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Change of name of V. LALHMACHHUANA, District Fisheries Development Officer, Fisheries Department

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 505Date - 24/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 21015/1/17-FS, the 11th June, 2019. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to modify the name of V. LALHMACHHUANA, District Fisheries Development Officer, Fisheries Department to V.L. HMACHHUANA with immedia te effect. Thlamuana Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 24.7.2019 Shravana 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 505Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Revision of PSOs provided to officials in ‘Y’ and ‘X’ category as provided in Para 3 of the Yellow Book, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 506Date - 24/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.D. 32019/15/2018-HMS, the 22nd July, 2019. In continuation to this Department’s Notifica tion of even number and dated 21.05.2019 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to r evise PSOs provided to officials in ‘Y’ and ‘X’ category a s provided in P ara 3 of the Yellow Book, 2019 issued by the Government of India, a list of which is appended here with immediate effect and until further or der. Lalbiakzama, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 24.7.2019 Shravana 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 506 ‘Y’ CATEGORY Sl. No. Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemar ks 1Dr. R. Lalthangliana,PSOs (3) + HouseCabinet Minister Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 2Pu R. Lalzirliana,PSOs (3) + House Cabinet Minister Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 3P u C. Lalrinsanga ,PSOs (3) + Cabinet Minister House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 4Er. Lalrinawma , PSOs (3) + Dep uty Spea ker House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 5Pu K. Lalrinliana , PSOs (3) + Minister of State House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 6Pu Lalchhandama Ralte , PSOs (3) + Minister of State House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 7Pu Lalruatkima , PSOs (3) + Minister of State House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 8Dr. K. Beichhua , PSOs (3) + Minister of State House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) - 2 - Ex-506/2019 9Pu T. J. Lalnuntluanga, PSOs (3) + Minister of State House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 10Pu Robert Romawia RoytePSOs (3) + Minister of State House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 11Pu Lalrintluanga Sailo, MLAPSOs (3) Deputy Chief Whip 12Pu Lawmawma Tochhawng, MLAPSOs (2) Vice Chairman, HPC, Lunglei 13Pu C. Lalramzauva, Sr. AdvocatePSOs (3) Adviser to the Chief Minister 14Leader of the OppositionPSOs (2) SP, S ecurity shall provide PS O as and when notified. 15Pu Lalduhoma ,MLAPSO(l) 16Er. H. Lalzirliana,MLAPSO(l) 17Pu Lalrinsanga Ralte,MLAPSO(l) 18Pu C. Lalmuanpuia,MLAPSO(l) 19Dr F. Lalnunmawia,MLAPSO(l) 20Pu L Thangmawia,MLAPSO(l) 21Dr Z.R. Thiamsanga,MLAPSO(l) 22Pu Ramthanmawia,MLAPSO(l) 23Pu Vanlalhlana,MLAPSO(l) 24Dr Vanlalthlana,MLAPSO(l) 25Pu Andrew H. Thangliana,MLAPSO(l) 26Pu V.L. Zaithanzama,MLAPSO(l) 27Pu C. L alsa wivunga,MLAPSO(l) 28Lalchhuanthanga,MLAPSO(l) 29Dr Vanlaltanpuia,MLAPSO(l) 30Pu K. Pachhunga,MLAPSO(l) 31Pu H. Biakzauva,MLAPSO(l) 32Pu Zodintluanga Ralte,MLAPSO(l) 33Pu Nihar Kanti Chakma ,MLAPSO(l) 34Pu C.Ngunlianchunga , MLAPSO(l) 35Pu K. T. Rokhaw,MLAPSO(l) 36Pu Lalrindika Ralte,MLAPSO(l) 37Pu Buddha Dhan Chakma,MLAPSO(l) 38Pu Zotha ntluanga,MLAPSO(l) 39Chief Secretary, MizoramHouse Gua rds PSOs (3) shall be (1+1+4 SAP) provided by SP Security as a nd when required. 40DGP, MizoramPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+6 CRPF) - 3 -Ex-506/2019 X’ CATEGORY Sl. Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemar ks No. 1Judges,PSOs (2) +Gauhati High Court, Aizawl Bench House Guards (CRPF) 2Hon’ble Mr. JusticePSOs (2) + Michael Zothankhuma,House Guards (SAP) Judge, Gauhati High C ourt, Station Judge for Aizawl Bench 3Hon’ble Mr. Justice Nelson Sailo,PSOs (2) + Judge, Gauhati High C ourt, House Guards (SAP) Station Judge for Aizawl Bench. 4Pu Lal Thanhawla,PSOs (3) Former Chief Minister, Mizoram 5Pu C.Lalrosanga, MPPSOs (2) PSOs shall be provided Lok S abha during the stay in their own Parliamentary Constituency 6Pu Ronald Sapa Tlau,MPPSOs (2) Rajya Sabha 7Pu H. Rammawi, Vice Chair man, PSO(l) State Planning Board 8Pu C. Lalrammawia,PSO(1) Chair man, ZOHANDCO 9Pu Lalthlengliana,Ex-MLAPSO(l) Chairman, ZIDCO 10Pu Lalthanliana,Ex-MLAPSO(l) Chairman, Mizoram KVI BoardPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram KVI Employees (Pension) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 507Date - 24/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 12011/2/2017-C&I, the 22nd July, 2019. In exercise of powers confer red under sub-section (1) of section 40 of the Mizoram Khadi and Village Industries Board Act , 1982 r ead wit h the provisions of regulations 9 and 22 of the Mizora m Khadi & Villa ge Industries Board Regulation, 1988, the Mizoram Khadi & Villa ge Industr ies Boa rd make the following regula tions, to amend the Mizoram KVI Boa rd Employees (P ension) Regulation, 2002, namely:- 1.Shor t title and(1) These regula tions may be called the Mizor am KVI Employees (Pension) commencement:(Amendment) Regulations, 2019. (2) They shall come into force on the date of notification in the official Gazette. 2.Amendment ofIn the Mizor am KVI Board Employees (Pension) Regulations, 2002 (here- Regulation 4:inafter r eferred to as the Principal Regulations), Sub-Regulation (2) of Regulation 4 shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “(2) The Pension Regulation under Sub-Regulation (1) shall cover and include the retir ement benefits as mentioned below:- (1) DCRG : The maximum amount of DCRG shall be not more tha n 15 la khs. The DCRG sha ll be calculated by using the formula as below:- Formula: DCRG = B.P+DA x No. of Qualifying service4 (2) (i) In no case a nd in no circu mstances, commutation of pension shall be applicable as pension benefit with effect from the date of amendment of Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Board Pension Regula tion, 2002. (ii) All the pensioners who ha d already enjoyed commutation of Pension under this Regulation but not fu lly repay the commuted amount shall be calculated, the balance there of shall be deducted from the monthly pension as per repa yment schedule of his/her commutation of P ension with effect from the date of amendment of Mizoram Kha di& Village Industries Board Pension Regulation, 2002. (iii) All the pensioners who enjoyed commutation but not fully repay the commuted amount, and not ha ving monthly pension to withdraw shall be VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Wednesday 24.7.2019 Shravana 2, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 507 - 2 - Ex-507/2019 exempted the unpaid balance due thereof with effect from the date of amendment of Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Boar d Pension Regulation, 2002. (3)S ource of Individual P ens ion Amount: (i) The Board shall contribute 7 times of Individual Pension fund contribution and 4% from the total amount following various pension, viz. Family Pension, Superannuation Pension, Voluntary Pension, etc.(i.e., Total Contribution x 7 + 4% of the total amount) Illustration: Total Contribution = Rs 10,00,000/- 7x 10,00,000 = Rs 70,00,000/- 70,00,000x4% = Rs 2,80,000/- Total Pension Amount = Rs 72,80,000/- (ii) The Pensioner shall be entitled only his pension amount. (iii) The Pensioner shall draw DC RG not more tha n 15 la khs from his Pension amount which shall be deducted from his/her total Pension a mount. Illustration: Tota l Pension Amount - Rs 72,80,000/- DCRG withdraw - (-) Rs 15,00,000/- Balance for Monthly Pension = Rs 55,28,000/- (iv) The Pensioner shall draw his monthly pension in 120 installments (or 10 years) from the balance of his Pension amount (after deducting his/her DCRG withdr awn). He/she shall be allowed more than 120 installments or 10 years. T he Pensioner shall submit his/her willingness to the Head of Depa rtment, if he/she is willing more than 120 installments or 10 years. Illustration: Balance for Monthly Pension = Rs 55,28,000 No. of Installment = 120 Amount of Monthly Pension = Rs 46,066.86 (Say Rs 46,067/-) (v) In t he event of the death of the Pensioner before completing 120 installments or 10 years of monthly pension, the balance amount shall be pass-over to his/her legal dependent. (vi) Any Pensioner who overdra wn his P ension amount, but only entitled Compensatory Pension shall be exempted from repayment of his/her overdrawn a mount with effect from the date of amendment of Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Board Pension Regula tion, 2002. (vii) If the amount calculated contains a fraction of installment, the amount shall be included in the first installment of Compensatory Pension. (4) (i) After withdrawal of 120 installments or 10 year s Monthly Pension, the Pensioner shall be entitled Compensatory Pension Calculation of Compensatory Pension: Compensatory Pension = 30% of last monthly pension amount. - 3 -Ex-507/2019 (ii) The minimum amount of Compensatory Pension shall be fixed at Rs 5,000/-, the maximum amount shall not exceed Rs 15,000/- (iii) The Superannuation Pensioner sha ll be entitled the Compensa tory Pension for his lifetime. In the event of his/her death, the Compensa tory Pension will be pass-over to the legal dependent for a p eriod of 12 months. (iv) The Family P ensioner who alr eady dra wnhis/herPension amount shall be entitled Compensatory Pension for a period of 12 months with effect from the da te of a mendment of Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Boar d Pension Regulation, 2002. (v) Voluntary Pensioner shall not be entitled the Compensatory Pension. (5) (i) This amendment of the Mizoram Khadi and Village Industries Board Employees Pension Regulation, 2002 shall a bide all the employees and Pens ioners who opted t he M izor am Kha di & Villa ge Industr ies Boar d P ension Regulation, 2002. (ii) The Pensioner who overdrawn his/her contribution x7times + 4% shall cease automa tically and shall be converted to Compensatory Pension with effect from the date of amendment of Mizoram Khadi & Village Industries Boar d Pension Regulation, 2002. (6) The Standing Finance Committee shall review the matching contribution of Pension amount and Interest from time to time”. (7) Sub-regulation (3) of regula tion 4 shall be omit ted. 4.Amendment ofSub-Regulation (2) of Regulation 6 of the Principal Regulations shall be Regulation 6:substituted by the following, namely:- “2) The employees of the Board, who opts to come under these regulations, will have to make a contribution of 16% of his/her basic pay. Out of which 10% will be credited to his pension fund and the remaining 6% s hall be credited to his G.P Fund account. T he deduction of 16% s hall be made from the salary bill of the employees every month. The rate of cont ribution shall be reviewed from time to time by the Standing Finance Committee of the Board. In a ddition to the above, an employee may also have a voluntary cont ribution to his/her G.P Fund account at his option”. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Corrigendum of Dr. Lalzahawmi Chenkual, Associate Professor, Government Zirtiri Residential Science College

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 508Date - 25/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008CORRIGENDUMNo. C. 18011/4/2011-FST, the 24th July, 2019.In partial modification of this department’s Notification of even No. dt. 19.06.2019 regarding the appoint ment of Ex-officio Members for the State Wetlands Authority for the State of Mizor am, the name of one of the Ex-officio Members, for the field of Wetland Ecology, appearing as Dr. Lalzahawma Chenkual, Associate Professor, Government Zirtiri Residential Science College, shall be read a sDr. La lza ha wmi Chenkua l, Associate P r ofessor, Government Zirtiri Residential Science College. Ajai Saxena, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 25.7.2019 Shravana 3, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 508Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Dawrpui Vengthar lam pana motor tlan dan tur

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 509Date - 25/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.RO/TRF/SP-Noti-7/08/519, the 24th July, 2019.Mizoram Sta te Sorka r Notification No. B. 12021/10/04-TRP Dt. 22.8.2008 leh Section 115 of MV Act, 1988-in thuneihna min pek ang in Kei, a hnua ia hming ziaktu/sign-tu hian mipuite him tlan zawk nan a hnuai a hmun ta rlan ah hian lirthei tlan dan tur thupek ka chhu ah e. He Notifica tion chhuah ata nga thu leh awm hma chu,Zarkawt Local Council Market building atangin Dawrpui Vengthar lam panin lirthei-LMV leh a aia lian te chhu k zawng a tlan khap a ni. Tin, Dawrpui Vengthar atangin Zarkawt Local Council Market building lam panin lirthei LMV (407 Truck chin huam lovin) chho zawng a tlan phal a ni. Two Wheeler te chu chhu k leh chho zawng a tlan pha lsak an ni. He thupek hian chhiatrupna thil, kangmei leh emergency kaihhnawih a duty, dan leh thupek pawimawh bik a Police leh Ma gistrate duty te chet velna a huam lovang. Rodingliana Chawngthu, MPS, Sr. Superintendent of Police, Traffic : Aizawl : Mizoram. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 25.7.2019 Shravana 3, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 509Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Constitution of Core Committee on New Market Buildings Demolition/Reconstruction

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 510Date - 25/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 14015/2/98-CI(TC), the 24th July, 2019.In pursuance of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister, Commerce & Industries Department, on 25.06.2019 at Assembly Secr etariat. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Core Committee on New Market Buildings Demolition/Reconstruction with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Chairman-Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram Member Secretary-Director, Commerce & Industries Department Members :- (1)Secr etary, Planning & Programme Implementation Department. (2)Specia l Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department. (3)Secretary, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. (4)Secr etary, Finance Department. (5)Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl. (6)C.E. , PWD (Building) (7)Chief Architect, PWD. (8)C.E.O Aizawl Smart City Ltd. (9)Director, Geology & Miner al Resources Department. (10) Commissioner, AMC. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 25.7.2019 Shravana 3, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 510Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Including Ministers as Co-chairman of Coordination Committee on Traffic Management

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 511Date - 26/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.D. 32021/1/2019-HM(TM), the 23rd July, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Notification of even No. dt. 21.02.2017, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include the following ministers as Co-chair man of Coordina tion Committee on Tra ffic Management with immediate effect and until fur ther or ders. 1.Hon’ble Minister, UD&PA 2.Hon’ble Minister, Tr ansport Department. H. Ramthlengliana, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 26.7.2019 Shravana 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 511Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Technical Committee for opening tendering process for selection of new System Integrator and evaluate RFP

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 512Date - 26/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.D. 25017/1/2011-HMS, the 23rd July, 2019.In the interest of Public Service, the Government of M izoram is pleased to constitute a Technical Committee for opening tendering process for selection of new System Integrator and evaluate RFP submitted by SPMU for CCTNS Pr oject, Mizoram as under :- 1.Pi P riyanka Kashyap, AIG (Modernization)-Chairman 2.Pu F. Lalthlamuana, Dy. SP, CID (Crime)-Member 3.Pu Lalbiakkima, Addl. SP (Wireless)-Member 4.Chief Informatics Officer, ICT-Member 5.Rep resent ative from S PMU-Member Lalbiakzama, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 26.7.2019 Shravana 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 512Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Deed of changing name of Ruatpuii Cira D/o Vanlaltlana

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 808Date - 02/12/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 DEED OF CHANGING NAME ON AFFIDAVITBY THIS DEED I, the undersignedRuatpuii Cir a D/o Vanlaltlanaa bona fide citizen of India by birth, permanent resident ofT-27 Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl, Aizawl District, Mizoram, Pin No. 796001do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I wholly renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former nameLalruatpuii D/o Vanlaltlana and in place thereof, do assume from the date hereof the name ofRuatpuii Cir a D/ o Va nlaltla naand so that I may hereaft er be called, known and distinguished not by my former name ofLalr uatpuii D/o Vanlaltlanabut my assumed name ofRuatpuii Cira D/o Vanlaltlana. 2.That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination I declare that I s hall at all times hereafter in a ll records, deeds and writing and in all pr oceedings, dealings and transactions of private as well as p ublic a nd upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name ofRuatpuii Ciraas my name in place of and in substitute for my former name ofLalruatpuii. 3.That I expressly authorize and request all persons at all times hereaft er to designate and address me such assumed name ofRuatpuii Cira D/o Vanlaltlanaaccor dingly. 4.That this Affidavit is also sworn for the purpose of making correction in my Passport bearing No. K1154697 IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and sign this the 4th day of January, 2019. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by :-Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- La lengzauvaS.L. Thansanga, MA, LLB AdvocateAdvocate District & Sessions CourtD-17, Nursery Veng, Aizawl Aizawl, MizoramPh. : 9436142255 Ph. : 9862361570 VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 2.12.2019 Agrahayana 11, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 808

Notification of Mizoram Youth Commission Rules 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 513Date - 26/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 11018/1/2017-LESDE, the 24th July, 2019.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under section 16 of the Mizoram Youth C ommission Act, 2008 (N o. 8 of 2008) the Government of Mizoram is pleased to notify the Mizoram Youth Commission Rules, 2019 wit h immediate effect. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour, Employment, Skill Dev. & Entrepreneurship Deptt. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 26.7.2019 Shravana 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 513Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Change of name of Lalrinliana, Plumber under Executive Engineeer, Khawzawl WATSAN Division

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 514Date - 26/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OFFICE ORDERNo. A-21015/1/2018-E-in-C/PHE/43 ‘A’, the 25th July, 2019.Lalrinliana, Plumber under Executive Engineeer, Khawzawl WAT SAN Division is hereby allowed to change his name to C. Lalrinliana. Henceforth, he sha ll be known as C. Lalr inliana and his name shall b e written as such in his service records and all other officia l documents. Lalmuanzova, Engineer-in-Chief : P HED, Mizor am : Aizawl. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 26.7.2019 Shravana 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 514Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Change of name of Pu AK Achou Singh, Headmaster, Govt. Khawbung High School

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 515Date - 30/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 21015/1/2019-EDN(HS), the 24th July, 2019.The change of name in resp ect of P u AK Achou Singh, Headmaster, Govt. Khawbung High School to Lalhmangaihsanga is hereby accepted. Henceforth, his name shall be written as s uch in all his service records and all other officia l documents. Es ther La l Ruatkimi, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 30.7.2019 Shravana 8, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 515Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Re-constitution of Governing Body of the Mizoram State Child protection Society (MSCPS)

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 516Date - 30/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12017/28/2010-SWD, the 26th July, 2019.In s upersess ion of t he Depar tment’s Notifica tion of even No. dt. 26.10.2015, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constit ute Governing Body of the Mizoram Sta te Child protection Society (MSCPS) for implementation of Child p rotection Service (CPS ) in Mizoram as follows : 1.P resident : Secr etary, S ocia l Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram. 2.S ecr eta r y : Director, Women and Child Development. 3.M ember s : (i) Depu ty S ecr etary to the Gover nment of Mizor am, Socia l Welfare Department. (ii) Joint Director, Women and Child Development. (iii) Depu ty Director (ICDS), Women and Child Development. (iv) Depu ty Director (i/c ICPS) Women and Child Development. Zoramthangi Hauhnar, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 30.7.2019 Shravana 8, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 516Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Proposed to be acquired for the purpose of construction of River Tuirini HEP, Aizawl District

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 517Date - 30/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.K.12011/52/2019-REV, the 25th July, 2019.WHEREAS, acquisition of la nd descr ibed in the Schedule shown below is pr oposed to be a cquired for the purpose of construct ion of River Tuirini HEP, Aizawl Distr ict. AND WHEREAS, a social impa ct assessment study is to be conduct ed on t he proposed area to facilitate appropriate fina l decis ion on the proposal under The Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilita tion and Resettlement) Act, 2016. Now, therefore, the Government of Mizoram under Section 4 of the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement) Act, 2016 hereby publish for general informa tion that – 1.the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) study which shall include survey on socio-economic profile, impa ct areas and su bmission of the SIA Report and the Social Impact Management Plan (S IMP) through sur vey, consultation and public hearings, be conduct ed as p rovided under the Mizoram LARR Act, 2016, in the project area, as follow:- (1) Name of Project Developer : Power & Elect ricity Department. (2) Description of the project : Tuirini Hydro Electric Project (24 mw). (3) Description of land requir ed for the project:Submergence area is identified as 409.15 ha. (4) Loca tion/ a reas to be affected : Within the Village Council a reas of Lailak, Khanpui, Sesa wng, Seling, Keifang, ThingsulTlangnuam, Thingsulthliah, SaitualVenglai, Saitual-I, Saitual-III and Tualbung. (5) Prior consent of t he public/ gra m sabha and la nd owners isnot required for this a cquisit ion. (6) Agency appointed to conduct SIA and contact information : SIRD & PR Durtlang Leitan, Ph : (0389) 2362551/2362545. (7) Timeline for submission of SIA Report and SIMP:Within 6 (six) months from the date of issue of this Notification. 2.Any attempt at coercion or threat against the SIA process will render the exer cise null and void. 3.If there is any requirement for information, anyone may contact SIRD & P R (State SIA Unit). La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Commissioner /Secreta ry to Government of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement Deptt. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 30.7.2019 Shravana 8, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 517Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Notification of the new and improved curriculum for adoption in the Elementary Course of Diploma in Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science at Lungpuizawl, Lunglei w.e.f. the Academic Year 2019-2021

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 518Date - 30/07/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 33023/5/2013-AH&V, the 26th July, 2019.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the new and improved curr iculum for adoption in the Elementar y Course of Diploma in Animal Husbandr y & Veterinary Science at Lungpuizawl, Lunglei w.e.f. the Academic Year 2019-2021. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veter inary Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 30.7.2019 Shravana 8, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 518 1st YEAR PAPER – I THEORY ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY Sl. No.Name of Cha p terNo. of Periods 1.Skeletal system 2.Muscular and nervous system 3.Digest ive syst em 4.Respiratory system 5.Circular system 6.Urogenital system 7.Endocrine sys tem 8.Microbiology 9.Parasitology - 2 - Ex-518/2019 1st YEAR PAPER – I THEORY ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY 1. SKELETAL SYSTEM 1.1Classifica tion of bones and joints 1.2Bones of forelimb 1.3Bones of hind limb 1.4Bones of s kull 1.5Bones of vertebral column 1.6Important joints; shoulder, elbow, hock, stifle joint and inter vertebral joint 2 . MUSCULAR AND NERVOUS S YST EM 2.1Major muscles of mammals and fowl 2.2Physiology of muscular system 2.3Nervous system in mammals; struct ure and functions of bra in, spinal cord and importa nt perip her al nerves 2.4Temperature regula tion and environmental physiology 3. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 3.1Digestive system of ruminants 3.2Physiology of digestion in ruminants 3.3Digestive system of non ruminants 3.4Physiology of digest ion in non ruminants 3.5Digestive system of fowl 3.6Physiology of digestion in fowl 4. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 4.1Resp iratory system of mammals sketch dia gram 4.2Respiratory system in fowl 4.3Mechanism of respiration in mammals 4.4Mechanism of respira tion in fowl 5. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 5.1Circulatory system in mammals – heart, importa nt arteries and veins, lymphatic system 5.2Blood cellular and chemica l constituents of blood-mechanism of blood coagula tion 5.3Cardiac cycle 5.4Physiology of lymphatic system 6. UROGENITAL SYSTEM 6.1Structure a nd function of male r eproductive system 6.2Structure and funct ion of female reproductive system 6.3Structure and function of avian r eproductive system 6.4Structure a nd function of urinary system of mammals 6.5Structure and function of ur inary system of fowl 7. ENDOCRINE SYST EM 7.1Pituitary gland - 3 -Ex-518/2019 7.2Thyroid 7.3Pancreas 7.4Adrenal gland 7.5Mammary gland-structure and secretion of milk - neurohor monal regulation of milk secretion 8. MICROBIOLOGY 8.1Classification of microorganisms 8.2Morphology of bacteria and virus 8.3Fact ors affecting t he growth of microorganisms 8.4Important pathogenic bacteria; TB, Brucellosis, Anthra x, HS, BQ, Salmonellosis, E.Coli, Clostridium, Leptospirosis, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Listeriosis, Mycoplasmosis 8.5Important pathogenic virus; F&M, Rabies, Pox disease, Blue tongue, influenza , Ranikhet, Marek’s, IBD 9. PARASITOLOGY 9.1Trematodes; Fasciola , Schistosomes, amphistomes 9.2Cest odes; Taenia, Echinococcus, moniezia , poultr y tape worm 9.3Nema todes; Ascaria, strongyloides, ankylostomes, filaria sis, tr ichinellosis 9.4Protozoan parasites; Amoebiasis, babesiosis, theleriosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, trypanosomiasis 9.5Ectoparasites; Ticks, mites, myiasis 1st YEAR PAPER – I PRACTICALS ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY 1.Demonstration of bones of forelimb 2.Demonstration of bones of hind limb 3.Demonstration of bones of skull 4.Demonstration of b ones of vertebral column 5.Demonstration of different joints 6.Demonstration of major muscles of mammals 7.Demonstration of ma jor muscles of fowl 8.Sketch diagram and labeling of brain, spinal cord 9.Sketch diagr am and labeling of digestive system of ruminants 10. Sketch diagram and labeling of digestive system of non-ruminants 11. Sketch diagram and labeling of r espiratory system of fowl 12. Sketch diagr am and labeling of respirator y system of mammals 13. Sketch diagram of heart of mamma ls and fowl 14. Observation of normal and a bnormal respira tion 15. Estimation of blood coagulation time 16. Sketch dia gram of lympha tic system 17. Diagram and labeling of male reproductive system 18. Diagram and labeling of female r eproductive system 19. Diagram and labeling of a vian r eproductive system 20. Diagram and labeling of urinary system of mammals 21. Diagram and labeling of urinary system of fowl 22. Sketch diagram, la beling and demonstration of pituita ry gland, thyr oid, pa ncreas and adr enal glands - 4 - Ex-518/2019 23. Structure of mammary gland and labeling 24. Bacterial cell and it s components 25. Observing the perma nent slides of importa nt bact eria 26. Observing the colonies of important bacteria in selective medias 27. Sketch diagram of parasit es and eggs of fasciola, schistosomes and amphistomes 28. Sketch diagram of parasites and eggs of taenia, echinococcus a nd moniezia 29. Sketch diagram of parasites of ascaria, strongyloides, ankylostomes a nd fila rial 30. Observation of slides of amebia, babesia, theilaria, coccidiosis, trypanosomes 31. Sketch diagra m of ticks and mites 32. Observation of slide of ticks and mites 1st YEAR PAPER - II THEORY RUMINANT ANIMAL PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT Sl. No.Name of Cha p terNo. of Periods 1.Intr oduction – Conformation points of large and small ruminants 2.Breeds of Pig, Dair y cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep and Goat 3.Housing, Hygiene and Sanitation of livestock farms 4.Selection and breeding of ruminant livestock 5.Feeding of ruminants 6.Activities in livestock farms 7.Lactation, Qualit y control and marketing of Da iry products 8.Economics of ruminant livestock far ms, AH Developmenta l Programmes and Livestock Insur ance 1st YEAR PAPER - II THEORY RUMINANT ANIMAL PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT 1 . Introduction – Conformation points of large and small ruminants 1.1 Common terminology used in livestock management 1.2 Livestock statistics 1.3 Role of livestock farming in Indian economy 1.4 Conformation points of Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep and Goats 2 . Br eeds of Pig, Da ir y C attle, Buffa lo, S heep and Goa ts 2.1 Breed definition – Classification of ruminant livestock br eeds 2.2 Identification of Indian and exot ic breeds and their productivity 3 . Housing, Hygiene and Sa nit ation of livestock fa rm 3.1 Selection of site for livestock farms 3.2 Housing Systems for different age groups of livestock 3.3 Layout, Spa ce, ventilation and light r equirements 3.4 Hygiene and Sanitation in animal houses-Cleaning and fu migation of stores 3.5 Biogas plant – Types, design and uses 4 . Selection and Breeding of ruminant livestock 4.1 Selection a nd culling of C attle, Buffaloes, Sheep and Goats 4.2 Breeding definition – System of Breeding 4.3 State and National breeding policies 5 . Feeding of ruminants 5.1 Feeding definition – Common feeds and fodders 5.2 Feeding of different age group 5.3 Feeding of livestock under drought condit ions 5.4 Urea treatment of paddy-straw and use of UMMB 5.5 Feed plant-feed mixing and machinery used for feed prepara tion 5.6 Quality control of feeds – collection and processing of samples for feed analysis 5.7 Importance of natural gra ss lands, cont rol gra zing 5.8 Cult ivation practices of Leguminous and Non-leguminous fodders 5.9 Chaffing of fodders 5.10 Fodder conservation – Hay pr eparation and S ilage ma king 6 . Activities in livestock farms 6.1 Daily farm routine of livestock farms 6.2 Rest raint of livestock 6.3 Casting of livestock – methods 6.4 Identification of livestock – methods 6.5 Care and ma nagement of different age groups of livestock 6.6 Weaning of rumina nt animals 6.7 Castration, Docking, Disbudding, Hoof tr imming of livestock 6.8 Shearing, Clipping, Dipping, Spraying and Deworming of livestock 6.9 Mana gement of animals while tra nsporta tion 6.10 Livestock farm records 7 . La ctation, Qualit y control and Marketing of Dairy products and live anima ls 7.1 Importance of milk a s human food 7.2 Milk composition 7.3 Milking of dairy animals-methods 7.4 Importance of clean milk production 7.5 Detection of adulterants and preservatives in milk 7.6 Milk value addition – Ghee, Butter, Pa neer & Khoa 7.7 Judging of livestock 8 . Economics of ruminant livestock farms, livestock insurance 8.1 Economics of Dairy fa rming 8.2 Economics of sheep and Goat farms 8.3 Project reports for small sized livestock farms 8.4 Role of Dair y cooperatives and other livestock 8.5 AH developmental pr ogrammes for upliftment of rural far mers 8.5 Livestock Insurance – Economic implications- 5 -Ex-518/2019 1st YEAR PAPER - II PRACTICALS RUMINANT ANIMAL PRODUCT ION MANAGEMENT 1.Familiarization with Conformation points of Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep and Goat 2.Identification of Indian and Exotic breeds of Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep and Goat 3.Appr oach and Handling of Cattle and Buffalo 4.Appr oach and Handling of Sheep and Goat 5.Methods of r estraint of ruminant 6.Methods of Casting of livestock 7.Methods of identification of livestock 8.Housing systems and lay out for different age groups of Cattle and Buffalo 9.Housing system and lay out for different a ge groups of Sheep and Goat 10. Floor space requir ement for different age group of animals 11. Selection of Cattle and Buffaloes b y score card methods 12. Culling of livestock 13. Feeding of colostrum to new born animals 14. Identification of important feeds and fodders 15. Demonstration of Hay prepara tion 16. Demonstration of Silage ma king 17. Urea treatment of paddy straw 18. Collection a nd processing of samples for feed analysis 19. Weaning of pig and ruminant animals 20. Castration, Docking, Disbudding, Hoof tr imming of livestock 21. Shearing and Clipping 22. Dipping and Spraying 23. Deworming of livestock 24. Mana gement of animals while tra nsporta tion 25. Care and management of new born animals 26. Care and management of Dry and Pregnant animals 27. Care and ma nagement of milch animals 28. Care and management of breeding males 29. Various farm records and maintenance of stock and s tore 30. Hygiene and Sanitation in animals house – cleaning and fumigation of stores 31. Biogas plant – types, design and uses 32. Methods of milking 33. Sampling of milk, a nalysis of important constituents of milk 34. Visit to Da iry far ms – Demonstra tion of various mana gementa l pract ices 35. Visit to Sheep and Goat far m-Demonstration of var ious managemental pract ices 36. Visit to milk processing plant 37. Visit to slaughter house/abattoir 38. Study of Daily farm routine of livestock farms- 6 - Ex-518/2019 1st YEAR PAPER - III THEORY LABORATORY TECHNIQUES AND PHARMACOLOGY Sl. No. Name of ChapterNo. of Periods 1.Laboratory equipment 2.Preparations 3.Laboratory techniques 4.Ra diology 5Pharma cology 1st YEAR PAPER – III THEORY LABORATORY TECHNIQUES AND PHARMACOLOGY 1. LAB EQUIPMENT 1.1 Microscope 1.2 Hot air oven 1.3 Bacteriological incubator 1.4 BOD incuba tor 1.5 Autoclave 1.6 Centrifuge 1.7 ELIS A tester and reader 1.8 Spectrophotometer 1.9 PCR equipment 1.10 Water bath 1.11 pH meter 1.12 Elect rophoresis appar atus 1.13 Blood analyser 1.14 Haemocytometer 1.15 Digital haemoglobino meter 1.16 Microtome 1.17 Colony cou nter 2. PREPARATIONS 2.1 Methods of sterilization of glassware 2.2 Preparation of common micr obiological culture media 2.3 Preparation of stains 2.4 Preparation of la borator y reagents 2.5 Preparation of different anticoagula nt solutions 2.6 Collection, preserva tion and dispatch of samples 2.6.1 Blood 2.6.2 Faeces 2.6.3 Urine 2.6.4 Sputum 2.6.5 Skin scrapings 2.6.6 Vaginal discharge- 7 -Ex-518/2019 2.6.7 Different or gans at post mortem 2. 6. 8 Milk 2.6.9 Meat 2.6.10 Wa t er 3. LAB TECHNIQUES 3.1 Different staining procedures 3.1.1 Gram’s staining 3.1.2 Spor e staining 3.1.3 Zeihl Nelson’s staining 3.1.4 Negative staining 3.1.5 Fluorescent staining 3.1.6 Leishman staining 3.1.7 Giemsa staining 3.2 Processing of samples for parasitological examina tion 3.3 Identification of parasitic ova and parasites 3.4 Examination of blood – RBC count, WBC, PCV, Hb 3.5 Examination of milk for mastitis, adultera nts & preservatives 3.6 Examination of skin scrapings 4. RADIOLOGY 4.1 Properties of X-ra ys and uses 4.2 Exposer and development of X-rays film 5. PHARMACOLOGY 5.1 Drug dosage forms 5.2 Prescription reading 5.3 Routes of drug administra tion 5.4 Common ointments 5.4.1 Iodine ointment 5.4.2 ZnO ointment 5.4.3 Boric acid ointment 5.4.4 Sulphur ointment 5.5 Carminatives & anta cids 5.6 Analgesic, antipyretics, sedatives 5.7 General, Local and epidural anesthetics 5.8 Antihistaminic, common antibiotics, antifungal agents and disinfectants 5.9 Anthelmintic, antiprotozoal and ectopa rasiticidal drugs 1st YEAR PAPER – III PRACTICALS LABORATORY TECHNIQUES AND PHARMACOLOGY 1.Operation a nd maintenance of a)Microscope b)Hot air oven c)Bacteriological incubator d)BOD incuba tor- 8 - Ex-518/2019 e)Autoclave f)Centrifuge g)ELIS A tester and reader h)Spectrophotometer i)PCR equipment j)Water bath k)pH meter l)Blood analyser m) Haemocytometer n)Digital haemoglobino meter o)Micr otome p)Colonycounter 2.Sterilization of glassware 3.Preparation of different microbial culture medias 4.Preparation of different staining solutions 5.Preparation of different laboratory reagents 6.Preparation of different anticoagulant solution 7.Collection, preserva tion and dispatch of samples a)Faeces b)Urine c)Blood d)Sputum e)Milk f)Wat er g)Skin scrapings h)Nasa l washings i)Orga ns collected at postmortem examina tion 8.Preparation and staining of blood smears a)Gram’s staining b)Spor e staining c)Zeihl Nelson’s staining d)Negative staining e)Fluorescent staining f)Leishman staining g)Giemsa staining 9.Processing of dung sample for pa rasitological exam 10. Processing of skin scrapings for parasitological exam 11. Processing of nasal washings for parasitological exam 12. Identification of parasitic ova and parasites 13. Preparation of museum specimens 14. Examination of blood for constituents 15. Examination of milk a) Physical examina tion of milk b) Chemical examina tion of milk c) Microbiological examina tion of milk 16. Operation and maintenance of X-ray plant 17. Exposure and development of X-ray films 18. Prepa ration of ointments/mixtures 18. Operation a nd maintenance of la borator y equip ment- 9 -Ex-518/2019 2nd YEAR PAPER – I THEORY NON-RUMINANT ANIMAL PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT Sl. No. Name of Cha p terNo. of Periods 1.Intr oduction – Conformation points and Common breed characteristics of Pet animals, Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 2.Zoo animals – Care, Ma nagement and health cover 3.Housing, Selection, Breeding and Feeding, Care and Ma nagement of different age groups 4.Activities in livestock and Poultry farms 5.Hatchery management 6.Methods of slaughter, Principles of mea t preservation and Effluent disposal 7.Economics of Poult ry and Swine fa rming, marketing of eggs, Chicken, Pork and live animals 2nd YEAR PAPER – I THEORY NON-RUMINANT ANIMAL PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT 1 . Introduction – Conformation points and common breed characteristics of Pet animals, Swine, Rabbit a nd Poultry 1.1 Common terminology used in livestock management 1.2 Recent statistics 1.3 Role of Poult ry in Indian economy 1.4 Eggs and Chicken Meat as human food 1.5 Conformation points of Dog, Cat, Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 1.6 Identification and Classification of India n and exotic br eeds and their productivity 2 . Zoo animals – Care, Management and health cover 2.1 Intr oduction to zoo animals 2.2 Impor tance of zoo animals 2.3 Care, Management and health cover of zoo animals 3. Housing, Selection, Breeding and Feeding, Care and Management of different of different age group 3.1 Housing system for Pet animals, Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 3.2 Layout, Spa ce, water, ventilation and light r equirements 3.3 Select ion and Culling 3.4 Br eeding S ystems 3.5 Feeding of Pet animals, S wine, Rabbit and Poultry 3.6 Feed supplements a nd Additives for poultry 3.7 Feed plant – feed mixing and machinery used for poultr y feed prepara tion 3.8 Brooding of chicks 3.9 Mana gement of poult ry grower and layer 3.10 Mana gement of Broiler- 10 - Ex-518/2019 4 . Activities in livestock and Poultry farms 4.1 Daily farm r outine of Swine and Poultry farms 4.2 Handling and restr aint of pet animals, Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 4.3 Identification methods 4.4 Care and management of different age groups of animals 4.5 Care and ma nagement of la yers and broiler in poultry farms 4.6 Weaning of young ones 4.7 Poultry farm equipment, Sanitation and disinfection of poultry houses 4.8 Litter management in poultry farms 4.9 Whelping and Grooming of Dogs 4.10 Mana gement of animals while tra nsporta tion 4.11 Poultry fa rm records 5. Hatchery management 5.1 Lay out of a hatchery 5.2 Incubators, Setters and Ha tchery – Cleaning and Disinfection 5.3 Hatching eggs – Collection, Candling, Selection, Stor age and Fumiga tion 6 . Methods of slaughter, Principles of meat preservation and Effluent disposal 6.1 Methods of slaughter of food animals 6.2 Principles of meat preservation 6.3 Important meat products – Va lue addition 6.4 Effluent disposal from livestock farms and industries 7 . Economics of Poult ry fa rming, Marketing of eggs, Chicken, Por k a nd live animals 7.1 Economics of Poultry far ming 7.2 Economics of Swine fa rming 7.3 Marketing of Eggs, Chicken, Por k and live animals 2nd YEAR PAPER – I PRACTICALS NON-RUMINANT ANIMAL PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT 1.Familiariza tion with conformation point s of Dogs and Cats 2.Familiarization with confor mation points of Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 3.Identification of Indian a nd exot ic breeds of Dog, Cat, Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 4.Appr oach and handling of Pet animals and S wine 5.Methods of handling of Rabbit a nd Poultry 6.Methods of Restraint for Pet animals, Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 7.Methods of Identification of Pet a nimals, Swine, Rabbit and Poultry 8.Housing Systems and lay out for different age groups of livestock and Poultry 9.Floor space requir ement for different age group of a nimals and poultry 10. Care, management and health cover of zoo animals 11. Feed supplements a nd additives for poultry 12. Vaccination schedule, Deworming of Pet animals 13. Control of ecto-para sites in pet animals 14. Mana gement of animals while tra nsporta tion 15. Care and management of new born animals- 11 -Ex-518/2019 16. Care and management of Pregnant animals 17. Care and management of nur sing animals 18. Care and management of breeding males 19. Weaning of young ones 20. Poultry farm equipment, sanitation and disinfection of poultry houses 21. Litter management in poultry farms 22. Visit to Swine and Rabbit farms-demonstr ation of various mana gementa l pract ices 23. Visit to Poultry fa rm-demonstration of var ious managemental pract ices 24. Visit to zoo park 25. Visit to kennel 26. Visit to Dog show 27. Poultry far m recor ds and maintenance of stock and st ores 28. Lay out of a hatchery 29. Incubators, Setters and Ha tchery, Cleaning and disinfection 30. Hatching of eggs, candling of eggs, collection, selection, storage and fumiga tion 31. Methods of slaughter of food animals 32. Principles of meat preservation 33. Meat products – Value Addition 34. Effluent disposal from livestock farms and industries 35. Daily farm r outine of Swine, Rabbit and P oultry farms 36. Various fa rm records 2nd YEAR PAPER – II THEORY COMMON LIVESTOCK DISEASES AND THEIR PREVENTION Sl. No.Na me of chapt erNo. of periods 1.Health 2.First Aid 3.Bacterial disease 4.Viral diseases 5.Protozoan diseases 6.Ecto and Endo parasitic diseases 7.Mycotic diseases 8.Production diseases 9.Zoonotic diseases 10.Diseases of new born 11.Principles of disease cont rol and prevention 2nd YEAR PAPER – II THEORY COMMON LIVESTOCK DISESES AND THEIR PREVENTION 1. Health 1.1 Definition of health and disease 1.2 Signs of health- 12 - Ex-518/2019 2 . First Aid 2.1 Definition of first aid and its principles 2.2 First a id kit 2.3 Attending to common emergencies 3. Bacterial diseases 3.1 Classification of diseases of livestock – Bact erial, viral, pr otozoal, ectopara sitic, endo para sitic product ion, zoonotic etc, 3.2 Anthrax 3.3 Black Quarter 3.4 Brucellosis 3.5 Ha emorrhagic septicaemia 3.6 Tuberculosis 3.7 Johne’s dsease 3.8 Leptospirosis 3.9 Listeriosis 3.10 Tetanus 3.11 Colibacillosis 3.12 Enterotoxemia 3.13 Mastitis 3.14 Pneumonia 3.15 Pullorum disease 4 . Viral dis eas es 4.1 Foot and mouth disease 4.2 Rab ies 4.3 Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) 4.4 Pest is petis de ruminants (PPR) 4.5 Pox diseases: Buffalo pox, cow pox, sheep pox, goat pox, fowl pox 4.6 Hog cholera 4.7 Porcine Reproductive and r espiratory syndrome (P RRS) 4.8 Ra nikhet disease 4.9 Swine fever (African and Classical) 5. Protozoan diseases 5.1 Anaplasmosis 5.2 Babesiosis 5.3 Theileriasis 5.4 Trypanosomiasis 5.5 Leishmania sis 5.6 Coccidiosis 6 . Ecto and endo parasitic diseases 6.1 Flies 6.2 Ticks and Mites 6.3 Round worms 6.4 Tape worms 6.5 Liver fluke 6.7 Stomach flukes 6.8 Nasal schistosomiasis- 13 -Ex-518/2019 7. Mycotic disease 7.1 Ringworm 7.2 Aspergillosis 8 . Pr oduction diseases 8.1 Milk fever 8.2 Ketosis 8.3 Pr egnancy toxaemia 9 . Rumen dysfunctions 9.1 Bloat 9.2 Acid indigestion 9.3 Alkaline indigestion 10. Zoonotic diseases 10.1 Vira l Zoonos es – Ra bies, Ja panese encephalitis 10.2 Bact erial Zoonoses – TB, Brucellosis, Sa lmonellosis, Leptospir osis 10.3 Para sitic Zoonoses – Hydatidosis, Amoebiasis/Amebiasis 11. Diseases of new born 11.1 Calf scour 11.2 Calf septica emia 11.3 Ascariasis 11.4 Pneumonia 11.5 Hypoglycaemia and Hypothermia 11.6 Piglet Anaemia 12. Principles of Disease control and prevention 12.1 Isola tion of sick animals 12.2 Disinfection of premises 12.3 Quara ntine 12.4 Hygienic disposal of dead animals 12.5 Vaccines: types of vaccines, handling, storage 2nd YEAR PAPER – II PRACTICALS COMMON LIVESTOCK DISEASES AND THEIR PREVENTION 1.Recording t emperature, pulse and respira tion 2.Identification of sick animals 3.Study of fir st aid kits 4.Maintenance of first aid kit 5.Vaccination schedules for livestock, pet animals and poultry 6.Deworming schedules for livestock, pet a nimals and poultry 7.Screening of animals for diseases – Mastitis, Tuberculosis, Brucellosis 8.Common drugs used in Dispensary 9.Identification and usage of common chemica ls used in hospital 10. Various fluids used in r ehydration therapy- 14 - Ex-518/2019 11. Collection and dispatch of materials in various disease conditions 12. Examination of milk for detecting Mastitis – Strip cup test, CMT (California Mastitis Test) 13. Attending to Veter inary Hospitals for observing and recording signs exhibited by animals in var ious disease conditions 2nd YEAR PAPER - III THEORY ANIMAL REPRODUCTION, HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT AND SURGICAL NURSING CARE Sl. No. Name of Cha p terNo. of Periods 1.Female Reproduction 2.Artificial Insemination and Frozen semen Technology 3.Hospital Management 4.Surgical Nursing Care 5.Animal Welfare 6.Common offences against animals in India 2nd YEAR PAPER - III THEORY ANIMAL REPRODUCTION, HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT, SURGICAL NURSING CAR E AN D ANIMAL ELFARE 1 . Fema le Reproduct ion 1.1 Estrus cycle in livestock 1.2 Signs of heat 1.3 Detection of heat 1.4 Gestation 1.5 Gest ation period in livestock 1.6 Parturition 1.7 Stages of parturition 1.8 Ana es tr us 1.9 Dystocia 1.10 Retained Placenta 1.11 Pre partum prolapse of va gina 1.12 Post partum prolapse of uterus 1.13 Endometritis 1.14 P yometr a 1.15 Infertilit y – Cause and prevention 2 . Artificial Insemination (AI) and Frozen semen Technology 2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of AI 2.2 Equipment required in AI 2.3 Semen collection, processing and evalua tion 2.4 Preservation of frozen semen 2.5 Insemination technique 2.6 Liquid Nitrogen conta iners 2.7 Precautions for successfu l AI- 15 -Ex-518/2019 3 . Hos pita l Management 3.1 Registration of cases 3.2 History ta king 3.3 Observation and recording of disease signs 3.4 Collection and dispatch of clinical specimen-Urine, Blood, Tissues etc 3.5 Maintenance of Hospital records 3.6 Maintenance of Out patient and In patient wards 3.7 Care and ma nagement of In patient animals 3.8 Different methods of drug administration – oral, intra muscular, intra venous, sub cutaneous etc. 3.9 Sterilization of syringes and needles 3.10 Disinfection of Opera tion Theatre 4 . Surgical Nursing Care 4.1 Sterilization Techniques 4.2 Pre-operative preparation of animals 4.3 Post-operative care 4.4 Surgical Instruments 4.4 Suture materials 4.5 Suture patterns, instruments and technique 4.4 Wound dressing 4.5 Dress ing materials 4.6 First Aid in hemor rhage a nd fracture 5. Animal Welfare 5.1 Meaning of Animal welfare 5.2 Goal of animal welfare 5.3 Norms for feeding ma nagement of animals 5.4 Common systems of animal transport 5.5 Rest raint, handling and first aid of la rge animals 5.6 Rest raint, handling and first aid of pet animals and birds 5.7 Legal provisions for animal welfare 6 . Common Offences against Animals in India 6.1 Mischief 6.2 Cruelty against animals 6.3 Bestiality 2nd YEAR PAPER – III PRACTICALS ANIMAL REPRODUCTION, HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT AND SURGICAL NURSING CARE 1.Obstetrical Instruments 2.Sterilization of Equipment 3.Palpation of Reproductive organs collected fr om slaughter house 4.Preparation of artificial vagina- 16 - Ex-518/2019 5.Collection of semen from different livestock species 6.Cleaning and sterilization of AI equip ment 7.Handling of Liquid Nitrogen containers 8.Thawing of semen straw 9.Practicing AI 10. Maintenance of AI related Registers 11. Practicing all routes of drug administra tion 12. Casting and restraint of animals at the hosp ital 13. Identification of s urgical Instruments 14. Dress ing of wounds 15. Preparation of sur gical packing of large and small animals 16. Closed method of castra tion 17. Assisting in major operations like Dystocia, Laparotomy etc. 18. Attending to Veterinary hospital and exposure to daily routine of hospital 19. Hands on tr aining in: a)Registration of cases b)History ta king c)Observation and recording of clinical cases d)Collection and dispatch of specimen in var ious diseases, urine, blood, skin scr apings etc.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 17 -Ex-518/2019

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