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Aizawl khawpui chhunga Taxi service te intlanchhawk, Co-ordination Committee on Traffic Management, Dt. 27.7.2016 in a lo rel angin 1st September, 2016 atanga Aizawl khawpui chhunga Taxe service te intlanchhawk turin thupek ka chhuah e. Taxi intlanchhawk chungchangah a hnuaia mite hi zawm ngei tur a ni ang.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 352Date - 21/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 21.9.2016 Bhadrapada 30, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 352 NOTIFICATIONNo.RO/TRF/SP-Noti-7/08/987, the 11th August, 2016. Mizoram State Sorkar Notification No. B. 12021/10/04-TRP Dt. 22.8.2008 leh Section 115 of MV Act, 1988-in thuneihna min pek angin, kei a hnuaia hming ziaktu/sign-tu hian Aizawl khawpui chhunga lirthei tawt lutuk tih ziaawm nan leh mipui vantlang him nan leh remchanna tura Aizawl khawpui chhunga Taxi service te intlanchhawk, Co-ordination Committee on Traffic Management, Dt. 27.7.2016 in a lo rel angin 1st September, 2016 atanga Aizawl khawpui chhunga Taxe service te int lanchha wk turin thupek ka chhuah e. Taxi intlanchhawk chungchangah a hnuaia mit e hi zawm ngei tur a ni ang. 1.Aiza wl khawpui chhunga Ta xi-te chu Group thum (3) ah then a ni a. Taxi hmun thuma thena hmun khat (1/3) nitin an inchawlh chhawk ang. 2.Taxe chu Sticker A, B&C hma ngin thliar hr an a ni ang. 3.Taxi intlanchhawk Timing chu hetia ng hi a ni : a ) 08:30 AM - 5:30 PMThla sik (November - February) b) 08:30 AM - 6:30 PMNipui (March - October) 4.Taxi intlanchhawk hi Monday to Saturday, working days-ah hman tur a ni a , intla nchhawk hian Sunday leh Sorkar in chawlh alo puan lawk tawh sa te a huam lo ang, Saturday (Inr inni) b ikah chua n intlanchhawk hian Cha whnu da r 1:00 PM thleng chauh a huam ang. 5.Sticker hi A - a sen, B - a pawl, C - a hringin siam ani ang. 6.Taxi hnung lam leh hmalama h Sticker-te hi bel tur a ni a , a hma lamah chuan fra me chunglam atanga inches ruk (6) leh veilam sir frame atanga inches ruk (6 ) ah tar tur a ni. Tin, a hnunglam darthlalanga h chuan a lai takah ta r tur a ni. 7.Stand-wise in Taxi-te hi Aizawl City Tr affic Station/Control Room-a h an in report tur a ni. Taxi hi stand-wise in Group thum (3) ah then tur a ni. 8.Stand neilo (Taxi stand welfare member ni velo) te chu Aizawl City Tra ffic St ation/Control Room- ah in report tur a ni a, in report te chu Group thum (3) ah then an ni ang. 9.Taxi intlanchhawk dan tur r uahmanna (Table) hi thla li (4) zel a tan sia m a ni a ng a, chu chu Stand Welfare hruaituten OC/TI, Traffic Station hnen atangin an la m thin ang. 10.Taxi sticker hi mahni Taxi documents felfai tak kengin Aizawl C ity Tra ffic St ation/Control Room- ah Driver emaw a neitu dikta kin an lam tur a ni. - 2 - Ex-352/2016 11.Taxi intlanchhawk a nih chhung hian Sticker-te hi document pawima wh tak a ni a, Taxi Sticker neilo/bel lo tan Aizawl khawpui chhungah Service/tlan phal a ni lo. 12.Taxi Sticker chhia chu a chhiat dan ang a ngin Aizawl City Traffic Station/Control Room-ah kengin a thar in a n thla k thei ang. 13.Taxi sticker hi ni 11.8.2016 atangin Aizawl City Traffic Station/Control Room-ah lam theih a ni ang. Sticker lam tur te chuan August thla chhu ng ngeiin lam vek tur a ni. 14.Sticker lem siam leh hmangtute, intlanchha wk dan bawhchhiate chu 179 MV Act hma ngin hrem an ni a ng. He Order/Notification hi thu leh awm hma chu 1st September, 2016 ata nga hma n a ni ang. C. Lalthanmawia, MPS, Superintendent of Police, Traffic : Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of P.C. Thanglura S/o Dailova (L), Darlawn, Aizawl District, Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 353Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 353 AFFIDAVITI, P.C. Tha nglura S/o Dailova (L ), R/o Darlawn, Aizawl Distr ict, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bona fide citizen of India. 2.That in my Service Documents my name has been r ecorded as Tha nglura whereas it has been recorded as P.C. Thanglura in my other important documents which is corr ect. 3.That the names P.C. Thanglura and Thanglura are the same name which stands for me and on beha lf of me. 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to clarify that my true and correct name is P.C. Thanglura and not Thanglura as has been written and r ecorded in my Service Documents. 5.That the ma tters stated in paras No. 1 to 4 above are true to the best of my personal knowledge and belief. In witness whereof I put my hand a nd sign this the 9th day of September, 2016. Sd/- DEPONENT Ident ified by me:Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- VanlalfelaLalramhlunaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocateNo. 18/09 Aizawl, MizoramNota ry PublicDate 9.09.2016 Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Adoption of Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Rules, 2008, Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014 and Transplantation of Human Organs Amendment Act, 2011

VOL - XLVISSUE - 354Date - 23/09/2016

-1 -Ex-354/2016 The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 354 NOTIFICATIONNo.Z. 11019/1/2014-HFW, the 24th August, 2016. In pursuance t o the a pproval of the Council of Ministers in its meeting on 7th April, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify “The Adoption of Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Rules, 2008, Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014 and Tra nsplantation of Human Organs Amendment Act, 2011” with effect from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 27th March, 2014. G.S.R. 218 (E).— In exercise of the powers conferr ed by section 2 4 of the Transplantation of Huma n Organs Act, 1994 (42 of 1994) and in supersession of the Transplantation of Human Organs Rules, 1995, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersess ion, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1 . Shor t title and commencement — (1) These rules may be called the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions: - In t hese rules unless the context otherwise requires, (a) “Act” means the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994; (b) “cadaver(s)”, “orga n(s)” a nd “tissue(s)” means human cadaver(s), human organ(s ) and human tiss ue(s), r espectively; (c)“ competent a uthority” means the Head of t he institution or hospital ca rrying out transplanta tion or committee constituted by the head of the instit ution or hospit al for the purpose; (d) “For m” means a For m annexed to these rules; - 2 - Ex-354/2016 (e) National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) means the autonomous body established under the aegis of Depar tment of Science and Technology, Government of India with the objective to provide Government, Regulators a nd Industry with a scheme of laboratory accreditation through thir d-party assess ment for formally recognising the technical competence of la borator ies and the accreditation services ar e provided for testing and calibra tion of medica l la bor ator ies in accor da nce wit h Inter na tiona l Or ga nisation for Sta nda rdisation (ISO) Standa rds; (f) “the technician who can enucleate cornea” means the technician with any of the following qualifications and experience who can harvest corneas (enucleate eyeballs or excise corneas), namely:- (i) Ophthalmologists possessing a Doct or of Medicine (M.D) or Master of Surgery (M.S ) in Ophthalmology or Diploma in Ophtha lmology (D.O.); and (ii) registered Doctors from all recognised systems of medicine, Nurses, Paramedical Ophthalmic Assistant, Ophthalmic Assistant, Optometrists, Refractionists, Paramedical Worker or Medical Technician with recognised qualification from all recognised systems of medicine, provided the person is duly trained to enucleate a donated cornea or eye from registered, authorised and functional eye Bank or Government medical college and, the training certificate should mention tha t he ha s acquired the requir ed skills to independently conduct enucleation of the eye or remova l of cornea from a cada ver; (g) words and expressions used and not defined in these rules, but defined in the Act, shall have the same meanings, respectively, assigned to them in the Act. 3 . Author ity for removal of huma n or gans or tissues.—Subject to the provisions of Section 3 of the Act, a living person may authorise the removal of a ny orga n or tissue of his or her body during his or her lifetime as per prevalent medical practices, for therapeutic p urposes in the manner and on such conditions as specified in Form 1, 2 and 3. 4 . Panel of experts for brain-stem death certification.—For the purpose of certifying the brain- stem death, the Appropriate Authority shall maintain a panel of experts, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, to ensure efficient functioning of the Board of Medical Experts and it remains fully operational. 5 . Duties of the registered medical practitioner.— (1)The registered medica l pr actit ioner of t he hospital having Int ensive Care Unit facility, in consultation with tra nsplant coordinator, if availa ble, shall ascertain, after certification of br ain stem death of the person in Intensive Car e Unit, from his or her adult near relative or, if near relative is not available, then, any other person related by blood or marriage, and in case of unclaimed body, from the person in lawful possession of the body the following, namely:- (a ) whether the person had, in the pr esence of two or more witness es (at least one of who is a near relative of such person), unequivocally a uthorised befor e his or her death as specified in Form 7 or in documents like driving license, etc. wherein the provision for donation may be incorpor ated after notification of these rules, the removal of his or her organ(s) or tissue(s) including eye, a fter his or her death, for therapeutic purposes and t here is no reason to believe that the person had subsequently revoked the aforesaid authorisation; (b) where the sa id authorisation was not made by the person to dona te his or her organ(s) ortissue(s) after his or her death, then the regist ered medical pr actitioner in consultation with the transplant coor dinator, if available, shall make the near relative or person in lawfu l possession of the body, awar e of the option to authorise or decline the donation of such human organs or tissues or both (which can be used for therapeutic purposes) including eye or cornea of the deceased person and a declaration or a uthorisation to this effect shall be ascer tained from the near relative or person -3 -Ex-354/2016 in lawful possession of the body as per Form 8 to record the status of consent, and in case of an unclaimed body, authorisa tion shall be made in Form 9 by the author ised official as per sub- section (1) of section 5 of the Act; (c ) after the near relative or person in lawful possession of the body authorises remova l and gives cons ent for donation of human orga n(s) or tissue(s) of the decea sed person, the registered medical practitioner through the transplant coordinator shall inform the authorised registered Human Organ Retr ieval Centre through authorised coordinating orga nisation by available documentable mode of communica tion, for removal, storage or transportation of organ(s) or tissue(s). (2) The above mentioned duties shall also apply to the registered medica l pract itioner working in an Intensive Care Unit in a hospital not registered under this Act, from the date of notifica tion of t hese r u les. (3) The registered medical practitioner shall, before removing any human organ or tissue fr om a living donor, shall satisfy himself (a ) that the donor has been explained of all possible side effects, haza rds and complications and that the donor has given his or her authorisation in appropriate Form 1 for near relative donor or Form 2 for spousal donor or For m 3 for donor other than nea r relative; (b) that the physical a nd mental evaluation of the donor has been done, he or she is in pr oper state of health and it has been certified that he or she is not menta lly cha llenged and tha t he or she is fit to donate the organ or tissue: Provided that in case of doubt regarding mentally challenged status of the donor the registered medical pra ctitioner may get the donor examined by a psychia trist a nd the registered medical practitioner shall sign the certificate a s prescribed in Form 4 for this purpose; (c ) that the donor is a near relative of the recipient, as certified in For m 5, and that he or she has submitted a n application in Form 11 jointly with the r ecipient and that the proposed donation has been approved by the competent author ity as defined at rule 2(c) and specified in Form 1 9 a nd t ha t t he neces s a ry docu ment s a s p r es cr ib ed a nd medica l t es t s , as r equ ir ed, t o det er mine the factum of near relationship, have been examined to t he satisfaction of the registered medical pra ctitioner and the competent author ity; (d) that in case the recipient is spouse of the donor, the donor ha s given a statement to the effect that they a re so related by signing a certificate in Form 2 and has submitted an application in Form 11 jointly wit h the r ecipient and that the proposed donation has been approved by the competent authority under the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 7; ( e) that in case of a donor who is other tha n anear relative and has signed Form 3 and submitted an a pplication in F orm I1 jointly with the recipient, the permission from the Authorisa tion Committee for the said donation has been obtained; (f) that if a donor or recipient is a foreign national, the appr oval of the Authorisa tion Committee for the said donation has been obtained; (g) living organ or tissue donation by minors shall not be permitted except on exceptional medical grounds to be recorded in detail with full justification and with prior approval of the Appropriate Authority and the S tate Government concerned. (4) A registered medica l pract itioner, before removing any organ or tissue from the body of a person after his or her death (deceased donor), in consultation with tr ansplant coordinator, shall satisfy himself the following, namely: (a ) that caution has been taken to make inquiry, from near relative or person in lawful possession of the body of a person admitted in Intensive Car e Unit, only after certification of Brain Stem death of the person that the donor had, in the presence of two or more witnesses (at least one of whom is a near relative of such person),unequivocally authorised before his or her death as specified in F orm 7 or in documents like dr iving license etc. (wher ein the provision for dona tion ma y be incorpora ted after notification of these rules), the remova l of - 4 - Ex-354/2016 his or her organ(s ) or tissue(s) after his or her dea th, for therapeutic purposes and it has been ascerta ined that the donor ha s not subsequently revoked the aforesaid authorisation, and the cons ent of near relative or person in la wful possession of the body shall also be required notwithstanding the authorisation been made by deceased donor: Provided that if the deceased person who had earlier given authorisation but had revoked it subsequently and if the person had given in wr iting that his organ should not be removed after his death, then, no organ or tissue will be removed even if consent is given by the near relative or person in lawful possession of the body; (b) that the nea r relative of the deceased person or the per son lawfully in possession of the body of the deceased donor has signed the declaration as specified in For m 8. (c ) that in the case of brain-stem death of the potential donor, a certificate a s specified in Form 10 has been signed by all the members of the Boa rd of Medical Experts referred to in sub- section (6) of section 3 of the Act: Provided that wher e a neur ologist or a neurosur geon is not available, an anesthetist or intensivist who is not pa rt of the transplant t eam nominated by the head of the hospital duly empa nelled by Appr opriate Authority may certify the br ain stem death as a member of the said Board; (d) that in the case of brain-stem death of a person of less than eighteen years of age, a certificate specified in Form 10 has been signed by all the members of the Boar d of Medical Experts referred to in sub-section (6) of section 3 of the Act and an authority as specified in Form 8 has been signed by either of t he parents of such p erson or any near relative authorised by the par ent. 6 . Procedure for donation of organ or tissue in medicolegal cases. —(1) After the authority for removal of organs or tissues, as also the consent to donate organs from a bra in-stem dead donor are obtained, the registered medical pra ctitioner of t he hospital shall make a request to the Sta tion House Officer or S uperint endent of Police or Deputy Inspector Genera l of the area either directly or through the police post located in the hospita l to facilitate timely retrieval of organs or tissue from the donor and a copy of such a request should also be sent to the designated post mor tem doctor of area simultaneously. (2) It shall be ensured tha t, by retr ieving orga ns, the determination of the cause of death is not jeopar dised. (3) The medical report in resp ect of the organs or tissues being r etrieved shall be prepared at the time of retr ieval by retrieving doctor (s) and shall be taken on record in postmortem notes by the registered medical practitioner doing postmor tem. (4) Wher ever it is possible, attempt s hould be made to request the designated postmortem registered medical practit ioner, even beyond office timing, to be present at the time of orga n or tissue retrieval. (5) In case a private retrieval hospital is not doing post mortem, they shall arrange transportation of body along with medical records, after organ or tissue retrieval, to the designated postmortem centre and the post mortem centre shall undertake the postmortem of such cases on priority, even beyond office timing, so that the body is handed over to the relatives with least inconvenience. 7.Authorisation Committee.—(1)The medical practitioner who will be part of the organ transpla ntation team for ca rrying out tra nsplantation operation shall not be a member of the Authorisation Committee cons tituted under the provisions of clauses (a) a nd (b) of sub-s ection(4) of section 9 of the Act. (2) When the pr oposed donor or recipient or both ar e not Indian nationals or citizens whether near relatives or otherwise, the Authorisation Committee shall consider all such requests and the transplanta tion shall not be permitted if the recipient is a foreign national and donor is an Indian national unless they are nea r relatives. -5 -Ex-354/2016 (3) When the pr oposed donor a nd the recipient are not near relatives, the Authorisation Committee shall,- (i) evaluate that there is no commercial tra nsaction between the r ecipient and the donor and that no payment ha s been made to the donor or promised to be made to the donor or any other person; (ii) prepare an explana tion of the link between them and the circu mstances which led to the offer being made; (iii) examine the reasons why the donor wishes to donate; (iv) examine the documentary evidence of the link, e.g. proof that they have lived together, etc.; (v) examine old photogr aphs showing the donor and the recipient together; (vi) evaluate tha t there is no middleman or tout involved; (vii) evaluate that financial status of the donor and the recipient by asking them to give appropriate evidence of their vocation and income for the previous t hree financial years a nd any gross disparity between the sta tus of the two must be evalua ted in the backdrop of the objective of preventing commercial dealing; (viii) ensu re that the donor is not a drug addict; (ix) ensu re that the near relative or if near relative is not available, a ny adult person related to donor by blood or marriage of the proposed unrelated donor is interviewed regarding awareness about his or her intention to donate an organ or tissue, the authenticity of the link between the donor and the recipient, and the reasons for donation, and any strong views or disagreement or objection of such kin shall also be recorded and taken note of. (4) Cases of swap donation referred to under subsection (3A) of section 9 of the Act shall be appr oved by Authorisation Committee of hospital or district or State in which transplantation is proposed to be done and the donation of organs shall be permissible only from near r elatives of the swap recipients. (5) When the recipient is in a critical condition in need of life saving organ transplantation within a week, the donor or r ecipient may approach hospita l in-char ge to exp edite eva lua tion by the Authorisation Committee. 8 . Removal and preservation of organs or tissues.— The removal of the organ(s) or tissue(s) shall be permissible in any registered retrieval or transplant hospital or centre and preserva tion of such removed organ(s) or tissue(s) sha ll be ensured in registered retrieval or tr ansplant centr e or tissue bank according tocurr ent and accepted scientific methods in order to ensur e viability for the pur pose of tr ansplanta tion. 9 . Cost for maintenance of cadaver or retrieval or transpor tation or preservation of organs or tissues.—Thecost for ma intenance of the cadaver (bra in-stem dead declared person), retrieval of organs or tissues, their transportation and preserva tion, shall not be bor ne by the donor family and may be borne by the recipient or instit ution or Government or non-Government organisation or society as decided by the respective State Gover nment or Union territory Administration. 10 . Application for living donor transplantation.—(1) T he donor and the recipient shall make jointly an a pplication to grant approval for removal and transplantation of a human organ, to the competent authority or Authorisation Committee as specified in F orm 11 and the papers for appr oval of tra nsplantation would be processed by the registered medical practitioner and administrative division of t he Institution for transplantation. (2) The competent authority or Author isation Committee shall take a decision on such application in accordance with the rule 18. - 6 - Ex-354/2016 (3) If some Sta te wants to merge For m I1 with Form 1, For m 2 or Form 3, they may do so, provided the content of the recommended F orms ar e cover ed in t he merged Form and the same is appr oved by the Sta te Government concerned. 11.Composition of Authorisation Committees.—(1)There shall be one State level Authorisation Committee. (2) Additional Authorisation Committees in the districts or Institutions or hospita ls may be set up as per norms given below, which may be revised from time to time by the concerned State Government or Union territory Administration by notification. (3) No member from tra nsplant team of the institution should be a member of the respective Authorisation Committee. (4) Authorisation Committee should be hospit al based if the number of tra nsplants is twenty five or more in a year at the respective transplantation centres, and if the number of or gan tra nsplants in an institution or hospit al a re less tha n twenty-five in a year, then the State or District level Authorisation Commit tee would grant approval(s). 12.Composition of hospital based Authorisation Committees.—The hospital based Authorisation Committee shall, as notified by the State Government in case of State and by the Union territory Administration in case of Union territory, consist of, (a ) the Medical Director or Medical Superintendent or Head of the institution or hospital or a senior medical person officiating as Head - C hairperson; (b) two senior medical practit ioners from the same hospital who are not par t of the transplant team – M emb er ; (c ) two persons (prefer ably one woman ) of high integrity, social standing and cr edibility, who have served in high ranking Government positions, such as in higher judicia ry, senior cadr e of police service or who have served as a reader or professor in University Grants Commission approved University or are self-employed professionals of repute such as lawyers, chartered accountants, doctors of Indian Medical Association, reputed non-Government organisation or renowned social worker - Member; (d) Secr etary (Health) or nominee and Director Health Services or nominee from State Government or Union territ ory Administration - Member. 13.Composition of State or District Level Authorisation Committees.—The State or District Level Authorisation Committee shall, as notified by the State Government in case of State and by the Union territory Administr ation in case of Union terr itory, consist of, (a ) a Medical Practitioner officiating as Chief Medical Officer or any other equivalent post in the main or major Government hospita l of the Distr ict – Chairperson; (b) two senior registered medical pr actitioners to be chosen from the pool of such medical practitioners who are residing in the concerned District and who are not par t of any transplant team–Member; (c ) two persons (preferably one woman) of high integrity, social standing and cr edibility, who have served in high ranking Government positions, such as in higher judicia ry, senior cadr e of police service or who have served as a reader or professor in University Grants C ommission appr oved University or are self-employed professionals of repute such a s lawyers, cha rtered accounta nts, doct ors of Indian Medical Association, reputed non-Government organisation or renowned social worker - Member; (d) Secr etary (Health) or nominee and Director Health Services or nominee from S tate Government or Union territory Administration–Member : Provided that effor t shall be made by the State Government concerned to have most of the members’ ex-officio so that the need to change the composition of Committee is less frequent. -7 -Ex-354/2016 14.Verification of residential status,etc. —When t he living donor is unr elated and if donor or recipient belongs to a State or Union territ ory, other tha n the State or Union territory where the tra nsplanta tion is proposed to be undertaken, ver ification of r esidential sta tus by Tehsilda r or any other author ised officer for the pur pose with a copy marked to the Appropriate Authorit y of the State or Union territory of domicile of donor or recipient for their information shall be required, as per For m 20 and in case of any doubt of organ trafficking, the Appropriate Authorit y of the State or Union territory of domicile or the Tehsilda r or any other authorised officer sha ll inform police depar tment for investigation and action as per the pr ovisions of the Act. 15.Quorum of Authorisation Committee.— The quorumof the Authorisation Committee should be minimum Pour and the quorum shall not be complete without the participation of the Chairman, the presence of Secretary (Health) or nominee and Director of Health Services or nominee. 1 6 . Format of a pproval of Authorisa tion Committee.—The format of the Author isation Committee appr oval should be unifor m in all the institutions in a State and (the format may be notified by the resp ective State Government as per Form 18. 17.Scrutiny of applications by Authorisation Committee.— (1)Secretariat of the Authorisation Committee shall circulate copies of all applica tions r eceived from the proposed donors and recipients to all members of the Committee along with all annexures, which may have been filed along with the applica tions. (2) At the time of the meeting, the Authorisa tion Committee should take note of all relevant cont ents and documents in t he cour se of ’ its decision making process and in the event any document or information is found to be inadequate or doubtful, explanation should be sought from the applicant and if it is considered necessary that any fact or infor mation requires to be verified in order to confirm its veracity or correctness, the same be ascertained through the concerned officer(s ) of the State Government or Union territory Administration. 18.Procedur e in case of nea r relatives .— (1 )Where the proposed transplant of organs is between near relatives related genetically, namely, gr andmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, gr andson and gra nddaughter, above the age of eighteen years, the competent authorit y as defined at rule 2(c) or Author isation Committee (in ca se donor or recipient is a foreigner) shall eva luate; (i) docu mentary evidence of relationship e.g. relevant birth certificates, marriage certificate, other relationship certificate fr om Tehsildar or Sub-divisiona l magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate or Sarpanch of the Pa nchayat, or similar other identity certificates like Electors P hoto Identity Card or AADHAAR card; and (ii) documentary evidence of identity and r esidence of the proposed donor, ration card or voters identity ca rd or passport or driving license or PAN ca rd or bank account and family photograph depicting t he proposed donor and the pr oposed recipient along with another near r elative, or similar other identity certificates like AADHAAR Card (issued byUnique Identification Authority of India). (2) If in the opinion of the competent authority, the relationship is not conclusively established a fter evaluating the above evidence, it may in its discretion direct further medical test, namely, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Profiling. (3) The test referred to in sub-rule (2) sha ll be got done from a laboratory accr edited with National Accredita tion Boa rd for Testing and Ca libration Laboratories and certifica te shall be given in For m 5. (4) If the docu mentary evidences and test referred to in sub-rules (I) and (2), respectively do not establish a genetic relationship between the donor and the recipient, the same procedure be adopted on prefera bly both or at least one parent, and if par ents ar e not a vailable, the same - 8 - Ex-354/2016 procedure be adopted on such relatives of donor a nd recipient a s are available and ar e willing to be tested, failing which, genetic relationship between the donor and the recipient will be deemed to have not been establis hed. (5) Where the pr oposed transplant is between a mar ried cou ple the competent authorit y or Authorisation Committee (in case donor or recipient is a foreigner) must evaluate the factum and duration of marriage and ensu re that documents such as marriage certificate, marriage photograph etc. are kept for records along with the infor mation on the number and age of children a nd a family photograph depicting the entire family, birth certificate of children containing the particulars of parents and issue a certificate in Form 6 (for spousal donor). (6) Any document with r egard to the pr oof of r esidence or domicile a nd particulars of parentage should be r elatable to the photo identity of the applicant in order to ensure that the documents pertain to t he same person, who is the proposed donor and in the event of any inadequate or doubtful information to this effect, the Competent Authority or Authorisation Committee as the case may be, may in its discretion seek such other information or evidence as may be expedient and desirable in the peculia r facts of the case. (7) The medical practitioner who will be pa rt of t he orga n transplantation team for carrying out transplanta tion operation shall not be a competent authority of the transplant hospital. (8) The competent authority may seek the assistance of the Authorisation Committee in its decision making, if ’ required. 19. Procedure in case of transplant other than near relatives Wher e the proposed transplant is between other than near relatives and all cases where the donor or recipient is foreign national (irrespective of them being near relative or otherwise), the approval will be granted by the Authorisation Committee of the hospital or if hospital based Authorisation Committee is not constituted, then by the District or State level Authorisation Committee. 20.Procedure in case of foreigners. When the pr oposed donor or the recipient are foreigners; (a ) a senior Embassy official of the countr y of or igin has to certify the relationship between the donor and the recipient as per Form 21 and in case a country does not have an Embassy in India, the certificate of relationship, in the same forma t, shall be issued by the Government of that country; (b) the Authorisation Committee shall examine the cases of all Indian donors consenting to donate orga ns to a foreign national (who is a near relative), including a foreign national of Indian origin, with greater caution and such ca ses should be consider ed rarely on case to case ba sis: Provided that the Indian living donors wanting to donate to a foreigner other than near relative shall not be considered. 21.Eligibility of applica ntto dona te.—In the cour se, of determining eligibility of the a pplicant to dona te, the applicant should be persona lly int erviewed by the Author isation Commit tee which shall be videographed and minutes of the interview shall be recor ded. 22.Precautions in case of woman donor. In ca se wher e the donor is a woman, greater precautions ought to be taken and her identit y a nd independent consent should be confirmed by a person other than the recipient. 23.Decision of Author isa tion Committee.— (1 ) T he Authorisation Committee (which is applicable only for living organ or tissue donor)should sta te in writing its reason for rejecting or approving the application of the proposed living donor in the prescribed F orm 18 and all such a pprovals should be subject to t he following conditions, namely:- -9 -Ex-354/2016 (i) the approved proposed donor would be subjected to all such medical tests as required at the relevant stages to determine his or her biological ca pacity and compatibility to donate the organ in question; (ii) the physical and mental evaluation of the donor has been done to know whether he or she is in p roper s tate of health and it has been certified by the registered medical practitioner in Form 4 that he or s he is not menta lly cha llenged and is fit to donate the orga n or tissue: Provided tha t in ca se of doubt for mentally challenged status of the donor the registered medical practitioner or Authorisation Committee may get the donor examined by psychiatrist; (iii) all prescribed for ms have been a nd would be filled up by all relevant persons involved in the process of transplantation; (iv) all interviews to be video recor ded. (2) The Authorisation Committee shall expedite its decision making process and use its discretion judiciously and pr agmatica lly in all such cases where, the pa tient r equires transplantation on urgent basis. (3) Every authorised transplantation centre must have its own website and the Authorisation Committee is r equired to take final decision within twenty four hours of holding the meeting for grant of permission or reject ion for transplant. (4) The decision of the Authorisation Committee should be displayed on the notice board of the hospital or Institution immediately and should reflect on the website of the hospital or Institution within twenty four hours of taking the decision, while keeping the identity of the recipient and donor hidden. 2 4 . Registration of hospital or tissue bank.— (1) An application for registr ation shall be made to the Appropriate Authority as specified in Form 12 or Form 13 or Form 14 or Form 15, as applicable and the application shall be accompanied by fee as specified below, payable to the Appropriate Authority by means of a bank draft, which may be revised, if necessary by the Centra l or State Government, as the case may be:- (i) for Organ or Tissue or Cornea Transplant Centre: R upees ten thousand; (ii) for Tissue or Eye Bank: Rupees ten thousand; (iii) for Non-Tra nsplant Retrieval Centre: Nil. (2) The Appropriate Authority shall, after holding an inquiry and after satisfying itself that the applicant has complied with all the requir ements, grant a certificate of registration as specified in For m 16 and it shall be va lid for a period of five years from the da te of its issue and shall be renewable. (3) Before a hospital is registered under the provisions of this rule, it shall be mandatory for the hospital to appoint a transplant coordina tor. 25 . Renewal of registration of hospital or tissue bank.— (1)An applica tion for the renewal of a certificate of registration shall be made to the Appropr iate Authority at least three months prior to the date of expiry of t he original certificate of registration and shall be accompa nied by a fee as specified below, payable to the Appropr iate Authority by means of a ba nk dr aft, which may be revised, if necessary by the Central or State Government, a s the case may be, (i) for Organ or Tissue or Cornea Tr anspla nt Centre: Rupees five thousand; (ii) for Tissue or Eye Bank: Rupees five thousand; (iii) for Non-Tra nsplant Retrieval Centre: Nil. (2) A renewal certifica te of r egistra tion shall be a s specified in Form 17 and shall be valid for a period of five years. (3) If, after an inquir y inclu ding inspection of the hospita l or tissue bank and s crutiny of its past performance and after giving an opportunity to the applicant, the Appropriate Authority is satisfied that the applicant, since grant of certificate of registration under sub-rule (2) of rule 24 has not - 10 - Ex-354/2016 complied with the r equirements of the Act and these rules and the conditions subject to which the certificate of registration has been gra nted, shall, for reasons to be recor ded in writing, refuse to grant renewal of t he certificate of registration. 26. Conditions and standar ds for grant of cer tifica te of registra tion for or gan or tissue transplantation centres.—(I) No hospital shall be granted a cer tificate of registration for or gan transplantation unless it fulfills the following conditions and standards, namely: A.Gener al manpower requir ement specia lised services and facilities: (a ) Twenty-four hours a vailability of medical and surgical, (senior and junior) staff; (b) twenty-four hours availability of nursing staff (gener al and specialt y trained); (c ) twenty-four hours a vailability of Intensive Care Units with adequate equipment staff and support system, including specialists in a nesthesiology and intensive care; (d) twenty-four hours availability of blood bank (in house or access) , laboratory with multiple discipline testing facilities including but not limited to Microbiology, Bio-Chemistry, Pathology,-Hematology and Radiology depar tments with tra ined st aff; ( e) twenty-four hours a vaila bilit y of Opera tion T heater facilities (OT facilities) for pla nned and emergency procedur es with adequa te staff, support system and equipment; (f) twenty-four hours availability of communication system, with power backup, including but not limited to multiple line telephones, public telephone systems, fax, computers and paper photo- imaging machine; (g) experts (other than the experts requir ed for the relevant transplantation) of relevant a nd associated specialties including but not limited to and depending upon the requirements, the experts in internal medicine, diabetology, ga str oent erology, nephr ology, neur ology, pediatr ics, gynecology, immunology and cardiology, etc., sha ll be a vailable in the transplantation centre; (h) one medical expert for respective organ or tissue transplant shall be available in the transplantation hospita l; and (i) Huma n Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) matching facilities (in house or outsourced) shall be availa ble. B . Equipments: Equipments as per current and expected scientific requirements specific t o orga n (s) or tissue (s) being transplanted and the transplant centre should ensure the availa bility of the accessor ies, spare- parts and ba ck-up, maintenance and service suppor t system in relation t o all r elevant equipments. C . Experts and their qualifications: (a ) Kidney Transplantation: M.S. (Gen.) Surgery or equivalent qualification with three years post M.S. training in a recognised transplant center in India or abroad and having attended to adequate number of renal transplantation as an active member of team; (b) Transplanta tion of liver a nd other abdominal organs: M.S. (Gen.) Surgery or equivalent qualification with three years post M.S. experience in the specialit y and having one year training in the respective organ transplantation as an active member of t eam in an esta blished transplant center; (c ) Cardiac, Pulmonary, Cardin-Pulmonary Transplantation: M.Ch. Cardio-thoracic and vascular surgery or equivalent qualification in India or abroad with at lea s t thr ee yea rs’ experience as a n active member of the team perfor ming an adequate nu mber of open hear t opera tions per year and well-versed with C oronary by-pass surgery and Heart- valve surgery; -11 -Ex-354/2016 (d) the hospita l registered under Clinical Establishment (R egistration and Regula tion) Act, 2010 (23 of 2010) shall also follow the minimum standards prescribed in respect of ma npower, equipment, etc. , as pr escribed under that Act; ( e) the hospita l regist ered shall have to ma intain documentation a nd records including r eporting of adverse events. (2) No hospital shall be granted a certificate of registr ation for tissue transplanta tion under the Act unless it fulfills the following conditions and standar ds, namely: (a ) Cornea Transplantation: M.D. or M.S. or Diploma (DO) in ophthalmology or equivalent qualification with three months post M.D. or M.S or DO tr aining in Corneal tra nsplant operations in a recognised hospita l or institution; (b) Other tissues such as heart valves, skin, bone, etc.: Post gradua te degree (MD or MS) or equivalent qualification in the respective specialty with three months post M.D. or M.S tra ining in a recognised hospit al carr ying out respective tissue transplant operations and for hear t valve transplantation, and t he qualification and experience of expert sha ll be MCh degr ee in Car diothora cic and Va scular Surgery (CTVS) or equiva lent qualification with three months post MCh training in a recognised hospital carrying out heart valve transplantation; (C) the Hospita l registered under Clinical Establishment (R egistra tion and Regulation) Act, 2010(23 of 2010) shall also follow the minimum standards prescribed in respect of ma npower, equipment, etc. , as pr escribed under that Act; (d) the Hospita l regist ered shall have to maintain documentation a nd records including r eporting of adverse events. 27 . Conditions and standa rds for gr ant of certificate of r egistr ation for or ga n retr ieva l centres. — (1) The retrieval center shall be registered only for the purpose of retrieval of organ from deceased donors and the orga n retrieval centre shall be a hospital having Intensive Care Unit (ICU) facilities along with manpower, infra structur e and equipment as required to diagnose and maintain the brain-stem dead person and to retr ieve and transport organs and tissues including the facility for their tempor ary stor age. (2) All hospita ls registered a s transplant centres shall automatica lly qua lify as retrieval centres. (3) The retrieval centr e should have linkages with nearby Government hospital designated for post-mortem, for r etrieval in medico-legal ca ses. (4) Registration of hospital for sur gical t issue ha rvesting from deceased person and for surgical tissue residues, that are r outinely discar ded, sha ll not be required. 28.Conditions and standards for grant of certificate of registration for tissue banks. A . Facility a nd pr emises: (1) Facilities must conform to the sta ndards and guidelines laid down for the purpose and the States and Union territories may have separate registr ation fee and procedur e to keep track of their tissue bank activities. (2) The respective Sta te or Union territory Appropr iate Authority may constitute an expert committee for advising on the ma tter related to tissue specific standards a nd related issues. (3) The tissue bank must have written guidelines and standar d opera ting pr ocedures for maintenance of its premises and facilities which include (a) controlled access; (b) cleaning and maintenance systems; - 12 - Ex-354/2016 (c) waste disposal; (d) health and safety of staff; ( e) risk assess ment pr otocol; and (f) follow up protocol. (4) Equipments a s per s cientific requirements specific to tissue (s) being procured, processed, st or ed and distributed and the tissue bank should ensure the availability of the accessories, spare-parts and back-up, maint enance and service support for all equipments. (5) Air par ticle count a nd microbial colony count complia nce shall be ensured for safet y where neces sary. (6) Stor age area shall be designated to avoid conta ct with chemicals or atmospheric contamina tion and any known source of infection. (7) Stor age facility shall be separate and distinguish tissues, held in quarantine, released and rejected. B . Donor screening: (8) Complete screening of donor must be conducted including medical or social history and serological evaluation for medical conditions or disease processes that would contraindicate the donation of tissues and the report of corneas or eyes not found suitable for tra nsplantation a nd their alternate use shall be certified by a committee of t wo Ophthalmologists. C . Laboratory tests: (9) Facility for relevant Laboratory tests for blood and tissue samples shall be availa ble and testing of blood and tissue samples shall begin at Donor Screening and continue during retrieval and throughout processing. D . Procur ement and other procedures: (10) Procurement of tissue must be car ried out by registered health care pr ofessionals or technicians having necessary experience or special training. (11) Consent for the procurement shall be obtained. (12) Procurement records shall be maintained. (13) Standard op erating procedure for following sha ll be followed, namely : (a ) procurement or Retr ieval a nd transplantation; (b) processing and sterilisation; (c ) packaging, labeling and stor age; (d) distribution or allocation; ( e) transportation; and (f) reporting of serious adverse reactions. E . Documentation and R ecords: (14) A log of tissue received and distr ibuted shall be mainta ined to enable traceability fr om the donor to the tissue and the tissue to the donor and the recor ds shall also indicate the da tes and the identities of the staff performing specific steps in the removal or processing or distribution of the tissues. F. Data Protection and Confidentiality: (15) A unique donor identification number sha ll be used for each donor, a nd access to donor records sha ll be r estric ted. G. Quality Management: (16) The Quality Management System shall define quality control procedures that include the following, namely: -13 -Ex-354/2016 (a ) environmental monitoring; (b) equipment maintenance and monitor ing; (c ) in –process controls monitor ing; (d) internal audits including reagent and supply monitor ing; ( e) compliance with reference standards, local regulations, quality manuals or documented standard operating procedures; and (f) monitoring work environment. H . Recipient Information: (17) All tissue recipients shall be followed up and prompt a nd appr opriate corrective and preventive actions taken in case of adverse events. 29.Qualification,role, etc., of transplant coordinator.— (1)The transplant coordinator shall be an employee of the registered hospital having qua lification such as: (a ) graduate of any recognised system of medicine; or (b) Nurse; or (c ) Bachelor ’s degree in any subject and preferably Master ’s degree in Social work or Psychiatry or Sociology or Social Science or Public Health (2) The concerned organisation or institute shall ensure initial induction training followed by retraining at periodic interval and the transplant coordinator shall counsel and encourage the family members or near relatives of the deceased person to donate the human organ or tissue including eye or cornea and coordina te the process of donation and transplantation. (3) The transplant coor dinator or cou nselor in a hospital r egistered for eye banking shall also have qualification specified in sub-rule (1). 30. Advisory committee of the Central or State Government to aid and advise appropriate authority.— (1)The Central Government and the State Government, as the case may be, shall cons titute by notification an Advisory Committee under Chair personship of administrative expert not below the rank of Secreta ry to the State Gover nment for a period of two years to aid and advise the Appr opriate Authority and the two medical experts refer red to in clause(b) of sub-section(2) of section 13A of the Act sha ll possess a postgraduate medical degree and at least five years’ experience in the field of or gan or tissue transplantation. (2) The terms a nd conditions for appointment to the Advisory Committee ar e as under: (a ) the Chairperson and members of the Committee shall be appointed for a period of two years; (b) the Chairperson and members of the Committee sha ll be entitled to the air far e and other allowances to attend the meeting of the Committee equivalent to the officer of the level of the Joint Secretary to the Government of India; (c ) the Central Government or State Government or Union territory Adminis tration shall have full powers to replace or remove the Cha irperson and the members in cases of charges of corr uption or any other charges after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard; (d) the Chairperson and members can also resign from the Committee for personal reasons; ( e) there shall not be a corruption or criminal case pending against Chairperson and members at the time of appointment; (f) the Chairperson or any of the members sha ll cease to function if charges have been fr amed against him or her in a corruption or cr iminal case aft er having been given a reasonable opportunit y of being heard. 3 1 . Ma nner of establishing Na tiona l or Regional or State Human Organs a nd Tissues Removal and Storage Networks and their functions.— (1)There shall be an apex national networking orga nisation at the centre, as the Centra l Government may by notification specify. - 14 - Ex-354/2016 (2) There shall also be regional and S tate level networking organisa tions where lar ge number of transplantation of organ(s) or tissue (s) are performed as the Central Government may by notification specify. (3) The State units would be linked to hospita ls, orga n or tissuematching laboratories and tissue banks within their area and also to regional and nationa l networ king or ganisations. (4) The broad p rinciples of organ allocation and s haring shall be as under, (a ) The website of the transpla ntation center shall be linked to Sta te or Regional cum State or National networks through an online system for organ procurement, sharing and transplantation. (b) patient or recipient may get registered through any tr ansplant centr e, but only one centr e of a State or r egion (if there is no centre in the State) and his or her details shall be made available online to the networking orga nisations, who shall a llocate the registration number, which shall remain same even if patient changes hospital; (c ) the allocation of the orga n to be shared, is to be decided by the Sta te networking organiza tion and by the National networking organization in ca se of Delhi; (d) all recipients are to be listed for requests of organs from deceased donors, however priority is to be given in following order, namely:- (i) those who do not ha ve any suitable living donor among near relatives; (ii) those who have a suitable living donor a vailable among near r elatives but the donor has refused in writing to donate; and (iii) those who have a suitable living donor a vailable a nd who has also not r efused to donate in writing; ( e) sequence of allocation of organs shall be in following order: S tate list--—Regional List National List—- Person of Indian Origin ——Foreigner; (f) the online system of networking and framework and formats of national registry as mentioned under rule 32 shall be developed by the apex networking organisation which shall be followed by t he States Governments or Union territory Administra tions a nd the allocation crit eria may be State specific which shall be fina lised and deter mined by the State Government, in cons ultation with the State level networking organisation, wherever such organisa tion exists: Provided that the organ sharing and networking policy of States or locations of hospitals shall not be binding on the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) and the a rmed forces shall be free to ha ve their own policy of organ or tissue allocation a nd sharing, and the Director General Ar med Forces Medical Services sha ll have its own networ king between the Armed Forces Medical Services hospit als, who shall b e permitted to a ccept orga ns when availa ble from hospitals with in their S tate jurisdict ion. (5) The networking organisations shall coordinate retrieval, storage, transportation, matching, allocation and transplantation of organs and tissues and shall develop norms and standard operating procedures for such activities and for tissues to the extent possible. (6) The networking orga nisations shall coordinate with resp ective State Government for establis hing new transpla nt and retrieval centr es and tissue banks and strengthening of existing ones. (7) There shall be designated organ and tissue retr ieval t eams in State or Distr ict or institution as per requirement, to be constit uted by the State or Regional networ king or ganisation. (8) For tissueretrieval, the retrieval teamsshall be formed by the State Government or Union territory Administra tion where ever required. (9) Networking shall be e-ena bled and accessible through dedicated webs ite. (10) Reference or allocation criteria would be developed and updated regularly by networking orga nisations in consultation with the Central or State Gover nment, a s the case may be. (11) The networking organisation(s) shall undertake Infor mation Education and Communication (IEC) Activities for promotion of deceased organ and tissue donation. -15 -Ex-354/2016 (12) The networking organisation(s) shall maintain and update organ or tissue Donation and Transplant Registry a t respective level. 32. Information to be included in National Registry regarding donors and recipients of human organ and tissue.—The national registr y shall be based on the following, namely: Organ Transplant Registry: (1) The Organ Transplant Registry shall include demographic data a bout the patient, donor, hospitals, recipient a nd donor follow up details, transpla nt wait ing lis t, etc. , and the data shall b e collected from all retrieval and transpla nt centers. (2) Data collect ion frequency, etc., will be as per the norms decided by the Advisory Committee which may preferably be through a web-based interface orpaper submission a nd the informa tion shall be ma intained both specific organ wise and also in a consolida ted for mat. (3) The hospita l or Institution shall update its website r egularly in respect of the total number of the transplantations done in that hospital or instit ution a long with reasonable deta il of each transplanta tion and the sa me data should be accessible for compilation, analysis and further use by authorised persons of respective State Governments and Central Government. (4) Yearly reports shall be published and also shared with the contributing units and other stakeholders and key events (new patients, deaths and transplants) shall be notified as soon as they occur in the hospital and this information shall be sent to the respective networking organisation, at least monthly. Organ Donation Registry: (5) The Organ Donation Registry shall include demogra phic information on donor (both living and deceased), hospita l, height and weight, occupation, pr imary cause of death in case of deceased donor, associated medical illnesses, relevant laboratory tests, donor maintenance deta ils, driving license or a ny other document of pledging donation, dona tion requested by whom, transplant coordinator, organs or tissue retrieved, outcome of donated organ or tissue, details of recipient, etc. Tissue Registry: (6) The Tissue Registr y shall include demographic information on the tissue donor, sit e of tissue retrieval or donation, pr imar y cause of death in case of deceased donor, donor ma intenance deta ils in case of brain stem dead donor, associa ted medical illnesses, relevant labor atory tests, driving license or any other docu ment pledging donation, donation requested by whom, identit y of counsellors, tissue(s) or organ(s) retr ieved, demogra phic da ta about the tissue r ecipient, hospital conducting transplantation, transplant waiting list and prior ity list for cr itical patients, if t hese exist, indication(s) for transpla nt, outcome of transplanted tissue, etc. (7) Yearly reports in respect of National Registry shall be published and also shared with the cont ributing units and other stakeholders Pledge for organ or tissue donation after death: (8) Those persons, who, during their lifetime have pledged to donate their organ(s) or tissue(s) a fter their death, shall in Form 7 deposit it in paper or electronic mode to the respective networ king orga nisation(s) or institution where the pledge is made, who shall forward the sa me with the resp ective networking orga nisation and the pledger has the option to withdraw the pledge thr ough intimation. (9) The Registry will b e accessible on-line through dedicated website and shall be in conformation to globally ma intained registry (ies), besides ha ving national, regiona l and State level specificities. (10) National or regiona l regist ry shall be compiled based on similar registr ies at State level. (11) The identity of the people in the database shall not be put in public domain and measures shall be taken to ensure security of all collected information. (12) The information to be included shall be updated as per prevalent global practices from time to time. - 16 - Ex-354/2016 33 . Appeal.— (1)Any person aggrieved by an order of the Authorisation C ommittee under sub-section (6) of section 9 or by an order of the Appropria te Authority under sub-section (2) of section 15 or sub- section (2) of section 16 of the Act, may, within thir ty days from the date of receipt of the or der, pr efer an a ppeal to the Central Government in case of the Union terr itories and respective State Government in case of States. (2) Every appeal shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against.FORM IFor or gan or tissue donation from identified living near related donor (to be completed by him or her) (See rules 3 and 5(3)(a)) My full name (proposed donor) is ........................................................................................................... and this is my photograph Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Notary Public across the photo aft er affixing) My permanent home address is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. Tel : ……………………………….. My present a ddress for correspondence is ……………………………………………………………………Tel : ………………………………… Date of birth (day/month/year) I enclose copies of the following documents: (attach attested photocopy of at least two offollowingreleva nt documents to indica te your near r elationship):·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:………………………….…. and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency……………………..….….. and/or ·Passport number and country of issue……………………………………………….……. and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority……………………….....……. and/or ·Permanent Account Number (PAN)………………………………………………….…… and/or ·AADHAAR No. ………………………………………………………………………….. and/or ·Any othervalid proof of identity and address reflecting near relationship I authorise removal for therapeutic purposes and consent to donate my …………………………… (Name of organ/tissue) to my relative …………………………… (Specify son/daughter/father/mother/ brother/sister/gra nd father/grand-mother/grand-son/gra nd-daughter), whose particulars are as follows and name is ……………………………………. and who was born on ………………………………. (day/month/year) Photograph of the Recipient (Attested by Notary Public across the photo aft er affixing)To b e a ffixed hereTo b e a ffixed here -17 -Ex-354/2016 The copies of following documents of recipient are enclosed (attach attested photocopy ofa t least two releva nt docu ment s to indicate your near r elationship):·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:………………………...….…. and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency……………………….......….. and/or ·Passport number and country of issue…………………………………………………....…. and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority……………………….......….…. and/or ·Permanent Account Number (PAN)………………………………………………..….…… and/or ·AADHAAR No. ……………………………………………………………………….….. and/or ·Any other valid pr oof of identit y and a ddress r eflecting near relationship …………………………… I solemnly affirm and declare that: Sections 2, 9 and 19 of The Transplantation of Human O rgans Act, 1994 have been explained to me a nd I confirm that : 1. I understand the na ture of criminal offences referred to in the sections. 2. No payment as referred to in the sections of the Act has been made to me or will be made t o me or any other person. 3. I am giving the consent and author isation to remove my………………………………… (name of organ/tissue) of my own free will wit hout any undue pressure, inducement, influence or allurement. 4. I ha ve been given a full explanation of the natur e of the medica l procedure involved a nd the r isks involved for me in the removal of my ……………………………………………………… (name of organ)/tissue). That explanation was given by ……………………………………… (name of registered medical pr actitioner). 5. I understand the nature of that medical procedure and of the risks to me as explained by that practitioner. 6. I understand that I may withdraw my cons ent to the removal of that or gan at any time before the operation t akes place. 7. 1 state that particulars filled by me in the form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed by me. ………………………………….. …………………………………………… DateSignature of the prospective donor (Full Name) Note: To be sworn b efore Notary Public, who while attest ing shall ensur e that the person/persons swearing the affidavit(s) signs(s) on the Notary Register, as well.FORM 2 For organ or tissue donation by living spousal donor (To be completed by him/her) (See rules 3, 5(3)(a) and 5(3)(d)) My full name (proposed donor) is ……………………………………………………………………….. and this is my photograph Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Notary Public across the photo aft er affixing)To b e a ffixed here - 18 - Ex-354/2016 My permanent home address is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. Tel : ……………………………….. My present a ddress for correspondence is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ....................................................................................... Tel : ………………………………… Date of birth (day/month/year) I authorize removal for therapeutic purposes and consent to donate my …… ………………………... (Name of organ) to my husband/wife……………………………….. ………………………………… whose particulars are as follows and full name is ……………………………………. ……………… and who was born on ………………………………. (day/month/year) Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Notary Public across the photo aft er affixing) I enclose copies of the following documents(attach attested photocopy of at least two of followingreleva ntdocuments to indicate the spousal relationship):·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:………………........……………. and/or ·Voter ’s Identity-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency………………………….. and/or ·Passport number and country of issue……………………………………….......……………. and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority…………………...........…………. and/or ·Permanent Account Number (PAN)…………………………………………………......…… and/or ·AADHAAR No.(issued by Unique Identification Authority of India)……………………................. and/or ·Any other proof of identity and address establishing spousal relationship …………………..…………… I submit the following as evidence of being married to the recipient: (a) A certified copy of a marriage certificate OR (b) An affidavit of a ‘near relative’ confir ming the status of marriage to be sworn before Cla ss-I Magistrate/Notary Public. (c ) Family photographs (d) Letter fr om Head of Gr am Pa ncha ya t / Tehsildar / Block Development Officer/Member of Legislative Assembly/Member of Legislative Council (MLC)/Member of Pa rliament with seal certifying factum and st atus of marriage. OR (e) Other credible evidence I solemnly a ffirm a nd declare that sections 2, 9 and 19 of the Transplantation of Human Orga ns Act, 1994 (42 of 1994), have been explained to me and I confirm that I. 1. understand the nature of criminal offences referred to in the sections.To b e a ffixed here -19 -Ex-354/2016 2. No payment of money or money’s worth as referr ed to in the Sections of the Act ha s been made to me or will be made to me or any other person. 3. I am giving the authorisation to remove my ……………………………………. (organ) and cons ent to donate the same of my own free will without any undue press ure, inducement, influence or a llurement. 4. 1 ha ve been given a full explanation of the natur e of the medica l procedure involved a nd the r isks involved for me in the removal of my ……………………………….. (organ). That explanation was given by …………………………… (name of registered medical pra ctitioner). 5. I understand the nature of that medical procedure and of the risks to me as explained by that practitioner. 6. I understand that I may withdraw my consent to t he removal of that or gan at any time before the operation t akes place. 7. I state tha t particulars filled by me in the form are true and correct to to the best of my knowledge and nothing materia l has been concealed by me. ………………………………….………………………….. Signature of the prospective donorDate (Full Name) Not e:To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/persons swearing the affida vit(s) signs(s ) on the Notar y Register, as wellFORM 3For organ or tissue donation byother thannear relative living donor (To be completed by him/her) (See rules 3, 5(3)(a) and 5(3)(e)) My full name is .................................................................................................................................. and this is my photograph Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Notary Public across the photo aft er affixing) My permanent home address is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. Tel : ……………………………….. My present a ddress for correspondence is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. Tel : ……………………………….. Date of birth ...................................................... (day/month/year) I enclose copies of the following documents: (atta ch attested photocopy of at least two of followingreleva ntdocuments to prove your identity):·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:……………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/orTo b e a ffixed here - 20 - Ex-354/2016 ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency………………………...….. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Passport number and country of issue……………………………………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority………………………....……. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·PAN……………………………………………………… and/or ·AADHAAR No. ………………………………………………………………………….. and/or ·Other proof of identity and address ………………………………………………………………….. Deta ils of last three year s income and vocation of donor (enclose documentar y evidence) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. I authorize removal for therapeutic purposes and consent to donate my ………………………………………(Name of organ/tissue) to a person whose full name is ………………………………….................………………………………and who was born on …………………………………………… (day/month/year) and whose particulars are as follows: Photograph of the Recipient (Attested by Notary P ublic across the Photo aft er affixing) (attach attested photocop y of at least two relevant documents to prove identity of recipient)·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:……………………..………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency………………………....….. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Passport number and country of issue…………………………………………….………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority………………………......……. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Permanent Account Number (PAN)……………………………………………………… and/or ·AADHAAR No. ………………………………………………………………………….. and/or ·Other proof of identity and address …………………………………………………………………..To b e a ffixed here -21 -Ex-354/2016 I solemnly a ffirm a nd declare that sections 2, 9 and 19 of the Transplantation of Human Orga ns Act, 1994 (42 of 1994), have been explained to me and I confirm that 1. I understand the na ture of criminal offences referred to in the Sections. 2. No payment of money or money’s worth as referr ed to in the Sections of the Act ha s been made to me or will be made to me or any other person. 3. I am giving the consent and authorisation to remove my…………………………………….. (na me of organ/tissue) of my own free will without any undue pressure, inducement, influence or a llurement. 4. 1 ha ve been given a full explanation of the natur e of the medica l procedure involved a nd the r isks involved for me in the removal of my ………………………………………………… (name of organ/tissue). That explanation was given by …………………………………………. (name of r egister ed medical pra ctitioner). 5. I understand the nature of that medical procedure and of the risks to me as expla ined by the practitioner. 6. I understand that I may withdraw my consent to t he removal of that or gan at any time before the operation t akes place. 7. I state that particulars filled by me in t he form are tr ue and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing materia l has been concealed by me. ………………………………….………………………….. Signature of the prospective donorDate (Full Name) Not e:To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/persons swearing the affida vit(s) signs(s) on the Notary Register, as well.FORM 4For certification of medical fitness of living donor (To be given by the Registered Medical Practitioner)[See proviso to rule 5(3)(b)] I, Dr…………………………………….. possessing qualification of …………………………. registered as medical practitioner at serial no. …………………… by the ………………………………….. Medical Council, certify that I have examined Shri/ Smt./ Km. …………………………………………….. S/o, D/o, W/o Shri …………………………………. aged ………………………………… who has given informed consent for donation of his/her ………………………………. . (N ame of the or gan) to Shr i/ Smt./Kin …………………………………………………… who is a ‘near relative’ of the donor/other than near relative of the donor and has been approved by the competent authority or authorisation Committee (as the case may be) and it is certified that the said donor is in proper state of health, not mentally challenged * and is medically fit to be subjected to the procedure of organ or tissue removal. Place: ………………………….………………………………. Signa ture of Doctor Date: ………………………Seal Photograph of the Donor P hotogra ph of the recipient (Attested by doctor) (Attested by doctor)To b e a ffixed (pasted) hereTo b e a ffixed (pasted) here - 22 - Ex-354/2016 The signatures and seal should par tia lly appear on photograph and document without disfiguring the fa ce in phot ogr a p h * In case of doubt for mentally challenged sta tus of the donor, the Registered Medical Pr actitioner may get the donor examined by psychiatr ist.FORM 5For certification of genetic relationship of living donor with r ecipient (To be filled by the head of Pathology La borator y certifying relationship) [See rules 5(3)(c) and 18(3)] I, Dr./Mr.Mr./Miss. ………………………..…………. Working as ………………………..…………….. at ……………………… and possessing qualification of ………………………………………..certify that Shri/ Smt./ Km. …………………………….S/o, D/o, W/o Shri/ Smt. ………………………………….. aged …………………… the donor and Shri/ Smt. ……………………………………………………… S/o, D/o, W/o, Shri/Smt……………………………….. aged …………………… the prospective recipient of the orga n to be donated by the said donor a re related to each other as brother/sister/mother/father/son/ daughter, grandmother, gra ndfather, grandson and granddaughter as per their statement. The fact of this relationship has been esta blished / not establis hed by the results of the tests for DNA profiling. The results of the tests are attached. Signature Place : ………………………..(To be signed by the Head of the Laboratory) Date : ……………………….Seal FORM 6For spousal living donor (to be filled by competent authority* and Authorisation Committee, of the hospital or district or state in case of foreigners) [See rule 18(2)] 1, Dr./Mr./Mrs/Miss. …………………………………….. possessing qualification of …………………….. registered as medical practitioner at serial No. ………………………. by the …………………………….. Medical Council, certify that:- Mr……………………………………………... S/o …………………………………………………. Aged …………… resident of ………………………… and Mrs ……………………………………… D/o, W/o ……………………………………….. aged……............ resident…………..............……… of ………...............………………… are related to each other as spouse according to the statement given by them and their statement has been confirmed by means of following evidence before effecting the organ removal from the body of the said Shri/Smt/………………………………………… (Applicable only in the cases where considered necessa ry). OR In case the Clinical condition of Shri/Smt……………………………………………….. mentioned above is such that recording of his/her statement is not practicable, reliance will be placed on the documentary evidence(s). (mention documentary evidence(s) here) …………………………………………………. a . Marr iage cer tificate indica te date of marr iage b. Marr iage photogr aphs c . Date when transplantation was advised by the hospital ( to be compared with duration of marriage): d. Number and age of children a nd their birth certificates e . Any other document -23 -Ex-354/2016 Signature ofcompetent authority*/Authorisation committee in case of foreigners along with Seal/Stamp Place : …………………………… Date : …………………………… *Dir ector or Medica l Superintendent or In Charge of the hospital or the interna l commit tee of the hosp ital formed for the purpose as defined under the rules of Transplantation of Human Organ Act, 1994(42 of 1994). FORM 7For organ or tissue pledging (To be filled by individua l of age 18 year or above) [See rule 5(4)(a)] ORGAN(S) AND TISSUE(S) DONOR FORM (To be filled in triplicate) Registration Number (To be allotted by Organ Donor Registry) …….....………. I ……………………………………S/o,D/o,W/o…………………………… aged……………… and date of birth …………………………………………….resident of …………………………….……… in the presence of persons mentioned below hereby unequivocally authorise the removal of following orga n(s) and/or tissue(s), from my body after being decla red bra in stem dead by the board of medical experts and cons ent to donate the same for therapeutic purposes. Please tick as applicable (Following tissues can also be donated a fter br ain stem death as well as car diac death) HeartCorneas/Eye Balls LungsSkin KidneysBones LiverHeart Valves PancreasBlood Vessels Any Other Organ (P l. specify)Any other Tissue (P l. specify) All OrgansAll Tissues My blood group is (if known)……………………………….. Signature of Pledger ………………………….. Address for correspondence …………………. Telephone No………………………….……… Email : ……………………………….……….. Da ted: (Note: In ca se of online r egistration of pledge, one cop y of the pledge will b e retained by pledger, one by the institution where pledge is made a nd a ha rd copy signed by pledger and two witnesses shall be sent to the noda l networ king or ganisation.) (Signature of Witness 1) 1. Shri/Smt./Km …………………………………………..S/o,D/o,W/o ……………………………… Aged………… resident of ……...……………………………Telephone …………………………. No ……………………………….. Email …………………………………………….. - 24 - Ex-354/2016 (Signature of Witness 2) 2. Shri/Smt./Km ……………………………....…………..S/o,D/o,W/o …………....………………… Aged………… resident of ………………………....…………Telephone …………………………. No ……………………..…….. Email ………………………………………. is a near relative to the donor as ……………...…. Dated………………………. Place ………………………. Note: (i) Orga n donation is a family decision. Therefore, it is important tha t you discuss your decision with family members and loved ones so that it will be easier for them to follow through with your wishes. (ii) One copy of the pledge form/pledge card to be with respective networking organisation, one copy to be retained by institution where the pledge is made and one copy to be handed over to the pledger. (iii) The person ma king the pledge has the option to withdraw the pledge.FORM 8For Declaration cum consent (To be filled by near relative or lawfu l possessor of brain-stein dead person) [See rules 5(1)(b), 5(4)(b) and 5(4)(d)] DECLARATION AND CONSENT FORM I………………………………….S/o,D/o,W/o…………………………………… aged ……… resident of ………………………………………………… in the presence of persons mentioned below, hereby declare that: 1. I have been informed that my relative (specify relation) ……...…………………………………….. S/o,D/o,W/o…………………………………aged ………… has been declared brain-stem dead/dead. 2. To the best of my knowledge (Strike off whichever is not applicable): a. He/She. (Name of the deceased)…………………………….. had / had not, authorised before his/her death, the removal of……………………………. (Name of organ/tissue/both) of his/her body after his/her death for therapeutic purpose. The documenta ry proof of such authorisation is enclosed/ not available b. He/She. (Name of the deceased) …………………………………. had not revoked the authority as at No. 2 (a) above ( If applicable) . c . There are r easons to believe that no nea r relative of the said deceased person has objection to any of his/her organs/tissue being used for therapeutic purposes. 3. 1 ha ve been informed that in the a bsence of such authorisation, I have the option to either authorise or decline donation of organ/tissue/both including eye/cornea of ………………………………………… (Name of the deceased) for therapeutic p urposes. I also under stand that if corneas/eyes ar e not found suit able for therapeutic purpose, then ma y be us ed for education/resea rch. 4. 1 hereby authorise / do not author ize removal of his/her body organ(s) and/or tissue(s), namely (Any orga n and tissue/ Kidney /Liver /Heart /Lungs /Intestine /Cornea /Skin /Bone /Heart Valves /Any ot her ; pleas e s pecify) ………………………………………………….for therapeutic p urposes. I also give permission for drawing of a blood sample for serology testing and a m willing to share social/ behavioural and medical history t o facilitate pr oper screening of the donor for safe transplantation of the organs/ tissues. Date : …………………….Signa tur e of near r elative /person in lawful possession of the dead body, and address for corr espondence*. Place : ……………………… Telephone No …..………….. Email: …………………………………… -25 -Ex-354/2016 * in case of the minor the declar ation s hall be signed by one of the parent of the minor or any near relative authorised by the parent. In case the near relative or person in lawfu l possession of the body refuses to sign this form, the same shall be recorded in writing by the Registered Medical P ractitioner on this F orm. (Signature of Witness 1) 1. Shri/Sint./Km ……………………………………. S/o,D/o,W/o ……………………....……………. aged …………. resident of ………..........…………… Telephone No…...………………………… Email: …………………………………………… (Signature of Witness 2) 2. Shri/Sint./Km ………………………...........…. S/o,D/o,W/o ………………………………....……. aged ………… resident of ………………………….… Telephone No…….....…………………… Email: ……………………………………………FORM 9For unclaimed body in a hospital or prison (To be completed by person in lawful p ossession of the unclaimed body) [see rule 5(1)(b)lI, ………………………………………….. S/o,D/o.W/o …………………………………………. Aged …………………….. resident of ……………………………………… having lawful possession of the dead Body of Shri/Smt./Km ……………………...…… S/o,D/o,W/o …………...……………………. aged …………….. resident of …………………………………………………. and having known that no person has come forward to cla im the body of the deceased a fter 48 hours of death and there being no reason to believe that any person is likely to come to claim the body I her eby, authorize removal of his /her body organ(s) and/or tissue(s), namely ……………………………………… for therapeutic purposes. Signature, Name, designation and Stamp of person in la wful possession of the dead body. Dated : ……………….. Place : …………….. Address for correspondence ………………………………………… …..……………………………………. Telephone No : …………………… Email : …………………………. (Signature of Witness 1) 1. Shri/Smt./Km ……………………………..……. S/o,D/o,W/o ……………………………………. aged …………… resident of ……………………………… Telephone No……..………………… Email: …………………………………………… (Signature of Witness 2) 2. Shri/Smt./Km ………........……………………. S/o,D/o,W/o …………………………..…………. aged ……………. resident of ……………………… Telephone No………………………………… Email: …………………………………………… - 26 - Ex-354/2016FORM 10For certification of brain stem death (To be filled by the board of medical experts certifying brain-stem death) [See rules 5(4)(c) and 5(4)(d)] We, the following members of the Board of medical experts after car eful personal examina tion hereby certify that Shri/Smt./Km…………………………………. aged about …………………..………. son of /wife of / daughter of …………………………………… Resident of ………………………………. is dead on account of permanent a nd ir rever sible cessation of all funct ions of the bra in-s tem. The tests carr ied out by us and the findings therein are recorded in the brain-stem death Certifica te annexed hereto. Dated ……………………………Signature …………………………………….. 1. R.M. P.- Incharge of the Hospital2. R.M. P. nominated from the panel of In which bra in-stem death has occur red.Names sent by the hospitals and approved by the Appropriate Authority. 3. Neurologist/Neuro-Sur geon4. R.M. P. treating the aforesaid deceased person (where Neurologist/Neurosurgeon is not available, any Surgeon or P hysician and Anaesthetist or Intensivist, nominated by Medical Administrator Incharge from the pa nel of names sent by the hosp ital and approved by the Appropriate Authority shall be included) BRAIN-STEM DEATH CERTIFICATE (A) PATIENT DETAILS …………………….. 1. Name of the patient:Mr./Ms ………………………………………. S.O./D.O./W.O.Mr./Ms ………………………………………. Sex ……………Age …………… 2. Home Address:……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… 3. Hospital Patient Registration Number (CR No.): ……………………………………… 4. Name and Address of next of kin or person …………………………………….......… responsible for the patient …………………………….................................………… (if none exists, this must be specified) ………………………................…… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… 5. Has the patient or next of kin agreed……………………………………… to a ny donation of organ and/or tissue? ………… ………………… ………… 6. Is this a Medico-legal Case? Yes …………………… No. …………………… (B) PRE-CONDITIONS: 1. Diagnosis:Did the patient suffer from any illness or accident that led to irrever sible brain damage? Specify details…………………………………………………………………………………. Date and time of a ccident/onset of illness…………………………………………………… Date and onset of non-rever sible coma……………………………………………………… 2. Findings of Board of Medical Experts: First Medical Examination Second Medical Examina tion(1) The following rever sible causes of coma have been excluded: Int oxication (Alcohol) Depressant Drugs Relaxants (Neuromuscular blocking agents) Primary Hypothermia Hypovolaemic shock Meta bolic or endocrine disor ders Test s for a bsence of bra in-stem funct ions -27 -Ex-354/2016 (2) Coma (3) Cess ation of spontaneous breathing (4) Pupillary size (5) Pupillary light reflexes (6) Doll’s head eye movements (7) Cor neal r eflexes (Both sizes) (8) Motor response in any cranial nerve distribution, any responses to stimulation of face, limb or trunk. (9) Gag r eflex (10) Cough (Tracheal) (11) Eye movements on ca loric testing bilatera lly. (12) Apnoea tests as specified. (13) Were any respiratory movements seen? ..........…………………………………………………………………………………………. Date and time of first testing: …………………………………....………………… Date and time of second testing: …………………………………………………… This is to certify that the patient has been carefully examined twice after an interval of about six hours and on the basis of findings recorded above, Mr./Ms………………………………………………is declared brain-stem dead. Date: Signatures of members of Brain Stem Death (BSD) Certifying Boar d as under: 1. Medical Administrator Incha rge of the hospital2. Authorised specialist. 3. Neurologist/Neuro-Sur geon4. Medical Officer treating the Patient. Note. 1. Where Neurologist/Neurosurgeon is not available, then any Surgeon or Physician and Anaesthetist or Intensivist, nominated by Medical Administrator Incharge of the hospital shall be the member of the board of medical experts for brain-stem death certification. 11. The minimum time interval between the first and second testing will be six hours in adults. In case of children 6 to 12 years of age, 1 to 5 years of age and infants, the time interval sha ll incr ease depending on the opinion of the above BSD experts. 111. No.2 and No.3 will be co-opted by the Administr ator Incharge of the hospital from the Panel of experts (Nominated by the hospital and approved by the Appropriate Authority).F ORM 11APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSPLANTATION FROM LIVING DONOR (To be completed by the pr oposed recipient and the proposed living donor) [See rules 5(3)(d), 5(3)(e) and 101 Photograph of DonorPhotograph of recipient Whereas I ……………………….......…… S/o, D/o, W/o, ………………….......…………… Shri/Smt. …………………………………..… aged ………… residing at ……………...…………………To be self a ttested across the affixed photograph without disfiguring faceTo be self a ttested across the affixed photograph without disfiguring face - 28 - Ex-354/2016 have been advised by my doctor ……………………… that I am suffering from ……………………….. and may be benefited by transplantation of …………………………………………… into my body. And whereas I .……………………………………… S/o, D/o, W/o, …………………………… Shri/Smt. ……………………………………… aged …… residing at …………………………………… by the following r eason(s ) :- a ) by virtue of being a near relative i.e …………………………………………. b) by r eason of affection/atta chment/ other special r eason as explained below :- …………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. I would therefore like to donate my (name of the organ) ……………………… to Shri./Smt. ……………… We ……………………… and ………………………………………… (D onor)(Recipient) hereby apply to competent author ity / Authorisation Committee for permission for such tra nsplantation t o be carried out. We solemnly affirm that the above decision has been taken without any undue pr essure, inducement, influence or allurement and that a ll possible consequences and options of organ transplantation have been explained to us. Instructions for the applicants: 1 .For m I Imu s t b e s u b mit t ed a long wit h t he comp l et ed F or m 1 or F or m 2 or F or m 3 a s ma y b e a p p lica b le. 2. The applicable Form i.e. Form 1 or Form 2 or Form 3 as the case may be, should be accompanied with all documents mentioned in the applicable form and all relevant queries set out in the applicable form must be adequately answered. 3. Completed Form 5 must be su bmitted along with the labora tory report. 4. The doctor ’s advice recommending transplantation must be enclosed with the a pplication. 5. In addition to a bove, in case the proposed transplant is between unrelated per sons, appr opriate evidence of vocation and income of the donor as well as the recipient for the last three years must be enclosed with this application. It is clarified that the evidence of income does not necessarily mean the proof of income tax r etur ns, keeping in view tha t the applica nt(s) in a given case may not be filing income tax returns. 6. The application shall be accepted for consideration by the competent authority / Authorisation Committee only if it is complete in all respects and any omission of the documents or the information required in the forms mentioned above, shall r ender the application incomplete. 7. When the donor is unrelated and the donor and/or recipient belong to a State/Union Territory other than the Sta te/Union Territ ory, where the transplant is intended to take place, then t he Tehsildar or the officer authorised for the purpose of the domicile state of the donor or recipient as the case may be, would provide the verification certificate of domicile of donor/recipient as the case ma y be as per Form 20. The approval for transplantation would be considered by the authorisation committee of the State/Distr ict/hospital (as the case ma y be) where the transplantation is intended to be done. Such verification Certificate will not be required for near relatives including cases involving swapping of orga ns (permissible between nea r relatives only). We have read and understood the a bove instructions. Signature of the Prospective DonorSignature of Prospective Recipient Address for corr espondence:Address for corr espondence: DateDate PlacePlace -29 -Ex-354/2016 Form 12 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF HOSPITAL TO CARRY OUT ORGAN OR TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION OTHER THAN CORNEA (To be filled by head of the institution)(See rule 24(1))To The Appropr iate Authority for organ transplanta tion (State or Union territory) We hereby a pply to be registered as an institution to carry out orga n/tissue transplantation. Name(s) of organ (s) or tissue (s) for which registration is required The required data about the facilities available in the hospital are as follows: (A) HOSPITAL : 1. Name : 2. Location : 3. Government/Pr ivate: 4. Teaching/Non-teaching: 5. Appr oached by: Roa d :yesNo R a il :yesNo Air :yesNo 6. Total bed strength: 7. Name of the disciplines in the hospital: 8. Annual budget: 9. Patient turn-over/year: (B) SURGICAL FACILITIES: 1. No. of beds: 2. No. of perma nent staff members with their designation: 3. No. of temporary staff with their designation: 4. No. of opera tions done per year: 5. Trained persons ava ilable for transplanta tion (P lease specify O rgan for transplantation): (C) MEDICAL FACILITIES: 1. No. of beds: 2. No. of perma nent staff members with their designation: 3. No. of temporary st aff members with their designation: 4. Patient turnover per year: 5. Trained persons ava ilable for transplanta tion (P lease specify O rgan for transplantation): 6. No. of potential transpla nt candidates admitted per year: (D) ANAEST HESIOLOGY: 1. No. of perma nent sta ff members with their designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff members with their designations: 3. Name and No. of operations perfor med: 4. Name and No. of equipments availa ble: 5. Tota l No. of operation theatres in t he hospital: 6. No. of emergency operation-theatres: 7. No. of separ ate tra nsplant operation theatre: (E) I.C.U./H.D.U. FACILITIES: 1. I.C.U./H.D.U. facilities: Present ………………………. Not present …………………. - 30 - Ex-354/2016 2. No. of I.C. U. and H.D.U. beds: 3. Tr ained: Nurses: Technicians: 4. Name of equipment in I. C.U. (F) OTHER SUPPORTIVE FACILITIES: Data about facilities available in the hospital: (FI) LABORATORY FACILITIES: 1. No. of perma nent sta ff with their-designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff with their designations: 3. Names of the investigations carried out in the Department: 4. Name and number of equipments availa ble: (F2) IMAGING FACILITIES : 1. No. of perma nent sta ff with their-designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff with their designations: 3. Names of the investigations carried out in the Department: 4. Name and number of equipments availa ble: (F3) HAEMATOLOGY FACILITIES: 1. No. of perma nent sta ff with their-designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff with their designations: 3. Names of the investigations carried out in the Department: 4. Name and number of equipments availa ble: (F4) BLOOD BANK FACILITIES ( Inhouse or access): Yes ……………. No…………. (F5) DIALYSIS FACILITIES : Yes ………………………. No………………………. (F6) Transplant coordinators (Eye Donation C ounselors, in case of Cornea Transplantation): YesNo Number Posted : Number Tr a ined (F7) OTHER SUPPORTIVE EXPERT PERSONNEL: 1. NephrologistYes/No 2. NeurologistYes/No 3. Neuro-SurgeonYes/No 4. UrologistYes/No 5, G.I. SurgeonYes/No 6. PaediatricianYes/No 7. Physiothera pistYes/No 8. Social Wor kerYes/No 9. ImmunologistsYes/No 10. Ca rdiologistYes/No IL Resp iratory physicianYes /No 12. Others………………………………..Yes / No The above sa id information is true to the best of my knowledge a nd I ha ve no objection to any scrutiny of our facility by authorised personnel. A Bank Draft/cheque of Rs. 10000/ (for new registration) and Rs. 5000 (for renewal) in favour of …………………. is enclosed. Sd/- HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION -31 -Ex-354/2016FORM 13APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF HOSPITAL TO CARRY OUT ORGAN/ TISSUE RETRIEVAL OTHER THAN EYE/CORNEA RETRIEVAL (To be filled by head of the institution) (See role 24(1))Note: Retrieval Hospitals may also be identified based on pre-defined cr iteria and registered as retrieval hospital by the appropriate author ity. To The Appropriate Authority for orga n transplantation ……………………. (State or Union territory) We hereby apply to be registered a s an institution to ca rry out organ/tissue retrieval. The r equired data about the fa cilities availa ble in the hospital are as follows: (A) HOSPITAL: 1. Name: 2. Location: 3. Government/Pr ivate: 4. Teaching/Non-teaching: 5. Appr oached by: Road:YesNo Rail:YesNo Air:YesNo 6. Total bed strength: 7. Name of the disciplines in the hospital: 8. Annual budget: 9. Patient turn-over/year: (B) SURGICAL FACILITIES: 1. No. of beds: 2. No. of perma nent staff members with their designation: 3. No. of temporary staff with their designation: 4. No. of opera tions done per year: 5. Trained persons ava ilable for retr ieval (P lease s pecify Organ and/or tissue for retrieval): (C) MEDICAL FACILITIES: 1. No. of beds: 2. No. of perma nent staff members with their designation: 3. No. of temporary st aff members with their designation: 4. Patient turnover per year: 5. Trained persons ava ilable for retr ieval (P lease s pecify Organ and/or tissue for retrieval): 6. No.of critical trauma cases admitted per year. 7. No.of brain stem death declared per year. (D) ANAEST HESIOLOGY: 1. No. of perma nent sta ff members with their designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff members with their designations: 3. Name and No. of operations perfor med: 4. Name and No. of equipments availa ble: 5. Tota l No. of operation theatres in t he hospital: - 32 - Ex-354/2016 6. No. of emergency operation-theatres: 7. No. of sepa rate retrieval operation theatre: (E) I.C.U./H.D.U. FACILITIES: 1. I.C.U./H.D.U. facilities: Present ………………………….. Not present ………………………. 2. No. of I.C. U. and H.D.U. beds: 3. Trained:- Nurses: Technicians: 4. Name of equipmentin I.C.U. (F) OTHER SUPPORTIVE FACILITIES: Data about facilities available in the hospital: (Fl) LABORATORY FACILITIES: 1. No. of perma nent sta ff with their-designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff with their designations: 3. Names of the invest igations carried out in the Deptt.: 4. Name and number of equipments availa ble: (F2) IMAGING FACILITIES: I. No. of perma nent sta ff with their-designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff with their designations: 3. Names of the invest igations carried out in the Deptt.: 4. Name and number of equipments availa ble: (F3) HAEMATOLOGY FACILIT IES: 1. No. of perma nent sta ff with their-designations: 2. No. of temporary sta ff with their designations: 3. Names of the invest igations carried out in the Deptt.: 4. Name and number of equipments availa ble: (F4) BLOOD BANKFACILITIES: (in house or access) Yes ………………. No……………………. (F 5) Transplant coordinators: Ye s No No Number Posted: Number Tr a ined The above said information is true to the best of my knowledge and I have no object ion to a ny scrutiny of our facility by authorised per sonnel. I hereby give an undertaking that we shall make the facilities of the hospita l including the retrieval team of the hosp ital available for retr ieval of the organ/tissue as and when needed. Sd/- HEAD OF THE INSTITUTIONFORM 14APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TISSUE BANKS OTHER THAN EYE BANKS (To be filled by head of the institution) (See rule 24(1))To The Appropr iate Authority for organ transplanta tion (State or Union Territory) We hereby ap ply to be regis tered a s Tissu e bank, Name Name(s) of tissue (s)(Bone, heart valves, skin, cornea etc) for which Registration is required ........................ The required data about the facilities availablein the institution are as follows:- -33 -Ex-354/2016 A . Gener al Information 1. Name 2. Address 3. Government/P rivate/N GO 4. Teaching /Non- teaching 5. Appr oached by:Rail:YesNo Road:YesNo Air:YesNo 6. Information Education and Communication (IEC) for Tissue Dona tion 7. Type of tissue bank: Auto Logons /Allograph/Both B. DONOR SCREENING REMOVAL OF TISSUE AND STORAGE: 1. Availability of adequate trained and qualified Personnel for removal TissueYes/No (annex deta il). 2. Names, qualification and address of the doctors/technician who will be doing removal of tissue.Yes/No (annex details) 3. Facilities for removal of TissuesYes/No 4. Whether register of recipient waiting list availa ble.Yes/No 5. Telephone arrangement available (Telephone Number …………………..)Yes/No 6. Availability of ambulance/ vehicle or funds to Pa y taxi for collecting tissue from outsideYes/No 7. Sets of ins truments for removal of tissueYes/No 8. Facilities for processing of tissueYes/No 9. Refr igerator for preservation of tissueYes/No 10. Special containers for preservation of tissue dur ing transit.Yes/No 11. Suitable preservation mediaYes/No 12. Any other s pecific requirement as per tissueYes/No C. PRESERVATIONS OF TISSUE Arra ngement of preservation of TissueYes/No D. RECORDS 1. Arra ngement for maintaining the recordsYes/No 2. Arra ngement for registration of cases, donors and follow up of ca ses. E. EQUIPMENT: Instruments specific for the tissueYes/No F. LABORATORY FACILITIES (If the information is exhaustive please annex it) a . Names of the investigations carried out in the department. b. Facility fortesting for i. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I and II ii. Hepatitis B Virus – HBc and HBs iii. Hepatitis C Virus – HCV iv. Syphilis – VD RL c . If no where do you avail it ? Please mention name and address of instit ute. d. Facility for cultur e and sensitivity of tissue G. OTHER PERSONNEL 1. No. of perma nent staff member with their designation. 2. No. of temporary st aff with their designa tion 3. No. of trained persons ANY OTHER INFORMATION The above sa id information is true to the best of my knowledge a nd I ha ve no objection to any scrutiny of - 34 - Ex-354/2016 our facility by authorised personnel. A Ba nk Daft /cheque of Rs. 10000/ (for new registr ation) and Rs. 5000 (for renewal) in fa vour of ……………… is enclosed. Sd/- HEAD OF THE INSTITUTIONFORM 15APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF EYE BANK, CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION CENTRE, EYE RETRIEVAL CENTRE UNDER TRANSPLANTATION OF HUMAN ORGANS ACT [See rule 24(l)] I . EYE BANKING: A . EYE BANK and institution affiliated Ophthalmic / Gener al Hospital 1. Name 2. Address 3. Government/Private/Voluntary 4. Teaching/Non-t eaching 5. IEC for Eye Dona tion B. REMOVAL OF EYE BALLS AND STORAGE: 1. Ava ilability of a dequate trained and qua lified personnel for removal of whole globe or corneal Yes/ No (annex detail) 2. Names, qualification and address of the designated st aff who will be doing remova l ofYes/No whole globe / cornea retrieval. (annex deta ils) 3. Availability of following as per r equirement: a . Whether register maintained for tissue request received from surgeon of corneal transplant centre. Ye s / N o b. Telephone arrangement ava ilable.(Dedicated Telephone Number …………………..) Yes /No c . Transport facility for collecting Eyeballs fr om outside:Yes/No d. Sets of ins truments for r emoval of whole globe/cornea as per requirementYes/No e . Special bottles with stands for preservation of Eye balls/ cor nea during transit.Yes/No f. Suitable preservation mediaYes/No g. Biomedica l Waste Ma nagement.Yes/No h. Uninterrupted Power supply.Yes/No CManpower 1. Incharge / Director (Ophthalmologist) -I 2. Eye Bank Technicia n- 2 3. Eye Donation Counselors (EDC)-2 per attached HCRP (Hospital Cornea Retr ieval Cornea Programme) Hospital, who will be posted a t eye Bank. 4. Multi task Staff(MTS) -2 D. Space requirement for eye Banks(400sqft minimum)Yes/No E. RECORDS 1. Arra ngement for maintaining the recordsYes/No 2. Arra ngement for registration of pledges,/donor s and maintenance of utiliza tion report Yes /No 3. Computer with internet fa cility and PrinterYes/No F. EQUIPMENT: 1. Slit Lamp Biomicroscope- I 2. Specular Microscope for Eye Bank-] 3. Laminar flow(Class II)-1 4. Sterilization facility ( In-house or outsour ced) -35 -Ex-354/2016 5. Refr igerator with temperature monitoring for pr eservation of eye balls/Cornea- IYes/No GLABORATORY FACILITIES 1. Facility for HIV, Hepatitis B and C testing.Yes/No 2. If no where do you avail it? Please mention Name and address of instit ute. 3. Facility for cultur e and s ensitivity of Corneoscleral r ing.Yes/No HRENEWAL OF REGISTRATION:Period of renewal 5years after last registration.Minimum of 500 corneas to be collected in 5 year s.Maint enance of eye bank sta ndards( as per Guidelines) II. EYE RETRIEVAL CENTRE (ERC): A . RETRIEVAL CENTRE– A Centre affiliated to an Eye Bank 1. Name 2. Address 3. Government/Private/Voluntary 4. Teaching /Non- teaching 5. Information, Education and Communication Activities for Eye Dona tion 6. Name of Eye Bank to which ERC is affilia ted. BREMOVAL OF EYE BALLS AND STORAGE: 1. Manpower : Adequate trained and qualified personnel for removal of eye balls/cornea (annex detail): a. Incharge/Director) -1 b. Technician -1 c. MTS ( Multi task Staff) -1 2. Transport fa cility( or outsource) with storage medium CNames, qualification and a ddress of the personnel who will be doing enucleation/removal ofcor nea. (annex details) DAVAILABILITY OF FOLLOWING: 1. Telephone.(Number ……………………..) 2. Ambulance/ vehicle or funds to pay taxi for collecting eyeballs from outside: 3. Sets of ins truments for removal of Eye Balls/cornea 4. Special bottles with stands for preservation of 5. Eye balls/ cornea dur ing transit: 6. Suitable preservation media 7. Waste Disposal (Biomedical waste Management) 8. Space requ ir ement : Designa ted area ERECORDS 1. Arra ngement for maintaining the records FEQUIPMENT: 1. Sterilization facility 2. Refrigerator temperature control 24 hrs for preservation of Eye balls/Cornea.(power back up) -1 3. The retrieval centre is affiliated with an Eye bank and Eye Bank is only authorised to distribute corneas. III.CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION CENTRE A1. Name of the Transpla nt Centr e /hospital: 2. Address: 3. Government/Private/Voluntary: 4. Teaching /Non- teaching: 5. IEC for Eye Donation:Yes/No 6. Name of the registered Eye Bank for procu ring tissue: BStaff deta ils: 1. No. of perma nent staff member with their designation. (Note : Eye Surgeon’s Experience : 3month post MD/MS/DNB/DO) - 36 - Ex-354/2016 2. No. of temporary st aff with their designa tion3. Trained persons for Kera toplasty and Cor neal Transplanta tion with their names andqualifications: 2 (one Corneal Transplant surgeon should be on the pay roll of the Instit ute) CEquipment : Slit lamp, Clinica l Specular, Keratoplasty or intraocular instr uments DOT facilities ESafe Storage facility FRecords Registration and follow up GAny other informa tion The above sa id information is true to the best of my knowledge a nd I ha ve no objection to any scrutiny of our facility by authorised personnel. A Bank draft/cheque of Rs. 10000/- for new registration and Rs 5000/- for renewal of’ registration drawn in favour of ………………. is enclosed. Head of the Institute (Name and designation) FORM 16CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION FOR PERFORMING ORGAN/TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION/RETRIEVAL AND/OR TISSUE BANKING (See rule 24(2)) This is to certify that …………………………… Hospital/Tissue Bank located at …………………….. ha s been inspected and certifica te of registration is gra nted for perfor ming the or ga n/tissue retr ieva l/ transplantation/banking of the following organ(s)/tissue(s) (mention the names) under the Tra nsplanta tion of Human Organs Act, 1994 (42 of 1994):- 1. ……………………………………. 2. ……………………………………. 3. ……………………………………. 4. ……………………………………. This certificate of registration is valid for a period of five year s from the date of issue. This permission is being given with the current facilities and staff shown in the present application form. Any reduction in t he staff and/or facility mus t be br ought t o the notice of the undersigned. Place ……………………………Signature of Appropriate Authority …………………… Seal: …………………………. Date …………………………….. FORM 17Certificate of Renewal of Registra tion (To be given by the appropriated authority on the letter head) [See rule 25(2)] This is with reference to the application dated ……………………….. from …………………………. (Name of the hospital/tissue bank) for renewal of certificate of registration for performing organ(s )/tissue(s) retrieval/transplantation/banking under the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 (42 of 1994). After having considered the facilities and standards of the above-said hospital/tissue bank, the -37 -Ex-354/2016 Appr opriate Authority hereby renews the certifica te of registration of the said hospita l/tissue bank for a period of five years. This renewal is being given with the curr ent facilities and sta ff shown in the present application form. Any reduction in t he staff and/or facility mus t be br ought t o the notice of the undersigned. Place ……………………………Signature of Appropriate Authority ………………………… Seal: …………………………. Date ……………………………..FORM 18 Certificate by the Authorisation C ommittee of Hospital (If Hospital Authorisation committee is not available then the Authorisation Committee of the district/State) where the transplantation has to take place (To be issued oil the letter head) [See rules 16 and 231 This is to certify that as per application in form-10 for transplantation of ……………………………..… (Name of Organ/tissue) .from living donor, other than near relative/ swap donation cases/ all for eigner under the Transpla ntation of Huma n Organs Act, 1994 (42 of 1994) submitted on ………………………………. by the donor and r ecipient, whose details and photogra phs are given below, along with their identifications and verification documents, the case was considered after the personal interview of donor and recipient (if medically fit to be interviewed) a nd their relatives as applica ble by the Authorisation Committee in the meeting held on ……………… dated …………………… Deta ils of Recipient Deta ils of Donor Name …………………………………… Name …………………..……………………… Age …………………………………….. Age ……………………………....…………… Sex ……………………………………. .. Sex …………………………………………..... Father/Husband Name ……………….… Father / Husband name ………………………… Address : …………………………….… Address : ………....…………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………...……………………… Hospital Reg. No ………………………. Hospital Reg. No ……………………........…… Relation of donor with Recipient ……………………………………………………………… Recipient Donor (Photo of recipient and donor must be signed and stamped across the photo after affixing) Permission is granted, as to the best of knowledge of the members of the committee, donation is out of love and affection and there is no financial transa ction between r ecipient and donor and there is no pressur e on /coercion of the donor. Permission is withheld pending submission of the following documents ………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Permission is not granted for the following reasons ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. - 38 - Ex-354/2016(Member) (Member) (Member) (Member) Name and Designa tion Name and Designa tion Name and Designa tion Name and Designa tion (Member) (Member) (Sign of Chairman with stamp) Health Secretary DHS or Nominee Name and Designa tion Or Nominee Name and Designation Date (aid place ……………………………. * In case of SWAP transplants, details are to be annexed FORM 19Certificate b y compet entauthority [as defined at rule 2(c)] For Indian near relative, other than spouse, cases (In case of spousal donor, Form 6 will be applica ble) [See rule 5(3)(c)](For mat for the decision of Competent Author ity) This is to certify that as per application in Form-I I for transplantation of ……………………………….. (Name of Organ or Tissue) from living donor who is a near relative of the recipient under the Transplanta tion of Human Organs Act, 1994(42 of 1994), submitted on ……………………………by the donor and recipient, whose details and photographs are given below, along with their identifications and verifications docu ments, the case was consider ed after the personal interview of donor and recipient (if medically fit to be interviewed) by the competent authority in the meeting held on ………………………………. Details of Recipient Deta ils of Donor Name ……………………………….… Name ……………………………………..…… Age …………………………………… Age ………………………………….………… Sex …………………………………… Sex ………………………….............………… Father/Husband Name ……………….. Father/Husband name ………………….....…… Address : ……………………………… Address : …………………………....………… ………………………………………… ...……………………………………………… Hospital Reg. No ………………………. Hospital Reg. No ……..………………………. Relation of donor with Recipient ……………………………………………………………… Recipient Donor (Photo of recipient and donor must be signed and stamped across the photo after affixing) Permission is granted, as to the best of knowledge of the members of the committee, donation is out of t heir being near relative and there is no fina ncial tr ansaction between recipient a nd donor and there is no pressure on/coercion of the donor. Permission is withheld pending submission of following documents ………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Permission is not granted for the following reasons ………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date and place ……………………(Signature and sta mp of competent author ity) -39 -Ex-354/2016FORM 20 Verification certificate in respect of domicile status of recipient or donor [To be issued by tehsildar or a ny other author ised officer for the purpose (required only for the donor-other than near relative or recipient if t hey do not belong to the state where transplant hospital identified for operation is located)] fSee rule 141Par t I (To be filled by applicant donor or r ecipient separately in triplica te) In reference to application for verification of domicile status for donation of _______________ (Name of orga n/Tissue) from living donor (other than near relative) or recipient under Transplantation of Human Organ Act, 1994 (42 of 1994), submitted on (date)_________________________ by the applicant donor or r ecipient, with following details and photograph , along with his or her identification and domicile status for verifica tion Deta ils of Applicant Recipient or Donor Name ………………………………………….… Age ……………………………………………… Sex ……………………………………….……… Father / Husband Name …………………........… Address : ……………………………….....…….. ……………………………………...................... Hospital Reg. No ……………………......………. (Recent Photo of Applicant must be signed by him or her a cross the photo after affixing it) The detail of my donor or recipient are as under and I have enclosed his or her self-signed recent photograph : Name …………………………………………… Age ……………………………………………… Sex ……………………………………………… Father / Husband Name ……………………....... Address : ……………………………………...... ……………………………………..................... Hospital Reg. No ……………………………...... Signature of Applicant Enclosure : Self signed copy of the donor or recipient for the applicant (to be enclosed ) Par t 11 (To be filled by the certificate issuing authority): The above request has been examined and it is cer tified that the domicile status of the applicant donor or recipient mentioned as above has been verified as under: Name ……………………………… Son or Daughter or Wife of ……………………… resident of village or ward …………………. Tehsil or Taluka ……………. District …………… State or UT ……………… and found correct or incor rect ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………….. Place ……………………..Authorised Signa tory Reference NoName and Designa tion Off ice S t amp 2. The authorised signatory will hand over this verification certificate to the applicant or his or her repr esentative for submission to the Chair person of the Authorisation C ommittee of the hospita l or district or state (as the case ma y be), where transpla ntation has to take place. - 40 - Ex-354/2016 3. The authorised signatory s hall keep one copy of the above verification certificate for his records and send a copy to the Secretary, Health and Family Welfare of the State Government (Attention Appropriate authority for organ transpla nt) for information. 4. In case of a ny suspicion of organ trading, the authorised signatory mentioned a bove or Appropr iate Authority of the st ate may inform police for making enquiry and taking necessar y action as per the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 (42 of 1994). FORM 21Certificate of relationship between donor and recipient in case of foreigners (To be issued by the Embassy concerned) [See rule 20(a)] The embassy of ______________________________ (Name of Country) in India, is in receipt of an application received from ____________________________ (Name of Organ donor and recipient) on ________________ (Date) recommended by _________________________ (Name of Government Department of country of origin) for facilitation of donation of _____________________ (Name of Organ or Tissue) from living donor ________________________ (Name of donor) to the recipient ____________________ (Name of recipient) for therapeutic purposes under the Transplantation of Human Orga n Act, 1994(42 of 1994). The details of donor and recipient and photographs a re as given below. Details of RecipientDeta ils of Donor Name ………………………………………Name …………………………….………………… Age …………………………………………Age ………………………….....…………………… Sex …………………………………………Sex ………………………….....…………………… Father/Husband Name ………………………Father/Husband name …….....……………………… Address : ……………………………………Address : ……....…………………………………… ………………………………………………......................……………………………………… Recip ient Donor (Photo of r ecipient and donor must be signed and stamped across the photo aft eraffixing) 1. This is to certify that relationship between donor and Recipient is …….............……………………. 2. The authenticity of following enclosed identification and ver ificationdocuments is certified a. _______________________________________________ b. _______________________________________________ ‘No objection certificate’ is granted, as t o the bestofmy knowledge, thedonor is dona ting out of love and affection or affection and attachment towards the recipient, and there is no financial transaction between recipient a nd donor and there is no pressure on or coer cion of the donor. (Signature of Senior Embassy Official) Date :Name: ………………………… Place :Designation …………………… [No S.12011/28/2012-MG/MS] ARUNK.PANDA, Jt. Secy. -41 -Ex-354/2016 MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (Department of Health and Family Welfare) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st July, 2008G.S.R. 571(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Tra nsplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 (42 of 1994). the Central Government hereby makes the following a mendments to the Transplantation of Human Organs Rules, 1995, namely: 1. Shor t title and Commencement (1) These rules may be called the Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Rules, 2008. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Rules, 2008 (herein after referred to as the said rules), - (i) clause (d) shall be renumbered as clause (f), thereof and before clause (f) as so renu mbered the following clauses shall be inserted, after cla use (c), na mely: (i). after sub-rule (c) of Rule 2, the following shall be inserted: “(d) “National Accredita tion Board for Laboratories” (NABL) means a Board set up by the Quality Council of India (set up by the Government of India) for undertaking assess ment and accreditation of testing and calibration of laboratories in accordance with the international standard ISO / IEC 17025 and ISO 15189; (ii) (e) the Registered Medica l Practitioner, as defined in clause (n) of section 2 of Tra nsplanta tion of Human Organs Act, 1994 includes an a llopathic doct or with MBBS or equivalent degree under the Medical Council of India Act. 3. In the said rules, inrule 3,for the wor ds and figure ‘Form.1’ the words, figures and letters “F orms 1(A), 1(B) and 1(C) shall be substituted: 4. In t he said rules, - (i) in rule 4 for sub-rule(1) the following sub-r ule sha ll be substituted, namely: “(i) Duties of the Medical Practitioner (1) A registered medica l pract itioner shall, before removing a human orga n from the body of a donor before his death, satisfy himself- (a ) that the donor has given his authorization in appr opriate Form 1(A) or 1(B) or 1(C). (b) that the donor is in proper state of health and is fit to dona te the organ, and the registered medical practitioner shall sign a certificate as s pecified in For m 2. (c ) that the donor is a near relative of the recipient, as certified in Form 3, who ha s signed Form 1(A) or 1(B) as applica ble to the donor and that the donor has submitted an application in For m 10 jointly with the r ecipient and t hat the proposed dona tion has been approved by the concerned competent authority and that the necessary documents a s prescribed and medical test s, If required, to determine the factum of near relationship, have been examined to the satisfaction of the Registered Medical Practit ioner i. e. Incharge of transplant centre. (d) that in case the r ecipient is spouse of the donor, the donor has given a sta tement to the effect that they are so related by signing a certifica te in F orm 1(B) and has submitted an applica tion in Form 10 jointly with the recipient and that the proposed donation has been approved by the concerned competent a uthorit y under provisions of sub-r ule(2) of rule 4A. ( e) In case of a donor who is other t han a near relative a nd has signed Form 1(C) and submitted an application in Form 10 jointly with the recipient, the permission from the Author isation Committee for the said donation has been obta ined (ii) In rule 4 in sub-rule (2) for clause (b) the following clause shall be substituted, namely: - 42 - Ex-354/2016 “(b) that then person lawfully in possession of the dea d body has signed a certificate as specified in Form 6.” (iii) the existing Form 7 shall be omitted. 5. In t he said rules, after rule 4 the following rule shall be inserted, namely:- ‘4-A,(1) The medical practitioner who will be part of the organ transplanta tion team-for carrying Authorisationout transplantation operation shall not be a member of the Authorisation Committee constituted Committee under the provisions of clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section(4) of section 9 of the Act. (2) Where the proposed transplantation is between a married couple, the Registered Medical Practitioner i.e. Incharge of tr ansplant centr e must evaluate the factum a nd dura tion of ma rriage a nd ensure that documents such as ma rriage certificate, mar ria ge photograph etc. ar e kept for records along with the information on the number and age of children and family photograph depicting the entire immediate family, birth certificate of children containing particulars of parents. (3) When the pr oposed donor or recipient or both ar e not Indian Nationals/citizens whether ‘near relatives’ or otherwise, Authorisation Committees shall consider all such requests. (4) when the proposed donor and the recipient are not ‘near r elatives’,asdefined under clause(i) of sect ion 2 oftheAct, the Authorisation Committee shall evaluate that,- (i)thereisnocommercial t ransact ion between the recipientand the donor and that ‘nopayment or money or moneys wor th as r eferred totheAct, has been ma detothe donor or promised to be made to the donororany other person; (ii) the following shall specifically be assess ed by the Authorisation Committee: (a ) an explanation of the linkbetween themand the circumstanceswhich led tothe offer being made; (b) reasonswhythe donor wishes todona te; (c ) docu mentary evidence of the link,e.g.proofthatthey have lived together, etc.; (d) old photogra phs showing the donor and the recipient together; (iii) that there isnomiddleman ortoutinvolved; (iv) that financial status of the donor and the recipient isprobed byaskingthem to giveappropriate evidence of their vocation and incomefor the pr evious three financialyears. Any gr oss disparity between the stat usofthetwo must be eva luat edinthebackdrop oftheobjective of preventing commercial dealing; (v) that the donorisnot a drug addict or known personwithcriminalrecord; (vi)thatthenext of thekinofthe proposed unr ela t eddonor is int erviewed regardingawarenessabout his or her intentionto donateanorga n, the authenticity of the linkbetween the donor and the recipient and the r easons for dona tion. Anystrongviews or disagreement or objection of such kin shall alsobe r ecorded and t aken noteof.’ 6.In the saidrules: (i) For r ule6the following rules shall be substituted, namely:- “6. The donor a nd the recipient shall make joint ly a n a pplica tion to grant a ppr ova l for removal a nd transplantation of a human organ, to the concerned competent authority or Authorisation Committee as specified in For m 10. T he Authorisation Committee shall take a decision on such application in accordance with the guidelines in rule 6-A.” (ii) after rule 6, the following rule shall be inserted, namely: “6A. Composition of Authorisation Committees: 1. Ther e sha ll be one State level Author isation Commit tee. 2. Additional authorisation committees ma y be set up at va rious levels as per norms given below, namely:- -43 -Ex-354/2016 (i) no member from transplant team of the institution should be a member of the respective Authorisation Committee. All Foreign Nationals (related and unrelated) should go to ‘Authorisation Committee’ as abundant precaution needs to be taken in such ca ses; (ii) Authorisation Committee should be Hospital ba sed in Metro and big cities if the number of transplants exceed 25 in a year at the respective transplantation centr es. In smaller towns, there are State or District level Committees if transplants are less than 25 in a year in the respective districts. ( A) Composition of Hospital Based Authorisation Committees: (To be constituted by the State Government and in case of Union terr itory by the Central Government). (a ) the senior most person officiating as Medical Dir ector or Medical Superintendent of t he Hospital; (b) two senior medical practit ioners from the same hospital who are not pa rt of t he transplant team; (c ) two members being persons of high integrity, social sta nding and credibility, who have served in high ranking Government positions, such a s in higher judiciary, senior cadre of police service or who have served as a reader or professor in Universit y Grants Commission a pproved University or a re self-employed professionals of repute such as la wyers, chartered accountants and doctors (of Indian Medica l Association) etc.: and (d) Secr etary (Health) or nominee and Director Health Services or nominee. (B) Composition of State or District Level Authorisa tion Committees: (To be constituted by the State Government a nd in case of Union territory by the Central Government). (a ) a Medical P ractitioner officiating as Chief Medical Officer or any other equivalent post in the main/major Government Hospital of t he Distr ict. (b) two senior medical practitioners t o be chosen from the pool of such medical pr actitioners who are residing in the concerned District and who are not par t of any transplant team. (c ) two senior citizens, non-medical backgr ound (one lady) of high reputation and integrity to be chos en from the pool of such cit izens r esiding in the same district, who have ser ved in high ranking Government positions, such as in higher judicia ry, senior cadr e of police service or who have served as a reader or professor in Universit y Grants Commission approved Universit y or are self-employed professionals of repu te such as lawyers, chartered accountants and doctors (of Indian Medica l Association) etc.; and (d) Secr etary (Health) or nominee and Director Health Services or nominee. (Note: Effor t should be made to have most of the members’ ex-officio so that the need to change the composition of committee is less frequent.) 6B. The State level committees shall be formed for the purpose of p roviding approval or no objection certificate to the respective donor and recipient to establish the legal and residential status as a domicile state. It is manda tory that if donor, recipient and place of transplantation are fr om different s tates, then the approval or ‘no objection certificate’ from the resp ective domicile State Government should be necessary. The institution where the transplant is to be undertaken in such case the approval of Authorisation Committee is mandatory. 6C. The quorum of the Authorisation Committee should be minimum four. However, quorum ought not to be considered a s complete without the par ticipation of t he Chair ma n. The presence of Secreta ry (Health) or nominee and Dir ector of Health Services or nominee is mandatory. 6D. The format of the Authorisation Committee approval should be uniform in all the institutions in a St ate. The format may be notified by respective State Government. 6E. Secr etariat of the Committee shall circulate copies of all applica tions r eceived from the proposed donors to all members of the Committee. Such applications should be circulated along with all annexures, which may have been filed along with the applications. At the time of the meeting, the Authorisa tion Commit teeshould take note of all r elevant contents and documents in the cour se of its decision ma king process and in the event any document or information is found to be inadequate or doubtful, explanation should be sought fr om the a pplicant and if it is considered necessary that any fact or informa tion - 44 - Ex-354/2016 requires to be verified in order to confirm its veracity or cor rectness, the same be ascerta ined thr ough the concerned officer(s) of the S tate/ Union territory Government. 6F. The Authorisation Committee shall focus its attention on the following, namely:- (a ) Wher e the proposed transplant is between persons related genetically, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son or Daughter above the age of 18 years) the concer ned competent authority shall evaluate: (i) results of tissue typing and other basic tests; (ii) documentary evidence of relationship e.g. r elevant birth certificates and mar riage certifica te, certificate from Sub-divisional magistrate/ Metropolitan Magistrate/or Sarpanch of the Panchayat; (iii) docu mentary evidence of identity and residence of the p roposed donor e.g. Ra tion Car d or Voters identity Card or Passport or Driving License or PAN Card or Bank Account and family photograph depicting the proposed donor and the proposed recipient along with another near relative; (iv) if in its opinion, the relationship is not conclusively established after evaluating the above evidence, it may in it s discretion direct fur ther medical tests as prescribed as below: (a ) the tests for Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA), Human Leukocyte Antigen-B a lleles t o be perfor med by the serological and/or P olymerase chain reaction (PCR) based Deoxyribonucleic a cid (DNA) methods. (b) test for Human Leukocyte Antigen-DR beta genes to be performed using the Polymerase chain react ion (PCR) based Deoxyribonucleic a cid (DNA) methods. (c ) the tests r eferred to in s ub-rules (i) a nd (ii) shall be got done fr om a laboratory accredited with National Accreditation Board for La boratories (NABL).” (d) where the tests referred to in (i) to (iii) above do not establish a genetic r elationship between the donor and the recipient, the same tests to be performed on both or a t least one par ent, preferably b oth par ents. If parents are not available, same tests to be perfor med on such relatives of donor and recipient as are available and are willing to be tested failing which, genetic relationship between the donor a nd the r ecipient will be deemed to ha ve not been est ablished. (b) The papers for approval of transplantation would be pr ocessed by the registered medical p ractitioner and administrative division of the Institution for transplantation, while the approval will be granted by the Authorisation Committee. (c ) Wher e the proposed transplant is between a married couple (except foreigners, whose cases should be dealt by Authorisation Committee): The concerned competent authority or authorisation committee as thecase may be must evaluate all available evidence to establish the factum and duration of marriage and ensure that documents such as marriage certificate, marriage photograph is placed before the committee along with the informa tion on the number and age of, children and a family photogr aph depicting the entire immediate fa mily, birth certificate of children containing the par ticulars of parents. (d) Wher e the proposed transplant is between individuals who are not “near relatives”. The authoriza tion committee shall evaluate:- (i) that there is no commercial transa ction between the recipient a nd the donor. That no payment of money or moneys worth as r eferred to in the sections of the Act, has been ma de to t he donor or pr omised to be ma de to the donor or any other person. In t his connection the Authorisation Committee shall take into consideration: ( a ) an explanation of the link between them and the circumstances which led to the offer being made; (b) docu mentary evidence of the link e.g. pr oof tha t they have lived together etc.; (c ) reasons why the donor wishes to donate; and (d) old photogra phs showing the donor and the recipient together. (ii) that there is no middleman/tout involved; (iii) that financial status of the donor and the recipient is probed by asking them to give appropr iate evidence of their vocation and income for the previous three financial years. Any gross dispa rity -45 -Ex-354/2016 between the status of the two, must be evaluated in the backdr op of the objective of preventing commercial dealing; (iv) that the donor is not a drug addict or a known person with criminal record; (v) that t he next of kin of the proposed unrelated donor is interviewed regarding awareness about his/ her intention to donate an organ, the authenticit y of the link b etween the donor and the recipient and the reasons for donation. Any strong views or disagreement or objection of such kin, may also be recorded and taken note of; and ( e) When the pr oposed donor or the recipient or both are foreigners:- (i) a senior Embassy official of the countr y of or igin has to certify the relationship between the donor and the recipient. (ii) Authorisation Committee shall examine the cases of Indian donors consenting to donate or gans to a foreign national (who is a near relative), inclu ding a foreign national of Indian origin, with greater caution. S uch cases should be consider ed rarely on case to case ba sis. (f) In t he course, of determining eligibility of the applica nt to donate, the applicant should be personally interviewed by the Authorisation Committee and minutes of the interview should be recorded. Such interviews with the donor s should be videographed. (g) In case where the donor is a woma n greater precautions ought to be ta ken. Her identity and independent cons ent should be confirmed by a person other tha n the r ecipient. Any document with r egard to the proof of residence or domicile and particulars of parentage should be relatable to the photo identit y of the applica nt in order to ensure that the docu ments pertain to the same person, who is the proposed donor and in the event of a ny inadequate or doubtful information to this effect, the Authorisa tion Committee may in it s discr etion s eek such other informa tion or evidence as may be expedient and desirable in the p eculiar facts of the case. (h) The Authorisation C ommittee should state in writ ing its reason for rejecting/ approving the applica tion of the proposed donor and all approvals should be subject to the following conditions:- (i) that the approved proposed donor would be subjected to all such medica l tests as required at the relevant stages to determine his biological capacity and compatibility to donate the organ in question. (ii) further tha t the psychiatr ist clearance would also be mandatory to cer tify his mental condition, awar eness, absence of any overt or latent psychiatric disease and ability to give fr ee cons ent. (iii) all prescribed for ms have been a nd would be filled up by all relevant persons involved in the process of transplantation. (iv) all interviews to be video recor ded. (i) The authorisation committee shall expedite its decision making process and use its discretion judiciously and pragmatically in all s uch cases where, the pa tient r equires immediate transplantation. (j) Every author ised tr ansplantation centre must have its own website. The Authorisation Committee is required to take final decision within 24 hours of holding the meeting for grant of permission or rejection for transplant. The decision of the Authorisation Committee should be displa yed on the notice boar d of the hospital or Ins titution immediately a nd should reflect on the webs ite of t he hospital or Institution within 24 hours of taking t he decision.’ Apart fr om this, the website of the hospital or institution must upda te its website regularly in respect of the total number of the transplantations done in that hospital or institution along with the details of each t ranspla ntation. The same data should be accessible for compilation, analysis and further use by respective State Governments and Central Government. 7. In the said rules, in rule 7, after clause(2) the following clause shall be inserted, namely: “7(3) before a hospital is registered under the provisions of this rule, it shall be mandatory for the hospita l to nominate , a transplant coordinator.” 8. In the said rules, for rule 9 the following rule shall be substituted, namely: - 46 - Ex-354/2016 9. Conditions for grant of Certifica te of Registration: No hospital shall be granted a cer tificate of registration under this Act unless it fu lfils the following requirement of manpower, equipment, specialized services and facilities as laid down below:- AGeneral Manpower Requirement Specialised Services and Facilities: (1) 24 hours availability of medical and sur gical, (senior and junior) staff. (2) 24 hours availability of nursing staff, (genera l and specialit y trained). (3) 24 hours ava ilability of Intensive Care Units wit h adequate equipments, staff and support system, including specialists in anaesthesiology, intensive care. (4) 24 hours availability of laboratory with multiple discipline testing facilities including but not limited to Microbiology, Bio-Chemistry, Pathology and Hematology and Radiology depar tments with trained staff. (5) 24 hours availability of Operation Theater facilities (OT facilities) for planned and emergency procedures with adequate staff, support system and equipments. (6) 24 hours availability of communication system, with power backup, including but not limited to multiple line telephones, public telephone systems, fax, computers and paper photo-imaging machine. (7) Experts (Other than the experts required for the relevant transplantation) of relevant and associated specialties including but not limited to and depending upon the requirements, the experts in internal medicine, dia betology, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurology, paediatrics, gynaecology immunology and cardiology etc. should be available to the transplantation centre. BEquipments: Equipments as per cur rent a nd expected scientific r equirements specific to organ or organs being transplanted. The transpla nt centre shou ld ensure the availability of the accessories, spar e-parts and back-up/maintenance/service suppor t system in relation to all r elevant equipments. CExperts and their qua lifications: ( A) Kidney Transplantation: M.S. (Gen.) Surgery or equivalent qualification with three years post M.S. training in a recognised center in India or abroad and having attended to adequa te number of r enal tr ansplantation a s an active memb er of t ea m. (B) Transplanta tion of liver a nd other abdominal organs M.S. (Gen.) Surgery or equivalent qualification with adequate post M.S. training in an established center with a reasonable experience of p erforming liver transplantation as a n active member of team., (C) Cardiac, Pulmonary, Cardio-Pulmonary Transplantation: M.Ch. Cardio-thoracic and vascula r surgery or equivalent qualification in India or a broad with at least 3 years . exp erience as an active member of the t eam per for ming an adequate nu mber of open heart operations per year and well-versed with Coronary by-pass surger y and Heart-va lve surgery. (D ) Cornea Transplantation: M. D./M.S. ophthalmology or equivalent qualifica tion with one year post M.D./M.S tra ining in a recognised hospita l carrying out Corneal transplant operations. [F. No. S-12011 /12/2007-MS] VINEET CHAWDHRY, Jt. Secy. Note :— The princip al rules were published in the Gazette of Indiavide notification No. S-12011/2/1994- MS, dated the 4th February, 1995, Extraordinary, under G.S.R. No. 51(E). -47 -Ex-354/2016FORM 1(A)(Page 1 of 2) (To be completed by the prospective related donor) (See Rule 3) My full name is ……………………………...……………………………………………………………. and this is my photograph Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Nota ry Public) My permanent home address is …………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. Tel : ……………………………….. My present address for correspondence is..………………………………………………………………… ....................................................................................... Tel : ………………………………… Date of birth .....................................................................................(day/month/year) ·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:……………………….……. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency…………………………..... (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Passport number and country of issue……………………………………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority………………………….....…. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or · PAN……………………………………......………………… and/or ·Other proof of identity and address ………………………………………………………………….. I hereby authorize removal for therapeutic purposes/consent to donate my …………………………………. (state which organ) to my relative …………………………………………………. (specify son/daughter/ father/mother/ brother/sister), whose name is …………………………………………………… and who was born on …………………………………. . (day/month/year) and whose particulars are as follows: To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed Photograph of the Recipient (Attested by Nota ry Public)To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixedTo be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed - 48 - Ex-354/2016FORM 1(A) [PAGE – 2] ·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:……………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency………………………..….. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Passport number and country of issue……………………………………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority…………………………....…. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·PAN……………………………………………………… and/or ·Other proof of identity and address ………………………………………………………………….. I solemnly affirm and declare that: Sections 2, 9 and 19 of T he Transplanta tion of Human Organs Act 1994 have been exp lained to me and I confirm that: 1. 1 understand the na ture of criminal offences referred to in the sections. 2. No payment of money or money’s wor th as referred to in the sections of the Act has been made to me or will be made to me or any other person. 3. 1 am giving the consent a nd authorisation to remove my ……………………………………. (or gan) of my own fr ee will without any undue pressure, inducement, influence or allurement. 4. 1 ha ve been given a full explanation of the natur e of the medica l procedure involved a nd the r isks involved for me in the removal of my …………………………………….…… (organ). That explanation was given by …………………………..……… (name of registered medical practitioner). 5. 1 under the nature of that medica l procedure and of the risks to me a s expla ined by that pr actitioner. 6. 1 understand that I may withdraw my consent to the removal of that or gan at any time before the operation t akes place. 7. 1 state that particulars filled by me in the form are tr ue and correct to my knowledge and nothing materia l has been concea led by me. …………………………….………………….. Signature of the prospective donor Date Not e:To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/persons swearing the affida vit(s) signs(s) on the Notary Register, as well. ·Wher ever a pplica ble. -49 -Ex-354/2016FORM 1(B)(Page 1 of 2) (To be completed by the prospective spousal donor) (see Rule 3) My full name is ………………………………...………………………………………………………… and this is my photograph Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Nota ry Public) My permanent home address is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. Tel : ……………………………….. My present home a ddress is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...................................................................................... Tel : ………………………………… Date of birth (day/month/year) I authorize to remove for therapeutic pur poses/consent to donate my ……………………………... (state which organ) to my husband/wife………………………………………………………… whose full name is ………………………………………… and who was born on ………………………………. (day/month/year) and whose particulars are as follows: Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Nota ry Public) ·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:………………………….…. and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency……………………...…….. and/or ·Passport number and country of issue……………………………………………………. and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority…………………………..... and/or ·PAN……………………………………………………… and/or ·Other proof of identity address …………………………….………………..……………To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixedTo be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed - 50 - Ex-354/2016FORM 1(B) [Pape-2]I submit the following as evidence of being married to the recipient: (a) A certified copy of a marriage certificate OR (b) An affidavit of a ‘near relative’ confirming the status of marriage to be sworn before Class-I Magistrate/ Nota ry Public. (c ) Family photographs (d) Lett er from member of Gram Pancha yat / Tehsildar / Block Development Officer/ MLA/ MP certifying factum and status of marriage.. OR (e) Other credible evidence I solemnly affirm and declare that: Sections 2, 9 and 19 of T he Transplanta tion of Human Organs Act 1994 have been exp lained to me and I- confirm that 1. I understand the na ture of criminal offences referred to in the sections. 2. No payment of money or money’s wor th as referred to in t he Sections of the Act has been made to me or will be made to me or any other person. 3. I am giving the consent and authorisation to remove my (or ga n) of my own free will without a ny undu e press ure, inducement . influ ence or allurement. 4. I ha ve been given a full explanation of the natur e of the medica l procedure involved a nd the r isks involved for me In the removal of my ……………………………………………… (organ). T hat explanation was given by ………………………………………………………….. (name of registered medical practitioner). 5. I under the nature of that medica l procedure and of the risks to me a s expla ined by that pr actitioner. 6. I understand that I may withdraw my cons ent to the removal of that or gan at any time before the operation t akes place. 7. I state that particulars filled by me in t he form are tr ue and correct to my knowledge and not hing materia l has been concea led by me, …………………………….………………….. Signature of the prospective donor Date Not e:To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/persons swearing the affida vit(s) signs(s) on the Notary Register, as well. ·Wher ever a pplica ble. -51 -Ex-354/2016FORM 1(C)(Page 1 of 2) (To be completed by the prospective un-related donor) (See Rule 3) My full name is ……………………………………………………………………………………………. and this is my photograph Photograph of the Donor (Attested by Nota ry Public) My permanent home address is …………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. Tel : ……………………………….. My present home address is..……………………………………………………………………………… ....................................................................................... Tel : ………………………………… Date of birth (day/month/year) ·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:……………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency………………………….. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Passport number and country of issue……………………………………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority……………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·PAN……………………………………………………… and/or ·Other proof of identity and address ………………………………………………………………….. Details of last three years income and vocation of donor …………………………………………………… ………………………………………….......………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………...………………………………………………………. I hereby authorize to remove for therapeutic purposes/consent to donate my ………………………… (state which organ) to a person whose full name is ………………………………………………………. and who was born on …………………………….. (day/month/year) and whose particulars are as follows: Photograph of the Recipient (Attested by Nota ry Public)To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixedTo be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed - 52 - Ex-354/2016FORM 1(C) [Pape-2]·Ration/Consumer Card number and Date of issue and place:………………………….……………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Voter ’s I-Card number, date of issue, Assembly constituency……………………....……………….. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Passport number and country of issue………………………………………………………………. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority……………………………...……..……. (P hotocopy a tta ched) and/or ·PAN………………………………………………..………………… and/or ·Other proof of identity and address ………………………………………………………………….. I solemnly affirm and declare that: Sections 2, 9 and 19 of T he Transplanta tion of Human Organs Act 1994 have been exp lained to me and I- confirm that 1. I understand the na ture of criminal offences referred to in the Sections. 2. No payment of money or money’s wor th as referred to in t he Sections of the Act has been made to me or will be made to me or any other person. 3. I am giving the consent and authorisation to remove my (or ga n) of my own free will without a ny undu e press ure, inducement . influ ence or allurement. 4. I ha ve been given a full explanation of the natur e of the medica l procedure involved a nd the r isks involved for me In the removal of my ……………………………………………… (organ). T hat explanation was given by ………………………………………………………….. (name of registered medical practitioner). 5. I under the nature of that medica l procedure and of the risks to me a s expla ined by that pr actitioner. 6. I understand that I may withdraw my cons ent to the removal of that or gan at any time before the operation t akes place. 7. I state that particulars filled by me in t he form are tr ue and correct to my knowledge and not hing materia l has been concea led by me. …………………………….………………….. Signature of the prospective donorDate Not e:To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/persons swearing the affida vit(s) signs(s) on the Notary Register, as well. ·Wher ever a pplica ble. -53 -Ex-354/2016FORM 2[See rule 4 (1) (b)] (To be completed by the concerned Medical Practitioner)I, Dr………………………………….. possessing qualification of ………………………. registered as medical practitioner at serial no. ……………………… by the ……………………………………….. Medical Council, certify that I have examined Shri/ Smt./ Km. …………………………………………….. S/o, D/o, W/o Shri …………………………………. aged ………………………………… who has given informed consent about dona tion of the organ, namely (name of the organ) ……………. ……… to S hri/ Smt./Km ………………………………………… who is a near relative’ of the donor/other than near relative of the donor, who had been approved by the Authorisation Committee/Registered Medical Practitioner i.e. Inchar ge of transpla nt centr e (as the case may be) and that the said donor is in proper state of health and is medically fit to be subjected to the procedure of orga n removal. Place: ………………………….………………………………. Signa ture of Doctor Date: ……………………….....Seal Photograph of the DonorPhotograph of the recipient (Attested by doctor)(Attested by doctor) FORM 3[See rules 4(1)(c)] I, Dr./Mr/Miss. …………………………..…… Working as …………………………………..…… at …………………… and possessing qualification of …………………………………… certify that Shri/ Smt./ Km. …………………………..……….S/o, D/o, W/o Shri/ Smt. ………………………………… aged …………………… the donor and Shri/ Smt. ………………………………………………………… S/o, D/o, W/o, Shri/Smt………………………….. aged …………………… the proposed recipient of the orga n to be donated by the said donor ar e related to each other as brother/sister/mother/father/son/daughter as per their statement and the fa ct of t his relationship has been esta blished / not established by the results of the tests for Antigenic Product of the Human Major Histocompa tibility Complex. T he results of the tests are attached. Signature (To be signed by the Head of the Laboratory) Seal Place : ……………………….. Date : ………….....…………..To be affixed (posted) and attested by the doctor concerned. Th e signatures and seal should partially appear on photograph and document without disfiguring the face in photographTo be affixed (posted) and attested by the doctor concerned. Th e signatures and seal should partially appear on photograph and document without disfiguring the face in photograph - 54 - Ex-354/2016FORM 10APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL FOR TRANSPLANTATION (LIVE DONOR) (To be completed by the pr oposed recipient and the proposed living donor) [See rules 4(1) (c) (d) (e)] Photograph of D onor Photograph of recipient Whereas I ……………………………………… S/o, D/o, W/o, ………………………………… Shri/Smt. …………………………………… aged ………….. residing at ……………………………. have been advised by my doctor ……………………… that I am suffering from ……………………… and may be benefited by transplantation of …………………………………………… into my body. And whereas I .…………………..........……… S/o, D/o, W/o, …………………….....………… Shri/Smt. ………………………………… aged …….. residing at …..…………………………… by the following reason(s ) :- a ) by virtue of being a near relative i.e …………………………………………………. b) by r eason of affection/atta chment/ other special r eason as explained below :- …………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. I would therefore like to donate my (name of the organ) …………………………………..…………… to Shri./Smt. ……………………………… We …………………………………………… and …………………………………………………… (D onor)(Recipient) hereby apply to Authorisation Committee for permission for such transplantation to be carried out. We solemnly affirm that the above decision has been taken without any undue pr essure, inducement, influence or allurement and that a ll possible consequences and options of organ transplantation have been expla inedto us.To be self attested across th e affixed ph otographTo be self attested across th e affixed ph otograph -55 -Ex-354/2016FORM 10 [Page 2]Instructions for the applicants:- 1. Form 10 must be submitted along with the completed For m 1(A), or For m 1(B) or Form 1(C) as may be applicable. 2. The applicable Form i.e. Form 1(A) or Form 1(B) or Form 1(C) as the case may be, should be accompanied with a ll documents mentioned in the applicable form and all relevant queries set out in the applicable form must be adequately answered. 3. Completed Form 3 to be submitted along with the laboratory report. 4. The doctor ’s advice recommending transplantation must be enclosed with the a pplication. 5. In addit ion to above, In case the proposed transplant is between unrelated persons, appropriate evidence of vocation and income of the donor as well as the recipient for the last three years must be enclosed with this application. It is clarified that the evidence of income does not necessarily mean the proof of income tax returns, keeping in view that the applicant(s) in a given case may not b e filing income tax returns, 6. The application shall be accepted for consideration by the Authorisation Committee only if it is complete in a ll resp ects and any omission of the documents or the information requir ed In t he forms mentioned above, shall render the application incomplete. 7. As per the Supreme Court’s judgment dated 31.03.2005, the approval/ No Objection Certificate from the concerned State/ Union Territory Government or Authorisation Commit tees is mandatory from the domicile St ate/ Union Terr itory of donor as well as recipient. It is understood that final approval for transplantation should be granted by the Authorisation C ommittee/ Registered Medical Practitioner i.e. Inchar ge of t ranspla nt centre(asthe case may be) where transplantation should be done. We have read and understood the a bove instructions. Signature of the Prospective DonorSignature of Prospective Recipient DateDate : PlacePlace - 56 - Ex-354/2016 MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislative Department) NewDelhi, the 28 th September, 2011 /Asvina 6, 1933 (SAKA) The following Act of Parliament received the assent of t he President on the 27th September, 2011, and is hereby published for general information:— THE TRANSPLANTATION OF HUMAN ORGANS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2011 (No. 16 OF 2011) [27 th September, 2011] An Act to amend the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the said law enacted by Parliament relating to r egulation of r emoval, storage and transpla ntation of human orga ns for therapeutic purposes and for pr evention of commercial dealings in human organs; AND WHEREAS Par liament has no power to make or amend la ws for the States with respect to any of the matters aforesaid except as provided in articles 249 and 250 of the Constitution; AND WHEREAS in pursuance of clause (1) of article 252 of the Constitution, resolutions have been passed by all the Houses of the Legislatur es of t he States of Goa. Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal to the effect tha t the a foresaid Act should be amended by Parliament: BE it enact ed by Parliament in the Sixty-second Year of the Republic of India as follows: - 1.(1)T his Act may be called the Tra nsplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Act, 2011. (2) It applies, in the fir st insta nce, to the whole of the States or Goa, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal and to all the Union terr itories and it shall a lso apply to such other State which adopts this Act by resolution passed in that behalf under clause (I) of article 252 of the Constitution. (3) It shall come into force in the States of Goa , Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal and in all t he Union territ ories on such date as the Central Government may, by notifica tion, a ppoint and in any other State which adopts this Act under clause (1) of a rticle 252 of the Constitution on the date of such adoption; and any reference in this Act to the commencement of this Act shall, in relation to any Sta te or Union terr itory, means the date on which this Act comes into force in such State or Union territory, 2.In the Transplantation of Human Organs Act , 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in the long title, for the words “human organs for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of commercial dea lings in human organs”, the words “human orga ns and tissues for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of commercial dealings in human organs a nd tissues” shall be substituted. Short title, application and com- mencement. Amendment of long title.42 of 1994. -57 -Ex-354/2016 3.Insection 1 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the words “Human Orga ns”, the words “Human Organs and Tissues” shall be substituted. 4.Throughout the principal Act [except clause(h) of section 2, sub-section (5) of section 9, s ub-section (1) of section 18 a nd section 19], unless otherwise expressly provided, for the words “ human organ” a nd “human orga ns”, wherever they occur, the words “ human organ or tissue or both” and “ human organs or tissues or both” shall respectively be substituted with such consequential amendments as the rules of grammar may require. 5.In section 2 of the principal Act,— (a ) after clause (h), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely :— ‘(ha) “Human Orga n Retrieval Centre” means a hospit al,— (i) which has adequate facilities for treating seriously ill patients who can be potentia l donor s of or gans in the event of death; and (ii) which is registered under sub-section (1) ofsection 14 for retrieval of huma n orga ns; (hb) “minor” means a person who has not completed the age of eighteen year s;’; (b) for clause (i), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:— ‘(i) “near relative” means spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson or gr anddaughter; (c) in clause (o), the wor d “and” shall be omit ted; (d) after clause (o), the following cla uses shall be inserted, namely:— ‘(oa) “tissue” means a group of cells, except blood, performing a particular function in the human body; (ob) “Tissue Bank” means a facility registered under section 14A for ca rrying out a ny activity relating to the recovery, screening, testing, processing, stor age and distribution of tissues, but does not include a Blood Bank;’; (e) after clause (p), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— ‘(q) “transplant co-ordina tor” means a person appointed by the hospital for co-ordinating all matters relating to removal or transplantation of human orga ns or tissues or both and for assisting the author ity for remova l of huma n organs in accordance with the provisions of section 3.’. 6. In s ection 3 of the principal Act,—- (a) after sub-section (1), the following sub-sections shall be inserted, namely :— “(1A) For the purpose of r emoval, storage or tra nsplantation of such human orga ns or tissues or both, as may be prescribed, it shall be the duty of the registered medical practitioner working in a hospital, in consultation with transplant co-ordinator, if such transplant co-ordinator is available,— (i) to a scertain from the per son admitted to the Intensive Care Unit or from his near relative that such person had a uthorised at a ny time before his death the r emoval of any human organ or tissue or both of his body under sub-section (2), then the hospital shall proceed to obtain the documenta tion for such authorisation in such ma nner as may be prescribed; (ii) where no su ch authority as referred to in sub-section (2) was made by such person, to ma ke awar e in such manner as may be prescribed to that person or near relative for option to authorise or decline for donation of huma n organs or tissues or both;Amendment of s ection 1. Substitution of references to certain expressions by certain other expressions. Amendment of s ection 2. Amendment of s ection 3. - 58 - Ex-354/2016 (iii) to r equire the hosp ital to inform in writing to the Human Orga n Retrieval Centre for removal, storage or tr ansplantation of human organs or tissues or both, of the donor identified in clauses(i) and (ii) in such manner as may be pres crib ed. (1B) The duties mentioned under clauses (i) to (iii) of sub-section ( 1A) from such date, a s may be prescr ibed, s hall also apply in the case of registered medical practitioner working in an Intensive Care Unit in a hospital which is not regist ered under this Act for the purpose of removal, storage or transplantation of human organs or tissues or both.”; (b) in sub-section (4), the following pr oviso shall be inserted, namely:—- “Provided that a technician possess ing such qualifications and experience, as may be prescribed, may enucleate a cornea.”; (c) in sub-section (6), in clause (iii), — (i) the word “a nd” sha ll be omitted; and (ii) the following proviso sha ll be inserted, namely:-— “Provided that where a neurologis t or a neurosur geon is not ava ilable, the registered medical practitioner may nominate a n independent registered medical practitioner, being a surgeon or a physician and an anaesthetist or intensivist subject to the condition that they are not members of the tr ansplantation team for the concerned recipient and to such conditions as may be pr escribed;”. 7. In s ection 9 of the principal Act , -- (a) after sub-s ection (1), the following sub-sections sha ll be inserted, namely: - ‘(1A) Where the donor or the recepient being nea r relative is a foreign national, prior approval of the Author isation Committee shall be required before removing or transplanting human orga n or tissue or both: Provided that the Authorisation Committee shall not approve s uch removal or transplantation if the recipient is a foreign national and the donor is an Indian national unless they are nea r relatives. (1B) No huma n organs or tissues or both s hall be removed from the body of a minor befor e his death for the purpose of transplanta tion except in the ma nner as ma y be p rescribed. (1C) No human or gans or tissues or both sha ll be r emoved from the body of a mentally challenged person befor e his death for the pu rpose of transplantation. Explanation. — For the pur pose of this sub-section,— (i) the express ion mentally challenged person” includes a person with ment al illness or mental retarda tion, a s the case may be; (ii) the expression “mental illness” includes dementia , schizophrenia and such other mental condition that makes a person intellectually disabled, (iii) the express ion “mental retardation” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in cla use (r) of section 2 of the Persons With Disabilities (Equal Oppor tunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)Act, 1995:; (b) after sub-section (3), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:— “(3A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-s ection (3), where—- (a ) any donor has agreed to make a donation of his human organ or tissue or both before his death to a recipient, who is his near relative, but such donor is not compatible biologically as a donor for the recipient; and Amendment of s ection 9. 1 of 1996. -59 -Ex-354/2016 (b) the second donor ha s agreed to make a donation of his human orga n or tissue or both before his death to such recipient, who is his near relative, but such donor is not compa tible biologica lly as a donor for such recipient; then (c ) the first donor who is compatible biologically as a donor for the second recipient a nd the second donor is compatible biologically as a donor of a huma n organ or tissue or both for the first recipient a nd both donors and both recipients in the aforesaid group of donor and recipient have entered into a single agreement to donate and receive such human orga n or tissue or both according to such biological compatibility in the gr oup, the removal and tr ansplantation of the human or gan or tissue or both, as per the agr eement referr ed to above, shall not be done without prior approval of the Authorisation Committee.”; (c ) for sub-section (4 ), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:—- “(4) (a) The composition of the Authorisation Committees shall be such as may be prescribed by t he Central Government From time to t ime. (b) T he S ta te Government a nd the Union terr it or ies sha ll constit ute, by notification, one or more Authorisation Committees consisting of such members as ma y be nominated by the State Governments and the Union territ ories on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the notification for the purposes of this section.”. 8.In section 10 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), — (a ) in clause (b ), the word “and” occurring a t the end shall be omit ted; (b) in clause (c), the word “a nd” sha ll be inserted at the end; (c) after clause (c), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: - “(d) no Tissue Bank, unless r egistered under this Act, shall ca rry out any activity relating to the recover y, screening, testing, processing, storage and distribution of tissues.”. 9. In section 13 of the principal Act, in sub-section (3),— (a) for clause (iii), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:—- “(iii) to enforce such standards, as may be pr escribed.—— (A) for hospitals engaged in the removal, storage or transplantation of any human organ; (B) for Tissue Banks engaged in recover y, screening, testing, processing, storage and distribution of tissues;”; (b) after clause (iv), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—- “(iva) to inspect Tissue Banks periodically;”. 10.After section 13 of the pr incipal Act, the following s ections shall be inserted, namely:— “13A, (1) The Central Government and the State Governments, as the case may be, by notification, shall constitute an Advisory Committee for a period of two year s to aid and advise the Appropr iate Authority to discharge it s functions. (2) The Advisory Committee shall consist of— (a ) one adminis trative expert not below the rank of Secr etary to the State Government, to be nominated as Chairperson of the Advisor y Committee;Amendment of section 10. Amendment of section 13. Insertrion of new sections 13A, 13B, 13C and 13D. Advisory Committees to advise Appropriate Authority. - 60 - Ex-354/2016 (b) two-medical experts having such qualifica tions as may be prescribed; (c ) one officer not below the rank of a Joint Director to represent the Ministry or Department of Health and Family Welfare, to be designated as Member-Secretary; (d) two eminent social workers of high social standing and integrity, one of whom shall be from amongst r epr esentatives of women’s orga nisa tion;(e) one legal expert who has held the position of an Additional District Judge or equivalent; (f) one person to represent non-governmental organisations or associations which are working in the field of organ or tissue donations or human rights; (g) one specialist in the field of human organ tra nsplantation, provided he is not a member of the tra nsplantation team. (3) The terms and conditions for appointment to the Advisor y Committee shall be such as ma y be prescribed by the Central Government. 13B. The Appropriate Authority shall for the purposes of this Act have all the powers of a civil cour t trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and, in par ticular, in respect of the following matters, namely:—— (a) summoning of any person who is in possession of any informa tion relating to violation of the provisions of this Act or the rules made there- under; (b) discovery and production of any document or material object; (c) issuing sear ch war rant for a ny pla ce suspected to be indulging in unauthorised removal, procurement or transplantation of human organs or tissues or both; and (d) any other matter which may be prescribed. 13C. The Central Government may, by notification, establish a National Huma n Orga ns a nd Tissues Removal a nd Stora ge Network a t one or mor e places and R egional Network in such manner and to perform such functions, as may b e prescr ibed. I3D. The Central Government shall maintain a national registry of the donors and recipients of human organs and tissues and such registry sha ll have such information as may be prescribed to an ongoing evaluation of the scientific and clinical status of human organs a nd tissues” 11. In section 14 of the principal Act,— (a ) in s ub-section (1), for the words “No hospital”, the words “ No hospital (including Human Organ Retrieval Centr e)” sha ll be substituted; (b) after sub-section (3), the following sub-s ection shall be inserted, namely:— “(4) No hospital shall be registered under this Act, unless the Appropr iate Authority is satisfied tha t such hospital has appointed a transplant co-ordinator having such qualifications and experience as ma y be pr escribed.”. 12. After section 14 of ’ the principa l Act, the following section shall b e inserted, namely :—Powers of Appropriate Authority. National Human Organs and Tissue s Re moval and St orage Ne twork. National registry. Amendment of section 14. Insertion of new section 14A Registration of Tissue s Bank. -61 -Ex-354/2016 “14A.(I) NoTissue Bank shall, after the commencement of t he Transplanta tion of Human Organs (Amendment) Act, 2011, commence any activity relating to the recover y, screening, testing, processing, storage a nd distribution of tissues unless it is duly registered under this Act: Provided that any facility engaged, either partly or exclusively, in any activity relating to the recovery, screening. test ing, pr ocessing, stora ge and distribution of tissues immediately befor e the commencement of ’ the Tra nsplanta tion of Huma n Organs (Amendment) Act, 2011 , shall apply for registration as Tissue Bank within sixty days fr om the date of such commencement: Provided further that such facility sha ll cease to engage in any such activity on the expiry of three months from the date of commencement of the Transplanta tion of Human Organs (Amendment) Act , 2011, unless such Tissue Bank has applied for regist ration and is so registered, or till such application is disposed of, whichever is earlier. (2) Every application for registration under sub-section (1) shall be made to the Appr opriate Authority in such form and in such manner a nd shall be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed. (3) No Tissue Bank shall be registered under this Act unless the Appropriate authority is satisfied that such Tissue Bank is in a position to provide such specialised services and facilities, possess such skilled manpower and equipments a nd maint ain such standa rds as may be prescribed.”. 13. In s ection 15 of the principal Act , in sub-section (1), for the words “ grant to the hospital; the words “grant to the hospital or to the Tissue Bank, as the ca se may be,” shall be inserted. 14. In section 16 of the principal Act, for the word “hospital”, wherever it occurs, the words “ hospita l or Tissue Ba nk, as the case may be,” sha ll be substituted. 15. In s ection 17 of the principal Act, after the words, brackets and figure “under sub--section (6) of section 9, or any hospital”, the words “or Tissue Bank, as the case may be,” shall be inserted. 16. In s ection 18 of the principal Act, — (a) in sub-section (1), for the words “ five years and with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees”, the words “ten years and with fine which may extend to twenty lakh rupees” sha ll be substituted; (b) in sub-section (2), for the words “two year s”, the words three years” shall be substituted. (c) after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:- “(3) Any person who render s his services to or at any hospital and who conduct s, or associates with or helps in any manner in the removal of human tissues without authority, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with fine which may extend to five lakh rupees.”. 17.In section 19 of the principal Act, - (a) after clause (f), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-Amendment of section 15. Amendment of section 16. Amendment of section 17. Amendment of section 18. Amendment of section 19. - 62 - Ex-354/2016 “(g) abets in the prepara tion or submission of false documents inclu ding giving false affida vits to establish that the donor is making the donation of the huma n organs, as a near relative or by r eason of affection or attachment towards the r ecipient.”; (b) for the words “two years but which may extend to seven years a nd shall be liable to fine which shall not be less than ten thousand rupees but ma y extend to twenty thousand rupees”, the words “five years but which may extend to ten year s and shall be liable to fine which shall not be less than twenty lakh rupees but may extend to one crore rupees” shall be substituted;(c) the proviso shall be omitted. 18.After section 19 of ’ the principa l Act, the following section shall b e inserted, namely:— “19A. Whoever— (a) makes or receives a ny payment for the supply of, or for an offer to supply, any human tissue; or (b) seeks to find person willing to supply for payment and human tissue; or (c) offers to supply any human tissue for payment; or (d) initiates or negotiates any arrangement involving the making of any payment for the supply of, or for an offer to supply, a ny human tissue; or (e) takes pa rt in the mana gement or contr ol of a body of persons, whether a society, fir m or company, whose activities consist of or include the initiation or negotiation of any arrangement referred to in clause (d); or (f) publishes or distributes or causes to be published or distributed any advertisement (i) inviting persons to supply for payment of any huma n tissue; or (ii) offering to supply any human tissue for payment; or (iii) indicating that the advertiser is willing to initiate or negotiate any arra ngement refer red to in clause (d); or (g) abets in the prepar ation or submission of false documents including giving false affidavits to establish tha t the donor is making the donation of the human tissues as a near relative or by reason of affection or atta chment towards the recipient, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but which may extend to three years and shall be liable to fine which shall not be less than five lakh rupees but which may extend to twenty-five lakh rupees.”. Amendment of section 20. 19.In section 20 of the principal Act, for the words “three years or with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees”. the words “ five years or with fine which may extend to twenty lakh rupees” sha ll be substituted. 20.In section 24 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), — (a ) after clause (a), the following clauses s hall be inserted, namely:— “(aa ) the human organs or tissues or both in respect of which duty is cast on r egistered medica l pract itioner, the ma nner of obtaining documentation for authorisation under clause (i) of sub-section (1A) of section 3; (ab) the manner of making the donor or his relative aware under clause (ii) of sub-section (1A) of section 3; Insertion of new section 19A. Punishme nt for illegal dealings in human tissues. Amendment of section 20. Amendment of section 24. -63 -Ex-354/2016(ac) the manner of informing the Human Organ Retrieval Centre under clause (iii) of s ub-section (1A) of section 3; (ad) the date from which duties mentioned in sub-section (1A) are applicable to r egistered medical practitioner working in a unregistered hospital under sub- section (1B) of section 3; (ae) the qualifications and experience of a technician under the proviso to sub-section (4) of section 3;”; after clause (b), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—- “(ba ) the conditions for nomination of a surgeon or a physician and an anaesthetis t or intensivis t to be included in the Boar d of medical experts under the proviso to clause (iii) of s ub-section (6) of section 3;”; (c ) after clause (e), the following clauses s hall be inserted, namely:— “(ea ) the manner of removal of human or gans or tissues or both from the body of a minor before his death for tra nsplantation under sub-section (1B) of section 9; (eb) the composition of the Authorisation Committees under sub-section (4) of section 9;”; (d) after clause (i), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely: — “(ia ) the qualifica tions of medica l experts and the terms and conditions for appoint ment to Advisory Committee under sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 13A; (ib) the power of the Appropriate Authority in any other matter under clause (d) of section 13B; (ic) the manner of establishment of a Nationa l Human Organs and Tissues Removal and Storage Network and Regional Network and functions to be performed by them under s ection 13C; (id) the informa tion in the na tional registry of the donors and recipients of huma n organs and t issues and all informa tion under section 13D;”; (e) after clause (k), the following clauses s hall be inserted, namely:— “(ka ) the qualifica tions a nd experience of a tra nsplant co-ordinator under sub-section (4) of section 14; (kb) the form and the manner in which an application for registr ation shall be made, and the fee which shall be accompanied, under sub-section (2) of section 1 4A; (kc) the specialised services and the facilities to be provided, skilled manpower and the equipments to be possessed and the standards to be maintained by a Tissue Bank, under sub-section (3) of section 14A;”; (f) in clause (1), for the word “hospital”, the words “hospital or Tissue Bank” shall be substituted. V K. BHASIN, Secy. to the Govt. of India.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Expert Group to evaluate the Social Impact Assessment Report with the following composition with immediate effect

VOL - XLVISSUE - 355Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 355 NOTIFICATIONNo.H. 11018/16/2016-REV/Vol-III/pt-I, the 15th September, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-sections (1), (2) a nd (3) of Section 7 of The Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilita tion and Resettlement) Act, 2016 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute “Expert Group” to evaluate the Social Impact Assessment Repor t with the following composit ion wit h immediate effect. 1.Chairman : Pu Lallungmuana, Assista nt Professor, PUC. 2.Member: 1) Dr. James L.T. Thanga, Asst. Professor, MZU. 2) Two representatives of VC or LC or Municipality of the concerned Area. 3) Commissioner/Secretary, DM & R Deptt. 4) SDO (Sada r) of the Affected Area. 5) Chief Engineer (Highway), PWD. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenue & Settlement.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) for Biomedical and Research on Human Participants as per Guidelines of Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi comprising of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 356Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 356 NOTIFICATIONNo. J. 11011/74/2009-HFW, the 15th September, 2016. In supersession of this Department’s Notification issue dvide No. J. 11011/74/2009-HFW dated 28th July, 2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-const itute Inst itutional Ethics Committee (IEC) for Biomedical and Research on Human Participants as per Guidelines of Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi comprising of the following memb ers with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. Sl. No.DesignationNameQualification1.ChairpersonDr. L. RingluaiaDirector (Rtd.), Synod Hospital 2.Basic Medical Science Area Dr. T. Lalzawmliana, M.D.Consultant (Biochemistr y) 3.ClinicianDr. Saia Chenkual, M.SConsultant (General Surgery) 4.ClinicianDr. Mary Muanpuii Ralte,Consultant M.D. , Anaesthesiology 5.Legal Exp ertRosangzuala Ralte, AdvocateSenior Advocate 6.NGO/Social ScientistDr. ZoengpariAssociate Professor, MZU 7.1 (one) TheologianRev. R. Lalchangliana, Pa stor Chaplain, Civil Hospital, Aizawl i/c Dawrpui Pastorate 8.One Lay Person from theProf. T. Vanlaltlani, Professor, Director (Rtd.), School Education CommunityATC 9.Member SecretaryDr. C. Lalchhandama, M.D.Senior Specialist (Pathology) La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Aizawl District station areas as Falkawn Village with immediate effect and valid for 2 years

VOL - XLVISSUE - 357Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 357 NOTIFICATIONNo. J-12011/30/2016-REV, the 16th September, 2016. In pursuance to this Department’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Aizawl District station areas as Falkawn Village with immediate effect and valid for 2 yea rs. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman:F.La lchhanchhuaha, President, Villa ge Council, Falkawn. 2.Member Secretary:R.La ltanpuii, Headmistress, Govt. Falkawn High School. MEMBERS :1)Vanthangpuii, India n National Congress 2)F.Lalramzauva, Mizo National Front, 3)P.C. Zakhuma, M.P.C. 4)Vanlalenga, Z.N.P. 5)Sapdawla, President, M.U.P. 6)R.Lalsangliana, President, Y.M.A. 7)Prominent Person : - 1)C.Rokunga2)Lalngaihzuala 3)H.Vanlalrema4)K.Vanlalhuma 5)Israela6)Lalhmachhuana 7)R.Lalzamlova8)Lalrinchhana 9)K.Lalruatsanga10)NL Lalremsa ngi Fa nai. 11)C.Lalropuia12)Zakaria Lalnuntluanga. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will b e the Screening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board s hall have to ju diciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board sha ll have its sitting at least twice in a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Boar d if the place of sit ting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. T he Secretar y SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairma n by giving at least 10 (ten) days in advance to the member of S AAB. - 2 - Ex-357/2016 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any ca tegory or purpose must be su bmitted to the Settlement Officer or Assista nt Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy C ommissioner of the District. In case, Chairman of SAAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must be submitted to $he concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the ma tter for demarcation of land b y Surveyor, Revenue Depa rtment in the presence of the applica nt, the concerned VC and neighbouring land holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. T he recommendation of the meeting of Board shall be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government thr ough the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obs truction to future infrastructure development wor k of the Government. It sha ll also take into a ccount that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the M izoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 as amended fr om time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Obituary of Dr. Padam Bahadur Chhetri, District Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Officer, Saiha

VOL - XLVISSUE - 358Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYNo.A.21021/1/2008-AH&V, the 19th September, 2016. The Government of Mizoram has learnt with deep sorrow the sad a nd untimely demise of Dr. Pa dam Ba hadur Chhetri, District Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Officer, Saiha on 18.09.2016. Dr. Padam Bahadur Chhetri was bor n on 01.03.1960 and entered into the Government service on 29.10.1984 as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon. He was posted as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon at Lawngtlai and Hnahthial, Ins tructor School of Veterinary Science at Selesih, Sub- Divisional Veterinary Officer Lawngtlai, Training Associate (KVK) Kolasib,District Veterinary Officer Kola sib, District Veterinary Officer Saiha, Deputy Director (DI) and District Veterinary Officer Saiha wher e he served till his final day. He served the Gover nment of Mizora m for 31 years, 10 months and 21 days with utmost sincerity and devotion, and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He a lways pr oved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government pla ced on record its deep appreciation of the service rendered by Dr.P adam Bha hadur Chhetri and convey its heartfelt sympa thy and condolence to the bereaved fa mi ly . K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr/Secretary to the Govt .of Mizoram, AH&Vety Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvida 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 358

State Level Monitoring Committee under Swadesh Darshan to Monitor the progress of works under Swadesh Darshan Scheme in Mizoram with the following members with immediate effect until further order.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 359Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 359 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 11014/16/2015-TOUR, the 19th September, 2016. In pursuance of Government of India, Ministry of Tourism (Swadesh Darshan Division). The Governor of Mizor am is pleased to Constitute State Level Monit oring Committee under Swadesh Darshan to Monitor the progr ess of works under Swadesh Darshan Scheme in Mizoram with the following members with immediate effect u ntil fur ther or der. 1.Secr etary, Tourism Depart ment- Chairman 2.Director, Tourism Department- Member Secretary 3.Secr etary, F inance Department on his Representative not below- Member the rank of Joint Secretary 4.Principal Adviser-cum-Additional Secretar y, Planning & Prog.- Member Implementation Deptt. or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary 5.Depu ty Commissioner, Serchhip District, Serchhip- Member 6.Chief Engineer, PWD (Building)- Member 7.Joint Director, Tourism Department- Member 8.Project Engineer, MTDA- Member The Committee will inspect the projects once or t wist in quarterly and should submit r eport of the progress of the works regularly to Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India (SD) through Administrative Department. V. Lalremthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tourism Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Press Representative as Accredited Journalist and 5 (five) as Prominent Press Representative as shown in the Annexure with immediate effect and until further orders.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 360Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 360 NOTIFICATION No. F. 14011/1/2009-IPR, the 20th September, 2016.In supersession of this Depar tment’s Notification of even No. dt. 27.07.2016 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to declare 131 (One hundred thirty one) Press Representa tive as Accredited Jour nalist and 5 (five) as Prominent Press Representative as shown in the Annexure with immediate effect and until further or ders. B. Lalthanliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. ACCREDITED PRESSMEN MIZORAM AIZAWL DISTRICT Sl . NameDesignation Name ofMobile ResidentialEmail Address No.Newspaper/FirmNumber Address 1 D.R. ZirlianaEditorMizo Aw9436142815 Za rkaw t, Aiza 2 LalthanzamaEditorSakeibaknei9436195800 Tuiku al ‘N ’, A iz aw 3 C. Lalzamlo vaEditorChhawrpial9436142736 Zo tlan g, Aiza 4 K. SapdangaEditorVanglaini9436140430/ B-28/A, Aiza wl Ven gla i, 9862563087 A iz aw l 5 T. Lalhmachhuana EditorDingdi9612133286 72/27 Chhinga Veng, Aizawl d in gd i86 @g ma m 6 Laldingliana Sailo EditorZonet Cable TV9436196153 Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl ding azone t@ gma il.c om 7 H.C. VanlalruataCorrespondent Press Trust of India 9862416225/ NC-IV/11/4, 9774006437 8 C. DinthangaEditor/Publisher Lelte Weekly9436140514 A/61, Saron Veng, Aizawl 9 Zonunsanga Khiangte EditorLenlaini9436141035 B-30D, Chanmari, Aizawl 10 Lal RinmawiaNews EditorVanglaini9436140429 MV-153 (A), Mission Veng, mama vanglaini@gma Aizawl 11 L.T. SangaEditorMorning Post9436141036 Ve ng hlui, Aiza wl 12 SangthuamaEd ito r/Pu blisher Hr iatna9862586304 Ch anma ri Wes t, A iza 13 R. Lalhmangaihzuala EditorRomei9436140574 Bawngkawn Shalom Veng, r la lhma a@ gma m Aizawl 14 C. Lalhmachhuana EditorYouth Herald9862355399 T-18, Ve ngh lui, Aiza wllalhmachhuanac@yahoo. com 15 C. LalduhawmaNews EditorLPS Vision9862836040 V-69-B Venghlui Hmarveng duh tea@g Aizawl - 2 - Ex-360/2016 16 LalremsiamaEditorZawlkhawpui9436198481 Th akth ing Ven g, Aiza wl 17 K. ZabiakaEditorNewslink9436152349 Tuikual‘ S’ Aizawl, Congress Bhavan 18 K. ZothankhumaEditorVirthli9436147245 Chanmari (Ramhlun Road), v ir thlin ew s @g m Aizawl 19 A. ZotinkhumaEditorThe Zoram Voice 9615028785 Thakthing Veng, Aizawl 20 E. LalhleiaEditorAizawl Observer9862835442 Mau ba wk , A iz aw 21 Vanlalrema Vantawl EditorZalen9436155847 B-38, Mission Veng, Aizawl ne ws za le n@g ma il.c om 22 T. LaibiakdikaEditorZawlbuk9862836051 V-21 Salem Veng, Aizawl 23 R. LalbiakkimaReporterLPS Vision9436198250 Za rkaw t, Aiza wl 24 C. Lalrambuatsaiha EditorTh e Aizaw l Po st 9436140576 Y-131, MZU Road, Luangmual 25 Lalrinmawia Sailo EditorThlirtu9436190860 B/52, Zo nuam, A iza wlth lirtu11@gma 26 ChhuanvawraEditorMizo Arsi9862835509 Co lle ge Veng , Aiza 27 P.C. Zoramthanga News EditorLPS Vision9436140574 Electr ic Ven g, A iza 28 Lalsangluaii Sailo Chief EditorTawrhbawm9436152513 Kh atla, A iza 29 V. ZoramtharaEditorKhawpui Aw9862541106 Tuikual’S’, 30 Lalnghinglova Hmar EditorVanglaini9436141417 Aiza wl Ve ng la i, Aiza wl 31 VanlalbiakaJoint EditorAizawl Ob serv er 9862835663 K ha tla ’S ’, Aizaw 32 ZohmingmawiaNews EditorThe Aizawl Post 9612522655 Republic Mualveng, Aizawl 33 Joseph Lalnuntluanga Rep o rterZonet Cable TV9862837085 Jail Veng; Dawrpui, Aizawl josephlnta@gma 34 LalbiakzamaEditorEntlang9862369948 B-27, Zo nuam, A iza 35 Alfred Vanchhawng Photographer DDK, Aizawl9436381590 B /6 ,Tu ik ua l ‘S’, Aiz aw lalfredvanchhawng 36 LalhmunzauvaEditorTawrhbawm9862836050 Ma ubaw k, Aiza 37 PB Lalrammawia Ed ito r cumThe Aizawl Post 9862836781 E-66/A, Chanmari,Aizawl Reporter 38 ZodinsangaAs st. EditorNewslink9436193083 A-23, Cha nmar i, Aiza 39 C. Lalhruaitluanga Photographer Highlander9774041707 F-140/C, Chan mar i, Aiza wl 40 F. LalrinfelaNews EditorZalen8729869573 Republic Veng, Vety Mual, Aizawl 41 F. LalramlianaNews EditorTh e Aizaw l Po st 9862808656 Ar med Ven g, Aiza 42 K. ZothanparaNews Reporter Vanglaini9862364730 MV-13/A, Miss ion Ven g, Aizawl 43 J. MalsawmzualaReporterDDK Aizawl9862925119 VK -71 , G alilee Ven g, VanchhawngZemabawk 44 VanlaldikiManaging Director Hn eh tu9436141054 Tuik ua l ‘S’, Aizaw 45 H. Lalchhandama Asst. EditorZalen9612622203 Bawngkawn Venglai, Aizawl chda 46 BiakchungnungaNews EditorTh e Aizaw l Po st 9856293369 Ra mh lu n ‘N’, Aiza 47 H. Lalngaihawma EditorHnehtu9862356346 Ch hin ga Veng , A iza 48 SamuelNews EditorZawlkhawpui8014672786 D in th ar -II, A iz aw lsamuelvanlalrinmawia V.L. 49 James Lalramruata News EditorRomei8131990852 Tr eas ury Squ are , A iza wl ro me i- miz@ ya ho .in 50 Isaac Laldinthara News EditorZozam Times9862305800 Da wr pu i, Aiza Ralte 51 M.K. DeyCorrespondent The Mizoram Post 9436196026 119 Jail Veng(Dawrpui), Aizawl 52 LalnunziraNews Reporter DDK Aizawl9436350752 V/B-22, Vaivakawn, Aizawl 53 Malsawmdawngzela News Reporter Vanglaini8414049510 Ar med Ven g, Aiza Hrahsel 54 Lalchhanhima Zadeng ReporterMizo Arsi9862986462 A/77 Mizo Ar si Building, Upper Republic, Aizawl 55 Jonathan L. Hnamte Correspondent AIR, Aizawl9862182562 Hill Str eet, Va iva kaw n,jonathanhnamte SERCHHIP DISTRICT1. Kapliana Pachuau EditorSerchhip Times9436146593 Hmar Veng, Se rchh 2 Lalremruata Ralte EditorRamlai Arsi9436146092 AO C Ve ng, Se rchh 3 C. LalhminghluaEditor & Publisher Laisu ih9436376069 Ka nan Ve ng, Ser chh 4 Zonunsanga Kawlni EditorLenkawl9862647655 Chanmari Veng, Serchhip 5 H. LalbiakzauviEditorSerkhawpui9862906704 Ch him Ve ng, Ser chh ip - 3 -Ex-360/2016 6 P.C. Zonunsanga EditorThenzawl Today9863139334 Th enza wl Veng thla 7R.C. HranghmingthangaEditorZawlbuk Aw9863385943 Th enza wl Venglai 8 R. Lalmuansanga Joint EditorSerkhawpui9862906704 Ch him Ve ng, Ser chh ip 9 C. Lalrochhuanga Editor & Publisher Zothlifim8974286711 Ba zar Ve ng, Ser chh 10 P.C. LawmkimaNews Reporter Laisuih9863394096 Ka nan Ve ng, Ser chh ip 11 LaldinpuiaJoint EditorSerchhip Times9436146850 Se rchh ip Zio n Ve LUNGLEI DISTRICT1 H. LalthansangaEditorLunglei Times9863711999 Ramthar Veng, 2 Lianchama Chhangte EditorZochhiar9436370101 Lu ngle i 3 LaltlanthangaEditorHlimthla9612298930 Ba zar Veng , L unglei 4 F. ZosangiianaEditorCalathea9436352049/ Pe niel Ve ng, Hna hthial 8415846325 5 K. LalrinpuiaEditorVulmawi9436157055 Ra mtha r, L 6 SangmawiiEditorChangdam9436370731 Lu ngle i Venglai Chhakchhuak 7 Thanghmingliana EditorZunzam9436157689 Electr ic Veng , L Renthlei 8 Rodingliana Khiangte Jo int EditorZoen9612063749 Th eiriat L 9 F. LalngaihzualaEditorJ.B. Cable N etwo rk 9862436538 Ra mtha r Veng , Lu 10 H. LalthanghutaEditorHnahthial Times9436370546/ Electric Veng, Hnahthial 9774737317 11 Lalremruata Zad eng Editor & Publisher Zoen9436386143 Electr ic Veng , L unglei 12 C. LalbuatsaihaEditorHnahthial Today9612393663 Electric Ven g, Hnah thial 13 Ro dingluaiaEditorHuihchhuk9436449826 BKHP In, Lungleng Veng, Hnahthial 14 V. RokhawlkimaEditorZiakfung9862838504 Ra mtha r, L unglei 15 LalchhuanawmaEditorDaily Post9863174323 Ch anmari-I, Lu 16 Johan Lalhmunmawia New s Rep o r ter DDK8413944940 Venghlun, 17 Ram Prasad Poudel EditorMizoram Udaya9612613811 Zohnuai, 18 P.C. Lalduhthlanga Editor-in-Chief L.D.F. Cable News 9436389520/ Venglai, 8729918916 19 K. LalmuankimaEditorRalvengtu9436147012 Ve ngla i, L 20 Lalrintluanga Khiangte Ed ito rDa ifim Daily9436370457 Ch anmari, Lu SAIHA DISTRICT1 B. DawphoEditor-in-Chief The Times of9436389484 Ne w Siaha , W -II , Maraland 2 C.Z. HlunaEditorBuannel9402199582/ C .M. Ven g, Sia 8730970403 3 Jeffrey KharaEditorMoonlight9089634162/ Ne w Co lony Sia 8415062431 4 K. ThangvelaEditorZobawm9862747633 Tu ip a ng -V’S’ 5 T. LalrosiamaEditorTipa Express9612243353 Tuip an g -IIrotea@gma 6 M. BaithaiEditorChhim Aw9612935428 Me isav aih We st, Sia ha 7 LalramnghakaEditorKawl Eng9436970700 Siah a Vaihpi-III Chinzah 8 V. PawhlaEditor-in-Chief New Skylink Vision 9436149015 New Colony-I, 9 H. SabiNews Reporter DDK9436871605 Siaha 10 Lalnunkima PisaNews Reporter Hnialum Star9436379382 Ne w Siaha W Vision 11 B. VanlalhriataEditorSaiha Post9615812752/ Ne w Siaha We 8118908033 LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT1 V. LallianzualaEditorLairam9436389910 Ba zar Ven g, Lawn 2 Z.D. DengnguraEditorPh awn gpui Ex pre ss 9436953554 Ch and mar y, L awn gtlaiphawngpuiexpress@ 3 Lalngheta RalteEditorLawngtlai Post9862843773 Ba zar Ven g, Lawn gtlailalnghetaralte@gma 4 H. LalrinmawiaEditorRam Eng9436148894 Bazar Veng, Khurpui Road 5 Elvis Lalthangzuala EditorRauthla9862130477 La wngtlai Cou ncil Ve KOLASIB DISTRICT1 C. ThanmawiaEditorDuhlai9856269593 N K olas ib 2 K. LalthlamuanaEditorRamnuam9862316585 Ne w Diakk awn , Ko las 3 Andrew Vanlalauva EditorKolasib Today9612365891 Co lleg e Veng , Ko las ib 4 H. LalmuanpuiaEditorChhuahtlang9862027043 Hmarv eng, Ka wnp 5 H. VanlalnghakaNews Reporter DDK9436143022/ Ko lasib Ve ngla i, 9089292000 Nea r Ba zar 6 C. ZomuanpuiaEditorKolasib Aw9862567392/ C-55, Diakka wn, Ko las 9774449684 7 C. LallawmzualaEditorVairengte Aw9863458057 Za len Ven g, Vair eng 8 R. Lalhmingthanga News Reporter DDK9436143356 Kolasib Venglai, MS Tlang 9 R. LalnunmawiaJoint EditorDuhlai8794594334 Tu mpu i Veng, Ko las ib 10 ZomuanpuiaEditorZingtian9862254565 Venglai Silchar Road, Kolasib zmp atlau @g ma m 11 R. Lalchungnunga News Reporter Kolasib Aw9774631039 Diakk awn, Ko las CHAMPHAI DISTRICT1 LalhlupuiaEditorLenrual9862614475 Ve nglai, Cha mph 2 Lalhmin gmawiaEditorPasaltha9612852245/ Ve ngthla ng, Cha mph Pachuau9436145322 3 LalhminglianaEditorChamphai Cable8014764692 Ve nglai, Cha mph ai Network 4 C. LalrinsangaJoint EditorPasaltha9615673476 Vengthlang, 5 Lalthlamuani Ralte EditorSi-Ar9862191682 Kh awzawl Ven gth 6 R. LalfakawmaJoint EditorRihlipui9615027036 Vengthlang ‘N’ Champhai fakawmaraltelengzing 7 LalhnunpuiaNews Reporter DDK9436145055 Vengthlang, 8 D.K. Lalhruaitluanga EditorRihlipui8014160087 Vengthlang, 9 Lalrotluanga Ralte EditorKhawzawl Times 9612131817 Khawzawl 10 Vanlalzawna Ralte News Reporter DDK9612078663 Kh awzawl Ven gth MAMIT DISTRICT1 H. LalramlianaPublisherMamit Times9862569227 Ma mit Miz o Ve ng 2 P.C. Lalthanzuala EditorLentupui9612194721 Ba zar Ven g, Mamit 9436144037 3 Lalremruata Khiangte EditorKawrthah Post9612222417 S-51, Kaw rth ah 4 R. LalmuanpuiaEditorZotlanglentu9612297920/ Ba zar Ven g, Mamitmuanazotlanglentu 5 P. LalchungluraNews Reporter DDK9862770846 Ma mit Din tha r Ve 6 RamhnehzauviJoint EditorZolamtluang9862369663 Ma mit Ven ghlun 7 Lalramd inzelaEditorMamit Times9612468353 Ma mit Ven ghlun 8 LalhumaNews Reporter DDK9862318922 Ma mit Din tha r Ve PROMINENT PRESS REPRESENTATIVE1 C. LalkhawlianaEditorHighlander9436366818F-138, Chanmari, Aizawl 2 J. LalthanglianaEditorMizoArsi0389-2300084AI77, Upper Republic, Aizawl 3 C. VulluaiaEditorHarhna9402111113B/2/B, Da wrpui Vengthar, Aizawl 4 Lalbiakthanga Pachuau EditorZoramTlangau9862311890D-46, Chanmari, Ramhlun Road, Aizawl 5 S. LalhmachhuanaEditorTurnipui9774467357Ne w Diakkawn, Ko lasibPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 4 - Ex-360/2016

The Mizo Language Committee (MLC) under Mizoram Board of School Education as shown below

VOL - XLVISSUE - 361Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 361 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.11035/60/2014-EDN, the 21st September, 2016.In partial modification of this Department’s Notification of even No. dated 3. 3.2015, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to modify the Mizo Language Committee (MLC) under Mizoram Board of S chool Education as shown below :- 1.Chairman, MBSEEx-Officio Chairman 2.Secretary, MBSEEx-Officio Secretary 3.Director(Academic), MBSECo-ordinator 4.Prof. Laltluangliana Khiangte, Mission Veng, Aizawl.Member 5.Pu KMS Dawngliana, Serka wn, LungleiMember 6.Prof. Laltha ngfala Sailo, Chaltlang, Dawrkawn.Member 7.Prof. Darchhawna, Kulikawn, Aizawl.Member 8.Pu C.Sangzuala, Ex-MLA, Chaltlang Dawrkawn.Member 9.Revd Chuauthuama, Ramhlun Venglai, Aizawl.Member 10.Dr.Lalzuia Colney, Kanan Veng, Aizawl.Member 11.Pu Chhuanlia na, Bethlehem Vengthla ng, Aizawl.Member 12.Pu C.Chhuanvawra, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl.Member 13.Pu R.Vanramchhuanga , Ramhlun Vengthar, Aizawl.Member 14.Prof. R.L.Thanmawia, Ramhlun South, Aizawl.Member 15.Pu B.Laltha ngliana, Chhinga Veng, Aizawl.Member 16.Pu R.Rozika, Elect ric Veng, Lunglei.Member 17.Pu H. Ronghaka , Vaivakawn, Aizawl.Member 18.Pu Darchuailova Renthlei, Chaltlang Ruam Veng.Member 19.Pu Lalrinawma, Venghlui, Aizawl.Member 20.Pu R.Lallianzuala, Chanmari, Aizawl.Member 21.Prof. R.Thangvunga, Kanan Veng, Aizawl.Member 22.Pu R.Lalrawna, Electric Veng, Aizawl.Member 23.Pu Rozama Chawngthu, Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl.Member 24.Joint Director(S), Directorate of School Education.Member 25.One Language Expert, SCERT, Chaltlang, Aizawl.Member - 2 - Ex-361/2016Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 A.Sub-Committ ee I 1.Prof. R.L. Thanma wia -Convener 2.Revd Chuauthuama-Member 3.Pu H.Ronghaka-Member 4.Pu C.Chhuanva wra-Member 5.Pu R .Lalra wna-Member 6.Pu B. Lalthangliana-Member 7.Pu Rozama Chawngthu -Member. B.Sub-Committee II 1.Pu Darchuailova Renthlei-Convener 2.Pu R.Lallianzuala-Member 3.Dr. Lalzuia Colney-Member 4.Prof. R.Thangvunga-Member 5.Pu Lalrinawma-Member. P. Lalchhuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department.

Change of Name deed changing name/surename of K. Lalrinliani

VOL - XLVISSUE - 362Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 362 CHANGE OF NAME DEED CHANGING NAME/SURNAMEBY T HIS DEED I, the undersigned K. Lalrinliani (new name), now lately called Lalrinliani (former name), employed as LDC (D esignation of post held at the time by the Government servant) at Personal Branch of Secretary, Horticulture do hereby - 1.Wholly renounce, r elinquish and abandon the use of my former name of Lalrinliani a nd in place thereof do assume from the date thereof the name K.LALRIN LIANI a nd so that I ma y hereafter be called, known a nd distinguished not by my former na me of Lalrinliani but by my a ssumed name of K.LALRINLIANI 2.For the pur pose of evidencing such my determina tion declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writing and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions documents, private as well as public and upon all occassions, whatsoever use and sign the name of K.LALRINLIANI as my name in place of and in substitution for my former name of Lalrinliani. 3.Expr essly a uthorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address by s uch assumed name of K. LALRIN LIANI a ccordingly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my former name and adopted names of Lalr inliani and K. Lalrinliani and affix my seal this 16th day of September, 2016. Signed and delivered by the a bove name K. Lalrinliani formerly Lalrinliani In t he presence of : Witnesses : Sd/- Sd/- 1.Lalhmingsanga2.H. Zoramliana Ident ified by me:Swor n before me: Sd/-Sd/- R. LalhmingmawiaJudicial Magistrate 1st Class-II AdvocateAizawl District Chaltlang, Aizawl, MizoramAizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Dil Bahadur Tamang, S/o Gorja Tamang, 54 years, Buddhist by faith a permanent resident of Edenthar, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 363Date - 23/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 23.9.2016 Asvina 1, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 363 AFFIDAVITI, Dil Bahadur Tamang, S/o Gorja Tamang, a ged about 54 yea rs, Buddhist by faith a perma nent resident of Edenthar, Aizawl, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affirm and state a s follows:- 1.That I am a bona fide citizen of India by birth . 2.That my name have been wrongly wr itten and recorded as DB TAMANG in my Voter ’s Identity Card, SAD Service Book, Indian Dr iving Licence, State Bank of India (SBI) Account, Ration Card and Pan Card ( Income Tax Department). 3.That however my real and correct name is Dil Bahadur Tamang instead of DB Tamang. 4.That I request all Authorities that my name shall always be recorded and written as Dil Bahadur Tama ng in all my future official records and documents. 5.That the statements made in paragraphs 1 to 4 a re true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. IN WIT HNESS WHEREOF I her eunto s et my own hand on this 6th day of September, 2016 Sd/- DEPONENT Ident ified by me:Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- T. Lalchhua nvawraSL ThansangaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocateNo. 24/9 Ph. ___________Nota ry PublicDate 6.9.2016 Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Chairman, NLUP Implementing Board (NIB) as one of the members of State Climate Change Council with immediate effect and until further order.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 364Date - 27/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 27.9.2016 Asvina 5, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 364 NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 11015/35/2015-FST, the 15th September, 2016.In part ial mo dificat io n of t his Department’s Notification of even No. dt. 10.9.2015, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include Chairman, NLUP Implementing Board (NIB) as one of the members of State Climate Change Council with immediate effect and until further order. Lalram Thanga, Principal Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Vice President, NLUP Implementing Board (NIB) as one of the members of Steering Committee for CCANER with immediate effect and until further order.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 365Date - 27/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 27.9.2016 Asvina 5, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 365 NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 11015/37/2016-FST, the 15th September, 2016.In part ial mo dificat io n of t his Department’s Notification of even No. dt. 22.2.2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include Vice President, NLUP Implementing Board (NIB) as one of the members of Steering Committee for CCANER with immediate effect and until further order. Lalram Thanga, Principal Secret ary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment, Forests & Climate Change Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Joint Task Force to formulate important policy, action plan and workout strategies for the Joint Operation on Contraband Cigarettes & Others Illegal Tobacco Products in order to strictly enforce and control the Contraband Cigarettes and Other Illegal Tobacco Products in Mizoram.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 366Date - 27/09/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 27.9.2016 Asvina 5, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 366 NOTIFICATIONNo.J. 11011/28/2015-HFW, the 19th September, 2016.In the interest of public service and as per the decision ta ken on “Joint Operation on Contraband Cigar ettes & Others Illegal Tobacco Products”- Kick Off Pr ogramme cum Meeting held on the 3rd May, 2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute “Joint Task Force” to for mulate important policy, action plan a nd workout strategies for the “Joint Operation on Contra band Cigarettes & Others Illegal Tobacco Pr oducts” in order to strictly enforce and cont rol the Contra band Cigarettes and Other Illegal Tobacco Pr oducts in Mizoram. The Committee will heve the following members : 1.Controller, Legal Metrology-Chairman 2.Depu ty Commissioner, Taxation Department-Vice Chairman 3.(i) Superintendent of Police, CID (Cr ime)-Secretary (ii) State Nodal Officer (Tobacco Control)-Secretary 4.All Inspectors and above of Legal Metrology-Members 5.All Inspectors and a bove of Taxation Department-Members 6.All Inspectors and above of CID (Cr ime)-Members 7.All Police Officers of Economic Offence Wing under CID (Cr ime) -Members 8.All Inspectors and above of Trade and Commerce-Members 9.All Staff of National Tobacco C ontrol Programme, Mizoram-Members Terms of R eference : 1.Formulate important policies for effective functioning of the “Joint Operation on Contraband Ciga rettes & Others Illegal Tobacco Products”. 2.To undertake necessary int er-depa rtmental cooperation a nd coordination for effective functioning of the “Joint Opera tion on Contraband Ciga rettes & Others Illegal Tobacco Products”. 3.Working out strategies and action plan for effective enforcement drive on Contraband Cigarettes & Others Illegal Tobacco Pr oducts in Mizoram. 4.Undertake meeting at lea st ever y quar ter. 5.Any other ma tters related to this issue. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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