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The Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department (Group ‘A’) and (Group ‘B’) (Gazette posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 117Date - 17/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 17.3.2017 Phalguna 26, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 117 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/32/2016-P&AR(GSW) the 2nd March, 2017.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Depar tment (Legal Metr ology Wing) (Group ‘A’) and (Group ‘B’) (Gazetted posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules) notified vide No.A.12018/32/2003-P&AR(GSW) dated 20.05.2013 and published in t he M izor a m G a zet t e E x t r a Or dina r y Is s u e No. 2 7 0 da t ed 3 1 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 3 r ela t ing t o t he p os t of Joint Controller, Legal Metrology, namely :- 1.Shor t title and commencement(1 ) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department (Group ‘A’) and (Group ‘B’) (Gazet te posts ) Recru itment (Amendment) Rules, 2017. (2 ) They shall come into force from the date of their publica tion in the Official Gazette. 2.Amendment of ScheduleIn the Principal Rules, Column 12 of the Schedule shall be substituted by the following, namely :- “Column 12 : PROMOTION :From Deputy Controller of Legal Metr ology with not less tha n 5(five) years of regular service in the grade failing which Deputy Controller of Legal Metrology with not less than 20(twenty) years of regular service calculated from the da te of entry into a Gazetted post in the Department. DEPUTATION : From Officers holding analogous posts in Central/State Government (Period of deputation shall ordinarily not exceed 3(three) yea rs). By order etc. V. Lalremtha nga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Discontinuation of Singam Strength Monday Weekly Lottery with effect from 06.03.2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 118Date - 17/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 17.3.2017 Phalguna 26, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 118 NOTIFICATIONNO.DTE(IF&SL) PAPER LOT/TEESTA/2017-SINGAMS ‘W’, the 14th March, 2017.As authorised by the Government vide letter No.G.16016/4/2012-F.IF&SL dated 11.09.2012, the undersigned hereby ap- proves temporarily discontinuation of Singam Strength Monday Weekly Lottery with effect from 06.03.2017. Enclo : As above. Lalthansanga, Dir ector, Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Land is required in the villages of Sairang & Sihhmui in the District of Aizawl for public purpose, viz, Bairabi-Sairang Railway BG Line Project.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 119Date - 17/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 17.3.2017 Phalguna 26, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 119 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION FOR LAND ACQUISITION IN AIZAWL DISTRICTNo.K.12011/26(C)/2011-REV, the 14th March, 2017.Whereas it appears to the Government of Mizoram that a total of 70.64 acres of land is required in the villages of Sairang & Sihhmui in the District of Aizawl for public purpose, viz, Bairabi-Sairang Railway BG Line Project.Social Impact Assessment Study was carried out by State Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (SIRD & PR) and a report submitted as per Section 4 of the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement) Act, 2016 (copy of SIA Report appended at Annexure-II). A total of 1471 families are likely to be affected due to the land acquisition. The reason necessitat- ing such affect is given below: “Construction of Bairabi to Sairang Railway BG Line by Northern Frontier Railways” Therefore, it is notified that for the above said project in the villages of the District of Aizawl land measuring 70.64 acres is under acquisition. This notification is made under the provisions of Section 11 (1) of the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement) Act, 2016, to all whom it may concern. A plan of the land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector and Settlement Officer of concerned District on any working day during working hours. Objections, if any, to the acquisition regarding: iv)The area and suitability of land proposed to be acquired. v)Justification offered for public purpose. vi)The findings of the Social Impact Assessment Report. may be filed by the person interested within 60 (sixty) days from the date of publication of this notification as provided under Section 15 of the Act before the District Collector, Kolasib District. This supersedes Notification vide this Department’s letter of even no dt.02.03.2017 Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement Deptt. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

The composition of the Site Allotment Advisory Board and its functions are as given in Annexure I, II, III&IV.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 122Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 122 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.11018/6/2008-REV/Pt, the 24th February, 2017.In exercise of the power conferred under sub- section (1) of Section 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 (Act No.5 of 2013) the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) in each District, notified towns or sub-towns and in revenue villages as declared by the Government under rule 3(1) of the Mizoram (Land Survey and Settlement Operation) Rules, 2009 to ensure just and fair selection for allotment of any cat- egory of land to the deserving family or families or juristic person where suitable vacant land is available. The composition of the Site Allotment Advisory Board and its functions are as given in Annexure I, II, III& I V. This will supersede all previous Notifications issued with regard to constitution of Site Allotment Advisory Board. Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement Department. Ex-122/2017 2 ANNEXURE - I COMPOSITION OF SAAB (In the District Headquarters) 1. Chairman- Deputy Commissioner of the District or his representative. 2. Member Secretary- Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer. 3. Members- 1)President o f Lo cal Co uncil/President Village Co uncil. 2)Representative of National Political parties and Recognised Po lit ical part ies o f t he Dist rict . 3)President Central Y.M.A./Sub Headquarters Y.M.A. 4)President M.U.P. headquarters/sub-headquarters. 5)The concerned Divisional Forest Officer. 6)Representatives of Chief Engineer, PWD, P&E, PHE not below the rank of S.E. ANNEXURE - II COMPOSITION OF SAAB (In the Sub-Division and Block Headquarters) 1. Chairman-S.D.O(Civil)/B.D.O. 2. Member Secretary-Headmaster Higher Secondary School or High School of Sub-Divisional or as Block Headquarters. 3. Members- 1)President Village Co uncil in t he Sub-Divisio n Hqrs. o r RD Block headquarters. 2)Representative of Political parties (Recognised and Na- t io nal). 3)President Joint Y.M.A. of the Sub-Division Hqrs. or RD Block headquarters concerned. 4)President , Mizo ram Upa Paw l ( MUP) o f t he Civil S ub- Division or RD Block Headquarters. 5)Prominent persons not more than 3 no minated by the Co m- mit t ee 6)D.F.O. of the concerned Civil Sub-Divisional or his repre- sentative not below the rank of R.O. 7)E.E, P.W.D, P&E, P.H.E. or their representatives not be- low the rank of SDO/JE of the Civil Sub-Division or RD Block Headquarter concerned. 8)Representative of Settlement Officer of the District con- cerned or Assistant Settlement Officer of the District con- cerned. ANNEXURE - III COMPOSITION OF SAAB (In the notified town and villages where Survey Operation have not yet done) 1. Chairman-President o f Jo int Village Co uncil o r Village Co uncil. 2. Member Secretary-Headmaster High School/Middle School. 3. Members- 1)Secretary, Village Council. 2)Representative of National Political Party and recognized po lit ical part y. 3)Representatives of PWD, PHE and P&E not below t he rank of J.E. 4)Represent ative o f Environment & Forest not below the rank of R.O. 5)President, Mizoram Upa Pawl. 6)Prominent person not more than 2(two). 7)President, Joint Y.M.A/Branch Y.M.A. 8)Representative of Settlement Officer of the District con- cerned or Assistant Settlement Officer of the District con- cerned.Ex-122/2017 3 ANNEXURE - IVFUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB.1.The Site Allotment Advisory Board will be the Screening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall have to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) and (45) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants the Board shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its sitting at least twice in a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of its sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the Member. The Secretary SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10(ten) days in advance to the member of SAAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule(1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chairman of SAAB is SDO(C) or BDO or President Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must be submitted to the concerned Chairman. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary screening, the Board shall place the matter for demarcation of land by Surveyor, Revenue Department in the presence of the applicant, the concerned VC and neighbouring land holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of the Surveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board shall be submitted t o t he concerned District Officer for furt her submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue and Settlement, Aizawl Mizoram for decision of the Govern- ment. 7.In case there are more than one applicant for one plot or one area at SAAB will make recommendation such names in order of priority. 8.The SAAB shall have to examine whether allotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse im- Ex-122/20174 pact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obstruction to future infra- structure development work of the Government. It shall also take into account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizo ram (Prevention of Go vern- ment Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 as amended from time to time. 9.The term of the Board shall be three years. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public.Ex-122/2017 5 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

The State Level Advisory Committee to monitor implementation of the said Rules with the following members

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 123Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 123 NOTIFICATIONNo.C.18011/9/2001 - FST, the 15th March, 2017.As per provision of Rule 16 of the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Sta te Level Advisory Committee to monitor implementation of the said Rules with the following member s :- 1.Secretary, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department. -Chairman 2.Chief Conservator of Forests (Admn.), Environment, Forests &-Member Climate Change Department. 3.Member Secretary, Mizoram State Pollution Control Board-Member 4.Municipal Commissioner/CEO, Aizawl Municipal Corporation-Member 5.Sr. Sanitation Officer, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation-Member Department. 6.Commissioner of Taxes, Taxation Department-Member 7.Dir ector, Commerce & Industries Department.-Member 8.President, Mizoram Chamber of Commerce-Member 9.Head of Department, Department of Biochemistry,-Member Mizoram University. 10. Joint Controller, Food & Drugs, Health & Family Welfare-Member Department. 11. Director, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.-Convener This notification supersedes earlier notification for constitution of State Level Advisory Body under Plastic Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011. Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

The Mizoram State Social Welfare Board with the following members for a period of 3 (three) years or until further orders with immediate effect

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 124Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 124 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12012/1/2009-SWD, the 15th March, 2017.In supersession of this Department’s Notification of even No. dt.11.12.2009 and in pursuance of the Central Social Welfare Board’s letter No.F.1-20/96- Recon-SBA-Mizoram/301 dt.10.01.2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the Mizoram State Social Welfare Board with the following members for a period of 3(three) years or until further orders with immediate effect. The terms of member is co-terminus with term of the Chairperson, Social Welfare Board. Chairperson : 1.Dr. Lalkailiani D/o K.L. Hnuna (already appointed) Ex-Officio members : 1.Pi Vanlalawmpuii Chawngthu, M.L.A., Dawrpui Vengthar, Aizawl. 2.Dir ector, Socia l Welfare Department. 3.Director, Health Services, Mizoram. 4.Director, Industries, Mizoram. 5.Registrar, Mizoram University. 6.Director, School Education, Mizoram. 7.Director, Rural Development, Mizoram. Non-Official members : 1.Pi Boichhingpuii 2.Dr. Lalthanpuii Hnamte 3.Angela Ch. Ralte 4.Pi Liansangluri 5.Pi Ngurmawii Sailo 6.Pi Lalsangpuii Vanchhawng P. Lalchhuanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfare Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Obituary of Pu J.F. Lalramnghaka, Sub Divisional Officer, Chawngte Sub Division, Public Health Engineering Department

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 125Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 125 OBITUARYWith profound grief and sorrow, the Gover nment of Mizora m has learnt t he sad a nd untimely demise of Pu J.F. Lalr amngha ka, Sub Divisional Officer, Chawngte Sub Division, Public Health Engineering Department at 00:45 AM on 15.3.2017. Pu J.F Lalr amnghaka was born on 7.5.1965 and entered into Government service as Junior Engineer under Public Healt h Engineering Department on 22.2.1988. He was promoted to Ju nior Grade of MES (AE/SDO) on 25.4.2012. During his entire tenure of 29 years, he had been serving in various capacities as Junior Engineer and Assistant Engineer/SDO under Public Health Engineering Depa rtment. And he was posted as Sub Divisional Officer, Chawngte Sub Division where he served till he drew his last breath. He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devot ion and endea red himself to all his collea gues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu J.F. Lalramnghaka, Sub Divisional Officer, Chawngte Sub Division, Public Health Engineering Depa rtment a nd conveys its heartfelt sympa thy and condolence to his bereaved family. ‘May his soul rest in peace’. V.Lalremthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department.Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

Change of Name of John Engmuankima, Forest Guard S/o Sawiluaia presently posted at WPO(N)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 126Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 126 OFFICE ORDERSubj : Change of Name. No.A.20030/300/86-PCCF/68, the 17th March, 2017.In pursuance of Office Memorandum No.A.47012/1/2016-P&AR(GSW) Dt. 17.1.2017,John Engmuankima, Forest Guard S /o Sawiluaia presently posted at WPO(N), Aizawlis allowed to change his name as John Engmuankima Ralte. Henceforth, he shall be known asJohn Engmuankima Ralte, and his name shall be written as such in his service records, all Offcial documents and correspondence, and necessary entries shall be made in his Service Book/records. Lalram Thanga, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Mizo ram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

The Mizoram Home (Police) Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 127Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/15(7)/2016-P&AR(GSW), the 15th March, 2017.In ex ercis e of t he powers conferr ed by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following r ules regulating the method of recr uitment to the posts ofSuperintendent of P olice (Ministerial) and Additional Superintendent of Police (Ministerial) u nderHome (Police) Depar tment, Government of Mizor am namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Home (Police) Department commencement (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016 (2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexure-I her et o a nnex ed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), classification and the Pay Ba nd & classification and Grade Pay/scale of pay attached t hereto shall be as specified in scale of pay/Pay Column 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Annexure-I Band & Grade Pay 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other ma tters age limit and other relating to the said post shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a ) Who has entered int o or contracted a mar riage with a person having a spouse living; or VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chaitra 3, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 127 - 2 - Ex-127/2017 (b) Who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other valid grounds for doing so, exempt a ny such person from the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment s ervant recruit ed under these Rules shall undergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Ex amination fr om time to time. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizora m, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing in consultation with the Mizoram Public S ervice Commission, through the Depa r t ment of P ersonnel & Administr ative R efor ms, rela x any of the provisions of these Rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of age limit other concessions and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repeal & Savings All Rules framed by the Government of Mizoram pertaining to the post of (i) Superintendent of Police (Ministerial) notified vide No. A. 12018/46/ 2004-P&AR(GSW) dated 16.09.2005 and published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 253 dated 20.09.2005; and (ii) Additional Superintendent of Police (Ministerial) notified vide No. A. 12018/9/80-APT(B) dated 25.01.1990 and published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 7 dated 25.01.1990 stands hereby repealed with effect from the dat e of commencement of t hese Ru les. Provided that any order made or a nything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these r ules. By order, etc Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 3 -Ex-127/2017 ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘A’ POSTS IN HOME (POLICE) DEPARTMENTName of PostNo. of PostClassificationPay Band & Grade Pay/ Scale of PayWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 Selection Superintendent of Police (Ministerial)1 (one) post or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘A’ Gazetted) (Ministerial Uniformed Ca dre)PB-3 : ^ 15,600 - 39,100 + ^ 7,600 GPWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational and other qualif ication required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitmen ts will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 N.AN.A N.A N.A N.ASelection Additional Superintendent of Police (Ministerial)2 (two) posts or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘A’ Gazetted) (Ministerial Uniformed Ca dre)PB-3 : ^ 15,600 - 39,100 + ^ 6,600 GPN.AN.A N.A N.A N.AMethod of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methods11121314100% promotion failing which by deputationIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, gra de f rom which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time Mizoram Public Service Commission PROMOTION : From Additional Superintendent of Police (M inisterial) with not less than 5 years of regular service in the grade failing which from Additional Superinten dent of Police (Ministerial) with not less than 20 years of regular service calculated from the date of entry into the post of Sub- Inspector of Police (Ministerial). DEPUTATION : From Officers holding analogous posts under Central/Sta te Government. Period of deputation shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years which may be extended up to 5 years in deserving cases. - 4 - Ex-127/2017Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methods11121314100% promotion failing which by deputationIn case of recruitment by promotion/ transfer/deputation, grade from which promotion/deputation/ transfer to be madeIf DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time Mizoram Public Service Commission PROMOTION : From Deputy Superinten dent of Police (Ministerial) with not less than 5 years of regular service in the grade DEPUTATION : From Officers holding analogous posts under Central/Sta te Government. Period of deputation shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years which may be extended up to 5 years in deserving cases.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

Board of Councillors, Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) in its meeting dt. 8.3.2017, the Aizawl Municipal Corporation hereby renamed Chaltlang North Local Council to Chaltlang Lily Veng Local Council.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 128Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. M. 33029/1/2012-AMC, the 17th March, 2017. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 2 3(3) of the Mizor am Municipalities Act, 2007 and in pursuance of the resolution of the Board of Councillors, Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) in its meeting dt. 8.3.2017, the Aizawl Municipal Corporation hereby renamed Chaltlang North Loca l Council to Chaltlang Lily Veng Loca l Council. Henceforth, a ll official communications should be addressed to Cha lt lang Lily Veng with immediate effect from the date of issue of this Notification. DR. H. Lalthlangliana, Municipal Commissioner, Aizawl Municipal Corporation. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chairtra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 128Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Changing of name of C. Zohmingthanga, Peon Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secretariat

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 129Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OFFICE ORDERNo. LA/ESTT. 15/96/106, the 21st March, 2017. On the written request of Zohmingthanga, Peon Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secreta riat, his name which is recorded as Zohmingthanga in his Service Books etc. is changed to C. Zohmingthanga with immediate effect. Ngurtha nzuala, Secretary. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chairtra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 129Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Deed changing name of Pu Mohan Thapa, Hindi Teacher at Aided Middle School, Keitum under School Education Department

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 130Date - 24/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 13011/1/2012-EDN/59, the 22nd March, 2017. The name of Pu Mohan Thapa, Hindi Teacher a t Aided Middle School, Keitum u nder S chool Educa tion Depar tment is hereby cha nged to Pu Vanlalhruaia. Henceforth, his name shall be written as such in all his service records and all other official documents. Khianglianmawii, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 24.3.2017 Chairtra 3, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 130Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Shri K. Lalhmingsanga alias Lalhmingsanga Khithie S/o K. Tohao, service by occupation and a permanent resident of Laki Village, P.O - Tipa, Siaha District, Mizoram

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 131Date - 27/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008AFFIDAVIT FOR ONE AND SAME PERSONI, Shri K. Lalhmingsanga alias Lalhmingsanga Khithie S/o K. Tohao, service by occupation and a permanent resident of Laki Village, P.O - Tipa, Siaha District, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows :- *That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth belongs to the Scheduled Tribe of Lakher/Mara community as enshrined under Constitution of India. *That I had presented myself as Lalhmingsanga Khithie S/o K. Tohao in all my educational documents and certificates up to my graduation from NEHU. *That I had also presented myself as K. Lalhmingsanga S/o K. Tohao in all my other official documents like birth certificate, Appointment Order etc and in all my training certificates from various institutions. *That though I had presented myself as K. Lalhmingsanga in my official documents as stated above in para 3, the initial in my name ‘K’ stand for Khithie, which I had written in all my educational documents and certificates. *That this affidavit is solely for the purpose of declaring that I am one and the same person having two names as stated above and these two names does not signify two different persons. *That now I solemnly swear this affidavit before the Chief Judicial Magistrate at Siaha that the contents of the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In witness whereof I here put my hand and signature on this the 21st day of March, 2017 in the presence of the Magistrate a t Sia ha Court premises. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by meSworn befor me Sd/-Sd/- Noel L. KompaChief Judicial Magistrate AdvocateSaiha District, Saiha VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Monday 27.3.2017 Chaitra 6, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 131Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Rates of foodstuff in Mizoram under Main Route, District Route and Fair Price Shop route as shown in the Annexure.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 132Date - 31/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. S. 11014/37/2011-FCS&CA, the 27th March, 2017. In the interest of the public Service and for the smooth running of carrying of foodstuff within Mizoram, the competent authority is pleased to notify carriage routes and carrying rates of foodstuff in Mizoram under Main Route, District Route and Fair Price Shop route as shown in the Annexure. Dr. Franklin Laltinkhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 31.3.2017 Chaitra 10, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 132 MAIN ROUTES Sl. NoName of RouteDistance (in km) Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route (in Rs/Qt l)123451 Tanh rilLawngtlai2491.40348.602 Tanh rilKawlkulh1251.40175.003 Tanh rilLunglei1711.40239.404 Tanh rilHn ahthial1721.40 240.805 Tanh rilSerchhip1121.40 156.806 Tanh rilChhingchh ip881.40123.207 Tanh rilChamphai1941.40 271.608 Tanh rilKhawzawl1551.40 217.009 Tanh rilSaitual751.40105.0010 TanhrilAibawk301.4042.0011 TanhrilZuan gtui171.4023.80 Payable at Rs.40/Qtl. (Towntrip rate)12 TanhrilZawlnuam1761.40246.4013 TanhrilTuidam1391.40194.6014 TanhrilRengdil1591.40222.6015 TanhrilKawrtethawveng1481.40207.2016 TanhrilKawrthah1491.40208.6017 BualpuiZuan gtui601.4084.0018 BualpuiAibawk901.40126.0019 BualpuiSaitual1351.40 189.0020 BualpuiChamphai2541.40 355.6021 BualpuiKawlkulh1851.40 259.0022 BualpuiLunglei2311.40323.4023 BualpuiLawngtlai3091.40 432.6024 BualpuiKolasib241.4033.60 Payable at Rs.40/Qtl. (Towntrip rate)25 BualpuiLungdai321.4044.8026 BualpuiVairengte681.4095.2027 BualpuiSerchhip1721.40 240.8028 BualpuiChhingchh ip1421.40 198.80 Sl. NoName of R outeDistance ( in km ) Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route (in Rs/Q tl)1234529 BualpuiKhawzawl2151.40 301.0030 BualpuiKawnpui141.4019.60 Payable at Rs.40/Qtl. (Towntrip rate)31 BualpuiHnahthial2321.40 324.8032 RengtekawnLawngtlai3321.40 464.8033 RengtekawnCham ph ai2781.40 389.2034 RengtekawnAizawl841.40117.6035 RengtekawnLunglei2551.40357.0036 RengtekawnHnahthial2551.40 357.0037 RengtekawnSerchhip1981.40 277.2038 RengtekawnChhingchhip1661.40 232.4039 RengtekawnKhawzawl2391.40 334.6040 RengtekawnKawlkulh2091.40292.6041 RengtekawnSaitual1581.40 221.2042 RengtekawnAibawk1131.40158.2043 RengtekawnKolasib41.405.60 Payable at Rs.40/Qtl. (Towntrip rate)44 RengtekawnKawnpui291.4040.6045 RengtekawnLungdai561.4078.4046 LungleiLunglei11.401.40 Payable at Rs.40/Qtl. (Towntrip rate)47 LungleiLawngtlai801.40 112.0048 SilcharZawlnuam1151.40161.0049 SilcharVairengte431.4060.2050 AibawkThenzawl611.4085.4051 FSD Lawngtlai Lawngtlai PDC41.405.60 Payable at Rs.40/Qtl. (Towntrip rate)52 FSD Lawngtlai Saiha SDC761.40 106.4053 FSD Lawngtlai Tuipang SDC811.40 113.4054 FSD Lawngtlai Kawlchaw SDC331.40 46.2055 FSD Lawngtlai Maubawk541.40 75.6056 FSD Lawngtlai Zawng ling971.40 135.80 Sl. NoName of RouteDistance ( in km ) Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route (in Rs/Q tl)1234557 TanhrilThenzawl911.40127.4058 TanhrilWest Phaileng1011.40141.4059 TanhrilLallen1161.40162.4060 TanhrilPhuldungsei1451.40203.0061 TanhrilPukzing1261.40176.4062 TanhrilMarpara1841.40257.6063 TanhrilTuipuibari1691.40236.6064 TanhrilMamit1081.40151.2065BairabiMamit381.4053.2066BairabiW. Phaileng891.40124.6067BairabiPukzing1501.40210.0068BairabiMarpara1721.40240.8069BairabiTuipuibari1531.40214.2070BairabiZawlnuam421.4058.8071BairabiKanhmun601.4084.0072BairabiRengdil591.4082.6073BairabiKawrthah691.4096.6074BairabiTuidam791.40110.6075BairabiKawrtethawveng901.40126.00 (GMG ZUANGTUI ROUTES) Sl. No.Name of RouteCentre’s desig nateDistance (In Km)Govt. approved Rate (in Rs. Per K m/Qtl)Ceiling Rate (in Rs. P) Zuangtui – LawngtlaiPDC2491.40348.602. Zuangtui – ChamphaiPDC1801.40252.003. Zuangtui – KawlkulhPDC1111.40155.404. Zua ngtu i – LungleiPDC1711.40239.405. Zuangtui – ZawlnuamPDC1931.40270.206. Zuangtui – SerchhipEnroute Ce ntre981.40137.207. Zuangtui – HnahthialEnroute Ce ntre1581.40221.208. Zuangtui – ChhingchhipEnroute Ce ntre741.40103.609. Zuangtui – KhawzawlEnroute Ce ntre1411.40197.4010. Zuangtui – SaihaSDC3241.40453.6011. Zuangtui – KawlchawSDC2811.40393.4012. Zuangtui – TlabungSDC2681.40375.2013. Zuangtui – BungtlangSDC3301.40462.0014. Zuangtui – NgopaSDC1681.40235.2015 . Zua ngtui – ThenzawlSDC911.40127.4016. Zuangtui – N.VanlaiphaiSDC1571.40219.8017. Zuangtui – VaseikaiSDC3791.40530.6018. Zuangtui – TuipangSDC3291.40460.6019. Zuangtui – SangauSDC2211.40309.4020. Zuangtui – TuidamSC1561.40218.4021. Zuangtui – RengdilSC1761.40246.4022. Zuangtui – KawrtethawvengSC1651.40231.0023. Zuangtui – KawrthahSC1661.40232.4024. Zuangtui – LungdaiSC271.4037.8025 . Zuan gt ui – KawnpuiSDC541.4075.6026. Zuangt ui – KolasibSDC831.40116. 2027. Zuangtui – VairengteSDC1321.40184. 8028. Zuan gtui – Puk zingSC1641.40229. 6029.Zuangtui - MamitSC1081.40151.2030.Zuangtui - LallenSC1161.40162.4031.Zuangtui – W.PhailengSDC1011.40141.4032.Zuangtui - PhuldungseiSC1451.40203.0033.Zuangtui - MarparaSC1841.40257.6034.Zuangtui - TuipuibariSC1691.40236.6035.Zuangtui - Saitual PDC61 1.4085.4036.Zuangtui - AibawkPDC30 1.4042.00 DISTRICT ROUTES (i)District Route- I (D-I): This route will cover routes plying on National Highways, State Highways and District Roads. (ii)District Route - II (D- II): This rou te w ill cover routes plying on Distr ict Roads , Other Distr ict Roads and Village Roads. (iii)District Route - III (D- III): This route will cover routes plying on Other District Road s and Village Roads. 1. District Route - I (D-I): Sl. No.Name of RouteDistance ( i n km )Rate(in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route(in Rs/Qtl)12389Saiha District1Lawng tlaiSaiha751.57118.002Lawng tlaiKawlchaw321.5750.003KawlchawMaubawk211.5732.974LawngtlaiMaubawk541.5784.785Lawng tlaiTuipang801.57126.006LawngtlaiZaw ng li ng971.57152.29Lawngtlai District7Lawng tlaiBungtlang811.57127.008Lawng tlaiVaseikai1301.57204.009Lawng tlaiDiltlang581.5791.00LungleiDi stri ct10HnathialSouth V anlaipha i521.5782.00Ferry Charges @ Rs 60.00/ Qtl admissible11HnathialSangau631.5799.00Ferry Charges @ Rs 60.00/ Qtl admissible12LungleiTawipui South481.5775.0013LungleiHaulawng381.5760.0014LungleiMualthuam'N'461.5772.0015LungleiTlabung971.57152.0016LungleiChawngte1001.57157.0017LungleiLungsen581.5791.0018LungleiTuichawng771.57121.00Champhai District19Champha iKhuangleng411.5764.0020Champha iKelka ng231.5736.00Payable at Rs. 40/Qt l. (Towntrip rate)21Champha iDungtla ng651.57102.0522Champha iFarkawn1001.57157.0023Champha iVaphai841.57132.0024Champha iKhawbung721.57113.0025KhawzawlBiate601.5794.0026KhawzawlKhawhai351.5755.00 Sl. No.Name of RouteDistance ( in km )Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl)1238927KhawzawlSialhawk481.5775.0028KawlkulhNgopa571.5789.0029KawlkulhHliappui211.5732.97 Payable a t Rs. 40 /Qt l. (Towntrip rate)Aizawl West District30AibawkHmuifang251.5739.00Payable a t Rs. 40 /Qt l. (Towntrip rate)31AibawkSialsuk361.5757.00Aizawl East Dist rict32ZuangtuiPhullen1151.57180.5533SaitualPhu llen541.5785.0034ZuangtuiKhawruhlian871.57137.0035ZuangtuiDarlawn1211.57190.0036ZuangtuiRatu1401.57220.0037ZuangtuiN. Vervek1511.57237.0038ZuangtuiSakawrdai1681.57264.0039ZuangtuiSuangpuilawn1401.57220.0040ZuangtuiVanb awng1551.57243.00Mamit District41Ma mitW.Phaileng511.5780.0742Ma mitPhuldungsei931.57146.0143Ma mitPukzing1121.57175.8444Ma mitMarpara1341.57210.3845Ma mitTu ipuibari1151.57180.5546Ma mitTuidam311.5748.6747Ma mitKawrtethawveng 421.5765.9448Ma mitKawrthah411.5764.3749Ma mitRengdil511.5780.0750Ma mitZa wlnuam681.57106.7651Ma mitKanhmun861.57135.0252W.PhailengSDCPhuldungsei421.5765.9453W.PhailengSDCMarpara831.57130.3154W.Phaileng SDCPukzi ng611.5795.77SerchipDistrict55SerchippKhawlailung341.5753.0056SerchippN. Valaiphai591.5793.0057SerchippE.Lungdar601.5794.0058SerchippCherhlun791.57124.0059SerchippThingsai951.57149.0060SerchippThenzawl301.5747.00Kolasib District61Kolas ibBairabi341.5753.00 2. District Route - II (D-II): Sl. NoName of RouteDistance ( in km )Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route (in Rs/Q tl)12389SaihaDistrict1TuipangVahai453.87174.15Lawngtlai District2VaseikaiDamdep303.87116.10Lunglei District3HnathialTar pho303.87116.104Tlab u ngBorapangsury373.87143.195SangauLungtian453.87174.156LungleiPutlungasih593.87228.33Champhai District7ChamphaiBungzung703.87270.908ChamphaiHnahlan643.87247.689KhawzawlRabung453.87174.1510NgopaN.E. Khawdungsei153.8758.0511NgopaMimbu ng513.87197.3712NgopaTeikhang423.87162.54Aizawl West District13AizawlKhawrihnim483.87185.7614AizawlReiek273.87104.4915AizawlKanghmun603.87232.20Aizawl East Dist rict16SakawrdaiZohmun143.8754.18Mamit District17ZawlnuamKanhmun183.8769.6618ZawlnuamRengdil173.8765.7919ZawlnuamTuidam373.87143.1920ZawlnuamKawrtethawveng473.87181.8921ZawlnuamKawrthah293.87112.2322W.PhailengTuipuibari683.87263.16SerchhipDistrict23ThenzawlChhipphir323.87123.8424ThenzawlThenhlum833.87321.2125ThenzawlBuarp ui453.87174.1526ThenzawlBunghmun1053.87406.3527N.VanlaiphaiCher hlun203.8777.4028N.VanlaiphaiThingsai363.87139.32Kolasib District29VairengteSaipum683.87263.1630VairengteSaiphai473.87181.8931KolasibHortoki453.87174.1532LungdaiN. Hlimen783.87301.8633LungdaiBukpui403.87154.80 2-A. District Route- II (D-II/A) Sl. NoName of RouteDistance ( in km )Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route (in Rs/Qt l)12389Saiha District1SaihaBualpui NG185.4097.202SaihaLungpher305.40162.003SaihaNiawhtlang295.40167.404SaihaPhalhrang365.40194.405SaihaVawmbuk365.40194.406SaihaChhuarlung455.40243.007SaihaSiata655.40351.008SaihaChak hang785.40421.209KawlchawS erkawr125.4064.8010TuipangZawngling145.4075.6011TuipangTuisih225.40118.803. District Route - III (D-III): Sl. No.Na m e o f R ou teDistance ( in km )Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)Ceiling Rate for the route (in Rs/Q tl)12345Saiha District1KawlchawTongkolong626.50403.002KawlchawLungpuk836.50539.503KawlchawPhura526.50338.004TuipangChapui526.50338.00Lawngtlai District5BungtlangTuithumhnar256.50162.506BungtlangVathuampui466.50299.00Champhai District7KawlkulhLungpho556.50357.508NgopaKawlbem286.50182.00Aizawl West District9AibawkDarlung286.50182.00Aizawl East District10PhullenKhawlian386.50247.0011PhullenPhuaibuang276.50175.50Mamit District12Puk zingSilsury186.50117 4. District Route - IV (D-IV): Sl. No.Na m e o f R ou teDistance ( in km )Rate (in Rs per KM/Quintal)CeilingRate for the route (in Rs/Qtl)12345Saiha District1Tuip angLaki377.50277.502Tuip angVahai457.50337.503Tuip angChapui527.50390.00 FAIR PRICE SHOP ROUTES Sl.No.Mode of TransportationRate per Km. (In Rs)1.Town/City Trip *Rs.40/- per km per qtl.2.Head Load *Rs.15/- per km per qtl.3.Jeep*Rs.8/-per km per qtl.4.Medium TruckRs.5/- per km per qtl.5.TruckRs.2/-perkm per qtl.*Town/City Trip = Town/City Trip will be covered around 12 kms. from the ration Drawing Centres *Headload/Jeep = Jeep : November – May Headload :June – October 1. AIZAWL EAST DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cent reName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road Cl assifi cationMod e of Transpor tationRate (in Rs . Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)123456781. Aizawl City SelesihTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Durtlang NorthTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00DurtlangTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Durtlang LeitanTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00BawngkawnTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Bawngka wn 'S'Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ChaltlangTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Chaltlang 'N'Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00LaipuitlangTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ra mhl un 'N'Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ramhlun VenglaiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ramhlun Sport ComplexTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ramhlun Vengthar Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ramhlun SouthTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ramhlun NorthTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00RamtharTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Aizawl VenglaiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ChanmariTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Chanmari 'W'Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00EdentharTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ZarkawtTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ElectricTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Transpor tationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Muanna VengTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Zuangt uiTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00ThuampuiTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00ZemabawkTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Zemabawk NorthTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Zemabawk Lung bial Town tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00FalklandTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Zemabawk Kana nthar Town tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Da wrp uiTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00SaronTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00TuithiangTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Chhinga VengTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Armed Veng 'N'Town tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Armed Veng 'S'Town tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00ChiteTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00SihphirTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Sihphir VengtharTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00MuthiTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00SuburbAirfield25All Weather RoadTruck2.0050. 00Tuirial27All Weather RoadTruck2.0054. 00Sesawng45All Weather RoadTruck2.0090. 00Seling45All Weather RoadTruck2.0090. 00Tlangnuam48All Weather RoadTruck2.0098. 00Thi ngsul50All Weather RoadTruck2.00100.00Darlawng58All Weather RoadTruck2.00116.00Tl ungvel59All Weather RoadTruck2.00118.00Phulmawi63All Weather RoadTruck2.00126.002DarlawnDarlawnTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Sawleng7All Weather RoadJ e ep8.0056. 00Kepran14All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00112.00E.Phaileng20All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00160.00Pehlawn21All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00168.00Sailutar16All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00128.00Sunhluchhip23Fair W ea th er RoadJeep8.00184Chhanchhuahna25Fair W ea th er RoadJeep8.00200N.Serzawl12Fair W ea th er RoadJeep8.0096 3 Khawruhlian KhawruhlianTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40. 00Khanp ui9All Weather RoadJeep8.0072. 00Hmunnghak5All Weather RoadJeep8.0040. 00Lailak15All Weather RoadJeep8.00120.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cen treName of Fair Price ShopDi s tan ce (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Transporta tionRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678 4 Suangpuilawn SuangpuilawnTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Lamherh9All Weather RoadJeep8.0072.005 Vanb awng Vanb awngTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00N.Khawlek8All Weather RoadJeep864 6N.Vervek New VervekTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Damd iai12.33Fair Weather RoadJeep8/1599Lungsum6.4All Weather RoadJeep8.0052.007RatuRatuTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.008Sakawrdai SakawrdaiTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Vaitin7All Weather RoadJeep8.0056.00Khawpuar24All Weather RoadJeep8.00192.00N.Khawdungsei28Fair Weather RoadJeep8.00224.00Upper Sakawrdai12Fair Weather RoadJeep8.0096.00Thingsat12Fair Weather RoadJeep8.0096.009ZohmunZohmunTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Tinghmun17Fair Weather RoadJeep8.00136.00Mauchar23Fair Weather RoadJeep8.00184.00Palsang19Fair Weather RoadJeep8.00152.00Zokhawthiang35Fair Weather RoadJeep8.00280.0010SaitualSaitualTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Keifa ngTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Rul chawmTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Mualpheng14All Weather RoadJeep8.00112.00Lenchim24Fair Weather RoadJeep8.00192.00Tawizo24Fair Weather RoadJeep8.00192.00Maite34All Weather RoadJeep8.00272.00Sihfa8Fair Weather RoadJeep8.0064.00Dilkhan12All Weather RoadJeep8.0096.00Tualbung16All Weather RoadJeep8.00128.00Lungp her22All Weather RoadJeep8.00176.00Buhban32All Weather RoadJeep8.00256.00Ruallung8All Weather RoadJeep8.0064.0011PhullenPhullenTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Tha nglail ung9All Weather RoadJeep8.0072.00Zawngin14All Weather RoadJeep8.00112.00Lua ngpawn22Fair Weather RoadJeep8/15176.00 12 Phuaibuang PhuaibuangTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.0013Khawlian KhawlianTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00N.E.Tlangnuam6All Weather RoadJeep8.0048.00Daido12All Weather RoadJeep8.0096.00 2. AIZAWL WEST DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cent reName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Transp ort ationRate (in Rs . Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)123456781 Aizawl City VenghluiTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00Upper RepublicTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00RepublicTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00Republic VTTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00College VengTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00Upper BethlehemTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00Bethlehem VTTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00Mission VengTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00M odel V en gTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00TuikhuahtlangTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00ThakthingTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep 40.00DamvengTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00VenghnuaiTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00Salem (Via Bypass road) Town tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00ITI (Via Bypass road) Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00KulikawnTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00TlangnuamTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00ChawnpuiTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00ZotlangTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00ZonuamTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00LuangmualTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00ChawlhmunTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00Govt. ComplexTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00TuivamitTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00PhunchawngTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00Tuikual 'N'Town tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00Tuikual 'S'Town tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00Di ntharTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00VaivakawnTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00Dawrpui VTTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00KananTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00HuntharTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00Missio n Vengthla ngTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00KhatlaTown tri p All Weather RoadJeep40.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cent reName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (inRs/Qtl.)12345678Khatla 'S'Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Khatla 'E'Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00NurseryTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00BungkawnTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Bungkawn VTTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00MaubawkTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00LawipuTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00New CapitalComplexTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00 SuburbSaikhamakawn23All W eather RoadTruck2.0046.00Melthum23All W eather RoadTruck2.0046.00Hl imen25All W eather RoadTruck2.0050.00Central Jail16All W eather Road Medium Truck5.0080.00Tanhril17All W eather Road Medium Truck5.0085.00Sakawrtuichhun18All W eather Road Medium Truck5.0090.00Rangva mual10All W eather Road Medium Truck5.0050.00Lungverh15All W eather Road Medium Truck5.0075.00Lungleng30All W eather Road Jeep8.00240.00Lungleng 'N'29.2All W eather Road Jeep8.00233.00Samtlang21.2All W eather Road Jeep8.00169.00Muallungthu28All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00140.00Falkawn26All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00130.00Kelsih24All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00120.00Mel - 822All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00110.00Hualngohmun20All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00100.00Sairang25All W eather Road Truck2.0050.00S airang Dinthar26All W eather Road Truck2.0052.00S airang S ihhmui24All W eather Road Medium Truck5.0048.00W.Serzawl45All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00225.00Lengpui44All W eather Road Truck2.0088.00Lengte42All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00210.00Rawpuichhip65All W eather Road Truck2.00130.00Rulpuihlim74All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00370.00Nghalchawm52All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00260.00Hmunpui50All W eather Road Medium Truck5.00250.00Di lzawl65All W eather Road Jeep8.00520.00Tuahzawl64All Weather Road/Kat chhaMedium Truck5.00320.00Dapchhuah80All W eather RoadTruck2.00160.00 Sl.NoName of SDC/ SupplyCen treName of Fair PriceSh opDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Tran sportati onRate (in Rs. PerKm/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route(in Rs/Qtl.)123456782 ReiekReiekTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ai lawn gTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Chungtlang15All Weather RoadJeep8.00120.003 KhawrihnimKhawrihnimTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00W.Lungdar10All Weather RoadJeep8.0080.00Hreichuk9All Weather RoadJeep8.0072.00 4 KanghmunKanghmunTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Lu ngphun9All Weather RoadJeep8.0072.005 AibawkAibawkTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00SateekTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Maubuang10All Weather RoadJeep8.0080.00Phulpui9All Weather RoadJeep8.0072.00Thiak16All Weather RoadJeep8.00128.00Tachhip7All Weather RoadJeep8.0056.006 DarlungDarlungTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Bawngthah7All Weather RoadJeep8.0056.00Sabual3Footpat hHeadload15.0045.00Bawlte6Footpat hHeadload15.0090.00 7 SialsukSialsukTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Samlukhai6All Weather RoadJeep8.0048.00Lungsei18Foot PathHeadload15.00270.00Sailam13All Weather Road(PWD)Jeep8.00104.008 HmuifangHmuifangTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ChamringTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Lamchhip7All Weather RoadJeep8.0056.00Chawilung14All Weather Road(PWD)Jeep8.00112.00Sumsuih5All Weather RoadJeep8.0040.009. Rawpuichhip Rawpuichhip7All Weather RoadJeep56TowntripRulpuihlim9All Whether RoadJeep872Tuahzawl 3 ½All Whether RoadJeep840Dapchhuah15All Whether RoadMedium Tru ck575Hmunpui27All Whether Road21 Km upto Lengpui (Truck) 6 Km upto Hmunpui (Jeep)2=4290 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Transportati onRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Saitlaw47Fair Whether Road21 Km upto Lengpui (Truck) 6 Km upto Hmunpui (Jeep) 20 Km upto Saitlaw (Head Load)2=42 3908=4815=300Dilzawl42Fair Whether Road21 Km upto Lengpui (Truck) 6 Km upto Hmunpui (Jeep) 20 Km upto Saitlaw (Head Load)2 3158153. LUNGLEI DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cen treName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Tran sp ort ationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)123456781 Lungl ei TownBazarTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00College V en gTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00VenghlunTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Rahsi VengTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00VenglaiTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Electric V engTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ChanmariTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Farm VengTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00RamtharTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Salem VengTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00LunglawnTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Lua ngmualTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00SethlunTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00TheiriatTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Hran gchalkawn Town Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00SuburbSazaikawn13All Weather RoadMedium Truck5.0065.00Pukpui18All Weather RoadMedium Truck5.0090.00Zotlang14.1All Weather RoadMediumTruck5.0070.00Serkawn13All Weather RoadMedium Truck5.0065.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs . Per Km/Qtl)Cei lin g rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Zohnuai12.5All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 0062.00Lungpuizawl13Fair Weather Ro adMedium Truck5. 0065.00Zobawk14All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 0070.00Hauruang22All Weather RoadMedium Truck5. 00110.00Da wn25All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 00125.00Ralvawng32All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 00160.00Hlumte25All Weather RoadJeep8. 00200.00S airep20All Weather RoadJeep8. 00160.00Thaizawl19All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 0095.00Bualte22All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 00110.00Thualthu30All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 00250.00Chithar14Fair Weather Ro adJeep/ Hea d load8/15112/210Vaisam21Fair Weather Ro adJeep/ Hea d load8/15168/315Thangpui14Fair Weather Ro adJeep/ Hea d load8/15112/210Thangte14Fair Weather Ro adJeep/ Hea d load8/15112/211Runt ung3310 Km Fair Weather R oad 23 Km All Weather R oadJeep/ Hea d load8x23+ 15x10334.00Thehhlep22Fair Weather Ro adJeep/ Hea d load8/15176/330Vanhne13All Weather RoadJeep8. 00104.00Th ua mp ui19All WeatherRoadJeep8. 00152.00S. Lungdai32All Weather RoadJeep8. 00256.00Serte36All Weather RoadJeep8. 00288.00Sertla ngpui43All Weather RoadJeep8. 00344.00Kawlhawk55All Weather RoadJeep8. 00440.002 Tawipui South Tawipui South Town trip All Weather Road Medium Truck40.00Tawipui North8All WeatherRoadJeep8. 0064.00Mualcheng 'S'15Fair Weather Ro adJeep/Headload8/15120/2253 HaulawngHaulaw ngTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00N.HaulawngTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Zotuitlang10All Weather RoadJeep8. 0080.00Mausen16All Weather RoadJeep8. 00128.00Phaileng 'S'18Fair Weather Ro adJeep/Headload8/15144/270Hmuntlang8Fair Weather Ro adJeep/Headload8/1564/120Chengpui12Fair Weather Ro adJeep/Headload8/1596/1804 Mualthuam 'N' Mualth uamTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ramlaitui14All Weather RoadJeep8. 00112.00Sekhum8All Weather RoadJeep8. 0064.005 Putlungasih PutlulngasihTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Zawlpui11Fair Weather Ro adJeep/Headload8/1588/165 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cent reName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Kauchhuah5Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/1540/75Tuisenchhuah1918 Km All Weather Road 1 km Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15152/285Bolia 18Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 144/270New Vua kmu al 4FootpathHeadload15.0060.00Bel thei 8Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 64/120Phairuangchhuah 5Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 40/756 TlabungTlabung Town trip All Weather RoadJeep 40.00Chawilung 24Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 192/360Khangpuil ui 23All Weather RoadJeep8.00184.00Kawrpuikai 17All Weather RoadJeep8.00136.00Silgur 18All Weather RoadJeep8.00144.00Chilui( Nuns ur y) 6Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 48/90Lamthai 10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 80/150Malsury 40All Weather RoadJeep8.00320.00Zohmun 12Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 96/180Tuidum 24All Weather RoadJeep8.00192.00Devasora 50All Weather RoadJeep8.00400.00Puankhai 47Fair Weather RoadJeep/Ferry8.00 376.00Bandiasora 60All Weather RoadJeep8.00480.007 Cha wngt eChawngte 'P' Town trip All Weather RoadJeep 40.00Chawngte 'L' Town trip All Weather RoadJeep 40.00KamalanagarTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Nalbunya10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/1580/150Udalt hana10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/1580/150Ulusury22Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/15176/330Jamersury22Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/15176/330Saizawh 'W'4Fair Weather RoadHead load15.0090.00Mondiras oras26Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/15208/390Ba jeisora4Fair Weather RoadHead load15.0090.00Ngharum16Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/15128/240Ugudas ur y 'N'26Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/15208/390S ums il ui10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/1580/150Tuikhurlui4Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load 15.0090.00Abubangas ora22Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/15176/330Boganpara8FootpathHead load15.00120.00Chhuahthum915 Km Fair Weathe 4 Km FootpathJeep/Head load8/15180.00S akeilui14Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/15112/210 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationM od e of Transportati onRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Hmunlai10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/ 1580/150Mualbu 'L'15Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/ 15120/ 225Rual al ung12All Weather RoadJ e ep8. 0096. 00Thanzamasora2316 Km All WeatherRoad 7 Km Foot pathJeep/Head load8x16+ 15x7233.00Zeht et20Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/ 15160/ 300Buknuam2420 KmFair WeatherRoad 4 Km FootpathJeep/Head load8/ 15192/ 360Mautlang16FootpathHead load15.00240.00Jognasury26Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/ 15208/ 390S e dai l ui2010 km All Weather Road 10 Km FootpathJeep/Head load8/ 15230.008 LungsenLungsenTowntripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Undermanik199 Km All Weather Road 10 KmFair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/ 15152/ 285Phairuangkai15All Weather RoadJ e ep8. 00120.00Rotlang 'W'1715 Km All Weather Road 2 Km Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8x15+ 15x2150.00Chhumkhum1915 Km Fair Weather 4 Km FoothpathJeep/Head load120.00 60.00180.00Rangte15All Weather RoadJ e ep8. 00120.00Lalnut ui34All Weather RoadMedium Truck5. 00170.00Lungrang39All Weather RoadMediumTruck5. 00195.009 Tui cha wng Tui chawngTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40. 00Tui chawngc hhuah6Foot pathHead load15.0090. 00Matisora5Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 1540/ 75Di bli bagh9Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 1572/135Samuksury14Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15112/ 200Ugudasury16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15128/ 240Bel khai25Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15200/ 375Bel khai25Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15200/ 375 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationM od e of Transporta tionRate (in Rs . Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)1234567810 Borapa ns ur y Borapa nsuryTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40.00Kurb al ovasora8All Weather RoadJ e ep8.0064.00Ugulsury6 ½All Weather RoadJeep8.0050.00Silsury13All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00104.00Chhotapansury20All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00160.00Geraluksora28All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00224.00Jurulsury41 ½All Weather RoadJeep8.00330.00Ugudas ury54All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00432.0011 HnahthialHna ht hialTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40.00ThiltlangTowntripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40.00Pangza wl22All Weather RoadTruck2.0044.00Lung mawi33All Weather RoadJeep8.00208.00Mualthuam 'S'7831 Km Fair Weather Road 47 Km All Weather RoadJeep Medium Tru ck/ Jeep31x5+ 4 7x8531Rawp ui33All Weather RoadTruck2.0066.00Leite12All Weather RoadMedium Truck5.0060.00Tuipui 'D'14All Weather RoadMediumTruck5.0070.00Rotlan g 'E '18All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00144.0012 Sangau SDCSangauTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40.00Pangkhua10All Weather RoadJ e ep8.0080.00Rawlb uk27All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00216.00Cheural16All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00128.00Sentetfiang3FootpathHead Load15.0045.00Thaltlang8Fair Weather/FootpathJeep/Head Load8/1564/120.0013 LungtianLungtianTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40.00Vartek4FootpathHead Load15.0060.00Vartekkai12Fair Weather RoadJeep/HeadLoad8/1596/18014 S.Vanlai phai S.Vanlai phaiTown tripAll Weather RoadJ e ep40.00Darzo15All Weather RoadJ e ep8.00120.00Muallianpui16FairWeather RoadJeep8.00128.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Lungpuitlang12Fair Weather RoadJeep8.0096.00Lungleng 'S'23Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15184/34515 TarphoTarphoTown trip All Weat her RoadJeep40.00Khawhri3Fair Weather RoadHead Load45.00Aithur7Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/1556/1054.SERCHHIP DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cen treName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)123456781 SerchhipSerchhipTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00New SerchhipTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00BukpuiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Chhiahtlang13All Weather Road Medium Truck5.0065.00Keitum14All Weather Road Medium Truck5.0070.00Bungtlang22All Weather Road Medium Truck5.00110.00Hriangtlang16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/15128/240Vanchengt e29Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/15232/435Sialhau32Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/15256/4802 Khawlailung KhawlailungTown trip All Weather Road Medium Truck40.00Piler7Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/1556/105Sialsir17Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/15136/255Chekawn10All Weather RoadJeep8.0080.003 E.LungdarE. L un gda rTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Mualcheng12 All Weather RoadJeep8.0096.00Sailulak18Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/15144/270Leng12Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head Load8/1596/1804 N.Vanlaiphai N.VanlaiphaiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Lungchhuan12Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/1596/180 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationM ode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Bawktl ang8Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/1564/120Lungkawlh10Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load8/1580/150Chawngtui 'S'10Footpath Head load15. 00150.005 CherhlunCherhl unTown trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00OldNgharchhip11Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/1588/165New Ngharchhip10Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head load8/1580/1506 Thi ngsaiThingsaiTown trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Bualpui 'H'14Footpath Head load15. 00210.00 7 Thenz awlThenz awlTown trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Zote 'S'22Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load8/15176/ 330Neihloh29Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load8/15232/ 435Buangpui10All Weather RoadJ eep8.0080.00Kanghmun 'S'16Fair Weather RoadJ eep8.00128.008 ChhipphirChhipphirTown trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Bualpui 'V'12Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head Load8/1596/1809 Bua rp ui BuarpuiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Dengsur25All Weather RoadJ eep8.00200.00S.Khawlek18All Weather RoadJ eep8.00144.00Bungtlang 'W'19All Weather RoadJ eep8.00152.00 10 ThenhlumThenhlumTown trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Changpui6All Weather RoadJ eep8.0048.00Lungchem12All Weather RoadJ eep8.0096.00Kawnp ui18Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load8/15144/ 270Darnga wn27All Weather Road Jeep/Head Load8/15216/ 405 11 BunghmunBunghmunTown trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Sesawm10Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load8/1580/150Tleu12All Weather RoadJ eep8.0096.00* Dampui khua a awm tawhlo12 Chhingchhip Chhingchhip Town tripAll Weather RoadJ eep 40.00Khumtung13All Weather Road Medium Truck5.0065.00Baktawng12All Weather Road Medium Truck5.0060.00Buh ka ngk aw n(C h a ni n)11All Weather Road Medium Truck5.0055.00Hmawngkawn22Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load8/15 176/ 330Hualtu26All Weather RoadJ eep 8.00208.00Hmuntha33All Weather RoadJ eep 8.00264.00Khawbel34All Weather RoadJ eep 8.00272.00Thentlang32All Weather RoadJ eep 8.00256.00 5.SAIHA DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Tran sport ationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (inRs/Qtl.)123456781 SaihaSaihaTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Lungza rht um13All Weather RoadJeep8.00104.00Things en7All Weather RoadJeep8.0056. 002 Bualpui ' NG' BualpuiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Tuisumpui9Fair W eat herRoadJeep/Head Load8/1572/135Old Tuisumpui9Fair W eat her RoadJeep/Head Load8/1572/135 3 LungpherLungp herTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Siachangkawn Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00 4 Vawmb ukVawmbukTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Archhuang8Fair W eat herRoadJeep/Head Load8/1564/120Tialda wnglung5Fair W eat her RoadJeep/Head Load8/1540/75 5 NiawhtlangNiawhtlangTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Lungbun7All Weather RoadJeep8.0056. 00 6 ChhuarlungChhuarlungTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Ainak20PMGSY FairWeather RoadJeep/Head Load8/15160/300 7 SiataSiataTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00 8 ChakhangChakhangtlang Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00ChakhangTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Siasih17Fair W eat herRoadJeep/Head Load 8/15136/255 9 PhalhrangPhalh rangTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Romibawk11All Weather RoadJeep8.0088. 00Riasikah20All Weather RoadJeep8.00160.00 10Kawlchaw SDCKawlchaw 'W' Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Kawlchaw 'E' Town trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Si htl angpui7All Weather RoadJeep8.0056. 00Chawntlangpui10All Weather RoadJeep8.0080. 00New Serkawr12All Weather RoadJeep8.0096. 00New Latawh19All Weather RoadJeep8.00152.00Lohry33All Weather RoadJeep8.00264.00 11 SerkawrSerkawrTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00 12 PhuraPhuraTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00KaisihTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40. 00Maisa10All Weather RoadJeep8.0080. 00Lawngban12FootpathHeadload15. 00180.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Lungdar20BRGF FairW eat her RoadJeep/Head Load8/15160/300Mipu16Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head Load8/15128/240 13 Tongkolong TongkolongTown tripAll WeatherRoadJeep40.00Bymary12Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head Load8/1596/180 14 LungpukLungpukTown tripAll WeatherRoadJeep40.0015 MaubawkMaub awk 'L'Town tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Maubawk Zero10All WeatherRoadJeep8.0080.0016 Tuipang SDC TuipangTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Tuipang 'L'8All Weather RoadJeep8.0064.00Theiri14All WeatherRoadMedium Truck5.0070.00Theiva27All Weather RoadMedium Truck5.00135.00Siatlai12All WeatherRoadJeep8.0096.00Ahmypi19All Weather RoadJeep8.00152.00Khopai27All WeatherRoadJeep8.00216.00Chheihl u31All Weather RoadJeep8.00248.00Mawhre43All WeatherRoadJeep8.00344.0017 TuisihTuisihTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.0018 ZawnglingZawnglingTown tripAll WeatherRoadJeep40.00LotaiTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.0019 LakiLakiTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.0020 C ha p uiChapuiTown tripAll WeatherRoadJeep40.0021 VahaiVahaiTown tripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00 6.KOLASIB DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Transpor tationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)123456781 KolasibKolasibTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Thi ng dawlTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00RengtekawnTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Saihapui 'K'16All Weather RoadJeep8. 00128.00Bukvannei18All Weather RoadJeep8. 00144.00Pangbalkawn19All Weather RoadJeep8. 00152.00Buhchangphai21All Weather RoadJeep8. 00168.00Phaisen29All Weather Road M.Truck5. 00145.00N.Thinglian25From Bukvannei 7Km foot pathJeep/Headload8x18+ 15x7249.00Chhimlua ng ' S'27From Pangbalkawn 8 Km Foot pathJeep/Head load8x19+ 15x8272.00 2 BairabiBairabiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Rastali15From PangbalkawnJeep /Headload8/ 15120/2258 Km foot pathMeidum9All Weather RoadJeep8. 0072.00 3 Hort okiHort okiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00 4 Vairengte VairengteTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00N.Chhimluang15All Weather RoadMediumTruck5. 0075.00Bilkhawthlir26All Weather RoadTruck2. 0052.00Phainuam10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/ 1580/1505 SaiphaiSaiphaiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00N. Chawnpui10All Weather RoadJeep8. 0080.00 6 SaipumSaipum21All Weather RoadJeep8. 00168.007 LungdaiLungdai & Sentlang Town trip All Weather RoadSerkhanTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Nisapui13All Weather RoadJeep8. 00104.00Zanlawn13All Weather RoadJeep8. 00104.00Lungmuat21All Weather RoadJeep8. 00168.008 BukpuiB ukp uiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00N.Chaltlang12All Weather RoadJeep8. 0096.00 9 N.Hlimen N.HlimenTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Thingthelh9All Weather RoadJeep8. 0072.00Ka wnp uiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road Classifi cationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678MualvumTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00BualpuiTown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Khamr ang24All Weather Road Medium Truck5. 00120.00Mual khang3324 Km All Weather Road 9 Km Fair Weather RoadMedi umT ruck/ Jeep5/8165/2647.CHAMPHAI DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)123456781 ChamphaiVengsang Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Kahra wt Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Bazar Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Dawr VengTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Vengthlang 'N' Town Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00VenglaiTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ElectricTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00KananTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00DintharTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Jail VengTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ZionTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Bet helTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Vengt harTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00KeifangtlangTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00NewChamphaiTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Tla ngsam10All Weather RoadJeep8.0080.002 SuburbHmunhmelt ha10All Weather RoadJeep8.0080.00Zote15All Weather Roa d Medi um Truck5.0075.00Zotlang10All Weather Roa d Medi um Truck5.0050.00Ruantlang11All Weather Roa d Medi um Truck5.0055.00Chhungte7.5All Weather RoadJeep8.0060.00N.Khawbung 20All Weather RoadJeep8.00160.00Tuipui 20All Weather RoadJeep8.00160.00Ngur 20All Weather RoadJeep8.00160.00Vapar 26All Weather RoadJeep8.00208.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationM ode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678Murl en3926 Km All Weather Road 13 Km FootpathJeep/Head Load8x26+ 15x13403.00Mualkawi16All Weather RoadJ eep8.00128.00Melbuk21All Weather RoadJ eep8.00168.00Hruaikawn25All Weather RoadJ eep8.00200.00Zo kha wthar31All Weather RoadJ eep8.00248.00Bulfekzawl31All Weather RoadJ eep8.00248.003 HnahlanHnahlanTown Trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Diltlang16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15128/240Lungphunlian23All Weather RoadJ eep8.00184.00Tualcheng16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15128/240Khuangphah19All Weather RoadJ eep8.00152.00Vaikhawtlang25All Weather RoadJ eep8.00200.00Selam448 Km All WeatherRoad 37 Km Fair Weather RoadJ eep8.00352.00 4 KelkangKelkangTown Trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00DilkawnTown Trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Buang20Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15160/3005 Khuangl en gKhuangl en gTown Trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Leisenzo15Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15120/225Sesih15All Weather RoadJ eep8.00120.00Lianpui2310 Km All WeatherRoad 13 Km Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15184/345Sazep30Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15240/450Vangchhia40Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15320/600 6 BungzungBungzungTown Trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Vanzau14All Weather RoadJ eep8.00112.00Zawngtetui8All Weather RoadJ eep864.00 7 Dungtl angDungtlangTown Trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Samthang14All Weather RoadJ eep8.00112.00Leithum13All Weather RoadJ eep8.00104.008 KhawbungKhawbungTown Trip All Weather RoadJ eep40.00Khuangt hin g15All Weather RoadJ eep8.00120.00Zawlsei5All Weather RoadJ eep8.0040.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Tran sportati onRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345678 9 VaphaiVaphaiTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Chawngtui6Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 1548/90Saikhumphai13Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15104/195 10 FarkawnFarkawnTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Khankawn10Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 1580/150Thekte15Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15120/225Thekpui15Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15120/22511 KhawzawlKhawzawl VT Town Trip All Weat her RoadJeep40.00HermonTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00DintharTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ZaingenTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00DarngawnTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Arro VengTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00L ungvarTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00KawnzarTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ElectrictTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00ZuchhipTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Ch awngtlaiTown TripAll Weather RoadMedium Truck5. 0050.00Hmuncheng 15F ootp at hHeadload15225.00Arro Village 16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15128/240T ualpui 26All Weather RoadJeep8. 00208.00Neihdawn 16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15128/240Ngaizawl 20All Weather RoadJeep8. 00160.00Tu al te 20All Weather RoadJeep8. 00160.00Khu alen 25All Weather RoadMedium Truck5. 00125.0012 RabungRabung Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Ai duzawl 4Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 1532/60Pamchung 10Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 1580/15013 KhawhaiKhawhai Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00New Chalrang Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Chalrang Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Lungtan 9All Weather RoadJeep8. 0072.00Vangtlang 14Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/ 15112/210Riangtlei 24All Weather RoadJeep8. 00192.0014 Sialhawk Sialhawk Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Tlangmawi 11F ootp at hHeadload15.00165.00T langpui 19All Weather RoadJeep8. 00152.00 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDi stance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Transpor tationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)1234567815 BiateBiate Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.0016 Kawlkul hKawlkulh Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Dulte 10All Weather RoadJeep8. 0080.00Vankal 12Footpat hHeadLoad15.00180.00Chhawrt ui 16Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/ 15128/240Puilo 12All Weather RoadJeep896.00Vanchengpui2515 Km All WeatherRoad 10 Km Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/ 15200/375Rullam 30All Weather RoadJeep8. 00240.0017 HliappuiHliappui Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Saichal 10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/ 1580/150C han gza wl 12Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/ 1596/180Pawlrang 10All Weather RoadJeep8. 0080.0018 LungphoLungpho Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Ngentiang Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Thinglian 15Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/ 15120/225Hmunzawl 28Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head load8/ 15224/42019 NgopaNgopa Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Lamzawl 19Footpat hHeadload15.00285.0020N.E.Khawdungsei NE.Khawdungsei Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Chi ahpui 14All Weather RoadJeep8. 00112.00Khawkawn 10All Weather RoadJeep8. 0080.0021 K a wlb emKawlbem Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.0022 TeikhangTeikhang Town TripAll Weather RoadJeep40.00Hrianghmun9Fai r Weather RoadJeep8. 0072.00Mimbung10All Weather RoadJeep8. 0080.00 8.LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cent reName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Transportati onRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (inRs/Qtl.)123456781 LawngtlaiLawngtlaiTown Trip All Weather RoadJe ep 40. 00Thingkah7All Weather RoadJe ep8.0056. 00Chawnhu10All Weather RoadJe ep8.0080. 00Thingfal14All Weather RoadJe ep8.00112.00Paithar21All Weather RoadJeep8.00168.00Saikah18All Weather RoadJe ep8.00144.00R. Vanhne27All Weather RoadJe ep8.00216.00Rulkual31All Weather RoadJe ep8.00248.00Mampui21All Weather RoadJe ep8.00168.00S aizawh 'E'55All Weather RoadJe ep8.00440.00Mamte28All Weather RoadJe ep8.00224.00T lenga ng38Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 304/ 570Tuipui Ferry10Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15 80/1502 Vathuamp ui Vathuamp uiTown TripAll Weather RoadJe ep40.00Chikhurl ui11Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/1588/165Bolisora12Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/1596/180Chamdurtlang I&II7Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/1556/105Chamdur 'P' I&II10Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/1580/150Mautlang15Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15120/ 225Tuichawngtlang7All Weather RoadJe ep8.0056. 00Ngunlingkhua11Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/1588/165Tuisentlang15Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15120/ 225 3 Tuithumhn arTuithumhnarTown TripAll Weather RoadJe ep40.00Lunghauka15Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15120/ 225Sabualtlang25Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15200/ 375Kakichhuah30Foot hpat hHeadload15450.00Hmawngbuchhuah25Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15200/ 375Hmawngbu15Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15120/ 225Dumzautlang25Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15200/ 375T.Dumzau20Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15160/ 300Zochachhuah25Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15200/ 375Laitlang29Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15232/ 4354Vaseikai SDCVaseikai Town TripAll Weather RoadJe ep40.00Nghali ml ui Town TripAll Weather RoadJe ep40.00Longpuighat Town TripAll Weather RoadJe ep40.00S ai ba wh10Fair WeatherRoadJeep/Head load8/1580/150Damlui 8Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/1564/120P andawngl ui11Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/1588/165Karlui15Fair W eather Roa d Jeep/ Headload8/15120/ 225 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of Tran sportatio nRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345 678Ajasora14Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15112/210Borkolok16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15128/240Glolas ur y5Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/1540/75Vaseitlang-I8Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/1564/120Vaseitlang-II9Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/1572/135Borakab akhali20Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15160/300Mainababsora28Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15224/420Kakurduleya50Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15400/750Renghashya34Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15272/510Lokhisury30Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15240/450Chhotaguisury17All Weather RoadJ eep8.00136.005Bu ngtlangBungtlang 'S'Town TripAll Weather RoadJ eep40.00Hmunnuam10All Weather RoadJ eep8.0080.00Saikhawthlir15Footpat hHeadload15225.00M.Ka wnpui28All Weather RoadJ eep8.00224.00Dar namtla ng25Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15250/375Kawrthindeng20Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15160/300Ngengpuit lang18Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15144/270Tuidangtlang25Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15200/375Hruitezawl28Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/15224/420Sekulh14All Weather RoadJ eep8.00112.00Hlimzawl25Footpat hHeadload15.00375.006 DiltlangDiltlangTown Trip All Weather RoadJeep8.0040.00Cha wngt elui10Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/1580/150Ngengpui20All Weather RoadJ eep8160.00Khawmawi20All Weather RoadJ eep8160.007 Da md epDamdep IITown trip All Weather RoadJeep40.00Damdep I6All Weather RoadJ eep8.0048.00Boraguisury25Footh pathHeadload15375.00Fultuli8Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/1564/120Gerasury35Footh pathHeadload15525.00Devasora 'S'45Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15360/675Parva I,II & III50Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15400/750Jaruldubasora25Footh pathHeadload15375.00 9.MAMIT DISTR ICT Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply Cen treName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345 6781 MamitMamitTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00LuangpawlTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Da mpui17All Weather Road Medium Tru ck5.0085.00Nalzawl25R.D.Road/Footpath J eep/Head Load8/15200/375Bawngva19All Weather Road Jeep8.00152.00Phaiza u10Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/1580/150Chil ui20Footpat h Head Load15.00300.00N. Sabual10Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/1580/150Tlangkhang20Footpat h Head Load15.00300.00Suarhliap30All Weather Road Medium Tru ck5.00150.00Vawngawnzo 17All Weather Road Jeep/Medium Truck8/5136/85Damdiai 23All Weather Road Jeep/Medium Truck8/5184/115Kha nt huam2717 Km All Weather Road 10 Km FootpathJ eep/Head Load17x8+ 10x15286.002W.Phaileng W.PhailengTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Damparengpui30All Weather Road Medium Tru ck5.00150.00Kha whnai14Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/15112/210Tuirum23Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/15184/345S alemboarding8Fair Weather RoadJ eep/Head Load8/1564/120Teirei Forest18All Weather Road Jeep8.0090.00Ka wnmawi10All Weather Road Jeep8.0080.00Chhip pui11All Weather Road Jeep8.0088.00 3 LallenLallen15All Weather Road Jeep8.00120.00Saithah24All Weather Road Jeep8.00192.00 4Phuldungsei Phul dungs eiTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Parvatui25Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/15200/375Zopui37Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/15296/555 5 Pukzin g PukzingTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Pukzing Vengthar10All Weather Road Jeep8.0080.00W .Phul p ui11All Weather Road Jeep8.00120.00Hnahva7Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/1556/1056 MarparaMarparaMizovengTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Marpara 'N'Town tripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Marpara 'S'Town TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Marpara 'W'14Footpat h Head lo ad15.00210.00Hruiduk6Fair Weather Road J eep/Head Load8/1548/90 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationMode of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl )Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345 678Silsury 27Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load 8/15216/405Mauzam 20Footpath Head Load15.00300.00Salmore 17Footpath Head Load15.00255.00Laisawral 12Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load 8/1596/180Old Sachan 20Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load 8/15160/300Terabonia 7Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load 8/1556/105New Sachan 17Fair Weather Road Jeep/Head Load 8/15136/255Phai nu am 14Footp athHead Load15.00210.007 TuipuibariTuipuibariTown tripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00SidonTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Zomuantlang31Fair Weather RoadJeep/Head Load5.00248/465Rajivnagar7Fair Weather RoadJeep5.0056/105Khantlang25Fair Weather RoadJeep5.00200/375Belkhai17Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15136/255Thaidawr43Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15344/645Andermani k13Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15104/195Tui puibari Ven ghl un8Footpath Head Load15.00120.00Persang5Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/1540/758 ZawlnuamZawlnuamTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Hriphaw30All Weather Road Jeep8.00240.00Zawlpui7Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/1556/105Kolal ian36All Weather Road Jeep8.00208/2889 KawrtethawvengKawrtethawveng Town TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00W.Bunghmun 10All Weather Road Jeep8.0080.00Mualth uam 16Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15128/240Sotapa 30Footpath Head Load15450.00Serhmun 19All Weather Road Jeep8.00152.00Thaidawr25Fair WeatherRoadJeep/Head Load8/15200/37510 TuidamTuidamTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Darlak12All Weather Road Jeep8.0096.00New Eden20All Weather Road Jeep8.00160.00Tumpanglui10All Weather Road Jeep8.0080.0011 KawrthahKawrthah Town TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00K.Sarali 11Footpath Headload15.00165.0012 RengdilRengdil Town TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Zamuang Town TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Chuhvel 18All Weather Road Jeep8.00144.00Sihthia ng 14Fair Weather Road Jeep/Headload8/15112/210 Sl. NoName of SDC/ Supply CentreName of Fair Price ShopDistance (in Km)Road ClassificationM od e of TransportationRate (in Rs. Per Km/Qtl)Ceiling rate for the route (in Rs/Qtl.)12345 678Kananthar2618 Km All Weather Road 8 Km FootpathJeep /Head load8x18+ 15x8264.00Saikhawthlir22All Weather Road Jeep817613 Kanhmun KanhmunTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00LuimawiTown TripAll Weather Road Jeep40.00Bajungpaveng16All Weather Road Jeep8.00128.00Thinghlun15All Weather Road Jeep8.00120.00Bungthuam9All Weather Road Jeep8.0072.0014 SilsurySilsury-ITown TripFair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/1540Silsury-IITown TripFair WeatherRoadJeep/Headload8/1540Hnahva9Fair Weather RoadJeep/Headload8/1572/135

Obituary of Pi Liandingi Chhangte, Finance & Accounts Officer, Soil & Water Conservation Department, Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service, on 28 th March, 2017 at 10:10 AM at Aizawl Hospital, Aizawl.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 133Date - 31/03/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYNo. A. 19018/123/2013 - F.Est., the 29th March, 2017.The Government of Mizoram has learnt with deep sorrow the sad and untimely demise of Pi Liandingi Chhangte, Finance & Accounts Officer, Soil & Water Conservation Department, Junior Grade of Mizoram Fina nce & Accounts Service, on 28th March, 2017 at 10:10 AM at Aizawl Hospital, Aizawl. Pi Liandingi Chhangte d/o Pu Sakha wliana, born on 4.4.1964 entered into Government Service on 1.3.1983 as Postal Assistant and was posted at Aiza wl Head Post Office. S he was then appointed as Asst. Auditor w.e.f 10.3.1992 and posted at Accounts & Treasuries, Aizawl and was promoted to Auditor on 14.12.2007. She then entered into Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service on 1 6.7.2013 and was posted as Finance & Accounts Officer, Tr ade & Commerce Department. Later, she was transferred and was holding the post of Finance & Accounts Officer, S oil & Water Conservation Department w.e.f 23.12.2016 till she breathed her last. She served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion to duty proving her s elf an efficient officer. The Government of Mizoram, Finance Depar tment deeply mourns her death and places on r ecord its appr eciation of the sincere service rendered by Pi Liandingi Chhangte and conveys its hear tfelt sympathy and condolence to her bereaved family. Lalropara, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Dep art ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Friday 31.3.2017 Chaitra 10, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 133

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