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Rule 7 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974, the Election Commission of India hereby

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 258Date - 14/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated the 14th June, 2017 24 Jyaistha, 1939 (Saka) NOTIFICATIONNo. 479/2017 (2): - In pursuance of Rule 7 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974, the Election Commission of India hereby - (a)fixes each of the places specified in column (2) of the Table below to be a place of polling at the Presidential Election to be held in accordance with it s notification No. 479/2017, dated 14th June, 2017; and (b)specifies, with respect to each such place of polling, the gr oup of elector s specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the said Table, who will be entitled to vote at that place, subject to t he exceptions mentioned in the Note a ppended to the said Table : TABLESl.Place of PollingGroup of electors who will be entitled vote at the place (1)(2)(3) 1. Room No. 62, Parliament House, New Delhi-110001.Elec ted Members of both Houses of P arliament. 2. Committee Hall No. 201, First Floor, Assembly Buildings,Elected Members of the Andhra Velagapudi, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh.Pradesh Legislative Assembly 3. Conference Room No. 1, premises of Arunachal Pra deshElected Members of the Aruna chal New Legislative Assembly Secretaria t, Itanagar.Pradesh Legislative Assembly. 4. Central Hall, Assam Legislative Assembly Building, Dis purElec ted Members of the Assam Legislative Assembly 5. Reading Room upper floor of Libr ary,Elec ted Members of the Bihar Biha r Legislative Assembly, Pa tna.Legislative Assembly VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 14.6.2017 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 258 - 2 - Ex-258/2017 6. Committee Room No. 2, Chhattisgarh Legisla tiveElected Members of the Chhattisgarh Assembly Secretariat, Raipur.Legislative Assembly 7. Room No. 015, Ground Floor, VIP B1 ock,Elect ed Members of the Goa Assembly Complex, Porvorim.Legislative Assembly 8. Saputar a Committee Ha ll, Ground Floor, Swarnim Sa nkul-2, Elected Members of the Gujarat Gandhinagar.Legislative Assembly 9. Old Committee Room, Haryana Vidhan Sabha Secretar iat,Elected Members of the Har yana Vidha n Bhawan, Chandigarh.Legislative Assembly 10. “Dr. Y. S. Parmar Vidhan Sabha Library Hall”, HimachalElec ted Members of the Hima cha l Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Secretariat, Shimla.Pradesh Legislative Assembly 11. J & K Legislative Assembly Lobby, New Legisla tureElec ted Members of the Jammu & Complex, Srinagar.Kashmir Legislative Assembly 12. Nyayadhikara n Kaksh (Tribuna l Room), premises ofElected Members of the Jharkhand Jhar khand Legislative Assembly, Ranchi.Legislative Assembly 13. Room No. 106, 1st Floor, Vidhana Soudha, premises ofElected Members of the Karna taka Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Bengaluru- 560233.Legislative Assembly 14. Room No. 604, 2nd Floor, Ker ala Legislative AssemblyElec ted Members of the Kerala Building Legislature Complex, Vikas Bhavan P.O,Legislative Assembly Thiruvananthapuram-33. 15. Committee Room No. 2, M-0 2 (Ground Floor), IndiraElected Members of the Ma dhya Gandhi Vidhan Bhawan, Arera Hills, Bhopal (M.P.).Pradesh Legislative Assembly 16. Central Hall, 4th Floor, Vidhan Bha van, BackbayElected Members of the Maharashtra Reclamation, Mumbai-400032.Legislative Assembly 17. Committee Room, Manipur Legislative Assembly,Elec ted Members of the Manipur Chingmeirong, Imphal, Manipur - 795001.Legislative Assembly 18. Annexe Hall, Meghalaya Legislative Assembly, Rilbong,Elected Members of t he Megha laya Shillong.Legislative Assembly 19. Committee Room, Mizoram Legislative Assembly,Elec ted Members of the Miz or am Main Building (2nd Floor), Treasury Square, AizawlLegislative Assembly 20. Annexe of the Conference Room,Elected Members of the Naga land Assembly Secretariat, Kohima.Legislative Assembly 21. Room No. 54 (1st Floor), Odisha Legislative AssemblyElec ted Members of the Odisha Buildings, Bhubaneswar.Legislative Assembly 22. ‘Committee Room A’, Punjab Vidhan Sabha S ecretar iat,Elec ted Members of the P u njab Vidha n Bhawan, Chandigarh.Legislative Assembly 23. Room No. 751, Raja sthan Legislative Assembly Secretar iat, Elected Members of the Rajasthan Ja ip ur.Legislative Assembly 24. Room No. 2, Sikkim Legisla tive Assembly S ecretar iat,Elected Members of the Sikkim Gangtok.Legislative Assembly 25. Committee Room, Tamil Nadu Legislative AssemblyElect ed Members of the Tamil Nadu Secr etariat, Fort S t. George, Chennai- 600009.Legislative Assembly 26. Committee Hall No. 1, Assembly Buildings, Public Gardens, Elected Members of the Telangana Hyderabad.Legislative Assembly 27. Assembly Lobby, Tripura Legislative Assembly, Agartala.Elec ted Members of the Tripura Legislative Assembly 28. Room No. 321, Uttara khand Legislative Assembly,Elected Members of the Uttarakhand Dehradun.Legislative Assembly 29. Tila k Hall, Vidhan Bhawan, Lucknow.Elec ted Members of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly - 3 -Ex-258/2017 30. Assembly Cha mber of the West Bengal Legisla tiveElected Members of the Wes t Benga l Assembly, Kolkata.Legislative Assembly 31. Committee Room No. 01, Delhi Legislative Assembly,Elected Members of the NCT of Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054.Delhi Legislative Assembly 32. Committee Room, Ground Floor, Southern Block ofElected Members of the Puducherry Puducherry Legisla tive Assembly Secretariat, Puducherry.Legislative Assembly NOTENormally, members of Parliament are expected to cast their votes at New Delhi and members of all respective State Legislative Assemblies at the concerned State’s Capital. However, on account of a ny exigency for specia l circumstances, the M embers of Parliament ca n vote in any of the places of polling in the State Capital/Delhi/Puducherr y. Similarly, any MLA desirous of voting at New Delhi or a t any other State Capit al instead of voting in the r elevant State Capital can also do so. For this purpose, such electors shall have to apply to the Election Commission in the prescribed for mat [ava ilable with the Retur ning Officer and Assistant Returning Officers and also on t he Commission’s websit e (] so as to reach the Commission at least 10 da ys before the date of poll. By Or der, R K S R I VA S T AVA , Sr. PRINCIPAL SECRETARY.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Election Commission of India hereby specifies the Returning Officer/Assistant Returning Officer, mentioned in column (1) of the Table below, to be the Presiding Officer at the place mentioned against his name in column (2)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 259Date - 14/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated the 14th June, 2017 24 Jyaistha, 1939 (Saka) NOTIFICATIONNo. 479/2017 (3): - In pursuance of sub-rule (1) of Rule 9 of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections Rules, 1974, the Election Commission of India hereby specifies the Returning Officer/Assistant Retu rning Officer, mentioned in column (1) of the Table below, to be the Presiding Officer a t the place mentioned a gainst his name in column (2) of the said Ta ble for the conduct of poll at the Presidential Election to be held in accorda nce with the Commission’s notification No. 479/2017(2), da ted 14th June, 2017 : TABLEPr esiding Offic erPlace of Polling (1)(2) Shri Anoop Mishra, S ecretary General, Lok Sa bha. Room No. 62, Parliament House, New Delhi-110001. Shri K. Satyanarayana Rao, In-charge, SecretaryCommittee Ha ll No. 201, First Floor, Assembly to State Legislature, Andhra Pradesh Legisla tureBuildings, Velagapudi, Guntur District, Secretariat, Block- 6,I.G.C., Velagapudi-522503,Andhra Pradesh. Guntur Distr ict, Andhra Pradesh. Shri Modan Lasa, Secretary, Legislative AssemblyConference Room No. 1, premises of Aruna chal Arunachal Pradesh,Naharlagun - 791110Pradesh New Legisla tive As sembly S ecretar ia t, Itanagar. Shri M. K. Deka, Principal Secretary, AssamCentral Hall, Assam Legislative Assembly Building, Legislative Assembly, Dispur,Guwahati-6Dispur. Shri Ram Shreshtha Roy, Secretary,Reading Room upper floor of Library, Bihar Legisla tive Ass embly, PatnaBiha r Legislative Assembly, Pa tna. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 14.6.2017 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 259 - 2 - Ex-259/2017 Shri Devendra Verma, Principal Secretary,Committee Room No. 2, Chhattisgarh Legisla tive Chhattisga rh Legislative Assembly.Assembly Secretariat, Raipur. Shri N.B. Subhedar, Secretary,Room No. 015, Ground Floor, VIP Block, Goa Legislature S ecreta ria tAssembly Complex, Porvorim. Shri D.M. Patel, Secretary, Gujarat LegislatureSaputara Committee Hall, Ground Floor, Secretariat, Viththalbhai Patel Bhavan, Sector No.-l0, Swarnim Sankul-2, Gandhinagar. Gandhinagar-382010 Shri Pankaj Agarwal, Labour Commissioner,Old Committee Room, Haryana Vidhan S abha Government of Haryana.Secr etariat, Vidhan Bhawan, Chandigarh. Shri Sunder Singh Verma, Secretary,“Dr. Y. S. Parmar Vidhan Sabha Library Hall”, Himachal Pr adesh Vidhan Sa bha.Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Secretariat, Shimla. Shri M. R. Singh, Secretary,J & K Legislative Assembly Lobby, Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly,New Legislature Complex, Srina gar. Assembly Secretariat Jammu/Srinagar. Shri Binay Kumar Singh, Secretary-In- Cha rge,Nyayadhikara n Kaksh (Tribunal Room), premises Jhar khand Legislative Assembly, Ranchi.of Jharkhand Legislative Assembly, Ranchi. Shri S. Murthy, Secretary (I/C),Room No. 106, 1st Floor, Vidhana Soudha, Karnataka Legislative Assembly,premises of Karnataka Legislative Assembly, P.B. No. 5074, Room No. 121, 1st Floor,Bengaluru- 560233. Vidhana Soudha, Bengaluru-560233 Shri. V. K. Babu Prakash, Secretary,Room No. 604, 2nd Floor, Kerala Legislative Kera la Legis la ture Secretar ia t,Assembly Building Legislature Complex, Thiruvananthapuram-695033Vikas Bhavan P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-33. Shri Awadhesh Pratap Singh, Principa l Secretary,Committee Room No. 2, M-02 (Ground Floor), Madhya Pradesh Vidha n Sabha Secretar iat,Indira Gandhi Vidhan Bha wan, Ar era Hills, Bhopal-462004(M.P)Bhopal (M.P.). Dr. A. N. Kalse, Principal Secretary,Central Hall, 4th Floor, Vidhan Bha van, Backbay Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, Vidhan Bhavan, Reclamation, Mumbai-400032. Backbay Reclamation, Mumbai-400032. Smt. M. Ramani Devi, Secretary,Committee Room, Manipur Legislative Assembly, Manipur Legislative Assembly,Chingmeirong, Imphal, Manipur - 795001. Chingmeirong,Imphal, Manipur. Shri Andrew Simons, Commissioner & Secretary,Annexe Hall, Meghalaya Legislative Assembly, Meghalaya Legislature Assembly.Rilbong, S hillong. Shri Ngurthanzuala, Secretary,Committee Room, Mizoram Legislative Assembly, Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secretar iat,Main Building (2nd Floor), Treasury Square, Aizawl. Aizawl-796001. Shri N. Benjamin Newmai,Annexe of the Conference Room, Commissioner & Secretary,Assembly Secretariat, Kohima. Nagaland Legislative Assembly. - 3 -Ex-259/2017Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 Shri Amiya Kumar Sarangi, Secretary,Room No. 54 (1st Floor), Odisha Legislative Assembly,Odisha Legislative Assembly Buildings, Odisha Legislative Assembly Secreta riatBhubaneswar. Bhubaneshwar, Distr ict-Khurda,Odisha- 751001. Smt. Shashi Lakhanpa l Mishra , Secretary,‘Committee Room A’, Punjab Vidhan S abha Punjab Vidhan Sabha Secretariat, Sector-1,Secr etariat, Vidhan Bhawan, Chandigarh. Chandigarh. Shri Prithvi Raj, Secretary,Room No. 751, Raja sthan Legislative Assembly Rajasthan Legislative Assembly.Secretariat, Jaipur. Shri L. M. Pradhan, Secretary,Room No. 2, Sikkim Legislative Assembly Sikkim Legislative Assembly.Secr etariat, Gangtok. Shri K. Boopathy, Additiona l Secretary/Committee Room, Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Secr etary Incharge,Tamil Nadu Legisla tiveSecretariat, Fort St. George, Chennai-600009. Assembly Secretariat, Chennai-600009. Dr. S. Raja Sadaram, Secretary to State Legislature, Committee Hall No. 1, Assembly Buildings, Telangana Legislature Secretaria t, Public Gardens, Public Gardens, Hyderabad. Hyderabad-500004. Shr i Bamdeb Majumder, Secret ary,Assembly Lobby, Tripura Legislative Assembly, Tripura Legislative Assembly, Agartala-799010.Agartala. Shri Jagdish Chandra , Secretary,Room No. 321, Uttara khand Legislative Assembly, 303 Vidhan Sabha Bhawan, Dehra dun.Dehradun. Shri Pradeep Kumar Dubey, Principal Secretary,Tila k Hall, Vidhan Bhawan, Lucknow. Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Bhavan, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow - 226001 Shri Jayanta Koley, Secretary,Assembly Cha mber of the West Bengal Legislative West Bengal Legislative Assembly, Assembly House, Assembly, Kolkata. Kolkata-700001 Shri Abhishek Dev, District Magistr ate,Committee Room No. 01, Delhi Legisla tive South West Delhi.Assembly, Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054, Shri A. Vincent Rayar, Secretary,Committee Room, Ground F loor, Legislative Assembly Secretar iat,Southern Block of Puducherr y Legislative Assembly Victor Simonel Street, Puducherry-605001.Secretariat, Puducherry. By Or der, R K S R I VA S T AVA , Sr. PRINCIPAL SECRETARY.

Election to the office of President India

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 260Date - 14/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008FORM 1(See rule 3 of the Presidential and Vice-P residential Elections Rules, 1974) PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF INDIA Wher eas a notifica tion under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Pr esidential and Vice-P residential Elections Act, 1952, for the holding of an election to fill the Office of President of India has been issued by the Election Commission, I, Anoop Mishra, the Returning Officer for such election, do hereby give notice that - (i)nomination pa pers may be delivered by a candidate or any one of his proposers or seconders to the undersigned at his office in Room No. 18, Ground Floor, Parliament House, New Delhi, or if he is unavoidably absent, to the Assista nt Returning Officers, Shri Ravindra Garimella, Joint Secretary or Shri Vinay Kumar Mohan, Director, Lok Sabha Secretariat, at the said office between 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. on any day (other than a public holiday) not later than the 28th June, 2017; (ii)each nomination paper shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the entry relating to the candidate in the electoral r oll for the Parlia mentary constituency in which the ca ndidate is registered as an elector ; (iii)ever y candidate sha ll deposit or cause to be deposited a sum of rupees fifteen thousand only. This amount may be deposited in cash with the Returning Officer at the time of presenta tion of the nomination paper or deposited ear lier in the Reserve Bank of India or in a Government Treasury and in the latter case a receipt showing that the said deposit of t he sum has been so made is required to be enclosed with the nomina tion pa per; (iv)forms of nomination papers may be obtained from the above said office at the times aforesaid; (v)the nomination papers, other than those rejected under sub-section (4) of section 5 B of the Act, will be taken up for scr utiny a t the said office in R oom No. 18, Gr ound Floor, Pa rliament House, New Delhi on 29 June, 2017, at 11A.M.; VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 14.6.2017 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 260 - 2 - Ex-260/2017Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 (vi)the notice of withdrawal of candidatures may be delivered by a candidate, or any one of his proposers or seconder s who has been author ised in this b ehalf in writing by t he candidate, to the undersigned at the place specified in paragr aph (i) above before three o’clock in the a fternoon of 1 July, 2017; (vii)In the event of the election being contested, the poll will be taken on 17 July, 2017 between the hour s of 10 A.M. and 5 P.M. at the places of polling fixed under the rules. New Delhi;ANOOP MISHRA Dated, the 14th June, 2017Retur ning Officer for Election to the Office of President of India, 2017 (Secretary General, Lok Sa bha)

Deed Changing name of PC Vanlalzawnga to Vanlalzawnga (constable No. 442 of the 4th IR Bn)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 261Date - 14/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008ORDER No. 4IR/R-14/17/663, the 2nd June, 2017.In referring to the PHQ circular vide No. CB/PHQ/CIR/ 17/6 dt. 24. 1.2017 and in accordance with the DP&AR, Govt. of M izoram, office memorandum vide No. A. 47012/1/2016-P&AR/GSW dt. 17.1.2017, the undersigned do hereby notify the change of name of PC Vanlalzawnga to Va nlalzawnga (constable No. 442 of the 4th IR Bn) on submission of a petit ion for the same along with Deed for changing name by the said Va nlalzawnga. Henceforth, his na me shall be recorded as Vanlalzawnga in all official records and other documents. His Mizoram Police New Enrolment No. will remain the same as 150985 AB 08 16456. Lalthiamsanga Sailo, Commandant, 4th IT Bn., Mizoram, Luangpawl, Mamit. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 14.6.2017 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 261Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Deed changing name of R.C. V.L. Ruala, Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics Champhai District, Champhai

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 262Date - 14/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OFFICE ORDER No. A. 12031/1/2013-COMEX, the 1st June, 2017. WHEREAS C/354 R.C. V.L. Ruala, Office of the Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics Champhai District, Champhai has submitted an application requesting t o change his name from R.C. V.L. Rua la to R. C. Vanlalruala by signing a Deed in the presence of 2(two) witnesses on 10.04.2017. AND WHEREAS Govt. of Mizoram, DP&AR (GSW) issued Office Memorandum vide No. A. 47012/1/2016-P&AR(GSW) dt. 17.01.2017 simplifying the procedure of changing of name by empowering the Appoint ing Authority t o issue an order to be followed by publication of the change of na me of Govt. servant in a prominent local newspaper as well as in the Mizoram Gazette at Govt’s employee’s own expense. NOW, THEREF ORE, I, the undersigned do hereby allow C/354 R.C. V.L. Ruala to change his name from R. C. V.L. Ruala to R.C. Vanlalruala and he sha ll henceforth be known by the name of R.C. Vanlalruala for all purposes from the da te of publication in the prominent local newspaper as well as in the Mizoram Gazette. Ngurchungnunga Sailo, Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizor am : Aizawl. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 14.6.2017 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 262Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Review Committee consisting of the following officers, namely

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 263Date - 14/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No. D. 32019/23/2010-HMP(S), the 8th June, 2017. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub rule (16) of the Rule 419-A of the Indian Telegraph Rules, 1951 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Review Committee consisting of the following officer s, namely :- 1.Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram-Chairman 2.Secr etary, Law & J udicia l Depart ment-Member 3.Secr etary, Gener al Adminis tration Depart ment -Member 1.The Review Committee shall meet a t least once in two months and recor d its findings whether the direction issued by the Competent Author ity (Secretary to the State Govt. In Charge of the Home Depa rtment) for int erception of a ny message or class of message under sub-rule (1) of Rule 419- A of the Indian Telegraph rule, 1951 are in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2 ) of Section 5 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. 2.The Review Committee may s et aside the directions and order for destruction of the copies of the intercepted message or class of messages if it is of the opinion that directions issued by the Competent Authority ar e not in accor dance with the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. This shall supersede Notification of even No. dt. 17.8.2010. Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 14.6.2017 Jyaistha 24, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 263Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Eco-Tourism Policy

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 264Date - 16/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No. B. 12015/4/2016-FST, the 9th June, 2017.In order to provide recreation and promote understanding about heritage sites and its values, nature and wildlife conserva tion with income genera tion and employment opportunity to local people while according priority to bio-diversity conservation, ecosystem functioning and socio-economic development, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the “Mizoram Eco-Tourism Policy” as enclosed. Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. MIZORAM ECO-TOURISM POLICY 1 . Ba ckgr ound: The state of Mizora m, endowed with numerous beautiful hill ranges covered with forest , rivers and streams between the hills, coupled with its rich natural and cultural heritage provides unique opportunities for ecotourism. Mizoram has about 88.93% of its land covered with forests (SFR 2015) that supports various species of mammals, birds, reptiles, more than 2500 species of pla nts including 253 species of orchids (BS I, Shillong) a nd more than 300 species of medicinal plants. The rich biodiversity of the state is conserved mainly through a network of pr otected areas comprising of 2 National Parks and 8 Sa nctuaries complemented by wilderness a reas, communit y conserved village for est areas, wetlands and other forest ar eas. Ecot ourism or Ecologically Sustainable Tourism is defined as responsible tra vel to natural areas that cons erves the environment a nd impr oves the well being of local communities. It is one of the tools whereby people are encour aged to visit natural forest s to pr omote action t o conserve it. Ecotourism offers an opportunit y to showcase the state’s unique natura l and associa ted cultural heritage to visitors while enhancing the livelihood options for the local people. Ecotourism is globally identified as a means of achieving twin goals of bio diversity conservation a nd sustainable development. Both short- term goals and long term goals ca n be achieved without sacrificing one’s own interests. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 16.6.2017 Jyaistha 26, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 264 - 2 - Ex-264/2017 Ecot ourism focuses on local cultures, wilderness , adventures, and environmental protection. The most significant feature of the ecotourism industry is its capacity to generate employment opportunities, particularly in remote and under developed area. It offers enormous potential for utilizing natural resources like landscapes, mountains, bio-diversity areas, rivers etc for the benefit of people. Ecotourism is the best way to enjoy nature’s charisma without harming it a nd for the admiration of nature’s marvels. Mizoram, the land of hills offers several tourist destina tions t hat not just de-stress but also rejuvenate people. There are several ways to enjoy Mother Nature in the most pristine way. Places like Phawngpui (Blue Mountain), Pa la lake, Vanta wngkhawhthla, Reiektla ng, Hmuifang, Lungkulh, Serlui dam, etcin Mizoram are some of the places where you can enjoy the treasured wealt h of mother nature. 2 . Vision: The vision of the policy is to preserve and protect the natural heritage, both flora and fauna of Mizora m and attra ct tourists and visitor s from outside and inside the Sta te through low impa ct community ba sed ecotourism; and in the ba rgain pr ovide opportunities to enhance livelihood of the loca l people a nd a t the s ame time gener ate r evenue for the su stainab le development of its resour ces. The Ecotourism Policy would encour age a partnership between the civil society (local communities, NGOs, academic institutions and pr ivate enterprises/businesses) and the State Government (Forests, Tour ism and other s ister Departments). 3 . Mission: The mission is to provide recreation and promote understanding about herit age sit es and its values, nature and wildlife conservation with income generation and employment opportunity to local people while accor ding priority to bio-diversity conservation, ecosystem functioning and socio-economic development. 4. Objectives: To achieve the above mission, the Policy seeks to pursue the following objectives: i)Identify and promote/develop ecotourism potentia l sites in Mizoram. ii)Create and promote awareness and understanding about sustainable and responsible ecotourism among the stakeholders such as the general public, local communities, voluntary organizations and Government officials. iii) Pr omote coordination among pa rtner Departments to fur ther the cause of ecotourism a nd establish mechanism for partnership between all stakeholders to develop and promote sustainable community based ecotour ism. iv) Identify and develop standards and norms for permissible and ecologically sound ecotourism activities in tandem with the principles of community based ecotourism with the benefits accruing to the local community in terms of income as well as employment generation. v)Build capacity of s takeholders towards na tural and cultural heritage interpretation, hospitality, management of tourist traffic. vi) Conserve the existing biodiversity, ecosystems, sites of herita ge value, cultural and traditional heritage of the local community and generate incentives to local communities for nature conserva tion. - 3 -Ex-264/2017 5 . Key Principles of Mizoram Ecotourism The planning, development, management and promotion of ecotour ism in the Sta te of Mizoram shall be governed by the following guiding princip les. a.Conserve nature, biodiversity and ecosystems and also respect the culture, traditions and customs of the loca l communities in Mizoram. b.Adhere to international and national ecotourism principles, guidelines and standards, and also the existing environment, forest and wildlife laws and management/ working plan pr escriptions for the development of ecotourism in the PAs and forest areas of Mizoram. c.Actively involve the local communit ies in ecotourism activities and generate incentives or income sour ces for such local communities, preferably for the economically disadvantaged families to enhance their economic conditions. d.Pr omot e sustaina ble use of natur al, cu lt ur al a nd local r esources to develop and pr omot e ecotourism in the state with the emphasis on the use of renewable energy. e.Facilitate coordination and partnership for pla nning, implementation of ecotourism activities with key stakeholders such as loca l communities, NGOs, government orga nizations, local entr epreneurs like home stay operators a nd tour operators. f.Encourage visitors to lear n about biodiversity a nd ecosystems a s well as loca l people’s cultural and traditional values. 6. Mizoram Ecotourism Development Board, Executive committee of Mizoram Eco- development Board and Village Ecotourism Development Committee. The Environment, F orests & Climate Change Depar tment, Government of Mizoram will be the Nodal Depa rtment to promote ecot ourism in Mizoram. The department shall constitute an apex body to be known as the Mizor am Ecot ourism Development Board. The functions of the Mizor am Ecotourism Development Boar d will be:- i.To facilitate ecotourism pr ojects compatible with this policy. ii.Develop and enforce standards and norms for promotion and implementa tion of ecotourism dest inations, based on specific studies conducted. iii. Esta blish pa rtnerships between var ious government departments, local communities and other stakeholders. iv. To develop/modify policy and guidelines governing eco-t ourism to meet the cha llenges in changing times. v.To ensure a dequate funding for eco-tourism projects in the St ate. vii. Facilitate education, research, monitoring and evaluation of the ecotourism activities. The Mizoram Ecotour ism Development Board shall have an executive body known as Executive Committee of the Mizoram Ecotourism Development Board. The functions of the committee will be i.To Identify and pr ioritize ecotourism destinations/sites thr oughout the St ate. ii.To promote communit y based ecotourism enterprises in pr otected areas and other potential dest inations through “Ecot ourism Development Committees which will be constituted at the villa ge level” or thr ough a lr eady existing “Eco-Development Committees or Joint F or est Mana gement C ommittees” whichever is suita ble to the particular a rea. - 4 - Ex-264/2017 iii. Awar eness r aising and capacity building of var ious stakeholders. iv. To effectively implement standards and norms for promotion of ecotourism activities in the State. v.Undertake education, research, monitoring and evaluation of the ecotourism activities in the State. vi. To effectively implement decisions taken by Sta te Ecot ourism Development Board. The Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department, Government of Mizoram will also constitute a field unit of ecotourism known as Ecotourism Development Committee in respect of each of the ecotourism sites with representatives drawn from various Government departments, loca l bodies and NGOs. Mandate of the Ecotourism Development Committee a.To oversee the wor king of the Ecotourism Strategy wit h respect to the concerned area. b.To execute and implement the ecotourism project in respect of t he concerned ar ea appr oved by the Mizoram Ecot ourism Development Boa rd through the Forest Development Agency concerned. c.To ensure that whole or a part of revenue generated from ecotour ism act ivity flows back to the local community. Already esta blished Eco-development commit tees or Joint F orest Management Committees ma y be revamped to function as Village Eco-tour ism development commit tees at places wherever possible. 7. Strategy The objectives of the policy as stated above would be achieved through the following strategies:- A . Identification of Projects and sites i.Potential ecotourism sites within Protected Areas and other forest a reas and non-forest a reas will be identified by the Department of EF&CC a nd Tour ism which will be prioritized for phased development. ii.The criteria for selection of the project site would be its nea rness or connectivity with tou rist dest ination/cities and towns, its economic viability and enthusiasm and willingness of the local communities to preserve its nature a nd herit age. B . Publicity, awareness and education on Ecotourism i.Awareness and educational programmes on ecotourism including nature based activities, environment conservation, waste ma nagement, etc will be organized for Government officials, loca l communities, NGOs, school children, etc. ii.Ecot ourism destina tions in Mizor am will be promoted a nd publicized through various print and electronic media including internet portals. iii. Maps of ecotourism sites a nd activities will be developed showing sites to visit, distance, time requ ir ed, geographical fea tures, altitudes, ava ila ble s ervices , local rules, etc. C . Coordination with partner Departments and stakeholders i.Coor dination and partnership between line Depar tments such as EF&CC, Tourism, LAD, Art and Culture, Fisheries, S ports & Youth Services, Industries, etc and other local stakeholders like Villa ge Ecotourism Committees, other community based organizations (CBO), Village Councils, NGOs, etc. will be established to steer and coordinate the development and management of communit y based ecotour ism and to develop ecotourism business in a fair tr ade manner. ii.Meetings, workshops, seminars, events will be held to discuss and delib erate on ecotourism activities a nd achievements with participa tion of key sta keholders including key government organizations. D . Identification of ecotourism activities Ecot ourism activities to be identified and developed at any destina tion shall be site-specific i.e. dependent u pon the potential of the par ticular site being developed and shall be taken up in such a way as to a ffect least disturbance to the natural beauty of the sit e. Development and impr ovement of infrastructure and facilities within protected areas (PA) a nd other potential forest areas outside PAs should be the function of Chief Wildlife Warden and Principal Chief Conservator of Forests resp ectively in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations governing forests a nd wildlife while destination development in the periphera l locations outside the PAs and forest areas can be ca rried out by Tourism Department. Str uctures with exotic look causing visual pollution and non-compatible and unaesthetic architectures should be avoided. Further, in and ar ound historically important places where eco-tourism promotion is identified to be promoted, the same may be implemented without disturbing the origina l value, shape and b e a u t y. Following ar e some of the a ctivities and facilities that may be undertaken for promoting an area as an ecotourism destination in Mizoram. Activities i)Trekking and Nature Walks. ii)Wildlife spotting and Bird watching iii) Angling iv) Adventure sports like rock climbing, rappelling, parasailing, boating, river r afting, etc v)Nature photography tour vi) Nature paint ing workshop vii) Botanical excursion Facilities i)Nature Camps including day visitor centers. ii)Eco-friendly Accommodation including home stays. iii) Visitor Int erpretation Centers and Nature Education. iv) Amphitheatre. v)Nature shops. vi) Herbal Ecotourism with sale outlets. vii) Urba n ecotourism through eco-pa rks. viii) Wa yside amenities like public conveniences, garbage disposal facilities, observation towers with telescope and binoculars, a dequate signage, wayside exhibits, etc. ix) Other facilities for a ny other eco-friendly activities may also be pr ovided based on specific requirements of a site provided the activity is compatible with the overall objectives of t his policy and in conformance with the various standards a nd guidelines laid down in this regard. E . Ecotour ism Management Plan i.Preparation of Ecot ourism Management Plan/Project will b e manda tory for setting up of any ecotourism destination or eco-resort. After selection of potential ecotourism site to be developed, Ecotourism Development Committee for the site (village) will be formed. The Committee will- 5 -Ex-264/2017 then prepar e the Ecotourism Mana gement Plan/Pr oject for the selected site after carrying out micro-planning exercise for approval of the Mizoram Ecotourism Development Board. Ecot ourism Management Plan/Project will b e prepa red and submitted as per the guideline or format approved by the Government. F. Training and capacity building i.Training and capacity building will be imparted to staff of EF&CC, Tourism and va rious stake holders such as eco-tourism entrepreneurs, hoteliers and other service providers, etc. for effective management of eco-tourism in the State. ii.Training and capacity building will also be provided to local communities who wish to engage in ecotourism activities. The topics of the training and capacity building may include environmental education, basic forest and wildlife laws and regulations, waste management, home stay ma nagement , eco-tour programming, interpretation, fir st aid, flor a a nd fa una photogra phy, angling, hospitality, business mana gement, communication skills, etc. G. Promotion of ecotourism product i.Loca l communities will be encouraged to pr oduce local handicraft s and other local souvenirs on a sustainable manner with minimum impacts on the ecosystem. ii.Village ecot ourism for different t arget groups (i.e. for adults, childr en, family, students, etc) may also be developed and promoted in pot ential villa ges after carrying out micro planning exer cises. iii. Environment or eco-friendly lodges managed by either loca l individuals or local communities will be encouraged in or near wilderness ar eas. iv. Interpretation Centers will be encouraged in towns and villages which will also function as Ecot ourism Promotion Centers. H . Research and monitoring i.Research and monitoring will be carried out to see the impact and effectiveness of policy implementation, and the future development of ecotour ism will be determined by environmental impact assessment, socio-economic evaluation and its contribution to environmental conservation as well as the extent of availability of benefits to the local community. ii.Emphasis will be given on monitor ing of the visitors impact on the environment and local communities, carrying capacity of visit ors and the conservation message conveyed to visit ors. iii. Research will focus on inventory of biodiversit y, genera ting new knowledge, insights a nd modalities for sustainable ecotour ism. I.Fina ncial support and fund mobiliza tion i.For the promotion and development of ecotourism in Mizoram, the Depa rtment of EF&CC or the Mizoram Ecotourism Development Boar d may find ways and/or arrange to pr ovide funds for the same through grants from the Central Government or any funding sources/agencies and/or through PPP mode. ii.In a ddition, the nodal Department may devise a mechanism for generation of via ble revenues to bridge the financial gap to the extent possible through sources from entry for visitors, ca mera fee, vehicle entry/parking fee, toilet fee for day visitors, charges for a ny other activities, etc. iii. The general development of Protected Areas including Eco-tourism facilities, Interpreta tion Centres, Literature and the like would continue with funding support under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes, CAMPA, based on site specific proposals submitted by the concerned authority. iv. The village level Ecotourism Development Committees may be registered with the concerned revamped Forest Development Agencies as a mecha nism to receive donations/contributions nationally as well as internationa lly.- 6 - Ex-264/2017 J.SAFETY MEAS URES i.Training on first a id, methods of risk management, etc may be imparted to tour operators, guides, etc whose clients may have accidents and injuries caused during tourism activities. ii.The entry of tourist within the ecotour ism zone shall be regulated within permissible limit. iii. A system of notifying landslide prone a reas, a ccident prone areas a nd other dangerous places for visitors shall be put in place. iv. A system of emergency call for medical doctors on event of visitors’ sickness or injuries shall also be arranged. v.The Ecotour ism Management Plan/ Project should establish standards for development and refurbishing of infrastructure, waste/sewage disposal, control of lit ter and optimum use of the fragile ecos ystem so as to have low impact on the environment. vi. Regulatory measures to ensure tour ist flow within the ca rrying capacity of the eco-tourism site, Socia l, cultural and envir onmenta l susta inability, as well as safety and security of tour ists and visitors shall be introduced. GUIDELINES Guidelines for Ecotourism Operators, Guides, Visitors and Research Scholars (I) Eco-tourism operators shall register themselves with the State Department for engaging in eco-tourism activities in the State and shall abide by all the rules, regulations and policy guidelines in force. In case of any violation, their registration is liable to be cancelled and will be subjected to any penalized a ction recommended as per the relevant acts a nd rules in force. (II) Ecotourism Operators, Guides Visitors and Research Scholars shall a.engage trekking service providers who are genuine Mizor am subjects and possess the certificate of identification; b.ensu re that fair wages are paid a ccording to the prescr ibed ra tes; c.provide adequate cooked food for the tr ekking service providers while in a wildlife area and ensu re that they do not use firewood; d.obta in a permit and pay p rescrib ed fees befor e entering a for est/wildlife a rea; e.arra nge to carry sufficient kerosene and LPG for heating a nd cooking purpose; f.segregate degradable and non-degradable litters and burn or bury all biodegradable items and carr y back all other non-degradable it ems; g.keep to the permitted natur e trails and tr eks; h.inform the nearest wildlife check post, in case the pa rties come acr oss for est fir e, wildlife offence, death/car cass of wild a nimals during their nature trip; i.carry medical first aid kits as may be required during the trip; (III) Ecotourism Op erators, Guides, Visitors and Research Schola rs shall not a.use firewood or kindle fire or thr ow cigar ettes b utts in wildlife and forest ar eas; b.damage or cut shrubs or thickets; c.pollu te water body; d.collect plants or their parts; e.bring with them dogs, cats and other pet animals; f.feed, shout, tease, chase, disturb or molest wild animals; loud music or use loud speakers; outside the designated campsites;- 7 -Ex-264/2017 i.trek outside of the designa ted natural tra ils; j.defecate within 100 meters of any water body; within 500 meters of the per iphery of any lake; l.defile sites of religious and cultural significance such as sacred monuments , lakes, rocks and caves especially by inscribing names, using paint etc; m.commit any other act that may be injurious to forests, water b odies, plants, animals or disturb the natural tranquility of such sit es or become a nuisance to other trekkers; n.leave any non-biodegradable materials in wildlife area during a trek, and such materials shall be declared at the forest/wildlife checkpost both before a nd after the entry; o.carr y out any resea rch study or study within forest/wildlife ar ea without the prior permission of the competent author ity; p.indulge in hunting of any animals or ca rry on the business of buying and selling any animals, animal articles, antique cultural artifacts, trophy, uncured trophy or meat of wild animals and specified plants; q.dest roy or remove any wildlife, infrastr uctures and plants/tr ees, sign boards of the protected areas; r.swim in lakes, rivers or a pproach glaciers inside the Nationa l Park/Protected Areas or camp in areas of wildlife interest or their habitats; s.collect specimens of wildlife without permission of the competent author ity.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/250- 8 - Ex-264/2017

Deed changing name of Lalthlengliana, Forester S/o Thangseia Kolosib Forest Division

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 265Date - 16/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OFFICE ORDER Subject : Change of Name No. A. 20026/6/97-PCCF/50, the 24th May, 2017. Consequent upon the execution of deed for changing name in pursuance of Office Memorandum No. A. 47012/1/2016-P&AR(GSW) Dt. 17.1.2017, Lalthlengliana, Forester S/o Tha ngseia presently posted at Kolosib Forest Division is allowed to change his name as K. Lalthlengliana . Henceforth, he shall be known as K. Lalthlenglia na, and his na me shall be writ ten as such in his service records, a ll Official documents and cor respondence, and necessary entries shall be ma de in his Service Book/records. Lalramthanga, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Environment, Forest s & Climate cha nge. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 16.6.2017 Jyaistha 26, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 265Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Composition of Lalsavunga Park Development Authority

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 266Date - 16/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No. B. 12015/5/2017-FST, the 7th June, 2017.Whereas the capital city of Mizoram is stressed by spatia l growth and the existing forests within Aizawl are fa st vanishing except few pockets of Government owned forest, and whereas the urban population in Aizawl are exposed to various pollutions, the need to have green city for clean and healthy environment in the surrounding is utmost important. The Government of Mizoram has now established “City Forest” as part of the Sma rt City initiative of Government of India on the southern corner of Aizawl by maintaining and improving the existing Lalsavunga Par k. The city forest is a imed to create awareness on conserva tion education on important flora and fauna, ecological rejuvenation of the city, environmental improvement of Aizawl city by mitigating pollution, etc. In order to get best managed forest of the area, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute the following body as La lsavunga Par k Development Authority to look after the City Forest. Composition of Lalsavunga Park Development Authority : Chairman: Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. Vice Chairman: Principal S ecretar y, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. Member Secretary: Conservator of Forests, Central Cir cle, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. Members: 1. Secr etary, Local Administration Department. 2. Secr etary, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. 3. Chief Conservator of Forests (P&D), Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. 4. Chief Engineer, Public Wor ks Depa rtment (Building). 5. Director, Loca l Administration Department. 6. Director, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. 7. Divisional Forest Officer, Aiza wl Forest Division. 8. Chief Architect, E-in-C Office, Public Works Department. 9. Executive Engineer, Local Administration Department. Co Opted Members : 1. Local MLA 2. Councillor. Ward No. XIX 3. Chair man, Local Council N. Hlimen VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 16.6.2017 Jyaistha 26, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 266 - 2 - Ex-266/2017 Role of the Authority : 1.The Authority will coordinate all stakeholders for the over all development of the park. 2.The Authority will seek fund for development of the park from all sources and the mode of convergence be applied as far a s possible. 3.The Development proposals prepared by stakeholder depar tments will be approved by the authority and all development activities will be closely monitored by the author ity. This issues with the appr oval of the Competent Author ity. Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Accredited Trainer in the 8 (eight) Districts of Mizoram for the purpose of undertaking training course under sub-rule 1 of Rule 10 of Arms Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 267Date - 20/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. L. 22012/1/2014-HMA, the 19th May, 2017.Pursuant to Rule 39 of Arms Rules, 2016, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to designate the following officials as Accredited Trainer in t he 8 (eight) Districts of Mizora m for the purpose of u ndertaking tra ining course under sub-rule 1 of Rule 10 of Arms Rules, 2016 and the designated Accredited Trainer shall have the power to issue a certifica te in F orm S-l, to the applica nt, on successful completion of the said cou rse. Sl. No.DistrictDesigna t ed Accr edited Tr ainerExplanation1.Aizawl(1) Armourer, lsf Bn. MAP (2) Armourer, 3rd Bn. MAP 2.LungleiArmourer, 2nd Bn. MAP 3.SaihaPost Commander2nd Bn. MAP deployed at Saiha 4.KolasibArmourer, 1st IR Bn., Mualvum 5.MamitArmourer, 4th IR Bn., Luangpawl 6.SerchhipArmourerj PTS, Thenzawl 7.LawngtlaiPost Commander2nd Bn. MAP deployed a t Lawngtlai 8.ChamphaiArmourer, 2nd IR Bn., Khawzawl Modalities for issue of Form S-l to the applicant of Arm Licence — 1.The concerned DC to whom the application for issue of Arm Licence is submitted shall forward the details of the applica nt to t he Commandant of the Armed Unit concerned or Superintendent of Police in ca se of Lawngtlai and Sa iha District for necessary act ion. 2.The Commandant/Superintendent of Police concerned shall requisition the service of Armourer/ Post Commander as mentioned above to conduct sa fety tr aining course for the applicant. 3.On completion of the training cour se, the Armourer/Post Commander, if he is satisfied, shall issue the certificate which shall be countersigned by the Commandant or Superintendent of Police concerned. 4.The training curriculum sha ll include the following modules - (a ) Basic arms and ammunition safety practices including sa fe handling and carry procedures. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.6.2017 Jyaistha 30, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 267 - 2 - Ex-267/2017 (b) Firing technique and procedures. (c ) Care of arms and ammunit ion. (d) Safe storage and tra nsportation of arms and ammunit ion. ( e) Reasonable working knowledge of important provisions of the Arms Act, 1959 a nd the Arms Rules, 2016. (f) Resp onsibilities of the ar ms owner or user, particularly in relation to children. 5.The applica nt shall be required to arrange firearm for his tr aining in case of unavailability of such firearm sought for possess ion and if the same is not ava ilable at the disposal of the Commandant/ Superintendent of P olice concerned in the Battalion Armed Kote or Cour t Malkhana. 6.The Commandant/Superintendent of Police shall arrange a shooting ra nge as and when required. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Arm Licence issued by competent authority to possess airguns, firearm replicas, blank firing guns and battery operated batons.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 268Date - 20/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. L. 22012/1/2014-HMA, the 19th May, 2017.Pursuant to the notification of Arms Rules, 2016 on 15th July, 2016 by the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affa irs, an individual shall be required to obta in an Arm Licence issued by competent authority to possess airguns, fir earm replicas, blank firing guns and battery opera ted batons. An arm licence will be required for possession of any airgun generating muzzle energy of more than 20 joules. Airguns of bigger calibre (.22 /5.5mm and above) shall now henceforth b e cover ed under the licensing r egime and restr ictions on muzzle energy will also be applicable to airguns of .177 calibre. As laid down in Section 3 of the Ar ms Act, 1 959, any possession of airgun now b eing designated as a firearm shall be counted within the legal limit of thr ee firearms an individual is allowed to possess. All civilia ns, with the exception of Mizoram Rifle Association and the shooting/rifle clubs affiliated under it, should immediately report to the nearest Block Development Officer (BDO) / Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) or District Magistrate a long with their airguns on such date or time as fixed by t he District Magistrate concerned. Any failure to report to the designated a uthorit y will a ttract penalty provisions as laid down in the Arms Act, 1 959 and Arms Rules, 2016. It is also hereby notified that henceforth a licence issued by the competent authorit y under the Arms Act, 1959 and Arms Rules, 2016 shall be required for selling of airguns. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.6.2017 Jyaistha 30, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 268Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

District Valuation Committees

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 269Date - 20/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 46022/2/2013-REV, the 16th June, 2017.The Notifica tion issued in the Mizoram Gazette Extr a Ordina ry issue No. 514 of 30th November, 2016, for constit ution of District Valuation Committees is hereby abrogated. T he District-level body for va luation of land, viz. the District Ma rket Va luation Sub- Committee shall be constituted by the Central Valuation Committee as provided under sub-section (2 ) of section 47B of the Indian Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Act, 2016. R. Lalramnghaka, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.6.2017 Jyaistha 30, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 269Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Revoke the suspension and abeyance of the effective date of appointment of the Indian Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Act, 2016 vide NOTIFICATION issued under No. A. 46022/2/2013-REV, dt. 2.11.16 with immediate effect.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 270Date - 20/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 46022/2(A)/2013-REV, the 16th June, 2017.In exercise of the power conferred under sub-s ection (3) of section 1 of the Indian Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Act, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to revoke the su spension and a beyance of the effective date of appointment of the Indian Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Act, 2016 vide NOTIFICATION issued under No. A. 46022/2/2013-REV, dt. 2.11.16 with immediate effect. R. Lalramnghaka, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.6.2017 Jyaistha 30, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 270Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Lalhruaizela S/o Lallawma, Armed Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 271Date - 20/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.6.2017 Jyaistha 30, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 271Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50AFFIDAVITI, Lalhruaizela S/o La llawma, a perma nent resident of Armed Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm a nd declare as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Schedule Tribe, Mizo by Community. 2.That I am working a s IV Gra de, under Depar tment of Transport, Government of Mizoram. 3.That in my Service Book, my father ’s name has been mistakenly written and recorded as H. Lalchhuanawma whereas in all other documents including my HSLC Certificate, my father ’s name is corr ectly recorded as Lalla wma. 4.That the pu rpose of this affidavit is to decla re the correct name of my fa ther is Lallawma and make necessary correction in my Service Book a nd other related documents. 5.That the ma tters stated in paras No. 1 to 4 above are true to the best of my personal knowledge and belief. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand a nd put my signature on this the9th June, 2017. Sd/- Lalhruaizela DEPONENT Identified by me:-Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- Laltanpuia, BA, LLB.R. ThangkanglovaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocate & Notary PublicNo. 50/6 Armed Veng, AizawlAizawl, MizoramDate 9/6/17

Deed changing name of Shri Liankunga, Peon, SAD

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 272Date - 20/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 20.6.2017 Jyaistha 30, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 272Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OFFICE ORDERNo. A. 20020/400/90-SAE, the 14th June, 2017.Shri Liankunga, Peon, SAD is hereby allowed to officially change his name from Liankunga to Lia nkunga Biahte. Henceforth, all official corr espondences and persona l effects bearing his name, including records in his Service Book, may be read a s Liankunga Biaht e. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

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