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Demand Numbers allotted to the following Departments which appear in the Demand for Grants 2017-18 are hereby re-numbered and should be read as follows :-

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 148Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. G. 20012/1/2009-FBT/Pt-I, the 31st March, 2017.Consequent upon the amalgamation of Industries Department and Trade & Commerce Department into Commerce & Industries Department vide Govt. Notification No. A. 46013/9/2016-GAD Dated 27.6.2016, Commerce & Industries Department has been assigned Demand No. 40 in the Demand for Grants 2017-18. As a result of this, Demand Numbers allotted to the following Departments which appear in the Demand for Grants 2017-1 8 are hereby re- numbered and should be read as follows :- 1.Demand No. 44 - Public Works Department 2.Demand No. 45 - Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation 3.Demand No. 46 - Minor Irrigation 4.Demand No. 47 - Information & Communication Technology 5.Demand No. 48 - Public Debt This notification will be effective from 1st April, 2017. Lalropara, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 148

District Programme Officer, Kolasib, Mamit and Lawngtlai is allotted unique Code number as below

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 149Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. G. 17011/7/2012-F. APF, the 30th March, 2017.In continuation of Finance Department’s Notification No. G. 17017/7/2012-F. APF dt. 22.02.2017; District Programme Officer, Kolasib, Mamit and Lawngtlai is allotted unique Code number as below :- Sl.Name of Ministry MinistryName ofDDOName ofTreasury No.CodeDDO/OfficeCodeTreasuryCode 1District Programme129043Kolasib999103 Officer, Kolasib 2Social Welfare129District Programme129044Mamit999105 Officer, Mamit 3District Programme129045 Lawngtlai999108 Officer, Lawngtlai The DDO should mark his Code Numbers in clear records and furnish the same in the appropriate column in all bills and communications relating to New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, 2010. The Code Numbers as recorded herein should not be altered by any individual authority except by the Government of Mizoram in the Finance Department in consultation with the National Securities Depository Ltd (CRA). Additions of new Treasuries or DDOs, if any, from time to time shall be made by the authority aforementioned only. Sd/- Secretary, Finance Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 149

Monitoring Committee on Power Purchase consisting of the following members with immediate effect

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 150Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 30011/1/2016-P&E, the 29th March, 2017.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Monitoring Committee on Power Purchase consisting of the following members with immediate effect : 1.Secreta ry, P&E Depa rtment-Chairman 2.Engineer-in-Chief, P&E Department-Vice Chairman 3.Superintending Engineer (Comml), Office of E-in-C, P&E-Member Secreta ry 4.Joint Secretary (Budget/Control), Finance Department-Member 5.Superintending Engineer, SLDC Circle-Member The Committee shall work on and examine various mechanisms available to permanently eliminate payment of surcharge and other related issues, and shall propose the most practicable solution to the problem for implementation of the Government. The committee shall also examine feasibility of opening LC in the Bank other than State Bank of India. The Committee may meet at least once in verey two months. C. Lalhmachhuana, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Power & Electricity Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 150

State Level Advisory Committee under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) in Mizoram with the following composition.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 151Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 13016/40/2017-UD&PA, the 30th March, 2017. In pursuance of the letter issued by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India vide No. 20/1/2016-SBM-I dt. 11.11.2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State Level Advisor y Committee under Swachh Bha rat Mission (Ur ban) in Mizoram with the following composition. 1.Secretary, UD&PA Department-Chairman 2.Director, UD& PA Depa rtment-Member Secretary (Mission Director, Swachh Bhara t Mission) 3.Secr etary, Public Health Engineer ing or his representa tive-Member 4.Secr etary, F inance or his representa tive-Member 5.Secr etary, Planning or his repr esenta tive-Member 6.Secr etary, S chool Education Department or his representa tive-Member 7.Any other members a s may be co-opted by the Commit tee. The duties a nd function of the Committee shall be as below :- i.Preparation, approval, and online publishing of the State Sanitation Strategy (SSS) for the respective State and City Sanitation Plan (CSP) for all cities covered under S BM (Urban), if not already done. ii.Fina lisation of the Concept Note on the Urban Sa nitation Situa tion before su bmission to the SBM National Mission Directorate. iii.Empanel consultants of repute and experience for : a . Preparation of DPRs under SBM. b. Conducting independent review and monitor ing dur ing execution of projects. i v.Empa nel reputed Institutes like IITs, NIT’s, State Technical Unviersities etc. for appraisal of DPRs. v.Sanction projects relating to Solid Waste Management recommended by the ULBs. vi.Plan for additional resource mobilization. vii.Plan for fund flow in the s hort, medium and long term. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 151 - 2 - Ex-151/2017Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 viii.Recommend proposals for release of insta llments of funds for projects under t he mission. ix.Monitor outcome and O&M a rrangements of projects sanctioned and completed under t he mission. x.Review the progress of Capacity Building, IEC, a nd Public Awareness activities under the mission and approve their a nnual a ction plan. xi.Addr ess violation of norms and conditions. xii.Ensure convergence of action for sanitation in the state and bring about inter-departmental coor dination for this purpose as and when required. xiii.Ensure timely audits of funds released and review the “Action Taken Reports” on va rious Audit reports of the mission and other similar reports. x i v.Review legal issues, if any. x v.Take up any other matt er relevant for the effic ient imp lementation of the mission, or mat ters referred to it by the SBM Na tional Mission Director ate. This supersedes this Department’s Notification issued vide No. B. 13016/10/2009-UD&PA(SAN) dt. 17.4.2015. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation.

Obituary of Pu C. Lalenglawma S/o Lalsiamliana, Headmaster, Govt. Border Middle School, Vaphai

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 152Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYThe Government of Mizoram has learnt, with profound grief and deep sorrow, the sad and untimely demise of Pu C. Lalenglawma S/o Lalsiamliana, Headmaster, Govt. Border Middle School, Vaphai on 3.4.2017 at 2:00 pm. Born on 3.3. 1963, P u C. Lalenglawma was appointed as Teacher at Buang Middle School on 1.2.1985. He served at Deficit Lianchhiari Middle School, Dungtlang from 17.10.1985 till the school was provincialized on 1.12.1991 and he continued to serve in that ca pacity till his promotion to the post of Headmaster on 30.5. 2014. On promotion, he was posted at Govt. Border Middle School, Vaphai and he ser ved there till his last breath. He served the Gover nment of Mizora m with utmost sincerit y and devotion to duty and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu C. Lalengla wma and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. P. Lalchhuanga, Dated AizawlSecr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, The 4th April, 2017School Education Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 152

The Mizoram Appropriation (No. 1) Act, 2017 (Act No. 1 of 2017)

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 153Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 12018/83/2013-LJD, the 4th April, 2017. The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram Appropriation (No. 1) Act, 2017 (Act No. 1 of 2017) (Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 23rd March, 2017) THE MIZORAM APPROPRIATION (No. 1) ACT, 2017 AN ACT to authorise payment and appropria tion of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the S tate for the services during the Financial Year of 2016-2017. It is enact ed by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty Eight Year of the Republic of India as follows :- Short Title1. This Act may be called the Mizoram Appropriation (No. 1) Act, 2017 Issue of ^ 164538.03 lakh2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram, there only out of the C onsolidatedmay be paid and applied the sums not exceeding those as specified in Fund of the State of Mizoramcolumn (5) of the Schedule to this Act, amounting, in the aggregate, to for the Fina ncial Year,the sum of Rupees one thousand six hundred forty five crore 2016-2017.thirty eight lakh three thousand only for defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the Financial Year, 2016- 2017 in respect of the services specified in column (2) of the Schedule. Appropriation3. The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Conso- lida ted Fund of the State of Mizoram by this Act sha ll be a ppropriated for the services a nd purposes expressed in the Schedule in relation to the said per iod. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 153 - 2 - Ex-153/2017 THE SCHEDULE [See Sections 2 and 3 ](^ in lakh) 1Legislative AssemblyRevenue18.5018.50 Capital53.9753.97 2GovernorRevenue3.00123.52126.52 Capital6.006.00 3Council of MinistersRevenue33.5033.50 Capital4.004.00 4Law and JudicialRevenue608.4547.50655.95 Capital858.65858.65 5VigilanceRevenue28.6028.60 Capital8.008.00 6Land Revenue and ReformsRevenue233.66233.66 Capital28.0028.00 7Excise and NarcoticsRevenue193.68193.68 Capital26.0026.00 8TaxationRevenue134.46134.46 Capital22.0022.00 9FinanceRevenue742.80742.80 Capital60.0060.00 10Mizoram Public Service CommissionRevenue-33.6433.64 Capital10.0010.00 11Secretariat AdministrationRevenue525.03525.03 Capital210.00210.00 12Parliamentary Affairs DepartmentRevenue16.0016.00 13Personnel and Administrative ReformsRevenue37.5937.59 Capital8.008.00 14Planning and Programme ImplementationRevenue803.84803.84 Capital58.0058.00 15General Administration DepartmentRevenue1531.621531.62 Capital443.73443.73 16HomeRevenue4396.534396.53 Capital2982.172982.17 17Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer AffairsRevenue1488.831488.83 Capital802.00802.00 18Printing and StationeryRevenue446.40446.40 Capital16.0016.00 19Local Administration DepartmentRevenue3316.343316.34 Capital20.0020.00 20School EducationRevenue6787.926787.92 Capital1083.601083.60 21Higher and Technical EducationRevenue1385.901385.90 Capital588.80588.80 22Sports and Youth ServicesRevenue670.38670.38 Capital510.05510.05 23Art and CultureRevenue94.4594.45 Capital238.47238.47 24Medical and Public HealthRevenue11471.8711471.87 Capital4463.174463.17Demand No.12345 SERVICES AND PURPOSESVoted by Legislative AssemblyTotal SUMS NOT EXCEEDINGCharged on the Consoli- dated Fund - 3 -Ex-153/201725Water Supply and SanitationRevenue7937.507937.50 Capital4768.614768.61 26Information and Public RelationsRevenue230.68230.68 Capital22.0022.00 27District Council AffairsRevenue1314.141314.14 28Labour, Employment and Industrial TrainingRevenue520.50520.50 Capital16.0016.00 29Social WelfareRevenue3283.493283.49 Capital2841.732841.73 30Disaster Management and RehabilitationRevenue56.0856.08 Capital10.0010.00 31AgricultureRevenue6943.686943.68 Capital100.00100.00 32HorticultureRevenue1065.751065.75 Capital30.0030.00 33Soil and Water ConservationRevenue541.98541.98 Capital24.0024.00 34Animal HusbandryRevenue893.28893.28 Capital287.93287.93 35FisheriesRevenue2200.872200.87 Capital10.0010.00 36Environment and ForestsRevenue6551.516551.51 Capital40.0040.00 37CooperationRevenue29.0029.00 Capital16.0016.00 38Rural DevelopmentRevenue11921.3511921.35 Capital1155.471155.47 39PowerRevenue16417.0116417.01 Capital4914.184914.18 40IndustriesRevenue3679.963679.96 Capital48.0048.00 41SericultureRevenue312.38312.38 Capital20.0020.00 42TransportRevenue28.9228.92 Capital163.88163.88 43TourismRevenue230.92230.92 Capital1961.351961.35 44Trade and CommerceRevenue697.87697.87 Capital62.0062.00 45Public WorksRevenue11015.2811015.28 Capital13193.6713193.67 46Urban Development and Poverty AlleviationRevenue3341.343341.34 Capital6147.346147.34 47Minor IrrigationRevenue18.0018.00 Capital420.00420.00 48Information and Communication TechnologyRevenue621.80621.80 Capital13.0013.00 49Public DebtRevenue0.00 Capital744.96744.96 GRAND TOTAL:163588.41949.62164538.03 Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

The Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) (Amendment) Act, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 154Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 12018/241/2015-LJD, the 4th April, 2017. The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) (Amendment) Act, 2017. (Act No. 2 of 2017) (Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 23rd March, 2017) VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 154 THE MIZORAM (LAND ACQUISITION, REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT) (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017. AN ACT to a mend the Mizora m (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (Act No. 5 of 2016). It is enact ed by the Legis lative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty-Eight year of the Republic of India as follows, namely : 1.Short title, extent: (1) This Act may be called the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilita tion a nd commencementand Resettlement) (Amendment) Act, 2017. (2) It shall ha ve the like ext ent as the Principal Act. (3) It shall commence from the date of its publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Amendment of: In s ection 3 of the Principal Act, after clause (f) of s ub-section (1), new Section 3provisos shall be inserted, as follows, namely :- - 2 - Ex-154/2017 “Provided that the Government may also acquire land for the aforementioned purposes by negotia tion with the land holder, subject to the pr ovisions of this Act and rules made ther eunder. Provided fur ther that on every instance of purcha se of land under this sub- section, the terms and condition of the negotiation shall invariably cover all cos ts of the la nd and properties therein including claim or disclaim for rehabilitation and resettlement. Provided also that the sale deed executed under this section shall not be necessary for registration under the Registration Act, 1908.” 3.Amendment of: Section 9 of the Pr incipal Act shall be amended as follows, namely :- Section 9 “9. Exemption from Social Impact Assessment. “ Where la nd is p roposed to be pur cha sed under sub-section (1) of section 3 and the rehabilitation and resettlement entitlement is disclaimed by the land holder, or acquired invoking the urgency pr ovisions under section 40, the Government may exempt undertaking of the Socia l Impact Assess ment Study.” Secretary, Law & Judicia l Department, Govt . of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) (Amendment) Act, 2017.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 155Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 12018/241/2015-LJD, the 4th April, 2017. The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) (Amendment) Act, 2017. (Act No. 3 of 2017) (Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 23rd March, 2017) VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 155 - 2 - Ex-155/2017 THE MIZORAM (LAND ACQUISITION, REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT) (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017. AN ACT to a mend the Mizora m (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act , 2016 (Act No. 5 of 2016). It is enact ed by the Legis lative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty-Eight year of the Republic of India as follows, namely : 1.Short title, extend: (1) This Act may be called the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation a nd commencementand Resettlement) (Amendment) Act, 2017. (2) It shall ha ve the like ext ent as the Principal Act. (3) It shall commence from the date of its p ublication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Amendment of: In section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Section 2Act, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Act), after clause (i) the following clause shall be added, namely :- “(ia) “ Competent Authority” means an author ity establis hed by the Government by notification in the Official Gazette for the purpose of section 40.” 3.Amendment of: In sub-section (2) of section 40 of the Pr incipal Act, the words “Legisla tive section 40Assembly” shall be substituted by the words “Competent Authority”. Secretary, Law & Judicia l Department, Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

Obituary of Er. W.C. Lalchhuanliana, Sr. Executive Engineer, P&E Department

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 156Date - 05/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYDated Aizawl, the 2nd April, 2017. With deep and profound sorrow, the Government of Mizoram has learnt the untimely demise of Er. W.C. Lalchhuanliana , Sr. Executive Engineer, P&E Department at 1 0:00 p. m. on the 1st April, 2017. Er. W.C. Lalchhuanliana, S /o C. La lawia, Chaltlang Lily Veng wa s born on 1st Mar ch, 1962. He entered into Government Service on 16.12.1988 a s Junior Grade (AE/SDO) (Elect ) in the office of Chief Engineer, Power & Electricity Department and promoted to S enior Gr ade (EE) on 6.10.2008. He was again promoted to Junior Adminis trative Grade (Sr. EE) on 6. 10.2013 and posted as EE (Planning), Office of Chief Engineer (System Opera tion), Aizawl till he breathed his last. He served the Government of M izoram with utmost sincerit y and devotion to duty and endeared himself to the Officers a nd Staff and a lways pr oved himself a s conscientious and hard wor king offic er. The Government of Mizora m pla ces on r ecord its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Er. W.C. Lalchhuanlia na and conveys its heartfelt symphathy to the bereaved family. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACEPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Wednesday 5.4.2017 Chaitra 15, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 156

Affidavit of P.C. Lalhlimpuia S/o Vanlalroa, inhabitant of Ramhlun Sports Complex, Aizawl, Mizoram,

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 157Date - 11/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008AFFIDAVITI, P.C. Lalhlimpuia S/o Vanlalroa, inhabitant of Ramhlun Sports Complex, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India and competent to swear this affidavit. 2.That my name has been written and recorded as Lalhlimpuia in my service record and Voter ’s ID Card. However, my true and correct name is P.C. Lalhlimpuia in my Aadhaar Card. 3.That the purpose of this affidavit is to correct my name P.C. Lalhlimpuia which has been written as Lalhlimpuia in my service record and Voter ’s ID Card. 4.That from now onwards my name shall be written and recorded as P.C. Lalhlimpuia. 5.That the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 27th day of March, 2017. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by meSigned befor me Sd/-Sd/- LalhmingthangaR. T hangkanglovaNotatial Registration AdvocateAdvocate & Notary PublicNo. 47/3 Aizawl : MizoramAizawl, MizoramDate 27.3.2017 Ph : 9774741485Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 11.4.2017 Chaitra 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 157

Affidavit of Shri R. Chalthuama S/o R. Thangkhuma, resident of Chhiahtlang Venghlun, Serchhip District, Mizoram,

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 158Date - 11/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008AFFIDAVITI, Shri R. Chalthuama S/o R. Thangkhuma, resident of Chhiahtlang Venghlun, Serchhip District, Mizoram, a Govt servant by profession, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth. 2.That I am a pensioner from DC Office, Serchhip, Govt. of Mizoram, Serchhip District, Mizoram. 3.That in my Service Book my name has been wrongly written and recorded as Chalthuama. 4.That my true and correct name is R. Chalthuama in all my documents. 5.That in the circumstances given above, it is my fervent plea tha t corr ection of my name from Chalthuama to R. Chalthuama in my Service Book and my service documents from the concerned authority. 6.That the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 11th day of April, 2017. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by meSigned befor me Sd/-Sd/- R. La lhungliana BA (Hons) LLBJudicial Magistrate 1st Class-I AdvocateAizawl District Mission Veng ‘S’ Mv 86Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 11.4.2017 Chaitra 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 158

Deed of changing Name of Lalbiakthanga, Peon, Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secretariat

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 159Date - 11/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OFFICE ORDERNO. LA/ESTT.15/96/109, the 5th April, 2017.On the written request of Lalbiakthanga, Peon, Mizoram Legislative Assembly Secretariat, his name which is recorded as Lalbiakthanga in his Service Books etc. is changed to P.C. Lalbiakthanga with immediate effect. Sd/- NGURTHANZUALA, S EC RE TARYPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 11.4.2017 Chaitra 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 159

Obituary of Pu Lalrammawia Kawlni, SDEO, Aizawl West on 6.4.2017 at 12:30 p.m.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 160Date - 11/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYThe Government of Mizoram has learnt, with profound grief and deep sorrow, the sad and untimely demise of Pu Lalrammawia Kawlni, SDEO, Aizawl West on 6.4.2017 at 12:30 p.m. Born on 30.3.1965, Pu Lalr ammawia Kawlni was appointed a s Circle Educa tion Officer (CEO] on 14.12.1995 and held various posts until the upgradation of his post to Sub-Divisional Education Officer(SDEO) on 13.6.2013 and his subsequent promotion to SDEO on 25.9.2013. During his service as SDEO, he was posted in va rious places such as Mamit, Hnahthia l, Kola sib, Aizawl East and Aizawl West. He was even entrusted with the charge of District Education Officer (DEO),Mamit. On 1.7.2016, he was deputed to take the char ge of DEO, Sa iha fr om where he wa s later attached to District Education Office, Aiza wl on 1.12.2016 due to ill-health where he served till his last breath. He served the Gover nment of Mizora m with utmost sincerit y and devotion to duty and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Pu. La lrammawia Kawlni and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. P. Lalchhuanga, Dated AizawlSecr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, T he 6th April,2017School Edu cation DepartmentPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 11.4.2017 Chaitra 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 160

The Aizawl Municipal Corporation (Site Development and Slope Modification) Regulations, 2017 with immediate effect.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 161Date - 11/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 13017/75/2016-UD&PA, the 4th April, 2017.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 371 of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (Act No. 6 of 2007) (As amended in 2009), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make “The Aizawl Municipal Corporation (Site Development and Slope Modification) Regulations, 2017” with immediate effect. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Deptt. VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 11.4.2017 Chaitra 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 161 In exercise of the powers conferr ed by section 3 71 of the Mizoram Municipalit ies Act , 2007 (Act No. 6 of 2007), the Aizawl Municip al Corporation do hereby makes the following regulations, namely :- THE AIZAWL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SIT E DEVELOPMENT AND SLOPE MODIFICATION REGULATIONS, 2017 Chapter - 1 [Definitions and Administration] 1 . Purpose : Aiza wl has experienced numerous landslides, which have all too often caused loss of life and the dest ruction of homes, community buildings, and important infrastructure. The stability of Aiza wl’s slopes is primarily contr olled by the underlying geology, of which the type and orientation of rock layers, the degree to which they are fractured and jointed, their permeability to water, and their strength are very important factor s, in a ddition to the overall angle and aspect of the slope. The a ngle of the slope, commonly used in regulatory documents elsewhere, is but one element to be accounted for, and in Aizawl’s particular geologic context is not often the cont rolling factor. In addition, human activities such as slope cutting, filling, increasing the amount of groundwater penetrating into slopes, and disposing of sewerage a nd drainage onto slopes in a poorly controlled manner can greatly incr ease slope instability. It is the declared intent of the Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation to protect healt h and safety, which includes the reduction or elimina tion of the ha zards of landslides, sinking areas, debris flows, rock - 2 - Ex-161/2017 falls, undue settlement, erosion, siltation, and flooding, and other special condit ions; as well as to pr omote the conservation of na tur al r esou rces, including topogra phy and vegetation. To achieve these goals, the adverse effects of site development, cu t and fill op erations, land clear ing, water runoff, and soil erosion must be minimised. Therefore, the following Regula tions s hall apply for the purpose of stringent control of all aspects of site development, slope modification and clearing operations and to establish procedures for issuance, a dministration and enforcement of a site development permit. 2 . Short Title, Extent and Commencement : (1) These Regula t ions may be calledThe Aizawl Municipal Corpora tion Site Development and Slope Modification Regulations, 2017. (2) They shall apply t o all the areas cover ed by t he Aiza wl Municipal C orporation. (3) They shall come into force on such date a s the Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation ma y notify by Notification in the Official Gazette. (4) These Regulations shall apply to all site development works, including excavating, filling, leveling, land clearing and other ear thwork construction operations and to the control of runoff from graded sites, unless such operations are specifically exempted by these Regulations. 3 . Definitions : For the pur pose of these Regulations: 1)‘Acceler ated erosion’means rapid erosion caused by artificially induced alteration of the vegetation, land surface topography or runoff patterns. Evidence of accelerated erosion is indicated by exposed soils, active gullies, rills, sediment deposits or slope failures caused by such ar tificial activities. 2)‘Access’ means the means of an entr y or exit to any plot/land or building/struct ure. 3)‘Act’ means The Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (Act. No.9 of 2007). 4)‘Building Regulations’ means Building Regulations for Aizawl as approved by the Government under the Act which shall extend to the Aizawl M unicipa l Corpor ation a rea. 5)‘Approved’means approved by the Aizawl Municipal Corpora tion or any officer or person to whom appropr iate power has been delegated by the Municipality. 6)‘Bedrock’means in-place solid rock. 7)‘Bench’means a rela tively level st ep exca va ted into earth material designed to receive fill and prevent its movement downhill, or to level a portion or por tions of a sloping sur face for the purpose of a construction pad or other usable level a rea. 8)‘Borr ow’ means and is synonymous with ‘import’: earth fill material acquired from an off- site location for use in site development on a site. 9)‘Building’means any structur e constr ucted for whatsoever purpose and of whatever materials and every pa rt thereof, whether used as human ha bitation or not and includes foundations, plinths, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing, a nd building s ervices, fixed platfor ms, vera ndah, balcony, cornice or projection, part of a building or anything affixed thereto or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land or space and signs and outdoor display structures, monuments, memorials or any contriva nce of permanent natur e/stability built under or over ground. 10)‘Building line’ means the line up to which the plinth of a building adjoining a street or an extension of a street or any future street may lawfully extend. It includes the lines prescribed in a ny development p lan. 11)‘Building Officia l’means a person authorized by the Aizawl Municipal Corporation to carry out all act ivities necess ary for regula ting building construction and site development works. 12)‘Clearing’means and is synonymous with ‘scar ify’: the removal of vegetation and debris down to bare soil by any method. - 3 -Ex-161/2017 13)‘Civil Engineer ’ means an engineer who has been given licence or recognized by the Aizawl Municipal Corporation to pr actice in the field of civil works. 14)‘Compaction’means the densification of earth and solids or fill by mechanical means. 15)‘Cumula tive site development’ means total combined site development, including both exca vation and fill, accomplished over a ten-year period. 16)‘Dra in’ means a conduit or channel for the carriage of storm water, sewage or other used water and includes all fittings and equipments, such as manhole, inspection chambers, tr aps, gullies and floor traps u sed for the dr ainage of a building. It also includes open channel used for conveying surface water. 17)‘Drainage’means a system cons tructed for the purpose of r emoval of wa ste and surface wa t er. 18)‘Drainage course’ means a well-defined, natura l or artificia l channel which conveys stor mwater either year round or int ermittently. 19)‘Earth material’ means any rock, na tural soil or fill, or any combination thereof. 20)‘Engineering geologist’means a geologist who has been given license or recognized by the Aiza wl Municipal Cor poration to pra ctice in the field of engineering geology. 21)‘Engineering geology’means the application of geologic knowledge and pr inciples in the investigation and evaluation of naturally occurr ing rock and soil for use in the design of civil wor ks. 22)‘Erosion’means the wearing away of the ground sur face by the actions of water, wind, ice, gravity, or a combination thereof. 23)‘Erosion control specialist’means and shall be synonymous with soils engineer, geotechnical engineer, engineer ing geologist, civil engineer, or other such individual, who has been given licence or r ecognized by Aizawl Municipal Corpora tion and who holds him/herself as capable and qualified in the field of site development, dr ainage a nd erosion control. 24)‘Erosion haza rd’means the su sceptibility of a site to erosion, based on soils, conditions and steepness of a slope, rock type, vegetation, and other site fact ors. 25)‘Excavation’means the mechanical removal of earth material. 26)‘Fill’means the deposit of earth materials by artificial means. 27)‘Geotechnica l Engineer ’s ee definition of‘Soils Engineer.’ 28)‘Grade’means the vertical location of a point or elevation on a site. (refer to ‘Slope’ for the angle of the ground surfa ce expr essed a s a ratio or percenta ge in r elation to level ground.) i) ‘Existing gra de’ means the gr ade prior to sit e development works. ii) ‘Rough grade’ means the stage where the approximate elevation(s) of the ground sur face match the approved plans. iii) ‘Finished grade’ means the final gr a de of the site which confor ms to the approved pla ns. 29)‘Grading’means any excavation, filling, leveling or combination thereof. 30)‘Key’means a designed compacted fill placed in a trench excavated in earth material beneath the toe of a proposed fill slope. 31)‘Landslide Hazard Maps’means the currently adopted version of the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation Landslide Hazar d Maps, created in 2014 or later to the standards adopted by the Landslide P olicy Committee for Aizawl C ity. 32)‘Lateral support’ means and refers to the support that the land or soil receives from other land or soil around it. Support is latera l when the supported and supporting lands ar e divided by a vertical plane. 33)‘Master Pla n’means the Master P lan for Aizawl as appr oved by the Government under the Act which shall extend to the Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation area. 34)‘Ordinary building’means a building defined as “Ordinary” by the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Building Regulations, 2012. 35)‘Ownership title’means an attested copy of the La nd Settlement Certificate (LSC), house pass, or sale/lea se deed. 36)‘Permanent building’means a building defined as “Permanent” b y the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation Building Regulations, 2012. 37)‘Permit’means and shall be synonymous wit h ‘Permission’ : valid permission or a uthorisa tion in writing by the Aizawl M unicipa l Corporation or any person a uthorised by it in this behalf to carr y out development or work regulated by these Regulations. 38)‘Plinth’means the portion of a structure between the level of the ground and the floor immediately above the ground. 39)‘Professional inspection’means inspections shall be perfor med by the civil engineer, soils engineer, engineering geologist or erosion cont rol specialist. Such inspections include those performed by persons supervised by such engineers or geologists and sha ll be sufficient to form an opinion relating to the conduct of the work. 40)‘Reta ining Wa ll or Br east Wall’means a wall constructed to maintain in position material capa ble of exerting latera l press ure. 41)‘Runoff ’means the movement of sur face water over ground surface. 42)‘Sediment’means eroded earth material that is car ried by water, wind, gravity or ice and deposited into channels, lakes, rivers and other ar eas. 43)‘S emi-permanent building’means a building defined as ‘Semi-perma nent’ by the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation Building Regulations, 2012. 44)‘Set back’means the distance from the toe or top of a slope, structure or property line where site development is to occur. 45)‘Shoring’means temporary structural support. 46)‘Sit e’means and shall be synonymous with ‘Plot ’: a par cel or piece of la nd enclosed by definite boundaries, wher e site development is performed or permit ted. 47)‘Sit e development’means any excavation, filling, levelling, land clearing, or ear th movement works or any combination thereof which qualifies either as regular or engineered site development under the terms of these R egulations. 48)‘Slop e’means an inclined ground surface, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of hor izontal distance to vertical dis tance, or in degrees measured fr om the hor izontal. Slope is termed posit ive or negative depending on whether it r ises or falls respectively from the point of observa tion. 49)‘Soil’means natur ally occurring surficial deposits overlying bedrock. 50)‘Soils Engineer (G eotechnical E ngineer)’means an engineer, given licence or recognized by t he Aizawl Municipal Cor poration who is experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soils engineering. 51)‘Soils engineering’means the application of the principles of soil mechanics in the investigation, evaluation and design of civil works involving t he use of earth materials and the inspection and testing or the construction thereof. 52)‘Str eam’means any natural watercourse as shown in the M aster P lan. i)‘Perennial stream’ means a stream or watercourse which r uns generally year round. ii) ‘Intermittent stream’ means a stream or watercour se which runs generally only du ring the rainy season and tends to dry up between seasons. 53) ‘Technical Personnel’ means professionals licensed or recognized by Aizawl Municipal Corporation, as per the requirements of the Schedule-I. 54)‘Terra ce’means a relatively level st ep constructed in the face of a graded slope surface for erosion control, drainage and maintenance purposes. 55)‘Topsoil’means the first 400 to 800 mm of loose, fr iable, organic and fertile ear th materials on top of a soil profile. 56)‘Wat er brea k’means a ditch, dike, dip or combination.- 4 - Ex-161/2017 4 . Exemptions: A site development permit is not r equired for the following: 1)An excavation below finished gra de for basements and footings of an Ordina ry building, or of a Semi-Permanent or Perma nent building located in an a rea of low landslide hazard, defined as per the Landslide Hazard M aps, which is authorized by a valid building permit. In ar eas not yet mapped to the standards adopted by the La ndslide Policy Committee for Aizawl City, or for which such Landslide Haza rd Maps are still under development, the exemption shall be gra nted ONLY if the aver age slope of the plot is less tha n 24 degr ees. This provision sha ll NOT exempt any excavations below finished grade for ba sements and footings of Semi-permanent or Permanent buildings authorized by a valid building permit located in areas of Moderate, High or Very High la ndslide hazard, as per the Landslide Hazard Maps. In areas not yet mapped to the standards adopted by the La ndslide Policy Committee for Aizawl City, or for which such Landslide Hazard Maps are still under development, this provision shall not exempt such exca vations on plots with average slope greater than or equal to 24 degrees. This provision sha ll not exempt any fill conta ining material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than one meter after completion of such structure. This shall also not exempt any person fr om the r equirements of Regula tion 5. 2 requir ing lateral and subjacent support to which ea ch coterminous owner is entit led. 2)Building pa ds on grade and approach roa ds for which a valid building permit has been issued. However, while a separ ate site development per mit is generally not requ ir ed for approach roads unless a cut of mor e than 1m in height or 10m volume is proposed, the design standards as set forth in these Regulations shall be adhered to. Approach roads shall be designed incorporating existing contours to the maximum extent feasible. Access roads and garage entrance ways/driveways shall enter public/private roa ds in such a manner as to mainta in adequate line of sight. 3)Individual cemetery gra ves. 4)Refuse disposal sites controlled by the city. 5)Exploratory excavations performed under the direction of a soils engineer or engineering geologist. Test bor es shall be protected to prevent small children or animals from falling in, and no exca vation shall be left u nattended unless adequately shored to prevent failu re or relieved to a maximum slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. All such sites shall be returned to their original condition within forty-five days unless extended under agreement with the Building Official. Test or monitoring wells establis hed on occupied sites shall be protected by appropriate fencing or enclosur e as determined by the Building Official. 6)An excavation which : i)is less than 1 meter in depth, or ii)does not cr eate a cut slope greater tha n one meter in height measur ed vertically from toe to top of slope and steeper than 1-1/2 hor izontal to 1 vertical, or iii) comprises less than ten cubic meters on a ny one plot. 7)A fill less than 30 centimeters in depth and placed on natural terrain with a slope flatter than 5 horizontal t o 1 vertical, or less than 1 meter in depth, not int ended t o suppor t structures, which does not exceed 30 cubic meters on any one lot, a nd does not obstruct a ny drainage course. 8)When approved by the Building Official, minor site development works in an isolated, s elf- cont ained area, if there is no danger to private or public pr operty, except in stream or r iver- 5 -Ex-161/2017 corridors or other protected natural areas where permits shall be required for all site development operations. 9)Emergency work necessary to preserve life or property under imminent threat of excessive erosion, slope failure or flooding may occur a s required, pr ovided the person rendering such service reports all pertinent fact s to the Building Official as soon as possible and no later than fift een da ys a ft er commencement of the work. Persons perfor ming s uch emer gency work shall thereafter obtain a permit pursuant to Regulation 6. Any such work as ma y be deemed reasonably necessar y to correct a ny erosion or slope fa ilure, or conditions with a potentia l to cause erosion or slope failure as a result of such emergency work shall be performed as expeditiously as possible. An imminent threat shall not be construed to include known landslides or “sinking” areas, or ongoing erosion problems a nd is intended to refer to a sudden a nd unexpected alteration to slope stabilit y or ponding due to natural occurrences such as heavy rain, earthquake, or other unusual circumstances. Exemption from the permit requirements of these regulations shall not be deemed to grant authorization for a ny work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of these Regulations or any other Acts or Regula tions of the Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation or the State of Mizoram. No exemption shall be allowed within three meters of any slope of 24 degrees or more, including clearing (scarifying), which would tend to increase erosion potential and reduce average slope. 5 . General Provisions :1 ) Relationship to Other Regu la tions - The technica l r egulations set forth in these r egulations shall be implemented in a manner consistent with the Ma ster Plan/Zonal Development Plan/Ward Plan and the Building Regulations. Any person intending to cons truct a building requir ing site development work, must obtain a site development per mit in addition to a b uilding permit, unless exempted by Section 4 of these Regulations. 2 ) Protection of Adjacent Property - The permit holder and the owner of the property on which any site development works are performed shall be responsible for the prevention of dama ge to a djacent property. No person shall excavate on land sufficiently close to the property line to endanger a ny adjoining public street, sidewalk, pathway, stairway, alley, dra in, or other public or private property without taking adequate measures t o support and protect such property from settling, cracking or other dama ge that might r esult. The permit holder and owner of the pr operty are resp onsible for repairing any damage caused to private or public property to the original or equivalent condition, to t he satisfaction of the Municipal Commissioner. 6 . Requirements for Site Development Permit Applications: 1 ) Requirements for All Applications - Every person, including Central and State Government Depa rtments and Semi-Government Depa rtments/Organisations excluding the Defence Ministry, who intends to condu ct any site development works not granted exemption under Regulation 3, shall obtain a site development permit by giving an application to the Aizawl Municipal Corporation in the prescribed form given in ANNEXURE - A to be purchased from the Office of the Aizawl Municipal Corporation. The application shall be accompa nied by the pr escribed fees a nd three copies each of the docu ments mentioned in Regulations 6.3 and 6.4 below for the type of sit e development being performed. One copy each of these documents sha ll be r eturned to the applicant aft er issue of permit or refusal.- 6 - Ex-161/2017 2 ) Site Development Designation - i)Engineered Site Development : All site development tha t takes place in mapped zones of Moderate, High or Very High landslide haza rd, as defined per the Landslide Haza rd Maps, shall be designated as “Engineered Site Development. ” All site development in areas not yet mapped to the standards adopted by the Landslide Policy Committee for Aizawl City, or for which such Landslide Haza rd Maps are still under development shall be designated as Engineered Site Development if the average slope of the plot is greater tha n or equal to 24 degr ees. In a ddition, site development in any ar ea, including a reas of Low la ndslide hazard as defined per the Landslide Hazard Ma ps, sha ll be designated as Engineered Site Development if any of the following conditions apply: (1) Height of any cuts/excavations is 3 meters or more –OR– (2) Site development works are in excess of 200 cubic meters –OR– (3) Site development works are proposed to support any struct ure. All engineer ed Sit e Development shall be performed in accor dance with a n a pproved site development plan and specifications, which incorporates the findings and recommendations of the geotechnical report defined below in Regulation 7, unless otherwise required by the Building Official. ii) Regular Site Development : Regular sit e development is allowed ONLY in zones of Low landslide hazard as defined per the Landslide Haza rd Maps. In ar eas not yet ma pped to the standards adopted by the Landslide Policy Committee for Aizawl City, or for which s uch Landslide Hazard Maps are still under development is allowed only on slopes where the average slope of the plot is less tha n 24 degrees. Site development in zones of Low landslide hazard involving less than 200 cubic meters and that will not support any structure shall be designated“Regular Site Development” unless the permit holder chooses to have the site development be designated as Engineered Site Development, or the Building Official determines that, due to the exis tence of special conditions or unusual hazar ds, the site development should be designated as Engineered Site Development. 3 ) Requirements for Regular Site Development Permit Applications - An application for a regular site development permit (Form 1) s hall be accompa nied by the following supporting documentation: i)Copy of ownership title. ii)No Objection Certificate from the concerned Loca l Council, including No Objection from adjacent pr operty owners to the plot boundaries shown on the sit e pla ns. The concerned Local Council and the adjacent property owners shall base any refusals to issue a No Objection Certificate on verifiable concerns regarding unsafe or inappropriate site development, or on verifiable concerns that the plot boundaries are incorrectly defined. The applicant for the site development permit shall be able to request that Aizawl Municipal Corporation and the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Board (per Regulation 8 ) review the reasons for refusal to is sue a No Object ion Certificate and determine whether the concerns r aised meet the standa rds described in this paragr aph, and either overtur n or uphold the object ion based on such review. iii) Estimated quantities of excavation and fill, and a section drawing showing how quantities were determined.- 7 -Ex-161/2017 iv) Statement of proposed land use for the site on which the site develop ment is to be performed. v)Site plans in sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work. A site development plan shall show the existing grade and finished grade in contour intervals of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work and show in detail that it complies with the requirements of these regulations. The pla ns shall show the existing grade on adjoining properties in sufficient detail to identify how grade changes will conform to the requirements of these regulations. The ma ximum permissible scale of the site plan shall be as per the Regula tion 5. 5 of the Building Regulations. T he plans shall give the location of the work, the name of the owner, a nd the name of the person who prepared the plan. The plans shall include the following information : (1) General vicinity of the pr oposed site. (2) Plot bounda ries, delineated by length a nd bear ing. (3) Limits and depths of cut and fill. (4) Location of any buildings, roads or other structures where work is to be performed, and the location of any buildings or structures within 5m of the pr oposed site development. (5) Contours, flow areas, elevations, or slopes, which define existing and proposed drainage patterns, including storm water provisions in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 27. (6) Location of existing and proposed utilities, drainage facilities, sewage/septic systems, and recorded public and pr ivate easements and r estricted use a reas within 5 m of the proposed site development. (7) Location of any natural streams, riverine reserves or flood hazard areas as designated and defined by Aizawl Municipal Corporation. 4 ) Requir ements for Engineered Site Development Permit Applications - An a pplication for a permit for engineered site development (FORM 2) shall be accompa nied by the following supporting documentation: (i)Copy of ownership title. (ii) No Objection Certificate from the concerned Loca l Council, including No Objection from adjacent pr operty owners to the plot boundaries shown on the sit e pla ns. The concerned Local Council shall ba se any refusals to issue a No Objection Certificate on verifiable concerns regarding unsafe or inappropriate site development, or on verifiable concerns tha t the plot boundaries ar e incorrectly defined. The applicant for the site development permit shall be able to request that Aiza wl Municipal Corporation and the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Board (per Regula tion 8) review the reasons for refusal to issue a No Objection Certificate and determine whether the concerns ra ised meet the standar ds described in this paragraph, and either overtur n or uphold the objection based on s uch review. (iii) A st atement of the quantities of material to be excava ted and/or filled, and a section drawing showing how quantities were deter mined. Earthwork quantities s hall include quantities for geotechnica l and geological remediation. In addition, a statement of the quantities of material to be imported or exported from the site. (iv) A geotechnical report prepa red by an engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer registered/licenced by Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation and containing the information in Regulation 7, and including the date of the report together with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the firms or individuals who pr epared the report. (v) A statement of the estimated starting and completion dates for pr oposed work.- 8 - Ex-161/2017 (vi) Specifications containing information covering construction a nd material requirements. (vii) Site plans of sufficient clarity to indica te the nature a nd extent of the work proposed and sha ll show in deta il tha t the proposed work will conform to the provisions of these regulations and all relevant laws, r ules, and regula tions. T he maximum permissible scale of the site plan shall be a s per the Regulation 5.5 of the Building Regulations. The plans shall include or be accompa nied by the following information: (1) First sheet depict ing the location of the proposed work, the name and address of the owner, and the person by whom the plans were prepa red. (2) Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage. (3) Loca tion of any buildings or other structures on the site where work is to be performed, and the location of any buildings or structures within 5 m of the proposed sit e development. (4) Loca tion of existing utilities, r oads, road reserves, r ecorded public and private easements, restricted use areas, septic systems, drains, natural streams, riverine reserves or flood hazard ar eas on the site where work is to be p erformed and within 5 m of the proposed site development. (5) Limiting dimensions, elevations, or finish contours to be achieved by the site development, proposed dr ainage channels including storm water provisions in accordance with Regulation 27, and related construct ion. (6) Deta iled plans of all sur face and subsur face dr ainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective devices to be constr ucted with, or as a part of, the proposed work. A map showing the draina ge area and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains shall also be provided. (7) A drainage plan, including eleva tions of floor s with respect to finish sit e grade and loca tions of proposed steps, sla bs and fences that ma y affect drainage. (8) Loca tion and type of any proposed utilit ies and proposed priva te sewage disposal system or septic system, including the location of the soak pit/expa nsion a rea. Recommendations in the geotechnical report shall be incorporated into the site development plans or specifications. When approved by the Building Official, specific r ecommenda tions conta ined in the geotechnica l r eport, which are applicable to site development, may be included by reference. 5 ) Competence of Technical Personnel - The permit holder is r esponsible for employing competent personnel for all designing and constructing all site development works. Qualifications and competence of the technical personnel and licence fees shall be as given in ANNEXURE - B. 7. Contents of Geotechnical Reports : The geotechnical r eport r equired by Regulation 6.4 above shall include the following : 1)An a dequate description of the geology of the site, including a geologic map and cross sections utilizing the most recent site development plan as a base. 2)Data regarding the nature, distr ibution and st rength of existing soils. 3)Conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic and geotechnical conditions on t he proposed development. 4)An opinion on the adequacy for the intended use of sit es to be developed by the pr oposed site development, as affected by geologic and geotechnical fa ctors, including the stabilit y of slopes. 5)Recommendations for site development pr ocedures and design criteria for corrective measures, including buttress fills , when necessary.- 9 -Ex-161/2017 6)Identification of potential effects on adjacent property and recommendations for preventive measures, including drainage measures, slope stabilization measures, and shoring of excavations during construction. All reports shall be subject to review by the Aizawl Municipal Corpora tion and the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Boa rd defined in Regulation 8. S upplemental reports and data ma y be required as the Building Official may deem necessar y. Recommendations included in the reports and approved by the Building Official shall be incor porated in the site development plan or specifications. 8 . Aizawl Municipa l C orpor ation Geologic Review Board : The Aizawl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Board shall be established as the body responsible for reviewing geotechnical reports accompanying site development permit applications made under these regula tions, in addition to Aizawl Municipa l Corporation staff review. T he Aiza wl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Board shall be comprised of a minimum of thr ee persons with the following qualifications : -Post-gradua te degr ee in geology or geot echnica l engineering fr om a recognized India n or foreign university and 10 years or more of professional experience in engineering geology or geotechnical engineering pra ctice ; -OR- -Graduate degree in geology or civil engineering from a recognized Indian or foreign university and 15 years or more of professional experience in engineering geology or geotechnical engineer ing pract ice. -Demonstrated professional experience in evaluating slope st ability, mitigating landslide hazard, or related topics; The Review Board shall contain a minimum of one geotechnical engineer and two geologists. The Review Board shall also identify and recommend any necessa ry changes to these regulations for considera tion by the Building Officia l and Aizawl Municipa l Corporation. Any relaxations of these regulations shall r equire the una nimous agreement of the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Board. In cases wher e the Local Council refuses to issue a No Objection Certifica te for the proposed site development, the Aizawl Municipal Corpora tion Geologic Review Boa rd shall, at the request of Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation, evaluate the technical merit s of any objections raised by adjacent pr operty owners, a nd r ecommend to Aizawl Municipal Corporation whether the objections should be upheld. 9 . Review of Applications : 1) General - Prior to acceptance, the a pplication sha ll be r eviewed by the Aizawl Municip al Corporation for compliance with these Regulations. Additional information may subsequently be required to demonstrate compliance. 2 ) Review of Geotechnical Reports - Geotechnica l repor ts accompanying applications for engineered site development permits shall be reviewed by the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation and the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Board. 3 ) Revisions - Revisions to the planned s ite development may be required by the Building Official or the Aiza wl Municipal C orporation Geologic Review Board. Ma jor revisions require re-review, including re-review by the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Geologic Review Board, at the discretion of the Building Official.- 10 - Ex-161/2017 10. Rainy Season Site Development Restrictions : Site development during the rainy season, as may be declared by the Aizawl Municipal Corporation, may present additional landslide and erosion ha zards, and is subject to more stringent review. During the monsoon season, proposed site development may proceed with restrictions and additional measures as prescribed by the Municipality. In some cases, proposed site development may not be allowed to proceed during the monsoon season as prescribed by the Municipality. 11. Notifica tion of Adjacent Plot Owners : Owners of plots adjacent to the plot where the pr oposed site development would take place shall be notified by the concerned Local Council officials during the process of obtaining the No Objection Certificate from the concerned Local Council. 12 . Withdrawal of Application : The applicant may withdraw his or her application at any time prior to the approval, and such withdrawal shall terminate all proceedings with resp ect to such application but the fees paid sha ll not be refunded. 13. Expiration of Permits : Site development permits shall be valid for a period of up to one calendar year from the date the permit is granted, with the valid duration of the permit to be determined by Aizawl Municipal Corporation based on the proposed star t of sit e development operations, the type of site development, and the time remaining before the onset of the ra iny season. 14. Permit Granting, Refusals and Prohibited Site Development Areas : The Aizawl Municipa l Corporation may either grant or deny a permit, or may grant a permit a fter modification(s), based on conformity with these regula tions a nd shall communicate its decision to the applicant in the p rescribed form given, in FORM No. 3. A cop y thereof shall be endorsed to the concerned Local Council. Fact ors considered in the r efusal shall include, but not be limited to, subsurface conditions such as the rock str ata and faults; nature and type of soil or rock that when distur bed by the proposed site development may create ear th movement, possible saturation of fill and unsupported cu ts by water, both natura l and domestic; surfa ce runoff that produces erosion; potential for damage to neighboring public or private property by proposed site development itself or by potentia l earth movement or erosion; and adequa cy of protective measures. No s ite development permit sha ll be issued for a project locat ed in a n area with slopes gr ea ter tha n 60 degrees. 15. Appeals of Permit Granting or Refusal : Any person a ggrieved by either gra nting or refusa l of a building permit may appeal to the Boar d of Councillors within 30 days from the date of the order granting or denying the site development permit as per Section 145 of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007. 16 . Inspection : 1) General - Site development op erations for which a permit is required shall be su bject to inspection by the Building Official. Professional inspection of site development opera tions shall be provided by the civil engineer, geotechnical engineer and/or the engineering geologist r etained to provide such services as r equired by the Building Official.- 11 -Ex-161/2017 2 ) Engineering Geologist - The engineering geologist shall provide professional inspection within such professional’s area of t echnica l specia lty, which sha ll include professiona l inspection of the bedrock excavation to determine if condit ions encountered are in conformance with the approved report. Revised recommendations relating to conditions differing from the approved geotechnical report shall be submitted to the permit holder, the Building Official, and the civil or geotechnical engineer (if any). 3 ) Geotechnical Engineer - The geotechnical engineer shall p rovide professional inspection within such engineer ’s area of technical specialty, which shall include observation during fill placement and testing for required compaction. T he geotechnical engineer shall provide sufficient observation during the preparation of the natural ground and placement and compaction of the fill to verify that such work is being performed in accordance with the conditions of the approved plan and the appropriate requirements of these regulations. Revised recommendations relating to conditions differing from the approved geotechnical report shall be submitted to the permit holder, the Building Official, engineering geologist, and the civil engineer (if a ny). 4 ) Civil Engineer - The civil engineer shall provide professional inspection within such engineer ’s area of technical specialty, which shall consist of observation and review as to the establishment of line, grade and drainage of the development a rea. 5 ) Permit holder - The permit holder shall be responsible for the work to be perfor med in accorda nce with the appr oved plans and specifications and in confor mance with the provisions of these r egulations. The permit holder shall act as a coordinator between the misteri/masons and labourers cons tructing the building, any pr ofessional consultants involved in ensuring that the work is as per the approved plans, and the Building Official. In the event of changed condit ions, the permit holder shall be responsible for informing the Building Officia l of such change and shall provide revised plans for approval. 6 ) Building Officia l - The Building Official may inspect the pr oject a t the various stages of work requiring appr oval to determine that adequate contr ol is being exercised by the professional consulta nts. 7) Site Development Inspection at Site - Prior to the completion of any site development project, the Building Official may inspect the site to determine that the site development has been completed according to the plans and specifications submitted for the permit. The permit holder shall notify the Building Official for the pur pose of inspection: 1)Four teen days prior to the beginning of t he work authorized by the permit, using FORM NO. 4; 2)When all work, including installation of all appurtenant structures (excepting any building being constructed under the permit), and other protective devices, has been completed, but prior to the construction of the building a bove plinth level. 17 . Ca ncellation of permit : If, at any t ime aft er the issuance of the development permit, the Aizawl Municipal Corporation is satisfied that such permit was gr anted in consequence of any materia l misrepresenta tion or fraudulent statement contained in the application given or information furnished, the Aizawl Municipal Corporation has the right to ca ncel the permit and any work done or rendered shall be deemed to have been done without permission.- 12 - Ex-161/2017 18 . Suspension of permit : If a t any stage of the development work, the engineering geologist, civil engineer or geotechnical engineer resigns or is una ble to continue supervision of the work, the permit holder shall suspend all development activity until a new technica l person licensed by t he Aizawl Municipal Corporation is appointed. During the intervening period, no development work shall be undertaken a nd any work shall be treated as unauthorised development. 19. Completion Certificate : On completion of the development, the permit holder through the licensed professional who has supervised the construction shall provide a completion certificate to the Aizawl Municipal Corporation using FORM NO.5. 20 . Violations : 1 ) Notification - Whenever the Building Officia l determines tha t the pr ovisions of these Regula tions ha ve been violated, t he Building Official s hall give written notice thereof to the owner of the property. In a ddition, the concerned Local Council is, by virtue of this provision, empowered to give a stay of construction of site development works within its jurisdiction, for a ny viola tion of the provisions of these Regulations or the Master P lan/Zonal Development Plan or viola tion of the conditions of the site development permit . The concerned Local Council shall give written notice thereof to the owner of the property. If a stay is given by the Local Council, a cop y of the stay order shall immediately be forwar ded to the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation which may confirm or cancel the stay after necessar y enquir y and verification. 2 ) Ab at ement - The owner a nd permit holder are r esponsible for correcting any violations to the satisfaction of the Building Official. If the Building Official determines aft er investigation that adjacent or other nearby property has been damaged by the violation, the owner shall be required to pay for the damages, or to restore the property to its original or equivalent condition, to the satisfaction of the Execut ive Officer. 3 ) Offences, Penalties and Enforcement - Contravention of any of these Regulations shall be dealt with as per the provisions of Sections 137, 374 and 386 of The Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007. 21. Correcting Unsafe Conditions : Whenever the Building Official deter mines that any existing excavation, embankment or fill on private property has become a haza rd to life and limb, or endangers pr operty, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or dra inage channel, the Building Officia l may give written notice thereof to the owner of the property upon which t he exca vation, embankment or fill is located, or other person or agent in control of said property. Upon receipt of said notice, the owner or other person or a gent in control of the property sha ll repa ir or eliminate such excavation, embankment or fill so as to eliminate the hazar d, in conforma nce with the r equirements of these r egulations, within the period specified in said notice. If the owner fails to comply with the direction of the Building Official provided in said notice, the Aiza wl Municipal Corporation can itself repair or remove any development/structure or cause it t o be removed and realis e the cost of such repair, demolition or removal a s arrear s of la nd revenue. 22. Fees for Site Development Permit : Fees for site development permit may be fixed and determined by the Municipality from time to t ime.- 13 -Ex-161/2017 Chapter 2 [ Specific Site Development Requir ements ] 23. Construction Safety Precautions and Procedures: 1 ) Safety Precautions to Protect Adjacent Public and Private Property- During the entire time from the date of issuance of the permit to the date of final a pproval for all site development operations, the permit holder shall ta ke all appropr iate and necessary precautions to protect adja cent public and private property from any damage tha t may result from the construction of sit e development works. This includes temporary measures identified as necessary by the geotechnical report or required by the Building Official, which ma y include shoring of excavations, timely construction of reta ining walls, control of surface runoff and erosion, or other pr otective measures. 2 ) Ability to stop work / unsafe conditions - If a t any stage of the work the Building Official determines by inspection that further site development as authorized is likely to endanger any public or private property or result in the deposition of debris on any public way or interfere with any existing drainage course, the Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any persons engaged in doing or causing such work to be done, and any such person shall immediately stop such work. T he Building Official may authorize the work to proceed if the Building Official finds adequa te safety precautions will be taken or corrective measures incorporated in the work to avoid likelihood of such danger, deposition or interference. If the site development work as done has created or resulted in an unsafe condition, the Building Official sha ll give written notice r equiring corr ection thereof as specified in Regulation 21. 3) Documents at Site - The person to whom the site development permit is issued shall, during the site development work, keep a copy of the approved layout plan, drawings and specifica tions a t the site. 24. Cuts/Excavations : 1) General - For engineer ed site development, the geotechnical report must pr escribe all pr oposed cuts, stating the site ha s been investigated and giving an opinion that the proposed cut slope will be stable and not create a hazard to public or private property. For regular site development, cuts shall conform to the provisions of this section. All proposed cuts shall be reviewed per the pr ocedures in Regulation 8. 2 ) Cut Slopes - The slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use and shall be no steeper tha n one horizonta l to one vertical, unless the permit holder furnishes a geotechnical report stating the site has been investigated and giving an opinion tha t a cut at a steeper slope will be stable and not create a hazard to public or priva te property. 3) Retained Cuts - Reta ining walls not over one meter in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of t he wall are exempt fr om permit requ ir ement s. If s uch a wall is subject ed to a surcha rge, such as a structure or vehicle load, sufficient engineering sha ll be provided to demonstrate the adequacy of such a retaining wall to perform the function as designed and either a site development permit or building permit must be obtained depending upon the amount and depth of soil moved.- 14 - Ex-161/2017 Cuts, regar dless of height, which tend to alter the natural dr ainage of property and accelerate erosion, concentra te runoff, or otherwise create a ha zardous condition, shall be reviewed by an engineer and permits obtained as pr ovided for in these r egulations. Cuts which will be retained must be adequately shored/suppor ted dur ing construction in order to protect a djacent public a nd priva te property. 2 5 . Fills : For engineered site development, all fills shall be designed by an engineer, and fill designs reviewed by Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation. For regular site development, the following general guidelines shall apply: 1) Fill Slopes - Fill slopes shall not be constructed on natural slopes steeper than 2 to 1. The ground sur face shall be pr epared to receive fill by removing vegetation, noncomplying fill, topsoil and other unsuitable materials, scarifying to provide a bond with the new fill and, where slopes are steeper tha n 2 to 1 and the height is greater than 1.5 meters, by benching into sound bedrock or other competent material a s determined by the soils engineer. The bench under the toe of a fill on a slope steeper tha n 5 to 1 shall be at lea s t thr ee meters wide. The area beyond the toe of the fill sha ll be s loped for sheet overflow or a paved drain shall be p rovided. Such drains s hall be constructed wit h energy dissipaters a nd shall discharge into an approved area. When fill is to be placed over a cut, the bench under the toe of fill shall be at least three meters wide, but the cut shall be ma de before placing the fill and accept ance by the soils engineer or engineering geologist or both as a suitable foundation for fill. 2 ) Fill Material - Detrimental amounts of organic material shall not be permitted in fills. Except as permitted by the Building Official, no rock, br oken concrete, asphalt, or similar ir reducible materials with a maximum dimension greater than 300 millimeters shall be buried or placed in fills. No soils containing hazardous or toxic material of any kind may be used as fill within the Aizawl Municipal Corporation area. Exception : The Building Official may permit placement of larger rock when the soils engineer devises a method of placement and continuously inspects its pla cement and appr oves the fill stability. The following shall also apply: i)Prior to issuance of a site development permit, provisions shall be made to separate orga nic materials, such a s tree stumps and brush, as well as large rocks. An area for stockpiling shall be delineated on the site development plans as well as provisions for their disposition. ii)Rock greater than 300 mm in size may be placed a minimum of 3 meters under the surface of the finish grade. Soils shall be compa cted in short lifts ar ound such materials to a ssure a dequate filling around the large r ock and preventing voids. 3 ) Compaction - All fills shall be compacted to a minimum relative density of 90%. The top 450 mm may be excepted when no load is expected, and the slope does not exceed 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. 4) Slope - T he maximum slope of fill surfaces sha ll not exceed 2 horizonta l to 1 vertical or steeper tha n is safe, whatever occurs first. The above prescribed slope may be exceeded if a proper engineered batter wall using only lar ge aggr egates is provided. 26. Set-backs : Cut-and-fill slopes shall be set back fr om site bounda ries in accordance with this section, but in no case shall the amount of set-back be less than that prescribed by Regulation 22 of the Building- 15 -Ex-161/2017 Regulations. Set ba ck dimensions shall be horizontal distances measured perpendicular to the site boundary. For engineered sit e development, the amount of set-back shall be determined by the geologist or soils engineer and included in the geotechnical report. For regular site development, the following provisions apply: 1 ) Top of Cut Slope - The top of cut slopes sha ll not be made nearer to a s ite bou ndary line tha n one-fifth of the vertical height of the cut, with a minimum of 0.6 meters and a maximum of three meters. The setback may need to be incr eased for any r equired interceptor dra ins. 2) Toe of Fill Slope - The toe of a fill slope shall be made not near er to the site bounda ry line than one-half the height of the slope, with a minimum of 0.6 meters and a maximum of 6 meters. Where a fill slope is to be located near the site boundary and the adjacent off-sit e property is developed, special precautions shall be incorporated in the work as the Building Official deems necessary to protect the adjoining property from damage as a result of such site development. These precautions may include, but ar e not limited to : i)Additional set-ba cks; ii)Provision for retaining or slough wa lls; iii) Mechanical or chemical tr eatment of the fill slope to minimize erosion; iv) Provisions for the control of both surfa ce water and s ubsurfa ce water, such as springs, which may exert undesirable pressures on the fill slope. 3 ) Modification of Slope Loca tion - The Building Official may approve alternative set-backs. The Building Official may requir e an investigation and recommendation by a qualified engineer or engineering geologist to demonstrate that the intent of this section has been satisfied. 27. Drainage : Drainage pla ns that provide for control of surface runoff, sewage, sullage and seepage from septic systems sha ll be prepared according to the following provisions. 1 ) Terraces - For engineered sit e development, all ter races s ha ll be prescr ibed by the geotechnic al engineer or engineer ing geologist and described in the geotechnical report and on the site development plans, and r eviewed by the Building Official. However, the following minimum restrict ions apply for b oth engineered site development and regula r site develop ment. Terraces at lea st 2 meters in width sha ll be established at not more than 10 meter intervals on all cut or fill slopes to control surface drainage and debris, except that where only one terrace is required, it shall be a t mid-height. F or cut or fill slopes greater than 20 meters and up to 40 meters in vertical height, one terrace at approximately mid-height shall be four meters in width. Ter race widths and spacing for cut-and-fill slopes greater than 40 meters in height shall b e designated by the civil engineer and approved by the Building Official. Suitable access shall be provided to permit proper cleaning and maintenance. Swales or ditches on terra ces sha ll have a minimum gra dient of 1 vertical to 20 hor izontal and must be paved with reinforced concrete not less than 75 mm in thickness or an approved equal paving. They shall have a minimum depth at the deepest point of 300 mm a nd a minimum paved area of 0.7 square meters. A single run of swale or ditch shall not collect runoff fr om a tributary area exceeding 400 squa re meters (projected horizontally) without dischar ging into a down drain.- 16 - Ex-161/2017 2) Subsurface Drainage - Cut-and-fill slopes shall be provided with subsur face drainage a s necessary for stability. 3 ) Disposal of Drainage - Sites developed downhill of existing sites sha ll convey drainage, sewage or seepa ge from the adja cent site uphill, as well as from the site being developed, in a safe manner to the nea rest practicable drainage way or sewer approved by the appropriate jurisdiction as a safe place to deposit such waters or sewage. Erosion of ground in the area of dis charge shall be prevented by installation of non-erosive downdrains and other devices.”Building pads shall have a minimum drainage gra dient of 1 vertical to 50 horizontal toward a pproved drainage facilities unless waived by the Building Official.”Exception. The gradient from the building pad may be 1 vertical to 100 horizontal if all of the following conditions exist throughout the permit boundary area: i)No proposed fill ar ea is gr eater than thr ee meters in ma ximum depth; ii)No proposed finish cut or fill slope fa ces ha ve a vertica l height in excess of t hr ee meters; iii) No existing slope faces that have a slope face steeper than 10 horizontal to 1 vertical ha ve a ver t ical height in exces s of three met ers. 4) Interceptor Drains - Paved interceptor drains shall be installed along the top of a ll cut slopes where the tributary drainage ar ea above the slopes that drains toward the cut, ha s a dra inage pa th greater tha n 10 meters measured horizontally. Int erceptor drains shall be paved with a minimum of 75m of concrete or gunite and reinforced. They shall ha ve a minimum depth of 300mm and a minimum paved width of 800 mm, measured horizontally across the drain. The slope of the dra in shall be appr oved by the Building Official. 5 ) Maintenance of drainage - The owner shall be responsible for mainta ining drainage facilities installed under their permit. 28 . Erosion Control :The following shall apply to all cu t-and-fill slopes - The faces of cut-and-fill slopes shall be prepared and maintained to control against erosion. This cont rol may consist of effective planting, use of armor rock, terracing, water breaks, check dams, cribbing, r iprap, or combinations thereof. The protection for the slopes sha ll be installed as soon as practicable and pr ior to calling for final inspection. During the approach of the rainy season, the cont ractor performing the work shall be prepared to install t emporar y measur es as r equired to protect exposed a rea s until permanent meas ures ca n be taken. Where cut slopes a re not subject to er os ion, due to the erosion resista nt chara cter of the materials, such protection may be omitted with the permission of the Building Official. For plots adjacent to or including natural streams, the riverine reserve shall be maintained, and measures shall be ta ken to prevent erosion of ma terials or sediment fr om the site into the stream or riverine reserve. 29. Disposal of Excavated Material : 1)Any person performing any site development that involves imported or exported materials shall take special precautions, a s approved by t he Building Official, to prevent such materials from being deposit ed on the adjacent public way, and/or drainage cou rses or riverine reser ves. 2)Dispose of excavated material not used at the site at a location approved by the Aizawl Municipal Cor por ation.- 17 -Ex-161/2017 SCHEDULE - I REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION AND COMPETENCE OF PROFESSIONAL, AND PROFESSIONAL LICENCE FEESEngineering Geologist Sl. ProfessionalQualificationCompetencyLicence Renew Fee No. LicenceeRequirementFeePay annual1At least four year degree in Geology fr om a recognized university, or member of the India n S ociety of E ngineering Geology or equivalent over seas institution, wit h minimum 3 years relevant experience in professional geology practice with site investigation field work : i) under a qualified geologist - OR- ii) passing of the AMC examination for engineering geologists. Degree in Civil Engineering fr om a r ecognized Indian or foreign university, or the Member of Civil Engineering Division of the Institute of Engineers (India) of the statutory body governing such profession, as and when est ablished. Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized university and (i) P ost-gr adua te degr ee in soils/Geotechnical Engi- neering from a recognized Indian or foreign university -OR- (ii) Minimum 3 years relevant experience in professional soils/geotechnical engi-a) Preparation of geo technical report in support of a site develo pment permit . b) Inspection of construction excavation. c) Issuing of certificate of supervision.Rs.500.00 Rs.250.00 2 Civil Engineera) Preparation of all site, grading and drainage plans and related information connected with site development permit; b) Design of drainage struc- tures, including hydrology and hydraulic calculations; c ) Inspection of civil works excluding stability of exca- vations; and d) Issuing certificate of super- vision a nd completion for site development works.Rs.500.00 Rs.250.00 3 S o il / Geotechnica l Engineera ) Preparation of geotechnical report in support of a site development permit. b) Inspection of fills and exca vations in soil. c) Issuing of certificate of completion for site development works.Rs.500.00 Rs.250.00 - 18 - Ex-161/2017 neering practice with design work under a qualified soils/ geotechnical engineer -OR- (iii) Minimum of 3 year s releva nt experience in professional soils/geotechnical engi- neering practice with design work and passing of the AMC examination for soils/ geotechnical engineer s. As given under 1 through 4.As given under 1 through 4.4 Group/FirmRs.1000.00 Rs.500.00- 19 -Ex-161/2017 ANNEXURE - IFORM NO. 1APPLICATION FOR REGULAR SITE DEVELOPMENT OF LAND[Regulation 6 of the AMC Site Development & Slope Modification Regulations, 2017] To The Secretary Aizawl Municipal Corporation, Aizawl Sir, I/We___________________________________________________[Name(s) in full], owner(s)/ lessee(s) of the land the par ticular s of which are given below, hereby a pply for permission to conduct site development works on the Land of L.S.C. No._____________________ on/in Plot No. _______in _______________________ Veng and in accordance with Regulation 6 of the AMC Site Development & Slope Modifica tion Regulations, 2017. I/we forward herewith the following documents in triplicate duly signed by me/us and the Licensed Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Supervisor/ Group/Firm: 1) Site Plan as prescribed in Regulation 6.3. 2) Estimated quantities of excavation and fill. 3) Statement of proposed land use for the site on which the site development is to be perfor med. 4) Ownership title. 5) Attested copy of receipt of application fee. 6) No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concer ned Local Council. I request that the constr uction be appr oved and site development permit issued to me. Yours faithfully, Signature:___________________________________ NAM E (in block letters):___________________________________ Address:___________________________________ (Indicate House No.)___________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone:___________________________________- 20 - Ex-161/2017 FORM NO. 2APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERED SITE DEVELOPMENT OF LAND[Regulation 6 of the AMC Site Development & Slope Modification Regulations, 2017] To The Secretary Aizawl Municipal Corporation Aizawl Sir, I/We__________________________________________________[Name(s) in full], owner(s)/ lessee(s) of the land the par ticular s of which are given below, hereby a pply for permission to conduct site development works on the Land of L.S.C. No.____________________ on/in Plot No. _______in _______________________ Veng and in accordance with Regulation 6 of the AMC Site Development R egulations, 2017. I/we forward herewith the following documents in triplicate duly signed by me/us and the Licensed Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Supervisor/Group/F irm: 1) Geotechnical report as prescribed in Regulations 6.4 and 7. 2) Site Plan as prescribed in Regulation 6.4. 3) Estimated quantities of excavation and fill. 4) Estimated starting and completion dates for proposed work. 5) Specifications 6) Ownership title. 7) Attested copy of receipt of application fee. 8) No Objection C ertifica te (NOC) from the concerned Local Council. I request that the constr uction be appr oved and site development permit issued to me. Yours faithfully, Signature:___________________________________ NAM E (in block letters):___________________________________ Address:___________________________________ (Indicate House No.)___________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone:___________________________________- 21 -Ex-161/2017 FORM NO. 3GRANT OR REFUSAL OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT[Regulation 13 of the AMC Site Development & Slope Modification Regulations, 2017] No.__________________________Dated______________ To _______________________ _______________________ Sir, With reference to your application No.__________________________ Dated _________________ for site development of the Land of L.S.C. No. ___________________on/in Plot No. ______________ in__________________ Veng, I have the honour to inform you that permission has been granted/permission has been granted with the following modifications/conditions/permission cannot be granted by the Municipality on the following grounds: Modifications/Conditions/Grounds for rejection of the applica tion: (1)_________________________________________________________ (2)_________________________________________________________ Office Seal Yours faithfully. ( _________________________________) Memo No ________________________ :Dated Aizawl, the ______________________ Copy to : i) The President, Local Council /Court________________________________ _______ Secretary Aizawl Municipal Corporation - 22 - Ex-161/2017 FORM NO. 4NOTICE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT WORK[Regulation 15 of the AMC Site Development & Slope Modification Regulations, 2017] To Secretary, Aizawl Municipal Corporation, Aizawl Sir, I have the honour to inform you that sit e development works on the La nd of L. S.C. No._________________ on/in Plot No._____________ in _____________________________ Veng will be commenced on __________________________ as per your permission given vide No.___________________________ dated_________________ I request that the construction be approved and site development permit issued to me Yours faithfully, Signature:___________________________________ NAM E (in block letters):___________________________________ Address:___________________________________ (Indicate House No.)___________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone:___________________________________- 23 -Ex-161/2017 FORM NO. 5COMPLETION CERTIFICATE:[Regulation 18 of the AMC Site Development & Slope Modification Regulations, 2017] To Secretary, Aizawl Municipal Corporation, Aizawl. Sir, I have the honour to inform you that the site development works on the LandofL.S.C.No._______________________ on/in Plot No.____________________ in _______________ Veng has been completed in accordance with permit No. ____________________ dated ____________. The work has been completed on_________________. The work ha s been executed in accordance with the permit given and no provisions of the Site Development Regulations have been viola ted. Yours faithfully, Signature:____________________________ Name of Per mit Holder :____________________________ Address:____________________________ CERTIFICATEI hereby certify that the work has been supervised by me and completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by t he Municipalit y and t hat no provisions of the AMC Site Development and Slope Modification Regulations, 2017 have been viola ted. Date: Address: ________________________ Signature: ________________________ Name of Technical Personnel : ________________________ Licence/R egistr ation No.: ________________________- 24 - Ex-161/2017 ANNEXURE – IIDUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF TECHNICAL PERSONNEL AND APPLICANT/OWNER IDuties and responsibilities of Engineers, Structural Engineers, Architects, Supervisors and Groups/Firms:(1) They shall be well-conversant with the pr ovisions of the Act, these Regulations and a ll relevant rules and r egulations ma de under the Act. (2) They shall submit a ll reports, estimates, plans or drawings, a s may be necessary, together with all documents and other det ails which are required to be submitted under these Regulations. (3) They shall comply with all directions of the Aizawl Municipa l Corporation in connection with the site development work, for which they have prepared repor ts, est imates, plans or drawings, expeditiously and fully. When they do not agree with such directions, they shall state their objections in writing within the stipulated time. (4) They shall immediately int imate corrections or other cha nges ma de by them in the reports, estimates, plans or drawings, as per direction fr om the Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation to the owner. (5) They shall not take up pr eparation of r eports, estimates, plans or drawings, if t he same are intended to be executed in contra vention of the provisions of these R egulations. (6) They shall give all facilities t o the Aizawl Municipal Corpor ation to inspect and examine the work in progr ess. (7) They shall be held responsible for any work executed on site in contr avention of the provisions of t hese Regulations. (8) They shall not deviate or allow any deviation from the sanct ioned Site Development Permit in the execution of work at site. (9) They shall submit certificates in regard to commencement of work at s ite, and completion certificate within 15 days a fter the work is completed. (10) They shall be deemed to have continued their supervision of the sit e development work unless they have intimated the Aizawl Municipal Corporation, in writing, that they ha ve ceased to serve as the technical personnel for the site development wor k, and shall be held responsible for the wor k executed up t o the date of intimation. (11) The Aizawl Municip al Corporation may, in the ca se of violation of any of the provisions of the Act and these Regulations, take action against any technical personnel in a ccordance with the provisions of these Regulations. - 25 -Ex-161/2017 IIDuties and Responsibilities of Applicant/Owner:(1) Permit holder shall engage technical personnel as requir ed under these Regulations. (2) He shall pr ovide safety of workers and others during construction, fr om commencement to completion. (3) He shall ensure that no undue inconvenience is caused to others in the course of the construction activities. (4) He shall observe and perfor m directions of the Aizawl Municipal Corporation, as issued from time to time, and a ll terms and conditions of the site development permit and the pr ovisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations relating to site development/slope modification work. (5) He shall be responsible for non-compliance of instructions, details a nd specifications supplied by the technical personnel during site development work. (6) He shall not allow any deviation from the sanct ioned site development permit in the course of site development work. (7) Any expenditure for demolition, repairs, or restoration work arising out of damage to neighbouring property/la nd, sha ll be borne by the owner/ permit holder.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/230- 26 - Ex-161/2017

Sl.No.25 page 11 of Mizoram Gazette Regular issue No. 9 of 26.2.2016 should be deleted.

VOL - XLVIISSUE - 163Date - 11/04/2017

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVI Aizawl, Tuesday 11.4.2017 Chaitra 21, S.E. 1939, Issue No. 163 CORRIGENDUMNo.B.26012/1/2010-DTE (P&S), the 11th April, 2017.The word “from” between transported and out- side which appeared in Sl.No.25 page 11 of Mizoram Gazette Regular issue No. 9 of 26.2.2016 should be deleted. Zodingpuii, Controller, Printing & Stationery Department. Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-50

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