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Change of name of H. Vanlalpeka, Peon, Fisheries Department to Vanlalpeka

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 611Date - 13/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 12015/1/2019-DTE(FS)1469-74, the 13th September, 2019. The Director of Fisheries is pleased to modify the name of H. Va nlalpeka, Peon, Fisheries Department to Vanlalpeka with immediate effect. C. Laldawngliana, Director of Fisheries, Mizoram, Aizawl.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 13.9.2019 Bhadrapada 22, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 611

Recruitment Rules under the Government of Mizoram by the Mizoram State Social Welfare Board under Social Welfare Department

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 612Date - 13/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/33/2019-P&AR (GSW), the 9th September, 2019.In t he int erest of public service, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to allow a doption of the following R ecr uitment Rules under the Government of Mizor am by the Mizoram State Socia l Welfa re Board under Social Welfare Department, subject to the condition t hat the adoption is with resp ect to the eligibilit y condition prescribed for direct recr uitment only and does not include the condit ions of service as provided in the recruitment rules for regu la r government employees. 1.Mizoram Ministerial Service Rules, 2011 as amended 2.Mizoram Driver (Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2018. 3.Mizoram Group ‘D’ posts Recruitment Rules, 2019. 4.Mizoram Social Welfare Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2001 as amended pertaining to the post of Welfare Officer/ Caretaker Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Dept t. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, (General Ser vice Wing).Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 13.9.2019 Bhadrapada 22, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 612

Re-constitution of Champhai Town Planning & Development Committee

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 613Date - 13/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B-11031/67/2019-UD&PA(TCP), the 4th September, 2019.In s upersession of Govt. Notifica tion No.B-11031/45/2009-UD&PA Dt. 27th July, 2010, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute Champhai Town Planning & Development Committee under Sub-section (11) of Section 3 of the Mizoram Urba n & Regional Development Act, 1990 (amended in 1996) with immediate effect and until further order consisting of the following members:- 1)TJ. Lalnuntluanga, Minister of State, (M LA Champhai South )- Chairman 2)Deputy Commissioner, Champhai- Vice Chairman 3)Joint Director (TCP) UD & PA Department- Ex-Officio Member 4)Town & Country Planner/DUDO, Champhai- Member Secretary 5)All VCP within Champhai Town- Member 6)S.E, P&E Champhai- Member 7)S.E, PHE, Champhai- Member 8)E.E, PWD, Champhai- Member 9)DTO, Champhai- Member 10)DEO, Champhai- Member 11)DFO, Champhai- Member 12)E.E, I & WR, Champhai- Member 13)S.O, Champhai- Member 14)DSYSO, Champhai- Member 15)CMO, Champhai- Member 16)DAO, Champhai- Member 17)SDHO, Champhai- Member 18)Geologist Junior, Geology & Minera l Resources Depar tment, Aizawl - M emb er 19)Repr esentative from Sub-H eadquar ters YMA, Champhai- Member 20)Representative from MJA, Champhai- Member 21)R.Thangseia, Bethel Veng, Champhai- Member 22)P.C. Zohlira, Champha i Vengthlang- Member 23)Lalsanglura Zote, Bethel Veng, Champhai- Member 24)David Thangluaia, Kahrawt, Champhai- Member In line wit h Rules 9 of the Mizor am Urba n & Regional Development Rules, 1998, the main function of t he Committee sha ll be -VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 13.9.2019 Bhadrapada 22, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 613 - 2 - Ex-613/2019 I)To advise and assist Member - Spatial Planning/Town Planner for the prepa ration of plans and implementation within the urban areas or sector or part thereof taking into account of State Perspective Plan, Distr ict Block Development Plan and Perspective Plan of Local Authority. Such Plan may be for the whole town or urban area of part thereof, viz: a)a Per spective Pla n, b)a Development Plan/Master P lan, c)a Development Scheme/Action Plan on Project d)Implementation of the Pla n and S cheme in all r espect; and e)Submission of such draft Plan to the State Chief Planner for obtaining approval of the S tate Government. II) The term of office and conditions of service of Member of the Committee and conduct of business shall be those applicable to the corresp onding Member of the Board and they shall meet at least thrice in a year; and III) The Town & Country Planner duties and fu nction shall be :- a)to assist the Committee a nd Loca l Authority in all ma tters a s assigned under sub-rule (2) of Rule 9 of Rules, 1998; b)to p repared and implement the Perspective Pla n/Master Pla n, Develop ment Scheme/Action Plan or Pr oject including costing; c)to regulate land development and promotion and control of building act ivities; and d)to perform any ot her functions which ar e incidental, supplemental or consequential thereto as may be directed by State Chief Pla nner. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etory to the Govt. of Mizoram, Urba n Dev. & Poverty Alleviation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan-Dhan Yojana (PM-KMDY), to provide old age pension to the Small and Marginal Farmers

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 614Date - 17/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 18017/3/2019-AGR, the 13th September, 2019.As required by the new Central Sector Scheme, namely, thePradhan Mantri Kisan Maan-Dhan Yojana (PM-KMDY),to provide old age pension to the Sma ll and Marginal Farmers in the country and in the interest of public service, t he Governor of M izoram is pleased to constitute a State Level Commit tee on PM-KMDY consisting of the following members with immediate effect and until further orders :- Chairman- Commissioner & Secretary, Agricultur e Depart ment Member Secretary- Director, Agriculture (Crop Husbandry) Members- 1) Director, Agriculture (Research & Extension) 2) Director, Rural Development. 3) Director, Horticulture. 4) Director, AH & Vety. 5) Director, Fisher ies. 6) Director, LR, S & WC. 7) Director, Sericulture. 8) Joint Director, ICAR, Kola sib. 9) Director, SAMETI. 10) CEO, FOCUS, Mizoram. 11) Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK, Aizawl, Selesih. 12) Repr esentative from ICT/Common Service Centre, Mizoram. The Committee is entrusted to undertake appropriate measures to ensure maximum enrollment of eligible far mers under the Scheme a nd r eview its implementation from time to t ime. Lalhmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Agriculture Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 17.9.2019 Bhadrapada 26, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 614Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Benchmarks of the Mizo Puan (Puanchei, Tawlhlohpuan, Pawndum, Ngotekherh and Hmaram)

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 615Date - 17/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 20011/1/2019-AC, the 9th September, 2019.In t he interest of the general public, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the following, benchmarks of the Mizo Puan (Puanchei, Tawlhlohpua n, Pawndum, Ngotekher h and Hmaram) for the purpose of preservation and protection: BENCHMARKS FOR MIZO PUAN (PUANCHEI, TAWLHLOHPUAN, PAWNDUM, NGOTEKHERH AND HMARAM) 1. Puanchei 1)In the loin loom, the ground fabric of Puanchei should be warp-faced plain weaved with at least 150 TC (thread count), using the sa me density of weft yarns same as that of the warp yarns. 2)The weaving quality of Puanchei must be finer tha n other Mizo Puan such that the appear ance of t he design in inner and outer side of the P uan is almost indistinguisha ble. 3)The ‘Hruih (Thai Hr uih)/Ba nd’ designs in Puanchei must not have any wrinkle or crease. The Hruih should be highly compact and dense such that not even a streak of the warp of color should be visible. 4)Puanchei is unique and it s design and the following motifs a re incorporated :- a.Disul (with not less than 12 pattern heddle handpicked) b.Fanghmamu / Halkha (A cont inuous one faced pattern) c.Hmaizah (with not less than 12 p attern heddle handpicked) d.Hruih (Two weft-wis e hand c reated weft rib struct ure) e.Kherh. f.Lenbuangthuam (of differ ent shape) g.Sakeizangzia 5)Other designs/motifs are not incor porated in Pua nchei. T he above mentioned designs should also be properly incorpora ted where required and without any modifications. 6)In the loin loom, Puanchei must be woven in thr ee pieces lengthwise so that matching color of warp and weft are used and the color of the warp appears in its original form. The middle piece known as Laisen is the smallest while the outer two pieces are bigger and similar. Red color yarns are used at the Laisen and white at the sides. The three pieces must then be sewn together with high precision so that the motifs and designs a re aligned properly. In machine/ handloom, Puanchei is woven as a single piece. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 17.9.2019 Bhadrapada 26, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 615 - 2 - Ex-615/2019 7)The central part of Puanchei known as Laisen has three vertical white bands. In the middle white band fanghma mu also known as Halkha (a discontinuous one faced pattern) should be handpicked without any space or break in difference color throughout the length of the puan. On the vertical two sides white ba nds Disul of not less than 12 patterns heddle should be handpicked in batches of differ ent color. 8)In t he case of Pua nchei woven on looms other t han loin looms Disul at the two vertical white at the side and Hmaizah at the centre ma y be ha ndpicked but t hey should be of not less tha n 12 patt ern heddle. 9)Two prominent black Hruih of about 2.5-2.8" wide, breadthwise must be present which are bordered by Kherh. These divide the Puan into thr ee parts. The middle part is the smallest (about 15.5") and contains lesser or no motif except at the Laisen. 10) The outer two parts on either side of the middle part must be identica l (about 21.7") and should cont ain the rich intricate motifs. The design on both the edges must have design/motifs in two blocks - Ma jor and Minor block. T he major block should have three main columns measuring about 9". T he middle column shou ld cont ain Sakeizangzia with Lenbua ngthuam handpicked diagonally on either side. The Sa keizangzia is a motif in Hruih mainly of thr ee color s - yellow, green and pink running in an alternate fashion in V shape. Two diamonds shaped Lenbuangthuam must be present on either side of the Sa keizangzia with diagonal Lenbuangthuam. Between each diamond shape ‘Lenbuangthuam; Lenbuangthuam in the shape of ‘X’ sometimes known as H erhsawp are handpicked. Only blue and green are used in alternate manner in Herhsawp while yellow pick a nd red are used at the diamond shape Lenbuangthuam. The diamond shapes may be of t hree colors-yellow, pink and red, whilst the Herhsawp must be blue and green only. The minor block should contain two simila r columns having half Lenbuangthuam each. In s ome cases, the middle column may contain S akeizangzia. T he colors and specifications, of the diagona l Lenbu angthua m are as described in the Major block. 11) Only seven color combinations ar e used in Puanchei which are red, green, blue, pink, yellow, black and white. 12) Puanchei mus t have fringes on both edges breadthwise of about to 1". 13) No other motifs other than cited in the specifications should be incorporated in the designs of Puanchei. II. Tawlhlohpuan 1)The ground fabric of Tawlhlohpuan must be jet black. 2)The design in Tawlhlohpua n must contain several batches of Hr uih (T hai hruih) of five blocks, in both the front sides and middle of the puan. 3)The Hruih in Tawlhlohpuan must be compa ct and smooth, with no visible background color (warp color) in it. 4)Tawlhlohpua n must contain groups of red, white and yellow Hruih of va rying widths, with yellow being the thinnest and on the bor der of the sma ll red Hruih only. 5)Tawlhlohpua n designs consists of groups of red a nd white stripes of H ruih (two waft wise band created with weft run structure) in a tota l of five batch intervals. T he first and fifth batches have identical design; the second and fourth batches are also identical; the third (middlemost) batch is differ ent. 6)The stripes on the first a nd fifth batches of the Puan consist of three dominant stripes where the innermost lane is whit e that are fla nked by two red stripes. The three dominant stripes are of a bout 10mm wide each. On either side of these three dominant stripes are two and red stripes of around 3mm each which are bordered with a thin yellow line (making a total of four 3mm red str ipes with yellow border). - 3 -Ex-615/2019 7)The stripes on the second and four th batches of the Puan consist of thr ee dominant str ipes where the innermost lane is white that ar e flanked by two red stripes. The thr ee dominant stripes are of about 10mm wide each. On either side of these three dominant stripes are three red stripes of around 3mm each. Out of t he three red stripes, the middle small red stripes are bordered in yellow (making a tota l of six 3mm r ed stripes with white or yellow border). 8)The stripes on the third (middlemost str ipe) batch of the Puan consist of five dominant str ipes in red and white flanked be three smaller red stripes. The five dominant stripes a re of a bout mm wide each, in which the red stripe is centrally placed in between two white stripes. On either side of these two white stripes are red stripes. The smaller red stripes flanking the dominant five stripes are of about 3mm each. Out of the three red str ipes, the middle small red stripe is bordered with a white thin line whereas the outer two red stripes are bordered in yellow (making a total of six 3mm red str ipes with white or yellow border). III. Pawndum 1)The weaving quality must be very fine such that the appearance of inner and outer side is almost indistinguishable. 2)In the loin loom, Pawndum must a lways be woven in two pieces lengthwise. 3)The two pieces of the cloth woven in loin loom must be identical. 4)Pawndum produced in loin loom must be sewn together using Zungthui style. 5)The size of the Puan should be: breadth - 45" (weft) a pprox., and length - 63" (warp) approx. 6)Pawndum contains six color combina tions such as red, green, blue, pink, yellow and black. 7)In Pawndum, the red and black colors must be most prominent. No other color must be prominent than these two colors. 8)Less er color combinations if used must contain red and black colors as the most prominent. 9)No other color other than stated in SI. 6 above must be included in Pawndum. 10) Pawndum must always have fringes on both edges breadthwise of length 0.5" to 1". 11) Pawndum must conta in a ‘ku t hruih’ design of red and black color about an inch from the fringes, throughout the breadth of the puan on both sides. 12) No other motifs or stripes other than cited in the specifications should be incorpor ated in the design of Pawndum. 13) Pawndum produced in machines such as fly shuttle loom, etc. should have the same qualit y as produced fr om the loin loom. I V. Ngotekherh 1)The weaving quality of Ngotekherh must be very fine such that the appearance of the design in inner and outer side of the puan is almost indistinguisha ble. 2)The ‘Hruih/Band’ (Thai hruih) designs in Ngotekherh must not have any wrinkle or crease. The hruih should be highly compact and dense such that not even a streak should be visible anywhere. 3)The check-like design in Ngotekherh must be uniform and should measur e between 1 to 1.5 inches such that each check-like design must be a perfect squa re or close to it. 4)In t he loin loom, Ngotekherh must be woven in two pieces lengthwise tha t are sewn together using Zungthui style. 5)Ngotekherh should always have fr inges on both edges lengthwise of a bout to 1". 6)The weaving style^ of Ngotekherh must be in such a way that whit e weft is delicately hidden under the black warp. 7)Absence of a ny white streak under the bla ck warp will determine the qua lity of Ngotekherh. 8)The base fabric of Ngotekherh should be white with 7"-8" thick black warp borders on each side. These thick borders should have three to six thin white stripes (about quarter of a centimeter each) woven on the inner side of t he borders. - 4 - Ex-615/2019 9)Two distinct ‘Hruih’ in black must be divides the Ngotekherh into three pa rts. When wrapping the Ngotekherh around the waist, the two ‘Hruih’ must lie exactly on both sides of the hip. 10) Absence of white streaks on the black Hruih, bla ck border, black stripes and fineness should all be important criteria to assess the quality of Ngotekherh. 11) The presence of very fine Kherh on both the outer border of the two major Hruih is an impor tant crit erion to assess the qua lity of Ngotekherh. V. Hmaram 1) The weaving quality of Hma ram must be fine such t hat the appeara nce of the design in inner and outer side of the Puan is almost indistinguisha ble. 2) Hma ra m is unique and ea sily distinguished by its sma ller size and its design is not found elsewhere. The breadth (weft) of Hmaram is much s maller than other Mizo puan measur ing only 18 inches. A single Hmaram consist of only one motif which could be anyone of the following - a.Kawkpuizikzial b.Lenbu angthuam, or c.Disul 3) It must be noted, however, that Ka wkpuizikzial is the most commonly used motif in Hma ram. 4) In t he loin loom, Hmaram must be woven in a single piece. 5) The ground fabric of Hma ram must be black. 6) The pattern motifs in Hmaram must be incorporated as a white stripe of 3" that appears as five prominent ba nds. Alternating each of the prominent bands must be a fine smaller stripe of 5mm, making it a total of six smaller stripes. 7) Only two colors are to be used in Hmaram, i.e., black and white. 8) Hmar am do not have fringes in the edges as other Puan. Strong small hand hemming is made at both edges to pr event tear. 9) No other motifs other than cited in the specifications should be incorporated in the design of Hmar am. VI.Mizo Version will follow. Dr. Lalzirmawia Chhangte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Art & Culture Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Constitution of a Committee to decide norms for mapping Red and Yellow Zones for operation of Civil RPAS

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 616Date - 17/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.D. 32020/5/2019-HMS, the 9th September, 2019.In the interest of public service and in compliance with Ministry of Home Affairs, IS.I Division/VIP Security instruct ion bearing No. VI. 23014/ 80/2018 - VS dated 15th July, 2019, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to constitute a Committee to decide norms for mapping Red and Yellow Zones for operation of Civil RPAS comprising the following members with immedia te effect and u ntil fur ther or ders. 1.Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram/-Chairman Principal S ecretar y, Home Depart ment 2.Inspector General of Police (Intelligence), Mizoram-Member 3.Head of Subsidiary Intelligence Bur eau, Mizoram-Member Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Tuesday 17.9.2019 Bhadrapada 26, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 616Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Change of name of Pi Lalrisangi, Market Sweeper

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 617Date - 19/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OFFICE ORDERNo.A. 20022/5/01-DTC, the 6th September, 2019.The name of Pi Lalrisangi, Market Sweeper of this Department has been written and recorded as C. Lalrisa ngi in her Service Book while her name is writ ten as Lalrisangi in other documents like voters ID, Aadhaar etc. It is ther efor e, or der ed t ha t C. Lalr isangi (for mer na me), Market Sweeper, Commerce & Indust ries (Commerce Wing) is hereby changed as Lalrisangi with immediate effect. J. Hmingthanmawia, Director, Commerce & Industr ies. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 19.9.2019 Bhadrapada 28, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 617Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram Direct Recruitment (Conduct of Examination) (Amendment) Guidelines, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 618Date - 19/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12026/l/2017-P&AR(GSW), the 16th September, 2019.In t he int erest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Guidelines to amend the Mizoram Direct Recr uitment (Conduct of Exa mination) Guideline, 2018 (hereinafter referr ed to as the Pr incipal Guidelines) notified vide No.A. 12026/1/2017-P&AR (GSW) dt. 09.02.2018 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extr aordina ry Issue No. 69 dt. 15.02.2018, namely:- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Guidelines may be called the Mizoram Direct Recruitment (Conduct commencement of Examination) (Amendment) Guidelines, 2019 (2) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the Mizoram Gazette 2. Amendment of In the Principal Guidelines, in paragraph (3), entries under sub-paragraph paragraph 3 (1) shall be substituted, namely; “(1). These Guidelines shall apply to dir ect recruitment for services/posts under the Government of Mizoram, which falls outside the purview of Mizor a m Public S ervice Commission a nd Mizor am Subor dina te Ser vices Selection Board, including recruitment on Muster Roll/Contr act/Work- charged basis.” 3. Amendment of In the Principal Guidelines, in p aragraph 14, entries under sub-paragraph paragraph 14 (4) shall be substituted, namely; “(4). Skills Test shall be conducted by t he recr uiting Department after the condu ct of written examination and candida tes thrice the number of candidates to be called for personal interview shall be ca lled for the Skills Test . Candidates who fail to meet the minimum standard in the Skills Test as p rescrib ed by t he Service Rules/Recru itment Rules s ha ll not be ca lled for Personal Interview before the Departmental Promotion Committee. The number of candidates t o be ca lled for personal interview after conduct of written examination and Skills Test should be as per the cr iteria laid down in Par a 33 of these Guidelines” VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 19.9.2019 Bhadrapada 28, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 618 - 2 - Ex-618/2019 4.Amendment of In the Principal Guidelines, in paragraph 24, entries in sub-paragraph (6) paragraph 24 shall stand deleted. 5. Insertion of new In the Principal Guidelines, a new paragraph shall be inserted after paragraph 24A paragraph 24, namely; “24A: Instructions relating to persons with benchmarked disabilities: (1) The facility of scribe/reader are allowed to any person with benchmarked disability as defined in section 2 (r) of the Right s of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 a nd has limitation in writing including that of speed, if so desir ed by the person. In case of persons with benchmarked disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor disa bility (both ar m affect ed-BA) a nd cerebral palsy, the facilit y of scribe/reader shall be given, if so desired by the person. In case of other category of persons with benchmarked disabilities, the provision of scribe/r eader is also allowed on pr oduction of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limita tion to write, and scribe is essentia l to wr ite exa mination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/Medical Superintendent/Civil S urgeon of a Government health care institution as per the proforma at Appendix-XIV. (2) The candidates have the dis cr etion of opting for his own scribe/ reader or reques t the r ecruiting Department for the same. The expenses for engagement of the own scribe/reader are to be b or ne by the candidate himself/herself. The recruiting Department may identify scribe/reader to make panels in advance as per the requirement of the examination. In such instances, the candidates are allowed to meet the scribe/reader two days before the examination so that the candida tes get a chance to check and verify whether the scribe/reader is suit able or not. (3) In case the recruiting Department provides the scribe/reader, it shall be ensured that the qualification of the scribe/r eader should not be more than the minimum qualification criteria of the examination. However, the qua lification of the scr ibe/reader should always be Matr iculate or above. In case the candidate is a llowed to bring his own scribe, the qua lification of the scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking the examination. The persons with benchmarked disabilities op ting for own scribe/reader should submit details of the own scribe as per proforma at Appendix-XV (4) Scribe/reader may be changed in c ase of emergency. The candidates ar e a lso allowed to take more than one scribe/r eader for wr iting different p ap ers es pecia lly for languages. However, t her e can be only one scribe p er subject. (5) Persons with benchmarked disabilities should be given, as far as possible, the option of choosing the mode for taking the examina tion i.e. in large print or Braille or even by recording the answers. The recruiting Department should, as far as possible, ensure availability of question papers in the format opted by the candidate (6) In case of Skills Test which requires examination on computer system, persons with benchmarked disabilities a re allowed to check - 3 -Ex-618/2019 the computer system one day in advance so that pr oblems, if any, in the softwar e/system could be rectified. Use of own laptop/computer should not be allowed for taking examination. However, enabling accessories for the computer based Skills Test such a s keyboard, customised mouse, etc. should be allowed. (7) The disability certificate issued by the competent medica l authority at a ny place should be accepted a cross the country. (8) Compensator y time of 20 minutes per hour of examination shall be provided for persons with benchmarked disabilit ies who are allowed the use of scribe/reader. All candidates with benchmarked disability not availing the facility of scr ibe may also be allowed additional time of minimum one hour for examination of 3 hours duration. In case the duration of exa mination is less than an hour, then, the dura tion of a dditional time should be allowed on pro-rata basis. Additional time should not be less than 5 minutes and should be in multiples of 5. (9) Candidates are allowed the use of assistive devices like ta ilor fr ame, Braille slate, abacus, geometry kit, Braille measuring tape and augmentative communication devices like communication chart and electronic devices. However, such communication devices shall not be used for communication with persons outside the examina tion hall during the examination hours. (10) The seating arrangement of candidates belonging to persons with benchmarked disability sha ll be made separately in a separate room on the ground floor of the examina tion ha ll. In case of persons with benchma rked disabilit y ava iling the services of scribe, only five ca ndida tes shall be seated in a single r oom-one each in the four corners of the room and one in the centr e of the room. The sea ting arra ngement of persons with benchmarked disabilities who do not need the services of scribe can be done in a normal manner as per the seat plan atAppendix-VII. (11) The time of distribution of question papers should be scrupulously followed and timely supply of supplementary papers, if required, should be ensur ed. (12) Alterna tive objective type multiple choice quest ions in lieu of descriptive questions should be provided for hearing impaired persons. Similarly, alternative objective type multiple choice questions in lieu of questions requir ing visual inputs should be pr ovided for visually impaired persons” 6. Amendment of(1) In the Principal Guidelines, in paragraph 33, entries in sub- paragraph (7) paragraph 33shall be substituted, namely; “The number of candidates to be called for personal interview shall be three times the number of vacant posts unless a nything contra ry is pr escribed in the relevant service rules/recru itment rules/ examination r egula tions. Provided that the number of candidates to be called for persona l interview for direct recruitment to the post of Group ‘D’ shall be 5 (five) times the number of vacant post” - 4 - Ex-618/2019 (2) In the Principal Guidelines, in paragraph 33, a proviso shall be added to sub-paragraph (9), namely; “P rovided t ha t the mark a llotted t o written examina tion and persona l int erview for direct recruitment to t he post of Group ‘D’ shall be 100 marks each, with the total marks being 200.” 8.Insertion of newIn the Principal Guidelines, inAppendix-I, the following shall be added after serial number (14),serial number (13), namely; (15) and (16)“14) Whether or not the candida te is a person with: YES/NO in Appendix-I benchmarked disability as defined under section 2(r) of RPwD Act, 2016? 15) If the answer at SI. No. (14) is YES , whether or: YES/NO not the candidate wanted to ava il the services of scribe for writing the examination? 16) If the answer at Sl. No. (15) is YES , whether or: ________ not the candidate will bring his/her own scribe OR utilize the services of scribe provided by the recruiting Department? 9. Amendment ofIn the Principal Guidelines, in Appendix-II, in Notes, entries at serial number Appendix-II (6) shall be substituted, namely; “(6). Compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination shall be provided for persons with benchmarked disabilities who are allowed the use of scribe/reader. All candidates with benchmarked disability not availing the facility of scribe may a lso be allowed additional t ime of minimum one hour for examination of 3 hours duration” 10. Amendment ofIn the Principal Guidelines, in Appendix-III, entries pertaining to the column Appendix-III “Duration” for Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-Ill in the Table shall be substituted, namely; “3 hours with compensator y time of 20 minutes per hour for persons with benchmarked disabilities” 11. Amendment of(1) In the Principal Guidelines, in Appendix-IV, entries pertaining to the column Appendix-IV “ Du r a t ion” for P a p er -I, P a p er-II a nd P a p er-Il l in t he Ta b l e s ha l l b e s u b s t it u t ed, namely; “3 hours with compensator y time of 20 minutes per hour for persons with benchmarked disabilities” (2) In the Principal Guidelines, in Appendix-IV, in the Notes pertaining to the syllabus for direct recruit ment to the post of Group ‘C, entries under serial number (2) shall be substituted, namely; “(2). Questions will be set in tune with the level of educational qualifications prescribed in the corresp onding Recruit ment Rules/Service Rules for the post(s). For direct recruitment t o such Group ‘C ’ posts viz. Dr iver Gr ade- III/ Conductor Grade-III, etc. wherein Computer pr oficiency is not essential as per the Mizoram Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts Service/Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016, the subject in the table pertaining to Paper-II viz. “Basic Computer knowledge (50 questions)” sha ll be r eplaced with “General intelligence and reasoning (50 questions).” (3) In the Principal Guidelines, inAppendix-IV, in the Notes pertaining to the syllabus for direct recruitment t o the post of Group ‘C, the following entries shall be added under serial number (3) in Paper-II just below the existing entr ies, namely; “General Intelligence & R easoning:It would include questions of both verbal and non-verba l type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, spa tia l visua liza tion, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgement, decision making, visual memor y, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetica l reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. (This specific syllabus will be applicable for direct recruitment to such Group ‘C’ posts wherein Computer proficiency is not essential as per the Mizoram Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts Service/Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016)” 12. Amendment ofIn the Principal Guidelines, in Appendic-V, the table pertaining to the syllabus Appendix- V for direct r ecruitment to t he post of Group ‘D’ shall be substituted, namely: P aper SubjectMarks Duration Pa per -I General English253 hours with compensatory (25 questions)time of 20 minutes per Simple Arithmetic25hour for persons with (25 questions)benchmarked disabilities Gener al Knowledge50 (50 questions) Total100 13. Amendment ofIn the Pr incipal Guidelines, in Appendix-VI, entries pertaining to serial number Appendix- VI (f) under the heading “Ins tructions to the candidates” shall stand deleted. 14. Amendment ofIn the Principal Guidelines, entries under Appendix-VIII shall be substituted, Appendix- VIII namely; APPENDIX-VIII C entr e Subject/PaperQu es tion P ap erRoll Number Signature of Signature of (Paper-I/II/Series (A/B/C/D)CandidateInvigilator III/IV) (in ca se of Multiple Choice Objective Type only) To be cut a t the line given below by the Examination Branch a fter pr oper coding of the answer pa pers ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .............................- 5 -Ex-618/2019 ANSWER PAPER C entr e Subject/PaperQu es tion P ap erAlphanumeric Code for the Signature of (Paper-I/II/Series (A/B/C/D) Roll Number(to be filled up Invigilator III/IV) (in case of Multiple by Examination Branch of Choice Objective recruiting Department after Type only) receipt of answer p apers)- 6 - Ex-618/2019 Notes: a)Use Blue or Bla ck Ball Point Pen to mark the answers in the Answer P aper b)The correct answer shall be encircled properly c)Do not use tick mark ( ) to answer the quest ions d)Questions on Essay writing, English comprehension and Conventional Essay Type papers, if any, must be ans wered in a sep arate sheet APPENDIX-XIV CERTIFICATE REGARDING PHYSICAL LIMITATION OF A CANDIDATE TO WRITE This is to certify that I have examined Mr/Ms/Mrs _________________________________ (name of the candidate with disability), a person with ____________________________________ (nature and percentage of disability as mentioned in the certificate of disability), S/o D/o ________________ _____________________________________, a resident of ____________________________ (Village /District/State) and to sta te tha t he/she has physical limitation which hampers his/her writing capabilities owing to his/her disa bility. Signature of Chief Medical Officer/Medical Superintendent/Civil Surgeon of a Government health care institution Name & designation Name of Government hospit al/health car e centr e with seal Place : Date : Note:Certificate should be given by a specialist doctor of the relevant stream /disability (eg. Visual impairment - Ophthalmologist; Locomotor disability - Orthopaedic surgeon) APPENDIX-XV LETTER OF UNDERTAKING FOR USING OWN SCRIBE I _________________________________, a candidate with __________________________ (name of the disability) appearing for the _______________________________ (name of examination) bearing roll number ________________________ at ______________________ (name of the centre) in the District _________________________, __________________________ (name of the State). My educational qualification is _________________.- 7 -Ex-618/2019 9 Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/200 I do hereby state that ___________________________ (name of the scribe) will provide the service of s cribe / reader for the undersigned for taking the aforesaid examination. I do hereby undertake that his educational qualification is _____________________________. In case, subsequently it is found that his qualification is not as declared by the undersigned and is beyond my qualification, I shall for feit my right to the post and claims relating thereto. Name and signature of the candida te with disability Place : Date : Note:The underta king should be submitted by the candidate with disabilit y using his own scribe/reader to the concerned Centr e Supervisor on the day of examination before the start of the examination sess ion. By order and in the name of the Governor Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. - 8 - Ex-618/2019

Results of Mizoram State Lottery drawn during 1stAugust, 2019 to 31st August, 2019 are hereby declared as Final Results

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 619Date - 19/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.F. 14017/1/2015-DTE(IF&SL)/LOT/, the 12th September, 2019.In exercise of the p ower re-delegated vide Government’s letter No. G. 16010/2/2012-F. IF&SL dt. 20.7.2012, Results of Mizoram State Lottery drawn during 1st August, 2019 to 31st August, 2019 are hereby declared as Final Results as per resu lt sheet s enclos ed her ewith. Jennifer H. L. Duhawmi, Director, Institutional Finance & State Lottery, Mizor am : Aizawl. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 19.9.2019 Bhadrapada 28, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 619Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Notification of allotment for Superintendent of Police, Saitual, an Unique Code Number

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 620Date - 19/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.G. 17011/7/2012-F. APF, the 12th September, 2019.It is hereby notified that Superintendent of P olice, S aitual is allotted Unique Code Number as below - Name ofMinistryName of DDO/OfficeDDOName ofTreasury MinistryCodeCodeTreasuryCode Home116Superintendent of Police, Saitual116043Aizawl South999101 The DDO should mark his Code Number in clear record and furnish the same in the appropr iate colu mn in all bills and communications relating to New Defined Contributory Pension S cheme, 2010. The Code Number as recorded herein should not be altered by any individual authorit y except by the Government of Mizoram in the Finance Department in consultation with the National Securities Depository Limited (CRA). Addition of new Treasuries or DDOs, if any, from time to time shall be ma de by the authority aforementioned only. Lalhmingmawia Sailo, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Dep art ment. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 19.9.2019 Bhadrapada 28, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 620Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Grants concurrence to the proposal of Oil India Limited requires land in Pangzawl area of Lunglei District

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 621Date - 20/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.K. 12011/03/2019-REV, the 17th September, 2019.WHER EAS the Oil India Limited requires land in Pa ngzawl a rea of Lunglei District for its drilling location MZ-9, under OIL’s NELP Block No. MZ-ONN-2004/1, and the urgency of the project requires speedy acquisition of the land for the pur pose; NOW, THEREF ORE, the Government of Mizor am hereby grants concurrence to the proposa l of the said Organization for proceeding as per procedures prescribed by the Government vide Notification No. H. 11018/2/2018-REV, dt. 20.09.2019. R. Lalramnghaka, Special Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 20.9.2019 Bhadrapada 29, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 621Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Leasing of fisheries Assets Committee

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 622Date - 20/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 30012/4/14-FS, the 18th September, 2019.In the interest of public service and as per decision made by the Fisheries Depa rtment’s officers’ meeting held on 24.4.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Leasing of fisheries Assets Committee to consider a nd recommend the rates for rental char ges of Departmental fish farms with the following composition. 1.Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram-Chairman Fisheries Department. 2.Director, Fisheries Department, Mizoram-Member Secretary 3.Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram-Member Law & Judicial Department or her representative 4.Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram-Member Fina nce Depa rtment or his representa tive Thlamuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fisheries Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 20.9.2019 Bhadrapada 29, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 622Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Re-Constitution of the Board of Directors of the ZOHANDCO Ltd.

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 623Date - 20/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 12011/11/08-IND, the 18th September, 2019.Wher eas the Council of Ministers in its meeting on the 8th March, 2019, having regard to the instrumentally of the Mizoram Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited (ZOHANDCO) for achieving the aims and objectives of the Socio-Economic Development Policy (SEDP), had decided to restore the said Corporation; Now, therefore, pursuant to the said decision of the C ouncil of Ministers, a nd in supersession of the Notification even No. dated 17th December, 2013, and in exercise of the powers conferr ed under Article 70 of t he Memorandum of Association and Ar ticles of Association of the Mizoram Handloom and Handicr afts Development Corpora tion Ltd. (ZOHANDCO Ltd.), the Gover nor of M izoram is pleased to r econstitute the Board of Directors of the ZOHANDCO Ltd. with immediate effect until further order with the following composition :- 1.Pu C. Lalrammawia, Ramthar Veng, Aizawl- Chairman 2.Commissioner/Secretary, Finance Department- Director 3.Secr etary, Commerce & Industries Depart ment- Director 4.Mana ging Dir ector, ZOHANDCO Ltd.- Director 5.Director, Commerce & Industries Department- Director 6.Officer-in-Charge, Weaving Service Centre (WS C) Govt. of India, Aizawl- Director 7.Pu H. Thangrenga, S alem Veng, Lunglei- Director 8.Pu V.L. Chhuanga Chhangte, Damveng, Aizawl- Director 9.Pi Laldampuii Khiangte, Bungkawn, Aizawl- Director R. Lalramnghaka, Special Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 20.9.2019 Bhadrapada 29, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 623Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mara Autonomous District Council (Land &Revenue) Act, 2018

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 624Date - 20/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.C. 31015/1/90-DCA(M), the 19th September, 2019.In p ursuance to the paragraph 11 (eleven) of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Act duly approved by the Hon’ble Governor, Mizoram on 13.9. 2019 is hereby published for general information. “THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (Land & Revenue) Act, 2018”. Sangdingliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, District Council & Minority Affairs Deptt. THE MARA AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (LAND AND REVENUE) ACT, 2018 AN ACT to provide for the recognition of right on land a nd assessment, collect ion and levy of revenue on such land by the District Council. Wher eas it is expedient to provide for the recognition of rights on land and settlement and the assessment of Revenue on such land and for any other ancillary matters in the Mara Autonomous District Council area; And Whereas under sub–para graph (4) of paragraph 8 of t he Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council is empowered to make regulations to pr ovide for levy and collection of any of the taxes specified in sub–paragra phs (2) and (3) of par agraph 8 of this Schedule; Now, Therefore, in exercise of the power s conferred on it as aforesa id and of all other powers enabling it in tha t behalf, the Mara Autonomous District Council is pleased to make the following Act in the Sixty–ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows:–VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 20.9.2019 Bhadrapada 29, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 624 - 2 - Ex-624/2019 Chapter – IShort title, extent1.(1) This Act may be called the Mara Autonomous District Council a nd commencement.(Land &Revenue) Act, 2018. (2) It extends to the whole of the Mara Autonomous District Council area. (3) It shall come into force on and fr om the date of its publication in the Mizoram Gazette. Definitions.2.In t his Act , unless there is anything repugnant or the context otherwise requires:– (1) “District” means the Mara Autonomous District as provided in Part III of the Table appended to paragraph 20 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India; (2) “District Council” means the Mara Autonomous District Council; (3) “Executive Committ ee” mea ns the Executive Committee of the Mara Autonomous District Council; (4) “Land” includes all lands either vacant or occupied. It shall include also benefits arising out of land and things attached to the Earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to Earth but shall exclude mineral oil, natura l gas and petroleum; (5) “Land Revenue” means any revenue assessed on an estate and includes other taxes assess ed in lieu of Land Revenue; (6) “La nd holder” means and includes pa ss holder and settlement holder liable to pay revenue under this Act or any other la w in force in the District Council area in this behalf ; (7) “P rescr ibed” means prescribed u nder this Act or rules ma de under this Act; (8) “Reserved forest” means the reserved forest as defined in sub– par agraph (2) of p aragr aph 3 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution; (9) “Settlement Holder” means a ny person other than a pass holder who has entered into an agr eement with the District Council to pay land r evenue and is deemed to have acquired status of settlement holder under section 7; (10) “Deputy Commissioner” means the Deputy Commissioner of Siaha Distr ict; (11) “Pass Holder” means a person who has the tempora ry right of use and occupancy over a specified plot of la nd for a specified period under such terms and conditions as the Executive Committee ma y prescribe in the pass he holds; (12) “Estate” shall mean land allotted in temporary or permanent to a person under this Act on any other law in for ce in this behalf; (13) “Person” for the purpose of this Act shall mean and include a living human being, company, firm or other association of persons; (14) “Senior Revenue & S ettlement Officer” for the pur pose of this Act sha ll mea n and include Senior Revenue & Settlement Officer or a ny Other Officer as may be designated from time to time by the Executive Committee and appointed as Head Of Department of Land R evenue & S ettlement Depar tment under Ma ra - 3 -Ex-624/2019 Autonomous District Council or any other Officer duly designated as Officer in writing for the pur pose of this Act by the competent Authority as the case may be; (15) “Cost” for the purpose of t his Act shall mean any charges or such cost as may be charged and collected by the Executive Committee or Concerned authority in its behalf from land holder on special occasion as and when it may deem necessary in the manner as it may deem fit a nd proper at such rate and in such manner; (16) “Concerned Authority” shall mean and include the Executive Committ ee or the Land Revenue & Set tlement Depart ment of the District Council or any other Department of the District Council or a ny Officer duly authorised in writing by the Executive Committee to deal with any of the provisions of this Act. CHAPTER – IIApplication.3.This Act shall apply to all lands within the MADC ar ea except:– (a ) a la nd included in the Reserved Forest a rea. (b) the areas a s may be reser ved as reserved or a ny other protected areas by any law in force. 4.No person shall acquire by length of possession or otherwise any r ight over land disposed of, allotted or occupied before the commencement of t his Act , unless such land ha d been r ecorded and registered either in the District Council Office or in the Office of the concerned Authority under District Council. Right of pass holder.5.A pa ss holder shall have no right in the soil beyond a right of user for the period for which it is given and shall have no right of transfer or of inheritance beyond the period prescribed if any, in the said pass. District Council6.A pass holder may at any time, during the period of the pass, relinquish power to for feitthewhole or par t of his estate after paying all the revenues and taxes unclaimed land.due from him in respect of the estate pr oposed to be relinquished if any, by a written petit ion to the District Council within such date as may be prescribed and such relinquishment being accepted by the District Council, the pass holder shall cease to have all rights and interests whatsoever conferred on him by the pass on the relinquished land. Set tlement holder7.The Settlement holder sha ll have heritable and transferable right of use right over land.or of sub–letting in his land subject to the pa yment of all revenue a nd – (a) taxes from time to time legally assessed or imposed in respect of the land; (b) such terms a nd conditions as are expressed in his settlement cert ificate a nd the rules if any, made t her e–under ; (c) transfer of ownership of land in any form for any purpose shall be done only with prior permission and approva l of the Executive Committee on payment of such fee as may be prescribed from time to time by the Executive Committee by Public Notification or Official Order: Provided tha t the Executive Commit tee may prescribe different fee under this section from different land owners taking into account parties concerned, nature and purpose of transfer, value and location of the land concerned etc. and may exempt certain tr ansfer from payment of fee under this section on the basis of reasonable ground and in such case, the reason thereof shall be recorded in writ ing. Power of the8.In the case of any land over which no person has right of use or occupancy Ex ecu tive C ommitt eethe Executive Committee may direct that:– over vacant land.(a) such land may be disposed of by grant of lease or otherwise in the manner a s may be prescribed; (b) any person who has entered into unauthorised occupation of such vaca nt land may be evicted in su ch manner as may find necessary and appropriate as the case may be; (c ) any crop, building or other constructions erected without authority may be disposed of in a manner as may deem fit: Provided tha t all Official action taken under this section shall be final and sha ll not be questioned in any civil Courts except in High Court and the Supr eme Court of India. Right of F ishery.9.The District Council may by proclamation in a manner it deems fit, declare any collect ion of water, r unning or stagnant to be a fishery a nd no r ight in any fishery so declared, shall be deemed to have been acquired by the public or any person and such a fishery ma y be leased in the ma nner as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee from time to time by Official Order or Public Notification. CHAPTER – IIIRecording and10.The District Council or a ny officer appointed in its b ehalf shall survey demarcation of land.all lands to be recor ded. The demarca ted boundary and the a ssessed revenue to be paid annually shall be recorded in the Gener al Register as may be prescr ibed by the Executive Committee from time to time. The Executive Committee may prescribe subject to the provisions in paragraph 8 (1) of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India and this Act, the Principles in which the land revenue is to be assessed, the terms for which and the conditions on which settlement may be made by such a uthorised Officer or the Executive Committee in the manner as may be pres cribed from time to time. Recor ding shall be made in such manner and aft er such inquir y as may be prescribed by the concerned Author ity.- 4 - Ex-624/2019 Certificate of11.A settlement holder shall on the conclusion of survey and of boundary, possess ion andobtaina certifica te of recording for the details of that land on payment as sess ment.of such amount of recording fee as ma y be pr escribed by the Executive Committee from time to time. Dif ferent rates of fees may be prescr ibed for any local area or value and location of the land etc. Legal ownership12.P osses sion of such certifica tes showing det ails of bounda r y ar ea and over land.assessed Revenue to be paid annually shall be deemed to be the conclusive proof that t he land has been settled with the holder of the cer tificate and that all rights and interests arising out of such settlement ha ve vested in such holder of the certificate. Cancellation of13.(1) If settlement holder violates a ny terms and condit ions of the Certificate.certificate or pass, as may be prescribed by the concerned authority, the pass or certificate shall be liable to be cancelled as may deem fit and r eas onable by the E xecutive Commit tee. (2) For the pur pose of this Act, all terms a nd conditions incorpor ated in Land Settlement Certificate or Pass certificate shall be treated as law. Transfer of14.No transfer of any right, title or interests in a ny land shall be recognized ownership of the District Council and no person shall be deemed to be exonerated from any liability due to District Council by virtue of such transfer, unless such transfer is duly appr oved and registered in the office of the District Council in the manner prescribed on payment of such fee as may be pres cribed by the Executive Committee from time to t ime. Rate of revenue for15.The following rates of la nd revenue are fixed for the different areas of towns in the District.the District as specified below:– (1) Siaha and Tipa town areas a t the ra te of not less thanRs.100/– per annum which may be increased by the Executive Committee by Public Notification or Official Order from time to time. Provided that an area less than half a hectare shall be assessed as half a hectare and an area exceeding half hectare but not exceeding one hectare shall be assessed as one hectare and area exceeding one hectare but not exceeding one and half hectare shall be assessed as one and half hectare and an ar ea exceeding one and half hectare but not exceeding 2 hectares shall be assessed as two hectares and so on.(2) Other a reas:– At the rate of not less tha n Rs. 50/– which may be increased as may be prescribed by Public Notification or Officia l Or der by the Executive Commit tee from time to time per hecta re per a nnum. (3) Exemption from payment of House Tax:– The Executive Committee shall fr om time to time, cla ssify t he land within the town area into gr ades and fix the rate of revenue in accordance with clauses (1) and (2) above.- 5 -Ex-624/2019 CHAPTER – IVLIABILITY FOR REVENUE AND DEFAULTLiability for16.Land Revenue payable in respect of any estate shall be due jointly and land Revenue.severally from all persons who have been in possession of the estate or any part of it during any portion of financial year in respect of which that revenue is paya ble. Revenue when17.Every sum payable under this Act on account of land revenue shall fall due and how todue on such date and shall be payable in such manner in such installments be p such place and to such person etc. as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee from time to time: Provided tha t the Executive Commit tee may sanction remission or exemption of Revenue to any deserving person or persons after due cons ideration being given to the nature and circumstance of each case in accordance with any law in force in this behalf. Arrear and18.Land Revenue not paid on the date when it falls due shall be deemed be an arrear and every person liable for it shall be deemed to be a defaulter. P e n a l t y.19.When a n ar r ear has a ccr ued, an additiona l cha r ge by way of pena lt y not exceeding the amount due from the defaulter shall be levied: Provided that a notice of demand for payment of an a rrear shall be issued in the manner prescribed by the Executive Commit tee. Attachment and20.For the recovery of an ar rear, Revenue Collector of the Distr ict Council sale of movableor a ny other Officer of the Distr ict Council authorised in writing by the properties.Executive Committee in accordance with any law for the time being in f or ce f or t he a dmin is t r a t i on o f J u s t ic e in t he D i s t r i ct ma y O r d er a t t a c hmen t and sale of a default’s movable Property as nearly as may defray: Provided that nothing in this section shall authorize the attachment and sale of necessa ry wearing appar el, implement of husba ndry tool of artisans, materials or houses and other buildings belonging or occupied by the defa ulter or such cattle or seeds and other necessary instruments and materia ls that may be necessa ry to enable the defaulter earn his livelihood as an agriculturist. Attachment of La nd.21.(1) When an arrear has accrued in respect of any land settled permanently or temporarily with heritable or transferable interests, the Revenue Officer of the District Council or any ot her officer of the District Council authorized in writing by the Executive Committee may order attachment of such land. (2) No attachment or sa le of estate or properties shall be final unless a claim or suit is lodged with a competent Court of Law constituted by the Distr ict Council. Explanation:–A Village Council shall not be competent to entertain any claim or suit under this section.- 6 - Ex-624/2019 CHAPTER – VMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSLand Survey &22.(1) No land sur vey, spot verification and measurement over any land Spot verification, etc.allotted to any person by the District Council in accordance with the Mara Autonomous District Council (Non–Agricu ltural Land Settlement) Act, 2011 and the M ara Autonomous Distr ict Council (Agr icu lt u r a l L a nd S et t lement ) Act , 2 011 or a ny ot her la w in for ce in the District Council area shall be carried on by any person, Governmenta l or Non-Governmental Department or Agency for any purpose except by the District Council. (2) In case any land is necessary for any purpose to be surveyed, verified or measur ed etc, the owner of t he land in question shall apply for the same in writing before the concerned authority under the District Council a nd the concer ned a uthor it y sha ll perfor m such required work as and when it deems necessary and in the manner as it may deem appropriate. In certain case, the concerned authority may on its own initiative perform such needful work under this section as it may find necessary in presence or consulta tion with the land owner or otherwise. Cess, charges, costs23.(1) The Executive Committee or concerned authority in its behalf and other r evenues.may, by Public Not ification or by Official Order levy or collect, fix or control revenue, cess, costs and charges payable by any land owner or pass holder and may prescribe the manner and period in which such revenue, cess, costs band charges are to be paid and collected. (2) In exercise of the power vested to it by sub–section (1) of this section and subject to the provision of section 22 of t his Act, the Executive Committee or concerned authority shall be competent, by Public Notification or by Official Order:– (a ) to collect revenue from any land/pass holder as it may deem fit a nd reasonable; (b) to collect a nd levy cess to the ext ent of 15 % or cost (s) or char ge (s) which may be increased or decreased and fixed by the Executive Committee from time to time by Official Order or Notification from any land holder from the value of t he land and on any other ground and in the manner as may be prescribed from time to time for the conduct of spot verification, survey and measurement or any other administrative work or otherwise as provided and envisaged under sub–section (1) of section 22 of t his Act on certain and special occasion as the case may be; (c ) to collect such fees, cos ts or charges for mutation from any land or pass holder; (d) to exempt certain land/pass holder from payment of revenue or other cha rges on sufficient and reasonable ground.- 7 -Ex-624/2019 Appeals.24.Any act done or purported to be done under this Act in good faith by any Officer author ised in this behalf by the Executive Committee shall be final and it sha ll not be called in question in any Court of law except in t he Cour t constituted by the District Council under any la w in force. Power to ma ke25.Subject to t he appr oval of the Governor, the Executive C ommittee may rules.make rules, if deems necessary for carrying out any of the purpose of this Act. Repeal & savings.26.(1) The Lakher District Council (Land and Revenue) Act, 1973, as applicable to the said Lakher District Council (Now, Mara Autonomous District Council) a re hereby repea led. (2) Notwithsta nding such repeal, all act ions ta ken, order made, direction given, decrees passed if any, under the said Lakher District Council (Land a nd Revenue) Act, 1973 sha ll be deemed to be taken, made, given or passed under this Act.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/200- 8 - Ex-624/2019

Change of name of Zonunmawia S/o Sangkunga, Junior Engineer (Civil) under Saiha Division, PWD, Siaha

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 625Date - 23/09/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A. 21019/1/2018/EC-PWD/E-VI/37, the 13th September, 2019.Having complied with all formalities for change of name in pursuance of OM No. A. 47012/1/2016-P&AR(GSW) Dt. 17.1.2017, Zonunmawia S/o Sangkunga, Junior Engineer (Civil) under Saiha Division, PWD, Siaha is hereby allowed to change his name asJohn Zonunmawia. Henceforth, he shall be known asJohn Zonunmawia and his name shall be written as such in his service records, official documents and corr espondence, and necessary entries shall be made in his Service Book/records. K. Lalsawmvela, Engineer-in-Chief, PWD, Mizoram, Aizawl. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 23.9.2019 Asvina 1, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 625Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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