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Acquisition of land for construction of Sewarage Treatment Plant road at Bethlehem Vengthlang.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 428Date - 27/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 27.8.2014 Bhadrapada 5, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 428 NOTIFICATIONNo.K.12011/73/2014-REV, the 21st August, 2014. Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referr ed to a s the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (her einafter referr ed to a s the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land forconstruction of Sewarage Treatment Plant road at Bethlehem Vengthlang. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said la nd is likely to b e needed for the purpose specified ab ove. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Depu ty Commissioner/Collector, Aizawl District, within a period of 30 da ys from the date’of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the La nd Acquisition Act, 1894. (T he date of publication in the newspaper in regional la nguage following Gazette Notification under Section 4(1) of the LA Act is the date of publica tion within the meaning of Section 5-A of the Act.) 3.All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the sa id land for the purpose of the said acquisition, Any cont ract for the disposal of the sa id land by sale, lease, mortga ge, assignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the sa id land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULE DISTRICT : AIZAWL Description of landStatus of PassAp pr oxima te Ar ea Sapbawiha s/o Thuama (L) c/o ChawngthangaP.P. No. 275/F. 197638995.21 Sq.ft. Bethlehem Vengthlang Zothankhuma, Commissioner/Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Agriculture Service (Amendment) Rules, 2014 published in the Mizoram Gazette Issue No.388 dt 28.7.2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 429Date - 27/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 27.8.2014 Bhadrapada 5, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 429 CORRIGENDUMNo.A.12018/72/2009-P&AR(GSW), the 21st August, 2014.The word “Schedule-I” appearing at a mendment of Schedule-III in pa ge 4 of the Mizoram Agriculture Service (Amendment) Rules, 2014 published in the Mizoram Gazette Issue No.388 dt 28.7.2014 should be read as “Schedule-III”. Lalsangpuii, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of P ersonnel & Adve. Reforms.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Shri Laldingliana, Bazar veng , Lunglei, Mizoram

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 430Date - 27/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 27.8.2014 Bhadrapada 5, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 430 AFFIDAVITI, S hri Laldingliana, a permanent resident of Ba zar veng , Lunglei, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am bona-fide Citizen of India having all the rights and privileges conferred by the Constitution of India. 2.That my true and correct na me is Laldingliana. 3.That I am known by two names i.e Laldingliana and Dingliana. 4.That my name was entered a s Dingliana in many of my documents a nd also as Laldingliana in others. 5.That this affidavit is for the pur pose of declaring that Laldingliana a nd Dingliana is one and the same person and to make change in my name as La ldingliana instead of Dingliana. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I put my hand and sign on this the 11th June, 2014. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by :Sign before me Sd/-Sd/- Chawngdingpuii, BAL, LLBChief Judicial Magistrate, Advocate.Lunglei Judicial District, LungleiPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the following days as holidays for Banks Within Mizoram State during the Calendar year, 2015.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 431Date - 28/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 28.8.2014 Bhadrapada 6, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 431 NOTIFICATIONNo.F.23012/3/2014-GAD, the 21st August, 2014.In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation under Section 25 of the Negotiable Instr ument Act, 1881 read with the Govt. of India, Minis try of Home Affa irs No.20/25/56/Pub-I dt. 6.9. 1957, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the following days as holidays for Banks Within Mizoram State during the Calendar year, 2015. Sl. No.HolidaysDateMizo MonthDay of the W eek1.NEW YEAR DAY01.01.2015PAWLKUT THLATHURSDAY 2.NEW YEAR FESTIVAL02.01.2015PAWLKUT THLAFRIDAY 3.REPUBLIC DAY26.01.2015PAWLKUT THLAM O N D AY 4.S TAT E D AY20.02.2015RAMTUK THLAFRIDAY 5.CHAPCHAR KUT/HOLI06.03.2015VAU THLAFRIDAY 6.GOOD FRIDAY03.04.2015TAU THLAFRIDAY 7.BUDDHA PURNIMA04.05.2015TOMIR THLAM O N D AY 8.YMA DAY15.06.2015NIKIR THLAM O N D AY 9.REMNA NI30.06.2015NIKIR THLAM O N D AY 10.IDU’L FITR18.07.2015VAWKHNIAKZAWN THLAS AT UR D AY 11INDEPENDENCE DAY15.08.2015THITIN THLAS AT UR D AY 12.MAHATMA GANDHI’S BIRTHDAY02.10.2015KHUANGCHAWI THLAFRIDAY 13.DUSSEHRA22.10.2015KHUANGCHAWI THLATHURSDAY 14.DlWALl11.11.2015SAHMULPHAH THLAWEDNESDAY 15.CHRISTMAS EVE24.12.2015PAWLTLAK THLATHURSDAY 16.CHRISTMAS DAY25.12.2015PAWLTLAK THLAFRIDAY 17.CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL26.12.2015PAWLTLAK THLAS AT UR D AY 18.NEW YEAR EVE31.12.2015PAWLTLAK THLAWEDNESDAY *There will be no Public Transactions on lst Apr il 2015 on account of Annual Closing but Banks will rema in open for internal closing works. La lrinliana Fanai, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administr ation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Mamit District station areas as Mamit village with immediate effect and valid for 2 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 432Date - 28/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 28.8.2014 Bhadrapada 6, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 432 NOTIFICATIONNo. J.12011/3/2014-REV, the 26th August, 2014. In pursuance to this Depar tment’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.l5.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) withinMamitDistrict station areas as Mamitvilla ge with immediate effect and valid for 2 years. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman:Deputy Commissioner, Mamit. 2.Secretary:Asstt. Settlement Officer, Mamit. MEMBERS: 1.All VCPs within Mamit Town. 2.President, Congress, Mamit Block 3.President, MNF, Mamit Block 4.President, ZNP, Mamit Block 5.President, Sub-Hqrs., YMA, Mamit. 6.President, Sub-Hqrs., MUP, Mamit. 7.DFO, PWD, Mamit Division. 8.E.E, PWD, Mamit Division. 9.E.E, PHE, Mamit Division. 10.E.E, P & E , Mamit Divis ion. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisory Board will be the Screening Board for sending its recommendation to the government in the matter of application for allotment of la nd for agricultura l and non- agricultural purposes. 2.The Board sha ll have to judiciously examine the applica nt’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall ha ve its sitting at least twice in a year or as may be required and TA sha ll be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarters of the member. The Secretar y SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairma n by giving at least 10 (ten) days in advance to the member of S AAB. - 2 - Ex-432/2014 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any ca tegory or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assista nt Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy C ommissioner of the Dis t r ict . In ca se, C hair man of S AAB is S DO (C ) or BDO or P r es ident, Village Cou nc il t he a pp lica t ion for land allotment of any category must be submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the a pplication with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the ma tter for demarcation of land by Surveyor, Revenue Depa rtment in the presence of the applica nt, the concerned VC and neighbouring land holder, if any. Measurement of land should be a ccurate and NOC sha ll be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board shall be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for fur ther submission to the Government through the Dir ector, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl, Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obstruction to fu ture infrastructure development wor k of the Government. It shall also take into account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 as amended fr om time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. Zothankhuma, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 433Date - 28/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 28.8.2014 Bhadrapada 6, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 433 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/25/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 22nd August, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) ofAssistant Lib rarian-cum-Publicity O ff ic er, S C E RT u nderSchool Education Department, Government of Mizoram, namely: 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram School Education Department commencement - (Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application - These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed hereto. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said pos t(s), their classification, P ay band and classification, pay band Grade pay/Pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns and grade pay/pay sca le - 2 to 4 of the aforesa id Schedule. 4. Method of The method of recruitment to the said post, age limit, qualifica tion recr uitment, age and other matters r elating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 limit, qualifications, etc - to 14 of the aforesa id Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification - No person, - (a) who has entered into or contra cted a marriage wit h a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-433/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other gr ounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Every Government servant recruit ed under these rules shall u ndergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examination(s) as may be prescribed Examination - fr om time to time. 7. Powers to transfer - Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any Officer(s) so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8. Power to relax - Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient s o to do, he ma y, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax a ny of the provisions of these rules with respect to any cla ss or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of a ge limit and other concessions - other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/the Scheduled C astes a nd other categories of persons in a ccordance with the orders issued by the Centra l Gover nment or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-433/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 and 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN-CUM-PUBLICITY OFFICER, SCERT (GROUP ‘B’ NON-GAZETTED) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION, GOVT. OF MIZORAMName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicableBetween 18 and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST.Not applicable Essential :Holder of B.Lib.Sc/M .Lib.Sc Deg ree from recognized University. Desira ble :Knowledge of Mizo language upto Middle School Standard.2 (Two) years in case of Direct RecruitmentMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission or as constituted by Government of M izoram f rom time to time. Assistant Librarian- cum-Publicity Officer (SCERT)1 (one) post or as may be sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9300- 34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4400/- Not applicable 100% Direct Recruitment

The Mizoram Higher & Technical Education Department (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 434Date - 28/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 28.8.2014 Bhadrapada 6, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 434 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/25/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 22nd August, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following r ules regulating the method of recruitment t o the post(s) ofConductor underHigher & Technical Education Depar tment , Government of Mizoram, namely: 1.Shor t title and ( 1 ) These Rules may be called theMizora m Higher & Technical Education commencement - Department(Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application - These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed hereto. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said pos t(s), their classification, P ay band and classification, pay band Grade pay/Pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns and grade pay/pay sca le - 2 to 4 of the aforesa id Schedule. 4. Method of The method of recruitment to the said post, age limit, qualifica tion recr uitment, age and other matters r elating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 limit, qualifications, etc - to 14 of the aforesa id Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification - No person, - (a) who has entered into or contra cted a marriage wit h a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-434/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other gr ounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of this r ule. 6.Training and Every Government servant recruit ed under these rules shall u ndergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examination(s) as may be prescribed Examination - fr om time to time. 7. Powers to transfer - Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any Officer so recruited under these rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or grade. 8. Power to relax - Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient s o to do, he ma y, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax a ny of the provisions of these rules with respect to any cla ss or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of a ge limit and other concessions - other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/the Scheduled C astes a nd other categories of persons in a ccordance with the orders issued by the Centra l Gover nment or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-434/2014 SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 and 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF CONDUCTOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection Selection SelectionWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Betwen 18-35 years. The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in accordance with th e orders issued by the Central or Government of M izoram f rom time to time.Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 1. Passed in Middle School Leaving Certificate Exa mina tion or equivalent. 2. Holder of Conductor Licence with First Aid License. 3. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard.Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Conductor Grade-I (Non-Functional) Conductor Grade-II (Non-Functional) Con du ctor Grade- III (Functional)Not applicable Not applicable 2(two) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service Group ‘C’ (Non- Gazetted) (Non-Minister ial) General State Service Group ‘C’ (Non- Gazetted) (Non-Minister ial) General State Service Group ‘C’ (Non- Gazetted) (Non-Minister ial)PB-2 ^ 9300- 34800/- + Grade Pay ^ 4200/- PB-1 ^ 5200- 20200/- + Grade Pay ^ 2400/- PB-1 ^ 5200- 20200/- + Grade Pay ^ 1900/- Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of Posts to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer is to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314Exempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission . - do - - do - Compostition of DPC1. Secretary, H&T.E - Chairman 2. Director, H&T.E - Member Secretary 3. Representative of DP&AR - Member - do - - do - Conductor Grade-II who had completed 10 years regular service in the grade with an unblemished records shall be eligible for promotion to Conductor Grade-I by selection method. Conductor Grade-III with 5 years regular service in the grade with an unblemished records shall be eligible for promotion to Conductor Grade-II by selection method. Not applicable 100% Promotion 100% Promotion 100% Direct RecruitmentPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 4 - Ex-434/2014

Mizoram Consumer Protection Rules, 2010 as amended from time to time and in continuation of this Department’s Notification No.A.12012/1/2005-FCS&CA, dt 19.7.2006, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the following Deputy Cxommissioners will continue to function as President of the Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (District Forum)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 435Date - 28/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 28.8.2014 Bhadrapada 6, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 435 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12013/2/2014-FCS&CA, the 21st August, 2014.In exercise of t he power conferr ed un- der section 10 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 read with the Mizoram Consumer Protection Rules, 2010 as amended from time to time and in continuation of this Department’s Notification No.A.12012/1/ 2005-FCS&CA, dt 19.7.2006, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to order that the following Deputy Cxommissioners will continue to function as President of the Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (District Forum) as mentioned against each on part time basis until further orders. I.LUNGLEI DISTRICT :Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei District-President, Lunglei District Forum II.SAIHA DISTRICT :Deputy Commissioner; Saiha District.-President, Saiha District Forum III.LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT :Deputy Commisssioner, Lawngtlai District-President, Lawngtlai District Forum I V.SERCHHIP DISTRICT :Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip District-President, Serchhip District Forum V.CHAMPHAI DISTRICT :Deputy Commissioner, Champhai District-President, Champhai District Forum. VI.KOLASIB DISTRICT :Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib District.-President, Kolasib District Forum. VI I. MAMIT DISTRICT :Deputy Commissioner, Mamit District.-President, Mamit District Forum They shall draw their pay and allowances against their respective posts in their own grades pay and not as president of the District Forum R. Lalvena, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Deppt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Obituary of Pu B. Lalnghilhlova, Executive Engineer (Planning), PWD, National Highway Circle-II

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 436Date - 29/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 29.8.2014 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 436 OBITUARYThe Government of Mizoram learnt with profound sorrow the sad demise of Pu B. Lalnghilhlova, Executive Engineer (Planning), PWD, National Highway Circle-II on 26th August, 2014. According to his service record, he was born on 9th Dec. , 1967. After gr aduating in Civil Engineering, he joined the Government of Mizoram, Public Works Depa rtment as Sub-Divis ional Officer on the 2nd Feb., 1993. He was posted to different places and then promoted to Executive Engineer on 24th July, 2014 and posted to National Highway Circle- II till he breathed his last. The Government of Mizoram would like to place on record its deep appreciation for the services rendered by Pu B. Lalnghilhlova and conveyed its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. C. Lalchhuana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. Dated Aiza wl, the 27th Aug.,2014.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to approve the guidelines/norms in respect of para 4.15 of MPLADS Guidelines, 2014 in connection with release of fund to Implementing Agency as follows:-

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 437Date - 29/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 29.8.2014 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 437 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.11020/48/2011/PLG, the 25th August, 2014.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to approve the guidelines/norms in respect of para 4.15 of MPLADS Guidelines, 2014 in connection with release of fund to Implementing Agency as follows:- 1.The District Authority shall release 75% of the estimate cost of a sanctioned work in advance as first installment, if the implementing agency is Village Council or Local Council or Government Agency, and 25% as second installment after sufficient progress has been achieved. 2.In case of all MPLAD works upto Rs 2 lakh being undertaken by Government Agencies, the entire amount shall be released as advance in single installment. In case even exceeding this amount, if the State Government r ules permit giving advance of 100%, then the same would be applicable to the MPLADS work also. 3.In case of MPLAD works, where either the user agency or the implementing agency is private, the district authorities are authorized to release funds upto 60% of the sanctioned amount, as first installment and balance amount of 40% would be released as second/third installments as follows:- a)25% after 3/4th of the work is over and b)Last 15% after satisfactory completion of works. L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Excise and Narcotics Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 438Date - 29/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 29.8.2014 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 438 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 27th August, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics under Excise & Narcotics D epartment, Government of Mizor am, namely: 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Excise and Narcotics commencement - Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application - These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said pos t(s), their classification, P ay band and classification, pay band Grade pay/Pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns and grade pay/pay sca le - 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. 4. Method of The method of recruitment a ge limit, qualification and other matters recr uitment, age relating to the said post(s) recruitment, shall be as specified in columns limit, qualifications, etc - 5 to 14 of the aforesaid schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification - No person, - (a) who has entered into or contra cted a marriage wit h a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-438/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other gr ounds for doing so, exempt any person from the opera tion of this r ule. 6.Training and Every Government servant recruit ed under these rules shall u ndergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Examination - fr om time to time. 7. Powers to transfer - Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any Officer, so recr uited under these rules to any other post or position which is equiva lent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax - Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient s o to do, he ma y, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax a ny of the provisions of these rules with respect to any cla ss or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation or other concessions required other concessions - to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/the Scheduled Castes and other categories of persons in a ccordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa vings All rules pertaining to t hese posts fra med by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/2/91-P&AR (GSW) dated 11.4.1991 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary issue No. 80, dated 24.9.1991 stand hereby r epealed. Provided that any order made or a nything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillar y thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these r ules. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-438/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 and 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF COMMISSIONER OF EXCISE & NARCOTICSName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics1 (one) or as sanctioned from time to timeGeneral State Service G ro u p ‘A’PB-4 ^ 37,400- 67,000/- + Grade Pay ^ 8,700/- PROMOTION : from Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics having not less than 5 (five) years regular service in the grade, failing which Deputy Commissioner of Excise & na rcotics who have completed not less than 25 (twenty five) years regular service calculated from the date of entry into the post of Inspector of Excise & Narcotics. DEPUTATION : from Officers holding analogous posts in the Central/State Government and the period of deputation shall not ordinarily exceed 3 (three) years. Promotion failing which by transfer on deputation

The Mizoram Excise and Narcotics Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 439Date - 29/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 29.8.2014 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 439 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 27th August, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics under Excise & Na rcotics Department, Government of Mizoram, namely: 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Excise and Narcotics commencement - Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application - These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said pos t(s), their classification, P ay band and classification, pay band Grade pay/Pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns and grade pay/pay sca le - 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. 4. Method of The method of recruitment a ge limit, qualification and other matters recr uitment, age relating to the said post(s) recruitment, shall be as specified in columns limit, qualifications, etc - 5 to 14 of the aforesaid schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification - No person, - (a) who has entered into or contra cted a marriage wit h a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-439/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other gr ounds for doing so, exempt any person from the opera tion of this r ule. 6.Training and Every Government servant recruit ed under these rules shall u ndergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Examination - fr om time to time. 7. Powers to transfer - Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any Officer, so recr uited under these rules to any other post or position which is equiva lent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax - Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient s o to do, he ma y, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax a ny of the provisions of these rules with respect to any cla ss or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation or other concessions required other concessions - to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/the Scheduled Castes and other categories of persons in a ccordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa vings All rules pertaining to t hese posts fra med by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/2/91-P&AR (GSW) dated 14.7.1995 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary issue No. 261, dated 21.7.1995 stand hereby r epealed. Provided that any order made or a nything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillar y thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these r ules. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-439/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 and 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF EXCISE & NARCOTICSName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics2 (two) or as sanctioned from time to timeGeneral State Service G ro u p ‘A’PB-3 ^ 15,600- 39,100/- + Grade Pay ^ 7,600/- PROMOTION : from Assistant Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics having not less than 5 (five) years regular service in the grade, failing which Assistant Commissioner of Excise & na rcotics who have completed not less than 20 (twenty) years regular service calculated from the date of entry into the post of Inspector of Excise & Narcotics. DEPUTATION : from Officers holding analogous posts in the Central/State Government and the period of deputation shall not ordinarily exceed 3 (three) years. Promotion failing which by transfer on deputation

The Mizoram Excise and Narcotics Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 440Date - 29/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 29.8.2014 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 440 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 27th August, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Assistant Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics underExcise & Narcotics Department, Government of Mizoram, namely: 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Excise and Narcotics commencement - Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application - These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said pos t(s), their classification, P ay band and classification, pay band Grade pay/Pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns and grade pay/pay sca le - 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. 4. Method of The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification and other matters recr uitment, age relating to the said post(s) shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 limit, qualifications, etc - of the aforesaid Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification - No person, - (a) who has entered into or contra cted a marriage wit h a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-440/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other gr ounds for doing so, exempt any person from the opera tion of this r ule. 6.Training and Every Government servant recruit ed under these rules shall u ndergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Examination - fr om time to time. 7. Powers to transfer - Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any Officer, so recr uited under these rules to any other post or position which is equiva lent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax - Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient s o to do, he ma y, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax a ny of the provisions of these rules with respect to any cla ss or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of a ge limit and other concessions - other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/ the Scheduled Castes a nd other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa vings All Rules pertaining to these posts fra med by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/2/91-P&AR (GSW) dated 14.7.1995 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary issue No. 261, dated 21.7.1995 stand hereby r epealed. Provided that any order made or a nything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillar y thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these r ules. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-440/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 and 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF EXCISE & NARCOTICSName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of Posts to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Assistant Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics2 (two) or as sanctioned from time to timeGeneral State Service G ro u p ‘A’PB-3 ^ 15,600- 39,100/- + Grade Pay ^ 6,600/- PROMOTION : from Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics having not less than 5 (five) years regular service in the gra de. DEPUTATION : from Officers holding analogous posts in the Central/State Government and the period of deputation shall not ordinarily exceed 3 (three) years. Promotion failing which by transfer on deputation

The Mizoram Excise and Narcotics Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 441Date - 29/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 29.8.2014 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 441 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/3/2013-P&AR(GSW), the 27th August, 2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following r ules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics under Excise & Narcotics D epartment, Government of Mizor am, namely: 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Excise and Narcotics commencement - Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application - These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these ru les. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification, P ay Band and classification, pay band Grade pay/Pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns and grade pay/pay sca le - 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. 4. Method of The method of recruitment a ge limit, qualification and other matters recr uitment, age relating to the said post(s) recruitment shall be as specified in columns limit, qualifications, etc - 5 to 14 of the aforesaid schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time. 5. Disqualification - No person, - (a) who has entered into or contra cted a marriage wit h a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-441/2014 (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marr iage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other gr ounds for doing so, exempt any person from the opera tion of this r ule. 6.Training and Every Government servant recruit ed under these rules shall u ndergo such Departmental training or pass such Departmental Examina tion as may be prescribed Examination - fr om time to time. 7. Powers to transfer - Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest , shall have the right and power to transfer any Officer, so recr uited under these rules to any other post or position which is equiva lent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax - Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or exp edient s o to do, he ma y, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax a ny of the provisions of these rules with respect to any cla ss or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation or other concessions required other concessions - to be provided for the Scheduled Tribes/the Scheduled Castes and other categories of persons in a ccordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repea l and sa vings All rules pertaining to t hese posts fra med by the Government of Mizoram under Notification No. A. 12018/2/91-P&AR (GSW) dated 23.2.1993 published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra-ordinary issue No. 29 dated 26.2.1993 stand hereby r epealed. Provided that any order made or a nything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillar y thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these r ules. By order s, etc. Lalsangpuii, Additional Secreta ry to the Govt. of Mizoram, Depa rtment of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-441/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100SCHEDULE(See Rule 2, 3 and 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF SUPERINTENDENT OF EXCISE & NARCOTICSName of postNo. of postClassificationPay Band and Grade Pay/Pay ScaleWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection postWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitsWhether age and educa tional qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promoteesPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableMethod of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of P ost to be filled by various meth odsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf a DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics10 (ten) or as sanctioned from time to timeGeneral State Service G ro u p ‘A’PB-3 ^ 15,600- 39,100/- + Grade Pay ^ 5,400/- PROMOTION : from Inspector of Excise & Narcotics having not less than 5 (five) years reg ula r service in the grade having passed Departmental Examination and have undergone the training course prescribed by the Government. DEPUTATION : from Officers holding analogous posts in the Central/State Government and the period of deputation shall not ordinarily exceed 3 (three) years. Promotion failing which by transfer on deputation

City Level Committee for Aizawl to formulate regulatory framework for Slaughter Houses within the Municipal area and to monitor the enforcement of such regulatory norms. The Committee while framing such framework will look into the existing laws and rules. The Committee for Aizawl City will comprise of the following members :-

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 442Date - 29/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 29.8.2014 Bhadrapada 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 442 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13017/5/2011-UD&PA, the 27th August, 2014.In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a City Level Committee for Aiza wl to formulate regula tory framework for Slaughter Houses within the Municipal area and to monitor the enforcement of such regulatory norms. The Committee while framing such framework will look into the existing laws and rules. The Committee for Aizawl City will comprise of the following members :- 1.Chief Execu tive O fficer, AMC-Chairman 2.Deputy Cimmissioner, Aiza wl or his representa tive-Member 3.Director, UD&PA Department or his representative-Member 4.Director, Industries Depaerment or his representa tive -Member 5Director, AH&Vety Department or his representa tive -Member 6.Director, H&FW Depar tment or his representa tive-Member 7.General Manager, MIFCO-Member 8.One representative from Animal Welfare Board-Member 9.Two representatives from Butcher Associa tion-Member 10.Secretary, Aizawl Municipal Council-Member Secretary The term of reference of the Committee inter alia include fra ming of regula tory fr emework for administration and monitoring of Slaughter Houses/Abattoirs taking into consideration the existing rules and regulations relating to the subject thereof. R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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