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The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014 (Act No. 7 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 227Date - 19/05/2014

THE STREET VENDORS (PROTECTION OF LIVELIHOOD AND REGULATION OF STREET VENDING) ACT, 2014 AN ACT to protect the rights of ur ban str eet vendors and to regulate street vending activities a nd for matters connected therewith or incidental ther eto. BE it enacted by Pa rliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. (1) T his Act may be called the Street Vendors (P rotection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014. (2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Ka s hmir. (3) It shall come into for ce on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint; and different datesNOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/55/2012-LJD , the 9th May, 2014.The following Centra l Act is hereby re-published for general information. The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regula tion of Street Vending) Act, 2014 (Act No. 7 of 2014) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 227 Short title, extent, commencement and provisions. may be appointed for different Sta tes and any reference in any provision to the commencement of this Act sha ll be construed in relation to any State as a reference to the coming into force of that provision in that State. (4)The pr ovisions of this Act shall not apply to any land, premises and trains owned and controlled by the Railways under the Railway Act, 1989. 2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requir es,— (a) “appropriate Government” means in respect of matters relating to,— (i) a Union territory without Legislatur e, the Central Government; (ii) the Union terr itories with Legislature, the Government of the National Ca pital Territor y of Delhi or, as the case may be, the Government of Union territ ory of Puducherry; (iii) a State, the State Government; (b) “holding capacity” means the maximum number of street vendors who ca n be accommodated in any vending zone and has been determined as such by the local authority on t he recommendations of the Town Vending Commit tee; (c) “local authority” means a Municipal Corporation or a Municipal Council or a Nagar Panchayat, by whatever name called, or the Cantonment Boar d, or as the ca se may be, a civil a rea committee a ppointed under section 47 of the Cantonment Act , 2006 or such other body entitled to function as a local author ity in a ny city or town to provide civic services and regulate street vending and includes the “planning authority” which regulates the land use in that city or town; (d) “mobile vendor s” means street vendors who carry out vending activities in designated area by moving from one place to another place vending their goods a nd services; (e) “natural market” means a market where sellers and buyers have tradit ionally congregated for the sale and purchase of product s or services and has been determined as such by the loca l authority on the recommendations of the Town Vending Commit tee; (f) “notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette and the term “notify” shall be construed accordingly; (g) “planning authority” means an Urban Development Authority or a ny other authority in any city or town designated by the appropr iate Government as responsible for regulating the land use by defining the precise extent of ar eas for any par ticular activit y in the master plan or development plan or zona l plan or layout plan or any other spatial plan which is legally enforceable under the applicable Town and Country Planning Act or the Urba n Development Act or the Municipal Act, a s the case may be; (h) “prescr ibed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the appropriate Government; (i) “Schedule” means the Schedule a nnexed to this Act; (j) “scheme” means a scheme framed by the appropriate Government under section 38; (k) “stationary vendors” means street vendors who carry out vending act ivities on regular basis at a specific location; Definitions.24 of 1989. 41 of 2006. Ex-227/20142 (l) “street vendor” means a person engaged in vending of articles, goods, wares, food items or merchandise of everyday use or offering services to the general public, in a street, lane, side walk, footpath, pavement, public park or any other public place or private area, from a temporary built up structure or by moving from place to place and includes hawker, peddler, squatter and a ll other synonymous terms which ma y be local or region specific; a nd the words “street vending” with their gra mmatical variations and cognate expressions, shall be cons trued a ccordingly; (m) “Town Vending Committee” means the body constituted by the appropriate Government under section 22; (n) “vending zone” means an area or a place or a location designated as such by the local author ity, on the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee, for the specific use by street vendors for street vending and includes footpath, side walk, pavement, embankment, por tions of a str eet, waiting area for public or any such place considered suitable for vending activities and providing services to the general public. (2) Any reference in this Act to any enactment or any provision thereof, shall, in relation to an area in which such enactment or such provision is not in force be construed as a r eference to the corresp onding law, if any, in force in that area. CHAPTER II REGULATION OF STREET VENDING 3. (1) The Town Vending Committee shall, within such period and in such manner as may be specified in the scheme, conduct a survey of all existing street vendors, within the area under its jursidiction, and subsequent survey shall be carr ied out at least once in every five years. (2) The Town Vending Committee shall ensure that all existing street vendors, identified in the survey, are accommondated in the vending zones subject to a norm conforming to two and half per cent. of the population of t he ward or zone or town or cit y, as the case may be, in accordance with the plan for street vending and the holding capa city of the vending zones. (3) No street vendor shall be evicted or, as the case may be, relocated till the survey specified under sub-section (1) has been completed and the cer tificate of vending is issued to a ll street vendors. 4. (1 ) Every street vendor, identified under the survey carried out under sub-s ection (1) of section 3, who has completed the age of four teen year s or such age a s may be prescribed by the appr opriate Government, shall be issued a certificate of vending by the Town Vending Commit tee, subject to such terms and conditions and within the period specified in the scheme including the restr ictions specified in the plan for str eet vending: Provided that a person, whether or not included under the su rvey under sub-s ection (1) of section 3, who has been issued a cer tificate of vending before the commencement of this Act, whether known as licence or a ny other form of permission (whether as a sta tionary vendor or a mobileSurvey of street vendors and protection from eviction or relocation. Issue of certificate of ven din g.Ex-227/2014 3 vendor or under any other category) shall be deemed to be a street vendor for that ca tegory for the period for which he has been issued such certificate of vending. (2 ) Where, in the int ervening period between two surveys, a ny person seeks to vend, the Town Vending Committee may grant a certificate of vending to such person, subject to the scheme, the plan for street vending and the holding capacity of the vending zones. (3) Where the number of street vendors identified under sub-section (1) or the number of persons seeking to vend under sub-section (2) are more than the holding capa city of the vending zone and exceeds the number of p ersons to be accommodated in that vending zone, the Town Vending Committee shall carry out a draw of lots for issuing the certificate of vending for that vending zone and the remaining persons shall be accommodated in any adjoining vending zone to avoid relocation. 5. (1) Every street vendor shall give an undertaking to the Town Vending Committee prior to the is sue of a certifica te of vending under section 4, that— (a) he shall carry on the business of street vending himself or through any of his fa mily member; (b) he has no other means of livelihood: (c) he shall not transfer in any manner whatsoever, including rent, the certifica te of vending or the place specified therein to any other person. (2)Wher e a str eet vendor to whom a certificate of vending is issued dies or suffers from any permanent disability or is ill, one of his family member in following order of priority, may vend in his pla ce, till the validity of the certificate of vending— (a) spouse of the street vendor; (b) dependent child of the str eet vendor: Provided that where a dispute arises as to who is entit led to vend in the place of the vendor, the matter shall be decided by the committee under section 20. 6. (1) The certificate of vending shall be issued under any of the following categories, namely:— (a) a stationary vendor; (b) a mobile vendor; or (c) any other category as may be specified in the scheme. (2) The certificate of vending issued for the categories specified in sub-section (1) sha ll be in such f or m, and issued in such manner, as ma y be specified in the scheme and specify the vending zone where the street vendor shall carry on his vending activities, the days and timings for carrying on such vending act ivities and the conditions a nd restr ictions subject to which he sha ll carry on such vending activities. (3) Every s treet vendor who has b een issued cer tificate of vending under sub-section (1) s hall be issued identity cards in such form and manner as ma y be specified in t he scheme. Conditions for issue of certificate of vendin g. Categories of certificate of vending and issue of identity cards. Ex-227/20144 7. The criteria to be followed by t he Town Vending Committee for issuing certificate of vending to a street vendor shall be as specified in the scheme, which may, apa rt from other things, provide for pr eference to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backwar d Classes, women, persons with disabilities, minorities or such other ca tegories as may be specified in the scheme. 8. Every street vendor who has been issued certificate of vending shall pay such vending fees as may be specified in the scheme. 9. (1) Every certificate of vending shall b e valid for such period as may be specified in the scheme. (2)Every certificate of vending shall be renewable for such period, in such ma nner, a nd on payment of such fees, a s may be specified in t he scheme. 10. Where a street vendor who has been issued a certificate of vending under this Act commits br each of any of the conditions thereof or any other terms and conditions specified for the purpose of regulating street vending under this Act or any rules or schemes made thereunder, or where the Town Vending C ommittee is sa tisfied that such certificate of vending has been secured by the st reet vendor through misrepresentation or fr aud, the Town Vending Committee may, without prejudice to any other fine which may have been incur red by the street vendor under this Act, ca ncel the certificate of vending or suspend the same in such manner as ma y be specified in the scheme and for such period as it deems fit: Provided that no such cancellation or suspension shall be made by the Town Vending Committee unless an opportunity of hear ing has been given to t he street vendor. 11. (1) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision of the Town Vending Committee with respect to issue of cer tificate of vending u nder section 6 or cancellation or suspension of certificate of vending under section 10 may prefer an a ppeal t o the local authority in such form, within such period, and in such manner, as may be prescribed. (2) No appeal shall be disposed of by the local authority unless the appellant has been given a n oppor tunity of hear ing. CHAPTER III RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF ST REET VENDORS 12. (1) Every street vendor shall have the right to carry on the business of street vending activities in accordance with the terms and conditions mentioned in the certificate of vending. (2)Notwit hsta nding anything contained in sub-section (1 ), where any a rea or space, as the case may be, has been earma rked as no- vending zone, no str eet vendor shall carry out any vending activities in that zone.Criteria for issu ing certificate of ven din g. Vending fees. Validity an d ren ewal of certificate of vendin g. Cancellation or suspension of certificate of vendin g. Appeal from decision of Town Vending Committee. Rights of street vendor. Ex-227/2014 5 13. Every street vendor, who possesses a certificate of vending, shall, in case of his relocation under section 18, be entitled for new sit e or area, as the case may be, for carr ying out his vending activities as ma y be determined by the local authority, in consulta tion with the Town Vending Commit tee. 14. Where a street vendor occupies space on a time sharing basis, he shall remove his goods and wares every day at the end of the time- shar ing per iod allowed to him. 15. Every street vendor shall maintain cleanliness and public hygiene in t he vending zones and the adjoining ar eas. 16. Every str eet vendor sha ll maintain civic amenities and public property in the vending zone in good condition and not damage or destroy or cause any damage or dest ruction to the same. 17. Every street vendor shall pay such periodic maintenance charges for the civic amenities and facilities pr ovided in the vending zones as may be determined by the local authority. CHAPTER IV RELOCATION AND EVICTION OF STREET VENDORS 18. (1) The local authority may, on the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee, declare a zone or part of it to be a no-vending zone for any public purpose and relocate the street vendors vending in that area , in such manner as may be specified in the scheme. (2) The local a uthority shall evict such street vendor whose certificate of vending has been cancelled under section 10 or who does not have a certificate of vending and vends without such certifica te, in such manner as ma y be specified in t he scheme. (3) No street vendor shall be relocated or evicted by the local authority from the place specified in the certificate of vending unless he has been given thirty days’ notice for the same in such manner as ma y be specified in the scheme. (4) A street vendor shall be relocated or evicted by the local authority physically in such manner as may be specified in the scheme only after he had failed to vacate the place specified in the certificate of vending, a fter the expiry of the period specified in the notice. (5) Every street vendor who fails to relocate or vacate the place specified in the certificate of vending, after the expiry of the period specified in t he notice, sha ll be liable to pay for ever y day of such default , a penalty which ma y extend up to two hundred and fifty rupees, as may be determined by t he local authority, but shall not be more than the value of goods seized. 19. (1) If the street vendor fails to vaca te the place specified in the certificate of vending, aft er the la pse of the period specified in the notice given under sub-section (3) of section 18, the local authority, in additionRight of street vendor for a new site or area on relocation. Duty of street vendors. Maintenance of cleanliness and public h ygien e. Maintenance of civic amenities in vendin g zone in good condition. Payment of maintenance ch arges. Relocation or eviction of street vendors. Seizu re an d r eclaim in g of goods. Ex-227/20146 to evicting the str eet vendor under section 18, may, if it deems necessary, seize the goods of such street vendor in such manner a s may be specified in t he scheme: Provided tha t where any such seizure is carried out, a list of goods seized shall be prepared, as specified in the scheme, a nd a copy thereof, duly signed by the person authorized to seize the goods, shall be issued to the street vendor. (2) The street vendor whose goods have been seized under sub- section (1) may, r eclaim his goods in such manner, and after paying such fees , as may be specified in the scheme: Provided that in ca se of non-perishable goods, the loca l authority shall relea se the goods within two working days of the claim being made by the street vendor, and in case of perishable goods t he loca l authority shall release the goods on the s ame da y of the claim being made by the street vendor. CHAPTER V DISPUTE REDRESSAL MECHANISM 20. (1) The appropria te Government may cons titute one or more committees consisting of a Chair person who ha s been a civil judge or a judicial magistrate and two other professionals having such experience as may be prescribed for the purpose of deciding the applications received under sub-section (2): Provided tha t no employee of the appropria te Government or the loca l authority shall be appointed as members of the committee. (2) Every s treet vendor who has a grievance or dispute may make an a pplication in writing t o the committee constituted under sub-section (1) in such form and ma nner as may be prescribed. (3) On receipt of grievance or dispute under sub-section (2), the committee r eferred to in sub-section (1) shall, after verification and enquiry in such manner, as ma y be prescr ibed, take steps for redressa l of such grievance or resolution of such dispute, within such time and in such manner as ma y be p rescribed. (4) Any person who is aggrieved by the decision of the committee may prefer an appeal to the local authority in such for m, within such time and in such manner a s may be prescribed. (5) The local authority shall dispose of the appeal received under sub-section (4) wit hin such time and in such manner as may be prescribed: Provided that the local authority shall, before disposing of the appeal, give an opportunity of being hear d to the aggrieved per son. Redressal of grievances or resolution of disputes of street vendors.Ex-227/2014 7 CHAPT ER VI PLAN FOR STREET VENDING 21. (1) Every local authority shall, in consultation with the planning authority and on the recommendations of t he Town Vending Commit tee, once in every five years, prepare a plan to promote the vocation of street vendors covering the matters conta ined in the Fir st Schedule. (2) The pla n for street vending prepared by the loca l author ity shall be submitted to the appropriate Government for approval and that Government shall, before notifying the plan, determine the norms applicable to the street vendors. CHAPTER VII TOWN VENDING COMMITTEE 22. (1) The appropria te Government may, by rules made in this behalf, provide for the term and the manner of constituting a Town Vending Committee in each local author ity: Provided that the appropriate Government may, if considers necessar y, provide for constitution of mor e than one Town Vending Committee, or a Town Vending Commit tee for each zone or ward, in each local authority. (2) Each Town Vending Committee shall consist of:— (a) Municipa l Commissioner or Chief Executive Officer, as the case may be, who shall be the Chairperson; and (b) such number of other members as may be prescribed, to be norminated by the appropriate Government, representing the local authority, medical officer of the local authority, the pla nning authority, traffic police, police, association of street vendors, market associations, traders associations, non-governmental organisations, community based orga nisations, resident welfare associations, banks and such other interests as it deems pr oper; (c) the number of members nominated to represent the non- governmenta l organisations and the community based organisa tions shall not be less than ten per cent.; (d) the number of members representing the street vendors s hall not be less than forty per cent. who shall be elected by the st reet vendors themselves in such manner a s may be prescribed: Provided that one-t hird of members representing the str eet vendors shall be fr om amongst women vendors: Provided further that due representation shall be given to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, minorities and persons with disabilities from amongst the members represent ing street vendors. Plan for street vendin g. Town Vending Committee. Ex-227/20148 (3) The Chairperson and the members nominated under sub-section (2) shall receive such allowances as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government. 23. (1) The Town Vending C ommittee shall meet at such t imes and places within the jurisdiction of the local authority and s hall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its meetings, and discharge such funct ions, as may be prescribed. (2) Every decision of the Town Vending Committee shall be notified along with the reasons for taking such decision. 24. (1) The Town Vending Committee may associate with itself in such manner and for such purposes, as may be prescribed, any person whose assistance or advice it may desire, in carrying out any of the provisions of this Act. (2) A person associated under sub-section (1) shall be paid such allowances as may be prescribed. 25. The local a uthorit y shall provide the Town Vending Committee with appropriate office space and such employees as may be prescribed. 26. (1) Every Town Vending Committee shall publish the street vendor ’s cha rter specifying therein the time within which the certificate of vending sha ll be issued to a street vendor and the time within which such certificate of vending shall be renewed and other activit ies to be performed within the time limit specified ther ein. (2) Every Town Vending Committee shall maintain up to date records of r egistered street vendors and street vendors to whom certificate of vending has been issued conta ining name of such street vendor, stall allotted to him, na ture of business carried out by him, category of street vending and such other par ticulars which may be r elevant to the str eet vendors, in such manner as may be prescribed. (3) Every Town Vending Committee shall carry out social audit of its activities under the Act or the rules or the schemes made thereunder in such for m and manner as may be specified in the scheme. CHAPT ER VIII PREVENTION OF HARASSMENT OF STREET VENDORS 27. Notwithsta nding a nything contained in any other law for the time being in force, no str eet vendor who ca rries on the str eet vending activities in accor dance with the terms and conditions of his certificate of vending sha ll be prevented from exercising such right s by any person or police or any other author ity exercising powers u nder any other law for the time being in force.Meetings of Town Vending Committee. Temporary association of persons with Town Vending Committee for particular purposes. Office space and other employees for Town Vending Committee. Publication of street vendor’s charter an d data-base an d carrying ou t of social audit. Prevention of harassment by police and oth er authorities. Ex-227/2014 9 CHAPTER IX PENAL PROVISIONS 28. If any str eet vendor— (a) indulges in vending act ivities without a certificate of vending; (b) contra venes the terms of certificate of vending; or (c) contra venes a ny other terms and conditions specified for the purpose of r egulating street vending under this Act or a ny rules or schemes made thereunder, he shall be liable to a penalty for each such offence which may extend up to rupees two thousand as may be determined by the local authority. CHAPTER X MISCELLANEOUS 29. (1) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as conferring upon a street vendor any temporary, permanent or perpetual right of carrying out vending activities in the vending zones allotted to him or in respect of any place on which he carries on such vending activity. (2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall apply to any stationery vendor, if a tempor ary lea sehold or ownership r ight has been conferred on him by a lease deed or otherwise, in respect of a place a t specific loca tion wher e he car ries on such vending a ctivity in accordance with the provisions of a ny law for the time being in force for car rying out such vending activity. 30. Every Town Vending Committee shall fur nish, from time to time, to the appropriate Government and t he local author ity such returns as may b e prescr ibed. 31. The appropriate Government may, in consultation with the Town Vending Committee, local authorit y, planning authority and street vendors associations or unions, undertake promotional measures of making available credit, insurance and other welfare schemes of social security for the street vendors. 32. The appropr iate Government may, to the extent of availability of financial and other r esources,— (a) organise capacity building programmes to enable the street vendors to exercise the rights contempla ted under this Act; (b) undertake research, education and training programmes to adva nce knowledge a nd understanding of t he role of the informa l sector in the economy, in general and the street vendors, in particular a nd to r aise awar eness a mong the public through Town Vending Commit tee. 33. The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therein cont ained in any other law for the time being in force or in any instrument having effect by virtue of any law other than this Act. Penalty for contraventions. Provisions of this Act, not to be construed as conferring ow ner sh ip rights, etc. Returns. Promotional measu res. Research, training and awareness. Act to have overriding effect. Ex-227/201410 34. The appropriate Government may, by gener al or special order in writing, delegate such of its powers and functions under this Act (excluding the power to fra me scheme under section 3 8 a nd power to make rules under section 36), as it may deem necessa ry, to the local authority or the Town Vending Committee or any other officer, subject to such conditions, if a ny, as may be specified in that or der. 35. (1) On the recommendations made by the appropr iate Government or otherwise, if the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by notification, amend the Schedules and thereup on the First S chedule or the Second Schedule, as t he case may be, shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly. (2) A copy of every notification issued under sub-section (1), shall be laid before each House of Parliament as soon as may be after it is issued. 36. (1) The appropriate Government shall, within one year from the da te of commencement of this Act, by notifica tion, make rules for carr ying out the provisions of this Act. (2 ) In par ticular and without prejudice t o the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:— (a) the age for str eet vending under sub-section (1) of section 4; (b) the for m, period and manner of filing appeal with the local authority under sub-section (1) of section 11; (c) the per sons and the experience such person shall have under sub-section (1) of section 20; (d) t he for m a nd the manner of ma king a pplication under sub- section (2) of section 20; (e) the manner of verifica tion and enquiry on receipt of grievance or dispute, the time within which and the manner in which steps for redressal of grievances and resolution of disputes may be taken under sub-section (3) of section 20; (f) the form, the time within which and the manner in which an appeal may be filed under sub-section (4) of section 20; (g) the time within which and the manner in which an a ppeal s hall be disposed of under sub-section (5) of section 20; (h) the term of, a nd the manner of constituting, the Town Vending Committee under sub-section (1) of section 22; (i) the number of other members of the Town Vending Committee under clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section 22; (j) the manner of elections among street vendors under clause (d) of sub-section (2) of section 22; (k) the allowances to Chairperson and members under sub- section (3) of section 22; (l) the time and place for meeting, procedure for tra nsaction of business at meetings and functions to be discharged by the Town Vending Committee under section 23;Powers to delegate. Power to amend Schedules. Power to make ru les. Ex-227/2014 11 (m) the manner and the pu rpose for which a person ma y be associated under sub-section (1) of section 24; (n) the allowances to be paid to an associated person under sub- section (2) of section 24; (o) the other employees of Town Vending Committee under section 25; (p) the manner of maintaining up to date record of a ll street vendors under sub-section (2) of section 26; (q) the returns to be furnished under section 30; (r) the manner of publishing summary of scheme under sub-section (2) of section 38. (3) Every rule and scheme made by t he Central Government under this Act sha ll be la id, as soon as may be after it is made, befor e each House of P arliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more su ccessive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Hou ses agree in making any modification in the rule or scheme or both Houses agree that the rule or scheme should not b e made, the rule or scheme shall thereafter have effect only in such modified for m or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or scheme. (4) Every r ule or scheme made by the Sta te Gover nment under this Act sha ll, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid befor e each House of t he Stat e Legis la ture wher e ther e ar e two H ouses, and where ther e is one House of the St ate Legisla ture, befor e tha t House. 37. Subject to the provisions of this Act or any rule or scheme made thereunder, the local author ity may make bye-laws to provide for all or a ny of the following matters, namely:— (a) the regulation and manner of vending in restriction-free-vending zones, restr icted-vending zones and designated vending zones; (b) determination of monthly maintenance char ges for the civic amenities a nd facilities in the vending zones under section 17; (c) determination of penalty under sub-section (5) of section 18 and section 28; (d) the regulation of the collection of ta xes and fees in the vending zones; (e) the regulation of traffic in the vending zones; (f) the regulation of the quality of products and services provided to t he public in vending zones a nd maint enance of public health, hygiene and safety standa rds; (g) the regulation of civic services in the vending zones; and (h) the regulation of such other matters in the vending zones as ma y b e neces sar y. Power to make bye-laws. Ex-227/201412 38. (1) For the purposes of this Act, the appropriate Government shall frame a scheme, within six months fr om the date of commencement of t his Act , after due consultations with the local authority a nd the Town Vending Committee, by notification, which may specify all or any of the matters provided in the Second Schedule. (2) A summary of the scheme notified by the appropriate Government under sub-section (1) shall be publis hed by the loca l authority in a t least two local news papers in s uch manner as may be prescribed. 39. (1) If any difficu lty arises in giving effect to the pr ovisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficu lty: Provided tha t no order shall be ma de under this section after expiry of three years from the commencement of this Act. (2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as ma y be after it is made, be la id befor e each House of Parliament. THE FIRST SCHEDULE (See section 21) PLAN FOR STREET VENDING (1) The pla n for street vending sha ll,— (a) ensure that all existing street vendors identified in the sur vey, subject to a norm conforming to two and half per cent. of the population of the ward, zone, town or city, as the case may be, are accommodated in the plan for str eet vending; (b) ensure the right of commuters to move freely and use the roads without any impediment; (c) ensure that the provision of space or area for street vending is reasonable and consistent with existing natur al markets; (d) ta ke into account the civic facilities for appr opr ia te use of identified spaces or areas as vending zones; (e) promote convenient, efficient and cos t effective distribution of goods and pr ovision of services; (f) such other matters as may be specified in the scheme to give effect to the plan for str eet vending. (2) The pla n for street vending shall contain all of the following matters, namely:— (a) determination of spatial pla nning norms for street vending; (b) earmarking of space or area for vending zones; (c) determination of vending zones as restriction-free-vending zones, restr icted-vending zones and no-vending zones; (d) making of spatial plans conducive and adequate for the prevalent number of street vendors in that city or town and also for the fu ture growth, by a dopting such norms as may be necess ary; Sch eme for street vendors. Power to remove difficulties.Ex-227/2014 13 (e) consequential changes needed in the existing master plan, development plan, zonal plan, layout plan and any other plan for accommodating street vendors in the designated vending zones. (3) Declaration of no-vending zone shall be carr ied out by the plan for street vending, subject to the following pr inciples, namely:— (a) any existing ma rket, or a natural mar ket as identified under the survey shall not be decla red as a no-vending zone; (b) declara tion of no-vending zone shall be done in a manner which displaces the minimum percentage of street vendors; (c) overcrowding of any place shall not be a basis for decla ring any area as a no-vending zone provided that restrictions may be placed on issuing certifica te of vending in such ar eas to persons not identified as street vendors in the sur vey; (d)sanitary concerns shall not be the basis for decla ring any area as a no-vending zone unless such concerns can be solely attributed to street vendors a nd cannot be r esolved through appropriate civic action by the local author ity; (e) till such time as the survey has not been carried out and the plan for street vending ha s not been formulated, no zone shall be declared as a no-vending zone. THE SECOND SCHEDULE (See section 38) Matters to b e provided in the Scheme for Street Vendors fr amed by the appropriate Government:— (a) the manner of conduct ing sur vey; (b) the period within which certificate of vending shall be issued to the street vendors identified under the sur vey; (c) the terms and conditions subject to which cer tificate of vending may be issued to a street vendor including to those persons who wish to carr y on str eet vending dur ing the intervening period of two surveys; (d) the for m and the manner in which the certificate of vending may be issued to a street vendor; (e) the form and ma nner of issuing identity cards to str eet vendors; (f) the criteria for issuing cer tifica te of vending to street vendors; (g) the vending fees to be paid on the basis of category of street vending, which may be different for different cit ies; (h) the manner of collecting, through banks, counters of local authority and counters of Town Vending Committee, vending fees, maintenance charges and penalties for registration, use of pa rking s pace for mobile stalls and ava iling of civic services; (i) the period of validity of certificate of vending; (j) the period for which and the manner in which a cer tificate of vending may be renewed and the fees for such renewal; (k) the manner in which the certificate of vending may be suspended or cancelled; (l) the categories of street vendors other than stationery vendors and mobile vendors; Ex-227/201414 (m) the other categories of persons for preference for issue of certificate of vending; (n) the public pur pose for which a street vendor may be relocated and the manner of relocating str eet vendor; (o) the manner of evicting a str eet vendor; (p) the manner of giving notice for eviction of a str eet vendor; (q) the manner of evicting a street vendor physically on failur e to evict; (r) the manner of seizure of goods by the local a uthorit y, including preparation and issue of list of goods seized; (s) the manner of r eclaiming seized goods by the street vendor and the fees for the s ame; (t) the for m and the manner for carrying out social a udit of the activities of Town Vending Commit tee; (u) the conditions under which private places may be designated as r estriction-free-vending zones, restricted-vending zones and no-vending zones; (v) the terms and conditions for street vending including norms to be observed for up keeping public health and hygiene; (w) the designation of Sta te Nodal Officer for co-ordina tion of all matters relating to street vending at the state level; (x) the manner of maintenance of proper records and other documents by the Town Vending Committee, local authority, planning authority a nd State Nodal Officer in r espect of street vendors; (y) the manner of carrying out vending activities on time-sha ring basis; (z) the principles for determination of vending zones as restrict ion- free-vending zones, restricted-vending zones and no-vending zones; (za) the principles for determining holding capacity of vending zones and the manner of undertaking compr ehensive census and sur vey; (zb) principles of reloca tion subject to the following:— (i) relocation should be avoided a s far a s possible, unless there is clear and ur gent need for the land in quest ion; (ii) affected vendors or their representa tives shall be involved in planning and implementation of the rehabilitation project; (iii) affected vendors shall be relocated so as to improve their livelihoods and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms to pre-evicted levels; (iv) livelihood opportunities created by new infrastructure development pr oject s s ha ll accommoda te the displa ced vendor s so that they ca n ma ke use of the livelihood oppor tunities cr eated by t he new infrastructure; (v) loss of assets shall be avoided and in case of any loss, it shall be compensated;Ex-227/2014 15 (vi) any transfer of title or other interest in land shall not affect the rights of s treet vendors on such land, a nd any relocation cons equent upon such a transfer sha ll be done in accordance with the provisions of this Act; (vii) state mechinery shall take comprehensive measur es to check and control the pra ctice of forced evictions; (viii) natural markets where street vendors have conducted business for over fifty year s shall be declared as herita ge markets, and the street vendors in such markets sha ll not b e reloca ted; (zc) any other matter which may be included in the scheme for carr ying out the purposes of this Act. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-227/201416

The Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges) Amendment Act, 2014 (Act No.8 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 228Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 228 THE GOVERNORS (EMOLUMENTS, ALLOWANCES AND PRIVI- LEGES) AMENDMENT ACT, 2014 AN ACT further to amend the Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privi- leges) Act, 1982. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.(1) This Act may be called the Governors (Emoluments, Allow- ances and Privileges) Amendment Act, 2014. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Govern- ment may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2.In section 2 of the Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1982(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), for clause (a), the following clauses shall be substituted, namely:-NOTIFICATIONNo.H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 9th May, 2014.The following Central Act is hereby re-published for general information. The Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges) Amendment Act, 2014 (Act No.8 of 2014) Zahming thang a R alte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. 43 of 1982.Short title and commence- ment Amendment of section 2. ‘(a) “ex-Governor” means a person who has been the Governor of a State or two or more States; (aa) “Governor” means the Governor, or any person discharging the func- tions of the Governor, of any State or of two or more States;’. 3.After section 12 of the principal Act, the following section shall be inserted, namely:- “12A. Subject to any rules made in this behalf, the ex-Governor shall, for the remainder of his life, be entitled to secretaria l assistance of one Per- sonal Assistant on reimbursement basis : Provided that where such ex-Governor is re-appointed to the of- fice of the Governor or elected to Parliament or the State Legislature or appointed to any office of profit under the Union or a State Government, he shall not be entitled for such secretarial assistance for the period during which he holds such office.”. 4.In section 13 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), after clause (g), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:- “(h) the manner of providing secretarial assistance and reimburse- ment under section 12A.”. Insertion of new section 12A. Entitlement of ex- Governor to secretarial assistance. Amendment of section 13. Ex-228/20142 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The National Institute of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014 (Act No.9 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 229Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 229 THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2014 (AS PASSED BY THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT) AN ACT further to amend the National Institues of Technology, Science Education and Reasearch Act, 2007. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.(1) This Act may be called the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Govern- ment may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2.In section 2 of the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research Act, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), for the words “ the First Schedule and the Second Schedule”, the words “the First Schedule, the Second Schedule and the Third Schedule” shall be substituted.NOTIFICATIONNo.H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 9th May, 2014.The following Central Act is hereby re-published for general information. The National Institute of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014 (Act No.9 of 2014) Zahming thang a R alte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. 29 of 2007.Short title and commence- ment Amendment of section 2. 3.In section 3 of the principal Act,- (i) in clause (c), for the words “the First Schedule and the Second Schedule” at both the places where they occur, the words “the First Sched- ule, the Second Schedule and the Third Schedule” shall be substituted; (ii) in clause (d), the words, brackets, figures and letter “or sub- section (1) of section 30A” shall be omitted; (iii) in clauses (g), (k) and (m), for the words “the First Schedule and the Second Schedule” wherever they occur, the words “the First Sched- ule, the Second Schedule and the Third Schedule” shall be substituted. 4. In section 4 of the principal Act,- (a) in sub-section (1), for the words “the First Schedule and the Second Schedule”, the words “the First Schedule, the Second Schedule and the Third Schedule” shall be substituted; (b) after sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:- “(1A) The Benga l Engineering a nd Science Universit y, Shibpur shall be deemed to have been incorporated under this Act, and on such incorporation, be called the Indian Institute of Engi- neering Science and Technology, Shibpur.”. 5. After section 5 of the principal Act, the following section shall be in- serted, namely:- “5A. On and from the commencement of the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014- (a) any reference to the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur in any law, contract or other instru- ment shall be deemed as a reference to the Indian Insti- tute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur; (b) all property, movable and immovable, of or belonging to the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, shall vest in the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur; (c) all the rights and liabilities of the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur shall be the rights and li- abilities of the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur; (d) every person (including Dir ector, officers and other employees) who is employed in the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, immediately before the date of commencement of the National Institutes of Tech- Amendment of section 3. Amendment of section 4. Insertion of new section 5A. Ex-229/20142 Effect of incor poration of Ben gal Engineering and Science University, Sh ibpur. nology, Science Education and Research (amendment) Act, 2014, shall, on and after such commencement, become an employee of the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur and shall hold his office or ser- vice by the sa me tenur e, at the same remuneration and upon the same terms and conditions and with the same rights and privileges as to pension, leave, gratuity, provi- dent fund and other matters as he would have held the same on the date of the commencement of the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014, as if the said Act had not been brought into force and shall continue to do so until his em- ployment is terminated or until such tenure, remuneration, terms and conditions are altered by the Statutes or Ordi- nances: Provided that the tenure, remuneration, terms and conditions of service of such person shall not be altered to his disadvantage without the previous approval of the Cen- tral Government: Provided further that any reference to the Chan- cellor and the Vice-Chancellor of the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur in any law, instrument or other document made before the commencement of the said Act, shall be construed as a reference to the Visitor and the Director, respectively, of the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur; (e) Vice-Chancellor of the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur shall be the Director of the Indian of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur till such date the Central Government appoints new Director for the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Tech- nology, Shibpur; (f) any examination conducted by the Bengal En- gineering and Science University, S hibpur immediately befor e the commencement of the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (amendment) Act, 2014 for admission or award of degrees shall be valid examination and shall be deemed to have been conducted by the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Tech- nology, Shibpur.”. 6. In section 11A of the principal Act,- (a) in the marginal heading, for the words “Second Schedule”, the words “Second Schedule and Third Schedule” shall be substituted; (b) in the opening portion, for the words “the Second Schedule”, the words “the Second Schedule and the Third Schedule” shall be substi- tuted.Amendment of section 11A Ex-229/2014 3 7.In section 30 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), after the words “the First Schedule”, the words “the Second Schedule and the Third Schedule” shall be inserted. 8. Section 30A of the principal Act shall be omitted. 9. In section 31 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), the words, brackets, letters and figures “and clause (j) of sub-section (2) of section 30A” shall be omitted. 10. In section 37 of the principal Act, after clause (d), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:- “(e) the court, the Academic Council and the Executive Council of the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur performing functions as such immediately before the commencement of the National Institutes of Tech- nology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014 shall continue to function until a Board is constituted for the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur under this Act, but on and after the constitution of a Board under this Act, the members of the court, the Academic Council and the Executive Council, shall cease to hold office; (f) the authorities of the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, by whatever names so called, performing functions as such immedi- ately before the commencement of the National Institutes of Technology, Sci- ence Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014 shall continue to func- tion until a new Authority is appointed or constituted for performing the same functions under the said Act, but on and after such appointment or constitution, the authorities performing the functions under the Bengal Engineering and Sci- ence University, Shibpur Act, 2004 or any Statutes or Ordinances made thereun- der shall cease to hold office; (g) every Senate or any other authorities in the names so called consti- tuted in relation t o every Institute before the commencement of the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2014 shall be deemed to be the Senate constituted under the said Act until a new Senate is constituted under this act for that Institute, but on the constitution of a new Senate under this Act, the members of the Senate holding office before such constitution shall cease to hold office; (h) until the first Statutes and the Ordinances are made and brought in force under the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Re- search (Amendment) Act, 2014, the Statutes, Ordinance and rules made for the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur immediately before the com- mencement of the said Act shall continue to a pply to the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur in so far as they are not inconsis- tent with the provisions of the said Act.”. 11. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amend- ment) Act, 2014, the Central Governmetn may, by order published in the OfficialAmendment of section 30 Omission of section 30A Amendment of section 31 Amendment of section 37 Power to remove difficulties. Ex-229/20144 13 of 2004. Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty: Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of two years from the date of commencement of this Act. (2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid befor e each House of Parliament. 12. After the Second Schedule of the principal Act, the following Schedule shall be inserted, namely :- “THE THIRD SCHEDULE [See sections 3(g), (k), (m), 4(1) and11A] LIST OF INDIAN INSTITUTES OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Sl.No.University or SocietyCorresponding Institute (1)(2)(3) Bengal Engineering and ScienceIndian Institute of University, ShibpurEngineering Science and Technology, Shibpur.”. 13. (1) The Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur Act, 2004 is hereby repealed. (2) The provisions of the General Clauses Act, 1897 shall apply to the repeal of the said Act as if the act referred to in sub-section (1) were a Central Act. (3) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the repealed Act, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of that Act, as amended by this Act. Amendment of Schedule.Repeal and savings.13 of 2004. 10 of 1897. Ex-229/2014 5 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Act, 2014 (Act No. 10 0f 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 230Date - 19/05/2014

THE RANI LAKSHMI BAI CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY ACT, 2014 (AS PASSED BY THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT) AN ACT to provide for the establishment and incorporation of a University in the Bundelkhand region for the development of agriculture and for the furtherance of the advancement of learning and pursuit of research in agriculture and allied sciences and declare it to be an institution of national importance. BE it enact ed by P arliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1. (1) This Act may be called the Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Act, 2014. The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 230 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/55/2012-LJD,9th May, 2014.The following Centr al Act is hereby re-published for general information. The Rani Lakshmi Bai Centra l Agricu ltural University Act, 2014 (Act No. 10 0f 2014) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Sh ort tit le and commencement. (2) It shall come into for ce on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Officia l Gazette, appoint. 2. Whereas the objects of the institution known as the Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University are such as to make the institution one of national importa nce, it is hereby declared tha t the institution known as the Rani La kshmi Ba i Centr al Agricultura l University is an institution of national importa nce. 3. In this Act, a nd in all Statutes made hereunder, unless the context otherwise requir es,— (a) “ Academic Council” means the Academic Council of the University; (b) “Academic staff” means such categories of staff as are designated a s academic staff by the Ordinances; (c) “agricu lture” means the basic and applied sciences of the soil and water management, crop production including production of all ga rden crops, control of plants, pests and diseases, horticulture including floriculture, animal husba ndry including veterinary and dairy science, fisheries, forestry including farm forestry, home-science, agricultural engineering and technology, marketing and processing of agricultural and animal husbandry products, land us e and management; (d) “Board” means the Boar d of Management of the University; (e) “Board of Studies” means the Board of Studies of the University; (f) “Bundelkhand” means the area cover ing six districts, na mely Chhatarpur, Damoh, Datia, Panna, Sagar and Tikamgarh of Madhya Pradesh and seven districts, namely Banda, Chit rakoot, Hamirpur, Jalaun, Jhansi, Lalitpur and Mahoba of Uttar Pradesh; (g) “Chancellor” means the Chancellor of the University; (h) “college” means a cons tituent college of the University whether loca ted a t the hea dquarters, ca mpus or elsewhere; (i) “Department” means a Department of S tudies of the University; ( j) “employee” means any person appointed by the University and includes teachers a nd other staff of the University; (k) “extension education” means the educational activities concerned with the training of orchardists, farmers and other groups serving agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and improved practices related thereto and the var ious pha ses of scientific technology related to agriculture and agricultura l production including post harvest technology and marketing; (l) “Faculty” means Faculty of the University; (m) “Ordina nces” means the Ordinances of the University; (n) “Regula tions” means the Regulations made by any authorit y of the University; (o) “Research Advisory Committee” means the Resea rch Advisory Committee of the University; (p) “Statutes” means the Statutes of the University;Declaration of Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University as an institution of nation al importance. Ex-230/20142 (q) “ Student” means a person enrolled in the Universit y for undergoing a course of studies for obta ining a degree, diploma or other academic distinction duly instituted; (r) “teachers” means Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Teaching Facu lty Members and their equiva lent appointed for imparting instruction or conduct ing research or extension education programmes or combination of these in the University, college or any institute maintained by the University and designated as teachers by the Ordinances; (s) “University” means the Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricult ural University established under this Act; (t) “ Vice-Chancellor” means the Vice-Chancellor of t he University; (u) “Visitor” means the Visitor of the University. 4.(1) There shall be establis hed a Universit y by the name of the “Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University”. (2) The hea dquarters of the University shall be at Jhansi in the State of Uttar Pra desh and it ma y also establish campuses at such other places within its jurisdiction as it ma y deem fit: Provided that the University shall establish two colleges in the State of M adhya Pr adesh a nd two colleges at Jhansi in the Sta te of Uttar Pradesh in the Bundelkhand Region. (3) The first Chancellor and the first Vice-Chancellor a nd the first members of the Boar d, the Academic Council and all persons who may hereafter become such officers or members, so long a s they continue to hold such office or membership are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of the Rani Lakshmi Ba i Centr al Agricultural University. (4) The University shall have perpetua l succession a nd a common seal and sha ll sue a nd be sued by the said name. 5. The objects of the University shall be— (a) to impa rt education in different br anches of agriculture and allied sciences as it ma y deem fit; (b) to further the advancement of learning and conducting of research in agricultural and allied sciences; (c) to undertake programmes of extension education in Bundelkhand in the distr icts of the Sta tes under its jurisdict ion; (d) to pr omote partnership and linkages with na tional and international educational institutions; and (e) to undertake such other activities as it may, from time to t ime, determine. 6. The University shall have the following power s, namely:— (i) to make provisions for instructions in agriculture and allied sciences; (ii) to make provisions for condu ct of r esearch in agriculture and allied branches of learning; The Univer sity. Objects of the Univer sity. Power of the Univer sity.Ex-230/2014 3 (iii) to make provisions for dissemination of the findings of research and technica l information through extension programmes; (iv) to grant, subject to such conditions as it may determine, diplomas or certificates to, and confer degrees or other academic distinctions on t he basis of exa mination, evaluation or any other method of testing, on persons, and to withdraw a ny such diplomas, certificates, degrees or other academic distinction for good and sufficient ca use; (v) to confer honor ary degrees or other distinctions in the ma nner prescribed by the Statutes; (vi) to provide lectures and instr uctions for field workers, village leaders and other persons not enrolled as regular students of the Univer sity and to grant certificates to them as may be prescribed by the Statutes; (vii) to co-operate or collaborate or associate with any other University or authority or institution of higher learning in such manner and for such purpose as the University may determine; (viii) to establish and mainta in colleges r elating to agricultur e, hor ticulture, fisheries, forestr y, veterina ry and anima l science, dairying, home-science and allied sciences, a s necessary; (ix) to establish and maintain such campuses, special centres, specialised laboratories, libraries, museums or other units for research and institution as are, in its opinion, necessary for the furthera nce of its objects; (x) to create teaching, research and extension education posts and to make appointments thereto; (xi) to create administrative, ministerial and other posts and to make appointments thereto; (xii) to institute and awar d fellowships, scholarships, s tudentships, medals and pr izes; (xiii) to determine standa rds of admission to the University which may include examina tion, evaluation or any other method of test ing; (xiv) to provide and maintain residential accommodation for students and employees; (xv) to supervise the residentia l accommodation of t he students and employees of t he University and to make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare; (xvi) to lay down conditions of service of all categories of employees, including their code of conduct; (xvii) to r egulate and enforce discipline among the students and the employees and to take such disciplinary measures in this r egard a s it ma y deem necessar y; (xviii) to fix, demand and receive such fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the Statutes; (xix) to borrow, with the approval of the Central Government on the securit y of its property, money for the purpose of the University; (xx) to receive benefactions, donations and gifts and to acqu ire, hold, manage and dispose of any property, mova ble or immovable including trust and endowment properties, for its purposes; (xxi) to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of a ll or a ny of its objects. Ex-230/20144 7. (1) The jurisdict ion and responsibility of the University with resp ect to teaching, research and programmes of extension education at the University level, in the field of agriculture shall extend to whole country and priority shall be laid on the issues related to Bundelkhand region. (2) All colleges, research and experimental stations or other institutions to be established under the authority of the University shall come in as constituent units under the full management and control of the officers and author ities and no such units shall be recognised as affiliated units. (3) The University may assume responsibility for the training of field extension workers a nd others and may develop such training centres as may be r equired in various par ts of Bundelkhand under its jurisdict ion. 8. The University sha ll be open to persons of either sex and of whatever caste, creed, race or class, and it shall not be lawful for the University to adopt or impose on any person, any test whatsoever of religious belief or pr ofession in order to entitle him to be appointed as a teacher of the University or to hold any other office therein or be admitted a s a student in the University or to graduate thereat or to enjoy or exer cise any privilege thereof: Provided tha t nothing in this section sha ll be deemed to prevent the University from making special provisions for the employment or admission of women, persons with dis abilities or of persons belonging to the weaker sections of the society and, in par ticular, of the S cheduled Ca stes, the Scheduled Tribes and the other socially and educationally ba ckward classes of citizens. 9. (1 ) The Pr esident of India shall be the Visitor of the University. (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-s ections (3) and (4), the Visitor shall have the right to ca use an inspection to be made, by such person or persons a s he may direct, of the University, its buildings, la bor ator ies, libra ries, museums, workshops and equipments, and of any institution or college and also of the examination, instruction and other work conducted or done by the University, and to cause an inquiry to be made in like manner in respect of any matter connected with the administration and finances of the University. (3) The Visitor shall, in every case, give notice to the University of his intention to cause, an inspection or inquiry to be made and the University shall, on receipt of such notice, have the right to make, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the notice or such other period as the Visitor may determine, such representations to him as it may consider necessary. (4) After considering the representations, if any, made by the University, the Visitor ma y cause to be made such inspection or inquir y as is referred to in sub-section (2). (5) Where a n inspection or inquiry has been ca used to be made by the Visitor, the University shall b e entit led to a ppoint a representative who shall have the right to appear in person and to be heard on such inspection or inquiry. J urisdiction . University open to all classes, castes and creed. The Visitor.Ex-230/2014 5 (6) The Visitor may address the Vice-Chancellor with refer ence to the resu lts of s uch ins pection or inquiry together with such views and advice with regard to the action to be ta ken thereon as the Visitor ma y be pleased t o offer and on receipt of the address made by the Visitor, the Vice-Chancellor shall communicate forthwith to the Boa rd, the results of the inspection or inquir y and the views of the Visitor and the advice tendered by him upon the action to be taken ther eon. (7) The Boar d shall communicate thr ough the Vice-C hancellor to the Visitor such a ction, if any, as it p roposes to take or ha s been taken by it upon the results of such inspection or inquiry. (8) Where the Boar d does not, within reasonable time, take action to the satisfa ction of t he Visitor, the Visit or ma y, after considering any expla nation fu rnished or representation ma de by the Boa rd, issue such directions as he may think fit and the Board sha ll be bound to comply with such directions. (9) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this section, the Visitor may, by an order in writing, annul any proceeding of the University which is not in conformity with t his Act , the Statutes or the Ordinances: Provided that befor e making any such order, he shall ca ll upon the University to show cause why such an order should not be made and, if any ca use is shown within a reasonable time, he shall consider the same. (10) The Visitor shall have such other powers as may be prescribed by the Statutes. 10. The following sha ll be the officers of the University, namely:— (1) t he Chancellor; (2) the Vice-Chancellor; (3) the Deans; (4) the Directors; (5) the Registrar; (6) the Comptroller; (7) the University Librarian; and (8) such other officer s as may be prescribed by the Statutes. 11. (1) The Cha ncellor shall be appointed by the Visitor in such manner as ma y be p rescribed by the Statu tes. (2) The Chancellor shall, by virtue of his office, be the Head of the University. (3) The Chancellor shall, if present, preside at the convocations of the University held for conferring degrees. 12. (1) T he Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Visitor in such manner as may be prescribed by the Statutes. (2) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and academic officer of the Universit y and shall exercise general supervisionOfficers of the University The Chancellor. The Vice Chairman. Ex-230/20146 and control over the affa irs of the University and give effect to the decis ions of a ll the author ities of the University. (3) T he Vice-Chancellor ma y, if he is of the opinion tha t immediate action is necessar y on any matter, exercise a ny power conferred on any authority of the Universit y by or under this Act and shall report to such authority the action taken by him on such matter: Provided that if the authority concerned is of opinion that such action ought not to have been taken, it may refer the ma tter to the Visitor whose decision thereon sha ll be final: Provided fu rther t hat any person in the service of the University who is aggr ieved by the a ction taken by the Vice-Cha ncellor under this sub-section shall have the right to appeal against such action to the Board within three months from the date on which decision on such action is communicated to him and thereupon the Board may confirm, modify or reverse the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor. (4) The Vice-Chancellor, if he is of the opinion that any decision of any authority of the University is beyond the powers of the authority conferred by the pr ovisions of this Act, the Sta tutes or the Or dinances or that any decision ta ken is not in the interest of the University, may ask the authority concerned to review it s decision within sixty da ys of such decision and if the authority refuses to review the decision either in whole or in part or no decision is taken by it within the said period of sixty days, the ma tter shall be referred to the Visitor whose decision thereon shall be final. (5) The Vice-Cha ncellor shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes or the Or dina nces. 13. Every Dean and every Director sha ll be appointed in such manner and shall exercise such powers a nd perform such duties as ma y be prescribed by the Statutes. 14. (1) The Registrar shall be appoint ed in s uch manner as may be prescribed by the Statutes. (2) The Registrar shall have the power to enter into agreements, sign documents and authenticate records on behalf of the University and shall exercise such power s and p erform such duties as may be prescr ibed by the Statutes. 15. The Comptroller shall be appointed in such manner and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes. 16. The manner of appointment and powers and duties of the other officers of the Univer sity sha ll be as p rescrib ed by the Statu tes. 17. The following shall be the authorities of the University, namely:- Deans and Direct or. The Registrar The Comptroller. Other officers. Authorities of the University.Ex-230/2014 7 (1) the Boa rd of Management; (2) the Academic Council; (3) the Research Council; (4) the Extension Education Council; (5) t he Finance Committee; (6) the Faculties and Boa rd of S tudies; and (7) such other authorities as may be prescribed by the Statutes. 18. (1) The Boa rd of M anagement shall be the principal executive body of the University. (2) The constitution of the Board, the term of office of its members and its powers and functions shall be pr escribed by the Statutes. 19. (1) The Academic Council shall be the principal academic body of the University and shall, subject to the provisions of t his Act, the Statutes and Ordinances, have the control and general regulation of, and be r esponsible for, the maintenance of standards of learning, education, instruction, evaluation and examination within the University and sha ll exer cise such other powers and perform such other functions as ma y be conferred or imposed upon it by the Statutes. (2) T he constitution of the Academic Council and the ter m of office of its members sha ll be pr escribed by the Statu tes. 20. The constitution, powers and fu nctions of the Resea rch Council shall be prescribed by the Statutes. 21. The constitution, powers and functions of the Extension Education Council shall be prescribed by t he Statutes. 22. The constitution, powers and functions of the Finance Committee shall be prescrib ed by t he Statu tes. 23. The University shall have such Faculties as may be prescr ibed by the Statutes. 24. The constitution, powers and fu nctions of the Board of Studies shall be prescribed by the Statutes. 25. The constitution, powers and fu nctions of ot her authorities of the University referred to in clause (7) of section 17 shall be such as may be p rescrib ed by the Statu tes. 26. Subject to the pr ovisions of this Act, the St atutes may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:— (a) the cons titution, powers and functions of the author ities of the University, as may be constituted from time to time;The Board of Man agement. The Academic Coun cil. The Research Coun cil. The Exten- sion Education Coun cil. The Finance Committee. Faculties. The Board of Studies. Other authorities. Power to make Statutes. Ex-230/20148 (b) the appointment and continua nce in office of the members of the said authorities, the filling up of vacancies of members, a nd all other matters relating to those authorities for which it may be necessary or desirable to provide; (c) the appointment, powers and duties of the officers of the University a nd their emoluments; (d) the appoint ment of teachers, academic s taff and other employees of the University and their emoluments; (e) the appointment of teachers and academic staff working in any other Universit y or organisation for a specific period for undertaking a joint project; (f) the conditions of service of employees including provision for pension, insurance and provident fund, the manner of termination of service and disciplinary action; (g) the principles governing the seniority of s ervice of employees of the Univer sity; (h) the procedure for arbitration in cases of dispute between employees or students and the University; (i) the procedure for appeal to the Board by any employee or student against the action of any officer or authority of the University; (j) the establishment a nd abolition of Departments, centres, colleges and institutions; (k) the conferment of honor ary degr ees; (l) the withdrawal of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions; (m) the institution of fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes; (n) the delegation of powers vested in the authorities or officers of the University; (o) the maintenance of discipline among the employees and students; (p) all other matters which are to be, or may be, prescribed by the Statutes. 27. (1) The first Statutes are those set out in the Schedule. (2) The Boar d may fr om time to time make S tatutes or may amend or r epeal the Statu tes referred to in sub-section (1): Provided that the Board shall not make, amend or repeal any Statute affecting the status, powers or constitution of any authority of the University until such a uthorit y has been given an opportunit y of expressing an opinion in writing on the proposed changes, and any opinion so express ed shall be cons idered by the Board. (3) Every S tatute or any amendment or repeal of a Statute shall require the assent of the Visitor who may assent thereto or withhold assent therefrom or remit it to the Board for consideration. (4) A Statute or a Statute amending or repealing an existing Sta tute shall have no validity unless it ha s been assented to by the Visitor. Statutes how to be made.Ex-230/2014 9 (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-sections, the Visitor may amend or r epeal the Statutes referred to in sub-section (1) during the period of three years immediately after the commencement of this Act. (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-sections, the Visitor may dir ect the University to make provisions in the Statutes in respect of any matter specified by him and if the Board is unable to implement such direction within sixty days of its receipt, the Visitor may, after cons idering the reasons, if any, communica ted by the Boar d for its inability to comply with such direction, make or amend the Statutes suita bly. 28. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and Statutes, the Ordinances may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:— (a) the admission of students to the University and their enrolment as such; (b) the cou rses of study to be la id down for all degrees, diplomas and certificates of the University; (c) the medium of instruction and examination; (d) the awar d of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions, the qualifications for the same and the means to be taken relating to t he granting and obta ining of the same; (e) the fees to be charged for courses of study in the Univer sity and for admission to the examinations, degrees, diplomas and certificates of the Univer sity; (f) t he conditions for a war d of fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes; (g) the conduct of examinations, including the term of office and manner of a ppointment and the duties of examining bodies, examiners and modera tor s; (h) the conditions of residence of the students; (i) the special ar rangements, if any, which may be made for the residence, discipline and teaching of women students a nd the prescribing of special courses of studies for them; (j) the appointment and emoluments of employees other than those for whom pr ovision has been made in the Statutes; (k) the est ablishment of s pecia l centres , specialised labor atories and other committees; (l) the manner of co-operation and collaboration with other Universities and a uthorities including learned bodies or associations; (m) the creation, composition and functions of any other body which is considered necessary for improving the academic life of the University; (n) such other terms a nd condit ions of service of teachers a nd other academic staff as are not prescribed by the Statutes; (o) the management of colleges and institutions established by the University; (p) the setting up of a machinery for r edressa l of gr ievances of employees ; a nd (q) all other matters which by this Act or the Statutes may be provided for by the Ordinances. Power to make Ordinances. Ex-230/201410 (2 ) T he fir st Or dinances sha ll be made by the Vice-Chancellor with the pr evious approva l of the Centr al Government and the Ordina nces so made may be amended or repealed at any time by the Board in the manner prescribed by the Statutes. 29. The authorities of the University may make Regulations, cons istent with this Act, the Statutes and the Or dinances for the conduct of their own business and that of the Committees appoint ed by them and not pr ovided for by this Act, the Sta tutes or the Or dina nces in the manner prescribed by the Statutes. 30. (1) The annual report of the Universit y shall be prepared under the direction of the Board, which shall include, among other matters, the steps taken by the University towar ds the fulfilment of its objects and shall be submitted to the Board on or after such date as may be prescribed by the Statutes and the Board shall consider the report in its annual meeting. (2) The Boa rd shall submit the annual report to the Visitor a long with its comments, if any. (3) A copy of the annual report as prepared under sub-section (1) shall also be submitted to the Central Government, which shall, as soon as may be, cause the same to be laid befor e both the Houses of Parliament. 31. (1) The annual accounts of the University shall be prepared under the directions of the Board and shall, once at least every year and at intervals of not more tha n fifteen months, be a udited by the Comptroller and Auditor-Genera l of India or by such persons as he may a uthorise in this behalf. (2) A copy of the annual accounts together with the a udit report thereon sha ll be submitted to the Boa rd and the Visitor along wit h the observations of the Board. (3) Any observations made by the Visit or on t he annual accounts shall be br ought to the notice of the Boa rd and observa tions of the Board, if a ny, sha ll be submitted to the Visitor. (4) A copy of the annual a ccounts together with the audit repor t as submitted to the Visitor, shall also be submitted to the Central Government, which shall, as soon as ma y be, cause the same to be la id before both the Houses of P arliament. (5) The audited annual accounts a fter ha ving been laid before both the Houses of Parliament shall be published in the Official Gazette. 32. (1) Every employee of the University shall be appointed under a wr itten contract, which shall be lodged with the University a nd a cop y of which shall be fur nished to the employee concerned. (2) Any dispute arising out of the contr act between the Univer sity and any employee shall, a t the request of the employee, be referred to a Tribunal of Arbitr ation consisting of one member appointed by the Board, one member nominated by the employee concerned and an umpire appointed by the Visitor.Regulations. Annual report. Annual account. Conditions of service of employees. Ex-230/2014 11 (3) The decision of the Tribunal shall be final, and no suit shall lie in any civil court in respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal. (4 ) Every r equest ma de by the employee under sub-section (2) shall be deemed to be a submission to ar bitration upon the terms of this section within the meaning of the Arbitr ation a nd Conciliation Act, 1996. (5) T he procedure for regulating the work of the Tribunal shall be prescribed by the Statutes. 33. (1) Any student or candidate for an exa mination whose name has been removed from the rolls of the University by the orders or resolution of the Vice-Chancellor, Discipline Committee or Examination Committee, as the case may be, and who has been debarred from appearing at the examinations of the University for mor e than one year, may, within ten days of the date of receipt of s uch orders or copy of such resolution by him, appeal to the Board and the Board may confirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Vice-C hancellor or the Committee, a s the case may be. (2) Any dispute arising ou t of any disciplinary action t aken by the University against a student shall, at the request of such student, be referred to a Tribuna l of Arbitration and the provisions of sub-sections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of section 32 sha ll, as far as may be, apply to a reference made under this sub-section. 34. Every employee or student of the University or of a college or institution ma intained by the University shall, notwithsta nding anything cont ained in this Act, have a right to a ppeal, within such time as ma y be prescribed by the Statutes, to the Board a gainst the decision of any officer or a uthority of the University or any college or an institution, as the case ma y be, and thereupon the Boa rd may confirm, modify or r ever se t he decision appealed aga inst. 35. (1) T he University sha ll cons tit ute for the benefit of its employees such provident or pension fund or provide such insurance schemes as it may deem fit in such manner and subject to such conditions as ma y be prescribed by the Statu tes. (2) Where such provident fund or pension fund has been so cons tituted, the Central Government may declare that the provisions of the Provident Funds Act, 1925, shall apply to such fund, as if it were a Government pr ovident fund. 36. If any question arises as to whether any person has been duly appointed as, or is entitled to be, a member of any authority of the University, the matter shall be referr ed to the Visit or whose decision thereon shall be final. 37. Where any authorit y of the University is given power by this Act or the Statutes to appoint Committees, such Committees shall, save as otherwise provided, consist of the members of t he authority concerned and of such persons, if any, as the authority in each case ma y think fit. Procedure of appeal and ar- bitration in disciplinary cases against students. Right to appeal. Provident and pension funds. Disputes as to constitution of University au- thorities. Constitution of Committees. Ex-230/201412 38. All casual vacancies among the members (other tha n ex officio members) of any authority of the University shall be filled, as soon as may be, by the person a ppoint or co-opted to a casual vacancy shall be a member of s uch authority or body for the residue of the term, for which the person whose place he fills would have been a member. 39. No act or proceedings of any authorit y of the University s hall be invalid merely by reason of the existence of a va cancy or vacancies among its members. 40. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie aga inst the Board, Vice-Cha ncellor, any a uthorit y or officer or other employee of the University for anything which is in good fa ith done or int ended to be done in pursuance of any of the pr ovisions of this Act, the Sta tutes or the Or dina nces. 41.A copy of any receipt, application, notice, order, proceeding, resolution of any authority or Committee of the University, or other docu ments in possession of the University, or any entry in any register duly maintained by the University, if verified by the R egistrar, shall be received as prima facie evidence of such receipt, a pplica tion, notice, or der, pr oceeding, resolution or documents or the existence of entry in the register and shall be admitted as evidence of the ma tters a nd transactions therein where the original thereof would, if produced, have been admissible in evidence, notwithstanding anything contained in the India n Evidence Act, 1872 or in any other law for the time being in force. 42.(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the pr ovisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulties: Provided that no such order shall be made under this section a fter the expiry of three years from the commencement of this Act. (2) Every order ma de under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, befor e each House of Parliament. 43. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, and the Statutes,— (a) the first Chancellor and the first Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Visitor and sha ll hold office for a term of five years; (b) the first Registrar and the first Comptroller shall be appointed by the Visit or and each of the said officers shall hold office for a term of three yea r s; (c) the first members of the Board shall be nominated by the Visitor and shall hold office for a term of three years; (d) the fir st members of the Aca demic C ouncil shall be nominated by the Visitor and shall hold office for a term of t hree years:Filling of ca- sual vacancies. Proceedings of the University authorities not in validated by vacancy. Mode of proof of University records. 1 of 1872.Protection of action taken in good faith. Power to re- move difficul- ties. Transitional provisions. Ex-230/2014 13 Pr ovided that if any vacancy occurs in the above offices or authorities, the sa me shall be filled by appoint ment or nomination, as the case may be, by the Visitor, and the person so appointed or nominated shall hold office for so long a s the officer or member in whose place he is appointed or nominated would have held office, if such vaca ncy had not occurred. 44. (1) Every Statute, Ordina nce or Regulation made under this Act shall be published in the Official Gazette. (2) Every Statute, Ordinance or Regulation made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the Statute, Ordinance or Regulation or both Houses agree that the Statute, Ordinance or Regula tion (3) The power to make Sta tutes, Ordina nces or Regula tions s hall include the power to give retrospective effect fr om a da te not earlier than the date of commencement of this Act, to the Statutes, Ordinances or Regulations or any of them but no retrospective effect shall be given to any Statute, Ordinance or Regulation so as to prejudicially affect the interests of a ny person to whom such Statutes, Ordinances or Regula tions ma y be a pplicable. THE SCHEDULE (See section 27) THE STATUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY The Chancellor 1. (1) The Chancellor shall be appointed by the Visitor from a panel of not less than three persons recommended by the Board from amongst persons of eminence in education in general and agricultural sciences in particular: Provided tha t if the Visit or does not approve any of the persons so recommended, he may call for fresh recommendations from the Board. (2) The Cha ncellor shall hold office for a term of five years and shall not be eligible for reappointment: Pr ovided that in exceptional circumstances, the chancellor may cont inue to hold office until his success or enters upon his office. The Vice-Chancellor 2. (1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Visitor from a pa nel of not less than thr ee persons who sha ll be recommended by a Committee as constituted under clause (2). (2) T he Committee referred to in clause (1) shall consist of the following:— Statutes, Ordi- nan ces and Regulations to be publish ed in the O fficial Gazette and to be laid before Parliament. Ex-230/201414 (i) Secreta ry, Department of Agricultura l Resea rch and Education, Government of India who sha ll be the Chair man; (ii) one nominee of the Visitor as Member, who shall also be the Convener; (iii) one nominee of the Central Government. (3) The Vice-Chancellor shall be a whole-time salaried officer of the University. (4) The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office, or until he attains the age of seventy years, whichever is earlier, and he shall be eligible for reappointment for a further term of five years, or until he attains the age of s eventy years whichever is earlier : Provided that in exceptional cir cumsta nces, the Vice-Chancellor may continue in office for a period not exceeding one year or until his successor is appointed and enters upon his office. (5) The emoluments and other conditions of service of the Vice- Chancellor shall be as follows:— (i) the Vice-Chancellor shall be paid a monthly salary and allowances other t han the house rent allowance, at the rate fixed by the Central Government from time to time a nd he shall be entitled, without payment of r ent, to use a furnished residence thr oughout his term of office and no charge shall fall on the Vice-Chancellor in respect of the maintenance of su ch r esidence; (ii) the Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to such terminal benefits and allowances as may be fixed by the Boa rd with the approval of the Visitor from time to time: Provided that where an employee of the University or a college or an institution maintained by it, or of any other University or any institution maintained by or affiliated to such other University, is appointed as the Vice-Chancellor, he may be allowed to continue to contribute to any provident fund of which he is a member and the University shall contribute to the account of such person in that pr ovident fund at the same rate at which t he person ha d been contr ibuting immediately before his appointment as the Vice-Chancellor: Provided fu rther that where such employee had been a member of any pension scheme, the University shall make the necessary contribution to s uch scheme; (iii) the Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to travelling and other allowances as per the r at e fixed from t ime to time by the Gover nment of India for the officers equivalent to the r ank of Secretar y to the Government of India. Further, he shall be entitled to transfer travelling allowances and other allowances as admissible to officer s of the rank of Secretary to the Government of India for joining a nd after relinquishing the post;Ex-230/2014 15 (iv) the Vice-Cha ncellor shall be entitled to leave on full pay at the rate of thir ty days in a ca lendar year and the lea ve shall be credited to his account in advance in two half-yearly instalments of fifteen days each on the first da y of Ja nuary and July every year: Provided that if the Vice-Chancellor assumes or relinquishes charge of the office of the Vice-C hancellor during the currency of a ha lf year, the leave shall be credited p roportionately at the rate of two and a ha lf days for each complet ed month of service; (v) in addition to the leave referred to in sub-clause (iv), the Vice- Chancellor shall a lso be entitled to ha lf pay leave a t the r ate of twenty days for each completed year of service. This half pay leave may also be ava iled of a s commuted leave on full pay on medical certificate. When commuted leave is available, twice the amount of half pay leave shall be debited against half pay leave due; (vi) the Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to Leave Travel Concession a nd Home Travel Concession as per rules of Government of India; (vii) the Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to the benefit of leave encashment at the time of laying down the office as per rules of Government of India. (6 ) If the office of the Vice-C hancellor becomes vacant due to death, resignation or otherwise, or if he is unable to per form his duties due to ill health or any other cause, the senior-most Dean or Director, as the case may be, shall perform the duties of the Vice- Chancellor until a new Vice-Chancellor assumes office or until the Vice-Cha ncellor attends to the duties of his office, as the case may be. Powers and duties of the Vice-Chancellor 3. (1 ) The Vice-Chancellor shall be ex officio Cha irman of the Board, the Academic Council, the Finance Committee, the Research Council and the Extension Education Council and shall in the absence of the Chancellor, preside over the Convocation held for conferr ing degrees. (2) The Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to be present at, and addr ess any meeting of any authority of the University, but shall not be entitled to vote thereat unless he is a member of such author ity. (3) It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that this Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations are duly observed, and he shall have a ll the powers necessary to ensure such observa nce. (4) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise control over the affair s of the University and shall give effect to the decisions of all the authorities of the University. (5) The Vice-Chancellor shall ha ve all the powers necessary for the proper mainte- nance of discipline in the University and he may delegate any such powers to such person or persons as he may deem fit. (6) T he Vice-Chancellor shall ha ve the power to convene or cause to be convened the meetings of the Board, the Academic Council, the Research C ouncil, the Extension Education Council and the Finance Commit tee. Ex-230/201416 The Dean of colleges and Faculties 4. (1) Each Facult y shall have a Dean who shall also be the head of t he college concerned. If any Facult y has more tha n one college, the Vice-Chancellor may nominate one of the Deans as Dean of the Facu lty. (2) The Dea n of the college shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendations of the Selection Committee constituted for the pur pose as per Statute 18 and he shall be a whole-time salaried officer of the University. (3) The Dean shall be entitled to rent free and unfurnished residential accommodation. (4) The Dean shall hold t he office for a term of five years and shall be eligible for reappointment: Provided tha t a Dean on attaining the age of sixty-five years s hall cease to hold office as such. (5) When the office of the Dean is vacant or when the Dean is, by reason of illness, absence or any other cause, unable to perfor m duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such persons as the Vice-Cha ncellor may appoint for the purpose. (6) The Dean shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the conduct and maintenance of the sta ndards of teaching in the college and Faculty and shall perform su ch other funct ions as may be prescr ibed by the Ordina nces. (7) The Dean shall be the ex officio Chair man of the Boar d of Studies of the Faculty, a member of the Academic Cou ncil, t he Research Council and the Extension Education Council of the University. The Director of Education 5. (1) The Director of Education shall be appointed by the Boar d on the recommendations of t he Selection Committee constit uted for t he pu r p os e and he sha ll b e a whole-t ime s a lar ied off icer of t he Univer s ity. (2) The Dir ector of Educa tion shall be entitled to rent free and unfu rnished residential accommodation. (3) The Director of Educa tion sha ll hold office for a term of five year s and shall be eligible for reappointment: Provided that Director of Education on a ttaining the age of sixty- five years shall cease to hold office as such. (4) The Dir ector of Educa tion shall be responsible for planning, co-ordination and supervision for all educational programmes in the various Faculties of the University. The Director of Research 6.(1) The Director of Resear ch shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendations of t he Selection Committee constituted for the purpose and he sha ll be a whole-time salaried officer of the University.Ex-230/2014 17 (2) The Director of Research shall be entitled to rent free and unfurnished accommodation. (3) The Dir ector of Resea rch shall hold office for a term of five year s and shall be eligible for reappointment: Pr ovided tha t the Director of Research on attaining the age of sixty-five years shall cease to hold office as such. (4) The Dir ector of Resea rch shall be responsible for supervision and co-ordination of all research progra mmes of the Universit y and shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for performance of his duties. (5) The Dir ector of Resea rch sha ll be ex officio Member-Secretary of the Research Council of the University. The Director of Extension Education 7. (1) The Dir ector of Extension Education shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendations of the Selection Committee constit uted for t he pu r p os e and he sha ll b e a whole-t ime s a lar ied off icer of t he Univer s ity. (2) The Dir ector of Extension Education shall be entit led to rent free and unfurnished accommodation. (3) The Director of Extension Education shall hold office for a term of five years and sha ll be eligible for reappointment: Provided that the Director of Extension Education on attaining the age of sixty-five years shall cease to hold office as such. (4) The Dir ector of Extension Education shall be resp onsible for supervision and co- ordination of all Extension Educa tion Pr ogrammes in the University and shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for performance of his du ties. (5) T he Dir ect or of E xt ens ion E du cat ion s ha ll b e ex officio M emb er - Secr etary of the Extension Educa tion Council of the University. The Registrar 8. (1) T he Registrar sha ll be appointed by the Board on the recommendations of a duly constituted Selection Committee under Sta tute 18 a nd he shall be a whole-time sa laried officer of the University. He shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for performance of his duties. (2) He shall be appointed for a term of five years a nd shall be eligible for reappointment. (3) He may also be appointed on deputation for a specified period not exceeding five years. (4) The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the Registrar shall be such as may be prescribed by the Ordinances: Provided that the Registrar sha ll retire on attaining the age of sixty- two years. Ex-230/201418 (5) In case of a person appointed on deputation, his tenure, emoluments and other terms of service shall be according to the terms of deputation. (6) When the office of the Registr ar is vacant or when the Registrar is, by reason of illness, a bsence, or any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be perfor med by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose. (7 ) (a ) T he Registr ar shall ha ve the power to take dis ciplina ry action against such of the employees excluding teachers, as may be specified in the order of the Boar d and to suspend them pending inquiry, to administer warnings to them or to impose on them the penalty of censure or the withholding of increment: Provided that no such penalty shall be imposed unless the person concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him. (b) An appeal shall lie to the Vice-Chancellor a gainst a ny order of the Registrar imposing any of the penalties specified in sub-clause (a). (c) In a ca se where the inquiry discloses that a punishment beyond the power of the Registra r is ca lled for, the Registr ar shall, upon conclu sion of the inquir y, make a r epor t to the Vice-Chancellor a long with his recommendations: Provided that an appeal shall lie to the Board against an order of the Vice-Chancellor imposing any pena lty. (8) The Registrar shall be the Secretar y ex officio of the Board and the Aca demic Council, but shall not be deemed to be a member of any of these authorit ies. (9) It shall be the duty of the Registrar— (a) to be the custodian of the r ecords, the common seal and such other property of t he University as the Board shall commit to his cha rge; (b) to issue all notice convening meeting of the Board, the Academic Council and of any Committee appointed by those authorit ies; (c) to keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Board, the Academic Council a nd of a ny committees appointed by those authorit ies; (d) to conduct the official corr espondence of the Board and the Academic Council; (e) to arrange for the exa minations of the University in accordance with the manner prescribed by the Ordinances or notifications; (f) to supply to the Visitor, copies of the agenda of the meetings of the authorit ies of the University as soon as they are issued and the minutes of such meetings; (g) to represent the University in su its or proceedings by or aga inst the University, sign powers-of-attorney and verify pleadings or depute his repr esentat ives for the purpose; and (h) t o p er fo r m s u ch ot her d u t ies a s ma y b e s p ecifi ed in t he S t a t u t es , the Ordinances or the Regulations or as ma y be required, from time to time, by the Board or the Vice-Chancellor.Ex-230/2014 19 The Comptroller 9. (1) The Comptroller shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendations of a duly constituted Selection Committee under Sta tute 18 a nd he shall be a whole-time sa laried officer of the University. (2) He sha ll be a ppointed for a term of five years a nd shall be eligible for reappointment. (3) The Comptroller may also be appointed on deputation for a specified period not exceeding five years. (4) The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the Comptroller shall be such as may be prescribed by the Ordinances. In case of a p erson being appointed on deputation, his tenure, emoluments and other terms of service shall be according to the standard of deputation: Provided that the Comptroller sha ll retire on attaining the age of sixty years. (5) When the office of the Comptroller is vacant or when the Comptroller is, by reason of illness, absence or any other cause, unable to perfor m the duties of his office, t he duties of the office sha ll be performed by s uch person as t he Vice-Chancellor ma y appoint for the purpose. (6) The Comptroller shall be the S ecretar y ex officio of the Finance Committee, b ut sha ll not be deemed to be a member of such Commit tee. (7) T he Comptroller shall— (a) exercise gener al supervision over the funds of the Univer sity and shall advise it as regards its financial policy; and (b) perfor m such ot her dut ies as may be specified in the Statu tes, the Ordinances or as may be required, from time to time, by the Board or the Vice-Chancellor. (8) Subject to the control of the Board, the Comptroller shall— (a) hold and manage the pr operty and investments of the Univer sity including trust and endowed property; (b) ensure that the limits fixed by the Board for recurr ing and non- recurring expenditure for a year are not exceeded and that all moneys are expended on the pu rpose for which they are granted or allot ted; (c) be resp onsible for the prepar ation of annua l accounts and the budget of t he University and for their presenta tion to the Board; (d) keep a consta nt watch on the state of the cash and bank balances and on the state of investments; (e) watch the progress of the collection of revenue and advise on the methods of collection employed; (f) ensure tha t the registers of buildings, land, furnitur e and equipment a re maint ained u p-to-da te and that stock-checking is conducted, of equipment and other consumable materials in all offices, specialised laboratories, colleges and institutions ma intained by the University; (g) bring to the notice of the Vice-Chancellor unauthorised expenditure and other financial irregularities and suggest disciplinary action against persons at fault; and Ex-230/201420 (h) call for from any office, laboratory, college or institution maintained by the University and information or returns that he may consider necessary for perfor mance of his duties. (9) Any receipt given by the Comptroller or the person or persons duly author ised in this behalf by the Board for any money payable to the University shall be sufficient discharge for payment of such money. Heads of Departments 10.(1) Each Department shall have a Head appointed by the Vice- Chancellor who sha ll be not below the ra nk of a n Associate Pr ofessor and whose duties and functions and terms and conditions of appointment s hall be prescribed by the Ordinances. (2) He shall be responsible to the Dean for teaching, to Director of Research for resea rch, to Director of Extension Educa tion for extension education work. However, the Dean shall be the administrative controlling officer of the Hea ds of Departments in college concer ned: Provided that if there is more than one Professor in any Department, the Head of the Department shall be appointed by the Vice-C hancellor from amongst the Professors: Pr ovided further tha t in the case of Depar tment where there is only one Pr ofessor, the Vice-Chancellor shall have the option, to appoint either the Professor or an Associate Professor as the Head of the Department: Provided also that in a Department where there is no P rofessor or Associate P rofessor, the Dean of the college shall act as the Head of the Depa rtment or with the approval of the Vice-Cha ncellor assign the duty to any other Head of the Department of the college. (3) It shall be op en to a Professor or an Associate Professor to decline the offer of appointment as the Head of the Department. (4) A Professor or a n Associate Professor appointed as Head of the Department sha ll hold office as such for a period of three years and shall be eligible for reappointment. (5) A Head of the Department may resign his office at any time during his tenure of office. (6 ) A Head of the Depar tment shall perform such functions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances. (7) The Head of the Depar tment s hall retire at the age of sixty- five years. Librarians 11. (1) The Univer sity Libraria n shall be appoint ed by the Boar d on the recommendations of the Selection Committee constit uted for the purpose under Statute 18 and he shall be a whole-time salaried officer of the Univer sity. (2) The Libr arian shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be a ssigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor.Ex-230/2014 21 Constitution, powers and functions of the Board of Management 12. (1) The Board sha ll consist of the following members, namely:— (i) the Vice-Chancellor, ex officio Chair man; (ii) Four Secretaries, from amongst the Secretaries in charge of the Departments of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Horticulture of t he States of Ma dhya Pra desh and Uttar Pradesh to be nominated by the Visitor by rotation: Provided that there shall not be more than two Secretaries from a S tate in the Board at a particular time; (iii) three eminent scientists to be nominated by the Visitor; (iv) one distinguished person representing Agro-based industries or a manufacturer having a special knowledge in agricultura l development tobe nominated by the Visitor; (v) the Deputy Director-General (Education) representing the Indian Council of Agricultur al Research; (vi) one Dean of college and one Director to be nominated by the Vice- Chancellor on rotational ba sis; (vii) three persons including at least a woman representing farmers in Bundelkhand to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor by rotation in the States of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh: Provided tha t there shall not be more tha n two represent atives from a State in the Board at a particular time; (viii) an Advisor (Agriculture), Planning Commission; (ix) a distinguished authority on natural resource or environment management to be nominated by the Visitor; (x) two per sons not below the rank of Joint Secretary r epresenting resp ectively the Departments of Government of India dealing with the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry to be nominated b y the concerned Secretary to the Government of India; (xi) nominee of the Secretary representing the Department of Agricult ural Research and Educa tion, Government of India; (xii) the Registrar of the Universit y–Secretary. (2) The term of office of the members of the Boa rd, other than ex officio members, shall be three years. (3 ) T he Board shall have the power of ma na gement and administration of t he revenue and property of the Univer sity and the conduct of all administra tive affairs of the University not otherwise provided for. (4) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, the Board shall in addition to all other powers vested in it, ha ve the following power s, namely:— (i) to create teaching and academic posts, to determine the number and emoluments of s uch posts and to define the duties and conditions of service of University staff, subject to the approval of the Indian Council of Agricultura l Resea rch; (ii) to appoint such teachers and other academic staff, as may be necessary, and Deans of colleges, Director and Heads of other institutions ma intained by the Univer sity on the recommendations of the Selection C ommittee constituted for the purpose and to fill up temporary vacancies therein; (iii) to cr eate administra tive, ministerial and other necessar y posts and to make appointments thereto in t he manner prescribed by the Ordinances; Ex-230/201422 (iv) to regulate and enforce discipline among employees in accordance with the Statutes and Ordinances; (v) to mana ge and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, business and all other administrative affairs of t he University, and for that pur pose to appoint such agents a s it ma y think fit; (vi) to fix limits on the total recurring and the total non-recur ring exp enditure for one year on the recommenda tions of the Fina nce Committee; (vii) to invest any money belonging to the Univer sity, including any unapplied income, in such stocks, funds, shares or securities, from time to time, as it may think fit or in the purcha se of immovable property in India, with the like power s of va rying such investment from time to time; (viii) to transfer or accept transfers of any movable or immovable property on behalf of the University; (ix) to provide buildings, premises, furniture and apparatus and other means needed for carrying on the work of the University; (x) to enter into, vary, ca rry out and ca ncel contracts on behalf of the University; (xi) to entertain, adjudicate up on, and, if thought fit, to redress any grievances of the employees and students of the University; (xii) to fix fees, honorarium, emoluments a nd travelling allowances of examiners or experts or consultants, advisors and officers on special duty; (xiii) to s elect a common seal for the University and provide for the custody a nd use of such seal; (xiv) to make such special arrangements as may be necessary for the residence and discipline of women students; (xv) to delegate any of it s powers to the Vice-Chancellor, Deans, Directors, Registra r or Comptroller or such other employee or authorit y of the University or to a Committee a ppointed by it as it may deem fit; (xvi) to institute fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes; (xvii) to provide for appointment of Visiting Professor, Emeritus Professor, Consult ant and Officers on Special Duty a nd Scholars and to determine the terms and conditions of such appointment; (xviii) to exercise such other power and perform such other duties as may be conferred on it by the Act, or the Statutes. Quorum for meetings of the Board 13. Six members of the Board shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Boa rd. Constitution and powers of the Academic Council 14. (1) The Aca demic Council shall consist of the following member s, namely:— (i) the Vice-Chancellor, ex officio Chair man; (ii) all the Deans of the colleges of the University; (iii) the Director of Research of the University;Ex-230/2014 23 (iv) the Director of Extension Education of the University; (v) the Dir ector of Education; (vi) a Librarian to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on rotational basis; (vii) two eminent scientists to be co-opted from outside the University to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; (viii) seven Heads of the Departments, at least one from each Facu lty to b e nomina ted by the Vice-Chancellor; (ix) the Registrar of the University, ex officio Secretary. (2) T he ter m of office of the members of the Academic Council other than ex officio members sha ll be t hree years. (3 ) Subject to t he Act, the St atutes and the Or dina nces, the Academic Council shall, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have the following power s, namely:— (a) to exer cise general s upervision over the academic policies of the University and to give directions regarding methods of instruction, co- operative teaching among colleges and institutions, evaluation and impr ovements in academic standa rds; (b) to bring about inter-college co-ordination and establish or appoint Committee on a cademic matt ers; (c) to cons ider matters of genera l academic int erest either on its own init iative or on a reference by a college or the Boa rd and to ta ke appr opriate action thereon; and (d) to frame such r egulations and rules consistent with the Statutes and the Ordinances regarding the academic funct ioning of the University, discipline, residences, admissions, award of fellowships and studentships, fees, concessions, corpor ate life and attendance. Quorum for meetings of the Academic Council 15. One-third members of the Academic Council sha ll form the quor um for a meeting of the Academic Council. Board of Studies 16. (1) Each Faculty shall have a Board of Studies. (2) The Board of S tudies of each Facult y shall be constituted as under:— (i) Dean of Faculty — Chairperson; (ii) Director of Research — Member; (iii) Director of Extension Education—Member; (iv) all Heads of Departments of the Faculty not below the rank of Associate Professor—Member; (v) one representa tive of the Academic Council not belonging to the particular Faculty to be nomina ted by the Vice-Chancellor; (vi) two eminent scientists from agricultural education system not belonging to the University to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; (vii) one final year Post-Gradua te student with Highest Overall Grade PointAverage (OGPA) – Member; Ex-230/201424 (viii) Assistant Registrar (Academic) of the Faculty – Member; (ix) Director of Education—Member. (3) The functions of the Board of Studies sha ll be to recommend to the Academic Council, the course cu rriculum to be prescribed for various degrees to be offered by the concerned Faculty and to make suitable recommendations for the teaching of the prescribed approved course, namely:— (a) courses of studies and appointment of examiners for cour ses, but excluding resea rch degr ees; (b) appointment of supervisors of r esearch; and (c) measures for the impr ovement of the standa rd of teaching and res earch. F inanc e Commit tee 17. (1) The Finance Committee shall consist of the following member s, namely:— (i) the Vice-Chancellor — Chair man; (ii) Financial Advisor, Department of Agricultural Research and Education or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary; (iii) three persons to be nomina ted by the Boa rd, out of whom at least one shall be a member of the Board; (iv) three persons to be nominated by the Visitor; and (v) the Comptroller of the University—Member-Secretary. (2) T hree members of the Finance Committee shall form the quor um for meeting of the Finance Commit tee. (3) The members of the Finance C ommittee, other than ex officio members, sha ll hold office for a term of three years. (4) A member of the Finance Commit tee shall have the right to record a minute of dissent if he does not agree with any decision of the Finance C ommitt ee. (5) The Finance Committee shall meet at least twice a year to examine the accounts and to scrutinise proposals for expenditure. (6) Every proposal relating to cr eation of posts, and t hose items which have not been included in the Budget, shall be examined by the Fina nce Committee before they are considered by the Board. (7) The annual accounts and the financial estimates of the University prepared by the Comptroller, sha ll be laid before the Finance Committee for consideration and comments a nd thereafter submitted to the Board for approval. (8) The Fina nce Committee shall recommend limits for the total recurring expenditure and the tota l non-r ecurring expenditure for the year, based on the income and resources of the University (which, in the case of productive works, may inclu de the proceeds of loa ns). Selection Committee 18. (1) There shall be a Selection Committee for making recommendations to the Board for appointment to the posts of teachers, Comptroller, Registrar, Librarians, Deans of colleges, Director s and Heads of other institutions maintained by the University. (2 ) T he S elect io n C ommit t ee for a p p oint ment t o t h e p os t s s p ecified in column 1 of the Table below sha ll consist of members as specified in the corr esponding entries in column 2 of the said Ta ble:Ex-230/2014 25 TABLE 123 A. Directors/Deans(i) Vice-Chancellor or his nominee— Chairman. (ii) One nomin ee of the Visitor—Member. (iii) Three eminent scientists not below the rank of Vice-Chancellor or equivalent (serving or retired) to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from a panel of six names approved by the Board—Member. B. Professor s/Equiva len t(i) Vice-Chancellor or his nominee–Chairman. (ii) One nomin ee of the Visitor—Member. (iii) Dean of th e concerned Faculty—Member. (iv) Director of Research or Director of Extension Education or Director of Education to be nominated by the Vice-Chan cellor — Member. (v) Three eminent subject specialists n ot bel ow th e ra nk of Head of D epar tmen t or equivalent (serving or retired) to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor out of a panel of six names approved by the Boar d—Members. C. Associate Professor/(i) Vice-Chancellor or his nominee— Assistan t Professor/Chairman. E q u i va l en t(ii) One nomin ee of the Visitor—Member. (iii) Dean of the concerned faculty—Member. (iv) Director of Education or Director of Research or Director of Extension Education to be nominated by the Vice- Chancellor—Member. (v) Head of the concerned Department not below the r ank of Professor—Mem ber. (vi) Two eminent teachers or scientists not bel ow th e ran k of Professor or eq uival en t (serving or retired) to be nominated by the Vi ce - C h a n c el l or o u t of a p a n el of s i x n a m es approved by the Board—Members. D. Registrar/Comptroller/(i) Vice-Chancellor or his nominee— LibrarianChairman. Librarian (ii) One nominee of the Visi tor—Mem ber. (iii) One Director/Dean to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor—Member. (iv) Two experts in th e concerned subject to be nomin ated by th e Vice-Ch ancellor, out of a panel of six names approved by the Boar d—Members.Ex-230/201426 (3) The Vice-Chancellor, or in his absence, his nominee shall preside at t he meet ings of the Selection Commit tee: Provided that the meetings of the Selection Committee shall be fixed after prior consultation with the nominees of t he Visitor: Provided fu rther that the proceedings of the Selection Committee shall not be valid unless at least two members, not in the service of the University a re present in the meeting. (4) The meeting of the Selection Committee shall be convened by the Vice-Cha ncellor or in his absence by his nominee. (5) The procedure to be followed by the Selection Committee in making recommendations shall be decided by t he Committee prior to the int erview. (6) If the Board is unable to accept the recommendations made by the Selection Committee, it shall record its reasons and submit the case to the Visitor for final orders. (7) Appointments to temporary posts shall be made in the manner indicated below:— (i) the Vice-Chancellor sha ll have the authority to appoint a person on a d hoc ba sis for a period not exceeding six months exten- dable by a further period of six months with the approva l of the Board: Provided that if the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied that in the interest of work it is necessary to fill the vacancy, the appoint ment may be made on a purely temporary basis by the local Selection Committee referred to in sub-clause (ii) for the period not exceeding six months; (ii) if the tempora ry vacancy is for a period less than one year, an appointment to such vacancy shall be made on the recommendation of the local Selection Committee consisting of the Dean of the college concerned, the Head of the Department and a nominee of the Vice-C hancellor: Provided that if the same person holds the offices of the Dea n and the Hea d of the Depart ment, the Selec tion Committee may cont ain two nominees of the Vice-Chancellor: Provided further that in case of sudden casual vacancies of teaching posts caused by death or any other reason, the Dean may, in consulta tion with the Head of the Department concerned, make a temporary appointment for one month and report to the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar a bout such appointment; (iii) no teacher appointed temporarily shall, if he is not recommended by the regular Selection Committee for appointment under the Statutes, be continued in service on such temporary employment, unless he is subsequently selected by the local Selection Committee or the regular Selection Committee, for a temporary or perma nent appointment, as the case may be.Ex-230/2014 27 (8) Mode of constitution of the Selection Committee for non- academic staff, not prescribed in the Statutes, shall be prescribed by the Or dina nces. Special mode of appointment 19. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Statute 18, the Board may invite a person of high academic distinction and professional attainments to a ccept a post of Professor or Associate Professor or any other academic post in the University, as the case may be, on such terms and conditions as it deems fit, and on the person agreeing to do so, appoint him to the post. (2) The Boa rd may appoint a teacher or any other aca demic s taff wor king in a ny other Universit y or or ga nisation for undertaking a joint pr oject in a ccordance with the ma nner laid down in the Ordinances. Appointment for a fixed tenure 20. The Board may appoint a person selected in accordance with the procedure laid down in Statute 18 for a fixed tenur e on such terms and conditions as it deems fit. Qualifications of Director, Dean, Professor, etc. 21. (1) Qualifications of Director, Dean, Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor of different Faculties and their equivalents in Research and Extension Education shall be as prescribed by the Or dina nces. (2) Qualification of non-a cademic staff shall b e prescr ibed by the Or dina nces. Committees 22. (1) The authorities of the University specified in section 16 may appoint as many standing or specia l Committees a s it ma y deem fit, and may appoint to such committees persons who ar e not members of such authority. (2) Any such Committee appointed under clause (1) ma y deal with any subject delegated to it subject to confirmation by the authorit y appointing it. Terms and conditions of service and code of conduct of the teachers, etc. 23. (1) All the teachers and other academic staff of the Univer sity shall, in t he absence of a ny agreement to the contrary, be governed by the terms and conditions of service and code of condu ct as a re specified in the Statutes, the Ordinances a nd the Regulations. (2) Every teacher and other staff of the University shall be appointed on a written contract, the term of which shall be prescribed by the Ordina nces. (3) A copy of every contract referred to in clause (2) shall be deposited with the Regist rar. Terms and conditions of service and code of conduct of other employees 24. All the non-academic employees of the Univer sity, shall in the absence of any Ex-230/201428 cont ract to the contrary, be gover ned by the terms and conditions of service and code of conduct as ar e specified in the Sta tutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations as made from time to time. Seniority list 25. (1) Whenever, in a ccordance with the Statutes, a ny person is to hold an office or be a member of an author ity of the University by rotation according to seniority, such s eniority shall be determined according to the length of continuous service of s uch person in his gr ade and, in accordance with such other principles as the Boa rd may, from time to time, pr escrib e. (2) It shall be the duty of the Registrar to prepa re and maintain, in resp ect of each cla ss of p ersons to whom the pr ovisions of these Statutes apply, a complete and up-to-date seniority list in accordance with the provisions of clause (1). (3) If two or more persons have equal length of continuous service in a particular gr ade or the relative seniorit y of any persons is otherwise in doubt, the Registra r may, on his own motion and s hall, at the request of any person, submit the matter to the Board whose decision thereon shall be final. Removal of employees of the Univer sity 26. (1) Where there is an allegation of misconduct against a teacher, a member of the academic staff or other employee of t he University, the Vice-Chancellor, in the case of the teacher or member of the academic staff and the authority competent to appoint (hereinafter referr ed to as the appointing authority) in the case of other employee, may, by order in writing, pla ce such teacher, member of the academic st aff or other employee, as the case ma y be, under suspension and sha ll forthwith r eport to the Board, the circumstances in which the order was made: Provided that the Board may, if it is of the opinion, that the circumstances of the case do not warrant the suspension of the teacher or a member of the academic staff, revoke such or der. (2) Notwithstanding anything conta ined in the terms of t he contract of a ppointment or of a ny other terms a nd conditions of service of the employees, the Boa rd in r espect of teacher and other academic staff and the appointing authority, in respect of other employees, shall have the power to remove a teacher or a member of the academic staff, or other employees, as the case ma y be, on grounds of misconduct. (3) Save as aforesa id, the Board or the a ppointing authority, as the case may be, shall not be entitled to r emove a ny teacher, member of the academic staff or other employee except for a good cause and after giving three months, notice or on payment of thr ee months sala ry in lieu thereof. (4) No teacher, member of the academic sta ff or other employee shall be removed under cla use (2) or clause (3) unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the act ion proposed to be taken in regard to him.Ex-230/2014 29 (5) The removal of a teacher, member of the academic staff or other employee shall take effect from the date on which the order of r emoval is ma de: Provided that where the teacher, member of the academic staff or other employee is under suspension at the time of his removal, such removal shall take effect from the date on which he was placed under suspension. (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in the for egoing provisions of this Sta tute, a teacher, member of the academic staff or other employee may resign,— (a) if he is a permanent employee, only after giving three months’ notice in writing to the Board or the appointing authority, as the case may be, or by paying three months’ salary in lieu thereof; (b) if he is not a permanent employee, only after giving one month’s notice in writing to the Board or, the appointing authority, as the case may be, or by paying one months’ sala ry in lieu thereof: Provided that such resignation shall take effect only on the date fr om which the resignation is accept ed by the Boar d or the appointing authority, as the case may be. Honorary degrees 27.(1) The Boa rd may, on the recommendation of the Academic Council and by a resolution passed by a ma jority of not less tha n two-thirds of the members present and voting, make proposa ls to the Visitor for the conferment of honor ary degr ees: Provided tha t in ca se of emergency, the Board may, on its own motion, make such proposals. (2) The Boar d may, by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-t hirds of the members pr esent a nd voting, withdraw, with the pr evious sanction of the Visitor, a ny honor ary degree confer red by the University. Withdrawal of degrees, etc. 28. The Board may, by a special resolution passed by a majorit y of not less than two- thirds of the members present and voting, withdraw any degree or a cademic distinction conferred on, or any certificate or diploma granted to, any person by the Universit y for good and sufficient ca use: Provided that no such resolution shall b e passed until a notice in writ ing has been given to that person calling upon him to show cause within such time a s may be specified in the notice why such a resolution should not be passed and until his objections, if any, and a ny evidence he may produce in support of them, have been considered by the Board. Maintenance of discipline among students of the University 29. (1) All powers relating to discipline and disciplinar y action in relation to students of the University shall vest in the Vice-Chancellor. Ex-230/201430 (2) T he Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or any of his powers as he deems proper to such officers as he may specify in this behalf. (3) Without prejudice to the genera lity of his powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such action, as may seem to him appr opriate for the maintenance of discipline, the Vice-Chancellor may, in exer cise of his powers, by order, direct that a ny student or students be expelled, or rusticated, for a specified period, or be not admitted to a course or courses of study in a college, institution or Department of the University for a stated period, or be punished with fine for an amount to be specified in the order, or be debar red from taking an examination or examinations conducted by the Universit y, college, institution or Department for one or more years, or that the results of the st udent or students concerned in the examination or examina tions in which he or they have appear ed be cancelled. (4) The Dean of colleges, instit utions and Heads of the teaching Depa rtments in the University shall have the authority to exercise all such disciplinary powers over the students in their respective colleges, institutions and teaching Depar tments in the Univer sity as may be necessary for the proper conduct of such colleges, instit utions a nd teaching in the Departments. (5) Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor, the Deans and other persons specified in clause (4), detailed rules of discip line and proper conduct shall be made by the Universit y. The Deans of the colleges, instit utions a nd Heads of the teaching Depar tments in the University may also make the supplementary rules as they deem necessary for the aforesaid purposes. (6) At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration to the effect that he submits himself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and other authorities of the University. Maintenance of discipline among students of colleges, etc. 30. All powers r elating to discip line and disciplinary action in relation to the students of the college or an institution maint ained by the University, shall vest in the Dean of the College or institution, as the case may be, in accorda nce with the procedure prescribed by the Ordinances. Convocations 31. Convocations of the University for the conferring of the degrees or for other purposes shall be held in such manner as may be pr escribed by the Ordina nces. Acting Chairman 32. When no pr ovision is made for a Chairma n to preside over a meeting of any Committee or when the Cha irman so provided for is absent, or the Vice-Chancellor has not in writing made any arrangement, the members sha ll elect one from among themselves to preside over meeting.Ex-230/2014 31 Resignation 33. Any member, other than a n ex officio member of the Board, Academic Council or any other authority of the University or any committee of such authority may resign by letter a ddressed to the Registrar and the resignation shall take effect as soon as such letter is received by the R egis t r a r. Disqualifications 34. (1) A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of any of t he authorities of the University,— (i) if he is of unsound mind; (ii) if he is an undischarged insolvent; (iii) if he has been convicted by a court of law of an offence involving mora l turpitude and sentenced in respect thereof to imprisonment for a period of not less than s ix months. (2) If any question arises as to whether a person is or has been subjected to any of the disqualifications mentioned in clause (1), the question shall be referred to the Visitor and his decision thereon sha ll be final and no suit or other proceedings shall lie in any civil court aga inst such decision. Residence condition for membership and office 35. Not withstanding anything contained in the Statutes, a person who is not ordinarily resident in India shall not be eligible to be an officer of the University or a member of any authorit y of the University. Membership of authorities by virtue of membership of other bodies 36. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes, a person who holds any post in the University or is a member of a ny authority of the University in his capacity as a member of a particular authorit y or as the holder of a particular appointment shall hold such office or membership only for so long as he cont inues to be a member of that p articular authority or the holder of that particular appointment, as the case may be. Alumni Association 37. (1) There shall be an Alumni Association for the University. (2) The subscription for membership of the Alumni Associa tion shall be prescribed by the Ordinances. (3) No member of the Alumni Association shall be entitled to vote or stand for election unless he has been a member of the said Associa tion for at least one year prior to t he date of the election and is a degree holder of t he University of at least five year s standing: Provided tha t the condition relating to the completion of one year ’s membership shall not apply in the case of the fir st elect ion. Ex-230/201432 Students’ Council 38. (1) There shall be, in each College of the University, a Students’ Council for each academic session for the purpose of making recommendations to the authorities of the University with regar d to var ious activities r elating to students welfare, including games, sports, dramatics, deba tes, cu ltural activities, etc., and such Council shall consist of:— (i) the Dean of the College-Chairperson; (ii) all Hos tel Wardens; (iii) Campus Estate Officer; (iv) five Heads of the Departments to be nominated by the Dean; (v) Hostel Prefects; (vi) one student fr om each class or year who has secured the Highest Overall Gr ade Point Avera ge (OGPA) in the previous academic session; (vii) Students Welfare Officer —Member-Secr etar y. (2) The Students Council s ha ll meet at least once in each semester. Ordinances how made 39. (1) The first Ordinances made under sub-section (2) of section 27 may be amended or repealed at a ny time by the Board in the ma nner specified below. (2) No Ordinances in resp ect of t he matters enumerated in section 27, other than those enumerated in clause (n) of sub-s ection (1) thereof shall be made by the Board unless a draft of such Ordina nce has been proposed by the Academic Council. (3) The Boar d shall not ha ve power to amend any draft of any Ordinance pr oposed by the Academic Council under clause (2), but may reject the proposal or return the draft to the Academic Council for reconsidera tion either in whole or in part, together with any amendment which the Board may suggest. (4) Where the Board has rejected or returned the draft of an Ordinance pr oposed by the Academic Council, the Academic Council may cons ider the question afresh and in case the original dra ft is r eaffirmed by a ma jority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting and more than half the total number of members of the Academic Council, the draft ma y be sent back to the Board which sha ll either adopt it or r efer it to the Visitor whose decision sha ll be final. (5) Every Ordinance made by the Boar d sha ll come into effect immediately. (6) Every Ordinance made by the Board shall be submitted to the Visitor within two weeks from the date of its a doption. The Visitor shall have the power to direct the University within four weeks of the receipt of the Ordinance to suspend the operation of any such Ordinance and he shall, as soon as possible, inform the Board a bout his objection to the proposed Or dinance. The Visitor may, aft er receiving t he comments of the University, either withdraw the order suspending the Ordinance, or disallow the Ordinance and his decision sha ll be final.Ex-230/2014 33 Regulations 40. (1) The authorities of the University may make Regulations cons istent with the Act, the Statutes and the Or dinances for the following matters, namely:— (i) laying down the procedure to be observed at their meeting and the number of members required to form a quorum; (ii) providing for all ma tters which are requir ed by the Act, the Statutes or the Ordinances to be sp ecified by the Regulations; (iii) providing for all ot her matters concerning such a uthorit y or committees appoint ed by them and not provided for by the Act, the Stat utes or the Ordina nces. (2) Every authority of the University shall make Regulations providing for the giving of notice to the members of such author ities of the dates of meetings a nd of the business to be cons idered at meetings and for the keeping of a record of t he proceedings of meetings. (3) The Board may direct the amendment in such manner as it may specifiy of any Regulation made under the Statutes or the annulment of a ny such Regulation. Delegation of Powers 41. Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes, any officer or a uthorit y of the Univer sity ma y delegate his or its power to any other officer or authority or person under his or it s respective control and subject to the condition that overall responsibility for the exercis e of the powers so delegated shall continue to vest in the officer or authority delega ting such powers. Collaboration with other Institution and Organisations 42. T he Universit y shall have the author ity to enter into an agreement through a Memor andum of Understanding with a ny research and/or academic institution of higher lear ning to conduct collaborative Post Graduate Research Programme to fulfil the partial requirement for the awar d of Master ’s a nd Ph.D. degrees of the University. Constitution and Function of Research Council 43. (1) There shall be a Research Council of the University to exer cise general supervision over the research policies and progra mmes of the Universit y in the a rea of Agr icult ur e and allied disciplines. T he Research Council shall consist of the following members, namely:— (i) the Vice-Chancellor—Chair man; (ii) Director of Extension Education—Member; (iii) Director of Education—Member; (iv) all Deans of the colleges of the University—Members; (v) nominees of the State Governments not below the rank of Director—Members; Ex-230/201434 (vi) all co-ordina tors of the Research teams of the University— Members; (vii) two eminent agricultural scientists to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor for three years—Members; (viii) Director of R esear ch—Member-S ecreta ry. (2) The Research Council shall meet at least once in a year. (3) One-third members of the Research Council shall form a quorum for the meeting of t he Resea rch Council. (4) If a va cancy occurs due to r esignation or otherwise the same shall be filled up for the remaining per iod. Constitution and function of theExtension Education Council 44. (1) There shall be an Extension Education Council of the Univer sity to exercise general supervision over the extension education policies and progr ammes of the Universit y in the area of Agriculture and allied disciplines. The Extension Education Council shall consist of the following members, namely:— (i) the Vice-Chancellor—Chair man; (ii) Dir ector of Research—Member; (iii) Director of Education—Member; (iv) all Deans of the colleges of the University—Members; (v) nominees of the State Governments not below the rank of Director—Members; (vi) farmers representatives from Bundelkhand and one woman social worker to be nominated by the Vice-Cha ncellor for a term of three yea rs— Member s; (vii) two eminent scientists from outside the University to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor for two years—Members; (viii) Director of Extension Education—Member-Secretary. (2) The Extension Education Council shall meet at least once in a year. (3) One-thir d members of the Extension Education Council shall form a quor um for the meeting of the Extension Education Council. Application of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, etc. 45.(1) All regular employees of the Universit y shall be governed by the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, and General Provident F und (Central S ervices) Rules, 1960, in respect of grant of p ension and gra tuity and gener al provident fund. (2) Any amendment made by the Government of India in the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, and the General Pr ovident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960, shall also be applicable to employees of the University. (3) In resp ect of commuta tion of pension, the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981, shall apply. (4) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the pension sa nctioning authority and the pension authorisation author ity. (5) Pension payment shall be centralised and controlled by Comptroller ’s office.Ex-230/2014 35 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Finance Act, 2014 (Act No. 11 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 231Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 231 THE FINANCE ACT, 2014 AN ACT to continue the existing rates of income-tax for the financial year 2014-2015. BE it enact ed by P arliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.(1) This Act ma y be ca lled the Finance Act, 2014. (2) Section 2 shall come into force on the 1st day of April, 2014. CHAPTER II RATES OF INCOME-TAX 2.The provisions of section 2 of, and the First Schedule to, the Finance Act, 2013, shall apply in relation to income-tax for the a s s es s ment yea r or, a s t he ca s e may b e, t he fina ncia l year commenc ing on t he 1st day of April, 2014, a s they apply in relation to income-tax for the ass essment yea r or, as the case may be, the financia l yea r commencing on the 1st day of April, 2013, with the following modifications, namely:––NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/55/2012-LJD, the 9th May, 2014. The following Central Act is hereby r e-published for general information. The Finance Act, 2014 (Act No. 11 of 2014) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Short title and commencement. Income-tax. 17 of 2013. (a ) in section 2,–– (i) in sub-section (1), for the figures “2013”, the figures “2014” shall be substituted; (ii) in sub-section (3), for the first, second and third provisos, the following provisos shall be substituted, namely:–– “Provided that the amount of income-tax computed in accordance with the provisions of section 111A or section 112 shall be increased by a sur charge, for pur poses of the Union, as provided in Para graphs A, B, C, D or Paragraph E of Part I of the Fir st Schedule: Provided further that in respect of any income chargeable to ta x under sections 115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115ACA, 115AD, 115B, 115BB, 115BBA, 115BBC, 115BBD, 115BBE, 115E, 115JB or section 115JC of the Income-tax Act, the amount of income-tax computed under this sub-section shall be incr eased by a sur char ge, for purposes of the Union, calculated,— ( A) in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every ar tificia l juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, or co-opera tive society or firm or local authorit y, at the rate of ten per cent. of such income-ta x, where the total income exceeds one cror e rup ees; (B) in the case of every domest ic compa ny,— (i) at the rate of five per cent. of such income-tax, wher e the total income exceeds one cror e ru pees but does not exceed ten cr or e rup ees; (ii) at the rate of ten per cent. of such income-tax, wher e the total income exceeds ten cror e rup ees; (C) in the case of every company, other than a domestic company,— (i) at the rate of two per cent. of such income-tax, wher e the total income exceeds one cror e ru pees but does not exceed ten cr or e rup ees; (ii) at the rate of five per cent. of such income-tax, wher e the total income exceeds ten cror e r up ees: Provided also that in the case of persons mentioned in item (A) of second proviso, having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JC of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds one cror e r upees, t he tota l a mount paya ble as income-tax on such income and su rcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as income-tax on a total income of one cror e rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one cror e rupees: Ex-231/20142 Provided also that in the case of every company ha ving total income chargeable to tax under section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds one cr ore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax on such income and surcharge thereon, shall not exceed the tota l amount payable as income-ta x on a total income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income tha t exceeds one cr or e rup ees: Provided also that in the case of every company ha ving total income chargeable to tax under section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds ten cr or e rup ees, the total a mount payable as income-tax on such income and surcharge thereon, shall not exceed the total amount payable as income-tax and surchar ge on a total income of ten crore rupees by more tha n the a mount of income that exceeds ten cr or e ru pees .”; (iii) in sub-section (13), in clause (a), for the figures “2013”, the figures “2014” shall be substituted; (b) in the First Schedule,–– (i) for Part I, the following P art I shall be substituted, namely:–– “PART I INCOME-TAX Paragraph A (I) In the case of every individual other than the individual referred to in items (II) and (III) of this Par agraph or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every a rtificial juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of cla use (31) of section 2 of the Income-t ax Act, not being a case to which any other P aragra ph of t his Par t applies,— Rates of income-tax (1) where the total income does notNil; exceed Rs. 2,00,000 (2) where the total income exceeds10 per cent. of the Rs. 2,00,000 but does not exceedamount by which Rs. 5,00,000the total income exceeds Rs. 2,00,000; (3) where the total income exceedsRs. 25,000 plus 20 per Rs. 5,00,000 but does not exceedcent. of the amount by Rs. 10,00,000which the total income exceeds Rs. 5,00,000; (4) where the total income exceedsRs. 1,25,000 plus 30 per Rs. 10,00,000cent. of the amount by which the total income exceeds Rs. 10,00,000.Ex-231/2014 3 (II) In the case of ever y individual, being a resident in India, who is of the age of sixty years or mor e but less than eighty years at any time during the previous year,— Rates of income-tax (1) where the total income does not exceed Nil; Rs. 5,00,000 (2) wher e the t otal inc ome exceeds20 per cent. of the Rs. 5,00,000 but does not exceedamount by which the Rs. 10,00,000tota l income exceeds Rs. 5,00,000; (3) wher e the t otal inc ome exceedsRs. 10,00,000 plus 30 per Rs. 5,00,000 but does not exceedcent. of the amount by Rs. 10,00,000which the total income exceeds Rs. 1,00,000; Surcharge on income-tax The amount of income-tax computed in accordance with the preceding provisions of this Paragra ph, or the provisions of section 111A or section 112, shall, in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorpor ated or not, or every ar tificia l juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, having a tota l income exceeding one crore rupees, be increased by a surcharge for the purposes of the Union calculated at the rate of ten per cent. of such income-tax: Provided that in the case of persons mentioned in this Paragr aph, ha ving total income exceeding one crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax and surcharge on such income shall not exceed the t otal amount paya ble as income-tax on a total income of one crore r upees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one cr ore rupees. Paragraph B In the case of every co-operative society,— Rates of income-tax (1) where the total income does not10 per cent. of the total exceed Rs.10,000income; (2) where the total incomeRs. 1,000 plus 20 per cent. of exceedsthe amount by which the total income exceeds Rs.10,000; (3) wher e the t otal inc ome exceedsRs. 3,000 plus 30 per cent. Rs. 20,000of the amount by which the tota l income exceeds Rs. 20,000 Ex-231/20144 Surcharge on income-tax The amount of income-tax computed in accordance with the preceding provisions of this Paragra ph, or the provisions of section 111A or section 112, shall, in the case of every co-operative society, ha ving a total income exceeding one cror e r upees, be increased by a s urcha rge for t he purp oses of t he Union calculated at the rate of t en per cent. of such income-tax: Provided tha t in the case of every co-operative society mentioned in this Paragr aph, having total income exceeding one crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax and surchar ge on such income shall not exceed the total a mount payable as income-tax on a total income of one cror e rupees by mor e than the amount of income tha t exceeds one crore rupees. Paragraph C In the case of every firm,–– Rate of income-tax On the whole of the total income 30 percent. Surcharge on income-tax The amount of income-tax computed in accordance with the preceding provisions of this P aragraph, or the provisions of section 111A or section 112, shall, in the case of every firm, ha ving a total income exceeding one cror e r upees, be increased by a s urcha rge for t he purp oses of t he Union calculated at the rate of t en per cent. of such income-tax: Provided tha t in the case of every firm mentioned in this Paragr aph, having tota l income exceeding one crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax a nd surcharge on such income shall not exceed the total amount payable as income-ta x on a t otal income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income tha t exceeds one crore rupees. Paragraph D In the case of ever y local authority,— Rate of income-tax On the whole of the total income30 per cent. Surcharge on income-tax The amount of income-tax computed in accordance with the preceding provisions of this Paragra ph, or the provisions of section 111A or sectionEx-231/2014 5 112, shall, in the case of every local authority, having a total income exceeding one crore rupees, be increased by a surcharge for the purposes of the Union calculated at the rate of ten per cent. of such income-tax: Provided tha t in the case of every local authority mentioned in this Paragraph, having total income exceeding one crore rupees, the total amount paya ble as income-tax and surcha rge on such income shall not exceed the tota l amount payable as income-tax on a total income of one crore rupees by more tha n the amount of income that exceeds one cr ore rupees. Paragraph E In the case of a company,— Rates of income-tax I. In the case of a domestic company30 per cent. of the total income; II. In the case of a company other than a domestic company— (i) on so much of the total income as consists of,— (a ) royalties received from Government or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the Government or the Indian concern after the 31st day of March, 1961 but before the 1st da y of April, 1976; or (b) fees for rendering technical services received from Government or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agr eement made by it with the Government or the Indian concern after the 29th day of February, 1964 but before the 1st day of April, 1976, and where such agreement ha s, in either50 per cent.; case, been approved by the Central Government (ii) on the bala nce, if any, of the total income 40 per cent. Surcharge on income-tax The amount of income-tax computed in accordance with the preceding provisions of this Paragra ph, or the provisions of section 111A or section 112, shall, be increased by a surcharge for the purposes of the Union calculated,— (i) in the case of every domest ic compa ny,— (a ) having a total income exceeding one cror e rupees but not exceeding ten crore r upees, at the rate of five per cent. of such income-tax; and (b) having a total income exceeding ten crore rupees, at the rate of ten per cent. of such income-tax; (ii) in the case of ever y compa ny other than a domest ic compa ny,— Ex-231/20146 (a ) having a total income exceeding one cror e rupees but not exceeding ten crore r upees, at the rate of two per cent. of such income-tax; and (b) having a total income exceeding ten cr ore rupees, at the rate of five per cent. of such income-tax: Provided that in the case of every company having a total income exceeding one cror e rupees but not exceeding ten crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax and surchar ge on such income shall not exceed the total a mount payable as income-tax on a total income of one cror e rupees by mor e than the amount of income tha t exceeds one crore rupees: Provided further t hat in the case of every company having a total income exceeding ten cror e rupees, the total amount payable as income- tax a nd surcharge on such income shall not exceed the total a mount pa yable as income-tax and surcharge on a total income of ten crore rupees by more than t he amount of income that exceeds t en cror e rupees.”; (ii) in Part IV, in Rule 8,–– (A) for sub-rules (1) and (2), the following sub-rules shall be substituted, namely:— “(1) Wher e t he assessee has , in the previous yea r relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2014, any agr icultura l income and the net resu lt of the computation of the a gricult ural income of the assessee for any one or more of the previous years relevant to the assessment years commencing on the 1st day of April, 2006 or the 1st day of April, 2007 or the 1st day of April, 2008 or the 1st day of April, 2009 or the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st da y of April, 2 013, is a loss, t hen, for the purpos es of sub- section (2) of section 2 of this Act,—5 (i) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2006, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2007 or the 1st day of April, 2008 or the 1st day of April, 2009 or the 1st day of Ap r il, 2 0 1 0 or t he 1st da y of Ap r il, 2 0 11 or t he 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013, (ii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2007, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2008 or the 1st day of April, 2009 or the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013, (iii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2008, to the extent, if any, suchEx-231/2014 7 loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2009 or the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013, (iv) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2009, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013, (v) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2010, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on the 1st da y of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013, (vi) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2011, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013, (vii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2012, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2013, (viii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2013, shall be set off against the agricultural income of the assessee for the previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2014. shall be set off against the agricultural income of the assessee for the previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2014. (2) Where the assessee has, in the previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2015, or, if by virtue of a ny provision of the Income-tax Act , income-tax is to be charged in resp ect of the income of a period other than the previous year, in such other period, any agricult ural income and the net result of the computa tion of the agricultural income of the assessee for any one or more of the pr evious years r elevant to the a ssessment year s commencing on the 1st day of April, 2007 or the 1st day of April, 2008 or the 1st day of April, 2009 or the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013 or the 1st day of April, 2014, is a loss, then, for the purposes of sub-section (10) of section 2 of this Act,— Ex-231/20148 (i) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2007, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2008 or the 1st day of April, 2009 or the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of Ap r il, 2 0 11 or t he 1st da y of Ap r il, 2 0 1 2 or t he 1st day of April, 2013 or the 1st day of April, 2014, (ii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2008, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2009 or the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013 or the 1st day of April, 2014, (iii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2009, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2010 or the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013 or the 1st day of April, 2014, (iv) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2010, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2011 or the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013 or the 1st day of April, 2014, (v) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2011, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2012 or the 1st day of April, 2013 or the 1st day of April, 2014, (vi) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2012, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st da y of April, 2013 or the 1st day of April, 2014, (vii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2013, to the extent, if any, such loss has not been set off against the agr icultur al income for the previous year relevant to t he assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2014, (viii) the loss so computed for the previous year relevant to the assess ment year commencing on t he 1st day of April, 2014,Ex-231/2014 9 shall be set off against the agricultural income of the assessee for the previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2015.”; (B) for sub-rule (4), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:–– ”(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this r ule, no loss which has not been determined by the Assess ing Officer under the provisions of these rules or the rules contained in Pa rt IV of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 2006 (21 of 2006), or of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 2007 (22 of 2007), or of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 2008 (18 of 2008), or of the First Schedule to the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2009 (33 of 2009), or of the First S chedule to the Finance Act, 2010 (14 of 2010), or of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 2011 (8 of 2011), or of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 2012 (23 of 2012), or of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 2013 (17 of 2013) shall be set off under sub-rule (1) or, as the case may be, sub-rule (2).”. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-231/201410

The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2014 (Act No. 12 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 232Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 232 THE APPROPRIATION (VOTE ON ACCOUNT) ACT, 2014 (AS PASSED BY THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT) AN ACT to provide for the withdrawal of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the services of a part of the financial year 2014-15. BE it enacted by Par liament in the Sixty-fifth Year of t he Republic of India as follows:— 1.This Act ma y be ca lled the Appr opriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2014. 2.From and out of the Consolidated F und of India there may be withdr awn sums not exceeding those sp ecified in colu mn 3 of t he Schedule amounting in the aggregate to the sum of twenty lakh thirty thousand three hundred thirty-four crore and sixteen lakh rupees towards defr aying t he sever al char ges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2014-15.NOTIFICATIONNo. H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 9th May, 2014.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2014 (Act No. 12 of 2014) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Short title. Withdrawal of Rs.2030334,16,00,000 from and out of the Consolidated Fu nd of India for the financial year 2014-15 THE SCHEDULE (See sections 2, 3 and 4) 123 Sums not exceeding No. Services and purposesVotedCharged ofby Parliamenton theTotal VoteConsolidated Fund Rs.Rs.Rs. 1Department of Agriculture andRe ve n u e 7659,47,00,000…7659,47,00,000 CooperationCapital7,28,00,000…7,28,00,000 2Department of Agricultur al ResearchRe ve n u e 1941,46,00,000…1941,46,00,000 and Education 3Department of Animal Husbandry,Revenue875,38,00,000…875,38,00,000 Dairying and FisheriesCapital6,73,00,000…6,73,00,000 4Atomic EnergyRe ve n u e 2376,82,00,00033,00,0002377,15,00,000 Capital1612,96,00,0003,67,00,0001616,63,00,000 5Nuclear Power SchemesRe ve n u e 1407,83,00,000…1407,83,00,000 Capital224,67,00,000…224,67,00,000 6Department of Chemicals and Petro-Revenue78,39,00,000…78,39,00,000 chemicalsCapital11,84,00,000…11,84,00,000 7Department of FertilisersRe ve n u e 28037,43,00,000…28037,43,00,000 Capital29,23,00,000…29,23,00,000 8Department of PharmaceuticalsRevenue72,61,00,000…72,61,00,000 Capital10,01.00,000…10,01.00,000 9Ministry of Civil AviationRevenue278,64,00,000…278,64,00,000 Capital1848,37,00,000…1848,37,00,000 10Ministry of CoalRevenue200,00,00,000…200,00,00,000 Capital549,00,00,000…549,00,00,000 11Department of CommerceRe ve n u e 1813,33,00,00017,00,0001813,50,00,000 Capital154,83,00,000…154,83,00,000 12Department of Industrial Policy andRevenue575,14,00,000…575,14,00,000 PromotionCapital35,25,00,000…35,25,00,000 13Department of PostsRe ve n u e 6047,12,00,0007,00,0006047,19,00,000 Capital172,77,00,000…172,77,00,000 14Department of TelecommunicationsRe ve n u e 4756,35,00,000…4756,35,00,000 Capital1066,33,00,000…1066,33,00,000 15Depa r t men t of E l ect ron i cs a n d In for m a - Re ve n u e 1035,67,00,000…1035,67,00,000 tion TechnologyCapital88,33,00.000…88,33,00.000 Construction of referen ces to Ministries or Departments in th e Schedule. Appropriation. 3. The sums authorised to be withdrawn from and out of the Consolidated Fund by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expr essed in the Schedule in rela tion to the said year. 4. References to the Ministries or Depar tments in the Schedule are to such Ministries or Departments a s existing immediately before the 27th August, 2013 and shall, on or after that date, be construed as references to the appropriate Ministries or Departments as constituted from time to time.Ex-232/20142 16Department of Consumer AffairsRevenue94,38,00,000…94,38,00,000 Capital8,00,00,000…8,00,00,000 17Department of Food and PublicRevenue38524,03,00,000…38524,03,00,000 DistributionCapital10202,42,00,000…10202,42,00,000 18Min istry of Cor porat e Affa irsRevenue77,14,00,000…77,14,00,000 Capital7,91,00,000…7,91,00,000 19Ministry of CultureRevenue713,67,00,000…713,67,00,000 Capital23,33,00,000…23,33,00,000 20Min istr y of DefenceRevenue4985,55,00,00017,00,0004985,72,00,000 Capital540,24,00,000…540,24,00,000 21Defence Pensi onsRevenue16666,43,00,00023,00,00016666,66,00,000 22Defence Ser vices—ArmyRevenue31992,29.00,00014,32,00,00032006,61,00,000 13Defence Services – NavyRevenue4719,20,00,0006,06,00,0004725,26,00,000 24Defence Services—Air ForceRevenue7317,38,00,0001,57,00,0007318,95,00,000 25Defence Ordnance Factor iesRevenue4839,63,00,0002,67,00,0004842,30,00,000 26Defence Services—Research andRevenue2013,02,00,00020,00,0002013,22,00,000 Development 27Capital Outlay on Defence Services Capital28294,92,00,00016,98,00,00028311,90,00,000 28Min istr y of Developm en t of North Revenue617,26,00,000…617,26,00,000 Easter n RegionCapital117,00,00,000…117,00,00,000 29Ministry of Drinking Water andRevenue5089,62,00,000…5089,62,00,000 Sanitation 30Ministry of Earth SciencesRevenue505,02,00,0003,00,000505,05,00,000 Capital62,35,00,000…62,35,00,000 31Ministry of Environment andRevenue960,46,00,000…960,46,00,000 ForestsCapital57,45,00,000…57,45,00,000 32Ministry of External AffairsRevenue4052,30,00,0001,00,0004052,31,00,000 Capital957,82,00,000…957,82,00,000 33Department of Economic AffairsRevenue4176,32,00,000…4176,32,00,000 Capital1871.09,00,000…1871,09,00,000 34Department of Financial ServicesRevenue2700,24,00,000…2700,24,00,000 Capital8200,00,00,000…8200,00,00,000 CHARGED.—Interest PaymentsRevenue…149960,89,00,000 149960,89,00,000 36Transfers to State and Union territory GovernmentsRevenue24169,00,00,00021558,33,00,00045727,33,00,000 Capital…4500,00,00,0004500,00,00,000 37Loans to Government Servants,Capital66,67,00,000…66,67,00,000 etc CHARGED.—Repayment of DebtCapital... 1354969,08,00,000 1354969,08,00,000 39Department of Expen ditu reRevenue51,63,00,000…51,63,00,000 40PensionsRevenue8227,67,00,00031,67,00,0008259,34,00,000 41Indian Audit and Accounts Department Revenue1073,68,00,00033,68,00,0001107,36,00,000 Capital5,00,00,000…5,00,00,000 42Department of Reven ueRevenue271,49,00,0001,00,000271,50,00,000 Capital35,34,00,000…35,34,00,000 43Direct TaxesRevenue1447,63,00,000…1447,63,00,000 Capital250,67,00,000…250,67,00,000 44Indirect TaxesRevenue1628,01,00,00017,00,0001628,18,00,000 Capital90,44,00,000…90,44,00,000 45Department of DisinvestmentRevenue16,67,00,000…16,67,00,000 46Ministry of Food ProcessingRevenue261,95,00,000…261,95,00,000 Industries 47Department of Health and FamilyRevenue11926,71,00,000…11926,71,00,000 WelfareCapital557,16,00,000…557,16,00,000Ex-232/2014 3 48Departmen t of Ayurveda, Yoga andRevenue417,35,00,000…417,35,00,000 Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha andCapital6,70,00,000…6,70,00,000 Homoeopathy (AYUSH) 49Department of Health ResearchRevenue339,22,00,000…339,22,00,000 50Depar tmen t of AIDS ControlRevenue567,33,00,000…567,33,00,000 Capital27,67,00,000…27,67,00,000 51Department of Heavy IndustryRevenue194,19,00,000…194,19,00,000 Capital187,02,00,000…187,02,00,000 52Department of Public EnterprisesRevenue6,27,00,000…6,27,00,000 53Ministry of Home AffairsRevenue509,79,00,000…509,79,00,000 Capital21,51,00,000…21,51,00,000 54CabinetRevenue136,67,00,000…136,67,00,000 55PoliceRevenue17664,50,00,0004,28,00,00017668,78,00,000 Capital3457,95,00,0002,64,00,0003460,59,00,000 56Other Expenditure of the MinistryRevenue632,02,00,0001,00,000632,03.00,000 of Home AffairsCapital103,18,00,000…103,18,00,000 57Transfers to Union territoryRevenue488,95,00,000…488,95,00,000 GovernmentsCapital24,00,00,000…24,00,00,000 58Min istry of Housi ng an d Ur banRevenue2002,87,00,000…2002,87,00,000 Poverty Al leviat ion 59Department of School EducationRevenue30688,37,00,000…30688,37,00,000 and Literacy 60Department of Higher EducationRevenue8985,33,00,000…8985,33,00,000 61Ministry of Information andRevenue1063,21,00,000…1063,21,00,000 BroadcastingCapital9,62,00,000…9,62,00,000 62Min istry of La bour andRevenue1744,59,00,000…1744,59,00,000 EmploymentCapital6,51,00,000…6,51,00,000 63Election CommissionRevenue29,67,00,000…29,67,00,000 Capital33,00,000…33,00,000 64Law and Just iceRevenue839,84,00,000…839,84,00,000 Capital18,12,00,000…18,12,00,000 CHARGED.—Supreme CourtRevenue…44,79,00,00044,79,00,000 of India 66Ministry of Micro, Small andRevenue 1114,49,00,000…1114,49,00,000 Medium EnterprisesCapital2,93,00,000…2,93,00,000 67 M in is tr y of Mi n esRevenue336,83,00,0002,00,000336,85,00,000 Capital31,24,00,000…31,24,00,000 68 Ministry of Minority AffairsRevenue1204,00,00,000…1204,00,00,000 Capital40,00,00,000…40,00,00,000 69Min istry of New a nd Renewa bleRevenue496,93,00,000…496,93,00,000 EnergyCapital38,33,00,000…38,33,00,000 70Ministry of Overseas IndianRevenue44,66,00,000…44,66,00,000 AffairsCapital10,00,00,000…10,00,00,000 71Ministry of Panchayati RajRevenue2333,57,00,000…2333,57,00,000 72Ministry of Parliamentary AffairsRevenue4,78,00,000…4,78,00,000 73Ministry of Personnel, PublicRevenue332,49,00,00098,00,000333,47,00,000 Grievances and PensionsCapital41,67,00,0001,00,00,00042,67,00,000 Charged. —Central VigilanceRevenue…6,78,00,0006,78,00,000 Commission 75Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Revenue26000,00,00,000…26000,00,00,000 GasCapital33,00,000…33,00,000 76 Mi n istr y of Plan n in gRevenue609,45,00,000…609,45,00,000 Capital259,50,00,000…259,50,00,000Ex-232/20144 77 M in is tr y of PowerRevenue2444,55,00,000…2444,55,00,000 Capital811,29,00,000…811,29,00,000 Charged—Staff, Household andRevenue…12,75,00,00012,75,00,000 Allowances of the President 79 Lok Sa bh aRevenue187,33,00,00029,00,000187,62,00,000 80Rajya Sa bhaRevenue105,85,00,00036,00,000106,21,00,000 Charged,—Union Public ServiceRevenue…54,94,00,00054,94,00,000 Commission 82Secretariat of the Vice-PresidentRevenue1,27,00,000…1,27,00,000 83Ministry of Road Transport andRevenue6472,00,00,000…6472,00,00,000 Hi gh wa ysCapital10485,09,00,0006,00,00,000 10491,09,00,000 84Department of Rur al DevelopmentRevenue44588,28,00,000…44588,28,00,000 85Department of Land Resour cesRevenue1253,04,00,000…1253,04,00,000 86Department of Science andRevenue1140,34,00,0001,00,0001140,35,00,000 TechnologyCapital7,03,00,000…7,03,00,000 87Department of Scientific and Indus-Revenue1223,72,00,000…1223,72,00,000 trial ResearchCapital7,00,00,000…7,00,00,000 88Dep artment of Biotech nol ogyRevenue505,75,00,000…505,75,00,000 89Ministry of ShippingRevenue387,23,00,000…387,23,00,000 Capital184,36,00,000…184,36,00,000 90Department of Social Justice andRevenue1983,25,00,000…1983,25,00,000 Empowerment.Capital87,33,00,000…87,33,00,000 91Department of Disability AffairsRevenue199,31,00,000…199,31,00,000 Capital11,67,00,000…11,67,00,000 92Department of SpaceRevenue1219,58,00,00017,00,0001219,75,00,000 Capital1419,79,00,00013,00,0001419,92,00,000 93Ministry of Statistics and Programme Revenue2135,26,00,000…2135,26,00,000 ImplementationCapital6,03,00,000…6,03,00,000 94Ministry of SteelRevenue30,98,00,000…30,98,00,000 95Ministry of TextilesRevenue1782,57,00,000…1782,57,00,000 Capital38,13,00,000…38,13,00,000 96Ministry of TourismRevenue455,08,00,000…455,08,00,000 Capital50,00,000…50,00,000 97Ministry of Tribal AffairsRevenue 171,44,00,0001271,21,00,0001442,65,00,000 Capital23,33,00,000…23,33,00,000 98Andaman and Nicobar IslandsRevenue965,59,00,000…965,59,00,000 Capital188,87,00,000…188,87,00,000 99ChandigarhRevenue1014,85,00,0006,60,00,0001021,45,00,000 Capital159,58,00,000…159,58,00,000 100Dadra and Nagar HaveliRevenue189,98,00,0001,00,000189,99,00,000 Capital91,63,00,000…91,63,00,000 101Daman an d DiuRevenue430,27,00,0001,00,000430,28,00,000 Capital116,02,00,000…116,02,00,000 102LakshadweepRevenue279,28,00,000…279,28,00,000 Capital75,97,00,000…75,97,00,000 103Department of Ur ban DevelopmentRevenue2817,87,00,00019,27,00,0002837,14,00,000 Capital2885,40,00,00020,33,00,0002905,73,00,000 104Public WorksRevenue497,89,00,00034,00,000498,23,00,000 Capital277,44,00,00033,00,000277,77,00,000 105Stationery and PrintingRevenue92,67,00,000…92,67,00,000 Capital38,00,000…38,00,000 106Min istry of Water Resour cesRevenue4299,96,00,000…4299,96,00,000 Capital76,21,00,0001,33,00,00077,54,00,000Ex-232/2014 5 107Ministry of Women and Child Revenue7031,29,00,000…7031,29,00,000 Development 108Min istry of Youth Affa irs and Revenue406,03,00,000…406,03,00,000 SportsCapital30,00,000…30,00,000 Total :497779,27,00,000 1532554,89,00,000 2030334,16,00,000Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-232/20146

The Appropriation Act, 2014 (Act No. 13 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 233Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 233 NOTIFICATIONNo, H. 12017/55/2012-LJD, the 9th May, 2014.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Appropriation Act, 2014 (Act No. 13 of 2014) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Short title. Issue of Rs. 46227,57,00,000 out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the financial year 2013-14. Appropriation. THE APPROPRIATION ACT, 2014 AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain further sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the services of the financial year 2013-14. BE it enacted by Pa rliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.This Act may be called the Appropriation Act, 2014. 2.From and ou t of the Consolidated Fund of India there may be paid and applied sums not exceeding those sp ecified in colu mn 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggregate to the sum of forty-six thousand two hundred twenty-seven cror e and fifty-seven lakh rupees towards defra ying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2013-14, in respect of the services specified in column 2 of the Schedule. 3.The sums authorised to be pa id and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India by this Act sha ll be a ppropriated for the services and purposes expressed in t he Schedule in r elation to the said yea r. THE SC HEDULE (See sections 1 and 3) 123 No.Sums not exceeding ofServices and purposesVotedCharged Voteby Parliamenton theTotal Consolidated Fund R s. Rs.Rs. 1Department of Agriculture andRevenue2,00,000…Rs. 2,00,000 Cooperation 2Department of Agricultur al ResearchRevenue3,00,000…3,00,000 and Education 3Department of Animal Husbandry,Revenue3,00,000…3,00,000 Dairying and FisheriesCapital1,00,000…1,00,000 4Atomic EnergyRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 Capital4,00,00010,00,00,00010,04,00,000 5Nuclear Power SchemesRe ve n u e 111,72,00,000…111,72,00,000 Capital12,40,00,000…12,40,00,000 9Ministry of Civil AviationRe ve n u e 103,12,00,000…103,12,00,000 Capital 1000,00,00,000…1000,00,00,000 10Ministry of CoalRevenue1,00,000..1,00,000 11Department of CommerceRevenue4,08,00,00062,00,0004,70,00,000 12Department of Industrial Policy andRevenue96,02,00,000…96,02,00,000 Promotion 13Department of PostsRevenue…10,00,00010,00,000 14Department of TelecommunicationsRe ve n u e 436,28,00,000…436,28,00,000 17Department of Food and PublicRe ve n u e 1917,08,00,000…1917,08,00,000 Distribution 19Ministry of CultureRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 20Min istr y of DefenceRe ve n u e 241,49,00,00022,00,000241,71,00,000 Capital2,00,000…2,00,000 21Defence Pensi onsRe ve n u e 996,46,00,0003,54,00,0001000,00,00.000 22Defence Ser vices—ArmyRe ve n u e 4711,37,00,000110,00,00,0004821,37,00,000 23Defence Services—NavyRe ve n u e 949,69,00,00019,82,00,000969,51,00,000 24Defence Services—Air ForceRe ve n u e 1032,51,00,00050,40,00,0001082,91,00,000 25Defence Ordnance Factor iesRe ve n u e 1363,56,00,0003,20,00,0001366,76,00,000 26Defence Services—Research andRe ve n u e 125,15,00,000…125,15,00,000 Development 27Capital Outlay on Defence ServicesCapital1,00,000…1,00,000 30Ministry of Earth SciencesRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 Capital2,00,000…2,00,000 31Ministry of Environment and ForestsRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 Capital1,00,000…1,00,000 32Ministry of External AffairsRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 33Department of Economic AffairsRe ve n u e 360,42,00,000…360,42,00,000 Capital2,00,000…2,00,000 34Department of Financial ServicesRe ve n u e 2600,00,00,000…2600,00,00,000 Charged — Interest PaymentsRevenue… 15500,20,00,000 15500,20,00,000 40PensionsRe ve n u e 1766,00,00,000…1766,00,00,000 41In d i a n A udi t a n d A ccoun t s De pa r t m en t Re ve n u e 146,05,00,000…146,05,00,000Ex-233/20142 42Department of RevenueRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 43Direct TaxesCapital1,00,000…1,00,000 46Min istr y of Food Processin g Industr ies Revenue3,00,000…3,00,000 47Department of Health and Family Welfare Revenue3,00,00018,47,00,00018,50,00,000 Capital1,00,000…1,00,000 48Department of Ayurveda, Yoga andRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopath y (AYUSH) 50Depar tmen t of AIDS ControlRevenue12,01,00,000…12,01,00,000 51Department of Heavy IndustryRevenue27,02,00,000…27,02,00,000 Capital91,61,00,000…91,61,00,000 53Ministry of Home AffairsRevenue3,00,000…3 00 000 55PoliceRevenue2,00,0001,00,0003,00,000 Capital2,00,0004,59,00,0004,61,00,000 56Other Expenditure of the Ministry ofRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 Home Affairs 58Min istr y of Housing a nd Urban Poverty Revenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Alleviation 59Depa rtmen t of Sch ool Education andRevenue3,00,000…3,00,000 Literacy 60Department of Higher EducationRevenue4,00,000…4,00.000 61Ministry of Infor mation and BroadRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 casting 62Ministry of Labour and EmploymentRevenue3,00,000…3,00.000 64Law and Just iceRevenue165,68,00,000…165,68,00,000 Charged.—Supreme Court of IndiaRevenue…6,43,00,0006,43,00,000 66Ministry of Micro, Small and MediumRevenue3,00,000…3,00,000 Enterprises 68Ministry of Minority AffairsRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 69Mi n i st r y of N ew a n d Ren ewa bl e E n e r gy Re ve n u e 1030,75,00,000…1030,75,00,000 Capital100,00,00,000…100,00,00,000 73Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances Revenue1,00,000…1,00,000 and Pensions 74Ministry of Petroleum and Natural GasRe ve n u e 10042,72,00,000…10042,72,00,000 75Ministry of PlanningRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 76Ministry of PowerCapital15,00,00,000…15,00,00,000 79Rajya Sa bhaRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Charged.—Union Public ServiceRevenue…8,72,00,0008,72,00,000 Commission 82Ministry of Road Transport andRevenue611,51,00,000…611,51,00.000 Hi gh wa ysCapital…20,00,00,00020,00,00,000 83Department of Rur al DevelopmentRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 86Department of Scientific and Industrial Revenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Research 87Dep artment of Biotech nol ogyRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 88Ministry of ShippingRevenue299,36,00,000…299,36,00,000 Capital2,00,000…2,00,000 89Ministry of Social Justice andRevenue3,00,000…3,00,000 Empowerment 90Department of SpaceRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 Capital1,00,000…1,00,000 91Ministry of Statistics and ProgrammeRevenue13,80,00,000…13,80,00,000 Implementation 93Ministry of TextilesCapital…55,00,00,00055,00,00,000Ex-233/2014 3 95Ministry of Tribal AffairsRevenue2,00,000…2,00,000 96Andaman and Nicobar IslandsRevenue31,30,00,000…31,30,00,000 Capital10,00,000…10,00,000 97ChandigarhCapital6,00,000…6,00,000 100 LakshadweepRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Capital1,00,000…1,00,000 101 Department of Ur ban DevelopmentRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Capital…1,00,00,0001,00,00,000 102 Public WorksRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Capital2,00,000…2,00,000 105 Ministry of Women and ChildRevenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Development 106 Min istry of Youth Affai rs an d Sports Revenue1,00,000…1,00,000 Tot al:30415,25,00,000 15812,32,00,000 46227,57,00,000Ex-233/20144 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Delhi Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2014 (Act No. 14 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 234Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 234 THE DELHI APPROPRIATION (VOTE ON ACCOUNT), 2014 (AS PASSED BY THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT) AN ACT to provide for the withdrawal of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the National Capital Territory of Delhi for the services for a period of six months of the financial year 2014-15. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1. This Act may be called the Delhi Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2014. 2.From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the National Capital Territory of Delhi th ere may be with drawn sums not exceedin g those specified in column 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggregate to the sum of eighteen thousand and thirty-three crores of rupees towards defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2014-15 in respect of the services specified in column 2 of the Schedule. 3.The sums authorised to be withdrawn from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the National Capital Territory of Delhi by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and pur poses expr essed in the Schedule in relation to the said year.NOTIFICATIONNo.H. 12017/55/2012-LJD,the 9th May, 2014.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Delhi Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2014 (Act No. 14 of 2014) Zahming thang a R alte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Short title. with drawal of Rs.18033,00, 00,000 from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the National Territory of Delhi for the financial year 2014-15 Appropriation THE SCHEDULE (See section 2 and 3) 123 Sums not exceeding No.Services and purposeVotedChargedTotal ofby Parliamenton the Vote/Consolidated Appro-Fund priation Rs.Rs.Rs. 1.Legislative Assembly.........................Revenue8,50,00,00040,50,0008,90,50,000 2.General Administration......................Revenue62,80,50,0004,61,00,00067,41,50,000 3.Administration of Justice..................Revenue261,07,70,00081,16,75,000342,24,45,000 4.Finance.................................................Revenue106,48,25,000 2 5, 0 0 0106,48,50,000 Capital15,00,00,000 . . .15,00,00,000 5.Home....................................................Revenue192,94,00,000 26,00,000193,20,00,000 6.Education.............................................Revenue2882,02,25,000 15,25,0002882,17,50,000 Capital113,42,50,000 ..113,42,50,000 7.Medical and Public Health................Revenue1885,98,75,000 46,25,0001886,45,00,000 Capital7,50,000 ..7,50,000 8.Social Welfare.....................................Revenue1600,08,00,000 ..1600.08.00.000 Capital751,88,00,000 ..751,88,00,000 9.Industries.............................................Revenue191,37,25,000 1,75,000191,39,00,000 Capital36,93,50,000 ...36,93,50,000 10.Development.......................................Revenue945,03,95,000 9,10,000945,13,05,000 Capital198,17,50,0001,50,000198,19,00,000 11.Urban Development and Public.......Revenue3502,17,00,0002,00,0003502,19,00,000 Works Capital2641,95,00,000...2641,95,00,000 Public Debt..........................................Revenue1639,76,50,0001639,76,50,000 Capital838,36,50,000838,36,50,000 12.Loans....................................................Capital1,25,00,000.1,25,00,000 13.Pension.................................................Revenue70,50,00,00070,50,00,000 Total : 15467,66,65,0002565,33,35,000 18033,00,00,000Ex-234/20142 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Delhi Appropriation Act, 2014 (Act No. 15 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 235Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 235 NOTIFICATIONNo.H. 12017/55/2012-LJD,the 9th May, 2014.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Delhi Appropriation Act, 2014 (Act No. 15 of 2014) Zahming thang a R alte, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE DELHI APPROPRIATION ACT, 2014 AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain further sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the National Capital Territory of Delhi for the services in respect of the financial year 2013-14. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1.This Act may be called the Delhi Appropriation Act, 2014. 2.From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, there may be paid and applied further sums not exceeding th ose specified in column 3 of the Schedule, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of three hun- dred sixty-three crores five lakh and sixty-four thousand rupees towards defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2013-14, in respect of the services specified in column 2 of the Schedule. 3.The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the National Capital Territory of Delhi by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and pur poses expr essed in the Schedule in relation to the said year.Sh ort tit le Issu e of Rs.363,05,64,000 from and out of the Consoli- dated Fund or the National Capital Territory of Delhi for the financial year 2013-14 Appropriation . THE SCHEDULE (See section 2 and 3) 123 Sums not exceeding No.Services and purposesVotedChargedTotal ofBy Parliamenton the Vote/Consolidated Appro-Fund priation Rs.Rs.Rs. 2.General Administration.............Revenue7,80,19,0005,37,81,00013,18,00,000 3.Administration of Justice.........Revenue..3,54,50,000 3,54,50,000 4.Finance.......................................Revenue7,39,00,000 ..7,39,00,000 5.Home..........................................Revenue..3,37,0003,37,000 6.Education..................................Revenue49,41,00,000 ..49,41,00,000 7.Medical an d Public Health.....Revenue35,87,50,000 3,50,00035,91,00,000 8.Social Welfare...........................Revenue114,65,44,000 ..114,65,44,000 9.Industries..................................Revenue5,00,00014,00,00019,00,000 10.Development............................Revenue14,00,0001,00,00015,00,000 Capital1,00,0001,00,000 11.Urban Development and.........Revenue22,00,000..22,00,000 Publ ic Wor ks Capital138,36,33,000138,36,33,000 Tot al:353,91,46,0009,14,18,000363,05,64,000Ex-235/20142 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Act, 2014 (Act No. 16 of 2014)

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 236Date - 19/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Monday 19.5.2014 Vaisakha 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 236 THE NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2014 (AS PASSED BY THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT) AN ACT further to amend the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1.(1) This Act may be called the Narcotic Dr ugs and Psychotr opic Substances (Amendment) Act, 2014. (2) It shall come into for ce on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Officia l Gazette, appoint. 2.In section 2 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substa nces Act, 1985 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act),— (a ) after clause (iv), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12017/55/2012-LJD, the 9th May, 2014.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Act, 2014 (Act No. 16 of 2014) Zahmingthanga Ralte, Depu ty Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Short title and commencement. Amendment of section 2. 61 of 1985. ‘(iva) “Central Government factor ies” means factories owned by the Central Government or factories owned by any company in which the Central Government holds a t least fifty-one per cent. of the pa id-up share capital;’; (b) clause (viiia) shall be relettered as clause (viiib) and before, clause (viiib) as so relettered, the following cla use shall be inserted, namely:— ‘(viiia) “essentia l narcotic drug” means a narcotic dr ug notified by the Central Government for medical and scientific use;’. 3.In section 4 of the principal Act,— (a) in sub-section (1), after the words “the illicit traffic therein’’, the words “and for ensuring their medical and scientific use” shall be inserted; (b) in sub-section (2), after clause (d), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— “(da ) availability of nar cotic drugs and psychotropic substa nces for medical a nd scientific use;”. 4.In section 9 of the principal Act,— (a) in sub-section (1), in clause (a),— (i) after sub-clause (iii), the following sub-clause shall be inserted, namely:— “(iiia) the possession, transport, import inter-State, export inter- State, warehousing, sale, purcha se, consumption and use of poppy straw produced from plants from which no juice has been extracted through lancing;”. (ii) after sub-clause (v), the following shall be inserted, namely:— (va) the manufacture, possession, transport, import inter-State, export inter-State, sale, purchase, consumption and use of essential narcotic drugs: Provided tha t where, in respect of an essential na rcotic drug, the State Government has granted licence or permit under the provisions of section 10 prior to the commencement of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substa nces (Amendment) Act, 2014, such licence or permit shall continue to be valid till t he date of its expiry or for a period of twelve months from such commencement, whichever is earlier.”; (b)in s ub-section (2), after clause (h), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— “(ha ) prescr ibe the forms and conditions of licences or permits for the manufacture, possession, transport, import inter-State, export inter-State, sale, purchase, consumption or use of essential narcotic drugs, the authorities by which such licence or permit may be granted and the fees that may be charged therefor;”. 5.In section 10 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), in clause (a),— (a)in sub-clause (i), after the words ‘‘poppy stra w”, the words “except poppy straw produced from plants from which no juice has been extra cted through lancing” shall be inser ted; Amendment of section 4. Amendment of section 9. Amendment of section 10. Ex-236/20142 (b)in s ub-clause (v), for the words “manufactured drugs other than prepared opium”, the words and brackets “manufactured drugs (other than prepared opium and essential narcotic dr ugs)’’ shall be inser ted. 6.In section 15 of the principal Act, in cla use (a), for the words “six months”, the words “one year” sha ll be substituted. 7.In section 17 of the principal Act, in cla use (a), for the words “six months”, the words “one year” sha ll be substituted. 8.In section 18 of the principal Act, in cla use (a), for the words “six months”, the words “one year” sha ll be substituted. 9.In s ec t ion 2 0 of t he p r inc ip a l Act , i n cla u s e ( b ), in s u b -cla u s e (i i), in item (A), for the words “six months”, the words “one year” shall be substituted. 10.In section 21 of the principal Act, in cla use (a), for the words “six months”, the words “one year” sha ll be substituted. 11.In section 22 of the principal Act, in cla use (a), for the words “six months”, the words “one year” sha ll be substituted. 12.In section 23 of the principal Act, in cla use (a), for the words “six months”, the words “one year” sha ll be substituted. 13.After section 27A of the principal Act, the following section s hall be inserted, namely:— ‘‘27B. Whoever contravenes the provision of section 8A shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years but which may extend to ten year s and s hall also be liable to fine.’’. 14.In section 31 of the principal Act,— (a)in sub-section (1),— (i) for the wor ds ‘‘one-half of the maximum term’’, the words ‘‘one and one-half times of the ma ximum term’’ shall be substituted; (ii) for the words ‘‘one-ha lf of the maximum a mount’’, the words ‘‘one and one-half times of the maximum amount’’ shall be substituted; (b)in sub-section (2),— (i) for the wor ds ‘‘one-half of the minimum term’’, the words ‘‘one and one-half times of the minimum term’’ shall be substituted; (ii) for the words ‘‘one-ha lf of the minimum a mount’’, the words ‘‘one and one-half times of the minimum amount’’ shall be substituted. 15.In section 31A of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the words “shall be punishable with death”, the words and figur es “shall be punished wit h punishment which shall not be less tha n the punishment specified in section 31 or with death” shall be substituted.Ex-236/2014 3 Amendment of section 15. Amendment of section 17. Amendment of section 18. Amendment of section 20 Amendment of section 21. Amendment of section 22. Insertion of new section 27B. Amendment of section 23. Punishment for contravention of section 8A. Amendment of section 31. Amendment of section 31A. 16.In section 42 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), in the proviso, for the words “Pr ovided that”, the following shall be substituted, namely:— “Provided that in respect of holder of a licence for manufactur e of manufactured drugs or psychotropic substances or controlled substa nces granted under this Act or any rule or order ma de thereunder, such power shall be exercised by an officer not below the rank of sub-inspector: Provided fur ther that”. 17.In section 52A of the principal Act,— (a)for sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:— “(1) T he Central Government may, having regar d to the hazar dous nature, vulnerability to theft, substitution, constraint of proper storage space or any ot her releva nt considera tion, in respect of a ny nar cotic dr ugs, psychotropic substances, controlled substances or conveyances, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify such narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, controlled substances or conveyance or class of narcotic drugs, class of p sychotropic substances, class of controlled substances or conveyances, which shall, as soon as may b e a fter their seizure, be disposed of by such officer and in such manner as that Government may, from time to time, determine after following the procedure hereinaft er s pecified.’’; (b) in sub-section (2),— (i)for the words “narcotic drug or psychotropic substa nce” and “narcot ic drugs or psychotropic substances”, wherever they occur, the words “narcotic dr ugs, psychotropic substances, controlled substances or conveyances” shall be su bstituted; (ii)in clause (b), for the words “such drugs or substances”, the words “ such dr ugs, substances or conveyances” sha ll be s ubstituted; (c ) in s ub-section (4), for the words “narcotic dr ugs or psychotr opic substances”, the wor ds “ na rcotic drugs, psychotr opic s ubsta nces, cont rolled substances or conveya nces” shall be substituted. 18.After section 57 of the principal Act, the following section shall be inserted, namely:— “57A. Whenever any officer notified under section 53 makes an ar rest or seizure under this Act , and the provisions of Chapter VA a pply to any person involved in the case of such arrest or seizure, the officer shall make a report of the illegally acquired properties of such person to the jurisdictional competent a uthority within ninety days of the a rrest or seizur e.”. Amendment of section 42. Amen dmen t of section 52A. Insertion of new section 57A. Report of seizure of property of the person arrested by th e notified officer. Ex-236/20144 19.In Chapter VA of the principal Act, for the heading “FORFEIT URE OF PROPERTY DERIVED FROM , OR USED IN ILLICIT TRAFFIC”, the heading “FORFEITURE OF ILLEGALLY ACQUIRED PROPERTY” shall be substituted. 20.In section 68B of the principal Act,— (a)in clause (g),— (i) in sub-clause (i), for the words “ of this Act; or ”, the words “of this Act or the equivalent value of such property; or” shall be substituted; (ii) in sub-clause (ii), for the words “such property,”, the words “such property or the equivalent value of such property; or” shall be substituted; (iii) after sub-clause (ii), the following sub-clause shall be inserted, namely:— “(iii) any property acquired by such person, whether befor e or after the commencement of the Narcot ic Drugs a nd Psychot ropic Substances (Amendment) Act, 2014, wholly or partly out of or by means of a ny income, earnings or assets the source of which cannot be proved, or the equivalent value of such property;”; (b)for clause (h), the following cla use sha ll be substituted, namely:— ‘(h) “property” means any property or assets of every description, whether corporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, tangible or inta ngible, wherever located and includes deeds and instruments evidencing title to, or interest in, such property or assets;’. 21.In section 68D of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the words “any Collector of C ustoms or Collector of Centr al Excise”, the words “any Commissioner of Customs or Commissioner of Centr al Excise” shall be substituted. 22.In s ection 68H of t he principal Act, the following Expla nation shall be inserted at the end, namely:— “Explanation.—For the removal of doubts, it is hereby decla red tha t in a ca se wher e the pr ovisions of section 68J are a pplicable, no notice under this section shall be invalid merely on the ground tha t it fa ils to mention the evidence relied upon or it fails to establish a dir ect nexus between the property sought to be for feited and any activit y in contravention of the provisions of this Act.”. 23.In section 68-O of the principal Act, in sub-section (4), after the proviso, the following pr oviso shall be inserted, namely:—Ex-236/2014 5 Substitution of new heading for heading of Chapter VA. Amendment of section 68D. Amendment of section 68D. Amendment of section 68H Amendment of section 68-O “Provided further that if the office of the Cha irman is vacant by reason of his death, resignation or otherwise, or if the Chairman is unable to discharge his duties owing to absence, illness or any other cause, the Central Government may, by order, nominate any member to act as the Chairman until a new Chairman is a ppointed and assumes charge or, as the case may be, resumes his duties.’’. 24.In section 7 1 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the words “The Government ma y, in its discretion, establish, as many centres a s it thinks fit for identification, tr eatment”, the words ‘‘The Government may establish, recognise or approve as many centres as it thinks fit for identification, treatment, management” shall be substituted. Amendment of section 71. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-236/20146

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram has published draft Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Grid Code) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 262Date - 30/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 30.5.2014 Jyaistha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 262 PUBLIC NOTICENo.H.11019/14/09-JERC, the 22nd May, 2014.The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram has published draft Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Grid Code) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2014 for the informa tion of the persons likely to be affected thereby. Copy of the draft (Amendment) Regulations is available in the officers of the Joint Commission at TBL Bhawan, E-18, Peter Street, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizor am, the Engineer-in-Chief, P ower & Electricity Depa rtment, Govt. of Mizor am, Aiza wl, the Managing Director, Ma nipur St ate Power Company Linited, Keisampat, Imphal, Manipur. The same ca n be seen by any interested person during office hours on any working day. T he draft Regulations is also available at the Commission’s Any interested person may submit objections/suggestions if any, in writing t o the Secretar y/Assistant Secr etary of the J oint Commission for considera tion la test by 23rd June, 2014 and same shall be taken into cons ideration on 26th June, 2014. Richard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

State Implementation Monitoring & Review Committee (SIMRC) for implementation of Revival, Reform and Restructuring Package for Handloom Sector (CSS) with the following members :-

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 263Date - 30/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 30.5.2014 Jyaistha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 263 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.18012/120/2012-IND/Pt, the 27th May, 2014.In supercession of this Department’s Notifica tion of even no. dt.16.7. 2012 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of M izor am is pleased to constitute a State Implementation Monitoring & Review Committee (SIMRC) for implementation of Revival, Reform and Restruct uring P ackage for Handloom Sector (C SS) with the following members :- 1.Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram-Chairman Industries Department 2.General Manager, NABARD Mizoram Regional Office Bawngkawn, Aizawl-796014-Member 3.Mana ging Dir ector, Mizoram Co-opera tive Apex Bank Ltd Treasury Square, Aizawl-Member 4.Mana ging Dir ector, Mizoram Apex Handloom & Handicr afts Co-opera tive Society Ltd. Aizawl-Member 5.Chief Manager (Lead Bank), SBI Lead Bank Office, Aizawl Tuikual ‘A’ (Opposite Tennis Court)-Member 6.Director of Industries, Mizoram, Aizawl-Convener 7.Registrar Cooperative Societies-Member 8.Deputy Secretary, Industries Deptt.-Member 9.Char tered Accounta nt, Mizoram-Member The roles and responsibilities of the committee ar e :- 1.To monitor implementation of Package as contemplated under the Revival package in the State. 2.To ensure pr oper and timely conduct of special audit in t heAWCS andPWCS. 3.To vet and finalize the qua ntum of assista nce in respect ofAWCS andPWCS and recommend to NIMRC for release toNABARD. 4.To ensure installation of a Common Accounting System(CAS) and properMIS. 5.To guide and monit orHRD initiatives in theAWCS andPWCS. 6.To submit necessar y infor mation and feedback toNIMRC, NABARD etc. from time to time. 7.To ensure timely compliance of the covenants ofMoU by AWCS andPWCS. 8.To sort out field operational problems and guide and supervise the overall implementa tion of the Package in the St ate. 9.Any other issue related to the implementa tion of the Pa ckage in the State. Ashutosh Kumar, IAS , Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Ex-263/20142 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

District Level Planning & Implementation Committee in respect of Lawngtlai District consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further order :-

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 264Date - 30/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 30.5.2014 Jyaistha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 264 NOTIFICATIONNo.J.12012/4/12-RD (BRGF), the 28th May, 2014.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion of even No. dated 7th October 2013, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to re-constitute the District Level Planning & Implementation Committee in respect of Lawngtlai District consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further order :- 1.Chairman-Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai 2.Member Secretary -Project Director, Lawngtlai 3.Members-1. C.Ngunlianchunga, Minister of State, Animal Husba ndary and Veterinary Deptt., Mizoram 2. Dr. B.D. Chakma, Minister of State, Sericulture and Fisheries, Mizoram 3. H. Zothangliana, Parliamentary Secy, LR & S.H & T.E. Art & Culture and Parliamentary Affairs, Mizoram. 4. Chief Executive Member, LADC. 5. Chief Executive Member, CADC. 6. Chairman, LADC. 7. Chairman, CADC. 8. P.T. Lalchuanglura, MDC/LADC. 9. C. La lneihkhuma, MDC/LADC. 10. S.T.Laldailova, MDC/LADC. 11. Bubhan Kuma r Chakma , MDC/CADC. 12. Hira nand Tongchangya, MDC/CADC. 13. Aroti Chakma, MDC/CADC 14. The Chairma n may co-opt not mor e than 3 (three) subjects specialist as members as and when required. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner and S ecretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

Board of Management and various Committees with immediate effect and until further orders as follows :-

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 265Date - 30/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 30.5.2014 Jyaistha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 265 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.17014/11/09-HFW/Pt.1, the 21st May, 2014.In the interest of public service and a view to steer the process of establishment of Medical College in Mizor am, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute Board of Management and various Committees with immediate effect a nd until further orders as follows :- 1.BOARD OF MANAGEMENTChariman:Pu Lal Thanhawla, Chief Minister of Mizoram Members : 1)Pu Lal Thanzara, Minister of State Health & FW etc., Mizoram 2)Dr. B.D Chakma, Minister of State, Sericulture etc. Mizoram 3)Pu K.S. Thanga MLA, Parliamentary Secretary, Mizoram 4)Vice Chancellor, M izoram University 5)Chief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram 6)Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Mizoram (Member-Secretary) 7)Invitee : Dr. N.K. Mohanty, Adviser to Govt. of Mizoram 8)Invitee : Dr. K.Ropari, Principal Director, HFW, Govt. of Mizoram Terms of R eference : (1)Approval of Master Plan (2)Overall Supervision of t he project. (3)Monitoring t he progress and quality of implementation. (4)Holding of r eview meeting every quar ter. 2.ADVISORY COMMITTEEChairman :Pu Lal Thanzara, Minister of State, Health & FW etc. Members : 1)Principal Secrtary, Health & FW-Vice Chariman 2)Dr. Beichhua MLA 3)Dr. Lalthanpuii Hnamte 4)Dr. N.K. Mohanty, Adviser to the Govt. of Mizoram 5)Dr. K.Ropari, Principal Director, HFW-Member Secretary 6)Dr. Biakkima, Director, Hospital & Medica l Educa tion 7)Dr. Rohmingthanga Ralte, Director, Health Services 8)Joint Secretary (Tech), Health & F W, Govt. of Mizoram 9)Joint Secretary, HFW, Govt. of Mizoram Terms of Reference (TOR) : 1) Preparation of Master Plan, 2) Design of infrastructural facilities of the College, 3) Securing all relevant a pproval, 4) Preparation of roadmap for all Sub-committees, 5) set up mana gement information and reporting. 3.INSPECTION COMMIT TEEChairman : Pu Rin Sanga IAS (Rtd) Members : 1)President, Mizora m Journalist Associa tion 2)Rev. Dr. K.T hanzauva , Mualpui, Rajiv Gandhi Stadium Rd. 3)Rev. K.Lungmuana, Mission Vengthlang 4)Pu Vanlalnghaka, Ramhlun Veng (Former Finance Secretary) 5)Dr. Lalremtha nga, Dur tlang 6)Dr. F.Lalhmingthanga, Ra mhlun Veng. Terms of R eference : This will be an independent body to do screening on procurements of medical equipments and other gadgets. Ref to terms of reference for Procurement Sub-Committee Note : Members will be paid sitting & transport allowances for each meeting. 4.INFRASTRUCTURE SUB-COMMITTEE Convener : P rincipa l Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Mizoram Members : 1)Principal Secretary, PWD, Govt. of Mizoram 2)Secr etary, P&E Department, Govt. of Mizoram 3)Secr etary, PHE Department, Govt. of Mizoram 4)Dr. N.K. Mohanty, Adviser to the Govt. of Mizoram 5)E-in-C, PWD , Govt. of Mizoram 6)E-in-C, P&E, Govt. of Mizoram 7)E-in-C, PHE, Govt. of Mizoram 8)Director, HME, Govt. of Mizoram-Member Secretary 9)Dr. T.Lalhmangaihi, JMD, NHM, Govt. of Mizoram 10)Dr. Eric Zomawia, Dy. Director, HFW, Govt. of Mizoram 11)Dr. Jane Ralte, DyCMO, Falkawn Terms of R eference : Engineering plan formulation, architectur al design, planning of infrastructural facilities, inspection of implementation of infrastructural facilities such as, water, power, internal road, cummunication. Taking inventory of all existing facilities for improvement/r epair/r estoration. Development of la ndscaping & aest hetic or namenta l planning of the entire campus. The Sub-Committee is to constitute Facilities Cell within their set-up for assisting them in gr ound level implementation. Ex-265/20142 5.CONSTRUCT ION SUB-COMMITTEE Convener : P rincipal Secret ary, HF W Depart ment Members : 1)Principal Secretary, PWD, Govt. of Mizoram 2)Secretary, P&E, Govt. of Mizoram 3)Secretary, PHE, Govt. of Mizoram 4)E-in-C, PWD, Govt. of Mizoram 5)Dr. N.K. Mohanty, Adviser to the Govt. of Mizoram 6)Joint Secretary (Tech), HFW Member-Secretary Terms of Reference : Engineering planning, architectural design, inspection of civil works, planning and implementation of infrastructural facilities-water, power, internal road, communication. Development of professional landscaping & aesthetic ornamental planning of the entire campus. 6.PROCUREMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Convener : Principal Director, HFW Members : 1)Director, HME, Govt. of Mizoram 2)Director, HS, Govt. of Mizoram 3)Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary, HFW Member-Secretary 4)Chief Financial Officer 5)Law Officer Terms of Reference : Procurement of all medical and office equipments or other gadgets by observing stringent discipline of prevailing procurements procedure and ensuring procurement of appropriate equipments conforming quality standard under proper tendering processes. 7.ACADEMIC SUB-COMMITTEE Convener : Dr. N.K. Mohanty, Adviser to the Govt. of Mizoram Members : 1)Principal Dir ector, HFW Member-Secretary 2)Director, HME, HFW, Govt. of Mizoram 3)Director, HS, HFW, Govt. of Mizoram 4)Dr. Lalmalsawma, Dawrpui 5)Dy. Secretary, HFW Member-Secretary Terms of Reference : All academic pla nning of sylla bus, cur riculum, qualification of faculty etc. keeping in view of requir ements of MCI will be determined. 8.SUPPORT GROUP : Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to look after finances and accounting, Law Officer to head Legal Cell to assist all legal requirement, statutory clearance of Medical Council of India, fulfilment of other regulatory provisions. Administrative Officer to look after all secretarial support of the Management Body. T hey report to Principal Secretary, HFW Department. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-265/2014 3

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Champhai District station areas as Farkawn village with immediate effect and valid for 2 years.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 266Date - 30/05/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 30.5.2014 Jyaistha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 266 NOTIFICATIONNo.J.12011/62/92-REV, the 22nd May, 2014.In p ursuance to this Department’s Notifica tion No.H.11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Champhai District station areas as Farkawn village wit h immediate effect and valid for 2 years. T he composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman:B.Rokanglova, President V.C. 2.Secretary:C.Sa ihnuna, Headma ster, Govt. Middle School MEMBERS :1.Pu S .Liannghinglova, Secretary V.C. 2.Pu Ngurkhuma, Repr esenta tive of MNF 3.Pu T.Sawihnuna, Representative of Congress 4.Pu L ianzadinga, J. E. Representa tive of PWD 5.Pu Tluangtea, J.E. Representative of PHE 6.Pu Lalfaka, J.E. Represent ative of P&E 7.Pu Lalmuana , R.O. Representative of Environment & Forests. 8.Pu T.R. Dothanga, President, MUP Farkawn. 9.Pu T. Khawkiana, Prominent Person. 10. Pu H. Lalsawma, Prominent Person. 11. Pu K.Lalmuankima, Pr esident YMA. 12. Pu Lalringliana Tonsing, Asst. Settlement Officer, Land Revenue & Settlement, Champhai District. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The site Allotment Advisory Boar d will be the Screening Board in the ma tter of applica tion for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board shall ha ve to judiciously examine the applicant’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall have its s itting atleast twice in a year or as may be required and TA shall be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight ) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. T he Secreta ry SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairman by giving at least 10 (ten) days in adva nce to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to S ub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (L and Revenue) Rules, 2013 and with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any category or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assistant Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy Commissioner of the District. In case, Chair man of S AAB is SDO (C) or BDO or President, Village Council the application for land allotment of any category must b e submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screenign of the application with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eenig, the Boa rd shall place the matter for demarcation of land of Surveyor, Revenue Depar tment in the pr esence of the applica nt, the concerned VC a nd neighbouring land holder, if any. Measurement of land should be accurate and NOC shall be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. T he recommendation of the meeting of Board sha ll be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for further submission to the Government through the Director, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the a rea or potentia l obstr uction to future infra structure development work of the Government. It shall also take into account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroa chment) Act, 2001 as a mended from time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. R.L. Rinawma, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, R evenu e Dep ar t ment . Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.Ex-266/20142

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