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State Level Fee Committee for Technical Education of Mizoram

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 515Date - 24/10/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 24.10.2014 Kartika 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 515 NOTIFICATIONNo.C. 11011/1/2010-HTE, the 21st October, 2014.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a “State Level Fee Committee for Technical Education of Mizoram” wit h immediate effect a nd further order with the following members :- 1.Commissioner & Secretary, H&TE Deptt.-Chairman 2.Joint Secretary, H&TE Deptt.-Member 3.Director, H&TE Deptt.-Member 4.Representative of Finance Dept, not-Member below the rank of Deputy Secretary 5.Joint Deirector (Tech), H&TE Deptt,-Member Secreta ry 6.Officers of Technical Wing, H&TE Deptt.-Members 7.Principals of Polytechnic under MSCTE-Members 8.Principal / Director of other Private-Member Institutions (on rotation basis). The State Level Fee Committee will fix new fees / revise existing fees of all institutions under Mizoram State Council for Technical Education if and when neccessary. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Mizoram Municipalities (Procedure and Conduct of Business)(Second Amendment) Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 519Date - 03/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 3.11.2014 Kartika 12, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 519 NOTIFICATION No. B. 13017/6/2007-UD&PA(M), the 31st October, 2014.In exercise of the powers conferred bySection 369and 370of ‘The Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (Act No. 6 of 2007)’, the Government of M izoram is pleased to make the following Rules, namely : Short title, extent and :1)These rules may be called the Mizoram Municip alities (Procedure commencementand Conduct of Business)(Second Amendment) Rules, 2014. 2)They shall extend to all Municipa lities in Mizoram. 3)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Amendment of Rule 2 :1)In s u b -r u le( 1 )(b ) o f R u le 2 of t he P r incip a l R u les t he wo r d“Councillors” will be substituted by the word “Councillor” . 2)In sub-rule(1)(c) of Rule 2 of the Principal Rules, the small letter ‘o’ in words “officer” sha ll be substituted by the capital letter ‘O’ . 3)The word “ in his behalf” appearing in sub-rule(1)(f) of Rule 2 shall be substituted by the word “on his behalf” . 4)The sma ll lett er ‘q’ appearing in sub-rule(1)(h) of Rule 2 shall be substituted by ca pital letter ‘Q’. 5)The s mall let ter ‘s’ appearing in sub-rule(1)(i) of Rule 2 shall be substituted by the capital letter ‘S’. 6)The s mall let ter ‘s’ appearing in sub-rule(1)(j) of Rule 2 shall be substituted by the capital letter ‘S’. Amendment of Rule 3(1) :Rule 3(1) of the Principal Rule shall be substituted with : “T he first meeting of the Boar d of Councillor s, which is called the Municipality as per provision of Section 12, after the Municip al Election shall be convened under S ection 51 by the Officer and presided over by him as soon as possible after the names of the elected Councillors are published in the Official Gazette under sub-s ection(3) of S ection 26.” Amendment of Rule 4 :The s mall let ter ‘r’ appearing as ‘rule 3’ in sub-rule(1) of Rule 4 shall be substituted by the capital letter ‘R’. - 2 - Ex-519/2014 The s mall let ter‘o’ appearing as ‘officer’ in sub-rule(2) of Rule 4 shall be substituted by the capital letter ‘O’. The s mall let ter ‘o’ appearing in sub-rule(5) of Rule 4 shall be substituted by t he capit al lett er ‘O’ and the wor ds “to be” appearing between the word ‘ candidate’ and ‘elec ted’ sha ll be deleted. Amendment of Rule 6 :The s mall let ter ‘o’ appearing in sub-rule(1) and sub-rule(2) of Rule 5 shall be substituted by the capital letter ‘O’. The words “signing by himself” under sub-rule(2) of Rule 5 shall be substituted by the word “he countersigned it”. The small letter ‘o’ appearing in sub-rule(3)(c) of Rule 6 shall be substituted by t he capit al lett er ‘O’. Amendment of Rule 7 :Rule 7(d) of the Principal Rule shall be substituted with : “dec la re the ca ndidate who secures simple major ity of votes to be elected as the Chairman of the Municipality.” Amendment of Rule 8:Rule 8 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows : “Rule 8 : Procedure in case of ties : If the candidate secure equal number of votes, the officer shall draw lots in the presence of t he candidates a nd other committees present, and the candida te whose name is first drawn shall be declared to have been elected.” Amendment of Rule 9 :The s mall let ter ‘o’ appearing in Rule 9 shall be substituted by the capital lett er ‘O’. Amendment of Rule 10 :The s mall let ter ‘o’ appearing in sub-rule(1) of Rule 10 shall be substituted by t he capit al lett er ‘O’. Amendment of Rule 19 :The word ‘verbatism’ appearing in sub-rule(1) of Rule 19 shall be substituted by the word ‘verbatim’. Amendment of Rule 30 :The s mall let ter ‘c’ appearing in Rule 30 as “ chair man” shall be substituted by t he capit al lett er ‘C’. The word “votos” appearing in sub-rule(7) of Rule 30 the word “votes” shall be substituted and the word “Munioipality” shall be substituted by the word “Municipality”. Amendment of Rule 32 :The word “may be as” appearing in sub-rule(1)(a) of Rule 32 shall stand deleted. Amendment of Rule 34 :The word “secretariat” appearing in sub-rule(2)(a) of Rule 34 shall be substituted by the word “secretarial”. Amendment of Rule 35 :The word“arrd” appearing in sub-rule(1) of Rule 35 shall be substituted by the word “and”. Amendment of Rule 36 :The word “hint” appearing in Rule 36 shall be substituted by the word “him”. Amendment of Rule 48 :The word “the” sha ll be inserted between the wor ds “amendment of” and the word “resolution”. Amendment of Rule 52 :Sub-rule(3) and sub-rule(4) of the Rule 52 shall be substituted by – (3) Voting in the election shall be by secret ballot. The Councillor receiving the highest votes shall be declar ed elected. (4) In t he event of two or more Councillors receiving equa l number of votes in the last remaining seat of the Municipal Accounts Committee, the Chairman shall draw lot in the presence of the Councillors, and the Councillor whose name is first drawn shall be declar ed elected. Amendment of the First :Under Sl. No. 2 of Genera l Administration Department, the small Scheduleletter ‘o’ ,‘c’ a nd ‘s’ ap p ear ing a s “officer” a nd “common Municipal service” shall be substituted by capital letters ‘O’, ‘C’ and ‘S’ res pectively. The words “Food adultery” appearing under Sl. No. 5 of Public Health and Convenience shall be substituted by the wor ds “Food adulteration”. Amendment of Second :Under Sl. No. 22 of the Second Schedule, the wor ds “cleanse or on failure Schedule to clea ns e” sha ll be substituted by the wor ds “to clean the building and on failure of the owner or occupier to clean such building”. Under Sl. No. 24, the wor ds “or offensive building” shall be substituted by the wor ds “deserted bu ilding or building encroaching public or private land”. By order R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/250- 3 -Ex-519/2014

The Rules for Enlistment of Contractors in Mizoram, PWD, 2014 which shall be referred to as Enlistment Rule, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 520Date - 13/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.11.2014 Kartika 22, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 520 NOTIFICATIONNo. D.24011/2/2014–PWM, the 20th October, 2014.In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (3) of Article 166 of the Constitution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to a mend the Mizoram ( Registration of C ontract ors ) under the Public Works Department Rules, 2004 notified under No.D.24011/1/98 – PWM dt. 22nd March, 2004 read with Notification No. D.24011/2/2000 – PW dt.26.6.2007 as follows :- 1.Title : These Rules shall be called the Rules for Enlistment of Contractor s in Mizoram, PWD, 2014 which shall be referred to a s Enlis tment Rule, 2014 for the sake of brevity. 2.Commencement : They shall come int o force with effect from the date of publication in the official Gazette. 3.Repeal and saving : 3.1On and from the commencement of these rules, rules and procedures for enlistment of contractors under the P ublic Works Department of the Gover nment of Mizoram as notified vide No.D.24011/ 1/98-PWM dt.22.3.2004 with its subsequent amendments dated 29.4.2005, 20.07.2006, 26.6.2007, 8.08.2007 and 9.07.2009 stand repealed. 3.2 Notwithstanding such repeal, the contractors already enlisted on the basis of rules hitherto in force shall continue to enjoy the status of enlisted contractor s of MPWD till the period of such enlis tment, including revalidation/ext ension granted before coming into effect of the Enlistment Rules 2014, expires. However, in regard to a ll other matters and further revalidation of their enlistment, they shall be governed by the enlistment Rules 2014. 4.0.Applicability : 4.1 . MP WD enlists cont ractors who intend to work with the department, it is done to have a ready list of suitable and competent contractors for MPWD works so as to minimize requirement of verification of credentials of contractors at the time of individual tenders. At the same time, only those contractors are allowed to continue in the lis t that r emain a ctive in MPWD a nd perform well. Any Indian Individual, Sole Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm, Public Limited Company or a Private Limited Company may apply for enlistment as a contractor in MP WD under these Rules provided the eligibility criteria and other conditions are satisfied. The enlisted contractors have to abide by all the rules made herein and as amended from time to time during the currency of their enlistment. - 2 - Ex-520/2014 4.1.1. No individual, or a firm having such individual as one of the partners, who is a dismissed government servant or removed from the appr oved list of contractors or demoted to lower class or ha ving business banned/suspended by any government department in the past or convicted by a cour t of law shall be entitled for enlistment, however, cases where disciplinary action was taken against the cont ractor for a specified period and such penalty period is already over, his ca se for enlistment/ revalidation can be considered. 4.1.2. If two or more individuals form a partnership fir m, and if any of the partners is having required work experience to become eligible for enlistment in any category in which enlistment is sought, their case shall be considered for enlistment of the partnership fir m subject to fulfillment of other laid down criteria. 4.2.No Engineer or any other official employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in the Engineering Depa rtment of the Government is a llowed to work in the MPWD either as contra ctor or as employee of a contra ctor for a period of one year after his retirement from Government service unless he has obta ined prior permission of Government of Mizora m to do so. Even after enlistment, if either the contra ctor or any of his employees is found to be a person who ha d not obtained the period permission of Government of Mizoram as aforesaid, the name of the contractor shall be removed from the list of enlisted contract ors. 4.3.A contractor is permitted to have enlistment in more than one category and under more than one enlistment a uthorit y but not in more than one class of the same category in M PWD. 4.4.A contractor is not permitted to have enlistment in more than one name. 4.5.A pa rtner of a fir m or a Director of a company enlisted as a contra ctor ca nnot be a partner/ director in any other enlisted firm/compa ny in MPWD. 4.6.A contractor can submit fr esh application for enlistment if he fulfils all t he eligibility criteria except work done and provided he had par ticipated in at least 3 (three) tendering processes in MPWD during the va lidity period of his enlistment. 5.0.Scope : The enlistment of a contra ctor inn MPWD shall only entitle him to be considered for issue of tender papers subject to the conditions laid down in each individu al Notice Inviting Tenders. It sha ll not confer any right on him either to be necessarily issued the tender pa pers or for a ward of work. 6. 0. Enlistment Procedure – 6.0.1. All applica tions for enlistment as Contractor in annexure–I should be submitted in prescribed form which shall be made available from the :- -Office of the Engineer-in-Chief, PWD- for Class – I Contractors; -Office of the concerned Chief Engineer, PWD- for Class-II Contract ors; -Office of t he concerned Superintending Engineer,PWD - for Class-III Contractors -Office of the concerned Executive Engineer, PWD- for Class -IV Contractors. 6.0.2. An a pplication du ly accompanied by Permanent Account Number ( PAN)/No dues certificate for non-tribal, house Tax Payee Certificate indicating LSC Number/Residential Certificate Issued by concerned D.C. and Professional Tax Clearance Certificate for tribals shall be submitted to the concerned Enlistment Author ity. Note :In case of individu al living with Parents having no separate LSC, a certificate to that effect issued by competent authority will be acceptable in lieu of HTPC. 6. 1. Enlistment Authority – 6. 1 . 1. Enlistment of Class – I Contractor shall be done by the Engineer-in- Chief, PWD with approval of a Committee consisting of the Secretary, Public Works Department as a Chairman, all Chief Engineers a nd Superintending Engineers under Public Works Depa rtment as Members. 6 . 1 . 2 . Enlistment of Cla ss-II Contractor sha ll be done by t he Chief Engineers within their respective jurisdiction with the approval of a committee consisting of the Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Depa rtment a s a Cha irman, a ll Chief Engineers and all Superintending Engineers under Public Wor ks Depar tment as memb ers. 6 . 1 . 3 . Enlistment of Class – III Contractor sha ll be done by the designated Superintending Engineers under Public Works Department with appr oval of a committee consisting of the concerned Chief Engineer, P ublic Works Department and a ll the S uperint ending Engineers under him as Members. 6. 1 . 4. Enlistment of Class – IV Contractor sha ll be done b y the concerned Executive E ngineers, PWD with t he appr oval of a committee consisting of concerned Superintending Engineer, PWD as a chairman and all Executive engineers, PWD under him as Members. 6.2.Incomplete applica tions a nd applications not accompanied with necessa ry docu ments ar e liable to be rejected. 6.3.All verifications, submission of reports etc ar e to be pursued by the applicant. Any delay on account of delay in verification, submission of reports etc will not entitle applicant for any type of enlistment. 6.4.The enlistment authority shall have the right to independently verify the details furnished by the applicant/contract or and to get works done by the applicant/contractor inspected and/or to get such other reports as ma y be considered necessary. 6.5.If the enlistment authority funds the applicant/contra ctor suitable for enlistment, it shall issue the enlistment order and, otherwise, send a letter of rejection of the application to the contractor/ applicant. T he decision of the enlistment authority shall be final and binding on the contractor. 6.6.T he enlisting authority reserves right to limit number of contractors to be enlisted in any class or categor y. 6.7.Enlistment of cont ractors in the depar tment may be closed a t any point of time. While closing the enlistment, the depar tment may ha ve a reserved list of eligible contra ct or s fr om the pending applications. Out of this, contra ctors may be enlisted depending on r equirement. 7.0.The enlistment sha ll be valid for a period of five yea rs. The enlistment ca n, however, be revalidated in a ccordance with rules in this regard. Each revalida tion shall be for a period of five years from the date of expir y of the previous enlistment/revalidation. The enlistment shall be open to review by the enlistment a uthorit y and liable to termination, suspension or any other such action at anytime if consider ed necessary by the enlistment authority, after issue of show ca use notice. 8.0.Categories & Cla s ses – T he enlistment shall b e done in the categories and classes mentioned in Table – 1- 3 -Ex-520/2014 9 . 0 . Jur isdiction, Tendering Limits & Location of contra ctor ’s office – The jurisdict ion in which contractors enlisted in various categories and classes shall be permitted to tender and the tendering limit up to which they shall be eligible to tender shall be as given in Table – 1 Regist ered office of the contractor has to be in the same area as jurisdiction for tendering of class and category in which enlistment in sought. 9.1.The contractor shall be governed by the provisions existing at a particular point of time irrespective of when he was enlisted.‘ 10.0.Authorities for Enlistment – Enlistment in different categories and classes shall be done by different a uthorit ies. These are identif ied in Table – 1. 11.0.Eligibility Criteria - The contractors shall have to sa tisfy the minimum eligibility criteria specified in Table – 1, before they can be considered for enlistment, All contra ctors a re expected to keep abr east with enlistment/revalida tion rules modified from time to t ime. 11.1. The criterion for experience, in case of enlistment, shall be the completion of requisite number of works, as t he case may be, of prescribed nature and magnitude executed on independent contract basis or as a builder, during the last five years. The works should have been executed in the same name and style in which the enlistment is sought or all the eligible work (s) should have been secured in the name of anyt one of the partner. Enlistment of an individual in corresponding category may also be done ba sed on his Technical Qualifica tion in lieu of experience of completion of works in the last 5 years if provision exists in Table I of the Rules, but other eligibility criteria remaining the same. 11.2. The financia l soundness shall be judged on the basis of the Ba nker ’s certificate or the working capital cer tificate, as the case may is sued by the Banker s of the contractor on the for mat prescr ibed in Annexure – V. Such certificate shall be issued by a schedule bank a nd shall be submitted, in original, in a sealed cover, addressed to the enlistment author ity. 11.3. The criteria for enlistment/revalidation shall be as applica ble on date of enlist ment/revalidation. Applicant ma y be intimated when his application a nd verification is complete. The application may be decided within 90 days of such completion. 12.0.Processing fee – T he contractor shall have to pay anon-refundable processing fee by crossed Dema nd Draft drawn in favour of the authority authorized by enlisting authority. For var ious categories and cla sses of enlist ment, t he fee is prescribed in Table – I. T his fee is to be submitted along with applica tion form to the enlisting author ity. 13.0. Deleted. 14.0.Electrical License - The contractors ca tegory shall have to produce valid electrical license from the competent authority in the name of the contractor. T hey shall keep valid license throughout the period of enlistment b y getting it renewed at suitable interva ls and submit a n attested copy of he same to the enlistment a uthority aft er each renewal. In the event of any discontinuity in validity of electrical license of the contractor, its enlistment and authority to wor ks with MPWD will also automatically cease to be valid. For applying for tenders for a wor k in a ny state they shall have to possess electrica l license of appropriate voltage issued by any State Govt. u nder Clause 45 of compilation of rule of Indian Electricity Rules 1956 or as amended from time to time.- 4 - Ex-520/2014 15.0.Change in Constitution of Firm - The contractor/firm shall not modify the existing partnership or enter into any fr esh pa rtnership or change the name of firm without the prior approval of the enlistment authority. Such proposal, if any, shall be submitted in advance giving full details of the intended partnership/sole proprietorship along with the draft partnership deed/ affidavit and documents as per annexure – VI. Any change in status of the contract or as a n ‘Individual’ or in constitution of the firm or change in the name of firm without prior approval of the enlistment authority, will render the contr actor/firm liable to be removed from the approved list of contract ors. 15.1. If a firm is conver ted in two or more firms by any action of its partners, the new fir m (s) or any sepa rated partner(s) in his (their) individual/joint capacit y shall have to apply for the enlistment afresh on the basis of work experience gained as a separ ate entity. 15.2. If new partners are taken in the firm, each new partner shall ha ve to sa tisfy the eligibility conditions mentioned in Rule 4.0. 15.3. If the number of or iginal partners of a firm reduces to less tha n half due to a ny reason including death of partner (s), the enlistment of the firm shall be withdrawn. Original partners means constituents at the time of Enlistment and those who have remained as constituent for more than 5 years. 16.0.Change in Address While applying for enlistment, the contra ctor should mention address of his Registered office as well as Hea d Office, if different All document s i. e., Banker s’ Cer tificat e, Elec trical license etc. should bear one of the above addr esses, otherwise the same sha ll not be accepted. 16.1. The contractor shall intimate the change, if any, in any of the above addresses, in advance or maximum within one month of such change a long with acknowledgement of noting down of such change in address from the Bank, Income Tax, Sa les Tax authorities etc. Failure to do so may resu lt in removal of his na me from the approved list of contract ors. 17.0.Near Relatives Wor king in MP WD - Contractors whose near relatives are Divisional Accountant or Engineering Officers between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer ( both inclusive ) in the Mizora m Public Works Department will not be allowed to tender for works if the circle responsible for a ward and execution of contract is the one where the near relative is working. For this purpose a near relative shall mean wife, husband, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins and their corresponding in – laws. 18.0.Review of Approved List of Contractors – The contractor sha ll be required to secure wor ks of a ppropriate magnitude in MPWD during the revalidation/enlistment period. Contr actors shall be liable to be weeded out for non-ob servance of enlistment rules. For this purpose the enlistment authority sha ll have the power to periodically review the a pproved list of contract ors. 19.0.Reva lida tion of enlistment The validity of initial enlistment of the contra ctor sha ll be as given in Rules 7.0. It sha ll, however, be revalida ted on merits, if desired by the contract or. Only the contract ors who have secured some work (s) (see Rule 24.0 also) of appropriate magnitude in MPWD, CPWD, NBCC, MES, RAILWAYS, P & ED Mizoram, PHED Mizoram, M.I. Department Mizoram provided the contractor must have participa ted in tendering process for atleast 3 – works in the above agencies ( with docu mentary proof) during the period of enlistment or last r evalida tion period of enlistment as the case may be, shall be considered for revalidation. Appr opriate magnitude sha ll mean the minimum amount mentioned in the column 5 of Table – 1 against relevant class/category.- 5 -Ex-520/2014 19.1.1.Applica tion for Revalidation – The contra ctor shall apply for revalidation for his enlistment in the prescribed form ‘ annexure VIII’ along with a ll docu ments a s per a nnexure IV so as to reach the Enlistment Authority at least 6 months before expiry of his enlistment. The revalidation application with all documents shall however be a ccepted up to the date of exp iry of enlistment wit h late fee. 19.1.2. In cases where the application is received after date of expiry of enlistment/revalidation, but within three months of expiry, the application can be accepted with double the late fee. Applications received, thereafter, sha ll not be accepted and contra ctor should apply for fresh enlistment, as per rules. 19.1.3. Enlistment/Revalida tion processing fee is payable in the form of Demand Draft in favour of the authority, as authorized by enlisting authorit y, Late fee will be same as the enlistment processing fee as prescribed in Table –I of ‘ Enlistment Rules 2014. 19.1.4. On r eceipt of application for revalidation complete in all r espect and with all necessary documents, provisional extension upto six months from the date of expiry of enlistment/date of issue of order, whichever is later may be issued. 20.0.Performance Reports : 20.1. The Contract or should fill up the details of each work, of appr opriate magnitude, secured by him during the last revalidation/enlistment period, in the proforma as given in Annexure – VII. 20.2. The list should include all wor ks secured by him dur ing the above mentioned period. In case, the cont ractor hides any infor mation, his revalidation will be liable to be cancelled. 20.3. The contractor should fill up the deta ils in the pr oforma as given in annexure – VII, in duplicate. For each work, separate proforma should be filled. One copy of all the proforma should be submitted to the r eporting officer and the acknowledgement obtained on the second copy of the proforma. This 2nd copy should then be submitted to the enlisting authority along with the application. It shall be mandatory for the constractor to submit the performance report ( PR) of each work executed by him in the approved format duly filled with all the required details to respective Executive Engineer within 6 months of completion of work under intimation to enlisting authority. In case he fails to do so, such work shall not be considered as eligible work for revalida tion of enlistment. However, there shall be no bar for EE/SE concerned to t ake cognizance of bad performace of the cont ractor where he deliberately avoids submission of PR. 20.4. The reporting officer shall wr ite the repor t and forward to the Enlisting Authority through his reviewing officer. a)It will be obligatory on the pa rt of the concerned EE and SE to send PR to enlis ting authority immediately but latest within one a nd two months respectively. In case the cont ractor has not applied for PR, the EE shall initia te the PR at his own initiative. b)Scanned copy of performance report can be submitted to enlis ting authority through e- mail which can be confirmed by enlisting a uthorit y from respective office. 21.0.Revalidation Procedure – T he revalidation shall be done on the basis of Review of performance of the cont ractor during the period of enlistment/revalidation. This shall be based on evaluation of performance repor ts as given in annexur e X or as decided by the enlisting author ity.- 6 - Ex-520/2014 22.0.Contra ct or ’s obliga tions – The contractor should fulfil all his obligations under these rules in time and ma nner as specified, failing which he shall be liable for the action as mentioned therein. Some of the obligations are summa rized below :- a)Prior approval shall be obtained from the enlisting authority before changing the name or constitution of the firm/company. b)Intimation of change of address should be given in advance or within one month a long with acknowledgement from Banker, Income Tax and Sales Tax a uthorit ies. c)The contractor shall continue to possess, thr oughout the period of enlistment/revalida tion, a valid electrical licence of appropriate voltage issued by appropriate authority. d)The contract or should secure woks of specified magnitude during the period of enlistment/ revalidation as pr ovided in Para 19.0 above. e)The contractor sha ll abide by t hese rules. f)The contract or should not indulge in unethical pr actices and maintain good conduct. g)The contractor sha ll execute the works awarded to him strictly as per the terms and conditions of the contract and specifications. h)Contractor shall submit the performance report of each work executed by him in the appr oved for mat duly filled with all the required details to respective Executive Engineer within 6 months of completion of work under intimation to enlisting author ity. 23.0.Disciplinar y Actions – T he contr actor shall have to abide by a ll the rules of enlistment and also by the terms and conditions of t he contr act and the Notice Inviting Tender s. He shall have to execute the works as per contract on time and with good quality. T he enlis ting authority shall have the right to demote a contr actor to a lower class, suspend business with him for any period, debar him or remove his name from the approved list of contractors indefinitely or for a period as decided by enlisting authority a fter issue of show cause notice. Decision of the enlisting authority shall be final and binding on the contractor. The following act ions of the contractor shall, in general, make him liable to disciplinary actions :- 23.1. Demotion to a lower class – The contractor shall be liable to demotion to a lower class, by the enlisting authority, if he/she; a)Fails to execute a contract or executes it unsatisfactorily or is proved to be resp onsible for cons tructional defects; or b)no longer has adequate equipment, technical personnel or fina ncial r esources;or c) is litigious by nature;or d)violates any importa nt condition of contract;or e)his/her sta ff misconducts ormisbehaves with MPWD officials f)is r esponsible for a conduct which may justify his demotion to a lower class; or g)any other r eason which in view of enlisting authority is adequate for his demotion to a lower class. 23.2.Suspension of Business : Whenever adverse r eports related to adverse performance, misbehavior, direct or indirect involvement in threatening, making false compla ints, filing legal su ites for frivolous reasons, hampering tender process or execution of contract or any act, omission or commission etc. damaging the reputation of department/officer or a ny other type of complaint considered fit by enlistment authority, are received fr om more than one officer or a t more than one occasion from individual officer of MPWD works for the various class/categories of contractor, sale of tender to such MPWD contra ctors shall be suspended immediately by the Enlisting Authority pending full enquiry into the allegations and decision by the empowered committee as indicated below. The Committee- 7 -Ex-520/2014 will decide the ca se in time bound manner from the da te of issuance of letter of suspension of sale of tender to the contractor. If a ny or the charges are established then this would r esult in banning of business with the contractor for the period as decided by Empowered Committee. Business may also be suspended with a contractor up to a period of one year in case he fails to start the work after the award on two occasions. 23.3.Remova l from the appr oved list : The name of the contractor may be removed from the appr oved list of contractor s, by the enlis ting authority, if he/she : A)has, on more than one occasion, failed to execute a contract or has executed it unsatisfactorily : or B)is proved to be responsible for construct ional defects in two or mote works : or C)persistently violates any importa nt conditions of the contract ; or D)fails to abide by the conditions of enlistment; or E)is found to have given false particulars a t the time of enlistment;or F)has indulged in any type of forgery or fa lsification of records ; or G)changes constitution of t he firm or Individual or cha nges the name of the firm wit hout prior approval of the enlis tment authority ; or H)cha nges permanent address/business address without intimation to the enlistment a uthor ity; or I)is declared or is in the pr ocess of being declared bankrupt, insolvent, wound up, dissolved or partit ioned;or J)persistently viola tes the labour regula tions a nd rules;or K)is involved in complaints of serious nature received from other depar tments which p rima facie appear to be true;or L)Default in settlement of tax dues like income tax, Contract tax, sales tax, octroi, duties etc. or M)has already been demoted for other reason (s); or N)Ceases to fu lfil eligibility criteria based on which enlistment /revalidation was done;or For Rule 23.2 Empowered Committee for Civil, Electrical.Enlistment AuthorityClassCategoriesComplainantOfficerEmpowered CommitteeEngineer-in-ChiefI Civil, Internal & External electrical installationC.E.Chairman - Engineer-in-Chief Members - All Chief EngineersChief EngineerIICivil, Internal & External electrical installationS.E.Chairman - Chief Engineer concerned Members - All S.E. under CE ZoneSuperintending EngineerIIICivil, Internal & External electrical installationE.E.Chairman-S.E. concerned Members - All EE under SE/CircleExecutive EngineerIVCivil, Internal & External electrical installationSDOChairman - EE Concerned Member - All SDO under EE/DivisionEnlisting authority has to appoint the members of committee as per the table a- 8 - Ex-520/2014 Enlisting authority has to appoint the members of committee as per the table at above and it is to be kept in view that complainant officer should not be part of committee. O)is consider ed not required to be in list of MPWD for a ny other reason considered fit by enlistment a uthority ; or P)Does not sta rt the work aft er the same is awarded to him on three occasions. 24. 0. Definition of Building and Civil Work Building Work: Building work means complete work including a ll civil items such a s RCC work/ brick or stone wor k/wood work/steel or aluminiu m work/plaster work/flooring work/water supply and sanitar y insta llation/draina ge work/water proofing work etc. Exclusions : Items of pr e fabricated huts, fa lse ceiling, compound wall, storm water dr ain, sewer lines, water supply lines, Road side gully chamber and supply & fixing of SFRC cover s if executed exclusively under sepa rate contract and not as par t of main building contract and work of industrial sheds shall be excluded from definition of building work. Civil work : Any Civil work which also includes works of additions /alterations/ r enovations/ up-gradation/ma intenance. Exclusions : Maintenance work does not include works of sweeping, care taking, watch & ward and the like. 25.0.Work experience for Enlistment and Revalidation 26.0.Demotion to a lower class on request :In case, the contra ctor himself seeks demotion to a lower class on account of non fulfillment of revalidation criterion, the enlisting authority of Class in which he is enlisted, on being satisfied prima-facie, of the contractor fulfilling the requirements of enlistment to a lower class, may revalidate the enlistment in the lower class for a period of one year to enable the contract or to obtain fresh enlistment in su ch lower class with concerned enlisting author ity. To a vail this provision the Contr actor ’s application must reach the enlistment authority before three months period from date of expiry of enlistment. There can be two type of cases : Category I – Contractor applies for revalida tion for full term of 5 years but when not found fit for revalidation, he requests demotion to lower class. Category – II – At the time to s ubmission of a pplication for realization, he is a ware tha t he is not eligible for revalidation of enlistment for 5 years and in place of 5 years he request for enlistment in lower class for a period of 1 year.CategoryClassWork Experience for EnlistmentWork Experience of RevalidationCivilI,II & IIIBuilding Work and Civil Works excluding Maintenance workBuilding Work or Civil Work excluding Maintenance workIVBuilding Work & Civil WorksBuilding Work or Civil WorkInternal & External Electrical Installation.I,II & IIIInternal or External Electrification work excluding Maintenance work(as the case may be)Internal or External Electrification work excluding Maintenance work- 9 -Ex-520/2014 For such ca se falling under category I, contra ctor ha s to pa y no fee or la te fee or double the late fee for revalidation as the case may be. The fee paid shall be non refundable, in case either he is not found eligible for revalida tion of enlistment for full term or even if he is enlisted in lower class for a period of one year. For such case falling under category II, contractor has to pay proportionate fee @ 20% of enlistment fee as a pplicable to the class in which he desires enlistment for a period of one year. To continue his enlistment further, he has to submit fresh applica tion before the competent authority t o obtain fresh enlistment and he has to pay full enlistment fee as applica ble. Lalram Thanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Public Works Department. - 10 - Ex-520/2014

The Mizoram Finance Commission from 01.11.2014 to 31.12.2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 521Date - 13/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.11.2014 Kartika 22, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 521Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo. G. 11021/13/93-FCC, the 22nd October, 2014.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the term of Office of the Mizoram Fina nce Commission from 01.11.2014 to 31.12.2014. This refers to the Government Order No. G. 11021/13/93-FCC Dt. 30.09.2011 and Government Notification No. G. 11021/13/93-FCC Dt. 30.08.2012. F. Vanlalruata, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Department, (FC & MC).

The Mizoram (Anand Marriages Registration) - Rules, 2012.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 522Date - 13/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.11.2014 Kartika 22, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 522 NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 12017/23/2012-LJD, the 24th October, 2014.The Mizoram (Anand Marriage Registration) Rules, 2012 is hereby published for general information. Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Law & Judicia l Department. THE MIZORAM (ANAND MARRIAGES REGISTRATION) RULES, 2012 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6 of the Anand Marriages Act, 1909 (7 of 1909) the St ate Government of Mizor am hereby makes the following r ules to provide for r egistration of Ana nd Marr iages, namely :- 1.Shor t title and(1) These rules may be called the Mizoram (Anand Marriages Registration) commencement.-Rules, 2012. (2) It shall come into force from their publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 2.Definitions. - In these r ules, u nless the context otherwise r equir es,- (a ) “Act” means the Anand Marriages Act 1909 as amended by the Anand Ma rriages (Amendment) Act, 2012 (7 of 1909); (b) “ana nd marriage” means anand marriage commonly known as Anand Kar aj solemnized under the Act; (c) “District Registrar” means the District Registrar of a district authorised under rule 3; (d) “For m” means the Form appended to these ru les; ( e) “register” means a register of Anand Marriages maintained by the Registrar of Marria ges; (f) “Registrar” means the Registrar of Marriages authorised under rule 3. 3.Authorisation for r egistra tion of marriages.- For, the purpose of registration of Anand Marriages commonly known as Anand Kar aj solemnized within the Sta te, the St ate Government ma y, by notification in the official Gazette, authorise an officer to be - (a) a District Registrar for the district specified in that notification: (b) a Registrar of Mar riages for the areas specified in that notification. - 2 - Ex-522/2014 4.Jurisdiction.- The anand ma rriage shall be regist ered with the Registra r within whose jurisdiction such marria ge is solemnized. 5.Maintenance of Register of Marriages.- The Regist rar sha ll maintain Register of Anand Marriages in Form-I. 6.Procedure for Registration.- (1) the parties to the Anand Marriage sha ll prepare a Memorandum in duplicate in Form-II and submit the same to the Registrar alongwith documents to prove the solemnization of the Marriage to the satisfaction of the Registrar and Registration Fee of r upees fifty within a period of thirty days fr om the date of solemnization of their marriage: Pr ovided that for registration of marr iages solemnized befor e the commencement of these rules, such memorandum may be submitted within a period of one year from the date of commencement of t hese r u les. (2) The memorandum shall be signed by both the parties to the marriage and at least two other persons who have witnessed the marriage. (3) The parties to the marriage who have not registered their mar riage within the period specified under sub-r ule (1) may get their marriage registered by submit ting the memora ndum to the Registrar in Form-II and a Declaration in Form-III along with documents to prove the solemnization of the marriage to the satisfaction of the registrar and registr ation fee of rupees two hundr ed: Provided that such Declaration sha ll be attested by a Gazetted Officer or Member of Par liament or Member of Legislative Assembly or Member of Local Self Government Institutions or notary. 7.Verification and Registration of Marriages.- (1) Where on verification and scrutiny of the memorandum and documents received under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (3) of rule 6 the Registrar is satisfied that the marr iage has been solemnized, he may enter the particulars of the ma rriage in the register and issue a certifica te of Anand Mar riage in Form-I V. (2) Wher e the Registrar has reasons to believe that- (a ) the marriage between the pa rties has not been performed in accordance with the Anand Marr iage ceremony; or (b) the identit y of the parties or the witnesses t estifying the solemnization of the marriage is not established: or (c ) the documents tendered before him do not prove the marital sta tus of the parties, he may, call upon t he parties to produce s uch further information or documents a s he may deem necessary, for establis hing the identity of the par ties and the witnesses or corr ectness of the information or documents presented to him within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of memorandum. 8.Refusal of registra tion of Anand Marriage.- The Registr ar may, for the reasons to be recorded in writing refuse the regist ration of marr iage, if the pa rties to the marriage fails to comply with the directions issued by him under sub-rule (2) of rule 7. 9.Corr ection of the entries in the register. - (1) The Registrar may, on an application made by any parties to t he marr iage, if he satisfied that there is typographical or clerical mistakes in the entries ma de in the register or on the Certifica te of r egistration in relation to the name, age or date of marr iage, make suitable cor rections with previous sanction of the Distr ict Registrar a nd affix his signature to each such correction: 10. Appeal. - (1) Any person a ggrieved by the decision of the Registrar may file an appeal to the District Registrar within a period of three months from the date of communication of such decision: Provided that the delay, if any, in filing such appeal may be condoned for the reasons to be recorded in writing by the District Registrar if the Appellant satisfies District Registrar that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within the specified per iod. (2) The Dis trict Registra r shall after giving opportunity of hearing to the parties concerned, dispose of the appeal within a period of fifteen days. 11. Filling of M emorandum. - (1) T he Registrar shall forward duplica te copies of the memora ndum received in a month to the District Registrar before the 10th day of ever y subsequent month. (2) The originals of the memora ndum received by the Registrar and duplicate copies forwarded to the District Registrar shall be retained under the (relevant laws of the State). (3) The Registr ar shall also forward particulars of the cor rections made under r ule 8 with the date of correction and a copy thereof to the District Registrar. P. Singthanga, Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram. - 3 -Ex-522/2014 FORM-I [See Rule 5] REGISTER OF ANAND MARRIAGES 1.Date of Marriage: 2.Place of Marriage: Local area Village Taluk District (specify hall, auditorium etc.) Signature of the Husband Photo of thePhoto of the Husband to beWife to be affixedaffixed Signature of the wife 3.Deta ils of Parties to the Marria ge (As on the date of marriage) Details HusbandWife (a) Name in full (in capital letters) (b) Nationality (c ) Age and date of birth (sufficient proof shall b e produced) (d) Perma nent address (e) Pres ent address *(f) Previous marital status Married Unmar ried Widower Widow Divorced (g) Whether any spouse is living (if yes, number of spouse living) (h) Name of father or gua rdian and the relationship (i) Age (ii) Address (i) Name of Mother (i) Age (ii) Address *Put ( ) mark on whichever is applicable. 4.Witness of solemnization of marr iage 1.(a) Name: (b) Address 2.(a) Name: (b) Address- 4 - Ex-522/2014 SPACE FOR OFFICE USE 5.Date of Receipt of memorandum .................................................... 6.Deta ils of Documents/records/proof of marr iage required under rule 6: Date: Registrar Registration No./(Year) Date............... Registrar FORM-II [See Rule 6(1)] MEMORANDUM FOR REGISTRATION OF ANAND MARRIAGE 1.Date of Marriage: 2.Place of Marriage: Local area Village Taluk District (specify hall, Auditorium, etc.) 3.Deta ils of Parties to the Marria ge (As on the date of marriage) Details HusbandWife (a) Name in full (in capital letters) (b) Nationality (c) Age and date of birth (sufficient proof shall b e produced) (d) Perma nent address (e) Pres ent address *(f) Previous marital status Married Unmar ried Widower Widow Divorced (g) Whether any spouse is living (if yes, number of spouse living) Signature with date (h) Name of father (i) Age (ii) Address Signature with date (if he is a consenting pa rty) (i) Name of mother (i) Age (ii) Address Signature with date (if she is a consenting pa rty) *Put ( ) mark on whichever is applicable.- 5 -Ex-522/2014 4.Witness of solemnization of marr iage 1.(a)Name: (b)Address (c)Signature with date 2.(a)Name: (b)Address (c)Signature with date 5.Deta ils of Documents/records/proof of marr iage required under rule 6: Declaration of the Parties We ...................................................... do hereby declare that the details shown above are true to the best of our knowledge and belief. Signa ture of the Parties: Place:1. Husband Date:2. Wife (F or Office Us e) Received by Post/in Person on............................................................................ Registrar Registered in the Registrar of Marriages (Common) on.............................................................. ................................................... as Regn. No. ..................................................................... Registrar FORM No.III [See Rule 6(3)] DECLARATION We, _________________ (Name of the husband and wife) do hereby declare that our marriage was solemnized on _______ (Date of Marriage) at _______________ (place of marriage. The memorandum for registration of ma rriage could not be su bmitted within the per iod specified under rule 6 due to _____ (specify reason). We hereby submit memorandum (Form-II) along with documents to prove the solemnization of the marriage for the purpose of registration of our marriage. Place: Date Signature of husbandSigna ture of wife- 6 - Ex-522/2014 DECLARATION TO BE ATTESTED BY GAZETTED OFFICER/MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT/ MEMBER OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY/MEMEBER OF LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS I ............................................. hereby certify that the marriage between ................................... and .............................................. was solemnised on..................................... and the fact is personally known to me. Signature with pla ce, da te and seal FORM NO.IV (See rule 7) GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM Depa rtment ofLawand Judicial CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE [Issued under rule 7 of the Mizoram (Ana nd Marr iages Registra tion) R ules, 2012] Certificate No. ................................................... Dated ............................................ This is to certify that the following information has been taken from the Register of Anand Marriages maintained in Form No. I In the Office of the Registrar of .......................................... (local area). 1.Date of Marriage .......................................... 2.Place of Marriage ......................................... 3.Details of parties to the marr iage Details HusbandWife (a) Name in full (in capital letters) (b) Nationality (c ) Age and date of birth (d) Occupation ( e) P er ma nent a ddr es s (f) Name of pa rents or guar dian and the relationship (i) Fa ther (ii) Mother (iii) Guardian Photographs (Office seal covering photogra phs) Registration No. with year .......................................... Date of Registration .................................................. Registrar (Name of Local Area) Issued under my hand and seal on this the ................................. day of.....................................Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 7 -Ex-522/2014

Obituary of Pu K.Sanghmingliana B.A. B.Ed, Headmaster, Govt. H/S, Zohnuai on 28.10.2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 523Date - 13/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.11.2014 Kartika 22, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 523Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50OBITUARYWith profound grief and sor row, the Govt. of Mizoram has learnt the sad untimely demise of Pu K.Sanghmingliana B.A. B.Ed, Headmaster, Govt. H/S, Zohnuai on 28.10.2014 at 5.30 pm. Born on 1st March, 1956, Pu K.Sanghmingliana served as a Teacher at Cherhlun H/S w.e.f. 18.4.1979 and was absorbed into Govt. service as a teacher on 1.12.1991. He was transferred to Govt. H/S, Venglai from Govt. H/S, Cherhlun on 12.5. 2005. On promotion to the post of Headmaster, he was posted at Govt. H/S, Tawipui ‘N’ on 24.3.2010. He was transferred to Govt. H/S, Zohnuai on 17.5.2013 and continued serving till he br eathed his last. He served the Govt. with utmost sincerity and devotion and proved himself to be a conscientious Headmaster. The Govt. of Mizora m places on record its deep a pprecia tion of the valuable services rendered by Pu K.Sanghmingliana and conveys its heartiest sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family. Dated, Aizawl the 29.10.2014 R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department.

The Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition and Control) Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 526Date - 18/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 18.11.2014 Kartika 27, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 526 NOTIFICATION No.J.25011/1/2014-EXC, the 17th November, 2014.In exercise of the powers conferred by section 73 of Mizoram Liquor (Pr ohibition and Control) Act, 2014 (Act No 8 of 2014), the Governor of Mizoram is hereby pleased to make the following Rules, namely; PART I PRELIMINARY 1 . Short title, extent and commencement. (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition and Control) Rules, 2014. (2) They shall have the like extent as the Pr incipal Act. (3) They shall come into force on such date as the Government may, by Notification in the Official Gazette, appoint in this behalf. Different dates may be appoint ed for different provisions of the Rules. 2 . Definitions. In t hese Rules, unless the context other wise requires: (1) “Act ” means the Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition and Control) Act, 2014(Act No. 8 of 2014). (2) “Blending” means the mixtur e of spirits or wines of different strengths or of different qualit ies; (3) “Bonded War ehouse” means building used for stora ge of liquor in bond under the charge of the licencee and supervised by an Officer-in-Cha rge appointed by the Commissioner. (4) “Brewer” mea ns a per son who brews b eer; (5) “Bulk litre” means a litre with reference to the bulk or quantity of t he contents; (6) “Cask” includes meta l drums wherever the use of these vessels is sanctioned by the Commissioner. (7) “Competent Authorit y” means an officer empowered to issue licences and permit s under the Act and Rules. (8) “Compounding” means the ar tificia l prepa ration of foreign liquor by the addition, to impor t or loca lly made liquor, of flavouring matter or both. (9) “Degree of gravity” shall be taken as equa l to the one thousandth part of the gravity of distilled water at sixty degree of Fahr enheit’s T her mometer. (10) “Distillation” means the process of extracting spirit from anything by evaporation and condensa tion. (11) “Distiller” means a person who holds a licence to set up a distillery in Mizoram. (12) “Dra ught beer” means fresh beer contained in a keg not having more than 5 percent volume by volume (v/v) alcoholic contents; (13) “Extra Neut ral Alcohol” is spirit obtained from rectified spirit by removing the water present - 2 - Ex-526/2014 as much as possible by treatment with quicklime or potassium ca rbonate. The Extra Neutral Alcohol of the Indian Phar macopoeia should not contain more than one percent by weight of water; (14) “Fermentation” includes natural or artificial cha nge which produces alcohol. (15) “In bond” means to store intoxicant without payment of duty; (16) “Keg” means a closed receptacle, made of wood or metal or such other substance, as ma y be designed for containing and carriage of beer by the brewery of the size of not less than twenty litres; (17) “Laboratory” means the la bora tor y of the Chemical Examiner of the Excise & Narcotics Department, Government of Mizoram or Forensic Science Laboratory, Mizoram or a laboratory in a plant. (18) “Licencee” means a person licenced to manufacture, possess, import, export, transport, store, purchase, consume, sale or dispense any intoxicant; (19) “Lit re” means bulk litre of 1000 millilit res; (20) “London Proof(L.P.)” means the strength of proof as ascertained by means of syke’s hydrometer and denotes that spirit which at temperature of 51º Fahr enheit weights exactly 12th /13th par t of an equal measure of distilled water; (21) “Malt” means the germina ted bar ley; (22) “Neutral spirit” means neutral spirit as defined by Bureau of Indian Standards; (23) “Officer-in-Charge” means an Excise & Nar cotics Officer in-charge of an Excise & Narcotics Station or an Officer appointed for the purpose of supervising the operations in a distiller y, a brewery, a bottling plant or a bonded warehouse; (24) “Other places of storage” means place of extra storage maintained by owner of bonded warehouse, r etail shop other than the pla ce of his business; (25) “Over Proof (O.P)” means spirit of a str ength greater than tha t of London Pr oof; (26) “Pass fee” means fee collected for import and export of IMFL exluding Excise duty; (27) “Plain spirit ” means spirit to which no flavour has been communicated and which no flavouring or colouring matter or other material or ingredient has been added; (28) “Plant” means a place where a licenced industrial or manufacturing process of liquor takes place. (29) “Prescribed” or “a pproved” means prescribed or approved by the Government of Mizora m or the Commissioner; (30) “Proof Gallon” means a gallon containing liquor of strength of L ondon Pr oof; (31) “Proof with reference to spirit” means the str ength or proof as ascertained by hydrometer or any other means authorized by the E xcise Commissioner; (32) “Prove” means to test the spirit b y hydrometer or any other method; (33) “Racking” means the transfer of spirit from one vessel to another; (34) “Rectified spirit” or “Spirit of wine” means pla in spir it of strength of not less than 50º O.P. (Fift y degr ee O.P.) (35) “Reducing” means the reduction of liquor from a higher to a lower alcoholic str ength by the addition of pure water; (36) “Spurious liquor” means liquor, which is fake, imitation or unauthentic; (37) “Still” includes any part of a still and any apparatus whatever for distilling or ma nufacturing spirit; (38) “Sugar” means any saccharine substance, extract or syrup, and includes any material capable of being used in br ewing a nd wine making, except malt or grain of any kind; (39) “Superintendent” means Superintendent of E xcise & Narcotics in-charge of a distr ict; (40) “Supervisor” means the Excise & Narcotics Officer-in-Charge of a bonded warehouse, distillery, brewery, winery and bottling plant; (41) “To gauge” means t o determine the quantity of spirit contained in, or taken from any cask or other receptacle or to determine capacity of any cask or other recepta cle; (42) “To Proof” means to test the strength of spirit by a hydrometer or other ins trument prescr ibed by the Commissioner; (43) “Under Proof (U.P.)” means spirit of strength less than that of London Pr oof; (44) “Vat” means any vessel used for blending, reducing or storage of spir it or wine; (45) “Wash” means materials for distillation which is under or has undergone, fermentation by natural or artificial means. (46) “Year” means the year beginning with 1st April or any subsequent date and ending on 31st March. (47) Words and expressions used herein, but not defined but defined in the Act, shall ha ve the same meanings as assigned to them in the Act. PART II INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR (Hereinafter referred to a s IMFL) ISSUE OF LICENCES FOR IMPORT, EXPORT, TRANSPORT, STORAGE, SALE, CONSUMPTION, ETC. 3 . Rules for issue of licences etc. Issue of licence for establishment of dis tillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded war ehouse, retail sale of liquor and permits for purchase, consumption, import, export and transport of IMFL shall be subject to the following Rules, conditions imposed, duties and fees prescribed by the government from time to time. The term of each licence or permit shall be for one year commencing from 1st April or any subsequent date and ending on 31st March every year. 4 . Impor t of IMFL a nd Extra Neutra l Alcohol. Import of IMFL and Extra Neutral Alcohol in any quantity to Mizoram is prohibit ed except under the cover of permit and unless the conditions of Rules, orders or instruct ions are fulfilled. 5. Private/Corporate Bonded Warehouse. Person/Corporation wishing to establish private/corporation bonded wa rehouse for supply of liquor to reta il vendors should submit application in Form No.MLPCR-1 to the Commissioner. In case of private person the application should be accompanied by financial soundness statement for the last six months from a government recognized ba nk to the tune of 1,00,00,000 (Rupees one crore) and plan of proposed building. Up-to-da te tax clearance certificate, certified copy of Residential certificate and two copies of recent passport size photogr aphs must also be enclosed. With the previous sanction of the government, the Commissioner shall issue licence in Form No.MLPCR-2. The licencee shall have to deposit as security a sum not less than the licence fee. Such private bonded warehouse shall be supplied with IMFL approved by the Commissioner. 6 . Person eligible to import, tr ansport IM FL and Extra Neut ral Alcohol. (1) Permit for the import of IMFL or Extra Neutral Alcohol from other states s hall be issued only to licenced holder for bonded wa rehouse, distillery, brewery, winery or bottling plant by the Commissioner after payment of pass fee as may be prescribed. (2) Asst. Commissioner or Superintendent of the Dis trict shall is sue per mit for transport of IMFL only after payment of excise duties and pass fee only to – (a ) licenced vendor s;- 3 -Ex-526/2014 (b) licenced clubs; (c ) licenced persons in charge of Defence or Police canteens. (3) Liquor shall be imported only fr om a distiller y, brewery, bonded wa rehouse, bottling plant, distributor s and firms approved b y the Commissioner. 7 . Application for import of IMFL etc. A holder of bonded warehouse licence wishing to import IMFL or overseas liquor into Mizoram must either personally or through his agent first submit an application in Form No.MLPCR-3 to the Commissioner stating clearly :- (i) The name of the distillery or the distributor or brewery or bonded warehouse or of the firm from which the import is to be made; (ii) Number and mode of receptacles or packages containing the liquor; (iii) The alcoholic strength of the liquor; (iv) The brand or name, complete description, sizes, quality and quantit y of each kind of liquor, which is to be imported, a nd whether the import is to be made in bulk or in bottle or can; (v) The route by which it is proposed to import; (vi) The amount of duty leviable on total quantity of the liquor to be impor ted. NOTE:A separate application sha ll be necessar y in respect of each consignment. 8. Application for export of IMFL etc. A holder of bonded warehouse licence wishing to expor t IMFL or overseas liquor from Mizora m to other states must either personally or thr ough his agent first s ubmit an application in Form No.MLPCR-5 to the Commissioner stating clear ly:- (i) The name of the distillery / the distributor / brewery / bonded warehouse / b ottling plant or of the firm to which the export is to be made; (ii) Number and mode of receptacles or packages containing the liquor; (iii) The alcoholic strength of the liquor; (iv) The brand or name, complete description, sizes, quality and quantit y of each kind of liquor, which is to be exported, a nd whether the export is to be made in bulk or in bottle or can; (v) The route by which it is proposed to export; (vi) The amount of pass fee leviable on total quantity of the liqu or to be expor ted. NOTE:A separate application sha ll be necessar y in respect of each consignment. 9 . Application for transport of IMFL etc. A holder of reta il licence wishing to transport IMFL or overseas liquor in a district must either personally or through his agent first submit a n application in Form No.MLPCR-7 to the Superintendent concerned stating clearly :- (i) The name of the bonded war ehouse from which liquor is t o be pr ocured/transpor ted; (ii) Number and mode of receptacles or packages containing the liquor; (iii) The brand or name, complete description, sizes, quality and quantit y of each kind of liquor, which is to be tr anspor ted; (iv) The route by which it is pr oposed to transport; (v) The time required for the transport; (vi) The amount of duty paid with challan number (A copy of challan should be enclosed) NOTE:A separate application sha ll be necessar y in respect of each consignment.- 4 - Ex-526/2014 10. Endorsement of applications. If the application is in order and the amount of duties and pass fee payable entered therein is corr ect, the Commissioner or Superintendent of the distr ict sha ll endorse the application with an order directing the applicant to pay pa ss fee fixed by the Government into the treasury through ba nk by treasury challan and stating under which account head the payment should be made. 11. Issu e of Per mit. On r eceipt of the applica tion and the payment copy of challan presented by the applicant, the Permit issuing Officer may issue a permit in septuplicate in Form No.MLPCR-4, MLPCR-6, or MLPCR-8 as the case may be, sanctioning the impor t, expor t or tr ansport by the applicant of IM FL of the kind and quantity specified in the pa ss/permit to the place mentioned in the application. The original copy shall be retained by the permit/pass issuing Officer for record and for verification of the cons ignment on arrival. The duplicate and triplicate copies shall be sent to the Superintendent of Excise or such other officer a s may be author ized in this behalf of the place of import, export or transport. The quadruplicate copy of the pass shall be given to the applicant. A separate register of permits/passes shall be maintained by the permit/pass issuing authority in the form prescribed by the Commissioner in Pr escribed Register-I and details of each permit/pass issued shall be immediately entered in it together with the result of verification of the consignment on arrival. 12 . Verification of consignment of IMF L on ar riva l. On a rrival of consignment, the Licencee shall a t once report it to the Commissioner or Superintendent concerned for verification. The consignment should not be opened till the arr ival of verifying Excise & Narcotics Officer. The verification of the consignment done by Officer-in-Charge of the bonded warehouse shall be countersigned by officer author ised by the Commissioner. In the case of retail shop the verifica tion done by officer authorised by Superintendent shall be countersigned by the Officer-in-Charge of an Ex cise & Na rcotics Station. A cop y of the invoice countersigned by concerned officer shall be returned to the sender and one cop y be kept in the office. 13. Establishment for Supervision of Distillery, Bonded Warehouse, etc. The distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other pla ces of storage shall be under the char ge of a n Excise & Narcotics Officer a ppointed by the Commissioner or Superintendent of the district with suppor ting staff as the case may be. T he cost of deployment of such officers and maintenance of esta blishment shall be added in ad valorem while maximum retail price is calculated. The licencee shall provide for office space a nd quar ters for the st aff as approved by the Commissioner. The licencee shall also employ adequa te security at his own cost as may be directed by the Commissioner. 14. Distillery, Bonded Warehouse, etc. under joint lock and key of officers and licencee. Every distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of stor age sha ll be under the joint lock and key of the Officer-in-Charge thereof and of the licencee or his authorized agent. T he lock used by the Officer-in-Charge shall be a government lock and the key sha ll rema in in his personal custody. 15 . Entry of per sons into Distillery, Br ewer y, Bottling P la nt, Bonded Wa rehouse or other Pla ces of S tora ge. Distillery, brewer y, bottling pla nt, bonded war ehouse or other places of storage shall be opened only for the entr ance and exit of persons who have official b usiness within. Except with the permission of the Officer-in-C harge, no one other than superior officers of the Excise & Narcotics Depa rtment, licencee of the bonded warehouse, their employees and licenced vendors who have come to purchase liquor, shall be allowed to enter the premises. All persons employed by the licencee shall be supplied with photo identity cards which shall b e used as passes for entry and exit. Persons given permission by the Commissioner or Officer-in-C harge a uthorised by him shall be issued temporary passes.- 5 -Ex-526/2014 16. Ejection of undesirable persons The Officer-in-Cha rge of a distillery, brewery, bottling pla nt, bonded war ehouse or other places of stor age, may eject and exclude from the pr emises any person whom he finds to ha ve committed, or to commit any breach of these Rules or the provisions or who is intoxicated, r iotous or disor derly. All act ions taken by any such officer under this Rules shall forthwith be r eported by him in writ ing to his official superiors. 17. Licencee etc. bound by provisions of the Act and Rules. Licencee of a distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of stora ge shall be bound by the provisions of the Act and Ru les and by all Rules for the management of bonded warehouse, or for issue of liquor there from, which may be prescribed under the Act from time to time, and by all special orders which may be issued by the Commissioner regarding any particu lar distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of storage, and shall ca use all persons employed by them to obey all such Rules. 18. Working hours in a Distillery, Brewery, Bottling Plant, Bonded Warehouse or other Pla ces of S tora ge. The opening hours of distillery, brewery, bottling pla nt, bonded war ehouse or other places of storage shall be fixed by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may, on sufficient and reasona ble ground, direct such establishment to be opened even on a holida y or be closed on any working day. 19 . Pr ocedure t o be ob served on ar rival of liquor. On arr ival of liqu or consignment, the Officer-in-Char ge of a bonded warehouse shall verify t he corr ectness of the invoices and ma ke entries of the receipt in the Prescribed Register-II and also on the pa ss covering the consignment. One copy of the pass with the entries of r eceipt shall be immediately returned to the person who issued the consignment after the officer authorised by t he Commissioner or Superintendent countersigned the same. The other copy with the entries thereon shall be kept in the bonded warehouse or retail shop for audit purposes etc. 20. Receipt of Liquor. No liquor shall be received in any bonded warehouse, retail shop or other places of storage unless accompanied by a pass from an Officer-in-Charge of the distillery, brewery, bottling plant, Winer y or of the bonded warehouse fr om which they have been procur ed and by a permit from the Commissioner granting its import or transport permit issued by Superintendent. 21. Removal of Liquor from Bonded Warehouse. No liquor shall be removed from bonded warehous e without payment of duties and fees under the Act, Rules a nd Orders and without product ion of t ranspor t permit from Competent Author ity. 22. Breakage allowance. An a llowance of one to two percent may be made for the loss of liqu or in t ransit due to breakage or leakage. 23 . Bond for tra nspor t of liqu or. Liquor intended for bonded warehouse or a reta il shop is transported under bond and is the sole risk and responsibility of the distiller, licencee of the bonded warehouse or retail shop. The bond is discha rged when the liquor is deposit ed in a bonded warehouse or r etail s hop. 24 . Disposal of liquor on expir y of license. (1) On the expiry of the licence either on account of expiry of the term, or on account of cancellation or suspension, the Commissioner ma y take over or permit the successor of the licencee of the bonded- 6 - Ex-526/2014 warehouse or retail shop a s the ca se may be, to take over the balance of liquor at cost price(ex-bonded price), or may require the licencee of the distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of storage, as the case may be, forthwith to remove all liquor remaining within the distiller y, brewery, bottling plant, bonded war ehouse or other places of storage on payment of duty and fees in full. (2) If he fails to remove all liquor within thirty days of the receipt of written notice from the Commissioner, the cost of any esta blishment which may be necess ary to employ at the distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of storage, may be recover ed from the defaulter; and if he fails to do so within one month, the spirits shall be lia ble to forfeiture at t he discretion of the Commissioner. (3) A person who has been a licenced vendor may, on the expiry of his licence, and with the sanction of the Commissioner, sell wholesale to another licenced vendor any intoxicant which he is authorised under the conditions of his licence to sell and of which he has been lawfully in possession, provided that the intoxicant is fit for use. Provided fur ther that, if the Commissioner considers tha t the intoxicant or any part thereof is unfit for cons umption or has otherwise deteriorated so as to be unsaleable, he shall cause the same to be destr oyed without any compensation. 25. Ma int enance of Accounts. Licencee of a bonded warehouse sha ll keep regular accounts, prescribed by the Commissioner, in the bonded warehouse showing the bra nd-wise quantity of liquor received and issued showing the firm from which and vendors to which issued and the stock remaining in the bonded warehouse. Such accounts shall be kept opened at all times to the inspection of the Officer-in-Charge and of all superior Excise & Narcotics Officers. 26 . Government not liable for loss etc. of Spirit in Distillery, Brewery, Bottling Pla nt, Bonded Warehouse or other Places of Storage. Government shall not be held responsible for the dest ruction, loss or dama ge, by fire, thief or any other case whatsoever, occur ring to any liquor stored in the distillery, brewery, bottling pla nt, bonded warehouse or other places of stor age or in gauging or weighment. In ca se of fire or other accident, the Officer-in-Charge of a distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of storage shall immediately attend to open it at a ny hour by day or by night. 27 . Smoking and fire prohibited. Smoking or the use of fir e whatsoever by any person within the premises of the distiller y, brewery, bottling plant, bonded war ehouse or other places of storage is prohibited. 28 . Enclosur e of Distiller y, Brewer y, Bottling Plant, Bonded Wa rehouse or other Places of Storage. There shall be proper enclosure with strong iron gate in every distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of storage which sha ll be ma nned by an Excise & Narcotics personnel during working hours who shall ensure that no unauthorized person gains entry into the bonded warehouse. However, secu rity of such es tablishment sha ll be t he r esponsibility of t he licencee. 29. Removal of Liquor from Bonded Warehouse, Distillery, Bottling Plant or Brewery. No liquor shall be removed without the product ion of transport permit issued by Competent Authority 30 . List of employees. Each licencee shall furnish the list of his employees and their addr esses t o the C ommissioner or the- 7 -Ex-526/2014 Superintendent of the District concerned in case of bonded war ehouse and retail shop respectively. The licencee shall not employ those persons objected to by the Commissioner or the Superintendent. If a ny employee lea ves the services of t he licencee, the licencee sha ll immediately infor m the fact to the Commissioner and Officer-in-C harge of the bonded warehouse or Superintendent of the district as the cas e may be. 31. Samples. (1) In case of doubt of the origin or quality of any liquor, Officer-in-Charge of the bonded warehouse or a ny officer authorised by the Commissioner or Superintendent of t he district in case of retail shop, may take two sa mples of liquor in bottles for analysis in presence of the licencee or his agent. The samples so taken shall be immediately sealed and both of t hem shall put their signatures on each label. One bottle shall be despatched to the chemical examiner for ana lysis and the second bottle be kept in the Excise & Narcotics office. Such batch of liquor where sample is dra wn shall not be sold until further order from Competent Authority. (2) If the resu lt of examination conforms to prescribed specification, the liquor batch may be sold to licenced vendors or to customers. (3) Wher e the r esult does not conform to the prescribed specifications they shall be declared unfit for consumption and be dest royed by the or der of the Commissioner or Superintendent of the district as the case may be in presence of the licencee or his agent a nd the Excise & Narcotics officer so detailed. (4) Licencee of the bonded war ehouse or retail shop shall not be entitled to any compensa tion from the government. 32. Registration and Label Approval. (1) A liquor company tr ying to do business in Mizoram shall have to register on payment of such fee per annum as may be prescribed by the Government. (2) A liquor company having registration sha ll have to pay mono carton r egistration fee for liquor to be impor ted per annum as may be prescribed by the Government. (3) All liquor produced in Mizoram or proposed to be supplied/marketed into Mizoram by a manufacturer/supplier from outside the S tate ha s to be approved by the Commissioner after paying label approval fee per annum, as may be prescribed by the Government. The label shall also bear inscriptions “FOR SALE IN MIZORAM ONLY” “DRINKING OF LIQUOR IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH” “NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS BELOW 21 YEARS” and the “MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE(MRP)”. Note :If change is to be made, the manufacturer shall have to pay r egistra tion or label a pproval fee again. 33. Hologram. Registered hologra m as approved by the Commissioner shall be affixed on the cap of the liquor bottle or on top of can to be imported into and manufactured in Mizoram so as to prevent duplicity. The manufacturer of liquor shall purchase such approved hologra m only from the Commissionera te of E xcise & Narcot ics, Aiza wl, Mizoram. No wholesaler s hall import or sell liquor without approved hologram. 34. No advertisement . No one should put up or display advertisement for liquor in any media a nd hoarding. 35. La bora tor y. Every pla nt sha ll ha ve a labor ator y for a na lysis of liquor a nd for maintena nce of qua lity. T he Government may also est ablish laboratory for analysis of liquor.- 8 - Ex-526/2014 PART III LICENSING AND REGULATION OF DISTILLERY, BREWERY AND BOTTLING PLANT 36. Application for licence. Any person desiring to obta in a licence to set up a distillery, brewery or bottling plant in any place in Mizoram sha ll apply in Form No MLPCR-1 to the Commissioner giving the following pa rticula rs:– (1) The name or names, and the address or a ddresses of the person or persons applying, if a firm, the name of every partner of the firm a nd, if a compa ny, the registered na me thereof; (2) The purpose for which the distillery, brewery or bottling plant is proposed to be opened, specifying in detail t he nature of the business which the applicant desires to carry on therein; (3) The name of the place, the site and the building in which the distillery, the brewery or the bottling plant is to be constructed; (4) The number a nd full description of the stills, va ts and other permanent apparatus which the applicant wishes to work or set up, and the size and capacity of such still, etc.; (5) The date fr om which, in the event of a licence being granted to him, the applicant proposes to commence working of the distillery, brewery or bottling plant; (6) The amount of security which the applicant is r eady to furnish for the due performance of the conditions on which a licence may be granted to him; (7) A plan of t he building which he intends to use or to construct for his distillery, brewer y or bottling plant, and a pla n showing the position of stills, va ts and other permanent appar atus therein, and a list of stor e rooms, etc. connected therewith. 37. (1 ) Consideration of application. On r eceipt of the applica tion, a nd after consulting the Superintendent of the Dis trict in which the distillery, brewery or bottling plant is proposed to be opened regarding the suitability of the site and buildings, if t here be any alr eady, and any other points, and on receipt of the Superintendent’s verifica tion report, observations and after such further inquiry as he deems necessa ry, the Commissioner shall decide whether the licence for the opening of the distillery, brewery or bottling plant should be granted or not. The number of distiller y, brewery or bottling plant which ca n be allowed depending on the requirement of Mizoram and possibility of export to other sta tes, and whether a licence for the working of a distillery, brewery or bottling plant is to be granted or not, the Commissioner will ta ke into full considera tion all aspects and the purposes for which it is proposed to be opened. Then only he will make r ecommendation or otherwise to government. (2 ) Purpose for which a Distillery, Brewery or Bottling Plant may be opened – (a ) Manufacture and supply of foreign liquor; (b) Supply of spirits for the manufact ure of chemicals, medicated ar ticles, etc., or for other industrial purposes, or (c ) for the above two purposes combined. (3 ) Construction of Distillery, Brewery or Bottling Plant. The applica nt shall then be called upon to make arrangements for the constr uction of the distillery, brewery or bottling plant. Upon completion of the building and after the stills and other appliances and appa ratus ha ve been set up, he must furnish two fresh copies of the plans with the Superintendent of the district who shall cause them to be verified in any ma nner he thinks proper, and then submit one copy to the Commissioner for examination and for compar ison with the pla ns first submitted, and for any further verification he ma y think necessary. After approval by the Government, the Commissioner, shall grant a licence to t he applicant in the prescr ibed Form No. MLPCR-2. The applicant shall be bound to conform to the orders of the Commissioner within a reasonable time to be fixed by the Commissioner regarding any addition or alteration to the buildings,- 9 -Ex-526/2014 stills, vats or other permanent a pparatus or plant which he consider s necessary, whether before or after the fina l plans are submitted, for the proper security of revenue or to render illicit practices impractica ble. (4 ) Necessary additions or alterations to buildings, stills etc. require prior sanction of Commissioner. No a ddition or alteration to the buildings, stills or ot her permanent apparatus as not shown in the plan submitted by the applicant shall be made without prior sanction of the Commissioner. When any such additions or alterations a re to be made fresh plans must be submitted to the Commissioner through the Superintendent with a certificate from the Officer-in-Charge tha t they are corr ect. (5 ) Commissioner may at any time verify Additions and Plants. It will be open to the Commissioner to verify at any time any of the addit ions and plants mentioned above, and if found unsuita ble, he may require fr esh plans to be submitted for approval. Such verifica tion may be made by any officer deputed for the purpose, and such officer shall be allowed full access to the premises. Approval to the plan may be withheld until any point in respect of which they differ from plans already sanctioned has been rectified to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. The licencee shall be bound to carry out such r ectification within a reasonable time to be fixed by the Commissioner. 38. Security deposit and execution of bond. For the observance of the conditions of the licence and of these Rules and for the pa yment of all sums which may become due to Government, by way of duty, fees, fines or otherwise under these Rules, the licencee shall execute a deed hypothecating to Government his va t, pipes, pumps and a ll other appar atus including bottling plant, bottles, etc. together with the stock of liquor stored a t any time during the validit y of the licence and if so required by Government at the time of signing, deposit a sum not less than the licence fee as secur ity. 39. Quarters for establishment – Office furniture The licencee shall provide suitable quarters, to the sa tisfact ion of the Commissioner, for the Officer- in-Charge a nd supporting staff in proximity to the plant, and shall maintain such quarters properly. He shall also supply such office furniture as may be required for the use of such officers and staff within the plant. 40. Licencee to give notice of commencement of work. Every licencee must give at least fifteen days notice in writ ing to the Commissioner, of the date on which he pr oposes to commence work and at least one month’s notice before he ceases to work. 41. Power to withdraw establishment. In case a licencee ceases work or fails to produce as planned for a period exceeding one month, the Commissioner may withdraw the establishment stationed a t the plant and may pr ohibit all further wor k or production as planned until the licencee has given him fifteen days’ notice in writing of t he date on which he proposes to recommence work or produce as planned as the case may be. 42. (1 ) Arrangements of Stills, etc. The licencee shall so arra nge his stills that spirit sha ll discharge into closed and locked receiver s of such pattern that no spir it can be removed from them unless they ar e unlocked. The Commissioner may require the licencee to affix to any receiver and appar atus which will prevent the supply and discharge cocks being open at the sa me time. Every pipe used for conveying spir it or feints must be s o fixed and placed as to be visible thr oughout its entire length and shall, if the Commissioner so direct, be coa ted with oil paints of a particular colour, and all joints thereof shall be sealed in such manner as the Commissioner may prescribe. If the condensing wor m is ma de of copper, or if the spirit passes through pipes wholly or pa rtly made of copper, such measures as the Commissioner may direct, shall be taken by the licencee in order to protect the liquor from serious contamina tion by the cop per.- 10 - Ex-526/2014 There shall be no opening to any still, condenser or refrigerator, except – (a ) for connection with the wash backs (the vessel in which the wash or wor t are fermented) or spirit receivers, (b) properly – secured air cocks or air valves of number and description approved by the Commissioner. (2 ) Fastenings for Locks. The licencee shall provide and maintain suitable and secure fastenings, wherever the Commissioner may deem necessary, to all stills, spir it receivers, vats and other recepta cles, fermenta tion-rooms, store- rooms, pipes etc.; to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, for the attachment of locks to be provided by Government. The keys of all such locks sha ll be retained by the Officer-in-C harge. The licencee shall atta ch his own locks to all rooms used for the storage of spirit and may, if he so desires, also attach his own lock to any other fastening but shall b e bound immediately to remove such locks when required by the Officer-in-Charge, to allow free inspection. (3 ) Glass safe sampling. The licencee shall, if the Commissioner so direct, provide between the stills and the spirit receivers a glass safe by which the quantity and str ength of the sp irits which are running, will at any moment, be visible to the opera tor, or a sampling apparatus so constructed that for every samples drawn off, an exactly equal quantity shall be discharged into a closed and locked r eceptacle. If r equired, both a safe and sampling appa ratus shall be provided. The licencee shall also, if so required, provide branch pipes fitted with lock by means of which spirits of differ ent str ength and qualities may be diverted into separate receivers. (4 ) Closed pipes for conveyance of Spirit from receivers to store room. The stills, receivers and vats shall be so arra nged tha t the spirit may be conveyed from the receivers to t he stor e room through closed pipes. All pipes and all joints thereof shall be secured and sealed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. ( 5 ) Receivers and vats to be provided with dipping rods and t o be ga uged. All receivers and vats in the plant must be placed so that the contents may be accurately gauged or measured and they must be fitted to the satisfaction of the Commissioner with proper dipping rods so adjusted to fix dipping places that the contents thereof at fifth of a centimeter of depth may at any time be ascertainable. The receivers and vats sha ll also be gauged in such manner as the Commissioner may, from time to time, direct; and no vessel shall be used as a receiver or store vat until it has b een gauged and the gauging has been checked by such officer as the Commissioner may appoint. Records of the dimensions of such vessels shall be maintained in accor dance with Rules prescribed by the Commissioner. (6) Cock(tap). Every cock(t ap) kept or used in a plant shall be of such pattern and constructed in such manner as the Commissioner ma y from time to time dir ect. (7 ) Rooms and vessels to be marked and numbered. The licencee shall cause to be painted with oil colour and shall keep so pa inted upon the outside of ever y room or place and upon a conspicuous part of every vessel and utensil the name of such room, place, vess el or utensil, according to the purpose, for which it is to be used, and when more tha n one room, vessel or utensil is used for the same pu rpose, he shall also paint a progress ive number on each, beginning with number one. 43. Vessels for storage Spir it shall be stored in sound vessels. Each vessel sha ll bear a serial number, painted or cut thereon. Its external parts must also be clearly visible.- 11 -Ex-526/2014 44. Dipping place or level of vessel not to be altered. The licencee shall not ca use or allow the dipping place or level of any vessel to be altered, or any device to be used to deceive the Officer-in-Cha rge in taking the gauge of a ny vessel, or to prevent him from taking a tr ue account of a ll wash of spirit in any vessels. 45. Materials. The materials, or bases, to be used in distilling spir it or brewing beer, shall only be of such descriptions as are generally approved by the Commissioner. All materials used must be of good quality, and no ingredients noxious to health be used in distillation, brewing or added to the spirit or beer intended for human consumption. 46. (1 ) Removal of wash or wort, etc. The licencee shall use only wash or wort which ha s been prepared within the plant, and no wash or wort (except spent wash or wort from which all alcohol has been extracted) shall be on any account removed from or allowed to pass out of the pla nt, except sealed samples for warded by the Officer-in- Charge to the Chemical Exa miner under the gener al or special order of the Commissioner. ( 2 ) No wash or wort or Spirit to be brought into plant. Except with the written permission of the Commissioner, no wash or wort or spir its not prepared or manufactured in the plant shall be brought into the plant. ( 3 ) Wa sh or wort to be conveyed directly fr om wa sh ba cks t o stills. All wash or wort made in the pla nt shall be fer mented in the wash ba cks and shall be conveyed directly therefrom into the still. (4 ) Redistillation. Except with the written permission of the Commissioner, the licencee shall not redistill any spirits other than those which remain in weak spirit r eceiver attached to the still and which have not been removed ther efr om. 47. Strength of Spirit manufactured to be regulated by Commissioner. The spirits manufactured in the plant sha ll not be distilled a bove or below such str engths a nd shall be subject to such periodica l analysis as the Commissioner may direct, and the licencee shall be bound to take steps to remedy any defect s in his product which the Commissioner may consider essential. 48. Strength of beer manufactured to be regulated by Commissioner. The strength of beer manufactured in the plant shall be as prescribed by the Commissioner and shall be subjected to such periodical analysis as the Commissioner may dir ect, and the licencee shall be bound to take steps to remedy any defects in his product which the Commissioner may consider essential. 49. Notices ( 1 ) Decla ration of pr oof S pir it in wash. The licencee shall give such not ice in writing as the Commissioner may prescribe, of the transfer of beer or spirit from the r eceivers to the store-room and of wash or wort from the fermenting vessels or wash backs to the still. This percentage shall be determined by means of instruments approved by the Commissioner. (2 ) Periodical stoppage. The licencee shall comply with such order issued by the Commissioner for the periodical stoppage of distillation or brewing for the purpose of a scertaining t he quantity of spirit distilled from the quantity of wash or wort passed into the still.- 12 - Ex-526/2014 50. Transfer of Spirit or beer from receiver to store-room. All spirit or beer collected in the receivers s hall be tra nsferred or conveyed into the stor e-room without unnecessary delay provided that no spirit or beer shall be so tr ansferr ed without the knowledge of Officer-in-Charge. 51. Hours of work. (1)All operations in a plant requiring the presence of an officer of the Excise & Narcotics Depa rtment, shall be stopped on Sundays and public holidays declared as such by the Gover nment. In a plant, the licencee shall so arrange his operations that no officer of the Excise & Narcotics Department need ordina rily be on duty for more than eight hours on any working day. (2)When distillations is carr ied on at night or at all other times when an officer of t he Excise & Narcotics Department is not present, the plant ga te shall remain locked provided that on Sunda ys or public holidays mentioned in sub-rule (1) the registered servants of t he licencee may be allowed entry and exit between su nr ise and sunset. 52. Accounts to be kept in a plant. The licencee, in his/her plant, shall keep accurate accounts showing:- (1) the quantity and description of materials used, (2) the quantity of wash or wor t and spirit or beer manufactured, (3) the quantity of wash or wort used, (4) the quantit y of spirit or beer issued, and (5) the quantit y of wash or wort and spirit or beer in store. Under the la st head the qua ntit y of spir it or beer remaining in stock in each cask, vat or other receptacle shall also be shown. S uch accounts shall be open at all times for inspection by the Excise & Narcotics Officer-in-Charge or other Excise & Na rcotics Officer author ised by the Commissioner or by all superior Excise & Narcotics Officers. 53. Daily Accounts to be kept by licencee. The daily accounts of tra nsactions made by holders of retail and bonded warehouse licences shall be maintained and kept in Prescribed Register-III which ma y be obtained from the Commissionerate of Excise & Na rcotics Department and Distr ict offices. T hese sha ll be open to inspection by Excise & Narcotics Officers. These shall be preserved for one year after the period covered by the licence and shall be produced when called for by an Excise & Narcotics Officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector of Excise & Narcotics. 54. Taking stock accounts. Every licencee sha ll, when required by an Excise & Na rcotics officer, of a nd above the r ank of Sub- Inspector, a ssist with sufficient number of servants in t aking account of his stock. 55. Submission of monthly statement. At the close of each month the Officer-in-Charge of distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of storage shall submit in duplicate through the Superintendent of the District to the Commissioner, a Monthly statement of import or export of IMFL, overseas liquor and beer etc. together with duplicate copies of import or expor t passes, in Form No. MLPCR-9 showing for the month concer ned, all imports or exports of such liquor imported or exported to other states and the amount of duty collected. One copy shall be r etained by the Superintendent concerned. The Officer-in-Charge shall also submit in duplicate to the Commissioner Monthly sta tement showing deta ils of stock of IMFL, Overseas liquor or Beer, etc. and Monthly statement showing the receipt and- 13 -Ex-526/2014 issue of IMF L, Overseas liquor or Beer etc. through the Superintendent of the District concerned in Form No. MLPCR-1 0 and MLPCR-11 respectively. One copy shall be retained by the Superintendent concerned. 56. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). Every licencee must install Closed Circuit Television in his establishment covering every working room including bar s, ma in doors, main gate and store rooms. Such da ta stored by the CCT V may be reviewed by Competent Authority a t any t ime. PART IV RETAIL SALE OF LIQUOR 57 . App lication for retail s ale of liquor. A person wishing to open a retail shop for sale of liquor must either personally or through his a gent first submit an application accompanied by financial soundness statement from a recognized bank, up-to- date tax clearance certificate, certified copy of Voter ’s identity card, certified copy of Residential Certificate and certified two recent passpor t size photogr aphs in Form No. MLPCR-12 to the Commissioner sta ting clear ly :- (i) the name, age and sex of the applicant wit h full address and contact number; (ii) Parentage; (iii) Proposed location for shop; After scrutiny of the application and spot verification the Commissioner may forward t o Government with recommendation or otherwise for necessary act ion. 58 . Gra nt of licence for r etail sale of liquor. Licence for the retail sa le of liquor for cons umption on “OFF ” or “ON” the premises shall be gra nted in F orm No. MLPCR-1 3 by the Commissioner with the previous sanction of the government after the applicant deposited necessary fee through challan. Such licencee shall abide by the Act, Rules a nd conditions therein and shall not sell liquor to persons already under the influence of liquor. A licencee wishing to procure liquor fr om a bonded wa rehouse shall submit applica tion for transport permit in Form No. MLPCR-7 to Superintendent concerned after payment of Excise duty. Note :Consumption “ON” the premises means clubs or hotel where liquor is served on the premises. Consumption “OFF” t he premises means sale of liquor for consumption not on retail shop or it s premises. 59 . App lica tion for liquor licence in a Club, Government Lodgings and Hotel. A holder of hotel or club licence or Officer in-charge of Government Lodgings who applies for sale of liquor for cons umption on premises ma y submit application in Form No. MLP CR-14 with ground pla n of the premises indica ting the room or rooms intended to be used for the purpose stating clear ly:- (i) the name, age and sex of the applicant wit h full address and contact number; (ii) Parentage; (iii) Loca tion of hotel etc. After scrutiny of the application and spot verification the Commissioner may forward t o Government with recommendation or otherwise for necessary act ion. Licence for the retail sale of liquor for consumption on the premises in hotel or club shall be gra nted in F orm No. MLPCR-1 5 by the Commissioner with the previous sanction of the government after the applicant deposited necessa ry fee through challan to the treasur y. Such licencee shall not sell liquor to persons already under the influence of liquor.- 14 - Ex-526/2014 A licencee wishing to procure liquor fr om a bonded wa rehouse shall submit applica tion for transport permit in Form No. MLPCR-7 to Superintendent concerned after payment of Excise duty. 60. Permit for purchase, possession and consumption of liquor. A person having attained 21 year s of age and having no record as illegal liquor seller ma y apply for permit for purchase, possession and consumption of liquor to Superintendent of the District in Form No.MLPCR-16. The Superintendent, if he is satisfied with the application, shall issue permit of the above in Form No.MLPCR-17 after payment of fee prescribed through Treasury cha llan. T he person to whom permit is issued shall strictly abide by the Act, Rules and conditions imposed therein. Note :Proof of age shall be Voter ’s Identity C ard or Birth C ertificate. 61 . Limit of sale a nd possession. Limit of sa le to a person in one month shall be six b ottles of IMFL (750 ml or its equivalent), ten bottles (650 ml or its equivalent) each of beer a nd wine. This shall also be the limit of possession for a person who holds permit for purcha se and consumption of liquor in one month. The person possessing such permit shall pu rchase only from a licenced vendor. 62 . No display of liquor. No retail vendor shall display liquor to be visible fr om outside. The sold liquor should be properly wrapped in papers and put in non-transparent bag. 63 . Cost of liquor to be displayed. The price or MRP of each liquor shall be displayed conspicuously in a board inside the retail shops. 64. No retail shop near place of religious worship or school. No r etail sa le shop shall b e within close vicinit y of pla ce of r eligious worship or school. 65 . Ca nt een t ena nt licenc e. Canteen licence for the sa le of foreign liquor under the milit ary ‘Ca nteen’ system shall be granted by the Superint endent of the District on payment of fees pr escribed by the Government. PART V MISCELLANEOUS 66. (1 ) Application for grant of exclusive privilege for manufacture and sale of country liquor. A person wis hing to manufa cture or supply by wholesale or retail any country liquor for a special event shall submit an application in Form No MLPCR-19 to the Commissioner in writing stating the following particulars:– (a ) The name or names, and the address or a ddresses of the person or persons applying, if a firm, the name of every partner of the firm; (b) The purpose for which the liquor is to be manufactured in detail; (c ) The place in which the liquor is t o be ma nufactured or s old; (d) The number and full description of the stills and other appara tus which the applicant wishes to work or set up, and the size and ca pacity of such still, etc.; ( e) The date fr om which, in the event of a licence being granted to him, the applicant proposes to commence work;- 15 -Ex-526/2014 (f) The quantity of country liqu or proposed to manufact ure. (g) Period for which p roposed to manufactur e and sale. (h) Recommendation of organiser of the event; (2 ) Consideration of application. On r eceipt of the applica tion, a nd after consulting the Superintendent of t he dist rict concerned the Commissioner may gr ant permit in Form No. MLPCR-2 0 for manufacture of such country liquor imposing conditions he deems necessary and prescribing such duties or fees which may be ta ken. If the Commissioner issued permission as above, he shall inform Superintendent concerned for vigilance and monitoring. (3 ) Security deposit and execution of bond. For the observance of the conditions of the per mit and of these Rules and for the payment of all sums which may become due to Government, by way of duty, fees, fines or otherwise under these Rules, the licencee shall execute a bond or deposit such sum as may be deemed necessary as security. 67 . Fixation of licence fee, etc. The Government may, by notification, fix excise duty and fees for licence, permit, pass fee, special fee for overseas liquor (bottled in origin) and special permit fee for purchase of IMFL from time to time. 68. Fixation of price. (1) The criteria for fixation of wholesale or MRP of liquor for each licensing year shall be decided by the Commissioner. Thereafter, the Commissioner may fix the price of liquor in wholesale or in retail. (2) The Commissioner, for reasons to be recorded in writing, may increase or decrease the existing wholesale or reta il prices. (3) Wher e the price of any liquor is fixed under sub-rule(1 ) or sub-rule (2), the licencee shall be bound to sell such liquor at such price. (4) In case of IMFL, the Commissioner shall fix the prices. However, MRP, as arrived at, by adding various components of price structure, shall be displayed on each bottle by the manufacturer along with “FOR SALE IN MIZORAM ONLY” “DRINKING OF LIQUOR IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH” and “NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS BELOW 21 YEARS”. The importer/ wholesaler shall inform the manufacturer the price (M RP) so fixed one month in adva nce before import. (5) While fixing the MRP of liquor, the same shall be rounded off to the next higher multiple of: (a ) Rupees ten in the case of one litr e and above; (b) Rupees five in the case of 180 ml and above; (c ) Rupees five in the case of beer of all sizes whether in bottle or can. (6) The amount so increased shall be added in the duty. 69 . Sensitising public a gainst consumption of liquor at P ublic P laces. The licencee shall exhibit prominently in the licenced premises notice dra wing the attention of the public to the provisions of section 42(3), (4) and (5) of the Act that consumption of liquor in a public place, making nuisance and driving any motor vehicle under the influence of liquor is strictly prohibited and punishable with imprisonment or fine or with both. 70. Use of Breathalyser Consumption and influence of liquor is proved if a person’s blood alcohol content level is 30mg or above per 10 0ml det ected in a test by a b reatha lyser.- 16 - Ex-526/2014 71. Endorsement to Motor Vehicle Licencing Authority. A person who is pr oved to be driving vehicle while under the influence of liquor/dr ink may be sent to motor vehicle licencing a uthority (Distr ict Tra nsport Officer) with all relevant documents for ta king action under Section 19(1)(f)(i)(ii) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 read with Rule 21(16) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. 72. Dry days. Apar t from dry days decla red by the Commissioner, Sundays and National Holidays shall be dry days. Dry da ys will include sale a nd consumption on premises. 73. Blacklist. (1) Any licencee, tenderer, bidder, manufacturer or supplier, whose products ar e sold in Mizoram, may be blacklisted by the Commissioner for viola tion of the pr ovisions of the Act and the R ules made thereunder or for any other r eason which may be considered detrimental to the interest of revenue or public health. No such order shall be passed without giving reasonable opportunity of hearing to the person concer ned. (2) Any person whose name is mentioned in the blacklist shall be debarred from applying for or holding any excise licence within Mizoram for such period, not exceeding five years, as may be specifica lly indicated in the or der. (3) The na me of t he bla cklisted persons shall be circu lated by the Government to the Excise authorities of the neighbouring Sta tes. 74 . Socia l Wor k: (1) A person convicted under section 43(2) of the Act and who is ordered to do social work (community service) shall perform social work which may include sweeping and cleaning public places, market areas, public toilets, hospital premises, court premises, public drains, rendering help in orphana ges, old age homes etc. under the supervision of Excise & Narcotics or P olice personnel detailed by the Officer-in-Charge of an Excise & Narcot ic Station or of a Police Station respectively. (2) Deta iled performance recor d shall be maintained by the said Officer and within one week of performance of work, compliance report shall be submitted by the said Officer to the court which passes the conviction or der. 75. Disposal of confiscated liquor etc.. (1) Confiscated IMFL and overseas liquor fit for human cons umption shall be sold by means of auct ion to r etail vendors a nd holders of permit for consumption only; (2) Confiscated country liquor and IMF L unfit for human cons umption shall be destroyed; (3) Confiscated articles other than liquor shall be sold by means of auct ion. 76. Special permit for purchase of IMFL. The Commissioner ma y grant special permit for pur chase a nd possession of IMFL for the quantit y of more than the norma l limit of possession prescribed, aft er fixing a reasonable period for validity of the special per mit, if he is satisfied that the purpose is reasonable on condition that no public nuisa nce, unruly behaviour etc. shall occur. Special permit fee as may be prescribed by the Government shall be levied. 77. Saving. These Rules shall not in any way affect anything done or a ny proceedings done before the enforcement of these Rules based on any other the Act, Rules or Orders then in force. P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department. - 17 -Ex-526/2014 STANDARDISED FORMS (Design of Standar dised forms ma y be modified/a rranged for ea se of use or to conform with the standard office procedure) FORM MLPCR-1 [ See Rule 5, 36] APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHING DISTILLERY / BREWERY / BOTTLING PLANT / BONDED WAREHOUSE OR OTHER PLACES OF STORAGE* ______________ | Attach 2 certified | | copies of recent | | passport size | | photographs | ______________ To, The Commissioner of Excise & Narcot ics, Mizor am : Aizawl. Sir, I/We desire to est ablish distillery/brewery/winery/bottling plant/ bonded warehouse / other places of stor age* and pray for issue of licence to me/us. Necessary pa rticula rs in s upport of my/our application are as follows :- 1.Name of applicant (in case of a firm names of all partners/ : ............................................... in case of company or society the name of Mana ging Director/Cha irma n) 2.Father’s Name: ............................................... 3.Age of the applicant: ............................................... 4.Nationality: ............................................... 5.Occupation: ............................................... 6.Address: ............................................... 7.Proposed location(Copy of LSC and plan): ............................................... 8.Quantity and kind of liquor proposed to produce. (if applicable) : ............................................... 9.Number, size & description of vessels & apparatus (if applicable) : ............................................... 10. Availability of expert if so, name & qualification (if applicable) : ............................................... DECLARATION I/We declare that the particulars mentioned in the application are correct. I/We hereby undertake to abide by the condit ions of the licence and provisions of the Mizoram Liquor (Pr ohibition and Control) Act 2014, Rules, Orders and Instructions thereunder. List of enclosure: 1. Certified Residential Certificate copy 2. Copy of Bank sta tement upto last six months 3. Tax clearance certificate 4. Copy of LSC and plan Signature of the Applicant. _______________________________________________________ * Strike out which is not applica ble.- 18 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-2 [ See Rule 5, 37(3)] LICENCE FOR ESTABLISHING OF DISTILLERY/ BREWERY/ BOTTLING PLANT/ BONDED WAREHOUSE / OTHER PLACES OF STORAGE _____________ | Paste passport | | size photogr aph | | of the licenced | | holder. | _____________ Licence is hereby granted to ...................(hereinafter referred to as “The Licencee”) on payment of a licence fee of rupees ........................ authorising him/her to establish distillery / brewery / bottling plant / bonded warehouse / other places of stor age* under and subject to the provisions of the Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition and C ontrol) Act, 2014, Rules, Orders and Instructions (hereinafter r eferred to as “the said Rules”), situated at ..................... during the period of one year from ........ day of .....20..... to 31st March..................... on the following conditions, namely:– CONDITIONS (1) The licencee shall not produce/store except at the place mentioned above and under the supervision of the Officer-in-Charge. (2) The licencee shall use only materials approved by the Commissioner. (3) The licencee shall not dilute or a dultera te the liquor, or stor e or permit to be stor ed any liquor which he knows to be diluted or adultera ted. (4) All recepta cles shall be so pla ced and fixed a s to fa cilitat e the contents ther eof being accura tely gauged and measured. Each recepta cle sha ll be gauged by the Officer-in-Charge and shall bear a distinctive serial number and have its capacity distinctly and indelibly mar ked on it. A ta ble showing the dimensions and capacities of the receptacles shall be ma intained by the licencee for reference. Measuring labels shall be affixed to show contents at one centimetre of depth of each recepta cle. (5) There shall be proper enclosure with strong iron gate which shall be manned by an Excise & Narcotics personnel during working hours who shall ensure that no unauthorized person gain entry into the bonded warehouse. However, security of s uch establishment shall be the responsibility of the licencee. (6) The licencee shall, besides providing suitable office accommodation with sanita ry arra ngements for the supervisory staff within the premises, also supply them with such furnit ure and other articles as the Commissioner or any ot her officer so authorised may consider necessary. (7) The licencee shall not permit or allow any smoking and use of bare light or fires within the premises. (8) The licencee shall not discontinue the ma nufactur e unless he ha s given to the Commissioner or any other officer so authorised three months notice of his intention to do so. (9) (a ) There shall be only one entrance to the bonded warehouse and one door to the compartments or rooms. (b) Every plant shall be under the joint lock and key of the Officer-in-Charge thereof and of the licencee or his authorized agent. The lock used by the Officer-in-Charge sha ll be a government lock and the key shall remain in his personal custody. At the end of each working day the Officer - in-Charge and the licencee shall close and lock every building, room or compartment therein. (10) The licencee shall keep affixed on the outside of each r oom or compartment a sign on which should be conspicuously painted in oil colour, the purpose for which the room or compartment is intended to be used and no room or compartment or receptacle intended for a specific purpose shall be used for a different purp ose. (11) (a ) The licencee shall maintain accounts showing a correct a ccount of - (i) the period allowed for fermentation; (ii) the names and quantities of other ingredients, if any, added before, dur ing or a fter- 19 -Ex-526/2014 fermentation/blending; (iii) the period allowed for ageing; (iv) quantity of liquor manufactured; (v) the quantit y of liquor issued fr om the plant with the dates of issue, names of the licencees to whom and the places to which the liquor has been consigned; (vi) the balance in stock after each transaction; and (vii) the quantit y of residue and base and the manner of their disposal. (b) The licencee shall maintain day-t o-day a ccounts showing therein the stock of liquor at the end of each day. (c ) The entries in the account books should not be erased or overwritten. Should it be necessar y to corr ect any entry it should be rounded in red ink in such manner as to leave it distinctly visible and the cor rect entry shou ld be inserted above it. Every such correction shou ld be initialled by the Officer-in-Charge. (12) The licencee shall issue authorisation signed by himself and countersigned by the Officer-in-Charge to all his agents or serva nts who are allowed to enter the plant. No p erson who does not hold an authorisation shall be allowed to enter the plant. It will be open to the Officer-in-C harge to cancel any authorisation countersigned by him. (13) Except with the writ ten permission of the Commissioner or any other officer so author ised, the licencee sha ll not sell, tr ansfer or sub-lease the right of manufacture conferr ed upon him by this licence, nor shall he, in connection with exercise of the said right, enter into any agreement or arra ngement which is in the nature of a sub-lease. If any question arises whether any agreement or arra ngement is in the nature of sub-lease, the decision of t he Commissioner or any other officer so authorised shall be final a nd binding on the licencee. (14) The licencee shall, on a r equisition from the Officer-in-Charge, allow him to take sa mples of the material used, at a ny stage and the liquor stored in the plant, free of cost, whenever required for the purpose of chemical analysis. The Licencee shall pay such fee as may be determined by the Government from time to time for each exa mination of sample made by the Chemical Analyst. (15) The licencee shall allow the Officer-in-Charge or any other Officer duly authorised by the Commissioner to take stock of liquor stored at the pla nt at least twice in a year. The licencee shall be required to explain the excess or deficiency in the stock if it exceeds or falls short by one per cent. If the explanation is not satisfactory, the licencee may be required to pay such excise duties as the Commissioner may dir ect. (16) The licencee shall mainta in such measur es and weights as may be determined by the Officer-in- Charge with the previous approval of the Commissioner. (17) The licencee shall provide fire extinguisher a nd other fire safety equipments within the premises of the bonded warehous e. The licencee should ensure that the staff working in t he bonded warehouse are trained and ca pable of effectively handling fire safety equipments. (18) The Licencee shall provide for emergency exits in the premises of the bonded warehouse. (19) No liquor shall be removed from bonded warehous e without payment of duties and fees under the Act, Rules a nd Orders and without product ion of t ranspor t permit from Competent Author ity. (20) Every licencee shall, when required by an Excise & Narcotics officer of and above the rank of Sub- Inspector, a ssist with sufficient number of servants in t aking account of his stock. (21) The licencee must install Closed Circuit Television in his establishment covering every working room including bars, ma in doors, main gate and store rooms. Such data stored by the CCTV ma y be reviewed by Competent Author ity. (22) The licence may be suspended or ca ncelled in accordance with the provisions of the Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition a nd Control) Rules, 2014. Granted this .................. day of ............................................., 201........ Round SealCommissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. - 20 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-3 [ See Rule 7] APPLICATION FOR IMPORT OF FOREIGN LIQUOR, ETC. Application for a Pass/Permit for import of India n Made Foreign Liquor, Overseas Liquor, Denatured Spir it or Extra Neutral Alcohol* under bond into Mizoram. Date ...................Signature of the licencee with seal DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE IMPORTED *********************************************************** FOR USE IN COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE Gross pass fee paya ble on total consignment and head of account to which paya ble. Returned to applicant to deposit Challan. Issue Pass/Permit in form ........................................................ Commissioner of Excise & Narcot ics. Mizoram, Aizawl. _______________________________________________________ * Strike out which is not applica ble.Name and A ddres s of applic ant.............................................. Name of dis tillery , brewery , et c ., from whic h liquor is to be imported in Miz oram............................................... Route by whic h liquor is to be import ed.............................................. Date before whic h the c ons ignment of liquor is to be des patc hed to Miz oram..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Q uantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)Gross amount payable to TreasuryHead of Accounts- 21 -Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-4 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE IMPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL INTO MIZORAM. ORIGINAL [To be retained by the Commissioner, Excise & Nar cot ics Depar tment. T he cop y of Cha lla n is to be enclosed on this as authority for issuing the permit.] Permit for the import of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Extra Neutral Alcohol, etc. into Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid fr om a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not transfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [From which import is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State from which import is to be made] for favour of information with a request to a ccord sanction for exp ort and to endorse a copy of this form to this office for record. Name and Addres s of t he l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of distillery, brewery, etc., from whic h l iquor i s t o be import ed i n Mi z oram............................................... Dat e before whic h t he cons i gnment of l iquor i s t o be des pat c hed t o Miz oram.............................................. Val idit y of t he permit..............................................Tot al (In cas e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in litre) Quantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor ( in d e t a ils )- 22 - Ex-526/2014 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made For eign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and recor d. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of r eceipt of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [From which import is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ___________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-4 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE IMPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL INTO MIZORAM. DUPLICATE [To be sent to the Commissioner of Excise of the place from which import is ma de.] Permit for the import of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Extra Neutral Alcohol, etc. into Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid fr om a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not transfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be import ed in Mi z oram............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor is t o be des pat ched t o Mi z oram.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Q uantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 23 -Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [From which import is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State from which import is to be made] for favour of information with a request to a ccord sanction for exp ort and to endorse a copy of this form to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of r eceipt of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [From which import is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-4 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE IMPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL INTO MIZORAM. TRIPLICATE [To be sent to the Excise Officer-in-Charge of the place from which import is to be ma de.] Permit for the import of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Extra Neutral Alcohol, etc. into Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid fr om a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not transfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................- 24 - Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [From which import is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State from which import is to be made] for favour of information with a request to a ccord sanction for exp ort and to endorse a copy of this form to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded wa rehous e] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of r eceipt of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [From which import is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble.Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be import ed in Mi z oram............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched t o Mi z oram.............................................. Val idit y of the permit..............................................Tot al (In cas e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in litre) Quantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor ( in d e t a ils )- 25 -Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-4 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE IMPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL INTO MIZORAM. QUADRUPLICATE [To be handed over to the person to whom permit is granted to accompany the consignment.] Permit for the import of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Extra Neutral Alcohol, etc. into Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid fr om a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not transfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [From which import is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State from which import is to be made] for favour of information with a request to a ccord sanction for exp ort and to endorse a copy of this form to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be import ed in Mi z oram............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor is t o be des pat ched t o Mi z oram.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Q uantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 26 - Ex-526/2014 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of r eceipt of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [From which import is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-4 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE IMPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL INTO MIZORAM. QUINTUPLICATE [To be sent to the Officer-in-Charge, Excise & Narcot ics, bonded wa rehouse, Mizor am.] Permit for the import of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Extra Neutral Alcohol, etc. into Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid fr om a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not transfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be import ed in Mi z oram............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched t o Mi z oram.............................................. Val idit y of the permit..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Q uantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 27 -Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [From which import is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State from which import is to be made] for favour of information with a request to a ccord sanction for exp ort and to endorse a copy of this form to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of r eceipt of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [From which import is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-4 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE IMPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL INTO MIZORAM. SEXTUPLICATE [To be sent to the Superintendent of Excise of the district from which import is to be ma de.] Permit for the import of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Extra Neutral Alcohol, etc. into Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid fr om a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not transfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................- 28 - Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [From which import is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State from which import is to be made] for favour of information with a request to a ccord sanction for exp ort and to endorse a copy of this form to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded wa rehous e] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of r eceipt of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [From which import is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble.Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be import ed in Mi z oram............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched t o Mi z oram.............................................. Val idit y of the permit..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Q uantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 29 -Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-4 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE IMPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL INTO MIZORAM. SEPTUPLICATE [To be handed over to the Manager, (Bonded) Warehouse/Distillery/Brewery/Winery* from which import is to be made.] Permit for the import of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Extra Neutral Alcohol, etc. into Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid fr om a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not transfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [From which import is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State from which import is to be made] for favour of information with a request to a ccord sanction for exp ort and to endorse a copy of this form to this office for record. Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be import ed in Mi z oram............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor is t o be des pat ched t o Mi z oram.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Q uantity to be imported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 30 - Ex-526/2014 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of r eceipt of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [From which import is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-5 [ See Rule 8] APPLICATION FOR EXPORT OF FOREIGN LIQUOR, ETC. Application for a P ass/Permit for export of India n Made Foreign Liquor, Overseas Liquor, Denatured Spir it or Extra Neutral Alcohol under bond fr om Mizoram. Date ...................Signature of the licencee with seal DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE EXPORTED Gross pass fee paya ble on total consignment and head of account to which paya ble.Name and Addres s of applic ant.............................................. Name of dis tillery, brewery, et c. , from whic h liquor is to be exported............................................... Rout e by whic h liquor is t o be exported.............................................. Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of liquor is t o be des pat ched from Miz oram..............................................In c ase 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml Beer Ot her (in lit re)Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor in d e ta ils- 31 -Ex-526/2014 FOR USE IN COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE Returned to applicant to deposit Challan. Issue Pass/Permit in form ........................................................ Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. FORM MLPCR-6 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE EXPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL FROM MIZORAM. ORIGINAL [To be reta ined by the Commissioner. The copy of Challan is to be enclosed on this as authority for issuing the permit.] Permit for the exp ort of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, E xtra Neutral Alcohol, etc. from Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid from a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not tr ansfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ Gross amount payable to TreasuryHead of AccountsName and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be export ed............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Tot al (In cas e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in litre) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor ( in d e t a ils )- 32 - Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [To which export is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State to which export is to be made] for fa vour of information with a request to accord import sanction and to endorse a copy of the same to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded wa rehous e] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of issue of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [To which export is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-6 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE EXPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL FROM MIZORAM. DUPLICATE [ To be sent to the Commissioner of the place of export for record.] Permit for the exp ort of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, E xtra Neutral Alcohol, etc. from Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid from a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not tr ansfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................- 33 -Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [To which export is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State to which export is to be made] for fa vour of information with a request to accord import sanction and to endorse a copy of the same to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of issue of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [To which export is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble.Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be export ed............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched.............................................. Val idit y of the permit..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 34 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-6 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE EXPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL FROM MIZORAM. TRIPLICATE [To be sent to the Officer-in-Cha rge of t he place to which export is to be ma de.] Permit for the exp ort of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, E xtra Neutral Alcohol, etc. from Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid from a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not tr ansfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [To which export is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State to which export is to be made] for fa vour of information with a request to accord import sanction and to endorse a copy of the same to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be export ed............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 35 -Ex-526/2014 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of issue of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [To which export is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ___________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-6 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE EXPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL FROM MIZORAM. QUADRUPLICATE [To be handed over to the person to whom permit is granted to accompany the consignment.] Permit for the exp ort of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, E xtra Neutral Alcohol, etc. from Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid from a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not tr ansfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be export ed............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 36 - Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [To which export is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State to which export is to be made] for fa vour of information with a request to accord import sanction and to endorse a copy of the same to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded wa rehous e] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made For eign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification a nd recor d. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of issue of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [To which export is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-6 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE EXPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL FROM MIZORAM. QUINTUPLICATE [To be sent to the Officer-in-Cha rge, bonded warehouse, Mizor am.] Permit for the exp ort of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, E xtra Neutral Alcohol, etc. from Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid from a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not tr ansfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be export ed............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................- 37 -Ex-526/2014 The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [To which export is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State to which export is to be made] for fa vour of information with a request to accord import sanction and to endorse a copy of the same to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded war ehouse] for infor mation and necessar y action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of issue of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [To which export is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-6 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE EXPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL FROM MIZORAM. SEXTUPLICATE [To be sent to the Superint endent of Excise of the district to which export is to be ma de.] Permit for the exp ort of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, E xtra Neutral Alcohol, etc. from Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid from a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not tr ansfera ble.Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 38 - Ex-526/2014 Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [To which export is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State to which export is to be made] for fa vour of information with a request to accord import sanction and to endorse a copy of the same to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-cha rge M/s ………………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/ bonded wa rehous e] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of issue of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [To which export is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble.Name and Addres s of t he l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of distillery, brewery, etc., from whic h l iquor i s t o be ex port ed............................................... Dat e before whic h t he cons i gnment of l iquor is t o be despat c hed.............................................. Val idit y of t he permit..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 39 -Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-6 [ See Rule 11] PERMIT FOR THE EXPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR INCLUDING DENATURED SPIRIT OR EXTRA NEUTRAL ALCOHOL FROM MIZORAM. SEPTUPLICATE [To be handed over to the Manager, (Bonded) Warehouse/Distillery/Brewery/Winery* from which import is to be made.] Permit for the exp ort of Indian Made Foreign Liquor, E xtra Neutral Alcohol, etc. from Mizoram under bond in which full duty/pass fee has been paid from a distillery/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse*. This permit is not tr ansfera ble. Serial No. of permit/pass:........................................................ Date of issue:........................................................ The full ............................... amounting to Rs. ...................... having been paid at the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury at .................... by Challan No .................dt .............................. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s ………………………………… [To which export is to be made.] 2.The Commissioner of Excise, Government of …………………[State to which export is to be made] for fa vour of information with a request to accord import sanction and to endorse a copy of the same to this office for record. 3.The Excise, Officer In-charge M/s ……………[Name of distiller/brewery/bottling plant/bonded warehouse] for information and necessa ry action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pass of Indian Made For eign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. Name and Addres s of the l ic ens ee.............................................. Name of di s t il lery , brewery, et c. , from whic h l iquor i s t o be export ed............................................... Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of l iquor i s t o be des pat ched.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 40 - Ex-526/2014 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge ………………………… [Bonded warehouse, Mizoram] for infor mation and necessary action. He is directed to report to this office the date of issue of the consignment immediately. 5.The Superintendent of Excise, ............................District, ....................... [To which export is to be made] for information. 6.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. 7.Guard File. Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. ____________________________________ * Strike out entries not applica ble. FORM MLPCR-7 [ See Rule 9, 58 & 59] APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR, ETC. Application for a Pass/Permit for transport of Indian Made Foreign Liquor a nd Overseas Liquor inside Mizoram. Date ...................Signa ture of the applicant DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE TRANSPORTED ***************************************************** FOR USE IN SUPERINTENDENT OF EXCISE & NARCOTICS’ OFFICE Gross pass fee paya ble on total consignment and head of account to which paya ble. Name and Addres s of applic ant.............................................. Name of warehous e from whic h liquor is t o be t rans ported.............................................. Rout e by whic h liquor is t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Dat e before whic h the cons ignment of liquor is t o be despat c hed...............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)Gross amount payable to TreasuryHead of Accounts- 41 -Ex-526/2014 Returned to applicant to deposit Challan. Issue Pass/Permit in form ........................................................ Superintendent of Excise & Narcot ics, ......... District, ..................... FORM MLPCR-8 [ See Rule 11] PASS/ PERMIT FOR THE TRANSPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR FROM BONDED WAREHOUSE INSIDE MIZORAM. ORIGINAL (To be retained in the office of the issuing author ity) Serial number of pass/permit ........................................... Date of issue.................................................................. DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE TRANSPORTED Permit is hereby granted for the transport of the above mentioned liquor to.......................................... ............................... at............................. in the District of ......................... . The full duty/pass fee amounting to Rs ............................. having been paid at ........................... Treasury vide challan No.................................. dt ......................... The.......................... 20......Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Name and Addres s of appl ic ant.............................................. Name of warehous e from whic h l iquor i s t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Rout e by whic h l iquor is t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 42 - Ex-526/2014 Copy to: 1.M/s .................................................[From which liquor is to be procured] 2.The Commissioner of Excis e & Nar cotics, Mizora m for information. 3.The Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, .................., district, .........................., Mizoram [District from which liquor is to be procured] for favour of informa tion and necessary act ion. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge M/s ………………[Name of bonded warehouse] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pa ss of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 5.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. He is directed to inform this office the arrival of the consignment immediately for early verification. 6.Guard File. Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. FORM MLPCR-8 [ See Rule 11] PASS/ PERMIT FOR THE TRANSPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR FROM BONDED WAREHOUSE INSIDE MIZORAM. DUPLICATE [ To be sent to the Superintendent of the pla ce of export for record.] Serial number of pass/permit ....................................... Date of issue.................................................................. DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE TRANSPORTED Permit is hereby granted for the transport of the above mentioned liquor to.......................................... ............................... at............................. in the District of ......................... . The full duty/pass feeName and Addres s of appli c ant.............................................. Name of warehous e from whic h li quor i s t o be t ransport ed.............................................. Rout e by whic h l iquor i s t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Val idit y of t he permit..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 43 -Ex-526/2014 amounting to Rs ............................. having been paid at ........................... Treasury vide challan No.................................. dt ......................... The.......................... 20......Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s .................................................[From which liquor is to be procured] 2.The Commissioner of Excis e & Nar cotics, Mizora m for information. 3.The Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, .................., district, .........................., Mizoram [District from which liquor is to be procured] for favour of informa tion and necessary act ion. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge M/s ………………[Name of bonded warehouse] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pa ss of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 5.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. He is dir ected to infor m this office t he a rr iva l of the consignment immediately for early verification. 6.Guard File. Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. FORM MLPCR-8 [ See Rule 11] PASS/ PERMIT FOR THE TRANSPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR FROM BONDED WAREHOUSE INSIDE MIZORAM. TRIPLICATE [To be sent to the Officer-in-Cha rge of the bonded war ehouse from which export is to be ma de.] Serial number of pass/permit ....................................... Date of issue.................................................................. Name and Addres s of appli c ant.............................................. Name of warehous e from whic h li quor i s t o be t ransport ed.............................................. Rout e by whic h l iquor i s t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Val idit y of t he permit..............................................- 44 - Ex-526/2014 DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE TRANSPORTED Permit is hereby granted for the transport of the above mentioned liquor to.......................................... ............................... at............................. in the District of ......................... . The full duty/pass fee amounting to Rs ............................. having been paid at ........................... Treasury vide challan No.................................. dt ......................... The.......................... 20......Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s .................................................[From which liquor is to be procured] 2.The Commissioner of Excis e & Nar cotics, Mizora m for information. 3.The Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, .................., district, .........................., Mizoram [District from which liquor is to be procured] for favour of informa tion and necessary act ion. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge M/s ………………[Name of bonded warehouse] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pa ss of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 5.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. He is directed to inform this office the arrival of the consignment immediately for early verification. 6.Guard File. Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. FORM MLPCR-8 [ See Rule 11] PASS/ PERMIT FOR THE TRANSPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR FROM BONDED WAREHOUSE INSIDE MIZORAM. QUADRUPLICATE [To be handed over to the person to whom permit is granted to accompany the consignment.] Serial number of pass/permit ....................................... Date of issue..................................................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 45 -Ex-526/2014 DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE TRANSPORTED Permit is hereby granted for the transport of the above mentioned liquor to......................................... ............................... at............................. in the District of ......................... . The full duty/pass fee amounting to Rs ............................. having been paid at ........................... Treasury vide challan No.................................. dt ......................... The.......................... 20......Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s .................................................[From which liquor is to be procured] 2.The Commissioner of Excis e & Nar cotics, Mizora m for information. 3.The Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, .................., district, .........................., Mizoram [District from which liquor is to be procured] for favour of informa tion and necessary act ion. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge M/s ………………[Name of bonded warehouse] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pa ss of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 5.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. He is dir ected to infor m this office t he a rr iva l of the consignment immediately for early verification. 6.Guard File. Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Name and Addres s of appl ic ant.............................................. Name of warehous e from whic h l iquor i s t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Rout e by whic h l iquor is t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 46 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-8 [ See Rule 11] PASS/ PERMIT FOR THE TRANSPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR FROM BONDED WAREHOUSE INSIDE MIZORAM. QUINTUPLICATE [To be sent to the Commissioner of Excise & Na rcotics, Mizor am.] Serial number of pass/permit ....................................... Date of issue.................................................................. DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE TRANSPORTED Permit is hereby granted for the transport of the above mentioned liquor to......................................... ............................... at............................. in the District of ......................... . The full duty/pass fee amounting to Rs ............................. having been paid at ........................... Treasury vide challan No.................................. dt ......................... The.......................... 20......Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1. M/s .................................................[From which liquor is to be procured] 2. The Commissioner of Excis e & Nar cotics, Mizora m for information. 3. The Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, .................., district, .........................., Mizoram [District from which liquor is to be procured] for favour of informa tion and necessary act ion. 4. The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge M/s ………………[Name of bonded warehouse] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pa ss of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 5. M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. He is directed to inform this office the arrival of the consignment immediately for early verification. 6. Guard File. Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Name and Addres s of appl ic ant.............................................. Name of warehous e from whic h l iquor i s t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Rout e by whic h l iquor is t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Val idit y of t he permi t..............................................Tot al (In cas e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in litre) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor ( in d e t a ils )- 47 -Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-8 [ See Rule 11] PASS/ PERMIT FOR THE TRANSPORT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR FROM BONDED WAREHOUSE INSIDE MIZORAM. SEXTUPLICATE [To be handed over to the Manager, Bonded Warehouse from which liquor is to be procur ed.] Serial number of pass/permit ....................................... Date of issue.................................................................. DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY OF LIQUOR TO BE TRANSPORTED Permit is hereby granted for the transport of the above mentioned liquor to.......................................... ............................... at............................. in the District of ......................... . The full duty/pass fee amounting to Rs ............................. having been paid at ........................... Treasury vide challan No.................................. dt ......................... The.......................... 20......Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Memo No. ..................................................Dated................................................... Copy to: 1.M/s .................................................[From which liquor is to be procured] 2.The Commissioner of Excis e & Nar cotics, Mizora m for information. 3.The Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, .................., district, .........................., Mizoram [District from which liquor is to be procured] for favour of informa tion and necessary act ion. 4.The Excise & Narcotics Officer In-charge M/s ………………[Name of bonded warehouse] for information and necessary action. He is to endorse a copy of the permit/pa ss of Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer issued from this office for verification and record. 5.M/s …………………………………………[Applicant] for information and necessary action. He is dir ected to infor m this office t he a rr iva l of the consignment immediately for early verification. 6.Guard File. Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics ................... District, ........., Mizoram. Name and Addres s of appli c ant.............................................. Name of warehous e from whic h li quor i s t o be t ransport ed.............................................. Rout e by whic h l iquor i s t o be t rans port ed.............................................. Val idit y of t he permit..............................................Total (In c as e) 1000ml 750ml375ml 180ml 650ml ____ml Other (in lit re) Quantity to be exported In bottle Description of liquor (in d e ta ils)- 48 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-9 [ See Rule 55] MONTHLY STATEMENT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR IMPORTED / EXPORTED ORIGINAL To The Commissioner of Excise & Narcotic, Mizoram, Aizawl. Through:The Superintendent of Excise & Narcot ics, ________ District, _________ Yours faithfully, Officer-in-Charge, (distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of stor age) Bulk litreProof litreRate of duty leviedAmount collectedAmount payable to the State of Import/export Remarks Quantity No. & date of import/ export passName of the place of import / exportDescription of IMFL/ Overseas Liquor- 49 -Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-9 [ See Rule 55] MONTHLY STATEMENT OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR IMPORTED / EXPORTED DUPLICATE [To be reta ined by the Superintendent of Excise & Na rcotics concerned] To The Commissioner of Excise & Narcotic, Mizoram, Aizawl. Through:The Superintendent of Excise & Narcot ics, ________ District, _________ Yours faithfully, Officer-in-Charge, (distillery, brewery, bottling plant, bonded warehouse or other places of stor age) Bulk litreProof litreRate of duty leviedAmount collectedAmount payable to the State of Import/export Remarks Quantity No. & date of import/ export passName of the place of import / exportDescription of IMFL/ Overseas Liquor- 50 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-10 [ See Rule 55] MONTHLY STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF STOCK OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR, OR BEER ETC. FOR THE MONTH OF ________________________ FORM MLPCR-11 [ See Rule 55] MONTHLY STATEMENT SHOWING RECEIPT / ISSUE OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR, OR BEER ETC. FOR THE MONTH OF ________________________ RECEIPT750ml 375ml 180ml 1000ml 750ml 375ml 180ml 1000ml 750ml 375ml 180ml 1000ml 750ml 375ml 180ml 1000ml 750ml ___ml 650ml 500ml 330ml 325ml 275ml 1.OpeningBalance 2.Receipt(+) 3.Transit loss(-) 4.Total((1+2)-(3)) 5.Issue6.Breakage7.ClosingBalance ((4-(5+6))India-made Foreign Liquor General Brand Deluxe BrandPremium BrandSuper Premium BrandSl. No.Particulars of AccountBeer OverseasLiquor 1000ml 750ml 375ml 180ml 650ml 500ml 330ml 325ml 275ml 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.Sl. No.Brand Name Date of ReceiptParticulars of Receipt Name of DistilleryPermit No. & DatePass No & Date Quantity received- 51 -Ex-526/2014 ISSUE FORM MLPCR-12 [ See Rule 57] APPLICATION FOR RETAIL VENDING OF LIQUOR ______________ | Attach 2 certified | | copies of recent | | passport size | | photographs | ______________ To, The Commissioner of Excise & Narcot ics, Mizor am : Aizawl. Sir, I ha ve the honour to pray for issue of permit for retail vending of liquor. Necessary particulars in support of my application are as follows :- 1.Name and address of applicant: .................................. 2.Sex: .................................. 3.Age: .................................. 4.Father’s Name: .................................. 5.Nationality: .................................. 6.Proposed loca tion for shop: .................................. 7.List of Enclosure:1) F inancial Soundness statement 2) Up-to-date tax clearance certificate 3) Certified copy of voter ’s ID card 4) Certified copy of Residential Certificate DECLARATION I/We declare that the particulars mentioned in the application are correct. I/We hereby undertake to abide by the condit ions of the licence and provisions of the Mizoram Liquor (Pr ohibition and Control) Act 2014, Rules, Orders and Instructions therein. Signature of the Applicant.1000ml 750ml 375ml 180ml 650ml 500ml 330ml 325ml 275ml 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.Sl. No.Date of issuedBrand NameParticulars of issued To whom issuedPermit No. & DatePass No & Date Quantity issued- 52 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-13 [ See Rule 58] PERMIT FOR RETAIL VENDING OF LIQUOR _____________ | Paste passport | | size photogr aph | | of the licenced | | holder. | _____________ Permission is hereby granted to .................................... on payment of fee of............. (Rupees ........................) to sale by retail, liquor from his/her shop located at .................................. under and subject to the provisions of Mizor am Liquor (Prohibition and Control) Act, 2014 and the Rules, orders and instructions made thereunder. Breach of conditions sha ll enta il suspension, cancellation of licence or fine. The Holder of this permit shall sa le/sell liquor only for consumption ‘OFF’ the premises. Dated ........................... Round Seal Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. FORM MLPCR-14 [ See Rule 59] APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENCE IN A CLUB, GOVERNMENT LODGINGS OR HOTEL ______________ | Attach 2 certified | | copies of recent | | passport size | | photographs | ______________ To, The Commissioner of Excise & Narcot ics, Mizor am : Aizawl. Sir, I ha ve the honour to pray for issue of permit for retail sale of liquor for consumption in my/our hotel/Club. Necessary particulars in support of my application are as follows :- 1.Name and address of applica nt : 2.Sex: 3.Age: 4.Father’s Name: 5.Nationality: 6.Location and Name of hotel :- 53 -Ex-526/2014 7.List of Enclosure: 1) Ground p lan indicating room or rooms to be used 2) Up-to-date tax clearance certificate 3) Certified copy of voter ’s ID card 4) Certified copy of Residential Certificate DECLARATION I/We declare that the particulars mentioned in the application are correct. I/We hereby undertake to abide by the condit ions of the licence and provisions of the Mizoram Liquor (Pr ohibition and Control) Act 2014, Rules, Orders and Instructions therein. Signature of the Applicant. FORM MLPCR-15 [ See Rule 59] PERMIT FOR LIQUOR LICENCE IN A CLUB, GOVERNMENT LODGINGS OR HOTEL _____________ | Paste passport | | size photogr aph | | of the licenced | | holder. | _____________ Permission is hereby granted to .................................... on payment of fee of............. (Rupees ........................) to sale liquor by retail for consumption on premises at his hotel ..................................................[name of hotel] located at .................................. under and subject to the provisions of Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition and Control) Act, 2014 and the Rules, orders a nd instructions made thereunder. Br each of condit ions shall enta il suspension, cancellation of licence or fine. Dated ........................... Round Seal Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. - 54 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-16 [ See Rule 60] APPLICATION FOR PURCHASE, POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF LIQUOR ______________ | Attach 2 certified | | copies of recent | | passport size | | photographs | ______________ To, The Superintendent of Excise & Narcot ics, _______________ District, ___________. Sir, I ha ve the honour to pray for issue of permit for purcha se, possession and consumption of liquor. Necessary p articula rs in support of my application are a s follows :- 1.Name of applicant:.................................... 2.Age:.................................... 3.Sex:.................................... 4.Father’s Name:.................................... 5.Addr ess of t he applicant:.................................... 6.Contact No.:.................................... DECLARATION I declare that the particulars mentioned in the application are correct. I hereby undertake to abide by the conditions and provisions of the Mizoram Liqu or (Prohibition and Control) Act 2014, Rules, Orders and Instructions therein. Note: Proof of age shall be voter ID card, if necessary. Signa ture of the Applicant FORM MLPCR-17 [ See Rule 60] PERMIT FOR PURCHASE, POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF LIQUOR _____________ | Paste passport | | size photogr aph | | of the licenced | | holder. | _____________ Card No.: .......... 1.Name:.................................... 2.Age:.................................... 3.Sex:....................................- 55 -Ex-526/2014 4.Father’s Name:.................................... 5.Address:.................................... 6.Contact No.:.................................... 7.Signature of the Card Holder .................................. The holder of this permit is authorized to purchase and possess 6 (six) bottles (750ml. or its equivalent) of Indian Ma de Foreign Liquor and 10(ten) bottles (650ml. or its equiva lent) each of Beer and Wine in one month for his/her personal bona fide cons umption under MLPC Act, 2014, Rules and conditions thereunder. Validity of the permit: .................................... Date of issue:......................Name & Signa t ure of p ermit Issuing Authority, Official Seal PARTICULARS OF FOREIGN LIQUOR PURCHASE FORM MLPCR-18 [ See Rule 66] TEMPORARY LATE CLOSING PERMIT Permit No. : .......... 1.Name:.................................... 2.Address:.................................... 3.Name and location of :.................................... Shop/Hotel etc. 4.Contact No.:.................................... The holder of this permit is authorized for late closing of his/her establishment mentioned above for the night of .............................................................. Date of issue:......................Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics Official Seal Sl.No. Description of IMFL & quantityBeer/W ine & quantityDate of purchaseSignature of Salesmanwith Seal(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)- 56 - Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-19 [ See Rule 68(1) ] APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE PR IVILEGE FOR MANUFAC TURE AND SALE OF COUNTRY LIQUOR ______________ | Attach 2 certified | | copies of recent | | passport size | | photographs | ______________ To, The Commissioner of Excise & Narcot ics, Mizor am : Aizawl. Sir, I have the honour to pray for issue of exclusive privilege permit for manufacture, supply and reta il vending of country liquor. Necess ary par ticulars in support of my application are as follows :- 1.Name and address of applicant : .................................. 2.Sex: .................................. 3.Age: .................................. 4.Father’s Name: .................................. 5.Nationality: .................................. 6.Proposed loca tion: .................................. 7.Event for which a pplied for: ................................... 8.Period for which proposed to manufacture and sale: ...................................... 9.Quantity proposed to manufacture: .................................................. 10. List of Enclosure :1) R ecommendation of the organiser of event 2) Certified copy of voter ’s ID card 3) Certified copy of Residential Certificate DECLARATION I/We declare that the particulars mentioned in the application are correct. I/We hereby undertake to abide by the condit ions of the licence and provisions of the Mizoram Liquor (Pr ohibition and Control) Act 2014, Rules, Orders and Instructions therein. Signature of the Applicant. - 57 -Ex-526/2014 FORM MLPCR-20 [ See Rule 68(2) ] LICENCE FOR EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE FOR MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF COUNTRY LIQUOR _____________ | Paste passport | | size photogr aph | | of the licenced | | holder. | _____________ Permission is hereby granted to .................................... on payment of fee of............. (Rupees ........................) to manufacture, supply and sale of .................... litres of country liquor at .............................................................[name and place of event] under and subject to the provisions of Mizoram Liquor (Prohibition and Control) Act, 2014 and the Rules, orders and instructions made thereunder. Breach of conditions sha ll enta il suspension, cancellation of licence or fine. The Holder of this permit shall sa le/sell liquor only for consumption ON the pr emises only. The validity of the permit shall be .................................................. Dated ........................... Round Seal Commissioner of Ex cise & Narcot ics, Mizoram, Aizawl. PRESCRIBED REGISTER-I [ See Rule 11 ] REGISTER OF PERMIT ISSUED Sl. No.Name of Licencee/ Importer w ith Licence No.Challan N o.Amountof pass fee p aidPe r mit No &Date ofissueQ u a n tity (Brand- w ise description)Valid ity of the Pe r mitF r om whom importDate of arrival of consignment .By whom verified w i th Report. 12345678910- 58 - Ex-526/2014 PRESCRIBED REGISTER-II [ See Rule 19] TRANSACT ION REGIST ER RECEIPT / ISSUE OF INDIAN MADE FOREIGN LIQUOR AND OVERSEAS LIQUOR, OR BEER ETC. RECEIPT ISSUE1000ml 750ml 375ml 180ml 650ml 500ml 330ml 325ml 275ml 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.Sl. No.Brand Name Date of ReceiptParticulars of Receipt Name of DistilleryPermit No. & DatePass No & Date Quantity received 1000ml 750ml 375ml 180ml 650ml 500ml 330ml 325ml 275ml 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.Sl. No.Date of issuedBrand NameParticulars of issued To whom issuedPermit No. & DatePass No & Date Quantity issued- 59 -Ex-526/2014 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/200Receipt Total Gen eral Brand 750 ml 375 ml 180 ml Deluxe Brand 750 ml 375 ml 180 ml Premium Brand 1000 ml 750 ml 375 ml 180 ml Super Premium Brand 1000 ml 750 ml 375 ml 180 ml B.I .O. 1000 ml 750 ml 700 ml W in es 750 ml 375 ml 180 ml Beer 1000 ml 650 ml 500 ml 330 ml 275 ml 5 6 7 1 2 3 4Closing Balan ceRemarksI ssu esS l. No.Particular of Liquor Opening Balan ce( IN BOTTLE)PRESCRIBED REGISTER-III [ See Rule 53] PROFORMA FOR MAINTAINING DAILY ACCOUNT IN THE EXCISE & NARCOTICS REGIST ER BY THE BONDED WAREHOUSE(WHOLESALER)/ RETAIL SHOP NAME OF THE LICENCEE: ____________DATE: ____________ P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Depart ment. - 60 - Ex-526/2014

Town Vending Committee for Kolasib Town

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 524Date - 13/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.11.2014 Kartika 22, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 524Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 13016/21/2012-UD&PA, the 29th October, 2014.As provided in section 4 of the Mizoram Str eet Vendor (Protection of Livelihood and R egula tion of St reet Vending) Act, 2011, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Town Vending Committee for Kolasib Town with the following composition :- 1.Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib District- Chairman 2.District Urban Development Officer, Kolasib Dist.- Member Secretary 3.Superintendent of Police, Kolasib Distr ict.- Member 4.President, Merchants Associa tion- Member 5.Chairma n, Joint Village Council, Kolasib- Member 6.Secr etary, Joint Village Council, Kolasib- Member 7.Chief Manager, SBI- Member 8.Branch Manager, Mizoram Rural Bank- Member (Hma r Veng, Kolasib Bra nch) 9.Branch Mana ger, Mizoram Rural Bank (Kola sib Bra nch)- Member 10.Branch Manager, Apex Bank- Member 11.Five members from Street Vendors Associa tion- Member (Out of which One Third should be women) R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.

Affidavit for change in name/dee poll of Lalbiakchama Chawngthu

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 525Date - 13/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 13.11.2014 Kartika 22, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 525Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 AFFIDAVIT FOR CHANG IN NAME/DEED POLL By this deed I, the undersigned Lalbiakchama Chawngthu (new name), H/o Margaret Lalhruaitluangi Pachuau, previously called Lalbiakchama (old name), doing : Government servant, and resident of Zarkawt, Aizawl, Mizoram solemnly declar e :- 1.That for a nd on behalf of my myself and my wife/husband, children and remitter issue wholly renounce/relinquish and a bandon the us e of my former name/surname ofLalbiakcha maand in place thereof I do hereby assume from the date the name/surnameLALBIAKCHAMA CHAWNGTHUand so that my wife/husband, children and remitter issue may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name/surname ofLalbiakcha mabut assumed name/surname ofLALBIAKCHAMA CHAWNGTHU. 2.That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination declare tha t I sha ll at a ll times hereafter in a ll records, deeds and writing and in all proceedings, dealings and transa ctions, private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign t he na me ofLALBIAKC HAMA CHAWNGTHUas my name/surname in pla ce of a nd in substitution for my former na me/surname. 3.That I expressly authorize and request all persons in general and relatives and friends in particular, at a ll times hereafter to designa te and address me. my wife, my childr en, remitter issue by such assumed na me/surna me ofLALBIAKCHAMA CHAWNGTHU. 4.In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my former and adopted name/surname of LalbiakchamaandLALBIAKCHAMA CHAWNGTHUaffix my signature and seal, if any, this the 6th day of October 2014. Date 06.10.2014Signed and delivered by the above named In t he presence of :Former Name : Lalbiakchama Sd/-Sd/- 1. Lalrinpuii Ralte 2. Lalrochuanga Pachuau Identified by me:Signed before me :- Sd/-Sd/- HaulianthangaR. Thangkanglova, AdvocateAdvocate & Notary Public Aizawl; MizoramAizawl : MizoramNotarial Registration No. 20/10 Date 06/10/14

Medical Test Board

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 527Date - 18/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 18.11.2014 Kartika 27, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 527Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATION NO.A.45011/1(1)/2012-P&AR(GSW), the 26th September, 2014.In pursuance of para 2 MEDICAL TEST BOARD of Schedule-II read with Regulation 3(viii) of the Mizora m Civil Services (Combined Competitive Examination) Regulations, 2011 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Medical Test Board for conducting Medical Test for successful candidates of t he Main Examina tion of the Mizoram Public Service Commission under the sa id Regulations with immediate effect and until further or der. The Medical Test Board will comprise of the following members :- 1.Head of Department (Medicine), Civil Hospital, Aizawl. 2.Head of Department (Eye), Civil Hospital, Aizawl. 3.Head of Department (ENT), Civil Hospital, Aizawl. This issues in consultation with the Mizoram Health & F amily Welfare Department vide their I.D.No.A.45011/2/2013-HFW dt 4.9.2014. Lalrohlua, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of P ersonnel & Adve. Refor ms.

Affidavit of Mr. K.Vanlalfaka S/o Khuaiaia (L) Ramhlun North, Aizawl, Mizoram,

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 528Date - 18/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 18.11.2014 Kartika 27, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 528Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50AFFIDAVIT I, Mr. K.Vanlalfaka S/o Khuaiaia (L), Christian by faith, resident of Ramhlun North, Aizawl, Mizoram, India do hereby solemnly affirmed and declar ed as follows:- 1.Tha t I am a bona fide citizen of India by bir th. 2.Tha t by profession I am LDC in Nationa l Highway Circle-I,PWD, Mizor am. 3.That my name as christened by my parents is K.Vanlalfaka and the same is recorded in my EPIC, Family Ration Card etc whereas I have recorded my name as Vanlalfaka in my Service Book, Educational Certifica tes a nd Bank Account etc. 4.That I want to record my name as K.Vanlalfaka in my said Service Book and Bank Account and to apply a correction thereof to the concern authority. 5.Tha t I ha ve veryfied that t he contents of the statements made in para graphs 1 to 4 in t his Affidavit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. IN WIT NES S WHEREOF I hereunto put my signature on this the 11th day of November, 2014. Sd/- K. Vanlalfa ka Deponent Identified by me:Swor n befor e me :- Sd/-Sd/- Lalthantlinga Ralte,R. Thangkanglova, AdvocateAdvocate & Notary Public Chawnpui, AizawlAizawl : MizoramNotarial Registration No. 3/11 Date 11/11/14

The Mizoram Labour, Employment & Industrial Training Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 529Date - 18/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Tuesday 18.11.2014 Kartika 27, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 529Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100NOTIFICATION No.A.12018/2/2003 - P&AR (GSW), the 11th November, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Mizoram Labour, Employment & Industrial Training Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2002 as amended fr om time to time (hereinafter referred to as the Principal r ules) relating to recruitment to the posts of Deputy Director/Dis trict Employment Officer notified under No.A. 12018/ l/93-P&AR(GSW) dated the 26th February, 2002 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol-XXXI Extraordina ry Issue No.90 dated the 1st March, 2002, namely:- 1.Shor t title and(1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Labour, Employment & Commencement -Industrial Training Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Amendment of theIn the F irst Schedule of the Principal R ules under column 12 the Fir s t Schedule-following shall be substituted, namely:- “(i) Column-12 - Promotion from Principal, ITI/Labour Officer/ Inspector of Factor ies with not less than 5 years regula r service in the grade and Employment Officer with not less than 7 years regular service in the gr ade. Provided tha t the incumbent holding the post of Employment Officers on regular basis prior to the publication of the Mizoram Labour, Employment & Industrial Training Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013 shall continue to be eligible for promotion to Deputy Director/District Employment Officer on completion of 5 years regular service in the gr ade” By order s etc. B. Zahmuaka, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

High Level State Pandemic Committee and District Pandemic Committee

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 530Date - 21/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 21.11.2014 Kartika 30, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 530 NOTIFICATION No.J.11011/32/2009-HFW, the 10th November, 2014.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute High Level State Pandemic Committee and District Pandemic Committee consisting of t he following members with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. HIGH LEVEL STATE PANDEMIC COMMITTEE1.Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram- Chairman 2.Stat e Nodal Officer, IDSP, Dte. of Healt h Services or his rep resenta tive - M ember / S ecr et a r y 3.Director General of Police, Mizoram- Member 4.Commissioner /Secreta ry, Health & Family Welfare- Member 5.Commissioner/Secr etary, Home Department- Member 6.Commissioner/Secretary, A.H. & Vety Deptt.- Member 7.Commissioner/Secretary, Environment & Forest Deptt.- Member 8.Commissioner /Secretary, Food, Civil Supply & Consumer Affairs Deptt. - Member 9.Commissioner/Secr etary, DM & R Department- Member 10.Commissioner/Secretary, L.A.D.- Member 11.Commissioner/Secretary, Tr ansport Department- Member 12.Director, DM & R Department- Member 13.Chief Engineer, P. W.D.- Member 14.Chief Engineer, P&E Department- Member 15.Chief Engineer, P.H.E. Department- Member 16.Principal Director, Health & F.W. Department- Member 17.Dir ector, Hea lth Services- Member 18.Director, Hospital & Medical Educa tion- Member 19.Director, Ripans, Govt. of India, Aizawl.- Member 20.President, M.J.A- Member 21.President, Central YMA- Member DISTRICT PANDEMIC COMMITTEE1.Deputy Commissioner of t he District- Chairman 2.Chief Medical Officer- Member/Secretary 3.District Medical Superintendent- Member 4.District A.H. & Vety Officer- Member - 2 - Ex-530/2014 5.District Information Officer- Member 6.Superintendent of Police of the District- Member 7.Executive Engineer, P.W. D. of the District- Member 8.Executive Engineer, P.E. of the Dist rict- Member 9.Executive Engineer, P.H. E of the District- Member 10.Repr esentative of M JA Sub-Headquar ters- Member 11.Rep resent ative of Y.M .A. S ub-Hea dquart ers- Member TERMS OF REFERENCE:1.To establish institutionalized mechanism for policy development for a ny Pandemic diseases which may occur a t any time. 2.Inter-Sectoral Command a nd Control. 3.Coor dination with nationa l agencies/Central Govt. 4.Formulating advisories on technical matters. 5.Activate the contingency plan. Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Water Supplies (Control) (Amendment) Rules 2011

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 531Date - 21/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 21.11.2014 Kartika 30, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 531 NOTIFICATION No.G. 25022/1/2001-PHE/pt, the 11th November, 2014.In exercise of the power conferred by Section - 18 of the Mizoram Water Supplies (Control) Act 2004 (Act no 11 of 2004) read with sub rule 7 of Rule 7 of The Mizoram Water Supplies (Control) (Amendment) Rules 2011, the Governor of Mizoram is plea sed to r evise the r at e of wa ter cha rges to amend t he Mizoram Wat er Supp lies (C ontrol) Rules 2006 issued under Notification No.G.25022/1/2000-PHE dt. 27.9.2011 and published in the Mizoram Gazette extr aordina ry issue No. 448 dt. 23rd Sept, 2011. Amendment of Rule 7 : In Rule 7 of the Principal Rule, the following Sub - Rules shall be substituted as follows : 2.A minimum of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred) only shall be collected as service charge for supply of water upto 5,000 (Five thousand) litres per month per water connection. 3.Rs. 45/- (R upees F or ty five) per kilo litres of water per connection sha ll be collected as ser vice char ge for supply of water in excess of 5,000 (five thousand) litres per month but not exceeding 10,000 (ten thousand) litr es per month per water connection. 4.A minimum of Rs 75/- (Rupees Seventy five) per kilo litre of water p er water connection shall be collected as service charge for supply of wa ter in excess of 10,000 (Ten thousand) litres per month but not exceeding 20,000 (Twenty thousa nd) litr es per month per water connection. 5.A minimum of Rs 90/- (Rupees Ninety) per kilo lit re of water per water connection shall be collected a s service charge for supply of water in excess of 20,000 (Twenty thousand) litres per month per water connection but not exceeding 30,000 (T hirty thousand) litr es per month per water connection. 6.A minimum of Rs 10 5/- (Ru pees One hundr ed five) per kilo lit re of water per water connec tion shall be collected as service charge for supply of water in excess of 30,000 (Thirty thousand) litr es per month per water connect ion. 7.Rs 150/-(Rupees One hundred fifty) only per kilo litre of water shall be charged as service charge if water is purcha sed from the Department depending upon the availabilit y of wa ter. 8.Rs 30 (Rupees Thirty) only per month shall be cha rged as service charge to each family or household of consumer from Public Point or Tube Wells within M izoram where operation and maintenance of water supply is ta ken up by the Department. Lianchungnunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Bamboo Development Agency Board

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 532Date - 21/11/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 21.11.2014 Kartika 30, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 532 NOTIFICATION No.B.16020/5/09-IND/160,t he 11th November, 2014.In partial modification of this Departments Notification No. B. l6020/1/08-IND/165 dt.18/6/2014 and in pursuance of the minutes of the 18th General Body meeting of Bamboo Development Agency held on 30th September, 2014, the Governor of Mizora m is plea sed to reconst itute the members of t he General Body and E xecutive Commit tee wit h immedia te ef fect and until fur ther order . Genera l Body:(i)Chief Secretary- Chairman (ii)Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizor am, Industries Department- Member Secretary (iii)Fina ncial Commissioner, Govt. of Mizoram- Member (iv)Adviser, Sta te Planning Boa rd, Govt. of Mizoram- Member (v)Jt. Secretar y/ Dy. Secretar y, Govt.of Mizoram, Industries Department - Member vi)Director of Industries, Govt. of Mizoram- Member vii)State Mission Director (National Bamboo Mission)- Member Environment & Forest Deptt. Govt. of Mizoram (viii) General Manager, Bamboo Development Agency- Member (ix)Officer in C harge, Bamboo Development Section- Member Directorate of Industries, Govt. of Mizoram Executive Committee :(i)Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Deptt.- Executive Cha irman (ii.)Director of Industries, Govt. of Mizoram- Vice Chairman (iii)Jt. Secretar y/Dy. S ecretary, Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department - Member (iv)State Mission Director (National Bamboo Mission)- Member (v)Officer in charge, Bamboo Development Section,- Member Directorate of Industries, Govt. of Mizoram (vi)General Manager, Bamboo Development Agency- Member Zothan Khuma, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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