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Transplanation of Human Organs and Tissues Authorization Committee consisting of the following members:

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 336Date - 11/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.Z.11013/1/2014-HFW, the 5th July, 2017.In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (b) of Sub-section (4) of section 9 of the principal Act and clause [4(b)] of sub-section C of section 7 of the Transplanation of Human Organs (Amendment) Act, 2011 and section 13 of the Transplanation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Authorization Committee consisting of the following members: (i)Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare:Chairperson (ii) Medical Superintendent, District Hospital, Aizawl:Vice Chairperson (iii) Head of Department (Surgery), District Hospital, Aizawl:Member (iv) Head of Department (Orthopedics) District Hospital, Aizawl:Member (v) President, Indian Medical Association, Mizoram Branch:Member (vi) Dr. Zorempari, Professor, MZU:Member (vii) Under Secretary (G), Health & Family Welfare, Mizoram:Member (viii) Joint Director (P) )DHME), Health & Family Welfare:Member The terms of references/functions of this Committee is to advise and assist the Appropriate Authority designated for the purpose of this Act. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 11.7.2017 Asadha 20, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 336Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 337Date - 11/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 337 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/44/2012-UD&PA, the 4th July, 2017.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 352 - A of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (Second Amendment Act, 2015) (Act No. 5 of 2015), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017 for genera l information. Dr. C.Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. THE MIZORAM MUNICIPAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL RULES 2017In exercise of the power conferr ed by s ection 352-A of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007, (Second Amendment Act, 2015)(Act No. 5 of 2015), the Government of Mizoram hereby makes the following Rules, namely:- Chapter -1Preliminary 1.Short title, extent and commencement:- (1)These rules may be called the “Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017.” (2)It shall ha ve the like extent as the Principal Act. (3)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Definitions:- (1)In t hese rules, unless the c ontext other wis e requir es:- (a)‘Act ’ means the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007; (b)‘Appeal’ means an appeal preferred under sub-section(l) of section 352-B of the Act; (c)‘Award’ means an award passed by the Tribunal in accor dance with provision under these Rules; (d)‘Bench’ means bench of Tribunal. (e)‘Cha irman’ means Cha irman of the Municipal Appellate Tribunal appointed under these Rules; (f)‘Member ’ mea ns member of the Municipal Appellat e Tribu na l app ointed under t hese Rules; (g)‘Nodal Depa rtment’ means the Depa rtment in charge of administering municipalities in Mizoram; (h)‘Registrar ’ means Registra r of the Appellate Tr ibunal and includes an officer of such Appellate Tribunal who is a uthorized by Chairman to function as Registrar. (i)‘Registry’ means Registry of the Appellate Tribunal; (j)‘Selection Committee’ means Selection Committee for appointment of Chairman and Members of Appellate Tribunal; and (k)‘Tribunal’ means the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal constituted under sub- section (1) of section 3 52 - A of the Act. (2)All other words and expressions used her ein but not defined in these rules shall ha ve the same meaning as r espectively assigned in the Pr incipal Act. Chapter - II Cons titutio n of Municipal Appellate Tribunal and Benches 3.Constitution of Appellate Tribunal.- The State Government may constitute a Municipal Appellate Tribunal. 4.Composition of Tribunal and Benches thereof.- (1)A Municipal Appellate Tribunal shall consists of a Chair man and such other members not exceeding five in number. (2)The jurisdiction, power and authority of the Tr ibunal shall be exercised by the Benches ther eof. Ex-337/20172 (3)The Chairma n may constitute one or more separate benches, each bench comprising of t wo or more members, one of whom shall be a Judicia l Member and may transfer to a ny such bench a ny appeal for disposal or may withdr aw from any such bench any appeal befor e it is finally disposed of. (4)Wher e a sep arate bench is constituted, the Judicia l M ember s ha ll ex ercise and per for m all the powers and functions of the Chair man. 5.Qualifications of Chairman and Member of Tribunal.- (1)For appoint ment as a Chairman, a person shall be.- (a)not below the rank of Secretary to the State Government either serving or retired; or (b)a serving or retired District Judge having jurisdiction in the State of Mizoram; or (c)exis ting member of the Tr ibunal; and (d)not more than seventy years. (2) For appointment of Member of Tribunal, a person shall be- (a)Not below the rank of Joint Secreta ry to t he State Government. (b)a District Judge or Additional District Judge having jurisdict ion in t he State of Mizoram as Judicial Member; and (c)not below the age of fifty-five years and not more than seventy years. 6.Sitting of Tribunal and Benches.- (1)A Bench shall hold its sitting at the State Capita l or such other place or places as may be determined by the Chair man. (2)A Tr ibunal sitting at the State Capital shall be considered as Principal Bench of the Tribunal. Other benches in Cities/Districts sha ll be considered as Bench of a Distr ict. Sepa rate register of appeals with distinct registration code shall be maintained as in rule 15. 7.Terms of Chairman and Members of the Tribunal.- (1)The term of Chairma n and Members of the Tribunal shall be a period of three years, which may be extendable by two yea rs, subject to the recommendation of t he Selection Committee; (2)Chairman and Members may be eligible for the re-appointment for another term if the Selection Committee recommends it; and (3)A member ma y, if a ppointed as Chairman of the Tribunal shall enjoy full term of office as a Chair man. 8.Selection Committee.- There shall be a Selection Committee to recommend appoint ment of C hairman and Members of the Tribuna l consisting of :- (1)Chief Minister of Mizoram; (2)Opposition Leader in the Mizoram Legislative Assembly; (3)Minister-in-Charge, Noda l Depar tment; and (4)Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. Provided tha t if there is no Opposition Leader in the Mizoram Legislative Assembly, Leader of t he largest opposition shall be a Member of the Selection Commit tee. 9.Remuneration.- The Chairman and Members of a Tribunal shall b e engaged in t he scale of pay determined by orders of the Government in accorda nce with CCS (Fixation of pa y of Re-employed Pensioner) Orders, 1986.Ex-337/2017 3 10.Resignation and Removal.- (1)The Chairma n or any other Member may, by notice in wr iting addressed to the Secretary to the Government of Noda l Depar tment r esign from office. Provided that the Chairman or other Member shall, unless he is permitted by the Government to relinquish his office sooner, continue to hold office until the expir y of three months from the date of receipt of such not ice. (2)The Chairma n or any other Member shall not be r emoved from his office except by an order made by the Governor on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapa city after an inquiry by an Inquiry Commissioner appointed by the State Government in which such Chairman or other Member has been informed of the cha rges made against him and given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of those charges. 11.Registry of the Tribunal.- The State Government may provide the Tribuna l with a Registrar and other officers and staff for discha rging the powers and functions of the Tribunal. 12.Territorial Jurisdiction.- The State Government shall specify the t erritor ial jurisdiction of the Tribunal. Chapter-III Powers and Functio ns of t he Tribunal 13.Powers and Functions .- The Tribuna l shall have the following powers and functions, namely:- (1)registration of appeals; (2) require amendment of appeals in accordance with these Rules; (3) gra nt copies of documents of the proceedings to the parties; (4) dis pose off a ll ma tters rela ting to a ppeals under t hese Ru les; (5) requisition of records fr om the custody of the State Government or Municipal authorit ies; (6) require attendance of any authority under the State Government and Municipalities within the State for production of documents and material evidences; and (7) pass an award in a ccordance with these Rules. Chapter - IV Procedure of Hearing and Disposal of Appeals 14. Filing of Appeals .- The procedure of filing of appeals shall be as follows :- (1)A memorandum of appeal shall be presented in the Registry or shall be sent by registered post address ed to Registrar of the Tribuna l in Form-I appended to these Rules. An appellant shall pay the requisite fee prescribed in Rule 15 either in Cash or by Demand Draft . An appeal sent by post shall be accompanied by a fee in the for m of Demand dr aft. (2)A memorandum of appeal sent by post shall be deemed to have been presented on the day it is received in the Registry. (3)Every memor andum of appeal shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the or der aga inst which the a ppeal is prefer red. (4)Every appeal shall be filed within a period of forty-five days from the date of service of copy of order a nd shall be accompanied by a copy of the said aggrieved order. Ex-337/20174 (5)The medium of language used in appeal and applica tion to the Tribuna l shall be either in English or Mizo. 15.Registration of Appeals .- (1)On receipt of an appeal, the same shall be registered in a register ma intained by the Tribunal. Register of appeals shall be in Form-ll appended to these Rules. The registry sha ll assign distinct registration number for each appeal. (2)Distinct Registration Codes of the Districts in Mizoram shall be as follows:- (a)Aizawl: MAOl……………… (Number) of ………………(Year) (b)Lunglei: MAO2……………… (Number) of……………… (Year) (c)Champhai: MAO4……………… (Number) of……………… (Year) (d)Kolasib: MAO5……………… (Number) of……………… (Year) (e)Serchhip: MAO6……………… (Number) of……………… (Year) (f)Mamit: MAO8……………… (Number) of……………… (Year) 16.Fees for Appeals.-An appellant shall deposit prescribed amount of fee to the Tribunal. An a ppeal not supported by fee shall not be entertained. The Government may, by notification, prescribe the amount of fees. 17. Receipt for Payment of Fees.- On payment of requisite fee, an appella nt sha ll be is sued payment receipt in For m-Ill appended to t hese Ru les. 18.Preliminary Hearing of Appeal.- (1)Notice of date and place of hearing of appeal;- The Registrar shall notify to the parties the date and pla ce of preliminar y hearing of appeal. Summon(s) shall be served to the parties concern in Form-IV appended to these Rules. (2)Dismissal of appeal :- The Tribunal, after considering the appeal or application and after hearing both parties, may summarily dismiss an appeal or application for reasons to be recor ded in writing if the Tribuna l is of the opinion that there are no sufficient grounds for proceeding therewith. 19.Examination of Witnesses and Evidences.- (1)If the Tribunal is of the opinion that there are sufficient grounds for proceedings therewith, the Tribunal shall issue summons for appearance of witness/witnesses and production of evidences as prescribed in Form-V appended to these Rules. (2)The Tribunal shall examine the parties and witness/witnesses under oath and the material evidences produced by both parties. The respondent shall submit Written Stat ement of Defense as p rescrib ed in For m-VI appended to t hese Ru les. (3)Oral evidences shall be recorded in a written form and documents provided shall be verified. 20.Disposal of Appeal.- After hearing and examining both the parties and the evidences adduced in t he cour se of hearing, the Tribunal shall make decision and dispose the case. An appeal shall be dis posed off within a time period of forty five days from the date of filing the appeal.Ex-337/2017 5 21.Judgement of the Tribunal.- Once the judgement has been p ronounced by the Tribunal, the judgement shall be signed by the Chairman or such other Members who have taken part in the decision. Chapter V Provision of Fund 22.Fund of the Tribunal.- The Tribuna l may be provided with funds by the Government for meeting expenses on salaries and administrative costs in the discharge of its functions. Registrar shall be designa ted as Head of Office under Delegation of Financial Power Rules. 23.Revenue Receipt of the Tribunal.- The revenue collected on a ccount of appeals and other revenue receipts shall be deposit ed in an appropriate head of account of the State Government. Chapter VI Miscellaneous 24.Power to remove difficulties.- (1)If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these Rules, the State Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder as it appear s to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty; Provided tha t no or der sha ll be ma de under this rule aft er the expiry of two years from the dat e of commencement of t hese Ru les. (2)Every order made under these Rules shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the L egisla t ive Ass embly of the St ate. 25.Bar of Jurisdiction of Civil Court.- Notwithsta nding a nything contained in these Rules, no Civil Courts sha ll entertain any appeal in any form whatsoever for adjudica tion of any matt er rela t ing to these Ru les. MIZORAM MUNICIPAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL ………………………..BENCH FORM I MEMORANDUM OF APPEAL [See Rule 14(1) of the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017] Name of Appellant(s) VS Name of Respondent(s) 1.Name of the Bench of the Appella te Tribunal In which appeal is filed: 2.Addr ess and Contact number of the Appellant: 3.Addr ess and Contact number of the Respondent: 4.Details of subject matter of appeal: 5.Date of filing of an appeal: 6.Statement of facts: 7.Grounds of appeal: 8.Reliefs Claimed: Signature of the Appellant(s) Ex-337/20176 VERIFICATION l/We………………………………………appellant/appellants do hereby declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Verified toda y the…………………………day of……………….. 20…… Signature of the appellant(s) _______________________________________________________________________________ (FOR OFFICE USE) Date of Receiving of appeal: ……………………………………….. Appeal/Registration No…………………….of ………………………….. Signature of the Authorized Officer MIZORAM MUNICIPAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL FORM II REGISTER OF APPEAL(S) [See Rule 15 of the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017] Name of Bench : ………………………………………………………Bench Year: …………………………………………. (Calendar Year) SI. No. Name and CompleteDate ofDate ofRegistration Address of Appellant(s)Filing anReceivingNumber AppealanAllotted Appeal________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Ex-337/2017 7 MIZORAM MUNICIPAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL …………………………….. BENCH FORM III MONEY RECEIPT [See Rule 17 of the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017] Date ………………………………….Receipt No…………………………… Received from Mr/Mrs/Miss…………………………………………………………….. Son/Daughter/Wife of …………………………………………………… Resident of …………………………………….. a sum of Rupees………………………………… Only on account of Appeal before the Municipal Applellate Tribunal in respect of Registration No………………………………………………………………. Date:Signature of the Authorized Officer Municipal Appellate Tribunal MIZORAM MUNICIPAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL …………………………..BENCH FORM IV SUMMONS TO PARTIES [See rule 18(1) of the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017] To ………………………………………. ………………………………………. ……………………………………… Whereas Mr./Mrs./Miss…………………………………………………………. Son/Daughter/Wife of ……………………………………………...............................….. resident of …………………………......................................……….. has filed an appeal/application against (Name) …………………………………….resident of……..............................……… in the Municipal Appellate Tribunal. You are hereby summoned to appear before the Tribunal in person to answer all material questions r elating to the appeal at the place and time indicated below: Date and time: ……………../………………. Place: ………………………………. Take notice that, in defa ult of your appearance on the day a forementioned, the appeal will be heard and determined in your absence which will be binding upon t he parties. Given under my hand and seal of the Tr ibunal, this……….Day of…….. 20….. Date:Signature of the Authorized Officer Place: Municipal Appellate Tribunal Ex-337/20178 MIZORAM MUNICIPAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL ………………………BENCH FORM V SUMMONS TO WITNESS [See rule 19(1) of the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017] In the matter between ……………....................................………………Appellant(s) and ………………………..................................………Respondent(s) in the Municipal Appellate Tribunal to be held ……................................……………..on the day of ……………………………for hearing of an Appeal No……………….. of 20….. To Name and address of witness/witnesses: 1……………………………….........................…………… of …………………………………………… 2………………………………………..........................……of …………………………………………… 3……………………….........................…………………… of …………………………………………… You are hereby infor med t o a ppear in person befor e the Municipal Appella te Tribunal on the ……da y of ………20… at ……… (time) in t he above mentioned hear ing to give material evidences and necessary documents specified. Date and time :……………/…………… Place : …………………………... Take notice that, in defa ult of your appearance on the day a forementioned, the appeal will be heard and determined in your absence which will be binding upon t he parties. Given under my hand and seal of the Tribunal, this…………Da y of………20….. Date:Signature of the Authorized Officer Place: Municipal Appellate TribunalEx-337/2017 9 MIZORAM MUNICIPAL APPLLATE TRIBUNAL ………………………BENCH FORM VI NOTICE FOR WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DEFENCE [See rule 19(2) of the Mizoram Municipal Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2017] To ………………………………………. ………………………………………. ……………………………………… Whereas Mr./Mrs./Miss ………………………………................................………………………………. Son/Daughter/Wife of ………………………………................................…………………. resident of ………………………………………… has filed an appeal/application against ………………………… informed/directed to submit a Written Sta tement of Defence on the charges registered against you in the Appeal. Your written statement should be submitted on or before…………………..…….. addressed to the Registrar of the Tribunal. Take notice that, in default of your submission of Writ ten Sta tement, the appeal will be heard and determined in the absence of your statement which shall be binding upon you. Given under my hand and seal of the Tribunal, this …… Day of ……. 20…… Date:Signature of the Authorized Officer Place: Municipal Appellate Tribunal Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50Ex-337/201710

The Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 338Date - 12/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 338 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/89/2017-UD&PA, the 4th July, 2017.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 76 of the Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Act, 1990 (Act No. 12 of 1990), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify “The Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017” for general information. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. THE MIZORAM URBAN AREAS (LAND DEVELOPMENT, LANDSLIDE PREVENTION AND MITIGATION) RULES, 2017 In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 22, 23, 24 and 76 of the Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Act, 1990 (Act No.12 of 1990), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased make the following Rules, namely: Chapter - 1 1.Short Title, Extent and Commencement: (1) These Rules may be called The Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017. (2 ) They shall apply to all the urban areas of Mizoram. (3) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. (4 ) These Rules shall apply to all site development works, including excavating, filling, leveling, land clearing and other earthwork construction operations and to the control of runoff from graded sites, unless such operations are specifically exempted by these Rules. 2.Definitions: For the purpose of these Rules: (1 ) ‘Accelerated erosion’ means rapid erosion caused by artificially induced alteration of the veg- etation, land surface topography or runoff patterns. Evidence of accelerated erosion is indicated by exposed soils, active gullies, rills, sediment deposits or slope failures caused by such artificial activities. (2 ) ‘Access’ means the means of an entry or exit to any plot/land or building/structure. (3) ‘Act’ means The Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Act, 1990 (Act. No.12 of 1990). (4 ) ‘Building regulations’ means rules for regulation of buildings as prescribed in the Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Rules, 1998 under the Act which shall extend to all the urban areas of Mizoram. 2 (5 ) ‘Approved’ means approved by the Planning Authority or any officer or person to whom appropriate power has been delegated by the Government. (6 ) ‘Bedrock’ means in-place solid rock. (7 ) ‘Bench’ means a relatively level step excavated into earth material designed to receive fill and prevent its movement downhill, or to level a portion or portions of a sloping surface for the purpose of a construction pad or other usable level area. (8 ) ‘Bor row’ means and is synonymous with ‘impor t’: earth fill material acquired from an off- site location for use in site development on a site. (9 ) ‘Building’ means any structure constructed for whatsoever purpose and of whatever materi- als and every part thereof, whether used as human habitation or not and includes foundations, plinths, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing, and building services, fixed platforms, verandah, balcony, cornice or projection, part of a building or anything affixed thereto or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land or space and signs and outdoor display structures, monuments, memorials or any contrivance of permanent nature/ stability built under or over ground. (10) ‘Building line’ means the line up to which the plinth of a building adjoining a street or an extension of a street or any future street may lawfully extend. It includes the lines prescribed in any development plan. Ex-338/20172 (11) ‘Building official’ means Planning Authority or a person or persons authorized by the Government to carry out all activities necessary for regulating building construction and site development works. (1 2) ‘Clearing’ means and is synonymous with ‘scarify’: the removal of vegetation and debris down to bare soil by any method. (1 3) ‘Civil engineer ’ means an engineer who has been given licence or recognized by the Government . (1 4) ‘Compaction’ means the densification of earth and solids or fill by mechanical means. (1 5) ‘Cumulative site development’ means total combined site development, including both exca- vation and fill, accomplished over a ten-year period. (1 6) ‘Drain’ means a conduit or channel for the carriage of storm water, sewage or other used water and includes all fittings and equipments, such as manhole, inspection chambers, traps, gullies and floor traps used for the drainage of a building. It also includes open channel used for conveying surface water. 3 (1 7) ‘Drainage’ means a system constructed for the purpose of removal of waste and surface wa t er. (1 8) ‘Drainage course’ means a well-defined, natural or artificial channel which conveys stormwater either year round or intermittently. (1 9) ‘Earth material’ means any rock, natural soil or fill, or any combination thereof. (2 0) ‘Engineering geologist’ means a geologist who has been given license or recognized by the Government to practice in the field of engineering geology. (2 1) ‘Engineering geology’ means the application of geologic knowledge and principles in the in- vestigation and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil for use in the design of civil wor ks. (2 2) ‘Erosion’ means the wearing away of the ground surface by the actions of water, wind, ice, gravity, or a combination thereof. (2 3) ‘Erosion control specialist’ means and shall be synonymous with soils engineer, geotechnical engineer, engineering geologist, civil engineer, or other such individual, who has been given licence or recognized by the Government. (2 4) ‘Erosion hazard’ means the susceptibility of a site to erosion, based on soils, conditions and steepness of a slope, rock type, vegetation, and other site factors. (2 5) ‘Excavation’ means the mechanical removal of earth material. (2 6) ‘Fill’ means the deposit of earth materials by artificial means. (2 7) ‘Geotechnical engineer ’ see definition of ‘Soils Engineer.’ (2 8) ‘Government’ means Government of Mizoram. (2 9) ‘Grade’ means the vertical location of a point or elevation on a site. (refer to ‘Slope’ for the angle of the ground surface expressed as a ratio or percentage in relation to level ground.) (a) ‘Existing grade’ means the grade prior to site development works. (b ) ‘Rough grade’ means the stage where the approximate elevation(s) of the ground surface match the approved plans. (c) ‘Finished grade’ means the final grade of the site which conforms to the approved plans. (3 0) ‘Grading’ means any excavation, filling, leveling or combination thereof. (3 1) ‘Key’ means a designed compacted fill placed in a trench excavated in earth material beneath the toe of a proposed fill slope. 4 (3 2) ‘Lateral support’ means and refers to the support that the land or soil receives from other land or soil around it. Support is lateral when the supported and supporting lands are divided by a vertical plane. (3 3) ‘Master Plan’ means the Master Plan/Development Plan for a particular town approved by the Government under the Act.Ex-338/2017 3 (34) ‘Ownership title’ means an attested copy of the Land Settlement Certificate (LSC), house pass, or sale/lea se deed. (35) ‘Permit’ means and shall be synonymous with ‘Permission’ : valid permission or authorisation in writing by the Planning Authority. (3 6) ‘Planning Authority’ means a committee or person or group of persons authorised by the Government to carry out the provisions under these Rules. (3 7) ‘Plinth’ means the portion of a structure between the level of the ground and the floor immedi- ately above the ground. (3 8) ‘Professional inspection’ means inspections to be performed by the civil engineer, soils engi- neer, engineering geologist or erosion control specialist. Such inspections include those performed by persons supervised by such engineers or geologists and shall be sufficient to form an opinion relating to the conduct of the work. (3 9) 'Retaining wall or breast wall' means a wall constructed to maintain in position material ca- pable of exerting lateral pressure. (4 0) ‘Risk Classification Maps’ means the currently adopted version of the Risk Classification Map prepared by the Government. (4 1) ‘Runoff ’ means the movement of surface water over ground surface. (4 2) ‘Sediment’ means eroded earth material that is carried by water, wind, gravity or ice and de- posited into channels, lakes, rivers and other areas. (43 ‘Set back’ means the distance from the toe or top of a slope, structure or property line where site development is to occur. (4 4) ‘Shoring’ means temporary structural support. (4 5) ‘Site’ means and sha ll be synonymous with ‘Plot’: a parcel or piece of land enclosed by definite boundaries, where site development is performed or permitted. (4 6) ‘Site development’ means any excavation, filling, levelling, land clearing, or earth movement works or any combination thereof which qualifies either as regular or engineered site development under the terms of these Rules. 5 (47) ‘Slope’ means an inclined ground surface, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance, or in degrees measured from the horizontal. Slope is termed positive or negative depending on whether it rises or falls respectively from the point of observation. (4 8) ‘Soil’ means naturally occurring surficial deposits overlying bedrock. (4 9) ‘Soils engineer (geotechnical engineer)’ means an engineer who is given a licence or recognized by the Government. (5 0) ‘Soils engineering’ means the application of the principles of soil mechanics in the investigation, evaluation and design of civil works involving the use of earth materials and the inspection and testing or the construction thereof. (5 1) ‘Stream’ means any natural watercourse as shown in the Master Plan. (a) ‘Perennial stream’ means a stream or watercourse which runs generally year round. (b) ‘Intermittent stream’ means a stream or watercourse which runs generally only during the rainy season and tends to dry up between seasons. (5 2) ‘Technical personnel’ means professionals licensed or recognized by the Government. (5 3) ‘Terrace’ means a relatively level step constructed in the face of a graded slope surface for erosion control, drainage and maintenance purposes. (54) ‘Topsoil’ means the first 400 to 800 mm of loose, friable, organic and fertile earth materials on top of a soil profile. Ex-338/20174 (5 5) ‘Water break’ means a ditch, dike, dip or combination. 3.General Provisions: (1)Relationship to other rules The technical regulations set forth in these rules shall be implemented in a manner consistent with the Master Plan/ Development Plan. Any person intending to construct a building requiring site development work, must obtain a site development permit in addition to a build- ing permit, unless exempted by Rule 4. (2)Protection of adjacent property The permit holder and the owner of the property on which any site development works are performed shall be responsible for the prevention 6 of damage to adjacent property. No person shall excavate on land sufficiently close to the property line to endanger any adjoining public street, sidewalk, pathway, stairway, alley, drain, or other public or private property without taking adequate measures to support and protect such property from settling, cracking or other damage that might result. The permit holder and owner of the property are responsible for repairing any damage caused to private or public property to the original or equivalent condition, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority/Government. 4.Exemptions: A site development permit is not required for the following: (1 ) An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of an ordinary building, or of a semi-permanent or permanent building located in an area of low risk zone, defined as per the Risk Classification Map, which is authorized by a valid building permit. In areas not yet mapped to the standards, or for which such Risk Classification Maps are still under development, the exemption shall be granted at the discretion of the Government with due consideration to safety. This provision shall not exempt any fill containing material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than one meter after comple- tion of such structure. This shall also not exempt any person from the requirements of Rule 3(2) requiring lateral and subjacent support to which each coterminous owner is entitled. (2 ) Building pads on grade and approach roads for which a valid building permit has been issued. However, while a separate site development permit is generally not required for approach roads unless a cut of more than 1m in height or 10m volume is proposed, the design standards as set forth in these Rules shall be adhered to. Approach roads shall be designed incorporating existing contours to the maximum extent feasible. Access roads and garage entrance ways/driveways shall enter public/private roads in such a manner as to maintain adequate line of sight. (3 ) Individual cemetery graves. (4 ) Refuse disposal sites controlled by the city/town. (5 ) Exploratory excava tions performed under the dir ection of a soils engineer or engineer ing geologist. Test bores shall be protected to prevent small children or animals from falling in, and no excavation shall be left unattended unless adequately shored to prevent failureEx-338/2017 5 or relieved to a maximum slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. All such sites shall be returned to their original condition within forty-five days unless extended under agreement with the Building Official. Test or monitoring wells established on occupied sites shall be protected by appropriate fencing or enclosure as determined by the Building Official. (6 ) An excavation which: (a) is less than 1 meter in depth, or (b) does not create a cut slope greater than one meter in height measured vertically from toe to top of slope and steeper than 1-1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical, or (c) comprises less than ten cubic meters on any one plot. (7) A fill less than 30 centimeters in depth and placed on natural terrain with a slope flatter than 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, or less than 1 meter in depth, not intended to support struc- tures, which does not exceed 30 cubic meters on any one lot, and does not obstruct any drainage course. (8 ) When approved by the Building Official, minor site development works in an isolated, self- contained area, if there is no danger to private or public property, except in stream or river corridors or other protected natural areas where permits shall be required for all site devel- opment operations. (9) Emergency work necessary to preserve life or property under imminent threat of excessive erosion, slope failure or flooding may occur as required, provided the person rendering such service reports all pertinent facts to the Building Official as soon as possible and no later than fifteen days after commencement of the work. Persons performing such emergency work shall thereafter obtain a permit pursuant to Rule 5. Any such work as may be deemed reasonably necessary to correct any erosion or slope failure, or conditions with a potential to cause erosion or slope failure as a result of such emergency work shall be performed as expeditiously as possible. An imminent threat shall not be construed to 8 include known landslides or “sinking” areas, or ongoing erosion problems and is intended to refer to a sudden and unexpected alteration to slope stability or ponding due to natural occurrences such as heavy rain, earthquake, or other unusual circumstances. Exemption from the permit requirements of these rules shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of these rules or any other Acts or Rules of the State Government of Mizoram. (c) No exemption shall be allowed within three meters of any slope of 24 degrees or more, including clearing (scarifying), which would tend to increase erosion potential and reduce aver age slope. 5.Requirements for site development permit applications: (1)Requirements for all applications Every person, including Central and State Government Departments and Semi-Government Deparments/Organisations excluding the Defence Ministry, who intends to conduct any site development works not granted exemption under Rule 4, shall obtain a site development per- mit by giving an application to the Planning Authority in the prescribed form given in AN- NEXURE-I. The application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fees and three copies each of the documents mentioned in Rules 5(3) and 5(4) below for the type of site devel- opment being performed. One copy each of these documents shall be returned to the appli- cant after issue of permit or refusal. (2)Site development designation (a) Engineered site development: Ex-338/20176 All site development that takes place in the map of Moderate, High or Very High Risk Zones as defined by the Risk Classification Maps, shall be designated as “Engineered Site Develop- ment”. In areas not yet mapped to the standards, or for which such Risk Classification Maps are still under development shall be designated as Engineered Site Development if the average slope of the plot is greater than or equal to 24 degrees. In addition, site development in any area, including areas of Low Risk Zone as defined by the Risk Classification Maps, shall be designated as Engineered Site Development if any of the following conditions apply: (i) Height of any cuts/excavations is 3 meters or more –OR– (ii) Site development works are in excess of 200 cubic meters – OR– (iii) Site development works are proposed to support any structure. All Engineered Site Development shall be performed in accordance with an approved site development plan and specifications, which incorporates the findings and recommenda- tions of the geotechnical report defined below in Rule 6, unless otherwise required by the Building Official. (b)Regular site development: Regular Site Development is allowed ONLY in Low Risk Zone as defined by the Risk Classification Maps. In areas not yet mapped to the standards, or for which such Risk Clas- sification Maps are still under development, development is allowed only on slopes where the average slope of the plot is less than 24 degrees. Site development in Low Risk Zones involving less than 200 cubic meters and that will not support any structure shall be designated “Regular Site Development” unless the permit holder chooses to have the site development be designated as Engineered Site Development, or the Building Official determines that, due to the existence of special conditions or unusual hazards, the site development should be designated as Engineered Site Development. (3)Requirements for regular site development permit applications An application for a regular site development permit (Form 1) shall be accompanied by the following supporting documentation: (a) Copy of ownership title. (b) No Ob jection Certificate fr om the concer ned Local/Village Council, including No Objection from adjacent property owners to the plot 10 boundaries shown on the site plans. The Local/Village Council concern and the adjacent property owners shall base any refusals to issue a No Objection Certificate on verifiable concerns regarding unsafe or inappropriate site development, or on verifiable concerns that the plot bound aries are incorrectly defined. (c) Estimated quantities of excavation and fill, and a section drawing showing how quantit ies were determined. (d) Statement of proposed land use for the site on which the site development is to be perfor med. (e) Site plans in sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work. A site development plan shall show the existing grade and finished grade in contour intervals of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work and show in detail that it complies with the requirements of these rules. The plans shall show the existingEx-338/2017 7 gr ade on a djoining pr operties in sufficient deta il to ident ify how gra de cha nges will con form to the requirements of these rules. T he maximum permissible scale of the site plan shall be as per Rule 5 of the Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Rules, 1998. The plans shall give the location of the work, the name of the owner, and the name of the person who prepared the plan. The plans shall include the following information: (i)General vicinity of the proposed site. (ii)Plot boundaries, delineated by length and bearing. (iii)Limits and depths of cut and fill. (iv)Loca tion of a ny buildings, roads or other str uctur es where wor k is t o be executed, and the location of any buildings or structures within 5m of the proposed site development. (v)Contours, flow areas, elevations, or slopes, which define existing and pro- posed drainage patterns, including storm water provisions in accordance with the requir ements of Rule 24. (vi)Location of existing and proposed utilities, drainage facilities, sewage/septic sys tems, and recorded public and private easements and restricted use areas within 5 m of the proposed site development. 11 (vii) Location of any natural streams, riverine reserves or flood hazard areas as designated and defined by Planning Authority/Government. (4)Requirements for engineered site development permit applications An application for a permit for engineered site development (FORM 2) shall be accompanied by the following supporting documentation: (a)Copy of ownership title. (b)No Objection Certificate from the concerned Local/Village Council, including No Objection from adjacent property owners to the plot boundaries shown on the site plans. The Local/Village Council concern shall base any refusals to issue a No Objection C ertificate on ver ifia ble concer ns rega rding unsa fe or inappropriate site development, or on verifiable concerns that the plot boundaries are incorrectly defined. (c)A statement of the quantities of material to be excavated and/or filled, and a section drawing showing how quantities were determined. Earthwork quanti- ties shall include quantities for geotechnical and geological remediation. In addition, a statement of the quantities of material to be imported or exported from the site. (d)A geotechnical report prepared by an engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer registered/licenced by the Government and containing the information in Rule 6, and including the date of the report together with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the firms or individuals who prepared the report. (e)A statement of the estimated starting and completion dates for proposed work. (f)Specifications containing information covering construction and material re- qu ir ements . (g)Site plans of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work pr oposed and shall show in detail that the pr oposed work will confor m to t he provisions of these rules and all relevant laws, rules, and regulations. The maximum permissible scale of the site plan shall be as per Rule 5 of the Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Rules, 1998. The plans shall include or be accompanied by the following information: Ex-338/20178 (i)First sheet depicting the location of the proposed work, the name and address of the owner, and the person by whom the plans were prepared. (ii)Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage. (iii)Location of any buildings or other structures on the site where work is to be performed, and the location of any buildings or structures within 5 m of the proposed site development. (iv)Location of existing utilities, roads, road reserves, recorded public and private easements, restricted use areas, septic systems, drains, natural streams, river- ine reserves or flood hazard areas on the site where work is to be performed and within 5 m of the proposed site development. (v)Limiting dimensions, elevations, or finish contours to be achieved by the site development, proposed drainage channels including storm water provisions in accordance with Rule 24, and related construction. (vi)Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work. A map showing the drainage area and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains shall also be provided. (vii) A drainage plan, including elevations of floors with respect to finish site grade and locations of proposed steps, slabs and \fences that may affect drainage. (viii) Location and type of any proposed utilities and proposed private sewage disposal system or septic system, including the location of the soak pit/expan sion area. Recommendations in the geotechnical report shall be incorporated into the site development plans or specifications. When approved by the Building Official, specific recommendations contained in the geotechnical report, which are applicable to site development, may be included by reference. (5)Competence of technical personnel The permit holder is responsible for employing competent personnel for all designing and constructing all site development works. Qualifications and competence of the technical personnel and licence fees shall be as given in ANNEXURE-VII. 6.Contents of geotechnical reports: The geotechnical report required by Rule 5(4) above shall include the following: (1 ) An adequate description of the geology of the site, including a geologic map and cross sections utilizing the most recent site development plan as a base. (2 ) Data regarding the nature, distribution and strength of existing soils. (3 ) Conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic and geotechnical conditions on the proposed development. (4 ) An opinion on the adequacy for the intended use of sites to be developed by the proposed site development, as affected by geologic and geotechnical factors, including the stability of slopes. (5 ) Recommendations for site development procedures and design crit eria for corr ective mea- sures, including buttress fills, when necessary. (6 ) Identification of potential effects on adjacent property and recommendations for preven- tive measures, including drainage measures, slope stabilization measures, and shoring of excavations during construction.Ex-338/2017 9 All reports shall be subject to review by the Planning Authority/Government. Recommendations included in the reports and approved by the Building Official shall be incorporated in the site development plan or specifications. 7.Rainy season site development restrictions: Site development during the rainy season, as may be declared by the Planning Authority/Govern- ment, may present additional landslide and erosion hazards, and is subject to more stringent review. Dur ing the monsoon season, proposed sit e development ma y pr oceed with r estr ictions and additional measures as prescribed by the Planning Authority. In some cases, proposed site development may not be allowed to proceed during the monsoon season. 8.Notification of adjacent plot owners: Owners of plots adjacent to the plot where the proposed site development would take place shall be notified by the officials of Local/Village Council concern during the process of obtaining the No Objection Certificate from the Local/Village Council concern. 9.Withdrawal of application: The applicant may withdraw his or her application at any time prior to the approval, and such withdrawal shall terminate all proceedings with respect to such application but the fees paid shall not be refunded. 10. Expiration of permits: Site development permits shall be valid for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date the permit is granted. The period of validity of such permit shall be determined by the Planning Authority/ Government based on the proposed start of site development operations, the type of site development, and the time remaining before the onset of the rainy season. 11. Permit granting, refusals and prohibited site development areas: The Planning Authority/Government may either grant or refuse a permit, or may grant a permit after modification(s), based on conformity with these rules and shall communicate its decision to the applicant in the prescribed form given in FORM No. 3. A copy thereof shall be endorsed to the Local/Village Council concern. Factors considered in the refusal shall include, but not be limited to, subsurface conditions such as the rock strata and faults; nature and type of soil or rock that when disturbed by the proposed site development may create earth movement, possible saturation of fill and unsupported cuts by water, both natural and domestic; surface runoff that pr oduces erosion; potential for da mage to neighbouring public or private property by proposed site development itself or by potential earth movement or erosion; and adequacy of protective measures. No site development permit shall be issued for a project located in an area with slopes greater than 60 degrees. 12. Appeals of permit granting or refusal: Any person aggrieved by either granting or refusal of a permit may appeal to the Director, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation or any other person/body authorised by the Government within 30 days from the date of the order granting or denying the site development permit. The decision of the Director, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation or person or body so authorised shall be final and binding. Ex-338/201710 13. Inspection: (1)General Site development operations for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Building Official. Professional inspection of site development operations shall be provided by the civil engineer, geotechnical engineer and/or the engineering geologist retained to provide such services as required by the Building Official. (2)Engineering geologist The engineering geologist shall provide professiona l inspection which shall include inspection of the bedrock excavation to determine if conditions encountered are in conformance with the approved report. Revised recommendations relating to conditions differing from the approved geotechnical report shall be submitted to the permit holder, the Building Official, and the civil or geotechnical engineer (if any). (3)Geotechnical engineer The geotechnica l engineer shall provide professional inspection which shall include observation during fill placement and testing for required compaction. The geotechnical engineer shall provide sufficient observation during the preparation of the natural ground and placement and compaction of the fill to verify that such work is being performed in accor- dance with the conditions of the approved pla n and the appropriate requirements of these regulations. Revised recommendations relating to conditions differing from the approved geotechnical report shall be submitted to the permit holder, the Building Official, engineering geologist, and the civil engineer (if any). (4)Civil engineer The civil engineer shall provide professional inspection within such engineer's area of technical expertise, which shall consist of observation and review as to the establishment of line, grade and drainage of the development area. (5)Permit holder The permit holder shall be responsible for the work to be performed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in conformance with the provisions of these regulations. The permit holder shall act as a coordinator between the misteri/masons and labourers constructing the building, any professional consultants involved in ensuring that the work is as per the approved plans, and the Building Official. In the event of cha nged conditions, the permit holder shall be responsible for informing the Building Official of such change and shall provide revised plans for approval. (6)Building Official The Building Official may inspect the project at the various stages of work requiring approval to determine that adequate control is being exercised by the professional consult- ants. (7)Site development inspection at site Prior to the completion of any site development project, the Building Official may, at his discretion, inspect the site to determine that the site development has been completed ac- cording to the plans and specifications submitted for the permit. The permit holder shall notify the Building Official for the purpose of inspection:Ex-338/2017 11 (a)Fourteen days prior to the beginning of the work authorized by the permit, using FORM No.4; (b)When all work, including installation of all appurtenant structures (except any building being constr ucted u nder the permit ), a nd other pr otective devices, has been completed, but prior to the construction of the building above plinth level. 14.Cancellation of permit: If, at any time after the issuance of the development permit, the Planning Authority/ Government is satisfied that such permit was granted in consequence of any material misrepresentation or fraudulent statement contained in the application given or information furnished, the Planning Authority/Government has the right to cancel the permit and any work done or rendered shall be deemed to have been done without permission. 15.Suspension of permit: If, at a ny stage of the development work, the engineering geologist, civil engineer or geotechnical engineer resigns or is unable to continue supervision of the work, the permit holder shall suspend all development activity until a new technical person licensed by the Government is appointed. During the intervening period, no development work shall be undertaken and any work shall be treated as unauthorised development. 16.Completion certificate: On completion of the development, the permit holder through the licensed professional who has supervised the construction shall provide a completion certificate to the Planning Authority using FORM NO.5. 17.Violations: (1)Notification Whenever the Building Official determines that the provisions of these rules have been violated, the Building Official shall give written notice thereof to the owner of the property. In addition, the Local/Village Council concern is, by virtue of this provision, empowered to give a stay of construction of site development works within its jurisdiction, for any violation of the provisions of these Rules or the Master Plan/ Development Plan or violation of the conditions of the site development permit. The Local/Village Council concern shall give written notice thereof to the owner of the property. If a stay is given by the Local Council, a copy of the stay order shall immediately be forwarded to the Planning Authority/Government which may confirm or cancel the stay after necessary enquiry and veri- fication. (2)Abatement The owner and permit holder are responsible for correcting any violations to the satisfaction of the Building Official. If the Building Official determines after investigation that adja- cent or other nearby property has been damaged by the violation, the owner shall be required to pay for the damages, or to restore the property to its original or equivalent condition, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. (3)Offences, penalties and enforcement Contravention of any of these Rules sha ll be dea lt with a s per the provisions of Sections 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65 of the Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Act, 1990. Ex-338/201712 18.Correcting unsafe conditions: Whenever the Building Official determines that any existing excavation, embankment or fill on private property has become a hazard to life and limb, or endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel, the Building Official may give written notice thereof to the owner of the property upon which the excavation, embankment or fill is located, or other person or agent in control of said property. Upon receipt of said notice, the owner or other person or agent in control of the property shall repair or eliminate such excavation, embankment or fill so as to eliminate the hazard, in conformity with the require- ments of these rules, within the period specified in said notice. If the owner fails to comply with the direction of the Building Official provided in the said notice, the Planning Authority/Government can itself repair or remove any development/structure or cause it to be removed and realise the cost of such repair, demolition or removal as arrears of land revenue. 19.Fees for site development permit: Fees for site development permit may be fixed and determined by the Government from time to time. Chapter 2 [Specific Site Development Requirements] 20.Construction safety precautions and procedures: (1)Safety precautions to protect adjacent public and private property During the entire time from the date of issuance of the permit to the date of final approval for all site development operations, the permit holder shall take all appropriate and necessary precautions to protect adjacent public and private property from any damage that may result from the construction of site development works. This includes tempo- rary measures identified as necessary by the geotechnical report or required by the Building Official, which may include shoring of excavations, timely construction of retaining walls, control of surface runoff and erosion, or other protective measures. (2)Ability to stop work / unsafe conditions If at any stage of the work the Building Official determines by inspection that further site development as authorized is likely to endanger any public or private property or result in the deposition of debris on any public way or interfere with any existing drainage course, the Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any persons engaged in doing or causing such work to be done, and any such person shall immediately stop such work. The Building Official may authorize the work to proceed if the Building Official finds adequate safety precautions will be taken or corr ective measures incorporated in the work to avoid likelihood of s uch danger, deposition or interference. If the site development work as done has created or resulted in an unsafe condition, the Building Official shall give written notice requiring correction thereof as specified in Rule 18. (3)Documents at site The person to whom the site development permit is issued shall, during the site develop- ment work, keep a copy of the approved layout plan, drawings and specifications at the site.Ex-338/2017 13 21. Cuts/Excavations: (1)General For engineered site development, the geotechnical report must prescribe all proposed cuts, stating the site has been investigated and giving an opinion that the proposed cut slope will be stable and not create a hazard to public or private property. For regular site develop- ment, cuts shall conform to the provisions of this rule. (2)Cut slopes The slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use and shall be no steeper than one horizontal to one vertical, unless the permit holder furnishes a geotechnical report stating the site has been investigated and giving an opinion that a cut at a steeper slope will be stable and not create a hazard to public or private property. (3)Retained cuts Retaining walls not over one meter in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall are exempt from permit requirements. If such a wall is subjected to a sur- charge, such as a structure or vehicle load, sufficient engineering shall be provided to demonstrate the adequacy of such a retaining wall to perform the function as designed and either a site development permit or building permit must be obtained depend- ing upon the amount and depth of soil moved. Cuts, regardless of height, which tend to alter the natural dr ainage of property and accelerate erosion, concentrate runoff, or otherwise create a hazardous condition, shall be reviewed by an engineer and permits obta ined a s provided for in these regula tions. Cuts which will be reta ined must be ad- equately shored/supported during construction in order to protect adjacent public and pri- vate property. 22.Fills: For engineered site development, all fills shall be designed by an engineer, and fill designs shall be examined by the Planning Authority. For regular site development, the following general guidelines shall apply: (1)Fill slopes Fill slopes s hall not be constr ucted on natural slopes s teeper than 2 to 1. The ground surface shall be prepared to receive fill by removing vegetation, noncomplying fill, topsoil and other unsuitable materials, scarifying to provide a bond with the new fill and, where slopes are steeper than 2 to 1 and the height is greater than 1.5 meters, by benching into sound bedrock or other competent material as determined by the soils engineer. The bench under the toe of a fill on a slope steeper than 5 to 1 shall be at least three meters wide. The area beyond the toe of the fill shall be sloped for sheet overflow or a paved drain shall be provided. Such drains shall be constructed with energy dissipaters and shall discharge into an approved area. When fill is to be placed over a cut, the bench under the toe of fill shall be at least three meters wide, but the cut shall be made before placing the fill and acceptance by the soils engineer or engineering geologist or both as a suitable foundation for fill. (2)Fill material Detrimental amounts of organic material shall not be permitted in fills. Except as permitted by the Building Official, no rock, broken concrete, asphalt, or similar irreducible materials with a maximum dimension greater than 300 millimeters shall be Ex-338/201714 buried or placed in fills. No soils containing hazardous or toxic material of any kind may be used as fill. Exception: The Building Official may permit placement of larger rock when the soils engineer devises a method of placement and continuously inspects its placement and ap- proves the fill stability. The following shall also apply: (a)Prior to issuance of a site development permit, provisions shall be made to separate organic materials, such as tree stumps and brush, as well as large rocks. An area for stock- piling shall be delineated on the site development plans as well as provisions for their disposition. (b)Rock greater than 300 mm in size may be placed a minimum of 3 meters under the surface of the finish grade. Soils shall be compacted in short lifts around such materials to assure adequate filling around the large rock and preventing voids. (3)Compaction All fills shall be compacted to a minimum relative density of 90%. The top 450 mm may be excepted when no load is expected, and the slope does not exceed 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. (4)Slope The maximum slope of fill surfaces shall not exceed 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or steeper tha n is safe, whatever occurs fir st. The above prescribed slope may be exceeded if a proper engineered batter wall using only large aggregates is provided. 23.Set-backs: Cut-and-fill slopes shall be set back from site boundaries in accordance with this section, but in no case shall the amount of set-back be less than that prescribed by Rule 37 of the Mizoram Urban and Regional Development Rules, 1998. Set back dimensions shall be horizontal dis- tances measured perpendicular to the site boundary. For engineered site development, the amount of set-back shall be determined by the geologist or soils engineer and included in the geotechnical report. For regular site development, the following provisions apply: (1)Top of cut slope The top of cut slopes shall not be made nearer to a site boundary line than one-fifth of the vertical height of the cut, with a minimum of 0.6 meters and a maximum of three meters. The setback may need to be increased for any required interceptor drains. (2)Toe of fill slope The toe of a fill slope shall be made not nearer to the site boundary line than one-half the height of the slope, with a minimum of 0.6 meters and a maximum of 6 meters. Where a fill slope is to be located near the site boundary and the adjacent off-site property is developed, special precautions shall be incorporated in the work as the Building Official deems necessary to protect the adjoining property from damage as a result of such site development. These precautions may include, but are not limited to: (a) Additional set-backs; (b) Provision for retaining or slough walls; (c) Mechanical or chemical treatment of the fill slope to minimize erosion; (d) Provisions for the control of both surface water and subsurface water, such as springs, which may exert undesirable pressures on the fill slope. (3)Modification of slope location The Planning Authority may approve alternative set-backs. The Building Official may require an investigation and recommendation by a qualified engineer or engineering geologist to demonstrate that the intent of this provision has been satisfied.Ex-338/2017 15 24.Drainage: Drainage plans that provide for control of surface runoff, sewage, sullage and seepage from septic systems shall be prepared according to the following provisions. (1)Terraces For engineered site development, all terraces shall be prescribed by the geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist and described in the geotechnical report and on the site development plans, and reviewed by the Building Official. However, the following minimum restrictions apply for both engineered site development and regular site development. Terraces at least 2 meters in width shall be established at not more than 10 meter intervals on all cut or fill slopes to control surface drainage and debris, except that where only one terrace is required, it shall be at mid-height. For cut or fill slopes greater than 20 meters and up to 40 meters in vertical height, one terrace at approximately mid- height shall be four meters in width. Terrace widths and spacing for cut-and-fill slopes greater than 40 meters in height shall be designated by the civil engineer and approved by the Building Official. Suitable access shall be provided to permit proper cleaning and main- tenance. Swales or ditches on terraces shall have a minimum gradient of 1 vertical to 20 horizontal and must be paved with reinforced concrete not less than 75 mm in thickness or an approved equal paving. They shall have a minimum depth at the deepest point of 300 mm and a minimum paved area of 0.7 square meters. A single run of swale or ditch shall not collect runoff from a tributary area exceeding 400 square meters (projected horizon- tally) without discharging into a down drain. (2)Subsurface drainage Cut-and-fill slopes shall be provided with subsurface drainage as necessary for stability. (3)Disposal of drainage Sites developed downhill of existing sites shall convey drainage, sewage or seepage from the adjacent site uphill, as well as from the site being developed, in a safe manner to the nearest practicable drainage way or sewer approved by the appropriate jurisdiction as a safe place to deposit such waters or sewage. Erosion of ground in the area of discharge shall be prevented by installation of non-erosive down-drains and other devices. “Building pads shall have a minimum drainage gradient of 1 vertical to 50 horizontal toward approved drainage facilities unless waived by the Building Official.” Exception: The gradient from the building pad may be 1 vertical to 100 horizontal if all of the following conditions exist throughout the permit boundary area: (a) No proposed fill area is greater than three meters in maximum depth; (b) No proposed finish cut or fill slope faces have a vertical height in excess of three meters; (c) No existing slope faces tha t ha ve a slope face steeper tha n 10 horizontal to 1 ver tical have a vertical height in excess of three meters. (4)Interceptor drains Paved interceptor drains shall be installed along the top of all cut slopes where the tributary drainage area above the slopes that drains toward the cut, has a drainage path greater than 10 meters measured horizontally. Interceptor drains shall be paved with a minimum of 75m of concrete or gunite and reinforced. They shall have a minimum depth of 300mm and a minimum paved width of 800 mm, measured horizontally across the drain. The slope of the drain shall be approved by the Building Official. Ex-338/201716 (5)Maintenance of drainage The owner shall be responsible for maintaining drainage facilities installed under their permit. 25.Erosion control: The following shall apply to all cut-and-fill slopes – The faces of cut-and-fill slopes shall be prepared and maintained to control against erosion. This control may consist of effective planting, use of armor rock, terracing, water breaks, check dams, cribbing, riprap, or combinations thereof. T he protection for the slopes shall be in- stalled as soon as practicable and prior to calling for final inspection. During the approach of the rainy season, the contractor performing the work shall be prepared to install temporary measures as required to protect exposed areas until permanent measures can be taken. Where cut slopes are not subject to erosion, due to the erosion resistant character of the materials, such protection may be omitted with the permission of the Building Official. For plots adjacent to or including natural streams, the riverine reserve shall be maintained, and measures shall be taken to prevent erosion of materials or sediment from the site into the stream or riverine reserve. 26.Disposal of excavated material: Any person performing any site development that involves imported or exported materials shall take special precautions, as approved by the Building Official, to prevent such materials from being deposited on the adjacent public way, and/or drainage courses or riverine reserves. Dispose of excavated material not used at the site at a location approved by the Planning Authority.Ex-338/2017 17 ANNEXURE-I FORM NO. I APPLICATION FOR REGULAR SITE DEVELOPMENT OF LAND [Rule 5 of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017] To ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Sir, I/We__________________________________________________________[Name(s)in full, owner(s)/lessee(s) of the land the particulars of which are given below, hereby apply for permission to conduct site development works on the Land of L.S.C. No.__________________ on/in Plot No.______in ______________________________ Veng and in accordance with Rule 6 of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017. I/we forward herewith the follow- ing documents in triplicate duly signed by me/us and the Licensed Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Supervisor/Group/Firm : (1)Site Plan as prescribed in Rule 5.3. (2)Estimated quantities of excavation and fill. (3)Statement of proposed land use for the site on which the site development is to be performed. (4)Ownership title. (5)Attested copy of receipt of application fee. (6)No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned Local Council. I request that the construction be approved and site development permit be issued to me. Yours faithfully, Signature: _____________________________ NAME (in block letters) : _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ (Indicate House No.): _____________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Ex-338/201718 ANNEXURE-II FORM NO. 2 APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERED SITE DEVELOPMENT OF LAND [Rule 5(4) of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017] To _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Sir, I/We__________________________________________________________ [Name(s) in full], owner(s)/lessee(s) of the land the particulars of which are given below, hereby apply for permission to conduct site development works on the Land of L.S.C. No.____________________ on/in Plot No. _______ in _______________________ Veng and in accordance with Rule 5 of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017. I/we forward herewith the following documents in triplicate duly signed by me/us and the Licensed Geologist/ Geotechnical Engineer/Civil Engineer/S upervisor/Gr oup/Firm: (1) Geotechnical report as prescribed in Rules 5(4) and 6. (2) Site Plan as prescribed in Rule 5(4). (3) Estimated quantities of excavation and fill. (4) Estimated starting and completion dates for proposed work. (5) Specifications (6) Ownership title. (7) Attested copy of receipt of application fee. (8) No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned Local/Village Council. I request that the construction be approved and site development permit issued to me. Yours faithfully, Signature: ___________________________________ NAME (in block letters) : ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ (Indicate House No.) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________Ex-338/2017 19 ANNEXURE-III FORM NO. 3 GRANT OR REFUSAL OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT [Rule 11 of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017] No.______________________________Dated ___________________ To _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Sir, With reference to your application No.______________________ Dated _________________ for site development of the Land of L.S.C. No.________________________ on/in Plot No.______________ in __________________ Veng, I have the honour to inform you that permission has been granted/permission has been granted with the following modifications/conditions/permission cannot be granted on the following grounds: Modifications/Conditions/Grounds for rejection of the application: (1) _________________________________________________________ (2) _________________________________________________________ Office Seal Yours faithfully. ( _________________________________) Memo No ________________________ :Dated Aizawl, the __________ Copy to : i) The President, Local/Village Council ____________________ Planning Authority/Authorised Personnel Ex-338/201720 ANNEXURE-IV FORM NO. 4 NOTICE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT WORK [Rule 13 (7) of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017] To ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Sir, I ha ve the honour to inform you that sit e development works on the La nd of L.S. C. No.____________________on/in Plot No._____________ in _________________________________Veng will be commenced on __________________________________ as per your permission given vide No.___________________________ dated _________________. I request that the construction be approved and site development permit issued to me. Yours faithfully, Signature : ___________________________________ NAME (in block letters) : ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ (Indicate House No.)___________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone : ___________________________________Ex-338/2017 21 ANNEXURE-V FORM NO. 5 COMPLETION CERTIFICATE: [Rule 16 of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017] To _________________ _________________ _________________ Sir, I have the honour to inform you that the site development works ontheLandofL.S.C.No._________________on/in Plot No._________________ in ______________________________________ Veng has been completed in accordance with permit No. _______________________ dated ____________. The work has been completed on_________________. The work has been executed in accordance with the permit given and no provisions of the Site Development Regulations have been violated. Yours faithfully, Signature: ___________________________ Name of Permit Holder : ____________________________ Address: ____________________________ CERTIFICATEI hereby certify that the work has been supervised by me and completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Planning Authority/Government and that no provisions of the Mizoram Urban Areas (Land Development, Landslide Prevention and Mitigation) Rules, 2017 have been violated. Dat e: Address: ________________________ Signature: ________________________ Name of Technical Personnel: ________________________ Licence/Registration No.: ________________________ Ex-338/201722 ANNEXURE–VI DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF TECHNICAL PERSONNEL AND APPLICANT/OWNER I.Duties and responsibilities of Engineers, Structural Engineers, Architects, Supervisors and Groups/Firms: (1) They shall be well-conversant with the provisions of the Act, all relevant Rules made under the Act. (2) They shall submit all reports, estimates, plans or drawings, as may be necessary, together with all documents and other details which are required to be submitted under these Regulations. (3) They shall comply with all directions of the Planning Authority/Government in connection with the site development work, for which they have prepared reports, estimates, plans or drawings, expeditiously and fully. When they do not agree with such directions, they shall state their objections in writing within the stipulated time. (4) They shall immediately intimate corrections or other changes made by them in the reports, estimates, plans or drawings, as per direction from the Planning Authority/Government to the owner. (5) They shall not take up preparation of reports, estimates, plans or drawings, if the same are intended to be executed in contravention of the provisions of these Rules. (6) They shall give all facilities to Building Official, Planning Authority and the Government to inspect and examine the work in progress. (7) They shall be held responsible for any work executed on site in contravention of the provisions of these Rules. (8) They shall not deviate or allow any deviation from the sanctioned Permit in the execution of work at site. (9) They shall submit certificates in regard to commencement of work at site, and completion certificate within 15 days after the work is completed. (10) They shall be deemed to have continued their supervision of the site development work unless they have intimated the Planning Authority, in writing, that they have ceased to serve as the technical personnel for the site development work, and shall be held responsible for the work executed up to the date of intimation. (10) The Planning Authority or the Government or any other person so authorised, in the case of violation of any of the provisions of the Act and these Rules, take action against any techni- cal personnel in accordance with the provisions of these Rules.Ex-338/2017 23 II. Duties and Responsibilities of Applicant/Owner: (1) Permit holder shall engage technical personnel as required under these Regulations. (2) He shall provide safety of workers and others during construction, from commencement to completion. (3) He shall ensure that no undue inconvenience is caused to others in the course of the construc- tion activities. (4) He shall observe and perform directions of the Planning Authority/Government/autho- rized personnel, as issued from time to time, and all terms and conditions of the site develop- ment permit and the provisions of the Act, Rules relating to site development/slope modifica- tion work. (5) He shall be responsible for non-compliance of instructions, details and specifications supplied by the technical personnel during site development work. (6) He shall not allow any deviation from the sanctioned site development permit in the course of site development work. (7) Any expenditure for demolition, repairs, or restoration work arising out of damage to neighbouring property/land, shall be borne by the owner/ permit holder. Ex-338/201724 ANNEXURE - VII REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION AND COMPETENCE OF PROFESSIONAL, AND PROFESSIONAL LICENCE FEES Sl.No. ProfessionalQualificationCompetencyLicenceAnnual LicenseeRequirementFeeRenewal Fee 1EngineeringAt least four year degreea) Preparation ofRs.500.00Rs. 250.00 Geologistin Geology from ageotechn ical recognized university, orreport in support member of the Indianof a site Society of Engineeringdevelopment Geology or equivalen tpermit. overseas institutionb) Inspection of with minimum 3 yearsconstr uction relevan t experience inexca va t i on . professional geologyc) Issuing of practice with sitecertificate of investigation field work:supervision. i) under a qualified geologist - OR - ii) passing of theexamination prescribed by the Governmen t for engineering geologists. 2.CivilDegree in Civila) Preparation of allRs.500.00Rs. 250.00 EngineerEngineering from asite, grading and recognized Indian ordrainage plans foreign university, or theand related Member of Civilin forma ti on Engineerin g Devision ofconnected with the Institute ofsite development Engineers (India of thepermit; statutory body governing suchb) Design of profession, as and whendrainage ructur es, including hydrology and hydraulic calculations; c) Inspection of civil works excluding stability of excavations; andEx-338/2017 25 3Soils/GeotecDegree in Civila) Preparation ofRs.500.00Rs. 250.00 hnicalEngineering from ageotechn ical Engineerrecognized university,report in support andof a site (i) Post-graduatedevelopment degree inpermit. soil/Geotechnicalb) Inspection of fills Engineering from aand excavation s recogn ized Indianin soil. or foreignc) Issuing of universitycertificate of - OR -completion for (ii) Minimum 3 yearssite development relevan t experienceworks. in profession al soil/geotechnical engineering practice with design work under a qualified soil/geotechnical - OR - (iii) Minimum of 3 years relevant experience in professional soil/geotechnical engineering practice with design work and passing of an examination prescribed by the Governmen t for soils/geotechnical en gineer s. 4.Group/FirmA s g i ven u n d er s l . n o. 1As given under 500.00 through 4.1 through 4.d) Issuing certificate of super vision and completion for site development works.Ex-338/201726 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Deed changing name of D. Vanlalngura LDC, PPCF Office

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 339Date - 12/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 339 OFFICE ORDERSubj:Change of Name No.A.20018/2/2011-PCCF/164, the 10th July, 2017.Consequent upon the execution of deed for changing name in pursuance of Office Memorandum No.A.47012/1/2016-P&AR(GSW) Dt.17.1.2017, D. Va nlalngura, LDC presently posted at PCCF Office is allowed to change his name as Vanlalngura. Henceforth, he shall be known as Vanlalngura, and his name shall be written as such in his service records, all Official documents and correspondence, and necessary entries shall be made in his Service Book/records. Lalram Thanga, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Environment, Forests & Climate Change. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Beiratha S/o Laihia to H.Lalrema S/o Zaithanga (L) Also the application is accompanied by Affidavit No. 00AA 980567.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 340Date - 12/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 340 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50ORDERNo.D/3/RO-SHA/17/45, the 16th January, 2017.Whereas, HC H.Lalrema o f t his Unit submit - ted an application for changing his name i.e. Beiratha S/o Laihia to H.Lalrema S/o Zaithanga (L) Also the application is accompanied by Affidavit No. 00AA 980567. Therefore, after perusing his application thoroughly and documents enclosed with the ap- plication, his prayer is hereby considered and henceforth the name of Beiratha S/o Laihia to shall be read and written as H.Lalrema S/o Zaithanga (L) with immediate effect. Shank Dhar Misra IPS, Superintendent of Police, Siaha District, Siaha.

State Mentoring Group for ASHA and Community Processes under National Health Mission consisting of the following members

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 341Date - 12/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 341 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.17014/41/2011-HFW, the 5th July, 2017.In supersession of this Department’s Notification issued vide No.A.17014/41/2011-HFW Dt.24.2.2015 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State Mentoring Group for ASHA and Community Processes under National Health Mission consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further order. Chairman-Mission Director - NHM, Mizoram Member Secretary-State Nodal Officer - Community Process Members : 1.State Programme Manager-NHM, Mizoram 2.State Programme Officer-RCH 3.Joint Director-NVDCP (Malaria) 4.State Programme Officer-IDSP 5.SEPIO-EPI 6.Deputy Director-NPCB (Blindness) 7.State Nodal Officer-RBSK 8.State Nodal Officer-NUHM 9.State Programme Officer-IDDCP/NLEP 10.State TB Officer-RNTCP (TB) 11.State Nodal Officer-MSTCS, Mizoram 12.President, YMA-Central YMA 13.President, MHIP-Mizoram Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl 14.President, MUP-Mizoram Upa Pawl 15.Director, ZEP-Zoram Entu Pawl 16.Secretary, Open Doors-Open doors (NG) 17.State Facilitator-RRC, NHM, Mizoram 18.Special Officer-Socia l Welfare Department 19.Director/Representative-SSA, Mizoram 20Pr incipa l/Representative-Mizoram College of Nursing 21.Principal Medical Officer-MPW Training School, Kulikawn 22.Director-Presbyterian Nursing School, Durtlang 23.Director-RIPANS 24.HOD/Representative-Social Work Deptt., Mizoram University NHM 25.All State ASHA Trainer-NHM 26.State ASHA Programme Manager-Community Process Programme, NHM 27.State Asst. ASHA Programme Manager -Community Process Programme, NHM Terms of Reference :- 1.Issuing relevant orders and guidelines to the districts. 2.Fund release and collecting utilization certificates. 3.Financing and establishing mechanisms for regular ASHA Payments. 4.Financing, supervision and contract management of State ASHA and Community Processes Resource Centre. 5.Financing and supervision of state training sites. 6.Logistics for smooth supply of materials like ASHA kits, Training manual and other job aids. 7.Periodic review of programme implementation and assess performance reports. 8.Feedback to the Mission Director, NHM in programme administration and facilitating policy deci- sions related to ASHA and Community Proccess. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. Ex-341/20172 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

State Mental Health Authority in the State of Mizoram consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 342Date - 12/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 342 NOTIFICATIONNo.J.11011/30/2009-HFW, the 5th July, 2017.In supersession of this Department’s Notification No.J.11011/30/2007-HFW dt.2.9.2011 and as per Mental Healthcare Act 2017, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the State Mental Health Authority in the State of Mizoram consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further or der s. i.Ex officio Members : (a)Secretry, H & FW Deptt., Government of Mizoram-Chairperson (b)Joint Secretary, H & FW Deptt., Government of Mizoram-Member (c)Dr. T.Lalhmangaihi, Director, Hospital & Medl. Education-Member (d)Dir ector, Socia l Welfare Department-Member (e)Dr. Robert L.Khawlhring (SNO MH) DHME-Member ii. Members : (f)Dr. C. Lalhrekima, HoD, Psychiatry Deptt., Kulikawn-Member (g)Dr. Vanlaldiki Ralte, Psychiatrist, Civil Hospl. Aizawl-Member (h)Dr. Ruth Lalmuanpuii, Psychiatrist, Kulikawn Hospital-Member (i)Ms. Vanlalpari, Psychiatric Social Worker, Psychiatry Deptt-Member Kulika wn (j)Dr. Lalengmawii, Clinical Psychologist, Civil Hospital-Member (k)Ms. Laizachhingi, Psychiatric Nurse Psychiatry Deptt. Kulikawn-Member (l)Ms. C.Laldinpuii, Representing persons who have had mental illness-Member (m)Mr. Lalvena Hnamte, representing persons who have had mental illness -Member (n)Dr. Samuel Lalzarlawma, (Org-LifCode) representing caregivers-Member (o)Prof. H.K. Laldinpuii Fente (Org-ARDSI Mizoram Chapter),-Member Repres enting car egiver (p)Pu Vanneihtluanga, representing non-governmental organizations-Member (q)Pi Chhingpuii, representing non-government organizations-Member Ex-342/20172 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50Further it may be noted that - a)Every official member shall hold office as such member so long as he holds the office by virtue of which he was so appointed. b)Every Non-official member shall hold office for a period of 3 (three) years from the date of appoint- ment and shall be eligible for re-appointment. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.

State Level Animal Welfare Board consisting of the following compositions

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 343Date - 12/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 343 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.18017/4/2013-AH&V, the 7th July, 2017.In supercession of this Department’s Notification of even No. dt.12.06.2014 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to Constitute State Level Animal Welfare Board consisting of the following compositions : 1.Secretary, AH & Vety-Chairman 2.Secretary, Home Department, Mizor am-Member 3.Principal Chief Conservation of Forest-Member 4.Director, AH & Vety, Mizoram-Member Secretary 5.Director, Health Services, Mizoram-Member 6.Director, General of Police-Member 7.Director, School Education-Member 8.Chief Wildlife Warden, Mizoram-Member 9.President of Mizoram, State Vety Council-Member 10.President, MHIP Headquarter, Mizoram-Member 11.President, YMA Headquarter, Mizoram-Member 12.Chairman o f SPCA, Aizawl Dist rict , Lunglei-Member Dist rict , Lawngt lai Dist rict , Serchhip Dist rict-Member 13.President Peo ple fo r Animals-Member 14.President, Association for Environment Preservation-Member (ASCEP), Aizawl 2.The terms of the Board shall be 3 (three) years or as the Government may decide. 3.The Government of Mizoram may on the recommendation of the Board remove a member from office at any time the reasons must however be recorded in writing after giving him/ her a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the proposed removal and any treated as casual vacancy for the purpose. 4.The office of the Board shall be located in the office of the Director of AH & Vety, Mizoram, Khatla Aizawl or elsewhere as the Government may decide. 5.The Director of AH & Vety, Mizoram will provide all Secretariat assistance to the Board as and when required as long as provisions is not made for Boards own staff. 6.The funds of the Animal Welfare Board of Mizoram shall consist of contributions, dona- tions, subscriptions, bequests, gifts and the like made to it by local authority or by any other person, apart from contributions made by the State Government in the Department of AH & Vety Environment & Forest or any other Department or any public undertaking. 7.No n-o fficial members will be ent it led o f T.A. and D.A. as admissible t o Gro up ‘A’ Officers, whenever they attend the meeting of the Board. The Director, AH & Vety will bear the expenditure from appropriate head of accounts. B.Lalthanliana, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, AH & Veterinary Department. Ex-343/20172 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram namely

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 344Date - 12/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 12.7.2017 Asadha 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 344 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIANirvachan Sadan Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001NOTIFICATIONNo.429/MIZ/2010 :-In pursuance of the provisions of sub-section (1) of 13B of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950), the Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendments in its Notification No.429/MIZ-LA/2008 dated 11th June, 2008, as amended from time to time relating to the appointment of Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram namely - In column (2) of the table appended to the said Notification, against the Assembly Constituencies shown below, for the existing entry, the following corresponding entry shall respectively be substituted:- TABLENo. & Name of AssemblyElectoral Registration Officer Constituency 12 39-Siaha (ST) ACElection Officer, Siaha 40-Palak (ST) ACSDO (S), Siaha By order, S.B. Joshi, Secretary, Elect io n Co mmissio n o f I ndia.Dated : 23rd June, 2017 2 Ashadha, 1939 (Saka) Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Zoo Operators in the State on Animal Healthcare and related matters with the following members with immediate effect and until further order

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 345Date - 14/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 12015/2/2009 - FST, the 7th July 2017.In t he interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a State Level Health Advisory Committee of Zoos in M izor a m with a manda te to a dvise the Zoo Operator s in the State on Anima l Healt hcare and related matters with the following members with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. 1.Principal C hief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife)-Chairman & Chief Wildlife War den, Mizoram-Member Secretary 2.Depu ty Conservator of Forests (WL), Aizawl-Member 3.Director, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary-Member 4.Veterinary Officer, Aiza wl Zoological Park 5.Curator, Aizawl Zoological Park-Member 6.Repr esentat ive of Central Agricu lture Univer sity, Selesih -Member 7.Representative of Animal Welfare Board, Mizoram-Member 8.Repr esentat ive of Central YMA-Member The Committee should visit Zoos a tleast once every 3 (three) months and monitor the compliance of t he upkeep and healthcare of animal standar ds prescribed under t he Recognition of Zoo Rules. The findings of the Committee should be included in the Annual Report of Zoos with date of visit and recommendations made by the commit tee and its compliance by the Zoo. Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Forests & C limate Change Department VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 14.7.2017 Asadha 23, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 345Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram State Lottery Dear Chance Morning Monday Sets of Weekly Lottery Result

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 346Date - 14/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 14.7.2017 Asadha 23, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 346 NOTIFICATIONNo. G. 27031/2(1)/2017-DTE (IF&SL), the 11th July, 2017. As authorised by the Government vide letter No. G. 16016/4/2012-F. IF&SL datd 11.09.2012, the undersigned hereby approves the revised scheme from 1st dra w of Dear Chance Morning Monday Sets of Weekly Lottery w. e.f. 31. 07.2017 and onwards. This issues with the pr oposal submitted by the concerned Distributor i.e. M/s Teesta Distributors. Vanlalsawma, Dir ector, Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Mizor am : Aizawl. MZORAM STATE LOTTERIES DIRECTORATE OF INST ITUTIONAL FINANCE & STATE LOT TERY DEAR CHANCE MORNING MONDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1st DRAW ON 31.07-2017 ONWARDS RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1160,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons998,0001,994 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 210009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 310009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4100001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 510000500100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 610000025030 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 6,52,92,00077,96,406 7,30,88,40656.22 % - 2 - Ex-346/2017 DEAR FORTUNE MORNING TUESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1st DRAW ON 01.08-2017 ONWARDS RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1160,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons998,0001,995 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 210009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 310009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4100001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 510000500100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 610000025030 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 6,52,92,00077,96,505 7,30,88,50556.22 % DEAR SUCCESS MORNING WEDNESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1st DRAW ON 02.08-2017 ONWARDS RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1160,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons998,0001,996 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 210009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 310009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4100001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 510000500100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 610000025030 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 6,52,92,00077,96,604 7,30,88,60456.22 % DEAR BENEFIT MORNING THURSDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1st DRAW ON 03.08-2017 ONWARDS RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1160,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons998,0001,997 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 210009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 310009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4100001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 510000500100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 610000025030 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 6,52,92,00077,96,703 7,30,88,70356.22 % - 3 -Ex-346/2017 DEAR HONOUR MORNING FRIDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1st DRAW ON 04.08-2017 ONWARDS RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1160,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons998,0001,998 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 210009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 310009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4100001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 510000500100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 610000025030 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 6,52,92,00077,96,802 7,30,88,80256.22 % DEAR PROSPECT MORNING SATURDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1st DRAW ON 05.08-2017 ONWARDS RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1160,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons998,0001,999 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 210009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 310009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4100001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 510000500100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 610000025030 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 6,52,92,00077,96,901 7,30,88,90156.22 % DEAR LUCK MORNING SUNDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 1st DRAW ON 06.08-2017 ONWARDS RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1160,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons998,0002,000 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 210009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 310009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4100001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 510000500100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 610000025030 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 6,52,92,00077,97,000 7,30,89,00056.22 % - 4 - Ex-346/2017Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 a ) The name of the lottery or lottery scheme: As mentioned above b) Price of the lottery ticket: M.R.P. ^ 13/- c ) Total number of tickets printed in case of paper lottery: Tota l Tickets : 1 CroreNumbering: 90 to 99 / ABCDEGHJKL 00 000 TO 99 999 d) Printing charges including the cost of paper: ^ 3,500/- per lac of lottery tickets e) Gross value of the tickets printed: ^ 13 Crores (Thirteen Crores) f) Name or names of the distr ibutors or selling agents with their address es and contact informa tionSole Distributor: M/s. Teesta Distributors,T-19 (D), Peace Villa, Beside PWD Building, Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram: Aizawl -796 001. Area Distributors: M/s. Future Tradesolution LLP, Kolkata, West Bengal. M/s. Divya Jyoti Distributors, Siliguri, West Bengal Printing Press: M/s. SHREE NIDHI SECURE PRINT LTD - HYDERABAD - 500055 g) Prize structure: As mentioned a bove h) The amount offered as prize money: As mentioned a bove i) Periodicity of the draw: Weekly, Dr aw Time : 11:55 AM Onwards j) The pla ce wher e the draw sha ll b e condu cted: Directorate of Institutional Fina nce & State Lottery, Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram: Aizawl - 796 001. Ph: 0389-2322291. website:, www.,k) The procedur e for dra wing the prize winning tickets or prize winner s : As per dr aw method mentioned above. Prizes are drawn using a mechanical draw machine as per the guidelines stipulated in Lotteries (Regulation) Rules, 2010 l) One ticket can win prizes of one rank only whichever is highest in terms of p rize money. Holder of said ticket shall be entitled for all the prizes of selected rank. Note : Deta ils of Unsold Tickets if any shall be intima ted and the Distributor before the Draw time by means of electronic media a nd Internet.

Permissible under section 47 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 as per Annexures enclosed in respect of various Construction works executed by the North East Consultancy Services (NECS) due to their prestigious services contributed for the development of youth in Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 347Date - 14/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 14.7.2017 Asadha 23, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 347 NOTIFICATIONNo. J. 19012/2/09-TAX/Pt-I, the 11th July, 2017.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to exempt the VAT payable amounting to Rs. 1,26,63,418/- (Rupees one crore twenty six lakhs sixty thr ee thousand fou r hundr ed eight een) only as permissible under section 47 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 as per Annexures enclosed in respect of various construction works executed by the Nor th East Consult ancy Services (NECS) due to t heir pr estigiou s services contributed for the development of youth in Mizoram. This exempt ion so granted as a special ca se is a one time exemption not liable to be r epeated or taken as a precedence by the sa id Firm or any other Fir ms operating in Mizoram. The whole amount exempted is to be solely used for the development of youth of Mizora m in the discipline of Football. Vanlal Chhuanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. ANNEXURESl.No.List of works with orderProject AmountBill AmountVat Payable1.Construction of S T Girls Hostel at Sa iha, Rs. 5,74,70,000/- Rs. 4,48,99,000/- Rs. 17,95,960/- Mamit & Lunglei under Social WelfareVAT 4% Department vide No. A. 14014/2/2014- DTE(SW) of 10.3.2016 2.Construction of ST Girls Hostel at KVMRs. 10,65,37,00/- Rs. 35,90,603/- Rs. 71,812/- High School, Thenzawl High School &VAT 2% Pukpui under Social Welfar e Department vide No. A. 14014/3/2013- DTE(SW) of 06/06/2013. 3.Construction of Directorate of Economics Rs. 6,00,00,000/- Rs. 1,80,00,000/- Rs. 3,60,000/- & Statistics under Mizoram StatisticalVAT 2% Development Agency vide No.B. 14018/7/2013- DES(MDSA) of 20.1.2014 - 2 - Ex-347/2017 4.Construction of Approach Road to Mamit Rs. 1,83,47,600/- Rs. 11,00,856/- Rs. 22,017/- District Ja il under Directorate of PrisonsVAT 2% vide No.D.11013/7/2014-IGPr of 15/4/2014 5.Construction of Office cum Labora toryRs. 2,20,00,000/- Rs. 29,90,000/- Rs. 59,800/- Building under Mizoram State PollutionVAT 2% Control Boa rd vide Agreement Dated 11/3/2015 6.Construction of Central Police WorkshopRs. 56,01,971/- Rs. 22,98,694/- Rs. 45,974/- (Phase-I) at Mualpui Sh: Main BuildingVAT 2% under EE, PHQ videNo.D.11028/Tech/ 86/2012-DGP/57 of 23/02/2015. 7.Construction of Central Police WorkshopRs. 53,89,792/- Rs. 27,73,165/- Rs. 55,463/- (Phase-I) at Mualpui Sh: Vehicle Par kingVAT 2% under EE, PHQ videNo.D.11028/Tech/86/ 201 2-DGP/58 of 23/02/2015. 8.Construction of Central Police WorkshopRs. 54,51,545/- Rs. 27,32,804/- Rs. 54,656/- (Phase-I) at Mualpui Sh: Garage under EE,VAT 2% PHQ vide No. D. 11028/Tech/86/2012- DGP/59 of 23/02/2015 9.Construction of Sepa rate Womens Jail at Rs. 13,06,95,000/- Rs. 2,33,83,500/- Rs. 4,67,670/- Central Jail, Aizawl under Home DepartmentVAT 2% vide Agreement Dated 16/12/2013 10Construction of Police Headquarters under Rs. 15,55,79,000/- Rs. 7,15,03,070/- Rs. 14,30,061/- Home Depart ment vide Agreement VAT 2% Dated 16/12/2013 11.Construction of 3rd IR Battalion Hqrs atRs. 28,42,28,000/- Rs. 12,97,09,380/- Rs. 25,94,188/- Thingkah, Lawngtlai under Home VAT 2% Depar tment vide Agreement Dated 8/8/2013. 12.Construction of S IRD Complex underRs. 12,02,38,818/- Rs. 6,87,95,978/- Rs. 13,75,920 State Institute of Rural DevelopmentVAT 2% Vide No.D.11029/11/2011- SIRD (MZ) of 16/06/2011 13.Construction of MCAB cum S AD Security Rs. 2,96,82,000/- Rs 90,00,000/- Rs 1,80,000/- Office & VIP Parking at New SecretariatVAT 2% Complexunder Mizor am Coop erative Apex Bank Ltd VideNo.MCAB/ADm/24/2015/ 44 of 08/01/2015 14.Construction of Hostel for Student ofRs. 5,20,48,000/- Rs. 1,87,37,000/- Rs 7,49,480/- Higher S econdary School at Lawipu underVAT 4 % School Educa tion Department Vide No. D. 11014/25/2016-DTE (EDN) Pt of 22/03/2016 15.Construction of P edestrian Over Bridge at Rs 51,10,000/-Rs. 50,78,000/- Rs. 2,03,120/- Baza r Bungkawn Junction Da wrpui underVAT 4% Aiza wl Municipal Corporation Vide No. T-32019/1/2013- AMC of 23/09/2015 16.Construction of P edestrian Over Bridge at Rs 85,87,000/-Rs 84,15,000/- Rs 3,36,600/- Zodin near Assam Rifle Gate under AizawlVAT 4% Municipal Corporation Vice No. T-32019/ 1/2013-AMC of 23/09/2015 - 3 -Ex-347/2017 17.Construction of Laki to Vahai RoadRs.3,16,44,747.17/- Rs.3,16,44,747.17/- Rs 12,65,790/- (SH:E/W in forma tion cutting) Section - IIVAT 4% under Chief Engineer, Roa ds PWD Vide No.P- 30016/NABARD/EVAL- 5/CE-R/16-E/PW/12 of 19/04/2016 18.Construction of Laki to Vahai RoadRs.2,98,72,665.83/- Rs.2,98,72,665.83/- Rs. 11,94,907/- (SH:E/W in forma tion cutting) Section - IVVAT 4% under Chief Engineer, Roa ds PWD Vide No. P- 30016/NABARD/EVAL- 7/CE-R/16-G/PW/14 of 19/04/2016 19.Construction of Community Hall atRs. 4,11,85,171/- Rs. 1,00,00,000/- Rs 4,00,000/- Chanmari West under EE, PWD,VAT 4% Project Division-II Vide No. Tech. 51/PD- 11/1/2000/180 of 19/10/2016 TOTALRs. 116,96,68,310/- Rs. 48,45,24,463/- Rs.1,26,63,418 (Rupees One Crore twenty s ix lakh sixty three thousand four hundred eighteen only)Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Committee on Naming of Streets/Roads in Cities and Villages in Mizoram, except the territorial area of the Aizawl Municipal Council

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 348Date - 19/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 19.7.2017 Asadha 28, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 348 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 14016/18/2014-LAD/VC, the 14th July, 2017.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the term of Committee on Naming of Streets/Roads in Cities and Villages in M izoram, except the territorial area of the Aizawl Municipal Council, constituted vide Notification No. B. 14016/18/2014-LAD/ VC dt. 13.7.2016 for another period of one year with effect from 5.7.2017 to 6.7.2018 consisting of the following members :- 1.Secreta ry, LAD- Chairman 2.Director, LAD- Member Secretary 3.Depu ty Commissioner concerned- Member 4.Chief Engineer, P WD (Roads)- Member 5.Director, Land Revenue & SettlementDeptt.- Member 6.Director, UD&PADepartment- Member 7.Dir ector, Ru ral Development Depart ment- Member 8.Pu C .Chawngkunga, Ex-Minister- Member 9.Pu Rinliana , Thakthing veng, Aizawl- Member 10.Pu H.Vanlalkeuva, Ramhlun South- Member 11.Pu Ch.Lalnga ihawma, Tuikual ‘S’- Member 12.Pu C .Kapliana, Chhinga veng- Member 13.Pu D.R. Zir liana, Zarkawt(Editor Mizo Aw)- Member 14.Pu F.Sangkunga, Venghlui- Member 15.President, Central Y.M.A.- Member 16.President, M.H.I.P. Headquarters- Member 17.President, M.U.P. Headquarters- Member The terms of reference of the Committee will be as below :- 1)The term of the Committee will be for a period of one year with effect from 5.7.2017 to 6.7.2018. 2)The Committee will sit at least twice in a year. 3)The Committee will recommend/propose names of places and villages. 4)Non-official Members of the Committee will be entitled to receive sitting allowance @ Rs. 500/- per sitting. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The 6th Mizoram State Sports council consisting of the following Office Bearers and Members as below

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 349Date - 19/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 19.7.2017 Asadha 28, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 349 NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 12033/9/2017-SYS, the 14th July, 2017.On expiry of the terms of the 5th Mizoram State Spor ts Council constituted vide this Depar tment’s Notification of even No. dated 9th May, 2014 and as per the provision of S ection 3 read with Section 6 & 7 of the Mizoram St ate Spor ts Council Act , 2002, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the 6th Mizoram State Sports council consisting of the following Office Bearers and Members as below : 1.Minister, Sports & Youth Services- Ex-Officio President 2.Secr etary, Spor ts & Youth Services (or his repr esentat ive)- Ex-Officio Member 3.Director, S ports & Youth Services ( or his representative )- Ex-Officio Member 4.Joint Secretary, Sports & Youth Services Deptt.- Ex-Officio Member 5.Joint Director, Sports & Youth Services- Ex-Officio Member 6.Pu C. Laltlanthanga, Secretary, MSSC- Secretary 7.Pu F. Lalrinpuia, Ramthar Veng, Aizawl- Financial Secretary 8.Pu R. Zomawia, All Mizoram Karate Assn.- Member 9.Pu Lalnunpuia Pachuau, Aquatics Assn. of Mizoram- Member 10.Pu V. Lalza wmliana , Archer y Assn. of Mizoram- Member 11.Pu V. Zotha nmawia, Body Building Assn. of Mizoram- Member 12.Pu K. Lalbia kthanga , Cricket Assn. of Mizoram- Member 13.Pu V.L.Sawma , Mizor am Amatuer Taekwondo Assn.- Member 14.Pu P.B.Vanlalremruata, Mizoram Arm Wrestling Assn.- Member 15.Pu Lalbuanga Sailo, Mizor am Athletics Assn.- Member 16.Pu R.K. Lalthakima, Mizor am Badminton Assn.- Member 17.Nl. Lalthakimi, Mizoram Basketball Assn.- Member 18.Pu F. Lalnienga, Mizoram Boxing Assn.- Member 19.Pu Lalramchhana, Mizoram Carrom Assn.- Member 20.Pu Dr. Lalhmuchhu aka, Mizoram C hess Assn.- Member 21.Pu K. Biakthianghlima, Mizoram Fencing Assn.- Member 22.Pu C. Vanla lmawia, Mizor am Football Assn.- Member 23.Pu H. Lalrinawma, Mizoram Hockey Assn.- Member 24.Pu R.Vanlalduata, Mizoram Judo Assn.- Member 25.Pu Zothanpuia Sailo, Mizora m Kick Boxing Assn.- Member 26.Pu Vanlalmuana, Mizoram Motor Sports- Member 27.Pu Lalhlimpuia, Mizoram P ower Lifting Assn.- Member - 2 - Ex-349/2017 28.Pu Lalthuamluaia Sailo, Mizoram Rifles Assn.- Member 29.Pu Lalrinlia na Royte, Mizor am Sepaktakraw Assn.- Member 30.Pu John Kima , Mizora m Snookers & Billiards Assn.- Member 31.Pu C. Lalrinzuala, Mizoram Table Tennis Assn.- Member 32.Pu Lalfakzuala Hmar, Mizoram Tennis Assn.- Member 33.Pu Lalrinmawia Sailo, Mizor am Tug of War Assn.- Member 34.Pu Dr.Lalma lsawma Nghaka, Mizora m Volleyball Assn.- Member 35.Pu Lalthlamuana Fa nai, Mizoram Weightlifting Assn.- Member 36.Pu Ngurthanmawia, Mizora m Wrest ling Assn.- Member 37.Pu P.C. Dailova, Mizoram Wushu Assn.- Member 38.Pu Brian Lalnunhlima, Muay-T hai Assn. of Mizoram- Member 39.Zohmingthanga Tlau, Ramhlun Venglai- Non - Official Member 40.Francis Paul, Ramthar Veng- Non - Official Member 41.Vanla lmuana, Chhinga Veng Bethany- Non - Official Member The term of State Sports Council will be 3 (thr ee) yea rs in the first instance from the da te of issue of the Notification unless otherwise suspended or dissolved by the Government earlier. The Vice Pr esident & Joint Secretary of the Council shall be elected by members from amongst themselves. H.L. Rochungnunga, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Sports & Youth Services Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Interview Board consisting of the following members for the purpose of deciding/judging the competence of persons to be appointed as Notary Public under the Govt. of Mizoram with immediate effect and until further order.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 350Date - 19/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 19.7.2017 Asadha 28, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 350 NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 45012/18/2017-LJE, the 14th July, 2017.In exercise of the power conferred under Rule 7(A)(2) of the Nota ries Rules, 1956, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Int erview Board cons isting of the following members for the purpose of deciding/judging the competence of persons to be appointed a s Notar y Public under the Govt. of Mizoram with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. Secr etary, Law & J udicia l Depart ment-Chairman Joint Secretary, Law & Judicial Deptt.-Member Deputy Secretary-I, Law & Judicial Deptt.-Member Deputy Secretary-II, Law & Judicial Deptt.-Member Secretary Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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