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Change of name of Pi Lalhmingthangi, Peon, Registrar of Cooperative Societies Office

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 151Date - 12/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 12.3.2019 Phalguna 21, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 151OFFICE ORDERNo. A.20020/78/2K-RCCOOP/103-104, the 27th February, 2019. Mizoram Sorkar DP & AR OfficeMemorandum No.A.47012/1/2016-P&AR(GSW) dt.17.01.2017 angin Pi Lalhmingthangi, Peon, Registrarof Cooperative Societies Office hi Pi R. Lalhmingthangi ti a a hming thlak phalsak a ni a, tun atang chuanR. Lalhmingthangi tih a ni tawh ang a, a Service Book-ah leh Official Document dangah pawh R.Lalhmingthangi tih a ni zel tawh ang.Tin, Pi R. Lalhmingthangi, Peon hian Local Newspaper lar ber ah leh Mizoram Gazette-ah a hmingthlakna hi ama senso in a chhuah tir tur a ni.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50N. Chakhai,Registrar,Cooperative Societies,Mizoram : Aizawl.

Change of name C/500 Lalbiakliana

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 152Date - 12/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 12.3.2019 Phalguna 21, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 152NOTICENo. 3MAP/R-29/2019/3276, the 8th March, 2019. Whereas C/500 Lalbiakliana (PEN :211081AB1117533) applied for change of his name as H.D. Lalbiakliana in a prescribed Deed for changinghis name;Whereas he stated that his name was written as Lalbiakliana at the time of recruitment as per hisservice record;Whereas he further stated that he wrote his full name as H.D. Lalbiakliana in his voter’s ID, BankAccount etc.Whereas after considering the case, it was satisfied that no foul play is involved in his application;Now, therefore, the permission is granted to change his name to H.D. Lalbiakliana in his servicerecord.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50John Zothansanga,Commandant,3rd Bn. MAP : Aizawl,Mizoram.

Change of name of Hav. Lalramliana

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 153Date - 12/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 12.3.2019 Phalguna 21, S.E. 1940, Issue No. 153NOTICENo. 3M AP /R-29/20 19/3239, the 5th Marc h, 201 9. Where as Hav. Lalr amliana (PE N :111072AB9112274) applied for change of his name as H.Lalramliana in a prescribed Deed for changinghis name;Whereas he stated that his name was written as Lalramliana at the time of recruitment as per hisservice record;Whereas he further stated that he wrote his full name as H. Lalramliana in his voter’s ID, BankAccount etc.Whereas after considering the case, it was satisfied that no foul play is involved in his application;Now, therefore, the permission is granted to change his name to H.Lalramliana in his servicerecord.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50John Zothansanga,Commandant,3rd Bn. MAP : Aizawl,Mizoram.

The Mizoram (Franking Impression of Stamp) Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 384Date - 14/06/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2019 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 384NOTIFICATIONNo.H.11018/02/2017-REV, the 10th June, 2019.In exercise of powers conferred by section 10 and74 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act 2 of 1899) and in the interest of public, the Governor of Mizoram ispleased to make “The Mizoram (Franking Impression of Stamp) Rules, 2019 as under which may beeffective from the date of publication in the Official Gazette and until further orders.THE MIZORAM(FRANKING IMPRESSION OF STAMPS)RULES, 2019In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of section 10 and section 74 of the IndianStamp Act, 1899 (Act No. 2 of 1899) as applicable in Mizoram, the Government of Mizoram hereby makesthe following rules, namely:-1.Short Title, Extent and Commencement.-(1)These rules may be called the Mizoram (Franking Impression of Stamps) Rules, 2019.(2)It shall extend to the whole of Mizoram.(3)They shall come into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette.2.Definition.-(1)In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;(a)“Act” means the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act No. 2 of 1899) as applicable in Mizoram;(b)“authorised users” means a company, a bank, a public/private or corporate body or anyinstitute having by law, legal and separate entity, which has been authorised by the ChiefControlling Revenue Authority to frank a specific category of stamp on instrument relating toits business;(c)“authorised vendor” shall mean and include Post Office, nationalised bank or scheduledbank controlled by the Reserve Bank of India or any Financial Institute or undertaking con-trolled by the Central or the State Government, duly authorised by the Chief ControllingRevenue Authority to vend stamps to the public by use of franking machine; (d)“Chief Controlling Revenue Authority” means the Secretary, Land Revenue and Settle-ment Department;(e)“Form” means form appended to these rules;(f)“Franking Machine” or “Machine” shall mean and include any machine so authorised bythe Chief Controlling Revenue Authority to denote stamp duty paid on an instrument;\(g)“Proper Officer” means District Registrar and Sub-Registrar appointed under the Registra-tion Act, 1908 and such other officers as may be specified by the Chief Controlling RevenueAuthority in this behalf, who are empowered to affix and impress labels by franking machineand they shall be deemed to be Proper Officer for the purpose of the Act and these rules;(g)“Government” means Government of Mizoram;(h)“section” means section of the Act.(2)Words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as respec-tively assigned to them in the Act or any rules made thereunder.3.Scope and extent of use of the Franking machine .-(a)The Franking Machines shall be used for franking impression of stamps on all kinds ofinstruments on which stamp duty is payable under the provisions of the Indian StampAct, 1899 as applicable in Mizoram and the rules made there under.(b)No private person, Bank, Government or Semi-Government Authority/Body/Undertak-ing or any Firm or Company shall possess the franking machine without the properauthorisation, inclusive of renewal of authorisation from the Chief Controlling Rev-enue Authority.4.Procedure regarding the use of Franking Machine by Proper Officer.-(1)Franking Machines may be installed at the Offices of the District Registrar and Offices of theSub-Registrars and in any other offices as may be authorised by the Chief Controlling Rev-enue Authority for impressing stamps indicating the payment of stamp duty on the instrumentchargeable with duty.(2)The machine shall be operated under the strict control and supervision of the Proper Officer.(3)Before the machine is put to use, the same shall be authorisedly loaded and sealed by theInspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps or District Registrar, or suchother officer authorised by the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority.(4)The Inspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps and District Registrars orthe Officers authorised under sub-rule (3) shall maintain a Register in Form No.1 regardingloading and reloading and the Proper Officer shall send a return in Form No. 2 to the InspectorGeneral of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps and to the District Registrar every month.(5)The Proper Officer other than the District Registrar shall take permission in writing fromDistrict Registrar well in advance regarding periodical loading of the machine. The machineEx-384/20192 shall be loaded or reloaded by such Proper Officer only after receiving sanction from DistrictRegistrar. The entries shall be made in Form No. 3 in respect of each reloading which shall beauthenticated by the Proper Officer. The sanction of loading should be sought by the ProperOfficer in such a manner that the machine shall not remain idle for want of reloading. Monthlyreturns shall be sent in Form No. 2 to the District Registrar every month and the DistrictRegistrar shall consolidate the returns in Form No. 2 and send a return every month to theChief Controlling Revenue Authority.(6)The access code to the numeric of the Franking Machines shall be exclusively with the In-spector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps or the District Registrar whoshall be responsible for non-disclosure, thereof to any person and who shall maintain a sepa-rate register in respect of each loading / reloading / incrementing of the amount.(7)The Proper Officer shall ensure that the seals are not tampered with, in any way by any personor that machine is not handled by any unauthorised persons.(8)The Proper Officer shall be responsible for the custody of the machine. A register in Form No.4, shall be maintained in which the meter reading are recorded separately, both at the com-mencement of the day and at the close of the day. The difference between the said readingsshall be the total amount collected in respect of impressions franked.(9)The parties desirous of having stamps impressed on all kinds of instruments specified in rule3 shall make an application in Form No. 5 along with the instrument and value of Stamps to beimpressed, by Challan or Cheque or Demand Draft to the Proper Officer.(10)On receipt of the application with Challan or Demand Draft etc., thereof, the Proper Officer,after satisfying himself of the credit made by the parties, shall emboss the instruments bymeans of Franking Machine with the requisite amount of stamp duty. Thereafter, the ProperOfficer shall affix his signature in the space provided on the impressed stamps.(11)All the applications received for stamping shall be generally filed in a guard file, each beingserially numbered and the particulars entered in the register in Form No. 6.(12)The Inspecting Office, shall in the course of their inspections, ensure that these rules arecomplied with. They shall also verify credits, on different days selected at random in eachmonth since the last inspection in respect of sale of stamp made through Franking Machineand record the result in their inspection or visit notes.5.Use of Franking Machine by Authorised Users/Vendors . -(1)An authorisation for use of Franking Machine may be granted by the Chief ControllingRevenue Authority on application in Form No. 7, filed by the intending user/vendoralong with an undertaking and Indemnity Bond duly authenticated in Form No.8.(2)Anybody or organisation on receipt of authorization shall be entitled to denote stampduty paid on the instruments with the help of machine in cases where, non-judicialimpressed stamps under the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, and rules made thereunder isrequired.Ex-384/20193 (3)Authorisation fee as may be fixed by the Government shall be charged for a grant ofauthorisation for use of the Franking machine. Authorisation shall be valid for a periodof one year from the date of authorisation.(4)The Chief Controlling Revenue Authority reserves himself the right for refusing orcancelling an authorisation without assigning any reasons for the same.(5)The authorised vendor shall at his own cost and through the Chief Controlling RevenueAuthority, obtain Franking Machine of approved model and make, from approved manu-facturer. The model, the make, unique number of the machines and particulars of thesupplier shall be specified in the authorisation.(6)The authorisation for each Franking Machine may be renewed every year on paymentof renewal fee as may be fixed by the Government. The renewal will be subject tosatisfaction of the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority about proper use of the ma-chine. For this purpose he will obtain report on the following points:(a) Instances of tampering of seals;(b) About the mechanical efficiency of the unit;(c) Average daily usage during past twelve months;(d) Whether there is any suspicion about the mis-use of the machine;(e) Maintenance of connected records.(7)Where there is prima facie suspicions, that the machine is not being used properly therenewal may be refused and the machine be kept in the custody of the Chief Control-ling Revenue Authority.(8)The application for renewal shall be accompanied with a report from the supplier or hisauthorised dealer as to whether or not the machine is in proper working order. In thecase of an adverse report the authorisation will not be renewed.(9)The Authorised Vendor shall apply for renewal of authorisation, a month in advance ofthe date of expiry of authorisation in force. If the authorised user does not want to getthe authorisation renewed or has not applied for the renewal thereof he shall surrenderthe machine to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority on the day of authorisation inforce expires.(10)When the authorised Vendor wishes to discontinue the usage of machine, the amountunused at the time of such surrender shall be refunded.(11)The authorised machine shall be utilised for franking / impressing stamps on the instru-ments as specified in rule 3 by the authorised user only. The authorised user shallmaintain the register in Form No. 9 showing the details of the amount impressed, inrespect of each instrument.(12)The authorised user shall send account of the monthly use of the machine in respect ofeach instrument to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority on or before 15th of thesucceeding month.(13)The Government or the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority shall not be responsiblefor any loss or damage caused to the authorised user on account of mis-use or mis-handling of the machine or for any damage caused to the machine on any other grounds.Ex-384/20194 (14)The authorised user is not permitted to keep with him any unserviceable or worn-outFranking Machine. He shall surrender the same on the next day of its having beenrendered as such to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority who shall ensure that allthe parts of the said machine, are surrendered with the machine. This fact shall beentered in the franking machine record book and ledger pertaining to the machine. Theauthorised user shall also surrender the authorisation to the Chief Controlling RevenueAuthority.(15)The authorised user must take adequate steps to guard against the fraudulent use of themachine. Any change in the location of the machine except in case of repairs shall benotified by the authorised user to the authorising authority and also to the DistrictRegistrars concerned.(16)The authorised user shall maintain the following records separately for each FrankingMachine. (a) Franking Machine Register regarding posting in Form No. 10. (b) Frank-ing Machine Record Book in Form No. 11.(17)The authorised user shall at all reasonable times allow authorised officer or theauthorising authority or the District Registrar to inspect the machine and collect recordswithout notice.(18)The authorised user shall not sell or transfer or dispose of in any manner whatsoeverthe Franking Machine.6.Payment by the authorised users, setting or re-setting of the machine and sealing thereof .-(1)The authorised user shall pay in advance a sum representing the amount of advanceStamp duty, through a Bankers Cheque or Bank Draft or Demand Draft or Challan forwhich the machine is to be loaded initially. On receiving such payment the machineshall be loaded for the purpose of franking stamps.(2)The amount to be loaded at a single instance shall be as prescribed by Inspector Gen-eral of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps from time to time. Every authorizedvendor shall maintain adequate amount loaded in the machine so as to meet the demandof the public.(3)The authorised vendor shall be entitled for a commission as may be fixed by the Gov-ernment from time to time. The amount of commission shall be deducted from theadvance payment so received by the authorised vendor at the time of loading/reloadingof the machine. An authorised user authorised for franking for his own purpose shallnot be entitled for any commission.(4)Whenever authorised user wishes to deposit any sum in advance and to have the meterof the machine reset, he shall produce the Franking Machine, Record Book Registerregarding the posting in office of District Registrar for verification. If the machine canbe loaded without physically producing it; then the authorised user shall produce therecord book register regarding posting in the office of the District Registrar, who shallapply code for loading.(5)The entries in respect of advance payments should be made by the setting or resettingofficer in the Franking Machine record book of the authorised user and the concernedofficer records and shall be got attested by the concerned officer.Ex-384/20195 (6)The seal of Franking Machine and pliers for the lead seal for sealing Franking Machineshall remain in the personal custody of the officer authorised to use them.(7)The authorised user shall ensure that the seals on the franking machine are not tam-pered with or broken or mis-handled in any way.(8)No person or official other than those authorised for the purpose shall break or tamperwith the seal in any way.(9)In the following cases, the authorised user shall immediately stop using the machineand bring the matter to the notice of the authorising authority and the District Registrarconcerned.(a) Breaking or tempering with the seals.(b) Discrepancy in the meter readings.(10)The District Registrar shall satisfy himself after making such enquiry as deemed neces-sary that there is nothing suspicious before affixing fresh seal or setting or resetting themeter. In cases where there is suspicion of mis-use of machine the same shall be re-ported to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority.(11)Franking or impressing of stamp may be allowed up to any amount.(12)All franks or impressions for the purpose of payment of stamp duty must be made as faras possible on the right top corner of the first page of the instrument itself.(13)The impression or franks of the machine recorded on the instrument should not beinterfered in anyway. The impression should be in bright red colour, clear and distinctand should not overlap. Where by mistake a wrong amount is impressed then that im-pression shall be torn from the instrument and pasted in the register of daily postingand shall be authenticated by the authorised user or proper officer. At the time of reset-ting, set off equal to the amount of wrong impression shall be given.(14)The District Registrars shall maintain the following Registers, namely:-(a) Master Ledger in Form No.12.(b) List of Authorised User in Form No.13.7.Procedure for repairs . -(1)The maintenance, service and cleaning of the Franking Machine or any repairs thereto,including the replacement of any parts thereof shall be the responsibility of the authoriseduser and at his own cost and expenses.(2)The procedure for repair of Franking machine shall be as follows:-(a)The users of franking machine shall in the event of the machine requiring repairsimmediately stop using the same;(b)The user shall immediately, in such event, bring the fact to the notice of the ChiefControlling Revenue Authority who shall notify the manufacturer or his authoriseddealer in this regard;(c)The authorised user shall make his own arrangements for transportation of themachine to the authorised officer or District Registrar;Ex-384/20196 (d)Whenever a machine is found to be defective the authorised user should bring themachine to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority or District Registrars, whoshall note and record in the franking machine records book, register of postingand the ledger;\(e)Entries shall also be made in the franking machine record book as well as in thefranking machine register of posting and ledger as to when the machine has beenreceived in defective condition and is sent to the repairer;(f)After the machine has been repaired and brought to the District Registrars, affixedwith one lead seal of the manufacturers or his authorised dealer, the machineand the meter, will be checked generally for proper functioning and then reset.It shall also be ensured that no leakage of revenue is possible without breakingthe seal;(g)The machine shall then be re-sealed in the manner explained above;(h)Necessary entries to the effect that the machine has been repaired and re-sealed,and the authorisation therein will be made in the franking machine records books,ledger and register of postings. The meter reading at that time shall also be recordedin these books;(i)The manufacturer shall maintain a register, containing the following information.-(a) Name of authorised user.(b) Model and manufacturing number of the machine.(c) Particulars of authorisation for the use of the said machine.(d) Name of the office through which the machine is received.(e) Date of repair.(f) Date of despatch after repair.(g) Particulars of the part of the machine: (i) repaired (ii) replaced.(h) Signature of authorised official of the manufacturer or his authorised dealer.(i) Signature of authorised user or his representative.(3)The repairer or the manufacturer shall also enter in the job card and Franking machinerecords book the particulars of the parts repaired and replaced with his signature anddate.(4)The record of repair and job card are to be preserved for two years and shall be open forcheck up by the authorised official of the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority or Su-perintendent of Stamps at any time.(5)The reason for delay of more than fifteen days in repairing the franking machine shallbe investigated to find out if there is anything to suspect the misuse of the Frankingmachine under repair.8.GENERAL CONDITION .-(1)The authorized vendor/user must take adequate steps to guard against fraudulent use of themachine He must have the detachable meter, disconnected from the body of the machine andkept under lock and key by a responsible person.(2)The machine so authorized shall be utilized for franking/impressing stamps only for whichthe authorization is granted.Ex-384/20197 (3)The authorized vendor/user shall ensure that the franking machine is used regularly unlessthere is unavoidable circumstance beyond control. In no case machine should be kept idle usefor more than one month, without any valid reason. The authorized vendor/user will alsoensure that there is no misuse or mishandling of the machine by any one, during the aforesaidperiod.(4)The Chief Controlling Revenue Authority reserves the right to revoke the authorization at anytime and keep the franking machine under custody, if there is any deviation from the pre-scribed condition including non-use or irregular use of machine or any misuse of the machine.The Government shall not be responsible for any loss which the authorised user may incurthereby. However, any sum that may be due to the Government on account of stamp duty dueshall be liable to be recovered as arrears of land revenue.R. Lalramnghaka,Special Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Land Revenue & Settlement Department.Ex-384/20198Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Appointment of District Council Conservator of Forests, Lai Autonomous District Council as Member Secretary of District Level Committee on Fire Prevention Lawngtlai District, Mizoram

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 181Date - 25/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 25.3.2019 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 181NOTIFICATIONNo.B.11023/21/2016-FST, the 18th March, 2019. In partial modification of this Department’s NotificationNo. No.B.11023/21/2006-FST/26 dt.08.04.2009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint DistrictCouncil Conservator of Forests, Lai Autonomous District Council as Member Secretary of District LevelCommittee on Fire Prevention Lawngtlai District, Mizoram instead of Deputy Conservator of Forest(Wildlife), Lawngtlai with immediate effect and until further orders.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao,Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Environment, Forest & Climate Change Department.

Appointment of District Council Conservator of Forests, Lai Autonomous District Council as Member Secretary of District Level Committee on Green Mizoram for Lawngtlai District

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 182Date - 25/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 25.3.2019 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 182NOTIFICATIONNo. B.11023/13/2006-FST, the 18th March, 2019. In partial modification of this Department’sNotification of even No. dt.26.05.2009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint District CouncilConservator of Forests, Lai Autonomous District Council as Member Secretary of District Level Committeeon Green Mizoram for Lawngtlai District, Mizoram instead of Divisional Forest Officer, Lawngtlai withimmediate effect and until further orders.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Dr. Ch. Muralidhar Rao,Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Environment, Forest & Climate Change Department.

Granting accreditation to 141 (One Hundred and Forty One) Nos. of Press Representatives in Mizoram and thus declare them as Accredited Journalists

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 183Date - 25/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 25.3.2019 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 183NOTIFICATIONNo.F.14011/1/2009-IPR, the 19th March, 2019. In the interest of public service and in exercise of thepowers as conferred under Rule 6 of the Mizoram Press Representative Accreditation Rules, 2014, theCompetent Authority is pleased to grant accreditation to 141 (One Hundred and Forty One) Nos. of PressRepresentatives in Mizoram and thus declare them as Accredited Journalists as shown in the Annexurewith immediate effect for a period of 2(two) years or until further orders.This supersedes the previous Notification issued vide No.F.14011/1/2009-IPR dt.27.7.2016.Sangdingliana,Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Information & Public Relations Department. MEMBER OF MIZORAM ACCREDITED JOURNALIST AS ON 7TH MARCH, 2019 AIZAWL DISTRICT : Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 D.R. Zirliana Editor Mizo Aw 9436142815 Zarkawt 2 C. Lalzamlova Editor Chhawrpial 9436142736 Zotlang, Aizawl 3 T. Lalhmachhuana Editor Dingdi 9612133286 72/27 Chhinga Veng, Aizawl 4 Laldingliana Sailo News Editor Zonet Cable TV 9436196153 Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl 5 H.C. Vanlalruata Principal Press Trust of, 9862416225/ NC-IV/11/4 Phase II Correspondent India 9774006437 New Capital Complex 6 C. Dinthanga Editor Lelte Weekly 9436140514 A/61, Saron Veng, Aizawl 7 Zonunsanga Khiangte Editor Lenlaini 9436141035/ B-30d, Chanmari, 8794665730 Aizawl 8 Lal Rinmawia News Editor Vanglaini 9436140429 Mission Veng, Aizawl 9 L.T. Sanga Editor Morning Post 9436141036 Mission Veng, Morningpost7aizawl Aizaw 10 R.Lalhmangaihzuala Editor Romei 9436140574 Ni-7 Bawngkawn Shalom Veng, Aizawl 11 C.Lalhmachhuana Editor Youth Herald 9862355399 T-18 Venghlui, Aizawl 12 C.Lalduhawma News Editor LPS Vision 9862836040 V-69/B Venghlui Hmarveng, Aizawl 13 Lalremsiama Editor Zawlkhawpui 9436198481 Thakthing Veng, Aizawl 14 K.Zabiaka Editor Newslink 9436152349 Tuikual South near Congress Bhavan 15 K. Zothankhuma Editor Virthli 9436147245 Chanmari (Ramhlun Road) Aizawl Ex-183/2019 2 16 A. Zotinkhuma Editor The Zozam Voice 9615028785 Thakthing Veng, Aizawl 17 E. Lalhleia Editor Aizawl Observer 982835442 Maubawk, Aizawl 18 Vanlalrema Vantawl Editor Zalen 9436155847 B-38 Mission Veng, Aizawl 19 T. Lalbiakdika Editor Zawlbuk 9862836051 Salem Veng (Arhuan Road), Aizawl 20 R.Lalbiakkima Reporter & LPS Vision 9436198250 Mc Hills, Zarkawt, Cameraman Aizawl 21 C.Lalrambuatsaiha Editor The Aizawl Post 9436140576 Luanmual, Aizawl 22 Lalrinmawia Sailo Editor Thlirtu 9436190860 B-52 MZU Road, Zonuam, Aizawl 23 Chhuanvawra Editor Lentlang 9862835509 College Veng, Aizawl 24 P.C. Zoramthanga Editor LPS Vision 9436140575 Hermon Street, Electric Veng, Aizawl 25 Lalsangluaii Sailo Editor Tawrhbawm 9436152513 B-7 Khatla, Aizawl 26 V.Zoramthara News Reporter LPS Vision 9436140052 Tuikual ‘S’, Aizawl 27 Lalnghinglova Hmar Jt. Editor Vanglaini 9436141417 Aizawl Venglai, Aizawl 28 Vanlalbiaka Joint Editor Aizawl Observer 9862835663 K-18/1 Khatla ‘S’, Aizawl 29 Zohmingmawia News Editor The Aizawl Post 9436140049 H-31, Republic Mual vengchung, Aizawl 30 Joseph Lalnuntluanga News Reporter Zonet Cable TV 9862837085 Dawrpui, Jail Veng, 31 Lalbiakzama Editor Entlang 9862369948 Zonuam, Aizawl 32 Alfred Vanchhawng News Reporter DDK, Aizawl 9436381590 Tuikual ‘S’, Aizawl 33 Lalhmunzauva Editor Tawrhbawm 9862836050 Maubawk Veng, Aizawl 34 P.B. Lalmawia Joint Editor The Aizawl Post 7005705848 Chanmari, Aizawl 35 Zodinsanga Asst. Editor Newslink 9436193083 A-23, Chanmari, Aizawl 36 F.Lalrinfela New Editor Zalen 9436149957/ Republic Vety Mual 8729869573 Aizawl 37 F. Lalramliana News Editor The Aizawl Post 9862808656 D-133 Durtlang Mualveng, Aizawl 38 K.Zothanpara News Reporter Vanglaini 9862364730 Mission Veng, Aizawl 39 J.Malsawmzuala Asst. News DDk, RNU 9862925119 VK-71, Galilee Veng Vanchhawng Editor Zemabawk, Aizawl 40 Vanlaldiki Managing Hnehtu 9436141054 A-140 Tuikual South, Editor Aizawl Ex-183/2019 3 41 H.Lalchhandama Editor The Zozam Times 9612622203 Bawngkawn Bazar Veng near Rural Bank, Aizawl 42 Biakchungnunga News Editor The Aizawl post 9856293369 Ramhlun North, Aizawl 43 H.Lalngaihawma Editor Hnehtu 9862356346 Chhinga Veng, Aizawl 44 Samuel V.L.Rinmawia News Editor Zawlkhawpui 8014672786 Dinthar, Aizawl 45 Isaac Laldinthara News Editor The Zozam Times 9862305800 Dawrpui, Aizawl 46 M.K. Dey News Editor Mizoram Post 9436196026 199 Jail Veng, Aizawl 47 Lalnunzira News Reporter DDK 8731059192 VB-22A Vaivakawn, Aizawl 48 Malsawmdawngzela News Reporter Vanglaini 8414049510 Armed Veng, Aizawl Hrahsel 49 Lalhmachhuana Zofa Editor Diktawn 9862370647 Electric Veng, Aizawl 50 R.P. Poudel Editor Mizoram Udaya 9612613811 Bawngkawn, Aizawl 51 Lalnunpuia Joint Editor Mizo Express 9862075724 Republic Veng, Aizawl 52 F.Lalliansanga Joint Editor The Frontier 9436154489 C-29/S Electric Veng, Despatch 53 Brian Lalnunhlima Joint Editor Mizo Aw 9436156631 T-11 Bungkawn Damveng, Aizawl 54 Ramdinthara News Editor Chhawrpial 9862335177 Zotlang, Aizawl 55 C. Lalmuanzova Associate Editor Chhawrpial 9862835810 Zotlang, Aizawl 56 Samuel Lalruatsanga News Reporter Zonet Cable TV 9612296095 Kulikawn, Aizawl 57 K.Lalrosanga News Reporter Zonet Cable TV 9862360744 Dawrpui Vengthar, Aizawl 58 Lalramdinsanga News Editor Zozam Times 8132834834 Venghnuai, Aizawl 59 Zothangliana News Reporter LPS Vision 9615128911 Vaivakawn Zohnuai, Aizawl 60 Adam Saprinsanga Editor The Frontier 9436140055 YA06 Chaltlang Despatch Dawrkawn Aizawl Ex-183/2019 4 SERCHHIP DISTRICT Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 Kapliana Pachuau Editor Serchhip Times 9436146593 Hmar Veng, Serchhip 2 Lalremruata Ralte Editor Ramlai Arsi 9436146092 AOC Veng, Serchhip 3 C. Lalhminghlua Editor Laisuih 9436376069 Kanan Veng, Serchhip 4 Zonunsanga Kawlni Editor Lenkawl 9862647655 Chanmari Veng, Serchhip 5 H.Lalbiakzauvi Editor Serkhawpui 9862906704 Chhim Veng, Serchhip 6 R.C.Hranghmingthanga Editor Zawlbuk Aw 8974235460 Thenzawl Venglai 7 R.Lalmuansanga Joint Editor Serkhawpui 9436192316 Serchhip Chhim Veng 8 C. Lalrochhuanga Editor Zothlifim Daily 8974286711 Bazar Veng, Serchhip 9 C.Ramengmawia Editor Lamkal 9436593331 Tuikual Veng, Serchhip 10 Liantluanga Renthlei Editor Vantawng News 9774458237 Thenzawl Field Veng Paper LUNGLEI DISTRICT Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 H.Lalthansanga Editor Lunglei Times 9863711999 Ramthar Veng, Lunglei 2 Lianchama Chhangte Editor Zochhiar 9436370101 Lunglei Venglai 3 Laltlanthanga Editor Hlimthla 9612298930 Bazar Veng, Lunglei 4 F.Zosangliana Editor Calathea 8415846325 Peniel Veng, Hnahthial 5 K.Lalrinpuia Editor Vulmawi 9436157055 Ramthar Veng, Lunglei 6 Lalrintluanga Khiangte Editor Daifim 9436370457 Chanmari, Lunglei 7 Sangmawii Editor Changdam 9436370731 Lunglei Venglai Chhakchhuak 8 Thanghmingliana Editor Zunzam 9436157689 Electric Veng, Lunglei Renthlei 9 Rodingliana Khiangte Joint Editor Changdam 9612063749 Theiriat Lunglei 10 F. Lalngaihzuala Editor JB Cable 9862436538 Ramthar Veng, Lunglei Network 11 C.Lalbuatsaiha Editor Hnahthial Today 9612393663 Electric Veng, Hnahthial Ex-183/2019 5 12 Rodingluaia Editor Huihchhuk 8259010168 BKHP In, Lungleng Veng, Hnahthial 13 V. Rokhawlkima Editor Ziakfung 9862838504 Ramthar, Lunglei 14 Lalchhuanawma Editor Daily Post 9774057126 Chanmari, Lunglei 15 Johan Lalhmunmawia News Reporter DDK 8413944940 Venghlun, Lunglei 16 PC Lalduhthlanga Chief Editor LDF Network 9436389520 Venglai, Lunglei 17 K.Lalmuankima Editor Ralvengtu 9436147012 Venglai, Lunglei 18 H.Vanlallawma Correspondent LPS & 9436147261 Bazar Veng, Lunglei & News Editor Ralvengtu 19 C.S. Vanlalthara Editor Rallang 8259818684 Chanmari, Hnahthial SIAHA DISTRICT : Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 B. Dawpho Editor Times of 9436389484 New Siaha Maraland 2 C.Z. Hluna Editor Buannel 9402199582/ C.M. Veng, Siaha 8730970403 3 Jeffrey Khara Editor Moonlight 9436776563 New Colony, Siaha 4 K.Thangvela Editor Zobawm 8837446765 Tuipang V 5 T. Lalrosiama Editor Tipa Express 9383178939 Tuipang II 6 M. Baithai Editor Chhim Aw 9612935428 Meisavaih West, Siaha 7 C.Lalramnghaka Editor Kawl Eng 9436970700 Council Veng, Siaha 8 V. Pawhla Editor New Skylink 9436149015 New Colony I, Siaha Vision 9 H. Sabi Correspondent DDK 8415060402 Siaha Bazar, Siaha 10 Lalnunkima Editor Hnialum Star 9436379382 New Siaha West Vision 11 B. Vanlalhriata Editor Siaha Post 8118908033 New Siaha West 12 P.T. Lalhnehzova Editor New Skylink 9862510342 New Colony I, Siaha Vision Ex-183/2019 6 CHAMPHAI DISTRICT : Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 Lalhlupuia Editor Lenrual 9862614475 Venglai, Champhai 2 Lalhmingmawia Editor Pasaltha 9612852245 Vengthlang, Pachuau Champhai 3 Lalhmingliana Editor CCN 9862512355 Venglai, Champhai 4 C. Lalrinsanga Joint Editor Pasaltha 9615673476 Vengthlang, Champhai 5 Lalthlamuani Ralte Editor Si Ar Daily 9862191682 Khawzawl Vengthar 6 R. Lalfakawma Joint Editor Rihlipui 9615027036 Vengthlang ‘N’ Champhai 7 C. Lalhnunpuia News Editor DDK 9436145055 Vengthlang, Champhai 8 D.K.Lalhruaitluanga Editor Rihlipui 8014160087 Vengthlang, Champhai 9 Lalrotluanga Ralte Editor Khawzawl Times 9612131817 Khawzawl Vengthar 10 Vanlalzawna Ralte News Reporter DDK 9612078663 Khawzawl Vengthar 11 ZD Dengliana News Editor Rihlipui 9862614816 Vengthlang Champhai 12 Lucas Thangmangliana News Editor Lenrual 8974113781 Champhai Bethel 13 Chanchinmawia Editor CCN News 841581381 Vengthlang, Champhai MAMIT DISTRICT : Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 H.Lalramliana Chief Editor Mamit Times 8132840719 Mizo Veng, Mamit 2 Lalremruata Khiangte Editor Kawthah Post 9774852238 Damveng, Kawrthah 3 P. Lalchunglura News Reporter DDK 9862770846 Dinthar Veng, Mamit 4 Lalramhnehzauvi Editor Kumtluang 9862369663 Venghlun, Mamit 5 C. Lalramdinzela Editor Mamit Times 9612468353 Mamit Venghlum 6 Lalhuma News Reporter DDK 9862318922 Mamit Dinthar Veng 7 R.D. Darthanzauva Correspondent AIR 9862967504 Mamit Luangpawl Veng Ex-183/2019 7 Ex-183/2019 8 KOLASIB DISTRICT : Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 Andrew Vanlalauva Editor Kolasib Today 9612365891 College Veng, Kolasib 2 H.Lalmuanpuia Editor Chhuahtlang 9862027043 Hmarveng, Kawnpui Kawnpui 3 H.Vanlalnghaka Editor CZS Cable TV 9089292000 Kolasib Venglai 4 C.Zomuanpuia Editor Kolasib Aw 9862567392 C-55, Diakkawn, Kolasib 5 C.Lawmzuala Editor Vairengte Aw 8787404799 Zalen Veng, Vairengte 6 R.Lalhmingthanga News Reporter DDK 9436143356 Kolasib Venglai MS Tlang 7 R.Lalnunmawia Joint Editor Duhlai 8794594334 Tumpui Veng, Kolasib 8 Zomuanpuia Editor Zingtian 9862254565 Venglai, Silchar Road Kolasib 9 R. Lalchungnunga Editor Turnipui 9774631039 Diakkawn, Kolasib 10 P.C.Lalthazuala News Reporter DDK 8119968699 Venglai, Kolasib 11 P.C.Zairemthanga Editor Zoram Kanan 9862381909 Bilkhawthlir Dawr 12 Lalengkima Colney Editor Rengkhawpui 8787600861 Venglai, Vairengte Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT : Sl. Name Designation Name of Mobile Residential Address Email Address No. Newspaper/ Number Firm 1 V. Lallianzuala Editor Lairam 9436389910 Lawngtlai Bazar 2 ZD Dengngura Editor Phawngpui 9366037093 Chanmari, Lawngtlai Express 3 Lalngheta Ralte Editor Lawngtlai Post 9862843773 Electric veng, Lawngtlai 4 H.Lalrinmawia Editor Rameng Daily 9436148894 Lawngtlai Bazar 5 Elvis Lalthangzuala Editor Rauthla 9862130477 Council Veng, Lawngtlai 6 Lalchharliana Correspondent LPS 9436148769 Bazar Veng, Lawngtlai 7 FC Vanlalzawna Editor Chhawkhlei Times 9436708919 Sangau II Vengthar 8 Linda H.Rinawmi Reporter Lairam 8258942703 Lawngtlai Bazar Ex-183/2019 9

Constitution of State Level Monitoring Committee as well as District Level Monitoring Committee

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 184Date - 25/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 25.3.2019 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 184NOTIFICATIONNo.B.21017/11/2018-AGR/69, the 19th March, 2019. In pursuance of the guidelines underPara 5.1 of Operational Guidelines of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) and inthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State LevelMonitoring Committee as well as District Level Monitoring Committee consisting of the followingmembers with immediate effect and until further orders :-STATE LEVEL1.Chief Secretary, Mizoram-Chairman2.Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture Department-Co-Chairman3.Director, Agriculture Department (Crop Husbandry)-Member Secretary4.Director, Agriculture Department (Research & Extension-Member5.Director, RD Department-Member6.Director, Horticulture Department-Member7.Director, AH & Vety Department-Member8.Director, Fisheries Department-Member9.Director, Local Administration Department-Member10.Director, Local Administration Department-Member11.Director, LR, S&WC Department-Member12.SIO, NIC, Mizoram-MemberDISTRICT LEVEL1.Deputy Commissioner-Chairman2.District Agriculture Officer-Co-Chairman3.Project Director, DRDA-Member Secretary4.District Horticulture Officer-Member5.District Veterinary Officer-Member6.District Fisheries Officer-Member E-184/20192Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/507.District Sericulture Officer-Member8.District Local Administration Officer-Member9.District Soil Conservation Officer-Member10.District Indormatics Officer, NIC-Member11.Block Development Officer-MemberThe State Level Committee is entrusted with review/monitoring mechanism of PM-KISANat the State Level and the District Level Committee is entrusted at the District and Block Level.Lalhmingthanga,Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Agriculture Department.

Constitution of State Level Monitoring Committee as well as District Level Monitoring Committee on Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 185Date - 25/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 25.3.2019 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 185NOTIFICATIONNo.B.21017/11/2018-AGR/70, the 19th March, 2019. In pursuance of the guidelines underPara 5.1 of Operational Guidelines of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) and inthe interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State LevelMonitoring Committee as well as District Level Monitoring Committee consisting of the followingmembers with immediate effect and until further orders :-STATE LEVEL1.Chief Secretary, Mizoram-Chairman2.Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture Department-Co-Chairman3.Director, Agriculture Department (Crop Husbandry)-Member Secretary4.Director, Agriculture Department (Research & Extension)-Member5.Director, RD Department-Member6.Director, Horticulture Department-Member7.Director, AH & Vety Department-Member8.Director, Fisheries Department-Member9.Director, Sericulture Department-Member10.Director, Local Administration Department-Member11.Director, LR, S&WC Department-Member12.SIO, NIC, Mizoram-MemberDISTRICT LEVEL1.Deputy Commissioner-Chairman2.District Agriculture Officer-Co-Chairman3.Project Director, DRDA-Member Secretary4.District Horticulture Officer-Member5.District Veterinary Officer-Member6.District Fisheries Officer-Member E-185/20192Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/507.District Sericulture Officer-Member8.District Local Administration Officer-Member9.District Soil Conservation Officer-Member10.District Informatics Officer, NIC-Member11.Block Development Officer-MemberThe State Level Committee is entrusted with the State Level Grievance Redressal MonitoringCommittee for looking into all the grievances related to implementation of the scheme. Anygrievances or complaints which are received should be disposed off on merit preferably within twoweeks time and the District Level Grievance Redressal Monitoring Committee is entrusted withthe District and Block Level.Lalhmingthanga,Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Agriculture Department.

The Government of Mizoram Privatisation of Vehicle Scheme, 2001 and The Mizoram Government Employees (Special Loan for the purchase of Car) Rules, 2001

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 187Date - 26/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 26.3.2019 Chaitra 5, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 187NOTIFICATIONNo.F.15013/1/2019-GAD, the 19th March, 2019.Consequent upon the decision of the Council ofMinisters on Wednesday the 8th March, 2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to repeal “TheGovernment of Mizoram Privatisation of Vehicle Scheme, 2001” and “The Mizoram Government Employees(Special Loan for the purchase of Car) Rules, 2001 with immediate effect.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Re-constitution of the Mizoram Oil Palm Advisory Committee

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 188Date - 26/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 26.3.2019 Chaitra 5, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 188NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13019/2/2013-AGR, the 20th March, 2019. In supersession of this Department’s NotificationNo.B.13019/2/2013-AGR/Pt dated 19th April, 2017, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitutethe Mizoram Oil Palm Advisory Committee consisting of the following members with immediate effectand until further orders:1.Minister, Agriculture Department-Chairman2.Pu C. Lalsawivunga, MLA-Member3.Pu Lalrinsanga Ralte, MLA-Member4.Pu H. Lalzirliana, MLA-Member5.Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture Department-Member6.Commissioner & Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department-Member7.Secretary, Horticulture Department-Member8.Secretary, Finance Department-Member9.Director of Agriculture (Crop Husbandry), Mizoram-Member Secretary10.Director of Agriculture (Research & Extension), Mizoram-Member11.Director of Horticulture, Mizoram-Member12.Director of Commerce & Industries Department, Mizoram-Member13.Director, Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat, Assam-Member14.Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation Department, Mizoram-Member15.Joint Director, ICAR, Kolasib, Mizoram-Member16.Representative of Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture-Member17.Sr. Development Officer, Godrej Agrovet Ltd.-Member18.Manager, 3F Oil Palm Agrotech Pvt. Ltd.-Member19.Jt. Officer, Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd.-Member20.President, All Mizoram Farmer Union (AMFU)-Member21.Pu R. Saikhuma, Oil Palm Grower, Project Veng, Kolasib-Member22.Pu V. Lallawmzuala, Oil Palm Grower, Vengchung, Serchhip-Member23.Pu P.C. Lalthanzuala, Oil Palm Grower, Bazar Veng, Mamit-Member24.Pu V. Kapchungnunga, Oil Palm Grower, Electric Veng, Lunglei-Member25.Pu Vanremsanga, Oil Palm Grower, Chhinga Veng, Aizawl-Member26.Pu M.C. Lalrokhuma, Oil Palm Grower, Bazar Veng, Lawngtlai-Member27.Pu F. Lalbiakhluna, Oil Palm Grower, Maubawk Zero, Saiha-Member Term of Office:Term of the Committee will be 3 (three) yearsFunctions of the Advisory Committee :The Advisory Committee may advise the Government on the following matters :a)Extension of the areas under Oil Palm cultivation.b)Problems relating to the cultivation of Oil Palm.c)Problem faced by the Oil Palm Processing Industry.d)Co-ordination between the Oil Palm Growers and Industry and sorting out of all matter which mayarise.e)To bring to the notice of the Government any measures that will suit the orderly development of theOil Palm cultivation and Industries.f)It will make recommendations to the State Government on any issue relating to policy matters,administration and implementation of Programme for consideration of the State Government.g)It will hold review meeting at least once in a quarter of the term.Lalhmingthanga,Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Agriculture Department.Ex-188/20192Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Notification No.2/2019-State Tax (Rate)

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 201Date - 26/03/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 26.3.2019 Chaitra 5, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 201NOTIFICATIONNo.2/2019-State Tax (Rate)No.J.21011/2/2019-TAX(i), the 22nd March, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 9, sub-section (1) of section 11, sub-section (1) of section 16 of the Mizoram Goods andServices Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017) (herein after referred to as the “said Act”), the Governor of Mizoram,on the recommendations of the Council, and on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest soto do, hereby notifies that the state tax, on the intra-State supply of goods or services or both as specifiedin column (1) of the Table below, shall be levied at the rate specified in the corresponding entry in column(2), subject to the conditions as specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the said table below, nemely:-TableDescription of supplyRateConditions(per cent)(1)(2)(3)First supplies of goods orservices or both up to ana g gr e ga t e t u r n o v e r o ffifty lakh rupees made onor after the 1st day ofAp ri l in a ny f in an ci aly e a r, b y a r e g i s t e r e dperson.1.Supplies are made by a registered person,-(i)whose aggregate turnover in the preceding financialyear was fifty lakh rupees or below;(ii)who is not eligible to pay tax under sub-section(1) of section 10 of the said Act;(iii)who is not engaged in making any supply which is notleviable to tax under the said Act;(iv)who is not engaged in making any inter-State outwardsupply;(v)who is neither a casual taxable person nor a non-resident taxable person;(vi)who is not engaged in making any supply through an elec-tronic commerce operator who is required to collect taxat source under section 52; and(vii)who is not engaged in making supplies of the goods, thedescription of which is specified in column (3) of theAnnexure below and falling under the tariff item sub-heading, heading or Chapter, as the case may be as speci-fied in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the saidannexure. 2.Where more than one registered person are having thesam Permanent account Number, issued under the In-come Tax Act, 1961(43 of 1961), state tax on suppliesby all such registered persons is paid at the rate speci-fied in column (2) under this notification.3.The registered person shall not collect any tax from therecipient on supplies made by him nor shall he be en-titled to any credit of input tax.4.The registered person shall issue, instead of tax invoice,a bill of supply as referred to in clause (c) of sub-sec-tion (3) of section 31 of the said Act with particulars asprescribed in rule 49 of Mizoram Goods and ServicesTax Rules.5.The registered person shall mention the following wordsat the top of the bill of Supply, namely :- ‘taxable per-son paying tax in terms of notification No.2/2019 StateTax (Rate) dated 22.3.2019 not eligible to collect taxon supplies;6.The registered person opting to pay state tax at the rateof three percent under this notification shall be liable topay state tax at the rate of three percent on all outwardsupplies specified in column (1) notwithstanding anyother notification issued under sub-section (1) of sec-tion 9 or under section 11 of said Act;7.The registered person opting to pay state tax at the rateof three percent under this notification shall be liable topay state tax on inward supplies on which he is liable topay tax under sub-section (3) or, as the case may be,under sub-section (4) of section 9 of said Act at the ap-plicable rates.Explanation.- For the purposes of this notification, theexpression “first supplies of goods or services or both”shall for the purposes of determining eligibility of aperson to pay tax under this notification, include thesupplies from the first day of April of a financial year tothe date from which he becomes liable for registrationunder the said Act but for the purpose of determinationof tax payable under this notification shall not includethe supplies from the first day of April of a financialyear to the date from which he becomes liable for regis-tration under this Act.Ex-201/20192 Sl.No.Tariff item, sub-heading,heading or Chapter123DescriptionANNEXURE1232105.00.002106 90 2024Pan masalaAll goods ie tobaco and manufactured tobacco substitutes.Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa2.In computing aggregate turnover in order to determine eligibility of a registered person to pay statetax at the rate of three percent under this notification, value of supply of exempt services by way of extend-ing deposits, loans or advances in so far as the consideration is represented by way of interest or discount,shall not be taken into account.3.Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification:-(i) “tariff item”, “sub-heading”, “heading” and “chapter”shall mean respectively a tariff item, sub-heading,heading and chapters specified in the First Scheduled to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975).(ii)the rules for the interpretation of the First Schedule to the said Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of1975, including the Section and Chapter Notes and the General Explanatory Notes of the First Scheduleshall, so far as may be apply to the interpretation of this notification.4.This notification shall come into force on the 1st day of April, 2019.Vanlal Chhuanga,Commr. & Secretaty to the Govt. of Mizoram,Taxation Department.Ex-201/20193Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (Multi Year Tariff)(First Amendment) Regulations, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 220Date - 02/04/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.4.2019 Chaitra 12, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 220N O T I F I C A T I O NNo.H.13011/25/18-JERC, the 27th March, 2019. In exercise of the power conferred under Section50 read with Clause (x) of Sub-section (2) of Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) and allother powers enabling it in this behalf, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoramhereby makes the following Regulations to amend the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur& Mizoram (Multi Year Tariff) Regulations, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as “the Principal Regulations”),namely;1.Short title and commencement:(1)These Regulations shall be called the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur& Mizoram (Multi Year Tariff)(First Amendment) Regulations, 2019.(2)These Regulations shall apply in relation to all matters falling within the jurisdiction ofthe Commission.(3)These Regulations shall come into force in respective States from the date of its publicationin the Official Gazettes of Manipur and Mizoram respectively.2.Amendment of Regulations 5 of the Principal Regulations:5.2The filing for the Control Period under these Regulations shall be as under:(i)MYT Petition for the first year of the Control Period shall comprise of:a.Truing up for the previous year (i.e. The second year preceding the first year of theControl Period);b.Annual Performance Review with revised Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) for thecurrent year (i.e. The year immediately preceding the first year of the Control Period);c.Multi-year Aggregate Revenue Requirement for the entire Multi-year Tariff ControlPeriod with year-wise details;d.Revenue from sale of power at existing tariffs and charges and projected revenue gapfor the first year of the Control Period under these Regulations;e.Application for determination of tariff for the first year of the Control Period.(ii)From the second year of the Control Period onwards and upto the last year of the ControlPeriod, the Petition in each year shall comprise of: Ex-221/20192a.Truing Up for the previous year with audited accounts, and Annual Performance Review(APR) with revision of ARR approved in MYT Order for current year and revised projectionof ARR approved in MYT Order for the ensuing year in accordance with these Regulations;b.Revenue from the sale of power at existing tariffs and charges for the current year;c.Revenue gap for the ensuing year calculated based on the revised projection of ARR andtruing up of the previous year;d.Application for determination of tariff for the ensuing year.All other terms and conditions remain the same.By Order of the CommissionRichard Zothankima,Assistant SecretaryPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/250

Mizoram Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2018

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 221Date - 02/04/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.4.2019 Chaitra 12, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 221NOTIFICATIONNo.A.49011/2/2012-LE&IT/603, the 29th March, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred bySection 112 of the Factories Act, 1948, the State Govenment is pleased to make the following rules toamend the Mizoram Factories Rules, 2014 namely :-1.Short title and commencement -(1)These rules may be called the Mizoram Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2018.(2)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazetted.2.Amendment of rule 7 (1) -In sub-rule (1) of rule 7 of the Mizoram Factories Rules, 2014 hereinafter referred to as the Principal rules the words “for a period of oneyear or five years, as may be requested in the application for registrationand grant of license and on the payment of the fees specified in sub-rule (2)” shall be substituted by the words “for a period of ten yearsand on payment of the fees specified in the sub-rule (2)”.3.Amendment of Rule 8 :In sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Principal Rules, the words “fifty Rupees”shall be substituted by the words “hundred rupees”.4.Amendment of Rule 9 :In sub-rule (2) of rule 9 of the Principal Rules, the words “one year orfive years as the case may be” shall be substituted by the words “tenyears”.5.Amendment of Rule 12 -In rule 12 of the Principal Rules, the words “rupees twenty five” shallbe substituted by the words “hundred rupees”.6.Amendment of Schedule-ISchedule 1 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows,namely:- “Fees for grant of License for a factory for one to five years.No. of workersUpto 2021 to 5051 to 100101 to 250251 to 500501 and aboveRsRsRsRsRsRs1003005007001000150020060010001400200030003009001500210030004500400600200028004000600050012002500350050007500”.Shall be substituted by“Fees for grant of License for a factory for ten yearsNo. of workersUpto 2021 to 5051 to 100101 to 250251 to 500501 and aboveRs.Rs.Rs.Rs.Rs.Rs.1,0003,0005,0007,00010,00015,000”.Zothan Khuma,Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Labour, Employment, Skill Dev. & Entrepreneurship Deptt.Ex-221/20192Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Note:The Principal rules were Published in The Mizoram Official Gazette, Extra Ordinary, IssueNo. 101 dt. 04.03.2015 vide No.A.49011/2/2012-LE&IT dt.24.2.2015.

Mizoram Transport Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 222Date - 02/04/2019

The Mizoram GazetteEXTRA ORDINARYPublished by AuthorityRNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.4.2019 Chaitra 12, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 222NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/14/2017-P&AR(GSW), the 29th March, 2019. In exercise of the powers conferred by theproviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rulesto amend the Mizoram Transport Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2018 relating to thepost of Junior Accounts Officer under Transport Department, namely :-(1)These rules may be called the Mizoram Transport Department (Group ‘B’posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2019(2)These rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in theOfficial Gazette.In the Mizoram Transport Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules,2018 for the entries in column 2 and column 4 of Annexure-I, the follow-ing shall be substituted, namely :-“Column 2 : 12 (twelve) posts or as sanctioned by the Government fromtime to time”.“Column 4 : Level - 07 in the Pay Matrix (` 39,100-` 86,800)”By order, etcLalrinsanga,Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms.Note:The Mizoram Transport Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2018 was pub-lished in the Mizoram Gazette, Extraordinary Issue No. 450 dated 01.08.2018 videNo.A.12018/14/2017-P&AR(GSW) dated 30.07.20181.Short title andCommencement2.Amendment ofAnnexure-IPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

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