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Internal Complaints Committee under Secretariat Administration Department

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 641Date - 07/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2019 Asvina 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 641 NOTIFICATIONNo.F.23014/12/94-SAE, the 3rd October, 2019.In t he interest of public service and in exercise of the power conferred by Section 4 of Chapter-II of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition a nd Redressal) Act, 2013, the Competent Authority is pleased to constitute the Internal Complaints Committee under Secretariat Administration Department with the following composition. 1.Presiding Officer - Pu H. Lalhmingthanga, Deputy Secretary, SAD 2.Members- i) Pi Lalhlupuii Sailo, Superintendent, SAD (E) ii) Pi Rosangpuii, Assistant, SAD (E) iii) Pi Laltanpuii, UDC, SAD (E) iv) Pi Lalnuntluangi, Vice President, MHIP, Khatla West Bra nch. The tenure of the Internal Complaints Committee shall be 3 (three) year s with effect from the date of issue of this notification. B. Lalthanliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Secretariat Administration Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Change of DDO code alloted to Director, Water & Sanitation Support Organization under PHE Department

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 642Date - 07/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2019 Asvina 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 642 CORRIGENDUMNo.G. 17011/7/2012-F.APF, the 1st October, 2019.DDO Code alloted to Director, Water & Sanitation Support Organization under PHE Department is sued vide this Department’s notification of even No. Dt. 4.09.2019 should be read as 125027 instead of 125010. Vanlal Chhuanga, Fina nce Commissioner, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

State Election Commisssion, Mizoram calls upon 12 (twelve) Sinlung Hills Council Constituencies to elect members to their Sinlung Hills Council

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 643Date - 07/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2019 Asvina 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 643 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12015/1/2019-SEC/SHC/1, the 3rd October, 2019.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 read with sub-rule (1) & (2) of Rule 36 of the Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Council) Rules, 2019, the State Election Commisssion, Mizoram hereby calls upon 12 (twelve) Sinlung Hills Council Constituencies to elect members to their Sinlung Hills Council as shown below:- Number & Name of Sinlung Hills Council Constituencies a ndNumber of Members to be ElectedNo. & Name of Sinlung Hills Council Constituency No. of Sinlung Hills Council Member to be elected 1 - Khawlian Constituency1 (one) Member 2 - Phuaibuang Constituency1 (one) Member 3 - Suangpuilawn Constituency1 (one) Member 4 - Vanbawng Constituency1 (one) Member 5 - Ratu Constituency1 (one) Member 6 - New Vervek Constituency1 (one) Member 7 - Sakawrda i South Constituency1 (one) Member 8 - Sakawrda i North Constituency1 (one) Member 9 - Zohmun Constituency1 (one) Member 10 - Tinghmun Constit uency1 (one) Member 11 - Saipum Constituency1 (one) Member 12 - Saiphai Constituency1 (one) Member TOTAL12 (twelve) Members Accordingly, the State Election Commission, Mizor am hereby pu blishes the Schedule for General Election to constitute the First Sinlung Hills Council, 2019 as follows: Schedule for First Genera l Election to Sinlung Hills Council, 20191. Announcement of Election by State Election Commission, Mizoram1st October, 2019 2. Notification of Schedule of Election by State Election Commission,3rd October, 2019 Mizoram & R.O concerned 3. Last date for Filing Nomination10th October, 2019(11:00 AM - 3:00 PM) - 2 - Ex-643/2019 4. Scrutiny of Nominations11th October, 2019(3:00 PM onwards) 5. Last date for withdr awal of Candida ture14th October, 2019 (till 3:00 PM) 6. Allotment of Symbols & Display of Contesting Candidates14th October, 2019 (3:00 PM onwards) 7 . Poll Day5th November, 2019 (7:00 AM - 4:00 PM) 8. Counting of Votes5th November, 2019 (as soon as all b allot b oxes reach the C onstituency Headquarters) 9. Re-P oll (if any)7th November, 2019 (7:00 AM - 4:00 PM) 10. Counting of Re-Polled Votes7th November, 2019 (counting of votes shall commence as soon as poll is over) 11. Date by which election pr ocess shall be completed8th November, 2019 By order, etc., Teresy Vanlalhruaii, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram Social Welfare Department (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 644Date - 07/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/33/2019-P&AR(GSW), the 1st October, 2019.In exercise of the powers confer red by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor of M izoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post ofField Facilitator, Directorate of Social Welfare & Tribal Affairs under Social Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) Thes e rules may be called the Mizor am Socia l Welfare Depart ment commencement (Group ‘B’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2019. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These rules shall apply t o the posts specified in Column I of the First Schedule her eto a nnexed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), their classification and the level in classification and the Pay Matrix atta ched thereto shall be as specified in Columns 2 level in the Pay Ma trix to 4 of the F ir st Schedule. 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recr uitment, age limit, qua lification and other matters age limit and other relating to the sa id posts shall be as specified in Columns 5 to 14 of qualifications the First S chedule aforesaid. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tr ibes and other specia l categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Government of Mizoram fr om time to time. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a ) Who has entered int o or contracted a mar riage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) Who, having a spouse living, ha s entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2019 Asvina 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 644 - 2 - Ex-644/2019 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other valid grounds for doing so, exempt any such person from the operation of these rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment servant r ecruited under these rules shall undergo Departmental such training or pass such Depa rtmental Examination as may be Ex amination pres cribed from time to t ime. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be r ecorded in writ ing, through the Department of Personnnel and Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of t hese rules wit h respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of age other concessions limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. By order, etc Lalrinsanga, Joint Secretary to the Govt .of Mizoram, Deptt. of P ersonnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-644/2019 FIRST SCHEDULE(See rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT (GROUP ‘B’ POSTS)Name of Post Number of PostClassificationLevel in the Pay M atrixWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 N.A Field Facilitator8 (eight) nos. or as sa nctioned b y Govt f rom time to ti meGeneral Sta te Service Group ‘B’ (Non-M inisterial) (Non- Gazetted)Level - 06 in the Pay M atrix (^ 35400 -^78800)Wh eth er benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational qualification and other qualification required f or direct recruitmentWh ether th e a ge a nd educational qualifications prescribed f or d irect recruitments will apply in th e case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 N.ABetween 18-35 years. Upper a ge limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled TribesN.A Essential: 1. Degree or above from recognized University 2. Computer p roficiency of the level as notified by th e Govern ment from time t o time 3. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard. Desirable: Bachelor of Social Work/ Sociology/ Psycholog y or above from a recognized University.2 (two) yearsPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by pro moti on or by deputation/absorption and percentage of the posts to be filled by various methods1112131410 0% by Direct recruitmentIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation, grade from which promotion/deputation/ absorption to be madeIf DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment Exempted from the purview of MPSC DPC As constituted by the Government f rom time to ti me NA

The Mizoram (Training on Basic Service Rules and Financial Rules) Regulations, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 645Date - 07/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2019 Asvina 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 645 NOTIFICATION No. A. 33039/1/2009-P&AR(TRG), the 1st October, 2019.In t he int erest of public service, the Government of Mizoram is pleased to make the following regulations for training of various Government servants under the Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1Short title and Commencement : (a) These Regulations may be called theMizoram (Training on Basic Service Rules and Financial Rules) Regulations, 2019 (b) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Definitions : In this regula tion, unles s the context other wis e r equir es - (a ) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram. (b) “Government” means the Sta te Government of Mizoram; (c ) “Head of Department” means the Head of Department under Delegation of Fina ncial Power Rules, 1978; (d) “Ins titute” means the Administrative,Tra ining Institute, Mizor am, Aizawl. 3.Eligibility for training and duration of the Course limitation : (1) a regular employee under the Government of Mizoram who is posted to a post which necessarily requires knowledge on (i)esta blishment and administra tion, and or (ii) accounts matters (2) a regular employee under the Government of Mizoram having minimum continuous service as below: (i)Level 8 & 9 of the Pay Matrix-1 (one) year (ii) Level of 7 of the Pay Matrix-2 (t wo) years (iii) Level of 6 of the Pay Matrix-3 (t hr ee) years (iv) Level of 5 & 4 of the Pay Matrix-5 (five) years The course shall be conducted once in a year, alt ernately as gr ouped below: Group 1 - (i) & (ii) a bove Group 2 - (iii) & (iv) above - 2 - Ex-645/2019 The Tr aining Course is restricted to only once during entire car eer. As such, if t he Training Course is attended during the tenure in the lower grade and has successfully pa ssed the examina tion, then the same training course shall not be a llowed for the same person after promotion to the next higher Grade/P ost. (3) Only candidates duly nominated by the controlling authority in the standard form duly prescribed by the Administrative Training Institute, Mizora m will be eligible for admission. (4) No candidate over 51 years of age shall be entertained. (5) Dura tion of the cou rse shall be a minimum of 2 (t wo) months or more as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time (6) The venue of the training shall be at the Administrative Training Institute at Aizawl. 4.Training Syllabus &Examination : (1) The syllabus of the training shall be as per detailed annexure to these Regulations vide ANNEXURE - ‘A’. (2) At the end of the Training Course, fina l examination shall be conducted in different subjects having allocated full marks as indicated at ANNEXURE - ‘B’ (3) The trainees should compulsorily a ppear in the examination except on pr oduction of medical certification of inability. (4) Only such candida tes who have obtained the prescribed pa ss mark in each paper shall be declared to have passed the Training Course. Provided that any candida te, who has not obtained pass marks in the examina tion in any paper for a ny sufficient r eason to the sa tisfact ion of the authority conducting the examination, may reappear in the next subsequent examinations, but no candidate shall be permitted to appear more than 2(two) times aft er he/she failed the examina tion in any of the papers. (5) The rate of remuneration for Officials engaged for conduct of the examination shall be similar to the rates prescr ibed for conduct of Limited Departmental Examination which fall outside the purview of Mizoram Public S ervice Commission. 5.Incentive Awards for trainees : Successfu l candidates in the examination to t he training course shall granted two years’ advance increment to be absorbed to future increments with effect from :- (a ) the date on which the result of the final examination of the course is declared by the A.T.I. OR (b) the date on which the normal incr ement falls due after declara tion of such r esults, which would mean two advance increments over and above the normal increment, whichever da te is opted by t he person concer ned. 6Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance for outstation participants : Travelling Allowance on or dinary tour to and fr om the Institute, Aizawl will be admissible for outstation participants. Daily allowance at pr escribed rates will be admissible for halts at Aizawl during the course. 7Accommodation of trainees during training : Accommodation shall be provided by ATI, Mizoram to out-s tation trainees upon a pplication, subject to availability. 8S anctioning Author it y of Incent ive Awar ds : The Head of Department under which the trainee is working sha ll, by issue of a suit able or der, sanction incentive awards made ava ilable under R egulation 5. - 3 -Ex-645/2019 9.Repeal and Saving : The Mizoram (Training in Accounts Course) Regulations, 2012 notified vide No.A.33039/l/ 2009-P&AR(TRG) dt. 19.12.2012 and published in the Mizoram Gazette VOL-XLII, S.E 1934, Issue No. 1 dt. 18.01.2013 shall stand repealed and replaced from the date of commencement of these Regulations. Notwithstanding such repeal, all things done under the Regulations so repealed shall be construed to have validity done under the corresp onding provisions of these Regulations. By Order, etc. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. ANNEXURE - ‘A’ SYLLABUS FOR THE MIZORAM (TRAINING ON BASIC SERVICE RULES AND FINANCIAL RULES) REGULATIONS, 2019. A. ESTABLISHMENT & SERVICE MATTERS I.Constitution of India (Article 14, 309, 311, 335) II.Fundamental Rules/Supplementary Rules Part-I :- -Definition -General condition of service -Increments -Fee a nd Honor arium -Pay Fixation -Joining Time -Foreign Service -Suspension, Removal and Dismissal. III.FRSR Part - II Travelling Allowance Rules and Instructions on Travelling Allowance issued by the Government of Mizora m from time to time I V.State of Mizoram Act, 1986 V.FRSR Part - III - Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 VI . Government of Mizor am (Allocation of Business) Rules in force at the time VI I. Government of Mizor am (Transaction of Business) in force at the time VII I. Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 IX.Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 X.Manua l on Office Procedure XI.Selected Topics on Establishment and Administra tion (a)Procedure to be followed by Departmental P romotion Commit tee under the Government of Mizoram (b)Recruitment (i)Recr uitment through Employment Exchange (as per Swamy’s Complete Manua l on Establis hment and Administr ation and instructions issued by the Government of Mizor am fr om time to time). - 4 - Ex-645/2019 (ii)Consultation with & Recruitment through MPSC {as per the Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limita tion of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to tim} and any Other Board set up by the Government from time to time. (iii)The Mizora m Direct Recr uitment (Conduct of Examination) Guidelines, 2018 as amended fr om time t o time (c)Probation & Confir mation under the Government of Mizoram (d)Fixation of Seniority (as per Swamy’s Complete Manual on Establishment and Administration) (e)Joint Consultative Machinery (f)ACP and the like (as per instr uctions issued by t he Government of M izora m fr om time to time). XII. Mizoram State Employees (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2010 and Instructions on Procedure for Maintenance of Annual Confidential Reports of Officers and Staff issued by the Goventment of Mizor am fr om time to time XIII. General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 XIV. Central Service (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 and Instructions on Medical R eimbursement issued by the Gover nment of Mizora m from time to time XV. Mizoram Sta te Government Employees Group Insura nce Scheme (MSGEGIS), 2014 XVI. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 :- -Gener al conditions -Qualifying service -Emoluments/Average emoluments -Various type of retir ement -Type of pension and amount of pension -Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity -Family Pension -Condition of Pension -Retirement benefit s of tempor ary employees. XVII. Mizoram New Defined Contributory P ension S cheme, 2010, a s amended from time to time B. ACCOUNTS MATTERS XVIII. Constitution of India (Article 365,266,267,275,276,282,283,284,285,292,293) A - Finance: -Taxes not to be imposed sa ve by authorit y of la w Consolidated Funds a nd Public Accounts of India and of the States -Contingency Fund -Grants from the Union to certain States -Taxes on profession, trades, callings and employments -Expenditure defraya ble by the Union or a State out of it s revenues. -Custody etc. of Consolida ted F unds, Contingency Funds and Money cr edited t o Public Accounts -Custody of sectors deposit and other moneys received by Public servants and Courts -Exemption of property of the Union from St ate Taxa tion B- Borrowing : -Borr owing by the Government of India -Borrowing by State XIX. General Financial Rules (GFR), 2017: -General System of Financia l Management. (Chapter -2) -Budget Formulation and Implementa tion. (Chapter -3) -Government Accounts (Chapter - 4) -Works (Chapter - 5) -Procurement of Goods and Services (Chapter - 6) -Inventory Management (Chapter - 7) -Contr act Mana gement (Chapter - 8) -Miscellaneous Subjects and Appendices. XX. Central Treasury Rules Volume - I (Excluding Part VII, Section I & II, Part XI, XII & XIII Except Period of Retention and Destr uction of Records in Treasuries, P art XIV Executive Instr uction (Whole). XXI. Receipt and Payment Rule, 1983 (Whole) XXII. Mizoram Treasury Manual, 2011 (Whole) XXIII. House Building Advance (HBA) Rules and Rules on Other Advances XXIV. Delegation of Financial Power (DFP) Rules, 1978 and Re-delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2011 (Mizoram) C. OTHERS X X V.RTI Act, 2005 and Mizoram RTI Rules, 2010 XXVI. Mizoram Right to Public Services Act, 2015 and Mizoram Right To Public Services Rules, 2015 XXVII. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 XXVIII. Mizoram Lok Ayukta Act, 2014 ANNEXURE - ‘B MARKS CARRIED BY EACH TOPIC FOR THE FINAL EXAMINATION TO THE TRAINING ON BASIC SERVICE RULES AND FINANCIAL RULES No. of Papers10 Full Mark in each Paper100 Total Marks1000 Pass Mark in each Paper40 PAPER SUBJECTSDISTRIBUTION OF MARKS I1 CONSTITUTION OF INDIA (ARTICLE 14, 309, 311, 335).15 2 FRSR PART-I50 3 FRSR PART - II TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE RULES25 4 PRACTICAL ON TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE BILL10 TOTAL100 II1 STATE OF MZORAM ACT, 198610 2 FRSR PART - III - CCS (LEAVE) RULES 197240 3 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM (AOB) RULES IN FORCE10 AT THE TIME 4 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM (TOB) RULES IN FORCE30 AT THE TIME 5 PRACT ICAL ON LEAVE ACCOUNT10 TOTAL100 III1 CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL AND APPEAL) RULES, 1965.40 2 CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CONDUCT) RULES, 1964.30- 5 -Ex-645/2019 3 MANUAL ON OFFICE PROCEDURE30 TOTAL100 IV1 SELECT ED TOPICS ON ESTABLISHMENT AND ADMINISTRATION100 V1 THE MIZORAM STATE EMPLOYEES (PAR) RULES, 2010 AND30 INST RUCT IONS ON PROCEDURE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ACR OF OFFICERS AND STAFF ISSUED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM FROM TIME TO TIME. 2 GPF (CENTRAL SERVICES) RULES, 196030 3 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE RULES/M.R. BILL.30 4 PRACTICAL ON MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT BILL10 TOTAL100 VI1 MSGEGIS, 201420 2 CENT RAL CIVIL SERVICES (PENSION) RULE, 197250 3 THE MIZORAM NEW DEFINED CONTRIBUTORY PENSION SCHEME, 2010, AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME.30 TOTAL100 VII1 CONSTITUTION OF INDIA (FINANCE AND BORROWING)20 2 GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES (GFR), 201740 3 CENTR AL TREAS URY RULES VOLUME - I40 TOTAL100 VIII1 FORMS OF ACCOUNTS BASIC RULES, 198320 2 MIZORAM TREASURY MANUAL, 201115 3 HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE RULES AND OTHER ADVANCES35 4 DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER RULES, 1978 AND REDELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER RULES,30 TOTAL100 IX1 RTI ACT, 2005 AND MIZORAM RTI RULES, 201025 2 MIZORAM RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES ACT, 2015 &25 MIZORAM RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES RULES, 2015 3 PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION ACT, 198825 4 MIZORAM LOK AYUKTA ACT, 2014.25 TOTAL100 X1 PRACT ICAL ON PREPARATION OF PENSION PAPERS30 2 PRACTICAL ON PAY BILL20 3 PRACTICAL ON CASH BOOK20 4 PRACTICAL ON PAY FIXATION30 TOTAL100Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 6 - Ex-645/2019

The Mizoram (Training on Basic Service Rules and Financial Rules) Regulations, 2019

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 645Date - 17/03/2020

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2019 Asvina 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 645 NOTIFICATION No. A. 33039/1/2009-P&AR(TRG), the 1st October, 2019.In t he int erest of public service, the Government of Mizoram is pleased to make the following regulations for training of various Government servants under the Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1Short title and Commencement : (a) These Regulations may be called theMizoram (Training on Basic Service Rules and Financial Rules) Regulations, 2019 (b) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2.Definitions : In this regula tion, unles s the context other wis e r equir es - (a ) “Governor” means the Governor of Mizoram. (b) “Government” means the Sta te Government of Mizoram; (c ) “Head of Department” means the Head of Department under Delegation of Fina ncial Power Rules, 1978; (d) “Ins titute” means the Administrative,Tra ining Institute, Mizor am, Aizawl. 3.Eligibility for training and duration of the Course limitation : (1) a regular employee under the Government of Mizoram who is posted to a post which necessarily requires knowledge on (i)esta blishment and administra tion, and or (ii) accounts matters (2) a regular employee under the Government of Mizoram having minimum continuous service as below: (i)Level 8 & 9 of the Pay Matrix-1 (one) year (ii) Level of 7 of the Pay Matrix-2 (t wo) years (iii) Level of 6 of the Pay Matrix-3 (t hr ee) years (iv) Level of 5 & 4 of the Pay Matrix-5 (five) years The course shall be conducted once in a year, alt ernately as gr ouped below: Group 1 - (i) & (ii) a bove Group 2 - (iii) & (iv) above - 2 - Ex-645/2019 The Tr aining Course is restricted to only once during entire car eer. As such, if t he Training Course is attended during the tenure in the lower grade and has successfully pa ssed the examina tion, then the same training course shall not be a llowed for the same person after promotion to the next higher Grade/P ost. (3) Only candidates duly nominated by the controlling authority in the standard form duly prescribed by the Administrative Training Institute, Mizora m will be eligible for admission. (4) No candidate over 51 years of age shall be entertained. (5) Dura tion of the cou rse shall be a minimum of 2 (t wo) months or more as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time (6) The venue of the training shall be at the Administrative Training Institute at Aizawl. 4.Training Syllabus &Examination : (1) The syllabus of the training shall be as per detailed annexure to these Regulations vide ANNEXURE - ‘A’. (2) At the end of the Training Course, fina l examination shall be conducted in different subjects having allocated full marks as indicated at ANNEXURE - ‘B’ (3) The trainees should compulsorily a ppear in the examination except on pr oduction of medical certification of inability. (4) Only such candida tes who have obtained the prescribed pa ss mark in each paper shall be declared to have passed the Training Course. Provided that any candida te, who has not obtained pass marks in the examina tion in any paper for a ny sufficient r eason to the sa tisfact ion of the authority conducting the examination, may reappear in the next subsequent examinations, but no candidate shall be permitted to appear more than 2(two) times aft er he/she failed the examina tion in any of the papers. (5) The rate of remuneration for Officials engaged for conduct of the examination shall be similar to the rates prescr ibed for conduct of Limited Departmental Examination which fall outside the purview of Mizoram Public S ervice Commission. 5.Incentive Awards for trainees : Successfu l candidates in the examination to t he training course shall granted two years’ advance increment to be absorbed to future increments with effect from :- (a ) the date on which the result of the final examination of the course is declared by the A.T.I. OR (b) the date on which the normal incr ement falls due after declara tion of such r esults, which would mean two advance increments over and above the normal increment, whichever da te is opted by t he person concer ned. 6Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance for outstation participants : Travelling Allowance on or dinary tour to and fr om the Institute, Aizawl will be admissible for outstation participants. Daily allowance at pr escribed rates will be admissible for halts at Aizawl during the course. 7Accommodation of trainees during training : Accommodation shall be provided by ATI, Mizoram to out-s tation trainees upon a pplication, subject to availability. 8S anctioning Author it y of Incent ive Awar ds : The Head of Department under which the trainee is working sha ll, by issue of a suit able or der, sanction incentive awards made ava ilable under R egulation 5. - 3 -Ex-645/2019 9.Repeal and Saving : The Mizoram (Training in Accounts Course) Regulations, 2012 notified vide No.A.33039/l/ 2009-P&AR(TRG) dt. 19.12.2012 and published in the Mizoram Gazette VOL-XLII, S.E 1934, Issue No. 1 dt. 18.01.2013 shall stand repealed and replaced from the date of commencement of these Regulations. Notwithstanding such repeal, all things done under the Regulations so repealed shall be construed to have validity done under the corresp onding provisions of these Regulations. By Order, etc. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. ANNEXURE - ‘A’ SYLLABUS FOR THE MIZORAM (TRAINING ON BASIC SERVICE RULES AND FINANCIAL RULES) REGULATIONS, 2019. A. ESTABLISHMENT & SERVICE MATTERS I.Constitution of India (Article 14, 309, 311, 335) II.Fundamental Rules/Supplementary Rules Part-I :- -Definition -General condition of service -Increments -Fee a nd Honor arium -Pay Fixation -Joining Time -Foreign Service -Suspension, Removal and Dismissal. III.FRSR Part - II Travelling Allowance Rules and Instructions on Travelling Allowance issued by the Government of Mizora m from time to time I V.State of Mizoram Act, 1986 V.FRSR Part - III - Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 VI . Government of Mizor am (Allocation of Business) Rules in force at the time VI I. Government of Mizor am (Transaction of Business) in force at the time VII I. Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 IX.Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 X.Manua l on Office Procedure XI.Selected Topics on Establishment and Administra tion (a)Procedure to be followed by Departmental P romotion Commit tee under the Government of Mizoram (b)Recruitment (i)Recr uitment through Employment Exchange (as per Swamy’s Complete Manua l on Establis hment and Administr ation and instructions issued by the Government of Mizor am fr om time to time). - 4 - Ex-645/2019 (ii)Consultation with & Recruitment through MPSC {as per the Mizoram Public Service Commission (Limita tion of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to tim} and any Other Board set up by the Government from time to time. (iii)The Mizora m Direct Recr uitment (Conduct of Examination) Guidelines, 2018 as amended fr om time t o time (c)Probation & Confir mation under the Government of Mizoram (d)Fixation of Seniority (as per Swamy’s Complete Manual on Establishment and Administration) (e)Joint Consultative Machinery (f)ACP and the like (as per instr uctions issued by t he Government of M izora m fr om time to time). XII. Mizoram State Employees (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2010 and Instructions on Procedure for Maintenance of Annual Confidential Reports of Officers and Staff issued by the Goventment of Mizor am fr om time to time XIII. General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 XIV. Central Service (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 and Instructions on Medical R eimbursement issued by the Gover nment of Mizora m from time to time XV. Mizoram Sta te Government Employees Group Insura nce Scheme (MSGEGIS), 2014 XVI. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 :- -Gener al conditions -Qualifying service -Emoluments/Average emoluments -Various type of retir ement -Type of pension and amount of pension -Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity -Family Pension -Condition of Pension -Retirement benefit s of tempor ary employees. XVII. Mizoram New Defined Contributory P ension S cheme, 2010, a s amended from time to time B. ACCOUNTS MATTERS XVIII. Constitution of India (Article 365,266,267,275,276,282,283,284,285,292,293) A - Finance: -Taxes not to be imposed sa ve by authorit y of la w Consolidated Funds a nd Public Accounts of India and of the States -Contingency Fund -Grants from the Union to certain States -Taxes on profession, trades, callings and employments -Expenditure defraya ble by the Union or a State out of it s revenues. -Custody etc. of Consolida ted F unds, Contingency Funds and Money cr edited t o Public Accounts -Custody of sectors deposit and other moneys received by Public servants and Courts -Exemption of property of the Union from St ate Taxa tion B- Borrowing : -Borr owing by the Government of India -Borrowing by State XIX. General Financial Rules (GFR), 2017: -General System of Financia l Management. (Chapter -2) -Budget Formulation and Implementa tion. (Chapter -3) -Government Accounts (Chapter - 4) -Works (Chapter - 5) -Procurement of Goods and Services (Chapter - 6) -Inventory Management (Chapter - 7) -Contr act Mana gement (Chapter - 8) -Miscellaneous Subjects and Appendices. XX. Central Treasury Rules Volume - I (Excluding Part VII, Section I & II, Part XI, XII & XIII Except Period of Retention and Destr uction of Records in Treasuries, P art XIV Executive Instr uction (Whole). XXI. Receipt and Payment Rule, 1983 (Whole) XXII. Mizoram Treasury Manual, 2011 (Whole) XXIII. House Building Advance (HBA) Rules and Rules on Other Advances XXIV. Delegation of Financial Power (DFP) Rules, 1978 and Re-delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2011 (Mizoram) C. OTHERS X X V.RTI Act, 2005 and Mizoram RTI Rules, 2010 XXVI. Mizoram Right to Public Services Act, 2015 and Mizoram Right To Public Services Rules, 2015 XXVII. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 XXVIII. Mizoram Lok Ayukta Act, 2014 ANNEXURE - ‘B MARKS CARRIED BY EACH TOPIC FOR THE FINAL EXAMINATION TO THE TRAINING ON BASIC SERVICE RULES AND FINANCIAL RULES No. of Papers10 Full Mark in each Paper100 Total Marks1000 Pass Mark in each Paper40 PAPER SUBJECTSDISTRIBUTION OF MARKS I1 CONSTITUTION OF INDIA (ARTICLE 14, 309, 311, 335).15 2 FRSR PART-I50 3 FRSR PART - II TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE RULES25 4 PRACTICAL ON TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE BILL10 TOTAL100 II1 STATE OF MZORAM ACT, 198610 2 FRSR PART - III - CCS (LEAVE) RULES 197240 3 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM (AOB) RULES IN FORCE10 AT THE TIME 4 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM (TOB) RULES IN FORCE30 AT THE TIME 5 PRACT ICAL ON LEAVE ACCOUNT10 TOTAL100 III1 CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL AND APPEAL) RULES, 1965.40 2 CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CONDUCT) RULES, 1964.30- 5 -Ex-645/2019 3 MANUAL ON OFFICE PROCEDURE30 TOTAL100 IV1 SELECT ED TOPICS ON ESTABLISHMENT AND ADMINISTRATION100 V1 THE MIZORAM STATE EMPLOYEES (PAR) RULES, 2010 AND30 INST RUCT IONS ON PROCEDURE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ACR OF OFFICERS AND STAFF ISSUED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM FROM TIME TO TIME. 2 GPF (CENTRAL SERVICES) RULES, 196030 3 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE RULES/M.R. BILL.30 4 PRACTICAL ON MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT BILL10 TOTAL100 VI1 MSGEGIS, 201420 2 CENT RAL CIVIL SERVICES (PENSION) RULE, 197250 3 THE MIZORAM NEW DEFINED CONTRIBUTORY PENSION SCHEME, 2010, AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME.30 TOTAL100 VII1 CONSTITUTION OF INDIA (FINANCE AND BORROWING)20 2 GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES (GFR), 201740 3 CENTR AL TREAS URY RULES VOLUME - I40 TOTAL100 VIII1 FORMS OF ACCOUNTS BASIC RULES, 198320 2 MIZORAM TREASURY MANUAL, 201130 3 HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE RULES AND OTHER ADVANCES20 4 DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER RULES, 1978 AND REDELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER RULES,30 TOTAL100 IX1 RTI ACT, 2005 AND MIZORAM RTI RULES, 201025 2 MIZORAM RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES ACT, 2015 &25 MIZORAM RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES RULES, 2015 3 PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION ACT, 198825 4 MIZORAM LOK AYUKTA ACT, 2014.25 TOTAL100 X1 PRACT ICAL ON PREPARATION OF PENSION PAPERS30 2 PRACTICAL ON PAY BILL20 3 PRACTICAL ON CASH BOOK20 4 PRACRTICAL ON PAY FIXATION30 TOTAL100Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 6 - Ex-645/2019

Re-constitution of the Mizoram State Legal Services Authority

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 646Date - 07/01/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Monday 7.10.2019 Asvina 15, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 646 NOTIFICATIONNo. J. 11013/1/201l-LJE/202, the 27th September, 2019.In supersess ion of this Deptt’s Notification No. J-l 1013/1/2011-LJE Dt. 18.02.2015 and in exercise of the powers conferred under sec 6(1) of the Legal Service Author ity Act , 1987, as amended from time to time, read with Rule 3 of the Mizoram Sta te Legal Services Authority Rules, 1996 as a mended from time to time, and as appr oved by the Hon’ble Chief Justice (Acting) of the Gauhati High Court, vide No. HC.XI-15/1996/59-60/A Dt. 05.09.2019, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constit ute the Mizora m State Legal Services Authority with the following composition for a period of 2 years wit h immediate effect. 1.The Hon’ble Chief Justice of the Ga uhati High Cour t, Guwahati. - Patron -in- Chief 2.Hon’ble Sitting Judge of the Gauha ti High Court (AB).- Executive Chairman 3.Advocate General of Mizoram- Ex-Officio Member 4.Secretary, Law & Judicial Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram.--do- 5.Secr etary, Finance Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram.--do- 6.DGP/IGP, Mizoram--do- 7.Member Secr etary, Mizor am State Lega l Services Authority--do- 8.Chairman, MSSWB--do- 9.Chairman, Legal Services Authority Aizawl Distr ict.--do- 10.Chairman, Legal Services Authority Lunglei District--do- NOMINATED MEMBERS1.J. Lalremruata-Advocate 2.Lalthantlinga Ralte--do- 3.K. Kawlkhuma--do- 4.C. Lalzamlova- Editor, Chhawrpial Daily News 5.N.Zokunga-MCS (Rtd) ‘S’Hlimen 6.President, Mizora m Bar Associa tion The function of the State Legal S ervices Authority and other conditions relating to the members and the Member Secr etary shall be for 2 years as per provisions contained in the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 a s amended from time to time, and the Mizor am State Legal Services Rules, 1996 as amended fr om time to time. Marli Vankung, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of P.C. Ramsanglura S/o P.C. Lalramdina (L), permanent resident at Armed Veng, Aizawl

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 647Date - 10/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50AFFIDAVITI,P. C. Ramsa nglura S/o P.C. La lra mdina (L ), p erma nent res ident atArmed Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affir m and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bona-fide citizen of India. 2.That in my Service Record Book my name and my father ’s name has been written and recorded as Ramsanglura S/o Lalramdina whereas it has been written and recorded asP.C. Ramsanglura S/o P.C Lalramdina (L) in my other documents. 3.That the namesP.C. Ramsanglura S/o P.C. Lalramdina (L) a ndRamsanglura S/o Lalramdina do not signify that they belong to different persons but only one and indicating the same person. 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to decla re that my name and my father ’s name true and cor rect isP.C. Ramsanglura S/o P.C. Lalramdina (L) and a s such it is to be cor rected by t he concerned a uthority and this affidavit shall be used a s a piece of evidence in future. 5.That the ma tters stated in paras No. 1 to 4 above are true to the best of my personal knowledge and belief. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I put my hand a nd sign this the 1st day of October, 2019. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by :-Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- LalbiakkimaR. ThangkanglovaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocate & Notary PublicNo. 9/10 Aizawl : MizoramDt 1/10/2019 VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.10.2019 Asvina 18, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 647

Re-constitution of a Committee on Naming of Streets, Roads and Villages in rural areas of Mizoram

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 648Date - 10/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo.B.14016/18/2014-LAD/VC, the 25th September, 2019. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to r e-constitute a Committee on Naming of Streets, Roa ds and Villages in rur al areas of Mizoram for a period of l(one) year with effect from the date of is sue of this notification consisting of the following member s :- 1.Secreta ry, LAD- Chairman 2.Director, LAD- Member Secretary 3.Depu ty Commissioner concerned- Member 4.Director, Land Revenue & Settlement Deptt.- Member 5.Director, Rural Development Deptt.- Member 6.Pu R.Kapzauva, Khatla ‘E’- Member 7.Pu M.S.Dawngliana, Luangmual Vengthar- Member 8.President, Central Y.M.A.- Member 9.President, MJA- Member l0.President, M.H.I.P. Headquarters- Member 11.President, M.U.P. Headquarters- Member The terms of refer ence of the Committee will be as below:- 1)The term of the Committee will be for a period of one year with effect from dt.27.8.2019 to 27.8.2020. 2)The Committee will sit at least twice in a year. 3)The Committee will recommend/propose names of places and villages. 4)Non-officia l Members of the Committee will be entitled to receive sitting allowance@ Rs. 500/- per sitting. This is in supercession of the notification No.B. 14016/18/2014-LAD/VC dt.27.8.2019. Rodney L. Ralte, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.10.2019 Asvina 18, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 648

Notification of Election Commission of India on Election Symbols

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 649Date - 10/10/2019

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 25th September, 2019 3 Asvina, 1941 (Saka). NOTIFICATIONNo. 56/2019(II)/PPS-III– In pursuance of sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation & Allotment) Order, 1968, the Election Commission of India hereby makes the following further amendments to its Notification No. 56/2019/PPS-III, dated 15th Mar ch, 2019, as amended from time to time namely: -1. In Table I (National Pa rties), appended to the said Notification:- (i)After the existing entries at Sl. No. 7, the following entries shall be inserted: Sl.No Name of the partySymbol Reserved Addr ess 8.National People’s P arty BookPlot No.90A, Lachaumiere District, East Khasi Hills District, Shillong. 2. In Table II (Sta te Parties), appended to the said Not ification:- (i)Against Sl. No. 13, 14 and 16 in respect of “National People’s Party” pertaining to the States of Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland, the existing entries under column 3,4 and 5 shall be deleted. (ii) Against Sl. No.2 related to Aruna chal Pra desh, a fter the existing entr ies, the following entries shall be inserted under Column Nos.3, 4 & 5 respectively: 2. Janata Da l (Secular) A La dy Farmer car rying P addy 5, Sa fdarjung Lane, on her headNew Delhi – 110003. 3. Janata Da l (United)” Ar r ow7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi-110001. (iii) After the existing entries at Sl. No.25 the following entries shall be inserted under Column Nos. 1,2,3, 4 & 5 respectively: 26 Rajasthan Rashtriya Lokta ntrik Bottle Plot No. 26-27, Out of K hasra No. 170/151, PartyTeja Colony,Near Sheetla Mata Temple, Manasar, District- Nagaur, Rajasthan-341001.The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.10.2019 Asvina 18, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 649 3.In Table III (Registered un-recognised par ties), a ppended to the said Notification:- (i)After the existing entries at Sl. No.2354, the following entries shall be inserted under Column Nos. 1, 2 & 3, respectively: - Sl.No. Name of the partyAddress 2355 Hindu Samaj P artyRashtrawadi Dharma Satta, 26-A, Khurshedbad, Lucknow – 4, Uttar Pradesh 2356 United Socialist P artyB 41-H/6, Bright Street, 2nd floor, P.O. Circus Avenue, P.S. Karaya, Kolkata, West Bengal- 700017 2357 Bhartiya Samta Party173D, Radha Krishna Chauraha, Rampuram Shyam Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh- 208013 2358 Akhand Bhara t Chetna Dal Plot No. 9, Khasra No. 114/2, S ai Colony, Bha ijan R iks he Va le Ke P eec he, New C olon y, Ga r ha , J a b a lp u r, Madhya Pradesh- 482003 2359 Bharatiya Sanghathit Party (S) Scooters India Chourah, Ka npur Roa d, Sarojini Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226008 2360 Indian Democratic People’s Pa rty Babugachh, P.O. Gendagachh, P.S. Chopra, Islampur, District- Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal- 733207 2361 Rashtra Uday PartyKhasra No. 10, Atif Vihar Colony, Near City I.T.I., Uttardhauna, Chinhat, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- 226001 2362 Krantikari Shetkari P artyShop No. 20, Tirupati Complex, Sona i- Rahuri Road, Sona i, Taluka- Newasa, District- Ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 414105 2363 Sarv Samaj Party46, Rajeev Nagar, Mandi Chowk, Gadhmukteshwar, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh- 245101 2364 Bhartiya Jan Samrat P arty Khasra No. 719, Property No. X-9/10, Old No. X-6/12, Village- Ghonda Gujran Khadar, Gali No. 9, X- Block, Brahampuri, Delhi- 110053 2365 Bhartiya Mahasangh Party No. K-2413, Nagar Palika Road, Rosera Samastipur, Bihar – 848210 2366 India Janshakti P artyPlot No. 20, 21 & 22, Nai Basti, Nahar Road, Saidpur Jagir, Near Bhuiyan Devi Ma ndir, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- 226062 2367 Bharatiya Aamjan Party150, Ganesh Colony, Gali No. 8, Near Jain Mandir, (Vivekanand)Jhothwada, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302012 2368 Aadarsh Bharat Nirman Dal Village- Bha ini Bheron, Teshil- Meham, Distr ict- Rohtak, Haryana- 124112 2369 Fauji Kisan PartyVillage- Serahwa, Post office- Murali, Via Harinagar, District- West Champaran, Bihar- 845103 2370 Bhara tiya Sar vjanVillage- Harshpur (pure Ralhi), Post- Kotwashukulpur, Vikas PartyTehsil- Lalganj, P.S. Sangipur, District- Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh- 230136 2371 Bharat Jago Janta PartyNew Market, Sahara India Bank Building, High School Para, Katihar, Patna, Bihar- 854105 2372 Professional Party of India H.No. 91, Block- D-1, Shyam Vihar, Najafgarh, New Delhi- 110043 2373 Andhra Pradesh RashtraDoor No. 15-8-158/B, Jakeer Hussain Nagar, 3rd Lane, SamithiNandivelugu Road, Old Guntur, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh- 522001- 2 - Ex-649/2019 2374 Bharatiya Liberal PartyC-79, 1st floor, Ga li No. 4, Radhey Shyam Park Extension, Radhey Shyam P art Exnt. Colony, Ghondli Ward, Krishina Nagar, Delhi- 110051 2375 Bhara tiya SamtawadiNear Khan Atta Chakki, Opposite Devi Lal Colony, Party (A)Sara swati Vihar, Mehlana Road, Tehsil & Distr ict- Sonipat, Haryana- 131001 2376 Bhartiya Sabka DalM o h. Go lwa r Tol a , P. O , P. S & Teh s il – M o ha mma da b a d Gohna, District- Mau, Uttar Pradesh- 276403 2377 Rajnaitik Chetna DalPlot No. 78, Khata No. 93, Village- Sikariya, P.O. Sughar i, P.S. Govindpur, District- Nawada, Bihar- 805126 2378 Bhara sta char Apraa dhH. No. – A-1061, Sector- I, L.D.A.Colony, Kanpur Mukt Nyay DalRoad, Post- L.D.A. Colony, District- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- 226012 2379 Bhar tiya Ra shtriya DalC- 6/52, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi- 110053 2380 Rashtrawadi Janvikas Party H.No. 7-G-27, Jawahar Nagar, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan- 335001 2381 Azad Bharat Party (National) Village- 50 Kutiya Rampur, Pargana & Tehsil- Narwal, District- Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- 209401 2382 Indian Alliance P artyShop No. 6, L/1/21/6/83, Alnoor Society, Ahmedabad Road, Balasinor, District- Mahisagar, Gujarat- 388225 2383 Anna Dravidar Kazhagam No. 8/1, Cutchery Road, Thiruthuraipoondi, District- Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu- 614713 2384 Aam Jan Niti PartyWard No. 8, Sector No. 12L, Near G.G.S.Public School, Hanumangarh Junction, District- H anumangarh, Rajasthan- 335512 2385 Karnataka Sa mata Pa ksha No. 718, S.Kalledar Plot, Tiriapur, Navalgund, District- Dharwad, Karnataka- 582208 2386 Aarthik Vikas PartyNil Kanth Dham Math Jinda Naga Samadhi, Gram- Kittukhedi, Post- Z arda, Tehsil- Ma lhargar h, Distr ict- Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh- 458553 2387 Aman Aur Sha nti Tehreek- JK-E -Khdmat Markaz, K.P. Chowk, Kha nabal, Anant E-Jammu & KashmirNag, Near Govt. Higher Secondary School, Jammu & Kashmir- 192101 2388 Bhar athiya P ragnava ntha No. 60c, 80 Feet Road, IT I Layout, Mallathaha lli, Congr essNagarrabhavi Ward, Bangalore, Karnataka- 560056 2389 Shram Shakti PartyJ-1749, J- Block, Jahangirpuri, Delhi- 110033 2390 Yuva Karnataka Pa ksha#66, Anepura Village, Nidhar amangala Post, Malur Taluk, Kolar District, Karnataka- 563137 2391 India n People Association H.No. 2-74, Village- Venkata pur, Laxmi Narasimha PartySwamai Temple, Town/Mandal- Velpur, District- Nizamabad, Telangana State-503311 2392 Voice of La bour P artyKhasra No. 539, Village- Atti, Post- Fathepur, Tehsil (Jammu & Kashmir)& District- Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir- 185131 2393 National Socialist PartyFlat No. 6, 1st Floor, Sa i Kripa Housing Society, (United)45/6, Hospital Colony, Ta legaon, Dabha de, Taluka- Maval, District- Pune, Maharashtra- 410507 2394 Party of United IndiansBunglow No. 1, Akshay Co.Operative Housing Society, Near H.P Gas Godown, Badlapur (Ea st), Taluka- Ambernath, Thane, Maharashtra- 421503- 3 -Ex-649/2019 2395 Bhar tiya Ma nav Ka lyanE- 4 9/1, Raj Harsh Colony, Kolaar Road, Bhopal, PartyMadhya Pradesh- 462042 2396 Rashtriya Jan Samarthan Party A-122B, Gr ound Floor, Hari Naga r, New Delhi- 110064 2397 Samaj Sudharak PartyHouse No.723/2, Mangal Pandey Nagar, Sector-2, University Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh-250004 2398 Tipu Sult an Party56/2, Attar House Near Karbala Bes, Revivar Peth, Ambajogai, District-Beed, Maharashtra-431517 2399 Uttara Karnataka PartyNo.25, 4th cross, MS R Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560054 2400 Akhil Bhar tiya KisanVillage-Faridpur, Tehsil-Tigaon, District-Faridabad, Majdoor PartyHaryana- 121101 2401 Rashtrawadi JansanghPakri Gandhi Nagar More, (Katira Road), Near Jain Collage East Gate, Katira, Aara, Nawada, District- Bhojpur, Bihar-802301 2402 Swadeshi Hind PartyVillage & Post-Hatisa, Mathura Road Crossing ke Pass, Tehsil & District-Hathras, Uttar Pradesh-204101 2403 Sambhaji Br igade PartySai Complex, Gala No.7, New Mondha, Hingoli, Tehsil & District-Hingoli, Maharashtra-431513 2404 Rayalaseema Praja Samithi H.No.5-54, Chowdeswari Bazar, Post & Mandal- Kodumur, Kur nool District, Andhra Pr adesh-518464 2405 National Samajwadi Congress No.42,Naidu Layout, Kuvempu Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka-560014 2406 Swaraj Kranti PartyB-31, Second Floor, Tejendra Complex, Opp.C.M.C., Odha v Road, Odhav, Ahemdabad, Guja rat- 382415 2407 Telugu Janata PartyNo.70-7-16/2A, Ramnayyapeta, TSR Nagar, Road No.2, Kakinada Urban Mandal, E. G.Distr ict, Andhra Pradesh-533003 2408 Akhil Bhartiya Jana deshHouse No.43, Villa ge-Delhua near Berubarvari, Main PartyRoa d, Shuukhpur a, Bansdih-R oad, District-Ba llia , Uttar Pradesh-277301 2409 Satyanishth Jan Sewak Party House No.128, Ward No.5, Lalit Nagar, Opposite SDM’s Residence, Tehsil and P.O-Sunder Na gar, District-Mandi, Himachal Pradesh-175019 2410 Peoples Ruling P artyFlat No. 74, Gandhi Nagar, Chakali Gunta, Etukuru Road, Kamma Seshaiah Ground, Revenue Ward–32, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh–522003 2411 Ka rna taka Ja naseve Par ty Old PID No. 36, Kha ta No. 151, Survey No.42, Kaveripura Main Road, No.587, Near Mahadeshwara, Temple Road, Ranga nathapura, Ka mkshipa lya, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560079 2412 Sab Jan Vika s RashtriyaShop/House of Nabi Rasul Ansari S /o Moha mmad PartyHusen, Village & Post Baragaon, Via Kharasara, District–Balia, Uttar Pradesh –277302 2413 Revolutionary PartySH-3/40, R.S.Vishwanathpuri Colony, Nawalpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh–221003 2414 Udaya Chandr a DesamNo.27, Kamar aj Neduchalai, Old Perungulathur, PartyChennai, Tamil Nadu-600063 2415 Karna taka Rashtra Samithi No.31/2,8th E Main, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560011- 4 - Ex-649/2019 2416 Anaithu Ulaga Tamilargal No.17, Ezhil Nagar, perumalpuram, Palyamkottai, Munnetra KalagamTirunelveli, Tamil Nadu-627007 2417 Aam Lok Pa rty UnitedHouse No. 328, Street No. 4, Neta ji Park Haibowal, Kalan, Ludhiana, Punjab-141001 2418 Zora m People’s Movement Treassury Square, Aizawl, Mizoram-796001 2419 Hum Ek Hai P artyHouse No. 212, Khasra No.15/21, Rashid Nagar, Nal Saheb Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra-440018 2420 Bhara tiya Samajwadi party Moh. Chahshiri, Punjab & Sindh Bank Lane, C ivil (Loktantrik)Lines, Bijnor, District-Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh-246701 2421 Akhil Bharatiya Socialist Party 3, Circular Road, Prayagr aj, Uttar Pra desh-211001 2422 Sarvjan Awaz PartyNo.528, Block-B, Platinum Heights, Sector-18B, Dwar ka, New Delhi-110078 2423 Jindabad Kr anti P arty31/83A, 3rd Floor, Gali No.5, Bhikam Singh Colony, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032 2424 Jana Shankhaaraavam Party H.No.4-1-216/54/502, Karthikeya Nagar, Nacharam, Uppal, Medchal Malkajgiri District, Telangana State- 500076 2425 Janna yak Yuva Shakti Party H.No.587/20, Near Khasa Chowk, Rameshwar Puram Colony, Kabirpur, Sonipat, Haryana-131001 2426 India Greens Party104, Vardhman Complex, 1st Floor, LSC, Savita Vihar, Delhi-110092 2427 Praja Adhikara PartyD.No.4/107-1, S.C.Colony, Kurnool Mondal, Panchaliagala Village, Kur nool District, Andhra Pr adesh-518004 2428 Bhar atiya Ja nchetna DalNo.70, LIG Indra Nagar, Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-208026 2429 Haq Insaaf PartyNo.3037, Talab Khatikan, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir-180001 2430 Bahadur Aadmi PartyS-11/37-38A, Chaukaghat, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221002 2431 Rashtriya P oorvanchalPlot No.145, Paigamberpur, Post-Rasulgarh, P.S- Ekta PartySarnath, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221007 2432 Desha DalMana s Ranjan Mishra Khatia n No.466/90, Tehsil No.198, Anand Vihar, Sarbahal, Near Hanuman Mandir, PO & PS-Jhar suguda, District-Jharsuguda, Odisha-768201 2433 Bhar tiya Jan Samaj P arty L.G. F.123, Khazana Complex, Ashiya na, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226012 2434 Sakala Janula PartyNo.7-23/1, M.Venkatayapalem, Khammam Rural, Khammam District, Telangana-507003 2435 Indian National SecularVirk Farm, Near Main Canal Bridge, Verowal Road, Democratic Party (of India) Jandiala Guru, District-Amritsar, Punjab-143115 2436 Arjak Adhikar DalNo.128/169/26A, K-Block, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh-208011 2437 Republican Pa rty of India No.3/4, Insa Hutment, Azad Maidan, F ort, Mumbai, (Athawale)Maharashtra-400001 2438 Mooljan Shakti P artyH.No.394, Gali No.18, Near Vishawakarma Mandir, Karan Vihar, Karnal, Haryana-132001 2439 Indian National Youth P arty No.68-B, Devasandra, K.R.Pur a, Benga luru Karnataka-560036- 5 -Ex-649/2019 2440 Ambedkar Sena PartyVillage-Kabr i, Near Ravidas Mandir, Tehsil and District-Panipat, Haryana-132013 2441 Hindustanwadi Party (Jaihind) H.No. 102, Village-Ramda ttpur, P ost-Panda ypur, P.S.Cantt, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221007 2442 Anna MGR Dra vidaNo.150, 3rd Cross Street, Srilakshmi Nagar, Makkal KalgamAlwarthirunagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600087 2443 Democratic Social Justice Thir uvonam, NLRA-140, Neera zhiLane (No.7/242), PartyTrivandrum Corporation, Uloor, Medical College, PO- Trivandrum, Kerala-695011 2444 India n National Yuva Jana H.No.9-14, P rashant Nagar, Boduppa l, Ghatkesar PartyMandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana-500092 2445 Jana Rajyam PartyH.No.8-217/16, Dharmareddy Arcade, Flat–T1, Gayatri Nagar, Laxminagar Colony, Road No.3, Jillela Guda Municipality, Balapur Mandal, Rangareddy district, Telangana- 500097 2446 Janta Swabhiman PartyKatghara Dehati, Haveli, Sadar, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh-222002 2447 Karunadaga ThamizharNo.15, Nidharsanam, JV.Shetty Roa d, Rama samy KatchiPalya, MS Nagar Post, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560033 2448 Supr eme Zer o Party ofWard No.6, Holding No.222, Upara Shahi, Khordha BharatMunicipality, At/PO/PS/District-Khordha, Odisha-752056 2449 Mana Telangana RashtraMIG OG Block Is t F loor No.6, Bhaglinga mpally, Above Samaikya PartyApollo Phar macy, Opp.TSSPDCI, Office a nd Electric Substation, Near Sundaraiah Vignana Bhavan and Park, Hyderabad, Telangana-500044 2450 Lok Sena P artyAhmed Nagar Road, House No.1-4-2956, Gulshan Nagar, Balepir, Beed, Maharashtra- 431122 2451 Nyay PartyNo . 3 1 9 , S wa mip a da , Bu dha na Ga t e, M eer u t C it y, Ut t a r Pradesh-250002 2452 Bhartiya Lok Satta PartyGali No.6, Ward No. 47, Gadora ke Pura, District- Morena, Madhya Pra desh-476001 2453 Rashtriya Ja ihind P artyAdarsh Nagar, Kokar, P.S.Sadar, District-Ranchi, Jharkhand-834001 2454 Bharatiya Sangharsh Morcha C4/33, EWS Vishwa Bank Colony, A.D.A, Na ini, Tehsil-Karchana, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh-212301 2455 Rashtriya Secular MajlisWard No.36, Village-Bihar S harif, Badi Dargah, PartyNalanda, Bihar-803101 2456 Bhartiya Sangharsh Sa miti H.No.4684, Nisar Nagar, Infr ont of Krida Sankul, Ja mbhr un Roa d, Sa ngwan, Bulda na , Mahar ashtra -4 43001 2457 Ambedkar Vikas partyVillage-Rohta, Indira Awas Colony, P.S.Sadar Bazar, Agara, Uttar Pradesh-282009 2458 Kanoon Raj P artyD-1/1045, Gali No.27, Harsh Vihar, Shahdara, Delhi-110093 2459 Akhand Manav PartyHouse No.C-20, Nilbad Bala jee Nagar, Phase-I, Tehsil-Huzur, District-Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh-462044 2460 Bhar tiya Ja n Samra sata5081, Vishwkarma Nagar, Plot No.80, Ward No.14, PartyDwarkapuri, Rameshwari Road, Near Radha Mandir, Parvati Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra-440027 2461 Rashtriya Samajhit DalMoh. Devi Mandir Colony (D.M.Colony), Near Petrol Pump, Digha, Patna, Bihar-800011- 6 - Ex-649/2019 2462 Odhisha ka lyan P artyPlot No.44 (1st Floor), P.O.-Satyanagar, P.S.- Kharabela Nagar, City-Bhubaneswar, Distict-Khordha, Odisha-751007 2463 Sikkim National People’s Party The Dzong,MG Marg,Gangtok,East Sikkim-737101 2464 Rashtriya Manav SewaKhata No.60, Khasra No.03, Mauja No.82, Shree PartyNaga r House, Samukhiya More, Near New Police line Banka, District-Banka, Bihar- 813102 2465 Neta ji Congress SenaRanga Place, Ground Floor, S .no.48/2/10, Waghjal Nagar, Ambegaon Khurd, Katraj-PO, Pune–411046 2466 Akhil Bharatiya Jan S hakti 2538, Hudson Line, GTB Nagar, Delhi-110009 Party 2467 Bha r tiya Nagrik Sura ksha No.13, New Ketan Society, Near Uma Shikshan Tirth, Bh. PartyBhagyoday Society, Naroda, Ahemdabad, Gujarat-382325 2468 Rashtriya Jan-Swabhiman No.1-B,223, M.I.G, Awas Vikas Colony, Rukunpur, PartyShikohabad, District-Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh-283135 2469 Rashtriya Bha gidari P arty Sreesheepama Building, Opposite Amity Univer sity Gate No.1, Nizampur, Malhour, P.S-Chinhat, Tehsil- Sadar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226028 2470 Visha l Janta PartyNo. 1/4649/183, Budh Bazar Gali, Sub Gali No.08, Mandoli Road, New Modern Shahadra, Delhi-110032 2471 Rashtriya Samaj Dal (R)H.No.193, Ward No. 7, Shastri Nagar, Kor aon, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh-212306 2472 Huma n Democratic Party D.No.2/42, Boosipalli Village, Thenepalli Post, Vepanapalli Panchayathi, Puthalapattu Mandal, Chit toor District, Andhr a Pradesh-517124 2473 Lok Shakti Party (Loktantrik) House No. 2, 3rd Floor, Shakar pur Kha ss, Delhi-110092 2474 Rashtriya Yuva Morcha Dal Village-Baliji, Post-Phephana, District-Balia Uttar Pradesh-277503 2475 Pahadi Pa rtyVillage-Talli Bagi, Patti-Sarjula, Post-Bhagirathpuram, Vikas Khand-Chamba, Distr ict-Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand-249145 2476 Tara rani Pa kshaW. No. 6, H. No. 2067, Dhangar, Mal, (Shivnagar), Korochi, Tal. Hatka ngale, District – Kolha pur, Maharashtra – 416109 2477 Aapsi Sahyog PartyE-737, E-Block, J.J. Colony, Mangolpuri, Delhi- 110083 2478 All India Majlis-E-Inquilab- No. 23-1-1009/13, Moghalpura, Hyderabad, E-MillatTelangana- 500002 2479 Digital Organization ofWard No. 25, Property No. 35, Plot No. 3776, Nation Pa rtyMotinagar Pusad, Taluka Pusad, District- Yavatmal, Maharashtra- 445204. 2480 All India Youth Development 4/286, Kallipuram Vattam, Vella Kuttai Village, PartyVaniyambadi Taluk, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu – 635752. 2481 Makkal Munnetra Congress No. 12,1st Cross Street, Balaji Nagar, Puducherry- 605013 2482 Lokshahi Nirman P artyNo. 6, Prime Rose, Queens Park, Behind Deepak Hospital, Mira Bha yandar Road, Mira Road, Distr ict- Thane, Maharashtra- 401107 2483 Gareebjan Samaj Party706/A-6, Tir kha Road, Jagra ti Vihar, Garh R oad, Meerut-250004, Uttar Pradesh 2484 Mazdoor Ekta PartyNo. B-2/208, Nand Nagri, Shahadara, Delhi- 110093- 7 -Ex-649/2019 2485 Sa r va Sa ma j Ja na ta P a r ty Villge and Post- Oril (Khapadiya Chak), Tehsil- Phoolpur, P.S.- Pawari, District- Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh- 223222 2486 Swar ajya S enaNo. 586, Moh. Masurdi, Post- Taka, Tehsil- Ausa, (Maharashtra)District- Latur, Maharashtra- 413520 2487 Mother Land National Party Survey No. 20+21, Duplex No. 05, Noman Duplex, Near Iqbal Avenue, Near Canal, Fatehwadi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat- 380055 (i)Against Sl. No. 708, in respect of ‘Democratic Movement’ the existing entry under column 2 shall be substituted by t he entr y ‘Natur e Mankind Friendly Global Pa rty’ (ii) Against Sl. No.908, in respect of ‘Indian Public Party’, the existing entr ies under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries ‘B-1, Raj Complex, Sanskar Mandal, Bhavnagar – 364002, Gujarat.” (iii) Against Sl. No. 1136, in respect of ‘Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (Ulgula n)’, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries ‘C/o - Shri Om Praka sh Singh, Villa ge & Post - Madhukam, Road No.4, T hana - Sukhdev Nagar, District - Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834001’. (iv) Against Sl. No. 1509, in r espect of ‘People’s Union Par ty’, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries ‘Dharmavat House, House No.1015, Shukrawar Peth, Tilak Road, Swargate, Pune-411002, Maharashtra.’. (v) Against Sl. No. 1534, in respect of ‘Pragatisheel Janta Party’, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries ‘Bajrang Vihar Colony, Digha Ashiyana Road, Thana -Rajiv Nagar, Post-Ashiyana Nagar, Patna-800025, Bihar’. (vi) Against Sl. No.1677, in respect of ‘Rashtriya Bha gidari Samaj Pa rty’, the exis ting entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries ‘Village – Garhi (Mehanda More), Tehsil- Hansi, District – Hisar, Haryana -125033’. (vii) Against Sl. No.1783, in respect of ‘Rashtriya Loktantr ik Party’, the existing entries shall be deleted. (viii) Against Sl. No.1941, in r espect of ‘Samaniya Makkal Nala Katchi’, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries ‘S.F.No.1172/12A,Karur Byepass Road,Indira Nagar,Erode,Tamil Nadu-638002’ (ix) Against Sl. No. 2029, in respect of ‘Seva Dal’, the existing entries under column 3 shall be substituted by the entries ‘532 (Opp.126-R), C.R. College Road, Model Town, Rohtak – 124001, Haryana’. 3.InTable IV (List of Fr ee Symbols), appended to the said Notification:- (i)The entry in respect of symbol “Bottle” at Sl.No.20 shall be deleted By or der, (N.T. BHUTIA) S EC RE TARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIAPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/60- 8 - Ex-649/2019

Re-constitution of the Board of Directors of the ZIDCO Ltd.

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 650Date - 10/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12011/61/2012-IND, the 7th October, 2019.In supersession of this Department’s Notifica tion vide even No. dt.14.02.2018 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Articles 61 & 62 of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Associa tion of Zoram Industrial Development Corpora tion (ZID CO) Ltd., the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstit ute the Board of Directors of the ZIDCO Ltd. with immediate effect and until fur ther or der. The composit ion of the Boar d of Directors will be as follows: 1.Pu La lthlengliana, Ex-MLA- Director & Chairman 2.Commissioner & Secretary, Finance Department- Director 3.Secr etary, P lanning & Prog. Implementation Dept.- Director 4.Secr etary, Commerce & Industries Depart ment- Director 5.Director, Commerce & Industries Department 6.Mana ging Director, ZIDCO Ltd.- Director 7.Sr. Manager, IDBI, Aizawl- Director 8.Pu Lalrikhuma Sailo, MPESS , Bungkawn, Aizawl- Director 9.Pu Lalliankima M.Phil, Chawnpui Veng, Aizawl- Director 10.Pu T. Liansiama, M.A, Venghlui, Aizawl- Director 11.Dr. C. Lalsa ngzuala, Armed Veng, Aizawl- Director 12.Pu Lalthuamliana Asst.G.M SBI(Rtd.) Ramthar Veng, Aizawl- Director P. Jawahar, IAS, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Commerce & Industries Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.10.2019 Asvina 18, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 650

Guidelines for Empanelment of private hospitals/diagnostic centres within and outside the State

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 651Date - 10/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.A.17014/3/2018-HFW/275, the 7th October, 2019.In the interest of Public Service, the Competent Authority is pleased to notify ‘Guidelines for Empanelment of private hospitals/diagnostic centres within and outside the Sta te’ as enclosed in the Annexure to this Notification with immediate effect and until further orders. This notification supersedes previous notification No. A. 17014/3/2018-HFW dated 28.8.2019. H. Lalengmawia, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.10.2019 Asvina 18, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 651 GUIDELINES FOR EMPANELMENT OF PRIVATE HOSPITALS/DIAGNOSTIC CENTRES WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE STATE I.This policy/guidelines may be called T he Mizoram Government Empanelment Policy/ Guidelines to Private Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres within and outside the State. II.INTRODUCT ION Presently empanelment of private hospitals is done when application for empanelment is received by the Government of Mizoram. T he Govt. of Mizoram does not have a clear cut policy / guidelines on empanelment of hospitals. Therefor e, the department of Health & Family Welfar e is framing a policy / guidelines for granting empanelment of hospitals / diagnostic centres within and outside the state - both in private and government sectors for treatment and re-imbursement of the expenses to the govt. employees and their dependants under the Centr al Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944. Empa nelment of private hospital / diagnostic centre is a continuous process and interested hospital / diagnostic centre can apply for empa nelment at any point of time providing details of their facilities and services with tariff, etc. The Government Medical Colleges a nd Hospitals, trust a nd char itable Hospital are worthy of empanelled provided tha t meet necessar y standard and quality and r ates a re lower tha n the - 2 - Ex-651/2019 prescribed rate. T he existing empanelment of hospitals / dia gnostic centres by the Govt. of Mizoram shall be deemed nu ll and void once this policy is appr oved and in force, and the hospitals or centres will have to apply afresh for empanelment. Any aspiring hospital / diagnostic centre shall be empanelled henceforth a ccording to this policy / guidelines only. III. CATEGORIES OF HOSPITAL & DIAGNOSTIC CENTRES A.Broadly the state government will empanel the following categories of hospitals and diagnostic centres : a)Multi Speciality (General Purpose Hospital) b)Speciality / Super Speciality Hospital i)Cardiology ii)Cardiac Surgery iii)Nephrology iv)Urology v)Neuro Surgery vi)Oncology vii)ENT viii) Orthopedic ix)Ga stroenterology x)Ophthalmology c)Diagnostic Labora tory d)Imaging Centre e)Dental Clinic B.Cla sses of hospitals / diagnostic centres based on service norms as determined during assessment : The hospitals and diagnostic centres will be categorized depending upon the fulfillment of check list for inspection. Cla ss 1 Ser vice Pr ovider s – Hospit als 1.Meeting not less than 80% of all the requirement in the check list. 2.Providing a ll types of accommodations a s per entitlement. 3.Desirable : current accreditation by recognized bodies. Class II Service Providers – Hospitals 1.Meeting not less than 70% of all t he requirements in the check list. 2.Having a Quality Assurance progra mme. 3.Having at least two categories of accommodation. 4.Desirable : Certification progra mme by recognized bodies. Class III Service Providers – Hospitals 1.Meeting not less than 60% of all t he requirements in the check list. 2.Having at least two categories of accommodation one of which shall be ward category. 3.Having a Quality Assurance progra mme. yApplicants from Cla ss-A city may be considered for empanelment only if they meet the criteria of Class-I service provider. Except for single superspeciality hospital. yApplicants from Cla ss-B, Class-C cities a nd other areas may be considered for empanelment only if they meet the criteria of Class-I or Class-II service provider. - 3 -Ex-651/2019 yApplicant from within the State may be consider ed for empanelment only if they meet the cr iteria of Class-III provider for initia l empa nelment. Renewa l may be gra nted for empa nelment on impr oving to Class-II or Class-I level. Class I Diagnostic Centre / Imaging Centre 1.Diagnostic C entre having license a s large labora tory OR as a stand alone radiology centre with Digital Imaging, Sonology (ECG, Echocardiogr aphy, Colour Doppler), CT and MRI facility. 2.Having NABH or CAP accreditation (optional). 3.Empanelment under an independent External Quality Assurance Programme for all specialities. 4.Meeting not less than 80% of all t he requirements in the check list. Class II Diagnostic Centre / Imaging Centre 1.Diagnostic C entre having license a s large labora tory OR as a stand alone radiology centre with Digital Imaging, Sonology (ECG, Echocardiography, Colour Doppler), CT and / or MRI fa cility. 2.Following Essential Criteria or Diagnostic Labor atories norms or Quality Council of India (optional). 3.Empanelment under an independent External Quality Assurance Programme for all specialities (Bio Chemistry, Ha ematology, Histopathology, Microbiology, etc.). 4.Meeting not less than 70% of all t he requirements in the check list. Class III Diagnostic Centre / Imaging Centre 1.Diagnostic C entre having license a s large labora tory OR as a stand alone radiology centre with Imaging, Sonology and / or CT facility. 2.There should be empanelment under an independent External Quality Assurance Progr amme for specialities like Biochemistr y, Micr obiology & Histopathology. 3.Meeting not less than 50% of all t he requirements in the check list. yApplicants from Cla ss-A city may be considered for empanelment only if they meet the criteria of Class-I service provider. yApplicants from Cla ss-B, Class-C cities a nd other areas may be considered for empanelment only if they meet the criteria of Class-I or Class-II service provider. yApplicant from within the State may be consider ed for empanelment only if they meet the cr iteria of Class-III provider for initia l empa nelment. Renewa l may be gra nted for empa nelment on impr oving to Class-II or Class-I level. I V. EMPANELMENT COMMITTEE The Government of Mizoram shall constit ute Empanelment Committee for consideration of empa nelment. The Empanelment Committee shall be notified by the Government of Mizoram from time to time. Empanelment shall be given as per the cla sses of categories of Hospitals a nd Diagnostic Centres (III.B). After consideration for empanelment and upon recommendation by the Empanelment Committee, Memorandum of Agreement (M.O. A.) shall be signed between the Govt. of Mizoram and the Hos pital / Diagnostic Centre. Thereafter, the Health & Family Welfar e Department, Govt. of Mizoram shall not ify the empanelment. V.INSPECT ION FOR EMPANELMENT The aspiring hospital / diagnostic centre for empanelment shall be inspected. T he Inspection Team shall b e constituted in the Directora te under the chairmanship of The Principal Director. The Inspection Team shall be notified by the Government of Mizoram. VI . CHECK LIST FOR INSPECTION Check list for inspection is given inAnnexure – iv. A member or two of the Inspection Team shall visit the hospital / diagnostic centre and submit report to the Chairman of the Inspection Team. After scrutiny of the inspection report, the Chair man shall forward the inspection repor t to the Empanelment Committee for consideration. VII. PERIOD OF EMPANELMENT The period of empanelment shall be in effect for 3 (three) years initia lly, and extendable upto 3 (thr ee) year s. The hospita l / dia gnostic centre shall have to apply t o the Government of Mizoram for extension of empanelment two months before expiry of the empanelment. If the S tate Government so desir es, the hospit al / dia gnostic centre may be inspected again by the Inspection Team for ext ension of empa nelment. The empanelment may b e terminated if the Government of Mizoram is not satisfied with performance of the empanelled hosp ital without prior notice. VIII. PENALTY IN CASE OF VIOLATION OF CONDITIONS OF M.O.A. If, at any stage, during the period of empanelment, the private hospital /diagnostic centre violates any of the condit ions of the M. O.A., the empa nelment of the default ing hospital / diagnostic centre shall be cancelled by notification, after thirty days of giving a Show Cause Notice by the Chairman of the Empanelment Commit tee. IX. AGREEMENT The for mat for agr eement sha ll be as p erAnnexure – ii for hospital and diagnostic centre. This agreement shall be executed on a Rs 100/- non judicial sta mp paper. The aspiring hospit al / diagnostic centre shall s ubmit 3 (three) copies of the signed M.O.A. in this regard to t he Govt. of Mizoram. X.SECURITY DEPOSIT The hospita l / diagnostic centre that ar e recommended for empa nelment shall a lso have to furnish a performa nce bank guarantee of Rs 1 la kh to Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Mizoram, initially valid for 3 (three) years to ensure efficient service and safe guard against any defa ult. In case of any violation of the provisions of Agreement by the hospitals / diagnostic centres such as : 1.Refusal of services. 2.Undertaking unnecessar y pr ocedure. 3.Prescribing unnecessary drugs & medicines/tests. 4.Deficient or defect ive service. 5.Over billing. 6.Billing beyond package rates, if any. 7.Negligence t o Government Orders. 8.Reduction in staff / infr astruct ure / equipment, etc. after the hospital has been empanelled. Appr opriate action shall be initiated on the basis of compla int, medical a udit or inspection carr ied out by the Inspection Team. XI. APPLICATION FORM Application Form can b e downloa ded fr om the The form shall be submitted along with docu ments to the Secretary, Healt h & F amily Welfare Department, Govt. of Mizoram. Application form fee of Rs 1,000/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in fa vour of the Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Mizoram,- 4 - Ex-651/2019 sha ll b e su bmit ted along with the application form or by online transfer to Bank Account No.38821405210 open in the name of Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare Department and Director, Hospital & Medica l Education. XII. LAST DATE FOR APPLYING There is no cut off date prescribed for submission of application for empanelment, the application can be submitted on any working day. XIII. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM The application form(Annexure – i) along with all the documents(Annexure – v) shall be submitted by online or in one envelope superscribed as “Application for empanelment of Multi- Speciality / Speciality in _____________________________ (Category).” All the pages of application and annexure (each set) shall be serially numbered. Every page and annexu re shall be signed by a n authorized person. The signatory must mention as to whether he / she is the sole proprietor or authorized a gent and appropriate document should be fur nished in this regard. For online applicants, origina l documents such as application form, M.O.A., etc shall be made readily available a t the time of inspection. XIV. LIST OF DOCUMENTS Every application must be accompanied by copies of documents listed atAnnexure – v along with a Certificate of Undertaking given inAnnexure - iii. XV. NORMS AND PARAMETERS FOR EMPANELMENT 1.The running intake capacity of the hospita l in terms of bed strength as on 1st April of cur rent Financial Year. 2.Availability of qualified Consultants. 3.Para medical, Nursing and Technical St aff. The standar d requirement of nursing staff as per India n Nursing Council (INC) norms and adequate number of Nursing and Technical Staff in : a)Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Maternity Wa rds. b)Specialized ICU nursing care. c)OT staff nurses. 4.Emer gency M edical Services : The hospita l shall mandatorily operate round the clock Emergency Medical Services desir ably ma naged by competent Doctor s/RMO. Emergency Medical Services shall be equ ipped with availa bility of Oxygen, Defibrillator and Ventila tor and all other lifesaving equipments. 5.Essential Laboratory Dia gnostic Services : The hospita l shall mandatorily operate the following facilities : a)Hematology and Clinical Pathology (including Blood Analysis, Urine and other body fluids, Parasitology analysis) b)Biochemistr y (Full battery of S erum Biochemistry) 6.Radiological Investigation facilities : The hospita l shall mandatorily operate and maintain the following Radiological investiga tive facilities : a)X-Ray (Minimum 300 mA, preferably 500 mA or digital / computerized X-Ray) b)Ultr asonogr aphy of standa rd quality. The Radiology Depa rtment shall observe regulations of International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1955.- 5 -Ex-651/2019 7.Vaccination Facility : The hospita l shall have the vaccination facility availa ble. 8.Central Sterile Supply Department : The hospital shall have a standard sterilization quality facilities. 9.Hospital Waste Disposal System : The hospita l shall mandatorily follow nor ms for disposa l of biomedical waste laid down in Government of India - Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016 and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 10.Dieta ry Services : The hospital shall have the facility of nutritional dietary ser vices for indoor patients. 11.Fire Safety and Security Services : The hospita l shall have the fire safety certificate from the municipal body and shall have adequate security services. 12.Ambu la nce Services : The hospital shall have the ambula nce services. The ambulance should be registered in the name of the hospita l or with a va lid long term a greement between the hospital and other party for making ava ilable the ambulance s ervice 24x7. 13.Adoption of Ethica l and Professional Medical Conduct & Etiquette Regulations, 2002 of MCI (as amended) : The hospital shall mandatorily undertake the responsibility of dischar ging Medical Services in full consonance of Professional Conduct and Ethics and implementa tion of all Acts and Regulations of Government of India, viz. PNDT Act and National and State Health Programmes during the period of agreement. The hospital shall also undertake responsibilities for its employees (Doctors and Paramedical personnel) for not committing any act of Professional Negligence or Violation of Acts (Parliamentary and State Legislation) or Professional Conduct and Ethics. 14.The hospit al sha ll not r efuse to the incu mbent employee and beneficiaries of Mizor am Government to provide any Medical / Sur gical tr eatment availa ble in the Hospital on the terms and conditions of the M. O.A. 15.Reference for higher /specialized treatment : The hospita l shall in case of non-availability of the desired treatment / specialized treatment in the hospital, refer the patient to a competent and appropriate hospital preferably a government hospital. XVI. ENTITLEMENT OF VARIOUS TYPES OF WARDS The employees and beneficiaries of Government of Mizor am are entitled to fa cilities of deluxe, private war d, semi private ward a nd general war d depending on their pay drawn in the pay band. The entitlements are amended from time to time, and the latest order in this regards shall be followed. T he entitlement is as follows : A.MIZORAM Pay BandGr ade Pay RupeesEntitlement 1.Rs. 8,700/- and aboveRs. 2,000 or actual charge whichever is less 2.Rs. 5,400/- and aboveRs. 1,000 or actual charge whichever is less 3.Rs. 4,400/- and aboveRs. 700 or actual charge whichever is less 4.Rs. 4,200/-Rs. 500 or actual charge whichever is less 5.Rs. 4,200/- belowRs. 400 or actual charge- 6 - Ex-651/2019 B.OUTSIDE MIZORAM Pay BandGr ade Pay RupeesEntitlement 1.Rs. 8,700/- and aboveRs. 4,000 or actual charge whichever is less 2.Rs. 5,400/- and aboveRs. 2,000 or actual charge whichever is less 3.Rs. 5,400/- belowRs. 1,500 or actual charge whichever is less The patient shall be admitted according to the entitlement only. If the patient is admitted above the entitlement, the amount which is beyond his / her entitlement shall be borne by himself / herself. XVII. APPROVED RATES The notified rates of the hospital / diagnostic centre or the ra tes by the Government of Mizoram whichever is lower shall be char ged by the empanelled hospit als/diagnostic centre. The rates fixed by the government sha ll be binding. The hospital shall a gree to provide credit facilities for certain diseases as notified by the Government of Mizoram-Annexure VI (Notifica tion No. A. 17014/7/2015-HFW/544 dated 30.9.2019 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol-XLVIII dated 30.9.2019. XVIII. CHANGES IN INFRASTRUCTURE / STAFF The hospital shall immediately communicate to the Government of Mizoram about any change infrastructure / strength of staff. The new establishment of the same hospital shall attract a fresh inspection for cons ideration of continuation of empanelment. XIX. ENTITLEMENT ON DIET CHARGES [As per notified rate vide No.17014/7/2015- HFW/544 dated 30.9.2019 (Annexure-VI Sl.No 6)] XX. ENTITLEMENT ON AIR T RAVEL(Vide No.D.12015/1/02- FEA Dated 14/08/2017), FROM UNDER SECRECTARY, FINANCE DEPARTMENT (EA) As notified by Fina nce Department from time to time. CREDIT FACILITIES The Credit facilities for patients referred to places outside Mizoram for Government Servants their dependents are given Vide No. A.17014/29/2019 –HFW/28 Dated 4.10.2019. XXI. The Hospit al s hall immediately communica te to the Govt. of Mizor am about a ny change in the infrastructure / strength of staff. T he new Establishment of the same hospital shall attract a fresh inspection for consideration of continuation of empanelment. XXII. LIST OF TREATMENTS REIMBURSABLE FOR DAY CARE/OPD. FOR REFERRED CASES AND NON –REFERRED CASES As per notified vide No.A.17014/7/2015-HFW/544 dated 30.9.2019 published in the Mizoram Gazette Vol No.XLVIII dated 30.9.2019.- 7 -Ex-651/2019 XXIII. DEFINITION OF FAMILY FOR MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT Sl. Relationship with Documents to be enclosed along with the Declaration N o. the Govt. Servant 1. SpouseAttested copy of Certificate of Marriage issued by concerned Registrar of Marria ge of EPIC/ID/Aadhar of the Govt.Servant of his/her spouse that shows their relationship. For marriage contracted prior to 1.2.2008 attested copy of Marriage Certificate issued by the officiating Pastor/ Elder of the Church is also acceptable. 2. ParentsAttested Copy of : 1) EP IC/ID/Aadhar/Passpor t of the Govt. Serva nt or of t he parents tha t shows the relationship between the parents and the Govt.Servant. In case of mother, Birth Certificate ot the Govt.Servant showing the name of the mother or Marr iage Certificate issued by concerned Registrar of Marriage or the officiating Pastor/ Elder of the Church for Marriage prior to 1.4.2008 showing the r elationship with the Govt.Servant indirectly is also accepta ble. 2) In case of Step-mother, Ma rriage Certificate of the par ents is to be submitted and for marriage contracted prior to 1.4.2008, Certificate of Marriage issued by the officiating Pastor/ Elder of t he Church is accepta ble. 3. Parents-in-lawAttested copy of EPIC/ID/ADHAAR that shows their relationship (For female Govt.with the husband of Gov.Servant supported by the option exercised Servants only)by the Government Servant that she chose her parens-in-law over her the na tur al pa rents to be included in the fa mily members. Option exercised can be changed only once during the entire period of her service. 4. Children includingAttested copy of : Stepchildren. (son/daughter 1 ) Bir t h C er t if i c a t e. below 25 years of age) 2) ID C ard (s) showing the relationship wit h the Govt.Servant directly or indirectly. 5. Minor Brother belowAttested copy of : 18years of age1) Birth Certificate 2) ID Cards (s ) showing the r elationship with the Govt.Servant directly or indirectly. 6. Dependent unmarriedAttested copy of : sister below 25 years1) Birth Certificate of age2) ID Cards (s ) showing the r elationship with the Govt.Servant directly or indirectly 7. Dependent unmarriedAttested copy of : Daughter/Sister above1) ID Cards (s) showing the relationship dir ectly or indirectly. 25 years of age2) Non- marriage Testimonial issued by concerned Registrar of Marriage.* 3) Income Certificate issued by concerned Deputy Commissioner to show the dependency. * In case of inability to obtain testimonial in respect of dependent unmarried Daughter/Sister of a Govt. Servant posted outside- 8 - Ex-651/2019 Mizoram, the Head of Departrment/Head of office may issue Non- Marriage Testimonial only after being satisfied of the veracity of all the documents/facts thereof furnished by the concerned Govt/Public servant. Any person/Govt.Servant/ Public Authority indulged in any fraudulent act her eof shall be liable to be prosecuted under Section – 197, 465 IPC or any other relevant penal provision of La w as the case may be. 8. Dependent WidowedAttested copy of : Daughter/ Sister1) ID Cards(s) showing the r elationship with the Govt.Servant directly or indirectly. 2) Death Certificate of the husband issued by Registrar of Births and Deaths provided that it is accompanied by valid document like marriage certificate, EPIC/Aadhar/Passport showing that the deceased is the husband of the widowed daughter/sister. 9. Divorced Daughter/Sister Attested copy of : 1) ID Cards(s) showing the r elationship with the Govt.Servant directly or indirectly. 2) Testimonia l regarding cancellation of Marriage issued by concerned Registrar of Marriage. For marriage prior to 1.4.2008, Divorced Certifica te/ Decree of Divorce issued by any Court of C ompetent Jurisdiction is also accepta ble. 3) Income Certificate issued by concerned Deputy Commissioner to show the dependency. 10. Adopted ChildrenAttested copy of Legal adoption Certifica te from Magistr ate. 11. Disa bled son/brotherAttested copy of : 1) ID Cards(s) showing the r elationship with the Govt.Servant directly or indirectly. 2) Permanent Disability Certificates issued by Social Welfare Department. Annexure – i APPLICATION FORM FOR EMPANELMENT OFPRIVATE HOSPITALS AND DIAGNOST IC CENTRES1.Name of Hospital / Diagnostic Centre - _____________________________________________________ 2.Address - _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3.Ownership - _____________________________________________________ 4.Year in which establish - _____________________________________________________- 9 -Ex-651/2019 5.Contact person - Mr/Ms/Dr. ____________________________________________ Designation : __________________________________________ Tel : _____________________ Mobile : ____________________ Fax : _____________________ Email : _____________________ 6.OPD Data (Last three years) Period Number of Patients 7 .IPD Data (Last three years) Period Number of Patients Admitted 8.Number of Inp atient Beds : _______________________________________________________ 3.Scop e of empanelment Application is made as a (strike out which is not applica ble) a)Multi-Speciality (General Purpose Hospital) b)Speciality/Super Speciality Hospital (Indicate speciality from list below) c)Diagnostic Labora tory d)Imaging Centre e)Dental Clinic Clinical ServiceServiceNumber s Comments Providedof Beds (Yes /N o) Available Car dialogy Cardiothora cic Sur gery Coronary Care Unit Da y Ca re Treatment Endoscopy (Dia gnostic & Therapeutic) Dentistry & Oral Surgery Dermatology Dialysis Emer gency M edicine & Sur ger y Ear Nose & Throat Fertility Regulation Ga stroenterology General Medicine General Surgery Gynaecology Intensive Car e Unit a dult Intensive care Unit Paediatric Intensive care Unit Neonatal- 10 - Ex-651/2019 Laser Treatment Nephrology Neurology Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics Oncology yMedical Oncology yRadia tion Oncology ySurgical Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Paediatric Surgery Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Medicine Resp irator y Medicine Sur gical ICU Transplantation Services Casua lty Medical S ervices Others, please state Scope of Empanelment (Diagnostic Services) Dia gnostic ServiceService Provided (Yes/No)CommentDia gnostic Imaging : CT Sca nning DSA Lab Gamma Camera MRI PET Ultrasound X-Ray conventional X-Ray digital Laborator y Services : Clinical Bio-Chemistry Clinical Immunology Clinical Microbiology Clinical Pathology Molecular Diagnostics Blood Transfu sion services List Inpatient Care Units / Wards and the number of each Unit/Ward Name of Unit/WardNumber of NumberFloor/ War dsof Beds Location Deluxe Private Wards (Single occupa ncy) Semi Private Wards (2-3 patients occupancy)-Ac Semi Private Wards (2-3 patients occupa ncy)-non AC General Wards (4-10 patients occupancy) non AC- 11 -Ex-651/2019 ICU NICU PICU ITU HDU Any others Non Clinical and Administrative Departments (tick any one) Support serviceIn H ouseOut sourced Dietary/Catering Clea ning services General Administra tion Medical Record Keeping Laundry Pharmacy Services Mana gement of Clinical waste Mana gement of non-clinical waste Mortuary Services Cent ral Ster ile Supp ly Depar tment (C SSD) Ambulance Services Fir e Safety & Secur ity Services Other, please specify Staff information GroupNumberRemarks if any Managerial Doctors yResident Doctors – regular appoint ment yResident Doctors – contractual yResident Doctors – part time yConsultant (speciality wise) a ) Full Time b) Par t Time Nurses Technicians Paramedical Others- 12 - Ex-651/2019 VERIFICATION It is certified tha t all t he deta ils/facts/figures given are t rue and the best of my knowledge and are as p er recor ds available in the hospital and are unconditionally verified to be true. If at a later stage it is found that some information has been concealed or has been misrepresented, the recognition/ empanelment given is lia ble to be cancelled. ____________________________ Date of Application Authorised Signatory Name : ____________________________ Designation : ____________________________ Annexure – ii MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENTGOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT All the Hospitals / Diagnostic Centres which ar e to be empanelled by the Govt. of Mizoram are advised to prepare the Agreement between the Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department and the concerned Hospital on a non-judicial sta mp paper of Rs 100/- for fur ther necessary a ction. (Secretary) Health & F amily Welfare Depart ment Govt. of Mizoram MEMORANDUM OFAGREEMENTThis M.O.A. is hereby made on the __________________ day of ______________ 201__ between the Govt. of Mizoram acting through the Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, hereinafter called in this M.O.A. the“State Government”and referr ed to as“the First Party”(which expr ession shall, unless r epugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of theFirst Part AND (Owner) _____________________________________________ having its registered office at ________________________________________________________________, acting through the _____________________________________________________ (Name of Hospital / Diagnostic Centre and address ) hereinafter called in this M.O.A, the “Pr ivate Hospital / Diagnostic Centre” hereinafter- 13 -Ex-651/2019 and referred to as“the Second Party”(which expression shall, unless the context requires ot herwise, includes its legal heirs, representatives, administrators, successors and permitted assigns) of theOther Part. WHEREAS a.THE FIRST PARTY ha s decided to r eimburse the expenses incurred on medical treatment (______________________________________________________________________) to the employee of the Sta te Government a t Mizora m provided by qualified Medical personnel employed by and in the Hospital / Diagnostic Centre run by THE S ECOND PARTY. b.AND THE SECOND PART Y is one of t he bidders, who has submitted its technical qualifications and agreed with Terms and Conditions of EOI, which becomes pa rt of this M.O. A., as agreed upon by the PARTIES. THEREFORE THE PARTIES have a greed to sign the M.O.A. on the following terms and conditions of providing Medical / Surgical Health Care Ser vices by way of prescr iption to diagnostic investiga tions a nd medicines which are to be reimbursed to the employees of Mizoram Government under the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules,1944. 1.Duration (i)The M.O.A. shall remain in force for a period of 3 years initially and extendable up to ___ year s (if the FIRS T PARTY so decides. T he Empa nelment Commit tee will recommend extension after looking at the service rendered. Complaints of employees will also be placed befor e the committee.) (ii)The FIRST PARTY is free to terminate the M.O.A. if deemed appropria te at a ny point of after giving one month notice to the SECOND PARTY. 2.Intake Capacity (i)The intake capacity (bed strength) of ____________________________________ (Name of Hospital) is ____________________________ and shall not be reduced. 3.Availability of qualified Consultants : The second party shall have the furnish the list of Specialists and Resident Doctors a long with Registration in Medical Council to t he first party and intimate changes if any to the first pa rty. 4.Paramedical Nursing and Technical Staff : The Private Hospital (SECOND PARTY) shall provide the standard requirement of nursing staff as per Indian Nursing Council (INC) norms. 5.Casualty Medical Services : The Private Hospital (SECOND PARTY) shall mandatorily operate round the clock Casualty Medical S er vices ma nned by expert s of critical care. Ca sualty M edical Services sha ll be equipped with availability of Oxygen, Defibrillator, ventila tor and other life saving equipments and gadgets as ma y b e neces sar y.- 14 - Ex-651/2019 6.Essential Laboratory Diagnostic Services (ELDS) The Private Hospita l (SECON D PARTY) shall mandatorily operate the following laboratories :- a)Hema tology and Clinical Pathology (including Blood Analysis, Parasitologica l and Urine analysis) b)Biochemistr y (Full battery of S erum Biochemistry) c)Clinical Immunology d)Clinical Microbiology For ELDS the Private Hospital will be permitted to refer the pa tients to Medical Colleges in the circumstances where facility is not ava ilable in the hospita l under M.O.A., but not to other private hospitals. 7.Radiology Investigation facilities : The Private Hospital (SECOND PARTY) sha ll ma ndator ily operate a nd maintain t he following Radiological investigative facilities and the Radiology Department shall observe regulations of International C ommission on R adiology Protection, 1955 and possess the license of BARC :- a)X-Ray (Minimum 300 mA, preferably 500 mA or digital / computerized X-Ray) b)Ultr a Sonogr aphy machine For Radiological Investiga tion the Priva te Hospital will be permitted to refer the patients to Medical Colleges in the circumstances where fa cility is not available in the hospital under M.O.A., but not to other p rivate hospit als. 8.Central Sterile Supply Department : The second party shall have the Central Sterile Supply Department. 9.Hospital Waste Disposal System : The Private Hospital / Dia gnostic Centre (SECON D PARTY) shall mandatorily follow Government of India Biomedical Waste Disposal (Management & Handling) Rules, 2016 and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 10.Dietary Services : The Private Hospital (SECOND PARTY) sha ll mandatorily have the facility of nutritional dietary Services for the admitted indoor patients. 11.Fire Safety & Security Services : The Second P arty shall have t he fire safety certificate from municipal body and shall have adequate secur ity services. 12.Ambula nce Services : The Second Party shall ha ve the ambulance services. The ambulance should be registered in the name of the hospit al or with a valid long term agreement between the hospit al and other party for making available the ambula nce services 24x7. 13.Full Adoption of Ethica l and Pr ofessional Medical Conduct & Etiquette R egulations, 2002 of MCI The Private Hospita l (SECOND PARTY) shall mandatorily undertake the responsibility of discharging Medical Services in full consonance of Professional Conduct and Ethics and implementation of all Act s and R egulations of Government of India viz. PNDT Act a nd National- 15 -Ex-651/2019 and State Health Pr ogrammes during the period of M.O.A. the Private Hospital shall also under take resp onsibility for its employees (Doctors and Par amedica l personnel) for not committing any act of Professiona l Negligence or Viola tion of Acts (Parlia mentary and State Legislation) or Professional Conduct and Ethics. 14.The Private Hospital shall not refuse to the incu mbent employee of Mizor am Government to provide any Medical / Surgica l t reatment a vaila ble in the Hospita l. 15.Reference for higher / specia lized treatment : The Private Hospital shall, in case of non availability of any treatment / specialized treatment in t he hospital, refer the patient to an attached Hospit al of Government Medica l Colleges, and not to any other Priva te Hospital / Institution. 16.Inspection by the Commit tee : Repr esentatives appointed by the Empanelment Committee, Govt. of Mizoram can ins pect the hospita l during M.O.A. period to ascertain that the para meters of appr oval ar e being mainta ined properly by the Hospital. 17.Penalty in ca se of violation of conditions of M.O. A. If at any stage, during the period of M.O.A., the private hospital violates any of the conditions of the M.O. A., especially the prescribed standards, the defaulting hospital will be liable to for feit the securit y deposit and be removed from the scheme, after giving 30 days Notice. The Civil and Criminal Liability lies with the SECOND PARTY, if any case is instituted against them. 18.Single Point Responsibility : The SECOND PARTY shall be solely responsible for a cts and performance of the Medical personnel, ethical and pr ofessional code of conduct for Medical services to provide to the employees of Mizoram Government, administration, cleanliness, control of infections and full and true implementation of the Terms and Conditions of this M. O.A. 19.Dispute Resolution : If a ny dispute of difference arises between the p arties r elating to any matter arising from or touching upon this agreement, the same shall be referred to the Empanelment Committee, Govt. of Mizoram for resolution. On failure the issue with the Empanelment Committee matter will be put forward to the Law Court in Aizawl, Mizoram. 20.Clause of Rates : a)The notified rates of the Hospital and Diagnostic Centres or the schedule rates adopted by the Government of Mizora m,whichever is less will be cha r ged from the b eneficia ries under the Govt. of Mizoram. b)The hospita l agrees that it shall provide credit facilities for certa in diseases as notified by the Govt. of Mizoram. 21.Entitlement for various types of wards and cabins : The beneficiaries of the Govt. of Mizor am are entitled to facilities of private, semi-private or general ward depending on their pay drawn in pay band / pension. This entitlement are amended from time to time a nd the latest order in this regards is to be followed.- 16 - Ex-651/2019 22.Changes in infrastructure / staff : The hospita l shall immediately communicate to the Empanelment Committee about any change in the infra structur e / str ength of staff. The new establishment of the same hospital s hall attr act a fr esh ins pection for consideration of continuation of empanelment. In witness thereof, the parties thereto have caused this M.O.A. to be executed on the day and year first above writ ten. For and on behalf For and on behalf First PartySecond Pa rty SecretaryAuthorised Signatory with designation H & FW Govt. of Mizor am Wit nes s Witness Annexure – iii CERTIFICATE OF UNDERTAKING 1.It is certified that the particulars regarding physical facilities and experience / expertise of specialty are correct. 2.That Hospita l / Dia gnostic Centres shall not char ge higher than the notified ra tes. 3.That the ra tes have been provided against a facility/procedur e actua lly available at the institution. 4.That if any information is found to be untrue, Hospital / Diagnostic Centres be liable for de-recognition / de-empanelment by the Gover nment of Mizoram. The institution will be liable to pay compensation for any financial loss ca used or physical and or mental injuries ca used to its beneficia ries of the State Government. 5.The Hospita l / Dia gnostic Centres will pay dama ge to the beneficiaries if any injur y, loss of par t or death occur s due to gross negligence. 6.That the Hospital / Diagnostic Centres has not been derecognized / de-empanelment by any State Government or any other Organizations, aft er being empanelled. 7.That no investigation by central Government / S tate Government or any statutory investiga ting agency is pending or contemplated against the Hospital / Diagnostic Centres. 8.I hereby, on behalf of Hospital …………………………………………………………… agree to a bide by the terms a nd conditions la id down by t he Gover nment of Mizor am and fur ther amendments fr om time to t ime. 9.That the Hospital will cooperate and implement any Government Scheme which may be Centra l or State relating to Health Care, if the Government of Mizoram is of the opinion that they should do so. Signa ture Head of Instit ution / Author ized Signa tory - 17 -Ex-651/2019 Annexure – iv CHECK LIST FOR INSPECTION A.For Indoor Services Essential Infrastructure Assessment Checklist. S N ParameterObjective ElementYe s N o Comments 1. PhysicalMore than Facilitiesa . 80 bedded for multi specia lty in Class A city b. 50 beds in Class B city c. 30 beds in Class C cities and other areas 25 bedded for single specialty Bed space norms & Circulatory space and ramps Provision of 24 x 7 emergency services Provision of a. Deluxe b. Private Room c . Semi Private Room d. General Ward Provision of round the clock potable water and electricity supply with back up Provision of toilets and wash r ooms 2. EquipmentAdequately equipped emergency room with drugs, equipment, personnel All patient areas equipped with drugs, equipment, per sonnel Ventilator, cardiac monitor, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, Central AC in OT ICU/ITU Equipment & medicines for as per scope of patients services empanelled Equipment for fir e s afety a va ilable as requ ir ed CTG & Radia nt warmer in labour room 3. Imaging & labo- In house or Formal tie up with large empanelled laboratory, ratory services BARC approved imaging center 4. EmpanelledList of empanelled specialists, specialty wise as per Sta ffservice offered List of staff in payroll, category wise 5. CertifiedTrade Licence copies ofBuilding permit* Licences (*As PNDT Licence* applicableAERB approva ls and BARRC Radiation Protection Certificate for imaging equipment* NOC from Fir e Depart ment Explosive Licence for stora ge of Medical gases Licence for lifts and elevators* Drugs & Cosmetics Licence Narcotic & P sychotic Substa nces Licence Blood Bank Licence* Excise permit to s tore spirit- 18 - Ex-651/2019 Licence under Bio Medical Waste Management & Handling Rules NOC under Pollution Control Act Vehicle Registration Certificates 6. Certified copies Building Plan of O therAudited Bala nce Sheet for last 3 years with profit and docu ment sloss account PAN Card Income Tax clearance Sales Tax Clearance Pa rt ner ship Deed Accreditation Certificate CGHS empanelment certificate The Clinical Establishments (Registration & Regulation) Act, 2010 Certificate 7. OtherAuthorization letter of s ignator y Rate list Documents OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1. Appointment Letters a.designated facility maintenance person b.infection control committee/ team c.infection control nu rse. d.RMO, registrars. e.Quality Assurance co-ordina tor. f.Front desk staff including identification of staff responsible for transfer of a patient to another hospital 2 . Displays provided by the Hospital / Diagnostic Centre b.tariffs of major/commonly utilized services 3 . Documents to be prepared and used a.action on sentinel events. b.administrative policies regarding complaints lodged. c.analysis of hospital service parameters. d.antibiotic policy. e.patient assessment forms. f.budgetary support to QA activities. g.appointment letters , accep tance letters & certif icates of technical st aff. h.building plan. i.appointment letters, acceptance letters &, certificates of consultants. j.discharge/ death summary form. k.inspection & calibr ation of equipment manuals. l.letters showing intimation of cha nge of empanelled cons ultants to licensing a uthorities. m. inventory of equipment. n.orga nogram of administrative struct ure of t he hospital. o.Record of s taff immunizations & Post Exposure Prophyla xis. p.copies of reports sent to statutory authorit ies.- 19 -Ex-651/2019 q.copies of reports & fees submitted to PCB. r. for ms given along with patient dur ing transfer s. protocol of use of controls & calibrators with analytica l equipment. t. results of valida tion of sterilization processes in C SSD. u. sta ff personal records v. water quality test ing reports 4. Infrastructure requirements a.alternate source of water and electricity in case of failure b.facility for isolation & barrier nursing, c.adequa te cir cula tion space and r amps for smoot h movement of str etchers & wheel chairs including provision for lift d.well equipped emergency room having crash cart, emergency drugs, oxygen, repair set extinguishers in hazardous areas (stores, OT, wards cor ridors, genera tor room, kitchen) f.hygienic food handling system g.adequate hand washing facilities h.facility for safe immunization practice vaccines kept in vaccine refrigera tors i.adequate infection control supplies like disinfectants, sterilisants j.Intensive Care Unit k.medical gas flowmeters, ma nifolds, gas ou tlets in adequa te quantities in all patient a reas l.well equipped labour room and obstetric ward m. OT r esuscita tion equipment is available n.Central AC in OT o.OT maintains zoning & flows p.adequate parking space is provided q.adequate personal protection equipment is available r.pota ble water and electricity is available round the clock place is identified for keeping of medical records t.medical ga ses are s afely st or ed u.facilities for sterilization activities (CSSD) include separate washing area, sterilization area and packing area using horizonta l vacuum type autoclave with automatic recorder v.all medicines are safely stored w. sound alike look a like medications are separa tely stored x.temperature sensitive medications a re stor ed in a refriger ator y.vaccines ar e stored in vaccine r efriger ator 5 . List of a.age specific competent pediatricia ns – neonatologists b.CPR trained persons c.empa nelled consultants by specialty sterilization procedures e.high risk for infection ar eas being monitored f.high risk medications formulary h.procedures requiring infor med consent i.persons permitted to perform surgery/ specialized techniques j.pers ons permitted to prescribe medicines k.sentinel events l.staff allowed to administer medications m. staff category wise- 20 - Ex-651/2019 6 . Policies & procedure documents on a.purchase of medications listed in hospita l formulary b.purchase of medica tions not listed in hospita l formulary c.prevention of adverse surgical events d.maintaining confidentiality of privileged information e.crit eria for discharge of patients f.provision of emergency care including CPR maintenance plan h.fir e and emergency management i.handling of medical records j.identification & security of neonates k.indications for medical gas use l.criterion for intensive care unit a dmission & discharge m. protocols for inter depar tmenta l refer rals and transfers n.utilization of laboratory and imaging services including emergency services guarding of patient and fa mily rights p.implementation of Quality Assurance Progr amme q.rational and safe use of blood and blood products r.protocol for registration & admission of patients attending the hosp ital s.protocol for transfer or referr al to other or ganizations t.protocol for unifor m care being pr ovided in all settings (OPD, wards. Pr ivate rooms) u.use of anesthetics for different situations v.initiation a nd withdrawal from ventilator usage CLASSIFICATION OF HOSPITALS/DIAGNOSTIC CENT RES BASED ON SERVICE NORMS 1 . Class 1 Service Providers- Hospitals a.Meeting not less than 80% of all t he requirements and all the ess ential requirements b.Providing a ll types of accommodations as per entitlement c.Desirable: current accreditation by recognized bodies 2 . Class 2 Service Providers- Hospitals a.Meeting not less than 70% of all t he requirements and all the ess ential requirements b.Having a Quality Assurance progr amme c.Having at least two categories of a ccommoda tion d.Desirable: Certifica tion programme by recognized bodies 3 . Class 3 Service Provider- Hospitals a.Meeting not less than 60% of all the requirements and all the essential requirements b.Having at least two categories of accommodation one of which sha ll be general ward category c.Having a Quality Assurance progr amme yApplicants from Class-A city maybe considered for empanelment only if they meet the crit eria of C lass-I service provider except for single super-speciality. yApplicants from Cla ss-B, Class-C cities a nd other areas may be considered for empanelment only if they meet the criteria of Class-I or Class-II service provider. yApplicants from within the state may be consider ed for empanelment only if they meet the crit eria of Class-III provide for initial empanelment. Renewal may be granted for empanelment on improving to Class-II or Cla ss-I level.- 21 -Ex-651/2019 B . Check List for Diagnostic & Imaging Services Essential requirements 1 . La bor atory services a.Large Laboratory. b.Diagnostic L aborator ies should have at least 4 full time technicians a nd I full time labora tory in charge. At least one consultant/ part time specialist, having MCI recognized qua lification, should be available at all times. Signing of reports is to be clone by the consultants for their resp ective disciplines only, (i.e. the discipline for which they hold PG qua lifications only). 2 . Imaging s ervices BARC approved Imaging Centre with AERB clearance having at least a.One 300 mA X Ray machine b.One USG machine with probes capable of abdominal, gynecological & obstetric and pediatric screening and recor ding c.At least two full time ra diodia gnosis technicians CLASSES OF DIAGNOSTIC CENTRES BASED ON SERVICE NORMS a . Class 1 Diagnostic Centre a.Diagnostic Centre having license as lar ge labor atory OR as a standalone radiology centre with Digital Imaging, Sonology (USG, Echocardiography, Colour Doppler), CT and/or MRI facility b.Having NABH/ NABL or CAP accreditation (optional) c.Meeting not less than 80% of all the requirements b. Class 2 Diagnostic Centre a.Diagnostic Centre having license as lar ge labor atory OR as a standalone radiology centre with Digital Imaging, Sonology (USG, Echocardiography, Colour Doppler) and/ or CT & MRI facility b.Following Essentia l Criteria of Diagnostic Laborator ies norms of Quality Council of India (optiona l) c.There should be empanelment under an independent External Quality Assurance Progr amme for all specialties d.Meeting not less than 70% of all the requirements c. Class 3 Diagnostic Centre a.Diagnostic Centre having license as lar ge labor atory OR as a standalone radiology centre with Imaging, Sonology and/or CT and M RI facility b.There should be empanelment under an independent External Quality Assurance Progr amme for a ll major specialties (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Histopathology) c.Meeting not less than 60% of all the requirements Other requirements 1. Appointment Letter s, accepta nce letters a.Pathologist, Microbiologist, Bio chemist, Radiologist b.Technicians c.Support staff d.Quality Assurance co-ordinator 2 . Displays pr ovided by the labora tory b.tariffs of major/commonly utilized services- 22 - Ex-651/2019 3. Documents a.action on sentinel events b.analysis of lab/ imaging service parameters c.budgetary support to QA activities d.reports on inspection & calibration of equipment e.letters showing intimation of change of empanelled consultants (if any) f.inventory of equipment including showing calibra tion st atus g.Record of staff immuniza tions & PEP h.copies of reports sent to statutory authorities i.copies of reports & fees submitted to PCB j.protocol of use of controls &, calibrator s with a nalytical equipment k.results of validation of sterilization processes l.staff personal records m. Radiation sa fety records 4. Infrastructure requirements a.alternate source of water and electricity in case of failure b.adequate number of fir e extinguis her s c.adequate hand washing facilities d.adequate infection control supplies like disinfectants, sterilisants e.well equipped laboratory work ar eas and prepar ation r ooms f.lab maintains zoning & flows g.adequate parking space is provided h.adequate personal protection equipment is available i.pota ble water and electricity is available round the clock place for keeping of medical records k.facilities are adequate for sterilization activities l.sepa rate sample collection room m. samples, reagents and kits are sa fely stored n.temperature sensitive kit s are stored in a refrigerator whose temperature is daily monitored o.adequate BMW management system p.adequate radiation safety equipment which is regularly calibrated 5 . List of a.competent specialists & technicians for special investigations b.empa nelled consultants by specially sterilization procedures d.high risk for infection a reas e.procedures requiring informed consent staff ca tegory wise 6 . Policies & procedure documents on a.SOPs for sa mple collection, transportation & storage b.SOPs for sample processing c.SOPs for reporting including critical r esults and verbal reports d.purchase of reagents & kit s for performing tests as lis ted in s ervice list e.purchase of reagents & kits for performing tests not listed in service list f.maintaining confidentiality of privileged information g.criteria for normal reporting h.provision of emergency repor ting- 23 -Ex-651/2019 maintenance plan j.handling of medical records k.utilization of laboratory and imaging services including emergency services guarding of patient and fa mily rights m. implementation of Quality Assurance Progr amme n.protocol for registration of patients attending the Hospital / Diagnostic Centre o.protocol for transfer or referr al to other or ganizations p.Peer or External QA Progr amme Annexure – v DOCUMENT S REQUIRED DURING SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR EMPANELLMENT 1.Application Form duly filled and signed by authorized person of legal entity. 2.Application Form fee Rs 1,000/- in the form of Demand Draft or in ca sh drawn in fa vour of the Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Mizoram 3.Ownership of the hospital / diagnostic centre :- Individual/Company/Society/Trust/Others with supporting documents such as in case of consortium, letter of association/memorandum of understanding signed by all members. Legal authorization where applica tion is made on behalf of company, tr ust, etc. in case of par tnership, a cop y of par tnership agreement duly attested by competent author ity. 4.Copy of agr eement executed with a uthorized agency of Pollution Control Board for determining the number of b eds. 5.List of Specialist consult ants employed a t the Hospital / Diagnostic Centres with their qualifications, experience and registration with medical council. The list should be a nnexed in terms of name of specialists, speciality, PG qualification, experience and Reg. No. of medical council. 6.The availability of Emergency Medical services / Vaccination facility / Central Sterile Supply Depa rtment / Secur ity services s hould be determined with an affida vit. 7.An affidavit that applica nt has followed norms prescribed by BARC for prevention of Radia tion along with AERB registration of the machine. 8.An affidavit that a pplicant has followed norms pr escribed by Dr ugs & Cosmetic Act for Blood Bank. 9.An affidavit that a pplicant has followed norms pr escribed by PC & PNDT Act. 10. Fire safety certificate fr om Municipal Body. 11. Ambulance registra tion in the name of Hospital or with a valid long term agr eement between the hospital and other party for making available the ambulance services 2 4x7. 12. Availability of dietary services should be supported by an affida vit. 13. List of equipments and ot her accessories as per application form. 14. Declaration of the owner that he / she will accept the norms and standards of Medical care to be provided under the policy / guidelines. 15. Affidavit for No Prosecution for Negligence or Violation of Acts of Centra l and State Government or Professional Medical Ethics Regulations. 16. Clinical/Hospital having Provisional/Permanent Registra tion, under CEA, 2010 for Hospital within Mizoram, with an Inspection Certificate mentioning that the applicant is in compliance with minimum standards for hospitals under the CEA Act, 2010 for Hospital within Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 24 - Ex-651/2019

Preliminary Notification for land acquisition in Mamit District for construction of 7 nos of BOPs

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 652Date - 11/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 11.10.2019 Asvina 19, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 652 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATIONFOR LAND ACQUISITION IN MAMIT DISTRICT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 7 NOs. OF BOPs No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/173, the 9th October , 2019. Wher eas the previous Preliminary Notification No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/70 dt. 17.07.2017 issued under Sub-Section (1) of Section 11 had already lapsed for taking further action under the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 for possession of land by the requir ing depa rtment and that land specified in the Schedule shown below (herein after referred to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose, viz. for Construction of Bor der Out Posts (BOP s) within Mamit District, by the BSF under the Ministry of Home Affair s, Government of India , for ma intenance of national security along the Indo-Bangla desh international bor der; And whereas land is required for the project falling within the purview of sub-section (2) of section 40 of the Mizor am (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (hereinaft er called the Act): Now, therefore, the Government hereby freshly not ifies under sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Act that – 1.The said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above; 2.The acquisition of the sa id land is exempted fr om undertaking of the Social Impact Assess ment studies as provided under section 9 of the Act; 3.The Deputy Commissioner/ Collector of Mamit District shall conduct Preliminary Survey of the land for the said project so as to acqu ire the minimum area r equired for the project, if not alr eady done, as pr ovided under section 12 of the said Act, and shall also update all recor ds of lands within the land to be acquired within 2 (two) months from the date of publication of this Notifica tion, prior to publication of Declaration by the Government. 4.Any person interested in any land within the notified area may file his or her objection to the Collector within sixty days from the date of publication of this notification as provided under section 15 of the said Act as regards – (a)The area and suita bility of land proposed to be acquired; (b)Justification offered for public purpose. 5.The Additional Deputy Commissioner, Mamit District is appointed as Administrator for the purpose of rehabilitation and reset tlement of the affected families, if any. - 2 - 6.No new allot ment of land or change of nature of land rights shall be ma de within the a ffected area by a uthorities concerned after the date of publication of this notification. 7.Persons int erested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with a ny Surveyor or other persons employed for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposa l of la nd by sa le, lease, mor tgage, a ssign change of the status of Pa ss or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein aft er the date of publica tion, without the sanction of the Collector will, under sub-section (4) of section 11 of the Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such par ts of the said land as may be finally acquired. 8.This Notification will not stand in the way of the petitioner s or cost any prejudice to them, to make a fu rther claim under the RFCTLARR 2013 Act depending upon the outcome of WA No. 70/2018 appealed by Government of Mizoram in the Division Bench of Gauhati High Court, Guwahati. SCHEDULEDistrictSub DivisionName of BOPUnit MamitWest PhailengTut181 Bn West PhailengJCB P oint181 Bn West PhailengSelamsuri - II181 Bn West PhailengNew Tuipuibari181 Bn ZawlnuamKadamtoli181 Bn ZawlnuamAjacher a181 Bn ZawlnuamDevachera181 Bn This supersedes the previous notification No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/70, date 17th July, 2017. R. Lalramngha ka Special Secreatary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 Ex - 652/2019

Preliminary Notification for land acquisition in Lawngtlai District for construction of 14 nos of BOPs

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 653Date - 11/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 11.10.2019 Asvina 19, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 653 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATIONFOR AQUISITION IN LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 14 NOs. OF BOPs. No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/171, the 9th October, 2019. Whereas the previous Preliminary Notification No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/72 dt. 17.07.2017 issued under Sub-Section (1) of Section 11 had already lapsed for taking further action under the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 for possession of land by the requiring department and that la nd specified in the Schedule shown below (herein after referred to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose, viz. for Construction of Border Out Posts (BOPs) fencing within Lawngtlai District, by the BSF under the Ministry of Home Affa ir s, Government of India , for ma intenance of national security along the Indo-Bangla desh international bor der; And whereas land is required for the project falling within the purview of sub-section (2) of section 40 of the Mizor am (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (hereinaft er called the Act): Now, therefore, the Government hereby freshly not ifies under sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Act that – 1.The said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above; 2.The acquisition of the sa id land is exempted fr om undertaking of the Social Impact Assess ment studies as provided under section 9 of the Act; 3.The Deputy Commissioner/ Collector of Lawngtlai District shall conduct Preliminary Survey of the land for the said project so as to acqu ire the minimum area r equired for the project, if not alr eady done, as pr ovided under section 12 of the said Act, and shall also update all recor ds of lands within the land to be acqu ired within 2 (two) months fr om the date of publica tion of this Notification, prioPr to publication of Declaration by the Government. 4.Any person interested in any land within the notified area may file his or her objection to the Collector within sixty days from the date of publication of this notification as provided under section 15 of the said Act as regards – (a)The area and suita bility of land proposed to be acquired; (b)Justification offered for public purpose. 5.The Additional Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai District is appointed as Administra tor for the purpose of r ehabilitation a nd resettlement of the affected families, if any. - 2 - 6.No new allotment of land or change of nature of land rights shall be made within the affected area by authorities concerned aft er the date of publica tion of this notification. 7.Persons interested in the said land are hereby wa rned not to obstruct or interfere with any Surveyor or other persons employed for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contr act for the disposal of land by sale, lease, mortgage, assign change of the status of Pass or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein aft er the date of publica tion, without the sanction of the Collector will, under sub-section (4) of section 11 of the Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such par ts of the said land as may be finally acquired. 8.This Notification will not stand in the way of t he petitioners or cost any pr ejudice to them, to make a further cla im under the R FCTLARR 2013 Act depending upon the outcome of WA No. /2018 appealed by Government of Mizoram in the Division Bench of Gauhati High Court, Guwahati. SCHEDULEDistrictSub DivisionName of BOPUnit LawngtlaiChawngteKoba khalichera159 Bn ChawngteTinlona cher a159 Bn ChawngtePoint 156148 Bn ChawngteNew Vaseitlang148 Bn ChawngteGorasuri148 Bn ChawngteKalabathibopchand148 Bn ChawngteDeba ttachera148 Bn ChawngteNew Parva148 Bn ChawngteShankrasuri148 Bn ChawngteRengtlang148 Bn ChawngteFinger148 Bn ChawngteTuichang148 Bn ChawngteJamaisuri148 Bn ChawngteStar Hill148 Bn This supersedes the previous notification No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/72, date 17th July, 2017. R.Lalramnghaka, Special Secreatary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 Ex - 653/2019

Preliminary Notification for land acquisition in Lunglei District for construction of 4 nos of BOPs

VOL - XLVIIIISSUE - 654Date - 11/10/2019

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLVIII Aizawl, Friday 11.10.2019 Asvina 19, S.E. 1941, Issue No. 654 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATIONFOR AQUISITION IN LUNGLEI DISTRICT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 4 NOs OF BOPs No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/172, the 9th October, 2019. Wher eas the previous Preliminary Notification No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/71 dt. 17.07.2017 issued under Sub-Section (1) of Section 11 had already lapsed for taking further action under the Mizoram (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 for possession of land by the requiring department and that la nd specified in the Schedule shown below (herein after referred to as the “said land”) is likely to be needed for public purpose, viz. for Construction of Border Out Posts (BOPs) fencing within Lunglei District, by the BSF under the Ministry of Home Affa irs, Government of India, for maintenance of national security along the Indo-Bangladesh international border; And whereas land is required for the project falling within the purview of sub-section (2) of section 40 of the Mizor am (Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Act, 2016 (hereinaft er called the Act): Now, therefore, the Government hereby freshly not ifies under sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Act that – 1.The said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above; 2.The acquisition of the sa id land is exempted fr om undertaking of the Social Impact Assess ment studies as provided under section 9 of the Act; 3.The Deputy Commissioner/ Collector of Lunglei District shall conduct Preliminary Survey of the land for the said project so as to acqu ire the minimum area r equired for the project, if not alr eady done, as pr ovided under section 12 of the said Act, and shall also update all recor ds of lands within the land to be acquired within 2 (two) months from the date of publication of this Notifica tion, prior to publication of Declaration by the Government. 4.Any person interested in any land within the notified ar ea may file his or her objection to the Collector within sixty days from the date of publication of this notification as provided under section 15 of the sa id Act as regar ds – (a)The area and suita bility of land proposed to be acquired; (b)Justification offered for public purpose. 5.The Additional Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei District is appointed as Administrator for the purpose of r ehabilit ation a nd resettlement of the affected families, if any. - 2 - 6.No new allot ment of land or change of nature of land rights shall be made within the a ffected area by a uthorities concerned after the date of publication of this notification. 7.Persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with a ny Surveyor or other persons employed for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposa l of la nd by sa le, lease, mor tgage, a ssign change of the status of Pa ss or otherwise or any outlay commenced or improvement made therein aft er the date of publica tion, without the sanction of the Collector will, under sub-section (4) of section 11 of the Act, be disregarded while assessing compensation for such par ts of the said land as may be finally acquired. 8.This Notification will not stand in the way of the petitioner s or cost any prejudice to them, to make a fu rther claim under the RFCTLARR 2013 Act depending upon the outcome of WA No. 70/2018 appealed by Government of Mizoram in the Division Bench of Gauhati High Court, Guwahati. SCHEDULEDistrictSub DivisionName of BOPUnit LungleiTlabungKamlabagan01 Bn TlabungLokhisora01 Bn TlabungSiviniasara01 Bn Tlabung84 - R159 Bn This supersedes the previous notification No. K. 12011/18/2017-REV/71, date 17th July, 2017. R.Lalramnghaka, Special Secreatary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 Ex - 654/2019

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