The Mizoram Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. 15 of 2012)
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 16.1.2013 Pausa 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 25 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/178/06-LJD, the 14th January, 2013.The following Act of the Mizoram Legislative Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general information. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. 15 of 2012) AN ACTFurther to amend the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act No.9 of 2006) WHEREAS it is expedient to further amend the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act No.9 of 2006) (hereinafter referr ed to as the Principal Act) in line wit h the Constitution (Ninety Seventh Amendment) Act, 2011 a nd in the interest of democra tic and smooth functioning of the Cooperative Societies in the State of Mizoram and for the matters connected therewith. It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the sixty-third year of Republic of India as follows :- Short title, extent 1.(1)This Act may be called the Mizoram Cooperative and Commencement Societies (Amendment) Act, 2012. (2)It shall ha ve the like ext ent as the Principal Act. (3)It shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Amendment of Section 2 2.In Section 2 of the Principal Act, (1)Aft er s u b -s ect ion (7 ), a new s u b -s ect ion 7 (a ) s ha ll be a dded as follows, namely :- “7(a) “Authorized person” means a person referred to as such in Section 107(2)(17) of this Act.” - 2 - Ex-25/2013 (2)Sub-section (8) of Section 2 shall be substituted as follows, namely :- “Boa rd” means the board of director s or the governing body of a Cooperative Society, by whatever name called, to which the direction and control of the management of the affairs of a Society is entrusted to.” (3)After sub-section (17), a new sub-section 17(a) shall be added as follows, namely :- “17(a ) “Cooperative Society” means a Society registered or deemed to be register ed under any law relating to Cooperative Societies for the time being in for ce.” (4)After sub-section (51), a new sub-section 51(a) shall be added as follows, namely :- “51(a) “Stat e Level Coopera tive S ociety” mea ns a Cooperative Society having its area of operation extending to the whole of Mizoram and which has as its members only the registered Cooperative Societies.”Amendment of Section 31 3.In Section 31 of the Principal Act, after clause (s), a new clause (t) shall be added as follows, namely :- “(t) to have an access to the books, information and accou nts of the Coopera tive Society kept in regular transaction of its business with such member.” Amendment of Section 46 4.In the Principal Act, clause (a) of sub-section (2) of Section 46 shall be substituted as follows, namely :- “Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Director s of the Board of Management Committee in the State Level Cooperative Societies, Secondary and Primary Cooperative.” Amendment of Section 48 5.In S ection 48 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “There shall be a board of director s or management committee for every Cooperative (her einafter referred to as board of management committee) consisting of such number of persons as specified in the bye-laws which number, in any case, shall not exceed twenty one.” (2)Aft er s u b -s ect ion (2 ), a n ew s u b -s ect ion 2 (a ) s ha ll be a dded as follows, namely :- “2(a) The Board may appoint a person having experience in the field of banking, management, finance or specialization in any other field relating to the object s and a ct ivities undertaken by the coop erative societies, as co-opted member of the boar d of such societies. Provided that the number of such co- opted members shall not exceed two in addition to twenty-one directors specified under Section 48(1): Provided further that such co-opted members shall not ha ve the right to vote in any election of the Cooperative Society in their capacity as such member or to be eligible to be elec ted as office bearers of the board: T he Government may nomina te fu nctiona l directors of a Cooperative Society who shall also be the members of the boar d and such members who shall be excluded for the purpose of counting the total number of directors specified under Section 48(1):”Amendment of Section 49 6.Section 49 of the Pr incipal Act shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “Notwithstanding anything contained under this Act, Rules or Bye-Laws of the concerned Cooperative, two seats in the committee of management shall be reserved for women if the Cooperative Society has women members.” Amendment of Section 53 7.In S ection 53 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “The term of the office of the Boar d of Mana gement Committee of the Primary Cooperative, Secondar y Coopera tive and the Federal Cooperative Societies shall be five years from the date of election and the term of office bear ers sha ll be coterminous with the term of the board.” (2)The first and second proviso of sub-section (3) shall be su bstituted as follows, namely:- “Provided that no member shall hold office for more than 10 years in succession, or having already held Office for 10 yea r s, whet her in succession or not, be re-elected within a shorter interval tha n five years fr om the date on which he ceased to be member of such Council or Body. - 3 -Ex-25/2013 Provided further tha t if election cannot be held for a ny reason, the ga p period s o occa sioned shall not be counted to form par t of the interva l period of five yea rs.”Explanation: Notwithstanding this Amendment, the tenure of the existing Ma nagement Committee elected and constituted under the pre-amended Act shall remain unchanged and election under the amended Act sha ll be held for such Management Committees before the expiry of their normal tenure for which they were elected. The members who have not completed ten years but whose re-elect ion for another term is likely t o exceed ten years provided under the amended Act shall also not be eligible for re- election before five years cooling off period. Amendment of Section 55 8.In S ection 55 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral r olls for, and the conduct of, all elections t o a cooperative society shall vest in the Registrar of Cooperative Societies. The election shall be conducted by the Registrar in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Rules, 2012.” (2)Clause (a) of sub-section (2) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “Conducted before the expir y of the term of the committee so a s to ensure that the newly elected memb ers of t he committee a ssume office immedia tely on the expir y of the office of members of the outgoing management committee.” (3)Sub-sections (4) and (5) shall sta nd deleted. (4)Sub-section (6) of Section 55 shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “Where there exist casual vacancy on the board and there exist a quorum, the board may fill a casual vacancy on the boar d by nomination out of t he same class of members in resp ect of which the casual vacancy has ar isen, if the term of the office of the board is less than half of its original term.” - 4 - Ex-25/2013 Amendment of Section 64 9.In S ection 64 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “The Registr ar for the reasons, basis or grounds specified under sub-section (2) shall have the power t o sup ersede or remove the duly elec ted management committee from office before the expiry of its full tenure and in its place appoint one or more officers to be called as administr ator to manage the affairs of the cooperative for a period not exceeding six months as may be specified in the or der.” (2)Sub-section (2) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “T he board of mana gement commit tee ma y be superseded or kept under s uspension in ca se – (i)of its persistent default; or (ii)of negligence in the perfor mance of its duties, or (iii)the board has committed any act prejudicial to the interests of the coop erative society or its members; or (iv)there is stalemate in the constitution or funct ions of the boar d; or (v)the authorit y or body as provided by the Legislature of a State, by law, under C la u s e ( 2 ) of a r t i cle 2 4 3 Z K, ha s fa iled t o conduct elections in accorda nce with the provisions of this Act; (vi)has omitted or failed to comply with any direction or order issued to it by Registrar or Government in general or public int eres t; Provided that the board of any such coopera tive society sha ll not be superseded or kept under suspension where there is no Government sha reholding or loan or fina ncial a ssistance or a ny gua rantee by the Government; Provided further that in case of a cooperative society ca rrying on the business of banking, the provisions of t he Banking Regulation Act, 1949 shall also apply: Provided also that in case of a Cooperative Society, other than a multi-State Coopera tive Society, carrying on the business of banking the provisions of this clause shall have the effect as if for the wor ds “six months”, the words “one year” had been substituted.”- 5 -Ex-25/2013 Amendment of Section 85 10.In S ection 85 of t he Principal Act, (1)the following shall be added in continuation of sub- section (1), namely:- “The accounts of every Cooperative S ociety s hall be a udited within six months of the close of the fina ncial year to which such accounts relate.” (2)After sub-section (2), a new sub-section (2)(a) and (2)(b) shall be added a s follows, namely:- “2(a) T he Registrar of Cooperative Societies shall lay down the minimum qualifications and experience of auditors and auditing firms that shall be eligible for auditing accounts of the cooperative societies.” “2(b ) Every cooperative society shall cause to be audited by an auditor or auditing firms appointed by the gener al body of the cooperative society. Provided tha t such Auditors or auditing firms shall be appointed fr om a pa nel appr oved by Registrar of Cooperative Societies.” Amendment of Section 88 11.In S ection 88 of the Principal Act, the words “ sixty days” shall be substituted by the words “six months” and Section 88 will read as follows:- “Every Cooperative, within six months of the closur e of the corresp onding financial year, shall file the following information or returns pertaining to the cooperative with the Registrar.” Amendment of Section 89 12.In the Principal Act, after clause (g) of sub-section (2) of Section 89, a new clause (h) shall be added as follows, namely:- “(h) T he a udit report of the accou nts of a n apex Cooperative Society, as may be defined by the State Act, sha ll be la id befor e the State Legisla tur e in the manner, as may be provided by the State Legislature, by law.” Amendment of Section 107 13.In Section 107 of the Principal Act, clause (17) of Sub- Section (2) shall be substituted a s follows, namely:- “Wilful failure of a ny officer or custodian to handover custody of books, accounts, documents, records, cash, secur ity and other property belonging to a cooperative society of which he is an officer or custodian, to an authorized per son:”Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 6 - Ex-25/2013
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 16.1.2013 Pausa 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 25 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/178/06-LJD, the 14th January, 2013.The following Act of the Mizoram Legislative Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general information. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. 15 of 2012) AN ACTFurther to amend the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act No.9 of 2006) WHEREAS it is expedient to further amend the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (Act No.9 of 2006) (hereinafter referr ed to as the Principal Act) in line wit h the Constitution (Ninety Seventh Amendment) Act, 2011 a nd in the interest of democra tic and smooth functioning of the Cooperative Societies in the State of Mizoram and for the matters connected therewith. It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the sixty-third year of Republic of India as follows :- Short title, extent 1.(1)This Act may be called the Mizoram Cooperative and Commencement Societies (Amendment) Act, 2012. (2)It shall ha ve the like ext ent as the Principal Act. (3)It shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Amendment of Section 2 2.In Section 2 of the Principal Act, (1)Aft er s u b -s ect ion (7 ), a new s u b -s ect ion 7 (a ) s ha ll be a dded as follows, namely :- “7(a) “Authorized person” means a person referred to as such in Section 107(2)(17) of this Act.” - 2 - Ex-25/2013 (2)Sub-section (8) of Section 2 shall be substituted as follows, namely :- “Boa rd” means the board of director s or the governing body of a Cooperative Society, by whatever name called, to which the direction and control of the management of the affairs of a Society is entrusted to.” (3)After sub-section (17), a new sub-section 17(a) shall be added as follows, namely :- “17(a ) “Cooperative Society” means a Society registered or deemed to be register ed under any law relating to Cooperative Societies for the time being in for ce.” (4)After sub-section (51), a new sub-section 51(a) shall be added as follows, namely :- “51(a) “Stat e Level Coopera tive S ociety” mea ns a Cooperative Society having its area of operation extending to the whole of Mizoram and which has as its members only the registered Cooperative Societies.”Amendment of Section 31 3.In Section 31 of the Principal Act, after clause (s), a new clause (t) shall be added as follows, namely :- “(t) to have an access to the books, information and accou nts of the Coopera tive Society kept in regular transaction of its business with such member.” Amendment of Section 46 4.In the Principal Act, clause (a) of sub-section (2) of Section 46 shall be substituted as follows, namely :- “Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Director s of the Board of Management Committee in the State Level Cooperative Societies, Secondary and Primary Cooperative.” Amendment of Section 48 5.In S ection 48 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “There shall be a board of director s or management committee for every Cooperative (her einafter referred to as board of management committee) consisting of such number of persons as specified in the bye-laws which number, in any case, shall not exceed twenty one.” (2)Aft er s u b -s ect ion (2 ), a n ew s u b -s ect ion 2 (a ) s ha ll be a dded as follows, namely :- “2(a) The Board may appoint a person having experience in the field of banking, management, finance or specialization in any other field relating to the object s and a ct ivities undertaken by the coop erative societies, as co-opted member of the boar d of such societies. Provided that the number of such co- opted members shall not exceed two in addition to twenty-one directors specified under Section 48(1): Provided further that such co-opted members shall not ha ve the right to vote in any election of the Cooperative Society in their capacity as such member or to be eligible to be elec ted as office bearers of the board: T he Government may nomina te fu nctiona l directors of a Cooperative Society who shall also be the members of the boar d and such members who shall be excluded for the purpose of counting the total number of directors specified under Section 48(1):”Amendment of Section 49 6.Section 49 of the Pr incipal Act shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “Notwithstanding anything contained under this Act, Rules or Bye-Laws of the concerned Cooperative, two seats in the committee of management shall be reserved for women if the Cooperative Society has women members.” Amendment of Section 53 7.In S ection 53 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “The term of the office of the Boar d of Mana gement Committee of the Primary Cooperative, Secondar y Coopera tive and the Federal Cooperative Societies shall be five years from the date of election and the term of office bear ers sha ll be coterminous with the term of the board.” (2)The first and second proviso of sub-section (3) shall be su bstituted as follows, namely:- “Provided that no member shall hold office for more than 10 years in succession, or having already held Office for 10 yea r s, whet her in succession or not, be re-elected within a shorter interval tha n five years fr om the date on which he ceased to be member of such Council or Body. - 3 -Ex-25/2013 Provided further tha t if election cannot be held for a ny reason, the ga p period s o occa sioned shall not be counted to form par t of the interva l period of five yea rs.”Explanation: Notwithstanding this Amendment, the tenure of the existing Ma nagement Committee elected and constituted under the pre-amended Act shall remain unchanged and election under the amended Act sha ll be held for such Management Committees before the expiry of their normal tenure for which they were elected. The members who have not completed ten years but whose re-elect ion for another term is likely t o exceed ten years provided under the amended Act shall also not be eligible for re- election before five years cooling off period. Amendment of Section 55 8.In S ection 55 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral r olls for, and the conduct of, all elections t o a cooperative society shall vest in the Registrar of Cooperative Societies. The election shall be conducted by the Registrar in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Rules, 2012.” (2)Clause (a) of sub-section (2) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “Conducted before the expir y of the term of the committee so a s to ensure that the newly elected memb ers of t he committee a ssume office immedia tely on the expir y of the office of members of the outgoing management committee.” (3)Sub-sections (4) and (5) shall sta nd deleted. (4)Sub-section (6) of Section 55 shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “Where there exist casual vacancy on the board and there exist a quorum, the board may fill a casual vacancy on the boar d by nomination out of t he same class of members in resp ect of which the casual vacancy has ar isen, if the term of the office of the board is less than half of its original term.” - 4 - Ex-25/2013 Amendment of Section 64 9.In S ection 64 of t he Principal Act, (1)Sub-section (1) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “The Registr ar for the reasons, basis or grounds specified under sub-section (2) shall have the power t o sup ersede or remove the duly elec ted management committee from office before the expiry of its full tenure and in its place appoint one or more officers to be called as administr ator to manage the affairs of the cooperative for a period not exceeding six months as may be specified in the or der.” (2)Sub-section (2) shall be substituted as follows, namely:- “T he board of mana gement commit tee ma y be superseded or kept under s uspension in ca se – (i)of its persistent default; or (ii)of negligence in the perfor mance of its duties, or (iii)the board has committed any act prejudicial to the interests of the coop erative society or its members; or (iv)there is stalemate in the constitution or funct ions of the boar d; or (v)the authorit y or body as provided by the Legislature of a State, by law, under C la u s e ( 2 ) of a r t i cle 2 4 3 Z K, ha s fa iled t o conduct elections in accorda nce with the provisions of this Act; (vi)has omitted or failed to comply with any direction or order issued to it by Registrar or Government in general or public int eres t; Provided that the board of any such coopera tive society sha ll not be superseded or kept under suspension where there is no Government sha reholding or loan or fina ncial a ssistance or a ny gua rantee by the Government; Provided further that in case of a cooperative society ca rrying on the business of banking, the provisions of t he Banking Regulation Act, 1949 shall also apply: Provided also that in case of a Cooperative Society, other than a multi-State Coopera tive Society, carrying on the business of banking the provisions of this clause shall have the effect as if for the wor ds “six months”, the words “one year” had been substituted.”- 5 -Ex-25/2013 Amendment of Section 85 10.In S ection 85 of t he Principal Act, (1)the following shall be added in continuation of sub- section (1), namely:- “The accounts of every Cooperative S ociety s hall be a udited within six months of the close of the fina ncial year to which such accounts relate.” (2)After sub-section (2), a new sub-section (2)(a) and (2)(b) shall be added a s follows, namely:- “2(a) T he Registrar of Cooperative Societies shall lay down the minimum qualifications and experience of auditors and auditing firms that shall be eligible for auditing accounts of the cooperative societies.” “2(b ) Every cooperative society shall cause to be audited by an auditor or auditing firms appointed by the gener al body of the cooperative society. Provided tha t such Auditors or auditing firms shall be appointed fr om a pa nel appr oved by Registrar of Cooperative Societies.” Amendment of Section 88 11.In S ection 88 of the Principal Act, the words “ sixty days” shall be substituted by the words “six months” and Section 88 will read as follows:- “Every Cooperative, within six months of the closur e of the corresp onding financial year, shall file the following information or returns pertaining to the cooperative with the Registrar.” Amendment of Section 89 12.In the Principal Act, after clause (g) of sub-section (2) of Section 89, a new clause (h) shall be added as follows, namely:- “(h) T he a udit report of the accou nts of a n apex Cooperative Society, as may be defined by the State Act, sha ll be la id befor e the State Legisla tur e in the manner, as may be provided by the State Legislature, by law.” Amendment of Section 107 13.In Section 107 of the Principal Act, clause (17) of Sub- Section (2) shall be substituted a s follows, namely:- “Wilful failure of a ny officer or custodian to handover custody of books, accounts, documents, records, cash, secur ity and other property belonging to a cooperative society of which he is an officer or custodian, to an authorized per son:”Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 6 - Ex-25/2013The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram (Terms and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2012”.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 16.1.2013 Pausa 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No.24NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/1/2009-P&AR(GSW), the 9th January,2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by section 27(1) read with section 16 (1) and (5)(a) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely:- CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.Short title and(1)These ru les ma y b e called “The State Chief Infor ma tion commencement:Commissioner, Mizoram (Terms and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2012”. ( 2 ) They sha ll come into for ce fr om the date of their publica- tion in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Definitions:In these rules, unless the context other wise requir es- ( a ) Chief Information Commissioner means the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram appointed under sub-section (3) of Section 15 of the RTI Act, 2005. ( b ) Chief Election Commissioner means the Centr al Chief Election Commissioner of India appointed under Article 324 of the India n Constitution. (c)Chief Justicemeans the Chief Justice of India, but does not include any acting Chief Justice. (d)Election Commissionermeans the Central Election Commissioner of India appointed under Article 324 of the Indian Constitution. ( e ) Judgemeans a Judge of the Supreme Court of India. Ex-24/20132 CHAPTER II STATUS OF THE STATE CHIEF INFORMATION COMMISSIONER, MIZORAM 3 . Section 16(5)(a) of the RTI Act, 2005 provides,“the salaries and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as that of the (Central) Election Commissioner ( of India)”. Further, Section 3(1) of the Election C ommission (Condit ion of Service of Election Commissions a nd Tra nsa c- tion of Business) Act, 1991 states,“there shall be paid to the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioner a salary which is equal to the salary of a judge of the Supreme Court”, andSection 8 ibid indicates,“The conditions of service relating to Travelling Allowance, provision of rent-free residence and exemption from payment of Income-Tax on the value of s u c h r en t - f r ee residence, conveyance facilities, sumptuary allowance, medical facilities and such other conditions of service as are for the time being applicable to a Judge of the Supreme Court under Chapter 4 of the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 (41 of 1958) and the rules made there under, shall, so far as may be, apply to the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners”. Accordingly, the status of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as t hat of the Centr al Elect ion Commissioner of India. CAPTER III TERMS OF OFFICE 4.(1) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall hold office for a term of5 (five) years from the date on which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of65 years which- ever is earlier and shall not be eligible for reappointment. [ Section 16(1) & Proviso to Section 16(1) of the RTI Act, 2005] (2) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall, before he enters upon his office, make and subscribe before the Governor of Mizoram or some other person appointed by him in that behalf, an oath or affirmationaccording to the form set out for the purpose in the First Schedule to the RTI Act, 2005. [Section 16(3) of the RTI Act, 2005] (3) (i) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram may, at any time, by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor of Mizoram,resignfrom his office. [Section 16(4) of the RTI Act, 2005] (ii) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram may beremoved in the manner specified under Section 17 of the RTI Act, 2005. [Proviso of Section 16(4) of the RTI Act, 2005] CHAPTER IV SALARIES & ALLOWANC ES 5 . (a) SALARY: Salaries and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as that of the Central Election Commissioner. [Section 16(5)(a) of the RTI Act, 2005] Ex-24/2013 3 Accordingly, there shall be paid to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram by way of salar y Rs. 90,000/- (Rupees ninety thousa nd) per mensem a s amended fr om time to time, which is equivalent with the salary of the Election C ommissioner. Provided that if the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram at the time of appointment is in receipt of a pension, (other than a disability or wound pension) in respect of any previous service under the Government of India or under the Government of a State or any previous service rendered in a Corporation established by or under any Central Act or State Act or a Government Company owned or controlled by the Central Government or the State Government, his salary in respect of the service as the State Chief Infor- mation Commissioner, Mizoram shall be reduced by the amount of pension equivalent to the retirement benefits.[Section 3 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] Provided further that the salaries, allowances and other conditions or service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall not be varied to his disadvantages after his appointment. [Proviso to Section 16(5) of the RTI Act, 2005] (b) DEARNESS ALLOWANCE : There shall be paid to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram by way of Dearness Allowance, which is equal to the percentage of Dearness Allowances re- leased by the Government of India from time to time and which shall be computed from the amount of salary immediately before reduction of the amount of his pension. (c) S UMPT UARY ALLOWANCE : A monthly Sumptuary Allowance as admissible to the Election Commissioner shall be admissible to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram under clause (a) of sub-section (5) of the Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005. Accordingly, he is entitled to a sumptuary allowance of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand) per month”. [Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 as amended by Act No. 4 of 1994.] & [Section 23B of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 as amended by Ordinance No.1 of 2009, as may be amended from time to time] { Government of Mizoram Notification No.A. 26019/1/09-FIN(PRU) dt.2 nd September, 2010.} (d) HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE : Where, for a ny reason, the State Chief Information Commis- sioner, Mizoram does not avail himself of the use of an official residence, he shall be paid every month an allowance equivalent to an amount of 30% of his pay as HRA in lieu of rent-free official residence as admissible to the Election Commissioner of India. [Section 23 (1A) of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] CHAPT ER V LEAVE AND ENCASHMENT OF LEAVE SALARY 6.(A) (1) A person who, immediately before the date of assuming office of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram was in service of the Government may be granted during his tenure of office but not thereafter, leave in accordance with the rules for the time being applicable to the service to Ex-24/20134 which he belonged before such date and he shall be entitled to carry forward the amount of leave standing at his credit on such date.[Section 5(1) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioner & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (2) Any other person, who is appointed as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram may be granted leave in accordance with such rules as are applicable to a member of the All India Services. [Section 5(2) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioner & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (3) The power to grant or refuse leave to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram and to revoke or curtail leave granted to him shall vest in the Governor of Mizoram. [Section 5 (3) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioner & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (B) (1) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall, on his demitting office except by resigna- tion, shall be entitled to claimencashment of Earned Leave in respect of the earned leave at his credit subject to a maximum period prescribed for encashment of such leave under the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 as amended from time to time. [Section (1)(2) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991, read with Section 4A of the Supreme Court Judges(Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] (2) In case the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office by resignation, he isentitled to encashment of leave at his credit on the date of cessation of service to the extent of half of such leave at his credit subject to half of the maximum period stated above. Provided that the overall limit for encashment of leave including both earned leave and half pay leave shall not exceed 300 days. To make up for the shortfall in earned leave, no commutation of half pay leave shall be admissible. CHAPT ER VI TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE AND LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION 7. (A) T RAVELLING ALLOWANCE :(1) When a Government servant appointed to be the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram travels by train to join his post, he may, at his option and in lieu of drawing Travelling Allowance under the rule governing a journey on transfer applicable to him, travel in a reserved compar tment of the highest cla ss. He shall also be entitled to a lump sum tra nsfer grant and packing allowance at the ra tes as are admissible to a person holding such a post when transfer red or deputed to another place or post. (2) When a person not already in Government service is appointed to be the State Chief Information Com- missioner, Mizoram, he may when travelling by train to join his post, travel in a reserved compartment of the highest class. (3) When the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram travels on duty, he shall be entitled:- (a)When tr avelling by r ailway- (i) To a reserved two-berth compartment of the highest class including air-conditioned class, and if one such compartment is not available, then to a reserved four-berth compartment of the highest class (but excluding the air-conditioned class); Ex-24/2013 5 (ii)If such a compartment is provided to take his wife along with him without payment of fare; and (iii)The fares at the lowest class rates actually paid for servants not exceeding two in number. (b) When travelling by a public air transport service,to the fare paid for himself and if actually paid, the cost of transporting up to 80 kgs of luggage by rail at passenger rates, steamer and the railway or steamer fares of the lowest class for servants not exceeding two in number, and the expenditure actually incurred on the transport by road of servants or luggage upto a maximum of one-half of rate per kilogram notified by the concerned Directorate of Transport for Auto-Rickshaw of that part of the journey by road for which no allowance is claimed under clause (c) of this sub-rule. (c)When traveling by road, to Mileage Allowance ; Provided that- (i) no such allowance shall be payable in respect of that portion of journey by road for which a public air transport service provides its own transport and the fare for which journey is included in the air fare under clause (b) above for the air journey; (ii) no such allowance shall be payable in cases where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram uses transport provided at Mizoram Information Commission expenses. (4) When the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram is required to perform official duties away from his headquarters, he shall be entitled to Daily Allowance at par with the Election Commissioner of India for not exceeding Rs. 600/- per day and Rs. 1,000/- per day for specially expensive localities like Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and also entitled to Government accomodation at the same rates as for the member of the All India Services holding the rank of the Secre- tary to the Government of India. (5) When travels on duty, the entire period of absence from Headquarters, Daily Allowance shall be regu- lated as follows:- (a)Full daily allowance for each completed day, that is reckoned from mid-night to mid-night. (b)For absence from Headquarters for less than twenty four hours the daily allowances shall be at the following rates, namely:- (i)If the absence from Headquarters does not exceed 6 hours, no daily allowance. (ii)If the absence from headquarters exceed 6 hours, but does not exceed 12 hours, 70% of the full daily allowance. (iii)If the absence from headquarters exceeds 12 hours, full daily allowance. (6) If the dates of departure from and return to headquarters fall on different dates, the period of absence from headquarters shall be reckoned as two days and daily allowance shall be calculated for each day as in sub-section (5) above. (7) When the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram retires from service, he and the members of his family may travel from the last headquarters to the declared Home Town, or to any other selected place of residence where he wishes to settle down. His entitlement shall be regulated as on transfer of All India Service Officer posted in Mizoram Provided that no such travelling allowance shall be admissible to the State Chief Information Com- missioner, Mizoram if he has been removed from office. Ex-24/20136[Section 16(5)(a) of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with also Section 22 of Chapter of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and rule 4 of the Supreme Court Judges (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1959]. (B) LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION :(1) As admissible to Election Commissioner of India, the State Chief Information Commissioner Mizoram is entitled to LTC for self, spouse and dependent members visiting any place in India including Home Town during leave thrice a year in accordance with rules appli- cable in this behalf to a member of the Indian Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to the Government of India. CHAPT ER VII OTHER FACILITIES 8. (1) MEDICAL FACILITIES :The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram and the de- pendent members of his families shall be entitled to such facilities for medical treatment and for accomodation in hospitals as prescribed for the Election Commissioner from time to time. In terms of section 8 of the Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners (Conditions of Service) Act, 1991, they are en- titled to medical facilities and such other conditions of service as are for the time being applicable to a Judge of the Supreme Court under Chapter IV of the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules made there under. Accordingly as per Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959, in respect of facilities for medical treatment and accomodation in hospitals, the provisions of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 shall apply as they apply to a member of Indian Administrative Service. Provided that the expenses shall be reimbursed on prescription of Government doctors/hospitals or Recognized Private Practitioners/Private hospitals. In accordance with Section 23C of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958, every retired State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be entitled for himself and his family to the same facilities as respects medical treatment and on the same conditions as a retired officer of the Central Civil Services Class-I and his family are entitled under any rules or orders of the Central Govern- ment for the time being in force. [Sec.8 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service) Act, 1991 & [Sec 23C of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] & [Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] (2) CONVEYANCE FACILITIES :The Chief Information Commissioner shall be entitled to a staff car and 200 litres fuel per month or the actual consumption of fuel whichever is less. [Sec.8 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service) Act, 1991] & [Sec 23 A of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] (3) POST RETIRAL BENEFITS :As in the case of Supreme Court Judges/Election Commissioners, the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be entitled during his life time a payment of Rs.14,000/-(Rupees fourteen thousand only) per month for defraying the services of an orderly and for meeting the expences incurred towards secretarial assistance on contract basis. Ex-24/2013 7 He shall also be entitled to a residential telephone free of cost and the number of free calls to the extent of 1500 per month (over and above the number of free telephone calls per month allowed by the telephone Companies). Re-imbursement of the post retiral benefits shall be paid by the Mizoram Information Commission.[Rule 3 B of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] CHAPTER VIII PENSION AND FAMILY PENSION 9. (A)(1)A person who, immediately before the date of assuming the office of the State Chief Infor- mation Commissioner, Mizoram was in service of Government shall be deem to have retired from service on the date on which he enters upon office as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram but his subsequent service as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be reckoned as continuing approved service counting for pension in service to which he belonged. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 (1) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (2)Except where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office by resignation, he shall be deemed to have demitted his office if, and only if- (a)He has completed the office term of 5 years specified in sub section (1) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005, or (b)He has attained the age of sixty five years, or (c)His demission of office is medically certified to be necessitated by ill health. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 (3) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (3)Where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office, whether in any manner specified above, he shall on such demission be entitled to- (a)A pension which is equal to the pension payable to a Judge of the Supreme Court in accordance with the provisions of Part III of the Schedule to the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958, as amended from time to time; and (b)Such pension (including commutation of pension), family pension and gratuity as are admissible to a Judge of the Supreme Court under the Supreme Court Judges(Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules made ther e under, as amended from time to time. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with sub-section (1)(2) and (3) of Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (4) (a) The provisions of Part III of the Schedule to the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 apply to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram who has held pensionable post under the Union or a State (but is not a member of the Indian Civil Service). (b) The Pension payable to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be- (i)The pension to which he is entitled under the ordinary rules of his service if he had not been appointed the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram, his services as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram being treated as service therein for the purpose of calculating that pension; (ii)A special additional pension of Rs. 16,020/- per annum in respect of each completed year of Ex-24/20138 service for pension as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram or as amended from time to time: Provided that the pension under clause (i) and (ii) above shall in no case exceed Rs. 5,40,000/- per annum or as amended from time to time[As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Part III of the Schedule to Section 14 of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Condi- tions of Service) Act, 1958 as amended by Ordinance No.1 of 2009]. (B) FAMILY PENSION :Where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram - (a) dies before retirement, family pension calculated at the rate of fifty percent of his salary on the date of his death shall be payable to the person or persons entitled thereto and the amount so payable shall be paid from the day following the date of death of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram for a period of seven years or for a period upto the date on which the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram would have attained the age of sixty five years, had he survived, whichever is earlier, and thereafter at the rate ofthirty per cent of his salary; and (b) Dies after retirement on attaining the age of sixty five years, family pension shall be thirty percent of his salary, and shall be payable to the person or persons thereto; (c) Dies after retir ement after seeking premature retir ement and befor e attaining the age of sixty five years, family pension shall be calculated at the rate specified in clause (a) above and shall be payable to the person or persons entitled thereto: Provided that in no case the amount of family pension so calculated according to the above provi- sions shall exceed pension payable to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram. Explanation :For the purposes of determining the person or persons entitled to family pension under the foregoing provisions in relation to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram, the ordinary rules of his service if he had not been appointed the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram with respect to the person or persons entitled to family pension shall apply and his service as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram being treated as service therein. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section(1) of Section 16A of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] (C) DEATH-CUM-RETIREMENT GRATUITY :The rules, notifications and orders for the time being in force with respect to the grant of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity benefits to or in relation to an Officer of the Central Civil Services, Class-I (including the provisions relating to deductions from the pen- sion for the purpose) shall apply to or in relation to the grant of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity benefits to or in relation to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram who retires, or dies, in circumstances to which the foregoing provisions do not apply subject to the modifications: (i) The minimum qualifying service for the purpose of entitlement to the gratuity shall betwo years and six months; Ex-24/2013 9 (ii) The amount of gratuity shall be calculated on the basis of ten days salary for each completed six months period of service as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram.[As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section (2) of Section 16A of the Supreme Court Judges(Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958.] CHAPTER IX MISCELLANEOUS (A) ADDITIONAL QUANTUM OF PENSION OR FAMILY PENSION : Every retired State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram or after his death, the family, as the case may be, shall be entitled to an additional quantum of pension or family pension in accordance with the following scale:- Age of pens ioner or Family pensioner Additiona l quantum of pension or Family Pension From 80 years to less than 85 years20% of basic pension or Family Pension. From 85 years to less than 90 years25% of basic pension or Family Pension From 90 years to less than 95 years40% of basic pension or Family Pension From 95 years to less than 100 years50% of basic pension or Family Pension From 100 years or more100% of basic pension or Family Pension [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act,2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section (2) of Section 16B of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 as inserted by Ordinance No.1 of 2009] (B) EXTRAORDINARY PENSION AND GRATUITIES :The rules for the time being in force with respect to the grant of extraordinary pension and Gratuities in relation to an Officer of the Central Civil Services, Class-1, who may suffer injury or dies as a result of violence in the course of and as conse- quence of the due performance of his official duties, shall apply in relation to the State Chief Information Commissioner,Mizoram, subject to the modification that reference in those rules to be tables of injury gratu- ities and pensions, and of family gratuities and pensions shall be construed as reference to the tables in the Second Schedule of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959 as under: (a) INJURY GRATUITY AND PENSION OfficerGratuityAnnual Pension State Chief InformationRs. 22,000/-Rs.5,400/- Higher Scale Commissioner, MizoramRs. 4,700/- Lower Scale (b) FAMILY GRATUITY Entitled officialGratuityAnnual Pension WIDOWRs.15,000/- Higher Scale Rs.5,000/- Lower Scale - CHILDRENIf the Child is motherless-Rs.550/- If the Child is not motherless-Rs. 320/- [As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Section 16 of the Supreme Court Judges(Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and Rule 3 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] Ex-24/201310 (C) COMMUTATION OF PENSION RULES :The Civil Pensions (Commutation) Rules, for the time being in force, shall with necessary modifications, apply to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram.[As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act,2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Section 19 of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules framed there under] ( D ) AUTHORITY COMPETENT TO GRANT PENSION : S ave as may be otherwise ex- pressly provided in the relevant Act or rules relating to the grant of pension, extraordinary pension and Gratuities, the authority competent to grant pension or gratuity to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall bethe Governor of Mizoram. [As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Section 21 of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules framed there under.] (E)CONDITIONS OF SERVICE WHERE NO EXPRESS PROVISION IS MADE : The conditions of service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram for which no express provision has been made in the Right to Information Act, 2005 read with the provisions of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with the relevant provisions of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules framed there under, shall be determined by the rules for the time being applicable to a member of the Indian Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to the Government of India. [As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section (2) of Section 16A of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 read with Rule 6 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] By order etc. Chetan B. Sanghi Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 2/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 16.1.2013 Pausa 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No.24NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/1/2009-P&AR(GSW), the 9th January,2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by section 27(1) read with section 16 (1) and (5)(a) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely:- CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.Short title and(1)These ru les ma y b e called “The State Chief Infor ma tion commencement:Commissioner, Mizoram (Terms and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2012”. ( 2 ) They sha ll come into for ce fr om the date of their publica- tion in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Definitions:In these rules, unless the context other wise requir es- ( a ) Chief Information Commissioner means the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram appointed under sub-section (3) of Section 15 of the RTI Act, 2005. ( b ) Chief Election Commissioner means the Centr al Chief Election Commissioner of India appointed under Article 324 of the India n Constitution. (c)Chief Justicemeans the Chief Justice of India, but does not include any acting Chief Justice. (d)Election Commissionermeans the Central Election Commissioner of India appointed under Article 324 of the Indian Constitution. ( e ) Judgemeans a Judge of the Supreme Court of India. Ex-24/20132 CHAPTER II STATUS OF THE STATE CHIEF INFORMATION COMMISSIONER, MIZORAM 3 . Section 16(5)(a) of the RTI Act, 2005 provides,“the salaries and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as that of the (Central) Election Commissioner ( of India)”. Further, Section 3(1) of the Election C ommission (Condit ion of Service of Election Commissions a nd Tra nsa c- tion of Business) Act, 1991 states,“there shall be paid to the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioner a salary which is equal to the salary of a judge of the Supreme Court”, andSection 8 ibid indicates,“The conditions of service relating to Travelling Allowance, provision of rent-free residence and exemption from payment of Income-Tax on the value of s u c h r en t - f r ee residence, conveyance facilities, sumptuary allowance, medical facilities and such other conditions of service as are for the time being applicable to a Judge of the Supreme Court under Chapter 4 of the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 (41 of 1958) and the rules made there under, shall, so far as may be, apply to the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners”. Accordingly, the status of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as t hat of the Centr al Elect ion Commissioner of India. CAPTER III TERMS OF OFFICE 4.(1) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall hold office for a term of5 (five) years from the date on which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of65 years which- ever is earlier and shall not be eligible for reappointment. [ Section 16(1) & Proviso to Section 16(1) of the RTI Act, 2005] (2) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall, before he enters upon his office, make and subscribe before the Governor of Mizoram or some other person appointed by him in that behalf, an oath or affirmationaccording to the form set out for the purpose in the First Schedule to the RTI Act, 2005. [Section 16(3) of the RTI Act, 2005] (3) (i) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram may, at any time, by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor of Mizoram,resignfrom his office. [Section 16(4) of the RTI Act, 2005] (ii) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram may beremoved in the manner specified under Section 17 of the RTI Act, 2005. [Proviso of Section 16(4) of the RTI Act, 2005] CHAPTER IV SALARIES & ALLOWANC ES 5 . (a) SALARY: Salaries and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as that of the Central Election Commissioner. [Section 16(5)(a) of the RTI Act, 2005] Ex-24/2013 3 Accordingly, there shall be paid to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram by way of salar y Rs. 90,000/- (Rupees ninety thousa nd) per mensem a s amended fr om time to time, which is equivalent with the salary of the Election C ommissioner. Provided that if the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram at the time of appointment is in receipt of a pension, (other than a disability or wound pension) in respect of any previous service under the Government of India or under the Government of a State or any previous service rendered in a Corporation established by or under any Central Act or State Act or a Government Company owned or controlled by the Central Government or the State Government, his salary in respect of the service as the State Chief Infor- mation Commissioner, Mizoram shall be reduced by the amount of pension equivalent to the retirement benefits.[Section 3 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] Provided further that the salaries, allowances and other conditions or service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall not be varied to his disadvantages after his appointment. [Proviso to Section 16(5) of the RTI Act, 2005] (b) DEARNESS ALLOWANCE : There shall be paid to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram by way of Dearness Allowance, which is equal to the percentage of Dearness Allowances re- leased by the Government of India from time to time and which shall be computed from the amount of salary immediately before reduction of the amount of his pension. (c) S UMPT UARY ALLOWANCE : A monthly Sumptuary Allowance as admissible to the Election Commissioner shall be admissible to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram under clause (a) of sub-section (5) of the Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005. Accordingly, he is entitled to a sumptuary allowance of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand) per month”. [Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 as amended by Act No. 4 of 1994.] & [Section 23B of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 as amended by Ordinance No.1 of 2009, as may be amended from time to time] { Government of Mizoram Notification No.A. 26019/1/09-FIN(PRU) dt.2 nd September, 2010.} (d) HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE : Where, for a ny reason, the State Chief Information Commis- sioner, Mizoram does not avail himself of the use of an official residence, he shall be paid every month an allowance equivalent to an amount of 30% of his pay as HRA in lieu of rent-free official residence as admissible to the Election Commissioner of India. [Section 23 (1A) of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] CHAPT ER V LEAVE AND ENCASHMENT OF LEAVE SALARY 6.(A) (1) A person who, immediately before the date of assuming office of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram was in service of the Government may be granted during his tenure of office but not thereafter, leave in accordance with the rules for the time being applicable to the service to Ex-24/20134 which he belonged before such date and he shall be entitled to carry forward the amount of leave standing at his credit on such date.[Section 5(1) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioner & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (2) Any other person, who is appointed as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram may be granted leave in accordance with such rules as are applicable to a member of the All India Services. [Section 5(2) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioner & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (3) The power to grant or refuse leave to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram and to revoke or curtail leave granted to him shall vest in the Governor of Mizoram. [Section 5 (3) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioner & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (B) (1) The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall, on his demitting office except by resigna- tion, shall be entitled to claimencashment of Earned Leave in respect of the earned leave at his credit subject to a maximum period prescribed for encashment of such leave under the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 as amended from time to time. [Section (1)(2) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991, read with Section 4A of the Supreme Court Judges(Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] (2) In case the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office by resignation, he isentitled to encashment of leave at his credit on the date of cessation of service to the extent of half of such leave at his credit subject to half of the maximum period stated above. Provided that the overall limit for encashment of leave including both earned leave and half pay leave shall not exceed 300 days. To make up for the shortfall in earned leave, no commutation of half pay leave shall be admissible. CHAPT ER VI TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE AND LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION 7. (A) T RAVELLING ALLOWANCE :(1) When a Government servant appointed to be the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram travels by train to join his post, he may, at his option and in lieu of drawing Travelling Allowance under the rule governing a journey on transfer applicable to him, travel in a reserved compar tment of the highest cla ss. He shall also be entitled to a lump sum tra nsfer grant and packing allowance at the ra tes as are admissible to a person holding such a post when transfer red or deputed to another place or post. (2) When a person not already in Government service is appointed to be the State Chief Information Com- missioner, Mizoram, he may when travelling by train to join his post, travel in a reserved compartment of the highest class. (3) When the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram travels on duty, he shall be entitled:- (a)When tr avelling by r ailway- (i) To a reserved two-berth compartment of the highest class including air-conditioned class, and if one such compartment is not available, then to a reserved four-berth compartment of the highest class (but excluding the air-conditioned class); Ex-24/2013 5 (ii)If such a compartment is provided to take his wife along with him without payment of fare; and (iii)The fares at the lowest class rates actually paid for servants not exceeding two in number. (b) When travelling by a public air transport service,to the fare paid for himself and if actually paid, the cost of transporting up to 80 kgs of luggage by rail at passenger rates, steamer and the railway or steamer fares of the lowest class for servants not exceeding two in number, and the expenditure actually incurred on the transport by road of servants or luggage upto a maximum of one-half of rate per kilogram notified by the concerned Directorate of Transport for Auto-Rickshaw of that part of the journey by road for which no allowance is claimed under clause (c) of this sub-rule. (c)When traveling by road, to Mileage Allowance ; Provided that- (i) no such allowance shall be payable in respect of that portion of journey by road for which a public air transport service provides its own transport and the fare for which journey is included in the air fare under clause (b) above for the air journey; (ii) no such allowance shall be payable in cases where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram uses transport provided at Mizoram Information Commission expenses. (4) When the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram is required to perform official duties away from his headquarters, he shall be entitled to Daily Allowance at par with the Election Commissioner of India for not exceeding Rs. 600/- per day and Rs. 1,000/- per day for specially expensive localities like Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and also entitled to Government accomodation at the same rates as for the member of the All India Services holding the rank of the Secre- tary to the Government of India. (5) When travels on duty, the entire period of absence from Headquarters, Daily Allowance shall be regu- lated as follows:- (a)Full daily allowance for each completed day, that is reckoned from mid-night to mid-night. (b)For absence from Headquarters for less than twenty four hours the daily allowances shall be at the following rates, namely:- (i)If the absence from Headquarters does not exceed 6 hours, no daily allowance. (ii)If the absence from headquarters exceed 6 hours, but does not exceed 12 hours, 70% of the full daily allowance. (iii)If the absence from headquarters exceeds 12 hours, full daily allowance. (6) If the dates of departure from and return to headquarters fall on different dates, the period of absence from headquarters shall be reckoned as two days and daily allowance shall be calculated for each day as in sub-section (5) above. (7) When the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram retires from service, he and the members of his family may travel from the last headquarters to the declared Home Town, or to any other selected place of residence where he wishes to settle down. His entitlement shall be regulated as on transfer of All India Service Officer posted in Mizoram Provided that no such travelling allowance shall be admissible to the State Chief Information Com- missioner, Mizoram if he has been removed from office. Ex-24/20136[Section 16(5)(a) of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners & Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with also Section 22 of Chapter of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and rule 4 of the Supreme Court Judges (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1959]. (B) LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION :(1) As admissible to Election Commissioner of India, the State Chief Information Commissioner Mizoram is entitled to LTC for self, spouse and dependent members visiting any place in India including Home Town during leave thrice a year in accordance with rules appli- cable in this behalf to a member of the Indian Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to the Government of India. CHAPT ER VII OTHER FACILITIES 8. (1) MEDICAL FACILITIES :The State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram and the de- pendent members of his families shall be entitled to such facilities for medical treatment and for accomodation in hospitals as prescribed for the Election Commissioner from time to time. In terms of section 8 of the Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners (Conditions of Service) Act, 1991, they are en- titled to medical facilities and such other conditions of service as are for the time being applicable to a Judge of the Supreme Court under Chapter IV of the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules made there under. Accordingly as per Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959, in respect of facilities for medical treatment and accomodation in hospitals, the provisions of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 shall apply as they apply to a member of Indian Administrative Service. Provided that the expenses shall be reimbursed on prescription of Government doctors/hospitals or Recognized Private Practitioners/Private hospitals. In accordance with Section 23C of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958, every retired State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be entitled for himself and his family to the same facilities as respects medical treatment and on the same conditions as a retired officer of the Central Civil Services Class-I and his family are entitled under any rules or orders of the Central Govern- ment for the time being in force. [Sec.8 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service) Act, 1991 & [Sec 23C of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] & [Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] (2) CONVEYANCE FACILITIES :The Chief Information Commissioner shall be entitled to a staff car and 200 litres fuel per month or the actual consumption of fuel whichever is less. [Sec.8 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service) Act, 1991] & [Sec 23 A of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] (3) POST RETIRAL BENEFITS :As in the case of Supreme Court Judges/Election Commissioners, the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be entitled during his life time a payment of Rs.14,000/-(Rupees fourteen thousand only) per month for defraying the services of an orderly and for meeting the expences incurred towards secretarial assistance on contract basis. Ex-24/2013 7 He shall also be entitled to a residential telephone free of cost and the number of free calls to the extent of 1500 per month (over and above the number of free telephone calls per month allowed by the telephone Companies). Re-imbursement of the post retiral benefits shall be paid by the Mizoram Information Commission.[Rule 3 B of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] CHAPTER VIII PENSION AND FAMILY PENSION 9. (A)(1)A person who, immediately before the date of assuming the office of the State Chief Infor- mation Commissioner, Mizoram was in service of Government shall be deem to have retired from service on the date on which he enters upon office as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram but his subsequent service as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be reckoned as continuing approved service counting for pension in service to which he belonged. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 (1) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (2)Except where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office by resignation, he shall be deemed to have demitted his office if, and only if- (a)He has completed the office term of 5 years specified in sub section (1) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005, or (b)He has attained the age of sixty five years, or (c)His demission of office is medically certified to be necessitated by ill health. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 (3) of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (3)Where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office, whether in any manner specified above, he shall on such demission be entitled to- (a)A pension which is equal to the pension payable to a Judge of the Supreme Court in accordance with the provisions of Part III of the Schedule to the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958, as amended from time to time; and (b)Such pension (including commutation of pension), family pension and gratuity as are admissible to a Judge of the Supreme Court under the Supreme Court Judges(Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules made ther e under, as amended from time to time. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with sub-section (1)(2) and (3) of Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991] (4) (a) The provisions of Part III of the Schedule to the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 apply to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram who has held pensionable post under the Union or a State (but is not a member of the Indian Civil Service). (b) The Pension payable to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be- (i)The pension to which he is entitled under the ordinary rules of his service if he had not been appointed the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram, his services as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram being treated as service therein for the purpose of calculating that pension; (ii)A special additional pension of Rs. 16,020/- per annum in respect of each completed year of Ex-24/20138 service for pension as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram or as amended from time to time: Provided that the pension under clause (i) and (ii) above shall in no case exceed Rs. 5,40,000/- per annum or as amended from time to time[As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Part III of the Schedule to Section 14 of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Condi- tions of Service) Act, 1958 as amended by Ordinance No.1 of 2009]. (B) FAMILY PENSION :Where the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram - (a) dies before retirement, family pension calculated at the rate of fifty percent of his salary on the date of his death shall be payable to the person or persons entitled thereto and the amount so payable shall be paid from the day following the date of death of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram for a period of seven years or for a period upto the date on which the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram would have attained the age of sixty five years, had he survived, whichever is earlier, and thereafter at the rate ofthirty per cent of his salary; and (b) Dies after retirement on attaining the age of sixty five years, family pension shall be thirty percent of his salary, and shall be payable to the person or persons thereto; (c) Dies after retir ement after seeking premature retir ement and befor e attaining the age of sixty five years, family pension shall be calculated at the rate specified in clause (a) above and shall be payable to the person or persons entitled thereto: Provided that in no case the amount of family pension so calculated according to the above provi- sions shall exceed pension payable to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram. Explanation :For the purposes of determining the person or persons entitled to family pension under the foregoing provisions in relation to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram, the ordinary rules of his service if he had not been appointed the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram with respect to the person or persons entitled to family pension shall apply and his service as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram being treated as service therein. [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section(1) of Section 16A of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958] (C) DEATH-CUM-RETIREMENT GRATUITY :The rules, notifications and orders for the time being in force with respect to the grant of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity benefits to or in relation to an Officer of the Central Civil Services, Class-I (including the provisions relating to deductions from the pen- sion for the purpose) shall apply to or in relation to the grant of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity benefits to or in relation to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram who retires, or dies, in circumstances to which the foregoing provisions do not apply subject to the modifications: (i) The minimum qualifying service for the purpose of entitlement to the gratuity shall betwo years and six months; Ex-24/2013 9 (ii) The amount of gratuity shall be calculated on the basis of ten days salary for each completed six months period of service as the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram.[As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section (2) of Section 16A of the Supreme Court Judges(Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958.] CHAPTER IX MISCELLANEOUS (A) ADDITIONAL QUANTUM OF PENSION OR FAMILY PENSION : Every retired State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram or after his death, the family, as the case may be, shall be entitled to an additional quantum of pension or family pension in accordance with the following scale:- Age of pens ioner or Family pensioner Additiona l quantum of pension or Family Pension From 80 years to less than 85 years20% of basic pension or Family Pension. From 85 years to less than 90 years25% of basic pension or Family Pension From 90 years to less than 95 years40% of basic pension or Family Pension From 95 years to less than 100 years50% of basic pension or Family Pension From 100 years or more100% of basic pension or Family Pension [As per clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act,2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section (2) of Section 16B of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 as inserted by Ordinance No.1 of 2009] (B) EXTRAORDINARY PENSION AND GRATUITIES :The rules for the time being in force with respect to the grant of extraordinary pension and Gratuities in relation to an Officer of the Central Civil Services, Class-1, who may suffer injury or dies as a result of violence in the course of and as conse- quence of the due performance of his official duties, shall apply in relation to the State Chief Information Commissioner,Mizoram, subject to the modification that reference in those rules to be tables of injury gratu- ities and pensions, and of family gratuities and pensions shall be construed as reference to the tables in the Second Schedule of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959 as under: (a) INJURY GRATUITY AND PENSION OfficerGratuityAnnual Pension State Chief InformationRs. 22,000/-Rs.5,400/- Higher Scale Commissioner, MizoramRs. 4,700/- Lower Scale (b) FAMILY GRATUITY Entitled officialGratuityAnnual Pension WIDOWRs.15,000/- Higher Scale Rs.5,000/- Lower Scale - CHILDRENIf the Child is motherless-Rs.550/- If the Child is not motherless-Rs. 320/- [As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Section 16 of the Supreme Court Judges(Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and Rule 3 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] Ex-24/201310 (C) COMMUTATION OF PENSION RULES :The Civil Pensions (Commutation) Rules, for the time being in force, shall with necessary modifications, apply to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram.[As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act,2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Section 19 of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules framed there under] ( D ) AUTHORITY COMPETENT TO GRANT PENSION : S ave as may be otherwise ex- pressly provided in the relevant Act or rules relating to the grant of pension, extraordinary pension and Gratuities, the authority competent to grant pension or gratuity to the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall bethe Governor of Mizoram. [As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 8 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with Section 21 of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules framed there under.] (E)CONDITIONS OF SERVICE WHERE NO EXPRESS PROVISION IS MADE : The conditions of service of the State Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram for which no express provision has been made in the Right to Information Act, 2005 read with the provisions of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with the relevant provisions of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules framed there under, shall be determined by the rules for the time being applicable to a member of the Indian Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to the Government of India. [As per Clause (a) of sub-section (5) of Section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005 read with Section 6 of the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business) Act, 1991 read with sub-section (2) of Section 16A of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 read with Rule 6 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959] By order etc. Chetan B. Sanghi Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram (Terms and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2012”.
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 16.1.2013 Pausa 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 24(B) NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/1/2009-P&AR (GSW), the 9th January, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 27(1) r ead with section 16(2 ) and (5)(b) of the Right to Informa tion Act, 2005 (No. 22 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely :- CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.Shor t title and(1) T hese r ules may be called, “ The State Infor ma tion Commis sioner, Mizora m Commencement :(Ter ms and C onditions of Service) Rules, 2012”. ( 2 ) T hey sha ll come int o for ce f r om t he dat e of t heir p u b lica tion in the Mizora m Ga zett e. 2.Definitions :In t his rules, unless the context otherwise requir es – (a ) Information Commissioner means the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram appointed under sub-section (3) of Section 15 of the RTI Act, 2005. (b) Chief Secretary mea ns the C hief Secretary of Mizor am appointed by the Government from time to time. CHAPTER II STATUS OF THE STATE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER, MIZORAM 3.Section 16(5)(b) of the RTI Act, 2005 provides,“the salaries and allowances pa yable to and other terms and conditions of service of the Sta te Information Commissioner shall be the same as tha t of the Chief Secretary of the State Government”. Accordingly, the st atus of the Sta te Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as that of the Chief Secreta ry of the Government of Mizoram. CHAPTER III TERMS OF OFFICE 4.(1) As provided under Section 16(2) of the RTI Act, 2005 the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram sha ll hold office for a term of 5(five) years from the date on which he enters upon his office - 2 - Ex-24(B)/2013 or till he attains the age of 65 years whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for reappointment as such State Information Commissioner. He shall, on vacating his office, be eligible for a ppointment a s t he S t a t e C hief I nf or ma t ion Commissioner in the mannerspecified in sub-section (3) of Section 15 of the RTl Act, 2005. (2) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram sha ll, before he enters upon his office, ma ke and subscr ibe before the Governor of Mizoram or some other person appointed by him in that behalf,an oath or a ffirmationaccording to the form set out for the purpose in the First Schedule to the RTl Act, 2005. [Section 16(3) of the RTl Act, 2005 ] (3) (i) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram may, at any time, by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor of Mizora m,resignfrom his office. [Section 16(4) of the RTl Act, 2005] (ii) The State Information Commissioner, Mizora m may beremovedin the manner specified under Section 17 of the RTl Act, 2005. [Provision of Section 16(4) of the RTl Act, 2005] CHAPTER IV SALARIES & ALLOWANCES 5.(a) S A L A R Y:Section 16(5)(b) of the RTl Act, 2005 indicated that the Salaries and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the State Information Commissioner shall be the same as that of the Chief Secretary to the State. Accordingly, there shall be paid to the State Information C ommissioner, Mizoram by way of salary, Rs.80,000/- ( Rupees eighty thousand ) per month as amended from time t o time,which is equivalent with the salary of the Chief Secretar y to the Government of Mizoram. Provided that if theState Information Commissioner,Mizor amat the time of appointment is in receipt of a pension, (other than a disability or wound pension) in respect of any pr evious service under the Government of India or under the Government of a State or any previous service r endered in a Corporation est ablished by or under a ny Central Act or Sta te Act or a Government C ompany owned or controlled by the Centr al Gover nment or the S ta te Gover nment, his salary in respect of the service as the Mizoram Information Commissioner shall be reduced by the a mount of pension equivalent to the retirement benefits. Provided further that the salaries, allowances and other conditions or service of the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his a pp ointment. [Section 16(5)(b) & Proviso to Section 16(5) of the RTl Act, 2005] (b) DEARNESS ALLOWANCE: There shall be paid to the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram by way of Dearness Allowance, which is equal to the percentage of Dearness Allowances released by the Government of India from time to time and which shall b e computed from the amount of salary immediately before reduction of the pension amount. ( c ) HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE: Where, for any reason, the Mizor am Information Commissioner does not avail himself of the use of an official residence, he shall be paid every month an allowance equivalent to an amount of 10 % of his pay as HRA which is at par entitlement of the Chief Secretary of Mizoram. - 3 -Ex-24(B)/2013 ( d ) SPEC IAL ALLOWANC E: There shall be paid to the State Infor mation Commissioner, M iz or a m by way of Special Allowance of Rs.500/- P.M. which will be revised by the Government from time to time. CHAPTER V LEAVE 6.(1) The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram may be granted Ea rned Leave, Half P ay Leave, Commuted Leave on Medical Ground and Extraordina ry Leave. (2) T he admis sibility of leave as sp ecified in s ub-ru le (1) above sha ll be r egulat ed as per the p r o v i s i o n s of the Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 as applicable to the Government of Mizoram. (3 ) The power to grant or refuse leave to the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram and to revoke or curtail the leave granted to him shall vest in the Governor of Mizoram. (4) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall, on his demitting office except by resignation, shall be entitled to claimEncashment of Earned Leavein respect of the earned leave at his cr edit subject to a maximum period pr escribed for enca shment of such leave under the Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 as applicable to the Government of Mizoram. (5) In case the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office by resignation, he isentitled to encashment of leaveat his credit on the date of cessation of service to the extent of half of such leave at his credit subject to half of the maximum period stated above. Provided that the encashment of Earned Leave, if any already availed before joining t he Commission and the period of earned leave being enca shed in the Commission together shall in no case exceed the maximum period as stipulated under the Centra l Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 as applicable to the Government of Mizor am. Provided further that the overall limit for encashment of leave including both earned leave and half pay leave shall not exceed 30 0 days. To make up for the shortfall in earned leave, no commutation of half pay leave shall be admissible.[ Terms a nd Conditions of the (Centra l) Chief Information Commissioner and (Central) Infor mation Commissioner] CHAPTER VI TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE AND LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION 7.(1) The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram, on the date of his appointment, was in the ser vice of the Government of India or of a State, a local body, or any other body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government, shall for his journey to join his appointment as such, draw travelling allowances a s on transfer as per Rules applicable to him in his previous service. (2) The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram who, on the date of his first a ppointment , is not in the service of the Government of India or any State Government, a loca l b ody or a ny other body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Gover nment, shall be entitled to t ravelling a llowa nces a s on tr a nsfer a s a dmi ssible to the Chief Secretary of Mizoram from the st ation of his normal stay. Ex-24(B)/2013 (3 ) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram, while travelling on duty or on tour shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowances at the rate admissible to the Chief Secretary of Mizoram. Daily Allowance so admissible shall be regulated as follows :- (i)Absence not exceeding 6 hours-NIL (ii) Absence exceeding 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours-70 % (iii) Absence exceeding 12 hours-100% (4 ) The family of the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram who dies in service, may travel from the headqua rters to the Home Town, or to any other selected place of residence where the fa mily wishes to settle down. (5 ) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram on vacating his office shall be entitled to Travelling Allowance as on t ransfer as admissible to the Chief S ecretary of Mizora m from the station of his duty to the station of his normal stay/home town. Provided that no such travelling allowance shall be admissible to the State Information Commissioner, Mizora m if he has been removed from office. (6) The St ate Informa tion Commissioner, Mizoram, who has been completed one year of service with the Commission shall be eligible forLeave Travel Concessionfor himself and his family to Home Town or anywhere in India as per Leave Tr avel Concession orders on the subject as applicable to the Chief S ecreta ry of Mizor am. CHAPT ER VII MEDICAL FACILITIES 8.(1) In terms of Section 16(5) of the RTI Act, 2005, the State Information Commissioner shall be the same as that of the Chief S ecretary to the State Government. Accordingly, the Mizoram Information Commissioner and the dependent members of his families shall be entitled to such facilities for medical treatment and for accommodation in hospitals as admissible for the Chief Secretar y of Mizor am fr om time to time. Provided that the expenses shall be reimbursed on prescription of Government Doctors/ Hospitals or Recognized Pr ivate Practitioners/Private Hospita ls. (2) In accordance with Section 16(5) of the RTI Act, 2005, every retired State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be entitled for himself and his family to the same facilities as r espects medical tr ea tment and on the same conditions as a retired officer of the Centr al Civil Services Class-I and his family are entitled under any r ules or orders of the Centra l G over nment f or t he t ime b eing in f or c e. CHAPTER VIII OTHER FACILITIES 9. ( 1 ) CONVEYANCE FACILITIES: As applica ble to the Mizoram Chief Information Commissioner, the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram sha ll be entitled to a staff car and 200 litres fuel per month or the actual consumption of fuel whichever is less. (2 ) GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND: The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram shall be eligible to contribute to General Provident Fund under normal rules at his request, provided that the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram is expected to serve in the Commission for a period exceeding one year.- 4 - - 5 -Ex-24(B)/2013 (3) MOTOR CAR ADVANCE: An adva nce for purchase of a Motor Ca r to Sta te Informa tion Commissioner, Mizoram will be regulated by the appropriate rules for the time being in force applicable to Mizoram Sta te Government Officer drawing comparable pay. CHAPTER IX PENSION 10. (1)The State Information Commissioner, Mizor am who, at the date of his appointment, was in the service of the Government of India or of State, a local body, or any other body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government his subsequent services in the Mizor am Infor ma tion Commission shall be reckoned as continuing approved service counting as qualifying services for the pu rpose of calculating pension in service to which he belonged. (2) Except where the Sta te Information Commissioner, Mizora m demits office by r es igna tion, he s ha ll be deemed to have demitted his office if, and only if- (a) He has completed the office term of 5 (five) years specified in sub-section (2) of section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005, or (b) He has attained the age of 65 years, or (c) His demission of office is certified by the State Medical Board that it is necessitated by ill-health. (3) When the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office, whether in any manner specified above, he shall on such demission be entitled to- (a ) The pension to which he is entitled under the ordinary rules of his service if he had not been appointed as the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram his services as the State Infor mat ion Commissioner, Mizor am being treated a s service ther ein for the pu rpose of calculating that pension, (b ) A special additional pension of Rs. 8000/- per annum in respect of each completed year of service for pension in the Commission, Provided that t he pension under Clause (a) and (b) above sha ll in no ca se exceed Rs. 5, 40 , 000/- per annum or as amended from time to time. (4) When the services for pension is rendered by a person partly as State Information Commissioner, Mizoram and partly as Mizor am Chief Informa tion Commissioner, the pension admissible to such person in each such term shall be calculated separ ately subject to the condition that the aggregate pension shall not exceed the pension admissible to the Mizora m Chief Infor mation Commissioner. (5) The dur ation of service of a person as State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall b e c omp u t ed in terms of completed years, but if the service rendered is six months or more, additional benefit of half year ’s pension may be allowed. CHAPTER X GRATUITY 11.(A) As per Rule 50 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 Gratuity is admissible for the employees working under Central Government and State Government including All India Service Officers. Accordingly, the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be admissible gratuity subject to the following conditions- (1) The minimum qualifying ser vice for the purpose of entit lement to the gratuity shall betwo years and six months; - 6 - Ex-24(B)/2013 (2 ) The a mount of gra tuity sha ll be ca lculated on the ba sis often days salaryfor each completed six month period of service as State Information Commissioner, Mizoram. (B) If the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram dies while in service, the death gratuity shall be paid to his family a t the rates given in the Table below, namely :- Length of ServiceRate of Death Gratuity Remarks 1.2. 3. (i) Les s tha n 1 year2 times of emoluments. (ii) One year or more but 6 times of emoluments. less than 5 years (iii) 5 years or moreHalf of emoluments for every completed six-monthly period of qualifying ser vice su bject to a ma ximum of 33 times emoluments or Rs.10.00 lakhs. CHAPTER XI MISCELLANEOUS 12.(1) If any doubt arises about the interpretation of any of these r ules, the interpretation of the Governor of Mizora m shall be final. (2) Where the Governor is sa tisfied that the operation of these rules causes undue hardship in any particular case, he may by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, dispense with or relax the requirements of that rule to such extent and subject to such exceptions and conditions as he may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner. By order etc. Sd/- (CHETAN B. SANGHI) Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizor am.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 16.1.2013 Pausa 26, S.E. 1934, Issue No. 24(B) NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/1/2009-P&AR (GSW), the 9th January, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 27(1) r ead with section 16(2 ) and (5)(b) of the Right to Informa tion Act, 2005 (No. 22 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely :- CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.Shor t title and(1) T hese r ules may be called, “ The State Infor ma tion Commis sioner, Mizora m Commencement :(Ter ms and C onditions of Service) Rules, 2012”. ( 2 ) T hey sha ll come int o for ce f r om t he dat e of t heir p u b lica tion in the Mizora m Ga zett e. 2.Definitions :In t his rules, unless the context otherwise requir es – (a ) Information Commissioner means the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram appointed under sub-section (3) of Section 15 of the RTI Act, 2005. (b) Chief Secretary mea ns the C hief Secretary of Mizor am appointed by the Government from time to time. CHAPTER II STATUS OF THE STATE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER, MIZORAM 3.Section 16(5)(b) of the RTI Act, 2005 provides,“the salaries and allowances pa yable to and other terms and conditions of service of the Sta te Information Commissioner shall be the same as tha t of the Chief Secretary of the State Government”. Accordingly, the st atus of the Sta te Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram shall be the same as that of the Chief Secreta ry of the Government of Mizoram. CHAPTER III TERMS OF OFFICE 4.(1) As provided under Section 16(2) of the RTI Act, 2005 the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram sha ll hold office for a term of 5(five) years from the date on which he enters upon his office - 2 - Ex-24(B)/2013 or till he attains the age of 65 years whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for reappointment as such State Information Commissioner. He shall, on vacating his office, be eligible for a ppointment a s t he S t a t e C hief I nf or ma t ion Commissioner in the mannerspecified in sub-section (3) of Section 15 of the RTl Act, 2005. (2) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram sha ll, before he enters upon his office, ma ke and subscr ibe before the Governor of Mizoram or some other person appointed by him in that behalf,an oath or a ffirmationaccording to the form set out for the purpose in the First Schedule to the RTl Act, 2005. [Section 16(3) of the RTl Act, 2005 ] (3) (i) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram may, at any time, by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor of Mizora m,resignfrom his office. [Section 16(4) of the RTl Act, 2005] (ii) The State Information Commissioner, Mizora m may beremovedin the manner specified under Section 17 of the RTl Act, 2005. [Provision of Section 16(4) of the RTl Act, 2005] CHAPTER IV SALARIES & ALLOWANCES 5.(a) S A L A R Y:Section 16(5)(b) of the RTl Act, 2005 indicated that the Salaries and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the State Information Commissioner shall be the same as that of the Chief Secretary to the State. Accordingly, there shall be paid to the State Information C ommissioner, Mizoram by way of salary, Rs.80,000/- ( Rupees eighty thousand ) per month as amended from time t o time,which is equivalent with the salary of the Chief Secretar y to the Government of Mizoram. Provided that if theState Information Commissioner,Mizor amat the time of appointment is in receipt of a pension, (other than a disability or wound pension) in respect of any pr evious service under the Government of India or under the Government of a State or any previous service r endered in a Corporation est ablished by or under a ny Central Act or Sta te Act or a Government C ompany owned or controlled by the Centr al Gover nment or the S ta te Gover nment, his salary in respect of the service as the Mizoram Information Commissioner shall be reduced by the a mount of pension equivalent to the retirement benefits. Provided further that the salaries, allowances and other conditions or service of the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his a pp ointment. [Section 16(5)(b) & Proviso to Section 16(5) of the RTl Act, 2005] (b) DEARNESS ALLOWANCE: There shall be paid to the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram by way of Dearness Allowance, which is equal to the percentage of Dearness Allowances released by the Government of India from time to time and which shall b e computed from the amount of salary immediately before reduction of the pension amount. ( c ) HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE: Where, for any reason, the Mizor am Information Commissioner does not avail himself of the use of an official residence, he shall be paid every month an allowance equivalent to an amount of 10 % of his pay as HRA which is at par entitlement of the Chief Secretary of Mizoram. - 3 -Ex-24(B)/2013 ( d ) SPEC IAL ALLOWANC E: There shall be paid to the State Infor mation Commissioner, M iz or a m by way of Special Allowance of Rs.500/- P.M. which will be revised by the Government from time to time. CHAPTER V LEAVE 6.(1) The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram may be granted Ea rned Leave, Half P ay Leave, Commuted Leave on Medical Ground and Extraordina ry Leave. (2) T he admis sibility of leave as sp ecified in s ub-ru le (1) above sha ll be r egulat ed as per the p r o v i s i o n s of the Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 as applicable to the Government of Mizoram. (3 ) The power to grant or refuse leave to the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram and to revoke or curtail the leave granted to him shall vest in the Governor of Mizoram. (4) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall, on his demitting office except by resignation, shall be entitled to claimEncashment of Earned Leavein respect of the earned leave at his cr edit subject to a maximum period pr escribed for enca shment of such leave under the Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 as applicable to the Government of Mizoram. (5) In case the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office by resignation, he isentitled to encashment of leaveat his credit on the date of cessation of service to the extent of half of such leave at his credit subject to half of the maximum period stated above. Provided that the encashment of Earned Leave, if any already availed before joining t he Commission and the period of earned leave being enca shed in the Commission together shall in no case exceed the maximum period as stipulated under the Centra l Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 as applicable to the Government of Mizor am. Provided further that the overall limit for encashment of leave including both earned leave and half pay leave shall not exceed 30 0 days. To make up for the shortfall in earned leave, no commutation of half pay leave shall be admissible.[ Terms a nd Conditions of the (Centra l) Chief Information Commissioner and (Central) Infor mation Commissioner] CHAPTER VI TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE AND LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION 7.(1) The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram, on the date of his appointment, was in the ser vice of the Government of India or of a State, a local body, or any other body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government, shall for his journey to join his appointment as such, draw travelling allowances a s on transfer as per Rules applicable to him in his previous service. (2) The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram who, on the date of his first a ppointment , is not in the service of the Government of India or any State Government, a loca l b ody or a ny other body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Gover nment, shall be entitled to t ravelling a llowa nces a s on tr a nsfer a s a dmi ssible to the Chief Secretary of Mizoram from the st ation of his normal stay. Ex-24(B)/2013 (3 ) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram, while travelling on duty or on tour shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowances at the rate admissible to the Chief Secretary of Mizoram. Daily Allowance so admissible shall be regulated as follows :- (i)Absence not exceeding 6 hours-NIL (ii) Absence exceeding 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours-70 % (iii) Absence exceeding 12 hours-100% (4 ) The family of the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram who dies in service, may travel from the headqua rters to the Home Town, or to any other selected place of residence where the fa mily wishes to settle down. (5 ) The State Information Commissioner, Mizoram on vacating his office shall be entitled to Travelling Allowance as on t ransfer as admissible to the Chief S ecretary of Mizora m from the station of his duty to the station of his normal stay/home town. Provided that no such travelling allowance shall be admissible to the State Information Commissioner, Mizora m if he has been removed from office. (6) The St ate Informa tion Commissioner, Mizoram, who has been completed one year of service with the Commission shall be eligible forLeave Travel Concessionfor himself and his family to Home Town or anywhere in India as per Leave Tr avel Concession orders on the subject as applicable to the Chief S ecreta ry of Mizor am. CHAPT ER VII MEDICAL FACILITIES 8.(1) In terms of Section 16(5) of the RTI Act, 2005, the State Information Commissioner shall be the same as that of the Chief S ecretary to the State Government. Accordingly, the Mizoram Information Commissioner and the dependent members of his families shall be entitled to such facilities for medical treatment and for accommodation in hospitals as admissible for the Chief Secretar y of Mizor am fr om time to time. Provided that the expenses shall be reimbursed on prescription of Government Doctors/ Hospitals or Recognized Pr ivate Practitioners/Private Hospita ls. (2) In accordance with Section 16(5) of the RTI Act, 2005, every retired State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be entitled for himself and his family to the same facilities as r espects medical tr ea tment and on the same conditions as a retired officer of the Centr al Civil Services Class-I and his family are entitled under any r ules or orders of the Centra l G over nment f or t he t ime b eing in f or c e. CHAPTER VIII OTHER FACILITIES 9. ( 1 ) CONVEYANCE FACILITIES: As applica ble to the Mizoram Chief Information Commissioner, the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram sha ll be entitled to a staff car and 200 litres fuel per month or the actual consumption of fuel whichever is less. (2 ) GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND: The State Infor mation Commissioner, Mizoram shall be eligible to contribute to General Provident Fund under normal rules at his request, provided that the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram is expected to serve in the Commission for a period exceeding one year.- 4 - - 5 -Ex-24(B)/2013 (3) MOTOR CAR ADVANCE: An adva nce for purchase of a Motor Ca r to Sta te Informa tion Commissioner, Mizoram will be regulated by the appropriate rules for the time being in force applicable to Mizoram Sta te Government Officer drawing comparable pay. CHAPTER IX PENSION 10. (1)The State Information Commissioner, Mizor am who, at the date of his appointment, was in the service of the Government of India or of State, a local body, or any other body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government his subsequent services in the Mizor am Infor ma tion Commission shall be reckoned as continuing approved service counting as qualifying services for the pu rpose of calculating pension in service to which he belonged. (2) Except where the Sta te Information Commissioner, Mizora m demits office by r es igna tion, he s ha ll be deemed to have demitted his office if, and only if- (a) He has completed the office term of 5 (five) years specified in sub-section (2) of section 16 of the RTI Act, 2005, or (b) He has attained the age of 65 years, or (c) His demission of office is certified by the State Medical Board that it is necessitated by ill-health. (3) When the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram demits office, whether in any manner specified above, he shall on such demission be entitled to- (a ) The pension to which he is entitled under the ordinary rules of his service if he had not been appointed as the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram his services as the State Infor mat ion Commissioner, Mizor am being treated a s service ther ein for the pu rpose of calculating that pension, (b ) A special additional pension of Rs. 8000/- per annum in respect of each completed year of service for pension in the Commission, Provided that t he pension under Clause (a) and (b) above sha ll in no ca se exceed Rs. 5, 40 , 000/- per annum or as amended from time to time. (4) When the services for pension is rendered by a person partly as State Information Commissioner, Mizoram and partly as Mizor am Chief Informa tion Commissioner, the pension admissible to such person in each such term shall be calculated separ ately subject to the condition that the aggregate pension shall not exceed the pension admissible to the Mizora m Chief Infor mation Commissioner. (5) The dur ation of service of a person as State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall b e c omp u t ed in terms of completed years, but if the service rendered is six months or more, additional benefit of half year ’s pension may be allowed. CHAPTER X GRATUITY 11.(A) As per Rule 50 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 Gratuity is admissible for the employees working under Central Government and State Government including All India Service Officers. Accordingly, the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram shall be admissible gratuity subject to the following conditions- (1) The minimum qualifying ser vice for the purpose of entit lement to the gratuity shall betwo years and six months; - 6 - Ex-24(B)/2013 (2 ) The a mount of gra tuity sha ll be ca lculated on the ba sis often days salaryfor each completed six month period of service as State Information Commissioner, Mizoram. (B) If the State Information Commissioner, Mizoram dies while in service, the death gratuity shall be paid to his family a t the rates given in the Table below, namely :- Length of ServiceRate of Death Gratuity Remarks 1.2. 3. (i) Les s tha n 1 year2 times of emoluments. (ii) One year or more but 6 times of emoluments. less than 5 years (iii) 5 years or moreHalf of emoluments for every completed six-monthly period of qualifying ser vice su bject to a ma ximum of 33 times emoluments or Rs.10.00 lakhs. CHAPTER XI MISCELLANEOUS 12.(1) If any doubt arises about the interpretation of any of these r ules, the interpretation of the Governor of Mizora m shall be final. (2) Where the Governor is sa tisfied that the operation of these rules causes undue hardship in any particular case, he may by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, dispense with or relax the requirements of that rule to such extent and subject to such exceptions and conditions as he may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner. By order etc. Sd/- (CHETAN B. SANGHI) Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizor am.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500The Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013.
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Line Supervisor, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.289 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-5001 . Short title and commencement 2. Amendment of Rule 1 (1) Short title a nd commencement 3.Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12 By or der etc. Lalrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. :1. (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted) Recruitment (Amend- ment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the follo- wingshall be substituted, namely:- “These Rules may be called the Mizor am Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2-^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4400 Column 12 : Promotion from Sr. Lineman having 5 years regular service in the grade”.
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Line Supervisor, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.289 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-5001 . Short title and commencement 2. Amendment of Rule 1 (1) Short title a nd commencement 3.Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12 By or der etc. Lalrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. :1. (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted) Recruitment (Amend- ment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the follo- wingshall be substituted, namely:- “These Rules may be called the Mizor am Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2-^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4400 Column 12 : Promotion from Sr. Lineman having 5 years regular service in the grade”.The Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr.Lineman, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.290 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post)Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted,namely :- “These Rules may be ca lled the Mizor am Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non- Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4200 Column 12 : Promotion from Lineman Grade-I having 5 years regular service in the grade”. By order s, etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 1(1) Short title and commencement 3. Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr.Lineman, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.290 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post)Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted,namely :- “These Rules may be ca lled the Mizor am Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non- Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4200 Column 12 : Promotion from Lineman Grade-I having 5 years regular service in the grade”. By order s, etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 1(1) Short title and commencement 3. Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12The Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013.
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr. Switchboard Operator, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.291 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “These Rules may be ca lled the Mizor am Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non-Gazet- ted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted bythe following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2-^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4200 Column 12 : Promotion from Switchboard Operator-I/En- gine Operator-1 having 5 years regular service in the grade”. By orders etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 1(1) Short title and commencement 3. Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr. Switchboard Operator, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.291 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “These Rules may be ca lled the Mizor am Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non-Gazet- ted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted bythe following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2-^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4200 Column 12 : Promotion from Switchboard Operator-I/En- gine Operator-1 having 5 years regular service in the grade”. By orders etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 1(1) Short title and commencement 3. Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12The Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013.
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr. Engine Operator, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.292 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “These Rules may be ca lled the Mizor am Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non-Gazet- ted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted bythe following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2-^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4200 Column 12 : Promotion from Engine Operator-I/Switch- board Operator-1 having 5 years regular service in the grade”. By orders etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 1(1) Short title and commencement 1. Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th June, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr. Engine Operator, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.292 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Entries under Rule 1(1) of the Principal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “These Rules may be ca lled the Mizor am Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘B’ Technical Non-Gazet- ted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013”. :Column 3, 4 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted bythe following, namely:- “Column 3-General State Service Group ‘B’ Technical Column 4 : PB-2-^9300-34800 + Grade Pay ^ 4200 Column 12 : Promotion from Engine Operator-I/Switch- board Operator-1 having 5 years regular service in the grade”. By orders etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 1(1) Short title and commencement 1. Amendment of First Schedule Column 3, 4 & 12These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013.
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th July, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr. Blacksmith, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.293 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500By order s, etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2. Amendment of First Schedule Column 4, 11 & 12:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post)Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Column 4, 11 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “Column 4-PB-1-^5200-20200 + Grade Pay ^ 2800 Column 11 : 100% Promotion Column 12 : Promotion from Blacksmith having 5 years regular service in the grade”.
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2007-P&AR(GSW), the 4th July, 2013.In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Mizoram Power & Electricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non-Gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.A.12018/2/87-PAR(GS) dt 20.1.2003 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol.XXXII Extra-ordinary Issue No.13 dated 22.1.2003 relating to the post of Sr. Blacksmith, namely:-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 14.6.2013 Jyaist ha 24, S.E. 1935, Issue No.293 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500By order s, etc. K. La lrinzuali, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Deptt. of Personnel & Adve. Reforms. 1 . Short title and commencement 2. Amendment of First Schedule Column 4, 11 & 12:(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Power & Elec- tricity Department (Group ‘C’ Technical Non Gazetted post)Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publi- cation in the Official Gazette. :Column 4, 11 & 12 of the First Schedule of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “Column 4-PB-1-^5200-20200 + Grade Pay ^ 2800 Column 11 : 100% Promotion Column 12 : Promotion from Blacksmith having 5 years regular service in the grade”.Khuangthing Village Safety Reserve extension
NOTIFICATIONNo.B.14016/21/02-LAD/VC, the 7th June, 2013.The Mizo District (Forest) Act, 1955 section 13 (a) in a sawi angin Mizoram Governor chuan a hnuaia sawi ang hian Khuangthing Village Safety Reserve extension a siam thar ani. Khuangthing Village Safety Reserve extension descriptionStarting Point :(1) Tlangau tuikhur atangin Ramkhek kawng a zawh thla anga, Pu Chalhranga huan peng a pawh ang - 200 mts (thlanglam). (2) Pu Chalhranga huan peng atangin hmawngtui kawr a fin leh ang - 300mts (hmarlam). (3) Hmawngtui kawr a tangin chhakla mah kawr zawh chho lehin, hmarlam tlangdungah a chho leh ang. (4) Pu Sangkhuma huan a sutna atangin huan ramri chinah chhimlam hawiin a phei leh anga, High School a pawh tawh ang. Hei hi khawchhung chin a ni (chhimlam). The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.301 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500C. Lalthankhuma, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.
NOTIFICATIONNo.B.14016/21/02-LAD/VC, the 7th June, 2013.The Mizo District (Forest) Act, 1955 section 13 (a) in a sawi angin Mizoram Governor chuan a hnuaia sawi ang hian Khuangthing Village Safety Reserve extension a siam thar ani. Khuangthing Village Safety Reserve extension descriptionStarting Point :(1) Tlangau tuikhur atangin Ramkhek kawng a zawh thla anga, Pu Chalhranga huan peng a pawh ang - 200 mts (thlanglam). (2) Pu Chalhranga huan peng atangin hmawngtui kawr a fin leh ang - 300mts (hmarlam). (3) Hmawngtui kawr a tangin chhakla mah kawr zawh chho lehin, hmarlam tlangdungah a chho leh ang. (4) Pu Sangkhuma huan a sutna atangin huan ramri chinah chhimlam hawiin a phei leh anga, High School a pawh tawh ang. Hei hi khawchhung chin a ni (chhimlam). The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.301 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500C. Lalthankhuma, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.The Mizoram Education (Transfer and Posting of School Teacher) (Amendment) Rules, 2013.
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.23022/5/06-EDN, the 7th June, 2013.In exercise of the powers conferred by the pro- viso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules to amend the Mizoram Education (Transfer and Posting of School Teachers) Rules,2006,(herein after referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.23022/5/2006-EDN dt.12.4.2006 and pub- lished in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. XXXV, Issue No. 104 dt.26.4.2006, namely :-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.302 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500(1) T hes e Rules may be called The Mizoram Education (Trans- fer and Posting of School Teacher) (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) It shall extend to the whole of Mizoram in respect of Elemen- tary and Secondary Education but in the Chakma Autonomous District Council, Lai Autonomous District Council and Mara Autonomous District Council, this rule shall apply to Second- ary Education only. (3) These Rule shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. (4) For sub-rule (4) of Rule 6 of the P rincipal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely, “A teacher posted in a school of ‘A’ category may be consid- ered for transfer to a school of ‘D’ or ‘C’ or ‘B’ category as the case may be according to the necessity as decided by the appropriate authority, after completion of minimum tenure in a school of ‘A’ category”. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. 1 . Short title, extent and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 6
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.23022/5/06-EDN, the 7th June, 2013.In exercise of the powers conferred by the pro- viso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules to amend the Mizoram Education (Transfer and Posting of School Teachers) Rules,2006,(herein after referred to as the Principal Rules) issued under Notification No.23022/5/2006-EDN dt.12.4.2006 and pub- lished in the Mizoram Gazette Vol. XXXV, Issue No. 104 dt.26.4.2006, namely :-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.302 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500(1) T hes e Rules may be called The Mizoram Education (Trans- fer and Posting of School Teacher) (Amendment) Rules, 2013. (2) It shall extend to the whole of Mizoram in respect of Elemen- tary and Secondary Education but in the Chakma Autonomous District Council, Lai Autonomous District Council and Mara Autonomous District Council, this rule shall apply to Second- ary Education only. (3) These Rule shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. (4) For sub-rule (4) of Rule 6 of the P rincipal Rules, the following shall be substituted, namely, “A teacher posted in a school of ‘A’ category may be consid- ered for transfer to a school of ‘D’ or ‘C’ or ‘B’ category as the case may be according to the necessity as decided by the appropriate authority, after completion of minimum tenure in a school of ‘A’ category”. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. 1 . Short title, extent and commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 6Acquisition of Land for upgradation of Serkhan to Bagha road.
NOTIFICATIONNo.K.12011/30/2011-REV, the 7th June, 2013.Whereas by the Government Notification No.K.12011/30/2011-REV dt.13.3.2012 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended to the said Notification was likely to be needed for the purpose namely -Acquisition of Land for upgradation of Serkhan to Bagha road. Now, therefore, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib District under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the functions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. The Collector shall there upon cause the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the said Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all objections and claims after causing a public notice for not less than 15 days, to the persons interested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the said land as per section 9 of the said Act. Then, the Collector shall submit a Draft Award to the Government of Mizoram after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act. A plan of the same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib till the final award is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : KOLASIB Description of landStatus of Pass & No.App roximate Area Stretches of land along theAs appended alignment of Serkhan to Bagha115.20 Lms Roa d. R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenu e Dep ar tment. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.303 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER LUNGDAI Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1. LalmuanaLiansiala (L)LungdaiP/P No. 45 of 2000YesPrima facie being 2. RinthangaTawiaLungdaiP/P No. 87 of 1993Yesforwarded on the 3. LalthianghlimaLalrinthangaLungdaiAgri.LSC No.G.86basis of preliminary of 1993Yessurvey and 4. R.K. LawmaVanaLungdaiP/P No.235 of 1983Yesobjection s r eceived. SentlangDetail enquiry will 5. K. LalthanfeladoP/P No.227 of 1976Yesbe undertaken 6. H.L. LawtaThanseiadoP/P No.215 of 2006 Yesduring the stage 7. NgurlianiSiamlianaLungdaiP/P No.879 of 1981Yesof Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894.Ex-303/20132 Ex-303/2013 3 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER SERKHAN Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhether Remarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1Tesbir SinghSerkhanNo.105 of 1990No 2.ZolianadoNo.55 of 1986No 3.ZonunthariW.o Biakmawia d oNo 4VansangkimiLalrinchhanadoNo.1 of 1983No 5VanrammawiaKapsiamadoP.P.No. 03 of 2006No 6VanlalpekaDarhmingliana d oV/C Pass No.26 of 1986 No VanlalhriatadoV/C Pass No.8 of 2012 No 7(K.B. Thapa) 8H.C.Lalchangliana RaldolianadoV/C Pass No.3 of 1997 Yes 9Lalramliana (Jejea)doV/C Pass No.74 of 2010 No 10LalmuanpuiaRoliana (L)doV/C Pass No.3 of 2004 YesPrima facie being 11RokhumaLiandailovadoV/C Pass No.8 of 2001 Yesforwarded on the 12ZonunmawiaHmingdailoadoV/C Pass No.1 of 2001 Nobasis of prelimi- 13K.C.BiakmawiaLianhnunadoV/C Pass No.47 of 1999 Yesnary survey and 14LalbiakhlunaThangchhunga doV/C Pass No.51 of 2012 Yesobjections received 15Hmi ngdail ovaZaia (L)doV/C Pass No.12 of 2004 YesDetail enquiry will 16J.LalrinlianaZaneihthangadoNobe undertaken 17L.P.MalsawmaRolianadoV/C Pass No.12 of 2001 Yesduring the stage of 18LalsiamaLallawmadoV/C Pass No.149 of 2012 YesSection 9 and 11 19P.LalfakzualaV.L. ThawmadoV/C Pass No.14 of 2011 Yesof LA Act, 1894 20ZonunmawiaHmi ngdail ovadoV/C Pass No.140 of 2011 Yes 21R.LalrinlianaR.DengkimadoV/C Pass No. of 2011Yes 22K.VanlalhriataK.SanghluadoV/C Pass No. of 2010Yes 23H.C.Lalchangliana RaldolianadoP.P.No.502203/Yes 10/267 of 2007 24K.LalropuiadoV/C Pass No.17of 1985 No 25P.T.Lalnunngaia P.T.RopiangadoV/C Pass No.125 of 2006 Yes 26BawivungaThangnawna (L) d oV/C Pass No.24 of 2005 Yes 27F.RamlianaVanthangpuiadoP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 425 of 2009 28SanglianthangaL.T.NguradoV/C Pass No.3 of 1983 Yes 29VanlalvuanaHrangchhuana doP.P.No502203/10/Yes 426 of 2009 30LalthanzualaLalvuanadoV/C Pass No.34 of 1992 Yes 31LaltluangiLiansiamadoV/C Pass No.11 of 1998 Yes 32LalrinkimaKhuanglawma d oV/C Pass No.42 of 1983 Yes Tochhawng 33ZarzolianaThanzualadoV/C Pass No.129 of 2002 Yes 34F.LalremruataThankimadoV/C Pass No.114 of 1991 Yes 35H.C.LalchanglianaRaldolianadoNo 36G.H.SanglianaHmi ngdail ovadoV/C Pass No.179 of 2009 No 37KhumtiraChamadoV/C Pass No.6 of 2011 Yes 38LalngaizualaR.BiaksangadoV/C Pass No.24 of 1996 No 39Chawnghming-Laikhuma (L)doV/C Pass No.42 of 2005 Yes thanga 40C.LalruatkimaC.ThanparadoV/C Pass No.118 of 2002 Yes 41HriakmawiaPahliradoP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 434 of 2010 Ex-303/20134 42 K.RangkhumaPathanga(L)doP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 428 of 2009 43 L.ChhuankimaV.L.ThawmadoV/C Pass No.145 of 2011 Yes 44 C.RothakimaLiankhuma(L) d oV/C Pass No.41 of 2005 Yes 45 LalmuanpuiaLianngura Sailo d oV/C Pass No.1 of 1999 Yes 46 H.D.Thansanga SangkhawlaldoV/C Pass No.19 of 2005 Yes 47 EdentharmawiaRualkhumadoV/C Pass No.8 of 2012 Yes 48 LalfakzualaPara(L)doP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 262 of 07 49 RamfangzauaLalmawiaChanmaryP.P.No.502203/Yes ‘W’10/133 of 2005 50 LalthuamlianiLalchungnunga DurtlangP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 56 of 2005 51 R.LallianaThangadoP.P.No.502203/10 /2 of 2012Yes 52 V.L.SawmaR.DolianadoLSC No. Coln ey502203/10/2Yes of 2012 53 R.DolianaBawrkapadoLSC No.Yes 502203/10/1 of 2012Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 Ex-303/2013 5 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER NISAPUI Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhether Remarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time P/P No. C.VanlallianaZakhumaNisapui502202/10/391Yes 1of 2003 P/P No.502202/10/23Yes 2RohminglianaRodinglianaNisapuiof 2003 P/P No.502202/10/391 Yes 3RosiamaKaivelaNisapuiof 2008 VC Pass No.19 4LalthianghlimaKaivela (L)Nisapuiof 1995Yes EdwardVC Pass No.22Yes 5LalhruailianaKhungkhaw-Nisapuiof 2009 sawia Mi chaelKhupkhaw-NisapuiVC Pass No. 23Yes 6Zorammawiasawiaof 2009 7LalramtiamaThandailovaNisapuiVC Pass No.26 of 2011 YesPrima facie being 8Than gdailovaLala(L)NisapuiVC Pass No. 9 of 2009 Yesforwarded on the 9ZingaLulaNisapuiVC Pass No.10 of 1987 Yesbasis of prelimi- 10LalenglianaThangdailova NisapuiVC Pass No.27 of 2002 Yesnary survey and 11ThangzualaKapchhuga(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.12 of 1983 Yesobjections received 12LallawmzualaVulaNisapuiVC Pass No.50 of 1997 YesDetail enquiry will 13R.LiankungaPachhunga(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.24 of 2011 Yesbe undertaken 14R.LalsawmlianaR. Rom awiaNisapuiVC Pass No.8 of 2005 Yesduring the stage of 15LalthlenglianaVC Pass No.14 of 1982 YesSection 9 and 11 PautuLianzikaNisapuiof LA Act, 1894 16RunremthangiC/o MHIPNisapuiVC Pass No.2 of 1982 Yes 17ChuaukungaTawna(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.11 of 1984 Yes 18LaldangaThangluraNisapuiVC Pass No.52 of 1987 Yes 19LalremmawiiTanthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.77of 1992 Yes 20LalrinzualaVala(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.73 of 1992 Yes 21P.C.LalhlimpuiiZachungnunga NisapuiVC Pass No.15 of 1982 Yes 22LiansailovaPachhunga(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.7 of 1984 Yes 23LalhruaiiLalmawia(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.43 of 1986 Yes 24RemsangiC/o Anganwadi NisapuiVC Pass No.89 of 1992 Yes 25LalmuanzovaZohminglianaNisapuiVC Pass No.18 of 1985 Yes Pautu 26R.LalthianghlimaTh an gruaiaNisapuiVC Pass No.78 of 1992 Yes 27LalzawmmawiaLalkunga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.63 of 2002 Yes 28LalbuatsaihaTanthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.24 of 1987 Yes 29LalrengpuiaVanlalsiamaNisapuiVC Pass No.76 of 1992 Yes 30LalliantluangaTh an gluaiaVC Pass No.72 of 1992 Yes SailoSailoNisapui 31VanlalhruaiaZathanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.75 of 1992 Yes Ex-303/20136 32 C.LallawmawmaC/o Presbyte-NisapuiVC Pass No.57 of 1996Yes rian Church 33 J.C.VanlalrawnaC/o UPC Church NisapuiVC Pass No.3 of 1982Yes 34 PC.LalzauaC/o Govt. M/SNisapuiYes 35 L.C.LalbiakhlunaLalchhawnthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.181of 2000 Yes 36 ChuaukungaC/o S.A Nisapui NisapuiVC Pass No.17 of 1983No 37 LalthanmawiaTlanghmingthanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.55 of 1896No 38 L.C.BiakhlunaLalchhawnthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.182 of 2000 Yes 39 LalbiakniiThangchhumaNisapuiVC Pass No.29 of 1986No 40 LungtiawiaThangchhuana(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.28 of 1986No 41 K.LalrinawmaHnung(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.188 of 2000 Yes 42 SapzingiZatawna(L)NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/ 25 of 2003No 43 VanlalsiamaZathanga(L)Nisapui 44 ZorampariLalhmangaihaNisapuiVC Pass No.26 of 1986No P/P No.502202/ 45 ThangzikaChhiarkungaNisapui10/10/272 of 2007No 46 C.LallawmawmaNgurvuana(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.59 of 1986Yes 47 LaltlanthangaLaibataNisapuiNo 48 P.C.LalthanmawiaTlanghmingthanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.62 of 1987Yes 49 ThanmawiiVanlalruataNisapuiVC Pass No.25 of 1987Yes 50 VanlalruataLalthlamuanaNisapuiVC Pass No.15 of 2008Yes 51 C.L.RualaLaibataNisapuiVC Pass No.15 of 2009Yes 52 LalhriatzualiPa kimaNisapuiVC Pass No.4 of 1993Yes 53 LalzawmmawiaLalkunga(L)NisapuiP/P No.502202/10/204Yes 54 LalruatkimaRonghakaNisapuiVC Pass No.3 of 1999Yes 55 LaltanthangaHranghnuna(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.3 of 1991Yes 56 R.LalchhanhimiLalthangvela(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.2 of 1999Yes 57 LalbuatsaihaLaltanthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.17 of 1987No 58 Lucy Vanrammawii DiaNisapuiYes 59 ThangkungaTaitukaNisapuiVC Pass No.17 of1987Yes 60 ThangkingaTaitukaNisapuiP/P No.502202/10/ 13 of 2002 61 KapzauaLalduha(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.35 of 1995No 62 John Lalmuankima Joseph LalruataNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/ 373/2008Yes 63 V.L.RenglianaKapdawlaChaltlang P.P.No.502202/10/No Ai za wl2 of 2002 64 R.LalhminglianaZairema(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.7 of 1982Yes 65 LalrinlianaLalhliraNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/No 377/2008 66 MuankimiEngthuamaNisapuiVC Pass No.13 of 2009Yes 67 LalmuanpuiaLalkarthanga(L) NisapuiYes 68 LalchungnungiTlanghmingthanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No. 4 of 1989Yes 69 A.DarzikaLalchharaNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 100 of 2002 70 LalzikaTlan ghmin gth an ga NisapuiYes 71 K.LalthlenglianaThangseiaNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 378 of 2008 72 LalthianghlimaTaivela(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.178 of 2000 Yes 73 C.LallawmawmaNgurvuana(L)NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 362of 2008Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 74VanlalsiamaThandailovaNisapuiP.P.502202/10/Yes 1382 of 2008 75RualkhumaLalaNisapuiP.P.502202/10/Yes 1356 of 2007 76LalsiamaZathanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.103 of 1989 Yes 77LalrinhluaSelkhumaNisapuiVC Pass No.31 of 1995Yes 78LalremfelaKapzauvaNisapuiVC Pass No.33 of 1995Yes 79T.C.Zonuntluanga T.C.ChhandamaNisapuiVC Pass No.33 of 1995Yes 80Laln ghin glovaChawngchhuana NisapuiVC Pass No.8 of 2008Yes 81LalramchuailovaMana(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.4 of 2007Yes 82NgentluangaThangphutaZanlawn VC Pass No.17 of 1992Yes 83Lalhmingliana Sailo C.SangluraNisapuiVC Pass No.34 of 1995Yes 84LalngaihawmaLalramchuailova NisapuiVC Pass No.4 of 2008Yes 85DanielJ.LianhliraNisapuiYes VanlalnghakaHauhnar 86C.LalbiakhlunaLalchawnthanga NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 28 of 2002 87RamzauaRohmingthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.20 of 1993Yes 88K.LaldawnglianaKawlaChawnpui VC Pass No.30 of 1996Yes Ai za wl 89LalbiakengaThanzualaNisapuiVC Pass No.71of 1992Yes 90MalsawmhluaC.KapthiangaBawngkawnP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 28 of 2002 91K.LalnuntluangaLalrawna(L)NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 7 of 2002 92RozamaK.ThangaBawngkawnP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 6 of 2002 93LallawmzualaF.LaldailovaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 5 of 2002 94LalrempuiaDr.C.ThanchaulianaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 4 of 2002 95JamesP.P.No.502202/10/Yes LalrammawiaZakam lovaRamhlun 9 of 2002 96LalnunfelaJ.MuanaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 2 of 2002 97LalnunsiamaJ.MuanaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 3 of 2002 98JohnP.P.No.502202/10/Yes LalnunsangaJ.MuanaRamhlun 1of 2002 99R.VanlalruataLalthangvela(L) NisapuiV/C Pass No.35 of 2008 Yes 100 LalruatkimaNisapuiV/C Pass No.7 of 2010YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 7 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER LUNGMUAT Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhether Remarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1RammuanawmaLalthakimaLungmuat V/C Pass No.5/2010Yes 2ThangchhungiMelaLu ngmuat V/C No.95/1995Yes 3Z.D.LalvungaChalhmingthangaAi za wlP.P.No.502201/10/Yes 315 of 2007 4C.LalngaihawmaLungmuat V/C Pass No.6/2008Yes 5R.LalramlawmaLalnghakliana(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 197 of 2006 6LalengkimaChuailoparaLungmuat V/C No.2/2009Yes 7ParvulaNgurkhumaLungmuat V/C No.3/2009Yes 8KhiangkungaTlanliana(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 245/2006 9LalnunthangaThanghluna(L) Lungmuat V/C No.5/1987Yes 10 ThangvelaDenga(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 245 of 2006 11 R.LallawmzualaV.L.TluangaLungmuat V/C No.4/2010Yes 12 ZasangaLaia(L)Lungmuat P/P/ No.502201/10/Yes 277 of 2007 13 PahliraLungmuat V/C No.Yes 14 LianchhungaLaiawrh a(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502204/10/Yes 301 of 2007 15 KawlhnunaLeta (L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 363 of 2008 16 V.L.ChhuangaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.115/1989Yes 17 RomalsawmaNo 18 H.VanlalduhaNo 19 LalhruaizelaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 20 LalramhlunaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.6/2001Yes 21 K.RamlianaThanthuamaLungmuat V/C No.2 of 2004Yes 22 Seventh DayLungmuatNo Adven tist 23 LalrinchhanaRokhumaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 24 Laln ghin glovaThanghluna(L) Lungmuat V/C No.2 of 1996Yes 25 VanlalthaaSangluraYes 26 DuhlaiaDarzingaV/C No.9/1991Yes 27 LalthanmawiaNo (Ophel)Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/20138 28V.L.Chh andamaLalruaia(L)Lungmuat V/C No.Yes 29R.LalramlawmaNghaklianaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 30YMA RAMNo 31Primary SchoolYes 32PahliraNelaNo 33ZasangaLaia(L)Yes 34LalhluniRopara(L)Yes 35LalngaihawmaRopara(L)Yes 36KhiangkungaLu ngmuat V/C No.38/1991Yes 37PresbyterianYes Church 38VanlalfeliRamfangzauaYes 39UPC NEIYes 40LalhlimpuiaRamfangzauaYes 41NiringaK.LalengaYes 42KawlthuamiLaldawlaNo 43VanlalhluaYes 44H.VanlalduhaZarkawtNo 45ThanglianiLungmuatYes 46Lalchhanchhuaha SaidailovaYes 47LaltanpuiaSaidailovaYes 48H.LalmuanaDarchhinga(L) Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 199 of 2006 49L.DuhsakiNihleiaLungmuat V/C No.41/95Yes 50KawlduhzualiLaldawlaYes 51ThangzikiNonulaLungmuat V/C No.4/2010/Yes 52LalduhkimaLu ngmuat V/C No.68/1986Yes 53LalhminglianaKawlhnunaLungmuat V/C No. 1/2011No 54LalthazualaRopara(L)Lu ngmuat V/C No.27/1986Yes 55LalthlamuanaLalruaia(L)Lu ngmuat V/C No.82/1995Yes 56RokhumaLaiawrhaLu ngmuat V/C No.160/1989Yes 57R.VanlalruataNihleiaLungmuat P/PNo.502201/10/Yes 220 of 2006 58ChhandamaLalruaia(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 234 of 2006 59SaidailovaP.LiraLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/No 252 of 2007 60KalkhamaLalruaia(L)Lungmuat V/C No.2/1996Yes 61LiankimaChaldailovaLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 433 of 2010 62LalrinlianaRualhleiaLungmuat V/C No.3/2011Yes 63BiaklianaChalthiangaLungmuat V/C No.209of 2005YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 9 64 LallungmuanaPahliraLu ngmuat V/C No.206/2005No 65 F.MalsawmaTlanglawmaLu ngmuat V/C No.205/2005Yes 66 VanlalmawiaLalbuangaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 67 Hmi ngdail ovaZaia (L)SerkhanV/C No.128 ofYes 68 Zothan zauvaSiamluaia(L)Lungmuat V/C No.69 of 1986Yes 69 LalsawmlianaThanghlunaLungmuat V/C No.8/2011Yes 70 LalduhkimaLalmuanaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 71 R.VanlalruataNihleiaLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 221 of 2006 72 R.LalhmuaklianaLaibataLungmuat V/C No.4/2008Yes 73 V.L.TluangaDenga(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 35 of 2005 74 BiakthansangaSaphmingthanga DurtlangP/P No.502201/10/No 253 of 2006 75 VanlalchhuangaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.37/1992Yes 76 ZosangluraSaihlira(L)Lungmuat V/C No.Yes 77 R.Lalchungnunga RinglianaLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 299 of 2007 78 H.VanlalduhaAi za wlNo 79 NihleiaMelaLungmuatYes 80 LianchhungaLaiawrh a(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 299 of 2007 81 H.LalmuanaDarchhinga(L) Lungmuat P/P No.502201Yes 201 of 2006 82R.TlanghmingthangaTlangsamaDurtlangV/C No.71/1994Yes 83 LungmuanaPahliraLungmuatNo 84 C.L.ParaThanthuama(L) Lungmuat V/C No.61/1994Yes 85 RolalaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.5/2007Yes 86 LalremruataLalngura Sailo KolasibV/C No.2/2007Yes 87 LalsanglianiJimi V.L.Ruata(L)Yes 88 Lalhmangaihzuala RochhungaBawngkawn P/P No.502201/10/No 29 of 2004 89 M.ZonunmawiiM.Lalmanzuala ChaltlangP/P No.502201/10/No 225 of 2006 90 Rosanga ColneyR.VanngaiaAi za wlYes 91 K.LalkimaLungmuatYes 92 Chawimawia DLAONo 93 PahliraNelaLungmuatNo 94 K.LaltanpuiaLungdaiNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201310 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER N.CHALTLANG Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1LalhlimpuiiC.ZoramlianaTuikualV/C No.28/1990No 2K.LalhminglianaLaipuitlangNo 3MalsawmiZorama(L)Ai za wlP/P No.313/2011Yes 4LalrinawmaAi za wlYes 5R.SangthangaKhuanglianaN.Chaltlang V/C No.7/1978Yes 6DailovaSaia(L)N.Chaltlang V/C No.6/1990Yes 7LalmuanawmaRokualaN.Chaltlang P.P.No.35/2005No 8H.LalthangaKhawvelthanga AizawlP.P. No.12/2004No Ramthar 9H.LalthangaKhawvelthanga AizawlP.P.No.6/1990No Ramthar 10M.C.LallawmzualaAi za wlNo 11H.S.LalhlimpuiaSihphirV/C No.3/2000Yes 12VanhnuaithangaSihphirYes 13RomalsawmaAi za wlNo 14Dr.LalrinawmaAi za wlP.P.No.5/1986No 15LallianchhungaChawndengaN.Chaltlang V/C No.7/2009Yes 16L.T.HrangchalaAi za wlP.P.No.1/1986No 17HmingchungnungaAi za wlNo 18C.LalzarlianaRamhlun’N’No 19SamuelBawngkawnNo Lalchhuanawma 20LalrinawmaBawngkawnNo 21C.R.Ngh ingl ovaArmed Ven gNo 22R.ThanzualaChhundenga(L)N.ChaltlangNo 23V.L.Ngh akaRovaN.ChaltlangYes 24R.Zohmingthanga R.RozingaAi za wlP.P.No.50/2006Yes 25R.ZosangzualaR.Zoremsiama AizawlP.P.No.45/2006Yes 26C.LalrinpuiaC.ChuhvelaAi za wlP.P.No.46/2006Yes 27LalsanglianiR.RozingaAi za wlP.P.No.48/2006Yes 28JosephR.Zoremsiama N.Chaltlang P.P.No.49/2006Yes Zorammuana 29R.ZoremsiamaR.RozingaAi za wlP.P.No.49/2006Yes 30AlfawnaAwmbuaiaN.ChaltlangYes 31DanielaTlanghningluoiN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2/3Yes of 2012Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 11 32 SangthangiAlfawnaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.40/2008 Yes 33 T.LalrunmawiiN.ChaltlangNo 34 K.Dai lovaSaia(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No./1993Yes 35 ChalrohnunaLallianaN.ChaltlangNo 36 PhilipaN.ChaltlangNo 37 RamnunziraBawngrualaN.ChaltlangNo 38 AlfawnaAwmbuaia(L)N.Chaltlang P.P No.215/2009Yes 39 LalzawmlianaDailovaN.ChaltlangYes 40 LalthuhrilaH.B.PaulaN.ChaltlangYes 41 LalbiakzualaRokunga(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2(1)/2009 Yes 42 ZathuamaLalthuhrilaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.33/1997 Yes 43 EFCIN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.34/12Yes 44 ParvuliLuraN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 45 H.B.PawlaTepaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 46 R.SavungaLiansataN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2012 Yes 47 LalhluaBuanglianaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 48 LawmvelaThangtinkhuma N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 49 Refor med PresbyN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes Church 50 RamlawmaKhuanglianaN.ChaltlangYes 51 ZothanchhungaLallianaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/2012Yes 52 DohnunaNgurkhupaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 53 BCMN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.30/1997 Yes 54 LalthuhrilaLalhnunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 55 LallianmawiaLaldinglianaN.ChaltlangV/C Pass No.2/3 of 2002Yes 56 V/C Bazar BuildingN.ChaltlangYes 57 Waiting SheetN.ChaltlangNo 58 PresbyterianN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2/3Yes Church Vengtharof 2012 59 LalnuntluangaRokungaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 60 ThanzualaChuaudengaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/1985Yes 61 Rintluan gaRualhleiaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.5/1993Yes 62 LalpekhluaRintluan gaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2/1992Yes 63 Mizoram UPCVengchhak V/C Pass No.14/2002 Yes 64 S.RothangaSuaka(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 65 K.KalkhanaLaihnunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 66 C.LalthanmawiaKeichhunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 67 ThanglianlalaTlanaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 68 S.T.PuanaLianzakimaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 69 LalnuntluangaRokungaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 70 M/SN.ChaltlangNo 71T.ChawnglunghnemiKhamkothanga N.ChaltlangYesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201312 72LianzapauaLuanungaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/2012Yes 73D.V.L.RohluaK.ThangkhawlianaN.ChaltlangYes 74LalsiamaSanghnunaNo 75C.Sangnunkhuma C.L.ChanaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.7/2003Yes 76TlangnghinluaiaHn awlaYes 77MalsawmthangaChallianaYes 78ThansangaLawmaNo 79LalthangpuiiLalngutaV/C Pass No.3/2012No 80LalnunmawiaJ.LalrinawmaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.14/2003Yes 81Mizoram UPCVengtharYes 82P.C.MuankimaRosiamaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002Yes 83VanneiaR.Thuandinga N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of 2002 Yes 84LalhminglianaDarrothangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of 2002 Yes 85EngmawiaRokangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 86BiaktluangaLalnunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.15/2002Yes 87RosenaZatluangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of 2002 Yes 88LalthuamaZatluangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of2002 No 89RamtharchuanaLalngutaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/2012Yes 90ChhanhimiPaumawiaV/C Pass No.3 of 2012 No 91Safety ReservedNo 92YMA BranchVengchhakYes 93T.Lalhmingthanga ZahnunaV/C Pass No.13/1984No 94S.LianhrimaThangtea(L)Ai za wlNo 95C.Sangnunkhuma C.L.ChanaN.Chaltlang P/P No.8/2004Yes 96LalngutaPachhungaN.ChaltlangYes 97VanlalhruaiaLalngutaN.ChaltlangYes 98S.LianhrimaThangtea(L)Ai za wlNo 99C.Sangnunkhuma C.L.ChanaV/C Pass No.6 of 1994 No 100 K.LalchawilianaPateaNo 101 ThanghlunaHrangzelaV/C Pass No.6/1994No 102 V.L.Ngh akaRovaP/P No.7/2004No 103 R.La lduail ovaT.Kawma(L)RamtharV/C Pass No.2 of 2012 No 104 PhiraKaphleiaN.ChaltlangYes 105 C.ThansangaC.RohnunaDarlawnP/P No.34/2005Yes 106 T.LalmalsawmaDengthangaAi za wlP/P No.5/2004Yes 107 RamkungaRangkhumaNo 108 LalawmpuiaSeizikaDurtlangNo 109 C.LalruataLalsawmaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.13/1996Yes 110 V.L.Ringa SailoAizawlThuampuiYes 111 LaihnunaYes 112 L.T. Zothankhuma Lianbiaka(L)Ai za wlV/C Pass No.3816/Yes 2012(b)6/1994 113 LalzarmawiaC.LalruataV/C Pass No.20/1995YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 13 114 John LianzamaMission VengNo 115 LalkimaThangdailova N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.6 of 1994 Yes 116 Melody L.Pachuau RolianaDa wrpui Aiza wlP/P No.220/2009Yes 117 Roth angaNo 118 RolianaSangkungaP/P No.221/2009Yes 119 VallalsiaZemabawkNo 120 ZothansangaMission VengNo 121 LalsawmiV.L.SiamaN.Chaltlang P/P No.95/2007Yes 122 Chama or LTALalnuaraN.ChaltlangYes 123 F.AithangaChaltlangNo Ai za wl 124 R.Vanlalbia-aZemabawkNo 125 MalsawmaSangkimaBawngkawnNo 126 ManzikiK.VanlalruataSairangP/P No.219/2009No 127 ThangkimiRolianaP/P No.2293/2009No Pachuau 128 AlfawnaAwmbuaia(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.40/2008Yes 129 Lalrosanga RalteRotawnliana(L) AizawlP/P No.13/2005Yes 130 ManzikiK.V.L. RuataV/C Pass No.9/1995No 131 P.C. LalaZairemthanga(L)V/C Pass No.3/1987No 132 R.LalnghetaChhuntluangaV/C Pass No.21/1994NoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201314 Ex-303/2013 15 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER BUKPUI Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1Rintluan gaNgengkhawlianaBukpuiYes 2KhawlchhingiThangaBukpuiV/C 07 of 2007Yes 3LalliantluangaPasenaBukpuiV/C 29 of 2007Yes 4LianchhawnaHanggina(L)BukpuiV/C 39 of 1986Yes 5B.LalfelaDarsiamaBukpuiV/C 35 of 2007Yes 6MankungiDamkaiaBukpuiV/C 23 of 2007Yes 7ThuamnemiThangzakhaia(L) BukpuiV/C 41 of 1998Yes 8SangluaiaThangzakhaia(L) BukpuiV/C 14 of 1986No 9ThangrehlovaLengpuma(L)BukpuiV/C 28 of 1993Yes 10ThangzamaPaupianga(L)BukpuiP/P 22 of 2005Yes 11LalruatkimaP.C.LalaMual ven g V/C 1 of 1993Yes 12V.LiannguraNgaihkhuala(L) Vengsa ngV/C 21 of 1993Yes 13LalbiaklianaVengsangV/C 22 of 1993Yes 14PhirkungaNgaihkhuala(L) Vengsa ngV/C 95 of 2005Yes 15Th uamkungaVungthanga(L) VengsangP/P 229 of 2009Yes 16B.LalzawmlianaB.VanlalfelaVengsangP/P 53 of 2006Yes 17H.Tlangthansanga Sena(L)VengsangV/C 23 of 1996Yes 18Primary School-IIBukpuiNo 19Agriculture Deptt.BukpuiNo 20Forest Deptt.BukpuiNo 21ThangzamaPaupianga(L)VengsangV/C 92 of 1980Yes 22ThuamhlunaVungthanga(L) VengsangV/C 90 of 1980Yes 23ThangdamaThangluaia(L) Vengsa ngV/C10 of 1990Yes 24ThanglianaSawngginaVengsangV/C 34 of 1978Yes 25BiakhnunaDamkaia (L)VengsangV/C 72 of 1980Yes 26T.LalliantluangaPasenaVengsangV/C 21 of 1981Yes 27Biakchungnunga ThuamlianaVengsangV/C 40 of 1973Yes 28MHIP Br an chBukpuiNo 29SangkungaSuakkhamaVengsangV/C 73 of 1976Yes 30Than gdailovaMakdalaVengsangV/C 65 of 1976Yes 31V.LiannguraNgaihkhualaVengsangV/C 89 of 1986Yes 32SangluaiaThangzakaiaVengsangV/C 39 of 1984Yes 33Kamvun gaPaupiangaVengsangV/C 67of 1980Yes 34RopekaSangluaiaVengsangV/C 64 of1972Yes 35LalmuanpuiaPhiraVengsangV/C 36 of 1964Yes 36L.Biakchungnunga ThuamlianaVengsangV/C 117 of 1989YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 37 PresbyterianVengsangNo Church, Bethel 38 KhumsangaDamkaiaVengsangV/C 66 of 1950Yes 39 K.VanlalmuanaK.LianhnunaVengsangV/C 19 of 1996Yes 40 P.C. LalaZairemthangaVengsangV/C 30 of 1971Yes 41 R.L JakopaBilteaVengsangV/C 200 of 2008Yes 42 Simona RenthleiRochhungaKawn Ven g V/C 17 of 1990Yes 43 F.SikulremaF.LaikhamaKawn Ven g V/C 87 of 1990Yes 44 LaltlanthangaRamch ulloviField Veng V/C 25 of 1971Yes Renthlei 45 LalvulmawiaThanghrimaField Veng V/C 28 of 1996Yes 46 ZothanlianaRotha ngvun ga Field Veng V/C 78 of 1960Yes 47 PresbyterianZopui VengNo Pastor Qtrs. 48 Govt. M/SZopui VengNo 49 LalengmawiaZopui Ven g V/C 10 of 2011No 50 ThangrivungaP.C. LalaZopui Ven g V/C 27 of 1970Yes 51 LawisangaK.Thankhuma Zopui Ven g V/C 16 of 2006Yes 52 T.LalsawnaP.KamaZopui Ven g V/C 24 of 1990Yes 53 P.C.Lalramnghaka L.TholovaZopui Ven g V/C 2 of 2007Yes 54 ZosanglianaDarremsangaZopui Ven g V/C 20 of 2005Yes 55 LalpiangsangaFimrokunga FimateZopui Ven g V/C 29 of 2001Yes 56 LalthantluangaRoth uavaZopui Ven g V/C 25 of 1971Yes Renthlei 57 Manghmingthanga ZemiZopui Ven g V/C 8 of 2006Yes 58 LalnunmawiiLalthankimaZopui Ven g V/C 116 of 1989No 59 RothangpuiaThanzualaZopui Ven g V/C 115 of 1989No 60 F.SikulremaF.LaikhamaZopui Ven g V/C 16 of 1990Yes 61 K.LalthianghlimaSanghluna(L)Zopui Ven g V/C 03 of 2005Yes 62 LalropekaRa mch ullovaZopui Ven g V/C 19 of 1999Yes 63 K.NeihtamaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 80 of 1974Yes 64 R.Chatuanth anga Vanlalkunga(L) Field Veng V/C 2 of 1998Yes 65 ZoatumsangaLaiveta (L)Bethleh em, V/C 50 of 1998Yes RokhumAi za wl 66 M.S.DawnglianaF.SikulremaField Veng V/C 87 of 1990Yes 67 Dr. R.ThangkunaThanglianaDawrpui,V/C 79 of 1993Yes Ai za wl 68 FimrokungaLalnghakaZopui Ven g V/C 83 of 1999Yes Fimate 69 LalzawniZairemaField Veng V/C 20 of 2008Yes 70 RochungnungaBilteaVenghlui,V/C 05 of 1990Yes Ai za wl 71 Dr.Lalnuntluanga Chalkunga(L)Mission vengV/C 17 of 1990Yes 72 LalsiamthangaMawithangaMissionV/C 18 of 1990Yes vengthlang 73 P.C. AwklianaChawnsiama(L) Field Veng V/C 10 of 1991Yes 74 RinawmaR.L. Buaia(L)Biak In Veng V/C 7 of 1993Yes 75 K.VanlalvawnaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 30 of 1995Yes 76 P.C.Thangthianga LaltholovaBiak In Veng V/C 11 of 1999Yes 77 ZothanmawiiLalngilneiiField Veng V/C 47 of 2005Yes 78 ThanthuamaThan ghlenlova Mual ven g V/C 35 of 1986YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201316 79P.C.ThanghuamaThangzualaMual Ven g V/C 6 of 1994Yes 80EnglawmaThangzova(L)Mual Ven g V/C 45 of 1998Yes 81K.VanlalvawnaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 31 of 1993Yes 82LalthantluangaZopui Ven g V/C 12 of 2005Yes 83B. Zom ua naKapzauvaField Veng P/P 161 of 2007Yes 84T.C.Lalmuanawma KeitawnaField Veng V/C 8 of 1991Yes 85LalmuanpuiaDolianaField Veng V/C 6 of 1994Yes 86H.LalvulmawiaThanghrimaBiak In Veng V/C 23 of 1996No 87FimrokungaLalnghakaZopui Ven g P/P 130 of 2007Yes Fimate 88LalhmangaihaThangdulaMual Ven g V/C 25 of 1993Yes 89R.VanlalruataR.Vanhnuaithanga(L)Mual Ven g P/P 132 OF 2007Yes 90R.K. RozikaRova (L)Chanmari, P/P 102 of 2007Yes Ai za wl 91HuaplianaLiana(L)Field Veng P/P 231 of 2009Yes 92B.ZahnunaMambuanga(L)Biak In Veng P/P 80 of 2007Yes 93B.LalrinsiamaB.ZahnunaBiak In Veng P/P 79 of 2007Yes 94FanaithangaLaikhama(L)Zopui Ven g V/C 64 of 1983No 95ThangkungiBiakliana(L)Field Veng P/P 2006 of 2008Yes 96V.ThangaGinsuanaThuampui, P/P 58 of 2007Yes Ai za wl 97Tlan ghmin gth an ga Then phunga(L) Bazar Veng P/P 155 of 2007Yes 98ChawngrikhumaTh an gluaiaAi za wlP/P 75 of 1986Yes 99B.PachhungaKolasibYes 100 K.NeihtamaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 23 of 1987Yes 101 K.LalruataHliapa(L)Mual Ven g V/C 24 of 1987Yes 102 LalthankimaLaisuaka(L)Field Veng P/P 210 of 2009Yes 103 R.L. JakipaBilteaMual Ven g P/P 200 of 2008Yes 104 SangzualaSiamseiaMual Ven g V/C 22 of 1987No 105 NemhnuniRokhuma(L)VengsangV/C 21 of 1987No 106 B.LalrinsangaDarsiamaBawngkawn, V/C 24 of 1992Yes Ai za wl 107 TanglianaSawngginaVengsangV/C 34 of 1986Yes 108 VanlalhluaKeitawnaMual Ven g V/C 14 of 1981Yes 109 M.S.DawnglianaF.SiakulremaMual Ven g V/C 77 of 1994No 110 PasenaNempauva(L)VengsangP/P 168 of 2008Yes 111 ThuamlianaTualkhama(L)VengsangP/P 23 of 2005Yes 112 H.Thangchhawna Thangpianga(L) VengsangV/C 36 of 1989Yes 113 VungzathangaVungzaliana(L)Damdawiin P/P 28 of 1987Yes Veng 114 C.VanlalmawiaHrangnghilhlova MualvengV/C 20 of 1987Yes 115 LalpiangsangaFimrokunga Fimate Zopui Ven g 34 of 1994Yes 116 LalrinawmaVanlalkungaBiak InVeng V/C 25 of 1987Yes 117 LalhruaitluangaVanlalsangaBiak In Veng P/P 173 of 2007Yes 118 LawngtukthangaSapbuanga(L)Mual Ven g V/C 9 of 1990Yes 119 ZotumsangaLaivetaAi za wlV/C 114 of 2008Yes 120 R. VanlalruataR.Vanhnuaithan ga Mual Ven g V/C 102 of 1992No 121 H.LalhminglianaThangkhuma(L) Biak In Veng P/P 148 of 2007Yes 122 Khuangremthanga RohnunaMual Ven g P/P 151 of 2007Yes 123 R.LalrinlianaHnema (L)RamhlunP/P 55 of 2006Yes ‘S’ AizawlPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 17 124 B.ZahnunaMambuanga(L)Biak In Veng P/P 82 of 2007Yes 125 VanlalnghakaSawnginaZemabawk, V/C 78 of 1994No Ai za wl 126 P.C.LalthlahlianaChawnsiama(L)Beth lehem,No Ai za wl 127 P.C.LalaZairemthanga(L) Mual Ven g V/C 12 of 1993Yes 128 H.Khumthan gaThangpiangaVengsangV/C 27 of 1987Yes 129 K.LianhnunaKhatkhama(L)Dam VengP/P 147 of 2007Yes 130 LalthanzauvaDengruma(L)VengsangV/C 101 of 1992Yes 131 K.Malsawmtluanga Sangkima(L)Bawngkawn, V/C 79 of 1994Yes Ai za wl 132 P.C.LalaZairemthanga(L) Mual Ven g V/C 03 of 1990Yes 133 ThangdamaVengsangVengsangV/C 29 of 1991Yes 134 K.ZohminglianaRangkhumaMual Ven g V/C 4 of 1987Yes 135 H.Tlangthansanga Sena(L)VengsangNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201318 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER THINGTHELH Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1S.Pahlir aZairema(L)Chhim Veng V/C 1 of 1989No 2H.V.Lalawithanga RozikaChhim Veng 2 of 1985No 3James LalrawngbawlaKapthangaDiakkawnP/P 225 of 2009Yes 4SairothangaC.LalchiaHmarvengV/C 07 of 1995Yes 5K.LalhminglianaRinzualaDiakkawnV/C 12 of 1989Yes 6RohmingthangiHranglian-Tuikual,V/C 23 of 2012Yes chhungaAi za wl 7C.LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengP/P 251 of 2010Yes 8H.V.Lalawithanga RozikaChhim Veng V/C 03 of 1983No 9TlanglianzawnaLalnunmawiaVenglaiV/C 09 of 2012Yes 10David Lalnunfela ChhunkungaHmarvengV/C 24 of 2012Yes 11F.BiakvelaTlanglawma(L) Chhim Veng V/C 44 of 1988Yes 12K.LalhminglianaRinzualaDiakkawnV/C 02 of 2012Yes 13H.LalduhawmaThansiamaDiakkawnV/C 40 of 2012Yes 14R.VanlalvuanaDovelthangaVenglaiV/C 15 of 2012Yes 15VanlalchhandamaThanghminglianaChhim Veng P/P 268 of 2010Yes 16VanlalhruaiaLalchungnunga(L)Hmar VengV/C 18 of 2012Yes 17C.LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengP/P 250 of 2010Yes 18H.LalthanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 33 of 2012Yes 19ThanmawiaVanlalhmuakaChhim Veng V/C 04 of 1982No 20ZohmingthangaSailianpuiaRamhlunV/C 05 of 1984No ‘S’ Aizawl 21ChhunkungaChhunbuaia(L) HmarvengV/C 06 of 1983No 22VanlalthlanaVaisatthangaDiakkawnV/C 29 of 1986Yes 23ThanmawiaV.L.HmuakaChhim Veng P/P 1 of 2004Yes 24C.LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengV/C 10 of 1989Yes 25VanlallawmaR.Vanlalnghaka VenglaiV/C 17 of 2012Yes 26RinzualaZamur a(L)DiakkawnV/C 07 of 1983No 27V.VanzingaKaphleia(L)VenglaiV/C 30 of 2012Yes 28RohmingthangaAi za wlV/C 08 of 1982No 29K.LalawithangiRoz ikaChhim Veng V/C 09 of 1981No 30K.LalhmangaihiR.VanlallianaDiakkawnV/C 14 of 2012Yes 31R.Tlangrawnthanga SakhawlianaVenglaiP/P 295 of 2011Yes 32LalthangluraVanlalchhawna VenglaiV/C 06 of 2012Yes 33P.C.LalrokimaTlangsawiluaia VenglaiV/C 10 of 1982No 34LalsanghlunaTlangkhumaChhim Veng V/C 07 of 1996Yes 35R.Tlangrawnthanga SakhawlianaVenglaiV/C 11 of 1983No 36SanglianthangiK.C.Vanlalfela HmarvengV/C 07 of 2000Yes 37LalhriatpuiiLalmuanaChhim Veng V/C 11 of 2000Yes 38Manila LiChhim Veng V/C 31 of 1981No 39ThangliankhumaLalchhandama Chhim Veng V/C 30 of 1985Yes 40PahliraLalmuanaChhim Veng V/C 32 of 1982NoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 19 41 Seventh DayChhim Veng V/C 28 of 1985No Adven tist 42 KawlnithangaZahliraChhim Ven g V/C 109 of 2003Yes 43 LianthangpuiaV.L.VuanaChhim Veng V/C 17 of 1995Yes 44 BiakvelaTlanglawmaChhim Veng V/C 33 of 1983No 45 Salvation ArmyChhim Veng V/C 27 of 1983No Hall 46 PamzauvaPazawnaDiakkawnV/C 34 of 1981No 47 UPC (NEI)ThingthelhV/C 35 of 1983No 48 C.LalchiaLalngura (L)HmarvengV/C 36 of 1981No 49 LalnunmawiaZatuahkhamaVenglaiV/C 48 of 2005Yes 50 PresbyterianThingthelhNo Church 51 R.ThansangaVaiven ga(L)ChanmariV/C 37 of 1981No ‘W’ Aizawl 52 LalthakimaChawnghnuaia(L)HmarvengV/C 38 of 1981Yes 53 LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengV/C 39 of 1982Yes 54 LalhmunlianaRokhumth an ga HmarvengV/C 40 of 1983No 55 H.V.LalthanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 12 of 1982No 56 LalthangluraVanlalchhawna VenglaiV/C 14 of 2012Yes 57 LalrinthangiThangrumaHmarvengV/C 13 of 1990Yes 58 KawlnikungaZahliraHmarvengV/C 66 of 1988Yes 59 VanlalhruaiaLalchungnunga HmarvengV/C 19 of 2012Yes 60 ChhangzikiVanlalnghaka (L) VenglaiV/C 16 of 2012Yes 61 ChhunkungaChhunbuaia(L) HmarvengV/C 13 of 1981No 62 LalnunmawiaZatuahkhamaVenglaiV/C 27 of 2012Yes 63 K.LalhmangaihiR.VanlallianaDiakkawnV/C 13 of 2012Yes 64 LabourthangaLalkawmaHall VengV/C 14 of 1982No 65 Laln ghin glovaRallianaHmarvengV/C 22 of 2012Yes 66 RinzualaZamur a(L)DiakkawnP/P 06 of 1982Yes 67 YMA ThingthelhThingthelhV/C 16 of 1982No Branch 68 R.ThansangaVaiven ga(L)ChanmariV/C 15 of 1982No ‘W’ Aizawl 69 RamhlunaLalthanzamaHmarvengV/C 02 of 1999Yes 70 YMA ThingthelhThingthelhV/C 17 of 1982No Branch 71 VanlalhruaiaLalchungnunga(L)HmarvengV/C 18 of 2012Yes 72 LalchiaLalngura (L)HmarvengP/P 249 of 2012Yes 73 LaltenthangiRinkimaChanmariV/C 18 of 1981No ‘W’ Aizawl 74 LalhuatthangaLaihnunaVenglaiV/C 36 of 2012Yes 75 ChhangzikiVanlalnghaka(L)VenglaiV/C 16 of 2012Yes 76 Vanla lrovaLalchungaVenglaiV/C 06 of 2000Yes 77 RamchhanaV.L. HmuakaVenglaiV/C 46 of 2012Yes 78 LianzamlovaRallianaVenglaiP/P 270 of 2010Yes 79 C.JonathanaC.ThanhawlaHmarvengV/C 08 of 2012Yes 80 LalrinmawiaLaizamiThuampui,V/C 19 of 1983No Ai za wlPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201320 81ChanchinmawiaSalthangvunga HmarvengV/C 20 of 1981No 82H.V.LalvuanaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 21 of 1982No 83ChanchinmawiaSalthangvunga HmarvengV/C 29 of 1981No 84F.LalremsiamaZawllalaHunthar,V/C 22 of 1984No Ai za wl 85RamdintluangaLianthangaDiakkawnV/C 32 of 2012Yes 86James LalrawngbawlaKapthangaDiakkawnP/P 233 of 2009Yes 87LalbiakthangaVanlalchhawna VenglaiV/C 05 of 2012Yes 88LalhminglianaRinzualaDiakkawnV/C 01 of 2012Yes 89RamzauvaPazawnaDiakkawnV/C 41 of 2012Yes 90LalhnuniEn gkungaChhim Veng V/C 15 of 2012Yes 91James LalrawngbawlaKapthangaDiakkawnP/P 232 of 2009Yes 92H.V.ThanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 25 of 1982No 93LalthakimaChawnghnuaia HmarvengV/C 39 of 2012Yes 94H.V.LalthanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 25 of 1981No 95LalropuiaF.LalzelaDiakkawnV/C 26 of 1981Yes 96H.LalnunmawiaZatuahthanga VenglaiP/P 306 of 2011Yes 97LalrinawmaChawnghnuaia Chhim Veng V/C 31 of 2012Yes 98H.LalnunmawiaZatuahthanga VenglaiP/P 14 of 1981Yes 99ThangliankhumaChhandamaChhim Veng V/C 37 of 2012Yes 100 LalngaihawmiChawngliana(L) Chhim Veng V/C 17 of 2000Yes 101 DamthuamaVanropuiaRa mtha r,V/C 20 of 2012No Ai za wlPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 21 Ex-303/201322 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER N. HLIMEN Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No. objection Namereceived in time 1C.RohluaZathangaMission VengP/P 296 of 2011Yes 2Forest Deptt.N.HlimenNo 3N.TawngaV.HenaBethel VengV/C 72 of 2006Yes 4LalchungnungaThatluia (L)Ramhlun ‘S’V/C 98 of 2003Yes 5Forest Deptt.N.HlimenNo 6S.R.ThandangaChuauzika(L)VenglaiP/P 252 of 2010Yes 7R.ZakhumaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 99 of 2007Yes 8C.VanlalruataC.LalchuangaVengsangV/C 139 of 200Yes 9ChawngthazoviVunga(L)VengsangV/C 37 of 1992Yes 10 LaldawnglianaLalaVengsangV/C 35 of 1983Yes 11 Councilth an giVanliana(L)DamvengV/C 73 of 1983Yes 12 ZamlianaChhuna(L)DamvengP/P 264 of 2010Yes 13 Saikapth iangaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 134 of 2007Yes 14 ChhundingaHrangluaia(L)ThingtawngV/C 120 of 1989Yes 15 C.Malsawmthan ga C.Challiana(L)ThingtawngP/P 116 of 2007Yes 16 VanlalfalaThangkhuma(L) ThingtawngV/C 116 of 1986Yes 17 VungzathangaVungsiamaThingtawngP/P 138 of 2007Yes 18 R.ThangvukaSainguraDarkhaiV/C 97 of 1986Yes 19 T.GinzalamaGovungaField VengV/C 121 of 1991Yes 20 R.LalzapaSainguraDarkhaiV/C 100 of 2000Yes 21 C.LalchuangaThangluaia(L)VengsangV/C 26 of 1986Yes 22 S.T.HmangaVunga(L)VenglaiV/C 126 of 1986Yes 23 C.DengthuamaRomawia(L)MissionP/P 115 of 2007Yes Veng 24 NgurkhumaV.L.Muana(L)ThingtawngP/P 139 of 2007Yes 25 S.R.ThandangaChuauzika(L)VenglaiV/C 132 of 1984Yes 26 DarthangvungaChhunga(L)ThingtawngV/C 54 of 1985Yes 27 LianthuamaChhunga(L)MissionV/C 61 of 1980Yes Veng 28 ThansiamaNgura(L)VengsangV/C 08 of 1988Yes 29 LalremaDova(L)ThingtawngV/C 93 of 1988Yes 30 LalrinawmaZothansangaMissionV/C 134 of 2001Yes Veng 31 R.K.Vanlalthlanga Nilawma(L)VengsangV/C 18 of 1997Yes 32 ThangkhumaThangsanga(L) ThingtawngP/P 162 of 2007Yes 33L.P.ManglianthangaVungsiamaMissionV/C 128 of 1992Yes Veng 34R.C.LalhmachhuanaLalsangluraHmarvengP/P 211 of 2009Yes 35 RalrunthangaR.Tawnluia(L)VenglaiP/P 73 of 2007Yes 36 RalrunthangaR.Tawnluia(L)VenglaiV/C 04 of 2008Yes 37 EngthangaNgurhuliliana(L) DamvengV/C 88 of 1991Yes 38 ThangchhuanaDarthangvunga VengsangV/C 142 of 2003YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 39R.SiamthangaKunga(L)VenglaiV/C 07 of 2005Yes 40R.HnemaLalruala(L)VenglaiP/P 549 of 1982Yes 41Councilth an giVanliana(L)DamvengV/CNo 42LalawiaSiamhleia(L)HmarvengP/P 386 of 1980Yes 43L.P.ManglianthangaVungsiama(L)MissionYes Veng 44C.ThachungnungaC.Thangmawia(L)ThingtawngV/C 129 of 1993Yes 45VanramnghakaThangkhuma(L) Field VengV/C 30 of 1994Yes 46ChhundingaHrangluaia(L)ThingtawngV/CNo 47Forest Deptt.N.HlimenNo Complex 48LalropuiaSaplalhmuaka(L) Field Ven gV/C 59 of 1983Yes 49Govt. M/SN.HlimenNo 50Salvation ArmyC/o BiaklianaN.HlimenL/L Misc.194Yes of 2010 51C.Thachungnunga ThangmawiaThingtawngV/C 130of 1994Yes 52ThangvukaSainguraDarkhaiNo 53R.Manglian th an ga Tawka(L)DarkhaiV/C 25 of 1986Yes 54ZarmawiaC.LalruaiaDarkhaiV/C 28 of 1999Yes 55YMAC/ON.HlimenV/C 80 of 1984Yes S.R.Ramngaihzuala 56R.ThanzualaKeulianthangaVenglaiV/C 84 of 1982Yes 57Memorial Stone ofN.HlimenNo R.Laltluanga 58RallianiZ.H.ThangaVenglaiV/C 82 of 1996Yes 59ThansiamaNgura(L)VengsangV/C135 of 1994Yes 60R.C.SapremaR.BawihchhungaMissionV/C 73 of 1988Yes Veng 61LalvenhimaLalaVengsangV/C 2 of 1998Yes 62LianhnunaZachhingiHmarvengV/C 118 of 1980Yes 63ZachhingiLutdawngaHmarveng 9 of 1995Yes 64M.TawngaV.Hena(L)HmarvengV/C 64 of 2004Yes 65T.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 89 of 1993Yes 66T.KhamzamuanaT.K.DalaHmarvengV/C 24 of 1990Yes 67LamkhawthangaT.K.DalaHmarvengV/C 01 of 2005Yes 68VungthuamaT.K.DalaMissionV/C 68 of 1995Yes Veng 69DarchungnungaT.K.DalaVengsangV/C 71 of 2002Yes 70C.ZarmawiaLalruaiaDarkhaiV/C 133 of 1987Yes 71R.Hlun kungaKangzawngaHmarvengV/CNo 72BiaklianaKapthuama(L) HmarvengNo 73Tlan ghmin gth an ga Bulliana(L)HmarvengP/P 368 of 1980Yes 74C.DengthuamaRomawia(L)HmarvengP/P 182 of 1989Yes 75ChinzakhumaKhanthangaHmarvengV/C 92 of 2005Yes 76RalrunthangaTawnluiaVenglaiV/C 119 of 1986Yes 77PauzathangaSinthawnHmarvengV/C 6 of 2012Yes 78R.ChhungaVunga(L)HmarvengV/C 75 of 1982 79S.R.DengkhumaLalkhamaHmarvengV/C 27 of 1984Yes 80Rochhin gpuiiThangkhama(L) Bethel VengV/CNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 23 81 MawichhuaniBir tonjoyBethel VengNo 82 ThangchhuanaDarthangvungaVenglaiV/C 62 of 1984 Yes 83 VanlalkimaLalthankhumaMissionV/C 21 of 2009 Yes Veng 84 LalnghakaDova(L)Bethel VengV/C 65 of 1989 85 M.TawngaV.Hena(L)Bethel VengNo 86 BiakmawiaKaikuanga(L)Bethel VengV/C 69of 2007Yes 87 LaitinthangiThanghliraDamvengV/C 77 of 2001 Yes 88 Tainu-iHenkhawsawia(L)Bethel VengV/C117 of 2004 Yes 89 T.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 17 of 2008 Yes 90 LaitinthangiThanghliraHmarvengV/C 15 of 1989 Yes 91 R.ThanzualaKeulianthangaVenglaiP/P 214 of 2009 Yes 92 C.ZarmawiaC.LalruaiaDarkhaiP/P 195 of 2008 Yes 93 LalvenhimaLalaVengsangP/P 85 of 2007Yes 94 NengsingaDawnkhama(L)MissionP/P 302 of 2011 Yes Veng 95 LalhmuaklianaB.LallawmaDamvengP/P 283 of 2010 Yes 96 S.R.LalsangaZachhunga(L)VenglaiP/P 204 of 2008 Yes 97 M.T.ChhungaVunga(L)HmarvengP/P 40 of 2007Yes 98 ThangchhuanaDarthangvungaVengsangNo 99 ZothansangaLianthuamaMissionV/C 63 of 2006 Yes Veng 100 R.K.Vanlalthlanga Nilawma(L)VengsangV/C 150 of 1985 Yes 101 LalvenhimaLalaVengsangP/P 87 of 2007Yes 102 RinlianaHrangchhunga(L) DamvengP/P 15 of 2007Yes 103 P.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 141 of 2001 Yes 104 NengsingaDawnkhama(L)MissionP/P 299 of 2007 Yes Veng 105 DarthangvungaChhunga(L)MissionV/C 57 of 2002 Yes Veng 106 T.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 141 of 2011 Yes 107 RamlianaKunga(L)HmarvengP/P 199 of 2008 Yes 108 C.RothiangaThangmawia(L)HmarvengP/P 118 of 2007 Yes 109 ThanzovaKunga(L)HmarvengP/P 29 of 1998Yes 110 LalremaDova(L)HmarvengV/C 137 of 1995 Yes 111 ChunzakhupaKhanthangaHmarvengV/C 90 of 2004 Yes 112 T.KapengmawiaT.K.Dala(L)HmarvengP/P 134 of 2007 Yes 113 K.RammawiaDothangvela(L) HmarvengV/C 94 of 1990 Yes 114 T.KhamzamuanaT.K.DalaHmarvengP/P 113 of 2007 Yes 115 LalnuntluangaRamlianaMissionP/P 228 of 2009 Yes Veng 116 ManglianthangaVungsiama(L)MissionP/P 237 of 2009 Yes Veng 117 DarchungnungaT.K.Dala(L)VengsangP/P 216 of 2009 Yes 118 ZarzolianaLalchuangaHmarvengP/P191 of 2008 Yes 119 LianhnunaZachhingaHmarvengP/P 289 of 2011 Yes 120 LalmuankimiNgensingaMissionP/P 308 of 2011 Yes Veng 121 C.RothiangaThangmawia(L)HmarvengP/P 119 of 2007 YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201324 122 R.Hlun kungaKangzawngaHmarvengP/P 266 of 2010 Yes 123 S.R.LalsangaZachhunga(L)VenglaiP/P 247 of 2010 Yes 124 Saikapth iangaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 145 of 2007 Yes 125 DengkhumaLalkhamaVengtharP/P 217 of 2009 Yes 126 RamlianaKunga(L)HmarvengV/C 11 of 2005 Yes 127 RammawiaDova(L)HmarvengP/P 137 of 2007 Yes 128 NengsingaDawnkhama(L)Mission VengV/C 191 of 2005 No 129 ChhungdingaHrangluaia(L)ChhimvengV/C 190 of 2005 No 130 LalvenhimaLalhmuchhuakaVengsangP/P 86 of 2007Yes 131 ThathleiaLalhuliana(L)BawngkawnP/P 30 of 1998Yes ‘S’ Aizawl 132 C.ThangkimaC.RomawiaElectric VengP/P 194 of 2008 No 133 LalbiakvelaDothangvela(L) HmarvengP/P 262 of 2010 Yes 134 LalnghakaDothangvela(L) HmarvengV/C 42 of 1998 Yes 135 LalngilneiaKhuallunaKhatla Aizawl P/P 61 of 2007Yes 136 ZorammuanaKaikunga(L)HmarvengP/P 259 of 2010 Yes 137 BiaklianaKapthuama(L)HmarvengV/C 1930 of 1999 No 138 ThansangaBiromoni(L)Mission VengP/P 124 of 2007 Yes 139 RinchungnungaR.BiakmawiaVenglaiV/C 05 of 2003 Yes 140 LalngilneiaKhualluna(L)Khatla Aizawl P/P 62 of 2007Yes 141 KahamraiKanihamMission VengV/C 138 of 1994 Yes 142 LalrinhluaHrangluaia(L)ThingtawngP/P 280 of 2010 Yes 143 S.R.ThandangaChuauzika(L)VenglaiV/C 113 of 1987 Yes 144 NeihtluangaHauvaHmarvengV/C 115 of 1991 Yes 145 RinsangaLaitawngha(L)Mission VengV/C 125 of 1997 Yes 146 GobaraiHamthauraiMission VengP/P 121 of 2007 Yes 147 LianhnunaZachhingaHmarvengP/P 290 of 2011 Yes 148 RemthangaNgurhuliana(L)DamvengV/C 85 of 1980 Yes 149 VanlalzawnaRemthangaDamvengNo 150 ZothansangaLianthuamaMission VengP/P 267 of 2010 Yes 151 EnglianaBir tonjoyHmarvengP/P 258 of 2010 Yes 152 NeihmawiiKhualluna(L)Zotlang Aizawl P/P 179 of 2008 Yes 153 RuatmawiaBiakaMission VengP/P 122 of 2007 Yes 154 SikulaBiakaMission VengV/C 51 of 2004 Yes 155 Saikapth iangaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 123 of 2007 Yes 156 Th an gbikaLalhnunaVenglaiP/P 67 of 2007Yes 157 Bir tonjoyPurniraiHmarvengP/P 257 of 2010 Yes 158 R.LallawmkimaVanlalphena(L)Diakkawn,LSC 11 of 2011 Yes Kolasib 159 LalrinawmaZothansangaMission VengV/C 134 of 2001 YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 25 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER SAIPUM Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1T.LalbiakzamaThanhawlaHmarvengP/P 36 of 2009Yes 2RokungaThanhawlaKawnpuiP/P 144 of 2007Yes 3V.L.HmuakaZawlkhawchhanaDak VengP/P 159 of 2007Yes 4LalnunhlimaR.K.Chawla(L) Forest tlang P/P 192 of 1997No 5K.ImanuelaThantumaChhimvengP/P 352 of 2009No 6LalpiangrualaThantumaKawnpuiP/P 126 of 2006Yes 7V.L.SiamaKaphranga(L) KawnpuiV/C 27 of 2010Yes 8LalniropuiaDoth angaChhimvengP/P 352 of 2009Yes 9T.ThanrikhumaLalthannguraKawnpuiP/P 147 of 2007Yes 10 V.L.ImanuelaTekhuma(L)Kanan Ven g P/P 353 of 2009Yes 11 LalchhuanglianaSailutaBan gla Veng P/P 381 of 2009Yes 12 SapchhawnaS.HlunaKawnpuiP/P285 of 2007Yes 13 SingzathangaR.ChhungaKawnpuiNo 14 LalzualaZokaithan ga(L) KawnpuiP/P 355 of 2009Yes 15 R.LalchhanhimaRalenglianaKawnpuiV/C 528 of 2009Yes 16 RalenglianaRalhnuna(L)ChhimvengP/P 265 of 2007No 17 LalnuntluangaZokaithan ga(L) KawnpuiV/C 49 of 2011Yes 18 RaldohleiaSaitluangaKawnpuiP/P 153 of 2007Yes 19 Lalhmangaihzuala R.K.Chawla(L) Ka wnpuiV/C 93 of 2011Yes 20 ThuamzalianaRohlawmaHmarvengV/C24 of 2009Yes 21 J.LalramtiamaThangneihkhamaChallui,V/C 31 of 2008Yes Kolasib 22 LalbiakzawnaLalthanhawlaHmarvengV/C 62of 1997No 23 EFCI PastorSaipumV/C 66 of 2011Yes Quar ter 24 MordekaiaLalmawikhama HmarvengV/C 554 of 2009Yes 25 VanlalawiiThantumaHmarvengV/C 81 of 2011Yes 26 Hminga JoteSiamthilaHmarvengV/C 208 of 2006No 27 LalsiamthilaNgurlungkhupa HmarvengV/C 44 of 2011Yes 28 TlangluahthangaV.K.SiakaHmarvengV/C 79 of 2011Yes 29 LalngaizualaLalsiamthilaHmarvengV/C 40 of 2011Yes 30 Thangneihkhama Thangkhawsata HmarvengV/C 555 of 2009Yes 31 LalneihkhamaNeihrothangaHmarvengV/C 39 of 2011Yes 32 LalnunsangaZahualaHmarvengV/C 71 of 2011Yes 33 RosiamaChhinga(L)HmarvengV/C 39 of 2010Yes 34 LalrorelaLalrinthanga(L) HmarvengV/CYes 35 LalzarlianaLalchhuanaHmarvengV/C 16 of 2002Yes 36 LalnunmawiaChhunga(L)HmarvengV/C 50 of 2011Yes 37 ZawlsanglianaLenga(L)HmarvengV/C 78 of 2011Yes 38 LalringlianiHmanga(L)KawnpuiV/C 35 of 2011Yes 39 RaldohleiaSaitluangaKawnpuiV/C 588 of 2008Yes 40 Govt. M/SSaipumYes Ex-303/201326 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 41K.LianaLetpauva(L)Chhim ven g V/C 49 of 2012Yes 42B.RothangaSawngthangluaiaChhim ven g V/C 189 of 2006Yes 43LalvenglianaChalkhawthanga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 10 of 2010Yes 44LalchhanhimaAithianga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 217 of 2006No 45B.ThangaB.LianaChhim ven g V/C 218 of 2006No 46RalkapchawlaSalthuama(L)Chhim ven g V/C 215 of 2006Yes 47C.K. ThangaT.K.KhupaChhim ven g V/C 216 of 2006No 48Lalchhanchhuaha T.Z. ZiakaChhim ven g V/C 32 of 2011Yes 49LalpiangmawiaT.Z. ZiakaChhimveng V/C 219 of 2006No 50LallehpiangaT.Z. ZiakaChhim ven g V/C 86 of 2011Yes 51RinsangaTholianaChhim ven g V/C 220 of 2006No 52H. Th an ba wi h aPaulalaChhim ven g V/C 26 of 2011Yes 53V.L.TanaThanga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 42 of 2011Yes 54KhumiChhim ven g V/C 22 of 2006No 55LalremkungaH.ChamlianaChhim ven g V/C 202 of 2006Yes 56LalhlimpuiaSibulmoniVenglai V/C 214 of 2006Yes 57LalrohluiV.L.Auva(L)MissionV/C 54 of 2011Yes Vengthlang Ai za wl 58LalrinsangaV.L.Auva(L)KawnpuiV/C 55 of 2011Yes 59R.LalthanglianaVanlalauva(L)KawnpuiV/C 16 of 2010Yes 60V.L.TanaThanga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 30 of 2011Yes 61LaldawmlianaVanlalrawna(L)KawnpuiV/C 184 of 2002Yes 62VanlalringaThianga(L)KawnpuiV/C 352 of 1992Yes 63LalchhuanaLalthlunga(L)KawnpuiP/P 282 of 2007Yes 64LalbiakiRokhumaTlabirhveng P/P 249 of 2007Yes 65S.T. TluangaRokhumaTlabirhveng P/P 250 of 2007Yes 66B.RolianaB.MawiaField Veng V/C 74 of 2011Yes 67RalthankhumaRangkhuma(L)KawnpuiP/P 248 of 2007Yes 68LawmaLungkhamaKawnpuiV/C 223 of 2006Yes 69RajeshaLungkhamaKawnpuiV/C 221 of 2006Yes 70LalmanlianaLalthanhawlaHmarvengV/C 262 of 2012Yes 71L.H.ThangaRalkhamaVenglaiV/C 508 of 2009Yes 72C. DinglianaH. Khuma (L)Field Veng P/P 298 of 2007Yes 73R. LalthanglianaVanlalauva(L)KawnpuiV/C 17 of 2010Yes 74LalrinsangaVanlalauva(L)KawnpuiP/P 185 of 2007Yes 75LalramzauvaZokaithan ga(L) KawnpuiP/P 236 of 2007Yes 76ThanseiaLiankaia(L)VenglaiP/P 165 of 2007Yes 77L.Rema SungteC.ThangaChhim ven g V/C 271 of 2010Yes 78V.L.TanaC.ThangaChhim ven g V/C 29 of 2011Yes 79LalchungnungaThanghrangaField Veng V/C 3 of 2010Yes 80Lawrhmingth-Khuala(L)KawnpuiV/C 207 of 2006Yes anga 81LalnundangaV.L.RingaKawnpuiP/P 221 of 2006Yes 82LalnunmawiaChhunga(L)TlabirhP/P 220 of 2007Yes veng 83LallungawiaLalzuiliana(L)Field Ven g V/C 206 of 2006Yes 84S.T.TluangaRokhumaTlabirhP/P 219 of 2007Yes vengPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 27 85 V.L.RingaKhala(L)Hall VengP/P 178 of 2007Yes 86 LalthanzauvaKaphleia(L)Field Veng P/P 52 of 2007Yes 87 LalhmangaihaKhala(L)Field Veng P/P 184 of 2007Yes 88 V.L.TanaNgunthat-KawnpuiP/P 363 of 2009Yes manga(L) 89 LalliandawlaThangneih-KawnpuiV/C 42 of 2010Yes khama 90 Hmarthang-SawithangaVen gchung P/P 235 of 2007Yes hulha 91 LalzarlianaLalchhuanaHmarvengP/P 279 of 2007Yes 92 LalthangzauvaZawlsang-HmarvengP/P 234 of 2007Yes liana 93 S. ThansangaL.T. NguraKawnpuiV/C 125 of 2002Yes 94 RiosiamaChhinga(L)HmarvengV/C 26 of 2009Yes 95 RalkapzauvaLehvungaField Veng P/P 380 of 2009Yes 96 LalruatfelaRamzauvaHmarvengP/P 238 of 2007Yes 97 T.NgambawihaK.KamaKawnpuiV/C 212 of 2010Yes 98 T.SailunthangaRalkhamaField Veng P/P 357 of 2009Yes 99 ChuailovaLiankhumaField Veng P/P 239 of 2007Yes 100 LalrinsangaZosangluaiaField Veng P/P 361 of 2009Yes 101 LalruatlianaC.S. DokungaKawnpuiV/C 351 of 2006Yes 102 LalchhandamaDara(L)KawnpuiP/P 240 of 2007Yes 103 RangkhumaNilingaKawnpuiP/P 237 of 2007Yes 104 RalkhamaLianbawngaVen gchung P/P 360 of 2009Yes 105 LalrengpuiiLalhmahruaiaKawnpuiV/C 358 of 2009Yes 106 Laln ghin glovaSiaka(L)Chhimveng P/P 358 of 2009Yes 107 H.T. Darthang-Chhunga(L)HmarvengV/C 15 of 2010Yes liana 108 LalthanghliriThangneih-Bilkhawthlir V/C 94 of 2011Yes kama 109 NuzawniDailova(L)Field Veng P/P 241 of 2007Yes 110 L.T.ThuamaSiaka(L)TlabirhV/C 37 of 1992Yes veng 111 LalthlenglianaZataia(L)Kulikawn, P/P 50 of 2004Yes Ai za wl 112 LalramhlunaKhupthangaKanan ven g V/C 87 of 2011Yes 113 R. Thangchu-Buka(L)Dam vengV/C 40 of 2010Yes ngnunga 114 HrangtinkimiKuala(L)KawnpuiV/C 535 of 2006Yes 115 LalthangzualaThuama(L)KawnpuiP/P 354 of 2009Yes 116 P.C.Muantha-LawmawmaKawnpuiP/P 243 of 2007Yes nga 117 S.KaikhamaC.L.ThangaChhim ven g V/C 74 of 1992No 118 T.Thangri-L.T.NguraKawnpuiP/P 148 of 2007Yes khuma 119 LalruatlianaC.S. DokungaKawnpuiP/P 359 of 2009Yes 120 Lawrhming-Kuala(L)KawnpuiP/P 148 of 2009Yes thanga 121 HrangtinkimiKuala(L)KawnpuiP/P 244 of 2007YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201328 122 LalthlenglianaZataia(L)Kulikawn, V/C 211 of 2006No Ai za wl 123 V.L.TanaThangaChhim ven g V/C 212 of 2006No 124 L.Rema SungteS. ThangaChhim ven g V/C 213 of 2006No 125 T.Thangri-L.T.NguraKawnpuiV/C 165 of 2006Yes khuma 126 K.LalnuntharaV.L.RawnaHmarvengP/P 129 of 2006Yes 127 K.LaldawmlianaV.L.RawnaKawnpuiP/P 130 of 2006Yes 128 P.C. Lalnun-P.C. Than-LungleiV/C 46 of 2010Yes mawiazauva 129 H.LalthangdulaLalchhuanaChhingaV/C 70 of 2011Yes veng, Aizawl 130 LalzarlianaLalchhuanaHmarvengP/P 280 of 2007Yes 131 Lawrhming-Kuala(L)KawnpuiP/P 276 of 2007Yes thanga 132 T.ThankhumaKuala(L)KawnpuiV/C 60 of 2011Yes 133 LalliandawlaThangneih-KawnpuiV/C 9 of 1998Yes kama 134 LalsangkimiB.RolianaField Veng V/C 13 of 2009Yes 135 A.LallawmzualaLalchhandama KawnpuiV/C 520 of 2008Yes 136 LalthanzauvaV.L. TanaKawnpuiV/C 171 of 2007Yes 137 RamengmawiaRalkaplianaKawnpuiV/C 18 of 2012Yes 138 R.S.DawnglianaRalhnuna(L)KawnpuiP/P 256 of 2007Yes 139 LalnunsangaP.ChhungaHmarvengP/P 314 of 2007Yes 140 ZoneihkamaSangneihkunga KawnpuiP/P 424 of 2010Yes 141 C.RohminglianaC.NeihsangaChhimveng P/P 356 of 2009Yes 142 S.ThansangaL.T.NguraKawnpuiV/C 84 of 2011Yes 143 H.D.ThuamlianaSelaKolasibV/C 132 of 2002Yes 144 R. Thangchung-Buka(L)Dam vengV/C 191 of 2006Yes nunga 145 ThangmawiaVungaTlabirhP/P 200 of 2007Yes veng 146 LalthlamuanaBiakkunga(L)KawnpuiP/P 173 of 2007Yes 147 RalkapchawlaSalthuama(L)KawnpuiP/P 174 of 2007Yes 148 ZothanmawiaVanlalpekaDiakkawn,Yes Kolasib 149 T.SelkhumaH.ThatlianaKawnpuiP/P 190 of 2007Yes 150 Lalbuan giThangmawiaDiakkawn,No KolasibPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 29 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER SAIPHAI Sl . Name ofFather’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1LalchhuanaMissionNo Veng Aizawl 2ZorammuanaMission VengNo 3RamlianaRangchhung- Bangla vengWRC LSC A-12No a (L)Vairengteof 1998 4R.S. Lalthlengliana LalkungaDawr veng,WRC LSC A-4 of No Bilkawthlir2002 5ThangchuailovaThanbiaka(L)HmarvengNo 6LianmawiaThansangaHmarvengWRC LSC A-& of Yes 2000 7R.ThanzualaChalbuanga(L) VenglaiP/P 289 of 2007Yes 8NgurbikiC.Rangkhuma HmarvengP/P 06 of 2004Yes 9LalfakawmaR.ThangzualaVenglaiV/C 179 of 1993Yes 10 LaldawnglianaZingaHmarvengV/C 21 of 1976Yes 11 R.LalramnghakaV.L.Ruaia(L)VenglaiNo 12 L.ThuamaKawia(L)VenglaiNo 13 HrangchhuanaDengkunga(L) HmarvengV/C 3 of 1983Yes 14 H.L. AwithangaTlangaVenglaiV/C 225 of 2010Yes 15 LalramthangaHrangzatha-HmarvengNo nga (L) 16 V/C ZuninSaiphaiNo 17 SaithangvungaZingaHmarvengV/C 81 of 2009Yes 18 L.DawllianaZingaHmarvengV/C 69 of 2009Yes 19 LalramthangaHrangza-HmarvengNo thanga(L) 20 LalhriataZaliankhumaHmarvengNo 21 LaldawnglianaKaprumaHmarvengNo 22 T.ZakungaKawia(L)HmarvengNo 23 LalengzamaKaprumaHmarvengV/C 2098 of 2010 Yes 24 DanziraHranglianaHmarvengV/C 87 of 2009Yes 25 Hmingthan gaLawmaHmarvengV/C 2092 of 2010 Yes 26 HuanmawiaBuaia(L)HmarvengV/C 62 of 2009Yes 27 HmuchhuakaChhunkungaHmarvengNo 28 RemruataLianhming-HmarvengNo thanga 29 F. RinpuiiBuaia(L)HmarvengNo 30 R. ThangzualaChalbuanga(L) VenglaiNo 31 BiaknungiC. Lalmuan-VenglaiNo chhunga(L) 32 ZonuniK.SangaVenglaiNo 33 H.Lalchawlthan ga TlangaVenglaiV/C 1089 of 2010 Yes 34 John M.PulamteRamthan gaVenglaiV/C 40 of 2009YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201330 35Village CouncilVenglaiNo ram 36LalhmahruaiaHrimaVenglaiV/C 2077 of 2010Yes 37H.LaldawnglianaKhawliVenglaiNo 38RikhumaNghakaVenglaiV/C 61 of 2009Yes 39LalthianghlimiDailovaKhanthuamNo 40ZinmawiiThanzuvaKhanthuamNo 41HlanthangaH. ZasiamaSin lung Veng V/C 76 of 2009Yes 42LallawmchhungaTh an gthuama Sin lung Veng V/C 64 of 2009 43LalduhthangaZoneihaSinlung VengNo 44LalhualthangaD. TinkhupaSin lung Veng V/C 2078 of 2010Yes 45UPC (NEI)SaiphaiV/C 1073 of 2010Yes 46R. ZodinpuiiR.L.Thanzauva KhanthuamV/C 2063 of 2010Yes 47H.L.LalbanlianaTlangaSin lung Veng V/C 2028 of 2011Yes 48C. Lalnuntluan ga C. Lalmuan-Sin lung Veng V/C 2049 of 2010Yes sanga 49SuahhauvaVaisiakaSin lung Veng V/C 17 of 2001Yes 50PahliraThanghrimaSin lung Veng V/C 2067 of 2011Yes 51RisangaSelthangaSin lung Veng V/C 20 of 2010Yes 52LalhmingmawiaDarchung-Sin lung Veng V/C 3036 of 2010Yes nunga 53ThangmuraVanlallianaSinlungYes Veng 54H.LalramngaiaH. Fimchawia(L) ProjectV/C 54 of 2011No Veng,Kolasib 55LalsanghlunaH.L.Awithanga MissionV/C 1085 of 2011Yes veng 56LalhlanthangaH.Z. SiamaSinlungV/C 75 of 2003Yes Veng 57LalzawmlianaLalsu-aKhanthuamV/C 2026 0f 2010Yes 58LalthlirlianaLalsu -aKhanthuamV/C 2025 of 2010Yes 59LalchawllianaSuahhauvaField VengV/C 2024 of 2010Yes 60Joseph Lalduh-RochhungaMissionV/C 2023 of 2010Yes sakaveng 61RamhlunaSaplianaVenglaiV/C 1087 of 2010Yes 62LalthlenglianaC. Sema(L)BanglaV/C 1081 of 2011Yes veng 63LalramnghakaRuaia(L)VenglaiV/C 1088 of 2011Yes 64LiankhawlaLalzochh-SinlungV/C 19 of 2010Yes unga(L)Veng 65ZoneihaD. TaukhupaKhanthuamV/C 2000 of 2010Yes (L) 66LalchhandamaHauvaKhanthuamV/C 07 of 1993Yes 67PartnershipC/o John M.SaiphaiV/C 40 of 2009Yes Mission Socie-Pulamte ty Sch ool 68K.ZathuamaHmingdailova Vairengte,No Zalen vengPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 31 69 LaltanlianaZ.C. ThiakVenglaiV/C 1076 of 2010Yes 70 P.C. RohliraL.L.ThuamaVenglaiV/C 1097 of 2010 71 Lalditthan gaZoneihaSinlungV/C 1078 of 2009Yes Veng 72 Thanghmingliana VanlalkungaSinlungV/C 2047 of 2010Yes Veng 73 LaldinhluaT.RokhumaSinlungWRC LSC A-2 ofYes Veng2003 74 C. Rualhmingliana C. SangzualaVenglaiV/C 2058 of 2010No 75 LalhmangaihaKristianaHmarvengV/C 1079 of 2009Yes 76 LalhmangaihaKristianaHmarvengWRC LSC A -I ofYes 2008 77 LalbanlianaTlangaSinlungV/C 2028 of 2011Yes Veng 78 K.ZahliriLalpiang-BanglaNo ruala(L)veng 79 LalramhlunaLuaia(L)Khanthuam V/C 2050 of 2010Yes 80 K.ThangkimaHmingdailova Ramhlun,WRC LSC A - 21Yes Vengthar,of 1998 Ai za wl 81 VanlalrawnaKungte(L)KolasibWRC LSC A-I ofYes Venglai2006 82 ThangzoviKamlovaChhim ven g WRC LSC A-17Yes of 1998 83 NeihkungAwia(L)SinlungV/C 2093 of 2010Yes Veng 84 HrangneihkhumaH.Zakhuma(L) Kha nthuam V/C 1843 of 2007Yes 85 LalthlamuaniKungteaVenglaiV/C 1077 of 2011Yes 86 MalsawmsangaL.H.SiamaBanglaV/C 1082 of 2011Yes veng 87 ChalnguraL.H.SiamaHmarvengV/C 2001 0f 2010Yes 88 Hrangneih-H.Zakhuma(L) Kha nthuam V/C 1842 of 2007Yes khuma 89 Lalvann eiaSangthangaKananV/C 1084 of 2009Yes 90 PakungaChawngthuama VenglaiV/C 2089 of 2010Yes 91 SangthangaDawrkaithanga KananV/C 1075 of 2010Yes 92 LalpianglawmaSangthangaKananV/C 1075 of 2010Yes 93 RamdintharaZasangaBanglaV/CNo veng 94 PakungaChawngthuama VenglaiV/C 1076 of 2009Yes 95 LalthansangaTlangchhuaha Khanthuam V/C 150 of 2004Yes 96 K.ZasangaHmingdailova Ban glaV/C 2081 of 2011Yes veng 97 R.KhumthangaKawia(L)SinlungV/C 7 of 2004Yes Veng 98 LaldinglianaLalpiang-SinlungV/C 54 of 2009No ruala(L)Veng 99 H.ThanzauvaDarsavungaVenglaiNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201332 100 G.S. Zaithan-R.Liantluanga Khuang-P/P 37 of 2004Yes tluangapuilam, Kolasib 101 LalkroszamaR.Liantluanga VenglaiV/C 2029 of 2010Yes 102 VanlalhluaZakhumaKha nthuam V/C 104 of 2000Yes 103 C.Rualhmin g-C.SangzualaVenglaiV/C 1086 of 2010Yes liana 104 DaiselaDaikhumlalaKananV/C 1082 of 2009Yes 105 ZonunsangiK. ZasangaBanglaV/C 1098 of 2010Yes veng 106 Ngamhau-Kankhaw-BanglaV/C 1083 of 2009Yes chawngisataveng 107 KTP(EFCI)C/o John M.-SaiphaiV/C 1072 of 2010Yes Pulamte 108 C.Rualhmingliana C.SangzualaVenglaiV/C 105 of 2009Yes 109 ZoramaC.SemaBanglaP/P 308 of 2007Yes veng 110 C.LianmawiaThansangaHmarvengP/P 398 of 2010Yes 111 ThaltinpariHrangneih-Khanthuam V/C 1099 of 2010Yes khuma 112 K.Lalpian-K. ZasangaSinlungV/C 251 of 2008Yes mawiaVeng 113 LalrochungaH.Z. SiamaMissionP/P 309 of 2007Yes veng 114 H.L.BanlianaTlangaSaipumV/C 1090 of 2010Yes Road 115 LalramlianaT.RokhumaKhanthuam V/C 1093 of 2010Yes 116 Ramthan gaRamchuh-BanglaV/C 3005 of 2010Yes thangaveng 117 LalramlianaT.RokhumaKha nthuam G LSC 17 of 2011Yes 118 L.RosangaThanghrimaChhimveng P/P 292 of 2007Yes 119 LalrinlianaT.RokhumaChhimveng V/C 2084 of 2010Yes 120 LalrinzelaVanlalthianaVenglaiV/C 1095 of 2009Yea (L) 121 LaltanpuiaNeihkhumaVairengteP/P 425 of 2010Yes 122 LalthansiamaKhanthuamaBanglaV/C 1080 of 2009Yes veng 123 Rengthang-Lianhming-Forest vengNo vungathanga 124 C. Rualhming-SangzualaVenglaiV/C 2059 of 2010Yes lianaPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 33 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500
NOTIFICATIONNo.K.12011/30/2011-REV, the 7th June, 2013.Whereas by the Government Notification No.K.12011/30/2011-REV dt.13.3.2012 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended to the said Notification was likely to be needed for the purpose namely -Acquisition of Land for upgradation of Serkhan to Bagha road. Now, therefore, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib District under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the functions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. The Collector shall there upon cause the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the said Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all objections and claims after causing a public notice for not less than 15 days, to the persons interested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the said land as per section 9 of the said Act. Then, the Collector shall submit a Draft Award to the Government of Mizoram after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act. A plan of the same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib till the final award is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULEDISTRICT : KOLASIB Description of landStatus of Pass & No.App roximate Area Stretches of land along theAs appended alignment of Serkhan to Bagha115.20 Lms Roa d. R.L. Rinawma, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenu e Dep ar tment. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.303 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER LUNGDAI Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1. LalmuanaLiansiala (L)LungdaiP/P No. 45 of 2000YesPrima facie being 2. RinthangaTawiaLungdaiP/P No. 87 of 1993Yesforwarded on the 3. LalthianghlimaLalrinthangaLungdaiAgri.LSC No.G.86basis of preliminary of 1993Yessurvey and 4. R.K. LawmaVanaLungdaiP/P No.235 of 1983Yesobjection s r eceived. SentlangDetail enquiry will 5. K. LalthanfeladoP/P No.227 of 1976Yesbe undertaken 6. H.L. LawtaThanseiadoP/P No.215 of 2006 Yesduring the stage 7. NgurlianiSiamlianaLungdaiP/P No.879 of 1981Yesof Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894.Ex-303/20132 Ex-303/2013 3 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER SERKHAN Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhether Remarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1Tesbir SinghSerkhanNo.105 of 1990No 2.ZolianadoNo.55 of 1986No 3.ZonunthariW.o Biakmawia d oNo 4VansangkimiLalrinchhanadoNo.1 of 1983No 5VanrammawiaKapsiamadoP.P.No. 03 of 2006No 6VanlalpekaDarhmingliana d oV/C Pass No.26 of 1986 No VanlalhriatadoV/C Pass No.8 of 2012 No 7(K.B. Thapa) 8H.C.Lalchangliana RaldolianadoV/C Pass No.3 of 1997 Yes 9Lalramliana (Jejea)doV/C Pass No.74 of 2010 No 10LalmuanpuiaRoliana (L)doV/C Pass No.3 of 2004 YesPrima facie being 11RokhumaLiandailovadoV/C Pass No.8 of 2001 Yesforwarded on the 12ZonunmawiaHmingdailoadoV/C Pass No.1 of 2001 Nobasis of prelimi- 13K.C.BiakmawiaLianhnunadoV/C Pass No.47 of 1999 Yesnary survey and 14LalbiakhlunaThangchhunga doV/C Pass No.51 of 2012 Yesobjections received 15Hmi ngdail ovaZaia (L)doV/C Pass No.12 of 2004 YesDetail enquiry will 16J.LalrinlianaZaneihthangadoNobe undertaken 17L.P.MalsawmaRolianadoV/C Pass No.12 of 2001 Yesduring the stage of 18LalsiamaLallawmadoV/C Pass No.149 of 2012 YesSection 9 and 11 19P.LalfakzualaV.L. ThawmadoV/C Pass No.14 of 2011 Yesof LA Act, 1894 20ZonunmawiaHmi ngdail ovadoV/C Pass No.140 of 2011 Yes 21R.LalrinlianaR.DengkimadoV/C Pass No. of 2011Yes 22K.VanlalhriataK.SanghluadoV/C Pass No. of 2010Yes 23H.C.Lalchangliana RaldolianadoP.P.No.502203/Yes 10/267 of 2007 24K.LalropuiadoV/C Pass No.17of 1985 No 25P.T.Lalnunngaia P.T.RopiangadoV/C Pass No.125 of 2006 Yes 26BawivungaThangnawna (L) d oV/C Pass No.24 of 2005 Yes 27F.RamlianaVanthangpuiadoP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 425 of 2009 28SanglianthangaL.T.NguradoV/C Pass No.3 of 1983 Yes 29VanlalvuanaHrangchhuana doP.P.No502203/10/Yes 426 of 2009 30LalthanzualaLalvuanadoV/C Pass No.34 of 1992 Yes 31LaltluangiLiansiamadoV/C Pass No.11 of 1998 Yes 32LalrinkimaKhuanglawma d oV/C Pass No.42 of 1983 Yes Tochhawng 33ZarzolianaThanzualadoV/C Pass No.129 of 2002 Yes 34F.LalremruataThankimadoV/C Pass No.114 of 1991 Yes 35H.C.LalchanglianaRaldolianadoNo 36G.H.SanglianaHmi ngdail ovadoV/C Pass No.179 of 2009 No 37KhumtiraChamadoV/C Pass No.6 of 2011 Yes 38LalngaizualaR.BiaksangadoV/C Pass No.24 of 1996 No 39Chawnghming-Laikhuma (L)doV/C Pass No.42 of 2005 Yes thanga 40C.LalruatkimaC.ThanparadoV/C Pass No.118 of 2002 Yes 41HriakmawiaPahliradoP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 434 of 2010 Ex-303/20134 42 K.RangkhumaPathanga(L)doP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 428 of 2009 43 L.ChhuankimaV.L.ThawmadoV/C Pass No.145 of 2011 Yes 44 C.RothakimaLiankhuma(L) d oV/C Pass No.41 of 2005 Yes 45 LalmuanpuiaLianngura Sailo d oV/C Pass No.1 of 1999 Yes 46 H.D.Thansanga SangkhawlaldoV/C Pass No.19 of 2005 Yes 47 EdentharmawiaRualkhumadoV/C Pass No.8 of 2012 Yes 48 LalfakzualaPara(L)doP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 262 of 07 49 RamfangzauaLalmawiaChanmaryP.P.No.502203/Yes ‘W’10/133 of 2005 50 LalthuamlianiLalchungnunga DurtlangP.P.No.502203/10/Yes 56 of 2005 51 R.LallianaThangadoP.P.No.502203/10 /2 of 2012Yes 52 V.L.SawmaR.DolianadoLSC No. Coln ey502203/10/2Yes of 2012 53 R.DolianaBawrkapadoLSC No.Yes 502203/10/1 of 2012Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 Ex-303/2013 5 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER NISAPUI Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhether Remarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time P/P No. C.VanlallianaZakhumaNisapui502202/10/391Yes 1of 2003 P/P No.502202/10/23Yes 2RohminglianaRodinglianaNisapuiof 2003 P/P No.502202/10/391 Yes 3RosiamaKaivelaNisapuiof 2008 VC Pass No.19 4LalthianghlimaKaivela (L)Nisapuiof 1995Yes EdwardVC Pass No.22Yes 5LalhruailianaKhungkhaw-Nisapuiof 2009 sawia Mi chaelKhupkhaw-NisapuiVC Pass No. 23Yes 6Zorammawiasawiaof 2009 7LalramtiamaThandailovaNisapuiVC Pass No.26 of 2011 YesPrima facie being 8Than gdailovaLala(L)NisapuiVC Pass No. 9 of 2009 Yesforwarded on the 9ZingaLulaNisapuiVC Pass No.10 of 1987 Yesbasis of prelimi- 10LalenglianaThangdailova NisapuiVC Pass No.27 of 2002 Yesnary survey and 11ThangzualaKapchhuga(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.12 of 1983 Yesobjections received 12LallawmzualaVulaNisapuiVC Pass No.50 of 1997 YesDetail enquiry will 13R.LiankungaPachhunga(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.24 of 2011 Yesbe undertaken 14R.LalsawmlianaR. Rom awiaNisapuiVC Pass No.8 of 2005 Yesduring the stage of 15LalthlenglianaVC Pass No.14 of 1982 YesSection 9 and 11 PautuLianzikaNisapuiof LA Act, 1894 16RunremthangiC/o MHIPNisapuiVC Pass No.2 of 1982 Yes 17ChuaukungaTawna(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.11 of 1984 Yes 18LaldangaThangluraNisapuiVC Pass No.52 of 1987 Yes 19LalremmawiiTanthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.77of 1992 Yes 20LalrinzualaVala(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.73 of 1992 Yes 21P.C.LalhlimpuiiZachungnunga NisapuiVC Pass No.15 of 1982 Yes 22LiansailovaPachhunga(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.7 of 1984 Yes 23LalhruaiiLalmawia(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.43 of 1986 Yes 24RemsangiC/o Anganwadi NisapuiVC Pass No.89 of 1992 Yes 25LalmuanzovaZohminglianaNisapuiVC Pass No.18 of 1985 Yes Pautu 26R.LalthianghlimaTh an gruaiaNisapuiVC Pass No.78 of 1992 Yes 27LalzawmmawiaLalkunga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.63 of 2002 Yes 28LalbuatsaihaTanthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.24 of 1987 Yes 29LalrengpuiaVanlalsiamaNisapuiVC Pass No.76 of 1992 Yes 30LalliantluangaTh an gluaiaVC Pass No.72 of 1992 Yes SailoSailoNisapui 31VanlalhruaiaZathanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.75 of 1992 Yes Ex-303/20136 32 C.LallawmawmaC/o Presbyte-NisapuiVC Pass No.57 of 1996Yes rian Church 33 J.C.VanlalrawnaC/o UPC Church NisapuiVC Pass No.3 of 1982Yes 34 PC.LalzauaC/o Govt. M/SNisapuiYes 35 L.C.LalbiakhlunaLalchhawnthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.181of 2000 Yes 36 ChuaukungaC/o S.A Nisapui NisapuiVC Pass No.17 of 1983No 37 LalthanmawiaTlanghmingthanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.55 of 1896No 38 L.C.BiakhlunaLalchhawnthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.182 of 2000 Yes 39 LalbiakniiThangchhumaNisapuiVC Pass No.29 of 1986No 40 LungtiawiaThangchhuana(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.28 of 1986No 41 K.LalrinawmaHnung(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.188 of 2000 Yes 42 SapzingiZatawna(L)NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/ 25 of 2003No 43 VanlalsiamaZathanga(L)Nisapui 44 ZorampariLalhmangaihaNisapuiVC Pass No.26 of 1986No P/P No.502202/ 45 ThangzikaChhiarkungaNisapui10/10/272 of 2007No 46 C.LallawmawmaNgurvuana(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.59 of 1986Yes 47 LaltlanthangaLaibataNisapuiNo 48 P.C.LalthanmawiaTlanghmingthanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.62 of 1987Yes 49 ThanmawiiVanlalruataNisapuiVC Pass No.25 of 1987Yes 50 VanlalruataLalthlamuanaNisapuiVC Pass No.15 of 2008Yes 51 C.L.RualaLaibataNisapuiVC Pass No.15 of 2009Yes 52 LalhriatzualiPa kimaNisapuiVC Pass No.4 of 1993Yes 53 LalzawmmawiaLalkunga(L)NisapuiP/P No.502202/10/204Yes 54 LalruatkimaRonghakaNisapuiVC Pass No.3 of 1999Yes 55 LaltanthangaHranghnuna(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.3 of 1991Yes 56 R.LalchhanhimiLalthangvela(L) NisapuiVC Pass No.2 of 1999Yes 57 LalbuatsaihaLaltanthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.17 of 1987No 58 Lucy Vanrammawii DiaNisapuiYes 59 ThangkungaTaitukaNisapuiVC Pass No.17 of1987Yes 60 ThangkingaTaitukaNisapuiP/P No.502202/10/ 13 of 2002 61 KapzauaLalduha(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.35 of 1995No 62 John Lalmuankima Joseph LalruataNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/ 373/2008Yes 63 V.L.RenglianaKapdawlaChaltlang P.P.No.502202/10/No Ai za wl2 of 2002 64 R.LalhminglianaZairema(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.7 of 1982Yes 65 LalrinlianaLalhliraNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/No 377/2008 66 MuankimiEngthuamaNisapuiVC Pass No.13 of 2009Yes 67 LalmuanpuiaLalkarthanga(L) NisapuiYes 68 LalchungnungiTlanghmingthanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No. 4 of 1989Yes 69 A.DarzikaLalchharaNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 100 of 2002 70 LalzikaTlan ghmin gth an ga NisapuiYes 71 K.LalthlenglianaThangseiaNisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 378 of 2008 72 LalthianghlimaTaivela(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.178 of 2000 Yes 73 C.LallawmawmaNgurvuana(L)NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 362of 2008Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 74VanlalsiamaThandailovaNisapuiP.P.502202/10/Yes 1382 of 2008 75RualkhumaLalaNisapuiP.P.502202/10/Yes 1356 of 2007 76LalsiamaZathanga(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.103 of 1989 Yes 77LalrinhluaSelkhumaNisapuiVC Pass No.31 of 1995Yes 78LalremfelaKapzauvaNisapuiVC Pass No.33 of 1995Yes 79T.C.Zonuntluanga T.C.ChhandamaNisapuiVC Pass No.33 of 1995Yes 80Laln ghin glovaChawngchhuana NisapuiVC Pass No.8 of 2008Yes 81LalramchuailovaMana(L)NisapuiVC Pass No.4 of 2007Yes 82NgentluangaThangphutaZanlawn VC Pass No.17 of 1992Yes 83Lalhmingliana Sailo C.SangluraNisapuiVC Pass No.34 of 1995Yes 84LalngaihawmaLalramchuailova NisapuiVC Pass No.4 of 2008Yes 85DanielJ.LianhliraNisapuiYes VanlalnghakaHauhnar 86C.LalbiakhlunaLalchawnthanga NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 28 of 2002 87RamzauaRohmingthangaNisapuiVC Pass No.20 of 1993Yes 88K.LaldawnglianaKawlaChawnpui VC Pass No.30 of 1996Yes Ai za wl 89LalbiakengaThanzualaNisapuiVC Pass No.71of 1992Yes 90MalsawmhluaC.KapthiangaBawngkawnP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 28 of 2002 91K.LalnuntluangaLalrawna(L)NisapuiP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 7 of 2002 92RozamaK.ThangaBawngkawnP.P.No.502202/10/Yes 6 of 2002 93LallawmzualaF.LaldailovaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 5 of 2002 94LalrempuiaDr.C.ThanchaulianaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 4 of 2002 95JamesP.P.No.502202/10/Yes LalrammawiaZakam lovaRamhlun 9 of 2002 96LalnunfelaJ.MuanaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 2 of 2002 97LalnunsiamaJ.MuanaRamhlun P.P.No.502202/10/Yes 3 of 2002 98JohnP.P.No.502202/10/Yes LalnunsangaJ.MuanaRamhlun 1of 2002 99R.VanlalruataLalthangvela(L) NisapuiV/C Pass No.35 of 2008 Yes 100 LalruatkimaNisapuiV/C Pass No.7 of 2010YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 7 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER LUNGMUAT Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhether Remarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1RammuanawmaLalthakimaLungmuat V/C Pass No.5/2010Yes 2ThangchhungiMelaLu ngmuat V/C No.95/1995Yes 3Z.D.LalvungaChalhmingthangaAi za wlP.P.No.502201/10/Yes 315 of 2007 4C.LalngaihawmaLungmuat V/C Pass No.6/2008Yes 5R.LalramlawmaLalnghakliana(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 197 of 2006 6LalengkimaChuailoparaLungmuat V/C No.2/2009Yes 7ParvulaNgurkhumaLungmuat V/C No.3/2009Yes 8KhiangkungaTlanliana(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 245/2006 9LalnunthangaThanghluna(L) Lungmuat V/C No.5/1987Yes 10 ThangvelaDenga(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 245 of 2006 11 R.LallawmzualaV.L.TluangaLungmuat V/C No.4/2010Yes 12 ZasangaLaia(L)Lungmuat P/P/ No.502201/10/Yes 277 of 2007 13 PahliraLungmuat V/C No.Yes 14 LianchhungaLaiawrh a(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502204/10/Yes 301 of 2007 15 KawlhnunaLeta (L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 363 of 2008 16 V.L.ChhuangaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.115/1989Yes 17 RomalsawmaNo 18 H.VanlalduhaNo 19 LalhruaizelaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 20 LalramhlunaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.6/2001Yes 21 K.RamlianaThanthuamaLungmuat V/C No.2 of 2004Yes 22 Seventh DayLungmuatNo Adven tist 23 LalrinchhanaRokhumaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 24 Laln ghin glovaThanghluna(L) Lungmuat V/C No.2 of 1996Yes 25 VanlalthaaSangluraYes 26 DuhlaiaDarzingaV/C No.9/1991Yes 27 LalthanmawiaNo (Ophel)Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/20138 28V.L.Chh andamaLalruaia(L)Lungmuat V/C No.Yes 29R.LalramlawmaNghaklianaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 30YMA RAMNo 31Primary SchoolYes 32PahliraNelaNo 33ZasangaLaia(L)Yes 34LalhluniRopara(L)Yes 35LalngaihawmaRopara(L)Yes 36KhiangkungaLu ngmuat V/C No.38/1991Yes 37PresbyterianYes Church 38VanlalfeliRamfangzauaYes 39UPC NEIYes 40LalhlimpuiaRamfangzauaYes 41NiringaK.LalengaYes 42KawlthuamiLaldawlaNo 43VanlalhluaYes 44H.VanlalduhaZarkawtNo 45ThanglianiLungmuatYes 46Lalchhanchhuaha SaidailovaYes 47LaltanpuiaSaidailovaYes 48H.LalmuanaDarchhinga(L) Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 199 of 2006 49L.DuhsakiNihleiaLungmuat V/C No.41/95Yes 50KawlduhzualiLaldawlaYes 51ThangzikiNonulaLungmuat V/C No.4/2010/Yes 52LalduhkimaLu ngmuat V/C No.68/1986Yes 53LalhminglianaKawlhnunaLungmuat V/C No. 1/2011No 54LalthazualaRopara(L)Lu ngmuat V/C No.27/1986Yes 55LalthlamuanaLalruaia(L)Lu ngmuat V/C No.82/1995Yes 56RokhumaLaiawrhaLu ngmuat V/C No.160/1989Yes 57R.VanlalruataNihleiaLungmuat P/PNo.502201/10/Yes 220 of 2006 58ChhandamaLalruaia(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 234 of 2006 59SaidailovaP.LiraLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/No 252 of 2007 60KalkhamaLalruaia(L)Lungmuat V/C No.2/1996Yes 61LiankimaChaldailovaLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 433 of 2010 62LalrinlianaRualhleiaLungmuat V/C No.3/2011Yes 63BiaklianaChalthiangaLungmuat V/C No.209of 2005YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 9 64 LallungmuanaPahliraLu ngmuat V/C No.206/2005No 65 F.MalsawmaTlanglawmaLu ngmuat V/C No.205/2005Yes 66 VanlalmawiaLalbuangaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 67 Hmi ngdail ovaZaia (L)SerkhanV/C No.128 ofYes 68 Zothan zauvaSiamluaia(L)Lungmuat V/C No.69 of 1986Yes 69 LalsawmlianaThanghlunaLungmuat V/C No.8/2011Yes 70 LalduhkimaLalmuanaLungmuat V/C No.Yes 71 R.VanlalruataNihleiaLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 221 of 2006 72 R.LalhmuaklianaLaibataLungmuat V/C No.4/2008Yes 73 V.L.TluangaDenga(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 35 of 2005 74 BiakthansangaSaphmingthanga DurtlangP/P No.502201/10/No 253 of 2006 75 VanlalchhuangaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.37/1992Yes 76 ZosangluraSaihlira(L)Lungmuat V/C No.Yes 77 R.Lalchungnunga RinglianaLungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 299 of 2007 78 H.VanlalduhaAi za wlNo 79 NihleiaMelaLungmuatYes 80 LianchhungaLaiawrh a(L)Lungmuat P/P No.502201/10/Yes 299 of 2007 81 H.LalmuanaDarchhinga(L) Lungmuat P/P No.502201Yes 201 of 2006 82R.TlanghmingthangaTlangsamaDurtlangV/C No.71/1994Yes 83 LungmuanaPahliraLungmuatNo 84 C.L.ParaThanthuama(L) Lungmuat V/C No.61/1994Yes 85 RolalaChawngthuama Lungmuat V/C No.5/2007Yes 86 LalremruataLalngura Sailo KolasibV/C No.2/2007Yes 87 LalsanglianiJimi V.L.Ruata(L)Yes 88 Lalhmangaihzuala RochhungaBawngkawn P/P No.502201/10/No 29 of 2004 89 M.ZonunmawiiM.Lalmanzuala ChaltlangP/P No.502201/10/No 225 of 2006 90 Rosanga ColneyR.VanngaiaAi za wlYes 91 K.LalkimaLungmuatYes 92 Chawimawia DLAONo 93 PahliraNelaLungmuatNo 94 K.LaltanpuiaLungdaiNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201310 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER N.CHALTLANG Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1LalhlimpuiiC.ZoramlianaTuikualV/C No.28/1990No 2K.LalhminglianaLaipuitlangNo 3MalsawmiZorama(L)Ai za wlP/P No.313/2011Yes 4LalrinawmaAi za wlYes 5R.SangthangaKhuanglianaN.Chaltlang V/C No.7/1978Yes 6DailovaSaia(L)N.Chaltlang V/C No.6/1990Yes 7LalmuanawmaRokualaN.Chaltlang P.P.No.35/2005No 8H.LalthangaKhawvelthanga AizawlP.P. No.12/2004No Ramthar 9H.LalthangaKhawvelthanga AizawlP.P.No.6/1990No Ramthar 10M.C.LallawmzualaAi za wlNo 11H.S.LalhlimpuiaSihphirV/C No.3/2000Yes 12VanhnuaithangaSihphirYes 13RomalsawmaAi za wlNo 14Dr.LalrinawmaAi za wlP.P.No.5/1986No 15LallianchhungaChawndengaN.Chaltlang V/C No.7/2009Yes 16L.T.HrangchalaAi za wlP.P.No.1/1986No 17HmingchungnungaAi za wlNo 18C.LalzarlianaRamhlun’N’No 19SamuelBawngkawnNo Lalchhuanawma 20LalrinawmaBawngkawnNo 21C.R.Ngh ingl ovaArmed Ven gNo 22R.ThanzualaChhundenga(L)N.ChaltlangNo 23V.L.Ngh akaRovaN.ChaltlangYes 24R.Zohmingthanga R.RozingaAi za wlP.P.No.50/2006Yes 25R.ZosangzualaR.Zoremsiama AizawlP.P.No.45/2006Yes 26C.LalrinpuiaC.ChuhvelaAi za wlP.P.No.46/2006Yes 27LalsanglianiR.RozingaAi za wlP.P.No.48/2006Yes 28JosephR.Zoremsiama N.Chaltlang P.P.No.49/2006Yes Zorammuana 29R.ZoremsiamaR.RozingaAi za wlP.P.No.49/2006Yes 30AlfawnaAwmbuaiaN.ChaltlangYes 31DanielaTlanghningluoiN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2/3Yes of 2012Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 11 32 SangthangiAlfawnaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.40/2008 Yes 33 T.LalrunmawiiN.ChaltlangNo 34 K.Dai lovaSaia(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No./1993Yes 35 ChalrohnunaLallianaN.ChaltlangNo 36 PhilipaN.ChaltlangNo 37 RamnunziraBawngrualaN.ChaltlangNo 38 AlfawnaAwmbuaia(L)N.Chaltlang P.P No.215/2009Yes 39 LalzawmlianaDailovaN.ChaltlangYes 40 LalthuhrilaH.B.PaulaN.ChaltlangYes 41 LalbiakzualaRokunga(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2(1)/2009 Yes 42 ZathuamaLalthuhrilaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.33/1997 Yes 43 EFCIN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.34/12Yes 44 ParvuliLuraN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 45 H.B.PawlaTepaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 46 R.SavungaLiansataN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2012 Yes 47 LalhluaBuanglianaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 48 LawmvelaThangtinkhuma N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 49 Refor med PresbyN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes Church 50 RamlawmaKhuanglianaN.ChaltlangYes 51 ZothanchhungaLallianaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/2012Yes 52 DohnunaNgurkhupaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 53 BCMN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.30/1997 Yes 54 LalthuhrilaLalhnunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 55 LallianmawiaLaldinglianaN.ChaltlangV/C Pass No.2/3 of 2002Yes 56 V/C Bazar BuildingN.ChaltlangYes 57 Waiting SheetN.ChaltlangNo 58 PresbyterianN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2/3Yes Church Vengtharof 2012 59 LalnuntluangaRokungaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 60 ThanzualaChuaudengaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/1985Yes 61 Rintluan gaRualhleiaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.5/1993Yes 62 LalpekhluaRintluan gaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.2/1992Yes 63 Mizoram UPCVengchhak V/C Pass No.14/2002 Yes 64 S.RothangaSuaka(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 65 K.KalkhanaLaihnunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002 Yes 66 C.LalthanmawiaKeichhunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 67 ThanglianlalaTlanaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 68 S.T.PuanaLianzakimaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 69 LalnuntluangaRokungaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 70 M/SN.ChaltlangNo 71T.ChawnglunghnemiKhamkothanga N.ChaltlangYesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201312 72LianzapauaLuanungaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/2012Yes 73D.V.L.RohluaK.ThangkhawlianaN.ChaltlangYes 74LalsiamaSanghnunaNo 75C.Sangnunkhuma C.L.ChanaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.7/2003Yes 76TlangnghinluaiaHn awlaYes 77MalsawmthangaChallianaYes 78ThansangaLawmaNo 79LalthangpuiiLalngutaV/C Pass No.3/2012No 80LalnunmawiaJ.LalrinawmaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.14/2003Yes 81Mizoram UPCVengtharYes 82P.C.MuankimaRosiamaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32/2002Yes 83VanneiaR.Thuandinga N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of 2002 Yes 84LalhminglianaDarrothangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of 2002 Yes 85EngmawiaRokangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.3/2012Yes 86BiaktluangaLalnunaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.15/2002Yes 87RosenaZatluangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of 2002 Yes 88LalthuamaZatluangaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.32 of2002 No 89RamtharchuanaLalngutaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.4/2012Yes 90ChhanhimiPaumawiaV/C Pass No.3 of 2012 No 91Safety ReservedNo 92YMA BranchVengchhakYes 93T.Lalhmingthanga ZahnunaV/C Pass No.13/1984No 94S.LianhrimaThangtea(L)Ai za wlNo 95C.Sangnunkhuma C.L.ChanaN.Chaltlang P/P No.8/2004Yes 96LalngutaPachhungaN.ChaltlangYes 97VanlalhruaiaLalngutaN.ChaltlangYes 98S.LianhrimaThangtea(L)Ai za wlNo 99C.Sangnunkhuma C.L.ChanaV/C Pass No.6 of 1994 No 100 K.LalchawilianaPateaNo 101 ThanghlunaHrangzelaV/C Pass No.6/1994No 102 V.L.Ngh akaRovaP/P No.7/2004No 103 R.La lduail ovaT.Kawma(L)RamtharV/C Pass No.2 of 2012 No 104 PhiraKaphleiaN.ChaltlangYes 105 C.ThansangaC.RohnunaDarlawnP/P No.34/2005Yes 106 T.LalmalsawmaDengthangaAi za wlP/P No.5/2004Yes 107 RamkungaRangkhumaNo 108 LalawmpuiaSeizikaDurtlangNo 109 C.LalruataLalsawmaN.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.13/1996Yes 110 V.L.Ringa SailoAizawlThuampuiYes 111 LaihnunaYes 112 L.T. Zothankhuma Lianbiaka(L)Ai za wlV/C Pass No.3816/Yes 2012(b)6/1994 113 LalzarmawiaC.LalruataV/C Pass No.20/1995YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 13 114 John LianzamaMission VengNo 115 LalkimaThangdailova N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.6 of 1994 Yes 116 Melody L.Pachuau RolianaDa wrpui Aiza wlP/P No.220/2009Yes 117 Roth angaNo 118 RolianaSangkungaP/P No.221/2009Yes 119 VallalsiaZemabawkNo 120 ZothansangaMission VengNo 121 LalsawmiV.L.SiamaN.Chaltlang P/P No.95/2007Yes 122 Chama or LTALalnuaraN.ChaltlangYes 123 F.AithangaChaltlangNo Ai za wl 124 R.Vanlalbia-aZemabawkNo 125 MalsawmaSangkimaBawngkawnNo 126 ManzikiK.VanlalruataSairangP/P No.219/2009No 127 ThangkimiRolianaP/P No.2293/2009No Pachuau 128 AlfawnaAwmbuaia(L)N.Chaltlang V/C Pass No.40/2008Yes 129 Lalrosanga RalteRotawnliana(L) AizawlP/P No.13/2005Yes 130 ManzikiK.V.L. RuataV/C Pass No.9/1995No 131 P.C. LalaZairemthanga(L)V/C Pass No.3/1987No 132 R.LalnghetaChhuntluangaV/C Pass No.21/1994NoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201314 Ex-303/2013 15 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER BUKPUI Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1Rintluan gaNgengkhawlianaBukpuiYes 2KhawlchhingiThangaBukpuiV/C 07 of 2007Yes 3LalliantluangaPasenaBukpuiV/C 29 of 2007Yes 4LianchhawnaHanggina(L)BukpuiV/C 39 of 1986Yes 5B.LalfelaDarsiamaBukpuiV/C 35 of 2007Yes 6MankungiDamkaiaBukpuiV/C 23 of 2007Yes 7ThuamnemiThangzakhaia(L) BukpuiV/C 41 of 1998Yes 8SangluaiaThangzakhaia(L) BukpuiV/C 14 of 1986No 9ThangrehlovaLengpuma(L)BukpuiV/C 28 of 1993Yes 10ThangzamaPaupianga(L)BukpuiP/P 22 of 2005Yes 11LalruatkimaP.C.LalaMual ven g V/C 1 of 1993Yes 12V.LiannguraNgaihkhuala(L) Vengsa ngV/C 21 of 1993Yes 13LalbiaklianaVengsangV/C 22 of 1993Yes 14PhirkungaNgaihkhuala(L) Vengsa ngV/C 95 of 2005Yes 15Th uamkungaVungthanga(L) VengsangP/P 229 of 2009Yes 16B.LalzawmlianaB.VanlalfelaVengsangP/P 53 of 2006Yes 17H.Tlangthansanga Sena(L)VengsangV/C 23 of 1996Yes 18Primary School-IIBukpuiNo 19Agriculture Deptt.BukpuiNo 20Forest Deptt.BukpuiNo 21ThangzamaPaupianga(L)VengsangV/C 92 of 1980Yes 22ThuamhlunaVungthanga(L) VengsangV/C 90 of 1980Yes 23ThangdamaThangluaia(L) Vengsa ngV/C10 of 1990Yes 24ThanglianaSawngginaVengsangV/C 34 of 1978Yes 25BiakhnunaDamkaia (L)VengsangV/C 72 of 1980Yes 26T.LalliantluangaPasenaVengsangV/C 21 of 1981Yes 27Biakchungnunga ThuamlianaVengsangV/C 40 of 1973Yes 28MHIP Br an chBukpuiNo 29SangkungaSuakkhamaVengsangV/C 73 of 1976Yes 30Than gdailovaMakdalaVengsangV/C 65 of 1976Yes 31V.LiannguraNgaihkhualaVengsangV/C 89 of 1986Yes 32SangluaiaThangzakaiaVengsangV/C 39 of 1984Yes 33Kamvun gaPaupiangaVengsangV/C 67of 1980Yes 34RopekaSangluaiaVengsangV/C 64 of1972Yes 35LalmuanpuiaPhiraVengsangV/C 36 of 1964Yes 36L.Biakchungnunga ThuamlianaVengsangV/C 117 of 1989YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 37 PresbyterianVengsangNo Church, Bethel 38 KhumsangaDamkaiaVengsangV/C 66 of 1950Yes 39 K.VanlalmuanaK.LianhnunaVengsangV/C 19 of 1996Yes 40 P.C. LalaZairemthangaVengsangV/C 30 of 1971Yes 41 R.L JakopaBilteaVengsangV/C 200 of 2008Yes 42 Simona RenthleiRochhungaKawn Ven g V/C 17 of 1990Yes 43 F.SikulremaF.LaikhamaKawn Ven g V/C 87 of 1990Yes 44 LaltlanthangaRamch ulloviField Veng V/C 25 of 1971Yes Renthlei 45 LalvulmawiaThanghrimaField Veng V/C 28 of 1996Yes 46 ZothanlianaRotha ngvun ga Field Veng V/C 78 of 1960Yes 47 PresbyterianZopui VengNo Pastor Qtrs. 48 Govt. M/SZopui VengNo 49 LalengmawiaZopui Ven g V/C 10 of 2011No 50 ThangrivungaP.C. LalaZopui Ven g V/C 27 of 1970Yes 51 LawisangaK.Thankhuma Zopui Ven g V/C 16 of 2006Yes 52 T.LalsawnaP.KamaZopui Ven g V/C 24 of 1990Yes 53 P.C.Lalramnghaka L.TholovaZopui Ven g V/C 2 of 2007Yes 54 ZosanglianaDarremsangaZopui Ven g V/C 20 of 2005Yes 55 LalpiangsangaFimrokunga FimateZopui Ven g V/C 29 of 2001Yes 56 LalthantluangaRoth uavaZopui Ven g V/C 25 of 1971Yes Renthlei 57 Manghmingthanga ZemiZopui Ven g V/C 8 of 2006Yes 58 LalnunmawiiLalthankimaZopui Ven g V/C 116 of 1989No 59 RothangpuiaThanzualaZopui Ven g V/C 115 of 1989No 60 F.SikulremaF.LaikhamaZopui Ven g V/C 16 of 1990Yes 61 K.LalthianghlimaSanghluna(L)Zopui Ven g V/C 03 of 2005Yes 62 LalropekaRa mch ullovaZopui Ven g V/C 19 of 1999Yes 63 K.NeihtamaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 80 of 1974Yes 64 R.Chatuanth anga Vanlalkunga(L) Field Veng V/C 2 of 1998Yes 65 ZoatumsangaLaiveta (L)Bethleh em, V/C 50 of 1998Yes RokhumAi za wl 66 M.S.DawnglianaF.SikulremaField Veng V/C 87 of 1990Yes 67 Dr. R.ThangkunaThanglianaDawrpui,V/C 79 of 1993Yes Ai za wl 68 FimrokungaLalnghakaZopui Ven g V/C 83 of 1999Yes Fimate 69 LalzawniZairemaField Veng V/C 20 of 2008Yes 70 RochungnungaBilteaVenghlui,V/C 05 of 1990Yes Ai za wl 71 Dr.Lalnuntluanga Chalkunga(L)Mission vengV/C 17 of 1990Yes 72 LalsiamthangaMawithangaMissionV/C 18 of 1990Yes vengthlang 73 P.C. AwklianaChawnsiama(L) Field Veng V/C 10 of 1991Yes 74 RinawmaR.L. Buaia(L)Biak In Veng V/C 7 of 1993Yes 75 K.VanlalvawnaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 30 of 1995Yes 76 P.C.Thangthianga LaltholovaBiak In Veng V/C 11 of 1999Yes 77 ZothanmawiiLalngilneiiField Veng V/C 47 of 2005Yes 78 ThanthuamaThan ghlenlova Mual ven g V/C 35 of 1986YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201316 79P.C.ThanghuamaThangzualaMual Ven g V/C 6 of 1994Yes 80EnglawmaThangzova(L)Mual Ven g V/C 45 of 1998Yes 81K.VanlalvawnaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 31 of 1993Yes 82LalthantluangaZopui Ven g V/C 12 of 2005Yes 83B. Zom ua naKapzauvaField Veng P/P 161 of 2007Yes 84T.C.Lalmuanawma KeitawnaField Veng V/C 8 of 1991Yes 85LalmuanpuiaDolianaField Veng V/C 6 of 1994Yes 86H.LalvulmawiaThanghrimaBiak In Veng V/C 23 of 1996No 87FimrokungaLalnghakaZopui Ven g P/P 130 of 2007Yes Fimate 88LalhmangaihaThangdulaMual Ven g V/C 25 of 1993Yes 89R.VanlalruataR.Vanhnuaithanga(L)Mual Ven g P/P 132 OF 2007Yes 90R.K. RozikaRova (L)Chanmari, P/P 102 of 2007Yes Ai za wl 91HuaplianaLiana(L)Field Veng P/P 231 of 2009Yes 92B.ZahnunaMambuanga(L)Biak In Veng P/P 80 of 2007Yes 93B.LalrinsiamaB.ZahnunaBiak In Veng P/P 79 of 2007Yes 94FanaithangaLaikhama(L)Zopui Ven g V/C 64 of 1983No 95ThangkungiBiakliana(L)Field Veng P/P 2006 of 2008Yes 96V.ThangaGinsuanaThuampui, P/P 58 of 2007Yes Ai za wl 97Tlan ghmin gth an ga Then phunga(L) Bazar Veng P/P 155 of 2007Yes 98ChawngrikhumaTh an gluaiaAi za wlP/P 75 of 1986Yes 99B.PachhungaKolasibYes 100 K.NeihtamaSangliana(L)Field Veng V/C 23 of 1987Yes 101 K.LalruataHliapa(L)Mual Ven g V/C 24 of 1987Yes 102 LalthankimaLaisuaka(L)Field Veng P/P 210 of 2009Yes 103 R.L. JakipaBilteaMual Ven g P/P 200 of 2008Yes 104 SangzualaSiamseiaMual Ven g V/C 22 of 1987No 105 NemhnuniRokhuma(L)VengsangV/C 21 of 1987No 106 B.LalrinsangaDarsiamaBawngkawn, V/C 24 of 1992Yes Ai za wl 107 TanglianaSawngginaVengsangV/C 34 of 1986Yes 108 VanlalhluaKeitawnaMual Ven g V/C 14 of 1981Yes 109 M.S.DawnglianaF.SiakulremaMual Ven g V/C 77 of 1994No 110 PasenaNempauva(L)VengsangP/P 168 of 2008Yes 111 ThuamlianaTualkhama(L)VengsangP/P 23 of 2005Yes 112 H.Thangchhawna Thangpianga(L) VengsangV/C 36 of 1989Yes 113 VungzathangaVungzaliana(L)Damdawiin P/P 28 of 1987Yes Veng 114 C.VanlalmawiaHrangnghilhlova MualvengV/C 20 of 1987Yes 115 LalpiangsangaFimrokunga Fimate Zopui Ven g 34 of 1994Yes 116 LalrinawmaVanlalkungaBiak InVeng V/C 25 of 1987Yes 117 LalhruaitluangaVanlalsangaBiak In Veng P/P 173 of 2007Yes 118 LawngtukthangaSapbuanga(L)Mual Ven g V/C 9 of 1990Yes 119 ZotumsangaLaivetaAi za wlV/C 114 of 2008Yes 120 R. VanlalruataR.Vanhnuaithan ga Mual Ven g V/C 102 of 1992No 121 H.LalhminglianaThangkhuma(L) Biak In Veng P/P 148 of 2007Yes 122 Khuangremthanga RohnunaMual Ven g P/P 151 of 2007Yes 123 R.LalrinlianaHnema (L)RamhlunP/P 55 of 2006Yes ‘S’ AizawlPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 17 124 B.ZahnunaMambuanga(L)Biak In Veng P/P 82 of 2007Yes 125 VanlalnghakaSawnginaZemabawk, V/C 78 of 1994No Ai za wl 126 P.C.LalthlahlianaChawnsiama(L)Beth lehem,No Ai za wl 127 P.C.LalaZairemthanga(L) Mual Ven g V/C 12 of 1993Yes 128 H.Khumthan gaThangpiangaVengsangV/C 27 of 1987Yes 129 K.LianhnunaKhatkhama(L)Dam VengP/P 147 of 2007Yes 130 LalthanzauvaDengruma(L)VengsangV/C 101 of 1992Yes 131 K.Malsawmtluanga Sangkima(L)Bawngkawn, V/C 79 of 1994Yes Ai za wl 132 P.C.LalaZairemthanga(L) Mual Ven g V/C 03 of 1990Yes 133 ThangdamaVengsangVengsangV/C 29 of 1991Yes 134 K.ZohminglianaRangkhumaMual Ven g V/C 4 of 1987Yes 135 H.Tlangthansanga Sena(L)VengsangNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201318 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER THINGTHELH Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1S.Pahlir aZairema(L)Chhim Veng V/C 1 of 1989No 2H.V.Lalawithanga RozikaChhim Veng 2 of 1985No 3James LalrawngbawlaKapthangaDiakkawnP/P 225 of 2009Yes 4SairothangaC.LalchiaHmarvengV/C 07 of 1995Yes 5K.LalhminglianaRinzualaDiakkawnV/C 12 of 1989Yes 6RohmingthangiHranglian-Tuikual,V/C 23 of 2012Yes chhungaAi za wl 7C.LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengP/P 251 of 2010Yes 8H.V.Lalawithanga RozikaChhim Veng V/C 03 of 1983No 9TlanglianzawnaLalnunmawiaVenglaiV/C 09 of 2012Yes 10David Lalnunfela ChhunkungaHmarvengV/C 24 of 2012Yes 11F.BiakvelaTlanglawma(L) Chhim Veng V/C 44 of 1988Yes 12K.LalhminglianaRinzualaDiakkawnV/C 02 of 2012Yes 13H.LalduhawmaThansiamaDiakkawnV/C 40 of 2012Yes 14R.VanlalvuanaDovelthangaVenglaiV/C 15 of 2012Yes 15VanlalchhandamaThanghminglianaChhim Veng P/P 268 of 2010Yes 16VanlalhruaiaLalchungnunga(L)Hmar VengV/C 18 of 2012Yes 17C.LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengP/P 250 of 2010Yes 18H.LalthanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 33 of 2012Yes 19ThanmawiaVanlalhmuakaChhim Veng V/C 04 of 1982No 20ZohmingthangaSailianpuiaRamhlunV/C 05 of 1984No ‘S’ Aizawl 21ChhunkungaChhunbuaia(L) HmarvengV/C 06 of 1983No 22VanlalthlanaVaisatthangaDiakkawnV/C 29 of 1986Yes 23ThanmawiaV.L.HmuakaChhim Veng P/P 1 of 2004Yes 24C.LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengV/C 10 of 1989Yes 25VanlallawmaR.Vanlalnghaka VenglaiV/C 17 of 2012Yes 26RinzualaZamur a(L)DiakkawnV/C 07 of 1983No 27V.VanzingaKaphleia(L)VenglaiV/C 30 of 2012Yes 28RohmingthangaAi za wlV/C 08 of 1982No 29K.LalawithangiRoz ikaChhim Veng V/C 09 of 1981No 30K.LalhmangaihiR.VanlallianaDiakkawnV/C 14 of 2012Yes 31R.Tlangrawnthanga SakhawlianaVenglaiP/P 295 of 2011Yes 32LalthangluraVanlalchhawna VenglaiV/C 06 of 2012Yes 33P.C.LalrokimaTlangsawiluaia VenglaiV/C 10 of 1982No 34LalsanghlunaTlangkhumaChhim Veng V/C 07 of 1996Yes 35R.Tlangrawnthanga SakhawlianaVenglaiV/C 11 of 1983No 36SanglianthangiK.C.Vanlalfela HmarvengV/C 07 of 2000Yes 37LalhriatpuiiLalmuanaChhim Veng V/C 11 of 2000Yes 38Manila LiChhim Veng V/C 31 of 1981No 39ThangliankhumaLalchhandama Chhim Veng V/C 30 of 1985Yes 40PahliraLalmuanaChhim Veng V/C 32 of 1982NoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 19 41 Seventh DayChhim Veng V/C 28 of 1985No Adven tist 42 KawlnithangaZahliraChhim Ven g V/C 109 of 2003Yes 43 LianthangpuiaV.L.VuanaChhim Veng V/C 17 of 1995Yes 44 BiakvelaTlanglawmaChhim Veng V/C 33 of 1983No 45 Salvation ArmyChhim Veng V/C 27 of 1983No Hall 46 PamzauvaPazawnaDiakkawnV/C 34 of 1981No 47 UPC (NEI)ThingthelhV/C 35 of 1983No 48 C.LalchiaLalngura (L)HmarvengV/C 36 of 1981No 49 LalnunmawiaZatuahkhamaVenglaiV/C 48 of 2005Yes 50 PresbyterianThingthelhNo Church 51 R.ThansangaVaiven ga(L)ChanmariV/C 37 of 1981No ‘W’ Aizawl 52 LalthakimaChawnghnuaia(L)HmarvengV/C 38 of 1981Yes 53 LalchiaLalngura(L)HmarvengV/C 39 of 1982Yes 54 LalhmunlianaRokhumth an ga HmarvengV/C 40 of 1983No 55 H.V.LalthanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 12 of 1982No 56 LalthangluraVanlalchhawna VenglaiV/C 14 of 2012Yes 57 LalrinthangiThangrumaHmarvengV/C 13 of 1990Yes 58 KawlnikungaZahliraHmarvengV/C 66 of 1988Yes 59 VanlalhruaiaLalchungnunga HmarvengV/C 19 of 2012Yes 60 ChhangzikiVanlalnghaka (L) VenglaiV/C 16 of 2012Yes 61 ChhunkungaChhunbuaia(L) HmarvengV/C 13 of 1981No 62 LalnunmawiaZatuahkhamaVenglaiV/C 27 of 2012Yes 63 K.LalhmangaihiR.VanlallianaDiakkawnV/C 13 of 2012Yes 64 LabourthangaLalkawmaHall VengV/C 14 of 1982No 65 Laln ghin glovaRallianaHmarvengV/C 22 of 2012Yes 66 RinzualaZamur a(L)DiakkawnP/P 06 of 1982Yes 67 YMA ThingthelhThingthelhV/C 16 of 1982No Branch 68 R.ThansangaVaiven ga(L)ChanmariV/C 15 of 1982No ‘W’ Aizawl 69 RamhlunaLalthanzamaHmarvengV/C 02 of 1999Yes 70 YMA ThingthelhThingthelhV/C 17 of 1982No Branch 71 VanlalhruaiaLalchungnunga(L)HmarvengV/C 18 of 2012Yes 72 LalchiaLalngura (L)HmarvengP/P 249 of 2012Yes 73 LaltenthangiRinkimaChanmariV/C 18 of 1981No ‘W’ Aizawl 74 LalhuatthangaLaihnunaVenglaiV/C 36 of 2012Yes 75 ChhangzikiVanlalnghaka(L)VenglaiV/C 16 of 2012Yes 76 Vanla lrovaLalchungaVenglaiV/C 06 of 2000Yes 77 RamchhanaV.L. HmuakaVenglaiV/C 46 of 2012Yes 78 LianzamlovaRallianaVenglaiP/P 270 of 2010Yes 79 C.JonathanaC.ThanhawlaHmarvengV/C 08 of 2012Yes 80 LalrinmawiaLaizamiThuampui,V/C 19 of 1983No Ai za wlPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201320 81ChanchinmawiaSalthangvunga HmarvengV/C 20 of 1981No 82H.V.LalvuanaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 21 of 1982No 83ChanchinmawiaSalthangvunga HmarvengV/C 29 of 1981No 84F.LalremsiamaZawllalaHunthar,V/C 22 of 1984No Ai za wl 85RamdintluangaLianthangaDiakkawnV/C 32 of 2012Yes 86James LalrawngbawlaKapthangaDiakkawnP/P 233 of 2009Yes 87LalbiakthangaVanlalchhawna VenglaiV/C 05 of 2012Yes 88LalhminglianaRinzualaDiakkawnV/C 01 of 2012Yes 89RamzauvaPazawnaDiakkawnV/C 41 of 2012Yes 90LalhnuniEn gkungaChhim Veng V/C 15 of 2012Yes 91James LalrawngbawlaKapthangaDiakkawnP/P 232 of 2009Yes 92H.V.ThanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 25 of 1982No 93LalthakimaChawnghnuaia HmarvengV/C 39 of 2012Yes 94H.V.LalthanzamaRoz ikaHmarvengV/C 25 of 1981No 95LalropuiaF.LalzelaDiakkawnV/C 26 of 1981Yes 96H.LalnunmawiaZatuahthanga VenglaiP/P 306 of 2011Yes 97LalrinawmaChawnghnuaia Chhim Veng V/C 31 of 2012Yes 98H.LalnunmawiaZatuahthanga VenglaiP/P 14 of 1981Yes 99ThangliankhumaChhandamaChhim Veng V/C 37 of 2012Yes 100 LalngaihawmiChawngliana(L) Chhim Veng V/C 17 of 2000Yes 101 DamthuamaVanropuiaRa mtha r,V/C 20 of 2012No Ai za wlPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 21 Ex-303/201322 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER N. HLIMEN Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No. objection Namereceived in time 1C.RohluaZathangaMission VengP/P 296 of 2011Yes 2Forest Deptt.N.HlimenNo 3N.TawngaV.HenaBethel VengV/C 72 of 2006Yes 4LalchungnungaThatluia (L)Ramhlun ‘S’V/C 98 of 2003Yes 5Forest Deptt.N.HlimenNo 6S.R.ThandangaChuauzika(L)VenglaiP/P 252 of 2010Yes 7R.ZakhumaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 99 of 2007Yes 8C.VanlalruataC.LalchuangaVengsangV/C 139 of 200Yes 9ChawngthazoviVunga(L)VengsangV/C 37 of 1992Yes 10 LaldawnglianaLalaVengsangV/C 35 of 1983Yes 11 Councilth an giVanliana(L)DamvengV/C 73 of 1983Yes 12 ZamlianaChhuna(L)DamvengP/P 264 of 2010Yes 13 Saikapth iangaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 134 of 2007Yes 14 ChhundingaHrangluaia(L)ThingtawngV/C 120 of 1989Yes 15 C.Malsawmthan ga C.Challiana(L)ThingtawngP/P 116 of 2007Yes 16 VanlalfalaThangkhuma(L) ThingtawngV/C 116 of 1986Yes 17 VungzathangaVungsiamaThingtawngP/P 138 of 2007Yes 18 R.ThangvukaSainguraDarkhaiV/C 97 of 1986Yes 19 T.GinzalamaGovungaField VengV/C 121 of 1991Yes 20 R.LalzapaSainguraDarkhaiV/C 100 of 2000Yes 21 C.LalchuangaThangluaia(L)VengsangV/C 26 of 1986Yes 22 S.T.HmangaVunga(L)VenglaiV/C 126 of 1986Yes 23 C.DengthuamaRomawia(L)MissionP/P 115 of 2007Yes Veng 24 NgurkhumaV.L.Muana(L)ThingtawngP/P 139 of 2007Yes 25 S.R.ThandangaChuauzika(L)VenglaiV/C 132 of 1984Yes 26 DarthangvungaChhunga(L)ThingtawngV/C 54 of 1985Yes 27 LianthuamaChhunga(L)MissionV/C 61 of 1980Yes Veng 28 ThansiamaNgura(L)VengsangV/C 08 of 1988Yes 29 LalremaDova(L)ThingtawngV/C 93 of 1988Yes 30 LalrinawmaZothansangaMissionV/C 134 of 2001Yes Veng 31 R.K.Vanlalthlanga Nilawma(L)VengsangV/C 18 of 1997Yes 32 ThangkhumaThangsanga(L) ThingtawngP/P 162 of 2007Yes 33L.P.ManglianthangaVungsiamaMissionV/C 128 of 1992Yes Veng 34R.C.LalhmachhuanaLalsangluraHmarvengP/P 211 of 2009Yes 35 RalrunthangaR.Tawnluia(L)VenglaiP/P 73 of 2007Yes 36 RalrunthangaR.Tawnluia(L)VenglaiV/C 04 of 2008Yes 37 EngthangaNgurhuliliana(L) DamvengV/C 88 of 1991Yes 38 ThangchhuanaDarthangvunga VengsangV/C 142 of 2003YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 39R.SiamthangaKunga(L)VenglaiV/C 07 of 2005Yes 40R.HnemaLalruala(L)VenglaiP/P 549 of 1982Yes 41Councilth an giVanliana(L)DamvengV/CNo 42LalawiaSiamhleia(L)HmarvengP/P 386 of 1980Yes 43L.P.ManglianthangaVungsiama(L)MissionYes Veng 44C.ThachungnungaC.Thangmawia(L)ThingtawngV/C 129 of 1993Yes 45VanramnghakaThangkhuma(L) Field VengV/C 30 of 1994Yes 46ChhundingaHrangluaia(L)ThingtawngV/CNo 47Forest Deptt.N.HlimenNo Complex 48LalropuiaSaplalhmuaka(L) Field Ven gV/C 59 of 1983Yes 49Govt. M/SN.HlimenNo 50Salvation ArmyC/o BiaklianaN.HlimenL/L Misc.194Yes of 2010 51C.Thachungnunga ThangmawiaThingtawngV/C 130of 1994Yes 52ThangvukaSainguraDarkhaiNo 53R.Manglian th an ga Tawka(L)DarkhaiV/C 25 of 1986Yes 54ZarmawiaC.LalruaiaDarkhaiV/C 28 of 1999Yes 55YMAC/ON.HlimenV/C 80 of 1984Yes S.R.Ramngaihzuala 56R.ThanzualaKeulianthangaVenglaiV/C 84 of 1982Yes 57Memorial Stone ofN.HlimenNo R.Laltluanga 58RallianiZ.H.ThangaVenglaiV/C 82 of 1996Yes 59ThansiamaNgura(L)VengsangV/C135 of 1994Yes 60R.C.SapremaR.BawihchhungaMissionV/C 73 of 1988Yes Veng 61LalvenhimaLalaVengsangV/C 2 of 1998Yes 62LianhnunaZachhingiHmarvengV/C 118 of 1980Yes 63ZachhingiLutdawngaHmarveng 9 of 1995Yes 64M.TawngaV.Hena(L)HmarvengV/C 64 of 2004Yes 65T.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 89 of 1993Yes 66T.KhamzamuanaT.K.DalaHmarvengV/C 24 of 1990Yes 67LamkhawthangaT.K.DalaHmarvengV/C 01 of 2005Yes 68VungthuamaT.K.DalaMissionV/C 68 of 1995Yes Veng 69DarchungnungaT.K.DalaVengsangV/C 71 of 2002Yes 70C.ZarmawiaLalruaiaDarkhaiV/C 133 of 1987Yes 71R.Hlun kungaKangzawngaHmarvengV/CNo 72BiaklianaKapthuama(L) HmarvengNo 73Tlan ghmin gth an ga Bulliana(L)HmarvengP/P 368 of 1980Yes 74C.DengthuamaRomawia(L)HmarvengP/P 182 of 1989Yes 75ChinzakhumaKhanthangaHmarvengV/C 92 of 2005Yes 76RalrunthangaTawnluiaVenglaiV/C 119 of 1986Yes 77PauzathangaSinthawnHmarvengV/C 6 of 2012Yes 78R.ChhungaVunga(L)HmarvengV/C 75 of 1982 79S.R.DengkhumaLalkhamaHmarvengV/C 27 of 1984Yes 80Rochhin gpuiiThangkhama(L) Bethel VengV/CNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 23 81 MawichhuaniBir tonjoyBethel VengNo 82 ThangchhuanaDarthangvungaVenglaiV/C 62 of 1984 Yes 83 VanlalkimaLalthankhumaMissionV/C 21 of 2009 Yes Veng 84 LalnghakaDova(L)Bethel VengV/C 65 of 1989 85 M.TawngaV.Hena(L)Bethel VengNo 86 BiakmawiaKaikuanga(L)Bethel VengV/C 69of 2007Yes 87 LaitinthangiThanghliraDamvengV/C 77 of 2001 Yes 88 Tainu-iHenkhawsawia(L)Bethel VengV/C117 of 2004 Yes 89 T.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 17 of 2008 Yes 90 LaitinthangiThanghliraHmarvengV/C 15 of 1989 Yes 91 R.ThanzualaKeulianthangaVenglaiP/P 214 of 2009 Yes 92 C.ZarmawiaC.LalruaiaDarkhaiP/P 195 of 2008 Yes 93 LalvenhimaLalaVengsangP/P 85 of 2007Yes 94 NengsingaDawnkhama(L)MissionP/P 302 of 2011 Yes Veng 95 LalhmuaklianaB.LallawmaDamvengP/P 283 of 2010 Yes 96 S.R.LalsangaZachhunga(L)VenglaiP/P 204 of 2008 Yes 97 M.T.ChhungaVunga(L)HmarvengP/P 40 of 2007Yes 98 ThangchhuanaDarthangvungaVengsangNo 99 ZothansangaLianthuamaMissionV/C 63 of 2006 Yes Veng 100 R.K.Vanlalthlanga Nilawma(L)VengsangV/C 150 of 1985 Yes 101 LalvenhimaLalaVengsangP/P 87 of 2007Yes 102 RinlianaHrangchhunga(L) DamvengP/P 15 of 2007Yes 103 P.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 141 of 2001 Yes 104 NengsingaDawnkhama(L)MissionP/P 299 of 2007 Yes Veng 105 DarthangvungaChhunga(L)MissionV/C 57 of 2002 Yes Veng 106 T.KhamzaginaGovunga(L)HmarvengV/C 141 of 2011 Yes 107 RamlianaKunga(L)HmarvengP/P 199 of 2008 Yes 108 C.RothiangaThangmawia(L)HmarvengP/P 118 of 2007 Yes 109 ThanzovaKunga(L)HmarvengP/P 29 of 1998Yes 110 LalremaDova(L)HmarvengV/C 137 of 1995 Yes 111 ChunzakhupaKhanthangaHmarvengV/C 90 of 2004 Yes 112 T.KapengmawiaT.K.Dala(L)HmarvengP/P 134 of 2007 Yes 113 K.RammawiaDothangvela(L) HmarvengV/C 94 of 1990 Yes 114 T.KhamzamuanaT.K.DalaHmarvengP/P 113 of 2007 Yes 115 LalnuntluangaRamlianaMissionP/P 228 of 2009 Yes Veng 116 ManglianthangaVungsiama(L)MissionP/P 237 of 2009 Yes Veng 117 DarchungnungaT.K.Dala(L)VengsangP/P 216 of 2009 Yes 118 ZarzolianaLalchuangaHmarvengP/P191 of 2008 Yes 119 LianhnunaZachhingaHmarvengP/P 289 of 2011 Yes 120 LalmuankimiNgensingaMissionP/P 308 of 2011 Yes Veng 121 C.RothiangaThangmawia(L)HmarvengP/P 119 of 2007 YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201324 122 R.Hlun kungaKangzawngaHmarvengP/P 266 of 2010 Yes 123 S.R.LalsangaZachhunga(L)VenglaiP/P 247 of 2010 Yes 124 Saikapth iangaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 145 of 2007 Yes 125 DengkhumaLalkhamaVengtharP/P 217 of 2009 Yes 126 RamlianaKunga(L)HmarvengV/C 11 of 2005 Yes 127 RammawiaDova(L)HmarvengP/P 137 of 2007 Yes 128 NengsingaDawnkhama(L)Mission VengV/C 191 of 2005 No 129 ChhungdingaHrangluaia(L)ChhimvengV/C 190 of 2005 No 130 LalvenhimaLalhmuchhuakaVengsangP/P 86 of 2007Yes 131 ThathleiaLalhuliana(L)BawngkawnP/P 30 of 1998Yes ‘S’ Aizawl 132 C.ThangkimaC.RomawiaElectric VengP/P 194 of 2008 No 133 LalbiakvelaDothangvela(L) HmarvengP/P 262 of 2010 Yes 134 LalnghakaDothangvela(L) HmarvengV/C 42 of 1998 Yes 135 LalngilneiaKhuallunaKhatla Aizawl P/P 61 of 2007Yes 136 ZorammuanaKaikunga(L)HmarvengP/P 259 of 2010 Yes 137 BiaklianaKapthuama(L)HmarvengV/C 1930 of 1999 No 138 ThansangaBiromoni(L)Mission VengP/P 124 of 2007 Yes 139 RinchungnungaR.BiakmawiaVenglaiV/C 05 of 2003 Yes 140 LalngilneiaKhualluna(L)Khatla Aizawl P/P 62 of 2007Yes 141 KahamraiKanihamMission VengV/C 138 of 1994 Yes 142 LalrinhluaHrangluaia(L)ThingtawngP/P 280 of 2010 Yes 143 S.R.ThandangaChuauzika(L)VenglaiV/C 113 of 1987 Yes 144 NeihtluangaHauvaHmarvengV/C 115 of 1991 Yes 145 RinsangaLaitawngha(L)Mission VengV/C 125 of 1997 Yes 146 GobaraiHamthauraiMission VengP/P 121 of 2007 Yes 147 LianhnunaZachhingaHmarvengP/P 290 of 2011 Yes 148 RemthangaNgurhuliana(L)DamvengV/C 85 of 1980 Yes 149 VanlalzawnaRemthangaDamvengNo 150 ZothansangaLianthuamaMission VengP/P 267 of 2010 Yes 151 EnglianaBir tonjoyHmarvengP/P 258 of 2010 Yes 152 NeihmawiiKhualluna(L)Zotlang Aizawl P/P 179 of 2008 Yes 153 RuatmawiaBiakaMission VengP/P 122 of 2007 Yes 154 SikulaBiakaMission VengV/C 51 of 2004 Yes 155 Saikapth iangaZakamlova(L)DarkhaiP/P 123 of 2007 Yes 156 Th an gbikaLalhnunaVenglaiP/P 67 of 2007Yes 157 Bir tonjoyPurniraiHmarvengP/P 257 of 2010 Yes 158 R.LallawmkimaVanlalphena(L)Diakkawn,LSC 11 of 2011 Yes Kolasib 159 LalrinawmaZothansangaMission VengV/C 134 of 2001 YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 25 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER SAIPUM Sl . Na me ofFather ’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1T.LalbiakzamaThanhawlaHmarvengP/P 36 of 2009Yes 2RokungaThanhawlaKawnpuiP/P 144 of 2007Yes 3V.L.HmuakaZawlkhawchhanaDak VengP/P 159 of 2007Yes 4LalnunhlimaR.K.Chawla(L) Forest tlang P/P 192 of 1997No 5K.ImanuelaThantumaChhimvengP/P 352 of 2009No 6LalpiangrualaThantumaKawnpuiP/P 126 of 2006Yes 7V.L.SiamaKaphranga(L) KawnpuiV/C 27 of 2010Yes 8LalniropuiaDoth angaChhimvengP/P 352 of 2009Yes 9T.ThanrikhumaLalthannguraKawnpuiP/P 147 of 2007Yes 10 V.L.ImanuelaTekhuma(L)Kanan Ven g P/P 353 of 2009Yes 11 LalchhuanglianaSailutaBan gla Veng P/P 381 of 2009Yes 12 SapchhawnaS.HlunaKawnpuiP/P285 of 2007Yes 13 SingzathangaR.ChhungaKawnpuiNo 14 LalzualaZokaithan ga(L) KawnpuiP/P 355 of 2009Yes 15 R.LalchhanhimaRalenglianaKawnpuiV/C 528 of 2009Yes 16 RalenglianaRalhnuna(L)ChhimvengP/P 265 of 2007No 17 LalnuntluangaZokaithan ga(L) KawnpuiV/C 49 of 2011Yes 18 RaldohleiaSaitluangaKawnpuiP/P 153 of 2007Yes 19 Lalhmangaihzuala R.K.Chawla(L) Ka wnpuiV/C 93 of 2011Yes 20 ThuamzalianaRohlawmaHmarvengV/C24 of 2009Yes 21 J.LalramtiamaThangneihkhamaChallui,V/C 31 of 2008Yes Kolasib 22 LalbiakzawnaLalthanhawlaHmarvengV/C 62of 1997No 23 EFCI PastorSaipumV/C 66 of 2011Yes Quar ter 24 MordekaiaLalmawikhama HmarvengV/C 554 of 2009Yes 25 VanlalawiiThantumaHmarvengV/C 81 of 2011Yes 26 Hminga JoteSiamthilaHmarvengV/C 208 of 2006No 27 LalsiamthilaNgurlungkhupa HmarvengV/C 44 of 2011Yes 28 TlangluahthangaV.K.SiakaHmarvengV/C 79 of 2011Yes 29 LalngaizualaLalsiamthilaHmarvengV/C 40 of 2011Yes 30 Thangneihkhama Thangkhawsata HmarvengV/C 555 of 2009Yes 31 LalneihkhamaNeihrothangaHmarvengV/C 39 of 2011Yes 32 LalnunsangaZahualaHmarvengV/C 71 of 2011Yes 33 RosiamaChhinga(L)HmarvengV/C 39 of 2010Yes 34 LalrorelaLalrinthanga(L) HmarvengV/CYes 35 LalzarlianaLalchhuanaHmarvengV/C 16 of 2002Yes 36 LalnunmawiaChhunga(L)HmarvengV/C 50 of 2011Yes 37 ZawlsanglianaLenga(L)HmarvengV/C 78 of 2011Yes 38 LalringlianiHmanga(L)KawnpuiV/C 35 of 2011Yes 39 RaldohleiaSaitluangaKawnpuiV/C 588 of 2008Yes 40 Govt. M/SSaipumYes Ex-303/201326 Prima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894 41K.LianaLetpauva(L)Chhim ven g V/C 49 of 2012Yes 42B.RothangaSawngthangluaiaChhim ven g V/C 189 of 2006Yes 43LalvenglianaChalkhawthanga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 10 of 2010Yes 44LalchhanhimaAithianga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 217 of 2006No 45B.ThangaB.LianaChhim ven g V/C 218 of 2006No 46RalkapchawlaSalthuama(L)Chhim ven g V/C 215 of 2006Yes 47C.K. ThangaT.K.KhupaChhim ven g V/C 216 of 2006No 48Lalchhanchhuaha T.Z. ZiakaChhim ven g V/C 32 of 2011Yes 49LalpiangmawiaT.Z. ZiakaChhimveng V/C 219 of 2006No 50LallehpiangaT.Z. ZiakaChhim ven g V/C 86 of 2011Yes 51RinsangaTholianaChhim ven g V/C 220 of 2006No 52H. Th an ba wi h aPaulalaChhim ven g V/C 26 of 2011Yes 53V.L.TanaThanga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 42 of 2011Yes 54KhumiChhim ven g V/C 22 of 2006No 55LalremkungaH.ChamlianaChhim ven g V/C 202 of 2006Yes 56LalhlimpuiaSibulmoniVenglai V/C 214 of 2006Yes 57LalrohluiV.L.Auva(L)MissionV/C 54 of 2011Yes Vengthlang Ai za wl 58LalrinsangaV.L.Auva(L)KawnpuiV/C 55 of 2011Yes 59R.LalthanglianaVanlalauva(L)KawnpuiV/C 16 of 2010Yes 60V.L.TanaThanga(L)Chhim ven g V/C 30 of 2011Yes 61LaldawmlianaVanlalrawna(L)KawnpuiV/C 184 of 2002Yes 62VanlalringaThianga(L)KawnpuiV/C 352 of 1992Yes 63LalchhuanaLalthlunga(L)KawnpuiP/P 282 of 2007Yes 64LalbiakiRokhumaTlabirhveng P/P 249 of 2007Yes 65S.T. TluangaRokhumaTlabirhveng P/P 250 of 2007Yes 66B.RolianaB.MawiaField Veng V/C 74 of 2011Yes 67RalthankhumaRangkhuma(L)KawnpuiP/P 248 of 2007Yes 68LawmaLungkhamaKawnpuiV/C 223 of 2006Yes 69RajeshaLungkhamaKawnpuiV/C 221 of 2006Yes 70LalmanlianaLalthanhawlaHmarvengV/C 262 of 2012Yes 71L.H.ThangaRalkhamaVenglaiV/C 508 of 2009Yes 72C. DinglianaH. Khuma (L)Field Veng P/P 298 of 2007Yes 73R. LalthanglianaVanlalauva(L)KawnpuiV/C 17 of 2010Yes 74LalrinsangaVanlalauva(L)KawnpuiP/P 185 of 2007Yes 75LalramzauvaZokaithan ga(L) KawnpuiP/P 236 of 2007Yes 76ThanseiaLiankaia(L)VenglaiP/P 165 of 2007Yes 77L.Rema SungteC.ThangaChhim ven g V/C 271 of 2010Yes 78V.L.TanaC.ThangaChhim ven g V/C 29 of 2011Yes 79LalchungnungaThanghrangaField Veng V/C 3 of 2010Yes 80Lawrhmingth-Khuala(L)KawnpuiV/C 207 of 2006Yes anga 81LalnundangaV.L.RingaKawnpuiP/P 221 of 2006Yes 82LalnunmawiaChhunga(L)TlabirhP/P 220 of 2007Yes veng 83LallungawiaLalzuiliana(L)Field Ven g V/C 206 of 2006Yes 84S.T.TluangaRokhumaTlabirhP/P 219 of 2007Yes vengPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 27 85 V.L.RingaKhala(L)Hall VengP/P 178 of 2007Yes 86 LalthanzauvaKaphleia(L)Field Veng P/P 52 of 2007Yes 87 LalhmangaihaKhala(L)Field Veng P/P 184 of 2007Yes 88 V.L.TanaNgunthat-KawnpuiP/P 363 of 2009Yes manga(L) 89 LalliandawlaThangneih-KawnpuiV/C 42 of 2010Yes khama 90 Hmarthang-SawithangaVen gchung P/P 235 of 2007Yes hulha 91 LalzarlianaLalchhuanaHmarvengP/P 279 of 2007Yes 92 LalthangzauvaZawlsang-HmarvengP/P 234 of 2007Yes liana 93 S. ThansangaL.T. NguraKawnpuiV/C 125 of 2002Yes 94 RiosiamaChhinga(L)HmarvengV/C 26 of 2009Yes 95 RalkapzauvaLehvungaField Veng P/P 380 of 2009Yes 96 LalruatfelaRamzauvaHmarvengP/P 238 of 2007Yes 97 T.NgambawihaK.KamaKawnpuiV/C 212 of 2010Yes 98 T.SailunthangaRalkhamaField Veng P/P 357 of 2009Yes 99 ChuailovaLiankhumaField Veng P/P 239 of 2007Yes 100 LalrinsangaZosangluaiaField Veng P/P 361 of 2009Yes 101 LalruatlianaC.S. DokungaKawnpuiV/C 351 of 2006Yes 102 LalchhandamaDara(L)KawnpuiP/P 240 of 2007Yes 103 RangkhumaNilingaKawnpuiP/P 237 of 2007Yes 104 RalkhamaLianbawngaVen gchung P/P 360 of 2009Yes 105 LalrengpuiiLalhmahruaiaKawnpuiV/C 358 of 2009Yes 106 Laln ghin glovaSiaka(L)Chhimveng P/P 358 of 2009Yes 107 H.T. Darthang-Chhunga(L)HmarvengV/C 15 of 2010Yes liana 108 LalthanghliriThangneih-Bilkhawthlir V/C 94 of 2011Yes kama 109 NuzawniDailova(L)Field Veng P/P 241 of 2007Yes 110 L.T.ThuamaSiaka(L)TlabirhV/C 37 of 1992Yes veng 111 LalthlenglianaZataia(L)Kulikawn, P/P 50 of 2004Yes Ai za wl 112 LalramhlunaKhupthangaKanan ven g V/C 87 of 2011Yes 113 R. Thangchu-Buka(L)Dam vengV/C 40 of 2010Yes ngnunga 114 HrangtinkimiKuala(L)KawnpuiV/C 535 of 2006Yes 115 LalthangzualaThuama(L)KawnpuiP/P 354 of 2009Yes 116 P.C.Muantha-LawmawmaKawnpuiP/P 243 of 2007Yes nga 117 S.KaikhamaC.L.ThangaChhim ven g V/C 74 of 1992No 118 T.Thangri-L.T.NguraKawnpuiP/P 148 of 2007Yes khuma 119 LalruatlianaC.S. DokungaKawnpuiP/P 359 of 2009Yes 120 Lawrhming-Kuala(L)KawnpuiP/P 148 of 2009Yes thanga 121 HrangtinkimiKuala(L)KawnpuiP/P 244 of 2007YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201328 122 LalthlenglianaZataia(L)Kulikawn, V/C 211 of 2006No Ai za wl 123 V.L.TanaThangaChhim ven g V/C 212 of 2006No 124 L.Rema SungteS. ThangaChhim ven g V/C 213 of 2006No 125 T.Thangri-L.T.NguraKawnpuiV/C 165 of 2006Yes khuma 126 K.LalnuntharaV.L.RawnaHmarvengP/P 129 of 2006Yes 127 K.LaldawmlianaV.L.RawnaKawnpuiP/P 130 of 2006Yes 128 P.C. Lalnun-P.C. Than-LungleiV/C 46 of 2010Yes mawiazauva 129 H.LalthangdulaLalchhuanaChhingaV/C 70 of 2011Yes veng, Aizawl 130 LalzarlianaLalchhuanaHmarvengP/P 280 of 2007Yes 131 Lawrhming-Kuala(L)KawnpuiP/P 276 of 2007Yes thanga 132 T.ThankhumaKuala(L)KawnpuiV/C 60 of 2011Yes 133 LalliandawlaThangneih-KawnpuiV/C 9 of 1998Yes kama 134 LalsangkimiB.RolianaField Veng V/C 13 of 2009Yes 135 A.LallawmzualaLalchhandama KawnpuiV/C 520 of 2008Yes 136 LalthanzauvaV.L. TanaKawnpuiV/C 171 of 2007Yes 137 RamengmawiaRalkaplianaKawnpuiV/C 18 of 2012Yes 138 R.S.DawnglianaRalhnuna(L)KawnpuiP/P 256 of 2007Yes 139 LalnunsangaP.ChhungaHmarvengP/P 314 of 2007Yes 140 ZoneihkamaSangneihkunga KawnpuiP/P 424 of 2010Yes 141 C.RohminglianaC.NeihsangaChhimveng P/P 356 of 2009Yes 142 S.ThansangaL.T.NguraKawnpuiV/C 84 of 2011Yes 143 H.D.ThuamlianaSelaKolasibV/C 132 of 2002Yes 144 R. Thangchung-Buka(L)Dam vengV/C 191 of 2006Yes nunga 145 ThangmawiaVungaTlabirhP/P 200 of 2007Yes veng 146 LalthlamuanaBiakkunga(L)KawnpuiP/P 173 of 2007Yes 147 RalkapchawlaSalthuama(L)KawnpuiP/P 174 of 2007Yes 148 ZothanmawiaVanlalpekaDiakkawn,Yes Kolasib 149 T.SelkhumaH.ThatlianaKawnpuiP/P 190 of 2007Yes 150 Lalbuan giThangmawiaDiakkawn,No KolasibPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 29 LIST OF LAND OWNERS SUBMITTED CLAIMS & OBJECTIONS, STATEMENT AND UNDERTAKING UNDER SAIPHAI Sl . Name ofFather’s/AddressLand holderWhetherRemarks No. ComplainantHusbanddocument No.objection Namereceived in time 1LalchhuanaMissionNo Veng Aizawl 2ZorammuanaMission VengNo 3RamlianaRangchhung- Bangla vengWRC LSC A-12No a (L)Vairengteof 1998 4R.S. Lalthlengliana LalkungaDawr veng,WRC LSC A-4 of No Bilkawthlir2002 5ThangchuailovaThanbiaka(L)HmarvengNo 6LianmawiaThansangaHmarvengWRC LSC A-& of Yes 2000 7R.ThanzualaChalbuanga(L) VenglaiP/P 289 of 2007Yes 8NgurbikiC.Rangkhuma HmarvengP/P 06 of 2004Yes 9LalfakawmaR.ThangzualaVenglaiV/C 179 of 1993Yes 10 LaldawnglianaZingaHmarvengV/C 21 of 1976Yes 11 R.LalramnghakaV.L.Ruaia(L)VenglaiNo 12 L.ThuamaKawia(L)VenglaiNo 13 HrangchhuanaDengkunga(L) HmarvengV/C 3 of 1983Yes 14 H.L. AwithangaTlangaVenglaiV/C 225 of 2010Yes 15 LalramthangaHrangzatha-HmarvengNo nga (L) 16 V/C ZuninSaiphaiNo 17 SaithangvungaZingaHmarvengV/C 81 of 2009Yes 18 L.DawllianaZingaHmarvengV/C 69 of 2009Yes 19 LalramthangaHrangza-HmarvengNo thanga(L) 20 LalhriataZaliankhumaHmarvengNo 21 LaldawnglianaKaprumaHmarvengNo 22 T.ZakungaKawia(L)HmarvengNo 23 LalengzamaKaprumaHmarvengV/C 2098 of 2010 Yes 24 DanziraHranglianaHmarvengV/C 87 of 2009Yes 25 Hmingthan gaLawmaHmarvengV/C 2092 of 2010 Yes 26 HuanmawiaBuaia(L)HmarvengV/C 62 of 2009Yes 27 HmuchhuakaChhunkungaHmarvengNo 28 RemruataLianhming-HmarvengNo thanga 29 F. RinpuiiBuaia(L)HmarvengNo 30 R. ThangzualaChalbuanga(L) VenglaiNo 31 BiaknungiC. Lalmuan-VenglaiNo chhunga(L) 32 ZonuniK.SangaVenglaiNo 33 H.Lalchawlthan ga TlangaVenglaiV/C 1089 of 2010 Yes 34 John M.PulamteRamthan gaVenglaiV/C 40 of 2009YesPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201330 35Village CouncilVenglaiNo ram 36LalhmahruaiaHrimaVenglaiV/C 2077 of 2010Yes 37H.LaldawnglianaKhawliVenglaiNo 38RikhumaNghakaVenglaiV/C 61 of 2009Yes 39LalthianghlimiDailovaKhanthuamNo 40ZinmawiiThanzuvaKhanthuamNo 41HlanthangaH. ZasiamaSin lung Veng V/C 76 of 2009Yes 42LallawmchhungaTh an gthuama Sin lung Veng V/C 64 of 2009 43LalduhthangaZoneihaSinlung VengNo 44LalhualthangaD. TinkhupaSin lung Veng V/C 2078 of 2010Yes 45UPC (NEI)SaiphaiV/C 1073 of 2010Yes 46R. ZodinpuiiR.L.Thanzauva KhanthuamV/C 2063 of 2010Yes 47H.L.LalbanlianaTlangaSin lung Veng V/C 2028 of 2011Yes 48C. Lalnuntluan ga C. Lalmuan-Sin lung Veng V/C 2049 of 2010Yes sanga 49SuahhauvaVaisiakaSin lung Veng V/C 17 of 2001Yes 50PahliraThanghrimaSin lung Veng V/C 2067 of 2011Yes 51RisangaSelthangaSin lung Veng V/C 20 of 2010Yes 52LalhmingmawiaDarchung-Sin lung Veng V/C 3036 of 2010Yes nunga 53ThangmuraVanlallianaSinlungYes Veng 54H.LalramngaiaH. Fimchawia(L) ProjectV/C 54 of 2011No Veng,Kolasib 55LalsanghlunaH.L.Awithanga MissionV/C 1085 of 2011Yes veng 56LalhlanthangaH.Z. SiamaSinlungV/C 75 of 2003Yes Veng 57LalzawmlianaLalsu-aKhanthuamV/C 2026 0f 2010Yes 58LalthlirlianaLalsu -aKhanthuamV/C 2025 of 2010Yes 59LalchawllianaSuahhauvaField VengV/C 2024 of 2010Yes 60Joseph Lalduh-RochhungaMissionV/C 2023 of 2010Yes sakaveng 61RamhlunaSaplianaVenglaiV/C 1087 of 2010Yes 62LalthlenglianaC. Sema(L)BanglaV/C 1081 of 2011Yes veng 63LalramnghakaRuaia(L)VenglaiV/C 1088 of 2011Yes 64LiankhawlaLalzochh-SinlungV/C 19 of 2010Yes unga(L)Veng 65ZoneihaD. TaukhupaKhanthuamV/C 2000 of 2010Yes (L) 66LalchhandamaHauvaKhanthuamV/C 07 of 1993Yes 67PartnershipC/o John M.SaiphaiV/C 40 of 2009Yes Mission Socie-Pulamte ty Sch ool 68K.ZathuamaHmingdailova Vairengte,No Zalen vengPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 31 69 LaltanlianaZ.C. ThiakVenglaiV/C 1076 of 2010Yes 70 P.C. RohliraL.L.ThuamaVenglaiV/C 1097 of 2010 71 Lalditthan gaZoneihaSinlungV/C 1078 of 2009Yes Veng 72 Thanghmingliana VanlalkungaSinlungV/C 2047 of 2010Yes Veng 73 LaldinhluaT.RokhumaSinlungWRC LSC A-2 ofYes Veng2003 74 C. Rualhmingliana C. SangzualaVenglaiV/C 2058 of 2010No 75 LalhmangaihaKristianaHmarvengV/C 1079 of 2009Yes 76 LalhmangaihaKristianaHmarvengWRC LSC A -I ofYes 2008 77 LalbanlianaTlangaSinlungV/C 2028 of 2011Yes Veng 78 K.ZahliriLalpiang-BanglaNo ruala(L)veng 79 LalramhlunaLuaia(L)Khanthuam V/C 2050 of 2010Yes 80 K.ThangkimaHmingdailova Ramhlun,WRC LSC A - 21Yes Vengthar,of 1998 Ai za wl 81 VanlalrawnaKungte(L)KolasibWRC LSC A-I ofYes Venglai2006 82 ThangzoviKamlovaChhim ven g WRC LSC A-17Yes of 1998 83 NeihkungAwia(L)SinlungV/C 2093 of 2010Yes Veng 84 HrangneihkhumaH.Zakhuma(L) Kha nthuam V/C 1843 of 2007Yes 85 LalthlamuaniKungteaVenglaiV/C 1077 of 2011Yes 86 MalsawmsangaL.H.SiamaBanglaV/C 1082 of 2011Yes veng 87 ChalnguraL.H.SiamaHmarvengV/C 2001 0f 2010Yes 88 Hrangneih-H.Zakhuma(L) Kha nthuam V/C 1842 of 2007Yes khuma 89 Lalvann eiaSangthangaKananV/C 1084 of 2009Yes 90 PakungaChawngthuama VenglaiV/C 2089 of 2010Yes 91 SangthangaDawrkaithanga KananV/C 1075 of 2010Yes 92 LalpianglawmaSangthangaKananV/C 1075 of 2010Yes 93 RamdintharaZasangaBanglaV/CNo veng 94 PakungaChawngthuama VenglaiV/C 1076 of 2009Yes 95 LalthansangaTlangchhuaha Khanthuam V/C 150 of 2004Yes 96 K.ZasangaHmingdailova Ban glaV/C 2081 of 2011Yes veng 97 R.KhumthangaKawia(L)SinlungV/C 7 of 2004Yes Veng 98 LaldinglianaLalpiang-SinlungV/C 54 of 2009No ruala(L)Veng 99 H.ThanzauvaDarsavungaVenglaiNoPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/201332 100 G.S. Zaithan-R.Liantluanga Khuang-P/P 37 of 2004Yes tluangapuilam, Kolasib 101 LalkroszamaR.Liantluanga VenglaiV/C 2029 of 2010Yes 102 VanlalhluaZakhumaKha nthuam V/C 104 of 2000Yes 103 C.Rualhmin g-C.SangzualaVenglaiV/C 1086 of 2010Yes liana 104 DaiselaDaikhumlalaKananV/C 1082 of 2009Yes 105 ZonunsangiK. ZasangaBanglaV/C 1098 of 2010Yes veng 106 Ngamhau-Kankhaw-BanglaV/C 1083 of 2009Yes chawngisataveng 107 KTP(EFCI)C/o John M.-SaiphaiV/C 1072 of 2010Yes Pulamte 108 C.Rualhmingliana C.SangzualaVenglaiV/C 105 of 2009Yes 109 ZoramaC.SemaBanglaP/P 308 of 2007Yes veng 110 C.LianmawiaThansangaHmarvengP/P 398 of 2010Yes 111 ThaltinpariHrangneih-Khanthuam V/C 1099 of 2010Yes khuma 112 K.Lalpian-K. ZasangaSinlungV/C 251 of 2008Yes mawiaVeng 113 LalrochungaH.Z. SiamaMissionP/P 309 of 2007Yes veng 114 H.L.BanlianaTlangaSaipumV/C 1090 of 2010Yes Road 115 LalramlianaT.RokhumaKhanthuam V/C 1093 of 2010Yes 116 Ramthan gaRamchuh-BanglaV/C 3005 of 2010Yes thangaveng 117 LalramlianaT.RokhumaKha nthuam G LSC 17 of 2011Yes 118 L.RosangaThanghrimaChhimveng P/P 292 of 2007Yes 119 LalrinlianaT.RokhumaChhimveng V/C 2084 of 2010Yes 120 LalrinzelaVanlalthianaVenglaiV/C 1095 of 2009Yea (L) 121 LaltanpuiaNeihkhumaVairengteP/P 425 of 2010Yes 122 LalthansiamaKhanthuamaBanglaV/C 1080 of 2009Yes veng 123 Rengthang-Lianhming-Forest vengNo vungathanga 124 C. Rualhming-SangzualaVenglaiV/C 2059 of 2010Yes lianaPrima facie being forwarded on the basis of prelimi- nary survey and object i on s received. Detail enquiry will be undertaken during the stage of Section 9 and 11 of LA Act, 1894Ex-303/2013 33 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Departmental Screening Committee
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.42011/1/2010-HMF, the 10th June, 2013.In pursuance to DP&AR (ARW) OM. No.B.12014/1/2010-P&AR. Dt.30/07/2012, and in supersession of the previous order issued vide memo Dated 30. 03.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute 3 (three) Departmental Screening Committee to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progres- sion Scheme (MACPS), 2010 for various categories of posts as mentioned below under Fire & Emergency Services Department with immediate effect and until further or der. Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ (Gazetted) 1)Home Secreta ry-Chairman. 2)Repr esentat ive of DP&AR (ARW)-Member. 3)Under Secretary, Home Department-Member Secretary. Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) 1)Home Secreta ry-Chairman. 2)Repr esentat ive of DP&AR (ARW)-Member. 3)Dir ector, F & ES Department-Member Secretary. Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ 1)Dir ector, F & ES Department-Chairman. 2)Repr esentat ive of DP&AR (ARW)-Member. 3)S.P., F & ES Department-Member Secretary. Ranbir Singh, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Dep art ment. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.304 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500
NOTIFICATIONNo.A.42011/1/2010-HMF, the 10th June, 2013.In pursuance to DP&AR (ARW) OM. No.B.12014/1/2010-P&AR. Dt.30/07/2012, and in supersession of the previous order issued vide memo Dated 30. 03.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute 3 (three) Departmental Screening Committee to consider the case for grant of financial upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progres- sion Scheme (MACPS), 2010 for various categories of posts as mentioned below under Fire & Emergency Services Department with immediate effect and until further or der. Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ (Gazetted) 1)Home Secreta ry-Chairman. 2)Repr esentat ive of DP&AR (ARW)-Member. 3)Under Secretary, Home Department-Member Secretary. Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) 1)Home Secreta ry-Chairman. 2)Repr esentat ive of DP&AR (ARW)-Member. 3)Dir ector, F & ES Department-Member Secretary. Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ 1)Dir ector, F & ES Department-Chairman. 2)Repr esentat ive of DP&AR (ARW)-Member. 3)S.P., F & ES Department-Member Secretary. Ranbir Singh, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Dep art ment. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.304 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500The Mizoram Institute of Advanced Studies (MIAS)
NOTIFICATIONNo.D.21019/1/08-MYC, the 24rd January, 2013.In the interest of public service, the Gov- ernor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Board of Governors of the Mizoram Institute of Advanced St udies ( MIAS) wit h immedia t e effect and unt il furt her o rders w it h t he fo llo wing members : 1.Lal Thanhawla:Patron Hon’ble Chief Minist er 2.Lal Thanzara:Chairman Hon’ble Parliamentary Secretary 3.Prof. Thangchungnunga:Vice Chairman Reg ist rar, Mizo ram Univer sit y 4.Vice Chancellor:Member Miz o r am U nive rsit y 5.Commissioner/Secretary:Member Finance Department 6.Commissioner/Secretary:Member Higher & Technical Education Department 7.Commissioner/Secretary:Member Land Revenue & Settlement Department 8.Chief Infomatics Officer:Member Information & Communication Tech. Dept. 9.Pu Lalkhama, IAS (Retd.):Member Babu Tlang, Aizawl 10.Pu P. Rohmingthanga, IAS (Retd.):Member Chaltlang, Aizawl 11.Pu Lalngheta Sailo, IPS (Retd.):Member Mission Vengthlang 12.Er. Dunglena, IES (Retd.):Member La ipu it lang , Aiza wlThe Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.305 13.Dr. Sangkima:Member Tla ngnu am, Aiza wl 14.Prof. O. Rosanga:Member Depar t me nt o f His t o r y & E t hno g r aphy, MZU 15.Dr. H.K. Laldinpuii:Member Department of Psychology, MZU 16.Mina Zo liani, MIS:Member Information & Public Relations Department 17.Rochamliana:Member Secretary Govt. Johnson College, Aizawl (on deputat ion t o Mizoram Yo ut h Commission) Hmingdailova Khiangte, MLA, Chairman, Mizoram Youth Commission, Government of Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Ex-305/20132
NOTIFICATIONNo.D.21019/1/08-MYC, the 24rd January, 2013.In the interest of public service, the Gov- ernor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Board of Governors of the Mizoram Institute of Advanced St udies ( MIAS) wit h immedia t e effect and unt il furt her o rders w it h t he fo llo wing members : 1.Lal Thanhawla:Patron Hon’ble Chief Minist er 2.Lal Thanzara:Chairman Hon’ble Parliamentary Secretary 3.Prof. Thangchungnunga:Vice Chairman Reg ist rar, Mizo ram Univer sit y 4.Vice Chancellor:Member Miz o r am U nive rsit y 5.Commissioner/Secretary:Member Finance Department 6.Commissioner/Secretary:Member Higher & Technical Education Department 7.Commissioner/Secretary:Member Land Revenue & Settlement Department 8.Chief Infomatics Officer:Member Information & Communication Tech. Dept. 9.Pu Lalkhama, IAS (Retd.):Member Babu Tlang, Aizawl 10.Pu P. Rohmingthanga, IAS (Retd.):Member Chaltlang, Aizawl 11.Pu Lalngheta Sailo, IPS (Retd.):Member Mission Vengthlang 12.Er. Dunglena, IES (Retd.):Member La ipu it lang , Aiza wlThe Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 17.6.2013 Jyaist ha 27, S.E. 1935, Issue No.305 13.Dr. Sangkima:Member Tla ngnu am, Aiza wl 14.Prof. O. Rosanga:Member Depar t me nt o f His t o r y & E t hno g r aphy, MZU 15.Dr. H.K. Laldinpuii:Member Department of Psychology, MZU 16.Mina Zo liani, MIS:Member Information & Public Relations Department 17.Rochamliana:Member Secretary Govt. Johnson College, Aizawl (on deputat ion t o Mizoram Yo ut h Commission) Hmingdailova Khiangte, MLA, Chairman, Mizoram Youth Commission, Government of Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Ex-305/20132Procurement Committee on Nutrition in the Directorate of Social Welfare Department
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday, 19.6.2013 Jyaist ha 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No.318 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.16011/6/2013-SWD/Pt, the 17th June, 2013.The Governor of Mizoram is please to consti- tute ‘Procurement Committee on Nutrition’ in the Directorate of Social Welfare Department to streamline and improve the procurement system in the Department. The Co mmit t ee will co mprise o f t he fo llo wing members :- 1) Director, Social Welfare Department-Chairman 2) Programme Officer (State)-Member 3) Deputy Director (A)-Member 4) Deputy Director (T)-Member 5) Deputy Director (E)-Member 6) Superintendent (ICDS)-Member 7) Superintendent (E)-Member Terms of reference : 1) The Committee will prepare a computerized data-base of all the items required indicating the name of the item, tentative quantity required per year, estimated cost per year, description of the item, qualit y specificat io n, mo de o f verifying t he qualit y, supplier cert ificat io n requirement (if any), designat io n of expert s (if any), at what level procurement is to be done (Directorate or CDPO or Anganwadi Centre) and market price. 2) The Committee will encourage decentralized purchase wherever feasible and prepare calen- dar for tender so as to avoid the practice of floating tenders at the fag end of the year. 3) The Committee will prepare a model “Notice Inviting Tender” so as to enable the Depart- ment to buy the desired quality at the most competitive price by creating a level playing field and specifying all N.I.T. requirements in a tabular form for each purchase item. 4) The Committee will prepare a model Comparative Statement and also standardize the pro- cedure for opening and examination of bids including reading out the rates of in the presence of the bidders and by obtaining signatures of the members present the time of opening of tenders in attendance sheet. The Director/Officer-in-charge will countersign the comparative statements. 5The Committee will prepare a model Agenda Note for the SPAB/DPAB as well as Model Minutes of the SPAB/DPAB so that the SPAB/DPAB decision are articulated in a speaking manner. 6Regarding micro-nutrients and medicinal items, the Committee will prepare a specific clause fo r the NIT indicat ing t o lerable limit s o f deviat io n from t he st ipulat ed st andards, in co nsult at io n wit h Health Department. 7The Co mmit t e e will insert a c lause in t he N IT r egar ding disc lo sur e by all rela t ed/ sist e r firms participating in the tender and the consequence of withdrawal of tender after opening. Ranbir Singh, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Social Welfare Department. Ex-318/20132 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday, 19.6.2013 Jyaist ha 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No.318 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.16011/6/2013-SWD/Pt, the 17th June, 2013.The Governor of Mizoram is please to consti- tute ‘Procurement Committee on Nutrition’ in the Directorate of Social Welfare Department to streamline and improve the procurement system in the Department. The Co mmit t ee will co mprise o f t he fo llo wing members :- 1) Director, Social Welfare Department-Chairman 2) Programme Officer (State)-Member 3) Deputy Director (A)-Member 4) Deputy Director (T)-Member 5) Deputy Director (E)-Member 6) Superintendent (ICDS)-Member 7) Superintendent (E)-Member Terms of reference : 1) The Committee will prepare a computerized data-base of all the items required indicating the name of the item, tentative quantity required per year, estimated cost per year, description of the item, qualit y specificat io n, mo de o f verifying t he qualit y, supplier cert ificat io n requirement (if any), designat io n of expert s (if any), at what level procurement is to be done (Directorate or CDPO or Anganwadi Centre) and market price. 2) The Committee will encourage decentralized purchase wherever feasible and prepare calen- dar for tender so as to avoid the practice of floating tenders at the fag end of the year. 3) The Committee will prepare a model “Notice Inviting Tender” so as to enable the Depart- ment to buy the desired quality at the most competitive price by creating a level playing field and specifying all N.I.T. requirements in a tabular form for each purchase item. 4) The Committee will prepare a model Comparative Statement and also standardize the pro- cedure for opening and examination of bids including reading out the rates of in the presence of the bidders and by obtaining signatures of the members present the time of opening of tenders in attendance sheet. The Director/Officer-in-charge will countersign the comparative statements. 5The Committee will prepare a model Agenda Note for the SPAB/DPAB as well as Model Minutes of the SPAB/DPAB so that the SPAB/DPAB decision are articulated in a speaking manner. 6Regarding micro-nutrients and medicinal items, the Committee will prepare a specific clause fo r the NIT indicat ing t o lerable limit s o f deviat io n from t he st ipulat ed st andards, in co nsult at io n wit h Health Department. 7The Co mmit t e e will insert a c lause in t he N IT r egar ding disc lo sur e by all rela t ed/ sist e r firms participating in the tender and the consequence of withdrawal of tender after opening. Ranbir Singh, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Social Welfare Department. Ex-318/20132 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Whereas mojor breakdown in law and order was witnessed in and around Vaphai and Saikhumphai villages on 29.4.2013 as a result of High Court Judgment on 26.4.2013
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday, 19.6.2013 Jyaist ha 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No.319 NOTIFICATIONNo.32020/29/2011-HM, the 17th June, 2013.Whereas mojor breakdown in law and order was witnessed in and around Vaphai and Saikhumphai villages on 29.4.2013 as a result of High Court Judg- ment on 26.4.2013 setting aside the Government’s order for the eviction and relocation of the residents of Saikhumphai village resulting in the burning down of as many as 41 (forty one) houses at Saikhumphai; Whereas the circumstances leading to and the effect of the incident becomes a matter of serious public concern and importance; and Whereas the St ate Government is of the view that this is a matter of public importance which calls for inquiry; the State Government hereby constitute an Inquiry Commission consisting of the following members. Chairman:Shri Ashwani Kumar (IAS), Secretary, GAD Members:1. Joint Secret ary, Home Depart ment. 2. OSD, Home Department. 3. Director, LAD or representative. T he t er ms o f r e fer enc e o f t he C o mmis s io n will be a s u nde r : 1)To ascertain and record the circumstances leading to the aforesaid incident in and around Vaphai and Saikhumphai villages. ii)To access the current situation of the residents of Saikhumphai village and to suggest suitable course of action for their rehabilitation. iii) To ascertain and record remedial measures to check and prevent recurrence of such incident in future. iv) To identify those officials,if any, in respect whose incompetence this incident occur. T he I nquir y C o mmis sio n shall s ubmit t heir Re po r t wit hin 1( o ne) mo nt h fr o m t he d at e o f issue of this order. L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500
The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday, 19.6.2013 Jyaist ha 29, S.E. 1935, Issue No.319 NOTIFICATIONNo.32020/29/2011-HM, the 17th June, 2013.Whereas mojor breakdown in law and order was witnessed in and around Vaphai and Saikhumphai villages on 29.4.2013 as a result of High Court Judg- ment on 26.4.2013 setting aside the Government’s order for the eviction and relocation of the residents of Saikhumphai village resulting in the burning down of as many as 41 (forty one) houses at Saikhumphai; Whereas the circumstances leading to and the effect of the incident becomes a matter of serious public concern and importance; and Whereas the St ate Government is of the view that this is a matter of public importance which calls for inquiry; the State Government hereby constitute an Inquiry Commission consisting of the following members. Chairman:Shri Ashwani Kumar (IAS), Secretary, GAD Members:1. Joint Secret ary, Home Depart ment. 2. OSD, Home Department. 3. Director, LAD or representative. T he t er ms o f r e fer enc e o f t he C o mmis s io n will be a s u nde r : 1)To ascertain and record the circumstances leading to the aforesaid incident in and around Vaphai and Saikhumphai villages. ii)To access the current situation of the residents of Saikhumphai village and to suggest suitable course of action for their rehabilitation. iii) To ascertain and record remedial measures to check and prevent recurrence of such incident in future. iv) To identify those officials,if any, in respect whose incompetence this incident occur. T he I nquir y C o mmis sio n shall s ubmit t heir Re po r t wit hin 1( o ne) mo nt h fr o m t he d at e o f issue of this order. L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500