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The Secretary General, Rajya Sabha, Parliament House, New Delhi, to be the Returning Officer for the Vice-Presidential Election, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 288Date - 01/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Saturday 1.7.2017, Asadha 10, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 288 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 1st July, 2017 Asadha 10, 1939 (Saka) NOTIFICATIONNo.480/2/2017(1) .-In pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 (31 of 1952), the Election Commission, in consultation with the Central Government, hereby appoints the Secretary General, Rajya Sabha, Parliament House, New Delhi, to be the Returning Officer for the Vice-Presidential Election, 2017. By order, R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Principal Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Election Commission, hereby appoints Shri Mukul Pande, Additional Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House, New Delhi and Shri Rohtas, Joint Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House, New Delhi, to be the Assistant Returning Officers to assist the Returning Officer for the Vice-Presidential Election, 2017

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 289Date - 01/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Saturday 1.7.2017, Asadha 10, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 289 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 1st July, 2017 Asadha 10, 1939 (Saka) NOTIFICATIONNo.480/2/2017(2) .-In pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 (31 of 1952), the Election Commission, hereby appoints Shri Mukul Pande, Additional Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House, New Delhi and Shri Rohtas, Joint Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House, New Delhi, to be the Assistant Returning Officers to assist the Returning Officer for the Vice-Presidential Election, 2017 in discharge of his official functions. By order, R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Principal Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50


VOL - XLVIISSUE - 290Date - 01/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Saturday 1.7.2017, Asadha 10, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 290 FORM 5 (See rule 6 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974) ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF INDIA List of Contesting Candidates Sl. No.Name of CandidateAddress of candida te1.Smt. Meira KumarHouse No. D-1029, Section No. 1, Block-D New Friends Colony, New Delhi. 2.Shri Ramnath Kovind42, HIG Maharishi Dayanand Vihar, Phase-2, Kalyanpur, Kanpur, Utta r Pr adesh. Place : New DelhiAnoop Mishr a , Date : 1st July, 2017Retur ning Officer for Election to the Office of President of India, 2017 and Secr etary General, Lok Sa bha.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The counting of votes, for the Presidential Election, 2017, shall take place at the office of the Returning Officer in Room No. 62, Parliament House, New Delhi.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 291Date - 03/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 3.7.2017, Asadha 12, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 291 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 3rd July, 2017 Asadha 12, 1939 (Saka) NOTIFICATIONNo.479/16/2017 -In pursuance of rule 27 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974, the Election Commission of India hereby appoints the 20th July, 2017 (T hursday) as the day on which, and 11:00 A.M of that day as the time at which, the counting of votes, for the Presidential Election, 2017, shall take place at the office of the Returning Officer in Room No. 62, Parliament House, New Delhi. By order, Varinder Kumar, Principal Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974, the Election Commission hereby;

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 292Date - 04/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 4.7.2017, Asadha 13, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 292 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 4th July, 2017 Asadha 13, 1939 (Saka) NOTIFICATIONNo.480/2017(1)-BE -In pursuance of rule 8 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974, the Election Commission hereby; (a)fixes Room No. 62, First Floor, Parliament House, New Delhi as the place of polling for the Vice- President Election to be held in accordance with its Notification No. 480/2017-BE dated the 4th July, 2017; and (b)specifies the hours from 10.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m both inclusive to be the hours during which the poll, if necessary, will be taken at the said place of polling. By order, R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Principal Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Hamid Ansari, Vice-President of India, is upto 10 th day of August, 2017, in terms of Article 67 of the Constitution

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 293Date - 04/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 4.7.2017, Asadha 13, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 293 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 4th July, 2017 Asadha 13, 1939 (Saka) NOTIFICATIONNo.480/2017-BE-Wher eas, the term of office of M ohd. Ha mid Ansari, Vice-President of India , is upto 10th day of August, 2017, in terms of Article 67 of the Constitution; and Wher eas, an election is due to be held, in terms of clause (1) of Article 68 of the Constitution, to fill the vacancy to be caused by the expiration of the term of office of the incumbent Vice-Pr esident before the expiration of term of his office; and Wher eas, under sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Presidential and Vice Pr esidential Elections Act, 1952 (31 of 1952), the Election Commission of India is r equired to so appoint the dates for the election to fill the office of the Vice-President of India that the election will be completed at such time as will enable the Vice-President thereby elected to enter upon his office on the 1lth day of August, 2017; Now, therefore, the Elect ion Commission of India hereby - ( A ) calls upon the Elector al College, referred to in Article 66 of the Constit ution, to elect a person to fill the above vacancy in the Office of Vice-P resident of India before the expiration of the term of the incumbent Vice-President, in accorda nce with the provisions of the Constitution, the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 (31 of 1 952), and the Rules and Orders made thereunder; and (B)in pursuance of sub-section (1) of Section 4 of the sa id Act, appoints - a ) the 18th July, 2017 (Tuesday), as the la st date for making nominations; b) the 19th July, 2017 (Wednesday), as the date for scrutiny of the nominations; c ) the 21st July, 2017 (Frida y), as the last date for the withdr awal of candidatures; and d) the 5th August, 2017 (Saturday), a s the date on which a poll sha ll, if necessar y, be ta ken. By order, R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Principal Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50


VOL - XLVIISSUE - 294Date - 04/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 4.7.2017, Asadha 13, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 294 PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF VICE-PRESIDENT OF INDIA WHEREAS a notification under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952, for the holding of an election to fill the Office of Vice-President of India has been issued by the Elect ion Commission, I, Shumsher K. Sheriff, the Returning Officer for such election, do hereby give notice that - (i) nomination papers may be delivered by a candidate or any one of his proposers or seconders to the undersigned at his office in Room No. 29, Ground Floor, Parliament House, New Delhi, or if he is unavoidably a bsent, to the Assistant Returning Officer, Shri Mukul Pande, Additional Secr etary or Shri Rohtas, Joint Secretary, Ra jya Sabhya Secr etariat at the said office between 11 AM and 3 PM on any day (other than a public holiday) not la ter tha n the 18th of July, 2017. (ii) each nomina tion pa per shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the entry relating to the candidate in the elector al r oll for the Parliamentar y constituency in which the candida te is registered as an elector; (iii) ever y candidate sha ll deposit or cause to be deposited a sum of rupees fifteen thousand only. This amount may be deposited in cash with the Returning Officer at the time of presentation of the nomination paper or deposited earlier in the Reserve Bank of India or in a Government Treasury, and in the latter case a receipt showing that the said deposit of the sum has been so made is required to be enclosed with the nomination paper; (iv) forms of nomination papers may be obtained from the above said office at the times aforesaid; (v) the nomination papers, other than those rejected under sub-section (4) of section 5B of the Act, will be taken up for scrutiny at the said office in Room No. 29, Ground Floor, Parliament House, New Delhi on Wednesday, the 19th July, 2017 at 11 A.M; (vi) the notice of withdrawal of candidatures may be delivered by a candidate, or any one of his proposers or seconders who has been authorised in this behalf in writing by the candidate, to the - 2 - Ex-294/2017 undersigned at the place specified in par agraph (i) above before three o’clock in the aft ernoon of the 21st of July, 2017; (vii) in the event of the election being contest ed, the poll will be taken on Saturda y, the 5th of August, 2017, between the hours of 10 A.M and 5 P.M at the place of polling fixed under the rules. New D elhiShumsher K Sheriff Dated the 4th of July, 2017Retur ning Officer for the Vice-Presidential Election, 2017 and Secretary General, Rajya Sabha.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Rural Roads Maintenance Policy, 2017’ on Sixteenth of June, Two Thousand Seventeen (i.e. 16 th June, 2017)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 295Date - 07/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Asadha 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 295 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.11018/8/2015-PWD(E), the 16th June, 2017.In the interest of public service and as appr oved by the Meeting of Council of Ministers held on 8th June, 2017, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify ‘The Mizoram Rural Roads Maintenance Policy, 2017’ onSixteenth of June, Two Thousand Seventeen (i.e. 16th June, 2017). Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. MIZORAM RURAL ROADS MAINTENANCE POLICY - 2017 1.Preamble Road networ ks are fundamental requirement for providing access to ha bitations in r ural ar eas. With the launch of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sa dak Yojana (PMGSY) on December 25, 2000, a coherent and standard policy for rural roads in the country was extablished and its now being under implementation by the States. Road connectivity has contributed medical facilities thereby making rur al economy vibr ant. This huge asset thus created needs a tremendous effort to maintain in good shape. Poor and inadequate maintenance of roads is result ing in disruption of traffic, hampering economic gr owth and and incr eased maintenance cost of vehicles. For optimum utilization of roa d assets, timely maintenance is a must. The principal object ives of road maintenance are to keep roads open all the time, reduce rate of deterioration, extend life of the road network and impr ove the speed and frequency of public transport services. Ma intenance for r ural roads also genera tes local employment opportunities and addit ional ma rket prospects for the local construct ion industry. Maintenance of rural roads provides a nd economic rate of return which is often in the range of 25 to 30 percent. Maint enance and upkeep of r oads requires huge amount of investment for the Government. Any inadequa cy in funding a nd implementation on the ground will result in the deterior ation of the assets created. T he state is committed towards ensuring adequate funds for maintenance of the entire r ural road network within its ju risdiction. Under no circumsta nce sha ll maintenance be regarded as a secondary is su e. The Govt. of Mizoram intends to adopt a rural roads maintenance policy for the planning & execution of maintenance of rural roads under its jurisdiction and shall be called as “Mizoram Rural Roads Maintenance Policy 2017”. 2.Purpose : The purpose of the policy is to ensure that the planning, progr amming, directing and reporting of routine maintenance, periodic renewal and emergency maintenance operations ar e carried out consistently state-wide to keep the road network at an appr opriate level of comfort and safety to the road us ers. 3.Objectives : The roads that fails, crack, get deformed or disintegra te present a danger t o road users. In addit ion, they impose the wea r and tear on vehicles, increased cons umption of POL, delays in travel and effect other various economic costs. There is a need for the concerned agencies and organisa tions to repair and restore the roads in a timely and systema tic manner. The objectives of the policy are to ena ble- (a)Adequate, timely and sound maintenance of roads to provide safe, convenient and efficient access and a lso to reduce vehicle operating cost and tra vel time and improve the speed and frequency of public transport service; (b)Judicious and optimal utilization of available fu nds and resources for the maintenance and repa ir of r oads so as to keep the road open, reduce ra te of deterior ation, and extend life of the road network; (c)Efficient maintenance by using a ppropriate technology. State of the Art and effective repair treatments including by inducting new technology and equipment in road repair and maintenance wor ks; (d)Capa city bu ilding and organizational development of the manpower and agencies engaged in r oad construction for efficient discharge of road development & ma intenance funct ion. Ex-295/20172 4.Implementation :Public Works Department, Gov’t or Mizoram shall be responsible for implementation of the Policy through the Mizora m Road Fund Board and as per the Rules and Acts. Apart from existing procedures in carrying out Road Maintenance Works. PWD ma y adopt various modalities including P erforma nce Based Maint enance Contract, Public-Private Par tnership and Concession Agreement for various kinds of arra ngements including incorporation of tolls a nd distance ba sed rates etc. to be paid by road users etc. 5.Evaluation & Prioritization of roads : (i)The PWD sha ll carry out evaluation of the existing road pavement and other structures in terms of its physica l condition, structur al capa city, r oughness Road Condition Survey. Such survey shall assess type, ma gnitude, location of the distressed r oads and other physical parameters like roughness, skid resistance etc. It shall evaluate Road Condition Index (RCI) and t ake up prioritization of roads on the basis of the RCI. (ii)At least two condition surveys, one before and the other after the monsoon, should be conducted on each stretch of the road every yea r. The date collected should be recorded methodically road kilometre-wise. (iii) Traffic date on each road should be collected as per the procedure to be laid down by PWD. The traffic data should show classificaqtion of motorised, non-motorised, commercial vehicles etc. The traffic volume data should be used as an input in prioritization of maintenance wor ks. (iv) The PWD shall identify different types of road ma intenance activities a nd prepare a ma nual of t echnical practices to carry out the same. (v)The planning of various maintenance operations will be co-related and looked upon as a tota l system rather than each activity being consider ed in isolation. Based on the condition evaluation, the ca uses for various defects observed should be examined in detail a nd a decision taken whether to initiate a particular maintenance activity. (iv) The PWD shall est ablish a guiding rules for prior itization of road maintenance works, taking into account the evaluation carried out under this Policy. 6.Classification of Maintenance Operations : The intervention and rectification standar ds for various maintenance activities shall be finalised for different categories of roads. Maintenance operations may be cla ssified in fou r groups as under: (i)Routine repair/maintenance : includes work items such as filling of potholes and repair of cra cks, cleaning of side drains a nd culverts, clearing of roadside bushes/vegetation, cleaning & repair of road signs a nd removal of petty landslip s by the maintenance gang/ staff almost round the year. (ii) Periodic ma intenance : is a more extensive maintenance operations such a s renewal of road surface/re-sur facing and or applying a seal coat a nd major repair to cross-drainage (C.D) works to be done prriodically every four to five years. (iii) Special Repairs : involves ma jor restoration & upgradation of the pavement thr ough reconstruction or application of overlays, clearing of major landslides, repair/re-construction of r etaining/breast walls, damaged drains and tha t of road damaged due to laying of public services utilities. (iv) Emergency repair /maintena nce : refers to emergency conditions like collapse or severe damage of road or a ny other matter emergent in na ture. It includes reconstruct ion/ repair of CD works damaged due to floods, storm water and earthquakes and reconstruction/ repa ir of road sections damaged due to washouts, floods, landslides and earthqua kes. 7.Norms for Maintenance of Road : The State Government shall constitute a Committee comprosing of senior level officers of techynical, administrative and finance section of the state PWD to work out and frame road maintenance norms annuallyEx-295/2017 3 which should cover routine, periodic, emergency and specia l repa irs/ma intenance. T he Committee may comprise of : (1)Secretary, PWD-Chairman (2)Engineer-in-Chief, PWD-Vice-Chairman (3)Chief Engineer, Planning, PWD-Member-Secreta ry (4)Chief Engineer, Roads, PWD-Member (5)Chief Engineer, Highways, PWD-Member (6)Chief Engineer, Buildings, PWD-Member (7)Joint Director of Accounts, PWD-Member (8)Consultants/other Dept. or organisation representatives as Member (if found necess ary) 8.Annual Road Maintenance Operation Plan : The Mizoram Road Fund Boar d or the Committee formed to work our maint enance norms shall prepare Annual Roa d Maint enance Operation Plant (ARMOP) covering all State Roads with due attention to management of t he whole progra mme based on availability of fund for road maintenance. T he guidance note on Mizoram Fund Boar d is attached as ANNEXURE-I. The plan shall be formulated and finalised by the end of April every year for implementa tion within the financial year. It will identify the maintenance works on the State road network for different classes of roads including roads within urban areas within the jurisdiction of PWD taking into account the condit ions of roads, bridges, culverts, road signs and other road appurtenances. 9.Environmental Sustainability : In t he process of r oad maintenance works, PWD shall make the best possible efforts to implement technologies that a re environmentally fr iendly, have a low car bon footprint a nd provide access to a ll sections of society including the disabled in a safe manner. 10.Monitoring, Testing and Capacity Building : 10.1. The State PWD shall institute a simplified Asset Management System to prepare Annual Maintenance Plan based on scientific condition assess ment of the road network. 10.2. The PWD shall regularly carry out technical and financial audit of sample stretches subjected to maintenance. 10.3. The condition of road shall be captured through photographs and videogra phy and such deta il shall be upladed suitable on the government website so that t hey are in public domain. 10.4. Calendar of training programmes for its technical officers at various levels shall be formulated to enhance their skill in planning, procurement and supervision of maintenance wor ks of roads. Outreach programmes in enhancing the tra ining for contra ctors in implementation of maintenance works shall also be provided. 10.5. The PWD shall identify the cost effective technologies in maintenance operations. It shall undetake road user satisfa ction surveys on its r ural road network and put the result s on website. 10.6. The PWD sha ll adopt Maint enance Mangagement System(MMS) developed in house for mana gement of maintenance of rur al roads and shall conduct road condition survey using Pavement Surface Inspection Rating Procedure (P SIRP) and identify the needs for renewal prior ity of t he pavement surface. 11.Budgeting and Fina ncial Resources : 11.1. The Mizoram Government shall ensure allocation of adequate a nd timely availabilit y of funds needed for ma intenance of St ate Roads as per Annual Road Ma intenance Opera tion Plan (ARMOP) prepared by the Mizoram Road Fund Board or PWD. The Executive Committee of the said Boar d shall chalk out and recommend the annual allocation of fund for different categories or roads with r easonable shar e for r ural roads. Ex-295/20174 11.2. The State Government shall explore avenues for mobilizing addit ional fund for maintenance of r oads by way of road tr ansport related tax-cess. 11.3. Based on the data supporting the roa d condition, the annua l renewal progra mme to be included in the ARMOP will be drawn up by the Board well in advance of the implementation period. A schedule of the maintenance operation to be taken up under the ARMOP should also be prepared. T he ARMOP and t he implementation schedule should be approved by the Board and sanct ion of available fina ncial resources will be made in a timely manner. 11.4. The budgeting for maintenance expenditure under the ARMOP will a lso be done well in adva nce by the Boar d befor e the start of the relevant financial year along with alloca tion of r esources to the differ ent operations/components under the Plan. 12.Remova l of Maint enance Backlog : 12.1. The Mizoram Road Fund Boar d/the State PWD shall formula te an Action Plan for time bound removal of maintenance backlog of the roa d network so that the network is brought to an acceptable level of service. On the basis of Mizoram Road Statistics and Road Condition, the Sta te PWD shall identify the backlog and remove it within a period of 5 year s in a phased manner and the funds for the pur pose will be ma de available by the Government. 12.2. Against the total area of 21087 Sq.Km, the total length of r oad network in Mizora m is 7669.235 Kms and the road density is 36.369 Kms/100 sqkm. The Road Statistics of Mizoram as on 17th August 2016 is as under : Roads under State PWD(in Kms) Sl.No. Black TopUn surfaceTotal 1National Highway12052601465 2State Highway1700170 3Major District Road6010601 4Other District Road770209979 5Village Road44014701910 6Road within Towns & Villages509196705 7City Road25444210 Total of State roads223419194663 Total Under State PWD394921796128 Road under BRO610287897 Road under CPWD1760176 Road under other Departments0433433 Grand Total473528997634 Total of Road maintained from State Maintenance Fund :- (a)Black-topped:274 kms (b)Unsurfaced:1919 kms TOTAL:4663 kms 12.3. The Road Condition of the State Roads (ma intained from State Ma intenance Fund) as on June 2015 are as follows :- Black - topped Roads1. Very Good and Good R oads-388 Kms 2. Fair Roads-1134 Kms 3. Poor & Very Poor-1222 Kms Total:2744 KmsEx-295/2017 5 Non-Black-topped (un-surfaced) Roads1.Very Good or Good R oads-15 Kms 2.Fair Roads-187 Kms 3.Poor or Very Poor Roads-1,717 Kms Total-1919 Kms 12.4Periodic Renewa l Requir ement : Considering a periodic renewal cycle of 4 years, length requir ed to be re-sur faced every year = 2744/4 = 686 Kms Requirement of funds@ 19 lakhs per Km=Rs.13034 lakhs per year=130.34 crores per yea r. 12.5.Backlog of Periodic Maintenance : As per road condition data , length of roa ds in fair, poor & ver y poor subject to Periodic Renewal = 1134+1222 = 2356 Kms Length of backlog2356 - 686 = 1670 Kms Considering backlog to be cleared in 5 years, Kms requir ed for renewal every year = 1670/ 5=334 Kms Funds required to clear backlog of 334 Kms @ Rs. 19 lakhs/year=Rs. 6346 lakhs per year=Rs. 63.46 crores per year. 12.6.Requir ement for Routine Maintena nce : With the yar d stick rates for foutine maintenance@ Rs.57,777/- per km per year for black- topped road and Rs. 46,077/- for non=blacktopped roads, funds required for routine maintenance = Rs. 2,744X57,777+1,919X46,077 = Rs. 15.85 Cr.+8.84 Cr. = Rs. 24.69 Crores per year. 12.7.Total requirement for Periodic Renewal + Backlog of Periodic Renewal + Routine Maintenance: 130.34+63.46+24.69=Rs. 218.49 crores per year=Rs. 218.00 Crores per year. 13.Dedicated Roa d Maintenance Fund and Other Actions required : 13.1. Mizoram Government has already established Mizoram Road Fund Board under the Mizoram Roa d Fund Act 2007 to maintain and manage dedicated road maint enance fund with money received/collected from various sources such as Central and State Governments grants, user charges and fees, cess, levies, ta x revenue etc as may be cons idered appropr iate by the State Government to provide fund on a sustainable and dependable basis for maintenane of state roads. This Mizoram Road Furniture Act 2007 was also gazetted by Govt. of Mizoram on 19.4.2007 (ANNEXURE-II). The Mizoram Road Fund Rules 2010 has been approved by Govt. of Mizoram (ANNEXURE-III). 13.2. Mizoram PWD shall simplify the existing Road Maintenance & Management System (RMMS) for State r oads to prepar e Annua l Maint enance Plans for each Division based on scientific condit ion of the roa d network. 13.3. Mizoram PWD shall set up Special Task Force in ea ch PWD Zone to deal with emergency situations arising due to natural disasters headed by concerned Chief Engineer and consisting of S .E(Plg & Works), Concer ned S.E and E.E as members. Ex-295/20176 13.4. Some pilot works of maintenance shall be undertaken jointly by field Divisions and relevant NGO/Village Council and steadily move towards devolving maintenance responsibilit y in resp ect of r ural roads to local authorities/community. 13.5. Mizoram PWD shall extend support in providing outreach p rogrammes in enhancing the training facilities for Cla ss III and Class IV Contractor s in implementa tion of maintenance works. For this, the Contr actors Associations may be associated to work out the details of training modules, training providers including on-the-job exposures in close associa tion with road a gencies. Such modules could be in the form of booklets/hanbd-outs in var ious maintenance operations as also in audio visual mode. 13.6. Mizoram PWD shall identify and pilot innovative ma intenance models and technologies. These innova tions may be in the for m of pilot ing and adopting models of outsourcing maintenance works which could be in the form of Performance Based Maintenance Contracting (PBMC), Community Contracting or Hybrid System involving combina tion of P BMC and conventional Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC). The thrust on innovative technologies shall be on materia ls that can be used in all weather conditions, reduce time and manpower required for repairs, thereby improving productivity. The technology shall be cost effective, easy to ma nage, off the shelf material for pa tch/pothole repa ir and applica tion with simple tools with a ll maintenance items being accommodated in a small vehicle for speedy execution. Efforts shall be on environment friendly technologies. 13.7. Deta iled guidelines for execution of maint enance policy is finalised. The essential methods & procedures to assist in implementation of Annual Maintenance Plans have been incorporated in these guidelines and attached as “Standard Operating Procedures for Maintenance of Rura l Road Network in Mizor am” The objectives & expectations from the maintenance work, utilization of resources, responsibilities & funct ions of staff a t different levels, procedur e for contra ct ma nagement, quality assur ance, technical specifications, maximum resp onse time have been explained in these guidelines. 13.8. Necessary amendments may be made in the pr ovisions of the guidelines by the Mizoram Public Works Department on the basis of experiences. CHAPT ER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1. Being the only means of tr ansport within the Sta te, Roads occupy an important position in the transpor tation system of Mizor am. Roa d infra structur e is directly related to economic growth and social development, Maintaining these roads in serviceable dondition is crucial to agricultural and industrial growth on the one hand and affording means of a ccess to the public. 1.2. The continued extension and improvement of the roa d network does however, create new and growing challenges in terms of an increasing maintenance burden. In order to sustain the benefits of the invest ments made in building and improving roads, there is a need to boost capacity in terms of providing adequate maintenance. 1.3. More emphasis needs to be placed on the maintenance of already existing infrastructure assets. This implies that an increasing proportion of fu nds and managerial capacity needs to be alloca ted for protecting the investments made earlier in building the road network.Ex-295/2017 7 1.4. From a technica l point of view, there is no shortage of t echnical guidance on how the works should be ca rried out. The challenge seems to be more r elated to how maintenance should be organised and when it should be carried out. T here is, however, a need to define requirements at operational level which ensure that technical means are secured in order to actualy carr y out the required maintenance. Therefore, it has been felt necessa ry to put in place a Standard Operating Procedure for maintenance of the roads at operational level for securing adequate a nd timely maint enance of the rural road network. CHAPTER TWO STAFFING 2.1. Organisational Setup 2.1.1. Mizoram Public Wor ks Depa rtment shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the entire road network under its jurisdiction. T he administrative control of the department shall wrest with the Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. T he Engineer-in-Chief would be overall in-charge of the Depar tment. The construction and maintenance of the network comprising State Highways, Major District Roads and Rural Roa ds shall be supervised by the concerned Chief Engineers who have control over the field Circles with each circle headed by a Superintending Engineer. These circles are further divided into field Divisions each headed by a Executive Engineer, Similarly, these fielf Divisions have a number of Sub-Divisions headed by a Sub-Divisional Officer. The SDO’s a re assisted by a number of Junior Engineers each of whom is in-charge of section. The Junior Engineers are in turn assisted by Section Assistants. 2.1.2. A dedicated Planning, Budgeting and Monit oring (PBM) Unit in the PWD a nd headed by a Chief Engineer (Planning) shall be responsible for Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring of a ll maintenance works of the r oad network under the overall guidance of the Engineer- in-Chief. T his unit shall comprise of one Superintending Engineer (Planning), one Executive Engineer (P lanning), two Assistant Engineers and other Support Staff. The Joint Director of Accounts shall assist the Chief Engineer (Planning) of the PBM unit in all financial matters. 2.1.3. Technical audit of sample stretches as well as t he quality inspections shall be conducted by the Quality Control Division of the PWD. CHAPTER THREE PLANNING AND DESIGN 3.1. Maintenance Works will include all works of routine ma intenance, periodic maintenance, road rehabilitation including pavement strengthening, special repairs and emergency maintenance. 3.2. The PBM Unit shall initia te action on maintenance act ivities as under : (i)Exer cise forreview of Yardstick Norms for routine maintenance shall commence in October every year and the process completed by 30th November. The norms as finalized shall be notified by 31st December a nd sha ll be a pplicable for the next fina ncia l year beginning 1st Apr il. Even in case the norms do not require any change the existing norms shall again be notified by this date. Ex-295/20178 (ii)Ayearly r eview of the rates of individua l items involved in maintenance activities shall be ca rried out by consider ing the prevailing mar ket rated as on 1st October of that year and the review shall be completed by 30th N ovember. The r ates so finalized shall be notified by 31st December. 3.3. Being a hilly and heavy rainfall area, aPeriodic Renewal Cycle of 4 yea rs sha ll be adopted for all types of roads in Mizoram. 3.4. TheSpecifications to be adopted shall be MoRT&H Specifica tions a s adopted for State works and Ministry of Rura l Development (MoRD) S pecifications for PMGS Y works. In case specification for a particular item in State Works are not available MoRD specifications for Rural R oads shall be followed and vice-versa. 3.5. TheField Unit s, namely, the Divisional Offices s hall be responsible for carrying out the Road Invent ory and Road Condition Surveys as per prescribed procedures. 3.6. TheRoad Condition Da ta Sur vey at every 1 00 m interval shall be carried out by the Junior Engineers in charge of the respective sections. They may take the assistance of their Section Assistants/Mates. T heir work shall be su pervised by their SDOs and physically checked to the extent of 15% and accordingly certified. The road condition data shall be collected through visual inspection. The Assistant Engineers (Ma intenance Monitors) posted in the circle offices s hall s imulta neously carr y out 10% test check of t he roa d condition data collected by the field units. 3.7. The Schedule for the above activities shall be as under : (i)The surveys shall commence immediately a fter the cessation of nonsoons in October and completed by 1st week of November. (ii)Data from the survey shall be uploaded on the Road Maintenance Management System (RMMS)/ Roa d Management S ystem (R MS) by the Divisional Offices by 2nd week of November. (iii)Results of the entire road network shall be generated by the Headquarters staff by 1st week of December. 3.8. PWD HQ shall finalize the priority list for Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) and disseminate the same to all field offic es by the 3rd week of December. The field Executive Engineers on receipt of t he appr oved AMP shall have another verification carr ied out to confirm that the roads appear ing in the AMP with respect to their jurisdiction actually qualify for Periodic Renewal and revert back to the HQ by 1st week of January with full justifica tion in case any substitution is requir ed. Annual Maintenance Calendar shall be hoisted on departmental website by Ma rch. 3.9. Field offices shall initiate action for preparing estimates and inviting bids for works proposed to be contr acted out for the approved chainages of var ious roads immediately and works shall be awarded latest by last week of January. 3.10. Implemantation shall commence latest by 10th February. 3.11. The Annual Calendar of Road Maintenance Activities sha ll be a s given in Table 1Ex-295/2017 9 Ta ble 1 Annual Calendar of Road Maintenance ActivitiesSr.No. Item of Work Intervention Response Time F requ ency Remar ks 123456 1. Cleaning/desilting of r oad side Water diverted outCausing aImmediateThrice of drain ontohazar d toi) February roadwaytr afficii) May and June 14 daysiii) August and Blocked byand priorSept ember and more thantoas and when Obstruction orone-fourthmonsoonrequired Siltationof the sizei.e. blockade impeding flowof the dr ainmore than one- fourth 2Pothole Filling Collection of patch r epairi) January and February material for Bituminousii) July and Sept ember roa ds Collection of parch r epairi) January and February meterial for WBM repairii) July & August Pothole filling inAll potholes21 daysImmedia te on their Bituminous and r igid=75mm depthoccurrence pavement wi th max imunCracks>5mm in dimension more thanwidth 200mm, cracks edgeEdge Breaks breaks, ruts and>150mm in depressionswidth Ruts>50mm in depth Depressions Pothole filling in WBMDepth>21 days with maximum75mm dimension Pothole filling in Gr avel/Depth>50mm45 days Kutcha surfaceWidth >300mm 3.Filling edges ofDifferenceBefore and a fter bituminous surfacesmone than (-)monsoons and as and when and replenishing/50mm/ (+)required i. e. when the lowering earthen/Ommrequirements as specified hard shouldersare exceeded as per C ol.3 4.Dressing of bermsBefore and after monsoon and once in between i.e. February/March, June, August and September 5.Restoration of rainSeptember and as and when cuts and side slopesrequiredEx-295/201710 6.Cleaning of Cross- Drainages Debr is and s ilt reducingBlocked14 daysTwice (May and October) effectiveness of struct ure,by moreand as and when broken or cra ckedthan one-fourthrequired i.e. blockade more structure causingof the size ofthan one-fourth of the opening insta bility, under miningthe cu lvert or not functioning properityopening Deformation of culvert,45 days its invert a nd alignmentand prior to monsoon 7.White washing ofTwice (April and October) Parapets, Guide Stones, Tree Trunks etc. 8.Re-fixing disturbedOnce and as and when required caution boards, other signage etc. 9.Re-fixing displacedOnce and as and when required Km.stones, 200m stones, guard stones, guar d ra ils. 10. Cutting of branchesOnce (October) of trees, pruning shrubs 11. Removing wildTwice (Mar ch and September) seasonal growth on berms and from road side structures 12. Painting of Km. stones,Once (April/November) Numbering of culverts, road markings etc. Including history of road on Km. Stones 13. Maintenance of T&PAll r ound the year 14. Removal ofAll r ound the year encroachment 3.12. The Superintending Engineers in-charge of field circles shall closely monitor the progress of t he above activities in respect of their jur isdictions. 3.13. The Junior Engineer shall prepar e monthly Maint enance Plan of the roads and forwar d it to t he Sub-Divisional Officer one week before the commencement of the respective month for approval. 3.14. In case of Divisions having labour in excess of the norms the Ex ecutive Engineer shall, in cons ultation with the Superintending Engineer, pr epare a list of works such as construction of s ide dra ins, culverts, parapets, reta ining/br east walls etc. that could be entrusted to such surplus labour. The quantum of wor ks thus identified should be commensur ate with the prescribed norms for tasks for labour. This list shall be prepar ed and finalized within the first three months of the calendar year so that these works a re taken up from the start of the next financial year.Ex-295/2017 11 CHAPT ER FOUR INSPECTION 4.1.Duties 4.1.1.Attention of all officers/officials of the Department is drawn to the imperative necessity for the maintenance of the roads under their jurisdiction. In order to maintain the roads efficiently and economically, officer s/officials in-charge of the roads must exer cise the greatest care to see that money and materials are used with caution and fina ncial pr udence. To achieve this, frequent inspections are necessary and in this connection the following broad principles are laid down: (i) The Section Assistant sha ll keep a strict watch on the condition of the entire str etch of r oad under his beat and cover the same da ily. (ii) The Junior Engineer in-cha rge shall inspect the entir e roa d length under his jurisdiction at least once every week. He shall simultaneously verify at site the cont ents of the Daily Progr ess Report as maintained by t he Section Assistant in his dair y and initial the same. (iii) The Sub-Divisional Officer in-cha rge of the roa d shall ordina rily tra vel at the rate of 30 Km. per day and inspect the entire length under his jurisdiction at least once ever y month. He shall inva riably be accompanied by the Junior Engineer in-charge to whom he can give the necessar y directions for repa irs. (iv) The Executive Engineer shall also arrange to tr avel only moderate distance each day and sha ll be accompanied by the SDO in-charge. He shall inspect all the r oads under his jurisdiction once every t hree months. (v) The Superintending Engineer shall, whenever possible, accompanied by the Executive Engineer, shall plan his visit through alternate routes rather than following only the regular and direct route while proceeding/coming back fr om tour. This is necessary to ensure that alternate routes/interior r oads get inspected even when the purpose/ dest ination for the tour may be different. It ma y, therefore, be ensur ed that the officer does not undertake to and fro journey through the same route. He shall travel on alternate route on one or another jour ney. (vi) Every effort should be made to issue instructions verbally and with personnel cons ultation supplemented by notes in the notebook of the person to whom or ders are given. This pr ocedure will save time in writing long inspection notes. Site-Order Books should be maintained properly for every road projects. (vii) Superintending Engineer should be able to supplement the notes given in the notebooks with mor e precise orders. (viii) From the point of view of safety of traffic, as well as from the point of view of sa fety of r oad str uctures, it is essential to pay special attention to the maintenance of road berms. The Inspecting officers should make specia l note of the condit ion of the berms and their improvement since the la st inspection and record the same in the notebook of the Junior Engineer and the Sub-Divisiona l Officers. (ix) The Superintendent Engineer shall also inspect the roads from overall road sa fety cons iderations and give appropriate directions. 4.1.2. Duties of Mate (i) To r eport to Work Inspector/Junior Engineer. (ii) To mark daily attendance of labour working under him. (iii) To help in the layout, mar king, checking the qua lity and quantity of work done by the labour and get the work executed as per instructions. (iv) To assist the Work Ins pector/Junior Engineer in taking out the mea sur ement for daily work done by la bour. (v) To display necessary caution boards for safety point of view as per standard layout. Ex-295/201712 (vi) To r eport to his senior about any causalty, accident, encroachment of Government property or any type of serious da mage to the Government property within his beat. (vii) To maintain T&P and sign boards under his cha rge. (viii) To carr y out jobs of semi-skilled nature connected wit h his tra de along with his gang. (ix) General supervision over un-skilled labour. (x ) To get cement/composit e mortar prepared in his presence as per instructions of J unior Engineer/Wor k Ins pector. (xi) To r eport about damages to structures, kilometer stone etc. and keeping them in posit ion. (xii) To comply with any instruction given by his immediate superior. (xiii) To maintain Daily Labour Report (DLR). (xiv) To ensure adequate quantum of work being done by gang and that it conforms to norms. (x v) To keep account of permanent articles, for example direction boards, trees, drums etc. in his beat. (xvi) To ensure providing and pr oper upkeep of diversions. 4.1.3 Duties of Work Inspectors :- (i) To r eport t o Junior Engineer. (ii) To maintain daily diary of the wor k done and to put up to the Section Incharge every alternate day. (iii) To maintain daily receipt /daily consumption of materia l consumed. (iv) To help in preparing estimates for minor works a nd repa irs. (v) To ensure execution of work according to specifica tions a nd drawings. (vi) To take round of various bridges and roa ds under his charge on regula r basis and report to section incharge about repairs to be done. He shall also assist to plan out a programme for such repairs in advance and ensure their execution through the depa rtment labour within the specified period. (vii) To a ssist Junior Engineer in taking out measurement and distributing work to la bour daily and checking their attendance. (viii) To estimate and indicate rough quantities of materials required. (ix) To take measurement of daily work done. (x ) To ensure adequate quantum of work being done by gang and that it confor m to norms. (xi) To maintain material at site account and account of traffic signs. (xii) To report about unauthorized constructions and encroachments on government premises. (xiii) To comply with the instructions given to him by his immediate officer. (xiv) To ensure submission of da ily report. (x v) To see that log books are filled daily for machinery and that machinery are pa rked properly. (xvi) To maintain details of la nd width and check encroachments. (xvii) To ensure proper maintenance of speed humps and caution boar ds Including t heir painting. 4.1.4 Duties of Junior Engineers :- (i) Inspection a nd supervision of works as per prescribed norms. (ii) Recording the progress of both ca sual and regular labour in the Measurement Book (MB) and ensuring that the output of labour matches with the norms for taks for labour. (iii) No work should be entered in the MB as ‘unsusceptible to measurement’ a nd progress of a ll activities b e recor ded.Ex-295/2017 13 (iv) Reporting observations to higher a uthorities. (v) Preparing estimates for repairs after conducting condition survey of roads. (vi) Reporting a bout closure of road/obstructions due to any of the following reasons; (a)Overtopping/breach; (b)Landslides; (c)Earth quakes; (d)Accident; (e)Any other reason (specify); (vii) Arra nging for removal of obstructions such as dead animals, trees and other debris lying on r oad. (viii) Enumerating safety measur es and restora tion works in case of flood damages and breaches and reports on opening of traffic/completion of restoration. 4.1.5 Duties of Sub-Divisional Officers :- (i) Inspection and supervision of works as per norms. (ii) Reporting observations which suggestion for remedial act ion to higher authorit ies. (iii) Getting estimate pr epa red and checked after conducting surveys and site investigations. (iv) Reporting about heavy rain fall in the area and consequent r ain damage. (v) Enumera ting action on the report of Engineering subordinates regarding obstructions, accidents etc. (vi) Enumerating safety measures and restoration of (both temporary and permanent) works in ca se of flood damages and breaches. 4.1.6 Duties of Executive Engineers :- (i) Inspection and recording of observations as per prescr ibed norms. (ii) Planning and fina lization of nature of ma int enance activities e.g. surface repair, prep are to C D wor ks etc. (iii) Arra nging men, materials and machinery in advance as per requirements. (iv) Fina lizing action on repor ts of SDO and a lso on safety measures, diversion in case of b reaches and flood dama ges. (v) Coordination with va rious agencies like Traffic Police, Local Administration, Publicity Media etc., in case of emergent repair, interruption to traffic by road blockage, etc. (vi) Init iate steps for finalizing permanent restora tion works. 4.2Action to b e taken in case the road is Breached or Blocked 4.2.1 Action to be taken by the Mate/Wor k Inspector (a) Immediate r eport of the road breached/blocked will be made to Junior Engineer and Sub-Divisional Officer. The following points will be included in the reports: (i)Name of the road (ii)Loca tion of the breach/blockade (iii)Length and nature of the breach/blockade (iv)Date and time of occurr ence (v)Assessment of the assista nce in the form of men and materia l required. (b ) “Roa d closed” boards and “ Diversions” boa rds sha ll be fixed on both sides at 60 m distance in advance of t he hazard. (c) Arra ngements for red light s to be done in case of darkness. (d) Labour shall be deputed to guide the traffic to prevent ay accident. (c) Construction of diversion, if possible. Ex-295/201714 4.2.2 Action to be taken by the Junior Engineers (a) He will at once visit the site of the hazard and shall ensure that : (i)Road has been closed by means of barricading with empty drums or any other means available at site. (ii) That caution and diversion boards have been fixed on both sides. (iii) Arra ngements made to guide the traffic by posting gang men having red flags. (iv) Arra ngements made for red lights and chowkidar etc. (v) Steps to stop further damage to the road are taken as per site requirement. (vi) Possibilities of construct ion of diversion to be explor ed. If p ossible the diversion should be constructed with available resour ces. (b ) He shall immediately repor t to the Sub-Divisiona l Officer. Executive Engineer and Superintending Engineer through fax and or Wha tsApp r egarding the r oad breach, dura tion of blockade of the traffic followed by a detailed report containing: (i)Name of the r oad. (ii) Loca tion of the breach/blockade. (iii) Length and a verage depth of the breach. (iv) Date and time of occurrence. (v) Duration of suspension of traffic. (vi) Requirement of men and material for restoration of traffic and road and the approximate cost. (c) All arrangements a nd efforts sha ll be made for restoration of traffic. (d) He will intimate the details of a ny loss es and injuries to the public, if any, inclu ding the extent of compensation if payable. 4.2.3 Action to be taken by the Sub-Divisional Officer (a) He shall at once inspect the site of the hazard. (b ) He s ha ll inspect all safet y measu res taken by the Junior Engineer. (c) He shall ensure that the restoration of traffic is done at the earliest. (d) He shall send a detailed r eport r egarding the br each/blockade enumerating all the points given under 2 (b) a bove. In addition to these he will also include the following points: (i)The causes of the breach/blockade. (ii) Forecast est imate for restoration of traffic and r oad. (iii) Remedial measures t o avoid any fu ture occurrence with forecast estimates. (iv) Any other information which he wants to include. 4.2.4 Action to be taken by the Executive Engineer (a) He sha ll at once visit the site of breach. In cas e of mu ltiple occurrences, he will inspect them in order of priority and importa nce. (b ) He shall ensure speedy rest oration of traffic. (c) He shall sent a detailed r eport to the Superintendent E ngineer and Chief Engineer about the roa d damage indicating: (i)Nature and cause of dama ge with location. (ii) Proposals for remedial measures with fina ncial implications. (iii) Nature and cause of consequential damages to public properties etc. (iv) Action taken for restoration of traffic and restoration of damages with financial implica tions. (d) He shall be fully responsible for all the action taken for the protection and safet y of traffic and the road.Ex-295/2017 15 CHAPT ER FIVE EXECUTION OF MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 5.1Safety of Workers :- (i) In the implementation of maintenance operations, the road user and personnel involved in the work shall not be exposed to hazar ds, Besides, delay and inconvenience to the traffic should be reduced to the minimum. (ii) Traffic hazard and inconvenience be minimized by use of tempor ary roa d signs and cont rolling/guiding of the traffic. (iii) Maintenance operations should at a time be confined to small lengths say 30 m in half the pavement width, leaving the other half for use by traffic. 5.2. Output of Labour :- (i) There should be no ambiguity regar ding duties assigned to the supervisory staff so that there is full coordination while identifying jobs and giving direction to the labour. In t his connection, the duties of Mates/ Work Ins pector have been spelt out elsewhere in this document. (ii) The gang men must fully know the tasks they are to carry out and the expected output. (iii) There should be regular checking whether the task assigned and output achieved are as per norms. (iv) All works (no work to be recorded as unsusceptible to measurements) executed by the labour both casual and regular shall b e measured and entered in the Measurement Book (MB) a nd if the progr ess is less than the norms t hen proportiona te recovery shall be ma de or the wages shall be reduced accordingly by the Assista nt Engineer resp onsible for making payment. (v) The recommended ta sks for labour are given as under TABL E - 2 Sr.No.TaskNor ms 1.Earth work such as in berms, de-silting of dr ains (a) Ordinary soil2.5 Cum/person/day (b ) Hard soil1.75 Cum/person/day 2.Dress ing of berms75 Sqm/person/day 3.Jungle cleara nce100 Sqm/person/day 4.Patching with premix ca rpet0.75 Cum/Person/Day 5.WBM patching0.30 Cum/Person/Day 6.Blinding of WBM sur face150 Sqm/Person/Day 7.Edge covering60 m/Person/Day 8.Side slope/shoulder r epair2.0 Cum/Person/Day 9.Maintenance of dr ains125 RM/Person/Day 10.White washing of p arapets, tree trunks, breast walls etc.30 Sqm/Person/Day 11.Other items as per norms wor ked out from Schedule of Rates (SOR) Not es :The quantit y mentioned is that of grit a nd blast used for patch repa irs. (i) For the pur pose of monitor ing the progress of these wor ks the Mate/Wor k Inspector incharge in that section shall be accountable. The Junior Engineer will exercise 100% test check in each work and Sub-Divisional Officer/Executive Engineer respectively upto 30% and 10%.Ex-295/201716 Ex-295/2017 17(ii) Instead of deploying labour in a scattered manner, deployment shall be made in gang who will take up wor k from one sta tion and move progressively towards the other ends. (iii) In order to ensure continuous maintenance of roa ds and a vailability of some labour even on Sundays to attend to any emergent job, it shall be expedient to stagger week-end holida ys to them, whereas casual da ily wa ge wor kers shall be allowed weekly rest on S undays and Work Cha rged/r egular labour shall be given weekly holiday on Mondays. 5.3. Material Procurement :- (i) Material used for maintenance of paved r oads is bitumen/emulsion and aggregate. (ii) Bitumen/emulsion shall be procured and st ored centrally along with cement required for other repairs. (iii) Aggr egate a nd sand shall b e collected at site of work a s per r equirement. (iv) The procurement of above materia ls shall be made as per the Annual Calendar of Road Maintenance Activities shown elsewher e in this document. 5.4. Mechanical Equipment :- Arrangement for mechanical equipment such as road roller, Mini Hot Mix Plant, if proposed, to be deployed sha ll be made well in time keeping in view the Annua l Calendar of Road Maitenance Activities. 5.5. Tools and Plants (i)The requirements of tools and plants in good condition for one gang for 20 Km. beat having 5 Gang men and one Mate shall normally be as shown in Table - 3: Ta b le - 3 Sr.No. ItemEssentialOption with QuantityJ.E. incharge (With Gangs)(Nos.) 1.Sp ades3 2.Pan (para!)3 3.Pick Axes2 4.Axe1 5.Wheeel bar row3 6.Tar Sprinklers (Jhamas)1 7.Tar Buckets1 8.Tar boiler (mini)1 9.Brushes (a) Wire5 (b) Coir5 (c) Hair5 10.Ha mmer1 11.Rope 12 mm1 6 mm1 12.Cross Slope Template for berms1 13.Tar ther mometer4 14.Spring Balance1 15.Tape 15 mtr1 16.Measuring wooden boxes (35cm x2 17.G.I. Bucket1 18.Stra ight edge1 19.Caution board2 CHAPTER SIX MONITORING 6.1. In order to ensure the desir ed progr ess in terms of physical and financial targets, it is essential to keep a close watch t hrough monitor ing of returns as well as thr ough online monitoring. 6.2Superintending Engineer in charge of field circle shall ensure tha t there is proper monitoring of a ll maintenance act ivities. He shall monitor the physical and financial performance through quar terly returns to be submitted to him by the Executive Engineers in the format as per Table-4 (Routine Maintenance), Table-5 (Periodic Renewal) and Table-6 (Special Repairs/Flood Damage Repairs) by the 15th day of the calendar month immediately succeeding the qua rter under report: Ta b le - 4 Financial Progress of Routine Maintenance Name of Division : Name of Sub-Division : NameLengthBudgetRoutine Maintenance ofofAllotment (All in lacs) RoadRoad(Rs. Lacs) ExpenditureExpenditureCumulative (Km)upto lastduring theexpenditureRemar ks quar terquar terduring the underyear review 1234567 Ex-295/201718 Note :The Executive Engineer shall certify that financial figures given are as per the Register of Works (CPWA-41) corresponding to Works Abstract (CPWA-34) Ex-295/2017 19 Table-5 PhysicalandFinancialProgressofPeriodicM aintenance NameofDivision:- NameofSub-Division:- Name Job Sanction Sanction Achievementupto Targetforcurrent Achievement Achievement of No Length Amount lastfinancialYear FinancialYear duringtheyearupto duringthequarter Road (inKm) (Rs.Lacs) lastquarter Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial (inKm) (Rs.Lacs) (inKm) (Rs.Lacs) (inKm) (Rs.Lacs) (inKm) (Rs.Lacs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CumulativeAchievementduringtheyear OveralluptodateAchievement Likelydateof Remarks Completion Physical(inKm) Financial(Rs.Lacs) Physical(inKm) Financial(Rs.Lacs) 13 14 15 16 17 18 Note: TheExecutiveEngineershallcertifythatfinancialfiguresgivenareaspertheRegisterofWorks(CPWA-41) CorrespondingtoWorksAbstract(CPWA-34) Table-6 PhysicalandFinancialProgressofSpecialRepairs/FloodDamageRepairs NameofDivision:- NameofSub-Division:- Name Job Typeof Sanction Achievementupto Targetforcurrent Achievement Achievement of No Repair Amount lastfinancialYear FinancialYear duringtheyearupto duringthequarter Road (Rs.Lacs) lastquarter Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial (Km./%age/(Rs.Lacs) (Km./% (Rs.Lacs) (Km./% (Rs.Lacs) (Km./% (Rs.Lacs) No) age/No.) age/No.) age/No.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CumulativeAchievementduringtheyear OveralluptodateAchievement Likelydateof Remarks Completion 13 14 15 16 17 18 Note: TheExecutiveEngineershallcertifythatfinancialfiguresgivenareaspertheRegisterofQWorks(CPWA-41) CorrespondingtoWorksAbstract(CPWA-34) Ex-295/2017 20 PublishedandIssuedbytheController,Printing&Stationery,Mizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,AizawlC-50

Obituary of Pu Willy F.Laldingliana s/o Dokhuaia (L) Horticulture Extension Officer, Tuidam Division, Govt. of Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 296Date - 07/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Ashada 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 296 OBITUARYNo.A.38017/1/2009-HORT the 22nd June, 2017.With profound grief and sorrow, the Government of Mizoram has learnt the sad and untimely demise of Pu Willy F.Laldingliana s/o Dokhuaia (L) Horticult ure Extension Officer, Tuida m Division, Govt. of Mizoram on 22nd June, 2017. Pu Willy F. Laldingliana entered Mizoram Government Service as SAS - II on 28.8.1996. He commenced his service at Samthang Farm and on 26.9.1996 was transferred to Champhai Sub-Division, and was again posted to Darlawn on 30.6.2000. On 23.1.2001 he was posted as Circle Horticulture Officer at Keifang Circle and dur ing his tenure at Keifang Circle he was promoted to the post of Horticulture Extension Officer on 15.2.2002, and served at Keifang Circle till 13.10.2005. As Horticulture Extension Officer he moved to Chhingchhip Circle during 13.10.2005 to 14.6.2007, at Thingsulthliah Circle durig 14.6.2007 to 1.7.2010. Thereafter, he was deputed to Rural Development Department till August, 2012. Form August 2012 to June 2014 he pursued post gradute study in M.Sc (Hor ti) at Mizoram University availing Study Leave. After completion of his study he was posted at Tuidam Division on 3.3.2015 and held the post till he passed away. He served the Government with sincerity and devotion to duty, a nd endeared himself to all his colleagues. He proved himself to be a totally conscientious officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Willy F.Laldinglia na and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. ‘May his soul rest in peace’. Vanlalchhuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department, Mizoram, Aizawl.Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50Dated Aizawl The 22nd June, 2017

The Mizoram Value Added Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 297Date - 07/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Asadha 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 297 NOTIFICATIONNo.J.21011/1/2014-TAX-Loose-I, the 29th June, 2017.In exer cise of the powers conferred by section 81 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (Act No. 1 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mizora m Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, namely:- 1 . Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Value Added Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2017. (2) They shall come into force from the date the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax (MGST) Act & Rules, 2017 come into force. 2 . Omission of Rule 38.- In the Miz or am Va lue Added Tax Rules, 2005 (hereinafter referred t o as the “Principal Rules”), Rule 38 shall be omitted. 3 . Omission of Rule 68.- Rule 68 of the Pr incipal Rules shall be omitted. 4 . Omission of Rule 69.- Rule 69 of the Pr incipal Rules shall be omitted. 5 . Omission of Rule 97.- Rule 97 of the Pr incipal Rules shall be omitted. 6 . Omission of Rule 101.- Rule 101 of the Principal Rules shall be omitted. 7 . Amendment of Rule 102.- In rule 102 of the Principal Rules, (1) in the heading, the words “for purposes other than tha t of rule 101” shall be omit ted. (2) In s ub-rule (1), the words “for purposes other than the purpose of receiving pa yment fr om a cont ractee without deduction of any amount at source for execution of works contract under section 84” shall be omitted. 8 . Omission of Rule 103.- Rule 103 of the Principal Rules shall be omitted. 9 . Omission of Rule 104.- Rule 104 of the Principal Rules shall be omitted. 10 . Omission of Rule 105.- Rule 105 of the Principal Rules shall be omitted. 11. Omission of Rule 107.- Rule 107 of the Principal Rules shall be omitted. 12 . Substitution of Form - 1.- For Form – 1 of the Principal Rules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 FORM - 1 Application for New Registration [See rule - 5] 1.Name of the applicant :First name :________________________________________ Last name : _______________________________________ 2.Sex:MaleFemale3.Father’s Name:_____________________________________________________ 4.Mother’s Name:_____________________________________________________ 5.Husband’s Name ( For woman applicant only) : _____________________________________ 6.PAN:_____________________________________________________ 7.Aadhaa r No.:_____________________________________________________ 8.Epic No.:_____________________________________________________ 9.Trade Name:_____________________________________________________ 10. Contact details (a ) Mobile no.:________________________________________________ (b) E-mail:________________________________________________ 11. Addr ess of the principal place of business : (a) House/Room/Flat No. : ________________________________________________ (b) Premises No. & Street : ________________________________________________ (c ) City / Town: ________________________________________________ (d) Distr ict: ________________________________________________ ( e) Pin Code No.: ________________________________________________ (f) Municipal/Local Council : ________________________________________________ 12. Branch, if any: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (a) Address: ________________________________________________ (b) Mobile phone no.: ________________________________________________ (c) E-mail: ________________________________________________ 14. Status of the Business: ________________________________________________ 15. Natur e of Business: ________________________________________________ 16. The following cla sses of Goods a re purchased or intended to be purchased by the dealer in the cour se of inter-sta te trade or commerce for the purpose of – (a) Resale(b) For use in execution of contract in the state(i) High Speed Diesel(ii) Motor Spirit(iii) Petroleum Crude(iv) Aviation Turbine Fuel(v) Natural Gas(vi) Alcoholic Liquor for human consumption.16. Details of Bank A/C:(i) Account No: ____________________________________ (ii) Name of Bank & Branch :__________________________ (iii) IFSC No.:__________________________________Affix Photo - 2 - Ex-297/2017 17. Name & Address of Contact P erson with Phone No.:____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ 18. Date of Commencement of Business: ____________________________ I, ________________________________do hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : __________________________ Date : __________________________Signa ture of the Applicant Note : 1.Name & Father ’s name of the applicant should be written as declared in PAN. 2.Please choos e the status of business from the following list: (i) Proprietary(ii) Unregistered partnership (iii) Registered partnership (iv) Private Limited Company (v) Public Limited Company (vi) Other s 3.Please choos e the nature of business from the following list which best describes your business : (i) Distributor (ii) Agency (iii) Wholesaler (iv) Retailer (v) Ot hers. 4.Please tick the Goods or classes of Goods which you dealt with. 13. Substitution of Form - 2.- For Form – 2 of the Principal Rules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 FORM – 2 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (See Rule - 9) TIN : ____________________________Zone :____________________ This is to Certify that _______________________________________________________ S/o, D/o _____________________________residing at _________________________ and doing business ________________________________located at _______________________has been registered u/s 21 of The Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005. He/ She is liable to pay tax w.e.f : _____________________ The dealer purchases the following classes of Goods for the purpose of (i) Resale - _____________________________________________________ (ii) For use in execution of contract in the state.-____________________________ Seal Dated the ____________________ _________________________ ( Prescribed Authority )Affix Photo - 3 -Ex-297/2017 Amendment of Certificate of Registration This Certificate is amended by _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ w.e.f ___________________________. Seal Dated the_______________( Pr escribed Authority ) 14 . Substitution of Form - 5.- For Form – 5 of the Principal Rules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 RETURN FORM FORM – 5 (See Rule – 17 ) SECTION – A RETURN PERIODTAX PAYER’S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ( TIN ) Date Month YearVAT From ToCST General Information RR No. …………… 01. Trade Name 02. Address of Dealer 03. Style of business 04. Type of Return SECTION - B ParticularsValue (Rs) 05. Gross Turnover including Sales Tax Less : 06. Amount of ta x included in S ales 07. Other allowable reduction/deduction 08. Tota l Deduction ( 06 + 07 ) 09. Taxable Turnover of Sales (05 – 08) 10 . Br eak up of Taxable turnover of sa les (0 9) and tax at different ra tes : Description of GoodsRate of TaxValue (Rs)Tax (Rs) 11. High Speed Diesel12% 12. Motor Spirit20% 13. Petroleum Cr ude 5% 14. ATF 4% Sale other than above20% 15. Natural Gas 5% 16. Alcohol16% TOTAL- 4 - Ex-297/2017 17. Break up turnover of Purchase : Description of G oodsRate of TaxValue (Rs) Tax (Rs) 18. High Speed Diesel12% 19. Motor Spirit20% 20. Petroleum Crude 5% 21. ATF 4% Sale other than above20% 22. Natural Gas 5% 23. Alcohol16% 24. Break up of Taxa ble tur nover of stock a t different r ates: Name of GoodsRateA.B. Add:C. Less: D. Less:Closing of Tax OpeningTotalPurchaseGoodsstock stockpurchasevalue of returned, (A+B-C-D) during the sales dur ing loss or periodthe period damage 25. High Speed Diesel12% 26. Motor Spirit20% 27. Petroleum Crude 5% 28. ATF 4% Sale other than above20% 29. Natural Gas 5% 30. Alcohol16% SECTION - C 31. Gross VAT for current period 32. Rebate @ 0.5% under Rule 18(2) 33. Adjustment for excess payment br ought down fr om previous period 34. Net VAT payable for current period (31)-(32)-(33) 35. Interest payable, if any 36. Total amount payable during the period (34)+(35) 37. Payment challan No., & Date 38. Excess payment, if a ny (carr ied for ward to next period) The above statements are tr ue to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : ___________________Signature : _________________________ Date : ___________________Full Name : _________________________ Status : _________________________- 5 -Ex-297/2017 15 . Substitution of Form - 9.- For Form – 9 of the Principal Rules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 FORM – 9 ASSESSMENT ORDER SHEET (See Rule – 25) ………………………Zone (1) Trade Name:________________________________________ (2) TIN:_________________________________________ (3) Gross Turnover Returned : (a) High Speed diesel @12%:__________________________________ (b) Motor Spirit @20%:__________________________________ (c) Petroleum Crude @5%:__________________________________ (d) ATF @4%:__________________________________ Sale other than above @20% :__________________________________ (e) Natural gas @5%:__________________________________ (f) Alcohol @16%:__________________________________ (4) Books of accounts produced:__________________________________ (5) Section and Sub-section under which assessment made :__________________ DateAssessment Order 16. Substitution of Form - 10.- For Form – 10 of the Principal R ules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 FORM – 10 ASSESSMENT ORDER (See Rule – 25) (1) Trade Name: _________________________________________ (2) TIN: _________________________________________ (3) Gross Turnover Returned : (a) High Speed diesel @12%:__________________________________ (b) Motor Spirit @20%:__________________________________ (c) Petroleum Crude @5%:__________________________________- 6 - Ex-297/2017 (d) ATF @4%:__________________________________ Sale other than above @20% :__________________________________ (e) Natural gas @5%:__________________________________ (f) Alcohol @16%:__________________________________ (4) Gross Turnover Determined : (a) High Speed diesel @12%:__________________________________ (b) Motor Spirit @20%:__________________________________ (c) Petroleum Crude @5%:__________________________________ (d) ATF @4%:__________________________________ Sale other than above @20% :__________________________________ (e) Natural gas @5%:__________________________________ (f) Alcohol @16%:__________________________________ (5) Section and sub-section under which assessment made :___________________ (6) Tax payable:_______________________________ (7) Total Tax paid:_______________________________ (8) Tax balance:_______________________________ (9) Interest charged :_______________________________ (10) Pena lt y:_______________________________ (11) Total Due:_______________________________ (A copy should be sent along with Form No-15 ) Signature of Assessing Officer 17. Substitution of Form - 13.- For Form – 13 of the Principal R ules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 FORM – 13 NOTICE OF DEMAND [ See Rule – 30(2) ] To, ……………………………………. ……………………………………. ……………………………………. Holding Certificate of Registration no ……………………………………………………… 1). In continua tion of the notice in Form-12 issued on …………………. You are hereby informed that you are liable to pay tax of Rupees ………………………………. Under section 30 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005. Rupees ……………….. as penalty and Rupees …………………………… as interest vide order dated ………………….. copy of which is enclosed.- 7 -Ex-297/2017 2). You are hereby directed to pay a sum of Rupees ……...............… (in figure) …………………… (in words) in the Treasury / Sub- Treasury / SBI ………………….(place) within fourteen days of receipt of this notice and furnished the proof of payment to the undersigned within seven days from the date of payment. Seal of issuing authority …………………… Signature………………………………… Date :…………….. Designation ……………………………. 18. Substitution of Form - 14.- For Form – 14 of the Principal R ules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULE, 2005 FORM – 14 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR AUDIT ASSESSMENT [See Section 31 (1)] To Trade Name :_____________________________ Pr op: _____________________________ TIN: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ Whereas, You are selected for Audit Assessment u/s 31(1) of the Act, for the period from _____ to __________, You are hereby directed to attend in person or by an agent at ________(time) on _____________ (date ) to the undersigned along with the following books of account without fail. In the event of your failu re to comply with this notice, I sha ll assess under section 31 and section 45 of the Act, to the best of my judgement without any further refer ence to you. Documents to be produced : (i) Input (Purcha se) Register. (ii) Output ( Sales ) Register. (iii) VAT account Register. (iv) Waybill Received. (v) Other supporting documents. Date : _____________Signature : _______________________ Designation : _____________________ - 8 - Ex-297/2017 19. Substitution of Form - 15.- For Form – 15 of the Principal R ules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULE, 2005 FORM - 15 NOTICE OF DEMAND FOR AUDIT ASSESSMENT (See Rule – 31(2)) To Trade Name:_____________________________ Pr op: _____________________________ TIN: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ 1)In continua tion of the notice in Form – 14 issued on … ………. It is notified that for the return period ending on ……………… the sum of Rupees ……………. as specified below has been determined as payable by you on account of tax, penalty and interest. 2)You are required to pay the amount on or before the …………….. to the Treasury Officer / Sub- Treasury Officer / State Bank of India / RBI at ………………… 3)When you will be granted a receipt. You are required to send one copy of the requir ed Challan to this office immediately after the payment of the amount. If you do not pay the amount of tax on or befor e the date specified above, you shall be liable to pay further int erest w.e.f. the date commencing after the expiry of the date aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of section 45 of the Act. 4)You are further informed that unless the total amount due including the penalty and the interest is paid by t he above date, steps will be taken for the r ecovery of the whole a mount a s an arr ear of land revenue. Date :Signature ……………………. Designation ………………….. Delete inappropriate words: 1). Value Added Tax …………….. 2). Purchase Tax…………….. 3). Penalty…………….. 4). Interest…………….. 5). Other dues…………….. 6). Total…………….. 20. Omission of Form - 35.- For m - 35 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. 21. Omission of Form – 36.- For m – 36 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. 22. Substitution of Form - 37.- For Form – 37 of the Principal R ules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :-- 9 -Ex-297/2017 THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 FORM – 37 APPLICATIONFORCLEARANCECE RTIFI CATEUNDERSECTION 85(2)OF THE MIZOR AM VALUE ADDED TAX ACT, 2005 [See rule - 102(1)] To _________________________________ ( Prescribed Authority ) _________________________________ Sir, I request that a Certifica te under Sub-S ection (2) of S ection 85 of the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 be granted to me. 1.Name of the applicant: ___________________________________________ 2.Tr ade Name & Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 3.TIN: ___________________________________________ 4.Last period upto which return: ___________________________________________ submitted with Challan No., & Date : ___________________________________________ 5.Particulars of the proprietor : (i) Name: __________________________________________ (ii) Fat her ’s Name: __________________________________________ (iii) Business Address: __________________________________________ (iv) Residentia l Addr ess: __________________________________________ 6.Purpose of Clearance Certificate: __________________________________________ Place : __________________ Date : __________________Signature : ______________________ 23. Substitution of Form - 38.- For Form – 38 of the Principal R ules, the following form shall be substituted, namely :- THE MIZORAM VALUE ADDED TAX RULES, 2005 FORM – 38 (See Rule – 102(2)) Name of the applicant/Proprietor:_______________________________________ Trade Name: _______________________________________ TIN, if any: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________- 10 - Ex-297/2017 CERTIFICATE OF CLEARANCE The particulars set out in the application for Clearance Certificate are verified and it is certified that the above mentioned applicant has –No liability to pay tax under the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 or the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956.Not defaulted in furnishing any return under the Mizoram Value Added Ta x Act, 2005 or the Central Tax Act, 1956.Not default ed in making pa yment of tax payable by, or due from him/her under the Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 or the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956. Purpose of Clearance Certificate: _________________________________________ This Certificate will be valid up to: _________________________________________ Place : __________Signature Date : __________(Prescribed Author ity) 24.Omission of Form – 39.- For m – 39 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. 25.Omission of Form – 40.- For m – 40 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. 26.Omission of Form – 43.- For m – 43 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. 27.Omission of Form – 44.- For m – 44 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. 28.Omission of Form – 45.- For m – 45 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. 29.Omission of Form – 46.- For m – 46 of the Principa l Rules shall be omitted. Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 11 -Ex-297/2017

The Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 298Date - 07/07/2017

- 1 - The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Asadha 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 298 NOTIFICA TION No.J.21011/1/2014-TAX-Loose, the 29 th June, 2017. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017), the Governor of Mizoram hereby makes the following rules, namely:- The Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017), the Government of Mizoram hereby makes the following rules, namely:- Chapter I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, Extent and Commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017. (2) They shall come into force with effect from 22 nd June, 2017. 2. Definitions.- In thes e rules, unless the cont ext other wis e requ ires,- (a) “Act” means the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017); (b) “FORM” means a Form appended to these rules; (c) “section” means a section of the Act; (d) “Special Economic Zone” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (za) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005); (e) words and expressions used herein but not defined and defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. Chapter II COMPOSITION RULES 3. Intimation for composition levy.- (1) Any person who has been granted registration on a provisional basis under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 24 and who opts to pay tax under section 10, shall electronically file an intimation in FORM GST CMP-01, duly signed or verified through electronic verification code, on the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, prior to the appointed day, but not later than thirty days after the said day, or such further period as may be extended by the Commissioner in this behalf: Provided that where the intimation in FORM GST CMP-01 is filed after the appointed day, the registered person shall not collect any tax from the appointed day but shall issue bill of supply for supplies made after the said day. (2) Any person who applies for registration under sub-rule (1) of rule 8 may give an option to pay tax under section 10 in Part B of FORM GST REG-01, which shall be considered as an intimation to pay tax under the said section. The Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017), the Government of Mizoram hereby makes the following rules, namely:- Chapter I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, Extent and Commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017. (2) They shall come into force with effect from 22 nd June, 2017. 2. Definitions.- In thes e rules, unless the cont ext other wis e requ ires,- (a) “Act” means the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017); (b) “FORM” means a Form appended to these rules; (c) “section” means a section of the Act; (d) “Special Economic Zone” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (za) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005); (e)words and expressions used herein but not defined and defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. Chapter II COMPOSITION RULES 3. Intimation for composition levy.- (1) Any person who has been granted registration on a provisional basis under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 24 and who opts to pay tax under section 10, shall electronically file an intimation in FORM GST CMP-01, duly signed or verified through electronic verification code, on the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, prior to the appointed day, but not later than thirty days after the said day, or such further period as may be extended by the Commissioner in this behalf: Provided that where the intimation in FORM GST CMP-01 is filed after the appointed day, the registered person shall not collect any tax from the appointed day but shall issue bill of supply for supplies made after the said day. (2) Any person who applies for registration under sub-rule (1) of rule 8 may give an option to pay tax under section 10 in Part B of FORM GST REG-01, which shall be considered as an intimation to pay tax under the said section. The Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017), the Government of Mizoram hereby makes the following rules, namely:- Chapter I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, Extent and Commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017. (2) They shall come into force with effect from 22 nd June, 2017. 2. Definitions.- In thes e rules, unless the cont ext other wis e requ ires,- (a) “Act” means the Mizoram Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017); (b) “FORM” means a Form appended to these rules; (c) “section” means a section of the Act; (d) “Special Economic Zone” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (za) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005); (e) words and expressions used herein but not defined and defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. Chapter II COMPOSITION RULES 3. Intimation for composition levy.- (1) Any person who has been granted registration on a provisional basis under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 24 and who opts to pay tax under section 10, shall electronically file an intimation in FORM GST CMP-01, duly signed or verified through electronic verification code, on the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, prior to the appointed day, but not later than thirty days after the said day, or such further period as may be extended by the Commissioner in this behalf: Provided that where the intimation in FORM GST CMP-01 is filed after the appointed day, the registered person shall not collect any tax from the appointed day but shall issue bill of supply for supplies made after the said day. (2) Any person who applies for registration under sub-rule (1) of rule 8 may give an option to pay tax under section 10 in Part B of FORM GST REG-01, which shall be considered as an intimation to pay tax under the said section. Ex-298/2017 - 2 - Ex-298/2017 - 3 - Ex-298/2017 - 4 - Sl. No. Category of registered persons Rate of tax (1) (2) (3) 1 Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as may be notified by the Government one per cent. 2 Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II two and a half per cent. 3 Any other supplier eligible for composition levy under section 10 and the provisions of this Chapter half per cent. Chapter III REGISTRATION 8. Application for registration. -(1) Every person, other than a non- resident taxable person, a person required to deduct tax at source under section 51, a person required to collect tax at source under section 52 and a person supplying online information and database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non-taxable online recipient referred to in section 14 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (13 of 2017) who is liable to be registered under sub- section (1) of section 25 and every person seeking registration under sub -section (3) of se ction 25 (hereafter in this Chapter referred to as “the applicant”) shall, before applying for registration, declare his Permanent Account Number, mobile number, e -mail address, State or Union territory in Part A of FORM GST REG -01 on the common portal , either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner: Provided that a person having a unit(s) in a Special Economic Zone or being a Special Economic Zone developer shall make a separate application for registration as a business ver tical distinct from his other units located outside the Special Economic Zone: Provided further that every person being an Input Service Distributor shall make a separate application for registration as such Input Service Distributor. (2) (a) The Permane nt Account Number sh all be validated online by the common portal from the database maintained by the Central Board of Direct Taxes. (b) The mobile number declared under sub -rule (1) shall be verified through a one -time password sent to the said mobile num ber; and (c) The e -mail address declared under sub -rule (1) shall be verified through a separate one -time password sent to the said e -mail address. (3) On successful verification of the Permanent Account Number, mobile number and e -mail address, a temporar y reference number shall be generated and communicated to the applicant on the said mobile number and e -mail address. Sl. No. Category of registered persons Rate of tax (1) (2) (3) 1 Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as may be notified by the Government one per cent. 2 Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II two and a half per cent. 3 Any other supplier eligible for composition levy under section 10 and the provisions of this Chapter half per cent. Chapter III REGISTRATION 8. Application for registration. -(1) Every person, other than a non- resident taxable person, a person required to deduct tax at source under section 51, a person required to collect tax at source under section 52 and a person supplying online information and database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non-taxable online recipient referred to in section 14 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (13 of 2017) who is liable to be registered under sub -section (1) of section 25 and every person seeking registration under sub -section (3) of se ction 25 (hereafter in this Chapter referred to as “the applicant”) shall, before applying for registration, declare his Permanent Account Number, mobile number, e -mail address, State or Union territory in Part A of FORM GST REG -01 on the common portal , either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner: Provided that a person having a unit(s) in a Special Economic Zone or being a Special Economic Zone developer shall make a separate application for registration as a business ver tical distinct from his other units located outside the Special Economic Zone: Provided further that every person being an Input Service Distributor shall make a separate application for registration as such Input Service Distributor. (2) (a) The Permane nt Account Number sh all be validated online by the common portal from the database maintained by the Central Board of Direct Taxes. (b) The mobile number declared under sub -rule (1) shall be verified through a one -time password sent to the said mobile num ber; and (c) The e -mail address declared under sub -rule (1) shall be verified through a separate one -time password sent to the said e -mail address. (3) On successful verification of the Permanent Account Number, mobile number and e -mail address, a temporar y reference number shall be generated and communicated to the applicant on the said mobile number and e -mail address. Ex-298/2017 - 5 - Ex-298/2017 - 6 - Ex-298/2017 - 7 - Ex-298/2017 - 8 - Ex-298/2017 - 9 - Ex-298/2017 - 10 - Ex-298/2017 - 11 - Ex-298/2017 - 12 - incapacitated from attending to his affairs, by his guardian or by any other person competent to act on his behalf; (b) in the case of a Hindu Undivided Family, by a Karta and where the Karta is absent from India or is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affair s, by any other adult member of such family or by the authorised signatory of such Karta; (c) in the case of a company, by the chief executive officer or authorised signatory thereof; (d) in the case of a Government or any Governmental agency or local auth ority, by an officer authorised in this behalf; (e) in the case of a firm, by any partner thereof, not being a minor or authorised signatory thereof; (f) in the case of any other association, by any member of the association or persons or authorised signat ory thereof; (g) in the case of a trust, by the trustee or any trustee or authorised signatory thereof; or (h) in the case of any other person, by some person competent to act on his behalf, or by a person authorised in accordance with the provisions of s ection 48. (3) All notices, certificates and orders under the provisions of this Chapter shall be issued electronically by the proper officer or any other officer authorised to issue such notices or certificates or orders, through digital signature certifi cate specified under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000). Form GST CMP -01 [See rule 3(1) ] Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (c omposition levy ) (Only f or persons registered u nder the ex isting la w migrating on the appointed da y) 1. GSTIN / Provision al ID 2 . Legal n ame 3. Trade name, if any 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Category of Registered Person < Select from drop down> (i) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as notified by the Government (ii) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II incapacitated f rom attending to his affairs, by his guardian or by any other person competent to act on his behalf; (b) in the case of a Hindu Undivided Family, by a Karta and where the Karta is absent from India or is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affair s, by any other adult member of such family or by the authorised signatory of such Karta; (c) in the case of a company, by the chief executive officer or authorised signatory thereof; (d) in the case of a Government or any Governmental agency or local auth ority, by an officer authorised in this behalf; (e) in the case of a firm, by any partner thereof, not being a minor or authorised signatory thereof; (f) in the case of any other association, by any member of the association or persons or authorised signat ory thereof; (g) in the case of a trust, by the trustee or any trustee or authorised signatory thereof; or (h) in the case of any other person, by some person competent to act on his behalf, or by a person authorised in accordance with the provisions of s ection 48. (3) All notices, certificates and orders under the provisions of this Chapter shall be issued electronically by the proper officer or any other officer authorised to issue such notices or certificates or orders, through digital signature certifi cate specified under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000). Form GST CMP -01 [See rule 3(1) ] Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (c omposition levy ) (Only f or persons registered u nder the ex isting la w migrating on the appointed da y) 1. GSTIN / Provision al ID 2 . Legal n ame 3. Trade name, if any 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Category of Registered Person < Select from drop down> (i) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as notified by the Government (ii) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II Ex-298/2017 - 13 - incapacitated from attending to his affairs, by his guardian or by any other person competent to act on his behalf; (b) in the case of a Hindu Undivided Family, by a Karta and where the Karta is absent from India or is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affair s, by any other adult member of such family or by the authorised signatory of such Karta; (c) in the case of a company, by the chief executive officer or authorised signatory thereof; (d) in the case of a Government or any Governmental agency or local auth ority, by an officer authorised in this behalf; (e) in the case of a firm, by any partner thereof, not being a minor or authorised signatory thereof; (f) in the case of any other association, by any member of the association or persons or authorised signat ory thereof; (g) in the case of a trust, by the trustee or any trustee or authorised signatory thereof; or (h) in the case of any other person, by some person competent to act on his behalf, or by a person authorised in accordance with the provisions of s ection 48. (3) All notices, certificates and orders under the provisions of this Chapter shall be issued electronically by the proper officer or any other officer authorised to issue such notices or certificates or orders, through digital signature certifi cate specified under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000). Form GST CMP -01 [See rule 3(1) ] Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (c omposition levy ) (Only f or persons registered u nder the ex isting la w migrating on the appointed da y) 1. GSTIN / Provision al ID 2 . Legal n ame 3. Trade name, if any 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Category of Registered Person < Select from drop down> (i) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as notified by the Government (ii) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II incapacitated f rom attending to his affairs, by his guardian or by any other person competent to act on his behalf; (b) in the case of a Hindu Undivided Family, by a Karta and where the Karta is absent from India or is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affair s, by any other adult member of such family or by the authorised signatory of such Karta; (c) in the case of a company, by the chief executive officer or authorised signatory thereof; (d) in the case of a Government or any Governmental agency or local auth ority, by an officer authorised in this behalf; (e) in the case of a firm, by any partner thereof, not being a minor or authorised signatory thereof; (f) in the case of any other association, by any member of the association or persons or authorised signat ory thereof; (g) in the case of a trust, by the trustee or any trustee or authorised signatory thereof; or (h) in the case of any other person, by some person competent to act on his behalf, or by a person authorised in accordance with the provisions of s ection 48. (3) All notices, certificates and orders under the provisions of this Chapter shall be issued electronically by the proper officer or any other officer authorised to issue such notices or certificates or orders, through digital signature certifi cate specified under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000). Form GST CMP -01 [See rule 3(1) ] Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (c omposition levy ) (Only f or persons registered u nder the ex isting la w migrating on the appointed da y) 1. GSTIN / Provision al ID 2. Legal n ame 3. Trade name, if any 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Category of Registered Person < Select from drop down> (i) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as notified by the Government (ii) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II Ex-298/2017 - 14 - (iii) Any other supplier eligible for composition levy . 6. Financial Year from which composition scheme is opted 2017 -18 7. Jurisdiction Centre State 8. Declaration – I hereby declare that the aforesaid business shall abide by the conditions and restrictions specified for payment of tax under section 10. 9. Verification I _________________________ _______________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Date Designation / Status Form GST CMP -02 [See r ule 3(2) ] Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (c omposition levy ) ( For persons regist er ed under the Act) 1. GSTIN 2 . Legal n ame 3. Trade name, if any 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Category of Registered Person < Select from drop down>. (i) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as may be notified by the Government (ii) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II (iii) Any other supplier eligible for composition levy . 6. Financial Year from which composition scheme is opted 7 . Jurisdiction Centre State 8 . Declaration – I hereby declare that the aforesaid business shall abide by the conditions and restrictions specified for paying tax under section 10 . 9 . Verification I ________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Date Designation / Status Ex-298/2017 - 15 - Form GST CMP -02 [See r ule 3(2) ] Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (c omposition levy ) ( For persons regist er ed under the Act) 1. GSTIN 2. Legal n ame 3. Trade name, if any 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Category of Registered Person < Select from drop down>. (i) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as may be notified by the Government (ii) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II (iii) Any other supplier eligible for composition levy . 6. Financial Year from which composition scheme is opted 7 . Jurisdiction Centre State 8. Declaration – I hereby declare that the aforesaid business shall abide by the conditions and restrictions specified for paying tax under section 10 . 9. Verification I ________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Date Designation / Status Ex-298/2017 - 16 - Form GST –CMP -03 [See r ule 3(4) ] Intimation of details of stock on date of opting for composition levy (Only f or persons registered under the existing law migrating on the appointed day) 1. GSTIN 2. Legal n a me 3. Trade name, if any 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Details of application filed to pay tax under section 10 (i) Application refer ence nu mb er (ARN) (ii) Date of filing 6. Jurisdiction Centre State 7. Stock of purchases made from register ed person under the existing law Sr. No GSTIN/TIN Name of the supplier Bill/ Invoice No. Date Value of Stock VAT Central Excise Service Tax ( if applicabl e) Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Total 8. Stock of purchases made from unregistered person under the existing law Sr. No Name of the unregistered person Address Bill/ Invoice No Date Value of Stock VAT Central Excise Service Tax ( if applicabl e Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Total 9. Deta ils of tax paid Description Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Amount Debit entry no. 10. Verification I________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the be st of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Date Designation / Status Ex-298/2017 - 17 - Debit entry no. 10. Verification I________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the be st of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Date Designation / Status Ex-298/2017 - 18 - Form GST – CMP -04 [See rule 6(2) ] Intimation/ Application for Withdrawal from Composition Levy 1. GSTIN 2. Legal na me 3. Trade name, if any 4.Address of Principal Place of business 5. Category of Register ed Person (iv) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as may be notified by the Government (v) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II (vi) Any other supplier eligible for composition levy. 6. Nature of Business 7 . Date from which withdrawal from composition scheme is sought DD MM YYYY 8. Jurisdiction Centre State 9. Reasons for withdrawal from composition scheme 10 . Verification I________________________ ________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the infor mation given her einabove is true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge a nd belief and nothing has been concealed ther efrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Date Designation / Status Note – Stock statement may be furnished sep arately for availing input tax credit on the stock available on the date preceding the date from which composition option is withdrawn in FORM GST ITC -01 . Ex-298/2017 - 19 - Form GST – CMP -04 [See rule 6(2) ] Intimation/ Application for Withdrawal from Composition Levy 1. GSTIN 2. Legal na me 3. Trade name, if any 4.Address of Principal Place of business 5. Category of Register ed Person (iv) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as may be notified by the Government (v) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II (vi) Any other supplier eligible for composition levy. 6. Nature of Business 7 . Date from which withdrawal from composition scheme is sought DD MM YYYY 8 . Jurisdiction Centre State 9. Reasons for withdrawal from composition scheme 10 . Verification I________________________ ________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the infor mation given her einabove is true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge a nd belief and nothing has been concealed ther efrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Date Designation / Status Note – Stock statement may be furnished sep arately for availing input tax credit on the stock available on the date preceding the date from which composition option is withdrawn in FORM GST ITC -01 . Ex-298/2017 - 20 - Form GST CMP - 06 [See rule 6(5) ] R eply to the notice to s how cause 1. GSTIN 2. Details of the show cause notice Refer ence no. Date 3. Legal na me 4. Trade na me, if any 5. Address of the Principal Place of Business 6. Reply to the notice 7. List of d ocuments uploaded 8. Verification I __________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief a nd nothing has been concea led ther efr om. Signature of the Authorised Signatory Date Place Note – 1. The reply should not be more than 500 characters. In case the same is more than 500 characters, then it should be uploaded separately. 2. Supporting document s, if any, may be uploaded in PDF format . Form GST CMP-07 [See rule 6(6) ] Refer ence No. << >> Date– To GSTIN Name Addr ess App lication R efer ence No. (ARN) Date – Order for acceptance / rejection of reply to show cause notice This has refer ence t o your reply dated ----- filed in resp ons e to the show cause notice issued vide refer ence no. -------- d ated --------- . Your reply has been examined and the sa me has been found to be satisfactory a nd , ther efor e, your option to pay tax under composition scheme shall continue. The said show cause notice stands vacated. or This has refer ence t o your reply dated ----- filed in resp ons e to the show cause notice issued vide refer e nce no. -------- d ated --------- . Your reply has been examined and the same has not been found to be satisfactory a nd , t her efor e, your option to pay tax under composition scheme is hereby denied with effect from << >>> for the following reasons: << text >> or You have not filed any reply to the show cause notice; or You did not appear on the day fixed for hearing. Ther efor e, your option to pay tax under composition scheme is her eb y denied with effect from << date >> for the following reasons: << Text >> Signature Date Name of Prop er O fficer Place Designation Jurisdicti on Ex-298/2017 - 21 - Form GST CMP-07 [See rule 6(6) ] Refer ence No. << >> Date– To GSTIN Name Addr ess App lication R efer ence No. (ARN) Date – Order for acceptance / rejection of reply to show cause notice This has refer ence t o your reply dated ----- filed in resp ons e to the show cause notice issued vide refer ence no. -------- d ated --------- . Your reply has been examined and the sa me has been found to be satisfactory a nd , ther efor e, your option to pay tax under composition scheme shall continue. The said show cause notice stands vacated. or This has refer ence t o your reply dated ----- filed in resp ons e to the show cause notice issued vide refer e nce no. -------- d ated --------- . Your reply has been examined and the same has not been found to be satisfactory a nd , t her efor e, your option to pay tax under composition scheme is hereby denied with effect from << >>> for the following reasons: << text >> or You have not filed any reply to the show cause notice; or You did not appear on the day fixed for hearing. Ther efor e, your option to pay tax under composition scheme is her eb y denied with effect from << date >> for the following reasons: << Text >> Signature Date Name of Prop er O fficer Place Designation Jurisdicti on Ex-298/2017 - 22 - F orm GST REG -01 [See r ule 8(1) ] Application for Registration (Other than a non -resident taxable person, a person required to deduct tax at source und er section 51 and a person required to collect tax at source under section 52 and a person supplying online information and database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non -taxable online recipient referred to in section 14 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017) Part –A State /UT – District - (i) Legal Name of the Business : (As mentioned in P ermanent Account Number) (ii) P ermanent Account Number : (Enter Permanent Account Number of the Business; Perm anent Account Number of Individual in case of Proprietorship concern) (iii) Email Address : (iv) Mobile Number : Note - Information submitted above is subject to online verification before proceeding to fill up Part -B. Authori sed signatory filing the application shall provide his mobile number and email address. Part –B 1. Trade Name, if any 2. Constitution of Business (Please Select the Appropriate) (i) Proprietorship � (ii) Partnership � (iii) Hindu Undivided Family � (iv) Private L imited Company � (v) Public Limited Company � (vi) Society/Club/Trust/Association of Persons � (vii) Government Department � (viii) Public Sector Undertaking � (ix) Unlimited Company � (x) Limited Liability Partnership � (xi) Local Authority � (xi i) Statutory Body � (xiii) Foreign Limited Liability Partnership � (xiv) Foreign Company Registered (in India) � (xv) Others (Please specify) � � 3. Name of the State ⏏ District ⏏ 4. Jurisdiction State Centre Ex-298/2017 - 23 - Sector, Circle, Ward, Unit, etc. others (specify) 5. Option for Composition Yes � No � 6. Composition Declaration I hereby declare that the aforesaid business shall abide by the conditions and restrictions specified in the Act or the rules for opting to pay tax under the composition scheme. 6.1 Category of Registered Person < tick in check box > (i) Manufacturers, other than manufacturers of such goods as may be notified by the Government for which option is not available (ii) Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II (iii) Any other supplier eligible for composition levy. 7. Date of commencement of business DD/MM/YYYY 8. Date on which liability to register arises DD/MM/YYYY 9. Are you applying for registration as a casual taxable person? Yes No 10. If selected ‘Yes ’ in Sr. No. 9, period for which registration is required From DD/MM/YYYY To DD/MM/YYYY 11. If selected ‘Yes ’ in Sr. No. 9, estimated supplies and estimated net tax liability during the period of registration Sr. No. Type of Tax Turnover (Rs.) Net Tax Liability (Rs.) (i) Integrated Tax (ii) Central Tax (iii) State Tax (iv) UT Tax (v) Cess Total Payment Details Challan Identification N umber Date Amount 12. Are you applying for registration as a SEZ Unit? Yes No (i) Select name of SEZ Ex-298/2017 - 24 - (ii) Approval order number and date of order (iii) Designation of approving authority 13. Are you applying for registration as a SEZ Developer? Yes No (i) Select name of SEZ Developer (ii) Approval order number and date of order (iii) Designation of approving authority 14. Reason to obtain registration: (i) Crossing the t hreshold (viii) Merger /a malgamation of two or more registered persons (ii) Inter-State supply (ix) Input Service Distributor (iii) Liability to pay tax as recipient of goods or services u/s 9(3) or 9(4) (x) Person liable to pay tax u/s 9(5) (iv) Transfer of business which includes change in the ownership of business (if transferee is not a registered entity) (xi) Tax able person supplying through e -Commerce portal (v) Death of the p roprietor (if the succe ssor is not a registered entity) (xii) Voluntary Basis (vi) De-merger (xiii) Persons supplying goods and/or services on behalf of other taxable person (s) (vii) Change in constitution of business (xiv) Others (Not covered above) – Specify 15. Indicate e xisting registrations wherever applicable Registration number under Value Added Tax Central Sales Tax Registration Number Entry Tax Registration Number Entertainment Tax Registration Number Hotel and Luxury Tax Registration Number Central Excise Registration Number Service Tax Registration Number Corporate Identify Number/Foreign Company Registration Number Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number/Foreign Ex-298/2017 - 25 - Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number Importer/Exporter Code Number Registration number under Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act Registration number under Shops and Establishment Act Temporary ID, if any Others (Please specify) 16. (a) Address of Principal Place of Busi ness Building No./Flat No. Floor No. Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Locality/Village District Taluka/Block State PIN Code Latitude Longitude (b) Contact Information Office Email Address Office Telephone number STD Mobile Number Office Fax Number STD (c) Nature of premises Own Leased Rented Consent Shared Others (specify) (d) Nature of business activity being carried out at above mentioned p remises (Please tick applicable) Factory / Manufacturing � Wholesale Business � Retail Business � Warehouse/Depot � Bonded Warehouse � Supplier of s ervices � Office/Sale Office � Leasing Business � Recipient of goods or s ervices � EOU/ STP/ EHTP � Works Contract � Export � Import � Others (Specify) � 17. Details of Bank Accounts (s) Total number of Bank Accounts maintained by the applicant for conducting business (Upto 10 Bank Accounts to be reported) Details of Bank Account 1 Account Number Ex-298/2017 - 26 - Type of Account IFSC Bank Name Branch Address To be auto -populated (Edit mode) Note – Add more accounts ------ 18. Details of the Goods supplied by the Business Please specify top 5 Goods Sr. No. Description of Goods HSN Code (Four digit) (i) (ii) … (v) 19. Details of Services suppl ied by the Business. Please specify top 5 Services Sr. No. Description of Services HSN Code (Four digit) (i) (ii) … (v) 20. Details of Additional Place (s) of Business Number of additional places Premises 1 (a) Details of Additional Place of Business Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Locality/Village District Block/Taluka State PIN Code Latitude Longitude (b) Contact Information Ex-298/2017 - 27 - Office Email Address Office Telephone number STD Mobile Number Office Fax Number STD (c) Nature of premises Own Leased Rented Consent Shared Others (specify) (d) Nature of business activity being carried out at above mentioned premises (Please tick applicable) Factory / Manufacturing � W holesale Business � Retail Business � Warehouse/Depot � Bonded Warehouse � Supplier of s ervices � Office/Sale Office � Leasing Business � Recipient of goods or service s � EOU/ STP/ EHTP � Works Contract � Export � Import � Others (specify) � 21. Details of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc . Particulars First Name Middle Name Last Name Name Photo Name of Father Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Gender Mobile Number Email address Telephone No. with STD Designation /Status Director Identification Number (if any) P ermanent Account Number Aadhaar Number Are you a citizen of India? Yes / No Passport No. (in case of foreigners) Residential Address Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Locality/Village District Ex-298/2017 - 28 - 22. Detai ls of Authori sed Signatory Checkbox for Primary Authori sed Signator y Details of Signatory No. 1 Particulars First Name Middle Name Last Name Name Photo Name of Father Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Gender Mobile Number Email address Telephone No. with STD Designation /Status Director Identification Number (if any) P ermanent Account N umber Aadhaar Number Are you a citizen of India? Yes / No Passport No. (in case of foreigners) Residential Address in India Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street Block/Taluka City/Town/Locality/Village District State PIN Code 23. Details of Authori sed R epres entative Enrolment ID, if available Block/Taluka State PIN Code Country (in case of foreigner only) ZIP code Ex-298/2017 - 29 - Provide following details, if enrolment ID is not available Permanent Account Number Aadhaar, if Permanent Account Number is not available First Name Middle Name Last Name Name of Person Designation / Status Mobile Number Email address Telephone No. with STD FAX No. with STD 24.State Specific Information Profession Tax Enrolment Code (EC) No. Profession Tax Registration Certificate (RC) No. State Excis e Licens e No. and the na me of t he p erson in whos e na me Excis e Licens e is held (a) Field 1 (b) Field 2 (c) …. (d) ….. (e) Field n 25. Document Upload A customized list of documents required to be uploaded (refer rule 8) as per the field values in the form. 26. Consent I on behalf of the holder of Aadhaar number give consent to “Goods and Services Tax Network” to obtain my details from UIDAI for the purpose of authentication. “Goods and Services Tax Network” has informed me that identity information would only be used for validating identity of the Aadhaar holder and will be shared with Central Identities Data Repository only for the purpose of authentication. 27. Verification (by authorised signatory) I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom Signature Place: Name of Authorised Signatory ….…………………… Date: Designation/Status…………………………………… Ex-298/2017 - 30 - List of documents to be uploaded: - 1. Photographs (wher ever specified in the Application Form) (a) Proprietary Concern – Proprietor (b) Partnership Fir m / Limited Liability Partnership – Managing/ Authorised /Designated Partners (personal details of all partners are to be submitted but photos of only ten partners including that of Managing Partner are t o be submitted) (c) Hindu Undivided Family – Karta (d) Company – Managing Dir ector or the Authorised Person (e) Trust – Managing Trustee (f) Association of Person s or Body of Individual s –Members of Managing Committee (personal details of all members are to be submitted but photos of only ten members including that of Chair man are to be submitted) (g) Local Authority – Chief Executive Officer or his equivalent (h) Statutory Body – Chief Ex ecut ive Officer or his equivalent (i) Others – Person in Cha rge 2. Constitution of Business: Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm, Registration Certificate/Proof of Constitution in case of Society, Trust, Club, Government Department, Association of Person s or Body of Individual s, Loca l Authority, Statutor y Body and Others etc. 3. Proof of Principal Place of Business: (a) For Own premises – Any document in support of the ownership of the premises like latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. ( b) For Rented or Leas ed premises – A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agreement with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Lessor like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (c) For premises not cover ed in (a) and (b) above – A copy of the Consent Letter with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Consenter like Municipal Khata copy or Electricity Bill copy. For shared properties also, the same documents ma y be uploaded. (d) For rented /leased premises where the Rent/lease agreement is not available, an affidavit to that effect along with any document in support of the possession of the premises like copy of Electricity Bill . ( e ) If the principal place of business is located in a Specia l E conomic Zone or the applicant is an S pecial Economic Zone developer, necessary documents/certificates issued by Government of India are required to be uploaded. 4 Bank Account Related Proof: Scanned copy of the first page of Bank passbook or the releva nt page of Bank Statement or Scanned copy of a cancelled cheque containing na me of the Proprietor or Business entity, Bank Account No., MICR , IFSC and Branch details including code . 5 Authorisation For m: - For each Authorised Signatory mentioned in the a pplication for m, Authorisation or copy of Resolution of the Mana ging Committee or Board of Dir ectors to be filed in the following format: Ex-298/2017 - 31 - Declaration for Authorised Signatory (Separate for each signatory) (Details of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. ) I /We --- (name) being ( Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. ) of …… (name of registered person) hereby solemnly affirm and declare that <> is hereby authorised, vide resolution no… dated….. (copy submitted herewith), to act as an authorised signatory for th e business << Goods and Services Tax Identification Number - Name of the Business>> for which application for registration is being filed under the Act . All his actions in relation to this business will be binding on me/ us. Signature of the person competent to sign Name: Designation/Status: (Name of the proprietor/Business Entity) Acceptance as an authorised signatory I <<(Name of the authorised signatory>> he reby solemnly accord my acceptance to act as authorised signatory for the above referred business and all my acts shall be binding on the business. Signature of Authorised Signatory Place : (Name) Date: Designation/Status : Ex-298/2017 - 32 - Instructions for s ubmissio n o f Application for Registration. 1. Ent er na me of person as recorded on Permanent Account Number of the Business. In case of Proprietorship concern, enter na me of proprietor against Legal Na me and mention Permanent Account Number of the proprietor. Permanent Account Number shall be verified with Income Tax database. 2. Provide E -mail Id a nd Mobile Number of authorised signator y for ver ification and future communication which will be verified through One Time Passwor ds to be sent separately, befor e filling up Part -B of the application. 3. Applicant need to upload scanned copy of the declaration signed by the Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of M anaging Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. in case the business declares a person as Authorised Signatory. 4. The f ollowing person s can digitally sign the application for new registration: - Constitution of Business Person who can digitally sign the application Proprietorship Proprietor Partnership Managing / Authorised Partners Hindu Undivided Family Karta Private Limited Company Managing / Whole-time Directors Public Limited Company Managing / Whole-time Directors Society/ Club/ Trust/ AOP Members of Managing Committee Government Department Person In charge Public Sector Undertaking Managing / Whole -time Director Unlimited Company Managing/ Whole-time Director Limited Liability Partnership Designated Partners Loca l Authority Chief Executive Officer or Equivalent Statutory Body Chief Executive Officer or Equivalent Foreign Company Authorised Person in India Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Authorised Person in India Others (specify) Person In charge 5. Infor mation in r espect of authorised representative is optional. Please select your authorised representative from the list available on the common portal if the authorised repr es entative is enrolled, otherwise provide details of such person. 6. State specific infor mation are releva nt for the concer ned State only. 7. Application filed by undermentioned persons shall be signed digitally: - Sr. No Type of Applicant Type of Signature requir ed Ex-298/2017 - 33 - Sr. No Type of Applicant Type of Signature requir ed 1. Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Public Se ctor Undertaking Unlimited Company Limited Liability Partnership Foreign Company Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) - Class-2 and above. 2. Other than above Digital Signature Certificate class 2 and above e -Signa ture or any other mode as may be notified 8. All information related to Permanent Account Number , Aadhaar, Director Identification Number , Challan Identification Number shall be validated online by the system and Acknowledgment Receipt Number will be ge nerated after successful validation of all the filled up information. 9. Status of the application file d online can be tracked on the common portal by entering Application Reference Number (ARN) indicated on the Acknowledgment. 10. No fee is payable for filing application for registration. 11. Authorised signatory shall not be a minor. 12. Any person having multiple business verticals within a State, requiring a separate registration for any of its business verticals shall need to apply separately in resp ect of each of the vertical. 13 . After approval of application, registration certificate shall b e made available on the common portal . 14. Temporary Reference Number (TRN) will be allotted after successfully furnishing preliminary details in PART –A of the application which can be used for filling up details in PART -B of the application. TRN will be available on the common portal for a period of 15 days. 15. Any person who applies for registration under rule 8 may give an option to pay tax under section 10 in Part B of FORM GST REG -01, which shall be considered as an intimation to pay tax under the said section . Ex-298/2017 - 34 - Form GST REG-02 [See r ule 8(5) ] Acknowledgment Application Reference Number (ARN) - You have filed the application successfully and the par ticulars of the application are given as under: Date of filing : Time of filing : Goods and Services Tax Identification Number , if available : Legal Name : Trade Name (if applicable) : Form No. : Form Description : Center Jurisdiction : State Juris diction : Filed by : Temporary reference number (TRN), if any: Payment details* : Challan Identification Number : Date : Amount It is a system generated acknowledgement and does not require any signature . * Applicable only in case of Casual taxable person and Non Resident taxable person Ex-298/2017 - 35 - Ex-298/2017 - 36 - Form GST REG-04 [See rule 9(2) ] C larification/additional information/document for <> 1. Notice details Reference No. Date 2. Application details Reference No Date 3. GSTIN, if applicable 4. Name of Bus iness (Legal) 5. Trade name, if any 6. Address 7. Whether any modification in the application for registration or fields is required. - Yes � No � (Tick one) 8. Additional Information 9. List of Documents uploaded 10. Verification I __________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothin g has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Designation/Status: Place: Date : Note: - 1. For new registration, original registration application will be available in editable mode if option ‘Yes’ is selected in item 7. 2.For amendment of registration particulars, the fields intended to be amended will be available in editabl e mode if option ‘Yes’ is selected in item 7. Ex-298/2017 - 37 - Form GST REG-05 [See rule 9(4) ] Reference Number: Date– To Name of the Applicant Address - GSTIN (if available) Order of Rejection of Application for This has reference to your reply filed vide ARN --- dated ----. The reply has been examined and the same has not been found to be satisfactory for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. …Therefore, your application is rejected in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Or You have not replied to the notice issued vide reference no. …….. date d ………. within the time specified therein. Therefore, your application is hereby rejected in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Signature Name Designation Jurisdiction Ex-298/2017 - 38 - Government of Mizoram Form GST REG -06 [See r ule 10(1) ] Registration Certificate Registration Number : 1. Legal Name 2. Trade Name, if any 3. Constitution of Business 4. Address of Principal Place of Business 5. Date of Liability DD/MM/ YYYY 6. Period of Validity ( Applicable only in case of Non -Resident taxable person or Casual taxable person ) From DD/MM/YYYY To DD/MM/YYYY 7. Type of Registration 8. Particulars of Approving Authority Centre State Signature Name Designation Office 9. Date of issue of Certificate Note: The registration certificate is required to be prominently displayed at all places of business in the State. Annexure A Details of Additi onal Places of Business Goods and Services Tax Identification Number Legal Name Trade Name, if any Total Number of Additional Place s of Business in the State Sr. No. Address 1 2 3 … Ex-298/2017 - 39 - Annexure A Details of Additi onal Places of Business Goods and Services Tax Identification Number Legal Name Trade Name, if any Total Number of Additional Place s of Business in the State Sr. No. Address 1 2 3 … Ex-298/2017 - 40 - Annexure B Goods and Services Tax Identification Number Legal Name Trade Name, if any Details of 1 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 2 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 3 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 4 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 5 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 6 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 7 Photo Name Ex-298/2017 - 41 - . Designation/Status Resident of Stat e 8 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 9 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State 1 0 . Photo Name Designation/Status Resident of State Ex-298/2017 - 42 - Form GST REG-07 [See rule 12(1)] Application for Registration as Tax Deductor at source (u/s 51) or Tax Collector at source (u/s 52) State /UT – District – Part –A (i) Legal Name of the Tax Deductor or Tax Collector( As mentioned in Permanent Account Number / Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number ) (ii) Perm anent Account Number (Enter Permanent Account Number of the Business; Permanent Account Number of Individual in case of Proprietorship concern) (iii) Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (Enter Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number , if Per manent Account Number is not available) (iv) Email Address (v) Mobile Number Note - Information submitted above is subject to online verification before proceeding to fill up Part -B. Part –B 1 Trade Name, if any 2 Constitution of Business (Ple ase Select the Appropriate) (i) Proprietorship � (ii) Partnership � (iii) Hindu Undivided Family � (iv) Private Limited Company � (v) Public Limited Company � (vi) Society/Club/Trust/Association of Persons � (vii) Government Department � (viii) Public Sector Undertaking � (ix) Unlimited Company � (x) Limited Liability Partnership � (xi) Local Authority � (xii) Statutory Body � (xiii) Foreign Limited Liability Partnership � (xiv) Foreign Company Registered (in India) � (xv) Others (Please specify) � 3 Name of the State ⏏ District ⏏ 4 Jurisdiction - State Centre Sector /Circle/ Ward /Charge /Unit etc. 5 Type of registration Tax Deductor Tax Collector 6. Government (Centre / State/Union Territory) Center State/UT 7. Date of liability to deduct/collect tax DD/MM/YYYY 8. (a) Address of principal place of business Building No./Flat No. Floor No. Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Locality/Village District Block/Taluka Latitude Longitude State PIN Code (b) Contact Information Office Email Address Office Telephone number Mobile Number Office Fax Number (c) Nature of possession of premises Own Leased Rented Consent Shared Others(specify) 9. Have you obtained any other registrations under Goods and Serivces Tax in the same State? Yes No 10 If Yes, mention Goods and Services Tax Identification Number 11 IEC (Importer Exporter Code), if appli cable 12 Details of DDO (Drawing and Disbursing Officer) / Person responsible for deducting tax/collecting ta x Particulars Name First Name Middle Name Last Name Father ’s Name Photo Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Gender Mobile N umber Email address Telephone No. with STD Designation /Status Director Identification Number (if any) Permanent Account Number Aadhaar Number Ex-298/2017 - 43 - 7. Date of liability to deduct/collect tax DD/MM/YYYY 8. (a) Address of principal place of business Building No./Flat No. Floor No. Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Locality/Village District Block/Taluka Latitude Longitude State PIN Code (b) Contact Information Office Email Address Office Telephone number Mobile Number Office Fax Number (c) Nature of possession of premises Own Leased Rented Consent Shared Others(specify) 9. Have you obtained any other registrations under Goods and Serivces Tax in the same State? Yes No 10 If Yes, mention Goods and Services Tax Identification Number 11 IEC (Importer Exporter Code), if appli cable 12 Details of DDO (Drawing and Disbursing Officer) / Person responsible for deducting tax/collecting ta x Particulars Name First Name Middle Name Last Name Father’s Name Photo Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Gender Mobile Number Email address Telephone No. with STD Designation /Status Director Identification Number (if any) Permanent Account Number Aadhaar Number Ex-298/2017 - 44 - Are you a citizen of India? Yes / No Passport No. (in case of Foreigners) Residential Address Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Locality/Village State PIN Code 2 13. Details of Authorised Signatory Checkbox for Primary Authorised Signatory Details of Signatory No. 1 Particulars First Name Middle Name Last Nam e Name Photo Name of Father Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Gender Mobile Number Email address Telephone No. with STD Designation /Status Director Identification Number (if any) Permanent Account Number Aadhaar Number Are you a citizen of India? Yes / No Passport No. (in case of foreigners) Residential Address (Within the Country) Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Locality/Village District State PIN Code Block/Taluka Note – Add more … Ex-298/2017 - 45 - List of documents to be uploaded (not a pplicable to a department or establishment of the Central Government or State Government or Local Authority or Governmental agencies) :- Proof of Principal Place of Business: (a) For Own premises – Any document in support of the ownership of the premises l ike latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. ( b) For Rented or Leased premises – A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agreement with any document in support of the ownership of the prem ises of the Less or like Latest Pr operty Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (c) For premises not cover ed in (a) and (b) above – A copy of the Consent Letter with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Consenter like Municipal Khata c opy or Electricity Bill copy. For shared properties also, the sa me documents may be uploaded. (d) F or rented/leased premises wher e the Rent/lease agr eement is not available, an affidavit to that effect along with any document in support of the possession of the premises like copy of Electricity Bill . ( e ) If the principal place of business is located in an Special Economic Zone or the applicant is an Special E conomic Zone developer, necessary documents/certificates issued by Government of India are require d t o be uploaded. Instruction s for submission of application for registration as Tax Deductor/ Tax Collector. 1. En ter name of Tax Deductor /Tax Collector as recorded on Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number / Permanent Account Number of the Busines s. Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number /Per man en t Account Number shall be verified with Income Tax database. 2. Provide Email Id and Mobile Number of DDO (Drawing and Disbursing Officer) / Person responsible for deducting tax/collecting tax for veri fication and future communication which will be verified through One Time Passwords to be sent separately, before filling up of the application. 3. Person who is acting as DDO/ Person deducting/collecting tax can sign the application. 4. The a pplication f iled by undermentioned pe rsons shall be signed digitally. 14. Consent I on behalf of the holder of Aadhar number

 give consent 
to “Goods and Services Tax Network” to obtain my details from UIDAI for the purpose  of authentication. “Goods 
and Services Tax Network” has informed me that identity information would only be used for validatin g identity of 
the Aadhar holder and will be shared with Central Identities Data Repository only for the purpose of  authentication. 
I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to  the best of my 
knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom  
 Place :                                   Name of DDO/ Person responsible for deducting tax/c ollecting tax/Authorised Signatory  
Date :                                                                                                                                                                    Designation 

- 46 -	
Sr. No Type of Applicant   Digital Signature required
Private Limited Company  
Public Limited Company  
Public Sector Undertaking  
Unlimited Company  
Limited Liability Part nership 
Foreign Company  
Forei gn Limited Liability Partnership    
Digital Signature Certificate(DSC)  class 2 and above  
Other than above  	Digital Signature Certificate	 class 2 and above, 	e-Signature	 or 	
any other mode as specified  or as may be notified. 	
5.  All information relating to  Permanent Account Number , Aadhaar, 	Director Identification Number	, 	
Challan Identification Number	 shall be validated online by the system and Acknowledgment Receipt 
Number will be generated after successful validation of all the filled information.  
6.  Statu s of the  application  filed online  can be tracked on the  Common portal. 
7.  No fee is payable for filing application for registration.  
8. Authorised shall not be a minor.  

- 47 -	
Form GST REG-08  	
[See r ule 12(3)  ] 
Reference No                     Date:  
Name :  
Address :  
Application Reference No. (AR N) (Reply)                         Date: 
Order of Cancellation of  Registration as Tax Deductor at source or Tax Collector at source   
This  has reference to the show -cause notice issued vide Reference Number …… dated … …. for cancellation of 
r egistration under  the Act.   
      - Whereas no reply to show cause notice has been filed; or  
      - Whereas on the day fixed for hearing you did not appear; or   
      - Whereas your r eply to the notice to show cause and submissions  made at the time of hearing  have been 
examined. The undersigned  is of the opinion that your registration is liable to be cancelled for  the following 
The effective date of  cancellation  of registration is <
>. You are direct ed to pay the amounts mentioned below on or before ----- (date) failing which the amount will be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder. ( This order is also available on your dashboard ). Head Integrated tax Central t ax State tax UT Tax Cess Tax Interest Penalty Others Total Signature Name Designation Jurisdiction Ex-298/2017 - 48 - Form GST REG -09 [See r ule 13(1) ] Application for Registration of Non Resident Taxable Person Part –A State /UT – District - (i) Legal Name of the Non -Resident Taxable Person (ii) Permanent Account Number of the Non -Resident Taxable person, if any (iii) Passport number, if Permanent Account Number is not ava ilable (iv) Tax identification number or unique number on the basis of which the entity is identified by the Government of that country (v) Name of the Authorised Signatory (as per Permanent Account Number ) (vi) Permanent Account Number of the Authorised Signatory (vii) Email Address of the Authorised Signatory (viii) Mobile Number of the Authorised Signatory (+91) Note - Relevant information submitted above is subject to online verification, where practicable, before proceeding t o fill up Part-B. Part -B 1. Details of Authorised Signatory (should be a resident of India) First Name Middle Name Last Name Photo Gender Male / Female / Others Designation Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Father’s Name Nationality Aadhaar Address of the Authorised signatory. Address line 1 Address Line 2 Address line 3 Ex-298/2017 - 49 - 2. Period for which registration is required From To DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY 3 Turnover Details Estimated Turnover (Rs.) Estimated Tax Liability (Net) (Rs.) Intra - State Inter –State Central Tax State Tax UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 4 Address of Non -Resident taxable person in the Country of Origin (In case of business entity - Address of the Office) Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Country (Drop Down) Zip Code E mail Address Telephone Number 5 Address of Principal Place of Business in India Building No./Flat No. Floor No. Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Village /Locality District Block/Taluka Latitude Longitude State PIN Code Mobile Number Telephone Number E mail Address Fax Number with STD 6 Details of Bank Account in India Account Number Type of account Bank Name Branch Address IFSC 7 Documents Uploaded Ex-298/2017 - 50 - Note: Non-Resident taxable person is required to upload declaration (as per under mentioned format) along with scanned copy of the passport and photograph. List of documen ts to be uploaded as evidence are as follows: - 1. Proof of Principal Place of Business: (a) For own premises – Any document in support of the ownership of the premises like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (b) For Rented or Leased premises – A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agreement with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Lessor like latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (c) For prem ises not covered in (a) and (b) above – A copy of the Consent Letter with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Consenter like Municipal Khata copy or Electricity Bill copy. For shared properties also, the same documents may be u ploaded. 2. Proof of Non -resident taxable person: Scanned copy of the passport of the Non -resident taxable person with VISA details. In case of a business entity incorporated or established outside India, the application for registration shall be submit ted along with its tax identification number or unique number on the basis of which the entity is identified by the Government of that country or it ’s Permanent Account Number , if available. 3 Bank Account related p roof: Scanned copy of the first page of Bank passbook or the relevant page of Bank Statement or Scanned copy of a cancelled cheque containing name of the Proprietor or Business entity, Bank Account No., MICR, IFSC and Branch details including code. 4 Authorisation For m: - For each Authorised Signatory mentioned in the application form, Authorisation or copy of Resolution of the Managing Committee or Board of Directors to be filed in the following format:Declaration for Authorised Signatory (Separate for each signatory) (Details of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc.) I/We --- (name) being ( Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Bo ard of Trustees etc.) of …… (name of registered person) hereby solemnly affirm and declare that <> is hereby authorised, vide resolution no… dated….. (Copy submitted herewith), to act as an authorised signatory for the business << Goods and Services Tax Identification Number - Name of the Business>> for which application for registration is being filed under the Act. All his actions in relation to this business will be binding on me/ us. Signature of the person competent to sign Name: A customized list of documents required to be uploaded (refer Instruction) as per the field values in the form 8 Declaration I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature Place : Name of Authorised Signatory Date : Designation : Ex-298/2017 - 51 - Designa tion/Status : (Name of the proprietor/Business Entity) Acceptance as an authorised signatory Acceptance as an authorised signatory I <<(Name of the authorised signatory>> h ereby solemnly accord my acceptance to act as authorised signatory for the above referred business and all my acts shall be binding on the business. Signature of Authorised Signatory Place : Date: Designatio n/Status: Instructions for submission of application for registration as Non -Resident Taxable Person. 1. Enter Name of the applicant Non -Resident taxable person as recorded on Passport. 2. The applicant shall apply at least Five days prior to commencement o f the business at the common portal . 3. The applicant needs to provide Email Id and Mobile Number for verification and future communication which will be verified through One Time Passwords to be sent separately, before filling up Part -B of the application. 4. The applicant needs to upload the scanned copy of the declaration signed by the Proprietor/all Partners /Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. in case the business declares a person as Authorised Signatory. 5. The application filed by the under -mentioned persons shall be signed digitally: - Sr. No Type of Applicant Digital Signature required 1. Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Public Sector Undertaking Unlimited Compan y Limited Liability Partnership Foreign Company Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) class 2 and above 2. Other than above Digital Signature Certificate class 2 and above e -Signature or as may be notified 6. All information related to Permanent Account Number , Aadhaar, shall be online validated by the system and Acknowledgment Receipt Number will be generated after successful validation of all filled up informa tion. 7. Status of the application filed online can be tracked on the common portal . 8. No fee is payable for filing application for registration 9. Authorised signatory shall be an Indian national and shall not be a minor. Ex-298/2017 - 52 - Form GST REG-10 [See r ule 14(1) ] Application for registration of person supplying online information and data base access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a person in India, other than a registered person. Part –A State /UT – District - (i) Legal Name of the person (ii) Permanent Account Number of the person, if any (iii) Tax identification number or unique number on the basis of which the entity is identified by the Government of that country (iv) Name of the Authorised Signatory (v) Permanent Account Number of the Authorised Signatory (vi) Email Ad dress of the Authorised Signatory (vii) Mobile Number of the Authorised Signatory (+91) Note - Relevant i nformation submitted above is subject to online verification , where practicable, before proceeding to fill up Part -B. Part -B 1. Details of Authorised Signatory (shall be resident of India) First Name Middle Name Last Name Photo Gender Male / Female / Others Designation Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Father’s Name Nationality Aadhaar, if any Address of the Authorised Signatory Address line 1 Ex-298/2017 - 53 - Note: Applicant will require to upload declaration (as per under mentioned format) along with scanned copy of the passport and photograph. List of documents to be uploaded as evidence are as follows: - 1. Proof of Place of Business in India: (a) For Own premises – Any document in support of the ownership of the premises like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (b) For Rented or Leased premises – A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agreement with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Lessor like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Address line 2 Address line 3 2. Date of commencement of the online service in India. DD/MM/YYYY 3 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) of the website through which taxable services are provided: 1. 2. 3… 4 Jurisdiction Center 5 Details of Bank Account Account Number Type of account Bank Name Branch Address IFSC 6 Documents Uploaded A customized list of documents required to be uploaded (refer Instruction) as per the field values i n the form 7 Declaration I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. I, _ …………………………. hereby declare that I am authorised to sign on behalf of t he Registrant. I would charge and collect tax liable from the non -assesse online recipient located in taxable territory and deposit the same with Government of India. Signature Place : Name of Authorised Signatory : Date : Designation : Ex-298/2017 - 54 - Electricity Bill. (c) For premises not covered in (a) and (b) above – A copy of the Consent Letter with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Con senter like Municipal Khata copy or Electricity Bill copy. For shared properties also, the same documents may be uploaded. 2. Proof of : Scanned copy of the passport of the Non -resident tax payer with VISA details. In case of Company/Society/LLP/FCNR/ e tc. person who is holding power of attorney with authorisation letter. Scanned copy of Certificate of Incorporation if the Company is registered outside India or in India Scanned copy of License is issued by origin country Scanned copy of Clearance certifi cate issued by Government of India 3 Bank Account Related Proof: Scanned copy of the first page of Bank passbook / one page of Bank Statement Opening page of the Bank Passbook held in the name of the Proprietor / Business Concern – containing the Account No., Name of the Account Holder, MICR and IFSC and Branch details. 4 Authoris a ti on For m: - For Authorised Signatory mentioned in the application form, Authorisation or copy of Resolution of the Managing Committee or Board of Directors to be filed in the f ollowing format: Declaration for Authorised Signatory (Separate for each signatory) I --- (Managing Director/Whole Time Director/CEO or Power of Attorney holder) hereby solemnly affirm and dec lare that <> to act as an autho rised signatory for the business << Name of the Business>> for which application for registration is being filed/ is registered under the Goods and Service Tax Act, 20__. All his actions in relation to this business will be binding on me/ us. Signatures of the persons who is in charge. S. No. Full Name Designation/Status Signature 1. Acceptance as an authoris ed signatory I <<(Name of authoris ed signatory>> hereby solemnly accord my acceptance to act as a uthorised signatory for the above referred business and all my acts shall be binding on the business. Signature of Authorised Signatory Place (Name) Date: Designation/Status Ex-298/2017 - 55 - Form GST REG-11 [See r ule 15(1) ] Application for extension of registration period by casual / non -r esident taxable person 1. GSTIN 2. Name (Legal) 3. Trade Name, if any 4. Address 5. Period of Validity (origin al) From To DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY 6. Period for which extension is requested. From To DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY 7. Turnover Details for the extended period (Rs.) Estimated Tax Liability (Net) for the extended period (Rs.) Inte r- State Intra -State Central Tax State Tax UT Tax Integrate d Tax Cess 8. Payment detail s Date CIN BRN Amount 9. Declaration - I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature Place : Name of Authorised Signatory : Date: Designation / Status: Instructions for submission of application for extension of va lidity 1. The a pplication can be filed online before the expiry of the period of validity. 2. The a pplication can only be filed when advance payment is made. 3. After successful filing , Application Reference Number will be generated which can be used to track the status of the application. Ex-298/2017 - 56 - Form GST REG-12 [See rule 16(1)] Reference Number - Date: To (Name) : (Address) : Temporary Registration Number Order of Grant of Temporary Registration/ Suo Moto Registration Whereas the undersigned has suff icient reason to believe that you are li able for registration under the Act, and therefore, you are hereby registered on a temporary basis. The particulars of the business as ascertained from the business premises are given as under: Details of person to w hom temporary registration granted 1. Name and Legal Name , if applicable 2. Gender Male/Female/Other 3. Father’s Name 4. Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY 5. Address of the Person Building No./ Flat No. Floor No. Name of Premises/ Building Road/ Street Town/City/Locality/ Village Block / Taluka District State PIN Code 6. Permanent Account Number of the person, if available 7. Mobile No. 8. Email Address 9. Other ID, if any (Voter ID No./ Passport No./Driving License No./ Ex-298/2017 - 57 - Aadhaar No./ Other) 10. Reasons for temporary registration 11. Effective date of registration / temporary ID 12. Registration No. / Temporary ID (Upload of Seizure Memo / Detention Memo / Any other supporting documents) <> Signature Place << Name of the Officer>> : Date: Designation/ Jurisdiction : Note: A copy of the order will be sent to the corresponding Central/ State Jurisdictional Authority . Ex-298/2017 - 58 - Form GST REG-13 [See rule 17(1) ] Application /Form for grant of Unique Identity Number to UN Bodies / Embassies / others State /Union Territory – District – PART A (i) Name of the Entity (ii) Permanent Account Number of entity, if any ( applicable in case of any other person notified) (iii) Name of the Authorised Signatory (iv) Permanent Account Number of Authorised Signatory (v) Email Address of the Authorised Signatory (vi) Mobile Number of the Authorised Signatory (+91) PART B 1. Type of Entity (Choose one) UN Body Embassy Other Person 2. Country 3. Notification Details Notification No. Date 4. Address of the entity in State Building No./Flat No. Floor No. Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street City/Town/Village District Block/Taluka Latitude Longitude State PIN Code Contact Information Email Address Telephone number Fax Number Mobile Number 7. Details of Authorised Signatory , if applicable Particulars First Name Middle Name Last name Name Photo Name of Father Ex-298/2017 - 59 - Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Gender Mobile Number Email address Telephone No. Designation /Status Director Identification Number (if any) Permanent Account Number Aadhaar Number Are you a citizen of India? Yes / No Passport No. (in case of foreigners) Residential Address Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street Town/City/Village District Block/Taluka State PIN Code 8 Bank Account Details (add more if required) Account Number Type of Account IFSC Bank Name Branch Address 9. Documents Uploaded The authorised person who is in possession of the documentary evidence ( other than UN Body/ Embassy etc.) shall upload the scanned copy of such documents including the copy of res olution / power of attorney, authorising the applicant to represent the entity. Or The proper officer who has collected the documentary evidence from the applicant (UN Body/ Embassy etc.) shall upload the scanned copy of such documents including the copy of resolution / power of attorney, authorising the applicant to represent the UN Body / Embassy etc. in India and link it along with the Unique Identity Number generated and allotted to respective UN Body/ Embassy etc. 11. Verification I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Place: (Signature) Date : Name of Authorised Person : Or (Signature) Place: Name of Proper Officer : Ex-298/2017 - 60 - Date : Designation : Jurisdiction: Instruction s for submission of a pplication for registration for UN Bodies/ Em bassies/others notified by the Government.  Every person required to obtain a unique identity number shall submit the application electronically.  Application shall be filed through common portal or registration can be granted suo -moto by proper officer.  The application filed on the common portal is required to be signed electronically or through any other mode as specified by the Government.  The details of the person authorised by the concerned entity to sign the refund application or otherwise, should be f illed up against the “Authorised Signatory details” in the application. Ex-298/2017 - 61 - Date : Designation : Jurisdiction: Instruction s for submission of a pplication for registration for UN Bodies/ Em bassies/others notified by the Government.  Every person required to obtain a unique identity number shall submit the application electronically.  Application shall be filed through common portal or registration can be granted suo -moto by proper officer.  The application filed on the common portal is required to be signed electronically or through any other mode as specified by the Government.  The details of the person authorised by the concerned entity to sign the refund application or otherwise, should be f illed up against the “Authorised Signatory details” in the application. Form GST REG-14 [See r ule 19(1) ] Application for Amendment in Registration Particulars (For all types of registered persons) 1. GSTIN/UIN 2. Name of Business 3. Type of registration 4. Amendment summary Sr. No Field Name Effective Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Reasons(s) 5. List of documents uploaded (a) (b) (c) … 6. Declaration I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information giv en herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom Signat ure Place: Name of Authorised Signatory Date: Designation / Status : Ex-298/2017 - 62 - Instructions for submission of a pplication for amendment 1. Application for amendment shall be submitted online. 2. Change s relat ing to - Name of Business, Principal Place of Business, additional place(s) of business and details of partners or directors, karta, Managing Committee, Board of Trustees, Chief Executive Officer or equivalent, responsible for day to day affairs of the business which does not warrant cancellation of registration, are core fields which shall be approved by the Proper Officer after due verification. 3. For amendment in Non-Core fields, approval of the Proper Officer is not required. 4. Where a change in the constitution of any business results in change of t he Permanent Account Number of a registered person, the said person shall be required to apply for fresh registration . 5. Any change in the mobile number or the e -mail address of authorised signatory as amended from time to time, shall be carried out only aft er online verification through the common portal. 6. All information related to Permanent Account Number , Aadhaar, Director Identification Number , Challan Identification Number shall be validated online by the system and A pplication Reference Number (ARN) will be generated after succ essful validation of necessary field. 7. Status of the application can be tracked on the common portal. 8. No fee is payable for submitting application for amendment. 9. Authorised signatory shall not be a minor. Ex-298/2017 - 63 - Ex-298/2017 - 64 - Form GST REG-16 [See r ule 20 ] Application for Cancellation of Registration 1 GSTIN 2 Legal n ame 3 Trade n ame, if any 4 Address of Principal Place of Business 5 Address for future correspondence (including email, mobile telephone, fax ) Building No./ Flat No. Floor No. Name of Premises/ Building Road/ Street City/Town/ Village District Block/Taluka Latitude Longitude State PIN Code Mobile (with country code) Telephone email Fax Number 6. Reason s for Cancella tion (Select one) o Discontinuance /Closure of business o Ceased to be liable to pay tax o Transfer of business on account of amalgamation, merger / demerger, sale, lease or otherwise disposed of etc. o Change in constitution of business leading to change in Permanent Account Number o Death of Sole Proprietor o Others (specify) 7. In case of transfer, merger of business, particulars of registration of entity in which merged, amalgamated, transferred, etc. (i) Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (ii) (a) Name (Legal) (b) Trade name, if any (iii) Address of Principal Place of Business Building No./ Flat No. Floor No. Name of Premises/ Building Road/ Street City/Town/ Village District Ex-298/2017 - 65 - Block/Taluka Latitude Longitude State PIN Code Mobile (with country code) Telephone email Fax Number 8. Date from which registration is to be cancelled .
9 Parti culars of last Return Filed (i) Tax period (ii) Application Reference Number (iii) Date 10. Amount of tax payable in respect of inputs /capital goods held in stock on the effective date of cancellation of registration. Description Value of Stock (Rs.) Input Tax Credit/ Tax Payable (whichever is higher) (Rs.) Central Tax State Tax UT Tax Integra ted Tax Cess Inputs Inputs contained in semi -finished goods Inputs contained in finished goods Capital Goods /Plant and machinery Total 11. Details of tax paid, if any Payment from Cash Ledger Sr. No. Debit Entry No. Central Tax State Tax UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1. 2. Sub-Total Payment from ITC Ledger Sr. No. Debit Entry No. Central Tax State Tax UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1. 2. Sub -Total Total Amount of Tax Paid 12. Documents uploaded 13. Verification I /We <> hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Place Name of the Authorised Signatory Date Designation / Status Ex-298/2017 - 66 - Instruction s for filing of Application for Cancellation  A registered pers on seeking cancellation of his registration shall electronically submit an application including details of closing stock and liability thereon along with relevant documents, on common portal .  The f ollowing persons shall digitally sign application for canc ellation, as applicable : Constitution of Business Person who can digitally sign the application Proprietorship Proprietor Partnership Managing / Authorised Partners Hindu Undivided Family Karta Private Limited Company Managing / Whole-time Direc tors/ Chief Executive Officer Public Limited Company Managing / Whole-time Directors/ Chief Executive Officer Society/ Club/ Trust/ AOP Members of Managing Committee Government Department Person In charge Public Sector Undertaking Managing / Whole-ti me Directors/ Chief Executive Officer Unlimited Company Managing / Whole-time Directors/ Chief Executive Officer Limited Liability Partnership Designated Partners Local Authority Chief Executive Officer or Equivalent Statutory Body Chief Executive Officer or Equivalent Foreign Company Authorised Person in India Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Authorised Person in India Others Person In charge In case of death of sole proprietor, application shall be made by the legal heir / successor manually before the concerned tax authorities . The new entity in which the applicant proposes to amalgamate itself shall register with the tax authority before submission of the application for cancellation . This application sh all be made on l y after that the new entity is registered . B efore applying for cancellation, please file your tax return due for the tax period in which the effective date of surrender of registration falls.  Status of the Application may be tracked on the common portal.  No fee is pa yable for filing application for cancellation.  After submission of application for cancellation of registration, the registered person shall make payment , if not made at the time of this application, and shall furnish final return as provided in the Act .  The registered person may also update his contact address and update his mobile number and e mail address. Ex-298/2017 - 67 - Form GST REG -17 [See rule 22(1)] Reference No. - << Date >> To Registration Number ( GSTIN/UIN ) (Name) (Address) Show Cause Notice for Cancellation of Registration Whereas on the basis of information which has come to my notice, it appears that your registration is liable to be cancelled for the following reasons: - 1 2 3 …. � You are hereby directed to furnish a reply to this notice within seven working days from the date of service of this notice . � You are hereby directed to appear before the undersigned on DD/MM/YYYY at HH/MM If you fail to furnish a reply within the stipulated date or fail to appear for personal hearing on the appointed date and time, the case will be decided ex parte on the basis of available records and on merits Place: Date: Signature < Name of the Officer> Desi gnation Jur isdiction Ex-298/2017 - 68 - Form GST REG- 18 [See r ule 22(2) ] Reply to the Show Cause Notice issued for cancellation for registration 1. Reference No. of Notice Date of issue 2. GSTIN / UIN 3. Name of business (Legal) 4. Trade name, if any 5. Reply to the notice 6. List of documents uploaded 7. Verification I __________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the informat ion given hereinabove is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Designation/Status Place Date Ex-298/2017 - 69 - Form GST REG-19 [See r ule 22(3) ] Reference No. - Date To Name Address GSTIN / UIN Application Reference No. (ARN) Date Order for Cancellation of Registration This has reference to your reply dated ---- in response to the notice to show cause dated -----. - Whereas no reply to notice to show cause has been submitted; or - Whereas on the day fixed for hearing you did not appear; or - Whereas t he undersigned has examined your r eply and submissions made at the time of hearing, and is of the opinion that your registration is liable to be cancelled for following reason (s). 1. 2. The effective date of cancellation of your registration is <
>. Determination of amount payable pursuant to cancellation: Accordingly, the amount payable by you and the computation and basis thereof is as follows: The amounts determined as being payable above are without prejudice to any amount that may be fou nd to be payable you on submission of final return furnished by you. You are required to pay the following amounts on or before ------ (date) failing which the amount will be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunde r. Head Central Tax State Tax UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess Tax Interest Penalty Others Total Ex-298/2017 - 70 - Place: Date: Signature < Name of the Officer> Designation Jurisdiction Ex-298/2017 - 71 - Ex-298/2017 - 72 - Form GST REG -21 [See rule 23(1) ] Application for Revocation of C ancellatio n o f Registration 1. GSTIN (cancelled) 2. Legal Name 3. Trade Name, if any 4. Address (Principal place of business) 5. Cancellation Order No. Date – 6 Reason for cancellation 7 Details of last return filed Period of Return Application Reference Number Date of filing DD/MM/YYYY 8 Reason s for revocation of cancellation Reasons in brief. (Detail ed reasoning can be filed as an attachment ) 9 Upload Documents 10. Verification I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed theref rom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Full Name (first name, middle, surname) Designation/Status Place Date Instruction s for submission of application for revocation of cancellation of registration  A person, whose registration is cancelled by the proper officer on his own motion, may apply for revocation o f cancellation of registration, within thirty days from the date of service of the order of cancellation of registration at the common portal No application for revocation shall be submitted if the registration has been cancelled for the failure to furnish returns unless such returns are furnished and any amount due as tax in terms of such returns has been paid along with any amount payable towards interest, penalty and late fee payable in respect of the said returns.  Any change in the mobile number or the e-mail address of authorised signatory submitted as amended from time to time, shall be carried out only after online verification through the common portal in the manner provided  Status of the application can be tracked on the common portal.  No fee i s payable for filing application for revocation of cancellation. Ex-298/2017 - 73 - Ex-298/2017 - 74 - Ex-298/2017 - 75 - Form GST REG-24 [See rule 23(3) ] Reply to the notice for rejection of a pplication for revocation of cancellation of registration 1. Reference No. of Notice Date 2. Ap plication Reference No. (ARN) Date 3. GSTIN, if applicable 4. Information /reasons 5. List of documents filed 6. Verification I __________________________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Signature of Authorised Signatory Name Place Designation/Status Date Ex-298/2017 - 76 - Government of Mizoram Form GST REG-25 [See rule 24(1) ] Certificate of Provisional Registration 1. Provisional ID 2. Permanent Account Number 3. Legal Name 4. Trade Name 5. Registration Details under Existing Law Act Registration Number (a) (b) (c) Date Place This is a Certificate of Provisional Registration issued under the provisions of the Act. Ex-298/2017 - 77 - Form GST REG-26 [See r ule 24(2) ] Application for Enrolment of Existing Taxpayer Taxpayer Details 1. Provisiona l ID 2. Legal Name (As per Permanent Account Number ) 3. Legal Name (As per State/Center ) 4. Trade Name , if any 5. Permanent Account Number of the Business 6. Constitution 7. State 7A Sector, Circle, Ward, etc. as applicable 7B. Center Ju risdiction 8. Reason of liability to obtain Registration Registration under earlier law 9. Existing Registrations Sr. No. Type of Registration Registration Number Date of Registration 1 TIN Under Value Added Tax 2 Central Sales Tax Registration Nu mber 3 Entry Tax Registration Number 4 Entertainment Tax Registration Number 5 Hotel And Luxury Tax Registration Number 6 Central Excise Registration Number 7 Service Tax Registration Number 8 Corporate Identify Number/Foreign Company Reg istration 9 Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number/Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number 10 Import/Exporter Code Number 11 Registration Under Duty Of Excise On Medicinal And Toiletry Act Ex-298/2017 - 78 - 12 Others (Please sp ecify) 10. Details of Principal Place of Business Building No. /Flat No. Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street Locality/Village District State PIN Code Latitude Longitude Contact Information Office Email Address Office Telephone Number Mobile Number Office Fax No 10A. Nature of Possession of Premises (Own; Leased; Rented; Consent; Shared) 10B. Nature of Business Activities being carried out Factory / Manufacturing Wholesale Business Retail Business Warehouse/Dep ot Bonded Warehouse Service Provision Office/Sale Office Leasing Business Service Recipient EOU/ STP/ EHTP SEZ Input Service Distributor (ISD) Works Contract Others (Specify) 11. Details of Additional Places of Business Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street Locality/Village District State PIN Code Latitude (Optional) Longitude(Optional) Contact Information Office Email Address Office Telephone Number Mobile Number Office Fax No 11A.Nature of Possession of Premises (Own; Leased; Rented; Consent; Shared) 11B.Nature of Business Activities being carried out Factory / Manufacturing Wholesale Business Retail Business Warehouse/Depot Bonded Warehouse Service Provision Office/Sale Office Leasing Business Service Recipient EOU/ STP/ EHTP SEZ Input Service Distributor (ISD) Works Contract Others (Specify) Ex-298/2017 - 79 - Add More -------- 12. Details of Goods/ Services supplied by the Business Sr. No. Description of Goods HSN Code Sr. No. Description of Services HSN Code 13. Total Bank Accounts maintained by you for conducting Business Sr. No. Account Number Type of Account IFSC Bank Name Branch Address 14. Details of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. Name Name of Father/Husband Date of Birth DD/ MM/ YYYY Gender Mobile Number Email Address Telephone Number Identity Information Designation Director Identification Number Permanent Account Number Aadhaar Number Are you a citizen of India? Passport Number Residential Address Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street Locality/Village District State PIN Code 15. Details of Primary Authorised Signatory Name Name of Father/Husband Date of Birth DD / MM / YYYY Gender Ex-298/2017 - 80 - Mobile Number Email Address Telephone Number Identity Information Designation Director Identification Nu mber Permanent Account Number Aadhaar Number Are you a citizen of India? Passport Number Residential Address Building No/Flat No Floor No Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street Locality/Village District State PIN Code Add More --- List of Documents Uploaded A customized list of documents required to be uploaded as per the field values in the form should be auto-populated with provision to upload relevant document against each entry in the list. (Refer instruction) 16. Aadhaar Verification I on behalf of the holders of Aadhaar numbers provided in the form, give consent to “Goods and Servi ces Tax Network” to obtain details from UIDAI for the purpose of authentication. “Goods and Services Tax Network” has informed me that identity information would only be used for validating identity of the Aadhaar holder and will be shared with Central Identities Data Repository only for the purpose of authentication. 17. Declaration I, hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Digital Signature/E-Sign Name of the Authorised Signatory Place Designation of Authorised Signatory Date Instruction s for filing of Application for enrolment 1. Every person, other than a person deducting tax at sou rce or an Input Service Distributor, registered under an existing law and having a Permanent Account Number issued under the Income -tax Act, 1961 (Act 43 of 1961) shall enroll on the common portal by validating his e -mail address and mobile number. 2. Upon en rolment under clause (a), the said person shall be granted registration on a provisional basis and a certificate of registration in FORM GST REG -25, incorporating the Goods and Services Tax Identification Number therein, shall be made available to him on t he common portal : 3. Authorisation Form: - For each Authorised Signatory mentioned in the application form, Authorisation or copy of Resolution of the Managing Committee or Board of Directors to be filed in the following format: Declaration for Authorised Sig natory (Separate for each signatory) I --- (Details of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Mana ging Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc) 1. << Name of the Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc> > 2. 3. hereby solemnly affirm and declare that <> to act as an authorised signatory for the business << Goods and Services Tax Identification Number - Name of the Business>> for which application for registration is being filed/ is registered under the Mizoram Goods and Service Tax Act, 20 17. All his actions in relation to this business will be binding o n me/ us. Signatures of the persons who are Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. S. No. Full Name Designation/Status Signature 1. 2. Acceptance as an authorised signatory I <<(Name of the authorised signatory>> hereby solemnly accord my acceptance to act as authorised signatory for the above referred business and all my acts shall be binding on the business. Signature of Authorised Signatory Designation/Status Date Place Instructions for filing online form  Enter your Provisional ID and password as provided by the State /Commercial Tax/Central Excise/Service Tax Department for log in on the GST Portal.  Correct Email address and Mobile number of the Primary Authorised Signatory are to be provided. The Email address and Mobile Number would be filled as contact information of the Primary Authorised Signatory.  E mail and Mobile number to be verified by separate One Time Passwords. Taxpayer shall change his user id and password after first login.  Taxpayer shall require to fill the information required in the application form related detail s of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees, Principal Place of Business and details in respect of Authorised signatories. Ex-298/2017 - 81 - For each Authorised Signatory mentioned in the application form, Authorisation or copy of Resolution of the Managing Committee or Board of Directors to be filed in the following format: Declaration for Authorised Sig natory (Separate for each signatory) I --- (Details of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Mana ging Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc) 1. << Name of the Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc> > 2. 3. hereby solemnly affirm and declare that <> to act as an authorised signatory for the business << Goods and Services Tax Identification Number - Name of the Business>> for which application for registration is being filed/ is registered under the Mizoram Goods and Service Tax Act, 20 17. All his actions in relation to this business will be binding o n me/ us. Signatures of the persons who are Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. S. No. Full Name Designation/Status Signature 1. 2. Acceptance as an authorised signatory I <<(Name of the authorised signatory>> hereby solemnly accord my acceptance to act as authorised signatory for the above referred business and all my acts shall be binding on the business. Signature of Authorised Signatory Designation/Status Date Place Instructions for filing online form  Enter your Provisional ID and password as provided by the State /Commercial Tax/Central Excise/Service Tax Department for log in on the GST Portal.  Correct Email address and Mobile number of the Primary Authorised Signatory are to be provided. The Email address and Mobile Number would be filled as contact information of the Primary Authorised Signatory.  E mail and Mobile number to be verified by separate One Time Passwords. Taxpayer shall change his user id and password after first login.  Taxpayer shall require to fill the information required in the application form related detail s of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees, Principal Place of Business and details in respect of Authorised signatories. Ex-298/2017 - 82 -  Information related to additional place of business, Bank account, commodity in respect of goods and services dealt in (top five) are also required to be filled.  Applicant need to upload scanned copy of the declaration signed by the Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whol e time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc. in case he/she declares a person as Authorised Signatory as per Annexure specified. Documents required to be uploaded as evidence are as follows: - 1. Photographs where ver specified in the Application Form (maximum 10) Proprietary Concern – Proprietor Partnership Firm / Limited Liability Partnership – Managing/ Authorised Partners (personal details of all partners is to be submitted but photos of only ten partners inc luding that of Managing Partner is to be submitted) Hindu Undivided Family – Karta Company – Managing Director or the Authorised Person Trust – Managing Trustee Association of Person or Body of Individual –Members of Managing Committee (personal detai ls of all members is to be submitted but photos of only ten members including that of Chairman is to be submitted) Local Body – Chief Executive Officer or his equivalent Statutory Body – Chief Executive Officer or his equivalent Others – Person in C harge 2. Constitution of business : Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm, Registration Certificate/Proof of Constitution in case of Society, Trust, Club, Government Department, Association of Person or Body of Individual, Local Authority, Statutor y Body and Others etc. 3. Proof of Principal/Additional Place of Business: (a) For Own premises – Any document in support of the ownership of the premises like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (b) For Ren ted or Leased premises – A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agreement with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Lessor like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (c) For premises not cove red in (a) and (b) above – A copy of the Consent Letter with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Consenter like Municipal Khata copy or Electricity Bill copy. For shared properties also, the same documents may be uploaded. 4 Bank Account Related Proof: Scanned copy of the first page of Bank passbook / one page of Bank Statement Opening page of the Bank Passbook held in the name of the Proprietor / Business Concern – containing the Account No., Name of the Account Holder, MICR and IFSC and Branch details. 5 For each Authorised Signatory: Letter of Authorisation or copy of Resolution of the Managing Committee or Board of Directors to that effect as specified.  After submitting information electronic signature shall be required . Following person can electronically sign application for enrolment: - Constitution of Business Person who can digitally sign the application Proprietorship Proprietor Partnership Managing / Authorised Partners Ex-298/2017 - 83 - Hindu Undivided Family Karta Pr ivate Limited Company Managing / Whole -time Directors and Managing Director/Whole Time Director/ Chief Executive Officer Public Limited Company Managing / Whole -time Directors and Managing Director/Whole Time Director/ Chief Executive Officer Society/ C lub/ Trust/ AOP Members of Managing Committee Government Department Person In charge Public Sector Undertaking Managing / Whole -time Director and Managing Director/Whole Time Director/ Chief Executive Officer Unlimited Company Managing/ Whole -time Dir ector and Managing Director/Whole Time Director/ Chief Executive Officer Limilted Liability Partnership Designated Partners Local Authority Chief Executive Officer or Equivalent Statutory Body Chief Executive Officer or Equivalent Foreign Company Authorised Person in India Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Authorised Person in India Others Person In charge  Application is required to be mandatorily digitally signed as per following : - Sl. No Type of Applicant Digital Signature required 1. Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Public Sector Undertaking Unlimited Company Limited Liability Partnership Foreign Company Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) Class 2 and above 2. Other than abov e Digital Signature Certificate class 2 and above e -Signature Note : - 1. Applicant shall require to register their DSC on common portal. 2. e-Signature facility will be available on the common portal for Aadhar holders. All information r elated to Permanent Account Number , Aadhaar, Director Identification Number , Challa n Identification Number , Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number shall be online validated by Ex-298/2017 - 84 - Ex-298/2017 - 85 - Acknowledgement Enrolment Application - Form GST - has been filed against Application Reference Number (ARN) <………>. Form Number : <…….-……> Form Description : Date of Filing :
Taxpayer Trade Name : Taxpayer Legal Name : Provisional ID Number : It is a system generated acknowledgement and does not require any signature Ex-298/2017 - 86 - Ex-298/2017 - 87 - Form GST REG-28 [See r ule 24(3) ] Reference No. - << Date–DD/MM/YYYY>> To Name Address GSTIN / Provisional ID Application Reference No. (ARN) Dated – DD/MM/YYYY Order for cancellation of provisional registration This has reference to your reply dated ---- in response to the notice to show cause dated -----. - Whereas no reply to notice to show cause has been submitted; or - Whereas on the day fixed for hearing you did not appear; or - Whereas th e undersigned has examined your r eply and submissions made at the time of hearing, and is of the opinion that your provisional registration is liable to be cancelled for following reason(s). 1. 2. Determination of amount payable pursuant to cancellation of provisional registration : Accordingly, the amount payable by you and the computation and basis thereof is as follows: You are required to pay the following amounts on or before ------ (date) failing which the amount will be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder. Head Central Tax State Tax UT Tax Int egrated Tax Cess Tax Interest Penalty Others Total Ex-298/2017 - 88 - Place: Date: Signature < Name of the Officer> Designation Jurisdiction Form GST REG -29 [See rule 24(4) ] Application for cancellatio n o f provisional r eg istration Part A (i) Provisional ID (ii) Email ID (iii) Mobile Number Part B 1. Legal Name (As per Permanent Account Number ) 2 . Address for correspondence Building No./ Flat No. Floor No. Name of Premises/ Building Road/ Street City/Town / Village/Locality District Block/Taluka State PIN 3. Reason for Cancellation 4. Have you issued any tax invoice during GST regime ? YES NO 5. Declaration (i) I < Name of the Proprie tor/Karta/Authorised Signatory>, being of do h er eby declare that I am not liable to registration under the provisions of the Act. 6 . Verification I < > hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein abov e is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed. Aadhaar Number Permanent Account Number Signature of Authorised Signatory Full Name Designation / Status Place Date DD/MM/YYYY Ex-298/2017 - 89 - Form GST REG-29 [See rule 24(4) ] Application for cancellatio n o f provisional r eg istration Part A (i) Provisional ID (ii) Email ID (iii) Mobile Number Part B 1. Legal Name (As per Permanent Account Number ) 2 . Address for correspondence Building No./ Flat No. Floor No. Name of Premises/ Building Road/ Street City/Town / Village/Locality District Block/Taluka State PIN 3. Reason for Cancellation 4. Have you issued any tax invoice during GST regime ? YES NO 5. Declaration (i) I < Name of the Proprie tor/Karta/Authorised Signatory>, being of do h er eby declare that I am not liable to registration under the provisions of the Act. 6 . Verification I < > hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein abov e is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed. Aadhaar Number Permanent Account Number Signature of Authorised Signatory Full Name Designation / Status Place Date DD/MM/YYYY Ex-298/2017 - 90 - Form GST REG-30 [See rule 25 ] Form for Field Visit Report Center Jurisdiction (Ward/Circle/Zone) Name of the Officer: - << to be prefilled>> Date of Submissio n of Report:- Name of the taxable person GSTIN/U IN – Task Assigned by: - < Name of the Authority - to be prefilled> Date and Time of Assignment of task: - < System date and time> Sr. No. Particulars Input 1. Date of Visit 2. Time of Visit 3. Location detail s : Latitude Longitude North – Bounded By South – Bounded By West – Bounded By East – Bounded By 4. Whether address is same as mentioned in application. Y / N 5. Particulars of the person available at the time of visit (i) Name (ii) Father ’s Name (iii) Residential Address (iv) Mobile Number (v) Designation / Status (vi) Relationship with taxable person , if applicable. 6. Functioning status of the business Functioning - Y / N 7. Details of the premises Open Space Area (in sq m.) - (ap prox.) Covered Space Area (in sq m.) - (approx.) Floor on which business premises located Ex-298/2017 - 91 - 8. Documents verified Yes/No 9. Upload photograph of the place with the person who is present at the place where site verification is conducted. 10. Comments (not more than < 1000 characters> Signature Place: Name of the Officer: Date: Designation: Jurisdiction: Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/400 Ex-298/2017

Affidavit of Bimol Singha S/o Engenjaw Singha, presently residing at Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 299Date - 07/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Ashada 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 299 AFFIDAVITI, Shri. Bimol Singha S/o Engenjaw Singha,presently r esiding at Kha tla, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India and competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That I am working as Driver under Police Depa rtment, Govt. of Mizoram. 3.That my name & father ’s name has been written and recorded asBimal Singha S/o I. Singh in my service book, which is incorrect. However, my name and father ’s true and correct name is B imo l Singha S/o Engenjaw Singha as recored in my educationa l documents. 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to corr ect my father ’s name asB imo l Singha S/ o Engenjaw Sing hawhich had been wr itten asBimal Singha S/o I. Singh in my Savings Ba nk Account. 5.That from now onwards my name & father ’s name shall be written and recorded asBimol Singha S/ o Eng enjaw Singha. 6.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signatur e on this 28th day of June, 2017. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50Identified by me : Sd/- P.C. Lalthlamuani Advocate Aizawl : MizoramSigned befor e me; Sd/- R.Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl, MizoramSd/- DEPONENT Notarial Registration No.29/6 Date 28/6/17

Deed changing name of C/13 H.Vanlalbiakhlua S/o Thankhuma

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 300Date - 07/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Asadha 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 300 OFFICE ORDERNo.E/RO/107/2017/50, the 29th June, 2017.In pursuance of the Gov’t of Mizoram Department of Per- sonnel & Administrative Reforms (Genera l Service Wing) Office Memora ndum issued vide memo No.A.47012/1/2016-P&AR (GSW) Dt. 17.01.2017, C/13, H.Lalbiakhlua of Aizawl DEF (OR - A) is hereby allowed to change his former name H.Vanlalbiakhlua S/o Thankhuma which still continues in his service recorded into his assumed name H.Lalbiakhlua S/o Thankhuma with immediate effect. Hence, he may herein after be called, known and distinguished in all proceedings, dealings and transact ions of provate as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name as H.Lalbiakhlua S/o Thankhuma. Lalhuliana Fanai, Superintendent of Police, Aizawl District, Aizawl, Ph : 0389 - 2315877. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

State Level Monitoring Committee for implementation of Coconut Development Scheme during 2017 - 2018

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 301Date - 07/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Asadha 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 301 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.23016/1/2015-HORT, the 29th June, 2017.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to consti- tute State Level Monitoring Committee for implementation of Coconut Development Scheme during 2017 - 2018 consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders :- 1.Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram-Chairman Hor ticulture Department 2.Director of Horticulture Department-Member 3.Joint Director, ICAR, Kolasib-Member 4.Director, Coconut Development Board-Member Regional Office, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam 5.Deputy Director (SP), Directorate of-Member Horticulture Department, Mizoram Vanlalchhuanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Deed changing name of F. Lalchhandama

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 302Date - 07/07/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 7.7.2017 Asadha 16, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 302 NOTICENo.3MAP/R-29/2017/1194, the 3rd July, 2017.Whereas F.Chhandama (SI 010758AB7710552) applied for change of his name as F.Lalchhandama in a prescribed Deed for changing his name. Whereas he stated that his name was written as F.Chhandama at the time of recruitment as per his service record. Whereas he further stated that he wrote his full name as F.Lalchhandama in his voter ’s ID, Bank Account etc. Whereas after considering the case it was satisfied that no foul play is involved in his application; Now, therefore, the permission is granted to change his name to F.Lalchhandama in his service Recor d. Laldawngliana MPS, Commandant, 3rd Bn. MAP : Aizawl, Mizor am. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

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