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Selection Committee to consider Career Advancement Scheme Promotions from Assistant Professor (Stage-3) to Associate Professor (Stage-4) and Professor (Stage-5)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 460Date - 12/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 12.9.2014 Bhadrapada 21, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 460 NOTIFICATION No. A-28019/1/2012-HTE, the 5th September, 2014.In pursuance to the provisions under Clause 5.1.5 and Clause 5.1.6 read with Appendix-Ill Table-II (A)(IV) of UGC Regulation, 2010, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to constitute the “Selection Committee” to consider Career Advancement Scheme Promotions from Assistant P rofessor (Stage-3) to Associate Professor (Stage-4) and Professor (Sta ge-5) consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders:- Cha ir person- Commr. & Secretary, Higher & Technical Education Department. Members- (i) Director, Higher & Technical Education Department. (ii) Principal of the concerned College. (iii) Two subject experts nominated by Vice Chancellor, Mizor am Univer sity. (iv) Joint Secreta ry/Deput y Secret ary, Higher & Technical Education Department. Member Secretary -Joint Director (QAC), Higher & Technical Education Department. The terms of reference of the Committee shall be as laid down under Clause 6.0.0 and other relevant sections of the UGC Regulation, 2010 and the recommendation or otherwise of t he Committee shall be submitted to the Government for onwar d submission to Mizor am Public Service Commission for fina l recommendation. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Ramdingngheti D/o Hmingthanzauva, resident of Tuikual North, Aizawl, Mizoram.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 461Date - 19/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 12.9.2014 Bhadrapada 21, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 461 AFFIDAVIT I, Salome Ramdingngheti D/o Hmingthanzauva, resident ofTuikual North, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India and competent to swear t his affidavit. 2.That I had written and recorded my father’s name as Christiana in my HSLC & HSSLC and all other documents, which are incorrect. However, my father’s true and correct name is Hmingthanzauva. 3.That the purpose of this affidavit is to correct my father’s name as Hmingthanzauva which had been written as Christiana in my said do cument s. 4.That the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 11th day of September, 2014. I dent ified by me;Signed Before me;Sd/- DEPONENT Sd/-Sd/- P.C. Lalt hangmawiaJudicial Magistrate 1st Class AdvocateAizawl Judicial District Dis t r ic t & S essio n Co ur tMizoram : Aizawl Aizawl Dist rictPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 470Date - 15/09/2014

NOTIFICATION No. B. 14016/36/08-LAD/VC, the 15th September, 2014. In exer cise of the powers conferred by Section 23 of the Lushai Hill District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 (Act No. V of 1953) as a mended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to ma ke the following Rules, namely:- The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 CHAPTER - I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014. (2) They sha ll ha ve the like extent as the Act. (3) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Mizor am Gazette. 2 . Definitions: (1) In these Rules, except where it is expressly provided otherwise or the context otherwise requires- (a)“Act” mea ns the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils ) Act, 1953 as amended from time to time. (b) “Ballot box” mea ns any box, ba g or other receptacle used for the insertion of ba llot papers by vot ers; (c) “Contesting candida te” means a ca ndidate whose nomination has been duly accepted under Rule 43 and who has not withdrawn his candidature; (d) “Constituency” means a Villa ge Council constituency; (e) “Corrupt pr actices” means the corrupt practice as defined in section 123 of the Repr esentation of the People Act, 1951 (4 3 of 1951) in s o far a s they are relevant to the system of Village Council election under these Rules; (f) “District” means an administrative distr ict; (g) “Dis trict Election Officer” mea ns the District Election Officer appointed or designated under Rule 5; (h) “Election” means an election t o fill vacancy or vaca ncies in a Village Council; (i) “Election Tribunal” means an election tribunal constituted under Rule 86 and 87; (j) “Elector” means a person whose name is for the time being entered in the electoral roll; The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 15.9.2014 Bhadrapada 24, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 470 - 2 - Ex-470/2014 (k)“Electoral Registration Officer” means the Officer a ppoint ed or designated as such under Rule 6 in connection with preparation and revision of electoral rolls; (l) “Electoral Roll” mea ns a list of persons whose na mes a re registered a nd who a re entitled to vote in an election under these Rules; (m) “For m” means a for m appended to t hese Ru les; (n) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram a ppointed by the President of India under Article 155 of the Constitution; (o) “Multiple election” means an election to fill two or more vacancies at one time where each elector is entitled to give as many votes as there a re vaca ncies to be filled; (p) “Presiding Officer” means an Officer a ppointed under Rule 11 to conduct election in a polling station under these Rules; (q) “Polling Officer” means and officer appointed to assist the Presiding Officer to conduct election in a polling station; (r) “Qualifying Date” mea ns the first da y of Ja nuary of the year in which the Electoral Roll is prepa red ; (s) “Qua lifying Period” means the year which immediately precedes the year in which the Electora l Roll is prepa red; (t) “Returning Officer” means an Officer appointed or designated as such under Rule 8 who shall be responsible for the proper conduct of elect ion in one or more constituencies and he may be assisted by Assistant Returning Officer; (u) “Roll” means Electoral Roll; (v) “Sta te Election Commission” means the State Elect ion Commission cons tituted by the State Government. (2) Words and expressions which are not defined in these Rules but defined in the Act. CHAPTER - II STATE ELECTION COMMISSION AND APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS 3 . State Election Commission: (1) The State Election Commission duly constituted by the State Government, consisting of a S tate Election Commissioner appointed by the Governor under Ar ticle 243K of the Constitution of India read with sub-section (1) of section 345 of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 shall be vest ed with the superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of the electoral r olls for and the condu ct of a ll elections to the Village C ouncils under these Rules. (2) The State Election Commission shall co-ordinate and supervises the works of all District Election Officers in the State in t he discharge of their functions and duties under t hese Rules. 4. Observers: (1) The State Election Commission may appoint a Roll Observer who shall b e an officer of the Centra l or St ate Government or P ubic Undertakings to review, supervise and monitor the preparation, or revision of electoral roll and to perform such other functions as may be entrusted to him by the State Election Commission; (2) The State Election Commission ma y also appoint an Election Observer, who shall be an officer of t he Central or State Government or P ublic Undertakings to watch t he conduct of election or elections in a Constituency or a group of Constituencies and to perform such other function as may be entr usted to him by the S tate Election Commission. The Election observer s o appointed or nominated shall report to the S tate Election C ommission and function under the direction and control of the State Election Commission. 5 . District Election Officer : (1) For each administra tive Dis trict to which these Rules ext end, the State Election Commission shall appoint the concerned Deputy Commissioner as District Election Officer for the preparation of Electora l Rolls and the conduct of elections under t hese Rules. (2) The State Election Commission ma y appoint Election Officer of the District Election Officer ’s office or such other Officer of t he State Government a s may be necessary as Assista nt District Election Officer to assist the District Election Officer and perform such duties under his direction. (3) The District Election Officer shall also perform such other functions a nd duties as ma y be directed by the Sta te Election Commission from time to t ime. 6 . Electoral Registration Officer: (1) For each Administra tive District to which these Rules extend, the State Election Commission shall appoint or designate any officer of the State Government as Electoral Registration Officer to perform all necessary functions for the preparation and revision of elect oral rolls for all Village Council constituencies in the Distr ict. (2) The State Election Commission may designate one or mor e officers as Assistant Elect oral Registration Officer to assist the Electoral Registration Officer and perfor m duties under his direction. (3) The Elector al Registration Officer shall also perform such other functions as may be directed by the State Election Commission. (4) An Electoral Registration Officer may, subject to any pr escribed restrictions, employ such persons as he thinks fit for the prepara tion and revision of the electoral roll for the constituency. 7 . One Officer ma y be appointed or designa ted as both Distr ict Election Officer a nd Electoral Registration Officer: Nothing in these R ules shall prevent the State Election Commission from appointing or designating one and same Officer to be both the District Election Officer and the Electoral Registration Officer for the sa me distr ict. 8. Returning Officer: (1) For every election to fill a seat or seats of a Village Council in any constituency, the State Election Commission shall, in consultation with the concerned District Election Officer, appoint any officer of the State Government to be the Returning Officer to conduct the elect ion in that constituency. T here shall be a separa te Returning Officer for each of t he Village Council constituency. (2) If the District Election Officer is satisfied that the functions of the Retur ning Officer in any cons tituency cannot be performed satisfa ctorily by one officer, he may, submit proposal to the State Election Commission, for appointment of a ny officer of the State Gover nment to be Assistant Returning Officer to assist the Retur ning Officer in the conduct of election in that constituency. (3) Every Assistant Returning Officer shall, subject to t he cont rol of the Returning Officer, be competent t o perfor m all or any of the functions of the Returning Officer. 9 . Returning Officer to include Assistant Returning Officers performing the functions of the Returning Officer:Allreferences in these Rules to the R eturning Officer shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include an Assistant Returning Officer performing any function which he is authorized to perform under Rule 8. 1 0 . General duty of the Returning Officer : It shall be the general duty of the Returning Officer at any election to do all such acts and things as may be necessar y for effectually conducting the election in the manner provided by these Rules or orders made thereunder.- 3 -Ex-470/2014 11. Pr esiding Officer and Polling Officers for Polling Station: (1) The District Election Officer shall, in consulta tion with the Sta te Election Commission, appoint a Pr esiding Officer for each Polling Sta tion and such Polling Officers as may be required from amongst the employees of the Sta te Government to conduct the election in the manner provided by t hese Ru les or or der s made t her e under. (2) If the Presiding Officer, owing to illness or ot her una voidable cause, is unable to perform his functions, the Polling Officer whose na me stands at s erial number one of the list of Polling Officers, shall perform the functions of the Presiding Officer. (3) References in this Rule to the Pr esiding Officer shall, be deemed to include the Polling Officer, who performs the fu nctions of the Presiding Officer under sub-rule (2) of this Rule. 1 2 . Duties of Presiding Officer: The Presiding Officer shall - (1) keep order at the Polling Station; (2) ensu re that the poll is taken fa irly and strictly in accorda nce with the provisions of t hese Rules; (3) regulate the number of voters to be admitted at a ny one time inside the Polling Station and exclude there from all other pers ons except- (a ) the Polling Officer s and other sta ff engaged on polling duty; (b) the Candidates, Election Agents and the Polling Agents; (c ) Public Servants including Police personnel on duty; (d) a child in arm accompanying a voter; ( e) a companion of illiterate or blind or infirm elector; (f) observers appointed by the State Election Commission; (g) persons authorized by the State Election Commission such as media persons. 13 . Duties of Polling Officers and other Staff: (1) It shall be the duty of the Polling Officers a t a Polling Sta tion to issue Ballot Papers to electors according t o the provisions of Rule 57 and to mark on the electors to whom ballot papers are issued, and to assist the Presiding Officer a s may be required by him. (2) For the purpose of sub-rule (1), the Polling Officers shall be pr ovided with- (a) a sufficient number of Ballot Papers; (b) the Electora l Roll of the constituency; (c) a stamp pad as may be required for taking thumb impression of illiterate elector under sub-rule (2) of Rule 57 and; (d) other articles or form which may be required. (3) The other St aff appointed, if any, in a Polling Station shall perform such functions a nd duties as may be assigned to them by the Presiding Officer. 14. Functions of the Returning Officer and the Presiding Officer: (1) The Returning Officer shall funct ion under the control and supervision of the District Election Officer and shall perform such functions and duties a s may be directed by the Sta te Election Commission or the District Election Officer. (2) The Presiding Officer shall funct ion under the control and supervision of the Returning Officer and shall perform such functions and duties as may be directed by the District Election Officer or t he Retur ning Officer, as the case may be. 15. Observer, District Election Officer, Electoral Registration Officer, Returning Officer etc deemed to be on deputation to the State Election Commission: The O bs er ver, Dis tr ic t Election Officer, Electoral Registration Officer, Returning Officer etc referr ed to in Chapter - II, and any other officers or sta ff employed in connection with the preparation, revision and cor rection of electoral rolls for, and t he conduct of, all elections shall be deemed to be on deputation t o the State- 4 - Ex-470/2014 Election Commission for the period during which they ar e so employed and such officers and staff shall, during that period, be subject to t he cont rol, superintendence and discipline of the State Election Commission. CHAPTER – III ELECTORAL ROLL 16. Electoral Roll for every Constituency and adoption of electoral roll of the Assembly Constit uency: (1) For every Village Council Constituency, there shall be prepared an electoral roll in accordance with the pr ovisions of t hese Rules. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the State Election Commission may prepare the elector al rolls of Village Councils without conducting an enumer ation by adopting the last published electoral rolls of the Assembly Constituencies prepar ed for the pur pose of election to the State Legislative Assembly u nder the provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (Act 43 of 1950) as draft roll or mother roll. (3) The elector al roll of Assembly Constituency as a dopted under sub-rule (2) shall be divided into sepa rate pa rts for each Village Council Constituency and all electors included in the electoral roll for the Assembly Constituency relating thereto shall be incorporated in the electoral roll of the Village Council Constituency concerned. 17. Preparation and Revision of Electoral Roll: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 16, the roll shall be revised either intensively or summarily or partly intensively and partly summa rily as the Sta te Election Commission may direct. (2) The Elector al Roll for every constituency shall be prepared by reference to the qualifying date before each genera l election or mid-term or by-election to the Villa ge Councils. The Elect oral Roll so prepar ed and published in accorda nce with the provisions of t hese Rules may be referred to as the mother roll of the constituency. (3) The Electoral Rolls under these Rules need not be revised annually or summarily as a matter of course. However, if in the opinion of the St ate Election Commission there is sufficient reason so to do, it may, by a notification, order that the Electoral R oll or rolls of particular cons tituency or constituencies shall be r evised summarily at any time of the year other than the year before or during which the Election to Villa ge Councils was conducted. (4) For the purpose of sub-rule (3), r e-election of a dissolved Village Council to restore the Village Council for remaining period of the general term, or by-election to fill casual vacancy in a Village Council at any time, shall not normally be counted as a sufficient r eason for ordering summa ry revision. (5) Summa ry revision under sub-rule (3) sha ll be done in such a way that the Electoral Registr ation Officer sha ll, by r eference to the mother roll, invite claims a nd objections and dispose them of in the manners as provided under the following Rules, and shall publish a list of amendments cont aining additions or deletions or both showing the year of such r evision, and shall append the lists t o the mother r oll. The mother roll together with such lists of additions or deletions or both appended to it , shall become the Electoral Roll of the constituency. 18 . Disqualifications for registration in an Electora l Roll: (1) A person shall be disqualified for registration in an Electoral Roll if he (a ) is not a Citizen of India ; or (b) is not a member of a Scheduled Tribe whose affairs ar e triable by Village Court under Rule 14 of t he Lushai Hills Autonomous District (Administration of Justice) Rules, 1953; or- 5 -Ex-470/2014 (c ) is of unsound mind standing so declared by a competent court; or (d) is for the time being disqualified from voting under the provisions of any law relating to corr upt pra ctices a nd other offences in connection with elections. (2) The name of any person who becomes so disqualified after having been registered in an Electoral R oll shall forthwith be struck off from the Electora l Roll in which it is registered. (3) Notwithsta nding anything contained in clause (b) of sub-rule (1), permanently resident Gorkhas and their direct descenda nts a s notified by the S ta te Government , who are not otherwise disqualified, shall be entitled to be registered in an Electoral Roll. 1 9 . No person to be r egistered in more tha n one constituency: No person shall be entit led to be registered in the Electora l Roll for more than one cons tituency at a time. 2 0 . No person t o be r egistered more than once in a ny constituency: No person shall be entitled to be registered in the Electoral Roll for any constituency mor e than once. 21. Conditions of Registration: (1) Subject to the provisions of foregoing Rules in this chapter, every person who - (a ) is not less than eighteen years of age on the qualifying date, and (b) is ordinarily resident in a constituency for one hundred eighty days during the qualifying period, sha ll be entitled to be r egistered in the Electoral Roll for that Constituency. (2)For t he pur pose of cl ause (b) of sub-r ul e (1), t he ex pr essi on“Ordinarily Resident” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it by section 20 of The Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950). 2 2 . Making false declaration:If a ny person makes any false decla ration in connection with:- (a ) the prepara tion, r evision or cor rection of an elector al roll, or (b) the inclusion or exclusion of any entry in or from an electoral roll, a statement or declaration in writ ing which is fa lse and which he either knows or believes to be fa lse or does not believe to be true, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both. 23. Order of Names: (1) The name of Elector in each roll shall be arranged so far as pra cticable according to house number of the mother roll. (2) The names of electors in each part of the roll shall be numbered, so far as practicable, cons ecutively with a sepa rate series of numbers beginning with the number one. 24 . Electoral Roll not be divided in parts: (1) The Elector al Roll of a Village Council constituency shall not be divided in parts but shall be numbered consecutively beginning from the number one. (2) Wher e there are different localit ies in a constituency, the Electora l Registration Officer may direct to enter the names of the elector s in the locality wise by dividing into sections. T his, however, shall not be compulsory but shall be left at the free discretion of the Electoral Registration Officer. In any case, the serial numbers of the elector s shall be cons ecutive all through. 25. Information to be supplied by occupants: (1) The Elector al Registration Officer may, for the purpose of preparing electora l roll, send letter of r equest in Form 1 to the occupants of any dwelling house in a constituency, if no person is available to give the required information on pa rticula rs of the occupants a t the time of visit- 6 - Ex-470/2014 during Intensive Revision of Electoral Roll, and every person receiving any such letter shall furnish the informa tion called for therein to the best of his knowledge and ability. (2) In case any question arises as to whether a person is or dinarily resident at a place a t a relevant time, the instructions prescribed in Form 1 may also be considered by the State Election Commission for the determination of a person’s ordinary residence. 26 . Access to certain registers: For the purpose of preparing elector al roll or deciding a ny claim or objection to electoral roll, the Elector al Registration Officer and a ny person employed by him for the purpose sha ll have access to any Register of births a nd deaths and to the admission register of any educational institution, a nd it shall be the dut y of every person in charge of any such register to give to the said officer or person such infor mation and such extract s from the said register as he ma y requir e. 27 . Publication of Electoral Roll in draft: As soon as the Electoral Roll for a constituency is ready, the Elector al Registration Officer shall publish it in draft, by making a copy thereof available for inspection and displaying a notice in For m 2- (a ) at his Office, and (b) at such place in the constituency a s may be specified by him for the purpose. 2 8 . Fur ther publicity t o the dr aft roll and not ice:The Elector al Registration Officer shall also- (a ) make a copy of each draft roll with a cop y of the notice in For m 2 ava ilable for inspection at a specified place accessible to the public and in or near the constituency to which the draft roll relates; (b) give such further publicity to the notice in Form 2 as he ma y consider necessary; and (c ) supply free of cost two copies of each draft roll to every Political Party recognised by the Election Commission of India. 2 9 . Period for lodging claims and objections: Every claim for the inclusion of a na me in the roll and ever y objection to an entry therein sha ll be lodged within a period of fifteen days from the date of publication of the roll in draft under Rule 27: Provided that the State Election Commission may by a notification extend the period not exceeding 1 5 days in respect of a district as a whole or in respect of any constituency. 30 . Form for cla ims and objections: (1) Every claim shall be in Form 3 and signed by the person desiring his na me to be included in the roll. (2) Every objection to the inclusion of a na me in the roll shall b e in Form 4 and prefer red only by a person whose name is alr eady included in the roll in which the name objected to appears. (3) Every objection to a particular or particulars in an entry in the roll shall be in Form 5 and preferred only by the per son to whom that entry relates. 31 . Ma nner of lodging cla ims and object ions: Every claim and objection shall- (a ) either be presented to the Electoral Registration Officer or to any person employed by him in this behalf who sha ll forward it with such remarks as he considers proper to the Electoral Registration Officer; or (b) be sent by p ost to the Electoral Registration Officer. 3 2 . Disposa l of claims and objections: T he Elect oral Registration Officer shall- (a ) ensure that all cla ims and objections received after dra ft publication within the prescribed time period are duly disposed of in accordance with law and directions or instructions of the State Election Commission;- 7 -Ex-470/2014 (b) reject any claim or objection that is not lodged within the period or in the Form and ma nner specified under Rule 31; (c ) hold a summa ry enquiry into every claim or objection in respect of which a notice has been given and shall record his decis ion thereon. At the hearing, claimant, or a s the case may be, objector and the person objected to and any other person, who, in his opinion, is likely to be assistance to him, shall be entitled to appear and to be heard; (d) record not only his decision in each case but also brief reasons for the decision; ( e) dispose of all the claims and objections within thirty days from the last date of the period for lodging such claims and objections under Rule 29; (f) communicate his decision to every applicant within 24 hours from the date of order made by him to enable the applica nts whose applications are rejected to file their appeals within the stipulated period of fifteen days. 33 . Final publication of electoral roll: (1) The Electoral Registration Officer shall thereafter- (a ) prepare a list of a mendments to carry out his decisions under Rule 32 and to correct any clerical or printing errors or other inaccuracies subsequently discovered in the r oll; (b) publish the roll, together with the list of amendments by making a complete copy thereof available for inspection and displaying a notice in Form 6 at his office; and (c ) subject to such genera l or special dir ections as may be given by the State Election Commission, supply free of cost, two copies of the roll, as finally published, with the list of a mendments, if any, to every politica l party for which a symbol ha s been exclusively reserved by the Election Commission of India. (2) On such publication, the r oll together with the list of amendments shall be the elect oral roll of the constituency. (3) Where the roll, together with the list of amendments, becomes the electoral roll for a constituency under sub-r ule (2) the Electoral Registra tion Officer may, for the convenience of all concerned, integrate, subject to any general or special directions issued by the State Election Commission in this behalf, the list in to the basic roll by incor porating inclu sion of names, amendments, deletion of entries in the relevant par ts of t he basic roll itself, so however that no change shall be made in the process of s uch int egration in the name of any elector or in any particulars relating to any elector, a s given in the list of amendments. 34. Appeals from orders deciding claims and objections: (1) An a ppeal shall lie from any decision of the Electora l Registration Officer under Rule 32 to such officer of Government as the State Election Commission ma y designate in this behalf (her einafter refer red to a s the a ppellat e offic er): Provided tha t an appeal shall not lie where the person desiring to appeal has not ava iled himself of his right to be heard by, or to make representations to t he Electoral R egistra tion Officer on the matter which is the subject of appeal. (2) Every appeal under sub-rule (1) shall be- (a ) in the form of a memorandum signed by the appellant and a ccompanied by a copy of the order appealed against and a fee of Rs.10 (Rupees ten) to be paid- (i) by means of non-ju dicial stamps, or (ii) in such other manner as may be directed by the Sta te Election Commission, and (b) presented to the appellate officer within a period of fifteen days from the date of announcement of the decision of the Elect oral Registration Officer or sent to that officer by r egistered post so as to reach him within t hat period. (3) The present ation of an appeal under this Rule shall not have the effect of staying or postponing any action to be ta ken by the Electoral Registration Officer under Rule 33. - 8 - Ex-470/2014 (4) Every decis ion of t he appellate officer shall be final; but insofar as it reverses or modifies a decision of the Electoral Registration Officer, shall take effect only fr om the date of the decision in appeal. (5) The Elector al Registration Officer shall cause such a mendments to be made in the roll as may be necessar y to give effect to the decisions of the appellate officer under this Rule. 35 . Br each of officia l duty in connection with the prepar ation etc, of elector al rolls: (1) If any Electoral Registration Officer, Asst. Electoral Registration Officer or other person required by or under this Rule to perform any official duty in connection with the preparation, revision or corr ection of an electoral roll or inclusion or exclusion of any entry in or from such elect oral roll is, without reasonable cause, guilty of any a ct or commission in breach of such officia l duty, he shall be punisha ble with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees; (2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any such officer or other person for damages in r espect of any such act or omission as aforesaid; (3) No court sha ll take cognizance of any offence punishable under this Rule unless there is a complaint ma de by a n order of, or under the authority from the State Election Commission or the District Election Officer concerned. CHAPTER IV NUMBER OF VACANCIES, ELECTION NOTICE, NOMINATIONS, SCRUTINY AND SYMBOLS 3 6 . Publication of Village numbers and vacancies: As soon as may be after the publication of final electoral r olls under Rule 33 or 34 as the case may be, the State Election Commission, in consulta tion with the Dis trict Election Officer, shall publish a list of Village Councils for which election is to be held, giving each village a distinctive village number and showing number of vacancies to be filled in each by such election. 37. Notification for General Election to Village Councils: (1) A general election to Village Cou ncils shall be held on or before the expiration of t he dura tion of the existing Village Councils or on their dissolution, if any, and the State Election Commission shall call upon every constituency to elect members of the Village Council in accordance with this Rule within su ch time as may be specified in such notification. (2) For the pur pose of holding elections to fill or dinary or casual vaca ncies, the Sta te Election Commission shall by a notification in the Official Gazette, appoint – (a ) the last da te for making nominations which sha ll be t he seventh day after the date of publication of the first mentioned notification or, if that is a public holida y, the next succeeding day which is not a public holiday; (b) the date for the scrutiny of nominations which s hall be the day immediately following the last date for making nominations or, if t hat day is a public holiday, the next succeeding day which is not a public holiday; (c ) the last da te for the withdrawal of candidature, which shall be the second da y after the date for the scrutiny of nominations or, if tha t day is a public holiday, the next succeeding day which is not a public holiday; (d) the date or dates on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken which or the first of which shall be a date not earlier than the fourteenth day after the last date for the withdrawal of candida tures; and ( e) the date before which the election shall be completed. (3) (a ) Wher e genera l elect ion is to be held otherwise on the dissolution of the existing Village Council, no such notification sha ll be issued earlier than 6 months prior to the date on which the duration of the Village Council would expire.- 9 -Ex-470/2014 (b) When a Village Council is dissolved, election t o constitute the Villa ge Council for the rema ining period of the fixed tenure, shall be completed before the expiry of 6 months from the date of its dissolution: Provided tha t where the period for which such dissolved Village Council would have cont inued is less than six months, it shall not be necessary to hold any election to constitute the Village Council for the remaining per iod. 38. Timeline for issue of notification: (1) The period between announcement of schedule of elections to the Villa ge Councils by the State Election Commission and issue of notification for the elections to the Village Councils by the State Election Commission shall not exceed fourteen days. (2) The notifica tion for elect ion to Village Councils shall be issued on a date, giving time not less than seven days ahead of the date appointed for the la st date of filing of nominations. (3) The date or dates of poll shall be fixed, leaving at least twenty one days between the date fixed for withdra wal of candidature and actual date of poll, for pr eparation of ba llot boxes, ba llot papers and other election materials. 3 9 . Public notice of intended election and time of nominations: On the issue of a notification by the State Election Commission under Rule 37, the Returning Officer sha ll, in Form 7, give public notice of t he intended election in such form and manner, as ma y be pr escribed, inviting nominations of candidates for such election and specifying the place at which the nomination papers are to be delivered. 4 0 . Qualifications of candidates: Every person whose name is registered in the electoral roll of the Village Council concerned under Rule 17 of these Rules a nd who is not disqualified to be a member of Village Council under section 4 of the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 shall be qualified to be a candidate for election. 4 1 . Filing of nomina tion: Any person who is qua lified to be a ca ndidate under Rule 40ma y offer himself as a candidate and file his own nomination duly countersigned by an witness , who is an elector of the cons tituency, in Form 8 and deliver it in person or by his representative at the appointed place and within the appointed date under Rule 37 and 39, between the hours of eleven O’clock in the forenoon and three O’clock in the afternoon: Provided that no nomination paper shall be delivered to the Returning Officer on a day which is a public holiday. 42. Security deposit, refund or forfeiture: (1) A ca ndidate shall deposit a security deposit of rupees five hundred along with his nomina tion paper which shall be refunded to him at once in the case of his withdrawing the candidature, or as early as possible after the conclusion of the election unless he forfeits t he deposit. (2) The Returning Officer shall issue to the candidate a receipt in Form 9 which shall be taken back from him in the case of refund of t he deposit. (3) The security deposit of a candidate shall be for feited to the State Government if- (a ) at a n election to fill one vacancy the candidate is not elected and the number of valid votes polled by him is less than one-sixth of the total number of valid votes polled by all candidates; or (b) at a n elect ion to fill two or mor e vacancies the candidate is not elected and the total valid votes polled by him is less than one- sixth of the total votes polled by all the candidates divided by the number of vacancies.- 10 - Ex-470/2014 43 . Scrutiny of nominations: (1) On t he date appoint ed for the scrutiny of nominations under Rule 37 and 39, the candidates and one person duly authorized in writing by each candidate, but no other person, may attend at such pla ce and time as the Returning Officer may a ppoint for such scrutiny. T he Retur ning Officer shall give them a ll reasonable facilities for examining the nomina tion pa pers of all candidates which ha ve been delivered in time. (2) The Returning Officer shall then examine the nomination papers and shall decide all objections which may be made to any nomination and may, either on such objection or on his own motion after such summary inquiry, if any, as he thinks necessary, reject any nomination on any of the following grounds: (a ) that the candidate is either not qualified or disqualified for being elected as a member of Village Council under the provisions of the Act or of these Rules; or (b) that there has been a failure to comply with t he provisions of Rule 41 or Rule 42; or (c ) that the signature of the candidate/thumb impress ion on the nomination paper is not genuine: Provided that the nomination of a candidate sha ll not be rejected merely on the gr ound of a ny incor rect description of his name or of any other particulars relating to the candidate as entered in the electoral roll, if the identity of the ca ndidate, as the case may be, is otherwise established beyond reasonable doubt. (3) The Returning Officer shall endorse on each nomina tion paper, his decision, accepting or rejecting the same and, if the nomination paper is rejected, he shall record in writing a brief statement of his reasons for such rejection. The scrutiny shall be completed on the date appointed in this behalf and no adjournment of the proceedings shall be allowed except where such proceedings are int errupted or obstructed by riot or open violence or for causes beyond the contr ol of the Returning Officer: Provided tha t in ca se an objection is made, the candidate concerned ma y be allowed time to rebut the same not later than the next day and the Returning Officer shall record his decision on the date to which the proceedings ar e adjour ned. (4) Immediately after all the nomina tion pa pers ha ve been scrutinized and decisions a ccepting or rejecting the same have been recorded, the Returning Officers shall prepare a list of validly nominated candidates, tha t is to say, candidates whose nomina tions have been found valid, and affix it to his notice boa rd. For m 10 “List of validly nomina ted candidates” shall be arra nged under thr ee ca tegories- (a ) Candidates of recognized nationa l parties and state political parties: (b) Candidates of registered P olitical Parties other than those recognised Nationa l and State Political Par ties. (c ) Other (Independent) candidates. 44. Withdrawal of candidature: (1) Any candidate may withdraw his candidature by a written notice in Form 11 and subscribed by him and delivered before three O’clock in the afternoon on t he last date fixed under Rule 39 for such wit hdrawal, to the Returning Officer either by such candidate or a ny person author ized by him in writing in that behalf. The Returning Officer shall normally accept such withdr awal and refund the security deposit to the withdrawing candidate. (2) No person who has given a notice of withdrawal of candidature under sub-rule(1) shall be allowed to cancel the notice. 4 5 . Elect ion without cont est: If, after the scr utiny of nomina tions or expiry of the period within which candidatures may be withdr awn, the number of valid candidates is either less t han or equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the Returning Officer shall forthwith declare all the validly nominated candidates elected without contest.- 11 -Ex-470/2014 46. Allotment of symbols and publication of list of contesting candidates: (1) In every contested election under these Rules, a symbol shall be allotted to all cont esting candidates. (2) If, immediately aft er the expiry of the period within which candidatur es may be withdrawn under sub-rule (1) of Rule 44, the no. of validly nominated ca ndidates is more than the no. of vaca ncies to be filled for a Village Council, the Retur ning Officer shall for thwith consider the allotment of symbols to those contesting candidates who have not withdrawn their candidatures. (3) For the purpose of these Rules, symbols ar e either “reser ved” or “free” as shown in Table-I and Table-II respectively in the Appendix. A reserved symbol is a symbol which is r eserved for recognized politica l party for exclusive allotment to a contest ing candidate or candidates set up by that par ty. A free symbol is a symbol other than a reser ved symbol. (4) For the pur poses of these Rules, a recognized political party means a political party as ma y be recognized by the Election Commission of India as a National Party or a State Party of Mizoram as on the da te of notifica tion under Rule 37. (5) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule(3), a candidate set u p by a recognized political party shall choose, and be allotted, the symbol reserved for that party and no other symbol. (6) Subject to the provisions of Sub-Rule (3 ), a ca ndidate set up by a r egistered but unrecognized political party sha ll be given a preference of choosing any symbol out of the symbols specified as “Free symbols”. (7) Any candida te other than a candidate of a recognized or a registered but unr ecognized polit ical party shall choose and be allotted one of the symbols specified as “free symbols”. If the choices come into conflict, the Returning Officer shall allot” symbols in conformity, as fa r as possible, with the wishes of the candida te and, if necessary, by lot and his decision shall be final. (8) Each candidate or his election agent sha ll forthwith b e infor med of the symbol allotted to the candidate and shall be given a specimen thereof. (9) A ca ndidate shall be deemed to be set up by a recognized political party if- (a ) the candidate has made a declaration to that effect in his nomination pa per; (b) a notice in writing in Form 12 to that effect has, not later than 3:00 p.m. on the last date of withdrawal of ca ndidatures, been delivered to the Returning Officer; and (c ) the said notice is signed by the Unit President of the r ecognized political pa rty. (10) A ca ndidate shall be deemed to be set up by a r egistered but unrecognized political party if – (a ) the candidate has made a declaration to that effect in his nomination pa per, (b) a notice in writing in Form 12 to that effect has, not later than 3:00 p.m. on the last date of withdrawal of candidatures, been delivered to the Returning Officer, (c ) the said notice is signed by the Unit President of the registered but unrecognized political party, and (d) a copy of t he letter registering the said polit ical pa rty by the Election Commission of India is enclosed. (11) The Returning Officer sha ll then prepar e a lis t in Form 13 of all contesting candidates with their distinctive symbols and display it on the wall of Polling Station and also in two or more cons picuous places in the constituency. (12) The list sha ll cont ain the names of contesting ca ndidates as prescribed in their nomina tion papers in a lphabetical or der and in the same order as specified below:- (a ) candidates of recognized political parties; (b) candidates of registered political parties with a reser ved symbol; (c ) candidates of registered political parties without a reserved symbol; (d) independent candidates.- 12 - Ex-470/2014 CHAPT ER V CONDUCT OF ELECTION 47 . Polling Station: (1) One or more Polling Station shall be set up for each constituency depending upon the number of electors in the Electora l Roll of the constituency. At each Polling Station, there shall be set up one or more voting compartments in which electors can record their votes free from observation. (2) The District Election Officer shall provide at each polling station- (a ) a ba llot box or boxes as may be necessary with r eference to the number of electors assigned to it; (b) marked copies of the Electoral Roll of the constituency; (c) ballot papers; (d) materials for making voting compartments; (e) arrow cross mark rubber stamp to mark ballot papers; (f) distinguishing mark rubber stamp; (g) seal of Presiding Officer; (h) indelible ink; (i) statutory a nd non-statutory forms, other papers and stationery. (3) Outside each Polling Station, there shall be displayed prominently- (a ) A copy of t he list of contesting candidates and their distinctive symbols in Form 13. (b) A notice specifying the polling area; and (c ) A notice showing the hou rs of p oll. 48. Appointment of Election Agent, Polling Agents and Counting Agents: (1 ) Election Agent: (a ) A ca ndidate at an election may appoint, in the prescr ibed ma nner any one person other than himself to be his Election Agent a nd when any such appointment is made, notice of the appointment sha ll be given in the prescribed manner, to the Returning Officer. (b) Any person, who is, for the time being disqualified under these Rules for being a member of a Village Council, shall be disqualified for being an Election Agent at any election. (c ) The notice for appointment of an Election Agent shall be in Form 14and such notice with 2 copies shall be for warded to the Returning Officer and subject to the conditions of clause (a) & (b), the Returning Officer shall return one copy thereof to the Election Agent after affixing thereon his seal and signa ture as a token of his author ity. (d) An Election Agent may perform such functions in connection with the election as are authorized by or under these Rules to be perfor med by an Election Agent. ( e) Any revocation of the appointment of an Election Agent in Form 15, shall be signed by the candida te, and shall operate from the date on which it is lodged with the Retur ning Offic er. (2 ) Polling Agent: (a ) The number of Polling Agents that may be appointed by a Contesting Candidate or his Election Agent, sha ll, in respect of each Polling Station, be one agent and a r elief agent. (b) Every such appointment of Polling Agent shall be made in Form 16 and the Polling Agent shall deliver it to the Presiding Officer. (c ) No P olling Agent shall be admitted to the Polling Station unless he has delivered to the Pr esiding Officer the ins trument of his appointment under sub-rule(2 )(b) a fter duly completing and signing before the Presiding Officer the decla ration contained ther ein.- 13 -Ex-470/2014 (d) Any revocation of the appointment of a Polling Agent in Form 17 shall be signed by the Candidate or his Election Agent and sha ll operate from the date on which it is lodged with such officer as may be prescribed, and in the event of s uch a revocation or of the death of a P olling Agent before the close of the poll, the Candidate or his Election Agent may appoint in the prescribed manner another Polling Agents a t any time before the poll is closed and shall forthwith give notice of such appointment in the prescribed manner to such offic er as ma y be p rescribed. (3 ) Counting Agent: (a ) A Contesting Candidate or his Election Agent may appoint in the prescribed manner one or more persons, but not exceeding such number as may be prescribed by the S tate Election Commission, to be present as his Counting Agent or Agents at the counting of votes, and when any such a ppointment is made notice of the appointment in For m 18 shall be given, in the prescribed manner, to the Returning Officer. (b) Any revocation of the appointment of a Counting Agent shall b e signed by the Candidate or his Election Agent in Form 19 and shall operate fr om the date on which it is lodged with the Returning Officer, and in the event of such revocation or of the death of a Counting Agent before the commencement of the counting of votes, the Candidate or his Election Agent may appoint in the p rescribed manner another Counting Agent at any time before the counting of votes is commenced and sha ll forthwith give notice of such appointment in the prescribed manner to the Returning Officer. (4 ) Functions of Polling Agents and Counting Agent: (a ) A Polling Agent may perform such functions in connection with the poll as are authorised by or under these R ules, to be per formed by a Polling Agent; (b) A Counting Agent ma y perfor m such functions in connection with the counting of votes as a re authorised by or under these Rules to be performed by a Counting Agent; ( 5 ) Attendance of a Contesting C andida te or his Election Agent a t Polling St ations, and performa nce by him of the functions of a polling agent or cou nting agent: (a ) At every election where a poll is taken, each Contesting Candidate at such election and his Election Agent shall have a right to be present at a ny polling sta tion provided under Rule 48for the ta king of the poll. (b) A Contesting Candidate or his Election Agent ma y himself do a ny act or thing which any Polling Agent or the Counting Agent of such Contesting Candidate, if appointed, would have been a uthorised by or under these Rules to do, or may assist any Polling Agent or the counting agent of such Contesting Ca ndidate in doing any such act or thing. ( 6 ) Non-attendance of polling or counting agent:Where any act or thing is required or authorised by or under these Rules to be done in the pr esence of the polling or counting agents, the non-attendance of any such agent or agents at the time and place appoint ed for the pur pose shall not, if the a ct or thing is otherwise duly done, invalidate the act or thing done. 49 . Fixing the time of Poll:The State Election Commission shall fix the hours dur ing which the poll will be taken and t he hour s so fixed shall be published by notification in the official gazette: Provided that the total period allotted on any one day for polling shall not be less than eight hours in between 7:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. 50. Method of Voting: (1) At every election where a poll is taken under these Rules, votes shall be given by ba llot and no votes shall be received by pr oxy.- 14 - Ex-470/2014 (2) Save as otherwise provided, all electors voting at an election shall exercise their franchis e in person at the Polling Station provided under Rule 47. 51 . Ballot Box: (1) There shall be a single ballot box for all contesting ca ndidates at each polling station. A ba llot box shall be made of strong materials such as plastic, wood ir on and shall be constructed in such a way that ballot papers can be inserted therein but cannot be withdrawn there-from without the box being unlocked. (2) Every ballot box u sed at a Polling Station shall bear label outside and marked with the number & na me of the Constituency, and the seria l number of the Polling Station if more than one Polling Sta tion ar e set up for one Villa ge Council. (3) Immediately before the commencement of the poll, the Presiding Officer shall demonstrate to the contest ing candidates, polling agents and other persons who are present that the ballot box is empty and bears the labels referred to in sub-rule (2). (4) The ballot box shall then be clos ed, sealed and secured and pla ced in full view of the Presiding Officer and the Polling Agents. 52. Ballot Papers: (1) Every ballot paper shall b e in Form 20 with a counterfoil portion sha ll be provided a space for signature or thumb impression of elector just above the words“Signature or Thumb Impression” on the right hand s ide. (2) On each ba llot paper the names of all contesting candidates shall be printed with their respective symbols in the order in which their names are published under sub-rule (12) of Rule 46 in Form 13. (3) The ballot papers shall be serially numbered and shall be stamped on their reverse by such distinguishing marks, so that the determination of a ballot paper as the original part of a counterfoil can be determined or in such a manner as the State Election Commission may direct from time to t ime. 53 . Pr ocedur e for voting by a voter on election duty: (1) A voter on election duty, who wishes to vote, shall, at least five days befor e the date of poll, appr oach the District Elect ion Officer concerned and make an application in For m 21 for the issuance of the ballot paper in order to enable him to cast his vote a s may b e prescr ibed by the State Election Commission. (2) The District Election Officer shall, on being satisfied as to the identity of such voter on production of t he letter of appointment in connection with the election - (a ) have the person’s name ma rked in the electora l roll; and (b) issue to such voter a ballot paper and permit him to vote on the sp ot with instrument provided for the purpose. (3) After recor ding his vote, such voter sha ll make over the ballot paper to the District Election Officer in a sealed cover for onward dispatch to the Returning Officer concerned. (4) The District Election Officer shall keep the counterfoil of such ballot paper in a separate sealed cover and keep the cover containing the ballot paper in his sa fe custody. 54 . Challenging of identity: (1) Any Polling agent may challenge the identity of a person claiming to be a pa rticular elector by first depos iting a sum of rupees ten in cash wit h the P residing Officer for each such challenge. (2) In t he case of challenge ma de under sub-rule (1) t he Presiding Officer shall— (a ) warn the person challenged of the penalt y for personation; (b) read the relevant entry in the electoral roll in full and ask him whether he is the person refer red to in that entry;- 15 -Ex-470/2014 (c ) enter his name and address in the list of challenged votes in F orm 22; and (d) require him to affix his signatur e in the said list. (3) The Presiding Officer sha ll thereafter hold a summary inquir y into the cha llenge and may for that purpose,- (a ) requ ir e the challenger to a dduce evidence in proof of the challenge and the person challenged to adduce evidence in pr oof of his identity; (b) put to the person challenged any questions necessary for the purpose of establishing his identity require him to answer them on oath; and (c ) administer an oath to the person challenged and any other person offering to give evidence. (4) If, after the inquiry, the Presiding Officer cons iders that the challenge has not been established he shall allow the person challenged to vote; a nd if he considers that the challenge has been esta blished, he shall debar the person cha llenged from voting. (5) If the Presiding Officer is of the opinion that the challenge is frivolous or has not been made in good faith, he shall direct that the deposit made under sub-rule (1) be forfeited to Government, and in any other ca se, he shall return to the cha llenger at the conclusion of the inquiry. 55. Safeguards against personation: (1) Every elect or about whose identity the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer, as the case may be, is satisfied, shall allow his left forefinger to be inspected by the P residing Officer or Polling Officer and indelible ink mark to be put on it. (2) If a ny elect or refuses to allow his left forefinger to be inspected or marked, in accordance with sub-rule (1) or has already such a mark on his left forefinger or does any act with a view to removing the ink ma rk, he shall not be su pplied with any ballot paper or allowed to vote. (3) Any reference in this Rule to the left forefinger of a n elector shall, in the case where the elector has his left forefinger missing, be construed as a reference to any other finger of his left hand, a nd shall, in the case where all the fingers of his left hand are missing, be construed as a reference to the forefinger or any other finger of his r ight ha nd, and shall, in the case where all his fingers of both the hands a re mis sing, be constr ued as a r eference to such extr emity of his left or r ight ar m as he possesses. 56.Identification of electors: (1) As each elect or enters the polling station, the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer authorised by him in this behalf sha ll check the elector ’s name and other particulars with t he relevant entr y in the electoral roll and then call out the serial number, name and other particulars of the elector. (2) Every elector shall produce identity card issued to him under t he provisions of the Registra tion of E lectors Rules, 1960 ma de under the Represent ation of the People Act, 1950 or any such documents as may be specified, by order, by the State Election Commission before the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer a uthorized by him in this behalf, in order to esta blish his identity at the polling station. (3) In deciding the right of a person to ca st his vote, the Presiding Officer or the P olling Officer, as the case ma y be, shall over look the clerical or print ing err ors in an entry in the electoral roll if he is satisfied tha t such person is identical wit h the elector to whom such entry relates. 57. Issue of ballot papers: (1) Before any ballot paper is delivered to a n elect or, the Presiding Officer sha ll sign his name in full on the back of the ba llot pa per. (2) At the time of issuing a ballot paper to the elector, the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be ta ken on the counterfoil of the ballot paper. No ballot paper shall be delivered to the elector unless he puts his signature or thumb impression on the counterfoil of the ballot paper.- 16 - Ex-470/2014 (3) After the elector put his signature or thumb impression as at sub-rule (2), the Polling Officer shall recor d on the counterfoil, the serial nu mber of the elector a s at the electoral roll and then deliver the ballot paper to the elector. (4) The Polling Officer in-charge of the ma rked copy of the elect oral roll shall mark the name of the elector in the marked copy by underlining the entry, and if elector is a female, put a tick mark also on the left hand side of the name of the elector. (5) No person in the polling station shall be allowed to note down the serial number of b allot paper issued to a particular elector. (6) Each elector shall be given only one ballot paper for each election. Every elector to whom a ballot paper has been issued shall maint ain secrecy of voting and for that purpose observe the voting procedure her einafter laid down. 58. Voting pr ocedure: (1) On r eceiving the ballot paper, the elector shall- (a ) forthwith proceed to the voting compartment and there, with the aid of the instruments supplied for the purpose, mark the ballot paper on or near the symbol of the candidate in case of an election for one seat, or on or near the symbols of the ca ndidates in case of mult iple election for more than one seats, for whom he intends to vote; and (b) fold the ballot paper first vertically and then horizontally so as to conceal his vote and put it into the ballot box kept for the purpose. (2) Every elector shall vote without a ny undue delay and sha ll quit the Polling Station a s soon a s he has voted. (3) No elector shall be allowed to enter a voting compartment when another elector is inside it. (4) If an elector to whom a ballot paper has been issued, refuses aft er warning given by the Presiding Officer to observe the procedur e laid down in sub-rule (1), the ballot paper issued to him shall, whether he has recorded his vote ther ein or not, be taken back from him by the Presiding Officer or Polling Officer under the direction of the Presiding Officer. (5) After the ballot paper has been t aken ba ck, the Presiding Officer shall record on its back the words “Cancelled-Voting procedure violated” and put his signature below these words. (6) All the ballot papers on which the words “ Cancelled-Voting procedure violated” are recorded shall be kept in t he cover for unused ballot pa pers, a nd shall in no way be counted as votes. 59 . Mar king of ballot paper in excess or deficit: (1) If a ny elect or gives votes on ballot paper in favour of more candidates than the vacancy or vaca ncies for filling which the election is held, then a t the counting of votes, his vote shall be inva lid and reject ed as void. (2) If a ny elector gives on t he ballot paper in fa vour of less candidates than the vacancies for filling which the multiple election is held, his vote shall be valid and counted at the counting of votes. 60 . Recording of votes of illiterate or blind or infir m electors: 1)If the Presiding Officer is satisfied that owing to old age or blindness or other physica l infir mity or illiteracy, an elector is unable to recognize the names of the contesting candidates and their symbols on the ballot paper or to make a mark t hereon, the Pr esiding Officer shall permit the elector to take with him a companion of not less than eighteen years of age to t he voting compartment for recording the vote on the ballot paper on his behalf and in accordance with his wishes, and, if necessary, for folding the ballot paper so as to conceal the vote and inser ting it into the ballot box: Provided tha t no person sha ll be permitted to act as the companion of more than one elector at a ny Polling Station on the same day;- 17 -Ex-470/2014 Provided fur ther that befor e any person is permitted to act as the companion of an elector under this Rule, the per son sha ll be required to declare in Form 23 that he will keep secr et the vote recorded by him on behalf of the elector and that he has not already acted as the companion of a ny other elector at any Polling Station on that day. (2) The Presiding Officer shall keep a record in Form 24 of all such cases under this Rule. 61. Spoilt and returned ballot papers: (1) An elector who has inadvertently dealt with his ballot paper in such manner that it cannot be conveniently used as ballot paper may on returning it to the Pr esiding Officer or Polling Officer and on satisfying him of t he inadvertence, be given another ballot paper and the ballot paper so retur ned sha ll be mar ked“Spoilt – cancelled” by Presiding Officer. (2) If a n elect or after obtaining a ballot paper desires not to us e it he shall return it to the Presiding Officer or P olling Officer a n d t he b a llot p a p er s o r efu s ed s ha ll b e ma r ked “Refused – cancelled” by the Presiding Officer. (3) All ballot papers cancelled under sub-rule (1) or (2) shall be kept in the cover for unused ballot papers. 62. Adjournment of poll in emergencies: (1) If a t an election the proceedings at any polling station are interrupted or obstructed by any riot or open violence, or if at an election, it is not possible to take the poll at any polling station or such place on account of any natur al calamity, or any other sufficient cause, t he Presiding Officer for such polling station or the Returning Officer presiding over such place, as the case may be, sha ll announce an adjournment of the poll to a date to be notified later, and where the poll is so adjourned by a Presiding Officer, he shall forthwith inform the District Election Officer and the Returning Officer concerned. (2) Whenever a poll is adjourned under sub-rule (1), the Retur ning Officer shall immediately report the circumstances to the a ppropriate authority and the State Election Commission, and shall, as soon as may be, with the previous approval of the Sta te Election Commission, appoint the day on which the poll shall recommence, and fix the polling station or place at which and the hours during which the poll will be taken and shall not count the votes cast at such election until such adjourned poll shall have been completed. (3) In every such case as afor esaid; the Returning Officer shall notify in such manner a s the S tate Election Commission may dir ect the date, place and hours of polling fixed under sub-rule ( 2). 63 . Fr esh poll in the case of dest ruction etc. of ballot boxes: (1) If at any election- (a ) any ballot box used at Polling Sta tion is unlawfully taken out of the cu stody of the Presiding Officer or is accidentally or intentionally destroyed or lost, or is damaged or tampered with to such an extent that the result of the poll at that Poling Sta tion ca nnot be ascertained; or (b) any such error or irregula rity in procedure, as is likely to vitiate the poll, is committed at a Polling Station, the Presiding Officer shall forthwith report the matter to the Retur ning Officer and the District Election Officer. (2) Ther e-upon the Dis trict Election Officer shall, after taking all material circumstances into account, and in consultation with the State Election Commission, either- (a ) declare the poll at that P olling S tation to be void; appoint a day and fix the hours, for taking a fresh poll at tha t Polling Station, and notify the day so appointed a nd the hours so fixed in such ma nner as he may deem fit; or (b) issue such directions to the Retur ning Officer as it may deem proper for the fur ther conduct and completion of the election, provided the Commission is satisfied that the- 18 - Ex-470/2014 resu lt of a fresh poll at that polling station or place will not, in any way, affect the resu lt of the election or that the error or irr egularity in procedur e is not material. (3) The provisions of these Rules sha ll apply to every such fresh poll as they apply to the original poll. 64. Tendered votes: (1) If a person representing himself to be a particular elector applies for a ballot paper after another person has already voted as such elector, he shall on sa tisfactorily answering such questions r elating to his identit y as the Presiding Officer may ask, be entit led, subject to the following pr ovisions of this Rule, to mar k a ballot paper (hereinafter in these Rules referred to as a‘Tendered Ballot Paper ’) in the same manner as a ny other elector. (2) Every such person sha ll, before being supplied with tendered ballot paper, sign his name against the entry relating to him in a list in Form 25. (3) A tendered ballot paper shall be the same as the other ballot papers u sed at the Polling Sta tion except that it shall be- a)serially the last in the bundle of ballot papers issued for use at the Polling Station; and b)endorsed on the ba ck with the words, “Tendered Ballot Paper” by the Presiding Officer in his own hand a nd signed by him. (4) The elector, after marking a tendered ballot p aper in the voting compartment and folding it, shall instead of putting it into ballot box, give it to the Pr esiding Officer, who shall place it in a cover specially kept for the purpose: Provided tha t if there is reasonable ground for believing that t he person, by applying for tendered ba llot pa per, ha s committed the offence of personating, the Presiding Officer shall immediately direct the Police to arrest him. (5) All ballot papers cancelled under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) shall be kept in a separate packet. 65 . Sealing of ballot boxes after poll: (1) As soon as practicable after the closing of the poll, the Presiding Officer shall close the ballot box, and seal up the box and also allow any polling agent present to affix his seal. (2) The ballot box shall thereafter be sealed and secured. (3) Wher e it becomes necessary to use a second ballot box by reason of the first ballot box getting full, the first box shall be closed, sealed and secured as provided in sub-rule (1) and (2) before another ballot box is put into use. 66 . Ballot paper account of Presiding Officer : The Presiding Officer shall at the close of the poll prepar e a ballot paper account in Form 26 a nd enclose it in a separate cover with the words “Ballot paper account of Presiding Officer” superscribed thereon showing the number & name of the Village Council and the date of election on the cover. 67. Sealing of other packets: (1) The Presiding Officer shall then make int o separ ate packets- (a ) the marked copy of the electoral r oll; (b) the unused ballot paper; (c ) the cancelled ballot pap ers; (d) the cover containing the tendered ballot papers and Form 25. ( e) declaration of companion of illiterate or blind or infirm elector in Form 23 with the record in F orm 24; and (f) any other p apers directed by District Election Officer to be kept in a sealed packet. (2) Each such p acket shall be sealed with the seals of the Presiding Officer and of those polling agents who may desire to affix their seals thereon.- 19 -Ex-470/2014 CHAPTER VI COUNTING OF VOTES AND SEALING OF ELECTION PAPERS 6 8 . Appointment of place and time for counting of vot es: Counting of votes shall be taken up as soon as possible after the close of the poll and the Returning Officer shall appoint the pla ce and time of counting of votes and inform the candidates or their Election agents. The Returning Officer may appoint any public servant or servants a vailable as ma y be necessary to assist him in the counting of votes. 69 . Admission to the place of cou nting of votes, etc.: (1) The Returning Officer shall exclude from the pla ce fixed for counting of votes all person except- (a ) such person to be known as counting supervisors and counting a ssistants as he may appoint to a ssist him in the counting; (b) the candidate/election agent and his counting agents duly authorized in writing by candidate; (c ) persons authorized by the State Election Commission, if any; and (d) public servants on duty in connection with the elect ion. (2) Any person who during the counting of votes misconducts himself or fa ils to obey the directions of t he Retur ning Officer may be removed from the place by any Police Officer on duty or by any other person authorized in this behalf by the Returning Officer. (3) The Returning Officer shall, befor e the commencement of the cou nting, briefly explain the counting pr ocedure to all those a llowed admission in t he counting place under sub-r ule (1) and caution them as to the maintenance of secr ecy, the violation of which shall be an elect oral offence under Rule 91. 7 0 . Scrutiny and opening of ba llot boxes: The Returning Officer shall satisfy himself that the ballot box is intact, a nd also allow the candidates present to inspect the seals on the ballot box to satisfy themselves that it is int act, and thereafter open the ballot box. 71. Scrutiny and rejection of ballot papers: (1) The ballot papers t aken out of the ballot box shall be a rranged in convenient bundles and scrutinized. (2 ) It s ha ll b e not ed clea r ly a nd ca r r ied ou t s ever a lly t ha t in a mu lt ip le el ect ion, a s i ngle b a llot p a p er cons ist of as many votes a s there are vacancies to be filled. There-upon, a particular vote or votes found to be invalid on a ballot paper do not invalidate the whole ballot paper while cer tain votes recorded thereon may be clea r and va lid. (3) The Returning Officer shall reject any ballot paper in whole only if- (a) it is a spurious ballot paper; or (b) it bears any mark or writ ing by which the elector can be identified; or (c ) no vote is r ecorded thereon; or (d) votes ar e recorded on it in favour of more ca ndida tes than there are vaca ncies to be filled; or ( e ) it is so damaged or mutilated that its identity as a genuine ballot paper cannot be established; or (f) it bears a serial number, or a design different from the serial number or design of the ballot papers authorized for use at the particular polling station; or (g) it does not bear the mark which it would have borne under the provisions of sub-rule (2) of Rule 51. Provided that where the Returning Officer is satisfied that any such defect as is mentioned in clause (f) or clause (g) has been caused by any mist ake or failure on the part of a Presiding Officer or Polling Officer, the ballot p aper sha ll not be rejected merely on the ground of such defect.- 20 - Ex-470/2014 (4) Before rejecting a ny ballot paper under sub-rule (3), the Returning Officer shall allow each candidate pr esent a reasonable opportunit y to inspect the ballot paper but sha ll not allow him to handle it or any other ballot paper. (5) The Returning Officer sha ll record on every ballot paper which he rejects the letter‘R’ and the grounds of rejection in abbreviated form either in his own hand or by means of a rubber sta mp. (6) All ballot papers r ejected under this Rule shall be bundled together. 7 2 . Rejection of pa rticular vote recorded on a ballot paper: The Returning Officer shall reject a particular vote as invalid vote if the mark indicating the vote on a ballot paper is placed in su ch a manner so as to make it doubtful to which candida te the vote has been given. Provided that a vote shall not be rejected as invalid merely on the ground that the mark indicating the vote is indistinct or made more than once, if the intention that the vote shall be for a particular candidate clearly appears from the way the paper is mar ked. 73 . Counting of votes: (1) Each valid vote recorded on ballot paper which is not rejected, shall be counted as one valid vote: Provided tha t no cover containing tendered ballot papers shall be opened and no such paper shall be counted. (2) The Returning Officer shall count all va lid votes in all valid ballot papers and also the total number of va lid votes polled by each candidate. Round-wise counting sheet, cou nting ta ble- wise results tabulation sheet and round-wise tabulation sheet shall be in Form 27, 28 and 29 respectively. (3) The candidate or his counting agent shall be allowed full view of the counting process and sufficient proximity so as to ena ble him to discern the votes cast on each ba llot paper and also on the record of votes for tabulation. Under no circumstances shall physica l conta ct with the ballot paper for him or his counting agent be allowed. 74. Re-count of votes: (1) After the completion of the counting of votes under Rule 73, the Returning Officer shall record in the resu lt sheet in Form 30 the tota l number of votes recorded in favour of each candidate and announce the particulars. (2) After the announcement of particulars so made, a candida te or, in his a bsence his election agent may a pply in writing to the Returning Officer to recount the b allot pa pers either wholly or in part stating the gr ounds on which he dema nds such re-count. (3) On such an applica tion being made the Returning Officer shall decide the matter and may allow the application in whole or in part or may reject it, in toto if it appears to him to be frivolous or unreasonable. (4) Every decision of t he Retu rning Officer under sub-rule (3) shall be in writing and shall contain the r eas ons therefor e. (5) If t he Retu rning Officer decides under sub-rule (3) to allow a n application either wholly or in part, he shall,- (a) re-count the ballot papers in accordance with Rules 71, 72 and 73; (b) amend the result sheet in Form 30 to the extent necessar y after such r e-count; and (c ) announce the particulars of amendments so made by him. (6) After the total number of votes polled by each ca ndidate has been announced under sub-rule (5), the Returning Officer shall complete and sign the resu lt sheet in Form 30 and no application for a re-cou nt sha ll be ent ertained ther eafter: Provided tha t no st ep under this sub-rule shall be taken on the completion of the counting of votes until the candidates and elect ion agents present at the completion thereof have been given a reasonable opportunity to exercise the right conferred by sub-r ule (3) of Rule 73.- 21 -Ex-470/2014 75. Declaration of result of election: On completion of pr ocedures under Rule 73 the Returning Officer shall forthwith, subject to the provisions of Rule 74decla re as elected- (a ) in the case of multiple election, as many candidates standing at the top of the poll in descending order as there are vacancies to be filled; or (b) in t he case of an election to fill one vacancy, the candidate who obtains the largest number of valid vot es. 7 6 . Equality of votes: If, after the counting of the votes is completed, an equality of votes is found to exist between any candida tes and the addition of one vote will lead to any of those candidates being declared elected, the Returning Officer shall forthwith decide between those candidates by lot, and proceed as if the candidate on whom the lot falls had received the additional vote. 77 . Publication of election results: (1) The Returning Officer shall prepa re the election result s in Form 30 a nd send the results to the State Election Commission a nd also to the District Election Officer. (2) The Returning Officer shall also display the election result in Form 30, in the Notice Boar d of the constituency. (3) On r eceipt of all the resu lts from the District Election Officer or the Returning Officer, the State Elect ion Commission shall publish the election results in the Official Gazette. 7 8 . Grant of certifica te of election to returned candida te: As soon as may be after the declara tion of t he election result, the Retur ning Officer shall gr ant to each returned candidate a cer tificate of election in Form 31. 79. Ballot Paper account of Returning Officer: (1) The Returning Officer sha ll prepare a ballot pa per account in Form 32 which shall consist of- (a) total number of ballot papers found in the ballot box or boxes; (b) total number of rejected ballot papers under sub-rule (3) of Rule 71; (c) total number of valid ballot papers i.e. ballot papers which are not rejected; (d) total number of votes contained by the total number of valid ballot papers i.e. total number of va lid ballot papers mult iplied by total number of vaca ncies t o be filled; ( e) tota l number of invalid votes on all valid ballot papers; (f) tota l number of valid votes on all valid ballot papers i.e. (d) minus (e). (2) The Retur ning Officer shall enclose the ballot paper account in a separate cover with the words “Ballot paper account of Returning Officer” subscr ibed thereon a nd showing the name of the Village Council and the da te of counting of votes, and submit the cover to the District Election Officer along with the election result. 80. Packet of election papers and sealing: (1) The Returning Officer shall make a packet of election pa pers consisting of- (a ) a bundle of all valid ballot papers; (b) a bundle of rejected ballot papers under sub-rule (3) of Rule 71; (c) a copy of ballot paper account of Returning Officer under sub-rule (1) of Rule 79; and (d) a copy of election result under Rule 77. (2) The packet s hall be sealed with the seal of Returning Officer a nd of those candidates who may desire to affix their seals thereon. (3) The Returning Officer shall submit to the District Election Officer (a ) the packet under this R ule; (b) the cover containing the ballot paper a ccount of Presiding Officer under Rule 66; and (c) all other packets under Rule 67.- 22 - Ex-470/2014 81 . Safe keeping of the packet containing election papers: While in the custody of the District Election Officer, the packets and cover under sub-rule (3) of Rule 80, shall not be inspected by, or produced before, a ny person or a uthorit y except under order of an Election Tribunal appointed under Rule 86. 82.Custody of ballot boxes a nd papers relating to election: (1) All ballot boxes used at an election shall be kept in such custody as the State Election Commission may direct. (2) The District Election Officer shall keep in safe custody - (a ) the packets of unused ballot papers with counterfoils attached thereto; (b) the packets of used ballot papers whether valid, tendered or rejected; (c ) the packets of cou nterfoil of used ballot papers ; (d) the packets of mar ked cop y of the electoral r oll; ( e) the packets of the declar ation by elect ors: (f) all other pa per relating to election and t hey sha ll not be opened except under the order of a competent authority. 8 3 . Disposal of Election Papers: Subject to any dir ection given by the State Election Commission or by a competent court or Tribunal – (a ) the packets of unused ballot papers shall be reta ined for a period of six months and shall thereafter be destr oyed in such ma nner as the State Elect ion commission may direct ; (b) the other packets referred to in sub-rule (2) of Rule 82 shall be retained for a period of one year and sha ll therefore be destroyed: Provided that packets containing the counter foil of used ballot paper shall not be destroyed except with the approval of the State Election Commission; (c ) all other pa pers relating to the election shall be retained for such period as the State Election Commission may dir ect. CHAPT ER VII DISPUTES REGARDING ELECTION 84. Election petition: (1) An election petition challenging the validity of election of any returned ca ndidate may be presented by a contesting candidate of such election on one or more grounds specified in Rule 88. (2) No election petition shall be presented on a mere ground – (a ) that the name of any person qualified to vote has been omitted from the electoral roll; or (b) that the na me of a ny person not qualified to vote has been included in the electoral r oll. (3) A petitioner shall join as respondents to his petition any or all contesting candidates at the election. (4) A petitioner may in addition to challenging the validit y of any returned candidate, make fur ther claim that himself shall be declared duly elected. (5) An election petition shall- (a) contain a concise statement of the material facts on which the petitioner relies; (b) set forth with sufficient particulars the ground or grounds on which the validity of an election is challenged; (c ) in the case of sub-rule (4), set forth the ground or grounds on which he claims himself to be decla red as elected; and (d) be companied by a deposit of R upees three hundred as the petition fee which is not r efunda ble. (6) An election petition may be submitted to the State Election Commission within twenty-one days from the date of publication of the elect ion result.- 23 -Ex-470/2014 8 5 . Action to be taken by Sta te Election C ommission: As soon as may be after the receipt of an election petition the State Election Commission shall – (a ) inform the District Election Officer to r etain pa ckets a nd other papers referr ed to in Rule 81 of the concer ned Village Council in respect of which the election petition has been presented; and (b) as s oon as possible after the constitution of Election Tribunal under Rule 86, send the election petition to the Election Tribunal for it s disposal. 8 6 . Election Tribunal: The State Election Commission may, by a notification published in the official gazette, constitute an Election Tribuna l consisting of a Cha irman, a Secretary and Members to hear, examine and dispose of all election petitions under these Rules. 8 7 . Powers of Election Tribuna l:It shall be open to the Election Tribunal to- (a ) direct the petitioner, all or any of the respondents a nd any other persons to appear in person whenever it considers necessa ry; (b) enfor ce the at tendance of witnesses; ( c ) compel the pr oduction and examination of the packets a nd other papers referred to in Rule 81; a nd (d) examine the witness es on oath. 88 . Grounds for decla ring to be void: (1) Subject to the provisions of section 4 of the Act, if the Election Tribunal is of the opinion- (a ) that on the date of his election a returned ca ndidate was not qualified or was disqualified, to be chosen as a member under these Rules; or (b) that any corrupt practice has been committed by a returned ca ndidate or his agent or by any other person with the consent of a returned candida te or his agent; or (c ) that any nomination paper has been improperly r ejected; or (d) that the result of the election, in so far as it concerns a returned candidate, has been materially affected – (i) by improper accept ance of any nomination; or (ii) by a ny corr upt pra ctice committed in the interest of the retur ned candidate by a person other than that candidate or his a gent or a person acting with the consent of such candidate or agent; or (iii) by t he impr oper acceptance or refusal of any vote or r eception of any vote which is void; or (iv) by the non-compliance with the provisions of the Act or these Rules or or ders made there-under, the Election Tribunal shall declare the election of the returned candidate to be void. (2) If in the opinion of the Election Tribunal a returned candidate has b een guilty by a n agent, of any corrupt practice, but the Tribunal is satisfied- (a ) that no such corrupt pract ice was commit ted at the election by the ca ndidate, and every such corrupt pract ice was commit ted contrary to the orders, a nd without the consent of the candidate; (b) that the ca ndidate took a ll reasonable means for preventing the commission of cor rupt practices at the election; and (c ) that in all other r espects the election was free from any corrupt practice on the par t of the ca ndidate or any of his a gents, then the Election Tribunal may decide that the Election of t he retur ned candidate is not void. 89 . Decis ion of the Election Tribunal: (1) It shall be the duty of the Election Tr ibunal to dispose of any election petition within one hundred twenty days from the date on which the elect ion petition was sent to them under clause (b) of Rule 85.- 24 - Ex-470/2014 (2) At the conclusion of the trial of an election petition, the Election Tribuna l shall make order- (a ) dismissing the election petition; or (b) declaring the election of the returned ca ndidate to be void. (3) If the petitioner has, in addition to challenging the validit y of the election of a ny returned candidate, claimed declara tion that he himself has been duly elected, and the Election Tribunal is of opinion that the claim of the petitioner is correct, the Election Tribunal shall, after declaring the election of the returned candidate to be void, declar e the petitioner to have been duly elec ted. (4) The Election Tribunal shall repor t its findings and decisions to the State Election Commission wher e-upon the Sta te Election Commission shall notify the decision of the Tribunal and a copy of the same shall be sent to the petitioner, the concerned candidate whose election was challenged, the Sta te Government a nd the District Election Officer. (5) The decision of the Election Tribunal under this Rule shall be final a nd binding. CHAPTER - VIII ELECT ORAL OFFENCES 90 . Prohibition of public meeting on the date of poll: (1) No person shall convene, hold or attend any public meeting within any polling area on the date or dates on which a poll is taken for a n elect ion in that polling a rea. (2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-rule (1) sha ll be punishable with fine which may extend to Rupees two hundred. 91. Maintenance of Secrecy of voting: (1) Every officer, clerk, a gent or other person who performs any duty in connection with the recording or counting of votes at an election sha ll maintain, a nd aid in maintaining, the secrecy of the voting and shall not communicate to any person any information ca lculated to violate such secrecy. (2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine or with both. 92 . Officer, etc., a t elections not to a ct for candidates or to influence voting: (1) No person who is a Magistr ate or a Presiding Officer or Polling Officer at a n election shall in the conduct of or the mana gement of the election do any act (other than the giving of vote) for the furtherance of the pr ospects of the election of a candidate. (2) No such person as aforesa id, and no member of a Police force, shall endeavour- (a ) to persuade any person to give his vote at an election; or (b) to dissuade any person from giving his vot e at an election; or (c ) to influence the voting of any per son at an election in any manner. (d) a ny person who contra venes the pr ovisions of sub-rule (1) or sub-rule(2 ) sha ll be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years or with fine or with both. 93 . Prohibition of canvassing in or near polling stations: (1) No person shall, on the date or da tes on which a poll is taken at any polling station, commit any of the following acts within the polling station or in any public or pr ivate place within a distance of one hundr ed metr es of the polling station, namely: (a ) canvassing for votes; or (b) soliciting t he vote of any elector ; or (c ) persuading a ny elector not to vote for any particular ca ndidates; or- 25 -Ex-470/2014 (d) persuading any elector not to vote at the election; or ( e) exhibiting any notice or sign (ot her tha n an official notice) relating to the elect ion. (2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine which may extend to rupees one thousand. (3) An offence punishable under this Rule shall be cognizable. 94 . Penalty for disorderly conduct in or near polling sta tions: (1) No person shall, on the date or da tes which a poll is ta ken at a ny polling station- (a ) use or opera te within or at the entrance of the polling station or in any public or private place in the neighbourhood thereof, any apparatus for amplifying or reproducing the huma n voice, such as a megaphone or a loud speaker; or (b) shout or otherwise act in a disorderly manner so as to ca use annoyance to any person visiting the polling station for the poll, or so as to interfere with the work of the officers and other persons on duty at the polling station. (2) Any persons who contravenes, or willfully aids or abets the contravention of, the pr ovisions of sub-rule (1) shall be punishable with the imprisonment which may extend to thr ee months or with fine or with both. (3) If the Presiding Officer of a polling sta tion has reason to believe tha t any person is commit ting or has committed an offence punishable under these Rules, he may direct any Police Officer to a rrest such person, and thereupon the Police Officer shall arrest him. (4) Any Police Officer may take such s teps, a nd use such for ce, as may be reasonably necessary for preventing any contravention of the provisions of sub-rule(1), a nd may seize any appar atus used for such contravention. 95 . Penalty for misconduct at the polling sta tion: (1) Any person who during the hours fixed for the poll at any polling station misconducts himself or fails to obey the lawful directions of the Presiding Officer may be removed from the polling stations by the Pr esiding Officer orby any Police Officer on duty or by any person author ized in this behalf by such Presiding Officer. (2) The powers conferr ed by sub-rule (1) shall not be exercised so as to prevent any elector who is otherwise entitled to vote a t a polling station from ha ving an opportunity of voting at that sta tion. (3) If a ny person who has been so removed from a polling sta tion re-enters the polling sta tion without the permission of the Presiding Officer shall be punisha ble with imprisonment for a term which may extend to t hree years or with fine which may extend to rupees one thousand or with both. (4) An offence punishable under sub-rule (3) shall be cogniza ble. 96 . Removal of ballot papers from polling sta tion to be a n offence: (1) Any person who at a ny election fr audulently takes, or a ttempts to take, a ba llot paper out of a polling sta tion, or willfu lly aids or abets the doing on any such act , shall be punishable with impr isonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which ma y extend to Rupees five hundred or with both. (2) If the Presiding Officer of a Polling sta tion has reason to believe tha t any p erson is commit ting or has committed an offence punishable under sub-rule (1), such officer may, before such person leaves the polling station, arrest or direct a Police Officer to arrest such person and may search such person or cause him to be sear ched by a Police Officer:- 26 - Ex-470/2014 Provided that when it is necessar y to ca use a woman to be searched, the sear ch shall be made by another woman with strict regard to decency. (3) Any ballot paper found upon the person arrested on search sha ll be made over for safe custody to a Police Officer by the Presiding Officer, or when the search is made by a Police Officer, shall be kept by such officer in safe custody. (4) An offence punishable under sub-rule (1) shall be cogniza ble. 97 . Other of fenc es and penalties therefore: (1) A person shall be guilty of an electoral offence if at any election he - (a ) fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys any nomination paper; or (b) fraudulently defaces, dest roys or removes any list, notice or other documents affixed by or under the authority of a Magistrate or the Returning Officer or the Presiding Officer; or (c ) fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys a ny ballot paper or the official mar k on any ballot paper or any declaration of identity or official envelope used in connection with voting; or (d) without due authority supplies any ballot paper to any p erson or receives any ballot from any person or is in possess ion of a ny ballot paper; or ( e) fraudulently puts into any ballot box a nything other than the ballot paper which he is authorized by law to put in; or (f) without due authority destroys, takes, opens or otherwise interferes with any ballot box or ballot papers then in use for the pur poses of the election; or (g) fraudulently or without due author ity, as the case may be, attempts to do any of the foregoing acts or willfully aids or abets the doing of any such a cts. (2) Any person guilty of an electoral offence under this Rule shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine or with both. (3) For the pur pose of this Rule, a person shall be deemed to be on official duty if his duty is to take part in the conduct of an election or part of an election including the counting of votes or to be resp onsible after a n election for the used ballot papers and other documents in connection with such elect ion. (4) An offences punishable under sub-rule (2) shall be cognizable. 9 8 . Penalty for corrupt practice: Whoever commits a corrupt practice at an election shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees. 99 . Breaches of officia l duty in connection with elections: (1) If a ny person, to whom these Rules apply, is without reasonable cause guilty of any act or omission in breach of his official duty, he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees. (2) No s uit or other legal proceedings shall lie against a ny such person for damages in respect of any such act or omission as aforesaid. (3) The persons, to whom these Rules apply, are the District Elect ion Officers, Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Officers, Presiding Officers, Polling Officers and any other person appointed to perform any duty in connection with the receipt of nominations or withdrawal of candidatures, or the recor ding or counting of votes at an elect ion. (4) No court shall take cognizance of any offence punisha ble under these Rules unless there is a complaint ma de by a n order of, or under the authority from the State Election Commission or the District Election Officer concerned.- 27 -Ex-470/2014 CHAPTER IX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 100. Civil court not to have jurisdiction: No Civil Court have jurisdiction to question the legality of:- (a ) any action taken by the Returning Officer in the discharge of his duties under these Rules; or (b) any action taken by the Presiding Officer and the Polling Officer in the discha rge of their duties under these Rules; or (c ) any decision taken by the Election Tribunal in the discharge of their duties under these Rules. 101. Requisitioning of premises etc., for election purposes: (1) If it appears to the State Election C ommission or the District Election Officer that in connection with an election to a Village Council- (a ) any premises are needed or are likely t o be needed for the purpose of being used as a polling station or for the storage of ballot boxes after a poll has been taken, or (b) any vehicle or vess el is needed or is likely to be needed for the purpose of t ranspor t of ballot boxes to or from any polling station, or transport of members of the police force for maintaining order during the conduct of such election, or transpor t of any officer or other person for the perfor mance of any duties in connection with such election, the State Election Commission or as the case may be, the District Election Officer ma y by order in writing, r equisit ion such premises or such vehicle or vessel, as the case ma y be and may make such further orders a s may a ppear to him to be necessary or expedient in connection with the requisitioning in respect of matters including r easonable remuneration to be given therefor: Provided that no vehicle or vess el which is being lawfully used by candidate or his agent for any purpose connected with the election of such candidate shall be requisitioned under these Rules until the completion of the poll at such elect ion. (2) The requisition shall be effected by an order in writing addr essed to the person deemed by the State Election Commission or, as the case may be, the District Election Officer to be the owner or person in possession of t he property. (3) Whenever any property is r equisit ioned under sub-rule (1) the period of such requisition shall not extend beyond the period for which s uch property is requir ed for any of t he purposes mentioned in that sub-r ule. (4) If any person contravenes any order made under this Rule, he shall be punishable with impr isonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine or with both. (5) In this Rule- (a ) “premises” means a ny land, building or part of a building and includes a hut, shed or other structure or any pa rt thereof; (b) “vehicle” means any vehicle used or capable of being’ used for the pur pose of road transport, whether propelled by mechanical power or otherwise; (c) “vessel” means any vessel used or capable of being used for the purpose of water transport, whether propelled by mechanical power or otherwise. 1 0 2 . Staff of every loca l author ity to be made available: Every depa rtment of the Centra l or S tate Government or other author ities a nd every educa tional institution including an aided school or private affiliated college in the State shall when so requested by the State Election Commission or the District Election Officer make available-- 28 - Ex-470/2014 (a ) to the Electoral R egistra tion Officer, such staff as may be necessa ry for the per formance of any duties in connection with the prepara tion and revision of electora l rolls; or (b) to the District Election Officer and any Returning Officer such staff as may be necessary for the performa nce of any duties in connection with an elect ion. 103. Expenses in connection with elections: Funds to meet all expenses in connection with the elections to the Village Councils including those in relation to the preparation of electoral rolls therefor, shall be pr ovided by the State Government. 104. Grant of Paid Holiday to Employees on the day of Poll: (1) Every person engaged in work in a ny tr ade establishment or commercia l establis hment or industrial establishment or in any other establishment in the private sector who is eligible to vote in the Election to Village Councils shall be granted leave on the day of poll. (2) The wages of any such person shall not be reduced or disallowed on account of the leave granted under sub-rule (1) even though such person is appoint ed on the basis that, wages will not ordinar ily be paid for such date, he shall be paid the wa ges tha t would have been received by him on such date, had he not been gr anted leave for that day. 105. Repeal and Savings: (1) On and from the commencement of these Rules, the Mizor am (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974 and all the subsequent amendments shall stand repea led. (2) Inspite of such repeal, anything done or any action purported to have been done or taken under the Rules so repealed, sha ll be deemed to have been so done or taken or purpor ted to have been done or taken under t hese Ru les. K. Lalmuana, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. - 29 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 1 [See Rule 25] LETTER OF REQUEST Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Place..................................... Date...................................... To, The................................................................................................... The prepara tion of the electoral roll for the Village Council Constituency in which you a re residing has been taken into consideration. It will greatly facilitate my work if you will kindly complete the statement below after reading the attached instruction and hand it over to my assistant who will call for it. Electoral Registration Officer .................................................District. STATEMENTName and Pa rticula rs of a dult citizens residing in the above premises. Signature ............................... Date ................................ INSTRUCTIONS 1.Enter the names of all persons who have completed 18 years of age on or before the 1st day of January of t he year in which the Electoral Roll is so pr epared or revised or published and who are ordinarily residing in the premises. 2.Only the names of t hose who arc citizens of India should be entered. 3.Enter against Serial No. 2 in the second column, the names of the head or other senior member of the family, provided he or she has the qualifications mentioned in paragr aphs 1 a nd 2 above. 4.“Ordinarily resident” does not mean that the person should be a ctually in the house when you are filling in the for m. The persons who normally live in the house should be included even though they may be temporarily absent, e.g. on a journey or on business or in hos pital. On the other ha nd, a guest or visitor, who nor mally lives elsewhere but happen to be in the house at the time should not be included. 5.All ordinar ily residents of the house should be included. But do not enter the name of any person who is a member of the Armed Forces of India or is employed under the Government of India in a post outside India or the name of such person’s wife if she ordinarily resides with him.S/NName of citizenName of relationRelationAge 12345 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.- 30 - Ex-470/2014 6.For every male citizen, enter the name of his father in the 3rd column ‘F’ in the 4th column. 7.For every female citizen- i)enter the na me of her father in the 3rd colu mn and ‘F’ in the 4th column ii) if married, enter the name of her husband in the 3rd column and ‘H’ in the 4th column. 8.For any citizen to which ‘6’ & ‘7’ cannot apply, enter the name of the relation and ‘0’ in the 4th column. 9.In the 5th column, enter the age of the citizen as accurately as possible, giving only the number of complete years and ignoring the months as on the qualifying date for the purpose of revision. FORM – 2 [See Rule 27 and 28] NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF ELECTORAL ROLL IN DRAFT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………….. (No. & Name) 20……. To, The Electors of the .........................................................................Village Council Constituency. Notice is hereby given tha t the electora l roll has been prepar ed in a ccordance with the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 and a copy thereof is available for inspection a t my office, and at ........................................................................ during office hours. If there be any claim for the inclusion of a na me in t he roll or any objection to the inclu-sion of a name or any object ion to particulars in any entry, it should be lodged on or before the ............................................................. in form 3, 4 or 5 as may be appropriate. Every such claim or objection should either be presented in my office or to ............................or sent by post to the address given below so as to reach me not later than the afor esaid date. Date............................................Electoral Registration Officer Address:.................................................... Place …………………………..- 31 -Ex-470/2014 FORM – 3 [See Rule 30(1)] APPLICATION FOR INCLUSION OF NAME To, The Electoral Registration Officer, .................................................... Village Council Constituency. ………………………………… District. Sir, I request that my name be included in the electoral roll for the Village Council Con-stituency of .......................................................................... My name (in full) ................................................................................................... My Father ’s/ Mother ’s/ Husband’s Name ......................................................... Particulars of my place of residence ar e :- House No. .............................................................. Street ...................................................................... Village .................................................................... Post Office .............................................................. Police Station .......................................................... District ………......................................................... I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief:- (i)I a m a ci t i zen of I n d i a ; (ii)My age on the first day of January ……...........… was ................. years and ......................... months ; (iii)I am ordinarily resident at the address given below :- ……………………………………………………………………………………….. (iv)I have not applied for the inclusion of my name in the electoral roll for any other Village Council Constituency : (v)My name has not been included in the electoral roll for this or any other Village Council Constituency. or My name may have been included in the electoral roll of ……............................ Village Council in which I was ordinarily resident earlier at the address mentioned below and, if so, 1 request that the same may be excluded from that electoral roll. Full Address of earlier place of ordinary residence:- ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. Date ........................ Place ...................... ............................................... Signature or thumb impression of the Applicant Record of action takenThe application in Form - 3 of Mr/Mrs/Miss.................................................................................. of ........................................................ has been - (a)accepted and his/her name is included in the electoral roll of................................................................... …………………………..................Village Council Constituency, or (b)rejected for the reason.................................................................................................................................... ..……..................................…………………………………………………………………………………… Date ................................... Place ……………………..Electoral Registration Officer (Seal) - 32 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 4 [See Rule 30(2)]APPLICATION FOR OBJECTING INCLUSION OR SEEKING DELETION To, The Electoral Registration Officer, ..................................................... Village Council Constituency ..................................................... District. Sir, I object to the inclusion of the name of …………................................................................ at Serial No. ….......................................... of the electoral roll of.................................................Village Council Constituency for the following r eason ( s) :- …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… I hereby declare that the facts mention ed above ar e true to the best of my knowledge an d belief. My name has been included in the electoral roll for this constituency as follows:- Name in full....................................................................... Father ’s/Mother ’s/Husband’s Name............................................................... Serial No.............................................................. Part No................................................................. ………………………………….. Signature or thumb impression of the objector (Full postal address)...................................... NOTE : Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true is punishable under Rule 22 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 and provisions under the appropriate law including Indian Penal Code. Record of action takenThe objection in Form – 4 lodged by Mr/Mrs/Miss …….......................................................... .......................................... of ........................................................ has been – (a) accepted and the entry of the name of .................................................................. Serial No. ............................ of the electoral roll of ......................................Village Council shall be deleted; or (b) rejected for the reason ………………................................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………….................……………………………………………………… Date ................................... Place ……………………..Electoral Registration Officer, ( Sea l ) - 33 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 5 [See Rule 30(3)] OBJECT IONS TO PARTICULARS IN ANY ENTRY To, The Electoral Registration Officer, ……………………………………Village Council Constituency, …………………………………… District. Sir, I submit that the entry relating to myself which appears at Serial No. ...................... of the electoral roll of ................................................................................... is not correct. It should be corrected to read as follows: “………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...……………………………………………………………………………………………….” Place ......................................... Date .......................................... …..……....…………… Signature or thumb impression of t he elector. NOTE : Any person who ma kes a statement or declaration which is fa lse and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true is punishable under Rule 22 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 and provisions u nder the appropriate law including Indian Penal Code. Record of action takenThe objection in Form-5 lodged by Mr/Mrs/Miss ……….................................................. …….……………………............................. of ……...………............................................................. .................................................... has been - (a ) accepted and the relevant entry has been corrected to read as follows :- …………………………………………………………………………........ …………………………………………………………………………........ (b) rejected for the reason .................................................................................... Date....................................... Place ……………………….Electoral Registration Officer (Seal) - 34 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 6 [See Rule 33] NOTICE OF FINAL PUBLICATION OF ELECTORAL ROLL It is hereby notified for public informa tion tha t the list of amendments to the draft electoral roll for the................................................. (No. & Name) Village Council Constituency of ………………………….. District has been prepared with reference to....................................................... as the qualifying date and in accordance with the Mizor am (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014. A copy of the said r oll together with the said list of a mendments has been pu blished and will be available for inspection at my office. Date ..........................................Electoral Registration Officer, Place ...........................................Address: ……………………………….. ……………………………….. FORM 7 [See Rule 39] NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that:- (1) an election is to be held of a member to the Village Council in the ………………….. (No. & Name) Villa ge Council Constituency; (2) nomination papers may be delivered by a candidate to the Returning Officer/Asst. Returning Officer at …………………………………….. between 11:00 A.M and 3:00 P.M on any day (other than public holiday) not later than the ………………………………… (date) ; (3) forms of nomination paper may be obtained at the place and time aforesaid; (4) the nomination papers will be taken up for scrutiny at ………………………………………….. (place) on……………………… (date) at……………………………….. (hour); (5) notice of withdrawal of candidature may be delivered either by a ca ndidate or by his election a gent who has been author ized in writing by the candidate to deliver it to either of the officers specified in paragraph (2) above at his office before 3 P.M. on the……………………………(date) ; (6) a ca ndidate shall deposit rupees five hundred along with his nomina tion pa per; (7) in the event of the election being contested, the poll will be taken on …………………. between the hours of……………………. and ………………………. ; (8) the counting of votes will commence on ………………… (date) at ………………………. (place) at ……………………… (hour) or immediately after the poll is over. Date ………………………………Retur ning Officer Place ……………………………. No. & Name of V/C Constituency…….…………….- 35 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 8 [See Rule 41] NOMINATION PAPER Part – I Election to the Village Council of _______________________(No & Name) 20……… 1. Name: 2. Fa ther ’s/Mother ’s/Husband’s Na me : 3. Age & Date of Birth: 4. Sex: 5. Educational Qualifications: 6. Address: 7. No & Name of Constituency: 8. Sl.No in the Electoral Roll: 9. Date & Time of filing Nomina tion: 10. Citizenship: 11. Religion: 12. Place of birth: 13. Occupation: Part – II (CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION) I, _________________________ the candidate mentioned in Part-I assent to this nomination and her eby decla re:- 1) that I have completed _________ years of age; 2) that I am not a member of any other Villa ge Council; 3) that I am a member of Scheduled Tribe belonging to ______________sub-tribe; 4) that I am set up at this election by the ______________________ party; 5) that symbols I have chosen are, in order of prefer ence i)____________________ii)_____________________iii)_________________ 6) that I am not disqualified for being elected to fill t he said seat in the Village Council as required under Section 4(f) of the Lushai Hills (Village Councils) Act , 1953 as amended; 7) that I am not an unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent Court of Author ity; 8) that my Name and F ather ’s/Husband’s Name have been cor rectly spelt out above in __________________ (name of language); 9) that the Code of Conduct prescribed by the State Election Commission has been read by me/ read over to me and I will abide by it; 10) that I have deposited a security deposit of Rs. 500/- as prescribed under Rule 42(1). 11) that I am not holding any office of profit under the Central Government or the State Government. 12) that to the best of my knowledge a nd belief, I am qualified and not dis qualified for being elected to fill the seat of the sa id Village Council; Witness: (………………………….)(………………………….) Signature Signature (………………………….)(………………………….) Name (Capital Letter) Name (Capital Let ter) - 36 - Ex-470/2014 Sl.No in the E/Roll………….. Date……………………..Date…………………… Place……………………Place…………………. Part-III(To be filled by the Retur ning Officer) Serial No. of Nomination Paper ………………………………………….. This nomina tion pa per was delivered to me at my office at ……………….(hou r) on …………… (date) by the candidate. Signature of the Returning Officer or other authorised person Part-IV(Decision of Returning Officer accepting or rejecting the nomination paper) I ha ve examined this nomination in accordance with Rule _____ and decided as follows: Date: ___________Accepted/RejectedPlace:___________Ret urning Officer ———————————------————— (Perforation) ——————————-——————— Part-VRECEIPT FOR NOMINATION PAPER AND NOTICE FOR SCRUTINY (To b e handed over to the Ca ndidate while filing the nomina tion paper) Serial No. of Nomination Paper …………………………………………… The Nomination Paper of …………………………., a ca ndidate for election to Village Council of …………………………………(No. & Name), was delivered to me at …………………. (hour) on ……………….. (date) by the Candidate. All Nomination Papers will be taken up for scrutiny at …………………… (hour) …………. on ………………. (date) at …………………….. (place). Date: ……………………….Ret urning Officer Place: ……………………..- 37 -Ex-470/2014 P a rt ' A'No.. ................. .. Date ................ ....... Rec eiv ed a s um of Rs 500/- (Rupee s five hu ndred) only fro m Pi / Pu ..... ................. .... .......... ..... ................. ..... of ..... ................. ................. .......... on accoun t of s ecu rity depos it for his nomin ation for V/C elect ion. Returning Officer, No & Nam e of V/ C Co nstituenc y…………….......... ................. .........FORM 9 [See Rule 42] RECEIPT OF SECURITY DEPOSITP a rt ' A'N o.. ................. .. D ate ................ ....... Rec eiv ed a s um of Rs 500/- (R upee s five hu ndred) only fro m Pi / Pu ..... ................. .... .......... ..... ................. ..... of ..... ................. ................. .......... on ac coun t of s ecu rity depos it for his nomin ation for V/C elect ion. Returning Officer, No & Nam e of V/ C Co nstituency…………….......... ................. .........P a rt ' B'HOW DISPOSED OF D ate ................ ................. ......... R ef unded/forfeited Sig natur e R e tu rn i ng O ffic er of C andid ate. N o & Nam e of V/C C ons titue ncy … … … … … ...... ................. ............P a rt ' B'HOW DISPOSED OF D ate ................ ................. ......... R ef unded/forfeited Sig n a tu r e R e tu rn i n g O ffic er of Candid ate. N o & N am e of V/C C ons titue ncy … … … … … ...... ................. ............S.NoN ame o f th e C and idateNam e ofF a the r /M oth e r/H u sb a ndAddress ofC an d ida teP a rtya f f ilia tion , ifany(1)(2)(3)(4)( 5)12 3 4FORM 10 [See Rule 43(4)] LIST OF VALIDLY NOMINATED CANDIDATES Election to Village Council of …………………………….. (No & Name) 20…… Place :Retur ning Officer Date :- 38 - Ex-470/2014 F ORM 11 [See Rule 44] NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDATURE Election to the Village Council of ………………………………….. (No. & Name) 20……. To, The Returning Officer, ……………………….. I, …………………………………………………. a candidate nominated at the above election do hereby give notice that I withdraw my candidature. Place ………………… Date …………………. Signature of nominated candidateThis notice was delivered to me at my office at ……….………. (hour) on ……….…………….. (date) by ………………………………………………. (name), the ** ………………………………. ……...…………… Ret urning Officer Place ……………………. Date……………………. ———————————————————————————(Perforation) ————— —————————————————————— Receipt for Notice of Withdrawal (To be handed over to the per son delivering the notice) The notice of withdrawal of candidature by …………………………. . a nominated candidate at the election to Village Council of …………………………. (No. & Name) was delivered to me by the ** ………………………… …. at my office at ……………………… (hour) on ……………………. (date). ……...…………… Ret urning Officer ** Here insert one of the following alternatives as may be appropriate:- (1) Candidate (2 ) Candidate’s Election Agent who has been authorized in writing by the candidate to deliver it. ( 3 ) A person authorized in writing by the ca ndida te to deliver it.- 39 -Ex-470/2014 Form 12 [See Rule 46(9)&(10)] NOTICE AS TO NAMES OF CANDIDATES SET UP BY THE RECOGNISED/REGISTERED POLITICAL PARTY Election to the Village Council of ………………………………….. (No. & Name) 20……. To, The Returning Officer, ………………………………………………………… Subject :Notice regarding setting up of candidates in the Election to Village Council from ……………………………….. (No. & Name) Constituency. Sir/Madam, I hereby give notice that the following persons have been set up by ……………………………………………. Party as its candidate(s) at the Election to be held on the ……………………………………………… for election of Members from the Village Council Constituency of ……………………………………….. (No. & Name) as shown against each of the candidates. Yours faithfully, Signature __________________ Name of Unit President () (Seal) S/NNa me of Sp on s ored CandidatesFather’s/M other’s/ H usband’s NameA dd re ss1. 40 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 13 [See Rule 46(12)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20……Sl.No.Nam e o f Ca ndidateFather’s/Mo th er’ s/H usband’s namePartyAf fil iat ionSym bol all ot te dThe poll will be taken on ……..………………………..(date) at …….…………………….. (place) between the hours of …………….. A.M. to ………….. P.M. Date................................................... Retur ning Officer Place : ………………………………No. & Name of Village Council ……........................- 41 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 14 [See Rule 48(1)(c)] APPOINTMENT OF ELECT ION AGENT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, ……………………………………………….. (name) of ………………………………………..(address), a candidate at the above election, do hereby appoint ………………………………………….…………………… of ……………………………………… (address) as my Election Agent from this day at the above elect ion. Place ……………………….. Date ………………………..………………………Signature of Candidate I accept the above appointment Place ……………………….. Date ………………………..……………….…………… Signature of Election Agent Approved Signature a nd seal of the Returning Officer FORM 15 [See Rule 48(1)(e)] REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION AGENT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, ..………………………………………………….., a candidate at the above election, hereby revoke the appointment of Pi/Pu ………………………………………………… as my Election Agent. Place ……………………….. Date ……………………….. ……………………… Signature of Candidate - 42 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 16 [See Rule 48(2)(b)] APPOINTMENT OF POLLING AGENT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Presiding Officer, …………………………………… I, ……………………………………. a Candidate/Election Agent* of Pi/Pu …………………………….. …………………………………………. who is a candidate at the above said election do hereby appoint Pi/Pu ……………………………………………………. as a Polling Agent at P olling Station of …….. …………… (No.& Na me) Village Council Constituency. Place:Signature of Candidate/Election Agent Date: I agree to a ct as P olling Agent Place: Signature of P olling Agent Date: DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY THE POLLING AGENT BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER I, ……………………………… Polling Agent of Pi/Pu ……………………………….. do hereby declare tha t at the Election to the Village Council Constituency of … ………………………………. (No. & Na me) I will not do anything tha t may violate the secrecy of t he elect ion or any provision of the Act or Rule 91 of the Mizoram (E lection to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 in connection with this elect ion. Signa ture of Polling Agent (date) Signed before me a nd a ccepted Presiding Officer Place: Date *Str ike off whichever is not applica ble.- 43 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 17 [See Rule 48(2)(d)] REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF POLLING AGENT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Presiding Officer, …………………………………… I, ………………………………. * the Election Agent of Pi/Pu ……………..……………………, a ca ndidate at the above election, hereby revoke the appointment of P i/Pu …………………………………. as my/his Polling Agent. Place:Signature ……………………………… Date:Name………………………………….. Candidate /Election Agent _____________________________________________________________________________________________ *Strike out the word(s) not applicable FORM 18 [See Rule 48(3)(a)] APPOINTMENT OF COUNTING AGENT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, ........................, * a candidate/the election agent of......................................who is a candidate a t the a bove election, do hereby appoint the following persons as my counting agents to attend the counting of votes at.................................................... (place). Name of the Counting AgentsAddr ess of the cou nting a gent1. ……………………………….…………..………………………………. 2. ……………………………….…………..………………………………. 3. ………………………………..………..……………………...…………. etc. Signature of Candidate/Election Agent. We a gree to act as such Counting Agents 1. ………………………………. 2. ………………………………. 3. ……………………………….- 44 - Ex-470/2014 Signature of Counting Agents Place.................................... Date..................................... Declaration of Counting Agents(To be signed before the Returning Officer) We hereby declare that at the above elect ion we will not do anything forbidden by Rule 91 of the Mizoram Election to Villa ge Council Rules, 2014, which we have read/has been read over to us. 1. 2. 3. etc. Date...................................Signature of counting agents Signed before me. Date.................................. Returning Officer FORM 19 [See Rule 48(3)(b)] REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF COUNTING AGENT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To The Returning Officer, …………………………………… I, ..........................., [the election agent of..........................] a candidate at the above election hereby revoke the appointment of...................... my/his counting agent. Date............................... Signature of person revoking. Place..............................- 45 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 20 [See Rule 52] BALLOT PAPER COUNTERFOIL Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Serial No. of Ballot Paper ............................... Elector ’s Serial number in the Electoral Roll………………………………..……….. Signature or thumb impress ion of the elector ——————————————————————— (Perforation) ———-------------------------— BALLOT PAPER Serial No. of Ballot Paper............................... No & Name of Village Council Constituency ............................................... S l.No.N ame of Can did ateS ym bo l A ll ottedS l.N o.N ame o f Can did ateSy mb ol A llo tted1 Bia k mu a na Hand13 H min gm uan aSun W itho ut Rays2 Buanga Hand14 LalthanzamaSun W itho ut Rays3 D ins a ng a Hand15 Ma w iaSun W itho ut Rays4 Hminghlua Hand16 Rom a w iaSun W itho ut Rays5 Hriata Hand17 Siamm awiaSun W itho ut Rays6 L a llia na Hand18 Th ans iamaSun W itho ut Rays7 Hmingmuana S tar19 Du h kimaAxe (Hrei pui)8 Lalthan zam a S tar20 La lr in gaHat ( L uk hu m)9 M awia S tar21 Mals awmaLantern (L altin)10 Ro maw ia S tar22 RindikaLeaf ( T hin gh na h )11 Siam mawia S tar23 Tlan kim aMug ( N ot un g)12 Thansiama S tar24 Za k a paNeckl ace (T hi)- 46 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 21 [See Rule 53] APPLICATION FOR CASTING OF VOTE BY A VOTER ON ELECTION DUTY Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… To, The District Election Officer, ________________________ District. Sir, I intend to cast my vote in the ensuing Election to the Village Councils from ___________________________ (No. & Name) Village Council Constituency by means of Ballot Paper for Elector s on Election Duty. My name is entered at Sl. No. _______ in Part No. ________ of the Electoral Roll of ______________________________ (No. & Name) Village Council Constituency. I ha ve been appoint ed/deployed to perform election duty and copy of my appointment/ deployment letter is attached herewith. I request that a ballot paper be issued to enable me to cast my vote as per procedures prescribed by the State Election Commission, Yours faithfully, Enclo: As stated above. Signature: _______________________ Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ Contact No.:_____________________ - 47 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 22 [See Rule 54(2)(c)] LIST OF CHALLENGED VOTES Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Serial No. of en tryName of electorSl . N o. of Electo r’s nam e i n the E /R o llS ig nat ure or th um b i m pr e s si on of the person challen gedAddress of th e pers on challen gedName o f identifier, if a nyN am e o f ch alleng erO rder o f P residing O fficerSignatureof challen ger on r e c e iv in g r e fun d of de p os it123456789Date: ………………….. Signature of Presiding Officer - 48 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 23 [See Rule 60(1)] DECLARATION BY THE COMPANION OF BLIND OR ILLITERATE OR INFIRM VOTERS Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… I, ............................................................................................................... do hereby certify that .......................................................................... is personally known to me. I am satisfied that he/ she is blind or illiterate or physically infirm and is unable to make a mark on the ballot paper. He/she requested me to ma rk the ballot paper on his/her behalf. I hereby declar e that I ha ve not a ccepted as companion of any ot her elector at any polling station t oday, a nd that I will keep secret the vote recorded by me on his/her behalf. Signature of Compa nion Date: ……………….. Place: ………………..Signed before me and permitted Signature of the Presiding Officer FORM 24 [See Rule 60(2)] RECORD OF VOTES OF BLIND OR ILLITERATE OR INFIRM ELECTORS Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Sl. NoNam e o f El ect orElector's S l. N o i n th e E /RollNa me of CompanionCo mpa nion' sSl. No in the E/RollSign ature of Com pani onDate : ........................................... Place : …………………………..Signature of the Presiding Officer - 49 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 25 [See Rule 64(2)] LIST OF TENDERED VOTES Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Sl. No.Name of the electorSl . N o. of elector in the E/RollAdd r e ss of the electorSerial n um be r of electors in electoral rollSerial number o f tendered ballot paperS e r ial Num be r of ballo t paper i s sue d t o the person who has al ready vot edSi gn a t u re or thumb impression ofpers on tenderingvoteDate: .................................. Signature of the Presiding Officer Place: ..................................- 50 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 26 [See Rule 66] BALLOT PAPER ACCOUNT OF PRESIDING OFFICER Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… SI NoP ar t i cul ar sQ ua nti ty1 No of Ballot Papers received by the Presiding Officer2 No. of ball ot papers issued to electors3 No of ballot papers cancelled for violating voting pr oc e du re4 No of ballot papers spoilt and returned under Rule 61(1)5 No of ballot papers refused by the elector and cancelled under Rule 61(2)6 No of ballot paper to be found in the ballot box.7 No. of unused ballot papers returnedDate......................... Place : ………………Signature of the Presiding Officer - 51 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 27 [See Rule 73(3)] ROUND-WISE COUNTING SHEET Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… (a) Counting Table No:__________(b) Round No:______________ (c) No. of Ballot Papers: ________(d) Total Votes cast:____________ (e) Valid Votes:________________(f) Invalid Votes:________________S l.NoName o f C an didat e sVot es polledTotal5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5Name & Signature of Counting Supervisor Date ............................................ Place ............................................ Name & Signature of Returning Officer - 52 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 28 [See Rule 73(3)] COUNTING TABLE-WISE RESULTS TABULATION SHEET Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… ROUND No. ......... Sl.NoNam e o f Ca ndidatesVal id Votes PolledG . T otalCou nti ng Table No_____Cou nti ng Tab le No_____Cou nti ng Tab le N o_ __ __Cou nti ng Tab le No_____Co unting Table N o_ __ __Date ……………………. Place …………………….Name & Signature of Returning Officer - 53 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 29 [See Rule73(3)] ROUND-WISE TABULATION SHEET Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… S l. NoNa me of Candi datesValid Votes Pol ledG . To t alRo und No_ __ __Rou nd No_____Ro und No __ _ __Rou nd No __ __ _Ro und No_____Name & Signature of Returning Officer - 54 - Ex-470/2014 FORM 30 [See Rule 77] ELECTION RESULT Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… Date of Poll: .............................................................. Date of Counting of Votes : .............................................................. Sl. NoNam e of Ca n did ateName of Political P ar ty , if anyTotal V otes P ol l edRes ult (I ndicate as Elected/not Elect ed)Tota l No. of Electors: ………………….. Total No. of valid votes polled : ………………….. Tota l No. of rejected votes: ………………….. Tota l No. of tendered votes: ………………….. I hereby declare that:- SI. Nos :…………………………………….. Viz.. 1) ………….........……………………........ 2) …......………………………………..… 3) …………...…………………………….. 4) ………………………………….....…… 5) ……...………………………………….. have been declared duly elected to fill the seats in the Village Council of …….…………………… (No. & Name). Date:......................................... Place : …………………………..Name & Signature of the Returning Officer - 55 -Ex-470/2014 FORM 31 [See Rule 78] CERTIFICATE OF ELECTIONI, Returning Officer for the election to Village Council of ………………..……………… in the District of ………..…………………. hereby certify that I have on the …..…… day of ……………………….. 20…..declared Pi/Pu ..................................................................... Son/ Daughter/Wife of ………................................................ sponsored by ........................................................ (name of the recognised/registered political party) to have been duly elected to be a member of the Village Council of ...................................................................... in an election held on ….................................................... and that in token thereof I have granted to him/ her this Certificate of Election. Date...........................................Retur ning Officer Place …………………………No. & Name of Village Council ........................... Seal FORM 32 [See Rule 79] BALLOT PAPER ACCOUNT OF RETURNING OFFICER Election to the Village Council of ………………………………… (No. & Name) 20…… (a) Total number of ballot papers found in the Ballot Box/Boxes _________________________ (b) Total number of rejected ballot papers under Sub-rule (3) of Rule 66_________________________ (c) Total number of valid ballot papers, i.e. ballot papers which are not rejected_________________________ (d) Tota l number of votes contained by the total valid ba llot papers, i.e. total num-ber of valid ballot papers multiplied by total number of vaca ncies to be filled_________________________ ( e) Total number of invalid votes on all valid ba llot papers_________________________ (f) Tota l number of valid votes on all valid ba llot papers, i.e. (d) minus (e)_________________________ Date :..........................................Name & Signature of the Returning Officer Place :………………………….- 56 - Ex-470/2014 - 57 -Ex-470/2014 APPENDIX [See Rule 46] TABLE - I : LIST OF SYMBOLS FOR RECOGNISED POLITICAL PARTIES NATIONAL PARTIESSTATE PARTIESZoram Nationalist Party (ZNP) Mizo National Front (MNF)Mizoram People’s Conference (MPC) Sun without Ray Star Electric BulbCommunist Party of India (CPI) Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M))Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Indian National Congress (INC)Ears of Corn and Sickle Hammer, Sickle and Star Clock Lotus Elephant Hand - 58 - Ex-470/2014 TABLE - II : LIST OF FREE SYMBOLSCHEMDAWHKAN MAI CHEMTEGRAPE BALHLA LALTIN MOTORFAVAH KHUMBEUARBAWM DEKCHIHLUMBEL INIPTELEIHLAWNTUTHLAWH TUIBURKHUANGBALHLA KUNG EMPINGHACHHEKHERAWT HMUIHNAH PAHNIHHNAMHREIPUI KETLILE HKHABU MAUFIANNGHAWNG- KAWLNIHLIAPNO PANGPAR PENPHEIKHAWK SUAHDURPAM KHAWNVAR PAIKAWNG THINGKUNGTHINGREM THINGZAINA THUL THUTTHLENGTHEIHAI TARMIT TUIT HAWLVAIBEL HMEHEN THLAWH- THEIHNA TIANGKAWM LEH BALLTALA C HAHBI TELEPHONESAKAWR- BAKCHEHBUKNAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/250

The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 471Date - 15/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 15.9.2014 Bhadrapada 24, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 471 NOTIFICATION No. B. 14016/36/08-LAD/VC, the 15th September, 2014.The Go verno r o f Mizo ram is pleased to notify “The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014” framed in exercise of the power conferred by Section 23 (1) of The Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 (Act No. V of 1953) Annexed thereto which will come into force with immediate effect. K. Lalmuana, Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 472Date - 22/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 22.9.2014 Bhadrapada 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 472 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 No. 76/MIZ-LA/2013Dated : 8th September, 2014 17 Bhadrapada, 1936 (Saka) ORDER Whereas, the Election Commission of India is sa tisfied tha t each of the contest ing ca ndidates specified in column 4 of the Table below at the General Election to the Legislative Assembly 2013 and, in the Mizoram State held fr om the constit uency specified in column 3 a gainst his/her name has failed to lodge the account of his/her election expenses as shown in column 5 of the said Table as required by the Repr esentation of t he People Act, 1 951 and the Rules made ther eunder ; And whereas, the sa id candidates have either not furnished any reason or expla nation for the said failure even after due notice by the Election Commission or aft er cons idering the representa tion made by them, if any, the Election Commission is satisfied that t hey have no good reason or justification for the said failure; Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 10A of the said Act, the Election Commission hereby declares the persons specified in column 4 of the Table below to be disqualified for being chosen as and for being a member of either House of Parliament or the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State or Union Territory for a period of three years fr om the date of this or der: Sl.ParticularsNo. & NameName & Addr es sReasons for No.of Electionof Assemblyof ContestingDiaqualification ConstituencyCandidate (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 1.General Election to the12-Aizawl North-IIIShri Bia kmawia,Failed to lodge Legislative Assembly(ST) ACHortoki, Mamitaccounts of of Mizoram, 2013election ex pens es By or der, Sd/- (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Election Commission of India is satisfied that each of the contesting candidates specified in column 4 of the Table below at the General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2014,

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 473Date - 22/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 22.9.2014 Bhadrapada 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 473 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 No. 76/MIZ-HP/2014Dated : 8th September, 2014 17 Bhadrapada, 1936 (Saka) ORDER Whereas, the Election Commission of India is sa tisfied tha t each of the contest ing ca ndidates specified in column 4 of the Table below at the General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2014, in the Mizoram State held from the constituency specified in column 3 against his/her name has fa iled to lodge the account of his/her election expenses as shown in column 5 of the said Table as required by the Representa tion of the Peop le Act, 1951 and the Ru les made ther eunder ; And whereas, the sa id candidates have either not furnished any reason or expla nation for the said failure even after due notice by the Election Commission or aft er cons idering the representa tion made by them, if any, the Election Commission is satisfied that t hey have no good reason or justification for the said failure; Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 10A of the said Act, the Election Commission hereby declares the persons specified in column 4 of the Table below to be disqualified for being chosen as and for being a member of either House of Parliament or the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State or Union Territory for a period of three years fr om the date of this or der: Sl.ParticularsNo. & NameName & Addr es sReasons for No.of Electionof Parliamentaryof ContestingDiaqualification ConstituencyCandidate (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 1.General Election to the01- MizoramShri M. LalmanzualaFailed to lodge Lok Sabha 2014 from(ST) PCChaltlang, Aizawl.accounts of the state of of Mizoram.election ex pens es By or der, Sd/- (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ-LA/2008 dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 474Date - 22/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 22.9.2014 Bhadrapada 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 474 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 10th September, 2014 19 Bhadrapada, 1936 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 429/MIZ/2010 :-In pursuance of the provisions of sub-section (1) of 13B of the Repr esentation of the People Act, 1950 (4 3 of 1950), the Elect ion Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ-LA/2008 dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in t he St ate of Mizora m, na mely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to the said notification, against the Assembly Constituency shown below, for the existing entry, the following cor responding entry shall be su bstituted - TABLENo. & Name of Assembly ConstituencyElectoral Registration Officers (1)(2) 2-Dampa (ST) ACSDO (C), W. Phaileng By or der, Sd/- (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ/2008(1) dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Assistant Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 475Date - 22/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 22.9.2014 Bhadrapada 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 475 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 10th September, 2014 19 Bhadrapada, 1936 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 429/MIZ/2010(1) :-In exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section (1) of 13C of the R epresentation of the P eople a ct, 1950 (43 of 1950), the Election Commission of India, hereby makes the following further amendment in its Notification No. 429/MIZ/2008(1) dated 11th June, 2008, relating to the appointment of Assistant Electoral Registration Officers for Assembly Constituencies in the State of Mizoram, Namely :- In column (2) of the Table appended to the said notification, against the Assembly Constituency shown below, for the existing entry, the following cor responding entry shall be su bstituted - TABLENo. & Name of Assembly ConstituencyAssistant Electoral Registration Officers (1)(2) 3-Mamit (ST) ACSDC (P), Mamit By or der, Sd/- (ANUJ JAIPURIAR) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit Changing name of Israel Lalrinchhana (new name) S/o C. Thangzuala R/o Ramthar, Aizawl Mizoram

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 479Date - 24/09/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 24.9.2014 Asvina 1, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 479 AFFIDAVIT (CHANGING NAME) BY THIS DEED I, the undersigned Israel Lalrinchhana (new name) S/o C. Thangzuala R/o Ramthar, Aizawl Mizoram, previously called Laljehova (former name), do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows. 1.Wholly renounce, r elinquish and abandon the use of my former name of Laljehova, a nd in p lace thereof do assume from now onwards the name of Israel Lalrinchhana, so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name of Laljehova but by my assumed name of Israel Lalrinchhana. 2.For the pur pose of evidencing such my determina tion declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all pr oceedings, dealings and transa ctions, private as well as public and upon all occasions wha tsoever use and sign the name of Isra el Lalr inchhana as my name in place of and in substitution for my for mer name Laljehova. 3.Expr essly authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and a ddress me by such assumed name Israel Lalrinchhana. IN WITNES S WHEREOF I have hereunto subscr ibed my hand and sign this the 19th day of September, 2014. Identified by me:Signed befor e meIsrael Lalrinchhana DEPONENT Sd/-Sd/- Melissa LalrintluangiChief Judicia l Magist rate AdvocateAiza wl Distr ict, Aizawl Upper Republic Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of F. Zoramsanga S/o F. Lalvuana (L), resident of Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizoram.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 485Date - 07/10/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 7.10.2014 Asvina 15, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 485Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50AFFIDAVIT I, S hri F. Zoramsa nga S/o F. Lalvuana (L), resident of Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizora m do hereby solemnly affirm and state a s follows :- 1.That I am bonafide citizen of India by birth. 2.That I am working J unior Engineer (JE) under PWD, Govt. of Mizoram. 3.That in my Service Book my name has been mista kenly written and recorded a s Henry Zoramsanga which is incorrect. 4.That I do hereby declare b efore the Nota ry Public, Aiza wl Mizoram tha t my tr ue and correct name is F. Zoramsanga in all my documents. 5.That in the circumstances given above, it is my fervent plea tha t correction of my name from Henry Zora msanga to F. Zor amsanga in my S ervice Book. 6.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to t he best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 8th day of September, 2014. Identified by me:Signed befor e meF. Zoramsa nga DEPONENT Sd/-Sd/- R. Lalhungliana, BA (Hons) LLBR. Thangkanglova, AdvocateAdvocate & Notary Public Mission Veng ‘S’ Mv 86Aizawl, Mizoram Notarial Registration No. 47/9 Date 8.9.14

The Mizoram Legal Service Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 486Date - 08/10/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 8.10.2014 Asvina 16, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 486 NOTIFICATION No.A.12018/1/2012-P&AR(GSW), the 30th September, 2014. In exer cise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizora m after consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission is pleased to ma ke the following rules, namely : PART – I GENERAL 1.Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram Legal Service Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into effect from the date of publication in the Mizor am Gazette. 2.Definitions. In these rules, unless there is a nything repugnant to the subject or the context- (i)“Advocate” means an Advocate enrolled under the Indian Bar Council Act, 1926 and/or in the Bar Council of the state constituted under the Advocates’ Act, 1961; (ii)“Appointing Authorit y” means the Governor of Mizora m; (iii)“Commission”means the Mizoram Public S ervice Commission; (iv)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram; (v)“Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram; (vi)“Judicial Officer” means member of the Mizoram Judicial Service; (vii)“Member of the service” means a person appointed or deemed to have been appointed under these rules to any grade of the Service from the date of publication of these rules; (viii)“Service” means the Mizoram Legal Service constituted under these rules; (ix)“Schedule” mea ns a Schedule appended to thes e rules. PART – II Constitution/Composition and Permanent Strength of the Service: 3 . Constitution of the Mizoram Legal service. There shall be constituted a service to be known as t he Mizoram Legal Service consisting of the following persons namely: (a ) persons who immediately before the commencement of these rules ar e holding any of t he posts shown in the Schedule and such persons sha ll be deemed to have been appointed under thes e rules; and (b) persons recr uited to the service after the commencement of these rules and in accorda nce with the pr ovisions of t hese rules. - 2 - Ex-486/2014 4.Composition of the service: (1) The service shall consist of such categories of posts as the Governor ma y from time to time determine. (2) The service shall, at the commencement of these r ules, consist of the following grades, na mely :- 1.Super time Grade ‘A’ 2.Selection Grade 3.Junior Administra tive Grade 4.Senior Gr ade 5.Junior Grade 5.Permanent Cadre Strength of the service. (1) The strength of the service and each kind of posts therein shall be determined by the Governor from time to time. (2) The strength of the service and each kind of post therein shall be as given in the Schedule. (3) The Governor may, from time to time leave unfilled or hold in abeyance any post in the cadre or may, increase the cadr e by the creation of additional permanent or temporary posts as may be found necessa ry. PART-III Recruitment, Appointment, Probation and Confirmation, etc. 6.Recruitment: Every post in the cadre shall be filled up by appoint ment thereto from- (a ) a member of the service in the appropriate grade; or (b) any other person eligible for recruitment to the service in the appr opriate grade by promotion or by direct recruitment, through Competitive Examination conducted by the Commission. 7.Absorption of the existing members.The existing offic ers of the Depa rtment recruit ed/absorbed as per the provisions of the Mizor am Law & Judicial Depar tment (Group ‘A’ post) Recruit ment Rules, 2012 shall be deemed to have been appointed substantively in their respective Gra de/posts in the Mizoram Legal Service from the date of publication of t hese Rules: Provided that any member having a lien in any other service under the Government shall not be so absorbed unless such member has opted for absorption to the service, and option once exer cised shall be final. 8.Qualifications for lateral entry into Senior Grade and Junior Administrative Grade. Any person to be appointed directly to the service by lateral entr y through limited competitive examina tion must be qua lified in the following manner: (1) In r elation to recruitment to the Junior Administrative Grade of the service, a member of the Bar practicing as a n Advocate for not less than 5 years or a Judicial O fficer who is qualified to be appointed as Chief Judicial Ma gistrate shall be eligible to compete the examination; (2) In relation to recruitment to the Senior Grade of the service, a member of the Bar practicing as a n Advocate not less than 3 years or a Judicial Officer of at least of 3 years’ standing; (3) For direct r ecruitment to t he Junior Administrative Grade of the service under sub-rule (1) above, a candidate shall not be more than 45 years of age on the 1st January of the year of advertisement excluding the concession given to candidates who belongs to Scheduled Ca stes and Scheduled Tribes. (4) For direct recruitment to the Senior Gra de of the service under sub-r ule (2) above, a candidate sha ll not be more tha n 40 year s of a ges on t he 1st Ja nuar y of the year of advertisement excluding t he age-concess ion given to candidates belonging t o Scheduled Ca stes and Scheduled Tribes. (5) For lateral entry into the service of Senior Grade and Junior Administrative Grade, a competitive examination shall be held at such interval as the Governor may in consultation with the Commission from time to time determine. The date and place of the examination sha ll be fixed by the Commission. (6) The examina tion shall be conduct ed by the Commission in accor dance with such rules and syllabus as the Governor may from time to time make in consultation with the Commission. (a ) The Commission shall prepare a list of all candidates who have qualified in the examination in order of merit which shall be determined according t o the a ggregate of mar ks obta ined by each candidate and if two or more candidates ob tained equal marks, the Commission shall arrange them in order of their relative merit which shall be determined with due regard to the gener al suita bility of the candidates for appointment to the service. (b) Inclusion of a candidate’s name in the merit list shall confer no right to the successful candidate for appointment unless the Governor is satisfied, after such enquir y as he may cons iders necessary, that the candidate is suitable in a ll respects for appointment to the service. (c ) The selected candidate shall join within fifteen days of the date of receipt of the order of his appointment, failing which, and unless the Governor extends the period which shall not in all exceed three months, the appointment shall be cancelled. 9 . Appointment to different Grades of the Service:(1) Appointment to the Supertime Grade ‘A’ of the service sha ll be ma de by promotion from the select lis t prepa red by the Commission from amongst the members in the Selection Grade of the service who have rendered not less than 5 years regu la r ser vice in the gr ade; Provided that if no suitable candidate is available, the Governor ma y, as he may think fit and proper fill up the post b y deputation or re-employment of suitable person of members of the Judicial Service or on ex-cadre posting to officiate the post from a member of the IAS/IPS or any of the State service Cadr e of appropria te grade having Bachelor ’s Degree in Law from the recognized Univer sity until a member of the service is eligible. (2) Appointment to the Selection Gra de of the service sha ll be made by promotion from the select list prepared by the Commission fr om amongst the members in the Junior Administrative Grade of the service who has rendered not less than 5 years regular service in the gr ade; Provided that if no suitable candidate is available, the Governor ma y, as he may think fit and proper fill up the post by deputation or re-employment of suitable person of members of the Mizoram Judicial Service or on ex-cadre posting to officiate the post from a member of the IAS/IP S or any of the State service Cadre of appropriate Gr ade having Bachelor ’s Degree in Law from the recognized University until a member of the service is eligible. (3) Appointment to 70% of the duty p osts in the Junior Administr ative Grade of the service shall be made by promotion from the select list prepar ed by the Commission from amongst the members in the Senior Grade of t he service who have rendered not less tha n 5 years regular service in the Gra de a nd; Appointment to 30% of the duty p osts in the Junior Administr ative Grade of the service shall be made by direct recruitment under sub-rule (1), (3), (5) and (6) of rule 8 of these rules; Provided that in the case of appointment of a person to the service from amongst the Judicial Officers, no such appoint ment shall be made without consulting the High Court having administra tive contr ol on such Judicial Officer. (4) Appointment to 70% of the duty posts in the Senior Grade of the service shall be made by promotion from the select list pr epared by the C ommission from amongst the members in the Junior Grade of the service who have rendered not less than 5 years regular service in the Grade and;- 3 -Ex-486/2014 Appointment to 30% of the duty posts in the Senior Grade of the service shall be made by direct recruitment under sub-rule (2), (4), (5) and (6) of rule 8 of these rules; Provided that in the case of appointment of a person to the service from amongst the Judicial Officers, no such appoint ment shall be made without consulting the High Court having administra tive contr ol on such Judicial Officer. (5) Appointment to the Junior Grade of the service shall be made by direct r ecruitment from the select list prepar ed by the Commission from the successful candidate in the Competitive Examina tion conducted by the Commission under rule 10 of these rules. 10. Competitive Examination for Direct recruitment to the entry Grade of the Service : (1) The competitive exa mination for r ecruitment to the service in the Junior Gra de shall be held at such interval as the Gover nor may in consultation with the Commission from time to time determine. T he date and place of the examination shall be fixed by the Commission. (2) The examina tion shall be conduct ed by the Commission in accor dance with such rules and syllabus as the Governor may from time to time make in consultation with the Commission. (3) In order to be eligible to compete at the examination as the case may be, a candidate must satisfy the following conditions, namely : (a ) he must be a citizen of India: (b) he must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have exceeded the age of 35 years on the 1st January of the yea r; the examination is to be held provided that the upper age limit shall be subject to any relaxation notified by the Government from time to t ime. (c ) he must have a Bachelor ’s Degree in Law fr om a recognised University. (d) he must possess knowledge of Mizo language of at least Middle standard. ( e) he must pay the fees prescribed by the Commission. (4) The decision of the Commission to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for a dmission to the examina tion shall be final a nd to whom an a dmit ca rd for admission to the examination has not been issued by the Commission shall not be admitted to the examination. (5) The Commission sha ll prepa re a list of a ll candidates who have qualified in the exa mination in order of merit which shall be determined according to t he aggr egate of marks obtained by each candidate and if two or more candidates ob tained equal marks, the Commission shall arra nge them in or der of their relative merit which shall be determined with due regard to the general suitabilit y of the candidates for appointment to the service. The merit list shall be forwarded to the Governor and published in the official Gazette. (6) Inclusion of a candidate’s name in the merit list shall confer no right to appointment unless the Governor is satisfied, aft er such enquir y as may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service. 11.Appointment to the service : (1) Appointment to the service shall be made by the Governor to the appropr iate gr ade of the service, but not against any specific post and a person so a ppointed to the appropr iate gra de shall be posted to the duty post of the service cadre which shall be notified in the Official Gazette. (2) For a ppointment to the service, a person shall also satisfy t he following conditions, namely, that he – (a ) should be of good character; (b) should be of sound health and free from any bodily defect or infirmit y which may render him unfit in discharging his duties in the service. (c ) should not have been convicted for any offence involving moral turpit ude.- 4 - Ex-486/2014 (d) should not have more than one spouse living unless exempted by the Government on special grounds. (3) No person who attempts to enlist s upport for his candida ture either dir ectly or indir ectly by any recommendation, either written or oral or by any other means, shall be appointed to the service. (4) The selected candidates shall join within fifteen days from the date of receipt of t he order of his appointment, failing which, and unless the Governor extends the period which shall in no case exceed three months, the appointment shall be cancelled. 12. Probation and confirmation. (1) A member of the ser vice directly r ecruited by competitive examination a nd appointed to any grade of the service shall be on probation for a period of two years from the date of appointment. However, the Governor may, in exceptional case, if fou nd suit able, r elax or extend the period of p robation. (2) A probationer may be confirmed at the end of the period of proba tion unless he is found unsuitable for confirmation due to cogent reasons. (3) A pr obationer shall be liable to be discharged from the service at a ny time without assigning any reason. 1 3 . Training:Any member of the service shall undergo such tr aining at any time, a s the Governor may prescribe fr om time to time, and a ny member of the service directly recruited to any grade of the service through competitive examination shall compulsorily undergo Foundation course training during their proba tion period as the Governor may from time to time determine and a ny such member who failed to undergo F oundation cour se training sha ll neither be confirmed nor promoted to the next higher gr ade of t he service. 14 . Seniority:(1) Seniority inter se of confir med members of the service in each grade, a ppointed by promotion or by dir ect recruit thr ough written competitive examination shall be determined on the basis of the quota ratio of source of recr uitment prescr ibed for such appointment, and their merit position in the select list prepared by the Commission for each vacancy year vis-a-vis, but members of the service in t he higher grade shall be senior to t hose members in the lower gra de irrespective of the date of substantive appointment to the post. (2) Inter-se-seniority of members of the service should be pr ovisiona lly not ified inviting repr esentation from each member if any, to be submitted within the time fixed, and after considering such representation if so received with due regard examination, final inter-s e-seniority of the members in each gra de of the service sha ll be notified in the Official Gazette. 15. Promotion:A member of the service shall be eligible for promotion from a lower grade to the next higher grade, whether in a substantive or officia ting ca pacity subject to availability of vacant post and suitability in accordance with these rules if he obtain the Bench mark in over all gr ading of his performance. Provided tha t for promotion from Selection Grade to Supertime Grade ‘A’, from Grade-II to Grade-I, Gr ade-III to Grade-II and from Grade-IV to Grade-III of the service, the incumbent must have had put in regular service as prescribed in sub-rule (1), (2), (3) and (4) of rule 9 of these rules in t he grade immediately below the one to which he is to be consider ed for promotion on the 1st April of the year in which Agenda paper for cons ideration by the Commission t o select suitable candidate is processed; Provided further that the Governor in appropriate exceptional cases, the reasons to be recorded by notification, ma y relax the period of regular service to be rendered herein before prescribed.- 5 -Ex-486/2014 PART IV PAY BAND AND GRADE PAY AND ANNUAL INCREMENT OF PAY: 16. (1) Pay: The scale of pay admissible to members of the service in each grade shall be as under : Grade in the servicePay Band and Grade Pay (1)(2) Supertime Grade ‘A’P B- 4 ^ 37400-67000+9500 GP Selection Gr adeP B- 4 ^ 37400-67000+8700 GP Junior Administrative Grade P B- 3 ^ 15600-39800+7600 GP Senior GradeP B- 3 ^ 15600-39800+6600 GP Junior GradeP B- 3 ^ 15600-39800+5400 GP (2) Increment of pay :(a) Annual increment of pa y shall not be given to any member of the service dur ing the period they ar e on probation, and if they are confirmed in service immediately after completion of the probation period having qualified and eligible for confirmation, the annual increment of p ay due and accrued during the period of probation as per norms prescribed in the Mizoram Revision of Pay Rules, 2010 or any other Rules relevant at the time, shall be released and arrear pay and allowance admissible if any shall be paid; (b) Any member of the service who can not be confirmed in service immediately after completion of normal pr obation period prescribed in these r ules due to non-fulfillment of the conditions stipulated for confirmation a nd whose probation period has been extended, annua l increment of pay due and accr ued dur ing the period of probation as per norms pr escribed in the Mizor am Revision of Pay Rules, 2010 shall be released notionally on confirmation, but he shall not be entitled to ar rear pay and allowances for the period before he is confirmed in t he service. 1 7 . Leave, pens ion, et c.Except as provided in these rules, CCS (Leave Rules) 1972, CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and any other rules and regulations applicable to the members of other State services from time to time shall apply to the members. 18. Residuary matters :The conditions of s ervice of members in resp ect of matters for which no provision is made in these rules s hall be the same as ar e for the time being applicable to ot her officers of t he Government of Mizoram of the Cor responding sta tus. 19 . Power of relaxation :For the purpose of removing any exceptiona l difficulty in the implementa tion of t hese rules, the Governor may in consultation with the Mizor am Public Service Commission r elax any of the provision of these rules to resolve such difficulty. 2 0 . Repeal & Sa vings :The Mizoram Law & Judicial Department (G roup ‘A’ posts) Recruit ment Rules, 2012 for the posts of Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary, Law Officer and Special Officer notified in the Mizor am Gazette, Extra Ordinary Issue No. 474, Vol-XLI dt 10.10.2012 and Amendment notified in the Mizoram Gazette, Extra Ordinary Issue No. 514, Vol – XLII dt 25. 9.2013 are her eby repealed. However, any order or instrument made by the Governor under the sa id rules shall be deemed to ha ve validly done under these rules. LALSANGPUII Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram - 6 - Ex-486/2014 SCHEDULE(See rule 3(a) and 5 (2) ) Permanent Cadre strength of the Mizoram Legal Service in various Grades and the posts shown against each Grade. Members of the service shall hold the posts shown below:- Sl.No. Service Grade Name of posts No. of posts1.Super time Grade ‘A’1) Legal R ememb ra nc er -cum- Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram1 Post 2.Selection Grade1) Joint Lega l Rememb rancer-cum- Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram1 Post 3.Junior Administrative1) Dy. Lega l R emembr ancer – cum- GradeDy. Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram2 Posts 4.Senior Gr ade1) As st. Lega l R emembr ancer -cu m- Under Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram.2 Posts 2) Legal Adviser in ACB, Mizoram.1 Post 5.Junior Grade1) Law Officer, Law Department2 Posts 2) Specia l Officer, La w Depart ment1 Post 3) Legal Adviser, Home Depar tment (PHQ)1 Post Total cadre strength11 PostsPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 7 -Ex-486/2014

Acquisition of Land for upgradation of KDZKT road from Tuilutkawn - Damcherra.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 489Date - 10/10/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 10.10.2014 Asvina 18, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 489Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATION No.K.12011/57/13-REV, the 30th Sept., 2014. Whereas by the Government Notification No.K.12011/ 57/13-REV dt. 16.1.2014 published in the official Gazzette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the La nd Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter refer red to as the “ said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended to the said Notifica tion wa s likely to be needed for the purpose namely - Acquisition of Land for upgradation of KDZKT r oad from Tuilu tkawn - Damcherra. 2.Now, therefor e, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. 3.The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Mamit under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the funct ions of a Collector for all p roceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. 4.The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collect or shall submit a Dra ft Awar d to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act read with Mizoram La nd Acquisition Rules 2010. 5.A plan of the same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mamit till the final awar d is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULE District : MAMITDescr iption of land Status of Pass & No. Approximate Area/length. Portions of private land a nd buildings a long KDZKT road from Tuilutkawn-Damcherra90Kms. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .

Obituary of Dr. H.B.James, Senior Medical Officer, Mamit on 23.9.2014 at 7:10 P.M.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 490Date - 10/10/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 10.10.2014 Asvina 18, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 490Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OBITUARY The Government of Mizoram has learnt with deep sorrow the untimely demise of Dr. H.B.James, Senior Medical Officer, Mamit on 23.9.2014 at 7:10 P.M. According to official record, he was born on 12. 1.1961. He entered into Government Service as Medical Officer on 9.6. 1989 and served under the Government of Mizor am in Health & Family Welfare Department at various places as shown below :- 1.Civil Hospital, Aizawl 2.Cha wngte CHC 3.Tawipui PHC 4.Civil Hospital, Lunglei 5.Under went P ost Gra duate Course in M.D( Pharmacology) at RIMS, Imphal during 1997-2000. 6.Sairang PHC 7.Noda l Officer, State Medicinal Pla nt Boar d, Dte. of Health Services. 8.Senior Medical Officer (C asualty), Civil Hospital, Aizawl. 9.Senior Medical Officer, Mamit till date. He was a conscientious officer who discharged his duties and responsibility with sincerity and devotion. The Govt. of Mizor am placed on record it s appreciation of the services rendered by Dr. H.B. James, S enior Medical Officer and conveys sincere sympathy and condolences to his bereaved family. L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

Acquisition of land for ongoing construction of MMTTP Road from Lawngtlai AOC to Indo-Myanmar border.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 491Date - 10/10/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 10.10.2014 Asvina 18, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 491Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATION No.K.12011/38/2012-REV, the 24th September, 2014.Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinaft er refer red to as the “ said la nd”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land for ongoing constr uction of MMTTP Road from Lawngtlai AOC to Indo-Myanmar bor der. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said la nd is likely to b e needed for the purpose specified ab ove. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector, Lawngtlai District , within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. (T he date of publication in the newspaper in regional la nguage following Gazette Notification under Section 4(1) of the LA Act is the date of publica tion within the meaning of Section 5-A of the Act.) 3.All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the sa id land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any cont ract for the disposal of the sa id land by sale, lease, mortga ge, assignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the sa id land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULE District : LAWNGTLAI Description of land App roximate Area Ongoing construction of MMTTP R oad from Lawngtlai AOC to2350.12 sq. mtr. Indo-Myanmar Bor der. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .

Acquisition of Land for construction of Project Sites of E.W.S housing at Hmawngtial to be undertaken by UD&PA Department, Government of Mizoram.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 492Date - 10/10/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 10.10.2014 Asvina 18, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 492Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATION No.K.12011/14/2010-REV, the 25th September, 2014.Whereas by the Government Notification No.K.12011/14/2010-REV dt. 3.3.2014 published in the official Gazzette and two daily newspapers, it was notified under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (C entral) Act 1 of 1894 (hereinafter referred to as t he “said Act”) that the land specified in the schedule appended t o the said Not ification was likely t o be needed for the purpose namely - Acquisition of La nd for construction of Project Sites of E.W. S housing at Hmawngtial to be undertaken by UD&PA Department, Government of Mizoram. 2.Now, therefor e, the Government declares under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above and as per scheduled indicated below. 3.The Government now appoints the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl under clause (C) of section 3 of the said Act to perform the funct ions of a Collector for all p roceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition of the said land. 4.The Collect or shall there upon ca use the land to be measured and make a plan of the same under Section 8 of the sa id Act if not already done as per section 4 of the said Act, and dispose of all object ions and claims after ca using a public notice for not less than 15 days to the persons int erested stating the Government’s intention of taking over the possession of the sa id land as per section 9 of the said Act. T hen, the Collect or shall submit a Dra ft Awar d to the Government of Mizora m after fulfilling the provisions under section 11 of the said Act read with Mizoram La nd Acquisition Rules 2010. 5.A plan of t he same can be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl till the final awar d is made under section 11 of the said Act. SCHEDULE District : AIZAWL Description of land Status of Pass & No. Approximate Area/length. Land belonging to LalthanmawiaH.P. No. 206/91, 213/91, 208/9117439.27 sq. ft & 4 Ors.210/91 and 207/91 Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .

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