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The Constitution (One Hundred and Third Amendment) Act, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 343Date - 23/05/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 23.5.2019 Jyaistha 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 343NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/130/2014-LJD, the 21st May, 2019.The Constitution (One Hundred and ThirdAmendment) Act, 2019 is hereby published for general information.Lalhlimpuii Hmar,Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.THE CONSTITUTION (ONE HUNDRED AND THIRDAMENDMENT) ACT, 2019ANACTfurther to amend the Constitution of IndiaBE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-ninth Year of the Republic of Indiaas follows:—1.(1) This Act may be called the Constitution (One Hundred andThird Amendment) Act, 2019.(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Governmentmay, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.2. In article 15 of the Constitution, after clause (5), the following clauseshall be inserted, namely:—‘(6) Nothing in this article or sub-clause (g) of clause (1) of article 19 orclause (2) of article 29 shall prevent the State from making,—Short title andcommencement.Amendment ofarticle 15. (a) any special provision for the advancement of any economicallyweaker sections of citizens other than the classes mentioned in clauses (4)and (5); and(b) any special provision for the advancement of any economicallyweaker sections of citizens other than the classes mentioned in clauses (4)and (5) in so far as such special provisions relate to their admission toeducational institutions including private educational institutions, whetheraided or unaided by the State, other than the minority educational institutionsreferred to in clause (1) of article 30, which in the case of reservationwould be in addition to the existing reservations and subject to a maximumof ten per cent. of the total seats in each category.Explanation.—For the purposes of this article and article 16,“economically weaker sections” shall be such as may be notified by theState from time to time on the basis of family income and other indicatorsof economic disadvantage.’.3. In article 16 of the Constitution, after clause (5), the followingclause shall be inserted, namely:—“(6) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from makingany provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of anyeconomically weaker sections of citizens other than the classes mentionedin clause (4), in addition to the existing reservation and subject to amaximum of ten per cent. of the posts in each category.”.Amendment ofarticle 16.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Ex-343/20192

Change of name of ISAAKA, Electrical Worker under Lawngtlai Power Division

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 344Date - 23/05/2019

O F F I C E O R D E RNo. A.11015/1/2015-EC(P&E)/62, the 25th April, 2019.After executing a Deed in a prescribed form,the former name ISAAKA, Electrical Worker under Lawngtlai Power Division do hereby assumed and distinguishnot by his former name, but assumed name of ISAK B. LALZARZOKIMA.It is therefore, authorized and requested all persons - Officials and Non-Officials to designate andaddress him by that assumed name as ISAK B. LALZARZOKIMAC. Lianlunga,Engineer-in-Chief,Power & Electricity Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 23.5.2019 Jyaistha 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 344

Constitution of committee on Enforcement of Correct Transaction of LPG/POL/Iron Rod etc.

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 345Date - 23/05/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 23.5.2019 Jyaistha 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 345NOTIFICATIONNo.F.20016/6/2019-FCS&CA, the 23rd May, 2019. In the interest of the public service, the Governorof Mizoram is pleased to constitute the following committee on Enforcement of Correct Transaction ofLPG/POL/Iron Rod etc. within the State of Mizoram with the following members with immediate effectand until further orders.1.STATE LEVEL COMMITTEE ON ENFORCEMENT OF CORRECT TRANSACTION OFLPG/POL/IRON ROD, ETCChairman:Minister of FCS & CAMembers:1.Commissioner & Secretary, FCS&CA Department:Member Secretary2.Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department:Member3.Secretary, UD&PA Department:Member4.Secretary, GAD:Member5.Director, FCS&CA:Member6.IGP, Law & Order, PHQ:Member7.Jt. Controller of Legal Metrology:Member8.Chairman, MIZOFED:Member9.Area Manager, IOC (LPG), Mizoram:Member10.Area Manager, IOC (POL), Mizoram:Member11.President, CYMA:Member12.Chief Plant Manager, Mualkhang Bottling Plan:Member13.President, Mizoram Consumer Union:Member14.President, MIDA:Member15.President, AMPEDA:Member16.President, All Mizoram Cement & Iron Rod:MemberDealers Association 2.DISTRICT LEVEL COMMITTEE ON ENFORCEMENT OF CORRECT TRANSACTIONOF LPG/POL/IRON ROD ETCChairman:Deputy CommissionerMembers:1.Commissioner, AMC. (Aizawl District):Member2.Superintendent of Police:Member3.DCSO, FCS&CA Department:Member4.Dy. Controller/Asst. Controller/Inspector of L.M:Member5.Representative from Sub Headquarters, YMA:Member6.Representative from Sub Headquarters, YLA:Member7.Representative from Sub Headquarters, MTP:Member8.Representative from LPG Distributors:Member9.Representative from POL Dealers:MemberTERMS OF REFERENCE1.The State Level Committee shall meet atleast once in a year.2.The District Level Committee shall meet atleast twice in a year.3.The District level Committee shall be empowered to from a sub committee/squad within their jurisdiction.H.L. Rochungnunga IAS,Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department.Ex-345/20192Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Revision of PSOs provided to officials in ‘Other Protected Persons’ category

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 346Date - 23/05/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 23.5.2019 Jyaistha 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 346NOTIFICATIONNo.D.32019/15/2018-HMS, the 21st May, 2019. In continuation to this Department’s Notification ofeven number and dated 03.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram ispleased to revise PSOs provided to officials in ‘Other Protected Persons’ category as provided in Para 3 ofthe Yellow Book, 2002 issued by the Government of India, a list of which is appended here with immediateeffect and until further order.Lalnunmawia Chuaungo,Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Ex-346/20192OTHER PROTECTED PERSONSSl.No.Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemarks1.Principal Secretary, HomePSOs (2) shall beprovided by SP,Security afterposting of Officeras PrincipalSecretary/ HomeCommissioner.2.State Chief Information CommissionerPSOs (1)3.Chairman, Mizoram Public ServicePSO (1)Commission4.State Election CommissionerPSO (1)5.State Information CommissionerPSO (1)6.Vice Chancellor, Mizoram UniversityPSO (1)7.Addl. Director General of PolicePSOs (2)8.Inspector General of PolicePSOs (2)9.CEMs, LADC, MADC & CADCPSO 1 each10.Advocate General, MizoramPSO (1)PSO shall beprovided whenstationed inMizoram11.Deputy Inspector General of Police (CID)PSO (1)12.Deputy Inspector General of Police (TRG)PSO (1)13.Deputy Inspector General of Police (HQ)PSO (1)14.Deputy Inspector General of Police (NR)PSO (1)15.Deputy Inspector General of Police (SR)PSO (1)16.Director, ACBPSO (1)17.Commandant General, MRHGPSO (1) shall beprovided by SP,Security afterconsideration bythe Committee onProtected Person.18.Deputy Commissioner, AizawlPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 SAP)19.Deputy Commissioner, LungleiPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 MRHG)20.Deputy Commissioner, SaihaPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 MRHG)21.Deputy Commissioner, ChamphaiPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 MRHG)22.Deputy Commissioner, MamitPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 MRHG)23.Deputy Commissioner, KolasibPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 MRHG)24.Deputy Commissioner, SerchhipPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 MRHG) 25.Deputy Commissioner, LawngtlaiPSOs (2) + HouseGuards (1+1+4 MRHG)26.District & Session Judge, AizawlPSO (1)27.District & Session Judge, LungleiPSO (1)28.Distirct & Session Judge, ChamphaiPSO (1)29.Chief Judicial Magistrate, AizawlPSO (1)30.Chief Judicial Magistrate, LungleiPSO (1)31.Chief Judicial Magistrate, ChamphaiPSO (1)32.Chief Judicial Magistrate, MamitPSO (1)33.Chief Judicial Magistrate, KolasibPSO (1)34.Chief Judicial Magistrate, SerchhipPSO (1)35.Chief Judicial Magistrate, LawngtlaiPSO (1)36.Judicial Magistrate, First Class, LungleiPSO (1)37.Judge, Fast Tract Court, SiahaPSO (1)38.Judge, Fast Tract Court, KolasibPSO (1)39.Dy. Resident Commissioner,PSO (2)Mizoram House, Silchar40.Chief Electoral OfficerPSO (1)41.President, BJP, Mizoram PradeshPSO (1)42.Special judge, ND&PSPSO (1)43.Special Judge, Prevention of CorruptionPSO (1)Act, 198844.Chairman, Lok AyuktaPSO (1)45.Additional District & Sessions Judge,PSO (1)AizawlPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Ex-346/20193

Dear Lucky sets of Weekly Lottery through Director of IF&SL

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 347Date - 23/05/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 23.5.2019 Jyaistha 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 347NOTIFICATIONNo.G.16016/5/2018-F.Est, the 22nd May, 2019.In the interest of public service and for generationof additional revenues and in terms of Rules 3(3) of Lottery (Regulation) Rules, 2010 of Government ofIndia, the competent authority is pleased to introduce and organize, Dear Lucky sets of Weekly Lotterythrough Director of IF&SL with the following descriptions :-1.Name of Lottery Scheme:Dear Lucky sets of Weekly Lottery, Details ofthe Scheme are attached at Annexure-A2.Distributor/Selling Agent:Teesta Distributors, T-19(D), Peace Villa BesidePWD Building, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl.3.Draw Place:Directorate of Institutional Finance & State Lottery,Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl.4.Draw Date and Time:1st Draw on 10.6.2019 at 5:00 p.m onwards5.Marketing Area:Maharashtra and PunjabThe revenues generated from the sale proceeds of the tickets shall be invested for the welfare ofHealth care, Education, Public Sanitation and other Social Sectors.Further, Nutech Security Printer is approved to print the Lottery Tickets for the above said scheme.By order etc.Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Finance Department. MIZORAM STATE LOTTERIESDIRECTORATE OF INSTITUTIONAL FINANCE & STATE LOTTERYDEAR LUCKY GEM MONDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 10-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2309,000200ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS3301,00020ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS43050010ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS512300601ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL10,63,00019,20010,82,200DEAR LUCKY DIGNITY TUESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 11-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2309,000200ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS3301,00020ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS43050110ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS512300601ON 410 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL10,63,00019,20010,82,230DEAR LUCKY RICH WEDNESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 12-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2309,000200ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS3301,00020ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS43050210ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS512300601ON 410 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL10,63,00019,20010,82,260Ex-347/20192 DEAR LUCKY CHARM THURSDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 13-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2309,000200ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS3301,00020ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS43050310ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS512300601ON 410 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL10,63,09019,20010,82,290DEAR LUCKY FIT FRIDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 14-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2309,000200ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS3301,00020ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS43050410ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS512300601ON 410 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL10,63,12019,20010,82,320DEAR LUCKY KIND SATURDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 15-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2309,000200ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS3301,00020ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS43050510ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS512300601ON 410 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL10,63,15019,20010,82,350Ex-347/20193 DEAR LUCKY FAIR SUNDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 16-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2309,000200ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS3301,00020ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS43050610ON 1 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS512300601ON 410 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL10,63,18019,20010,82,380(a)The name of the lottery or lottery scheme:As mentioned above(b)Price of the lottery ticket:` 6/-(c)Total number of tickets printed in case of Paper LotteryTotal Tickets : 3 Lakhs:Numbering : 70 to 99/0000 to 9999(d)Printing charges including the cost of paper:` 4,000/- (Per Lakh Tickets)(e)Gross value of the tickets printed:` 18 Lakhs (Eighteen Lakhs)(f)Name or names of the distributors or selling agents with their addresses and contact informationSole Distributor :M/s Teesta Distributors, T-19 (D), Peace Villa, Beside PWD Building,Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram, Aizawl - 796001Area Distributor :M/s Fortune Entriprises, 176, 2nd Floor, Ashoka Shopping Centre,G.T. Hospital Complex. L.T. Road, Mumbai-400 001.M/s Vishesh Distributors, Shop No.: 19, Guru Tegh Bahadur Market,Clock Tower, Ludhiana-141 008.Printing Press :NUTECH SECURITY PRINTERS, NEW DELHI-110 020.(g)Prize Structure:As mentioned bove.(h)The amount offered as prize money:As mentioned above(i)Periodicity of the draw:Weekly, Draw Time : 05.00 PM Onwards(j)The place where the draw shall be conductedDirectorate of Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram : Aizawl - 796001.Ph: 0389-2322291. Website:, procedure for drawing the prize winning tickets or prize winners : As mentioned above..(l)One ticket can win prizes of one rank only whichever is highest in terms of prize money. Holder ofsaid tickets shall be entitled for all the prizes of selected rank.NOTE :Detail of Unsold ticket if any shall be intimated by the Distributor before the Draw time bymeans of electronic media or internet.Ex-347/20194Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Change of name of Parmeshwar Tudu, Peon of the Office of the District & Sessions Judge, Lunglei

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 348Date - 24/05/2019

ORDERNo. A.21011/1/2018-D&SJ(L)/49, the 13th March, 2019.Whereas an application received fromShri Parmeshwar Tudu, Peon of the Office of the District & Sessions Judge, Lunglei, it has been brought to thenotice of the undersigned that his original and real name Parme Tudu may be entered/written in his Service Bookand other records. On the strength of his Birth Certificate and Affidavit made by him, I, the undersigned, authoriseto relinquish and abandon the use of his former name of Parmeshwar Tudu and further declared that he shall bedesignated and addressed by his real name Parme Tudu at all times hereinafter in all his service and personalrecords, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions, private as well as public and upon alloccasions whatsoever use with immediate effect.R. Thanga,District & Sessions Judge,Lunglei Judicial District : Lunglei.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 24.5.2019 Jyaistha 3, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 348

Revision in scheme of Dear Lucky set of weekly lottery from 1st draw to be held on 10.06.2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 363Date - 03/06/2019

NOTIFICATIONNo. G.27031/2(1)2019-DTE(IF&SL)/Dear Lucky, the 30th May, 2019.As authorised by theGovernment vide letter No.G.16016/4/2012-F.IF&SL dated 11.09.2012, the undersigned hereby approvesrevision in scheme of Dear Lucky set of weekly lottery from 1st draw to be held on 10.06.2019 and until furtherorder. This issues as per proposal submitted by the concerned Distributors i.e. M/s Teesta Distributors.Jennifer H.L. Duhawmi,Director,Institutional Finance & State Lottery,Mizoram : Aizawl.The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 3.6.2019 Jyaistha 13, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 363 MIZORAM STATE LOTTERIESDIRECTORATE OF INSTITUTIONAL FINANCE & STATE LOTTERYDEAR LUCKY GEM MONDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 10-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2109,0001,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS310500100ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS41025050ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS5180012010ON 180 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL3,23,50029,5003,53,000DEAR LUCKY DIGNITY TUESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 11-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2109,0001,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS310501100ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS41025050ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS5180012010ON 180 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL3,23,51029,5003,53,010DEAR LUCKY RICH WEDNES DAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 12-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2109,0001,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS310502100ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS41025050ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS5180012010ON 180 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL3,23,52029,5003,53,020Ex-EEEx-363/20192 DEAR LUCKY CHARM THURSDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 13-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2109,0001,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS310503100ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS41025050ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS5180012010ON 180 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL3,23,53029,5003,53,030DEAR LUCKY FIT FRIDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 14-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2109,0001,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS310504100ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS41025050ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS5180012010ON 180 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL3,23,54029,5003,53,040DEAR LUCKY KIND SATURDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 15-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2109,0001,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS310505100ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS41025050ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS5180012010ON 180 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL3,23,55029,5003,53,050Ex-363/20193 DEAR LUCKY FAIR SUNDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1STDRAW ON 16-06-2019 ONWARDSRANKNO. OFPRIZESUPERDRAW METHODPRIZESAMOUNTPRIZEAMOUNT1110,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS WITH SERIAL NO.2109,0001,000ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS310506100ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS41025050ON 1 TIME ON 4 DIGITS5180012010ON 180 TIMES ON 4 DIGITS TOTAL3,23,56029,5003,53,060(a)The name of the lottery or lottery scheme:As mentioned above(b)Price of the lottery ticket:` 6/-(c)Total number of tickets printed in case of Paper LotteryTotal Tickets : 1 Lakh:Numbering : 90 to 99/0000 to 9999(d)Printing charges including the cost of paper:` 4,000/- (Per Lakh Tickets)(e)Gross value of the tickets printed:` 6 Lakhs (Six Lakhs)(f)Name or names of the distributors or selling agents with their addresses and contact informationSole Distributor :M/s Teesta Distributors, T-19 (D), Peace Villa, Beside PWD Building,Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram, Aizawl - 796001Area Distributor :M/s Fortune Enterprises, 176, 2nd Floor, Ashoka Shopping Centre,G.T. Hospital Complex. L.T. Road, Mumbai-400 001.M/s Vishesh Distributors, Shop No.: 19, Guru Tegh Bahadur Market,Clock Tower, Ludhiana-141 008.Printing Press :NUTECH SECURITY PRINTERS, NEW DELHI-110 020.(g)Prize Structure:As mentioned bove.(h)The amount offered as prize money:As mentioned above(i)Periodicity of the draw:Weekly, Draw Time : 02.00 PM Onwards(j)The place where the draw shall be conductedDirectorate of Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram : Aizawl - 796001.Ph: 0389-2322291. Website:, procedure for drawing the prize winning tickets or prize winners : As mentioned above..(l)One ticket can win prizes of one rank only whichever is highest in terms of prize money. Holder ofsaid tickets shall be entitled for all the prizes of selected rank.NOTE :Detail of Unsold ticket if any shall be intimated by the Distributor before the Draw time bymeans of electronic media or internet.Ex-363/20194Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Streamline the procedure for Registration of Adventure Clubs within the State under the Department of Sports & Youth Services, Government of Mizoram

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 372Date - 07/06/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 7.6.2019 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 372NOTIFICATIONNo.B16014/33/2019-SYS, the 6th June, 2019.In the interest of Public Services the Governor of Mizoramis pleased to streamline the procedure for Registration of Adventure Clubs within the State under the De-partment of Sports & Youth Services, Government of Mizoram and for the better Management of Equip-ments and Assets relating to Adventure Sports, all Adventure Clubs shall register themselves as per pre-scribed proforma appended at Annexure ‘A’.All Government Assets and Equipments relating to Adventure Sports shall henceforth be eitherleased or rented out only to Adventure club registered under the Department of Sports & Youth Services onpayment of lease/rental charges which may be fixed by the Department from time to time.List of members with age is to be appended at Annexure to the duly filled in prescribed proforma atAnnexure ‘A’.Model Rules and Regulations of a Club is appended at Annexure ‘B’.H. Lalengmawia,Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Sports & Youth Services Department. ANNEXURE - AFORMAT FOR REGISTRATION OF ADVENTURE CLUBDEPARTMENT OF SPORTS & YOUTH SERVICESGOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM1.Name of the Club :The Name of the Club shall be ..........................................................................(No personal name should be used as name of the Club)2.Complete Postal Address :: ........................................................................: ........................................................................: ........................................................................Address for Communication: ........................................................................PHONE (Mobile/landline)Email: ........................................................................Whats up No.: ........................................................................3.Area of operation _____________________________________________________4.Aims and objects :-The aims and objects for which the Club is extablished are as under :(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)All the incomes, earnings, movable or immovable properties of the Club shall be solely utilized andapplied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the Memorandum of Club and noportion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in anymanner whatsoever, to the present or past members of the Club or to any person claiming through any oneor more of the present or the past members. No member of the Club shall have any personal claim on anymovable or immovable properties of the Club or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his membership.5.Main Activities/Adventure Sports to be taken up :-(1) ....................................................................(2) ....................................................................(3) ....................................................................(4) ....................................................................(5) ....................................................................Ex-372/20192 6.Office Bearers :Sl.No.Name (Full in Capital)AddressOccupationDesignation in the Club1. person :We the undersigned are desirous of forming a Club namely .................................................................................................................... under the Department of Sports & Youth Services. Governmentof Mizoram.We agree to abide by all rules, regulations and instructions of the Department of Sports & YouthServices. Government of Mizoram.Sl.No.Name (Full in CapitalAddressOccupationSignature1. member of the club :No. of Male membersNo. of female membersLeaderSecretaryEx-372/20193 ANNEXURE-BMODEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF A CLUB1.Name of the Club :Name of the Club shall be .............................................................(No personal name should be used as name of the Club)2.MembershipThe membership of the Club is open to any person who has attained the age of maturity andfulfills the terms and conditions of the Club but subject to the approval of the Office Bearers. Noperson shall be enrolled in more than one Adventure Club.3.Membership Fee & SubscriptionThe Admission Fee and the Subscription shall be as under unless otherwise revised by theExecutive Committee Members :(a)Admission Fee ......................................... at the time of admission(b)Subscription ............................................... per Year4.Termination or Cessation of MembershipThe Executive Committee of the Club shall have the powers to expel/terminate a memberor/and members, from the membership of the Club, on the following grounds :(a)On death,(b)On written resignation,(c)If found to be involved in any anti-social activities,(d)If adjudged by any court of law to be a criminal offender(e)If found guilty by means of anti propaganda of the Aims and Objects of the Club.(f)If falls to pay the subscription or contribution for the year.(g)If has not attended three consecutive meetings.(h)If disregard Rules & Regulations or disobey the decisions of the Executive Committee.The decision of the Executive Committee, shall be communicated to the member concerned.5.Re-AdmissionIn case, any member of the Club is expelled by the Executive Committee on any ground ofsection 4(b), (e), (f), (g) & (h) of rules & Regulations, he can be readmitted, provided the ExecutiveCommittee permitted his/her re-admission.6.Register of members and facilitiesThe Club shall maintain a register of its members and shall enter therein the name, address,date of enrollment and date of termination of the members.7.General Body DefinedAll the members of the Club will constitute the General Body of the Club.8.General Bodya)notice : Minimum 14 days notice shall be given to the members, before the date of GeneralBody Meeting, enclosing agenda specifying date, time, place and issue to be discussed.b)Meeting : General Body Meeting shall be held at least Six times in every year.c)Quorum : The quorum of General Body Meeting shall be 1/2 (half) of the total strength of theGeneral Body Members of the Club.Ex-372/20194 9.Rights & Privileges of MembersAll and every member of the Club :(a)shall be entitled to participate in meetings, cultural/educational functions and other lawfulgatherings, called/arranged by the Club.(b)Have right to called the Identity Card after depositing the required/prescribed fee (fixed by theGeneral Body of the Club from time to time).10.Duties of the membersAll and every member of the Club shall :a)elect the Office Bearers of the Club.b)attend the General Body Meetings regularly.c)give the necessary information to the Club, pertaining to any matter which is necessary to beknown by the Club.d)not indulge in activities which are prejudial to the Aims and Objects and/or the Rules &Regulations of the Club.11.Governing Bodya)Strength : The strength of Executive Committee (including office bearers and executive mem-bers) shall not be less than 10 (ten) and not more than 25 (twenty five).b)Term : Term of every Executive Committee shall be 2 (two) years.(c)Notice : Minimum 14 (fourteen) days notice shall be required for every Executive CommitteeMeeting of the Club but urgent/Executive Committee can be called by 24 hours notice.(d)Quorum : Quorum of every Executive Committee Meeting shall be 2/3 (two third) of the totalstrength of the Executive Committee.e)Emergent Meeting : The emergent Executive Committee Meeting may be called by the 24hours notice.12.Composition of the Governing BodyThe composition of the Governing Body shall be as under(a)LeaderOne(b)Deputy Leader(c)SecretaryOne(d)Asst. SecretaryOne(e)TreasurerOne(f)Financial SecretaryOne(g)Executive MembersFrom___________ to __________13.Termination of Members of Executive CommitteeAny member of the Executive Committee can be terminated from the office on the same grounds ofarticle 414.Functions & Powers of Executive Committee(a)Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management and administration of all af-fairs of the Club, and is also authorized to appoint any office bearer/executive member to lookafter any particular activity.(b)All the decisions shall be taken by the majority votes.(c)The Executive Committee shall have the powers as are the powers of the Club, mentioned inthe Memorandum of the Club and in these Rules and Regulations.The Executive Committee shall have also the following powers :(i)To prepare Plans, Projects and Programmes(ii) To appoint Election Officer and his/her powers.Ex-372/20195 15.Powers and Duties of office BearersA. Leader(a)Leader shall preside over all the meetings of the society.(b)At the time of voting on any matter/subject (except election), if the total votes of the groups ofmembers happen to be equal in number the Leader has the power to cast an extra vote todecide the matter/subject.(c)Leader shall have the power to allow inclusion of any subject/matter in agenda for the discus-sion in the course of Proceeding/Meeting.(d)Leader will sign all the papers/letters, on behalf of the Club, to conduct its correspondences.B.Deputy LeaderThe Deputy Leader of the Club shall enjoy all the powers of the Leader in his/her absence.C.Secretary(a)Secretary will cummon and attend the meetings of the Executive Committee and GeneralBody.(b)Secretay will prepare the membership register as well as the proceeding register to recordthe minutes of the proceedings of the Executive Committee Meetings and have them dulysigned by the members who attend the meetings.D.Asst. SecretaryThe Asst. Secretary shall enjoy all the powers of Secretary in his/her absence.E.Treasurer(a)All funds of the Club shall remain under the care and management of Treasurer.(b)Treasurer shall maintain the accounts of all money which is received and/or paid by him/her on behalf of the Club.(c)Treasurer shall make disbursement in accordance with the direction of Executive Committee.F.Financial Secretary(a)He shall keep account book of the Club’s fund and shall record all receipts and expendi-tures.(b)All monetary transactions shall be made through her/him(c)He/She shall be responsible with the Treasurer for the proper accounting of the Club’s fund.16.Filling up of Casual VacanciesAny casual vacancy amongst the Executive Committee, shall be filled by the resolution passedby the Executive Committee. Such appointment(s) shall be confirmed by the General Body in itscoming General Body Meeting.17.ElectionGeneral Body in its Annual Meeting will elect its Leaders and all the office bearers and alsothe Executive Members of the Governing Body, after every ______ years by secret ballot papers orby show of hands as the Election Officer may decide. Voting by proxy will be allowed/will not beallowed. Simple majority of vote shall be declared as elected.18.Sources of IncomeAll the income of the Club shall be utilized only for the promotion and upliftment of the Aimsand Objects of the club. Sources of Income of the Club are as under :(a)Admission Fee & Subscription from the members of the club(b)Donation and Special Contributions.(c)_____________________________Ex-372/20196 19.Property of societyAll property belonging to a Club shall vest in the General Body of the club. The club shallmaintain register for recording details of the properties.20.GiftAny kind of gift received from any person for a specific purpose shall not be used for anyother purpose without the consent of the donors.21.Financial YearFinancial year of Society shall start from 1st Jan. - 31st December, every year.22.AuditThe accounts of club shall be audited by the auditor (any Auditor appointed by the ExecutiveCommittee) every year.23.Management of Funds & Accounts OperationBank Account shall be operated by joint signatures of __________________________. The clubshall keep proper books of accounts in which all sums of money received, source thereof, expendi-ture and object or purpose, the assets and liabilities of the club shall be entered.Opening of Bank account for the club is in the decision of the General Body.24.Inspection of accounts and of the proceedings of meetingsAll the members of the club shall have the right to inspect Books of accounts and proceedingsof the meetings of the club if and when required.25.Submission of annual report/returnsOnce in every year a list of the General Body of the current year, annual activities reportcertified by Leader and Secretary and autitor’s report and balance sheet for the previous year dulyaudited and signed by auditors shall be submitted to the Director, Sports & Youth Services Depart-ment, Government of Mizoram, failing which the registration of the club will be rescinded.26.DissolutionIf the club needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved through a resolution to this effect ty boteof two-third of all member present and voting. The resolution should be intimated to the Director,Sports & Youth Services Department, Government of Mizoram at the earliest.27.Legal ProceedingsA Club may sue and/or be sued in the name of the Leader, the Secretay or any office bearerauthorized by the General Body in this behalf.28.AmendmentAny amendment in Memorandum and Rules & Regulations will be carried out in accordancethe direction of the secretary, Department of Sports & Youth Services, Government of Mizoram.29.UNDERTAKINGWe hereby agree to abide by the Rules, Regulations & Instructions laid down by the Director-ate of Sports & Youth Services, Government of Mizoram.30.Application of the ActAll Orders, notification, instructions of the Department of Sports & Youth Services, Govern-ment of Mizoram shall apply to this club.Certified that this is the correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the club.TreasurerSecretaryLeaderEx-372/20197Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Fix entitlements of Chairperson and Members of Mizoram Lokayukta

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 373Date - 07/06/2019

NOTIFICATIONNo. G.12017/1/2019-LJE, the 4th June, 2019. In pursuance of the decision of the Government ofMizoram and as provided under section 7 of the Mizoram Lokayukta Act, 2014 (as amended from time to time),the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to fix entitlements of Chairperson and Members of Mizoram Lokayukta inpar with that of the Hon’ble Chief Justice and Judges of the Gauhati High Court as revised from time to time inthe following manner with immediate effect.Sl.No.EntitlementsDescription1Peon(Co-terminus1.Household peon - 1 No2.Official Peon - 2 NosPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 7.6.2019 Jyaistha 17, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 373Marli Vankung,Secretary to the Government of Mizoram,Law & Judicial Department.Reimbursements of charges on account of water andelectricity consumed at his residence not exceeding3600 kilo-litres of water and 10,000 units of powerper annum.One official car (Verna, Vento, Innova, etc.) and200(two) hundred litres of petrol per month or theactual consumption, whichever is lessNot exceeding `40,000/-Reimbursement of Mobile Phone and Landlinetelephone bill not exceeding 6500 units per month.Not exceeding ` 45,000/- for use in residential OfficialChamber.Not exceeding ` 45,000/-Such as phenyl(5 litres), baygon(5 litres), spray,naphthalene(3 Kgs), 6 Nos of harpic (500 ml) Dettolliquid soap 250 ml (6 Nos), Bleaching Powder (5Kgs),mosquito liquidator (10 Nos) Pen, etc., for use in theresidential chamber in every 3(three) months.4(four) nos of newspaper and 2(two) nos ofMagazine. No such limit in the case of theChairperson.CarMobile HandsetPhone BillDesktop ComputerLaptop computer with wireless 3Ginternet dongleArticlesNewspaper2Free Water and Electricity3456789

Affidavit of Lalnunmawia S/o S. Lohar, Champhai Vengthar Champhai District

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 382Date - 13/06/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.6.2019 Jyaistha 23, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 382AFFIDAVITI, Lalnunmawia S/o S. Lohar, Champhai Vengthar Champhai District, State Mizoram do herebysolemnly affirm and state as follows :-1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to schedule Tribe.2.That my name has been entered as Lalnunmawia in Family Ration card, Voter’s identity card andany other family purposes3.That my name is mistakenly entered as Nauraj in all the documents of my service book.4.That my official name is Lalnunmawia.5.That I am willing to enter my name as Lalnunmawia in all the documents of my service book.6.That I declared in this affidavit that my official name as Lalnunmawia instead of Nauraj and Iwould like to address the same hereafter.That all the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledgeand belief and that nothing material has been misrepresented.IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribe my hand on this the 18th day of August, 2013Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Identified by me;Sd/-T. LALTHAFAMKIMA, BA. LLBAdvocateAizawl : Mizoram.Sworn before meSd/-Judicial Magistrate First ClassChamphai : MizoramSd/-DEPONENT

Affidavit of Laltanpuia Ralte

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 383Date - 29/08/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.6.2019 Jyaistha 23, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 383AFFIDAVITKnow all men by these presents that I, the undersigned do hereby absolutely renounce and abandonthe use of my name of LUNGMUANA and in lieu thereof assume and adopted the name of LALTANPUIARALTE and for the purpose of evidencing such change, I hereby declare that I shall at all times hereafter inall records, deeds, documents and other writings, and in all actions suits and proceedings, as well as in alldealings and transactions, matters and things whatsoever and upon all occasions use and subscribe thesaid name of LALTANPUIA RALTE as my name in lieu of LALLUNGMUANA so abandoned as aforesaid.I therefore hereby expressly authorize and require all persons whomsoever at all times to designate,describe and address me and my heirs as LALTANPUIA RALTE. In witness whereof I have hereto subscribedmy hand before Magistrate 1st Class, Kolasib on this 25th Day of July, 2003.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Identified by meSd/-AdvocateDEPONENTSd/-(LALTANPUIA RALTE)Signature with assumed nameSolemnly affirmed andsigned before meSd/-MAGISTRATEMagistrate 1st ClassKolasib District, Kolasib

Appointed date for Mizoram Motor Vehicle (Taxation) (Amendment) Act, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 385Date - 14/06/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2019 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 385NOTIFICATIONNo.B.11013/93/2017-TRP/Pt, the 11th June, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred bySub-Section (3) of Section 1 of the Mizoram Motor Vehicle (Taxation) Act, 1996 (Act No. 5 of1996), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the 13th June, 2019 as the date on which theMizoram Motor Vehicle (Taxation) (Amendment) Act, 2019 shall come into force throughout theState of Mizoram.K.T. Beicho,Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Transport Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Date for the provisions of Section 2 and Section 3 of Taxation Act

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 386Date - 14/06/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2019 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 386NOTIFICATIONNo.J.21011/2/2018-TAX/Pt, the 12th June, 2019.In exercise of the powers conferred bysub-section (2) of section 1 of the Mizoram Goods & Services Tax (Second Amendment) Act,2019 (Act. No. 7 of 2019), the Governor of Mizoram hereby appoints 4th September, 2017 and 1stJuly, 2017 as the date on which the provisions of Section 2 and Section 3 of the said Act shall comeinto force, respectively.Vanlal Chhuanga,Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Taxation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Appointment of Pi Laldinpuii, Principal, Gilead Special School, Bawngkawn, Aizawl, as member, Selection Committee for Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board in place of Pi Lalchhanhimi Aizawl

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 387Date - 14/06/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2019 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 387NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12019/13/10-SWD, the 12th June, 2019.In partial modification to this Department’sNotification No.B.12019/13/10-SWD dt.25.7.2017, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to ap-point Pi Laldinpuii, Principal, Gilead Special School, Bawngkawn, Aizawl, as member, SelectionCommittee for Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board in place of Pi LalchhanhimiAizawl, for the remaining term of the Committee with immediate effect and until further order.Zoramthangi Hauhnar,Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Social Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram Youth Commission Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 390Date - 17/06/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2019 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 390NOTIFICATIONNo.A.11018/1/2017/LESD&ED.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 16 of the MizoramYouth Commission Act, 2008 (No. 8 of 2008), the Government of Mizoram hereby make the followingrules for regulating the duties, functions, honorarium and allowances payable to and another terms andconditions of service of the Chairperson and Members of the Mizoram Youth Commission, namely :1.(1)These rules may be called the Mizoram Youth Commission Rules,2019.(2)They shall extend to the whole of Mizoram.(3)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in theOfficial Gazette.2.In these rules unless the context otherwise requires-(1)“Act” means Mizoram Youth Commission Act, 2008.(2)“Commission” means the Mizoram Youth Commission constitutedunder Section 3 of the Act.(3)“Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Commission.(4)“Member” means the member of the Commission.(5)“Member Secretary” means Member Secretary of the Commission,who shall be a Government Servant.(6)“Committee” means the committee appointed by the Commission.(7)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram.3.The Chairperson, other than a sitting MLA, shall be paid a fixedhonorarium as may be decided by the Government from time to time.4.(1)The Chairperson and Members shall be entitled to sitting allowanceat the rate of rupees one thousand per sitting subject to a maximumof rupees three thousand per month or as may be decided by theGovernment from time to time.Short title, extent andCommencementDefinitionsHonorariumSitting Allowance andOther entitlements (2)The Commission may invite any expert to attend its sittings or de-pute any experts to represent the interest of the Commission. Suchexpert may be paid an allowance of rupees one thousand per day oras may be decided by the Government from time to time.(3)The Chairperson other than sitting MLA shall be eligible for Travel-ling Allowance and Daily Allowance (TA&DA) at the same rates asare applicable to Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. Othermembers of the Commission shall be entitled to TA&DA at the ratesadmissible to Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram whileperforming duties.5.(1)Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 4 of the Act,any person who has not attained the age of sixty-five years, may beappointed by the Government as the Chairperson or as a Member.(2)Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of Section 4 of the Act,the Chairperson and every member, shall, unless removed from of-fice under sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Act, hold office for aterm not exceeding three years at a time or till he/she attains the ageof sixty-five years, whichever is earlier.(3)If the Chairperson is unable to discharge his/her functions owing toillness or other incapacity, the Government shall nominate any otherMember to act as the Chairperson and the Member so nominatedshall hold office of the Chairperson until the Chairperson resumesoffice.(4)If vacancy occurs in the office of the Chairperson due to death orresignation or as a result of removal under sub-section (4) of section4 of the Act, the State Government shall nominate any other Mem-ber to act as the Chairperson until the vacancy is filled by a freshappointment under sub-section (1) of section (4) of the Act.6.(1)Subject to the provision of sub-section (5) of Section 3 of the Act,Member Secretary of the Commission shall be an Officer of the rankof Deputy Secretary to the Government and shall be depute fromamongst Officers of the Government with desired experience/quali-fications.(2)Member Secretary shall be a full time official of the Commission,and he/she shall be entitled to all the usual pay and allowances andother facilities as admissible under the rules governing to his/herService.(3)The member Secretary shall be the Controlling Officer in respect ofthe officers and staff of the Commission. The Member Secretaryshall be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the Commission orany other officer in the Commission nominated by him/her.7.(1)The Govt. shall provide the Commission with such officers and otheremployees as may be necessary.(2)Recruitment/filling up of posts etc is to be done by State Govern-ment.Tenure of OfficeMember - SecretaryStaff of the CommissionEx-390/20192 8.(1)The salary/wages payable to officers and other staff of the Commis-sion, who are appointed on regular/deputation/contract/MR basisand those on part time employment shall be determined by the Com-mission with due approval of the Government from time to time.The rate of such pay and allowances/salary/wages shall normally beequivalent to the pay and allowances/salary/wages in regards to theirrespective equivalent posts/grades under the Government by issueof a special or general order.(2)In case of official tour, they shall be entitled to TA&DA as admis-sible to Government employees of the corresponding rank.(3)Leave entitlement shall be as per CSS (Leave) Rules, 1972 asamended from time to time, and no other leave of any kind shall beadmissible to any contract employee.9.The Commission shall, in consultation with the Government, framenecessary rules/regulations/scheme relating to pension and otherretirement benefits for the different categories of employees of theCommission; or by adoption of the appropriate rule or scheme or theGovernment.10The Commission shall hold a quarterly review meeting to evaluateand monitor the progress for development of Mizoram Youth Com-mission and report to the Government.11.The Commission shall submit its Audited Annual Financial Reportduly authenticated by Chief Controller of Accounts, Accounts &Treasuries, Mizoram within 3 months form closing of the FinancialYear.12.The Commission shall submit Annual Report within 3 months fromclosing of the Financial Year.13.(1)The conditions of service of the Chairperson and Members for whichno expressed provision has been made in these rules shall be deter-mined by the Government from time to time.(2)Any other matter for which no expressed provision has been madein these rules, shall be regulated in such manner as the GovernmentMay determine from time to time.Krishna Mohan Uppu,Spl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Labour, Employment, Skill Dev. & Entrepreneurship Deptt.Salaries and allowancesPension & OtherRetirementQuarterly meetingAuditAnnual ReportResiduary ProvisionsEx-390/20193Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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