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The Punjab Municipal Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Amendment Ordinance, 2017 (No. 2 of 2017)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 376Date - 28/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 12017/55/2016-LJD.The following ordinance is hereby re-published for general information. The Punjab Municipa l Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Amendment Ordinance, 2017 (No. 2 of 2017) Vincent Lalrokima, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 28.7.2017 Sravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 376 MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legisla tive Dep art ment) New Delhi, the 1st July, 2011/Ashadha 10, 1939 (Saka) THE PUNJAB MUNICIPAL CORPORATION LAW (EXTENSION TO CHANDIGARH) AMENDMENT ORDINANCE, 2017 No. 2OF 2017Promulgated by the President in the Sixty-eight h Year of the Republic of India. An Ordinance further to amend the Punja b Municipal Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Act, 1994. WHEREAS the goods and services tax is to be introduced in the country with effect from 1st July, 2017; ANDWHERE AS entertainment tax and entertainment duty have been levied by the Centra l Government in the Union territory of Chandigarh under the Punjab Municipal Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Act, 1994; ANDWHERE AS by the Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016, entry 62 of L ist- II-S tate Lis t of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution has been amended to levy taxes on entertainments - 2 - Ex-376/2017Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 and amusements to the extent levied and collected by a P anchayat or Municipalit y or a Regional Council or a Dis trict Council; ANDWH ER E AS the Punjab Municipal Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Act, 1994, is required to be suita bly amended to empower the Municipal Corpora tion of Chandigarh to levy a nd collect taxes on entertainments and a musements in light of the said amendments; ANDWHERE AS Par liament is not in session and the President is sa tisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate act ion: N ow,THERE FORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 123 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to promulgate the following Ordinance:— 1.(1) This Ordinance may be called the Punjab Municip al Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Amendment Ordinance, 2017.(2) It shall come into for ce at once. 2.In the Punjab Municipal Corporation La w (Extension to Chandigarh) Act, 1994, in section 90,— (i) In sub-section (l),— (a) In clause (e), the word “and” occurring at the end, shall be omitted; (b) After clause (f), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:— “(g) a tax under the Punjab Entertainment Tax (Cinematograph shows) Act, 1954, a s applicable to the Union terr itory of Chandigarh to b e collected from the proprietor of the premises where a public cinematogra ph exhibition is held within the local area of the city; and (h) a tax under the Punjab Entertainments Duty Act, 1955, as applicable to the Union territory of Chandigarh to be collected from ever y person admitted to a n entertainment within the local area of the city.”; (ii) in sub-section (6), cla u ses (d) and (e) shall be omitted. PRANAB MUKHERJEE, P resident . DR. G. NARAYANA RAJU, Secr etary to the Govt. of India. Short title and commencement. Amendment of section 90.45 of 1994.

Jr. Grade of MCS, Jr. Grade of MPS leh Jr. Grade of MF&AS Officers, Departmental Examination la ‘clear’ lote tan Departmental Examination, ni 22-30 November, 2017 chhungin buatsaih a tum

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 377Date - 28/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. 46/B/2013-MPSC, the 20th July, 2017.Mizoram Public Service Commission chuan Jr. Grade of MCS, Jr. Grade of MPS leh Jr. Grade of MF&AS Officers, Departmental Examination la ‘clear’ lote tan Departmental Examination, ni 22-3 0 November, 2017 chhungin bua tsaih a tum a. Heng Service hrang hrang tarlana Junior Grade/Probationer Officers, Departmental Examination la hmabak zawng zawngte chua n ‘Willingness’ lehkhapuan pangngaia ziakin leh proper channel-in, Secreta ry, Mizoram Public Service Commission hnenah ni 15.8. 2017 thlengin thehluh theih a ni. Willingness thehlut turte chuan a hnuaia information mamawhte hi an rawn tarla ng tur a ni. 1.Name (in Block letter): _______________________________________ 2.Father’s Name: _______________________________________ 3.Present post held: _______________________________________ 4.Present place of posting: _______________________________________ 5.Subject(s)/Paper(s) already cleared: _______________________________________ 6.Subject(s)/Paper(s) to be appeared for : _______________________________________ 7.Address for Communica tion: _______________________________________ 8.Contact No.: _______________________________________ Exam tum te chuan Examination fee Rs. 250/- Mizoram Public Service Commission Reception Counter-ah Willingness thehluh rua lin an pe tur a ni. Willingness thehlut leh Examination fee pe te chauh exam phalsak an ni ang.Lalzirmawia Chhangte, Secretary, Mizor am Public Service Commission, Aizawl. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 28.7.2017 Sravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 377Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules 2016, Selection Committee for a period of 3 (three) years

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 378Date - 28/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12019/12/ 10-SWD, the 25th July, 2017.In exercise of power conferred under Rule 87(1) of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules 2016, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to reconstitute the Selection Committee for a period of 3 (three) years or until further order, whichever is earlier, with immediate effect as follow: 1.Secr etary, Law & J udicia l Depart ment- Chairperson 2.Secretary, State Child Protection Society- Ex-officio Member Secretary 3.Director, Social Welfare Department- Member 4.Lalchhanhimi, Community Health Coordinator, World Vision Care Pr oject, Aizawl (NGO)- Member 5.Lalr okimi Pa utu, General Secretary, Open Door Society, Ramhlun veng, Aizawl (NGO)- Member 6.Dr. Henry Z. Pachu au, Associate Professor, Depa rtment of Socia l Works, MZU- Member 7.Dr. Zoengpa ri, Associate Professor, Depa rtment of Psychology, MZU- Member 8.Repr esentative from the Sta te Child Rights Commission- Member Ter ms of R efer ence: 1.The Selection Committee will recommend a panel of names for appointment as Members in the Juvenile Justice Board and Child Welfare Committee. 2.The quorum for the meeting of the Selection Committee shall b e not less than 4 (fou r) members, including t he Chairperson and the Member Secretary This supersedes this Depar tment’s Notification of even no. dated 7.7.2010. P. Lalchhuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 28.7.2017 Sravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 378Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Department’s Notification No.1/2017 State Tax (Rate) issued vide NoJ.21011/l/2017-TAX : Dated 7.7.2017, the following corrections may be made as under

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 379Date - 28/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008CORRIGENDUMNo. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX/Vol-II, the 17th July, 2017.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification No.1/2017 State Tax (Rate) issued vide NoJ.21011/l/2017-TAX : Dated 7.7.2017, the following corrections may be ma de as under: (i) In t he Schedule - 2.5%, in Sl. No. 35, in colu mn (3), for “Coffee, whether or not roasted or deca ffeinated”, read “Coffee roasted, whether or not decaffeinated”; (ii) in the Schedule - 2.5%, after Sl. No. 103, insert- “103A2302 Bran, sha rps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, derived fr om the sift ing, milling or other wor king of cereals or of leguminous plants [other than aquatic feed including shrimp feed and prawn feed, poultry feed and ca ttle feed, including grass, hay and straw, supplement and husk of pulses, concentrates a nd additives, wheat bran and de-oiled cake]’; (iii) in the Schedule - 2.5%, in Sl. No. 165, for “2710 19 00”, read “2711 19 00”; (iv) in the Schedule - 2.5%, in Sl. No. 234, in column (2), for “84 or 85”, read “84,85 or 94”; (v) in the Schedule - 6%, after Sl. No. 16, insert- “16A 0805Citrus fruit, such as Oranges, Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); Clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, Grapefruit, including pomelos, Lemons (Citr us limon, Citr us limonum) a nd limes (Citrus aur antifolia, Citrus latifolia), dried”; (vi) In the Schedule - 6%, in Sl. No.47, for “2202 90 10”, read “2202 99 10”; (vii) In the Schedule - 6%, in Sl. No. 48, for “2202 90 20”, read “2202 99 20”; (viii) In the Schedule - 6%, in Sl. No. 49, for “2202 90 90”, read “2202 99 90”; (ix) In the Schedule - 6%, in Sl. No, 50, for “2202 90 30”, read “2202 99 30”; (x) In the Schedule - 14%, after SI. No. 163, insert- “163A8701 Road tractors for semi-tr ailers of engine capacity more tha n 1800 cc”. Vanlal Chhuanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 28.7.2017 Sravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 379Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Notification No. 2/2017 State Tax (Rate) issued vide No. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX(i) : Dated 7.7.2017, the following corrections may be made

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 380Date - 28/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008CORRIGENDUMNo. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX/Vol-II(i), the 17th July, 2017.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification No. 2/2017 State Tax (Rate) issued vide No. J. 21011/1/2017-TAX(i) : Dated 7.7.2017, the following corrections may be made as under : (i)In S l. No. 45 of the Schedule, for “Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split”, read “Dried leguminous vegeta bles, shelled, whether or not skinned or split [other than put up in unit container and b earing a registered br and name]”; (ii)In Sl. No. 148 of the Schedule, omit “[proposed GST Nil]”. Vanlal Chhuanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 28.7.2017 Sravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 380Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Health & Family Welfare Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 381Date - 28/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/17/2016-P&AR(GSW), the 25th July, 2017.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following r ules regulating the method of recr uitment to the post ofDeputy Director (Nursing) u nder Health & Family Welfar e Depar tment, Government of Mizoram namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Health & Family Welfare commencement Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016 (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexure-I her et o a nnex ed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post, classification and the scale of pay/Pay classification and Band & Grade Pay attached t hereto shall be as specified in Column scale of pay/Pay 2 to 4 of the afor esaid Annexure-I Band & Grade Pay 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other ma tters age limit and other relating to the said post shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a ) Who has entered int o or contracted a mar riage with a person having a spouse living; or VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 28.7.2017 Sravana 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 381 - 2 - Ex-381/2017 (b) Who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other valid grounds for doing so, exempt a ny such person from the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment s ervant recruit ed under these Rules shall undergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Ex amination fr om time to time. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizora m, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing in consultation with the Mizoram Public S ervice Commission, through the Depa r t ment of P ersonnel & Administr ative R efor ms, rela x any of the provisions of these Rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of age limit other concessions and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/ the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repeal & Savings All Rules pertaining to the post framed by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/90/80/APT(B)Pt dt. 21.04.1992 published in the Mizoram Gazette Issue No. 66 dt. 24.04.1992 is hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or a nything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these r ules. By order, etc Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-381/2017 ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘A’ POSTS UNDER HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENTName of PostNo. of PostClassificationScale of Pay/Pay Band & Grade PayWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 Selection Deputy Director (Nursing)1 (one) post or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service Group ‘A’ (Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-3 : ^ 15,600 - 39,100 + ^ 6,600 GPWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational and other qualif ication required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitmen ts will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicableMethod of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methods11121314100% by promotionIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, gra de f rom which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time Mizoram Public Service Commission PROMOTION : From Assistant Director (N)/Nursing Superin- tendent/Principal, Nursing School/Principal Nursing Off icer, Health Worker Training School with 5 years regular service in the grade.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

The Mizoram Food Security Rules, 2015 vide No. S. 11011/68/2014-FCS&CA/Loose/81 Dt. 26.6.2015 in the Mizoram Gazette, Extraordinary Issue No. 299 Dt. 26.6.2015

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 382Date - 31/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. S. 11011/68/2015-FCS&CA/223, the 20th July, 2017.After notify The Mizoram Food Security Rules, 2015 vide No. S. 11011/68/2014-FCS&CA/Loose/81 Dt. 26.6.2015 in the Mizoram Gazette, Extr aordina ry Issue No. 299 Dt. 26.6.2015 inviting objections and suggestions from persons likely t o be affected and in exercise of power conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 40 of the National Food Security Act, 2013, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to notify the following Rules, namely “The Mizoram Food Security Rules, 2017” The Rules shall come into force from the date of Publication in the Mizoram Gazette. H.L. Rochungnunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 31.7.2017 Sravana 9, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 382 1. Short title, extent and commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Food Security Rules, 2017. (2) They shall come into force from the date of Notification or Publication in the Official Gazette. (3) They shall extend to the whole of Mizoram. 2 . Definitions: (1) In t hese r ules, unless the context other wise requires, (a ) “Act ” means the Na tional Food S ecurity Act, 2013. (b) “Chapter”, “Section” and “Schedule” means respectively Chapter, Section of, and Schedule to, the Act. (c ) “Household” means a nuclear family compr ising mother, father, and their children. Dependent pa rent, single women which includes widow, aba ndoned, separa te, divorced or unmarried women over age 35 years with or without their dependent children, disabled with or without their dependent children, even if they have a common roof or heart will be treated as a separate household for the purpose of this Act. (d) “Government” means the Government of Mizoram. - 2 - Ex-382/2017 ( e) “Competent Authority” means the Director, Food, Civil Supplies a nd Consumer Affairs Depa rtment, Government of Mizoram. (f) “Designated Author ity” means District Civil Supply Officer of the District or any other officer designated by the Competent Authority (2) All words and expression not defined herein but defined in the National Food Security Act, 2013, Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955), or any other relevant Act shall have the same meaning respectively assigned to t hem in those Acts. 3 . Display in Public Domain for the purpose of Section 11: (1) On completion of each identification process, the Government sha ll display prominently and place in public domain the list of names of persons/household identified for inclusion in ‘Priority’ or ‘Antyodaya’ category. (2) The list of names of eligible household will be displa yed at the Village Council/Local Council Office, Ration Shop prominently. 4 . Guidelines for Identification of Eligible Beneficiaries for the purpose of Section 10 (1) (b): (1) The Government sha ll frame and publish via Gazette Not ification, Guidelines for identifica tion of household falling in the “Priority C ategory” under the Targeted Public Distribution System for the entitlements under Section 3 (1). (2) The Guidelines, if requir ed, may provide separ ate par ameters for identification in rural and urban areas. (3) For the pur pose of any rules and guidelines fra med under Rule 4 of these rules, the process of identification and the inclusion in prior ity category shall not be subject to any of the BPL/APL lists or cr iteria maintained by t he Government for the purpose of TPDS prior to the publica tion of these rules. Provided further that the process of identifica tion sha ll be completed within six months from the publication of t hese rules. (4) Only bonafide citizens of India and domiciles of the state of Mizoram shall be eligible for cons ideration to benefit under the Act. 5 . List of Eligible Households for the purpose of Section 10 (2): (1) The Government will identify the list of eligible household based on criteria laid out in the Guidelines and under these rules. (2) The Government shall regularly update the list of eligible beneficiaries based on its consideration of t he recommendations of the selection committee constituted under Rule 8. Provided further that the Government may take into consideration the social and economic data captured by the Census of India or any other criteria as may be prescribed by the Government for the purpose of identification of eligible beneficiar ies under the Act. (3) Any person/organisa tion/Government author ity who has reasonable cause to believe that any person/household or a group of persons/group of households who should ha ve been included in the priority/AAY ca tegory a nd their name has not been included in the list relevant to that category; or any person/household or a gr oup of persons/group of household who should not have been included in the priority/AAY category and their na me has been included in the list relevant to that ca tegory; may file a complaint before the Competent Authority for inclusion or elimination, as the case ma y be, of names of such persons/households. 6 . Identification of Beneficiaries in Priority Category: The process of identification sha ll lay that all such persons who do not fulfil the parameters for the exclusion cr iteria prescribed shall be eligible for consideration to be included in the priority category. - 3 -Ex-382/2017 (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules and the Act, and subject to provisions thereof, the Government may fr om time to time, prescr ibe cr iteria for exclusion of households for eligibility under Section 3 of the Act. Provided that a ll households belonging to the following categories s hall be designated as excluded households. (a ) All such fa milies/households residing inUrban Areas who fulfill any of the following criteria should not be included in the priority category for the pur pose of eligibility under Section 3 of the Act: §If the number of dwelling r ooms exclusively in possession of the household is 4 and above (Dwelling room with wall of concrete or burnt br icks or stone packed with mor tar; roof of concrete or burnt bricks or ma chine made tiles). §Households possessing any one of the following: *4 wheeler motor is ed vehicle. *Air Conditioner. § All such households in which any member of the household is an Income Tax p ayee §Households with any member as Government Employee gazette and non-gazetted employees of Centr al Government, State Government, Autonomous District Councils, Public Sector Undertakings, Government-a ided autonomous bodies and local bodies, drawing a Grade Pa y of Rs. 4800 a nd above. T his will exclude incentive and other honor arium ba sed workers; §Households with enterprises (other than micro-enterprises) registered with the Government for manufacturing and services. (b) All such fa milies/households residing inRural Areas who fulfill any of the following criteria should not be included in the priority category for the purpose of entitlements under Section 3 of the Act: §All such households if any member of the household is a n Income Tax payee §Households owning Motorised Four Wheelers/Mechanised Fishing boats (which require registration) except motorised vehicles adapted for use by disabled persons. §Households having domestic electr ic connection with a load of 2 KW or more and/or consuming and average of 300 u nits of energy (KWH) per month. (average over one year ) §Households with any member as Government Employee gazette and non-gazetted employees of Centr al Government, State Government, Autonomous District Councils, Public Sector Undertakings, Government-a ided autonomous bodies and local bodies, drawing a Grade Pa y of Rs. 4800 a nd above. T his will exclude incentive and other honor arium ba sed workers; §Households with Enterprises (other than micro-enterprises) registered with the Government for manufacturing and services. §Households having Kisan Credit Car d or having ava iled of credit of Rs. 1,00,000 and above from a ny bank under a ny scheme in the past three years. §Households owning 7.5 acres or more of land with at least one irrigation equipment such as diesel/electric operated bor ewell/tubewell. 7 . Identification of households under Antyodaya category: (1) For the pu rpose of Section 30 of t he Act, the Government shall conduct an identification process from among Priority Households and ensure their names ar e included to be considered for entitlements under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana. (2) All such fa milies/households residing inUrban Areas who fulfill any of the following criteria shall be eligible for inclusion under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana: §Homeless/households persons or persons residing in temporary establishments, buildings, huts, etc. §Households with no source of income or any of members of which is engaged in a vulnerable occupation like begga r/rag, picker, domest ic worker and sweeper/sanita tion worker/mali or persons employed in irregular work. §Households which do not have a male able-bodied person aged between 18 and 60 year s or if all ear ning adult members in the household ar e either disabled, chr onically ill or a ged more than 65 years. (3) All such fa milies/households residing inRural Areas who fulfil any of the following criteria shall be eligible for inclusion under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana: §Designated ‘Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups’ §Communities with less than 10% female literacy §All households headed by minor §Dest itute households which are dependent predominantly on alms for survival §Homeless households §Any member of the household is a bonded labourer all households headed by a widow or a single woman; §All households headed by a terminally ill per son; §All households headed by a person with disability; §All households headed by a person r eleased from bonded labour; §All households with no adult member between age 16 and 59, including all households headed by a person of sixty year s of age or more with no assured means of subsistence or social support; §Households with no litera te adult above 25 years; §Landless households deriving a major part of their income from ma nual ca sual labour. 8 . Formation of Village and Local Council Selection Committee:A Village/ Local Council (for Towns) Selection Committee having the following members shall be formed in a ll villages a nd Loca l Councils: Chairman:District Civil Supplies Officer of the Distr ict. Vice Chairman:President, Village Council/Chair man, Local Council Secretary:to be appointed by t he Chairman from among educated persons of the Village Asst. Secretary :Secr etary, of the Village/Local Council; or Sub-Village Committee (for the concerned Sub-Villa ge Committ ee). Members:(1) All members of the Villa ge/ Local Council. (2) All members of the Sub-Village Committee for the concerned Sub-Village. (3) Two prominent citizen to be nominated by the Chair man. Ex-officio Member :Inspector/Sub Inspector/Storekeeper, FCS&CA Department of the concerned Village. The Committee shall be responsible for selection of E ligible Households in the ma nner pr escribed in the Guidelines to the Act. 9 . ISSUE OF RATION CARDS: (1) After identification of eligible households, Ration Cards shall be issued to all selected households by t he Designated Authorit y. The Ration Card should have all necessar y details about the household, scale of ra tion and infor mation requir ed under End to End Computerisation of T PDS pr oje c t . (2) The eldest woman who is not less than eighteen years of age, in every eligible household, shall be head of the household for the purpose of issue of ra tion ca rds.- 4 - Ex-382/2017 (3) Wher e a household at any time does not have a woman or a woma n of eighteen years of age or a bove, b ut ha s a female member below the age of eighteen years, then, the eldest male member of the household s hall be the head of the household for the purpose of issue of ra tion card and the female member, on a ttaining the a ge of eighteen years, shall become the hea d of the household for such ra tion car ds in p lace of such male member. (4) The Government shall issue a ration card only to a citizen of India who is resident of that S tate and fulfills the conditions for getting a ration card as may be prescribed by the Government. Pr ovided tha t the Government may also issue a r ation ca rd to a household or a person residing in that S tate by virtue of the household or person being gr anted the status of a r efugee a nd is a llowed the ent it lement of benefit s on humanitarian grounds by the Central Government. (5) The Government sha ll print separ ate and/or distinct ra tion ca rds for the Antyodaya households and the Priority households in a phased manner. Till the fresh card is print ed and given to the households, it will keep getting the entitled foodgrains on its existing Ration Card. (6)Ra tion ca rd sha ll not be used a s a document of identity or proof of r esidence. (7) The Government will prescribe a suitable form of application for new ration card and modification in t he exis ting ration car d. The modification may be on account of shifting of residence, birth of child, change in category of beneficiary, corrections in the details mentioned in the card, etc. The form may include requisite details including Aadhaar number, bank a ccount details, and mobile telephone number. F or this purpose, the Government shall capture the information in the softwar e pr epar ed by Na tional Infor ma tics Cent re or as per the fields and standa rds prescribed by the Central Government. (8) The Government should maintain the ration card data in the digitized databa se and ensure that issue of a new ration card and modification in the existing ration card is undertaken through the soft ware pr ogramme so tha t the database is automatically upda ted. (9) The Competent Authority shall appoint the Designa ted Aut hority for receiving, registering, acknowledging and processing of a pplication for issuance of r ation card or modifica tion in the ration card.He or she should not delegate this function to any staff or officer functioning under him or her unless permission is granted on exigencies by the Government in writing. The Government may also p rescribe the procedur e for r eceiving the a pplication thr ough online mechanism including use of e-service centres, kiosks, etc. 10. FOOD SECURITY ALLOWANCE: In case of non-supply of the entit led qua ntities of foodgrains or meals to entitled persons, such persons shall be entitled to receive such food security allowance from the Government to be paid to each person, within such time and manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government. 11. GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM: (1) The Additional Deputy Commissioner of all districts or any other Officer considered appropriate by the Government shall be designa ted as District Grievances Redressal Officer within their resp ective jurisdiction for expeditious and effective redress al of grievances of the aggrieved persons in matter relating to distribution of entitled foodgr ains or meals and to enforce the entitlements under Nationa l Food Security Act, 2013. (2) The officer referr ed to in sub-section (1) shall hear complaints regarding non-distribution of entitled foodgrains or meals, and matters relating thereto, and take necessa ry action for their redr essal in such manner as pres cribed under t hese ru les.- 5 -Ex-382/2017 (3)Lodging of Compla ints: i)Any aggrieved person can file and submit his complaint to the District Grievance Redressal Officer in writing, telephone, orally and in the department porta l ii)Complaints shall be filed in the prescribed format (Form 1) as far as possible. If complaint is submitted by phone or orally, the receiver shall fill in the form and Acknowledgement Receipt shall be is sued by the receiver (b elow For m 1) iii) Complaint Box shall be placed at the office of the respective Additional Deputy Commis sioner s Offic e/Offic e of t he D ist ric t Gr ievanc es R edr ess al O fficer wherein any aggrieved person can post his complaints in writings. No anonymous complaint shall be entertained. The Complaint Box shall be checked daily for processing. (4)Disposal of Complaints: i)The receipt and disposal of complaints shall be recor ded in a Complaint Register with full details. ii)Any complaint received shall be disposed off within 7 (Seven) working days by District Gr ieva nce Redr essa l Officer. iii) If the nature of the complaint necessitates enquiry or spot verification, it shall be completed within 7 wor king da ys and necessar y action to address the grievances shall be taken within 15 (Fifteen) days. v)In case a complaint has to be resolved by any other authority, concerned Grievance Redressal Officer shall conduct preliminary enquiry and refer the matter to such authority within 7 (S even) working days under intimation to the complainant. Such authority shall inform the Grievance Redressal authority of its decision and act ion taken within 14 (fourteen) days upon receipt of the compla int. vi) The complainants must be informed of the action taken, in wr iting, through registered post and acknowledgement receipt obtained. (5)Appeals: i)All appeals shall be made within 45 days from the date of the issuance of the or der. ii)Any complainant or the officer or authority against whom any order has been passed by officer referred to in sub-section (1), who is not sa tisfied with the redressal of grievance may file an appeal against such order before the State Commission. iii) The State Commission shall dispose off any Appeal submitted to it within 30 (Thirty) days. iv) The decisions thereon shall be communicated to the appellants in writing through registered post and acknowledgement receipt obtained. v)The decision of the State Commission shall be final in respect of complaints or appeals in all matters referred to in sub-section (2). (6)Contravention and Penalty: i)Failure to dispose of a complaint within 7 working days will b e treated as contravention of t he Act punisha ble under Section 33 of the Act. Complaints against such failure will be lodged with the State Commission. ii) wherever contravention of the provisions of the Act has been pr oved after due enquiry by the State Government or the District Grievance Redressal Officer or any other authority authorized by the State Government, a ction in accor dance with the provisions of S ection 33 of the Act sha ll be ta ken. (iii) The provision under 11.(6 ).(ii) or under 16 (1 ) of these rules shall not preclude the Government or the Competent Authority from taking any other action either suo motu or on r eceipt of complaint inquire as it may deem fit under any existing laws, rules and Guidelines.- 6 - Ex-382/2017 (7)Report: A monthly report on complaints received and disposed off shall be sent by the District Grievance Redressal Officer to the Government. (8)Publicit y: There shall be a wide publicity for grievance redress al at a ll levels for informa tion of the general public. (9)Helpline: A helpline shall be arranged at the offices of t he District Grievance Redress al Officer in every dist rict. A toll-free telephone shall be set up in the office of the Director, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affair s Depar tment. T he number and t ime of operation or service of this toll- free telephone shall be published widely. (10) The Government may also put in pla ce other internal grievance redressal mechanisms such as call centres, designation of Nodal Officers or such other mecha nisms a s it may prescr ibe. 12. STATE FOOD COMMISSION: (1) The Government sha ll, by notification, constitute a State Food Commission for the purpose of monitoring and review of implementation of the Nationa l Food S ecurity Act, 2013. (2) The State Commission may consist of- (a ) a Chairperson; (b) five other Members; and (c ) a Member-Secretary, who ma y be an officer of the Government not below the rank of Joint Secr etary t o the Government: Provided that there may be at least two women, whether Chairperson, Member or Member-Secretary: (3) The Chairperson and other Members may be appointed from amongst persons - (a ) who are or have been member of the All India Services or any other Civil Services of the Union or State or holding a civil post under the Union or State having knowledge and experience in matters relating to food security, policy making and administra tion in the field of agriculture, civil supplies, nutrition, health or any allied field; or (b) of eminence in public life with wide knowledge and experience in agriculture, law, human rights, social service, ma na gement, nutr ition, healt h, food policy or public administr ation; or (c ) who have a proven record of work relating to the improvement of the food and nutrition right s of the poor. (4) The Chairperson and every other Member ma y hold office for a term not exceeding five years from the date on which he enters upon his office and sha ll be eligible for reappointment: Provided tha t no person will hold office a s the Chairperson or other Member after he has attained the age of sixty-five years. (5) The method of appointment and other terms and conditions subject to which the Chairperson, other Members and Member-Secreta ry of the State Commission may be appointed, and t ime, place a nd procedur e of meetings of the S tate Commission (including the quor um at such meetings) a nd its powers, shall be such as may be prescribed by the Government. (6) The State Commission may undertake the following functions, namely: (a ) monitor and evalua te the implementation of this Act, in relation to the State; (b) either suo motu or on receipt of complaint inquire into violations of entitlements pr ovided under the National Food S ecurity Act, 2013; (c ) give advice to the Government on effective implementation of the National Food Security Act 2013; (d) give a dvice to the Government, their agencies, a utonomous b odies as well a s non- governmenta l organisations involved in delivery of relevant services, for the effective- 7 -Ex-382/2017 implementation of food and nutrition related schemes, to enable individuals to fully access their entitlements specified in the National Food Securit y Act, 2013; ( e) hear appeals against orders of the Distr ict Grievance Redress al Officer; (f) prepare annual reports which shall be laid before the State Legislature by the Government. (7) The Government will make available to the State Commission, such administrative and technical staff, as it may consider necessar y for pr oper fu nctioning of the State Commission. (8) The method of appointment of the staff under sub-section (7), their salaries, allowances and conditions of service may be such, as may be prescribed by the Government. (9) The Government may remove from office the Chair person or any Member who- (a ) is, or at a ny time has been, adjudged a s an insolvent; or (b) has become physically or mentally incapable of act ing as a member; or (c ) has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Government, involves moral turpitude; or (d) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a member; or ( e) has so abused his position as to render his continuation in office detrimental to the public interest. (10) No such Chairperson or Member should be removed under clause (d) or clause (e) of sub-section (9) of the Act unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in the matter. (12) The Government will provide for salar y and a llowances of Chairperson, other Members, Member-Secretary, support staff, and other administrative expenses required for proper functioning of the State Commission. (13) The Government may, if considered necessary, by notification, designate any statutory commission or a body to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the State Commission referred to in section 16 of the Nationa l Food Security Act, 2013. (14) The State Commission will, while inquiring into any matter referred to in cla uses (b) and (e) of sub-section (6) of section 16 the National Food Security Act, 2013, have all the powers of a civil court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and, in par ticular, in resp ect of the following matters, namely: (a ) summoning a nd enforcing the attendance of any person a nd examining him on oath; (b) discovery a nd production of any document; (c ) receiving evidence on affidavits; (d) requisitioning any public record or cop y thereof from any court or office; and ( e) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents. (15) The State Commission will have the power to forward any case to a Magistrate having jurisdiction to try the same and the Magistrate to whom any such case is forwarded shall proceed to hear the complaint against the accused as if the ca se has been forwarded to him under section 346 of t he Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. (16) No a ct or pr oceeding of the State Commission shall be invalid merely by reason of - (a ) any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the State Commission; or (b) any defect in the appoint ment of a person as the Chairperson or a Member of the S tate Commission; or ( c ) any irregularity in the procedure of the State Commission not affecting the merits of the case. 13. TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY: (1) All Targeted Public Distr ibution System related records shall be placed in the public domain and kept open for inspection to the public, in such manner as may be prescribed by the Government.- 8 - Ex-382/2017 (2) Every local author ity, or any other authority or body, as may be authorized by the Government, will conduct or ca use to b e conducted, periodic social audits on the functioning of fair price shops, Targeted Public Distribution System and other welfare schemes, and cause to publicise its findings and take necessar y action, in such manner as may be prescribed by the Government. (3) For ensuring transparency and proper funct ioning of the Targeted Public Distribution System and accountability of the functionaries in such system, the Government will set up Vigilance Committees a s specified in the Public Distribution System (Contr ol) Order, 2001, made under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, as amended from time to time, at the State, District, Block and fair price shop levels consisting of such persons, as may be prescribed by the Government giving due repr esenta tion to t he local a uthor it ies, the S chedu led Ca stes, the Scheduled Tribes, women and destitute persons or persons with disability. The Vigilance Committees shall perform the following functions, namely: (a ) to regularly supervise the implementation of all schemes under the National Food Security Act, 2013; (b) to inform the District Grievance Redress al Officer, in writing, of any viola tion of the provisions of this Act; and (c ) to inform the District Gr ievance Redressal Officer, in writing, of any malpractice or misa ppropria tion of funds found by it. 14. NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT TO PREGNANT WOMEN AND LACTATING MOTHERS: Subject to such schemes a s may be framed by the Centr al Government, every pregnant woman and lact ating mother will be entitled to- (a ) meal, free of char ge, during pregnancy a nd six months after the child birth, through the local Anganwadi, so as to meet the nutritional standards specified in Schedule II of the National Food Security Act 2013; and (b) maternity benefit of not less than rupees six thousand, in such installments as may be prescribed by the Central Government: Provided tha t all pregnant women and lactating mothers in regular employment with the Centra l Government or State Governments or Public Sector Undertakings or those who are in receipt of similar benefits under any law for the time being in force will not be entitled. 15. NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT TO CHILDREN: (1) Subject to the provisions contained in clause (b), every child up to the age of fou rteen years will have the following entitlements for his nutritional needs, namely: (a ) in t he case of children in the age group of six months to six years, age appropriate meal, free of charge, through the local Anganwadi so as to meet the nutrit ional standa rds specified in Schedule II: Pr ovided that for children below the a ge of six months, exclusive breast feeding shall be promoted; (b) in t he case of children, up to cla ss VIII or within the a ge group of six to fou rteen years, whichever is applicable, one mid-day meal, free of charge, everyday, except on school holidays, in all schools run by local b odies, Government and Government aided schools, so a s to meet the nutritional standards specified in Schedule II of the Na tional Food Security Act 2013. (2) Every school, refer red to in clause (b) of sub-s ection (1), and Anganwadi should have facilities for cooking meals, drinking water and sanitation; Provided that in ur ban areas facilities of centr alized kitchens for cooking meals ma y be used, wherever required, a s per the guidelines issued by the Central Government.- 9 -Ex-382/2017 (3) The Government will, through the local anganwadi, identify and provide meals, free of cha rge, to children who suffer from malnutrition, so as to meet the nutritional standards specified in Schedule II of the Nationa l Food Security Act, 2013. (4) The Governments will implement schemes covering entitlements under sections 4, 5 and section 6 of the National F ood Security Act 2013 in accor dance with the guidelines, including cost shar ing, between the Centr al Government and the State Governments in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government. 16. MISCELLANEOUS: (1) Any public servant or authority found guilty by the State Commission at the time of deciding any complaint or appeal, of failing to provide the relief recommended by the District Grievance Redressal Officer, without reasonable cause, or willfully ignoring such recommendation, will be liable to penalty not exceeding five thousand rupees: Provided that the public servant or the public authority, as the case may be, should be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard before any penalty is imposed. (2) For the purpose of adjudging penalty under Section 13 (1), the State Commission may authorize any of its members to be a n adjudicating officer for holding an inquir y in the prescr ibed ma nner after giving any person concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard for the purpose of imposing any penalty. (3) While holding an inquiry the adjudicating officer will ha ve power to summon and enforce the attendance of any person acqu aint ed with the facts and circumsta nces of the case to give evidence or to produce any document which in the opinion of the adjudicating officer, ma y be useful for or relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry and if, on such inquir y, he is satisfied that the person has failed to provide the relief recommended by the District Grievance Redressal Officer, without reasonable cause, or willfully ignore such recommendation, he may impose such penalty as he thinks fit in a ccordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Act. (4) The Government ma y, by notifica tion, direct that the power s exercisable by it (except the power to make rules), in s uch cir cumstances and subject to such conditions a nd limitations, be exer cisable also b y an officer subordina te to it as it may sp ecify in the notification. (5) Every rule, notification and guidelines ma de or issued by the Government under the National Food Security Act, 2013 will, as soon as may be after it is made or issued, be laid before the State Legislature. (6) The schemes, guidelines, or ders and food standard, grievance redressal mechanism, vigilance committees, existing on the date of commencement of the National Food Securit y Act, 2013 shall continue to b e in for ce and operate till such schemes, guidelines, orders and food standard, grievance redressa l mecha nism, vigilance committees a re specified or notified. Provided tha t anything done or any action taken under the said schemes, guidelines, orders and food sta ndard, grievance redressal mechanism, or by vigilance committees should be deemed to have been done or ta ken under the corresp onding provisions of the National Food Security Act, 2013 and will continue to be in force accordingly unless and until superseded by anything done or by any action taken under the National Food Securit y Act, 2013.- 10 - Ex-382/2017 Appendix- I SCHEDULE I Fixation Of Price For Foodgrains and Scale of Issue [See sections 3(I),22(I, (3) and 24 (2), (3), NFSA, 2013]. Eligible households shall be entitled to foodgrains under section 3 at the subsidized price not exceeding rupees 3 per kg for rice, rupees 2 per kg for wheat and rupee 1 per kg for coarse grains for a period of three yea r s from the commencement of this Act; and thereafter, at su ch pric e, as ma y be f ixed by the Central Government, from time to time, not exceeding – (i) the minimum suppor t price for wheat and coarse grains; and (ii) the derived minimum support price for rice, as the case ma y be Appendix- II SCHEDULE II [See sections 4(a), 5(l) and 6, NFSA, 2013]. NUTRITIONAL STANDARDS Nutr itional standar ds: The nutritional sta ndards for children in the age group of 6 months to 3 years, age group of 3 to 6 years and pregnant women and lactating mothers required to be met by providing “ Take Home Rations” or nutritious hot cooked meal in a ccordance with the Int egrated Child Development Services Scheme and nutritional sta ndards for children in lower and upper primary classes under the Mid Day Meal Scheme are as follows: Serial Category Type of mealCalories Protein(g) number(Kcal) 1 2 345 1Children (6 months to 3 years)Take Home Ra tion50012-15 2Children (3 to 6 years)Morning Snack and Hot Cooked Meal 50012-15 3Children (6 months to 6 years) Take Home Ra tion80020-25 who are Ma lnourished 4Lower primary classesHot Cooked Meal45012 5Upper primary classesHot Cooked Meal70020 6Pregnant women andTake Home Ra tion60018-20 Lacta ting mothers- 11 -Ex-382/2017 Appendix –III FORMAT OF APPLICATION FOR FILING OF COMPLAINTS [See Rule 11. (3). (ii), Mizoram Food Security Rules, 2017] 1.Name: __________________________________________ 2.Conta ct Number (Mobile /Landline): __________________________________________ 3.Address: (a) House Number: __________________________________________ (b) Village/Locality: __________________________________________ (c) Town/District: __________________________________________ (d) Pin Code: __________________________________________ 4Ration Card number: __________________________________________ 5.Fair Price Shop name: __________________________________________ 6.Complaint registered with: __________________________________________ 7.Complaint r egistered aga inst: __________________________________________ 8.Details of Complaint (can attach a separate sheet) 9.Docu ments enclosed in support of t he Complaint i.………………………………………………………… ii.………………………………………………………… iii.………………………………………………………… 10. Whether the complaint was lodged earlier a lso? YesNo11. If yes, what was the action taken? Give deta ils: (1) Date: ___________________________________ (2) Complaint registration number: ___________________________________ (3) To whom the complaint was registered:: ___________________________________ (4) Against whom the complaint was registered) : ___________________________________ I hereby declare that all the information stated in the compla int is true to the best of my knowledge.\ Date :______________Signature of the Complainant_______________________- 12 - Ex-382/2017 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT OF COMPLAINT UNDER MFSR, 2017Number :_________________________Date :_________________ Received complaint from :_________________________ __________________________________ Complaint r eceived by: Name of the Officer : ___________________________ Designation : _________________________ Office SealSignature of the Officer:____________________________________Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 13 -Ex-382/2017

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Hnahthial Town station areas as Lunglei District with immediate effect and valid for 2 years.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 386Date - 02/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. J-12011/86/2017-REV, the 28th July, 2017.In pursuance to this Depar tment’s Notification No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Hna hthia l Town station areas as Lunglei District with immediate effect and valid for 2 yea rs. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman: Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Hnahthial. 2.Member Secr etar y : Principal, Govt. Higher Secondary School, Hnahthial. MEMBERS : 1) President, Village Council, Hnahthia l North - I. 2) President, Village Council, Hna hthial North - II. 3) President, Village Council, Hnahthial South - I 4) President, Village Council, Hnahthia l South - II 5) President, INC, Hnahthial Block. 6) President, ZNP, Hnahthial Block. 7) President, BJP, Hnahthial Block. 8) President, MNF, Hnahthial Block. 9) President, Joint YMA, Hnahthial. 10) President, Mizo Upa Pawl, Hnahthial. 11) President, MHIP, Hnahthial Block. 12) Range Officer (Environment Forests & Climate Change), Hna hthial R ange as proposed by Divisional Forest Officer, Lunglei. 13) Executive Engineer (PHED), Hnahthial WATSAN Division. 14) Sub Divisional Officer (P &E), Hna hthial as proposed by E.E (P &E). 15) Sub Divisional Officer (P WD), Hnahthial as proposed by E.E (PWD) 16) Rep resentative of Set tlement Offic er. 17) Prominent Person : - a ) Pu C. Vala, Lungleng Veng. b) Pu Va nlalchama, Lungleng. c ) Pu P.C. Lalthazuala, Peniel Veng. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB 1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will b e the Screening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.8.2017 Sravana 11, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 386 - 2 - Ex-386/2017 2.The Board s hall have to ju diciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of theMizoram (La nd Revenue) Act , 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board s hall ha ve its s itting at least twice in a year or as may be required and TA sha ll be given to the members of the Boa rd if the pla ce of sitting is mor e tha n 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. T he Secretar y SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairma n by giving at least 10 (ten) days in advance to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referredin Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 4 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any ca tegory or purpose must be su bmitted to the Settlement Officer or Assista nt Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy C ommissioner of the Dis t rict . In c a s e, C ha ir ma n of S AAB is S DO (C) or BDO or P r esident Villa ge C ou ncil t he a p p lica t ion for land allotment of any category must be submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the ma tter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Department in the presence of the applicant, the concer ned and neighbouring land holder, if a ny. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obta ined from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of s urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. T he recommendation of the meeting of Board shall be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government thr ough the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obs truction to future infrastructure development wor k of the Government. It sha ll also take into a ccount that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 ay amended fr om time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R. Lalramnghaka, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

State Level Task Force for Oral Health in Mizoram consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 387Date - 02/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.J.11011/76/2009-HFW, the 28th July, 2017.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State Level Task Force for Oral Health in Mizoram consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders. 1.Chairman- Dr. Lalrozama, I.A.S., Mission Director, NHM. 2.Members :-1) Dr. Lalthantluanga, SPM-NHM, State Programme Mana gement Unit. 2) Dr. C.Vankhuma, MD (Public Health) Public Health Official of the State Directorate of Hospital & Medical Education. 3) Dr. C.Zirsangliana, Dental Surgeon, PHC Lungdai Kolasib District, District Level State N odal Officer. 3.Member SecretaryDr. Vanlalhuma Sailo, SPO, National Oral Health Programme. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.8.2017 Sravana 11, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 387Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Nationwide Emergency Response System (NERS) in Mizoram and as per the Guideline (para 6.2) for the implementation of the NERS laid down by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 388Date - 02/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. E. 32021/1/2015-HM(NERS), the 28th July, 2017.For the smooth implementation and monitoring of t he Nationwide Emergency Response System (NERS ) in Mizoram a nd as per the Guideline (para 6.2) for the implementation of the NERS laid down by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, the following State and District Level Committees are constituted: STATE APEX COMMITTEE: Chairman:Chief Secretary Members :1. Director General of P olice 2. Secreta ry, Home Dep artment 3. Secretary, DM &R Deptt. 4. Secretary, Social Welfare Deptt. 5. Secretary, H&FW Deptt. 6. Secretary, ICT Deptt. 7. State Informatic Officer, NIC Convener :NERS Nodal Officer Responsibilities of the State Apex Committee: a)Highest level of approval for State level. b)Resp onsible for over all project implementation. c)Report any concern to Steering Committee at centre. d)Review progr ess of the project. e)Fina lization of State level SOP. f)Decision regarding adding new services/helplines in the NERS project at State level g)Periodic meeting t o discuss the progress of the project, at least once a qua rter STATE STEERING COMMITTEE: Chairman:Director General of P olice Members :1. Engineer-in-Chief, PWD or his representa tive 2. DIG (NR) 3. DIG (SR) 4. DIG (CID) 5. Principal Director, H&FW Deptt or his representa tive 6. Commandant General - cum - Addl. Director, Mizoram Home Gua rds & Civil Defence or his repr esentat ive. 7. Jt. Secreta ry, Home Deptt . or his repr esentat ive. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.8.2017 Sravana 11, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 388 - 2 - Ex-388/2017 8. Director, Social Welfare Deptt. or his representative. 9. Dir ector, DM&R Dep tt. or his repr esentat ive. 10. Director, I&PR Deptt. or his representa tive 11. Director, F &ES or his representa tive 12. S.P (Wir eless) or his repr esentat ive. Convener :NERS Nodal Officer. Responsibilities of the State Steering Committee: a)Overall dir ection, monitoring and guida nce of the project b)Mana ge implementation across all distr icts c)Appr ove loca tion of PSAP, manpower, opera tional budgets etc. d)Monitor PSAP opera tions through MIS reports. e)Ensure proper training a rrangements f)Ensure deployment of appropriate trained manpower for NERS State call centre g)Handle procedural issues h)Monitor har dware a nd application roll ou t at ca ll centre and field (MDT) i)Appr ove go-live at the State/UT k)Monitor service levels at State 1)Regularly communicate with Steer ing Committee a t centr e on pr ogress, challenges, r equirements etc. for t he project m)Oversee and manage integration wit h other services/ministries n)Guidance to District Mission Committee o)Regular meeting to discuss the pr oject (prefera bly once a month). DISTRICT MISSION COMMITTEE: Chairman:S.P of concer ned district. Members :1. Noda l Officer of District Disaster Management Authority 2. District Programme Officer or his representative from Social Welfare Deptt. 3. CMO/Medical Superintendent, District Hospital 4. EE, PWD of concerned district 5. Commandants of Armed Battalions in concerned distr ict. 6. SDPO of the concerned distr ict. Convener :NERS Distr ict Nodal Officer * When other emergency services are integrated with NERS, then the overall in-cha rge of the district would be wit h the concerned Deputy C ommissioner. Responsibilities of the Distr ict Mission Committee: a)Coor dinate with other departments to ensure smooth integration with NERS b)Highlight concerns to the State Empowered Commit tee. c)Ensure integration of all services with NERS d)Ensure SOPs are followed. Any deviation from SOPs should be acted upon e)Ensure MDTs is deployed in vehicles f)SIM cards ar e functional g)Periodic reporting h)Monitoring of cases handled through NERS system i)Collecting feedback from people j)Ensuring quality of service. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram School Education Department (Limited Depart-mental Examination) Regulations, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 389Date - 02/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/9/2015-P&AR(GSW), the 26th July, 2017. In exercise of the powers conferred under the pr oviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with the provisions under Column 11 of Annexure-I of the Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘A’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2017 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra Ordinary Issue No. 65 dated 08.03.2017 relating to recruitment to the post ofPrincipal,Government Higher Secondary School the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following r egulations namely:- 1.SH ORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT: 1)These Regulations may be called the Mizoram School Education Department (Limited Depa rt-menta l Examination) Regulations, 2017. 2)They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2.DEFINITIONS: 1)In t hese Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, a)“Commission” means the Mizoram Public Service Commission b)“Constitution” means the Constitution of India c)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram d)“Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram e)“Limited Departmental Examination” means the examination conducted by the Commission under these Regulations for filling up of 50% of the sanctioned posts of Principal, Government Higher Secondary School f)“Vacancies” means vacancies to the post of Principal, Government Higher Secondary School which are declared to be filled by promotion on the result of Limited Departmental Ex amination 2)All other words and expressions used in these Regulations but not defined shall ha ve the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Mizoram S chool Education Department (G roup ‘A’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2017 relating to r ecruitment to the post of Principal, Government Higher Secondary School published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra Or dinary Issue No. 65 dated 08.03.2017. 3. HOLDING OF EXAMINATION 1)The examina tion sha ll be conducted by the Commission in the ma nner as laid down in these Regu la tions. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.8.2017 Sravana 11, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 389 - 2 - Ex-389/2017 2)The date on which and the venue at which the examination sha ll be held sha ll be fixed by the Commission and it shall be conducted at such intervals as the Governor may, from time to time, determine 4. CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible to appear in the Limited Departmental Examination for filling up of vacancies to the post of Principal, Government Higher Secondary School, a candidate must be a citizen of India and must satisfy the eligibility criteria as per the provisions in Column 12 of Annexure-I of the Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘A’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2017 relating to the post of Principal, Government Higher Secondary School. 5. DECISION ON ELIGIBILIT Y: The decision of the Commission on the eligib ility or otherwise of candida tes for admission to the Examination shall be final and no ca ndidates to whom a cer tificate of admission has not been issued by the Commission shall be a dmitted to the examination. 6 . RESULT: 1)The names of the ca ndidates who ar e considered suitable for appointment as a r esult of the examination shall be arranged in order of merit. They shall be r ecommended for appoint ment in order of merit up to the number of appointment required to be made. The order of merit shall be determined in accordance with aggregate marks obta ined by each candidate; if two or more candidates obtained equal marks in the examina tion, their names shall b e arra nged in order of their age i.e. candidate having higher age will come before the ca ndidate with lower age 2)Selection a t the examination shall confer no right of appointment unless the Government is satisfied to a ppoint them. 3)The form and manner of communication of the results of the Examination to individual candidates shall be as decided by the Commission at its discretion. 7. PENALTY FOR MISCONDUCT: Any candida te(s) who has been declared by the C ommission to be guilt y of a)obta ining support for his candidature by any means or b)Impersonating, or c)procuring impersonation by any persons, or d)submitting fabrica ted documents which ha ve been tampered with, or e)making statement which ar e incor rect or false, or suppressing material information, or f)resorting t o any other ir regular or improper means in connection with his candida ture in the examination hall, or g)using unfair means in the examination hall, or h)misbehaving in the examination hall, or i)attempting to commit or abetting the commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clause, a s the case may be sha ll, in a ddition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable 1)to be disqualified by the Commission fr om the examina tion for which he is a candidate 2)to be debar red either permanently or for a specified period (i) by the State Government fr om any examina tion or selection by them; (ii) by t he Centr al Government from any employment under them, and 3)to disciplinary action under the appropriate r ules - 3 -Ex-389/2017 8. SYLLABUS: The Limited Departmental Examination for filling up vaca ncies to the post of Pr incipal, Government Higher Secondary School under School Education D epartment shall be conducted as per the syllabus at Appendix-I. 9 . MINIMUM MARKS: Candidates shall be required to obtain minimum 40 percent ma rks in each of the Pa pers as prescr ibed under these Regula tions for qualifying in the Limited Departmental Examination. 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION: If a ny doubt arises about the interpretation of any of the provisions of these Regulations, it shall be referred to the Governor whose decision sha ll be final. By order s, etc Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Appendix-I SYLLABUS FOR THE LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR PROMOTION TO PRINCIPAL, GOVERNMENT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL DURATION: 3 HOURS EACH PAPERSUBJECTMARKSFULL ALLOTED MARKS Paper IEssa y writing20100 Precis writing20 Comprehension20 English gra mmar40 Paper II Constitutional provisions towards education.Development of Education in India – role of Centr e and State Educational Leadership- - Concept & Functions - Styles & Qualities - Leadership Development - Conflict- N ature & Management - 4 - Ex-389/2017 Educational Planning - Concept, types, characteristic Educa tional Finance - Sour ces of income, items of expenditure - Role of Dra wing & Disbursing Officer - Role of Centre, Sta te in financing education in India - Modern trend in educa tion · Education for susta inable development · Sex and population Education · Peace, value oriented and moral educa tion · IT in educa tion · Voca tional Education and Socially Useful Productive Works (SUPW)100 Paper III Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Rules 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 20, 21 & 2230100 Central Civil Services (C lassification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 - Suspension Chapter 2 - No 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.20 Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 - Rules 3, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 43, 50, 51, 52.20 Cent ral Ser vices (Medical Attenda nce) Rules, 194410 Central Civil Services (Joining Time) Rules, 197910 The Mizoram State Government Employees (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 201010 Paper IV Policy frameworks for development of education in India · Kothari Commission (1964-1966) · National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 a nd Progr amme of Action (POA), 1992 · The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO) Act, 2012 · The Education Policy of Mizoram, 2013 · The Mizoram Prevention of Malpract ices at Examina tion Act, 1990 · Impact of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) on Indian educa tion · The Right of Childr en to Fr ee and Compulsory Educa tion (RTE) Act 2009.100Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

Mizoram Pig Breeding Policy’ to scientifically define better and adaptable breed of pigs and also to improve and sustain the genetic of the existing swine population of the State of Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 390Date - 02/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 2.8.2017 Shravana 11, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 390 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.18012/2/2014-AH &V, the 28th July, 2017.In the interest of public service and as per direction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the ‘Mizoram Pig Breeding Policy’ to scientifically define better and adaptable breed of pigs and also to improve and sustain the genetic of the existing swine population of the State of Mizoram. B.Lalthanliana, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veterinary Department. 1. INTRODUCTION Pig rearing is a traditional occupation adhering to the society since past beyond memory. The practice still today, is that almost every household are keeping pigs as backyard farming. Mizoram have the potential to take piggery to a more profitable enterprise with the right approach with its available resources. In 1973 improved pure breeds like pure large white Yorkshire, Duroc were introduced for the first time for crossbreeding, resulting a higher yield and improved performances. But these breeds/ crossbreeds have been developed without following any systematic and scientific breeding programme which results in Inbreeding problems and poor performances overtime even under iptimum feeding condition. Due to haphazard breeding practice in rural areas indigenous non-descript pig breeds of Mizoram was declining. The bulk of indigenous germplasm are with poor growth rate and productivity but they have some genetically inherited good traits like dark coat colur, good mothering ability, early ma turity, tolerance and resistance to para sites and diseases a nd low nutrient requirement. Thus, conservation of this indigenous breeds was utmost important. So to address the above issues and to develop pig breeds/crossbreeds that are appropriate, adabtable and productive even in smaller context in Mizoram, a scientific intervention in assessing the profile of existing breeds, correlating them with production performance and identifying the desired breed(s) for Mizoram are very much necessary for the state. This can rightly contribute in framing a breeding policy for the state. Thus, in aiming at improving the genetic of the existing swine population of the state in the interest of the pig rearing framers economic sustainability. The Govt. of Mizoram Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, do hereby develop a pig breeding policy know as the “Mizoram Pig Breeding Policy”. 2. JURIDICTION AND DEFINITION It shall be called the “MIZORAM PIG BREEDING POLICY” which shall become effective from the date of publication in Government Gazette and follow up notification. The Mizoram Pig Breeding Policy shall be effective all over the state of Mizoram. DEFINITION : Breed :A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc. are said to belong to a BREED. Animal Breeding :The science of animal breeding is defined as the application of the principles of genetics and biometry to improve the efficiency of production in farm animals. Animal breeding in this case - contextually, is producing improved breeds of domesticated pigs by improving their genotypes through selective mating. Mizo Indegenous Pigs :Any or all the animals classified under the term, swine, that has been inherently in existence indigenous within the state and reared as domestic pigs by the people of Mizoram. 3. STATE PROFILE 3( a ) Geographic, agro-climatic conditions and demographic pattern : Mizoram is the 23rd state of Indian Union on 20th February, 1987 with a total area of 12,087 square kms located in North Eastern region. It is a landlocked state whose southern parts shares 722 kms long international borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh, and northern part share domestic borders with Manipur, Assam and Tripura. The state aslo has about 871 kms of national highways, with NH- 54 and NH-150 connnecting it to Assam and Manipur respectively. It is also a growing transit point for trade with Myanmar and Bangladesh. Mizoram is land of rolling hills, valleys, rivers and lakes. As many as 21 major hill ranges or peaks of different heights runs through the length and breadth of the state with plains scattered here and there. It has a population of 1,091,014 with sex ratio of 976 females per thousand males higher than the national ratio of 940. The literacy rate of Mizorm in 2011 was 91.33 per cent and second best among all the states of India. About 52% of Mizoram lives in urban areas. Mizoram has a mild climate, being relatively cool in summer 20 to 29 degree Celsius with winter remperatures ranging from 7 to 22 degree Celsius. The region is influenced by monsoons, raining heavily from May to September with little rain in the dry season with average state tainfall of 254 cms per annum. It has the 3rd highest total forest cover 1,594,000 hectares and highest percentage area (90.68%) covered by forests among the states of India (Acc to 2011 Forest Survey of India). Administrative division of Mizoram consists of 8 districts out of which 2 Districts are again divided into 3 Autonomous Districts, 23 sub-divisions, 26 RD Blocks and 853 villages. All districts are classified under hill and tribal district categories. 3(b) Livelihood : Mizoram is a highly literate agrarian economy, but suffers from slash and burn Jhum or shifting cultivation, and poor crops yields. About 20% of Mizoram’s population lives below poverty line with 35% rural poverty. Agriculture has traditionally been a subsistence profession in Mizoram. It is seen as a means to generate food for one’s family, ignoring its potential for commerce, growth and prosperity. Rice remains the largest crop grown in Mizoram by gross value of output. Animal husba ndr y has been inherent ly associated wit h the agr icult ur e fa rming community for livelihood. 3(c) Pig statistics The state pig population as per the XIXth Livestock Census 2012 is 242507 of which 21103 are crossbreds and 31504 are indigenous. District wise pig population in Table 1.- 2 - Ex-390/2017 Table 1. District wise population of pig (As per 2012 Livestock Census in Nos.) Sl. No.Name of districtCrossbredIndigenousTotal pig1.Mamit22251402226273 2.Kolasib20614285523469 3.Aizawl73010844081450 4.Champhai32181560837789 5.Serchhip1176130012061 6.Lunglei160972444418541 7.Lawngtlai17704709624800 8.Saiha1738573918124 TOTAL21100331504242507 3(d) Pig Rearing System Pig farming in Mizoram is typically divided into two systems-backyard pog farming seen in the villages nd intensive farming seen in operated farms. The village and traditional farming is characterized by small numbers of pigs reared by the subsistence farmers, either in a small confined pigsty constructed usually with locally available materials wood and bamboo gathered near the house. Famers of this region has evolved a self-sustainable local resource based production system, in which pigs are mainly dependent on local vegetation, crop residues and kitchen waste. This system aims to get medium output from nearly zero input and mostly based on the locally availabe resources. Feeds consist of mainly kitchen wastes, Vegetables - rice, maize, and wild weeds, leaves, and yams. Oil cakes, floor, grains are used to supplement for fattening. Although the local small, indigenous pigs have been steadily replaced with improved crossbreds over the years, pig production is still largely traditional. The traditional methods involves feeding different porages combined with garden and kitchen waste all cooked with firewood. Feeding of balanced concentrates feeds, protein rich feeds, required mineral and vitamins mixture are still not a common practice due to financial constraints and lack of managemental knowledge. Thus, this traditional methods of pig rearing do not provide adequate nutritional requirement of the pigs wich hamper the growth rate and health of the pig as a whole. 3(e) Characteristics of major pig breeds (i) Large white Yorkshire (purebred): It is a native breed of U.K. imported to India from U.K, New Zeland, adn Australia. It is large in size with a long and slightly dished face. Body is covered with fine white hairs, free from curls. Skin is pink in colour and free from wrinkles with long and moderately fine coat. Ears are thin, long and slightly inclined forward and fringed with fine hair. Neck is long and full to the shoulders with deep and wide chest, shoulders are not too wide. Back is slightly arched, and loins are long and broadwith a well developed wide rump. Ham is fleshy extending upto hocks. Tail is set high. Pa sterns are strong and straight with clean feet. It has the capacity to thrive well under different climatic conditions that is why it is extensively use for crossbreeding and breed upgradation. (ii) Hampshire (purebred): This breed has been developed in the U.S.A and is now one of the world’s mos important breeds. The Hampshire is a black Hog with a white band around the body at the shoulder including the front legs and feet. The head, tail, legs and back are black. The ears are erect and the face is longer and straighter compared to other breads. Hampshire sowsare very prolific, have extra longevity, and make goodmothers. T hey have been used extensively in crossbreeding because of their good carcass quality-popular for their lean, meatey carcasses. They were noted and criticized for their large size, but admired for- 3 -Ex-390/2017 their prolificacy, hardy, vigour, foraging ability and outstanding carcass qualities. Sows give birth to a large litter of 10 piglets with 1 kg birth weight, but some sows have been known to have litters of up to 16 piglets. A boar weigh 230 kg to 340 kg and sows around 200 to 290 kg. (iii) Large White Yor kshire cr oss : This breeds ar e frequently cros sed with local variet y to gener a te a compos ite br eed called improved breeds that are considered an upgradation form with a good blend of superior exotic germ plasm. LWY X have good mothering ability and good prolificacy with average litter size of 7 numbers which increases following subsequent farrowing. Artificail Insemination was introduced in 1997 which gains well acceptance due to its advantages factors over Natural Boar Services. LWY boar semen have been used extensively for A.I purpose in the state. (iv) Hampshire cross local : They are black in colour with the typical white belt covering the soulder portion including the forelimbs extending till the pastern. It is most preferred by the locals sand are very popular in the state. It attains puberty at 8 months of age. Sows exhibit strong maternal instinct with exceptional nursing ability. Average litter size at first farrowing is 6 nos which increases in the range of 7-12 during subsequent farrowing. The adult live weight of local Hampshire X is 140 kg for breeding boars and 120 for that of sows. (v) Burmese Black (BB) crosses : It is a very common breeds in Mizoram mainly imported from Myanmar and Manipur. It is preferred by the local due to its colour, good litter size, good mothering ability. But due to the recent outbreaks of PRRS the import of this breed have been restricted. (vi) Zo Vawk (Indigenous breed) This is a small size breed found in Mizoram. They are predominantly black in colour with pot bellied appearance. The mature body weight ranges between 40 to 50 kg and litter size about 5 to 8 nos. These pigs are mainly raised in backyard and semi-intensive system. They have good mothering ability, early maturity, tolerance and resistance to parasites and diseases and low nutrient requirement. This breeds/varieties are yet to be characterized with proper scientific intervention. There is a gradual decrease in the population of Zo vawk/Mizo local due to heightened interest of farmers towards fast growing crossbreds pigs so conservation of this breeds with proper strategy is gravely important. 4. STATUS AND INFRASTRUCTURE OF A.H & VETY DEPARTMENT. Table 2 : District Wise Veterinary Instrutions and Infrastructures Sl.No. Veterinary InstitutionMamit Kolasib Aizawl Champhai Serchhip Lunglei Lawngtlai Saiha Total And other infrastructure 1. Hospital-111-1-55 2. Dispensary3467462335 3. Rural Animal Health126301372627103 Centre (RAH) 4. Artificial Insemination Centre-816106133258 5. Cattle Breeding Farm011111117 6. Buffalo Breeding Farm000010001 7. Mithun Breading Farm000100001 8. Pig Breading Farm- 4 - Ex-390/2017 9. Goat Breeding Farm00000000 10. Poultry Farm1121211110 11. Rabbit Farm010100002 12. Feed and Fodder Farm011111117 13. Dairy plant011101004 14. Animals Feed Plant001000001 15. Piggery Village001101003 16. Surveillance check post1202130110 17. Liquid Nitrogen plant001001002 18. Hatcheries112111119 19. Duck Farm000010001 Table 3 : Authorised Strength unde the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service Sl.No. GradePostsNo. of posts 1.SupertimeDirector1 grade 2.SelectionAdditional Director2 - Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development - Veterinary Service & Public Health 3.JuniorJoint Director6 Administrative * Jt. Director (Administration grade* Jt. Director (Biogas) * Jt. Director (Livestock Health) * Jt. Director (Southern Zone) * Jt. Director (Planning) * Jt. Director (Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital) 4.Senior gradeDeputy Director and its equivalent posts38 * Deputy Directors (11nos)- Disease Investigation, pla nning, Dairy Development, Rinderpest Eradication Programme, Epidemiology, Hospital, Feed & Fodder Development, Livestock & poultry development, Veterinary Extention, Livestock & Environment, Small Ruminants & other Livestock. * District A.H & Vety Officer (8 nos)- Aizawl, Lunglei, Saiha, Champhai, Kolasib, Serchhip, Mamit, Lawngtlai * Chief Veterinary Officer (16 nos)- Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital (3), Central Medicine & Vccine Depot, Tlabung, Chawngte, Mampui, Mamit, Champhai, Kolasib, Serchhip, Lunglei, Lawngtlai, Saiha, Joint Director (SZ) office. * General Manager (2 nos)-Selesih, Thenzawl * Principal (1), School of Vety Science, Lungpher 5.Junior GradeVeterinar y officer a nd its Equiva lents posts Vet erinar y officer68 * State Vety Hospital Aizawl (4 nos), State Vety Hospital Lunglei (3 nos) * State Vety Hospital, Saiha (2 nos), State Vety Hospital, Champhai (2 nos), State Vety Hospital, Kolasib (2 nos) Veterinary Officer, Dispensary (29 nos) * Khawzawl, Mamit, Saitual, Durtlang (KVS), N.Vanlaiphai, Ratu, S.Vanlaihai, Serchhip, Sihphir, Lungdai, Haulawng, Thingsult hliah, Tuipang, Chhingchhip, Kawnpui, Lungsen,- 5 -Ex-390/2017 Hnahthial, Darlawn, Lawngtlai, Hnahlan, W.Phaileng, Bair abi, Ngopa, Zawlnuam, Sa ngau, Khawbung, Khuangleng, Tlabung, RBCF Thenzawl Veterinary Officer, Surveillance Checkpost (6 nos) * Tlabung, Vairengte, Vaphai, Thingsai, Ruantlang, Phura Veterinary Officer, Directorate * D.I Laboratory, Veterinary Extension (2 nos), Meat Inspection (2 nos) Manager (13 nos) * District Poultry Farm Lunglei, CBF Saiha, Fodder Seed Farm Thenzawl, CBF Selesih, Piggery Development Farm Kolasib, Poultry Farm Selesih, PBF Selesih, CBF Champhai, P&PF Thenzawl, PDF Thenzawl, P&PF Kolasib, Pig Farm Thenzawl Others * Assistant Project Officer (Dte), Veterinary Officer (Zoological Park) Total Cadre Strength115 Table 4 : piggery Farms under the Department of A.H & Vety, Mizoram Sl.No Name of FarmDistrictCapacityBreed available 1.Pig farm LungpherLunglei100 sows unitLWY (pure) Zovawk (Indigenous) pure 2.Pig farm MampuiLawngtlai50 sows unitHampshire X LWYX 3.Piglet Multiplication FarmAizawl200 sows unitHampshire X LWYX Thingsulthliah 4.NRC on Pigs (ICAR)Aizawl100 sowss unitPure LWY Mega Seed Farm, Selsih 5.Regional Boar SemenAizawl12 breeding BoarsLWY (pure) Station, SelesihHampshire (pure) 6.Regional Boar SemenIn all 8 districts2 breeding boarLWY (pure) station in each districtHampshire 5. INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE AND MANPOWER Following are the various divisions under A.H & Vety Department 1.Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development 2.Veterinary Service and Public Health 3.Disease Investigation Planning, Dairy Development, Rinderpest Eradication Programme, Epidemiology, Hospital, Feed & Fodder Development, Livestock & Poultry Development, Veterinary Extension, Livestock & Environment, Small Ruminant & Other livestock. 4.Integrated Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Training Institute, Lungpuizawl, Lunglei. 5.Livestock Census & Statistic Division 6.Engineering Division 7.Each district is headed by one District A.H & Vety Officer, under which Veterinary A.I Centres, livestock farms and feed and fodder units are placed at his administrative control. 8.Chief Veterinary Officers - 8 numbers in all the districts to mann the Health Institutions like Hospitals and Dispensary. 6. CONNSTRAINTS AND LIMITATIONS Pigs have a deep Socio-economics and cultural importance to the livelyhood of the Mizos. Pork is the most favoured meat among the “Mizos” and there is evidence of increased Pig rearing and consumption of Pork which is mainly met from local farmers, there is an increasing demand of Piglets every year. Mizoram have a pig population of 242507 (2012 Livestock Census). The Pork consumption population claimed is 75% of the population and the requirement is considered 25gm/day. Thus, Pork requirement/ annum is 7322812 MT.- 6 - Ex-390/2017 Despite the efforts given by the A.H & Vety Department to promote Pig Farmers to rear Sows, most of the farmers intend to rear fatteners which result in non or less production of Piglets within the State. However as the demand gap. Thus, the following are constraints and limitations identified for slow pace of developement in Pig husbandry in the State - 1.Huge gap between needs and supply of piglets. 2.High cost of balanced and commercial Feeds. 3.Shortage of animal/pig resource based Farmers, no parental stocks. Replacement of stocks could not be made in department farm due to non-availability of fund, as all revenues earned are accounted to Government Account. 4.High housing cost and specific housing pattern not available. 5.Poor pig productivity/potential. 6.Prevailing notified and unnotified diseases. The Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) which is an emerging Viral Disease that invade the pig population of Mizoram since March, 2013 had greatly affected the pig population with high mortality. The Department had conducted survey among the 16 Pig Multiplication centres where the erconomic loss of the farmer is very huge and accounted to a less or more than Rs. 146.00 lakhs Absence of research on the subject with sufficient technical inputs and lack of support on the public is the main feature. 7.Lack of knowledge, extension works, management skill. The traditional practice followed is to feed pigs with forages, wild leaves, shurbs, herbs collected from locally available areas combined with kitchen and garden waste which is cooked and fed as a wet slop which is coked and fed as a wet slop which is found to be nutritionally inadequate for optimum production. Concentrates feeds are too expensive for the local farmers. 8.No organized breeding anfrastructure, Absence of designed breeding programme and planning results in inbreeding. 7. OUTLINE OF STATE BREEDING POLICY FOR MIZORAM Mizoram have potential to take piggery a more and in technical approach by application of the right instrument. The concept designated is a two way, adopting the Farm Policy and the Farmers. The following are taken into account in the Breeding Policy - (i) Pig Population Dynamic is 9% with a density of 1035 (ii) Litter size (iii) Litter Index (iv) Economics (v) Feed Conversion Ratio (vi) Preference and likes of the Local Objectives : (i) Genetic improvement through delective breeding. (ii) Conservation and maintenance of indigenous pig germ plasm. (iii) Genetic improvemrnt by crossbreeding and gradually. (iv) Expansion and strengthening of Breeding Insfrastructure and support mechanism to propagate elite germ plasm through A.I. (v) To establish Regional Boar Seman Station for maintening Exotic Breed in Closed Herd by import of Frozen Semen or live Pigs. BREEDING PYRAMID- 7 -Ex-390/2017 Nucleu s Sire and Dam likes Mu ltiplication by Crossbred females Commercial Piglet production and finishingIExotic Breed I2 way crossing (Pure+Local)(Pure+Pure) IInterse mating (AI) with selective Breed BREEDING POLICY: A1.Zovawk, indigenous pig breed of Mizoram, where no crossbreeding shall be applied, the germ plasm of this breed shall be established and preserved. 2.Nucleus breeding farm for such breed be established. 3.Prized animals may collected from farmers field/State Farm to the Nucleus herd. 4.No pedigreed animals shouls be propagated to the farmers who may unknowingly perform crossbreeding to avoid Line Breeding. 5.Artificial Inseminations may be delivered through Private Inseminator who have taken training courses conducted by the Department. B.CROSS BREEDING : Cross breeding may be delivered through selective breeds of Large White Yorkshire, Hampire and Landra ce. BREEDING POLICY(crossbreeding) LEVEL JURISDICTION ACTIVITIESNucleusState Level Nucleus Fa rm in 4-5 per regionsThe corresponding Nuclueus Farm will Farmas per pig population of the state andmaintain Great Grand Parent(GGP) Demand of pork.and Grand Parent(GP) stock of corresponding va r ieties. Mutiplier Multiplier farm will consist of State Govt.The multiplier Farm will maintain Grand farms, central govt. farms and Institute farms. Parent (GP) and Parent(P) stock of (Each district of a region will have Minimum corresponding varieties. two such kind of farm) Farmers’ Mass scale propagation of region specificRegular monitoring and cooperative base Fieldvariety at farmers field and the local large/ marketing may be ensured for better medium scale Entrepenneurs (commercial economic return. farm) will be monitored by district level mulltiplier fa rm. Schematic diagram for pig breeding pr ogramme C . BREEDING WIT H EXOTIC GERM PLASM: 1.Import of germ plasm of Large White Yorkhire, Landrace and Hampsire from sources which are free from scheduled Diseases. 2.Import of Live Animals may be considered at regular intervals at a first primary strategy with import of Semen as a secondary option, in improving and upgrading herd Quality. 3.As programme for breed-specific nucleus herd imprivement may be developed for subsequent programmes. BREEDING PLAN: (A) Nucleus Farm: 1.Nucleus farm may be of pure exotic breed, well-developed crossbred or pure indigenous breed. 2.Crossbred animals of desired level of exotic inheritance should be maintained. In case of nucleus herd of pure animals, mixing/crossing of germplasm must be restricted. 3.Minimum 30 breedable sows unit should be maintained with a sex ratio 1:3 and thus 10 sires (2 sires from each 5 unrelated sire lines) need to be maintained by each of the unit. 4.Selection of male animals should be based on weaning weight (best 25%) and 8 month body weight (b est 5%), based on two stage sequential selection. Selection of female- 8 - Ex-390/2017 animals should be based on dam’s litter size at birth (>7) and weaning weight (best 25%) and number of functional tests (at least 6 pairs of functional tests). However, these can be changed as per performance of local crossbred animals. 5.Centralized data recording system may be initiated. Generation wise genetic evaluation may be carried out to the estimate the response to selection. The overall genetic gain due to selection, selection differential and heritability may also be calculated. 6.Inbreeding should be avoided. Replacement of boars need to be done at regular interval of 2 years of productive herd life. Sire exchange programme among the farms will also be help ful to r educe the inbreeding effect. Culled ma le anima ls shou ld b e ca stra ted before selling to avoid indiscriminate breeding. 7.Three numbers of farrowing per sow need to be recorded. Three farrowing per sow should be completed in 2 years. 8.Weightage of selection need to be given on litter size and weight at birth and weaning. 9.Besides routine productive, reproductive, adaptive and carcass traits lifetime production traits may also be recorded. (B) Multiplier and Farmers’ Farm : 1.Breeding plan for multiplier and farmers’ field should be separate with that of nucleus farm. They are only to make inter-se-matingamong the developed crossbred animals. No indiscriminate crossbreeding is allowed at farmers’ field. (C) Mating system: All the breeding propagation activity should follow Artificial Insemination (Al) practice. To achive the target the State level Multiplier farm must have a training center for the local farmers including modest facility/laboratory for semen collection, evaluation and preservation. (D ) Capacity building: 1.Training of farm managers/large scale entrepreneurs on breeding mangement. 2.Regular/refresher training for technical personnel, para-vets and livestock service provider. 3.Training on semen collection and AI for farmers/service provider. (E ) Entrepreneurship development and Industrial development may be explored to promote Piggery and Piggery Products. (F) Pig Farming Policy and Guidelines may be developed which will result on organized Pig Farming. This can be implemented and executed through Municipal Corporation. 8. CONCLUSION The Mizoram Pig Breeding Policy will aim at improving pig production system under changing climate scenario by improves scientific method of production. It will also target at improving socio-economically weak communities including women folk in terms of sustainable livelihood security. It is also expected to meet the current demand supply gap of pork in the state and opoening new entrepreneuship and export of pork and pork products. Since, the pig rearing system is dynamic and pig population structure is expected to change over a period of every five years.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 9 -Ex-390/2017

Sectoral Crisis Management Committee for Countering Cyber attacks and Cyber Terrorism comprising of the following members:-

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 391Date - 02/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.C.31016/l/2015-ICT, the 31st July, 2017.In supersession of this Department previous notification No.C.31016/l/2008-PLG(ICT), dt.7.6.2010, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute Sectoral Cr isis Ma nagement Committee for Countering Cyber attacks a nd Cyber Terrorism comprising of the following members:- 1.Secretary, IC T Depart ment- Chairman 2.Jt. Secretary, Law Judicial Deptt.- Member 3.Director, DM & R Deptt.- Member 4.Director, Forensic Science Laboratory, Mizoram- Member 5.SP (Crime), Home Deptt.- Member 6.Chief Executive Officer, MSeGS, Mizoram- Member 7.State Informatics Officer, NIC, Mizoram- Member 8.Director, NIELIT, Aizawl Centre- Member 9.Chief Informatics Officer, ICT Deptt.- Member Secretary E.R. Lalfanliana, Secr etary to Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Communication Technology. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 4.8.2017 Sravana 13, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 391Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Chakma Autonomous District Council (Village Councils) (Amendment) Act, 2011 and sub-rule (5) of Rule 3 of the LADC (Election to Village Councils) (Amendment)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 392Date - 02/08/2017

Mizoram Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act, 2017 (Act No. 7 of 2017) as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to revise the rate of tax on Aviation turbine Fuel (ATF) as specified below with effect from 1st August, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 393Date - 04/08/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.J. 21011/4/2016-TAX, the 1st August, 2017. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub- section (3) of Section 11 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act, 2017 (Act No. 7 of 2017) as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to revise the rate of tax on Aviation turbine Fuel (ATF) as specified below with effect from 1st August, 2017. Sl. No.Name of POLExisting RatesPr oposed (Revised) Rates1.Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF)4%0% a) From every dealer on his turnover from sale of ATF to the Turbo-Prop Aircraft. b) From sale other than (a) above20%20% Vanlal Chhuanga, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 4.8.2017 Sravana 13, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 393Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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