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Rates of Permit fees on Agricultural Produces/Products in Mizoram.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 331Date - 02/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.7.2013 Asadha 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 331 NOTIFICATION No. D. 24015/10/97-TC/543, the 21st June, 2013.In the interest of public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to fix t he rates of Permit fees on Agricultur al Produces/Products a s indicated aga inst each with effect fr om the date of publication in the Mizoram Gazette. RATE OF PERMIT FEES FOR AGRICULTURE PRODUCE/PRODUCT IN MIZORAMSl. No. NameVernacular NameRevised R ate 1. 2 34 I C erea ls1.RiceBuhfaiRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.MaizeVaimimRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.Paddy (husked and Unhusked)Buhhum/BuhfaiRs. 10/- per Qtl 4.WheatBuhsangharRs. 10/- per Qtl 5.Wheat BranWheat VaiRs. 10/- per Qtl 6.Rice BranFavaiRs. 10/- per Qtl II Pulses1.Chick PeaBeteRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.Cow PeaBehla wiRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.GramChanaRs. 10/- per Qtl 4.LentilDailuahRs. 10/- per Qtl 5.Mat BeanRs. 10/- per Qtl 6.PeasBepuiRs. 10/- per Qtl 7.Pigeon PeaBehliangRs. 10/- per Qtl 8.Soya BeanBekangRs. 10/- per Qtl 9.LinseedLinseedRs. 10/- per Qtl III Oil Seeds & Edible Oils1.CastorMutih HriakRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.CoconutCoconut HriakRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.Ground-nutBadam HriakRs. 10/- per Qtl 4.Mustard (yellow)Antam HriakRs. 10/- per Qtl 5.Mustard (black)Antam HriakRs. 10/- per Qtl - 2 - Ex-331/2013 6.SunflowerNihawi Hr iakRs. 10/- per Qtl 7.Safflower-Rs. 10/- per Qtl 8.Linseed-Rs. 10/- per Qtl 9.Sesa meChha whchhi HriakRs. 10/- per Qtl 10.Tu ngseedTung rah HriakRs. 10/- per Qtl 11.Olive Oil-Rs. 20/- per Qtl IV Vegetables1.PumpkinMaiRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.Bottle GourdUm eiRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.Sponge GourdAwmpawngRs. 10/- per Qtl 4.Ridge GourdUm rahRs. 10/- per Qtl 5.Bitter GourdChangkhaRs. 10/- per Qtl 6.Snake GourdBerulRs. 10/- per Qtl 7.CucumberFanghmaRs. 10/- per Qtl 8.Egg P lantBawkbawnRs. 10/- per Qtl 9.LettuceAnt am hel eiRs. 10/- per Qtl 10.Okra (Lady Finger)BawrhsaiabeRs. 10/- per Qtl 11.RadishBuluihRs. 10/- per Qtl 12.SpinachPalakRs. 10/- per Qtl 13.Sweet PotatoKawlbahraRs. 10/- per Qtl 14.ToroBalRs. 10/- per Qtl 15.CarrotCarrotRs. 10/- per Qtl 16.OnionPurunsenRs. 10/- per Qtl 17.CauliflowerParbawrRs. 10/- per Qtl 18.CabbageZikhlumRs. 10/- per Qtl 19.KnolkholBulbawkRs. 10/- per Qtl 20.Br ocolliParbawr hr ingRs. 10/- per Qtl 21.TurnipBuluihRs. 10/- per Qtl 22.French Bean-Rs. 10/- per Qtl 23.ColocasiaBalRs. 10/- per Qtl 24.TomatoTomatoRs. 10/- per Qtl 25.BeanBeanRs. 10/- per Qtl 26.PotatoAluRs. 10/- per Qtl 27.SquashIskutRs. 10/- per Qtl 28.MushroomPaRs. 50/- per Qtl 29.CapsicumRs. 10/- per Qtl 30.Green ChilliRs. 10/- per Qtl V Fruits1.AppleAppleRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.BananaBalhlaRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.GrapeGrape rahRs. 10/- per Qtl 4.GuavaKa wltheiRs. 10/- per Qtl 5.LemonSerthlumRs. 10/- per Qtl 6.Lit chiTheifeimungRs. 10/- per Qtl 7.MulberryT hingtheihmuRs. 10/- per Qtl 8.MuskmelonHmazilRs. 10/- per Qtl 9.PapayaThingfanghmaRs. 10/- per Qtl 10.PeachTheitehmulRs. 10/- per Qtl 11.PearPertheiRs. 10/- per Qtl 12.PineappleLakhuihtheiRs. 10/- per Qtl 13.PlumJapan theiRs. 10/- per Qtl 14.PomegranadeTheibuhfaiRs. 10/- per Qtl 15.Sweet OrangeSisuRs. 10/- per Qtl 16.Wood Apple-Rs. 10/- per Qtl 17.Jack FruitLamkhuangRs. 10/- per Qtl 18.MangoTheihaiRs. 10/- per Qtl 19.Passion Fr uitSaptheiRs. 10/- per Qtl 20.OrangeSerthlumRs. 10/- per Qtl 21.LimesSerRs. 10/- per Qtl 22.HatkoraHatkoraRs. 10/- per Qtl 23.Avocado-Rs. 10/- per Qtl 24.Water MelonDawnfawhRs. 10/- per Qtl VI Spices and Condiments1.Ba y LeaveTespataRs. 10/- per bag 2.Cardamom (Large)Alaichi (A lian)Rs. 10/- per bag 3.CinnamonThakthingRs. 10/- per bag 4.CorianderDhaniaRs. 10/- per bag 5.Fenugreek-Rs. 10/- per bag 6.GarlicPurun varRs. 50/- per Qtl 7.MintPudhinaRs. 10/- per bag 8.PepperThinghmarchaRs. 10/- per bag 9.Tamar indTengtereRs. 10/- per Qtl 10.TurmericAiengRs. 40/- per Qtl 11.Vanilla-Rs. 50/- per Qtl 12.CloveLawngparRs. 50/- per Qtl 13.Tr ee S pices-Rs. 50/- per Qtl 14.Small CardamomAlaichi (a te)Rs. 10/- per bag 15.ChilliHmarchaRs. 50/- per Qtl 16.GingerSawhthingRs. 10/- per Qtl 17.AjinomotoRs. 50/- per Qtl VII Fibres1.CottonLaRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.JuteZizaRs. 10/- per Qtl VIII Sugar & Starches1.TapiocaPangbalRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.SugarcaneFuRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.SugarChiniRs. 10/- per Qtl IX Pla ntation Cr ops1.Areca PalmKuhva kungRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.CocoaCocoaRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.CoffeeCoffeeRs. 10/- per Qtl 4.Papo rubberThelretRs. 10/- per Qtl 5.TeaThingpuiRs. 10/- per Qtl - 3 -Ex-331/2013 X Narcotices1.Bet el Lea vesPanhnahRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.TobaccoVaihloRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.Betel NutKuhvaRs. 10/- per Qtl XI Forest Product1.BambooMauRe. 1 /- per p iece 2.Ca neHruihnangRs. 5/- per Qtl 3.FlowersPa ngparRs. 5/- per bundles 4.GumThil charnaRs. 5/- per litre 5.HoneyKhawizuRs. 10/- per litre 6.TimberThing/T hingzaiRs. 5 /- per p iece 7.WaxKhawihnunRs. 5/- per litre 8.Broom SticksHmunphiahRs. 5/- per Qtl 9.BahedaThingvandawtRs. 5 /- per p iece 10.ChiraujiRs. 5/- per Qtl 11.Manha FlowerRs. 5/- per bundles 12.TeakTik thingRs. 5/- per log XII Animal Husbandry Products1.Cock & HenArRs. 20/- per tukris 2.EggsArtuiRs. 10/- per Box 3.FishSanghaRs. 10/- per Box 4.CattleBawngRs. 2 0/- per hea d 5.PigVa wkRs. 2 0/- per hea d 6.GoatKelRs. 1 0/- per hea d 7.BristlesRanhmulRs. 10/- per unit 8.DuckVarakRs. 10/- per tukris 9.GheeHriak (Giu)Rs. 10/- per Qtl 10.Hide & SkinSavunRs. 10/- per Qtl 11.KhowaRs. 10/- per Qtl 12.WoolSahmulRs. 10/- per Qtl 13.SheepBeramRs. 1 0/- per hea d 14.Dry FishSangha repRs. 20/- per Qtl 15.ChicksAr noteRs. 20/- per box 16.PigletsVawkteRs. 1 0/- per hea d 17.OxgenitaliaRs. 100/- per Qtl XIII Sericulture Products1.Silk QuiltPangangril rizaiRs. 10/- per No 2.Silk CarpetPangangril ChhuatphahRs. 10/- per No 3.Silk MatPanga ngril za mpherRs. 10/- per No 4.Silk BlanketPanga ngril blanketRs. 10/- per No 5.Other silk cloth productsPangangril kaih atanga puan lamRs. 10/- per No siam dangte XIV Medicinal Aromatics Plants/Essential Oils1.Lemon GrassRs. 10/- per Qtl 2.Citr onella grassRs. 10/- per Qtl 3.EucalyptusRs. 10/- per Qtl - 4 - Ex-331/2013 XV Ornamentals1.RoseRoseRs. 5/- per bundles 2.JasmineZanparRs. 5/- per bundles 3.Chrysa nthemumOctober parRs. 5/- per bundles 4.OrchidsNaubanRs. 5/- per bundles 5.GladiolusRs. 5/- per bundles 6.Tube RoseTube RoseRs. 5/- per bundles 7.DhaliaRs. 5/- per bundles 8.Bougain VilleaSaronRs. 5/- per bundles 9.AnthuriumRs. 5/- per bundles V FruitsP.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tr ade & Commerce Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 5 -Ex-331/2013

In exercise of Rule 12 of Insecticides Rules, 1971 and in order to make the pesticides available to the farmers throughout Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 332Date - 02/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.7.2013 Asadha 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 332 NOTIFICATION No. B. 11014/1/2004-AGR, the 21st June, 2013.The pesticides are manufactured, stocked and sold to the farmers through the Licence Dealer s according to the Insecticides Rules, 1971 a nd the Insecticides Act, 1968 as the pesticides are one of the components of Integrated Pest Management. In exer cise of Rule 12 of Insecticides Rules, 1971 and in or der to make the pesticides available to the farmers throughout Mizoram, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order District-wise allocation of the Licence dealers and restriction w.e.f. 1st April, 2013 until further order with a view towards the control of unauthorized procurement and sell of the various pesticides in Mizoram, as given below : Sl. No. Name of DistrictMaximum number of alloca ted Pesticides dea ler s in the Distr ict 1.Aizawl10 2.Lunglei2 3.Saiha2 4.Champhai2 5.Kolasib2 6.Mamit2 7.Serchhip2 8.Lawngtlai2 All the pesticides Licence dealers should strictly follow the following terms and conditions : 1.The Licensing author ity in Mizoram State is Director of Agriculture (CH) Government of Mizoram, Aizawl (Government Notification Vide No. 12031/6/2011-AGR of 26.04.2011). 2.The valid Licence holders should have store/shop for stocking and selling of the Pesticides according to the list of pest icides for which the Licence is granted. If not their Licence shall be cancelled or not be renewed. 3.The Licence should be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open to the pu blic (Rule 10 (4) of the Insecticide Rules, 1971). 4.No Insecticides sha ll be sold or distributed except in packages which are or may be approved by the Indian Standards Institution from time to time (Rule 10 (4) of the Insecticide Rules, 1971). 5.The Licence shall comply with the provisions of the Insecticides Act, 1968 and the rules thereunder for the time being in force (Rule 10 (4) of the Insecticide Rules, 1971). - 2 - Ex-332/2013 6.If the Licensee wants to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute any additional Insecticides during the currency of the Licence he may apply to the Licensing Officer for issuance of separa te Licences for each Insecticide on payment of the prescribed fee (Rule 10 (4) of the Insecticide Rules, 1971). 7.Applications for the grant or renewal of a Licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute Insecticides shall be made in Form VI of Form VII, as the case may be, to the Licensing officer and shall be accompanied by the fees specified in sub-rule (2) (Rule 10 of the Insecticides Rules, 1971). 8.The fee paya ble under sub-rule (1) for gr ant or r enewa l of a Licence shall be rupees five hundr ed for ever y Insecticide for which the Licence is a p plied ( Rule 10 of the Insecticides R ules. 19 71). 9.If any Insecticide is proposed to be sold or stocked for sale at more than one place, separate applications shall be made and separate Licences shall be issued in respect of every such place and for every Insecticides (R ule 10 of the Insecticides Rules, 1971). However, opening of int er-district sell point in Mizor am is hereby prohibited at present. 10.All the Licencee should have Principle Certificate for which the pesticides are sold. 11.Every dea ler who makes or offers to make a reta il sa le of any Insecticides sha ll pr ominent ly display at his pla ce of business: (Rule 10 (D) of the Insecticides Rules, 1971). a) The quantities of stock of different Insecticides held by him on daily basis and b) A list of prices or rates of such Insecticides for the time being available in such place of business. 12.Any Licence issued or renewed unless sooner suspended or cancelled, been in force for a period of two yea rs (Rule 11 of the Insecticides Ru les, 19 71). 13.No person shall manufacture, store or expose for sale or permit the sale or storage of any Insecticides in the same building where any ar ticles consumable by human beings or animals are ma nufactured, stor ed or exposed for sale (Rule 10 (C) of the Insecticides Rules, 1971). 14.All the Licencee should not stocked and sold any Insecticides pr ohibited by the Insecticides R ules and notified by Government of India time to time. If a ny intimation shall be issued by the Licensing Authority. Any Ins ecticides misused should also not be stoked or sold. 15.Protective Clothing : (Rule 39 of the Insecticides Rules, 1971) a)Persons handling insecticides during its manufacture, formulation, transpor t, distribution or application, shall be adequately pr otected with appropria te clothing. b)The protective clot hing shall be used wherever necessary, in conjunction with respira tory devices as laid down in Rule 40. c)The protective clothing shall be made of materials which prevent or resist the penetra tion of a ny form of insecticides formulations. The materials shall also be washable so that the toxic elements may be removed a fter each use. d)A complete suit of protective clothing shall consist of the following dress es, namely: i)Protective outer garment/overalls/hood/hat. ii)Rubber gloves or such other protective gloves extending half-way up to the forearm, made of materials impermeable to liquids. iii)Dust-proof goggles, iv)Boots. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 3 -Ex-332/2013 16.Resp iratory Devices : (Rule 40 of the Insecticides Rules, 1971). For preventing inhalation of toxic dusts, vapours or gases, the workers shall use any of t he following types of respiratory or gas- masks suitable for the purpose, namely : a)Chemical ca rtridge respira tor. b)Supplied-air respirator. c)Dema nd flow, type respira tor. d)Full-face or half-fa ce gas-masks with canister. 17.Disposal of used packages, surplus materials and washings of Insecticides (Rule 44 of the Insecticides Rules, 1971). 1)The used packages s hall not be left outside to pr event their re-use. 2)The packages shall be broken and buried away from habitation. 18.A mere application for Licence for want of supply of t he Pest icides shall not be entertained. 19.The appoint ed Insecticides Inspector ha s a power to inspect the stock and sale of the pesticides in the dealers shop at any time (Rule, 22, 23, 27 of Insecticides Rules, 1971). Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretar y to the Govt, of Mizoram, Agriculture Department.

Acquisition of Land for construction road from Pangkhua to Saisihchhuah.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 333Date - 02/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.7.2013 Asadha 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 333 NOTIFICATION No. K. 12011/46/2012-REV, the 21st June, 2013. Whereas by the Government Notification No. K. 12011/46/2012-REV : dt 17.12.2012 published in the official Gazette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (C entral) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referred to as t he “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended t o the said Not ification was likely t o be needed for the purpose namely - Acquisition of Land for construction r oad from Pangkhua to Saisihchhuah. 2.Now, therefor e, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. 3.The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai District under clause (C ) of section 3 of the sa id Act to perform the functions of a Collector for all pr oceedings hereinafter to be t aken in r espect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. 4.The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collect or shall submit a Dra ft Awar d to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act read with Mizoram Land Acquisition Rules, 2010. 5.A plan of the same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai District till the final award is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHHEDULEDistrict : LawngtlaiDescription of landStatus of Pass & No Approximate Ar ea/length. Land stretches from Pangkhua toAs appended282160 sq. mtrs Saisihchhuah (Kaladyne) R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQuan tityRatesAmountRemar ks LB TotalRs.PRs.P 12345678910111213 1LalengkimaHrangkiaua1/06of 11.7.06Mizo137913,600327,60000327,60000 Land1315 19560 11,700 001 1,7 00 00 Mango12,0002,0 00 00 Total341,300 00 2 ThlulmangaBualduma228/85 of 23 .7. 85Mizo119993,600 356,400 00356,400 00 Mizo64243,000 72,000 007 2,0 00 00 Land1712 20460 12,240 001 2,2 40 00Total440,640003ThangzakhumaHrangawia20/04 of 1 7. 8. 04Mizo127843,600302,40000302,40000Mizo53153,600 54,000 005 4,0 00 00Land14131826010,920001 0,9 20 00 Total367,320 00 4 B. ZahupaRalthanga10/94 of 10. 12. 94Mizo1010 1003,600 360,000 00360,000 .00Land3061806010,8000010,80000Total370,800 00 5Biakzauv iDothangaMizo107703,600252,00000252,00000 Lower54203,000 60,000 006 0,0 00 00Total312,00000Sub- Total 1264Sub -To tal1,832,060 00 JOINT VERIFICAT ION RE PORT FOR THE CO NSTRUCT ION O F ROAD (T BSPS) P ANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQuan tityRatesAmou ntRemarks LB TotalRs.PRs.P123456789101112136 ZahninaPakhawka16/90 of 7.3. 90Mizo85403,000 120,000 00120,000 00Land10660603,600003,6 00 00 T otal123,60000 7 Y.L.A. HouseMizo54203,600 72,000 007 2,0 00 00Lower54203,60072,0000072,00000T otal144,00000 8 Hr elingaNikiaua14/00 of 31.8. 00Mizo1581203,600 432,000 00432,000 00 Land15913560 . 5,400 005,4 00 00 T otal437,40000 9 Ngurhmingliana Biakchunga48/92 of 2.5.92Mizo65303,600 108,000 00108,000 00Land8648602,880'002,8 80 00T otal110,88000 10 LaltanthangaChhannawla23/99 of 12.10: 99Mizo1110 1103,600 396,00000396,000 00 Lower84323,600 115,200 00115,200 00Land1010100606,000006,0 0000T otal517,20000 11 NothawngaTawkduna4/98 of 8.7.98Land24716860 24,480 002 4,4 80 00T otal24,48000 12 TiallingaTawkduna5/98 of 8.7.98Mizo136783,600 280,800 00280,800 00 T otal280,80000 Sub- To tal 961Sub- T otal1,638,360 00 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCT ION O F ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQu an ti tyRatesAmou ntRemarks LB TotalRs.PRs.P 12345678910111213 13 TialhnunaMangv uana18/03 of 5.8.03Mizo1110 1103,600 396,000 00396,000 00 Lower93273,000 81,000 081,000 00 R/ Wall101102,500 25,000 0025,000 00Total502,0000014DawimeniThanherha21/09 of 17.6.09Mizo97633,600226,8000226,80000 Lower74283,000 84,000 0084,000 00 Land8540602,400 002,400 00 Total313,200 00 15 Lalpiangthanga Lianv unga17/07 of 8.5.07Mizo1710 1703,600 612,000 00612,000 00 R/Wall182362,500 90,000 0090,000 00 Land17.2 14 240.860 14,460 0014,460 00Total716,4600016ChungnawlaHrangduna15/01 of 7. 3. 01Mizo1381043,600374,40000374,40000Lower85403,000 120,000 00120,000 00 Land1312156609,360 009,360 00 Total503,760 00 17 VanbiaksangaZalinga9/10 of 12.7.01Mizo 1581203,600 432,000 00432,000 00Land20183606021,6000021,60000Mango42,0008,000 00Total461,6000018 KapchinaSahnawka37/03 of 10. 7.03Mizo156903,600 324,000 00324,000 00 Lower. 83243,000 72,000 0072,000 00 Land2210 22060 13,200 0013,200 00Total409,20000Sub -T otal 1839S ub- T otal 2,906,220 00 JOINT VERIFICATIO N REPORT FOR THE CONST RUCTION OF ROAD (T BSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateT ype of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQuan ti tyRatesAmountRemarks LB TotalRs.PRs.P1234567891011121319 Kawlchhimmawi a Altlinga31/89 of 10. 5. 89Mizo.86483,600 172,800 00172,800 00 Land10770604,200004,20000Total177,000 00 20 DawithaiiTum sanga4/07 of 3.10.07Mizo86483,600 172,800 00172,800 00Land169144608,640008,64000Total181,440 00 21 LalruataPasawnga5/07 of 3 .9. 07Mizo118883,600 316,800 00316,800 00 Land1310 130607,800 007,800 00 Total324,600 00 22 ThlunglianaThanghmunga6/99 of 15.4 99.Mizo12.6723,600 259,200 00259,200 00Lower83243,00072,0000072,00000Land2571756010,5000010,5000000 Total341,700 00 23 MangkianaRohnuna1/89 of 7.7. 89Mizo1481123,600 403,200 00403,200 00Land18183246019,4400019,44000Mango42,0008,000 00 Zammir33,50010,500 00 Tengtere22,0004,000 00 Coconut22,0004,000 00 T otal449,140 00 Sub- T otal 1235Sub -Total1,473,880 00 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPO RT FOR THE CONST RUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQuan ti tyRatesAmountRemarks LB TotalRs.PR s.P1234567891011121324 SiamlianaHremanga19/90 of 19.9.90Mizo106603,000 180,000 00180,000 00 Lower101212060.7,200007,20000 Mango52,00010,000 00 Zammir53,50017,500 00 Total214,700 00 25 AnganwadiMizo56303,600 108,000 00108,000 00Total108,0000026 Hm unsangaManghrina5/95 of 3.7.95Mizo108803,600 288,000 00288,000 00 Land1012 120607,200 007,200 00Total295,2000027SazingiSanghmuna41/01 of 31.8.01Mizo87563,600201,60000201,600 00Land10770604,200004,20000 Memorial Stone12,0002,000 00 Zammir93,50031,500 00 Total239,300 00 28 ThainawniZalinga48/01 of 18 .4. 01Mizo116663,600 237,600 00237,600 00 Land1510 150609,000 009,000 00 Total246,600 00 29. LalchhanhimaHranghelha5/04 of 3. 7. 04Mizo58403,000 120,000 00120,000 00 Land1810 18060 10,800 0010,800 00 Mango105005,000 00Total135,80000Sub- To tal 972Sub-Total 1,239,600 00 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPO RT FOR THE CONST RUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQuan ti tyRatesAmountRemarks LB TotalRs.PR s.P1234567891011121330 LalnghakaRamkara18/04 of 18. .8.04Mizo126723,600 259,200 00259,200 00 Lower73213,00063,0000063,00000 Land1824 432.60 25,920 0025,920 00 Orange105005,000 00 Mango153004,500 00Total357,6200031BiakhmingthangaPhunkam a26/08 of 26.11.08Mizo105503,600180,00000180,00000Land1724 40860 24,480 0024,480 00 Mango103003,000 00 Banana501005,000 00Total212,4800032DarmangaKhenlinga2 5/ 08 of 2.11.08Mizo126723,600259,20000259,200 00 Lower7428.3,00084,0000084,00000 Land1824 43260 25,920 0025,920 00 Zammir85004,000 00 Mango53001,500 00Orange55002,50000Total377,120 00 33 Hl imthangaSangchhawn2/07 of 26: 3. 07Mizo86483,600 172,800 00172,800 00 Lower64243,000 72,000 0072,000 00 Land2420 48060 28,800 0028,800 00 Total273,600 00 Sub- T otal 2067Sub-Total 1,220,820 00 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPO RT FOR THE CONST RUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQuan ti tyRatesAmountRemarks LB TotalRs.PR s.P1234567891011121334 LalnunawiaChungnawla5/09 of 11.2.09Mizo85403,600 144,000 00144,000 00Land30206006036,0000036,00000 Banana15010015,000 00 Limbu202004,000 00 Mango83002,400 00Zammir155007,50000Total208,900 00 35 Lengv ungaChungnawla3/09 of 11.2.09Mizo87563,600 201,600. 00201,600 00 Lower65303,000 90,000 0090,000 00 Land2424 57660 34,560 0034,560 00Zammir6050030,00000Limbu402008,000 00 Mango5030015,00000Total379,1600036 BiakhnunaKhuanglinga11/90 of 12.4. 90Mizo106603,600 216,000 00216,000 00 Lower84323,000 96,000 0096,000 00Land18244326025,9200025,92000Zammir155007,500 00 Mango303009,000 00 Orange155007,500 00 Banana151001,500 00 Total363,420 00 Sub- Total 1826Sub-Total951,480 00 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCT ION O F ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQu an ti tyRatesAmou ntRemarks LB TotalRs.PRs.P1234567891011121337 ThlakiauaHrangkama12/91 of 10. 5.91Mizo118883,600 316,800 00316,800 00 Land18244326025,9200025,92000 Zammir155 007,500 00 Mango303 009,000 00 Orange155 007,500 00Banana151 001,50000Total368,2200038SiangbikaHrangkama16/92 of 10.4.92Mizo96543,000162,000.00162,00000Land1820 36060 21,600 0021,600 00Total183,6000039K. LalhlunaChhumbila14/91 of 3. .2. 91Mizo96543,600194,40000194,40000Land1016 160609,600 009,600 00Total204,0000040 MangsuiaZamnawla7/07 of 3. 9. 07Mizo86483,000 144,000 00144,000 00 Land2418 43260 25,920 0025,920 00Total169,9200041 ChhawnvungaKhamthanga21/08 of 4. 8. 08Mizo84323,000 96,000 0096,000 00 Land1820 36060 21,600 0021,600 00Total117,6000042 LalnunthlengaRamkara15/02 of 4.5.02Mizo96543,000 162,000 00162,000 00 Land1820 36060 21,600 0021,600 00Total183,60000Sub- To tal 2434S ub- T otal 1,226,940 00 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPO RT FOR THE CONST RUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateType of Building / LandSize/Area in Sqmtrs.RatesAmountType of PlantsQuan ti tyRatesAmountRemarks LB TotalRs.PR s.P1234567891011121343 KapthangaLengkara10/07 of 8.5.02Mizo78563,600 201,600 00201,600 00Land18203606021,6000021,60000 Total223,200 00 44 KhenhrataKapbila10/96 of 2.5.96Mizo96543,600 194,400 00194,400 00Mizo86483,600172,80000172,80000Mango103,50035,000 00Total402,2000045 TumtlungaLenghaia12/97 of 7.9.97Mizo12. 10 1203,600 432,000 00432,000 00 Land1830 54060 32,400 0032,400Zawngtah21,0002,00000Orange53,50017,500 00Total483,9000046 DuhtumiKharlinga9/05 of 2.5.05Mizo86483,600 172,800 00172,800 00 Orange43,50014,000 00 Total186,800 00 47 LalhlimpuiiKhuaiduna7/03 of 2.7.03Land.3018 54060 32,400 0032,400 00Total32,400 00 LalhlimpuiiKhuaiduna15/02 of 3.8.02Land3018 54060 32,400 0032,400 00 Total32,400 00 Sub- T otal 2306Sub-Total 1,360,900 00 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR T HE CONSTRUCT ION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameL SC. No. & DateLan d area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T yp e of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemar ks Rs.P 1234567891011 56 ThatnawlaNi era4/02 of 22.7.0210000350035 122,50000 T ot al122,50000 57 BuankamaHranghelha6/09 of 3.7.0950000400035 140,00000Kuva515007,50000 Zawngtah910009,00000T otal156,5000058LalfakzualaRosanga8/12of 15.1.1230000300035 105,00000 Zawngtah201503,00000Sawhthing50005,00000T otal113,00000 59 RosangaMangkiana9/12 of 1-5.1.1235000450035 157,50000T otal157,5000060 KawlthangaBualthiaua7/12 of 15.1.1220000300035 105,00000 Fishery Pond150000 50,000 Mango103003,00000 Zammir155007,50000T otal165,50000Sub-Total14500018000Sub-Total715,00000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT F OR T HE CO NST RUCT ION OF RO AD (T BSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRe mar ks123456789101161 B. ZahupaRalthanga12/12 of 31.7.122000090035 31,50000Fishery Pond5000050,00000T otal81,5000062 LalawiaHuatkhara4/97 of 6.2.9720000360035 126,00000 T otal126,00000 63 Kapm awiaHmunnghaka12/07 of 8.6.071000050035 17,50000Fi shery Pond.15000050,00000T otal67,50000 64 BuanukaChhanlinga2/10 of 24.3.1030000360035 126,00000T otal126,0000065S.Lalhm angaihkim aS.Kilvunga4 /08 of 10.8.0850000750035262,50000 Zammir253500 87,50000 Phulrua40251,00000 Banana105500 52,50000T otal403,5000066 ChaihbilaTawkduna38/08 of 11.8.0810000235035 82,25000 T otal82,25000 67 LalpiangthangaLiangvunga37/08 of 11.8.0820000235035 82,25000T otal82,25000Sub-Total16000020800Sub-Total969,00000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCT ION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name o f ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRe mar ks 1234567891011 68 ZahnemiRokima39/08 of 11.8.0830000300035 105,00000 Total105,00000 69 TuanchungnungaSaduaia10/12 of 15.1.122000023503582,25000Orange5050025,00000Zawngtah101501,50000T otal108,7500070Thianghlim aHrangduna26/08 of 1.9.082000023503582,25000T otal82,250 - 00 71 LalhmunsangaF. Rohnuna8/04 of 2.7.0450000600035 210,00000 Zammir503500 175,000 Orange353500 122,50000T otal507,5000072Hrangv ungaThangvunga20/12 of 11.11.121000023503582,25000T otal82,25000 73 NgunhlunthangaZaawia1/02 of 18.7.0220000300035 105,00000 T otal105,00000 74 PhirchungaSemlinga5/94 of 6.6.9410000300035 105,00000T otal105,00000Sub-Total16000022050Sub-Total1,095,75000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT F OR T HE CO NST RUCT ION OF RO AD (T BSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRe mar ks 1234567891011 75 HrangpengaChhanhreluaia56/09 of 3.3.093000010003535,00000Total35,0000076 HrangchhuanaHrangchunga35/08 of 8.8.082000023503582,25000Total82,2500077 ThainawniZ alinga12/07 of 14.7.071000010003535,00000 Total35,00000 78 LalrinfelaTumtlunga10/07 of 26.3.071000015003552,50000Total52,5000079 KapchinaSahnawka39/01 of 3.7.011000010003535,00000 Total35,00000 . 80 LianchiaHmunnghaka1000023503582,25000Total82,2500081 RemthluaichhiniNeihchunga39/05 of 16.3.0520000400035 140,00000 Zammir353500 122,50000Orange13350045,50000Total308,00000 82 S. Kilv ungaNgunawra11/97 of 16.9.973000080 m m Pipe2703000 810,00000 Fishery Pond750,000 350,00000 Total1,160,00000Sub-Total14000013200S ub-T otal1,790,00000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT F OR T HE CO NST RUCT ION OF RO AD (T BSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name ofClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRe mar ks 1234567891011 83 Lalhmunm awiaTialk huaia158/76 of 16.12.7620000235035 82,25000T otal82,2500084 ThanchhumaPahmuha10/01 of 9.8.0115000100035 35,00000 T otal35,00000 85 Lalram nunaHm unhm unga20/02 of 28.7.0220000360035 126,00000 T otal126,00000 86 NochutaNiduma14/86 of 21.1.8620000270035 94,50000T otal94,5000087. ChiawiaHm unhm unga127/85 of 11.12.8535000180035 63,00000 Fishery Pond150000 50,00000Banana10050050,00000T otal163,00000 88 LalchungaKiaulinga26/02 of 11.6.0220000100035 35,00000 Zammir235007,00000 Banana50500 25,00000T otal67,0000089ThangkungaLianv unga2000010003535,00000T otal35,00000Sub-Total15000013450Sub-Total602,75000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONST RUCT ION OF ROAD (T BSPS) PANG KHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name o f ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRe mar ks 1234567891011 90 ThlunglianaThanghm unga20000100035 35,00000 Total35,00000 91 PhirdunaKapera3/05 of 2.8.0510000100035 35,00000T otal35,0000092 Lalram nunaHmunnghaka14/90 of 15.1.9020000180035 63,00000 Orange103500 35,00000T otal98,0000093K.L.RamukaChhanhrea2/11 of 25.1.112000010003535,00000 Irrigation 200 Mtrs15030000 30,00000 Banana100500 50,00000 T otal115,00000 94 LalrinchungaHrechina39/12 of 28.8.1220000180035 63,00000T otal63,0000095 KilchemaTiriaka125/85 of 13.12.1220000180035 63,00000T otal63,0000096 Hmi ngthansangaLianthanga19/02 of 27.7.0215000180035T otal63,00000Sub-Total12500010200Sub-Total472,00000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT F OR T HE CO NST RUCT ION OF RO AD (T BSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 97 ChilingaRualhaia6/90 of 27.3.9010000150035 52,50000Mango10200020,00000Zammir15350052,50000Banana50500 25,00000T otal150,0000098 ChilingaRualhaia84/08 of 6.11.0820000235035 82,25000 Mautak500105,00000Zammir5350017,50000Orange103500 35,00000T otal139,7500099 Hm etsungiChhumv unga4/94 of 6.6.9420000310035 108,50000 Mango462000 92,00000Zammir303500 105,00000 Zawngtah501000 50,00000Orange22350077,00000T otal432,50000 100 V. KhawlhringLalthanthuama3/09 of 14.1.095000100035 35,00000T otal35,00000101 LalmuanaChanawla12/07 of 24.09.0720000180035 63,00000 T otal63,00000Sub-Total750009750Sub-Total820,25000 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPORT FOR T HE CONST RUCT ION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRe mar ks 1234567891011 102 ThianghlimaHrangduna23/08 of 18.2.082000015003552,50000 Kuva215003,00000 Fishery P ond15000050,00000Total105,50000103 RosanglianiTialchungnunga35/05 of 16.3.0535000580035203,0000Zammir7350024,50000Orange353500122,50000Total350,00000104LalthazualaDothanga9/07 of 26.3.0735000375035131,25000Mango303009,00000 Orange155007,50000 Total147,75000 105 NgurhminglianaBiakchunga5/13 of 29.1.131500018503564,75000Total64,75000106TialchungnungaV.Lalbika16/05 of 3.7.0530000350035122,50000 Serm am403500140,00000 Zammir403500140,00000 Total402,50000 107 LalrinsangaLianthuana39/08 of 6.10.0830000640035224,00000 Pine Apple300257,50000 Total231,50000Sub-Total16500022800Sub-T ot al1,302,00000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 108 LalhlunaLalpianga2/08 of 19.3.085500020000Land (Camp)35700,00000 Intake135003,50000 WRC Terrace6350021,0000035 mm Pipe20100020,00000Fishery Pond450000200,000003780Land35132,30000Total1,076,80000109 K. ZaheaChhiuluaia1/07 of 15.1.0735000400035140,00000 Total140,00000 110 H. ThanlianaZ ahnuna22/05 of 11.8.0520000480035168,00000 Zammir200,00000Total368,00000 111 SanghmunaT ialhnuna28/08 of 10.8.081000023503582,25000Total82,25000112KapchungaHmetkama3 /12 of 26.6.122000010003535,00000Total35,00000 113 ThlakiauaHrangkama2/05 of 8.2.053000010003535,0.0000Zawngtah101501,50000Orange2050010,00000Total46,50000Sub-Total14000036930Sub-Total1,748,55000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 114 ThanbikaHrangkama57/09 of 3.3.091000020003570,00000Zawngtah301504,50000Orange2050010,00000Total84,50000 115 SemlingaNi era23/07 of 27.1.072000023503582,25000 35 mm Pipe20100020,000 Total102,25000 116 SiamkimaChhiahduna11/02 of 30.7.0230000300035105,00000Total105,00000117 RothuamaHrangchunga10/10 of 3.6.102000018003563,00000 Total63,00000 118 LalchhanaHrangchunga59/09 of 3.3.093000018003563,00000Total63,00000119 LalchhanaHrangchunga9/10 of 3.6.102000018003563,00000 Orange503500175,00000Mango702000140,00000Zammir653500227,50000Total605,50000120 Hnawkv ungaTiriaka3/12 of 4.11.1220000300035105,00000 Total105,00000Sub-Total15000015750Sub-Total1,128,25000 JOINT VERIFICAT ION RE PORT FOR THE CO NSTRUCT ION O F ROAD (T BSPS) P ANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name ofClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 121 DuhbikaNgunawra6/05 of 20.2.053000010003535,00000Total35,00000122 LaltlanmawiaT aichina6/10 of 3.6.102000023003580,50000 T otal80,50000 123 Taic hinaPasawnga5/12 of 15.1.122000023003580,50000 T otal80,50000 124 LaltluangpuiiTluanga5/13 of 15.1.133500026003591,00000Total91,00000125 ZungbawiaTialk huaia21/08 of 18.2.082000015003552,50000 Banana2050010,00000Zawngtah201503,00000Total65,50000 126 ZateithangaChungnawla2/05 of 2.5.055765763520,16000 Fishery Pond15000050,00000 Banana2050010,00000 Mango103003,00000Intake135003,5000035 mm Pipe10100010,00000Total96,66000Sub-Total12557610276Sub-Total449,16000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name ofClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks1234567891011127 F. RohmungaMangkiana13/12 of 31.8.121615025503589,25000 Orange200500100,00000 Total189,25000 128 ThangtlunaHm ekiaua10/12 of 30.7.1230000360035126,00000Banana10050050,00000Mango20200040,00000Zammir3050015,00000Total231,00000129 SiamkimaChhiahduna6/12 of 5.7.1220000360035126,00000 Pine Apple350258,75000Bamboo200102,00000Zawngtah9015013,50000Orange323500112,00000Limbu10020020,00000 Banana3550017,50000 Mango30200060,00000Total359,75000130SanghmunaT ialhnuna4/05 of 2.8.0520000360035126,00000 Banana300500150,00000 Pine Apple100252,50000 Zawngtah12015018,00000Total296,50000Sub-Total50731213350S ub-T otal1,076,50000 JOINT VERIFICAT ION REPORT FOR T HE CONST RUCT ION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA T O SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRe mar ks 1234567891011 131 LalrammawiaChanawla15/07 of 24.8.0735000360035126,00000Orange10050050,00000Sugarcane5002010,00000Total186,00000 132 ChithluaiiPakawai22/08 of 18.02.082000018003563,00000Total63,00000133KhenkungaMangv uana32/08 of 19.5.081000018003563,00000Total63,00000 134 SangdawngiPhirduna52/02 of 8.8.021000018003563,00000 Mango203006,00000 Banana105005,00000 Orange10050050,00000 Total124,00000 135 J.K. ZawmaJ.K. Manga35/12 of 28.8.121000015003552,50000Total52,50000136RampanaNi era11/07 of 24.9.072000015003552,50000Total52,50000Sub-Total10500012000Sub-T ot al541,00000 JOINT VERIFICAT ION RE PORT FOR THE CO NSTRUCT ION O F ROAD (T BSPS) P ANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.T ype of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 137 Zamlinga46/85 of 18.3.852000018003563,00000Total63,00000138 RengpuiiBiaksanga38/05 of 18.3.0520000480035168,00000Sugarcane18350063,00000Zammir25350087,50000Total318,50000139LalrawnaNotlinga89/04 of,50000Banana5050025,00000 Pi ne Apple50251,25000Total120,75000 135 ThathrinaRalhrea7/07 of 26.3.072000010003535,00000Total35,00000141ZahliriChhumv unga37/07 of 16.3.0720000480035168,00000Sermam20350070,00000Total238,00000142MangkianaRualkama7/00 of 7.3.002000023503582,25000Total82,25000 143 Rokim aMangkiana6/13 of 15.1.132000023503582,25000Total82,25000Sub-Total15500019800Sub-Total939,75000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 144 LalchhanhimaHranghelha4/2k of 17.4.2k1000015003552,50000Orange5050025,00000Total77,50000145NeihtinlianaLianv unga38/92 of 24.11.922000018003563,00000Total63,00000 146 Hr angdunaHniarhmunga30/97 of 26.5.973000010003535,00000Total35,00000147KhenkungaMangv uana2 /03 of 14.1.032000010003535,00000 Total35,00000 148 V. LalbikaChhanlinga86/90 of 9.10.9010000480035168,00000Sermam15350052,50000 Total220,50000 149 T. Lalram lianaHrechina22/06 of 20.11.061000018003563,00000Total63,00000150ZaawiaTawkdima24/87 of 5.7.872000027003594,50000Zawngtah201503,00000 Banana10030030,00000 Bamboo501050000 Pine apple100252,50000 Total130,50000Sub-Total12000014600S ub-T otal624,50000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQu antity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 151 VanramlalaLalpiangthanga43/10 of 6.8.101000010003535,00000T otal35,00000152LalthlamuanaChhumv unga135/95 of 6.9.9518003563,00000Orange15050075,00000T otal138,00000 153 VanbiaksangaZ alinga3/83 of 28.2.8320003570,00000T otal70,00000154NgurthanpuiaHmunsanga17/87 of 10.12.8720003570,00000Orange5050025,00000Banana5030015,00000 Pine apple200255,00000T otal115,00000155ChhankiauaHremanga28/04 of 19.8.0418003563,00000Orange440500220,00000Banana10030030,00000 Sugarcane5002010,00000 Zawngt ah501507,50000 Zammir105005,00000T otal335,50000Sub-Total100008600Sub- Total693,50000 JOINT VERIFICATION REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD (TBSPS) PANGKHUA TO SAISIH Sl. No.Name of ClaimantFather's NameLSC. No. & DateLand area in SqmtrsDestroyed area in Sqmtrs.Type of destroyed plantsQuantity RatesAmountRemarks 1234567891011 156 LalruataPasawnga66/93 of 26.6.932000018003563,00000Lamkhuang130506,50000Mau100101,00000Total70,50000 157 LaltlankimaHranghelha3/95 of 5.6.9518003563,00000Total63,00000158LalzawmthangaHrangchhuana5/98 of 19.1.9818003563,00000Total63,00000 159 NothawngaTawkduna2/85 of 11.12.85300'3510,50000Total10,50000Sub-Total200005700S ub-T otal207,00000G. Total282160G. T otal29,025,22000

“Task Force on National Railway Project in Mizoram”

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 334Date - 02/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.7.2013 Asadha 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 334 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14015/3/2008-TRP, the 24th June, 2013.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion No. B. 14015/3/98-TRP dt. 19.3.2009, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute a “Task Force on National Railway Project in Mizoram” t o funct ion as a mechanism of continuous interaction between the Railway and the Sta te Government and also to resolve issues involved in the Final Location S urvey, Land Acquisition, Forestry clearance a nd Security requirements and other matters relating to the new line project between Bairabi and Sairang. The Task For ce will consist of the following members for the period w. e.f. 20.4.2013 t ill the date of expiry of the term of the pr esent Government/Minis try. Task Force on National Railways P roject in Mizor am : 1.Pu Zasanga, IPS (R td), Tuikhuahtlang-Chairman 2.Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, GAD-Member 3.Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizora m, Transport Deptt-Member 4.Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Deptt.-Member 5.Jt. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Deptt.-Member Secretary 6.The General Manager, NF Railway, Maliga on Guwahati-Member 7.Repr esentative of DGP of the rank of DIG-Member 8.Pu Lalthansanga, MLA, Zarkawt-Member 9.Pu C. Ramhluna, MLA, Bungka wn Tlangveng-Member 10.Pu K. Liantlinga, MLA, Venghlui-Member 11.Pu Hmingdailova Khia ngte, MLA, Chaltlang-Member 12.Dr. H. Thansanga, Ex-Speaker, MLA, Chanmari-Member 13.The Engineer-in-Chief, P&E Deptt.-Invitee 14.The Engineer-in-Chief, PHE Deptt.-Invitee 15.The PCCF, Environment & Forest Deptt.-Invitee 16.The Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl-Invitee 17.The Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib-Invitee 18.The Director, Land Revenue & Settlement-Member 19.The Director, Tra nsport Department-Member 20.The Station Supdt. , Railway Out Agency, Transport Deptt.-Invitee 21.The Engineer-in-Chief, PWD-Member The Task Force should hold regula r meetings once in every two Months to expedite implementa tion of Railway P roject and submit report to the concerned Departments on regular ba sis. The Non-official members shall entitle to Daily Allowances as admissible to the non-official members in the State Level Meetings. R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 2 - Ex-334/2013

Mizoram State Medical Council Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 335Date - 02/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 2.7.2013 Asadha 11, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 335 NOTIFICATION No.B.12012/5/08-HFW, the 25th June, 2013.In exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 8 of M izor a m M edica l C ou ncil Act , 2 0 1 0 (Act No. 4 of 2 0 1 0 ). T h e Gover nor of M izor a m, in cons u lt a t ion with the Mizoram State Medical Council hereby makes the following rules, namely :- 1.Short title extent and commencement – (1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram State Medical Council Rules, 2013. (2)They shall extend to the whole state of Mizoram. (3)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Definitions:In t hese Rules, unless the context other wise requires- (a)“Act” means the Mizoram Medical Council Act, 2010 (Act No. 4 of 2010) (b)“Assessor” means a ny person/s appointed by the Council to inquire any complaint to the pract itioners under r ule 5 (c)“Council” means the Mizor am State Medical Council constituted under sub-section (1 ) of section 3 of the Act. (d)“Employee” means an employee of the Council, other than an officer of the Council. (e)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram (f)“Officers of the Council” means any other officer appointed as such by the Council. (g)“President and Vice President” means respectively the President and Vice president of the Council (h)“Recognized Medica l Qualification” means any of the medical qualifications included in the schedules to the Indian Medica l Council Act, 1956 as amended from time to time. (i)“Registrar” means the Registrar of the Council a ppointed under sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Act, who shall be the ex-officio Secretary and who may also, if deemed expedient, act a s Tr easu rer. (j)“Registered Practitioner” means any per son whose name is entered in the Register under this Act. (k)“Register” means the State Medical Register mainta ined by the Council under this Act (l)“Section” means a section of the Act; PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL 3.Powers and Duties of the President and Vice President :(1)The President is responsible for overall efficiency of the Council. He shall subject to the provision of the Act, Rules and R egulations, and Standing Orders of the Council, do such acts as he consider s necessary for the fu rtherance of the object ives for which the Council is established. (2)The Vice Pr esident sha ll a ssist t he Pres ident in his duties, if the office of the P resident is vaca nt or if the Pr esident for any reason is una ble to exercise the powers or perform the duties of his office, the Vice-President a ct in his place and shall exercise the power and perform the duties of the President. PART – IREGISTRAR/SECRETARY AND OTHER OFFICERS 4.Registrar – (1)Registrar: The Council shall appoint a Registrar from amongst the registered medical practitioners, with the approval of the Government. (a)The post of Registrar shall be permanent. T he Registrar shall be on full-time Officer of the Council and shall not engage himself in any other wor k for r emunera tion except with the permission of the Council. Any person, on his first appointment to a clear vaca ncy in the office of the Registrar, shall be on probation for one year. (b)The Registra r, who is an ex-officio Secretary of the Council shall also be the Executive Officer of the Council. (c)The Registr ar, who shall act as Secretar y of the Council and also as Treasurer, unless the Council appoints another person as Treasurer. (2)Duties of Registrar shall be – (a)to keep a Register of Medical Practitioner s in accordance with the provision of the Act, and from time to time to revise the Register and make all required alterations. The names of the medical pr actitioners sha ll be a rranged in alphabetica l order, the addr esses, appoint ment, qualifications, tittles etc a re to be added or deleted as the cas e may be. (b)to publish the Register in the official Gazette after every five years ending 31st December. (c)to administer the Council’s office and supervise the day to day work of the office, and to correspond with other Bodies on behalf of the Council. (d)to s afeguard the pr operties of the Council and to mainta in an up to date inventory. (e)to keep cor rect record of the pr oceeding of the Council meeting as well as the Executive Commit tee. (f)to follow and execute the decision taken by the council as well as the Executive committee. (g)to convene the meeting of t he Council and Executive Commit tee in consulta tion with the President. (h)to r eceive the application for r egistra tion and to ta ke decision in consultation with the Executive commit tee. (i)to prepare budget a nd submit necessary report and return to the government. (j)to lia ise with Sta te Government as well as with the Medical Council of India (MCI). (k)to carry out any other duties assigned to him by the Council or the Executive Committee. (3)Duties of Treasurer shall be – (a)to keep an up to date account, a nd ensure safe keeping of the Council’s fund. (b)to operate the Bank account of the Council joint ly with a person/s appointed from time to time. (c)to prepare a detailed estimate of income and exp enditur e for every financial year and submit the same for approval of the Executive Committee and the Council.- 2 - Ex-335/2013 (d)to r eceive benefact ion and contributions from individua ls and Bodies on behalf of the Council and to issue proper receipt. (e)to carry out any other duties assigned to him by the Council or the Executive Committee. (4)Maintenance of account books and other registers:- The Registr ar shall maintain the following books and registers:- (a)Cash book; (b)Ledger; (c)Inwa rd and Outwar d Regis ter; (d)Dead stock regis ter; (e)Stock register for printed certifica tes; (f)Receipt books; (g)Postage Account Book; (h)Voucher files; (i)Attendance r oll; (j)Register of leave accounts; (k)Registers r equired for the Provident Fund of t he Council; (l)Service Book; and (m)Other regist ers tha t may be necess ary. PART- II POWER TO FORM A COMMITTEE 5.Under the pr ovision of section 28 (f) the Mizora m State Medica l Council may constitute nominate/ appoint such Sub-Committee, Special Committee or Inspectors or Assessors as it may deemed necessary in furtherance of discha rge of its duties including examining of any matter referred by the Council. The said Committee shall consider and report to the Council on any subject referred to it by the Council or President and exercise such power and perform such duties as are required by the rules and regulations a nd standing orders of the Council. PART – III ALLOWANCES AND TRAVELLING EXPENDITURE 6.Allowances and other traveling expenses:The members of the Council shall be entit led to such allowances for attendance at the meeting of the Council, and such allowances and other exp enses a s may from time to time be fixed by the Council and approved by the Government. (a)Fees for attendance at meetings:- Every member of the Council (including the President) shall be pa id a fee of Rs 500 (r upees five hundreds) per da y for a ttending a meeting of the Council/or Committee. (b)Traveling Allowance for a ttending Meetings:- T he members of the Council (including the President) shall be paid t raveling expenses for attending the meeting of the Council, as follows:- i)Members who are Government servants may draw the traveling and daily allowance (TA/DA) which they may be entitled to claim for traveling on official duties according to t heir gr ades as per the government rules and norms from time to t ime. ii)Non-Official members shall draw traveling allowance and daily allowance in accordance with the actual expenditur e incur red or as may be prescribed by the Council from time to time.- 3 -Ex-335/2013 PART - IVELECTIONS 7.Procedure for election of President and Vice President :Under the provision section 3(2) and 28(2)(a) of this Act, (a)Election under this rules shall be by secret ballot. (b)Returning Officer : (The Registrar) or any other person authorized by the State Government shall be the Returning Officer. (c)At t he meeting called for the election of the Pr esident , the members present sha ll elect from amongst themselves a temporar y chair man by ballot if necessary, to be t aken by the Registrar, such chairman shall preside over the meeting until the Pr esident has been elected. (d)Any member of the Council may nominate a ny other member for the office of the President. The temporar y chair man sha ll announce the names of the members so nominated and if only one member has been so nomina ted shall declar e that member t o have been elected as P resident. If more tha n one member has been so nominated, the meeting shall proceed to elect the President by secret ballot. (e)When an equa lity of votes is found to exis t between any two or more numbers and the addition of a vote will entitle a member to be declared elected as President, the determination of t he member to whom such addit ional vote shall be deemed to have been given shall be made by lot to be drawn by the Chairman in such manner, as he thinks fit. (f)At t he meeting called for the election of the Vice President any member of the Council may nominated any other member except the President for the office of the Vice-President. The President shall announce names of members so nominated and, if only one member had been so nomina ted shall decla re that member to have been elected as Vice President. If more tha n one member has been so nominated, the meeting shall pr oceed to elect the Vice President by secret ballot. In case of equality of votes between any two or more members and the addition of the votes will entitle a member to be declared elected as Vice President, the determination of t he member to whom such addit ional vote shall be deemed to have been given shall be made by lot to be dr awn by the President in such manner a s he deems proper. 8.Election of members of Council : (1)Nomination or election of Council members : The President shall intimate the impending vaca ncy to the Government, befor e the expiry of the term of a member, so that the new member ma y be nominated and/or elected to fill-up the vacancy seat from the date of which the vacancy is likely to occur. (2)Retur ning Officer : T he Registrar or any other person authorized by the State Government shall be the Returning Officer. (3)Nomination : (a)Every registered pr actitioner whose name appears in the register under this rule (her ein named as elector), who resides or carries on the business or profession of medicine in the Sta te, sha ll be qualified to contest the election under this part. (b)Candidates qualified for election shall be proposed and seconded by pr actitioners, qualified a s electors. (c)The nomination papers shall be in Form I and the form shall be supplied by Registrar to every candidate on his requisition. (d)Payment of fee : Nomination paper shall be accompa nied by a nomination fee of Rs 100 (hundred) in cash, to the Registrar/Returning Officer, and no candidate shall be nominated unless such fee has been paid. (e)Every nomina tion paper duly completed and signed by the pr oposer and seconder and subscribed by the candidate himself as assenting to the nomination shall be- 4 - Ex-335/2013 sent by post or otherwise so as t o reach Returning Officer on before the date and the time appointed for receipt of nomina tion pa pers. Nomination papers received shall be recorded thereon, the da te and the time of it s receipt by the Retur ning Offic er. (f)Any candidates may withdraw his ca ndidatur e, in writing, to the Returning officer/ Registrar, not later than 15 (fifteen) days before the date fixed for election/s. (4)Rejection of nomination : The Returning Officer shall examine the nomination papers and shall decide all objections and may either on such objection or on his own motion a fter such summary enquiry if any, as he thinks necessary, refuse any nomination for any of the following reasons namely:- (a)that the candidate or his proposer or his seconder is not an elector; (b)that there has been any failure to comply with the pr ovisions of the act or the rules made ther e under, (5)List of valid Nominations : On completion of the scrutiny of the nominations and aft er the expiry of the period within which a candidate may withdraw his candidature, the Returning Officer shall forthwith under his signatur e publish on the notice boar d at the office of the council a list of valid nomina tions. (6)Procedure a t Uncontested Elections: After the pu blication of t he list of valid nominations if the number of validly nominated candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies to be filled in, the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare such candidates to be duly elected to fill such vacancies and report the names of such candidates to the State Government. (7)Contested election : When there are more ca ndidates than there are vacancies, the voting shall be by secret ballot. (8)Floor nomination : T he President ma y call floor nomination, in ca se of no contestant or no valid nomina tions, as the case may be. (9)Declaration of Result of Election: (a)When the counting of votes is completed the Returning Officer sha ll forthwith declare the candidates to whom the largest number votes has been given to be elect ed. (b) If there is an equal number of votes in favor of two or more candida tes for one vaca ncy the selection for that vacancy sha ll be determined by the Retur ning Officer by drawing lot. (10)The limit for referring election disputes:-T he time limit for referring any dispute to the State Government shall be three months in the case of elected members from the date of declar ation of t he r esu lt of election, and in case of election of the Pr esident or Vice- President, from the date of their election. (11)Publication of names of member: T he Retur ning officer shall also inform each successful candidate by letter of his having been elected to the Council and a r eport t o the State Government the date of declaration of t he elect ion and the result thereof. The name of ever y member of the Council, elected or nominated, sha ll be published by the Government in the official Gazette. 9.Term of Office of elected/nomina ted members : (1)An elected or nominated member of the Council shall hold office for a term of five years from the date of his election or nomination, or until his successor has been duly nominated or elected, which ever is earlier, and shall be eligible for re-election or re-nomina tion, as the cas e may be. (2)No member will be eligible to hold the office of President, or Vice President for more than two consecutive term.- 5 -Ex-335/2013 10.Resignation or Vacation of seat and filling-up of casual vacancy :(1)A nominated or elected member of the Council shall be deemed to have vacated his seat, if he/ she : (a)tender resignation to the President in writ ing. (b)absence without permission from three consecutive Council meetings. (c)ceas es to be a regis tered p ractitioner. (d)being decla red as insolvent by any competent court or on becoming ins ane. (e)on expiry of his term as member. (f)on his absence out of India for six consecutive months without prior intimation to the Council. (g)become an officer or serva nt of the Council. (2)A ca sual vacancy in the Council shall be filled up by fr esh nomination or election, as the case may be, and the person nominated or elected to fill the vacancy sha ll hold office only for the remaining part of the term for which the member whose place he takes over was nomina ted or elec ted. 11.Disqualification/Cessation for becoming elected or nominated member:A person shall be disqualified for being elect ed or nominated as a member of the Council if he/s he:- (a)is not a registered practitioner under this Act or the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. (b)does not possess any of the recognized medical qu alification. (c)has been dismissed from service under Government, local or other authority for misconduct. (d)has been sentenced by a criminal court to imprisonment for any offence involving moral turpitude. (e)has been convicted by a court in India, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, for offence punishable under the protection of Human Rights Act, 1996 unless a period of s ix years or such less period, as the Government may allow in any particula r case, has elapsed from the date of such conviction. PART – VPREPARATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MEDICAL REGISTER 12.Mizoram State Medical Register :(1)Registration of Medical Pr actitioners : The Registra r shall maintain the Mizoram S tate Medical Register; and it shall bear the seal of the Council, and such register sha ll be deemed to be a public document within the meaning of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (Act No.1 of 1872), in accorda nce with the provision in section 13 of this Act. (2)The Registra r sha ll supply the printed copies of the S ta te Medical Register to the Medical Council of India, as soon as it is fully registered for further compilation in the Indian Medical Register; and the Registrar shall also inform the MCI of all additions to and other amendments made in the State M edical R egister from time to t ime. (3)The list of registered practitioners printed and published under sub-section (1 ) of section 12 shall be in Form II. The Register shall include the full name, address and qualifica tion of t he registered practitioner, the date on which each qualifica tion wa s obtained and such other particulars as may be prescribed from time to time by the Council. (4)Ther e sha ll be made ever y year and entered in the printed list of regist ered pr actitioners, enumeration of- (a)the total number of persons before on the register on the 31st December, immediately preceding such year ; (b)the number of persons added by registra tion during such preceding year; (c )the number restor ed to the r egist er ;- 6 - Ex-335/2013 (d)the number removed from the register, stating t he section of the Act under which the name has been removed ; and (e)the number r emoved by reason of death. (5)Every registered practitioner shall be given a certificate of registration in the prescr ibed for m [see R ule 15(5)]. The regis tered p ractitioner sha ll disp la y the certif icate or certified true copy of the certifica te of r egistra tion at conspicuous p art in the place of his pract ice. 13.Persons who may be registered :(1)Direct Registration : Any person, who hold any of the recognized medical qualifications included in the Schedules to the India n Medical Council Act 1956, (a mended from time to time) may apply to the Registrar for registration in a prescribed form, along with necessary documents and required payment. (2)Reciprocal Registration : Any person whose name has been registered under Indian Medical Act, 1956 or any law for the time being in force in any other part of India relating to the registration of medical practitioners shall be entitled to be registered, and shall be required to pa y such r egistra tion fee as may be pres cribed by the State C ouncil from time to t ime. (3)Additional Qualification a nd change of name : Every registered pr actit ioner who after the entry of his/her name in the State Medical Register, obtains any title, Degree or Diploma which is a recognize medica l qualification or if he change his name, shall be bound to get the same entered in the Register. Applica tion shall be made in F o r m - V. (4)Provisional r egistration : (a)The Council may issue Provisiona l Registration (u/s 35(2) of the IMC Act, 1956) to the candidate possessing recognized medical qualifications awarded by the Indian Universit ies and/or Medica l Colleges to u ndergo one year internship tr aining, provided the candidate submits a copy of pass certificate and NOC from the college and other requirement to the Registrar. Upon completion of internship, the Council may issue Permanent registration (u/ s 23 of the IMC Act 1956) to the candidates possessing recognized medical qualification, provided the candidate surr ender Pr ovisional Registration Certificate (original), Internship Certificate and other requirement to the Registrar. (b)The Council may issue a Conditional Provisiona l Registration (u/s 2 5(1) of the IMC Act, 1956) to the citizen of India possessing recognized foreign medical qualification to undergo one year internship tra ining provided that the candidate clear all the requirement prescr ibed by the Medical Council of India (subject to verification by authority) to the Registrar. Upon completion of internship, the Council may issue Permanent Registration (u/ s 13(3) of the IMC Act 1956) to the candidate possessing recognized medical qualification, provided the candidate surr ender Pr ovisional Registration Certificate (original), Internship Certificate and other requirement to the Registrar. (5)Issuing Certificate of registration : The Registrar shall, if satisfied that the applicant is entitled to be registered, enter his/her name in the register. (a)Upon entry in the r egister of a na me under this section, the Registrar shall issue certificate of Registr ation in Form IV-A for P rovisional, and Form IV-B for direct/permanent r egistration respectively. (b)The certificate of registration to be given for Provisional registration shall be printed on paper of a color differ ent from the pa per on which the certificate of Perma nent registration is printed.- 7 -Ex-335/2013 14.P rocedur e of r egistra tion and infor mation :(1)Application for registration:-The application for registration under sub-section (1) of section 16 shall be made in Form-III, along with correct information and requir ed documents (2)Fees and Manner of Pa ying Fee:- The fee to be paid under section 16 (2) and other provisions the Act shall b e paid either in cash in the office of the Council or by crossed postal order/demand draft or by money order. The structure of registr ation fee and other fees may be prescribed from time to time by the Council (see Schedule of Fees in Appendix I) (3)Renewal of R egistration:- (a)Ever y regis tered p ractitioner shall renew his/ her registration after ever y five year, ending 31st December, by subscription of prescribed renewal fee; with intimation about alterations, if a ny, in the address, appointment, qualifications of titles etc. The application for renewal of registr ation shall be in Form-VI (b)If r enewal fee is not pa id within 3 (t hree) months fr om the date of expiry, the Registrar may intimate and send enquiry to the registered pra ctitioner at his register addr ess/or address es, if no answer is received within a period of 6 (six) months from his dispatch, the Registrar may remove the name of such register practitioner from the register. (c)Any name so removed may be re-entered in the register under the direction of the Council on payment of renewal and late fees as may be prescribed from time to time. PART – VIDISCIPLINARY ACTION AND INQUIRY 15.Procedure of Inquiries and Appeal :(1)Complaints against registered Practitioners: (a)The Council may suo-motu or on a ny complaint made to it on that behalf hold an inquiry as r espects the misconduct of any registered pra ctitioner for the purposes of section 23 of the Act. (b)Any complaint or information received in the office of the Council about the misconduct of any r egistered practitioner s shall be submitted by the Registra r to the President. (c)No complaint shall be entertained unless it is in writing addressed to the Cou ncil and signed by person making it, and shall state grounds of complaint, and shall be accompanied by declarations as to the facts of the case. All anonymous compla ints shall be disregar ded. (d)Every declaration shall state the description and true place of abode of the declarant, and where a fact state in a decla ration is not within his personal knowledge, the sour ce of the infor mation, and ground for the belief of the declarant in its truth shall be a ccurately and fully stated. Any declaration or par t thereof which is made in cont ravention of this rule shall not be accepted as evidence. (e)the President has r eason to believe that a complaint is pseudonymous, he may call upon the complainant to furnish further particulars, for ascertaining if the complaint is genuine. (2)Procedure for submission of complaint :- (a)Subject to the provisions of rule 17 (1), the Pr esident may, on going through the complaint and all papers submitted by the complainant, instruct the Registrar to ask the practitioner by means of a registered letter for any explana tion he may have to offer, indicating the time period to do so. (b)All documents pertaining t o the complaint inclu ding any explanation forwarded by the registered pra ctitioner sha ll then be referred to the Council along with the rema rks of the President, if any- 8 - Ex-335/2013 (c)The Council shall consider the complaint and may cause further investigation to be made and ta ke such legal advice by consulting a ny legal pract itioner, as it may deem fit. (d)If the Council if of opinion tha t a Prima face case is not made out and that the case should therefor e be filed or that the cir cu msta nces of the case suggest tha t a warning to the pra ctitioner would be adequate, or that the case is one where the name of the practitioners should be removed from the register, the Council shall record its findings accor dingly, and direct the Registrar to take steps for having the case heard and determined by the Council. (e)Wher e the Council is of opinion that the case should be filed or tha t a war ning would be adequate, the Council may require the Registrar to call by a letter sent by registered post for the explanation of the registered practitioner, if any, within fifteen days of the date of receipt of that letter. (3)Ca ses in which C ouncil to hold inquiry, power of Council to appoint Assessor :- (a)In a ll cases in which an inquiry for purpose of sub-section (e) of s ection (2) of Rule 17 is neces sary, a n inquiry shall be held by the Council in a ccordance with the procedure prescribed in section (5) of R ule 17, and for that purpose the Council may appoint an Assessor to advise it as provided in Rule 7. Pr ovided tha t, such inquiry sha ll not be necess ary in cases where a r egistered practitioner has been convicted for misconduct within the meaning of rule 17(1)(a). In such cases, the President shall obtain and place befor e the Council a copy of the judgment of the Court and the Council shall thereupon decide upon the penalt y to be imposed under this Act , rules and r egulations. (b)An assessor appoint ed shall be paid a fixed remuneration of Rs. 500 (five hundred) per day for attendance at an inqu iry. (4)Council and complainant, if any, to be supplied with copies of all documents etc. :- (a)Reply to notice :- The registered practitioner shall, within the time specified in the notice or such extended period as is permitted by the President, put in writ ten statement of his defense, and state whether he desires t o be heard, to be hear d in person by the Council. (b)Legal assistance a t inquiry :- At the hearing of the case by the Council, the Council may be represented by any legal pr actitioner and the complainants, if any, and the registered practitioner ma y also be represented or assisted by their legal pra ctitioner Provided tha t, where any advice is tendered to the Council by an assess or appointed under rule 7 on any question of la w, as to evidence, procedure, or any other matter, such advice shall be subject to the provisions of section 23 of the Act. (5)Procedure of Inquir y :- Wher e a complainant appear s personally or by a legal Pr actitioner, the following procedure shall be followed, namely : (a)The Registrar shall r ead to t he Council the notice of inquir y addressed t o the practitioner. (b)The complainant sha ll then be invited to state his case by himself or by his legal practitioner and to produce his evidence in support of it. At the conclusion of the evidence of the complainant, his case shall be closed. (c)The registered practitioner shall then be invited to state his ca se by himself or by his legal pr actitioner and to produce his evidence in su pport of it. He may address the Council either before or at the conclusion of his evidence, but only once. (d)At the conclusion of the case of the pr actitioner, the Council shall, if the practitioner has produced evidence, hear the complainant in reply on the case generally, but- 9 -Ex-335/2013 will no fur ther evidence except in any sp ecial case in which t he hear Council may think it right to receive such further evidence. If the practitioner produces no evidence, the complainant will not be hear d in reply except by special leave of the Council. (e)Whether a witness is produced by any par ty before the Council, he will be first examined by the party producing him, and be cross examined by the adverse party, and re-examined by the pa rty producing him. The Council reserves to itself the right to decline to admit in evidence any decla ration where the decla rant is not present or declines to submit to cross-examination. (f)The President, and the Assessor, if any, may put questions to the complainant and registered practitioner, including any of their witnesses; and members of the Council, through the President, ma y likewise put questions to them. Wher e there is no complainant or no legal complainant appears, the following procedure shall be followed, namely :- (g)The Registrar shall r ead to t he Council the notice of inquir y addressed t o the practitioner and will state that facts of the ca se, and produce before the Council the evidence by which it is suppor ted. (h)The practitioner shall then be invited to state his case by himself or by his legal practitioner and to produce his evidence in support of it. He may address the Council either before or at the conclusion of his evidence, but only once. (i)The legal practitioner of the Council, if any, may be heard in reply if the Council so desires. (5)Record of proceeding at Inquiries :- The President shall keep a record of proceedings at the inquiry held under section 23 sub section 1 of the Act, including the evidence of each witness. (6)Power of Council to give further oppor tunit y to practit ioner to make sta tement :- Notwithstanding anything contained in this rules, and after completion of the inquiry the registered practitioner sha ll be given a further opportunity of marking any ora l or written statement. Copies of such evidence as a re required by the registered pract itioner for ma king such statement shall be supplied to him. (7)Decision of Council and Implementation :- As s oon as the hearing of the ca se is over and the registered pract itioner has made his oral or written statement, if a ny, the Council shall deliber ate thereon in private at the conclusion of the deliberation, the President shall pronounce its decision immediately, and s hall direct the Registr ar to implement the decision after the parties concerned are informed of the same by Registrar. 16.Re-entry of name of practitioner in Register :(a)If a registered pr actitioner desires to have his name re-entered in the register under section 18(2 ) of the Act, shall ma ke an application in Form V and specify the grounds on which the application is made. The application shall be accompanied by the applicant’s of degree, diploma or license, and also by a certificate from any Gazetted Officer of the State Government or from a justice of p eace as to his good character since the removal of his na me from the r egis ter. (b)The President shall cause such inquires to be made as he deems fir in respect of the application and place it before the Council at its next meeting for decision. (c)The decision of the Council shall be communicated to t he applicant, and if the Council agrees to re-enter the name in the register, a fee of Rs. 1500 ( one thousand f ive hundred) be paid by the practitioner before his name is re-entered in the register by the Registrar.- 10 - Ex-335/2013 17.Appeal against the decision of Registrar or Council :(a)Every appeal by a person a ggrieved by any decis ion of the Registrar or Council shall be addr essed to the President, within three months from the date of communica tion, shall state the grounds for the appeal and sha ll be a ccompanied by all relevant documents in original, which shall be returned along with the decision communica ted. (b)The President may call for any a dditional particulars that may be required after going through the appeal, and original papers on which the Registra r has giving his decision. Which may extend to rupees two thousand or imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with both. (c)The appeal shall be placed before the next ordinary meeting of the Council. The Council shall, after giving a hearing to the Appellant and the Regist rar, ta ke a decision which s hall be communicated to the appellant by registered post. PART – VIIMISCELLANEOUS 18.Code of ethics and professional conduct of practitioners :The Council, under the provision of section 8, sub-section ©of the Act, may from time to time,follow, act and implement t he code of ethics and professional conduct of registered pra ctitioner laid down in the Indian Medical Council Act (professional conduct , etiquette and Ethics) 2002 (modified by Medical Council of India from time to time), and shall duly submit a signed Declaration in Appendix II. The applicant shall certify that he/ she has read and agr eed to abide by the same. 19.Logo of Mizoram State Medical Council :- The Council shall pr epare its own logo ‘Mizoram State Medical Council, Aizawl, Mizoram’ to be inspired on official letters, certificates and other important documents. Es ther La l Ruatkimi, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. - 11 -Ex-335/2013 FORM-I (sample) [See rule 10(3) ] NOMINATION PAPER Election to the Member of Mizoram State Medica l Council (To be filled by Candida tes) I am a registered practit ioner under Mizoram S tate Medical C ouncil, and hereby offer my candida ture for election as Member of Mizoram State Medical Council, I hereby signify my willingness to serve if I am elected. 1.Name (block letter) : 2.Age & Sex : 3.Postal Address : 4.Registration No. in the Sta te Medical Council : 5.Present occupation : Date :(Signature of the Candidate) ( To be filled in the proposer ) I hereby nominated _______________________________ as a Candidate for the forthcoming election to the member of State Medical Council 1.Name of proposer (block letter) : 2.Postal addr ess of proposer : 3.Serial number of proposer in the electoral roll : Date : (Signature of the Proposer) ( To be filled in by the seconder. ) I.second the above nomination- 1.Name of seconder (block letter) : 2.Postal addr ess of seconder : 3.Serial number of seconder in the elect oral roll : Date :(Signature of Seconder) ( To be filled in by the Returning Officer .) 1.Serial No. of nomination paper : _____________ 2.Date and time of receipt : __________________ 3.Receipt of Nomination Fee : Rs ________ I ha ve examined this nomination paper in accor dance with the provisions of the Mizoram State Medical Council Rules , 2010 and decided follows : Nomination Accept ed : Nomination Rejected due to the following reasons : Date :(Signature of Returning Officer ) - 12 - Ex-335/2013 Form – II [see Rule 14(3)] MIZORAM STATE MEDICAL REGISTER(sample) Sl.No.Full NameFa thers/Husbands Na meGender (1)(2)(3)(4) Passport size photo of Regis ter ed PractitionerDate of Birth (dd/mm/yy) (5)Address Present address (6)Permanent Address (7)Nationality (8)Qu alification/Degr ee (9)School/College/Institute (10)Board/University (11)Year of Qua lifica tion (12) Permanent Registra tion (16)Renewal Due Date (17)Renewed on (18)Init ial of Registrar (19) Date NumberMCI Registration (if any)Reg. No./dd/mm/yy of r egistr ation etc. (13)Registration in other state (if any) Reg.No./dd/m/yy & Authority under whom registered (14)Provisional registration under Mizoram State Medical Council (15) DateNumber- 13 -Ex-335/2013 Form III [see Rule 16(1)] APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION IN THE MIZORAM STATE MEDICAL REGISTER.(sample) *Provisional Registration *Direct/Permanent Registration (tick whatever applicable) To The Registrar, Mizoram State Medical Council Aizawl S ir , I have the honor to request you to register my name and other particulars for, as stated below in the Mizoram State Medical Register (Provisional / Permanent) and further to give certifica te of r egistration. My particular s are given below :- 1.Name in full (block letter) : 2.Father’s/ Husband’s name (full) : 3.Sex :MALE / FEMALE 4.Nationality : 5.Phone/Fax/Mobile No./e-mail ID : 6.Date and Place of Bir th : 7.Address: 8.Educational Qualification : (Matriculation / Class X onwa rds) Examination/ DegreeSchool/ CollegeUniver sity/Boa rdDate /Year of passing (1)(2)(3)(4) Attached your passport size photo here.- 14 - Ex-335/2013 9.Present occupation & Address (block letter) : 10.Is he/she r egistered with any other State Medical Council OR Medical Council of India (YES/NO) If YES, mentioned t he Name of Register body/registration No./da te/year etc. 11.Date of completion of Internship : ______________________________ Name of Ins titution :(for Provisional Registration only ) : 12.Date of passing of MBBS :___________________________________ 13.Name of College/University : Specimen signature I ha ve carefully read the instruct ions along with this form, and I certify tha t the pa rticula rs fur nished a bove are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date : Yours faithfully. (Signature of Candidate)- 15 -Ex-335/2013 Office Use Only (List of enclosure / Check list) : Documents etc.Official 1Educational Certificates (Matriculation or Cla ss X onwards) with da te of birth 2Medical Degree / Diploma / PG degr ee from Univ. or Colleges. 3Provisional Registra tion Certificate (original) 4Internship Completion certificate issued by Dean/Principal/Director or any Authorised persons (duly attested) 5NOC from Dea n/Principal/Dir ector of Medica l college (for Provisional) 6Recent passport size photo (3 nos) 7Registration Fee : Rs : …………………………...........…… i) D/D No …………………….date ……..……………… ii) Postal Order No …………………………………..…... iii) Money Order No ………………………………………. iv) Others : ………………………………………………… INSTRUCTIONS: 1.All particu lars in the application shall be filled by the applicant only 2.All particulars should be in neat legible hand. 3.The registra tion fee should be sent in person or by money order or crossed postal order or Demand Draft in the name of Registrar, Mizoram State Medical Council, payable at Aizawl. When the fee is sent by money or der, the postal receipt should be attached t o the a pplication . 4.The applicant should remember that their names entered in the a pplication must exactly correspond with their names at the University or other Examination, as the case may be. 5.All the Original C ertifica tes should be enclosed along with the duly attested photo copies, otherwise original certificate will be retained in the office of t he Council. 7.Photo Copy of Internship Completion certificate issued by the Dean/Principal of your college should also be forwarded 8.Evidence regarding change of Name, Surname be sent viz. Gazette/Marriage Registration Certificate as the case ma y be. 9.Provisional Degree Certificate i.e. Internship Completion Certificate granted by university be forwarded in Original with copy, if the Degree Certificate has not been received fr om the university.- 16 - Ex-335/2013 Form – IV A (sample) [see Rule 15(5)] MIZORAM STATE MEDICAL COUNCIL Address : ……………………Aizawl, Mizoram – 796 001 Certificate under section 15 of the Mizoram Medical Council Act 2010 Regist ration certificate Provisional Registration Certificate No : MSMC/PRO/______________ Name Father’s Name Address Date and place of r egistra tion Qualification & Date It is hereby certified that this is a true copy of the above specified Name in the Mizoram State Medical Regist er (Seal) AizawlRegistrar Date ______ Mizoram State Medical Council Form – IV B (sample) [see Rule 15(5)] MIZORAM STATE MEDICAL COUNCILAddress : ……………………Aizawl, Mizoram – 796 001 Certificate under section 15 of the Mizor am Medical Council Act, 2010 Regist ration certificate Permanent Registration Certificate No : MSMC/____________________ Name Father’s Name Address Date and place of r egistra tion Qualification & Date It is hereby certified that this is a true copy of the above specified Name in the Mizoram State Medical R egister (Seal) AizawlRegistrar Date ______ Mizoram State Medical Council- 17 -Ex-335/2013 Form V (Sample) [see Rule 15(3) MIZORAM STATE MEDICAL COUNCIL(Application Form) Registration of additional qualifications / change of name / Re-entry of name in the Mizoram State Medical Register. To. The Registrar, Mizoram State Medical Council Aizawl S ir , I have the honor to request you to alter/ modify/re-enter my name in the State Medical Register. My particulars are given below :- 1.Name of the Doct or : 2.Addr ess given in the State Medical Register : 3. Present detailed Address (capital letter) : 4.Permanent detailed Address (capita l letter) : 5.Registration No. & Date : 6.Additional Qualifications : (attached documentary pr oof) a)Primary Qualification at the time of initial registration : b)Additional Qualification (for which certifica te is r equested) : c)College Attended : c)University Awarding the degr ee : d)Date of Qualification : 7.Change of name : (attached documentary pr oof) a)Name of the doctor (by whom cha nge of name is requested) b)Name of father/husbands : c)Reasons for changing na me : d)New Name (t o be included in the State Medical Register) : 8.Re-entry of name in the Sta te Medical Register : [see Rule 18, (1) & (2)] a)Name of the Doctor (re-entry of name is r equested) : b)Ground on which his/her name was removed : c)Ground on which the application is ma de : Atta ched the following documents etc. i)degree / diploma certificate ii)registration certificate iii)a certificate from any Gazetted Officer of the State Government or from a justice of p eace as to his good character since the removal of his name from the register. 9.I solemnly affirm and decla re that the above entr ies made by me are corr ect. Date :(Signature of the Candidate) Instruction to candidates : 1.The application for m should be properly a nd neatly filled-in 2.A prescribed fee of @ Rs __________ should be enclosed, Bank Draft/DD/Postal Order in favor of Registrar, Mizoram State Medica l Council, Aizawl payable at Aizawl. 3.The candida te shall send the original as well as duly attested copies of required documents – degree/diplomas/provisional/registration certificate/affidavit/marriage certificate/testimonial etc.- 18 - Ex-335/2013 Form VI (Sample) [see Rule 16(3)/(a)] MIZORAM STATE MEDICAL COUNCIL(Application Form) for Renewal of registration in the Mizoram State Medical Register . To. The Registrar Mizoram State Medical Council, Aizawl, Mizoram. Subj : Renewal of R egistra tion I request to renew my name to be r egistered by Mizoram State Medical Council 1.Name of the applicant (block letter) : 2.Addr ess given in the State Medical Register : 3. Registration No. & Date : 4.Date of expiry of Registration : 5.Additional Qualifications (if any) YES/NO (if YES please provide as below :) a)Primary Qualification at the time of initial registration : b)Additional Qualification : c)College Attended : c)University Awarding the degr ee : d)Date of Qualification : 6.Change of name : YES/NO (if YES, provide as below-) a)Name of the doctor (by whom cha nge of name is requested) b)Name of father/husbands : c)Reasons for changing na me : d)New Name (t o be included in the State Medical Register) : 7.Change of addr ess : YES/NO ( if YES, provide as below-) a)Previous addr ess : b)Pr esent/new addr ess : 8.I hereby enclosed the Renewal fee / Late fee of Rs ………………… paid by D/D or PO No ………… dated ………………. in favor of Registrar, Mizoram State Medical Council, Aizawl 9.I solemnly affirm and decla re that the above entr ies made by me are corr ect. Date : (Signature of the Candidate) Instruction to candidates : 1.The application for m should be properly a nd neatly filled-in 2.A prescribed renewal fee of @ Rs __________ should be enclosed, Bank Draft/DD/Postal Order in favour of Registrar, Mizora m State Medica l Council, Aizawl payable at Aizawl. 3.The candida te shall send the original as well as duly attested copies of required documents (if applicable) – degree/diplomas/provisional/ registration certificate/proof of address/marriage certificate etc.Recent passport size photo- 19 -Ex-335/2013 (APPENDIX – I) SCHEDULE OF FEES [see Rule 16 (2)] MIZORAM STATE MEDICAL COUNCILREGISTRATION FEES Head/subject Rupees (1)(2) (3) 1Fee for Provisional Registra tion1000 2Fee for Permanent Registra tion2000 (Conversion of Registration from Provisional to permanent). 3Fee for Registration of Additional Medical Qu alifica tion1000 Dip 2000 PG 3000 Super Spl. 4Fee for Reciprocal Registra tion1500 5Fee for Issue of Duplicate copy of Perma nent /Additional /500 Dip 800 PG Reciprocal Registration Certificate.1000 Super Spl 6Fee for Issue of Duplicate copy of Provisional Registr ation Certificate.500 7Fee for Issue of Permanent Registration without getting provisional registration4000 after completion of the prescribed internship training within 3 months period. 8Fee for Issue of a letter of NOC & Certificate of continua nce of registra tion500 for any Ins titution in India. 9Fee for change of Marital Status (Only in female cases for change of surname)500 10Forwarding fee of an Application of Good Standing Certificate /NOC/Proforma2000 of Good Standing for foreign countries (O ut of India) 11Fee for any appeal to the C ouncil by Registered Medical Practitioner.1000 12Fee for re-entry of name in the Register1500 13Fee for renewal of Registra tion1000 LATE FEES Head/Subject 1Up to Three months period from the month of Final year MBBS/ P.G. Degreenil or Diploma examination passed. 2On expiry of 3 Months period and up to period of 6 months from the month of500 fina l Exam passed and in the case of Permanent Registr ation the month of completion of internship. 3On expiry of 6 Months period and up to period of 12 months from the month of500 fina l examination passed and in the case of Permanent Registr ation t he month of completion of internship. 4On expiry of 12 months period and up to period of 24 months from the month of1000 fina l examination and in the case of Permanent Registr ation the month of completion of internship. 5On expiry of 24 months and up to 48 months from the month of final examination passed3000 and in the case of Permanent Registration the month of completion of internship. 6On expiry of 48 months and up to 60 months from the month of final examination passed5000 and in the case of Permanent Registration the month of completion of internship. 7On expiry of 60 months from the month of final examination passed for provisional Rs 5000 plus registration and the month of completion of the prescribed Internship Training for addl Rs. 500 permanent registration. per yea r- 20 - Ex-335/2013 COST OF APPLICATION FORMS PAYABLE Cost of Application forms 1Application form of Provisional Registration.Rs. 100.00 2Application form of Additional Registration/change of na me/re-entry.Rs. 100.00 3Application form of Renewal Registration.Rs. 100.00 4Application form of Perma nent Registration.Rs. 150.00 5Application form of Recipr ocal Registration.Rs. 100.00 6Nomination feeRs. 100.00 (APPENDIX-II) DECLARATION : PLEDGE At the time of registration, each medica l pract itioner shall read and agree the Declaration : Pledge, to a bide by the same and affirmed by the signatur e in presence of Registrar. Declaration : Pledge1.I solemnly pledge myself to consecr ate my life to service of huma nity 2.Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contra ry to the laws of Huma nity 3.I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from time of inception 4.I will not permit consideration of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient. 5.I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity 6.The health of my patient will be my first consideration. 7.I will r esp ect the secrets which are confined in me. 8.I will give to my teacher s the r espect a nd gratitude which is their due. 9.I will maintain by all means in my power, the honor and noble tradition of medical profession. 10.I will treat my colleagues with all respect and dignity. 11.I shall abide by the code of medical ethics as enuncia ted in the Indian medical Council (Professiona l Conduct, Etquette and Ethics) Regulation, 2002. 12.I shall abide by the Rules of Mizoram State Medical Council, 2010. I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor Date : _____________Signature_____________ Place :Name : ______________ Address :Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 21 -Ex-335/2013

In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Article 174 of the Constitution of India, I, Vakkom Purushothaman, Governor of Mizoram, do hereby summon the Sixth Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram to meet for its Fourteenth Session on and from 23rd day of July, 2013 at 10:30 A.M. in the Legislative Assembly House at Aizawl.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 336Date - 04/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 4.7.2013 Asadha 13, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 336 NOTIFICATION No. LA. 1/LEGN/2008/69, the 2nd July, 2013.The following order of the Governor of Mizoram dated 29th June, 2013 is hereby p ublished for information : “ORDER In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Article 174 of the Constitution of India , I, Vakkom Purushothama n, Governor of Mizoram, do hereby summon the Sixth Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram to meet for its Fourteenth Session on and fr om 23rd day of July, 2013 at 10:30 A.M. in the Legislative Assembly House at Aizawl. VAKKOM PURUSHOT HAMAN GOVERNOR” Ngurtha nzuala, Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Financial upgradation for Group A, B, C and D under the Directorate of Economics & Statistics

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 337Date - 04/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 4.7.2013 Asadha 13, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 337 NOTIFICATION No. A. 42011/3/2012-PLG, the 2nd July, 2013.In pursuance of DP&AR (ARW) Office Memorandum No. B. 12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW)/Pt-II dt. 30.7.2012 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute Screening Committee with the following members under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2010 to consider the case for gr ant of Financia l upgra dation for Group A, B, C and D under the Directorate of Economics & Statistics with immediate effect :- For Group A & B (Gazetted) :4.Secr etary, P lanning & Prog. Implementation Department -Chairman 5.Representative of DP & AR-Member 6.Under Secretary, P lanning Department-Member Secretary For Group B (Non-Gazetted) :4.Secr etary, P lanning & Prog. Implementation Department -Chairman 5.Representative of DP & AR-Member 6.Director, Economics & Statistics-Member Secretary For Group C & D :4.Director, Economics & Statistics-Chairman 5.Representative of DP & AR-Member 6.Depu ty Director (Admn.)-Member Secretary L. Tochhong, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning, & Programme Implementation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Fixation of pay and grant of increments in respect of Headmasters and Teachers of both Middle School and Primary School under School Education Department

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 338Date - 04/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Thursday 4.7.2013 Asadha 13, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 338 NOTIFICATION No. G. 11013/6/2011-FIN(PRU), the 3rd July, 2013.In continuation of Notification No. A. 11014/1/2011-FIN(PRU) Dt. 04.07.2012 issued by this Department in regards to the following fixation of pay and gra nt of increments in r espect of Headmasters and Teachers of both Middle School and Primary School under School Education Depa rtment, clarification is hereby made a s follows :- (1)The pay of Headmaster of Middle S chool that appeared in the Notifica tion as PB 2 9300-34800 GP 4800 at Sl. No. 29(10) of Pay Upgradation of Mizoram Government employees - 2012 is meant for the Hea dma sters of Middle School who enter into G over nment ser vice from a non recognized servic e. (2)The pay of Graduate Headmaster (Entry) and that of Headma ster (Entry) in respect of Primary School which are to remain as per Mizoram Revision of Pay Rules, 2010 which are Sl. No. 29(14&15) of P ay Upgra dation of Mizor am Government Employees - 2012 are also meant for the pay of the Headmasters of Primary School who join a government service from a non-recognized service. (3)At the time of regular promotion from Teacher to Headmaster as appeared in the Sl. No. 29 (10) of Pay Upgradation of Mizoram Government Employees - 2012, a non-compounded double increment i.e. 6% will be given irr espective of t he Grade. T he double increment, i.e. 6% so granted shall not be absorbed in futur e increment. (4)The date of next increment of Headmaster who is promoted between 2nd Ja nuary a nd 30th June will fall on 1st Ju ly of t he next yea r i.e. aft er completion of a minimum of 12 months service. On the other hand, the date of next increment of Headmaster who is promoted between 1st July and 1st January shall fall on 1st July of the next year i.e. after completion of a minimum of 6 months service. (5)Those Headmaster of Middle School and Pr imary School who were promoted prior to 1.6. 2012 shall be given double incr ement on 1.6.2012 i.e. the effective date of the Notifica tion No. A. 11014/ 1/2011-FIN(PRU) Dt. 04.07.2012 and those who were promoted after 1.6.2012 shall be given double increment w.e.f. date of joining. F. Vanlalruata, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Dep art ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram Home Guards, Home Department (Group ‘B’ Post) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 339Date - 05/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 5.7.2013 Asadha 14, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 339 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/48/2008-P&AR(GSW), the 3rd July, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules relating to the recruitment to the post of Staff Nurse in Mizoram Home Guards under Home Department, Government of Mizora m, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Home Guards, Home Depa rtment Commencement(Group ‘B’ Post) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the post(s) specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pay bandpay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be as specified in columns 2 to and grade pay/pay scale4 of the Annexure-I a s aforesaid. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment to the said posts, age limit, qualification age, qualifications, etc-and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the, aforesaid Annexur e-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-339/2013 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contract ed a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person a nd to the ot her par ty t o the ma rr ia ge a nd t ha t there a re other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and DepartmentalEvery Government servant r ecr uited under these rules shall undergo Examination.such training or pass such Departmental Examination as may be pres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of t hese rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect any reservation and ot her concessionsconcessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regards. By order s, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE-I(See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF STAFF NURSE IN MIZORAM HOME GUARDS UNDER HOME DEPARTMENTName of postsNo. of postsClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Scale of PayWhether Selection or Non-selection posts12345 N.AWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 N.ABetween 18-35 years relaxable by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled TribesNot applicableGeneral State Service Group 'B' (Non-Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-1 ^ 9300-34800 + GP 4400/- - 3 -Ex-339/2013 1. Certif ica te in Genera l Nursing and Midwifery and registered under Register Nurse and Register Midwifery. 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard. 3. Preference shall be given to those who are working as Staff Nurse for not less than 3 years under Mizoram Home Guard.2(two) yearsMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitments or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of p ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314100% DirectN.A.Exempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission . As constitu ted by the Govt. of Mizoram from time to timePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 Staff Nurse3 (th ree)

The Mizoram Home Guards, Home Department (Group ‘C’ Post) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 340Date - 05/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 5.7.2013 Asadha 14, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 340 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/48/2008-P&AR(GSW), the 3rd July, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Laboratory Assistant in Mizoram Home Guards under Home Department, Government of Mizora m, namely :- 1.Short Title and(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Home Guards, Home Depa rtment Commencement(Group ‘C’ Post) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-I annexed to these rules. 3.Number of posts,The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pay bandpay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be as specified in columns 2 to and grade pay/pay scale4 of the Annexure-I a s aforesaid. 4.Method of recruitment,The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters age limit,relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the Annexure-I qualifications, etc.aforesaid . Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may be from time to time. 5.DisqualificationNo person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-340/2013 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person a nd to the ot her par ty t o the ma rr ia ge a nd t ha t there a re other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and DepartmentalEvery Government servant r ecr uited under these rules shall undergo Examination.such training or pass such Departmental Examination(s) as may be pres cribed from time to t ime. 7.Powers to transferNotwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to tra nsfer any officer(s ) so recr uited under these r ules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8.Power to relaxWhere the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so t o do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of t hese rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9.Reservation and otherNothing in these rules shall affect a ny r eserva tion, relaxation concessionsof a ge limit a nd other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizora m from time to time in this regards. By order s, etc. C. Zothankhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. ANNEXURE-I(See Rule 2, 3 and 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF LABORATORY ASSISTANT IN MIZORAM HOME GUARDS UNDER HOME DEPARTMENT, GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postsNo. of postsClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Scale of PayWhether Selection pos t or Non -selection p ost12345 Not applicableWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableBetween 18 and 35 years relaxable by 5 years in the case of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled TribesNot applicableGeneral State Service (Group 'C' post)PB-2 ^ 5200-20200/- + GP 2400/- - 3 -Ex-340/2013 1. HSLC or equivalent having Diploma in Laboratory Course. 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard. 3. Pref erence will be given to Home Guard Volu nteers who have the requisite qualification.2(two) yearsMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of posts to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314100% DirectNot applicableExempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission . As constitu ted by the Government f r om t ime to timePublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 Laboratory Assistant1 (one)

Financial upgradation for Group A, B, C and D under the Directorate of Science & Technology

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 341Date - 05/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Friday 5.7.2013 Asadha 14, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 341 NOTIFICATION No. A. 42011/2/2012-PLG, the 1st July, 2013.In pursuance of DP&AR (ARW) Office Memorandum No. B. 12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW)/Pt-II dt. 30.7.2012 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute Screening Committee with the following members under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, 2010 to consider the case for gr ant of Financia l upgra dation for Group A, B, C and D under the Directorate of Science & Technology with immediate effect :- For Group A & B (Gazetted) :4.Secr etary, P lanning & Prog. Implementation Department -Chairman 5.Representative of DP & AR-Member 6.Under Secretary, P lanning Department-Member Secretary For Group B (Non-Gazetted) :4.Secr etary, P lanning & Prog. Implementation Department -Chairman 5.Representative of DP & AR-Member 6.Chief Scientific Officer-Member Secretary For Group C & D :4.Chief Scientific Officer-Chairman 5.Representative of DP & AR-Member 6.Senior Scientific Officer-Member Secretary L. Tochhong, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning, & Programme Implementation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 342Date - 08/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Monday 8.7.2013 Asadha 17, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 342 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/6/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 4th July, 2013. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Additional Director under School Education Department, Govt. of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Shor t Title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram School Education Department Commencement (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Annexure-1 annexed to these rules. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade classification, pa y ba nd Pay/pay scale attached thereto sha ll be a s specified in columns 2 to and grade pa y/pay scale 4 of the Annexure-I a s aforesaid. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment to the sa id posts, age limit, qualifica tion age limit, and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to qualifications, etc- 14 of the Annexure-I aforesaid. 5. Disqualification No person- (a ) who has entered int o or contracted a marr iage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to t he said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to - 2 - Ex-342/2013 such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Departmental Every Gover nment s ervant recruited under these rules s hall undergo Examination. such training or pass such Depa rtmental Examination(s) as may b e pr escribed from t ime to t ime. 7. Powers to trans fer Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the power to transfer any officer(s) so recr uited under these rules to a ny other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8. Power to relax Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these rules with r espect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and other Nothing in these rules shall affect reser vation, relaxation of age concessions limit and ot her oncessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Schedu led Tribes and ot her ca tegor ies of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizora m from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. C. Zotha nkhumi, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative ANNEXURE-I(SEE RULE 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATIONName of postsNo. of postsClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection or Non-selection posts12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications for direct recruits will apply in the ca se of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any678910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicableGeneral State Service Group 'A' post (Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB 4 ^ 37400- 67000/- + Grade Pay 8700 - 3 -Ex-342/2013 Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitments.11121314100% by PromotionPromotion from Joint Director, School Education Department ha vin g 5 years regula r service in the grade.As per Mizoram Public Service Commission Limitation of Functions (Regulations) 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service CommissionPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500 Additional Director1 (one) post or as sanctioned by Government from time to time


VOL - XLIIISSUE - 346Date - 09/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 9.7.2013 Asadha 18, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 346 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 4th July, 2013.The following Centra l Act is hereby republished for general information. The Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012. (Act No. 27 of 2012 Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE COPYRIGHT (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2012 AN ACTfurther to a mend the Copyright Act, 1957 Be it enact ed by P arliament in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.(1) This Act ma y be called the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2.In section 2 of the Copyright Act, 1957 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),— (i) in clause (f), the portion beginning with the words “on any medium” and ending with the words “produced by any means” shall be omit ted; (ii) after clause (f), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— ‘(fa ) “commercial rental” does not include the rental, lease or lending of a lawfully acquired copy of a computer programme, sound r ecording, visual recording or cinematograph film for non-profit puroses by a non-profit libr ary or non-profit educational institution.’; Explanation.— For the pur poses of this clause, a “non-p rofit lib rary or non-profit educational institution” means a library or educational institution whichShort title and commence- men t. Amendment of section 2. 14 of 1957. receives gr ants from the Government or exempted from pa yment of tax under the Income-tax Act, 1961. (iii) for clause (ff), the following shall be substituted, namely:— ‘(ff) “communication to the public” means making any wor k or performance available for being seen or heard or otherwise enjoyed by the public directly or by any means of display or diffusion other tha n by issuing physical copies of it, whether simultaneously or at places and times chosen individually, regar dless of whether any member of the public actually s ees, hear s or otherwise enjoys the work or performance so made availa ble. Explanation—For the purposes of this clause, communication through satellite or cable or any other means of simultaneous communication to more than one household or place of residence including residential r ooms of a ny hotel or hostel sha ll be deemed to be communication to the public;’; (iv) in clause (qq), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:— “Provided that in a cinematograph film a person whose performance is casual or incidental in natur e and, in the normal course of the practice of the industr y, is not acknowledged anywhere including in the credits of the film shall not be treated as a performer except for the purpose of clause (b) of section 38 B;”; (v) after clause (x), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— ‘(xa ) “Rights Mana gement Information” means,— ( a ) the title or other information identifying the work or performance; (b) the name of the author or perfor mer; (c) the name and address of the owner of rights; (d) terms and conditions regarding the use of the rights; and (e) any number or code that represents the information referred to in sub-clauses (a) to (d), but does not include any device or procedure intended to identify the user;’; (vi) after clause (xx), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— ‘(xxa) “visual recording” means the recording in any medium, by any method including the storing of it by any electronic means, of moving images or of the represent ations thereof, from which they can be perceived, repr oduced or communicated by any method;’; 3.In section 11 of the principal Act,— (a ) in sub-section (1), for the words “not less tha n two nor more than four teen other memeb ers”, t he wor ds “two other members” shall be substitu ted; (b) for sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:— “(2) The salaries and allowances payable to and the other terms and conditions of service of the Chairman and other members of the Copyright Boar d shall be such as may be prescribed: Provided tha t neither the salary and allowances nor the other terms and conditions of service of the Chairman or any other member shall be varied to his disadvantage after appointment.”;43 of 1961. Amendment of section 11.- 2 - Ex-346/2013 (c) for sub-section (4), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:— “(4) The Central Government may, after consultation with the Chairman of the Copyright Board, appoint a Secreta ry to the Copyr ight Boa rd and such other officers and employees a s may be considered necessar y for the efficient discharge of the funct ions of the C opyr ight Board.”. 4.In section 12 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), for the words “members, each Bench consisting of not less than three members”, the word “members” shall be substituted. 5.In section 14 of the principal Act,— (i) in clause (c), for sub-clause (i), the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:— “(i) to reproduce the work in any material form including— (A) the storing of it in any medium by electronic or other means; or (B) depiction in thr ee-dimensions of a two-dimensional work; or (C) depiction in two-dimensions of a three-dimensional work;”; (ii) in clause (d),— (a ) for sub-clause (i), the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:— “(i) to make a copy of the film, including— (A) a photograph of any image forming part thereof; or (B) storing of it in any medium by electronic or other means;”; (b) for sub-clause (ii), the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:— “(ii) to sell or give on commercial rental or offer for sale or for such rental, any copy of the film;”; (iii) in clause (e),— (a) in sub-clause (i), after the words “embodying it”, the words “including s toring of it in any medium by electronic or other means” shall be inserted; (b) for sub-clause (ii), the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:— “(ii) to sell or give on commercial rental or offer for sale or for such rental, any cop y of the sound recording;”. 6.In section 1 5 of the principal Act , for the words and figures, “ Designs Act, 1911”, wherever they occu r, the words a nd figures “Designs Act, 2000” shall be substituted. 7.In section 17 of the principal Act, in clause (e), the following pr oviso shall be inserted at the end, namely:— Provided that in case of any work incorporated in a cinematograph work, nothing conta ined in clauses (b) and (c) shall affect the right of the author in the work referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 13;”. 2 of 1911. 16 of 2000.Amendment of section 12. Amendment of section 14. Amendment of section 15. Amendment of section 17. - 3 -Ex-346/2013 8.In s ection 18 of t he principal Act, in sub-section (1), after the proviso, the following pr ovisos shall be inserted, namely:— “Provided further that no such assignment shall be applied to any medium or mode of exploita tion of the work which did not exist or was not in commercial use at the time when the assignment was made, unless the assignment specifically referred to such medium or mode of exploitation of the work: Provided also that the author of the literary or musical work included in a cinematograph film shall not assign or waive the right to receive royalties to be shared on an equal basis with the assignee of copyright for the utilisation of such wor k in any form other than for the communication to the public of the work along with the cinematograph film in a cinema hall, except to the legal heirs of the authors or to a copyright society for collection and distribution and a ny agreement to contr ary sha ll be void: Provided also that the author of the literary or musical work included in the sound recording but not for ming pa rt of any cinematograph film shall not assign or waive the right to receive royalties to be shared on an equal basis with t he assignee of copyright for a ny utilisation of such work except to the legal heirs of the author s or to a collecting society for collection and distribution and a ny assignment to the contrar y shall be void.”. 9.In section 19 of the principal Act,— (i) in sub-section (3), for the words “royalty payable, if any”, the words “royalty and any ot her consideration paya ble” shall be substituted; (ii) after sub-section (7), the following sub-s ections shall be inserted, namely:— “(8) The assignment of cop yright in any work contrary to the terms and conditions of the rights already assigned to a copyright society in which the author of the work is a member shall be void. (9) No assignment of copyright in any work to make a cinematograph film shall affect the right of the author of the work to claim an equal sha re of r oyalties and consideration payable in case of utilisa tion of the work in any form other tha n for the communication to the public of the work, along wit h the cinematograph film in a cinema hall. (10) No assignment of the copyr ight in any work to ma ke a sound recor ding which does not form part of any cinema tograph film shall affect the right of the a uthor of the work to claim an equal share of royalties and consideration payable for any utilis ation of such work in any form.” 10. In section 19A of the principal Act,— (i) in sub-section (2), in the second priviso, for the words “Provided further tha t”, the following shall be su bstituted, namely:— “Provided further that, pending the disposal of an application for revocation of assignment under this sub-section, the Copyright Board may pass such order, as it deems fit regarding implementation of the terms and conditions of assignment including any consideration to be paid for the enjoyment of the rights assigned:— Provided a lso that”; (ii) aft er sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:— Amendment of section 18. Amendment of section 19. Amendment of section 19A.- 4 - Ex-346/2013 “(3) Every complaint received under sub-s ection (2) shall be dealt with by the Copyright Boar d as far as possible and efforts shall be made to pass the final order in the matter within a period of six months from the da te of r eceipt of the complaint and any dela y in compliance of the same, the Copyright Board shall r ecord the reasons thereof.”. 11. In section 21 of the principal Act,— (i) in sub-s ection (1), for the words “the Registrar of Copyrights”, the words “the Registrar of Copyrights or by way of public notice” shall be substituted; (ii) after sub-section (2), the following sub-s ection shall be inserted, namely:— “(2A) T he Registrar of Copyrights shall, within fourteen days from the publication of the notice in the Officia l Gazette, post the notice on the official website of the Copyright Office so a s to remain in t he public doma in for a period of not less than thr ee year s.”. 12. In section 22 of the principal Act, the brackets and words “(other than a photograph)” shall be omitted. 13. Section 25 of the princip al Act shall be omitted. 14. In s ection 30 of the principal Act, for the words “writ ing signed by him”, the words “writing by him” shall be substituted. 15. In s ection 30A of the principal Act and in its margina l heading, for the words, figures and letter, “section 19 and 19A”, the word and figur es “section 19” shall be substituted. 16. In section 31 of the principal Act,— (i) in sub-section (1),— (a ) for the words “any Indian work”, the words “any work” shall be substituted; (b) for the words “licence to the complainant” the words “licence to such person or persons who, in the opinion of the Copyright Board, is or are qualified to do so” shall be substituted; (c ) the Explanation shall be omit ted; (ii) sub-section (2 ) shall be omitted. 17. In section 31A of the principal Act,— (i) in the marginal heading, for the words “Indian works”, the words “or published works” shall be substituted; (ii) for sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:— “(1) Where, in the case of any unpublished work or any work published or communicated to the public and the work is withheld from the public in India, t he author is dead or unknown or cannot be traced, or the owner of the copyright in such work cannot be found, any person ma y apply to the Copyright Board for a licence to publish or communicate to the public such work or a translation thereof in any language.”.Amendment of section 21. Amendment of section 22. Omission of section 25. Amendment of section 30. Amendment of section 30A. Amendment of section 31. Amendment of section 31A. - 5 -Ex-346/2013 18. After section 31A of the principal Act, the following sections shall be inserted, namely: — “3 IB. (1) Any person working for the benefit of persons with disability on a profit basis or for business may apply to the Copyr ight Board, in such form and manner and accompa nied by such fee as may be prescribed, for a compulsor y licence to p ublish any work in which copyright subsists for the benefit of such persons, in a case to which clause (zb) of sub-section (1) of section 52 does not apply and the Copyright Boar d shall dispose of such application as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall be made to dispose of such applica tion within a period of two months fr om the date of r eceipt of the a pplication. (2) The Copyright Board may, on receipt of a n application under sub-section (1), inquire, or direct such inquiry as it considers necessar y to establish the credentials of the applicant and satisfy itself that the application has been made in good fa ith. (3) If the Copyright Board is satisfied, a fter giving to the owners of r ights in the work a r easonable opportunity of being hear d and after holding such inquiry as it may deem necessary, that a compulsory licence needs to be issued to make the wor k availa ble to the disa bled, it may direct the Registrar of Copyrights to grant to the applicant such a licence to publish the work. (4) Every compulsory licence issued under this section shall specify the means and for mat of publication, the period during which the compulsory licence may be exercised and, in the case of issue of cop ies, the number of copies that may be issued including the rate or roya lty: Provided that where the Copyright Board has issued such a compulsor y licence it may, on a fu rther a pplication and aft er giving r easonable opportunity to the owners of rights, ext end the period of such compulsory licence and allow the issue of more copies as it may deem fit. 31C. (1) Any person desir ous of making a cover version, being a sound recording in respect of any literar y, drama tic or musical work, where sound recor dings of that work have been made by or with the licence or cons ent of the owner of the right in the work, may do so subject to the provisions of this section: Provided that such sound r ecordings shall be in the same medium as the last recording, unless the medium of the last recording is no longer in curr ent commercia l use. (2) The person making the sound r ecordings shall give prior notice of his intention to make the sound recordings in the manner as may be prescribed, and provide in advance copies of all covers or labels with which the sound r ecordings are to be sold, and pay in advance, to the owner of rights in each work royalties in respect of all copies to be made by him, at the rate fixed by t he Copyr ight Board in this behalf: Provided that such sound recordings shall not be sold or issued in any form of packaging or with any cover or label which is likely to mislead or confuse the public as to their identity, and in par ticular shall not contain the name or depict in any way any perfor mer of an earlier sound recor ding of the same work or any cinematograph film in which such sound recor ding was incorporated and, further, shall state on the cover that it is a cover version made under this section. In sertion of new sections 31B, 31C, and 31D. Compulsory licence for benefit of disabled. Statutory licence for versions.- 6 - Ex-346/2013 (3) The person making such sound recordings shall not make any alteration in the literary or musical work which has not been made previously by or with the cons ent of the owner of rights, or which is not technically necessary for the purpose of making the sound recordings: Pr ovided t hat such sound r ecordings shall not be made until the expiration of five calendar year s after the end of the year in which the first sound recordings of the work was made. (4) One royalty in resp ect of such sound recor dings shall be paid for a minimum of fifty thousand copies of each work during ea ch calendar year in which copies of it are made: Provided tha t the Copyright Board may, by general order, fix a lower minimum in respect of wor ks in a particular language or dia lect ha ving regard to the potential circulation of such works. (5) The person making such sou nd recordings shall maintain such registers and books of account in respect thereof, including full details of exis ting st ock as may be prescribed and shall allow the owner of rights or his duly authorised agent or representative to inspect all recor ds and books of a ccount relating to such sound recording: Provided that if on a complaint brought before the Copyright Board to the effect that the owner of rights has not been paid in full for any sound recordings purporting to be made in pursuance of this section, the Copyright Board is,prima facie, satisfied that the complaint is genuine, it may pass an order ex parte dir ecting the person making the sound recording to cease from making further copies and, a fter holding such inquiry as it considers necessary, make such further order as it may deem fit, including an order for payment of roya lty. Explanation.—For the purposes of this section “cover version” means a sound recording made in accordance with t his section. 3ID. (1) Any broadcasting organisation desirous of communica ting to the public by way of a broadca st or by way of perfor mance of a literary or musical work and sound recording which has alr eady been published may do so s ubject to the provisions of this section. (2) The broadcasting organisation shall give prior notice, in such manner as may be pr escribed, of its intention to broadca st the work sta ting the duration and territoria l cover age of t he broa dcast, a nd shall pay to the owner of rights in each work roya lties in the ma nner and at the rate fixed by the Copyr ight Board. (3) The rates of royalty for ra dio broa dcasting shall be different from television br oadcasting and the Copyright Board shall fix sepa rate rates for r adio br oadcasting and television br oadcasting. (4) In fixing the manner and the rate of royalty under sub-section (2), the Copyright Board may require the broadcasting organisa tion to pay an a dvance to the owners of rights. (5) The names of the authors a nd the principa l performers of the work shall, except in case of the broadcasting organisa tion communica ting such work b y way of performance, be announced with the broadcast. (6) No fresh alteration to any literar y or musical work, which is not technically necessary for the purpose of broadcasting, other than shor tening the work for convenience of broadca st, sha ll be made without the consent of the owners of rights.Statutory licence for broadcasting of literary and musical works and sound recording. - 7 -Ex-346/2013 (7) The broadca sting organisation sha ll — (a ) maint ain such records a nd books of account, and r ender to t he owners of rights such reports and accounts; and (b) allow the owner of rights or his duly authorised a gent or r epresentative to inspect all recor ds and books of account relating to such broa dcast, in such manner a s may be prescribed. (8) Nothing in this section shall affect the operation of any licence issued or any agreement entered into before the commencement of the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012.”. 19. In section 33 of the principal Act,— (i) in sub-section (1), for the words “ provided further”, the following shall be substituted, namely:— “Provided further that the business of issuing or granting license in resp ect of literary, drama tic, musical and artistic works incor porated in a cinematogra ph films or sound recordings shall be carried out only thr ough a copyright society duly r egistered under this Act: Provided also”; (ii) after sub-section (3), the following shall be inserted, namely:— “(3A) T he registration gra nted to a copyright society under sub-section (3) shall be for a period of five years and may be renewed from time to time before the end of ever y five years on a request in the prescribed form and the Central Government may renew the r egistra tion after considering the report of R egistra r of Copyrights on the working of the copyright society under section 36: Provided tha t the renewal of the r egistra tion of a copyr ight society shall be subject to the continued collective contr ol of the copyr ight society being shar ed with the a uthor s of wor ks in their capa city as owners of copyright or of the right to receive roya lty: Provided further that every copyright society already registered before the coming into for ce of t he copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012 shall get itself r egistered under this Chapter within a period of one year from the date of commencement of the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012.”; (iii) in sub-sections (4) and (5), for the words “owners of r ights”, the words “authors and other owners of right” sha ll be s ubstituted; (iv) in sub-section (5), after the word “concerned” the words “or for non-complia nce of s ections 33A, sub-section (3) of section 35 and section 36 or any change car ried out in the instrument by which the copyright society is est ablished or incorporated and registered by the Centr al Government without prior notice to it” shall b e inserted. 20. After section 33 of the principa l Act, the following section shall be inser ted, namely:— “33A. (1) Every copyright society shall publish its tariff scheme in such manner a s may be prescribed. (2) Any person who is aggr ieved by the tariff scheme ma y appeal to the Copyright Boar d and the Boar d may, if satisfied after holding such inquiry as it may consider necessary, ma ke such orders as may be required to r emove any unreasonable element, anomaly or inconsistency therein: Amendment of section 33. In sertion of new section 33A. Tariff Scheme by copyright societies.- 8 - Ex-346/2013 Provided tha t the a ggrieved person shall pay to the copyr ight society any fee as may be prescribed tha t has fa llen due befor e making an appeal to the Copyright Board and shall continue to pay such fee until the appeal is decided, and the Board shall not issue any order staying the collection of such fee pending disposal of the appeal: Provided further that the Copyright Boar d ma y after hear ing the parties fix an interim tar iff and direct the aggrieved parties to make the payment accordingly pending disposal of t he appeal.”. 21. In section 34 of the principal Act , for the words “owner of rights”, wherever they occur, the words “author and other owners of right” sha ll be substituted. 22. Section 34A of the principal Act shall be omitted. 23. In section 3 5 of the principal Act and its marginal heading,— (a ) for the wor ds “owners of rights”, wherever they occur, the words “author and other owners of right” sha ll be substituted; (b) after sub-section (2), the following sub-sections shall be inserted, namely:— (3) Every copyright society shall have a governing body with such number of persons elected from among the members of the society consisting of equal number of authors and owners of work for the purpose of the administration of the society as may be specified. (4) All members of copyrights society shall enjoy equal membership rights and there shall be no discrimination between authors and owners of rights in the distribution of royalties. 24. In section 36A of the principal Act,— (a ) for the words “performing rights society”, the words “copyright society” shall be substituted; (b) for the words, brackets and figures “the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1994", the words, br ackets and figures “ the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012” shall be substituted. 25. In section 37 of the principal Act , in sub-section (3), for cla use (e), the following clause sha ll be substituted, namely:— “(e) sells or gives on commercial rental or offer for sale or for such rental, any such sound recording or visua l recor ding referred to in clause (c) or clause (d),”. 26. In s ection 38 of the principal Act, sub-sections (3) and (4) shall be omit ted. 27. After section 38 of the principal Act, the following sections shall be inserted, namely:— “38A. (1) Without prejudice to the rights conferred on authors, the performer ’s right which is an exclusive r ight subject to the pr ovisions of this Act to do or authorise for doing any of the following acts in respect of the performance or any substantial part thereof, namely:— (a ) to make a sound recording or a visual recording of the performance, including—Amendment of section 34. Amendment of section 34A. Amendment of section 35. Amendment of section 36A. 38 of 1994. Amendment of section 37. Amendment of section 38. In sertion of new sections 38A and 38B. Exclusive right of performers. - 9 -Ex-346/2013 (i) reproduction of it in any ma terial form including the stor ing of it in any medium by electronic or any other means; (ii) is s u a nce o f cop ies of it t o t he p u b lic n ot b eing cop ies already in circulation; (iii) communication of it to the public; (iv) selling or giving it on commercial rental or offer for sale or for commercial rental a ny copy of the recording; (b) to broadcast or communicate the performance to the public except wher e the performa nce is already broadcast. (2) Once a performer has, by written agreement, consented to the incorporation of his performance in a cinematograph film he shall not , in the absence of any contract to the contra ry, object to t he enjoyment by the producer of the film of t he performer ’s right in the same film: Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained in this sub-section, the performer shall be entitled for royalties in case of making of the performances for commercial use. 38B. The performer of a p erforma nce shall, independently of his right after assignment, either wholly or partially of his right, have the right,— (a) to claim to be identified as the performer of his performance except where omiss ion is dictated by the manner of the use of the performance; and (b) to restr ain or claim da mages in respect of any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his performance that would be prejudicial to his reputation. Explanation. —For the purposes of t his cla use, it is hereby clarified that mere removal of any portion of a performance for the purpose of editing, or to fit the recording within a limited duration, or any other modification requir ed for purely technical reasons shall not b e deemed to be prejudicial to the performer ’s reputation. 28. For section 39A of the principal Act, the following section shall be substituted, namely:— “39A. (1) Sections 18,19,30,30A, 33,33 A, 34,35,36,53,55,58,63,64,65,65A, 65B and 66 shall, with necessary adaptations and modifications, apply in relation to the broadcast reproduction right in any broadcast and the performer ’s right in any performance as they apply in relation to copyr ight in a work: Provided that where copyright or performer ’s right subsists in respect of any work or performance that has been broadcast, no licence to repr oduce such broa dcast, shall be given without the consent of the owner of r ight or performer, as the case may be, or both of t hem: Provided further that the broadcast reproduction right or perfor mer ’s right shall not subsist in any broadcast or performance if that broadcast or performance is an infringement of the cop yright in any work. (2) The broa dcast r eproduction right or the performer ’s right shall not affect the separ ate copyr ight in a ny work in r espect of which, the broadcast or the performance, as the case may be, is made.”. 29. In section 40 of the principal Act, in the proviso, in clause (iii), after the words “the order relates”, the words “but such a term of copyr ight sha ll not exceed the term of copyright provided under this Act” shall be inserted. Moral rights of the performer. Substitution of a new section for section 39A. Certain provisions to apply in case of boradcast reproduction right and performer ’s rights. Amendment of section 40.- 10 - Ex-346/2013 30. In section 4 0A of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (ii), the following pr oviso shall be inserted, namely:— “Provided that it does not exceed the period provided under this Act;”. 31. In s ection 45 of t he principal Act, in sub-section (1), in the proviso,— (i) for the words “ relation to any goods”, the wor ds “relation to any goods or services” shall be substituted; (ii) for the words and figures “section 4 of the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958” the words and figures “section 3 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999” shall be substituted. 32. In section 52 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1),— (i) for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:— (a) a fair dealing with any work, not being a computer programme, for the purposes of— (i) private or personal use, including resea rch; (ii) criticism or review, whether of that wor k or of any other work; (iii) the reporting of current events and current affairs, including the reporting of a lecture delivered in public. Explanation.—The storing of any work in any electronic medium for the purposes mentioned in this clause, including the incidental storage of any computer progra mme which is not itself an infringing copy for the said purposes, shall not constitute infringement of copyright.”; (ii) for clauses (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j), the following shall be substituted, namely:— “(b) the transient or incidental storage of a work or performance purely in the technical process of electronic transmission or communication to the public; (c) transient or incidenta l storage of a work or performance for the purpose of providing electr onic links, access or integration, where such links, access or integration has not been expressly prohibited by the right holder, unless the person responsible is a ware or has reasonable grounds for believing that such stora ge is of an infringing copy: Provided tha t if the person responsible for the storage of the copy has received a writ ten complaint from the owner of copyright in the work, complaining that such transient or incidental storage is an infringement, such person responsible for the st orage shall refrain from facilitating such access for a period of twenty-one days or till he receives an or der from the competent court refraining from facilitating a ccess a nd in case no such order is received before t he expiry of such period of t wenty-one days, he may continue to provide the facility of such access; (d) the reproduction of any work for the purpose of a judicial proceeding or for the purpose of a report of a judicial proceeding; (e) t he reproduction or publication of any work pr epa red by the Secretaria t of a Legislature or, wher e the Legislature consists of two Houses, by the Secr etariat of either House of the Legislature, exclusively for the use of the members of that Legislature;”; (f) the repr oduction of any work in a certified copy made or supplied in accordance with any law for the time being in force;Amendment of section 40A. Amendment of section 45. Amendment of section 52. 43 of 1958. 47 of 1999.- 11 -Ex-346/2013 (g) the reading or recitation in pu blic of reasona ble ext racts fr om a published literacy or dra matic work; (h) the publication in a collection, mainly composed of non-copyright matter,bona fide int ended for instructional use, and so described in the title and in any advertisement issued by or on behalf of the publisher, of short passages from published literary or dramatic works, not themselves published for such use in which copyright subsists: Provided that not more than two such passages from works by the same author are published by the same publisher during any period of five years. Explanation.—In the case of a wor k of joint authorship, references in t his cla use to passages from works sha ll include references to passages from works by any one or more of the authors of those passages or by any one or more of those author s in collabora tion wit h any other person; (i) t he reproduction of any work— (i) by a teacher or a pupil in the course of ins truction; or (ii) as part of the questions to be answered in a n exa mination; or (iii) in answers to such questions; (j) the performance, in the cour se of the act ivities of an educational institution, of a literar y, dramatic or musica l work by the staff and students of t he inst itution, or of a cinematograph film or a sound recor ding if the audience is limited to such staff and students, the parents and guardians of the students and persons connected with the activities of the institution or the communication to such an audience of a cinematograph film or sound recording;”; (iii) for clause (n), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:— “(n) the storing of a wor k in any medium by electronic means by a non-commercial public library, for preservation if the library already possesses a non-digital copy of the work;”; (iv) in clause (o), for the words “public library”, the words, “ non- commercial public library” shall be substituted; (v) after clause (v), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— “(w) the ma king of a three-dimensional object from a two- dimensional artistic work, such as a technical dr awing, for the purposes of industrial applica tion of any purely functional part of a useful device; (vi) in clause (y), for the words “ dramatic or”, the words “drama tic, artistic or” shall the substituted; (vii) after clause (za) and the Explanation thereunder, the following shall be inserted, namely:—- “(zb) the adaptation, reproduction, issue of copies or communication to the public of any work in any accessible format, by— (i) any person to facilitate persons with disability to access to works including sharing with any person with disabilit y of such access ible format for priva te or personal use, educational purpose or r esearch; or (ii) any orga nisation working for the benefit of t he persons with disabilities in ca se the norma l format prevents the enjoyment of s uch wor ks by such persons: Provided tha t the copies of the works in such accessible format are made available to the persons with disabilities on a non-profit basis but to recover only the cost of product ion:- 12 - Ex-346/2013 Provided further that the organisation shall ensure that the copies of works in such accessible format a re used only by persons with disabilities and takes r easonable steps to prevent it s entry into or dinary channels of business. Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-clause, “any organisation” includes and organisation registered under section 12A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and working for the benefit of persons with disability or recognised under Chapter X of the Persons with Disabilit ies (Equal Opportunities, Protection or Right s and full Par ticipation) Act , 1995 or receiving gr ants from the government for fa cilitating access to persons with disabilities or an educational institution or library or archives recognised by the Government.”. (zc) the importation of copies of any literary or artistic work, such as labels, company logos or promotional or explanatory material, that is purely incidental to other goods or products being imported lawfully.”. 33. Section 52B of the principal Act shall be omitted. 34. For section 53 of the principal Act, the following section shall be substituted, namely:— “53. (1) The owner of any right conferred by this Act in respect of any work or any performance embodied in such work, or his duly authorised agent, may give notice in writing to the Commissioner of Customs, or to any other officer a uthorised in t his behalf by t he Central Boar d of Excise and Customs,— (a) that he is the owner of the said right, with proof thereof; and (b) that he requests the Commissioner for a period specified in the notice, which shall not exceed one year, to treat infringing copies of the work as prohibited goods, and that infringing copies of t he wor k a r e ex p ect ed t o a r r ive in I ndia a t a t ime a nd a p la ce s p ecified in t he notice. (2) The Commissioner, after scrutiny of the evidence furnished by the owner of the right and on being satisfied may, subject to the provisions of s ub-section (3), treat infringing copies of the work as prohibited goods that have been imported into India, excluding goods in transit: Provided that the owner of the work deposits such amount as the Commissioner may require a s secur ity having regard to the likely expenses on demurrage, cost of stor age and compensation to the importer in case it is found that the works a re not infringing copies. (3) When any goods treated as prohibited under sub-section (2) have been detained, the Customs Officer detaining them shall inform the importer as well a s the person who gave notice under sub-section (1) of the detention of such goods within forty-eight hours of their detention. (4) The Customs Officer shall release the goods, and they shall no longer be treated as prohibit ed goods, if the person who gave notice under sub-s ection (1 ) does not produce any or der fr om a cour t having jurisdiction as to the temporary or perma nent dis posal of such goods within four teen da ys from the da te of their detention.”. 43 of 1961. 1 of 1996. Omission of section 52B. Substitution of new section for section 53. Importation of infringing copies. - 13 -Ex-346/2013 35. In section 55 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), for the portion beginning with the words “a name pu rporting to be” and ending with the words “ as the case may be, appears”, the following shall be substituted, namely:— “or, subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 13, a cinematogra ph film or sound recor ding, a name purporting to be that of the author, or the publisher, a s the ca se may be, of that wor k, appears”. 36. In section 57 of the principal Act,— (i) in sub-section (1), in clause (b), the words “which is done before the expiration of the term of cop yright” shall be omit ted; (ii) in sub-section (2), the words “other than the right to claim author ship of t he work” shall be omit ted. 37. After section 65 of the principal Act, the following sections shall be inserted, namely:— “65A. (1) Any person who circumvents a n effective technological measure applied for the pu rpose of protecting a ny of the right s conferred by t his Act, with the intention of infr inging such rights, shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine. (2) Nothing in sub-s ection (1) shall prevent any person fr om,— (a) doing anything referred to therein for a purpose not expressly prohibited by this Act: Provided that any person facilitating circumvention by another person of a technological measur e for such a purpose shall maintain a complete record of s uch other person including his name, address and all relevant par ticula rs necessary to identify him and the pur pose for which he has been facilitated; or (b) doing anything necessary to conduct encryption research using a lawfully obtained encrypted copy; or (c ) conducting any lawful investigation; or (d) doing anything necessary for the purpose of testing the security of a computer system or a computer network with the authorisation of its owner; or ( e) operator; or (f) doing anything necessary to circumvent technological measures intended for identification or surveillance of a user; or (g) taking measures necessary in the interest of national s e c u r i t y. 65B. Any person, who knowingly,— (i) removes or alters any rights management information without authority, or (ii) distributes, imports for distr ibution, broadcasts or communicates to the public, without authority, copies of any work, or performance knowing that electr onic rights management information has been removed or alt ered without authority, shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine: Provided that if the rights management information has been tampered with in any work, the owner of copyright in such work may also avail of Amendment of section 55. Amendment of section 57. In sertion of new sections 65A and 65B. Protection of technological measures. Protection of Rights Man agement Information .- 14 - Ex-346/2013 civil remedies provided under Cha pter XII against the persons indulging in such acts.”. 38. In section 66 of the principal Act, after the words “delivered up to the owner of the copyright,” the words “or may make such order as it may deem fit regarding the disposal of such copies or plates” shall be inserted. 39. In section 78 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2),— (i) for cla use (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:— (a) the salaries a nd allowances payble to and the other terms and conditions of service of the cha irman and other members of the Copyr ight Boar d under sub-section (2) of section 11; (ii) after clause (c), the following cla uses shall be inserted, namely:— “(cA) the form and manner in which an organisation may apply to the Copyright Board for compulsor y licence for disabled and the fee which may accompany such application under sub-s ection (1) of section 3 IB; (cB) the manner in which a person making sound recording may give prior notice of his intention to make sound recording under sub-section (2) of section 31C; (cC) the register a nd books of account a nd the details of existing stock which a person making sound recording may maintain under sub- section (5 ) of section 31C; (cD) the manner in which prior notice may be given by a broadcasting orga nisation under sub-section (2) of section 3 ID; (cE) the reports and accounts which may be maintained under clause (a ), a nd the inspection of r ecor ds a nd books of account which may be made under clause (b) of sub-section (7) of section 31D;”; (iii) after clause (cc), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:— “(ccA) the manner in which a copyright society may publish its Tariff Scheme under sub-section (1) of section 3 3 A; (ccB) the fee which is to be paid before filing an appeal to the Copyright Board under sub-section (2) of section 33 A;”; (ccC) the form of application for renewal of registration of a copyright society and the fee which may accompany such application under sub- section (3 A) of section 33; (iv) clause (db) shall be omitted.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500Amendment of section 66. Amendment of section 78. - 15 -Ex-346/2013

The National Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2012. Act No. 28 of 2012.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 347Date - 09/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 9.7.2013 Asadha 18, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 347 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 4th July, 2013.The following Centra l Act is hereby re-published for general information. The National Instit utes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2012. Act No. 28 of 2012. Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF TECHNOLOGY (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2012 AN ACTto a mend the National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.(1) T his Act may be called the National Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2012. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Centr al Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2.In t he National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007 (hereinaft er referred to as the pr incipal Act), in the long title, for the wor ds “certain institutions of technology”, the words “certain institutions of technology, science education and research” shall be substituted. 3.In section 1 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the words “National Institutes of Technology”, the words “Na tional Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Resea rch” shall be substituted.Short title and commence- men t. Amendment of long title. 29 of 2007 Amendment of section 1. 4.In s ection 2 of the principal Act , for the words “the Schedule”, the words “the First Schedule and the Second Schedule” shall be substituted. 5.In section 3 of the principal Act,— (i) in clause (c), for the words “the Schedule” at both the places where they occur, the wor ds “the First S chedule and the Second Schedule” shall be substituted; (ii) in cla use(d), after the word and figures “section 30”, the words, brackets, figures a nd letter “or sub-section (1) of section 30A, as the case may be,” s hall be inserted; (iii) in clause (g), for the wor ds “the Schedule”, the words “the First Schedule and the Second Schedule” shall be substituted; (iv) in clause (k), for the wor ds “the Schedule”, the words “the F irst Schedule and the Second Schedule” shall be substituted; (v) in clause (m), for the wor ds “the Schedule”, the words “the F irst Schedule and the Second Schedule” s hall be substituted. 6.In section 4 of the principal Act , in sub-section (1), for the words, “the Schedule” the words “the First Schedule and the Second Schedule” shall be substituted. 7.In s ection 6 of the principal Act , in sub-section (1), in cla use (h), the words “and the Deputy Director” shall be omit ted. 8.In section 11 of the principal Act,— (i) for the word “Institute” wherever it occurs, the words “Institute mentioned in the First Schedule” shall be substituted; (ii) in clause (e), the word “and” occurring at the end shall be omitted; (iii) after clause (f), the following cla use sha ll be inserted, namely:— “(g) the Director of the Indian Institute of Technology in whose zone the Institute is located, or his nominee, not below the rank of a Professor.”. 9.After section 11 of the principa l Act, the following section shall be inserted, namely:— “11 A. The Board of every Institute mentioned in the Second Schedule shall consist of the following members, namely:— (a) the Cha irperson to be nominated by t he Visitor; (b) Secreta ry, Department of Higher Education, Government of India, or his nominee not below the rank of the Joint Secretar y to the Government of India, ex officio; (c) Director of the Institute, ex officio; (d) Director of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, ex officio; (e) Director of one of the Indian Institutes of Technology, to be nominated by the Central Government; (f) two Secretaries to the Government of India, to be nominated by the Centr al Government representing its Scientific or Industrial Ministries; (g) Chief Secretary of the State in which the Institute is located, or his nominee not below the ra nk of the Joint S ecreta ry t o the Government of India, ex officio; - 2 - Ex-347/2013 Amendment of section 2. Amendment of section 3. Amendment of section 4. Amendment of section 6. Amendment of section 11. In sertion of new section 11A. Board of Institutes of Second Schedule. (h) two professors of the Institute to be nominated by the Senate; (i) two eminent scientists, to be nominated by the Council, having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of educa tion, engineering or science, one of whom sha ll be a woman; and (j) Financial Advisor, Ministry of Human Resource Development, ex officio.”. 10. In section 12 of the principal Act,— (i) in clause (c), after the figures “11”, the words, brackets, letters and figures “ and clause (h) of s ection 11A” s hall be inserted; (ii) in clause (d), after the word and figures “section 11”, the words, figures and letter “or section 11 A, as the case may be,” shall be inserted; (iii) in cla use (f) , after the figures “11”, t he words , brackets, let ters and figures “and clauses (c) a nd (h) of section 11A” shall be inserted. 11. In section 17 of the principal Act,— (a) in sub-section (1), the words “ and Deputy Director” s hall be omitted; (b) for sub-section (5), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:— “(5) The Deputy Director of every Institute shall be appointed in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be laid down by the Statutes and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to him by this Act or the Statutes or by the Director.”. 12. In section 24 of the principal Act, the words “ and Depu ty Director” shall omitted. 13. In section 30 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the word “Schedule”, the words “F irst Schedule” shall be substituted. 14. After section 30 of the principa l Act, the following section shall be inser ted, namely:— “30A. (1) Wit h effect from such date as the Centra l Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf, there shall be established for all the Institutes specified in column 3 of t he Second Schedule, a central body to be called the Council. (2) The Council under sub-section (1) sha ll consist of t he following member s, namely:— (a) the Minister in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government having administrative control of the technical education, ex officio, Chair man; (b) the Secr etary t o the Government of India in charge of the Ministry or Depa rtment of the Centra l Government having administrative cont rol of the technical education, ex officio, Vic e- Chairman; (c) the Chairperson of every Board of the Institutes mentioned in the Second Schedule, ex officio; (d) the Dir ector of every Institute mentioned in the Second Schedu le, ex officio; Amendment of section 12. Amendment of section 17. Establishmen t of Council for the Institutes of Second Schedule. - 3 -Ex-347/2013 Amendment of section 24. Amendment of section 30. In sertion of new section 30A. (e) the Cha irman, University Gr ants Commission,ex officio; (f) the Director-General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Resear ch, ex officio; (g) four Secretaries to the Government of India to represent the Ministr ies or Departments of the Central Government dea ling with bio-technology, atomic energy, information technology and space, ex officio; (h) the Chairman, Defence Research and Development Orga nisation, ex officio; (i) not less than t hree, but not more than five persons to be nominated by the Visitor, at least one of whom shall be a woman, having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of education, industr y, science or technology; (j) three members of Parliament, of whom two sha ll be chosen by t he House of the People and one by the Council of Sta tes: Provided that the office of member of the Council shall not disqualify its holder for being chosen as or for being, a member of either Hou se of P arliament; (k) two Secretar ies to the State Government, from amongst the Ministries or Departments of that Government dealing with technical education where the Institute is located, ex officio; (l) Financia l Adviser, dealing with the Human Resource Development Ministry or Departments of tha t Government dea ling with technical education where the Institute is located, ex officio; and (m) one officer not below the rank of the Joint S ecretar y to the Gover nment of India in the Ministry or Department of the Central Government having-a dministra tive contr ol of the s cientific or technica l education, ex officio, Member-Secreta ry.”. 15. In section 31 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), after the word and figures “section 30”, the words, brackets, letters and figures “and cla use (j) of sub-section (2) of section 30 A” shall be inserted. 16. In section 37 of the principal Act,— (i) in clause (a), aft er the words “every Institute”, the words “mentioned in the First Schedule” shall be inserted; (ii) after clause (b), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:— “(c) recruit ment pr ocess a nd disciplinary proceedings, which had commenced before the commencement of the National Instit utes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2012, sha ll be completed, mutatis mutandis, in accor dance wit h the relevant pr ovisions in for ce immedia tely before su ch commencement. Explanation .- Recr uitment process for a post may be taken to have commenced from the date of publication of the advertisement inviting application for the post, and disciplinary proceedings against an employee of the Institute may be taken to have commenced on the date of issue of char ge sheet for ma jor penalty or show cause notice for minor penalty to such employee; (d) all matters, which are meant to be provided through Statutes and Ordinances under sections 25 and 27, respectively, shall, till such Amendment of section 31. Amendment of section 37.- 4 - Ex-347/2013 Statutes and Ordinances are made, be governed,mutatis mutandis, by the corresponding provisions in force immediately before the commencement of this Act.”. 17. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act— (a) the Boa rd of every Institute specified in the Second Schedule functioning as such immediately before the commencement of this Act shall continue to so function until a new Board is constituted for that Institute under this Act, but on t he constitution of a new Boar d under this Act, members of the Boa rd holding office before such constitution shall cease to hold office; (b) ever y Senate constituted in relation to every Institute before the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to be the Senate constit uted under this Act unless a Senate is constituted under this Act for that Institute but on the constitution of new Senate under this Act, members of the Senate holding office before such constitution shall cease to hold office. 18. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of the National Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2012, the Central Government may, by order published in the Officia l Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as may appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficu lty: Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of commencement of this Act. (2) Every order ma de under this section shall, as soon as ma y be after it is made, be la id befor e each House of Parliament. 19. (1) The Schedule to the principal Act shall be numbered as the First Schedule and in the First Schedule as so numbered, after SI. No. 20 and the entries relating thereto, the following shall be inserted, namely:— “21. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Goa, SocietyGoa. 22. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Puducherry SocietyPuducherr y. 23. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Delhi SocietyDelhi 24. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Sumari (Srinagar), Uttarakhand Society Uttarakhand. 25. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Sohra (Meghalaya) SocietyMeghala ya 26. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Mizoram SocietyMizoram 27. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Manipur SocietyM a ni pu r. 28. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Naga land SocietyNaga land 29. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, Aruna chal Pra desh SocietyAr una chal Pr adesh 30. National Institute of Technology,National Institute of Technology, SikkimSikkim.”.Transitional provisions in respect of Institutes of Second Schedule. Power to remove difficulties. Amendment of Schedule. - 5 -Ex-347/2013 (2) After the First Schedule as so numbered, the following Schedule shall be inserted, namely:— “THE SECOND SCHEDULE[See sections 3(g), (m), 4(1) and 11 A] LISTOFINDI ANINSTI TUTESOFSCIENCEEDUCATIONRESE ARCH SI.SocietyCorresponding Institute No 123 1. Indian Institute of Science EducationIndian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata Societyand Research, Kolkata. 2Indian Institute of Science EducationIndian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune Societyand Research, Pune 3.Indian Institute of Science EducationIndian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali Societyand Research, Mohali. 4.Indian Institute of Science EducationIndian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal Societyand Research, Bhopal 5.Indian Institute of Science EducationIndian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuramand Research, Thiruvananthapuram.”. Society- 6 - Ex-347/2013Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Anand Marriage (Amendment) Act, 2012. Act No. 29 of 2012.

VOL - XLIIISSUE - 348Date - 09/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Tuesday 9.7.2013 Asadha 18, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 348 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 4th July, 2013.The following Centra l Act is hereby republished for general information. The Anand Marriage (Amendment) Act, 2012. Act No. 29 of 2012. Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE ANAND MARRIAGE (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2012 AN ACTfur ther to amend the Anand Marria ge Act , 1909. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-thir d Year of the Republic of I ndia a s follows:— 1.(1) This Act may be called the Anand Marriage (Amendment) Act, 2012. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Ga zette, appoint. 2.In section 2 of the Anand Marria ge Act , 1909 (hereinaft er referred to as the principal Act), after the words “ the Sikh Mar riage ceremony called Anand”, the words “(commonly known as Anand Karaj)” sha ll be inserted. 3.Aft er section 5 of the principal Act, the following section sha ll be inserted, namely:— “6. (1) F or the purposes of facilitation of proof of ma rriage ceremony (commonly known as Anand Kar aj) customar y among t he Sikhs, the State Government shall, without prejudice to anything contained in the Hindu MarriageShort title and commence- men t. Amendment of Section 2. 7 of 1909. In sertion of new section 6. 25 of 1955.Registration of marriages. Act , 1955 or any other law for the time being in force, make rules providing that the parties to any such marriage [whether solemnized before or after the commencement of the Anand Ma rriage (Amendment) Act, 2012], may have the particulars relating t o their marr iage entered, in such manner and subject to such conditions as ma y be provided in the sa id rules, in a Ma rriage Register kept by such officer of the State Government or of a local authority authorised by the State Government, by notification in the Officia l Gazette, in this behalf. (2) The M arria ge Register sha ll, at a ll rea sonable times, be open for inspection, and sha ll be admissible as evidence of the statements contained therein a nd certified extra cts t herefr om sha ll, on an applica tion, be given by the Registrar to the parties to the marriage on payment of such fees as may be provided in the rules. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the validity of any Anand Mar riage solemnized shall in no way be affected by the omission to make an entry in the Marr iage Register. (4) Every rule made by the Sta te Government under this section sha ll be laid before the State Legislature, as soon as may be, after they are made. (5) The parties to the marria ge, whose ma rria ge ha s been r egistered under this Act, shall not be required to get their mar riage registered under any other law for the time being in force (including Sta te Act ).”.- 2 - Ex-348/2013Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

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