chhawnmawia shall also be the Chairperson of the Joint Commisssion for a period of one year w .e.f. 24.1.2013 or until he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier . Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar Ashwani Kumar ,, ,, , Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Power & Electricity Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 1013/10/03-SWD, the 19 1013/10/03-SWD, the 19 1013/10/03-SWD, the 19 1013/10/03-SWD, the 19 1013/10/03-SWD, the 19 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu B.Kapliana, Child Development Project Of ficer (CDPO) to the post of Centre Director , After Care Centre, Sethawn under Social Welfare Department in the Pay Band -3 of ^15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay of ^ 6,600/- p.m. plus other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of taking over charge of the post on officiating basis. In addition, he will hold the charge of CDPO, Darlawn without extra financial benefit until further orders. The promotion on of ficiating basis is made against the deputation vacancy caused by Dr . Lalnunthara against the vacant post created vide Notification No.J.1 1011/13/89-HFW (Loose) dt. 18.09.1990. The Officer shall exercise option within one month from the date of issue of this order for the purpose of fixation of pay under F .R.22(1)(a)(1) and option once exercised shall be final. Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.22012/42/08-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 4 A.22012/42/08-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 4 A.22012/42/08-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 4 A.22012/42/08-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 4 A.22012/42/08-P&AR(CSW)/Part, the 4 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to revoke order for attachment of Pu M.H.James, to the Office of theDeputy Commissioner , Lawngtlai issued vide Notification No.A-19015/94/86-P&AR(CSW) dated 31.08.2012 and to and to revert him back to his post as Sub-Deputy Commissioner , Chawngte with immediate effect and until further orders. C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, C.Zothankhumi, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.22013/3/91-FST A.22013/3/91-FST A.22013/3/91-FST A.22013/3/91-FST A.22013/3/91-FST , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer & posting of the following MFS Officers as shown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders :- Sl. Name of Officers Present PlaceNew Place of Chain of Vacancy No. of PostingPosting & Post 1. Shri.Lalnunsanga WPO ‘N’DFO, Kawrthah Vice Shri B.Rokima on Khawlhring, ACF Forest Divisionsuperannuation retirementw.e.f. 28.2.2013 2. Shri.Mahesh ACF,PCCF’ sPrincipal, FTS Vice Shri K.Karon Zoramthara Singson, ACFoffice as addl. charge promotion & transfer 3. Shri. Lalduhthlana, DFO (WL),DFO, Protection Div . (HeVice Shri. Saurabh- ACF Khawzawlwill take charge of ACF Sharma (FC & CAMP A Cell) 4. Shri.Biaksanga, ACF,CWL W DFO(WL), Vice Shri B.Lalduhthlana ACF Khawzawltransferred DFP, Lunglei will take the additional char ge of WPO ‘S’ Vice Shri. Mahesh Zoramthara Singson, ACF & WPO ‘S’ transferred without any extra financial benefit until further order . J.L.Singh, J.L.Singh, J.L.Singh, J.L.Singh, J.L.Singh, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Environment & Forests Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.38020/1/2003-PW A.38020/1/2003-PW A.38020/1/2003-PW A.38020/1/2003-PW A.38020/1/2003-PW , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of the service in respect of Pu N.CH.Singh, SDO, PWD, Electrical Sub-Division, Aizawl for a period of 1(one) month w .e.f. 01.03.2013 to 31.03.2013. Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Public Works Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer & posting of the following Grade-IV Officers of MAH&VS asshown against their names with immediate effect and until further orders :- Sl. No. Name of Officers Present place of PostingNew place of Posting 1. Dr.C.Lalthankhumi Vety Dispensary , HaulawngDistrict Poultry Farm, Lunglei 2. Dr.C.Neihthangpuii Vety Dispensary , SangauVety Dispensary , T uipang, attached to Laboratory , Directorate AH&Vety, Aizawl 3. Dr.Lalramngheta Vety Dispensary , ZawlnuamVety Dispensary , Lungdai, Vice Dr.H.Pachhunga 4. Dr.H.Pachhunga Vety Dispensary , LungdaiVety Hospital, Champhai attached to DVO of fice, Kolasib Movements should be completed within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of this Notification. No. No. No. No. No. A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V A.32012/7/07-AH&V , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. On the recommendation of MPSC vide their letter No.A.12026/1 1/2007-MPSC dt.22.2.2013 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persons as Veterinary Of ficer in the scale of pay of PB-3, Rs.15,600- 39,100 + GP Rs. 5,400 plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules from time to time with effect from the date of joining. Further, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of the newly appointed Of ficers as shown against each of their names below until further order . Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Name of Officer Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting Place of Posting 1. Dr. Lalnunpuii Zadeng D/o Thanzuala, Aizawl Venglai Vety Dispensary , Ngopa (Vacant) 2. Dr.Zohlimpuia S/o C.Lianmawia, Kolasib Vety Dispensary , Zawlnuam Vice Dr .Lalramngheta transferred 3. Dr.K.Lalrinkimi D/o Lalramhluna Vety Dispensary , Sangau Vice Bethlehem Vengthlang Dr.C.Neihthangpuii transferred 4. Dr.Lalramdintluanga S/o Lalrongenga Surveillance Office, Vaphai (V acant) Salem Veng, Aibawk 5. Dr.Lalrinhlui D/o P .L.Chhuanthanga Vety Dispensary , Khawbung (vacant) 6. Dr. Peter Malsawmtluanga S/o S tephen Pahlira, SihphirVety Dispensary , Khuangleng (vacant) The above new appointees should join their posts within 15 days from the date of issue of this Notification. They will be on probation for a period of 2 years from the date of joining. - 12 - R-10/2013 No. B.22012/2/2000-HOR No. B.22012/2/2000-HOR No. B.22012/2/2000-HOR No. B.22012/2/2000-HOR No. B.22012/2/2000-HOR TT TT T , the 4 , the 4 , the 4 , the 4 , the 4 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer & posting of the following Horticulture Extension Officer to the post and place mentioned against their names with immediate ef fect and until further order. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of Officers Name of Officers Name of Officers Name of Officers Name of Officers Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting 1. Pu Lalnuntluanga Reiek Circle Kolasib (Lungdai Circle) 2. Pu Biakthansanga Kolasib (Lungdai Circle) Reiek Circle TT TT T .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, .Sangkunga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Horticulture Department. No. G No. G No. G No. G No. G .12017/12/201 .12017/12/201 .12017/12/201 .12017/12/201 .12017/12/201 1-HTE/220, the 4 1-HTE/220, the 4 1-HTE/220, the 4 1-HTE/220, the 4 1-HTE/220, the 4 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In terms of Para 6.4.6 of 6.4.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 relating to placement to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage-3) and on the recommendation of MPSC vide No.186/A/97-MPSC dt.31.1.2013 conveyed by DP&AR(GSW) vide I.D.No.A32013/1 1/2009-P&AR(GSW) dt.22.2.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to place the following 5(five) Assistant Professors (S tage-2) to Assistant Professor (S tage-3) in the scale of pay of Rs. 15,600-39,100 + AGP of Rs.8,000/- p.m. w .e.f. the date as shown against their names :- Sl. Name/Department/College Effective date of Placement to No. Assistant Professor (Stage-3) 1. Pi Lalsangluri Sailo, Deptt. of History , Govt. T.Romana College. 02.05.2011 2. Pu Lalhmachhuana, Deptt. of Public Administration, 25.05.2011 Govt. T.Romana College. 3. Pi Rosy Lalrinsangi, Deptt. of Education, Govt. T.Romana College. 01.06.2011 4. Pi Rebecca Khiangte, Deptt. of History , Govt. J.Thankima College 04.07.2011 5. Pu R.Lalhmingthanga, Deptt. of Economics, Govt. Johnson College 05.11.2010 K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. PART - II (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition and declaration r elating to Land and Forest etc., by the S tate Govt. and Head of Depar tments. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No. B.14020/7/02-LAD/VC, the 5 No. B.14020/7/02-LAD/VC, the 5 No. B.14020/7/02-LAD/VC, the 5 No. B.14020/7/02-LAD/VC, the 5 No. B.14020/7/02-LAD/VC, the 5 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. Khamrang Village Council chu Development sum an hman dan ah complaint a awm avangin an Account Bu ten ngun taka enfiah a ni a, sum an hmanna tarlan te hi ziahfelna mai niin a lang a, a tak taka hmanna ah rinhlelh an kai nasa hle a ni. Tin, Ram Pass inpekna chungchangah pawh dan kalhin V/C Seal an hmang a, Pass lem tam tak an siam ru bawk a ni tih hriat a ni bawk a. Heng avangte hian Khamrang Village Council te hi khawtlang rorel zel tlak an ni lova, chuvangin, Mizoram Governor chuan Lushai Hills District (V illage Councils) Act, 1953, Section 25(1) hmangin Khamrang V illage Council chu he hriattirna chhuah ni atang hian a thiat (dissolve) ta a ni. - 13 - R-10/2013 Khamrang Village Council dissolved anih chhung hian Pu R.Lalchungnunga, AFI chu V/C char ge la nghal tura ruat a ni. Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Elizabeth Rindingliani, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. No. No. No. No. A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 1013/16/83-FCS&CA, the 28 1013/16/83-FCS&CA, the 28 1013/16/83-FCS&CA, the 28 1013/16/83-FCS&CA, the 28 1013/16/83-FCS&CA, the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order upgradation of 13 posts of Storekeeper under Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Af fairs Department to the post of Sub-Inspector , Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department in the pay band-2 Rs.9300-34,800+GP 4200/- Hence, the total sanctioned post of Sub-Inspector under Food,Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department is 56. The Expenditure is debitable to the Head of Account. 3456 -Civil Supplies 00 - 001 -Direction & Administration 01 -Administration 00 - 01 -Salary (NP) This issues with the approval of DP&AR(AR W) as per their I.D. No. ARW/FCS/2012-13/C-94 dt. 1 1.6.2012 and concurrence of Finance Department as per their I.D. No.FIN(E) 1601/2012 dt.22.2.2013. M.Zohmingthangi, M.Zohmingthangi, M.Zohmingthangi, M.Zohmingthangi, M.Zohmingthangi, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER No. No. No. No. No. A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 1013/7/2012-PLG 1013/7/2012-PLG 1013/7/2012-PLG 1013/7/2012-PLG 1013/7/2012-PLG , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 , the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order creation of the following posts on Co-terminus Basis (CSS) with the Central funding for a period of 30(thirty) months with effect from actual date of engagement of the employees, for conducting 6th Economics Censusunder Directorate of Economics & Statistics as follows :- Sl. No. Name of Posts Scale of pay (Pre-Revised) No. of Post 1. Assistant Director Rs. 8000-13,500/-pm 1 no. 2. Junior Investigator Rs. 4500-7000/-pm 2 nos. 3. LDC/Typist Rs. 4000-6000/-pm 1 no. TT TT T otal otal otal otal otal 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. This issues with the approval of DP&AR (AR W) vide their I.D.No.ARW/PLG/2012-2013/C-271 dt. 29.1.2013 and Finance Department vide their I.D.No.FIN(E)1640/2012 dt.22.2.2013. Donnie, Donnie, Donnie, Donnie, Donnie, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Planning & Programme Implementation Department. CORRIGENDA CORRIGENDA CORRIGENDA CORRIGENDA CORRIGENDA No. No. No. No. No. A.32012/1/2012-TRP A.32012/1/2012-TRP A.32012/1/2012-TRP A.32012/1/2012-TRP A.32012/1/2012-TRP , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 , the 28 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. The head of account under which pay & allowances to be drawn by Pu Lalpeka, newly promoted to the post of Superintendent of Accounts mentioned as 3055 - Road Transport, 001 - Direction & Administration, 01 - Direction (Plan), 01 - Salary , vide this - 14 - R-10/2013 Department’s Notification of even No. dt.27.9.2012 should be read as 3055 - Road Transport, 001 - Direction & Administration, 01 - Direction (Non Plan). This issues with approval of Finance Department Vide I.D.No.FIN (E) 1594/2012 of 13.2.2013. R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, R.Lalvena, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Transport Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.32014/3/2012-SED, the 27 A.32014/3/2012-SED, the 27 A.32014/3/2012-SED, the 27 A.32014/3/2012-SED, the 27 A.32014/3/2012-SED, the 27 thth thth th February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In partial modification of this Department’ s Notification No.A.32012/2/83-EDN dated 28.7.1986 (copy enclosed), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to change the name of the post appeared as ‘Graphic Artist Grade-II’ into ‘Graphic Artist’ for adhoc appointment of Pu Lalchhuanmawia who was appointed as Graphic Artist Grade-II under SCERT. K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram School Education Department. No. No. No. No. No. A.32012/2/83-EDN, the 28 A.32012/2/83-EDN, the 28 A.32012/2/83-EDN, the 28 A.32012/2/83-EDN, the 28 A.32012/2/83-EDN, the 28 thth thth th July July July July July , 1986. , 1986. , 1986. , 1986. , 1986. The Lt.Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Shri.Lalchhuanmawia S/o Chhuanvawra Sailo, Venghlui Aizawl as Graphic Artist Grade-II under the Educational Technology cell at the SCER T, Mizoram Aizawl on temporary basis w .e.f. the date of joining his duty against the temporary post of Graphic Artist Grade-II created vide No.B.21011/6/83-EDN/101 dt. 5.9.1984 in the scale of pay of Rs.550-25-750-EB-30-900/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissibleunder the Rules in Mizoram. The appointment is made on adhoc basis for a short period subject to regularisation in accordance with the Recruitment Rules to be approved by Government in due course, that such appointment will notbestow on the person a claim for regular appointment and that the service rendered on adhoc basis in thegrade would not count for the purpose of seniority in that grade. L.T L.T L.T L.T L.T ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, ochhong, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Education Department. NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA NOTIFICA TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS No. No. No. No. No. A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 A.1 1019/5/2010-HTE(MSB)/Pt, the 6 1019/5/2010-HTE(MSB)/Pt, the 6 1019/5/2010-HTE(MSB)/Pt, the 6 1019/5/2010-HTE(MSB)/Pt, the 6 1019/5/2010-HTE(MSB)/Pt, the 6 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accord sanction to the creation and filling up of the following posts under Mizoram Scholarship Board on co-terminus basis with the funding of Government of India under Centrally Sponsored Schemes :- Sl. No. Name of Post No. of Post Mode of filling up Remarks 1. Computer Operator 2 Nos.On Contract Basis Rs. 14,920/-monthlyremuneration 2. Data Entry Operator 2 Nos.MR Skilled-II Rs. 240 per day TT TT T OT OT OT OT OT AL AL AL AL AL 4 Nos. 4 Nos. 4 Nos. 4 Nos. 4 Nos. This issues with the approval of DP&AR(AR W) vide I.D.No.ARW/HTE/2012-13/C-253 dt. 06.12.2012 and concurrence of Finance Department vide I.D.No.FIN(E) 1462/2012 dt.27.02.2013. K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, K.Lal Nghinglova, Commr . & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 15 - R-10/2013 No. No. No. No. No. A.12025/1/96-IND, the 5 A.12025/1/96-IND, the 5 A.12025/1/96-IND, the 5 A.12025/1/96-IND, the 5 A.12025/1/96-IND, the 5 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. Due to some technical reasons the post of Extension Officer (Beekeeping) under Directorate of Industries could not be filled up during the vacancy year and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare that the vacancy year of 2001-2002 for filling up the post of Extension Of ficer, under Industries Department shall be brought forward to the vacancy year of 2012-13. PP PP P .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, .C.Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department. No. B.13016/35/2010-SWD, the 6 No. B.13016/35/2010-SWD, the 6 No. B.13016/35/2010-SWD, the 6 No. B.13016/35/2010-SWD, the 6 No. B.13016/35/2010-SWD, the 6 thth thth th March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. March, 2013. In pursuance of the approval of Council of Ministers and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order establishment ofthe Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities under the administrative control of Social W elfare Department with ef fect from 01.06.2012. This issues also with the approval of GAD vide their I.D.No.46012/3/2008-GAD dated 13.04.2010, DP&AR(AR W) vide their I.D.No.AR W/SWD/2010-11/E-142 dated 26.08.2010, Finance Department vide their I.D.No.FIN(E)593/2010 dated 06.09.2013 and Law & Judicial Department vide their I.D.No.LJD.41/ 2010/297 dated 22.09.2010. Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Ranbir Singh, Commr . & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. PART - X Autonomous District Council Orders, Notifications, Resolutions etc., given by Autonomous District Councils. NOTIFICA TION No.MADC.2/DC(Sectt)2012, the 21 No.MADC.2/DC(Sectt)2012, the 21 No.MADC.2/DC(Sectt)2012, the 21 No.MADC.2/DC(Sectt)2012, the 21 No.MADC.2/DC(Sectt)2012, the 21 stst stst st February February February February February , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. , 2013. In exercise of the power conferred by rule 33(2) of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution and Conduct of Business), Rules 2002 as amended from time to time, Puhpa Hiphei, Chairman, Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to summon Members of the Mara Autonomous District Council, to sit for the District Council Budget Session commencing from 28 th March, 2013 at 10:30 AM in the Session Hall of the Mara Autonomous District Council, Saiha. All Business both official and non-official meant for the Budget Session, 2013 may be submitted to the undersigned on or before 12 th March, 2013 during of fice hour. Pachi Hlychho, Pachi Hlychho, Pachi Hlychho, Pachi Hlychho, Pachi Hlychho, Secretary to the District Council Secretariat, Mara Autonomous District Council, Saiha. Published and Issued by Controller , Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 - 16 - R-10/2013
Government of Mizoram PART - I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICA TIONS No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Pt, the 4 thth thth th March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. In the interest of public service, Pi H. Lalsangliani, Headmistress, Lungpho Govt. Middle School is hereby transferred and posted to Bungkawn Govt.Middle School-I, Aizawl in place of Pu Vanlalhruaia, Headmaster retired. The senior most teacher of Lungpho Govt. Middle School should take charge of Headmaster/ Headmistress until a new Headmaster/Headmistress is posted. K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, K.Sangthuama, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 No.A.22017/1/2005-EDN/Loose, the 4 thth thth th March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. March,2013. In the interest of public service the following Government Middle School Headmaster are hereby transferred and posted as shown against theirnames. SI. No. SI. No. SI. No. SI. No. SI. No. Name Name Name Name Name Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting Present place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting New place of posting 1. P. Zoramthanga Govt. M/S-1 1Govt. M/S Tawizo 2. H. Laltanpuia Govt. M/S Tawizo Govt. M/S -11, Thingsulthliah They should join their respective place of