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The Mizoram Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 273Date - 22/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Thursday 22.6.2017 Asadha 1, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 273 NOTIFICATIONNo. C. 18011/8/2012 - FST, the 19th June 2017.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 42 of the Mizoram F orest Act, 1955 and also in compliance of the direction cont ained in para 1 of the Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regula tion) Guidelines, 2016 issued by the Ministry of E nvironment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India in pursuance of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 05.10.2015 in W.P (C) No.202 of 1995, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules, namely :- 1. Short title, extent and commencement: (i) Thes e r u les ma y be ca lled t heMizoram Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2017. (ii) They shall extend to the whole State of Mizoram except the three Autonomous District Councils. (iii) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2 . Definitions: (i) In t hese r ules, unless the context other wis e r equir es - (a)‘Act’ means the Mizoram Forest Act, 1955; (b)‘Authorized officer ’ means any forest officer not below the ra nk of a Divisional Forest Officer, who may be author ized by the St ate Government by notification, for carrying out all or any of the purposes of these rules within such local limits as may be specified in the Notification; (c)‘Document’ includes a valid r ecord in the form of the pass or permit or receipt indicating the transaction of forest produce issued by the competent authority; (d)‘Furniture unit’ mea ns plants and machinery and the premises including the precincts thereof in which or in any part thereof wood based finished products a re manufactured using sawn timber, cane, bamboo, reed, plywood or a ny other wood based pr oduct, except a round log, outsourced from licensed wood based industrial units or other legitimate sou rces and opera ting without a band saw or re-saw or circular saw of more than thirty centimeter diameter; (e)‘Industrial Estate’means areas notified by the State Government for establishment of wood based industrial units; (f)‘License’ means a license granted under these rules; (g)‘PCCF’ means the Principa l Chief Conservator of Forests, Government of Mizoram; (h)‘Person’ includes a n individual, partnership fir m, a body, company or a society duly regist ered for the pur pose of carrying on a business; - 2 - Ex-273/2017 (i)‘P rima ry Wood Ba sed Industr y’means an industry that is involved in sa wing of r ound timber and/or re-sa wing of sawn timber using mechanical devices for ma nufactur ing of wood products, a nd includes saw mill, joinery mill, veneer mill, plywood mill, pa rticle board mill, medium density fibre unit, paper pulp unit, peeling and chipping unit and any other unit involved in cutting, sawing, re-sa wing or conver ting of round timber and/or sawn timber, etc but does not include seconda ry wood based industr y as defined in rule 2(m). (j)‘Round log’ means a piece of wood in its natural form, having mid girth of 30 centimeter or more under bark, and it will include such round log even after its ba rk has been removed or its surface has been dr essed, manually or by using a band saw or any other machine or equipment to make its cross s ection square or near to squa re for the purpose of ease in its tra nsporta tion and / or stor age. (k)‘Saw Mill’ mea ns plants and machinery in a fixed structur e or enclosure, for conversion of round logs into sawn sizes. (l)‘Sawn Timber’means beams, sca ntlings, planks, battens and such ot her product obtained from sawing of a round log. (m)‘Secondary Wood Based Industry’ means an industr y t hat underta kes product ion of furniture, handicr afts, wooden toys, small joinery, s port goods and simila r products, and/or involved in re-sawing of sa wn timber for conversion into smaller pieces for meeting its own manufacturing requirements of wooden products and for bonafide domest ic consumption, and include units having vertical band saw not exceeding 60 centimeter wheel diameter and/or circular saw not exceeding 30 centimeter diameter, and powered by motor /engine of not more than 5 HP, provided same is not involved in purchase/sawing of r ound timber. (n)‘Sta te Level Committ ee’ mea ns the Committee constituted by the Government of Mizoram under rule 5 (i) of these ru les. (o)‘Wood Based Industr y’means any industry which processes wood as it s raw material and which has mechanical devices for manufacture of wood products, and includes horizontal/ vertical band saw and circular saw of more than 30 centimeter diameter. It includes primary and seconda ry wood based industries but does not include a furniture unit. (p) Words and expressions used in these Rules but not defined, and defined in the Act, shall have the meaning respectively as assigned to them in the Act; 3 . Restriction on establishment of Wood Based Industries: (i) No person s hall establish or operate any wood b ased industries except under a license gra nted in a ccordance with these r ules and with the prior approval of the Sta te Level Commit tee. (ii) Primary wood based industr ies sha ll be permitted to be established only in the Industrial Estate notified by the Government. 4 . Conditions governing operation of furniture units. (i) The establishment and oper ation of a fur niture unit shall not require a License. (ii) A furniture unit: (a ) shall not use any band saw, or rip saw or a cir cular saw having more than 30 centimeter diamet er. (b) shall not convert round logs (c ) shall use only sawn timber sourced from licensed saw mills or any other legitimate sou rce. (d) in case the furniture unit is loca ted within the premises of any wood based industry, approval of the State Level Committee and the license for operation of fu rniture unit is required. ( e) may also use bamboos, reeds and ca nes. (f) shall maint ain such records as may be stipulated by the State Forest Department. - 3 -Ex-273/2017 5. Constitution of State Level Committee: (i)The State Government shall constitute a State Level Committee (SLC) with the following composition to perform the functions stipulated under rule 6. a)Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Chairperson b)A representa tive of the North Eastern Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment, F orest and Climate Change, Shillong Member c)Officer of the State Forest Department not below the rank of Conservator of Forests dealing with Working Plan/ Working Scheme M emb er d)Director, Department of Commerce and Industries or his repr esenta tive Member e)Repr esentative of Forest Development Corpora tion (if any in the State) Member f)An officer not below the rank of Conservator of For ests working in the Forest Headquar ters Member Secretary (g) The State Level Committee may nominate any other officer working in terr itorial wing of t he Forest Depar tment not below the ra nk of C onservator Forests. (ii) The State Level Committee shall meet at least once in three months. (iii) T he quorum of the State Level Committee meeting shall be at least fifty percent of permanent member s . (iv) The State Level Committee will invite one representative of the industry nominated by the saw-mill association as a special invitee to each and every meeting of the State Level Committee. 6 . Powers and functions of the State Level Committee: The S tate Level Committee sha ll:- (i)Assess the availability of timber for wood based industr ial units in the State every five year s in accorda nce with r ule 7 of these ru les. (ii) Assess quantity of different raw material requirement for wood based industrial units which may be sustainably harvested from trees outside forest areas in the State in accordance with rule 7 & 8 of these r ules. (iii) Assess annua l requirement of timber and other forest produce in the domestic mar kets in the State. (iv) Maintain a database of timber and other raw ma terials utilized by each wood based industrial unit permit ted to establis h and operate in the State during each fina ncial year. (v) Appr ove appr opriate locations for setting up of wood based industrial units. (vi) Appr ove the name of wood based industrial units which may be considered for gr ant of fresh license or enhancement of the existing licensed capacity in case the committee is satisfied that timber is available legally for the said new wood based industr ies (such as tr ees outside for est, forests, etc.). (vii) The State Level C ommittee will ensure that the amount lying with the respective State Forest Depa rtment s (r ecovered fr om Wood Based Industr ies) will be utilized for the purpose of affor estation only. (viii) Examine and make appropriate recommendations on any other matter referred b y the State Government or the Ministry of Envir onment, Forest and Climate Cha nge. 7 . Assessment of the availability of timber for Wood Based Industrial Units: (i)The quantity of timber likely to be ava ilable for utilization of wood based industries of different types in a State shall be a ssessed by commissioning study, preferably in collaboration with institutes/ universities of repute, once in every five years. The study will ta ke into account the following:- (a ) The quantity of such raw ma terial that may be sustainably harvested from the forest areas as per the working plans/working schemes/management plans duly approved by the competent authorities. (b) The quantit y of such raw material that is availa ble from the trees outside forest ar eas, including the private plantations, agro-forestry plantations and pla ntations raised on non- forest government lands,etc . (c) Net inter-state import of such timber; and (d) Net international import of such timber. 8 . Estimated annual consumption of timber by woods based industries. (i) For the pur pose of assessing the timber requirement of the Sa w mills , they may be divided into (a) Saw mills upto 10 HP (b) Saw mills between 10 and 20 HP (c) Saw mills between 20 HP to 40 HP (d) Saw mills between 40 to 60 HP and (e) Saw mills above 60 HP. The annual requirement of round log for saw mills of different capacities may be fixed by the State Level Committee based on the technical data or as per the formula given below: (a) Saw mills of 10 HP and below : 540 (base value) (b) Saw mills between 10 to 20 HP : 810 (1.5 time the base value) (c) Saw mills between 20 to 40 HP : 1080 (2 times of the base value) (d) Saw mills between 40 to 60 HP : 1620 (3 times of the base value) (e) Saw mills above 60 HP : 2160 (4 times the base value) (ii) The timber requirement for various units as assessed by the Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bangalore is given inAnnexu re I. 9 . Procedure for obtaining license or renewal of license for wood based industries: (i) For obtaining a license or renewal of license for wood based industry as required under rule 3, application in Form I or Form III respectively shall be submitted to the authorized officer. Each application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee as prescribed under rule 16 in the form of a Receipt (copy of Receipt to be enclosed). (ii) Application for renewal of license shall be made in For m III to the authorized officer, at least three (3) months before the expir y of the validity period of the license. (iii) Application received in clause (i) & (ii) shall be enquired into by the authorized officer, who, after due verifica tion, shall forward the application along with the verification report a nd comments to the Conservator of F orests concerned within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of such a pplication. (iv) The Conservator of F orests will forward the application along with the report and his comments to t he Principa l Chief Conserva tor of F or est who sha ll refer the same to the S tate Level Committee for its consideration and decision. (v) The State Level Committee, while exercising its power and fu nctions under rule 6, may refuse issuance of the license or renewal of t he license for reasons to be recorded in writing, and infor m the applicant accordingly. 10 . Regis tra tion a nd allotment of la nd for WBI: On r eceipt of the approval of the State Level Committee for est ablishment of wood based industry, the applica nt shall obtain allotment of land within the Industrial Es tate(in case of primar y WBI) from the competent authority of Commerce and Industries Depar tment, Government of M izoram, and then he shall get the wood based industrial unit registered with the competent author ity. 11. Grant or Renewal of License: After obtaining approval of State Level Commit tee and allotment of land and registration as required under rule 10, the author ized officer shall gr ant license in Form–II (for primary WBI), in Form-IIA (for secondary WBI) and in Form IV (for renewal). The license granted shall remain valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of issue or renewal of s uch license.- 4 - Ex-273/2017 The license in For m-II, Form–IIA and For m-IV shall be granted subject to following conditions: (i)The applica nt is not a person convicted of any offence punishable under any forest or wildlife act and rules. (ii) The wood ba sed industrial unit is registered with Depa rtment of Commerce & Industr ies. (iii) The applica nt shall be in lawful possess ion of the land where the wood based industr ial unit is approved. (iv) No secondary wood based industr ial unit shall receive, pur chase, sell, stock or process round timber. (v) No wood based industrial u nit shall procu re sawn timber other than those converted by the licensed wood based industrial units or sawn timber imported from other States/country through legal means only. (vi) The license or ownership of wood based industrial unit shall not be transferred without the prior permis sion of the Sta te Level Commit tee. (vii) Any wood ba sed industrial unit shall be subject to inspection at any time by any For est Officer not below the rank of a Forester. (viii) Every wood based industrial unit shall keep and mainta in registers, documents and accounts in the for m as requir ed under these ru les. (ix) Any wood ba sed industrial unit licensed for a particular category shall not be converted into any other category without obtaining a fresh license for the same. (x) The capacity of wood based industr ial unit shall not be enhanced or any new machinery other than those mentioned in the license shall not be installed without the prior approval of the S tate Level Committee. (xi) The location or building of the wood based industrial unit mentioned in the license shall not be shifted without the approval of t he State Level Commit tee. (xii) The name of the wood based industrial unit mentioned in the license shall not be cha nged without the approva l/permission of the Sta te Level Commit tee. (xiii) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the wood based industrial unit to ensure that all the round timber, sawn timber a nd wastage is properly stacked for fa cilitating stock taking and inspection b y supervisory F orest staff. (xiv) The licensee shall be responsible for a ny timber stacked or lying within the premises. (xv) Timber for sawing/re-sawing or pr ocessing is not accepted without a valid tr ansit pass. Timber offered to the unit without valid transit pa ss will be reported to Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. (xvi) The license holder shall not do any activity causing pollution and health hazard to the local people. 12. Suspension or cancellation of License: Notwithstanding anything contained in foregoing rules, the Conserva tor of Forests within whose jurisdiction the unit lies, ma y, if there is sufficient r eason to believe tha t the licensee is operating the wood based industrial unit in contravention of the provision of these rules or conditions of license or is indulging in activities prejudicial to the interest of the forest conservation or public interest, at any time after giving 30 days notice, suspend or cancel the license granted under rule 11, provided tha t no such suspension or cancellation shall be made except after giving the holder of the license an opportunity of being heard. 13 . Power of Seizure: Any forest officer, not below the rank of a Forest Range Officer within his area of jurisdiction, shall ha ve the power to seize any or all the machines, tools, materials, documents, records etc. belonging to a wood based industrial unit / fur niture unit functioning in contravention of the provisions of these rules.- 5 -Ex-273/2017 14. Compounding of Offences: The authorized officer sha ll have the power to compound any offence committed by a person under the provisions of t hese rules, by exacting such a mount as compounding fees which shall be equivalent to t he value of the seized material, and imposing a fine which shall not exceed Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand). After the compounding, the seized material except the timber from the Government forests shall be released and no offence shall lie against the person. In case the seized material includes timber from Gover nment forests, the same shall stand confisca ted. Any offence committed in viola tion of any of the provisions of these rules, involving the same person, shall not be compounded more than three times and in such case, the license shall become lia ble for suspension/ca ncellation, as the case ma y be. 15. Appeal: An appeal against a n order or decision ta ken by a ny authority under this rules shall lie - (a ) If the order is ma de by t he authorized officer, with the Conservator of For ests of the Circle concerned; (b) If the order is made by the Conservator of Forest s with the Principal C hief Conservator of Forest; (c ) If the order is ma de by t he PCCF or Sta te Level Commit tee, with the concerned Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment, For est &Climate Cha nge; (d) If the order is ma de by the head of the Regional Office, with the Director General of For ests & Special Secretary, Ministry of E nvironment, For ests & Climate Change whose decision will be final. Such appeal should be preferred within 60 days of the receipt of the order or decision and the appellate a uthority shall within 60 days of filing the appeal pass the appropriate or der. If for any reason, any per son is aggrieved by the order so pa ssed in the appeal, he may pr efer an a ppropriate petition/a pplication/appeal to the next higher authority 16 . Fees for Grant or Renewal of License: (i) The following fees shall be paid by each Scheduled Tribe applicant for the grant or renewal of license:- Sl. Natur e of LicenseApplication fee License fee License renewal fee No.(in ^)(in ^)(in ^) 1 Primary Wood Based Industries20075005000 2 Secondary Wood Based Industries10025002000 Expla na tion : For non-tribal applicant, the rates will be double the above. (ii) All fees collected under the provision of these rules may be credited into Government receipt under appropriate head of a ccount without undue delay. 17 . Utilization of fee: All receipt towa rds application fee, license fee, renewal fee, la te fee and fine/pena lty shall be used for conserva tion and development of the forests a s per guidelines to be framed by the Government. 18. Maintenance of Recor ds: Each wood based industria l unit shall maintain and regularly update records in the releva nt proforma given in the schedule to these rules.- 6 - Ex-273/2017 19. Inspection and Verification of Record: The Conserva tor of F or est s of the C ircle concerned or the a uthor ized officer or any inspecting officer duly appointed by the Conservator of For ests may inspect and verify at any time without notice the following within the premises of the wood based industria l units including factories of a Lic ensee – (a) license, documents and other records requir ed to be maintained under t hese ru les; (a ) stock of ra w material ava ilable inside and out side the premises of WBI; (b) stock of sa wn timber or manufact ured pr oducts or processed products and (d) in-coming ra w materials and outgoing finis hed products The licensee shall, when required to do so, produce immediately the documents a nd materials stated above for inspection and verification. 20. Transit Pass for Forest Produce: All forest produce entering or leaving a saw mill / wood based industrial unit sha ll be covered by a valid transit pass duly issued by Environment, Forests & Climate Cha nge Depa rtment of Mizoram, except the finished products which should be covered by challan duly approved by the Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. 21. Pena lties: Any person contravening any of the provisions of these r ules sha ll be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to ten thousand r upees or with both. 22. Guidelines: The State Government, aft er the coming into force of these rules, may issue guidelines in confor mity with these r ules and the M izor am (For est) Act, 1 955 for effective implementat ion of t hese r u les. 23 . Repeal a nd S a ving: (i)The Mizoram Forest (Establishment & Regulation of Saw Mills and other Wood Based Industries) Rules, 2010 is hereby repealed. (ii) Notwithstanding such repea l, any action taken or orders made under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been validly ta ken or made under the provisions of t hese rules. (iii) Nothing contained in these rules shall apply to the ordinary operation of domestic carpentry, furniture ma king units, wooden toy and ha ndicraft making units, charcoal making units and firewood depots, which do not use or ha ve the facility for sawing, converting and processing round timber. Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forest & Climate Change Department.- 7 -Ex-273/2017 Annexure I Assessment of Timber Requirement The Indian Plywood Industr y Resea rch and Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bangalore, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change ha s assess ed the timber requirement per unit for peeling length of 4 feet and 8 feet size in the plywood/veneer units a s 5 cu. mt. and 11 cu. mt. resp ectively per da y on an average of 8 working hours per day. By assuming that the peeling units work for 8 hours per day on an avera ge for 300 days in a year, the normal timber requirement of the peeling length of 4 feet size in veneer units is 1500 cu. mt. The total timber requirement for the stand alone veneer units may be assessed by calcula ting the equiva lent number of 4 feet length machines and by taking its normal installed capacity as 1500 cu. mt. per annum. The timber r equirement of a plywood unit may be taken as ‘nil’ on the ground that the round timber is used as timber in the veneer units only and that the plywood unit s are the secondary users which use the veneer as raw material produced by the veneer units. The plywood units use presses of various sizes such as 8x4x6, 8x4x12, 8x4x15, 4x4x7, 4x4x10. A 8x4x10 capacity press can produce upto 10 plywood pieces of 8’x4’ size per hour whereas a 8x4x15 capacity press can produce upto 15 plywood pieces of 8’x4’ size per hour and so on. The normative installed capacity of the plywood units will a ccordingly depend upon the number and the type of presses. This number and t ype of presses installed in each of t he plywood unit may be assessed and thereafter equivalent number or presses of 8x4x10 capacity may be calculated. The normative annual timber requirement for a integrated plywood unit having a 8x4x10 ca pacity press ma y be taken as 2000 per a nnum, a nd accordingly the total requirement of timber for the plywood units should be calcula ted. FORM – I [See Rule 9(1)] APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR SETTING UP WOOD BASED INDUSTRIAL UNIT/SECONDARY WOOD BASED INDUSTRIAL UNIT 1. Applicant:- (i)Name: (ii)Father ’s name : (iii)Date of birth : (iv)Address: (v)Phone No: (vi)Whether Scheduled Tr ibe or Non-Tribal : 2. The proposed Unit:- (i)Name: (ii)Location/Addr ess: (iii)Forest Range/Division : (iv)Distr ict: 3.Type and ca tegory of the unit to be set up(Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (i) Primary Wood Based Industr y (for primary processing of r ound logs)- (a) Sawing of round logs / sawn timber(b ) Veneering/Peeling (c) Splint & match box(d) Others (specify) Photo - 8 - Ex-273/2017 (ii) Secondary Wood Based Industry (for secondary pr ocessing of wood)- (a ) Re-sawing of sawn timber(b) Carpentry(c) Others (specify) 4.Nature of sale(Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Inside the State(b) Outside the State(c) Both 5.Nature of ownership (Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Proprietary (b) Partnership(c) Co-op. Society(d) Lease (e) Others 6.Raw ma teria l to be us ed (Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Wood from legal source(b) Sawn timber/materials from licensed saw-mills 7.Deta ils of machiner y to be installed:- Sl. Type of machines withWith or Size or Hor se Nu mber Insta lled capacity No. specification/sizewithout specifi- P owerin cu.m (annual trolley cationRound Sawn logstimber 1 Horizontal band saw 2 Vertical band saw 3 Circular saw 4 Peeling machine 5 Match stick making ma chine 6 Others (specify) 8.Product (Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Scantlings/Planks(b) Packing cases (c) Veneer/Plywood(d) Furniture (e) Splints & Match Box(f) Others (specify the product) 9.Land in which the unit is situated:- (a) Extent:_________Ha/Bigha (b) Location: ____________________________________________ (c) Land Pass/Allotment/Plot No.: ____________________________ (d) Village: _____________________________________________ (e) Town/City:___________________________________________ (f) District: _____________________________________________ (g) Name of the Industrial Estate: ____________________________ 10. Registration No. of the unit in Commerce & Industries Department (if a lready r egistered): 11. Whether the unit is functioning or not (Yes/No): __________. If yes, since when it was functioning: 12. Whether the applicant is involved in: any crimina l/forest/wildlife offence case 13. Number of labourers in the unit :- 9 -Ex-273/2017 14. Docu ments enclos ed(Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- a)Tribal Certificate in case of tribal applicant, b)Registration Certificate of the Firm/Society/Partnership or Company, c)Registration Certificate of the unit in Industries Department, d)Loca tion map of the unit showing the approach, e)Docu ment showing ownership / allotment of land, f)Copy of Receipt of application fee. I hereby declare that the informa tion pr ovided above is true and tha t if fou nd false subsequently, my application for license may be rejected. I also undertake that I will abide by the terms and conditions of the license and relevant rules, guidelines and instr uct ions issued by the Government, P rincipa l Chief Conservator of Forest s a nd the authorized officer from time to time and that I will not violate the pr ovisions of the Mizora m Wood Based Indu stries (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2 017 as amended from time to time. Date: Place: Signa ture of the Applicant FORM – II [See Rule 11] LICENSE FOR PRIMARY WOOD BASED INDUSTRIAL UNIT License No._________________ Date _________________ License is hereby granted to Shri/Smt/Ms _________________________________________ (in block letters) S/o ________________________r/o ___________________________________________ (hereinafter to be referred as License holder) to establish a Primary Wood Based Industry under the provisions of Mizoram Wood Based Industr ies (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2017 as per following deta ils and subject to conditions given on the reverse of the Form: 1Name of the unit 2Category of the unit 3Natur e of ownership 4Posta l address of the unitBuilding No. Name of IE Village Distr ict PIN Photo - 10 - Ex-273/2017 5Deta ils of machinerySn Machinery with specifica tionPower and1 power sanctioned2 3 4 5 6Capa city of the unit____________________ Cu.m of round logs annually ____________________ Cu.m of sawn timber annually 7Source of raw material 8Amount of License fee paid^ ___________vide Receipt No.__________________ 9Regn No. in Commer ce & Industries Deptt. 10Validity of LicenseFromTo Date : Place : Signature, name a nd designation of Issuing Authority with Seal Conditions:1. The license shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from _________________________ , and may be renewed as p rescrib ed under the ru les. 2. The Wood Based Industrial Unit sha ll be subjected to inspection at any time by any Forest Officer not below the rank of a Forester. 3. The Wood Ba sed Industrial Unit shall keep and ma intain registers, documents and accounts in the for m as requir ed under t hese ru les. 4. The Wood Based Industrial Unit licensed for a par ticular category shall not be converted into any other category without obtaining a fresh license. 5. The capacity of the Wood Based Industria l Unit shall not be enhanced or any new machinery other than those mentioned in the license shall not be installed without the prior a pproval of the State Level Committee. 6. The location or building of the Wood Based Industrial Unit mentioned in the license shall not be shifted without the pr ior approval of the State Level Commit tee. 7. The name of the Wood Based Industrial Unit mentioned in the license shall not be changed without the approval/permission of the Sta te Level Commit tee. 8. The license or ownership of the wood based industrial unit shall not be transferred without the prior permission of the St ate Level Commit tee. 9. The premises of the WBI including the yard for storage shall be enclosed within a fence fitted with prop er ga t es. 10. All the round timber, sawn timber and wastage shall be properly stacked for facilitating s tock ta king and inspection of supervisory Forest staff. 11. The license holder shall be resp onsible for any legal or illegal timber stacked or lying within the premises. 12. Timber for sawing/re-sawing or processing shall not be accept ed without a valid tr ansit pass. 13. Timber offered to the unit without the valid tr ansit pass sha ll be immediately reported to the Forest department. - 11 -Ex-273/2017 14. The license holder shall not do a ny activity ca using pollution and health ha zard to the local people. Date: Place: Signature, name a nd designation of Issuing Authority with Seal I undertake that I will abide by the terms and conditions of the license and relevant rules, guidelines and instructions issued by the Government, Pr incipal Chief C onservator of Forests and the authorized officer from time to time a nd that I will not violate the provisions of the Mizoram Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2017 as a mended from time to time. Date: Place: Signature of License holder Phone No. ____________ FORM – IIA [See Rule 11] LICENSE FOR SECONDARY WOOD BASED INDUSTRIAL UNIT License No._________________ Date _______________ License is hereby granted to Shri/Smt/Ms__________________________________________ (in block letters) S/o____________________________ R/o ___________________________ ____________________________________ (hereinafter to be referred as License holder) to establish a Secondary Wood Based Industry under the provisions of Mizor am Wood Based Industr ies (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2017 as per following details and subject to conditions given on the reverse of the For m: 1Name of the unit 2Category of the unit 3Natur e of ownership 4Posta l address of the unitBuilding No. Name of IE Village Distr ict PIN Photo - 12 - Ex-273/2017 5Deta ils of machinerySn Machinery with specifica tionPower and1 power sanctioned2 3 4 5 6Capa city of the unit____________________ Cu.m of sawn timber annually 7Source of raw material 8Amount of fee paid^ _____________ Vide Receipt No.__________________ 9Regn No. in Commer ce & Industries Deptt. 10Validity of PermitFromTo Date: Place: Signature, name a nd designation of Issuing Authority with Seal Conditions:1. No secondar y wood based industry shall r eceive, purcha se, sell, stock or process round timber. 2. No secondar y wood based industry shall procure any sawn timber other than those converted by a licensed wood based industrial units or sawn timber procured from other State/cou ntry through legal means only. 3. The license or ownership of secondary wood based industrial u nit sha ll not be transferred without the prior permis sion of the Sta te Level Commit tee. 4. The secondar y wood based industria l unit shall be subject to inspection at any time by any Forest Officer not below the ra nk of a Forester. 5. The secondar y wood based industria l unit shall keep and maintain registers, documents and accounts in t he form as required under Mizoram Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2017. 6. The Seconda ry Wood Based Industrial Unit shall not be converted into any other category wit hout obtaining a fresh license. 7. The Seconda ry Wood Based Industrial Unit shall not be enhanced or any new ma chinery other than those mentioned in the license s hall not be installed without the prior approval of the State Level Committee. 8. The location or building of the Seconda ry Wood Based Industr ial Unit mentioned in the license shall not be shifted without the prior permission of the State Level Commit tee. 9. The name of the Secondary Wood Based Industrial Unit mentioned in the license shall not be cha nged without the prior permission of the State Level Commit tee. 10. The licensee shall be resp onsible for any legal or illegal timber stacked or lying within the premises. 11. Timber for re-sawing or processing shall not be accept ed without a valid tr ansit pass. 12. Timber offered to the unit without the valid tr ansit pass sha ll be immediately reported to the Forest department. - 13 -Ex-273/2017 13. The license holder shall not do a ny activity ca using pollution and health ha zard to the local people. Place: Date: Signature, name a nd designation of Issuing Authority with Seal I undertake that I will abide by the terms and conditions of the license and relevant rules, guidelines and instructions issued by the Government, Pr incipal Chief C onservator of Forests and the authorized officer from time to time a nd that I will not violate the provisions of the Mizoram Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2017 as a mended from time to time. Date: Place: Signature of License holder Phone No. ____________ FORM – III [See Rule 9(1)] APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF LICENSE FOR WOOD BASED INDUSTRIAL UNIT License No & date:__________________Valid upto:______________ 1.Applicant/Licensee:- (a)Name & father’s name : (b)Address: (c)Phone No: (d)Whether Scheduled Tr ibe or Non-Tribal : 2.The Unit:- (a)Name: (b)Location/Addr ess: (c)Forest Range/Division : 3.Type and category of the unit set up (Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (i) Primary Wood Based Industr y (for primary processing of r ound logs)- (a) Sawing of round logs / sawn timber(b) Veneering/Peeling (c) Splint & match box(d) Others (specify) (ii) Secondary Wood Based Industry (for secondary pr ocessing of wood)- (a ) Re-sawing of sawn timber(b) Carpentry(c) Others (specify) 4.Nature of sale (Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Inside the State(b) Outside the State(c) Both - 14 - Ex-273/2017 5.Nature of ownership(Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Proprietary(b) Partnership(c) Co-op. Society(d) Lease (e) Others 6.Registration No. of the unit in Commerce & Indu stries Department : 8.Raw materia l used/t o be us ed (Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Wood fr om outside for ests(b) Sawn timber/Materials from licensed saw mills 9.Deta ils of M achinery installed/to be installed: Sl. Type of machines withHorse Number Installed capacity in cu.m (annual) No. specification/sizePowerRound logsSawn t imber 1 Horizontal band saw 2 Vertical band saw 3 Circular saw 4 Peeling machine 5 Splint making machine 6 Others (specify) 10. Product (Tick mark whichever is a pplicable) :- (a) Scantlings/Planks(b) Packing cases(c) Veneer/Plywood (d) Furniture(e) Splints & Match Box(f) Others (specify) 11. Land in which the unit is situated:- (a) Extent:_________ Ha/Bigha (b) Location: _____________________________________________ (c) Land Pass/Allotment/Plot No.: _____________________________ (d) Village: ______________________________________________ (e) Town/City: ____________________________________________ (f) District:_______________________________________________ (g) Name of Industrial Estate: ________________________________ 12. Whether the applicant is involved in: any crimina l/forest/wildlife offence case 13. Number of labourers in the unit : 14. Documents enclosed:- a) Copy of existing License b) Copy of Receipt of application fee. I hereby declare that the Wood Based Industrial Unit under License No.____________________ issued by the _________________________________________________________________ has been functioning in the same location, building with permitted installed capacity and using permitted raw material and under the same owner ship as per the license and have not violated any of the conditions of license during its currency. I also undertake that I will abide by the conditions of the license and relevant ins tructions issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and the authorized officer from time to time.- 15 -Ex-273/2017 I hereby apply for the renewal of the license for a fur ther term as pr ovided in the Mizoram Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regula tion) Rules, 2017. Date: Place: Signa ture of the Licensee: FORM – IV [See Rule 11] LICENSE FOR WOOD BASED INDUSTRIAL UNIT (ON RENEWAL) License No._________________ 1Name of the Licensee 2Father ’s name 3Address of the Licensee 4Natur e of ownership 5Name of the unit 6Category of the unit 7Original License No. & date 8Posta l address of the unitBuilding No. Name of IE Village Distr ict PIN 9Deta ils of machinerySnMachinery with specifica tionPower and1 power sanctioned2 3 4 5 10Capa city of the unit____________________ Cu.m of round logs annually __________________ Cu.m of sawn timber annually 11Source of raw material 12Amount of fee paid^___________ vide Receipt No.__________________ 13Validity of LicenseFromTo Date : Place : Signature, name and designa tion of Issuing Authority with Seal Note: Same conditions for grant of licen se in Form II& IIA apply and to be printed on the reverse of this Licen se (on ren ewal). Photo - 16 - Ex-273/2017

The Government of Mizoram (Transaction of Business) Amendment Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 274Date - 23/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 23.6.2017 Asadha 2, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 274 NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 46012/4/2016-GAD/74, the 21st June 2017.In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (3) of article 166 of the Constit ution of India, and as per the approval of t he Council of M inisters in its meeting held on 14th June, 2017 videNo.J.11011/l/2017-POL/Vol-II, dt. 16th June, 2017, the Competent Authority is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Govt. of Mizoram (Transaction of Business) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter called Pr incipal Rules) as follows: 1.Shor t Title and1) These rules may be called The Government of Mizoram (Transaction Commencementof Business) Amendment Rules, 2017. 2) They sha ll come into force fr om the da te of publication in the Mizor am Gazette. 2.Amendment ofList of Depa rtments in the First Schedule shall be as follows: Rule 31. Agriculture Department. 2. Animal Husba ndry &Veterinary Department. 3. Art & Culture Department. 4. Commerce & Industries Department 5. Co-operation Department. 6. Disa ster Management & Rehabilitation Department 7. District Council & Minority Affairs Department. 8. Drinking Water & Sa nitation Department 9. Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. 10. Excise & Narcotics Department. 11. Fina nce Dep art ment. 12. Fisheries Department. 13. Food, Civil Supplies & Consumers’ Affairs Department. 14. General Administr ation Department. 15. Health & Family Welfare Department. 16. Higher & Technical Education Department 17. Home Depa rtment . 18. Horticulture Department. 19. Information & Communication Technology Department 20. Information & Public Relation Department. - 2 - Ex-274/2017 21. Irrigation & Water Resources Department 22. Labour, Employment, Skill Development & Entr epreneurship Department. 23. Land Resour ces, Soil & Water Conservation Department 24. Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. 25. Law & Judicia l Department. 26. Loca l Administration Department. 27. Parliamentary Affairs Department. 28. Personnel & Adminis trative Reforms Department. 29. Planning & Programme Implementation Department. 30. Political & Cabinet Department. 31. Power & Electricity Department. 32. Print ing & Stationery Department. 33. Public Works Department. 34. Rura l Development Department. 35. School Education Department. 36. Secretariat Administration Department. 37. Sericulture Department. 38. Socia l Welfar e Department. 39. Spor t & Youth Services Department. 40. Taxation Depar tment 41. Tourism Department. 42. Transport Department. 43. Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. 44. Vigilance Department. Zothan Khuma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Rural Roads Maintenance Policy, 2017’ on Sixteenth of June, Two Thousand Seventeen (i.e. 16th June, 2017)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 275Date - 23/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 23.6.2017 Asadha 2, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 275 NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 11018/8/2015-PWD(E), the 16th June 2017.In the interest of public service and as appr oved by the Meeting of Council of Ministers held on 8th June, 2017, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to notify ‘The Mizoram Rural Roads Maintenance Policy, 2017’ on Sixteenth of June, Two Thousand Seventeen (i.e. 16th June, 2017). Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Obituary of Pu Ropianga Hnamte, Headmaster, Govt. S.Vanlaiphai High School, on 19.6.2017

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 276Date - 23/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 23.6.2017 Asadha 2, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 276Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OBITUARYThe Government of Mizoram has learnt, with profound grief and deep sorrow, the sad and untimely demise of Pu Ropianga Hnamte, Headmaster, Govt. S.Vanlaiphai High School, on 19.6.2017 (Monday) at 12.:45 p.m. Born on 1.3.1958, Pu Ropianga Hnamte wa s appointed as Teacher at Deficit Darzo Middle School on 26.6.1980 and later as Teacher, Deficit S.Vanla iphai High School on 24.2.1988. He served in t hat capa city till the school was provincialized on 01.12.1991. He continued to s erve there until he was appoint ed as Headmaster on 29.5.2015 at Govt. S.Va nlaipha i High School where he served till his last br eath He served the Gover nment of Mizora m with utmost sincerit y and devotion to duty and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Ropianga Hnamte and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. C. Lalhuliana, Dated AizawlJoint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram The 19th June, 2017School Edu cation Department

Departmental Screening Committee to consider the case for grant of benefits under Assured Career Programme (ACP) scheme for various categories of post of Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ under Director, Sainik Welfare & Resettlement with the following compositions :

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 277Date - 23/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 23.6.2017 Asadha 2, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 277Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12014/1/2006-HM(SB), the 16th June, 2017.In pursuance of DP&AR (ARW) O.M. No. B. 12014/1/2010-P&AR(ARW) dt. 30.7.2012, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute a Departmental Screening Committee to consider the case for grant of benefits under Assured Career Programme (ACP) scheme for various categories of post of Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ under Director, Sainik Welfare & R esettlement with the following compositions : GROUP ‘A’ & ‘B’ (Gazetted)1.Commissioner & Secretary, Home Department- Chairman 2.Representative of DP&AR- Member 3.Repr esentative of Adminis trative Department not below the rank of- Member Secretary Under Secretary GROUP ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted)1.Commissioner & Secretary, Home Department- Chairman 2.Representative of DP&AR- Member 3.Head of D epartment- Member Secretary GROUP ‘C’ & ‘D’1.Head of D epartment- Chairman 2.Representative of DP&AR- Member 3.D.D. (Admn) or it s equivalent rank- Member Secretary La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.


VOL - XLVIISSUE - 278Date - 23/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 23.6.2017 Asadha 2, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 278Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 11015/19/2007-FST, the 19th June, 2017.In continua tion to this Department’s Notifica tion regarding reconstit ution of the Mizoram Biodiversity Boar d issued vide even No. dt. 9.5.2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include Director, Agriculture Department (R &E Wing) and Director, Fisheries Department as permanent invitees in all the board meetings and related committees of the Mizoram Biodiversity Boa rd and to a ppoint all Conservator of F orests/Depu ty Conserva tor of Forests a nd Divisional For est Officers as Nodal Officer s for Mizoram Bio-diversir y Boar d within their r esp ective jur isdict ions with immediate effect and until further or der. Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department.

Guidelines for Enganement of Employees on contract basis

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 279Date - 23/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 23.6.2017 Asadha 2, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 279Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject :Guidelines for Enganement of Employees on contract basis No. A. 11019/2/2015-P&AR(ARW), the 20th June, 2017.The undersigned is directed to draw attention of all Administra tive/Heads of Departments to “Guidelines for Engagement of Employees on Contract basis” issued vide Office Memorandum No. G. 11021/2/92-PAR(ARW) dt. 07.08.2008 and to say that Pa ra 4 of the said Guidelines is hereby deleted with immediate effect. All concerned authorities are also informed that the instructions contained in “Guidelines for Engagement of Employees on Contract basis” issued vide Office Memorandum No. A. 11019/2/2005-P&AR(ARW) dt. 02.05.2012 shall stand modified accordingly. V. Lalremthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, DP & AR.

The Mizoram Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 280Date - 23/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 23.6.2017 Asadha 2, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 280 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 16012/4/2016 – LE&IT, the 20th June, 2017. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 40 and section 62 of the Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to a mend the Mizora m Building and Other Construct ion Wor kers (R egulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Rules, as published in the Mizoram Gazette, Vol - XLV, Extra Ordinary Issue No. 134 dated 20.05.2015, namely :-1. Short tit le and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Building and Other commencement Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2017. (2) They sha ll come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 1. Amendment of rule 2 Sub-rule (ka) of rule 2 of the Mizoram Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules , 2015 (her eafter ca lled the Principal Ru les) shall stand deleted. 2. Amendment of rule 5 Sub-rule (9) of rule 5 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(9 ) It shall be the duty of t he employer to abide b y the dates fixed and notified by him for payment of wages for a period in accorda nce with these rules and no cha nge in such da tes and such period shall be effected without notice to the building workers and the Inspector. The employer shall ensure timely payment of wages a s specified under these rules and at the place and time notified by him. Where the employer is a contractor, he shall ensur e that the wages of building workers are paid in the pres ence of a repr esentat ive of the employer of estab lishment or owner of premises from whom he has taken the work on cont ract and obtain signatures of such representative in token of ha ving witnessed the payment of wages.” - 2 - Ex-280/20173. Amendment of rule 17 Clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 17 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(a) The Sta te Government may appoint one of its officers not below the ra nk of Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizora m as Secr eta ry of the Sta te Advisor y Committee a nd appoint such other staff, being in the service of the State Government, as it may think necessary, to ena ble such Commit tee to carry out its functions.” 4. Amendment of rule 24 In sub-rule (1) of rule 24 of the Principal Rules, the words and figure “of sub-section 7 of the Act” shall be substituted by the words and figures “of sub-s ection (1) of section 7 of the Act” 5. Amendment of rule 26 The heading of rule 26 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “Conditions of registration:-” 6. Amendment of rule 36 (1) In cla use (b) of rule 36 of the Principa l Rules, the word “lighting” shall be substituted by t he word “lifting”. (2) In clause (c) of rule 36 of the Principal Rules, the words “shade of “ shall be substituted by the words “sheds or” 7. Amendment of rule 38 In r ule 38 of the Princip al Rules, the word “ employee” shall be substituted by the word “employer”. 8. Amendment of rule 39 Sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 39 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(i) the intentions and commitments of the establishment regarding health, safety and environmental protection of building workers; 9. Amendment of rule 40 Clause (b) of rule 40 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(b) no building worker is allowed to enter any confined space or tank or trench or excavation wherein there is given off any dust, fumes or other impurities of such nature and to such extent a s is likely to be injur ious or offensive to the building worker or in which explosives, poisonous, noxious or gaseous material or other harmful articles have been carried or stored or in which dry ice has been used as a refrigerant, or which has been fumigated or in which t her e is a p os s ib ilit y of ox ygen deficiency, u n les s all practical steps have been ta ken to remove such dust, fu mes, or other impurities a nd dangers which may be present and to prevent any further ingress thereof, a nd such workplace or tank or trench or excavation is certified by the responsible person to be safe and fit for the entry of such building workers.” - 3 -Ex-280/201710. Amendment of rule 41 In clause (c) of r ule 41 of the Principal Rules, the word “form” shall be substituted by the word “fr om”. 11. Amendment of rule 42 (1) Sub-rule (1) of rule 42 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(1) All passageways, platforms a nd other places of construction work at the building or other construct ion wor k shall be kept by the employer free from accumulations of dust, debris or similar material and from other obstructions that may cause tripping; (2) In sub-rule (7) of rule 42 of the Principal Rules, after the words “relating to” and before the wor ds “or other construction work”, the word “building” shall be inser ted. 12. Amendment of rule 48 In sub-rule (2) of rule 48 of the Principal Rules, the figure “1998” shall be substituted by the figure “1988”. 13. Amendment of rule 50 In rule 50 of the Principal Rules, after the words “working conditions” and before the words “a site”, the word “a t” shall be inserted. 14. Amendment of rule 55 (1) In sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of rule 55 of the Principal Rules, after the words “at least” and before the words “ dead tur ns”, the word “three” shall be inserted. (2) In sub-clause (v) of clause (d) of rule 55 of the Principal Rules, after the word “locking” and before the words “to pr event”, the word “device” shall be inserted. 15. Amendment of rule 57 In sub-clause (i) of rule 57 of the Principal Rules, the word “job” shall be substituted by the word “jib”. 16. Amendment of rule 58 In sub-clause (iii) of clause (a) of rule 58 of the Principal Ru les, the word “dr amatic” shall b e substituted by the word “drums”. 17. Amendment of rule 64 In clause (d) of r ule 64 of the Principal Rules, aft er the word “lifting” a nd before the word “is”, the word “operation” shall be substituted by the word “appliance” 18. Amendment of rule 65 In clause (v) of r ule 65 of the P rincipa l Rules, the word “poles” shall be substituted by the wor d “pawls”. 19. Amendment of rule 69 In clause (3) of rule 69 of the Principal Rules :– a ) the word “stretch” shall be substituted by the word “stretched” b) after the words “five percent” and befor e the words “its length”, the word “or” shall be substituted by the word “ of”. 20. Amendment of rule 71 Clause (5) of rule 71 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(5) a thimble or loop splice made in any wire rope sling conforms to the following standards, namely:— (i) wire rope sling sha ll have at least thr ee tucks with full strand of r ope and two tucks with one-half of the wir es cut out of each of such str and in all cases, such strands shall he tucked aga inst the lay of the r ope; (ii) pr otruding ends of such strands in any splice of wire rope slings shall be covered or treated so as to leave no sharp points; (ii i) a fib r e r o p e or a r op e s ling s ha ll ha ve a t lea s t fou r t u cks ; t a il of such tuck being whipped in a s uitable manner; and (iv) a synthetic fibr e rope or rope sling shall have at least four tucks with full strand followed by further tuck with one-half fila ments cut out of each of such strand and final tuck with one- half of the remaining filaments cut out fr om such strands. Any portion of the splices containing such tucks, with reduced number of filaments , sha ll be securely cover ed with suitable ta pe or other materials: Provided that nothing contained in this sub-clause shall apply where any other form of splice, which may be shown to be as efficient as the splice with above standards, is used.” 21. Amendment of rule 73 In r u le 7 3 o f t he P r incip a l R u les , t he wor d “ t ha t ” s ha ll b e omit t ed. 22. Amendment of rule 79 In clause (a ) of rule 79 of the Principal Rules, the word “look” shall be substituted by the word “hook”. 23. Amendment of rule 86 In clause (vi) of sub-rule (2) of rule 86 of the Principal Rules, the word “was” shall be substituted by the word “has”. 24. Amendment of rule 112 In rule 112 of the Principal Rules, the word “sop” shall be substituted by the word “so”. 25. Amendment of rule 118 The phrase “method of demolition like use of swinging weight, clamshell bucket, power shovel, bulldozer or other similar mechanical methods are used for the purpose of demolition, na mely” befor e cla use (a ) of ru le 118 of the P rincipal Rules s ha ll stand deleted. 26. Amendment of rule 120 After rule 119 of the P rincipal Rules, figure “129” shall be substituted by the figure “120”. 27. Amendment of rule 126 In rule 126 of the Principal Rules, at the heading, the word “Filling” shall be substituted by the wor d “Piling”. 28. Amendment of rule 142 Rule 142 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely -- 4 - Ex-280/2017 “142. Coupling and hoses.—The employer shall ensure at a cons truction site of a building or other cons truction work that only high pr essure hydraulic hoses and couplings are used on hydr aulic plants underground and such hoses and couplings are adequately protected against any possible damage in excava tion or tunneling work.”29. Amendment of rule 148 In clause (c) of r ule 148 of the Principal Rules, after the words “whenever a ” and before the words “breaks out”, the word “fire” shall be inserted. 30. Amendment of rule 181 In clause (a) of rule 181 of the Principal Rules, the word “shorting” shall be substituted by the word, “shoring”. 31. Amendment of rule 182 In r ule 182 of the Principal Rules, the word “ shorting” shall be substituted by the word, “shoring”. 32. Amendment of rule 183 In clause (b) of rule 183 of the Principal Rules, the word “shorting” shall be substituted by the word, “shoring”. 33. Amendment of rule 192 In clause (b) of rule 192 of the Principal Rules, the word “designated” shall be substituted by the word “designed” and the word “then” shall be substituted by the word “them” . 34. Amendment of rule 193 Inclause (a) of rule 193 of the Principal Rules, the word “if” shall be substituted by the word “is”. 35. Amendment of rule 197 In clause (b) of rule 197 of the Principal Rules, the word “consultant” shall be substituted by the word “consultation. 36. Amendment of rule 200 In clause (b) of rule 200 of the Principal Ru les, the word “laded” shall be substituted by the word, “lashed”. 37. Amendment of rule 204 In clause (c) of rule 204 of the Principal Rules, the word “swing” shall be substituted by the word, “swinging”. 38. Amendment of rule 205 In clause (a) of rule 205 of the Principal Rules, the word “fettling” shall be substituted by the following word, “tilt ing” 39. Amendment of rule 208 Sub-rule (2) of rule 208 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(2) The main funct ions of the Safety Committee shall be— (a) to identify probable causes of accident a nd unsa fe pract ices in building or other constr uction work and to suggest remedial measures; (b) to stimulate interest of employer and building workers in safety by organising safety weeks, safety competition, ta lks and film shows on safety, pr epa ring posters or taking similar other measures as and when requir ed or a s necessary;- 5 -Ex-280/2017 (c) to go r ound the construction site with a view to check unsafe practices and detect unsafe conditions and to recommend remedial measures for their rectification including Fir st Aid Medical and Welfare Facilities; (d) to look into the health hazards associated with handling different t ypes of explosives, chemica ls and other construction material and to suggest remedial measures including use of proper personal pr otective equipment; (e) to suggest measures for improving welfar e amenities in the construction site and other miscellaneous aspects of safety, health and welfare in building or other construction work; (f) to bring to the notice of the employer the hazards associated with use, handling and ma intenance of the equipment used during the course of building and other construction work.”40. Amendment of rule 210 In sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 210 of the Principal Rules, the figure “39” shall be substituted by the figure “3”. 41. Amendment of rule 229 Rule 229 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “229. Occupational health services for the building workers:—The employer shall ensure at a construct ion sit e of a building or other construction work, where more than five hundred building workers are employed that— (a ) a sp ecial medica l s er vice or a n oc cu p a tiona l hea lt h s er vice is ava i l a b l e at such construction site at all times and such service shall— (i) pr ovide first-aid and emergency treatment; (ii) conduct special medical examination for occupational hazards to such, building workers before their employment and thereafter at such intervals as may be specified by the Labour Commissioner fr om t ime to time; (iii) conduct tra ining of first-aid personnel of such medical service; (iv) render advice to such employer on conditions of work and improvement required to avoid hazards to the health of such building worker; (v) pr omote health education, inclu ding fa mily welfare a mong such building workers; (vi) cooperate with the Inspector having jurisdiction in the detection, measurement and evaluation of chemical, physica l or biological factors s uspected of being harmful to such building workers; (vii) undertake immunization for all such building workers against teta nus, typhoid, cholera and other infectious diseases; (b) the special medical service referred to in clause (a) collaborates with the labour department or any other concerned depa rtment or service of the Gover nment of Mizora m in matters of treatment, job placement, accident prevention and welfar e of such building workers;- 6 - Ex-280/2017 (c) the specia l medica l service referred to in clause (a ) is headed by a constr uction medical officer and is provided with adequate staff, labor atory a nd other equipment; (d) the premises of the special medic al service referred t o in clause (a) are conveniently accessible, comprise at least a waiting room, a consulting room, a treatment room, a labora tory and suitable accommodation for nurses and other staff of such service; (e) the special medical service r eferred to in clause (a) maintains records pertaining to its activities referred to in sub-clauses (i) to (vii) of clause (a) and sends to the Labour Commissioner, once in every three months, information in writing on— (i) the state of health of such building workers; and (ii) the nature and ca uses of occupational injuries or disease suffered by any of such building workers, treatment provided to such worker and mea sures taken to prevent recurr ence of such injur y or disease.”42. Amendment of rule 244 In clause (ii) of sub-rule (3) of rule 244, after the word “lime- washed” and before the word “once”, the word “or colour- washed” shall be inserted 43. Amendment of rule 250 Insub-rule (3) of rule 250 of the Principal Rules, the word “clause” shall be substituted by word “rule”. 44. Amendment of rule 260 Rule 260 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “260 – Minutes of the meeting – Every decision taken at a meeting of the Boar d shall be recorded in a minutes book and signed by the Chairperson. The minu tes shall be sent to the State Government for appr oval. The minutes book shall be a perma nent r ecor d. ” 45. Amendment of rule 266 1)Sub-rule (2) of rule 266 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(2 ) The Board shall, with the prior concurrence of the Government, appoint its officers and staff on contract or depu tation b asis as per the Recruit ment Ru les/Service Rules or Guidelines framed and appr oved by the Government of Mizoram to a ssist the Board in the efficient discharge of its functions under the Act. In case of urgent need or when a stop gap arrangement is r equired to be made, the Boar d may, with pr ior concurrence of the Govt., designa te or a llow officers of appropriate rank in the Noda l Department to hold the charge of officers of the Board without extr a financial benefit. Provided tha t the appointment hereof on contract basis shall not be deemed to confer any right or claim in service ma tter against the Government of Mizoram a nd shall be subject to sub- section (3) of section 24 of the Act.- 7 -Ex-280/2017 2) Sub-rule (4) of rule 266 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(4) The sa laries and allowances and other terms and condit ions of service of the officers and staff appointed on contract or depu tation b asis sha ll be a s decided by the State Government.”46. Amendment of rule 268 1) Sub-rule (2) of rule 268 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “(2) An application for r egistration of beneficiary shall be made in Form XXVII along with a certificate to prove the age of the applicant as specified below – i) School Certificate/Records; or ii) Birth Certifica te from Registr ar of Births and Deaths; or iii) Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC). 2) Sub-rule (3) of rule 268 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following namely :- “ (3 ) C ert ifica t e from t he emp loyer or cont r a ct or t ha t t he a p p lica nt is a constr uct ion worker shall be produced along wit h the application for registration. In case such a certificate is not available, a certificate issued by the registered Construction Workers’ Unions or by the Labour Inspector /Official appointed by the Gover nment for this purpose or by Village Council/Local Council of the area the applicant resides may be produced to be considered. ” 47. Amendment of rule 273 Rule 273 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “273 Maternity Benefit - The fema le worker who is a benefic ia ry of t he fund shall be given maternity benefit a s may be specified by the Board and notified by the Government from time to time on a n application made by her during t he period of maternit y in Form No. XXXIII accompanied by a medica l certificate from registered medica l offic er.” 48. Amendment of rule275 Sub-rule (5) of rule 275 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the following, namely- “(5) The amount of pension shall be as specified by the Board and notified by the Gover nment from time to time.” 49. Amendment of rule 276 Sub-rule (1) of rule 276 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “(1) T he Board may, on application by a beneficiary, sanction an amount specified by the Board and notified by the Government- 8 - Ex-280/2017 fr om time to time for the outr ight p ur cha se of a house or constr uct ion of a house. The beneficia ry shall a long with the application in Form No. XXXVI produce such documents as may be specified by the Boa rd.”50. Amendment of rule 277 Sub-rule (1) of rule 277 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “(1) A beneficiary who is permanently disa bled ma y be given a disa bility pension as may be specified by the Board and notified by the Government from time to time. In addition to this pension, he will be eligible for exgratia payment as may be specified by the Boar d and notified b y the Government fr om time to time depending upon the percentage of disability and subject to such conditions as may be fixed by t he Boa rd.” 51. Amendment of rule 278 Rule 278 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “Loa n for purchase of tools – On a n application made in Form No. XXXVIII, the beneficia ry may be given loan for purchase of tools. The terms and conditions and amount of such loan may be as specified by the Boar d and notified by the Government fr om time to t ime. ” 52. Amendment of rule 279 Rule 279 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “Payment of Funera l Assistance – The Boa rd may sanction an amount specified by it and notified by the Gover nment to the nominees/dependents of a deceased member towards funeral expenses on an application made in Form No. XXXIX.” 53. Amendment of rule 280 Sub-rule (1) of rule 280 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “(1) In the case of death of the beneficiary, the nominees/ dependents of the beneficia ry may be given death benefit. The eligibility conditions and amount of such benefit may be as specified by the Board and notified by the Government from time to time.” 54. Amendment of rule 281 Rule 281 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “Cash Award – The Board may give every year educational cash awards to children of the beneficiaries in each district on an application made in Form XLII. The amount of cash award and its eligibility conditions may be as specified by the Board and notified by the Government from time to time.”- 9 -Ex-280/2017 55. Amendment of rule 283 Rule 283 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “Medical Assistance to beneficiaries – The Board may sanction medical financial assistance to the beneficiar ies on a n application ma de in Form No. XLIII. T he conditions for a pplication a nd amount of this financial assistance shall be specified by the Board and notified by the Government.” 56. Amendment of rule 285 Rule 285 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “Financial Assistance for Marriage – The Board may sanction financial assistance for mar riage to the beneficiaries or their children as the case may be on an a pplication made in Form No. XLV. The conditions for a pplication and amount of this financial assistance s hall be specified by the Board and not ified by the Government .” 57. Amendment of rule 286 Rule 286 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely – “Family Pension – A family pension may be given to the nominees/ dependents of the beneficiaries. The amount of this pension and the conditions for claiming this pension may be specified by the Boar d and notified by the Government. App lication for fa mily pension sha ll be made in Form-XLVI.” 58. Addition of rule 287A After rule 278 of the Principal Rules, rule 287A shall be added as follows, namely - “278A The Board may, on approval of the Government, specify welfar e measures for the beneficia ries other tha n those mentioned in t hese r ules.” 59. Addition of rule 287B After rule 287A of the Principal Rules, rule 287B shall be added as follows, namely - “278B The Forms appended to these Rules may be modified by the Government from time to time in the interest of the public or the b enefic ia r ies .” 60. Amendment of Form - VIII The heading of Form – VIII of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - “CERTIFICATE OF TEST AND EXAMINATION OF WIREROPE BEFORE BEING TAKEN INTO USE”- 10 - Ex-280/2017 61. Amendment of Form - XXVII Form – XXVII of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following, namely - FORM - XXVII APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION [ See Rule 268(4) ] 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Whether SC/ST: 4. Name of Fa ther: 5. Marital Sta tus (Ma rried, Unmarr ied, or Widow): 6. Date of Birth -: 7. Name, Address & Registration No. : of the esta blishment where the applicant is wor king 8. Nature of job/employment: 9. ESI/P F. No, if any: 10. Name and address of employer -: 11. Tota l service – 12. Rate of subscription 13. Name of Bank and Branch where subscription is to be made: 14. If the applicant is already a member of a ny other welfa re Boar d, the name of s uch boa rds & r egistra tion No. of the applicant: 15. EPIC/Adhaar photo-copy: 16. Passpor t size photo (t wo numbers): 17. Attestation of VCP/LCP: The above fa cts are true to be best of my knowledge and informa tion Place :Signature of Applicant Date :Name & Signature of employer “ By order etc. Benjamina, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour, Employment & Industrial Tra ining Deptt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 11 -Ex-280/2017

Obituary of Pu Lalramthanga, Assistant Director of Town Planning, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department on 27.6.2017

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 281Date - 27/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 27.6.2017 Asadha 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 281Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OBITUARYNo.A.19018/16/2008-UD&PA, the 27th June, 2017.The Governor of Mizoram has lear nt with deep sorrow the sad and untimely demise of Pu Lalramthanga, Assistant Director of Town Planning, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department on 27.6.2017 at 6:40 a.m. Pu Lalramthanga was born on 27.7.1966 and entered into Government service on 19th December, 1990 as P lanning Assista nt in t he Office of the Joint Director of Town & Country Planning under Urba n Development & P overty Alleviation Depa rtment, Aiza wl. He was later promoted to Assistant Director of Town Planning on 23. 6.2008 and posted in the same Office. He held this post till his last breath. He served the Gover nment of Mizora m with utmost sincerit y and devotion to duty and endeared himself t o the Officers and Sta ff and always proved himself as cons cientious and hard working Officer. The Government of Mizora m pla ces on r ecord its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu Lalramthanga and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Urba n Dev. & Poverty Alleviation Department.

The Mizoram Private Placement Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 282Date - 28/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 28.6.2017 Asadha 7, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 282 NOTIFICATIONNo. B.l1014/1/2015-HM (PPA), the 21st June, 2017.In exer cise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Mizoram Private Placement Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2015 (Act No. 15 of 2015), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules, namely:- 1 . Short title, extent and commencement : (1) Thes e rules may be called the Mizoram Priva te Pla cement Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2 017. (2) These rules shall apply to the whole of Mizoram. (3) These rules shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2 . Definition : (1) In this Act , unless the context otherwise requir es,- (a ) “Act” means the Mizoram Private Placement Agencies (R egula tion) Act, 2015 (Act No. 15 of 2015); (b) “Appellate Authority” means the Secretary, Government of Mizoram, Home Department; (c ) “For m” means for ms appended to t hese r u les; (d) “Licence” means the agency to which licence has b een gra nted under the Act; (2) Words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act. 3 . Manner of making application for Grant and Renewal of Licence : (1) Every application by an Agency for the grant of a licence under sub-s ection (1) of section 5 of the Act sha ll be made to the Controlling Authority in Form — 1. (2) Every application referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be submitted along with fee as prescribed under sub-s ection(l) of Section 5 of the Act, in the form of crossed bank dr aft/dema nd draft or banker ’s cheque payable to the Controlling Author ity. (3) Every application referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be either delivered personally to the Controlling Authority or through a representative. (4) On r eceipt of the application referred to in sub-rule (1), the Controlling Authority shall a fter noting the date of receipt of the applica tion, pr ovide a n acknowledgment to the applicant. 4 . Verification of character and antecedents for the applicant: (1) Every applicant while making an application to the Controlling Authority for issue of fresh licence or renewal shall enclose with the Application Form-ll for verification of his/her - 2 - Ex-282/2017 antecedents. In case, the applicant is a company or a firm, separate Form-ll for every proprietor, majority shareholder, partner or director, as the case may be, shall be enclosed, as if they are also the applicant. (2) On r eceipt of the a pplication, the Controlling Authority may, for verification of the contents of the applica tion, forward it to the Superintendent of Police of the concerned District where the agency intends to r un his/her business and make such inquiry as he/she considers necessary for verification of particulars of the applicant. (3) After verification, the Controlling Authority shall obta in:- (a ) No Objection Certificate from the concerned District Superintendent of Police; (b) The Verifica tion report shall be prepared by concerned District Superintendent of Police, in which par ticular s of the applicant and every person in whose name the antecedent form is filled up. (4) The Superint endent of Police of the District concerned may furnish the No Objection Certificate within thir ty days of receipt of the application to the Controlling Author ity for the sa id purpose. Provided tha t if the applicant is from outside the State, a period of ninety days shall be extended for issue of No Objection or Objection Certificate; Provided fur ther that the Controlling Authority may, for sufficient reasons, grant fur ther ext ension of ten days for applicant within the S tate and twenty days for applicant outside the State. (5) The concerned Distr ict Superintendent of Police shall also furnish the Verification r eport within thir ty days of receipt of the application to the Controlling Authority or the Authorized officer cont aining the following information, namely;- (a) whether the applicant is indulging/has indulged in activities which are prejudicial to national security or public order and if so, details thereof; and (b) whether the applica nt earlier operated any agency either individually or in a partnership and if so the details thereof; and (c) Whether the applicant possesses any special qualification or skills which may be cons idered to be fa cilitating the operations of the agency. (6) The Controlling Authority shall refuse to grant any license a fter the lapse of the prescr ibed period under rule 4. (7) Wher e the C ontrolling Authority refuses to grant a license to any applicant, it shall recor d in writ ing the reasons for such refusal and furnish to tha t applicant on demand, a brief statement of the sa me. 5 . Verification of character and antecedents of the applicant for domestic worker .- (1) No person shall be employed or engaged as a domestic worker by t he agency unless he fulfils the conditions specified in rule 7 and 8 and the agency is s atisfied about the character and antecedents of such person after receiving the character and antecedent report from the Superintendent of Police. (2) A person seeking employment as domestic worker shall submit the informa tion in Form-III to the agency a nd in case the person has stayed in more than one district during the last five year s, he/she shall submit deta ils thereof (3) The person shall deposit the ver ification charges as prescribed in sub-rule (8) in respect of each individual ca se for verification of chara cter and antecedents to the concerned District Superintendent of Police for this purpose. (4) The concerned Distr ict Superintendent of Police for this purpose, for establishing the identity and for verifying t he char acter and antecedents of the person may make such inquiries from the r especta ble residents wit hin the localit y a nd the District P olice Headqua r ters a nd by residence, a s he may consider necessary. - 3 -Ex-282/2017 (5) The concer ned District Superintendent of P olice for this purpose sha ll fur nish verifica tion report of the chara cter and antecedent within thirty days of receipt of the F orm-III to the designated officer of the agency, containing the following information, namely:- (a ) The comments of the Police on the particular filled by the person in Form-III; (b) A general r eport about other activities including his/her means of livelihood during the period of verification; (c ) Disclosure about the criminal investiga tion or proceedings, r egistered or commenced or pending of disposa l of at any point of time; (d) Regarding his/her conviction, if any, in criminal offence punishable with imprisonment; ( e) Whether the engagement or employment of the person under verification by the agency will pose a threat to national security or not. (6) The charact er and antecedent verification repor t shall be mar ked as confidential and forwarded in the sealed cover and shall rema in valid for three yea rs from the da te of verification. Provided tha t if his/her current employer request for disclosure of the report, the Agency concerned may disclose it after consulta tion with concerned S uperintendent of Police. - (7) On the basis of the verification report of the character and antecedent submitted by the concerned Police Station, the agency sha ll issue a Char acter Certificate to the person in F orm- IV, which shall not be ta ken back even if the person ceases to be part of the agency. (8) The Agency shall submit a fee of Rs.250/-(Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only) along with each application to the concerned Superintendent of Police or the authorized officer for this purpose, by bank draft, for verifying the chara cter and antecedents of a person to be employed by a n Agency as domestic wor ker. 6 . Gra nt of Licence : (1) The Controlling Authority on receiving the application under sub-rule (1) of rule 3 after completing with all the requir ed forma lities and satisfying itself about the suita bility of the a pplicant and also the need for granting licence for the area of opera tion applied for, shall grant a licence to the private placement agency in For m-V: (2) The Controlling Authority may, after making such inquiries as it considers necessar y and a fter obta ining N o Object ion Certificate from the concerned Superint endent of Police of the Distr ict, by order in writing either grant or refuse to gra nt the licence within a period of sixty days from the date of receipt of application with complete particula rs and on payment of the prescribed fees: Provided that when the Controlling Author ity does not a gree with the No Objection Certificate issued from the concerned Superint endent of Police of t he District, he/she would briefly record the reasons of his disagreement a nd place the ma tter before the Government and proceed to gra nt or r efuse to grant the licence as per decision of the Government: Provided fur ther that if t he Contr olling Authority decides to grant a licence then he/she shall grant licence in For m-V. The licence shall be valid for a period of 5 years unless the same is cancelled by the Controlling Authority under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Act. (3) The Controlling Aut hority may review the continua tion of licence of such Priva te Placement Agency, which did not adhere to the conditions for which the licenses was granted and did not impart training as per prescribed syllabus. (4) The agency s hall not use in its na me the words like “Indian”, “National” or any other such words, which can give the impress ion of any Government patronage. 7 . Pre-placement training for Domestic Worker : (1) The Controlling Authority shall frame the detailed tra ining syllabus requir ed for training of Domestic Worker. T his training shall be for a minimum period of fifty hours of classroom instruction and thirty hours of pr actical training spread over at least ten working days. (2) The training shall include the following subjects, namely: (a ) General conduct and dress etiquette; (b) Manners & etiquette including ta ble manner; (c ) Operation of Kitchen including planning menus a nd creating meals; (d) Operation of household appliances such as Washing Machine, Oven, Dryer, Dishwasher etc. ( e) Maintenance of personal hygiene, cleanliness, health & sanitation; (f) Crisis resp onse & first a id in case of earthqua ke, fla sh flood, terr orist a ttack etc.; (g) Rudimentary knowledge of P assport, Visa etc.; (h) Old age & Child care tips; (i)Cult ure, values, tr aditions, language of Country/State of placement. 8 . Eligibility for Domestic worker : (1) A person shall be eligible for being engaged or employed as Domestic Worker if he/she fulfils the conditions specified below:- (i)If he/she is 18 year s and above; (ii) If he/she is not physically handicapped or unsound mind; (iii) If he/she is not ha ving past criminal records. 9 . Conditions for gra nt of Licence : (1) The licensee shall inform the Controlling Authority regarding any change in the address of persons forming the Agency and management within seven days of such cha nge. (2) The licensee shall immediately intimate the Contr olling Authority about any criminal charge framed against the persons forming the agency employees of the Agency, in the cour se of their business tra nsaction as Pr ivate Placement agency. A copy of such communication shall also be sent to the officer in charge of the concerned Superintendent of Police Station, where the accused person resides. (3) Save as provided in these rules, the fees paid for the grant of licence shall be non-refunda ble. 10 . Renewa l of License : (1) Every Agency shall apply to the C ontrolling Authority for renewal of t he license within a period of 90 days from the date of expiry of license. (2) The Controlling Authority may renew a license up to a fu rther period of five years. (3) The fees chargeable for renewal of the licence shall be the same as applicable for the grant of license. 11. Conditions for renewal of Licence : (1) Every license shall, unless the Controlling Authority for reasons to be recorded in writing otherwise decides in any case, be renewable for the same period for which the license was originally granted and sha ll be so renewable, fr om time to time and the provisions of rule 6 and 7 shall apply to the renewal of a license as they apply to the gr ant thereof. (2) Application for renewal of licence shall also be in For m-V. 12. Suspension or cancellation of License : (1) No license granted under this Act shall be cancelled or suspended until the licensee has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard aft er giving due service of show cause as to why his licence should not be cancelled or suspended, a s the case may be; (2) No such opportunity of being heard shall be necessary on tempor ary suspension of licence, when licence is suspended temporarily pending an enquiry against the licence for contravention of section 8 of the Act or any order made thereunder or of any of the conditions of the license gra nted to him.- 4 - Ex-282/2017 13. Appeals and Procedure : (1) Any person a ggrieved by any order passed by the Controlling Authority refusing to gra nt a licence, va rying the conditions of a licence, suspending or revoking a licence ma y prefer an appeal against the said order to Appellate Author ity. (2) No a ppeal shall be enterta ined, unless it is submitted within a period of 90 days fr om the date of receiving a copy of the or der: Provided that the Appella te Authority may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the said period, if it is satisfied that the Appellant has sufficient cause for delay. (3) Every appeal under sub-section (1) of S ection 7 of the Act shall be preferr ed in F orm-VI duly signed by the aggr ieved person or his advocate to the Appella te Authority in person or sent by registered post. 14. Register to be maintained by the Agency : The agency shall maintain a register in Form-VII, which shall be open for inspection by the Controlling Authority or the Authorized Officer. 15. Identity Card for Domestic Worker : The agency shall is sue an identity card to every domestic worker in For m- VIII which s hall contain a fu ll-face colour photo, name of the agency, name of the domestic worker, designation, identifica tion number and the period of validity and the photo identity card shall also be maintained up to date and any change in the particulars shall be entered therein a nd in a situation wher e an employee is no longer engaged or employed by the agency, the photo identity card issued to domestic worker/supervisor shall be returned immediately to the Issuing author ity. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department. - 5 -Ex-282/2017 Form-I (See rule 3) APPLICATION FOR NEW LICENCE/RENEWAL OF LICENCE TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF PRIVATE PLACEMENT AGENCY To, The Controlling Authority ............................................... ............................................... The undersigned hereby applies for obtaining a license to run their business in the area of Private Placement Agencies: 1.Full name of the applicant(s) : ________________________________________________ 2.Nationality of the applicant(s) : ________________________________________________ 3.Son/Daughter /Wife of: ________________________________________________ 4.Residentia l Addr ess: ________________________________________________ 5.Addr ess where the applica nt desires to start his Agency : 6.Name of the Private Placement Agency : (NOTE: Registration Number of the Agency also be indica ted) 7.Name and Address of Proprietor, Partner, Majority shareholder, Director and Chairman of the Agency: (NOTE :Nationality of each partner, Majority S hareholder, Dir ector a nd Chairman of the Agency be indicated) 8.Name and extent of Facilities available : 9.Qualification of s taff engaged for impar ting instruction : Name: ............................................................... Date of birth: ............................................................... Designation: ............................................................... 10. Particulars of the uniform including colour, in case the applicant intends to use any uniform for the private domestic work and supervisors of the Agency. 11. Does the applicant intend to operate in more than one distr ict? If so, please mention name of the districts- 1................................................................ 2................................................................ 3................................................................ 4................................................................ 5................................................................ 12. Does the applicant intend to operate in the entire sta te? (Yes/No) 13. Does the applicant possess the training facility on its own or will get it on outsourcing basis? The det ai l s of t r ai ni ng shoul d be f ur ni shed ( asannex ure) Enclosure :- Addr ess of applicant Telephone number of the applicant Date of applicant 1.Copy of cur rent Income Tax Cleara nce Certificate, if the applicant is non-tribal. 2.Affidavit a s prescribed in sub-s ection (2) of Section 7 the Act. 3.Other enclosures.- 6 - Ex-282/2017 FORM-II (See rule 4) Form for Verification of Antecedents *Thumb Impression * of the Applicant_______________________ Signa ture of the Applicant_______________________ For officia l use only Form Number Name of the police station, sent for people verificationDate Amount of fees Rs. _________________ Cash/D.D ___________________________ Name of Bank & Branch ________________________________________________ D.D. No. ___________________________ Date of Issue ______________________ N.B. :Please read the instructions car efully before filling the form. Please fill in BLOC K LETTERS : (Note :Please furnish cor rect information, Fur nishing of incorrect information or Suppression of any material information in the form will render the candidate unsuitable for grant of license) 1.Name of applicant (Initials not allowed) First Name _________________ Middle Name ________________ Last name ____________ 2.If you have ever cha nged your name, please indicate the pr evious name in full ________________________________________________________________________ 3.Sex (Male/female)_______________________________ 4.Date of Birth_______________________________ 5.Place of Birth : Village /Town ____________________________ District _____________________ State & Country _________________________________ 6.Father ’s full name/Legal Guardian’s Full Name (including surname, if any); (Initials not allowed) 7.Mother ’s full name (including surname, if any) : (Initials not allowed) _______________________ 8.If Married. Full name of spouse (including surname, if any) : (Initials not allowed) ______________ 9.Present Residentia l Address including Street No./Police Station, Village and District (with Pin C ode) _______________ Telephone No./Mobile No. _____________________ Off. ____________ Res. ____________ Fax ________________ Email ID _____________________________ 10. Please give the date from which applicant residing at the above mentioned addr ess: DD/MM/YY ________________________________________ 11. Permanent Address including Street No. /Police Station, Village-and District (with PIN Code) ____________________________ 12. If you have not resided at the address given at column (9) continuously for the last five years, please furnish the other address (addresses) with duration (s) resided. You should furnish additional photocopies of this form for each addit ional place of stay during the last five years. F orms ma y be photocopied, but photograph and signatur e in or iginal are required on each form. AddressFromTo ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________Recent Passport size Photograph - 7 -Ex-282/2017 13. In case of stay abroad, particular of a ll places where you ha ve resided for more than one year a fter atta ining the age of twenty one years. 14. Other Deta ils: a)Educational Qualifications: b)Previous positions held, if any, along wit h name a nd address of employer (s). ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c)Reason for leaving last employment: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ d)Visible Distinguishing Mark: e)Have you ever been dismissed / removed from Gover nment set account of misconduct or moral turpitude? 15. Did you ear lier operated any Private Placement Agency or were its pa rtner, majorit y share holder, or Director? If yes, then furnish the name, a ddress of the agency a nd its license particulars. 16. Are you a citizen of India by: (Birth/Descent/Registra tion/Na turalization? If you have ever possessed any other citizenship please indica ted (the s ame). ________________________________________________________________________ 17. Have you, at any time, been convicted by a court in India for any offence and sentenced to impr isonment ? If so, give name of the court, case number, and offence. (At tach copy judgment). ________________________________________________________________________ 18. (a ) Are any criminal proceedings pending against you befor e a cou rt in India? If so, give name of cour t, case number, and offence. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (b) Have you been keeping links with any orga nization or association which is banned under any law on account of their activities which pose thr eat to national security or public or der? 19. Self Declaration: The informa tion given by me in this for m and the enclosures is true & correct and I am solely responsible for its accur acy. (Signature/Thumb Impression * of applicant) Date : Place : 20. Enclosure: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Signature/Thumb Impression * of applicant) (Left Hand T humb Impression if Male and R ight Hand thumb Impression if Female - 8 - Ex-282/2017 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No. ________________________________________ Date of issue of C&A report _________________________ (Signature of Police Station In-charge) __________________ Name of Police Station _____________________________ Name of Police District _____________________________ Note :- (i) Three passport-size photographs of the applica nts. (ii) Proof of Age (iii) Certificate of incorporation issued by Registrar of Company(RoC),if any; Labour License, Registration under ESI Act & EPF Act, 1952. (iv) Proof of residence of Applica nts. (v) Prescribe Fees. (vi) Detailed a ddresses of Pla cement Agency. FORM-III [See rule 5(2)] Form for verification of Character & Antecedents of Domestic Worker Thumb Impression of the Applicant __________________________________ Signature of the Applicant _________________________________________ For officia l use only Form number Name of the police station sent for police verification Date Amount of fees Rs. __________________ Cash/D.D ____________________________________ Name of Bank & Branch _________________________________________________________ D.D. No. ________________________ Date of Issue __________________________________ N.B. :Please read the instructions car efully before filling the form. Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS: (Note : Please furnish correct information, Furnishing of incorrect information or Suppression of any material information in the form will render the candidate unsuitable for grant of license) 1.Name of applicant (Initials not allowed) First Name ___________________ Middle Name _______________ Last name ____________ 2.If you have ever changed your name, please indicate the previous name (s) in full 3.Sex (Male/female) _________________________ 4.Date of Birth _____________________________ 5.Place of Birth : Village /Town _________________________ District ____________________ State & Country ____________________________________________________________ 6.Father ’s fu ll name/Legal Guardian’s Full Name (including surname, if a ny): (Initials not allowed) ___________________________________________________________- 9 -Ex-282/2017 7.Mother ’s full name (including surname, if any) : (Initials not allowed) ______________________ 8.If Married Full name of spouse (including surname, if any) : (Initials not allowed) ______________ 9.Present Residentia l Address including Street No./Police Station, Village a nd District (with PIN Code ) ___________________________ Telephone No./Mobile No. ______________ Off. ___________ Res. ___________ Fax ____________ Email ID ____________________ 10. Please give the date from which applicant residing at the above mentioned addr ess: DD/MM/YY _______/________/___________ 11. Permanent Address including Street No. /Police Station, Village and District (wit h PIN code) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 12. If you have not resided at the address given at column (9) continuously for the last five years, please furnish the other address (addresses) with duration (s) resided. You should furnish additional photocopies of this form for each addit ional place of stay during the last five years. F orms ma y be photocopied, but photograph and signatur e in or iginal are required on each form. AddressFromTo ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 13. In case of stay abroad, particular of a ll places where you ha ve resided for more than one year a fter atta ining the age of twenty one years. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 14. Other Deta ils: a)Educational Qualifications: b)Previous positions held, if any, along wit h name a nd address of employer (s). ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c)Reason for leaving last employment: ___________________________________________________________________ d)Visible Distinguishing Mark : ______________________________________________ e)Height (cms) : _________________________________________________________ 15. Are you working in Central Government/State Gover nment/Public Sector Undertakings/Statutory Bodies (Yes/No) ____________________________________________________________ 16. Are you a citizen of India by: (Birth/Descent/Registra tion/Na turalisation) If you have ever possessed any other citizenship please indicate pr evious citizenship? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 17. (a ) Have you, at any time, been convicted by a court in India for any offence and sentenced to impr isonment? If so, give name of the court, ca se number, and offence. (Attach cop y judgment) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (b) Are any criminal proceedings pending against you befor e a cou rt in India? If so, give name of cour t, case number, and offence. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________- 10 - Ex-282/2017 (c) Did any court issued a warrant or summons for appearance (as an accused) or warrant for arrest or a n order prohibiting your depar ture fr om India? So, give name, case number and offence ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (d) Are you associated with any organizations or association which is banned under any la w on account of t heir activities which posts threat to nationa l security or public or der? 18. Self Declaration: The informa tion given by me in this for m and the enclosures is true & correct and I am solely responsible for its accur acy. (Signature/Thumb Impression * of applicant) Date : Place : 19. Particulars of person to be in the event of death or accident: Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Mobile/Tel. No. : ________________________________ 20. Enclosures: ________________________________ (Signature/T.I.* of applicant) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No. _____________________________________________ Date of issue of C&A report ______________________________ (Signature of Police Station In-charge) _______ Name of Police Station __________________________________ Name of Police District __________________________________ Note :- (i) Three passport-size photogra phs. (ii) Proof of Age. (Birth Certificate, School Leaving Certificate. HSLC) (iii) Proof of r esidence. (iv) Training certificate.- 11 -Ex-282/2017 Form-IV [See rule 5(7)] CHARACTER & ANTECEDENT CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ________________________________________________________ S/o D/o Shri ___________________________________ R/o ______________________________ Whos e particulars a re given below, has good moral charact er and reputation and that the applicant has been staying at t he following address continuously for the la st one year. Date of Birth: __________________________________________________________ Place of Birth: __________________________________________________________ Education Qualification : __________________________________________________________ Pr ofession: __________________________________________________________ Present Address: __________________________________________________________ Permanent Address: __________________________________________________________ Issuing Authority: __________________________________________________________ This assessment is arrived on the basis of the verification report of concerned Superintendent of Police vide No _________________ Dated ______________________ Signature : ............................................ Name: Designation: Address/Tel. No. : Date of Issuing: Form-V [See rule 6(1)] LICENCE TO ENGAGE IN BUSINESS OF PRIVATE PLACEMENT AGENCY Serial No ____________________________________________ Date ______________________Shri/Smt./Ku _________________________________________________ (Name of the applicant) S/o W/o D/o____________________________ R/o __________________________(full address) is granted the license by the Controlling Authority for the State of _____________________________ to run the business of private Placement agency in the district(s) of /State of (cancel the inapplicable words) ________________________________ with office at ___________________________________ (address of the office) Place of Issue _____________________________________________ Date of Issue ______________________________________________ This license is valid upto ______________________________________ Signature Name of Granting Authority Designation Official Address - 12 - Ex-282/2017 This license is renewed upto _________________________________________ Signature Name of Granting Authority Designation Official Address Date of renewal Form -VI [See rule 13(3)] FORM FOR APPEAL An a ppeal under rule 13 of the Miz or am Pr ivate P la cement Agencies(regulation) Rules, 201 6 against the Order of the Controlling Authority Appellant: _________________________________________ S/oW/o D/o: _________________________________________ Date of birth: _________________________________________ Address es: _________________________________________ Above appeal is presented to the Home Secretary against the order dated _______________________ of the Controlling Authority refusing to grant/renew license to run Private Placement Agency on the following grounds, namely:- 1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________ Enclosed list of docu ments Signature Name, Designation & Address of the Appellant. Date : Place :- 13 -Ex-282/2017 FORM - VII (See rule 14) REGISTER OF PARTICULARS (PART-I Management details)Sl. No.Na me of Person(s) ma naging the agencyP a r ent ’s / F a t her ’s NamePresent address & Phone noPerma nent addressNationalityDa te of joining leaving the a gencySl. No.Na me of gua rd/ supervisorF a t her ’s NameDa te of joining/ leaving the a gencyPerma nent addressPhotographSalary with date(Part-II Private Security Guards and Supervisors)Present Address & Phone No.Badge no. (Part-III Customers) (Part-IV Duty Roster)Sl. No.Name of the Customer & Phone No.Address of the place where domestic work is providedNumber and ranks of domestic wor ker providedDa te of commencement of ser vicesDa te of discontinuation of ser vicesSl. No.Name of the Pr iva te domest ic worker/supervisorAddress of the place of dutyWhether provided wtih any arms ammunitionDate and time of commencement of dutyDate and time of ending of duty- 14 - Ex-282/2017 FORM - VIII (See rule 13) Photo IDENTITY CARD FOR PRIVATE DOMESTIC WORKER/SUPERVISOR Name of the Private Placement Agency ____________________________________________________ Name of the Private Domestic Workers/Supervisor ____________________________________________________ Official Designation _____________________________________ Identification no. of the domestic worker/Supervisor _______________________________________ Date of Issue _____________________________ Valid upto ________________________________ Signature of the cardholder ___________________ Signature of the issuing Authority Official Designation ___________________Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Photograph of the Holder duly attested by the Issuing Authority - 15 -Ex-282/2017

The Mizoram Village Defence Organization (Amendment) Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 283Date - 29/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Thursday 29.6.2017 Asadha 8, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 283 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.36011/1/2016-HM(VDP) the 21st June, 2017.In exercise of the power s conferred by the sec- tion 18 of the Assam Village Defence Organization Act, 1966, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules further to amend the Mizoram Village Defence Organization Rules, 1981 notified and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extraordinary issue No. 3 dt.29.1.81. 1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Village Defence Organization (Amendment) Rules, 2017. 2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. In Rule 22 of the Mizoram Village Defence Organization Rules, 1981 (here- inafter referred to as the Principal Rules), the following shall be substituted, namely :- “22-T he Village Defence Parties shall get regular financial a id from the Government as pocket money at the rate of Rs.1,000.00 per men sem to meet such charges as Kerosene, flash-light torches, Batteries, Stationeries etc. Payment of pocket money shall be contingent upon actual functioning of the parties and no pocket money shall be admissible for periods during which Village Defence Party remained dormant. Payment of pocket money shall be made through the Thana Village Defence Officer. Payment of pocket money shall be contingent upon a ctual functioning of the par ties and no pocket money shall be admissible for periods during which Village Defence Party remained dormant. Payment of pocket money shall be made through the Tha na Villa ge Defence Officer”. 1. Short Title and Co mme nce ment . 2. Amendment of Rule 22 Rule 23 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely, “23)-Daily allowance may be given to the members of the Advisory Com- mittee who undertake journey to attend the Advisory Committee Meetings at the rate of Rs. 350/- per day taking the actual number of days for forward- ing and return journeys into account. In case the meeting is held at place other than the headquarters of the mem- ber and the number of days on which the Advisory Committee meeting is actually attended, no other allowance shall be admissible.” In Rule 25 of the Principal Rules 1)Clause (i) of sub-rule(a)shall be substituted by the following, namely, “i)Chief Controller of Village Defence Organization :- Up to Rs. 3,000/- at a time for a specific good work done by a Vil- la ge Defence Party. 2)Clause(ii) of sub-r ule(b) shall be substituted by the following, namely :- “ii)District Village Defence Officers :- Up to Rs. 1,500/- at a time for a specific good work done by a Village De- fence Party within his jurisdiction.” Lalrinliana Fanai, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. 3. Amendment of Rule 23 4. Amendment of Rule 25. Ex-283/20172 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

The Mizoram Employees’ State Insurance Society (MESIS) in Mizoram with the following composition

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 284Date - 29/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Thursday 29.6.2017 Asadha 8, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 284 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.14011/2/2017-LE&IT, the 28th June, 2017.In the interest of public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Mizor am Employees’ State Insurance Society (MESIS ) in Mizoram with the following composition : 1.Commissioner & Secretary, LESD & ED-Chairperson 2.Principal Director, H&FW-Vice Chairman 3.Sr. State Medical Commr, Guwahati-CEO/ Member S ecy. 4.Director, LESD & ED-Addl. CEO. 5.ESIC Nominee.-Member 6.Dy. Labour Commissioner, LESD & ED-Member 7.Employer R epresentatives :- Presidents of the following Associations, a) P rivate School Owners Assn. b) P rivate Hospital Owners Assn. c) Mizoram Automobile Wor kshop Owners Assn.-M emb er s 8.Employees Representatives :-M emb er s President, NTUM/F OMTU/C ITUM 9.Govt. of India nominee-M emb er. 10. Regional Dir ector, ESIS Guwahati-M emb er. The terms shall of the board sha ll be 3(three) Years. Reference and functions of the members of the Society sha ll be a s per t he provisions under Health Ca re body in terms of S ection 58(5) of ESI Act 1948, to the Employees’ Sta te Insurance C orporation for adminis tration and ma nagement of medical benefits and medical establishment presently under Employees’ State Insura nce Scheme. Benjamina, Commissioner &Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Labour Employment Skill Dev. & Enterpreneurship Deptt. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Committee of Management Contract of Tourism Facilities under Tourism Department with the following composition

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 285Date - 29/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Thursday 29.6.2017 Asadha 8, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 285 NOTIFICATIONNo.D.21018/28/2016-TOUR, t he 27th June, 2017.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Committee of Management Contract of Tourism Facilities under Tourism Department wit h t he fo llo wing co mpo sit io n : 1. Chairman:Secretary, Tourism Department 2. Member Secretary:Director Tourism Department 3. Members:i) Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary, Tourism Department. ii) Joint Director, Tourism Department. iii) Representative of Law & Judicial Department not below the rank of Deputy Secretary. iv) Representative o f Finance Department not below the rank of Deputy Secretary. v) Under Secretary, Tourism Department. vi) Tourist Officer concerned, Tourism Department. The Terms of reference of the committee will be as follows : 1.To chalk out a disinvestment programme, through management contract, of tourist facilities under Tourism Department. 2.To select private parties to handle the tourist facilities under ma nagement contract with the Government as per terms and conditions laid down for such contracts by the Government, mainta ining fairness and transparency in the process. 3.To determine the na ture/ext ent of management contr act (total/partial) for each unit. 4.To prioritise the units to be handed out for management contract and carry out the disinvestment programme in a pha sed manner. 5.To determine the amount of return to be submitted by the selected party to the Government. 6.To monitor the process of disinvestment and recommend measures to pr otect the interests of the Government, the public and any government servant affected by such disinvestment. 7.To ensure that Government properties affected by the disinvestment process are properly disposed of. V. Lalremthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50Ex-285/20172

Affidavit of Shri Biakthanngura Sailo S/o Lalzidinga Sailo, a permanent resident of Laipuitlang, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 286Date - 29/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Thursday 29.6.2017 Asadha 8, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 286 AFFIDAVITI, the undersignedShri Biakthanngura Sailo S/o Lalzidinga Sailo, a perma nent r esident of Laipuitlang, Aizawl, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affir m and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Mizo tribe and a Christia n by fa ith. 2.Tha t my nameBiakthanngura Sailo and my fa ther ’s nameLalzidinga Sailo ha s been wrongly recorded asBiakthanngura S/o Lalzidinga in myService Book issued by Environment & Forest Depa rtment, Government of Mizoram. 3.That in all other documents, my name and my father ’s name is corr ectly r ecorded asBiakthanng ura Sailo S/o Lalzidinga Sailo. 4.That the pu rpose of this Affidavit is to make su re and affirm that my name and my fa ther ’s name Biakthanngura S/o Lalzidinga as recorded in the said document a ndBiakthanngura Sailo S/o Lalzidinga Sailo as recorded in all other documents denote the same persons a nd the same should be conceived asBiakthanngura Sailo S/o Lalzidinga Sailo. 5.That the st atements made above ar e true and corr ect to the best of my knowledge and firm belief, and nothing has been concealed therefrom. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand to this Affida vit on this the 21st day of June, 2017 before Notary Public in the Court premises at Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50Identified by me : Sd/- Robert Laltlana Advocate Aizawl : Mizoram amail id Ph: 7085626567Signed before me Sd/- S.L.Thansanga Advocate Notary Public Mizoram Aiza wlDEPONENT Notary Registration No. 18/6 Dt. 21/6/2017

Affidavit of Smt. M.S.Dawngliani daughter of Shri H.Hranglawta aged about 32 years, previously known as Malsawmdawngliani a permanent resident of Dawrpui Vengthar, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 287Date - 29/06/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Thursday 29.6.2017 Asadha 8, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 287 AFFIDAVITBy this Affidavit, I the undersignedSmt. M.S.Dawngliani daughter of S hriH.Hranglaw ta aged about 32 years, previously known asMalsawmdawngliani a permanent resident of Dawrpui Vengthar, Aizawl, Mizoram solemnly declar e :- 1.That I wholly renounce/relinquish and aba ndon the use of my for mer name Malsawmdawngliani and in place thereof, I do hereby assume from this date the nameM.S. Dawngliani so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name but assumed name ofM.S. Dawngliani. 2.That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writings a nd in a ll proceedings, dealings and transactions, private as well as upon all occassions whatsoever, use and sign the name ofM.S. Dawngliani as my name in place and in s ubstitution of my said former name. 3.The I expressly authorize and request all persons in general a nd relatives and friends in pa rticula r at all times hereafter to desginate and address me using such my assumed name ofM.S.Dawngliani. 4.That it is further stated that my name is wrongly recorded asMalsawmdawngliani in my marksheets and Certificates of HSLC and HSS LC which denote to ot her person but me. 5.That the statements made in para 1-4 ar e correct to the best of my knowledge and form belief. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand to this Affida vit on this the 27th day of June, 2017. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50Identified by me : Sd/- Robert Laltlana Advocate Aizawl : Mizoram amail id Ph: 7085626567Signed befor e me :- Sd/- R.Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl, MizoramDEPONENT Notarial Registration No. 17/6 Dt. 27/6/2017

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