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Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Constitution of State Advisory Committee and its Functions) Regulations, 2010, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram hereby reconstitutes the State Advisory Committee for the State of Mizoram with the following composition

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 413Date - 14/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 14.8.2014 Sravana 23, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 413 NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 11019/3/08-JERC, the 8th August, 2014.In pursuance of Section 8 7 of the Elect ricity Act, 2003 and provisions under the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Constitution of Sta te Advisor y Commit tee and it s Functions) Regulations, 2010, the J oint Elect ricity Regulator y Commis sion for Manipur and Mizoram hereby reconstitutes the State Advisory Committee for the State of Mizoram with the following composition. T he term of the Commit tee sha ll be for a period of 2 (two) years with effect from the da te of issue of this Notification. 1.Chairperson, JERC for Ma nipur a nd Mizoram- Ex-officio Chairman 2.Member, JERC for Manipur and Mizoram- Ex-officio Member 3.Secr etary, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department- Ex-officio Member 4.Secr etary, Power & Elect ricity Depart ment- Member 5.Engineer-in-C hief, PHE Department- Member 6.Director, Industries Department- Member 7.Director, Trade & Commerce Department- Member 8.Chief Executive Officer, Aizawl Municipal Council- Member 9.Director, Zoram Energy Development Agency- Member 10.President, Mizoram Chamber of Indu stries and Commerce- Member 11.President, Mizoram Consumers’ Union Gen. Hqrs, Aizawl- Member 12.President, Mizoram Hmeichhia Ins uihkhawm Pawl, Gen. Hqrs, Aizawl - Member 13.President, Centra l Young Mizo Associa tion- Member 14.President, All Mizor am Farmers’ Union Gen. Hqrs. Aizawl- Member 15.President, Mizoram Upa Pawl, Gen. Hqrs. Aizawl- Member 16.Er. C. Thangliana. Retd. E-in-C , P& E Department.- Member 17.Pr of. H. Lalramnghinglova , Depar tment of Env. Sciences, Mizora m University - M e mb e r 18.Director, Transport Department- Member 19.Director, LAD- Member 20.President, Mizoram Journalists’ Associa tion- Member 21.Prof. Vanlalchhawna, Deptt. of Economics, Mizora m Univer sity- Member 22.Secretary, JERC for Manipur and Mizoram- Member-Secretary By Or der of t he Commission Richard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as “the Principal Regulations”), namely:

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 414Date - 14/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 14.8.2014 Sravana 23, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 414 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.13011/17/10-JERC, the 8th August , 2014.In exercise of powers conferr ed u nder S ection 61 read with Section 181 (2) (zd) of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), and all other powers enabling it in t his behalf, the Joint Elect ricity Regulatory Commission for Ma nipur a nd Mizoram hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as “the Principal Regulations”), namely: 1 . Short title and commencement: 1.These regulations may be called the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (Terms and Condit ions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sour ces) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2014. 2.These Regulations shall apply in relation to all matters falling within the jurisdiction of the Commission. 3.These Regulations shall come into force in respective S tates fr om the date of its publication in the Officia l Gazettes of Manipur and Mizoram respectively. 2 . Amendment of Regulation 2(1) of the Principal Regulations: (1) Clause (d) a nd (e) shall be added after Clause (c) of the Principal Regulations as under: “(d) ‘Biomass gasification’ means a process of incomplete combustion of biomass resulting in p roduction of combustible gases consisting of a mixture of Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydr ogen (H 2) and traces of Methane (C H4), which is called producer gas; ( e) ‘Bioga s’ means a gas created when or ga nic matter like crop residues, sewa ge a nd manure breaks down in an oxygen-fr ee envir onment (ferments);” (2) Clause (d) of the Princip al Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(f) ‘Capital cost’ means the capital cost as defined in regulations 12,24, 28, 34, 47, 57, 61, 66 and 76;” (3) Clause (y) of the Princip al Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(aa)‘Useful Life’in r elation to a unit of a genera ting station including evacua tion system shall mean the following duration from the date of commercia l opera tion (COD) of such generation facility, namely:- (a ) Wind energy power project25 years (b) Biomass power project with Rankine cycle technology 20 years (c ) Non-fossil fuel cogeneration project20 years - 2 - Ex-414/2014 (d) Small Hydro P lant35 years (e) Solar PV/Solar thermal power project25 years (f) Biomass Gasifier based power project20 years (g) Bioga s based power pr oject20 years” (4) Clauses (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s), (t), (u), (v), (w), (x), (y) and (z) of the Principal Regulations shall be read as (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s), (t), (u), (v), (w), (x), (y),(z),(aa) and (ab) respectively 3 . Amendment of Regulation 4 of the Principal Regulations: “(normally biogases or other such biomass fuel)” at Regulation 4(4)(c) of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(d) ‘topping cycle’ means a cogenera tion pr ocess in which therma l energy produces electricity followed by useful heat application in industrial a ctivities.” 4 . Amendment of Regulation 5 of the Principal Regulations: The first pa ra of Regulation 5 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “The Control Period or Review Period under these Regulations shall be of Five year s, of which the first year shall be the financial year 2012-13.” 5 . Amendment of Regulation 7 of the Principal Regulations: (1) Clause (1) of Regulation 7 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) Project specific ta riff, on case to case basis, shall be determined by the Commission for the following types of projects: i.Municipal Solid Waste Projects; ii.Solar PV and Solar Thermal Power projects, if a project developer opts for project specific tariff: Provided that the Commission while determining the pr oject specific tariff for Sola r PV and Solar Therma l shall be guided by the provisions of Cha pters 8 & 9 of t hese Regulations. iii. Hybr id Solar Thermal Power pla nts; iv. Other hybrid projects include renewable–renewable or renewable– conventional sour ces, for which renewable technology is approved by M NRE; v.Biomass project other than that based on Rankine Cycle technology applica tion with water cooled condenser; vi. Any other new renewable energy technologies approved by MNRE.” (2) “Chapter-2” at clause (2) of Regulation 7of the Principal Regulations shall be read as “Chapter-3” 6 . Amendment of Regulation 11 of the Pr incipal Regulations: The following Regulations shall be added after clause (2) of Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations, namely: “(3) Wind power generation plants where the sum of generation capacity of such plants connected at the connection point to the tra nsmission or distribution system is 10 MW and above and connection p oint is 33 kV and above shall be subjected to scheduling a nd despa tch code as specified under Indian Electricit y Grid Code (IEGC) -2010, as amended from time to t ime. (1) Solar generating plants with capacity of 5 MW and above and connected at the connection point of 33 kV level and above shall be subjected to scheduling and despatch code as specified under Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) -2010, as amended fr om time to t ime. ” 7 . Amendment of Regulation 14 of the Principal Regulations: (1) Clause (1) of Regulation 14 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) LoanTenure: For the purpose of determina tion of tariff, loan t enure of 12 yea rs shall be considered. ” (2) Clause (2)(b) of Regulation 14 of t he Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(b) For the purpose of computation of tariff, the normative interest rate shall be cons idered as average Sta te Bank of India (SBI) Base rate pr evalent during the first six months of the previous year plus 300 basis points.” 8 . Amendment of Regulation 15 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (2) of Regulation 15 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(2) Deprecia tion per annum shall be based on ‘Differential Depreciation Approach’ over loan tenure and period beyond loan tenure over useful life computed on ‘Str aight Line Method’. The depreciation rate for the first 12 years of the Tariff Period shall be 5.83% per annum and the remaining depr eciation shall be spr ead over the r emaining useful life of the project from 13th year onwards.” 9 . Amendment of Regulation 16 of the Principal Regulations: (1) Clause (1) ofRegulation 16 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) The value ba se for the equity shall be 30% of the capital cost or actual equity (in case of project specific ta riff determination) as determined under Regulation 13.” (2) Clause (2) of Regulation 16 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(2) The normative Return on Equity shall be: a)20% per annum for the first 10 years. b)24% per annum 11th years onwards.” 10. Amendment of Regulation 17 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (3) of Regulation 17 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(3) Interest on Working Capit al shall be at interest rate equivalent to the average State Bank of India Base Rate prevalent during t he first six months of the pr evious year plus 350 basis points.” 11. Amendment of Regulation 18 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (3) of Regulation 18 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(3) Normative O&M expenses allowed during first year of the Control Period (i.e. FY 2012-13) under these Regulations shall be escalated a t the rate of 5.72% per annum over the Tar iff P eriod.” 12. Amendment of Regulation 24 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (2) of Regulation 24 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(2) The capital cost for wind energy projects shall be Rs 5 75/- La kh/MW (FY 2012-13 du ring first year of Control P eriod) and sha ll b e linked to indexation formula as outlined under Regulation 25.” 13. Amendment of Regulation 25 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 25 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “25 Capital Cost Indexation Mechanism The following indexation mechanism shall be applicable in case of wind energy projects for adjustments in capital cost over the Control Period with the changes in Wholesale Price Index for Steel a nd Elec trical Machinery.- 3 -Ex-414/2014 CC (n) = P&M (n) * (1+F 1+F 2+F 3) P&M (n) = P&M (0) * (1+d (n)) d (n) = [a*{(SI (n-1) /SI (0))– 1} + b*{(EI (n-1) /EI (0) ) – 1}]/(a+b) Where, CC (n) =Capital Cost for nth year P&M (n)= Plant and Ma chinery Cost for nth year P&M (0) = Plant and Machinery Cost for the base year Note: P&M (0) is to be computed by dividing the base capital cost (for the first year of the control period) by (1+F 1+F 2+F3) i.e. Rs.575 lakh per MW / 1.25 = Rs. 460 Lakh per MW. d (n) =Capital Cost escala tion factor for year (n) of Control Period SI (n-1) =Average WPI Steel Index prevalent for ca lendar year (n-1) of the Control Period SI (0) =Average WPI Steel Index pr evalent for ca lendar year (0 ) at the beginning of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012. EI (n-1) =Average WPI Electr ical Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (n- 1) of the Control Period EI (0) =Average WPI Electrical and Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (0) at the beginning of the year of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012. a =Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.6), for weightage to Steel I ndex b =Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.4), for weightage to Electrical Machinery Index F 1 =Fact or for Land and Civil Works (0 .08) F 2 =Fact or for Erection and Commissioning (0.07) F 3 =Factor for IDC and Financing Cost (0.10)” 14. Amendment of Regulation 26 of the Principal Regulations: (1) Clause (1) ofRegulation 26 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) CUF norms for this control period shall be as follows: Annual Mean Wind Power Density (W/m2)CUF Upto 20020% 201-25022% 251-30025% 301-40030% > 40032% (2) Clause (2) of Regulation 26 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(2) The annual mean wind power density specified in sub-regulation (1) above shall be measu red a t 8 0 meter hub-height.” (3) Clause (3) of Regulation 26 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(3) For the purpose of classification of wind energy project into particular wind zone class, as per MNRE guidelines for wind measurement, wind mast either put-up by C-WET or a pr ivate developer and va lidated by C-WET would be normally extended 10 km from the mast-point to a ll directions for uniform terr ain and limited to appropriate distant in complex terrain with regard to complexity of the site. Based on such validation by C- WET, State Nodal Agency should certify zoning of the pr oposed wind far m complex.”- 4 - Ex-414/2014 15. Amendment of Regulation 27 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (1) of Regulation 27 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) Normative O&M expenses for the first year of the Control Period (i.e. FY 2012-13) shall be Rs 9/- Lakh per MW.” 16. Amendment of Regulation 28 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (1) of Regulation 28 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) The normative capit al cost for sma ll hydro projects during first year of Control Period (FY 2012-13) shall be as follows: Sl. NoProject SizeCapital Cost (Rs in Lakh/MW) 1Below 5 MW770 25 MW to 25 MW700 17. Amendment of Regulation 29 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 29 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “29 Capital Cost Indexation Mechanism The following indexation mechanism shall be applicable in ca se of s mall hydro power projects for adjustments in capital cost over the Control Period with the changes in Wholesale Price Index for Steel a nd Electrical Machinery. CC (n)=P&M (n)* (1+F 1+F 2+F 3) P&M (n)=P&M (0) * (1+d (n)) d (n)=[a*{(SI (n-1)/SI (0)) - 1}+ b*{(EI (n-1)/EI (0) ) -1}]/(a+b) Where, CC (n) = Capital Cost for nth year P&M (n) = Plant and Ma chinery Cost for nth year P&M (0) = Plant and Machinery Cost for the base year Note:P&M (0) is to be computed by dividing the base capital cost (for the first year of the control period) by (1+F 1+F 2+F 3) i.e. Small hydro Pr ojectBase Capital Cost Factor P&M (0) (Rs. Lakh/MW)(1+F 1+F 2+F 3)(Rs. Lakh/MW) SHP (<5MW)7701.40550 SHP (5 - 25 MW)7001.40500 d (n)=Capital Cost escala tion factor for year (n) of Control Period SI (n-1)=Average WPI Steel Index prevalent for ca lendar year (n-1) of the Control Period SI (0)=Average WPI Steel Index pr evalent for ca lendar year (0 ) at the beginning of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012 EI (n-1)=Average WPI Electrical Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (n-1) of the Control Period EI (0)=Average WPI Electrical and Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (0) at the beginning of the Control P eriod i. e. April 2011 to March 2012 a =Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.6), for weightage to Steel I ndex b =Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.4), for weightage to Electrical Machinery Index F 1=Fact or for Land and Civil Work (0 .16) F 2=Fact or for Erection and Commissioning (0.10) F 3=Factor for IDC and Financing Cost (0.14)”- 5 -Ex-414/2014 18. Amendment of Regulation 30 of the Principal Regulations: Capa city Utilisation fact or for the small hydr o projects in Manipur and Mizoram shall be read as 45% instead of 40% under Regulation 30 of the Principal R egulations. 19. Amendment of Regulation 32 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (1) of Regulation 32 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) Normative O& M expenses for the fir st year of the Control period (i.e. FY 2012- 13) shall be as follows. Sl. NoProject SizeO&M Expense (Rs Lakh/ MW) 1Below 5 MW25 25 MW to 25 MW18 20. Amendment of Regulation 34 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 34 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “34 Capital Cost The normative capital cos t for the biomass power projects ba sed on Rankine cycle shall b e as under: a.Rs 540 lakh/MW for project [other than rice straw and juliflora (plantation) based project] with water cooled condenser; b.Rs 580 lakh/MW for Project [other than rice straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project] with air cooled condenser; c.Rs 590 lakh/MW for rice stra w and juliflora (plantation) based project with water cooled condenser; d.Rs 630 lakh/MW for rice straw and juliflora (plantation) based project with air cooled condenser.” 21. Amendment of Regulation 35 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 35 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “35 Capital Cost Indexation Mechanism The following indexation mechanism shall be applicable in ca se of b iomass power p rojects for adjustment in capital cos t over the Control Period with the changes in Wholesale Price Index for Steel a nd Elec trical Machinery, CC (n) = P&M (n)* (1+F 1+F 2+F 3) P&M (n) = P&M (0) * (1+d (n)) d (n) = [a*{(SI (n-1) /SI (0) ) -1} + b*{(EI (n-1)/EI (0) ) -1}]/(a+b) Where, CC (n) = Capit al Cost for nth year P&M (n) = Plant and Machinery Cost for nth year P&M (0) = Plant and Machinery Cost for the base year Note:P&M (0) is to be computed by dividing t he base capital cost (for the first year of the cont rol period) by (1+F 1+F 2+F 3) d (n) = Capital Cost escalation factor for year (n) of Control Period SI (n-1) = Average WPI Steel Index pr evalent for calendar year (n-1) of the Control Period SI (0) = Average WPI Steel Index pr evalent for ca lendar year (0 ) at the beginning of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012- 6 - Ex-414/2014 EI (n-1) = Average WPI Electrical Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (n-1) of the Control Period EI (0) = Average WPI Electrical and Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (0) at the beginning of the Control P eriod i. e. April 2011 to March 2012 a = Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.7), for weightages to Steel Index b = Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.3), for weightages t o Electr ical Machinery Index F 1 =Fact or for Land and Civil Works (0 .10) F 2 =Fact or for Erection and Commissioning (0.09) F 3 =Factor for IDC and Financing Cost (0.14)” 22. Amendment of Regulation 37 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 37 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “37. Auxiliary Consumption The auxilia ry power consumption shall be as under: (a ) For the project using water cooled condenser: (i) During first year of operation: 11%; (ii) From 2nd year onwards: 10%. (b) For the project using air cooled condenser: (i) During first year of oper ation: 13%; (ii) From 2nd year onwards: 12%.” 23. Amendment of Regulation 38 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 38 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “38. Station Heat Rate The Station Heat Ra te for biomass power p rojects shall be as under: (a ) 4200 kcal/kWh for project using travelling gra te boilers; (b) 4125 kcal/kWh for project using AFBC boilers.” 24. Amendment of Regulation 39 of Principal Regulations: (1) Clause (1) of Regulation 39 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) Normative O&M expenses for the second yea r of the Contr ol period (i.e. FY 2013-14 shall be Rs 40 lakh/MW.” (2) Clause (2) of Regulation 39 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(2) Normative O&M expenses allowed at the commencement of the Control P eriod (i.e. F Y 2 0 1 2 -1 3 ) u nder t hes e R egu la t ions s ha ll b e es ca la t ed a t t he r a t e of 5 . 72 % p er a nnu m. ” 25. Amendment of Regulation 41 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 41 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “ 41 . Us e of F os sil Fu el The use of fossil fuels sha ll not be allowed.” 26. Amendment of Regulation 43 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 43 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “43. Calorific Value The Calorific Value of the biomass fuel used for the pu rpose of determination of tariff shall be at 3100 kcal/kg.”- 7 -Ex-414/2014 27. Amendment of Regulation 44 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 44 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “44 Fuel Cost Bioma s s fu el p r ice du r ing fir s t yea r of t he C ont r ol P er iod ( i . e. F Y 2 0 1 2 -1 3 ) s ha ll b e R s . 2 2 4 7 6 / - per tonne and shall be linked to index formulae as specified under Regulation 45. Alternatively, for each subsequent year of the Ta riff Period, the nor ma tive escalation fa ct or of 5% per annum shall be applicable at the option of the biomass project developer. Alternatively, biomass fuel price shall be decided annua lly by the appr opriate Regula tory Commission through an independent survey which could be carried out by constituting a State level committee consisting of r epresent atives of State Nodal Agency, State Government, Distribution Licensees, biomass power producers association and any ot her organization.” 28. Amendment of Regulation 45 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 45 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “45 Fuel Price Indexation Mechanism (1) In case of biomass power projects, the following indexing mechanism for adjustment of fuel prices for each year of operation will be applicable for determination of applicable var iable cha rge component of ta riff, in case developer wishes to opt for indexing mechanism: P (n) =P (n-1) * {a * (WPI (n)/WPI (n-1)) + b * (1+IRC (n-1)) + c * (Pd (n)/Pd (n-1))} Where P (n) =Price per ton of biomass for the nth yea r to be consider ed for tariff determina tion P (n-1) =Price per ton of biomass for the (n-1)th year to be considered for tariff determination. P 1 shall be Biomass price for FY 2012-13 as specified under Regulation 44. a =Fact or representing fuel handling cost b =Fact or repr esenting fuel cost c =Fact or representing transportation cost IRC (n-1)=Average Annual Inflation Ra te for indexed energy charge component in case of captive coal mine source (in %) to be applicable for (n-1)th year, as may be specified by CERC for ‘Payment purpose’ as per Competitive Bidding Guidelines Pd n =Weighted a verage p rice of HSD for nth year. Pd n-1 =Weighted average price of HS D for (n-1)th yea r. WPI n =Whole sale price index for the month of April of nth year WPI n-1 =Wholesale price index for month of April of (n-1)th yea r. Wher e a, b & c will be specified by the Commission from time to time. In defa ult, these factors shall be 0.2, 0.6 & 0.2 respectively. (2) Variable Charge for the nth year shall be determined as under: i.e. VC n = VC 1x (P n / P 1) or VC n = VC 1x (1.05)(n-1) (optional) Where, VC 1 represents the Variable Charge based on Biomass Price P 1for FY 2012 -13 as specified under Regulation 44 and shall be determined as under: Station Heat Rate (SHR)1 P1 VC 1 = xx Gross Calorific Value (GCV) (1–Aux Consum. Factor) 1000 (3) The biomass base pr ice sha ll be revised a t the end of third yea r of the control period and same shall also be applicable to project commissioned under this Control Period.”- 8 - Ex-414/2014 29. Amendment of Regulation 47 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 47 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “47 Capital Cost The normative capital cost for the non-fossil fuel based cogeneration projects shall be Rs.420 Lakh/MW for the first year of Control Period (i.e. FY 2012 -13), and shall be linked to indexation formula as outlined under Regulation 48.” 30. Amendment of Regulation 48 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 48 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “48 Capital Cost Indexation Mechanism The following indexation mechanism shall be applicable in case of non-fossil fuel based cogeneration projects for adjustments in ca pit al cost with the changes in Wholesale Price Index for Steel a nd Electrical Machinery, CC (n) = P&M (n)* (1+F 1+F 2+F 3) P&M (n) = P&M (0) * (1+d (n)) d (n) = [a*{(SI (n-1 ) /SI (0)) -1} + b*{(EI (n-1) /EI (0)) - 1}]/(a+b) Where, CC (n) = Capital Cost for nth year P&M (n) = Plant and Ma chinery Cost for nth year P&M (0) = Plant and Machinery Cost for the base year Note:P&M (0) is to be computed by dividing t he base capital cost (for the first year of the cont rol period) by (1+F 1+F 2+F 3) d (n) =Capital Cost escala tion factor for year (n) of Control Period SI (n-1 )=Average WPI Steel Index prevalent for fiscal year (n-1) of the Control Period SI (0) =Average WPI Steel Index pr evalent for ca lendar year (0 ) at the beginning of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012 EI (n-1) =Average WPI Electrical Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (n-1) of the Control Period EI (0) =Average WPI Electrical and Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (0) at the beginning of the Control P eriod i. e. April 2011 to March 2012 a =Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.7), for weightages to Steel Index b =Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.3), for weightages t o Electr ical Machinery Index F 1 =Fact or for Land and Civil Work (0 .10) F 2 =Fact or for Erection and Commissioning (0.09) F 3 =Factor for IDC and Financing Cost (0.14)” 31. Amendment of Regulation 53 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (1) of Regulation 53 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “(1) The price of Bagasse shall be Rs. 1583/-per M.T and sha ll be linked to index formula e as outlined under Regulation 54. Alternatively, for each subsequent year of the Control Period, the normative escalation factor of 5% per annum shall be applicable at the option of the project developer.”- 9 -Ex-414/2014 32. Amendment of Regulation 54 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 54 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “54 Fuel Price Indexation Mechanism (1) In case of non-fossil fuel based cogener ation pr ojects, the following indexing mecha nism for adjustment of fuel prices for each year of operation will be applicable for determination of a pplicable variable charge component of tariff, in case developer wishes to opt for indexing mecha nism: P (n)=P (n-1) * {a * (WPI (n) /WPI (n-1) ) + b * (1+IRC (n-1)) + c * (Pd (n) /Pd (n-1) )} Where P (n) =Price per ton of Bagasse for the nth year to be consider ed for tariff determina tion P (n-1)=Price per ton of Bagasse for the (n-1)th yea r to be consider ed for tariff determination. P1 shall be Biomass price for FY 2012 -13 as specified under Regulation 53. a =Fact or representing fuel handling cost b =Fact or repr esenting fuel cost c =Fact or representing transportation cost IRC (n-1)=Average Annual Inflation Ra te for indexed energy charge component in case of captive coal mine s ource (in %) to be applicable for (n- 1)th year, a s may be specified by CERC for ‘Payment purpose’ as per Competitive Bidding Guidelines Pd n = Weighted average p rice of HSD for nth year. Pd n-1 = Weighted average price of HS D for (n-1)th yea r. WPI n = Whole sale price index for the month of April of nth year WPI n-1 = Wholesale price index for month of April of (n-1)th year. Wher e a, b & c will be specified by the Commission from time to time. In default, these factors shall be 0.2, 0.6 & 0.2 respectively. (2) Variable Charge for the nth year shall be determined as under: i.e. VC n = VC 1x (P n / P 1) or VC n = VC 1x (1.05)(n-1) (optional) Where, VC 1 rep resents the Va ria ble Cha rge based on baga s se Pric e P 1for FY 2012-13 as specified under Regula tion 55 and sha ll be determined as under: Station Heat Rate (SHR)1 P1 VC 1 = x x Gross Calorific Value (GCV)(1–Aux Consum. Factor)1000" 33. Amendment of Regulation 55 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 55 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “55 Operation and Maintenance Expenses (1) Normative O&M expenses dur ing first year of the Control period (i.e. F Y 2012 - 13) shall be Rs. 16.0 Lakh per MW. (2) Normative O&M expenses allowed at the commencement of the Control P eriod (i.e. F Y 2 0 1 2 -1 3 ) u nder t hes e R egu la t ions s ha ll be es ca la t ed a t t he r a t e of 5 .7 2 % p er a nnu m. ”- 10 - Ex-414/2014 34. Amendment of Regulation 57 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 57 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “57 Capital Cost The normative capital cost for setting up Sola r Photovoltaic Power Project shall be Rs. 1000 Lakh/MW for FY 2012-13. Provided tha t the Commission may deviate from above norm in case of project specific ta riff determination in pursuance of Regulation 7 and Regulation 8.” 35. Amendment of Regulation 61 of the Principal Regulations: Regulation 57 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: “61 Capital Cost The normative capital cos t for setting up Sola r Thermal Power Project shall be Rs.1300 L akh/ MW for FY 2012 -13. Provided that the Commission may deviate from the above norm in case of project specific tariff determination in pur suance of Regulation 7 and Regulation 8.” 36. Additional amendment of Regulations of the Principal Regulations: Chapter-10, Regulation 65 a nd Regulation 66 of the Principal Regulations shall be read as Chapter- 12, Regulation 84 a nd Regulation 85 resp ectively and the following new Chapter-10 & 11 shall be added in the Principal Regulations, namely: CHAPTER – 10 TECHNOLOGY SPECIFIC PARAMETERS FOR BIOMASS GASIFIER POWER PROJECT 65. Technology Aspect The norms for tariff determination specified hereunder are for biomass gasifier power projects ba sed. 66. Capital Cost The normative capit al cost for the biomass gasifier power projects based on Rankine cycle shall be Rs 550/- Lakh/MW (F Y 2012-1 3 during first year of Control Period) and shall be linked to indexa tion formula as outlined under Regulation 67. After taking into account of capita l subsidy net p roject cost shall be Rs 400/-Lakh/MW for FY 2012-13. 67. Capital Cost Indexation Mechanism (1) The following indexation mechanism shall be applicable in case of biomass ga sifier power projects for adjustment in capital cost over the Control Period with the changes in Wholesale P rice Index for Steel and Electrical Machinery, CC(n)= P&M(n)* (1+F1+F2+F3) P&M(n) = P&M(0) * (1+d(n)) d(n)= [a*{(SI(n-1)/SI(0))– 1} + b*{(EI(n-1)/EI(0)) – 1}]/(a+b) Where, CC (n)= Capital Cost for nth year P&M (n) = P lant and Machinery Cost for nth year P&M (0) = P lant and Machinery Cost for the base year Note:P&M (0) is to be computed by dividing t he base capital cost (for the first year of the control period) by (1+F1+F2+F3)- 11 -Ex-414/2014 d (n)=Capital Cost escala tion factor for year (n) of Control Period SI (n-1)=Average WPI Steel Index prevalent for ca lendar year (n-1) of the Control Period SI (0) =Average WPI Steel Index prevalent for ca lendar year (0 ) at the beginning of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012 EI (n-1)=Average WPI Electrical Machinery Index pr evalent for calendar year (n-1) of the Control P eriod EI(0)=Average WPI Electr ical a nd Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (0) at the beginning of t he Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012 a=Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.7), for weighta ges to Steel Index b=Constant to be determined by Commission from time to time, (In default it is 0.3), for weighta ges to Electrical Machinery Index F1=Fact or for Land and Civil Works (0 .10) F2=Fact or for Erection and Commissioning (0.09) F3=Fact or for IDC and F inancing Cost (0 .14) 68. Plant Load Factor Threshold Plant Loa d Factor for determining fixed charge component of Tariff s hall be 85%. 69. Auxiliary Consumption The auxiliar y power consumption factor shall be 10% for the determination of tar iff. 70. Specific fuel consumption Normative specific fuel consumption shall be 1.25 kg per kWh. 71. Operation and Maintenance Expenses (1) Normative O&M expenses for the first year of t he Control period (i. e. FY 2012-13 shall be Rs 40/- Lakh per MW. (2) Normative O&M expenses allowed at the commencement of the Control Period (i.e. FY 2012-13) under these Regulations shall be escalated at the rate of 5.72% per annum. 72 . Fuel Mix (1) The Biomass Gasifier based power plant shall be designed in such a way that it uses different types of non-fossil fuels available within the vicinity of biomass power project such as crop residues, agr o- industrial residues, forest r esidues etc. and other biomass fuels as may be a pproved by M NRE. (2) The Biomass Gasifier based Power Generating Companies shall ensure fuel mana gement plan to ensure adequate ava ilab ility of fuel to meet the respect ive pr oject r equir ements. 73. Fuel Cost Biomass fuel price during first year of the Control Period (i. e. FY 2012-13) shall be as per Regula tion 44 a nd shall be linked to indexation for mula as specified under Regulation 74. Alternatively, for each subsequent year of t he Ta riff Period, the norma tive esca lation fa ctor of 5 % per annum shall be applicable at the option of the Biomass Gasifier project developer. 74. Fuel Price Indexation Mechanism (1) In case of Biomass Gasifier power projects, the following indexing mecha nism for adjustment of fuel prices for each year of operation will be applicable for determina tion of applicable variable charge component of tar iff, in case developer wishes to opt for indexing mechanism:- 12 - Ex-414/2014 P (n)= P(n-1)*{a*(WPI(n)/WPI(n-1)) +b*(1+IRC) (n-1)+c* (Pd(n)/Pd(n-1))} Where, P (n)= Pr ice per tonne of biomass for the nth year to be considered for ta riff determina tion P (n -1 ) = P rice p er t onne of b iomas s for the (n-1 )t h yea r to be cons idered for t a riff determina tion. P1 shall be Biomass price for FY 2012-13 as specified under Regulation 44. a= Fact or repr esenting fuel handling cost b = Fact or repr esenting fuel cost c= Fact or representing transportation cost IR C(n-1) = Average Annual Inflation Rate for indexed energy cha rge component in case of captive coal mine source (in %) to be applicable for (n-1)th year, as may be specified by CERC for ‘Payment purpose’ as per competitive Bidding Guidelines Pd n= Weighted a verage p rice of HSD for nth year. Pd n-1= Weighted average price of HSD for (n-1)th year. WPI n= Whole sale price index for the month of April of nth year WPI n-1 = Wholesale price index for month of April of (n-1)th year. Wher e a, b & c will be specified by the Commission from time to time. In default, these factors shall be 0.2, 0.6 & 0.2 respectively. (2) Variable Charge for the nth year shall be determined as under: i.e. VCn = VC x (Pn / P1) or VCn = VC x (1.05)(n-1)(optional) Where, VC1 represents the Variable Charge based on Biomass Price P1for FY 2012-13 as specified under Regulation 44 and shall be determined as under: Station Heat Rate (SHR)1 P1 VC1 = x x Gross Calorific Value (GCV) (1 – Aux Cons. Factor) 1000 (3) The biomass base price sha ll be r evised at the end of the control period for the next Control Period and s ame sha ll also be applicable to project commissioned under t his Control Period. CHAPTER – 11 TECHNOLOGY SPECIFIC PARAMETERS FOR BIOGAS BASED POWER PROJECTS 75. Technology Aspect The norms for tariff determination specified hereunder are for grid connected biogas based power projects that uses 100% Biogas fired engine, coupled with Biogas technology for co-digesting agriculture residues, manure and other bio waste as may be approved by MNRE. 76. Capital Cost The normative capit al cost for the bioga s based power shall b e Rs 1100/- La kh/MW (FY 2012-13 during first year of C ontrol Period) and shall be linked to indexation formula as outlined under Regulation 77. Aft er taking into account of ca pital subsidy net project cos t shall be Rs 800/- Lakh/ MW for FY 2012-13. 77. Capital Cost Indexation Mechanism (1) The following indexation mechanism shall be applicable in ca se of biogas based power projects for adjustment in capita l cost over the Contr ol Period with the changes in Wholesale Price Index for Steel and Electrica l Machinery, CC(n)= P&M(n)* (1+F 1+F2+F3) P&M(n) = P&M(0) * (1+d(n)) d(n)= [a *{(SI(n-1)/SI(0))– 1} + b*{(EI(n-1)/EI(0)) – 1}]/(a+b)- 13 -Ex-414/2014 Where, CC (n)= Capit al Cost for nth year P&M (n) = Plant and Machinery Cost for nth year P&M (0) = Plant and Machinery Cost for the base year Note:P&M (0) is to be computed by dividing t he base capital cost (for the first year of the control period) by (1+F1+F2+F3) d (n)= Capital Cost escala tion factor for year (n) of Control Period SI (n-1)= Average WPI Steel Index prevalent for ca lendar year (n-1) of the Control Period SI (0)= Average WPI Steel Index prevalent for ca lendar year (0 ) at the beginning of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012 EI (n-1)= Average WP I Electrical Machinery Index pr evalent for calendar year (n-1) of the Control Period EI(0)= Average WPI Electrical and Machinery Index prevalent for calendar year (0) at the beginning of the Control Period i.e. April 2011 to March 2012 a = Constant to be determined by Commission from time to t ime, (In default it is 0.7), for weightages to Steel Index b= Constant to be determined by Commission from time to t ime, (In default it is 0.3), for weightages t o Electr ical Machinery Index F1= Fact or for Land and Civil Works (0 .10) F2= Fact or for Erection and Commissioning (0.09) F3= Fact or for IDC and F inancing Cost (0 .14) 78. Pla nt Loa d Factor Threshold Plant Loa d Factor for determining fixed charge component of Tariff s hall be 90%. 79. Auxiliary Consumption The auxiliar y power consumption fa ctor sha ll be 12% for the deter mination of tar iff. 80. Operation and Maintenance Expenses (1) Normative O&M expenses for the first year of t he Control period (i. e. FY 2012-13 shall be Rs 40/- Lakh per MW. (2) Normative O&M expenses allowed at the commencement of the Control Period (i.e. FY 2012-13) under these Regulations shall be escalated at the rate of 5.72% per annum. 81. Specific Fuel Consumption Normative specific fuel consumption shall be 3 kg of substrate mix per kWh. 82. Fuel Cost (Feed stock Price) Feed stock price during first year of the Control Period (i.e. FY 2012-13) shall be Rs. 990/MT for FY 2012-13 (net of any cost recovery from digester effluent). 83. Fuel Price Indexation Mechanism (1) In ca se of biomass power projects, the following indexing mechanism for adjustment of fuel prices for each year of operation will be applicable for determination of a pplicable variable char ge component of tariff, in ca se developer wis hes to opt for indexing mechanism: P (n)= P (n-1)*{a*(WPI (n)/WPI (n-1))+b*(1+IRC)(n-1)+c*(Pd(n)/Pd(n-1))} Where, P (n)= P rice per tonne of b iomass for the nth yea r to be consider ed for t ariff determina tion- 14 - Ex-414/2014 P (n-1) = Price per tonne of biomass for the (n-1)t h year to be considered for ta riff determination. P1 shall be Feed stock price for FY 2012-13 as specified under Regulation 82 A= Fact or representing fuel handling cost B= Fact or repr esenting fuel cost C= Fact or representing transportation cost IR C(n-1) = Average Annual Inflation Rate for indexed energy charge component in case of captive coal mine source (in %) to be applicable for (n-1)th year, as may be specified by CERC for ‘Payment purpose’ as per Competitive Bidding Guidelines Pd n= Weighted a verage p rice of HSD for nth year. Pd n-1 = Weighted average price of HSD for (n-1)th year. WPI n = Whole sale price index for the month of April of nth year WPI n-1 = Wholesale price index for month of April of (n-1)th year. Wher e a, b & c will be specified by the Commission from time to time. In default, these factors shall be 0.2, 0.6 & 0.2 respectively. (2) Variable Charge for the nth year shall be determined as under: i.e. VCn = VC 1 x (Pn / P1) or VCn = VC 1 x (1.05)(n-1) (optional) Where, VC1represents the Variable Charge based on Biomass Price P1for FY 2012-13 as specified under Regulation 44 and shall be determined as under: Station Heat Rate (SHR)1 1 VC1 = x x Gross Calorific Value (GCV) (1 – Aux Cons. Factor) 1000 (3) The biomass base pr ice sha ll be r evised at the end of third year of the cont rol period and same shall also be applicable to project commissioned under this Control Period.” By Order of the Commission, Richard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary. Note : The Princip al Regulations were published in the Officia l Gazettes Extra-ordinary of Manipur and Mizoram No. 158 dt. 16.6.2010 and No. 183 dt. 2.6.2010 respectively.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/250- 15 -Ex-414/2014

The Mizoram (Prevention & Control of Fire in the Village Ram) Amendment Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 415Date - 14/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 14.8.2014 Sravana 23, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 415 NOTIFICATIONTHE MIZORAM (PREVENTION & CONTROL OF FIRE IN THE VILLAGE RAM) AMENDMENT RULES, 2001 No. B. 14016/1/2014-LAD, the 8th August, 2014.In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) and clause (a) and (d) of sub-section (2) of section 23 of the Lusha i Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 (Lushai Hills Act V of 1953), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules, further to amend the Mizoram (Pr evention and Control of Fire in the Village Ram) Rules, 2001 (her einafter refer red to as the Principal Rules) as follows, namely :- 1.Shor t title, extent and commencement : (1)These rules may be called the Mizoram (P revention & Control of Fire in the Village Ram) Amendment Rules, 2014. (2)They sha ll have the like ext ent as the Principal Ru les. (3)They shall come into for ce at once. 2.Amendment of Rule 7 : (a)In sub-rule (2) of Rule 7 of the Principal Rules, the words ‘Subordinate District Council Cour t’ shall be substituted by t he words ‘Chief Judicial Magistrate or District Judge as the case may be, for disposal’ (b)In sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 of the Principal Rules, the words ‘Subordinate District Council Court’ shall be substituted by the words ‘Chief Magistrate or District Judge as the case may be, for disposal’. C. T hatkunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

State Level Executive Committee Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 416Date - 14/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 14.8.2014 Sravana 23, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 416 NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 16011/1/2014-SYS/Loose, the 11th August, 2014.Consequent on revison of t he Panchayat Yuva Krida aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) Scheme w.e.f 01.04.2014 and re-naming of the same as Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiya n (RGKA) by the Govt. of India vide their letter No.F.No.1-4/MYAS/RGKA/2014/ 4201, dt.7.7.2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute the member of State Level Execu- tive Commit tee of RGKA with immediate effect and unt il further orders. State Level Execut ive Committee RGKA Chairman:Secr etary, Spor ts & Yout h S ervices Members:1.Secr etary, R ural Development Depart ment 2.Secr etary, P lanning & Prog. Implementation Department 3.Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl Dist. 4.Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei Dist. 5.Depu ty Commissioner, Saiha Dist. 6.Deputy Commissioner, Cha mphai Dist. 7.Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib Dist. 8.Jt. Secretary, Sports & Youth Services. 9.Director, Sports & Youth Services. 10.Vice President, Mizoram St ate Spor ts Council. 11.Jt. Secretary, Mizoram State Sports Council. 12.Financial S ecretar y, Mizoram Sta te Sports Council. 13.Asst . Direct or, SAI SAG, Aizawl. 14.Zonal Director/Regional Co-ordina tor. NYKS, Mizoram. 15.Sports Promotion Officer, Mizoram State Sports Council, shall be the State Technical Consultant, RGKA. 16.President Central YMA, Mizoram 17.President, Mizora m Athletics Association. 18.President, Mizora m Badminton Association. 19.President, Mizoram Amateur Boxing Association. 20.Project Officer, Mizoram State Sports Council. Member Secretary:Secretary, Mizoram State Sports Council. R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sports & Youth Services Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Re-settlement Act, 2013. The following are the members of the Committee :

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 417Date - 14/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 14.8.2014 Sravana 23, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 417 NOTIFICATIONNo.H. 11018/16/2014-REV, the 11th August, 2014.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Drafting, Committee to consider and prepare a separate Act / Rules for the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Re-settlement for application in lieu of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Re-settlement Act, 2013. The following are the members of the Committee : Chairman-Pu R.Romawia Hon’ble Minister, Revenue Department. Vice Chairman-Pu H.Zothangliana, Parliamentary Secretary, Revenue Department. Member Secreta ry-Secr etary/Addl. Secretary, Revenue Department. Member-1.Pu Rin Sanga IAS Rtd. 2.Pu H.Raltawna IAS Rtd. 3.Pu V.Sapchhunga IAS Rtd. 4.President, Bar Association 5.Secretary Law & Judicia l Department 6.Dir ector, Land R evenue & Settlement Department. Terms of Reference :The committee will give careful examination on all the Paras of the Right to Fair Compensation & Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement, 2013 and lay out suitable Act/ Rules for application in Mizoram with regard to land acquisition and related matters. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Revenu e Dep ar tment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Shri Lalmalsawma (new name), S/o Shri Challianchhunga, permanently residing at Dinthar Veng, West Phaileng, Mamit District, Mizoram

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 418Date - 14/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 14.8.2014 Sravana 23, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 418 DEED CHANGING NAMEBY T HIS DEED I, the undersigned Shri La lmalsawma (new name), S/o Shri Challianchhu nga, permanently residing at Dinthar Veng, West Phaileng, Mamit Distr ict, Mizoram previously called Lalmalsawma Colney (former name) do her eby: 1.Wholly renounce, r elinquish and abandon the us e of my former name of Lalmalsawma Colney, and in place thereof do assume from the 13th August, 2014 the na me of Lalmalsawma, so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my for mer name of Lalmalsawma Colney but by my assumed name of Lalmalsawma. 2.For the pur pose of evidencing such my determina tion declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and tra nsactions, private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name of Lalmalsa wma as my name in place of and in substitution for my former name of Lalmalsawma Colney. 3.Expr essly authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and a ddress me by such assumed name of Lalmalsawma. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my former and adopted names of Lalmalsawma Colney and La lmalsawma resp ectively and affix my signature on this the 13th August, 2014. Signed and delivered by Lalmalsawma, Formerly Lalmalsawma Colney In t he presence of : Witnesses : Sd/- Cicilia La lhmingmawii, R/o Edenthar, Aizawl. Signed before me : Sd/-Sd/- Lalngaihsaki Fanai,R. Thangkanglova, Advocate.Advocate & Notary Public, Aizawl : Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Notarial Registration No. 47/08 Date 13/08/14


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 419Date - 20/08/2014

NOTIFICATION GUIDELINES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE INNER LINE REGULATION IN MIZORAM No. F-22016/5/2011-HMP, the 13th Aug., 2014.In supersession of the existing guidelines for the enforcement of the Inner Line Regulation in Mizoram issued vide No. F. 22015/54/2008-HMP dt. 30. 08. 2010 and in the interest of the public, the Governor of Mizor am, in exercise of the power conferred by Para 2 of the Bengal Ea stern Fr ontier Regulation, 1873(V of 1873) is pleased to issue the following guidelines for regulating the entry and sta y of non-indigenous persons within the Inner Line of Mizoram as notified in the Notifica tion No. 2106 A.P. dated 9th March, 1933 published in the Assam Gazette Part-II dated 15th March, 1933. This shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2.INDIGENOUS AND NON-INDIGENOUS PERSONS: (a)For the pur pose of this Guidelines; a person sha ll be deemed to be indigenous of the then Mizo Distr ict (now State of Mizor am) if he/she, or either of his/her parents was/were born in the terr itory of India five yea rs prior to the commencement of the Constitution of India as per Article 5 read with Article 394 of the Constitution and who have continuously resided in Mizoram not later tha n 26th January, 1950 and their direct descendants including N on-Mizo indigenous residents. (b)All other persons not included in Sub-Para (a) of this Para shall be deemed to be Non-indigenous persons. 3.AUTHORITIES FOR ISSUE OF INNER LINE PASS (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS ILP): (1)REG ULAR ILP: The Deputy Commissioner of Aizawl District, Lunglei District, Kolasib District, Mamit District, Serchhip District, Champhai District, Lawngtlai District and Saiha District or any other concerned subordinate officers authorized by them on their behalf shall be competent to issue regula r ILP for a period not exceeding 6 (six) months subject to the availability of a sponsor who is a bonafide indigenous resident or as provided under Pa ra 11, 12, 13 and 14 of these guidelines. However, ILP for a period exceeding 6 (six) month shall be refer ed to Government in Home Department for obtaining administrative approval. Provided that the Deputy Commissioner in exceptional cases may issue Temporary Stay Permits to certain s killed labourers whose specia lized skills ar e requir ed for a short period of time as per Para 4 (a) of these guidelines.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.8.2014 Sravana 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 419 (2)RENE WAL OR EXTENSI ON OF REGULAR ILP: The officers authorized to issue Regular ILP may, on receipt of an application, renew or extend the validity of the regula r ILP for not more tha n two times, if the permit holder is residing in their respective districts. The period of extension shall not exceed 6 months at a time. Renewal of ILP shall be subject to the good conduct of the ILP holder tha t he/she is not involved in any criminal activity. Provided that application for renewal or extension should be su bmitted 7 days prior to expir y of the ILP failing which fine of ^ 10/- (Rupees t en) only per da y shall be levied as p er Para 18(2)(b) of this guidelines. 4.TE M P O R ARY ILP: The Resident Commissioner, Government of Mizora m at New Delhi, the Additional Resident Commissioner/ Joint Resident Commissioner/Deputy Resident Commissioner s, Silchar, Shillong, Guwahati, Kolkata, Mumbai, the Deputy Superintendent of Police in-cha rge of Airport Securit y at Lengpui Airport, Officer in-charge of Kanhmun Police Station – Mamit District, Assistant to Deputy Commissioner, Bair abi, Sub- Divisional Officers (Civil) of Ngopa – Champhai District, Vairengte- Kolasib District, Post Commanders of Border Out Posts (BoPs) at New Kawnpui- Mamit District, Phaisen and Saipha i of Kolasib District or any other author ities designated by t he Government from time to time, are author ized to issue Tempor ary ILP in Form ‘E’ for a period not exceeding 15 (fifteen) days to bonafide visitors, tourists, business representative, and labourers sponsored by authorized persons with intimation to the concerned Deputy Commissioner. (a)The Officer author ized to issue Temporar y ILP should ensure that the Tempora ry ILPs are issued only on Government working days i. e. no Temporary ILP will be issued on Saturdays, Sundays and Government Holidays. Provided that the Deputy Resident Commissioner, Silchar and the Deputy Superintendent of P olice, Lengpui Airport may issue the permit s even on Government holidays and in the event of an emergency which could a ffect the Law and Order situation. (b)REVALIDATION OF TE M P O R ARY ILP: The Officers author ized to issue Temporary ILPs may on receipt of an application revalidate the permit if the holder has not utilized the same due to genuine unforeseen circumstances for a period not exceeding 15 days. (c)EXTENSION OF TE M P O R ARY ILP: The Officer s authorized t o issue Regula r ILPs may also, on receipt of an application, extend the validit y of the Temporary ILP for one occasion for a period not exceeding 15 days. 5.CATEGORIES OF PERSONS TO BE EXEMPTED: (1)In p a r t ia l modifica t ion of t he Not ifica t ion No. P L A. 3 9 3 / 7 0 -P t /I dt . 7 . 9 . 1 9 7 0 which p r ohib it s all persons other than officers on Government duty and indigenous inhabitants of the then Mizo District, (now the State of Mizora m), from crossing the Inner Line, it is prescr ibed tha t in addition to the persons exempted under the said notifica tion, The following non-indigenous person(s) shall also remain exempted from having ILP:- (a)A non-indigenous female mar ried to an indigenous Mizo or other indigenous male shall be exempted during her ma rriage to that person. However, a male non-indigenous person marr ied to an indigenous Mizo female or other indigenous female sha ll not be exempted from having ILP. (b)Member of the Secur ity Forces with his/her family shall be exempted from having ILP while serving in Mizoram. (c)Regular or permanent State or Central Government servant with his/her family shall be exempted while serving in Mizoram. (d)Retired State or Centr al Government employee permanently settled in Mizoram by virtue of his or her marriage to an indigenous person of Mizoram shall be exempted with his/her family.- 2 - Ex-419/2014 (e)Government Advocate as well as t he advocate on Defence Panel of Government with his/her family while serving in Mizoram. (f)Regular or permanent employee of t he Gover nment undertakings and Corpor ations shall be exempted with his/her family for entry and stay only so long as the employee is posted in Mizoram. (g)Persons or group of persons invited by the Government or Government undertakings to participate in Government sponsored programmes. In such cases; the sponsoring Department/office shall obtain exemption certificate from Home Department, Government of Mizoram. Provided tha t the expression of ‘family’ shall be construed as stated solely and restricted to in Sub-Rule (8) of Rule 2 of Supplementary Rules of Swamy’s compilation of FR & SR Part-II(Tra veling Allowance Rules) as r eproduced below in the case of serving Government servant and retired Government servant of the State of Mizora m or Central Government in Mizoram who are sta ying and or permanently settled in an owned or rented house even a fter retir ement fr om service:- “S.R. 2 (8) ‘Family means a Government servant’s wife or husband, as the case may be, residing with the Government servant and legitimate children and step children residing with and wholly dependent upon the Government serva nt”. (2)Entr y of foreigners into Mizoram is regulated under the provision of F oreigners (Prot ected Areas) Order, 1958 made under the provision of Foreigners Act , 1946 and the Passport (Entry into India ) Rules, 1950. (3)The system of issuing Identity Car ds with photogr aphs may be adopted for regula r Government servants for easy identification at the check ga tes. While Government servants on duty visiting Mizoram and staying tempor arily ar e not r equired to carr y Inner Line Pass, the author ized personnel posted at the check gates may r efuse their entry due to ignor ance of their identity. In the absence of an Identit y Card, a Government servant should carry a movement order or even an Inner Line Pass to avoid any risk of being refused entry due to ignorance of his or her identity. (4)Employees of Priva te Compa nies or Firms and Private Sector undertakings are required to have ILP and their I.D. Ca rds shall not be accepted for exemption from having ILP. (5)Students of Educational Institutions within the State possessing genuine Student Identity Cards issued by the institutions shall be exempted from the requirement of possessing ILPs during the period of their studies. The Heads of the Institutions may clearly state the yea r/period of study in the Identity Ca rds. 6.PRESCRIBE FORMS, FEES, CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS, ETC. UNDER REGULATION 4 OF THE BENGAL EASTERN FRONTIER REGULATION, 1873: (1)Forms prescribed by the Government and appended hereto are For m A-1, A-2, B, C, D, E, F, G and H and every column/points of questions should be written/filled up by the applicant and the sponsor in the applica tion forms. Necessa ry fees a re indica ted in ea ch form. F ees are subject to revision by the Government from time to t ime. (2)All Pass Issuing or Renewing Authorities s hould ensure that the conditions and restrict ions indicated in the respective forms should be strictly adhered to by the applicants and the sponsors. ( 3 ) Passport-size Photograph of the applicant and the sponsor should be attached on the application and be pasted on fina l permit issued by the author ity. 7.SPECIAL SECURITY INSTRUCTION DURING EMERGENCY, ETC.: The State Government has the right to issue special instruction(s) for taking special measures through Inner Line Pass system for tightening the security within the State during any emergency or war, or as and when such situation arises.- 3 -Ex-419/2014 8.VERIFICATION OF CHARACTER AND ANTECEDENTS: (1)A simple yet effective system, of verifying the character and antecedents of the applicants may be adopted by the Pass Issuing Authorities so that the procedure is not made too cumbersome for the administrative machinery and also for the applicant(s). In dou btful cases, it may become necessary to go deeper by even referring to the home district of the applicants. In normal cases, it should be enough to verify fr om the applica nt himself. The Pass Issuing Author ity, however, ha s the right to grant t he pass or reject the application without assigning any reason. (2)The influx of Bangladesh na tionals into Tr ipura, the districts of Karimganj, Ha ilakandi and Cachar of Assam ha s to be taken into considera tion while issuing ILPs to persons claiming to be from these dist ricts. The ILP Issuing Author ities s hould insist on the production of valid Electoral P hoto Identity Card or relevant extra ct of E lectora l Roll countersigned by concerned ERO or genuine reliable document to prove the bonafide identity as Indian citizen of the applicant fr om a pplica nts above the age of 18 year s a nd residential or bir th certificate or bonafide docu ment fr om applicants below 18 years. T his is required to ensure that only bona fide Indian citizens of these districts avail the ILP and that the security of the State is not jeopardized. 9.INNER LINE PASSES FOR CASUAL, CONTRACTUAL AND MUSTER ROLL EMPLOYEES OF THE GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNMENT UNDERTAKINGS/AGENCIES: All casual, contra ctual and Muster Roll employees enga ged by various departments of the State Gover nment a nd its underta kings/a gencies, and by the officers entitled to have personal p eons shall be required to have Inner Line P asses for a period of 2(two) yea rs which is extendable for the exact period for which they are employed or engaged. The said employee shall be resp onsible for applying the ILP through and with the sponsorship of his/her controlling officer concerned. 10.FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE CATEGORY OF EMPLOYEES AS MENTIONED IN SECTION 9 ABOVE: The Family members and dependents of the employee in the category mentioned in Pa ra 9 above should obtain Inner Line Pa sses for their movement and stay in Mizoram. They may be given Passes for comparatively longer periods which may be even upto 2 (two) year s depending upon the nature of posting or employment of such employee. 11.ILP FOR NON-INDIGENOUS BUSINESSMEN/TRADERS HOLDING TRADE LICENSES: There are a few non-indigenous persons who are running shops/ businesses by vir tue of Trade Licenses, either Permanent or Temporary, granted to them by the erstwhile Distr ict Council and the Autonomous District Councils (Lai, Chakma and Mara). Special ar rangements ha ve to b e made for them and Regular IL P may be issued to them in the following manner – (1)PERMANENT TRADE LICENSEHOLDERS: Inner Line Passes with validity normally 2 (two) years but not exceeding 3 (thr ee) years, renewable by 1 (one) year at a time may be issued to persons who are in possession of Permanent Trade License issued by the erstwhile Mizo Districts Council and the Autonomous Distr ict Councils (Lai, Chakma and Mara) and to the members of their immediate/direct family members subject to the prior approval of the Government in Home Department. Such Permanent Trade Licence holders are not allowed to sponsor another non-indigenous person(s) for ILP. The Permanent Trade Licence holder is r equired to obtain sponsorship by indigenous person of Mizoram for his ILP applica tion and for his family member(s). (2)TE M P O R ARY TRADE LICENSEHOLDERS: Inner Line Passes with validity normally 2 (two) years but not exceeding 3 (thr ee) years, renewable by 1 (one) year at a time may be is sued to persons, who are in possession of Temporary Trade License issued by the erstwhile Distr ict Council and the Autonomous District- 4 - Ex-419/2014 Councils(Lai, Chakma and Mara) and to the members of their immediate/direct family members subject to prior approval of the Government in Home Depar tment. S uch Temporary Trade Licence holders are not allowed to sponsor another non-indigenous person(s) for ILP. The Temporary Trade Licence holder is requir ed to obtain sponsorship by indigenous person of Mizoram for his ILP applica tion and for his family member(s). 12.TWO (2) YEARSILP FOR NON-INDIGENOUS EMPLOYEES OF THE PRIVATE OR PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES, CORPORATIONS AND FIRMS: a)The application for ILP under this Para shall be submitted through the Deputy Commissioner concerned of the District where the PSU or Priva te Sector Undertaking/ Company/ Firms is having its Headquar ters Office. b)(i) Public Sector Companies, Corporations, Firms:There are Public Sector Compa nies, Corporations and Firms whose services ar e requir ed for execution of work contracts u nder the State Government. If such Companies, Corporations and Firms require ILP for r egistra tion under Mizor am Value Added Tax Act, 2005 and the Rules made t hereunder, the Government shall have the right to issue Inner Line P asses of 2 (two) years validity to one representa tive (CEO or Managing Director or Mana ger or Branch Head or to an employee of the firm ha ving Power of Attorney, et c.) of the companies/firms to enable them to register under MVAT Act, 2005. Such 2 (two) yea rs ILP shall be valid for one specific work and another ILP shall be required for other/different work. Other non-indigenous employees may be issued Regular ILP by the Deputy Commissioner on sponsor ship by the Department concerned of the State or Central Government or repr esentative of the fir m or by an indigenous person of Mizoram. (ii) Private Fir ms: In case of private business fir ms whose services or investments ar e required, the Government shall have the right to issue ILP with validity of 2 years to one representa tive (C EO or Managing Director or Mana ger or to an employee of the firm having Power of Attorney et c.) of the company/fir m on sponsorship by an indigenous person on case to case basis to make them eligible for registration under MVAT Act, 2005. Such 2 (two) years ILP shall be valid for one specific work and another ILP shall be required for other/different work. Other non-indigenous employees of the company/firm may be issued Regular ILP by the concerned Deputy Commissioner on sponsorship by Department concerned of the State or Cent ral Government or by t he representa tive of the fir m/compa ny to whom 2 (two) year validity ILP was issued under this sub-paragr aph. (iii) Visiting other district(s) by holder of valid ILP: In connection with Sub-Para(i) and (ii) of this Pa ra above; it ma y not be necessary to obtain separate ILP under the same work- cont ract even if the works are scattered into other districts. In such case; the ILP holder is requir ed to repor t himself in writing to the Deputy Commissioner (Distr ict Collector) concerned and to the S uperint endent of Police or Police Sta tion concerned. T he labourers and other employees u nder the same work-contract who are holder of valid ILP ma y also visit other district and repor t should be submitted as stated above. 13.TWO (2) YEARS ILP FOR NON-INDIGENOUS PROPRIETORS OF NON-CSD CANTEENS (UNIT CANTEENS) The Central Forces like BRTF, BS F, Assa m Rifles, etc. stationed in various places in the State have Non-C SD Canteens (Unit Canteens) run by non-indigenous persons. Similar ly, the State Police have canteens in severa l places like Battalion Headquarters, Distr ict Headquarters, Police Sta tions, etc. The Government sha ll have the right to issue ILP with 2 (two) years validity to the non-indigenous proprietors of these canteens on sponsor ship by an indigenous person of Mizoram with letter of justification from the hea d of the Forces or Ba ttalion or Sub-Headquarter or Police Station concerned and the application should be routed through Depu ty Commissioner concerned of the distr ict.- 5 -Ex-419/2014 14.ISSUE OF PROVISIONAL INNER LINE PASS TO IMPORT LABOURERS IN BULK: A la rge number of Inner Line Passes are often issued to labourers of Border Roads Task Force, Public Works Department, P ublic Health Engineering Depa rtment, Power and Electricity Department and their contractors, Environment and Forest Department and to its mahaldars/cont ractors, Government undertakings and Corporations. Such labourers can be the clandestine source of infiltration of a large number of anti-social and anti-national elements or spread of various communicable diseases. Therefore, special care ha s to be taken to screen them and regulate their entry properly. T he following procedure may he followed – (1) All the officers authorized to issue regular ILP may issue provisional pass for import of labourers with validity for 15(fifteen) days on the recommendation of the Chief Engineer, Project Pushpak, PCCF, Engineer-in-Chief of PWD/P&E/PHE Department or the Zonal Chief Engineers below them, as the case may be, and concerned Administr ative Department in ca se of P ublic Sector Undertakings. Before submission of such recommendation to the Deputy Commissioners, the sponsoring Departments/authorities shall obtain ‘NO Objection Certificate’ from the Labour, Employment & Industrial Tr aining Department. (2) The Provisional Pa sses will be in the form of b lanket pass to bring in the r equired labour ers, provided that except with the pr ior approval of the Government, the number of such Labourers does not exceed 100 (one hundred). Onc e the labourer s are r ecruit ed from outside the I nner Line Area, it will be the responsibility of the concerned recruiting agency/department or cont ractors to fir st produce the labour ers in person along with their list and documents for verification of their cha racter and antecedents and issuance of Temporary ILP to the nearest Pass Issuing Author ity. (3) It shall be the responsibility of the agency, Department or the contractor of the Government undertaking or cor poration concerned to see tha t all labourers recruited get their Inner Line Passes regularized from the concerned Deputy Commissioner before expiry of their Temporary ILP. The Deputy Commissioner shall ensure that Inner Line passes are issued individually to each of the labour ers aft er completing necessa ry formalities at the earliest. He should also bring to the notice of all the labourers as well as the sponsors that they should carry their Inner Line Passes with them wherever they go. T his will be in the interest of the Pa ss holders. (4) If the Chief Medical Officer of a Distr ict feels that incidents of communicable disease is on the increase and that medical check-up of all the labourers is necessa ry, the District Authority may arrange for such medical check-up. (5) It will be the r esponsibilit y of the sponsor to see that labour ers recr uited by them do not cont inue to stay in the S tate without valid Inner Line Passes. The sponsor should ensure that the labourers are deported back after completion of the work for which they were recruited. (6) For any criminal or anti-social activity committed by the labourers, the sponsor shall be resp onsible for ear ly appr ehension of such labourers and shall furnish all r elevant informa tion to the Police. (7) An indigenous person genuinely requiring services of non-indigenous person for private cons truction or other private pur poses should obtain pr ovisional pass for import of labour. The number of la bourers that ca n be imported or sponsored for private purposes shall not exceed 10 except with the prior approva l of the Gover nment. Verification of chara cter for obtaining Temporary ILP shall be sa me as provided under Sub-Par a (2) a bove of this P ara. 15.SURPRISE CHECKS: To minimize the number of persons staying without Inner Line P asses a nd in order to enforce the Inner Line Regulation to the ext ent possible, surprise checking of Inner Line Passes in the District should be conducted at regular intervals. Superintendent of Police of each D istrict should ensure that such surprise checking is conducted at least once a month. Report of such checking should reach the Home Depa rtment, Police Headquarters and concerned District Ma gistr ates on the first week of each succeeding month. Any person found staying without valid Inner Line P ass should be duly prosecuted in accordance with the laws.- 6 - Ex-419/2014 16.DUTIES AT T HE INNER LINE CHECK GATES: The manner in which the Inner Line Pa sses ar e checked at the Inner Line Check Gates is very important. If not properly checked, there can be illegal entries. However, if in the name of pr oper checking the visit ors coming on foot or by buses or vehicles are delayed unduly long, it would amount to harassment. Therefore, the method of checking should be as simple as possible yet effective so that no one who is required to possess a n Inner Line Pa ss enters without a va lid Permit. (1) No p erson or vehicle carrying persons should be delayed more than the reasona ble minimum time required for doing the normal checking of the Inner Line Pa sses. T he men at the check gates should remain alert all times so that as soon as a person or a vehicle reaches the check point, the checking is conducted without any loss of time and the person/vehicle is allowed to cross the Inner Line after the checking as early as possible. (2) Although checking of vehicles does not fall within the purview of the Inner Line Regulation, it will be a good practice to keep a record of all the incoming and outgoing vehicles ca rrying non- indigenous persons to and from Mizoram in the register to be kept at the check gate. T hese records may be of some help for detecting crimes and for maintaining sta tistics of vehicles plying on t he road. The District author ity may devise a suit able form for maintenance of the relevant register at the check gate. T he same register may be used for entering other information also. (3) Normally it will not be necessary to make entry of each Inner Line Pa ss carried by every incoming individual as it would involve a great deal of time, particu larly in the ca se of a bus which may ca rry a large number of pass holders. Checking and at the same time entering the deta ils of every lnner Line Pass would mean a gr eat deal of time loss to the passengers and the bus. It would be enough if the checking is done in the bus itself. (4) All Inner Line Passes sur rendered at the check gate by the outgoing persons should, however, be collected and later entered in the r egister and sent to t he concerned Deputy Commissioner for record/disposal. 17. The District Police author ities will be responsible for maintenance and supervision of the Inner Line Check-gates under the overall control and supervision of the Deputy Commissioner of the distr ict. Check gates which may be erected at the Border Out Posts(BoPs) of New Kawnpui, Mamit Distr ict; Phaisen and Saiphai of Kolasib District may also be brought under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of P olice of the district though such check gates at the Border Out P osts ma y be temporarily manned by the Armed P olice personnel. Periodical and sur prise checks of Inner Line Passes in the distr ict should also be done by the Distr ict Police as envisaged under Para 15 ante, and report of the same should be regularly submitted to the concerned Deputy Commissioner. The Deputy Commissioner may also give instruction t o conduct surpr ise checks as and when deemed necess ary. 18.SPONSORSHIP, FINE AND CANCELLATION OF ALL TYPES OF ILP: ( 1 ) Sponsorship: The following persons/officials shall be eligible to sponsor other non-indigenous person or labourer or employee for ILP:- (a)A reliable indigenous person who is well versed about Inner Line Regulation and permit systems sha ll be eligible to sponsor ILP applicant(s) not exceeding 10 (ten) persons of the following:- (i) Temporary or Perma nent Tra de Licence holder. (ii) Heads of or Representatives of a Public or Private Sector Undertakings/companies. (iii) Proprietor of a Non-CSD Canteen of the Sta te or Central Forces/Battalions. (iv) Any other non-indigenous person. (b)Heads of a Public or Private Sector Undertaking/Firm/Company who is a holder of valid ILP shall be eligible to s ponsor the labourers or employees not exceeding 100 ( one hundred in number) of his firm/company on the condit ions stated vide Para 14 of this guidelines.- 7 -Ex-419/2014 (c)Head of Department or Commandant of the battalion of State or Central Forces/Battalions shall be eligible to sponsor the proprietor of Non-CSD Canteen with his salesmen of not more than 5(five) persons. (d)Head of Dep artment or Hea ds of Office of State or Cent ral Government sha ll be eligible to sponsor labourers not exceeding 1 00 (one hundred in number) in one occasion to be imported in bulk for depa rtmenta l works on the conditions stated vide Para 14 of this guidelines. (2) Fine and cancellation of all types of ILP: (a)Sponsors who no longer require the services of ILP holders shall be required to surrender the ILP(s), and su bmit both or the sponsor ’s copy of the ILP(s) to the concerned Deputy Commissioner(s) within 7 (seven) days from the date of expiry of t he ILP. The sponsor who fails t o surrender or renew the ILP within the stipulated time shall be barred from sponsoring applica nts for the next 2 yea rs and shall be impos ed a fine of Rs. 1000 /- (Rupees one thousand) only per sponsorship of one person each for labour wor k or temporary employment under individual or private works. In case of non-indigenous labourer or employee under Public Sector Compa nies/Fir ms or Pr ivate companies/ Firms who are engaged in the work contract under the State Government or Central Government; the sp onsor who fails to surrender or renew the ILP within the stipulated time shall b e imposed a fine of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousa nd) only per sponsor ship of one person each. ILP(s ) not r enewed within the stipulated time shall be construed as cancelled. (b)Holder of Temporary or Regular ILP of any types, who fails to submit application for renewal or extension of his/her ILP before expiry of the validity sha ll be fined by the ILP issuing authority(s) at the rate of Rs.10/- (Rup ees ten) only per day of overstayal till the date of receipt of application for renewal or extension of ILP. 19.ILP RECORD REGISTER: (1) All the ILP Issuing Authorities should maintain a register of all the passes issued by them in Form G. Register should be maint ained for Temporary ILP, Regular IL P of Six(6) months validity and that of Two(2) year s validity issued separately in For m G. (2) All ILP Issuing Authorities should maintain a r egister of all the Fines and fees collected in Form ‘H’. Cash Receipt Memo/Cash Memo should be issued to the persons from whom fines or fees, et c. are collec ted. (3)Monthly Returns on ILP Fees and fines collected: All Pass is suing Authorities, shall deposit fees and fines collected by them to the Treasury without delay and copies of the Treasury Challans should be submitted to the Home Department and also to the Finance Department on a monthly ba sis. 20. In a ny matter for which the Guidelines is silent; the decision of the Government on merit of the case shall be final. 21.This Guidelines supersede a ll previous Guidelines, standing orders and notifica tions issued by the Government of Mizor am in this behalf. 22.This Guidelines is vetted by Law & Judicial Department vide I.D. No. LJD-18/2014/73 dated 06.08.2014 L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. - 8 - Ex-419/2014 FORM – ‘A-1’ (Sub-Para (1) of Para 3, Para 9 to 14) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF IN NER LINE PASS (of R egula r 6 Months and a ny types of 2 Years Va lidit y) 1.(a) Name of applicant: _____________________________ (b) Father’s Name: _____________________________ (c ) Age of applicant with da te of birth: _____________________________ (d) Identification Mark: _____________________________ ( e) Skilled/Semi-Skilled/Unskilled: _____________________________ (f) EPIC/UID/Pan Card No. of applicant/Certificate from Gaon P anchayat(V.C) (Copy to enclose) : _____________________________ (g) Address/Village: _____________________________ Post Office :__________________ Police Station : ____________________________ Distr ict: _________________ House No. : _____________________________ E/Roll Sl. No.: ________________ Part No: _____________________________ Constituency :_________________ Telephone/Mobile Phone No :__________________ 2.(a ) Name of Sponsor: _____________________________ (b) Father ’s Name of Sponsor: _____________________________ (c ) Telephone/Mobile Phone No.: _____________________________ (d) EPIC/UID No. of Sponsor (copy to enclose) : _____________________________ ( e) Number of Non-Mizos present ly sponsored: _____________________________ (f) Provisional Pass No (copy to enclose) : _____________________________ (g) Address: V.C ___________ H. No. _________ : P.S._____________P.O.__________ 3.Purpose of stay/Need for la bour: _____________________________ 4.Purp ose for renewal (if application is for renewal) : _____________________________ 5.Place of work: _____________________________ 6.Regd. No. ( in case of workshop/Indu stry, etc.) : _____________________________ 7.L.S. C. Xerox copy to be enclosed (in case of construction work) : _____________________________ ( ) Signature of applicant. NOTE : 1.Applicants of Gurkha origin should bring certificate from the DM/Deputy Commissioner/Dist. Collector of their Districts to prove that they ar e Indian Nationals. 2.Applicants from Tr ipura a nd the Districts of Ka rimganj, Haila kandi and Cachar of Assam should enclose a r elevant extract of E/Roll counter signed b y concerned E. R.O with a cer tificate from Gaon Pancha yat (Village Council) or a ttested copy of E.P.I Ca rd (Voter ’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 3.1 (one) passport size photographs each of applica nt and sponsor should be enclosed.^ 50/- - 9 -Ex-419/2014 4.The applica nt is required to pay the fee of ^ 2000/- for a new 2 Year s ILP for compa nies/firms, traders/businessmen and canteen contractors.^ 270/- for new ILP of 6 months for la bourers and Govt. employees on casual, contractual, muster roll with their family member where e-District ILP System is in opera tion and ^ 200/- Where e-District system is not in operation. 5.Holder of ILP who fails to submit application for renewal or extension before expiry of the validity shall be fined @ ^ 10/- per day of overstayal in Mizoram till date of receipt of application for extension, r enewal or Fresh ILP. SPONSOR-TU INTIAMKAMNA Kei __________________________ s/o ______________________ hian hetiang hian thu ka tiam e:- 1.He pass (ILP ) neitu hi Mizor a ma a cha m chhunga a nungcha ng t ha t leh tha t lohva h ma wh ka phur a ng. 2.Pa ss neitu hi ka hna tha wk atana ka ma mawh ta wh loh hunah emaw Deputy Commissioner ____________________ in Pass neitu hi Mizoram atanga thawn haw tura min tihin a thawnna tur ka buatsaih anga ILP copy pawh Deputy Commissioner office-ah ka pe kir vat ang. 3.Hnathawka ka la chhawr duh chuan office-ah keimah ngei kalin ILP hi ka renew sak ang. 4.Thuneitu ten ti tura min tih ang zelin Pass neitu hi an hnenah ka hruai anga; a khawsak zelna chanchinte ka hriattir thin ang. 5.Ka hna thawk tura ka sponsor ang takin ka hnena h chauh ka chhawr anga, mida ng hna ka thawhtir lovang. 6.ILP diltu hian BEFR dan a bawhchhiata man anih chuan amah bail-tu ah ka tang ang. 7.ILP a thihni atanga chhiara ni 7 chhunga ka mi sponsor ILP copy leh ka copy, a pahnihin emaw keima copy chauh emaw Deputy Commissioner hnenah ka pekkir leh loh chuan ka private hna a mi pa khat ka sponsor zelah ^ 1000/- ka chawi zel anga, Departmental/Contr act hna ah mi pakhat zelah ^ 2000/ - zel ka chawi ang. Para 18 (2) in a sawi angin heti anga ka chawi bakah kum 2 chhung mi sponsor thei lo tur a phuar ka ni ang. 8.A chunga ka thutiamte khi bawhchhiat ka neih chua n ka chungah r oreltheitu Cour t hma ding tlak/koh theih ka ni a ng.(Par a 4 of BEFR, 1873 in pass neitu chunga thu neihna a lak theih angin) Signature of Sponsor ______________ UNDERTAKING BY THE SPONSOR I, _____________________son/daughter of _____________________ dohereby bind myself that:- 1.I shall be responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/her stay in Mizoram. 2.I shall be responsible to arrange deportation of the pass holder from Mizora m when I no longer require his/her service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner, ______________ to do so and surrender the ILP. 3.I shall personality come to the office for renewal of t he Pass if his/her service is further required. 4.I shall produce the applicant or furnish infor mation on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5.I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other than myself. 6.I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant.- 10 - Ex-419/2014 7.I shall pay a fine of ^ 1000/- per sponsorship of one person each(for private work) or ^ 2000/- per sponsorship of one person each (for Depa rtmental/Contract works) if I failed to surrender both copies of IL P or Sponsor ’s copy of ILP to the Deputy Commissioner within 7 days from the expir y of the ILP as per Para 18(2). If I failed to surrender the ILP within the stipulated time, I shall be ba rred from sponsor ing applicants for the next 2 years. 8.In t he event of any default on my part in respect of a ny of t he conditions mentioned above I shall be liable to pr osecution by the competent court (as in the ease of the holder of the pa ss in t erm of Para 4 of BEFR, 1873). Signature of Sponsor ______________ I ____________________Certify that the sponsor Pi/Pu _____________________ Son/daughter of ______________________ is residing at ___________________ in House No. ____________ and he/she is having EPIC No. ______________ (voter ID Car d) a Xerox copy of which is attached herewith requires to employ Pi/Pu ____________________ as __________________ ________________________ Signature of Chairman LC/VCP with Seal. ^ 50/- FORM – ‘A-2’ (See Para 11 to14) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF INNER LINE PASS OF 2 YEARS VALIDITY IN CASE OF DEPARTMENTAL WORKS AND BUSINESS/TRADE LICENCE HOLDERS 1.(a) Name of applicant: _____________________________ (b) Father’s Name: _____________________________ (c ) Age of applicant: _____________________________ (d) Identification Mark: _____________________________ ( e) Skilled/Semi-Skilled/Unskilled: _____________________________ (f) EPIC /UID/Pa n Card No. /Certificate from Gaon Pancha yat (VC) (Copy to enclose) : _____________________________ (g) Telephone/Mobile Phone No of applicant: _____________________________ (h) Address/Village: _____________________________ Post Office : _______________ Police Station : ____________________________ Distr ict : _______________ House No. : _____________________________ E/Roll Sl. No.: _______________ Part No: _____________________________ Constituency : ___________________________ 2.(a ) Name of Sponsor (designation if official) : _____________________________ (b) Father ’s Name of Sponsor: _____________________________ (c ) Telephone/Mobile Phone No.: _____________________________ (d) Official Address (if any) : _____________________________ (e) Police Station: _____________________________ (f) Provisional Pass No.(Copy to enclose): _____________________________ 3.Purpose of stay/Need for la bour:_____________________________ 4.Place of work:_____________________________ - 11 -Ex-419/2014 5.Registration No.(in case of workshop/industry/ Shop Licence Or Trade Licence No.) :_____________________________ 6.Name of construction work (in case of Departmental work) : _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Signature of applicant NOTE : 1.Applicants of Gurkha origin should bring certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of their Distr icts to prove tha t they a re India n Nationals. 2.Applicants from Tr ipura a nd the Districts of Ka rimganj, Haila kandi and Cachar of Assam should enclosed E/Roll extract countersigned by concer ned E.R.O with a certificate of Gaon Panchayat (Village Council) or attested copy of E.P.I Card (Voter ’s ID card) or residential/birth certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 3.1 (one) passport size photograph of applica nt and sponsor should be enclosed. 4.The applicant is required to pay t he fee of ^ 2000/-per head on finaliza tion of ILP. SPONSOR-TU INTIAMKAMNA Kei __________________________ s/o ______________________ hian hetiang hian thu ka tiam e:- 1.He pass (ILP) neitu hi Mizorama a cham chhunga a nungchang t hat leh that lohvah mawh ka phur ang. 2.Pa ss neitu hi ka hna tha wk atana ka ma mawh ta wh loh hunah emaw Deputy Commissioner ____________________ in Pass neitu hi Mizoram atanga thawn haw tura min tihin a thawnna tur ka buatsaih anga, ILP copy pawh Deputy Commissioner office-ah ka pe kir vat ang. 3.Hnathawka ka la chhawr duh chuan office-ah keimah ngei kalin ILP hi ka renew sak ang. 4.Thuneitu ten ti tura min tih ang zelin Pass neitu hi an hnenah ka hruai anga; a khawsak zelna chanchinte ka hriattir thin ang. 5.Ka hna thawk tura ka sponsor ang takin ka hnena h chauh ka chhawr anga, mida ng hna ka thawhtir lovang. 6.ILP diltu hian BEFR dan a bawhchhiata man anih chuan amah bail-tu ah ka tang ang. 7.ILP a thihni atanga chhiara ni 7 chhunga ka mi sponsor ILP copy leh ka copy, a pahnihin emaw keima copy chauh emaw Deputy Commissioner hnenah ka pekkir leh loh chuan ka private hna a mi pa khat ka sponsor zelah ^ 1000/- ka chawi zel anga, Departmental/Contr act hna ah mi pakhat zelah ^ 2000/ - zel ka chawi ang. Para 18 (2) in a sawi angin heti anga ka chawi bakah kum 2 chhung mi sponsor thei lo tur a phuar ka ni ang. 8.A chunga ka thutiamte khi bawhchhiat ka neih chua n ka chungah r oreltheitu Cour t hma ding tlak/koh theih ka ni a ng. (Par a 4 of BEFR, 1873 in pass neitu chunga thu neihna a lak theih angin) Signature of Sponsor ______________ UNDERTAKING BY THE SPONSOR I, __________________________________ do hereby bind myself that:- 1.I shall be responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/her stay in Mizoram.- 12 - Ex-419/2014 2.I shall be responsible to arrange deportation of the pass holder from Mizora m when I no longer require his/her service for my work or when I am directed by the Deputy Commissioner ___________ to do so and surrender the ILP. 3.I shall personally come to the office for renewal of t he Pass if his/her service is further required. 4.I shall produce the applicant or furnish infor mation on his/her whereabouts if called upon to do so. 5.I shall not allow the applicant to work under any persons other than myself. 6.I shall attend as bailer for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation committed by the applicant. 7.I shall pay a fine of ^ 1000/- per sponsorship of one person each(for private work) or ^ 2000/- per sponsorship of one person each (for Depa rtmental/Contract works) if I failed to surrender both copies of IL P or Sponsor ’s copy of ILP to the Deputy Commissioner within 7 days from the expir y of the ILP as per Para 18(2). If I failed to surrender the ILP within the stipulated time, I shall be ba rred from sponsor ing applicants for the next 2 years. 8.In t he event of any default on my part in respect of a ny of t he conditions mentioned above I shall be liable to pr osecution by the competent court (as in case of the holder of the pass in term of Para 4 of BEFR, 1873) Signature of Sponsor, Full Name ______________________ Designation _____________________ Seal FORM – B (see Sub-Para (1) of Para 3) INNER LINE PASS (In accorda nce with the provision of Bengal Ea stern Frontier Regula tion, 1873) 1.Pass No.: _______________________________________ 2.Name of Pass Holder: _______________________________________ 3.Father’s Name: _______________________________________ 4.Age: _______________________________________ 5.Identifica tion mark of Pass holder: _______________________________________ 6.Addr ess of Pass Holder: P/S____________________________________ & EPIC/UID/Pan Card No: _______________________________________ Distr ict: _______________________________________ House No. __________: E/Roll Sl. No. ____________ Part : ___________ 7.Name of Sponsor: _______________________________________ Is official sponsor? Y/N: _______________________________________ 8.Father ’s name of Sponsor: _______________________________________ 9.Address of Sponsor Private SponsorOfficial Sponsor EPIC/UID No. : _______________________ House No.: _______________________ Desig. : ___________________________Passport Size Photo - 13 -Ex-419/2014 P.O.: _______________________ Add. : ___________________________ Locality: _______________________ Deptt. : ___________________________ Distr ict: _______________________ District : ___________________________ Phone No: _______________________ 10. Place of work: _______________________________________ 11. Purpose of stay: _______________________________________ 12. Validity: _______________________________________(T his Pass is issued on conditions and restrictions as ma y be seen overleaf) Vide Govt. /DC Order ___________________________________ Dated ________________ _______________________Deputy Commissioner Signature of the Pass holder_________________________ District Memo No. ____________________________ : Dated , the _______May, 2014 Copy to: 1.The Superintendent of Police ________________________________________ District. 2.Shri/Smt. _____________________________________________________________ 3.Sponsor _______________________________________________________________ Deputy Commissioner ___________ District CONDITION AND RESTRICTIONS 1.The sponsor will be responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/her stay in Mizoram. He/she will arrange the deportation of the pass holder from Mizoram when he/she no longer requires the services of the labourer or when he/she is directed by the Deputy Commissioner concerned to do so and surr ender the Inner Line Pass. 2.The sponsor shall ensure that the pass holder is engaged only for the purpose mentioned in the pass. 3.Sponsorship is not transferable. The sponsor shall personally come for the r enewal of the Inner Lines Pass if the continuous service of t he pass holder is required. 4.It shall be the responsibility of the sponsor to furnish information on the whereabouts of the pass holder if ca lled upon to do so by the Deputy Commissioner concerned. 5.The pass holder shall not work under any person other than the sponsor. 6.The pass should be submitted for renewal at least 7 (seven) days before expiry of the pass. 7.The pass holder should produce the pass on demand by the Magistrate/P olice Officer/Constable on duty or any Govt. S ervant authorized on this behalf by the Deputy Commissioner concerned. 8.The pass holder or sponsor, as the case may, shall be liable to prosecution for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation Act, 1873 as amended in 1930 or under any law in force or for furnishing wrong information etc. as the case ma ybe.- 14 - Ex-419/2014 ^ 20/- FORM – ‘C’ (See Sub-Para (2) of Para 3 and (b) and (c) of Para (4)) APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OR EXTENSION OF REGULAR OR TEMPORARY ILP To, The Deputy Commissioner, ______________ District, ___________ Subject:Renewal or Extension of validit y of Inner Line P ass. Sir, I ha ve the honour to request you to kindly extend Inner Line Pa ss No. _ __________ which is due to expire on _____________________ for another period of _______________ (____________) months/days. The reason for extension of the validity of the pass is given below :- ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ The Inner Line Pass is also enclosed for reference. Yours faithfully, Full name: _____________________________ EPIC No. & address : _____________________________ House No.: _____________________________ Note:The Applica nt is r equired to pay the fee for every extension/renewal of his/her ILP as under:- 1.To pay ‘ 120/- for Tempor ary ILP 15 days validity. ‘ 1 70/- for Lengpui Airport. 2.The applica nt should enclose a copy/Xerox copy of voter ID (EP IC) of the sponsor. ^ 20/- FORM – ‘D’ (See Para 4 & Para 6) To. 1)Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. 2)The Joint Resident Commissioner/Deputy Resident Commissioner, Silchar /Shillong/Guwahati/ Kolkata/Mumbai. 3)Sub-Divisional Officer (C), Ngopa /Vairengte. 4)Dy. S.P., Airport Security, Lengpui Airport.- 15 -Ex-419/2014 5)ADC, Bairabi. 6)Officer-in-charge, Kanhmun P.S. 7)Post Commander(Police) , BoP New Kawnpui/Saiphai/Phaisen Subject: Applications for issue of Temporary Inner Line Pass. Sir, I ha ve the honour to request you to kindly issue Temporary Inner Line Pass for my visit to Mizoram. My particular s are given below :- 1.Name: __________________________________ 2.Father’s Name: __________________________________ 3.Telephone/Mobile No.: __________________________________ 4.EPIC /UID/P an Card No. of applicant: __________________________________ 5.Address: ______________ P.S. ________________ 6.Distr ict: ______________ State _______________ 7.Purpose of Visit: __________________________________ 8.Provisional Pass No. (Copy to enclose) : __________________________________ 9.Validity of the pass: __________________________________ 10. Name of Sponsor: __________________________________ 11. Father ’s name of Sponsor:__________________________________ 12. Phone No. of Sponsor: __________________________________ 13. Address: __________________________________ Yours faithfully, S igna ture of the Applica nt. NOTE : 1.The Applica tion of Nepal/Gurkha origin should br ing certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of their District to pr ove that they are India n nationals. 2.Applications from Tripura and the Districts of Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar of Assam should enclosed E/Roll ext ract cou ntersigned by concerned E.R.O. or attested copy of E .P.I. Ca rd (vot er ’s ID Ca rd) or residential/birth cer tificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner or certificate from Gaon Panchayat. 3.Two copies of the passport size photographs of applicant should be enclosed. 4.The applica nt is required to pa y the fee of ‘ 170/-per head on finaliza tion of Temporary IL P at Lengpui Air port. ^ 120/- a t other entry points/Check Posts. FORM – ‘E’ (see Para 4 read with Sub-Para (1) and (2) of 6) TEMPORARY INNER LINE PASS Pass No.:_____________________ 1.(a ) Name of Pass Holder: __________________________________ (b) EPIC/UID/Pan Card No. of Pass Holder : __________________________________ Address/Village: _____________ P.S. _________________ Distr ict: __________________________________ State: __________________________________Passport Size Photo - 16 - Ex-419/2014 (c) Father’s Name: __________________________________ (d) Name of Sponsor: __________________________________ ( e) Father ’s name of Sponsor: __________________________________ (f) Phone No. of Sponsor:__________________________________ (g) Address of Sponsor: __________________________________ 2.Purpose of visit: _________________________________ 3.Validity of the pass: _________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Signature of the Pass holderSignature of the Issuing Authority CONDIT IONS : 1.This Pass is tempor ary and subject to ca ncellation by t his Office. 2.Pa ss holder should produce his/her Pass to the Police Officer-in-charge/P ost Commander, Vairengte/Kanhmun/Bairabi/Ngopa/New Kawnpui/Saiphai Check Ga te, Mizora m or any other officer duly author ized by the Government of Mizoram in this behalf. 3.Pass holder should report to the Deputy Commissioner concerned on his/her arr ival at the District Headquarters within 7(seven) days of arrival. ^20/- FORM – ‘F’ (see Sub-Para (1) of 6 read with Sub- Para (1) to (7) of Para 14) PROVISIONAL INNER LINE PASS TO IMPORT LABOURERS IN BULK PASS NO: _______________________________Dt._____________ Shri/Smt. _____________________________________________________________ Is allowed to bring in _______________________________ no’s of non-indigenous person (s) for/as ________________________________________________ THIS PASS IS VALID UPTO ___________________________________________ (vide D.C’s order ______________________________Dated : ______________ Deputy Commissioner _________ District ________ Memo No. ___________________________________ Dated : ___________________ Copy to : 1.Director, Labour, Employment & IT Department, Govt. of Mizoram. 2.The Superintendent of Police, ____________ District. 3.Guard File. Deputy Commissioner ________ District _______ - 17 -Ex-419/2014 CONDIT IONS : 1.The sponsor should ensure submission of application for Regula r ILP b efore expiry of the Temporary ILP. 2.Person of Nepali origin, If included amongst the labourers, a re required to have a Certificate from the D.C. of their last residence giving deta ils, such as, village, Thana, District and State. 3.Persons coming from Tripur a and the Districts of Cachar, Haila kandi a nd Karimganj should enclose relevant extract of E/Roll Sl. No. Par t No. etc. duly countersigned by concerned ERO or a ttested copy of E.P.I. Ca rd(Voters I. D. Car d) or residential/birth Certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner. 4.The applica nt is required to pay a fee of ^ 170/- per head on finaliza tion of the Provisional ILP at Lengpui Airport. ^ 120/- at other point/Check Posts. FORM – ‘G’ (See Sub-Para (1) of Para 19) REGISTER FOR RECORD OF INNER LINE PASS ISSUED (Separate r egisters for 6 months validit y and 2 years validity to be maintained) ISSUING AUTHORITY : _____________________________________ 1234567 FORM – ‘H’ (See Sub-Para (2) of Para. 19) REGISTER OF FINES AND FEES COLLECTED ISSUING AUTHORITY : _____________________________________ Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-550Remarks if any Sl. NoName of Pass holder & Home Address with EPIC/UID No.Pass No. with date of issue & ValidityPurpose for which the permit was appliedPlace of stay/ address in MizoramName and addr ess of the sponsor with EPIC/UID No.RemarksSl. NoName of defau lter/ Sponsor/Fee or fine payee wit h Addr essName of ILP Holder with AddressILP No. & dateDate of expir y of ILPAmount of fine/fee collectedSignature of collector12345678 - 18 - Ex-419/2014

‘Project Implementation Unit’ and ‘Project Executing Team’ in respect of the Project on ‘Delineation of Urban Development Zone with Special reference to Landslide Risk and Slope Stability of Aizawl City, Mizoram’ under NEC

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 420Date - 20/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.8.2014 Sravana 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 420 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 19011/88/2012-IND/Pt, the 7th August, 2014.In pursuance of the Government of India, North Eastern Council Secretariat’s letter No.NEC/ST/MZ/719/2013 dt. 27th May, 2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute ‘Project Implementation Unit’ a nd ‘Project Executing Team’ in respect of the Project on ‘Delineation of Urban Development Zone with Special reference to Landslide Risk and Slope Stability of Aizawl City, Mizoram’ under NEC to monitor the progress a nd implementation of works under the scheme with the following members as below :- 1.Project Implementing Unit. (1) The Secreta ry to the Govt . of Mizoram, Industr ies Deptt. Mizoram - Chairman (2) Director, Geology & Mineral Resour ces, Mizoram- Member (3) Repr esentative from Planning Department, Mizoram- Member (4) Repr esentat ive from UD&PA Deptt . , Miz or am- Member (5) Joint Director, Geology & Mineral Resources, Mizoram- Member (6) Pu Lalthanzuala, Geogist Senior (P&M, DGMK)- Member 2.Pr oject Ex ecu tive Team. (l) Pu R. Zirtluanga, G eogist S enior (Team Lea der)- Member (2) Pu P. Sanghnuna, Geogist Junior- Member (3) Pu F. Lalnuntluanga, Geogist Junior- Member Akash Mohapa tra, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Acquisition of land for widening to 2-lane of NH-54(A) Hrangchalkawn - Lunglei AOC.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 421Date - 20/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 20.8.2014 Sravana 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 421 NOTIFICATIONNo.K.12011/72/2014-REV, the 13th August, 2014.Whereas it appears to the appropriate Government (Hereinafter referred to as the Government of Mizoram) that the land specified in the schedule there-to (hereinaft er refer red to as the “ said la nd”) is likely to be needed for public purpose viz., Acquisition of land forwidening to 2 -lane of NH-54(A) H rangchalka wn - Lunglei AOC. 1.Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub-section (i) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act of 1894) hereinafter referred to as the said Act that the said la nd is likely to b e needed for the purpose specified ab ove. 2.Any person interested in any land being notified may submit his/her objection to the acquisition in writing to the Deputy Commissioner/Collector, Lunglei District, within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Mizoram Gazette, who will dispose of the objection and claims as per provision of section 5-A of the La nd Acquisition Act, 1894. (T he date of publication in the newspaper in regional la nguage following Gazette Notification under Section 4(1) of the LA Act is the date of publica tion within the meaning of Section 5-A of the Act.) 3.All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed upon the sa id land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any cont ract for the disposal of the sa id land by sale, lease, mortga ge, assignment exchange of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein without the sanction of the Collector will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such parts of the sa id land as may be finally acquired. SCHEDULEDISTRICT: LUNGLEI Description of landApproximate Area. Land for widening t o 2-lane of NH-54(A) Hrangcha lkawn - Lunglei AOC32 acres. (8 Kms length) Zothankhumi, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment .Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Hmingthanzauva S/o Ramfangzauva, resident of Tuikual North, Aizawl, Aizawl District, Mizoram

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 422Date - 22/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 22.8.2014 Sravana 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 422 AFFIDAVITI, Hmingthanzauva S/o Ramfangzauva,resident o f Tuikual No rt h, Aizawl, Aizawl Dist rict , Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under :- 1.That I am bonafide citizen of India and competent to swear this affidavit. 2.That my name has been mistakenly written and recorded as Christiana in my birth certificate, educational certificate, Family Ration Card, Bank account, Voter’s ID Card and driving license. However, my true and correct name isHmingthanzauva. 3.That the purpose of this affidavit is to correct my name asHmingthanzauvawhich had been written as Christ iana in my said documents. 4.That from now onwards my name will be written and recorded asHmingthanzauva. 5.That the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 22nd day of August, 2014. I d ent ified by me ; Signed Before me; DEPONENT Sd/- Sd/-Sd/- P.C. LalthangmawiaJudicial Magistrate 1st Class-2 Hmingthanzauva Advo cat e Aizawl Judicia l D ist r ict District & Session Court Mizoram : Aizawl Aizawl Dist rictPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 423Date - 22/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 22.8.2014 Sravana 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 423 NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 26020/1/2009-DCA, the 4th August, 2014.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Amendment Rules passed by t he Lai Autonomous District Council which received approval of His E xcellency the Governor of Mizoram on 21.3.2014 and vetted by Finance Department vide I.D. No. FIN(E) 313/2014 dt. 28.7.2014 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES & ALLOWANCES OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBER/EXECUTIVE MEMBER/ADVISER TO CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBE R/ CHAIRMAN/DEP UT Y CHAIRMAN/VIC E CHAIRMAN, (PLANNING)/OPPOSITION LEADER/MEMBER AND PENSION OF MEMBER) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012”. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. - 2 - Ex-423/2014 THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBER AND EXECUTIVE MEMBER) (FIRST AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012 A RULES further to amend the Lai Autonomous District Council (Salaries and Allowances of the Chief Executive Member and Executive Member ) Rules , 2003 ( her einafter referred to as the Principal Rules). Be it enact ed by the Lai Autonomous District Council in the Sixty Third year of the Republic of India as follows:- Shor t title and1. (1) These Rules may be called the Lai Autonomous District Council commencement .-(Sa la ries and Allowances of the Chief Execu tive Member a nd Ex ecut ive Member (First Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into for ce with effect from the 1st April, 2012. Amendment of Rule 3.-2.In Rule 3 of the the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “^ 10,000 (Ten thousa nd)” the words and figure “ ^ 40,000(Forty thousa nd)” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 4.-3.Rule 4 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely .- “T here shall be paid a sumptuary allowances of ^ 7,000(seven thousand) to the Chief Executive Member a nd ^ 6,000 (Six thousand) each t o t h e E xecut ive Member s p er mensem, F amily allowa nc es of ^ 6 , 00 0 (six thousa nd) to the Chief Executive Member and ^ 4,000(four thousand) each to the Executive Members per mensem, and the Entertainment Allowances of ^ 4,000/- (four thousand) to the Chief Executive Member and ^ 3, 000 (Three thousa nd) each to the Executive Member per mens em. ” Amendment of Rule 5.-4. (1) For the words, “Rental Charge shall not be more than ^ 3,500/- (Three thousand five hundr ed) per mensem,” the words “ Rental charge shall not be more tha n ^ 5,000/- (Five thousand) per mensem” shall be substit uted. (2) In Rule 5 of the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “^ 40,000 (fourty thousand)” the wor ds and figure “^ 50,000 (fifty thousa nd)” shall be substituted, and for the words a nd figure, “^ 5, 000 (five thousand)” the wor ds and figure “ ^ 25,000 (twenty five thousa nd)” shall be substituted. (3) The whole words appearing EXPLANATION with its clauses (i), (ii) & (iii) shall be substituted by the following words, namely .- “Provisions of free Supply of Water and Electricity, free Telephone Calls and Payment of Local rates of taxes shall be fixed by the Chief Executive Member in the for m of Office Order from time to time.” Amendment of Rule 1 2. - 5.In R ule 12 of the P rincipal Rules, for the words a nd figu re, “a fixed pay of ^ 3,000 (thr ee thousand),” the wor ds “Un-skilled labour rate fixed by the State Government as may be revised from time to t ime” shall be substituted. Amendment of S chedule.- 6.In Schedule (I) of the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “Daily Allowances of ^ 250(two hundred fifty) within Mizoram and ^ 300/- (three hundred) outside Mizoram,” the words and figure “^ 500/- (five hundred) within District Council area and ^ 750/- (seven hundred fifty) outside the District Council area” shall be substituted. THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF CHAIRMAN AND DEPUTY CHAIRMAN) (FIRST AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012 A RULES fur ther to amend the La i Autonomous District Council (Salar ies a nd Allowances of the Chairman and Depu ty Cha ir man) Rules, 200 3(her einafter r eferred to as the Principal Rules). Be it enact ed by the Lai Autonomous District Council in the Sixty Third year of the Republic of India as follows:- Shor t title and1. (1) These Rules may be called the Lai Autonomous District Council (Salaries Commencement.-and Allowances of the Cha irman and Deputy Chair man) (F irst Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into for ce with effect from the 1st April, 2012. Amendment of Rule 3.- 2.In Rule 3 of the Pr incipal Rules, for the words and figur e, “^ 10,000 (ten thousa nd)” the words and figure “^ 40,000 (forty thousa nd)” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 4.- 3.Rule 4 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted by the following namely:- “There shall be paid to the Chairman and Deputy Chair man a sumptuary allowances of ^ 6,000 (six thousand) each per mensem, Family allowances of ^ 5, 000 (five thousand) to the Chairman and ^ 4,000 (four thousand) only to the Deputy Chairman per mensem, and Entertainment Allowances of ^ 4,000 (four thousand) and ^ 3,000 (thr ee thousand) respectively.” Amendment of Rule 5.-4. (1) In R ule 5 of the Pr incipal Rules, for the words, “ Rental Charge shall not be more than ^ 3,500 (three thousand five hundred) rupees per mens em,” the words “ Rent al Cha rge sha ll not be mor e t ha n ^ 5 ,000 (five thousand) rupees per mensem” sha ll be substituted. (2 ) In R u le 5 of t he P r inc ip a l R u les , for t he wor ds a nd figu r e, “ ^ 4 0 , 0 0 0 (four ty thousand),” the words and figure “^ 50,000 (fifty thousand)” shall be substituted, and for the words and figure, “^ 5,000 (five thousand),” the wor ds and figure “^ 25,000 (twenty five thousa nd)” shall be substituted.- 3 -Ex-423/2014 (3) The whole word appearing EXPLANATION with its clauses (i), (ii) & (iii) shall be substituted by the following wor ds, namely:– “Provisions of free Supply of Water and Electricity, free Telephone C a l ls a nd P a yment of L oca l r a t es of t a x es s ha ll b e f ix ed b y t he C ha ir ma n in the form of Office Order from time to time.” Amendment of Rule 12.- 5.In R ule 12 of the P rincipal Rules, for the words a nd figu re, “a fixed pay of ^ 3,000 (thr ee thousand),” the wor ds “Un-skilled labour rate fixed by the State Government as may be revised from time to t ime” shall be substituted. Amendment of S chedule.- 6.In Schedule (I) of the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “Daily Allowances of ^ 250(t wo hundred fifty) within Mizoram, and ^ 300/- (three hundred) outside Mizoram,” the words and figure “^ 500/- (five hundred) within District Council area, and ^ 750/-(seven hundred fifty) outside the District Council area” shall be substituted. THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL ( SALARIES, ALLOWANCES AND PENSION OF MEMBER ) ( SECOND AMENDMENT ) RULES, 2012 A RULES further to a mend the Lai Autonomous District Council (Sa laries, Allowances and Pension of Members) Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules). Be it enact ed by the Lai Autonomous District Council in the Sixty Third year of the Republic of India as follows :- Shor t title and1. (1) These Rules may be called the Lai Autonomous District Council commencement.-( Salaries, Allowances and pension of Members ) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into for ce with effect from the 1st April, 2012. Amendment of Rules 3.- 2.In R ule 3 of the principa l Rules, for the words and figure, “ Salar y of ^ 10,000/- (Ten thousand) rupees per mensem,” the words and figure “Salary of ^ 40,000/- (F orty thousand) rupees per mensem” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 4.- 3.In Rule 4 of the Principa l Rules, for the words and figure, “ daily allowances of ^ 200/- (two hundr ed) for each day,” the words and figure “daily allowances of ^ 500/- ( five hundred) within the District Council area, and ^ 750/- ( seven hundred fifty) outside the District area per da y” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 5.- 4.In R ule 5 of the Pr incipal Rules, for the words and figur e “ a member shall be pa id a Constituency allowances of ^ 2500 (t wo thousand five hundred) per mensem, family allowances of ^ 3,500/- (three- 4 - Ex-423/2014 thousand five hundred) per mensem a nd Entertainment allowa nces of ^ 2,000/- (two thousand) per mensem,” the words and figure “ a member sha ll be paid a Constituenc y allowances of ^ 3,0 00/- (t hr ee thousand), Family allowances of ^ 3,000 (three thousa nd), and Entertainment allowances of ^ 1, 500 (one thou sand five hundred) per mensem” sha ll be substitu ted. Amendment of Rule 6.- 5. (1) In Rule 6 of the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “ ^ 2,500/- (two thousa nd five hundred) per mensem,” the words and figure “ ^ 4,000/-(four thousand) per mensem” shall be substituted. (2) The whole word appearing EXPLANATION with its Clauses (1) and (2) shall be substituted by the following words,namely:- “ Pr ovision of free Supply of Water and Electricity, free Telephone calls shall be fixed by the Chairman in the form of Office Order from time to time.” Amendment of Rule 7.- 6.In R ule 7 of the Pr incipal Rules, the wor ds and figure, “ to receive a sum of ^ 20,000/- (twenty thousand) in the first year for furnishing and ^ 3,000/- (three thousand) annually,” the words and figure “ to receive a sum of ^ 30,000/- (thirty thousa nd) in the first year for furnishing and ^ 15,000/- (fifteen thousand) annually” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 8.- 7.In Rule 8 of the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “ a fixed pay of ^ 3,000/- (three thousand),” the words “ Un- skilled labour rate fixed by the State Government as ma y be revised from time to time” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 9.- 8. (1) In Rule 9 of the Principal Rules (1), for the words, “ Two Hundred Rupees,” the words and figure “ ^ 500 (Five Hundred Rupees) within the District Council area” shall be substituted. (2) In sub-rule (3) of Rule 9 of the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “ 250/- (two hundred fifty) per day,” the words and figure “750/- (s even hundred fifty) per day outside the District Council area” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 12.- 9.In sub- rule (2) of Rule12 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows .- “(a) There shall be paid ^ 20,000/- (twenty thousand) only per month to a member who had been elected/nominated once for 5(five) years or for any period shorter than 5( five) years. (b) There shall be paid ^ 22, 000/- (twenty two thousand) only per mensem to a member who had been elected for three term or mor e befor e the commencement of t hese ru les. (c ) Where a per son under claus e (b) ha s b een re-elect ed aft er the commencement of these rules for another term, whether he has completed the term or not, he shall be entitled t o an additional pension of ^ 3,000/- (three thousa nd). (d) The pension shall be incr eased by ^ 5% ( five) annually at simp le interest ra te.”- 5 -Ex-423/2014 Amendment of Rule 13.- 10.In R ule 13 of the P rincipal Rules, for the words, “ One lakh Rup ees” the words “ Five La khs Rupees” shall be substituted. Amendment of Rule 14.- 11. (1) In sub- rule (1) of the Rule 14 of the Principal Rules, for the words and figure, “a family pension of ^ 2,500/- (two thousand five hundred)” the words and figure “ ^ 10,000/- (ten thousand)” shall be substituted. (2) In sub- rule (1) of the Rule 14 a new clause sha ll be added a s follows :- “(3) T he Family pension sha ll be increased by ^ 5% (five) at a simple interest annua lly.”Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150- 6 - Ex-423/2014


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 424Date - 22/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 22.8.2014 Sravana 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 424 NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 26020/1/2009-DCA, the 4th August, 2014.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Amendment Rules passed by the Mara Autonomous District Council which received approval of His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 21.3. 2014 and vetted by Finance Department vide I.D. No. FIN(E) 313/2014 dt. 28.7.2014 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES & ALLOWANCES OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBER/EXECUTIVE MEMBER/ADVISER TO CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBE R/ CHAIRMAN/DEP UT Y CHAIRMAN/VIC E CHAIRMAN, (PLANNING)/OPPOSITION LEADER/MEMBER AND PENSION OF MEMBER) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012”. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. - 2 - Ex-424/2014 THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBER AND EXECUTIVE MEMBERS) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012 A RULES fur ther to amend the Ma ra Autonomous District Council (Sala ries and Allowa nces of Chief Executive Member and Executive Members) Ru les, 20 03 (her einafter referr ed to a s the “ Princip al Rules”). Be it enact ed by the Mara Autonomous District Council in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:- Short tit le and1.(1) These rules may be called the Mara Autonomous DistrictCouncil commencement.(Sa la ries and Allowances of the Chief Execu tive Member a nd Ex ecut ive Members, etc.) (Amendment) Rules, 2 012. (2) They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st April, 2012. Amendment of2.After clause (f) of Rule 2 of the Principa l Rules, the following definit ions Rule 2.shallbe inserted, na mely :- “ (g) ‘Advis er to Chief Executive Member ’ mea ns a member who is app ointed to assist the Chief Executive Member of the Mara Autonomous District Council in certain functions; (h) ‘Opposition Leader ’ mea ns a leader of the opposition members ha ving one third of the elected members from a single recognized or registered Political Party; (i) ‘Vice Chairman (Planning)’meansa member who is appointed for Vice Chairman (Planning) of the Mara Autonomous District Council.” Amendment of3.In Rule 3 of the Principal Rules– Rule 3.(i) for the wor ds “Chief Execut ive Member and Executive Members”, the words and brackets “Chief Executive Member, Executive Member, Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice Chairman (P lanning)” sha ll be substituted; (ii) for the words “ten thousand”, the words “forty thousand” shall be substituted. Amendment of4.Rule 4 of the Principal Rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 4.“4.(a) There shall be paid to the Chief Executive Member a sumptuary allowances of Rs. 7,000/- (Rupees seven thousand) only and to Executive Members, Opp osition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice Chairman (Planning) Rs. 6,000/- (Rupees six thousand) only each per mensem. (b) There shall be paid to the Chief Executive Member a family allowances of Rs. 6,000/- (Rupees six thousand) only and to Executive Members, Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice Chairman (P lanning) Rs. 4,000/- (Rupees four thousand) only each per mensem. - 3 -Ex-424/2014 (c ) Ther e sha ll be paid to the Chief Executive Member an entertainment allowances of Rs. 4,000/- (Rupees four thousand) only and to Executive Members, Opp osition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice Chairman (Planning) Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees three Thousand) only each p er mens em.” Amendment of5.Rule 5 of the Principal rule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 5.“ The Chief Executive Member, Executive Members, Opposit ion Lea der, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice Chairman (Pla nning) shall be entitled without any pa yment to the use and maintenance of a furnished residence throughout their term of office and for a period of fifteen days immediately ther eafter: Provided that they shall be entit led to residence for which rental char ge shall not be more than Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) only per mensem and there shall be made available a sum of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousa nd) only for furnishing residence in the first year and Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty-five thousand) only annually for the subsequent years: Provided fu rther that payment ra te for electricity, calls of telephone, fr ee wa t er s u p p ly, loca l r a t es a nd t a x es s ha ll b e fix ed b y t he C hief E x ecu t ive Member. Explanation. - “Ma intenance” in relation to residence includes:- (i) Provision of electricity and free water supply, (ii) Provision of free Telephone calls, and (iii) Provision of local rates and taxes.” Amendment of6.In Rule 6 of the Principal Rules, for the words “The Chief ExecutiveMember Rule 6.and the Executive Members”, the words and brackets “T he Chief Executive Member, Executive Members, Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice Chairman (Planning)” sha ll be substituted. Amendment of7.In Rule 7 of the Principal Rules, for the words “The Chief ExecutiveMember Rule 7.and the Executive Members”, the words and brackets “T he Chief Executive Member, Executive Members, Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice Chairman (Planning)” sha ll be substituted. Amendment of8.In Rule 8 of the Principal Rules, after the words “the Executive Members”, Rule 8.the words and brackets “the Opposition Leader, the Adviser to Chief Executive Member, the Vice C hairman (Planning)” shall be inserted. Amendment of9.In Rule 10 of the Principal Rules, after the words “or Executive Members”, Rule 10.the words and brackets “or Opposition Leader, or Adviser to Chief Executive Member or Vice Chairman (Planning)” shall be inserted. Amendment of10.In R u le 11 o f t he P r in cip a l R u les , for t he wo r ds “ T he C hief E x ecu t iv eMember Rule 11.and Executive Members”, the words and bra ckets “ The Chief Executive Member, Executive Members , Advis er to C hief Ex ecutive Member and Vice Chairma n (Planning)” shall be substituted. - 4 - Ex-424/2014 Amendment of11.Rule 12 of the Principal r ule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 12.“The Chief Executive Member shall be entitled to receive the service of three (3) Grade IV staff and the Executive Members, Opposit ion Leader, Adviser to C hief Ex ecutive Member a nd Vice Chairma n (Planning) shall be entitled to r eceive the ser vice of two ( 2) Grade IV st aff each. Grade IV wages shall be paid as unskilled labour. The rate of salary of Grade IV staff shall be revisable from time to time.” Amendment of12.In Schedule to the Principal Rules, for the figures “Rs. 250/-” and“Rs. 300/-”, Schedule.the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only” and “Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred and fifty) only” respectively shall be substituted. THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF CHAIRMAN AND DEPUTY CHAIRMAN) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012 A RULES further to amend the Mara Autonomous District Council (Salaries and Allowances of Chairman and Deputy Chairman) Rules, 2003 (her einafter refer red to as the “ Principal Rules”). Be it enact ed by the Mara Autonomous District Council in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:- Short tit le and1.(1) These Rules may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council Commencement.(Salaries and Allowances of Chairman and Deputy Chairman) (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st April, 2012. Amendment of2.In Rule 3 of the Pr incipal Rules, for the words “ten thousand”, the words Rule 3.“forty thousand” sha ll be substituted. Amendment of3.Rule 4 of the Principal Rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 4.“ T her e s ha ll b e p aid t o t he C ha ir ma n a nd the Dep u t y C ha ir ma n a s u mpt u a r y a llowa nces of Rs. 6, 000/- (R upees six thousa nd) only each per mensem, family allowances of Rs. 5,000/-(Rupees five thousand) only in respect of Cha ir ma n per mens em and R s. 4,000/- (Rupees four thousa nd) only in respect of Deputy Chairman per mensem, and entertainment allowances of Rs. 4,000/- (Rupees four thousand) only in respect of Chairman per mensem and Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees thr ee thousand) only in respect of Deputy Cha irman per mensem.” Amendment of4.In Rule 5 of the Principal Rules– Rule 5.(i) for the words “three thousand five hundred rupees”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 5, 000/- (Rupees five thousand) only” shall be substituted; (ii) for the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees forty thousand)”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fift y thousa nd)” shall be substituted; - 5 -Ex-424/2014 (iii) for the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand)”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty-five thousand)” shall be substituted; (iv) a new proviso to this Rule shall be inserted as follows, namely:- “Provided that payment rate for electricit y, calls of telephone, free water supply and local rates and taxes shall be fixed by the Chairman.” Amendment of5.Rule 12 of the Principal Rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 12.“The Chairman shall be entitled t o the service of three (3) Gra de IV staff and the Deputy Chairman shall be entitled to the service of two (2) Grade IV staff. Grade IV staff wages shall be paid as unskilled labour. The rate of wages of Grade IV staff shall be revisable from time to time.” Amendment of6.In S chedule to the Principal Rules- Schedule.(i) for the figures “Rs. 250/-”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only” shall be substituted; (ii) for the figures “Rs. 300/-”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred and fifty) only” shall be substituted. THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES, ALLOWANCES AND PENSION OF MEMBERS) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012 A RULES further to amend the Mara Autonomous District Council (Salar ies, Allowances and Pension of Members) Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the “ Principal Rules”). Be it enact ed by the Mara Autonomous District Council in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:- Short tit le and1.(1) These Rules may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council commencement.(Salaries, Allowances and Pension of Members) (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2)They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st April, 2012. Amendment of2.In c la u s e ( g) of R u le 2 of t he P r in cip a l R u les , a ft er t he wor ds “ E x ec u t iv eMember”, Rule 2.the words “Opposition Leader” shall be inserted. Amendment of3.In R ule 3 of the Pr incipal Rules, for the words “ten thousand r upees”, the Rule 3.words “forty thousand rupees” sha ll be substituted. Amendment of4.Rule 5 of the Principal Rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 5.“ A memb er s ha ll b e p a id a cons t it u ency a llowa nces of R s . 3 , 0 0 0 / - (R u p ees three thousand) only per mensem, family allowances of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees three thousand) only per mensem and entertainment allowances of Rs. 1,500/-(Rupees one thousand five hundred) only per mensem.” Amendment of5.In Rule 6 of the Principal Rules, for the figures “Rs. 2,500/-”,the figur es, Rule 6.brackets and words “Rs. 4,000/- (Rupees four thousand) only” shall be substituted. - 6 - Ex-424/2014 Amendment of6.Rule 7 of the Principal Rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 7.“A member who occupies own house shall be entit ledto receive a sum of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand) only in the first year for furnishing and Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand) only annually for the subsequent yea rs of the term: Provided that payment rate for electricity, calls of telephone, free water supply and local rates or taxes shall be fixed by the Chairman from time to time.” Amendment of7.Rule 8 of the Principal Rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- Rule 8.“ A member shall be entitled to the service of one Grade IV staff as Personal Attendant a nd his wages s hall be paid a s unskill labour per mensem. The rate of wages of Grade IV staff shall be revisable from time to time.” Amendment of8.(1) In sub rule (1) of Rule 9 of the Principal Rules, for thewor ds“two Rule 9.hundred fifty rupees”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundr ed) only” sha ll be substituted. (2) In sub rule (3) of Rule 9 of the Principal Rules, for the figures “Rs. 200/-”, the figures, brackets and words, “Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundr ed and fifty) only” shall be substituted. Amendment of9.sub-rule (2) of Rule 12 of the Principal Rules, the following sub-rule shall Rule 12.besubstituted, namely : “(2) (a) There shall be paid R s. 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand) only per mensem to a Member who had been elected/nominated once for 5(five) years or for any period shorter than 5(five) years. (a) There shall be paid Rs. 22,000/- (Rupees twenty-two thousand) only per mensem to a Member who ha d been elected for three terms or more befor e the commencement of t hese ru les. (c ) Wher e any person has been r e-elected after the commencement of these rules for another term, whether he has completed the ter m or not, he shall be entitled to an additional pension of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees three thousa nd) only per mensem. (d) The pension shall be incr eased a t the rate of 5% (five) percent simple interest annua lly.” Amendment of10.In Rule 13 of the Principal Rules, for the words “one lakhrupees” the words Rules 13.“five lakhs rupees” shall be substituted. Amendment of11.(1) In sub rule (1) of Rule 14 of the Principal Rules, for thewords “two Rule 14.thousand five hundred rupees”, the words “ten thousand rupees” shall be substituted. (2) In proviso to Rule 14 of the Principal Rules, for the words “this Act”, the wor ds “t hese ru les” shall be substitu ted.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 425Date - 22/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 22.8.2014 Sravana 31, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 425 NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 26020/1/2009-DCA, the 4th August, 2014.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Amendment Rules passed by the C hakma Autonomous District Council which received approval of His Excellency the Governor of Mizoram on 21.3. 2014 and vetted by Finance Department vide I.D. No. FIN(E) 313/2014 dt. 28.7.2014 is hereby published for general information, namely :- “THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES & ALLOWANCES OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBER/EXECUTIVE MEMBER/ADVISER TO CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBE R/ CHAIRMAN/DEP UT Y CHAIRMAN/VIC E CHAIRMAN, (PLANNING)/OPPOSITION LEADER/MEMBER AND PENSION OF MEMBER) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012”. P. Singthanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. - 2 - Ex-425/2014 THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE MEMBER AND EXECUTIVE MEMBERS (AMENDMENT RULES) 2012. A RULES further to amend the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Salaries a nd Allowances of Chief Executive Member and E xecutive Member s) Rules, 2003 (her einafter referred to as the P rincipal Rules). Be it enacted by the Chakma Autonomous District Council in the Sixty-Third Year of Republic of India as follows:- Short tit le and1.(1) These rules may be called the Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council commencement(Sa la ries and Allowances of the Chief Execu tive Member a nd Ex ecut ive Members etc. (Amendment) R ules, 2 012. (2) They shall come into force with retrospective effect from 1st April 2012. Amendment of2.After Rule 2 (g) of the principal Rules, the following definition shall be Rule 2.inser ted, namely, (h ) “Adviser to Chief Executive Member” means a p erson who is a ppointed to a ssist the Chief Executive Member of the Chakma Autonomous District Council in certain functions. (i) “Opposition Leader” means the leader of the opposition members having one-t hird of the elected members from a single recognised or registered Political Party. (j) “Vice-Chairman (Pla nning)” means a person who is appointed as Vice Chairman (Planning) of the Chakma Autonomous District Council”. Amendment of3.In Rule 3 of the Princip al Rules:- Rule 3.(i) For the words “Chief Executive Member and Executive Members”, the words and brackets “Chief Executive Member, Executive Members, Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice- Chairman (P lanning)” sha ll be substituted. Amendment of4.ii)Rule 4 of the Principal R ules shall be substituted as follows, namely, Rule 4.“ 4 (1 ) T her e s hall b e p a id t o t he C hief E xecu tive M emb er a s u mpt u ar y allowances of Rs. 7,000/-(Rupees seven thousand) only and to Executive Members, Opp osition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Chairman (Planning) Rs. 6,000/-(Rupees six thousand) only ea ch p er mensem. (2) T here s ha ll b e pa id to t he C hief E xecu t ive Member a family allowances of Rs. 6,000/-(Rupees six thousand) only and to Executive Members, Opp osition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Cha irman (P lanning) Rs. 4, 000/-(Rupees four thousand) only each p er mensem. (3) There shall be pa id to the Chief Executive Member an entertainment allowances of Rs. 4,000/-(Rupees four thousand) only and to Executive Members, Opp osition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Chairman (Planning) Rs. 3,000/-(Rupees three thousand) only each p er mensem. - 3 -Ex-425/2014 Amendment of5.Rule 5 of the Principal R ules shall be substituted as follows, namely:- Rule 5.“5. The C hief Ex ecutive Member, Executive M embers, Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Chairman (Planning)” shall be entitled without any payment to the use and maintenance of a furnished residence throughout their terms of office and for a period of fift een da ys immedia tely ther eafter. Provided that they shall be entitled to residence for which rental charge shall not be more than Rs. 5,000/-(Rupees five thousand) only per mensem and there shall be made available a sum of Rs. 50, 000/- (Rupees fifty thousa nd) only for furnishing residence in the first year and Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand) only annually for the subsequent years. Provided further that the payment r ate for electricity, calls of telephone, fr ee wa t er s u p p ly, loca l r a t es a nd t a x es s ha ll b e fix ed b y t he C hief E x ecu t ive Member. Explanation: “Maintenance” in relation to residence inclu des, (i) Provision of electricity and free water supply. (ii) Provision of free telephone calls, and (iii) Provision of local rates and taxes”. Amendment of6.In Rule 6 of the Principal Rules, after the words “the Executive Members,” Rule 6.the words and brackets “Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Chairman (Planning)” shall be inserted. Amendment of7.In Rule 7 of the Principal Rules, after the words “the Executive Members”, Rule 7.the words a nd brackets “Opposition Lea ders, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Chairman (Planning)” shall be inserted. Amendment of8.Rule 8 of the Principal Rules, after the words “the Executive Members”, Rule 8.the words a nd brackets “Opposition Lea ders, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Cha irman (P lanning)” shall be inserted and the words “recognised by the District Council” shall be substituted by “in any Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Clinics”. Amendment of9.In Rule 10 of the Principal Rules, after the words “or Executive Members”, Rule 10.the words and brackets “or Opposition Leader, or Adviser to Chief Executive Member or Vice-Chair man (Pla nning)” shall be inserted. Amendment of10. In Rule 11 of the Principal Rules, after the words “the Chief Executive Member”, Rule 11.the words and brackets “the Executive Members, Adviser to Chief Executive Member or Vice-Chairman (Planning)” shall be inserted. Amendment of11. Rule 12 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely; Rule 12.“12. The Chief Ex ecutive Member sha ll be entitled to r eceive the services of 3 (three) Grade IV staff and the Executive Members, Opposition Leader, Adviser to Chief Executive Member and Vice-Chairman (Planning)” sha ll be entitled to receive the services of 2 (two) Grade IV s taff ea ch according to their own choice. T he rate of wages of grade IV staff shall be revisable from time to time and their appointment shall be co-terminus”. - 4 - Ex-425/2014 Amendment of12.In Schedule of the Principal Rules, for the figures “Rs. 250/-’’and “Rs. 300/-’’, Schedulethe figures, brackets and words “Rs. 500/-(Rupees five hundred) only” and “Rs. 750/-(Rupees seven hundred) only” r espectively sha ll be substituted. THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF CHAIRMAN AND DEPUTY CHAIRMAN (AMENDMENT RULES) 2012. A RULES further to amend the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Salaries and Allowances of Chairman and Deputy Chairman) Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules). Be it enacted by the Chakma Autonomous District Council in the Sixty-Third Year of Republic of India as follows: Short tit le and1.(1) These rules may be called the Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council commencement(S alar ies and Allowances of Chairman and Deputy Cha irman (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force with retrospective effect from 1st April 2012. Amendment of2.In Rule 3 of the Pr incipal Rules, for the words “ten thousand”, the words Rule 3.“for ty thousand” shall be substituted. Amendment of3.Rule 4 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely; Rule 4.“4. There shall be paid to the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman a sumptuary allowances of Rs. 6,000/-(Rupees six thousand) only each per mensem, family allowances of Rs. 5,000/-(Rupees five thousand) only in respect of Chairman per mensem and Rs. 4,000/-(Rupees four thousand thousand) only in respect of Deputy Chairman per mensem, and entertainment allowances of Rs. 4,000/-(Rupees four thousand) only in respect of Chairman and Rs. 3,000/-(Rupees three thousand) only in respect of Deputy Chairman per mensem. Amendment of4.In Rule 5 of the Principal Rules, Rule 5.(i) For the words “three thousand five hundr ed rupees”, the figures, words and brackets “Rs. 5,000/-(Rupees five thousand) only shall be substituted. (ii) For the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees forty thousand)”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 50,000/-(Rupees fift y thousa nd)” shall be substituted. (iii) For the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 5000/-(Rupees five thousa nd)”, the figures, brackets and words Rs. 25, 000/-(Rupees twenty five thousand) shall be substituted. (iv) Provision to this Rule sha ll be inserted as follows, namely: “ Provided that payment r ate for electricity, calls of telephone, free water supply and local rates and taxes shall be fixed by the Chairman. However, such fixation shall be in conformity with the Executive Committee”. - 5 -Ex-425/2014 Amendment of5.Rule 12 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely, Rule 12. “5. T he Chairman shall be entitled to the services of 3 (three) Grade IV staff and the Deputy Chair man sha ll be entitled to receive the services of 2 (t wo) Gra de IV staff each accor ding to their own choice. Wages shall be paid as un-skilled labour. The rate of wages of Grade IV staff shall be revisable from time to time and their appointment shall be co-terminus”. Amendment of6.In Schedule of the Principal Rules, Schedule(i) for the figures “Rs. 250/-” the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundr ed) only” sha ll be substituted. (ii) for the figures “Rs. 300/-”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 750/-(Rupees s even hu ndred fifty) only” shall be substituted. THE CHAKMA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (SALARIES, ALLOWANCES AND PENSION OF MEMBERS) (AMENDMENT ) RULES, 2012 A RULES further to amend the Chakma Autonomous District Council (Salaries, Allowances and pension of Members) Ru les, 20 03 (her einafter referred to as the Principal Rules). Be it enacted by the Chakma Autonomous District Council in the s ixty third year of the Republic of India as follows:- Short tit le and1.(1) These rules may be called the Chakma Autonomous Distr ict Council commencement(S alar ies Allowa nces and Pension of Members) (Amendment) Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force with retrospective effect from Ist April 2012. Amendment of2.In R ule 2 (g) of t he Principal R ules, after the wor ds “Executive Member”, Rule 2.the words “ Opposit ion Leader”, shall be inserted. Amendment of3.In Rule 3 of the P rincipa l Rules, for the words “ten thousand rupees”, the Rule 3.words “forty thousand rupees” shall be substituted. Amendment of4.Rule 5 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely:- Rule 5.“5. A member shall be paid a constituency allowances of Rs. 3000/- (Rupees three thousand) only per mensem, family allowances of Rs. 3000/- (Rupees three thousand) only per mensem and entertainment allowances of Rs. 1500/- (Rupees one thousand five hundred) only per mensem. Amendment of5.Rule 6 of the Principal Rules, for the figures “Rs.2,500/-”, the figures, Rule 6.brackets and after the words “Rs. 4,000/- (Rupees four thousand) only shall be substituted. Amendment of6.Rule 7 of the Principal R ules shall be substituted as follows, namely:- Rule 7.“7. A member who occupies own house shall be entitled to receive a sum of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand ) only in the first year for furnishing and Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand ) only annually for the subsequent yea rs of the term: - 6 - Ex-425/2014 Provided tha t payment rate for electricit y, calls of telephone, free water supply and local rates or taxes shall be fixed by the Chairman from time to time”. Amendment of7.Rule 8 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, namely:- Rule 8.“8. A member shall be entitled to the service of one Grade-IV staff as personal Attendant a ccording to his own choice and his wages shall be paid as un- skilled labour per mensem. The rate of wages of Grade -IV staff shall be revisable from time to time and the appointment shall be co-terminus”. Amendment of8.(1) In sub rule (1) of Rule 9 of the Principal Rules, for the words “ two Rule 9.hundred fifty rupees”, the figures, brackets and words “Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundr ed) only” sha ll be substituted. (2) In sub rule (3) of Rule 9 of the Principal Rules, for the figures “Rs. 200/- “, the figures, brackets and words, “Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred fifty) only” shall be substituted. Amendment of9.Sub-rule (2) of Rule 12 of the Principal Rules shall be substituted as follows, Rule 12.namely:- “(2) (a) There shall be paid Rs. 2 0,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand ) only per mensem to a member who had been elected /nominated once for 5(five) year or for any period shorter than 5(five) years. (b) There shall be paid Rs. 22,000/- (Rupees twenty two thousand) only per mensem to a memb er who had been elected for t hr ee terms or mor e befor e the commencement of these ru les. (c ) Wher e any p erson ha s been re-elec ted a ft er the c ommencement of t hese rules for a nother term, whether he has completed the term or not, he shall be entitled to an additional pension of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees three thousa nd) only per mensem. (d) The pension shall be incr eased a t the rate of 5% (five) per cent simple interest annua lly”. Amendment of10. In Rule 13 of the Principal Rules, for the words “one lakh rupees” the Rule 13.words “five lakhs rupees” s hall be substituted. Amendment of11. (1) In s ub rule (1) of Rule 1 4 of t he P rincipal R ules, for the word “ two Rule 14.thousand five hundred rupees”, the word “ ten thousand rupees” shall be substituted. (2) In proviso to Rule 14 of the Principal Rules, for the word, “ this act”, the wor d, “t hese ru les” shall be s ubstitu ted.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

The Mizoram Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes (Regulation of Issuance and Verification of) Community Certificates Act, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 426Date - 27/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 27.8.2014 Bhadrapada 5, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 426 NOTIFICATIONNo. J. 20011/1/2012-IIM (ST &CA), the 8th August, 2014.In exercise of the powers confer red by Section (6) of the Mizoram Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes (Regulation of Issuance and Verification of) Community Certificates Act, 2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute State Scrutiny Committee for verification of Community Certificates issued by Competent Authorities as follows: 1.Joint Secret ary, Home Depart mentChairman Government of Mizoram 2.Director, Social Welfare Department,Member Govt. of Mizoram, or any other officer not below the rank of Deputy Director duly author ized by him 3.Director, Art and Culture Department,Member Govt. of Mizoram, or any other officer not below the rank of Deputy Director duly author ized by him 4.Director, Economics and Sta tistics Department,Member Govt. of Mizoram, or any other officer not below the rank of Deputy Director duly author ized by him L. Tochhong, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

District Monitoring Group to carry out an on the spot verification of Teaching Learning Strategies adopted by the Trained Teachers in the Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools of Mizoram consisting of the following members

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 427Date - 27/08/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIII Aizawl, Wednesday 27.8.2014 Bhadrapada 5, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 427 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.13055/13/2013-EDN, the 20th August, 2014.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute District Monitoring Group to carry out an on the spot verification of Teaching Learning Strategies adopted by the Trained Teachers in the Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools of Mizoram consisting of the following members :- 1.Distr ict Education OfficerChairman 2.Principal DIETMember Secretary 3.SDEO-to be nomina ted by DEOMember 4.CEO-t o be nominated by DEOMember 5.Four Lecturers from DIET-to be nominated by the PrincipalMembers 6.One Principa l, Higher Secondary SchoolMember 7.One Headmaster, Secondary School-to be nominated by DEOMember 8.One Headmaster, Middle School-to be nominated by SDEOMember 9.One Headmaster, Primary School-to be nominated by SDEOMember 10.One representative from IASE-to be nominated by PrincipalMember 11.One representative of SCERT-to be nominated by DirectorMember 1.Development of Monitoring For mat: Monitoring forma t will be devised which will be used by the monitoring team on their visit to the School. SCERT may take the initiative to develop the format. 2.On the spot verification: Since it will not be possible to visit a ll the schools within the distr ict, effort will be made to visit at least 10% of the total population. Random sampling will be used to select schools for spot themselves in groups to perfor m their school visit, and this random sampling should be done based on particulars criteria like distance from District Headquarter, pass percentage, drop-out rate etc. 3.Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools :Govt. & Govt. Aided Primary and Middle Schools will be covered in the first phase, and High School and Higher Seconda ry Schools will be visited in the second pha se. 4.TA/DA for School visit: Since, the teams may have to go on a tour to visit the schools, TA/DA may be bor ne by t heir respective offices. R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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