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Optimum Utilisation of the services of Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer posted in Departments.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 367Date - 27/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 27.9.2016 Asvina 5, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 367 OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject:Optimum Utilisation of the services of Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer posted in Departments. No. G. 12017/2/96-F.Est/24-25, the 21st September, 2016. In order to ensure proper financial management, the Government has evolved various systems and mechanisms for regulating financial transactions in the Departments. As such Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer are posted in Government Departments to guide the Departments in financial administration and to assist the Heads of Department in financia l matters. According to the delegation of financial powers, proposal for financial sanction beyond the delegated power of the Department are submitted to F inance Department by the concerned administr ative Departments for concurr ence. In many cases, it is still observed that some departments have never gotten the expenditur e proposals examined by the Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Account Officer posted in their Departments. Again, expenditure incurred by the Departments within their own power are also, in many cases, not examined by the representa tives of the Finance Department posted in their offices. On the other hand, some of the Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer are required to vet bills for past expenditure incurred when there is ha rdly any scope to give meaningful advice as the expenditure is already committed. T here is no point in referring the bills for examination by Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Account Officer unless they are associated right from the initiation of expenditure proposals in the office. In view of what has been s tated a bove, the following gu idelines are hereby reiterated for strict complia nce/a dherence by H eads of Depa rtment s in their wor king ar ra ngement wit h J oint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer posted in their Departments. 1.All sanction proposals requiring concurr ence of Finance Department should first be examined and vetted by the Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer posted in the Depar tment before they are submit ted to F inance Department. 2.In the proposal, the Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer should give the certifica te that the proposal has been examined and duly vetted by him. 3.Transactions involving expenditur e, irrespective of the amounts within the power of the Heads of Depar tments, should fir st be examined and vetted by the Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Dir ector - 2 - Ex-367/2016 of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer posted in the Department before supply orders/indents are placed. 4.The Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/F inance & Accounts Officer posted in t he Depa rtments should always ensure that a ll financial rules and formalities a re followed in the Departments and that the expenditure incurred are duly covered and supported by financial concurrence from the appr opriate author ity. 5.The Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director of Accounts/F inance & Accounts Officer in the Depa rtments should also be associated in the formulation and presentation of the annual plan of the Depa rtments so as to keep them aware of the programme and act ivities of the Department. 6.Issue of LOC and maintenance receipt and expenditure including submission of expenditure statements etc. to Finance Department etc. should be put under the responsibilities of the Joint Director of Accounts/Deputy Director/Finance & Accounts Officer. These guidelines ar e meant for optimum ut ilization of the services of Joint Director of Accounts/ Deputy Director of Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer posted in various Departments as the repr esentative of Finance Department. The Head of Depar tments should ensure t hat these instr uctions are carr ied out in their offices in letter and spirit. L. N. Tochhawng, Fina nce Commissioner, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 368Date - 27/09/2016

- 1 -Ex-368/2016 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 27.9.2016 Asvina 5, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 368 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.13011/35/16-JERC, the 15th September, 2016.In exercise of powers conferred under sections 61, 66, 86(1)(e) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Act 36 of 2003) and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, and aft er previous publication, the Joint Electricit y Regulatory Commission for the states of Manipur and Mizoram hereby makes the following Metering regulations for grid connected Renewable Energy systems, namely: 1. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT: 1.1. These regulations may be called the“ Joint Elect ricit y Regulator y C ommission for Ma nipur and Mizoram (Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2016”. 1.2. These regulations shall extend to the whole of the States of Manipur a nd Mizoram. 1.3. These Regulations shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazettes of the Governments of Manipur and Mizoram respectively. 2. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS: 2.1. In t hese regulations, unless the context otherwise requires– (1)“Act“means the Electricity Act, 2003(36 of 2003) and subsequent amendments thereof; (2)“Agreement“means the connection agreement entered into for connecting Renewable Energy Plant to the Distribution system; (3)“Billing cycle or b illing period“means the period for which r egular electricity bills a re prep ared for different ca tegories of consumer s by the licensee; (4)“Commission”means the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the states of Manipur and Mizoram constit uted under the Act; (5)“Class-I cities” ar e as defined in the latest Census of India (ar eas with popula tion of more than 1 lakh); (6)“Consumer” means any person who is supplied with electricit y for his own use by a licensee or the Government or by any other person engaged in the business of supplying electricity to the public under the Act or any other law for the time being in for ce and includes any person whose premises are, for the time being, connected for t he purpose of receiving electricity with the works of a distribution licensee, the Government or such other person, as the case ma ybe; (7)“Connected load”or “contract demand”or “contracted load”or “sanctioned load” shall have the same meaning as defined in sub-clause (18), (22), (23) and (56) of clause 2.3 resp ectively under the Joint Electricity Regula tory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricit y Supply Code) Regula tions, 2013 and subsequent a mendments thereof; - 2 - Ex-368/2016 (8)“Distribution licensee”or“licensee”means a person gra nted a license under Section 14 of the Act authorizing him to operate and maintain a distribution system for supplying electricity to the consumers in his area of supply; (9)“Electricity Supply Code”means the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 a nd subsequent a mendments thereof; (10)“Eligible consumer”means a consumer of electricity in the area of supply of the distribution licensee, who uses Renewable Energy system installed in his premises to offset par t or all of the consumer ’s own electrical requirements or who uses Renewable Energy system insta lled in his premises for energy generationwithout accounting for self-cons umption/self-usegiven that such systems can be self-owned or third party owned; (11)“Financial year” or“year”means the period beginning from first of April in an English calendar year and ending with the thirty first of the March of the next year; (12)“Gr oss metering” means a metering arrangement whereall renewable energy gener ated is exported to the Grid through an independent meter without accounting for self-consumption/ self-use. (13)“Interconnection point”means the interface of renewable power generation facility under net metering arrangement with the network of distribution licensee and sha ll normally be the point where net meter is installed; (14)“Invoice“means a Monthly Bill/Supplementary Bill or a Monthly Invoice/ Supplementary Invoice raised by the distribution licensee to the consumer vice versa; (15)“kVAh” means kilo volt a mpere hour; (16)“kWp”means Kilo Watt peak; (17)“Net meter” means an appropria te energy meter capable of recording both import & export of electricity or a pair of meters one each for recording the net import and net exp ort of elec tricity as the case may be; (18)“Net metering”means a n ar rangement under which renewa ble energy system installed at an eligible consumer premises delivers surplus electricity, if a ny, through net meter to the Distribution Licensee’s gr id after meeting his own need for off-setting the electricity supplied by distribution licensee during the applicable or subsequent billing period but within settlement period; (19)“Obligated entit y”means the entity mandated under clause (e) of subsection (1) of section 86 of the Act to fulfill the renewable purchase obligation and identified under JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Renewable Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time; (20)“Pr emises ”means any land, building, structure or r ooftop or part or combination thereof in resp ect of which a separate meter or metering ar rangements have been made by the licensee for supply of electricity; (21)“Renewable Energy Certifica te (REC)”means the certifica te issued in a ccor da nce with the pr ocedur es prescr ibed in Central Electr icity Regula tor y Commission (Terms a nd Conditions for recognition & issua nce of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to t ime; (22)“renewable energy generator”means the person, which ma y either be the owner of the pr emises or any thir d party who is responsible for gener ating electr icity from Renewable Energy system installed at the consumer ’s premises; (23)“R enewab le Energy Meter ” means a unidirectional energy meter installed as an integral par t of t he net metering system at the point a t which electricity generated by Renewable Energy system, is delivered to the main p anel of eligible consumer; (24)“Renewable ener gy system”means the system to genera te elect ricity from su ch source(s) which are recognized as renewable energy source(s) by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) or any other agency as may be notified by Government of India/Commission; - 3 -Ex-368/2016 (25)“rural areas” means the areas covered by Gram Panchaya ts/Village Council; (26)“Set tlement period”means the period beginning from fir st of April in an English calendar year and ending with the thirty first of the March of the next year; (27)“Sta te Agency” means the agency a s designated by the Commission under clause 4.1 of the JERC for Ma nipur a nd Mizoram (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its complia nce) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time. (28)“Tariff order”in r espect of a licensee means the most recent order issued by the Commission for that licensee indicating the rates t o be cha rged by the licensee from va rious ca tegories of cons umers for supply of electrical energy a nd services; (29) “Third party owner”means a developer who is generating renewable energy in the premises but does not own the premises, and who also enters into a lease/commercial agr eement with the owner of the premises. (30)“urban areas” means the areas covered by all Municip al Corporations and other Municipalities including the areas falling under the various Urban Development Authorities, Ca ntonment Authorities and industrial estates or townships, excluding the areas covered under Class-I Cities; 2.2. All other words and express ions used in these Regulations although not specifically defined herein above, but defined in the Act, sha ll have the meaning assigned to them in the Act. The other words and express ions used herein but not specifically defined in these Regulations or in the Act but defined under any law passed by the Parliament a pplicable to the electricity industr y in the State shall have the same meaning assigned to them in such law. 2.3 Abbr eviations used in these Regula tions shall have meanings as stated in (Annexure – I). 3. SCOPE AND APPLICATION: 3.1. These Regulations shall apply to the distribution licensee and consumers of electricity of distribution licensees of the sta tes of Manipur and Mizoram. 3.2. The renewable energy system installed in a premise may be owned by consumer or a 3rd p a r t y. 3.3. The eligible consumer or 3rd party may install the renewable energy system under net or gross metering ar rangement which - (1) Shall be within the permissible ra ted capacity as defined under these Regulations. (2) Shall be located in the consumer premises. (3) Shall interconnect and operate safely in parallel with the distribution licensee network. 3.4 These regulations do not prelude the right of any person or relevant state author ities to undertake renewable energy projects of any larger capacity through alternative mechanisms. 3.5 The net or gross metering facility shall also be applicable to such consumers who have installed grid connected renewable energy system befor e commencement of these Regulations subject to compliance of t hese Regulations. 3.6 Gr oss metering a rra ngement shall be inst alled only after power p urcha s e agreement is ex ecut ed between the developer or eligible consumer and distribution licensee or open access cons umer as the cas e may be. 3.7 Manipur Renewable Energy Development Agency (MANIREDA) a nd Zoram Energy Development Agency (ZEDA) shall act as the state agency for making allotment and recommending the renewable energy projects for registration in the states of Manipur and Mizoram respectively unless the Commission designates other agencies. 4. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 4.1 The distribution licensee shall offer the provision of net or gross metering arrangement to the eligible cons umer or third party owner in its ar ea of supply on non-discriminatory a nd first come first serve - 4 - Ex-368/2016 basis, subject to availability of complete documents such as power purchase agreement in respect of gross metering, state agency’s allotment and recommendation for registration and subject to operational constraints: Provided that the operational constraint , if any, should be r emoved by the licensee within one month from r eceipt of the a pplication for net/gross meter ing. Provided fur ther that the distribution licensee shall offer the provision of net or gr oss metering to the eligible consumer or third party owner for the capacity targets as specified under these Regulations; Provided fu rther that the eligible consumer or third pa rty owner is eligible to insta ll the grid connected rooftop solar system of the rated capacity as specified under these Regulations; 5. CAPACITY TARGETS FOR DISTRIBUTION LICENSEE: 5.1. The distribution licensee shall provide net or gross metering arrangement to any eligible consumers or thir d party owner a s long as the total capacity (in MW) does not exceed the target capacity for meeting the annual Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) requirement determined by the Commission fr om time to time: Provided that initially a total maximum cumulative capacity of 10 MW in respect of grid connected sola r energy system shall be allowed under net and gross metering, on yearly basis until reviewed by the Commission, in the area of supply of the distribution licensee; Provided further that the cumulative capacity of solar energy system to be allowed to a particular distribution transformer shall not exceed 40% of the r ated ca pacity of the distribution transfor mer; 5.2. The Distribution Licensee shall provide informa tion regarding distribution transfor mer level capa city available for connecting solar energy system under metering arra ngement within six (6) months from the date of notification of these regulations. The distribution licensee thereafter shall update the distribution transformer level capacity available and the cumula tive ca pacity of the rooftop solar systems installed under metering a rrangement on yearly basis by 30th Apr il and shall provide the information on its website as well as to the Commission. 5.3 The distribution licensee shall maintain a recor d of renewable energy system provided under net metering a nd gross metering arrangements respectively with the type of renewable energy system and submit quarterly repor t within fifteen days of the succeeding quar ter to the Commission with intimation t o the State agency. 6. ELIGIBLE CONSUMER AND INDIVIDUAL PROJECT CAPACITY: 6.1. All eligible consumers of electr icity or third party owner in the ar ea of supply of the distribution licensee ca n participate in the net or gross metering arrangement subject to target capacity. 6.2. The maximum capacity of renewable energy system under net metering system shall not exceed the sanctioned load/contracted load or contract demand of the eligible cons umer (for kVA conversion to kW use a power factor of 0.90) and there is no such capacity restriction under gross metering system: Provided that the installed capacity in r espect of rooftop sola r energy system shall not be less than 1 kWp and sha ll not exceed 1MWp (AC side) for a single eligible consumer; Provided further that the rooftop solar projects of rating higher than 500 kWp can be considered by the distribution licensee only if the distribution s ystem stays sta ble; Provided further t hat a variation in the rated capacity of the system within a ra nge of five percent shall be allowed. 7. PROCEDURES FOR APPLICATION AND REGISTRATION: 7.1 The renewa ble ener gy generator who proposes to connect his s ola r energy s ystem or any other renewable energy system in his premises shall apply to the distribution licensee in the applica tion form(Annexure – II) with the application/processing fee of Rs.100/kW subject to a maximum of - 5 -Ex-368/2016 Rs. 10,000.00 which may varies from time to time as decided by the Commission enclosing all necessary docu ments such as power purchase a greement in respect of gross metering, state agency’s allot ment and recommendation for registration. The distr ibution licensee sha ll upload Annexure-II on its website as downloadable as well as make it availa ble at the relevant sub-divis ional offices of the licensee and notify at least in two leading daily newspapers having wide circulation for information of the electricity cons umers and the stakeholders tha t under these Regulations, the eligible consumers or third party owners of solar energy system and any other renewable energy system a re allowed to a pply in the application form mentioned above for connection to its p ower system. 7.2 The licensee shall verify the application form along with enclosed documents and if found deficient, shall issue a written note on the spot regarding shortcomings in the application form. If the applica tion for m is complete, the licensee s ha ll a cknowledge its r eceipt on the spot. T he licensee shall process the applica tion in the order of t he receipt. 7.3A n appl i cat i on f or mshall be deemed to be received on the date of r eceipt of consumer ’s requisition of s upply in the pr escribed forma t of the application form, complete in all respects and attached with all relevant documents. 7.4 The licensee shall, at the time of receipt of application form, stipulate a date for inspection of applicant’s pr emises in mutual consultation with the applicant, under written a cknowledgment. The date of inspection must be scheduled within five (5) working days in Class-I cities and urban ar eas and ten (10) working days in rura l areas from the date of receipt of application form. 7.5 The licensee shall inspect and test the a pplicant’s installation and ma intain a record of test results in the format given in Annexure 11.9 of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Elect ricity Supply C ode) Regulations, 2013 as amended from time to time as required of him under regulation 31 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regula tions, 2010. 7.6 During the inspection, the licensee shall assess the feasibility for grid connection of the renewable ener gy system and shall verify all particulars mentioned in the application form and the documents as required and intimates the eligible consumer: (1) The details of additional documents to be submitted by the eligible consumer. (2) Particulars of any deficiencies, if noticed, a long with instructions to remove such defects. 7.7 The Distribution Licensee shall, on receipt of the report on removing defects, if any and the documents submitted under sub-regulation 7.6, convey the approval for connection to the grid wit hin ten (10) working days from the date of receipt. Provided tha t if the deficiency as per sub regula tion 7. 6 is not removed by the eligible consumer or third pa rty owner within sixty (60) da ys from the date of r eceipt of such intimation to the eligible cons umer or third party owner, the application shall stand cancelled and the application/processing fee sha ll be for feited. 7.8 The interconnection agreement(Annexure-III)sha ll be ex ecuted by the distribu tion licensee with the eligible consumer or third par ty owner within thirty (30) da ys of the accor d of approval under regulation 7.7. 7.9 T he licensee sha ll provide elect r icit y connection to its power system aft er fixing t he meters & accessories and sealing the same in presence of the eligible consumer within five (5) working days in Class-I cities and urban areas a nd ten (10) working days in rural a reas fr om the date of signing of interconnection agreement. A record of connection shall be ma intained by the licensee. 8 . Termination 8.1 The eligible consumer or third par ty owner executing the agreements with the distribution licensee may termina te agreements a t any time by giving thirty (30) da ys prior written notice to the licensee. The licensee shall give a written acknowledgement of receipt of such notice, on the spot. 8.2 Licensee ha s the r ight to terminate agr eements without any further notice on thir ty (30) days p rior writ ten notice, if eligible consumer or third par ty owner commit s breach of any of the term of the - 6 - Ex-368/2016 agreements a nd does not remedy the breach within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice from licensee of the breach. 8.3 The licensee, upon termina tion of the agr eements, shall disconnect forthwith t he renewable energy system from licensee’s distribution system. 8.4 The licensee shall maintain a record of disconnection a nd reconnection of any type of renewable energy systems. 9 . Interconnection with the Grid, Standards & Safety: 9.1 The interconnection of the renewable energy system with the network of the distribution licensee shall be made a s per the technical specifications a nd standar ds for connectivity provided in the Central Electricity Author ity (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Genera tion Resources) Regula tions, 20 13, as amended from time to t ime. 9.2 The connectivity levels a t which the renewable energy system shall be connected with the grid shall be the resp ective voltage level applicable to the contr acted load as per the provisions of the JERC for Manipur and Mizora m (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 as a mended from time to time. 9.3 The above connectivity norms are applicable to all the renewable energy generators who seek connectivity with network of the distribution licensees. EHT/HT consumers ma y install renewable energy generators a t LT/HT voltage and connect t hem to their LT /HT system as per availabilit y on the s ite. 9.4 In the interconnection of renewable energy system with the local distribution licensee’s grid, the relevant provisions of the Central Electricity Authority (Measur es relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time shall apply. 9.5 The renewable ener gy gener ator shall be responsible for safe operation, maintenance and rectifica tion of defect of its system upto the interconnection point beyond which the responsibility of sa fe operation, maintenance and rectification of any defect in the system including the net meter s hall rest with the distribution licensee. 9.6 The eligible consumer or third party owner executing the agr eements shall be solely resp onsible for any accident to human being/animals, what so ever, (fatal/nonfatal) that may occur due to back feeding from the Renewable Energy Pla nt when the grid supply is off. The distribution licensee reserves the right to disconnect the installation of renewable energy system or cons umer ’s installa tion in r espect of net metering at any time in the event of such exigencies to prevent accident or da mage to man and material. 9.7 The tests as per distribution licensee’s standards as per Annexure – 11.9 of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) R egulations, 2013 as amended from time to time shall be done to ensure the safety of power genera ted from the Solar energy system or any other renewable energy system. 9.8 Any alterna te sour ce of s upply shall be restricted to the consumer ’s network and the consumer shall be r esponsible to t ake adequate s afety mea sures to prevent batt ery power/dies el gener ator power/ backup power extending to distribution licensee’s LT grid on failure of dis tribution licensee’s grid supply. 9.9 The distribution licensee shall ha ve the right to disconnect the renewable energy sys tem from its system at any time in the following conditions: (1) Emergencies or maintena nc e r equirement on the distribu tion licensee’s elect ric sys tem; (2) Hazardous condition existing on the distribution licensee’s system due to operation of renewable energy system or protective equipment as determined by the Distribution Licensee/Transmission Licensee/SLDC. (3) Adverse electrical effects, such as power quality problems, on the electrica l equipment of the other consumers of the distribution licensee caused by t he renewable energy generation as determined by the distribution licensee. - 7 -Ex-368/2016 9.10 Subject to sub-regulation 8.5 above, the distribution licensee may call upon the renewable energy generator to rectify the defect within a reasonable time. 9.11 The Renewable Energy Plant should be capable of detecting an unintended islanding condition. T hese systems must have anti-islanding protection to prevent any unfavorable conditions including failu re of supply. IEC-62116 shall be followed to test islanding prevention measure for grid connected photovoltaic inverters. 9.12 Every Renewable Energy Plant sha ll be equipped with a utomatic synchronization device: Provided that rooftop solar power plant using inverter shall not be required to ha ve sepa rate synchronizing device, if the same is inherently built into the inver ter. 9.13 The Renewable Energy Plant opera ting in parallel with electr icity system shall be equipped with the following protective functions to sense abnormal condition on electricity system and cause the Renewable Energy Plant to be automatically disconnected from the elect ricity system or to prevent the Renewable Energy Plant from being connected to electricity system inappropriately: (1) Over and under voltage trip functions if voltage reaches above 110% or below 80% resp ectively with a clearing time upto two seconds; however, appropriate licensee may pr escribe a narr ower range of voltage for the purpose. (2) Over and under frequency tr ip functions, if frequency reaches 50.5 Hz or below 47.5 Hz with a clearing time upto 0.2 seconds; however, appr opriate licensee may prescribe a n a r r o w range of fr equency for the purpose. (3) The Renewable Energy Plant shall cease to energize the circuit t o which it is connected in case of any fault in this circuit. (4) A voltage and frequency sensing and time delay function to prevent the Renewable Energy Plant from energizing a de-energized circuit a nd to prevent the Renewable Power Plant from reconnecting with electricity system unless volta ge and frequency is within the prescr ibed limits and a re stable for at least sixty seconds; and (5) A function to prevent the Renewable Energy Plant from contributing to the formation of an unintended is land, a nd cease to energize the electricit y system within two seconds of the formation of an u nintended island. 9.14 The equipment of the Renewable Energy Pla nt shall meet the following requirements, namely: (1) Circuit Breakers or other interrupting equipment shall be in good condition for their intended application with the capability of interrupting the maximum available fault current expected at their location. (2) The Renewable Energy Plant and associated equipment s hall be designed so that the failur e of any single device or component shall not potentially compromise the safety and reliabilit y of the electric ity sys tem. (3) Para lleling device of the Renewable Energy Plant shall be capable of withstanding 220% of the nominal voltage at the interconnection point. 9.15 Every time the Renewable Energy Plant of the eligible Consumer is synchronized to the electricity system, it shall not cause voltage fluctuation greater than ±5% at the point of inter connection. 9.16 After considering t he maintenance and safety procedures, the distribution licensee ma y require a Renewable Energy P lant to provide a manually operated isolating switch between the Renewable Energy Plant and the electricity s ystem of the licensee, which shall meet following r equirements: (1) Allow visible verification that separation has been accomplis hed; (2) Include indications to clearly show open a nd closed positions; (3) Be capable of being reached quickly and conveniently twenty-four hours a day b y licensee’s personnel without requiring clea rance from the applicant; (4) Be capable of being locked in the open posit ion; (5) May be rated for load break or may have feature of over-current protection; and (6) Be located at a height of at least 2.44 m above the gr ound level. - 8 - Ex-368/2016 9.17 Prior to synchronization of the Renewable Energy Plant for the first time with electricity system, the applicant a nd the appropr iate licensee shall a gree on the pr otection features and control diagr ams. 9.18 The power conditioning unit shall have the fea tures of filtering out harmonics and other distortions before injecting the energy into the system of the distribution utilit y. The technical standards, power quality sta ndards and inverter standards shall be as per(Annexure–IV)of these Regulations or any other standards as ma y be specified by CEA from time to time. 10. Third party owned rooftop solar power plant based on net or gross metering: 10.1 The third pa rty owned rooft op sola r power net or gross metering model may consist of the developer or intermediaries leasing out solar energy system to interested rooftop owner s. The owner of the premises pr ovides the rooftop and engages a turnkey installer to design and insta ll the system. The installers may also offer integra ted service of leasing, commissioning and maintenance of solar energy system to owners and guara nteeing standa rds of performa nce. 10.2 In t he third party owned solar energy system based on net metering, the electricity generated from such plants/system shall b e used to meet the eligible consumer ’s internal electricity needs, while the excess gener ation shall be fed into the Grid (network of licensee) on net metering ba sis. 10.3 In the thir d party owned solar energy system based on gross metering, all energy generated from such solar energy system shall be expor ted to the grid of the licensee thr ough an independent meter without accounting for self-consumption or cons umption of the eligible consumer. 10.4 The developer of rooftop solar energy system shall continue to be the owner of equipment in t hird party owned system, to qu alify for claiming depreciation on capital cost for the solar energy system with associated direct tax benefits, if any. 10.5 For all intents and purposes, the distribution licensee shall deal with the eligible consumer only in resp ect of net metering and arrangement between rooftop owner a nd thir d party or developer shall be personal to them. The distribution licensee shall deal for all intents and purpose with the third party who owned and developed gross metering solar energy system in the premises of the eligible consumer. 11. Metering Arrangement 11.1 Net Metering Arr angement: (1) The net-metering ar rangement shall be as per the Regulations for installation& operation of meters for r enewa ble ener gy systems specified in these r egula tions. (2) The schematic arrangement for interconnection of Rooftop Solar Power Plant with the Distribution Licensee’s grid is shown at(Annexur e–V). There shall be two meters. The metering arrangement shall be as per(Annexure–VI). (3) The bi-directional (net meter) shall be installed at the interconnection point of the eligible Consumer with the network of the distribution licensee: Provided that for the existing consumers, the consumer meter shall be replaced with the bi-directional/ net meter: Provided fur ther that consumers ha ving ABT complia nt meters shall not be required to install additional net meter. 11.2 Renewable ener gy meter sha ll be installed at the renewable fa cility after the inver ter to measure the renewa ble energy gener ation. 11.3 All the meters sha ll have the fa cility for downloading meter readings using Meter Reading Instrument (MRI). Check meters shall be mandatory for rooftop solar systems having capa city more than 250 kW. For installations size of less than and equal to 250 kW, the solar check meters would be optional: Provided that the cost of new/additional meter (s) and necessary accessories shall be borne by the renewable energy generator and installed & owned by the distribution licensee without bearing rental cha rge: - 9 -Ex-368/2016 Provided, if bills are prepared on the basis of MRI downloads or if meter reading is taken on the basis of remote meter reading and the eligible consumer wishes to have a record of the reading taken, he shall be a llowed so by the licensee. 11.4 The meters installed shall be jointly inspected and sealed on behalf of both the pa rties a nd shall be interfered / tested or checked only in the presence of the representa tives of the eligible consumer or thir d party owner a nd distr ibution licensee or as per the supply code specified by the Commission: Provided that the eligible consumer or thir d party owner shall follow the meter ing specifications and provisions for placement of meter a s developed by the distribution licensee a s per the JERC for Manipur and Mizora m (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 as a mended from time to t ime: Provided fur ther that in case the eligible consumer is under the ambit of time of day (TOD) tariff, meters compliant of recording time of day consumption/generation shall be employed. 11.5 The meter r eadings taken by the distribution licensee in net metering system and joint meter readings in gross metering system shall form the basis of commercial settlement. 11.6 The technical standards for meters shall be as per(Annexure–VII) and shall comply with the standards specified by Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended from time to time. 11.7 The meters installed for gr id connected rooftop s olar power plants with capacity above 250 kWp and other Renewable Energy Plant wit h capacity above 250 kW shall have the communication port for exchanging real time infor mation with Distribution Licensee. 12. Energy Accounting, tariff and Settlement: 12.1 The energy accounting, tariff and settlement of the renewable energy system other than rooftop sola r energy system shall be as per the connection agreement or power purchase agreement executed between the developer and the distr ibution licensee pr ovided that the power purcha se agreement shall be vetted by the Commission. The accounting of t he electricity generated, consumed and injected by the rooftop solar system under these regulations shall become effective from the date of connectivity of such system with the network of distribution licensee. 12.2 The procedure for billing and energy accounting in respect of net metering rooftop solar power plat shall be as under:- (1) For each billing cycle the consumer sha ll receive an energy account statement showing quantum of electricity injected by the eligible consumer in the billing per iod, electricity supplied by the distribution licensee in the billing period, net billed electricity for pa yment by the consumer for that billing cycle and net carried over electricity to then next billing period separately. (2) In case the electricity injected exceeds the electricit y consu med from licensee’s su pply system during the billing cycle such excess injected electricity sha ll be carried forward to the next billing cycle as electricity credit and shown as electricity exported by the consumer for adjustment against the electricity consumed in subsequent billing periods within the settlement period. In such a case, the distribution licensee shall issue an invoice containing all these deta ils. (3) In case the electr icity supplied by the distribution licensee during any billing period exceeds the electricity injected by the eligible consumer, the distribution licensee shall raise a bill for net electricity consumption as per applicable tariff of tha t category aft er taking into account any electricity credit balance from previous billing period. (4) In case the eligible consumer is under the ambit of TOD tariff, the electricity consumption in anytime block i.e. peak hours, off peak hours etc. shall be first compensated with the electricity injected in the same time block. Any excess injection over and above the consumption in any other time block in a billing cycle shall be accounted a s if the excess injection occurred during non-peak hours. (5) The surplus energy measured in kWh/kVAh shall be utilized to offset the consumption measured in kWh/kVAh and may not be utilized to compensate any other fee and cha rges imposed by the - 10 - Ex-368/2016 licensee as per the orders of the Commission. A normative power factor of 0.9 shall be considered for conversion of kWh to kVAh, wherever applica ble. (6) The monthly fixed charge and other fees a nd charges as per applicable Tariff Order of the Commission s hall be leviable on contract demand or contra cted load of the consumer for each billing cycle. The monthly fixed charge shall not be leviable on the capacit y of grid connected renewable energy s ystem of the eligible consumer. (7) The distribution licensee shall also take the r eading of sola r meter for recording total solar power genera ted by solar energy system of eligible consumer. (8) The distribution licensee in addition to consumer tariff shall be eligible to raise invoice/bills for any other charges as allowed by the Commission. (9) In case of any dispute in billing, the consumer can approach the licensee, who will deal the complaint under provisions of Regulations 6.24 to 6.27 of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) R egulations, 2013 with subsequent amendments thereof. In case the consumer feels aggrieved by the licensee’s disposal of the complaint, the consumer can approach Consumer Gr ievances Redressal Forum and Electr icity Ombudsma n in accordance with JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Consumer Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2010, as amended fr om time to time. (10) The consumer shall be paid for net energy credits which r emain unadjusted at the end of the settlement period at the rate of Average Power Pur chase Cost (APPC) of the Distribution Licensee for the respective year on provisional basis. Subsequently after true up of the power purchase cost of the Distribution Licensee, by the Commission, adjustment amount between provisional rate a nd trued up rate of average power purchase cost shall be credited/debited to the account of consumer in the next billing cycle aft er issuance of the tr ue up order of the relevant year by the Commission. T his tar iff sha ll be revised and fixed by the Commission from time to time depending on prevailing cir cumstances. Provided also that at the beginning of each settlement period, cumulative carried over sola r electricity injected shall be reset to zero. (11) All the rules & regulations applicable to the consumers of t he distribution licensee for the applicable category shall also be applica ble to the eligible consumer who uses the rooftop solar energy system. 12.3 The procedur e for billing and energy accounting in respect of gross metering r ooftop solar energy system shall be as under:- (1) The distribution licensee shall b ill to the eligible consumer in whose premises grid connected rooftop solar ener gy system is installed, for electricity su pplied by it, in accordance with ta riff applicable to the consumer category and the applicable Electr icity S upply Code. (2) For electricity injected to the licensee’s grid from solar energy system, joint monthly reading or any other mechanism approved by the Commission in resp ect of power exported to licensee shall be ta ken by t he authorized representative of the seller (i.e. developer of the solar power plant) and t he licensee. The seller shall submit monthly invoice for energy sold to licensee a fter each meter r eading duly supported by the joint meter reading document and photograph of the ener gy meter showing reading. (3) The applica ble tariff for the rooftop solar ener gy shall be the levelised ta riff determined and fixed by the Commission fr om time to time. Terms and conditions of payment of the cos t of power purchased by the licensee from the seller shall be as per mutua lly agreed and duly incorporated in the power purchase agreement executed between the eligible consumer or thir d party owner of the solar energy system and the licensee as the case may be. 13 . Applicabilit y of ot her char ges: The rooftop solar energy s ystem under net /gross metering arrangement whether self-owned or third party owned, insta lled on the pr emises of eligible consumer, shall b e exempted from wheeling cha rges and various provisions of J ERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Terms & Conditions for Open Access) - 11 -Ex-368/2016 Regulations, 2010, as amended fr om time to time. Exemption of other charges in respect of any other renewable energy system sha ll be a s per connection a gr eement: Provided that the Commission may review such exemption from time to time. 14. Eligibility to Participate under Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Mechanism: The eligibility for issuance of renewable energy certificate shall be as per the eligibility criteria specified under Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010, as amended fr om time to time. 15. Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO): The quantum of electricity consumed by eligible consumer, who is not defined a s obligated entity, from the rooftop solar system or any other renewable system a nd the energy credits at the end of the settlement period under net metering arra ngement and the energy inject ed to the grid under gross metering ar rangement shall qualify towards compliance of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) for the distribution licensee. 16. Penalty and Compensation: In case of failure to meet the requir ements within the time limit specified u nder these regu la tions for net/ gross metering, the pr ovisions of penalty or compensation shall be applicable as per the provisions of t he standard of performa nce regulations for distribution licensee. 17 . Power to r emove difficulties: If a ny difficulty a rises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these r egulations, the Commission may, either submit or on a n application made to it, by genera l or special order, direct the licensee/ generator or any ot her person to take suitable action, not being inconsistent with the Act, which appears to t he Commission t o be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing the difficu lty. 18 . Issue of or ders a nd dir ections: Subject to the provisions of the Act and t hese regulations, the Commission may, from time to t ime, issue orders or directions with r egard to the implementation of these regula tions a nd procedure to be followed for such implementation and ma tters incidental or a ncillar y there to. 19 . Sa ving of inherent powers of the Commission: Nothing contained in these Regulations shall limit or otherwise affect the inherent powers of the Commission to adopt a procedure, which is at va riance with any of the provisions of these r egulations, if t he Commission, in view of the special circumstances of the matter or class of matters and for reasons to be recorded in writing, deem it necessa ry or exp edient to depar t from the procedure specified in these regulations. 120. Interpretation: All issues arising in relation to interpretation of these regulations shall be determined by the Commission and the decision of the Commission on such issues shall be final. By or der of the Commission Richard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary. - 12 - Ex-368/2016 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Annexure–I ABTAvailability Based Ta riff ACAlternating Current BISBureau of Indian Standards CBCircuit Breaker CEACentral Electricity Authority CTCurrent Transformer DCDirect Current DLMSDistribution Line Message Specifica tion EHTExtra High Tension EHVExtra High Voltage GOIGovernment of India GSSGrid Substation HTHigh Tension IECInternational Electro-technical Commission IEEEInstitution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers JERCJoint Electr icity Regulator y Commission kVKilo Volt k VAkilo Volt Ampere kWKilo Watt kWhKilo-Watt Hour LTLow Tension MNREMinistry of New and Renewable Energy NMNet M et er PCUPower Conditioning Unit PT /VTPotential/ Voltage Transformer RERenewable Energy RECRenewable Energy Certificate RPORenewable Purchase Obliga tion SLDCState Load Dispatch Centre SMSolar Meter TODTime Of Day TVMTr i-Vect or Meter References of the Standar ds StandardRefer enceIS 13779-1999Standards for single or poly phase electrostatic watt hour meters IS 14697Standards for static transformer operated watt hour meters and VAR hour meters IEEE 61000Equipment standards to control/cur tail flicker IEEE 519Standards for limitation for Total Harmonic Distor tion IEC 61215Standards for Crystalline Silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules-Design qualification and type approval IEC 61646Standards for thin film terrestrial photo voltaic(PV) modules- Design qualification and type appr oval IEC 61730Standard for Photovoltaic (PV)module safety qua lification- Part 1: Requirement for construction Part 2: Requirements for testing - 13 -Ex-368/2016 IEC 61701Standards for Salt mist corrosion testing for modules used in coastal corrosive atmosphere IEC 60068-2(1,2,14,30) Standards for power conditioning unit/inverters for efficiency measurement and environment tests IEC 60502Standards for power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV(Um=1.2 kV) upto 30 kV (Um=36 kV) IEC 60227Standa rds for polyvinylchlor ide insulated ca bles of r ated volt ages up to and including 450/750 V IEC 62116Standards for utility-inter connected photo voltaic inverters-Test pr ocedures of isla nding prevention measures. Annexure–II Format for Application for Renewable Energy System Connectivity To, The Sub-divisional Officer/ Manager (D esignated Officer) Distribution Licensee [Name of office] Dat e: [da te] Sir, I / we herewith a pply for a renewable energy metering connection for the Renewable Energy Plant of which details are given below: 1Name of the Power Plant (specify which type of RE) 2Capa city of the Power Plant (in kW or kWp) 3Metering applied (specify whether Net or Gr oss) 4Net Meter ing (1)Name of the applicant (2)Deta il Address of applicant (3)Consumer No./ Consumer ID (4)Consumer category (5)Contracted load/ Contract demand of the consumer (in kW) 5Gross Metering (1) Name of t he applicant (2) Detail Address of applicant (3) Name & Address of the premises where the plant is installed (4) Date of signing of Power purcha se Agreement 6 Telephone number(s ) of the applicant 7Email ID of the applicant 9Make and Type of t he Inverter 10Does the Inverter have automatic isolation protection? (Y/N) 11Has a Renewable Energy Meterbeen insta lled? (Y/N) (Y/N)? 13Documents enclosed Name: Signature: - 14 - Ex-368/2016 Metering Applica tion Acknowledgement Received an application for a meter ing connection from: Name: Date: Service Connection number/Consumer ID: Application registration no.: Name of the RE Power Plant: Plant Capacity: Name of Officer: Signature: Designation/(Name of Discom) Annexur e - III Metering inter connection a greement This Agreement is made and entered into a t (loca tion) ________ on this (date) _________ da y of (month)_________ year _________between The eligible consumer, by the name of ______________ having premises at (address) _______________________________________as the first party AND Distribution Licensee (here in after called as Licensee) and represented by ________________ (designation of office) and having its registered office at (address) _________________________as the second party of the agreement. And whereas, the Licensee agrees to provide gr id connectivity to the eligible cons umer for injection of the electricity genera ted from his Renewable Energy Plant of capa city ________kW into t he power system of Licensee as per conditions of t his a greement and Joint Electricity Regula tory Commission (JERC) for Manipur and Mizora m (Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2016. Both the pa rties hereby agree to as follows: 1.Eligibility Eligibility for net/gross metering has been specified in the relevant r egulations of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram. Eligible consumer has to meet the standards and conditions for being integrated into grid/distribution system. 2.Technical and Interconnection Requirements 2.1The eligible consumer agr ees tha t his R enewable Energy Plant and metering system will conform to the standards a nd requirements specified in JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) Regula tions, 2016 and in the following Regulations and codes as amended fr om time to time: (i) Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013as a mended from time to t ime. - 15 -Ex-368/2016 (ii) Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulation 2006, as amended fr om time to time. (iii) JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013, as amended fr om time to time. 2.2Eligible consumer a grees that he has installed or will install, prior to connection of Renewable Energy Plant to Licensee’s distribution system, an isolation device (both automatic and inbuilt within inverter and external manual relays) and agrees for the Licensee to have access to and opera tion of this, if required and for repair & maintenance of the distribution sys tem. 2.3Eligible consumer agr ees tha t in case of a power outa ge on L icensee system, Renewable Energy Plant will disconnect/isolate automatically and his plant will not inject power into Licensee’s distribution system. 2.4All the equipment connected to dis tribution systems shall be compliant with relevant International (IEEE/IEC) or India n standards (BIS) and installations of electrical equipment must comply with Central Electricity Author ity (Measures r elating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 as a mended from time. 2.5Eligible consumer agrees that licensee will specify the interface/interconnection point and metering point. 2.6Eligible consumer a nd licensee agr ee to comply with the r elevant CEA and JERC for Manipur & Mizoram Regulations in respect of operation and maintenance of the plant, dr awing and diagr ams, site responsibility schedule, harmonics, synchronization, voltage, frequency, flicker etc. 2.7Due to Licensee’s obligation to maintain a safe and r eliable distribution system, Eligible consumer agrees that if it is determined by the Licensee that eligible consumer ’s Renewable Energy P lant either caus es da mage to a nd/or pr oduces adverse effects affect ing other cons umers or Licens ee’s assets, eligible consumer will have to disconnect Renewable Energy P lant immediately from the distribution system upon direction from the Licensee and correct the problem at his own expense prior to are connection. 2.8The eligible consumer in r espect of net metering or the owner of the Renewable Energy Plant in resp ect of gross metering shall be solely responsible for any accident to human being/animals what so ever (fa tal/non-fatal) that ma y occur due to back feeding from the solar plant when the grid supply is off. The licensee reserves the right to disconnect the consumer ’s installation at any time in the event of such exigencies to prevent accident or damage to life and property. 3.Cleara nces and Approvals 3.1The eligible consumer shall obtain all the necessary approvals and clearances (environmental and grid connection related) b efore connecting the Renewable Energy Plant to the distribution system. 4.Access and Disconnection 4.1Licensee shall have access to metering equipment a nd disconnecting means of t he Renewable Energy Plant, both automatic and ma nual, a t all times. 4.2In emer gency or outa ge sit ua tion, where there is no access to t he disconnecting means, both automatic and manua l, such as a switch or breaker, Licensee may disconnect service to the premises of the eligib le consu mer. 5.Liabilities 5.1Eligible consumer and Licensee shall in demnify each other for damages or adverse effects from either party’s negligence or intentional misconduct in the connection and operation of Renewable Energy Plant or Licensee’s distribution system. 5.2Licensee and eligible cons umer shall not be lia ble to each other for any los s of pr ofits or revenues, business interruption losses, loss of contract or loss of good will, or for indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages including, but not limited to, punitive or exemplar y damages, whether any of the said lia bility, loss or damages arise in cont ract, or otherwise: - 16 - Ex-368/2016 Provided that in ca se of a ny dispute in r espect of clause 5.1 a nd 5.2 above, the decision of the Commission shall be final and binding on both the parties. 5.3Licensee shall not be liable for deliver y or realization by eligible consumer for a ny fiscal or other incentive provided by the Central/State Government beyond the scope specified by the Commission in its relevant or der. 5.4The Licensee may consider the quantum of electricity gener ation from the Renewable Energy Pla nt under net and gross metering ar rangement for meeting RPO (Applicable only in case of eligible consumer who is not defined as an obliga ted entity). 5.5The proceeds from CDM benefits shall be retained by the Licensee. 6.Commer cia l S ettlement 6.1All the commercial settlement under this agreement shall follow the Joint Electricity Regula tory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (M etering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2016 a nd subsequent amendments thereof. 7.Connection Costs 7.1The eligible consumer sha ll bear all costs related to setting up of Renewable Energy Plant inclu ding metering and interconnection costs. T he Eligible consumer agrees to pay the actual cost of modifications and upgrades to the service line r equired to connect Renewable Energy P lant to the grid in case it is required. 8.Termination 8.1The eligible consumer can termina te agreement at any time by pr oviding licensee with thirty (30) days prior notice. The licensee shall give a written acknowledgement of receipt of such request, on the spot. 8.2Licensee has the right to terminate this agreement on thirty (30) days prior written notice, if eligible cons umer commits br each of any of the term of this agreement and does not remedy the br each within thir ty (30) days of receiving written notice fr om licensee of the breach. 8.3The licensee, upon termina tion of this agreement, shall disconnect forthwith the renewable energy system from licensee’s distribution system. In witness, whereof, Mr. ———————— for and on behalf of—————(Eligible consumer) and Mr.————————for and on behalf of———————(Licensee) sign this agreement in two originals. Eligible Consumer/owner of RE plantDistribution Licensee NameName AddressDesignation Service connection No./Office Address Consumer ID - 17 -Ex-368/2016 Overall conditions of service Overall Gr id Standar dsJERC for Ma nipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 with subsequent amendments thereof. i) Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standard) Regulations 2010. ii) JERC for Manipur & Mizoram (Grid Code) Regulations,2010 with subsequent a mendments thereof & iii) JERC for Manipur & Mizor am (Sta ndard of performance for Distribution and Transmission Licensees) Regulations, 2014 with su bsequent amendment s thereof.Compliance with the terms and condit ions of supply. Compliance with Grid standards as regards the frequency, volt age and protection coordination.Meters Safety and supply Harmonic Requirements Har monic Curr entCentral Electricity Authority (Installation & Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended from time to time Central Electricity Authority (Measures of Sa fety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010 IEEE 519 CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013Compliance with the specifications of the meter s. Compliance with safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus. The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) for voltage at the interconnection point should not exceed 5%. For the cur rent distortion limits, the Total Demand Distortion (T DD) in terms of ratio of available short circuit current to the demand current (I sc/I L) should remain within limits specified for var ious harmonics for different TDD values.Annexure–IV Inverter S tandar ds Inverter should comply with IEC 61683/IS 61683 for efficiency and measurements and should comply with IEC 60068-2(1, 2, 14, 30)/Equivalent BIS Standard for environmental testing. Inverter should supervise the grid condition continuously and in the event of grid failure (or) u nder volt age (or) over voltage, Solar S ystem should be disconnected by the circuit Breaker/Auto switch provided in the inverter and shall comply with requirements specified at regula tion of these Regulations. Harmonics Standa rds As per the standard IEEE 519, the permissible individual harmonics level shall be less than 3% (for both voltage and current harmonics) and Total Harmonics Distortion (T HD) for both voltage and current harmonics of t he system shall be less tha n5%. Technical and interconnection requirements P arameters Parameter ReferenceRequir ement - 18 - Ex-368/2016 Synchronization Voltage Flicker Frequency DC injection Power FactorCEA (Technica l Sta nda rds for Connec t ivit y of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013 CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations 2013 CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations 2013 CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013 CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation R esour ces) Regulations 2013. CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013.Photovoltaic system must be equipped with a grid frequency synchroniza tion device. Every time the generating station is synchronized to the electricity system, it shall not cause voltage fluctuation greater than +/- 5% at point of inter connection. The voltage-operating window should minimize nuisance tripping and should be within opera ting ra nge of 80% to 110% of the nominal connected voltage. The photovoltaic system must isolate itself from the grid within a clearing time of 2 seconds. Operation of Photovoltaic system should not cause voltage flicker in excess of the limits stated in IEC 61000 standards as follows:Short-term flicker (P st): The flicker severity evaluated over a short period of time (10 minutes) should be <=1.Long- term flicker (P lt):The flicker severity evaluated over a long period of time (typically 2 hours) should be <=0.65. There should be over and under frequency tr ip funct ions with a clea ring time of 0.2 seconds, when the Distribution system frequency deviates outside the specified conditions (50.5 Hz on upper side and 47.5 Hz on lower side). Photovoltaic s ystem should not inject DC p ower more tha n 0.5% of full r ated output at the interconnection point or 1% of rated inverter output current into distr ibution system under any operating conditions. When the output of the inverter is greater than 50%, the power output from the inverter shall ha ve a lagging power factor of greater than 0.9. - 19 -Ex-368/2016Islanding and Disconnection Overload and Overheat Par alleling DeviceCEA(Technical Sta ndards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations 2013 CEA (Technical St andards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations 2013 CEA (Technical St andards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations 2013T he photovolta ic system must isla nd/ disconnect itself within IEC standard stipulated time in the event of fault, volt age or frequency variations. The inverter should have the facility to automatically switch off in case of overload or overheating and should restart when normal conditions are restored. Paralleling device of photovoltaic system shall be ca pable of withstanding 220% of t he normal voltage at the interconnection point. - 20 - Ex-368/2016 - 21 -Ex-368/2016 - 22 - Ex-368/2016 Annexure – VII Specification for meters for net/gross metering (a)Meter for Solar Gener ation Measurements: Solar Meter Major Technical Parameters Sl. Technical ParametersConnectivity at 415V & below Connectivity No.voltage levelat above 415 V voltage level Whole current metersCT operated CT-PT Operated 1. Applica bilitySolar plantSolar plantSolar plantHT/EHV capa city upto capacity above capacity above supply 4 kW4kW and upto 15 kW and 15 kW andupto 100 kW 2 Number of pha ses and wiresSingle Pha se, Three Pha s e, Thr ee Pha se, Three Pha s e, 2 Wire4 Wire4 Wire4 Wire 3 Measurand(s)kWhkWhkWh, kVAh, kWh,kVAh, kVA, PFkVA, PF, Max. demand 4 Standard Voltage a nd frequency 240 V,3X240V (P-N), 3X240V (P-N), 3X63.5 V(P-N), 415 V (P-P) 415V (P-P)110 V (P-P) 50±5%50±5%50±5% 5 Curr ent Ra ting10-6010-601 Amp1 Amp 6 Accuracy class1.01.00.5S0.5S 7 Indian Standard or IEC to which IS 13779-1999 IS13779-1999 IS 14697,IS 14697, conformingIS 13779IS 13779 8 Import-export featureForwardForwardForwardForward importimportimportimport 9 Communication Por t/ ProtocolOptical/ DLMS Optical,RS-232/ Optical,RS-232/ Optical,RS-232/ DLMSDLMSDLMS - 23 -Ex-368/2016 (b ) Meter for Net-M etering M easu rement s: Net-Meter Major Technical Parameters Sl. Technical ParametersConnectivity at 415V & below Connectivity No.voltage levelat above 415 V voltage level Whole current metersCT operated CT-PT Operated 1 Applica bilityUpto 5 kWAbove 5 kWAbove 15 kW HT /EHV connected load and upto 15 kW and upto 100 supply connected load kW contract demand 2 Number of pha ses and wiresSingle Pha se, Three Pha s e, Thr ee Pha se, Three Pha s e, 2 Wire4 Wire4 Wire4 Wire 3 Measurand(s)kWhkWhkWh, kVAh, kWh,kVAh, kVA, PFkVA, PF, Max. demand 4 Standard Voltage a nd frequency 240 V,3X240V (P-N), 3X240V (P-N), 3X63.5 V(P-N), 50±5%415 V (P-P) 415V (P-P)110 V (P-P) 50±5%50±5%50±5% 5 Curr ent Ra ting10-6010-601 Amp1 Amp 6 Accuracy class1.01.00.5S0.5S 7 Indian Standard or IEC to which IS 13779-1999 IS13779-1999 IS 14697,IS 14697, conformingIS 13779IS 13779 8 Import-export featureImport &Import &Import &Import & ExportExportExportExport 9 Communication Por t/ ProtocolOptical/ DLMS Optical,RS-232/ Optical,RS-232/ Optical,RS-232/ DLMSDLMSDLMSPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

Change of Name deed changing name/surename of Lalmuanpuii Chhangte

VOL - XLVISSUE - 369Date - 27/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 27.9.2016 Asvina 5, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 369 CHANGE OF NAME DEED CHANGING NAME/SURNAMEBY THIS DEED I, the undersigned Lalmuanpuii Chhangte (new name), now lately called Lalmuanpuii (former name), resident of Cha mphai Vengthla ng, Champhai District, Mizoram do hereby - 1.Wholly renounce, r elinquish and abandon the use of my former name of Lalmua npuii a nd in place thereof do a ssume from the date thereof the name Lalmuanpuii Chhangte a nd so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my for mer name of Lalmuanpuii but by my assumed name of Lalmuanpuii Chhangte. 2.For the pur pose of evidencing such my determina tion declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writing and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions documents, private as well as public and upon all occassions, whatsoever use and sign the name of Lalmuanpuii Chha ngte as my name in place of and in substitution for my former name of Lalmuanpuii. 3.Expr essly a uthorize and r equest all persons at all times her eafter to designate a nd addr ess by such assumed name of La lmuanpuii Chhangte a ccordingly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my former name and adopted names of Lalmuanpuii and La lmuanpuii Chhangte a nd affix my seal this 26th day of September, 2016. Signed and delivered by the a bove name Lalmuanpuii Chhangte formerly Lalmuanpuii In t he presence of : Witnesses : Ident ified by me:Swor n before me: Sd/-Sd/- R. LalhmingmawiaR. ThangkanglovaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocate & Nota ry PublicNo. 13/9 Chaltlang, Aizawl, MizoramAizawl : MizoramDate 26.09.2016Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 370Date - 27/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 27.9.2016 Asvina 5, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 370 NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 20013/04/13-JERC, the 16th September, 2016.In exercise of powers conferred under Section 50 read with Clause (x) of Sub-section (2) of Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), and all other power s enabling it in this behalf, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram hereby makes the following Regula tions t o amend the Joint Electricity Regula tory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Principal Regulations”), namely; 1.Short title and commencement (1) This Regulations ma y be ca lled the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) (Four th Amendment) Regulations, 2016. (2) This Regulations sha ll extend to the whole States of Manipur and Mizoram and shall apply in relation to all matters fa lling within the jurisdiction of the Commission. (3) This Regulations shall come into force from the date of their notifications in the Official Gazette of the concerned Sta tes. 2. Amendment in Regulation 4 of the Pr incipal Regulations: Clause 4.2 of the Princip al Regulations shall be substituted as below: 4.2The system of supply and voltage shall depend on the category of the consumer and the load as per details given in clauses 3.1 and 3.2 of this Code, subject to clause 3.5 of this Code. In case of LT supply to multi-storied building/building, wher e more than one consumer are accommodated, the licensee shall allow only one service line/main (1 phase or 3 phase as required by clause 3.2 &3.5 of this code) from the nearest licensee’s distr ibution main to the consumer ’s building (ma in entr ance of the building). The service line/main may be undergr ound (UG) or overhead (OH) system. Such service lines/mains between electr ic pole/Licensee’s outdoor Distribution Pilla r (DP) and point of entry at consumer ’s p remises shall be well protected fr om mecha nica l injur ies and capa ble of catering future increase of power demand. In case, the licensee’s distribution main runs along only on one side or zigzag along the street/r oad, consumer a long/near that pole/DP shall, in general, a vail power supply through UG system; Consumer on the opposite side or elsewhere can avail by Overhead system. However, whether to be UG system or OH system, agreement between licensee and cons umer shall be final. However as and when the need for system change arises from Government, for clean/beautification of city/town/village, consumer will bear the full costs for such changes/ modifications. There shall not be any joint in the service line/main. The length of service line shall - 2 - Ex-370/2016 generally b e 45 meters or such length that the voltage drop in the service line (derived from 70% of connected load and the size of wire to be used) shall not exceed 1 per cent of declared su pply volt age when measured at the outgoing terminal of the consumer ’s meter, while the provision of clause 3.1(2) still prevails. Otherwise, installation of meter and MCB/CB shall be arranged as per clause 5.10 of this code. Past cases which do not conform to this clause shall be modified/rectified accordingly.3. Amendment in Regulation 5 of the Pr incipal Regulations: Clause 5.10 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as below: 5.10The consumer shall provide suitable box with adequate space near the ma in entra nce of the building for installation of Current Transformers (CT’s), the Miniatur e Circu it Breakers (M CB)/Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB), Dist ribution Box (DB)/ Dis tribution Bus Bar, Meters for landlord / the tenants (MCB/MCCB/DB and meters ins talled within the main box shall have sepa rate sealed arra ngement) in su ch a manner tha t it is always under locked/sealed of the licensee and should alwa ys be a ccessible to the licensee or its repr esentat ives. Only the respect ive MCB’s/MCCB’s of that consumer/tenants shall be accessible to that resp ective consumer/tenant. It shall be the duty of the landlor d to connect fr om floor-wise MCB/MCCB to the r esp ective floor /flat by means of conduit /casing-capping wiring system using appropriate gauge of insulated wire/cable. When single metered consumer connection is to be converted to more than one/mult i-tenants consumer, due to building modification/reconstruction the building, the a fore-sa id system mentioned above shall be followed and the costs shall be borne by the landlord. T he meter shall normally be mounted at such a height tha t meter reading counter/ display window is a t an eye level (prefera bly at 4 feet to 5 1 / 2 feet high fr om ground/floor level). In case of mult i-storeyed buildings, the gadgets mentioned above, shall be fixed preferably on the ground floor/rising mains, having proper a ir ventilation, protected from rain/water dr ippings & with adequa te illumination. In ca se of post-paid system, the landlor d or his entrusted tenant shall be resp onsible for distribution of bills to each tenants a nd clea rance of the bill by tenants. Annexure 11.21 & Annexure 11.22 may be suitable for Post-paid system and Prepaid system resp ectively. In ca se the service line exceeds 45 metres and extension of LT line is not immediately feasible for providing power supply, the licensee shall provide water proof steel box, having glass window and locking/ sealing arrangement fixed on the electricity pole and install energy meter inside it. The cost of such box including installa tion cha rge sha ll be borne by the consumer and the consumer shall be responsible for its safety. Consumer shall also provide suitable box near the meter for placing/dropping t he bill by meter reader, if found it necessary by the licensee. The cost for any common service items for pr oviding power supply shall be borne by the consumer(s) on prorata basis to the ar ea occupied by each consumer or by the promoter of the building/housing complex. By Or der of t he Commission Richard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Public Works Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 371Date - 28/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/42/2015-P&AR(GSW), the 23rd July, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post ofOver s eerunderPublic Works Depart ment, Government of Mizor am namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) Thes e Rules may be called t he Mizoram Public Wor ks Depart ment commencement (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016. (2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexure-I her et o a nnex ed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post, classification and the scale of pay/ classification and Pay Band & Grade Pay attached thereto shall be as specified in scale of pay/Pay Column 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Annexure-I Band & Grade Pay 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other ma tters age limit and other relating to the said post shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tr ibes and other specia l categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a ) Who has entered int o or contracted a mar riage with a person having a spouse living; or VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 28.9.2016 Asvina 6, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 371 - 2 - Ex-371/2016 (b) Who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other valid grounds for doing so, exempt a ny such person from the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment s ervant recruit ed under these Rules shall undergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Ex amination fr om time to time. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizora m, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Refor ms, relax any of the provisions of these Rules with r espect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of age limit other concessions and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/ the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and Sa vings All Rules pertaining to these posts framed by the Government of Mizoram notified vide No. A. 12018/29/80-APT(B) dated 20.09.2000 and issued in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 286 dated 18.10.2000 stand hereby repealed with effect from the date of commencement of these Rules. Provided that any order made or a nything done or any action taken under the Rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these R ules. By order, etc R. Malsawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-371/2016 ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘B’ POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100Name of PostNo. of PostClassificationScale of Pay/Pay Band & Grade PayWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 N.A Overseer34 (thirty four) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘B’ Non- Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9,300- 34,800/- + 4,200 GPWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational qualification and other qualification required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruitmen ts will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 N.ABetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Scheduled Castes/S cheduled TribesN.A 1) High School Leaving Certif icate (HSLC) with at least 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Enginee- ring/Electrical Enginee- ring from a Govt. recognized institution 2) Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard2 years.Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, gra de f rom which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time Mizoram Public Service Commission N.A 100% by direct recruitment

Lottery Schemes of Labhlaxmi Special Monthly has been approved for 5th draw to be held on 08.11.2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 372Date - 28/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.DTE (IF&SL) TEESTA/2016-LABHLAXMI SPL. ‘M’, the 23rd September, 2016. Lottery Schemes of Labhlaxmi Special Monthly has been approved for 5th draw to be held on 08.11. 2016 as per deta iled scheme enclosed herewith. This issues with the proposal submitted by the concerned Distributor i.e. M/s Teesta Distributors. Lalthansanga, Director, Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Mizor am : Aizawl. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 28.9.2016 Asvina 6, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 372 - 2 - Ex-372/2016 MIZORAM STATE LOTTERIES DIRECTORATE OF INST ITUTIONAL FINANCE & STATE LOT TERY LABHLAXMI SPECIAL MONTHLY LOTTERY 5TH DRAW 08-11.2016 RANKNO. OFPRIZEDRAW METHOD PRIZESAMOUNT 111,00,00,000ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIES 235010,000ON 1 TIME ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 33501,000ON 1 TIME ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 4350500ON 1 TIME ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 5350200ON 1 TIME ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES 614000050ON 400 TIME ON LAST 4 DIGITS WITHOUT SERIES DELUXE TICKETSONE DELUXE TICKET FREE ON EVERY PURCHASE OF 10 TICKETS TOTAL TICKETS:3,50,000 NUMBERING: ABCDE 10000 TO 79999RANKNo OFDELUXE TICKETDRAW METHOD PRIZESPRIZE AMOUNT 11Rs. 2,00,000ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIES. SUMMARY OF % AGE P RIZES OUTGO PRIZE CATEGORYTOTAL PRIZESTOTAL % PRIZES MAIN TICKET2,10,95,00060.27 DELUXE TICKET2,00,0000.57 TOTAL2,12,95,00060.84 (a ) The name of the lottery or lottery scheme: As mentioned above (b) Price of the lottery ticket: M.R.P. Rs. 10/- (c) Total number of tickets printed : Tota l Tickets: 35 LakhsNumbering: 10 to 44 / 00000 to 99999 (d) Printing cha rges including the cost of pa per : ^ 12,000/-per lac of lottery tickets (e) Gross value of the tickets printed: ^ 3. 50 Crores (T hree Crores Fifty Lakhs only) (f) Name or names of the distr ibutors or selling agents with their address es and contact informa tionSole Distributor : M/s. Teesta Distributors,T-19 (D), Peace Villa, Beside PWD Building, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram - 796 001 Area Distributor : M/s. Maruti Sales Agencies LLP, 202, 2nd Floor, 349 Business Point, Western Express Highway, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400069. Printing Press: M/s. NUTECH SECURITY PRINTERS, NEW DELHI-110 020. (g) Prize structure: As mentioned a bove (h) One ticket can win prizes of one r ank only whichever is highest in terms of prize money. Holder of said ticket shall be entitled for all the prizes of selected rank (i) The amount offered as prize money: As mentioned a bove (j) Periodicity of the draw: Once A Month. Draw Time: 4.30 PM Onwards (k) The place where the draw shall be conducted: Directorate of Institutional Fina nce & State Lottery, Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram: Aizawl - 796 001. Ph: 0389-2322291. Email: The procedur e for drawing the prize winning tickets or prize winners: As mentioned above.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Obituary of Pu Rosiama Ralte, Dy.S.P., CID(SB) on 18th September, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 373Date - 29/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYNo. A-19018/333/2013-HMP, the 26th September, 2016.The Government of Mizoram has learnt with deep sor row the sa d and untimely demise of Pu Rosiama Ralte, Dy.S.P., CID(SB) on 18th September, 2016. Born on 28th August, 1962, Pu Rosiama Ralte joined Government service as Sub- Inspector of Police on 1st October, 1984. He was promoted to Inspector of Police on 23rd Ju ne, 1999 and to Junior Grade of Mizoram Police Service on 13th April, 2011. He served the Mizoram Police in various capacities with utmost sincerity and devotion to duty and endeared himself to the officer s a nd sta ff and always p roved himself to be a conscientious and hard working offic er. He was posted as Assista nt Commandant, 2nd I.R.Bn. on 13th April, 2011; Dy.S.P. (Prosecution) on 4th March, 2013 and Dy.S.P., CID(SB) on 2nd September, 2015 and held this post till he breathed his last. The Government of M izoram places on record its appreciation of t he sincere services rendered by Pu Rosiama Ralte and conveys it s heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family.May his soul rest in peace! Lalbiakzama, Addl. Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 29.9.2016 Asvina 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 373

Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ/2008 dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 374Date - 29/09/2016

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 14th March, 2016 23 Bhadrapada, 1938 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 429/MIZ/2010 :-In pursuance of the provisions of Sub-Section (1) of Section 13B of the Repr esentation of the People Act, 1950 (4 3 of 1950), the Elect ion Commission of India, hereby makes the following further a mendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ/2008 dated 11th J une, 2008, relating to the appointment of Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in t he St ate of Mizora m, na mely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to the said Notification, against each of the assembly cons tituency shown below for the existing entries, the following cor responding entr ies sha ll resp ectively be substituted - TABLE Name of Assembly ConstituencyElectoral Registration Officers 23 21-L engteng (ST)SDO(C), Ngopa 23-C hamphai North (ST)Addl. DC. Cha mphai By or der, Sd/- (S.B. JOSHI) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 29.9.2016 Asvina 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 374


VOL - XLVISSUE - 375Date - 29/09/2016

NOTIFICATION No. C. 31031/5/2011-DCA(M), the 27th September, 2016.In pursuance of para graph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Act passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 14.9.2016 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRIC T COUNCIL (NON–AGRICULTURAL LAND SET TLEMENT ) (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2015”. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Department. A Bill to amend the Mara Autonomous District Council (Non–Agricultural La nd Settlement) Act, 2011 (her einafter referred to as the “Principal Act”). Be it enact ed by the Mara Autonomous District Council in the Sixty–Sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows:– Short title, extent1. (1) This Act may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council (Non– and commencement.Agricultural Land Settlement) (Amendment) Act, 2015. (2) It shall extend as the Principal Act. (3) It shall come into force on its publication in t he Mizor am Gazette. Amendment of2.In section 2 of the Principal Act, clause (xix) shall be substituted by the Section 2.following, namely:– “(xix) “Officer” meansany officer appointed by the Executive Committee under sub–section (1) of section 4, read with sub–section (5) of The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 29.9.2016 Asvina 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 375 - 2 - Ex-375/2016 the same section a nd shall include Sur vey Officer or Survey and Sett lement Officer, Assis tant Su rvey Officer or Assis tant Su rvey and Settlement Officer, Head Surveyor or any other officer appointed for the purpose of this Act by the Executive Committee fr om time to t ime. ” Amendment of3.Section 20 of the Pr incipal Actshallbe substituted by thefollowing, Section 20.namely:– “20. The Allotment Authority shall maintain the records of all lands allotted by it to any person, company, firm, or other association of persons, etc. and such records shall conta in all the necessary requirements contained in the Land Settlement Certificate or Land Lease Certificate and such records shall be available at any time for inspection or refer ence with prior permission of the Allotment Authority during office hour and such recording fee may be prescribed by the Allotment Authority as it deems necessary from time to time.” Amendment of4.In s ection 23 of the Principal Act, thefollowing sub–sections shall be Section 23.added, namely:– “(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub–section (1) of this section or a ny other law in force in the area of District Council, transfer of ownership of land in any form for any purpose shall be done only with prior written permission and approval of the Allotment Authority on payment of such fee as may be prescribed by the Allotment Authority fr om time to time by Official Notification or Or der: Provided that the Allotment Authority may pr escribe different fee under this sub–section from different Land owners or Pass holders taking into consideration, pa rties concerned, nature and purpose of transfer, etc.: Provided further that the Allot ment Authority may exempt cer tain transfer from a pplication of t his sub–section on a fit and reasonable ground by Official Not ification or Or der. (6) The provision of s ub–section (5) of this section shall not a pply to the transfer of ownership by wa y of inheritance or testament or transfer of ownership between close or near relatives or between blood related persons.” Amendment of5.In section 24 of the Principal Act,thefollowing sub–section shall be Section 24.added, namely:– “(5) The expression ‘reconstruct ’ in sub–section (4) of this section shall mean and include vertical or horizontal extension of existing building in a ny manner and form and to a ny extent.” Amendment of6.(1) The explanation of sub–section (2) of section 25 of the Principal Act Section 25.shall be deleted. (2) In s ection 25 of the Principal Act, the following sub–section shall be added, namely:– “(3) The express ion ‘expert’ in sub–section (2) of this section shall means and include any person who has passed Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Engineer ing or Bachelor of Architecture from any University r ecognized by the Centra l or the State Government or a ny officer or officia l appointed by the Executive Committee or higher official authority to take spot verification under sub–section (2) of this section.”Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150- 3 -Ex-375/2016

Lottery Schemes of Dear Morning Set of Weekly has been revised from 22nd draw to be held on 31.10.2016 onwards as per detailed Scheme enclosed herewith

VOL - XLVISSUE - 376Date - 29/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTICENo.DTE (IF&SL) TEESTA/2016-DM ‘W’, the 28th September, 2016. Lottery Schemes of Dear Morning Set of Weekly has been revised from 22nd dr aw to be held on 31.10. 2016 onwards as per deta iled Scheme enclosed herewith. This issues with the proposal submitted by the concerned Distributor i.e. M/s Teesta Distributors. Lalthansanga, Director, Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Mizor am : Aizawl. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 29.9.2016 Asvina 6, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 376 - 2 - Ex-376/2016 MIZORAM STATE LOTTERIES DIRECTORATE OF INSTITUTIONAL FINANCE & STATE LOTTERY DEAR PARROT MORNING MONDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 22nd DRAW ON 31-10-2016 RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1150,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons1298,0001,994 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1ST PRIZ E No. 213009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 313009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4130001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 513000600100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 613000025020 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 8,33,82,00088,05,926 9,21,87,92670.91% DEAR EAGLE MORNING TUESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 22nd DRAW ON 01-11-2016 RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1150,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons1298,0001,995 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 213009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 313009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4130001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 513000! 600100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 613000025020 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 8,33,82,00088,06,055 9,21,88,05570.91% DEAR FALCON MORNING WEDNESDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 22nd DRAW ON 02-11-2016 RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1150,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons129; 8,0001,996 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE N 213009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 313009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4130001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 513000600100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 613000025020 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 8,33,82,00088,06,184 9,21,88,18470.91% - 3 -Ex-376/2016 DEAR VULTURE MORNING THURSDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 22nd DRAW ON 03-11-2016 RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1150,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons1298,0001,997 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 213009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 313009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4130001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 513000600100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 613000025020 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 8,33,82,00088,06,313 9,21,88,31370.91% DEAR OSTRICH MORNING FRIDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 22nd DRAW ON 04-11-2016 RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1150,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TlME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons1298,0001,998 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1ST PRIZ E No. 213009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 313009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4130001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 513000600100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 613000025020 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 8,33,82,00088,06,442 9,21,88,44270.91 % DEAR HAWK MORNING SATURDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 22nd DRAW ON 05-11-2016 RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1150,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons1298,0001,999 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1st PRIZE No. 213009,500500 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 313009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 4130001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 513000600100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 613000025020 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 8,33,82,00088,06,571 9,21,88,57170.91 % - 4 - Ex-376/2016 DEAR FLAMINGO MORNING SUNDAY WEEKLY LOTTERY FROM 22nd DRAW ON 06-11-2016 RANKNO.PRIZESUPERDRAW METHOD OFAMOUNTPRIZE PRIZESAMOUNT 1150,00,0001,00,000 ON 1 TIME ON 5 DIGITS WITH SERIAL No. Cons1298,0002,000 ON ALL REMAINING SERIALS OF 1ST PRIZ E No. 213009,500500. ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS. 313009,000999 ON 10 TIMES ON 5 DIGITS, 4130001,000200 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 513000600100 ON 10 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. 613000025020 ON 100 TIMES ON LAST 4 DIGITS. T O TAL 8,33,82,00088,06,700 9,21,88,70070.91 % (a)The name of the lottery or lottery scheme: As mentioned above (b)Price of the lottery ticket: M.R.P. ^ 10/- (c)Tota l number of tickets printed in case of Pa per LotteryTotal tickets : 1.30 Crores: Numbering : 74 to 99/ABCDE 00 000 TO 99 999 (d)Printing cha rges including the cost of pa per: ^ 3,500/- per lac of lottery tickets (e)Gross value of the tickets printed: ^ 13 Crores (Thirteen Crores) (f)Name or names of the distr ibutors or selling agents with their address es and contact informa tionSole Distributor : M/s Teesta Distributors, T-19 (D), Peace Villa, Beside PWD Building, Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram: Aizawl - 796 001. Area Distributors : M/s. Future Tradesolution LLP, Kolkata, West Bengal. M/s. Divya Jyoti Distributors, Siliguri, West Bengal Printing Press: M/s. SHREE NIDHI SECURE PRINT LTD - HYDERABAD - 500 055 (g)Prize structure: As mentioned above (h)The amount offered as prize money: As mentioned above (i)Periodicity of the draw: Wee kl y,Draw Time : 11:55 AM Onwards (j)The place where the draw shall be conducted: Directorate of Institutional Fina nce & State Lottery, Tuikhuahtlang, Mizoram: Aizawl - 796 001. Ph: 0389-2322291. website:, procedur e for drawing the prize winning tickets or prize winners : As mentioned above (l)One ticket can win prizes of one r ank only whichever is highest in terms of prize money. Holder of said ticket shall be entitled for all the prizes of selected r ank.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 377Date - 29/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 29.9.2016 Asvina 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 377 NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 12081/1/2002-P&AR(GSW), the 28th September, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules r egulating the recruit ment and conditions of the service of persons appointed to the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service. 1.SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT: 1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service Rules, 2016 2)These Rules shall come into force from the date of publication in t he Mizoram Gazette 2 . DEFINITION: In these Ru les, unless the context other wise requires: a)“Appointing Authority” means the Governor of Mizoram; b)“Commission” means the Mizoram Public S ervice Commission; c)“Constitution” means the Constitution of India; d)“Controlling Author ity” means the Secretar y of the Department which shall include Principal Secretary, Commissioner or Special Secretary appointed as the Head of Administrative Department; e)“Gazette” means the Mizoram Gazette; f)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram; g)“Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram; h)“Gra de” means any of the gr ades specified in the Schedule - I of these Rules i)“Member” means a person appointed in a substantive capacity t o any of the gr ades of the Mizoram Animal Husbandry a nd Veter inary Service and includes a person on proba tion to the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service a ppointed in accordance with these Rules; j)“Schedule” means a Schedule attached to t hese Ru les; k)“Scheduled Tribe” means any of the Tribes specified in the Third Schedule to the State of Mizoram Act, 1986 (Central Act No. 34 of 1986); 1)“Service” means Mizoram Animal Husbandr y and Veterina ry Service; m) “State” means the State of Mizoram; n)“Year” means Calendar Year. 3 . CONSTITUTION OF THE SERVICE: There shall be constituted a S ervice to be known as the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service. - 2 - Ex-377/2016 4. INITIAL CONSTITUTION OF THE SERVICE: 1)All the Officers appointed substantively on or before the commencement, of these Rules as per the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Rules, 2001 and such other Recr uitment Rules in force previously shall be deemed to have been appointed under these Rules and they sha ll be members of the S ervice in the respective gra des provided that Officers appointed on substantive capacity to Gr ade IV as per the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary S ervices Rules, 2001 shall be deemed to be appointed to the Senior Grade of the Service wit h effcct from the commencement of these Rules 2)The past services r endered by the Officers in any of the posts mentioned in Schedule-II of thes e Rules on regula r bas is sha ll be counted a s service for the purp ose of these R ules 4 . DESIGNATION: Members of the Service shall, at the commencement of these Ru les, be designated as mentioned in the Schedule-II of these Rules and such other designations which the Governor may hereafter confer. 5 . CLASSIFICATION OF THE SERVICE: The Service shall have the following grades, namely:- 1.Supertime Grade 2.Selection Grade 3.Junior Administra tive Grade 4.Senior Gr ade 5.Junior Grade 6. AUTHORISED PERMANENT STRENGTH OF THE SERVICE: 1)The authorized permanent strength of the Service at the commencement of these Rules shall be a s specified in the Schedule-II appended to t hese Ru les. 2)The aut horiz ed p ermanent strength of the Service aft er t he commencement of thes e Ru les shall be determined by the Government from time to time. 7 . METHOD OF RECRUITMENT: 1)Recr uitment to the Junior Grade of the Service after the commencement of these Rules s hall be done by means of direct recruitment t o be conducted by the Commission. The Government shall send requisition to the Commission indica ting numbers of vacancies to be filled. 2)The Commission shall conduct written examination and interview for selection of candidates a s p er t he r u les la id down b y t he G over nment, a nd s ha ll p r epa r e a nd f u rnis h a lis t of a ll ca ndida tes recommended for appointment in order of merit to the Government 3)The inclusion of a candida te’s na me in the list shall confer no right to appointment unless the Governor is satisfied, aft er such enquir y as may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service before an actual offer of appointment is made. 8 . QUALIFICATIONS FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT: The minimum educational and other qualifications for direct recruitment t o the Junior Gr ade of the Service shall be as in Schedule-Ill annexed to t hese Rules. 9. PHYSICAL FITNESS: 1)A ca ndidate for direct recruitment shall be of sound health both mentally and physically and shall be free from organic defect or bodily infirmity likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duty. - 3 -Ex-377/2016 2)A ca ndidate for dir ect recruitment shall be required to undergo medical examination before appointment to the service as may be decided by the Government from time to time. 10 . AGE LIMIT: A candidate for direct recruit ment shall not be less than 21 years and not more than 35 years on the closing date for receipt of application from candidates pr ovided that the upper age limit may be relaxa ble by five yea rs in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and in respect of ca ndidates belonging to special categories of persons in accordance with general or special order issued by the Government from time to time. 11 . NATIONALITY: No person shall be qualified for appointment to the Service unless he/she is a citizen of India as defined in Par t II of the Constitution of India. 12. DISQUALIFICATION FOR APPOINTMENT: 1)No person who has entered into or contr acted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, OR who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or cont racted a marriage with any person shall be eligib le for appointment to the service, provided that the Governor, may, if satisfied that such marria ge is permissible under the Persona l Law a pplicable to such persons and the other party to the marria ge and that there are other gr ounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of t hese Rules. 2)No person who is in service in a Government and other Government undertaking shall be eligible for appointment in service unless he/she produces a discharge Certificate from his previous employer. 3)The appointing authority may institute such inquiries a s he ma y deem necessar y as to the particulars of any candidate in respect of nationality, age, cha racter, conduct , antecedents, etc. and if the r esult of such enquiry, in his opinion, is unsatisfa ctory in any of these aspects, the candidate ma y be declared disqualified with an intimation to the Commission. 4)No person who attempts to enlist support for his candidature directly or indirectly by any other means sha ll be appointed to the Service. 5)No p erson sha ll be a ppointed to t he S ervice who, after such medica l exa mina tion as the Government may prescribe, is not found to be in good mental or bodily health a nd free from any mental or physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of the duties of the Service. 13. APPOINTMENT TO THE SERVICE: 1)All appoint ments t o the S ervice, after the commencement of these Rules, shall be made by the Governor in the order of merit recommended by the Commission a nd notified in the Gazette and no such appointment to the Junior Grade of the Service shall be made except in the manner specified in Rule 7. 2)All appoint ments to the Service shall be made to the a ppropriate gra des of t he Service and not against specific posts. 3)All appoint ments to the Service in the higher gr ades or time-s cale of pay shall be made only by promotion in accordance with the appropriate provisions under t hese Rules. 4)A person recruited under Rule 7 shall join within 30 da ys from the date of is sue of the order of appointment failing which and unless the Gover nor is otherwise plea sed to extend the per iod, the appoint ment shall be cancelled. 14. PROBATION AND CONFIRMATION: 1)A person recruited to the Service under Rule 7 s hall be on probation for a period of two years, which may be extended, for good and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, by the Governor for a fur ther period in individual ca ses. 2)If during t he period of pr obation referr ed to in sub-rule (1), or ext ension thereof as the case may be, the Governor is of the opinion t hat an Officer is not fit for permanent appointment, it may, in consultation with the Commission, discharge the Officer or pass such other order as deemed fit. 3)A pr obationer who has successfully completed the probation period or any extension thereof may be confirmed in service provided that once a member of the Service has been confirmed in the Junior Grade, he sha ll not be required to be confirmed in each gr ade of the Service. 15. TRAINING AND DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION: A member of the Service shall be required to undergo such t raining and pass such Departmental Examination as may be pr escribed by the Government from time to t ime. 16. SENIORITY: 1)The seniority of members of the Service recruited under Rule 7 shall be determined accor ding to the order of mer it recommended by the Commission and finally approved by the Governor. 2)The inter-s e-seniority of members of the Service appointed to any gr ade at t he time of initial cons titution of the Service shall be as obtained on the date of commencement of these Rules; provided that if the seniority of any such member had not been specia lly determined on the said date, the same shall be determined by the Government in consultation with the Commission through the Department of P ersonnel & Administrative Reforms. Provided tha t if there is any dispute not covered by sub-rule (1) and (2) of t hese Rules, it shall be determined by the Government in accordance with the orders and instruct ions issued by the Government from time to t ime. 3)All members of the Service who were substantively appointed in a ny particular grade in the service at the initial constitution shall rank senior to all other members temporarily appointed to that grade of the service under Rule 7. 17. PROMOTION TO HIGHER GRADES: 1)All vacancies in the Senior Gra de and a bove of the Service shall be filled, by promotion through selection method as prescr ibed in Schedule-I 2)For filling up of vacancies in the Senior Grade, Officers in the Junior Grade with not less than 5 years of regular service in the grade shall be eligible to be considered for promotion 3)For filling up of vacancies in t he Junior Administrative Gra de, Officers in the Senior Grade with not less than 5 years of regular service in the gr ade failing which Officers in the Senior Grade with not less than 10 years of regular service ca lculated from the date of entry into any of the Gazetted Group ‘A’ posts covered by the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Rules, 2001 out of which 2 years in the Senior Grade shall be eligible to be considered for promotion 4)For filling up of vacancies in the Select ion Gra de, Officers in the .Junior Administr ative Grade with not less than 5 years of regular service in the gr ade failing which Officers in the Junior Administrative Grade with not less than 15 years of regular service calculated from the date of entr y into any of the Gazetted Gr oup ‘A’ posts covered by the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Rules, 2001 out of which 2 years in the Junior Administrative Grade shall be eligible to be considered for promotion 5)For filling up of vacancies in the Supertime Grade, Officers in the Selection Grade with not less than 5 year s of regular service in the grade failing which Officers in the S election Grade with not less tha n 20 years of r egular service calcula ted from the da te of entry int o any of the Gazetted Group ‘A’ posts covered by the Mizor am Animal Husbandr y & Veterinary Service R ules, 2001 out of which 2 years in the Selection Grade shall be eligible to be considered for promotion- 4 - Ex-377/2016 18 . POWER TO TRANSFER: Notwithsta nding a nything contained in t hese Rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any Officer, so recr uited under these Rules, to any post or position even outside the Ca dre which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 19. SPONSORSHIP FOR FURTHER STUDIES:Members of the service may become eligible for sponsor ship for undergoing Post Graduate studies a s the Government may decide from time to time subject to the following conditions, na mely a)Successful completion of the period of proba tion b)Completion of 5 years regular service inclusive of the period of proba tion c)Satisfactory performance in the service d)If so requir ed by t he Gover nment from academic point of view and in public interest Provided tha t members who already possess ed Post Graduate qualifications in any of the specialities shall not be eligible for sponsorship for any other Post Graduate Studies except to pursue higher course in the same discip line 20. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION:Except as provided in these Rule, al1 matters relating to pay, allowances, leave, pension, disciplineand other conditions of service shall b e regulated by the general rules applicable to Government employees from time to time. 21 . POWER TO RELAX:Wher e the Governor is satisfied that the operation of any of these r ules causes undue hardship in any particular case or that in the exigencies of public service as well as for effective implementation of these Rules, it is considered necessary, he may, in consultation with the Commission, dispense with or relax such pa rticula r Rule or Rules, or any of the Schedules appended to these Rules, to such an extent or subject to such conditions as he may cons ider necessary from time to time Provided that any such relaxation in any individual ca se shall not be a precedent or a binding policy for the Government in any other case 22 . INTERPRETATION: If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these Rules, it shall be referred to the Governor whose decision thereon shall be final. 23 . REPEAL AND SAVINGS: The Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Rules, 2001 notified vide No.A.36016/l/92-P&AR(GSW) dated 12.09.2001 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra Ordinary Issue No. 214 dated 17.09.2001 and its subsequent amendment stands hereby repealed from the da t e of commencement of t hese Ru les. Provided tha t any order made or any action taken under the Rules so repealed or under any general orders ancillary thereto shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these R ules. By order s, etc Renu Sharma, Principal Secretary to the Government, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 5 -Ex-377/2016 SCHEDULE - I (See Rule 17) Method of r ecruitment, field of selection for promotion and the eligibility criteria for a ppointment/ promotion of Officers to various grades in the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterina ry Service. Sl. GradeNa me ofScale of Method ofField of selection, and the NoPostsPayr ec r u itment eligibility criteria for promotion 1 SupertimeDirector of PB-4PromotionFor filling up of vacancies in this grade, GradeAnimalRs. 37400- byOfficers in the Selection Grade with not Husbandry67000+selectionless than 5 years of regular service in the &Rs. 8900methodgr ade fa iling which Officers in t he Selection VeterinaryGPgrade with not less than 20 years of regular service calculated from the date of entry into any of the Gazetted Group ‘A’ posts covered by the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Rules, 2001 out of which at least 2 years regular service in the Selection Grade sha ll be eligible t o be cons idered for promotion 2 SelectionAdditionalPB-4PromotionFor filling up of vacancies in this grade, Officers GradeDirector of Rs. 37400- byin the Junior Administrative Grade with not Animal67000+selectionless than 5 years of regular service in the grade HusbandryRs. 8700methodfailing which Officers in the Junior Adminis- &GPtrative Grade with not less than 15 years Veterinaryof r egular service calculated fr om the date of entry into a ny of the Gazetted Gr oup ‘A’ posts covered by the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Rules, 2001 out of which at least 2 years regular service in the Junior Administr ative Grade sha ll b e eligible to be considered for promotion. 3 JuniorJointPB-3PromotionFor filling up of vacancies in this grade, Officers Adminis-Director of Rs. 15600 byin the Senior Gra de with not less than 5 years trativeAnimal39100+selectionof regular service in the grade failing which GradeHusbandryRs. 7600 GPOfficers in the Senior G rade with not less & Veterinarythan 10 years of regular service calculated from the date of entry into any of the Gazetted Graoup ‘A’ p osts covered by the Mizor am Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Rules, 2001 out of which at least 2 years regular service in the Senior Grade shall be eligible to be considered for promotion- 6 - Ex-377/2016 4 SeniorDeputyPB-3PromotionFor filling up of vacancies in this grade, Officers GradeDirector of Rs. 15600- byin the Ju nior Grade with not less tha n 5 years Animal39100 +selectionof regular service in the grade shall be eligible HusbandryRs. 6600methodto be considered for promotion. &GP Veterinary and its equivalent posts 5. JuniorVeterinaryPB-3DirectVaca ncies in this grade shall be filled up GradeOfficer and 15600-recruitby means of direct recruitment through the its39100 +mentCommission from amongst candidates who equivalentRs. 5400obtained the minimum educa tional and other postsGPqualifications prescribed at Schedule-III of these Rules. SCHEDULE II (See Rules 4 & 6) Authorised strength of the Mizora m Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service Sl.No. GradeNa me of PostsNo. of posts1Supertime Grade Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary1 2Selection GradeAdditional Director, Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development2 Additional Director, Veterinary Service & Public Hea lth. 3JuniorJoint Director (Administration)6 AdministrativeJoint Director (Biogas) GradeJoint Director (Livestock Health) Joint Director (Southern Zone) Joint Director (Planning) Joint Director (Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital) 4Senior Gr adeDeputy Director (11 Posts): Disease Investigation, Planning,38 Dair y Development, Rinderpest Era dication Progra mme, Epidemiology, Hospital, F eed & F odder Development, Livestock & Poultry Development, Veterinar y Extension, Livestock & Environment, Small Ruminant & Other Livest ock. District Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Officer (8 Posts): Aizawl, Lunglei, Saiha, Champhai, Kolasih, Serchhip, Mamit, La wngtlai. Chief Veter inary Officer (16 Posts): Veterinary Polyclinic Hospital (3), Central Medicine & Vaccine Depot, Tlabung, Chawngte, Tuipang, Mampui, Mamit, Champhai, Kolasib, Serchhip, Lunglei, Lawngtlai, Sa iha, J oint Director (SZ) Office General Manager (2 Posts): Selesih, Thenzawl Principal, School of Veterinary Science, Lungpher- 7 -Ex-377/2016 5. Junior GradeVeterinary Officer (13 Posts) : State Veterinaiy Hospital, Aizawl (4 Posts);68 State Veter inary Hospital, Lunglei (3 Posts) State Veterinary Hospital, Saiha (2 Post) State Veterinary Hospital, Champhai (2 Posts) State Veterinary Hospital, Kolasib (2 Posts) Veterinary Officer, Dispensary (29 Posts): Khawzawl, Mamit, Saitual, Durtlang (KVS), N. Vanlaiphai, Ratu, S. Vanlaiphai, Serchhip, Sihphir, Lungdai, Haulawng, Thingsulthliah, Tuipang, Chhingchhip, Kawnpui, Lungsen, Hnahthial, Darlawn, Lawngtlai, Hna hlan, W. Phaileng, Bair abi, Ngopa, Zawlnuam, Sangau, Kha wbung, Khuangleng, Tlabung, RBCF Thenzawl Veterinary Officer, Surveillance Check Post (6 Posts); Tlabung, Vairengte, Vaphai, Thingsai, Ruantlang, Phura Veterinary Officer, Directorate (5 posts) DI L aborator y (1 Post), Veterinary Extension (2 Posts), Meat Inspection (2 Posts) Manager (13 Posts): District Poultry Fa rm Lunglei, CBF Saiha, Fodder Seed Farm Thenza wl, CBF Selesih, Piggery Development Farm Kola sib, CBF Kolasib, Poultry Farm Selesih, PBF Selesih, CBF Champhai, P&PF Thenzawl, PDF Thenzawl, P&PF Kola sib, Pig Farm Thenzawl. Others (2 posts) Ass istant Pr oject Officer(Dir ector at e), Veterina ry Officer (Zoological P ark) Gr and Total115 Reserves: 1)Leave r eserve= 10% of 115 = 12 2)Deputation reserve= 10% of 115 = 12 3)Training reserve= 10% of 115 = 12 Total=36 The effective strength of the Mizoram Animal H usbandr y & Veterinary Service stands at (115 + 36) = 151- 8 - Ex-377/2016 SCHEDULE III (see Rule 8) The minimum educational and other qualifications required for direct recruitment to the Junior Grade of the Mizora m Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service. Sl.NoName of Post(s)Educational and other qualifications required1.Junior Grade of Mizoram 1) A recognized Veterinary qua lification included in the First Schedule Animal Husbandry andor S econd Schedule of The Indian Veterinar y Council Act, 1984 Veterinary Servicei. e. Bachelor of Veterinar y S cience and Animal Husbandr y (BVSc & AH) Degree and registr ation with the Mizoram State Veterinary Council or Veterinar y Council of India. 2) Working knowledge of Mizo languageatleast Middle School sta ndar d.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150- 9 -Ex-377/2016

The Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 378Date - 29/09/2016

- 1 -Ex-378/2016 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 29.9.2016 Asvina 7, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 378 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.46022/2/2013-REV, the 29th September, 2016.In exercise of the power conferred under Sections 74 and 75 of the Indian Stamp Act , 1899 (Act No. 2 of 1899) and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely, “T he Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016” to be effective from the date of its publication in the Mizor am Gazette. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement Deptt. THE MIZORAM STAMP RULES, 2016 In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections74 and 75 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act No. 2 of 1899) as applicable in Mizoram,the Governor of Mizoram hereby ma kes the following rules, namely: Chapter I Preliminary 1 . Short Title, Extent and Commencement: (a) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016. (b) It shall extend to the whole of Mizoram. (c ) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in t he Mizoram Gazette. 2 . Definitions: In t hese rules, unless there is something repu gnant in the subject or cont ext, (a)“Act” meansthe Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act No. 2 of 1899) as applicable in Mizoram; (b)“Chief Controlling Revenue Authority” means the officer appointed by the State Government to be the Secretary, Revenue Department; (c)“Commissioner of Stamps” means, the Inspector Gener al of Registration appointed by the State Government under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act 16 of 1908); (d)“Committee” means, the Central Valuation Committee constituted under sub-section (1) of section 47B of the Act. (e)“Deputy Commissioner” means the Chief Officer in char ge of the revenue administra tion of a district and includes in resp ect of such provisions of these rules such officer in such area as the State Government may by not ification in the Official Gazette specify; - 2 - Ex-378/2016 (f)“For m” means a for m appended to these ru les; (g)“Government” means, unless the context otherwise requires, “ Government of Mizor am”; (h)“Registrar and Sub-Registrar” means the Registrar and Sub-Registrar appointed under section 6 of the Registration Act, 1908 (Act No. 16 of 1908); (i)“Registering Officer” means the Registering Officer appointed under the Registration Act, 1908 (Act No. 16 of 1908); (j)“Section”means a section of the Act; (k)“Schedule” means the Schedule to the Act; (l)“Sub-committees” means the market valuation Sub-Committee cons tituted under sub-section (2) of Section 47B of the Act for each District and Sub-District; (m)“Superintendent of Stamps” means the Superint endent of Stamps, Mizoram, and any other officer appointed by the State Government to perform the functions of the Superintendent of Stamps; (n)“Year” means the period commencing from 1st April and ending on 31st Mar ch; (o) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules but defined in the Act sha ll have the same meaning assigned to them in the Act. CHAPTER II Mode of Pa yment of Duty a nd Kinds of Stamps 3 . Description of stamps: (1) Except as otherwise provided by the Act or by these rules, - (a ) all duties with which any instruments are chargeable shall be paid, and such payment shall be indicated on such instruments by means of stamps issued by the Government, for the purposes of the Act, and (b) a stamp, which by any word or wor ds on t he face of it is appr opriated to any particular kind of instrument, shall not be used for an instrument of any other kind. 4 . Other methods of payment of stamp duty: (a ) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 3, sta mp duty or deficient stamp duty payable on any instrument may also be paid by dema nd draft or pa y order drawn on a br anch of any scheduled bank or through stamp issued by electronic method by any person, agency or company authorized by the Inspector Genera l of Registration and C ommissioner of Stamps or depos ited into Government Account head 0030 through challan in any bank authorized by the State Government. (b) In case where cir cumstances warrant, Commissioner of Stamps ma y allow payment of deficient duty in ca sh. 5 . Kind of Stamps: (1) There shall be two kinds of stamps for indicating the payment of duty with which instruments are chargeable, namely: (a) Impressed Stamps; and (b) Adhesive Stamps. (2) All the stamps shall be of such pattern as may from time to time be prescribed by Government and shall be only such as have been purchased fr om any of the State Tr easuries in Mizoram State or fr om a person who has been granted a licence under t hese rules. Chapter III Impressed Stamps 6. Impressed Stamps: Every instr ument chargeable with duty shall except as provided by s ection 11 of t he Act or by these rules be written on paper on which a stamp of t he proper value has been engraved or embossed. - 3 -Ex-378/2016 7 . P rovisions where single sheet of paper is insufficient: (a ) Wher e two or more sheets of paper on which stamps are engraved or embossed are used to make up the amount of duty chargeable in respect of any instrument, a portion of such instrument shall be written on each sheet so used. (b) Wher e a single sheet of pa per bearing an impress ed stamp is insufficient to admit of the entire instrument being written on the side of the pa per which bear s the stamp, so much plain paper may be subjoined thereto a s may be necessary for the complete wr iting of such instrument : Provided tha t in every such case a substa ntial part of the instrument shall be written on the sheet which bear the stamp before any part is writ ten on the plain paper subjoined. 8 . Issue of paper bearing impressed stamp: (a) When an application for issue of a sheet of paper bearing an impressed stamp of a particular va lu e is ma de to t he Tr ea sury Officer or to a licensee, the Tr easur y Offic er or t he licensee shall, where possible issue a single sheet bear ing an impress ed stamp of tha t value. If such a sheet is not availa ble, the minimum number of such sheets requir ed to ma ke up the requisite value only shall be issued. In such cases, the Treasury Officer or the licensee shall certify on each such sheet tha t the r equired value of such sheet is not available and that only the minimum numbers of such sheets required have been issued. (b) Wher e the value of such sheet applied for is higher than the highest value of such sheet which the licensee is licensed t o sell, the licensee s ha ll not sell s uch sheets of lesser value to the extent of t he required value. 9. The Proper Officer: The Superint endent of Stamps and such other officer as may be specified by the Government in this behalf are empowered to affix and impress labels and they shall be deemed to be”T he P rop er Officer” for the pur poses of the Act and these rules. 10 . Affixing and impressing of labels by pr oper officer permissible in certa in ca ses: (a ) Labels may be affixed and impress ed by t he proper officer in the case of any of the instruments mentioned in Appendix-I of these rules, and of the counterpar ts thereof. (b) Labels may likewise be affixed and impr essed by the proper officer in the case of any of the instruments mentioned in Appendix-II of these rules, when written in Mizo or English and accompanied, if wr itten in any other la nguage, by a translation int o English or Mizo. 11. Model of affixing and impressing labels: (a ) The proper officer shall, upon any such instrument specified in rule 10 being brought to him before it is executed and upon application being made to him for that purpose, affix or cause to be affixed thereto a label or labels of such value as t he applicant may desire and has paid for and impress such la bel or labels by means of a stamping machine and also counter-stamp the same before returning the instrument to the applicant. In the case of instruments written on parchment, t he la bels sha ll be fur ther secured by means of metallic eyelets: Provided tha t the counter stamping referr ed to in this s ub-rule is not required in respect of a n instrument impressed or franked by t he proper officer by means of a suita ble machine. (b) The value of labels referred to in sub-rule (a) shall be credited to- (i) Government Treasury, the Reserve Ba nk of India or it s Agent Bank, St ate Bank of India or it s Branches and the receipt granted therefore atta ched to every applica tion referred to in sub-rule (a); or (ii) a certifica te of credit gr anted by the Accounta nt General attached to every applica tion referred to in sub-r ule (a) ; or (iii) Where the value of labels to be affixed and impressed under sub-rule (a) does not exceed rupees five hundred, the said value may also be paid in cash to the proper officer. (c ) On a ffixing any label or labels under this rule the proper officer sha ll, where the duty amounts to rupees six or upwards, write on the face of the label or labels his initials and where the duty amounts to rupees hundred or upwards, shall also attach his usual signature to the instrument immediately under the label or labels. - 4 - Ex-378/2016 12 . Mode of pa yment of sta mp duty by cash in certain cases: (a ) An application for payment of sta mp duty by cash in certain cases shall be made to the officer empowered as may be specified by the Government to make an endorsement on an instrument presented along with the Treasur y challan or a demand draft or a pa y order drawn on a br anch of a ny scheduled Bank, a s the case may be. (b) On receipt of an application made under sub-rule (a) the officer empowered shall make an endorsement to tha t effect on the instr ument in the Form specified in Appendix- III of t hese rules. 13 . Authorization to Nationa lised / Schedule Ba nks t o collect S tamp Duty: (a ) The Chief Controlling Revenue Authority may authorize any Nationalised / Schedule Bank to collect sta mp duty on behalf of the Sta te Government subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified in the or der. (b) Authorised bank sha ll remit the amount so collected within twenty four hours to the S tate Government Agency Bank / Reserve Bank of India / Treasury as Chief C ontrolling Revenue Authority may directs, from time to time. The authorised bank shall send daily scroll of collection of stamp duty to the jurisdictional Sub-Registrar for reconciliation and also send the particulars of r emittance to t he Chief Controlling Revenue Authority in t he manner specified in the or der. 14. Certain instruments to be stamped with impressed labels: (a ) Instruments (other than instruments which under section 11 of the Act may be s tamped with adhesive stamps) executed out of Mizoram and requiring to be stamped after their receipt in Mizoram shall be stamped with impressed labels. (b) Wher e any such instruments as aforesaid is taken to the Deputy Commissioner under sub- section (2) of section 18 of the Act, the Deputy Commissioner shall send the instrument to the proper officer together with the certified challan of credit of the amount of duty in respect thereof; and the proper officer shall stamp the instrument in the manner prescribed by rule 10 and return it to t he Depu ty Commissioner for delivery to the person by whom it wa s produced. 15 . Composition or Consolida tion of Duties: (a ) Any incorporated company or other body corpora te in t he State may in respect of certificates of shares or letters of allotment to be issued by it apply in writing to the S tate Government for permission for consolidation of the duties payable thereof under the Act and to pay the cons olidated duties. Full details regar ding the total number of certificates of shares or letters of allotment a nd the amount of duty payable thereof shall be fur nished in the a pplication. A copy of every such application shall simultaneously be sent to the Superintendent of Sta mps. (b) On receipt of such application a nd after obtaining a r eport from the Superintendent of Stamps regarding the proper duty payable thereof, the S tate Government may intimate such company or body to credit the amount specified by it in t he office of the Superintendent of S tamps, being the consolidated duty paya ble for such certifica te of s hares or letters or letters of allotment. On payment of such amount, the Superintendent of Stamps s hall immediately credit the amount to the Reser ve Bank of India under the appropria te Head of Account and intimate the State Government the fact of having credited the amount along with the number and date of the relevant challan. (c ) The State Government shall thereupon notify in the Official Gazette that the said company or body corpor ate has in resp ect of the certificates of shares or letters of allotment specified in the notification, paid the consolidated duty under the Indian Stamp Act, 1899. Upon the issue of such notification, the sa id company or body cor porate may issue such certificate of shares or letters of allotment, by printing thereon the words “Consolidated Stamp duty paid, vide notification No....................................... dated............................ . It shall immediately thereafter send a report to the Sta te Government specifying the correct number of certificates of shar e of letters of a llotment so issued. (d) A company or a body corpor ate which has paid consolida ted sta mp duty in accordance with this rule, shall a t all reasonable times, permit any person a uthorised in wr iting by the S tate - 5 -Ex-378/2016 Government, the Commissioner of Stamps or the Superintendent of Stamps to inspect the registers, books, papers and documents relating to or connected with the issue of letters of allotment or certificate of shares for which such consolidated duty ha s been paid. Chapter IV Adhesive Stamps. 16. Use of Adhesive stamps on certain instruments Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, whenever the sta mp duty payable under the Act in resp ect of any instrument cannot be paid exact ly by reason of the fa ct that the necessary stamps are not in circulation, t he amount by which the pa yment of duty shall on that account is in defect shall be made up by the affixing of ten paise and five paise a dhesive stamps such a s are described in rule 17. 17.Adhesive stamps or stamps denoting duty of ten paise: Except as otherwise provided by these r ules, the adhesive sta mp or stamps used to denote the dut y of ten paise and five paise shall bear the words “Ten Paise” and “Five paise” respectively. 18. Special adhesive stamps to be used in certain cases: The following instruments when stamped wit h adhesive stamps sha ll be stamped in the manner hereinafter prescribed, that is to say, - (a) Notarial acts shall be stamped with adhesive stamps bearing the word “Notarial”. (b) Copies of maps or plans, printed copies and cop ies of extract s from registers given on printed forms certified to be true copies shall be stamped with adhesive court fees stamps of the requ isite va lue. Chapter V Licences 19. Sale of stamps and stamped papers: Stamps and Stamped paper shall be sold a t all Treasuries in t he State and by such persons only as are gr anted Licence under these ru les. 20. Treasury officers to beex-officio stamp vendors: (a)T h e T r easu r y O f f i c er o f ea c h T r ea su r y sh al l b e an ex-officio Sta mp Vendor. (b) No ex-officio Stamp Vendor shall purchase stamps at a discount for sale on his own account to the public. 21.Authority to grant licences: The Depu ty Commissioner (her einafter referr ed to a s the Licensing Authority) sha ll be the authority within his jurisdiction to grant licences under these rules. 22 . Grant of licence: (a ) Any person desirous of obtaining a licence shall make an application in the form pr escribed in Appendix-IV of these rules, in wr iting t o the Licensing Authority within whose jurisdiction he intends carr ying on the business. The Licensing Authority may grant a licence in the form prescribed in Appendix-V of these rules, if he is satisfied that the applicant is competent to discharge the funct ions sa tisfact orily a nd with due diligence. Every such licence shall specify the name of the licensee, the description of the stamps a nd the stamped papers which he may sell, the place at which it shall be sold and such other matters as may be considered necessary by the Licensing Author ity. (b) Any person aggrieved by a n order of the Licensing Authority refusing to gr ant a licence, may within thirty days from the date of such order appeal to the Commissioner of Stamp. - 6 - Ex-378/2016 (c ) Every Licence granted shall expir e on the last day of t he fina ncial year in respect of which it is gra nted. Explanation. - For the purpose of this sub-rule “Financial Year” means the year commencing on the first da y of April. (d) An a pplication for renewal of a licence shall be made in the prescribed form in App endix-IV of these rules to the Licensing Authority two months before the date of expiry of the licence. 23. Suspension or cancellation of licence: (a ) The Licensing Authority may, pending enquiry into alleged contravention of a ny of the rules by a licensee, suspend his licence. (b) The Licensing Authority ma y for contravention of any of these r ules and for reasons to be recorded in writing, by order cancel a licence: Provided that no such order shall be ma de without giving the licensee a reasonable opportunity of being heard. (c ) Any person aggrieved by an order under sub-rule (b) may, within thirty days from the date of such order a ppeal to the Chief Controlling Revenue Author ity. 24 . Duties of licensee: (a ) A licensee shall not sell stamps or sta mped papers and any description or a t any p lace, other than the stamps or stamped papers of the descr iption and the place specified in his licence. (b) No licensee shall sell any stamp t he use of which has been ordered to be discontinued by a competent authority. (d) A licensee shall not obta in the stamp or stamped paper except from anex-officio Sta mp Vendor. ( e) Every licensee shall at all times display in a conspicuous manner at the place of his business a sign board bearing his name with the wor ds “Licensed Vendor of Stamp and Stamped Papers” and shall also specify therein his hours of business. The sign board shall be in English or Mizo. (f) Every licensee shall keep in his possession a cop y of these rules for purpose of reference. (g) Every licensee sha ll keep such stock of stamps and sta mped pa pers which he is licensed to sell and as is sufficient to meet the public demand. (h) Every ex-officio sta mp Vendor selling to any person other than a licensee and every licensee shall write on the back of each stamp and stamped papers sold by him the seria l number of sale, the date of sale, the name and residence of the purchaser, the value of stamps in words and shall also affix his signature thereon. Where the stamp or the stamped paper is purchased by a person for the use of another person, the na me, occupation and residentia l address of such another person and the value of stamps in full (in words) shall be written on such stamp or stamped paper. If such purcha ser has no objection, his signature or thumb-impression shall also be taken on such stamp or sta mped pa per. Every licensee sha ll also make corresponding entr ies in a register kept by him in the form pr escribed in Appendix -VI of t hese rules. (i) Every licensee sha ll, without undue dela y, deliver any stamp or stamped paper in excess of the face value noted therein. (j) Every licensee sha ll keep a daily account of sa les in a register to be kept by him in the Form prescribed in Appendix -VI of these rules. (k) Every licensee sha ll at the close of each day r ecord in such register an ext ract of the actual and stamped papers sold on that day and the balance remaining in his possess ion. (l) Every ex-officio Sta mp Vendor while issuing stamps or sta mped papers to a licensee or other person shall affix the seal of the Treasury with the date of issue. (m) Every licensee sha ll, dur ing his hours of business, conspicu ously display at the place he is licensed to sell the stock of the stamps or stamped papers of the different descriptions available with him in the form prescribed in Appendix - VII of these rules. 25 . Remuner ation of licensee: Every licensee shall be entitled to discount on the value of stamp purchased by him from the Treasury. Stamp vendors in r espect of non-judicia l stamps and shall be permit ted to sell General S tamp Pa pers with a commission of 2 percent. - 7 -Ex-378/2016 26. Return of stamps: (a ) When the lic ensee r esigns or his licence is cancelled, he sha ll return to the Treasury Officer all the stamps a nd stamped papers rema ining unsold with him. The full value of the stamps and stamped papers returned to the Treasury, less the discount already paid sha ll be paid to him. (b) If a licensee dies, the person who is in lawful possess ion of the sta mps and stamp papers s hall return them to the Treasur y. The Treasury Officer shall refund t o the person returning the stamps or stamp papers, the actual sum paid by the licensee, if he is satisfied that the stamps and stamp papers r eturned are not spoiled or da maged and are in a fit condition for being re- issued. (c ) In case where stamps are returned by the licensee on his application for leave to restore any other stamps the full value of the stamps returned shall be paid, if the Treasury Officer is satisfied that the stamps r eturned are not spoiled or da maged and are in a fit condition for being re-issued. 27. Ins pection: The Licensing Authority or any other person as ma y be authorised by the Commissioner of Stamps in writ ing may, at any time, inspect the accounts and registers kept or ma intained by the licensee or examine the stock of stamps in his possession. Any irregula rities noticed in the cour se of the inspection shall be reported to the Commissioner of Sta mps. Cha pter VI Prevention of Undervaluation of Instrument 28. Furnishing of statement of market value: (1) If an instrument relates to a number of items of properties, the market value shall be specified in r espect of each item separately. For this purpose the party executing the document s hall attach a separate statement to the instrument, furnishing therein information about the various items of pr operties involved and his own assessment of the mar ket value of each of these items separ ately in Appendix-VIII of t hese ru les. Explanation:If a n instr ument covers land comprising severa l survey numbers of s ub-division numbers, the market value shall be specified for the land covered by ea ch survey number or sub-division number as the case may be separately. (2) The registering officer shall, b efore registering an instrument, sa tisfy himself that the party has atta ched with the instrument a statement, giving the market value for each of the properties separately as per sub-rule (1). (3) The registering officer may, for the purpose of finding out whether the mar ket value has been corr ectly furnished in the instr ument, make such enquiries a s he ma y deem fit. He may elicit from the par ties concerned any information bearing on the subject and call for and exa mine any records kept with any public officer or author ity. (4) For the pur pose of this rule, the statement of market value shall apply only to the instruments of conveyance, exchange or gift as mentioned in section 47A of the Act. 29. Communication of Value: The estimated market value arrived at by the Registering Officer under section 47A of the Act shall be communica ted to the parties in Appendix-IX of these rules. 30. Procedure on the receipt of reference under section 47A of the Act: (1) On receipt of a refer ence under sub-section 47A of the Act from a registering officer, the Deputy Commissioner shall issue a notice in Appendix-X of these rules, (a ) to every person by whom, and (b) to every person in whose fa vour the instrument has been executed, informing him of the receipt of the reference and a sking him to submit to him, his representation if any, in writ ing to show that the market value of the property has been truly set forth in the instrument, and also to pr oduce all evidence that he has in support of his representation, within 21 da ys from the date of service of the notice. - 8 - Ex-378/2016 (2) The Deputy C ommissioner ma y, if he thinks fit, r ecord a statement from any per son to whom a notice under sub -rule (1 ) ha s b een iss ued. (3) The Deputy Commissioner may for the purpose of his enquir y, - (a ) call for any information or record from a ny public office, officer or authorit y under the Government or any local authority ; (b) examine and record statements from any member of the public, officer or authority under the Government or the local authority; and (c ) inspect the property after due notice to the parties concerned. 31 . Order determining the market va lue: (1) The Deputy C ommissioner sha ll after considering t he representations received in writing and those urged at the time of the hearing and aft er a ca reful consider ation of all t he relevant fact ors and evidence placed before him, pass an order, determining the market value of the properties and the duty pa yable on the instrument, communicate the or der to the parties. (2) A copy of the order shall be communicated to t he Registering Officer concerned to take steps to collect the difference in the amount of stamp duty, if any and register the document. 32. Appeals: An appeal under sub-section (5) of section 47A of the Act shall be preferr ed to the Secr etary, Land Revenue and Settlement Depar tment within two months from the date of communica tion of the Depu ty Commissioner ’s orders determining the mar ket value under rule 33 and the Appellant shall deposit, fifty percent of the difference in the amount of duty as determined by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-sections (2) a nd (3) of section 47A of the Act, through a challan or Demand Draft / Pay Or der / Ba nkers Cheque dra wn in favour of t he Appellate Author ity. The sa id amount sha ll be adjusted after the appeal is disposed off and in case no amount i s r e q u i r e d t o b e p a i d b y t h e appellant the amount shall be refunded. 33. Order in appeal: After hearing the appeal under rule 34 and examining the records of the case, the Secr etary, Land Revenue and Settlement D epartment shall decide whether or not the mar ket value of the properties as determined in the order of the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3 ) of section 47A of the Act is correct. In case, t he Secr etary, Land Revenue a nd Settlement Department do not accept the valuation of the properties ma de by the Deputy Commissioner, he sha ll determine the correct market value of the properties, and the duty payable on the ins tr ument. T he S ec r et a r y, Land Revenue and Settlement Department shall embody his decision and the r easons thereof in an order and communicate it to the a ppellant, the Deputy Commissioner a nd the R egistering Officer concerned. 34. Rules of procedures: In r espect of matters not provided for in these rules, the pr ovisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Centr al Act V of 190 8), relating to the pr ocedure to be followed in a pp eals, s ha ll, as far as may be apply to appeals under sub-section (5) of section 47A of the Act. Chapter VII Constitution of Valuation C ommittee 35. Constitution of Valuation Committee: (1) The State Government shall by notification in the official Gazette constitute Centra l Valua tion Committee under section 47B of t he Act. The Cha irman s hall be the Inspector Genera l of Registration and C ommissioner of Stamps and the Committee sha ll comprise the following member s, namely:- (a ) Secr etary, Finance Department or his r epr esentat ive; (b) Secr etary, Law a nd Judicia l Depart ment or his rep resentat ive; (c ) Dir ector, Ru ral Development Depart ment or his rep resentat ive; - 9 -Ex-378/2016 (d) Dir ector, Land Revenue and Settlement Department or his repr esentat ive; ( e) Director, Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation Department or his repr esentative; (f) Director, Local Administr ation Department or his repr esentative; (g) Commissioner of Ta xes, Ta xation Department or his repr esentative; (h) Engineer-in Chief, Public Works Department or his repr esentative; (i) Dir ector, Agricultur e Depart ment or his rep resentat ive; (j) Director, S oil and Water Conservation Department or his repr esentative; (k) Director, Economics and Sta tistics Department or his representative; (l) President, Federation of Mizoram Chamber of Commerce and Industries or his representa tive; (m) Any other person having expertise in the subject; Provided that the t otal number of members shall not exceed twenty. (2) Subject to the approval of the Government, the term of the non-official members shall be two years. (3) The Joint Inspector Genera l of Registration shall be the Member Secreta ry of t he Valua tion Committee and shall be responsible for looking after the day to day administration and functions of the committee and other matters relating to correspondence. H e shall also be responsible for compilation and publication of the data relating to the ma rket value guidelines in accordance with the dec ision the commit tee. (4) The office of the Valuation Committee sha ll be located in the office of the Inspector Genera l of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps or any other place decided by the Valuation Committee. 36. Constitution of market valuation sub-committees: (1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute Market Valua tion Sub-Committees in each Sub-District and District for the purpose of estimation and revision of the market value guidelines of the properties. The committee in a sub-district and district shall function under the administrative control of the Registr ar of the Distr ict, who shall be under the supervisory control of the Valuation Committee. (2) The office of the sub-committee shall be located in the office of the Sub-Registrar and the Sub-Registr ar is r esponsible to oversee the administr ation of the sub-committees and matters relating to corresp ondence. He is also responsible for the compilation of the data relating to the market value of the properties, in accor dance with the resolution of the sub-commit tee. 37. Estimation of market value guidelines: (1) The Valuation Committee shall, as far as possible in the first week of October of every calendar year, send instructions a long with general policy guidelines to all the sub-committees in the state for estimation of ma rket va lue guidelines of properties for the next calendar year. Such instruction may be sent to any sub-committee, at any time of the calendar year for the revision of the rates, if requ ir ed. (2) The sub-committee shall on receipt of the instructions publish the intention of such estima tion or revision, a s the ca se may be, in the local newspapers and also on the notice boa rd of important offices. A period of 15 days may be allowed for receipt of objections and suggest ions from the pu blic and all such suggestions and objections so received, shall be processed by the Secr etary and placed befor e the sub-committee for discussion. The sub-committee shall meet as often as required to discu ss and decide on the estimation of mar ket value rates for the guidelines and prepare a statement showing the average rates of agricultural lands, r esidential, commercial and industrial sites in village and municipal or any other loca l body area in its jurisdiction as specified in these rules. The data shall be arr anged village and loca l body wise and the sta tement s hall be prepar ed and signed by the S ecretar y and Chairman of the Sub- Committee in such form as may be specified by the Committee from time to time. The data so prep ared shall be s ent to the Registrar of the c oncerned Distr ict, in the la st week of December of every ca lendar year. T he committee may record its views on the suggestions and object ions received fr om the public in the a ppropriate column. - 10 - Ex-378/2016 (3) The Registr ar shall on receipt of the sta tement received under sub-rule (2), shall verify and if he finds any discrepancy or omission may r emit it back to the Sub-commit tee immediately for rectification or supply of the omission. S uch reference shall be attended by such committee and the sta tement be re-submitted to the Registrar within 15 days fr om the date of reference. The Registr ar shall finally examine the data and record his views in the appropriate column for any improvement or change a nd send the booklets a nd soft copies of the same, separately for each sub-district to the Secreta ry of t he Valua tion Committee in the first week of Januar y of the next calendar year. 38. Guidelines for the estimation of the Market Value by the Sub-Committee: Each Market Valuation Sub-Committee shall prepare the statement showing average rates of agricultural and non-agricu ltural lands, residential, commercial and industrial sites in the sub-district and municipa l or local body area, on the following gener al guidelines a s reference. (1 )(a) In the case of la nds- (1) Classification of land as dry, garden, wet and the like; (2) Classification under various classes of s oil in the survey records; (3) Other factor s which influence the valuation of the land in quest ion; (4) Value of adjacent la nd or la nds in the vicinity; (5) As for as practicable the nature of crop and average annual yield from the land for five cons ecutive years till the determination and nearness to road the mar ket, distance from villa ge site, its location in general, level of land transport facilities, facilities available for irrigation, such as tanks, well and pump s ets. (b) In the case House sites,- (1) The general value of house site in t he locality; (2) Near ness to road, r ailway station, bus route; (3) Near ness to market, shops a nd the like; (4) Amenities available in the place like public offices, hospitals and educational institutions; (5) Development activa tes, industria l impr ovements in the vicinity; (6) Land tax and valuation of s ites with refer ence to taxation recor ds of the local authorities concerned; (7) Any other features having a special bear ing on the valuation of the site; (8) Any other special features like bore well in addition to public water supply, lawn, ga rden swimming pool. (c ) Properties other tha n lands, house-sites and buildings- (1) The nature and conditions of the property, (2) Purpose for which property is being put to use; and (3) Any other special features having a bearing on the valuation of t he property. (2 )(a) The suggest ions for the estimation of ma rket va lue of non agr icultur al and industrial lands in general may also be separa tely indicated either as multiple of the rate for a gricultural land or square feet considering the location of the property namely Municipality / corporation or village. Normally the values for la nds converted for non-a gricultural us e in a village not near to a town/ city, may be estimat ed per square feet. (b) The value of agricultural lands may be classified as dr y, wet or garden, generally and near ness to the villa ge may be considered for fixing the r ates to each class. (c ) The rate for the la nds wit h coconu t or ar eca pla ntations may be estimated as garden lands instead of land plus numbers of tr ees. (d) Public Works Depar tment norms for the cost of construct ion of buildings prevailing in the concerned ar ea may be indica ted. (e) Basic civic amenities such as electricity, water supply and drainage need not be considered as special fea tures for the purpose of cost of cons truction. This should be cons idered a s a par t of the cost of construct ion. - 11 -Ex-378/2016 39. Process of the Statements by the Valuation Committee: (1) The Secreta ry of the Valuation C ommittee on receipt of the statement from the Registrar of a District shall verify and place them before the committee, which shall meet, in the 3rd week of January of the next calendar year. (2) The Commit tee shall meet as often as possible to discuss the estimation of mar ket va lues received fr om each district and take final decis ion on the estimation of the market value after considering the suggestions ma de by the committees a nd the Registrar s as for as possible before the end of F ebruary of the next calendar year. T he commit tee is the fina l author ity, either to reject the suggestions or to accept for incorporation in the guidelines. All such decisions shall be recorded in the pr oceedings of the meeting of the commit tee. (3) On approval of the estimation of the each sub district / district, the statements shall be attested by t he Secretary on behalf of the committee, who shall then arr ange to send such appr oved statements of estimation of market value of properties to the Registrar of t he District in the first week of March of the next calendar year a nd later shall forwar d it to the concerned sub- committees within a week of the receipt of the statements in such form as may be specified by the Committee from time to time. The approved statements shall be published not only in all the prominent offices in each sub-district, besides the Sub-Registry Office, but also be made available in the office of the District Registrar of the concerned District. S ufficient number of copies should be ar ranged to be pr inted by the Registrar s for sale to t he public at a price to be fixed by the Valua tion Committee from time to t ime. 40. General guidelines for the estimation of market values by the committee: (1) The Valuation Committee may, in it s discretion adopt any policy or modality or standard for deciding the estimated ma rket va lue of properties. (2) In order to achieve unifor mity the following general principles may be adopted,- (a ) Sepa rate uniform guidelines / formulas may be evolved for the calculation of the r ates for the buildings of different kinds, lands converted for non-agricultural use or industrial use as applicable to all t he sub district s and appended to the market value guidelines so appr oved and publis hed; (b) The rates approved by the Public Works Department for var ious kinds of construct ions are to be a dopted uniformly in the state and may be revised as and when found necessary. The rates of depreciation a s per P ublic Works Department norms may also be appended to the guidelines with dir ection for appellation only by Registr ars dealing with reference under section 47A of the Act. 41. Revisions, Special revisions and rectification of anomalies: (1) The Committee has the power in its discretion to defer revision of market value guidelines in resp ect of a ny specified sub-distr ict or district or all the sub- districts. (2) Not withsta nding anything contained in these rules, if for any reason the committee could not either order or undertake revision of market value guidelines for any year, the same ma y be communicated to the Regist rar of the district, who will issue instructions to all the Registering officers and commit tees to adopt the last revised guide lines, for the year for which the revision is not intended to be underta ken. (3) The committee or chairman may, in his discretion, as the case may be order for special revision of t he market value guidelines in any specified area of a sub district, district for rectification of any anomaly in the estimation of market value, a nd may also order for special revision of market value guidelines of any sub district or all the sub districts in the state for any reason to be r ecorded in the proceedings of the commit tee. 42. Records and proceedings of the committee: (1) The committee shall keep a minute book, in which proceedings of all the meetings shall be recorded and signatures of all the members present shall be obtained. (2) The quorum for the meeting shall be 50 % of the total number of members. - 12 - Ex-378/2016 (3) All the decisions s hall be taken by a resolution passed by majority of votes. If, in any meeting, the number of members present falls below the quorum, the meeting may be adjourned for 15 minutes and on reassembly the pr oceedings may be commenced even without the required quor um, in urgent ca ses. (4) The chairma n shall have the power to ca st an extra vote in ca se a tie. He shall also have the authority t o review, annul or reverse any such decision, for r easons to be r ecorded in writ ing, if in his opinion; it would prejudicially affect the interest or revenue of the st ate. (5) All the market value guidelines statements approved by the committee are public records and shall be preserved as permanent records in the office of the committee and copies be made available to any public on application and payment of fees to be pr escribed by the committee by notification in the official Gazette. (6) The Sub-Committee shall also preserve the market value guidelines approved by the Valua tion Committee a s perma nent public records and copies may be made available to public in the same manner as prescribed above. Chapter VIII Miscella neous 43. Provisions for cases in which improper description of stamps are used: When an instrument bears a stamp of sufficient amount, but of improper descr iption, the Deputy Commissioner may, on payment of the duty with which t he same is chargeable, certify by endorsement on the instrument that it is duly stamped: Provided that if application is made within three months of the execution of the instrument, and the Deputy Commissioner is satisfied that the improper descr iption of stamp was u sed solely because of t he difficulty or inconvenience of procuring one of proper descr iption, he may remit the fur ther payment of duty prescribed in this r ule. 4 4 . Va lu e of the p roper ty t o b e ver if ied: Every person mentioned in section 33 of the Act befor e whom any instrument of the kind entioned in sub-section (2) of section 28 of the Act is produced or comes in the performance of his functions shall, verify in each case, the value of the land, building or garden, as t he case may be, from such fact s as ar e stated in the instrument and as ma y be available for determining the value of such land, building or garden: Provided tha t such person or a Deputy Commissioner, may, if he considers that the cor rect valuation of the immoveable property concerned cannot be arrived at without having recourse to loca l inquiry or independent evidence, make such enquiry or takes s uch evidence a s may be necessary after giving due notice to the party concerned who shall be entitled to rebut such evidence. 45. Evidence as to circumstances of claims to refund or renewal: The Deputy Commissioner ma y require any person claiming a refund or renewal under Chapter V of the Act or his duly author ised agent, to make a n oral deposit ion on oath or affirma tion or to file an affidavit, setting forth the circumstances under which the cla im has a risen, and may also, if he thinks fit, call for the evidence of wit nesses in support of t he statement set forth in any such deposition or affidavit as aforesaid. 46.Payment of allowances in respect of spoiled or misused stamps: When an application is ma de for the payment, under Chapter V of the Act, of an allowance in respect of s tamp which has been s poiled or misused or for which the applica nt has had no immediate use, and an order is passed by the Deputy Commissioner sanctioning the allowa nce or calling for fur ther evidence in support of the application then, if the amount of the allowance or the stamp given in lieu thereof is not taken, or if the further evidence requir ed is not furnished, as the case may be, by the - 13 -Ex-378/2016 applicant within one year of the date of such or der as a foresaid the a pplication shall be struck off and the spoiled or misused stamp (if any) sent for destruction to the Commissioner of Stamp. 47 . Application and manner of denoting payment of stamp duty under section 16 of the Act: (a ) An application for purposes of s ection 16 of the Act shall be made t o the Deputy Commissioner in t he form prescribed in Appendix-XI of these rules. (b) On receipt of an application made under sub-rule (1), the Deputy Commissioner shall make an endor sement . - (i) In t he case of a conveyance of a property subject to a mortgage, to the mortgagee, in the following for m, namely,- “I hereby certify that on product ion of the mor tgagee deed executed in favour of the purchaser in respect of the pr operty described therein, I ha ve satisfied myself that a stamp duty of Rs................... has been paid thereon”. (ii) In the case of, - (1) Counterparts; (2) Duplicate; (3) Supplemental D eeds; (4) Further cha rge with possession on simple mortgage (5) Subsidiary, collateral, additional and substituted security; (6) Lease, partition a nd settlement deeds stamped under the proviso to Articles 35, 45 a nd 58 of the Schedule to the Act. in t he following for m, namely, - “I hereby certify that on production of the original document, I have satisfied myself that the stamp duty of Rs................................. (Here mention the amount) has been pa id thereon” 48. Certificate for purposes of section 42 of the Act: (a ) An application for pur poses of section 42 of the Act shall be ma de to the Deputy Commissioner. (b) On r eceipt of an a pplication made under sub-rule (a), the Deputy Commissioner shall certify in Form specified in Appendix-XII of these rules. 49. Certificate for purposes of section 50 of the Act: The empowered officer shall, for the purpose of section 50 of the Act make anendorsement in Form specified in Appendix-XIII of these rules. 50. Particulars to be furnished in certain instruments: The instruments of conveyance, exchange or gift shall set for th in a ddition to the facts mentioned in section 27 of the Act, the following additional particulars, namely :- (a ) Area of the property and the boundar ies thereof; (b) If the property is land a nd cont ains any structure, the plinth area of the struct ure and the number of floors in the struct ure; (c ) The roofed area of each such floor; (d) The materia l of the wall a nd the materia l of the roof of each such floor; ( e) The amenities provided, like gar age, well, water supply and underground dra inage, if any, and electricity; (f) The year of construction of the building or if different portions were constructed in different year s, the year or years of the construction of each portion. - 14 - Ex-378/2016 Appendix – I List of Instruments referred to in Rule 10(a) of the Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016 Sl no. Description of InstrumentNo of Article in Schedule to the Act (a)Administra tion Bonds2 (b)Affidavits4 (c)Appointment made in execution of power7 (d)Articles of Association of a Company10 (e)Charter Party20 (f)Declaration of Trust64A (g)Instruments evidencing an agreement relating to (1) the depos it of t itle deeds or instruments constituting or being evidenced of the title to any property whatever (other than marketa blesecurity) or (2) the pawn or pledge of a movea b le prop erty6 (h)Leases printed or lithogr aphed in an or iental language when the written matter filled in does not exceed one fou rth of the printed matter.35 (i)Memorandum of Association of Compa nies39 (j)Mortgages of crops41 (k)Notes of pr otest by masters of s hips44 (l)Revocations of Trust64B (m)Shar e warra nts issued by a company in accordance with companies Act, 1956.59 (n)Warra nt for Goods65 Appendix-II List of Instruments referred to in Rule 10(b) of the Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016 Sl no. Description of InstrumentNo of Article in Schedule to the Act (a)Agreement or memor anda of agreements which, in the opinion of the5 proper officer, cannot conveniently be written on sheets of paper on which the stamps are engraved or embossed. (b)Instruments engrossed on parchment and written, in the English style which,5 in the opinion of s uch officer, ca nnot conveniently be written on sheets of paper on which the stamps are engraved or embossed. (c)Awar ds12 (d)Bonds2, 15 (e)Bottomry Bonds16 (i) Customs Bond26 (ii) Instruments imposing further charges on mortgaged property, if possess ion is not given.40(b) (iii) Indemnity Bond34 (iv) Lease35 (v) Mortgage deed when possession is not given (vi) Release wher e the value of the cla im does not exceed Rs.1 ,00055 (vii) Respondentia Bond56 (viii) Security Bond or Mortgage deed executed by way of security57 (ix) Declaration or Revocation of Tr usts64A and 64B (f)Certificates of Sale18 - 15 -Ex-378/2016 (g)Composition deeds22 (h)Conveyances23 (i)Instruments imposing a fur ther charge on mortgaged property32(a) and 32(b)(i) (j)Instruments of App renticeship9 (k)Instr uments of partnership46A (l)Instruments of dissolution of p artnership46B (m)Instruments of Exchange31 (n)Instr uments of Gift33 (o)Instruments of Partition45 (p)Leases35 (q)Letters of Licence38 (r)Mortga ge deeds40(a) (s)Powers of Attor ney48 (t)Reconveyance of mortgaged property54 (u)Relea s es55 (v)Settlement58 (w)Transfers62 Appendix –III [See Rule 12(b)] Certificate under Section 10 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 Certified that a sum of Rupees .......................................................................... (inwords) Rupees............................ being the proper stamp duty has been remitted to the RBI/SBM under challan No. ................................... paid vide Demand Draft/Order No......................... dated ................................. drawn on.......................................... Bank by Sri/Smt....................................................................... S/o. D/o. /W/o ................................ residing at.................................. Signature of empowered Officer Appendix-IV [See Rule 22-(a) and (d)] F or m of Application for Gra nt / Renewal of St amp Vendor ’s Licence To, The Licensing Authority ………………………………… 1.Name of the Applicant in full 2.Address of the Applicant in full 3.Fathers name of the applicant 4.Age and date of Bir th of t he Applicant 5.Educational Qualification of the Applicant 7.Addr ess of Shop or Place of Vending St amps 8.Whether the application is for the grant of new licence or for renewal of licence granted during the pr evious year :(If it is for renewal of licence, its number a nd date of exp iry to be quoted). 9.The Financial year for which the licence applied for 10.Whether licence gr anted previously to the Applicant has been cancelled or suspended, if so, details to be furnished. - 16 - Ex-378/2016 DeclarationI.......................................... do hereby solemnly declare that the particulars furnished herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that the licence for which I hereby apply will be used only by myself. I further declare that the licence issued on t he basis of this application is liable to suspension or ca ncellation at any time if it is fou nd that any of the particulars furnished in the application a re false or not true or incorr ect. Place : Date : Signature of the Applicant Appendix-V [See Rule 24(a)] Form of Licence ...................................................Licence No....................... (Here enter t he name of licensee)Dated :.............................. You are her eby authorised to sell Stamps and stamped papers of the following description that is to say ............................................................................................ (Here insert description of stamps) say ............................................................................................................................. (Here insert the full addr ess of the pla ce at which they are to be sold.) subject to the provisions of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and the Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016. Signed.................................... (Licensing Author ity) Appendix-VI [See Rule 24(h), (j)] Form of Register DateSl NoDescription of StampValue of StampIn whose name the stamps are purchased1 2 3 4 5 Name of the purchaser Address of the purchaserSigna ture of the purchaser Signature of the or his agentor his agentor his agentlicensed vendor 6 7 8 9 Signature of Licensee : Name of Licensee: - 17 -Ex-378/2016 Appendix-VII [See Rule 24(m)] Statement showing the stock of Stamps and Stamped Papers available for sa le on (…......................................................................................................................) (here specify date, month and year) Sl no Ca tegory and denomination of S tampTotal Value JudicialNon-Judicia lRevenueJudicial Non-Judicia lRevenue1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Signature of Licens ee : Name of Licensee : - 18 - Ex-378/2016 Appendix-VIII [See Rule 28(1)] Statement of particulars of property and its market value Sub-Registrar’s Office: Name and Address of claimant: No. of Document and year: Pla ce wher e property is situ ated: Sl no ParticularsArea in Ha.Average Amount in Rs. DryWetannual yield 1. (a) Agricu ltural land (b) Structures, if any (c) Any other factors (d) Sub-Total 2. House Site:Area in sqft.RateAmount in Rs. (i) Area (ii) Type of building (a) Gr ound F loor (b) 1st Floor (c) 2nd Floor (d) 3rd Floor (e) 4th Floor (f) 5th Floor (iii) Cost of construction (iv) Specia l featu res: (a) Garage (b) Electrical installation (c) Water supply (d) Sanitary (v) Total value (vi) Year of construction and deprecia tion (vii) Net value 3. Market value of the property {1(d) + 2(vii)} Signature of Claimant - 19 -Ex-378/2016 Appendix-IX (See Rule 29) Form of communication under rule 29 of the Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016. Office of the Sub-Registrar ………………………………. No. ...............................Date............................... 1.This endorsement is issued in resp ect of the Docu ment pr esented relating to the property mentioned below: 2.In opinion of the undersigned the estimated market value of the property is Rs................ (in words).....................................accordingly it is informed to pay Stamp Duty Rs..................... (in words)..................... and Registration fee Rs................ (in words)............................................ 3.If you are willing to pay Stamp duty and Registration fee on the estimated market value as informed above affir m item No. 1 shown below and affix signature. 4.If you are not willing to pay stamp duty Registra tion fee as mentioned above the Docu ment will be kept pending without completing Registration and the matter will be referred to the Deputy Commissioner for determina tion of market value of the property under section 47A of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899. Description of Property: Signature of the Sub-Registrar Affirmation of the Presentant 1.I agr ee with the valuation infor med above accordingly I a m prepared t o pay Sta mp duty and Registration Fee. T he docu ment ma y be registered; or 2.I do not agree with the valuation infor med above. The document may be kept pending and ma tter may be refer red to Deputy Commissioner under Section 47A of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 for determination of market value; or 3.I withdraw my document from registration. Signature of Presentant: ………………………………….. Name.................................................................................... Address................................................................................. Note : Delete whichever is not applica ble. - 20 - Ex-378/2016 Appendix-X [See Rule 30 (1)] Office of the Deputy Commissioner …………………………………….. Form of notice prescribed under rule 30 (i) of Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016. To, M/s./Sri/Smt................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... 1.Please ta ke notice that a reference ha s been received by the undersigned from the registering officer at.................................... under sub-section (1) of section 47A of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act No. 2 of 1899) for determination of the market value of the properties covered by an instrument of conveyance / gift / excha nge / settlement / pa rtition / dissolution of par tnership/an agreement to sell covered under sub-clause (i) of clause (e) and clause (f) of Article 5/a lease covered under item (iv) of sub-clause (a), item (ii) of sub-clause (b) item (ii) of sub-clause (c) of clause (1) of Article 35/a power of Attorney covered under Article 48/ or every decr ee or final order of any Civil Court *which has been presented for registration on............................. and has been assigned pending No......................... 2.The market value as per the reference is Rupees..................... and the duty payable thereon is Rupees.......................................................... 3.You are her eby required to submit your representations, if any, in writing to the undersigned within 21 days from the date of service of this notice to show that the ma rket value of the properties has been truly and cor rectly set forth in the instr ument. You may also produce a ll evidence in suppor t of your representation within the time allowed. 4.If no representations are received within the time allowed, the matter will be disposed off on the basis of the facts available.. Place : Date :Deputy Commissioner. - 21 -Ex-378/2016 Appendix-XI [See Rule 47(a)] For m of a pplication under Section 16 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 Place : Date : To, The Registrar / Sub-Registrar …………………………….. Sir, I produce herewith a Deed of *................. and request that the Stamp duty paid on the first mentioned document ma y be denoted on the second with refer ence to Section 16 of t he Indian Stamp Act , 1899. Yours faithfully, [Name and Signature] *[Na ture and date of document to be specified] Appendix-XII {See rule 48(b)} Certificate under Section 42 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 for the purpose of Section 35, 40, 41 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899. Certified that a sum of Rs............................. (in words) Rs..................... being deficit / proper stamp duty has been remitted to the RBI/........... Bank under challan No..................... paid vide Demand Draft / Pay Order / Bankers Cheque No......................................... dated.............................. by Sri/ Smt...............................S/o. D/o. W/o................................... residing at ............................. in respect of the Document No.......................... Signature of Deputy Commissioner Appendix-XIII (See rule 49) Certificate under Section 51 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 Certified that a sum of Rs........................... (in words) Rs............................ being the deficit/ proper stamp duty has been remitted to the RBI/SBM under Challan No............................... paid vide Demand Draft/Pay Order / Bankers Cheque No.............................. dated........................... by S r i / Smt...................................... S/o. D/o. W/o............................................ residing at .............................................. in respect of Document No.............................. Signature of empowered OfficerPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Civil Service (Departmental Examination) Regulations, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 385Date - 06/10/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.34011/2/2015-P&AR(GSW), the 29th September, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by t he proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with the pr ovision of Rule 17 of the Mizoram Civil Service Rules, 2000 as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following regulations, namely:- 1. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT:- 1)These Regula tions may be called the Mizora m Civil Service (Departmental Exa mina tion) Regulations, 2016. 2)They shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in t he Official Gazette 2. DEFINITIONS:- 1)In t hese Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, a)“Commission” means the Mizoram Public Service Commission b)“Constitution” means the Constitution of India c)“Departmental Examination” means the written examination conducted by the Commission for probationers of Mizoram Civil Service d)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram e)“Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram 2)All other words and expressions used in these R egulations and not defined shall ha ve the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Mizoram Civil Service Rules, 2000 as amended fr om time to time. 3. DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION:- 1)Every proba tioner who is in the Junior Grade of Mizora m Civil Service shall, during the period of probation, appear at a Departmental Examination and shall be required to pass the minimum sta ndar d prescribed under Rule 5 before they are consider ed for pr omotion to the next higher gra de 2)Every Officer appointed under Rule 8(b) read with Rule 12 of the Mizoram Civil Service Rules, 2000 as amended from time to time, while serving in the Junior Grade appear at and successfully pass such Departmental Examination. 3)Every Officer mentioned in clause (1) a nd (2) of Regulation 3 who a re declared pa ssed in any Paper by the Commission need not r e-appear in the same Pa per. 4)The Examina tion shall be conducted by the Commission in the manner as laid down in these Regu la t ions . 5)There shall be at least two examinations in a calendar year. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 6.10.2016 Asvina 14, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 385 - 2 - Ex-385/2016 4. SYLLABI FOR DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION–WRITTEN EXAMINATION: There shall be seven Papers for the Depar tmental Examina tion ea ch cons isting of different subjects and the total marks being 650 (six hundred and fifty) allotted to each of the Papers as follows: Paper I:Constitution & Election LawsMarks:100 1.The Constitution of India 2.The Representation of the People Act, 1950 and 1951 3.The State of Mizoram Act, 1986 Pap erII:Criminal LawsMarks:100 1.The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 2.The Indian Penal Code, 1860 3.The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 Paper III:Civil & Local LawsMarks:100 1.The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 2.The Mizoram Public Demands Recover y Act, 2001 3.The Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 4.The Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 5.The Mizo Ma rriage, Divorce and Inherita nce of Property Act, 2014 6.Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873 (Regulation 5 of 1873) and Guidelines for the Enforcement of Inner Line Regulation in Mizoram Paper IV:Revenue LawsMarks:100 1.The Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 and its rules 2.The Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilit ation a nd Resettlement) Act, 2016 3.The Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 Paper V:Finance & Accounts MattersMarks:100 1.General Financial Rules, 2005 2.Central Treasury Rules Vol. I 3.Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978 Paper VI:Administration & Establishment Mar ks:100 1.Central Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 2.Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 3.Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 4.The Government of Mizoram (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2014 5.The Government of Mizoram (Transaction of Business) Rules, 2014 Paper VII:MizoMarks:50 Mizo langua ge of M iddle School standard for non-Mizo speaking Officers only 5. MINIMUM MARKS:- Every member of the service specified in clause (1) and (2) of Regulation 3 shall be required to obtain a minimum of 40 percent of the total mark in each of the P apers pr escribed under Regula tion 4 for passing the Departmental Examination. 6. POWER OF GOVERNOR TO EXEMPT :- Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions, the Governor of Mizora m may exempt by general or special order, in consult ation with the Commission, any Officer governed by the Mizoram Civil Service Rules, 2000 as amended from time to time from the passing of the Departmental Examination in the interest of public service if in the opinion of the Governor such insistence on passing of the said examination will impose undue har dship a nd disa dvantage to such Officer. 7. REPEALS AND SAVINGS :- 1)The Mizoram Civil Service (Departmental Examination) Regulations, 1991 notified vide No.A.34012/1/89-PERS (B) dated 14.04.1991 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extr aordina ry Issue No. 76 dated 23.04.1991 and the Mizoram Civil Service (D epartmental Examination) (Amendment) Regulations, 2003 notified vide No.A.34012/1/89-PERS(B) dated 08.08.2003 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extraordinary Issue No. 215 dated 22.08.2003 stands hereby repea led on and from the da te of commencement of these R egulations. 2)Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or a ny action taken or purported to be taken under the said Regulations so r epealed shall be deemed to be taken or done or purported to be done under these Regulations. By order s, etc Renu Sharma, Principal Secretary to the Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 3 -Ex-385/2016

The Mizoram Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts Service/Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 386Date - 06/10/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.11013/1/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 29th September, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules to amend the Service Rules/Recruitment Rules for Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts under the Government of Mizor am namely:- 1 . Short title and commencement (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Group ‘A’, ‘B’ a nd ‘C’ posts S ervice/Recruit ment (Amendment) Rules, 2016 (2) They shall come into force with effect from 1st April, 2017 2. Inclusion of computer proficiency as minimum educational qualification for direct r ecru itment In a ll the Service Rules/Recruit ment Rules for Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts under the Government of Mizoram, the following pr oviso shall be added under the appr opriate provision of the Rules, namely: “Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Rules, a candidate for direct recruitment to all Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts, except for the pos ts of Driver Grade-III and C onductor Grade-III, under the Government of Mizoram shall possess ba sic knowledge of computer application equiva lent to Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) of National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT ) or Diploma in Computer Application/Certificate in Computer Application from institutions recognised by Mizor am State Council of Technical Education or such other courses of the level as determined by the Government from time to time except in those posts for which t he respective Service Rules/Recruitment Rules already prescribed other qualifications for computer proficiency” 3 . Inclu sion of computer pr oficiency as minimum educational qua lification for promotion In a ll the Service Rules/Recruitment Rules for Group ‘C’ posts under the Government of Mizoram, the following proviso shall be added under the appropria te provision of the Rules, namely: “Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Rules, a candidate to be considered for promotion from Group ‘D’ posts to Gr oup ‘C’ posts, except for promotion to Driver Grade-III from Handyman, under the Government of Mizoram shall possess ba sic knowledge of computer application equiva lent VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 6.10.2016 Asvina 14, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 386

The Mizoram State Cooperative Service (Limited Departmental Examination) Regulations, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 387Date - 06/10/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/(4)2/2016-P&AR(GSW), the 28th September, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred under the proviso to Ar ticle 309 of the Constitution of India read with the provisions of Rule 9 and Rule 10 of the Mizoram Sta te Cooperative Service Rules, 2007 a s amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following regulations namely:- 1.SH ORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT: 1)These Regulations may be called the Mizoram State Cooperative Service (Limited Departmental Examination) Regulations, 2016. 2)They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2.DEFINITIONS: 1)In t hese Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, a)“Commission” means the Mizoram Public Service Commission b)“Constitution” means the Constitution of India c)“Limited Departmental Examination” means the examination conducted by the Commission under these Regulations for filling up of 25% of the sanctioned posts in Gr ade-IV and 35% of the sa nct ioned posts in Gr ade-V of the Mizoram Sta te Coopera tive S ervice d)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram e)“Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram 2)All other words and expressions used in these Regulations but not defined shall ha ve the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Mizoram Sta te Cooperative Service Rules, 2007 as a mended from time to time. 3. HOLDING OF EXAMINATION 1)The examina tion sha ll be conducted by the Commission in the ma nner as laid down in these Regu la tions. 2)The date on which and the venue at which the examination sha ll be held sha ll be fixed by the Commission and it shall be conducted at such intervals as the Governor may, from time to time, determine 4. DECISION ON ELIGIBILIT Y: The decision of the Commission, in accordance with the Mizora m State Coopera tive Service Rules, 2007 as amended, on the eligibilit y or otherwise of candidates for admission t o the Examina tion shall be final and no candidates to whom a certifica te of admission has not been issued by the Commission shall be admitted to the examination. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 6.10.2016 Asvina 14, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 387 - 2 - Ex-387/2016 5 . RESULT: 1)The names of the ca ndidates who ar e considered suitable for appointment as a r esult of the examination shall be arranged in order of merit. They shall be r ecommended for appoint ment in order of merit up to the number of appointment required to be made. The order of merit shall be determined in accordance with aggregate marks obta ined by each candidate; if two or more candidates obtained equal marks in the examina tion, their names shall b e arra nged in order of their age i.e. candida te ha ving higher a ge will come befor e the candidate with lower age 2)Selection at the examination shall confer no right of appointment unless the Government is satisfied to appoint them. 3)The form and manner of communication of the results of the Examination to individual candidates shall be as decided by the Commission at its discretion. 6. PENALTY FOR MISCONDUCT: Any candida te(s) who has been declared by the C ommission to be guilt y of a)Obta ining support for his candidature by any means or b)Impersonating, or c)Procuring impersonation by any persons, or d)Submitting fabrica ted documents which ha ve been tampered with, or e)Making statement which ar e incor rect or false, or suppressing material information, or f)Resorting to any other ir regular or improper means in connection with his candida ture in the examination hall, or g)Using unfair means in the examination hall, or h)Misbehaving in the examination hall, or i)Attempting to commit or abetting the Commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clause, a s the case may be sha ll, in a ddition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable 1)to be disqualified by the Commission fr om the examina tion for which he is a candidate 2)to be debar red either permanently or for a specified period (i)By the State Government fr om any examina tion or selection by them; (ii) By t he Centr al Government from any employment under them, and 3)to disciplinary action under the appropriate r ules 7. SYLLABUS: The Limited Departmental Examina tion for filling up vacancies in Gr ade-IV and Gra de-V of the Mizoram State Cooperative Service shall be conducted as per the syllabus at Appendix-I and Appendix- II respectively 8 . MINIMUM MARKS: Candidates shall be required to obtain minimum 40 percent ma rks in each of the Pa pers as prescr ibed under these Regula tions for qualifying in the Limited Departmental Examination. 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION: If a ny doubt arises about the interpretation of any of the provisions of these Regulations, it shall be referred to the Governor whose decision sha ll be final. By order s, etc Renu Sharma, Principal Secretary to the Government of Mizoram Appendix-I SYLLABUS FOR CONDUCT OF LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR FILLING UP VACANCIES IN GRADE-IV OF MIZORAM STATE COOPERATIVE SERVICE There shall be 4 (four) papers with each paper shall carrying 100 (one hundred) marks. T he dura tion of the examination shall b e 3 (thr ee) hours for each paper. T he details of syllabus shall be as follows, na mely- PAPER – I The following portions fr om the Mizoram State C ooperative Societies Act, 2006 as a mended from time to time shall be included in this Pa per: Marks 1.Activities that may be undertaken by the Co-operative (Section – 7&8)15 & Minimum members required to form a Cooperative. 2.Disqualification for members of Co-operative (Section-28)15 3.Qualification for becoming a member of the Ma nagement Committee (Section-51)10 4.Removal of elected members b y general body (Section-56)10 5.Contributory Provident Fund (Section-84)10 6.Winding up of Co-operative (Section-110)10 7.Five (5) points on powers of Liquidator (Section-113)10 8.Disposal of surplus Assets (Section-114)10 9.Cancellation of registration of C o-opera tive (S ection-116)10 PAPER – II The following portions from the Mizoram State Cooperative Societies R ules, 2014 as a mended from time to time shall be included in this Pa per: Marks 1.Five (5) points on Duties and responsibility of General Body Meeting of Registered Cooper ative Society. (Rule 28)10 2.Management of Cooperative Society (Rule 35 & 36)10 i)Boar d of Directors/Management C ommittee-(5 ma rks) ii)Cessation of membership of management commit tee of Board of Directors-(5 mar ks) 3.Duties of Registered Cooperative Society on Restriction on b orrowing (Rule 23)10 4.Mana gement of Properties and Funds (Rule 48 & 51)10 i)Investment of Funds-(5 ma rks) ii)Use of Reserve Fund in the Business of a Cooperative Society-(5 marks) 5.Audit (Rule 61 & 70)10 i)Writ ing of Bad debts – (5 ma rks) ii)Audit Classification – (5 marks) 6.Inqu iry and Inspection (Rule 74 & 75)10 i)Dispute and appointment of Arbitrator- (5 ma rks) ii)Person qualified t o be appointed as Arbitrator- (5 ma rks)- 3 -Ex-387/2016 7.1)Distribution of Assets and Priority of claims (Rule 88)10 2)Termination of Liquidation proceedings (Rule 89) 3)Disposal of the records of Liquida tion pr oceedings (Rule 90) 8.Esta blishment of C ooperative Union and Cooperative Development Council10 i)Esta blishment of State Cooperative Union (Rule 11)- (5 ma rks) ii)Establishment of Cooperative Development Council (Rule 13)- (5 marks) 9.Registration of Cooperative Society:10 i)Application for the Registr ation of Cooperative Society (Rule 3) - (4 ma rks) ii)Three(3) points of Amendment of Bye-law at the suggest ion of affilia ting Cooperative (Rule 7) – (6 ma rks) 10. 5(five) points of Restriction on Loans of Coopera tive Society/Cooperative Ba nk (R ule 45)10 PAPER – III The following portions fr om the Mizoram State Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 and the Mizoram State Cooperative Societies Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time shall be included in this Pa per: Marks 1.Expulsion of member (Section-34)20 2.Manner of casting vote and power of members (Section-37)20 3.Election (Rules No-33)30 4.Preparation of Trading, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet in line with practices of the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies Accounting30 PAPER – IV Marks 1 . Establishment: FR&SR (General Rules):50 1.Chapter – III:General Conditions of Service. Rule 10 2.Chapter – VIII :Dismissal, Removal and Suspension. Rules 52 and 53(1) 3.Chapter – IX:Retirement . Rules 56 4.Chapter – X:CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. Rules 26, 27, 29, 30 & 32 5.Chapter – XI:CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979. Rules 4, 5, 6 & 7 2 . Accounts : Central Treasury Rules Volume-I:10 1.Part – V:Withdrawal from the Government Account Section 2 & 4 3 . General Financial Rules, 2005:40 1.Chapter – 2 :General System of Financial Management. Rules 7, 15 (1, 2 & 3), 25 (1, 2 & 3) & 26. 2.Chapter – 9 :Grant-in-aids and loans. Rules 206, 212(1), 217, 218, 221(1), 222 (1, 2 & 3), 226 (1 & 2) & 232.- 4 - Ex-387/2016 Appendix-II SYLLABUS FOR CONDUCT OF LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR FILLING UP VACANCIES IN GRADE-V OF MIZORAM STATE COOPERATIVE SERVICE There shall be 3 (three) papers with each paper shall carrying 100 (one hundred) marks. T he dura tion of the examination shall b e 3 (thr ee) hours for each paper. T he details of syllabus shall be as follows, na mely- PAPER – I The following portions fr om the Mizoram State C ooperative Societies Act, 2006 as a mended from time to time shall be included in this Pa per: Marks 1.Seven (7) b asic pr inciples of Co-opera tive (S ection – 6)10 2.Cancellation of registration & De-registra tion of a coop erative. (Section 14 & 15)10 3.Application for Registration of Co-operative (Section-9)10 4.Who may become member of Co-operative (Section-26)10 5.Disqualification for members of a Co-operative (Section-28)10 6.Five (5) points each of rights and duties of members of a Co-operative (Section 31 & 32)10 7.Five (5) points each of rights and duties of a registered Co-operatives (Section- 43 &44)10 8.Qualification for becoming a member of the management committee (Section-51)10 9.Powers and functions of the Board of Directors (1 0 points only) (Section-54)10 10. Five (5) points on offences in Co-opera tive (S ection-107)10 PAPER – II The following portions from the Mizoram State Cooperative Societies R ules, 2014 as a mended from time to time shall be included in this Pa per: Marks 1.Eight (8) points of Duties on Inspection of Documents for registered Coopera tive Societies (Rule 17)10 2.Duties of R egister ed C oop erative Societ ies (Ru le 24 & 26)10 i) Rest riction on Issue of Loan – 5 marks ii) Provision for Fluid resou rces or Liquid cover s – 5 marks 3.Mana gement of Properties and Funds (Rule 49 & 50)10 i) Reser ve Funds – (5 ma rks) ii) Distribution of Net Profit – (5 marks) 4.Audit (Rule 63 & 66)10 i) Procedure of Audit - 5 marks ii) Audit fee – 5 marks 5.Rights and Liabilit ies of members of Registered Cooperative Society (Rule 14 & 15)10 i) Rights and Duties of the members – 5 marks ii) Liabilities of members – 5 marks 6.Winding up and Liquidation of Cooperative (Rule 87)10 Issue of summons, Notice etc, by a liquidator- 5 -Ex-387/2016 7.Management of Cooperative Society (Rule 30 & 31)10 i) Quorum of the meeting - 5 marks ii) Voting in meeting of Genera l Assembly – 5 marks 8.Five (5) points of exemption from compulsory registration (Rule 43)10 9.Rest riction on Borr owing of Cooperative S ociety (Rule 23 (1) & (2))10 10. Procedure of Inquiry under Section 91 and Inspection under Section 92 (Rule 72)10 PAPER – III The following portions fr om the Mizoram State Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 and the Mizoram State Cooperative Societies Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time shall be included in this Pa per: Mar ks 1.Ten importa nt points on P owers and Duties of auditor (Section-87)20 2.Rectification of defects in accounts (Section-90)10 3.Election (Rules No-33)30 4.Preparation of Tra ding, P rofit & Loss Account and Ba lance S heet40 in line with pract ices of the Mizoram Coopera tive Societies AccountingPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 6 - Ex-387/2016

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