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The Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee (Amendment) Scheme, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 423Date - 18/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 18.8.2017 Sravana 27, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 423 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 13016/4/14-RD (MGNREGS), the 10th August, 2017.In the interest of public service and in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 19 of the Mahatma Gandhi Nationa l Rural Employment Guar antee Act, 2005 (42 of 2005) a nd in compliance with instruct ions of the Ministry of Rural Development issued vide letter F.No.J.l 1060/15/2016-RE-III dated 18.07.2017, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Scheme to amend the Mizoram Ma hatma Ga ndhi Rural Employment Scheme, 2014 (her ein a ft er r efer r ed t o a s t he P r inci p a l S ch eme) not ified u nder M emo No. B . 1 3 0 1 6 / 4 / 1 2 -R D (M GNR E GS ) dt.20.03.2014 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary Issue No. 140 dt. 10.04.2014 namely : 1.Shor t title, extent and :1)This scheme may be called the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi commencement Rural Employment Guarantee (Amendment) Scheme, 2017. 2)It shall extend to the rural areas of Mizoram. 3)It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of Par a 31 : In Para 31 of the Princip al Scheme, the following shall be substituted, namely :- “Payment of Labour Cess shall not be applicable from the MGNREGA Fund.” Lalhmingthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. 2. 2.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

The State Adoption Advisory Committee as under with immediate effect and until further order :

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 424Date - 18/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 18.8.2017 Sravana 27, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 424 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12011/22/12-SWD, the 11th August, 2017. In t he int er es t of p u b l ic s er v ices a nd in ex er cis e of power conferred under Chapter 10 C 5. 4 of the Adoption Regulation 2017, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute the State Adoption Advisory Committee as under with immediate effect and until further order : Chairman:Secr etary, S WD/Women & Child Develop ment Member:Director, Women & Child Development or the - Secretary:concerned Director ate for Adoption Progr amme Members:Repr esentat ive of State Health Depart ment Repr esentative of CARA on invita tion Programme Manager, State Child Protection Society Programme Ma nager, SARA Chairperson/Representative of Adoption Coordinating Agencies Repr esentatives of two SAAs by rota tion Expert in t he field of Child Rights and Child Protection Legal Exp ert Repr esentat ive of Childline Services Ter ms of R eferenc es : A review of the performance of each personnel sha ll be undertaken every year at the state level by the State Principal Secretary/Secretary dealing with the ICPS and at district level by the District Magistrate. Once the DCP O is appointed, either by deputation or cont ract, he/she shall also be pa rt of the selection committee for appointment of other personnel of the DCPU. The Financial support may be provided from Family Based Non-Institutional Care through Adoption. Validity: The term of State Adoption Advisory Committee shall be three (3) year s extendable by 2 year s on the basis of performance appraisal reports. P. Lalchhuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Family Declaration in respect of the employees of the Government of Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 425Date - 18/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 18.8.2017 Sravana 27, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 425 NOTIFICATIONNo.D.12015/l/02-FEA, the 14th August, 2017.In pur sua nce of the decision of t he Council of Ministers on accepting the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Medical Reimbursement, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to or der the following modification relating to Fa mily Declaration in respect of the employees of the Government of Mizoram who are eligible to make reimbur sement on medical expenses under CS (MA) Rules 1944 as amended from time to time. This order supercedes any previous order issued by t he Government of Mizor am in this regard. Family Declaration: Family declaration shall be made afresh by all employees under the Government of Mizoram including PSUs which are funded by the State Government through Grants-in-Aid etc. as per the revised for m enclosed at Annex-I within 31st August, 2017. All Heads of Offices are instructed to exercise utmost care while checking the members of families of the employees under their respective contr ol and ensure tha t the documents submitted are the ones prescribed below and are pr operly authenticated a nd genuine. Any accept ed decla ration, if found incor rect at a ny later stage shall make the controlling authority who accepts the declar ation and the employee who makes the declaration liable for appropr iate disciplinary act ion.Documents to be submitted for proof of relationship.Sl. Relationship withDocu ments to be enclosed along with the declara tion No. the Govt. Servant 1SpouseAttested copy of Certifica te of Marriage issued by concerned Registra r of Mar ria ge or EPIC/ADHAAR of the Govt. Ser va nt or his/her spouse tha t shows their r elationship. 2ParentsAttested copy of EPIC/ID/ADHAAR of the Govt. Servant or of the parents that shows the relationship between the parents and the Govt. Servant. 3Parents-in-lawAttested copy of EPIC/ID/ ADHAAR that shows their relationship with the (For female Govt.husband of Govt. Servant supported by the option exercised by the Government Servants only)Servant that she chose her parents-in-law over her natural parents to be included in the family members. 4Children (son/daughter) Attested c opy of Bir th C er tifica te below 25 years of age 5Minor Brother below Attested copy of Birth Certificate 18 years of age - 2 - Ex-425/2017 6Dependent unmarried Attested cop y of Daughter/Sister above 1) ID cards showing the relationship directly or indirectly. 25 years of age2 ) Non-ma rria ge Certifica te/Testimonial issued by concer ned Registra r of Mar riages 3) Income certificate to show the dependency 7Dependent Divorced Attested cop y of or Widowed1) ID cards showing the relationship directly or indirectly. Da ughter /S ist er2) Divorced/Widowed Certificate/Testimonial issued by concerned Registrar of Marria ges 3) Income certificate to show the dependency 8Adopted childrenAttested copy of Legal adoption Certifica te from Magistr ate. 9Disabled sonAttested copy of Permanent Disability Certificate issued by Social Welfare Department. All claims for Medical Reimbursement shall be supported by the new Family Declaration with effect from 1st September, 2017. Annex-1 DETAILS OF FAMILY (To be updated every year) {See Sect 4(1) of CS(MA) Rules 1944} 1.Name of Govt. Servant: .................................................................................... 2.Designation: .................................................................................... 3.Date of Birth: .................................................................................... 4.Date of appointment: .................................................................................... 5.Details of the family members as on : .................................................................................... Sl.Names of theDate ofRelationship withDocumentRema rks of the membersbirth the Govt. ServantsubmittedContr olling Officer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I hereby cer tify that the above declaration made by me is fully updated and corr ect. Da t e: .............................................. Signature of the Govt. Servant - 3 -Ex-425/2017 DECLARATION OF THE CONTROLLING AUTHORITY After careful checking of the documents submitted by the Government Servant. I satisfy myself that the above ..................................... (number of the members) persons are truly the Family Members of Pi/Pu .............................................. for the purpose of CS (MA) Rules 1944. Date .....................................................Signature of the Controlling Officer (with seal) See over leaf for eligibility conditions for Fa mily Members for the purpose of CS (MA) Rules, 1944 and docu ments to be submitted in support of the declaration. For inclusion in the Family Members for the pu rpose of CS (MA) Rules, 1944, the following suppor ting docu ments* should be submit ted. Sl. Relationship withDocu ments to be enclosed along with the declara tion No. the Govt. Servant 1SpouseAttested copy of Certifica te of Marriage issued by concerned Registra r of Mar ria ge or EPIC/ADHAAR of the Govt. Ser va nt or his/her spouse tha t shows their r elationship. 2ParentsAttested copy of EPIC/ID/ADHAAR of the Govt. Servant or of the parents that shows the relationship between the parents and the Govt. Servant. 3Parents-in-lawAttested copy of EPIC/ID/ ADHAAR that shows their relationship with the (For female Govt.husband of Govt. Servant supported by the option exercised by the Government Servants only)Servant that she chose her parents-in-law over her natural parents to be included in the family members. 4ChildrenAttested copy of Birth Certificate below 25 years of age 5Minor Brother below Attested copy of Birth Certificate 18 years of age 6Dependent unmarried Attested cop y of Daughter/Sister above 1) ID cards showing the relationship directly or indirectly. 25 years of age2 ) Non-ma rria ge Certifica te/Testimonial issued by concer ned Registra r of Mar riages 3) Income certificate to show the dependency 7Dependent Divorced Attested cop y of or Widowed1) ID cards showing the relationship directly or indirectly. Da ughter /S ist er2) Divorced/Widowed Certificate/Testimonial issued by concerned Registrar of Marria ges 3) Income certificate to show the dependency 8Adopted childrenAttested copy of Legal adoption Certifica te from Magistr ate. 9Disabled sonAttested copy of Permanent Disability Certificate issued by Social Welfare Department. Not e: 1.ID Card can be any of the following documents that are accept ed by the Government as proof of identity: 1) EPIC 2) ADHAAR 3) Driving Licence 4) PAN Card, etc. But this does not include ID Cards issued by individual Departments/Institutions for use within their orga nisations. 2. To show relationships indirectly wit h the Govt. Servant, one may have to submit 2 or more ID car ds. 3. In case of submission of doubtful documents, the Contr olling Authority shall have the power to insist the origina l for comparison with the documents submit ted. No.D.12015/l/02-FEA, the 14th August, 2017.In pur sua nce of the decision of t he Council of Ministers on accepting the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Medical Reimbursement, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to fix the following entitlements in respect of Medical R eimbursement for employees of t he Government of Mizor am who are eligible to make reimbursement on medica l expenses under CS (MA) Rules 1 944 as amended from time to t ime. 1.Entitlements on Accommodation : The upper ceiling for room entitlements shall be limited to :- PayGradeEntitlement BandPay (^)per Night 48700 and a bove- ^ 2,000 or actual charge whichever is less 35400 and a bove- ^ 1,000 or actual charge whichever is less 24400 and a bove- ^ 700 or actual charge whichever is less 24200- ^ 500 or actual charge whichever is less 11800 and a bove- ^ 300 or actual charge whichever is less 1/-1SBelow 1800- ^ 200 or actual charge whichever is less For patient s refer red out side the State, the u pper ceiling shall be double the amount fix ed above in each category. Any charge of accommodations beyond the entitlement shall be paid from the Government Serva nts’ own pocket a nd will not be reimbur sed. In the case of patients treated in ICU, reimbursement for all cases, irresp ective of the category of Government S ervant shall be permissible. 2.Entitlement on Air Travel: The cheapest mode of travel must be encouraged and mode of travel should be a s per entitlement and/or as per recommendation of the Medical Boa rd. Act ual Air travelling expenses may be re-imbursed as charged by the Airlines for the first visit. The upper ceiling permissible for re-imbursement for the subsequent follow up visits (to & fro) per hea d are as follows: Aizawl to Imphal/Guwahati/Kolkata and ba ck-^ 10,000/- Aizawl to N Delhi/ M umbai/ Chennai/ Bengaluru/- ^ 20,000/- Hyderabad/Thiruvananthapuram a nd ba ck All efforts should be made by all concerned to avail the lowest rate as far a s possible. 3.Entitlement on Diet cha r ges: (i)^ 150/- per day or actual charge whichever is less. (ii)For Special diet (T herapeut ic Diet) duly p rescribed by Medical Officer - ^ 350/- per da y or actual charge whichever is less. If the amount of diet char ges exceeds the entitlements, the Government Serva nt will have to pay from his own sources and will not be permissible for re-imbursement.- 4 - Ex-425/2017 Thes e entit lements sha ll b e effective fr om 1.9.2 017 and supercede the entitlements fixed in any previous orders. No. D. 12015/1/02-FEA, the 14th August, 2017. In pursuance of the decision of the Council of Ministers on accepting the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Medical Reimbursement, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to extend the benefit of Medical Reimbursement for the following specific treatments on Day Care/OPD in respect of employees of the Government of Mizoram who are eligible to make reimbursement on medical expenses under CS (MA) Rules 1944 as amended from time to time. This order shall be effective from 1. 9.2017 and supercedes any previous order issued by the Government of Mizoram in t his regard. A.For r eferr ed cas es i.Hepatitis B & C ii.Dialysis iii.Parenteral Chemotherapy for cancer & other chronic disease eg. Rheumatoid ar thritis for rituximab infusion i v.Refr active Eye Sur ger y v.Laser Therapy for Diabetic Retinopathy vi.Hemifacial Spasm/Blepherospasm/Cervical Dystonia requiring Therapeut ic Botox Injection vii.Connective Tissue Diseases eg. SLE, DLE viii.Lithotripsy (Kidney stone removal) ix.Treatment follow-up (monitoring) of Cancer Orga n Transplant Post Head Injury PP I (P erma nent Pa cemaker Implantation) x.Lapa roscop ic Therapeutic Surgeries xi.Central Line Insertion xii.Chronic Heart Failure xiii.Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) x iv.Pulmonary hypertension B.For non-r efer red cas es i.Herniotomy under GA ii.Chronic Anal Fissure under GA iii.Big Abscess cavities under GA i v.Circumcision under GA v.Diagnostic laparoscopic examina tion vi.Thalassemia and other hematologica l disorders requiring r epeated transfu sion vii.OME for Gr ommet Insertion under GA viii.Myringoplasty (adults) under LA ix.Surgery for Cataract, Squint (adults only), Glaucoma x.Laser procedure for Glaucoma and posterior capsular opa city Lalmalsawma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department (EA).Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 5 -Ex-425/2017

The Mizoram Goods and Services Tax (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2017

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 426Date - 18/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 18.8.2017 Sravana 27, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 426 NOTIFICATIONNo. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX/Vol-II, the 14th August, 2017. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of t he Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2 017), the Governor of Mizoram, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby notifies the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2 017 which shall come into force on t he date of publication in the Official Gazette. Vanlal Chhuanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. THE MIZORAM GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (FOURTH AMENDMENT) RULES, 2017 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017), the Governor of Mizoram hereby makes the following r ules fu rther t o amend the Mizoram Goods and S ervices Tax Rules, 2017, namely:- 1.(1) These r ules may be ca lled the Mizor am Goods and Services Tax (Four th Amendment) Rules, 2017. (2) Save as otherwise provided, they shall come into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2.In the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, (i)in rule 24, with effect from 22nd July, 2017, in sub-rule (4). for the words “within a period of thir ty days from the appointed day”, the words and figures “on or before 30th ”’ S eptember, 2017" shall be substituted: (ii) for rule 34, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “34. Rate of exchange of currency, other than Indian rupees, for determination of value.- (1) The rate of exchange for determination of value of taxable goods shall be the applicable rate of exchange as not ified by the Board under section 14 of the C ustoms Act, 1962 for the date of time of supply of such goods in terms of section 12 of the Act. (2) The ra te of exchange for determination of value of taxable services shall be the applicable rate of exchange determined as per the generally accepted accounting principles for the date of t ime of supply of such services in terms of section 13 of the Act”; - 2 - Ex-426/2017 (iii) in r ule 46, for the third proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:- “Provided also that in the case of the export of goods or services, the invoice shall carry an endorsement “SUPPLY MEANT FOR EXPORT/SUPPLY TO SEZ UNIT OR SEZ DEVELOPER FOR AUTHORISED OPERATIONS ON PAYMENT OF INTEGRATED TAX” or “SUPPLY MEANT FOR EXPORT/SUPPLY TO SEZ UNIT OR SEZ DEVELOPER FOR AUTHORISED OPERATIONS UNDER BOND OR LETTER OF UNDERTAKING WITHOUT PAYMENT OF INTEGRATED TAX”, as the case may be, and shall, in lieu of the details specified in clause (e), conta in the following details, namely,- (i) name and a ddress of the recipient; (ii) addr ess of delivery; and (iii) name of the countr y of destination: (iv) in rule 61, with effect from Ist July,2017, for sub-rule (5), the following sub-rules shall be substituted, namely:- “(5) Wher e the time limit for furnishing of details in FORM GSTR-1 under section 37 and in FORM GSTR-2 under section 38 has been extended and the circumstances so warr ant, the Commissioner may, by notification, specify that return shall be furnished in FORM GSTR-3B electronica lly thr ough the common portal, either directly or thr ough a Fa cilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner. (6) Where a return in FORM GSTR-3B has been furnished, after the due da te for furnishing of details in FORM GSTR-2— ( a ) Part A of the return in FORM GSTR-3 sha ll be electronically generated on the basis of information furnished through FORM GSTR-1, FORM GSTR-2and based on other liabilities of preceding tax periods and PART B of the said return shall be electronically generated on the basis of the return in FORM GSTR-3B fur nished in respect of the tax period; (b) the registered person shall modify Part B of the return in FORM GSTR-3based on the discrep ancies, if any, between the return in FORM GSTR-3B and the return in FORM GSTR-3 and dischar ge his tax and other liabilit ies, if any; (c ) wher e the amount of input ta x credit in FORM GSTR-3 exceeds the amount of input tax credit in terms of FORM GSTR-3B, the additional amount shall be credited to the electronic credit ledger of the r egistered person.”; (v) in rule 83, with effect from lst July 2017, in sub-rule (3), in the second proviso, for the word “sub-section”, the word “sub-rule” shall be substituted; (vi) in rule 89, with effect from 1st July 2017, in sub-rule (4), in clause (E), for the word “sub- section”, the word “clause” sha ll be substituted; (vii) in FORM GST TRAN-1, with effect from 1st July 2017. in SI. No. 7, in Table (a), for the heading of column (2), (lie heading “HSN a s applicable” shall be substituted; (viii) in FORM GST TRAN-2, with effect from 1st July 2017, in Sl. No. 4 and 5. in the Table, for the heading of column (1), the heading “ HSN as applica ble” sha ll be substituted.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Department’s Notification No. 2/2017 - State Tax (Rate) issued vide No. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX(i) : Dated 7.7.2017, the following corrections may be made as under :

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 427Date - 18/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 18.8.2017 Sravana 27, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 427 CORRIGENDUMNo. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX/Vol-II/Pt-II(i), the 14th August, 2017.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification No. 2/2017 - State Tax (Rate) issued vide No. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX(i) : Dated 7.7.2017, the following corrections may be made as under : In the Schedu le, - (i)in S.No. 59, in column (2), for “9”, read “7, 9 or 10”; (ii)in S.No. 102, in column (2), for “2302”, read “2301, 2302”. Vanlal Chhuanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

This Department’s Notification No. 1/2017 State Tax (Rate) issued vide No. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX : Dated 7.7.2017. The following corrections may be made as given under :

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 428Date - 18/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 18.8.2017 Sravana 27, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 428 CORRIGENDUMNo. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX/Vol-II/Pt-II, the 14th August, 2017.Reference ma y kindly be invited to this Department’s Notification No. 1/2017 State Tax (Rate) issued vide No. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX : Dated 7.7.2017. The following corrections may be made as given under : (A) In Schedule I - 2.5%,- (i) in S. No.59, in column (3), for “1106 10 90”, read “0713”; (ii) in S. No.61, in column (2), for “1106 10 90”, read “0713”; (iii) in S.No.92,- (a) in column (2), for “1702”, read “1702 or 1704”; (b) in column (3), for “Palmyra sugar”, read “Palmyra sugar, mishri, batasha, bura”; (iv) in S .No.185, in column (3 ), for “Agarbatti”, read “Agarbatti, lobhan”; (v) in S . No. 2 20, in c olumn ( 3),- (a) for “saima”, read “salma”; (b) for “gotasitara”, read “gota, sitara”; (c) for “glzal”, read “gizai”; (vi) in S . No. 234, in column (3), aft er entr y (g), insert “(h) Photo voltaic cells, whether or not assembled in modules or ma de up into panels”; (B) In Schedule II - 6%,- (i) in S .No.14, in column (3), after “shelled or peeled”, insert “and desiccated coconu ts”; (ii) in S.No.16, in column (3), for “Da tes”, r ead “Dates (soft or har d)”; (iii) in S.No.56, in column (3), for “serial number 1(f)”, read “serial number 1(g)”; (iv) in S.No.74, in column (2), for “3302”, read “3301”; (v) in S.No.231, in column (3), for “heading 9208”, read “heading 9208 or 9705”; (C) In Schedule III - 9%- (i) in S. No. 55, in column (3), for “(Fountain pen ink and Ball pen ink)”, read “(other than Fountain pen ink and Ball pen ink)”; (ii) in S. No. 133, in column (3), for “Artificial fur and articles thereof”, read “Artificial fur other than articles thereof”; (iii) in S . No. 233, in column (3), omit “Sewing needles”; - 2 - Ex-428/2017 (iv) in S. No. 247, in column (3), for “0.12.5 mm” , read “0.15 mm”; (v) in S.No.323, in column (2), for “8522 90”, read “8422 90”; (vi) in S. No. 395, in column (3), for “Optical Fib er”, read “Optical Fibre Cable”; (vii) in S . No. 447, in column (3), omit “and other pens”; (D) In Schedule IV - 14%- (i) in S . No. 158, in column (3), for “optical fibres optical fibres, bundles or cables”, read “optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or cables”; (ii) in S. No. 161, in column (3), for “Optical Fiber”, read “Optical Fibre Cables”; (iii) in S . No. 215, in column (3), for “Video games consoles and Ma chines”, read “Video games consoles and Ma chines, a rticle and accessor ies for billiards [9504 20 00], other games operated by coins, ba nknotes, i.e., casino games [9504 20 00] and others [other than board games of 9504 90 90]”. Vanlal Chhuanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Deed change name of Havildar Lalsanglura

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 429Date - 18/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 18.8.2017 Sravana 27, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 429Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTICENo. 3MAP/R-29/2017/1787, the 16th August, 2017.Whereas Havildar Lalsanglura (PUN : 080369AB9011546) applied for change of his name as K. Lalsanglura in a prescribed Deed for changing his name; Whereas he stated that his name was written as Lalsanglura at the time of recruitment as per his service record. Wher eas he further stated that he wrote his full name a s K. La lsanglura in his voter ’s ID, Bank Account etc. Wher eas aft er considering the case it was satisfied that no foul pla y is involved in his a pplication; Now, therefore, the permission is granted to change his name to K. Lalsa nglura in his service record. Laldawngliana, Commandant, 3rd Bn. MAP : Aizawl, Mizoram.

Deed changing name of Vanlalrosiama Ralte of Salem Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram-796005

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 430Date - 25/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 25.8.2017 Bhadrapada 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 430 2. 2.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50AFFIDAVIT ON CHANGING NAMEBY T HIS DEED, I, the undersigned Vanlalr osiama Ralte (New name) S/o R ohmingliana Ra lte, now late ca lled Vanlalrosiama (Former na me), resident of Salem Veng, Aizawl, Mizora m-796005, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.Wholly renounce, relinquish and a bandon the use of my former name of Vanlalr osiama a nd in p lace thereof do a ssume from the date hereof the name of Vanla lrosiama Ralte and so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name of Vanlalrosiama but by my assumed name of Vanlalrosiama Ralte. 2.For the pur pose of evidencing such my determina tion declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writing and in all pr oceedings, dealings and transactions private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use a nd sign the na me of Vanlalrosiama Ralte as my name in place of and in substitution for my former name of Vanlalrosiama. 3.Expr essly a uthorize and r equest all per sons at all times hereafter to designate and addr ess me such assumed name of Vanlalrosiama Ralte. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my former and adopted name of Vanlalrosiama and Vanlalrosiama Ralte and affixed my signature on this 7th day of December, 2011. Sd/-Sd/- VanlalrosiamaVanlalrosiama Ralte For mer NameAssumed Name Identified by me:-Swor n before me: Sd/-Sd/- F. LalenglianaR. ThangkanglovaNotarial Registration AdvocateNota ry PublicNo. 56/1 District Court ComplexAizawl : MizoramDate 4.1.2012 Aizawl, Mizoram

Affidavit of Lalbiaktluangi daughter of Shri Thira, Chaltlang Mual Veng, Aizawl, District : Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 431Date - 25/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 25.8.2017 Bhadrapada 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 431 2. 2.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50AFFIDAVITI, Lalbiaktluangi daughter of Shr i Thira , a permanent resident of Chaltlang Mual Veng, Aizawl, District : Aizawl, Mizoram Christian by faith do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Scheduled tribe community of Mizo. 2.That I have been serving a s Assistant under Directorate of Land Revenue and Settlement, Aizawl, Mizoram since the year 2007 till today. 3.That in my service record book my name has been inadvertently written and recorded as C. Lalbiaktluangi. But, my true and correct name is Lalbiaktlua ngi. 4.That the purpose of this a ffidavit is to declar e that the said Lalbia ktluangi and C. Lalbia ktluangi is one and the same per son. 5.That I do hereby declared before a notary Public, Aizawl, Mizora m that the said Lalbia ktluangi and C. La lbia ktluangi is one and the sa me person. However, from now onwa rd my name sha ll be written and recorded as Lalbiaktluangi in all respect instead of C. Lalbiaktlua ngi. 6.That the st atements made in paragraphs 1-4 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt o put my signature on this the 03rd day of August, 2017. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me:-Swor n before me: Sd/-Sd/- R. LalhmingmawiaR. ThangkanglovaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocate & Notary PublicNo. 5/8 Chaltlang, Aizawl, MizoramAizawl : MizoramDate 3.8.2017

The Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (5 of 2016) in the Second Schedule to the Act

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 432Date - 25/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 25.8.2017 Shravana 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 432 2. 2.NOTIFICATIONNo. K. 12011/10/2007-REV/240, the 18th August, 2017.Wher eas the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (5 of 2016) in the Second Schedule t o the Act provides that the amount entitled by a displaced family on account of acqu isition of land in respect of elements of rehabilitation and resettlement under serial numbers 2, 5, and 6 in the said Second Schedule to be decided by the Government; The Governor of Mizoram is, therefore, pleased to hereby notify for general information and with immediate effect tha t the quantum of entit lement for the said pu rposes sha ll b e as sp ecified her eunder : Sl. No. 2. Choice of Annuity or employment: The rehabilitation entitlement for choice of annuity or employment shall be availa ble only to the displaced families who are poor and vulnera ble without regular source of income, or the displaced families whose source of regular income have been adversely affected by t he displa cement on account of acquisition of land. In case jobs are not created, the entitled displaced family shall be at liberty to choose to be paid the annuity @ Rs 2,000/- (Rupees two thousand) ever y month for a period of 2 0 year s or in one-time payment of the total amount of the annuity for the said 20 years: Provided tha t if the displa ced family opts for monthly payment of the a nnuity for twenty year s, the total amount required shall be deposit ed by t he Requiring Body into the designated account of t he District Collector who shall ensure monthly payment to t he entitled fa mily during the said twenty-year period. SI. No. 5. Cattle shed/ Petty Shop Cost: The amount of entitlement under serial No. 5 s hall be the sa me as t he cost assess ed and paid for as compensation for such Cattle shed or Petty shop of the displaced family, excluding solatium, subject to the maximum of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousa nd) per Cattle shed/ Petty shop. SI. No. 6. One-time grant to artisan, small tra ders and certain others: The amount of one-time grant entitled under serial No. 6 shall be Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees iwcnty five thousand) per displaced family who have lost and have to re-establish their place of business under this category. R. Lalramnghaka, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (Act 5 of 2016) provides for revising the rates of value of trees, plants and crops, including some man-made structures on land which would be lost by the person interested on account of acquisition of the land at every three years

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 433Date - 28/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 28.8.2017 Shravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 433 NOTIFICATIONNo.K.12011/10/2007-REV/241, the 18th August, 2017.Whereas section 29 of the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (Act 5 of 2016) provides for revising the rates of value of trees, plants and crops, including some man-made structures on land which would be lost by the person interested on account of acquisition of the land at every three years; And whereas the last fixation of rates was revised on the 28th November, 2013, and a period of three years has already lapted. Now, therefore, in supersession of all previous Order/Notification in this regard, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to revise and fix new uniform rates of compensation in respect of buildings, corps and plants, etc. lost by the person interested on account of acquisition of land for public purpose under the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016, with immediate effect as shown her e under:- Part-I :RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR BUILDINGSSl.No.Names of itemsRecommended rateRupees per sq.mplinth area1Cattle shed, Poultry shed or any other shed for domestic1,500/- animals, with thatch roofing 2.Cattle shed, Poultry shed or any other shed for domestic2,500/- animals, with GCI sheet roofing 3.Ordinary Mizo House, Mud floor, with thatch roofing2,500/- 4Ordinary Mizo House with bamboo floor elevated from3,000/- ground, double turja walling, and thatch foofing 5.Ordinary Mizo House with Plank Floor, double Turja5,00/- walling, thatch roofing with hardwood post below floor level driven below ground jointed with sawn timber post. 6Ordinary Mizo House with Plank Floor, GCI sheet roof7,000/- Turja walling, hardwood post below floor level driven below ground jointed by iron flat with sawn Timber. Ex-433/2017 2 7.Mizo type building plank floor with hardwood post jointed8,000/- with flat iron with sawn timber post driven below the ground by flat iron with GCI sheet roofing AC sheet walling or plain sheet walling 8Mizo type building plank floor with hardwood post driven belowMay be assessed as the ground jointed by flat iron with sawn timber post, AC sheetp er M P W D ’s walling, GCI sheet roof with AC sheet/plain sheet/bamboo ceilingSchedule of Rate and full paneling of inside wall with AC sheet, Plywood etc.and latest Cost Indices 9Pucca building with CC floor, with cement structure, brick/GCI sheet walling upto skirting, AC sheet wall GCI sheet roof, AC ceiling 10Building with RCC superstructure, plank floor AC sheet walling GCI sheet roof, AC ceiling 11RCC buildings and other structures Part-II:RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR SHIFTING MEMORIAL STONES/GRAVESSl.No.Type of Graves/Memorial StoneRecommended cost ofcompensation (in rupees)1Grave with memorial stone (natural stone slab)30,000/-Plus solatium @ Rs. 10,000/- 2Grave with RCC memorial stone35,000/-per gr ave. 3Grave with memorial slab35,000/- 4Grave without memorial stone18,000/- 5Memorial stone15,000/- 6Grave with memorial stone with slab30,000 7Grave with memorial stone with engraving30,000/- 8Grave with granite memorial stone45,000/- 9Pyramid Phura engraving60,000/- Part-III: RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR PADDY CULTIVATIONSl.No.Type of paddyAverage yield perRecommended rate per Hectarecultivationhectare (in Tins)of paddy field @ Rs. 200/- pertin of paddy (in rupees)1Paddy in jhum25050,000/- 2Paddy in Dry Terrace30060,000/- 3Paddy in WRC6001,20,000/- land with fully developed irrigation facility P a r t - I V:RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR LAND DEVELOPMENTSl.No.Level of Land Development acchievedRecommended rateper acre or Tin (inrupees)1Where only Jungle clearance is completed in any type of4,500/- land for cultivation of crops 2Wher e after Sl. No.1, up to levelling or terracing including44,000/- uprooting and removal of stones and stumps is completed 3Where after Sl.No. 2, up to layout with bunds is completed50,000/- for WRC or DTC 4Where after Sl.No. 3, the land is tilled and ploughed55,000/- 5Cost of irrigation facilities are put in placeTo be assessed as per MPWD’s Schedule of Rates and latest cost indices Pa r t - V:COMPENSATION FOR FRUIT CROPS (Amount in Rs.) Planting materialWellWell extablishedestablished of up to 45 cmof 45 cmyoung plants young plant Fruit heightto 1.0 mof 1.0 m toof abovebearing/ S.Name of Plant/treehight1.50 m1.50 mmature No.stage 1Orange, Hatkora, Sweet Orange (Sisu), Serman, Valencia and Mozambique, Lemon, Lime 2Jackfruit, Tamarind, Guava, Pear, Plum, Peach, Zammir, Dragonfruit, Theiherawt and Sertawk 3Litchi (Theifeimung), Butter Fruit, Zawngtah, Mango. 4Theiria, Sunhlu, Sakhithei Pangkai, Chengkek, Theipui Borai, Theitit, Bilthei, Lenhmui, Th eipalingkawh, Vawmva, Theitat, Keifang, Keipui 5Papaya 6Lakhuihthei (Pineapple) 7Balhla (Banana), Saisu 8Grapes 9Sapthei (Passion fruit) 10Any other fruit cr opPlanted Natural growth Planted Planted natural Planted Planted natural Planted Planted natural Budded 120 seeding40 180 250 800 10000 30 20 60 40 180 150 500 300 6000 35 25 70 50 200 170 700 350 8000 25 15 50 30 160 120 400 250 4000 30 60 250 500 4000 3 4 7 30 70 15 30 80 150 500 20 40 70 150 2000 2 3 5 20 500 5 10 30 120 800 Ex-433/2017 3 Planted Natural growth Planted Planted natural Planted Planted natural Planted Planted natural 60 80 120 600 4000 5 7 12 20 100 4 8 20 160 400 6 8 12 15 20 6 8 12 25 100 6 8 12 25 35 10 20 30 80 300 5 8 40 80 120 2 4 6 8 10 10 20 30 100 500 Part-VI:COMPENSATION FOR VEGETABLE CROPS (Amount in Rs.) Planting materialWellWell extablishedestablished of up to 45 cmof 45 cmyoung plants young plant Fruit heightto 1.0 mto 1.0 m toof abovebearing/ S.Name of Plant/treehight1.50 m1.50 mmature No.stage 1Khanghu, Thingth upui, Ankhapui, Kawhtebel, Buarpui chempai 2Sugarcane (Fu) 3Bawrhsaiabe, Samtawk, Bawkbawn Maitamtawk, Satinrem 4Tomato, Hmarcha 5Mai, Maipawl, Berul, Um ei, Changkha, Fanghma, Dawnfawh 6Katchu, Kawlbahra/ Bahra, Pangbal, Tumip, Carrot, Knolkhol, Beet, Antam, Alu, Sawhthing, Ailaidum, Purunvar/Purunsen 7Zikhlum, Par bawr, Broccoli 8Vaimim, Chhawhchhi, Buhtun, Behliang, Anthur 9Phuihnam, Chingit 10 Bean, Bete, Bekang, Bepui, Chana, Bepui- pawr/Bepuithlanei 11 Iskut 12 Any other vegetable crop not mentioned above 30 60 90 300 4 8 10 20 40 5 10 15 50 Ex-433/2017 4 5 7 12 20 100 Planted Natural growth Planted Planted natural Planted Planted natural Planted Planted natural 20 40 60 100 500 15 8 30 20 50 30 70 50 120 . . . . 2/- per stick 5 10 30 50 200 5 10 30 50 150 20/30 100/140 150/200 800 5000 30 120 300 To be assessed ad valorem by District Forest Officer con- cerned Part-VII: COMPENSATION FOR PLANTATION CROPS (Amount in Rs.) Planting materialWellWell extablishedestablished of up to 45 cmof 45 cmyoung plants young plant Fruit heightto 1.0 mto 1.0 m toof abovebearing/ S.Name of Plant/treeheight1.50 m1.50 mmature No.stage 1Thingpui, Coffee 2La (Cotton), Vaihlo (tobacco) 3Cocunut, Kuhva (arecanut) 4Oil Palm 5Canes, Palm (other than men tioned above) 6Panhnah (betel leaf) 7Bamboo (Phulrua, Vairua) 8Bamboo (Rawnal, Rawthing) 9Bamboo (Mautak, Rawthla) 10 Hmunphiah 11 Kangdamdawi Jatropha 12 Aloever a 13 Rubber-seedling/budded 14 Sandalwood, Red Sander, Rosewood, Thingrai (agar) 6 8 12 25 35 35 25 70 50 200 170 700 350 8000 150 200 300 600 5000 20 15 30 20 40 30 150 100 400 10 25 40 150 300 10 5 20 10 40 25 60 40 100 5 4 10 5 20 10 30 20 75 . . . . Ex-433/2017 5 15 Tree species of A-I Class as per EF&CC Department’s classification 16 Tree species of A-II Class as per EF&CC Department’s clasification 17 Tree species under of B-II Class as per EF&CC Department’s clasification 18 Other Trees not men tioned h er e above will be under B-II Class as per EF&CC Department’s classificationAs per the latest classification and valuation notified by the Environ- men t, Forest an d Climae Change Department.15 10 50 30 150 100 12 10 40 25 120 80 10 6 30 20 100 60 20 100 300 R. Lalramnghaka, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement Department. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Ex-433/2017 6

Preliminary Notification for land Acquisition in Aizawl District for Security Forces

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 434Date - 28/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARYVOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 28.8.2017 Shravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 434Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 1/- per page PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATIONFOR LAND ACQUISITION IN AIZAWL DISTRICTFOR SECURITY FORCESNo. K.12011/53(B)/17-REV/6, the 21st August, 2017. Whereas it appears to the Government of Mizoram that land occupied by Security Forces at Water Point, Tuirial and Supply Point, Zemabawk (herein after referred to as the “said land”) has to be acquired by the Security Forces under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. And whereas land is required for the continued occupation of Security Forces which is a project falling within the purview of sub-section (2) of section 40 of the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (her einafter called the Act): Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Act that- 1.The said land is needed for the purpose specified above; 2.The acqu isition of the said land is exempted from undertaking of the Social Impa ct Assessment studies as provided under section 9 of the Act; 3.The Deputy Commissioner/Collector of Aizawl District shall conduct Preliminary Survey of the land for the said project so as to acquire the minimum area required for the project, if not already done, as provided under section 12 of the said Act, and shall also update all records of lands within the land to be acquired within 2 (two) months from the date of publication of this Notification, prior to publication of Declaration by the Government. 4.Any person interested in any land within the notified area may file his or her objection to the Collector within sixty days from the date of publication of this notification as provided under section 15 of the said Act as regards- Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Ex-434/20172 (a)The area and suitability of land proposed to be acquired. (b)Justification offered for public purpose. and also Claims for compensation on landed properties. 5.The Additional Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl District is appointed as Administrator for the purpose of rehabilitation and resettlement of the affected families, if any. 6.No new allotment of land or change of nature of land rights, save on the order of the competent court, shall be made within the affected area by authorities concerned after the date of publication of this notification. 7.Persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of land by sale, lease, mortgage, assign change of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein after the date of publication, without the sanction of the Collector will, under sub-section (4) of section 11 of the Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement Department.

Co-ordination Committee for the World Food India Event with the following members

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 435Date - 28/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARYVOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 28.8.2017 Shravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 435Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 1/- per page NOTIFICATIONNo. B.12018/35/2013-IND, the 21st August, 2017. The Competent Authority is pleased to constitute a Co-ordination Committee for the World Food India Event with the following members :- 1.Commissioner & Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department-Chairman. 2.Additional Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department-Member 3.Director, Commerce & Industries Deptt.-Member Secreta ry 4.Additional Secretary, Agriculture Deptt.-Member 5.State Mission Organic Mizoram Agriculture Deptt.-Member 6.Joint Secretary, Hor ticulture Department-Member 7.Additional Director, Commerce & Industries Department-Member 8.Joint Director (Fruits), Horticulture Department-Member The Committee shall be responsible for all activities relating to participation of Mizoram in the World Food India event to be held in New Delhi from Dt. 3-5 November, 2017. Zothan Khuma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

Deed changing name of H.Zothanmawii Zote

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 436Date - 28/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARYVOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 28.8.2017 Shravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 436Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 1/- per page NOTIFICATIONNo. A,21011/2/2017-LAD, the 23nd August, 2017. Whereas Kumari Zothanmawii, UDC has applied for change of her name as H.Zothanmawii Zote. Her name was written as Zothanmawii at the time of recruitment/entry into Govt. Service. And whereas she stated she wrote her full name as H.Zothanmawii Zote in her Birth Certificate, Education Certificate as well as Voter ’s I.D, Bank Account, PAN Card etc. Now, therefore, the Appointing Authority is pleased to permit change of her name toH.Zothanmawii Zote in her service record. Rodney L. Ralte, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Obituary of Pu.Lalrinpuia S/o Neichunga,Lecturer,Govt.Kamalanagar Higher Secondary School,Chawngte

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 437Date - 28/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARYVOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 28.8.2017 Shravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 437Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Rs. 1/- per page OB ITUARYThe Government of Mizoram has learnt,with profound grief and deep sorrow,the sad and untimely demise of Pu.Lalrinpuia S/o Neichunga,Lecturer,Govt.Kamalanagar Higher Secondary School,Chawngte on 28.02.2017. Born on 22.08.1977,Pu Lalrinpuia was appointed as Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration on 06.03.2016 and posted at Govt.Kamalanagar Higher Secondary School,Chawngte and served there as Lecturer (Gazetted) till his last breath. He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion to duty and endeared himself to all his colleagues.He always proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Lalrinpuia and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Vanlalruati, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Dated Aizawl, The 25th July, 2017

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